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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php
index b0f3b83d92..388cf8ccf5 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Client {
* An array of arguments for wp_remote_request()
- * @var array
+ * @var mixed[]
protected $args = [];
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ public function set_auth( AuthInterface $auth ) {
* API call method for sending requests using GET.
- * @param string $path Path of the endpoint.
- * @param array $data Data to be sent along with the request.
+ * @param string $path Path of the endpoint.
+ * @param mixed[] $data Data to be sent along with the request.
* @return object
@@ -131,10 +131,18 @@ protected function request( $path, $method = 'get', array $data = [] ) {
$content = json_decode( $content );
+ if ( ! is_object( $content ) ) {
+ return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_content_error', __( 'Cloudflare unexpected response', 'rocket' ) );
+ }
if ( empty( $content->success ) ) {
return $this->set_request_error( $content );
+ if ( ! property_exists( $content, 'result' ) ) {
+ return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_no_reply', __( 'Missing Cloudflare result.', 'rocket' ) );
+ }
return $content->result;
@@ -147,8 +155,8 @@ protected function request( $path, $method = 'get', array $data = [] ) {
* @return array|WP_Error
- private function do_remote_request( string $path, string $method, array $data ) {
- $this->args['method'] = isset( $method ) ? strtoupper( $method ) : 'GET';
+ private function do_remote_request( string $path, string $method = 'GET', array $data = [] ) {
+ $this->args['method'] = strtoupper( $method );
$headers = [
'User-Agent' => 'wp-rocket/' . rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_VERSION' ),
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Endpoints.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Endpoints.php
index bc4a73d2ba..4287ab3018 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Endpoints.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Endpoints.php
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ public function update_rocket_loader( string $zone_id, $value ) {
* Updates the zone's minify setting.
- * @param string $zone_id Zone ID.
- * @param string $value Minify value.
+ * @param string $zone_id Zone ID.
+ * @param string[] $value Minify value.
* @return object
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public function change_development_mode( string $zone_id, $value ) {
* @param string $zone_id Zone ID.
* @param string $setting Name of the setting to change.
- * @param string $value Setting value.
+ * @param mixed $value Setting value.
* @return object
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Admin/Subscriber.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Admin/Subscriber.php
index 69e5f5b79e..caaafc3da1 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Admin/Subscriber.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Admin/Subscriber.php
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace WP_Rocket\Addon\Cloudflare\Admin;
+use WP_Rocket\Engine\Admin\Settings\Settings;
use WP_Rocket\Event_Management\Subscriber_Interface;
class Subscriber implements Subscriber_Interface {
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ public static function get_subscribed_events() {
* This notice is displayed after purging the CloudFlare cache.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function maybe_display_purge_notice() {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'rocket_purge_cloudflare_cache' ) ) {
@@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ public function maybe_display_purge_notice() {
* This notice is displayed after modifying the CloudFlare settings.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function maybe_display_update_settings_notice() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
@@ -63,6 +68,7 @@ public function maybe_display_update_settings_notice() {
$errors = '';
$success = '';
+ $pre = '';
delete_transient( $user_id . '_cloudflare_update_settings' );
if ( isset( $notices['pre'] ) ) {
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php
index 23bb58c757..ef2485200d 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ class APIKey implements AuthInterface {
* @var string
- private $email;
+ private $email = '';
* Cloudflare API Key
* @var string
- private $api_key;
+ private $api_key = '';
* Constructor
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class APIKey implements AuthInterface {
* @param string $email Cloudflare email.
* @param string $api_key Cloudflare API key.
- public function __construct( string $email, string $api_key ) {
+ public function __construct( string $email = '', string $api_key = '' ) {
$this->email = $email;
$this->api_key = $api_key;
@@ -66,10 +66,6 @@ public function is_valid_credentials() {
- return (
- isset( $this->email, $this->api_key )
- &&
- false !== filter_var( $this->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )
- );
+ return false !== filter_var( $this->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL );
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/AuthInterface.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/AuthInterface.php
index f2efbc73d4..e39b72ba75 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/AuthInterface.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/AuthInterface.php
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
namespace WP_Rocket\Addon\Cloudflare\Auth;
+use WP_Error;
interface AuthInterface {
* Gets headers for Cloudflare API request
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php
index e8f1dd9ff1..d937044835 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
use CloudFlare\IpRewrite;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use WP_Error;
+use WP_Post;
use WP_Rocket\Addon\Cloudflare\Auth\AuthInterface;
use WP_Rocket\Admin\Options_Data;
use WP_Rocket\Addon\Cloudflare\API\Endpoints;
@@ -93,12 +94,10 @@ public function is_auth_valid( string $zone_id ) {
$site_url = domain_mapping_siteurl( $site_url );
- if ( ! empty( $result ) ) {
- $parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $site_url );
+ $parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $site_url );
- if ( is_object( $result ) && property_exists( $result, 'name' ) && false !== strpos( strtolower( $parsed_url['host'] ), $result->name ) ) {
- $zone_found = true;
- }
+ if ( property_exists( $result, 'name' ) && false !== strpos( strtolower( $parsed_url['host'] ), $result->name ) ) {
+ $zone_found = true;
if ( ! $zone_found ) {
@@ -195,11 +194,7 @@ public function set_browser_cache_ttl( $value ) {
* @return string
- private function convert_time( $value ): string {
- if ( ! is_int( $value ) ) {
- $value = 0;
- }
+ private function convert_time( int $value ): string {
$base = new DateTimeImmutable( '@0' );
$time = new DateTimeImmutable( "@$value" );
$format = '%a ' . __( 'days', 'rocket' );
@@ -320,6 +315,11 @@ public function get_settings() {
return $cf_settings;
+ $browser_cache_ttl = 0;
+ $cache_level = '';
+ $rocket_loader = '';
+ $cf_minify = '';
foreach ( $cf_settings as $cloudflare_option ) {
switch ( $cloudflare_option->id ) {
case 'browser_cache_ttl':
@@ -372,11 +372,7 @@ public function get_cloudflare_ips() {
$cf_ips = $this->endpoints->get_ips();
- if (
- is_wp_error( $cf_ips )
- ||
- empty( $cf_ips )
- ) {
+ if ( is_wp_error( $cf_ips ) ) {
// Set default IPs from Cloudflare if call to Cloudflare /ips API does not contain a success.
// Prevents from making API calls on each page load.
$cf_ips = $this->get_default_ips();
@@ -448,6 +444,8 @@ public static function set_ip_rewrite() {
* Fixes Cloudflare Flexible SSL redirect loop
+ *
+ * @return void
public static function fix_cf_flexible_ssl() {
$ip_rewrite = self::set_ip_rewrite();
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/ServiceProvider.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/ServiceProvider.php
index 4e33ea81a5..90a401e158 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/ServiceProvider.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/ServiceProvider.php
@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ public function register() {
$this->getLeagueContainer()->add( 'cloudflare_auth_factory', APIKeyFactory::class )->addArgument( $options );
- $this->getContainer()->add( 'cloudflare_client', Client::class )
+ $this->getLeagueContainer()->add( 'cloudflare_client', Client::class )
->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'cloudflare_auth_factory' )->create() );
- $this->getContainer()->add( 'cloudflare_endpoints', Endpoints::class )
+ $this->getLeagueContainer()->add( 'cloudflare_endpoints', Endpoints::class )
->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'cloudflare_client' ) );
- $this->getContainer()->add( 'cloudflare', Cloudflare::class )
+ $this->getLeagueContainer()->add( 'cloudflare', Cloudflare::class )
->addArgument( $options )
->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'cloudflare_endpoints' ) );
- $this->getContainer()->share( 'cloudflare_subscriber', CloudflareSubscriber::class )
+ $this->getLeagueContainer()->share( 'cloudflare_subscriber', CloudflareSubscriber::class )
->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'cloudflare' ) )
->addArgument( $options )
->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'options_api' ) )
->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'cloudflare_auth_factory' ) )
->addTag( 'cloudflare_subscriber' );
- $this->getContainer()->share(
+ $this->getLeagueContainer()->share(
diff --git a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php
index 36bac67338..34702b5da6 100644
--- a/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php
+++ b/inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace WP_Rocket\Addon\Cloudflare;
+use WP_Post;
use WP_Rocket\Event_Management\Subscriber_Interface;
use WP_Rocket\Admin\{Options, Options_Data};
use WPMedia\Cloudflare\Auth\AuthFactoryInterface;
@@ -133,6 +134,8 @@ private function should_filter_varnish(): bool {
* Automatically set Cloudflare development mode value to off after 3 hours to reflect Cloudflare behaviour.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function deactivate_devmode() {
$this->options->set( 'cloudflare_devmode', 0 );
@@ -177,6 +180,8 @@ public function auto_purge() {
* @param WP_Post $post The post object.
* @param array $purge_urls URLs cache files to remove.
* @param string $lang The post language.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function auto_purge_by_url( $post, $purge_urls, $lang ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'rocket_purge_cloudflare_cache' ) ) {
@@ -209,6 +214,8 @@ public function auto_purge_by_url( $post, $purge_urls, $lang ) {
* Purge CloudFlare cache.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function purge_cache_no_die() {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'rocket_purge_cloudflare_cache' ) ) {
@@ -264,6 +271,8 @@ public function purge_cache_no_die() {
* Purge CloudFlare cache.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function purge_cache() {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_key( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ), 'rocket_purge_cloudflare' ) ) {
@@ -278,6 +287,8 @@ public function purge_cache() {
* Set Real IP from CloudFlare.
+ *
+ * @return void
public function set_real_ip() {
@@ -287,6 +298,8 @@ public function set_real_ip() {
* Save Cloudflare dev mode admin option.
* @param string $value New value for Cloudflare dev mode.
+ *
+ * @return string[]
private function save_cloudflare_devmode( $value ) {
$result = $this->cloudflare->set_devmode( $value );
@@ -310,6 +323,8 @@ private function save_cloudflare_devmode( $value ) {
* Save Cloudflare cache_level admin option.
* @param string $value New value for Cloudflare cache_level.
+ *
+ * @return string[]
private function save_cache_level( $value ) {
// Set Cache Level to Aggressive.
@@ -340,6 +355,8 @@ private function save_cache_level( $value ) {
* Save Cloudflare minify admin option.
* @param string $value New value for Cloudflare minify.
+ *
+ * @return string[]
private function save_minify( $value ) {
$result = $this->cloudflare->set_minify( $value );
@@ -363,6 +380,8 @@ private function save_minify( $value ) {
* Save Cloudflare rocket loader admin option.
* @param string $value New value for Cloudflare rocket loader.
+ *
+ * @return string[]
private function save_rocket_loader( $value ) {
$result = $this->cloudflare->set_rocket_loader( $value );
@@ -386,6 +405,8 @@ private function save_rocket_loader( $value ) {
* Save Cloudflare browser cache ttl admin option.
* @param int $value New value for Cloudflare browser cache ttl.
+ *
+ * @return string[]
private function save_browser_cache_ttl( $value ) {
$result = $this->cloudflare->set_browser_cache_ttl( $value );
@@ -410,6 +431,8 @@ private function save_browser_cache_ttl( $value ) {
* @param int $auto_settings New value for Cloudflare auto_settings.
* @param string $old_settings Cloudflare cloudflare_old_settings.
+ *
+ * @return array
WP Rocket
-: Could not create the wpr_table table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support.
+ rocket_notice_html(
+ [
+ 'status' => 'error',
+ 'message' => $message,
+ 'dismissible' => '',
+ 'id' => 'rocket-notice-rucss-error-http',
+ 'dismiss_button' => 'rucss_error_notice',
+ 'dismiss_button_class' => 'button-primary',
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is the error notice present.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function has_saas_error_notice() {
+ return (bool) get_transient( 'wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count' );
+ }
* Display a notice on table missing.
@@ -517,15 +589,16 @@ public function display_no_table_notice() {
- // translators: %2$s = table name, %3$s = support url.
- $main_message = __( 'Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support.', 'rocket' );
+ // translators: %1$s = plugin name, %2$s = table name, %3$s = open tag, %4$s = closing tag.
+ $main_message = esc_html__( '%1$s: Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to %3$sour support%4$s.', 'rocket' );
$message = sprintf(
- // translators: %1$s = plugin name, %2$s = table name, %3$s = support url.
- "%1\$s: $main_message",
+ // translators: %1$s = plugin name, %2$s = table name, %3$s = open tag, %4$s = closing tag.
+ $main_message,
'WP Rocket',
- $this->get_support_url()
+ '',
+ ''
diff --git a/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php b/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php
index a13fb4fec9..16c17544f9 100644
--- a/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php
+++ b/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public static function get_subscribed_events() : array {
[ 'clean_used_css_and_cache', 9, 2 ],
[ 'maybe_set_processing_transient', 50, 2 ],
[ 'maybe_unlock_preload', 9, 2 ],
+ [ 'maybe_delete_transient', 10, 2 ],
'switch_theme' => 'truncate_used_css',
'permalink_structure_changed' => 'truncate_used_css',
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ public static function get_subscribed_events() : array {
[ 'display_processing_notice' ],
[ 'display_success_notice' ],
[ 'display_wrong_license_notice' ],
+ [ 'display_saas_error_notice' ],
[ 'display_no_table_notice' ],
[ 'notice_write_permissions' ],
@@ -464,6 +466,37 @@ public function display_wrong_license_notice() {
+ /**
+ * Display error notice when connection to SAAS fails
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function display_saas_error_notice() {
+ $this->settings->display_saas_error_notice();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display admin notice when detecting any missed Action scheduler tables.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function display_as_missed_tables_notice() {
+ $screen = get_current_screen();
+ if ( isset( $screen->id ) && 'tools_page_action-scheduler' === $screen->id ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $this->is_valid_as_tables() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->settings->display_as_missed_tables_notice();
+ }
* Adds the notice end time to WP Rocket localize script data
@@ -756,6 +789,30 @@ public function display_no_table_notice() {
+ /**
+ * Maybe delete transient.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $old_value Option old value.
+ * @param mixed $value Option new value.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function maybe_delete_transient( $old_value, $value ) {
+ if ( ! isset( $old_value['remove_unused_css'], $value['remove_unused_css'] ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( 1 === (int) $value['remove_unused_css'] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $old_value['remove_unused_css'] === $value['remove_unused_css'] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ delete_transient( 'wp_rocket_no_licence' );
+ }
* Checks if the RUCSS deletion is enabled.
diff --git a/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice.php b/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e3c188e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice.php
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+user = $user;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display the renewal notice on plugins page
+ *
+ * @param string $version Latest version number.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function renewal_notice( $version ) {
+ if ( ! $this->user->is_license_expired() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ! $this->is_major_version_available( $version ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $major = $this->extract_major( $version );
+ $data = [
+ 'version' => $major,
+ 'release_url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me/blog/wp-rocket-' . str_replace( '.', '-', $major ) . '/',
+ 'renew_url' => $this->user->get_renewal_url(),
+ ];
+ echo $this->generate( 'update-renewal-expired-notice', $data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds styles for expired banner
+ *
+ * @param string $version Latest version number.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function add_expired_styles( $version ) {
+ if ( ! $this->user->is_license_expired() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ! $this->is_major_version_available( $version ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ echo '';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if a new major version is available
+ *
+ * @param string $version Version available from the API.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ private function is_major_version_available( $version ): bool {
+ $current_version = rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_VERSION', '' );
+ $current_major = $this->extract_major( $current_version );
+ $version_major = $this->extract_major( $version );
+ return version_compare( $current_major, $version_major, '<' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts the major version number from the provided version
+ *
+ * @param string $version Version number.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function extract_major( $version ): string {
+ $parts = explode( '.', $version );
+ return $parts[0] . '.' . $parts[1];
+ }
diff --git a/inc/Engine/Plugin/ServiceProvider.php b/inc/Engine/Plugin/ServiceProvider.php
index 3f59d7f991..baea8e6926 100644
--- a/inc/Engine/Plugin/ServiceProvider.php
+++ b/inc/Engine/Plugin/ServiceProvider.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class ServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider {
* @var array
protected $provides = [
+ 'plugin_renewal_notice',
@@ -31,6 +32,11 @@ class ServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider {
public function register() {
$api_url = wp_parse_url( WP_ROCKET_WEB_INFO );
+ $this->getContainer()->add( 'plugin_renewal_notice', RenewalNotice::class )
+ ->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'user' ) )
+ ->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'template_path' ) . '/plugins/' )
+ ->addTag( 'common_subscriber' );
$this->getContainer()->share( 'plugin_updater_common_subscriber', UpdaterApiCommonSubscriber::class )
@@ -52,6 +58,7 @@ public function register() {
->addTag( 'common_subscriber' );
$this->getContainer()->share( 'plugin_updater_subscriber', UpdaterSubscriber::class )
+ ->addArgument( $this->getContainer()->get( 'plugin_renewal_notice' ) )
'plugin_file' => WP_ROCKET_FILE,
diff --git a/inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php b/inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php
index 92c1aaf43d..f648c88536 100644
--- a/inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php
+++ b/inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
use Plugin_Upgrader;
use Plugin_Upgrader_Skin;
-use WP_Rocket\Engine\Preload\Database\Queries\Cache;
use WP_Error;
-use WP_Rocket\Event_Management\Event_Manager;
-use WP_Rocket\Event_Management\Event_Manager_Aware_Subscriber_Interface;
+use WP_Rocket\Event_Management\{Event_Manager,Event_Manager_Aware_Subscriber_Interface};
* Manages the plugin updates.
@@ -71,14 +69,22 @@ class UpdaterSubscriber implements Event_Manager_Aware_Subscriber_Interface {
* The WordPress Event Manager
- * @var Event_Manager;
+ * @var Event_Manager
protected $event_manager;
+ /**
+ * RenewalNotice instance
+ *
+ * @var RenewalNotice
+ */
+ private $renewal_notice;
* Constructor
- * @param array $args {
+ * @param RenewalNotice $renewal_notice RenewalNotice instance.
+ * @param array $args {
* Required arguments to populate the class properties.
* @type string $plugin_file Full path to the plugin.
@@ -87,12 +93,14 @@ class UpdaterSubscriber implements Event_Manager_Aware_Subscriber_Interface {
* @type string $api_url URL to contact to get update info.
* }
- public function __construct( $args ) {
+ public function __construct( RenewalNotice $renewal_notice, $args ) {
foreach ( [ 'plugin_file', 'plugin_version', 'vendor_url', 'api_url', 'icons' ] as $setting ) {
if ( isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) {
$this->$setting = $args[ $setting ];
+ $this->renewal_notice = $renewal_notice;
@@ -109,14 +117,16 @@ public function set_event_manager( Event_Manager $event_manager ) {
public static function get_subscribed_events() {
return [
- 'http_request_args' => [ 'exclude_rocket_from_wp_updates', 5, 2 ],
- 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins' => 'maybe_add_rocket_update_data',
- 'deleted_site_transient' => 'maybe_delete_rocket_update_data_cache',
- 'wp_rocket_loaded' => 'maybe_force_check',
- 'auto_update_plugin' => [ 'disable_auto_updates', 10, 2 ],
- 'admin_post_rocket_rollback' => 'rollback',
- 'upgrader_pre_install' => [ 'upgrade_pre_install_option', 10, 2 ],
- 'upgrader_post_install' => [ 'upgrade_post_install_option', 10, 2 ],
+ 'http_request_args' => [ 'exclude_rocket_from_wp_updates', 5, 2 ],
+ 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins' => 'maybe_add_rocket_update_data',
+ 'deleted_site_transient' => 'maybe_delete_rocket_update_data_cache',
+ 'wp_rocket_loaded' => 'maybe_force_check',
+ 'auto_update_plugin' => [ 'disable_auto_updates', 10, 2 ],
+ 'admin_post_rocket_rollback' => 'rollback',
+ 'upgrader_pre_install' => [ 'upgrade_pre_install_option', 10, 2 ],
+ 'upgrader_post_install' => [ 'upgrade_post_install_option', 10, 2 ],
+ 'after_plugin_row_wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' => 'display_renewal_notice',
+ 'admin_print_styles-plugins.php' => 'add_expired_styles',
@@ -340,11 +350,12 @@ public function get_latest_version_data() {
$obj = new \stdClass();
- $obj->slug = $this->get_plugin_slug( $this->plugin_file );
- $obj->plugin = plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file );
- $obj->new_version = $match['user_version'];
- $obj->url = $this->vendor_url;
- $obj->package = $match['package'];
+ $obj->slug = $this->get_plugin_slug( $this->plugin_file );
+ $obj->plugin = plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file );
+ $obj->new_version = $match['user_version'];
+ $obj->url = $this->vendor_url;
+ $obj->package = $match['package'];
+ $obj->stable_version = $match['stable_version'];
* Filters the WP tested version value
@@ -562,4 +573,42 @@ public function upgrade_post_install_option( $return, $plugin = [] ) {
return $return;
+ /**
+ * Displays Renewal notice on the plugins page
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function display_renewal_notice() {
+ $latest_version_data = $this->get_cached_latest_version_data();
+ if ( is_wp_error( $latest_version_data ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ! isset( $latest_version_data->stable_version ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->renewal_notice->renewal_notice( $latest_version_data->stable_version );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds styles for expired banner
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function add_expired_styles() {
+ $latest_version_data = $this->get_cached_latest_version_data();
+ if ( is_wp_error( $latest_version_data ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ! isset( $latest_version_data->stable_version ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->renewal_notice->add_expired_styles( $latest_version_data->stable_version );
+ }
diff --git a/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl.php b/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl.php
index 0e105b9dbb..f990f751a1 100755
--- a/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl.php
+++ b/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl.php
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ protected function get_mobile_user_agent_prefix() {
return $prefix;
- return $new_prefix;
+ return 'WP Rocket/Preload ' . $new_prefix;
diff --git a/inc/Engine/WPRocketUninstall.php b/inc/Engine/WPRocketUninstall.php
index c401ec7d24..af060451a0 100644
--- a/inc/Engine/WPRocketUninstall.php
+++ b/inc/Engine/WPRocketUninstall.php
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ class WPRocketUninstall {
+ 'wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count',
diff --git a/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Ecommerce/WooCommerceSubscriber.php b/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Ecommerce/WooCommerceSubscriber.php
index 67ee8eb205..c5e34b1e68 100644
--- a/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Ecommerce/WooCommerceSubscriber.php
+++ b/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Ecommerce/WooCommerceSubscriber.php
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ public static function get_subscribed_events() {
$events['wp_head'] = 'show_empty_product_gallery_with_delayJS';
$events['rocket_delay_js_exclusions'] = 'show_notempty_product_gallery_with_delayJS';
+ $events['wp_ajax_woocommerce_product_ordering'] = [ 'disallow_rocket_clean_post', 9 ];
+ $events['woocommerce_after_product_ordering'] = [ 'allow_rocket_clean_post' ];
if ( class_exists( 'WC_API' ) ) {
@@ -592,4 +595,39 @@ public function show_notempty_product_gallery_with_delayJS( $exclusions = [] ):
return array_merge( $exclusions, $exclusions_gallery );
+ /**
+ * Disable post cache clearing during product sorting.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function disallow_rocket_clean_post() : void {
+ $this->event_manager->remove_callback( 'clean_post_cache', 'rocket_clean_post' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Re-enable post cache clearing after product sorting.
+ *
+ * @param integer $product_id ID of sorted product.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function allow_rocket_clean_post( int $product_id ) : void {
+ $urls = [];
+ $category_list = wc_get_product_category_list( $product_id );
+ if ( preg_match_all( '/]*?\s+)?href=(["\'])(?
@@ -328,160 +310,119 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s لم يتم إلغاء تفعيلها بسبب عدم وجود أذونات الكتابة.
"اجعل %2$s يدعم الكتابة واعد محاولة التعطيل أو الغاء التفعيل الاجباري الآن:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: تم تفعيل أو تعطيل واحد أو أكثر من الاضافات، امسح ذاكرة "
-"التخزين المؤقت إذا كانت تؤثر على الواجهة الأمامية لموقعك."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: تم تفعيل أو تعطيل واحد أو أكثر من الاضافات، امسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت إذا كانت تؤثر على الواجهة الأمامية لموقعك."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: الإضافات التالية غير متوافقة مع هذه الإضافة وقد تسبب "
-"نتائج غير متوقعة:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: الإضافات التالية غير متوافقة مع هذه الإضافة وقد تسبب نتائج غير متوقعة:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "تعطيل"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: مطلوب ضبط الروابط الدائمة المخصصة لتعمل الاضافة بشكل صحيح. %2$sالذهاب "
-"إلي اعدادات الروابط الدائمة%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: مطلوب ضبط الروابط الدائمة المخصصة لتعمل الاضافة بشكل صحيح. %2$sالذهاب إلي اعدادات الروابط الدائمة%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "اصلاح المشكلة: %1$sكيفية جعل ملفات النظام تسمح الكتابة%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s من الجيد الذهاب إلي %2$sلاختبار سرعة تحميل الموقع%4$s, أو زيارة "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s من الجيد الذهاب إلي %2$sلاختبار سرعة تحميل الموقع%4$s, أو زيارة %3$sاعدادات%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"هل تسمح لـ WP Rocket بجمع البيانات التشخيصية غير الحساسة من هذا الموقع؟"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "هل تسمح لـ WP Rocket بجمع البيانات التشخيصية غير الحساسة من هذا الموقع؟"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "هذا سيساعدنا علي تحسين WP Rocket لك في المستقبل."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "ما هي المعلومات التي سنجمعها؟"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"فيما يلي عرض مفصل لجميع بيانات WP Rocket التي سيتم تجميعها إذا منح الإذن، لن"
-" تقوم WP Rocket بنقل أي أسماء نطاقات او عناوين بريد إلكتروني (بإستثناء "
-"التحقق من صلاحية الترخيص) أو عناوين IP أو مفاتيح الجهات الخارجية API."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "فيما يلي عرض مفصل لجميع بيانات WP Rocket التي سيتم تجميعها إذا منح الإذن، لن تقوم WP Rocket بنقل أي أسماء نطاقات او عناوين بريد إلكتروني (بإستثناء التحقق من صلاحية الترخيص) أو عناوين IP أو مفاتيح الجهات الخارجية API."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "نعم، السماح"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "لا، شكراً"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "شكراً لك!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "اضافة WP Rokcet تجمع الآن هذه المقاييس من موقعك:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: تم حذف ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: تم حذف ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للمقال."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: تم حذف ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للمصطلح."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: تم حذف ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للمستخدم."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
@@ -489,71 +430,63 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "إيقاف التحميل المسبق"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "تعطيل اجباري"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "يجب اضافة التعليمات البرمجية التالية إلي هذا الملف:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "تجاهل هذا الإشعار."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s التكوين التلقائي لا يعمل بسبب عدم وجود أذونات الكتابة."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "الملف/المجلد المتأثر: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "المراجعات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "المسودات التلقائية"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "معلومات عابرة transients أنتهت صلاحيتها"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -561,662 +494,428 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "غير متاح"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "الرخصة"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "مفتاح API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "لوحة التحكم"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "للمساعدة، ومعلومات الحساب"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "مختبري النسخة التجريبية"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "أنا جزء من برنامج اختبار الاضافة التجريبية."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "تحليلات الاضافة:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"أوافق على مشاركة بيانات مجهولة مع فريق التطوير للمساعدة في تحسين اضافة WP "
-"Rocket. %1$sما المعلومات التي نجمعها؟%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "أوافق على مشاركة بيانات مجهولة مع فريق التطوير للمساعدة في تحسين اضافة WP Rocket. %1$sما المعلومات التي نجمعها؟%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "التخزين المؤقت"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "الإعدادات الأساسية للتخزين المؤقت"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "التخزين المؤقت للأجهزة المحمولة:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "تسريع موقعك لزوار الاجهزة المحمول."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "التخزين المؤقت للأعضاء:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "عمر ملفات التخزين المؤقت"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "تفعيل التخزين المؤقت للمستخدمين الذين قاموا بتسجيل الدخول"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "تفعيل التخزين المؤقت للأجهزة المحمولة."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "إنشاء ملفات منفصلة للتخزين المؤقت للأجهزة المحمولة."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "دقائق"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "ساعات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "أيام"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "تحسين الملفات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "تحسين ملفات الـ CSS و JS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "الإعدادات الأساسية"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "ملفات التنسيق CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "ملفات JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "دمج ملفات خطوط جوجل"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "إزالة معلمات الاستعلام من الملفات الثابتة"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "تصغير ملفات CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "هذا قد يسبب أخطاء!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"إذا لاحظت اي أخطاء علي موقعك بعد تفعيل هذا الخيار، فقط قم بتعطيله مرة أخري، "
-"وسيعود الموقع بشكل طبيعي مرة أخري."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "إذا لاحظت اي أخطاء علي موقعك بعد تفعيل هذا الخيار، فقط قم بتعطيله مرة أخري، وسيعود الموقع بشكل طبيعي مرة أخري."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "تفعيل تصغير ملفات CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "تفعيل دمج ملفات CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "تحسين تحميل ملفات الـ CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "تفعيل تصغير ملفات الجافاسكربت"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "تفعيل دمج الجافاسكربت"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "التحميل الكسول"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "تمكين للصور"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "تمكين للفيديو و الإطارات الداخلية Iframes"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "استبدل اطار يوتيوب بصورة المعاينة"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"يمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلي تحسين وقت التحميل بشكل كبير إذا كان لديك الكثير من "
-"مقاطع فيديو يوتيوب بالصفحة."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "تعطيل الايموجي الرموز التعبيرية"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "تعطيل تضمينات ووردبريس"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "يمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلي تحسين وقت التحميل بشكل كبير إذا كان لديك الكثير من مقاطع فيديو يوتيوب بالصفحة."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "التحميل المسبق"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "تفعيل التحميل المسبق للخرائط"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"حدد الروابط الخارجية المراد جلبها مسبقا (لا تضفhttp:
, رابط لكل "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "حدد الروابط الخارجية المراد جلبها مسبقا (لا تضفhttp:
, رابط لكل سطر)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "الاعدادت المتقدمة"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"تحديد عناوين وكلاء المستخدمين user agents التي لن يتم إستخدام خدمة التخزين "
-"المؤقت معها (رابط واحد لكل سطر)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "تحديد عناوين وكلاء المستخدمين user agents التي لن يتم إستخدام خدمة التخزين المؤقت معها (رابط واحد لكل سطر)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"حدد العناوين التي سيتم إزالتها دائما عند تحديث أي مقالة أو صفحة (رابط لكل "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "حدد العناوين التي سيتم إزالتها دائما عند تحديث أي مقالة أو صفحة (رابط لكل سطر)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "تحديد معلمات الاستعلام للتخزين المؤقت (رابط لكل سطر)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "قاعدة البيانات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "تنظيف التعليقات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "تنظيف قاعدة البيانات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "تنظيف تلقائي"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1227,7 +926,7 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1238,7 +937,7 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1249,7 +948,7 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1260,7 +959,7 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1271,22 +970,11 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-msgstr[4] ""
-msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "كل المعلومات العابرة Transients "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1297,11 +985,11 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "تحسين جداول قواعد البيانات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1312,635 +1000,372 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "المعدل"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "يومي"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "أسبوعي"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "شهري"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-msgstr[4] ""
-msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "تفعيل شبكة توصيل المحتوي."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "تقليل أو تعطيل نشاط Heartbeat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"سيؤدي النشاط المنخفض إلى تغيير معدل Heartbeat من اتصال واحد كل دقيقة إلى "
-"اتصال واحد كل دقيقتين."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "سيؤدي النشاط المنخفض إلى تغيير معدل Heartbeat من اتصال واحد كل دقيقة إلى اتصال واحد كل دقيقتين."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"قد يؤدي تعطيل Heartbeat كليًا إلى تعطيل بعض الإضافات والقوالب التي تستخدم "
-"باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "قد يؤدي تعطيل Heartbeat كليًا إلى تعطيل بعض الإضافات والقوالب التي تستخدم باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات API."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "بدون حدود"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "تقليل المعدل"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "تعطيل"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "التحكم في Heartbeat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "السلوك في الواجهة الأمامية"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "اضافات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "اضافة مزيد من المميزات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "كلاودفلير"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "مفتاح API العام:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "حساب البريد الإلكتروني"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "وضع التطوير"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "رفع ملف وإستيراد الإعدادات"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ الإعدادات"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "إعادة تثبيت اصدار v%s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "المسار الحرج CSS لـ %s تم انشاءه."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "انشاء المسار الحرج لملفات CSS يعمل الآن: %1$d من %2$d صفحة تم انتهاءها. (تحديث هذه الصفحة لعرض التقدم)"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
+msgstr "المسار الحرج لملفات CSS تم انتهاءه لـ %1$d من %2$d انواع الصفحات."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"انشاء المسار الحرج لملفات CSS يعمل الآن: %1$d من %2$d صفحة تم انتهاءها. "
-"(تحديث هذه الصفحة لعرض التقدم)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr "المسار الحرج لملفات CSS تم انتهاءه لـ %1$d من %2$d انواع الصفحات."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "اسبوعي"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "عملية تحسين قاعدة البيانات جارية الآن"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "اكتملت عملية تحسين قاعدة البيانات. تم تحسين كل شيء بالفعل!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"اكتملت عملية تحسين قاعدة البيانات. قائمة بالعناصر التي تم تحسينها أدناه:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "اكتملت عملية تحسين قاعدة البيانات. قائمة بالعناصر التي تم تحسينها أدناه:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s تم التحسين."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "أداوات"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-msgstr[4] ""
-msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-msgstr[4] ""
-msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
@@ -1948,93 +1373,71 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -2045,224 +1448,189 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgstr[4] ""
msgstr[5] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "كل اللغات"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "مسح الملفات المخذنة للمقالة"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "حذف الملفات المؤقتة لهذا العنوان"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "مسح OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "اعادة تكوين المسار الحرج لـ CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "مسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت لكلودفلير"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "التحميل المسبق للتخزين المؤقت"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "وثائق المساعدة"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s مسح"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "شهري"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr "خطأ أثناء مسح الذاكرة المؤقتة لكلاودفلير: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "تفعيل Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "تثبيت Imagify مجانا"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"تسريع موقع الويب الخاص بك وتحسين تهيئة محرك البحث عبر تقليل حجم الصور بدون "
-"خسارة جودتها مع خدمة Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "تسريع موقع الويب الخاص بك وتحسين تهيئة محرك البحث عبر تقليل حجم الصور بدون خسارة جودتها مع خدمة Imagify."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "مزيد من التفاصيل"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-"التحميل المسبق لخرائط الموقع: %d صفحات تم اضافتهم في ملفات التخزين المؤقت."
+msgstr "التحميل المسبق لخرائط الموقع: %d صفحات تم اضافتهم في ملفات التخزين المؤقت."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"التحميل المسبق لخرائط الموقع: %d صفحة غير مضافة بالتخزين المؤقت الان تم "
-"اضافتها بالتحميل المسبق. (تحديث لرؤية التقدم)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "التحميل المسبق لخرائط الموقع: %d صفحة غير مضافة بالتخزين المؤقت الان تم اضافتها بالتحميل المسبق. (تحديث لرؤية التقدم)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr " تأجيل تحميل ملفات JS من خلال الجافا سكربت "
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "أضف رابط"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "قبل أن يمكنك برفع واستعادة الملف، يجب عليك ان تصلح الخطأ التالي:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "أختر ملف من جهاز الكمبيوتر (أقصي حجم: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "بيانات دخول حساب كلاودفلير صحيحة."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "بيانات دخول حساب كلاودفلير غير صحيحة!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "حفظ وتحسين"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "تحسين"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "محلوظة:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "نصحية لأداء أفضل:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "تم اكتشاف اضافات خارجية:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "تحذير:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "خيارات التحميل"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "إستبدال إسم مضيف الموقع بــ :"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "مخصصة لـ "
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "كل الملفات"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "الصور"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "إنشاء سجل CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "شاهد الفيديو"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "إعدادات أساسية"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "الملفات الثابتة"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "الإعدادات المتقدمة"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s يتطلب آخر اصدار من PHP %3$s للعمل بشكل صحيح. لاستخدام هذا الإصدار،"
-" يرجى الطلب من شركة الاستضافة بترقية PHP لـ %3$s أو أعلي. إذا لم تكن قادرا "
-"على الترقية، يمكنك الرجوع إلى الإصدار السابق باستخدام الزر أدناه."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s يتطلب آخر اصدار من PHP %3$s للعمل بشكل صحيح. لاستخدام هذا الإصدار، يرجى الطلب من شركة الاستضافة بترقية PHP لـ %3$s أو أعلي. إذا لم تكن قادرا على الترقية، يمكنك الرجوع إلى الإصدار السابق باستخدام الزر أدناه."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
@@ -2310,139 +1678,117 @@ msgstr "إعدادات WP Rocket مجهول المصدر:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "إعدادات الـ WP Rocket النشطة"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr "لم يتم تعيين البريد الإلكتروني ومفتاح API لخدمة الكلاودفلير"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr "معرف حساب كلاودفلار مفقود. %s تعذر إصلاح هذا تلقائيا."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "اطلع علي %1$sوثائق الدعم%2$s لمزيد من الإرشادات."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "فشل الاتصال بكلاودفلير"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "اختر نطاق من القائمة"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "لا يوجد نطاقات علي حساب الكلاودفلير الخاص بك"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "تنزيل الملف المضغوط ZIP"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "إعادة تثبيت"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "لحل المشكلة، يرجى الاتصال بالدعم."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "الترخيص الخاص بك غير صالح."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "لقد أضفت العديد من المواقع التي يسمح بها الترخيص الحالي."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "غير مسموح لهذا الموقع."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "مفتاح الترخيص غير معروف."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2467,218 +1813,29 @@ msgstr "فشل تثبيت الإضافة."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "للخلف"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "العودة"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "اغلاق"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "اخري"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "تطبيق الوضع الآمن"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "تم تطبيق الوضع الآمن"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "قم بمراجعة موقعك في وضع المتصفح الخفي/كمسجل دخول."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "لم تتحسن نتيجة PageSpeed أو GT Metrix الخاصة بي"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "الإضافة معقدة جدًا لضبط الإعداد"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "ارسال و تعطيل"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "تخطي و تعطيل"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "مسح ملفات التخزين المؤقت بعد"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -2686,198 +1843,150 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "استيراد الإعدادات"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "مُفعل"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "غير مُفعل"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "حالة الإضافات"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr "التخزين المؤقت لكلاودفلير"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "تعلم المزيد"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr "مسح ملفات التخزين المؤقت لكلودفلير"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "تهانينا!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "الآن موقعك يجب أن يتم تحميله بشكل أسرع."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "حسابي"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "تحديث المعلومات"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "تاريخ الإنتهاء"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "عرض حسابي"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "خيارات سريعة"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "حذف جميع ملفات التخزين المؤقت"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "الاسئلة الأكثر شيوعاً"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "اسال الدعم"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2904,35 +2013,29 @@ msgstr "إستخراج الإعدادات"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "تحميل نسخة احتياطية من الإعدادات الحالية"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "خيارات التحميل"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "التراجع عن التحديث"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "إعادة تثبيت اصدار %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "وضع تصحيح الاخطاء"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2945,113 +2048,1585 @@ msgstr "اعدادات WP Rocket"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "الاصدار %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "حفظ التغيرات"
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "إظهار الشريط الجانبي"
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
+msgstr "قراءة وثائق المساعدة"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr "اقرأ دليل الاستخدام"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "قراءة المزيد"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr "تحتاج مساعدة؟"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+msgstr[4] ""
+msgstr[5] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+msgstr[4] ""
+msgstr[5] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+msgstr[4] ""
+msgstr[5] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+msgstr[4] ""
+msgstr[5] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+msgstr[4] ""
+msgstr[5] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
-msgstr "قراءة وثائق المساعدة"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
-msgstr "اقرأ دليل الاستخدام"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "لماذا لا يجب أن يكون تقييم جوجل PageSpeed ليس مهمًا"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "قراءة المزيد"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
-msgstr "تحتاج مساعدة؟"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+msgstr[4] ""
+msgstr[5] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-bg_BG.mo b/languages/rocket-bg_BG.mo
index 2556a7c3ef..2a06355076 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-bg_BG.mo and b/languages/rocket-bg_BG.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-bg_BG.po b/languages/rocket-bg_BG.po
index 979acd0727..8473f9e036 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-bg_BG.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-bg_BG.po
@@ -1,26 +1,19 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
@@ -309,199 +306,179 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s не е бил деактивиран заради липсващи права за писане.
"Получете %2$sправа за писане и опитайте отново деактивирането, или деактивирайте сега:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end "
-"of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Една или повече приставки са активирани или деактивирани, изчистете кеша, ако те влияят на сайта "
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Една или повече приставки са активирани или деактивирани, изчистете кеша, ако те влияят на сайта ви."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Следните приставки не са съвместими с тази приставка и може да предизвикат неочаквани резултати:"
+msgstr "%s: Следните приставки не са съвместими с тази приставка и може да предизвикат неочаквани резултати:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Деактивиране"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please "
-"deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache "
-"level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Структурата на връзките се изисква за да може плъгина да работикоректно. %2$sОтидете в настройките на връзките "
+msgstr "%1$s: Структурата на връзките се изисква за да може плъгина да работикоректно. %2$sОтидете в настройките на връзките %3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Отстраняване на повреди: %1$sКак да направите да получите права за писане%2$s в системните файлове"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr "Не се притеснявайте, кеширането и настройките на страниците на WP Rocket ще продължат да функционираткоректно"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr "%1$s е готов за работа! %2$sТествайте времето за зареждане%4$s, или посетете Вашите %3$sнастройки%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr "Ще позволите ли на WP Rocket да събира не-чувствителни данни от този сайт?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Това ще ни помогне да подобрим WP Rocket за Вас в бъдеще."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Каква информация ще събираме?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any "
-"domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"Отдолу е подробен изглед на всичките данни, които WP Rocket ще събира, ако разрешите достъп. WP Rocket никога няма да "
-"трансферира домейн имена или email адреси (освен за валидация на лиценз), IP адреси, или API ключове от трети лица."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Отдолу е подробен изглед на всичките данни, които WP Rocket ще събира, ако разрешите достъп. WP Rocket никога няма да трансферира домейн имена или email адреси (освен за валидация на лиценз), IP адреси, или API ключове от трети лица."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Да, позволявам"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Не, благодаря"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Благодарим Ви!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket сега ще събира тези метрики от Вашият сайт:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Кешът е изчистен."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Кешът на публикации е изчистен."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Кешът на условията е изчистен."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Кешът на потребителите е изчистен."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can "
-"prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can "
-"prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr "Моля, свържете се с вашия хост, за да проверите дали CRON работи."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Спрете предварително зареждане"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Принудително деактивиране"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Следният код трябва да бъде написан към този файл:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Скрийте това съобщение."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s не може да се конфигурира от само себе си заради липсващи права за писане."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Засегнат файл/папка: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Ревизии"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Автоматични чернови"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Изхвърлени в коша публикации"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Спам коментари"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Изхвърлени в коша коментари"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Изтекли преходни процеси"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Преходни процеси"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Таблици"
@@ -509,1279 +486,846 @@ msgstr "Таблици"
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr "Файлът за отстраняване на грешки не можа да бъде изтрит."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Не достъпен"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Лиценз"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API ключ"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Email адрес"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Табло"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Намерете помощ, информация за акаунт"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Моят статус"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Rocket Tester"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "Аз съм част от WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket Analytics"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Съгласен съм да споделям анонимни данни с екипа разработчици заподобряване на WP Rocket. %1$sКаква информация ще "
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Съгласен съм да споделям анонимни данни с екипа разработчици заподобряване на WP Rocket. %1$sКаква информация ще събираме?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Основни кеш опции"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Мобилен кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Ускорете сайта си за посетители с мобилни устройства."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for "
-msgstr ""
-"Засякохме, че използвате плъгин, който изисква разделен кеш за мобилни устройства и автоматично разрешихме тази опция "
-"за съвместимост."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+msgstr "Засякохме, че използвате плъгин, който изисква разделен кеш за мобилни устройства и автоматично разрешихме тази опция за съвместимост."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Потребителски кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr "%1$sПотребителският кеш%2$s е полезен когато имате специфично или ограничено за достъп съдържание на сайт ви."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Продължителност на кеша"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are removed.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the "
-"cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-"Продължителност на кеша е период от време, след което всички кеш файлове ще се премахнат.
Разрешаване на "
-"%1$sspreloading%2$s за кеша за да се възстановиотново автоматично след като времето му изтече."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Разрешаване на кеширането за влезли в WordPress потребители"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Разрешаване на кеширането за мобилни устройства"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Отделни кеш файловете за мобилни устройства"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, keep both."
-msgstr "%1$sМобилният кеш%2$s работи безопастно и с двете активирани опции. При съмнениезапазете и двете."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr "Определете време след което глобалният кеш ще се изтрие
(0 = неограничено )"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Намалете продължителността на 10 часа или по-малко, ако забелязвате проблеми които се появяват периодично. %1$sЗащо?"
+msgstr "Намалете продължителността на 10 часа или по-малко, ако забелязвате проблеми които се появяват периодично. %1$sЗащо?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Минути"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Часове"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Дни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимизация на файл"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Основни настройки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, "
-"disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Минифицирането в момента е активирано в Автооптимизиране. Ако искате да използвате %2$s "
-"минифициране, изключете тези опции в Автооптимизиране."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s Минифицирането в момента е активирано в Автооптимизиране. Ако искате да използвате %2$s минифициране, изключете тези опции в Автооптимизиране."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr "Минифицирането на HTML премахва празните пространства и коментарите за да намали размера."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "Комбиниране на Google Fonts файловете"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Комбиниране на Google Fonts ще намали броя на HTTP заявките."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "Премахване на query strings от статичните ресурси"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) and encodes it into the filename instead "
-"(e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Премахване на версията на заявката от статичните файлове (напр. style.css?ver=1.0) и кодирането им в файлово име "
-"вместо (напр. style-1.0.css). Може да подобрите Вашата GTMetrix оценка. %1$sПовече информация%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "Минифициране на CSS премахва празните пространства и коментарите за да намали размера на файла."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Това може да доведе до повреди!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site "
-"will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Ако забележите някакви грешки на сайт ви след активирането на тези настройки, просто ги деактивирайте отново, и сайтът "
-"ви ще работи нормално."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Ако забележите някакви грешки на сайт ви след активирането на тези настройки, просто ги деактивирайте отново, и сайтът ви ще работи нормално."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Активиране на CSS минифицирането"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "Комбиниране на CSS файлове (Активирайте Minify CSS файлове, за да изберете)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Комбиниране на CSS свързва всички файлове в 1, намалява HTTP заявките. Не е препоръчително, ако Вашият сайт използва "
-"HTTP/2. %1$sПовече информация%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Комбиниране на CSS свързва всички файлове в 1, намалява HTTP заявките. Не е препоръчително, ако Вашият сайт използва HTTP/2. %1$sПовече информация%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Активиране на комбиниране на CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located "
-"at a specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Домейнът част от URL-ът ще бъде премахнат автоматично.
Използване на (.*).css заместващи символи изключващи всички "
-"CSS файлове намиращи се в специфични пътища."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery "
-"option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "Предоставя отговор , ако автоматично генерирания път към CSS е непълен. %1$sПовече информация%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Минифициране на JavaScript файловете"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "Минифициране на JavaScript файловете премахва празното място и коментарите за да намали размера на файла."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Активирана на минифицирането на JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude "
-"all JS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery references from themes and plugins by loading "
-"jQuery at the top of the document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in broken functionality, "
-"test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or "
-"about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Може да подобри времето за зареждане на изображения, рамки ивидеоклиповете ще се зареждат само когато започват (или "
-"предстои да започнат) в прозореца за гледанеи намалява броя на HTTP заявките. %1$sПовече информация%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this "
-"option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid "Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from WordPress.org"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from embedding content from other (non-"
-"whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Може да подобри времето за зареждане на изображения, рамки ивидеоклиповете ще се зареждат само когато започват (или предстои да започнат) в прозореца за гледанеи намалява броя на HTTP заявките. %1$sПовече информация%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Разрешаване за изображения"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Разрешаване за iframes и видеа"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Заместете YouTube iframe с преглед на изображението"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr "Това може значително да подобри времето ви за зареждане, особено ако имате много YouTube видеа на страницата."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Презареждане"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr "Генериране на кеш файлове"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with the links on your homepage followed by the "
-"sitemaps you specify. Preloading is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be manually "
-"triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket Dashboard%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Когато активирате предварително зареждане, WP Rocket ще генерира кеша, започвайки с връзките на вашата начална "
-"страница, последвани от картите на сайта, които сте посочили. Предварително зареждане автоматично се задейства, когато "
-"добавяте или актуализирате съдържание и може да бъде ръчно задействана от администраторската лента или от %1$sWP "
-"Rocket \"Табло%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Активирайте предварително зареждане"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Активирайте предварително зареждане на кеша според картата на сайта"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Карта на сайта за предварително зареждане"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "Посочете XML карта на сайта, която да се използва за предварително зареждане"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Разширени правила"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Фина настройка на кеш правилата"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr "Чувствителните страници като URL адреси за влизане/излизане трябва да бъдат изключени от кеша."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by "
-msgstr ""
Настроени страници за количка, плащане и \"моят акаунт\\ \"%1$s%2$s%3$s ще бъде открито и никога "
-"няма да се кешира по подразбиране."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Настроени страници за количка, плащане и \"моят акаунт\\ \"%1$s%2$s%3$s ще бъде открито и никога няма да се кешира по подразбиране."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Никога не кеширайте бисквитки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr "Посочете URL адреси на страници или публикации, които никога не трябва да се кешират (по един на ред)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a "
-"given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Частта на домейна в URL адреса ще бъде премахната автоматично.
Използвайте (.*) заместващи символи за адресиране "
-"на множество URL адреси за даден път."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Посочете IDs на бисквитките, които, когато са зададени в браузъра на посетителя, трябвада предотвратяват кеширането на "
-"дадена страница (по една на ред)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Частта на домейна в URL адреса ще бъде премахната автоматично.
Използвайте (.*) заместващи символи за адресиране на множество URL адреси за даден път."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr "Уточнете user agent strings, които никога няма да кешират страници (една на ред) "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Посочете URL адресите, за които винаги да сеизчиства кеша, когато актуализирате публикация или страница (една на ред)"
+msgstr "Посочете URL адресите, за които винаги да сеизчиства кеша, когато актуализирате публикация или страница (една на ред)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Посочете query strings за кеширане (една на страница)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База данни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Оптимизиран, намаляване на излишните записи"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or "
-msgstr ""
-"Ревизиите и черновите на публикациите ще бъдат изтрити завинаги. Не използвайте тази опция, ако трябва да запазите "
-"редакции или чернови."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Ревизиите и черновите на публикациите ще бъдат изтрити завинаги. Не използвайте тази опция, ако трябва да запазите редакции или чернови."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Спамът и коментарите в кошчето, ще бъдат изтрити завинаги."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins "
-"require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Автоматично почистване"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s ревизия във вашата база данни."
msgstr[1] "%s ревизии във вашата база данни."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s чернова във вашата база данни."
msgstr[1] "%s чернови във вашата база данни."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s публикация в кошчето на вашата база данни."
msgstr[1] "%s публикации в кошчето на вашата база данни."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s спам коментар във вашата база данни"
msgstr[1] "%s спам коментари във вашата база данни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s коментар в кошчето на вашата база данни"
msgstr[1] "%s коментари в кошчето на вашата база данни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "%s изтекъл преходен процес във вашата база данни."
-msgstr[1] "%s изтекли преходни процеси във вашата база данни."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Всички преходни процеси"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s преходен процес във вашата база данни."
msgstr[1] "%s преходни процеси във вашата база данни."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Оптимизиране на таблици"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s таблица за оптимизиране във вашата база данни."
msgstr[1] "%s таблици за оптимизиране във вашата база данни."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "План за автоматично почистване"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Честота"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Дневно"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Седмично"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Месечно"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Интегрирайте вашия CDN"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr "Не се изисква за услуги като Cloudflare и Sucuri. Моля, вижте нашия достъпен %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$s to work on your "
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$s to work on your "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s в момента е активиран. Конфигуриране на настройките на CDN не са необходими %2$s за да работи на "
-"вашия сайт."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s в момента са активирани. Конфигуриране на настройките на CDN не са необходими %2$s за да работят "
-"на вашия сайт."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Разрешаване на Мрежа за Доставка на Съдържание"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr "Посочете URL(и) на файлове, които не трябва да се обслужват чрез CDN (по един на ред)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file "
-"type located at a specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Частта от домейна в URL адреса ще бъде премахната автоматично.
Използвайте (.*) заместващи символи за изключване "
-"на всички файлове от даден тип файлове, намиращи се в определен път."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Частта от домейна в URL адреса ще бъде премахната автоматично.
Използвайте (.*) заместващи символи за изключване на всички файлове от даден тип файлове, намиращи се в определен път."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Не ограничавайте"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Намаляване на активността"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Деактивиране"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Добавете още функции"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to "
-"enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"One-Click Add-ons са функции, разширяващи наличните опции без необходима конфигурация. Включете опцията \"on\", за да "
-"активирате от този екран."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "One-Click Add-ons са функции, разширяващи наличните опции без необходима конфигурация. Включете опцията \"on\", за да активирате от този екран."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "Rocket Add-ons са допълващи функции, разширяващи наличните."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Подобрете кеширането на браузъра за Google Analytics"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for "
-"Leverage browser caching.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Подобрете кеширането на браузъра за Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for "
-"Leverage browser caching.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Ако Varnish работи на вашия сървър, трябва да активирате тази добавка."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Интегрирайте вашия акаунт в Cloudflare с тази добавка."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and "
-"enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-"предоставете имейл адреса на вашия акаунт, глобалния API ключ и домейна, за да използвате опции като изчистване на "
-"кеша на Cloudflare и активиране на оптимални настройки с WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "предоставете имейл адреса на вашия акаунт, глобалния API ключ и домейна, за да използвате опции като изчистване на кеша на Cloudflare и активиране на оптимални настройки с WP Rocket."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Синхронизиране на кеша на Sucuri с тази добавка."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Идентификационни данни на Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Настройки на Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Глобален API ключ:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167836-Where-do-I-find-my-Cloudflare-API-key-"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Намери своя API key"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. "
-"%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Временно активиране на режима за разработка на вашия уебсайт. Тази настройка ще се изключи автоматично след 3 часа. "
-"%1$sНаучете повече%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Временно активиране на режима за разработка на вашия уебсайт. Тази настройка ще се изключи автоматично след 3 часа. %1$sНаучете повече%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Оптимални настройки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr "Автоматично подобрява вашата конфигурация на Cloudflare за скорост, производителност степен и съвместимост."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten "
-"to use // instead of http:// or https://."
-msgstr ""
-"Трябва да се използва само с SSL функция на Cloudflare. URL адреси на статични файлове (CSS, JS, изображения) ще бъдат "
-"пренаписани ще се използва // вместо http:// или https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Трябва да се използва само с SSL функция на Cloudflare. URL адреси на статични файлове (CSS, JS, изображения) ще бъдат пренаписани ще се използва // вместо http:// или https://."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri идентификационни данни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Намиране на вашия API ключ"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Качване на файла и импортиране на настройките"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Настройките са запазени."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr "За да функционира правилно, %1$s %2$s изисква поне:"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. За да използвате тази версия на WP Rocket, попитайте вашия уеб хост как да надстройте сървъра си до PHP %1$s "
-"или по-висока."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. За да използвате тази версия на WP Rocket, попитайте вашия уеб хост как да надстройте сървъра си до PHP %1$s или по-висока."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr "WordPress %1$s. За да използвате тази версия на WP Rocket, надстройте WordPress до версия %1$s или по-висока."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr "Ако не можете да надстройте, можете да се върнете към предишната версия като използвате бутона по-долу."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Преинсталирайте версията %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253 inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Файлът на дневника не съществува."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259 inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Файлът на дневника не може да бъде прочетен."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Дневниците не се записват във файл."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Критичният CSS за %1$s не е генериран. Грешка: %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "API върна невалиден код за отговор."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "API върна празен отговор."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr "Критичният CSS не може да бъде записан като файл в %s."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Критичният CSS за %s е генериран."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане попадна на грешка. Невъзможно свързване чрез връзките на %1$s, защото има грешка: %2$s. "
-"%3$sНаучете повече%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following response code: %2$s. Security measures "
-"could be preventing access. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане намери грешка.%1$s не е достъпнокод на отговора: %2$s. Мерките за сигурност може да попречат "
-"на достъпа. %3$ssНаучете повече%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following response code: 404. Please make sure your "
-"homepage is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане намери грешка. %1$s не е достъпно код на отговора: 404. Уверете се, че вашата начална "
-"страница е достъпна във вашия браузър. %2$sLearn morе%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following response code: 500. Please check with "
-"your web host about server access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане намери грешка. %1$s не е достъпно код на отговора: 500. Моля, обърнете се към вашия хостинг "
-"за достъп до сървъра. %2$sНаучете повече%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it returned the following response code: %2$s. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане намери грешка. Не може да зареди връзките на %1$s, защото върна, следният отговор с код: "
-"%2$s. %3$sНаучете повече%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn "
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. Не може да зареди линковете на %1$s защотоима грешка: "
-"%2$s. %3$sНаучете повече%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following response code: %2$s. Security "
-"measures could be preventing access. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. %1$s не е достъпен поради отговор с код: %2$s. Мерките за "
-"сигурност може да попречат на достъпа. %3$ssНаучете повече%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following response code: 404. Please make "
-"sure you entered the correct sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. %1$s не е достъпен поради отговор с код: 404. Уверете се, "
-"че сте въвели правилния URL на картата на сайта и че е достъпен във вашия браузър. %2$sНаучете повече%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following response code: 500. Please check "
-"with your web host about server access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. %1$s не е достъпен поради отговор с код: 500. Уверете се, "
-"че вашия сървър е достъпен. %2$sНаучете повече%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it returned the following response code: "
-"%2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. Не може да зареди връзките на %1$s защото върна отговор с "
-"код: %2$s. %3$sНаучете повече%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. Не може да зареди връзките от %1$s ,защото файлът е "
-"празен. %2$sНаучете повече%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s because of an error during the XML sitemap "
-"parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предварителното зареждане на картата на сайта намери грешка. Не може да зареди връзките от %1$s поради грешка по време "
-"на XML sitemap parsing. %2$sНаучете повече%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Понастоящем се изпълнява генериране на критичния CSS: %1$d на %2$d типове страници завършен. (Опреснете тази страница, "
-"за да видите напредъка)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Понастоящем се изпълнява генериране на критичния CSS: %1$d на %2$d типове страници завършен. (Опреснете тази страница, за да видите напредъка)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Генерирането на критичния CSS приключи за %1$d на %2$d типове страници."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "При генерирането на критичния CSS се получиха една или повече грешки."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Научване повече."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154 inc/common/cron.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "седмично"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Процесът за оптимизация на базата данни в ход"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Процесът на оптимизация на базата данни е завършен. Всичко беше оптимизирано!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "Процесът на оптимизация на базата данни е завършен. Списъкът на оптимизираните елементи е по-долу:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s .оптимизиран"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Инструменти"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Импортиране, експортиране, връщане назад"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимизация на изображението"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Компресиране на изображенията ви"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
-msgid_plural "Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural "The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Предварителното зареждане завърши: %d страници са кеширани."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please contact your host to enable it before running "
-"sitemap-based cache preloading."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s\" не активиран на вашия сървър. свържете се с хостинга ви, за да го активирате, преди "
-"да стартирате кеша, въз основа на картата на сайта за предварително зареждане."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
@@ -1789,279 +1333,254 @@ msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP
msgstr[0] "Деактивирайте тази опция %s, която е в конфликт с WP Rocket функция:"
msgstr[1] "Деактивирайте тези опции %s, които са в конфликт с WP Rocket функция:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid "%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query strings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP компресия%3$s е в конфликт с WP Rocket %2$sGZIPкомпресия%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Ключът за API на защитната стена на Sucuri не е намерен."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "API ключът на защитната стена на Sucuri е невалиден."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Грешка при свързване с API на защитната стена на Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr "Грешка при свързване с API на защитната стена на Sucuri. Съобщението за грешка беше: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Няма отговор от API на защитната стена на Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Получих невалиден отговор от API на защитната стена на Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "API на защитната стена на Sucuri връща непозната грешка."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] "API на защитната стена на Sucuri връща следната грешка: %s"
msgstr[1] "API на защитната стена на Sucuri връща следните грешки: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you "
-"continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Възникна неочаквана грешка. Нещо може би се обърка с WP-Rocket.me или с конфигурацията на този сървър’s. Ако "
-"продължавате да имате проблеми, свържете се с поддръжката."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Възникна неочаквана грешка. Нещо може би се обърка с WP-Rocket.me или с конфигурацията на този сървър’s. Ако продължавате да имате проблеми, свържете се с поддръжката."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260 inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Всички езици"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Изчистете тази публикация"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Изчистете този URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Изчистване на OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Регенериране на критичния път на CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Изчистване на Cloudflare кеша"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Презареждане на кеша"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документация"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s изчистване"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "месечно"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr "Грешка при изчистване на кеша в Cloudflare: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr "Кешът на Cloudflare е изчистен успешно"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Активиране на Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Инсталиране на Imagify безплатно"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Ускорете Вашият сайт и увеличете Вашето SEO, като намалите размера на изображенията без да губите качество с Imagify."
+msgstr "Ускорете Вашият сайт и увеличете Вашето SEO, като намалите размера на изображенията без да губите качество с Imagify."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "Повече детайли"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr "Презареждане на карта на сайта: %d страници са били кеширани."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Презареждане на карта на сайта: %d не кеширани страници вече са били презаредени. (опреснете за да видите прогреса)"
+msgstr "Презареждане на карта на сайта: %d не кеширани страници вече са били презаредени. (опреснете за да видите прогреса)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "JS файлове с отложено зареждане на JavaScript"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Добавяне на URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "Преди да можете да качите и импортирате файла, трябва да поправите следната грешка:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Изберете файл от Вашият компютър (максимален размер: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Идентификационните данни в Cloudflare са валидни."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Запаметяване и оптимизиране"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455 views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Оптимизиране"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Забележка:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Съвет за производителност:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Засечена е функция от трета страна:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Внимание:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Настройки за сваляне"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Заменете името на хоста си с:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "запазено за"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Всички файлове"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Изображения"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Добавете CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Изгледайте видеото"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Основни"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Статични файлове"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Разширени"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s изисква поне PHP %3$s, за да функционира правилно. За да използвате това версия, моля попитайте вашия "
-"хостинг как да надстроите сървъра си до PHP %3$s или по-висока. Ако не можете да надстроите, можете да се върнете към "
-"предишната версия, като използвате бутона по-долу."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s изисква поне PHP %3$s, за да функционира правилно. За да използвате това версия, моля попитайте вашия хостинг как да надстроите сървъра си до PHP %3$s или по-висока. Ако не можете да надстроите, можете да се върнете към предишната версия, като използвате бутона по-долу."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] "Има проблем с валидирането на вашия лиценз. Моля, вижте грешката в съобщението по-долу."
@@ -2107,126 +1626,117 @@ msgstr "Анонимизирани настройки на WP Rocket:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Кои настройки на WP Rocket са активни"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid "Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr "Curl функционалност е изключена, тя е необходима за добавката на Cloudflare , за да работи коректно."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr "Cloudflare Email и API ключът не са зададени"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr "Липсва ID на зона в Cloudflare. %s не можа да поправи това автоматично."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Прочетете %1$sдокументацията%2$s за допълнителни указания."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Връзката с Cloudflare не бе успешна"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "Изберете домейн от списъка"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Няма достъпен домейн за Вашият Cloudflare акаунт"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr "Проверката на лиценза не бе успешна. Нашият сървър не можа да разреши заявката от вашия сайт."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr "Кликнете %1$sЗапазете промените%2$s по-долу. Ако грешката продължава, следвайте %3$sтова ръководство%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Проверката на лиценза не бе успешна. Може да използвате хакнатата версия на приставката. Моля, направете следното:"
+msgstr "Проверката на лиценза не бе успешна. Може да използвате хакнатата версия на приставката. Моля, направете следното:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Сваляне на zip файл"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Преинсталиране"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Ако нямате акаунт в WP Rocket, моля, %1$sзакупете лиценз%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr "Проверката на лиценза не бе успешна. Този потребителски акаунт не съществува в нашата база данни."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "За да разрешите проблема, свържете се с екипа за поддръжка."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr "Проверката на лиценза не бе успешна. Този потребителски акаунт е в черния списък."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Вижте %1$sтова ръководство%2$s за повече информация."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Вашият лиценз не е валиден."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Уверете се, че имате активен %1$sWP Rocket лиценз%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Добавили сте толкова сайтове, колкото позволява текущият ви лиценз."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr "Надстройте своя %1$sакаунт%2$s или%3$s прехвърлете вашия лиценз%2$s към този "
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Този сайт не е позволен."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "%1$sСвържете се с поддръжката%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Този лицензен ключ не е разпознат."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Ако проблемът продължава, %1$s се свържете с екипа за поддръжка%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Проверката на лиценза не бе успешна: %s"
@@ -2251,215 +1761,29 @@ msgstr "Инсталирането на приставката не бе усп
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Връщане"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Връщане"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket обратна връзка"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Затвори"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Може ли да ни дадете малко информация защо деактивирате?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid "It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr "Това е временно деактивиране. Просто отстранявам грешки ."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr "Плъгина развали оформлението или някаква функционалност."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix резултатът не се подобри."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Не забелязах разлика във времето за зареждане."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr "Приставката е твърде сложна за конфигуриране."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Моят хост вече има собствена кешираща система."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Какво е името на вашия хост?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Други"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid "Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr "Кажете ни защо деактивирате WP Rocket, за да можем да подобрим приставката"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Приставката наруши оформлението ми или някаква функционалност"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid "This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Този тип проблем обикновено може да бъде отстранен чрез деактивиране на някои опции в WPRocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site "
-"to see if the issue has resolved."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Приложете безопасен режим"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Безопасният режим беше приложен."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "Прегледайте сайта си в поверителен/или сте излязли прозорец на браузъра."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-"Проблемът решен ли е? Сега можете да активирате опциите една по една, за да определите коя е причинила проблема. Повече информация"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Резултатът ми в PageSpeed или GT Metrix не се подобри"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are not indicators of speed. Neither your "
-"real visitors, nor Google will ever see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO and "
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket прави вашия сайт по-бърз. Оценката на PageSpeed или GTMetrix не са показатели за скорост. Нито вашите "
-"истински посетители, нито Google никога няма да видят „оценката“ на уебсайта ви. Скоростта е единственият показател, "
-"който има значение за SEO и конверсиите."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr "Yoast, експерта за всички неща свързани със състоянието на SEO на WordPress:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t have to obsess over that specific score. "
-"You have to make sure your website is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] просто разглежда колко бързо се зарежда уебсайтът ви при потребителите, така че не трябва да се обсебвате от "
-"конкретен резултат. Трябва да се уверите, че вашият уебсайт е толкова бърз, колкото можете да бъде."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-"Как да измерите времето за зареждане на вашия сайт:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-"Защо не трябва да преследвате определен резултат от PageSpeed:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Не забелязах разлика във времето за зареждане"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid "Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached pages!"
-msgstr "Уверете се, че разглеждате сайта си, докато сте излезли от него, за да видите бързите, кеширани страници!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed tests. Follow this guide to correctly "
-"measure the load time of your website:
-msgstr ""
-"Най-добрият начин да видите подобрението, което предлага WP Rocket, е да осигурите изпълнението на тестове за "
-"бързина. Следвайте това ръководство, за да измервате правилно времето за зареждане на вашия сайт:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Приставката е твърде сложна за конфигуриране"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Съжаляваме да чуем, че ви е трудно да използвате WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in speed optimization, by default. That means "
-"you do not have to do anything besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid "The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-tuning."
-msgstr "Допълнителните опции не се изискват за бърз сайт, а за фини "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-"За да видите ползата, която WP Rocket вече предоставя, измерете скоростта на вашиясайт с помощта на инструмент като "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Изпращане и деактивиране"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отказ"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Пропускане и Деактивиране"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Изчистване на кеша след"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2467,183 +1791,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Настройки за импортиране"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39 views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Включено"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40 views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Изключено"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41 views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Състояние на добавката"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Промяна на опциите"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33 views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr "Очиства кешираните ресурси на вашия сайт. %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34 views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Научете повече"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr "Изчистване на всички кеш файлове на Cloudflare"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Честито!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr "WP Rocket вече е активиран и работи за вас."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Вашият сайт трябва да се зарежда по-бързо сега!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best practices."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr "Също така даваме възможност за опции, които осигуряват пряки ползи за вашия сайт."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Продължете към опциите за допълнителна оптимизация на вашия сайт!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Моят акаунт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Обновяване на информацията"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Срок на годност"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Преглед на акаунта ми"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Премахване на всички кеширани файлове"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Започнете предварително зареждане на кеша"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Пречистване на съдържанието на OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Пречистване на OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Възстановяване на критичния CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Често задавани въпроси"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Все още не можете да намерите решение?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "Изпратете билете и получете помощ от знаещите, Rocketeers."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Искане на помощ"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Архивирайте вашата база данни, преди да стартирате почистването ѝ!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "След като бъде извършена оптимизацията на базата данни, няма начин да я отмените."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr "Компресирайте изображението, за да е\tсайта ви\tпо-бърз, като същевременно поддържате изображението качествено"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr "Повече за Imagify:"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr "Страница на Imagify Plugin"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr "Преглед на Image Compression Plugins"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr "Инсталиране на Imagify"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr "WP Rocket не успя да потвърди автоматично вашия лиценз."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support "
-"to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr "Изчистване\tна\tвсички\tкеш\tфайлове на Sucuri"
@@ -2670,33 +1961,29 @@ msgstr "Експортиране на настройките"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "Изтегляне на архивен файл с вашите настройки"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Настройки за сваляне"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Отмяна"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr "Версията %s причини ли проблем на вашия сайт?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a support request."
-msgstr "Можете да се върнете към предишната версия тук.
След това ни изпратете искане за помощ"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "Преинсталиране на версия %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Режим за отстраняване на грешки"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr "Създаване\tна\tрегистрационен\tфайл за отстраняване на грешки."
@@ -2709,108 +1996,1565 @@ msgstr "Настройки на WP Rocket"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "версия\t%s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Запазване\tна\tпромените"
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Показване на страничната лента"
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Благодарим ви, че избрахте да участвате в бета програмата WP Rocket!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we want to test it a little more before full "
-msgstr ""
-"Бета версията обикновено е тази, която има нови функции и подобрения, но ние\t\tискаме\tда го тестваме\tоще малко "
-"преди пълното стартиране."
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in mind that it might be less stable than our "
-"other releases. Don’t worry, you can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Ще се радваме, ако изпробвате нашата\tбета версия\tимайте предвид, че\tтя\tможе\tда е по-малко стабилна\tот другите ни "
-"версии. Не се притеснявайте, вие\tможе да се върнете към стабилна\tверсия по всяко време."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid "Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"Вашата задача\tе:\tда\tни\tизпращате\tвсички отзиви за нашите бета версии, включително доклади за грешки, до"
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr "Ако не искате да се присъедините към бета програмата, просто затворете този прозорец."
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Активиране на Rocket Tester"
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission."
-msgstr "По-долу е даден подробен изглед на всички данни, които WP Rocket ще събере ако\t"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket никога няма да предава имена на домейни или имейл адреси (с изключение на\tза проверка на лиценза), IP адреси или API ключове на трети страни."
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or "
-"third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket никога няма да предава имена на домейни или имейл адреси (с изключение на\tза проверка на лиценза), IP "
-"адреси или API ключове на трети страни."
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Активиране на Rocket analytics"
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr "Отправна\tточка за\tпоправяне\tна\tнякои от най-често срещаните проблеми."
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr "Прочетете документацията"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr "Как правилно да измервате времето за зареждане на вашия сайт"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid "Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's performance."
-msgstr "Научете как да използвате най-добрите практики за правилно измерване на производителността на сайта ви"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "https://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-time/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Прочетете нашето ръководство"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Защо оценката на Google PageSpeed не трябва да има значение"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "https://wp-rocket.me/blog/the-truth-about-google-pagespeed-insights/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Прочетете още"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Не сте активирали кеша за влезлите потребители."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr "Използване на поверителен прозорец на браузър, за проверка на скоростта на \"на сайта и неговия външен вид"
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23 views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Нужда от помощ?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
+msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.mo b/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.mo
index 640d83478f..7c47da1db9 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.mo and b/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.po b/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.po
index 44bdb9ac9f..07ae54cb1f 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-cs_CZ.po
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Soubory mezipaměti starší než zadané životnosti budou odstraněny.
-" %1$spřednačítání%2$s pro automatickou přegenerování mezipaměti po vypršení "
-"její životnosti."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Soubory mezipaměti starší než zadané životnosti budou odstraněny.
Povolte %1$spřednačítání%2$s pro automatickou přegenerování mezipaměti po vypršení její životnosti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Povolit ukládání do mezipaměti pro přihlášené uživatele WordPressu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:474
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Povolit ukládání do mezipaměti pro mobilní zařízení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Oddělit soubory mezipaměti pro mobilní zařízení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Většina moderních šablon je responzivní a měla by správně fungovat bez "
-"samostatné mezipaměti. Tuto možnost aktivujte jen v případě, že máte "
-"samostatnou šablonu nebo speciální plugin pro mobilní zařízení. %1$sVíce "
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Většina moderních šablon je responzivní a měla by správně fungovat bez samostatné mezipaměti. Tuto možnost aktivujte jen v případě, že máte samostatnou šablonu nebo speciální plugin pro mobilní zařízení. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:507
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte čas, po kterém se globální mezipaměť vymaže
(0 = neomezeně)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Zadejte čas, po kterém se globální mezipaměť vymaže
(0 = neomezeně)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:509
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Snižte životnost na 10 nebo méně hodin pokud si všimnete opakujících se "
-"problémů. %1$sProč?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Snižte životnost na 10 nebo méně hodin pokud si všimnete opakujících se problémů. %1$sProč?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:515
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minuty"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Hodiny"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Dny"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Optimalizace souborů"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optimalizace CSS a JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:550
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Základní nastavení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:563
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:573
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"Zmenšování %1$s je aktuálně aktivováno v pluginu "
-"Autoptimize. Chcete-li použít zmenšování od %2$s, "
-"deaktivujte tyto možnosti v pluginu Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "Zmenšování %1$s je aktuálně aktivováno v pluginu Autoptimize. Chcete-li použít zmenšování od %2$s, deaktivujte tyto možnosti v pluginu Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:556
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "Soubory CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:566
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Soubory JavaScriptu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:582 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
-msgid "Minify HTML"
-msgstr "Zmenšit HTML"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:586
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr "Zmenšení HTML odstraní mezery a komentáře pro zmenšení velikosti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:597
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
msgstr "Optimalizovat písma Google Fonts"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:599
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zrychluje načítání písem a kombinuje více požadavků na písma, čímž snižuje "
-"počet HTTP požadavků. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:607
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Zmenšit soubory CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:608
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "Zmenšení CSS odstraní mezery a komentáře pro zmenšení velikosti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:643
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:723
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:745
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Toto nastavení by mohlo rozbít web!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:622
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:644
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:724
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:746
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud si všimnete jakýchkoliv chyb na svém webu po zapnutí tohoto nastavení,"
-" stačí aktivované nastavení deaktivovat, a váš web bude zase normálně "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Pokud si všimnete jakýchkoliv chyb na svém webu po zapnutí tohoto nastavení, stačí aktivované nastavení deaktivovat, a váš web bude zase normálně fungovat."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:623
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Aktivovat zmenšení CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Kombinovat soubory CSS (nejprve musíte povolit zmenšení souborů "
+msgstr "Kombinovat soubory CSS (nejprve musíte povolit zmenšení souborů CSS)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zkombinuje CSS soubory do 1 souboru, sníží počet HTTP požadavků. "
-"Nedoporučuje se pokud váš web používá HTTP/2. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Zkombinuje CSS soubory do 1 souboru, sníží počet HTTP požadavků. Nedoporučuje se pokud váš web používá HTTP/2. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:645
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Aktivovat kombinování CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:650 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Vyloučené CSS soubory"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Určete URL adresy CSS souborů, které mají být vyloučeny ze zmenšování a "
-"spojení (jedna adresa na řádek)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:652
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Použijte (.*).css "
-"hvězdičku pro vyloučení všech CSS souborů umístěných v konkrétní cestě."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Určete URL adresy CSS souborů, které mají být vyloučeny ze zmenšování a spojení (jedna adresa na řádek)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optimalizovat doručování CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:672
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Optimalizace doručování CSS je aktuálně řešena pluginem %1$s. Pokud chcete "
-"pro optimalizaci doručování CSS používat WP Rocket, deaktivujte plugin %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:674
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimalizace doručování CSS z webu odstraní CSS blokující vykreslení obsahu "
-"pro rychlejší vizuální načítání. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:685
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Záložní kritická cesta CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:690
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Poskytuje zálohu pokud je automaticky generovaná kritická cesta k CSS "
-"nekompletní. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:699
-msgid "Remove jQuery Migrate"
-msgstr "Odebrat jQuery Migrate"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Remove jQuery Migrate eliminates a JS file and can improve load time. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Odebrání jQuery Migrate eliminuje JS soubor a může zlepšit dobu načítání. "
-"%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Poskytuje zálohu pokud je automaticky generovaná kritická cesta k CSS nekompletní. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Zmenšit soubory JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Zmenšení JavaScriptu odstraní mezery a komentáře pro zmenšení velikosti."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Zmenšení JavaScriptu odstraní mezery a komentáře pro zmenšení velikosti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktivovat zmenšení JavaScriptu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Kombinovat soubory JavaScriptu (nejprve musíte povolit zmenšení souborů "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Kombinovat soubory JavaScriptu (nejprve musíte povolit zmenšení souborů JS)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zkombinování JavaScriptu interních souborů, skriptů vložených v kódu a kódu "
-"třetích stran, sníží počet HTTP požadavků. Nedoporučuje se pokud web používá"
-" HTTP/2. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Zkombinování JavaScriptu interních souborů, skriptů vložených v kódu a kódu třetích stran, sníží počet HTTP požadavků. Nedoporučuje se pokud web používá HTTP/2. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktivovat kombinování JavaScriptu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:752 inc/admin/options.php:131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "Vyloučený vložený JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:754
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Určete znaky vloženého JavaScriptu, který má být vyloučen ze slučování "
-"(jeden na řádek). %1$s Více informací%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Určete znaky vloženého JavaScriptu, který má být vyloučen ze slučování (jeden na řádek). %1$s Více informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:770 inc/admin/options.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Vyloučené soubory JavaScriptu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:771
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Určete URL adresy souborů JavaScriptu, které mají být vyloučeny ze "
-"zmenšování a spojení (jednu adresa na řádek)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Určete URL adresy souborů JavaScriptu, které mají být vyloučeny ze zmenšování a spojení (jednu adresa na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:772
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interní:Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky "
-"odstraněna. Použijte (.*).js hvězdičku pro vyloučení všech JS souborů "
-"umístěných v konkrétní cestě."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interní:Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna. Použijte (.*).js hvězdičku pro vyloučení všech JS souborů umístěných v konkrétní cestě."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"3. strany: Zadejte buďto kompletní URL adresu, nebo jen "
-"doménu, pro vyloučení externího JS. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "3. strany: Zadejte buďto kompletní URL adresu, nebo jen doménu, pro vyloučení externího JS. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:790
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Načítat JavaScriptové soubory se zpožděním"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Načítání JavaScriptu se zpožděním, z webu odstraní JS blokující vykreslení "
-"obsahu, a může zlepšit rychlost jeho načítání. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:803
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Bezpečný režim pro jQuery (doporučeno)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"Bezpečný režim pro jQuery pro JS soubory s odloženým načítáním zajistí "
-"podporu pro inline odkazy jQuery z šablon a pluginů načítáním jQuery v horní"
-" části dokumentu jako skript blokující vykreslování.
Deaktivace může "
-"vést k poškození funkcionality, proveďte pečlivé testy!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Načítání JavaScriptu se zpožděním, z webu odstraní JS blokující vykreslení obsahu, a může zlepšit rychlost jeho načítání. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Média"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:834
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, smajlíky, externí obsah, WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:842
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:846
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:878
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad může vylepšit reálnou a vizuální rychlost načítání, protože "
-"obrázky, iframy a videa se budou načítat jen jakmile se objeví (nebo se "
-"budou mít za chvíli objevit) v zobrazovaném prostoru, a bude tím snížen "
-"počet HTTP požadavků. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "LazyLoad může vylepšit reálnou a vizuální rychlost načítání, protože obrázky, iframy a videa se budou načítat jen jakmile se objeví (nebo se budou mít za chvíli objevit) v zobrazovaném prostoru, a bude tím snížen počet HTTP požadavků. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:888
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad je aktuálně aktivováno v %2$s. Pokud chcete použít WP Rocket "
-"LazyLoad, zakažte tuto možnost v %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:891
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Smajlíci 👻"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:893
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Používejte výchozí smajlíky návštěvníkova prohlížeče namísto načítání "
-"smajlíků z WordPress.org"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:897
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Vkládání externího obsahu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:899
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Zabrání ostatním vkládat externí obsah z vašeho webu, zakáže vám vkládat "
-"obsah z jiných (nepovolených) webů a odstraní JavaScriptové požadavky "
-"spojené s „WordPress embeds“"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:903
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "Kompatibilita s WebP"
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad je aktuálně aktivováno v %2$s. Pokud chcete použít WP Rocket LazyLoad, zakažte tuto možnost v %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Tuto možnost povolte, pokud chcete, aby WP Rocket poskytovalo WebP obrázky "
-"kompatibilním prohlížečům. Berte na vědomí, že WP Rocket nemůže vytvářet "
-"WebP obrázky. Pro vytvoření WebP obrázků můžete použít např. plugin "
-"%1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Tuto možnost povolte, pokud chcete, aby WP Rocket poskytovalo WebP obrázky kompatibilním prohlížečům. Berte na vědomí, že WP Rocket nemůže vytvářet WebP obrázky. Pro vytvoření WebP obrázků můžete použít např. plugin %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Povolit pro obrázky"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:946
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad pro obrázky je aktuálně aktivováno v %2$s. Pokud chcete použít od "
-"LazyLoad %1$s, zakažte tuto možnost v %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad pro obrázky je aktuálně aktivováno v %2$s. Pokud chcete použít od LazyLoad %1$s, zakažte tuto možnost v %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:954
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Povolit pro iframe a videa"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:969
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Nahraďte iframe YouTube za náhledový obrázek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:970
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Toto nastavení může výrazně zkrátit dobu načítání, pokud máte na stránce "
-"mnoho videí z YouTube."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:982
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Zakázat smajlíky"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:983
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Zakázaní smajlíků sníží počet externích HTTP požadavků."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Toto nastavení může výrazně zkrátit dobu načítání, pokud máte na stránce mnoho videí z YouTube."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:991
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Zakázat vkládání externího obsahu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1001
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:362
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Povolit mezipaměť pro WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1021 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Předběžné načítání"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1022
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Generuje soubory mezipaměti, přednačítá písma"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1032
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Přednačítat mezipaměť"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1035
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Jakmile aktivujete předběžné načítání, WP Rocket začne automaticky generovat"
-" mezipaměť nejprve pro odkazy na úvodní stránce webu, a následně dle vámi "
-"zadaných map webu. Předběžné načítání bude automaticky spuštěno kdykoliv "
-"přidáte, nebo změníte obsah. Lze jej také spustit ručně z administrační "
-"lišty nebo z %1$snástěnky WP Rocket%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1043
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Předběžné požadavky DNS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1045
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Předběžné požadavky DNS mohou zrychlit předběžné načítání externích souborů,"
-" především na mobilních sítích"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Předběžné požadavky DNS mohou zrychlit předběžné načítání externích souborů, především na mobilních sítích"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1053
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Přednačítat písma"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1056
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zlepšuje výkon tím, že pomáhá prohlížečům nalézat písma v souborech CSS. "
-"%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Zlepšuje výkon tím, že pomáhá prohlížečům nalézat písma v souborech CSS. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1070
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Aktivovat předběžné načítání"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1089
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Aktivovat předběžné načtení mezipaměti založené na mapě webu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1108
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Mapy webu pro předběžné načítání"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1112
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte URL adresy XML soubory map webu, které se mají používat pro "
-"přednačítání (jedenu na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL adresy pro přednačítání"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1123
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte externí hostitele, kteří se mají předběžně načítat (bez "
, pište jednoho na řádek)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Zadejte externí hostitele, kteří se mají předběžně načítat (bez http:
, pište jednoho na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1132
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Písma k předběžnému načítání"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1133
-msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte URL adresy souborů písem, které mají být přednačítány (jednu na "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1134
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Povolené přípony "
-"písem: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Povolené přípony písem: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1154
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Pokročilá pravidla"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1155
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Vyladění pravidel mezipaměti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Citlivé stránky jako URL pro vlastní přihlášení/odhlášení by neměly být "
-"ukládány do mezipaměti."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Citlivé stránky jako URL pro vlastní přihlášení/odhlášení by neměly být ukládány do mezipaměti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1167
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1169
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1171
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1173
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1175
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1181
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Stránky jako např. košík, pokladna a „můj účet“, nastavené v "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s, budou detekovány a ve výchozím nastavení jim "
-"nebude generována mezipaměť."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Stránky jako např. košík, pokladna a „můj účet“, nastavené v %1$s%2$s%3$s, budou detekovány a ve výchozím nastavení jim nebude generována mezipaměť."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191 inc/admin/options.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Nevytvářet mezipaměť pro tyto URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1202
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Cookies pro zakázání vytváření mezipaměti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1207 inc/admin/options.php:134
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "User Agent nepřijímající soubory mezipaměti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1212 inc/admin/options.php:135
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "URL u kterých se má vždy vyprázdnit mezipaměť"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1221
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Ukládání řetězců dotazů do mezipaměti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1224
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sMezipaměť pro řetězce dotazu%2$s vám umožní vytvářet mezipaměť pro "
-"konkrétní parametry typu GET."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1238
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Určete URL adresy stránek, nebo příspěvků, které by nikdy neměly mít "
-"vytvořenou mezipaměť (jednu na řádek)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sMezipaměť pro řetězce dotazu%2$s vám umožní vytvářet mezipaměť pro konkrétní parametry typu GET."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1267
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Použijte (.*) "
-"hvězdičky pro vyloučení více URL adres umístěných v konkrétní cestě."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Určete URL adresy stránek, nebo příspěvků, které by nikdy neměly mít vytvořenou mezipaměť (jednu na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1248
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte ID souborů cookies, které kdyby byly uloženy v prohlížeči "
-"návštěvníka by zabránily uložení stránky do mezipaměti (jedno na řádek)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Použijte (.*) hvězdičky pro vyloučení více URL adres umístěných v konkrétní cestě."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1256
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte řetězce user-agent, kterým by nikdy neměly být poskytnuty stránky z "
-"mezipaměti (jeden na řádek)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Zadejte řetězce user-agent, kterým by nikdy neměly být poskytnuty stránky z mezipaměti (jeden na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Použijte (.*) hvězdičku pro určení částí UA řetězců."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1266
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Určete URL adresy, kterým chcete vymazat mezipaměť vždy, když bude provedena"
-" aktualizace jakéhokoliv příspěvku nebo stránky (jednu na řádek)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Určete URL adresy, kterým chcete vymazat mezipaměť vždy, když bude provedena aktualizace jakéhokoliv příspěvku nebo stránky (jednu na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1275
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Zadejte řetězce dotazů pro ukládání do mezipaměti (jeden na řádek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1300 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databáze"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimalizace, zeštíhlení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1310
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Čištění příspěvků"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1312
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Starší verze příspěvků a koncepty budou trvale odstraněny. Nepoužívejte tuto"
-" volbu pokud potřebujete zachovat starší verze nebo koncepty."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Starší verze příspěvků a koncepty budou trvale odstraněny. Nepoužívejte tuto volbu pokud potřebujete zachovat starší verze nebo koncepty."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1320
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Čištění komentářů"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1322
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Komentářový spam a komentáře uložené v koši budou trvale odstraněny."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1326
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Čištění dočasných dat databáze"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1328
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Zde jsou zobrazena dočasná data databáze; s klidem je můžete odstranit. "
-"Pokud je pluginy budou zase potřebovat, vygenerují se znovu."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Zde jsou zobrazena dočasná data databáze; s klidem je můžete odstranit. Pokud je pluginy budou zase potřebovat, vygenerují se znovu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1332
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Čištění databáze"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1334
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Snižuje možnost přetěžování tabulek databáze"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1338
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Automatické čištění"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Starší verze"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1111,12 +738,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s starší verze stránek/příspěvků jsou v databázi."
msgstr[2] "%s starší verze stránek/příspěvků jsou v databázi."
msgstr[3] "%s starších verzí stránek/příspěvků je v databázi."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1359
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Automatické koncepty"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1125,12 +752,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s automatické koncepty jsou v databázi."
msgstr[2] "%s automatické koncepty jsou v databázi."
msgstr[3] "%s automatických konceptů je v databázi."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Odstraněné příspěvky"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1371
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1139,12 +766,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s odstraněné příspěvky jsou v databázi."
msgstr[2] "%s odstraněné příspěvky jsou v databázi."
msgstr[3] "%s odstraněných příspěvků je v databázi."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Komentáře označené jako spam"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1381
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1153,12 +780,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s komentářové spamy jsou v databázi."
msgstr[2] "%s komentářové spamy jsou v databázi."
msgstr[3] "%s komentářových spamů je v databázi."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1389
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Odstraněné komentáře"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1391
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1167,25 +794,11 @@ msgstr[1] "V databázi jsou %s odstraněné komentáře."
msgstr[2] "V databázi je %s odstraněných komentářů."
msgstr[3] "V databázi je %s odstraněných komentářů."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Vypršená dočasná data"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1401
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "V databázi jsou %s vypršená dočasná data."
-msgstr[1] "V databázi jsou %s vypršená dočasná data."
-msgstr[2] "V databázi jsou %s vypršená dočasná data."
-msgstr[3] "V databázi je %s vypršených dočasných dat."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Veškerá dočasná data"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1411
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1194,11 +807,11 @@ msgstr[1] "V databázi jsou %s vypršené dočasné data."
msgstr[2] "V databázi je %s vypršených dočasných dat."
msgstr[3] "V databázi je %s vypršených dočasných dat."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optimalizovat tabulky"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1421
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1207,648 +820,465 @@ msgstr[1] "%s tabulky v databázi je potřeba optimalizovat."
msgstr[2] "%s tabulky v databázi je potřeba optimalizovat."
msgstr[3] "%s tabulek v databázi je potřeba optimalizovat."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Naplánovat automatické čištění"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1444
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frekvence"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Denně"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1453
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Týdně"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Měsíčně"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1481 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1471
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integrace CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1483
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Všechny URL adresy statických souborů (obrázky, CSS, JS) budou přepsány pro "
-"níže zadané CNAME(s)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Všechny URL adresy statických souborů (obrázky, CSS, JS) budou přepsány pro níže zadané CNAME(s)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Není nutné pro služby jako je Cloudflare nebo Sucuri. Podívejte se na "
-"dostupné %1$srozšíření%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Není nutné pro služby jako je Cloudflare nebo Sucuri. Podívejte se na dostupné %1$srozšíření%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1500 inc/admin/options.php:136
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Vyloučení souborů z CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1526
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$s rozšíření %3$s je aktuálně povoleno. Konfigurace nastavení CDN není"
-" vyžadována pro funkčnost %2$s na tomto webu."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$s rozšíření %3$s jsou aktuálně povolena. Konfigurace nastavení CDN "
-"není vyžadována pro funkčnost %2$s na tomto webu."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$s rozšíření %3$s jsou aktuálně povolena. Konfigurace nastavení CDN "
-"není vyžadována pro funkčnost %2$s na tomto webu."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"%1$s%2$s rozšíření %3$s je aktuálně povoleno. Konfigurace nastavení CDN není"
-" vyžadována pro funkčnost %2$s na tomto webu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1551
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Povolit Content Delivery Network"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(s)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1561
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Níže určete CNAME(s)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte URL adresy souborů, které by neměly být se neměly zobrazovat přes "
-"CDN (jednu na řádek)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Zadejte URL adresy souborů, které by neměly být se neměly zobrazovat přes CDN (jednu na řádek)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Použijte (.*) "
-"hvězdičky pro vyloučení všech souborů, daného typu, umístěných v konkrétní "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Doménová část URL adresy bude automaticky odstraněna.
Použijte (.*) hvězdičky pro vyloučení všech souborů, daného typu, umístěných v konkrétní cestě."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1591
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1592
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Správa WordPress Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1600
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Omezení nebo zakázání aktivity Heartbeat API může snížit zatěžování serveru."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Omezení nebo zakázání aktivity Heartbeat API může snížit zatěžování serveru."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Správa Heartbeat aktivity"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1610
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Omezení aktivity změní frekvenci Heartbeat, z jednou za minutu na jednou za "
-"2 minuty."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Omezení aktivity změní frekvenci Heartbeat, z jednou za minutu na jednou za 2 minuty."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1610
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Úplné vypnutí Heartbeat může znefunkčnit pluginy a šablony používající toto "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Úplné vypnutí Heartbeat může znefunkčnit pluginy a šablony používající toto API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1624
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Neomezovat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1625
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Omezit aktivitu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1626
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Vypnout"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Ovládat Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1643
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Chování v administraci"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Chování v editoru stránek/příspěvků"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1656
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Chování ve veřejné části webu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1672
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Rozšíření"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1673
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Přidání dalších funkcí"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1680
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket rozšíření na jedno kliknutí"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1681
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Rocket rozšíření na jedno kliknutí jsou funkce rozšiřující dostupné možnosti"
-" bez nutnosti další konfigurace. Přepněte tlačítko na „zap“ pro aktivaci z "
-"této stránky."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Rocket rozšíření na jedno kliknutí jsou funkce rozšiřující dostupné možnosti bez nutnosti další konfigurace. Přepněte tlačítko na „zap“ pro aktivaci z této stránky."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket rozšíření"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1692
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "Rocket rozšíření jsou doplňkové funkce rozšiřující dostupné možnosti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1705
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google analytika"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+msgid "Cloudflare"
+msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1711
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Vylepšete mezipaměť pro Google Analytics"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
+msgstr "Integrujte svůj účet Cloudflare tímto rozšířením."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1713
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket uloží tyto skripty Googlu lokálně na váš server, aby dodržela "
-"doporučení PageSpeed pro Leverage browser caching (využití mezipaměti "
%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Zadejte email účtu, globální API klíč, a doménu, abyste mohli využívat možnosti jako je vymazání mezipaměti Cloudflare a aktivovat optimální nastavení pro WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1728
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+msgid "Varnish"
+msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1734
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Zlepšete mezipaměť pro Facebook Pixel"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
+msgstr "Pokud na vašem serveru používáte Varnish, musíte aktivovat toto rozšíření."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1736
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket umístí tyto Facebook Pixely lokálně na váš server, aby pomohlo "
-"uspokojit PageSpeed doporučení pro využití mezipaměti "
%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1749
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1850
-msgid "Cloudflare"
-msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1755
-msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
-msgstr "Integrujte svůj účet Cloudflare tímto rozšířením."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1756
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte email účtu, globální API klíč, a doménu, abyste mohli využívat "
-"možnosti jako je vymazání mezipaměti Cloudflare a aktivovat optimální "
-"nastavení pro WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1790
-msgid "Varnish"
-msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
-msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud na vašem serveru používáte Varnish, musíte aktivovat toto rozšíření."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1798
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Mezipaměť Varnish bude pročištěna vždy současně s čištěním mezipaměti WP "
-"Rocket, aby byla vždy zajištěna aktuálnost obsahu.
%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Mezipaměť Varnish bude pročištěna vždy současně s čištěním mezipaměti WP Rocket, aby byla vždy zajištěna aktuálnost obsahu.
%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Vymaže společně mezipaměť Sucuri i WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1815
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte svůj API klíč pro společné čištění mezipaměti WP Rocket i Sucuri."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Zadejte svůj API klíč pro společné čištění mezipaměti WP Rocket i Sucuri."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1967
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Synchronizujte mezipaměť Sucuri pomoci tohoto rozšíření."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1867
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Údaje ke Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1876
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare nastavení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1890
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globální klíč API:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1891
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Nemůžete najít svůj API klíč?"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1903
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Přihlašovací email"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1912
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID zóny"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1922
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Vývojový režim"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Dočasně na webu zapne vývojový režim. Po 3 hodinách se toto nastavení "
-"automaticky vypne. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Dočasně na webu zapne vývojový režim. Po 3 hodinách se toto nastavení automaticky vypne. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1932
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Optimální nastavení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1933
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Automaticky vylepší konfiguraci služby Cloudflare pro vyšší rychlost, lepší "
-"výkon a kompatibilitu."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Automaticky vylepší konfiguraci služby Cloudflare pro vyšší rychlost, lepší výkon a kompatibilitu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1941
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Relativní protokol"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1942
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Mělo by být použito jen s Cloudflare funkcí „flexible SSL“. URL adresy "
-"statických souborů (CSS, JS, obrázky) budou používat „//“ místo „http://“ "
-"nebo „https://“."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Mělo by být použito jen s Cloudflare funkcí „flexible SSL“. URL adresy statických souborů (CSS, JS, obrázky) budou používat „//“ místo „http://“ nebo „https://“."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1980
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri údaje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1993
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"API klíč firewallu (pro plugin) musí být ve formátu{32 znaků}/{32 "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1994
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Nemůžete najít svůj API klíč?"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:461 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Nahrát soubor a importovat nastavení"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:405
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Sucuri Rozšíření: API klíč pro Sucuri firewall musí být ve formátu{32 "
-"znaků}/{32 znaků}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Sucuri Rozšíření: API klíč pro Sucuri firewall musí být ve formátu{32 znaků}/{32 znaků}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:496
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Nastavení bylo uloženo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:114
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Nástroje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Import, export, návrat k předchozí verzi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:136
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Optimalizace obrázků"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:137
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Zmenší velikost obrázků"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:154
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Návody"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:155
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Videa s návody nejen pro začátečníky"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr "RocketCDN aktuálně není k dispozici. Opakujte akci později."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: Chybí parametr identifikátoru."
+msgstr "Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: Chybí parametr identifikátoru."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
msgstr "Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: Chybí uživatelský token."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: API vrátilo kód neočekávané "
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: API vrátilo kód neočekávané odpovědi."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: API vrátilo prázdnou odpověď."
+msgstr "Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: API vrátilo prázdnou odpověď."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: API vrátilo neočekávanou "
+msgstr "Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: API vrátilo neočekávanou odpověď."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "Vymazání mezipaměti RocketCDN se nezdařilo: %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "Vyčištění mezipaměti RocketCDN bylo úspěšně dokončeno."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Datum příští fakturace"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Žádné předplatné"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Vaše předplatné pro RocketCDN je aktuálně aktivní."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Chcete-li používat RocketCDN, své stávající CNAME nahraďte %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr "Chcete-li používat RocketCDN, své stávající CNAME nahraďte %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "Spravovat předplatné"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:134
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN zapnuto"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:156
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN vypnuto"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:102 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Vymazat tuto mezipaměť"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"Kritické CSS pro %1$s nebylo vygenerováno. Chyba: API vrátilo prázdnou "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Kritické CSS pro %1$s nebylo vygenerováno. Chyba: API vrátilo prázdnou odpověď."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:153
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:58
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:166
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "Kritické CSS pro %1$s nebylo vygenerováno."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:158
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Kritické CSS pro %1$s nebylo vygenerováno. Chyba: API vrátilo neplatný kód "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Kritické CSS pro %1$s nebylo vygenerováno. Chyba: API vrátilo neplatný kód odpovědi."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:166
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:170
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "Error: %1$s"
msgstr "Chyba: %1$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/AdminSubscriber.php:99
-#: views/metabox/cpcss/generate.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Generovat konkrétní CPCSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/AdminSubscriber.php:100
-#: views/metabox/cpcss/generate.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Znovu vygenerovat specifické CPCSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/AdminSubscriber.php:201
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
msgstr "%l pro použití této funkce."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/AdminSubscriber.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
#, php-format
msgid "Publish the %s"
msgstr "Publikovat %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/AdminSubscriber.php:205
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in WP Rocket settings"
-msgstr "Povolte optimalizaci doručování CSS ve WP Rocket nastavení"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/AdminSubscriber.php:206
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in the options above"
-msgstr "Povolte optimalizaci doručování CSS ve výše uvedeném nastavení"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:80
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:92
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:105
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:117
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:140
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Kritické CSS pro %1$s nebylo vygenerováno. Chyba: %2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:92
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "API vrátilo neplatný kód odezvy."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:105
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "API vrátilo prázdnou odpověď."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:143
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr "Obsah kritického CSS nemohl být uložen jako soubor v %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSGeneration.php:154
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:224
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Kritické CSS pro %s bylo vygenerováno."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:101
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Právě běží generování kritického CSS."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:106
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "Přejděte na %1$s nastavení WP Rocket%2$s a sledujte průběh."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:235
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Právě probíhá generování kritického CSS: %1$d z %2$d typů obsahu bylo "
-"dokončen. (Pro zobrazení pokroku aktualizujte tuto stránku)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Právě probíhá generování kritického CSS: %1$d z %2$d typů obsahu bylo dokončen. (Pro zobrazení pokroku aktualizujte tuto stránku)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:289
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Generování kritického CSS bylo dokončeno pro %1$d z %2$d typů obsahu."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:306
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Během generování kritického CSS nastala jedna nebo více chyb."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:306
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Více informací."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:85
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
msgstr "Soubor kritického CSS neexistuje"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:95
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Soubor kritického CSS nelze smazat."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
msgstr "Probíhá generování kritického CSS pro %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:244
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
msgstr "Soubor kritického CSS byl úspěšně smazán."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:263
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Během vytváření kritického CSS pro %1$s vypršel časový limit. Zkuste to "
+msgstr "Během vytváření kritického CSS pro %1$s vypršel časový limit. Zkuste to později."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
@@ -1859,33 +1289,17 @@ msgstr "Požadovaný příspěvek neexistuje."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Pro nepublikovaný příspěvek nelze generovat CPCSS."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánovanou událost. Systém CRON "
-"pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých"
-" funkcí WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánované události. Systém CRON "
-"pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých"
-" funkcí WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánované události. Systém CRON "
-"pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých"
-" funkcí WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánované události. Systém CRON "
-"pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých"
-" funkcí WP Rocket:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánovanou událost. Systém CRON pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých funkcí WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánované události. Systém CRON pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých funkcí WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánované události. Systém CRON pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých funkcí WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[3] "Nepodařilo se spustit následující plánované události. Systém CRON pravděpodobně nepracuje správně, což může zabránit správnému chodu některých funkcí WP Rocket:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr "Obraťte se na poskytovatele hostingu a zjistěte, zda je CRON funkční."
@@ -1910,259 +1324,53 @@ msgstr "Předběžné načítání"
msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
msgstr "Proces generování cesty pro kritické CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat odkazy z "
-"adresy %1$s kvůli následující chyby: %2$s. %3$sVíce informaci%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání nastala chyba. Nedostupné - %1$s kvůli "
-"následujícímu kódu odpovědi: %2$s. Chybu mohou způsobovat některá "
-"bezpečnostní opatření. %3$sVíce informaci%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání nastala chyba. %1$s je nedostupné kvůli "
-"následujícímu kódu: 404. Vyzkoušejte v prohlížeči, jestli je vaše úvodní "
-"stránka dostupná. %2$sVíce informací%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání nastala chyba. Nedostupné - %1$s - kvůli "
-"následujícímu stavovému kódu: 500. Požádejte svůj webhosting o informaci "
-"dostupnosti vašeho serveru. %2$sVíce informací%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat odkazy z "
-"adresy %1$s kvůli následující chyby:%2$s. %3$sVíce informací%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:237
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Předběžné načtení: WP Rocket zahájilo předběžné načítání webu."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:283
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Předběžné načtení: Stránka %1$s bez mezipaměti byla nyní předběžně načtena. "
-"(aktualizujte pro zobrazení průběhu)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Předběžné načtení: %1$s stránky bez mezipaměti byly nyní předběžně načteny. "
-"(aktualizujte pro zobrazení průběhu)"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Předběžné načtení: %1$s stránky bez mezipaměti byly nyní předběžně načteny. "
-"(aktualizujte pro zobrazení průběhu)"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Předběžné načtení: %1$s stránek bez mezipaměti bylo nyní předběžně načteno. "
-"(aktualizujte pro zobrazení průběhu)"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:292
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Při shromažďování URL adres k předběžnému načtení došlo k následující chybě:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Při shromažďování URL adres k předběžnému načtení došlo k následujícím "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Při shromažďování URL adres k předběžnému načtení došlo k následujícím "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Při shromažďování URL adres k předběžnému načtení došlo k následujícím "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:344
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Předběžné načtení dokončeno: %d stránek bylo uloženo do mezipaměti."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat "
-"odkazy - %1$s - kvůli následující chyby: %2$s. %3$sVíce informaci%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat "
-"odkazy - %1$s - kvůli následující chyby: %2$s. Chybu mohou způsobovat určitá"
-" bezpečnostní opatření. %3$sVíce informaci%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. %1$s je nedostupné kvůli"
-" následujícímu kódu: 404. Ujistěte se, že jste zadali platnou URL mapy webu,"
-" a vyzkoušejte v prohlížeči, jestli je tato adresa dostupná. %2$sVíce "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. Nedostupné - %1$s - "
-"kvůli následujícímu stavovému kódu: 500. Požádejte svůj webhosting o "
-"informaci dostupnosti vašeho serveru. %2$sVíce informací%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat "
-"odkazy z adresy %1$s kvůli následující chyby:%2$s. %3$sVíce informací%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat "
-"odkazy z %1$s, protože cílový soubor je prázdný. %2$sVíce informací%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Během předběžného načítání mapy webu nastala chyba. Nepodařilo se získat "
-"odkazy z adresy %1$s, protože během analýzy XML mapy webu nastala chyba. "
-"%2$sVíce informací%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sPHP modul SimpleXML%2$s na serveru není zapnutý. Požádejte svůj "
-"webhosting o jeho zapnutí před spuštěním předběžného načítání mezipaměti "
-"pomoci mapy webu."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Deaktivujte následující možnost %s, která je v konfliktu s funkcemi WP "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Deaktivujte následující možnosti %s, které jsou v konfliktu s funkcemi WP "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Deaktivujte následující možnosti %s, které jsou v konfliktu s funkcemi WP "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Deaktivujte následující možnosti %s, které jsou v konfliktu s funkcemi WP "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Deaktivujte následující možnost %s, která je v konfliktu s funkcemi WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Deaktivujte následující možnosti %s, které jsou v konfliktu s funkcemi WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Deaktivujte následující možnosti %s, které jsou v konfliktu s funkcemi WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[3] "Deaktivujte následující možnosti %s, které jsou v konfliktu s funkcemi WP Rocket:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$szakázání smajlíků%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$szakázáním "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$szakázání smajlíků%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$szakázáním smajlíků%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP komprese%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$sGZIP kompresí%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP komprese%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$sGZIP kompresí%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scachování prohlížeče%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$smezipamětí "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scachování prohlížeče%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$smezipamětí prohlížeče%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scachování stránek%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$sukládáním "
-"stránek do mezipaměti%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scachování stránek%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$sukládáním stránek do mezipaměti%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sprostředek optimalizace%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket "
-"%2$soptimalizací souborů%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sprostředek optimalizace%3$s je v konfliktu s WP Rocket %2$soptimalizací souborů%3$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:110 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:128
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:377
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Podpora"
@@ -2171,60 +1379,61 @@ msgstr "Podpora"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentace"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:365
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "Časté dotazy"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:64
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:227 inc/admin/admin.php:242
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Obnovení předchozí verze %s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:268
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sZpět k WP Rocket%2$s nebo %3$spřejít na stránku pluginů%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:507
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "Selhal import nastavení: pro tuto akci nemáte dostatečné oprávnění."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:511
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Selhal import nastavení: žádný soubor nebyl nahrán."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:515
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Selhal import nastavení: nesprávný název souboru."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:526
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Selhal import nastavení: nesprávný typ souboru."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:536
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "Selhal import nastavení: "
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:552
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "Selhal import nastavení: nesprávný typ souboru."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:573
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Nastavení bylo importováno a uloženo."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:154
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s: %2$s."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:164
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Následující vzorek je neplatný a byl odebrán:"
@@ -2232,63 +1441,58 @@ msgstr[1] "Následující vzorek jsou neplatné a byly odebrány:"
msgstr[2] "Následující vzorek jsou neplatné a byly odebrány:"
msgstr[3] "Následující vzorek jsou neplatné a byly odebrány:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:806
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:85 inc/common/admin-bar.php:137
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:124
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Vymazat mezipaměť"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "Možnosti WP Rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Nikdy tuto stránku neukládat do mezipaměti"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Aktivujte možnosti jen pro tento příspěvek:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad pro obrázky"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad pro iframe/videa"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "Zmenšit/zkombinovat CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "Zmenšit/zkombinovat JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr "Optimalizovat doručení CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "Pozdržet JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:85
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Nejprve aktivujte možnost %s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:101
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sPoznámka:%2$s Žádné z těchto nastavení nebude použito, pokud jste tomuto"
-" příspěvku zakázali ukládání do mezipaměti globálním nastavením WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sPoznámka:%2$s Žádné z těchto nastavení nebude použito, pokud jste tomuto příspěvku zakázali ukládání do mezipaměti globálním nastavením WP Rocket."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:25 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2297,203 +1501,142 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s nebyl deaktivován z důvodu chybějících práv k zápisu.
"Nastavte souboru %2$s práva pro zápis a zkuste plugin opět deaktivovat, nebo proveďte vynucenou deaktivaci:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:91
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Jeden nebo více pluginů bylo aktivováno nebo "
-"deaktivováno. Pokud mají vlil na veřejnou část webu, pak raději vymažte "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:187
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare rozšíření pro WP Rocket poskytuje podobnou funkcionalitu. Nemohou"
-" být aktivní současně."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Jeden nebo více pluginů bylo aktivováno nebo deaktivováno. Pokud mají vlil na veřejnou část webu, pak raději vymažte mezipaměť."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:211
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Následující pluginy nejsou kompatibilní s tímto "
-"pluginem a mohou způsobit neočekávané výsledky:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Následující pluginy nejsou kompatibilní s tímto pluginem a mohou způsobit neočekávané výsledky:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:217
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktivovat"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:259
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS je neoficiální doplněk. Některá nastavení v kombinaci s "
-"tímto doplňkem správně nefungují. Pokud se vyskytnou problémy s WP Rocket, "
-"deaktivujte jej prosím."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS je neoficiální doplněk. Některá nastavení v kombinaci s tímto doplňkem správně nefungují. Pokud se vyskytnou problémy s WP Rocket, deaktivujte jej prosím."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:299
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Nyní je aktivní Endurance Cache, která bude v konfliktu s mezipamětí WP "
-"Rocket. Nastavte úroveň Endurance Cache na Off (úroveň 0) na stránce "
-"%1$sSettings > General %2$s, aby se zabránilo problémům."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Nyní je aktivní Endurance Cache, která bude v konfliktu s mezipamětí WP Rocket. Nastavte úroveň Endurance Cache na Off (úroveň 0) na stránce %1$sSettings > General %2$s, aby se zabránilo problémům."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:320
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Pro správnou funkci pluginu je vyžadována vlastní struktura trvalých "
-"odkazů. %2$sPřejděte na nastavení trvalých odkazů%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Pro správnou funkci pluginu je vyžadována vlastní struktura trvalých odkazů. %2$sPřejděte na nastavení trvalých odkazů%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:402
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s nemohlo upravit soubor .htaccess kvůli omezených práv pro zápis."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:408 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:883
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Odstraňování problémů: %1$sJakudělit systémovým souborům práva k zápisu%2$s"
+msgstr "Odstraňování problémů: %1$sJakudělit systémovým souborům práva k zápisu%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:410 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:885
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:416
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Nebojte se, nastavení a mezipaměť WP Rocket bude pořád správně fungovat."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Nebojte se, nastavení a mezipaměť WP Rocket bude pořád správně fungovat."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:416
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Pro optimální funkčnost byste měli přidat následující řádky do souboru "
-".htaccess (nepovinné):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Pro optimální funkčnost byste měli přidat následující řádky do souboru .htaccess (nepovinné):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:563
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"Plugin %1$s je připraven! %2$sOtestujte si rychlost načítání%4$s, nebo "
-"přejděte na %3$snastavení%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "Plugin %1$s je připraven! %2$sOtestujte si rychlost načítání%4$s, nebo přejděte na %3$snastavení%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:636
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr "Chcete WP Rocket povolit sběr diagnostických dat z tohoto webu?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:637
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Pomůže to do budoucna zlepšit WP Rocket podle Vás, uživatelů."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:643
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Jaké údaje budou shromažďovány?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Níže je podrobné zobrazení všech údajů, které bude v případě povolení "
-"oprávnění WP Rocket shromažďovat. WP Rocket nikdy nebude posílat názvy domén"
-" nebo emailové adresy (kromě ověření licence), IP adresy nebo API klíče "
-"třetích stran."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Níže je podrobné zobrazení všech údajů, které bude v případě povolení oprávnění WP Rocket shromažďovat. WP Rocket nikdy nebude posílat názvy domén nebo emailové adresy (kromě ověření licence), IP adresy nebo API klíče třetích stran."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:657
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Ano, povolit"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:660
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Ne"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:699
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Děkujeme Vám!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:704
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket nyní z tohoto webu shromažďuje následující údaje:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Mezipaměť byla vymazána."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:749
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Mezipaměť příspěvku byla vymazána."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:756
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Mezipaměť položky byla vymazána."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Uživatelská mezipaměť byla vymazána."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:809
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Zastavit prednačítání"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:827
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Vynutit vypnutí "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Následující kód by měl být zapsán do tohoto souboru:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:850 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Zavřít toto oznámení."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:871
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s se nemůže nastavit kvůli chybějícím oprávněním k zápisu."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:877
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Ovlivněný soubor/složka: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Dočasná data"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabulky"
@@ -2508,29 +1651,17 @@ msgstr "Pro správnou funkčnost %1$s %2$s je vyžadováno alespoň:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Pokud chcete používat tuto verzi WP Rocket, požádejte svůj "
-"webhosting o pomoc s upgradem serveru na PHP %1$s nebo vyšší."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Pokud chcete používat tuto verzi WP Rocket, požádejte svůj webhosting o pomoc s upgradem serveru na PHP %1$s nebo vyšší."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Pokud chcete používat tuto verzi WP Rocket, tak musíte "
-"aktualizovat WordPress na verzi %1$s nebo vyšší."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Pokud chcete používat tuto verzi WP Rocket, tak musíte aktualizovat WordPress na verzi %1$s nebo vyšší."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud nemáte možnost přechodu na požadovanou verzi, můžete WP Rocket "
-"přeinstalovat na předchozí verzi, pomoci níže zobrazeného tlačítka."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Pokud nemáte možnost přechodu na požadovanou verzi, můžete WP Rocket přeinstalovat na předchozí verzi, pomoci níže zobrazeného tlačítka."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -2538,245 +1669,121 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Přeinstalovat verzi %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:254
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:286
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Soubor protokolu neexistuje."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Soubor protokolu nelze číst."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:279
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Protokoly se neukládají do souboru."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Cache/class-expired-cache-purge-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Interval pro vypršení mezipaměti WP Rocket"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Pro poskytování WebP obrázků používáte plugin %1$s, proto tuto možnost "
-"nemusíte zapínat. Chcete-li místo toho využívat WP Rocket, zakažte "
-"poskytování WebP v pluginu %1$s. %2$sVíce Informací%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Pro poskytování WebP obrázků používáte plugin %1$s, proto tuto možnost "
-"nemusíte zapínat. Chcete-li místo toho využívat WP Rocket, zakažte "
-"poskytování WebP v pluginu %1$s. %2$sVíce Informací%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Pro poskytování WebP obrázků používáte plugin %1$s, proto tuto možnost "
-"nemusíte zapínat. Chcete-li místo toho využívat WP Rocket, zakažte "
-"poskytování WebP v pluginu %1$s. %2$sVíce Informací%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Pro poskytování WebP obrázků používáte plugin %1$s, proto tuto možnost "
-"nemusíte zapínat. Chcete-li místo toho využívat WP Rocket, zakažte "
-"poskytování WebP v pluginu %1$s. %2$sVíce Informací%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:280
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "Mezipaměť WebP je zakázána filtrem."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:290
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:316
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud "
-"chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud "
-"chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud "
-"chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud "
-"chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:302
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. "
-"%2$sVíce informací%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. "
-"%2$sVíce informací%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. "
-"%2$sVíce informací%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří"
-" samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. "
-"%2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. Pokud chcete, aby je poskytoval WP Rocket, aktivujte tuto možnost. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pravděpodobně nepoužíváte metodu pro vytvoření a poskytování WebP obsahu, s "
-"níž jsme automaticky kompatibilní. Pokud nepoužíváte WebP, tuto možnost "
-"nepovolujte. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Pro převod obrázků do formátu WebP používáte plugin %1$s . WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky. %2$sVíce informací%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:354
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "Nebyl zjištěn žádný kompatibilní WebP plugin."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:357
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud aktivujete tuto volbu, WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti"
-" pro poskytování WebP obrázků. Všechny WebP obrázky, které máte na webu, "
-"budou z těchto souborů poskytovány kompatibilními prohlížeči. Pokud ještě "
-"nemáte na webu WebP obrázky, zvažte použití %1$sImagify%3$s nebo jiného "
-"podporovaného pluginu. %2$sVíce inforamcí%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:369
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP"
-" obrázky."
+msgstr "WP Rocket vytvoří samostatné soubory mezipaměti, které budou poskytovat WebP obrázky."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavek šablony: uzavírací značky "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavky šablony: uzavírací značky "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavky šablony: uzavírací značky "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavky šablony: uzavírací značky "
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavek šablony: uzavírací značky %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavky šablony: uzavírací značky %1$s."
+msgstr[2] "Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavky šablony: uzavírací značky %1$s."
+msgstr[3] "Nepodařilo se identifikovat následující požadavky šablony: uzavírací značky %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:98
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "měsíčně"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Probíhá optimalizace databáze"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimalizace databáze byla dokončena. Všechno již bylo optimalizováno!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgstr "Optimalizace databáze byla dokončena. Všechno již bylo optimalizováno!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:245
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimalizace databáze byla dokončena. Níže je zobrazen seznam "
-"optimalizovaných položek:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "Optimalizace databáze byla dokončena. Níže je zobrazen seznam optimalizovaných položek:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "Optimalizováno %1$d %2$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:116
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Sucuri chyba vyprázdnění mezipaměti: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:121
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Čištění mezipaměti Sucuri bylo zahájeno. Nezapomeňte, že tato akce může "
-"trvat až dvě minuty."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Čištění mezipaměti Sucuri bylo zahájeno. Nezapomeňte, že tato akce může trvat až dvě minuty."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:244
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Sucuri API klíč firewallu nebyl nalezen."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Sucuri API klíč firewallu je neplatný."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Chyba při kontaktování Sucuri firewall API."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Chyba při kontaktování Sucuri firewall API. Chybová zpráva je následující: "
+msgstr "Chyba při kontaktování Sucuri firewall API. Chybová zpráva je následující: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:338
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se dostat odpověď od Sucuri firewall API."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:352
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Byla přijata neplatná odpověď od Sucuri firewall API."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:365
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall API vrátilo neznámou chybu."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:368
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -2785,69 +1792,55 @@ msgstr[1] "Sucuri firewall API vrátilo následující chyby: %s"
msgstr[2] "Sucuri firewall API vrátilo následující chyby: %s"
msgstr[3] "Sucuri firewall API vrátilo následující chyby: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Vyskytla se neočekávaná chyba. Chyba může být na straně WP-Rocket.me nebo v "
-"nastavení vašeho serveru. Pokud máte nadále problémy, kontaktujte technickou podporu."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Vyskytla se neočekávaná chyba. Chyba může být na straně WP-Rocket.me nebo v nastavení vašeho serveru. Pokud máte nadále problémy, kontaktujte technickou podporu."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:312
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Všechny jazyky"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Vymazat mezipaměť tohoto příspěvku"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Vymazat mezipaměť pro tuto URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Vyprázdnit OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Znovu vygenerovat kritické CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:229
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Vymazat mezipaměť Cloudflare"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:247
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Vyprázdnit Sucuri mezipaměť"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:270 inc/common/admin-bar.php:324
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Přednačíst mezipaměť"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:340 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Vyčistit mezipaměť RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:353 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentace"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:569
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "Vyprázdnění OPcache se nezdařilo."
-#: inc/common/purge.php:574
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache byla úspěšně vyprázdněna"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Aktivovat Imagify"
@@ -2856,12 +1849,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Zdarma instalovat Imagify"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Zrychlete si web a zlepšete si SEO optimalizací obrázků bez ztráty kvality "
-"pomoci pluginu Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Zrychlete si web a zlepšete si SEO optimalizací obrázků bez ztráty kvality pomoci pluginu Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -2874,12 +1863,8 @@ msgstr "Předběžné načítání map webu: %d stránek bylo uloženo do mezipa
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Předběžné načítání map webu: %d neuložených stránek v mezipaměti bylo "
-"předběžně načteno. (obnovte pro zobrazení postupu)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Předběžné načítání map webu: %d neuložených stránek v mezipaměti bylo předběžně načteno. (obnovte pro zobrazení postupu)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -2889,50 +1874,33 @@ msgstr "Vyberte doménu ze seznamu"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "V účtu Cloudflare není k dispozici žádná doména"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"cURL funkce je zakázána. Požádejte technickou podporu hostingu, aby cURL "
-"aktivovala. Tato funkce je nezbytná pro správnou funkčnost Cloudflare "
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "cURL funkce je zakázána. Požádejte technickou podporu hostingu, aby cURL aktivovala. Tato funkce je nezbytná pro správnou funkčnost Cloudflare rozšíření."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email, API klíč a Zone ID nejsou nastaveny. Další pokyny "
-"naleznete v %1$sdokumentaci%2$s."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email, API klíč a Zone ID nejsou nastaveny. Další pokyny naleznete v %1$sdokumentaci%2$s."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email a API klíč nejsou nastaveny. Další pokyny naleznete v "
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email a API klíč nejsou nastaveny. Další pokyny naleznete v %1$sdokumentaci%2$s."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Připojení ke Cloudflare selhalo"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Volaná třída %1$s je zastaralá od verze %2$s! Místo toho "
-"použijte třídu %3$s."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "Volaná třída %1$s je zastaralá od verze %2$s! Místo toho použijte třídu %3$s."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
msgstr "Volaná třída %1$s je zastaralá od verze %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
@@ -2943,15 +1911,13 @@ msgstr "JS soubory s odloženým načítáním jazyka JavaScrip
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Přidat URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Před nahráním souboru s importem budete ještě muset vyřešit následující "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Před nahráním souboru s importem budete ještě muset vyřešit následující chybu:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Zvolte soubor ze svého počítače (maximální velikost: %s)"
@@ -2972,7 +1938,8 @@ msgstr "Uložit a optimalizovat"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimalizovat"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Poznámka:"
@@ -2987,7 +1954,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Zjištěna funkce třetích stran:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Varování:"
@@ -3001,29 +1969,39 @@ msgstr "Stáhnout nastavení"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Nahraďte název hostitelského webu pomocí:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "rezervováno pro"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Všechny soubory"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obrázky"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Přidat CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:16
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Přehrát video"
@@ -3041,181 +2019,142 @@ msgstr "Pokročilé"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Pro správnou funkčnost %1$s verze %2$s je vyžadováno PHP %3$s a novější. "
-"Chcete-li tuto verzi použít, požádejte svůj webhosting o pomoc se změnou PHP"
-" na verzi %3$s nebo novější. Pokud nemůžete přejít na novější verzi, můžete "
-"se vrátit zpět k předchozí verzi pomocí níže zobrazeného tlačítka."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Pro správnou funkčnost %1$s verze %2$s je vyžadováno PHP %3$s a novější. Chcete-li tuto verzi použít, požádejte svůj webhosting o pomoc se změnou PHP na verzi %3$s nebo novější. Pokud nemůžete přejít na novější verzi, můžete se vrátit zpět k předchozí verzi pomocí níže zobrazeného tlačítka."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybovou "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybové "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybové "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybové "
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybovou zprávu."
+msgstr[1] "Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybové zprávy."
+msgstr[2] "Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybové zprávy."
