This repository is a fork of Megatron-LM. The original README can be found here.
BitPipe is a bidirectional interleaved pipeline parallelism for accelerating large models training. Specifically, a hybrid scheme of fusing interleaved pipelines with bidirectional pipelines is proposed to reduce the computational time of each single micro-batch and multiply the number of simultaneous execution devices. A V-shaped schedule with eager gradient synchronization is introduced to reduce and overlap the communication between devices.
The key idea of BitPipe is to seamlessly merge two V-shaped interleaved pipelines in opposite directions.
Scale to more micro-batches within a training iteration.
Quick settings to enable BitPipe:
#!/bin/bash export CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=1 export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=ibp GPUS_PER_NODE=8 # Change for multinode config MASTER_ADDR=localhost MASTER_PORT=1234 NNODES=1 NODE_RANK=0 WORLD_SIZE=$(($GPUS_PER_NODE*$NNODES)) CHECKPOINT_PATH=/data/enwiki/bert_case_check VOCAB_FILE=/data/enwiki/bert-large-cased-vocab.txt DATA_PATH=/data/enwiki/my-bert_text_sentence DISTRIBUTED_ARGS=" --nproc_per_node $GPUS_PER_NODE \ --nnodes $NNODES \ --node_rank $NODE_RANK \ --master_addr $MASTER_ADDR \ --master_port $MASTER_PORT " BERT_ARGS=" --pipeline-model-parallel-size 8 \ --enable-bitpipe-schedule \ --num-layers 64 \ --hidden-size 2560 \ --num-attention-heads 64 \ --seq-length 512 \ --max-position-embeddings 512 \ --micro-batch-size 4 \ --global-batch-size 32 \ --lr 0.0001 \ --train-iters 1000000 \ --lr-decay-iters 990000 \ --lr-decay-style linear \ --min-lr 1.0e-5 \ --weight-decay 1e-2 \ --lr-warmup-fraction .01 \ --clip-grad 1.0 \ --fp16 " DATA_ARGS=" --data-path $DATA_PATH \ --vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE \ --data-impl mmap \ --split 949,50,1 " OUTPUT_ARGS=" --log-interval 100 \ --save-interval 10000 \ --eval-interval 1000 \ --eval-iters 10 " torchrun $DISTRIBUTED_ARGS \ $BERT_ARGS \ $DATA_ARGS \ $OUTPUT_ARGS \ --distributed-backend nccl \
#!/bin/bash export CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=1 export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=ibp GPUS_PER_NODE=8 # Change for multinode config MASTER_ADDR=localhost MASTER_PORT=1234 NNODES=1 NODE_RANK=0 WORLD_SIZE=$(($GPUS_PER_NODE*$NNODES)) CHECKPOINT_PATH=/data/gpt2-openwebtext-data/gpt2_test VOCAB_FILE=/data/gpt2-openwebtext-data/gpt2-vocab.json MERGE_FILE=/data/gpt2-openwebtext-data/gpt2-merges.txt DATA_PATH=/data/gpt2-openwebtext-data/my-gpt2_text_document DISTRIBUTED_ARGS=" --nproc_per_node $GPUS_PER_NODE \ --nnodes $NNODES \ --node_rank $NODE_RANK \ --master_addr $MASTER_ADDR \ --master_port $MASTER_PORT " GPT_ARGS=" --pipeline-model-parallel-size 8 \ --enable-bitpipe-schedule \ --num-layers 96 \ --hidden-size 3072 \ --num-attention-heads 32 \ --seq-length 1024 \ --max-position-embeddings 1024 \ --micro-batch-size 1 \ --global-batch-size 16 \ --lr 0.00015 \ --train-iters 500000 \ --lr-decay-iters 320000 \ --lr-decay-style cosine \ --min-lr 1.0e-5 \ --weight-decay 1e-2 \ --lr-warmup-fraction .01 \ --clip-grad 1.0 \ --fp16 " DATA_ARGS=" --data-path $DATA_PATH \ --vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE \ --merge-file $MERGE_FILE \ --data-impl mmap \ --split 949,50,1 " OUTPUT_ARGS=" --log-interval 100 \ --save-interval 10000 \ --eval-interval 1000 \ --eval-iters 10 " torchrun $DISTRIBUTED_ARGS \ $GPT_ARGS \ $DATA_ARGS \ $OUTPUT_ARGS \ --distributed-backend nccl \
# The default and recommended SELECTIVE_RECOMPUTE_ARGS=" --recompute-granularity selective " # For cases where memory is very tight FULL_RECOMPUTE_ARGS=" --recompute-granularity full \ --recompute-method uniform \ --recompute-num-layers 1 "