Add the package to the arduino Boards Manager Urls:
- Go to Preferences
- paste this url in Boards Manager URL:
- paste this url in Boards Manager URL:
- Go to Tools/Board/Boards manager
- Type
in the search box - install lgt8fx
- Type
Now the boards appear in the IDE and you can also select the clock speed.
32Mhz is twice as fast as a conventional arduino nano!
- Fast_IO update
- Automatic prescaler setup
- In Menu support of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 Mhz
- Digital Analog Converter
- Voltage References INTERNAL1V024/INTERNAL2V048/INTERNAL4V096/DEFAULT/EXTERNAL (useful for example for analogRead or DAC analogWrite via analogReference(xxx));
- Analog Comparator (page 224 of datasheet v1.0.4)
- Differential Amplifier. See this Example.
- Computation Accelerator (page 52 of datasheet v1.0.4) Work by others
- SoftwareSerial @32Mhz (stable up to 230400 baud)
Differences to original core Larduino_HSP v3.6c
- Support 32 Mhz and other clock speeds
- Differential Amplifier API
- Better Boards Menu
- Installation via Board Manager Urls
- SoftwareSerial @32Mhz
- FastIO ported from
- 32Mhz 32.6mA
- 16Mhz 27.8mA
- 8Mhz 25.4mA
- 4Mhz 24.3mA
- 2Mhz 23.4mA
- 1Mhz 22.8mA
- Core is based on Larduino_HSP v3.6c with fastIO backported from
- And inspired from Ralph Bacon's video: (Check his channel, he's uploaded a lot of great videos)
- Great place to gather data about this boards:
- Datasheet (Chinese) LGT8FX8P_databook_V1.04
- Datasheet (English) LGT8FX8P_databook_V1.04 thanks to #metallurge
- Datasheet (English) LGT8FX8P_databook_V1.05 By Watterrott
- Work on the differential amplifier
- "Forbiden tech from China has arrived"
- Larduino ISP for 328d
I have no association with Arduino, Logic Green, Atmel or anything. I just wanted to have a convenient way to use these boards and get them to work without hacks at max speed
- #Larduino_HSP for doing 99.9999% of the work
- #RalphBacon introducing most of us to the board
- #dcfusor for help with fast io backporting
- #HI-SEBA for help with software serial
- #dwillmore for creating the wiki, serial adapter troubleshooting, more examples of boards and wemos-TTGO-XI board support