+msgstr[3] "Během ověřování licence nastala chyba. Přečtěte si následující chybové zprávy."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:363
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Typ serveru:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:372
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:370
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "Verze PHP:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:381
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:379
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "Verze WordPressu:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:390
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:388
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "Síť webů WordPressu:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:399
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:397
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Aktuální šablona:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:408
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:406
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Aktuální jazyk webu:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:417
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:415
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Aktivované pluginy:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:420
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:418
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Názvy všech aktivovaných pluginů"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:426
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:424
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Anonymizované WP Rocket nastavení:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:429
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:427
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Jaká nastavení pluginu WP Rocket jsou aktivní"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:544 inc/functions/options.php:583
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Ověřování licence se nezdařilo. Nepodařilo se navázat spojeni mezi web a "
-"našim serverem."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Ověřování licence se nezdařilo. Nepodařilo se navázat spojeni mezi web a našim serverem."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:544 inc/functions/options.php:583
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Zkuste níže kliknout na %1$sUložit změny%2$s. Pokud problém přetrvává, "
-"postupujte podle %3$stohoto návodu%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Zkuste níže kliknout na %1$sUložit změny%2$s. Pokud problém přetrvává, postupujte podle %3$stohoto návodu%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:560
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Ověření licence se nezdařilo. Možná používáte nulovou verzi tohoto pluginu. "
-"Postupujte podle následujících kroků:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Ověření licence se nezdařilo. Možná používáte nulovou verzi tohoto pluginu. Postupujte podle následujících kroků:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:560 inc/functions/options.php:602
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Přihlaste se ke svému WP Rocket %1$súčtu%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:560 inc/functions/options.php:602
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Stáhněte soubor zip"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:560 inc/functions/options.php:602
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Přeinstalujte plugin"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:560
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Pokud nemáte účet u WP Rocket, %1$skupte si licenci%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:568
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Ověřování licence se nezdařilo. Tento uživatelský účet v naši databázi "
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Ověřování licence se nezdařilo. Tento uživatelský účet v naši databázi neexistuje."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:568
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Kontaktujte, prosím, technickou podporu."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:576
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr "Ověřování licence se nezdařilo. Tento uživatelský účet byl zakázán."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:576
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Pro více informací se podívejte na %1$stento návod%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Vaše licence je neplatná."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Ujistěte se, že máte aktivní %1$sWP Rocket licenci%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:598
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Přidali jste maximální počet webů ke svým zakoupeným licencím."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:598
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr "Upgradujte %1$súčet%2$s, nebo%3$spřeveďte licenci%2$s na tuto doménu."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:600
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Tato webová stránka není povolena."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:600
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "%1$sKontaktujte technickou podporu%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:602
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Licenční klíč nebyl rozpoznán."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:602
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud problém přetrvává, neváhejte %1$skontaktovat technickou podporu%2$s."
+msgstr "Pokud problém přetrvává, neváhejte %1$skontaktovat technickou podporu%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:608
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Ověření licence se nezdařilo: %s"
@@ -3240,253 +2179,25 @@ msgstr "Instalace pluginu selhala."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Zpět"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Návrat"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "Zpětná vazba WP Rocket"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zavřít"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-"Mohli byste nám sdělit pár informací o důvodu deaktivace našeho pluginu?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sIt is a temporary deactivation.%2$s I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr "%1$sJedná se o dočasnou deaktivaci.%2$s Snažím se jen najít problém."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin %1$sbroke my layout%2$s or some functionality."
-msgstr "Plugin %1$srozhodil vzhled webu%2$s nebo některé jeho funkce."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix %1$sscore did not improve.%2$s"
-msgstr "Moje PageSpeed nebo GTMetrix %1$sskóre se nezlepšila.%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Nezaznamenal(a) jsem rozdíl v rychlosti načítání."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:66
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin is %1$stoo complicated to configure.%2$s"
-msgstr "Nastavení pluginu je %1$spříliš složité.%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Můj webhosting už má své vlastní cachovací řešení."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:74
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Jaký je název vašeho webhostingu?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Jiný důvod"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Vysvětlete nám, proč WP Rocket deaktivujete? Zpětnou vazbu využijeme pro "
-"zlepšení pluginu. Mluvíme anglicky, francouzsky, italsky a německy."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Plugin rozbil vzhled webu, nebo něco přestalo fungovat."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:90
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Tento problém se dá většinou opravit vypnutím některých nastavení ve WP "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Klikněte na tlačítko „Aktivovat bezpečný režim“ pro rychlou deaktivaci "
-"LazyLoad, optimalizace souborů, vkládání externího obsahu a CDN. Poté "
-"zkontrolujte, zda se váš problém nevyřešil."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Aktivovat bezpečný režim"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Bezpečný režim byl aktivován."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-"Zkontrolujte svůj web v anonymním okně / prohlížeči, kde nejste přihlášeni."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Byl problém vyřešen? Nyní můžete znovu aktivovat jednu možnost po druhé, "
-"abyste zjistili, která z nich problém způsobila. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Moje PageSpeed nebo GT Metrix skóre se nezlepšilo"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket zrychluje váš web. Skóre na PageSpeed ani skóre na GTMetrix "
-"nejsou ukazatelem rychlosti. Vaši skuteční návštěvníci, ani Google nikdy "
-"neuvidí „hodnocení“ vašeho webu. Jediná metrika, která má význam pro SEO a "
-"konverze, je rychlost."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-"Yoast, odborník na všechny věci související se SEO pro WordPress uvádí:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:110
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] sleduje jedině jak rychle se uživatelům váš web načítá, proto "
-"nebuďte posedlí určitým skórem. Musíte se ujistit, že je váš web tak rychlý,"
-" jak jen to jde."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:116
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-msgstr ""
-"Jak měřit dobu načítání webu: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score: %1$shttps://wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"Proč byste se neměli honit za skórem z PageSpeed: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:127
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Nevšiml/a jsem si rozdílu v rychlosti načítání webu"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:128
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Ujistěte se, že se na svůj web díváte, když jste odhlášeni, abyste viděli "
-"rychlé, cachované stránky!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:132
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your website:"
-" %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-"
-msgstr ""
-"Nejlepší způsob, jak vidět zlepšení způsobené pluginem WP Rocket, je provést"
-" testy rychlosti. Postupujte podle tohoto průvodce pro správné měření doby "
-"načtení webu: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:137
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Plugin má příliš složité nastavení"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:138
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Mrzí nás, že je pro vás používání WP Rocket tak složité."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:139
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket je jediný plugin pro vytváření mezipaměti, který ve výchozím "
-"nastavení poskytuje 80% doporučených postupů pro optimalizaci rychlosti. "
-"Takže už pouhá aktivace pluginu zrychlí váš web!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:140
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Správa dalšího nastavení není pro rychlý web tak nutná, je dobrá jen pro "
-"vyladění posledních detailů."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-msgstr ""
-"Chcete-li vidět výsledek, které Vám již WP Rocket nabízí, změřte si rychlost"
-" webu např. pomocí nástroje Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:151
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Odeslat a deaktivovat"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:152
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušit"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:154
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Přeskočit a deaktivovat"
-#: views/metabox/cpcss/container.php:19
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
msgid "Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Cesta ke kritickému CSS"
-#: views/metabox/cpcss/generate.php:23
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Vygeneruje konkrétní cesty kritického CSS pro tento příspěvek. %1$sVíce "
+msgstr "Vygeneruje konkrétní cesty kritického CSS pro tento příspěvek. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: views/metabox/cpcss/generate.php:33
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tento příspěvek používá konkrétní cesty kritického CSS. %1$sVíce "
+msgstr "Tento příspěvek používá konkrétní cesty kritického CSS. %1$sVíce informací%2$s"
-#: views/metabox/cpcss/generate.php:56
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
msgstr "Vrátit se zpět k výchozímu CPCSS"
@@ -3494,18 +2205,21 @@ msgstr "Vrátit se zpět k výchozímu CPCSS"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Vyčistit mezipaměť po"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS a JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3513,26 +2227,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Import nastavení"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Zap"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:26 views/settings/page.php:56
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Vyp"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Stav rozšíření"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Upravit nastavení"
@@ -3587,80 +2287,55 @@ msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Nyní by se váš web měl načítat rychleji!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Pro zajištění rychlého webu, WP Rocket aplikuje 80% nejčastěji používaných "
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Dále jsou také aktivována nastavení s okamžitými výhodami pro váš web."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Dále jsou také aktivována nastavení s okamžitými výhodami pro váš web."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Pokračujte na nastavení pro další optimalizaci webu!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:55
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Účet"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:61
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Aktualizovat"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:75
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Datum vypršení platnosti"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:84
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Zobrazit můj účet"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:111
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Rychlé akce"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:118
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Odstranit veškeré soubory mezipaměti"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:138
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Zahájit předběžné načítání mezipaměti"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Vyprázdnit obsah OPcache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Vyprázdnit OPcache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:187
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Znovu vygenerovat kritické CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:204
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Často kladené dotazy"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:217
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Pořád nemůžete najít řešení?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Napište na technickou podporu, kde se vám budou věnovat naši odborníci."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Napište na technickou podporu, kde se vám budou věnovat naši odborníci."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:226
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Zeptat se podpory"
@@ -3669,11 +2344,8 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Před spuštěním čištění databáze proveďte její zálohu!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Jakmile provedete optimalizaci databáze, neexistuje žádný způsob, jak "
-"provedené změny vrátit zpět."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Jakmile provedete optimalizaci databáze, neexistuje žádný způsob, jak provedené změny vrátit zpět."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -3681,17 +2353,11 @@ msgstr "Uložit změny a optimalizovat"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s vytvořilo plugin %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$spro nejlepší možnou "
-"optimalizaci obrázků.%2$s"
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s vytvořilo plugin %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$spro nejlepší možnou optimalizaci obrázků.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr "Zrychlete svůj web zmenšením obrázků bez ztráty jejich kvality."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
@@ -3721,9 +2387,7 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket se nepodařilo automaticky ověřit vaši licenci."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-"Postupujte podle tohoto %1$s nebo se obraťte na %2$s, abyste nastartovali "
+msgstr "Postupujte podle tohoto %1$s nebo se obraťte na %2$s, abyste nastartovali motor."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
#, php-format
@@ -3731,12 +2395,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$snávod%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -3785,23 +2445,19 @@ msgstr "Způsobila vám verze %s nějaké potíže?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Můžete se vrátit zpět na předchozí hlavní verzi zde.%sPoté kontaktujte naší "
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Můžete se vrátit zpět na předchozí hlavní verzi zde.%sPoté kontaktujte naší podporu."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "Přeinstalovat na verzi %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:97
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Režim ladění"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:102
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr "Vytvoření souboru záznamu ladění."
@@ -3829,23 +2485,23 @@ msgstr "Jak zjistit jestli WP Rocket cachuje váš web"
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Jak měřit rychlost vašeho webu"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Řešení potíží se zobrazováním obsahu při optimalizaci souborů"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Jak najít ten pravý JavaScript pro vyloučení"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "Jak externí obsah zpomaluje váš web"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Jak funguje předběžné načítání"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Nastavení rozšíření pro Cloudflare"
@@ -3858,66 +2514,15 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket nastavení"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "verze %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:57
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Zobrazit postranní panel"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Děkujeme Vám za účast ve WP Rocket beta programu!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"Beta verze je většinou, vydání, které obsahuje nové funkce a vylepšení, "
-"které ještě potřebujeme trochu otestovat, než je vydáme pro všechny."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Budeme rádi pokud se zúčastníte testování beta verzí, ale nezapomeňte, že "
-"tyto verze mohou být méně stabilní, než naše ostatní vydání. Nebojte, "
-"kdykoliv se však můžete vrátit zpět k oficiální verzi našeho pluginu."
-#: views/settings/page.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"Vaše mise: posílejte nám prosím veškerou zpětnou vazbu ohledně beta verzí, i"
-" hlášení nalezených chyb na adresu support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:81
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud se nechcete připojit k beta testování, jednoduše zavřete toto okno."
-#: views/settings/page.php:83
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Aktivovat testování"
-#: views/settings/page.php:94
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr ""
-"Níže je podrobný seznam všech dat, která bude v případě udělení "
-"souhlasu WP Rocket shromažďovat."
-#: views/settings/page.php:97
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket nikdy nebude posílat názvy domén nebo emailové adresy (kromě "
-"ověření licence), IP adresy nebo API klíče třetích stran."
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket nikdy nebude posílat názvy domén nebo emailové adresy (kromě ověření licence), IP adresy nebo API klíče třetích stran."
-#: views/settings/page.php:99
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Aktivovat shromažďování dat"
@@ -3941,145 +2546,1051 @@ msgstr "Jak správně měřit rychlost načítání webu"
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
msgstr "Podívejte se na návody a naučte se měřit rychlost vašeho webu."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr "Zjistěte nejvhodnější správný způsob měření výkonu webu."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Zobrazit návod"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Proč byste neměli Google PageSpeed přikládat takovou váhu"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Více informací"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Mezipaměť pro přihlášené uživatele není aktivní."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:30
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Pro zjištění rychlosti a vizuálních změn webu použijte anonymní okno "
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Pro zjištění rychlosti a vizuálních změn webu použijte anonymní okno prohlížeče."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Valid until %s only!"
msgstr "Platí jen do %s!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Zrychlete web díky:"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"Vysoce výkonná síť pro doručování obsahu (CDN) s %1$sneomezeným datovým "
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:48
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Snadná konfigurace: Automaticky se použije %1$snejvhodnější nastavení "
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:54
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Integrace WP Rocket: Možnost CDN je %1$sautomaticky nakonfigurovaná%2$s v "
-"našem pluginu"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Snadná konfigurace: Automaticky se použije %1$snejvhodnější nastavení CDN%2$s."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:69
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid "%s / month"
-msgstr "%s / měsíc"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Integrace WP Rocket: Možnost CDN je %1$sautomaticky nakonfigurovaná%2$s v našem pluginu"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:74
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Začínáme"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
msgstr "Další informace o RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Zmenšit tento banner"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:88
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"* $%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"* $%1$s/měsíc po dobu 12 měsíců a poté $%2$s/měsíc. Předplatné můžete "
-"kdykoliv zrušit."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Zrychlete svůj web s RocketCDN, vlastní Content Delivery Network od WP "
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Zrychlete svůj web s RocketCDN, vlastní Content Delivery Network od WP Rocket."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:20
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Více informací"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:23
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN není k dispozici lokální domény ani pro testovací prostředí."
+msgstr "RocketCDN není k dispozici lokální domény ani pro testovací prostředí."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
msgid "Get RocketCDN"
msgstr "Získejte RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:11
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
msgid "New!"
msgstr "Nové!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Zrychlete svůj web s RocketCDN, vlastní Content Delivery Network od WP "
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Zrychlete svůj web s RocketCDN, vlastní Content Delivery Network od WP Rocket!"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Potřebujete pomoc?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-el.mo b/languages/rocket-el.mo
index 3318afc2ff..dd1f39cd75 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-el.mo and b/languages/rocket-el.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-el.po b/languages/rocket-el.po
index f726a6dd3b..2050dd87a0 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-el.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-el.po
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Vasilis Manthos
@@ -329,222 +306,179 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s δεν έχει απενεργοποιηθεί λόγω απουσίας άδειας εγγραφής του αρχείου.
"Αλλάξτε την άδεια του αρχείου %2$s σε εγγράψιμη και προσπαθήστε ξανά ή επιβάλλετε την απενεργοποίηση τώρα:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Απενεργοποίησε"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Θα επιτρέψετε στο WP Rocket να συλλέξει μη ευαίσθητα διαγνωστικά δεδομένα "
-"από αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Θα επιτρέψετε στο WP Rocket να συλλέξει μη ευαίσθητα διαγνωστικά δεδομένα από αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Αυτό θα μας βοηθήσει να βελτιώσουμε το WP Rocket για εσάς στο μέλλον."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Τι πληροφορίες συλλέγουμε;"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Παρακάτω δίνεται μια λεπτομερής απεικόνιση όλων των δεδομένων που θα "
-"συγκεντρώσει το WP Rocket, εάν χορηγηθεί άδεια. Το WP Rocket δεν θα "
-"μεταδόσει ποτέ ονόματα τομέα ή διευθύνσεις ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (εκτός "
-"από την επικύρωση άδειας), διευθύνσεις IP ή κλειδιά API τρίτου μέρους."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Παρακάτω δίνεται μια λεπτομερής απεικόνιση όλων των δεδομένων που θα συγκεντρώσει το WP Rocket, εάν χορηγηθεί άδεια. Το WP Rocket δεν θα μεταδόσει ποτέ ονόματα τομέα ή διευθύνσεις ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (εκτός από την επικύρωση άδειας), διευθύνσεις IP ή κλειδιά API τρίτου μέρους."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Ναι, επιτρέπω"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Όχι, ευχαριστώ"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Ευχαριστούμε!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "Το WP Rocket συλλέγει αυτά τα στοιχεία από το site σου:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Έγινε εκκαθάριση της cache."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Έγινε εκκαθάριστη της cache του άρθρου."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Έγινε εκκαθάριση της cache των όρων ταξινομίας"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Έγινε εκκαθάριση της cache χρήστη."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Αναγκαστική απενεργοποίηση"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Απορρίψτε την παρούσα ειδοποίηση."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -552,1637 +486,1107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Μη διαθέσιμο"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Άδεια Χρήσης"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "Κλειδί API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Διεύθυνση Email"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr " Πίνακας Ελέγχου"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Βοήθεια, πληροφορίες λογαριασμού"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Η Κατάστασή μου"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Δοκιμαστής Rocket"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "Είμαι μέρος του προγραμμάτος beta δοκιμών του WP Rocket."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Αναλυτικά Στοιχεία Rocket"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Συμφωνώ να μοιραστώ ανώνυμα δεδομένα με την ομάδα ανάπτυξης για να βοηθήσω "
-"στη βελτίωση του WP Rocket. %1$s Τι πληροφορίες θα συλλέξουμε; %2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Συμφωνώ να μοιραστώ ανώνυμα δεδομένα με την ομάδα ανάπτυξης για να βοηθήσω στη βελτίωση του WP Rocket. %1$s Τι πληροφορίες θα συλλέξουμε; %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Βασικές επιλογές cache"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Cache για κινητά"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Επιταχύνετε τον ιστότοπό σας για επισκέπτες από κινητά."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Εντοπίσαμε τη χρήση ενός plugin που απαιτεί ξεχωριστή μνήμη cache για κινητά"
-" και ενεργοποίησαμε αυτόματα αυτήν την επιλογή για συμβατότητα."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+msgstr "Εντοπίσαμε τη χρήση ενός plugin που απαιτεί ξεχωριστή μνήμη cache για κινητά και ενεργοποίησαμε αυτόματα αυτήν την επιλογή για συμβατότητα."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Cache Χρήστη"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sΗ cache χρηστών%2$s είναι σημαντική, όταν έχετε συγκεκριμένο περιεχόμενο"
-" ανά χρήστη ή περιορισμό πρόσβασης σε περιεχόμενο στον ιστότοπό σας."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
+msgstr "%1$sΗ cache χρηστών%2$s είναι σημαντική, όταν έχετε συγκεκριμένο περιεχόμενο ανά χρήστη ή περιορισμό πρόσβασης σε περιεχόμενο στον ιστότοπό σας."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Διάρκεια ζωής της Cache"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
+msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
+msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
-msgid "Tools"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
-msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Ενεργοποίησε το Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Εγκατέστησε δωρεάν το Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Επιταχύνετε τον ιστότοπό σας και ενισχύστε το SEO μειώνοντας τα μεγέθη "
-"αρχείων εικόνας χωρίς να χάσετε την ποιότητα, με το Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Επιταχύνετε τον ιστότοπό σας και ενισχύστε το SEO μειώνοντας τα μεγέθη αρχείων εικόνας χωρίς να χάσετε την ποιότητα, με το Imagify."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
@@ -2226,139 +1630,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2383,218 +1765,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2602,198 +1795,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2820,35 +1965,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2861,113 +2000,1561 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-es_ES.mo b/languages/rocket-es_ES.mo
index 2016e9ad3c..5cde02123a 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-es_ES.mo and b/languages/rocket-es_ES.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-es_ES.po b/languages/rocket-es_ES.po
index 250fce67ff..fe184a8cd6 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-es_ES.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-es_ES.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Alice O., 2019
-# Orizhial
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Los archivos de caché más viejos que la vida útil especificada serán "
Habilita la %1$sprecarga%2$s para que la caché sea regenerada "
-"automáticamente después de su expiración."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Los archivos de caché más viejos que la vida útil especificada serán borrados.
Habilita la %1$sprecarga%2$s para que la caché sea regenerada automáticamente después de su expiración."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Habilitar la caché para los usuarios conectados a WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:509
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Habilitar la caché para dispositivos móviles"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:524
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Guardar separadamente los archivos para dispositivos móviles"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"La mayoría de los temas modernos son responsivos y deberían funcionar sin "
-"una caché separada. Habilita esto sólo si tienes un tema o un plugin "
-"dedicado para móviles. %1$s Más información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Especifica el tiempo tras del cual quieres borrar la caché global
(0 = "
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "La mayoría de los temas modernos son responsivos y deberían funcionar sin una caché separada. Habilita esto sólo si tienes un tema o un plugin dedicado para móviles. %1$s Más información%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Especifica el tiempo tras del cual quieres borrar la caché global
(0 = ilimitado)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Aconsejamos reducir la vida útil de la caché a 10 horas o menos, si se "
-"verifican problemas con más frecuencia. %1$s¿Por qué?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Aconsejamos reducir la vida útil de la caché a 10 horas o menos, si se verifican problemas con más frecuencia. %1$s¿Por qué?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:550
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minutos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:551
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Horas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Días"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:577
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Optimizar archivos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:578
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optimizar CSS&JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:585
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "Archivos CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:592
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"Actualmente la minificación %1$s está activada a través de "
-"Autoptimize. Si quieres usar la minificación de %2$s, "
-"desmarca esas opciones en Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "Actualmente la minificación %1$s está activada a través de Autoptimize. Si quieres usar la minificación de %2$s, desmarca esas opciones en Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:595
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Archivos JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Minificar archivos CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:612
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minificar el CSS elimina los espacios blancos y los comentarios para reducir"
-" el tamaño de archivo."
+msgstr "Minificar el CSS elimina los espacios blancos y los comentarios para reducir el tamaño de archivo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:625
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:647
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "¡Esto podría romper unas funcionalidades!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:626
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:648
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:752
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Si notas cualquier error en tu sitio web después de la activación de esta "
-"opción, desactívala: todo volverá a su estado normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Si notas cualquier error en tu sitio web después de la activación de esta opción, desactívala: todo volverá a su estado normal."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:627
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Activar minificación CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:632
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combinar archivos CSS (es necesario activar antes la minificación "
+msgstr "Combinar archivos CSS (es necesario activar antes la minificación CSS)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Combinar el CSS junta todos los archivos en uno solo, reduciendo las "
-"peticiones HTTP. No lo recomendamos si tu sitio web usa HTTP/2. %1$sMás "
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Combinar el CSS junta todos los archivos en uno solo, reduciendo las peticiones HTTP. No lo recomendamos si tu sitio web usa HTTP/2. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Activar combinación CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Excluir los archivos CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:655
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los URLs de los archivos CSS que quieres excluir de la "
-"minificación y concatenación (uno por línea)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Especificar los URLs de los archivos CSS que quieres excluir de la minificación y concatenación (uno por línea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:656
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Archivos internos:la parte del URL relativa al dominio se "
-"eliminará automáticamente. Usa los caracteres comodines (.*).css para "
-"excluir todos los archivos JS de una ruta específica."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Archivos internos:la parte del URL relativa al dominio se eliminará automáticamente. Usa los caracteres comodines (.*).css para excluir todos los archivos JS de una ruta específica."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:658
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Archivos de terceros:Utiliza la ruta del URL completa o "
-"solo el nombre de dominio, para excluir el CSS externo. %1$sMás "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Archivos de terceros:Utiliza la ruta del URL completa o solo el nombre de dominio, para excluir el CSS externo. %1$sMás información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optimizar la entrega del CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"El plugin %1$s está gestionando la optimización de la entrega del CSS. Si "
-"quieres usar la opción \"Optimizar la entrega del CSS\" de WP Rocket, tienes"
-" que desactivar %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:680
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimizar la entrega del CSS elimina el CSS que bloquea la visualización en "
-"tu sitio web, acelerando el tiempo de carga percibido. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Ruta crítica CSS alternativa"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:696
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Proporciona una ruta alternativa si la ruta crítica del CSS que se ha auto-"
-"generado no está completa. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:705
-msgid "Remove jQuery Migrate"
-msgstr "Eliminar jQuery Migrate"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:707
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Remove jQuery Migrate eliminates a JS file and can improve load time. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Eliminar jQuery Migrate elimina un archivo JS y puede mejorar el tiempo de "
-"carga.%1$sMas información%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Proporciona una ruta alternativa si la ruta crítica del CSS que se ha auto-generado no está completa. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:715
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Minificar archivos JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:716
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minificar el JavaScript elimina los espacios blancos y los comentarios para "
-"reducir el tamaño de archivo."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Minificar el JavaScript elimina los espacios blancos y los comentarios para reducir el tamaño de archivo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Activar minificación JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:736
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combinar los archivos JavaScript (es necesario activar antes la "
-"minificación JS)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Combinar los archivos JavaScript (es necesario activar antes la minificación JS)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Esta opción combina los archivos JavaScript internos, los de terceras partes"
-" y el JS integrado, reduciendo las peticiones HTTPS. No la recomendamos si "
-"tu sitio usa HTTP/2. %1$sMás info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Esta opción combina los archivos JavaScript internos, los de terceras partes y el JS integrado, reduciendo las peticiones HTTPS. No la recomendamos si tu sitio usa HTTP/2. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:753
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Activar combinación JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:758 inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "El JavaScript integrado está excluído"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar patrones de JavaScript integrado que quieres excluir de la "
-"concatenación (uno por línea). %1$sMás info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Especificar patrones de JavaScript integrado que quieres excluir de la concatenación (uno por línea). %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:776 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Excluir archivos JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:777
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los URLs de archivos JavaScript que quieres excluir de la "
-"minificación y de la concatenación (uno por línea)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Especificar los URLs de archivos JavaScript que quieres excluir de la minificación y de la concatenación (uno por línea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Archivos internos:la parte del URL relativa al dominio se "
-"eliminará automáticamente. Usa los caracteres comodines para excluir todos "
-"los archivos JS de una ruta específica."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Archivos internos:la parte del URL relativa al dominio se eliminará automáticamente. Usa los caracteres comodines para excluir todos los archivos JS de una ruta específica."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Externos:Para excluir los JS externos, usa la ruta URL "
-"completa o solo el nombre de dominio. %1$sMás info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Externos:Para excluir los JS externos, usa la ruta URL completa o solo el nombre de dominio. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Cargar archivos JavaScript de manera diferida"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:798
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Cargar el JavaScript de manera diferida elimina el JS que bloquea la "
-"visualización en tu sitio web y puede mejorar el tiempo de carga. %1$sMás "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:809
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Modo seguro para jQuery (recomendado)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:810
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"El Modo seguro para JS diferidos soporta todas la referencias integradas "
-"jQuery de temas y plugins, ya que carga el jQuery por encima del documento "
-"como un script que bloquea la visualización.
Su desactivación puede "
-"interrumpir algunas funcionalidades, ¡probar cuidadosamente!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Cargar el JavaScript de manera diferida elimina el JS que bloquea la visualización en tu sitio web y puede mejorar el tiempo de carga. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Retrasar la ejecución de JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Mejora el rendimiento retrasando la carga de los archivos JavaScript hasta "
-"la interacción con el usuario (por ejemplo, desplazamiento, clic). %1$sMás "
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Mejora el rendimiento retrasando la carga de los archivos JavaScript hasta la interacción con el usuario (por ejemplo, desplazamiento, clic). %1$sMás información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
-msgid "Scripts to delay"
-msgstr "Scripts a retrasar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be delayed "
-"(one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Especifique palabras clave que puedan identificar los scripts en línea o "
-"archivos JavaScript que se van a retrasar (uno por línea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:868
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Medios"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:869
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:878
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:927
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:930
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Puede mejorar ya sea el tiempo de carga real como el tiempo percibido, ya "
-"que imágenes, iframes y videos se cargarán al entrar (o cuando están por "
-"entrar) en la ventana gráfica. Esto reduce también el número de peticiones "
-"HTTP. %1$sMás info%2$s"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Puede mejorar ya sea el tiempo de carga real como el tiempo percibido, ya que imágenes, iframes y videos se cargarán al entrar (o cuando están por entrar) en la ventana gráfica. Esto reduce también el número de peticiones HTTP. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad está actualmente activada en %2$s. Si deseas usar la característica"
-" LazyLoad de WP Rocket, desactiva esta opción en %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:940
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoji 👻"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Usa los emojis predeterminados del navegador de tus visitantes en vez de "
-"cargar los emojis de WordPress.org"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:946
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Contenido incrustado"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:948
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-allowed) sites, and removes JavaScript "
-"requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Evita que otras personas incrusten contenido de su sitio, evita que usted "
-"ingrese contenido de otros sitios (no permitidos) y elimina las solicitudes "
-"de JavaScript relacionadas con las incrustaciones de WordPress"
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad está actualmente activada en %2$s. Si deseas usar la característica LazyLoad de WP Rocket, desactiva esta opción en %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:952
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "Compatibilidad WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:956
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Habilita esta opción si deseas que WP Rocket sirva imágenes WebP a "
-"navegadores compatibles. Ten en cuenta que WP Rocket no puede crear imágenes"
-" WebP por ti. Para crear imágenes WebP recomendamos %1$sImagify%2$s.%3$s Más"
-" información%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Habilita esta opción si deseas que WP Rocket sirva imágenes WebP a navegadores compatibles. Ten en cuenta que WP Rocket no puede crear imágenes WebP por ti. Para crear imágenes WebP recomendamos %1$sImagify%2$s.%3$s Más información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:983
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Habilitar para las imágenes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad para imágenes está actualmente activada en %2$s. Si deseas usar la "
-"opción LazyLoad de %1$s, desactiva esta opción en %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad para imágenes está actualmente activada en %2$s. Si deseas usar la opción LazyLoad de %1$s, desactiva esta opción en %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Habilitar para iframes y vídeos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1018
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Remplaza el iframe de YouTube con una imagen en vista previa"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1019
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Esto puede mejorar considerablemente tu tiempo de carga si tienes muchos "
-"vídeo en una página."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Esto puede mejorar considerablemente tu tiempo de carga si tienes muchos vídeo en una página."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1029
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sustituir el iframe de YouTube por una imagen de previsualización no es "
-"compatible con %2$s."
+msgstr "Sustituir el iframe de YouTube por una imagen de previsualización no es compatible con %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1033
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Desactivar Emoji"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1034
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Desactivar los Emojis reduce el número de peticiones HTTP externas."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1042
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Desactivar la función de WordPress para el contenido incrustado"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1052
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:362
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Habilitar caché WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1072 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Precargar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1073
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Generar archivos de caché, precargar fonts"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1084
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Precargar Caché"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1087
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Cuando activas la precarga, WP Rocket genera la caché empezando por los "
-"enlaces en tu portada y luego pasa a los mapas del sitio que has "
-"especificado. La precarga se dispara automáticamente cuando añades o "
-"actualizas tu contenido; la puedes activar también manualmente desde la "
-"barra de administración o desde el %1$sEscritorio WP Rocket%2$s. "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Precarga de peticiones DNS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1097
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"La precarga de los DNS favorece una carga más rápida de los archivos "
-"externos, especialmente en las redes móviles"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "La precarga de los DNS favorece una carga más rápida de los archivos externos, especialmente en las redes móviles"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1105
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Precargar Fonts"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Mejora el rendimiento al ayudar a los navegadores a encontrar fonts en "
-"archivos CSS. %1$sMás información%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Mejora el rendimiento al ayudar a los navegadores a encontrar fonts en archivos CSS. %1$sMás información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1116
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Precargar Enlaces"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1119
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La precarga de enlaces mejora el tiempo de carga percibido al descargar una "
-"página cuando el usuario pasa el puntero del ratón por encima del enlace. "
-"%1$sMás información%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "La precarga de enlaces mejora el tiempo de carga percibido al descargar una página cuando el usuario pasa el puntero del ratón por encima del enlace. %1$sMás información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1133
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Activar la precarga"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1152
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Activar la función de precarga de caché a través del mapa del sitio"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1171
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Mapas del sitio para precargar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1175
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar el (o los) mapa(s) del sitio XML que quieres usar para la "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1185
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URLs para precargar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1186
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los servidores externos que quieres precargar (sin "
, uno por línea)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Especificar los servidores externos que quieres precargar (sin http:
, uno por línea)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Fonts a precargar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1196
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar las direcciones URL de los archivos de fuentes que se van a "
-"precargar (una por línea). Las fuentes deben estar alojadas en su propio "
-"dominio o en el dominio que haya especificado en la pestaña CDN."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Especificar las direcciones URL de los archivos de fuentes que se van a precargar (una por línea). Las fuentes deben estar alojadas en su propio dominio o en el dominio que haya especificado en la pestaña CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1197
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"La parte del dominio de la URL será removida automáticamente.
-"Extensiones de font permitidas: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "La parte del dominio de la URL será removida automáticamente.
Extensiones de font permitidas: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Habilitar la precarga de enlaces"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1225
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Reglas avanzadas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1226
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Ajusta las reglas de caché"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1235
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Las páginas confidenciales como los URLs de inicio/cerrar sesión deberían "
-"ser excluidas de la caché."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Las páginas confidenciales como los URLs de inicio/cerrar sesión deberían ser excluidas de la caché."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1238
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1240
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1242
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1244
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1246
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1252
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Las páginas del carrito, pago y ”mi cuenta” establecidas por "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s serán detectadas automáticamente y excluidas "
-"de la caché."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Las páginas del carrito, pago y ”mi cuenta” establecidas por %1$s%2$s%3$s serán detectadas automáticamente y excluidas de la caché."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Nunca poner en caché estos URLs"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1273
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Nunca poner en caché estas Cookies"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1278 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Nunca poner en caché estos agentes de usuario"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1283 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Purgar siempre estos URLs"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1292
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Poner en caché estos query strings"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1295
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"La %1$scaché para los query strings%2$s te permite forzar la creación de una"
-" caché para uno parámetros GET específicos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los URLs de las páginas o de las entradas que no deberían ser "
-"copiadas en la caché (uno por línea)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "La %1$scaché para los query strings%2$s te permite forzar la creación de una caché para uno parámetros GET específicos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1310
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1338
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"La porción de URL que contiene el dominio será eliminada "
Puedes usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para gestionar"
-" todos los URLs que se encuentran bajo una ruta específica."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Especificar los URLs de las páginas o de las entradas que no deberían ser copiadas en la caché (uno por línea)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar el ID de las cookies que, una vez activadas en el navegador del "
-"usuario, deberían evitar que una página se copie en la caché (uno por línea)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "La porción de URL que contiene el dominio será eliminada automáticamente.
Puedes usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para gestionar todos los URLs que se encuentran bajo una ruta específica."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1327
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los agentes de usuario que nunca deberían acceder a las páginas "
-"en caché (una cadena por línea)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Especificar los agentes de usuario que nunca deberían acceder a las páginas en caché (una cadena por línea)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1328
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
-msgstr ""
-"Usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para identificar partes del nombre del "
-"agente de usuario."
+msgstr "Usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para identificar partes del nombre del agente de usuario."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los URLs que quieres purgar de la caché cada vez que actualices "
-"una entrada o una página (un URL por línea)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Especificar los URLs que quieres purgar de la caché cada vez que actualices una entrada o una página (un URL por línea)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1346
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los query strings que quieres poner en caché (uno por línea):"
+msgstr "Especificar los query strings que quieres poner en caché (uno por línea):"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1371 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimiza, reduce lo sobrante"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1381
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Limpieza de Entradas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1383
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Las revisiones de entradas y los borradores se eliminarán permanentemente. "
-"No usar esta opción si necesitas guardar las revisiones o los borradores."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Las revisiones de entradas y los borradores se eliminarán permanentemente. No usar esta opción si necesitas guardar las revisiones o los borradores."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1391
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Limpieza de Comentarios"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Los comentarios spam y los descartados se eliminarán permanentemente."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Limpieza de Transients"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Los transients son opciones temporales; puedes eliminarlas sin problemas. Se"
-" volverán a regenerar en cuanto tus plugins las necesiten."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Los transients son opciones temporales; puedes eliminarlas sin problemas. Se volverán a regenerar en cuanto tus plugins las necesiten."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1403
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Limpieza de la Base de Datos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1405
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Reduce el residuo a depurar de la tablas de la base de datos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Limpieza automática"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1420
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revisiones"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s revisión en tu base de datos."
msgstr[1] "%s revisiones en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1430
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Borradores automáticos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s borrador en tu base de datos."
msgstr[1] "%s borradores en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1440
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Entradas descartadas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1442
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%sentradas descartadas en tu base de datos."
msgstr[1] "%s entradas descartadas en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1450
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios spam"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s comentario spam en tu base de datos."
msgstr[1] "%s comentarios spam en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios descartados"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1462
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s comentario descartado en tu base de datos."
msgstr[1] "%s comentarios descartados en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Datos transitorios expirados"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1472
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "%s dato transitorio expirado en tu base de datos."
-msgstr[1] "%s datos transitorios expirados en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Todos los transients"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s dato transitorio en tu base de datos"
msgstr[1] "%s datos transitorios en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1490
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optimizar Tablas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1492
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s tabla para optimizar en tu base de datos."
msgstr[1] "%s tablas para optimizar en tu base de datos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1503
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Programar Limpieza Automática"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frecuencia"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1523
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Diaria"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1524
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Semanal"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mensual"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1541
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1552 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1542
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integrar tu CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1554
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Todos los URLs de los archivos estáticos (CSS, JS, imágenes) serán "
-"reescritos por el CNAME(s) que indicarás."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Todos los URLs de los archivos estáticos (CSS, JS, imágenes) serán reescritos por el CNAME(s) que indicarás."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1556
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"No es necesario para servicios como Cloudflare y Sucuri. Verifica los %1"
-"$sAdd-ons%2$s disponibles."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "No es necesario para servicios como Cloudflare y Sucuri. Verifica los %1$sAdd-ons%2$s disponibles."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1571 inc/admin/options.php:131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Excluir archivos del CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"De momento el %1$s Add-on %2$s%3$s no está activo. La configuración de los "
-"ajustes del CDN no es obligatoria para que %2$s funcione en tu web."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"De momento los %1$s Add-ons %2$s%3$s no están activos. La configuración de "
-"los ajustes del CDN no es obligatoria para que %2$s funcione en tu web."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1622
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Habilitar el Content Delivery Network"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1631
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CNAME(S) del CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1632
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Especificar el CNAME(s) aquí abajo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1639
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Especificar los URLs de los archivos que no tienen que servirse a través del"
-" CDN (uno por línea)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Especificar los URLs de los archivos que no tienen que servirse a través del CDN (uno por línea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1640
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"La porción de URL que contiene el dominio será eliminada "
Puedes usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para excluir "
-"todos los archivos que se encuentran bajo una ruta específica."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "La porción de URL que contiene el dominio será eliminada automáticamente.
Puedes usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para excluir todos los archivos que se encuentran bajo una ruta específica."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1662
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1663
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Controla el API Heartbeat de WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1671
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Reducir o desactivar la actividad de la API Heartbeat puede ayudarte a "
-"ahorrar unos recursos de tu servidor."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Reducir o desactivar la actividad de la API Heartbeat puede ayudarte a ahorrar unos recursos de tu servidor."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1680
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Reduce o desactiva la actividad de Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1681
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Reducir la actividad cambiará la frecuencia de Heartbeat de una visita por "
-"minuto a una visita cada 2 minutos."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Reducir la actividad cambiará la frecuencia de Heartbeat de una visita por minuto a una visita cada 2 minutos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1681
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Desactivar completamente el Heartbeat puede comprometer funcionalidades de "
-"los temas y plugins que usan esta API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Desactivar completamente el Heartbeat puede comprometer funcionalidades de los temas y plugins que usan esta API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1695
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "No limitar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1696
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Reducir actividad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1697
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1705
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Controlar Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Comportamiento en backend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1721
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Comportamiento en el editor de entradas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Comportamiento en frontend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1743
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Añadir más opciones"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1752
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Los One-Click Add-ons son complementos extra que se añaden a las opciones ya"
-" disponibles. No es necesaria ninguna configuración. Cambia la opción a ”on”"
-" para activarla desde aquí."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Los One-Click Add-ons son complementos extra que se añaden a las opciones ya disponibles. No es necesaria ninguna configuración. Cambia la opción a ”on” para activarla desde aquí."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1762
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Los Rocket Add-on son complementos extra que se añaden a las opciones ya "
+msgstr "Los Rocket Add-on son complementos extra que se añaden a las opciones ya disponibles."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1776
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google Tracking"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+msgid "Cloudflare"
+msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1782
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Mejora la caché del navegador para Google Analytics"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
+msgstr "Este complemento sirve para integrar tu cuenta de Cloudflare."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1784
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket guardará localmente en tu servidor estos scripts para ayudarte a "
-"satisfacer la recomendación de PageSpeed Leverage browser "
-"caching(Aprovechar el almacenamiento en caché del "
%1$sMás info%2$s"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Proporciona tu dirección de correo electrónico, la clave de API global y el dominio: así aprovecharás de opciones como borrar la caché de Cloudflare y activar los ajustes óptimos para trabajar con WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1799
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+msgid "Varnish"
+msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1805
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Mejora la caché del navegador para Facebook Pixel "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
+msgstr "Si tu servidor usa Varnish tienes que activar este complemento."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket guardará estos Facebook Pixel localmente en tu servidor, para "
-"ayudarte a cumplir con la recomendación PageSpeed Aprovechar el "
-"almacenamiento en caché del navegador.
%1$sMás info%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "La caché Varnish se borrará al mismo tiempo que la caché WP Rocket para asegurar que el contenido esté siempre al día.
%1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1820
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1921
-msgid "Cloudflare"
-msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1826
-msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
-msgstr "Este complemento sirve para integrar tu cuenta de Cloudflare."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Proporciona tu dirección de correo electrónico, la clave de API global y el "
-"dominio: así aprovecharás de opciones como borrar la caché de Cloudflare y "
-"activar los ajustes óptimos para trabajar con WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1861
-msgid "Varnish"
-msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1867
-msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr "Si tu servidor usa Varnish tienes que activar este complemento."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1869
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La caché Varnish se borrará al mismo tiempo que la caché WP Rocket para "
-"asegurar que el contenido esté siempre al día.
%1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Borra la caché de Sucuri al mismo tiempo que la caché de WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1886
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Ingresa tu clave API para borrar la caché de Sucuri al mismo tiempo que la "
-"caché de WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Ingresa tu clave API para borrar la caché de Sucuri al mismo tiempo que la caché de WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1894
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2038
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Sincronizar la caché de Sucuri con este complemento."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1938
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Credenciales de Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1947
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Ajustes de Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1961
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Clave de API global:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1962
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Encuentra tu clave de API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1974
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1983
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID de zona"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1993
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Modo de desarrollo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Activa temporalmente el modo desarrollador en tu sitio web. Esta opción se "
-"desmarcará automáticamente pasadas 3 horas. %1$sMás info%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Activa temporalmente el modo desarrollador en tu sitio web. Esta opción se desmarcará automáticamente pasadas 3 horas. %1$sMás info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Ajustes óptimos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2004
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Mejora automáticamente tu configuración de Cloudflare para aumentar la "
-"velocidad, la nota de rendimiento y la compatibilidad."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Mejora automáticamente tu configuración de Cloudflare para aumentar la velocidad, la nota de rendimiento y la compatibilidad."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Protocolo relativo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2013
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Debería ser usado exclusivamente a lado de la opción Flexible SSL de "
-"Cloudflare. Los URLs de los archivos estáticos (CSS, JS, imágenes) serán "
-"reescritos usando // en vez de http:// o https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Debería ser usado exclusivamente a lado de la opción Flexible SSL de Cloudflare. Los URLs de los archivos estáticos (CSS, JS, imágenes) serán reescritos usando // en vez de http:// o https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2051
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Credenciales de acceso a Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2064
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"La clave API del cortafuegos (para el plugin), debe estar en formato "
-"{32 caracteres}/{32 caracteres}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2065
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Encuentra tu clave de API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:461 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Cargar archivo e importar ajustes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:400
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Add-on Sucuri: la clave API del cortafuego Sucuri tiene que ser en formato "
-"{32 caracteres}/{32 caracteres}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Add-on Sucuri: la clave API del cortafuego Sucuri tiene que ser en formato {32 caracteres}/{32 caracteres}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Ajustes guardados."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:141
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Herramientas"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Importar, Exportar, Rollback"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:163
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Optimización de imágenes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:164
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Comprimir tus imágenes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Tutoriales"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:182
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Videos introductorios y de primeros pasos"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN no está disponible en este momento. Por favor intenta más tarde."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: falta el parámetro de "
+msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: falta el parámetro de identificación."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
-msgstr ""
-"La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: falta el token de usuario."
+msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: falta el token de usuario."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado un "
-"código de respuesta inesperado."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado un código de respuesta inesperado."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado una "
-"respuesta vacía. "
+msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado una respuesta vacía. "
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado una "
-"respuesta inesperada."
+msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado una respuesta inesperada."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "Limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN realizada con éxito."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Próxima fecha de cobro"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "No hay una suscripción"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Tu suscripción de RocketCDN está actualmente activa."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Para usar RocketCDN, reemplaza tu CNAME con %1$s%2$s%3$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sMás información%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "Administrar Suscripción"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN activado"
@@ -1741,32 +1196,30 @@ msgstr "RocketCDN activado"
msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN desactivado"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Borrar esta caché"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:330
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "valor de WP_CACHE"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:351
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"La constante WP_CACHE necesita ser true para que la cache de WP Rocket "
-"funcione correctamente"
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "La constante WP_CACHE necesita ser true para que la cache de WP Rocket funcione correctamente"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
msgstr "WP_CACHE está establecida como true"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:368
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
msgstr "WP_CACHE no está establecida"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:376
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE está establecida como false"
@@ -1776,24 +1229,14 @@ msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "No se ha podido generar el CSS crítico para %1$s. Error: %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:66
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó"
-" una respuesta vacía."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una "
-"respuesta vacía."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
@@ -1801,153 +1244,126 @@ msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:193
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó"
-" una respuesta vacía."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una "
-"respuesta vacía."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:200
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "Error: %1$s"
msgstr "Error: %1$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:260
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Regenera la ruta crítica del CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Generar CPCSS Específico"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Regenerar CPCSS Específico"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:199
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
msgstr "%l para usar esta característica."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:202
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
#, php-format
msgid "Publish the %s"
msgstr "Publicar el %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:203
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in WP Rocket settings"
-msgstr "Habilitar la Optimización de entrega CSS en los ajustes de WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:204
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in the options above"
-msgstr "Habilita la Optimización de entrega CSS en las opciones de arriba"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "La generación del CSS crítico se está ejecutando. "
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:152
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Ve a la página de %1$sajustes de WP Rocket%2$s para seguir el proceso."
+msgstr "Ve a la página de %1$sajustes de WP Rocket%2$s para seguir el proceso."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:366
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"La generación del CSS crítico está actualmente en marcha: %1$d de %2$d tipos"
-" de página completados. (Actualiza esta página para visualizar el avance)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "La generación del CSS crítico está actualmente en marcha: %1$d de %2$d tipos de página completados. (Actualiza esta página para visualizar el avance)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:438
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-"La generación del CSS crítico se ha completado para %1$d de %2$d tipos de "
+msgstr "La generación del CSS crítico se ha completado para %1$d de %2$d tipos de página."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Se han producido errores en la generación del CSS crítico."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Más información."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:102
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
msgstr "El CSS Crítico para móvil no existe"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:104
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
msgstr "El CSS Crítico no existe"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:116
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
msgstr "El CSS Crítico para móvil no puede ser eliminado"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:118
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
msgstr "El CSS Crítico no puede ser eliminado"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:186
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "El CSS Crítico Móvil para %1$s no ha sido generado."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:227
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
msgstr "CSS Crítico para %s en progreso."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:261
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "CSS Crítico Móvil para %s generado."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:272
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "El CSS crítico para %s ha sido generado."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:294
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
msgstr "Archivo de CSS Crítico borrado con éxito."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:316
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Timeout de CSS Crítico Móvil para %1$s. Por favor reintenta un poco más "
+msgstr "Timeout de CSS Crítico Móvil para %1$s. Por favor reintenta un poco más tarde."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:329
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Timeout de CSS Crítico para %1$s. Por favor reintenta un poco más tarde."
+msgstr "Timeout de CSS Crítico para %1$s. Por favor reintenta un poco más tarde."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
@@ -1962,30 +1378,17 @@ msgstr "El post requerido no existe."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "No se puede generar CPCSS para un post no publicado."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"El siguiente evento programado no se pudo ejecutar. Esto podría indicar que "
-"el sistema CRON no está funcionando correctamente, lo que podría ocasionar "
-"que algunas de características de WP Rocket no funcionen según lo previsto:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Los siguientes eventos programados no se pudieron ejecutar. Esto podría "
-"indicar que el sistema CRON no está funcionando correctamente, lo que podría"
-" ocasionar que algunas características de WP Rocket no funcionen según lo "
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "El siguiente evento programado no se pudo ejecutar. Esto podría indicar que el sistema CRON no está funcionando correctamente, lo que podría ocasionar que algunas de características de WP Rocket no funcionen según lo previsto:"
+msgstr[1] "Los siguientes eventos programados no se pudieron ejecutar. Esto podría indicar que el sistema CRON no está funcionando correctamente, lo que podría ocasionar que algunas características de WP Rocket no funcionen según lo previsto:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, contacta a tu proveedor de alojamiento para verificar si CRON "
-"está funcionando."
+msgstr "Por favor, contacta a tu proveedor de alojamiento para verificar si CRON está funcionando."
#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
@@ -2008,261 +1411,56 @@ msgstr "Precargar"
msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
msgstr "Proceso de Generación de Ruta Crítica de CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/Settings.php:92
-msgid "Restore Defaults"
-msgstr "Restaurar a valores por defecto"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga. No ha sido posible juntar los "
-"enlaces en %1$s a causa del error siguiente: %2$s. %3$sMás info%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga. %1$s no es accesible a causa "
-"del siguiente código de respuesta: %2$s. Es posible que las medidas de "
-"seguridad estén impidiendo el acceso. %3$sMás info%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga. %1$s no es accesible a causa "
-"del siguiente código de respuesta: 404. Asegúrate que tu página de inicio "
-"sea accesible en tu navegador. %2$sMás info%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga. %1$s no es accesible a causa "
-"del siguiente código de respuesta: 500. Verifica los permisos de acceso al "
-"servidor con tu proveedor de alojamiento web. %2$sMás info%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga. No ha sido posible juntar los "
-"enlaces en %1$s a causa del siguiente código de respuesta: %2$s. %3$sMás "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:237
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Precarga: WP Rocket ha empezado a precargar tu sitio web. "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:283
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Precarga: se ha precargado %1$s página sin caché. (Actualiza para ver el "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Precarga: se han precargado %1$s páginas sin caché. (Actualiza para ver el "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:292
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Se ha generado el siguiente error durante la recopilación de las URLs para "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Se han generado los siguientes errores durante la recopilación de los URLs "
-"para precargar:"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:344
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Precarga completa: %d páginas han sido almacenadas en la caché."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga del mapa del sitio. No ha sido "
-"posible juntar los enlaces en %1$s a causa del siguiente error: %2$s. "
-"%3$sMás info%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga. %1$s no es accesible a causa "
-"del siguiente código de respuesta: %2$s. Es posible que las medidas de "
-"seguridad estén impidiendo el acceso. %3$sMás info%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga del mapa del sitio. %1$s no es "
-"accesible a causa del siguiente código de respuesta: 404. Asegúrate de haber"
-" añadido el URL correcto para el mapa del sitio y que sea accesible en tu "
-"navegador. %2$sMás info%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga del mapa del sitio. %1$s no es "
-"accesible a causa del siguiente código de respuesta: 500. Verifica los "
-"permisos de acceso al servidor con tu proveedor de alojamiento web. %2$sMás "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga del mapa del sitio. No ha sido "
-"posible juntar los enlaces en %1$s a causa del siguiente código de "
-"respuesta: %2$s. %3$sMás info%4$s. "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga del mapa del sitio. No ha sido "
-"posible juntar los enlaces desde %1$s porque el archivo está vacío. %2$sMás "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error durante la precarga del mapa del sitio. No ha sido "
-"posible juntar los enlaces desde %1$s a causa de un error durante el "
-"análisis del mapa del sitio XML. %2$sMás info%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sLa extensión PHP SimpleXML%2$s no está habilitada en tu servidor. "
-"Contacta con tu proveedor de hospedaje para habilitarla antes de activar la "
-"precarga de la caché a través del mapa del sitio."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"La purga automática de Varnish se habilitará una vez que el Varnish esté "
-"habilitado en su %s servidor."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "La purga automática de Varnish se habilitará una vez que el Varnish esté habilitado en su %s servidor."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Por favor desactiva la siguiente opción %sque entra en conflicto con las "
-"características de WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Por favor desactiva las siguientes opciones %s que entran en conflicto con "
-"las características de WP Rocket:"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Por favor desactiva la siguiente opción %sque entra en conflicto con las características de WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Por favor desactiva las siguientes opciones %s que entran en conflicto con las características de WP Rocket:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La opción %2$sdesactivar emoji%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la opción "
-"%2$sdesactivar emoji%3$s de WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "La opción %2$sdesactivar emoji%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la opción %2$sdesactivar emoji%3$s de WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"La %2$scompresión GZIP%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scompresión "
-"GZIP%3$s de WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "La %2$scompresión GZIP%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scompresión GZIP%3$s de WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"La %2$scaché del navegador%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scaché "
-"del navegador%3$s de WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "La %2$scaché del navegador%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scaché del navegador%3$s de WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La %2$scaché de página%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scaché de "
-"página%3$s de WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "La %2$scaché de página%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scaché de página%3$s de WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sla optimización de recursos%3$s entra en conflicto con la "
-"%2$soptimización de archivos%3$s de WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sla optimización de recursos%3$s entra en conflicto con la %2$soptimización de archivos%3$s de WP Rocket"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:110 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:128
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:367
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Soporte"
@@ -2271,128 +1469,118 @@ msgstr "Soporte"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:355
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "Preguntas Frecuentes"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:64
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:225 inc/admin/admin.php:240
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Volver a la versión %s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:266
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sVuelve a WP Rocket%2$s o %3$sve a la página Plugins%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
-msgstr ""
-"La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: no tienes permisos para realizar "
-"esta acción."
+msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: no tienes permisos para realizar esta acción."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:507
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
-msgstr ""
-"La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: no se ha subido ningún archivo."
+msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: no se ha subido ningún archivo."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:511
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
-msgstr ""
-"La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: nombre de archivo incorrecto."
+msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: nombre de archivo incorrecto."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:522
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: tipo de archivo incorrecto."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:532
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado:"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:548
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
-msgstr ""
-"La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: el contenido del archivo es "
+msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: el contenido del archivo es inesperado."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:569
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Ajustes importados y guardados."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:149
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s: %2$s."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:159
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "El siguiente patrón es inválido y ha sido eleminado:"
msgstr[1] "Los siguientes patrones son inválidos y han sido eleminados:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:767
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:85 inc/common/admin-bar.php:137
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:124
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Borrar la caché"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "Ajustes de WP Rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Nunca poner en caché esta página"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Activar las opciones para esta entrada:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad para imágenes"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad para iframes/vídeos"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "Minificar/combinar CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "Minificar/combinar JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr "Optimizar la entrega del CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "JS diferido"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:84
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Activar primero la opción %s ."
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sNota:%2$s Ninguna de estas opciones se aplicará si la entrada ha sido "
-"excluida de la caché en los ajustes globales."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sNota:%2$s Ninguna de estas opciones se aplicará si la entrada ha sido excluida de la caché en los ajustes globales."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:25 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2401,212 +1589,142 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s no ha sido desactivado porque faltan unos permisos de escritura.
"Haz %2$s editable y vuelve a intentar la desactivación, o fuérzala ahora:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:91
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Se ha activado o desactivado uno o más plugins, borra "
-"la caché si notas un problema de visualización en tu sitio web."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:183
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"El Add-on de Cloudflare de WP Rocket provee funcionalidades similares. Ambos"
-" no pueden estar activos al mismo tiempo. "
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Se ha activado o desactivado uno o más plugins, borra la caché si notas un problema de visualización en tu sitio web."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:207
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Los plugins siguientes no son compatibles con este "
-"plugin y pueden provocar resultados inesperados:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Los plugins siguientes no son compatibles con este plugin y pueden provocar resultados inesperados:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:213
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:255
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"El plugin WP Rocket Footer JS no es un plugin oficial. Puede impedir el "
-"correcto funcionamiento de algunas opciones de WP Rocket. Por favor, "
-"desactívalo si tienes problemas."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "El plugin WP Rocket Footer JS no es un plugin oficial. Puede impedir el correcto funcionamiento de algunas opciones de WP Rocket. Por favor, desactívalo si tienes problemas."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:295
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache está actualmente activo, esto generará un conflicto con la "
-"caché de WP Rocket. Por favor, establece el nivel de caché de Endurance "
-"Cache a Off (Nivel 0) en la sección %1$sAjustes > General%2$s para evitar "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache está actualmente activo, esto generará un conflicto con la caché de WP Rocket. Por favor, establece el nivel de caché de Endurance Cache a Off (Nivel 0) en la sección %1$sAjustes > General%2$s para evitar inconvenientes."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:316
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Se requiere una estructura personalizada de los enlaces permanentes "
-"para que el plugin funcione correctamente. %2$sVe a los ajustes de los "
-"enlaces permanentes%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Se requiere una estructura personalizada de los enlaces permanentes para que el plugin funcione correctamente. %2$sVe a los ajustes de los enlaces permanentes%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:363
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s no pudo modificar el archivo .htaccess debido a la falta de permisos de "
-"escritura. "
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s no pudo modificar el archivo .htaccess debido a la falta de permisos de escritura. "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:369 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:844
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Resolución del problema: %1$s¿Cómo hacer que los archivos de sistema sean "
+msgstr "Resolución del problema: %1$s¿Cómo hacer que los archivos de sistema sean editables?%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:371 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://es.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/872-como-hacer-para-que-los-archivos-de-sistema-htaccess-wp-config-sean-editables/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"No te preocupes, la caché de páginas y la configuración de WP Rocket aun "
-"funcionarán correctamente."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "No te preocupes, la caché de páginas y la configuración de WP Rocket aun funcionarán correctamente."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Para un rendimiento óptimo, se recomienda añadir las siguientes líneas a tu "
-".htaccess (no es requerido):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Para un rendimiento óptimo, se recomienda añadir las siguientes líneas a tu .htaccess (no es requerido):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:524
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s está listo para partir! %2$sComprueba tu tiempo de carga%4$s, o "
-"verifica tus %3$sajustes%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s está listo para partir! %2$sComprueba tu tiempo de carga%4$s, o verifica tus %3$sajustes%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Permitirías a WP Rocket recopilar datos de diagnóstico no confidenciales "
-"desde tu sitio web?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "¿Permitirías a WP Rocket recopilar datos de diagnóstico no confidenciales desde tu sitio web?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:598
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Esto nos ayudaría a mejorar WP Rocket para ti en un futuro."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:604
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "¿Qué información recopilamos?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:609
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Aquí abajo ves la lista detallada de todos los datos recopilados por WP "
-"Rocket, si le has dado el permiso de hacerlo. WP Rocket no transmitirá "
-"ningún nombre de dominio, ni direcciones de correo electrónico (salvo lo "
-"necesario para la validación de la licencia), direcciones IP o claves API de"
-" terceras partes."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:618
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Aquí abajo ves la lista detallada de todos los datos recopilados por WP Rocket, si le has dado el permiso de hacerlo. WP Rocket no transmitirá ningún nombre de dominio, ni direcciones de correo electrónico (salvo lo necesario para la validación de la licencia), direcciones IP o claves API de terceras partes."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Si, estoy de acuerdo"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:621
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "No, gracias"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:660
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "¡Gracias!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:665
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket ahora recolectará estas métricas desde tu sitio web:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Caché borrada."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:710
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Caché borrada para la entrada."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:717
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Caché borrada para este término ."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:724
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Caché de usuario borrada."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:770
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Interrumpir la precarga"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Forzar la desactivación "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:801
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "El siguiente código debería haberse escrito en este archivo:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:811 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Ignorar este aviso."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:832
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s no puede configurarse porque faltan unos permisos de escritura."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:838
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Archivo/carpeta afectados: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Datos transitorios"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablas"
@@ -2621,29 +1739,17 @@ msgstr "Para funcionar correctamente, %1$s %2$s necesita por lo menos:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Para usar esta versión de WP Rocket, pide a tu proveedor de "
-"alojamiento web de actualizar tu servidor a PHP %1$s o superior."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Para usar esta versión de WP Rocket, pide a tu proveedor de alojamiento web de actualizar tu servidor a PHP %1$s o superior."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Para usar esta versión de WP Rocket, actualiza tu versión "
-"WordPress a la %1$s o superior."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Para usar esta versión de WP Rocket, actualiza tu versión WordPress a la %1$s o superior."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Si no puedes actualizar, puedes volver a la versión precedente usando el "
-"botón aquí abajo."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Si no puedes actualizar, puedes volver a la versión precedente usando el botón aquí abajo."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -2651,275 +1757,166 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Reinstalar la versión %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:254
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:286
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "El archivo de registro no existe."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "El archivo de registro no se ha podido leer."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:279
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Los registros no se han guardado en un archivo."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Cache/class-expired-cache-purge-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Intérvalo de caché de WP Rocket expirado"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP así que no necesitas activar"
-" esta opción. Si prefieres que WP Rocket sirva las imágenes WebP por favor "
-"desactiva la opción de servirlos en %1$s. %2$sMás información%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP así que no necesitas activar"
-" esta opción. Si prefieres que WP Rocket sirva las imágenes WebP por favor "
-"desactiva la opción de servirlos en %1$s. %2$sMás información%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:280
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "El almacenamiento en caché de WebP está desactivado por un filtro."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:290
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:316
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. Si prefieres que WP Rocket "
-"sirva las imágenes WebP, activa esta opción. %2$sMás información%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. Si prefieres que WP Rocket "
-"sirva las imágenes WebP, activa esta opción. %2$sMás información%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:302
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. WP Rocket creará archivos "
-"de almacenamiento en caché diferentes para tus imágenes WebP. %2$sMás "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. WP Rocket creará archivos "
-"de almacenamiento en caché diferentes para tus imágenes WebP. %2$sMás "
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. Si prefieres que WP Rocket sirva las imágenes WebP, activa esta opción. %2$sMás información%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. Si prefieres que WP Rocket sirva las imágenes WebP, activa esta opción. %2$sMás información%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"No parece que estés usando un método para crear y servir imágenes WebP que "
-"sea automáticamente compatible. Si no estás usando WebP no actives esta "
-"opción. %1$s Más información%2$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. WP Rocket creará archivos de almacenamiento en caché diferentes para tus imágenes WebP. %2$sMás información%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. WP Rocket creará archivos de almacenamiento en caché diferentes para tus imágenes WebP. %2$sMás información%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:354
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "No hemos detectado ningún plugin de WebP compatible!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:357
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Si activas esta opción WP Rocket creará archivos de cache separados para "
-"servir imágenes WebP. Cualquier imagen WebP que tengas en tu sitio será "
-"servida desde estos archivos a los navegadores que sean compatibles. Si aún "
-"no tienes imágenes WebP en tu sitio, considera usar %1$sImagify%3$s u otro "
-"plugin soportado.%2$s Más información%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:369
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket creará archivos de cache separados para servir tus imágenes WebP."
+msgstr "WP Rocket creará archivos de cache separados para servir tus imágenes WebP."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"No se detectaron los siguientes requisitos en su tema: cierre %1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"No se detectaron los siguientes requisitos en su tema: cierre %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "No se detectaron los siguientes requisitos en su tema: cierre %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "No se detectaron los siguientes requisitos en su tema: cierre %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:98
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "mensual"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está en marcha"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-"El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está completado. ¡Todo ya "
-"estaba optimizado!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgstr "El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está completado. ¡Todo ya estaba optimizado!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:245
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está completado. Lista de los"
-" elementos optimizados:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está completado. Lista de los elementos optimizados:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s optimizado."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:116
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Error en la purga de la caché de Sucuri: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:121
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos borrando la caché de Sucuri. Ten en cuenta que antes de que termine "
-"el proceso de limpieza podrían pasar hasta 2 minutos."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Estamos borrando la caché de Sucuri. Ten en cuenta que antes de que termine el proceso de limpieza podrían pasar hasta 2 minutos."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:244
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "No ha sido posible encontrar la clave API del cortafuegos de Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "La clave API del cortafuegos de Sucuri no es válida."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error al contactar la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un error al contactar la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri. El "
-"mensaje de error decía: %s"
+msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error al contactar la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri. El mensaje de error decía: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:338
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-"No ha sido posible obtener respuesta de la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri."
+msgstr "No ha sido posible obtener respuesta de la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:352
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-"Hemos obtenido una respuesta no válida de la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri."
+msgstr "Hemos obtenido una respuesta no válida de la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:365
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "La API del cortafuegos de Sucuri ha devuelto un error desconocido."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:368
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] "La API del cortafuegos Sucuri ha devuelto el siguiente error: %s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"La API del cortafuegos de Sucuri ha devuelto los siguientes errores: %s"
+msgstr[1] "La API del cortafuegos de Sucuri ha devuelto los siguientes errores: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un error inesperado. Algo puede estar mal con wp-rocket.me o con"
-" la configuración de este servidor. Si el problema persiste, contacta con el servicio de soporte."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error inesperado. Algo puede estar mal con wp-rocket.me o con la configuración de este servidor. Si el problema persiste, contacta con el servicio de soporte."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:293
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Todos los idiomas"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Limpiar esta entrada"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Purgar esta URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Purgar OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:210
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Borrar la caché de Cloudflare"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:228
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Limpiar la caché de Sucuri"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:251 inc/common/admin-bar.php:305
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Precargar la caché"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:330 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Limpiar la caché de RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:343 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:557
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "La limpieza de OPcache falló."
-#: inc/common/purge.php:562
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "Limpieza de OPcache finalizada con éxito"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Activar Imagify"
@@ -2928,12 +1925,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Instalar Imagify gratuitamente"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Acelera tu sitio web e impulsa tu SEO reduciendo el tamaño de las imágenes "
-"sin perdida de calidad, gracias a Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web e impulsa tu SEO reduciendo el tamaño de las imágenes sin perdida de calidad, gracias a Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -2946,12 +1939,8 @@ msgstr "Precarga de mapa del sitio: se ha creado la caché para %d páginas."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Precarga de mapa del sitio: se han precargado %d páginas que no tenían una "
-"caché. (Actualiza para ver el avance)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Precarga de mapa del sitio: se han precargado %d páginas que no tenían una caché. (Actualiza para ver el avance)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -2961,52 +1950,34 @@ msgstr "Eligir un dominio desde la lista"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "No hay dominio disponible en tu cuenta Cloudflare"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl está deshabilitado en tu servidor. Por favor, pídele a tu proveedor de "
-"hosting que lo active. Esto es requerido para que el Add-on de Cloudflare "
-"funcione correctamente."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl está deshabilitado en tu servidor. Por favor, pídele a tu proveedor de hosting que lo active. Esto es requerido para que el Add-on de Cloudflare funcione correctamente."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"El correo de Cloudlfare, la clave de API y el ID de Zona no han sido "
-"establecidos. Lee la%1$sdocumentación%2$s para más información"
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "El correo de Cloudlfare, la clave de API y el ID de Zona no han sido establecidos. Lee la%1$sdocumentación%2$s para más información"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"El correo de Cloudflare y la clave de API no han sido establecidos. Lee la "
-"%1$sdocumentación%2$s par más información"
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "El correo de Cloudflare y la clave de API no han sido establecidos. Lee la %1$sdocumentación%2$s par más información"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "La conexión a CloudFlare a fallado"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"¡La clase llamada %1$s está obsoleta desde la versión %2$s!"
-" Puedes utilizar %3$s."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "¡La clase llamada %1$s está obsoleta desde la versión %2$s! Puedes utilizar %3$s."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡La clase llamada %1$s está obsoleta desde la versión %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr "¡La clase llamada %1$s está obsoleta desde la versión %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
@@ -3016,15 +1987,13 @@ msgstr "Archivos JS con carga JavaScript diferida"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Añadir URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Antes de poder cargar tu archivo de importación, necesitarás resolver el "
-"siguiente error:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Antes de poder cargar tu archivo de importación, necesitarás resolver el siguiente error:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Elegir un archivo desde el ordenador (tamaño máximo: %s)"
@@ -3045,7 +2014,8 @@ msgstr "Guardar y optimizar"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimizar"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Nota:"
@@ -3060,7 +2030,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Detectada función de otro plugin:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Advertencia:"
@@ -3074,29 +2045,39 @@ msgstr "Descargar ajustes"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Reemplazar el nombre host del sitio con:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "reservado para"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Todos los archivos"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imágenes"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Añadir CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:16
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Mirar el vídeo"
@@ -3114,176 +2095,144 @@ msgstr "Avanzados"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$s requiere por lo menos PHP %3$s para funcionar correctamente. Para "
-"usar esta versión, pide a tu proveedor de alojamiento web actualizar tu "
-"servidor a PHP %3$s o superior. Si no es posible hacerlo, puedes volver a la"
-" versión precedente usando el botón aquí abajo."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s requiere por lo menos PHP %3$s para funcionar correctamente. Para usar esta versión, pide a tu proveedor de alojamiento web actualizar tu servidor a PHP %3$s o superior. Si no es posible hacerlo, puedes volver a la versión precedente usando el botón aquí abajo."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Parece haber un problema con la validación de la licencia. Aquí abajo puedes"
-" ver el mensaje de error."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Parece haber un problema con la validación de tu licencia. Aquí abajo puedes"
-" ver los mensajes de error."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Parece haber un problema con la validación de la licencia. Aquí abajo puedes ver el mensaje de error."
+msgstr[1] "Parece haber un problema con la validación de tu licencia. Aquí abajo puedes ver los mensajes de error."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:363
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Tipo de servidor:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:372
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:370
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "Número de versión PHP:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:381
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:379
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "Número de versión WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:390
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:388
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "WordPress Multisitio:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:399
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:397
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Tema actual:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:408
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:406
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Idioma del sitio actual:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:417
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:415
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Plugins activos:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:420
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:418
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Nombres de todos los plugins activos"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:426
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:424
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Ajustes anónimos de WP Rocket:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:429
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:427
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Cuáles ajustes WP Rocket están activos"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:524 inc/functions/options.php:563
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Nuestro servidor no ha podido "
-"resolver la solicitud desde tu web."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Nuestro servidor no ha podido resolver la solicitud desde tu web."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:524 inc/functions/options.php:563
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Prueba a hacer clic en %1$sGuardar Cambios%2$s. Si el error persiste, sigue "
-"%3$sesta guía%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Prueba a hacer clic en %1$sGuardar Cambios%2$s. Si el error persiste, sigue %3$sesta guía%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Es posible que estés usando una "
-"versión pirata del plugin. Haz lo siguiente:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Es posible que estés usando una versión pirata del plugin. Haz lo siguiente:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540 inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Inicia sesión en tu %1$scuenta%2$s WP Rocket"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540 inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Descarga el archivo zip"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540 inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Reinstalar"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Si no tienes una cuenta WP Rocket, %1$scompra una licencia%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Esta cuenta usuario no existe en "
-"nuestra base de datos."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Esta cuenta usuario no existe en nuestra base de datos."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Para solucionarlo, contacta con el soporte."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
-msgstr ""
-"La validación de la licencia falló. Esta cuenta de usuario está bloqueada."
+msgstr "La validación de la licencia falló. Esta cuenta de usuario está bloqueada."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Lee %1$sesta guía%2$s para más información."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:576
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Tu licencia no es válida."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:576
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Asegúrate que tienes una %1$slicencia de WP Rocket%2$s activa."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:578
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Has añadido tantas web como permite tu licencia. "
-#: inc/functions/options.php:578
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Actualiza tu %1$scuenta%2$s o %3$stransfiere tu licencia%2$s a este dominio."
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Actualiza tu %1$scuenta%2$s o %3$stransfiere tu licencia%2$s a este dominio."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Este sitio web no está autorizado."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Por favor %1$scontacta con el soporte%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "La clave de licencia no ha sido reconocida."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Si el problema persiste, %1$scontacta con el soporte%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:588
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado: %s"
@@ -3308,40 +2257,24 @@ msgstr "La instalación del plugin ha fallado."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Vuelve atrás"
-#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
-msgid "Optimize CSS delivery for mobile"
-msgstr "Optimizar la entrega de CSS para móviles"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"Tu sitio web actualmente utiliza la misma Ruta Crítica de CSS para "
-"escritorio y móvil. "
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "Tu sitio web actualmente utiliza la misma Ruta Crítica de CSS para escritorio y móvil. "
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Click en el botón para habilitar CPCSS específico para móviles en tu sitio."
+msgstr "Click en el botón para habilitar CPCSS específico para móviles en tu sitio."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Esta es una acción de única vez y este botón será removido luego. %1$sMás "
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Esta es una acción de única vez y este botón será removido luego. %1$sMás información%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tu sitio ahora está utilizando una Ruta Crítica de CSS específica para "
-"móviles. %1$sMás información%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Tu sitio ahora está utilizando una Ruta Crítica de CSS específica para móviles. %1$sMás información%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3354,271 +2287,33 @@ msgstr "Ruta Crítica de CSS"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Generar Ruta Crítica de CSS específica para este post. %1$sMás "
+msgstr "Generar Ruta Crítica de CSS específica para este post. %1$sMás información%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Este post utiliza una Ruta Crítica de CSS específica. %1$sMás "
+msgstr "Este post utiliza una Ruta Crítica de CSS específica. %1$sMás información%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
msgstr "Revertir al CPCSS por defecto"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Regresar"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "Opinionesn de WP Rocket"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Cerrar"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-"Podrías darnos más información sobre el porqué quieres desactivar WP Rocket?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sIt is a temporary deactivation.%2$s I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sEs una desactivación temporal%2$sSolo estoy chequeando un problema."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin %1$sbroke my layout%2$s or some functionality."
-msgstr "El plugin ha %1$sroto mi diseño%2$s o alguna funcionalidad"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix %1$sscore did not improve.%2$s"
-msgstr "%1$sMi puntuación en PageSpeed o en GTMetrix%2$s no ha mejorado"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "No he notado ninguna diferencia en el tiempo de carga."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:66
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin is %1$stoo complicated to configure.%2$s"
-msgstr "El plugin es %1$smuy complicado de configurar%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Mi servidor ya tiene su propio sistema de caché."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:74
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el nombre de tu proveedor de alojamiento web?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Otro"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Haznos saber por qué estás desactivando WP Rocket y ayúdanos a mejorar el "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "El plugin ha roto el diseño de la página u otra funcionalidad"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:90
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Este tipo de problema puede solucionarse generalmente desactivando algunas "
-"opciones de WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Hacer clic en \"Activar modo seguro\" para desactivar rápidamente las "
-"opciones LazyLoad, Optimizar archivos, contenido incrustado y CDN. Luego "
-"revisa tu sitio web para ver si el problema se ha resuelto."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Activar modo seguro"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Modo seguro aplicado."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "Revisa tu sitio web en una nueva ventana de incógnito."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"¿El problema está solucionado? Ahora puedes reactivar las opciones de una en"
-" una para determinar cuál es la que causa el problema. %1$sMás "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Mi nota de PageSpeed o GTMetrix no ha mejorado"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket hace tu sitio web más rápido. Las notas de PageSpeed o GTMetrix no"
-" son un indicador de velocidad. Ni tus visitantes reales ni Google verán "
-"nunca la ”nota” de tu sitio web. La velocidad es la única métrica que "
-"importa para el posicionamiento y las conversiones."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-"Los de Yoast, expertos en todo lo que concierne el SEO para WordPress, "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:110
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] solo se fija en la velocidad de carga de tu sitio web para quién lo"
-" visita, entonces no hace falta obsesionarse sobre las notas específicas. "
-"Tienes que asegurarte que tu sitio web sea lo más rápido posible."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:116
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-msgstr ""
-"Cómo medir el tiempo de carga de tu sitio: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score: %1$shttps://wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"Por qué no deberías estar persiguiendo una nota en PageSpeed: %1$shttps"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:127
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "No he notado ninguna diferencia en el tiempo de carga"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:128
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Asegúrate de revisar tu sitio web sin estar conectado a WordPress: solo así "
-"verás las páginas en caché!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:132
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your website:"
-" %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-"
-msgstr ""
-"La mejor forma de verificar la mejora que proporciona WP Rocket, es realizar"
-" pruebas de velocidad. Sigue esta guía para medir correctamente el tiempo de"
-" carga de tu sitio: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:137
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "El plugin es demasiado complicado de configurar"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:138
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Lamentamos que estés encontrando WP Rocket difícil de configurar."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:139
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket es el único plugin de caché que aplica por defecto el 80% de las "
-"prácticas recomendadas para la optimización de la velocidad. Esto significa "
-"que no tendrás que hacer nada más que activar WP Rocket, ¡y tu sitio web "
-"será en seguida más rápido!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:140
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Las opciones adicionales no son obligatorias para obtener un sitio web más "
-"rápido: se trata de medidas de ajuste."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-msgstr ""
-"Para ver el beneficio que WP Rocket ya está proporcionando, mide la "
-"velocidad de tu sitio usando una herramienta como Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:151
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Enviar y desactivar"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:152
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:154
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Saltar y desactivar"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Habilitar la optimización de Google Font"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Mejora el rendimiento de las fuentes y combina varias solicitudes de fuentes"
-" para reducir el número de solicitudes HTTP."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Mejora el rendimiento de las fuentes y combina varias solicitudes de fuentes para reducir el número de solicitudes HTTP."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La Optimización de Google Fonts está ahora habilidata para tu sitio.%1$sMás "
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "La Optimización de Google Fonts está ahora habilidata para tu sitio.%1$sMás información%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3628,18 +2323,21 @@ msgstr "Optimizar Google Fonts"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Borrar la caché después de"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS y JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3647,26 +2345,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Importar ajustes"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "On"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:26 views/settings/page.php:56
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Off"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Estado del complemento"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Modificar opciones"
@@ -3721,80 +2405,55 @@ msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Tu web debería estar cargando más rápida ahora!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Para garantizarte una web más rápida, WP Rocket aplica automáticamente el "
-"80% de las prácticas recomendadas para mejorar el rendimiento web."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"También habilitamos opciones que dan beneficios inmediatos a tu sitio web."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "También habilitamos opciones que dan beneficios inmediatos a tu sitio web."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Ve a las opciones para optimizar más a fondo tu sitio web!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:55
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Mi cuenta"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:61
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Actualizar información"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:75
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Fecha de expiración"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:84
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Ver mi cuenta"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:111
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Acciones rápidas"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:118
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Elimina todos los archivos en la caché"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:138
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Iniciar la precarga de la caché"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Purgar el contenido OPcache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Purgar OPcache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:187
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Regenerar la ruta crítica del CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:204
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Preguntas Frecuentes"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:217
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "¿Todavía nos has encontrado una solución?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Envía un ticket y obtén la ayuda de nuestros expertos y atentos Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Envía un ticket y obtén la ayuda de nuestros expertos y atentos Rocketeers."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:226
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Pedir ayuda"
@@ -3803,11 +2462,8 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "¡Respalda tu base de datos antes de ejecutar su limpieza!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Una vez que la optimización de la base de datos se haya realizado, no hay "
-"vuelta atrás."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Una vez que la optimización de la base de datos se haya realizado, no hay vuelta atrás."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -3815,20 +2471,12 @@ msgstr "Guardar Cambios y Optimizar"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s ha creado %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$s para ofrecerte la mejor "
-"optimización de imágenes.%2$s"
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s ha creado %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$s para ofrecerte la mejor optimización de imágenes.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Comprime tus imágenes para hacer tu sitio más rápido, manteniendo intacta la"
-" calidad de imagen."
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Comprime tus imágenes para hacer tu sitio más rápido, manteniendo intacta la calidad de imagen."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -3857,8 +2505,7 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket no ha podido validar automáticamente tu licencia."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-"Sigue este tutorial %1$s, o ponte en contacto %2$s para iniciar el motor."
+msgstr "Sigue este tutorial %1$s, o ponte en contacto %2$s para iniciar el motor."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
#, php-format
@@ -3866,12 +2513,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://es.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/640-solucionar-problemas-con-la-validacion-de-la-licencia/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -3920,12 +2563,8 @@ msgstr "¿La versión %1$s ha causado algún problema en tu sitio web?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Aquí puedes regresar a la versión anterior. %sLuego nos puedes enviar un "
-"ticket de soporte."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Aquí puedes regresar a la versión anterior. %sLuego nos puedes enviar un ticket de soporte."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -3964,23 +2603,23 @@ msgstr "Como Verificar si WP Rocket está Almacenando en Caché tu Sitio Web "
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Cómo Medir la Velocidad de tu Sitio Web"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Solucionar problemas de visualización con la Optimización de Archivos"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Cómo Encontrar el JavaScript Correcto para Excluir"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "Cómo el Contenido Externo Ralentiza tu Sitio"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Cómo funciona la Precarga"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Configurar el Add-on de Cloudflare"
@@ -3993,75 +2632,21 @@ msgstr "Ajustes de WP Rocket"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versión %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:57
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Mostrar la barra lateral"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "¡Gracias por haber elegido ser parte del programa Beta de WP Rocket!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"Una Beta es una versión que incluye nuevas funcionalidades y mejoras, pero "
-"que queremos testar un poco más antes de lanzarla públicamente."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Nos encantaría si quisieras darte una vuelta con nuestras versiones Beta; "
-"sin embargo, considera que podría tratarse de versiones menos estables que "
-"las demás. No te preocupes, podrás volver a las versiones precedentes en "
-"cualquier momento."
-#: views/settings/page.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"Tu misión: por favor, envíanos tu opinión sobre nuestras versiones Beta, "
-"incluyendo informes de los fallos, a la dirección support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:81
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr "Si no quieres ser parte del programa Beta, cierra esta ventana."
-#: views/settings/page.php:83
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Activar el Rocket Tester"
-#: views/settings/page.php:94
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr ""
-"Aquí abajo te detallamos la lista de los datos que WP Rocket recolectará "
-"si le otorgarás el permiso para hacerlo."
-#: views/settings/page.php:97
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket no transmitirá ningún nombre de dominio, ni direcciones de correo "
-"electrónico (salvo lo necesario para la validación de la licencia), "
-"direcciones IP ni claves API de terceras partes."
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket no transmitirá ningún nombre de dominio, ni direcciones de correo electrónico (salvo lo necesario para la validación de la licencia), direcciones IP ni claves API de terceras partes."
-#: views/settings/page.php:99
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Activar Rocket Analytics"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Es un buen punto de partida para corregir algunos de los problemas más "
+msgstr "Es un buen punto de partida para corregir algunos de los problemas más comunes."
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
@@ -4077,144 +2662,899 @@ msgstr "¿Cómo medir correctamente el tiempo de carga de tu sitio web?"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Lee nuestro tutorial y aprende cómo medir la velocidad de tu sitio web"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr ""
-"Aprende a usar las prácticas recomendadas para medir correctamente el "
-"rendimiento de tu sitio web."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lee nuestro tutorial y aprende cómo medir la velocidad de tu sitio web"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Lee nuestra guía"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Por qué la nota de Google PageSpeed no debería importar"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Leer más"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "No has activado la caché para los usuarios conectados."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:30
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa una ventana privada del navegador para verificar la velocidad de tu "
-"sitio web y su apariencia visual."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Usa una ventana privada del navegador para verificar la velocidad de tu sitio web y su apariencia visual."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Valid until %s only!"
msgstr "¡Válido solo hasta %s!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web gracias a:"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr "CDN de alto rendimiento con %1$sancho de banda ilimitado%2$s"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Fácil configuración: la %1$smejor configuración de CDN%2$s es aplicada "
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:54
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Integración con WP Rocket: la opción CDN es %1$sautomáticamente "
-"configurada%2$s en nuestro plugin"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Fácil configuración: la %1$smejor configuración de CDN%2$s es aplicada automáticamente"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:69
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid "%s / month"
-msgstr "%s/mes"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Integración con WP Rocket: la opción CDN es %1$sautomáticamente configurada%2$s en nuestro plugin"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:74
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Comencemos"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
msgstr "Saber más acerca de RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Minimizar este banner"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:88
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"* $%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"*$%1$s/mes por 12 meses luego $%2$s/mes. Puedes cancelar tu suscripción en "
-"cualquier momento."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web con RocketCDN, el CDN de WP Rocket"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:20
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Saber Más"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:23
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN no está disponible en dominios locales ni en sitios de prueba."
+msgstr "RocketCDN no está disponible en dominios locales ni en sitios de prueba."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
msgid "Get RocketCDN"
msgstr "Obtén RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:11
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
msgid "New!"
msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web con RocketCDN, el CDN de WP Rocket"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-fi.mo b/languages/rocket-fi.mo
index f59489781a..7cb658e07b 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-fi.mo and b/languages/rocket-fi.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-fi.po b/languages/rocket-fi.po
index d583bd6067..455c4f20db 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-fi.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-fi.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s ei ole aktivoitu riittämättömien kirjoitusoikeuksien "
Tee %2$s kirjoitettavaksi ja yritä deaktivointia"
-" uudelleen, tai pakota deaktivointi nyt:"
+msgstr "%1$s ei ole aktivoitu riittämättömien kirjoitusoikeuksien vuoksi.
Tee %2$s kirjoitettavaksi ja yritä deaktivointia uudelleen, tai pakota deaktivointi nyt:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Yksi tai useampi lisäosa on otettu käyttöön tai "
-"postettu käytöstä. Tyhjennä välimuisti mikäli ne vaikuttavat sivustosi "
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Yksi tai useampi lisäosa on otettu käyttöön tai postettu käytöstä. Tyhjennä välimuisti mikäli ne vaikuttavat sivustosi ulkoasuun."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Seuraavat lisäosat eivät ole yhteensopivia tämän "
-"lisäosan kanssa ja saattavat aiheuttaa erikoisia tilanteita:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Seuraavat lisäosat eivät ole yhteensopivia tämän lisäosan kanssa ja saattavat aiheuttaa erikoisia tilanteita:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Ota pois käytöstä"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS ei ole virallinen lisäosa. Se estää joitakin WP "
-"Rocket:in ominaisuuksia toimimasta oikein. Ole hyvä ja poista se käytöstä "
-"mikäli törmäät ongelmiin."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS ei ole virallinen lisäosa. Se estää joitakin WP Rocket:in ominaisuuksia toimimasta oikein. Ole hyvä ja poista se käytöstä mikäli törmäät ongelmiin."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Mukautettu osoiterakenne on pakollinen, jotta tämä lisäosa toimisi "
-"oikein. %2$sMene osoiterakenteen asetuksiin %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Mukautettu osoiterakenne on pakollinen, jotta tämä lisäosa toimisi oikein. %2$sMene osoiterakenteen asetuksiin %3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Vianetsintä: %1$sKuinka antaa järjestelmän tiedostoille kirjoitusoikeus %2$s"
+msgstr "Vianetsintä: %1$sKuinka antaa järjestelmän tiedostoille kirjoitusoikeus %2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s on käyttövalmisvalmis! %2$sTestaa sivusilatausaika %4$s, tai tsekkaa "
-"%3$s asetukset %4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s on käyttövalmisvalmis! %2$sTestaa sivusilatausaika %4$s, tai tsekkaa %3$s asetukset %4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sallitko WP Rocketin kerätä ei-sensitiivistä diagnostiikkadataa "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Sallitko WP Rocketin kerätä ei-sensitiivistä diagnostiikkadataa verkkosivultasi?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
-msgstr ""
-"Tämä auttaisi meitä parantamaan WP Rocketin toimintaa tulevaisuudessa."
+msgstr "Tämä auttaisi meitä parantamaan WP Rocketin toimintaa tulevaisuudessa."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Mitä tietoja keräämme?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Alla näet yksityiskohtaisesti kaiken datan jota WP Rocket kerää mikäli "
-"sallit sen. WP Rocket ei koskaan siirrä domainin nimitietoja, "
-"sähköpostiosoitteita (paitsi lisenssin vahvistuksen yhteydessä), IP-"
-"osoitteita, tai kolmannen osapuolen API-avaimia."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Alla näet yksityiskohtaisesti kaiken datan jota WP Rocket kerää mikäli sallit sen. WP Rocket ei koskaan siirrä domainin nimitietoja, sähköpostiosoitteita (paitsi lisenssin vahvistuksen yhteydessä), IP-osoitteita, tai kolmannen osapuolen API-avaimia."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Kyllä, salli"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Ei kiitos"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Kiitos!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket kerää nyt seuraavat tiedot verkkosivustasi:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Välimuisti tyhjennetty."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Postauksen välimuisti tyhjennetty."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Avainsanan välimuisti tyhjennetty."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Käyttäjän välimuisti tyhjennetty."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Pysäytä esilataus"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Pakota deaktivointi"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Alla olevan koodin olisi pitänyt päätyä tähän tiedostoon:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Kuittaa tämä tiedote."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s konfigurointi ei onnistunut puuttuvien kirjoitusoikeuksien vuoksi."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Tiedosto/kansio: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Versiot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Automaattiset luonnokset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Postaukset roskakorissa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Roskapostikommentit"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Kommentit roskakorissa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Vanhentuneet transientit"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Transientit"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Taulut"
@@ -572,1853 +484,1107 @@ msgstr "Taulut"
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr "Debug -tiedostoa ei voitu poistaa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Ei saatavilla"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Lisenssi"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API-avain"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Kojelauta"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Pyydä apua, tilin tiedot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Oma status"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Rocket -testaaja"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "Olen osa WP Rocket Betatestaus -ohjelmaa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket Analytiikka"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Annan luvan jakaa anonymisoitua dataani kehitystiimille auttaakseni WP "
-"Rocket parentelua. %1$sMitä tietoja keräämme?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Annan luvan jakaa anonymisoitua dataani kehitystiimille auttaakseni WP Rocket parentelua. %1$sMitä tietoja keräämme?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Välimuisti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Välimuistin perusasetukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Mobiillivälimuisti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Nopeuta sivustoasi mobiilikäyttäjille."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Havaitsimme lisäosan, joka tarvitsee erillisen välimuistin "
-"mobiililaitteille. Asetimme tämän asetuksen päälle yhteensopivuuden "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+msgstr "Havaitsimme lisäosan, joka tarvitsee erillisen välimuistin mobiililaitteille. Asetimme tämän asetuksen päälle yhteensopivuuden takaamiseksi."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Käyttäjävälimuisti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sKäyttäjävälimuisti%2$s on väkevä ominaisuus, jos sinulla on "
-"käyttäjäkohtaista sisältöä sivullasi."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
+msgstr "%1$sKäyttäjävälimuisti%2$s on väkevä ominaisuus, jos sinulla on käyttäjäkohtaista sisältöä sivullasi."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Välimuistin elinikä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-"Välimuistin elinikä on aikaväli, jonka jälkeen koko välimuisti tyhjennetään."
Salli %1$sesilataus%2$s välimuistille luodaksesi välimuistin "
-"automaattisesti uudelleen eliniän loputtua."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Salli välimuisti kirjautuneille WordPress -käyttäjille"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Salli välimuisti mobiililaitteille"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Erillinen välimuisti mobiililaitteille"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sMobiilivälimuisti %2$s toimii parhaiten kun sallit molemmat asetukset. "
-"Jos sinua epäilyttää, pidä molemmat päällä."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä aika, jonka jälkeen globaali välimuisti tyhjennetään
(0 = ei "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Määritä aika, jonka jälkeen globaali välimuisti tyhjennetään
(0 = ei aikarajaa)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pienennä elinikä kymmeneen tuntiin tai pienemmäksi, jos huomaat ongelmia "
-"jotka tuntuvat katoavan säännöllisin väliajoin. %1$sMiksi?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Pienennä elinikä kymmeneen tuntiin tai pienemmäksi, jos huomaat ongelmia jotka tuntuvat katoavan säännöllisin väliajoin. %1$sMiksi?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minuuttia"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Tuntia"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Päivää"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Tiedostojen optimointi"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optimoi CSS & JS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Perusasetukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Kutistus on aktivoitu Autoptimize:ssä. Jos haluat "
-"käyttää %2$s -kutistusta, poista kyseiset asetukset Autoptimize:stä."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s Kutistus on aktivoitu Autoptimize:ssä. Jos haluat käyttää %2$s -kutistusta, poista kyseiset asetukset Autoptimize:stä."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS -tiedostot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript -tiedostot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-"HTML:n kutistaminen positaa turhat välilyönnit ja kommentit pienentääkseen "
-"tiedoston kokoa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "Yhdistä Google Font -tiedostot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Google Font -tiedostojen yhdistäminen vähentää HTTP-kyselyjen määrää."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "Poista muuttujat staattisista tiedostoista"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Poistaa muuttujat staattisten tiedstojen nimistä (esim. style.css=?ver1.0) "
-"ja muuttaa sen staattiseksi tiedostonimeksi (esim. style-1.0.css). Voi "
-"parantaa GTMetrix -pisteitä. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Kutista CSS -tiedostot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS -tiedstojen kutistaminen poistaa turhat välilyönnit ja kommentit "
-"pienentääkseen tiedoston kokoa."
+msgstr "CSS -tiedstojen kutistaminen poistaa turhat välilyönnit ja kommentit pienentääkseen tiedoston kokoa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Tämä saattaa rikkoa asioita!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Jos huomaat virheitä sivustollasi tämän asetuksen aktivoinnin jälkeen, "
-"poista tämä asetus käytöstä ja sivustosi toiminta palaa normaaliksi."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Jos huomaat virheitä sivustollasi tämän asetuksen aktivoinnin jälkeen, poista tämä asetus käytöstä ja sivustosi toiminta palaa normaaliksi."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Aktivoi CSS:n kutistus"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "Yhdistä CSS -tiedostot (aktivoi CSS:n kutistus ensin)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"CSS:n yhdistäminen yhdistää kaikki erilliset CSS -tiedostot yhdeksi, "
-"vähentäen HTTP-kyselyiden määrää. Ei suositeltavaa, jos sivustosi käyttää "
-"HTTP/2 -yhteyksiä. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "CSS:n yhdistäminen yhdistää kaikki erilliset CSS -tiedostot yhdeksi, vähentäen HTTP-kyselyiden määrää. Ei suositeltavaa, jos sivustosi käyttää HTTP/2 -yhteyksiä. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Aktivoi CSS:n yhdistäminen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä verkko-osoitteet niihin CSS -tiedostoihin jotka haluat sulkea pois "
-"kutistuksesta ja yhdistämisestä (yksi osoite per rivi)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Verkkotunnus-osa poistetaan automaattisesti.
Voit käyttää (.*).css "
-"-jokereita sulkeaksesi pois kaikki CSS -tiedostot tietystä kansiosta."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Määritä verkko-osoitteet niihin CSS -tiedostoihin jotka haluat sulkea pois kutistuksesta ja yhdistämisestä (yksi osoite per rivi)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optimoi CSS:n jakelu"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS:n optimoitu jakelua hoitaa tällä hetkellä %1$s -lisäosa. Jos haluat "
-"käyttää WP Rocketin CSS:n optimoitua jakelua, poista käytöstä %1$s -lisäosa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"CSS:n jakelun optimointi poistaa renderöinnin estävän CSS:n lataamisen "
-"verkkosivultasi ja mahdollistaa nopeamman visuaalisen latausajan. "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Kriittisen CSS:n turvaverkko"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tarjoaa turvaverkon mikäli automaattisesti luotu kriittinen CSS on "
-"virheellinen. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Tarjoaa turvaverkon mikäli automaattisesti luotu kriittinen CSS on virheellinen. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Kutista JavaScript -tiedostot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"JavaScript -tiedostojen kutistaminen poistaa turhat välilyönnit ja kommentit"
-" pienentääkseen tiedoston kokoa."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "JavaScript -tiedostojen kutistaminen poistaa turhat välilyönnit ja kommentit pienentääkseen tiedoston kokoa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktivoi JavaScript:in kutistus"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Yhdistä JavaScript -tiedstot (salli JavaScript:in kutistaminen "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Yhdistä JavaScript -tiedstot (salli JavaScript:in kutistaminen ensin)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"JavaScript:in yhdistäminen yhdistää sivustosi sisäiset, ulkoiset ja inline-"
-"JavaScript -koodit yhteen vähentäen HTTP-pyyntöjä. Ei suositeltavaa jos "
-"käytössäsi on HTTP/2. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "JavaScript:in yhdistäminen yhdistää sivustosi sisäiset, ulkoiset ja inline-JavaScript -koodit yhteen vähentäen HTTP-pyyntöjä. Ei suositeltavaa jos käytössäsi on HTTP/2. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktivoi JavaScript:in yhdistäminen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä sopivat kaaviot inline-JavaScriptille, jonka haluat sulkea pois "
-"yhdistämisestä (yksi per rivi). %1$sLisätietoa%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Määritä sopivat kaaviot inline-JavaScriptille, jonka haluat sulkea pois yhdistämisestä (yksi per rivi). %1$sLisätietoa%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä verkko-osoitteet pois suljettaville JavaScript -tiedostoille, joita "
-"et halua mukaan kutistukseen ja yhdistämiseen (yksi per rivi)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Määritä verkko-osoitteet pois suljettaville JavaScript -tiedostoille, joita et halua mukaan kutistukseen ja yhdistämiseen (yksi per rivi)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Sisäiset: Verkko-osoitteen domain-osuus osoitteesta "
-"jätetään automaattisesti pois. Käytä (.*).js -jokerimerkkiä sulkeaksesi pois"
-" kaikki JS-tiedostot tietystä kansiosta."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Sisäiset: Verkko-osoitteen domain-osuus osoitteesta jätetään automaattisesti pois. Käytä (.*).js -jokerimerkkiä sulkeaksesi pois kaikki JS-tiedostot tietystä kansiosta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ulkoiset: Anna joko kokonainen URL, tai pelkkä domain-nimi "
-"sulkeaksesi pois ulkoiset JS-tiedostot. %1$sLisätietoa%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ulkoiset: Anna joko kokonainen URL, tai pelkkä domain-nimi sulkeaksesi pois ulkoiset JS-tiedostot. %1$sLisätietoa%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Lataa JavaScript puskuroidusti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"JavaScript:in lataaminen puskuroidusti poistaa renderöinnin estävän JS:n "
-"lataamisen ja voi parantaa sivusi latausaikaa. %1$sLisätietoa%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "JavaScript:in lataaminen puskuroidusti poistaa renderöinnin estävän JS:n lataamisen ja voi parantaa sivusi latausaikaa. %1$sLisätietoa%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Turvallinen jQueryn lataaminen (suositeltu)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"jQueryn turvallinen lataaminen puskuroidun JS:n kanssa takaa "
-"yhteensopivuuden inline-koodin kanssa, joka vaatii jQueryn. Turvallinen "
-"lataaminen pakottaa jQueryn latauksen heti sivusi alussa.
Tämän "
-"deaktivointi voi rikkoa sivusi toiminnallisuutta, testaa "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, emojit, sisällytykset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Voi parantaa näkyvää ja todellista latausaikaa, sillä kuvat, iframet ja "
-"videot ladataan vasta kun ne ilmestyvät (tai ovat juuri ilmestymässä) "
-"näkyviin. Tämä vähentää HTTP-pyyntöjen määrää. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoji 👻"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Voi parantaa näkyvää ja todellista latausaikaa, sillä kuvat, iframet ja videot ladataan vasta kun ne ilmestyvät (tai ovat juuri ilmestymässä) näkyviin. Tämä vähentää HTTP-pyyntöjen määrää. %1$sLisätietoja%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Käytä käyttäjän selaimen oletus-emojitä, äläkä lataa niitä WordPress.org "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Sisällytykset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Estää muita sisällyttämästä sivusi sisältöä omille sivuilleen, estää sinua "
-"sisällyttämästä (ei sallittujen) muita sivuja, sekä poistaa sisällytykseen "
-"liittyvät JavaScript-koodit."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Käytä kuviin"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Käytä iframeihin ja videoihin"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Korvaa YouTuben iframe esikatselukuvalla"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Tämä voi parantaa sivusi latausaikaa merkittävästi, jos sivullasi on paljon "
-"YouTube -videoita."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Poista emojit käytöstä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Poistamalla emojit käytöstä, voit vähentää ulkoisten HTTP-kyselyjen määrää."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Poista käytöstä WordPress -sisällytykset"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Tämä voi parantaa sivusi latausaikaa merkittävästi, jos sivullasi on paljon YouTube -videoita."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Esilataa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr "Luo välimuistitiedostot"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Kun asetat päälle välimusitin esilatauksen, WP Rocket luo "
-"välimuistitiedostot alkaen kotisivustasi ja siinä olevista linkeistä. Jos "
-"olet ottanut käyttöön sivukartta-esilatauksen, myös niissä olevat sivut "
-"esiladataan. Esilataus aloitetaan automaattisesti kun lisäät tai päivität "
-"sivujasi, sekä se voidaan myös aloittaa manuaalisesti hallinta-valikosta tai"
-" %1$sWP Rocket:in kojelaudasta%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Ennakkohae DNS-kyselyjä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"DNS-kyselyjen esilataaminen voi nopeuttaa ulkoisten tiedostojen lataamisen "
-"etenkin mobiiliverkoissa"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "DNS-kyselyjen esilataaminen voi nopeuttaa ulkoisten tiedostojen lataamisen etenkin mobiiliverkoissa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Aktivoi esilataus"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Aktivoi sivukartta-pohjainen esilataus"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Sivukartat esilatausta varten"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "Määritä XML-sivukartat, jotka luetaan esilataukseen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL-osoitteet esilataukseen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä verkko-isännät jotka esiladataan (ei http:
, yksi isäntä"
-" per rivi)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Määritä verkko-isännät jotka esiladataan (ei http:
, yksi isäntä per rivi)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Lisäasetukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Hienosäädä välimuistisääntöjä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Arkaluontoiset sivut, kuten räätälöidyt kirjautumis-sivut tulisi poissulkea "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Arkaluontoiset sivut, kuten räätälöidyt kirjautumis-sivut tulisi poissulkea välimuistista."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Ostoskori, kassa ja \"Oma tili\" -sivut, jotka on asetettu kohdassa "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s tunnistetaan automaattisesti eikä niitä ladata"
-" välimuistiin."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Ostoskori, kassa ja \"Oma tili\" -sivut, jotka on asetettu kohdassa %1$s%2$s%3$s tunnistetaan automaattisesti eikä niitä ladata välimuistiin."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Välimuistista pois suljettavat evästeet"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Muuttujat välimuistiin"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sMuuttujat välimuistiin -optio%2$s mahdollistaa sinut pakottamaan tietyt "
-"GET-parametrit välimuistiin."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä URL-osoitteet sivuista tai postauksista jotka aluat sulkea pois "
-"välimuistista (yksi per rivi)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sMuuttujat välimuistiin -optio%2$s mahdollistaa sinut pakottamaan tietyt GET-parametrit välimuistiin."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Domain-osuus osoitteesta riisutaan automaattisesti.
Käytä (.*) "
-"-jokerimerkkiä sulkeaksesi pois useamman osoitteen samasta polusta."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Määritä URL-osoitteet sivuista tai postauksista jotka aluat sulkea pois välimuistista (yksi per rivi)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä niiden evästeiden ID-tunnus jota kantavalle käyttäjälle ei koskaan "
-"näytetä välimuistissa olevia sivuja (yksi per rivi)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Domain-osuus osoitteesta riisutaan automaattisesti.
Käytä (.*) -jokerimerkkiä sulkeaksesi pois useamman osoitteen samasta polusta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä selain-agentit joille ei näytetä koskaan välimuistissa olevaa sivua "
-"(yksi per rivi)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Määritä selain-agentit joille ei näytetä koskaan välimuistissa olevaa sivua (yksi per rivi)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Käytä (.*) -jokerimerkkiä tunnistaaksesi osan selain-agentista."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä ereityiset verkko-osoitteet joiden välimuistin haluat aina tyhjentää"
-" kun päivität jonkun sivun tai postauksen (yksi per rivi)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Määritä ereityiset verkko-osoitteet joiden välimuistin haluat aina tyhjentää kun päivität jonkun sivun tai postauksen (yksi per rivi)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Määritä osoitteen muuttujat välimuistia varten (yksi per rivi)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Tietokanta"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimoi, vähennä turhaa bloattia"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Postauksien putsaus"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Postauksien versiot ja luonnokset poistetaan pysyvästi. Älä käytä tätä "
-"toimintoa jos haluat säilyttää eri versiot tai luonnokset."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Postauksien versiot ja luonnokset poistetaan pysyvästi. Älä käytä tätä toimintoa jos haluat säilyttää eri versiot tai luonnokset."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Kommentien siivous"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Roskapostit ja roskakoriin siirretyt kommentit poistetaan pysyvästi."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Transienttien siivous"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Transientit ovat väliaikaisia \"asetuksia\"; ne on turvallista poistaa. "
-"Transientit luodaan automaattisesti uudestaan niitä käyttävien lisäosien "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Transientit ovat väliaikaisia \"asetuksia\"; ne on turvallista poistaa. Transientit luodaan automaattisesti uudestaan niitä käyttävien lisäosien toimesta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Tietokannan siivous"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Vähentää tietokantataulujen hävikkiä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Automaattinen siivous"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Kaikki transientit"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optimoi taulut"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Ajasta automaattinen siivous"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Toistuvuus"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Päivittäin"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Viikottain"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Kuukausittain"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integroi CDN-palveluntarjoajasi"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Kaikki staattisten tiedostojen (CSS, JS, kuvat) URL-osoitteet korvataan "
-"antamallasi CNAME-tietueella."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ei vaadittu tietyissä palveluissa kuten Cloudflare ja Sucuri. Ole hyvä ja "
-"katso saatavilla olevat %1$slisäosat%2$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Kaikki staattisten tiedostojen (CSS, JS, kuvat) URL-osoitteet korvataan antamallasi CNAME-tietueella."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Ei vaadittu tietyissä palveluissa kuten Cloudflare ja Sucuri. Ole hyvä ja katso saatavilla olevat %1$slisäosat%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Aktivoi CDN (Content Delivery Network)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(t)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Määritä CNAME(t) alle"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Määritä URL-osoitteet joiden tiedostoja ei tarjoilla CDN-palvelusta (yksi "
-"per rivi)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Määritä URL-osoitteet joiden tiedostoja ei tarjoilla CDN-palvelusta (yksi per rivi)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Domain-osuus URL-osoitteesta poistetaan automaattisesti.
Käytä (.*) "
-"-jokeria sulkeaksesi pois kaikki tiedostotyypit annetusta polusta."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Domain-osuus URL-osoitteesta poistetaan automaattisesti.
Käytä (.*) -jokeria sulkeaksesi pois kaikki tiedostotyypit annetusta polusta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Sydämen syke"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Kontrolloi WordPressin Sydämen sykkeen rajapintaa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Vähennä tai poista kokonaan käytöstä Sydämen sykkeen rajapinta "
-"helpottaaksesi palvelimesi kuormaa."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Vähennä tai poista kokonaan käytöstä Sydämen sykkeen rajapinta helpottaaksesi palvelimesi kuormaa."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Vähennä tai poista Sydämen syke"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Sykkeen harvennus muuttaa yhden kyselyn minuutista joka toiseen minuuttiin."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Sykkeen harvennus muuttaa yhden kyselyn minuutista joka toiseen minuuttiin."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Jos poistat Sykkeen kokonaan käytöstä, saatat rikkoa muiden lisäosien "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Jos poistat Sykkeen kokonaan käytöstä, saatat rikkoa muiden lisäosien toimivuuden."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Älä rajoita"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Vähennetty syke"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Poista käytöstä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Kontrolloi Sydämen sykettä"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Syke hallintasivulla"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Syke postauksen editorissa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Syke julkisivulla"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Lisäosat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Lisää uusia ominaisuuksia"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Yhden klikkauksen Rocket -lisäosat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Yhden klikkauksen lisäosat ovat ominaisuuksia, jotka laajentavat "
-"käytettävissä olevia asetuksia helposti. Ota ominaisuus käyttöön tältä "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Yhden klikkauksen lisäosat ovat ominaisuuksia, jotka laajentavat käytettävissä olevia asetuksia helposti. Ota ominaisuus käyttöön tältä sivulta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket -lisäosat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Rocket -lisäosat ovat täydentäviä ominaisuuksia, jotka laajentavat "
-"käytettävissä olevia ominaisuuksia."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google Tracking"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Paranna selaimen välimuistia Google Analyticsille"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket hostaa nämä Googlen scriptit lokaalisti palvelimellasi auttaakseen"
-" PageSpeed -suosituksissa koskien Hyödynnä selaimen "
%1$sLue lisää aiheesta%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Paranna selaimeen välimuistia Facebook Pixel:iä varten"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket hostaa nämä Facebook Pixel:it lokaalisti palvelimellasi "
-"auttaakseen PageSpeed -suosituksissa koskien Hyödynnä selaimen "
%1$sLue lisää aiheesta%2$s"
+msgstr "Rocket -lisäosat ovat täydentäviä ominaisuuksia, jotka laajentavat käytettävissä olevia ominaisuuksia."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Jos sinulla on Varnish asennettuna palvelimellesi, ota tämä ominaisuus "
+msgstr "Jos sinulla on Varnish asennettuna palvelimellesi, ota tämä ominaisuus käyttöön."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish-välimuisti tyhjennetään automaattisesti aina kun WP Rocket:in "
-"välimuisti tyhjennetään.
%1$sLue lisää%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Varnish-välimuisti tyhjennetään automaattisesti aina kun WP Rocket:in välimuisti tyhjennetään.
%1$sLue lisää%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Integroi Cloudflare -tilisi tällä lisäosalla."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Syötä tilisi sähköposti, globaali API-avain, sekä domain jotta voit käyttää "
-"omainsuuksia kuten Cloudflaren välimusitin tyhjennus, sekä optimaaliset "
-"asetukset WP Rocket:ille."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Syötä tilisi sähköposti, globaali API-avain, sekä domain jotta voit käyttää omainsuuksia kuten Cloudflaren välimusitin tyhjennus, sekä optimaaliset asetukset WP Rocket:ille."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
-msgstr ""
-"Tyhjennä Sucuri:n välimuisti kun WP Rocket:in välimuisti tyhjennetään."
+msgstr "Tyhjennä Sucuri:n välimuisti kun WP Rocket:in välimuisti tyhjennetään."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Syötä API-avaimesi tyhjentääksesi Sucuri:n välimuistin automaattisesti."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Syötä API-avaimesi tyhjentääksesi Sucuri:n välimuistin automaattisesti."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Synkronoi Sucuri:n välimuisti tällä lisäosalla."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare -tunnukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare -asetukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globaali API-avain:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Löydä API-avaimesi"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Tilisi sähköposti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Zone ID"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Kehitystila"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Aktivoi väliaikaisesti kehitystila. Tämä asetus poistetaan automaattiseesti "
-"kolmen tunnin kuluttua. %1$sLue lisää%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Aktivoi väliaikaisesti kehitystila. Tämä asetus poistetaan automaattiseesti kolmen tunnin kuluttua. %1$sLue lisää%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Optimaaliset asetukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Automaattisesti paranna Cloudflare:n asetuksia nopeuden ja yhteensopivuuden "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Automaattisesti paranna Cloudflare:n asetuksia nopeuden ja yhteensopivuuden suhteen."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Suhteellinen protokolla"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Tätä tulisi käyttää vain yhdessä Cloudflaren \"flexible SSL\" -ominaisuuden "
-"kanssa. Staattisten tiedostojen (CSS, JS, kuvat) osoitteet "
-"uudelleenkirjoitetaan muotoon //."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Tätä tulisi käyttää vain yhdessä Cloudflaren \"flexible SSL\" -ominaisuuden kanssa. Staattisten tiedostojen (CSS, JS, kuvat) osoitteet uudelleenkirjoitetaan muotoon //."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri -tunnukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Palomuurin API-avain (lisäosan), täytyy olla formaatissa {32 "
-"characters}/{32 characters}
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Löydä API-avaimesi"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Tallenna tiedosto ja tuo asetukset"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Sucuri -lisäosa: API-avain täytyy olla muodossa {32 characters}/{32 "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Sucuri -lisäosa: API-avain täytyy olla muodossa {32 characters}/{32 characters}
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Asetukset tallennettu."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr "Jotta tämä toimisi, %1$s %2$s vaatii vähintään:"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Käyttääksesi tätä WP Rocket:in versiota, pyydä web-hostaajaasi "
-"päivittämään palvelimesi PHP-versio PHP %1$s tai uudempaan."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Käyttääksesi tätä WP Rocket:in versiota, pyydä web-hostaajaasi päivittämään palvelimesi PHP-versio PHP %1$s tai uudempaan."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Käyttääksesi tätä WP Rocket:in versiota, ole hyvä ja päivitä"
-" WordPress vähintään versioon %1$s."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Käyttääksesi tätä WP Rocket:in versiota, ole hyvä ja päivitä WordPress vähintään versioon %1$s."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Päivitys ei ole sallittu sinulle. Voit palata edelliseen versioon alla "
-"olevasta painikkeesta."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Päivitys ei ole sallittu sinulle. Voit palata edelliseen versioon alla olevasta painikkeesta."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Uudelleenasenna versio %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Lokitiedostoa ei löydy."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Lokitiedostoa ei pystytty lukemaan."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Lokeja ei talleneta tiedostoon."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Kriittinen CSS sivulle %1$s ei generoitunut. Virhe: %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "API palautti virheellisen vastauskoodin."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "Api palautti tyhjän vastauksen."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr "Kriittistä CSS-sisältöä ei voitu tallentaa tiedostoksi kohteessa %s."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Kriittinen CSS sivulle %s generoitu."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Linkkejä ei voitu kerätä sivulta %1$s "
-"seuraavan virheen takia: %2$s. %3$sLue lisää%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Sivu %1$s ei ole saatavilla ja se palautti "
-"seuraavan virhekoodin: %2$s. Turvallisuusasetukset saattavat estää pääsyn "
-"sivulle. %3$sLue lisää%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Sivu %1$s ei ole saatavilla ja se palautti "
-"virhekoodin 404 . Varmista että etusivusi on avattavissa selaimessasi. "
-"%2$sLue lisää%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Sivu %1$s ei ole saatavilla ja se palautti "
-"virhekoodin 500 . Tarkista palvelimesi asetukset. %2$sLue lisää%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Linkkejä ei voitu kerätä sivulta %1$s koska "
-"se palautti virheen: %2$s. %3$sLue lisää%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Linkkejä ei voitu kerätä sivulta "
-"%1$s seuraavan virheen takia: %2$s. %3$sLue lisää%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Sivu %1$s ei ole saatavilla ja se "
-"palautti seuraavan virhekoodin: %2$s. Turvallisuusasetukset saattavat estää "
-"pääsyn sivulle. %3$sLue lisää%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Sivu %1$s ei ole saatavilla ja se "
-"palautti virhekoodin 404 . Varmista että etusivusi on avattavissa "
-"selaimessasi. %2$sLue lisää%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Sivu %1$s ei ole saatavilla ja se "
-"palautti virhekoodin 500 . Tarkista palvelimesi asetukset. %2$sLue "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Linkkejä ei voitu kerätä sivulta "
-"%1$s koska se palautti virheen: %2$s. %3$sLue lisää%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Linkkejä ei voitu kerätä sivulta "
-"%1$s koska tiedosto vaikuttaisi olevan tyhjä. %2$sLue lisää%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilatauksessa tapahtui virhe. Linkkejä ei voitu kerätä sivulta "
-"%1$s koska XML-sivukartan koostamisessa tapahtui virhe. %2$sLue lisää%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Kriittisen CSS:n generointi on parhaillaan käynnissä: %1$d / %2$d "
-"sivutyypistä on valmis. (Päivitä tämä sivu nähdäksesi etenemisen)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Kriittisen CSS:n generointi on parhaillaan käynnissä: %1$d / %2$d sivutyypistä on valmis. (Päivitä tämä sivu nähdäksesi etenemisen)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Kriittisen CSS:n generointi valmistunut %1$d / %2$d sivutyypille."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Kriittisen CSS:n generoinnissa tapahtui virhe."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Lue lisää."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "viikottain"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Tietokannan optimointi on parhaillaan käynnissä"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Tietokannan optimointi on valmis. Kaikki oli jo optimoitu!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "Tietokannan optimointi on valmis. Alla lista optimoiduista kohteista:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s optimoitu"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Työkalut"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Tuo, vie ja palauta"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Kuvien optimointi"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Pakkaa kuvat"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Esilataus: WP Rocket on aloittanut sivustosi välimuistin esilatauksen. "
-"Siirry %1$sWP Rocket -asetuksiin%2$s nähdäksesi etenemisen."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP -lisäosa %2$s ei ole aktivoituna palvelimellasi. Ole hyvä "
-"ja pyydä ylläpitäjääsi aktivoimaan se ennen kuin yrität ajaa sivukarttaan "
-"pohjautuvaa välimuistin esilatausta."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s poista emoji%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$spoista emoji%3$s"
-" kanssa"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$spoista muuttujat%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$spoista "
-"muutujat%3$s kanssa"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s poista emoji%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$spoista emoji%3$s kanssa"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP-pakkaus%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$sGZIP-"
-"pakkauksen%3$s kanssa"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP-pakkaus%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$sGZIP-pakkauksen%3$s kanssa"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sselaimen välimuisti%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$sselaimen "
-"välimuistin%3$s kanssa"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sselaimen välimuisti%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$sselaimen välimuistin%3$s kanssa"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$ssivujen välimuisti%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$ssivujen "
-"välimuistin%3$s kanssa"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$ssivujen välimuisti%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$ssivujen välimuistin%3$s kanssa"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sresurssien optimointi%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin "
-"%2$sresurssien optimoinnin%3$s kanssa"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sresurssien optimointi%3$s on ristiriidassa WP Rocketin %2$sresurssien optimoinnin%3$s kanssa"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Sucurin välimuistin tyhjennysvirhe: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Sucurin välimuistia tyhjennetään. Huomioi, että operaatio voi kestää pari "
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Sucurin välimuistia tyhjennetään. Huomioi, että operaatio voi kestää pari minuuttia."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Sucurin palomuurin API-avainta ei löytynyt."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Sucurin palomuurin API-avain on virheellinen."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Virhe yhteydessä Sucurin palomuurin rajapintaan."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tapahtui virhe otettaessa yhteyttä Sucurin palomuurin rajapintaan. "
-"Virheilmoitus oli: %s"
+msgstr "Tapahtui virhe otettaessa yhteyttä Sucurin palomuurin rajapintaan. Virheilmoitus oli: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Sucurin palomuurin rajapinnalta ei saatu vastausta."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Sucurin palomuurin rajapinta palautti virheellisen vastauksen."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "Sucurin palomuurin rajapinta palautti tuntemattoman virheen."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Odottamaton virhe. Vika voi olla joko WP-Rocket.me:n päässä tai tämän "
-"palvelimen asetuksissa. Jos ongelmat jatkuvat, ota yhteys "
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Odottamaton virhe. Vika voi olla joko WP-Rocket.me:n päässä tai tämän palvelimen asetuksissa. Jos ongelmat jatkuvat, ota yhteys tukeen."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Kaikki kielet"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Tyhjennä tämä sivu"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Tyhjennä tämä osoite"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Tyhjennä OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Uudellenluo kriittinen CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Tyhjennä Cloudflaren välimuisti"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Esilataa välimuisti"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentaatio"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s tyhjennä"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "kuukausittain"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr "Cloudflaren välimuistin tyhjennyksen virhe: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr "Cloudflaren välimuisti tyhjennetty"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Aktivoi Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Asenna ilmainen Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Nopeuta sivustoasi ja paranna SEO-tuloksiasi pienemtämällä kuviesi kokoa "
-"tinkimättä laadusta Imagifyn avulla."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Nopeuta sivustoasi ja paranna SEO-tuloksiasi pienemtämällä kuviesi kokoa tinkimättä laadusta Imagifyn avulla."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "Lisätietoja"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr "Sivukartan esilataus: %d sivua on välimuistissa."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Sivukartan esilataus: %d sivua on nyt esiladattu. (päivitä sivua nähdäksesi "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Sivukartan esilataus: %d sivua on nyt esiladattu. (päivitä sivua nähdäksesi etenemisen)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "JS -tiedostot jotka on puskuroitu"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Lisää osoite"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Ennen kuin voit tallentaa tuontitiedoston, sinun pitää korjata seuraavat "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Ennen kuin voit tallentaa tuontitiedoston, sinun pitää korjata seuraavat virheet:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Valitse tiedosto koneeltasi (maksimi tiedostokoko: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Cloudflare -tunnuksesi ovat oikein."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "Cloudflare -tunnuksesi ovat virheelliset!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Tallenna ja optimoi"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimoi"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Huom:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Suorituskykyvinkki:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Ulkopuolinen ominaisuus havaittu:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Varoitus:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Latausasetukset"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Korvaa sivuston osoite:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "varattu"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Kaikki tiedostot"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Kuvat"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Lisää CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Katso video"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Perus"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Staattiset tiedostot"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Edistynyt"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$s tarvitsee vähintään PHP:n version %3$s toimiakseen. Käyttääksesi "
-"tätä versiota, pyydä palvelimesi ylläpitäjältä ohjeita kuinka saat "
-"päivitettyä PHP:n vähintään versioon %3$s. Jos et pysty päivittämään PHP:ta,"
-" voit palata edelliseen versioon alla olevalla painikkeella."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s tarvitsee vähintään PHP:n version %3$s toimiakseen. Käyttääksesi tätä versiota, pyydä palvelimesi ylläpitäjältä ohjeita kuinka saat päivitettyä PHP:n vähintään versioon %3$s. Jos et pysty päivittämään PHP:ta, voit palata edelliseen versioon alla olevalla painikkeella."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
@@ -2462,155 +1628,117 @@ msgstr "Anonymisoidut WP Rocket -asetukset:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Mitkä WP Rocket:in asetukset on aktivoitu"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr "Cloudflaren sähköposti ja API-avain on asettamatta"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflaren zone ID puuttuu. %s ongelmaa ei pystytty korjaamaan "
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Lue %1$sdokumentaatio%2$s saadaksesi lisätietoja."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Yhteys Cloudflareen epäonnistui"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "Valitse verkkotunnus listalta"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Cloudflare -tililtäsi ei löytynyt yhtään verkkotunnusta"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Palvelimemme ei pystynyt käsittelemään "
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Palvelimemme ei pystynyt käsittelemään pyyntöäsi."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Yritä klikata %1$sTallenna muutokset%2$s -painiketta. Jos virhe toistuu, "
-"seuraa %3$stätä ohjetta%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Yritä klikata %1$sTallenna muutokset%2$s -painiketta. Jos virhe toistuu, seuraa %3$stätä ohjetta%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Syynä voi olla, että käytät epäkelpoa "
-"versiota lisäosasta. Ole hyvä ja toimi seuraavasti:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Syynä voi olla, että käytät epäkelpoa versiota lisäosasta. Ole hyvä ja toimi seuraavasti:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Kirjaudu WP Rocket %1$s-tilillesi%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Lataa zip-paketti"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Asenna uudelleen"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Jos sinulla ei ole WP Rocket -tiliä, ole hyvä ja %1$sosta lisenssi%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgstr "Jos sinulla ei ole WP Rocket -tiliä, ole hyvä ja %1$sosta lisenssi%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Tätä käyttäjää ei löydy tietokannastamme."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Tätä käyttäjää ei löydy tietokannastamme."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Ratkaistaksesi ongelma, ota yhteys tukeemme."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr "Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui. Tämä käyttäjätili on bannattu."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja katso %1$stästä oppaasta%2$s lisätietoja."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Lisenssi ei ole validi."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ole hyvä ja varmista, että sinulla on aktiivinen %1$sWP Rocket "
+msgstr "Ole hyvä ja varmista, että sinulla on aktiivinen %1$sWP Rocket -lisenssi%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Olet lisännyt maksimimäärän sivuja jonka lisenssisi sallii."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Päivitä %1$stilisi%2$s tai %3$ssiirrä%2$s lisenssisi tälle "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Päivitä %1$stilisi%2$s tai %3$ssiirrä%2$s lisenssisi tälle verkkotunnukselle."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Tämä verkkosivusto ei ole sallittu."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja %1$sota yhteys tukeen%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Lisenssiavainta ei tunnistettu."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Jos ongelma jatkuu, ole hyvä ja %1$sota yhteys tukeen%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Lisenssin varmennus epäonnistui: %s"
@@ -2621,8 +1749,7 @@ msgstr "Lisäosa asennettu."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:532
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
-msgstr ""
-"Pahoittelut, sinulla ei ole oikeuksia asentaa lisäosia tälle sivustolle."
+msgstr "Pahoittelut, sinulla ei ole oikeuksia asentaa lisäosia tälle sivustolle."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:533
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that."
