- The credits should not be changed.
- The bot/code should be used for private hosting and personal usage only.
- Using the code for public usage is not allowed.
- The code should not be used for commercial purposes.
- The code should not be used for gains of monetary benefits.
- Selling the code as your own is not allowed.
Note: if you are found to be violating any of the above stated rule you might be asked to take down your bot, happy listening!! Incase of any doubts in the license contact owner.
- You - The user of the bot.
- Bot - The Discord-MusicBot.
- Code - The code of the bot.
- Host - The person/company/service hosting and providing for the resources of the bot.
- Credits - The credits to the author(s) of the bot.
- Private Hosting - In terms that the bot's code is not available to the public.
- The bot's running code should reside in a private repository, VPS, or any other form of private storage.
- Personal Usage - i.e. only for personal servers, not discoverable on the discord server list (or online promotion services like disboard).
- Commercial Purposes - means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit.
- Monetary Benefits - financial incentives, including but not limited to, donations, payments, etc.
- The bot is provided as is, and the host is not liable for any damages that may occur from the use of the bot.