TheGraph exposes a GraphQL endpoint to query the events and entities within the Binance Smart Chain and PancakeSwap ecosystem.
Currently, there are multiple subgraphs, but additional subgraphs can be added to this repo:
Blocks: Tracks all blocks on Binance Smart Chain.
Pairs: Tracks all PancakeSwap Pairs and Tokens.
Exchange: Tracks all PancakeSwap Exchange data with price, volume, liquidity, ...
Profile: Tracks all PancakeSwap Profile with teams, users, points and campaign.
Lottery: Tracks all PancakeSwap Lottery with rounds, draws and tickets.
Timelock: Tracks all timelock transactions queued, executed, and cancelled.
SmartChef: Tracks all PancakeSwap SmartChef (also known as Pools) contract, with related tokens.
Trading Competition v1: Tracks all metrics for the Easter Battle (April 07—14, 2021).
To access subgraphs related to PancakeSwap v1 ecosystem (article), use v1
For any of the subgraph: blocks
as [subgraph]
Run the
yarn run codegen:[subgraph]
command to prepare the TypeScript sources for the GraphQL (generated/*). -
Run the
yarn run build:[subgraph]
command to build the subgraph, and check compilation errors before deploying. -
graph auth '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'
Deploy via
yarn run deploy:[subgraph]