@@ -2636,269 +1763,29 @@ msgstr "Lisäosan asennus epäonnistui."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Mene takaisin"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Palaa"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket -palaute"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sulje"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Voisimmeko saada lisätietoja miksi haluat poistaa lisäosan käytöstä?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-"Välikaikainen deaktivointi. Koitan vain ratkaista ongelmaa."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr "Lisäosa rikkoi ulkoasuni tai osan toiminnoista."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Sivustoni PageSpeed tai GTMetrix -arvosanat eivät "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "En huomannut mitään eroa latausajoissa."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr "Lisäosa on liian monimutkainen konfiguroida."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Web-hostaajallani on jo käytössä välimuistiohjelmisto."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Minkä niminen web-hostaajasi on?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Muu"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Kerro meille miksi haluat deaktivoida WP Rocket:in, jotta osaamme parantaa "
-"sitä jatkossa"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Lisäosa rikkoi ulkoasun tai osan toiminnoista"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Tämänkaltaiset ongelmat voidaan yleensä ratkaista poistamalla käytöstä "
-"joitakin WP Rocket:in toimintoja."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Klikka \"aktivoi turvallinen tila\" kytkeäksesi nopeasti pois päältä "
-"LadyZoad:in, tiedostojen optimoinnin, sisällytykset ja CDN-asetukset. Katso "
-"sitten ratkesiko ongelmasi."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Aktivoi turvallinen tila"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Turvallinen tila aktivoitu."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "Tarkista sivustosi yksityisessä selainikkunassa."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-"Korjaantuiko ongelma? Voit nyt mennä ja ottaa käyttöön asetuksia yksi "
-"kerrallaan löytääksesi mikä asetus aiheutti ongelman. Lisätietoja"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Sivustoni PageSpeed tai GTMetrix -arvosanat eivät parantuneet."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket tekee sivuistasi nopeammat. PageSpeed -arvosana tai GTMetrix "
-"-pisteet eivät mittaa sivusi nopeutta. Kukaan sivusi todellisista "
-"kävijöistä, tai Googlen hakurobotti ei koskaan näe sivusi \"arvosanaa\". "
-"Nopeus on ainoa mittari, jolla on merkitystä SEO-näkyvyydessä."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr "Yoast, kaikkeen SEO:on liittyvän ammattilainen, sanoo:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] katsoo ainoastaan kuinka noeasti sivustosi latautuu vierailijalle, "
-"joten sinun ei tarvitse olla pakkomielteinen yksittäisen arvosanan vuoksi. "
-"Sinun täytyy pitää ainoastaan huoli, että verkkosivusi on niin nopea kuin "
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-"Kuinka mitata sivustosi nopeus:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-"Miksi sinun ei tulisi jahdata PageSpeed -pisteitä:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "En huomannut eroa latausajoissa"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Varmista, että testaat sivuasi ilman että olet kirjautunut sisään nähdäksesi"
-" nopeat, välimuistiin lisätyt sivut!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Paras tapa nähdä WP Rocket:in tekemät parannukset on suorittaa "
-"nopeustestejä. Seuraa tätä ohjetta mitataksesi sivustosi latausajan "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Lisäosa on liian monimutkainen konfiguroida"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Olemme pahoillamme että koet WP Rocket:in liian monimutkaiseksi."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket on ainoa välimuisti-lisäosa, joka tarjoaa 80% mahdollisista "
-"nopeutus-metodeista oletusasetuksilla. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että sinun ei "
-"tarvitse käytännössä tehdä mitään muuta kuin aktivoida WP Rocket tehdäksesi "
-"sivustasi nopeamman!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Valinnaiset asetukset eivät ole pakollisia sivuston nopeuttamisen kannalta, "
-"ne ovat hienosäätöä varten."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-"Nähdäksesi WP Rocket:in tarjoamat edut, mittaa sivustosi nopeus sopivalla "
-"työkalulla, kuten Pingdomilla:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Lähetä & deaktivoi"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peruuta"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Ohita & deaktivoi"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Tyhjennä välimuisti"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -2906,212 +1793,150 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Tuo asetukset"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Päällä"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Pois"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Lisäosan tila"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Muokkaa asetuksia"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr "Cloudflare -välimuisti"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr "Tyhjentää välimuistiin ladatut resurssit. %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Lue lisää"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki Cloudflaren välimuistin tiedostot"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Onnittelut!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr "WP Rocket on nyt aktivoitu ja käytössäsi."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Sivustosi pitäisi latautua nyt nopeammin!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Taatakseen nopeat verkkosivut, WP Rocket käyttää automaattisesti 80% "
-"parhaista suorituskykykäytännöistä."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Tarjoamme myös lisäasetuksia, joilla saat välitöntä lisähyötyä sivustollesi."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Tarjoamme myös lisäasetuksia, joilla saat välitöntä lisähyötyä sivustollesi."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Jatka asetuksiin optimoidaksesi sivuasi vielä enemmän!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Oma tili"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Päivitä tiedot"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Päättymisaika"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Näytä oma tilini"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Pikatoiminnot"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki välimuistit"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Aloita esilataus"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Tyhjennä OPCache:n sisältö"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Tyhjennä OPcache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Luo uudelleen kriittinen CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Usein Kysytyt Kysymykset"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Etkö löytänyt ratkaisua?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Lähetä meille tukitiketti ja saa apua ystävälliseltä ja ammattitaitoiselta "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Lähetä meille tukitiketti ja saa apua ystävälliseltä ja ammattitaitoiselta Rakettiryhmältämme."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Pyydä tukea"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Varmuuskopioi tietokantasi ennen kuin suoritat siivouksen!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "Kun tietokanta on optimoitu, toimintoa ei voi peruuttaa."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s loi %3$sIMAGIFY:n%4$s%1$s tarjotakseen parasta kuvien "
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Pakkaa kuvasi tehdäksesi sivustostasi nopeamman, kuitenkin säilyttäen hyvän "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s loi %3$sIMAGIFY:n%4$s%1$s tarjotakseen parasta kuvien optimointia.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Pakkaa kuvasi tehdäksesi sivustostasi nopeamman, kuitenkin säilyttäen hyvän kuvanlaadun."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr "Lisätietoja Imagify:stä:"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr "Imagify -lisäosan sivu"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr "Imagify:n verkkosivu"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr "Kuvanpakkauslisäosien arvostelu"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr "Asenna Imagify"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr "WP Rocket ei pystynyt automaattisesti varmistamaan lisenssiäsi."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-"Seuraa tätä tutoriaalia, tai ota "
-"yhteys tukeen saadaksesi moottorin "
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr "Tyhjennä Sucuri:n välimuisti"
@@ -3138,37 +1963,29 @@ msgstr "Vie asetukset"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "Lataa asetustesi varmuuskopio"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Latausasetukset"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Palauta"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr "Onko versio %s aiheuttanut ongelmia?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-"Voit palata takaisin edelliseen täysversioon täältä.
Tämän jälkeen lähetä"
-" meille tukipyyntö."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "Asenna uudelleen versio %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Vianetsintä-tila"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr "Luo vianetsintä-loki."
@@ -3181,131 +1998,1561 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket asetukset"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versio %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Tallenna muutokset"
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Näytä sivupalkki"
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Kiitos kun päätit osallistua WP Rocket Beta -testiohjelmaan!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket ei koskaan lähetä tietoja verkkotunnuksista, sähköposteista (paitsi lisenssin varmistuksen yhteydessä), IP-osoitteista tai kolmannen osapuolen API-avaimista."
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"Beta-versio on yleensä versio, jossa on uusia ominaisuuksia ja parannuksia, "
-"mutta niitä halutaan testata ensin hieman ennen julkaisua."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+msgstr "Aktivoi Rocket -analytiikka"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+msgstr "Tämä on hyvä lähtökohta korjataksesi useimmat ongelmat."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
+msgstr "Lue dokumentaatio"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+msgstr "Kuinka mittaat sivustosi nopeuden oikeaoppisesti"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr "Lue ohjeemme"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Lue lisää"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+msgstr "Et ole aktivoinut välimuistia kirjautuneille käyttäjille."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Käytä yksityistä selainikkunaa tarkistaaksesi sivustosi nopeuden ja visuaalisen ulkoasun."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr "Tarvitseko apua?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
msgstr ""
-"On huippua, jos haluat testata beta-versioitamme. Muista kuitenkin, että "
-"beta-versiot saattavat olla epävakaita, mutta älä huoli, voit palata koska "
-"tahansa edelliseen versioon."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
msgstr ""
-"Tehtäväsi: lähetä meille palautetta beta-versioista bugiraporttien muodossa "
-"osoitteeseen support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr "Jos et halua liittyä beta-ohjelmaan, voit sulkea tämän ikkunan."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Aktivoi Rocket Testaaja -tila"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-"Alla on yksityiskohtainen lista datasta jonka WP Rocket kerää jos "
-"annat sille luvan tehdä niin."
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket ei koskaan lähetä tietoja verkkotunnuksista, sähköposteista "
-"(paitsi lisenssin varmistuksen yhteydessä), IP-osoitteista tai kolmannen "
-"osapuolen API-avaimista."
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
-msgstr "Aktivoi Rocket -analytiikka"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr "Tämä on hyvä lähtökohta korjataksesi useimmat ongelmat."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
-msgstr "Lue dokumentaatio"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
-msgstr "Kuinka mittaat sivustosi nopeuden oikeaoppisesti"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr "Lue kuinka mittaat sivustosi nopeuden oikein."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
-msgstr "Lue ohjeemme"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Miksi Googlen PageSpeed -arvosanalla ei pitäisi olla merkitystä"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Lue lisää"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
-msgstr "Et ole aktivoinut välimuistia kirjautuneille käyttäjille."
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-"Käytä yksityistä selainikkunaa tarkistaaksesi sivustosi nopeuden ja "
-"visuaalisen ulkoasun."
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
-msgstr "Tarvitseko apua?"
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-fr_CA.mo b/languages/rocket-fr_CA.mo
index 8874180b57..a6e434e751 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-fr_CA.mo and b/languages/rocket-fr_CA.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-fr_CA.po b/languages/rocket-fr_CA.po
index ab3a5f8eb4..e7815dcac0 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-fr_CA.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-fr_CA.po
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Romain • WP Rocket
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Les fichiers en cache plus vieux que la durée de vie spécifiée seront "
Activer %1$spré-chargement %2$s pour que le cache soit généré de"
-" nouveau automatiquement après l'expiration de la durée de vie."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Les fichiers en cache plus vieux que la durée de vie spécifiée seront effacés.
Activer %1$spré-chargement %2$s pour que le cache soit généré de nouveau automatiquement après l'expiration de la durée de vie."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Activer la mise en cache pour les utilisateurs WordPress connectés"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Activer la mise en cache pour les appareils mobiles"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Créer un fichier de cache distinct pour les appareils mobiles"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:518
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"La majorité des thèmes sont responsives et devraient fonctionner sans cache "
-"séparée. Activer ceci seulement si vous avez un thème mobile dédié ou une "
-"extension. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "La majorité des thèmes sont responsives et devraient fonctionner sans cache séparée. Activer ceci seulement si vous avez un thème mobile dédié ou une extension. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:534
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez le nombre d’heures après quoi le cache global doit être vidé
(0 "
-"= illimité)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Indiquez le nombre d’heures après quoi le cache global doit être vidé
(0 = illimité)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:536
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Réduisez le délai à 10 heures ou moins si vous remarquez des problèmes "
-"apparaissant de façon intermittente. %1$sPourquoi ?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Réduisez le délai à 10 heures ou moins si vous remarquez des problèmes apparaissant de façon intermittente. %1$sPourquoi ?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Heures"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Jours"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:579
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Optimisation des fichiers"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:580
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optimiser le CSS et le JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:587
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "Fichiers CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:594
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:604
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"La minification %1$s est actuellement activée dans "
-"Autoptimize. Si vous souhaitez utiliser la minification de "
-"%2$s, désactivez ces options dans Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "La minification %1$s est actuellement activée dans Autoptimize. Si vous souhaitez utiliser la minification de %2$s, désactivez ces options dans Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:597
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Fichiers JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve "
Also, please check our "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous rencontrez des problèmes après avoir activé cette option, copiez et "
-"collez les exclusions par défaut pour résoudre rapidement les problèmes : "
Veuillez également consulter notre "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s pour obtenir la liste des exclusions de compatibilité."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:618
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Les scripts internes sont exclus par défaut pour éviter les problèmes. "
-"Supprimez-les pour profiter pleinement de cette option.
Si cela pose "
-"problème, restaurez les exclusions par défaut, trouvées %1$sici%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:627
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Minifier les fichiers CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minifier le CSS supprime les espaces et les commentaires afin de réduire le "
-"poids des fichiers."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:641
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:665
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:795
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:819
+msgstr "Minifier le CSS supprime les espaces et les commentaires afin de réduire le poids des fichiers."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Ceci pourrait briser des choses!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:666
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:820
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous remarquez des erreurs sur votre site après avoir activé cette "
-"option, il vous suffit de la désactiver et votre site sera de retour à la "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Si vous remarquez des erreurs sur votre site après avoir activé cette option, il vous suffit de la désactiver et votre site sera de retour à la normale."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:643
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Activer la minification CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:648
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combiner les fichiers CSS (activez la minification CSS pour "
+msgstr "Combiner les fichiers CSS (activez la minification CSS pour sélectionner)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Combiner le CSS condense tous vos fichiers en un seul, réduisant le nombre "
-"de requêtes HTTP. Ces réglages ne sont pas recommandés si votre site utilise"
-" HTTP/2. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Combiner le CSS condense tous vos fichiers en un seul, réduisant le nombre de requêtes HTTP. Ces réglages ne sont pas recommandés si votre site utilise HTTP/2. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove "
-"unused CSS is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Pour des raisons de compatibilité et pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, "
-"cette option est désactivée lorsque l'option Supprimer les ressources CSS "
-"inutilisées est activée."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr "Pour des raisons de compatibilité et pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, cette option est désactivée lorsque l'option Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées est activée."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:667
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Activer la combinaison CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:672 inc/admin/options.php:123
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Fichiers CSS à exclure"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:673
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez l’URL des fichiers CSS à exclure de la minification et de la "
-"concaténation (une par ligne)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Indiquez l’URL des fichiers CSS à exclure de la minification et de la concaténation (une par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:674
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interne : Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement "
-"de l'URL. Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*).css afin d'exclure tous "
-"les fichiers CSS pour un chemin donné."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interne : Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de l'URL. Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*).css afin d'exclure tous les fichiers CSS pour un chemin donné."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:676
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tierce-partie : Utilisez soit l'URL complet ou seulement le"
-" nom de domaine afin d'exclure le CSS externe.. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Tierce-partie : Utilisez soit l'URL complet ou seulement le nom de domaine afin d'exclure le CSS externe.. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:689
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:711
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optimiser le chargement du CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-"performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
-msgstr ""
-"L'Optimisation du Chargement CSS élimine les CSS bloquant le rendu de votre "
-"site Web. Une seule méthode peut être sélectionnée. La méthode Supprimer les"
-" CSS inutilisés est recommandée pour des performances optimales."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr "L'Optimisation du Chargement CSS élimine les CSS bloquant le rendu de votre site Web. Une seule méthode peut être sélectionnée. La méthode Supprimer les CSS inutilisés est recommandée pour des performances optimales."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-msgstr ""
-"L'Optimisation du Chargement CSS élimine les CSS bloquant le rendu sur votre"
-" site Web. Une seule méthode peut être sélectionnée. La méthode Supprimer "
-"les CSS inutilisés est recommandée pour des performances optimales."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr "L'Optimisation du Chargement CSS élimine les CSS bloquant le rendu sur votre site Web. Une seule méthode peut être sélectionnée. La méthode Supprimer les CSS inutilisés est recommandée pour des performances optimales."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:704
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn"
-" more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Les options Optimiser le chargement CSS sont désactivées en local. %1$sEn "
-"savoir plus%2$s"
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Les options Optimiser le chargement CSS sont désactivées en local. %1$sEn savoir plus%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:724 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Retirer CSS inutilisé"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests."
-" Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Supprime le CSS inutilisé par page et contribue à réduire la taille des "
-"pages et les requêtes HTTP. Recommandé pour de meilleures performances. "
-"Testez-le rigoureusement ! %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Supprime le CSS inutilisé par page et contribue à réduire la taille des pages et les requêtes HTTP. Recommandé pour de meilleures performances. Testez-le rigoureusement ! %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Activer le retrait du CSS inutilisé"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:737
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "Liste sécuritaire CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:738
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez les fichiers CSS, les IDs ou les classes qui ne devraient pas être"
-" retirés (un par ligne)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr "Spécifiez les fichiers CSS, les IDs ou les classes qui ne devraient pas être retirés (un par ligne)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:753 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
msgstr "Chargement asynchrone du CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:756
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
#, php-format
msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want"
-" to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Le Chargement asynchrone du CSS est actuellement géré par le plugin %1$s. Si"
-" vous souhaitez utiliser l'option de chargement asynchrone du CSS de WP "
-"Rocket, désactivez le plugin %1$s."
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr "Le Chargement asynchrone du CSS est actuellement géré par le plugin %1$s. Si vous souhaitez utiliser l'option de chargement asynchrone du CSS de WP Rocket, désactivez le plugin %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:758
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Génère le Critical Path CSS et charge les CSS de manière asynchrone. "
-"%1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Génère le Critical Path CSS et charge les CSS de manière asynchrone. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "CSS critique de secours"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Fournit une option de secours si le CSS critique auto-généré est "
-"incomplet.%1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Fournit une option de secours si le CSS critique auto-généré est incomplet.%1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:781
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Minifier les fichiers JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:782
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minifier le JavaScript supprime les espace et les commentaires afin de "
-"réduire le poids des fichiers."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Minifier le JavaScript supprime les espace et les commentaires afin de réduire le poids des fichiers."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:797
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Activer la minification JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combiner les fichiers JavaScript (activez la minification JavaScript "
-"pour sélectionner)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Combiner les fichiers JavaScript (activez la minification JavaScript pour sélectionner)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:804
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Combine vos fichiers JavaScript, les fichiers tiers et le inline JS en un "
-"seul fichier, réduisant le nombre de requêtes HTTP. Ces réglages ne sont pas"
-" recommandés si votre site utilise HTTP/2.%1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Combine vos fichiers JavaScript, les fichiers tiers et le inline JS en un seul fichier, réduisant le nombre de requêtes HTTP. Ces réglages ne sont pas recommandés si votre site utilise HTTP/2.%1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:805
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Pour assurer la compatibilité et obtenir de meilleurs résultats, cette "
-"option est désactivée lorsque le délai du javascript est activé."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr "Pour assurer la compatibilité et obtenir de meilleurs résultats, cette option est désactivée lorsque le délai du javascript est activé."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:821
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Activer la combinaison JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:826 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript inline exclu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les patterns du code JavaScript inline à exclure de la "
-"concaténation (un par ligne).%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Indiquez les patterns du code JavaScript inline à exclure de la concaténation (un par ligne).%1$sMore info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:844
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:877
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:906 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Fichiers JavaScript exclus"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:845
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez l’URL des fichiers JavaScript à exclure de la minification et de la"
-" concaténation (une par ligne)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Indiquez l’URL des fichiers JavaScript à exclure de la minification et de la concaténation (une par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:846
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interne :Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de"
-" l’URL. Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*).js afin d’exclure tous les "
-"fichiers JS pour un chemin donné."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interne :Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de l’URL. Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*).js afin d’exclure tous les fichiers JS pour un chemin donné."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:848
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tierce-partie : Utilisez soit l'URL complet ou seulement le"
-" nom de domaine afin d'exclure le JS externe. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Tierce-partie : Utilisez soit l'URL complet ou seulement le nom de domaine afin d'exclure le JS externe. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Charger les fichiers JavaScript en différé"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:866
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Charger les fichiers JavaScript en différé élimine le blocage de l’affichage"
-" de votre site dû au JS et peux améliorer le temps de chargement perçu. "
-"%1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Charger les fichiers JavaScript en différé élimine le blocage de l’affichage de votre site dû au JS et peux améliorer le temps de chargement perçu. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez les URLs ou mots-clés des fichiers JavaScript à être exclus du "
-"chargement différé (un par ligne). %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Spécifiez les URLs ou mots-clés des fichiers JavaScript à être exclus du chargement différé (un par ligne). %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:895 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Retarder l'exécution du JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:897
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Améliore les performances en retardant le chargement des fichiers JavaScript"
-" jusqu'à une interaction de l'utilisateur (ie. défiler, cliquer). %1$sPlus "
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Améliore les performances en retardant le chargement des fichiers JavaScript jusqu'à une interaction de l'utilisateur (ie. défiler, cliquer). %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:907
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez les URLs ou mots-clés qui peuvent identifier le JavaScript en "
-"ligne ou en fichiers à être exclus de l'exécution retardée (un par ligne)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr "Spécifiez les URLs ou mots-clés qui peuvent identifier le JavaScript en ligne ou en fichiers à être exclus de l'exécution retardée (un par ligne)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:938
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Média"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:939
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
msgstr "LazyLoad, dimensions des images"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:948
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "Chargement différé"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:996
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Peut améliorer le temps de chargement réel et perçu car les images, iframes "
-"et vidéos ne seront chargées que lorsqu'elles entreront (ou seront sur le "
-"point d'entrer) dans la zone visible. Réduit le nombre de requêtes HTTP. "
-"%1$sPlus d'informations.%2$s"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Peut améliorer le temps de chargement réel et perçu car les images, iframes et vidéos ne seront chargées que lorsqu'elles entreront (ou seront sur le point d'entrer) dans la zone visible. Réduit le nombre de requêtes HTTP. %1$sPlus d'informations.%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad est présentement activé dans %2$s. Si vous désirez utiliser le "
-"LazyLoad de WP Rocket, désactivez cette option dans %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad est présentement activé dans %2$s. Si vous désirez utiliser le LazyLoad de WP Rocket, désactivez cette option dans %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1006
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "Dimensions de l'image"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1009
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Ajoutez les attributs manquants de hauteur et largeur aux images. Ceci aide "
-"à prévenir les sauts de mise en page et améliorer l'expérience de lecture "
-"pour vos visiteurs. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ajoutez les attributs manquants de hauteur et largeur aux images. Ceci aide à prévenir les sauts de mise en page et améliorer l'expérience de lecture pour vos visiteurs. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1028
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Activer pour les images"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1040
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad pour les images est présentement activé dans %2$s. Si vous désirez "
-"utiliser le LazyLoad de %1$s, désactivez cette option dans %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad pour les images est présentement activé dans %2$s. Si vous désirez utiliser le LazyLoad de %1$s, désactivez cette option dans %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Activer pour les iframes et vidéos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1063
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Remplacer l'iframe YouTube par une image d'aperçu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1065
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Le remplacement du iFrame YouTube par une image d'aperçu n'est pas "
-"compatible avec %2$s."
+msgstr "Le remplacement du iFrame YouTube par une image d'aperçu n'est pas compatible avec %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1065
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Ceci peut considérablement améliorer votre vitesse de chargement si vous "
-"avez beaucoup de vidéos YouTube sur une page."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Ceci peut considérablement améliorer votre vitesse de chargement si vous avez beaucoup de vidéos YouTube sur une page."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1080
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "Exclure les images ou iFrames"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1082
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez les mots-clés (ie. nom de fichier d'image, classe CSS, nom de "
-"domaine) de l'image ou du code iFrame à être exclu (un par ligne). %1$sPlus "
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Spécifiez les mots-clés (ie. nom de fichier d'image, classe CSS, nom de domaine) de l'image ou du code iFrame à être exclu (un par ligne). %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1090
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "Ajouter les dimensions manquantes de l'image"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1109 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Préchargement"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Générer les fichiers de cache, précharger les fontes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Précharger la cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1125
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps"
-" and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your "
-"cache is always preloaded."
-msgstr ""
-"Lorsque vous activez le préchargement, WP Rocket détecte automatiquement vos"
-" sitemaps et enregistre toutes les URLs dans la base de données. L'extension"
-" s'assurera que votre cache est toujours préchargé."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr "Lorsque vous activez le préchargement, WP Rocket détecte automatiquement vos sitemaps et enregistre toutes les URLs dans la base de données. L'extension s'assurera que votre cache est toujours préchargé."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1133
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Précharger les liens"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1136
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Le pré-chargement de liens améliore la perception du temps de chargement du "
-"site en téléchargeant une page lorsque l'usager survole un hyperlien. "
-"%1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Le pré-chargement de liens améliore la perception du temps de chargement du site en téléchargeant une page lorsque l'usager survole un hyperlien. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1144
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Préchargement des requêtes DNS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1146
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Le préchargement des requêtes DNS peut permettre aux ressources externes de "
-"charger plus rapidement, surtout sur les réseaux mobiles."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Le préchargement des requêtes DNS peut permettre aux ressources externes de charger plus rapidement, surtout sur les réseaux mobiles."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Précharger les fontes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1154
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Améliore les performances en aidant les navigateurs à découvrir les fontes "
-"dans les ficheirs CSS. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Améliore les performances en aidant les navigateurs à découvrir les fontes dans les ficheirs CSS. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1168
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Activer le pré-chargement"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1179
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
msgid "Exclude URLs"
msgstr "URLs à exclure"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1184
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les URL à exclure du préchargement (une par ligne). %1$sPlus "
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Indiquez les URL à exclure du préchargement (une par ligne). %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URLs à précharger"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1196
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les hôtes externes à précharger (sans http:
, un par "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Indiquez les hôtes externes à précharger (sans http:
, un par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1205
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Fontes à précharger"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez les URLs des fichiers de fontes à être pré-chargées (un par "
-"ligne). Les fontes doivent être hébergées sur votre propre domaine, ou le "
-"domaine spécifié dans l'onglet CDN."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Spécifiez les URLs des fichiers de fontes à être pré-chargées (un par ligne). Les fontes doivent être hébergées sur votre propre domaine, ou le domaine spécifié dans l'onglet CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1207
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"La portion domaine de l'URL sera retirée automatiquement.
Extensions de "
-"fontes permises : otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "La portion domaine de l'URL sera retirée automatiquement.
Extensions de fontes permises : otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1216
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Activer le préchargement des liens"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1235
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Règles avancées"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1236
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Affiner les règles du cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1247
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Les pages sensibles telles que les URLs de connexion / déconnexion "
-"personnalisés doivent être exclus du cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Les pages sensibles telles que les URLs de connexion / déconnexion personnalisés doivent être exclus du cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1252
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1254
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1256
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1258
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1264
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Les pages panier, commande et \"mon compte\" réglées dans "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s seront automatiquement détectées et exclues du"
-" cache par défaut."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Les pages panier, commande et \"mon compte\" réglées dans %1$s%2$s%3$s seront automatiquement détectées et exclues du cache par défaut."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1274 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Ne jamais mettre en cache ces URL(s)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1282
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Ne jamais mettre en cache ces témoins"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1288 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Ne jamais mettre en cache ces agents utilisateurs"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1294 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Toujours purger ces URL(s)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1300
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Cacher les “Query String(s)”"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1303
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sCacher les “Query Strings”%2$s vous permet de forcer la mise en cache de"
-" paramètres GET spécifiques."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sCacher les “Query Strings”%2$s vous permet de forcer la mise en cache de paramètres GET spécifiques."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1314
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les URLs des pages ou articles qui doivent être exclus de la mise "
-"en cache (un par ligne)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Indiquez les URLs des pages ou articles qui doivent être exclus de la mise en cache (un par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1315
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de l'URL .
Utilisez les "
-"expressions régulières (.*) pour exclure plusieurs URLs pour un chemin "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de l'URL .
Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*) pour exclure plusieurs URLs pour un chemin donné."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1324
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez les IDs complets ou partiels de témoins qui, lorsque définis dans "
-"le navigateur du visiteur, devraient prévenir une page d'être mise en cache "
-"(un par ligne)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Spécifiez les IDs complets ou partiels de témoins qui, lorsque définis dans le navigateur du visiteur, devraient prévenir une page d'être mise en cache (un par ligne)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1332
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les chaînes des agents utilisateurs qui ne devraient jamais voir "
-"les pages mises en cache (une par ligne)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Indiquez les chaînes des agents utilisateurs qui ne devraient jamais voir les pages mises en cache (une par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1333
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*) pour détecter les parties des "
-"chaînes des agents utilisateurs."
+msgstr "Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*) pour détecter les parties des chaînes des agents utilisateurs."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1342
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les URLs dont vous voulez systématiquement vider le cache lorsque "
-"vous mettez à jour n'importe quel article ou page (une par ligne)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Indiquez les URLs dont vous voulez systématiquement vider le cache lorsque vous mettez à jour n'importe quel article ou page (une par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les “query strings” qui peuvent être mises en cache (une par ligne)"
+msgstr "Indiquez les “query strings” qui peuvent être mises en cache (une par ligne)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1376 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de données"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1377
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimiser & nettoyer"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Nettoyage des contenus"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1386
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Les révisions et les brouillons seront supprimés définitivement. N'utilisez "
-"pas cette option si vous devez conserver vos révisions et brouillons."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Les révisions et les brouillons seront supprimés définitivement. N'utilisez pas cette option si vous devez conserver vos révisions et brouillons."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1391
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Nettoyage des commentaires"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Les Spams et les commentaires mis à la corbeille seront supprimés"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Nettoyage des transients"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Les “transients” sont des options temporaires, leur suppression est sans "
-"danger. Elles seront automatiquement régénérées si vos extensions en ont "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Les “transients” sont des options temporaires, leur suppression est sans danger. Elles seront automatiquement régénérées si vos extensions en ont besoin."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1403
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Nettoyage de la base de données"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1405
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Récupère l’espace inutilisé des tables de la base de données"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Nettoyage automatique"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1251,7 +933,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s révision dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%s révisions dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%s révisions dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1259,7 +941,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s brouillon dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%s brouillons dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%s brouillons dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1442
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1267,7 +949,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s articles à la corbeille dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%sarticles à la corbeille dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%sarticles à la corbeille dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1275,7 +957,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s commentaire de SPAM dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%s commentaires de SPAM dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%s commentaires de SPAM dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1462
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1283,11 +965,11 @@ msgstr[0] "%s commentaire à la corbeille dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%s commentaires à la corbeille dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%s commentaires à la corbeille dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Tous les transients"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1472
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1295,11 +977,11 @@ msgstr[0] "%s transient dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%s transients dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%s transients dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optimiser les tables"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1307,459 +989,349 @@ msgstr[0] "%s table à optimiser dans votre base de données."
msgstr[1] "%s tables à optimiser dans votre base de données."
msgstr[2] "%s tables à optimiser dans votre base de données."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Planifier le nettoyage automatique"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Fréquence"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1513
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Quotidien"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1514
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Hebdomadaire"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mensuel"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1531
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1542 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1532
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Intégrer votre CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Tous les URLs de vos fichiers statiques (CSS, JS, images) seront ré-écrits "
-"avec le CNAME fourni."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Tous les URLs de vos fichiers statiques (CSS, JS, images) seront ré-écrits avec le CNAME fourni."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1546
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Non requis pour les services tels que Cloudflare et Sucuri. Veuillez "
-"consulter nos %1$sAjouts%2$s disponibles."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Non requis pour les services tels que Cloudflare et Sucuri. Veuillez consulter nos %1$sAjouts%2$s disponibles."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1561 inc/admin/options.php:131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Exclure des fichiers du CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$sest présentement activé. s. La configuration des réglages"
-" CDN n'est pas requise pour que %2$l fonctionne sur votre site."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s sont présentement activés. La configuration des "
-"réglages CDN n'est pas requise pour que %2$l fonctionne sur votre site."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s sont présentement activés. La configuration des "
-"réglages CDN n'est pas requise pour que %2$l fonctionne sur votre site."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1612
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$sest présentement activé. s. La configuration des réglages CDN n'est pas requise pour que %2$l fonctionne sur votre site."
+msgstr[1] "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s sont présentement activés. La configuration des réglages CDN n'est pas requise pour que %2$l fonctionne sur votre site."
+msgstr[2] "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s sont présentement activés. La configuration des réglages CDN n'est pas requise pour que %2$l fonctionne sur votre site."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Activer le Content Delivery Network."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1621
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CNAME(s) du CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1622
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Indiquez le(s) CNAME(s) ci-dessous"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1629
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Indiquez les URLs des fichiers qui ne doivent pas être servies par le CDN "
-"(une par ligne)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Indiquez les URLs des fichiers qui ne doivent pas être servies par le CDN (une par ligne)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1630
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de l'URL .
Utilisez les "
-"expressions régulières (.*) pour exclure plusieurs URLs pour un chemin "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Le nom de domaine sera supprimé automatiquement de l'URL .
Utilisez les expressions régulières (.*) pour exclure plusieurs URLs pour un chemin donné."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1653
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1661
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Battement de coeur"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1654
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Contrôler l'API du battement de coeur de WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1662
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Réduire ou désactiver l'API du signal de battement de coeur peut aider à "
-"économier des ressources serveur."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Réduire ou désactiver l'API du signal de battement de coeur peut aider à économier des ressources serveur."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1668
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Réduire ou désactiver le signal de battement de coeur"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1669
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Réduire l'activité changera la fréquence de battement de coeur de une "
-"pulsation par minute à une pulsation aux 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Réduire l'activité changera la fréquence de battement de coeur de une pulsation par minute à une pulsation aux 2 minutes."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1669
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Désactiver le battement de coeur complètement peut briser les extensions et "
-"thèmes utilisant cet API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Désactiver le battement de coeur complètement peut briser les extensions et thèmes utilisant cet API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Ne pas limiter"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Réduire l'activité"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Désactiver"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1693
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Contrôler le battement de coeur"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Comportement dans le tableau de bord"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Comportement dans l'éditeur"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Comportement sur le site"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Ajouts"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1733
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Ajouter des fonctionnalités"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Ajouts Rockets en un clic"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1741
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Les ajouts en un clic offrent des fonctionnalités complémentaires en "
-"augmentant les options déjà disponibles sans besoin de configuration. Mettez"
-" l'option à \"ON\" pour l'activer depuis cet écran."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Les ajouts en un clic offrent des fonctionnalités complémentaires en augmentant les options déjà disponibles sans besoin de configuration. Mettez l'option à \"ON\" pour l'activer depuis cet écran."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Ajouts Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1752
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Les ajouts Rockets offrent des fonctionnalités complémentaires augmentant "
-"les options déjà disponibles."
+msgstr "Les ajouts Rockets offrent des fonctionnalités complémentaires augmentant les options déjà disponibles."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1915
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1769
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Intégrez votre compte Cloudflare avec cet add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Entrez l’adresse courriel, la clé d’API globale et le domaine de votre "
-"compte Cloudflare afin d’ajouter l’option de purger le cache Cloudflare et "
-"activer les réglages optimaux pour fonctionner avec WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Entrez l’adresse courriel, la clé d’API globale et le domaine de votre compte Cloudflare afin d’ajouter l’option de purger le cache Cloudflare et activer les réglages optimaux pour fonctionner avec WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1804
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1810
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Si votre serveur utilise Varnish, vous devez activer cet add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Le cache Varnish sera purgé à chaque fois que WP Rocket purgera son cache "
-"pour vous assurer que le contenu soit toujours à jour.
%1$sEn savoir "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Le cache Varnish sera purgé à chaque fois que WP Rocket purgera son cache pour vous assurer que le contenu soit toujours à jour.
%1$sEn savoir plus%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1847
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilité WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1853
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "Améliore la compatibilité des navigateurs pour les images WebP."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1857
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Activez cette option si vous désirez que WP Rocket serve les images WebP au "
-"navigateurs compatibles. Veuillez noter que WP Rocket ne peut pas créer "
-"d'images WebP pour vous. Pour créez des images WebP nous recommandons "
-"%1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sPlus d'info %2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Activez cette option si vous désirez que WP Rocket serve les images WebP au navigateurs compatibles. Veuillez noter que WP Rocket ne peut pas créer d'images WebP pour vous. Pour créez des images WebP nous recommandons %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sPlus d'info %2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1877
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Vider le cache Sucuri quand le cache de WP Rocket est vidé."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Fournir votre clé d'API afin de vider le cache Sucuri quand le cache de WP "
-"Rocket sera vidé."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Fournir votre clé d'API afin de vider le cache Sucuri quand le cache de WP Rocket sera vidé."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1888
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2032
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1894
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Synchronisez le cache Sucuri avec cet add-on."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1932
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Accès Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1941
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Réglages Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1955
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Clé d’API globale :"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1956
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Trouver votre clé d’API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1968
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Courriel du compte"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1977
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Identifiant de zone"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1987
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Mode développement"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1989
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Active temporairement le mode développement sur votre site. Ce réglage se "
-"désactivera automatiquement après 3 heures. %1$sEn savoir plus%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Active temporairement le mode développement sur votre site. Ce réglage se désactivera automatiquement après 3 heures. %1$sEn savoir plus%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1997
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Réglages optimaux"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1998
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Améliore automatiquement votre configuration Cloudflare pour la rapidité de "
-"chargement, les notes de performance et la compatibilité."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Améliore automatiquement votre configuration Cloudflare pour la rapidité de chargement, les notes de performance et la compatibilité."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2006
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Relatif au protocole"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2007
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Ne devrait être utilisé qu’avec la fonction Flexible SSL de Cloudflare. Les "
-"URLs de vos fichiers statiques (CSS, JS, images) seront ré-écrits pour "
-"utiliser // au lieu de http:// ou https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Ne devrait être utilisé qu’avec la fonction Flexible SSL de Cloudflare. Les URLs de vos fichiers statiques (CSS, JS, images) seront ré-écrits pour utiliser // au lieu de http:// ou https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2045
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Accès Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"La clé d'API du pare-feu (pour cette extension) doit être au format "
-"{32 caractères}/{32 caractères}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2059
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Trouver votre clé d’API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:409 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Envoyer le fichier et importer les réglages"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:375
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Ajout Sucuri : la clé d'API pour le pare-feu Sucuri doit être au format "
-"{32 caractères}/{32 caractères}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Ajout Sucuri : la clé d'API pour le pare-feu Sucuri doit être au format {32 caractères}/{32 caractères}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Réglages sauvegardés."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:682
-msgid ""
-"Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved "
-"because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Désolé ! L'ajout de /(.*) dans Règles avancées > Ne jamais mettre en cache "
-"ces URL(s) n'a pas été sauvegardé car cette valeur désactive le cache et les"
-" optimisations sur toutes les pages du site."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr "Désolé ! L'ajout de /(.*) dans Règles avancées > Ne jamais mettre en cache ces URL(s) n'a pas été sauvegardé car cette valeur désactive le cache et les optimisations sur toutes les pages du site."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Outils"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Import, export, restauration"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:176
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Optimisation des images"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:177
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Compresser vos images"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Tutoriels"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Bien démarrer et vidéos d'assistance"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
-msgid ""
-"We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an "
-"unexpected error code."
-msgstr ""
-"Nous n'avons pas pu récupérer le prix actuel car l'API RocketCDN a renvoyé "
-"un code d'erreur inattendu."
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr "Nous n'avons pas pu récupérer le prix actuel car l'API RocketCDN a renvoyé un code d'erreur inattendu."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN n'est pas disponible pour le moment. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
+msgstr "RocketCDN n'est pas disponible pour le moment. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : identifiant de réglage manquant."
+msgstr "La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : identifiant de réglage manquant."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
-msgstr ""
-"La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : identifiant d'utilisateur manquant."
+msgstr "La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : identifiant d'utilisateur manquant."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : l'API a retourné un code de réponse "
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : l'API a retourné un code de réponse inattendu."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : l'API a retourné une réponse vide."
+msgstr "La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : l'API a retourné une réponse vide."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : l'API a retourné une réponse "
+msgstr "La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : l'API a retourné une réponse inattendue."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
@@ -1770,26 +1342,26 @@ msgstr "La purge du cache RocketCDN a échoué : %s."
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "La purge du cache de RocketCDN a été effectuée avec succès."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:81
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Prochaine date de facturation"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Aucun abonnement"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Votre abonnement à RocketCDN est présentement activé."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Pour utiliser RocketCDN, remplacer votre CNAME avec %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:143
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:208
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:306
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sPlus d'Info%2$s"
@@ -1813,29 +1385,18 @@ msgstr "Accélérez votre site web grâce à :"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"CDN (Content Delivery Network) de haute performance à %1$sbande passante "
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr "CDN (Content Delivery Network) de haute performance à %1$sbande passante illimitée%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Configuration simplifiée : les %1$smeilleurs réglages CDN%2$s sont "
-"automatiquement appliqués"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Configuration simplifiée : les %1$smeilleurs réglages CDN%2$s sont automatiquement appliqués"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Intégration WP Rocket : l'option CDN est %1$sautomatiquement configurée%2$s "
-"dans notre extension"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Intégration WP Rocket : l'option CDN est %1$sautomatiquement configurée%2$s dans notre extension"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
@@ -1843,12 +1404,8 @@ msgstr "En savoir plus sur RocketCDN"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"*%1$s$/mois pour 12 mois puis %2$s$/mois. Vous pouvez résilier votre "
-"abonnement à tout moment."
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr "*%1$s$/mois pour 12 mois puis %2$s$/mois. Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
msgid "Billed monthly"
@@ -1863,11 +1420,8 @@ msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Réduire cette bannière"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Accélérez votre site web avec RocketCDN, le réseau de livraison de contenu "
-"de WP Rocket."
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Accélérez votre site web avec RocketCDN, le réseau de livraison de contenu de WP Rocket."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
@@ -1876,8 +1430,7 @@ msgstr "En savoir plus"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN est indisponible pour les domaines locaux et les sites de test."
+msgstr "RocketCDN est indisponible pour les domaines locaux et les sites de test."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
msgid "Get RocketCDN"
@@ -1888,14 +1441,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "Nouveau!"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Accélérez votre site web avec RocketCDN, le réseau de livraison de contenu "
-"de WP Rocket."
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Accélérez votre site web avec RocketCDN, le réseau de livraison de contenu de WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:96
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:118 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Vider ce cache"
@@ -1908,12 +1460,8 @@ msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "Valeur de WP_CACHE"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"La constante WP_CACHE doit être à \"true\" pour que le cache de WP Rocket "
-"fonctionne correctement"
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "La constante WP_CACHE doit être à \"true\" pour que le cache de WP Rocket fonctionne correctement"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
@@ -1938,21 +1486,13 @@ msgstr "Le CSS critique pour %1$s n'a pas été généré. Erreur : %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS critique aux mobiles pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné une"
-" réponse vide."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "CSS critique aux mobiles pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné une réponse vide."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"CSS critique pour %1$s non généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné une réponse "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "CSS critique pour %1$s non généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné une réponse vide."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
@@ -1967,21 +1507,13 @@ msgstr "CSS critique pour %1$s non-généré."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS critique aux mobiles pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné un "
-"code de réponse invalide."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "CSS critique aux mobiles pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné un code de réponse invalide."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS critique pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné un code de "
-"réponse invalide"
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "CSS critique pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : l'API a retourné un code de réponse invalide"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
@@ -2005,9 +1537,7 @@ msgstr "Regénérer le CPCSS spécifique"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
-msgstr ""
-"Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible pour les publications qui ne sont "
-"pas publiques."
+msgstr "Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible pour les publications qui ne sont pas publiques."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
@@ -2026,58 +1556,42 @@ msgstr "Activez Chargement Asynchrone du CSS dans les réglages de WP Rocket"
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
msgstr "Activez Chargement Asynchrone du CSS dans les options ci-dessus"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "La génération du CSS critique est en cours."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:159
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Allez à la page des %1$sparamètres WP Rocket %2$s afin d'en suivre "
+msgstr "Allez à la page des %1$sparamètres WP Rocket %2$s afin d'en suivre l'évolution."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:374
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"La génération du CSS critique est en cours : %1$d de %2$d de types de "
-"contenus complétés. (Rafraîchir pour voir la progression)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "La génération du CSS critique est en cours : %1$d de %2$d de types de contenus complétés. (Rafraîchir pour voir la progression)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:450
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-"La génération du CSS critique est terminée pour %1$d des %2$d types de "
+msgstr "La génération du CSS critique est terminée pour %1$d des %2$d types de contenus."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "La génération du CSS critique a rencontré une ou plusieurs erreur(s)."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "En savoir plus."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS critique pour %1$s sur mobile non-généré. Erreur : Le répertoire de "
-"destination n'a pas pu être créé."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "CSS critique pour %1$s sur mobile non-généré. Erreur : Le répertoire de destination n'a pas pu être créé."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS critique pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : Le répertoire de destination n'a"
-" pu être créé."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "CSS critique pour %1$s non-généré. Erreur : Le répertoire de destination n'a pu être créé."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
@@ -2122,16 +1636,12 @@ msgstr "Fichier de CSS critique effacé avec succès"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Délai d'attente du CSS critique aux mobiles pour %1$s. Veuillez essayer de "
-"nouveau plus tard."
+msgstr "Délai d'attente du CSS critique aux mobiles pour %1$s. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Délai d'attente pour le CSS critique pour %1$s. Veuillez essayer de nouveau "
-"plus tard."
+msgstr "Délai d'attente pour le CSS critique pour %1$s. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
@@ -2146,33 +1656,18 @@ msgstr "L'article demandé n'existe pas"
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Impossible de générer le CPCSS pour les articles non-publiés"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"L'évènement planifié suivant n'a pas fonctionné. Ceci pourrait indiquer que "
-"le système CRON ne fonctionne pas correctement, ce qui peut prévenir "
-"certaines fonctionnalités WP Rocket de fonctionner tel que prévu :"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Les évènements planifiés suivants n'ont pas fonctionné. Ceci pourrait "
-"indiquer que le système CRON ne fonctionne pas correctement, ce qui peut "
-"prévenir certaines fonctionnalités WP Rocket de fonctionner tel que prévu :"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Les évènements planifiés suivants n'ont pas fonctionné. Ceci pourrait "
-"indiquer que le système CRON ne fonctionne pas correctement, ce qui peut "
-"prévenir certaines fonctionnalités WP Rocket de fonctionner tel que prévu :"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "L'évènement planifié suivant n'a pas fonctionné. Ceci pourrait indiquer que le système CRON ne fonctionne pas correctement, ce qui peut prévenir certaines fonctionnalités WP Rocket de fonctionner tel que prévu :"
+msgstr[1] "Les évènements planifiés suivants n'ont pas fonctionné. Ceci pourrait indiquer que le système CRON ne fonctionne pas correctement, ce qui peut prévenir certaines fonctionnalités WP Rocket de fonctionner tel que prévu :"
+msgstr[2] "Les évènements planifiés suivants n'ont pas fonctionné. Ceci pourrait indiquer que le système CRON ne fonctionne pas correctement, ce qui peut prévenir certaines fonctionnalités WP Rocket de fonctionner tel que prévu :"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur afin de valider si le CRON est "
+msgstr "Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur afin de valider si le CRON est fonctionnel."
#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
@@ -2195,79 +1690,51 @@ msgstr "Préchargement"
msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
msgstr "Processus de génération du CSS pour chemin critique"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:116
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
#, php-format
msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
msgstr "Renouvelez votre licence pour 1 an maintenant à %1$s%3$s%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you "
-"will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"Renouvelez votre licence pour 1 an et bénéficiez d’une réduction immédiate "
-"%1$sde %3$s%2$s: vous ne paierez que %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr "Renouvelez votre licence pour 1 an et bénéficiez d’une réduction immédiate %1$sde %3$s%2$s: vous ne paierez que %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
#, php-format
msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
msgstr "Renouvelez avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, vous payerez %1$s%3$s%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr ""
-"Renouvelez avec un %1$s%2$s escompte%3$s avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, vous"
-" ne payerez seulement que %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr "Renouvelez avec un %1$s%2$s escompte%3$s avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, vous ne payerez seulement que %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s "
-"before losing access."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous devez détenir une licence valide pour continuer à utiliser cette "
-"option. %1$sRenouveler maintenant%2$s avant de perdre l'accès."
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr "Vous devez détenir une licence valide pour continuer à utiliser cette option. %1$sRenouveler maintenant%2$s avant de perdre l'accès."
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:512
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
#, php-format
msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous devez détenir une licence active pour activer cette option. "
-"%1$sRenouveler maintenant%2$s."
+msgstr "Vous devez détenir une licence active pour activer cette option. %1$sRenouveler maintenant%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:540
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
#, php-format
msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous devez détenir une licence active pour activer cette option. %1$sPlus "
+msgstr "Vous devez détenir une licence active pour activer cette option. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Prenez avantage de %1$s afin d'accéléler plus de sites web :%2$s obtenez "
-"%3$s%4$s d'escompte%5$s pour %3$srehausser votre licence à \"Plus\" ou "
-"\"Infinite\" !%5$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Prenez avantage de %1$s afin d'accélérer plus de sites web :%2$s obtenez "
-"%3$s%4$s d'escompte%5$s pour %3$srehausser votre licence à \"Infinite\" "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Prenez avantage de %1$s afin d'accélérer plus de sites web :%2$s obtenez "
-"%3$s%4$s d'escompte%5$s pour %3$srehausser votre licence à \"Infinite\" "
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] "Prenez avantage de %1$s afin d'accéléler plus de sites web :%2$s obtenez %3$s%4$s d'escompte%5$s pour %3$srehausser votre licence à \"Plus\" ou \"Infinite\" !%5$s"
+msgstr[1] "Prenez avantage de %1$s afin d'accélérer plus de sites web :%2$s obtenez %3$s%4$s d'escompte%5$s pour %3$srehausser votre licence à \"Infinite\" !%5$s"
+msgstr[2] "Prenez avantage de %1$s afin d'accélérer plus de sites web :%2$s obtenez %3$s%4$s d'escompte%5$s pour %3$srehausser votre licence à \"Infinite\" !%5$s"
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Illimité"
@@ -2304,7 +1771,8 @@ msgstr "Rehausser maintenant"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Ne pas tenir compte de cet avertissement."
@@ -2313,23 +1781,13 @@ msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
msgstr "L'option Optimiser le chargement du CSS est désactivée."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
-msgid ""
-"You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously "
-msgstr ""
-"Vous ne pouvez plus utiliser les options Supprimer les ressources CSS "
-"inutilisées ou Chargement asynchrone du CSS."
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez plus utiliser les options Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées ou Chargement asynchrone du CSS."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, "
-"which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page "
-msgstr ""
-"Vous avez besoin d'une %1$slicence active%2$s pour continuer à optimiser le "
-"chargement de votre CSS, ce qui répond à une recommandation de PageSpeed "
-"Insights et améliore les performances de vos pages."
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr "Vous avez besoin d'une %1$slicence active%2$s pour continuer à optimiser le chargement de votre CSS, ce qui répond à une recommandation de PageSpeed Insights et améliore les performances de vos pages."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
@@ -2344,22 +1802,12 @@ msgstr "Vous perdrez bientôt l'accès à certaines options"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous avez besoin d'une %1$slicence active pour continuer à optimiser le "
-"chargement de votre CSS%2$s."
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr "Vous avez besoin d'une %1$slicence active pour continuer à optimiser le chargement de votre CSS%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
-msgid ""
-"The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options"
-" to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website "
-msgstr ""
-"Les options Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées et Chargement "
-"Asynchrone du CSS sont des options intéressantes pour répondre aux "
-"recommandations de PageSpeed Insights et améliorer les performances de votre"
-" site Web."
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr "Les options Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées et Chargement Asynchrone du CSS sont des options intéressantes pour répondre aux recommandations de PageSpeed Insights et améliorer les performances de votre site Web."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
#, php-format
@@ -2372,21 +1820,13 @@ msgstr "Votre licence WP Rocket est expirée!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew "
-"features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
-msgstr ""
-"Votre site web pourrait être beaucoup plus rapide s'il pouvait profiter de "
-"nos %1$s nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations%2$s.🚀"
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr "Votre site web pourrait être beaucoup plus rapide s'il pouvait profiter de nos %1$s nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations%2$s.🚀"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access"
-" to product updates and support."
-msgstr ""
-"Votre %1$slicence WP Rocket est sur le point d'expirer%2$s : vous perdrez "
-"bientôt l'accès aux mises à jour et au support."
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr "Votre %1$slicence WP Rocket est sur le point d'expirer%2$s : vous perdrez bientôt l'accès aux mises à jour et au support."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
@@ -2394,22 +1834,13 @@ msgstr "Accélérez plus de sites web"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez utiliser WP Rocket sur plus de sites web en rehaussant votre "
-"licence. Pour rehausser, simplement payer la %1$sdifférence de prix %2$s "
-"entre votre licence actuelle et la nouvelle, tel que montré ci-dessous."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser WP Rocket sur plus de sites web en rehaussant votre licence. Pour rehausser, simplement payer la %1$sdifférence de prix %2$s entre votre licence actuelle et la nouvelle, tel que montré ci-dessous."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sP.S.%2$s: rehausser votre licence ne change pas votre date de "
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr "%1$sP.S.%2$s: rehausser votre licence ne change pas votre date de renouvellement."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
#, php-format
@@ -2427,23 +1858,14 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "Rehausser à %s"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez utiliser WP Rocket sur plus de sites web en rehaussant votre "
-"licence (vous ne payerez que la différence de prix entre votre licence "
-"courante et la nouvelle)."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser WP Rocket sur plus de sites web en rehaussant votre licence (vous ne payerez que la différence de prix entre votre licence courante et la nouvelle)."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:103
-msgid ""
-"You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our "
-msgstr ""
-"Vous devez avoir une licence active pour obtenir la dernière version des "
-"listes de notre serveur."
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr "Vous devez avoir une licence active pour obtenir la dernière version des listes de notre serveur."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:116
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir les listes mises à jour depuis le serveur."
@@ -2451,11 +1873,11 @@ msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir les listes mises à jour depuis le serveur."
msgid "Lists are up to date."
msgstr "Les listes sont à jour."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
msgid "Could not update lists."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour les listes."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:139
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
msgstr "Les listes ont été mises à jour avec succès."
@@ -2466,294 +1888,178 @@ msgstr "Vider le CSS utilisé"
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
-"your pages."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Veuillez patienter %2$s secondes. Le service Supprimer les ressources "
-"CSS inutilisées analyse vos pages."
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr "%1$s: Veuillez patienter %2$s secondes. Le service Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées analyse vos pages."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
-"continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Le CSS utilisé de votre page d'accueil a été généré. WP Rocket va "
-"continuer de générer le CSS jusqu'à %2$s URLs par %3$s seconde(s)."
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr "%1$s: Le CSS utilisé de votre page d'accueil a été généré. WP Rocket va continuer de générer le CSS jusqu'à %2$s URLs par %3$s seconde(s)."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
-msgstr ""
-"Nous vous suggérons d'activer le %1$sPréchargement%2$s pour obtenir des "
-"résultats plus rapides."
+msgstr "Nous vous suggérons d'activer le %1$sPréchargement%2$s pour obtenir des résultats plus rapides."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pour en apprendre plus sur le processus, consultez notre "
+msgstr "Pour en apprendre plus sur le processus, consultez notre %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
-msgid ""
-"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
-"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
-"and further improve your website's performance."
-msgstr ""
-"Nous n'avons pas pu générer le CSS utilisé car vous utilisez une version "
-"piratée de WP Rocket. Vous avez besoin d'une licence active pour utiliser "
-"l'option Supprimer les CSS inutilisés et améliorer davantage les "
-"performances de votre site Web."
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr "Nous n'avons pas pu générer le CSS utilisé car vous utilisez une version piratée de WP Rocket. Vous avez besoin d'une licence active pour utiliser l'option Supprimer les CSS inutilisés et améliorer davantage les performances de votre site Web."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
-msgstr ""
-"Cliquez ici pour obtenir une licence Single de WP Rocket à moins %1$s !"
+msgstr "Cliquez ici pour obtenir une licence Single de WP Rocket à moins %1$s !"
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
-"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our "
-msgstr ""
-"Il n'a pas été possible de créer la table %2$s dans la base de données, qui "
-"est nécessaire pour que Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées fonctionne."
-" Veuillez contacter notre support."
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr "Il n'a pas été possible de créer la table %2$s dans la base de données, qui est nécessaire pour que Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées fonctionne. Veuillez contacter notre support."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:286
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: L'option du CSS utilisé n'est pas activée!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:307
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: Cache du CSS utilisé vidée!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:711
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Nettoyer le CSS utilisé pour cet URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:148
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
-msgstr ""
-"Tâches en attente de l’option Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées de WP"
-" Rocket"
+msgstr "Tâches en attente de l’option Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées de WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Une erreur inattendue s’est produite. Quelque chose ne va pas avec WP-"
-"Rocket.me ou avec la configuration de ce serveur. Si vous continuez à avoir "
-"des problèmes, contactez notre soutien technique."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Une erreur inattendue s’est produite. Quelque chose ne va pas avec WP-Rocket.me ou avec la configuration de ce serveur. Si vous continuez à avoir des problèmes, contactez notre soutien technique."
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:462
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:476
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
-#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Retour à la version %s"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:499 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sRetourner à WP Rocket%2$s ou %3$saller à la page des extensions%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sRetourner à WP Rocket%2$s ou %3$saller à la page des extensions%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will "
-"continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action"
-" is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Le Préchargement est maintenant actif. Après le préchargement initial,"
-" il continuera à mettre en cache toutes vos pages chaque fois qu'elles "
-"seront purgées. Aucune autre action n'est nécessaire."
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr "%1$s: Le Préchargement est maintenant actif. Après le préchargement initial, il continuera à mettre en cache toutes vos pages chaque fois qu'elles seront purgées. Aucune autre action n'est nécessaire."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
msgstr "Tâches en attente de l'option Préchargement de WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
-msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck in-progress jobs"
-msgstr "Relance des tâches bloquées de l'option Préchargement de WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"La purge automatiquement de Varnish sera automatiquement activée lorsque "
-"Varnish sera activé sur votre %s serveur."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "La purge automatiquement de Varnish sera automatiquement activée lorsque Varnish sera activé sur votre %s serveur."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from "
-"working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your "
-"%1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Des fichiers Kinsta de base, gérant l'effacement du cache et du CDN, "
-"semblent manquer dans votre installation, ce qui empêchera Kinsta et WP "
-"Rocket de fonctionner correctement. Veuillez contacter le support Kinsta via"
-" votre compte %1$sMyKinsta%2$s pour résoudre ce problème."
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr "Des fichiers Kinsta de base, gérant l'effacement du cache et du CDN, semblent manquer dans votre installation, ce qui empêchera Kinsta et WP Rocket de fonctionner correctement. Veuillez contacter le support Kinsta via votre compte %1$sMyKinsta%2$s pour résoudre ce problème."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:94
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of "
-"Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Le Server Push HTTP/2 de Cloudflare est incompatible avec les options "
-"Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées et Combiner les fichier CSS. Nous "
-"vous recommandons vivement de la désactiver."
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr "%1$s: Le Server Push HTTP/2 de Cloudflare est incompatible avec les options Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées et Combiner les fichier CSS. Nous vous recommandons vivement de la désactiver."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed n'est pas compatible avec cette "
-"extension et peut causer des résultats inattendus. %2$sPlus d'Info%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed n'est pas compatible avec cette extension et peut causer des résultats inattendus. %2$sPlus d'Info%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript "
-"Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will "
-"not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript "
-"Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket : %2$sNous avons détecté que l'option Concaténer les fichiers "
-"JS d'Autoptimize est activée. L'option Reporter l'exécution JavaScript de WP"
-" Rocket ne sera pas appliquée au fichier qu'elle crée. Nous vous suggérons "
-"de désactiver %1$sConcaténer les fichiers JS%2$s pour profiter pleinement "
-"de Reporter l'exécution JavaScript."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket : %2$sNous avons détecté que l'option Concaténer les fichiers JS d'Autoptimize est activée. L'option Reporter l'exécution JavaScript de WP Rocket ne sera pas appliquée au fichier qu'elle crée. Nous vous suggérons de désactiver %1$sConcaténer les fichiers JS%2$s pour profiter pleinement de Reporter l'exécution JavaScript."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS "
-"feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work "
-"correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full "
-"advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket : %2$sNous avons détecté que l'option Concaténer le CSS inline"
-" d'Autoptimize est activée. L'option Chargement Asychrone du CSS de WP "
-"Rocket ne sera pas appliquée au fichier qu'elle crée. Nous vous suggérons de"
-" désactiver %1$sConcaténer le CSS inline%2$s pour profiter pleinement du "
-"Chargement Asychrone du CSS."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket : %2$sNous avons détecté que l'option Concaténer le CSS inline d'Autoptimize est activée. L'option Chargement Asychrone du CSS de WP Rocket ne sera pas appliquée au fichier qu'elle crée. Nous vous suggérons de désactiver %1$sConcaténer le CSS inline%2$s pour profiter pleinement du Chargement Asychrone du CSS."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and "
-"use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Cette extension empêche la mise en cache et les optimisations de WP Rocket. "
-"Désactivez-la et utilisez %1$sl'intégration du serveur de noms d'Ezoic%2$s à"
-" la place."
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr "Cette extension empêche la mise en cache et les optimisations de WP Rocket. Désactivez-la et utilisez %1$sl'intégration du serveur de noms d'Ezoic%2$s à la place."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Veuillez désactiver l'option %s qui entre en conflit avec les "
-"fonctionnalités de WP Rocket :"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Veuillez désactiver les %s options suivantes qui entrent en conflit avec les"
-" fonctionnalités de WP Rocket :"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Veuillez désactiver les %s options suivantes qui entrent en conflit avec les"
-" fonctionnalités de WP Rocket :"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Veuillez désactiver l'option %s qui entre en conflit avec les fonctionnalités de WP Rocket :"
+msgstr[1] "Veuillez désactiver les %s options suivantes qui entrent en conflit avec les fonctionnalités de WP Rocket :"
+msgstr[2] "Veuillez désactiver les %s options suivantes qui entrent en conflit avec les fonctionnalités de WP Rocket :"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sdésactivation des emojis%3$s entre en conflit avec la "
-"%2$sdésactivation des emojis%3$s de WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sdésactivation des emojis%3$s entre en conflit avec la %2$sdésactivation des emojis%3$s de WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scompression GZIP%3$s entre en conflit avec la %2$scompression "
-"GZIP%3$s avec WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scompression GZIP%3$s entre en conflit avec la %2$scompression GZIP%3$s avec WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scaching du fureteur%3$s entre en conflit avec le %2$scaching du "
-"fureteur%3$s de WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scaching du fureteur%3$s entre en conflit avec le %2$scaching du fureteur%3$s de WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scaching de page%3$s entre en conflit le %2$spage caching%3$s de WP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scaching de page%3$s entre en conflit le %2$spage caching%3$s de WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sl'optimisation des fichiers%3$s entre en conflit avec "
-"%2$sl'optimisation des fichiers%3$s de WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sl'optimisation des fichiers%3$s entre en conflit avec %2$sl'optimisation des fichiers%3$s de WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"delay JS, disable %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Le report de l'exécution des JS est activée dans %1$s. Si vous voulez "
-"utiliser le Report de l’exécution JavaScript de WP Rocket, désactivez %1$s"
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr "Le report de l'exécution des JS est activée dans %1$s. Si vous voulez utiliser le Report de l’exécution JavaScript de WP Rocket, désactivez %1$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:119
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Soutien"
@@ -2762,70 +2068,72 @@ msgstr "Soutien"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Documents"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Réglages"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:450
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
-msgstr ""
-"L'import des réglages a échoué : vous n'avez pas les permissions nécessaires"
-" pour faire ceci."
+msgstr "L'import des réglages a échoué : vous n'avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour faire ceci."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:454
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "L'import des réglages a échoué : aucun fichier téléversé."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "L'import des réglages a échoué : nom de fichier incorrect."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:469
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "L'import des réglages a échoué : type de fichier incorrect."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:479
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "Échec de l'import des réglages :"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:495
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "Échec de l'import des réglages : contenu du fichier incorrect."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:525
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Réglages importés et sauvegardés."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Charger le JavaScript en différé"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Fichiers JavaScript exclus du report de l'éxecution"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:149
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:159
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Le modèle suivant est non-valide et a été retiré :"
msgstr[1] "Les modèles suivants sont non-valides et ont été retirés :"
msgstr[2] "Les modèles suivants sont non-valides et ont été retirés :"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:175
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Plus d'infos"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:752
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Vider le cache"
@@ -2869,14 +2177,11 @@ msgstr "Activer d’abord l’option de %s."
#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s Aucune de ces options ne sera appliquée à ce contenu s'il a "
-"été exclu des paramètres globaux de gestion du cache."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sNote:%2$s Aucune de ces options ne sera appliquée à ce contenu s'il a été exclu des paramètres globaux de gestion du cache."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2887,196 +2192,131 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Une ou plusieurs extensions ont été activées ou "
-"désactivées, videz le cache si elles influent sur l’apparence de votre site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Une ou plusieurs extensions ont été activées ou désactivées, videz le cache si elles influent sur l’apparence de votre site."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:190
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"L'ajout Cloudflare de WP Rocket offre des fonctionnalités similaires. Elles "
-"ne peuvent être actives en même temps."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:223
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Les extensions suivantes ne sont pas compatibles avec "
-"cette extension et peuvent générer des résultats inattendus :"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Les extensions suivantes ne sont pas compatibles avec cette extension et peuvent générer des résultats inattendus :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:229
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Désactiver"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:271
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS n'est pas un ajout officiel. Il prévient certaines "
-"options dans WP Rocket de fonctionner correctement. Veuillez le désactiver "
-"si vous avez des problèmes."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS n'est pas un ajout officiel. Il prévient certaines options dans WP Rocket de fonctionner correctement. Veuillez le désactiver si vous avez des problèmes."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:311
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache est présentement activé, ce qui peut causer conflit avec le "
-"cache de WP Rocket. Veuillez configurer le niveau de Endurance Cache à "
-"\"Off\" (Niveau 0) sur la page %1$sParamètres > Général%2$s afin de prévenir"
-" tout problème."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache est présentement activé, ce qui peut causer conflit avec le cache de WP Rocket. Veuillez configurer le niveau de Endurance Cache à \"Off\" (Niveau 0) sur la page %1$sParamètres > Général%2$s afin de prévenir tout problème."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:332
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Une structure de permalien personnalisée est requise pour que cette "
-"extension fonctionne. %2$sRendez-vous aux réglages des permaliens%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Une structure de permalien personnalisée est requise pour que cette extension fonctionne. %2$sRendez-vous aux réglages des permaliens%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s n'a pas pu modifier le fichier .htaccess dû à l'absence de permissions "
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s n'a pas pu modifier le fichier .htaccess dû à l'absence de permissions d'écriture.."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pour résoudre le problème : %1$sComment rendre les fichiers systèmes "
-"accessible à l'écriture%2$s"
+msgstr "Pour résoudre le problème : %1$sComment rendre les fichiers systèmes accessible à l'écriture%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:387 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://fr.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/945-fichiers-systemes-accessible-ecriture/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Pas d'inquiétude, la mise en cache de pages et les paramètres fonctionneront"
-" correctement."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Pas d'inquiétude, la mise en cache de pages et les paramètres fonctionneront correctement."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Pour une performance optimale, il est recommandé d'ajouter les lignes "
-"suivantes à votre fichier .htaccess (optionnel) :"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Pour une performance optimale, il est recommandé d'ajouter les lignes suivantes à votre fichier .htaccess (optionnel) :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:540
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s est prêt à décoller ! %2$sTestez votre temps de chargement%4$s, ou "
-"jetez un oeil aux %3$sréglages%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s est prêt à décoller ! %2$sTestez votre temps de chargement%4$s, ou jetez un oeil aux %3$sréglages%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:581
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Autorisez-vous WP Rocket à recueillir des données de diagnostic non-"
-"sensibles de ce site web ?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Autorisez-vous WP Rocket à recueillir des données de diagnostic non-sensibles de ce site web ?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:582
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Cela nous aiderait à améliorer WP Rocket pour vous dans le futur."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Quelles infos recueillerons-nous ?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:593
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Vous trouverez ci-dessous une vue détaillée de toutes les données que WP "
-"Rocket recueillera si vous nous le permettez. WP Rocket ne transmettra "
-"jamais de noms de domaine ou d'adresses courriel (sauf pour la validation de"
-" licence), d'adresses IP ou de clés d’API tierce-partie."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Vous trouverez ci-dessous une vue détaillée de toutes les données que WP Rocket recueillera si vous nous le permettez. WP Rocket ne transmettra jamais de noms de domaine ou d'adresses courriel (sauf pour la validation de licence), d'adresses IP ou de clés d’API tierce-partie."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:602
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Oui, autoriser"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:605
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Non, merci"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Merci!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:649
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket recueille désormais ces données de votre site web :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:687
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:694
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache des articles vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:701
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache des termes vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:708
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache des utilisateurs vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Cesser le pré-chargement"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:773
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Forcer la désactivation "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:792
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Le code suivant aurait dû être écrit dans ce fichier :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:823
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s ne peut pas s’auto-configurer en raison de l'absence de permissions en "
+msgstr "%s ne peut pas s’auto-configurer en raison de l'absence de permissions en écriture."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:829
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Fichier/dossier affecté : %s"
@@ -3092,30 +2332,17 @@ msgstr "Pour fonctionner correctement, %1$s %2$s nécessite au moins :"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Pour utiliser cette version de WP Rocket, demandez à votre "
-"hébergeur comment mettre à niveau votre serveur vers PHP %1$s ou supérieur."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Pour utiliser cette version de WP Rocket, demandez à votre hébergeur comment mettre à niveau votre serveur vers PHP %1$s ou supérieur."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Pour utiliser cette version de WP Rocket, mettez à jour "
-"WordPress à la version %1$s ou plus récente."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Pour utiliser cette version de WP Rocket, mettez à jour WordPress à la version %1$s ou plus récente."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous n'êtes pas en mesure d’effectuer le rehaussement, vous pouvez "
-"restaurer WP Rocket à sa version précédente en utilisant le bouton ci-"
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Si vous n'êtes pas en mesure d’effectuer le rehaussement, vous pouvez restaurer WP Rocket à sa version précédente en utilisant le bouton ci-dessous."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -3142,123 +2369,65 @@ msgstr "Le fichier de log n'a pu être lu."
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Les logs n'ont pu être sauvés dans un fichier."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:266
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour servir les images WebP, vous n'avez donc pas besoin "
-"d'activer cette option. %2$sPlus d'infos%3$s %4$s Si vous préférez que WP "
-"Rocket serve les WebP pour vous, veuillez désactiver l’affichage des WebP de"
-" %1$s. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour servir les images WebP, vous n'avez donc pas besoin "
-"d'activer cette option. %2$sPlus d'infos%3$s %4$s Si vous préférez que WP "
-"Rocket serve les WebP pour vous, veuillez désactiver l’affichage des WebP de"
-" %1$s. "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour servir les images WebP, vous n'avez donc pas besoin "
-"d'activer cette option. %2$sPlus d'infos%3$s %4$s Si vous préférez que WP "
-"Rocket serve les WebP pour vous, veuillez désactiver l’affichage des WebP de"
-" %1$s. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:278
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour servir les images WebP, vous n'avez donc pas besoin d'activer cette option. %2$sPlus d'infos%3$s %4$s Si vous préférez que WP Rocket serve les WebP pour vous, veuillez désactiver l’affichage des WebP de %1$s. "
+msgstr[1] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour servir les images WebP, vous n'avez donc pas besoin d'activer cette option. %2$sPlus d'infos%3$s %4$s Si vous préférez que WP Rocket serve les WebP pour vous, veuillez désactiver l’affichage des WebP de %1$s. "
+msgstr[2] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour servir les images WebP, vous n'avez donc pas besoin d'activer cette option. %2$sPlus d'infos%3$s %4$s Si vous préférez que WP Rocket serve les WebP pour vous, veuillez désactiver l’affichage des WebP de %1$s. "
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "La mise en cache de WebP est désactivée par filtre."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:288
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:314
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir vos images à WebP. Si vous voulez que WP "
-"Rocket les serve pour vous, activez cette options. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir vos images à WebP. Si vous voulez que WP "
-"Rocket les serve pour vous, activez cette options. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir vos images à WebP. Si vous voulez que WP "
-"Rocket les serve pour vous, activez cette options. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:300
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:326
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir vos images à WebP. Si vous voulez que WP Rocket les serve pour vous, activez cette options. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir vos images à WebP. Si vous voulez que WP Rocket les serve pour vous, activez cette options. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir vos images à WebP. Si vous voulez que WP Rocket les serve pour vous, activez cette options. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir des images à WebP. WP Rocket va créer des "
-"fichiers de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP. %2$sPlus d'info "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir des images à WebP. WP Rocket va créer des "
-"fichiers de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP. %2$sPlus d'info "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir des images à WebP. WP Rocket va créer des "
-"fichiers de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP. %2$sPlus d'info "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:346
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir des images à WebP. WP Rocket va créer des fichiers de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir des images à WebP. WP Rocket va créer des fichiers de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Vous utilisez %1$s pour convertir des images à WebP. WP Rocket va créer des fichiers de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP. %2$sPlus d'info %3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t "
-"already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or "
-"another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP "
-"do not enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"%5$sNous n'avons pas détecté de plugin WebP compatible !%6$s%4$s Si vous "
-"n'avez pas encore d'images WebP sur votre site, envisagez d'utiliser "
-"%3$sImagify%2$s ou une autre extension supportée. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s %4$s "
-"Si vous n'utilisez pas WebP, n'activez pas cette option."
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr "%5$sNous n'avons pas détecté de plugin WebP compatible !%6$s%4$s Si vous n'avez pas encore d'images WebP sur votre site, envisagez d'utiliser %3$sImagify%2$s ou une autre extension supportée. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s %4$s Si vous n'utilisez pas WebP, n'activez pas cette option."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:358
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket va créer des fichier de cache séparés afin de servir vos images "
+msgstr "WP Rocket va créer des fichier de cache séparés afin de servir vos images WebP"
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Échec de la détection du requis suivant de votre thème : fermer %1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Échec de la détection des requis suivants de votre thème : fermer %1$s."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Échec de la détection des requis suivants de votre thème : fermer %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Échec de la détection du requis suivant de votre thème : fermer %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Échec de la détection des requis suivants de votre thème : fermer %1$s."
+msgstr[2] "Échec de la détection des requis suivants de votre thème : fermer %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear and preload cache"
msgstr "Vider et précharger le cache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124 inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Toutes les langues"
@@ -3275,11 +2444,13 @@ msgstr "Purger cet URL"
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Purger le cache Sucuri"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Purger le cache RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"
@@ -3295,16 +2466,15 @@ msgstr "OpCache purgé avec succès"
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Sitemap XML Yoast SEO"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83 inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
-#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87 inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
-#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253 inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
-msgstr ""
-"Nous avons automatiquement détecté le sitemap généré par l'extension %s. "
-"Vous pouvez cocher l'option pour l'inclure dans le préchargement."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
+msgstr "Nous avons automatiquement détecté le sitemap généré par l'extension %s. Vous pouvez cocher l'option pour l'inclure dans le préchargement."
#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
@@ -3330,7 +2500,8 @@ msgstr "Sitemaps XML Jetpack"
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "Précharger le sitemap de l'extension Jetpack"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Activer Imagify"
@@ -3339,12 +2510,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Installer Imagify gratuitement"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Accélérez votre site web et améliorez votre référencement en réduisant le "
-"poids de vos image sans perte de qualité avec Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Accélérez votre site web et améliorez votre référencement en réduisant le poids de vos image sans perte de qualité avec Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -3357,12 +2524,8 @@ msgstr "Pré-chargement du Sitemap : %d pages ont été mises en cache."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Pré-chargement du Sitemap : %d pages ont été pré-chargées. (rafraîchir pour "
-"voir la progression)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Pré-chargement du Sitemap : %d pages ont été pré-chargées. (rafraîchir pour voir la progression)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -3372,32 +2535,20 @@ msgstr "Choisissez un domaine dans la liste"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Aucun domaine disponible dans votre compte Cloudflare"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"CURL est désactivé sur votre serveur. Veuillez demander à votre hébergeur de"
-" l'activer. Ceci est requis pour que l'ajout Cloudflare fonctionne "
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "CURL est désactivé sur votre serveur. Veuillez demander à votre hébergeur de l'activer. Ceci est requis pour que l'ajout Cloudflare fonctionne correctement."
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Le courriel, la clé d'API et le Zone ID de Cloudflare de sont pas définis. "
-"Lisez la %1$sdocumentation%2$s pour plus d'assistance."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Le courriel, la clé d'API et le Zone ID de Cloudflare de sont pas définis. Lisez la %1$sdocumentation%2$s pour plus d'assistance."
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Le courriel et la clé d'API de Cloudflare ne sont pas configurés. Lisez la "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s pour plus d'assistance."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Le courriel et la clé d'API de Cloudflare ne sont pas configurés. Lisez la %1$sdocumentation%2$s pour plus d'assistance."
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
@@ -3405,19 +2556,13 @@ msgstr "La connexion à Cloudflare a échoué"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"La classe appelée %1$s est obsolète depuis la version %2$s!"
-" Utilisez %3$s à la place."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "La classe appelée %1$s est obsolète depuis la version %2$s! Utilisez %3$s à la place."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"La classe appelée %1$s est obsolète depuis la version %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr "La classe appelée %1$s est obsolète depuis la version %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
@@ -3427,15 +2572,13 @@ msgstr "Fichiers JS en chargement différé du JavaScript"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Ajouter un URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Avant de pouvoir envoyer votre fichier d’import, vous devez régler l’erreur "
-"suivante :"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Avant de pouvoir envoyer votre fichier d’import, vous devez régler l’erreur suivante :"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Choisissez un fichier de votre ordinateur (poids maximum : %s)"
@@ -3456,7 +2599,8 @@ msgstr "Sauvegarder et optimiser"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimiser"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Note :"
@@ -3471,7 +2615,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Autre fonctionnalité détectée :"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Attention : "
@@ -3485,25 +2630,35 @@ msgstr "Télécharger les réglages"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Remplacer le nom d’hôte du site par :"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "réservé pour"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tous les fichiers"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Images"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Ajouter un CNAME"
@@ -3525,33 +2680,15 @@ msgstr "Avancé"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s requiert au moins PHP %3$s pour fonctionner correctement. Pour "
-"utiliser cette version, demandez à votre hébergeur de mettre à jour votre "
-"serveur vers PHP %3$s ou plus. Si cette mise-à-jour n'est pas possible, vous"
-" pouvez revenir à la version précédente en utilisant le bouton ci-dessous."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s requiert au moins PHP %3$s pour fonctionner correctement. Pour utiliser cette version, demandez à votre hébergeur de mettre à jour votre serveur vers PHP %3$s ou plus. Si cette mise-à-jour n'est pas possible, vous pouvez revenir à la version précédente en utilisant le bouton ci-dessous."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Il semble y avoir un problème à confirmer votre licence. Vous pouvez voir le"
-" message d'erreur ci-dessous."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Il semble y avoir un problème à confirmer votre licence. Vous pouvez voir "
-"les messages d'erreur ci-dessous."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Il semble y avoir un problème à confirmer votre licence. Vous pouvez voir "
-"les messages d'erreur ci-dessous."
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Il semble y avoir un problème à confirmer votre licence. Vous pouvez voir le message d'erreur ci-dessous."
+msgstr[1] "Il semble y avoir un problème à confirmer votre licence. Vous pouvez voir les messages d'erreur ci-dessous."
+msgstr[2] "Il semble y avoir un problème à confirmer votre licence. Vous pouvez voir les messages d'erreur ci-dessous."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
@@ -3593,133 +2730,109 @@ msgstr "Réglages de WP Rocket anonymisés :"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Quels sont les réglages activés de WP Rocket"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:409
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "Les données de la licence fournies ne sont pas valides."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:412
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Pour résoudre, veuillez %1$scontacter le soutien%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:471 inc/functions/options.php:510
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Échec de la validation de la licence. Notre serveur ne peut compléter la "
-"requête de votre site web."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Échec de la validation de la licence. Notre serveur ne peut compléter la requête de votre site web."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:471
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Essayez de cliquer sur %1$sValider la license%2$s ci-dessous. Si l’erreur "
-"persiste, suivez les instructions de %3$sce guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Essayez de cliquer sur %1$sValider la license%2$s ci-dessous. Si l’erreur persiste, suivez les instructions de %3$sce guide%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:487
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"La validation de votre licence a échoué. Vous utilisez peut-être une version"
-" piratée de cette extension. Veuillez suivre les points suivants :"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "La validation de votre licence a échoué. Vous utilisez peut-être une version piratée de cette extension. Veuillez suivre les points suivants :"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:487 inc/functions/options.php:529
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Connectez-vous à votre %1$scompte%2$s WP Rocket"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:487 inc/functions/options.php:529
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Télécharger le fichier ZIP"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:487 inc/functions/options.php:529
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Réinstaller"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:487
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous n'avez pas de compte WP Rocket, svp %1$sacheter une licence%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgstr "Si vous n'avez pas de compte WP Rocket, svp %1$sacheter une licence%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:495
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Échec de validation de la licence. Le compte d'usager n'existe pas dans "
-"notre base de données."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Échec de validation de la licence. Le compte d'usager n'existe pas dans notre base de données."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:495
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Pour résoudre, svp contacter le soutien technique."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:503
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
-msgstr ""
-"Échec de validation de la licence. Ce compte usager est sur notre liste "
+msgstr "Échec de validation de la licence. Ce compte usager est sur notre liste noire."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:503
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Veuillez consulter %1$sce guide%2$s pour plus d'info."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:510
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Essayez de cliquer %1$sSauvegarder les changements%2$s ci-dessous. Si "
-"l'erreur persiste, suivez %3$sce guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Essayez de cliquer %1$sSauvegarder les changements%2$s ci-dessous. Si l'erreur persiste, suivez %3$sce guide%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Votre licence n’est pas valide."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Assurez-vous d'avoir une licence %1$sactive de WP Rocket %2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:525
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous avez ajouté autant de sites que votre licence actuelle le permet."
+msgstr "Vous avez ajouté autant de sites que votre licence actuelle le permet."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:525
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Rehausser votre %1$scompte%2$s ou %3$stransférer votre licence%2$s à ce "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Rehausser votre %1$scompte%2$s ou %3$stransférer votre licence%2$s à ce domaine."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:527
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Ce site n'est pas autorisé."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:527
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Svp %1$scontacter le soutien technique%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:529
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "La clé de licence n'est pas reconnue."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:529
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Si le problème persiste, svp %1$scontacter le soutien technique%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Échec de validation de la licence : %s"
@@ -3730,9 +2843,7 @@ msgstr "Extension installée avec succés."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:532
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
-msgstr ""
-"Désolé, vous n'avez pas les droits requis pour installer des extensions sur "
-"ce site."
+msgstr "Désolé, vous n'avez pas les droits requis pour installer des extensions sur ce site."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:533
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that."
@@ -3751,36 +2862,23 @@ msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
msgstr "Chargement asynchrone du CSS pour mobile"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"Votre site web utiliser le même chemin critique de CSS pour les ordinateurs "
-"et mobiles."
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "Votre site web utiliser le même chemin critique de CSS pour les ordinateurs et mobiles."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Peser le bouton pour activer le CPCSS spécifique aux mobiles pour votre "
+msgstr "Peser le bouton pour activer le CPCSS spécifique aux mobiles pour votre site."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ceci est une action unique et ce bouton sera retiré ensuite. %1$sPlus "
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ceci est une action unique et ce bouton sera retiré ensuite. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Votre site présentement un chemin critique CSS spécifique aux mobiles. "
-"%1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Votre site présentement un chemin critique CSS spécifique aux mobiles. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3809,62 +2907,48 @@ msgid "Facing an issue?"
msgstr "Vous rencontrez un problème ?"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid ""
-"It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. "
-"Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
-msgstr ""
-"Il n'est pas toujours nécessaire de désactiver WP Rocket lorsque vous "
-"rencontrez des problèmes. La plupart d'entre eux peuvent être résolus en "
-"désactivant seulement certaines options."
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr "Il n'est pas toujours nécessaire de désactiver WP Rocket lorsque vous rencontrez des problèmes. La plupart d'entre eux peuvent être résolus en désactivant seulement certaines options."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to "
-"quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to "
-"see if your issue is resolved."
-msgstr ""
-"Notre conseil ? Au lieu de désactiver WP Rocket, utilisez notre "
-"%1$sConfiguration sans conflit%2$s pour désactiver rapidement les options "
-"LazyLoad, Optimisation des Fichiers et CDN. Vérifiez ensuite si votre "
-"problème est résolu."
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr "Notre conseil ? Au lieu de désactiver WP Rocket, utilisez notre %1$sConfiguration sans conflit%2$s pour désactiver rapidement les options LazyLoad, Optimisation des Fichiers et CDN. Vérifiez ensuite si votre problème est résolu."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
-msgstr ""
-"Voulez-vous utiliser notre Configuration sans conflit pour dépanner WP "
-"Rocket ?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous utiliser notre Configuration sans conflit pour dépanner WP Rocket ?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
msgstr "Oui, appliquer la %1$sConfiguration sans conflit%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:52
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
msgstr "Non, désactiver et mettre en veilleuse ce message pour"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:54
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 jour"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
msgid "7 days"
msgstr "7 jours"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:56
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
msgid "30 days"
msgstr "30 jours"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:57
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "Toujours"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:63
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:64
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
@@ -3874,13 +2958,8 @@ msgstr "Mise à jour des listes d'inclusion et d'exclusion"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the "
-"button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Les listes de compatibilité sont téléchargées automatiquement chaque "
-"semaine. Cliquez sur le bouton si vous souhaitez les mettre à jour "
-"manuellement. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Les listes de compatibilité sont téléchargées automatiquement chaque semaine. Cliquez sur le bouton si vous souhaitez les mettre à jour manuellement. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
msgid "Update lists"
@@ -3891,20 +2970,13 @@ msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Activer l'optimisation des Google Fonts"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Améliore la performance des fontes et combine plusieurs requêtes de fontes "
-"pour réduire le nombre d'appels HTTP."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Améliore la performance des fontes et combine plusieurs requêtes de fontes pour réduire le nombre d'appels HTTP."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"L'optimisation des Google Fonts est maintenant activée pour votre site. "
-"%1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "L'optimisation des Google Fonts est maintenant activée pour votre site. %1$sPlus d'info%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3914,18 +2986,21 @@ msgstr "Optimiser Google Fonts"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Vider le cache après"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS et JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3934,11 +3009,11 @@ msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Importer les réglages"
#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "État de l’ajout"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Modifier les options"
@@ -3994,24 +3069,16 @@ msgstr "Votre site web devrait se charger plus rapidement maintenant!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
-msgstr ""
-"Afin d'assurer des sites rapides, WP Rocket applique automatiquement 80% des"
-" meilleures pratiques en terme de performance web."
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr "Afin d'assurer des sites rapides, WP Rocket applique automatiquement 80% des meilleures pratiques en terme de performance web."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Nous activons également des options qui fournissent des bénéfices immédiats "
-"à votre site."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Nous activons également des options qui fournissent des bénéfices immédiats à votre site."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
-msgstr ""
-"Continuez avec les options si vous souhaitez optimiser votre site davantage!"
+msgstr "Continuez avec les options si vous souhaitez optimiser votre site davantage!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
@@ -4059,8 +3126,7 @@ msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Toujours pas trouvé de solution?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "Envoyez un ticket et obtenez l'aide de nos sympathiques Rocketeers."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
@@ -4072,11 +3138,8 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Faites une sauvegarde de votre base de données avant tout nettoyage!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Une fois qu’une optimisation de base de données est amorcée, les changements"
-" sont irréversibles."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Une fois qu’une optimisation de base de données est amorcée, les changements sont irréversibles."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -4084,20 +3147,12 @@ msgstr "Sauvegarder changements et optimiser"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s a créé %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$spour la meilleure optimisation "
-"des images.%2$s"
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s a créé %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$spour la meilleure optimisation des images.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Compresser les images afin d'accélérer votre site, tout en maintenant la "
-"qualité des images."
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Compresser les images afin d'accélérer votre site, tout en maintenant la qualité des images."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -4121,8 +3176,7 @@ msgstr "Installer Imagify"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket n'a pas été en mesure de valider automatiquement votre licence."
+msgstr "WP Rocket n'a pas été en mesure de valider automatiquement votre licence."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
#, php-format
@@ -4135,12 +3189,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutoriel%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://fr.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/257-resoudre-les-problemes-de-validation-de-licence/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -4189,12 +3239,8 @@ msgstr "La version %s vous pose des problèmes?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez retourner à la précédente version majeure ici.%sPuis envoyez-"
-"nous une requête de soutien technique."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez retourner à la précédente version majeure ici.%sPuis envoyez-nous une requête de soutien technique."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -4259,8 +3305,7 @@ msgstr "Dépannage"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
-msgstr ""
-"Diagnostiquer les problèmes d'affichage avec l'optimisation des fichiers"
+msgstr "Diagnostiquer les problèmes d'affichage avec l'optimisation des fichiers"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
@@ -4289,21 +3334,12 @@ msgstr "Afficher la colonne latérale"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
-msgstr ""
-"Vous trouverez ci-dessous une vue détaillée des données que WP Rocket "
-"recueillera %1$ssi l'autorisation lui est accordée.%2$s"
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr "Vous trouverez ci-dessous une vue détaillée des données que WP Rocket recueillera %1$ssi l'autorisation lui est accordée.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket ne transmettra jamais de noms de domaine ou d'adresses courriels "
-"(sauf pour la validation de licence), d'adresses IP ou de clés d’API tierce-"
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket ne transmettra jamais de noms de domaine ou d'adresses courriels (sauf pour la validation de licence), d'adresses IP ou de clés d’API tierce-partie."
#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
@@ -4311,9 +3347,7 @@ msgstr "Activer analytiques de Rocket"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"C'est un excellent point de départ pour résoudre certains des problèmes les "
-"plus fréquents."
+msgstr "C'est un excellent point de départ pour résoudre certains des problèmes les plus fréquents."
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
@@ -4329,9 +3363,7 @@ msgstr "Comment bien mesurer le temps de chargement de votre site web"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Consultez notre tutoriel et apprenez comment mesurer la vitesse de votre "
+msgstr "Consultez notre tutoriel et apprenez comment mesurer la vitesse de votre site."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
@@ -4355,13 +3387,193 @@ msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas activé le cache pour utilisateurs connectés."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilisez un navigateur privé pour vérifier la vitesse et l’aspect visuel de "
-"votre site web."
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Utilisez un navigateur privé pour vérifier la vitesse et l’aspect visuel de votre site web."
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Besoin d'aide ?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-fr_FR.mo b/languages/rocket-fr_FR.mo
index 5343ae97ea..fca76cf8bc 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-fr_FR.mo and b/languages/rocket-fr_FR.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-fr_FR.po b/languages/rocket-fr_FR.po
index 12e8b09c5d..f91dd97f4e 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-fr_FR.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-fr_FR.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.13.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-12 13:56-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-17 09:09-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Romain • WP Rocket
Use (.*) "
"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
@@ -1549,16 +1557,16 @@ msgstr ""
"expressions régulières (.*) pour exclure plusieurs URLs pour un chemin "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1722
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Contrôlez l'API WordPress Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid ""
"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
"your server’s resources."
@@ -1566,11 +1574,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Réduire ou désactiver l’activité de l’API Heartbeat peut permettre "
"d’économiser certaines ressources de votre serveur."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1729
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Réduire ou désactiver l'activité Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
"to one hit every 2 minutes."
@@ -1578,55 +1586,55 @@ msgstr ""
"La réduction de l'activité fera passer la fréquence Heartbeat d'un coup "
"toutes les minutes à un coup toutes les 2 minutes."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
"La désactivation complète de Heartbeat peut endommager les plugins et les "
"thèmes utilisant cette API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Ne pas limiter"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1745
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Réduire l'activité"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1746
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Désactiver"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Contrôler Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Comportement en Backend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Comportement dans l’éditeur d'article"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1776
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Comportement en Frontend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1793
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Add-ons"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1794
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Ajoutez des fonctionnalités"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1801
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1802
msgid ""
"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
@@ -1635,26 +1643,26 @@ msgstr ""
"disponibles sans besoin de configuration. Mettez l'option sur \"ON\" pour "
"l'activer depuis cet écran."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Add-ons"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1813
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
"Ce sont de simples fonctionnalités complémentaires étendant les option déjà "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1992
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "CloudFlare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1829
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Intégrez votre compte Cloudflare avec cet add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1830
msgid ""
"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
@@ -1664,7 +1672,7 @@ msgstr ""
"CloudFlare pour pouvoir purger le cache Cloudflare et bénéficier des "
"réglages optimaux pour WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1833
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just "
@@ -1675,15 +1683,15 @@ msgstr ""
" suffit d'activer le plugin officiel Cloudflare et de le configurer. WP "
"Rocket activera automatiquement la compatibilité."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1887
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Si votre serveur utilise Varnish, vous devez activer cet add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1889
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
@@ -1693,15 +1701,15 @@ msgstr ""
"pour vous assurer que le contenu soit toujours à jour.
%1$sEn savoir "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilité WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1930
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "Améliore la compatibilité des navigateurs pour les images WebP."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1934
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
@@ -1714,11 +1722,11 @@ msgstr ""
"d'images WebP pour vous. Pour créer des images WebP, nous vous recommandons "
"%1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1954
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Effacez le cache Sucuri lorsque le cache de WP Rocket est effacé."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1957
msgid ""
"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
@@ -1726,48 +1734,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Fournissez votre clé API pour vider le cache Sucuri lorsque le cache de WP "
"Rocket est effacé."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2109
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1971
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Synchronisez le cache Sucuri avec cet add-on."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2009
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Accès CloudFlare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2018
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Réglages CloudFlare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2032
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Clé API globale :"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2033
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Trouver votre clé API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2045
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "E-mail du compte"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2054
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Zone ID"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2064
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Mode développement"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2066
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
@@ -1776,11 +1784,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Active temporairement le mode développement sur votre site. Ce réglage se "
"désactivera automatiquement après 3 heures. %1$sEn savoir plus%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2074
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Réglages optimaux"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2075
msgid ""
"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
"grade and compatibility."
@@ -1788,11 +1796,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Améliore automatiquement votre configuration Cloudflare pour le temps de "
"chargement, les notes de performance et la compatibilité."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2083
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Protocol relatif"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2084
msgid ""
"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
@@ -1802,11 +1810,11 @@ msgstr ""
"URLs de vos fichiers statiques (CSS, JS, images) seront ré-écrites pour "
"utiliser // au lieu de http:// ou https:// ."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2122
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Accès Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2135
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid ""
"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
@@ -1815,7 +1823,7 @@ msgstr ""
"La clé API du pare-feu (pour cette extension) doit être au format {32 "
"caractères}/{32 caractères} :"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2136
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Trouver votre clé API"
@@ -2478,7 +2486,7 @@ msgstr "Mettez à niveau maintenant"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Ne pas tenir compte de cet avertissement."
@@ -2658,7 +2666,7 @@ msgstr "Listes d'exclusion pour Reporter l'exécution JavaScript"
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "Purger le CSS utilisé"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:224
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
@@ -2667,7 +2675,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: Veuillez patienter %2$s secondes. Le service Supprimer les ressources "
"CSS inutilisées analyse vos pages."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:274
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
@@ -2677,20 +2685,20 @@ msgstr ""
"continuera à générer le CSS utilisé pour un maximum de %2$s URLs toute les "
"%3$s secondes."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
msgstr ""
"Nous vous suggérons d'activer le %1$sPréchargement%2$s pour obtenir des "
"résultats plus rapides."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:293
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Pour en savoir plus sur le processus, consultez notre %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:491
msgid ""
"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
@@ -2701,34 +2709,55 @@ msgstr ""
"l'option Supprimer les CSS inutilisés et améliorer davantage les "
"performances de votre site Web."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:494
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
msgstr ""
"Cliquez ici pour obtenir une licence Single de WP Rocket à moins %1$s !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:547
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"It seems a security plugin or the server's firewall prevents WP Rocket from "
+"accessing the Remove Unused CSS generator. IPs listed %1$shere in our "
+"documentation%2$s should be added to your allowlists:"
+msgstr ""
+"Il semble qu'un plugin de sécurité ou le pare-feu du serveur empêche WP "
+"Rocket d'accéder au générateur de la Suppression du CSS inutilisé. Les IP "
+"répertoriées %1$sdans notre documentation%2$s doivent être ajoutées à vos "
+"listes d’autorisation :"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:552
+msgid "- In the security plugin, if you are using one"
+msgstr "- Dans le plugin de sécurité, si vous en utilisez un"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:553
+msgid "- In the server's firewall. Your host can help you with this"
+msgstr ""
+"- Dans le pare-feu du serveur. Votre hébergeur peut vous aider à le faire"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:593
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
-"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our "
+"%1$s: Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for"
+" the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to %3$sour "
msgstr ""
-"Il n'a pas été possible de créer la table %2$s dans la base de données, qui "
-"est nécessaire pour que Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées fonctionne."
-" Veuillez contacter notre support."
+"%1$s: Impossible de créer la %2$s table nécessaire au fonctionnement de "
+"Supprimer les Ressources CSS inutilisées dans la base de données. "
+"%3$sVeuillez contacter notre support%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:324
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: L'option du CSS utilisé n'est pas activée !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:345
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: Cache du CSS utilisé vidée !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:787
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Nettoyer le CSS utilisé pour cet URL"
@@ -2756,8 +2785,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Rocket.me ou avec la configuration de ce serveur. Si vous continuez à avoir "
"des problèmes, contactez notre support."
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:483
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:497
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
@@ -2765,7 +2794,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Retour à la version %s"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:520 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sRetour à WP Rocket%2$s ou %3$sà la page des Plugins%2$s"
@@ -2813,7 +2842,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Kinsta par le biais de votre compte %1$sMyKinsta%2$s pour résoudre ce "
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:126
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of "
@@ -2823,7 +2852,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées et Combiner les fichier CSS. Nous "
"vous recommandons vivement de la désactiver."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:169
msgid ""
"Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled "
"Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is "
@@ -2833,7 +2862,7 @@ msgstr ""
" automatique de Cloudflare pour des raisons de compatibilité. Si vous avez "
"activé APO, c'est également compatible."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:170
msgid ""
"Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to "
"ensure content is always up-to-date."
@@ -2841,7 +2870,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Le cache Varnish sera purgé à chaque fois que WP Rocket purgera son cache "
"pour que le contenu soit toujours à jour."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:214
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO "
@@ -2850,7 +2879,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$sWP Rocket :%2$s Vous utilisez \" le cache des cookies dynamiques\". "
"Cloudflare APO n'est pas encore compatible avec cette fonctionnalité."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:220
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin "
@@ -2862,7 +2891,7 @@ msgstr ""
"cookies dynamiques\" qu'il existe une autre solution pour respecter la mise "
"en cache des pages. %1$sPlus d'infos%2$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:271
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile "
@@ -2874,7 +2903,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Type\" sur Cloudflare APO pour servir la bonne version du cache. %4$sPlus "
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:292
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare "
@@ -3110,7 +3139,7 @@ msgstr[2] "Les patterns suivants sont invalides et ont été supprimés :"
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Plus d'infos"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
@@ -3180,7 +3209,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: Une ou plusieurs extensions ont été activées ou "
"désactivées, videz le cache si elles influent sur le front de votre site."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:221
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
@@ -3189,11 +3218,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: Les extensions suivantes ne sont pas compatibles avec "
"WP Rocket et vont générer des résultats inattendus :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:227
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Désactiver"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:269
msgid ""
"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
@@ -3202,7 +3231,7 @@ msgstr ""
"options de WP Rocket de fonctionner correctement. Veuillez le désactiver si "
"vous avez des problèmes."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:309
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
@@ -3213,7 +3242,7 @@ msgstr ""
" WP Rocket. Veuillez régler Endurance Cache sur Off (Niveau 0) sur la page "
"%1$sRéglages > Général%2$s pour éviter tout problème."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:330
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
@@ -3222,7 +3251,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: Une structure de permalien personnalisée est requise pour que WP "
"Rocket fonctionne. %2$sRendez-vous aux réglages des permaliens%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
@@ -3230,14 +3259,14 @@ msgstr ""
"%s n'a pas pu modifier le fichier .htaccess en raison d'un défaut de "
"permissions en écriture."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:383 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
"Pour résoudre le problème : %1$sComment rendre les fichiers systèmes "
"accessible à l'écriture%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
msgid ""
@@ -3245,7 +3274,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:391
msgid ""
"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
@@ -3253,7 +3282,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ne vous inquiétez pas, la mise en cache des pages et les réglages de WP "
"Rocket fonctionneront toujours correctement."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:391
msgid ""
"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
"recommended (not required):"
@@ -3261,7 +3290,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Pour des performances optimales, il est recommandé d'ajouter les lignes "
"suivantes dans votre fichier .htaccess (pas obligatoire) :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:538
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
@@ -3270,7 +3299,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s est prêt à décoller ! %2$sTestez votre temps de chargement%4$s, ou "
"jetez un oeil aux %3$sréglages%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:579
msgid ""
"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
" website?"
@@ -3278,15 +3307,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Autorisez-vous WP Rocket à collecter les données de diagnostic non sensibles"
" de votre site web ?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:580
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Cela nous aiderait à améliorer WP Rocket pour vous dans le futur."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:586
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Quelles infos collecterons-nous ?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:591
msgid ""
"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
@@ -3298,71 +3327,71 @@ msgstr ""
"transmettra jamais de noms de domaine ou d'adresses email (sauf pour la "
"validation de licence), d'adresses IP ou de clés API tierces."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Oui, j'autorise"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:603
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Non, merci"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:642
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Merci !"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:647
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket collecte désormais ces données sur votre site web :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:692
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache Article vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:699
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache Terme vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:706
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s : Cache Utilisateur vidé."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:754
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Arrêter le préchargement"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:760
msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Activer l'option Supprimer les ressources CSS inutilisées"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:766
msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
msgstr ""
"Activer “Créer un fichier de cache à part pour les mobiles” maintenant"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:784
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Forcer la désactivation"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:803
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Le code suivant aurait dû être écrit sur ce fichier :"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:834
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
"%s ne peut pas se configurer seul en raison de l'absence de permissions en "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Fichier/dossier affecté : %s"
@@ -4086,6 +4115,18 @@ msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
+#: views/plugins/update-renewal-expired-notice.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" %1$sWP Rocket %2$s%3$s is available. %4$sLearn more%5$s about the updates "
+"and enhancements of this major version. You need an active license to use "
+"them on your website, don’t miss out! %6$sRenew Now%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+" %1$sWP Rocket %2$s%3$s est disponible. %4$sEn savoir plus%5$s sur les mises"
+" à jour et les améliorations de cette version majeure. Vous avez besoin "
+"d'une licence active pour les utiliser sur votre site, ne manquez pas cette "
+"occasion ! %6$sRenouveler maintenant%5$s"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
msgstr "Mise à jour des listes d'inclusion et d'exclusion"
diff --git a/languages/rocket-gl_ES.mo b/languages/rocket-gl_ES.mo
index 9844b0cfc2..22f8f39a05 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-gl_ES.mo and b/languages/rocket-gl_ES.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-gl_ES.po b/languages/rocket-gl_ES.po
index c7469564e7..7984fd4b16 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-gl_ES.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-gl_ES.po
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.3.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-26 11:14-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Galician (Spain) (https://www.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/gl_ES/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-26 11:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Language: gl_ES\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
@@ -25,504 +23,460 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:15 inc/3rd-party/hosting/godaddy.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/o2switch.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:15 inc/3rd-party/hosting/savvii.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:24
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wpengine.php:15
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/kinsta.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing and CDN, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket "
-"from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your"
-" %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:18
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:18
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:27
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:90
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Dreampress.php:44
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Godaddy.php:63
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/O2Switch.php:49
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/OneCom.php:137
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/ProIsp.php:51
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Savvii.php:50
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPXCloud.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:697
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:997
+#: inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:332
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:334
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:88
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:34
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:85
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:123
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:85
msgid "Rank Math XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:184
msgid "SEOPress XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:121
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:251
msgid "The SEO Framework XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:84
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:13 inc/common/admin-bar.php:311
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:15
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:20
msgid "Docs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:17 inc/common/admin-bar.php:299
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:19 inc/common/admin-bar.php:46
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:64 inc/admin/admin.php:86 inc/admin/admin.php:105
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:249 inc/admin/admin.php:264
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:290
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:529
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:537
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:546
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:554
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:571
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:592
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:101
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:107
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:128
-msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
-msgid "Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:134
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:146
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:152
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:164
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:170
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:182
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:188
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:241 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:692
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:242 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:784
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:243 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:802
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:244 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:245 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1144
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:246 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1149
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:247 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1443
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:265
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:275
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:955
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:65 inc/common/admin-bar.php:118
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:115
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:66
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:70
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:615
-msgid "Minify HTML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1413
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1424
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:102
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:24 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:34
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -530,1629 +484,1107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
+msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
-msgid "Tools"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
@@ -2196,139 +1628,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2353,218 +1763,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2572,198 +1793,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2790,35 +1963,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
+#, php-format
+msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
-#, php-format
-msgid "Reinstall version %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2831,113 +1998,1561 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-he_IL.mo b/languages/rocket-he_IL.mo
index c85c72bcfa..e80e7f4a6d 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-he_IL.mo and b/languages/rocket-he_IL.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-he_IL.po b/languages/rocket-he_IL.po
index 6f286379b5..4f4c4952c1 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-he_IL.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-he_IL.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Seggev Shoresh, 2019
-# wpmedia
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "כיבוי"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "כן, מאשר"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "לא, תודה"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "תודה רבה!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "גרסאות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "טיוטות אוטומטיות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "תגובות ספאם"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -542,654 +488,428 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "רישיון"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "מפתח API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "כתובת דוא\"ל"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "דקות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "שעות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "ימים"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "הגדרות בסיסיות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "קבצי CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "קבצי JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "כווץ קבצי CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "זה עלול לשבור דברים!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "מדיה"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "אפשר עבור תמונות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "טעינה מראש"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"ציין מחרוזות סוכני משתמש שלעולם לא אמורים לראות עמודים שנשמרו במטמון (אחד "
-"לכל שורה)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "ציין מחרוזות סוכני משתמש שלעולם לא אמורים לראות עמודים שנשמרו במטמון (אחד לכל שורה)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"ציין כתובות URL שברצונך למחוק מהמטמון בכל פעם שאתה מעדכן כל פוסט או עמוד "
-"(אחת בכל שורה)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "ציין כתובות URL שברצונך למחוק מהמטמון בכל פעם שאתה מעדכן כל פוסט או עמוד (אחת בכל שורה)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "ציין מחרוזות שאילתה עבור הטמנה בזיכרון (אחת לכל שורה)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "מסד נתונים"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1198,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1207,7 +927,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1216,7 +936,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1225,7 +945,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1234,20 +954,11 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1256,11 +967,11 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1269,714 +980,442 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "תדירות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "יומי"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "שבועי"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "חודשי"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "מפתח API גלובלי:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "העלה קובץ וייבא הגדרות"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "ההגדרות נשמרו."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
+msgstr "שבועי"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr "שבועי"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "כלים"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -1985,216 +1424,189 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "כל השפות"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "נקה פוסט זה"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "מחק URL זה"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "טען זיכרון מטמון מראש"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "תיעוד"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s נוקה"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "חודשי"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "פרטים נוספים"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "הוסף URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "לפני שתוכל להעלות את קובץ הייבוא שלך, עליך לפתור את השגיאה הבאה:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "שמור וייעל"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "ייעל"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "הערה:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "טיפ ביצועים:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "אותרה תכונה צד ג':"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "אזהרה:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "הגדרות הורדה"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "החלף את שם מארח האתר ב:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "שמור עבור"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "כל הקבצים"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "תמונות"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "הוסף CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "צפה בוידיאו"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "בסיסי"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "שדות סטטיים"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "מתקדם"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
@@ -2240,139 +1652,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "הרישון שלך אינו תקף."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "אתר זה אינו מורשה."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2397,218 +1787,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "ביטול"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2616,198 +1817,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2834,35 +1987,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "הגדרות הורדה"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2875,117 +2022,1573 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "שמור שינויים"
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+msgstr "זוהי נקודת התחלה מצוינת כדי לתקן חלק מהבעיות הנפוצות ביותר."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
+msgstr "קרא/י את התיעוד"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+msgstr "כיצד נכון למדוד בצורה נכונה את זמן הטעינה של האתר שלך"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr "קרא/י את המדריך שלנו"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "קרא/י עוד"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr "זקוקים לעזרה?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr "זוהי נקודת התחלה מצוינת כדי לתקן חלק מהבעיות הנפוצות ביותר."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
-msgstr "קרא/י את התיעוד"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
-msgstr "כיצד נכון למדוד בצורה נכונה את זמן הטעינה של האתר שלך"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr "למד/י כיצד להשתמש בשיטות מומלצות כדי לאמוד כראוי את ביצועי האתר שלך."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
-msgstr "קרא/י את המדריך שלנו"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "מדוע הציון של Google PageSpeed לא משנה"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "קרא/י עוד"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
-msgstr "זקוקים לעזרה?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-hr.mo b/languages/rocket-hr.mo
index 42332f26de..87dcebaf55 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-hr.mo and b/languages/rocket-hr.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-hr.po b/languages/rocket-hr.po
index 45d5730ddb..3e1e6dcbd2 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-hr.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-hr.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Romain • WP Rocket
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Cache datoteke starije od navedenog životnog vijeka cache-a će biti "
Aktivirajte %1$spreloading%2$s kako bi se cache obnovio nakon "
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Cache datoteke starije od navedenog životnog vijeka cache-a će biti uklonjene.
Aktivirajte %1$spreloading%2$s kako bi se cache obnovio nakon isteka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:492
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Omogući caching za logirane WordPress korisnike."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:500
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Omogućite cachiranje na mobilnim uređajima"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Odvojite cache datoteke za mobilne uređaje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Većina modernih tema je responzivna i trebala bi raditi bez zasebnog cachea."
-" Omogućite ovo samo ako imate dediciranu mobilnu temu ili dodatak. %1$sViše "
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Većina modernih tema je responzivna i trebala bi raditi bez zasebnog cachea. Omogućite ovo samo ako imate dediciranu mobilnu temu ili dodatak. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:533
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite vrijeme nakon kojeg će se izbrisati globalni cache
(0 = "
-"neograničeno )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Navedite vrijeme nakon kojeg će se izbrisati globalni cache
(0 = neograničeno )"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:535
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Smanjite vijek trajanja na 10 sati ili manje ako primijetite probleme koji "
-"se povremeno pojavljuju. %1$sZašto?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Smanjite vijek trajanja na 10 sati ili manje ako primijetite probleme koji se povremeno pojavljuju. %1$sZašto?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:541
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Sati"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Dana"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Optimizacija datoteka"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:578
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optimiziraj CSS i JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:585
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS datoteke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:592
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s jMinfikacija je trenutno aktivirana pomoću dodatka "
-"Autoptimize. Ako želite koristiti %2$sminifikaciju, "
-"onemogućite te opcije u postavkama Autoptimize-a."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s jMinfikacija je trenutno aktivirana pomoću dodatka Autoptimize. Ako želite koristiti %2$sminifikaciju, onemogućite te opcije u postavkama Autoptimize-a."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:595
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript datoteke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:609
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve "
Also, please check our "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako imate problema nakon aktiviranja ove opcije, kopirajte i zalijepite "
-"zadana izuzimanja kako biste brzo riješili "
Također, provjerite našu "
-"%2$sdokumentaciju%3$s za popis izuzetaka kompatibilnosti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:616
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Interne skripte prema zadanim su postavkama isključene kako bi se spriječili"
-" problemi. Uklonite ih kako biste u potpunosti iskoristili ovu "
Ako to uzrokuje probleme, vratite zadana izuzimanja, navedena "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:625
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Minificiraj CSS datoteke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:626
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minificiranje CSS-a uklanja razmake i komentare kako bi se smanjila "
-"veličina datoteke."
+msgstr "Minificiranje CSS-a uklanja razmake i komentare kako bi se smanjila veličina datoteke."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:639
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:793
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Ovo bi moglo poremetiti izgled/funkcionalnost vaše web-lokacije!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:640
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako na web-lokaciji primijetite pogreške nakon što ste aktivirali ovu "
-"postavku, samo je ponovno deaktivirajte, a web-lokacija će se vratiti u "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Ako na web-lokaciji primijetite pogreške nakon što ste aktivirali ovu postavku, samo je ponovno deaktivirajte, a web-lokacija će se vratiti u normalu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:641
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Aktiviraj minifikaciju CSS-a"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Kombiniraj CSS datoteke (Omogući minifikaciju CSS datoteka za "
+msgstr "Kombiniraj CSS datoteke (Omogući minifikaciju CSS datoteka za odabir)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:648
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Kombiniranje CSS-a spaja sve vaše datoteke u jednu, smanjujući HTTP "
-"zahtjeve. Ne preporučuje se ako web-lokacija koristi HTTP/2. %1$sViše "
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Kombiniranje CSS-a spaja sve vaše datoteke u jednu, smanjujući HTTP zahtjeve. Ne preporučuje se ako web-lokacija koristi HTTP/2. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:649
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove "
-"unused CSS is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Radi kompatibilnosti i najboljih rezultata, ova je opcija onemogućena kada "
-"je omogućeno Uklanjanje nekorištenog CSS-a."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr "Radi kompatibilnosti i najboljih rezultata, ova je opcija onemogućena kada je omogućeno Uklanjanje nekorištenog CSS-a."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Aktiviraj kombiniranje CSS-a"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:670 inc/admin/options.php:122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Izuzete CSS datoteke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:671
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove CSS datoteka koje treba isključiti iz minifikacije i "
-"kombiniranja (jedan URL po retku)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove CSS datoteka koje treba isključiti iz minifikacije i kombiniranja (jedan URL po retku)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:672
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interno: Dio domene URL-a automatski će biti automatski "
-"uklonjen. Koristite (.*).css zamjenske znakove (wildcard) da biste "
-"isključili sve CSS datoteke koje se nalaze na određenoj putanji."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interno: Dio domene URL-a automatski će biti automatski uklonjen. Koristite (.*).css zamjenske znakove (wildcard) da biste isključili sve CSS datoteke koje se nalaze na određenoj putanji."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:674
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"CSS treće strane: Za isključivanje vanjskog CSS-a "
-"upotrijebite ili punu putanju URL-a ili samo naziv domene. %1$sViše "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "CSS treće strane: Za isključivanje vanjskog CSS-a upotrijebite ili punu putanju URL-a ili samo naziv domene. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optimiziraj isporuku CSS-a"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:692
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-"performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
-msgstr ""
-"Optimizacija isporuke CSS-a eliminira CSS koji blokira generiranje prikaza "
-"na vašoj web stranici. Može se odabrati samo jedna metoda. Uklonjanje "
-"neiskorištenog CSS-a preporučuje se za optimalnu izvedbu, ali ograničeno je "
-"samo na korisnike s aktivnom licencom."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr "Optimizacija isporuke CSS-a eliminira CSS koji blokira generiranje prikaza na vašoj web stranici. Može se odabrati samo jedna metoda. Uklonjanje neiskorištenog CSS-a preporučuje se za optimalnu izvedbu, ali ograničeno je samo na korisnike s aktivnom licencom."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:692
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-msgstr ""
-"Optimizacija isporuke CSS-a eliminira CSS koji blokira generiranje prikaza "
-"na vašoj web stranici. Može se odabrati samo jedna metoda. Za optimalne "
-"performanse preporučuje se uklanjanje neiskorištenog CSS -a."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr "Optimizacija isporuke CSS-a eliminira CSS koji blokira generiranje prikaza na vašoj web stranici. Može se odabrati samo jedna metoda. Za optimalne performanse preporučuje se uklanjanje neiskorištenog CSS -a."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn"
-" more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Značajka Optimiziraj isporuku CSS-a je onemogućena u lokalnim okruženjima "
-"%1$sSaznaj više%2$s"
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Značajka Optimiziraj isporuku CSS-a je onemogućena u lokalnim okruženjima %1$sSaznaj više%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:722
-msgid "Remove Unused CSS (Beta)"
-msgstr "Uklonite nekorišteni CSS (Beta)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests."
-" Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Uklanja neiskorišteni CSS po stranici i pomaže u smanjenju veličine stranice"
-" i HTTP zahtjeva. Preporučuje se za najbolje performanse. Temeljito "
-"testirajte! %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:727
-msgid "We’re still working on it!"
-msgstr "Radimo na tome!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:728
-msgid ""
-"This is a beta feature. We’re providing you early access but some changes "
-"might be added later on. If you notice any errors on your website, simply "
-"deactivate the feature."
-msgstr ""
-"Ovo je beta značajka. Pružamo vam rani pristup, ali neke promjene mogu se "
-"dodati kasnije. Ako primijetite bilo kakve pogreške na vašem web mjestu, "
-"jednostavno deaktivirajte značajku."
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Uklanja neiskorišteni CSS po stranici i pomaže u smanjenju veličine stranice i HTTP zahtjeva. Preporučuje se za najbolje performanse. Temeljito testirajte! %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Aktivirajte Uklonite nekorišteni CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "CSS sigurna lista"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:736
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite imena CSS datoteka, ID-ove ili klase koje ne treba uklanjati (po "
-"jedan u retku)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr "Navedite imena CSS datoteka, ID-ove ili klase koje ne treba uklanjati (po jedan u retku)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:751 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
msgstr "Učitajte CSS asinkrono"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:754
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
#, php-format
msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want"
-" to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Učitavanjem CSS -a asinhrono trenutno upravlja%1$s plugin. Ako želite "
-"koristiti opciju asinhronog učitavanja CSS- a pomoću WP Rocketa, onemogućite"
-" plugin %1$s ."
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr "Učitavanjem CSS -a asinhrono trenutno upravlja%1$s plugin. Ako želite koristiti opciju asinhronog učitavanja CSS- a pomoću WP Rocketa, onemogućite plugin %1$s ."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:756
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Generira critical path CSS i asinhrono učitava CSS.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Generira critical path CSS i asinhrono učitava CSS.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:762
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Zamjenski ključni CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pruža zamjenu ako je automatski generiran CSS ključne putanje nepotpun. "
-"%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Pruža zamjenu ako je automatski generiran CSS ključne putanje nepotpun. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Minificiraj JavaScript datoteke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:780
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minficiranje JavaScripta uklanja razmake i komentare kako bi se smanjila "
-"veličina datoteke."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Minficiranje JavaScripta uklanja razmake i komentare kako bi se smanjila veličina datoteke."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:795
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktiviraj minifikaciju JavaScripta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Kombiniraj JavaScript datoteke (Omogući minifikaciju JavaScript datoteka"
-" za odabir)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Kombiniraj JavaScript datoteke (Omogući minifikaciju JavaScript datoteka za odabir)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Kombiniranje JavaScript datoteka kombinira JS vaše web-lokacije, JS treće "
-"strane i inline JS smanjujući HTTP zahtjeve.. Ne preporučuje se ako web-"
-"lokacija koristi HTTP/2. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Kombiniranje JavaScript datoteka kombinira JS vaše web-lokacije, JS treće strane i inline JS smanjujući HTTP zahtjeve.. Ne preporučuje se ako web-lokacija koristi HTTP/2. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Radi kompatibilnosti i najboljih rezultata, ova je opcija onemogućena kada "
-"je omogućena odgoda izvršavanja javascripta."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr "Radi kompatibilnosti i najboljih rezultata, ova je opcija onemogućena kada je omogućena odgoda izvršavanja javascripta."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:819
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktiviraj kombiniranje JavaScripta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:824 inc/admin/options.php:123
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "Izuzet Inline JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:826
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite uzorke inline JavaScripta koji će biti isključeni iz kombiniranja "
-"(jedan po retku).%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Navedite uzorke inline JavaScripta koji će biti isključeni iz kombiniranja (jedan po retku).%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:842
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:875
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:904 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Izuzete JavaScript datoteke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:843
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Odredite URL-ove JavaScript datoteka koje će biti isključene iz minifikacije"
-" i kombiniranja (jedan po retku)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Odredite URL-ove JavaScript datoteka koje će biti isključene iz minifikacije i kombiniranja (jedan po retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:844
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interno: Dio domene URL-a automatski će biti automatski "
-"uklonjen. Koristite (.*).js zamjenske znakove (wildcard) da biste isključili"
-" sve JS datoteke koje se nalaze na određenoj putanji."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interno: Dio domene URL-a automatski će biti automatski uklonjen. Koristite (.*).js zamjenske znakove (wildcard) da biste isključili sve JS datoteke koje se nalaze na određenoj putanji."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:846
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"JS treće strane: Za isključivanje vanjskog JS-a "
-"upotrijebite ili punu putanju URL-a ili samo naziv domene. %1$sViše "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "JS treće strane: Za isključivanje vanjskog JS-a upotrijebite ili punu putanju URL-a ili samo naziv domene. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Učitaj JavaScript s odgodom"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Učitavanje JavaScript s odgodom uklanja JS koji blokira prikaz vaše web-"
-"lokacije i može poboljšati vrijeme učitavanja.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Učitavanje JavaScript s odgodom uklanja JS koji blokira prikaz vaše web-lokacije i može poboljšati vrijeme učitavanja.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove ili ključne riječi JavaScript datoteka koje će se izuzeti "
-"iz odgode (po jedan u retku). %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove ili ključne riječi JavaScript datoteka koje će se izuzeti iz odgode (po jedan u retku). %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:893 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Odgodi izvršavanje JavaScripta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:895
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Poboljšava performanse odgađajući učitavanje JavaScript datoteka do "
-"interakcije korisnika (npr. scroll, klik). %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Poboljšava performanse odgađajući učitavanje JavaScript datoteka do interakcije korisnika (npr. scroll, klik). %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove ili ključne riječi koje mogu prepoznati inline ili "
-"JavaScript datoteke koje želite izuzeti iz odgode izvršavanja (jedna po "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove ili ključne riječi koje mogu prepoznati inline ili JavaScript datoteke koje želite izuzeti iz odgode izvršavanja (jedna po retku)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:936
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Medij"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
msgstr "LazyLoad, dimenzije slika"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:946
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:991
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Može poboljšati stvarno i opaženo vrijeme učitavanja tako što će slike, "
-"iframeove i videozapise učitati tek kad uđu (ili netom prije) u okvir za "
-"prikaz (viewport) te tako smanjiti broj HTTP zahtjeva. %1$sViše "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Može poboljšati stvarno i opaženo vrijeme učitavanja tako što će slike, iframeove i videozapise učitati tek kad uđu (ili netom prije) u okvir za prikaz (viewport) te tako smanjiti broj HTTP zahtjeva. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1001
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Lazyload je trenutno aktivan pomoću %2$s. Ako želite koristiti WP Rocket "
-"LazyLoad, onemogućite ovu opciju pod%2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "Lazyload je trenutno aktivan pomoću %2$s. Ako želite koristiti WP Rocket LazyLoad, onemogućite ovu opciju pod%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1004
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "Dimenzije slika"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1007
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Slikama dodajte atribute širine i visine koji nedostaju. Pomaže u "
-"sprječavanju pomicanja elemenata stranice i poboljšava iskustvo čitanja.. "
-"%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Slikama dodajte atribute širine i visine koji nedostaju. Pomaže u sprječavanju pomicanja elemenata stranice i poboljšava iskustvo čitanja.. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1026
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Uključi za slike"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1038
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Lazyload je trenutno aktivan pomoću %2$s. Ako želite koristiti %1$s "
-"lazyload, onemogućite ovu opciju pod%2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "Lazyload je trenutno aktivan pomoću %2$s. Ako želite koristiti %1$s lazyload, onemogućite ovu opciju pod%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1046
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Uključi za iframes i videa"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Zamijenite YouTube iframe slikom za pregled"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1063
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
msgstr "Zamijenite YouTube iframe slikom za pregled nije kompatibilan s %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1063
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Može značajno poboljšati vrijeme učitavanja ako na stranici imate mnogo "
-"videozapisa sa YouTube-a."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Može značajno poboljšati vrijeme učitavanja ako na stranici imate mnogo videozapisa sa YouTube-a."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1078
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "Izuzete slike ili iframe-ovi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1080
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite ključne riječi (npr. naziv datoteke slike, CSS klasa, domena) sa "
-"slike ili iframe koda koji će biti izuzeti (po jedna u retku).%1$sViše "
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Navedite ključne riječi (npr. naziv datoteke slike, CSS klasa, domena) sa slike ili iframe koda koji će biti izuzeti (po jedna u retku).%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1088
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "Dodaj dimenzije slike koje nedostaju"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1107 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Predučitavanje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Generiraj cache datoteke, predučitaj fontove"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1119
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Predučitaj cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Kada omogućite predučitavanje WP Rocket će generirati cache počevši od "
-"linkova na početnoj stranici, a zatim mape web-lokacija koje navedete. "
-"Pretpregled se automatski pokreće kada dodajete ili ažurirate sadržaj, a "
-"može se i ručno pokrenuti iz administratorske trake ili iz %1$sWP Rocket "
-"nadzorne ploče%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Predučitavanje linkova"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1133
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje linkova poboljšava percipirano vrijeme učitavanja "
-"preuzimanjem stranice kada korisnik zadrži pokazivač iznad linka.%1$sViše "
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Predučitavanje linkova poboljšava percipirano vrijeme učitavanja preuzimanjem stranice kada korisnik zadrži pokazivač iznad linka.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1141
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Prethodno dohvati DNS zahtjeve"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1143
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Prethodno dohvaćanje (prefetch) DNS-a može ubrzati učitavanje vanjskih "
-"datoteka, posebno na mobilnim mrežama"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Prethodno dohvaćanje (prefetch) DNS-a može ubrzati učitavanje vanjskih datoteka, posebno na mobilnim mrežama"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1148
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Predučitaj fontove"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Poboljšava performanse pomažući preglednicima da otkriju fontove u CSS "
-"datotekama. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Poboljšava performanse pomažući preglednicima da otkriju fontove u CSS datotekama. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Aktiviraj predučitavanje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1184
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Aktivirajte prethodno učitavanje cachea temeljeno na Sitemapu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1203
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Mape web-lokacije za predučitavanje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1207
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "Navedite XML mape web-lokacije koje će se koristiti za predučitavanje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1217
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL-ovi koje treba prethodno dohvatiti (prefetch)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1218
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Odredite vanjske hostove za pretragu (bez http:
, jedan po "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Odredite vanjske hostove za pretragu (bez http:
, jedan po retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1227
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Fontovi za predučitavanje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1228
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove datoteka fontova koje treba unaprijed učitati (jedan u "
-"retku). Fontovi moraju biti hostani na vašoj domeni ili domeni koju ste "
-"naveli u kartici CDN."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove datoteka fontova koje treba unaprijed učitati (jedan u retku). Fontovi moraju biti hostani na vašoj domeni ili domeni koju ste naveli u kartici CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1229
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"Domena URL-a automatski će biti uklonjena.
