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安容 edited this page Jul 25, 2024 · 1 revision

Also called proxy groups.

UI Usage

  1. Create the group manually using the Add button on the Toolbar (top right corner).

  2. Long press to sort groups.

  3. Swipe left to delete the group (Or click the delete button in the edit page).

  4. Click the "Update" button to update your subscription.

  5. Use the three-dot button menu to:

    • Share subscriptions as links / QR codes.
    • Export all configurations to clipboard or file.
    • Clear profiles.

Group Type

Basic: profiles can be dragged and sorted.

Subscription: can only update profiles from subscription.


Subscription Type


Notmal format, like base64, sing-box json configuration; any text containing proxy links.


Rarely used.


  • Traffic usage.
  • Force TLS 1.3 with pinned certificate support.


A rarely used shadowsocks subscription format.

Force Resolve

Force resolve server address to IP address. If can, it will also sets HTTP host and SNI.


Remove duplicate profiles.

Update Only When Connected

The timer will check if the device is connected to any proxy, otherwise the update will be skipped.

When you update manually, a confirmation dialog will also be displayed.

User Agent

The User-Agent HTTP request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent.

Learn more: User-Agent | MDN

If you don't set it, it will use default value: husi/${husi_version} (${husi_version_code}; sing-box ${sing-box_version})

If you set it, it will replace these escapes to the corresponding value:

  • $version:Husi version name.
  • $version_code:Husi version code.
  • $box_version:sing-box version name.

Auto Update

Literally. Due to Android API limitations, the minimum update interval is 15 minutes.

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