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WSO2 BPS Tooling 3.6.0 - RC1
released this
24 Aug 08:28
69 commits
to master
since this release
We are pleased to announce the RC1 release of WSO2 BPS Tooling 3.6.0 and it is released on Eclipse Mars 2(Eclipse 4.5) and WSO2 Developer Studio Kernel 4.1.0.
Main and Composite P2 zip files of WSO2 BPS Tooling 3.6.0-RC1 is available in
Following are the changes done in this release.
Release Notes - devstudio-tooling-bps - Version 3.6.0
- [DEVTOOLBPS-6] - [BPEL] Variables are not viewing in expression auto complete.
- [DEVTOOLBPS-11] - Human Task editor , new task should have a close icon ( delete the task )
- [DEVTOOLBPS-17] - Update readme file with comprehensive description
- [DEVTOOLBPS-18] - Validate file names when taking inputs from the wizard
- [DEVTOOLBPS-19] - Remove initial dummy values of the HT file
- [DEVTOOLBPS-21] - Rename human task viewing tabs
- [DEVTOOLBPS-23] - Remove Logical People Group node from the generated ht file
- [DEVTOOLBPS-27] - Add Human Task Artifact Export functionality
- [DEVTOOLBPS-29] - Human Task wizard window title is missing
- [DEVTOOLBPS-30] - Append the .ht extension to the file and hide at the time of creation
- [DEVTOOLBPS-31] - Help wizard should be corrected to show relevant information in the human task wizard
- [DEVTOOLBPS-32] - When a human task file is opened, the file name with extension should be shown as the file title
- [DEVTOOLBPS-33] - Error messages are shown with java script dialog boxes. Instead use eclipse error messeges
- [DEVTOOLBPS-35] - People assignment radio button changes should set the editor state to dirty
- [DEVTOOLBPS-36] - Autogenerate presentation parameter when typing the element name
- [DEVTOOLBPS-38] - Add a provider name to Human Task Model plugin
- [DEVTOOLBPS-41] - Fix Windows Compatibility Issues
- [DEVTOOLBPS-45] - Fix find bug issues in BPS tooling
- [DEVTOOLBPS-8] - [HumanTask] Add HumanTask project to Project wizard
- [DEVTOOLBPS-12] - Read the initial task info from the user and use that info for generating the wsdls and task
- [DEVTOOLBPS-13] - Unnecessary namespaces are generated when a new task is added to existing human tasks definition
- [DEVTOOLBPS-14] - Change BPEL and Humantask Feature names
- [DEVTOOLBPS-15] - [HumanTask] Cleanup service and callback WSDL when deleting a task.
- [DEVTOOLBPS-16] - [HumanTask] User confirmation is required when deleting a task
- [DEVTOOLBPS-20] - Bundle Activiti BPMN Editor to BPS Tooling
- [DEVTOOLBPS-24] - Generate import nodes for each wsdl in ht file
- [DEVTOOLBPS-25] - Generate Presentation Parameters for all the values entered in inputs section
- [DEVTOOLBPS-26] - Add a field in the wizard to get the target namespace as an input
- [DEVTOOLBPS-40] - Add Auto complete for Expression Field
- [DEVTOOLBPS-43] - Adding BPMN wizards to WSO2 category
New Feature
- [DEVTOOLBPS-1] - Human Task Editor Plugin for Eclipse
- [DEVTOOLBPS-7] - [BPEL] Migrate E4X Extension activity back to BPEL plugin Mars.
- [DEVTOOLBPS-9] - [BPEL] Add "Fault on Failure" tab to Invoke activity properties
- [DEVTOOLBPS-10] - [HumanTask] Replace default HumanTask Project and File icons in new Wizard
- [DEVTOOLBPS-42] - Include BPMN extensions jar into BPMN Extension Activator module
- [DEVTOOLBPS-2] - Create Human Task Editor Plugin using Form based approach
- [DEVTOOLBPS-3] - Add existing BPEL plugins to BPS tooling
- [DEVTOOLBPS-4] - Migrate BPEL plugins and Human Task Editor plugin to Eclipse Mars