Dopuštena proširenja fonta: "
-"otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "Domena URL-a automatski će biti uklonjena.
Dopuštena proširenja fonta: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1238
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Uključi predučitavanje linkova"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Napredna pravila"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1258
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Fino podešavanje pravila cachiranja"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1269
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Osjetljive stranice kao što su prilagođeni URL-ovi za prijavu / odjavu "
-"trebali bi biti izuzeti iz cachea."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Osjetljive stranice kao što su prilagođeni URL-ovi za prijavu / odjavu trebali bi biti izuzeti iz cachea."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Download-ovi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1276
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1278
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1280
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1286
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Stranice košarice, naplate i \"moj račun\" postavljene u "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s će biti detektirane i neće biti cachirane, "
-"prema zadanim postavkama."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Stranice košarice, naplate i \"moj račun\" postavljene u %1$s%2$s%3$s će biti detektirane i neće biti cachirane, prema zadanim postavkama."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1296 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Nikad ne cachiraj ove URL-ove"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1304
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Nikad ne cachiraj ove Kolačiće (Cookies)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1310 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Nikada ne cachiraj ove korisničke agente"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1316 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Uvijek očisti ove URL-ove"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1322
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Nizovi upita za cachiranje (Cache Query String(s))"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1325
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sCache za nizove upita%2$s omogućuje vam prisiljavanje cachiranja za "
-"određene GET parametre."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sCache za nizove upita%2$s omogućuje vam prisiljavanje cachiranja za određene GET parametre."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1336
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove stranica ili objava koje ne bi smjeli nikad biti cachirani "
-"(jedan po retku)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove stranica ili objava koje ne bi smjeli nikad biti cachirani (jedan po retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1365
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Domena URL-a će automatski biti uklonjena.
Koristite (.*) zamjenske "
-"znakove (wildcard) da biste isključili sve URL-ove koje se nalaze na "
-"određenoj putanji."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Domena URL-a će automatski biti uklonjena.
Koristite (.*) zamjenske znakove (wildcard) da biste isključili sve URL-ove koje se nalaze na određenoj putanji."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1346
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite potpune ili djelomične ID-ove kolačića koji bi, kada se postave u "
-"pregledniku posjetitelja, trebali spriječiti da se stranica cachira (po "
-"jedan u retku)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Navedite potpune ili djelomične ID-ove kolačića koji bi, kada se postave u pregledniku posjetitelja, trebali spriječiti da se stranica cachira (po jedan u retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1354
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite nizove korisničkog agenta koji nikada ne bi trebali vidjeti "
-"cachirane (jedna po retku)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Navedite nizove korisničkog agenta koji nikada ne bi trebali vidjeti cachirane (jedna po retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
-msgstr ""
-"Upotrijebite (.*) zamjenske znakove (wildcards) kako bi otkrili dijelove UA "
+msgstr "Upotrijebite (.*) zamjenske znakove (wildcards) kako bi otkrili dijelove UA nizova."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1364
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove koje želite uvijek očistiti iz cachea svaki put kad "
-"ažurirate bilo koju objavu ili stranicu (jednu po retku)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove koje želite uvijek očistiti iz cachea svaki put kad ažurirate bilo koju objavu ili stranicu (jednu po retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1373
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Navedite nizove upita za cachiranje (jedan po retku)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimizirajte, smanjite višak podataka"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Čišćenje objava"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1408
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Izmjene objava i skice bit će trajno izbrisani. Ne koristite ovu opciju ako "
-"želite zadržati revizije ili skice."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Izmjene objava i skice bit će trajno izbrisani. Ne koristite ovu opciju ako želite zadržati revizije ili skice."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1413
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Čišćenje komentara"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1415
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Spam i komentari u smeću će biti trajno izbrisani."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Čišćenje transienta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1421
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Transienti su privremene opcije; sigurno ih je ukloniti. Biti će ponovno "
-"automatski generirani ukoliko ih vaši dodaci budu zahtijevali."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Transienti su privremene opcije; sigurno ih je ukloniti. Biti će ponovno automatski generirani ukoliko ih vaši dodaci budu zahtijevali."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1425
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Čišćenje baze podataka"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1427
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Uklanja suvišne informacije u tablicama baze podataka"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Automatsko čišćenje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1444
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1302,7 +949,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s revizija u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s revizija u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s revizija u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1310,7 +957,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s skica u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s skica u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s skica u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1318,7 +965,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s objava u smeću u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s objava u smeću u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s objava u smeću u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1474
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1326,7 +973,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%s spam komentar u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s spam komentara u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s spam komentara u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1334,11 +981,11 @@ msgstr[0] "%s obrisan komentar u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s obrisanih komentara u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s obrisanih komentara u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1492
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Svi transienti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1346,11 +993,11 @@ msgstr[0] "%s transient u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s transienta u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s transienta u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optimize tablice podataka"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1504
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1358,426 +1005,325 @@ msgstr[0] "%s tablica za optimizaciju u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[1] "%s tablica za optimizaciju u vašoj bazi podataka."
msgstr[2] "%s tablica za optimizaciju u vašoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Zakaži automatsko čišćenje"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Učestalost"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Dnevno"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1536
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Tjedno"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mjesečno"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1553
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1564 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1554
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integrirajte svoj CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1566
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Svi URL-ovi statičkih datoteka (CSS, JS, slike) bit će prepisani u CNAME(s) "
-"koje navedete."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Svi URL-ovi statičkih datoteka (CSS, JS, slike) bit će prepisani u CNAME(s) koje navedete."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Nije potrebno za servise kao što su Cloudflare i Sucuri. Molimo pogledajte "
-"naše dostupne %1$sDodatke%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Nije potrebno za servise kao što su Cloudflare i Sucuri. Molimo pogledajte naše dostupne %1$sDodatke%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1583 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Izuzmi datoteke iz CDN-a"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1609
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$l dodatak%3$s je trenutno omogućen. Konfiguracija CDN postavki nije "
-"potrebna da bi %2$l radio na vašoj web lokaciji."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$l dodatka%3$s su trenutno omogućena. Konfiguracija CDN postavki nije "
-"potrebna da bi %2$l radli na vašoj web lokaciji."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$l dodataka%3$s je trenutno omogućeno. Konfiguracija CDN postavki nije"
-" potrebna da bi %2$l radili na vašoj web lokaciji."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$l dodatak%3$s je trenutno omogućen. Konfiguracija CDN postavki nije potrebna da bi %2$l radio na vašoj web lokaciji."
+msgstr[1] "%1$s%2$l dodatka%3$s su trenutno omogućena. Konfiguracija CDN postavki nije potrebna da bi %2$l radli na vašoj web lokaciji."
+msgstr[2] "%1$s%2$l dodataka%3$s je trenutno omogućeno. Konfiguracija CDN postavki nije potrebna da bi %2$l radili na vašoj web lokaciji."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Omogućite CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1643
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(s)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1644
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "U nastavku navedite CNAME(s)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1651
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite URL-ove datoteka koje se ne smiju posluživati putem CDN-a (jedan "
-"po retku)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Navedite URL-ove datoteka koje se ne smiju posluživati putem CDN-a (jedan po retku)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1652
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Dio s domenom URL-a će automatski biti uklonjen.
Koristite (.*) zamjenske"
-" znakove (wildcards) kako biste izuzeli sve datoteke određene vrste "
-"smještene na navedenoj putanji."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Dio s domenom URL-a će automatski biti uklonjen.
Koristite (.*) zamjenske znakove (wildcards) kako biste izuzeli sve datoteke određene vrste smještene na navedenoj putanji."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1675
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Upravljajte WordPress Heartbeat API-em"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Smanjenje ili onemogućavanje aktivnosti Heartbeat API-ja može pomoći u "
-"uštedi resursa vašeg web poslužitelja."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Smanjenje ili onemogućavanje aktivnosti Heartbeat API-ja može pomoći u uštedi resursa vašeg web poslužitelja."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1690
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Smanji ili onemogući aktivnost Heartbeata"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1691
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Smanjenje aktivnosti će promijeniti frekvenciju s jednog \"otkucaja\" svake "
-"minute do jednog \"otkucaja\" svake 2 minute."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Smanjenje aktivnosti će promijeniti frekvenciju s jednog \"otkucaja\" svake minute do jednog \"otkucaja\" svake 2 minute."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1691
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Onemogućavanje funkcije Heartbeat može u potpunosti onemogućiti pravino "
-"funkcioniranje dodataka i /ili teme koja koristi ovaj API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Onemogućavanje funkcije Heartbeat može u potpunosti onemogućiti pravino funkcioniranje dodataka i /ili teme koja koristi ovaj API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1705
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Nemoj ograničiti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Ograniči aktivnost"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Onemogući"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Kontroliraj Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Ponašanje u backendu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Ponašanje u uređivaču objava"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1737
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Ponašanje u frontendu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Dodaci"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1755
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Dodajte još značajki"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1762
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "One-click Rocket dodaci"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"One-Click dodaci su značajke koje proširuju dostupne opcije bez potrebe za "
-"dodatnom konfiguracijom. Prebacite opciju \"uključeno\" da biste omogućili "
-"funkcionalnost s ovog zaslona."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "One-Click dodaci su značajke koje proširuju dostupne opcije bez potrebe za dodatnom konfiguracijom. Prebacite opciju \"uključeno\" da biste omogućili funkcionalnost s ovog zaslona."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1773
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Dodaci"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1774
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Rocket Dodaci su komplementarne značajke koje proširuju dostupne opcije."
+msgstr "Rocket Dodaci su komplementarne značajke koje proširuju dostupne opcije."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1785
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1791
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Integrirajte svoj Cloudflare račun pomoću ovog dodatka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1792
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Navedite adresu e-pošte svog računa, globalni API ključ i domenu da biste "
-"koristili opcije kao što je brisanje Cloudflare cachea i omogućavanje "
-"optimalnih postavki pomoću programa WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Navedite adresu e-pošte svog računa, globalni API ključ i domenu da biste koristili opcije kao što je brisanje Cloudflare cachea i omogućavanje optimalnih postavki pomoću programa WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1826
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako je Varnish pokrenut na vašem poslužitelju, morate aktivirati ovaj "
+msgstr "Ako je Varnish pokrenut na vašem poslužitelju, morate aktivirati ovaj dodatak."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1834
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Varnisj cache će biti izbrisan svaki put kada WP Rocket obriše svoj cache "
-"kako bi se osiguralo da je sadržaj uvijek ažuriran.
%1$sSaznaj više%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Varnisj cache će biti izbrisan svaki put kada WP Rocket obriše svoj cache kako bi se osiguralo da je sadržaj uvijek ažuriran.
%1$sSaznaj više%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "WebP kompatibilnost"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "Poboljšajte kompatibilnost preglednika za slike u WebP formatu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Omogućite ovu opciju ako želite da WP Rocket poslužuje WebP slike na "
-"kompatibilnim preglednicima. Imajte na umu da WP Rocket ne može stvoriti "
-"WebP slike za vas. Za stvaranje WebP slika preporučujemo %1$sImagify%2$s. "
-"%3$sViše informacija%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Omogućite ovu opciju ako želite da WP Rocket poslužuje WebP slike na kompatibilnim preglednicima. Imajte na umu da WP Rocket ne može stvoriti WebP slike za vas. Za stvaranje WebP slika preporučujemo %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sViše informacija%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1899
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Očistite Sucuri cache kada je obrisan cache WP Rocketa."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1902
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Upišite svoj API ključ za brisanje Sucuri cachea kada je izbrisan cache WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Upišite svoj API ključ za brisanje Sucuri cachea kada je izbrisan cache WP Rocketa."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1910
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2054
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1916
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Sinkronizirajte Sucuri cache pomoću ovog dodatka."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1954
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare podaci"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1963
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare postavke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1977
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globalni API ključ:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1978
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Pronađi svoj API ključ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1990
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Email računa"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Zone ID"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2009
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Development mode"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2011
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Privremeno aktivirajte Development mode na web-lokaciji. Ova postavka će se "
-"automatski isključiti nakon 3 sata. %1$sSaznaj više%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Privremeno aktivirajte Development mode na web-lokaciji. Ova postavka će se automatski isključiti nakon 3 sata. %1$sSaznaj više%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2019
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Optimalne postavke"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2020
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Automatski poboljšava Cloudflare konfiguraciju za brzinu, ocjenu izvedbe i "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Automatski poboljšava Cloudflare konfiguraciju za brzinu, ocjenu izvedbe i kompatibilnost."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2028
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Relativni protokol"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2029
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Treba se koristiti samo s Cloudflare-ovom fleksibilnom SSL značajkom. URL-"
-"ovi statičkih datoteka (CSS, JS, slike) bit će prepisani tako da koriste // "
-"umjesto http:// ili https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Treba se koristiti samo s Cloudflare-ovom fleksibilnom SSL značajkom. URL-ovi statičkih datoteka (CSS, JS, slike) bit će prepisani tako da koriste // umjesto http:// ili https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri podaci"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2080
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Firewall API ključ (za dodatak) mora biti u formatu {32 znaka}/{32 "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2081
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Pronađi svoj API ključ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:409 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Upload datoteke i uvoz settings"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:391
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Dodatak za Sucuri: API ključ za Sucuri firewall mora biti u formatu{32"
-" znaka}/{32 znaka}.
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Dodatak za Sucuri: API ključ za Sucuri firewall mora biti u formatu{32 znaka}/{32 znaka}.
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Settings spremljene."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:698
-msgid ""
-"Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved "
-"because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Oprostite! Dodavanje /(.*) u Napredna pravila > Nikada ne cacheiraj URL(ove)"
-" nije spremljeno jer onemogućuje predmemoriranje i optimizacije za svaku "
-"stranicu na vašoj web-lokaciji."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr "Oprostite! Dodavanje /(.*) u Napredna pravila > Nikada ne cacheiraj URL(ove) nije spremljeno jer onemogućuje predmemoriranje i optimizacije za svaku stranicu na vašoj web-lokaciji."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Alati"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Uvoz, izvoz, povrat postavki"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:176
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Optimizacija slika"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:177
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Sažmite slike"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Upute"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Početak rada i edukativni videozapisi"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
-msgid ""
-"We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an "
-"unexpected error code."
-msgstr ""
-"Nismo mogli dohvatiti trenutnu cijenu jer je RocketCDN API vratio "
-"neočekivani kod pogreške."
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr "Nismo mogli dohvatiti trenutnu cijenu jer je RocketCDN API vratio neočekivani kod pogreške."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
@@ -1785,19 +1331,15 @@ msgstr "RocketCDN trenutno nije dostupan. Pokušajte opet malo kasnije."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: nedostaje parametar identifikatora."
+msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: nedostaje parametar identifikatora."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: nedostaje korisnički token."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: API je vratio neočekivani kôd "
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: API je vratio neočekivani kôd odgovora."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
@@ -1805,8 +1347,7 @@ msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: API je vratio prazan odgovor.
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: API je vratio neočekivani odgovor."
+msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: API je vratio neočekivani odgovor."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
@@ -1817,26 +1358,26 @@ msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea nije uspjelo: %s."
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "Čišćenje RocketCDN cachea je uspješno."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:81
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Sljedeći datum naplate"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Nema pretplate"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Vaša RocketCDN pretplata je trenutno aktivna."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Da biste koristili RocketCDN, zamijenite svoj CNAME s %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:143
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:208
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:306
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
@@ -1858,29 +1399,15 @@ msgstr "Vrijedi samo do %s !"
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Ubrzajte svoju web stranicu zahvaljujući:"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr "CDN s visokim performansama i %1$sneograničenim bandwithom%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Jednostavna konfiguracija: %1$snajbolje CDN postavke%2$s su automatski "
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Jednostavna konfiguracija: %1$snajbolje CDN postavke%2$s su automatski primijenjene"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket integracija: CDN je %1$sautomatski konfiguriran%2$s u našem "
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "WP Rocket integracija: CDN je %1$sautomatski konfiguriran%2$s u našem pluginu"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
@@ -1888,12 +1415,8 @@ msgstr "Saznaj više o RocketCDN-u"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"* $%1$s/mjesec za 12 mjeseci a zatim $%2$s/mjesec. Svoju pretplatu možete "
-"otkazati u svakom trenutku."
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr "* $%1$s/mjesec za 12 mjeseci a zatim $%2$s/mjesec. Svoju pretplatu možete otkazati u svakom trenutku."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
msgid "Billed monthly"
@@ -1908,8 +1431,7 @@ msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Smanji ovaj banner"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
msgstr "Ubrzajte svoju web stranicu pomoću RocketCDN-a od WP Rocketa."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
@@ -1930,12 +1452,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "Novo!"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
msgstr "Ubrzajte svoju web stranicu pomoću RocketCDN-a od WP Rocketa."
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:75
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:97 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Očisti ovo iz cachea"
@@ -1948,12 +1471,8 @@ msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "WP_CACHE vrijednost"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"WP_CACHE konstanta mora biti postavljena na true da bi WP Rocket cache radio"
-" ispravno"
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "WP_CACHE konstanta mora biti postavljena na true da bi WP Rocket cache radio ispravno"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
@@ -1967,7 +1486,7 @@ msgstr "WP_CACHE nijje postavljen"
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE je postavljen na false"
-#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:252
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
msgid "Every minute"
msgstr "Svake minute"
@@ -1978,20 +1497,13 @@ msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Ključni CSS za %1$s na mobilnim uređajima nije generiran. Greška: API je "
-"vratio prazan odgovor."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s na mobilnim uređajima nije generiran. Greška: API je vratio prazan odgovor."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: API je vratio prazan odgovor."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: API je vratio prazan odgovor."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
@@ -2006,21 +1518,13 @@ msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Ključni CSS za %1$s na mobilnim uređajima nije generiran. Greška: API je "
-"vratio nevažeći kôd odgovora."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s na mobilnim uređajima nije generiran. Greška: API je vratio nevažeći kôd odgovora."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: API je vratio nevažeći kôd "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: API je vratio nevažeći kôd odgovora."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
@@ -2063,55 +1567,42 @@ msgstr "Omogućite asinhrono učitavanje CSS-a u postavkama WP Rocketa"
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
msgstr "Omogućite asinhrono učitavanje CSS-a u gornjim opcijama"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Trenutno je aktivno generiranje ključnog CSS-a."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:159
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "Idite na stranicu%1$s postavki WP Rocketa%2$s za praćenje napretka."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:370
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Trenutno se izvodi generiranje ključnog CSS-a: %1$d od %2$d vrsta stranica "
-"dovršeno (Osvježite ovu stranicu kako biste vidjeli napredak)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Trenutno se izvodi generiranje ključnog CSS-a: %1$d od %2$d vrsta stranica dovršeno (Osvježite ovu stranicu kako biste vidjeli napredak)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:442
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Generiranje ključnog CSS-a za %1$d od %2$d vrsta stranica."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:449
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Generiranje ključnog CSS-a naišlo je na jednu ili više pogrešaka."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:449
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Saznaj više"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Ključni CSS za %1$s na mobilnim uređajima nije generiran. Greška: nije "
-"moguće stvoriti odredišnu mapu."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s na mobilnim uređajima nije generiran. Greška: nije moguće stvoriti odredišnu mapu."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: nije moguće stvoriti odredišnu "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Ključni CSS za %1$s nije generiran. Greška: nije moguće stvoriti odredišnu mapu."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
@@ -2176,29 +1667,16 @@ msgstr "Zatraženi post ne postoji."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Ne može se generirati CPCSS za neobjavljeni post."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Sljedeći planirani događaj nije uspio. To može značiti da CRON sustav ne "
-"radi ispravno, što može spriječiti da neke značajke WP Rocketa rade kako je "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Sljedeći planirani događaji nisu uspjeli. To može značiti da CRON sustav ne "
-"radi ispravno, što može spriječiti da neke značajke WP Rocketa rade kako je "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Sljedeći planirani događaji nisu uspjeli. To može značiti da CRON sustav ne "
-"radi ispravno, što može spriječiti da neke značajke WP Rocketa rade kako je "
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Sljedeći planirani događaj nije uspio. To može značiti da CRON sustav ne radi ispravno, što može spriječiti da neke značajke WP Rocketa rade kako je predviđeno:"
+msgstr[1] "Sljedeći planirani događaji nisu uspjeli. To može značiti da CRON sustav ne radi ispravno, što može spriječiti da neke značajke WP Rocketa rade kako je predviđeno:"
+msgstr[2] "Sljedeći planirani događaji nisu uspjeli. To može značiti da CRON sustav ne radi ispravno, što može spriječiti da neke značajke WP Rocketa rade kako je predviđeno:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr "Molimo kontaktirajte svoj hosting kako biste provjerili radi li CRON."
@@ -2225,23 +1703,14 @@ msgstr "Postupak stvaranja ključnog puta CSS-a"
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Iskoristite %1$s za ubrzavanje više web stranica:%2$s dobijete %3$s%4$s "
-"popusta%5$s za %3$snadogradnju vaše licence na Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Iskoristite %1$s za ubrzavanje više web stranica:%2$s dobijete %3$s%4$s "
-"popusta%5$s za %3$snadogradnju vaše licence na Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Iskoristite %1$s za ubrzavanje više web stranica:%2$s dobijete %3$s%4$s "
-"popusta%5$s za %3$snadogradnju vaše licence na Infinite!%5$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] "Iskoristite %1$s za ubrzavanje više web stranica:%2$s dobijete %3$s%4$s popusta%5$s za %3$snadogradnju vaše licence na Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[1] "Iskoristite %1$s za ubrzavanje više web stranica:%2$s dobijete %3$s%4$s popusta%5$s za %3$snadogradnju vaše licence na Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[2] "Iskoristite %1$s za ubrzavanje više web stranica:%2$s dobijete %3$s%4$s popusta%5$s za %3$snadogradnju vaše licence na Infinite!%5$s"
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Neograničeno"
@@ -2275,59 +1744,34 @@ msgid "Upgrade now"
msgstr "Nadogradi sada"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:37
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Uklonite ovu obavijest"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:12
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
msgstr "Vaša WP Rocket licenca je istekla!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:17
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sYour website could be much faster%2$s if it could take advantage of our "
-"new features and enhancements. 🚀"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sVaša web stranica mogla bi biti puno brža%2$s if ako bi mogla "
-"iskoristiti naše nove značajke i poboljšanja . 🚀"
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license to have access to the %1$slatest version of WP Rocket%2$s"
-" and to the wonderful %1$sassistance of our Support Team%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Obnovite svoju licencu da biste imali pristup %1$snajnovijoj verziji WP "
-"Rocketa%2$s i pomoći našeg%1$stima za podršku%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:35
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:46
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
msgid "Renew now"
msgstr "Obnovi odmah"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access"
-" to product updates and support."
-msgstr ""
-"Vaša %1$sWP Rocket licenca uskoro ističe%2$s: uskoro ćete izgubiti pristup "
-"ažuriranjima i podršci."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
-msgid "Renew before it is too late!"
-msgstr "Obnovite prije nego što bude prekasno!"
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr "Vaša %1$sWP Rocket licenca uskoro ističe%2$s: uskoro ćete izgubiti pristup ažuriranjima i podršci."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:35
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr ""
-"Obnovite uz %1$s%2$s popust%3$s prije nego što bude prekasno. Platit ćete "
-"samo %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr "Obnovite uz %1$s%2$s popust%3$s prije nego što bude prekasno. Platit ćete samo %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
@@ -2335,19 +1779,12 @@ msgstr "Ubrzajte više web stranica"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket možete koristiti na više web stranica nadogradnjom licence. Za "
-"nadogradnju jednostavno platite %1$srazliku u cijeni%2$s između vaše "
-"trenutne i nove licence, kao što je prikazano u nastavku."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr "WP Rocket možete koristiti na više web stranica nadogradnjom licence. Za nadogradnju jednostavno platite %1$srazliku u cijeni%2$s između vaše trenutne i nove licence, kao što je prikazano u nastavku."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
msgstr "%1$sNapomena%2$s: Nadogradnja licence ne mijenja datum isteka"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
@@ -2366,435 +1803,148 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "Nadogradite na %s"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket možete koristiti na više web lokacija nadogradnjom licence (plaćat"
-" ćete samo razliku u cijeni između trenutne i nove licence)."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr "WP Rocket možete koristiti na više web lokacija nadogradnjom licence (plaćat ćete samo razliku u cijeni između trenutne i nove licence)."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:120
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:206
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "Očisti korišteni CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:204
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
-"your pages."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Molimo pričekajte %2$s sekundi. Značajka Uklanjanje nekorištenog CSS-a"
-" obrađuje vaše stranice."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:245
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
-"continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Korišteni CSS vaše početne stranice je obrađen. WP Rocket će nastaviti"
-" generirati korišteni CSS do %2$s URL-a po %3$s sekundi."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:254
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
#, php-format
-msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sSitemap Preload%2$s for the fastest results."
-msgstr ""
-"Preporučujemo omogućavanje opcije %1$sPredučitavanje mape weba%2$s za "
-"najbolje rezultate."
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr "%1$s: Molimo pričekajte %2$s sekundi. Značajka Uklanjanje nekorištenog CSS-a obrađuje vaše stranice."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
#, php-format
-msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Da biste saznali više o procesu, provjerite našu %1$sdokumentaciju%2$s."
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr "%1$s: Korišteni CSS vaše početne stranice je obrađen. WP Rocket će nastaviti generirati korišteni CSS do %2$s URL-a po %3$s sekundi."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:291
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: We detected missing database table related to Action Scheduler. Please"
-" visit the following %2$sURL%3$s to recreate it, as it is needed for WP "
-"Rocket to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Otkrili smo nedostajuću tablicu baze podataka koja se odnosi na "
-"Zakazane radnje. Molimo posjetite sljedeći %2$sURL%3$s da ja ponovno "
-"kreirate, jer je potrebno da WP Rocket ispravno radi."
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr "Da biste saznali više o procesu, provjerite našu %1$sdokumentaciju%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:488
-msgid ""
-"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
-"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
-"and further improve your website's performance."
-msgstr ""
-"Nismo mogli generirati korišteni CSS jer koristite \"nulled\" verziju WP "
-"Rocketa. Potrebna vam je aktivna licenca da biste koristili značajku Ukloni "
-"neiskorišteni CSS i dodatno poboljšali izvedbu svoje web stranice."
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr "Nismo mogli generirati korišteni CSS jer koristite \"nulled\" verziju WP Rocketa. Potrebna vam je aktivna licenca da biste koristili značajku Ukloni neiskorišteni CSS i dodatno poboljšali izvedbu svoje web stranice."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
-msgstr ""
-"Kliknite ovdje da biste dobili jednu licencu za WP Rocket na %1$s popusta!"
+msgstr "Kliknite ovdje da biste dobili jednu licencu za WP Rocket na %1$s popusta!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:299
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: Opcija korištenog CSS-a nije omogućena!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:320
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: Cache korištenog CSS-a je očišćen!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Obrišite korišteni CSS ovog URL-a"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:145
-msgid "WP Rocket RUCSS pending jobs"
-msgstr "WP Rocket RUCSS poslovi na čekanju"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Došlo je do neočekivane pogreške. Nešto možda nije u redu s WP-Rocket.me ili"
-" konfiguracijom ovog poslužitelja. Ako i dalje imate problema, kontaktirajte podršku."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje je naišlo na pogrešku. Nije bilo moguće prikupiti veze %1$s "
-"zbog sljedeće pogreške: %2$s. %3$sSaznaj više%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje je naišlo na pogrešku. %1$s nije dostupan zbog sljedećeg koda"
-" odgovora: %2$s. Sigurnosne mjere mogu spriječavati pristup %3$sSaznaj "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje je naišlo na pogrešku. %1$s nije dostupan zbog sljedećeg koda"
-" odgovora: 404. Provjerite je li početna stranica dostupna u pregledniku. "
-"%2$sSaznaj više%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje je naišlo na pogrešku. %1$s nije dostupan zbog sljedećeg koda"
-" odgovora: 500. Provjerite pristup poslužitelju kod svog web hosta. "
-"%2$sSaznaj više%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje je naišlo na pogrešku. Nije moguće prikupiti veze na %1$s jer"
-" je vraćen sljedeći kod odgovora: %2$s. %3$sSaznaj više%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:229
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje: WP Rocket je počeo s predučitavanjem vaše web-lokacije."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:276
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Predučitavanje: %1$s ne-cachirana stranica je predučitana (osvježite kako "
-"biste vidjeli napredak)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Predučitavanje: %1$s ne-cachiranih stranica je predučitano (osvježite kako "
-"biste vidjeli napredak)"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Predučitavanje: %1$s ne-cachiranih stranica je predučitano (osvježite kako "
-"biste vidjeli napredak)"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:285
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Tijekom prikupljanja URL-ova za predučitavanje došlo je do sljedeće "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Tijekom prikupljanja URL-ova za predučitavanje došlo je do sljedećih "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Tijekom prikupljanja URL-ova za predučitavanje došlo je do sljedećih "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:338
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Predučitavanje završeno: %d stranica je cachirano."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. Nije moguće "
-"prikupiti veze na %1$s jer je vraćen sljedeća pogreška: %2$s. %3$sSaznaj "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. %1$s nije dostupan "
-"jer je vraćen sljedeći kod odgovora: %2$s. Sigurnosne mjere možda "
-"spriječavaju pristup. %3$sSaznaj više%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. %1$s nije dostupan "
-"je je vraćen sljedeći kod odgovora: 404. Provjerite jeste li unijeli "
-"ispravan URL mape web-lokacije i da je isti dostupan u vašem pregledniku. "
-"%2$sSaznaj više%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. %1$s nije dostupan "
-"zbog sljedećeg koda odgovora: 500. Provjerite pristup poslužitelju kod svog "
-"web hosta. %2$sSaznaj više%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. Nije moguće "
-"prikupiti veze na %1$s jer je vraćen sljedeći kôd odgovora: %2$s. %3$sSaznaj"
-" više%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. Nije moguće "
-"prikupiti veze s %1$s jer je datoteka prazna %2$sSaznaj više%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije je naišlo na pogrešku. Nije moguće "
-"prikupiti veze s %1$s zbog pogreške prilikom parsanja XML mape web-"
-"poslužitelja. %2$sSaznaj više%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP ekstenzija%2$s nije omogućena na vašem poslužitelju. "
-"Obratite se svom hostu da biste ju omogućili prije pokretanja predučitavanja"
-" cachea mape web-lokacije."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Došlo je do neočekivane pogreške. Nešto možda nije u redu s WP-Rocket.me ili konfiguracijom ovog poslužitelja. Ako i dalje imate problema, kontaktirajte podršku."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish automatsko pročišćavanje automatski će se omogućiti nakon što "
-"omogućite Varnish na vašem %s serveru."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "Varnish automatsko pročišćavanje automatski će se omogućiti nakon što omogućite Varnish na vašem %s serveru."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from "
-"working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your "
-"%1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Čini se da vašoj instalaciji nedostaju Kinsta datoteke koje upravljaju "
-"čišćenjem Cachea, što će spriječiti ispravno postavljanje vaše Kinsta "
-"instalacije i WP Rocketa. Molimo kontaktirajte Kinsta podršku putem vašeg "
-"%1$sMyKinsta%2$s računa kako biste riješili ovaj problem."
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr "Čini se da vašoj instalaciji nedostaju Kinsta datoteke koje upravljaju čišćenjem Cachea, što će spriječiti ispravno postavljanje vaše Kinsta instalacije i WP Rocketa. Molimo kontaktirajte Kinsta podršku putem vašeg %1$sMyKinsta%2$s računa kako biste riješili ovaj problem."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed nije kompatibilan s ovim dodatkom i "
-"može dovesti do neočekivanih rezultata. %2$sViše infromacija%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed nije kompatibilan s ovim dodatkom i može dovesti do neočekivanih rezultata. %2$sViše infromacija%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript "
-"Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will "
-"not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript "
-"Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sOtkrili smo da je omogućena značajka JavaScript "
-"Aggregation Autoptimize plugina. WP Rocketova odgoda izvršavanja JavaScripta"
-" neće se primijeniti na datoteku koju kreira. Predlažemo onemogućavanje "
-"%1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s kako biste u potpunosti iskoristili prednosti"
-" odgode izvršavanja JavaScripta."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sOtkrili smo da je omogućena značajka JavaScript Aggregation Autoptimize plugina. WP Rocketova odgoda izvršavanja JavaScripta neće se primijeniti na datoteku koju kreira. Predlažemo onemogućavanje %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s kako biste u potpunosti iskoristili prednosti odgode izvršavanja JavaScripta."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS "
-"feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work "
-"correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full "
-"advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sOtkrili smo da je omogućena značajka Aggregate Inline CSS"
-" Autoptimize plugina. WP Rocketovo Asinkrono učitavanje CSS-a neće raditi "
-"ispravno. Predlažemo onemogućavanje %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s kako biste "
-"u potpunosti iskoristili prednosti Asinkronog učitavanja CSS-a."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sOtkrili smo da je omogućena značajka Aggregate Inline CSS Autoptimize plugina. WP Rocketovo Asinkrono učitavanje CSS-a neće raditi ispravno. Predlažemo onemogućavanje %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s kako biste u potpunosti iskoristili prednosti Asinkronog učitavanja CSS-a."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and "
-"use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj dodatak blokira caching i optimizacije WP Rocket-a. Deaktivirajte ga i "
-"koristite %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s umjesto toga."
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr "Ovaj dodatak blokira caching i optimizacije WP Rocket-a. Deaktivirajte ga i koristite %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s umjesto toga."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Isključite sljedeću %s opciju koja je u sukobu s WP Rocket značajkama:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Isključite sljedeće %s opcije koje su u sukobu s WP Rocket značajkama:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Isključite sljedeće %s opcije koje su u sukobu s WP Rocket značajkama:"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Isključite sljedeću %s opciju koja je u sukobu s WP Rocket značajkama:"
+msgstr[1] "Isključite sljedeće %s opcije koje su u sukobu s WP Rocket značajkama:"
+msgstr[2] "Isključite sljedeće %s opcije koje su u sukobu s WP Rocket značajkama:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP kompresija%3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP kompresija%3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$sGZIP kompresijom%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scacheiranje preglednika %3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket "
-"%2$scacheiranjem preglednika%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scacheiranje preglednika %3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$scacheiranjem preglednika%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$scaching za stranice%3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$scachingom "
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$scaching za stranice%3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$scachingom stranica%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$soptimizacija resursa%3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$soptimizacijom "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$soptimizacija resursa%3$s je u sukobu s WP Rocket %2$soptimizacijom datoteka%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"delay JS, disable %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Odgoda JS-a je trenutno aktivirana u %1$s. Ako želite koristiti WP Rocket za"
-" odgodu JS-a , onemogućite %1$s"
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr "Odgoda JS-a je trenutno aktivirana u %1$s. Ako želite koristiti WP Rocket za odgodu JS-a , onemogućite %1$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/SEO/Yoast.php:60 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Yoast SEO XML mapa sajta"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:119
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:333
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Podrška"
@@ -2803,135 +1953,141 @@ msgstr "Podrška"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumenti"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:321
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "Česta pitanja"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Postavke"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:237 inc/admin/admin.php:252
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s Vraćanje ažuriranja"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:278
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sVratite se na WP Rocket%2$s ili %3$s idite na stranicu Dodaci%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:516
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "Uvoz postavki nije uspio: nemate dopuštenje za to."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:520
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Uvoz postavki nije uspio: datoteka nije prenesena."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:524
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Settings import nije uspio: pogrešan naziv fajla."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:535
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Settings import nije uspio: pogrešna vrsta fajla."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:545
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "Uvoz postavki nije uspio:"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:561
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "Uvoz postavki nije uspio: neočekivani sadržaj datoteke."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:591
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Postavke uvezene i spremljene."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Odgodi JavaScript datoteke"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Isključene JavaScript datoteke iz odgode"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:148
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:158
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Sljedeći je obrazac nevažeći i uklonjen:"
msgstr[1] "Sljedeći su obrasci nevažeći i uklonjeni:"
msgstr[2] "Sljedeći su obrasci nevažeći i uklonjeni:"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:174
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Više informacija"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:752
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Očisti cache"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "Opcije WP Rocketa"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Nikad ne spremaj ovu stranicu."
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:71
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Aktivirajte ove opcije na ovom članku:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad za slike"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad za iframes/videa"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "Minificirati/kombinirati CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Uklonite nekorišteni CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "Minificirati/kombinirati JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:81
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "Defer JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:88
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Prvo aktivirajte %s opciju."
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sNapomena:%2$s Nijedna od ovih opcija neće se primijeniti ako je ovaj "
-"post isključen iz cachea u globalnim postavkama cachea."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sNapomena:%2$s Nijedna od ovih opcija neće se primijeniti ako je ovaj post isključen iz cachea u globalnim postavkama cachea."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2942,190 +2098,131 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Jedan ili više dodataka su omogućeni ili onemogućeni. "
-"Ako želite utjecati na pravilan prikaz web-lokacije, očistite cache."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:190
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare dodatak pruža slične funkcionalnosti. Ne mogu "
-"istovremeno biti aktivni."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Jedan ili više dodataka su omogućeni ili onemogućeni. Ako želite utjecati na pravilan prikaz web-lokacije, očistite cache."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:223
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s : Sljedeći pluginovi nisu kompatibilni s ovim pluginom i"
-" to može izazvati neočekivane rezultate:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s : Sljedeći pluginovi nisu kompatibilni s ovim pluginom i to može izazvati neočekivane rezultate:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:229
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktiviraj"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:271
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS nije službeni dodatak. On spriječava da neke opcije WP "
-"Rocketa rade ispravno. Isključite ga ako primjetite problem."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS nije službeni dodatak. On spriječava da neke opcije WP Rocketa rade ispravno. Isključite ga ako primjetite problem."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:311
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache je trenutno uključen, što će uzrokovati sukob s WP Rocket "
-"Cacheom. Molimo, postavite Endurance Cache razinu cachea na Off (Level 0) na"
-" stranici %1$sPostavke > Općenito%2$s kako biste spriječili probleme."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache je trenutno uključen, što će uzrokovati sukob s WP Rocket Cacheom. Molimo, postavite Endurance Cache razinu cachea na Off (Level 0) na stranici %1$sPostavke > Općenito%2$s kako biste spriječili probleme."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:332
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Za ispravan rad dodatka potrebna je prilagođena struktura stalnih "
-"veza. %2$sIdite na postavke stalnih veza%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Za ispravan rad dodatka potrebna je prilagođena struktura stalnih veza. %2$sIdite na postavke stalnih veza%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s nije mogao izmijeniti .htaccess datoteku zbog nedostajućih dozvola "
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s nije mogao izmijeniti .htaccess datoteku zbog nedostajućih dozvola pisanja."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Rješavanje problema:: %1$sKako omogućiti zapisivanje u sistemske "
+msgstr "Rješavanje problema:: %1$sKako omogućiti zapisivanje u sistemske datoteke%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:387 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr "Ne brinite, caching i postavke WP Rocketa će i dalje raditi ispravno."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Za optimalne performanse, preporučuje se dodavanje sljedećih redaka u vašu "
-".htaccess datoteku (nije obvezno):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Za optimalne performanse, preporučuje se dodavanje sljedećih redaka u vašu .htaccess datoteku (nije obvezno):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:540
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s je spreman! %2$sTestirajte vrijeme učitavanja%4$s, ili posjetite vaše "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s je spreman! %2$sTestirajte vrijeme učitavanja%4$s, ili posjetite vaše %3$spostavke%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:581
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Dopuštate li WP Rocketu da prikupi osnovne dijagnostičke podatke s ove web "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Dopuštate li WP Rocketu da prikupi osnovne dijagnostičke podatke s ove web stranice?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:582
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "To bi nam pomoglo da u budućnosti poboljšamo WP Rocket."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Koje ćemo podatke prikupiti?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:593
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"U nastavku se nalazi detaljan pregled svih podataka koje će WP Rocket "
-"prikupiti ako dobije dozvolu. WP Rocket nikada neće prenijeti imena domena "
-"ili adrese e-pošte (osim za provjeru licence), IP adrese ili API ključeve "
-"treće strane."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "U nastavku se nalazi detaljan pregled svih podataka koje će WP Rocket prikupiti ako dobije dozvolu. WP Rocket nikada neće prenijeti imena domena ili adrese e-pošte (osim za provjeru licence), IP adrese ili API ključeve treće strane."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:602
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Da, dozvoli"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:605
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Ne, hvala"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Hvala vam!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:649
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket sada prikuplja ove podatke s vaše web-lokacije:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:687
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache očišćen."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:694
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache objava očišćen."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:701
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache pojmova očišćen."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:708
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache korisnika očišćen."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Zaustavi predučitavanje"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:773
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Prisili deaktiviranje"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:792
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Sljedeći kôd bi trebao biti zapisan u ovu datoteku:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:823
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s se ne može konfigurirati zbog nedostatka dozvola za pisanje."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:829
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Utjecana datoteka/mapa: %s"
@@ -3141,29 +2238,17 @@ msgstr "Za ispravno funkcioniranje %1$s %2$s potrebno je koristiti barem:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Da biste koristili ovu WP Rocket verziju, molimo pitajte vašeg web"
-" host kako nadograditi vaš poslužitelj na PHP %1$s ili više. "
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Da biste koristili ovu WP Rocket verziju, molimo pitajte vašeg web host kako nadograditi vaš poslužitelj na PHP %1$s ili više. "
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Da biste koristili ovu verziju WP Rocketa, nadogradite "
-"WordPress na verziju %1$s ili noviju."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Da biste koristili ovu verziju WP Rocketa, nadogradite WordPress na verziju %1$s ili noviju."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako ne možete nadograditi, možete se vratiti na prethodnu verziju pomoću "
-"gumba u nastavku."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Ako ne možete nadograditi, možete se vratiti na prethodnu verziju pomoću gumba u nastavku."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -3190,115 +2275,60 @@ msgstr "Log datoteku nije moguće pročitati."
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Log zapisi nisu spremljeni u datoteku."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Koristite %1$s tza posluživanje WebP slika pa ne morate omogućiti ovu "
-"opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s %4$s Ako umjesto toga želite da vam WP "
-"Rocket poslužuje WebP slike, onemogućite prikaz WebP-a u %1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Koristite%1$s za posluživanje WebP slika pa ne morate omogućiti ovu opciju. "
-"%2$sViše informacija%3$s %4$s Ako umjesto toga želite da vam WP Rocket "
-"poslužuje WebP slike, onemogućite prikaz WebP-a u %1$s."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za posluživanje WebP slika pa ne morate omogućiti ovu opciju."
-" %2$sViše informacija%3$s %4$s Ako umjesto toga želite da vam WP Rocket "
-"poslužuje WebP slike, onemogućite prikaz WebP-a u %1$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:281
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Koristite %1$s tza posluživanje WebP slika pa ne morate omogućiti ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s %4$s Ako umjesto toga želite da vam WP Rocket poslužuje WebP slike, onemogućite prikaz WebP-a u %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Koristite%1$s za posluživanje WebP slika pa ne morate omogućiti ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s %4$s Ako umjesto toga želite da vam WP Rocket poslužuje WebP slike, onemogućite prikaz WebP-a u %1$s."
+msgstr[2] "Koristite %1$s za posluživanje WebP slika pa ne morate omogućiti ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s %4$s Ako umjesto toga želite da vam WP Rocket poslužuje WebP slike, onemogućite prikaz WebP-a u %1$s."
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "WebP cache je onemogućen pomoću filtera."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:291
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:317
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. Ukoliko želite da ih "
-"poslužuje WP Rocket, aktivirajte ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. Ukoliko želite da ih "
-"poslužuje WP Rocket, aktivirajte ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. Ukoliko želite da ih "
-"poslužuje WP Rocket, aktivirajte ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:303
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:329
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. Ukoliko želite da ih poslužuje WP Rocket, aktivirajte ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. Ukoliko želite da ih poslužuje WP Rocket, aktivirajte ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. Ukoliko želite da ih poslužuje WP Rocket, aktivirajte ovu opciju. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. WP Rocket će kreirati "
-"zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje vaših WebP slika. %2$sViše "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. WP Rocket će kreirati "
-"zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje vaših WebP slika. %2$sViše "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. WP Rocket će kreirati "
-"zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje vaših WebP slika.%2$sViše "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. WP Rocket će kreirati zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje vaših WebP slika. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. WP Rocket će kreirati zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje vaših WebP slika. %2$sViše informacija%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Koristite %1$s za konverziju slika u WebP format. WP Rocket će kreirati zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje vaših WebP slika.%2$sViše informacija%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t "
-"already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or "
-"another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP "
-"do not enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"%5$sNismo otkrili nijedan kompatibilan dodatak za WebP!%6$s%4$s Ako još "
-"nemate WebP slike na svojoj web lokaciji, razmislite o upotrebi "
-"%3$sImagify%2$s ili neki drugi podržani dodatak. %1$sViše informacija%2$s "
-"%4$sAko ne koristite WebP, nemojte omogućiti ovu opciju."
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr "%5$sNismo otkrili nijedan kompatibilan dodatak za WebP!%6$s%4$s Ako još nemate WebP slike na svojoj web lokaciji, razmislite o upotrebi %3$sImagify%2$s ili neki drugi podržani dodatak. %1$sViše informacija%2$s %4$sAko ne koristite WebP, nemojte omogućiti ovu opciju."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:361
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket će stvoriti zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje WebP slika."
+msgstr "WP Rocket će stvoriti zasebne cache datoteke za posluživanje WebP slika."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Otkrivanje sljedećeg zahtjeva u vašoj temi nije uspjelo: zatvaranje%1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Otkrivanje sljedećih zahtjeva u vašoj temi nije uspjelo: zatvaranje %1$s."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Otkrivanje sljedećih zahtjeva u vašoj temi nije uspjelo: zatvaranje %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Otkrivanje sljedećeg zahtjeva u vašoj temi nije uspjelo: zatvaranje%1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Otkrivanje sljedećih zahtjeva u vašoj temi nije uspjelo: zatvaranje %1$s."
+msgstr[2] "Otkrivanje sljedećih zahtjeva u vašoj temi nije uspjelo: zatvaranje %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124 inc/common/admin-bar.php:259
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Svi jezici"
@@ -3314,16 +2344,13 @@ msgstr "Očistite ovaj URL"
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Očisti Sucuri cache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:271
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Predučitavanje cachea"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:296 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Očisti RocketCDN cache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:309 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentacija"
@@ -3335,7 +2362,8 @@ msgstr "Čišćenje OPcachea nije uspjelo."
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "Čišćenje OPcachea uspješno"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Aktivirajte Imagify"
@@ -3344,12 +2372,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Instalacija besplatne verzije Imagify-a"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Ubrzajte svoje web stranice i podignite svoj SEO smanjivanjem veličine slika"
-" bez gubitka kvalitete koristeći Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Ubrzajte svoje web stranice i podignite svoj SEO smanjivanjem veličine slika bez gubitka kvalitete koristeći Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -3362,12 +2386,8 @@ msgstr "Predučitavanje mape web-lokacije: %d stranica je cachirano."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Predučitavanje mape we-lokacije: %d necachiranih stranica je uspješno "
-"predučitano (osvježite kako biste vidjeli napredak)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Predučitavanje mape we-lokacije: %d necachiranih stranica je uspješno predučitano (osvježite kako biste vidjeli napredak)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -3377,49 +2397,33 @@ msgstr "Odaberite domenu s liste"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Nema dostupnih domena u vašem CloudFlare računu"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl je onemogućen na vašem serveru a potreban je za ispravni rad Cloudflare"
-" dodatka. Molimo, kontaktirajte svoju hosting kompaniju."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl je onemogućen na vašem serveru a potreban je za ispravni rad Cloudflare dodatka. Molimo, kontaktirajte svoju hosting kompaniju."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email, API ključ i Zone ID nisu postavljeni. Pročitajte "
-"%1$sdokumentaciju%2$s za više informacija."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email, API ključ i Zone ID nisu postavljeni. Pročitajte %1$sdokumentaciju%2$s za više informacija."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email i API ključ nisu postavljeni. Pročitajte "
-"%1$sdokumentaciju%2$s za više informacija."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email i API ključ nisu postavljeni. Pročitajte %1$sdokumentaciju%2$s za više informacija."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Povezivanje s Cloudflare-om neuspjelo"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Pozvana klasa%1$s je ukinuta od verzije %2$s! Koristite "
-"%3$s umjesto toga."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "Pozvana klasa%1$s je ukinuta od verzije %2$s! Koristite %3$s umjesto toga."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
msgstr "Pozvana klasa %1$s jeukinuta od verzije %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
@@ -3430,15 +2434,13 @@ msgstr "JS datoteke s Odgođenim Učitavanjem JavaScript-e"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Dodaj URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Prije nego što možete uploadati svoju datoteku za uvoz, trebat ćete "
-"popraviti sljedeću pogrešku:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Prije nego što možete uploadati svoju datoteku za uvoz, trebat ćete popraviti sljedeću pogrešku:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku s vašeg računala (maksimalna veličina:%s)"
@@ -3459,7 +2461,8 @@ msgstr "Spremi i optimiziraj"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimiziraj"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Napomena:"
@@ -3474,7 +2477,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Detektirana opcija treće strane:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Upozorenje:"
@@ -3488,25 +2492,35 @@ msgstr "Postavke preuzimanja"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Zamijenite hostname naziv stranice s:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "rezervirano za"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Sve datoteke"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Slike"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Dodaj CNAME"
@@ -3528,33 +2542,15 @@ msgstr "Napredno"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s zahtijeva minimalnu PHP verziju %3$s za ispravno funkcioniranje. "
-"Da biste koristili ovu verziju, pitajte svog web hosta kako nadograditi "
-"poslužitelj na verziju PHP-a %3$s ili višu. Ako ne možete nadograditi, "
-"možete se vratiti na prethodnu verziju pomoću gumba u nastavku."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s zahtijeva minimalnu PHP verziju %3$s za ispravno funkcioniranje. Da biste koristili ovu verziju, pitajte svog web hosta kako nadograditi poslužitelj na verziju PHP-a %3$s ili višu. Ako ne možete nadograditi, možete se vratiti na prethodnu verziju pomoću gumba u nastavku."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Čini se da postoji problem s provjerom vaše licence. Niže možete vidjeti "
-"poruku o pogrešci."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Čini se da postoji problem s provjerom vaše licence. Niže možete vidjeti "
-"poruke o pogreškama."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Čini se da postoji problem s provjerom vaše licence. Niže možete vidjeti "
-"poruke o pogreškama."
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Čini se da postoji problem s provjerom vaše licence. Niže možete vidjeti poruku o pogrešci."
+msgstr[1] "Čini se da postoji problem s provjerom vaše licence. Niže možete vidjeti poruke o pogreškama."
+msgstr[2] "Čini se da postoji problem s provjerom vaše licence. Niže možete vidjeti poruke o pogreškama."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
@@ -3596,132 +2592,109 @@ msgstr "Anonimizirane postavke WP Rocketa:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Koje postavke WP Rocketa su aktivne"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:471
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "Navedeni podaci o licenci nisu valjani."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:474
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Za rješavanje, molimo %1$skontaktirajte podršku%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:533 inc/functions/options.php:572
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Naš poslužitelj nije mogao "
-"riješiti zahtjev s vaše web-lokacije."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Naš poslužitelj nije mogao riješiti zahtjev s vaše web-lokacije."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:533
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokušajte kliknuti %1$sPotvrdi licencu%2$s niže. Ako se pogreška i dalje "
-"pojavljuje, slijedite %3$sovaj vodič%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Pokušajte kliknuti %1$sPotvrdi licencu%2$s niže. Ako se pogreška i dalje pojavljuje, slijedite %3$sovaj vodič%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Možda koristite ilegalnu verziju "
-"dodatka. Učinite sljedeće:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Možda koristite ilegalnu verziju dodatka. Učinite sljedeće:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549 inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Prijavite se u svoj WP Rocket %1$sračun%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549 inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Preuzmite zip datoteku"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549 inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Reinstaliraj"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Ako nemate WP Rocket račun, molimo %1$skupite licencu%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:557
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Ovaj korisnički račun ne postoji u"
-" našoj bazi podataka."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Ovaj korisnički račun ne postoji u našoj bazi podataka."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:557
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Za rješavanje, kontaktirajte podršku."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:565
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Ovaj korisnički račun je blokiran."
+msgstr "Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela. Ovaj korisnički račun je blokiran."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:565
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Molimo pogledajte %1$sovaj vodič%2$s za više informacija."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:572
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokušajte kliknuti %1$sSpremi promjene%2$s niže. Ako se pogreška i dalje "
-"pojavljuje, slijedite %3$sovaj vodič%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Pokušajte kliknuti %1$sSpremi promjene%2$s niže. Ako se pogreška i dalje pojavljuje, slijedite %3$sovaj vodič%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Vaša licenca nije valjana."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Provjerite imate li aktivnu %1$sWP Rocket licencu%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
-msgstr ""
-"Dodali ste onoliko web-lokacija koliko to dopušta vaša trenutna licenca."
+msgstr "Dodali ste onoliko web-lokacija koliko to dopušta vaša trenutna licenca."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Nadogradite svoj %1$sračun%2$s ili %3$sprenesite licencu%2$s na ovu web "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Nadogradite svoj %1$sračun%2$s ili %3$sprenesite licencu%2$s na ovu web lokaciju."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Ova web stranica nije dopuštena."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Molimo %1$skontaktirajte korisničku podršku%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Ovaj licencni ključ nije prepoznat."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako se problem nastavi, molimo %1$skontaktirajte korisničku podršku%2$s."
+msgstr "Ako se problem nastavi, molimo %1$skontaktirajte korisničku podršku%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:597
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Provjera valjanosti licence nije uspjela: %s"
@@ -3751,36 +2724,23 @@ msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
msgstr "Učitajte CSS asinkrono za mobilne uređaje"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"Vaša web lokacija trenutno koristi istu putanju ključnog CSS-a za desktop i "
-"za mobilne uređaje."
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "Vaša web lokacija trenutno koristi istu putanju ključnog CSS-a za desktop i za mobilne uređaje."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Kliknite gumb kako biste omogućili CPCSS za svoju web lokaciju specifičan za"
-" mobilne uređaje."
+msgstr "Kliknite gumb kako biste omogućili CPCSS za svoju web lokaciju specifičan za mobilne uređaje."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ovo je jednokratna radnja i ovaj će gumb biti uklonjen nakon toga.%1$sViše "
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ovo je jednokratna radnja i ovaj će gumb biti uklonjen nakon toga.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Vaša web lokacija koristi CSS-ov kritični put za mobilne uređaje.%1$sViše "
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Vaša web lokacija koristi CSS-ov kritični put za mobilne uređaje.%1$sViše informacija%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3809,60 +2769,48 @@ msgid "Facing an issue?"
msgstr "Suočavate se s problemom?"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid ""
-"It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. "
-"Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
-msgstr ""
-"Nije uvijek potrebno deaktivirati WP Rocket kada se suočite s bilo kakvim "
-"problemima. Većina problema se može popraviti deaktiviranjem samo nekih "
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr "Nije uvijek potrebno deaktivirati WP Rocket kada se suočite s bilo kakvim problemima. Većina problema se može popraviti deaktiviranjem samo nekih opcija."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to "
-"quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to "
-"see if your issue is resolved."
-msgstr ""
-"Naš savjet? Umjesto da deaktivirate WP Rocket, koristite naš %1$sSiguran "
-"način%2$s da brzo onemogućite opcije LazyLoad, Optimizacija datoteka i CDN. "
-"Zatim provjerite je li vaš problem riješen."
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr "Naš savjet? Umjesto da deaktivirate WP Rocket, koristite naš %1$sSiguran način%2$s da brzo onemogućite opcije LazyLoad, Optimizacija datoteka i CDN. Zatim provjerite je li vaš problem riješen."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
-msgstr ""
-"Želite li koristiti naš Siguran način za rješavanje problema s WP Rocketom?"
+msgstr "Želite li koristiti naš Siguran način za rješavanje problema s WP Rocketom?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
msgstr "Da, primjeni \"%1$sSiguran način%2$s\""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:52
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
msgstr "Ne, deaktivirajte i odgodite ovu poruku na"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:54
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 dan"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
msgid "7 days"
msgstr "7 dana"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:56
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
msgid "30 days"
msgstr "30 dana"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:57
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "Zauvijek"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:63
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Poništiti"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:64
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Potvrdi"
@@ -3871,20 +2819,13 @@ msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Uključi optimizaciju Google fontova"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Poboljšava performanse fonta i kombinira više zahtjeva za font kako bi se "
-"smanjio broj HTTP zahtjeva. "
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Poboljšava performanse fonta i kombinira više zahtjeva za font kako bi se smanjio broj HTTP zahtjeva. "
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimizacija Google Fontova je uključena za vašu web stranicu. %1$sViše "
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Optimizacija Google Fontova je uključena za vašu web stranicu. %1$sViše informacija%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3894,18 +2835,21 @@ msgstr "Optimiziraj Google Fontove"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Očisti cache nakon"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS i JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3914,11 +2858,11 @@ msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Uvezi postavke"
#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Status dodatka"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Izmijenite opcije"
@@ -3974,18 +2918,12 @@ msgstr "Vaša bi se web-lokacija trebala već brže učitavati!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
-msgstr ""
-"Kako bi se zajamčile brze web stranice, WP Rocket primjenjuje 80% najboljih "
-"praksi za web performanse."
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr "Kako bi se zajamčile brze web stranice, WP Rocket primjenjuje 80% najboljih praksi za web performanse."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Omogućujemo i opcije koje pružaju trenutačnu korist vašoj web-lokaciji."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Omogućujemo i opcije koje pružaju trenutačnu korist vašoj web-lokaciji."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
@@ -4020,32 +2958,27 @@ msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Ukloni sve cachirane datoteke"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Počni predučitavanje cachea"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Obnovi ključni CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
msgstr "Ukloni nekorišteni CSS cache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:223
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Učestalo postavljana pitanja"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:237
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Još uvijek ne možete pronaći rješenje?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:238
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "Otvorite ticket i zatražite pomoć od naše stručne ekipe."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:246
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Pitajte korisničku podršku"
@@ -4054,11 +2987,8 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Backupirajte bazu podataka prije nego što pokrenete čišćenje!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Nakon što je izvršena optimizacija baze podataka, nema načina da je "
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Nakon što je izvršena optimizacija baze podataka, nema načina da je poništite."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -4066,20 +2996,12 @@ msgstr "Spremi promjene i optimiziraj"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s je kreirao %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sza najbolju optimizaciju "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s je kreirao %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sza najbolju optimizaciju slika.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Komprimirajte sliku da biste učinili web-lokaciju bržom a pritom zadržali "
-"kvalitetu slike."
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Komprimirajte sliku da biste učinili web-lokaciju bržom a pritom zadržali kvalitetu slike."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -4116,12 +3038,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -4170,12 +3088,8 @@ msgstr "Je li verzija %s uzrokovala problem na vašoj web-lokaciji?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Možete se vratiti na prethodnu verziju ovdje.%sZatim pošaljite zahtjev za "
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Možete se vratiti na prethodnu verziju ovdje.%sZatim pošaljite zahtjev za podršku."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -4269,20 +3183,12 @@ msgstr "Prikaži bočnu traku"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
-msgstr ""
-"U nastavku se nalazi detaljan pregled svih podataka koje će WP Rocket "
-"prikupiti%1$sako dobije dozvolu.%2$s"
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr "U nastavku se nalazi detaljan pregled svih podataka koje će WP Rocket prikupiti%1$sako dobije dozvolu.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket nikada neće prenijeti imena domena ili adrese e-pošte (osim za "
-"provjeru licence), IP adrese ili API ključeve treće strane."
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket nikada neće prenijeti imena domena ili adrese e-pošte (osim za provjeru licence), IP adrese ili API ključeve treće strane."
#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
@@ -4290,8 +3196,7 @@ msgstr "Aktiviraj Rocket analitiku"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"To je izvrsna polazna točka za rješavanje nekih od najčešćih problema."
+msgstr "To je izvrsna polazna točka za rješavanje nekih od najčešćih problema."
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
@@ -4307,9 +3212,7 @@ msgstr "Kako točno izmjeriti vrijeme učitavanja web-lokacije"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjerite naš vodič i saznajte kako mjeriti brzinu učitavanja vaše web "
+msgstr "Provjerite naš vodič i saznajte kako mjeriti brzinu učitavanja vaše web stranice."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
@@ -4333,13 +3236,344 @@ msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Niste aktivirali cachiranje za logirane korisnike."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Pomoću privatne/incognito kartice preglednika provjerite brzinu i izgled "
-"vaše web-lokacije."
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Pomoću privatne/incognito kartice preglednika provjerite brzinu i izgled vaše web-lokacije."
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Trebate pomoć?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-hu_HU.mo b/languages/rocket-hu_HU.mo
index 4d5099b937..6c1b579d8f 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-hu_HU.mo and b/languages/rocket-hu_HU.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-hu_HU.po b/languages/rocket-hu_HU.po
index 12b7632014..138cd80917 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-hu_HU.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-hu_HU.po
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Oliver Kardos, 2022
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.11\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-28 14:01-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oliver Kardos, 2022\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (https://www.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/hu_HU/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-28 14:01-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Language: hu_HU\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
@@ -37,204 +31,179 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Dreampress.php:44
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Godaddy.php:63
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/O2Switch.php:49
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/OneCom.php:137
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/ProIsp.php:51
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Savvii.php:50
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47 inc/deprecated/3.6.php:698
-#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:998 inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPXCloud.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:697
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:997
+#: inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for "
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldalad a %stárhelyen van, bekapcsoltuk a Varnish gyorsítótár automata "
-"ürítését kompatibilitási okokból."
+msgid "Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for compatibility."
+msgstr "Az oldalad a %stárhelyen van, bekapcsoltuk a Varnish gyorsítótár automata ürítését kompatibilitási okokból."
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:332
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr "Jetpack XML Oldaltérképek"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:334
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "Oldaltérkép előtöltése a Jetpack pluginból"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:118
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:34
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:86
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:144
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/SEO/Yoast.php:62 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
-msgstr ""
-"Megtaláltuk az oldaltérképet, amit %s bővítmény készített. Ha szeretnéd ezt "
-"előtölteni akkor pipáld be az erre való opciót."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
+msgstr "Megtaláltuk az oldaltérképet, amit %s bővítmény készített. Ha szeretnéd ezt előtölteni akkor pipáld be az erre való opciót."
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "All in One SEO XML oldaltérkép"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:85
msgid "Rank Math XML sitemap"
msgstr "Rank Math XML oldaltérkép"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:84
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:184
msgid "SEOPress XML sitemap"
msgstr "SEOPress XML oldaltérkép"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:142
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:251
msgid "The SEO Framework XML sitemap"
msgstr "The SEO Framework XML oldaltérkép"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:309
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"A Cloudflare semmilyen választ nem küldött. Kérjük próbáld újra később."
+msgstr "A Cloudflare semmilyen választ nem küldött. Kérjük próbáld újra később."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:318 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:122
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:179
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr "Téves Cloudflare email cím vagy API kulcs."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:322
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:335
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:112
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:144
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:102 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:126
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:139 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:167
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:183
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Olvasd el a %1$sdokumentációt %2$s további segítségért. "
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:324
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:337
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:101
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:114
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:146 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:91
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:104 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:128
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:141 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:185 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:218
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:331 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:135
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Hibás Cloudflare Zóna azonosító azaz Zone ID"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:99
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s "
-"for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Nincs beállítva a Cloudflare email vagy API kulcs. Olvasd el a %1$s "
-"dokumentációt %2$s további részletekért."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Nincs beállítva a Cloudflare email vagy API kulcs. Olvasd el a %1$s dokumentációt %2$s további részletekért."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:108 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:98
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Hiányzó Cloudflare zóna azonosító."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:140 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:163
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr "Úgy tűnik hogy a domain neved nincs beállítva a Cloudflare oldalán."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:215 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:597
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
#, php-format
msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
msgstr "WP Rocket: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:220 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:602
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr "WP Rocket: Cloudflare gyorsítótár sikeresen ürítve."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:364
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:370
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:390
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:401
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:420
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:426
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:445
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:451
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:470
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:476
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:558 inc/admin/options.php:182
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
msgid "WP Rocket: "
msgstr "WP Rocket: "
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:364
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare fejlesztői üzemmód hiba: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:370
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare fejlesztői üzemmód %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:390
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare gyorsítótár szint hiba:%s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:395
-msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
-msgid "Standard"
-msgstr "Standard"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:401
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare gyorsítótár szint beállítva %s-re"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:420
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare minification hiba: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:426
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare minification %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket loader hiba: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:451
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:470
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare böngésző gyorsítótár hiba: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:476
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
-msgstr "Cloudflare böngésző gyorsítótár %s másodpercre állítva"
#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Sucuri gyorsítótár ürítési hiba: %s"
#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"A Sucuri gyorsítótár ürítése folyamatban. Tipp: ez akár két percet is "
-"igénybe vehet."
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "A Sucuri gyorsítótár ürítése folyamatban. Tipp: ez akár két percet is igénybe vehet."
#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
@@ -269,27 +238,27 @@ msgstr[0] "A Sucuri tűzfal API-ja az alábbi hibát jelezte: %s"
msgstr[1] "A Sucuri tűzfal API-ja az alábbi hibákat jelezte.%s"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1443
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Változatok"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1453
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Automatikus piszkozatok"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1463
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Lomtárba helyezett bejegyzések"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1473
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Spam kommentek"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1483
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Lomtárba helyezett hozzászólások"
@@ -302,7 +271,6 @@ msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Táblák"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/CacheDirSizeCheck.php:88
#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
@@ -317,13 +285,11 @@ msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Adatbázis optimizálás folyamatban"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Adatbázis optimizálás kész. Már minden optimizálva van!"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "Adatbázis optimizálás kész. Az alábbi elemek lettek optimizálva:"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
@@ -331,1460 +297,1024 @@ msgstr "Adatbázis optimizálás kész. Az alábbi elemek lettek optimizálva:"
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s optimizálva lett."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:191
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Módosítások mentése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:191
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Validate License"
msgstr "Licenc ellenőrzése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:247
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:248
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Nem elérhető"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:342 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licenc"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API kulcs"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:374
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Email cím"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:400
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Vezérlőpult"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:401
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Segítség, fiók-információ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Állapotom"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420 views/settings/page.php:75
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket Analytics"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Hozzájárulok ahhoz, hogy névtelen adatokat osszunk meg a fejlesztőcsapat "
-"felé, segítve ezzel a WP Rocket továbbfejlesztését. %1$sMilyen adatokat "
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Hozzájárulok ahhoz, hogy névtelen adatokat osszunk meg a fejlesztőcsapat felé, segítve ezzel a WP Rocket továbbfejlesztését. %1$sMilyen adatokat gyűjtünk?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:446 inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Alapvető gyorsítótár beállítások"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Mobil gyorsítótár"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Gyorsítsd fel az oldaladat a mobilról érkező látogatók számára"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:461
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Azt vettük észre, hogy olyan bővítményt használsz ami miatt kötelező külön "
-"gyorsítótárat használnod a mobileszközökhöz és így automatikusan be is "
-"kapcsoltuk ezt a lehetőséget a kompatibilitás érdekében."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+msgstr "Azt vettük észre, hogy olyan bővítményt használsz ami miatt kötelező külön gyorsítótárat használnod a mobileszközökhöz és így automatikusan be is kapcsoltuk ezt a lehetőséget a kompatibilitás érdekében."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:465
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Bejelentkezett felhasználói gyorsítótár"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:468
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sA felhasználói gyorsítótár%2$s nagyszerű lehetőség, ha vannak csak "
-"(bejelentkezett) felhasználók számára elérhető, vagy zárolt tartalmak az "
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
+msgstr "%1$sA felhasználói gyorsítótár%2$s nagyszerű lehetőség, ha vannak csak (bejelentkezett) felhasználók számára elérhető, vagy zárolt tartalmak az oldaladon."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:476
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár élettartama"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:479
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Törlésre kerülnek az olyan gyorsítótárbeli fájlok amik ettől a megadott "
-"élettartamnál régebbiek.
Engedélyezd %1$saz előtöltést vagyis a "
-"preloadingot%2$s annak érdekében, hogy a gyorsítótárat automatikusan "
-"újraépíthessük ha lejárt az élettartama."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Törlésre kerülnek az olyan gyorsítótárbeli fájlok amik ettől a megadott élettartamnál régebbiek.
Engedélyezd %1$saz előtöltést vagyis a preloadingot%2$s annak érdekében, hogy a gyorsítótárat automatikusan újraépíthessük ha lejárt az élettartama."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
-msgstr ""
-"Gyorsítótárazás bekapcsolása bejelentkezett WordPress felhasználók számára "
+msgstr "Gyorsítótárazás bekapcsolása bejelentkezett WordPress felhasználók számára is"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Gyorsítótárazás engedélyezése mobileszközök számára"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Külön gyorsítótár-fájlok fenntartása a mobileszközökhöz"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:518
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"A legtöbb modern téma már reszponzív és ezért működnie kellene külön "
-"gyorsítótár nélkül is. Ezért csak akkor kapcsold ezt be, ha a rendes témádon"
-" felül van egy KÜLÖN mobiltémád vagy bővítményed is. %1$sTovábbi "
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "A legtöbb modern téma már reszponzív és ezért működnie kellene külön gyorsítótár nélkül is. Ezért csak akkor kapcsold ezt be, ha a rendes témádon felül van egy KÜLÖN mobiltémád vagy bővítményed is. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:534
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg, hogy mennyi idő után legyen ürítve a globális "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Add meg, hogy mennyi idő után legyen ürítve a globális gyorsítótár
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:536
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Csökkentsd 10 órára vagy kevesebbre az élettartamot, ha olyan problémákat "
-"tapasztalsz ami csak időnként, de rendszeresen előfordul. %1$sMiért?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Csökkentsd 10 órára vagy kevesebbre az élettartamot, ha olyan problémákat tapasztalsz ami csak időnként, de rendszeresen előfordul. %1$sMiért?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Órák"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Napok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:578
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Fájl optimizálás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:579
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "CSS & JS optimizálás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS fájlok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:593
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s a minification jelenleg aktiválva van a "
-"Autoptimize-ban. Ha szeretnéd használni a %2$sminification-"
-"jét, akkor tiltsd le az erre vonatkozó opciókat az Autoptimize-ban először."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s a minification jelenleg aktiválva van a Autoptimize-ban. Ha szeretnéd használni a %2$sminification-jét, akkor tiltsd le az erre vonatkozó opciókat az Autoptimize-ban először."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:596
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript fájlok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:610
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve "
Also, please check our "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha problémákat tapasztalsz miután bekapcsolod ezt az opciót, akkor másold be"
-" ezeket az alapértelmezett kizárásokat a hibák gyors "
Továbbá kérlek tekintsd meg"
-" a %2$sdokumentációnkat%3$s az ilyesmi kompatibilitást segítő kizárások "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:617
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A beépített scriptek alapértelmezetten ki vannak hagyva, hogy megelőzzük a "
-"problémákat. Távolítsd el őket hogy maximálisan kihasználhasd ennek a "
-"funkciónak az előnyeit.
Ha ez problémát okoz akkor állítsd vissza az "
-"alapértelmezett kizárásokat, amik megtalálhatóak %1$sitt%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:626
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "CSS fájlok miniatűrizálása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:627
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"A CSS miniatűrizálás kiszedi a felesleges szóközöket és kommenteket, ezáltal"
-" csökkenti a fájlméretet."
+msgstr "A CSS miniatűrizálás kiszedi a felesleges szóközöket és kommenteket, ezáltal csökkenti a fájlméretet."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:640
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Ez elronthat dolgokat az oldalon!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:641
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:665
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:795
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:819
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha bármilyen hibát tapasztalsz a weblapodon miután bekapcsoltad ezt az "
-"opciót, akkor egyszerűen kapcsold ki itt és az oldalad újra rendesen fog "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Ha bármilyen hibát tapasztalsz a weblapodon miután bekapcsoltad ezt az opciót, akkor egyszerűen kapcsold ki itt és az oldalad újra rendesen fog működni."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "CSS miniatűrizálás bekapcsolása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:647
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"CSS fájlok összevonása(Kapcsold be a CSS miniatűrizálást először)"
+msgstr "CSS fájlok összevonása(Kapcsold be a CSS miniatűrizálást először)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A CSS egyesítése funkció összevonja a CSS fájljaidat egy darabbá, csökkentve"
-" a HTTP kéréseket. Nem ajánlott ha az oldalad HTTP/2-t használ. %1$sTovábbi "
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "A CSS egyesítése funkció összevonja a CSS fájljaidat egy darabbá, csökkentve a HTTP kéréseket. Nem ajánlott ha az oldalad HTTP/2-t használ. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:650
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove "
-"unused CSS is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Kompatibilitási okokból ez az opció le van tiltva, ha a Nem-használt CSS "
-"eltávolítása engedélyezve van."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr "Kompatibilitási okokból ez az opció le van tiltva, ha a Nem-használt CSS eltávolítása engedélyezve van."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:666
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "CSS egyesítés bekapcsolása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:671 inc/admin/options.php:122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Kizárt CSS fájlok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:672
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg itt azon CSS fájlok URLjeit amik ki lesznek hagyva a "
-"miniatűrizálásból és összevonásból (soronként egyet írj)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Add meg itt azon CSS fájlok URLjeit amik ki lesznek hagyva a miniatűrizálásból és összevonásból (soronként egyet írj)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:673
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Belső: Az URL-ből a domain-részz automatikusan ki lesz "
-"dobva. Ezért használj (.*).css wildcard jelöléseket ha minden CSS fájlt "
-"szeretnéd kizárni egy bizonyos útvonalon."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Belső: Az URL-ből a domain-részz automatikusan ki lesz dobva. Ezért használj (.*).css wildcard jelöléseket ha minden CSS fájlt szeretnéd kizárni egy bizonyos útvonalon."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:675
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Külsős forrás: Vagy a teljes elérési útvonalat (URL-t) add "
-"meg, vagy csak a domain nevet ahhoz, hogy kizárhasd a külső féltől származó "
-"CSS-t. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Külsős forrás: Vagy a teljes elérési útvonalat (URL-t) add meg, vagy csak a domain nevet ahhoz, hogy kizárhasd a külső féltől származó CSS-t. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:688
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "CSS kiküldés optimizálása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-"performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
-msgstr ""
-"Az optimizált CSS kiküldés megszünteti a renderelést lassító CSS kódokat az "
-"oldaladon. Csak az egyik módszer használható. A Nem-használt CSS kódok "
-"eltávolítása opciót javasoljuk inkább a jobb teljesítmény érdekében, de az "
-"csak az aktív licensszel rendelkező felhasználóknak elérhető."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr "Az optimizált CSS kiküldés megszünteti a renderelést lassító CSS kódokat az oldaladon. Csak az egyik módszer használható. A Nem-használt CSS kódok eltávolítása opciót javasoljuk inkább a jobb teljesítmény érdekében, de az csak az aktív licensszel rendelkező felhasználóknak elérhető."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-msgstr ""
-"A CSS-küldés optimizáció megszünteti az úgynevezett render-blocking CSS "
-"problémákat a weboldalon, amikor valamelyik CSS fájl feldolgozására várni "
-"kellene, mielőtt az oldal betöltése folytatódhatna. Csak egy módszer "
-"választható. A \"Távolítsa el a nem-használt CSS kódokat\" opciót ajánljuk a"
-" legjobb teljesítmény érdekében."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr "A CSS-küldés optimizáció megszünteti az úgynevezett render-blocking CSS problémákat a weboldalon, amikor valamelyik CSS fájl feldolgozására várni kellene, mielőtt az oldal betöltése folytatódhatna. Csak egy módszer választható. A \"Távolítsa el a nem-használt CSS kódokat\" opciót ajánljuk a legjobb teljesítmény érdekében."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn"
-" more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Az optimizált CSS kiküldés funkciók nem elérhetőek helyi környezetben. "
-"%1$sTudj meg többet%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:723
-msgid "Remove Unused CSS (Beta)"
-msgstr "Nem-használt CSS kódok eltávolítása (Béta állapotú funkció)"
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Az optimizált CSS kiküldés funkciók nem elérhetőek helyi környezetben. %1$sTudj meg többet%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:726
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests."
-" Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Eltávolítja a használaton kívüli CSS-t oldalanként és ezáltal segít "
-"csökkenteni az oldal méretét és a HTTP kérések számát. Ajánlott funkció a "
-"legjobb teljesítmény érdekében, azonban alaposan teszteld! %1$sTovábbi "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:728
-msgid "We’re still working on it!"
-msgstr "Még mindig dolgozunk rajta!"
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Eltávolítja a használaton kívüli CSS-t oldalanként és ezáltal segít csökkenteni az oldal méretét és a HTTP kérések számát. Ajánlott funkció a legjobb teljesítmény érdekében, azonban alaposan teszteld! %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
-msgid ""
-"This is a beta feature. We’re providing you early access but some changes "
-"might be added later on. If you notice any errors on your website, simply "
-"deactivate the feature."
-msgstr ""
-"Ez egy béta funkció. Korai hozzáférést kínálunk, de ez azt jelenti hogy "
-"néhány dolog megváltozhat ennél a funkciónál a jövőben. Ha bármilyen "
-"problémát tapasztalsz a weboldaladon akkor egyszerűen kapcsold ki ezt a "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Aktiváld a nem-használt CSS eltávolító funkciót"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:736
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "Védett/biztonságos CSS kódok listája"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:737
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg a CSS fájlok fájlneveit vagy az azokban szereplő ID-ket vagy class-"
-"ek nevét, amiket nem szabad eltávolítanunk ezen funkció keretében. (Minden "
-"sorba egyet írj)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr "Add meg a CSS fájlok fájlneveit vagy az azokban szereplő ID-ket vagy class-ek nevét, amiket nem szabad eltávolítanunk ezen funkció keretében. (Minden sorba egyet írj)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:752 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
msgstr "Aszinkron CSS betöltés"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:755
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
#, php-format
msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want"
-" to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Az aszinkron CSS betöltést jelenleg a %1$s bővítmény végzi. Ha szeretnéd "
-"erre a célra inkább a WP Rocket aszinkron CSS funkcióját használni akkor "
-"tiltsd le az %1$s bővítményt."
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr "Az aszinkron CSS betöltést jelenleg a %1$s bővítmény végzi. Ha szeretnéd erre a célra inkább a WP Rocket aszinkron CSS funkcióját használni akkor tiltsd le az %1$s bővítményt."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Létrehozza a kritikus útvonalú CSS-eket és aszinkron módon tölti be a CSS-"
-"eket. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Létrehozza a kritikus útvonalú CSS-eket és aszinkron módon tölti be a CSS-eket. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Tartalék kritikus CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tartalék lehetőséget biztosít arra az esetre, ha az automatikusan generált "
-"kritikus útvonalú CSS lista nem megfelelő, vagy hiányos. %1$sTovábbi "
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Tartalék lehetőséget biztosít arra az esetre, ha az automatikusan generált kritikus útvonalú CSS lista nem megfelelő, vagy hiányos. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "JavaScript fájlok miniatűrizálása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:781
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"A Javascript miniatűrizálás kiszedi a felesleges szóközöket és kommenteket, "
-"ezáltal csökkenti a fájlméretet."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "A Javascript miniatűrizálás kiszedi a felesleges szóközöket és kommenteket, ezáltal csökkenti a fájlméretet."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Javascript miniatűrizálás bekapcsolása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:801
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Javascript fájlok összevonása(Kapcsold be a Javasript miniatűrizálást is"
-" ehhez)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Javascript fájlok összevonása(Kapcsold be a Javasript miniatűrizálást is ehhez)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:803
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A Javascript fájlok egyesítése funkció összevonja az oldaladon lévő helyi, a"
-" harmadik féltől származó és a beágyazott fájljaidat egyetlen darabbá, "
-"csökkentve a HTTP kéréseket. Ez nem ajánlott ha az oldalad HTTP/2-t használ."
-" %1$sbővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "A Javascript fájlok egyesítése funkció összevonja az oldaladon lévő helyi, a harmadik féltől származó és a beágyazott fájljaidat egyetlen darabbá, csökkentve a HTTP kéréseket. Ez nem ajánlott ha az oldalad HTTP/2-t használ. %1$sbővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"A legjobb kompatibilitás érdekében ez az opció le van tiltva, ha a "
-"javascript késleltetett futtatása funkció engedélyezve van."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr "A legjobb kompatibilitás érdekében ez az opció le van tiltva, ha a javascript késleltetett futtatása funkció engedélyezve van."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:820
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktiváld a Javascript fájlok összevonását"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:825 inc/admin/options.php:123
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "Kihagyott beágyazott JavaScript kódok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg beágyazott JavaScript mintákat amiket kizárunk az összevonásból. "
-"(soronként egyet) %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Adj meg beágyazott JavaScript mintákat amiket kizárunk az összevonásból. (soronként egyet) %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:843
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:876
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:905 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Kihagyott javascript fájlok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:844
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Itt adhatod meg azon JavaScript fájlok elérési útvonalát (URL-t) amiket ki "
-"szeretnél zárni a miniatűrizálásból és összevonásból. (Soronként egyet írj)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Itt adhatod meg azon JavaScript fájlok elérési útvonalát (URL-t) amiket ki szeretnél zárni a miniatűrizálásból és összevonásból. (Soronként egyet írj)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:845
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Helyi: Az URL domain-része automatikusan le lesz vágva. "
-"Használj helyettesítőkarakterket (.*).js ha minden JS fájlt ki szeretnél "
-"zárni az adott elérési útvonalon."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Helyi: Az URL domain-része automatikusan le lesz vágva. Használj helyettesítőkarakterket (.*).js ha minden JS fájlt ki szeretnél zárni az adott elérési útvonalon."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:847
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-" Idegen forrásból származó: Adj meg vagy teljes URL címet "
-"vagy csak a domain nevet, hogy kizárd a külső forrásból származó JS. "
-"%1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr " Idegen forrásból származó: Adj meg vagy teljes URL címet vagy csak a domain nevet, hogy kizárd a külső forrásból származó JS. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:863
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "JavaScript párhuzamos betöltése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:865
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha párhuzamosan töltődik be a JavaScript (deferred), akkor a böngészőnek nem"
-" kell megvárnia az egyes JavaScript kód lefutását, hanem azzal egyidőben az "
-"oldal többi részét már betölti, ezáltal javulhat a betöltési idő. %1$sBővebb"
-" információ%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ha párhuzamosan töltődik be a JavaScript (deferred), akkor a böngészőnek nem kell megvárnia az egyes JavaScript kód lefutását, hanem azzal egyidőben az oldal többi részét már betölti, ezáltal javulhat a betöltési idő. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:878
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg JavaScript fájlokhoz vezető URL-eket vagy kulcsszavakat amiket ki "
-"szeretnél zárni a párhuzamos betöltésből. (Soronként egyet írj). %1$sBővebb "
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Adj meg JavaScript fájlokhoz vezető URL-eket vagy kulcsszavakat amiket ki szeretnél zárni a párhuzamos betöltésből. (Soronként egyet írj). %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:894 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Késleltesd a JavaScript futtatását"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:896
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Javítja a teljesítményt azáltal hogy késlelteti a JavaScript fájlok "
-"betöltését egészen addig amíg nem történik valamilyen felhasználói "
-"interakció (pl. kattintás, görgetés). %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Javítja a teljesítményt azáltal hogy késlelteti a JavaScript fájlok betöltését egészen addig amíg nem történik valamilyen felhasználói interakció (pl. kattintás, görgetés). %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:906
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg URL-eket vagy kulcsszavakat amikkel beazonosíthatóak a kódba "
-"ágyazott JavaScript fájlok vagy kódrészletek, amiket ki szeretnél zárni a "
-"késleltetett betöltésből. (soronként egy)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr "Adj meg URL-eket vagy kulcsszavakat amikkel beazonosíthatóak a kódba ágyazott JavaScript fájlok vagy kódrészletek, amiket ki szeretnél zárni a késleltetett betöltésből. (soronként egy)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Média"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:938
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
msgstr "LazyLoad, képméretek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:947
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:992
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Javítani tudja a valódi és vélt betöltési időt mivel a képek, iframek és "
-"videók csak akkor lesznek betöltve amikor belépnek (vagy be fognak lépni) a "
-"látható területre és csökkenti a HTTP kérések számát. %1$sBővebb "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Javítani tudja a valódi és vélt betöltési időt mivel a képek, iframek és videók csak akkor lesznek betöltve amikor belépnek (vagy be fognak lépni) a látható területre és csökkenti a HTTP kérések számát. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1002
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad jelenleg aktiválva van a(z) %2$s-ben. Ha szeretnéd inkább a WP "
-"Rocket LazyLoad-ját használni akkor tiltsd le ezt az opciót a %2$s-ben."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad jelenleg aktiválva van a(z) %2$s-ben. Ha szeretnéd inkább a WP Rocket LazyLoad-ját használni akkor tiltsd le ezt az opciót a %2$s-ben."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1005
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "Képméretek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1008
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Automatikusan adjuk hozzá a szélesség és magasság attribútomokat a képekhez,"
-" ahonnan ezek hiányoznak. Segít megelőzni az oldalszerkezet elmozdulását és "
-"ezáltal javítja az olvasási élményt a látogatóid számára. %1$sBővebb "
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Automatikusan adjuk hozzá a szélesség és magasság attribútomokat a képekhez, ahonnan ezek hiányoznak. Segít megelőzni az oldalszerkezet elmozdulását és ezáltal javítja az olvasási élményt a látogatóid számára. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1027
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Engedélyezés képek számára"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1039
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"A LazyLoad képekhez engedélyezve van itt: %2$s. Ha inkább a %1$s LazyLoad-"
-"ját szeretnéd használni akkor tiltsd le ezt az opciót itt: %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "A LazyLoad képekhez engedélyezve van itt: %2$s. Ha inkább a %1$s LazyLoad-ját szeretnéd használni akkor tiltsd le ezt az opciót itt: %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1047
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Engedélyezés iframe-k és videók számára"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1062
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Cseréld ki a YouTube iframe-eket egy előnézeti képpel"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"A YouTube iframe előnézeti képre való kicserélése nem kompatibilis ezzel: "
+msgstr "A YouTube iframe előnézeti képre való kicserélése nem kompatibilis ezzel: %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Ez jelentősen javíthatja a betöltési idődet, ha sok YouTube videód van egy "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Ez jelentősen javíthatja a betöltési idődet, ha sok YouTube videód van egy oldalon."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1079
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "Kizárt/kihagyott képek és iframek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1081
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg kulcsszavakat (pl. képek fájlneveit, CSS osztályokat, domain "
-"neveket) a kép vagy iframe kódjából a kizáráshoz/kihagyáshoz (soronként "
-"egyet írj). %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Adj meg kulcsszavakat (pl. képek fájlneveit, CSS osztályokat, domain neveket) a kép vagy iframe kódjából a kizáráshoz/kihagyáshoz (soronként egyet írj). %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1089
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "Hiányzó képméretek beírása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1108 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Előtöltés"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1109
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár fájlok generálása valamint betűtípus fájlok előtöltése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár előtöltése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1123
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha engedélyezed az előtöltést akkor a WP Rocket automatikusan létre fogja "
-"hozni a gyorsítótárat a kezdőlapodon található linkek alapján, ezután pedig "
-"végigmegy azokon az oldaltérképeken, amiket megadtál. Az előtöltés "
-"automatikusan elindul amikor új tartalmat hozol létre, vagy módosítassz az "
-"oldalon, de kézzel is elindíthatod az admin menüből vagy a WP Rocket "
-"menüjéből. %1$sWP Rocket Menü%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Linkek előtöltése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1134
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A linkek előtöltése javítja a felhasználók számára látható betöltési időt "
-"azáltal, hogy már akkor letölti az oldalt amikor a felhasználó ráviszi az "
-"egerét a linkre. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "A linkek előtöltése javítja a felhasználók számára látható betöltési időt azáltal, hogy már akkor letölti az oldalt amikor a felhasználó ráviszi az egerét a linkre. %1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1142
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "DNS kérések előtöltése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1144
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"A DNS előtöltéssel a külső forrásból származó fájlok gyorsabban töltődhetnek"
-" be, különösen mobilhálózatokon"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "A DNS előtöltéssel a külső forrásból származó fájlok gyorsabban töltődhetnek be, különösen mobilhálózatokon"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1149
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Betűtípusok előtöltése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Javítja a teljesítményt azáltal, hogy segít a böngészőknek megtalálni a CSS "
-"fájlokban szereplő betűtípusokat.%1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Javítja a teljesítményt azáltal, hogy segít a böngészőknek megtalálni a CSS fájlokban szereplő betűtípusokat.%1$sTovábbi információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1166
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Előtöltés aktiválása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1185
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Aktiváld az oldaltérkép-alapú gyorsítótár előtöltést"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1204
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Oldaltérképek az előtöltés funkció számára"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1208
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg itt azokat az oldaltérkép(eke)t amikre szeretnéd hogy előtöltés "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1218
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "Előtöltendő URL-ek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1219
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg itt azokat a külső szervereket amiket szeretnél előtölteni (ne "
-t, soronként egyet írj)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Add meg itt azokat a külső szervereket amiket szeretnél előtölteni (ne írjhttp:
-t, soronként egyet írj)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1228
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Előtöltendő betűtípusok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1229
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg azon betútípus fájlok URL-jeit amiket elő szeretnél tölteni "
-"(soronként egyet írj). A betűtípusoknak muszáj a saját domaineden lenniük, "
-"vagy azon a domainen amit a CDN fülön adtál meg."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Add meg azon betútípus fájlok URL-jeit amiket elő szeretnél tölteni (soronként egyet írj). A betűtípusoknak muszáj a saját domaineden lenniük, vagy azon a domainen amit a CDN fülön adtál meg."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1230
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"Az URL-ből a domain rész automatikusan törölve lesz.
Támogatott font "
-"kiterjesztések: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "Az URL-ből a domain rész automatikusan törölve lesz.
Támogatott font kiterjesztések: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Link előtöltés engedélyezése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1258
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Haladó beállítások"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1259
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár szabályok finomhangolása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1270
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Az érzékeny adatokkal dolgozó oldalakat, mint pl. az egyéni "
-"bejelentkező/kijelentkező URL-eket célszerű kizárni a gyorsítótárazásból."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Az érzékeny adatokkal dolgozó oldalakat, mint pl. az egyéni bejelentkező/kijelentkező URL-eket célszerű kizárni a gyorsítótárazásból."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1273
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1275
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1277
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1279
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1281
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1287
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Kosár, fizetés és \"saját fiókom\" oldalak beállítva itt: "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s automatikusan érzékelve vannak és nem lesznek "
-"soha gyorsítótárazva alapbeállításként."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Kosár, fizetés és \"saját fiókom\" oldalak beállítva itt: %1$s%2$s%3$s automatikusan érzékelve vannak és nem lesznek soha gyorsítótárazva alapbeállításként."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1297 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Soha ne gyorsítótárazzuk az alábbi URL(eke)t"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Soha ne gyorsítótárazzuk ezeket a sütiket"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Soha ne gyorsítótárazzunk az alábbi user agent-eknél"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1317 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Mindig ürítsd az alábbi URL(ek) gyorsítótárát"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1323
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár lekérő sztring(ek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1326
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sGyorsítótár az alábbi lekérő sztringekhez%2$s lehetővé teszi számodra "
-"hogy kényszerítsd a gyorsítótárazást bizonyos GET paraméterek esetén."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sGyorsítótár az alábbi lekérő sztringekhez%2$s lehetővé teszi számodra hogy kényszerítsd a gyorsítótárazást bizonyos GET paraméterek esetén."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg bejegyzések vagy oldalak URL-jeit amiket soha nem szeretnél "
-"gyorsítótárazni (soronként egyet)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Add meg bejegyzések vagy oldalak URL-jeit amiket soha nem szeretnél gyorsítótárazni (soronként egyet)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1338
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1366
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Az URL domain-része automatikusan törölve lesz.
Használj (.*) wildcard-"
-"okat hogy több URL-t is érvényesíthess egy elérési útvonal alatt."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Az URL domain-része automatikusan törölve lesz.
Használj (.*) wildcard-okat hogy több URL-t is érvényesíthess egy elérési útvonal alatt."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1347
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg teljesen vagy részleges ID-t azon cookiekból, amik ha be vannak "
-"állíva a látogató böngészőjében akkor meg szretnéd akadályozni az adott "
-"oldal gyorsítótárazását (soronként egyet írj)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Adj meg teljesen vagy részleges ID-t azon cookiekból, amik ha be vannak állíva a látogató böngészőjében akkor meg szretnéd akadályozni az adott oldal gyorsítótárazását (soronként egyet írj)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg user agent string-eket itt, amiknél nem szeretnéd ha gyorítótárazás "
-"lenne. (soronként egy)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Adj meg user agent string-eket itt, amiknél nem szeretnéd ha gyorítótárazás lenne. (soronként egy)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1356
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Használj (.*) wildcardokat hogy UA sztringek részleteit ismerd fel. "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1365
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Adj meg URL-eket amiket mindig üríteni szeretnél a gyorsítótárazásból amikor"
-" frissítessz bármilyen bejegyzést vagy oldalt. (soronként egyet)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Adj meg URL-eket amiket mindig üríteni szeretnél a gyorsítótárazásból amikor frissítessz bármilyen bejegyzést vagy oldalt. (soronként egyet)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1374
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Adj meg lekérdező sztringeket a gyorsítótárazáshoz (soronként egyet)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Adatbázis"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1400
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimizálás, szemetek törlése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1407
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Bejegyzés takarítás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"A bejegyzés változatok és piszkozatok végleg törölve lesznek. Ne használd "
-"ezt az opciót, ha meg szeretnéd tartani a bejegyzések előző verziót vagy a "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "A bejegyzés változatok és piszkozatok végleg törölve lesznek. Ne használd ezt az opciót, ha meg szeretnéd tartani a bejegyzések előző verziót vagy a piszkozatokat."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Kommentek takarítása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1416
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "A spam és lomtárba helyezett kommentek végleg törölve lesznek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1420
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Tranziensek törlése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"A tranziensek ideiglenes opciók, biztonságosan törölhetőek. Automatikusan "
-"újra lesznek generálva ha a pluginjaidnak kellenek."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "A tranziensek ideiglenes opciók, biztonságosan törölhetőek. Automatikusan újra lesznek generálva ha a pluginjaidnak kellenek."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1426
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Adatbázis takarítás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Törli a felesleges adatokat az adatbázis táblából"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Automatikus takarítás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1445
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s változat van az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%s változat van az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%spiszkozat van az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%s piszkozat van az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1465
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s törölt bejegyzés van az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%s törölt bejegyzés van az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%sspam komment van az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%s spam komment van az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%slomtárba helyezett komment van az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%slomtárba helyezett komment van az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Minden tranziens"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%stranziens van az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%s tranziens van az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1503
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Táblák optimizálása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s táblát kell optimizálni az adatbázisodban."
msgstr[1] "%s táblát kell optimizálni az adatbázisodban."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Ütemezd az automatikus takarítást"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1528
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Gyakoriság"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1536
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Naponta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Hetente"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1538
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Havonta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1554
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1565 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1555
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integráld a CDN-edet"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1567
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Minden statikus fájl (CSS, JS, képek) URL-je át lesz írva arra a "
-"CNAME(ek)-re amit itt megadsz."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Minden statikus fájl (CSS, JS, képek) URL-je át lesz írva arra a CNAME(ek)-re amit itt megadsz."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Nem szükséges olyan szolgáltatók esetén mint a Cloudflare és Sucuri. Kérlek "
-"nézd meg az elérhető %1$skiegészítőinket%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Nem szükséges olyan szolgáltatók esetén mint a Cloudflare és Sucuri. Kérlek nézd meg az elérhető %1$skiegészítőinket%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1584 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Zárj ki fájlokat a CDN-ről"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1610
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Kiegészítő%3$s van jelenleg engedélyezve. A CDN beállítása nem "
-"szükséges a %2$l -hez hogy működjön az oldaladon"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Kiegészítők%3$svannak jelenleg engedélyezve. A CDN beállítása nem "
-"szükséges a %2$l -hez hogy működjön az oldaladon"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1635
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$l Kiegészítő%3$s van jelenleg engedélyezve. A CDN beállítása nem szükséges a %2$l -hez hogy működjön az oldaladon"
+msgstr[1] "%1$s%2$l Kiegészítők%3$svannak jelenleg engedélyezve. A CDN beállítása nem szükséges a %2$l -hez hogy működjön az oldaladon"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Engedélyezd a CDN-t"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1644
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(ek)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1645
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Add meg a CNAME(eket) alább"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1652
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg azon fájl(ok) URL-jeit amit nem szeretnél a CDN-en keresztül "
-"kiszolgálni (soronként egyet)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Add meg azon fájl(ok) URL-jeit amit nem szeretnél a CDN-en keresztül kiszolgálni (soronként egyet)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1653
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Az URL domain-része automatikusan törölve lesz.
Használj (.*) wildcard-"
-"okat hogy minden fájlt kizárj egy bizonyos fájltípusból a megadott elérési "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Az URL domain-része automatikusan törölve lesz.
Használj (.*) wildcard-okat hogy minden fájlt kizárj egy bizonyos fájltípusból a megadott elérési útvonalon."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Vezéreld a WordPress Heartbeat API-t"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"A Heartbeat API aktivitásának csökkentése vagy letiltása segíthet némiképp "
-"spórolni a szervered erőforrásaival."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "A Heartbeat API aktivitásának csökkentése vagy letiltása segíthet némiképp spórolni a szervered erőforrásaival."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Csökkentsd vagy tiltsd le a Heartbeat működését"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1692
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Az aktivitás csökkentése megváltoztatja a Heartbeat frekvenciáját "
-"percenkénti egy ütemről, 2 percenként egyre."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Az aktivitás csökkentése megváltoztatja a Heartbeat frekvenciáját percenkénti egy ütemről, 2 percenként egyre."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1692
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha teljesen letiltod a Heartbeat-et, akkor működésképtelenné válhat néhány "
-"bővítmény és téma am iezt az API-t használja."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Ha teljesen letiltod a Heartbeat-et, akkor működésképtelenné válhat néhány bővítmény és téma am iezt az API-t használja."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Ne legyen korlátozva"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Aktivitás csökkentése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Letiltás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat szabályzása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Viselkedés a backenden"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Viselkedés a bejegyzés-szerkesztőben"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Viselkedés a frontenden"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1755
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Bővítmények"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1756
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Több funkció hozzáadása"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Egy kattintásos Rocket bővítmények"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Az egykattintásos bővítmények olyan funkciók amik kibővítik az elérhető "
-"lehetőségeidet úgy, hogy semmilyen konfigurációt nem igényelnek. Egyszerűen "
-"állítsd \"be\" állásra a kapcsolót a bekapcsoláshoz ezen a képernyőn."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Az egykattintásos bővítmények olyan funkciók amik kibővítik az elérhető lehetőségeidet úgy, hogy semmilyen konfigurációt nem igényelnek. Egyszerűen állítsd \"be\" állásra a kapcsolót a bekapcsoláshoz ezen a képernyőn."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1774
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket bővítmények"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"A Rocket bővítmények ajándék funkciók, amik plusz funkciókat nyújtanak a "
-"Rocket szolgáltatásain felül."
+msgstr "A Rocket bővítmények ajándék funkciók, amik plusz funkciókat nyújtanak a Rocket szolgáltatásain felül."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1786
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1938
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1792
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Integráld a Cloudflare fiókodat ezen bővítménnyel."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1793
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg a fiókodhoz tartozó email címet, a global API kulcsot és a domaint "
-"olyan funkciók eléréséhez, mint pl. a Cloudflare gyosítótár ürítése és hogy "
-"optimálisra beállíthassuk az együttműködését a WP Rockettel."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Add meg a fiókodhoz tartozó email címet, a global API kulcsot és a domaint olyan funkciók eléréséhez, mint pl. a Cloudflare gyosítótár ürítése és hogy optimálisra beállíthassuk az együttműködését a WP Rockettel."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1833
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha a Varnish üzemel a szervereden akkor mindenképp engedélyezned kell ezt a "
+msgstr "Ha a Varnish üzemel a szervereden akkor mindenképp engedélyezned kell ezt a bővítményt."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1835
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A Varnish gyorsítótár minden alkalommal törölve lesz, amikor a WP Rocket "
-"üríti a saját gyorsítótárát, ezáltal biztosítva hogy mindig naprakész legyen"
-" a tartalom.
%1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "A Varnish gyorsítótár minden alkalommal törölve lesz, amikor a WP Rocket üríti a saját gyorsítótárát, ezáltal biztosítva hogy mindig naprakész legyen a tartalom.
%1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "WebP kompatibilitás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1876
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "Javítja a böngészők kompatibitását a WebP bővítményekhez"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Engedélyezd ezt az opciót ha szeretnéd hogy a WP Rocket szolgálja fel a WebP"
-" képeket az ezzel kompatibilis böngészőknek. Ne felejtsd hogy a WP Rocket "
-"nem tud létrehozni WebP képeket Neked. WebP képek létrehozásához az "
-"%1$sImagify%2$s-t ajánljuk. %3$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Engedélyezd ezt az opciót ha szeretnéd hogy a WP Rocket szolgálja fel a WebP képeket az ezzel kompatibilis böngészőknek. Ne felejtsd hogy a WP Rocket nem tud létrehozni WebP képeket Neked. WebP képek létrehozásához az %1$sImagify%2$s-t ajánljuk. %3$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
-msgstr ""
-"Ürítsd a Sucuri gyorsítótárt amikor a WP Rocket gyorsítótára ürítve van."
+msgstr "Ürítsd a Sucuri gyorsítótárt amikor a WP Rocket gyorsítótára ürítve van."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1903
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Add meg az API kulcsodat hogy üríteni tudjuk a Sucuri gyorsítótáradat is, "
-"amikor a WP Rocket gyorsítótára ürítve lesz."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Add meg az API kulcsodat hogy üríteni tudjuk a Sucuri gyorsítótáradat is, amikor a WP Rocket gyorsítótára ürítve lesz."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1911
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2055
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1917
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Szinkronizáld a Sucuri gyorsítótáradat ezzel a bővítménnyel."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1955
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare belépési adatok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1964
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare beállítások"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1978
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globális API kulcs"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1979
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Találd meg az API kulcsodat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1991
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "A fiókhoz tartozó email"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2000
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Zóna azonosító"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2010
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Fejlesztői üzemmód"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Aktiválhatod ideiglenesen a fejlesztői módot a weboldaladon. Ez 3 óra múlva "
-"magától kikapcsol. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Aktiválhatod ideiglenesen a fejlesztői módot a weboldaladon. Ez 3 óra múlva magától kikapcsol. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2020
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Optimális beállítások"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2021
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Automatikusan javítja a Cloudflare beállításaidat a legjobb sebesség, "
-"teljesítmény, osztályzat és kompatibilitás érdekében."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Automatikusan javítja a Cloudflare beállításaidat a legjobb sebesség, teljesítmény, osztályzat és kompatibilitás érdekében."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2029
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Relatív protokoll"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2030
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Ezt csak a Cloudflare flexible SSL funkciójával szabad használni. A statikus"
-" fájlok URLjei (pl. CSS, JS, és képek) át lesznek írva úgy, hogy // t "
-"használjanak a http:// vagy https:// helyett."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Ezt csak a Cloudflare flexible SSL funkciójával szabad használni. A statikus fájlok URLjei (pl. CSS, JS, és képek) át lesznek írva úgy, hogy // t használjanak a http:// vagy https:// helyett."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri belépési adatok"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2081
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Tűzfal API kulcs (a bővítményhez) az alábbi formátumban kell hogy legyen: "
-"{32 karakter}/(32 karakter)
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2082
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Találd meg az API kulcsodat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:409 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Fájl feltöltés és importálás beállítások"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:391
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Sucuri bővítmény: a Sucuri tűzfalhoz tartozó API kulcsnak az alábbi "
-"formátumban kell lennie: {32 karakter}/{32 karakter}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Sucuri bővítmény: a Sucuri tűzfalhoz tartozó API kulcsnak az alábbi formátumban kell lennie: {32 karakter}/{32 karakter}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Beállítások elmentve."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:698
-msgid ""
-"Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved "
-"because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Elnézést, a /(.*) beállítást nem tudtuk elmenteni a haladó szabályok > Soha "
-"Ne Gyorsítótárazd Ezeket az URL-eket menüben mert ez letiltaná a "
-"gyorsítótárazást és az optimalizálást az egész weboldaladon."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr "Elnézést, a /(.*) beállítást nem tudtuk elmenteni a haladó szabályok > Soha Ne Gyorsítótárazd Ezeket az URL-eket menüben mert ez letiltaná a gyorsítótárazást és az optimalizálást az egész weboldaladon."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Eszközök"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Import, Export, Visszaállítás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:176
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Kép optimalizálás"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:177
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Képek tömörítése"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Útmutatók"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Tananyagok, segítő videók"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
-msgid ""
-"We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an "
-"unexpected error code."
-msgstr ""
-"Nem tudtuk lekérdezni az aktuális árat mert a RocketCDN API váratlan "
-"hibakódot adott vissza."
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr "Nem tudtuk lekérdezni az aktuális árat mert a RocketCDN API váratlan hibakódot adott vissza."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
@@ -1799,11 +1329,8 @@ msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
msgstr "RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: hiányzó felhasználói token."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: az API váratlan hibakódot adott "
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: az API váratlan hibakódot adott vissza."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
@@ -1811,8 +1338,7 @@ msgstr "RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: az API üres választ kü
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: az API váratlan választ küldött."
+msgstr "RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: az API váratlan választ küldött."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
@@ -1823,27 +1349,26 @@ msgstr "RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikertelen: %s."
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "RocketCDN gyorsítótár ürítés sikeres volt."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:81
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Következő számla dátuma:"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Nincs előfizetésed"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "A RocketCDN előfizetésed aktív"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"A RocketCDN használatához kérlek cseréld le a CNAME-det erre: %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr "A RocketCDN használatához kérlek cseréld le a CNAME-det erre: %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:143
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:208
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:306
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
@@ -1865,31 +1390,15 @@ msgstr "Csak %s -ig érvényes!"
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat köszönhetően: "
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"Nagy teljesítményű Content Delivery Network (CDN) %1$skorlátlan "
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Könnyű konfigurálás: a %1$slegjobb CDN beállítások%2$sautomatikusan "
-"alkalmazva lesznek"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Könnyű konfigurálás: a %1$slegjobb CDN beállítások%2$sautomatikusan alkalmazva lesznek"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket integráció: a CDN opció %1$sautomatikusan be lesz állítva%2$s a "
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "WP Rocket integráció: a CDN opció %1$sautomatikusan be lesz állítva%2$s a bővítményünkben"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
@@ -1897,12 +1406,8 @@ msgstr "Tudj meg többet a RocketCDN-ről"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"*$%1$s/hónap 12 hónapon keresztül, ezután $%2$s/hónap. Bármikor lemondhatod "
-"az előfizetést."
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr "*$%1$s/hónap 12 hónapon keresztül, ezután $%2$s/hónap. Bármikor lemondhatod az előfizetést."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
msgid "Billed monthly"
@@ -1917,11 +1422,8 @@ msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Zárd be ezt a feliratot"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat a RocketCDN-nel, a WP Rocket Content Delivery "
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat a RocketCDN-nel, a WP Rocket Content Delivery Network-jével."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
@@ -1941,14 +1443,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "Újdonság!"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat a RocketCDN-nel, a WP Rocket Content Delivery "
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat a RocketCDN-nel, a WP Rocket Content Delivery Network-jével!"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:75
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:97 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Ürítsd ezt a gyorsítótárat"
@@ -1961,12 +1462,8 @@ msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "WP_CACHE értéke"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"A WP_CACHE konstanst true -ra kell állítani ahhoz hogy a WP ROCKET "
-"megfelelően működjön"
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "A WP_CACHE konstanst true -ra kell állítani ahhoz hogy a WP ROCKET megfelelően működjön"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
@@ -1980,7 +1477,7 @@ msgstr "WP_CACHE nincs beállítva"
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE false -ra van állítva"
-#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:252
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
msgid "Every minute"
msgstr "Minden percben"
@@ -1991,21 +1488,13 @@ msgstr "Critical CSS a %1$s számára nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Critical CSS a %1$s számára mobilhoz nincs létrehozva. HIbakód: az API üres "
-"választ adott."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Critical CSS a %1$s számára mobilhoz nincs létrehozva. HIbakód: az API üres választ adott."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"Critical CSS a %1$s számára nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: az API üres választ "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Critical CSS a %1$s számára nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: az API üres választ adott."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
@@ -2020,21 +1509,13 @@ msgstr "Critical CSS a %1$s számára nincs létrehozva."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Critical CSS a %1$s számára mobilon nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: az API "
-"érvénytelen választ adott."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Critical CSS a %1$s számára mobilon nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: az API érvénytelen választ adott."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Critical CSS a %1$s számára nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: az API érvénytelen "
-"választ adott."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Critical CSS a %1$s számára nincs létrehozva. Hibakód: az API érvénytelen választ adott."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
@@ -2077,56 +1558,42 @@ msgstr "Engedélyezd a CSS aszinkron betöltését a WP Rocket beállításaiban
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
msgstr "Engedélyezd a CSS aszinkron betöltését a fenti opciókban"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "A kritikus CSS generálása épp zajlik."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:159
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Menj a %1$sWP Rocket beállításai%2$s oldalra hogy kövesd a folyamatot."
+msgstr "Menj a %1$sWP Rocket beállításai%2$s oldalra hogy kövesd a folyamatot."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:374
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Kritikus CSS generálása jelenleg zajlik: %1$d/%2$d oldaltípusok kész. "
-"(Frissítsd ezt az oldalt hogy kövesd a folyamatot)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Kritikus CSS generálása jelenleg zajlik: %1$d/%2$d oldaltípusok kész. (Frissítsd ezt az oldalt hogy kövesd a folyamatot)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:450
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "A kritikus CSS generálása kész az %1$d/%2$d oldaltípusokhoz."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "A kritikus CSS generálása egy vagy több hibát talált."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Tudj meg többet."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Kritikus CSS a %1$s számára mobilon nem lett létrehozva. Hibakód: a célmappa"
-" nem volt létrehozható."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Kritikus CSS a %1$s számára mobilon nem lett létrehozva. Hibakód: a célmappa nem volt létrehozható."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Kritikus CSS a %1$s számára nem lett létrehozva. Hibakód: a célmappa nem "
-"volt létrehozható."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Kritikus CSS a %1$s számára nem lett létrehozva. Hibakód: a célmappa nem volt létrehozható."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
@@ -2171,16 +1638,12 @@ msgstr "Kritikus CSS fájl sikeresen törölve."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Mobil kritikus CSS a %1$s számára: időtúllépés történt. Kérlek kicsit később"
-" próbáld újra."
+msgstr "Mobil kritikus CSS a %1$s számára: időtúllépés történt. Kérlek kicsit később próbáld újra."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Kritikus CSS a %1$s számára: időtúllépés történt. Kérlek kicsit később "
-"próbáld újra."
+msgstr "Kritikus CSS a %1$s számára: időtúllépés történt. Kérlek kicsit később próbáld újra."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
@@ -2195,29 +1658,17 @@ msgstr "A kért bejegyzés nem létezik."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Nem lehet CPCSS -t generálni a nem publikált bejegyzésekhez."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Az alábbi ütemezett esemény nem tudott elindulni. Ez CRON rendszerhibára "
-"utal, ami megakadályozza a WP Rocket bizonyos funkcióinak megfelelő "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Az alábbi ütemezett események nem tudtak elindulni. Ez CRON rendszerhibára "
-"utal, ami megakadályozza a WP Rocket bizonyos funkcióinak megfelelő "
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Az alábbi ütemezett esemény nem tudott elindulni. Ez CRON rendszerhibára utal, ami megakadályozza a WP Rocket bizonyos funkcióinak megfelelő működését:"
+msgstr[1] "Az alábbi ütemezett események nem tudtak elindulni. Ez CRON rendszerhibára utal, ami megakadályozza a WP Rocket bizonyos funkcióinak megfelelő működését:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot a tárhelyszolgáltatóddal, hogy kiderítsék, "
-"megfelelően működik-e a CRON."
+msgstr "Kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot a tárhelyszolgáltatóddal, hogy kiderítsék, megfelelően működik-e a CRON."
#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
@@ -2240,45 +1691,30 @@ msgstr "Előtöltés"
msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
msgstr "Kritikus útvonalú CSS generálásának állapota"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:401
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s "
-"before losing access."
-msgstr ""
-"Érvényes licenszre van szükséged hogy tovább használhasd ezt a funckiót. "
-"%1$sÚjítsd meg most%2$s hogy ne veszítsd el a hozzáférést!"
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr "Érvényes licenszre van szükséged hogy tovább használhasd ezt a funckiót. %1$sÚjítsd meg most%2$s hogy ne veszítsd el a hozzáférést!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:412
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
#, php-format
msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Érvényes licenszre van szükséged ezen funkció engedélyezéséhez.%1$sÚjítsd "
-"meg most%2$s"
+msgstr "Érvényes licenszre van szükséged ezen funkció engedélyezéséhez.%1$sÚjítsd meg most%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:423
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
#, php-format
msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Érvényes licenszre van szükséged ezen funkció engedélyezéséhez. %1$sBővebb "
+msgstr "Érvényes licenszre van szükséged ezen funkció engedélyezéséhez. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Használd ki a%1$s-t hogy mégtöbb weboldalt felgyorsíthass: %2$s szerezz egy "
-"%3$s%4$s kedvezményt %5$s ig%3$s, válts Plus előfizetésre! %5$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Használd ki a %1$s -t hogy mégtöbb weboldalt felgyorsíthass: %2$sszerezz "
-"%3$s%4$s kedvezményt %5$s ig%3$s, válts Infinite előfizetésre! %5$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] "Használd ki a%1$s-t hogy mégtöbb weboldalt felgyorsíthass: %2$s szerezz egy %3$s%4$s kedvezményt %5$s ig%3$s, válts Plus előfizetésre! %5$s"
+msgstr[1] "Használd ki a %1$s -t hogy mégtöbb weboldalt felgyorsíthass: %2$sszerezz %3$s%4$s kedvezményt %5$s ig%3$s, válts Infinite előfizetésre! %5$s"
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Korlátlan"
@@ -2312,10 +1748,11 @@ msgid "Upgrade now"
msgstr "Válts most"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:43
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:53
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:41
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Tüntesd el ezt az értesítést"
@@ -2324,39 +1761,18 @@ msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
msgstr "Az optimizált CSS kiküldés funkció le van tiltva."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
-msgid ""
-"You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously "
-msgstr ""
-"Nem használhatod többé a Nem-használt CSS eltávolítása vagy a CSS aszinkron "
-"betöltése opciókat."
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr "Nem használhatod többé a Nem-használt CSS eltávolítása vagy a CSS aszinkron betöltése opciókat."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, "
-"which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sÉrvényes licenszre%2$s van szükség a CSS kézbesítés optimizáláshoz, ami "
-"javítja a PageSpeed Insight ajánlásokat és javítja az oldalad "
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:30
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:40
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:28
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: "
-"you’ll only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"Újítsd meg a licenszedet most és szerezz %1$s%3$s kedvezményt %2$sazonnal: "
-"csak %1$s%4$s%2$s -t kell fizetned!"
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr "%1$sÉrvényes licenszre%2$s van szükség a CSS kézbesítés optimizáláshoz, ami javítja a PageSpeed Insight ajánlásokat és javítja az oldalad teljesítményét."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:40
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:50
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:38
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:46
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
msgid "Renew now"
msgstr "Újítsd meg most"
@@ -2366,21 +1782,12 @@ msgstr "Hamarosan elveszted az alábbi funkciókat"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Szükség van %1$sérvényes licenszre hogy ezentúl is optimizálva legyen "
-"kézbesítve a CSS-ed%2$s."
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr "Szükség van %1$sérvényes licenszre hogy ezentúl is optimizálva legyen kézbesítve a CSS-ed%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
-msgid ""
-"The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options"
-" to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website "
-msgstr ""
-"A nem-használt CSS és az aszinkron CSS betöltés funkciók nagyszerű "
-"lehetőségek a PageSpeed Insight ajánlások javítására, valamint javítják a "
-"weboldalad teljesítményét."
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr "A nem-használt CSS és az aszinkron CSS betöltés funkciók nagyszerű lehetőségek a PageSpeed Insight ajánlások javítására, valamint javítják a weboldalad teljesítményét."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
#, php-format
@@ -2391,36 +1798,15 @@ msgstr "Ezek %1$sautomatikusan le lesnek tiltva %3$s%2$s-kor."
msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
msgstr "A WP Rocket licenszed lejárt!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You could make your website so much faster if you had access to our %1$snew "
-"features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
-msgstr ""
-"Sokkal gyorsabbá tehetnéd a weboldalad, ha hozzáférésed lenne a %1$slegújabb"
-" új funkcióinkhoz és fejlesztéseinkhez%2$s 🚀"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access"
-" to product updates and support."
-msgstr ""
-"A %1$sWP Rocket licenszed hamarosan lejár%2$s: hamarosan elveszted a "
-"hozzáférést a frissítésekhez és a támogatáshoz."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
-msgid "Renew before it is too late!"
-msgstr "Újítsd meg mielőtt túl késő!"
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr "A %1$sWP Rocket licenszed hamarosan lejár%2$s: hamarosan elveszted a hozzáférést a frissítésekhez és a támogatáshoz."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:35
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr ""
-"Újítsd meg most egy %1$s%2$skedvezménnyel%3$s mielőtt túl késő, csak "
-"%1$s%4$s%3$s-t kellene fizetned!"
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr "Újítsd meg most egy %1$s%2$skedvezménnyel%3$s mielőtt túl késő, csak %1$s%4$s%3$s-t kellene fizetned!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
@@ -2428,22 +1814,13 @@ msgstr "Gyorsíts fel mégtöbb weboldalt!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
-msgstr ""
-"A WP Rocket-et több weboldalon is használhatod ha bővíted a licenszedet. "
-"Ehhez csak fizess %1$sárkülönbözetet%2$s a mostani és az új licenszed "
-"között, ahogy lejjebb látható:"
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr "A WP Rocket-et több weboldalon is használhatod ha bővíted a licenszedet. Ehhez csak fizess %1$sárkülönbözetet%2$s a mostani és az új licenszed között, ahogy lejjebb látható:"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sTipp:%2$s: A licenszed megújítása nem hosszabbítja meg a lejárati "
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr "%1$sTipp:%2$s: A licenszed megújítása nem hosszabbítja meg a lejárati dátumot"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
#, php-format
@@ -2461,447 +1838,167 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "Válts %s-ra"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
-msgstr ""
-"A WP Rocket-et több weboldalon is használhatod ha bővíted a licenszedet. "
-"(Csak az árkülönbözetet kell fizetned a mostani és az új licenszed között)"
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr "A WP Rocket-et több weboldalon is használhatod ha bővíted a licenszedet. (Csak az árkülönbözetet kell fizetned a mostani és az új licenszed között)"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:120
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:206
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "Ürítsd a használt CSS-ek gyorsítótárát"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:204
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
-"your pages."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Kérlek várj %2$s másodpercet. A Nemhasznált CSS törlése szolgáltatás "
-"épp feldolgozza az oldalaidat."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:245
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
-"continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: A kezdőlapodon felhasznált CSS-ek fel lettek dolgozva. A WP Rocket "
-"folytatja a felhasznált CSS-ek feldolgozását, %2$s URL/%3$smásodpercenként."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:254
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
#, php-format
-msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sSitemap Preload%2$s for the fastest results."
-msgstr ""
-"Javasoljuk engedélyezni az %1$sOldaltérkép alapú előtöltést%2$sa leggyorsabb"
-" betöltés érdekében."
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr "%1$s: Kérlek várj %2$s másodpercet. A Nemhasznált CSS törlése szolgáltatás épp feldolgozza az oldalaidat."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
#, php-format
-msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Hogy megtudhass többet a folyamatról, nézd meg a %1$sdokumentációnkat%2$s."
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr "%1$s: A kezdőlapodon felhasznált CSS-ek fel lettek dolgozva. A WP Rocket folytatja a felhasznált CSS-ek feldolgozását, %2$s URL/%3$smásodpercenként."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:291
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: We detected missing database table related to Action Scheduler. Please"
-" visit the following %2$sURL%3$s to recreate it, as it is needed for WP "
-"Rocket to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Hiányzó adatbázis táblát találtunk a feladatütemezőhöz kapcsolódóan. "
-"Kérlek látogasd meg az %2$salábbi weblapot%3$s-t hogy újra létrehozhasd ezt,"
-" mert a WP Rocket-nek szüksége van erre a helyes működéshez."
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr "Hogy megtudhass többet a folyamatról, nézd meg a %1$sdokumentációnkat%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:488
-msgid ""
-"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
-"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
-"and further improve your website's performance."
-msgstr ""
-"Nem tudtuk létrehozni a felhasznált CSS-ek listáját mert kalózverziót "
-"használsz a WP Rocket-ből. Aktív előfizetésre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a "
-"nemhasznált CSS-ek törlése funkciót használhasd, valamint hogy "
-"továbbfejleszthesd a weboldalad teljesítményét."
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr "Nem tudtuk létrehozni a felhasznált CSS-ek listáját mert kalózverziót használsz a WP Rocket-ből. Aktív előfizetésre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a nemhasznált CSS-ek törlése funkciót használhasd, valamint hogy továbbfejleszthesd a weboldalad teljesítményét."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
-msgstr ""
-"Kattints ide és megvásárolhatod a WP Rocket single licenszét "
+msgstr "Kattints ide és megvásárolhatod a WP Rocket single licenszét %1$skedvezménnyel!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:299
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$sA felhasznált CSS opció nincs engedélyezve!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:320
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: A felhasznált CSS gyorsítótára ürítve!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:713
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Ürítsd ezen URL felhasznált CSS-eit"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
msgstr "WP Rocket Nem-használt CSS eltávolítása sorban álló feladatok"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Váratlan hiba történt. Valami hiba lehet a WP-Rocket.me -vel vagy ezen "
-"szerver konfigurációjával. Ha továbbra is problémákat tapasztalsz, vedd fel a támogatásunkkal a kapcsolatot."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Váratlan hiba történt. Valami hiba lehet a WP-Rocket.me -vel vagy ezen szerver konfigurációjával. Ha továbbra is problémákat tapasztalsz, vedd fel a támogatásunkkal a kapcsolatot."
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:462
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:476
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
-#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s Régi verzióra visszaállítás"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:499 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sVálts vissza a WP Rocket %2$s vagy %3$s lépj a Bővítmények oldalra%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az előtöltés hibába ütközött. Nem tudjuk összegyűjteni a linkeket a %1$s-n "
-"az alábbi hiba miatt: %2$s.%3$s Tudj meg többet%4$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az előtöltés hibába ütközött. %1$snem hozzáférhető az alábbi hibakód miatt: "
-"%2$s . Lehet hogy biztonsági beállítások akadályozzák a hozzáférést. "
-"%3$sBővebb információ%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az előtöltés hibába ütközött. %1$s nem hozzáférhető az alábbi hibakód miatt:"
-" 404. Kérlek ellenőrizd hogy a kezdőlapod elérhető legyen a böngésződben. "
-"%2$sBővebb információ%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az előtöltés hibába ütközött. %1$s nem hozzáférhető az alábbi hibakód miatt:"
-" 500. Kérlek vedd fel a tárhelyszolgáltatóddal a kapcsolatot a szerver "
-"elérése miatt. %2$sBővebb információ%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az előtöltés hibába ütközött. Nem tudtuk összegyűjteni a linkeket %1$s-n "
-"mert az alábbi válaszkódot adta: %2$s.%3$sBővebb információ%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:229
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Előtöltés: a WP Rocket elkezdte előtölteni a weboldaladat."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:276
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Előtöltés:%1$s eddig gyorsítótárazatlan oldal most már elő van töltve. "
-"(frissítsd az oldalt a folyamat követéséhez)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Előtöltés:%1$s eddig gyorsítótárazatlan oldal most már elő van töltve. "
-"(frissítsd az oldalt a folyamat követéséhez)"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:285
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Az alábbi hiba történt miközben gyűjtöttük össze az előtöltendő URL-ek "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Az alábbi hibák történtek miközben gyűjtöttük össze az előtöltendő URL-ek "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:338
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Előtöltés kész: %doldal lett gyorsítótárazva."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött. Nem tudtuk összegyűjteni a "
-"linkeket a %1$s-n az alábbi hiba miatt: %2$s. %3$sTudj meg többet%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött: %1$snem elérhető az alábbi "
-"hibakód miatt: %2$s. Lehet, hogy biztonsági beállítások blokkolják a "
-"hozzáférést. %3$sTudj meg többet%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött. %1$s nem hozzáférhető az "
-"alábbi hibakód miatt: 404. Kérlek ellenőrizd hogy a megfelelő oldaltérkép "
-"URL-t írtad-e be, és hogy ez elérhető-e a böngésződbe. %2$sTudj meg "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött.%1$s nem hozzáférhető az "
-"alábbi hibakód miatt: 500. Kérlek egyeztess a tárhelyszolgáltatóddal a "
-"szerver eléréséről. %2$sTudj meg többet%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött. Nem tudtuk összegyűjteni a "
-"linkeket %1$s-n mert az alábbi hibakódot kaptuk: %2$s. %3$sTudj meg "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött. Nem tudtuk összegyűjteni a "
-"linkeket a %1$s-ról mert a fájl üres. %2$sTudj meg többet%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Az oldaltérkép alapú előtöltés hibába ütközött. Nem tudtuk összegyűjteni a "
-"linkeket a %1$s-ról mert hiba történt az XML oldaltérkép feldolgozása "
-"közben. %2$sTudj meg többet%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP bővítmény%2$s nincs engedélyezve a szervereden. Kérlek "
-"vedd fel a kapcsolatot a tárhelyszolgáltatóddal, hogy engedélyezze ezt, "
-"mielőtt futtatnád az oldaltérkép alapú gyorsítótár előtöltést."
