Package prototube implements an API to publish strongly-typed events into Kafka.
Applications can publish events into a specific topic. A topic is always associated with a schema which defines the schema of the event. Events that do not conform with the schemas are rejected.
Internally prototube encodes the events using the following format:
<Magic Number> <Header> <Event>
- Magic Number: 0x50, 0x42, 0x54, 0x42
- Header: Protobuf-encoded structure that contains the metadata of the event (e.g, timestamp / uuid)
- Event: Protobuf-encoded event
Please follow this Kafka Quickstart link to install and start Kafka locally.
Build and run the example application to produce random messages to local Kafka.
cd examples
go build .
Below command generates the example example.pb.go
from example.proto
with module main
cd examples
protoc --go_out=import_path=main:. -Iidl idl/example.proto
Please see this example for your reference.
Code snippet:
producer, err := prototube.NewWithConfig("testTopic", &prototube.ProducerConfig{
KafkaBootstrapBrokerList: []string{"localhost:9092"},
Int32Field: int32(rand.Intn(10000)),
Int64Field: rand.Int63n(int64(10000) + 10000),
DoubleField: rand.Float64(),