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XceedBoucherS edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 7 revisions


Derives from Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.Primitives.Selector

CheckComboBox is a combo box in which the items in the dropdown are preceded by a checkbox. As items are checked or unchecked, the Text property displayed above the dropdown is updated using the concatenated string representations of the checked items. The text displayed is formatted using the value of the Delimiter property to separate the individual strings.

         <xctk:CheckComboBox x:Name="_combo" 
                             SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedValue}"
                             SelectedItemsOverride="{Binding SelectedItems}" />


Property Description
Command Gets or sets the command to execute when an item is checked/unchecked. (Inherited from Selector)
Delimiter Gets or sets the string used to separate the concatenated string representations of the checked items. (Inherited from Selector)
IsDropDownOpen Gets or sets a value indicating whether the combo box drop-down is currently open.
IsEditable Gets or sets a value that enables or disables editing of the text in the Textbox of the CheckComboBox. Values entered must be separated by the Delimiter. Values entered that are not in the list or that are duplicates will be removed. Selection will be active on LostFocus. Default is False.
IsSelectAllActive Gets or sets if the "Select All" option is visible as a SelectorItem. True if the "Select All" option is vislble; false otherwise. By default, false.
MaxDropDownHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of the popup.
SelectedItem Gets or sets the last checked item. (Inherited from Selector)
SelectedItems Gets the collection of checked items. (Inherited from Selector)
SelectedItemsOverride Gets or sets the list of SelectedItems. (Inherited from Selector)
SelectedMemberPath Gets or sets a path to a value on the source object used to determine whether an item is selected. (Inherited from Selector)
SelectedValue Gets or sets a string containing the selected items separated by the value of Delimiter (ex., "Item1, Item2, Item3"). (Inherited from Selector)
Text Gets or sets the formatted text of the currently checked items.
ValueMemberPath Gets or sets a path to a value on the source object representing the value to use. (Inherited from Selector)


Event Description
ItemSelectionChanged Raised when an item's selection is changed. (Inherited from Selector)

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