+msgstr "%1$sVálts vissza a WP Rocket %2$s vagy %3$s lépj a Bővítmények oldalra%2$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish automata-ürítés magától engedélyezve lesz, amint engedélyezed a "
-"Varnish-t a %sszerveren."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "Varnish automata-ürítés magától engedélyezve lesz, amint engedélyezed a Varnish-t a %sszerveren."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from "
-"working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your "
-"%1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Úgy tűnik, fontos Kinsta fájlok hiányoznak a rendszeredből, amik a "
-"gyorsítótár ürítéséért felelnének, ezért a Kinsta és a WP Rocket nem tud "
-"együttműködni. Kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Kinsta támogatással a "
-"%1$sMyKinsta%2$sfiókodon keresztül hogy megoldd ezt a problémát. "
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr "Úgy tűnik, fontos Kinsta fájlok hiányoznak a rendszeredből, amik a gyorsítótár ürítéséért felelnének, ezért a Kinsta és a WP Rocket nem tud együttműködni. Kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Kinsta támogatással a %1$sMyKinsta%2$sfiókodon keresztül hogy megoldd ezt a problémát. "
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed nem kompatibilis ezzel a bővítménnyel "
-"és váratlan problémákat okozhat. %2$sBővebb információ%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed nem kompatibilis ezzel a bővítménnyel és váratlan problémákat okozhat. %2$sBővebb információ%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript "
-"Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will "
-"not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript "
-"Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Úgy érzékeljük hogy engedélyezve van az Autoptmize "
-"JavaScript Aggregáció funkciója. A WP Rocket Késleltetett JavaScript "
-"Futtatás funkciója nem lesz alkalmazva arra a fájlra, amit ez létrehoz. "
-"Javasoljuk hogy tiltsd le a %1$sJavascript aggregációt%2$s hogy "
-"kihasználhasd a mi Késleltetett Javascript Futtatás funkciónkat."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Úgy érzékeljük hogy engedélyezve van az Autoptmize JavaScript Aggregáció funkciója. A WP Rocket Késleltetett JavaScript Futtatás funkciója nem lesz alkalmazva arra a fájlra, amit ez létrehoz. Javasoljuk hogy tiltsd le a %1$sJavascript aggregációt%2$s hogy kihasználhasd a mi Késleltetett Javascript Futtatás funkciónkat."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS "
-"feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work "
-"correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full "
-"advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sÚgy érzékeljük hogy engedélyezve van az Autoptimize "
-"Beágyazott CSS Aggregáció funkciója. A WP Rocket CSS aszinkron betöltése nem"
-" fog megfelelően működni így. Javasoljuk hogy tiltsd le a %1$sBeágyazott CSS"
-" Aggregáció%2$s funkcióját hogy kihasználhasd a mi CSS aszinkron betöltés "
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sÚgy érzékeljük hogy engedélyezve van az Autoptimize Beágyazott CSS Aggregáció funkciója. A WP Rocket CSS aszinkron betöltése nem fog megfelelően működni így. Javasoljuk hogy tiltsd le a %1$sBeágyazott CSS Aggregáció%2$s funkcióját hogy kihasználhasd a mi CSS aszinkron betöltés funkciónkat."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and "
-"use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Ez a bővítmény blokkolja a WP Rocket gyorsítótárazását és egyéb "
-"optimalizációit. Deaktiváld és használd az %1$sEzoic névszerver "
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr "Ez a bővítmény blokkolja a WP Rocket gyorsítótárazását és egyéb optimalizációit. Deaktiváld és használd az %1$sEzoic névszerver integrációt%2$shelyette."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Kérlek deaktiváld az alábbi %sopciót amik összeférhetetlenek a WP Rocket "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Kérlek deaktiváld az alábbi %s opciókat amik összeférhetetlenek a WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Kérlek deaktiváld az alábbi %sopciót amik összeférhetetlenek a WP Rocket funkcióival:"
+msgstr[1] "Kérlek deaktiváld az alábbi %s opciókat amik összeférhetetlenek a WP Rocket funkcióival:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sdisable "
-"emoji%3$s funkciójával"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sdisable emoji%3$s funkciójával"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s-ével"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s-ével"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$spage "
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s-ével"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s összeférhetetlen a WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s-ével"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"delay JS, disable %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A késleltetett JS engedélyezve van a %1$s-ban. Ha a WP Rocket késleltetett "
-"JS-ét akarod használni akkor tiltsd le %1$s-ban."
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr "A késleltetett JS engedélyezve van a %1$s-ban. Ha a WP Rocket késleltetett JS-ét akarod használni akkor tiltsd le %1$s-ban."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/SEO/Yoast.php:60 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Yoast SEO XML oldaltérkép"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:119
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:333
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Támogatás"
@@ -2910,123 +2007,124 @@ msgstr "Támogatás"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentáció"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:321
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "GYIK"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Beállítások"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:435
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "Beállítások importálása sikertelen: nincs jogosultságod ehhez."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:439
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Beállítások importálása sikertelen: nem lett fájl feltöltve."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:443
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Beállítások importálása sikertelen: hibás fájlnév."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:454
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Beállítások importálása sikertelen: hibás fájltípus."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:464
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "Beállítások importálása sikertelen: "
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:480
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "Beállítások importálása sikertelen: váratlan fájl tartalom."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:510
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Beállítások importálva és elmentve."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Késleltetett javascript fájlok (Defer)"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Késleltetésből kizárt JavaScript fájlok"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:148
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:158
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Az alábbi minta érvénytelen, és ezért törölve lett:"
msgstr[1] "Az alábbi minták érvénytelenek, és ezért törölve lettek:"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:174
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Bővebb információ"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:752
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár ürítése"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "WP Rocket beállításai"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Soha ne gyorsítótárazd ezt az oldalt"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:71
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Aktiváld ezeket az opciókat ezen a bejegyzésen:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad képek számára"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad iframe-k/videók számára"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "CSS miniatűrizálása/egyesítése"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Nem-használt CSS kódok eltávolítása"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "JS miniatűrizálása/egyesítése"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:81
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "JS késleltetése (defer)"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:88
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Aktiváld először a %sopciót"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sMegjegyzés:%2$s Ezek az opciók nem lesznek érvénybe léptetve, ha ez a "
-"bejegyzés ki lett zárva a gyorsítótárazásból a globális gyorsítótár "
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sMegjegyzés:%2$s Ezek az opciók nem lesznek érvénybe léptetve, ha ez a bejegyzés ki lett zárva a gyorsítótárazásból a globális gyorsítótár beállításokban."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -3037,192 +2135,131 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: egy vagy több bővítmény engedélyezve lett vagy "
-"letiltva, ürítsd a gyorsítótárt ha ezek befolyásolják a weboldalad "
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: egy vagy több bővítmény engedélyezve lett vagy letiltva, ürítsd a gyorsítótárt ha ezek befolyásolják a weboldalad megjelenését."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:190
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Bővítmény hasonló funkció funkciókat biztosít. Nem "
-"lehetnek egyszerre aktiválva."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:223
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Az alábbi bővítmények nem kompatibilisek ezzel a "
-"bővítménnyel és ezért váratlan dolgokat okozhatnak:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Az alábbi bővítmények nem kompatibilisek ezzel a bővítménnyel és ezért váratlan dolgokat okozhatnak:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:229
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktiválás"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:271
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS nem egy hivatalos bővítmény. Akadályozza bizonyos WP "
-"Rocket opciók működését. Kérlek deaktiváld ha problémákat tapasztalsz."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS nem egy hivatalos bővítmény. Akadályozza bizonyos WP Rocket opciók működését. Kérlek deaktiváld ha problémákat tapasztalsz."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:311
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache jelenleg engedélyezve van, ami ütközik a WP Rocket "
-"gyorsítótárával. Kérlek állítsd az Endurance Cache gyorsítótár-szintjét OFF-"
-"ra (0-ás szint) a %1$sBeállítások > Általános %2$soldalon hogy megelőzd a "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache jelenleg engedélyezve van, ami ütközik a WP Rocket gyorsítótárával. Kérlek állítsd az Endurance Cache gyorsítótár-szintjét OFF-ra (0-ás szint) a %1$sBeállítások > Általános %2$soldalon hogy megelőzd a problémákat."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:332
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Egyéni permalink struktúra szükséges a bővítmény megfelelő "
-"működéséhez. %2$sMenj a permalink beállításokhoz%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Egyéni permalink struktúra szükséges a bővítmény megfelelő működéséhez. %2$sMenj a permalink beállításokhoz%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s Nem lehet módosítani a .htaccess fájlt a hiányzó írási jogosultságok "
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s Nem lehet módosítani a .htaccess fájlt a hiányzó írási jogosultságok miatt."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Hibaelhárítás: %1$sHogyan tedd írhatóvá a rendszerfájlokat%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:387 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Ne aggódj, a WP Rocket oldal-gyorsítótárazása és beállításai így is "
-"megfelelően fognak működni."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Ne aggódj, a WP Rocket oldal-gyorsítótárazása és beállításai így is megfelelően fognak működni."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Az optimális teljesítmény érdekében javasoljuk, hogy vedd fel az alábbi "
-"sorokat a .htaccess fájlodba (nem kötelező):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Az optimális teljesítmény érdekében javasoljuk, hogy vedd fel az alábbi sorokat a .htaccess fájlodba (nem kötelező):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:540
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s használatra kész! %2$s Nézd meg a betöltési idődet%4$s, vagy látogasd "
-"meg a %3$sbeállításaidat%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s használatra kész! %2$s Nézd meg a betöltési idődet%4$s, vagy látogasd meg a %3$sbeállításaidat%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:581
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Megengeded a WP Rocket-nek, hogy névtelen, nem-érzékeny diagnosztikai "
-"adatokat gyűjtsünk a weboldaladról?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Megengeded a WP Rocket-nek, hogy névtelen, nem-érzékeny diagnosztikai adatokat gyűjtsünk a weboldaladról?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:582
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Ez segít nekünk abban, hogy jobbá tehessük a WP Rocketet a jövőben."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Milyen adatokat gyűjtünk?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:593
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Alább felsoroltuk részletesen, hogym ilyen adatokat fog gyűjteni a WP "
-"Rocket, ha megadod az engedélyt. A WP Rocket soha nem fog továbbítani domain"
-" neveket vagy email címeket (kivéve licensz érvényesítéshez), IP címeket "
-"vagy külső félhez tartozó API kulcsokat."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Alább felsoroltuk részletesen, hogym ilyen adatokat fog gyűjteni a WP Rocket, ha megadod az engedélyt. A WP Rocket soha nem fog továbbítani domain neveket vagy email címeket (kivéve licensz érvényesítéshez), IP címeket vagy külső félhez tartozó API kulcsokat."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:602
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Igen, engedélyezés"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:605
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Nem, köszönöm"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Köszönjük!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:649
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "A WP Rocket most ezeket az adatokat gyűjti a weboldaladról:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:687
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Gyorsítótár ürítve."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:694
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Bejegyzések gyorsítótára ürítve."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:701
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s kifejezés gyorsítótár ürítve."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:708
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Felhasználói gyorsítótár ürítve."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Előtöltés megállítása"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:773
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Kényszerített deaktiválás"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:792
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Az alábbi kódnak kellene bekerülnie ebbe a fájlba:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:823
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%snem tudja önmagát beállítani a hiányzó írási jogosultság miatt."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:829
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Érintett fájl/mappa: %s"
@@ -3238,30 +2275,17 @@ msgstr "A megfelő működés érdekében, a %1$s%2$s-hez szükséges legalább:
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Ahhoz hogy ezt a WP Rocket verziót használni tudd, kérd meg a "
-"tárhelyszolgáltatódat, hogy frissítse a szerveren a PHP-t %1$s vagy újabb "
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Ahhoz hogy ezt a WP Rocket verziót használni tudd, kérd meg a tárhelyszolgáltatódat, hogy frissítse a szerveren a PHP-t %1$s vagy újabb verzióra."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Ahhoz hogy ezt a WP Rocket verziót használni tudd, kérlek "
-"frissítsd a WordPress-t %1$svagy újabb verzióra."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Ahhoz hogy ezt a WP Rocket verziót használni tudd, kérlek frissítsd a WordPress-t %1$svagy újabb verzióra."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha nem lehetséges a frissítés, akkor visszaállíthatod az előzőt verziót az "
-"alábbi gombbal:"
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Ha nem lehetséges a frissítés, akkor visszaállíthatod az előzőt verziót az alábbi gombbal:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -3288,106 +2312,56 @@ msgstr "A naplófájl nem olvasható."
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "A naplók nincsenek fájlba elmentve."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"A %1$s -t használod a WebP képek kiszolgálására, így nem szükséges ezt az "
-"opciót bejelölnöd. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s Ha azt szeretnéd hogy ehelyett a "
-"WP Rocket szolgálja ki a WebP képeket, akkor tiltsd le a WebP megjelenítést "
-"a %1$s-ben."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"A %1$s -t használod a WebP képek kiszolgálására, így nem szükséges ezt az "
-"opciót bejelölnöd. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s Ha azt szeretnéd hogy ehelyett a "
-"WP Rocket szolgálja ki a WebP képeket, akkor tiltsd le a WebP megjelenítést "
-"a %1$s-ben."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:281
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "A %1$s -t használod a WebP képek kiszolgálására, így nem szükséges ezt az opciót bejelölnöd. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s Ha azt szeretnéd hogy ehelyett a WP Rocket szolgálja ki a WebP képeket, akkor tiltsd le a WebP megjelenítést a %1$s-ben."
+msgstr[1] "A %1$s -t használod a WebP képek kiszolgálására, így nem szükséges ezt az opciót bejelölnöd. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s Ha azt szeretnéd hogy ehelyett a WP Rocket szolgálja ki a WebP képeket, akkor tiltsd le a WebP megjelenítést a %1$s-ben."
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "A WebP gyorsítótár le van tiltva szűrő által."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:291
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:317
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"A %1$s-t használod a képek WebP-re konvertálásához. Ha szeretnéd hogy "
-"ehelyett a WP Rocket végezze ezt akkor akkor aktiváld ezt az opciót. "
-"%2$sTovábi információ%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"A %1$s -t használod a képek WebP-re konvertálásához. Ha szeretnéd hogy "
-"ehelyett a WP Rocket végezze ezt akkor akkor aktiváld ezt az opciót. "
-"%2$sTovábi információ%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:303
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:329
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Jelenleg a %1$s használod képek WebP-re konvertálásához. A WP Rocket külön "
-"gyorsítótár fájlokat fog csinálni a WebP képeid kiszolgálására. %2$sBővebb "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Jelenleg a %1$s-t használod képek WebP-re konvertálásához. A WP Rocket külön"
-" gyorsítótár fájlokat fog csinálni a WebP képeid kiszolgálására. %2$sBővebb "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "A %1$s-t használod a képek WebP-re konvertálásához. Ha szeretnéd hogy ehelyett a WP Rocket végezze ezt akkor akkor aktiváld ezt az opciót. %2$sTovábi információ%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "A %1$s -t használod a képek WebP-re konvertálásához. Ha szeretnéd hogy ehelyett a WP Rocket végezze ezt akkor akkor aktiváld ezt az opciót. %2$sTovábi információ%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t "
-"already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or "
-"another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP "
-"do not enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"%5$sNem találtunk semmilyen kompatibilis WebP bővítményt! %6$s%4$sHa "
-"nincsenek még WebP képek az oldaladon, fontold meg az %3$sImagify%2$s vagy "
-"más támogatott bővítmény használatát! %1$sBővebb információ%2$s%4$s Ha nem "
-"használsz WebP-t akkor ne engedélyezd ez az opciót."
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Jelenleg a %1$s használod képek WebP-re konvertálásához. A WP Rocket külön gyorsítótár fájlokat fog csinálni a WebP képeid kiszolgálására. %2$sBővebb információ%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Jelenleg a %1$s-t használod képek WebP-re konvertálásához. A WP Rocket külön gyorsítótár fájlokat fog csinálni a WebP képeid kiszolgálására. %2$sBővebb információ%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr "%5$sNem találtunk semmilyen kompatibilis WebP bővítményt! %6$s%4$sHa nincsenek még WebP képek az oldaladon, fontold meg az %3$sImagify%2$s vagy más támogatott bővítmény használatát! %1$sBővebb információ%2$s%4$s Ha nem használsz WebP-t akkor ne engedélyezd ez az opciót."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:361
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"A WP Rocket külön gyorsítótár fájlokat fog létrehozni a WebP képeid "
+msgstr "A WP Rocket külön gyorsítótár fájlokat fog létrehozni a WebP képeid kiszolgálására."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "Nem találtuk meg az alábbi követelményt a témádban: lezáró %1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Nem találtuk meg az alábbi követelményeket a témádban: lezáró %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Nem találtuk meg az alábbi követelményeket a témádban: lezáró %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124 inc/common/admin-bar.php:259
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Minden nyelv"
@@ -3403,16 +2377,13 @@ msgstr "Ürítsd ezt az URL-t a gyorsítótárból"
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Sucuri gyorsítótár ürítése"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:271
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Gyorsítótár előtöltése"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:296 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Ürítsd a RocketCDN gyorsítótárat"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:309 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentáció"
@@ -3424,7 +2395,8 @@ msgstr "OPcache ürítése sikertelen."
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache sikeresen ürítve"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Aktiváld az Imagify-t"
@@ -3433,12 +2405,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Telepítsd az Imagify-t ingyen"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat és javítsd a SEO-dat a képméretek "
-"csökkentésével, méghozzá minőségvesztés nélkül az Imagify-vel."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Gyorsítsd fel a weboldaladat és javítsd a SEO-dat a képméretek csökkentésével, méghozzá minőségvesztés nélkül az Imagify-vel."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -3451,12 +2419,8 @@ msgstr "Oldaltérkép előtöltve: %d oldal lett gyorsítótárazva."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Oldaltérkép előtöltés: %d eddig gyorsítótárazatlan oldal most már elő van "
-"töltve. (frissítsd az oldalt a folyamat követéséhez)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Oldaltérkép előtöltés: %d eddig gyorsítótárazatlan oldal most már elő van töltve. (frissítsd az oldalt a folyamat követéséhez)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -3466,72 +2430,50 @@ msgstr "Válassz domain nevet a listáról"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Nem érhető el domain a Cloudflare fiókodban"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"A Curl le van tiltva a szervereden. Kérd meg a tárhelyszolgáltatódat, hogy "
-"engedélyezze. Erre feltétlenül szükség van a Cloudflare bővítmény "
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "A Curl le van tiltva a szervereden. Kérd meg a tárhelyszolgáltatódat, hogy engedélyezze. Erre feltétlenül szükség van a Cloudflare bővítmény működéséhez."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email, API kulcs és zónaazonosító nincs beállítva. Olvasd el a "
-"%1$sdokumentációt%2$s bővebb útmutatásért."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email, API kulcs és zónaazonosító nincs beállítva. Olvasd el a %1$sdokumentációt%2$s bővebb útmutatásért."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email és API kulcs nincs beállítva. Olvasd el a "
-"%1$sdokumentációt%2$s bővebb útmutatásért."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email és API kulcs nincs beállítva. Olvasd el a %1$sdokumentációt%2$s bővebb útmutatásért."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Sikertelen a csatlakozás a Cloudflare-hez."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"A hivatkozott osztály %1$s , deprecated azaz elavult a %2$s"
-" verzió óta! Használd a %3$s -t helyette."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "A hivatkozott osztály %1$s , deprecated azaz elavult a %2$s verzió óta! Használd a %3$s -t helyette."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"A hivatkozott osztály %1$s, deprecated azaz elavult a %2$s "
-"verzió óta!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr "A hivatkozott osztály %1$s, deprecated azaz elavult a %2$s verzió óta!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
-msgstr ""
-"JS fájlok a késleltetett JavaScript betöltés használatával"
+msgstr "JS fájlok a késleltetett JavaScript betöltés használatával"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "URL hozzáadása"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Mielőtt feltöltheted az importálandó fájlodat, ki kell javítanod az alábbi "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Mielőtt feltöltheted az importálandó fájlodat, ki kell javítanod az alábbi hibát:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Válassz egy fájlt a gépedről (maximum méret: %s)"
@@ -3552,7 +2494,8 @@ msgstr "Mentés és optimizálás"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimizálás"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Megjegyzés:"
@@ -3567,7 +2510,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Idegen féltől származó funkció észlelve:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Figyelmeztetés:"
@@ -3581,25 +2525,35 @@ msgstr "Letöltési beállítások"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Cseréld ki a weboldal címét erre:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "fenntartva erre:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Minden fájl"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Képek"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "CNAME hozzáadása"
@@ -3621,30 +2575,14 @@ msgstr "Haladó"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"A %1$s %2$s minimum PHP%3$s verziót igényelnek a megfelelő működéshez. "
-"Kérlek kérd meg a tárhelyszolgáltatódat hogy frissítse a webszerveredet PHP "
-"%3$s vagy újabb verzióra. Ha nem lehetséges a frissítése akkor "
-"visszaállhatsz a korábbi WP Rocket verzióra az alábbi gomb megnyomásával."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "A %1$s %2$s minimum PHP%3$s verziót igényelnek a megfelelő működéshez. Kérlek kérd meg a tárhelyszolgáltatódat hogy frissítse a webszerveredet PHP %3$s vagy újabb verzióra. Ha nem lehetséges a frissítése akkor visszaállhatsz a korábbi WP Rocket verzióra az alábbi gomb megnyomásával."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Probléma merült fel a licenszed érvényesítése közben. Kérlek tekintsd meg az"
-" alábbi hibaüzenetet:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Problémák merültek fel a licenszed érvényesítése közben. Kérlek tekintsd meg"
-" az alábbi hibaüzenetet:"
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Probléma merült fel a licenszed érvényesítése közben. Kérlek tekintsd meg az alábbi hibaüzenetet:"
+msgstr[1] "Problémák merültek fel a licenszed érvényesítése közben. Kérlek tekintsd meg az alábbi hibaüzenetet:"
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
@@ -3686,133 +2624,109 @@ msgstr "Anonimizált WP Rocket beállítások:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Melyik WP Rocket beállítások aktívak"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:473
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "A megadott licensz adatok nem érvényesek."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:476
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "A megoldáshoz, kérlek %1$skeresd az ügyfélszolgálatunkat%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535 inc/functions/options.php:574
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"A licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. A szerverünk nem tudja feldolgozni a "
-"weboldaladtól érkező kérést."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "A licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. A szerverünk nem tudja feldolgozni a weboldaladtól érkező kérést."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Próbálj a %1$sLicensz érvényesítése%2$s gombra kattintani alább. Ha a hiba "
-"most is fennáll, akkor %3$skövesd ezt a leírást%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Próbálj a %1$sLicensz érvényesítése%2$s gombra kattintani alább. Ha a hiba most is fennáll, akkor %3$skövesd ezt a leírást%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"A licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. Lehet hogy nem-licenszelt verziót "
-"használsz ebből a bővítményből. Kérlek tedd az alábbiakat:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "A licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. Lehet hogy nem-licenszelt verziót használsz ebből a bővítményből. Kérlek tedd az alábbiakat:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Jelentkezz be a WP Rocket %1$sfiókodba%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Töltsd le a zip fájlt"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Újratelepítés"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Ha nincs WP Rocket fiókod, kérlek %1$svásárolj licenszt%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"A licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. Ez a felhasználói fiók nem létezik az "
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "A licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. Ez a felhasználói fiók nem létezik az adatbázisunkban."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "A megoldáshoz kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot az ügyfélszolgálatunkkal."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:567
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
-msgstr ""
-"Licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. Ez a felhasználói fiók le van tiltva."
+msgstr "Licensz érvényesítése sikertelen. Ez a felhasználói fiók le van tiltva."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:567
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Kérlek kövesd %1$sezt a leírást %2$s bővebb információért."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:574
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Kattints a %1$sVáltozások mentése%2$s gombra. Ha a továbbra is fennáll, "
-"kövesd %3$sezt a leírást%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Kattints a %1$sVáltozások mentése%2$s gombra. Ha a továbbra is fennáll, kövesd %3$sezt a leírást%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "A licenszed érvénytelen."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Ellenőrizd, hogy van-e érvényes %1$sWP Rocket licenszed%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
-msgstr ""
-"Már felvettél annyi weboldalt, amennyid a jelenlegi licenszed lehetővé tett."
+msgstr "Már felvettél annyi weboldalt, amennyid a jelenlegi licenszed lehetővé tett."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Bővítsd a %1$sfiókodat%2$s vagy %3$shelyezd át%2$s a licenszedet erre a "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Bővítsd a %1$sfiókodat%2$s vagy %3$shelyezd át%2$s a licenszedet erre a domainre."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Ez a weboldal nincs engedélyezve."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Kérlek %1$svedd fel a kapcsolatot az ügyfélszolgálatunkkal%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Ez a licensz kulcs ismeretlen."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha a probléama továbbra is fennáll, kérlek %1$svedd fel a kapcsolatot az "
+msgstr "Ha a probléama továbbra is fennáll, kérlek %1$svedd fel a kapcsolatot az ügyfélszolgálatunkkal%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:599
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Licensz érvényesítés sikertelen: %s"
@@ -3823,8 +2737,7 @@ msgstr "Bővítmény sikeresen telepítve."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:532
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
-msgstr ""
-"Elnézést, nincs jogosultságod bővítményeket telepíteni erre a weboldalra."
+msgstr "Elnézést, nincs jogosultságod bővítményeket telepíteni erre a weboldalra."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:533
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that."
@@ -3843,36 +2756,23 @@ msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
msgstr "CSS aszinkron betöltés mobilhoz"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"A weboldalad jelenleg ugyanazt a kritikus útvonalú CSS-t használja mind "
-"asztali mind mobil nézet számára."
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "A weboldalad jelenleg ugyanazt a kritikus útvonalú CSS-t használja mind asztali mind mobil nézet számára."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Kattints a gombra hogy engedélyezhesd a mobil-specifikus CPCSS-t az "
+msgstr "Kattints a gombra hogy engedélyezhesd a mobil-specifikus CPCSS-t az oldaladhoz."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ez egy egyszeri művelet és a gomb el fog tűnni utána. %1$sBővebb "
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ez egy egyszeri művelet és a gomb el fog tűnni utána. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A weboldalad most már mobil-specifikus kritikus útvonalú CSS-t használ. "
-"%1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "A weboldalad most már mobil-specifikus kritikus útvonalú CSS-t használ. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3885,16 +2785,12 @@ msgstr "Kritikus útvonalú CSS"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Generálj specifikus kritikus útvonalú CSS-t ezen bejegyzéshez. %1$sBővebb "
+msgstr "Generálj specifikus kritikus útvonalú CSS-t ezen bejegyzéshez. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ez a bejegyzés specifikus kritikus útvonalú CSS-t használ. %1$sBővebb "
+msgstr "Ez a bejegyzés specifikus kritikus útvonalú CSS-t használ. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
@@ -3905,60 +2801,48 @@ msgid "Facing an issue?"
msgstr "Problémát tapasztalsz?"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid ""
-"It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. "
-"Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
-msgstr ""
-"Nem mindig szükséges deaktiválni a WP Rocket-et, ha problémát tapasztalsz. A"
-" legtöbb megoldható csupán néhány opció kikapcsolásával."
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr "Nem mindig szükséges deaktiválni a WP Rocket-et, ha problémát tapasztalsz. A legtöbb megoldható csupán néhány opció kikapcsolásával."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to "
-"quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to "
-"see if your issue is resolved."
-msgstr ""
-"A mi tippünk: ahelyett hogy deaktiválnád a WP Rocket-et, használd a "
-"%1$scsökkentett módunkat%2$s hogy gyorsan letilthasd a LazyLoad-ot, a Fájl "
-"Optimizálást és a CDN beállításokat. És ezután nézd meg, hogy megoldódott-e "
-"a problémád."
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr "A mi tippünk: ahelyett hogy deaktiválnád a WP Rocket-et, használd a %1$scsökkentett módunkat%2$s hogy gyorsan letilthasd a LazyLoad-ot, a Fájl Optimizálást és a CDN beállításokat. És ezután nézd meg, hogy megoldódott-e a problémád."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
-msgstr ""
-"Szeretnéd használni a csökkentett módunkat a WP Rocket hibaelhárításához?"
+msgstr "Szeretnéd használni a csökkentett módunkat a WP Rocket hibaelhárításához?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
msgstr "Igen, kapcsold be a \"%1$sCsökkentett Mód%2$s\"-ot"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:52
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
msgstr "Nem, deaktiváld a bővítmény és tüntesd el ezt az üzenetet ennyi időre"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:54
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 nap"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
msgid "7 days"
msgstr "7 nap"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:56
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
msgid "30 days"
msgstr "30 nap"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:57
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "Örökre"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:63
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Mégse"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:64
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Megerősítés"
@@ -3967,20 +2851,13 @@ msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Engedélyezd a Google Font optimizálást"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Javítja a betűtípus-betöltés teljesítményét és összevonja a különböző "
-"betűtípusok lekérését hogy csökkentse a HTTP kérések számát."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Javítja a betűtípus-betöltés teljesítményét és összevonja a különböző betűtípusok lekérését hogy csökkentse a HTTP kérések számát."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"A Google Font optimizálás engedélyezve van az oldalad számára. %1$sBővebb "
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "A Google Font optimizálás engedélyezve van az oldalad számára. %1$sBővebb információ%2$s."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3990,18 +2867,21 @@ msgstr "Optimizáld a Google Font-okat"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Ürítsd a gyorsítótárat ennyi idő után:"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -4010,11 +2890,11 @@ msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Beállítások importálása"
#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Bővítmény állapota"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Beállítások módosítása"
@@ -4026,8 +2906,7 @@ msgstr "CDN CNAME"
#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Üríti a RocketCDN által gyorsítótárazott erőforrásokat a weboldaladhoz.%s"
+msgstr "Üríti a RocketCDN által gyorsítótárazott erőforrásokat a weboldaladhoz.%s"
#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
@@ -4071,19 +2950,12 @@ msgstr "A weboldalad most már gyorsabb lett!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
-msgstr ""
-"Garantáljuk a gyors weboldalak! Ezért a WP Rocket már alapból, magától "
-"alkalmazza a web-teljesítmény gyorsítási tippek 80%-át."
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr "Garantáljuk a gyors weboldalak! Ezért a WP Rocket már alapból, magától alkalmazza a web-teljesítmény gyorsítási tippek 80%-át."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Továbbá olyan opciókat is engedélyezünk amik azonnali előnyöket nyújtanak a "
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Továbbá olyan opciókat is engedélyezünk amik azonnali előnyöket nyújtanak a weboldaladnak."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
@@ -4118,33 +2990,27 @@ msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Töröld az összes gyorsítótárazott fájlt"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Gyorsítótár előtöltés megkezdése"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Kritikus útvonalú CSS újragenerálása"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
msgstr "Töröld a felhasznált CSS-ek gyorsítótárát"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:223
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Gyakori kérdések"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:237
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Nem találtál megoldást?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:238
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Küldj egy levelet és segítséget kapsz a barátságos és okos Rakétáinktól"
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Küldj egy levelet és segítséget kapsz a barátságos és okos Rakétáinktól"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:246
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Kérdezd meg az ügyfélszolgálatot"
@@ -4153,8 +3019,7 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Mentsd le az adatbázisodat mielőtt karbantartást indítassz!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "Amint az adatbázisoptimizálás kész, nincs lehetőség visszavonni."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
@@ -4163,20 +3028,12 @@ msgstr "Mentsd a változásokat és optimizálás indítása"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s megalkotta az %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$s-t a legjobb kép "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s megalkotta az %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$s-t a legjobb kép optimizáláshoz.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Tömörítsd a képeket hogy gyorsabbá tedd a weboldaladat, mindezd úgy hogy a "
-"képek minősége nem változik."
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Tömörítsd a képeket hogy gyorsabbá tedd a weboldaladat, mindezd úgy hogy a képek minősége nem változik."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -4213,12 +3070,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$sleírás%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -4267,9 +3120,7 @@ msgstr "Problémát okozott a %s-s verzió a weboldaladon?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
msgstr "Visszatérhetsz a korábbi főverzióra itt. %s Utána írj nekünk levelet."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
@@ -4302,8 +3153,7 @@ msgstr "Találjuk meg a legjobb beállításokat a weboldaladhoz"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
-msgstr ""
-"Hogyan győződjünk meg arról hogy a WP Rocket gyorsítótárazza az oldaladat"
+msgstr "Hogyan győződjünk meg arról hogy a WP Rocket gyorsítótárazza az oldaladat"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
@@ -4365,20 +3215,12 @@ msgstr "Oldalsáv megjelenítése"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
-msgstr ""
-"Alább részletes listát látsz mindazon adatokról amiket a WP Rocket gyűjteni "
-"fog ha %1$smegadod az engedélyt.%2$s"
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr "Alább részletes listát látsz mindazon adatokról amiket a WP Rocket gyűjteni fog ha %1$smegadod az engedélyt.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"A WP Rocket soha nem fog továbbítani domain neveket email címeket (kivéve a"
-" licensz-ellenőrzéshez), IP címeket vagy külső félhez tartozó API kulcsokat."
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "A WP Rocket soha nem fog továbbítani domain neveket email címeket (kivéve a licensz-ellenőrzéshez), IP címeket vagy külső félhez tartozó API kulcsokat."
#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
@@ -4402,9 +3244,7 @@ msgstr "Hogyan mérjük le pontosan a weboldal betöltési idejét"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Tekintsd meg a bemutatónkat és tudd meg, hogyan mérheted a weboldalad "
+msgstr "Tekintsd meg a bemutatónkat és tudd meg, hogyan mérheted a weboldalad sebességét"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
@@ -4417,8 +3257,7 @@ msgstr "Tudj meg többet a WP Rocket mobilhoz való beállításáról"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
-msgstr ""
-"Teszteld és fejleszd a Google Core Web Vital értékeket WordPress számára"
+msgstr "Teszteld és fejleszd a Google Core Web Vital értékeket WordPress számára"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
@@ -4429,13 +3268,294 @@ msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Nem aktiváltad a bejelentkezett felhasználók gyorsítótárát"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Használj privát böngésző üzemmódot hogy megtekintsd a weboldalad sebességét "
-"és kinézetét a gyorsítótárazással"
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Használj privát böngésző üzemmódot hogy megtekintsd a weboldalad sebességét és kinézetét a gyorsítótárazással"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Segítségre van szükséged?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-it_IT.mo b/languages/rocket-it_IT.mo
index 95b5cf2735..e90fac25dc 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-it_IT.mo and b/languages/rocket-it_IT.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-it_IT.po b/languages/rocket-it_IT.po
index 86d04880c7..e812c82b2d 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-it_IT.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-it_IT.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Alessandro Curci
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"I file di cache più vecchi della vita utile che hai specificato verranno "
Abilita il %1$sprecaricamento%2$s in modo che la cache venga "
-"ricostruita automaticamente dopo lo scadere della vita utile."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "I file di cache più vecchi della vita utile che hai specificato verranno eliminati.
Abilita il %1$sprecaricamento%2$s in modo che la cache venga ricostruita automaticamente dopo lo scadere della vita utile."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Abilita la cache per gli utenti connessi a WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:509
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Abilita la cache per i dispositivi mobili"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:524
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Separa i file di cache per i dispositivi mobili"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"La maggior parte dei temi oggi sono responsive e dovrebbero funzionare senza"
-" una cache separata. Attiva questa opzione se usi un tema mobile o un plugin"
-" dedicato. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica un lasso di tempo dopo il quale la cache globale verrà "
(0 = illimitato)"
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "La maggior parte dei temi oggi sono responsive e dovrebbero funzionare senza una cache separata. Attiva questa opzione se usi un tema mobile o un plugin dedicato. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Specifica un lasso di tempo dopo il quale la cache globale verrà cancellata
(0 = illimitato)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Riduci la vita utile a 10 ore o meno se noti la comparsa frequente di "
-"problemi. %1$sPerché?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Riduci la vita utile a 10 ore o meno se noti la comparsa frequente di problemi. %1$sPerché?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:550
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minuti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:551
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Ore"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Giorni"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:577
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Ottimizzazione file"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:578
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Ottimizza i file CSS & JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:585
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "File CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:592
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s La minificazione è al momento attivata da Autoptimize."
-" Se vuoi usare la minificazione di %2$s, disattiva quella di Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s La minificazione è al momento attivata da Autoptimize. Se vuoi usare la minificazione di %2$s, disattiva quella di Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:595
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "File JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Minifica i file CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:612
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"La minificazione del CSS rimuove gli spazi bianchi e i commenti, riducendo "
-"la dimensione del file."
+msgstr "La minificazione del CSS rimuove gli spazi bianchi e i commenti, riducendo la dimensione del file."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:625
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:647
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Questo potrebbe creare dei malfunzionamenti!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:626
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:648
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:752
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Se noti qualsiasi errore nel tuo sito web dopo aver attivato questa opzione,"
-" disattivala: tutto tornerà alla normalità."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:627
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Se noti qualsiasi errore nel tuo sito web dopo aver attivato questa opzione, disattivala: tutto tornerà alla normalità."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Attiva minificazione CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:632
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combina i file CSS (devi selezionare prima l’opzione Minifica file "
+msgstr "Combina i file CSS (devi selezionare prima l’opzione Minifica file CSS)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La combinazione del CSS accorpa tutti i tuoi file in 1, riducendo il numero "
-"di richieste HTTP. Non raccomandiamo quest’opzione se il tuo sito usa "
-"HTTP/2. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "La combinazione del CSS accorpa tutti i tuoi file in 1, riducendo il numero di richieste HTTP. Non raccomandiamo quest’opzione se il tuo sito usa HTTP/2. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Attiva combinazione CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "File CSS esclusi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:655
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica gli URL dei file CSS da escludere dalla minificazione e "
-"concatenazione (uno per linea)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Specifica gli URL dei file CSS da escludere dalla minificazione e concatenazione (uno per linea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:656
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Nota interna:la parte di URL che contiene il dominio verrà "
-"eliminata automaticamente. Usa i caratteri jolly (.*).css per escludere "
-"tutti i file CSS collocati in uno specifico percorso."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Nota interna:la parte di URL che contiene il dominio verrà eliminata automaticamente. Usa i caratteri jolly (.*).css per escludere tutti i file CSS collocati in uno specifico percorso."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:658
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Terze parti:Per escludere i CSS esterni, usa il percorso "
-"URL completo oppure solo il nome dominio. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Terze parti:Per escludere i CSS esterni, usa il percorso URL completo oppure solo il nome dominio. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Ottimizza la pubblicazione del CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"L'ottimizzazione della pubblicazione del CSS al momento è gestita dal plugin"
-" %1$s. Se vuoi usare l'opzione Ottimizza la pubblicazione del CSS di WP "
-"Rocket, devi disattivare il plugin %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:680
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ottimizzare la pubblicazione del CSS elimina il CSS che blocca il rendering "
-"sul tuo sito web, velocizzando il tempo di caricamento percepito. %1$sPiù "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Percorso critico del CSS alternativo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:696
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Genera un percorso alternativo quando il percorso critico del CSS auto-"
-"generatosi non è completo. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:705
-msgid "Remove jQuery Migrate"
-msgstr "Rimuovi il jQuery Migrate"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Remove jQuery Migrate eliminates a JS file and can improve load time. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"L'opzione Rimuovi jQuery Migrate elimina uno script JS e può migliorare il "
-"tempo di caricamento. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Genera un percorso alternativo quando il percorso critico del CSS auto-generatosi non è completo. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:715
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Minifica i file JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:716
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minificare il JavaScript rimuove gli spazi bianchi e i commenti, riducendo "
-"la dimensione del file."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Minificare il JavaScript rimuove gli spazi bianchi e i commenti, riducendo la dimensione del file."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Attiva minificazione JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:736
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combina i file JavaScript (devi selezionare prima l’opzione Minifica "
-"file JavaScript)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Combina i file JavaScript (devi selezionare prima l’opzione Minifica file JavaScript)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Questa opzione combina i file JavaScript interni al tuo sito, quelli di "
-"terze parti e i JS inline, riducendo le richieste HTTP. Non raccomandiamo "
-"attivarla se il tuo sito usa HTTP/2. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Questa opzione combina i file JavaScript interni al tuo sito, quelli di terze parti e i JS inline, riducendo le richieste HTTP. Non raccomandiamo attivarla se il tuo sito usa HTTP/2. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:753
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Attiva combinazione JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:758 inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript Inline esclusi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica la forma dei JavScript inline da escludere dalla concatenazione "
-"(uno per linea). %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Specifica la forma dei JavScript inline da escludere dalla concatenazione (uno per linea). %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:776 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Escludere i file JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:777
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica gli URL dei file JavaScript da escludere da minificazione e "
-"concatenazione (uno per linea)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Specifica gli URL dei file JavaScript da escludere da minificazione e concatenazione (uno per linea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Per gli interni:la parte di URL che contiene il dominio "
-"verrà eliminata automaticamente. Usa i caratteri jolly (.*).js per escludere"
-" tutti i file JS collocati in uno specifico percorso."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Per gli interni:la parte di URL che contiene il dominio verrà eliminata automaticamente. Usa i caratteri jolly (.*).js per escludere tutti i file JS collocati in uno specifico percorso."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Esterni:Per escludere i JS esterni, usa il percorso URL "
-"completo oppure solo il nome dominio. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Esterni:Per escludere i JS esterni, usa il percorso URL completo oppure solo il nome dominio. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Carica il JavaScript in modalità differita"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:798
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Caricare il JavaScript in modalità differita elimina il JS che blocca il "
-"rendering sul tuo sito, cosa che può migliorare il tempo di caricamento. "
-"%1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:809
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Modalità sicura per jQuery (raccomandata)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:810
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"La modalità sicura per i JS differiti supporta le referenze di jQuery in "
-"linea per temi e plugin perché carica la jQuery in cima al documento come "
-"uno script di blocco del rendering.
La sua disattivazione potrebbe "
-"rompere alcune funzionalità, testalo con cautela!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Caricare il JavaScript in modalità differita elimina il JS che blocca il rendering sul tuo sito, cosa che può migliorare il tempo di caricamento. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:823 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Rimanda l'esecuzione del JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:825
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Migliora le prestazioni rimandando il caricamento dei file JavaScript fino "
-"all'interazione con l'utente (ad es. scroll, clic). %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
-msgid "Scripts to delay"
-msgstr "Script da rimandare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:834
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be delayed "
-"(one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica le parole chiave che possono identificare i file in linea o "
-"JavaScript da rimandare (uno per linea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:835
-msgid ""
-"A curated list of scripts that are safe to delay is provided. They may not "
-"all apply to your website and it is safe to leave the list as-is unless you "
-"face issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Ti forniamo un elenco curato di script che possono essere rimandati senza "
-"problemi. Potrebbero non essere tutti applicabili al tuo sito web ed è "
-"sicuro lasciare l'elenco così com'è, a meno che non riscontri problemi."
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Migliora le prestazioni rimandando il caricamento dei file JavaScript fino all'interazione con l'utente (ad es. scroll, clic). %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:871
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, emoji, incorporamenti, WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:929
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "Lazyload"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:932
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Può migliorare sia il tempo di caricamento reale che quello percepito, "
-"perché immagini, iframe e video verranno caricati solo quando entrano (o "
-"stanno per entrare) nell'area visibile dello schermo. Riduce inoltre il "
-"numero di richieste HTTP. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Può migliorare sia il tempo di caricamento reale che quello percepito, perché immagini, iframe e video verranno caricati solo quando entrano (o stanno per entrare) nell'area visibile dello schermo. Riduce inoltre il numero di richieste HTTP. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:939
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Il LazyLoad al momento è attivo su %2$s. Se desideri usare il LazyLoad di WP"
-" Rocket, disattiva questa opzione su %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoji 👻"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Usa gli emoji di default del browser dei visitatori del sito, invece che "
-"caricare quelli di WordPress.org"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:948
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Incorporamenti"
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "Il LazyLoad al momento è attivo su %2$s. Se desideri usare il LazyLoad di WP Rocket, disattiva questa opzione su %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:950
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-allowed) sites, and removes JavaScript "
-"requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Impedisce ad altri di incorporare contenuti dal tuo sito e a te di "
-"incorporare contenuti da altri siti (non consentiti); rimuove le richieste "
-"JavaScript relative a WordPress embeds"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:954
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "Compatibilità WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:958
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Abilita questa questa opzione se desideri che WP Rocket serva immagini WebP "
-"ai browser compatibili. Considera che WP Rocket non creerà le immagini WebP "
-"al tuo posto. Per creare immagini WebP ti raccomandiamo %1$sImagify%2$s. "
-"%3$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Abilita questa questa opzione se desideri che WP Rocket serva immagini WebP ai browser compatibili. Considera che WP Rocket non creerà le immagini WebP al tuo posto. Per creare immagini WebP ti raccomandiamo %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:985
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Abilita per le immagini"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:997
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Il LazyLoad per le immagini è al momento attivo su %2$s. Se vuoi usare il "
-"LazyLoad di %1$s, disattiva quest'opzione su %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "Il LazyLoad per le immagini è al momento attivo su %2$s. Se vuoi usare il LazyLoad di %1$s, disattiva quest'opzione su %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1005
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Abilita per iframe e video"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1020
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Sostituisci l'iframe YouTube con un'immagine di anteprima"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1021
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Questo migliora in maniera significativa il tempo di caricamento, se hai "
-"molti video YouTube in una pagina."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Questo migliora in maniera significativa il tempo di caricamento, se hai molti video YouTube in una pagina."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1031
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"L'opzione \"Sostituisci l'iframe YouTube con un'immagine di anteprima\" non "
-"è compatibile con %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1035
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Disattiva Emoji"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1036
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Disattivare gli Emoji ridurrà il numero di richieste HTTP esterne."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1044
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Disattiva gli incorporamenti WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1054
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:362
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Abilita la cache per WebP"
+msgstr "L'opzione \"Sostituisci l'iframe YouTube con un'immagine di anteprima\" non è compatibile con %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1074 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Precaricamento"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1075
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Genera i file di cache, precarica i font"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1086
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Precarica la cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1089
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Quando attivi il precaricamento, WP Rocket genererà la cache partendo dai "
-"link della tua homepage e proseguendo con le sitemap che hai specificato. Il"
-" precaricamento viene lanciato automaticamente quando aggiungi o aggiorni "
-"del contenuto; può anche essere lanciato manualmente dalla barra admin o "
-"dalla %1$sBacheca WP Rocket%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1097
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Precarica le richieste DNS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1099
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Il precaricamento dei DNS può far sì che i file esterni carichino più "
-"rapidamente, specialmente sulle reti mobili"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Il precaricamento dei DNS può far sì che i file esterni carichino più rapidamente, specialmente sulle reti mobili"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1107
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Precarica i font"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Migliora la performance perché aiuta i browser a identificare i font dentro "
-"i file CSS. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Migliora la performance perché aiuta i browser a identificare i font dentro i file CSS. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Precaricamento dei link"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1121
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Il precaricamento dei link migliora il tempo di caricamento percepito perché"
-" scarica una pagina quando un utente passa il mouse sopra il link. %1$sPiù "
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Il precaricamento dei link migliora il tempo di caricamento percepito perché scarica una pagina quando un utente passa il mouse sopra il link. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Attiva il precaricamento"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1154
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Attiva il precaricamento della cache basato sulla sitemap"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1173
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Sitemap da precaricare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica la sitemap XML (anche più di una se necessario) da usare per il "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1187
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URLs da precaricare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Specificare gli host esterni da precaricare (senza http:
, uno "
-"per riga)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificare gli host esterni da precaricare (senza http:
, uno per riga)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1197
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Font da precaricare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1198
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica gli URL dei file di font da precaricare (uno per riga). I font "
-"devono essere ospitati sul tuo dominio o sul dominio specificato nella "
-"sezione \"CDN\"."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Specifica gli URL dei file di font da precaricare (uno per riga). I font devono essere ospitati sul tuo dominio o sul dominio specificato nella sezione \"CDN\"."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"La parte di URL contenente il dominio sarà rimossa automaticamente. "
Estensioni di font consentite: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "La parte di URL contenente il dominio sarà rimossa automaticamente.
Estensioni di font consentite: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1208
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Abilita il precaricamento dei link"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1227
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Comandi avanzati"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1228
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Aggiusta regole di caching"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1237
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Le pagine sensibili come gli URL di login/logout dovrebbero essere escluse "
-"dalla cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Le pagine sensibili come gli URL di login/logout dovrebbero essere escluse dalla cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1240
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1242
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1244
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1246
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1248
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1254
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Le pagine del carrello, pagamento e ”mio account” predefinite da "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s verranno identificate ed escluse "
-"automaticamente dalla cache."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Le pagine del carrello, pagamento e ”mio account” predefinite da %1$s%2$s%3$s verranno identificate ed escluse automaticamente dalla cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1264 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Non salvare in cache questi URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1275
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Non salvare in cache i cookie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1280 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Non salvare in cache questi User Agent:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1285 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Elimina sempre la cache di questi URL:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Cache delle query strings:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1297
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sLa cache per le query string%2$s permette di forzare la memorizzazione "
-"in cache di specifici parametri GET."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificare gli URL delle pagine o degli articoli che non dovrebbero mai "
-"essere memorizzati in cache (uno per linea)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sLa cache per le query string%2$s permette di forzare la memorizzazione in cache di specifici parametri GET."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1312
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1340
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"La porzione di URL relativa al dominio non verrà inserita.
Puoi usare i "
-"caratteri jolly (.*) per gestire tutti gli URL che condividono un percorso "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificare gli URL delle pagine o degli articoli che non dovrebbero mai essere memorizzati in cache (uno per linea)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1321
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica gli ID dei cookie che, una volta attivati nel browser dei tuoi "
-"visitatori, dovrebbero impedire la memorizzazione nella cache (uno per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "La porzione di URL relativa al dominio non verrà inserita.
Puoi usare i caratteri jolly (.*) per gestire tutti gli URL che condividono un percorso comune."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificare le stringhe degli user agent che non dovrebbero mai vedere la "
-"versione in cache delle pagine (uno per riga)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificare le stringhe degli user agent che non dovrebbero mai vedere la versione in cache delle pagine (uno per riga)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1330
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa i caratteri jolly (.*) per identificare una parte del nome degli user "
+msgstr "Usa i caratteri jolly (.*) per identificare una parte del nome degli user agent."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1339
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificare gli URL per i quali cancellare sempre la cache ogni volta che si"
-" aggiorna un articolo o una pagina (uno per riga)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificare gli URL per i quali cancellare sempre la cache ogni volta che si aggiorna un articolo o una pagina (uno per riga)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1348
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificare le query string da memorizzare in cache (uno per riga)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1373 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1374
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Ottimizza e riduce la saturazione"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1383
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Pulizia articoli"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1385
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Le revisioni degli articoli e le bozze verranno cancellate permanentemente. "
-"Non usare questa opzione se hai bisogno di mantenere revisioni e bozze."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Le revisioni degli articoli e le bozze verranno cancellate permanentemente. Non usare questa opzione se hai bisogno di mantenere revisioni e bozze."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Pulizia dei commenti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1395
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
-msgstr ""
-"I commenti spam e quelli cestinati verranno cancellati permanentemente."
+msgstr "I commenti spam e quelli cestinati verranno cancellati permanentemente."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Pulizia dei transient"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1401
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"I transient sono opzioni temporanee, puoi rimuoverli senza problema. "
-"Verranno rigenerati automaticamente non appena i tuoi plugin ne avranno "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "I transient sono opzioni temporanee, puoi rimuoverli senza problema. Verranno rigenerati automaticamente non appena i tuoi plugin ne avranno bisogno."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1405
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Pulizia del database"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1407
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Riduce l’overhead delle tabelle del database"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1411
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Pulizia automatica"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revisioni"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1424
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] " %s revisione nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s revisioni nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Bozze automatiche"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1434
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s bozza nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s bozze nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1442
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Articoli cestinati"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1444
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s articolo cestinato nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s articoli cestinati nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Commenti spam"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s commento spam nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s commenti spam nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1462
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Commenti cestinati"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s commento cestinato nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s commenti cestinati nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1472
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Transient scaduti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1474
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "%s transient scaduto nel tuo database."
-msgstr[1] "%s transient scaduti nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Tutti i transient"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s transient nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s transient nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1492
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Ottimizza le tabelle"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] " %s tavola da ottimizzare nel tuo database."
msgstr[1] "%s tavole da ottimizzare nel tuo database."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Programma la pulizia automatica"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frequenza"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Giornaliera"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Settimanale"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mensile"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1543
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1554 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integra la tua CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1556
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Tutti gli URL dei file statici (CSS, JS, immagini) verranno riscritti con i "
-"CNAME(s) indicati qui sotto."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Tutti gli URL dei file statici (CSS, JS, immagini) verranno riscritti con i CNAME(s) indicati qui sotto."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è obbligatorio per servizi come Cloudflare e Sucuri. Verifica gli %1"
-"$sAdd-on%2$s disponibili."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Non è obbligatorio per servizi come Cloudflare e Sucuri. Verifica gli %1$sAdd-on%2$s disponibili."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1573 inc/admin/options.php:131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Escludi file dalla CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"L' %1$sAdd-on %2$s%3$s al momento è abilitato. La configurazione delle "
-"impostazioni del CDN non è richiesta affinché %2$s funzioni sul tuo sito. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Gli %1$sAdd-on %2$s%3$s al momento sono abilitati. La configurazione delle "
-"impostazioni del CDN non è richiesta affinché %2$s funzioni sul tuo sito. "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1624
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Abilita il Content Delivery Network"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1633
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CNAME(s) della CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1634
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Specificare i CNAME(s) qui sotto"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1641
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifica gli URL dei file che non devono essere serviti attraverso il CDN "
-"(uno per linea)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Specifica gli URL dei file che non devono essere serviti attraverso il CDN (uno per linea)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"La porzione di URL relativa al dominio non verrà inserita.
Puoi usare i "
-"caratteri jolly (.*) per escludere tutti i file della stessa tipologia che "
-"condividono un percorso comune."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "La porzione di URL relativa al dominio non verrà inserita.
Puoi usare i caratteri jolly (.*) per escludere tutti i file della stessa tipologia che condividono un percorso comune."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1664
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Controlla l'API Heartbeat di WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1673
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Ridurre o disattivare l'attività dell'API Heartbeat può aiutarti a "
-"risparmiare le risorse del tuo server."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Ridurre o disattivare l'attività dell'API Heartbeat può aiutarti a risparmiare le risorse del tuo server."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1682
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Riduci o disattiva l'attività di Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Ridurre l'attività cambierà la frequenza di Heartbeat da un hit al minuto a "
-"un hit ogni 2 minuti."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Ridurre l'attività cambierà la frequenza di Heartbeat da un hit al minuto a un hit ogni 2 minuti."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Disattivare completamente Heartbeat potrebbe compromettere la funzionalità "
-"di plugin e temi che usano questa API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Disattivare completamente Heartbeat potrebbe compromettere la funzionalità di plugin e temi che usano questa API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1697
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Non limitare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1698
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Riduci l'attività"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1699
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Disattiva"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Controlla Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Comportamento nel backend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Comportamento nell'editor dei post"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1729
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Comportamento nel frontend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1745
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1746
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Aggiungi più funzioni"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1753
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Add-on in 1-clic"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Gli Add-on in 1-clic sono componenti aggiuntivi che estendono opzioni già "
-"disponibili senza che sia necessaria alcuna configurazione. Passa l’opzione "
-"a ”on” per abilitarla da questa schermata."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Gli Add-on in 1-clic sono componenti aggiuntivi che estendono opzioni già disponibili senza che sia necessaria alcuna configurazione. Passa l’opzione a ”on” per abilitarla da questa schermata."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Add-on"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"I Rocket Add-on sono componenti aggiuntivi che estendono opzioni già "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1778
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google Tracking"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1784
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Migliora la cache del browser per Google Analytics"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1786
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket salva localmente sul tuo server questi script Google e ti aiuta a "
-"soddisfare la raccomandazione di PageSpeed Leverage browser "
-"caching(Sfrutta il caching del browser).
%1$sMaggiori "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1801
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
+msgstr "I Rocket Add-on sono componenti aggiuntivi che estendono opzioni già disponibili."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Migliora la cache del browser per Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1809
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket salverà localmente sul tuo server questi Facebook Pixel aiutandoti"
-" a soddisfare la raccomandazione PageSpeed relativa a Sfrutta il caching"
-" del browser.
%1$sMaggiori informazioni%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1822
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1923
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Integra il tuo account Cloudflare con questo componente aggiuntivo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Fornisci il tuo account email, la chiave API globale e il dominio per usare "
-"opzioni come la cancellazione della cache Cloudflare e abilitare le "
-"impostazioni ottimali con WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Fornisci il tuo account email, la chiave API globale e il dominio per usare opzioni come la cancellazione della cache Cloudflare e abilitare le impostazioni ottimali con WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1863
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Se il tuo server usa Varnish, devi attivare questo componente aggiuntivo."
+msgstr "Se il tuo server usa Varnish, devi attivare questo componente aggiuntivo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1871
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La cache Varnish verrà cancellata allo stesso tempo della cache WP Rocket "
-"così il contenuto del tuo sito sarà sempre aggiornato.
%1$sMaggiori "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "La cache Varnish verrà cancellata allo stesso tempo della cache WP Rocket così il contenuto del tuo sito sarà sempre aggiornato.
%1$sMaggiori informazioni%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1885
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Cancella la cache Sucuri e la cache WP Rocket allo stesso tempo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1888
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Inserisci la tua chiave API per cancellare la cache di Sucuri quando viene "
-"cancellata quella di WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Inserisci la tua chiave API per cancellare la cache di Sucuri quando viene cancellata quella di WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1896
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2040
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1902
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Sincronizza la cache di Sucuri con questo add-on."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1940
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Credenziali Clouflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1949
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1963
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Chiave API Globale:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1964
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Trova la tua Chiave API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1976
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Account email"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1985
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Zone ID"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Modalità sviluppo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1997
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Attiva temporaneamente la modalità sviluppo sul tuo sito. Questa "
-"impostazione verrà disattivata automaticamente dopo 3 ore. %1$sMaggiori "
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Attiva temporaneamente la modalità sviluppo sul tuo sito. Questa impostazione verrà disattivata automaticamente dopo 3 ore. %1$sMaggiori informazioni%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2005
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni ottimali"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2006
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Migliora automaticamente la configurazione del tuo Cloudflare in termini di "
-"velocità, valutazione della performance e compatibilità."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Migliora automaticamente la configurazione del tuo Cloudflare in termini di velocità, valutazione della performance e compatibilità."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2014
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Protocollo relativo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2015
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Dovrebbe essere usato solo insieme all'opzione Flexible SSL di Cloudflare. "
-"Gli URL dei file statici (CSS, JS, immagini) verranno riscritti per usare //"
-" invece che http:// o https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Dovrebbe essere usato solo insieme all'opzione Flexible SSL di Cloudflare. Gli URL dei file statici (CSS, JS, immagini) verranno riscritti per usare // invece che http:// o https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2053
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Credenziali di accesso per Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2066
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"La chiave API del firewall (per il plugin), deve essere in formato {32"
-" caratteri}/{32 caratteri}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Trova la tua Chiave API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:461 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Carica il file e importa le impostazioni"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:400
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Add-on Sucuri: la chiave API per il firewall Sucuri deve essere in formato "
-"{32 caratteri}/{32 caratteri}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Add-on Sucuri: la chiave API per il firewall Sucuri deve essere in formato {32 caratteri}/{32 caratteri}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Impostazioni salvate."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:141
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Strumenti"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Importa, Esporta, Rollback"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:163
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Ottimizzazione immagini"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:164
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Comprimi le tue immagini"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:182
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Video tutorial per iniziare con WP Rocket (in inglese)"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr "RocketCDN non è disponibile in questo momento. Riprova più tardi."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: manca il parametro di "
+msgstr "L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: manca il parametro di identificazione."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
-msgstr ""
-"L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: manca il token utente."
+msgstr "L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: manca il token utente."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: l'API ha restituito un "
-"codice di risposta inaspettato."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: l'API ha restituito un codice di risposta inaspettato."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: l'API ha restituito una"
-" risposta vuota."
+msgstr "L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: l'API ha restituito una risposta vuota."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: l'API ha restituito una"
-" risposta inaspettata."
+msgstr "L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: l'API ha restituito una risposta inaspettata."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "L'eliminazione della cache RocketCDN non è riuscita: %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "La cache di RocketCDN è stata eliminata correttamente."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Prossima data di fatturazione"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Nessun abbonamento"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Il tuo abbonamento a RocketCDN è ora attivo."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Per usare RocketCDN sostituisci il CNAME con %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "Gestisci il tuo abbonamento"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN è attivo"
@@ -1755,32 +1196,30 @@ msgstr "RocketCDN è attivo"
msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN non è attivo"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Cancella questa cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:330
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "Valore di WP_CACHE"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:351
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"La costante WP_CACHE deve essere impostata su true affinché la cache WP "
-"Rocket funzioni correttamente"
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "La costante WP_CACHE deve essere impostata su true affinché la cache WP Rocket funzioni correttamente"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
msgstr "WP_CACHE è impostata su true"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:368
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
msgstr "WP_CACHE non è impostata"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:376
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE è impostata su false"
@@ -1790,24 +1229,14 @@ msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per %1$s. Errore: %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:66
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico mobile per %1$s. Errore: l'API"
-" ha restituito una risposta vuota."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico mobile per %1$s. Errore: l'API ha restituito una risposta vuota."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per %1$s. Errore: l'API ha "
-"restituito una risposta vuota."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per %1$s. Errore: l'API ha restituito una risposta vuota."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
@@ -1815,148 +1244,123 @@ msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per mobile per%1$s."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:193
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per %1$s."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico mobile per %1$s. Errore: l'API"
-" ha restituito un codice di risposta non valido."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico mobile per %1$s. Errore: l'API ha restituito un codice di risposta non valido."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per %1$s. Errore: l'API ha "
-"restituito un codice di risposta non valido."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico per %1$s. Errore: l'API ha restituito un codice di risposta non valido."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:200
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "Error: %1$s"
msgstr "Errore: %1$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:260
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Rigenera il percorso critico del CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Genera il percorso critico CSS specifico."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Rigenera il CPCSS specifico"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:199
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
msgstr "%l per usare questa funzionalità."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:202
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
#, php-format
msgid "Publish the %s"
msgstr "Pubblica il %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:203
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in WP Rocket settings"
-msgstr "Abilita la pubblicazione del CSS nelle impostazioni WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:204
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in the options above"
-msgstr "Abilita la pubblicazione del CSS nelle opzioni di cui sopra"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "La generazione del CSS critico è in esecuzione."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:152
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Vai alla pagina %1$sImpostazioni WP Rocket%2$s per monitorare il progresso."
+msgstr "Vai alla pagina %1$sImpostazioni WP Rocket%2$s per monitorare il progresso."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:366
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"La generazione del CSS critico è in corso: %1$d di %2$d tipi di pagina sono "
-"stati completati. (Aggiorna la pagina per vedere il progresso)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "La generazione del CSS critico è in corso: %1$d di %2$d tipi di pagina sono stati completati. (Aggiorna la pagina per vedere il progresso)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:438
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-"La generazione del CSS critico è terminata per %1$d di %2$d tipi di pagina."
+msgstr "La generazione del CSS critico è terminata per %1$d di %2$d tipi di pagina."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-"Si sono verificati uno o più errori nella generazione del CSS critico."
+msgstr "Si sono verificati uno o più errori nella generazione del CSS critico."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Maggiori informazioni."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:102
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
msgstr "Il file del CSS critico mobile non esiste"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:104
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
msgstr "Il file del CSS critico non esiste"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:116
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Non è possibile eliminare il file del CSS critico mobile"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:118
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Non è possibile eliminare il file del CSS critico"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:186
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "Non è stato possibile generare il CSS critico mobile per %1$s. "
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:227
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
msgstr "Stiamo generando il CSS critico per %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:261
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Il CSS critico mobile per %s è stato generato."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:272
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Il CSS critico per %s è stato generato."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:294
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
msgstr "Il file del CSS critico è stato eliminato correttamente."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:316
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Il CSS critico mobile per %1$s è entrato in timeout. Riprova più tardi."
+msgstr "Il CSS critico mobile per %1$s è entrato in timeout. Riprova più tardi."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:329
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
msgstr "Il CSS critico per %1$s è entrato in timeout. Riprova più tardi."
@@ -1972,29 +1376,17 @@ msgstr "L'articolo richiesto non esiste."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è possibile generare il percorso critico del CSS per gli articoli non "
+msgstr "Non è possibile generare il percorso critico del CSS per gli articoli non pubblicati."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Il seguenti evento programmato non è stato eseguito. Questo potrebbe "
-"indicare che il sistema CRON non stia funzionando correttamente, il che può "
-"impedire ad alcune funzionalità di WP Rocket di operare come previsto:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"I seguenti eventi programmati non sono stati eseguiti. Questo potrebbe "
-"indicare che il sistema CRON non stia funzionando correttamente, il che può "
-"impedire ad alcune funzionalità di WP Rocket di operare come previsto:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Il seguenti evento programmato non è stato eseguito. Questo potrebbe indicare che il sistema CRON non stia funzionando correttamente, il che può impedire ad alcune funzionalità di WP Rocket di operare come previsto:"
+msgstr[1] "I seguenti eventi programmati non sono stati eseguiti. Questo potrebbe indicare che il sistema CRON non stia funzionando correttamente, il che può impedire ad alcune funzionalità di WP Rocket di operare come previsto:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr "Contatta il tuo host per verificare se il CRON sta funzionando."
@@ -2019,261 +1411,56 @@ msgstr "Precaricamento"
msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
msgstr "Processo di generazione del CSS critico"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/Settings.php:104
-msgid "Restore Defaults"
-msgstr "Ripristina i valori predefiniti"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento. Non è stato possibile "
-"radunare i link su %1$s a causa del seguente errore: %2$s. %3$sMaggiori "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento. %1$s non è accessibile a "
-"causa del seguente codice di risposta: %2$s. È possibile che le misure di "
-"sicurezza stiano impedendo l'accesso. %3$sMaggiori informazioni%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento. %1$s non è accessibile a "
-"causa del seguente codice di risposta: 404. Assicurati che la tua homepage "
-"sia accessibile dal browser. %2$sMaggiori informazioni%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento. %1$s non è accessibile a "
-"causa del seguente codice di risposta: 500. Verifica con il tuo host gli "
-"accessi al server. %2$sMaggiori informazioni%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento. Non è possibile radunare i "
-"link su %1$s a causa del seguente codice di risposta: %2$s. %3$sMaggiori "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:237
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Precaricamento: WP Rocket ha iniziato a precaricare il tuo sito."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:283
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Precaricamento: %1$s pagina che non era in cache ora è stata precaricata. "
-"(Aggiorna per vedere l'avanzamento)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Precaricamento: %1$s pagine che non erano in cache ora sono state "
-"precaricate. (Aggiorna per vedere l'avanzamento)"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:292
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Si è verificato il seguente errore durante la raccolta degli URL da "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Si sono verificati i seguenti errori durante la raccolta degli URL da "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:344
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Precaricamento completo: %d pagine sono state salvate in cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. Non è stato "
-"possibile radunare i link su %1$s a causa del seguente errore: %2$s. "
-"%3$sMaggiori informazioni%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. %1$s non è "
-"accessibile a causa del seguente codice di risposta: %2$s. È possibile che "
-"le misure di sicurezza stiano impedendo l'accesso. %3$sMaggiori "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. %1$s non è "
-"accessibile a causa del seguente codice di risposta: 404. Verifica di aver "
-"inserito l'URL corretta per la sitemap e che sia accessibile dal browser. "
-"%2$sMaggiori informazioni%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. %1$s non è "
-"accessibile a causa del seguente codice di risposta: 500. Verifica con il "
-"tuo host che l'accesso al server sia disponibile. %2$sMaggiori "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. Non è stato "
-"possibile radunare i link su %1$s a causa del seguente codice di risposta: "
-"%2$s. %3$sMaggiori informazioni%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. Non è stato "
-"possibile radunare i link da %1$s perché il file è vuoto. %2$sMaggiori "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore durante il precaricamento della sitemap. Non è stato "
-"possibile collezionare i link da %1$s a causa di un errore durante l'analisi"
-" della sitemap XML. %2$sMaggiori informazioni%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sL'estensione PHP SimpleXML%2$s non è abilitata sul tuo server. Contatta "
-"il tuo host per abilitarla prima di attivare il precaricamento della cache "
-"basato sulla sitemap."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"L'opzione di eliminazione automatica della cache Varnish verrà "
-"automaticamente abilitata non appena Varnish sarà attivo sul tuo server %s."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "L'opzione di eliminazione automatica della cache Varnish verrà automaticamente abilitata non appena Varnish sarà attivo sul tuo server %s."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Disattiva la seguente %s opzione che entra in conflitto con WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Disattiva le seguenti %s opzioni che entrano in conflitto con WP Rocket:"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Disattiva la seguente %s opzione che entra in conflitto con WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Disattiva le seguenti %s opzioni che entrano in conflitto con WP Rocket:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"L'opzione %2$sDisattiva emoji%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con l'opzione "
-"%2$sDisattiva emoji%3$s di WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "L'opzione %2$sDisattiva emoji%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con l'opzione %2$sDisattiva emoji%3$s di WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"La %2$scompressione GZIP%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la "
-"%2$sCompression GZIP%3$s di WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "La %2$scompressione GZIP%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la %2$sCompression GZIP%3$s di WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"La %2$scache del browser%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la %2$scache del"
-" browser%3$s di WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "La %2$scache del browser%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la %2$scache del browser%3$s di WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La %2$scache di pagina%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la %2$scache di "
-"pagina%3$s di WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "La %2$scache di pagina%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la %2$scache di pagina%3$s di WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"L'%2$sottimizzazione degli asset%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la "
-"sezione %2$sOttimizzazione File%3$s di WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "L'%2$sottimizzazione degli asset%3$s di %1$s entra in conflitto con la sezione %2$sOttimizzazione File%3$s di WP Rocket."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:110 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:128
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:367
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Supporto"
@@ -2282,126 +1469,118 @@ msgstr "Supporto"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Docs"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:355
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:64
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:225 inc/admin/admin.php:240
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Tornare all'aggiornamento %s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:266
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sTorna a WP Rocket%2$s o %3$svai alla pagina dei Plugin%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
-msgstr ""
-"Importazione delle impostazioni non riuscito: non hai i permessi per "
-"compiere questa azione."
+msgstr "Importazione delle impostazioni non riuscito: non hai i permessi per compiere questa azione."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:507
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Importazione delle impostazioni non riuscito: nessun file caricato."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:511
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Importazione delle impostazioni: nome del file errato."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:522
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Importazione delle impostazioni: tipologia di file non corretta."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:532
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "L'importazione delle impostazioni non è andata a buon fine:"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:548
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
-msgstr ""
-"L'importazione delle impostazioni non è andata a buon fine: contenuto del "
-"file inatteso."
+msgstr "L'importazione delle impostazioni non è andata a buon fine: contenuto del file inatteso."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:569
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Impostazioni importate e salvate."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:149
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s: %2$s."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:159
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Il seguente pattern non è valido ed è stato rimosso:"
msgstr[1] "I seguenti pattern non sono validi e sono stati rimossi:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:768
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:85 inc/common/admin-bar.php:137
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:124
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Cancella la cache"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "Opzioni WP Rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Non mettere in cache questa pagina"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Attiva le seguenti opzioni su questo articolo:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad per le immagini"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad per iframe e video"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "Minifica/combina CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "Minifica/combina JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr "Ottimizza la pubblicazione del CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "JS differito"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:85
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Attiva prima l'opzione %s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:101
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sNota:%2$s Nessuna di queste opzioni verrà applicata se questo post è "
-"stato precedentemente escluso dalla cache nelle opzioni generali."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sNota:%2$s Nessuna di queste opzioni verrà applicata se questo post è stato precedentemente escluso dalla cache nelle opzioni generali."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:25 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2410,209 +1589,142 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s non è stato disattivato perché mancano i permessi di scrittura necessari.
"Rendi %2$s riscrivibile e riprova a disattivare, o forza la disattivazione ora:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:91
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Uno o più plugin sono stati abilitati o disabilitati: "
-"cancella la cache se vedi qualche problema di visualizzazione sul tuo sito."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:184
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"L'add-on di Cloudflare offre delle funzionalità simili che non possono "
-"essere attivate allo stesso tempo."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Uno o più plugin sono stati abilitati o disabilitati: cancella la cache se vedi qualche problema di visualizzazione sul tuo sito."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:208
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: I seguenti plugin non sono compatibili con questo "
-"plugin e possono causare risultati indesiderati:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: I seguenti plugin non sono compatibili con questo plugin e possono causare risultati indesiderati:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:214
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Disattiva"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:256
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"Il plugin WP Rocket Footer JS non è un add-on ufficiale di WP Rocket, e può "
-"impedire ad alcune opzioni di WP Rocket di funzionare correttamente: "
-"disattivalo in caso di problemi."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "Il plugin WP Rocket Footer JS non è un add-on ufficiale di WP Rocket, e può impedire ad alcune opzioni di WP Rocket di funzionare correttamente: disattivalo in caso di problemi."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:296
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache è attivo, e questo crea un conflitto con la cache di WP "
-"Rocket. Per evitare problemi, imposta il livello di cache di Endurance Cache"
-" su Off (livello 0) nella pagina %1$sImpostazioni > Generali%2$s."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache è attivo, e questo crea un conflitto con la cache di WP Rocket. Per evitare problemi, imposta il livello di cache di Endurance Cache su Off (livello 0) nella pagina %1$sImpostazioni > Generali%2$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:317
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: È necessario impostare una struttura dei permalink personalizzata per "
-"far funzionare correttamente il plugin. %2$sVai alle impostazioni dei "
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: È necessario impostare una struttura dei permalink personalizzata per far funzionare correttamente il plugin. %2$sVai alle impostazioni dei permalink%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:364
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s non ha potuto modificare il file .htaccess perché mancano i permessi di "
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s non ha potuto modificare il file .htaccess perché mancano i permessi di scrittura."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:370 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Risoluzione del problema: %1$sCome rendere riscrivibili i file di "
+msgstr "Risoluzione del problema: %1$sCome rendere riscrivibili i file di sistema?%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:372 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:847
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:378
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Non ti preoccupare, il caching di pagina di WP Rocket e le altre "
-"impostazioni funzioneranno correttamente."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Non ti preoccupare, il caching di pagina di WP Rocket e le altre impostazioni funzioneranno correttamente."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:378
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Per una prestazione ottimale, ti raccomandiamo di aggiungere le seguenti "
-"linee nel file .htaccess (ma non è obbligatorio):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Per una prestazione ottimale, ti raccomandiamo di aggiungere le seguenti linee nel file .htaccess (ma non è obbligatorio):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:525
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s è pronto a partire! %2$sFai un test della velocità di caricamento%4$s, "
-"o verifica le tue %3$simpostazioni%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s è pronto a partire! %2$sFai un test della velocità di caricamento%4$s, o verifica le tue %3$simpostazioni%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:598
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vuoi permettere a WP Rocket di raccogliere da questo sito web dei dati di "
-"diagnostica non sensibili?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Vuoi permettere a WP Rocket di raccogliere da questo sito web dei dati di diagnostica non sensibili?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:599
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Questo in futuro ci permetterà di migliorare WP Rocket per te."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:605
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Quali dati raccogliamo?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Qui sotto trovi una lista dettagliata dei dati che WP Rocket raccoglierà, se"
-" vorrai dargli il permesso di farlo. WP Rocket non trasmetterà nessun nome "
-"di dominio o indirizzo email (eccetto che per la validazione della licenza),"
-" indirizzi IP o le chiavi API di terze parti."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Qui sotto trovi una lista dettagliata dei dati che WP Rocket raccoglierà, se vorrai dargli il permesso di farlo. WP Rocket non trasmetterà nessun nome di dominio o indirizzo email (eccetto che per la validazione della licenza), indirizzi IP o le chiavi API di terze parti."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:619
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Si, ve lo permetto"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:622
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "No, grazie"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:661
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Grazie!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:666
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket ora collezionerà queste metriche dal tuo sito web:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:704
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache cancellata."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:711
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache dell'articolo cancellata."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:718
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache del termine cancellata."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:725
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Cache utente cancellata."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:771
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Interrompi il precaricamento"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Forza la disattivazione "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Sarebbe stato necessario scrivere il codice seguente su questo file:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:812 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Chiudi questa notifica."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:833
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s non può configurarsi perché mancano dei permessi di scrittura."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:839
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "File/cartella interessata: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Transient"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelle"
@@ -2627,29 +1739,17 @@ msgstr "Per funzionare correttamente, %1$s %2$s richiede almeno:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Per usare questa versione di WP Rocket, chiedi al tuo host come "
-"aggiornare il tuo server a PHP %1$s o superiore."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Per usare questa versione di WP Rocket, chiedi al tuo host come aggiornare il tuo server a PHP %1$s o superiore."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Per usare questa versione di WP Rocket, aggiorna WordPress "
-"alla versione %1$s o superiore."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Per usare questa versione di WP Rocket, aggiorna WordPress alla versione %1$s o superiore."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Se non ti è possibile fare l’aggiornamento, puoi ritornare alla versione "
-"precedente usando il pulsante qui sotto."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Se non ti è possibile fare l’aggiornamento, puoi ritornare alla versione precedente usando il pulsante qui sotto."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -2657,287 +1757,171 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Reinstalla la versione %s"
-#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:439
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
#, php-format
msgid "Every %d Minutes"
msgstr "Ogni %d minuti"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:254
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:286
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Il file di registro (log) non esiste."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Non è stato possibile leggere il file di registro (log)."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:279
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "I registri (log) non sono stati salvati in un file."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Cache/class-expired-cache-purge-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Intervallo della cache WP Rocket scaduto"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Stai già usando %1$s per servire le immagini WebP, per cui non hai bisogno "
-"di abilitare questa opzione. Se preferisci che sia WP Rocket a servire i "
-"file WebP al tuo posto, disabilita l'opzione di %1$s. %2$sMaggiori "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Stai già usando %1$s per servire le immagini WebP, per cui non hai bisogno "
-"di abilitare questa opzione. Se preferisci che sia WP Rocket a servire i "
-"file WebP al tuo posto, disabilita l'opzione di %1$s. %2$sPiù info%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:280
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "La cache WebP è stata disattivata tramite filtro."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:290
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:316
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Stai usando %1$sper convertire le immagini in formato WebP. Se vuoi che WP "
-"Rocket si occupi di servire questi file, attiva questa opzione. %2$sPiù "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Stai usando %1$s per convertire le immagini in formato WebP. Se vuoi che WP "
-"Rocket si occupi di servire questi file, attiva questa opzione. %2$sPiù "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:302
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Stai usando %1$s per convertire le immagini in formato WebP. WP Rocket "
-"creerà un file di cache separato per servire le tue immagini WebP. %2$sPiù "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Stai usando %1$s per convertire le immagini in formato WebP. WP Rocket "
-"creerà un file di cache separato per servire le tue immagini WebP. %2$sPiù "
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Stai usando %1$sper convertire le immagini in formato WebP. Se vuoi che WP Rocket si occupi di servire questi file, attiva questa opzione. %2$sPiù info%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Stai usando %1$s per convertire le immagini in formato WebP. Se vuoi che WP Rocket si occupi di servire questi file, attiva questa opzione. %2$sPiù info%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Sembra che tu non stia usando un metodo compatibile con WP Rocket per creare"
-" e servire i file WeP. Se non stai usando il formato WebP non abilitare "
-"questa opzione. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:354
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "Non abbiamo identificato nessun plugin per WebP compatibile!"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Stai usando %1$s per convertire le immagini in formato WebP. WP Rocket creerà un file di cache separato per servire le tue immagini WebP. %2$sPiù info%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Stai usando %1$s per convertire le immagini in formato WebP. WP Rocket creerà un file di cache separato per servire le tue immagini WebP. %2$sPiù info%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:357
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Se attivi questa opzione, WP Rocket creerà dei file di cache separati per "
-"servire le immagini WebP. Qualsiasi immagine WebP presente sul tuo sito "
-"verrà servita da questi file ai browser compatibili. Se ancora non hai "
-"immagini WebP sul tuo sito, prendi in considerazione %1$sImagify%3$s o un "
-"altro plugin supportato. %2$sPiù info%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:369
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket creerà dei file di cache separati per servire le tue immagini "
+msgstr "WP Rocket creerà dei file di cache separati per servire le tue immagini WebP."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Non siamo riusciuti a identificare il seguente requisito nel tuo tema: %1$s "
-"di chiusura."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Non siamo riusciuti a identificare i seguenti requisiti nel tuo tema: %1$s "
-"di chiusura."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Non siamo riusciuti a identificare il seguente requisito nel tuo tema: %1$s di chiusura."
+msgstr[1] "Non siamo riusciuti a identificare i seguenti requisiti nel tuo tema: %1$s di chiusura."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:98
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "mensile"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Il processo di ottimizzazione del database è in corso"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-"Il processo di ottimizzazione del database è completo. Era già tutto "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgstr "Il processo di ottimizzazione del database è completo. Era già tutto ottimizzato!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:245
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"Il processo di ottimizzazione del database è completo. Ecco la lista degli "
-"elementi ottimizzati:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "Il processo di ottimizzazione del database è completo. Ecco la lista degli elementi ottimizzati:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s ottimizzati."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:116
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Errore nell'eliminazione della cache Sucuri: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:121
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Stiamo cancellando la cache Sucuri. Tieni in considerazione che questo "
-"processo di pulizia potrebbe durare fino a 2 minuti."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Stiamo cancellando la cache Sucuri. Tieni in considerazione che questo processo di pulizia potrebbe durare fino a 2 minuti."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:244
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "La chiave API del firewall Sucuri non è stata trovata."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "La chiave API del firewall Sucuri non è valida."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore quando abbiamo provato a contattare l'API del firewall "
-"di Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"C'è stato un errore quando abbiamo provato a contattare l'API del firewall "
-"di Sucuri. Il messaggio di errore era: %s"
+msgstr "C'è stato un errore quando abbiamo provato a contattare l'API del firewall di Sucuri. Il messaggio di errore era: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:338
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è stato possibile avere una risposta dall'API del firewall di Sucuri."
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile avere una risposta dall'API del firewall di Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:352
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-"Abbiamo ricevuto una risposta non valida dall'API del firewall di Sucuri."
+msgstr "Abbiamo ricevuto una risposta non valida dall'API del firewall di Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:365
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "L'API del firewall di Sucuri ha restituito un errore sconosciuto."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:368
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] "L'API del firewall di Sucuri ha restituito il seguente errore: %s"
msgstr[1] "L'API del firewall di Sucuri ha restituito i seguenti errori: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Si è verificato un errore imprevisto. Potrebbe esserci qualcosa che non va "
-"su wp-rocket.me o nella configurazione di questo server. Se il problema "
-"persiste, contatta il servizio di supporto."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto. Potrebbe esserci qualcosa che non va su wp-rocket.me o nella configurazione di questo server. Se il problema persiste, contatta il servizio di supporto."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:293
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Tutte le lingue"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Svuota la cache di questo articolo"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Elimina la cache per questo URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Cancella OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:210
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Cancella la cache Cloudflare"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:228
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Elimina la cache di Sucuri"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:251 inc/common/admin-bar.php:305
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Precarica la cache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:330 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Elimina la cache di RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:343 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentazione"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:557
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "La pulizia di OPcache è fallita."
-#: inc/common/purge.php:562
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache è stata ripulita con successo"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Attiva Imagify"
@@ -2946,12 +1930,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Installa Imagify gratuitamente"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Velocizza il tuo sito web e dai un'accelerata al tuo SEO riducendo la "
-"dimensione dei file immagine senza perdere qualità grazie a Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Velocizza il tuo sito web e dai un'accelerata al tuo SEO riducendo la dimensione dei file immagine senza perdere qualità grazie a Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -2964,12 +1944,8 @@ msgstr "Precaricamento sitemap: è stata creata la cache per %d pagine."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Precaricamento sitemap: sono state precaricate %d pagine che non erano in "
-"cache. (Aggiorna per verificare il progresso)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Precaricamento sitemap: sono state precaricate %d pagine che non erano in cache. (Aggiorna per verificare il progresso)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -2979,53 +1955,34 @@ msgstr "Scegliere un dominio dalla lista"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Non ci sono domini disponibili nel tuo account CloudFlare"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl è disabilitato sul tuo server e dovresti chiedere al tuo host di "
-"abilitarlo: è necessario affinché l'Add-on di Cloudflare funzioni "
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl è disabilitato sul tuo server e dovresti chiedere al tuo host di abilitarlo: è necessario affinché l'Add-on di Cloudflare funzioni correttamente."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"L'email Cloudflare, la chiave API o il Zone ID non sono configurati. Leggi "
-"la %1$sdocumentazione%2$s per maggiori dettagli."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "L'email Cloudflare, la chiave API o il Zone ID non sono configurati. Leggi la %1$sdocumentazione%2$s per maggiori dettagli."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"L'email Cloudflare e la chiave API non sono configurati. Leggi la "
-"%1$sdocumentazione%2$s per maggiori dettagli."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "L'email Cloudflare e la chiave API non sono configurati. Leggi la %1$sdocumentazione%2$s per maggiori dettagli."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Connessione a Cloudflare fallita"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"La classe chiamata %1$s è obsoleta a partire dalla versione"
-" %2$s! Usa invece la %3$s."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "La classe chiamata %1$s è obsoleta a partire dalla versione %2$s! Usa invece la %3$s."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"La classe chiamata %1$s è obsoleta a partire dalla versione"
-" %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr "La classe chiamata %1$s è obsoleta a partire dalla versione %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
@@ -3035,15 +1992,13 @@ msgstr "File JS con caricamento JavaScript differito"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Aggiungi URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Prima di poter caricare il tuo file di importazione, è necessario correggere"
-" il seguente errore:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Prima di poter caricare il tuo file di importazione, è necessario correggere il seguente errore:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Scegliere un file dal computer (dimensione massima: %s)"
@@ -3064,7 +2019,8 @@ msgstr "Salva e ottimizza"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Ottimizza"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Nota:"
@@ -3079,7 +2035,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Individuata funzione di un plugin di terzi:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Attenzione:"
@@ -3093,29 +2050,39 @@ msgstr "Scarica impostazioni"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Sostituisci il nome host del sito con:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "riservato per"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tutti i file"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Immagini"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Aggiungi CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:16
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Guarda il video"
@@ -3133,177 +2100,144 @@ msgstr "Avanzate"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$s richiede almeno PHP %3$s per funzionare correttamente. Per usare "
-"questa versione, chiedi al tuo hosting di aggiornare il tuo server a PHP "
-"%3$s o superiore. Se non ti è possibile fare questo aggiornamento, puoi "
-"tornare alla versione precedente usando il bottone qui sotto."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s richiede almeno PHP %3$s per funzionare correttamente. Per usare questa versione, chiedi al tuo hosting di aggiornare il tuo server a PHP %3$s o superiore. Se non ti è possibile fare questo aggiornamento, puoi tornare alla versione precedente usando il bottone qui sotto."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Sembra ci sia un problema con la validazione della tua licenza. Puoi vedere "
-"il messaggio di errore qui di seguito:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Sembra ci sia un problema con la validazione della tua licenza. Puoi vedere "
-"i messaggi di errore qui di seguito:"
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Sembra ci sia un problema con la validazione della tua licenza. Puoi vedere il messaggio di errore qui di seguito:"
+msgstr[1] "Sembra ci sia un problema con la validazione della tua licenza. Puoi vedere i messaggi di errore qui di seguito:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:363
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Tipo di server:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:372
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:370
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "Numero di versione PHP:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:381
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:379
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "Numero di versione WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:390
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:388
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "Multisito WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:399
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:397
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Tema corrente:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:408
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:406
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Lingua corrente del sito:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:417
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:415
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Plugin attivi:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:420
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:418
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Nome plugin di tutti i plugin attivi"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:426
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:424
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Impostazioni WP Rocket anonime:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:429
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:427
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Quali impostazioni WP Rocket sono attive"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:527 inc/functions/options.php:566
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"La validazione della licenza non è riuscita. Il nostro server non ha potuto "
-"risolvere la richiesta proveniente dal tuo sito web."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "La validazione della licenza non è riuscita. Il nostro server non ha potuto risolvere la richiesta proveniente dal tuo sito web."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:527 inc/functions/options.php:566
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Prova a fare clic su %1$sSalva Modifiche%2$s. Se l'errore persiste, segui "
-"%3$squesta guida%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Prova a fare clic su %1$sSalva Modifiche%2$s. Se l'errore persiste, segui %3$squesta guida%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:543
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"La validazione della licenza non è riuscita. È possibile che tu stia usando "
-"una versione pirata del plugin. Fai quanto segue:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "La validazione della licenza non è riuscita. È possibile che tu stia usando una versione pirata del plugin. Fai quanto segue:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:543 inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Connettiti al tuo %1$saccount%2$s WP Rocket"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:543 inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Scarica il file zip"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:543 inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Reinstallare"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:543
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Se non hai un account WP Rocket, %1$scompra una licenza%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"La convalida della licenza non è riuscita. L'account dell'utente non esiste "
-"nel nostro database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "La convalida della licenza non è riuscita. L'account dell'utente non esiste nel nostro database."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Per risolvere, contatta il supporto."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
-msgstr ""
-"Convalida della licenza non riuscita. Questo account utente è bloccato."
+msgstr "Convalida della licenza non riuscita. Questo account utente è bloccato."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Leggi %1$squesta guida%2$s per avere più informazioni."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:579
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "La tua licenza non è valida."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:579
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Assicurati di avere un %1$slicenza WP Rocket%2$s attiva."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:581
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Ha aggiunto il numero massimo di siti permessi dalla tua licenza."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:581
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Fai un upgrade del tuo %1$saccount%2$s o %3$strasferisci la tua licenza%2$s "
-"su questo dominio."
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Fai un upgrade del tuo %1$saccount%2$s o %3$strasferisci la tua licenza%2$s su questo dominio."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:583
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Questo sito web non è consentito."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:583
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Per favore %1$scontatta il supporto%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "La chiave della licenza non è stata riconosciuta."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Se il problema persiste, %1$scontatta il supporto%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "La convalida della licenza non è riuscita. %s"
@@ -3328,41 +2262,24 @@ msgstr "L'installazione del plugin non è riuscita."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Torna indietro"
-#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
-msgid "Optimize CSS delivery for mobile"
-msgstr "Ottimizza la pubblicazione del CSS per mobile"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"Il tuo sito web utilizza al momento lo stesso percorso di CSS critico sia "
-"per desktop che per mobile."
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "Il tuo sito web utilizza al momento lo stesso percorso di CSS critico sia per desktop che per mobile."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Fai clic sul pulsante per attivare sul tuo sito il percorso critico CSS "
-"specifico per mobile."
+msgstr "Fai clic sul pulsante per attivare sul tuo sito il percorso critico CSS specifico per mobile."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Questa è un'azione una tantum per cui questo pulsante verrà poi rimosso. "
-"%1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Questa è un'azione una tantum per cui questo pulsante verrà poi rimosso. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Il tuo sito ora sta usando il percorso critico CSS specifico per mobile. "
-"%1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Il tuo sito ora sta usando il percorso critico CSS specifico per mobile. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3375,270 +2292,33 @@ msgstr "Percorso critico del CSS "
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Genera il percorso critico CSS specifico per questo articolo. %1$sPiù "
+msgstr "Genera il percorso critico CSS specifico per questo articolo. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo articolo usa un percorso critico CSS specifico. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgstr "Questo articolo usa un percorso critico CSS specifico. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
msgstr "Torna al CPCSS predefinito"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Ritorna"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "Feedback su WP Rocket"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Chiudi"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-"Possiamo avere qualche info in più sul perché vuoi disattivare il plugin?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sIt is a temporary deactivation.%2$s I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sÈ una disattivazione temporanea.%2$s Sto solo cercando di risolvere un "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin %1$sbroke my layout%2$s or some functionality."
-msgstr "Il plugin %1$sha rotto il mio layout%2$s o un'altra funzionalità. "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix %1$sscore did not improve.%2$s"
-msgstr "Il mio %1$spunteggio PageSpeed o GTMetrix non è migliorato.%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Non ho notato differenza nel tempo di caricamento."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:66
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin is %1$stoo complicated to configure.%2$s"
-msgstr "Il plugin è %1$stroppo complicato da configurare.%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Il mio host include già un sistema di cache."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:74
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Qual è il nome del tuo hosting web?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Altro"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Facci sapere perché stai disattivando WP Rocket, ci aiuterai a migliorare il"
-" plugin"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Il plugin ha rotto il layout del sito o una delle sue funzionalità"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:90
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Questo tipo di problemi di solito può essere risolto disattivando alcune "
-"opzioni di WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Fai clic su \"Applica modalità sicura\" per disattivare rapidamente le "
-"opzioni LazyLoad, Ottimizzazione File, Incorporamenti e CDN. Poi controlla "
-"il tuo sito web per verificare che il problema sia risolto."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Applica modalità sicura"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Modalità sicura attiva."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-"Verifica il tuo sito da una finestra privata del browser o disconnettiti da "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Il problema è risolto? Ora puoi riattivare le opzioni una alla volta per "
-"determinare quale di loro aveva causato il problema. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Il mio punteggio PageSpeed o GTMetrix non è migliorato"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket rende il tuo sito più rapido. I punteggi di PageSpeed o GTMetrix "
-"non sono indicatori di velocità. Nè i tuoi visitatori reali né Google "
-"vedranno mai il ”punteggio” del tuo sito web. La velocità è l’unica metrica "
-"che conta per il SEO e le conversioni."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-"Yoast, gli esperti di tutto ciò che riguarda la SEO WordPress, affermano:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:110
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] considera solo quando velocemente carica il tuo sito web, per cui "
-"non devi ossessionarti con i punteggi specifici. Devi assicurarti che il tuo"
-" sito web sia il più veloce possibile."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:116
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-msgstr ""
-"Come misurare il tempo di caricamento del tuo sito: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score: %1$shttps://wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"Perché non dovresti star dietro al punteggio PageSpeed: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:127
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Non ho notato una differenza nel tempo di caricamento"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:128
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Assicurati di visualizzare il tuo sito senza aver fatto accesso al tuo "
-"account WordPress: solo così vedrai le pagine in cache!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:132
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your website:"
-" %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-"
-msgstr ""
-"Il modo migliore per vedere il miglioramento apportato da WP Rocket è quello"
-" di eseguire test di velocità. Segui questa guida per misurare il tempo di "
-"caricamento del tuo sito: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:137
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Il plugin è troppo complicato da configurare"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:138
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Ci dispiace che stia trovando WP Rocket difficile da usare."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:139
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket è l’unico plugin di cache che mette applica di default l’80% delle"
-" buone pratiche in termini di ottimizzazione della velocità. Ciò significa "
-"che non devi fare niente a parte attivare WP Rocket: il tuo sito sarà subito"
-" più veloce!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:140
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Le opzioni addizionali non sono obbligatorie per avere un sito veloce, "
-"servono come aggiustamento della configurazione."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-msgstr ""
-"Per vedere quali benefici WP Rocket sta già apportando al tuo sito, misura "
-"la velocità delle tue pagine usando uno strumento come Pingdom: %1$shttps"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:151
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Invia e disattiva"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:152
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:154
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Salta e disattiva"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Abilita l'ottimizzazione dei font Google"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Migliora le prestazioni dei font e combina multiple richieste di font per "
-"ridurre il numero di richieste HTTP."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Migliora le prestazioni dei font e combina multiple richieste di font per ridurre il numero di richieste HTTP."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"L'ottimizzazione dei font Google è ora attiva sul tuo sito. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "L'ottimizzazione dei font Google è ora attiva sul tuo sito. %1$sPiù info%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3648,18 +2328,21 @@ msgstr "Ottimizza Google Fonts"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Cancella la cache dopo"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3667,26 +2350,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Importa le impostazioni"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "On"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:26 views/settings/page.php:56
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Off"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Stato dei componenti aggiuntivi"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Modifica le opzioni"
@@ -3741,81 +2410,55 @@ msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Il tuo sito web dovrebbe già essere più veloce!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Per farti ottenere dei siti web più veloci, WP Rocket applica "
-"automaticamente l'80% delle buone pratiche di performance web."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Attiviamo anche delle opzioni che garantiscono benefici immediati al tuo "
-"sito web."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Attiviamo anche delle opzioni che garantiscono benefici immediati al tuo sito web."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Vai alle opzioni per continuare a ottimizzare il tuo sito!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:55
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Il mio account"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:61
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Aggiorna info"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:75
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Data di scadenza"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:84
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Visualizza il mio account"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:111
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Azioni rapide"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:118
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Rimuovi tutti i file di cache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:138
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Inizia il precaricamento della cache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Elimina il contenuto di OPcache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Elimina la cache OPcache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:187
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Rigenera il percorso critico del CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:204
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Domande più frequenti - FAQ"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:217
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Ancora non hai trovato la soluzione?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Invia un ticket e ottieni aiuto dai nostri amichevoli esperti Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Invia un ticket e ottieni aiuto dai nostri amichevoli esperti Rocketeers."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:226
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Chiedi al supporto"
@@ -3824,11 +2467,8 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Fai un backup del tuo database prima di realizzare una pulizia!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Una volta che l'ottimizzazione del database è stata realizzata, non c'è modo"
-" di tornare indietro."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Una volta che l'ottimizzazione del database è stata realizzata, non c'è modo di tornare indietro."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -3836,20 +2476,12 @@ msgstr "Salve le modifica e ottimizza"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$sha creato %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$sper un'ottimizzazione immagini"
-" che è la migliore della categoria.%2$s"
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$sha creato %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$sper un'ottimizzazione immagini che è la migliore della categoria.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Comprimi le tue immagini per rendere il tuo sito web più veloce, mantenendo "
-"intatta la loro qualità."
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Comprimi le tue immagini per rendere il tuo sito web più veloce, mantenendo intatta la loro qualità."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -3886,12 +2518,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -3940,12 +2568,8 @@ msgstr "La versione %1$s ha creato qualche problema sul tuo sito?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Da qui puoi tornare a una precedente versione principale del plugin.%sPoi "
-"inviaci una richiesta di supporto."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Da qui puoi tornare a una precedente versione principale del plugin.%sPoi inviaci una richiesta di supporto."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -3984,23 +2608,23 @@ msgstr "Come verificare se WP Rocket sta creando la cache per il tuo sito"
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Come misurare la velocità del tuo sito"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Come trovare il corretto file JavaScript da escludere"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "How External Content Slows Your Site"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Come funziona il precaricamento"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Configura l'Add-On Cloudflare"
@@ -4013,75 +2637,21 @@ msgstr "Impostazioni WP Rocket"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versione %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:57
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Mostra la barra laterale"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Grazie per aver scelto di partecipare al programma Beta di WP Rocket!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"La Beta è una versione che contiene nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti, ma "
-"che vogliamo testare per un po' prima di lanciarla pubblicamente."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Ci farebbe molto piacere se facessi un giro sulle nostre versioni Beta, ma "
-"per favore ricorda che si tratta di versioni meno stabili di quelle già "
-"lanciate pubblicamente. Non ti preoccupare, puoi ritornare quando vorrai a "
-"una delle versioni precedenti. "
-#: views/settings/page.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"La tua missione: manda tutti i tuoi feedback relativi alla versione beta, "
-"includendo report dei bug, all'indirizzo support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:81
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr ""
-"Se non vuoi unirti al programma Beta, ti basterà chiudere questa finestra."
-#: views/settings/page.php:83
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Attiva il Rocket Tester"
-#: views/settings/page.php:94
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr ""
-"Qui sotto trovi una lista dettagliata dei dati che WP Rocket raccoglierà, "
-"se vorrai dargli il permesso di farlo."
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket non trasmetterà mai alcun nome di dominio o indirizzo email (eccetto che per la validazione della licenza), indirizzi IP o le chiavi API di terze parti."
-#: views/settings/page.php:97
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket non trasmetterà mai alcun nome di dominio o indirizzo email "
-"(eccetto che per la validazione della licenza), indirizzi IP o le chiavi API"
-" di terze parti."
-#: views/settings/page.php:99
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Attiva Rocket Analytics"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"È un ottimo punto di partenza per risolvere alcuni degli errori più comuni."
+msgstr "È un ottimo punto di partenza per risolvere alcuni degli errori più comuni."
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
@@ -4097,149 +2667,894 @@ msgstr "Come misurare correttamente il tempo di caricamento del tuo sito web"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Guarda il nostro tutorial e impara a misurare la velocità del tuo sito."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr ""
-"Apprendi le buone pratiche per misurare correttamente la performance del tuo"
-" sito web."
+msgstr "Guarda il nostro tutorial e impara a misurare la velocità del tuo sito."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Leggi la nostra guida"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Perché il punteggio di Google PageSpeed non dovrebbe preoccuparti"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Leggi di più"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Non hai attivato la cache per gli utenti registrati."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:30
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa una finestra privata del browser per controllare la velocità del tuo "
-"sito e l’aspetto visuale."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Usa una finestra privata del browser per controllare la velocità del tuo sito e l’aspetto visuale."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Valid until %s only!"
msgstr "Valido solo fino al %s!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Velocizza il tuo sito web grazie a:"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"Una Content Delivery Network (CDN) ad altre prestazioni e con %1$sbanda "
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Facile configurazione: le %1$smigliori impostazioni per la CDN%2$s sono "
-"applicate automaticamente"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:54
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Integrazione con WP Rocket: l'opzione CDN è %1$sconfigurata "
-"automaticamente%2$s nel nostro plugin"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Facile configurazione: le %1$smigliori impostazioni per la CDN%2$s sono applicate automaticamente"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:69
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid "%s / month"
-msgstr "%s al mese"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Integrazione con WP Rocket: l'opzione CDN è %1$sconfigurata automaticamente%2$s nel nostro plugin"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:74
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Inizia"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
msgstr "Maggiori informazioni su RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Rimpicciolisci questo banner"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:88
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"* $%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"* $%1$s al mese per i primi 12 mesi, poi $%2$s al mese. Puoi cancellare "
-"l'abbonamento in qualsiasi momento."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Velocizza il tuo sito web con RocketCDN, la Content Delivery Network di WP "
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Velocizza il tuo sito web con RocketCDN, la Content Delivery Network di WP Rocket."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:20
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Maggiori informazioni"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:23
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
msgstr "RocketCDN non è disponibile su domini locali e siti staging."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
msgid "Get RocketCDN"
msgstr "Ottieni RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:11
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
msgid "New!"
msgstr "Novità!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Velocizza il tuo sito web con RocketCDN, la Content Delivery Network di WP "
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Velocizza il tuo sito web con RocketCDN, la Content Delivery Network di WP Rocket!"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Hai bisogno d’aiuto?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ja_JP.mo b/languages/rocket-ja_JP.mo
index c0d7cd20a2..6dd6232edb 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-ja_JP.mo and b/languages/rocket-ja_JP.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ja_JP.po b/languages/rocket-ja_JP.po
index 878ef8856c..cfb4c600e3 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-ja_JP.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-ja_JP.po
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Daiya MORITA, 2021
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-29 09:15-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Daiya MORITA, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (https://www.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/ja_JP/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-29 09:15-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Language: ja_JP\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
@@ -36,224 +30,197 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Dreampress.php:44
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Godaddy.php:63
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/O2Switch.php:49
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/OneCom.php:137
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/ProIsp.php:51
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Savvii.php:50
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47 inc/deprecated/3.6.php:698
-#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:998 inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPXCloud.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:697
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:997
+#: inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for "
+msgid "Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for compatibility."
msgstr "サイトは %s でホストされています。互換性のために Varnish の自動パージを有効にしました。"
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/kinsta.php:161
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing and CDN, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket "
-"from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your"
-" %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"お客様のインストールには、Cache clearing と CDN を管理するコア Kinsta ファイルが不足しているようで、Kinsta "
-"インストールと WP Rocket が正しく動作しません。この問題を解決するためには、お客様の %1$sMyKinsta%2$s アカウントを通じて "
-"Kinsta サポートに連絡してください。"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:332
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr "Jetpack XML サイトマップ"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:334
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "Jetpack プラグインからサイトマップをプリロード"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:118
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:34
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:86
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:144
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
msgstr "%s プラグインで生成されたサイトマップを自動検出しました。プリロードするオプションをチェックすることができます。"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "All in One SEO XML サイトマップ"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:85
msgid "Rank Math XML sitemap"
msgstr "Rank Math XML サイトマップ"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:84
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:184
msgid "SEOPress XML sitemap"
msgstr "SEOPress XML サイトマップ"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:142
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:251
msgid "The SEO Framework XML sitemap"
msgstr "The SEO Framework XML サイトマップ"
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:85
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Yoast SEO XML サイトマップ"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:309
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr "Cloudflare から返答はありませんでした。後でもう一度お試しください。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:318 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:122
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:179
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr "Cloudflare のメールアドレスまたは API キーが正しくありません。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:322
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:335
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:112
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:144
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:102 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:126
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:139 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:167
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:183
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "詳しい説明については、%1$sマニュアル%2$sをお読みください。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:324
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:337
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:101
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:114
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:146 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:91
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:104 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:128
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:141 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:185 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:218
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/APIClient.php:331 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:135
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Cloudflare Zone ID が正しくありません。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:99
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s "
-"for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare のメールアドレスおよび/または API キーが設定されていません。詳しい説明は、%1$sマニュアル%2$sをご覧ください。"
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare のメールアドレスおよび/または API キーが設定されていません。詳しい説明は、%1$sマニュアル%2$sをご覧ください。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:108 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:98
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Cloudflare Zone ID がありません。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:140 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:163
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr "Cloudflare にドメインが設定されていないようです。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:215 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:597
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
#, php-format
msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
msgstr "WP Rocket: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:220 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:602
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr "WP Rocket: Cloudflare のキャッシュが正常に消去されました。"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:364
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:370
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:390
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:401
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:420
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:426
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:445
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:451
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:470
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:476
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:558 inc/admin/options.php:164
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
msgid "WP Rocket: "
msgstr "WP Rocket: "
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:364
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare 開発モードエラー: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:370
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare 開発モード %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:390
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare キャッシュレベルエラー: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:395
-msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
-msgid "Standard"
-msgstr "標準"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:401
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare キャッシュレベルは %s に設定"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:420
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare minification エラー: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:426
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare minification %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket loader エラー: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:451
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:470
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare ブラウザキャッシュエラー: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:476
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
-msgstr "Cloudflare ブラウザキャッシュは %s 秒に設定"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1423
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "リビジョン"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1433
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "自動ドラフト"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1443
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "削除済み投稿"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1453
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "スパムコメント"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1463
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "削除済みコメント"
@@ -266,7 +233,6 @@ msgid "Tables"
msgstr "テーブル"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/CacheDirSizeCheck.php:88
#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
@@ -281,13 +247,11 @@ msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "データベースの最適化プロセスが実行中です"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "データベースの最適化処理が完了しました。すべてが最適化されています !"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "データベースの最適化処理が完了しました。最適化した項目の一覧は以下の通りです。"
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
@@ -295,1305 +259,1045 @@ msgstr "データベースの最適化処理が完了しました。最適化し
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s 最適化されました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:191
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "変更を保存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:191
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Validate License"
msgstr "ライセンスを確認"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:247
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:248
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "利用不可"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:340 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "ライセンス"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:357
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API キー"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "メールアドレス"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "ダッシュボード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:399
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "ヘルプ・アカウント情報を見る"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:408
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "マイステータス"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:418 views/settings/page.php:75
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket アナリティクス"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr "WP Rocket の改善のために、匿名のデータを開発チームと共有することに同意します。%1$sどのような情報を収集しますか?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:444 inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:347
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "キャッシュ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "基本的なキャッシュオプション"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:452
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "モバイル・キャッシュ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "モバイルからの訪問者のために、サイトを高速化します。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:459
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr "モバイル用に別のキャッシュを必要とするプラグインを使用していることを検出し、互換性のためにこのオプションを自動的に有効にしました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:463
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "ユーザー・キャッシュ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr "%1$sユーザー・キャッシュ%2$sは、サイトにユーザー固有のコンテンツや制限のあるコンテンツがある場合に最適です。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:474
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "キャッシュの有効期間"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "指定した有効期間よりも古いキャッシュファイルは削除します。
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "WordPress にログインしているユーザーのキャッシュ機能を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:499
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "モバイルデバイス用のキャッシングを有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:514
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "モバイルデバイス用のキャッシュファイルを分離"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "ほとんどの最新テーマはレスポンシブ対応で、個別のキャッシュがなくても動作します。モバイル専用テーマやプラグインを使用している場合のみ有効化してください。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:532
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr "グローバルキャッシュがクリアされるまでの時間を指定
(0 =無制限)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:534
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr "定期的に問題が発生するようであれば、有効期間を10時間以下にしてください。%1$sその理由は ?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:540
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "時間"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:541
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "日数"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:570
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "ファイル最適化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "CSS と JS を最適化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:578
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS ファイル"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:585
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:595
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s 圧縮・軽量化が現在 Autoptimize で有効になっています。 "
-"%2$sの圧縮・軽量化を使用したい場合は、Autoptimize でそれらのオプションを無効化してください。"
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s 圧縮・軽量化が現在 Autoptimize で有効になっています。 %2$sの圧縮・軽量化を使用したい場合は、Autoptimize でそれらのオプションを無効化してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:588
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript ファイル"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve "
Also, please check our "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
-msgstr ""
-"このオプションを有効にした後に問題が発生した場合は、デフォルトの除外項目をコピーして貼り付けることで、問題を迅速に解決できます: "
また、互換性のある除外項目のリストについては、%2$sマニュアル%3$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:609
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:618
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "CSS ファイル圧縮・軽量化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:619
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "CSS ファイル圧縮・軽量化では、空白やコメントを削除してファイルサイズを小さくします。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:632
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:655
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:798
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "これで壊れてしまうかもしれません !"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:633
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:656
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:775
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:799
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr "この設定を有効化した後、サイト上でエラーが発生した場合は、再度無効化すれば、サイトは元通りになります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "CSS ファイル圧縮・軽量化を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:639
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "CSS ファイルの連結 (CSS ファイル圧縮・軽量化を選択可能にする)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:641
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"CSS の連結 は、すべてのファイルを1つにまとめ、HTTP リクエストを減らします。HTTP/2 "
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "CSS の連結 は、すべてのファイルを1つにまとめ、HTTP リクエストを減らします。HTTP/2 を使用しているサイトでは推奨されません。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:657
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "CSS の連結を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:662 inc/admin/options.php:123
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "除外 CSS ファイル"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr "圧縮・軽量化と連結から除外する CSS ファイルの URL を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"内部: URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。ワイルドカード (.*).css "
-"を使うと、特定のパスにあるすべての CSS ファイルを除外できます。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "内部: URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。ワイルドカード (.*).css を使うと、特定のパスにあるすべての CSS ファイルを除外できます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:666
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"サードパーティー: 外部 CSS を除外するには、URL "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "サードパーティー: 外部 CSS を除外するには、URL のフルパスまたはドメイン名のみを使用します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "CSS 配信の最適化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:683
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-msgstr ""
-"CSS 配信の最適化では、サイトのレンダリングブロックとなる CSS "
-"を排除します。選択できる方法は1つだけです。最適なパフォーマンスを得るためには、未使用 CSS 削除を推奨します。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr "CSS 配信の最適化では、サイトのレンダリングブロックとなる CSS を排除します。選択できる方法は1つだけです。最適なパフォーマンスを得るためには、未使用 CSS 削除を推奨します。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:704 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "未使用 CSS 削除"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:706
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests."
-" Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"ページごとに未使用の CSS を削除し、ページサイズや HTTP "
-"リクエストの削減に貢献します。最高のパフォーマンスを得るために推奨します。徹底的にテストしてください ! %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
-msgid "We’re still working on it!"
-msgstr "まだ取り組んでいます !"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
-msgid ""
-"This is a beta feature. We’re providing you early access but some changes "
-"might be added later on. If you notice any errors on your website, simply "
-"deactivate the feature."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "未使用 CSS 削除の有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "CSS セーフリスト"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:717
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
msgstr "削除しない CSS のファイル名、ID、クラスを指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:732 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
msgstr "CSS 非同期読込"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
#, php-format
msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want"
-" to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS 非同期読込は、現在%1$sプラグインによって処理されています。WP Rocket の CSS "
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr "CSS 非同期読込は、現在%1$sプラグインによって処理されています。WP Rocket の CSS 非同期読込オプションを使用したい場合は、%1$sプラグインを無効化してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:737
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "クリティカルパス CSS を生成し、CSS を非同期で読み込みます。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:743
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "フォールバック・クリティカル CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:745
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "自動生成されたクリティカルパス CSS が不完全な場合のフォールバックを提供します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "JavaScript ファイル圧縮・軽量化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:761
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "JavaScript 圧縮・軽量化では、空白やコメントを削除してファイルサイズを小さくします。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:776
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript 圧縮・軽量化を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:781
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr "JavaScript ファイルの連結 (JavaScript ファイル圧縮・軽量化を選択可能にする)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:783
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"JavaScript ファイル連結は、サイト内部、サードパーティ、インラインの JS を結合し、HTTP リクエストを減らします。HTTP/2 "
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "JavaScript ファイル連結は、サイト内部、サードパーティ、インラインの JS を結合し、HTTP リクエストを減らします。HTTP/2 を使用しているサイトでは推奨されません。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:784
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
msgstr "JavaScript 実行の遅延が有効化されている場合は、互換性と最良の結果を得るために、このオプションは無効化されます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript の連結を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:805 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "除外インライン JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "連結から除外するインライン JavaScript のパターンを指定 (1行に1つ) %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:823
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:885 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "除外 JavaScript ファイル"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:824
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr "圧縮・軽量化と連結から除外する JavaScript ファイルの URL を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:825
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"内部: URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。ワイルドカード (.*).js "
-"を使うと、特定のパスにあるすべての JS ファイルを除外できます。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "内部: URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。ワイルドカード (.*).js を使うと、特定のパスにあるすべての JS ファイルを除外できます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"サードパーティー: 外部 JS を除外するには、URL "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "サードパーティー: 外部 JS を除外するには、URL のフルパスまたはドメイン名のみを使用します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:843
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "JavaScript 遅延読込"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:845
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "JavaScript 遅延読込では、サイトのレンダリングブロックとなる JS を排除し、読込時間を改善します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:858
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "遅延読込から除外する JavaScript ファイルの URL またはキーワードを指定 (1行に1つ) %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:874 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "JavaScript の実行遅延"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:876
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"ユーザー操作(スクロールやクリックなど)が行われるまで、JavaScript ファイルの読込を遅らせることで、パフォーマンスを向上します。 "
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "ユーザー操作(スクロールやクリックなど)が行われるまで、JavaScript ファイルの読込を遅らせることで、パフォーマンスを向上します。 %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:886
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
msgstr "実行遅延させる対象から除外するインラインおよび JavaScript ファイルを特定できる URL やキーワードを指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:917
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "メディア"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:918
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
msgstr "LazyLoad、画像サイズ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:927
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:972
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:975
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"画像、iframe、動画がビューポートに入る(入ろうとしている)ときにだけ読み込み、HTTP "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "画像、iframe、動画がビューポートに入る(入ろうとしている)ときにだけ読み込み、HTTP リクエストの数を減らして、実際の読込時間と体感読込時間を改善します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:982
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"現在、%2$sで LazyLoad が有効化されています。WP Rocket の LazyLoad "
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "現在、%2$sで LazyLoad が有効化されています。WP Rocket の LazyLoad を使用したい場合は、%2$sでこのオプションを無効化してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:985
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "画像サイズ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:988
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"画像に不足している width、height 属性を追加します。レイアウトのずれを防ぎ、訪問者の閲覧性向上に貢献します。 %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "画像に不足している width、height 属性を追加します。レイアウトのずれを防ぎ、訪問者の閲覧性向上に貢献します。 %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1007
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "画像向け対策を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1019
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"画像の LazyLoad は、現在 %2$s で有効化されています。%1$s の LazyLoad を使用したい場合は、%2$s "
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "画像の LazyLoad は、現在 %2$s で有効化されています。%1$s の LazyLoad を使用したい場合は、%2$s でこのオプションを無効化してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1027
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "iframes とビデオ向け対策を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1042
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "YouTube の iframe をプレビュー画像へ置換"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1044
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
msgstr "YouTube の iframe をプレビュー画像へ置換 は %2$sと互換性がありません。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1044
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr "これにより、1 つのページにたくさんの YouTube 動画がある場合、読込時間を大幅に改善します。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1059
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "除外する画像または iframes"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"除外する画像や iframe のコードからキーワード(画像ファイル名、CSS クラス、ドメインなど)を指定 (1行に1つ) %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "除外する画像や iframe のコードからキーワード(画像ファイル名、CSS クラス、ドメインなど)を指定 (1行に1つ) %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1069
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "不足している画像サイズの追加"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1088 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "プリロード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1089
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "キャッシュファイルの生成、フォントのプリロード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1100
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "キャッシュのプリロード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードを有効化すると、WP Rocket "
-" %1$sWP Rocket ダッシュボード%2$sから手動でも起動できます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1111
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "リンクのプリロード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1114
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "リンクのプリロードは、ユーザーがリンクにカーソルを置いたときにページをダウンロードすることで、体感読込時間を改善します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "DNS リクエストのプリフェッチ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1124
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr "DNS のプリフェッチにより、特にモバイルネットワーク上での外部ファイル読み込みが速くなります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "フォントのプリロード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1132
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "ブラウザが CSS ファイル内のフォントを検出できるようにすることで、パフォーマンスを向上します。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1146
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "プリロードを有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "サイトマップベースのキャッシュプリロードを有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1184
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "プリロード用サイトマップ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "プリロードに使用する XML サイトマップを指定"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1198
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "プリフェッチ対象のURL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr "プリフェッチする外部ホストを指定 (http:
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1208
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "プリロードするフォント"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードするフォントファイルの URL を指定します。 (1行に1つ) フォントは、独自ドメイン、または CDN "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "プリロードするフォントファイルの URL を指定します。 (1行に1つ) フォントは、独自ドメイン、または CDN タブで指定したドメインでホストされている必要があります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1210
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
msgstr "URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。
受付けるフォントの拡張子: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1219
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "リンクのプリロードを有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1238
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "高度なルール"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "キャッシュルールの詳細設定"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr "カスタムログイン / ログアウト URL のような機密性の高いページは、キャッシュから除外する必要があります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1255
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1259
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1267
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
カート、チェックアウト、\"マイアカウント\" "
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$sで設定された
カート、チェックアウト、\"マイアカウント\" ページを検出し、デフォルトではキャッシュしません。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1277 inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "キャッシュしない URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1285
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "キャッシュしない Cookie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "キャッシュしない User Agent"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1297 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "常に消去する URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1303
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "キャッシュするクエリ文字列"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1306
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr "%1$sキャッシュするクエリ文字列%2$sでは、特定の GET パラメータのキャッシュを強制的に行うことができます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1317
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr "キャッシュしないページや記事の URL を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1318
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1346
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。
ワイルドカード (.*) を使うと、指定したパス以下にある URL を複数指定できます。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。
ワイルドカード (.*) を使うと、指定したパス以下にある URL を複数指定できます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1327
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
msgstr "訪問者のブラウザに設定されたときに、ページのキャッシュを防止するクッキーの完全または部分的な ID を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1335
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr "キャッシュされたページを見せない User Agent の文字列を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1336
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "ワイルドカード (.*) を使って、UA 文字列の一部を検出"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1345
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr "記事やページを更新したときに、常にキャッシュから削除したいURLを指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1354
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "キャッシュするクエリ文字列を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "データベース"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1380
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "最適化、肥大化防止"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "投稿のクリーンアップ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1389
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr "投稿のリビジョンや下書きを永久に削除します。リビジョンや下書きを保持する必要がある場合は、このオプションを使用しないでください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "コメントのクリーンアップ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1396
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "スパムや削除済みコメントを永久に消去します。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1400
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Transients のクリーンアップ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1402
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr "Transients は一時的なオプションであり、削除しても安全です。プラグインのリクエストに応じて自動的に再生成されます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "データベースのクリーンアップ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1408
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "データベーステーブルのオーバーヘッドを軽減"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1412
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "自動クリーンアップ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1425
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s : データベース内のリビジョン"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1435
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s : データベース内の下書き"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1445
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s : データベース内の削除済み投稿"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s : データベース内のスパムコメント"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1465
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s : データベース内の削除済みコメント"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1473
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "すべての Transients"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%s : データベース内の Transients"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1483
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "テーブルの最適化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "データベース内の %s 個のテーブルを最適化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1496
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "自動クリーンアップのスケジュール"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1508
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "頻度"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "日次"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "週次"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1518
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "月次"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1534
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1545 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "CDN の統合"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1547
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr "静的ファイル (CSS、JS、画像) の URL すべてを、指定の CNAME に書き換えます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1549
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr "Cloudflare や Sucuri などのサービスでは必要ありません。利用可能な %1$sアドオン%2$sをご覧ください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1564 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "CDN からファイルを除外"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1590
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$l アドオン%3$s が現在有効になっています。サイトで %2$l を動作させるために、CDN 設定の構成は不要です。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1615
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "コンテンツ・デリバリー・ネットワークの有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1624
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1625
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "以下に CNAME を指定してください"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1632
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr "CDN で配信しないファイルの URL を指定 (1行に1つ)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1633
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。
ワイルドカード (.*) "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "URL のドメイン部分を自動的に取り除きます。
ワイルドカード (.*) を使うと、特定のパスにある特定のファイルタイプのファイルすべてを除外できます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1656
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1664
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1657
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "WordPress Heartbeat API の管理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1665
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr "Heartbeat API のアクティビティを低減、または無効化することで、サーバーのリソースを節約できます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Heartbeat のアクティビティを低減、または無効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1672
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr "アクティビティを減らすと、Heartbeat の頻度が 1 分に 1 回から 2 分に 1 回に変わります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1672
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr "Heartbeat を完全に無効化すると、この API を使用しているプラグインやテーマを破損する可能性があります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1686
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "制限しない"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "アクティビティを低減"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1688
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "無効化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1696
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat の管理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1705
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "バックエンドでの挙動"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "投稿エディターでの挙動"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1718
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "フロントエンドでの挙動"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1735
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "アドオン"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1736
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "機能を追加"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1743
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "ワンクリック Rocket アドオン"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr "ワンクリックアドオンは、設定を必要とせずに利用可能なオプションを拡張する機能です。この画面でオプションを「on」にすると有効化します。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket アドオン"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1755
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "Rocket アドオンは、利用可能なオプションを拡張する補完的な機能です。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1766
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1772
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Cloudflare アカウントをこのアドオンで統合"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1773
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare キャッシュのクリアや WP Rocket "
-"での最適な設定の有効化などのオプションを使用するためには、アカウントのメールアドレス、グローバル API キー、ドメインを提供してください。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Cloudflare キャッシュのクリアや WP Rocket での最適な設定の有効化などのオプションを使用するためには、アカウントのメールアドレス、グローバル API キー、ドメインを提供してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1813
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Varnish がサーバーで動作している場合は、このアドオンを有効化する必要があります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1815
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish のキャッシュは、WP Rocket "
%1$sもっと詳しく%2$s "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Varnish のキャッシュは、WP Rocket がキャッシュをクリアするたびに消去し、コンテンツを常に最新の状態に保ちます。
%1$sもっと詳しく%2$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "WebP 対応"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1856
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "WebP 画像のブラウザ互換性を改善"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"互換性のあるブラウザに WebP 画像をWP Rocket で提供したい場合、このオプションを有効化します。WP Rocket では WebP "
-"画像の作成はできませんのでご注意ください。WebP 画像を作成するには、%1$sImagify%2$s をお勧めします。%3$s詳細情報%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "互換性のあるブラウザに WebP 画像をWP Rocket で提供したい場合、このオプションを有効化します。WP Rocket では WebP 画像の作成はできませんのでご注意ください。WebP 画像を作成するには、%1$sImagify%2$s をお勧めします。%3$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "WP Rocket のキャッシュをクリアすると、Sucuri のキャッシュもクリアします。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "WP Rocket のキャッシュを消去するときに、Sucuri のキャッシュを消去するには API キーを提供してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1891
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2035
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1897
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Sucuri のキャッシュをこのアドオンで同期"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1935
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare 認証情報"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1944
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare 設定"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1958
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "グローバル API key:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "API キー検索"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1971
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "アカウントメールアドレス"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1980
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ゾーン ID"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1990
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "開発モード"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1992
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr "サイトの開発モードを一時的に有効化します。この設定は、3 時間後に自動的にオフになります。%1$sもっと詳しく%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2000
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "最適な設定"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2001
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr "Cloudflare の構成を自動的に強化し、スピード、パフォーマンスグレード、互換性を向上させます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2009
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "相対プロトコル"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2010
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare のフレキシブル SSL 機能でのみ使用してください。静的ファイル (CSS、JS、画像) のURLは、http:// や "
-"https:// の代わりに // を使うように書き換えます。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Cloudflare のフレキシブル SSL 機能でのみ使用してください。静的ファイル (CSS、JS、画像) のURLは、http:// や https:// の代わりに // を使うように書き換えます。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri 認証情報"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2061
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr "Firewall API キー (プラグイン用)は {32文字}/{32文字}
の形式としてください :"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2062
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "API キー検索"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:409 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "ファイルをアップロードして、設定をインポート"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:390
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Sucuri アドオン : Sucuri firewall 用の API キーは {32文字}/{32文字}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Sucuri アドオン : Sucuri firewall 用の API キーは {32文字}/{32文字}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:481
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "設定を保存しました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "ツール"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "インポート、エクスポート、ロールバック"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:176
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "画像の最適化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:177
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "画像の圧縮"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "チュートリアル"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "始め方とチュートリアル動画"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr "RocketCDN は現在利用できません。後で再度試してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去できません : 識別パラメータがありません"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去できません : ユーザートークンがありません"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去できません : API が予期せぬレスポンスコードを返しました"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去できません : API が空のレスポンスを返しました"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去できません : API が予期せぬレスポンスを返しました"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去できません : %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュ消去が完了しました"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "次回の請求日"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "サブスクリプションなし"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "RocketCDN のサブスクリプションは現在有効"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "RocketCDN を使用するには、CNAME を %1$s%2$s%3$s に置き換えてください。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "サブスクリプション管理"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN が有効化されています"
@@ -1611,53 +1315,30 @@ msgstr "%s まで有効です !"
