The N-API bindings for Skia Graphics Library 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and software platforms. It serves as the graphics engine for Google Chrome and Chrome OS, Android, Mozilla Firefox and Firefox OS, and many other products.
Mac OS, Linux, Windows Nodejs 10
// Rect
const fill = skPaintNew();
skPaintSetColor(fill, skColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF));
const rect = new skRect({
left: 100,
top: 100,
right: 200,
bottom: 200
skCanvasDrawRect(canvas, rect, fill);
// Text
const familyName = "Times New Roman";
const style = skFontstyleNew(400, 1, enums.UPRIGHT_SK_FONT_STYLE_SLANT);
const typeface = skTypefaceCreateFromNameWithFontStyle(familyName, style);
const text = skPaintNew();
skPaintSetColor(text, skColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00));
skPaintSetTextsize(text, 50.0);
skPaintSetTypeface(text, typeface);
const str = "skiaJS";
skCanvasDrawText(canvas, str, str.length, 100, 100, text);
// Svg Path
const stroke = skPaintNew();
skPaintSetColor(stroke, skColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF));
skPaintSetAntialias(stroke, true);
skPaintSetStyle(stroke, enums.STROKE_SK_PAINT_STYLE);
skPaintSetStrokeWidth(stroke, 5.0);
const path = skPathNew();
const svg = "m451.111 451.111h-451.111v-451.111h451.111zm-386.667-64.444h322.222v-322.223h-322.222z";
skPathParseSvgString(path, svg);
skCanvasDrawPath(canvas, path, stroke);
技术 | 用途 |
Nodejs | 实现语言 |
SharpSkia | Node模块,图形库 |
yoga | 计算Flex布局 |
weex-js-framework | 实现Weex宿主环境 |
node weex-jsfm/index.js
⚠️ 使用Nodejs10安装
1 在MacOS报错image not found