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ttrainor edited this page Jan 8, 2012 · 22 revisions

Code Formatting Conventions

Practices and conventions for python source code

  • Make sure code is consistent with python style guides: Style Guide || Style guide pep
  • Try to limit external module dependencies to a minimal set (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, h5py and PIL can be assumed)
  • GUI modules should be separated from the core library (ie no gui code in tdl/modules). GUIs (or other user interface type stuff) should be put into distinct locations such as: tdl/pds/pcgui or tdl/bobsgui etc...
  • Put command line utilities and startup scripts in tdl/scripts
  • Keep binary libs and the python wrappers in tdl/lib (and keep all the src code for the binaries in tdl/lib/src)
  • Use all small letters for directory names, file names, function names and variable names. If necessary use an '_' in a name to make them more readable ie ''. Avoid numbers and other non-alpha chars. Avoid spaces in names and paths
  • All classes should be named using CamelHump notation
  • All class methods should use same rules as functions (small letters). Any methods that are 'private' should have a leading underscore (same is true for 'private' module functions and variables).
  • Module (global) constants should be ALLCAPS
  • Keep the length of a line of code (or comment) to less than 80chars
  • Use 4 space indents (dont use tabs!)
  • Add comments at the top of the module and after each def of a function, class and method.

Python Examples

  • The header text at the top of a module

    One liner
    Bob Jones
    Class to store and operate on stuff
    * To create stuff
    >>stuff = new_stuff(1)
    * Add more stuff

  • Example doc string for a function:

    def calc_roi(dx=100,dy=100,shape=(195,487),cen=None):
        Calculate an roi given a width, hieght and center
        * dx is the roi width (number of columns) in pixels
        * dy is the roi height (number of rows) in pixels
        * shape is the image shape (nrows,ncols)
        * cen is the tuple (r,c) for the central pixel.  If None
          then cen is calculated from the shape
        * [c1,r1,c2,r2] = [x1,y1,x2,y2] where c1/2,r1/2 are the
          column (x) and row (y) values defining the roi box.
          Therefore the image can be indexed as: image[y1:y2,x1:x2]
        >> r = calc_roi(dx=20,dy=50,shape=a.shape)

  • A class

    class MyClass:
        Give a one line description like a fcn
        Then give more detailed info/notes
        which might fill a few lines
        * A holds a list of things
        * T holds a string of something
        >>a = MyClass(a=10)
        def __init__(self,a=None):
            * a is the thing to get us going
            self.a = A

Practices and conventions for C-source code

  • Use ANSI C only. Use only standard clib functions (ie no external dependencies unless we really need them).
  • Make a standard header in all source files
  • Use small letters for directory names, file names, function names (and macros), and variable names. If needed use '_' to make the name more readable. Avoid numbers and other non-alpha chars. Avoid spaces in names and paths
  • Header files should only include the definitions, function protoypes, data etc that you want to have accessible to other modules.
  • All local definitions/prototypes should be given near the top of the source module (.c) just after the include statements.
  • For a complicated module use leading underscores '_xx()' for function names of local functions.
  • All structures should be named using CamelHump names
  • If you define a new 'type' add a '_t' to the end of the name (my_type_t)
  • Globals/constants should be ALLCAPS.
  • Keep the length of a line of code to less than 80chars
  • Use 4 space indents (dont use tabs!)
  • Add comment before function

C Examples

  • Example file header

    * Interface for generic some analysis
    * Authors/modifications
    * ---------------------
    * - Bon Jones, 4-02-03
    * Notes
    * -----
    * - Need some notes here on how to use this api
    * Todo
    * ----
    * - Add more stuff

  • Example function definition

    * reflectivity()
    * Master function for computing x-ray reflectivity
    * Arguments
    * ---------
    * - nlayer is the number of layers
    * - nelem is the number of elements
    * Returns
    * -------
    * - 0 if successful, 1 if failed
    * Notes
    * -----
    * - Some info about the function if needed
    int reflectivity( int nlayer, int nelem)
        int j, ret, fy_idx;

  • Example structure definition

    // define a structure FitData
    // then use typedef to make 'FitData_t'
    // a synonym for 'struct FitData'
    struct FitData {double *x;
                    double *y }
    typedef struct FitData FitData_t

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