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "サイトのスピードアップに役立つ理由 : "
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr "%1$s帯域幅無制限%2$sの高性能コンテンツ配信ネットワーク (CDN)"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
msgstr "簡単設定 : %1$s最適な CDN 設定%2$sを自動的に適用"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
msgstr "WP Rocket の統合 : CDN オプションは、私たちのプラグインで%1$s自動設定%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:69
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s / month"
-msgstr "%s / 月"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:74
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "始めてみましょう"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
msgstr "RocketCDN についてもっと詳しく"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "このバナーを削減"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:88
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"* $%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr "* 12 ヶ月間は $%1$s/月、その後は $%2$s/月となります。サブスクリプション解除はいつでも可能。"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
msgstr "WP Rocket のコンテンツ・デリバリー・ネットワークである RocketCDN で、サイトを高速化しましょう。"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
@@ -1678,12 +1359,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "New !"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
msgstr "WP Rocket のコンテンツ・デリバリー・ネットワークである RocketCDN でウェブサイトを高速化しましょう !"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "このキャッシュを消去"
@@ -1691,25 +1373,23 @@ msgstr "このキャッシュを消去"
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "WP Rocket 期限切れキャッシュの間隔"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:330
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "WP_CACHE 値"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:351
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
msgstr "WP Rocket のキャッシュが正しく動作するためには、WP_CACHE 定数をtrue に設定する必要があります"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
msgstr "WP_CACHE は true に設定されています"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:368
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
msgstr "WP_CACHE が設定されていません"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:376
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE は false に設定されています"
@@ -1720,16 +1400,12 @@ msgstr "%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エ
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "モバイルの%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エラー : API は空の応答を返しました。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エラー : API は空の応答を返しました。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
@@ -1745,16 +1421,12 @@ msgstr "%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
msgstr "モバイルの%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エラー : API は無効なレスポンスコードを返しました。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
msgstr "%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エラー : API は無効なレスポンスコードを返しました。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
@@ -1763,81 +1435,72 @@ msgstr "%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エ
msgid "Error: %1$s"
msgstr "エラー : %1$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:260
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "クリティカルパス CSS を再生成"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
msgstr "特定の CPCSS を生成"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
msgstr "特定の CPCSS を再生成"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:199
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
msgstr "この機能を使用するには、%l"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:202
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
#, php-format
msgid "Publish the %s"
msgstr "%sを公開"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
msgstr "WP Rocket の設定で CSSの非同期読込 を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
msgstr "上のオプションで CSS の非同期読込を有効化"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "クリティカル CSS 生成を現在実行中。"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:152
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:255
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket 設定%2$sページにアクセスして、進捗状況を確認してください。"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:366
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"クリティカル CSS の生成を現在実行中 : ページタイプ %2$d のうち %1$d "
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "クリティカル CSS の生成を現在実行中 : ページタイプ %2$d のうち %1$d を完了しました。(進行状況を見るには、このページを更新してください)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:438
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "ページタイプ %2$dのうち %1$d のクリティカル CSS 生成を完了"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "クリティカル CSS 生成で 1 つ以上のエラーが発生"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "もっと詳しく"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
msgstr "モバイルの%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エラー : 保存先フォルダを作成できませんでした。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
msgstr "%1$s向けクリティカル CSS が生成されませんでした。エラー : 保存先フォルダを作成できませんでした。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
@@ -1903,20 +1566,14 @@ msgstr "リクエストされたポストは存在しません。"
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "公開されていない記事に対して CPCSS を生成できません。"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"以下のスケジュールされたイベントの実行に失敗しました。これは、CRON システムが正常に動作していないことを示している可能性があり、WP Rocket "
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "以下のスケジュールされたイベントの実行に失敗しました。これは、CRON システムが正常に動作していないことを示している可能性があり、WP Rocket の一部機能が意図した通りに動作しない可能性があります。"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr "CRON が動作しているかどうかは、ご利用のホストにお問い合わせください。"
@@ -1943,17 +1600,12 @@ msgstr "クリティカルパス CSS 生成プロセス"
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"より多くのサイトを高速化するために、%1$sを活用してください : %2$s%3$sでお持ちのライセンスを Infinite "
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] "より多くのサイトを高速化するために、%1$sを活用してください : %2$s%3$sでお持ちのライセンスを Infinite にアップグレードすると、%3$s%4$sオフの%5$sを受けられます!%5$s"
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "無制限"
@@ -1986,47 +1638,21 @@ msgstr "秒"
msgid "Upgrade now"
msgstr "今すぐアップグレード"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:39
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:813 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "この通知を消去"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:12
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
msgstr "WP Rocket ライセンスが期限切れです !"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:17
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew "
-"features and enhancements.%2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s新機能や拡張機能を利用すれば、サイトをより速くできます。%2$s"
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license for 1 year and get an immediate %1$s%2$s off%3$s on your "
-"renewal rate: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"1 年間のライセンス更新をすると、更新料金がすぐに%1$s%2$sオフ%3$sになります : %1$s%4$s%3$sを払うだけで済みます !"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:37
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
msgid "Renew now"
msgstr "今すぐ更新"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire.%2$s"
-msgstr " %1$s WP Rocket ライセンスがもうすぐ期限切れになります。%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:32
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr "手遅れになる前に、%1$s%2$sの割引%3$sで更新すると、お支払いは%1$s%4$s%3$sだけです !"
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr "手遅れになる前に、%1$s%2$sの割引%3$sで更新すると、お支払いは%1$s%4$s%3$sだけです !"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
@@ -2034,18 +1660,12 @@ msgstr "より多くのサイトを高速化"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
-msgstr ""
-"ライセンスをアップグレードすることで、より多くのサイトで WP Rocket "
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr "ライセンスをアップグレードすることで、より多くのサイトで WP Rocket を使うことができます。アップグレードには、以下のように、現在のライセンスと新しいライセンスの%1$s料金差額%2$sを支払うだけです。"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
msgstr "%1$s注意%2$s : ライセンスをアップグレードしても、有効期限は変更されません"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
@@ -2064,284 +1684,77 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "%s にアップグレード"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
-msgstr ""
-"ライセンスをアップグレードすることで、より多くのサイトで WP Rocket を使うことができます。 "
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr "ライセンスをアップグレードすることで、より多くのサイトで WP Rocket を使うことができます。 (現在のライセンスと新しいライセンスの料金差額を支払うだけです)"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:108
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:224
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "使用済 CSS の消去"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:324
-msgid "Used CSS option is not enabled!"
-msgstr "使用済 CSS オプションが有効化されていません !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:340
-msgid "Used CSS cache cleared!"
-msgstr "使用済 CSS のキャッシュを消去しました !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:408
-msgid "Collected resource files from {count} of {total} key pages."
-msgstr " {total} のキーページのうち {count} からリソースファイルを回収しました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:409
-msgid "Processed {count} of {total} resource files found on key pages."
-msgstr "キーページにある {total} のリソースファイルのうち {count} を処理しました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:410
-msgid "Remove Unused CSS is complete!"
-msgstr "未使用 CSS の削除が完了しました !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:411
-msgid "These files could not be processed:"
-msgstr "これらのファイルを処理できませんでした : "
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:412
-msgid ""
-"We are processing the CSS on your site. This may take several minutes to "
-msgstr "サイトの CSS を処理しています。完了まで数分かかる場合があります。"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Warmup/Status/RESTWP.php:102
-msgid "Remove unused CSS option is disabled."
-msgstr "未使用 CSS 削除のオプションは無効化されています。"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Warmup/Status/RESTWP.php:109
-msgid "Pre-Warmup process did not start yet."
-msgstr "Pre-Warmup プロセスがまだ開始されていません。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードでエラーが発生しました。次のエラーが発生したため、%1$s のリンクを収集できませんでした。: %2$s %3$sもっと詳しく%4$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードがあるため、%1$s にアクセスできません。: %2$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードがあるため、%1$s にアクセスできません。: 404 "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードがあるため、%1$s にアクセスできません。: 500 "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"プリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードが返されたため、%1$s のリンクを収集できませんでした。: %2$s %3$sもっと詳しく%4$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:250
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "プリロード : WP Rocket がサイトのプリロードを開始しました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:296
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] "プリロード : キャッシュされていない %1$s ページを現在プリロードしています。(更新で進行状況を表示)"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:305
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] "プリロードする URL の収集中に以下のエラーが発生しました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:357
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "プリロード完了 : %dページがキャッシュされました。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。次のエラーが発生したため、%1$s のリンクを収集できませんでした : %2$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードがあるため、%1$s にアクセスできません。: %2$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードがあるため、%1$s にアクセスできません。: 404 正しいサイトマップの URL "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードがあるため、%1$s にアクセスできません。: 500 "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。次の応答コードが返されたので、%1$s のリンクを収集できませんでした。: %2$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。ファイルが空なので、%1$s からリンクを収集できませんでした。%2$sもっと詳しく%3$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"サイトマップのプリロードでエラーが発生しました。XML サイトマップの解析中にエラーが発生したため、%1$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"お使いのサーバでは %1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s "
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
msgstr "Varnish auto-purge は、Varnish が %s サーバで有効化されると自動的に有効化されます。"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:100
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s : Mod PageSpeed "
-"はこのプラグインとは互換性がなく、予期しない結果を引き起こす可能性があります。 %2$sもっと詳しく%3$s "
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s : Mod PageSpeed はこのプラグインとは互換性がなく、予期しない結果を引き起こす可能性があります。 %2$sもっと詳しく%3$s "
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] "WP Rocket の機能と競合する以下の %s オプションを無効化してください。: "
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s絵文字無効化%3$sは WP Rockets の%2$s絵文字無効化%3$s と競合します"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$sGZIP 圧縮%3$sは WP Rockets の %2$sGZIP 圧縮%3$sと競合します"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$sブラウザキャッシュ%3$sは WP Rockets の%2$sブラウザキャッシュ%3$sと競合します"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$sページキャッシュ%3$sは WP Rockets の%2$sページキャッシュ%3$sと競合します"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$sアセット最適化%3$sは WP Rockets の%2$sファイル最適化%3$sと競合します"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"delay JS, disable %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"JS 遅延読込は現在 %1$s で有効になっています。WP Rocket の JS 遅延読込を使用したい場合は、%1$s を無効化してください"
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr "JS 遅延読込は現在 %1$s で有効になっています。WP Rocket の JS 遅延読込を使用したい場合は、%1$s を無効化してください"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:110 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:128
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:118
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:349
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "サポート"
@@ -2350,116 +1763,117 @@ msgstr "サポート"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "ドキュメント"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:337
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "よくある質問"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:64
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:225 inc/admin/admin.php:240
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s ロールバックを更新"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:266
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket に戻る%2$s、もしくは%3$sプラグインページに移動%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:504
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "設定のインポートに失敗しました : 権限がありません。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:508
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "設定のインポートに失敗しました : アップロードされたファイルがありません。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:512
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "設定のインポートに失敗しました : ファイル名が正しくありません。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:523
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "設定のインポートに失敗しました : ファイルタイプが正しくありません。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "設定のインポートに失敗しました : "
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:549
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "設定のインポートに失敗しました : 予期しないファイル内容です。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:579
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "設定をインポートし、保存しました 。"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s: %2$s."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:157
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "以下のパターンは無効なので削除しました : "
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:769
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:85 inc/common/admin-bar.php:137
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:143
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "キャッシュの消去"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "WP Rocket 設定"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "このページをキャッシュしない"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "この記事では、これらのオプションを有効化します : "
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "画像の LazyLoad"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "iframes/videos の LazyLoad"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "CSS 圧縮・軽量化 / 連結"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "JS 圧縮・軽量化 / 連結"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "JS の遅延読込"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "最初に %s オプションを有効化します。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:102
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s注意 : %2$s グローバルキャッシュ設定で、この投稿がキャッシュから除外されている場合、これらのオプションはいずれも適用されません。"
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$s注意 : %2$s グローバルキャッシュ設定で、この投稿がキャッシュから除外されている場合、これらのオプションはいずれも適用されません。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:25 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2468,174 +1882,133 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s は、書き込み権限がないために無効化されていません。
"%2$s を書き込み可能にして、再度無効化を試すか、今すぐ強制的に無効化してください : "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:91
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: 1 "
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: 1 つまたは複数のプラグインが有効化または無効化されています。それらがサイトのフロントエンドに影響する場合は、キャッシュをクリアしてください。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:185
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr "WP Rocket Cloudflare アドオンは、同様の機能を提供しています。これらを同時に有効化できません。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:209
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: 以下のプラグインは、このプラグインとの互換性がなく、予期しない結果を引き起こす可能性があります : "
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: 以下のプラグインは、このプラグインとの互換性がなく、予期しない結果を引き起こす可能性があります : "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:215
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "無効化"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:257
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS は公式のアドオンではありません。WP Rocket "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS は公式のアドオンではありません。WP Rocket の一部オプションが正常に動作しなくなります。問題がある場合は無効化してください。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:297
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"現在、Endurance Cache が有効化されており、WP Rocket Cache と競合してしまいます。問題を防ぐためには、%1$s設定 > "
-"一般%2$sページで Endurance Cache のキャッシュレベルを Off (Level 0) にしてください。"
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "現在、Endurance Cache が有効化されており、WP Rocket Cache と競合してしまいます。問題を防ぐためには、%1$s設定 > 一般%2$sページで Endurance Cache のキャッシュレベルを Off (Level 0) にしてください。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:318
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s: プラグインが正しく動作するためには、カスタムパーマリンク構造が必要です。 %2$sパーマリンク設定に移動%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:365
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "書き込み権限がないため、%sは .htaccess ファイルを変更できませんでした。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:371 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "トラブルシュート: %1$sシステムファイルを書き込み可能にする方法%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:373 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr "WP Rocket のページキャッシや設定は、そのまま正常に機能しますのでご安心ください。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr "最適なパフォーマンスを得るために、.htaccess に以下の行を追加することを推奨します (必須ではありません) : "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:526
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr "%1$s の準備が出来ました ! %2$s読込時間をテストする%4$s、もしくは、%3$s設定%4$sをご覧ください。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:599
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr "WP Rocket がこのサイトから機密性のない診断データを収集することを許可しますか ?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "これにより、今後の WP Rocket の改善に役立ちます。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:606
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "どのような情報を収集するのでしょうか ? (クリックして表示)"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:611
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"許可を得た場合に WP Rocket が収集するデータすべての詳細は以下の通りです。WP Rocket では、ドメイン名やメールアドレス "
-"(ライセンス認証を除く)、IP アドレス、サードパーティの API キーを送信することはありません。"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "許可を得た場合に WP Rocket が収集するデータすべての詳細は以下の通りです。WP Rocket では、ドメイン名やメールアドレス (ライセンス認証を除く)、IP アドレス、サードパーティの API キーを送信することはありません。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:620
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "はい、許可します"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:623
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "いいえ、結構です"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:662
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "ありがとうございます !"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:667
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket では、これらの指標をお客様のサイトから収集するようになりました。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:705
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: キャッシュを消去しました。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:712
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 投稿のキャッシュを消去しました。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:719
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: タームのキャッシュを消去しました。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:726
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: ユーザーのキャッシュを消去しました。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:772
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "プリロードの停止"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:790
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "強制的に無効化"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:803
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "このファイルには、次のようなコードが書き込まれているはずです : "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:834
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "書き込み権限がないため、%sは自身の設定ができません。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "影響を受けるファイル / フォルダ: %s"
@@ -2651,26 +2024,16 @@ msgstr "正常に機能するために、%1$s %2$s には少なくとも必要
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s です。この WP Rocket バージョンを使用するには、サーバーを PHP %1$s "
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s です。この WP Rocket バージョンを使用するには、サーバーを PHP %1$s 以上にアップグレードする方法をウェブホストに確認してください。"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s です。この WP Rocket バージョンを使用するには、WordPress をバージョン %1$s "
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s です。この WP Rocket バージョンを使用するには、WordPress をバージョン %1$s 以上にアップグレードしてください。"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr "アップグレードできない場合は、下記のボタンで前のバージョンにロールバックできます。"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
@@ -2698,183 +2061,134 @@ msgstr "ログファイルを読めませんでした。"
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "ログはファイルに保存されません。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"WebP 画像の配信に %1$s を使用しているので、このオプションを有効化する必要はありません。%2$s詳細情報%3$s %4$s 代わりにWP "
-"Rocket による WebP 配信を希望する場合は、%1$s で WebP 表示を無効化してください。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:281
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "WebP 画像の配信に %1$s を使用しているので、このオプションを有効化する必要はありません。%2$s詳細情報%3$s %4$s 代わりにWP Rocket による WebP 配信を希望する場合は、%1$s で WebP 表示を無効化してください。"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "WebP のキャッシュはフィルタで無効化されています。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:291
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:317
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"画像の WebP への変換に %1$s を使用しています。WP Rocket "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:303
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:329
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "画像の WebP への変換に %1$s を使用しています。WP Rocket による変換を希望する場合は、このオプションを有効化してください。%2$s詳細情報%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"画像の WebP への変換に %1$s を使用しています。WP Rocket は WebP "
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "画像の WebP への変換に %1$s を使用しています。WP Rocket は WebP 画像を配信するために別のキャッシュファイルを作成します。%2$s詳細情報%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t "
-"already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or "
-"another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP "
-"do not enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"%5$s 互換性のある WebP プラグインを検出しませんでした ! %6$s%4$s WebP "
-"画像をまだサイトで利用していない場合は、%3$sImagify%2$s "
-"またはサポートしている他のプラグインの利用を検討してください。%1$s詳細情報%2$s %4$s WebP "
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr "%5$s 互換性のある WebP プラグインを検出しませんでした ! %6$s%4$s WebP 画像をまだサイトで利用していない場合は、%3$sImagify%2$s またはサポートしている他のプラグインの利用を検討してください。%1$s詳細情報%2$s %4$s WebP を使用していない場合は、このオプションを有効化しないでください。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:361
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
msgstr "WP Rocket は、WebP 画像を配信するために別のキャッシュファイルを作成します。"
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "テーマで次の要件を検出できませんでした : %1$s を閉じます。"
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:116
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Sucuri キャッシュ消去エラー : %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:121
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr "Sucuri のキャッシュが消去されています。完全消去までには 2 分ほどかかることがありますのでご注意ください。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:244
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall の API キーが見つかりませんでした。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall の API キーが無効です。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Sucuri firewall API への問い合わせ時にエラー。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr "Sucuri firewall API への問い合わせ時にエラー。エラーメッセージ : %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:338
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall API から応答を取得できませんでした。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:352
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall API から無効な応答がありました。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:365
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall API が未知のエラーを返しました。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:368
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] "Sucuri firewall API は次のエラーを返しました : %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"予期せぬエラーが発生しました。WP-Rocket.me またはこのサーバー’ "
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "予期せぬエラーが発生しました。WP-Rocket.me またはこのサーバー’ の設定に問題があるかもしれません。それでも問題が解決しない場合は、サポートまでご連絡ください。"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:275
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "すべての言語"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "この記事を消去"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "この URL を消去"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "OPcache を消去"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:210
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Sucuri キャッシュを消去"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:233 inc/common/admin-bar.php:287
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:163
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "キャッシュをプリロード"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:312 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "RocketCDN キャッシュを消去"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:325 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "マニュアル"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:562
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "OPcache を消去できませんでした。"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:567
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache 消去が完了しました。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Imagify を有効化"
@@ -2883,9 +2197,7 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Imagify を無料インストール"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr "Imagify を使えば、画質を落とさずに画像ファイルサイズを縮小でき、サイトのスピードアップやSEO対策になります。"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
@@ -2899,9 +2211,7 @@ msgstr "サイトマップのプリロード : %dページをキャッシュし
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr "サイトマップのプリロード : キャッシュされていない %dページをプリロードしました。(更新で進行状況を表示)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
@@ -2912,45 +2222,33 @@ msgstr "リストからドメインを選択"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Cloudflare アカウントに利用可能なドメインがありません"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"お使いのサーバーでは Curl が無効化されています。ホストに有効化を依頼してください。Cloudflare アドオンが正しく動作するために必要です。"
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "お使いのサーバーでは Curl が無効化されています。ホストに有効化を依頼してください。Cloudflare アドオンが正しく動作するために必要です。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare のメールアドレス、API キー、Zone ID が設定されていません。詳しい説明は、%1$sマニュアル%2$sをご覧ください。"
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare のメールアドレス、API キー、Zone ID が設定されていません。詳しい説明は、%1$sマニュアル%2$sをご覧ください。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Cloudflare のメールアドレスと API キーが設定されていません。詳しい説明は、%1$sマニュアル%2$sをご覧ください。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Cloudflare へ接続できません"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"呼び出されたクラス%1$s は、バージョン %2$s から非推奨になっています ! 代わりに %3$s "
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "呼び出されたクラス%1$s は、バージョン %2$s から非推奨になっています ! 代わりに %3$s を使用してください。"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
msgstr "呼び出されたクラス%1$s は、バージョン %2$s から非推奨になっています ! "
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
@@ -2961,13 +2259,13 @@ msgstr "JS ファイルを JavaScript 遅延読込"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "URLを追加"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "インポートファイルをアップロードする前に、以下のエラーを修正してください : "
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "コンピュータからファイルを選択 (最大サイズ : %s)"
@@ -2988,7 +2286,8 @@ msgstr "保存と最適化"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "最適化"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "注意 : "
@@ -3003,7 +2302,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "サードパーティの機能を検出 : "
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "警告 : "
@@ -3017,29 +2317,39 @@ msgstr "設定をダウンロード"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "サイトのホスト名を次と置換 : "
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "右に適用"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "すべてのファイル"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "画像"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "CNAME を追加"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:16
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "動画を見る"
@@ -3057,22 +2367,12 @@ msgstr "アドバンスド"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$s が正しく機能するためには、少なくとも PHP %3$s が必要です。このバージョンを使用するには、お使いのサーバーを PHP %3$s"
-" 以上にアップグレードする方法をウェブホストに確認してください。アップグレードできない場合は、下のボタンを使って前のバージョンにロールバックできます。"
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s が正しく機能するためには、少なくとも PHP %3$s が必要です。このバージョンを使用するには、お使いのサーバーを PHP %3$s 以上にアップグレードする方法をウェブホストに確認してください。アップグレードできない場合は、下のボタンを使って前のバージョンにロールバックできます。"
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] "ライセンスの認証に問題があるようです。エラーメッセージが以下に表示されます。"
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
@@ -3115,111 +2415,104 @@ msgstr "匿名化された WP Rocket 設定 : "
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "有効化されている WP Rocket の設定"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:468
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "提供されたライセンスデータは有効ではありません。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:471
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "解決するには、%1$sサポートまでご連絡ください%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:532 inc/functions/options.php:571
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr "ライセンス認証ができませんでした。サイトからのリクエストを当社サーバーが解決できませんでした。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:532 inc/functions/options.php:571
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"以下の %1$s変更を保存%2$sをクリックしてみてください。それでもエラーが発生する場合は、%3$sこちらのガイド%4$sに従ってください。"
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "以下の %1$s変更を保存%2$sをクリックしてみてください。それでもエラーが発生する場合は、%3$sこちらのガイド%4$sに従ってください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr "ライセンス認証ができませんでした。無効なバージョンのプラグインを使用している可能性があります。以下のようにしてください : "
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548 inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "WP Rocket %1$sアカウント%2$sにログインしてください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548 inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "ZIP ファイルをダウンロード"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548 inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "再インストール"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "WP Rocket アカウントをお持ちでない方は、%1$sライセンスをご購入%2$sください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr "ライセンス認証ができませんでした。このユーザーアカウントは、当社データベースに存在しません。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "解決するには、サポートまでご連絡ください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:564
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
msgstr "ライセンス認証ができませんでした。このユーザーアカウントはブロックされています。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:564
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "詳しくは%1$sこちらのガイド%2$sをご覧ください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:584
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "ライセンスが有効ではありません。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:584
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "有効な %1$sWP Rocket ライセンス%2$sを持っていることを確認してください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:586
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "現在のライセンスで許可されている数のサイトを追加しました。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:586
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr "%1$sアカウント%2$sをアップグレードするか、このドメインに%3$sライセンス を移行%2$sしてください。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:588
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "このサイトは許可されていません。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:588
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "%1$sサポートまでご連絡ください%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "このライセンスキーは認識されません。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "それでも問題が解決しない場合は、%1$sサポートまでご連絡ください%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "ライセンス認証ができませんでした : %s"
@@ -3249,9 +2542,7 @@ msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
msgstr "モバイル向け CSS 非同期読込"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
msgstr "サイトは現在、デスクトップとモバイルの両方で同じクリティカルパス CSS を使用しています。"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
@@ -3261,15 +2552,12 @@ msgstr "ボタンをクリックすると、サイトでモバイル専用 CPCSS
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "これは 1 回限りのアクションで、このボタンはその後削除されます。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "サイトは現在、モバイル専用クリティカルパス CSS を使用しています。%1$s詳細情報%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
@@ -3294,229 +2582,21 @@ msgstr "この投稿は専用クリティカルパス CSS を使用していま
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
msgstr "デフォルトの CPCSS に戻す"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "戻る"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket フィードバック"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "閉じる"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "無効化する理由をちょっと教えていただけますか ?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sIt is a temporary deactivation.%2$s I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr "%1$s一時的な無効化です。%2$s問題をデバッグしているだけです。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin %1$sbroke my layout%2$s or some functionality."
-msgstr "このプラグインが%1$sレイアウトを崩した%2$s、または機能をおかしくした。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix %1$sscore did not improve.%2$s"
-msgstr "PageSpeed または GTMetrix の%1$sスコアが改善されなかった。%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "読込時間の差を感じなかった。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:66
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin is %1$stoo complicated to configure.%2$s"
-msgstr "プラグインの設定が%1$s複雑すぎる。%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "ホストがすでに独自のキャッシシステムを持っている。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:74
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "ウェブホストの名前を教えてください。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "その他"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr "プラグイン改善のため、WP Rocket を無効化した理由を教えてください。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "このプラグインがレイアウトを崩した、または機能をおかしくした。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:90
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr "この種の問題は、通常、WP Rocket のオプションをいくつか無効化することで解決します。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization and"
-" CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has resolved."
-msgstr ""
-"「セーフモード適用」をクリックして、LazyLoad、ファイル最適化、CDN "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "セーフモード適用"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "セーフモードが適用されました。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "プライベート モード / ログアウトしたブラウザでサイトを確認しましょう。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"問題は解決しましたか ? これで、オプションを 1 "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "PageSpeed または GTMetrix のスコアが改善されなかった。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket はサイトを高速化します。PageSpeed のグレードや GTMetrix "
-"のスコアは、スピードの指標ではありません。実際の訪問者も、Google もサイトの「グレード」を見ることはありません。スピードは、SEO "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr "WordPress の SEO に関するエキスパートである Yoast は、次のように述べています : "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:110
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:116
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-msgstr ""
-"サイトの読込時間を計測する方法 : %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score: %1$shttps://wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"PageSpeed スコアを追い求めてはいけない理由 : %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/the-truth-about-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:127
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "読込時間の差を感じなかった。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:128
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr "ログアウトした状態でサイトを見ると、キャッシュされた高速なページを見ることができます。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:132
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your website:"
-" %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket が行う改善を確認するには、スピードテストを行うのが一番です。以下のガイドに従うと、サイトの読込時間を正しく測定できます : "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:137
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "プラグインの設定が複雑すぎる"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:138
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "WP Rocket が使いづらいとのことで、申し訳ありません。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:139
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket は、速度最適化におけるベストプラクティスの 80% をデフォルトで提供する唯一のキャッシュプラグインです。つまり、WP Rocket"
-" を有効化する以外に何もしなくても、サイトはすでに高速化されているということです。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:140
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr "追加オプションは、高速なサイトの実現に必要なものではなく、微調整のためのものです。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket がすでに提供しているメリットを確認するには、Pingdom のようなツールを使ってサイト速度を測定します : %1$shttps"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:151
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "送信して、無効化"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:152
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:154
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "スキップして、無効化"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Google フォント最適化を有効化"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
msgstr "フォントのパフォーマンスを向上させ、複数のフォントリクエストを連結して HTTP リクエストの数を減らすことができます。"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "Google フォント最適化がサイトで有効化されました。 %1$s詳細情報%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
@@ -3527,18 +2607,21 @@ msgstr "Google フォントを最適化"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "の後にキャッシュを消去"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3547,11 +2630,11 @@ msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "設定のインポート"
#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "アドオンの状態"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "オプションを変更"
@@ -3607,14 +2690,11 @@ msgstr "サイトの読み込みが速くなったはずです ! "
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
msgstr "高速なサイトを保証するために、WP Rocket はウェブパフォーマンスにおけるベストプラクティスの 80% を自動的に適用します。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr "また、サイトにすぐに効果をもたらすオプションも有効化します。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
@@ -3629,57 +2709,44 @@ msgstr "マイアカウント"
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "情報を更新"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:93
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "利用期限"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "マイアカウントを表示"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:130
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "クイックアクション"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "キャッシュされたファイルをすべて削除"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:157
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "キャッシュのプリロードを開始"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:183
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "OPcache のコンテンツを消去"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:189
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "OPcache を消去"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:206
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Critical CSS を再生成"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
msgstr "未使用 CSS キャッシュ削除"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:241
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "よくある質問"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:255
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "それでも解決できませんか ? "
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:256
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "質問をチケットで出してください。フレンドリーで知識豊富な Rocketeers がお助けします。"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:264
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "サポートを依頼"
@@ -3688,8 +2755,7 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "クリーンアップを実行する前に、データベースをバックアップしておきましょう !"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "一度行ったデータベースの最適化は、元に戻すことはできません。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
@@ -3698,15 +2764,11 @@ msgstr "変更を保存して最適化"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s は、%1$sクラス最高の画像最適化のため%2$sに、%3$sIMAGIFY%4$s を作成しました。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr "画像を圧縮して、画質を維持したままサイトを高速化します。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
@@ -3744,12 +2806,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$sチュートリアル%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -3798,9 +2856,7 @@ msgstr "バージョン %s でサイトに不具合が起きましたか ?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
msgstr "ここで前のメジャーバージョンにロールバックできます。%s そして、サポート依頼をお送りください。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
@@ -3840,23 +2896,23 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket がサイトをキャッシュしているかどうかを確
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "サイト速度を測定する方法"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "ファイル最適化による表示不具合のトラブルシューティング"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "除外する JavaScript の見つけ方"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "外部コンテンツがサイトを遅くする原因"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "プリロードのしくみ"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Cloudflare アドオンの設定"
@@ -3875,18 +2931,12 @@ msgstr "サイドバーを表示"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s許可を得た場合に%2$s WP Rocket が収集するデータすべての詳細は以下の通りです。"
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket では、ドメイン名やメールアドレス (ライセンス認証を除く)、IP アドレス、サードパーティの API "
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket では、ドメイン名やメールアドレス (ライセンス認証を除く)、IP アドレス、サードパーティの API キーを送信することはありません。"
#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
@@ -3912,32 +2962,581 @@ msgstr "サイト読込時間を正しく測定するには ?"
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
msgstr "チュートリアルでは、サイトの速度を測定する方法をご紹介します。"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
msgstr "モバイルに最適な WP Rocket の設定についてご紹介します。"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:25
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "ガイドを読む"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr "WordPress を Google Core Web Vitals でテストして、改善しましょう。"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "もっと詳しく"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "ログインユーザーのキャッシュを有効化していません。"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:35
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr "プライベートブラウザを使用して、サイトの速度と表示を確認してください。"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "お困りですか ? "
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ms.mo b/languages/rocket-ms.mo
index d26032ea8c..c6c5b5bb50 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-ms.mo and b/languages/rocket-ms.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ms.po b/languages/rocket-ms.po
index f8490d8923..29302a0008 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-ms.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-ms.po
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Adi Azudin
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Adakah anda mengizinkan WP Rocket untuk mengumpul data diagnostik yang tidak"
-" sensitif daripada laman web ini?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Adakah anda mengizinkan WP Rocket untuk mengumpul data diagnostik yang tidak sensitif daripada laman web ini?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan membantu kami memperbaiki WP Rocket untuk anda pada masa akan "
+msgstr "Ini akan membantu kami memperbaiki WP Rocket untuk anda pada masa akan datang."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Apakah maklumat yang akan kami kumpulkan?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Ya, izinkan"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Terima kasih!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket kini mengumpul metrik ini daripada laman web anda:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -546,1616 +482,1098 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Tambah lagi ciri-ciri"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Tetapan Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
+msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
-msgid "Tools"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
@@ -2198,143 +1616,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Lesen anda tidak sah."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Pastikan anda memiliki aktif %1$s lesen WP Rocket %2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
-msgstr ""
-"Anda telah menambah banyak tapak seperti yang dibenarkan oleh lesen semasa "
+msgstr "Anda telah menambah banyak tapak seperti yang dibenarkan oleh lesen semasa anda."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Naik taraf %1$sakaun%2$s atau %3$smemindahkan lesen anda %2$s kepada domain "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Naik taraf %1$sakaun%2$s atau %3$smemindahkan lesen anda %2$s kepada domain ini."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Laman web ini tidak dibenarkan."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Sila %1$s hubungi sokongan %2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Kunci lesen ini tidak diiktiraf."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2359,218 +1751,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2578,198 +1781,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2796,35 +1951,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
+#, php-format
+msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
-#, php-format
-msgid "Reinstall version %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2837,113 +1986,1555 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-nb_NO.mo b/languages/rocket-nb_NO.mo
index 5bb205533d..85e3462eb1 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-nb_NO.mo and b/languages/rocket-nb_NO.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-nb_NO.po b/languages/rocket-nb_NO.po
index 4c140b97b7..d158ada7bb 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-nb_NO.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-nb_NO.po
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.3.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-26 11:14-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (https://www.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/nb_NO/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-26 11:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
@@ -25,504 +23,460 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:15 inc/3rd-party/hosting/godaddy.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/o2switch.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:15 inc/3rd-party/hosting/savvii.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:24
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wpengine.php:15
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/kinsta.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing and CDN, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket "
-"from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your"
-" %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:18
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:18
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:27
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:90
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Dreampress.php:44
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Godaddy.php:63
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/O2Switch.php:49
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/OneCom.php:137
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/ProIsp.php:51
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Savvii.php:50
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPXCloud.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:697
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:997
+#: inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:332
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:334
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:88
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:34
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:85
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:123
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:85
msgid "Rank Math XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:184
msgid "SEOPress XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:121
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:251
msgid "The SEO Framework XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:84
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:13 inc/common/admin-bar.php:311
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:15
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:20
msgid "Docs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:17 inc/common/admin-bar.php:299
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:19 inc/common/admin-bar.php:46
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:64 inc/admin/admin.php:86 inc/admin/admin.php:105
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:249 inc/admin/admin.php:264
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:290
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:529
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:537
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:546
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:554
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:571
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:592
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:101
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:107
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:128
-msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
-msgid "Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:134
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:146
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:152
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:164
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:170
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:182
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:188
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:241 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:692
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:242 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:784
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:243 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:802
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:244 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:245 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1144
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:246 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1149
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:247 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1443
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:265
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:275
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:955
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:65 inc/common/admin-bar.php:118
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:115
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:66
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:70
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:615
-msgid "Minify HTML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1413
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1424
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:102
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:24 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:34
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -530,1629 +484,1107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
+msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
-msgid "Tools"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
@@ -2196,139 +1628,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2353,218 +1763,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2572,198 +1793,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2790,35 +1963,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
+#, php-format
+msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
-#, php-format
-msgid "Reinstall version %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2831,113 +1998,1561 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-nl_NL.mo b/languages/rocket-nl_NL.mo
index 8b9af56f40..341f7c5e3f 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-nl_NL.mo and b/languages/rocket-nl_NL.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-nl_NL.po b/languages/rocket-nl_NL.po
index 94aa5a3652..08a28d5742 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-nl_NL.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-nl_NL.po
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
@@ -330,232 +306,179 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s is door ontbrekende schrijfrechten niet gedeactiveerd.
"Maak %2$s schrijfbaar en probeer deactivatie nogmaals of forceer deactivatie nu:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: één of meerdere plugins zijn in- of uitgeschakeld, leeg"
-" de cache als dit van invloed is op de frontend van je site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: één of meerdere plugins zijn in- of uitgeschakeld, leeg de cache als dit van invloed is op de frontend van je site."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: de volgende plugins zijn niet compatibel met deze "
-"plugin en kunnen onverwachte resultaten veroorzaken:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: de volgende plugins zijn niet compatibel met deze plugin en kunnen onverwachte resultaten veroorzaken:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deactiveren"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: een aangepaste permalinkstructuur is vereist door de plugin om juist "
-"te werken. %2$sGa naar permalink-instellingen%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: een aangepaste permalinkstructuur is vereist door de plugin om juist te werken. %2$sGa naar permalink-instellingen%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Probleemoplossing: %1$shoe systeembestanden schrijfbaar te maken%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s is klaar voor gebruik! %2$sTest je laadtijd%4$s of bekijk je "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s is klaar voor gebruik! %2$sTest je laadtijd%4$s of bekijk je %3$sinstellingen%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Wil je toestaan dat WP Rocket niet-gevoelige diagnostische gegevens van deze"
-" website verzameld?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Wil je toestaan dat WP Rocket niet-gevoelige diagnostische gegevens van deze website verzameld?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Dit helpt ons bij het verbeteren van WP Rocket in de toekomst."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Welke informatie zullen we verzamelen?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Hieronder is een gedetailleerd overzicht van alle gegevens die WP Rocket zal"
-" verzamelen na toestemming. WP Rocket zal nooit domeinnamen of "
-"e-mailadressen versturen (behalve voor validatie van licentie), IP-adressen "
-"of API-sleutels van derde partijen."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Hieronder is een gedetailleerd overzicht van alle gegevens die WP Rocket zal verzamelen na toestemming. WP Rocket zal nooit domeinnamen of e-mailadressen versturen (behalve voor validatie van licentie), IP-adressen of API-sleutels van derde partijen."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Ja, toestaan"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Nee, bedankt"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Bedankt!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket verzamelt nu deze gegevens van je website:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: cache geleegd."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: bericht-cache geleegd."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: term-cache geleegd."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: gebruiker-cache geleegd."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Stop Preload"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Deactivatie forceren"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "De volgende code moest naar dit bestand worden geschreven:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Negeer deze melding."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s kan zichzelf door ontbrekende schrijfrechten niet configureren."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Betreffend(e) bestand/map: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revisies"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Automatische concepten"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Verwijderde Berichten"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Spam Reacties"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Verwijderde Reacties"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Verlopen transients"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Transients"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabellen"
@@ -563,1680 +486,1107 @@ msgstr "Tabellen"
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr "Het debug bestand kan niet verwijderd worden."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licentie"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API-sleutel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-mailadres"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Krijg hulp, accountinformatie"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Mijn status"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Rocket Tester"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "Ik maak deel uit van het WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket Analytics"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ik ga ermee akkoord dat WP Rocket anoniem data met het development team "
-"deelt ter verbetering van de plug-in. %1$sWelke informatie verzamelt de "
-"plug-in? %2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Ik ga ermee akkoord dat WP Rocket anoniem data met het development team deelt ter verbetering van de plug-in. %1$sWelke informatie verzamelt de plug-in? %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Basis cache instellingen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Mobiele cache"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Versnel je site voor mobiele bezoekers."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Gebruikers Cache"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Cache Levensduur"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Caching voor ingelogde WordPress-gebruikers inschakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Caching voor mobiele apparaten inschakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Cache-bestanden voor mobiele apparaten scheiden"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificeer de tijd waarna de volledige cache automatisch wordt geleegd
-" (0 = onbeperkt, niet legen)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Specificeer de tijd waarna de volledige cache automatisch wordt geleegd
(0 = onbeperkt, niet legen)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Verlaag de levensduur naar 10 uur of minder als je problemen ondervindt die "
-"soms voorkomen. %1$sWaarom?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Verlaag de levensduur naar 10 uur of minder als je problemen ondervindt die soms voorkomen. %1$sWaarom?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minuten"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Uren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Dagen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Bestandsoptimalisatie"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "CSS & JS optimaliseren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Basisinstellingen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS-bestanden"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript-bestanden"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-"HTML verkleinen verwijdert witruimte en commentaar om de grootte te "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "Google Fonts-bestanden combineren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Het combineren van Google Fonts zal het aantal HTTP requests verminderen."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "Query strings van statische bestanden verwijderen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "CSS-bestanden verkleinen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS verkleinen verwijdert witruimte en reacties om de bestandsgrootte te "
+msgstr "CSS verkleinen verwijdert witruimte en reacties om de bestandsgrootte te verminderen."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Dit kan dingen breken!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Als je fouten op je website opmerkt na het activeren van deze instelling, "
-"deactiveer het dan gewoon en je site zal weer als normaal zijn."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Als je fouten op je website opmerkt na het activeren van deze instelling, deactiveer het dan gewoon en je site zal weer als normaal zijn."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "CSS verkleinen activeren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combineer CSS bestanden (Schakel Minify CSS bestanden in om te "
-"selecteren) "
+msgstr "Combineer CSS bestanden (Schakel Minify CSS bestanden in om te selecteren) "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Activeer het combineren van CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "CSS-levering optimaliseren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Terugvallen op kritieke CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "JavaScript-bestanden verkleinen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Activeer het verkleinen van JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Activeer het combineren van JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "JavaScript uitgesteld laden"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Veilige modus voor Query (aanbevolen)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, emoji's, embeds"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoji 👻"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Gebruik de standaard emoji's in het besturingssysteem van de browser in "
-"plaats van het laden van emoji's vanaf Wordpress.org"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Embeds"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Voor afbeeldingen inschakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Voor iframes en video's inschakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "YouTube iframe met voorbeeldafbeelding vervangen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit kan je laadtijd aanzienlijk verbeteren als je veel YouTube-video's op "
-"een pagina hebt."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Emoji uischakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Het uitschakelen van het laden van emoji's extern zal het aantal HTTP "
-"verzoeken verminderen."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "WordPress Embeds uitschakelen"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Dit kan je laadtijd aanzienlijk verbeteren als je veel YouTube-video's op een pagina hebt."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Preloaden"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr "Cachebestanden genereren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "DNS verzoeken voorladen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Activeer preloading"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Op sitemap gebaseerde-cache preloading activeren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Sitemaps voor preloading"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Specificeer externe hosts die geprefetched moeten worden (geen "
, één per regel)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificeer externe hosts die geprefetched moeten worden (geen http:
, één per regel)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Geavanceerde regels"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Nooit cookies cachen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Query string(s) cachen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificeer user agent-strings die nooit gecachte pagina's moeten zien (één "
-"per regel)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificeer user agent-strings die nooit gecachte pagina's moeten zien (één per regel)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Gebruikt (.*)-wildcards om delen van UA-strings te detecteren."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificeer URL's die je altijd uit de cache wilt legen als je een bericht "
-"of pagina bijwerkt (één per regel)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specificeer URL's die je altijd uit de cache wilt legen als je een bericht of pagina bijwerkt (één per regel)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer query strings voor caching (één per regel)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Berichten Opschonen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Reacties Opschonen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Transients Opschonen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Database opschonen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Automatisch opschonen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Alle transients"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Tabellen optimaliseren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frequentie"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Dagelijks"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Wekelijks"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Maandelijks"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Content Delivery Network inschakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(s)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Uitschakelen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Add-ons"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Meer functies toevoegen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket add-ons"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Rocket add-ons zijn aanvullende functies die beschikbare opties uitbreiden."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google Tracking"
+msgstr "Rocket add-ons zijn aanvullende functies die beschikbare opties uitbreiden."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Verbeter de browser caching voor Google Analytics"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Als Varnish op je server draait, moet je deze add-on activeren."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare-instellingen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globale API-sleutel:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Vind je API-code"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Optimale instellingen"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Relatief protocol"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Vind je API-code"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Bestand uploaden en instellingen importeren"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Instellingen opgeslagen."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Versie %s opnieuw installeren"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Het log bestand bestaat niet."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Het log bestand kon niet gelezen worden."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "De logs zijn niet opgeslagen in een bestand."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Kritieke CSS voor %1$s niet gegenereerd. Fout: %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "De API stuurde een ongeldige reactiecode terug."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "De API stuurde een lege reactie terug."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr ""
-"De kritieke CSS-inhoud kon niet als een bestand in %s worden opgeslagen."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Kritieke CSS voor %s gegenereerd."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Genereren kritieke CSS draait momenteel: %1$d van %2$d paginatypes voltooid. (Ververs deze pagina om voortgang te bekijken)"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
+msgstr "Genereren kritieke CSS voor %1$d van %2$d paginatypes afgerond."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
+msgstr "wekelijks"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
+msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database draait"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database is voltooid. Alles was al geoptimaliseerd!"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database is voltooid. Lijst van geoptimaliseerde items hieronder:"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Genereren kritieke CSS draait momenteel: %1$d van %2$d paginatypes voltooid."
-" (Ververs deze pagina om voortgang te bekijken)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr "Genereren kritieke CSS voor %1$d van %2$d paginatypes afgerond."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr "wekelijks"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database draait"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-"Proces voor optimalisatie database is voltooid. Alles was al "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"Proces voor optimalisatie database is voltooid. Lijst van geoptimaliseerde "
-"items hieronder:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s geoptimaliseerd."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Tools"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Importeren, exporteren, terugzetten"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Afbeeldingsoptimalisatie"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Optimaliseer je afbeeldingen"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Er deed zich een onverwachte fout voor. Er kan iets mis zijn met WP-"
-"Rocket.me of de configuratie van deze server. Als je deze problemen blijft "
-"houden, neem dan contact op met onze ondersteuning."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Er deed zich een onverwachte fout voor. Er kan iets mis zijn met WP-Rocket.me of de configuratie van deze server. Als je deze problemen blijft houden, neem dan contact op met onze ondersteuning."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Alle talen"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Dit bericht legen"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Deze URL legen"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "OPcache legen"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Pad naar kritieke CSS opnieuw genereren"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Cloudflare-cache legen"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Cache preloaden"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentatie"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s legen"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "maandelijks"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr "Fout bij legen Cloudflare-cache: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr "Cloudflare-cache succesvol geleegd"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Imagify activeren"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Imagify gratis installeren"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Versnel je website en boost je SEO door het verkleinen van groottes van "
-"afbeeldingsbestanden zonder de kwaliteit te verliezen met Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Versnel je website en boost je SEO door het verkleinen van groottes van afbeeldingsbestanden zonder de kwaliteit te verliezen met Imagify."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "Meer details"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr "Preloaden sitemap: %d pagina's zijn gecacht."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Preloaden sitemap: %d niet-gecachte pagina's zijn nu gepreload. (Ververs om "
-"voortgang te bekijken)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Preloaden sitemap: %d niet-gecachte pagina's zijn nu gepreload. (Ververs om voortgang te bekijken)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "JS-bestanden met uitgesteld laden-JavaScript"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "URL toevoegen"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Voordat je je importbestand kunt uploaden, moet je de volgende fout "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Voordat je je importbestand kunt uploaden, moet je de volgende fout oplossen:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Kies een bestand van je computer (maximale grootte: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Je Cloudflare-gegevens zijn geldig."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "Je Cloudflare-gegevens zijn ongeldig!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Opslaan en optimaliseren"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimaliseren"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Opmerking:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Prestatietip:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Functie van derde partij gedetecteerd:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Waarschuwing:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Instellingen downloaden"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Hostnaam site vervangen door:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "voorbehouden aan"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Alle bestanden"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Afbeeldingen"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "CNAME toevoegen"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Bekijk de video"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basis"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Statische bestanden"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Geavanceerd"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s vereist minstens PHP %3$s om juist te functioneren. Om deze versie"
-" te gebruiken, moet je je webhost vragen hoe je je server naar PHP %3$s of "
-"hoger kunt upgraden. Als je niet kunt upgraden, kun je naar de vorige versie"
-" terugdraaien door de knop hieronder te gebruiken."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s vereist minstens PHP %3$s om juist te functioneren. Om deze versie te gebruiken, moet je je webhost vragen hoe je je server naar PHP %3$s of hoger kunt upgraden. Als je niet kunt upgraden, kun je naar de vorige versie terugdraaien door de knop hieronder te gebruiken."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
@@ -2280,141 +1630,117 @@ msgstr "Geanonimiseerde WP Rocket-instellingen:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Welke WP Rocket-instellingen zijn actief"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr "E-mailadres en API-sleutel van Cloudflare zijn niet ingesteld"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr "Ontbrekende Cloudflare zone ID. %s kon dit niet automatisch oplossen."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Lees de %1$sdocumentatie%2$s voor verdere begeleiding."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Verbinding naar Cloudflare mislukt"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "Kies een domein uit de lijst"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Geen domein beschikbaar in je Cloudflare-account"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Download het zip bestand"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Herinstalleren"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Om op te lossen, gelieve support te contacteren."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Je licentie is niet geldig."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Deze website is niet toegestaan."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Neem contact op met %1$sde support%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Deze licentie code word niet herkend."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Validatie van de licentie is mislukt: %s"
@@ -2425,9 +1751,7 @@ msgstr "De plugin is succesvol geïnstalleerd."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:532
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
-msgstr ""
-"Sorry, je hebt niet de juiste rechten om een plugin te installeren op deze "
+msgstr "Sorry, je hebt niet de juiste rechten om een plugin te installeren op deze website."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:533
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that."
@@ -2441,221 +1765,29 @@ msgstr "Plugin installatie mislukt."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Ga terug"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Terug"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket feedback"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sluiten"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Mogen we wat informatie over waarom je gaat deactiveren?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-"De plugin brak mijn layout of enkele functionaliteiten."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr "Mijn PageSpeed- of GTMetrix-score verbeterde niet."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Ik merkte geen verschil in laadtijd."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr "De plugin is te ingewikkeld om te configureren."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Mijn host heeft al zijn eigen caching-systeem."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Wat is de naam van je webhost?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Anders"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Laat ons weten waarom je WP Rocket hebt gedeactiveerd zodat we de plugin "
-"kunnen verbeteren"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "De plugin brak mijn layout of enkele functionaliteiten"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Veilige modus toepassen"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Veilige modus toegepast."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Mijn PageSpeed- of GTMetrix-score verbeterde niet"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Ik merkte een verschil ik laadtijd"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "De plugin configuratie is te ingewikkeld"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Versturen & deactiveren"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Overslaan & deactiveren"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Cache legen na"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -2663,200 +1795,150 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Instellingen importeren"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Aan"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Uit"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Status add-on"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Opties aanpassen"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr "Cloudflare Cache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr "Leegt gecachte bronnen op je website. %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Meer weten"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr "Alle Cloudflare cache bestanden legen"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Gefeliciteerd!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Mijn account"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Einddatum"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Mijn account bekijken"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Snelle acties"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Alle gecachte bestanden verwijderen"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Cache preloading starten"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Inhoud OPCache legen"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "OPCache legen"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Kritieke CSS opnieuw genereren"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Veelgestelde vragen"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Geen oplossing gevonden?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Vraag het de support"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Backup je database voordat je het opschonen begint!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr "Meer over Imagify:"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr "Imagify Plugin Pagina"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr "Imagify Website"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr "Installeer Imagify"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr "WP Rocket kon je licentie niet automatisch valideren."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr "Verwijder alle Sucuri cache bestanden"
@@ -2883,35 +1965,29 @@ msgstr "Instellingen exporteren"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "Download een back-upbestand van je instellingen"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Instellingen downloaden"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Terugdraaien"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr "Heeft versie %s voor problemen op je website gezorgd?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "Versie %s opnieuw installeren"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Debug modus"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr "Creëer een debug log bestand."
@@ -2924,117 +2000,1561 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket-instellingen"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versie %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan"
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Sidebar weergeven"
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+msgstr "Activeer Rocket analytics"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
+msgstr "Lees de documentatie"
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Activeer Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr "Onze gids lezen"
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Lees meer"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
-msgstr "Activeer Rocket analytics"
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr "Hulp nodig?"
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
-msgstr "Lees de documentatie"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
-msgstr "Onze gids lezen"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Lees meer"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
-msgstr "Hulp nodig?"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-pl_PL.mo b/languages/rocket-pl_PL.mo
index 0ca1de0bac..27daff8b9b 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-pl_PL.mo and b/languages/rocket-pl_PL.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-pl_PL.po b/languages/rocket-pl_PL.po
index 7cd87ea480..48ca94e28a 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-pl_PL.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-pl_PL.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Romain • WP Rocket
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Pliki pamięci podręcznej starsze niż określony okres trwania zostaną "
Włącz %1$swstępne ładowanie%2$s, aby pamięć podręczna była "
-"automatycznie odbudowywana po upływie okresu trwania."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Pliki pamięci podręcznej starsze niż określony okres trwania zostaną usunięte.
Włącz %1$swstępne ładowanie%2$s, aby pamięć podręczna była automatycznie odbudowywana po upływie okresu trwania."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
-msgstr ""
-"Włącz przechowywanie w pamięci podręcznej dla zalogowanych użytkowników "
+msgstr "Włącz przechowywanie w pamięci podręcznej dla zalogowanych użytkowników WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Włącz przechowywanie w pamięci podręcznej dla urządzeń mobilnych"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Przechowuj oddzielnie pliki cache dla urządzeń przenośnych"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:518
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Większość nowoczesnych motywów jest responsywna i powinna działać bez "
-"osobnej pamięci podręcznej. Włącz to tylko, jeśli masz dedykowany motyw "
-"mobilny lub wtyczkę. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Większość nowoczesnych motywów jest responsywna i powinna działać bez osobnej pamięci podręcznej. Włącz to tylko, jeśli masz dedykowany motyw mobilny lub wtyczkę. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:534
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Określ czas, po którym globalna pamięć podręczna zostanie oczyszczona
(0 "
-"= bez ograniczeń)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Określ czas, po którym globalna pamięć podręczna zostanie oczyszczona
(0 = bez ograniczeń)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:536
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Skróć cykl trwania do 10 godzin lub mniej, jeśli zauważysz problemy, które "
-"wydają się pojawiać okresowo. %1$sDlaczego?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Skróć cykl trwania do 10 godzin lub mniej, jeśli zauważysz problemy, które wydają się pojawiać okresowo. %1$sDlaczego?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Godziny"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Dzień/Dni"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:579
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Optymalizacja plików"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:580
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optymalizacja CSS i JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:587
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "Pliki CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:594
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:604
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Minifikacja jest obecnie aktywowana w Autoptimize. "
-"Jeśli chcesz użyć minifikacji %2$s, wyłącz te opcje w Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s Minifikacja jest obecnie aktywowana w Autoptimize. Jeśli chcesz użyć minifikacji %2$s, wyłącz te opcje w Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:597
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Pliki JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve "
Also, please check our "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
-msgstr ""
-"Jeśli po włączeniu tej opcji wystąpią problemy, skopiuj i wklej domyślne "
-"wykluczenia, aby szybko rozwiązać "
Sprawdź również naszą "
-"%2$sdokumentację%3$s, aby zapoznać się z listą wykluczeń dla "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:618
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Skrypty wewnętrzne są domyślnie wyłączone, aby zapobiec problemom. Usuń je, "
-"aby w pełni skorzystać z tej opcji.
Jeśli to spowoduje problemy, przywróć"
-" domyślne wykluczenia, które można znaleźć %1$stutaj%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:627
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Minifikuj pliki CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minifikacja CSS usuwa białą przestrzeń i komentarze, aby zmniejszyć rozmiar "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:641
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:665
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:795
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:819
+msgstr "Minifikacja CSS usuwa białą przestrzeń i komentarze, aby zmniejszyć rozmiar pliku."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "To może coś zepsuć!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:666
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:820
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Jeśli zauważysz jakiekolwiek błędy na swojej witrynie internetowej po "
-"aktywowaniu tego ustawienia, po prostu wyłącz je ponownie, a Twoja witryna "
-"powróci do normy."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Jeśli zauważysz jakiekolwiek błędy na swojej witrynie internetowej po aktywowaniu tego ustawienia, po prostu wyłącz je ponownie, a Twoja witryna powróci do normy."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:643
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Aktywuj minifikację CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:648
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "Połącz pliki CSS (Włącz Minifikację CSS, aby wybrać)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Łączenie CSS konkantenuje wszystkie pliki w jeden, redukując żądania HTTP. "
-"Nie zalecane, jeśli witryna używa HTTP/2. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Łączenie CSS konkantenuje wszystkie pliki w jeden, redukując żądania HTTP. Nie zalecane, jeśli witryna używa HTTP/2. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove "
-"unused CSS is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Dla kompatybilności i najlepszych rezultatów, ta opcja jest wyłączona, gdy "
-"włączona jest opcja Usuń nieużywane CSS."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr "Dla kompatybilności i najlepszych rezultatów, ta opcja jest wyłączona, gdy włączona jest opcja Usuń nieużywane CSS."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:667
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Aktywuj łączenie CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:672 inc/admin/options.php:123
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Pomijane pliki CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:673
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Określ adresy URL plików CSS, które mają być wyłączone z minifikacji i "
-"łączenia (po jednym na linię)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Określ adresy URL plików CSS, które mają być wyłączone z minifikacji i łączenia (po jednym na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:674
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Wewnętrzny: Domenowa część adresu URL zostanie usunięta "
-"automatycznie. Użyj (.*).css wildcardów, aby wykluczyć wszystkie pliki CSS "
-"znajdujące się na określonej ścieżce."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Wewnętrzny: Domenowa część adresu URL zostanie usunięta automatycznie. Użyj (.*).css wildcardów, aby wykluczyć wszystkie pliki CSS znajdujące się na określonej ścieżce."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:676
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zewnętrzne: Użyj albo pełnej ścieżki URL albo tylko nazwy "
-"domeny, aby wykluczyć zewnętrzny CSS. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Zewnętrzne: Użyj albo pełnej ścieżki URL albo tylko nazwy domeny, aby wykluczyć zewnętrzny CSS. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:689
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:711
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optymalizacja dostarczania CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-"performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
-msgstr ""
-"Optymalizacja dostarczania CSS eliminuje blokowanie renderowania CSS na "
-"twojej stronie. Tylko jedna metoda może być wybrana. Usuń nieużywany CSS "
-"jest zalecany dla optymalnej wydajności, ale ograniczony tylko do "
-"użytkowników z aktywną licencją."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr "Optymalizacja dostarczania CSS eliminuje blokowanie renderowania CSS na twojej stronie. Tylko jedna metoda może być wybrana. Usuń nieużywany CSS jest zalecany dla optymalnej wydajności, ale ograniczony tylko do użytkowników z aktywną licencją."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
-msgstr ""
-"Optymalizacja dostarczania CSS eliminuje blokowanie renderowania CSS na "
-"twojej stronie. Tylko jedna metoda może być wybrana. Usuń nieużywany CSS "
-"jest zalecane dla optymalnej wydajności."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr "Optymalizacja dostarczania CSS eliminuje blokowanie renderowania CSS na twojej stronie. Tylko jedna metoda może być wybrana. Usuń nieużywany CSS jest zalecane dla optymalnej wydajności."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:704
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn"
-" more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optymalizuj CSS Funkcje dostarczania są wyłączone w środowiskach lokalnych. "
-"%1$sDowiedz się więcej%2$s"
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Optymalizuj CSS Funkcje dostarczania są wyłączone w środowiskach lokalnych. %1$sDowiedz się więcej%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:724 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Usuń nieużywany CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests."
-" Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Usuwa nieużywany CSS na stronie i pomaga zredukować rozmiar strony i żądania"
-" HTTP. Zalecane dla najlepszej wydajności. Przetestuj dokładnie! %1$sWięcej "
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Usuwa nieużywany CSS na stronie i pomaga zredukować rozmiar strony i żądania HTTP. Zalecane dla najlepszej wydajności. Przetestuj dokładnie! %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Aktywuj usuwanie nieużywanego CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:737
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "Bezpieczna lista CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:738
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Określ nazwy plików CSS, identyfikatory lub klasy, które nie powinny być "
-"usuwane (jedna na linię)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr "Określ nazwy plików CSS, identyfikatory lub klasy, które nie powinny być usuwane (jedna na linię)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:753 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
msgstr "Wczytaj CSS asynchronicznie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:756
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
#, php-format
msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want"
-" to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Ładowanie CSS asynchronicznie jest obecnie obsługiwane przez wtyczkę %1$s. "
-"Jeśli chcesz korzystać z opcji asynchronicznego ładowania CSS przez WP "
-"Rocket, wyłącz wtyczkę %1$s."
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr "Ładowanie CSS asynchronicznie jest obecnie obsługiwane przez wtyczkę %1$s. Jeśli chcesz korzystać z opcji asynchronicznego ładowania CSS przez WP Rocket, wyłącz wtyczkę %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:758
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Generuje CSS ścieżki krytycznej i ładuje CSS asynchronicznie. %1$sWięcej "
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Generuje CSS ścieżki krytycznej i ładuje CSS asynchronicznie. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Krytyczne dla bezpieczeństwa CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zapewnia bezpieczny fallback, jeśli automatycznie wygenerowana ścieżka "
-"krytyczna CSS jest niekompletna. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Zapewnia bezpieczny fallback, jeśli automatycznie wygenerowana ścieżka krytyczna CSS jest niekompletna. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:781
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Minifikuj pliki JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:782
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minifikacja JavaScript usuwa białą przestrzeń i komentarze, aby zmniejszyć "
-"rozmiar pliku."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Minifikacja JavaScript usuwa białą przestrzeń i komentarze, aby zmniejszyć rozmiar pliku."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:797
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktywuj minifikację JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr "Połącz pliki JavaScript (Włącz Minify JavaScript aby wybrać)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:804
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Łączenie plików JavaScript łączy w sobie wewnętrzne, zewnętrzne oraz inline "
-"JS, redukując żądania HTTP. Nie zalecane, jeśli witryna używa HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Łączenie plików JavaScript łączy w sobie wewnętrzne, zewnętrzne oraz inline JS, redukując żądania HTTP. Nie zalecane, jeśli witryna używa HTTP/2. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:805
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Dla kompatybilności i najlepszych wyników, opcja ta jest wyłączona, gdy "
-"włączone jest opóźnienie wykonywania javascript."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr "Dla kompatybilności i najlepszych wyników, opcja ta jest wyłączona, gdy włączone jest opóźnienie wykonywania javascript."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:821
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Aktywuj łączenie JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:826 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "Pomijany inline JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Określa wzory inline JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z konkatenacji "
-"(jeden na linię). %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Określa wzory inline JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z konkatenacji (jeden na linię). %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:844
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:877
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:906 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Pomijane pliki JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:845
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Określ adresy URL plików JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z minifikacji "
-"i konkatenacji (jeden na linię)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Określ adresy URL plików JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z minifikacji i konkatenacji (jeden na linię)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:846
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Część domeny adresu URL zostanie automatycznie usunięta.
Użyj symboli "
-"wieloznacznych wildcard takich jak (.*).js, aby wykluczyć wszystkie pliki JS"
-" znajdujące się w określonej ścieżce."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Część domeny adresu URL zostanie automatycznie usunięta.
Użyj symboli wieloznacznych wildcard takich jak (.*).js, aby wykluczyć wszystkie pliki JS znajdujące się w określonej ścieżce."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:848
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Zewnętrzne: Użyj pełnej ścieżki URL lub tylko nazwy "
-"domeny, aby wykluczyć zewnętrzne JS. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Zewnętrzne: Użyj pełnej ścieżki URL lub tylko nazwy domeny, aby wykluczyć zewnętrzne JS. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Ładuj pliki JS metodą defer"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:866
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Opóźnione ładowanie JavaScript eliminuje blokowanie renderowania JS na "
-"Twojej stronie i może poprawić czas ładowania. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Opóźnione ładowanie JavaScript eliminuje blokowanie renderowania JS na Twojej stronie i może poprawić czas ładowania. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj adresy URL lub słowa kluczowe plików JavaScript, które mają być "
-"wyłączone z odroczenia (jeden na linię). %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Podaj adresy URL lub słowa kluczowe plików JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z odroczenia (jeden na linię). %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:895 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Opóźnianie wykonywania skryptów JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:897
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Poprawia wydajność poprzez opóźnianie ładowania plików JavaScript do czasu "
-"interakcji użytkownika (np. przewijania, klikania). %1$s Więcej "
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Poprawia wydajność poprzez opóźnianie ładowania plików JavaScript do czasu interakcji użytkownika (np. przewijania, klikania). %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:907
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Określ adresy URL lub słowa kluczowe, które mogą identyfikować pliki inline "
-"lub JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z opóźniania wykonania (jeden na "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr "Określ adresy URL lub słowa kluczowe, które mogą identyfikować pliki inline lub JavaScript, które mają być wyłączone z opóźniania wykonania (jeden na linię)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:938
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:939
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
msgstr "LazyLoad, wymiary obrazu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:948
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Automatyczna optymalizacja"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:996
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Może to poprawić rzeczywisty i postrzegany czas ładowania obrazów, ramek "
-"iframe, a filmy wideo będą ładowane tylko w momencie ich widoczności (lub w "
-"trakcie przewijania) i zmniejsza liczbę żądań HTTP. %1$sWięcej "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Może to poprawić rzeczywisty i postrzegany czas ładowania obrazów, ramek iframe, a filmy wideo będą ładowane tylko w momencie ich widoczności (lub w trakcie przewijania) i zmniejsza liczbę żądań HTTP. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad jest obecnie aktywowany w %2$s. Jeśli chcesz korzystać z LazyLoad "
-"WP Rocket, wyłącz tę opcję w %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad jest obecnie aktywowany w %2$s. Jeśli chcesz korzystać z LazyLoad WP Rocket, wyłącz tę opcję w %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1006
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "Wymiary Obrazu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1009
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Dodaj brakujące atrybuty szerokości i wysokości do obrazów. Pomaga "
-"zapobiegać przesunięciom układu i poprawić komfort czytania dla "
-"odwiedzających. %1$sWięcej informacji %2$s"
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Dodaj brakujące atrybuty szerokości i wysokości do obrazów. Pomaga zapobiegać przesunięciom układu i poprawić komfort czytania dla odwiedzających. %1$sWięcej informacji %2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1028
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Włącz dla obrazów"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1040
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad dla obrazów jest obecnie aktywowany w %2$s. Jeśli chcesz użyć "
-"LazyLoad dla %1$s, wyłącz tę opcję w %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad dla obrazów jest obecnie aktywowany w %2$s. Jeśli chcesz użyć LazyLoad dla %1$s, wyłącz tę opcję w %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Włącz dla iframe i wideo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1063
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Wymień iframe YouTube, obrazem podglądu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1065
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Zastępowanie YouTube iframe podglądem obrazu nie jest kompatybilne z %2$s."
+msgstr "Zastępowanie YouTube iframe podglądem obrazu nie jest kompatybilne z %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1065
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Może to znacznie poprawić czas ładowania, jeśli masz dużo filmów YouTube w "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Może to znacznie poprawić czas ładowania, jeśli masz dużo filmów YouTube w witrynie."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1080
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "Wyłączone obrazy lub ramki iframe"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1082
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj słowa kluczowe (np. nazwa pliku obrazu, klasa CSS, domena) z obrazu "
-"lub kod iframe, który ma być wykluczony (jeden na linię). %1$s Więcej "
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Podaj słowa kluczowe (np. nazwa pliku obrazu, klasa CSS, domena) z obrazu lub kod iframe, który ma być wykluczony (jeden na linię). %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1090
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "Dodaj brakujące wymiary obrazu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1109 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Wstępne ładowanie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Generowanie plików w pamięci podręcznej, wstępne ładowanie czcionek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Wstępne ładowanie pamięci podręcznej"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1125
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps"
-" and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your "
-"cache is always preloaded."
-msgstr ""
-"Po włączeniu wstępnego ładowania WP Rocket automatycznie wykryje twoje "
-"sitemapy i zapisze wszystkie adresy URL do bazy danych. Wtyczka upewni się, "
-"że twoja pamięć podręczna jest zawsze wstępnie załadowana."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr "Po włączeniu wstępnego ładowania WP Rocket automatycznie wykryje twoje sitemapy i zapisze wszystkie adresy URL do bazy danych. Wtyczka upewni się, że twoja pamięć podręczna jest zawsze wstępnie załadowana."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1133
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Linki do wstępnego ładowania"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1136
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Wstępne ładowanie łączy poprawia postrzegany czas ładowania poprzez pobranie"
-" strony po najechaniu na nią przez użytkownika. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Wstępne ładowanie łączy poprawia postrzegany czas ładowania poprzez pobranie strony po najechaniu na nią przez użytkownika. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1144
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Prefetch żądania DNS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1146
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Prefetch DNS może przyspieszyć ładowanie plików zewnętrznych, szczególnie w "
-"sieciach komórkowych"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Prefetch DNS może przyspieszyć ładowanie plików zewnętrznych, szczególnie w sieciach komórkowych"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Wstępne ładowanie czcionek"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1154
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Poprawia wydajność, pomagając przeglądarkom w odkrywaniu czcionek w plikach "
-"CSS. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Poprawia wydajność, pomagając przeglądarkom w odkrywaniu czcionek w plikach CSS. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1168
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Aktywuj Wstępne Ładowanie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1179
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
msgid "Exclude URLs"
msgstr "Wykluczanie adresów URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1184
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Określ adresy URL, które mają być wykluczone z funkcji preload (jeden na "
-"linię). %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Określ adresy URL, które mają być wykluczone z funkcji preload (jeden na linię). %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL do prefetch"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1196
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Określ zewnętrzne hosty, które mają być wstępnie ustawione metodą prefetch "
-"(nie dodawaj http:
, po jednym na linię)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Określ zewnętrzne hosty, które mają być wstępnie ustawione metodą prefetch (nie dodawaj http:
, po jednym na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1205
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Czcionki do wstępnego ładowania"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Określ urle plików z czcionkami, które mają być wgrane (jeden na linię). "
-"Czcionki muszą być hostowane we własnej domenie, lub domenie, którą podałeś "
-"w zakładce CDN."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Określ urle plików z czcionkami, które mają być wgrane (jeden na linię). Czcionki muszą być hostowane we własnej domenie, lub domenie, którą podałeś w zakładce CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1207
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"Domenowa część adresu URL zostanie usunięta automatycznie.
Dozwolone "
-"rozszerzenia czcionki: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "Domenowa część adresu URL zostanie usunięta automatycznie.
Dozwolone rozszerzenia czcionki: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1216
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Włącz wstępne ładowanie łączy"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1235
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Zaawansowane reguły"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1236
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Dopasowanie zasad dotyczących pamięci podręcznej"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1247
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Wrażliwe strony, takie jak niestandardowe adresy URL logowania/wylogowywania"
-" powinny być wyłączone z pamięci podręcznej."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Wrażliwe strony, takie jak niestandardowe adresy URL logowania/wylogowywania powinny być wyłączone z pamięci podręcznej."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1252
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1254
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1256
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1258
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1264
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Strony koszyka, kasy i \"moje konto\" ustawione w "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s zostaną wykryte i nigdy nie będą domyślnie "
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Strony koszyka, kasy i \"moje konto\" ustawione w %1$s%2$s%3$s zostaną wykryte i nigdy nie będą domyślnie buforowane."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1274 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Nigdy nie używaj pamięci podręcznej dla URL(i)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1282
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Nigdy nie używaj pamięci podręcznej dla cookies"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1288 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Nigdy nie używaj pamięci podręcznej dla agenta(-ów) użytkowników"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1294 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Zawsze oczyścić adres(y) URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1300
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Przechowuj ciąg(i) zapytań w pamięci podręcznej"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1303
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sPrzechowywanie ciąg(-ów) zapytań w pamięci podręcznej%2$s umożliwia "
-"wymuszenie buforowania dla określonych parametrów GET."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sPrzechowywanie ciąg(-ów) zapytań w pamięci podręcznej%2$s umożliwia wymuszenie buforowania dla określonych parametrów GET."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1314
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Określ adresy URL stron lub wpisów, które nigdy nie powinny być "
-"przechowywane w pamięci podręcznej (po jednym na linię)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Określ adresy URL stron lub wpisów, które nigdy nie powinny być przechowywane w pamięci podręcznej (po jednym na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1315
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Część domeny adresu URL zostanie automatycznie usunięta.
Użyj symboli "
-"wieloznacznych wildcard (.*), w celu uwzględnienia wielu adresów URL w danej"
-" ścieżce."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Część domeny adresu URL zostanie automatycznie usunięta.
Użyj symboli wieloznacznych wildcard (.*), w celu uwzględnienia wielu adresów URL w danej ścieżce."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1324
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj pełne lub częściowe identyfikatory plików cookie, które po ustawieniu "
-"w przeglądarce użytkownika powinny uniemożliwiać zbuforowanie strony (jeden "
-"na linię)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Podaj pełne lub częściowe identyfikatory plików cookie, które po ustawieniu w przeglądarce użytkownika powinny uniemożliwiać zbuforowanie strony (jeden na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1332
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Określ agentów użytkowników, którzy nigdy nie powinni otrzymywać stron z "
-"pamięci podręcznej (po jednej na linię)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Określ agentów użytkowników, którzy nigdy nie powinni otrzymywać stron z pamięci podręcznej (po jednej na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1333
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
-msgstr ""
-"Użyj symboli wieloznacznych wildcard (.*) do wykrywania części łańcuchów UA."
+msgstr "Użyj symboli wieloznacznych wildcard (.*) do wykrywania części łańcuchów UA."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1342
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Określ adresy URL, które zawsze chcesz usunąć z pamięci podręcznej przy "
-"każdej aktualizacji wpisu lub strony (po jednym na linię)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Określ adresy URL, które zawsze chcesz usunąć z pamięci podręcznej przy każdej aktualizacji wpisu lub strony (po jednym na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Określ ciągi zapytań przeznaczonych do przechowywania w pamięci podręcznej "
-"(po jednym na linię)"
+msgstr "Określ ciągi zapytań przeznaczonych do przechowywania w pamięci podręcznej (po jednym na linię)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1376 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza danych"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1377
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optymalizacja, redukcja nadmiaru"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Czyszczenie wpisów"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1386
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Wersje wpisów i szkice zostaną trwale usunięte. Nie używaj tej opcji, jeśli "
-"chcesz zachować poprzednie wersje w wpisach lub szkice."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Wersje wpisów i szkice zostaną trwale usunięte. Nie używaj tej opcji, jeśli chcesz zachować poprzednie wersje w wpisach lub szkice."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1391
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Czyszczenie komentarzy"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Spam i komentarze znajdujące się w koszu zostaną trwale usunięte."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Czyszczenie tymczasowych wpisów"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Tymczasowe wpisy (transients) są opcjami tymczasowymi; można je bezpiecznie "
-"usunąć. Będą one automatycznie regenerowane zgodnie z wymaganiami "
-"dotyczącymi wtyczek."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Tymczasowe wpisy (transients) są opcjami tymczasowymi; można je bezpiecznie usunąć. Będą one automatycznie regenerowane zgodnie z wymaganiami dotyczącymi wtyczek."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1403
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Czyszczenie bazy danych"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1405
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Zmniejsza nadmiar danych w tabelach bazy danych"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Automatyczne czyszczenie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1254,7 +935,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s wersje w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[2] "%s wersji w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[3] "%s wersji w Twojej bazie danych."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1263,7 +944,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s szkice w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[2] "%s szkicy w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[3] "%s szkicy w Twojej bazie danych."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1442
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1272,7 +953,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s wpisy w Twojej bazie danych znajdujące się w koszu."
msgstr[2] "%s wpisów w Twojej bazie danych znajdujących się w koszu."
msgstr[3] "%s wpisów w Twojej bazie danych znajdujących się w koszu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1281,7 +962,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s spamowe komentarze w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[2] "%s spamowych komentarzy w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[3] "%s spamowych komentarzy w Twojej bazie danych."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1462
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1290,11 +971,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s komentarze w Twojej bazie danych znajdujące się w koszu."
msgstr[2] "%s komentarzy w Twojej bazie danych znajdujące się w koszu."
msgstr[3] "%s komentarzy w Twojej bazie danych znajdujące się w koszu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Wszystkie tymczasowe wpisy"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1472
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1303,11 +984,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s wpisy tymczasowy w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[2] "%s wpisów tymczasowych w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[3] "%s wpisów tymczasowych w Twojej bazie danych."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optymalizacja tabel"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1316,393 +997,294 @@ msgstr[1] "%s tabele do optymalizacji w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[2] "%s tabeli do optymalizacji w Twojej bazie danych."
msgstr[3] "%s tabeli do optymalizacji w Twojej bazie danych."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Zaplanuj automatyczne czyszczenie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Częstotliwość"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1513
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Codziennie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1514
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Co tydzień"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Co miesiąc"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1531
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1542 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1532
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Zintegruj swój CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Wszystkie adresy URL plików statycznych (CSS, JS, obrazy) zostaną przepisane"
-" do CNAME, które podasz."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Wszystkie adresy URL plików statycznych (CSS, JS, obrazy) zostaną przepisane do CNAME, które podasz."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1546
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie wymagane w przypadku usług takich jak Cloudflare i Sucuri. Proszę "
-"zobaczyć nasze dostępne %1$sDodatki%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Nie wymagane w przypadku usług takich jak Cloudflare i Sucuri. Proszę zobaczyć nasze dostępne %1$sDodatki%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1561 inc/admin/options.php:131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Pomiń pliki z CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Dodatek%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie "
-"jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Dodatki%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie "
-"jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Dodatków%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie "
-"jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"%1$s%2$l Dodatków%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie "
-"jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1612
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$l Dodatek%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
+msgstr[1] "%1$s%2$l Dodatki%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
+msgstr[2] "%1$s%2$l Dodatków%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
+msgstr[3] "%1$s%2$l Dodatków%3$s jest obecnie włączony. Konfiguracja ustawień CDN nie jest wymagana, aby %2$l działał na twojej stronie."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Włącz sieć dostarczania treści CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1621
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1622
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Należy wymienić poniżej pozycje CNAME"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1629
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj adres(y) URL plików, które nie powinny być obsługiwane przez CDN "
-"(jeden na linię)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Podaj adres(y) URL plików, które nie powinny być obsługiwane przez CDN (jeden na linię)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1630
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Część domenowa adresu URL zostanie automatycznie usunięta.
Użyj (.*) "
-"symboli wieloznacznych, aby wykluczyć wszystkie pliki danego typu pliku "
-"znajdującego się w określonej ścieżce."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Część domenowa adresu URL zostanie automatycznie usunięta.
Użyj (.*) symboli wieloznacznych, aby wykluczyć wszystkie pliki danego typu pliku znajdującego się w określonej ścieżce."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1653
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1661
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1654
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Kontrola WordPress Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1662
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Ograniczenie lub wyłączenie aktywności Heartbeat API może pomóc w "
-"oszczędzaniu zasobów Twojego serwera."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Ograniczenie lub wyłączenie aktywności Heartbeat API może pomóc w oszczędzaniu zasobów Twojego serwera."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1668
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Zmniejszenie lub wyłączenie aktywności Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1669
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Zmniejszenie aktywności spowoduje zmianę częstotliwości Heartbeat z jednego "
-"uruchomienia co minutę na jedno uruchomienie co 2 minuty."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Zmniejszenie aktywności spowoduje zmianę częstotliwości Heartbeat z jednego uruchomienia co minutę na jedno uruchomienie co 2 minuty."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1669
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Wyłączenie Heartbeat całkowicie może spowodować usterki wtyczek i motywów "
-"korzystających z tego API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Wyłączenie Heartbeat całkowicie może spowodować usterki wtyczek i motywów korzystających z tego API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Brak limitu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Zmniejszenie aktywności"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Wyłącz"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1693
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Kontrola Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Zachowanie w backendzie"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Zachowanie w edytorze wpisu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Zachowanie w frontend"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Dodatki"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1733
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Dodaj więcej funkcji"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Dodatki One-click Rocket Add-ons"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1741
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"One-Click Add-ons to funkcje rozszerzające dostępne opcje bez konieczności "
-"konfigurowania. Włączyć opcję \"on\", aby włączyć z tego ekranu."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "One-Click Add-ons to funkcje rozszerzające dostępne opcje bez konieczności konfigurowania. Włączyć opcję \"on\", aby włączyć z tego ekranu."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Dodatki One-click Rocket Add-ons"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1752
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Rocket Add-ons to uzupełniające się funkcje rozszerzające dostępne opcje."
+msgstr "Rocket Add-ons to uzupełniające się funkcje rozszerzające dostępne opcje."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1915
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "CloudFlare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1769
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Zintegruj swoje konto CloudFlare dzięki temu dodatkowi."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj swój adres e-mail konta, globalny klucz API i domenę, aby korzystać z "
-"opcji takich jak czyszczenie pamięci podręcznej Cloudflare i umożliwienie "
-"optymalnych ustawień z WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Podaj swój adres e-mail konta, globalny klucz API i domenę, aby korzystać z opcji takich jak czyszczenie pamięci podręcznej Cloudflare i umożliwienie optymalnych ustawień z WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1804
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1810
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Jeśli Varnish działa na Twoim serwerze, musisz aktywować ten dodatek."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pamięć podręczna Varnish będzie oczyszczana za każdym razem, gdy WP Rocket "
-"wyczyści pamięć podręczną, aby zapewnić, że zawartość jest zawsze "
%1$sDowiedz się więcej%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Pamięć podręczna Varnish będzie oczyszczana za każdym razem, gdy WP Rocket wyczyści pamięć podręczną, aby zapewnić, że zawartość jest zawsze aktualna.
%1$sDowiedz się więcej%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1847
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "Zgodność z WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1853
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "Poprawiono kompatybilność obrazów WebP z przeglądarkami."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1857
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Włącz tę opcję, jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał obrazy WebP dla "
-"kompatybilnych przeglądarek. Proszę zauważyć, że WP Rocket nie może tworzyć "
-"obrazów WebP dla Ciebie. Do tworzenia obrazów WebP polecamy %1$sImagify%2$s."
-" %3$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Włącz tę opcję, jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał obrazy WebP dla kompatybilnych przeglądarek. Proszę zauważyć, że WP Rocket nie może tworzyć obrazów WebP dla Ciebie. Do tworzenia obrazów WebP polecamy %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1877
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
-msgstr ""
-"Wyczyść pamięć podręczną Sucuri, gdy pamięć podręczna WP Rocket jest "
+msgstr "Wyczyść pamięć podręczną Sucuri, gdy pamięć podręczna WP Rocket jest czyszczona."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj swój klucz API, aby wyczyścić pamięć podręczną Sucuri, gdy pamięć "
-"podręczna WP Rocket jest czyszczona."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Podaj swój klucz API, aby wyczyścić pamięć podręczną Sucuri, gdy pamięć podręczna WP Rocket jest czyszczona."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1888
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2032
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1894
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Zsynchronizuj pamięć podręczną Sucuri, dzięki temu dodatkowi."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1932
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Dane uwierzytelniające CloudFlare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1941
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia CloudFlare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1955
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globalny klucz API:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1956
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Znajdź swój klucz API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1968
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "E-mail konta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1977
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID strefy"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1987
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Tryb deweloperski"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1989
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Tymczasowo aktywuj tryb deweloperski w swojej witrynie. To ustawienie "
-"wyłączy się automatycznie po 3 godzinach. %1$sDowiedz się więcej%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Tymczasowo aktywuj tryb deweloperski w swojej witrynie. To ustawienie wyłączy się automatycznie po 3 godzinach. %1$sDowiedz się więcej%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1997
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Optymalne ustawienia"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1998
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Automatycznie poprawia konfigurację CloudFlare w celu zapewnienia szybkości,"
-" klasy wydajności i kompatybilności."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Automatycznie poprawia konfigurację CloudFlare w celu zapewnienia szybkości, klasy wydajności i kompatybilności."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2006
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Protokół względny"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2007
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Powinien być używany tylko z elastyczną funkcją Cloudflare'a SSL. adresy URL"
-" plików statycznych (CSS, JS, obrazy) zostaną przepisane w celu użycia // "
-"zamiast http:// lub https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Powinien być używany tylko z elastyczną funkcją Cloudflare'a SSL. adresy URL plików statycznych (CSS, JS, obrazy) zostaną przepisane w celu użycia // zamiast http:// lub https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2045
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Dane uwierzytelniające Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Klucz API zapory (dla wtyczki), musi być w formacie {32 znaki}/{32 "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2059
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Znajdź swój klucz API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:409 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Wczytaj plik i zaimportuj ustawienia"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:375
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Dodatek Sucuri: Klucz API dla zapory sieciowej Sucuri musi być w formacie "
-"{32 znaki}/{32 znaki}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Dodatek Sucuri: Klucz API dla zapory sieciowej Sucuri musi być w formacie {32 znaki}/{32 znaki}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:465
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Ustawienia zostały zapisane."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:681
-msgid ""
-"Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved "
-"because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Przepraszamy! Dodanie /(.*) w Regułach zaawansowanych > Nigdy nie buforuj "
-"URL(i) nie zostało zapisane, ponieważ wyłącza buforowanie i optymalizacje "
-"dla każdej strony w Twojej witrynie."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr "Przepraszamy! Dodanie /(.*) w Regułach zaawansowanych > Nigdy nie buforuj URL(i) nie zostało zapisane, ponieważ wyłącza buforowanie i optymalizacje dla każdej strony w Twojej witrynie."
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
@@ -1733,80 +1315,62 @@ msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Pierwsze kroki i szkolenia wideo"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
-msgid ""
-"We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an "
-"unexpected error code."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie mogliśmy pobrać aktualnej ceny, ponieważ API RocketCDN zwróciło "
-"nieoczekiwany kod błędu."
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr "Nie mogliśmy pobrać aktualnej ceny, ponieważ API RocketCDN zwróciło nieoczekiwany kod błędu."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN nie jest w tej chwili dostępny. Proszę spróbować ponownie później."
+msgstr "RocketCDN nie jest w tej chwili dostępny. Proszę spróbować ponownie później."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: Brakujący parametr "
+msgstr "RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: Brakujący parametr identyfikatora."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: Brakujący token "
+msgstr "RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: Brakujący token użytkownika."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: API zwróciło "
-"nieoczekiwany kod odpowiedzi."
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: API zwróciło nieoczekiwany kod odpowiedzi."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: API zwróciło pustą "
+msgstr "RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: API zwróciło pustą odpowiedź."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: API zwróciło "
-"nieoczekiwaną odpowiedź."
+msgstr "RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: API zwróciło nieoczekiwaną odpowiedź."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: cache purge nie "
-"powiodło się: %s."
+msgstr "RocketCDN: nie udało się oczyścić pamięci podręcznej: cache purge nie powiodło się: %s."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "RocketCDN: pomyślnie oczyszczono pamięć podręczną."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:81
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Data wystawienia następnego rachunku"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Brak subskrypcji"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Twoja subskrypcja RocketCDN jest obecnie aktywna."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Aby użyć RocketCDN, zastąp CNAME wartością %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:143
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:208
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:306
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
@@ -1830,29 +1394,18 @@ msgstr "Dzięki temu przyspieszysz swoją stronę internetową:"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"Wysokowydajna sieć dostarczania treści (CDN) z %1$snieograniczoną "
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr "Wysokowydajna sieć dostarczania treści (CDN) z %1$snieograniczoną przepustowością%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Łatwa konfiguracja: najważniejsze %1$sustawienia CDN%2$s są stosowane "
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Łatwa konfiguracja: najważniejsze %1$sustawienia CDN%2$s są stosowane automatycznie"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Integracja z WP Rocketem: opcja CDN jest %1$sautomatycznie "
-"skonfigurowana%2$s w naszej wtyczce"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Integracja z WP Rocketem: opcja CDN jest %1$sautomatycznie skonfigurowana%2$s w naszej wtyczce"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
@@ -1860,12 +1413,8 @@ msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej o RocketCDN"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"*$%1$s/miesiąc przez 12 miesięcy, a następnie $%2$s/miesiąc. Możesz anulować"
-" subskrypcję w dowolnym momencie."
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr "*$%1$s/miesiąc przez 12 miesięcy, a następnie $%2$s/miesiąc. Możesz anulować subskrypcję w dowolnym momencie."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
msgid "Billed monthly"
@@ -1880,11 +1429,8 @@ msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Zredukuj ten baner"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Przyspiesz swoją stronę internetową dzięki RocketCDN, dzięki sieci "
-"dostarczania treści WP Rocket."
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Przyspiesz swoją stronę internetową dzięki RocketCDN, dzięki sieci dostarczania treści WP Rocket."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
@@ -1893,8 +1439,7 @@ msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN jest niedostępny na lokalnych domenach i stronach deweloperskich."
+msgstr "RocketCDN jest niedostępny na lokalnych domenach i stronach deweloperskich."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
msgid "Get RocketCDN"
@@ -1905,14 +1450,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "Nowość!"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Przyspiesz swoją stronę internetową z pomocą RocketCDN, dzięki sieci "
-"dostarczania treści WP Rocket!"
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Przyspiesz swoją stronę internetową z pomocą RocketCDN, dzięki sieci dostarczania treści WP Rocket!"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:96
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:118 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Wyczyść tą pamięć podręczną"
@@ -1925,12 +1469,8 @@ msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "Wartość WP_CACHE"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"Stała WP_CACHE musi być ustawiona na wartość rzeczywistą, aby pamięć "
-"podręczna WP Rocket działała prawidłowo"
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "Stała WP_CACHE musi być ustawiona na wartość rzeczywistą, aby pamięć podręczna WP Rocket działała prawidłowo"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
@@ -1955,21 +1495,13 @@ msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS za %1$s na urządzeniach nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API "
-"zwróciło pustą odpowiedź."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS za %1$s na urządzeniach nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API zwróciło pustą odpowiedź."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API zwróciło pustą "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API zwróciło pustą odpowiedź."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
@@ -1984,21 +1516,13 @@ msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS za %1$s na urządzenia mobilne nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: "
-"API zwróciło nieprawidłowy kod odpowiedzi."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS za %1$s na urządzenia mobilne nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API zwróciło nieprawidłowy kod odpowiedzi."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API zwróciło "
-"nieprawidłowy kod odpowiedzi."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: API zwróciło nieprawidłowy kod odpowiedzi."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
@@ -2041,54 +1565,42 @@ msgstr "Włącz asynchroniczne ładowanie CSS w ustawieniach WP Rocket"
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
msgstr "Włącz opcję Wczytaj CSS asynchronicznie w opcjach powyżej"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Generowanie krytycznych CSS jest obecnie uruchomione."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:159
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "Przejdź do strony %1$sustawień WP Rocket%2$s, aby śledzić postęp."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:374
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Obecnie trwa generowanie krytycznego CSS: %1$d z %2$d typów stron zostało "
-"zakończonych. (Odśwież tę stronę, aby zobaczyć postęp)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Obecnie trwa generowanie krytycznego CSS: %1$d z %2$d typów stron zostało zakończonych. (Odśwież tę stronę, aby zobaczyć postęp)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:450
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Generowanie krytycznego CSS zakończone dla %1$d z %2$d typów stron."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Generowanie krytycznych CSS napotkało jeden lub więcej błędów."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s dla urządzeń mobilnych nie został wygenerowany. Błąd:"
-" Folder docelowy nie mógł zostać utworzony."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s dla urządzeń mobilnych nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: Folder docelowy nie mógł zostać utworzony."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: Folder docelowy nie "
-"mógł zostać utworzony."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany. Błąd: Folder docelowy nie mógł zostać utworzony."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
@@ -2109,8 +1621,7 @@ msgstr "Krytyczny plik CSS nie może zostać usunięty"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS dla urządzeń mobilnych dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla urządzeń mobilnych dla %1$s nie został wygenerowany."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
#, php-format
@@ -2134,16 +1645,12 @@ msgstr "Krytyczny plik CSS został pomyślnie usunięty."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS dla urządzeń mobilnych dla %1$s przekroczył limit czasu. "
-"Proszę spróbować ponownie trochę później."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS dla urządzeń mobilnych dla %1$s przekroczył limit czasu. Proszę spróbować ponownie trochę później."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"Krytyczny CSS %1$s przekroczył limit czasu. Proszę spróbować ponownie trochę"
-" później."
+msgstr "Krytyczny CSS %1$s przekroczył limit czasu. Proszę spróbować ponownie trochę później."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
@@ -2158,37 +1665,19 @@ msgstr "Żądany wpis nie istnieje."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Nie można wygenerować CPCSS dla nieopublikowanych postów."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenie zakończyło się niepowodzeniem. Może to "
-"wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić "
-"działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenia zakończyły się niepowodzeniem. Może to "
-"wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić "
-"działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenia zakończyły się niepowodzeniem. Może to "
-"wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić "
-"działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenia zakończyły się niepowodzeniem. Może to "
-"wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić "
-"działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenie zakończyło się niepowodzeniem. Może to wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
+msgstr[1] "Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenia zakończyły się niepowodzeniem. Może to wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
+msgstr[2] "Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenia zakończyły się niepowodzeniem. Może to wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
+msgstr[3] "Następujące zaplanowane zdarzenia zakończyły się niepowodzeniem. Może to wskazywać na to, że system CRON nie działa prawidłowo, co może uniemożliwić działanie niektórych funkcji WP Rocket zgodnie z przeznaczeniem:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Prosimy o kontakt z dostawcą hostingu w celu sprawdzenia, czy usługa CRON "
+msgstr "Prosimy o kontakt z dostawcą hostingu w celu sprawdzenia, czy usługa CRON działa."
#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
@@ -2218,12 +1707,8 @@ msgstr "Odnów, zanim będzie za późno, bo zapłacisz %1$s%3$s%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr ""
-"Odnów z %1$s%2$s rabatem %3$s zanim będzie za późno, zapłacisz tylko "
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr "Odnów z %1$s%2$s rabatem %3$s zanim będzie za późno, zapłacisz tylko %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
#, php-format
@@ -2232,12 +1717,8 @@ msgstr "Odnów swoją licencję na 1 rok już teraz pod adresem %1$s%3$s%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you "
-"will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"Przedłuż swoją licencję na 1 rok już teraz i otrzymaj od razu %1$s%3$s "
-"zniżki%2$s: zapłacisz tylko %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr "Przedłuż swoją licencję na 1 rok już teraz i otrzymaj od razu %1$s%3$s zniżki%2$s: zapłacisz tylko %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
#, php-format
@@ -2246,61 +1727,35 @@ msgstr "Odnów, zanim będzie za późno, bo zapłacisz %1$s%3$s%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr ""
-"Odnów z %1$s%2$s rabatem %3$s zanim będzie za późno, zapłacisz tylko "
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr "Odnów z %1$s%2$s rabatem %3$s zanim będzie za późno, zapłacisz tylko %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s "
-"before losing access."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby móc dalej korzystać z tej funkcji, trzeba mieć ważną licencję. "
-"%1$sProszę odnowić teraz%2$s przed utratą dostępu."
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr "Aby móc dalej korzystać z tej funkcji, trzeba mieć ważną licencję. %1$sProszę odnowić teraz%2$s przed utratą dostępu."
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
#, php-format
msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby włączyć tę opcję, musisz mieć aktywną licencję. %1$sOdnów teraz%2$s."
+msgstr "Aby włączyć tę opcję, musisz mieć aktywną licencję. %1$sOdnów teraz%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
#, php-format
msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby włączyć tę opcję, trzeba mieć aktywną licencję. %1$sWięcej "
+msgstr "Aby włączyć tę opcję, trzeba mieć aktywną licencję. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron "
-"internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do "
-"licencji Plus lub Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron "
-"internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do "
-"licencji Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron "
-"internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do "
-"licencji Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron "
-"internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do "
-"licencji Infinite!%5$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] "Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do licencji Plus lub Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[1] "Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do licencji Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[2] "Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do licencji Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[3] "Skorzystaj z zalety %1$s, by przyspieszyć działanie większej liczby stron internetowych:%2$s otrzymaj %3$s%4$s zniżkę%5$s przy %3$sulepszeniu do licencji Infinite!%5$s"
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Bez ograniczeń"
@@ -2337,7 +1792,8 @@ msgstr "Uaktualnij teraz"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Odrzuć to powiadomienie"
@@ -2346,23 +1802,13 @@ msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
msgstr "Funkcja Optymalizacji dostarczania CSS jest wyłączona."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
-msgid ""
-"You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously "
-msgstr ""
-"Nie można już używać opcji Usuń nieużywany CSS lub Załaduj CSS "
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr "Nie można już używać opcji Usuń nieużywany CSS lub Załaduj CSS asynchronicznie."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, "
-"which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page "
-msgstr ""
-"Potrzebujesz %1$saktywnej licencji%2$s, aby kontynuować optymalizację "
-"dostarczania CSS, co odpowiada zaleceniom PageSpeed Insights i poprawia "
-"wydajność strony."
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr "Potrzebujesz %1$saktywnej licencji%2$s, aby kontynuować optymalizację dostarczania CSS, co odpowiada zaleceniom PageSpeed Insights i poprawia wydajność strony."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
@@ -2377,21 +1823,12 @@ msgstr "Wkrótce stracisz dostęp do niektórych funkcji"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Potrzebujesz %1$saktywnej licencji, aby kontynuować optymalizację "
-"dostarczania CSS%2$s."
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr "Potrzebujesz %1$saktywnej licencji, aby kontynuować optymalizację dostarczania CSS%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
-msgid ""
-"The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options"
-" to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website "
-msgstr ""
-"Funkcje Usuń nieużywany CSS i Załaduj CSS asynchronicznie są świetnymi "
-"opcjami, które pozwalają na uwzględnienie zaleceń PageSpeed Insights i "
-"poprawę wydajności Twojej strony."
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr "Funkcje Usuń nieużywany CSS i Załaduj CSS asynchronicznie są świetnymi opcjami, które pozwalają na uwzględnienie zaleceń PageSpeed Insights i poprawę wydajności Twojej strony."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
#, php-format
@@ -2404,21 +1841,13 @@ msgstr "Twoja licencja WP Rocket wygasła!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew "
-"features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
-msgstr ""
-"Twoja strona może działać znacznie szybciej, jeśli skorzysta z naszych "
-"%1$snowych funkcji i ulepszeń%2$s. 🚀"
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr "Twoja strona może działać znacznie szybciej, jeśli skorzysta z naszych %1$snowych funkcji i ulepszeń%2$s. 🚀"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access"
-" to product updates and support."
-msgstr ""
-"Twoja %1$sLicencja WP Rocket wkrótce wygaśnie%2$s: wkrótce stracisz dostęp "
-"do aktualizacji produktu i pomocy technicznej."
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr "Twoja %1$sLicencja WP Rocket wkrótce wygaśnie%2$s: wkrótce stracisz dostęp do aktualizacji produktu i pomocy technicznej."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
@@ -2426,21 +1855,13 @@ msgstr "Przyspiesz więcej stron internetowych"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
-msgstr ""
-"Możesz korzystać z WP Rocket na wielu stronach internetowych, uaktualniając "
-"swoją licencję. Aby uaktualnić, po prostu zapłać %1$sróżnicę w cenie%2$s "
-"pomiędzy aktualną a nową licencją, jak pokazano poniżej."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr "Możesz korzystać z WP Rocket na wielu stronach internetowych, uaktualniając swoją licencję. Aby uaktualnić, po prostu zapłać %1$sróżnicę w cenie%2$s pomiędzy aktualną a nową licencją, jak pokazano poniżej."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Aktualizacja twojej licencji nie zmienia daty wygaśnięcia"
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Aktualizacja twojej licencji nie zmienia daty wygaśnięcia"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
#, php-format
@@ -2458,23 +1879,14 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "Aktualizuj %s"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
-msgstr ""
-"Możesz korzystać z WP Rocket na większej liczbie stron internetowych, "
-"uaktualniając swoją licencję (płacisz tylko różnicę w cenie między aktualną "
-"a nową licencją)."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr "Możesz korzystać z WP Rocket na większej liczbie stron internetowych, uaktualniając swoją licencję (płacisz tylko różnicę w cenie między aktualną a nową licencją)."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:103
-msgid ""
-"You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our "
-msgstr ""
-"Aby pobrać najnowszą wersję list z naszego serwera, musisz mieć aktywną "
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr "Aby pobrać najnowszą wersję list z naszego serwera, musisz mieć aktywną licencję."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:116
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
msgstr "Nie można pobrać z serwera zaktualizowanych list."
@@ -2482,11 +1894,11 @@ msgstr "Nie można pobrać z serwera zaktualizowanych list."
msgid "Lists are up to date."
msgstr "Listy są aktualne."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
msgid "Could not update lists."
msgstr "Nie można zaktualizować list."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:139
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
msgstr "Listy zostały pomyślnie zaktualizowane."
@@ -2497,214 +1909,128 @@ msgstr "Wyczyść używane CSS"
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
-"your pages."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Proszę czekać %2$s sekund. Usługa Usuń nieużywany CSS przetwarza Twoje"
-" strony."
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr "%1$s: Proszę czekać %2$s sekund. Usługa Usuń nieużywany CSS przetwarza Twoje strony."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
-"continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Używany CSS Państwa strony głównej został przetworzony. WP Rocket "
-"będzie kontynuował generowanie Używanego CSS dla maksymalnie %2$s adresów "
-"URL w ciągu %3$s sekund."
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr "%1$s: Używany CSS Państwa strony głównej został przetworzony. WP Rocket będzie kontynuował generowanie Używanego CSS dla maksymalnie %2$s adresów URL w ciągu %3$s sekund."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
-msgstr ""
-"Zalecamy włączenie opcji %1$sWstępnego ładowania%2$s w celu uzyskania "
-"najszybszych wyników."
+msgstr "Zalecamy włączenie opcji %1$sWstępnego ładowania%2$s w celu uzyskania najszybszych wyników."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o procesie, proszę zapoznać się z naszą "
+msgstr "Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o procesie, proszę zapoznać się z naszą %1$sdokumentacją%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
-msgid ""
-"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
-"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
-"and further improve your website's performance."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie mogliśmy wygenerować użytego CSS, ponieważ używasz wersji nulled WP "
-"Rocket. Musisz posiadać aktywną licencję, aby móc korzystać z funkcji Usuń "
-"nieużywany CSS i dalej poprawiać wydajność swojej strony."
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr "Nie mogliśmy wygenerować użytego CSS, ponieważ używasz wersji nulled WP Rocket. Musisz posiadać aktywną licencję, aby móc korzystać z funkcji Usuń nieużywany CSS i dalej poprawiać wydajność swojej strony."
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
-msgstr ""
-"Kliknij tutaj, aby otrzymać pojedynczą licencję WP Rocket z %1$s zniżki!"
+msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby otrzymać pojedynczą licencję WP Rocket z %1$s zniżki!"
#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
-"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our "
-msgstr ""
-"Nie można utworzyć tabeli %2$s w bazie danych, która jest niezbędna do "
-"działania funkcji Usuń nieużywany CSS. Skontaktuj się z naszym działem wsparcia."
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr "Nie można utworzyć tabeli %2$s w bazie danych, która jest niezbędna do działania funkcji Usuń nieużywany CSS. Skontaktuj się z naszym działem wsparcia."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:287
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: Opcja Używanego CSS nie jest włączona!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:308
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: Pamięć podręczna używanego CSS została wyczyszczona!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:752
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Wyczyść używane CSS dla tego adresu URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:149
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
msgstr "Zadania oczekujące usuwania nieużywanego CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd. Coś może być nie tak z WP-Rocket.me lub "
-"konfiguracją Twojego serwera. Jeśli nadal masz problemy, skontaktuj się z wsparciem technicznym."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd. Coś może być nie tak z WP-Rocket.me lub konfiguracją Twojego serwera. Jeśli nadal masz problemy, skontaktuj się z wsparciem technicznym."
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:466
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:480
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
-#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s Wycofania aktualizacji"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:503 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sWróć do WP Rocket%2$s lub %3$s przejdź do strony Wtyczki%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will "
-"continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action"
-" is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Usługa wstępnego ładowania jest teraz aktywna. Po pierwszym "
-"załadowaniu wstępnym będzie on nadal buforował wszystkie Państwa strony, gdy"
-" tylko zostaną one oczyszczone. Nie ma potrzeby podejmowania dalszych "
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr "%1$s: Usługa wstępnego ładowania jest teraz aktywna. Po pierwszym załadowaniu wstępnym będzie on nadal buforował wszystkie Państwa strony, gdy tylko zostaną one oczyszczone. Nie ma potrzeby podejmowania dalszych działań."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
msgstr "Nadchodzące zadania wstępnego ładowania"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
-msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck in-progress jobs"
-msgstr "Przywrócenie wstępnego ładowania WP Rocket zatrzymało zadania w toku"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish auto-purge zostanie automatycznie włączony po włączeniu Varnish na "
-"Twoim serwerze %s."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "Varnish auto-purge zostanie automatycznie włączony po włączeniu Varnish na Twoim serwerze %s."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from "
-"working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your "
-"%1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Wydaje się, że w Pana instalacji brakuje podstawowych plików Kinsta "
-"zarządzających czyszczeniem Cache, co uniemożliwia prawidłowe działanie "
-"instalacji Kinsta i WP Rocket. Proszę skontaktować się z obsługą Kinsta "
-"poprzez swoje konto %1$sMyKinsta%2$s, aby rozwiązać ten problem."
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr "Wydaje się, że w Pana instalacji brakuje podstawowych plików Kinsta zarządzających czyszczeniem Cache, co uniemożliwia prawidłowe działanie instalacji Kinsta i WP Rocket. Proszę skontaktować się z obsługą Kinsta poprzez swoje konto %1$sMyKinsta%2$s, aby rozwiązać ten problem."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:94
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of "
-"Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Funkcja HTTP/2 Server Push firmy Cloudflare jest niekompatybilna z "
-"funkcjami usuwania nieużywanego CSS i łączenia plików CSS. Zdecydowanie "
-"zalecamy wyłączenie tej funkcji."
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr "%1$s: Funkcja HTTP/2 Server Push firmy Cloudflare jest niekompatybilna z funkcjami usuwania nieużywanego CSS i łączenia plików CSS. Zdecydowanie zalecamy wyłączenie tej funkcji."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed nie jest kompatybilny z tą wtyczką i "
-"może powodować nieoczekiwane rezultaty. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed nie jest kompatybilny z tą wtyczką i może powodować nieoczekiwane rezultaty. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript "
-"Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will "
-"not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript "
-"Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWykryliśmy, że funkcja Agregacji JavaScript w Autoptimize"
-" jest włączona. Opóźnienie wykonania skryptu JavaScript w WP Rocket nie "
-"zostanie zastosowane do pliku, który tworzy. Sugerujemy wyłączenie "
-"%1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s, aby w pełni wykorzystać Delay JavaScript "
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWykryliśmy, że funkcja Agregacji JavaScript w Autoptimize jest włączona. Opóźnienie wykonania skryptu JavaScript w WP Rocket nie zostanie zastosowane do pliku, który tworzy. Sugerujemy wyłączenie %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s, aby w pełni wykorzystać Delay JavaScript Execution."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS "
-"feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work "
-"correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full "
-"advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWykryliśmy, że funkcja agregowania wewnętrznego CSS jest "
-"włączona. Asynchroniczne ładowanie CSS w WP Rocket nie będzie działać "
-"poprawnie. Sugerujemy wyłączenie %1$sagregowania wewnętrznego CSS%2$s aby w "
-"pełni wykorzystać asynchroniczne wykonanie ładowania CSS."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWykryliśmy, że funkcja agregowania wewnętrznego CSS jest włączona. Asynchroniczne ładowanie CSS w WP Rocket nie będzie działać poprawnie. Sugerujemy wyłączenie %1$sagregowania wewnętrznego CSS%2$s aby w pełni wykorzystać asynchroniczne wykonanie ładowania CSS."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and "
-"use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Ta wtyczka blokuje buforowanie i optymalizacje WP Rocket. Dezaktywuj ją i "
-"zamiast tego użyj %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s."
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr "Ta wtyczka blokuje buforowanie i optymalizacje WP Rocket. Dezaktywuj ją i zamiast tego użyj %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] "Proszę wyłączyć %s opcję, konfliktującą z funkcjami WP Rocket:"
msgstr[1] "Proszę wyłączyć %s opcje, konfliktujące z funkcjami WP Rocket:"
msgstr[2] "Proszę wyłączyć %s opcji, konfliktujących z funkcjami WP Rocket:"
@@ -2713,68 +2039,49 @@ msgstr[3] "Proszę wyłączyć %s opcji, konfliktujących z funkcjami WP Rocket:
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$swyłączenie emocji%3$s konfliktuje z %2$swyłączeniem emoji%3$s WP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$swyłączenie emocji%3$s konfliktuje z %2$swyłączeniem emoji%3$s WP Rockets"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$skompresja GZIP%3$s konfliktuje z %2$skompresją GZIP%3$s WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$skompresja GZIP%3$s konfliktuje z %2$skompresją GZIP%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$spamięć podręczna przeglądarki%3$s konfliktuje z %2$spamięcią "
-"podręczną przeglądarki%3$s WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$spamięć podręczna przeglądarki%3$s konfliktuje z %2$spamięcią podręczną przeglądarki%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$spamięć podręczna stron%3$s konfliktuje z %2$spamięcią podręczną%3$s"
-" WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$spamięć podręczna stron%3$s konfliktuje z %2$spamięcią podręczną%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$soptymalizacja zasobów%3$s konfliktuje z %2$soptymalizacją "
-"plików%3$s WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$soptymalizacja zasobów%3$s konfliktuje z %2$soptymalizacją plików%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"delay JS, disable %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Opóźnienie JS jest obecnie włączone w %1$s. Jeśli chcesz używać opóźnionego "
-"ładowania WP Rocket, wyłącz %1$s"
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr "Opóźnienie JS jest obecnie włączone w %1$s. Jeśli chcesz używać opóźnionego ładowania WP Rocket, wyłącz %1$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:115
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Wsparcie techniczne"
@@ -2783,18 +2090,19 @@ msgstr "Wsparcie techniczne"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentacja"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"
#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
-msgstr ""
-"Importowanie ustawień nie powiodło się: nie masz uprawnień, aby to zrobić."
+msgstr "Importowanie ustawień nie powiodło się: nie masz uprawnień, aby to zrobić."
#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
@@ -2820,20 +2128,20 @@ msgstr "Import ustawień nie powiódł się: nieoczekiwana zawartość pliku."
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Ustawienia zostały zaimportowane i zapisane."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Odroczenie plików JavaScript"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Wykluczenia opóźnionego ładowania JavaScript"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:149
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:159
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Poniższy wzór jest nieprawidłowy i został usunięty:"
@@ -2841,12 +2149,14 @@ msgstr[1] "Poniższe wzory są nieprawidłowe i zostały usunięte:"
msgstr[2] "Poniższe wzory są nieprawidłowe i zostały usunięte:"
msgstr[3] "Poniższe wzory są nieprawidłowe i zostały usunięte:"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:175
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Więcej informacji"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:752
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Wyczyść pamięć podręczną"
@@ -2890,15 +2200,11 @@ msgstr "Aktywuj najpierw opcję %s."
#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sUwaga:%2$s Żadna z tych opcji nie zostanie zastosowana, jeśli post ten "
-"został wykluczony z pamięci podręcznej w ustawieniach globalnych pamięci "
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sUwaga:%2$s Żadna z tych opcji nie zostanie zastosowana, jeśli post ten został wykluczony z pamięci podręcznej w ustawieniach globalnych pamięci podręcznej."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2909,195 +2215,131 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Jedna lub więcej wtyczek zostało włączonych lub "
-"wyłączonych, wyczyścić pamięć podręczną, jeśli sądzisz, że może mieć to "
-"wpływ na frontend witryny."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:190
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Dodatek WP Rocket Cloudflare zapewnia podobne funkcje. Nie mogą być aktywne "
-"w tym samym czasie."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Jedna lub więcej wtyczek zostało włączonych lub wyłączonych, wyczyścić pamięć podręczną, jeśli sądzisz, że może mieć to wpływ na frontend witryny."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:223
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Następujące wtyczki nie są kompatybilne z tą wtyczką i "
-"mogą powodować nieoczekiwane rezultaty:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Następujące wtyczki nie są kompatybilne z tą wtyczką i mogą powodować nieoczekiwane rezultaty:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:229
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Dezaktywuj"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:271
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS nie jest oficjalnym dodatkiem. Wpływa on negatywnie na "
-"prawidłowe działanie niektórych opcji w WP Rocket. Jeśli masz problemy, "
-"wyłącz go."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS nie jest oficjalnym dodatkiem. Wpływa on negatywnie na prawidłowe działanie niektórych opcji w WP Rocket. Jeśli masz problemy, wyłącz go."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:311
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache jest obecnie włączony, co spowoduje konflikt z WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Proszę ustawić poziom pamięci podręcznej Endurance Cache na Off "
-"(Level 0) na stronie %1$sUstawienia > Ogólne%2$s, aby zapobiec potencjalnym "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache jest obecnie włączony, co spowoduje konflikt z WP Rocket Cache. Proszę ustawić poziom pamięci podręcznej Endurance Cache na Off (Level 0) na stronie %1$sUstawienia > Ogólne%2$s, aby zapobiec potencjalnym problemom."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:332
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Aby wtyczka działała poprawnie, wymagana jest niestandardowa struktura"
-" bezpośrednich odnośników. %2$sPrzejdź do ustawień bezpośrednich "
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Aby wtyczka działała poprawnie, wymagana jest niestandardowa struktura bezpośrednich odnośników. %2$sPrzejdź do ustawień bezpośrednich odnośników%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s nie mógł zmienić pliku .htaccess z powodu braku uprawnień do zapisu."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s nie mógł zmienić pliku .htaccess z powodu braku uprawnień do zapisu."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Rozwiązywanie problemów: %1$sJak sprawić, aby pliki systemowe mogły być "
+msgstr "Rozwiązywanie problemów: %1$sJak sprawić, aby pliki systemowe mogły być zapisywane%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:387 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Nie martw się, pamięć podręczna stron WP Rocket i ustawienia nadal będą "
-"działać poprawnie."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Nie martw się, pamięć podręczna stron WP Rocket i ustawienia nadal będą działać poprawnie."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"W celu zapewnienia optymalnej wydajności zaleca się dodanie następujących "
-"linii do pliku .htaccess (nie jest to wymagane):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "W celu zapewnienia optymalnej wydajności zaleca się dodanie następujących linii do pliku .htaccess (nie jest to wymagane):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:540
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s w gotowości! %2$sPrzetestuj swój czas ładowania%4$s lub odwiedź stronę "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s w gotowości! %2$sPrzetestuj swój czas ładowania%4$s lub odwiedź stronę %3$sustawień%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:581
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Czy zezwoliłbyś WP Rocket na gromadzenie niewrażliwych danych "
-"diagnostycznych z tej witryny internetowej?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Czy zezwoliłbyś WP Rocket na gromadzenie niewrażliwych danych diagnostycznych z tej witryny internetowej?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:582
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Pomoże nam to w przyszłości ulepszyć WP Rocket dla Ciebie."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Jakie informacje będziemy gromadzić?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:593
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Poniżej znajduje się szczegółowy widok wszystkich danych gromadzonych przez "
-"WP Rocket po uzyskaniu zezwolenia. WP Rocket nigdy nie będzie transmitował "
-"nazw domen ani adresów e-mail (z wyjątkiem weryfikacji licencji), adresów IP"
-" lub kluczy API osób trzecich."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Poniżej znajduje się szczegółowy widok wszystkich danych gromadzonych przez WP Rocket po uzyskaniu zezwolenia. WP Rocket nigdy nie będzie transmitował nazw domen ani adresów e-mail (z wyjątkiem weryfikacji licencji), adresów IP lub kluczy API osób trzecich."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:602
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Tak, zezwalam"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:605
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Nie, dziękuję"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Dziękuje!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:649
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket zbiera teraz te wskaźniki z Twojej witryny internetowej:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:687
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Oczyszczono pamięć podręczną."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:694
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Oczyszczono pamięć podręczną wpisów."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:701
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Oczyszczono pamięć podręczną wyrażeń taksonomii."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:708
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Oczyszczono pamięć podręczną użytkowników."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj wstępne ładowanie"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:773
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Wymuś dezaktywację "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:792
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Do tego pliku należy wpisać następujący kod:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:823
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s nie może się skonfigurować z powodu braku uprawnień do zapisu."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:829
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Plik/folder, którego dotyczy problem: %s"
@@ -3113,29 +2355,17 @@ msgstr "Aby poprawnie działać, %1$s %2$s wymaga co najmniej:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Aby użyć tej wersji WP Rocket, zapytaj swojego dostawcy hostingu "
-"jak uaktualnić serwer do PHP %1$s lub nowszej."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Aby użyć tej wersji WP Rocket, zapytaj swojego dostawcy hostingu jak uaktualnić serwer do PHP %1$s lub nowszej."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Aby użyć tej wersji WP Rocket, należy uaktualnić WordPress "
-"do wersji %1$s lub nowszej."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Aby użyć tej wersji WP Rocket, należy uaktualnić WordPress do wersji %1$s lub nowszej."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Jeśli nie możesz dokonać aktualizacji, możesz wrócić do poprzedniej wersji, "
-"korzystając z przycisku poniżej."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Jeśli nie możesz dokonać aktualizacji, możesz wrócić do poprzedniej wersji, korzystając z przycisku poniżej."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -3162,128 +2392,69 @@ msgstr "Plik dziennika nie mógł być odczytany."
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Dzienniki nie są zapisywane w pliku."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:266
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. "
-"%2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP "
-"dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. "
-"%2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP "
-"dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. "
-"%2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP "
-"dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. "
-"%2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP "
-"dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:278
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
+msgstr[2] "Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
+msgstr[3] "Używasz %1$s do serwowania obrazów WebP, więc nie musisz włączać tej opcji. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s %4$s Jeśli wolisz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP dla Ciebie zamiast tego, wyłącz wyświetlanie WebP w %1$s."
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "Pamięć podręczna WebP jest wyłączona przez filtr."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:288
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:314
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket "
-"obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket "
-"obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket "
-"obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket "
-"obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:300
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:326
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. Jeśli chcesz, aby WP Rocket obsługiwał WebP, aktywuj tę opcję. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki "
-"pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki "
-"pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki "
-"pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki "
-"pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:346
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Używasz %1$s do konwersji obrazów do WebP. WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki pamięci podręcznej do obsługi obrazów WebP. %2$sWięcej informacji%3$s"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t "
-"already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or "
-"another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP "
-"do not enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"%5$sNie wykryliśmy żadnego kompatybilnego pluginu do WebP!%6$s%4$s Jeśli nie"
-" masz jeszcze obrazów WebP na swojej stronie rozważ użycie %3$sImagify%2$s "
-"lub innego wspieranego pluginu. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s %4$s Jeśli nie "
-"używasz WebP nie włączaj tej opcji."
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr "%5$sNie wykryliśmy żadnego kompatybilnego pluginu do WebP!%6$s%4$s Jeśli nie masz jeszcze obrazów WebP na swojej stronie rozważ użycie %3$sImagify%2$s lub innego wspieranego pluginu. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s %4$s Jeśli nie używasz WebP nie włączaj tej opcji."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:358
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki pamięci podręcznej dla obsługi obrazów WebP."
+msgstr "WP Rocket utworzy osobne pliki pamięci podręcznej dla obsługi obrazów WebP."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Nie udało się wykryć wymaganej zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Nie udało się wykryć wymaganych zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Nie udało się wykryć wymaganych zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Nie udało się wykryć wymaganych zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "Nie udało się wykryć wymaganej zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
+msgstr[1] "Nie udało się wykryć wymaganych zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
+msgstr[2] "Nie udało się wykryć wymaganych zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
+msgstr[3] "Nie udało się wykryć wymaganych zależności w motywie: zamknięcie %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear and preload cache"
msgstr "Czyszczenie i wstępne ładowanie pamięci podręcznej"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124 inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Wszystkie języki"
@@ -3300,11 +2471,13 @@ msgstr "Oczyścić z tego adresu"
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Oczyścić pamięć podręczną Sucuri"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Oczyść pamięć podręczną RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentacja"
@@ -3320,16 +2493,15 @@ msgstr "OPcache został skutecznie oczyszczony"
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Mapa witryny XML wtyczki Yoast SEO"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83 inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
-#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87 inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
-#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253 inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
-msgstr ""
-"Wykryto automatycznie mapę witryny wygenerowanę przez wtyczkę %s. Możesz "
-"zaznaczyć opcję, aby ją wstępnie wczytać metodą wstępnego ładowania."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
+msgstr "Wykryto automatycznie mapę witryny wygenerowanę przez wtyczkę %s. Możesz zaznaczyć opcję, aby ją wstępnie wczytać metodą wstępnego ładowania."
#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
@@ -3355,7 +2527,8 @@ msgstr "Mapa witryny XML wtyczki Jetpack"
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "Załaduj wstępnie mapę witryny z wtyczki Jetpack"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Aktywuj Imagify"
@@ -3364,12 +2537,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Zainstaluj \"Imagify\" za darmo"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Przyspiesz swoją witrynę i popraw SEO poprzez zmniejszenie rozmiaru plików "
-"graficznych bez utraty jakości z Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Przyspiesz swoją witrynę i popraw SEO poprzez zmniejszenie rozmiaru plików graficznych bez utraty jakości z Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -3378,19 +2547,12 @@ msgstr "Więcej szczegółów"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-"Ładowanie wstępne oparty o mapę witryny: %d stron(-y) zostało zachowanych do"
-" pamięci podręcznej."
+msgstr "Ładowanie wstępne oparty o mapę witryny: %d stron(-y) zostało zachowanych do pamięci podręcznej."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Wstępne ładowanie oparte o mapę witryny: %d stron(-y), które nie zostały "
-"wczytane w pamięci podręcznej, zostały załadowane wstępnie. (Odśwież, aby "
-"zobaczyć postęp)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Wstępne ładowanie oparte o mapę witryny: %d stron(-y), które nie zostały wczytane w pamięci podręcznej, zostały załadowane wstępnie. (Odśwież, aby zobaczyć postęp)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -3400,32 +2562,20 @@ msgstr "Wybierz domenę z listy"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Brak domeny dostępnej na koncie Cloudflare"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl się jest wyłączone na serwerze. Proszę poprosić obsługę hostingu, aby "
-"został aktywowany. Jest to wymagane, aby dodatek Cloudflare działał "
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl się jest wyłączone na serwerze. Proszę poprosić obsługę hostingu, aby został aktywowany. Jest to wymagane, aby dodatek Cloudflare działał prawidłowo."
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"E-mail Cloudflare , klucz API i ID strefy nie są ustawione. Przeczytaj "
-"%1$sdokumentację%2$s w celu uzyskania dalszych wskazówek."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "E-mail Cloudflare , klucz API i ID strefy nie są ustawione. Przeczytaj %1$sdokumentację%2$s w celu uzyskania dalszych wskazówek."
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"E-mail i klucz API Cloudflare nie są ustawione. Przeczytaj "
-"%1$sdokumentację%2$s w celu uzyskania dalszych wskazówek."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "E-mail i klucz API Cloudflare nie są ustawione. Przeczytaj %1$sdokumentację%2$s w celu uzyskania dalszych wskazówek."
