Below are the instructions to reproduce the results in the paper related to the Mass Spring Damper example. These are the results shown in Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5 in the paper.
- Generate the data for the experiment by running the following command:
cd sde4mbrlExamples/mass_spring_damper
python --fun gen_data
This will generate files my_data/MSD_LowNoise_DensityExp_X_config
, where X is 3, 6, and 25 corresponding to the number of trajectories used to generate the data. Check the configuration file config_density_dataset.yaml
for details on the dataset generation.
- Train the density model for the dataset with 6 and 25 trajectories by doing as follows:
# 1. In config_density_model.yaml, modify trajId to be DensityExp_6, then train the model
python --fun train
# 2. In config_density_model.yaml, modify trajId to be DensityExp_25, then train the model
python --fun train
- Generate the plots for the experiment by running the following command:
python --fun plot
- Generate the data for the experiment by running the following command:
cd sde4mbrlExamples/mass_spring_damper
python --fun gen_traj
This will generate a set of files in my_data
with different number of trajectories, level of noise, and where the initial conditions of the trajectories are sampled from. Check the configuration file data_generation.yaml
for details on the dataset generation.
- Train the different models used for comparison in the papers. This was done for the dataset
with 5 trajectories and high noise.
# 1. Train the neural SDE model
python --fun train --model_type nesde_bboxes --data MSD_MeasHigh_TopRight_5
# 2. Train the neural ODE Model by setting the `noise_prior_params` to 0 in the config file `mass_spring_damper.yaml` and commenting the key `diffusion_density_nn` with all its subkeys.
python --fun train --model_type node_bboxes --data MSD_MeasHigh_TopRight_5
# 3. Train the Gausian Ensemble Models if needed
python --data MSD_MeasHigh_TopRight_5
- Generate the plots for the experiment by running the following command:
python --fun unc
# Check the config_pred_analysis.yaml for the different options
Use the same dataset as for Figure 4.
Open the file
and uncomment everything after the line-----> To uncomment for Figure 5 or Figure 9 experiments
. -
Generate the plots for the experiment by running the following command:
python --fun pred
# Check the config_pred_analysis.yaml for the different options