1. **$100M Leads Cold Outreach Downloads.pdf**
DISCLAIMER: This is just a rough outline of a set script intended to give you a starting point so you can make your own script. Check with legal counsel in your region to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.
- Messenger “Setter” Script
- Objective: 10 min Warm Up Call (this is the entire point of this process - get on the phone)
- Golden Response Rules For EVERY Message:
1) Acknowledge/Encourage Build Rapport with the first statement. MAKE THEM FEEL GOOD.
2) Ask Next Question In Sales/Setter Sequence
- Strategy:
- Open
- Relate/Rapport
- Transition to Fitness ASAP
- Clarify Goals
- Label With Problem
- Overview Past Pains
- Create Curiosity
- Cold Email & DM Scripts:
- Are you still looking to [4 word desire]?
- Subject: Are you open?
- Respond to Negative Replies
- Voicemail Script:
- "Hi (FIRSTNAME) it's (YOUR NAME). I'm calling in reference to (CURRENT CUSTOMERS NAME)"
2. **$100M Leads Warm Outreach Downloads.pdf**
DISCLAIMER: This is just a rough outline of a sales script intended to give you a starting point so you can make your own script. Check with legal counsel in your region to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.
- Script:
- Setter: Hey (name)?
- Prospect: Yeah this is (name)
- Setter: Hey (name) it’s (name) from COMPANY. How have ya been?
- Notes:
- Before you pick up the phone ALWAYS start with a SMILE.
- ORGANIC STRATEGY - How to turn lukewarm leads into $$$ for free.
3. **11_The_Lost_Chapter-Your_First_Avatar.pdf**
- Your First Avatar
- “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” - Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars: A New Hope
- 2019 - I can't remember the month.
4. **Alex Hormozi - $100M Leads - 2 Bonus Chapters (2023).pdf**
- [The content of this document was not provided in the original format above.]
5. **$100M Leads Warm Outreach Downloads.pdf**
- [This is a duplicate entry, already listed as item 2.]
6. **$100M Leads Cold Outreach Downloads.pdf**
- [This is a duplicate entry, already listed as item 1.]
7. **11_The_Lost_Chapter-Your_First_Avatar.pdf**
- [This is a duplicate entry, already listed as item 3.]
8. **Alex Hormozi - $100m Offers (2021).pdf**
- [The content of this document was not provided in the original format above.]