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
@@ -3433,37 +2583,29 @@ msgstr "Nie powiodło się połączenie z Cloudflare"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Tak zwana klasa %1$s jest przestarzała od wersji %2$s! Użyj"
-" zamiast tego %3$s."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "Tak zwana klasa %1$s jest przestarzała od wersji %2$s! Użyj zamiast tego %3$s."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"Tak zwana klasa %1$s jest przestarzała od wersji %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr "Tak zwana klasa %1$s jest przestarzała od wersji %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
-msgstr ""
-"Pliki JS z odroczonym wczytywaniem JavaScript metodą defer"
+msgstr "Pliki JS z odroczonym wczytywaniem JavaScript metodą defer"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Dodaj adres URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Zanim będzie można przesłać plik importu, trzeba rozwiązać następujący błąd:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Zanim będzie można przesłać plik importu, trzeba rozwiązać następujący błąd:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Wybierz plik z komputera (maksymalny rozmiar: %s)"
@@ -3484,7 +2626,8 @@ msgstr "Zapisz i optymalizuj"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optymalizuj"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Uwaga:"
@@ -3499,7 +2642,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Wykryto zewnętrzne funkcje:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Ostrzeżenie:"
@@ -3513,25 +2657,35 @@ msgstr "Pobierz ustawienia"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Zastąp nazwę hosta witryny nazwą:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "zarezerwowane dla"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Wszystkie pliki"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obrazy"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Dodaj CNAME"
@@ -3553,36 +2707,16 @@ msgstr "Zaawansowane"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s wymaga co najmniej PHP %3$s do prawidłowego działania. Aby użyć "
-"tej wersji, zapytaj swojego dostawcę hostingu, jak uaktualnić serwer do PHP "
-"%3$s lub nowszej. Jeśli nie możesz dokonać aktualizacji, możesz wrócić do "
-"poprzedniej wersji, korzystając z przycisku poniżej."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s wymaga co najmniej PHP %3$s do prawidłowego działania. Aby użyć tej wersji, zapytaj swojego dostawcę hostingu, jak uaktualnić serwer do PHP %3$s lub nowszej. Jeśli nie możesz dokonać aktualizacji, możesz wrócić do poprzedniej wersji, korzystając z przycisku poniżej."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Wydaje się, że istnieje problem z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z "
-"poniższym komunikatem o błędzie."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Wydaje się, że istnieje problem z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z "
-"poniższymi komunikatami o błędzie."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Wydaje się, że istnieje problem z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z "
-"poniższymi komunikatami o błędzie."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Wydaje się, że istnieją problemy z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z"
-" poniższymi komunikatami o błędach."
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Wydaje się, że istnieje problem z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z poniższym komunikatem o błędzie."
+msgstr[1] "Wydaje się, że istnieje problem z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z poniższymi komunikatami o błędzie."
+msgstr[2] "Wydaje się, że istnieje problem z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z poniższymi komunikatami o błędzie."
+msgstr[3] "Wydaje się, że istnieją problemy z walidacją licencji. Proszę zapoznać się z poniższymi komunikatami o błędach."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
@@ -3624,134 +2758,109 @@ msgstr "Anonimowe ustawienia WP Rocket:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Które ustawienia WP Rocket są aktywne"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:421
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "Podane dane licencyjne są nieprawidłowe."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:424
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby rozwiązać problem, należy %1$sskontaktować się z pomocą techniczną%2$s."
+msgstr "Aby rozwiązać problem, należy %1$sskontaktować się z pomocą techniczną%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:483 inc/functions/options.php:522
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Walidacja licencji nie powiodła się. Nasz serwer nie był w stanie "
-"zrealizować żądania z Twojej witryny internetowej."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Walidacja licencji nie powiodła się. Nasz serwer nie był w stanie zrealizować żądania z Twojej witryny internetowej."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:483
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Proszę spróbować kliknąć %1$sWeryfikuj licencję%2$s poniżej. Jeżeli błąd "
-"nadal występuje, proszę postępować zgodnie z %3$stym przewodnikiem%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Proszę spróbować kliknąć %1$sWeryfikuj licencję%2$s poniżej. Jeżeli błąd nadal występuje, proszę postępować zgodnie z %3$stym przewodnikiem%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:499
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Walidacja licencji nie powiodła się. Możliwe jest, że używasz wersji nulled "
-"wtyczki. Proszę wykonać następujące czynności:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Walidacja licencji nie powiodła się. Możliwe jest, że używasz wersji nulled wtyczki. Proszę wykonać następujące czynności:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:499 inc/functions/options.php:541
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Zaloguj się do swojego %1$skonta WP Rocket%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:499 inc/functions/options.php:541
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Pobierz plik zip"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:499 inc/functions/options.php:541
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Reinstalacja"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:499
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Jeśli nie posiadasz konta WP Rocket, proszę %1$szakupić licencję%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:507
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Weryfikacja licencji nie powiodła się. To konto użytkownika nie istnieje w "
-"naszej bazie danych."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Weryfikacja licencji nie powiodła się. To konto użytkownika nie istnieje w naszej bazie danych."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby rozwiązać problem, prosimy o kontakt z działem pomocy technicznej."
+msgstr "Aby rozwiązać problem, prosimy o kontakt z działem pomocy technicznej."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
-msgstr ""
-"Zatwierdzenie licencji nie powiodło się. To konto użytkownika jest "
+msgstr "Zatwierdzenie licencji nie powiodło się. To konto użytkownika jest zablokowane."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Zobacz %1$sten poradnik%2$s, aby uzyskać więcej informacji."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:522
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Spróbuj kliknąć %1$sZapisz zmiany%2$s poniżej. Jeśli błąd występuje nadal, "
-"postępuj zgodnie z %3$szaleceniami przewodnika%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Spróbuj kliknąć %1$sZapisz zmiany%2$s poniżej. Jeśli błąd występuje nadal, postępuj zgodnie z %3$szaleceniami przewodnika%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Twoja licencja jest niepoprawna."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Upewnij się, że posiadasz aktywną licencję %1$sWP Rocket%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:537
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Dodałeś tyle witryn, na ile pozwala aktualna licencja."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:537
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Ulepsz swoje %1$skonto%2$s lub %3$stransferuj licencję%2$s do tej domeny."
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Ulepsz swoje %1$skonto%2$s lub %3$stransferuj licencję%2$s do tej domeny."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:539
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Ta witryna nie jest dozwolona."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:539
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Prosimy o %1$skontakt z działem pomocy technicznej%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:541
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Ten klucz licencyjny nie został rozpoznany."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:541
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Jeśli problem występuje nadal się, prosimy o %1$skontakt z działem pomocy "
+msgstr "Jeśli problem występuje nadal się, prosimy o %1$skontakt z działem pomocy technicznej%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:547
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Weryfikacja licencji nie powiodła się: %s"
@@ -3762,9 +2871,7 @@ msgstr "Wtyczka zainstalowana pomyślnie."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:532
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
-msgstr ""
-"Przepraszamy, nie posiadasz uprawnień do instalowania wtyczek w tej "
+msgstr "Przepraszamy, nie posiadasz uprawnień do instalowania wtyczek w tej witrynie."
#: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:533
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that."
@@ -3783,36 +2890,23 @@ msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
msgstr "Wczytaj CSS asynchronicznie w urządzeniach mobilnych"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"Twoja strona korzysta obecnie z tej samej ścieżki krytycznej CSS zarówno dla"
-" urządzeń stacjonarnych jak i mobilnych."
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "Twoja strona korzysta obecnie z tej samej ścieżki krytycznej CSS zarówno dla urządzeń stacjonarnych jak i mobilnych."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Kliknij przycisk, aby włączyć CPCSS specyficzny dla urządzeń przenośnych dla"
-" Twojej witryny."
+msgstr "Kliknij przycisk, aby włączyć CPCSS specyficzny dla urządzeń przenośnych dla Twojej witryny."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Jest to jednorazowa czynność, a ten przycisk zostanie później usunięty. %1$s"
-" Więcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Jest to jednorazowa czynność, a ten przycisk zostanie później usunięty. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Twoja strona używa teraz specyficznej dla urządzeń mobilnych ścieżki "
-"krytycznej CSS. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Twoja strona używa teraz specyficznej dla urządzeń mobilnych ścieżki krytycznej CSS. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3825,16 +2919,12 @@ msgstr "Ścieżka krytyczna CSS"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Wygeneruj specyficzną ścieżkę krytyczną CSS dla tego wpisu. %1$s Więcej "
+msgstr "Wygeneruj specyficzną ścieżkę krytyczną CSS dla tego wpisu. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ten wpis wykorzystuje specyficzną ścieżkę krytyczną CSS. %1$s Więcej "
+msgstr "Ten wpis wykorzystuje specyficzną ścieżkę krytyczną CSS. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
@@ -3845,30 +2935,17 @@ msgid "Facing an issue?"
msgstr "Masz problem?"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid ""
-"It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. "
-"Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie zawsze trzeba dezaktywować WP Rocket, gdy pojawiają się jakieś problemy."
-" Większość z nich można naprawić, dezaktywując tylko niektóre opcje."
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr "Nie zawsze trzeba dezaktywować WP Rocket, gdy pojawiają się jakieś problemy. Większość z nich można naprawić, dezaktywując tylko niektóre opcje."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to "
-"quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to "
-"see if your issue is resolved."
-msgstr ""
-"Nasza rada? Zamiast dezaktywować WP Rocket, proszę użyć naszego %1$sTrybu "
-"bezpiecznego%2$s, aby szybko wyłączyć opcje LazyLoadingu, Optymalizacji "
-"plików i CDN. Następnie proszę sprawdzić, czy Twój problem został "
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr "Nasza rada? Zamiast dezaktywować WP Rocket, proszę użyć naszego %1$sTrybu bezpiecznego%2$s, aby szybko wyłączyć opcje LazyLoadingu, Optymalizacji plików i CDN. Następnie proszę sprawdzić, czy Twój problem został rozwiązany."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
-msgstr ""
-"Czy chcesz skorzystać z naszego trybu bezpiecznego, aby rozwiązać problem z "
-"WP Rocket?"
+msgstr "Czy chcesz skorzystać z naszego trybu bezpiecznego, aby rozwiązać problem z WP Rocket?"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
#, php-format
@@ -3877,12 +2954,8 @@ msgstr "Tak, zastosuj \"%1$s Tryb bezpieczny%2$s\""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be "
-msgstr ""
-"i wyeksportuj ustawienia WP Rocket %1$s(zalecane, ponieważ bieżące "
-"ustawienia zostaną usunięte)%2$s"
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr "i wyeksportuj ustawienia WP Rocket %1$s(zalecane, ponieważ bieżące ustawienia zostaną usunięte)%2$s"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
@@ -3918,12 +2991,8 @@ msgstr "Uaktualnij listy włączonych i wykluczonych"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the "
-"button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Listy kompatybilności są pobierane automatycznie co tydzień. Kliknij "
-"przycisk, jeśli chcesz aktualizować je ręcznie. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Listy kompatybilności są pobierane automatycznie co tydzień. Kliknij przycisk, jeśli chcesz aktualizować je ręcznie. %1$sWięcej informacji%2$s"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
msgid "Update lists"
@@ -3934,20 +3003,13 @@ msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Włącz optymalizację czcionek Google"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Poprawia wydajność czcionek i łączy wiele żądań dotyczących czcionek, aby "
-"zmniejszyć liczbę żądań HTTP."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Poprawia wydajność czcionek i łączy wiele żądań dotyczących czcionek, aby zmniejszyć liczbę żądań HTTP."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optymalizacja czcionek Google jest teraz włączona dla Twojej witryny. %1$s "
-"Więcej informacji%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Optymalizacja czcionek Google jest teraz włączona dla Twojej witryny. %1$s Więcej informacji%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3957,17 +3019,20 @@ msgstr "Optymalizacja czcionek Google"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Wyczyść pamięć podręczną po"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS i JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3977,11 +3042,11 @@ msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia importu"
#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Status dodatku"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Modyfikuj opcje"
@@ -4013,9 +3078,7 @@ msgstr "Pamięci podręczna CloudFlare"
#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Oczyszcza przechowywane w pamięci podręcznej zasoby dla Twojej witryny "
-"internetowej. %s"
+msgstr "Oczyszcza przechowywane w pamięci podręcznej zasoby dla Twojej witryny internetowej. %s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
@@ -4039,19 +3102,12 @@ msgstr "Twoja witryna powinna ładować się teraz szybciej!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
-msgstr ""
-"Aby zagwarantować szybkie strony internetowe, WP Rocket automatycznie "
-"stosuje 80% najlepszych praktyk dotyczących wydajności."
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr "Aby zagwarantować szybkie strony internetowe, WP Rocket automatycznie stosuje 80% najlepszych praktyk dotyczących wydajności."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Oferujemy również opcje, które zapewniają natychmiastowe korzyści dla Twojej"
-" witryny internetowej."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Oferujemy również opcje, które zapewniają natychmiastowe korzyści dla Twojej witryny internetowej."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
@@ -4103,11 +3159,8 @@ msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Wciąż nie możesz znaleźć rozwiązania?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Wyślij zgłoszenie i uzyskaj pomoc od naszych przyjaznych i kompetentnych "
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Wyślij zgłoszenie i uzyskaj pomoc od naszych przyjaznych i kompetentnych Rocketeersów."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
@@ -4115,14 +3168,11 @@ msgstr "Poproś o wsparcie"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
-msgstr ""
-"Utwórz kopię zapasową swojej bazy danych przed uruchomieniem czyszczenia!"
+msgstr "Utwórz kopię zapasową swojej bazy danych przed uruchomieniem czyszczenia!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Po wykonaniu optymalizacji bazy danych nie ma możliwości jej cofnięcia."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Po wykonaniu optymalizacji bazy danych nie ma możliwości jej cofnięcia."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -4130,20 +3180,12 @@ msgstr "Zapisz zmiany i optymalizuj"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s stworzył %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$s dla najlepszej w swojej "
-"klasie optymalizacji obrazu.%2$s"
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s stworzył %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$s dla najlepszej w swojej klasie optymalizacji obrazu.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Kompresuj obraz, aby uczynić Twoją witrynę szybszą, przy jednoczesnym "
-"zachowaniu jakości obrazu."
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Kompresuj obraz, aby uczynić Twoją witrynę szybszą, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu jakości obrazu."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -4172,9 +3214,7 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket nie był w stanie automatycznie zatwierdzić Twojej licencji."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-"Postępuj zgodnie z tą instrukcją %1$s, lub skontaktuj się z %2$s, aby "
-"uruchomić to cacko."
+msgstr "Postępuj zgodnie z tą instrukcją %1$s, lub skontaktuj się z %2$s, aby uruchomić to cacko."
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
#, php-format
@@ -4182,12 +3222,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -4236,12 +3272,8 @@ msgstr "Czy wersja %s spowodowała problem na Twojej witrynie?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Możesz powrócić do poprzedniej głównej wersji tutaj.%sNastępnie wyślij do "
-"nas zapytanie o wsparcie."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Możesz powrócić do poprzedniej głównej wersji tutaj.%sNastępnie wyślij do nas zapytanie o wsparcie."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -4335,20 +3367,12 @@ msgstr "Pokaż boczny panel"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
-msgstr ""
-"Poniżej znajduje się szczegółowy widok wszystkich danych, które WP Rocket "
-"zgromadzi %1$sjeśli przyznano mu zezwolenie.%2$s"
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr "Poniżej znajduje się szczegółowy widok wszystkich danych, które WP Rocket zgromadzi %1$sjeśli przyznano mu zezwolenie.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket nigdy nie będzie transmitował nazw domen ani adresów e-mail (z "
-"wyjątkiem weryfikacji licencji), adresów IP lub kluczy API osób trzecich."
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket nigdy nie będzie transmitował nazw domen ani adresów e-mail (z wyjątkiem weryfikacji licencji), adresów IP lub kluczy API osób trzecich."
#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
@@ -4356,9 +3380,7 @@ msgstr "Aktywuj analitykę Rocket Analytics"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Jest to świetny punkt wyjścia, aby naprawić niektóre z najbardziej "
-"powszechnych problemów."
+msgstr "Jest to świetny punkt wyjścia, aby naprawić niektóre z najbardziej powszechnych problemów."
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
@@ -4374,8 +3396,7 @@ msgstr "Jak prawidłowo zmierzyć czas ładowania witryny internetowej"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Sprawdź nasz samouczek i dowiedz się, jak mierzyć prędkość Twojej witryny."
+msgstr "Sprawdź nasz samouczek i dowiedz się, jak mierzyć prędkość Twojej witryny."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
@@ -4384,8 +3405,7 @@ msgstr "Przeczytaj nasz przewodnik"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
-msgstr ""
-"Dowiedz się o optymalnych ustawieniach WP Rocket dla urządzeń mobilnych."
+msgstr "Dowiedz się o optymalnych ustawieniach WP Rocket dla urządzeń mobilnych."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
@@ -4400,13 +3420,178 @@ msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Nie aktywowałeś pamięci podręcznej zalogowanego użytkownika."
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Skorzystaj z trybu incognito przeglądarki, aby sprawdzić szybkość i wygląd "
-"swojej strony internetowej."
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Skorzystaj z trybu incognito przeglądarki, aby sprawdzić szybkość i wygląd swojej strony internetowej."
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Potrzebujesz pomocy?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-pt_PT.mo b/languages/rocket-pt_PT.mo
index a25a14e458..e01b1c7002 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-pt_PT.mo and b/languages/rocket-pt_PT.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-pt_PT.po b/languages/rocket-pt_PT.po
index faf62a20d2..1b824b5ef3 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-pt_PT.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-pt_PT.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.13.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-12 13:56-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-17 09:09-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Pedro Mendonça
Use (.*) "
"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
@@ -1539,16 +1547,16 @@ msgstr ""
"para excluir todos os ficheiros de um determinado tipo, localizados num "
"caminho específico."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1722
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Controle a Heartbeat API do WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid ""
"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
"your server’s resources."
@@ -1556,11 +1564,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Reduzir ou desactivar a actividade da Hartbeat API pode economizar alguns "
"recursos do seu servidor."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1729
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Reduzir ou desactivar a actividade do Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
"to one hit every 2 minutes."
@@ -1568,55 +1576,55 @@ msgstr ""
"A redução de actividade altera a frequência do Heartbeat de um acesso por "
"minuto para um acesso a cada 2 minutos."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
"Desactivar completamente o Heartbeat pode prejudicar os plugins e temas que "
"usem esta API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Não limitar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1745
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Reduzir actividade"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1746
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Controlar Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Comportamento no painel de administração"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Comportamento no editor de conteúdos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1776
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Comportamento na interface do site"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1793
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Módulos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1794
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Adicione mais funcionalidades"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1801
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Módulos do Rocket com um clique"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1802
msgid ""
"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
@@ -1625,26 +1633,26 @@ msgstr ""
"opções disponíveis sem necessidade de configuração. Ligue as opções para "
"activar os módulos neste mesmo ecrã."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Módulos do Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1813
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
"Os módulos do Rocket são funcionalidades complementares que aumentam as "
"opções disponíveis."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1992
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1829
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Integre a sua conta da Cloudflare com este módulo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1830
msgid ""
"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
@@ -1654,7 +1662,7 @@ msgstr ""
"opções tais como limpar a cache da Cloudflare e permitir a configuração "
"ideal com o WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1833
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just "
@@ -1665,15 +1673,15 @@ msgstr ""
"activar e o plugin oficial da Cloudflare e configurar. O WP Rocket activará "
"a compatibilidade automaticamente."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1887
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Se utilizar o Varnish no seu servidor, deve activar este módulo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1889
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
@@ -1682,15 +1690,15 @@ msgstr ""
"O cache do Varnish será limpa sempre que limpar a cache do WP Rocket para "
"garantir que o conteúdo está sempre actualizado.
%1$sSaiba mais%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilidade com WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1930
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "Melhorar a compatibilidade dos navegadores para imagens WebP."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1934
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
@@ -1703,11 +1711,11 @@ msgstr ""
" por si. Para criar imagens WebP recomendamos o %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMais "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1954
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Limpar a cache do Sucuri ao limpar a cache do WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1957
msgid ""
"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
@@ -1715,48 +1723,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Forneça a sua chave de API para limpar a cache do Sucuri ao limpar a cache "
"do WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2109
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1971
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Sincronize a cache do Sucuri com este módulo."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2009
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Credenciais da Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2018
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Opções da Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2032
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Chave global de API:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2033
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Consulte a sua chave de API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2045
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Email da conta"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2054
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID da zona"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2064
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Modo de desenvolvimento"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2066
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
@@ -1765,11 +1773,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Active temporariamente o modo de desenvolvimento no seu site. Esta opção "
"desactiva-se automaticamente após 3 horas. %1$sSaiba mais%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2074
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Configuração ideal"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2075
msgid ""
"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
"grade and compatibility."
@@ -1777,11 +1785,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Melhore automaticamente a sua configuração da Cloudflare para melhor "
"velocidade, grau de desempenho e compatibilidade."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2083
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Protocolo relativo"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2084
msgid ""
"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
@@ -1791,11 +1799,11 @@ msgstr ""
"ficheiros estáticos (CSS, JS, imagens) serão reescritos para usar // em vez "
"de http:// ou https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2122
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Credenciais do Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2135
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid ""
"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
@@ -1804,7 +1812,7 @@ msgstr ""
"A chave de API da firewall (do plugin) tem de estar no formato {32 "
"caracteres}/{32 caracteres}:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2136
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Consulte a sua chave de API"
@@ -2463,7 +2471,7 @@ msgstr "Actualize agora"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Descartar esta notificação"
@@ -2640,7 +2648,7 @@ msgstr "Listas de exclusão do diferimento da execução de JavaScript"
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "Limpar CSS utilizado"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:224
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
@@ -2649,7 +2657,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: Por favor aguarde %2$s segundos. O serviço de remoção de CSS não "
"utilizado está a processar as suas páginas."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:274
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
@@ -2658,19 +2666,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: O CSS utilizado da sua página inicial foi processado. O WP Rocket "
"continuará a gerar o CSS utilizado até %2$s URL a cada %3$s segundo(s)."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
msgstr ""
"Sugerimos activar o %1$spré-carregamento%2$s para resultados mais rápidos."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:293
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Para saber mais sobre o processo consulte a nossa %1$sdocumentação%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:491
msgid ""
"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
@@ -2681,34 +2689,56 @@ msgstr ""
"funcionalidade de Remover CSS não utilizado e melhorar ainda mais o "
"desempenho do seu site."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:494
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
msgstr ""
"Clique aqui para obter uma licença Single do WP Rocket com %1$s de desconto!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:547
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"It seems a security plugin or the server's firewall prevents WP Rocket from "
+"accessing the Remove Unused CSS generator. IPs listed %1$shere in our "
+"documentation%2$s should be added to your allowlists:"
+msgstr ""
+"Parece que um plugin de segurança ou o firewall do servidor está a impedir o"
+" acesso do WP Rocket ao gerador de remoção de CSS não utilizado. Os IP "
+"listados %1$saqui na nossa documentação%2$s devem ser adicionados às suas "
+"listas de permissões:"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:552
+msgid "- In the security plugin, if you are using one"
+msgstr "- No plugin de segurança, se estiver a utilizar algum"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:553
+msgid "- In the server's firewall. Your host can help you with this"
+msgstr ""
+"- Na firewall do servidor. O seu serviço de alojamento pode ajudar nesta "
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:593
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
-"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our "
+"%1$s: Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for"
+" the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to %3$sour "
msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível criar a tabela %2$s na base de dados, necessária para o "
-"correcto funcionamento da opção de Remover CSS não utilizado. Por favor "
-"contacte o nosso suporte."
+"%1$s: Não foi possível criar a tabela %2$s na base de dados, necessária para"
+" o funcionamento da opção de Remover CSS não utilizado. Por favor contacte o"
+" %3$snosso suporte%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:324
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: A opção do CSS utilizado não está activa!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:345
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: A cache do CSS utilizado foi limpa!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:787
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Limpar CSS utilizado deste URL"
@@ -2732,8 +2762,8 @@ msgstr ""
"ou na configuração deste servidor. Se o problema persistir, contacte o suporte."
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:483
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:497
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
@@ -2741,7 +2771,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Reversão da actualização do %s"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:520 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sVolte para o WP Rocket%2$s ou %3$svá para a página de plugins%2$s"
@@ -2788,7 +2818,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Kinsta e do WP Rocket. Para corrigir o problema, por favor entre em contacto"
" com o suporte do Kinsta através da sua conta %1$sMyKinsta%2$s."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:126
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of "
@@ -2798,7 +2828,7 @@ msgstr ""
" de Remover CSS não utilizado e de Combinar ficheiros de CSS. Recomendamos "
"vivamente a sua desactivação."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:169
msgid ""
"Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled "
"Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is "
@@ -2808,7 +2838,7 @@ msgstr ""
"limpeza automática da Cloudflare para compatibilidade. Se tiver activado a "
"APO, também é compatível."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:170
msgid ""
"Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to "
"ensure content is always up-to-date."
@@ -2816,7 +2846,7 @@ msgstr ""
"A cache da Cloudflare será limpa sempre que limpar a cache do WP Rocket para"
" garantir que o conteúdo está sempre actualizado."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:214
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO "
@@ -2825,7 +2855,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Está a usar \"Cache de cookies dinâmicos\". A Cloudflare "
"APO ainda não é compatível com esta funcionalidade."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:220
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin "
@@ -2837,7 +2867,7 @@ msgstr ""
"existe uma forma alternativa para criar cache de páginas facilmente. "
"%1$sMais informações%2$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:271
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile "
@@ -2849,7 +2879,7 @@ msgstr ""
" na Cloudflare APO para fornecer a versão correcta da cache. %4$sMais "
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:292
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare "
@@ -3081,7 +3111,7 @@ msgstr[2] "Estes padrões são inválidos e foram removidos:"
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Mais informações"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
@@ -3151,7 +3181,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: Um ou mais plugins foram activados ou desactivados, "
"caso afectem a interface do seu site, deve limpar a cache."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:221
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
@@ -3160,11 +3190,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: Os seguintes plugins não são compatíveis com este "
"plugin e poderão causar resultados inesperados:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:227
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:269
msgid ""
"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
@@ -3173,7 +3203,7 @@ msgstr ""
"correcto de algumas opções do WP Rocket. Deverá ser desactivado caso tenha "
"algum problema."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:309
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
@@ -3185,7 +3215,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Cache para Inactivo (Level 0) na página %1$sConfigurações > Geral%2$s para "
"evitar quaisquer problemas."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:330
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
@@ -3195,7 +3225,7 @@ msgstr ""
" o plugin funcionar correctamente. %2$sVá para as opções das ligações "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
@@ -3203,14 +3233,14 @@ msgstr ""
"O %s não pôde modificar o ficheiro .htaccess devido à falta de permissões de"
" escrita."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:383 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
"Resolução de problemas: %1$sComo activar a permissão escrita nos ficheiros "
"do sistema%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
msgid ""
@@ -3218,7 +3248,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:391
msgid ""
"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
@@ -3226,7 +3256,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Não se preocupe, a cache de páginas e as opções do WP Rocket continuarão a "
"funcionar correctamente."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:391
msgid ""
"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
"recommended (not required):"
@@ -3234,7 +3264,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Para um óptimo desempenho, é recomendado adicionar estas linhas ao seu "
"ficheiro .htaccess (não obrigatório):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:538
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
@@ -3243,7 +3273,7 @@ msgstr ""
"O %1$s está pronto! %2$sTeste o tempo de carregamento%4$s ou consulte as "
"suas %3$sopções%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:579
msgid ""
"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
" website?"
@@ -3251,15 +3281,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Permite que o WP Rocket recolha dados não sensíveis de diagnóstico deste "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:580
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Isto ajuda-nos a melhorar o WP Rocket no futuro."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:586
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Que informação vamos recolher?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:591
msgid ""
"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
@@ -3271,69 +3301,69 @@ msgstr ""
" de domínio ou endereços de email (excepto para validação de licença), "
"endereços de IP ou chaves de API de terceiros."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Sim, permitir"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:603
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Não, obrigado"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:642
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Obrigado!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:647
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "O WP Rocket agora recolhe as seguintes métricas do seu site:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: A cache foi limpa."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:692
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: A cache do conteúdo foi limpa."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:699
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: A cache do termo foi limpa."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:706
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: A cache do utilizador foi limpa."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:754
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Parar pré-carregamento"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:760
msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Ligar a remoção de CSS não utilizado"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:766
msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
msgstr "Active agora os \"Ficheiros de cache separados para dispositivos móveis\""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:784
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Forçar desactivação "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:803
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Deveria ter sido escrito neste ficheiro o seguinte código:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:834
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível configurar o %s devido à falta de permissões de escrita."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Ficheiro/pasta afectados: %s"
@@ -4052,6 +4082,17 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmar"
+#: views/plugins/update-renewal-expired-notice.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" %1$sWP Rocket %2$s%3$s is available. %4$sLearn more%5$s about the updates "
+"and enhancements of this major version. You need an active license to use "
+"them on your website, don’t miss out! %6$sRenew Now%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+" Está disponível o %1$sWP Rocket %2$s%3$s. %4$sSaiba mais%5$s sobre as "
+"actualizações e melhorias desta nova versão. É necessária uma licença activa"
+" para as utilizar no seu site, não perca! %6$sRenove agora%5$s"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
msgstr "Actualização das listas de inclusão e exclusão"
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ro_RO.mo b/languages/rocket-ro_RO.mo
index 9f1a211245..286ac55aa8 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-ro_RO.mo and b/languages/rocket-ro_RO.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ro_RO.po b/languages/rocket-ro_RO.po
index 04377f7db5..0f38ac9d9b 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-ro_RO.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-ro_RO.po
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Fișierele cache mai vechi decât durata de viață specificată vor fi șterse. "
Activează %1$spre-încărcarea%2$s pentru cache-ul care să fie reconstruit"
-" automat după expirarea duratei de viață."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Fișierele cache mai vechi decât durata de viață specificată vor fi șterse.
Activează %1$spre-încărcarea%2$s pentru cache-ul care să fie reconstruit automat după expirarea duratei de viață."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:501
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Activează cache pentru utilizatorii WordPress autentificați"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:509
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Activează cache pentru dispozitivele mobile"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:524
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Separă fișierele cache pentru dispozitivele mobile"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Majoritatea temelor moderne sunt responsive și ar trebui să funcționeze fără"
-" un cache separat. Activează asta numai dacă ai o temă sau un modul dedicat "
-"pentru dispozitive mobile. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:542
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică timpul după care cache-ul global este șters
(0 = nelimitat)"
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Majoritatea temelor moderne sunt responsive și ar trebui să funcționeze fără un cache separat. Activează asta numai dacă ai o temă sau un modul dedicat pentru dispozitive mobile. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s."
#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Specifică timpul după care cache-ul global este șters
(0 = nelimitat)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Reduci durata de viață la 10 ore sau mai puțin dacă remarci probleme care "
-"par să apară periodic. %1$sDe ce?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Reduci durata de viață la 10 ore sau mai puțin dacă remarci probleme care par să apară periodic. %1$sDe ce?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:550
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minute"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:551
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Ore"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Zile"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:577
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Optimizare fișiere"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:578
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Optimizează CSS și JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:585
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "Fișiere CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:592
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sMinificarea este activată acum în Autoptimize. Dacă "
-"vrei să folosești minificarea %2$s, dezactivează acele opțiuni în "
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$sMinificarea este activată acum în Autoptimize. Dacă vrei să folosești minificarea %2$s, dezactivează acele opțiuni în Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:595
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Fișiere JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Minifică fișierele CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:612
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minifică CSS înlătură spațiile goale și comentariile pentru a reduce "
-"dimensiunea fișierului."
+msgstr "Minifică CSS înlătură spațiile goale și comentariile pentru a reduce dimensiunea fișierului."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:625
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:647
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:729
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Asta ar putea strica unele lucruri!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:626
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:648
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:752
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Dacă după activarea acestei setări observi erori pe site-ul tău, trebuie "
-"doar s-o dezactivezi și site-ul va reveni la normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Dacă după activarea acestei setări observi erori pe site-ul tău, trebuie doar s-o dezactivezi și site-ul va reveni la normal."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:627
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Activează minifică CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:632
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combină fișierele CSS (activează Minifică fișierele CSS pentru a "
+msgstr "Combină fișierele CSS (activează Minifică fișierele CSS pentru a selecta)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Combină CSS îmbină toate fișierele tale într-unul singur, reducând cererile "
-"HTTP. Nu este recomandată dacă site-ul tău folosește HTTP/2. %1$sMai multe "
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Combină CSS îmbină toate fișierele tale într-unul singur, reducând cererile HTTP. Nu este recomandată dacă site-ul tău folosește HTTP/2. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Activează combină CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Fișiere CSS excluse"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:655
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică URL-urile fișierelor CSS care să fie excluse din minificare și "
-"concatenare (câte unul pe un rând)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Specifică URL-urile fișierelor CSS care să fie excluse din minificare și concatenare (câte unul pe un rând)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:656
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interne: Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi "
-"eliminată automat. Folosește metacaracterele (.*).css pentru a exclude toate"
-" fișierele CSS localizate pe o anumită cale."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interne: Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat. Folosește metacaracterele (.*).css pentru a exclude toate fișierele CSS localizate pe o anumită cale."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:658
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Parte terță: pentru a exclude CSS-ul extern, folosește "
-"calea completă a URL-ului sau doar numele de domeniu. %1$sMai multe "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Parte terță: pentru a exclude CSS-ul extern, folosește calea completă a URL-ului sau doar numele de domeniu. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Optimizează livrarea CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"În prezent, Optimizează livrarea CSS este gestionată de modulul %1$s. Dacă "
-"vrei să folosești opțiunea Optimizează livrarea CSS oferită de WP Rocket, "
-"dezactivează modulul %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:680
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimizează livrarea CSS elimină CSS-ul care blochează randarea pe site-ul "
-"tău web pentru un timp de încărcare mai rapid perceput. %1$sMai multe "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "CSS critic de rezervă"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:696
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Oferă o alternativă dacă CSS-ul de cale critic generat automat este "
-"incomplet. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:705
-msgid "Remove jQuery Migrate"
-msgstr "Înlătură migrarea jQuery"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Remove jQuery Migrate eliminates a JS file and can improve load time. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Înlătură migrarea jQuery elimină un fișier JS și poate îmbunătăți timpul de "
-"încărcare. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s."
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Oferă o alternativă dacă CSS-ul de cale critic generat automat este incomplet. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:715
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Minifică fișierele JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:716
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Minifică JavaScript înlătură spațiile goale și comentariile pentru a reduce "
-"dimensiunea fișierului."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Minifică JavaScript înlătură spațiile goale și comentariile pentru a reduce dimensiunea fișierului."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Activează minifică JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:736
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Combină fișierele JavaScript (activează Minifică fișierele JavaScript "
-"pentru a selecta)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Combină fișierele JavaScript (activează Minifică fișierele JavaScript pentru a selecta)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Combină fișierele JavaScript îmbină resursele interne ale site-ului, "
-"resursele terțe și JS-ul în-line, reducând cererile HTTP. Nu este recomandat"
-" dacă site-ul tău folosește HTTP/2. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Combină fișierele JavaScript îmbină resursele interne ale site-ului, resursele terțe și JS-ul în-line, reducând cererile HTTP. Nu este recomandat dacă site-ul tău folosește HTTP/2. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:753
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Activează combină JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:758 inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript în-linie exclus"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică structurile JavaScript în-line care să fie excluse din concatenare"
-" (câte una pe un rând). %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Specifică structurile JavaScript în-line care să fie excluse din concatenare (câte una pe un rând). %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:776 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Fișiere JavaScript excluse"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:777
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică URL-urile fișierelor JavaScript care să fie excluse din minificare"
-" și concatenare (câte unul pe un rând)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Specifică URL-urile fișierelor JavaScript care să fie excluse din minificare și concatenare (câte unul pe un rând)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Interne: Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi "
-"eliminată automat. Folosește metacaracterele (.*).js pentru a exclude toate "
-"fișierele JS localizate pe o anumită cale."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Interne: Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat. Folosește metacaracterele (.*).js pentru a exclude toate fișierele JS localizate pe o anumită cale."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Părți terțe: pentru a exclude JS-ul extern, folosește fie "
-"calea completă a URL-ului ori fie numai numele de domeniu. %1$sMai multe "
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Părți terțe: pentru a exclude JS-ul extern, folosește fie calea completă a URL-ului ori fie numai numele de domeniu. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Încarcă JavaScript întârziat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:798
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Încarcă JavaScript întârziat elimină JS-ul care blochează randarea pe site-"
-"ul tău și poate îmbunătăți timpul de încărcare. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:809
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Mod în siguranță pentru jQuery (recomandat)"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Încarcă JavaScript întârziat elimină JS-ul care blochează randarea pe site-ul tău și poate îmbunătăți timpul de încărcare. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:810
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"Modul în siguranță pentru jQuery pentru JS întârziat asigură suport pentru "
-"referințele jQuery în-linie din teme și module prin încărcarea jQuery în "
-"partea de sus a documentului ca script care blochează randarea. "
Dezactivarea poate duce la o funcționare defectuoasă, testează "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Întârzie executarea JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Îmbunătățește performanța prin întârzierea încărcării fișierelor JavaScript "
-"până la interacțiunea cu utilizatorul (de exemplu: derulează, dă clic). "
-"%1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
-msgid "Scripts to delay"
-msgstr "Scripturi care să fie întârziate"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be delayed "
-"(one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică cuvintele cheie care pot identifica fișierele în-line sau "
-"JavaScript care să fie fi întârziate (câte unul pe o linie)."
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Îmbunătățește performanța prin întârzierea încărcării fișierelor JavaScript până la interacțiunea cu utilizatorul (de exemplu: derulează, dă clic). %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:868
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:869
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "Încărcare lentă, emoticoane, înglobări, WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:878
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:927
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "Încărcare lentă"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:930
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Acesta poate îmbunătăți timpul de încărcare real și perceput, deoarece "
-"imaginile, iframe-urile și videourile vor fi încărcate numai în momentul în "
-"care intră (sau urmează să intre) în fereastra de vizualizare, astfel se "
-"reduce numărul de cereri HTTP. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Acesta poate îmbunătăți timpul de încărcare real și perceput, deoarece imaginile, iframe-urile și videourile vor fi încărcate numai în momentul în care intră (sau urmează să intre) în fereastra de vizualizare, astfel se reduce numărul de cereri HTTP. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Încărcarea lentă este activată acum în %2$s. Dacă vrei să folosești "
-"încărcarea lentă a imaginilor de la WP Rocket, dezactivează această opțiune "
-"în %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "Încărcarea lentă este activată acum în %2$s. Dacă vrei să folosești încărcarea lentă a imaginilor de la WP Rocket, dezactivează această opțiune în %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:940
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoticon 👻"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Folosește emoticonul implicit al navigatorului vizitatorilor în loc de a "
-"încărca emoticonul de la WordPress.org"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:946
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Înglobări"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:948
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-allowed) sites, and removes JavaScript "
-"requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Îi împiedică pe alții să înglobeze conținut de pe site-ul tău, te împiedică "
-"să înglobezi conținut de pe alte site-uri (nepermise) și înlătură cererile "
-"JavaScript legate de înglobările WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:952
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "Compatibilitate cu WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:956
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Activează această opțiune dacă vrei ca WP Rocket să servească imagini WebP "
-"în navigatoarele compatibile. Reține că WP Rocket nu poate crea imagini WebP"
-" pentru tine. Pentru a crea imagini WebP recomandăm %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMai"
-" multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Activează această opțiune dacă vrei ca WP Rocket să servească imagini WebP în navigatoarele compatibile. Reține că WP Rocket nu poate crea imagini WebP pentru tine. Pentru a crea imagini WebP recomandăm %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:983
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Activează pentru imagini"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Încărcarea lentă a imaginilor este activată acum în %2$s. Dacă vrei să "
-"folosești încărcarea lentă a imaginilor de la %1$s, dezactivează această "
-"opțiune în %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "Încărcarea lentă a imaginilor este activată acum în %2$s. Dacă vrei să folosești încărcarea lentă a imaginilor de la %1$s, dezactivează această opțiune în %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Activează pentru iframe-uri și videouri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1018
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Înlocuiește iframe-ul YouTube cu imaginea de previzualizare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1019
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Îți poate îmbunătăți semnificativ timpul de încărcare dacă ai o mulțime de "
-"videouri YouTube pe o pagină."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Îți poate îmbunătăți semnificativ timpul de încărcare dacă ai o mulțime de videouri YouTube pe o pagină."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1029
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Înlocuiește iframe-ul YouTube cu imaginea de previzualizare nu este o "
-"acțiune compatibilă cu %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1033
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Dezactivează emoticoanele"
+msgstr "Înlocuiește iframe-ul YouTube cu imaginea de previzualizare nu este o acțiune compatibilă cu %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1034
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Dezactivarea emoticoanelor va reduce numărul de cereri HTTP externe."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1042
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Dezactivează înglobările WordPress"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1052
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:362
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Activează cache-ul pentru WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1072 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Pre-încărcare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1073
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Generează fișiere cache, pre-încarcă fonturi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1084
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Pre-încarcă cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1087
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Când activezi pre-încărcarea, WP Rocket va genera cache-ul pornind cu "
-"legăturile din prima ta pagină și continuând cu hărțile site pe care le-ai "
-"specificat. Pre-încărcarea este declanșată automat când adaugi conținut sau "
-"îl actualizezi și poți s-o declanșezi manual și din bara de administrare sau"
-" din %1$sPanoul de control WP Rocket%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Pre-aduce cereri DNS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1097
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-aducerea DNS poate face ca fișierele externe să se încarce mai rapid, în"
-" special în rețelele pentru mobil"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Pre-aducerea DNS poate face ca fișierele externe să se încarce mai rapid, în special în rețelele pentru mobil"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1105
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Pre-încarcă fonturi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Îmbunătățește performanța ajutând navigatoarele să descopere fonturi în "
-"fișierele CSS. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Îmbunătățește performanța ajutând navigatoarele să descopere fonturi în fișierele CSS. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1116
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Pre-încarcă legături"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1119
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea legăturilor îmbunătățește timpul de încărcare perceput prin "
-"descărcarea unei pagini atunci când un utilizator trece peste legătură. "
-"%1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Pre-încărcarea legăturilor îmbunătățește timpul de încărcare perceput prin descărcarea unei pagini atunci când un utilizator trece peste legătură. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1133
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Activează pre-încărcarea"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1152
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Activează pre-încărcarea cache-ului pe baza hărților site"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1171
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Hărți site pentru pre-încărcare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1175
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică hărțile (harta) site XML care să fie folosite pentru pre-încărcare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1185
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL-uri de pre-adus"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1186
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică gazdele externe care să fie pre-aduse (fără http:
, "
-"una pe linie)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Specifică gazdele externe care să fie pre-aduse (fără http:
, una pe linie)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Fonturi pentru pre-încărcat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1196
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică URL-urile fișierelor cu fonturi care trebuie preîncărcate (câte "
-"unul pe o linie). Fonturile trebuie să fie găzduite pe propriu domeniu sau "
-"pe domeniul specificat în fila CDN."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Specifică URL-urile fișierelor cu fonturi care trebuie preîncărcate (câte unul pe o linie). Fonturile trebuie să fie găzduite pe propriu domeniu sau pe domeniul specificat în fila CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1197
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat.
Extensii "
-"de font permise: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat.
Extensii de font permise: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Activează pre-încărcarea legăturilor"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1225
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Reguli avansate"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1226
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Ajustează fin regulile cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1235
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Paginile sensibile, cum ar fi URL-urile personalizate de "
-"autentificare/dezautentificare, ar trebui să fie excluse din cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Paginile sensibile, cum ar fi URL-urile personalizate de autentificare/dezautentificare, ar trebui să fie excluse din cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1238
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1240
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1242
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1244
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1246
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1252
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Paginile coș de cumpărături, finalizare comandă și „contul meu” setate "
-"în %1$s%2$s%3$s vor fi detectate și implicit nu sunt "
-"memorate niciodată în cache."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Paginile coș de cumpărături, finalizare comandă și „contul meu” setate în %1$s%2$s%3$s vor fi detectate și implicit nu sunt memorate niciodată în cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Nu memora niciodată în cache URL-uri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1273
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Nu memora niciodată în cache cookie-uri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1278 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Nu memora niciodată în cache agentul (agenții) utilizator"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1283 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Curăță întotdeauna URL-ul (URL-urile)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1292
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Memorează în cache șirul (șirurile) de interogare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1295
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sCache pentru șiruri de interogare%2$s îți permite să forțezi cache-ul "
-"pentru parametrii GET specifici."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică URL-urile paginilor sau articolelor care nu ar trebui să fie "
-"niciodată memorate în cache (unul pe linie)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sCache pentru șiruri de interogare%2$s îți permite să forțezi cache-ul pentru parametrii GET specifici."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1310
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1338
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat.
Folosește "
-"metacaracterele (.*) pentru a scrie adresa mai multor URL-uri pentru o cale "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specifică URL-urile paginilor sau articolelor care nu ar trebui să fie niciodată memorate în cache (unul pe linie)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică ID-urile cookie-urilor care, atunci când sunt setate în "
-"navigatorul vizitatorilor, ar trebui să împiedice o pagină să fie memorată "
-"în cache (unul pe linie)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat.
Folosește metacaracterele (.*) pentru a scrie adresa mai multor URL-uri pentru o cale dată."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1327
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică șirurile de agenți utilizator care nu ar trebui să vadă niciodată "
-"pagini memorate în cache (unul pe linie)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specifică șirurile de agenți utilizator care nu ar trebui să vadă niciodată pagini memorate în cache (unul pe linie)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1328
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Folosește metacaractere (.*) pentru a detecta părți din șirurile UA."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică URL-urile care vrei să fie curățate întotdeauna din cache ori de "
-"câte ori actualizezi un articol sau o pagină (unul pe linie)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Specifică URL-urile care vrei să fie curățate întotdeauna din cache ori de câte ori actualizezi un articol sau o pagină (unul pe linie)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1346
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică șirurile de interogare pentru memorare în cache (unul pe linie)"
+msgstr "Specifică șirurile de interogare pentru memorare în cache (unul pe linie)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1371 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Bază de date"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Optimizează, reduce dimensiunea"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1381
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Curățare articole"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1383
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Reviziile și ciornele articolelor vor fi șterse definitiv. Nu folosi această"
-" opțiune dacă trebuie să păstrezi reviziile sau ciornele."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Reviziile și ciornele articolelor vor fi șterse definitiv. Nu folosi această opțiune dacă trebuie să păstrezi reviziile sau ciornele."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1391
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Curățare comentarii"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
-msgstr ""
-"Comentariile spam și comentariile aruncate la gunoi vor fi șterse definitiv."
+msgstr "Comentariile spam și comentariile aruncate la gunoi vor fi șterse definitiv."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Curățare tranzienți"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1399
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Tranzienții sunt opțiuni temporare; pot fi înlăturați fără probleme. Vor fi "
-"regenerați automat pe măsură ce modulele tale îi cer."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Tranzienții sunt opțiuni temporare; pot fi înlăturați fără probleme. Vor fi regenerați automat pe măsură ce modulele tale îi cer."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1403
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Curățare bază de date"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1405
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Reduce costul de funcționare a tabelelor din baza de date"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Curățare automată"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1420
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revizii"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1165,12 +774,12 @@ msgstr[0] "%s revizie în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s revizii în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de revizii în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1430
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Ciorne automate"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1178,12 +787,12 @@ msgstr[0] "%s ciornă în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s ciorne în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de ciorne în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1440
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Articole aruncate la gunoi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1442
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1191,12 +800,12 @@ msgstr[0] "%s articol aruncat la gunoi în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s articole aruncate la gunoi în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de articole aruncate la gunoi în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1450
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Comentarii spam"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1204,12 +813,12 @@ msgstr[0] "%s comentariu spam în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s comentarii spam în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de comentarii spam în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Comentarii aruncate la gunoi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1462
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1217,24 +826,11 @@ msgstr[0] "%s comentariu aruncat la gunoi în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s comentarii aruncate la gunoi în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de comentarii aruncate la gunoi în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Tranzienți expirați"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1472
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "%s tranzient expirat în baza ta de date."
-msgstr[1] "%s tranzienți expirați în baza ta de date."
-msgstr[2] "%s de tranzienți expirați în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Toți tranzienții"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1242,11 +838,11 @@ msgstr[0] "%s tranzient în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s tranzienți în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de tranzienți în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1490
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Optimizează tabelele"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1492
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1254,497 +850,351 @@ msgstr[0] "%s tabel de optimizat în baza ta de date."
msgstr[1] "%s tabele de optimizat în baza ta de date."
msgstr[2] "%s de tabele de optimizat în baza ta de date."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1503
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Programează ștergerea automată"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frecvență"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1523
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Zilnic"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1524
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Săptămânal"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Lunar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1541
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1552 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1542
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Integrează-ți CDN-ul"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1554
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Toate URL-urile fișierelor statice (CSS, JS, imagini) vor fi rescrise în "
-"CNAME-ul furnizat (CNAME-urile furnizate)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Toate URL-urile fișierelor statice (CSS, JS, imagini) vor fi rescrise în CNAME-ul furnizat (CNAME-urile furnizate)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1556
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Nu este necesar pentru servicii cum ar fi Cloudflare și Sucuri. Te rog vezi "
-"%1$ssuplimentele%2$s noastre disponibile."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Nu este necesar pentru servicii cum ar fi Cloudflare și Sucuri. Te rog vezi %1$ssuplimentele%2$s noastre disponibile."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1571 inc/admin/options.php:131
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Exclude fișiere din CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"În prezent este activat %1$s%2$s supliment%3$s. Configurarea setărilor CDN "
-"nu este necesară pentru ca %2$s să funcționeze pe site-ul tău. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"În prezent sunt activate %1$s%2$s suplimente%3$s. Configurarea setărilor CDN"
-" nu este necesară pentru ca %2$s să funcționeze pe site-ul tău."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"În prezent sunt activate %1$s%2$s de suplimente%3$s. Configurarea setărilor "
-"CDN nu este necesară pentru ca %2$s să funcționeze pe site-ul tău."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1622
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Activează rețeaua de livrare a conținutului"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1631
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CNAME (CNAME-uri) CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1632
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Specifică CNAME-ul (CNAME-urile) mai jos"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1639
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Specifică URL-urile fișierelor care nu ar trebui să fie servite prin CDN "
-"(unul pe linie)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Specifică URL-urile fișierelor care nu ar trebui să fie servite prin CDN (unul pe linie)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1640
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat.
Folosește "
-"metacaracterele (.*) pentru a exclude toate fișierele unui tip de fișier dat"
-" localizate pe o anumită cale."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Partea din URL care conține domeniul va fi eliminată automat.
Folosește metacaracterele (.*) pentru a exclude toate fișierele unui tip de fișier dat localizate pe o anumită cale."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1662
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1663
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Controlează WordPress Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1671
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Reducând sau dezactivând activitățile API-ului Heartbeat te poate ajuta să "
-"nu mai folosești o parte din resursele serverului tău."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Reducând sau dezactivând activitățile API-ului Heartbeat te poate ajuta să nu mai folosești o parte din resursele serverului tău."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1680
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Reduce sau dezactivează activitățile Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1681
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Reducerea activității va modifica frecvența Heartbeat de la o vizită în "
-"fiecare minut la o vizită la fiecare 2 minute."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Reducerea activității va modifica frecvența Heartbeat de la o vizită în fiecare minut la o vizită la fiecare 2 minute."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1681
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Dezactivarea completă a Heartbeat poate întrerupe funcționarea modulelor și "
-"temelor când de folosește acest API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Dezactivarea completă a Heartbeat poate întrerupe funcționarea modulelor și temelor când de folosește acest API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1695
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Nu limita"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1696
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Reduce activitatea"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1697
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Dezactivează"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1705
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Controlează Heartbeat"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Comportament în partea administrativă a sitului"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1721
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Comportament în editor de articole"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Comportament în partea din față a sitului"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1743
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Suplimente"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Adaugă mai multe funcționalități"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Suplimente Rocket cu un singur clic"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1752
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Suplimentele cu un singur clic sunt funcționalități care extind opțiunile "
-"disponibile fără a fi necesară o configurare. Comută opțiunea pe „pornit” "
-"pentru a le activa din acest ecran."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Suplimentele cu un singur clic sunt funcționalități care extind opțiunile disponibile fără a fi necesară o configurare. Comută opțiunea pe „pornit” pentru a le activa din acest ecran."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1762
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Suplimente Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
-msgstr ""
-"Suplimentele Rocket sunt funcționalități complementare care extind opțiunile"
-" disponibile."
+msgstr "Suplimentele Rocket sunt funcționalități complementare care extind opțiunile disponibile."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1776
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Urmărire Google"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+msgid "Cloudflare"
+msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1782
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Îmbunătățește cache-ul navigatorului pentru Google Analytics"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
+msgstr "Integrează-ți contul Cloudflare cu acest supliment."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1784
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket va găzdui aceste scripturi Google pe serverul tău pentru a "
-"răspunde la recomandarea PageSpeed pentru Utilizează la maxim cache-ul "
%1$sAflă mai multe%2$s"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Furnizează emailul contului, cheia API globală și domeniul pentru a folosi câteva opțiuni, cum ar fi ștergerea cache-ului Cloudflare și activarea setărilor optime cu WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1799
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Pixel Facebook"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+msgid "Varnish"
+msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1805
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Îmbunătățește cache-ul navigatorului pentru Pixel Facebook"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
+msgstr "Dacă Varnish rulează pe serverul tău, trebuie să activezi acest supliment."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket va găzdui acest Pixel Facebook pe serverul tău pentru a ajuta să "
-"te conformezi recomandării PageSpeed pentru Utilizează la maxim cache-ul"
-" navigatorului.
%1$sAflă mai mult%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1820
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1921
-msgid "Cloudflare"
-msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1826
-msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
-msgstr "Integrează-ți contul Cloudflare cu acest supliment."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Furnizează emailul contului, cheia API globală și domeniul pentru a folosi "
-"câteva opțiuni, cum ar fi ștergerea cache-ului Cloudflare și activarea "
-"setărilor optime cu WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1861
-msgid "Varnish"
-msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1867
-msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Dacă Varnish rulează pe serverul tău, trebuie să activezi acest supliment."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Cache-ul Varnish va fi șters de fiecare dată când WP Rocket își șterge "
-"cache-ul, astfel conținutul este întotdeauna actualizat.
%1$sAflă mai "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Cache-ul Varnish va fi șters de fiecare dată când WP Rocket își șterge cache-ul, astfel conținutul este întotdeauna actualizat.
%1$sAflă mai mult%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Șterge cache-ul Sucuri când cache-ul WP Rocket este șters."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1886
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Furnizează cheia ta API pentru a șterge cache-ul Sucuri când cache-ul WP "
-"Rocket este șters."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Furnizează cheia ta API pentru a șterge cache-ul Sucuri când cache-ul WP Rocket este șters."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1894
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2038
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Sincronizează cache-ul Sucuri cu acest supliment."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1938
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Date de conectare Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1947
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Setări Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1961
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Cheie API globală:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1962
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Găsește-ți cheia API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1974
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Email cont"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1983
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID zonă"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1993
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Mod dezvoltare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Activează temporar modul dezvoltare pe site-ul tău web. Această setare va fi"
-" oprită automat după 3 ore. %1$sAflă mai mult%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Activează temporar modul dezvoltare pe site-ul tău web. Această setare va fi oprită automat după 3 ore. %1$sAflă mai mult%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Setări optime"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2004
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Îți îmbunătățește automat configurarea Cloudflare pentru viteză, grad de "
-"performanță și compatibilitate."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Îți îmbunătățește automat configurarea Cloudflare pentru viteză, grad de performanță și compatibilitate."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Protocol relativ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2013
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Ar trebui să fie folosit numai cu funcționalitatea SSL flexibil de la "
-"Cloudflare. URL-urile fișierelor statice (CSS, JS, imagini) vor fi rescrise "
-"pentru a folosi // în loc de http:// sau https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Ar trebui să fie folosit numai cu funcționalitatea SSL flexibil de la Cloudflare. URL-urile fișierelor statice (CSS, JS, imagini) vor fi rescrise pentru a folosi // în loc de http:// sau https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2051
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Date de conectare Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2064
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Cheia API pentru firewall (pentru modul) trebuie să fie în formatul de "
-"{32 de caractere}/{32 de caractere}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2065
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Găsește-ți cheia API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:461 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Încarcă fișierul și importă setările"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:400
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Supliment Sucuri: cheia API pentru firewall-ul Sucuri trebuie să fie în "
-"formatul {32 de caractere}/{32 de caractere}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Supliment Sucuri: cheia API pentru firewall-ul Sucuri trebuie să fie în formatul {32 de caractere}/{32 de caractere}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Setări salvate."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:141
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Unelte"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Import, export, restaurare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:163
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Optimizare imagini"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:164
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Comprimă-ți imaginile"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Tutoriale"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:182
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Noțiuni de bază și cum să vezi videourile"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN nu este disponibil în acest moment. Te rog încearcă mai târziu"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
-msgstr ""
-"Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: lipsește parametrul de identificare."
+msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: lipsește parametrul de identificare."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
-msgstr ""
-"Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: lipsește tokenul utilizatorului."
+msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: lipsește tokenul utilizatorului."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: API-ul a returnat un cod de răspuns "
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: API-ul a returnat un cod de răspuns neașteptat."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: API-ul a returnat un răspuns gol."
+msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: API-ul a returnat un răspuns gol."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
-msgstr ""
-"Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: API-ul a returnat un răspuns "
+msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: API-ul a returnat un răspuns neașteptat."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN a eșuat: %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "Ștergerea cache-ului RocketCDN s-a făcut cu succes."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Următoarea dată de facturare"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Niciun abonament"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Abonamentul tău RocketCDN este în prezent activ."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Pentru a folosi RocketCDN, înlocuiește CNAME cu %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "Administrează abonamentul"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN activat"
@@ -1753,32 +1203,30 @@ msgstr "RocketCDN activat"
msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN dezactivat"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Șterge acest cache"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:330
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "Valoare WP_CACHE"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:351
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru ca WP Rocket să funcționeze așa cum trebuie, constanta WP_CACHE "
-"trebuie să fie setată la „true”."
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "Pentru ca WP Rocket să funcționeze așa cum trebuie, constanta WP_CACHE trebuie să fie setată la „true”."
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
msgstr "WP_CACHE este setată la „true”"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:368
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
msgstr "WP_CACHE nu este setată"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:376
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE este setată la „false”"
@@ -1788,184 +1236,145 @@ msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat. Eroare: %2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:66
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat pentru dispozitive mobile. "
-"Eroare: API-ul a returnat un răspuns gol."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat pentru dispozitive mobile. Eroare: API-ul a returnat un răspuns gol."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat. Eroare: API-ul a returnat un "
-"răspuns gol."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat. Eroare: API-ul a returnat un răspuns gol."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat pentru dispozitive mobile."
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat pentru dispozitive mobile."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:193
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat pentru dispozitive mobile. "
-"Eroare: API-ul a returnat un cod de răspuns invalid."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat pentru dispozitive mobile. Eroare: API-ul a returnat un cod de răspuns invalid."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat. Eroare: API-ul a returnat un "
-"cod de răspuns invalid."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s nu a fost generat. Eroare: API-ul a returnat un cod de răspuns invalid."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:200
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "Error: %1$s"
msgstr "Eroare: %1$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:260
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Regenerează CSS-ul de cale critic"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Generează un anumit CSS de cale critic"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Regenerează un anumit CSS de cale critic"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:199
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
msgstr "%l pentru a folosi această funcționalitate."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:202
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
#, php-format
msgid "Publish the %s"
msgstr "Publică %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:203
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in WP Rocket settings"
-msgstr "Activează Optimizează livrarea CSS în setările WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:204
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in the options above"
-msgstr "Activează Optimizează livrarea CSS în opțiunile de mai sus"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Generarea CSS-ului critic rulează acum."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:152
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "Mergi la pagina %1$sSetări WP Rocket%2$s pentru a urmări progresul."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:366
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Generarea CSS-ului critic rulează acum: %1$d din %2$d tipuri de pagină au "
-"fost finalizate. (Reîmprospătează această pagină pentru a vedea progresul.)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Generarea CSS-ului critic rulează acum: %1$d din %2$d tipuri de pagină au fost finalizate. (Reîmprospătează această pagină pentru a vedea progresul.)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:438
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-"Generarea CSS-ului critic s-a terminat pentru %1$d din %2$d tipuri de "
+msgstr "Generarea CSS-ului critic s-a terminat pentru %1$d din %2$d tipuri de pagină."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Generarea CSS-ului critic a întâmpinat una sau mai multe erori."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Află mai mult."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:102
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
msgstr "Fișierul CSS critic pentru dispozitive mobile nu există"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:104
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
msgstr "Fișierul CSS critic nu există"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:116
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Fișierul CSS critic pentru dispozitive mobile nu poate fi șters"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:118
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Fișierul CSS critic nu poate fi șters"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:186
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
msgstr "CSS-ul critic mobil pentru %1$s nu a fost generat."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:227
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %s este în desfășurare."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:261
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "CSS-ul critic mobil pentru %s a fost generat."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:272
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %s a fost generat."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:294
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
msgstr "Fișierul CSS critic a fost șters cu succes."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:316
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
#, php-format
msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic mobil pentru %1$s a expirat. Te rog încearcă un pic mai "
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic mobil pentru %1$s a expirat. Te rog încearcă un pic mai târziu."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:329
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
-msgstr ""
-"CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s a expirat. Te rog încearcă un pic mai târziu."
+msgstr "CSS-ul critic pentru %1$s a expirat. Te rog încearcă un pic mai târziu."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Generarea CSS-ului de cale critic pentru dispozitive mobile nu este "
+msgstr "Generarea CSS-ului de cale critic pentru dispozitive mobile nu este activată."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
@@ -1976,33 +1385,18 @@ msgstr "Articolul cerut nu există."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Nu pot genera CSS-ul de cale critic pentru articole nepublicate."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Următorul eveniment programat a eșuat în timpul rulării. Acest lucru poate "
-"indica că sistemul CRON nu funcționează corect și poate împiedica unele "
-"funcționalități WP Rocket să lucreze așa cum ar trebui:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Următoarele evenimente programate au eșuat în timpul rulării. Acest lucru "
-"poate indica că sistemul CRON nu funcționează corect și poate împiedica "
-"unele funcționalități WP Rocket să lucreze așa cum ar trebui:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Următoarele evenimente programate au eșuat în timpul rulării. Acest lucru "
-"poate indica că sistemul CRON nu funcționează corect și poate împiedica "
-"unele funcționalități WP Rocket să lucreze așa cum ar trebui:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Următorul eveniment programat a eșuat în timpul rulării. Acest lucru poate indica că sistemul CRON nu funcționează corect și poate împiedica unele funcționalități WP Rocket să lucreze așa cum ar trebui:"
+msgstr[1] "Următoarele evenimente programate au eșuat în timpul rulării. Acest lucru poate indica că sistemul CRON nu funcționează corect și poate împiedica unele funcționalități WP Rocket să lucreze așa cum ar trebui:"
+msgstr[2] "Următoarele evenimente programate au eșuat în timpul rulării. Acest lucru poate indica că sistemul CRON nu funcționează corect și poate împiedica unele funcționalități WP Rocket să lucreze așa cum ar trebui:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Te rog contactează serviciul tău de găzduire pentru a verifica dacă CRON "
+msgstr "Te rog contactează serviciul tău de găzduire pentru a verifica dacă CRON funcționează."
#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
@@ -2025,267 +1419,57 @@ msgstr "Pre-încărcare"
msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
msgstr "Proces de generare CSS de cale critic"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/Settings.php:92
-msgid "Restore Defaults"
-msgstr "Restaurează valorile implicite"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea a întâmpinat o eroare. Nu am putut colecta legături din %1$s "
-"din cauza următoarei erori: %2$s. %3$sAflă mai multe%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea a întâmpinat o eroare. %1$s nu este accesibilă din cauza "
-"următorului cod de răspuns: %2$s. Măsurile de securitate ar putea împiedica "
-"accesul. %3$sAflă mai multe%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea a întâmpinat o eroare. %1$s nu este accesibilă din cauza "
-"următorului cod de răspuns: 404. Te rog asigură-te că prima ta pagină este "
-"accesibilă în navigator. %2$sAflă mai multe%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea a întâmpinat o eroare. %1$s nu este accesibilă din cauza "
-"următorului cod de răspuns: 500. Te rog verifică împreună cu gazda ta web "
-"accesul la server. %2$sAflă mai multe%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea a întâmpinat o eroare. Nu am putut colecta legături din %1$s "
-"deoarece colectarea a returnat următorul cod de răspuns: %2$s. %3$sAflă mai "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:237
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Pre-încărcare: WP Rocket a început pre-încărcarea site-ului tău web."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:283
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Pre-încărcare: %1$s pagină nememorată în cache a fost acum preîncărcată "
-"(reîmprospătează pentru a vedea progresul)."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Pre-încărcare: %1$s pagini nememorate în cache au fost acum preîncărcate "
-"(reîmprospătează pentru a vedea progresul)."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Pre-încărcare: %1$s de pagini nememorate în cache au fost acum preîncărcate "
-"(reîmprospătează pentru a vedea progresul)."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:292
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"A apărut următoarea eroare în timpul colectării URL-urilor pentru pre-"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Au apărut următoarele erori în timpul colectării URL-urilor pentru pre-"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Au apărut următoarele erori în timpul colectării URL-urilor pentru pre-"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:344
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Pre-încărcare completă: %d de pagini au fost memorate în cache."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărților site a întâmpinat o eroare. Nu am putut colecta "
-"legături din %1$s din cauza următoarei erori:%2$s. %3$sAflă mai multe%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărții site a întâmpinat o eroare. %1$s nu este accesibilă "
-"din cauza următorului cod de răspuns: %2$s. Măsurile de securitate ar putea "
-"împiedica accesul. %3$sAflă mai multe%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărții site a întâmpinat o eroare. %1$s nu este accesibilă "
-"din cauza următorului cod de răspuns: 404. Te rog asigură-te că ai introdus "
-"URL-ul corect și că acesta este accesibil în navigator. %2$sAflă mai "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărții site a întâmpinat o eroare. %1$s nu este accesibilă "
-"din cauza următorului cod de răspuns: 500. Te rog verifică împreună cu gazda"
-" ta web accesul la server. %2$sAflă mai multe%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărții site a întâmpinat o eroare. Nu am putut colecta "
-"legături din %1$s deoarece colectarea a returnat următorul cod de răspuns: "
-"%2$s. %3$sAflă mai multe%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărții site a întâmpinat o eroare. Nu am putut colecta "
-"legături din %1$s deoarece fișierul este gol. %2$sAflă mai multe%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcarea hărții site a întâmpinat o eroare. Nu am putut colecta "
-"legături din %1$s din cauza unei erori în timpul interpretării hărții site "
-"XML. %2$sAflă mai multe%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sExtensia PHP SimpleXML%2$s nu este activată pe serverul tău. Te rog "
-"contactează serviciul tău de găzduire pentru a o activa înainte de a executa"
-" pre-încărcarea în cache a hărților site-ului."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"Ștergerea automată Varnish va fi activată automat pe serverul tău %s după ce"
-" Varnish este activat. "
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "Ștergerea automată Varnish va fi activată automat pe serverul tău %s după ce Varnish este activat. "
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Te rog dezactivează %s opțiune care intră în conflict cu funcționalitățile "
-"WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Te rog dezactivează următoarele %s opțiuni care intră în conflict cu "
-"funcționalitățile WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Te rog dezactivează următoarele %s de opțiuni care intră în conflict cu "
-"funcționalitățile WP Rocket:"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Te rog dezactivează %s opțiune care intră în conflict cu funcționalitățile WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Te rog dezactivează următoarele %s opțiuni care intră în conflict cu funcționalitățile WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Te rog dezactivează următoarele %s de opțiuni care intră în conflict cu funcționalitățile WP Rocket:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%2$sDezactivează emoticoanele%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$sdezactivează"
-" emoticoanele%3$s WP Rockets"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%2$sDezactivează emoticoanele%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$sdezactivează emoticoanele%3$s WP Rockets"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%2$sCompresia GZIP%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$scompresia GZIP%3$s WP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%2$sCompresia GZIP%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$scompresia GZIP%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%2$scache-ul navigatorului%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$scache-ul "
-"navigatorului%3$s WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%2$scache-ul navigatorului%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$scache-ul navigatorului%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%2$sCache-ul paginilor%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$scache-ul "
-"paginilor%3$s WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%2$sCache-ul paginilor%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$scache-ul paginilor%3$s WP Rocket"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%2$sOptimizarea resurselor%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$soptimizarea "
-"resurselor%3$s WP Rocket"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%2$sOptimizarea resurselor%3$s %1$s intră în conflict cu %2$soptimizarea resurselor%3$s WP Rocket"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:110 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:128
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:367
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Suport"
@@ -2294,123 +1478,119 @@ msgstr "Suport"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Documentații"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:355
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "Întrebări frecvente"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:64
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Setări"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:225 inc/admin/admin.php:240
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "Actualizează restaurarea %s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:266
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sÎntoarce-te la WP Rocket%2$s sau %3$smergi la pagina Module%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "Importul setărilor a eșuat: nu ai permisiunea de a face asta."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:507
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Importul setărilor a eșuat: niciun fișier încărcat."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:511
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Importul setărilor a eșuat: nume fișier incorect."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:522
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Importul setărilor a eșuat: tip de fișier incorect."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:532
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "Importul setărilor a eșuat: "
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:548
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "Importul setărilor a eșuat: conținut neașteptat pentru fișier."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:569
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Setările au fost importate și salvate."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:149
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s: %2$s."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:159
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Următorul model este invalid și a fost înlăturat:"
msgstr[1] "Următoarele modele sunt invalide și au fost înlăturate:"
msgstr[2] "Următoarele modele sunt invalide și au fost înlăturate:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:767
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:85 inc/common/admin-bar.php:137
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:124
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Șterge cache"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "Opțiuni WP Rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Nu memora niciodată în cache această pagină"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Activează aceste opțiuni pentru acest articol:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "Încărcare lentă pentru imagini"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "Încărcare lentă pentru iframe-uri/videouri"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "Minifică/combină CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "Minifică/combină JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr "Optimizează livrarea CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "Amână JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:84
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Activează mai întâi opțiunea %s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sNotă:%2$s niciuna dintre aceste opțiuni nu va fi aplicată dacă acest "
-"articol a fost exclus din cache în setările globale privind cache-ul."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sNotă:%2$s niciuna dintre aceste opțiuni nu va fi aplicată dacă acest articol a fost exclus din cache în setările globale privind cache-ul."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:25 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2419,210 +1599,142 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s nu a fost dezactivat deoarece lipsesc permisiunile de scriere.
"Fă ca %2$s să poată fi scris și reîncearcă dezactivarea sau forțează dezactivarea acum:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:91
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: unul sau mai multe module au fost activate sau "
-"dezactivate, șterge cache-ul dacă ele afectează partea din față a site-ului."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:183
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Suplimentele Cloudflare WP Rocket oferă funcționalități similare. Ele nu pot"
-" fi active în același timp."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: unul sau mai multe module au fost activate sau dezactivate, șterge cache-ul dacă ele afectează partea din față a site-ului."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:207
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: următoarele module nu sunt compatibile cu acest modul "
-"și pot duce la rezultate neașteptate:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: următoarele module nu sunt compatibile cu acest modul și pot duce la rezultate neașteptate:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:213
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Dezactivează"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:255
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS nu este un supliment oficial. El împiedică unele opțiuni"
-" din WP Rocket să funcționeze corect. Te rog dezactivează-l dacă ai "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS nu este un supliment oficial. El împiedică unele opțiuni din WP Rocket să funcționeze corect. Te rog dezactivează-l dacă ai probleme."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:295
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"În prezent, Endurance Cache este activat și va intra în conflict cu cache-ul"
-" WP Rocket. Te rog setează nivelul de cache la Oprit (nivel 0) pentru "
-"Endurance Cache în pagina %1$sSetări > Generale%2$s pentru a nu avea "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "În prezent, Endurance Cache este activat și va intra în conflict cu cache-ul WP Rocket. Te rog setează nivelul de cache la Oprit (nivel 0) pentru Endurance Cache în pagina %1$sSetări > Generale%2$s pentru a nu avea probleme."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:316
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: pentru ca modulul să funcționeze cum trebuie, este necesară o "
-"structură personalizată pentru legăturile permanente. %2$sDu-te la setări "
-"Legături permanente%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: pentru ca modulul să funcționeze cum trebuie, este necesară o structură personalizată pentru legăturile permanente. %2$sDu-te la setări Legături permanente%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:363
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s nu a putut modifica fișierul .htaccess deoarece lipsesc permisiunile de "
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s nu a putut modifica fișierul .htaccess deoarece lipsesc permisiunile de scriere."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:369 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:844
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Depanare: %1$scum să faci ca fișierele de sistem să poată fi scrise%2$s"
+msgstr "Depanare: %1$scum să faci ca fișierele de sistem să poată fi scrise%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:371 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Nu-ți face griji, cache-ul paginilor și setările WP Rocket vor funcționa "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Nu-ți face griji, cache-ul paginilor și setările WP Rocket vor funcționa corect."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru o performanță optimă, se recomandă adăugarea următoarelor linii în "
-"fișierul .htaccess (dat nu sunt obligatorii):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Pentru o performanță optimă, se recomandă adăugarea următoarelor linii în fișierul .htaccess (dat nu sunt obligatorii):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:524
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s este un început bun! %2$sTestează timpul de încărcare%4$ssau mergi la "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s este un început bun! %2$sTestează timpul de încărcare%4$ssau mergi la %3$sSetări%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vrei să-i permiți modulului WP Rocket să colecteze de pe acest site date de "
-"diagnosticare care nu sunt sensibile?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Vrei să-i permiți modulului WP Rocket să colecteze de pe acest site date de diagnosticare care nu sunt sensibile?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:598
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Acest lucru ne ajută să îmbunătățim WP Rocket în viitor."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:604
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Ce informații vom colecta?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:609
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Mai jos este o listă detaliată a tuturor datelor pe care WP Rocket le va "
-"colecta dacă îți dai acceptul. WP Rocket nu va divulga niciodată nume de "
-"domenii sau adrese de email (cu excepția validării licenței), adrese IP sau "
-"chei API de la părți terțe."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Mai jos este o listă detaliată a tuturor datelor pe care WP Rocket le va colecta dacă îți dai acceptul. WP Rocket nu va divulga niciodată nume de domenii sau adrese de email (cu excepția validării licenței), adrese IP sau chei API de la părți terțe."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:618
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Da, permit"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:621
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Nu, mulțumesc"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:660
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Îți mulțumim!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:665
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "Acum WP Rocket colectează aceste valori de pe site-ul tău web:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: cache șters."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:710
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: cache articol șters."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:717
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: cache termen șters."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:724
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: cache utilizator șters."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:770
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Oprește pre-încărcarea"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Forțează dezactivarea"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:801
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Codul următor ar fi trebuit să poată fi scris în acest fișier:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:811 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Respinge această notificare."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:832
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s nu se poate configura singur deoarece lipsesc permisiunile de scriere."
+msgstr "%s nu se poate configura singur deoarece lipsesc permisiunile de scriere."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:838
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Fișier/dosar afectat: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Tranzienți"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"
@@ -2637,29 +1749,17 @@ msgstr "Pentru a funcționa cum trebuie, %1$s%2$s necesită cel puțin:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Pentru a folosi această versiune a WP Rocket, întreabă-ți gazda "
-"web cum să actualizezi serverul la PHP %1$s sau la o versiune ulterioară. "
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Pentru a folosi această versiune a WP Rocket, întreabă-ți gazda web cum să actualizezi serverul la PHP %1$s sau la o versiune ulterioară. "
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Pentru a folosi această versiune a WP Rocket, te rog "
-"actualizează WordPress la versiunea %1$s sau la una ulterioară."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Pentru a folosi această versiune a WP Rocket, te rog actualizează WordPress la versiunea %1$s sau la una ulterioară."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dacă nu reușești să faci actualizarea, poți restaura o versiune anterioară "
-"folosind butonul de mai jos."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Dacă nu reușești să faci actualizarea, poți restaura o versiune anterioară folosind butonul de mai jos."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -2667,223 +1767,118 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Reinstalează versiunea %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:254
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:286
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Fișierul jurnal nu există."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Fișierul jurnal nu a putut fi citit."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:279
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Jurnalele nu sunt salvate într-un fișier."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Cache/class-expired-cache-purge-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Interval de cache expirat WP Rocket"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a servi imaginile WebP, deci nu trebuie să activezi "
-"această opțiune. Dacă, în schimb, preferi ca WP Rocket să-ți servească "
-"imaginile WebP, te rog dezactivează servirea lor în %1$s. %2$sMai multe "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a servi imaginile WebP, deci nu trebuie să activezi "
-"această opțiune. Dacă, în schimb, preferi ca WP Rocket să-ți servească "
-"imaginile WebP, te rog dezactivează servirea lor în %1$s. %2$sMai multe "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a servi imaginile WebP, deci nu trebuie să activezi "
-"această opțiune. Dacă, în schimb, preferi ca WP Rocket să-ți servească "
-"imaginile WebP, te rog dezactivează servirea lor în %1$s. %2$sMai multe "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:280
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "Cache-ul WebP este dezactivat printr-un filtru."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:290
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:316
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. Dacă vrei ca WP Rocket "
-"să le servească pentru tine, activează această opțiune. %2$sMai multe "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. Dacă vrei ca WP Rocket "
-"să le servească pentru tine, activează această opțiune. %2$sMai multe "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. Dacă vrei ca WP Rocket "
-"să le servească pentru tine, activează această opțiune. %2$sMai multe "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:302
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. WP Rocket va crea "
-"fișiere cache separate pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP. %2$sMai multe "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. WP Rocket va crea "
-"fișiere cache separate pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP. %2$sMai multe "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. WP Rocket va crea "
-"fișiere cache separate pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP. %2$sMai multe "
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. Dacă vrei ca WP Rocket să le servească pentru tine, activează această opțiune. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. Dacă vrei ca WP Rocket să le servească pentru tine, activează această opțiune. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. Dacă vrei ca WP Rocket să le servească pentru tine, activează această opțiune. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Se pare că nu folosești o metodă pentru a crea și servi imagini WebP care "
-"sunt compatibile automat. Dacă nu folosești WebP nu activa această opțiune. "
-"%1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. WP Rocket va crea fișiere cache separate pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. WP Rocket va crea fișiere cache separate pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Folosești %1$s pentru a converti imaginile în WebP. WP Rocket va crea fișiere cache separate pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:354
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "Nu am detectat niciun modul compatibil cu WebP!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:357
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Dacă activezi această opțiune, WP Rocket va crea separat fișiere cache "
-"pentru a servi imaginile WebP. Toate imaginile WebP pe care le ai pe site "
-"vor fi servite în navigatoarele compatibile din aceste fișiere. Dacă nu ai "
-"deja imagini WebP pe site, ar trebui să folosești %1$sImagify%3$s sau un alt"
-" modul. %2$sMai multe informații%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:369
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket va crea separat fișiere cache pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP."
+msgstr "WP Rocket va crea separat fișiere cache pentru a-ți servi imaginile WebP."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "Detectarea următoarei cerințe în tema ta a eșuat: închid %1$s."
msgstr[1] "Detectarea următoarele cerințe în tema ta a eșuat: închid %1$s."
msgstr[2] "Detectarea următoarele cerințe în tema ta a eșuat: închid %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:98
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "lunar"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Procesul de optimizare a bazei de date rulează acum"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-"Procesul de optimizare a bazei de date s-a finalizat. Totul a fost deja "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+msgstr "Procesul de optimizare a bazei de date s-a finalizat. Totul a fost deja optimizat!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:245
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"Procesul de optimizare a bazei de date s-a finalizat. Mai jos este lista "
-"elementelor optimizate:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "Procesul de optimizare a bazei de date s-a finalizat. Mai jos este lista elementelor optimizate:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d (de) %2$s optimizate (optimizați)."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:116
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Eroare ștergere cache Sucuri: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:121
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Cache-ul Sucuri este șters acum. Reține că s-ar putea să dureze până la două"
-" minute pentru a fi șters complet."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Cache-ul Sucuri este șters acum. Reține că s-ar putea să dureze până la două minute pentru a fi șters complet."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:244
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Cheia API pentru firewall-ul Sucuri nu a fost găsită."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Cheia API pentru firewall-ul Sucuri este invalidă."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Eroare la stabilirea contactului cu API-ul firewall-ului Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Eroare la stabilirea contactului cu API-ul firewall-ului Sucuri. Mesajul de "
-"eroare a fost: %s"
+msgstr "Eroare la stabilirea contactului cu API-ul firewall-ului Sucuri. Mesajul de eroare a fost: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:338
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Nu am primit un răspuns de la API-ului firewall-ului Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:352
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Am primit un răspuns invalid de la API-ului firewall-ului Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:365
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "API-ului firewall-ului Sucuri a returnat o eroare necunoscută."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:368
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -2891,65 +1886,51 @@ msgstr[0] "API-ului firewall-ului Sucuri a returnat următoarea eroare: %s"
msgstr[1] "API-ului firewall-ului Sucuri a returnat următoarele erori: %s"
msgstr[2] "API-ului firewall-ului Sucuri a returnat următoarele erori: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"A apărut o eroare neașteptată. Este posibil să fie ceva greșit la WP-"
-"Rocket.me sau la configurarea acestui server. Dacă ai probleme în "
-"continuare, contactează suportul."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "A apărut o eroare neașteptată. Este posibil să fie ceva greșit la WP-Rocket.me sau la configurarea acestui server. Dacă ai probleme în continuare, contactează suportul."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:293
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Toate limbile"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Șterge acest articol"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Curăță acest URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Curăță OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:210
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Șterge cache Cloudflare"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:228
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Șterge cache-ul Sucuri"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:251 inc/common/admin-bar.php:305
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Pre-încarcă cache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:330 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Șterge cache-ul RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:343 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentație"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:557
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "Ștergerea OPcache a eșuat."
-#: inc/common/purge.php:562
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache șters cu succes"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Activează Imagify"
@@ -2958,12 +1939,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Instalează Imagify gratuit"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Cu Imagify îți accelerezi site-ul și îmbunătățești SEO prin reducerea "
-"dimensiunilor fișierelor imagine fără a pierde calitatea imaginilor."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Cu Imagify îți accelerezi site-ul și îmbunătățești SEO prin reducerea dimensiunilor fișierelor imagine fără a pierde calitatea imaginilor."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -2976,12 +1953,8 @@ msgstr "Pre-încărcare hărți site: %d de pagini au fost memorate în cache."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Pre-încărcare hărți site: %d de pagini nememorate în cache au fost pre-"
-"încărcate acum. (reîmprospătează pentru a vedea progresul)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Pre-încărcare hărți site: %d de pagini nememorate în cache au fost pre-încărcate acum. (reîmprospătează pentru a vedea progresul)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -2991,53 +1964,34 @@ msgstr "Alege un domeniu din listă"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Nu este disponibil niciun domeniu în contul tău Cloudflare"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"curl este dezactivat pe serverul tău. Te rog cere-i serviciului tău de "
-"găzduire să-l activeze. El este necesar pentru ca suplimentul Cloudflare să "
-"funcționeze corect."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "curl este dezactivat pe serverul tău. Te rog cere-i serviciului tău de găzduire să-l activeze. El este necesar pentru ca suplimentul Cloudflare să funcționeze corect."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Emailul, cheia API și ID-ul zonei Cloudflare nu sunt setate. Pentru "
-"îndrumări suplimentare, citește %1$sdocumentația%2$s."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Emailul, cheia API și ID-ul zonei Cloudflare nu sunt setate. Pentru îndrumări suplimentare, citește %1$sdocumentația%2$s."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Emailul și cheia API Cloudflare nu sunt setate. Pentru îndrumări "
-"suplimentare, citește %1$sdocumentația%2$s."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Emailul și cheia API Cloudflare nu sunt setate. Pentru îndrumări suplimentare, citește %1$sdocumentația%2$s."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Conectarea la Cloudflare a eșuat"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Clasa numită %1$s este învechită începând cu versiunea "
-"%2$s! Folosește în schimb %3$s. "
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "Clasa numită %1$s este învechită începând cu versiunea %2$s! Folosește în schimb %3$s. "
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"Clasa numită %1$s este învechită începând cu versiunea "
-"%2$s! "
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr "Clasa numită %1$s este învechită începând cu versiunea %2$s! "
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
@@ -3047,15 +2001,13 @@ msgstr "Fișiere JS cu încărcare JavaScript întârziată"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Adaugă URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Înainte de a-ți putea încărca fișierul de import, trebuie să corectezi "
-"următoarea eroare:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Înainte de a-ți putea încărca fișierul de import, trebuie să corectezi următoarea eroare:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Alege un fișier din computer (dimensiune maximă: %s)"
@@ -3076,7 +2028,8 @@ msgstr "Salvează și optimizează"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimizează"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Notă:"
@@ -3091,7 +2044,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Funcționalitate terță detectată: "
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Avertizare:"
@@ -3105,29 +2059,39 @@ msgstr "Descarcă setările"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Înlocuiește numele gazdei site-ului cu:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "rezervat pentru"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Toate fișierele"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imagini"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Adaugă CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:16
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Urmărește videoul"
@@ -3145,180 +2109,145 @@ msgstr "Avansat"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru a funcționa cum trebuie, %1$s%2$s necesită cel puțin PHP %3$s. Pentru"
-" a folosi această versiune, te rog întreabă gazda ta web cum poți actualiza "
-"serverul la PHP %3$s sau la o versiune ulterioară. Dacă nu reușești să faci "
-"actualizarea, poți restaura o versiune anterioară folosind butonul de mai "
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Se pare că există o problemă de validare cu licența ta. Te rog vezi mai jos "
-"mesajul de eroare."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Se pare că există o problemă de validare cu licența ta. Poți vedea mai jos "
-"mesajele de eroare."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Se pare că există o problemă de validare cu licența ta. Poți vedea mai jos "
-"mesajele de eroare."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Pentru a funcționa cum trebuie, %1$s%2$s necesită cel puțin PHP %3$s. Pentru a folosi această versiune, te rog întreabă gazda ta web cum poți actualiza serverul la PHP %3$s sau la o versiune ulterioară. Dacă nu reușești să faci actualizarea, poți restaura o versiune anterioară folosind butonul de mai jos."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:363
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Se pare că există o problemă de validare cu licența ta. Te rog vezi mai jos mesajul de eroare."
+msgstr[1] "Se pare că există o problemă de validare cu licența ta. Poți vedea mai jos mesajele de eroare."
+msgstr[2] "Se pare că există o problemă de validare cu licența ta. Poți vedea mai jos mesajele de eroare."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Tip de server:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:372
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:370
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "Număr versiune PHP:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:381
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:379
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "Număr versiune WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:390
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:388
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "Multi-site WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:399
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:397
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Tema actuală:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:408
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:406
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Limba actuală a site-ului:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:417
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:415
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Module active:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:420
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:418
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Numele tuturor modulelor active"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:426
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:424
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Setări WP Rocket făcute anonime:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:429
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:427
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Care setări WP Rocket sunt active"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:524 inc/functions/options.php:563
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Validarea licenței a eșuat. Serverul nostru nu a putut rezolva cererea de pe"
-" site-ul tău web."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Validarea licenței a eșuat. Serverul nostru nu a putut rezolva cererea de pe site-ul tău web."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:524 inc/functions/options.php:563
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Încearcă să dai clic pe %1$sSalvează modificările%2$s mai jos. Dacă eroarea "
-"persistă, urmează %3$sacest ghid%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Încearcă să dai clic pe %1$sSalvează modificările%2$s mai jos. Dacă eroarea persistă, urmează %3$sacest ghid%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Validarea licenței a eșuat. Probabil folosești o versiune a modulului "
-"nevalidă. Te rog să faci următoarele:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Validarea licenței a eșuat. Probabil folosești o versiune a modulului nevalidă. Te rog să faci următoarele:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540 inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Autentifică-te în %1$scontul%2$s tău WP Rocket"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540 inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Descarcă fișierul zip"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540 inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Reinstalează"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:540
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Dacă nu ai un cont WP Rocket, te rog %1$scumpără o licență%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Validarea licenței a eșuat. Acest cont de utilizator nu există în baza "
-"noastră de date."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Validarea licenței a eșuat. Acest cont de utilizator nu există în baza noastră de date."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Pentru a rezolva, te rog contactează suportul."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
msgstr "Validarea licenței a eșuat. Acest cont de utilizator este blocat."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Pentru mai multe informații, te rog vezi %1$sacest ghid%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:576
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Licența ta nu este validă."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:576
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Asigură-te că ai o %1$slicență WP Rocket%2$s activă."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:578
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Ai adăugat numărul de site-uri pe care le permite licența ta actuală."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:578
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Actualizează-ți %1$scontul%2$s sau %3$stransferă-ți licența%2$s la acest "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Actualizează-ți %1$scontul%2$s sau %3$stransferă-ți licența%2$s la acest domeniu."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Acest site web nu este permis."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Te rog %1$scontactează suportul%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Această cheie de licență nu este recunoscută."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:582
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Dacă problema persistă, te rog %1$scontactează suportul%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:588
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Validarea licenței a eșuat: %s"
@@ -3343,41 +2272,24 @@ msgstr "Instalarea modulului a eșuat."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Du-te înapoi"
-#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
-msgid "Optimize CSS delivery for mobile"
-msgstr "Optimizează livrarea CSS pentru dispozitive mobile"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"În prezent, site-ul tău folosește același CSS de cale critic atât pentru "
-"desktop cât și pentru dispozitive mobile."
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "În prezent, site-ul tău folosește același CSS de cale critic atât pentru desktop cât și pentru dispozitive mobile."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Dă clic pe buton pentru a activa CSS-ul de cale critic specific pentru "
-"dispozitive mobile pe site-ul tău."
+msgstr "Dă clic pe buton pentru a activa CSS-ul de cale critic specific pentru dispozitive mobile pe site-ul tău."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Aceasta este o acțiune unică și acest buton va fi înlăturat ulterior. "
-"%1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Aceasta este o acțiune unică și acest buton va fi înlăturat ulterior. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Acum site-ul tău folosește CSS-ul de cale critic specific pentru dispozitive"
-" mobile. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Acum site-ul tău folosește CSS-ul de cale critic specific pentru dispozitive mobile. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
@@ -3390,272 +2302,33 @@ msgstr "CSS de cale critic"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Generează un anumit CSS de cale critic pentru acest articol. %1$sMai multe "
+msgstr "Generează un anumit CSS de cale critic pentru acest articol. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Acest articol folosește un anumit CSS de cale critic. %1$sMai multe "
+msgstr "Acest articol folosește un anumit CSS de cale critic. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
msgstr "Revino la CSS-ul de cale critic"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Revino"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "Impresii WP Rocket"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Închide"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Ne oferi câteva informații despre motivul pentru care dezactivezi?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sIt is a temporary deactivation.%2$s I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr "%1$sEste o dezactivare temporară.%2$s Chiar acum depanez o problemă."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin %1$sbroke my layout%2$s or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-"Modulul %1$smi-a stricat aranjamentul%2$s sau a întrerupt unele "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix %1$sscore did not improve.%2$s"
-msgstr "%1$sPunctajul nu s-a îmbunătățit%2$s pentru PageSpeed sau GTMetrix."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Nu am observat nicio diferență pentru timpul de încărcare."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:66
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin is %1$stoo complicated to configure.%2$s"
-msgstr "Modulul este %1$sprea complicat la configurare.%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Gazda mea are deja un sistem propriu de cache."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:74
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Care este numele gazdei tale web?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Altceva"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Spune-ne de ce dezactivezi WP Rocket pentru a-l putea îmbunătăți în viitor"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Modulul mi-a distrus aranjamentul sau unele funcționalități"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:90
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"De obicei, acest tip de probleme poate fi corectat prin dezactivarea câtorva"
-" opțiuni în WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Dă clic pe „Aplică modul în siguranță” pentru a dezactiva rapid opțiunile "
-"încărcare lentă, optimizare fișiere, înglobări și CDN. Apoi verifică-ți "
-"site-ul și vezi dacă problema a fost rezolvată."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Aplică modul în siguranță"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Modul în siguranță aplicat."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-"Examinează-ți sie-tul într-o fereastră de navigator privată/fără "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Problema este rezolvată? Acum poți să-ți reactivezi opțiunile, una câte una,"
-" pentru a determina care dintre ele a cauzat problema. %1$sMai multe "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Punctajul meu PageSpeed sau GT Metrix nu s-a îmbunătățit"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket îți face siteul mai rapid. Gradul de optimizare PageSpeed și "
-"punctajul GTMetrix nu sunt indicatori ai vitezei. Nici vizitatorii tăi "
-"reali, nici Google nu vor vedea vreodată „gradul” sau „punctajul” site-ului "
-"web. Viteza este singura valoare metrică care contează pentru SEO și "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-"Yoast, expertul în toate aspectele legate de SEO pentru WordPress, afirmă:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:110
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] se uită doar la cât de repede se încarcă site-ul tău pentru "
-"utilizatori, deci nu trebuie să te îngrijoreze acest punctaj specific. "
-"Trebuie să te asiguri că site-ul tău web este la fel de rapid ca și tine."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:116
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-msgstr ""
-"Cum să măsori timpul de încărcare a site-ului tău: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score: %1$shttps://wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"De ce nu ar trebui să urmărești punctajul dat de PageSpeed: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:127
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Nu am observat o diferență pentru timpul de încărcare"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:128
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Asigură-te că te uiți la site-ul tău când nu ești autentificat pentru a "
-"vedea cât de rapide sunt paginile memorate în cache!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:132
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your website:"
-" %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-"
-msgstr ""
-"Cel mai bun mod pentru a vedea îmbunătățirile oferite de WP Rocket este să "
-"faci teste de viteză. Urmează acest ghid pentru a măsura corect timpul de "
-"încărcare a site-ului tău web: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:137
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Modulul este prea complicat la configurare"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:138
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Ne pare rău să auzim că și se pare dificil să folosești WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:139
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket este singurul modul de cache care oferă implicit 80% din cele mai "
-"bune practici pentru optimizarea vitezei. Aceasta înseamnă că nu trebuie să "
-"faci nimic în afară de a activa WP Rocket și site-ul tău va fi deja mai "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:140
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Opțiunile suplimentare nu sunt necesare pentru un site rapid, ele sunt "
-"pentru ajustări fine."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru a vedea beneficiile oferite de WP Rocket, măsoară viteza site-ului "
-"tău folosind un instrument precum Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:151
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Trimite și dezactivează"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:152
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anulează"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:154
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Sari și dezactivează"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Activează optimizarea Fonturilor Google"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Îmbunătățește performanța fonturilor și combină mai multe cereri de fonturi "
-"pentru a reduce numărul de cereri HTTP."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Îmbunătățește performanța fonturilor și combină mai multe cereri de fonturi pentru a reduce numărul de cereri HTTP."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Optimizarea Fonturilor Google este activată acum pentru site-ul tău. %1$sMai"
-" multe informații%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Optimizarea Fonturilor Google este activată acum pentru site-ul tău. %1$sMai multe informații%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
@@ -3665,18 +2338,21 @@ msgstr "Optimizează fonturile Google"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Șterge cache după"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS și JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3684,26 +2360,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Setări import"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Pornit"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:26 views/settings/page.php:56
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Oprit"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Stare supliment"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Modifică opțiunile"
@@ -3715,8 +2377,7 @@ msgstr "CNAME CDN"
#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Șterge resursele memorate în cache-ul RocketCDN pentru site-ul tău web. %s"
+msgstr "Șterge resursele memorate în cache-ul RocketCDN pentru site-ul tău web. %s"
#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
@@ -3759,82 +2420,55 @@ msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Site-ul tău web ar trebui să se încarce mai rapid acum!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru a garanta site-uri web rapide, WP Rocket aplică 80% din cele mai bune"
-" practici de performanță de pe web."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"De asemenea, avem opțiuni care oferă avantaje imediate pentru site-ul tău "
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "De asemenea, avem opțiuni care oferă avantaje imediate pentru site-ul tău web."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Continuă cu opțiunile pentru a-ți optimiza în continuare site-ul!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:55
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Contul meu"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:61
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Reîmprospătează informațiile"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:75
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Data expirării"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:84
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Vezi contul meu"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:111
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Acțiuni rapide"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:118
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Înlătură toate fișierele cache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:138
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Începe pre-încărcarea cache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Curăță conținutul OPCache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Curăță OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:181
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:187
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Regenerează CSS critic"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:204
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Întrebări frecvente"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:217
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Încă nu poți găsi o soluție?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Trimite un tichet și primești ajutor de la membrii prietenoși și pricepuți "
-"WP Rocket."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Trimite un tichet și primești ajutor de la membrii prietenoși și pricepuți WP Rocket."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:226
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Contactează suportul"
@@ -3843,11 +2477,8 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Fă o copie de siguranță a bazei de date înainte de a rula o curățare!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"După ce a fost efectuată o optimizare a bazei de date, nu există nicio "
-"modalitate de a o anula."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "După ce a fost efectuată o optimizare a bazei de date, nu există nicio modalitate de a o anula."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
@@ -3855,20 +2486,12 @@ msgstr "Salvează modificările și optimizează"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s a creat %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$spentru optimizarea de înaltă "
-"clasă a imaginilor.%2$s"
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s a creat %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$spentru optimizarea de înaltă clasă a imaginilor.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Comprimă imaginile pentru a-ți face site-ul mai rapid, menținând calitatea "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Comprimă imaginile pentru a-ți face site-ul mai rapid, menținând calitatea imaginilor."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -3905,12 +2528,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -3959,12 +2578,8 @@ msgstr "Versiunea %s a provocat o problemă pe site-ul tău?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Aici poți restaura la o versiune majoră anterioară.%sApoi trimite-ne o "
-"cerere de suport."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Aici poți restaura la o versiune majoră anterioară.%sApoi trimite-ne o cerere de suport."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -4003,23 +2618,23 @@ msgstr "Cum să verifici dacă WP Rocket îți memorează în cache site-ul"
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Cum să măsori viteza site-ului"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Depanarea problemelor de afișare cu optimizarea fișierelor"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Cum să găsești JavaScript-ul care poate fi exclus"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "Cum îți încetinește site-ul conținutul extern"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Cum funcționează pre-încărcarea"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Inițializează suplimentele Cloudflare"
@@ -4032,76 +2647,21 @@ msgstr "Setări WP Rocket"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versiunea %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:57
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Arată bara laterală"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Îți mulțumim că ai ales să participi la programul beta WP Rocket!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"De obicei, o versiune beta este una care are funcționalități noi și "
-"îmbunătățiri, dar pe care dorim să o testăm înainte de a o lansa definitiv."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Ne-ar plăcea să testezi versiunile noastre beta pe situl tău, dar te rog să "
-"reții că ar putea să nu fie la fel de stabile ca și celelalte versiuni deja "
-"lansate. Dar nu-ți face griji, poți reveni oricând la ultima versiune "
-"stabilă lansată."
-#: views/settings/page.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"Scopul este să ne trimiți toate impresiile și informațiile tale despre "
-"versiunile beta, inclusiv rapoartele de erori, la support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:81
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr ""
-"Dacă nu vrei să participi la programul nostru beta, închide pur și simplu "
-"această fereastră."
-#: views/settings/page.php:83
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Activează testerul Rocket"
-#: views/settings/page.php:94
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr ""
-"Mai jos este o listă detaliată a tuturor datelor pe care WP Rocket le va "
-"colecta, dacă acorzi permisiunea."
-#: views/settings/page.php:97
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket nu va divulga niciodată nume de domenii sau adrese de email (cu "
-"excepția validării licenței), adrese IP sau chei API de la părți terțe."
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket nu va divulga niciodată nume de domenii sau adrese de email (cu excepția validării licenței), adrese IP sau chei API de la părți terțe."
-#: views/settings/page.php:99
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Activează analitice Rocket"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Este un punct de plecare bun pentru a rezolva unele dintre cele mai "
-"frecvente probleme."
+msgstr "Este un punct de plecare bun pentru a rezolva unele dintre cele mai frecvente probleme."
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
@@ -4119,150 +2679,900 @@ msgstr "Cum să măsori corect timpul de încărcare al site-ului tău web"
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
msgstr "Vezi tutorialul nostru și învață cum să măsori viteza site-ului."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr ""
-"Află cum să folosești cele mai bune practici pentru a măsura corect "
-"performanța site-ului tău."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:20
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Citește ghidul nostru"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr ""
-"De ce gradul de optimizare PageSpeed Insights Google nu ar trebui să aibă "
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Citește mai mult"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Nu ai activat cache-ul pentru utilizatorii autentificați."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:30
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Folosește un navigator privat pentru a verifica viteza și aspectul vizual "
-"pentru site-ul tău web."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Folosește un navigator privat pentru a verifica viteza și aspectul vizual pentru site-ul tău web."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Valid until %s only!"
msgstr "Valid numai până la %s!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Accelerează-ți site-ul web cu ajutorul:"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"Rețea de livrare conținut (CDN) de înaltă performanță cu %1$slățime de bandă"
-" nelimitată%2$s"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:48
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Configurare ușoară: %1$scele mai bune setări pentru CDN%2$s sunt aplicate "
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:54
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Integrare WP Rocket: opțiunea CDN este %1$sconfigurată automat%2$s în "
-"modulul nostru"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Configurare ușoară: %1$scele mai bune setări pentru CDN%2$s sunt aplicate automat"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:69
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid "%s / month"
-msgstr "%s/lună"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Integrare WP Rocket: opțiunea CDN este %1$sconfigurată automat%2$s în modulul nostru"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:74
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Începe"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
msgstr "Află mai multe despre RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Micșorează acest banner"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-big.php:88
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"* $%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"* %1$s $/lună în primele 12 luni, apoi %2$s $/lună. Îți poți anula "
-"abonamentul oricând."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Accelerează-ți site-ul web cu RocketCDN, rețeaua de livrare conținut oferită"
-" de WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Accelerează-ți site-ul web cu RocketCDN, rețeaua de livrare conținut oferită de WP Rocket."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/cta-small.php:20
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Află mai mult"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:23
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
-msgstr ""
-"RocketCDN nu este disponibil pentru domenii locale și site-uri în pregătire "
-"sau în testare."
+msgstr "RocketCDN nu este disponibil pentru domenii locale și site-uri în pregătire sau în testare."
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/dashboard-status.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
msgid "Get RocketCDN"
msgstr "Ia RocketCDN"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:11
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
msgid "New!"
msgstr "Nou!"
-#: views/settings/rocketcdn/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Accelerează-ți site-ul web cu RocketCDN, rețeaua de livrare conținut oferită"
-" de WP Rocket!"
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Accelerează-ți site-ul web cu RocketCDN, rețeaua de livrare conținut oferită de WP Rocket!"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Ai nevoie de ajutor?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ru.mo b/languages/rocket-ru.mo
index dea6151f26..39fdb9b7a3 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-ru.mo and b/languages/rocket-ru.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ru.po b/languages/rocket-ru.po
index b6768def79..a04810b963 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-ru.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-ru.po
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.3.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-26 11:14-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Russian (https://www.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/ru/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-26 11:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
@@ -25,216 +23,217 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:15 inc/3rd-party/hosting/godaddy.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/o2switch.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:15 inc/3rd-party/hosting/savvii.php:15
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:24
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wpengine.php:15
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/kinsta.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache "
-"clearing and CDN, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket "
-"from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your"
-" %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:18
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:18
+#: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:27
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:90
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Dreampress.php:44
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Godaddy.php:63
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/O2Switch.php:49
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/OneCom.php:137
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/ProIsp.php:51
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Savvii.php:50
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPXCloud.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:697
+#: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:997
+#: inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:332
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:334
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:88
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:34
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:85
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:123
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
-"check the option to preload it."
+msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:86
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/rank-math-seo.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:85
msgid "Rank Math XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/seopress.php:83
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:184
msgid "SEOPress XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/the-seo-framework.php:121
+#: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:251
msgid "The SEO Framework XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:84
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:13 inc/common/admin-bar.php:311
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:15
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:20
msgid "Docs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:17 inc/common/admin-bar.php:299
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:19 inc/common/admin-bar.php:46
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:64 inc/admin/admin.php:86 inc/admin/admin.php:105
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:249 inc/admin/admin.php:264
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:290
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:529
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:537
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:546
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:554
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:571
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:592
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:101
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:107
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:128
-msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
-msgid "Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:134
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:146
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:152
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:164
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:170
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:182
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:188
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:241 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:692
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:242 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:784
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:243 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:802
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:244 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:245 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1144
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:246 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1149
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:247 inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1443
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:265
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/options.php:275
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -242,291 +241,246 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:955
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:65 inc/common/admin-bar.php:118
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:115
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:66
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:70
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:615
-msgid "Minify HTML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1413
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1424
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:102
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:24 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:34
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -534,650 +488,428 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1186,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1195,7 +927,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1204,7 +936,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1213,7 +945,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1222,20 +954,11 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1244,11 +967,11 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1257,714 +980,442 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -1973,216 +1424,189 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
@@ -2228,139 +1652,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2385,218 +1787,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2604,198 +1817,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2822,35 +1987,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2863,113 +2022,1573 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ru_RU.mo b/languages/rocket-ru_RU.mo
index 411f6d3274..c78d33053d 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-ru_RU.mo and b/languages/rocket-ru_RU.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-ru_RU.po b/languages/rocket-ru_RU.po
index 3c10b72406..1141e5cda8 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-ru_RU.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-ru_RU.po
@@ -1,24 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Файлы кеша, старше установленного срока жизни, будут удалены.
Включите "
-"%1$sпредзагрузку%2$s, чтобы кеш создавался автоматически после очистки. "
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Файлы кеша, старше установленного срока жизни, будут удалены.
Включите %1$sпредзагрузку%2$s, чтобы кеш создавался автоматически после очистки. "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:490
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Кэшировать авторизированных пользователей"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:498
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Включить кэширование для мобильных устройств"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:513
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Разделять файлы для мобильных устройств"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:515
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Большинство современных тем работают без раздельного кэша. Включайте эту "
-"настройку только если используете мобильную тему или плагины. "
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Большинство современных тем работают без раздельного кэша. Включайте эту настройку только если используете мобильную тему или плагины. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:531
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr "Укажите, через какое время очищать весь кэш (0 - отключает очистку)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите время жизни до 10 часов и меньше, если на сайте возникают "
-"периодические ошибки. %1$sПочему?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Укажите время жизни до 10 часов и меньше, если на сайте возникают периодические ошибки. %1$sПочему?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:539
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Часов"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:540
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Дней"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:569
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Файлы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:570
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Оптимизация CSS и JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS файлы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:584
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:594
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Сжатие файлов в данный момент активировано в плагине "
-"Autoptimize. Если хотите использовать настройки %2$s, "
-"отключите плагин Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s Сжатие файлов в данный момент активировано в плагине Autoptimize. Если хотите использовать настройки %2$s, отключите плагин Autoptimize."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:587
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript файлы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:601
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:%1$s
Also, "
-"please check our %2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility "
-msgstr ""
-"Если у вас возникли проблемы после активации этой настройки, скопируйте и "
-"вставьте значения по умолчанию: %1$s
. Также, посмотрите"
-" %2$sдокументацию%3$s на предмет совместимых исключений."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:608
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Встроенные скрипты исключены по умолчанию. Уберите их чтобы в полной мере "
-"использовать эту настройку.
Если это вызывает ошибки, восстановите "
-"значения по умолчанию %1$sздесь%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Сжимать стили CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:618
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "Сжатие CSS убирает лишние пробелы и комментарии."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:631
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Это может навредить сайту!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:632
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:655
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:764
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:788
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Если вы заметили визуальные неполадки на сайте после активации этой опции - "
-"просто отключите её, и сайт снова заработает."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Если вы заметили визуальные неполадки на сайте после активации этой опции - просто отключите её, и сайт снова заработает."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:633
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Включить сжатие CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:638
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "Объединять CSS файлы (Включите сначала CSS сжатие)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:640
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Объединение CSS файлов уменьшает количество HTTP запросов. Не рекомендуется "
-"для сайтов с HTTP/2. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Объединение CSS файлов уменьшает количество HTTP запросов. Не рекомендуется для сайтов с HTTP/2. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:656
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Включить объединение CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:661 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "Исключить CSS файлы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:662
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите URL на CSS файлы, которые не нужно сжимать и объединять (по одному в"
-" строке)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Укажите URL на CSS файлы, которые не нужно сжимать и объединять (по одному в строке)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Внутренние: Доменная часть будет обрезана автоматически. "
-"Используйте маску (.*).css для исключения всех CSS файлов в папке."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Внутренние: Доменная часть будет обрезана автоматически. Используйте маску (.*).css для исключения всех CSS файлов в папке."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Сторонние: Используйте полный путь или доменное имя для "
-"исключения сторонних CSS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Сторонние: Используйте полный путь или доменное имя для исключения сторонних CSS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Оптимизация доставки CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:685
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимизированная загрузка CSS обеспечивается плагином %1$s. Если Вы хотите, "
-"чтобы эту работу выполнял WP Rocket, отключите плагин %1$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимизируйте время загрузки стилей с помощью критических CSS. "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:698
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Запасной критичный CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Нужно на случай если автоматически созданный критичный CSS не полный. "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:717
-msgid "Remove Unused CSS (Beta)"
-msgstr "Убрать неиспользуемые CSS (Бета)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:719
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests "
-"for better performance. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Убирает неиспользуемые CSS и помогает уменьшить размер страницы и количество"
-" HTTP запросов. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
-msgid "We’re still working on it!"
-msgstr "Мы всё еще работаем над этим!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:726
-msgid ""
-"This is a beta feature. We’re providing you early access but some changes "
-"might be added later on. If you notice any errors on your website, simply "
-"deactivate the feature."
-msgstr ""
-"Это тестовая функция, которая в будущем будет обновлена. Если после "
-"активации этой функции возникают ошибки на сайте, просто отключите её."
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Нужно на случай если автоматически созданный критичный CSS не полный. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Включить удаление неиспользуемых CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "Безопасный список CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите имена файлов CSS, их ID или классы, которые не нужно удалять (по "
-"одному в строке)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr "Укажите имена файлов CSS, их ID или классы, которые не нужно удалять (по одному в строке)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:749
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Сжатие JavaScript файлов"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:750
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "Сжатие JavaScript убирает лишние пробелы и комментарии."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Включить сжатие JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:770
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr "Объединять JavaScript файлы (сначала включите сжатие JavaScript)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:772
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Объединение JavaScript файлов уменьшает количество запросов к HTTP серверу. "
-"Не рекомендуется для сайтов на HTTP/2. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Объединение JavaScript файлов уменьшает количество запросов к HTTP серверу. Не рекомендуется для сайтов на HTTP/2. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"Для лучшей совместимости данная функция была отключена, когда включена "
-"отложенная загрузка JavaScript."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr "Для лучшей совместимости данная функция была отключена, когда включена отложенная загрузка JavaScript."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Включить объединение JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794 inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "Исключенный код JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Задайте шаблон для исключения JavaScript из объединения (по одному в "
-"строке). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Задайте шаблон для исключения JavaScript из объединения (по одному в строке). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:812
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:845
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:871 inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Исключаемые JavaScript файлы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:813
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите URL на JavaScript файлы, которые не нужно сжимать и объединять (по "
-"одному в строке)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Укажите URL на JavaScript файлы, которые не нужно сжимать и объединять (по одному в строке)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:814
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Примечание: доменное имя будет удалено автоматически. "
-"Используйте маску (.*).js для исключения всех JS файлов в заданном пути."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Примечание: доменное имя будет удалено автоматически. Используйте маску (.*).js для исключения всех JS файлов в заданном пути."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:816
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Сторонние плагины: Используйте полный путь либо доменное "
-"имя чтобы исключить внешние JS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Сторонние плагины: Используйте полный путь либо доменное имя чтобы исключить внешние JS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Асинхронная загрузка JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:834
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Асинхронная загрузка JavaScript устраняет проблему рендеринга страницы и "
-"ускоряет время загрузки. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Асинхронная загрузка JavaScript устраняет проблему рендеринга страницы и ускоряет время загрузки. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:847
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите URL или ключевые слова для JavaScript файлов, которые не нужно "
-"включать в асинхронную загрузку (по одному в строке). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Укажите URL или ключевые слова для JavaScript файлов, которые не нужно включать в асинхронную загрузку (по одному в строке). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:861 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "Отложить загрузку JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:863
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ускоряет сайт за счет откладывания загрузки JavaScript файлов, пока "
-"пользователь не произведёт действия (скрол, клик). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ускоряет сайт за счет откладывания загрузки JavaScript файлов, пока пользователь не произведёт действия (скрол, клик). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:872
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите ссылки или ключевые слова для идентификации скриптов и файлов "
-"JavaScript, загрузка которых не будет откладываться (по одному в ряд)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr "Укажите ссылки или ключевые слова для идентификации скриптов и файлов JavaScript, загрузка которых не будет откладываться (по одному в ряд)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:910
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Медиа"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:911
-msgid "LazyLoad, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, вставки, WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:968
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ускоряет сайт за счёт отложенной загрузки изображений, фреймов и видео по "
-"мере их появления в области видимости и уменьшает количество HTTP запросов. "
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Ускоряет сайт за счёт отложенной загрузки изображений, фреймов и видео по мере их появления в области видимости и уменьшает количество HTTP запросов. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:975
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad активирован в %2$s. Если хотите использовать WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, "
-"отключите его в %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad активирован в %2$s. Если хотите использовать WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, отключите его в %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:978
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "Размеры изображения"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:981
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Добавить параметры ширины и высоты для изображений. Помогает избежать "
-"скачков дизайна при загрузке сайта. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:986
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Вставки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:988
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-allowed) sites, and removes JavaScript "
-"requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Ограничивает возможность использовать ваш контент на чужих сайтах, а также "
-"чужой контент на вашем сайте, убирает JavaScript запросы к WordPress "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:992
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "Поддержка WebP"
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Добавить параметры ширины и высоты для изображений. Помогает избежать скачков дизайна при загрузке сайта. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:996
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Включите эту настройку, чтобы WP Rocket предлагал WebP изображения "
-"совместимым браузерам. Учтите, что WP Rocket не создаёт WebP изображения. "
-"Для этого используйте %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Включите эту настройку, чтобы WP Rocket предлагал WebP изображения совместимым браузерам. Учтите, что WP Rocket не создаёт WebP изображения. Для этого используйте %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1023
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Включить для изображений"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1035
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"LazyLoad для изображений активирован в %2$s. Если хотите использовать %1$s’s"
-" LazyLoad, отключите его в %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr "LazyLoad для изображений активирован в %2$s. Если хотите использовать %1$s’s LazyLoad, отключите его в %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1043
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Включить для фреймов и видео"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Заменять видео YouTube превью картинкой"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
msgstr "Замена YouTube фреймов на картинку не работает с %2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1060
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Эта функция ускорит загрузку страницы, если на ней много YouTube видео."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Эта функция ускорит загрузку страницы, если на ней много YouTube видео."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1075
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "Исключаемые изображения и фреймы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1077
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите ключевые слова (например, название файла, CSS класс, домен) для "
-"изображений и фреймов, которые не требуется оптимизировать (по одному в "
-"строке). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Укажите ключевые слова (например, название файла, CSS класс, домен) для изображений и фреймов, которые не требуется оптимизировать (по одному в строке). %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1085
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "Добавить отсутствующие параметры"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1093
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Отключить WordPress вставки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:362
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Включить кеширование WebP"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1123 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Предзагрузка"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "Создать файлы кэша, предзагрузить шрифты"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "Презагрузка кэша"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"Включив предзагрузку WP Rocket будет создавать кэш начиная с ссылок на "
-"главной странице либо согласно указанной карте сайта. Кэш обнуляется "
-"автоматически во время добавления и редактирования либо вручную через "
-"%1$sпанель управления%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1146
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "Предзагрузка ссылок"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1149
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка ссылок начинает загружать страницу уже когда пользователь "
-"наводит курсор на ссылку. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Предзагрузка ссылок начинает загружать страницу уже когда пользователь наводит курсор на ссылку. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1157
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Оптимизация DNS запросов"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1159
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"DNS кэширование ускоряет загрузку удаленных файлов, особенно в мобильных "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "DNS кэширование ускоряет загрузку удаленных файлов, особенно в мобильных сетях."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "Предзагрузка шрифтов"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1167
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Улучшает производительность помогая браузерам обнаруживать шрифты в CSS "
-"файлах. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Улучшает производительность помогая браузерам обнаруживать шрифты в CSS файлах. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1181
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Активировать предзагрузку"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1200
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Активировать предзагрузку страниц на основе карты сайта"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1219
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Карты сайта для предзагрузки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "Укажите XML карты сайта для предзагрузки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1233
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL для кэширования"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите удаленные хосты для кэширования (без http:
, по одному в"
-" строке)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Укажите удаленные хосты для кэширования (без http:
, по одному в строке)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1243
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "Шрифты для предзагрузки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1244
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите ссылки на шрифты для предзагрузки (по одной в строке). Файлы должны "
-"находиться на вашем сервере либо на домене, указанном во вкладке CDN."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr "Укажите ссылки на шрифты для предзагрузки (по одной в строке). Файлы должны находиться на вашем сервере либо на домене, указанном во вкладке CDN."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1245
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-msgstr ""
-"Доменная часть будет удалена автоматически.
Допустимые файлы: otf, ttf, "
-"svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr "Доменная часть будет удалена автоматически.
Допустимые файлы: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1254
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "Включить предзагрузку ссылок"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1273
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Расширенные"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Расширенные правила"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1285
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Чувствительные страницы по типу ссылок на вход/выход нужно исключать из "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Чувствительные страницы по типу ссылок на вход/выход нужно исключать из кэширования."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1288
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1292
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Корзина, оформление заказа и кабинет покупателя в "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s определяются автоматически, их указывать не "
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Корзина, оформление заказа и кабинет покупателя в %1$s%2$s%3$s определяются автоматически, их указывать не нужно."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1312 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "Некэшируемые URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1320
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Некэшируемые Cookies"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1326 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "Некэшируемые User-Agent"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1332 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "Всегда очищаемые страницы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1338
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Кэшируемые запросы"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1341
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr "%1$sКэширование запросов%2$s ускоряет работу GET параметров."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1352
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите ссылки на страницы или записи которые не нужно кэшировать (по одному"
-" в строке)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Укажите ссылки на страницы или записи которые не нужно кэшировать (по одному в строке)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1353
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1381
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Доменное имя будет автоматически убрано.
Используйте маску (.*) для "
-"указания нескольких URLs в текущем пути."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Доменное имя будет автоматически убрано.
Используйте маску (.*) для указания нескольких URLs в текущем пути."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1362
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите полные или частичные ID cookie, при наличии которых не будет "
-"кэшироваться страница (по одному в строке)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Укажите полные или частичные ID cookie, при наличии которых не будет кэшироваться страница (по одному в строке)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите User-agent которые не должны видеть кэшированные страницы (по одному"
-" в ряд)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Укажите User-agent которые не должны видеть кэшированные страницы (по одному в ряд)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1371
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Используйте маску (.*) для определения UA строк."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1380
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите URL страниц которые нужно всегда очищать от кэша (по одной в ряд)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Укажите URL страниц которые нужно всегда очищать от кэша (по одной в ряд)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Укажите запросы для кэширования (по одному в ряд)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1414 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База данных"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1415
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Оптимизация и очистка"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка записей"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1424
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Очистка устаревших ревизий и черновиков. Не используйте эту функцию, если "
-"вам важны черновики и ревизии."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Очистка устаревших ревизий и черновиков. Не используйте эту функцию, если вам важны черновики и ревизии."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1429
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка комментариев"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Спам и комментарии в корзине будут удалены сразу."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1435
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка транзакций"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1437
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Транзакции это временные настройки, их можно смело удалять. Они будут "
-"созданы автоматически, если потребуются плагину."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Транзакции это временные настройки, их можно смело удалять. Они будут созданы автоматически, если потребуются плагину."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка базы данных"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1443
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Уменьшает переполнение таблиц базы данных"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1447
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Автоматическая очистка"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Ревизии"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1169,12 +815,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s ревизии в базе данных."
msgstr[2] "%s ревизий в базе данных."
msgstr[3] "%s ревизий в базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1468
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Авто-черновики"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1183,12 +829,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s черновика в вашей базе данных."
msgstr[2] "%s черновиков в вашей базе данных."
msgstr[3] "%s черновик в вашей базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1478
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Удалённые записи"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1197,12 +843,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s удаленные записи в базе данных."
msgstr[2] "%s удаленных записей в базе данных."
msgstr[3] "%s удалённых записей в базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1488
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Спам"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1490
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1211,12 +857,12 @@ msgstr[1] "%s спамных комментария в базе данных."
msgstr[2] "%s спамных комментариев в базе данных."
msgstr[3] "%s спамных комментариев в базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1498
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Удалённые комментарии"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1500
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1225,25 +871,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s удаленных комментария в базе данных
msgstr[2] "%s удаленных комментариев в базе данных."
msgstr[3] "%s удаленных комментариев в базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1508
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Истёкшие транзакции"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1510
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "%s истёкшая транзакция в базе данных."
-msgstr[1] "%s истёкших транзакции в базе данных."
-msgstr[2] "%s истёкших транзакций в базе данных."
-msgstr[3] "%s истёкших транзакций в базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1518
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Все транзакции"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1520
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1252,11 +884,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s транзакции в базе данных."
msgstr[2] "%s транзакций в базе данных."
msgstr[3] "%s транзакций в базе данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1528
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Оптимизация таблиц"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1530
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1265,440 +897,359 @@ msgstr[1] "%s таблиц нуждаются в оптимизации."
msgstr[2] "%s таблиц нуждаются в оптимизации."
msgstr[3] "%s таблиц нуждаются в оптимизации."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1541
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка по расписанию"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1553
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "очищать мусор в базе данных"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1561
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Ежедневно"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1562
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Еженедельно"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1563
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Ежемесячно"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1579
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1590 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1580
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Интеграция с CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1592
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Все ссылки на статические файлы (CSS, JS, изображения) будут заменены на "
-"указанные CNAME."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Все ссылки на статические файлы (CSS, JS, изображения) будут заменены на указанные CNAME."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1594
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Не нужно для сервисов по типу Cloudflare или Sucuri. Смотрите наши "
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Не нужно для сервисов по типу Cloudflare или Sucuri. Смотрите наши %1$sдополнения%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1609 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "Исключить файлы из CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1635
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$l дополнение%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем "
-"сайте не требуется."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$l дополнения%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем "
-"сайте не требуется."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$l дополнений%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем "
-"сайте не требуется."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"%1$s%2$l дополнений%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем "
-"сайте не требуется."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$l дополнение%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем сайте не требуется."
+msgstr[1] "%1$s%2$l дополнения%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем сайте не требуется."
+msgstr[2] "%1$s%2$l дополнений%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем сайте не требуется."
+msgstr[3] "%1$s%2$l дополнений%3$s включено. Настройка CDN для работы %2$l на вашем сайте не требуется."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1660
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Включить сети доставки контента (CDN)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1669
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1670
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Укажите CNAME ниже"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr "Укажите URL которые не нужно направлять через CDN (по одной в строке)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1678
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Доменное имя будет автоматически убрано.
Используйте маску (.*) для "
-"исключения всех файлов в данном пути."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Доменное имя будет автоматически убрано.
Используйте маску (.*) для исключения всех файлов в данном пути."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1701
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Пульсация"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Управлять WordPress Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1710
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Уменьшить или отключить периодический опрос сервера на предмет новых данных."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Уменьшить или отключить периодический опрос сервера на предмет новых данных."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Уменьшить или отключить Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Уменьшение активности позволяет изменить частоту пульсации с минуты до двух "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Уменьшение активности позволяет изменить частоту пульсации с минуты до двух минут."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Отключение пульсации может навредить некоторым плагинам и темам использующим"
-" Heartbeat API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Отключение пульсации может навредить некоторым плагинам и темам использующим Heartbeat API."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Не ограничивать"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Уменьшить активность"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1733
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Отключить"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Управлять пульсацией"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1750
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Поведение в админке"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Поведение в редакторе"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Поведение во фронтенде"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1779
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Дополнения"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Новые возможности"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Быстрые Rocket дополнения"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Следующие дополнения не требуют настройки. Просто активируйте их переключив "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Следующие дополнения не требуют настройки. Просто активируйте их переключив выключатель."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1798
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Дополнения Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1799
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "Дополнения Rocket расширяют функционал плагина."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1810
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1911
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1816
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Интеграция с Cloudflare аккаунтом"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите ваш email, глобальный API ключ и домен для интеграции Cloudflare с "
-"WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Укажите ваш email, глобальный API ключ и домен для интеграции Cloudflare с WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1851
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1857
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "Если вы используете Varnish на сервере включите эту опцию."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1859
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish кэш очищается вместе с остальным кэшем, чтобы поддерживать "
-"актуальность контента.
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Varnish кэш очищается вместе с остальным кэшем, чтобы поддерживать актуальность контента.
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1873
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Очищать Sucuri кэш вместе с очисткой кэша WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1876
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Укажите API ключ для очистки Sucuri кэша вместе с кэшом WP Rocket."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1884
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2028
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1890
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Синхронизировать Sucuri кэш с этими дополнениями."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare авторизация"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare настройки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Глобальный API ключ:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1952
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Найти API ключ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1964
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "E-mail"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1973
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID зоны"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1983
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Режим разработчика"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1985
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"На вашем сайте временно включён режим разработчика. Он будет отключен "
-"автоматически через 3 часа. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "На вашем сайте временно включён режим разработчика. Он будет отключен автоматически через 3 часа. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1993
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Оптимальные настройки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1994
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Автоматическая настройка Cloudflare на быструю работу, производительность и "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Автоматическая настройка Cloudflare на быструю работу, производительность и совместимость."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2002
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Относительный протокол"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Будет использоваться относительный протокол // для CSS, JS и изображений "
-"вместо http:// или https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Будет использоваться относительный протокол // для CSS, JS и изображений вместо http:// или https://."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2041
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Разрешения Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2054
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Firewall API ключ (для плагина), в формате {32 символа}/{32 "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2055
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Найти API ключ"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:461 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Загрузить файл и импортировать настройки"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Брандмауэр Sucuri: API ключ должен быть в формате {32 символа}/{32 "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Брандмауэр Sucuri: API ключ должен быть в формате {32 символа}/{32 символа}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:476
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Настройки сохранены."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:148
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Инструменты"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:149
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Импорт, экспорт и откат"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:174
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимизация фото"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:175
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Сожмите ваши фото"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:192
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Инструкции"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:193
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Обучающие видео"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr "RocketCDN не доступен в данный момент. Попробуйте позже"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша RocketCDN: отсутствует индификатор параметра."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша RocketCDN: отсутствует токен."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша RocketCDN: API вернул неправильный код ответа."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша RocketCDN: API вернул пустой ответ."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша RocketCDN: API вернул неизвестный ответ."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша RocketCDN: %s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "Кэш RocketCDN успешно очищен."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "Дата следующей оплаты"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "Нет подписки"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "Ваша подписка на RocketCDN активна."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "Для использования RocketCDN измените CNAME на %1$s%2$s%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "Управление подпиской"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN включен"
@@ -1716,63 +1267,31 @@ msgstr "Действительно только до %s!"
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "Ваш сайт ускорится благодаря:"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr ""
-"Высокопроизводительная Сеть Доставки Контента (CDN) с %1$sбезлимитной "
-"пропускной способностью%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
-msgstr ""
-"Легкая настройка: лучшие %1$sпараметры CDN%2$s применяются автоматически"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr "Легкая настройка: лучшие %1$sпараметры CDN%2$s применяются автоматически"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Поддержка WP Rocket: CDN %1$sавтоматически настраивается%2$s с помощью этого"
-" плагина"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:69
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s / month"
-msgstr "%s / месяц"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr "Поддержка WP Rocket: CDN %1$sавтоматически настраивается%2$s с помощью этого плагина"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:74
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Начать"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
msgstr "Узнать больше о RocketCDN"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "Уменьшить баннер"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:88
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"* $%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"* $%1$s/месяц при оплате за 12 месяцев за $%2$s/месяц. Вы можете отменить "
-"подписку в любое время."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
-msgstr ""
-"Ускорьте свой сайт с помощью RocketCDN - службы доставки контента от WP "
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr "Ускорьте свой сайт с помощью RocketCDN - службы доставки контента от WP Rocket."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
@@ -1792,14 +1311,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "Новинка!"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
-msgstr ""
-"Ускорьте свой сайт с помощью RocketCDN - службы доставки контента от WP "
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr "Ускорьте свой сайт с помощью RocketCDN - службы доставки контента от WP Rocket!"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Очистить этот кэш"
@@ -1807,26 +1325,23 @@ msgstr "Очистить этот кэш"
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Интервал истёкшего кэша WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:330
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "Значение WP_CACHE"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:351
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
-msgstr ""
-"Для работы WP Rocket константа WP_CACHE должна быть установлена в true"
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr "Для работы WP Rocket константа WP_CACHE должна быть установлена в true"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
msgstr "WP_CACHE установлена в true"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:368
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
msgstr "WP_CACHE не задана"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:376
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE установлена в false"
@@ -1837,18 +1352,12 @@ msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$sне созданы. Причин
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
-msgstr ""
-"Критические CSS для %1$s для мобильных устройств не созданы: API вернуло "
-"пустой ответ."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s для мобильных устройств не созданы: API вернуло пустой ответ."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s не созданы: API вернуло пустой ответ."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
@@ -1864,21 +1373,13 @@ msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s не созданы."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Критические CSS для %1$s для мобильных устройств не созданы: API вернуло "
-"неправильный ответ."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s для мобильных устройств не созданы: API вернуло неправильный ответ."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
-msgstr ""
-"Критические CSS для %1$s не созданы. Ошибка: API вернуло не верный код "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s не созданы. Ошибка: API вернуло не верный код ответа."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
@@ -1886,86 +1387,65 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Error: %1$s"
msgstr "Ошибка: %1$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:260
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Пересоздать критические CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:132
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Создать особые критические CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
msgstr "Пересоздать особые критические CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:199
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
msgid "%l to use this feature."
msgstr "%l для использования этой настройки."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:202
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
#, php-format
msgid "Publish the %s"
msgstr "Опубликуйте %s"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:203
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in WP Rocket settings"
-msgstr "Включить Оптимизацию доставки CSS в настройках WP Rocket"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:204
-msgid "Enable Optimize CSS delivery in the options above"
-msgstr "Включить Оптимизацию доставки CSS в настройках выше"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Критическая генерация CSS в настоящее время работает."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:152
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "Перейдите в %1$sнастройки WP Rocket%2$s для отслеживания процесса."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:366
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Создание критических CSS запущено: %1$d из %2$d страниц уже создано "
-"(обновите, чтобы увидеть процесс)."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Создание критических CSS запущено: %1$d из %2$d страниц уже создано (обновите, чтобы увидеть процесс)."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:438
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Создание критических CSS завершено: %1$d из %2$d страниц."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "Создание критических CSS вызвала ошибку."
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:445
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Подробнее."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Критические CSS для %1$s для мобильных устройств не созданы. Ошибка: "
-"невозможно создать указанную папку."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s для мобильных устройств не созданы. Ошибка: невозможно создать указанную папку."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
-msgstr ""
-"Критические CSS для %1$s не созданы. Ошибка: невозможно создать указанную "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr "Критические CSS для %1$s не созданы. Ошибка: невозможно создать указанную папку."
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
@@ -2030,43 +1510,25 @@ msgstr "Запрошенная запись не существует."
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "Невозможно создать критические CSS для неопубликованной записи."
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/CacheDirSizeCheck.php:88
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "еженедельно"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Не удалось запустить запланированное задание. Это может указывать на то, что"
-" система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, "
-"который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Не удалось запустить запланированные задания. Это может указывать на то, что"
-" система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, "
-"который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Не удалось запустить запланированные задания. Это может указывать на то, что"
-" система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, "
-"который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Не удалось запустить запланированные задания. Это может указывать на то, что"
-" система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, "
-"который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Не удалось запустить запланированное задание. Это может указывать на то, что система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
+msgstr[1] "Не удалось запустить запланированные задания. Это может указывать на то, что система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
+msgstr[2] "Не удалось запустить запланированные задания. Это может указывать на то, что система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
+msgstr[3] "Не удалось запустить запланированные задания. Это может указывать на то, что система CRON не работает корректно, и соответвенно, функционал WP Rocket, который от неё зависит, не функционирует:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вашим хостом, чтобы проверить, работает ли CRON."
+msgstr "Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вашим хостом, чтобы проверить, работает ли CRON."
#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
@@ -2091,26 +1553,15 @@ msgstr "Процесс создания критических CSS"
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s "
-"скидки%5$s для %3$s обновления лицензии до Plus или Пожизненной.%5$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s "
-"скидки%5$s для %3$s обновления лицензии до Plus или Пожизненной.%5$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s "
-"скидки%5$s для %3$s обновления лицензии до Plus или Пожизненной.%5$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s "
-"скидки%5$s для %3$sполучения пожизненной лицензии!%5$s"
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] "Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s скидки%5$s для %3$s обновления лицензии до Plus или Пожизненной.%5$s"
+msgstr[1] "Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s скидки%5$s для %3$s обновления лицензии до Plus или Пожизненной.%5$s"
+msgstr[2] "Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s скидки%5$s для %3$s обновления лицензии до Plus или Пожизненной.%5$s"
+msgstr[3] "Извлеките выгоду от %1$s ускорив больше сайтов: %2$s получите %3$s%4$s скидки%5$s для %3$sполучения пожизненной лицензии!%5$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Без ограничений"
@@ -2143,52 +1594,21 @@ msgstr "Секунд"
msgid "Upgrade now"
msgstr "Обновить сейчас"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:39
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:813 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Игнорировать"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:12
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
msgstr "Ваша лицензия WP Rocket истекла!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:17
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew "
-"features and enhancements.%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ваш сайт может работать быстрее если вы обратите внимание на наши %1$sновые "
-"функции и улучшения%2$s."
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license for 1 year and get an immediate %1$s%2$s off%3$s on your "
-"renewal rate: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
-msgstr ""
-"Продлите свою лицензию на год и получите %1$s%2$s скидку%3$s: вы платите "
-"только %1$s%4$s%3$s! "
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:37
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
msgid "Renew now"
msgstr "Продлить сейчас"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire.%2$s"
-msgstr "Ваша %1$sлицензия WP Rocket скоро истекает%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
-msgstr ""
-"Продлите с %1$s%2$s скидкой%3$s до конца срока, вы платите только "
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr "Продлите с %1$s%2$s скидкой%3$s до конца срока, вы платите только %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
@@ -2196,18 +1616,12 @@ msgstr "Ускорить больше сайтов"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы можете использовать WP Rocket на нескольких сайтах обновив свою лицензию."
-" Оплатите %1$sразницу в цене%2$s между текущей и расширенной лицензиями."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr "Вы можете использовать WP Rocket на нескольких сайтах обновив свою лицензию. Оплатите %1$sразницу в цене%2$s между текущей и расширенной лицензиями."
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
msgstr "%1$sПримечание:%2$s обновление не изменяет срок истечения лицензии"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
@@ -2226,317 +1640,75 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "Обновить до %s"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы можете использовать WP Rocket на нескольких сайтах обновив свою лицензию "
-"(вы оплачиваете только разницу в цене)."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr "Вы можете использовать WP Rocket на нескольких сайтах обновив свою лицензию (вы оплачиваете только разницу в цене)."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:106
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:224
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "Очистить неиспользуемые CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:318
-msgid "Used CSS option is not enabled!"
-msgstr "Опция неиспользуемых CSS не включена!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:333
-msgid "Used CSS cache cleared!"
-msgstr "Кэш с неиспользуемыми CSS очищен!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:402
-msgid "Collected resource files from {count} of {total} key pages."
-msgstr "Сбор файлов с ресурсами {count} из {total} страниц."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:403
-msgid "Processed {count} of {total} resource files found on key pages."
-msgstr ""
-"Обработано {count} из {total} файлов с ресурсами найденных на страницах."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:404
-msgid "Remove Unused CSS is complete!"
-msgstr "Неиспользуемые CSS успешно очищены!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:405
-msgid "These files could not be processed:"
-msgstr "Не удалось обработать эти файлы:"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:406
-msgid ""
-"We are processing the CSS on your site. This may take several minutes to "
-msgstr "Мы обрабатываем CSS на вашем сайте, это может занять несколько минут."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Warmup/Status/RESTWP.php:102
-msgid "Remove unused CSS option is disabled."
-msgstr "Опция удаления неиспользуемых CSS отключена."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Warmup/Status/RESTWP.php:109
-msgid "Pre-Warmup process did not start yet."
-msgstr "Подготовительный процесс ещё не запущен."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка вызвала ошибку. Невозможно получить ссылки на %1$s из-за "
-"ошибки: %2$s. %3$sПодробнее%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка вызвала ошибку. %1$s недоступен из-за ошибки: %2$s. Возможно, "
-"доступ блокируют настройки безопасности. %3$sПодробнее%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Возникла ошибка во время предзагрузки. %1$s получил код ответа 404. "
-"Убедитесь, что главная страница вашего сайта отображается в браузере. "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Возникла ошибка во время предзагрузки. %1$s получил код ответа 500. "
-"Убедитесь, что у вас есть доступ к хостингу. %2$sПодробнее%3$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Возникла ошибка во время предзагрузки. Не возможно получить доступ к ссылкам"
-" на %1$s потому что получен код ошибки: %2$s. %3$sПодробнее%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:251
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Предзагрузка: WP Rocket начал создавать статические файлы."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:297
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Предзагрузка: %1$s страница сохранена в кэш (обновите для более точных "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Предзагрузка: %1$s страницы сохранены в кэш (обновите для более точных "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Предзагрузка: %1$s страниц сохранено в кэш (обновите для более точных "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Предзагрузка: %1$s страниц сохранено в кэш (обновите для более точных "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:306
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Возникла следующая ошибка во время получения ссылок для кэширования:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Возникли следующие ошибки во время получения ссылок для кэширования:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Возникли следующие ошибки во время получения ссылок для кэширования:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Возникли следующие ошибки во время получения ссылок для кэширования:"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:358
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Предзагрузка завершена: %d страниц в кэше."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка вызвала ошибку. Невозможно получить ссылки на %1$s из-за "
-"ошибки: %2$s. %3$sПодробнее%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка вызвала ошибку. %1$s недоступен из-за ошибки: %2$s. Возможно, "
-"доступ блокируют настройки безопасности. %3$sПодробнее%4$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Возникла ошибка во время предзагрузки. %1$s получил код ответа 404. "
-"Убедитесь, что главная страница вашего сайта отображается в браузере. "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Возникла ошибка во время предзагрузки. %1$s получил код ответа 500. "
-"Убедитесь, что у вас есть доступ к хостингу. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Возникла ошибка во время предзагрузки. Не возможно получить ссылкам на %1$s "
-"из-за ошибки: %2$s. %3$sПодробнее%4$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка вызвала ошибку. Невозможно получить ссылки из %1$s, так как "
-"файл пуст. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Предзагрузка вызвала ошибку. Не возможно получить ссылки с %1$s из-за ошибки"
-" в XML. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"Отсутствует модуль %1$sSimpleXML PHP%2$s на сервере. Обратитесь в "
-"техподдержку хостинга перед включением предзагрузки."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr ""
-"Очистка кэша Varnish будет включена автоматически, когда станет доступен "
-"Varnish кэш на %s сервере."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "Очистка кэша Varnish будет включена автоматически, когда станет доступен Varnish кэш на %s сервере."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:100
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Мод PageSpeed не совместим с нашим плагином и может "
-"вызывать ошибки. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Мод PageSpeed не совместим с нашим плагином и может вызывать ошибки. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Пожалуйста, отключите %s настройку которая конфликтует с WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Пожалуйста, отключите %s настройки которые конфликтуют с WP Rocket:"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Пожалуйста, отключите %s настройку которая конфликтует с WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Пожалуйста, отключите %s настройки которые конфликтуют с WP Rocket:"
msgstr[2] "Пожалуйста, отключите %s настроек которые конфликтуют с WP Rocket:"
msgstr[3] "Пожалуйста, отключите %s настроек которые конфликтуют с WP Rocket:"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sотключение смайликов%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной "
-"настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sотключение смайликов%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sGZIP сжатие%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sGZIP сжатие%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sбраузерное кэширование%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной "
-"настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sбраузерное кэширование%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sкэширование страниц%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s"
-" в WP Rocket."
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sкэширование страниц%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sоптимизация%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sоптимизация%3$s конфликтует с %2$sаналогичной настройкой%3$s в WP Rocket."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:110 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:128
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:118
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:349
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Поддержка"
@@ -2545,60 +1717,61 @@ msgstr "Поддержка"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Документация"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:337
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:64
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Настройки"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:225 inc/admin/admin.php:240
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%sотменить обновление"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:266
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sВернитесь в WP Rocket%2$s или на %3$sстраницу плагинов%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "Ошибка импорта: у вас нет прав для совершения данной операции."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:507
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Ошибка импортирования настроек: файл не загружен."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:511
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Ошибка импортирования настроек: неверное название файла."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:522
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Ошибка импортирования настроек: неверный тип файла."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:532
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "Ошибка импорта настроек:"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:548
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "Ошибка импорта настроек: неверное содержимое файла."
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:569
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Настройки импортированы и сохранены."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:148
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s: %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s: %2$s."
-#: inc/admin/options.php:158
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "Следующий паттерн ошибочный и был удалены:"
@@ -2606,67 +1779,63 @@ msgstr[1] "Следующие паттерны ошибочны и были уд
msgstr[2] "Следующие паттерны ошибочны и были удалены:"
msgstr[3] "Следующие паттерны ошибочны и были удалены:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:769
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:85 inc/common/admin-bar.php:137
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:143
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Очистить кэш"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "Настройки WP Rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Не кэшировать эту страницу"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Применить к этой записи:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad для изображений"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad для фреймов и видео"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "Сжатие и объединение CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Убрать неиспользуемые CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "Сжатие и объединение JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
-msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
-msgstr "Оптимизировать CSS загрузку"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "Асинхронный JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Активируйте сначала %s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:102
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sПримечание:%2$s данные настройки не применяются, если запись исключена "
-"из кэширования в общих настройках."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgstr "%1$sПримечание:%2$s данные настройки не применяются, если запись исключена из кэширования в общих настройках."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:25 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:38
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2675,196 +1844,142 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$sне может быть отключено из-за ошибки прав записи CHMOD.
"Позвольте запись в %2$s и повторите попытку, либо отключите насильно:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:91
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Один или несколько плагинов были отключены или удалены."
-" Очистите кэш, чтобы стереть их следы."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:185
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Дополнение WP Rocket Cloudflare предоставляет аналогичные функциональные "
-"возможности. Они не могут быть активны одновременно."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Один или несколько плагинов были отключены или удалены. Очистите кэш, чтобы стереть их следы."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:209
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Следующие плагины не совместимы с WP Rocket и могут "
-"вызывать ошибки:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Следующие плагины не совместимы с WP Rocket и могут вызывать ошибки:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:215
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Отключить"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:257
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS - неофициальное дополнение, поэтому может нарушать "
-"работу WP Rocket. Отключите его, если на сайте возникают ошибки."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS - неофициальное дополнение, поэтому может нарушать работу WP Rocket. Отключите его, если на сайте возникают ошибки."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:297
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache сейчас включен и создает конфликты с кешем WP Rocket. "
-"Пожалуйста, установите отключите кеширование в Endurance Cache (режим Off "
-"или Level 0) на странице %1$sНастройки > Общие%2$s, чтобы избежать проблем. "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache сейчас включен и создает конфликты с кешем WP Rocket. Пожалуйста, установите отключите кеширование в Endurance Cache (режим Off или Level 0) на странице %1$sНастройки > Общие%2$s, чтобы избежать проблем. "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:318
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Активируйте постоянные ссылки для работы WP Rocket. %2$sЭто можно "
-"сделать в меню настроек%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Активируйте постоянные ссылки для работы WP Rocket. %2$sЭто можно сделать в меню настроек%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:365
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s не может изменить файл .htaccess из-за отсутствующих прав записи."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:371 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Решение проблем: %1$sКак разрешить запись файлов%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:373 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Не волнуйтесь, кэширование страниц и настройки WP Rocket продолжают "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Не волнуйтесь, кэширование страниц и настройки WP Rocket продолжают работать."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Для лучшей производительности, рекомендуется добавить эти строки в файл "
-".htaccess (не обязательно):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Для лучшей производительности, рекомендуется добавить эти строки в файл .htaccess (не обязательно):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:526
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s работает отлично! %2$sПроверьте скорость загрузки%4$s, или перейдите в "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s работает отлично! %2$sПроверьте скорость загрузки%4$s, или перейдите в %3$sнастройки%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:599
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr "Вы разрешаете WP Rocket собирать анонимные данные с вашего сайта?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Это позволит улучшить WP Rocket в будущем."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:606
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Какую информацию мы собираем?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:611
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Ниже представлен список данных, собираемых плагином WP Rocket, если вы это "
-"позволили. Мы никогда не передаем названия доменов, электронные адреса "
-"(кроме проверки лицензии), IP или любые API ключи."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Ниже представлен список данных, собираемых плагином WP Rocket, если вы это позволили. Мы никогда не передаем названия доменов, электронные адреса (кроме проверки лицензии), IP или любые API ключи."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:620
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Да, разрешаю"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:623
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Нет, спасибо"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:662
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Спасибо!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:667
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket собирает такие данные с вашего сайта:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:705
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кэш успешно очищен."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:712
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кэш записей очищен."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:719
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: очистка кэша категорий."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:726
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: очистка кэша пользователей."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:772
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Оставновить предзагрузку"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:790
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Полная деактивация"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:803
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Нужно записать следующий код в этот файл:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:834
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%sнельзя настроить автоматически из-за ошибки записи в файл."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Проблемная папка/файл: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Транзакции"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Таблицы"
@@ -2879,29 +1994,17 @@ msgstr "Для корректной работы %1$s %2$s требуется х
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s. Для использования WP Rocket попросите своего хостинг-провайдера "
-"установить версию PHP %1$s и выше."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s. Для использования WP Rocket попросите своего хостинг-провайдера установить версию PHP %1$s и выше."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Для использования WP Rocket обновите версию WordPress до "
-"%1$s и выше."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Для использования WP Rocket обновите версию WordPress до %1$s и выше."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Если вы не можете этого сделать, попробуйте использовать более старую версию"
-" WP Rocket."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Если вы не можете этого сделать, попробуйте использовать более старую версию WP Rocket."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
@@ -2928,198 +2031,103 @@ msgstr "Невозможно прочитать журнал ошибок."
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Журнал ошибок не записывается в файл."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для обработки WebP, поэтому не нужно включать эту "
-"настройку. Если вы хотите, чтобы WebP обрабатывал WP Rocket, отключите "
-"поддержку в %1$s. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для обработки WebP, поэтому не нужно включать эту "
-"настройку. Если вы хотите, чтобы WebP обрабатывал WP Rocket, отключите "
-"поддержку в %1$s. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для обработки WebP, поэтому не нужно включать эту "
-"настройку. Если вы хотите, чтобы WebP обрабатывал WP Rocket, отключите "
-"поддержку в %1$s. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для обработки WebP, поэтому не нужно включать эту "
-"настройку. Если вы хотите, чтобы WebP обрабатывал WP Rocket, отключите "
-"поддержку в %1$s. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:280
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "Кэш WebP отключен фильтром."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:290
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:316
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите "
-"включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите "
-"включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите "
-"включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите "
-"включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:302
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит "
-"раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит "
-"раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит "
-"раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит "
-"раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. Если Вы хотите включить поддержку WebP, включите эту настройку. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Похоже, у вас не установлен плагин для создания WebP изображений. Если это "
-"так, то не включайте эту опцию. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:354
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "Отсутствуют поддерживаемые плагины для создания WebP!"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Вы используете %1$s для конвертации изображений в WebP. WP Rocket включит раздельное кэширование для работы WebP изображений. %2$sПодробнее%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:357
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Включив эту настройку, WP Rocket создаст раздельный кэш для поддержки WebP "
-"изображений. Для корректной работы нужно, чтобы на сайте были WebP "
-"изображения созданные плагином %1$sImagify%3$s или другим поддерживаемым. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:369
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
msgstr "WP Rocket создаст раздельный кэш для поддержки WebP изображений."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "Ошибка определения следующего требования в теме: %1$s."
msgstr[1] "Ошибка определения следующих требований в теме: %1$s."
msgstr[2] "Ошибка определения следующих требований в теме: %1$s."
msgstr[3] "Ошибка определения следующих требований в теме: %1$s."
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:98
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "ежемесячно"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Оптимизация базы данных в процессе"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Оптимизация базы данных завершена. Все неполадки устранены."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:245
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "Оптимизация базы данных завершена. Список выполненных задач:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d%2$s исправлено."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:116
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша Sucuri: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:121
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Кэш Sucuri очищен. Учтите, что может потребоваться около двух минут для "
-"полного сброса."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Кэш Sucuri очищен. Учтите, что может потребоваться около двух минут для полного сброса."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:244
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "API ключ безопасности Sucuri не найден."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:256
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "API ключ безопасности Sucuri не верный."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Ошибка связи с Sucuri firewall API."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка связи с Sucuri firewall API. Ответа сервера: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:338
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Не удалось получить ответ от Sucuri firewall API."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:352
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Ошибочный ответ от Sucuri firewall API."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:365
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "Sucuri firewall API вернул неизвестную ошибку."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:368
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -3128,60 +2136,51 @@ msgstr[1] "Брандмауэр Sucuri вернул следующие ошиб
msgstr[2] "Брандмауэр Sucuri вернул следующие ошибки: %s"
msgstr[3] "Брандмауэр Sucuri вернул следующие ошибки: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Непредвиденная ошибка. Что-то пошло не так с сайтом WP-Rocket.me или "
-"сервером. Если ошибка появляется часто, свяжитесь с нами."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Непредвиденная ошибка. Что-то пошло не так с сайтом WP-Rocket.me или сервером. Если ошибка появляется часто, свяжитесь с нами."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:275
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Все языки"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Очистить этот пост"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Очистить данный URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Очистить OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:210
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Очистить кэш Sucuri"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:233 inc/common/admin-bar.php:287
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:163
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Начать кэширование"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:312 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "Очистить кэш RocketCDN"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:325 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документация"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:562
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "Ошибка очистки OPcache"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:567
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache успешно очищен"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Включить Imagify"
@@ -3190,12 +2189,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Установить Imagify"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Ускорьте свой сайт и показатели SEO установив бесплатный плагин Imagify для"
-" сжатия фото без потери качества."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Ускорьте свой сайт и показатели SEO установив бесплатный плагин Imagify для сжатия фото без потери качества."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -3208,9 +2203,7 @@ msgstr "Кэширование по карте сайта: %d страниц з
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr "Кэширование по карте сайта: %d страниц закэшировано."
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
@@ -3221,49 +2214,33 @@ msgstr "Выберите домен из списка"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Нет доступных доменов в Cloudflare аккаунте"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl отключен на вашем сервере. Попросите техподдержку хостинга включить "
-"его. Это нужно для работы дополнения Cloudflare."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl отключен на вашем сервере. Попросите техподдержку хостинга включить его. Это нужно для работы дополнения Cloudflare."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email, API ключ и Zone ID не установлены. Прочитайте "
-"%1$sдокументацию%2$s для лучшего понимания."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email, API ключ и Zone ID не установлены. Прочитайте %1$sдокументацию%2$s для лучшего понимания."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Cloudflare email и API ключ не установлены. Прочитайте %1$sдокументацию%2$s "
-"для лучшего понимания."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Cloudflare email и API ключ не установлены. Прочитайте %1$sдокументацию%2$s для лучшего понимания."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Ошибка подключения к Cloudflare"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Класс %1$s уже устарел с версии %2$s! Используйте %3$s "
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr "Класс %1$s уже устарел с версии %2$s! Используйте %3$s взамен."
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
msgstr "Класс %1$s уже устарел с версии %2$s!"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
@@ -3274,15 +2251,13 @@ msgstr "JS файлы с отложенной загрузкой"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Добавить URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Прежде чем вы сможете загрузить файл импорта, вам необходимо исправить такие"
-" ошибки:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Прежде чем вы сможете загрузить файл импорта, вам необходимо исправить такие ошибки:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Выберите файл на компьютере (максимальный размер: %s)"
@@ -3303,7 +2278,8 @@ msgstr "Сохранить и очистить"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Начать оптимизацию"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Примечание:"
@@ -3318,7 +2294,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Обнаружен сторонний плагин:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Внимание:"
@@ -3332,29 +2309,39 @@ msgstr "Скачать настройки"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Заменить адреса сайта на:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "использовать для"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Всех файлов"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Изображений"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Добавить CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:16
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Посмотреть видео"
@@ -3372,31 +2359,16 @@ msgstr "Расширенное"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s%2$sтребует наличия версии PHP не ниже %3$s. Чтобы использовать эту "
-"функцию, обратитесь к хостеру с просьбой повысить версию PHP до %3$s и выше."
-" В противном случае, используйте старую версию плагина."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sтребует наличия версии PHP не ниже %3$s. Чтобы использовать эту функцию, обратитесь к хостеру с просьбой повысить версию PHP до %3$s и выше. В противном случае, используйте старую версию плагина."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Произошла ошибка с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Произошли ошибки с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Произошли ошибки с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Произошли ошибки с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Произошла ошибка с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
+msgstr[1] "Произошли ошибки с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
+msgstr[2] "Произошли ошибки с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
+msgstr[3] "Произошли ошибки с проверкой вашей лицензии. Ниже содержится текст ошибки."
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
@@ -3438,117 +2410,104 @@ msgstr "Анонимные данные WP Rocket:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Какие настройки WP Rocket активны"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:468
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "Предоставленная лицензия не действительна."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:471
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Для решения проблемы %1$sсвяжитесь с техподдержкой%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:532 inc/functions/options.php:571
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Ошибка проверки лицензии. Наш сервер на распознал запрос с вашего сайта."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Ошибка проверки лицензии. Наш сервер на распознал запрос с вашего сайта."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:532 inc/functions/options.php:571
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Нажмите %1$sСохранить изменения%2$s ниже. Если ошибка повториться, следуйте "
-"%3$sэтой инструкции%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Нажмите %1$sСохранить изменения%2$s ниже. Если ошибка повториться, следуйте %3$sэтой инструкции%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Ошибка подтверждения лицензии. Возможно, вы используете взломанный плагин. "
-"Сделайте следующее:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Ошибка подтверждения лицензии. Возможно, вы используете взломанный плагин. Сделайте следующее:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548 inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sВойдите%2$s в свой аккаунт WP Rocket."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548 inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Скачать zip-архив"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548 inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Переустановить"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:548
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "Если у вас нет аккаунта WP Rocket, вы можете %1$sкупить лицензию%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr "Ошибка регистрации. Такого аккаунта нет в нашей базе данных."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:556
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Для решения свяжитесь с техподдержкой."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:564
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
msgstr "Ваша лицензия не прошла проверку. Аккаунт заблокирован."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:564
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Посмотрите %1$sэту справку%2$s для подробной информации."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:584
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Ваша лицензия не валидна."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:584
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Убедитесь, что у вас есть %1$sактивная лицензия%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:586
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Вы добавили максимальное допустимое число сайтов."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:586
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Обновите %1$sтарифный план%2$s либо %3$sперенесите лицензию%2$s на этот "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Обновите %1$sтарифный план%2$s либо %3$sперенесите лицензию%2$s на этот домен."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:588
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Этот сайт не разрешен."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:588
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Свяжитесь со %1$sслужбой поддержки%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Лицензионный ключ не распознан."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:590
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "В этом случае свяжитесь со %1$sслужбой поддержки%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка лицензирования: %s"
@@ -3573,17 +2532,9 @@ msgstr "Ошибка установки плагина."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Назад"
-#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
-msgid "Optimize CSS delivery for mobile"
-msgstr "Оптимизировать доставку CSS на мобильных устройствах"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
-msgstr ""
-"Ваш сайт использует общие критические CSS для компьютерной и мобильной "
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr "Ваш сайт использует общие критические CSS для компьютерной и мобильной версий."
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
@@ -3592,17 +2543,12 @@ msgstr "Нажмите на кнопку для включения раздел
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Это единоразовое действие и после выполнения кнопка исчезнет. "
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Это единоразовое действие и после выполнения кнопка исчезнет. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "Ваш сайт использует мобильные критические CSS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
@@ -3616,250 +2562,32 @@ msgstr "Критические CSS:"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Создать специфические критические CSS для этой записи. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgstr "Создать специфические критические CSS для этой записи. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Эта запись использует специфические критические CSS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
+msgstr "Эта запись использует специфические критические CSS. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
msgstr "Откатиться к обычным критическим CSS"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Вернуться"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "Отзыв о WP Rocket"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрыть"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Почему Вы решили отключить WP Rocket?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$sIt is a temporary deactivation.%2$s I am just debugging an issue."
-msgstr "%1$sЭто временное отключение%2$s. Сайт находится в разработке."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin %1$sbroke my layout%2$s or some functionality."
-msgstr "Плагин %1$sнарушает шаблон%2$s или другой функционал."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix %1$sscore did not improve.%2$s"
-msgstr "Мои показатели PageSpeed или GTMetrix %1$sне улучшились%2$s."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Я не заметил ускорения сайта."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:66
-#, php-format
-msgid "The plugin is %1$stoo complicated to configure.%2$s"
-msgstr "Плагин %1$sслишком сложный в настройке%2$s."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "Я уже использую плагин для кэширования."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:74
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Пожалуйста, напишите какой"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Другое"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Пожалуйста, напишите что не так, чтобы мы могли улучшить WP Rocket для Вас."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Плагин портит внешний вид и функционал сайта"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:90
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr "Эту ошибку можно исправить отключив несколько настроек в WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Нажмите Включить безопасный режим чтобы отключить LazyLoad, оптимизацию "
-"файлов, вставок и CDN. Затем проверьте сайт на наличие ошибок."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Включить безопасный режим"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Безопасный режим включен."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "Посетите свой сайт как гость в режиме инкогнито (приватной вкладки)."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Проблема решена? Теперь можно включать настройки по одной, чтобы выявить не "
-"работающую. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Мои показатели PageSpeed или GT Metrix не улучшились"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket ускоряет ваш сайт. Результаты PageSpeed или GTMetrix не являются "
-"показателями скорости. Посетители и Google никогда не смогут "
-"\"почувствовать\" скорость сайта. Это важно лишь для СЕО и конверсии."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr "Эксперты из Yoast, плагина для СЕО-оптимизации говорят:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:110
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] просто смотрит, насколько быстро загружается сайт для "
-"пользователей, поэтому вам не нужно стремиться достичь какого-то "
-"определенного показателя. Просто убедитесь, что сайт действительно быстрый."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:116
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-msgstr ""
-"Как измерить скорость загрузки сайта: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score: %1$shttps://wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"Почему не стоит обращать внимание на показатели PageSpeed: %1$shttps://wp-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:127
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Я не заметил разницы во времени загрузки"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:128
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr "Убедитесь, что вы просматриваете сайт как гость."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:132
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your website:"
-" %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-"
-msgstr ""
-"Лучший способ, проверить результаты работы WP Rocket это использовать тест "
-"скорости. Здесь описано, как правильно проводить эту процедуру: %1$shttps"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:137
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Плагин слишком сложный в настройке"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:138
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Нам печально слышать, что WP Rocket вызвал у вас трудности."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:139
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket использует 80% лучших наработок в области оптимизации. Это значит,"
-" что вам не нужно проводить тонких настроек - сайт станет быстрее сразу "
-"после активации плагина."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:140
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr "Дополнительные настройки не обязательны и нужны для экспериментов."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-msgstr ""
-"Чтобы увидеть преимущества WP Rocket, проверьте скорость сайта с помощью "
-"инструментов по типу Pingdom: %1$shttps://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:151
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Отправить и отключить"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:152
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отмена"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:154
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Отключить"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "Включить оптимизацию Google Шрифтов"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимизирует подключаемые шрифты и объединяет их в один запрос для "
-"уменьшения HTTP запросов."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr "Оптимизирует подключаемые шрифты и объединяет их в один запрос для уменьшения HTTP запросов."
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "Оптимизация Google Шрифтов включена. %1$sПодробнее%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
@@ -3870,18 +2598,21 @@ msgstr "Оптимизация Google Fonts"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Очистить кэш после"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS и JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3889,12 +2620,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Импорт настроек"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Состояние"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Настройка"
@@ -3950,16 +2681,11 @@ msgstr "Теперь Ваш сайт будет грузиться быстре
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
-msgstr ""
-"Для ускорения сайтов WP Rocket автоматически применяет 80% проверенных "
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr "Для ускорения сайтов WP Rocket автоматически применяет 80% проверенных наработок."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr "Мы также активировали настройки, которые гарантированно ускорят сайт."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
@@ -3974,57 +2700,44 @@ msgstr "Мой профиль"
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Обновить"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:93
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Действительно до"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Просмотр профиля"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:130
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Быстрые действия"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Удалить все файлы кэша"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:157
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Начать кэширование страниц"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:183
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Очистить OPCache данные"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:189
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Очистить OPcache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:206
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "Пересоздать критический CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
msgstr "Убрать кэш неиспользуемых CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:241
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Часто задаваемые вопросы"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:255
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Не нашли ответа на вопрос?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:256
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "Создайте тикет и получите помощь от нашего дружелюбного сообщества."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:264
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Поддержка"
@@ -4033,8 +2746,7 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Сделайте резервную копию базы данных перед очисткой!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "Отменить результаты очистки и оптимизации базы данных невозможно."
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
@@ -4043,17 +2755,11 @@ msgstr "Сохранить и оптимизировать"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s создали %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$s для лучшей оптимизации "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s создали %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$s для лучшей оптимизации изображений.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr "Сожмите фото для ускорения сайта, не теряя качество изображений."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
@@ -4091,12 +2797,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$sиструкции%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -4145,12 +2847,8 @@ msgstr "Возникли проблемы с версией %s?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы можете откатиться к предыдущей версии здесь.%sПосле этого отправьте нам "
-"отчёт об ошибке."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr "Вы можете откатиться к предыдущей версии здесь.%sПосле этого отправьте нам отчёт об ошибке."
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
@@ -4189,23 +2887,23 @@ msgstr "Как убедиться, что WP Rocket кэширует сайт"
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Как измерить скорость работы сайта"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Ошибки отображения из-за файловой оптимизации"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Какие JavaScript файлы исключить"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "Как внешний контент замедляет ваш сайт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Как работает предзагрузка"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Установка Cloudflare дополнения"
@@ -4224,20 +2922,12 @@ msgstr "Показывать панель"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
-msgstr ""
-"Вот список данных, которые собирает WP Rocket если %1$sна это дано "
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr "Вот список данных, которые собирает WP Rocket если %1$sна это дано разрешение%2$s."
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket никогда не передает имя домена, email (кроме проверки лицензии), "
-"IP адреса и API ключи сторонним людям."
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket никогда не передает имя домена, email (кроме проверки лицензии), IP адреса и API ключи сторонним людям."
#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
@@ -4263,33 +2953,644 @@ msgstr "Как правильно измерить скорость работы
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
msgstr "Посмотрите видео как измерить скорость работы сайта."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
msgstr "Изучите оптимальные настройки WP Rocket для мобильных устройств."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:25
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Читать статью"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr "Проверить и улучшить Google Core Web Vitals для WordPress."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Читать статью"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Вы не включили кэширование для пользователей."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:35
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Перейдите в режим инкогнито для проверки скорости сайта и внешнего вида."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Перейдите в режим инкогнито для проверки скорости сайта и внешнего вида."
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Нужна помощь?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-sr.mo b/languages/rocket-sr.mo
index d1882c1cc1..498d937810 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-sr.mo and b/languages/rocket-sr.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-sr.po b/languages/rocket-sr.po
index 58cf82cb62..6c006e301b 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-sr.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-sr.po
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktiviraj"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revizije"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Auto Nacrti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Istekli tranzijenti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -539,652 +486,428 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licenca"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Емаил адреса"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "Uklonite \"query stringove\" sa statičkih resursa"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Ово би могло да ... ствари"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Уколико приметите било какву грешку на Вашем сајту након активирања овог "
-"подешавања, исклјучите га и Ваш сајт ће бити враћен у нормално стање."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Уколико приметите било какву грешку на Вашем сајту након активирања овог подешавања, исклјучите га и Ваш сајт ће бити враћен у нормално стање."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Preload"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1192,7 +915,7 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1200,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1208,7 +931,7 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1216,7 +939,7 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1224,19 +947,11 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Svi tranzijenti"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1244,11 +959,11 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1256,710 +971,441 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Učestalost"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Dnevno"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Nedeljno"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mesečno"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Upload datoteke i uvoz podešavanja"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Podešavanja snimljena."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
+msgstr "nedeljno"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr "nedeljno"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Alati"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -1967,220 +1413,189 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Svi jezici"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Poništite ovaj članak"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Očistite ovaj URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Očisti OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Preloading keš-a"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentacija"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s očišćeno"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "mesečno"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Aktiviraj Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Besplatno instaliraj Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Ubrzajte Vaš sajt i poboljšajte SEO redukovanjem veličine slika bez gubitka "
-"na kvalitetu pomoću Imagify-a."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Ubrzajte Vaš sajt i poboljšajte SEO redukovanjem veličine slika bez gubitka na kvalitetu pomoću Imagify-a."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Dodaj URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Pre nego što možete otpremiti svoju datoteku za uvoz, trebate popraviti "
-"sledeću grešku:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Pre nego što možete otpremiti svoju datoteku za uvoz, trebate popraviti sledeću grešku:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Изаберите датотеку са Вашег компјутера (максимална величина: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Ваши Cloudflare подаци су тачни."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "Ваши Cloudflare подаци нису тачни!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Snimi i optimizuj"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimizuj"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Напомена:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Савет:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Упозорење:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Преузми подешавања"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Zamenite hostname naziv stranice sa:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "rezervisano za"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Sve datoteke"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Slike"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Dodaj CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Pogledajte video"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Основно"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Статични фајлови"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Напредно"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
@@ -2225,139 +1640,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "Izaberite domen sa liste"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Vaša licenca nije validna."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Ova web stranica nije dozvoljena."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2382,218 +1775,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Otkaži"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2601,198 +1805,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Uključeno"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Isključeno"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2819,35 +1975,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Преузми подешавања"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2860,113 +2010,1567 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-sv_SE.mo b/languages/rocket-sv_SE.mo
index 5208ae6d73..45f460770b 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-sv_SE.mo and b/languages/rocket-sv_SE.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-sv_SE.po b/languages/rocket-sv_SE.po
index 8796f53673..173fcc9420 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-sv_SE.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-sv_SE.po
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
"Make %2$s writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Inaktivera"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""
@@ -535,1629 +484,1107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licens"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Ladda upp fil och importera inställningar"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Inställningar sparade."
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
+msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
+msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
+msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
+msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
-msgid "Learn more."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
-msgid "Database optimization process is running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Verktyg"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Alla språk"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Rensa det här inlägget"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Rensa webbadressen"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Förladda cache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentation"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s klart"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Ange URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "Innan du kan ladda upp din importfil, måste du åtgärda följande fel:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Byt domänens värdnamn med:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "reserverad för"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Alla filer"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Ange CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Titta på videon"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
@@ -2201,139 +1628,117 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Din licens är inte giltig."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Denna webbplats är inte tillåten."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2358,218 +1763,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
@@ -2577,198 +1793,150 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "På"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Av"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr ""
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2795,35 +1963,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2836,113 +1998,1561 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "version %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-tr_TR.mo b/languages/rocket-tr_TR.mo
index 6c709356e8..3b78fbefe8 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-tr_TR.mo and b/languages/rocket-tr_TR.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-tr_TR.po b/languages/rocket-tr_TR.po
index 1b3b4024eb..b8256c0ab7 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-tr_TR.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-tr_TR.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.13.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-12 13:56-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-17 09:09-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: BouRock, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (Turkey) (https://app.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/tr_TR/)\n"
@@ -56,15 +56,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr "Cloudflare hiçbir yanıt vermedi. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:135
+msgid "Cloudflare unexpected response"
+msgstr "Cloudflare beklenmedik yanıtı"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:143
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare result."
+msgstr "Eksik Cloudflare sonucu."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:194 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr "Yanlış Cloudflare e-posta adresi veya API anahtarı."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:198
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:212
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:75
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:108
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
@@ -73,11 +81,11 @@ msgstr "Yanlış Cloudflare e-posta adresi veya API anahtarı."
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "İleriki rehberlik için %1$sbelgeleri%2$s okuyun."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:214
#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:77
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:110 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
@@ -88,7 +96,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:208 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Yanlış Cloudflare Bölge Kimliği."
@@ -101,102 +109,102 @@ msgstr ""
"Cloudflare e-posta adresi ve/veya API anahtarı ayarlı değil. Daha fazla "
"rehberlik için %1$sbelgeleri%2$s okuyun."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:71 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Eksik Cloudflare Bölge Kimliği."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:104 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr "Etki alanınız Cloudflare’de ayarlanmamış gibi görünüyor."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:200
msgid "days"
msgstr "gün"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:203
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "saniye"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "dakika"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:207
msgid "hours"
msgstr "saat"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:232
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:250
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare önbelleği başarılı olarak temizlendi."
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:311
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare geliştirme kipi hatası: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:318
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare geliştirme kipi %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:337
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare önbellek seviyesi hatası: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:344
msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
msgid "standard"
msgstr "standart"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare önbellek seviyesi %s olarak ayarlandı"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:368
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare küçültme hatası: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:375
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare küçültme %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:393
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket yükleyici hatası: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:400
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket yükleyici %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:418
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare tarayıcı önbelleği hatası: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:425
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare tarayıcı önbelleği %s olarak ayarlandı"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:536
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare için en uygun ayarlar aktif edildi:"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:545
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to "
@@ -205,17 +213,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare için en uygun ayarlar devre dışı bırakıldı, "
"önceki ayarlara geri döndürüldü:"
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632 inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:661 inc/admin/options.php:184
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
msgid "WP Rocket: "
msgstr "WP Rocket: "
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Sucuri önbellek temizleme hatası: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:101
msgid ""
"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
"for it to be fully flushed."
@@ -223,34 +231,34 @@ msgstr ""
"Sucuri önbelleği temizlenmekte. Tamamen temizlenmesinin iki dakika kadar "
"sürebileceğini unutmayın."
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:218
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Sucuri güvenlik duvarı API anahtarı bulunamadı."
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:231
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Sucuri güvenlik duvarı API anahtarı geçersiz."
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:286
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
"Sucuri güvenlik duvarı API’si ile iletişime geçerken hata oldu. Hata "
"iletisi: %s"
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:301
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Sucuri güvenlik duvarı API’sinden bir yanıt alınamadı."
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:316
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Sucuri güvenlik duvarı API’sinden geçersiz bir yanıt alındı."
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:330
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "Sucuri güvenlik duvarı API’si bilinmeyen bir hata döndürdü."
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -1482,7 +1490,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "CDN’den hariç tutulan dosyalar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1648
msgid ""
"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
@@ -1496,28 +1504,28 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%1$s%2$l Eklentileri%3$s şu anda etkinleştirildi. CDN ayarlarının "
"yapılandırması, sitenizde çalışması amacıyla %2$l için gerekmez."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1673
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "İçerik Dağıtım Ağını (CDN) etkinleştir"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1682
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(ler)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Aşağıda CNAME(leri) belirtin"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1690
msgid ""
"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
"CDN aracılığıyla sunulmaması gereken dosyaların URL(lerini)sini belirtin "
"(her satıra bir tane)."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1691
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
@@ -1527,16 +1535,16 @@ msgstr ""
" yolda bulunan verilen bir dosya türünün tüm dosyalarını hariç tutmak için "
"(.*) joker karakterlerini kullanın."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1722
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Kalp Atışı"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "WordPress Kalp Atışı API’sini denetleyin"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid ""
"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
"your server’s resources."
@@ -1544,11 +1552,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Kalp Atışı API’si etkinliğini azaltmak veya etkisizleştirmek, sunucunuzun "
"kaynaklarının bazılarını kurtarmasına yardımcı olabilir."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1729
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Kalp Atışı etkinliğini azaltma veya etkisizleştirme"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
"to one hit every 2 minutes."
@@ -1556,55 +1564,55 @@ msgstr ""
"Etkinliği azaltmak Kalp Atışı sıklığını, her dakikada bir vuruştan her 2 "
"dakikada bir vuruşa değiştirecektir."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
"Kalp Atışı’nın tamamen etkisizleştirilmesi bu API’yi kullanan eklentileri ve"
" temaları bozabilir."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Sınırlandırma"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1745
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Etkinliği azalt"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1746
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Etkisizleştir"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Kalp Atışı’nı denetle"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Arka uçtaki davranış"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Yazı düzenleyicideki davranış"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1776
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Ön uçtaki davranış"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1793
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Eklentiler"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1794
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Daha fazla özellik ekleyin"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1801
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Tek Tık Rocket Eklentileri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1802
msgid ""
"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
@@ -1613,25 +1621,25 @@ msgstr ""
"özelliklerdir. Etkinleştirmek için seçeneği bu ekrandan \"açık\" olarak "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Eklentileri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1813
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
"Rocket Eklentileri mevcut seçenekleri genişleten tamamlayıcı özelliklerdir."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1992
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1829
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Bu eklenti ile Cloudflare hesabınızı bütünleştirin."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1830
msgid ""
"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
@@ -1641,7 +1649,7 @@ msgstr ""
"etkinleştirmek gibi seçenekleri kullanmak için hesap e-postanızı, genel API "
"anahtarını ve etki alanını sağlar."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1833
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just "
@@ -1652,16 +1660,16 @@ msgstr ""
"planlıyorsunuz?%2$s Sadece resmi Cloudflare eklentisini aktif edin ve "
"yapılandırın. WP Rocket uyumluluğu otomatik olarak etkinleştirecektir."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1887
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
"Varnish sunucunuzda çalışıyorsa, bu eklentiyi aktif etmek zorundasınız."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1889
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
@@ -1671,15 +1679,15 @@ msgstr ""
"zaman güncel olmasını sağlamak için temizlenecektir.
%1$sDaha fazla bilgi"
" edinin%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "WebP Uyumluluğu"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1930
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "WebP resimleri için tarayıcı uyumluluğunu iyileştirin."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1934
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
@@ -1692,11 +1700,11 @@ msgstr ""
"oluşturamayacağını lütfen unutmayın. WebP resimleri oluşturmak için "
"%1$sImagify%2$s öneriyoruz. %3$sDaha fazla bilgi%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1954
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "WP Rocket’in önbelleği temizlendiğinde Sucuri önbelleğini temizler."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1957
msgid ""
"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
@@ -1704,48 +1712,48 @@ msgstr ""
"WP Rocket’in önbelleği temizlendiğinde Sucuri önbelleğini temizlemek için "
"API anahtarınızı verin."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2109
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1971
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Bu eklenti ile Sucuri önbelleğini eşitleyin."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2009
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare kimlik bilgileri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2018
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare ayarları"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2032
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Genel API anahtarı"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2033
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "API anahtarınızı bulun"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2045
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Hesap e-postası"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2054
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Bölge Kimliği - Zone ID"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2064
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Geliştirme kipi"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2066
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
@@ -1754,11 +1762,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Web sitenizde geçici olarak geliştirme kipini aktif edin. Bu ayar otomatik "
"olarak 3 saat sonra kapanacak. %1$sDaha fazla bilgi edinin%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2074
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "En uygun ayarlar"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2075
msgid ""
"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
"grade and compatibility."
@@ -1766,11 +1774,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Hız, performans puanı ve uyumluluk için Cloudflare yapılandırmanızı otomatik"
" olarak iyileştirir."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2083
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Göreli protokol"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2084
msgid ""
"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
@@ -1780,11 +1788,11 @@ msgstr ""
"dosyaların (CSS, JS, resimler) URL’leri, http:// veya https:// yerine // "
"kullanmak için yeniden yazılacaktır."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2122
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri kimlik bilgileri"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2135
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid ""
"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
@@ -1793,7 +1801,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Güvenlik Duvarı API anahtarı (eklenti için), {32 karakter}/{32 karakter} "
"biçiminde olmak zorundadır:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2136
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "API anahtarınızı bulun"
@@ -2444,7 +2452,7 @@ msgstr "Şimdi yükselt"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Bu bildirimi anımsatma"
@@ -2623,7 +2631,7 @@ msgstr "JavaScript’i Geciktir Yürütmesi Hariç Tutma Listeleri"
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "Kullanılan CSS’yi Temizle"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:224
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
@@ -2632,7 +2640,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: Lütfen %2$s saniye bekleyin. Kullanılmayan CSS’yi Kaldır hizmeti "
"sayfalarınızı işliyor."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:274
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
@@ -2641,20 +2649,20 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: Ana sayfanızın Kullanılan CSS’si işlendi. WP Rocket, her %3$s saniyede"
" %2$s URL’ye kadar Kullanılan CSS oluşturmaya devam edecek."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
msgstr ""
"En hızlı sonuçlar için %1$sÖnyükleme%2$s’nin etkinleştirilmesini öneririz."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:293
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
msgstr ""
"İşlem hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için %1$sbelgelerimizi%2$s gözden "
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:491
msgid ""
"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of "
"WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature "
@@ -2665,33 +2673,55 @@ msgstr ""
"sitenizin performansını daha da iyileştirmek için aktif bir lisansa "
"ihtiyacınız var."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:494
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
msgstr "%1$s indirimle WP Rocket tekli lisansı almak için burayı tıklayın!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:547
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"It seems a security plugin or the server's firewall prevents WP Rocket from "
+"accessing the Remove Unused CSS generator. IPs listed %1$shere in our "
+"documentation%2$s should be added to your allowlists:"
+msgstr ""
+"Görünüşe göre bir güvenlik eklentisi veya sunucunun güvenlik duvarı, WP "
+"Rocket’in Kullanılmayan CSS’yi Kaldır oluşturucusuna erişmesini engelliyor. "
+"%1$sBurada belgelerimizde%2$s listelenen IP’ler, izinli listelerinize "
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:552
+msgid "- In the security plugin, if you are using one"
+msgstr "- Güvenlik eklentisinde, eğer bir eklenti kullanıyorsanız"
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:553
+msgid "- In the server's firewall. Your host can help you with this"
+msgstr ""
+"- Sunucunun güvenlik duvarında. Barındırıcınız bu konuda size yardımcı "
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:593
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
-"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our "
+"%1$s: Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for"
+" the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to %3$sour "
msgstr ""
-"Kullanılmayan CSS'yi Kaldır özelliğinin çalışması için gerekli olan %2$s "
-"tablosu veritabanında oluşturulamadı. Lütfen destek "
-"birimimize ulaşın."
+"%1$s: Kullanılmayan CSS'yi Kaldır özelliğinin çalışması için gerekli olan "
+"%2$s tablosu veritabanında oluşturulamadı. Lütfen %3$sdestek birimimize%4$s "
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:324
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: Kullanılan CSS seçeneği etkinleştirilmedi!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:345
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: Kullanılan CSS önbelleği temizlendi!"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:787
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "Bu URL’nin Kullanılan CSS’sini Temizle"
@@ -2715,8 +2745,8 @@ msgstr ""
"yapılandırması ile ilgili birşey yanlış gitmiş olabilir. Eğer sorunlar "
"yaşamaya devam ederseniz, destekle iletişime geçin."
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:483
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:497
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
@@ -2724,7 +2754,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s Güncellemesi Geri Alma"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:520 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2771,7 +2801,7 @@ msgstr ""
"dosyalarının eksik olduğu görülüyor. Lütfen bu sorunu çözmek için "
"%1$sMyKinsta%2$s hesabınız aracılığıyla Kinsta desteği ile temasa geçin."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:126
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of "
@@ -2781,7 +2811,7 @@ msgstr ""
"CSS Dosyalarını Birleştir’in özellikleriyle uyumlu değil. "
"Etkisizleştirmenizi şiddetle öneririz."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:169
msgid ""
"Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled "
"Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is "
@@ -2791,7 +2821,7 @@ msgstr ""
"otomatik temizlemeyi etkinleştirdik. Eğer APO’nuzu aktif ettiyseniz, o da "
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:170
msgid ""
"Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to "
"ensure content is always up-to-date."
@@ -2799,7 +2829,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Cloudflare önbelleği, WP Rocket önbelleğini her temizlediğinde içeriğin her "
"zaman güncel olmasını sağlamak için temizlenecektir."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:214
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO "
@@ -2808,7 +2838,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s \"Değişken Tanımlama Bilgileri Önbelleği\"ni "
"kullanıyorsunuz. Cloudflare APO henüz bu özellikle uyumlu değil."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:220
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin "
@@ -2820,7 +2850,7 @@ msgstr ""
"geliştiricilerinin kullanımını gerektiren temayı/eklentiyi "
"işaretlemelisiniz. %1$sDaha fazla bilgi%2$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:271
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile "
@@ -2832,7 +2862,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\"Cihaz Türüne Göre Önbellekle\" %3$sayarını%5$s aktif etmeniz "
"gerek.%4$sDaha fazla bilgi%5$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:292
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare "
@@ -2864,7 +2894,7 @@ msgid ""
"Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
msgstr ""
"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sAutoptimize’ın JavaScript Toplama özelliğinin "
-"etkinleştirildiğini tespit ettik. WP Rocket’ın JavaScript’i Geciktir "
+"etkinleştirildiğini tespit ettik. WP Rocket’in JavaScript’i Geciktir "
"Yürütmesi, oluşturduğu dosyaya uygulanmayacaktır. JavaScript’i Geciktir "
"Yürütmesi’nden tam olarak yararlanmak için %1$sJavaScript Toplama%2$s "
"özelliğinin etkisizleştirilmesini öneririz."
@@ -2878,7 +2908,7 @@ msgid ""
"advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
msgstr ""
"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sAutoptimize’ın Satır İçi CSS Topla özelliğinin "
-"etkinleştirildiğini tespit ettik. WP Rocket’ın CSS’yi Eşzamanlı Olmadan "
+"etkinleştirildiğini tespit ettik. WP Rocket’in CSS’yi Eşzamanlı Olmadan "
"Yükle özelliği düzgün olarak çalışmayacaktır. CSS’yi Eşzamanlı Olmadan Yükle"
" Yürütmesi’nden tam olarak yararlanmak için %1$sSatır İçi CSS Topla%2$s "
"özelliğinin etkisizleştirilmesini öneririz."
@@ -3062,7 +3092,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Aşağıdaki desenler geçersizdir ve kaldırıldı:"
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
@@ -3132,7 +3162,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: Bir ya da daha fazla eklenti etkinleştirildi veya "
"etkisizleştirildi, sitenizin ön ucunu etkilerse önbelleği temizleyin."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:221
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
@@ -3141,11 +3171,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: Aşağıdaki eklentiler bu eklenti ile uyumlu değil ve "
"beklenmeyen sonuçlara neden olabilir:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:227
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Devre Dışı Bırak"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:269
msgid ""
"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
@@ -3154,7 +3184,7 @@ msgstr ""
"seçeneklerin doğru olarak çalışmasını önler. Eğer sorunlar yaşarsanız lütfen"
" devre dşı bırakın."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:309
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
@@ -3166,7 +3196,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Genel%2$s sayfasında Endurance Önbelleğinin önbellek seviyesini Kapalı "
"(Seviye 0) olarak ayarlayın."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:330
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
@@ -3175,20 +3205,20 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s: Özel bir kalıcı bağlantı yapısı eklentinin düzgün bir şekilde "
"çalışması için gereklidir. %2$sKalıcı bağlantılar ayarlarına gidin%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:377
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
"Eksik yazma izinlerinden dolayı %s .htaccess dosyasını yapılandıramadı."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:383 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr ""
"Sorun giderme: %1$sSistem dosyalarını nasıl yazılabilir yaparsınız%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
msgid ""
@@ -3196,7 +3226,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:391
msgid ""
"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
@@ -3204,7 +3234,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Endişelenmeyin, WP Rocket’in sayfa önbelleklemesi ve ayarları hala düzgün "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:391
msgid ""
"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
"recommended (not required):"
@@ -3212,7 +3242,7 @@ msgstr ""
"En iyi performans için .htaccess dosyanıza aşağıdaki satırları eklemeniz "
"önerilir (gerekli değil):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:538
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
@@ -3221,7 +3251,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s gitmeye hazır! %2$sYükleme sürenizi deneyin%4$s, ya da "
"%3$sayarlarınızı%4$s ziyaret edin."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:579
msgid ""
"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
" website?"
@@ -3229,16 +3259,16 @@ msgstr ""
"WP Rocket’in hassas olmayan tanılama verilerini bu web sitesinden "
"toplamasına izin verir misiniz?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:580
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr ""
"Bu bize gelecekte WP Rocket’i sizin için iyileştirmemize yardımcı olacak."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:586
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Ne tür bilgi toplayacağız?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:591
msgid ""
"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
@@ -3250,68 +3280,68 @@ msgstr ""
"e-posta adresini (lisans doğrulaması hariç), IP adresini ya da üçüncü taraf "
"API anahtarını iletmez."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Evet, izin ver"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:603
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Hayır, teşekkürler"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:642
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Teşekkür ederiz!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:647
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket web sitenizden şimdi şu ölçümleri toplar:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Önbellek temizlendi."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:692
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Yazı önbelleği temizlendi."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:699
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Terim önbelleği temizlendi."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:706
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Kullanıcı önbelleği temizlendi."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:754
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Önyüklemeyi durdur"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:760
msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "Kullanılmayan CSS’yi Kaldır’ı Aç"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:766
msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
msgstr "“Mobil Cihazlar İçin Önbellek Dosyalarını Ayır”ı şimdi etkinleştir"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:784
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Devre dışı bırakmaya zorla"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:803
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Aşağıdaki kod bu dosyaya yazılmalıdır:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:834
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "Eksik yazma izinlerinden dolayı %s kendini yapılandıramıyor."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Etkilenen dosya/klasör: %s"
@@ -4025,6 +4055,18 @@ msgstr "İptal"
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Onayla"
+#: views/plugins/update-renewal-expired-notice.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" %1$sWP Rocket %2$s%3$s is available. %4$sLearn more%5$s about the updates "
+"and enhancements of this major version. You need an active license to use "
+"them on your website, don’t miss out! %6$sRenew Now%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+" %1$sWP Roket %2$s%3$s kullanılabilir. Bu ana sürümün güncellemeleri ve "
+"geliştirmeleri hakkında %4$sdaha fazla bilgi edinin%5$s. Bunları web "
+"sitenizde kullanmak için aktif bir lisansa ihtiyacınız var, kaçırmayın! "
+"%6$sŞimdi Yenile%5$s"
#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
msgstr "Dahil Etme ve Hariç Tutma Listelerini güncelleyin"
diff --git a/languages/rocket-uk.mo b/languages/rocket-uk.mo
index f8fa3b2cbd..569b4c41eb 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-uk.mo and b/languages/rocket-uk.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-uk.po b/languages/rocket-uk.po
index b428b652a0..4656798743 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-uk.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-uk.po
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
@@ -339,261 +314,181 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s не може бути відключено через помилку прав запису.
"Дозвольте запис в %2$s і повторіть спробу, або відключіть насильно:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Один або кілька плагінів були відключені або видалені. "
-"Очистіть кеш, щоб стерти їх залишки."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Один або кілька плагінів були відключені або видалені. Очистіть кеш, щоб стерти їх залишки."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:178
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Додаток Cloudflare у WP Rocket забезпечує той самий функціонал. Їх не може "
-"бути активовано одночасно."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Наступні плагіни несумісні з цим плагіном і можуть "
-"призвести до несподіваних результатів:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Наступні плагіни несумісні з цим плагіном і можуть призвести до несподіваних результатів:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:208
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Вимкнути"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:248
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS не є офіційним доповненням. Це запобігає правильній "
-"роботі деяких опцій WP Rocket. Вимкніть його, якщо у вас виникли проблеми."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS не є офіційним доповненням. Це запобігає правильній роботі деяких опцій WP Rocket. Вимкніть його, якщо у вас виникли проблеми."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:288
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Зараз активовано Endurance Cache, це викличе конфлікти з WP Rocket Cache. "
-"Щоб цьому запобігти, будь ласка, переключіть Endurance Cache на Off (Level "
-"0) на сторінці %1$sSettings > General%2$s. "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Зараз активовано Endurance Cache, це викличе конфлікти з WP Rocket Cache. Щоб цьому запобігти, будь ласка, переключіть Endurance Cache на Off (Level 0) на сторінці %1$sSettings > General%2$s. "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:309
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Для нормальної роботи плагіна потрібна власна структура постійних "
-"посилань. %2$sПерейдіть до налаштувань permalinks%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Для нормальної роботи плагіна потрібна власна структура постійних посилань. %2$sПерейдіть до налаштувань permalinks%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:443
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s не вдалося внести зміни до файлу .htaccess через відсутність прав запису."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s не вдалося внести зміни до файлу .htaccess через відсутність прав запису."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:449 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1067
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Виправлення неполадок:%1$sЯк зробити системні файли для запису%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:451 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1069
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:457
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Не хвилюйтеся, кешування сторінок та налаштування WP Rocket будуть і надалі "
-"працювати коректно."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Не хвилюйтеся, кешування сторінок та налаштування WP Rocket будуть і надалі працювати коректно."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:457
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Для покращення роботи, ми рекомендуємо (це не вимагається) додати наступні "
-"рядки до .htaccess:"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Для покращення роботи, ми рекомендуємо (це не вимагається) додати наступні рядки до .htaccess:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:598
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s працює відмінно! %2$sПеревірте швидкість завантаження%4$s, або "
-"перейдіть в %3$sнастройки%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s працює відмінно! %2$sПеревірте швидкість завантаження%4$s, або перейдіть в %3$sнастройки%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Чи дозволили б WP Rocket збирати нечутливі діагностичні дані з цього сайту?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Чи дозволили б WP Rocket збирати нечутливі діагностичні дані з цього сайту?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:747
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Це допоможе нам у майбутньому поліпшити роботу WP Rocket."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:753
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Яку інформацію ми збираємо?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:758
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Нижче наведено детальний перегляд всіх даних, які WP Rocket збиратиме, якщо "
-"надано дозвіл. WP Rocket ніколи не передаватиме будь-які доменні імена або "
-"адреси електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або сторонні "
-"ключі API."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Нижче наведено детальний перегляд всіх даних, які WP Rocket збиратиме, якщо надано дозвіл. WP Rocket ніколи не передаватиме будь-які доменні імена або адреси електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або сторонні ключі API."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:767
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Так, дозволити"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:770
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Ні, дякую"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:807
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Дякую!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:812
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "Зараз WP Rocket збирає такі дані з вашого веб-сайту:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кеш очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:855
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кеш записів очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:862
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Term кеш очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:869
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кеш користувачів очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:945
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Нижчезазначене заплановане завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:954
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Нижчезазначене заплановане завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[3] "Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з вашим хостером, щоб перевірити, чи працює CRON."
+msgstr "Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з вашим хостером, щоб перевірити, чи працює CRON."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:993
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Зупинити попереднє завантаження"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1011
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Примусова деактивація "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1024
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Наступний код повинен був бути написаний у цьому файлі:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Пропустити це сповіщення."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1055
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%sне можна налаштувати автоматично через відсутність дозволів на запис."
+msgstr "%sне можна налаштувати автоматично через відсутність дозволів на запис."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1061
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Проблемний файл/папка: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1350
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Редакції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1360
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Авто чернетки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Видалені записи"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1380
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Спам коментарі"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1390
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Видалені коментарі"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1400
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Прострочені тимчасові дані"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Транзакції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Таблиці"
@@ -601,791 +496,455 @@ msgstr "Таблиці"
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr "Файл налагодження неможливо видалити."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Зберегти Зміни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Validate License"
msgstr "Перевірити Ліцензію"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:214
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Невідомо"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:328
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:73
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Ліцензія"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:345
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "Ключ API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Електронна пошта"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Майстерня"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:390
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Довідка, інфо про аккаунт"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:399
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Мій статус"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409 views/settings/page.php:72
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Rocket тестер"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:410
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "Я є частиною програми тестування WP Rocket Beta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:418 views/settings/page.php:90
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket аналітика"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:420
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Я згоден поділитися анонімними даними з командою розробників, для поліпшення"
-" WP Rocket. %1$sЯку інформацію ми збираємо?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Я згоден поділитися анонімними даними з командою розробників, для поліпшення WP Rocket. %1$sЯку інформацію ми збираємо?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Основні опції кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Мобільний кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Прискорити свій сайт для мобільних відвідувачів."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Ми виявили, що ви використовуєте плагін, для якого потрібен окремий кеш для "
-"мобільних пристроїв, і автоматично включений цей параметр для сумісності."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+msgstr "Ми виявили, що ви використовуєте плагін, для якого потрібен окремий кеш для мобільних пристроїв, і автоматично включений цей параметр для сумісності."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Кеш користувача"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sКеш користувачів%2$s корисний, коли зміст сайту для користувачів "
-"відрізняється від гостьового."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
+msgstr "%1$sКеш користувачів%2$s корисний, коли зміст сайту для користувачів відрізняється від гостьового."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Термін дії кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Закешовані файли, які старіші за Термін дії кешу, буде видалено.
-" %1$sПрелоадінг%2$s, щоб кеш створювався заново автоматично після того, як "
-"закінчиться термін його дії."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Закешовані файли, які старіші за Термін дії кешу, буде видалено.
Включіть %1$sПрелоадінг%2$s, щоб кеш створювався заново автоматично після того, як закінчиться термін його дії."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Увімкніть кешування для зареєстрованих користувачів WordPress"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Увімкнути кешування для мобільних пристроїв"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Окремі файли кешу для мобільних пристроїв"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Більшість сучасних тем є адаптивними і повинні працювати без окремого кешу. "
-"Активуйте це тільки, якщо ви використовуєте окрему тему або плагін для "
-"мобільних пристроїв. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Більшість сучасних тем є адаптивними і повинні працювати без окремого кешу. Активуйте це тільки, якщо ви використовуєте окрему тему або плагін для мобільних пристроїв. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть час, після якого глобальний кеш буде очищено
(0 = необмежений)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Вкажіть час, після якого глобальний кеш буде очищено
(0 = необмежений)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Скоротіть термін служби до 10 годин або менше, якщо ви помітите, що на сайті"
-" періодично виникають проблеми. %1$sЧому?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Скоротіть термін служби до 10 годин або менше, якщо ви помітите, що на сайті періодично виникають проблеми. %1$sЧому?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Хвилини"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Години"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Дні"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимізація файлів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:573
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Оптимізуйте CSS & JS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:580
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Основні опції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:587
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:597
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:607
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Minification зараз активовано в режимі Autoptimize. "
-"Якщо ви хочете використовувати %2$s minification, вимкніть ці параметри у "
-"параметрі Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s Minification зараз активовано в режимі Autoptimize. Якщо ви хочете використовувати %2$s minification, вимкніть ці параметри у параметрі Autoptimize."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS Файли"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:600
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Файли JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:620
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr "Зменшення HTML вилучає пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "Об'єднати файли шрифтів Google"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:632
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Об'єднання шрифтів Google зменшить кількість запитів HTTP."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:640
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "Видалити рядки запиту зі статичних ресурсів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:642
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Видаляє рядок запиту версії зі статичних файлів (style.css?ver=1.0) і кодує "
-"його у назву файлу (наприклад, style-1.0.css). Покращує показник GTMetrix. "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Зменшення CSS файли"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:651
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшення CSS видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
+msgstr "Зменшення CSS видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Це може зламати речі!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви помітили помилки на своєму веб-сайті після активації цього "
-"налаштування, просто деактивуйте його знову, і ваш сайт повернеться до "
-"нормального стану."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Якщо ви помітили помилки на своєму веб-сайті після активації цього налаштування, просто деактивуйте його знову, і ваш сайт повернеться до нормального стану."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:666
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Активувати мінімізацію CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати файли CSS (увімкнути мінімізацію файлів CSS для вибору)"
+msgstr "Об'єднати файли CSS (увімкнути мінімізацію файлів CSS для вибору)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:673
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати CSS об'єднує всі ваші файли в 1, зменшуючи HTTP-запити. Не "
-"рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP/2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Об'єднати CSS об'єднує всі ваші файли в 1, зменшуючи HTTP-запити. Не рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP/2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:688
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Активувати об`єднати CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси CSS-файлів, які потрібно виключити з мінімізації та "
-"об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:695
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. "
-"*). css, щоб виключити всі файли CSS, розташовані на певному шляху."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси CSS-файлів, які потрібно виключити з мінімізації та об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Оптимізуйте доставку CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:715
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимізація завантаження CSS зараз виконується плагіном %1$s. Якщо ви "
-"хочете використовувати цю функцію WP Rocket, деактивуйте плагін%1$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:717
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимізація доставки CSS усуває CSS-блокування на вашому веб-сайті для "
-"швидшого сприйняття часу завантаження. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:728
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Резервний критичний CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:733
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Забезпечує запасний варіант, якщо автоматично створений критичний шлях CSS є"
-" неповним. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Забезпечує запасний варіант, якщо автоматично створений критичний шлях CSS є неповним. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Зменшити файли JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:743
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшити JavaScript видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Зменшити JavaScript видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:758
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Активувати стиснення JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:763
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати файли JavaScript (Увімкнути Мінімізацію файлів JavaScript для "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Об'єднати файли JavaScript (Увімкнути Мінімізацію файлів JavaScript для вибору)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати файли JavaScript поєднує внутрішні, треті сторони та вбудовані JS,"
-" що знижують HTTP-запити. Не рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP"
-" / 2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Об'єднати файли JavaScript поєднує внутрішні, треті сторони та вбудовані JS, що знижують HTTP-запити. Не рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP / 2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Активувати об`єднати JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть шаблони вбудованого JavaScript, які будуть виключені з об'єднання "
-"(по одному на рядок). %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Вкажіть шаблони вбудованого JavaScript, які будуть виключені з об'єднання (по одному на рядок). %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів JavaScript, які потрібно виключити зі зменшення та"
-" об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів JavaScript, які потрібно виключити зі зменшення та об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:805
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Примітка: Доменне ім'я буде видалено автоматично. "
-"Використовуйте маску (.*).js для виключення всіх JS файлів в заданому шляху."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Примітка: Доменне ім'я буде видалено автоматично. Використовуйте маску (.*).js для виключення всіх JS файлів в заданому шляху."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Сторонні модулі: Використовуйте повний шлях або доменне "
-"ім'я щоб виключити зовнішні JS. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Сторонні модулі: Використовуйте повний шлях або доменне ім'я щоб виключити зовнішні JS. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Відкладене завантаження JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:825
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Відкладене завантаження JavaScript усуває можливість блокування JS на вашому"
-" сайті та покращує час завантаження. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Безпечний режим для jQuery (рекомендовано)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:837
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"Безпечний режим для jQuery для відкладеного JS забезпечує підтримку "
-"вбудованих посилань jQuery з тем і плагінів, завантажуючи jQuery у верхній "
-"частині документа як скрипт, що блокує візуалізацію.
Вимкнення може "
-"призвести до порушення функціональності, ретельної перевірки!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Відкладене завантаження JavaScript усуває можливість блокування JS на вашому сайті та покращує час завантаження. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Медіафайли"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:870
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:876
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:893
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:896
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Вона може покращити фактичний і сприйнятий час завантаження - зображення, "
-"фрейми, та відео буде завантажено лише після того, як вони ввійдуть до вікна"
-" перегляду та скоротять кількість запитів HTTP. %1$sБільше інформації %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:903
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use"
-" %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Lazyload зараз активовано в %2$s. Якщо ви хочете "
-"використовувати Lazyload в %1$s, деактивуйте цю функцію в%2$s."
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Вона може покращити фактичний і сприйнятий час завантаження - зображення, фрейми, та відео буде завантажено лише після того, як вони ввійдуть до вікна перегляду та скоротять кількість запитів HTTP. %1$sБільше інформації %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:906
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoji 👻"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:908
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Використовуйте типову емодзiгу браузера відвідувача, а не завантажувати "
-"емодзiти з WordPress.org"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:912
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Вставки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:914
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Відключає вбудовування матеріалів з вашого сайту, а також чужих матеріалів "
-"на вашому сайті (крім білого списку), прибирає пов'язані JavaScript запити "
-"до сайту WordPress"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:918
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "WebP сумісність"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:922
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Активуйте цю опцію, якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket виводив зображення WebP у "
-"браузерах, які підтримують цей формат. Зверніть увагу, що WP Rocket не може "
-"створити WebP зображення для вас. Для їх безпосереднього створення ми "
-"рекомендуємо %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sБільше інформації%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Активуйте цю опцію, якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket виводив зображення WebP у браузерах, які підтримують цей формат. Зверніть увагу, що WP Rocket не може створити WebP зображення для вас. Для їх безпосереднього створення ми рекомендуємо %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sБільше інформації%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:950
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Увімкнути для зображень"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:961
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-"Lazyload зображень зараз активовано в Avada. Якщо ви хочете використовувати "
-"LazyLoad від WP Rocket, деактивуйте цю функцію в Avada."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:969
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Увімкнути iframes і відео"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:984
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Замініть YouTube iframe попереднім зображенням"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:985
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Це може значно поліпшити час завантаження, якщо на сторінці є багато відео "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:997
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Вимкнути Emoji"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:998
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Вимкнути Emoji зменшить кількість зовнішніх HTTP-запитів."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1006
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Вимкнути вставлення WordPress"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1016
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:360
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Увімкнути кешування WebP"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Це може значно поліпшити час завантаження, якщо на сторінці є багато відео YouTube."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1039
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1049
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Презавантаження"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1040
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr "Створення файлів кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1052
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"При включенні попереднього завантаження WP Rocket генеруватиме кеш, "
-"починаючи з посилань на вашій домашній сторінці, за якими слідують вказані "
-"вами мапи сайту. Попереднє завантаження автоматично спрацьовує під час "
-"додавання або оновлення вмісту, а також може бути запущено вручну з панелі "
-"адміністрування або з панелі%1$sWP Rocket Dashboard%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Оптимізація DNS запитів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1062
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня вибірка DNS може прискорювати завантаження зовнішніх файлів, "
-"особливо в мобільних мережах"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Попередня вибірка DNS може прискорювати завантаження зовнішніх файлів, особливо в мобільних мережах"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1076
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Активувати Презавантаження"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1095
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Активуйте попереднє завантаження кешу на базі карти сайту"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1114
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Карти сайту для предзагрузки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть файл Sitemap XML, який буде використовуватися для попереднього "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL для кешування"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1129
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть зовнішні вузли, які потрібно попередньо завантажувати (не "
один на рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть зовнішні вузли, які потрібно попередньо завантажувати (не http:
один на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Розширені правила"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1153
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Розширені кеш правила"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1162
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Чутливі сторінки, такі як користувацькі URL-адреси для входу/виходу, повинні"
-" бути виключені з кешу."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Чутливі сторінки, такі як користувацькі URL-адреси для входу/виходу, повинні бути виключені з кешу."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1165
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1167
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1169
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1171
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1173
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Магазин"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1179
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Кошик, оформлення замовлення і кабінет покупця встановлюються в "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s визначаються автоматично, їх вказувати не "
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Кошик, оформлення замовлення і кабінет покупця встановлюються в %1$s%2$s%3$s визначаються автоматично, їх вказувати не потрібно."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1200
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Ніколи не кешувати файли cookie"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1219
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Строки запиту кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1222
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sCache для запитів%2$s дозволяє примусово кешувати певні параметри GET."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1236
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси сторінок або публікацій, які ніколи не повинні кешуватися"
-" (по одному на рядок)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sCache для запитів%2$s дозволяє примусово кешувати певні параметри GET."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1237
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1265
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. "
-"*) Для адреси декількох URL-адрес у заданому шляху."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси сторінок або публікацій, які ніколи не повинні кешуватися (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1246
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть ідентифікатори файлів cookie, які, коли встановлюються у веб-"
-"переглядачі відвідувача, повинні запобігати кешуванню сторінки (по одному на"
-" рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. *) Для адреси декількох URL-адрес у заданому шляху."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1254
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть рядки агента користувача, які ніколи не повинні бачити кешовані "
-"сторінки (по одному на рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть рядки агента користувача, які ніколи не повинні бачити кешовані сторінки (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1255
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Використовуйте символи (. *) Для виявлення частин рядків UA."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1264
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси, які завжди потрібно очищати від кешу, коли ви оновлюєте "
-"будь-яку публікацію або сторінку (по одному на рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси, які завжди потрібно очищати від кешу, коли ви оновлюєте будь-яку публікацію або сторінку (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1273
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Вкажіть рядки запитів для кешування (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База даних"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1302
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Оптимізуйте, зменшіть розмір"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка записів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1313
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Перевірки публікації та чернетки видаляються назавжди. Не використовуйте цей"
-" параметр, якщо потрібно зберегти зміни або чернетки."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Перевірки публікації та чернетки видаляються назавжди. Не використовуйте цей параметр, якщо потрібно зберегти зміни або чернетки."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Очищення коментарів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1323
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Спам та видалені коментарі буде видалено назавжди."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1327
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Очищення транзакцій"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Транзакції це тимчасові налаштування, їх можна смело удалять. Вони будуть "
-"створені автоматично, якщо потребуються плагину."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Транзакції це тимчасові налаштування, їх можна смело удалять. Вони будуть створені автоматично, якщо потребуються плагину."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1333
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Очищення бази даних"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1335
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Зменшує накладні витрати на таблиці бази даних"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Авто очистка"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1352
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1394,7 +953,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s ревізій у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[2] "%s ревізій у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s ревізій у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1362
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1403,7 +962,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s чернеток у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[2] "%s чернеток у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s чернеток у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1412,7 +971,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s видалених записів у вашій базі дани
msgstr[2] "%s видалених записів у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s видалених записів у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1382
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1421,7 +980,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s спамних коментарів у вашій базі дан
msgstr[2] "%s спамних коментарів у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s спамних коментарів у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1430,20 +989,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s видалених коментарів у вашій базі д
msgstr[2] "%s видалених коментарів у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s видалених коментарів у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1402
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасові дані, строк дії яких закінчився."
-msgstr[1] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних, строк дії яких закінчився."
-msgstr[2] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних, строк дії яких закінчився."
-msgstr[3] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних, строк дії яких закінчився."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1410
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Всі перехідні"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1412
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1452,11 +1002,11 @@ msgstr[1] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних.
msgstr[2] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних."
msgstr[3] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1420
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Оптимізувати таблиці"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1465,386 +1015,255 @@ msgstr[1] "%s таблиць, які можна оптимізувати, у в
msgstr[2] "%s таблиць, які можна оптимізувати, у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s таблиць, які можна оптимізувати, у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1433
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Розклад автоматичного очищення"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1445
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Частота"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1453
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Щоденно"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Щотижня"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Щомісяця"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1475
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Інтегруйте свій CDN"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1487
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Всі URL(и) статичних файлів (CSS, JS, images) будуть переписані на надані "
-"вами CNAME-адреси."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1489
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Не потрібен для таких послуг, як Cloudflare і Sucuri. Перегляньте наші "
-"доступні %1$sДодатки%2$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Всі URL(и) статичних файлів (CSS, JS, images) будуть переписані на надані вами CNAME-адреси."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1530
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додаток %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додатків %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додатків %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додатків %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Не потрібен для таких послуг, як Cloudflare і Sucuri. Перегляньте наші доступні %1$sДодатки%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1557
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Увімкнути мережу доставки вмісту"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1567
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(и)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Укажіть нижче CNAME(и)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1575
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів, які не можна подавати за допомогою CDN (по одному"
-" на рядок)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів, які не можна подавати за допомогою CDN (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1576
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. "
-"*) Для виключення всіх файлів певного типу файлів, розташованих на певному "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. *) Для виключення всіх файлів певного типу файлів, розташованих на певному шляху."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1599
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1607
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Серцебиття"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1600
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Керуйте WordPress Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1608
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшення або вимкнення активності API Heartbeat може допомогти зберегти "
-"деякі ресурси вашого сервера."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Зменшення або вимкнення активності API Heartbeat може допомогти зберегти деякі ресурси вашого сервера."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Зменшити або відключити Серцебиття активність"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшення активності змінить частоту серцевих скорочень з одного удару кожну"
-" хвилину на один удар кожні 2 хвилини."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Зменшення активності змінить частоту серцевих скорочень з одного удару кожну хвилину на один удар кожні 2 хвилини."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Вимкнення функції Heartbeat цілком може призвести до порушення плагінів і "
-"тем за допомогою цього API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Вимкнення функції Heartbeat цілком може призвести до порушення плагінів і тем за допомогою цього API."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1632
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Не обмежується"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1633
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Знизити активність"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Відключити"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Контроль серцебиття"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1651
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Поведінка в бекенд"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1658
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Поведінка в редакторі записів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1664
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Поведінка в фронтенд"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1683
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Додатки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Додайте інші функції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Швидкі Rocket Додатки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1692
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Додатки з одним натисканням - це функції, що розширюють доступні опції без "
-"необхідної конфігурації. Щоб увімкнути цей екран, увімкніть \"on\" параметр."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Додатки з одним натисканням - це функції, що розширюють доступні опції без необхідної конфігурації. Щоб увімкнути цей екран, увімкніть \"on\" параметр."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Надбудови"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1703
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "Ракетні Додатки доповнюють додаткові можливості."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1716
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google Tracking"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1722
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Покращення кешування веб-переглядача для Google Analytics"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1724
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket буде розміщувати ці сценарії Google локально на вашому сервері, "
-"щоб допомогти задовольнити рекомендацію PageSpeed для кешування "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1739
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1745
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Покращити кешування браузера для Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1747
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket буде розміщувати ці пікселі Facebook локально на вашому сервері, "
-"щоб допомогти задовольнити рекомендацію PageSpeed для Кешування "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо на вашому сервері запускається Varnish, необхідно активувати цей "
+msgstr "Якщо на вашому сервері запускається Varnish, необхідно активувати цей додаток."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish кеш очищується разом з іншим кешем, щоб підтримувати актуальність "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Varnish кеш очищується разом з іншим кешем, щоб підтримувати актуальність контенту.
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1803
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1863
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1809
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Інтегруйте свій обліковий запис Cloudflare з цим додатком."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1810
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Надайте електронну пошту облікового запису, глобальний ключ API та домен для"
-" використання таких параметрів, як очищення кешу Cloudflare та забезпечення "
-"оптимальних параметрів за допомогою WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Надайте електронну пошту облікового запису, глобальний ключ API та домен для використання таких параметрів, як очищення кешу Cloudflare та забезпечення оптимальних параметрів за допомогою WP Rocket."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Очистіть кеш Sucuri, коли WP Rocket кеш буде очищено."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1825
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Надайте ключ API, щоб очистити кеш Sucuri, коли кеш WP Rocket очищено."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Надайте ключ API, щоб очистити кеш Sucuri, коли кеш WP Rocket очищено."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1833
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1982
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1839
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Синхронізуйте кеш Sucuri з цим додатком."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare облікові дані"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1889
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare опції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1903
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Глобальний API ключ:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1904
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Знайдіть ваш API ключ"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1916
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Email облікового запису"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1925
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID Зони"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1935
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Режим розробки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Тимчасово активуйте режим розробки на своєму веб-сайті. Ця настройка "
-"автоматично вимкнеться через 3 години. %1$sДокладніше%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Тимчасово активуйте режим розробки на своєму веб-сайті. Ця настройка автоматично вимкнеться через 3 години. %1$sДокладніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1945
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Оптимальні опції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1946
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Автоматично покращує вашу конфігурацію Cloudflare для швидкості, якості "
-"продуктивності та сумісності."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Автоматично покращує вашу конфігурацію Cloudflare для швидкості, якості продуктивності та сумісності."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1954
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Відносний протокол"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1955
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Потрібно використовувати тільки Cloudflare's flexible SSL. URL адреси "
-"статичних файлів (CSS, JS, зображення) будуть переписані для використання //"
-" замість http:// або https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Потрібно використовувати тільки Cloudflare's flexible SSL. URL адреси статичних файлів (CSS, JS, зображення) будуть переписані для використання // замість http:// або https://."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri облікові дані"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:2008
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Ключ API брандмауера (для плагіна) повинен мати формат {32 "
-"characters}/{32 characters}
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:2009
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Знайдіть ваш API ключ"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:496
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Завантажити налаштування файлу та імпортувати"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Додаток Sucuri: Ключ API для брандмауера Sucuri повинен мати формат "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Додаток Sucuri: Ключ API для брандмауера Sucuri повинен мати формат {32 characters}/{32 characters}
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:478
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Налаштування збережено."
@@ -1855,629 +1274,269 @@ msgstr "Щоб правильно функціонувати,%1$s %2$s вима
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s Щоб скористатися цією версією WP Rocket, зверніться до веб-хосту, "
-"як оновити ваш сервер до PHP %1$s або вище."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s Щоб скористатися цією версією WP Rocket, зверніться до веб-хосту, як оновити ваш сервер до PHP %1$s або вище."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Щоб використовувати цю версію WP Rocket, оновіть WordPress "
-"версії%1$s або вище."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Щоб використовувати цю версію WP Rocket, оновіть WordPress версії%1$s або вище."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви не можете оновити, можна повернутись до попередньої версії за "
-"допомогою кнопки нижче."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Якщо ви не можете оновити, можна повернутись до попередньої версії за допомогою кнопки нижче."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Перевстановіть версію %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Файл журналу не існує."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Файл журналу неможливо прочитати."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Журнали не зберігаються у файл."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Критичний CSS для %1$s не створено. Помилка:%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "API повернув неправильний код відповіді."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "API повернув порожню відповідь."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr "Критичний вміст CSS не може бути збережено як файл у %s."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Створено критичний CSS для %s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. Не вдалося зібрати посилання на %1$s"
-" через таку помилку: %2$s. %3$sДокладніше%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. %1$s недоступний через наступний код"
-" відповіді: %2$s. Заходи безпеки можуть запобігати доступу. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. %1$s недоступний через наступний код"
-" відповіді: 404. Переконайтеся, що ваша домашня сторінка доступна у вашому "
-"веб-переглядачі. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. %1$s недоступний через наступний код"
-" відповіді: 500. Будь ласка, зверніться до вашого веб-хосту про доступ до "
-"сервера. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. Не вдалося зібрати посилання на "
-"%1$s, оскільки він повернув наступний код відповіді: %2$s. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Не вдалося зібрати "
-"посилання на%1$s через таку помилку:%2$s. %3$sДокладніше%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. %1$s недоступний "
-"через наступний код відповіді:%2$s. Заходи безпеки можуть запобігати "
-"доступу. %3$sДокладніше%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. %1$s недоступний "
-"через наступний код відповіді: 404. Переконайтеся, що ви ввели правильний "
-"URL-адресу мапи сайту, і він доступний у вашому браузері. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. %1$s недоступний "
-"через наступний код відповіді: 500. Будь ласка, зверніться до вашого веб-"
-"хосту про доступ до сервера. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Не вдалося зібрати "
-"посилання на %1$s, оскільки він повернув наступний код відповіді:%2$s. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Неможливо зібрати "
-"посилання з %1$s, оскільки файл порожній. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Не вдалося зібрати "
-"посилання з %1$s через помилку під час синтаксичного аналізу XML. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Cache/class-expired-cache-purge-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Строк збереження кешу WP Rocket"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:267
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:278
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "WebP кеш деактивовано фільтром."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:288
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:300
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:326
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:347
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Здається, ви не використовуєте метод створення та використання WebP "
-"зображень, який міг би автоматично співпрацювати з WP Rocket. Якщо ви не "
-"використовуєте WebP, не активуйте цю опцію. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:352
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "Ми не знайши жодого сумісного WebP плагіну!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:355
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви активуєте цю опцію, WP Rocket створить окремі файли кешу, щоб "
-"забезпечити відображення картинок у WebP форматі. Усі зображення WebP, які є"
-" на вашому сайті, будуть відображатися у браузерах, які підтримують цей "
-"формат. Якщо у вас ще немає зображень у форматі WebP, ви можете їх "
-"згенерувати за подомогою%1$sImagify%3$s або іншого сумісного плагіну. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:367
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень."
+msgstr "WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Зараз іде генерація Критичного CSS."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:82
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:210
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Перейдіть на сторнінку %1$sНалаштування WP Rocket %2$s, щоб слідкувати за "
-"прогресом. "
+msgstr "Перейдіть на сторнінку %1$sНалаштування WP Rocket %2$s, щоб слідкувати за прогресом. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:185
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Виконується створення критичних CSS: %1$d з %2$d типів сторінок уже "
-"створено. (Оновити сторінку, щоб побачити процес)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Виконується створення критичних CSS: %1$d з %2$d типів сторінок уже створено. (Оновити сторінку, щоб побачити процес)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:236
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Створення критичних CSS завершено для %1$d з %2$d типів сторінок."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:250
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-"Критичне CSS генерування зіткнулося з однією або декількома помилками."
+msgstr "Критичне CSS генерування зіткнулося з однією або декількома помилками."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:250
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Вивчити більше."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:87
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "щотижня"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:146
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "Не вдалося виявити наступну вимогу вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
msgstr[1] "Не вдалося виявити наступні вимоги вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
msgstr[2] "Не вдалося виявити наступні вимоги вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
msgstr[3] "Не вдалося виявити наступні вимоги вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:152
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:40 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:64
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:77 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:105
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:479
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:494 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:624
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Прочитайте %1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших вказівок."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:154
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:93
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "щомісячно"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:206
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Процес оптимізації баз даних працює"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:237
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Процес оптимізації баз даних завершено. Все вже було оптимізовано!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:240
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"Процес оптимізації баз даних завершено. Список оптимізованих елементів "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "Процес оптимізації баз даних завершено. Список оптимізованих елементів нижче:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:248
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s оптимізовано."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:123
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Інструменти"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Імпорт, Експорт, Відкат"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:146
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимізація зображень"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Стиснути зображення"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:165
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Підручники"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:166
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Початок роботи та допоміжні відео"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:205
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Предзавантаження: WP Rocket почав збереження вашого сайту в кеш."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:249
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешовану сторінку зараз було збережено (оновіть, "
-"щоб бачити прогрес)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешованих сторінок зараз було збережено (оновіть,"
-" щоб бачити прогрес)"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешованих сторінок зараз було збережено (оновіть,"
-" щоб бачити прогрес)"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешованих сторінок зараз було збережено (оновіть,"
-" щоб бачити прогрес)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:258
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникла наступна помилка:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникли наступні помилки:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникли наступні помилки:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникли наступні помилки:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:310
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Предзавантаження завершено: %d сторінок було закешовано."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:115
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML Розширення PHP%2$s не включено на вашому сервері. Зверніться "
-"до свого хоста, щоб увімкнути його, перш ніж запускати попереднє "
-"завантаження кешу на основі мапи сайту."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте таку %s опцію, яка конфліктує з функціоналом WP "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sвідключення emoji%3$s конфліктує з функцією WP Rocket "
-"%2$sвідключення emoji%3$s"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте таку %s опцію, яка конфліктує з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[3] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sвидалення параметрів запиту %3$sконфліктує з функцією WP Rocket "
-"%2$s видалення параметрів запиту %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sвідключення emoji%3$s конфліктує з функцією WP Rocket %2$sвідключення emoji%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP-компресія%3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$sGZIP-компресією%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP-компресія%3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$sGZIP-компресією%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s браузерне кешування %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s браузерним "
-"кешуванням %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s браузерне кешування %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s браузерним кешуванням %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s кешування сторінок %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s кешуванням "
-"сторінок %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s кешування сторінок %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s кешуванням сторінок %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s оптимізація ресурсів %3$s конфліктує з Оптимізацією файлів %2$s WP"
-" Rocket %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s оптимізація ресурсів %3$s конфліктує з Оптимізацією файлів %2$s WP Rocket %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/class-smush-subscriber.php:66
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:122
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Помилка видалення кешу Sucuri: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:127
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Кеш Sucuri очищається. Зверніть увагу, що для заповнення може знадобитися до"
-" двох хвилин."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Кеш Sucuri очищається. Зверніть увагу, що для заповнення може знадобитися до двох хвилин."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:240
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Ключ API брандмауера Sucuri не знайдено."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:249
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Ключ API брандмауера Sucuri недійсний."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:301
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Помилка під час звернення до API брандмауера Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка під час звернення до API брандмауера Sucuri. Повідомлення про "
-"помилку було: %s"
+msgstr "Помилка під час звернення до API брандмауера Sucuri. Повідомлення про помилку було: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:322
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Не вдалося отримати відповідь від API брандмауера Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:333
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Отримано недійсний відповідь від API брандмауера Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:343
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "API брандмауера Sucuri повернув невідома помилка."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:346
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -2486,74 +1545,59 @@ msgstr[1] "API файєрволлу Sucuri видав такі помилки: %
msgstr[2] "API файєрволлу Sucuri видав такі помилки: %s"
msgstr[3] "API файєрволлу Sucuri видав такі помилки: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Виникла несподівана помилка. Щось може бути неправильним з WP-Rocket.me або "
-"конфігурацією цього сервера. Якщо у вас виникнуть проблеми, зверніться до служби підтримки ."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Виникла несподівана помилка. Щось може бути неправильним з WP-Rocket.me або конфігурацією цього сервера. Якщо у вас виникнуть проблеми, зверніться до служби підтримки ."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:312
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:40 inc/functions/i18n.php:49
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Всі мови"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Очистити цей запис"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Очистіть цю URL-адресу"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Очистити OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Перестворити критичні CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:229
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Очистити Cloudflare кеш"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:247
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Purge Sucuri кеш"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:270 inc/common/admin-bar.php:324
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Презавантаження кеш"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:340 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документація"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:558
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "Не вдалося оновити OPcache кеш."
-#: inc/common/purge.php:563
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache успішно оновлено"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:595
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
#, php-format
msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
msgstr "WP Rocket: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:600
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr "WP Rocket: кеш Cloudflare успішно очищено."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Активувати Imagify"
@@ -2562,12 +1606,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Установіть Imagify безкоштовно"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Прискорити ваш сайт і збільшити ваш SEO за рахунок зменшення розмірів файлів"
-" зображень без втрати якості за допомогою Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Прискорити ваш сайт і збільшити ваш SEO за рахунок зменшення розмірів файлів зображень без втрати якості за допомогою Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -2580,12 +1620,8 @@ msgstr "Попереднє завантаження мапи сайту: %d ст
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Попереднє завантаження Sitemap: попередньо закешовано %d сторінок. (оновити,"
-" щоб побачити прогрес)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Попереднє завантаження Sitemap: попередньо закешовано %d сторінок. (оновити, щоб побачити прогрес)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -2595,350 +1631,313 @@ msgstr "Виберіть домен зі списку"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Домен недоступний у вашому Cloudflare записі"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "JS файли з Відкладеного завантаження JavaScript"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Додати URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Перш ніж ви зможете завантажити файл імпорту, необхідно буде виправити "
-"наступну помилку:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Перш ніж ви зможете завантажити файл імпорту, необхідно буде виправити наступну помилку:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Виберіть файл з вашого пк (максимальний розмір: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Ваші облікові дані Cloudflare дійсні."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "Ваші облікові дані Cloudflare недійсні!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Зберегти та оптимізувати"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Оптимізувати"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Примітка:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Продуктивність поради:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Виявлено сторонній плагін:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Увага:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Завантажити налаштування"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Замінити ім'я хосту сайту на:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "зарезервовано для"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Усі файли"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Зображення"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Додати CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Переглянути відео"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Основний"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Статичні файли"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Розширений"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s треба наявності версії PHP не нижче %3$s Щоб скористатися цією "
-"функцією, зверніться до хостера з проханням підвищити версію PHP до %3$s і "
-"вище. В іншому випадку, використовуйте стару версію плагіна."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s треба наявності версії PHP не нижче %3$s Щоб скористатися цією функцією, зверніться до хостера з проханням підвищити версію PHP до %3$s і вище. В іншому випадку, використовуйте стару версію плагіна."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилку зазначено "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені "
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилку зазначено нижче."
+msgstr[1] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені нижче."
+msgstr[2] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені нижче."
+msgstr[3] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені нижче."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:360
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Тип сервера:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:369
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:370
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "Номер версії PHP:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:378
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:379
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "Номер версії WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:387
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:388
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "WordPress мультисайт:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:396
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:397
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Поточна тема:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:405
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:406
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Мова поточного сайту:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:414
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:415
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Активні плагіни:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:417
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:418
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Імена плагінів всіх активних плагінів"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:423
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:424
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Анонімні WP Rocket опції:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:426
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:427
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Які настройки WP Rocket є активні"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:19 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:142
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl деактивовано на вашому сервері. Будь ласка, попросіть вашого хостера "
-"ввімкнути його. Це потрібно, щоб Додаток Cloudflare працював коректно."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте "
-"%1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:29 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:42
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:66 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:79
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:107 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:124
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:155 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:481
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:496 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:626
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl деактивовано на вашому сервері. Будь ласка, попросіть вашого хостера ввімкнути його. Це потрібно, щоб Додаток Cloudflare працював коректно."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте %1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Не вказано Cloudflare Zone ID."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:118
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:490 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:620
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr "Невірний імейл або API ключ Cloudflare."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:73 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:475
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Невірне значення Cloudflare Zone ID."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:101
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr "Здається, що ваш домен не налаштовано у Cloudflare."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:153
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте "
-"%1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте %1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:218
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Не вдалося підключитися до Cloudflare"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535 inc/functions/options.php:574
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Наш сервер не може вирішити запит з вашого веб-"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Наш сервер не може вирішити запит з вашого веб-сайту."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535 inc/functions/options.php:574
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Спробуйте натиснути%1$sSave Changes %2$s нижче. Якщо помилка не зникає, "
-"перейдіть %3$sв цю інструкцію%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Спробуйте натиснути%1$sSave Changes %2$s нижче. Якщо помилка не зникає, перейдіть %3$sв цю інструкцію%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Можливо, ви використовуєте нульову версію "
-"плагіна. Будь ласка, виконайте такі дії:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Можливо, ви використовуєте нульову версію плагіна. Будь ласка, виконайте такі дії:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Увійдіть у свій WP Rocket%1$sаккаунт%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Завантажте zip файл"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Перевстановити"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо у вас немає облікового запису WP Rocket, будь ласка,%1$sкупіть "
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgstr "Якщо у вас немає облікового запису WP Rocket, будь ласка,%1$sкупіть ліцензію%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Цей обліковий запис користувача не існує в нашій"
-" базі даних."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Цей обліковий запис користувача не існує в нашій базі даних."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Щоб вирішити, зверніться до служби підтримки."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:567
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Цей обліковий запис користувача належить до "
-"чорного списку."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:567
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Дивіться %1$sце керівництво%2$s для отримання додаткової інформації."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Ваша ліцензія недійсна."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Переконайтеся, що у вас є активна %1$sWP Rocket ліцензія%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Ви додали стільки сайтів, скільки дозволяє поточна ліцензія."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Оновлення %1$sаккаунту%2$s або %3$sтрансфер ліцензії%2$s до цього домену."
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Оновлення %1$sаккаунту%2$s або %3$sтрансфер ліцензії%2$s до цього домену."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Цей веб-сайт заборонений."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Будь ласка,%1$sзверніться в службу підтримки%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Цей ліцензійний ключ не розпізнається."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Якщо проблема не зникне,%1$sзверніться до служби підтримки%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:599
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії: %s"
@@ -2963,267 +1962,29 @@ msgstr "Не вдалося встановити плагін."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Повернутися назад"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Повернутися"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket зворотній зв'язок"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрити"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Чи можемо ми мати трохи інформації про те, чому ви деактивуєтеся?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:32
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-"Це тимчасове відключення Я проводжу дебаггінг проблеми."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:36
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr "Плагін зламав мій макет або деяку функціональність."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:40
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr "Мій рейтинг PageSpeed або GTMetrix не покращився."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Я не помітив різниці в часу завантаження."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:48
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr "Додаток занадто складний для налаштування."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:52
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "У мого хоста вже є своя система кешування."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:54
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Яка назва вашого веб-хостингу?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Інші"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:61
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Дайте нам знати, чому ви дезактивуєте WP Rocket, щоб ми могли вдосконалити "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Плагін зламав мою розкладку або деяку функціональність"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Цей тип випуску зазвичай може бути виправлений, вимкнувши деякі опції у WP "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:71
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Натисніть кнопку \"Застосувати Безпечний Режим\", щоб швидко вимкнути опції "
-"\"LazyLoad\", \"Оптимізацію файлів\", Embeds та CDN. Потім перевірте свій "
-"сайт, щоб перевірити, чи вирішено проблему."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:73
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Ввімкнути безпечний режим"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Застосовано Безпечний режим."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:77
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "Перегляньте свій сайт у вікні приватного/вихідного веб-переглядача."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-"Чи виправлена проблема? Тепер ви можете повторно активувати параметри по "
-"черзі, щоб визначити, який з них викликав проблему. Детальніше"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Мій рейтинг PageSpeed або GT Metrix не покращився"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket робить ваш сайт швидшим. Рейтинг PageSpeed або оцінка GTMetrix не "
-"є показниками швидкості. Ні ваші реальні відвідувачі, ні Google ніколи не "
-"побачать “оцінку“ вашого веб-сайту. Швидкість є єдиним показником, який має "
-"значення для SEO та переходів."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-"Yoast, експерт з усіх речей, пов'язаних із SEO для WordPress, говорить:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:85
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] просто розглядає, наскільки швидко ваш веб-сайт завантажується для "
-"користувачів, так що вам не потрібно перейматися цим конкретним балом. Ви "
-"повинні переконатися, що ваш веб-сайт так само швидкий, як і його можна "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-"Як виміряти час завантаження вашого сайту:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-"Чому ви не повинні переслідувати показник PageSpeed:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Я не помітив різниці в часу завантаження"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Переконайтеся, що ви переглянули свій сайт під час виходу, щоб побачити "
-"швидкі, кешовані сторінки!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:94
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Кращий спосіб побачити поліпшення WP Rocket забезпечує виконання тестів "
-"швидкості. Щоб правильно виміряти час завантаження веб-сайту, дотримуйтеся "
-"наведеного нижче посібника.
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Додаток занадто складний для налаштування"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Нам дуже шкода, що вам важко використовувати WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket - єдиний плагін кешування, який за замовчуванням забезпечує 80% "
-"кращих практик оптимізації швидкості. Це означає, що вам не потрібно нічого "
-"робити, окрім активації WP Rocket і ваш сайт буде вже швидше!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Додаткові опції не потрібні для швидкого сайту, вони призначені для тонкої "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:101
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-"Щоб побачити переваги, які WP Rocket вже надає, виміряйте швидкість вашого "
-"сайту за допомогою інструмента, як-от Pingdom:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Надіслати & Деактивувати"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Скасувати"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Пропустити та деактивувати"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Очистити кеш після"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3231,26 +1992,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Імпорт опції"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Так"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:26 views/settings/page.php:56
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Ні"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Стан Додатку"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Змінити параметри"
@@ -3268,6 +2015,7 @@ msgstr "Очищає кешовані ресурси для вашого веб-
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
@@ -3290,82 +2038,55 @@ msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Ваш веб-сайт зараз завантажується швидше!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Щоб гарантувати швидкий веб-сайт, WP Rocket застосовує 80% oнайкращих "
-"практик роботи в Інтернеті."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Ми також активуємо варіанти, які надають негайні вигоди для вашого веб-"
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Ми також активуємо варіанти, які надають негайні вигоди для вашого веб-сайту."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Перейдіть до опцій для подальшої оптимізації свого сайту!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:55
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Мій аккаунт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:61
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Оновити інфо"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:75
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Дата закінчення"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:84
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Переглянути Мій аккаунт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:104
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Швидкі дії"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:111
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Видалити всі кешовані файли"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:131
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Почати завантаження кешу"
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
+msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
+msgstr "Перестворити критичні CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:156
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Очистити вміст OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:162
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Очистити OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:173
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:179
-msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
-msgstr "Перестворити критичні CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:196
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Часті Питання"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:209
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Ще не можете знайти рішення?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:210
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Надішліть тікет і отримайте допомогу від наших дружніх і обізнаних "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Надішліть тікет і отримайте допомогу від наших дружніх і обізнаних Rocketeers."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Запитайте підтримку"
@@ -3374,27 +2095,17 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Резервує вашу базу даних перед тим, як запустити очищення!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Після того, як оптимізація бази даних була виконана, її неможливо скасувати."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Після того, як оптимізація бази даних була виконана, її неможливо скасувати."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s створено%3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sдля найкращої оптимізації "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s створено%3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sдля найкращої оптимізації зображень.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Стисніть зображення, щоб зробити ваш веб-сайт швидшим, зберігаючи якість "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Стисніть зображення, щоб зробити ваш веб-сайт швидшим, зберігаючи якість зображення."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -3420,23 +2131,9 @@ msgstr "Встановити Imagify"
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr "WP Rocket не зміг автоматично перевірити вашу ліцензію."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-"Дотримуйтесь цього посібника або "
-"зверніться до служби підтримки, щоб "
-"запустити движок."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:27
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
@@ -3465,37 +2162,29 @@ msgstr "Експортувати налаштування"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "Завантажте резервну копію Ваших налаштувань"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Завантажити налаштування"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Відкат"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr "Чи є проблема з версією %s на вашому веб-сайті?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-"Ви можете повернутися до попередньої основної версії тут.
Потім "
-"надішліть нам запит на підтримку."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "Перевстановити версію %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Режим налагодження"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr "Створіть файл журналу налагодження."
@@ -3523,23 +2212,23 @@ msgstr "Як перевірити, чи WP Rocket кешує ваш сайт"
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Як виміряти швидкість вашого сайту"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Вирішення проблем з відображенням через Оптимізацію файлів"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Як знайти правильний JavaScript для виключення"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "Як зовнішній контент уповільнює Ваш сайт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Як працює Предзавантаження"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Налаштувати Додаток Cloudflare"
@@ -3552,76 +2241,23 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket Налаштування"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "версія %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:57
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Показати сайдбар"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Дякуємо за участь у бета-програмі WP Rocket!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"Зазвичай бета-версія - це нові функції та вдосконалення, але ми хочемо "
-"протестувати їх ще трохи перед повним запуском."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Ми будемо любити це, якщо б ви взяли наші бета-версії для їзди, але, будь "
-"ласка, майте на увазі, що це може бути менш стабільним, ніж наші інші "
-"випуски. Не хвилюйтеся, ви можете будь-коли повернутися до повної версії."
-#: views/settings/page.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"Ваша місія: будь-ласка, відправте всі відгуки про наші бета-версії, "
-"включаючи повідомлення про помилки, на адресу support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:81
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви не хочете приєднуватися до бета-програми, просто закрийте це вікно."
-#: views/settings/page.php:83
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Активізувати Rocket тестер"
-#: views/settings/page.php:94
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr ""
-"Нижче наведено детальний перегляд всіх даних, які WP Rocket збиратиме, "
-"якщо надано дозвіл."
-#: views/settings/page.php:97
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket ніколи не буде передавати будь-які доменні імена або адреси "
-"електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або ключі API "
-"сторонніх виробників."
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket ніколи не буде передавати будь-які доменні імена або адреси електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або ключі API сторонніх виробників."
-#: views/settings/page.php:99
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Активувати Rocket analytics"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Це чудова відправна точка для виправлення деяких найбільш поширених проблем."
+msgstr "Це чудова відправна точка для виправлення деяких найбільш поширених проблем."
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:19
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr "Прочитайте документацію"
@@ -3635,55 +2271,1326 @@ msgstr "Як правильно виміряти час завантаження
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Перегляньте наш підручник і дізнайтеся, як виміряти швидкість вашого сайту."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr "Дізнайтеся, як правильно оцінювати ефективність вашого сайту."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Перегляньте наш підручник і дізнайтеся, як виміряти швидкість вашого сайту."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Прочитайте наш гід"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:22
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Чому Google PageSpeed клас не має значення"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Читати далі"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Ви не активували кеш для зареєстрованих користувачів."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Використовуйте приватний веб-переглядач, щоб перевірити швидкість і "
-"візуальність вашої веб-сторінки."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Використовуйте приватний веб-переглядач, щоб перевірити швидкість і візуальність вашої веб-сторінки."
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Потрібна допомога?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-uk_UA.mo b/languages/rocket-uk_UA.mo
index f8fa3b2cbd..569b4c41eb 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-uk_UA.mo and b/languages/rocket-uk_UA.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-uk_UA.po b/languages/rocket-uk_UA.po
index b428b652a0..4656798743 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-uk_UA.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-uk_UA.po
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# wpmedia
@@ -339,261 +314,181 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s не може бути відключено через помилку прав запису.
"Дозвольте запис в %2$s і повторіть спробу, або відключіть насильно:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Один або кілька плагінів були відключені або видалені. "
-"Очистіть кеш, щоб стерти їх залишки."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgstr "%s: Один або кілька плагінів були відключені або видалені. Очистіть кеш, щоб стерти їх залишки."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:178
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Додаток Cloudflare у WP Rocket забезпечує той самий функціонал. Їх не може "
-"бути активовано одночасно."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
-msgstr ""
-"%s: Наступні плагіни несумісні з цим плагіном і можуть "
-"призвести до несподіваних результатів:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgstr "%s: Наступні плагіни несумісні з цим плагіном і можуть призвести до несподіваних результатів:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:208
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Вимкнути"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:248
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS не є офіційним доповненням. Це запобігає правильній "
-"роботі деяких опцій WP Rocket. Вимкніть його, якщо у вас виникли проблеми."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS не є офіційним доповненням. Це запобігає правильній роботі деяких опцій WP Rocket. Вимкніть його, якщо у вас виникли проблеми."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:288
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Зараз активовано Endurance Cache, це викличе конфлікти з WP Rocket Cache. "
-"Щоб цьому запобігти, будь ласка, переключіть Endurance Cache на Off (Level "
-"0) на сторінці %1$sSettings > General%2$s. "
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Зараз активовано Endurance Cache, це викличе конфлікти з WP Rocket Cache. Щоб цьому запобігти, будь ласка, переключіть Endurance Cache на Off (Level 0) на сторінці %1$sSettings > General%2$s. "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:309
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s: Для нормальної роботи плагіна потрібна власна структура постійних "
-"посилань. %2$sПерейдіть до налаштувань permalinks%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s: Для нормальної роботи плагіна потрібна власна структура постійних посилань. %2$sПерейдіть до налаштувань permalinks%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:443
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%s не вдалося внести зміни до файлу .htaccess через відсутність прав запису."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgstr "%s не вдалося внести зміни до файлу .htaccess через відсутність прав запису."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:449 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1067
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Виправлення неполадок:%1$sЯк зробити системні файли для запису%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:451 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1069
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:457
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
-msgstr ""
-"Не хвилюйтеся, кешування сторінок та налаштування WP Rocket будуть і надалі "
-"працювати коректно."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
+msgstr "Не хвилюйтеся, кешування сторінок та налаштування WP Rocket будуть і надалі працювати коректно."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:457
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
-msgstr ""
-"Для покращення роботи, ми рекомендуємо (це не вимагається) додати наступні "
-"рядки до .htaccess:"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
+msgstr "Для покращення роботи, ми рекомендуємо (це не вимагається) додати наступні рядки до .htaccess:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:598
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s працює відмінно! %2$sПеревірте швидкість завантаження%4$s, або "
-"перейдіть в %3$sнастройки%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
+msgstr "%1$s працює відмінно! %2$sПеревірте швидкість завантаження%4$s, або перейдіть в %3$sнастройки%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
-msgstr ""
-"Чи дозволили б WP Rocket збирати нечутливі діагностичні дані з цього сайту?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
+msgstr "Чи дозволили б WP Rocket збирати нечутливі діагностичні дані з цього сайту?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:747
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Це допоможе нам у майбутньому поліпшити роботу WP Rocket."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:753
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Яку інформацію ми збираємо?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:758
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"Нижче наведено детальний перегляд всіх даних, які WP Rocket збиратиме, якщо "
-"надано дозвіл. WP Rocket ніколи не передаватиме будь-які доменні імена або "
-"адреси електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або сторонні "
-"ключі API."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "Нижче наведено детальний перегляд всіх даних, які WP Rocket збиратиме, якщо надано дозвіл. WP Rocket ніколи не передаватиме будь-які доменні імена або адреси електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або сторонні ключі API."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:767
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Так, дозволити"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:770
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Ні, дякую"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:807
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Дякую!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:812
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "Зараз WP Rocket збирає такі дані з вашого веб-сайту:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:848
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кеш очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:855
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кеш записів очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:862
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: Term кеш очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:869
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: кеш користувачів очищено."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:945
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Нижчезазначене заплановане завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути "
-"проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:954
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgstr[0] "Нижчезазначене заплановане завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[3] "Нижчезазначені заплановані завдання не було виконано. Причиною можуть бути проблеми в системі СRON, які блокують роботу деяких функцій WP Rocket:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
-msgstr ""
-"Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з вашим хостером, щоб перевірити, чи працює CRON."
+msgstr "Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з вашим хостером, щоб перевірити, чи працює CRON."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:993
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "Зупинити попереднє завантаження"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1011
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Примусова деактивація "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1024
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "Наступний код повинен був бути написаний у цьому файлі:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "Пропустити це сповіщення."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1055
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"%sне можна налаштувати автоматично через відсутність дозволів на запис."
+msgstr "%sне можна налаштувати автоматично через відсутність дозволів на запис."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1061
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Проблемний файл/папка: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1350
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Редакції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1360
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Авто чернетки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "Видалені записи"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1380
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "Спам коментарі"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1390
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "Видалені коментарі"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1400
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "Прострочені тимчасові дані"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Транзакції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Таблиці"
@@ -601,791 +496,455 @@ msgstr "Таблиці"
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr "Файл налагодження неможливо видалити."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Зберегти Зміни"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Validate License"
msgstr "Перевірити Ліцензію"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:214
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Невідомо"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:328
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:73
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "Ліцензія"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:345
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "Ключ API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:360
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Електронна пошта"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Майстерня"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:390
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "Довідка, інфо про аккаунт"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:399
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "Мій статус"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409 views/settings/page.php:72
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Rocket тестер"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:410
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "Я є частиною програми тестування WP Rocket Beta."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:418 views/settings/page.php:90
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket аналітика"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:420
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Я згоден поділитися анонімними даними з командою розробників, для поліпшення"
-" WP Rocket. %1$sЯку інформацію ми збираємо?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgstr "Я згоден поділитися анонімними даними з командою розробників, для поліпшення WP Rocket. %1$sЯку інформацію ми збираємо?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "Основні опції кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "Мобільний кеш"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "Прискорити свій сайт для мобільних відвідувачів."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Ми виявили, що ви використовуєте плагін, для якого потрібен окремий кеш для "
-"мобільних пристроїв, і автоматично включений цей параметр для сумісності."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+msgstr "Ми виявили, що ви використовуєте плагін, для якого потрібен окремий кеш для мобільних пристроїв, і автоматично включений цей параметр для сумісності."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "Кеш користувача"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sКеш користувачів%2$s корисний, коли зміст сайту для користувачів "
-"відрізняється від гостьового."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
+msgstr "%1$sКеш користувачів%2$s корисний, коли зміст сайту для користувачів відрізняється від гостьового."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "Термін дії кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
-msgstr ""
-"Закешовані файли, які старіші за Термін дії кешу, буде видалено.
-" %1$sПрелоадінг%2$s, щоб кеш створювався заново автоматично після того, як "
-"закінчиться термін його дії."
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr "Закешовані файли, які старіші за Термін дії кешу, буде видалено.
Включіть %1$sПрелоадінг%2$s, щоб кеш створювався заново автоматично після того, як закінчиться термін його дії."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Увімкніть кешування для зареєстрованих користувачів WordPress"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Увімкнути кешування для мобільних пристроїв"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Окремі файли кешу для мобільних пристроїв"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Більшість сучасних тем є адаптивними і повинні працювати без окремого кешу. "
-"Активуйте це тільки, якщо ви використовуєте окрему тему або плагін для "
-"мобільних пристроїв. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Більшість сучасних тем є адаптивними і повинні працювати без окремого кешу. Активуйте це тільки, якщо ви використовуєте окрему тему або плагін для мобільних пристроїв. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть час, після якого глобальний кеш буде очищено
(0 = необмежений)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+msgstr "Вкажіть час, після якого глобальний кеш буде очищено
(0 = необмежений)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Скоротіть термін служби до 10 годин або менше, якщо ви помітите, що на сайті"
-" періодично виникають проблеми. %1$sЧому?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgstr "Скоротіть термін служби до 10 годин або менше, якщо ви помітите, що на сайті періодично виникають проблеми. %1$sЧому?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Хвилини"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Години"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Дні"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:22
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимізація файлів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:573
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "Оптимізуйте CSS & JS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:580
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Основні опції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:587
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:597
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:607
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Minification зараз активовано в режимі Autoptimize. "
-"Якщо ви хочете використовувати %2$s minification, вимкніть ці параметри у "
-"параметрі Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgstr "%1$s Minification зараз активовано в режимі Autoptimize. Якщо ви хочете використовувати %2$s minification, вимкніть ці параметри у параметрі Autoptimize."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS Файли"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:600
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "Файли JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:620
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr "Зменшення HTML вилучає пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "Об'єднати файли шрифтів Google"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:632
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Об'єднання шрифтів Google зменшить кількість запитів HTTP."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:640
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "Видалити рядки запиту зі статичних ресурсів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:642
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Видаляє рядок запиту версії зі статичних файлів (style.css?ver=1.0) і кодує "
-"його у назву файлу (наприклад, style-1.0.css). Покращує показник GTMetrix. "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "Зменшення CSS файли"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:651
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшення CSS видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
+msgstr "Зменшення CSS видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Це може зламати речі!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви помітили помилки на своєму веб-сайті після активації цього "
-"налаштування, просто деактивуйте його знову, і ваш сайт повернеться до "
-"нормального стану."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+msgstr "Якщо ви помітили помилки на своєму веб-сайті після активації цього налаштування, просто деактивуйте його знову, і ваш сайт повернеться до нормального стану."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:666
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "Активувати мінімізацію CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати файли CSS (увімкнути мінімізацію файлів CSS для вибору)"
+msgstr "Об'єднати файли CSS (увімкнути мінімізацію файлів CSS для вибору)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:673
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати CSS об'єднує всі ваші файли в 1, зменшуючи HTTP-запити. Не "
-"рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP/2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Об'єднати CSS об'єднує всі ваші файли в 1, зменшуючи HTTP-запити. Не рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP/2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:688
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "Активувати об`єднати CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси CSS-файлів, які потрібно виключити з мінімізації та "
-"об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:695
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. "
-"*). css, щоб виключити всі файли CSS, розташовані на певному шляху."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси CSS-файлів, які потрібно виключити з мінімізації та об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "Оптимізуйте доставку CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:715
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимізація завантаження CSS зараз виконується плагіном %1$s. Якщо ви "
-"хочете використовувати цю функцію WP Rocket, деактивуйте плагін%1$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:717
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Оптимізація доставки CSS усуває CSS-блокування на вашому веб-сайті для "
-"швидшого сприйняття часу завантаження. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:728
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "Резервний критичний CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:733
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Забезпечує запасний варіант, якщо автоматично створений критичний шлях CSS є"
-" неповним. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Забезпечує запасний варіант, якщо автоматично створений критичний шлях CSS є неповним. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "Зменшити файли JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:743
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшити JavaScript видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+msgstr "Зменшити JavaScript видаляє пробіли та коментарі, щоб зменшити розмір файлу."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:758
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "Активувати стиснення JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:763
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати файли JavaScript (Увімкнути Мінімізацію файлів JavaScript для "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+msgstr "Об'єднати файли JavaScript (Увімкнути Мінімізацію файлів JavaScript для вибору)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Об'єднати файли JavaScript поєднує внутрішні, треті сторони та вбудовані JS,"
-" що знижують HTTP-запити. Не рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP"
-" / 2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Об'єднати файли JavaScript поєднує внутрішні, треті сторони та вбудовані JS, що знижують HTTP-запити. Не рекомендується, якщо ваш сайт використовує HTTP / 2. %1$sБольше інформації%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "Активувати об`єднати JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть шаблони вбудованого JavaScript, які будуть виключені з об'єднання "
-"(по одному на рядок). %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Вкажіть шаблони вбудованого JavaScript, які будуть виключені з об'єднання (по одному на рядок). %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів JavaScript, які потрібно виключити зі зменшення та"
-" об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів JavaScript, які потрібно виключити зі зменшення та об'єднання (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:805
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
-msgstr ""
-"Примітка: Доменне ім'я буде видалено автоматично. "
-"Використовуйте маску (.*).js для виключення всіх JS файлів в заданому шляху."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Примітка: Доменне ім'я буде видалено автоматично. Використовуйте маску (.*).js для виключення всіх JS файлів в заданому шляху."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Сторонні модулі: Використовуйте повний шлях або доменне "
-"ім'я щоб виключити зовнішні JS. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Сторонні модулі: Використовуйте повний шлях або доменне ім'я щоб виключити зовнішні JS. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "Відкладене завантаження JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:825
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Відкладене завантаження JavaScript усуває можливість блокування JS на вашому"
-" сайті та покращує час завантаження. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "Безпечний режим для jQuery (рекомендовано)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:837
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"Безпечний режим для jQuery для відкладеного JS забезпечує підтримку "
-"вбудованих посилань jQuery з тем і плагінів, завантажуючи jQuery у верхній "
-"частині документа як скрипт, що блокує візуалізацію.
Вимкнення може "
-"призвести до порушення функціональності, ретельної перевірки!"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Відкладене завантаження JavaScript усуває можливість блокування JS на вашому сайті та покращує час завантаження. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Медіафайли"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:870
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-msgstr "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds, WebP"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:876
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:893
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "LazyLoad"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:896
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Вона може покращити фактичний і сприйнятий час завантаження - зображення, "
-"фрейми, та відео буде завантажено лише після того, як вони ввійдуть до вікна"
-" перегляду та скоротять кількість запитів HTTP. %1$sБільше інформації %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:903
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use"
-" %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Lazyload зараз активовано в %2$s. Якщо ви хочете "
-"використовувати Lazyload в %1$s, деактивуйте цю функцію в%2$s."
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "Вона може покращити фактичний і сприйнятий час завантаження - зображення, фрейми, та відео буде завантажено лише після того, як вони ввійдуть до вікна перегляду та скоротять кількість запитів HTTP. %1$sБільше інформації %2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:906
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "Emoji 👻"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:908
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr ""
-"Використовуйте типову емодзiгу браузера відвідувача, а не завантажувати "
-"емодзiти з WordPress.org"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:912
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "Вставки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:914
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr ""
-"Відключає вбудовування матеріалів з вашого сайту, а також чужих матеріалів "
-"на вашому сайті (крім білого списку), прибирає пов'язані JavaScript запити "
-"до сайту WordPress"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:918
-msgid "WebP compatibility"
-msgstr "WebP сумісність"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:922
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"Активуйте цю опцію, якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket виводив зображення WebP у "
-"браузерах, які підтримують цей формат. Зверніть увагу, що WP Rocket не може "
-"створити WebP зображення для вас. Для їх безпосереднього створення ми "
-"рекомендуємо %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sБільше інформації%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "Активуйте цю опцію, якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket виводив зображення WebP у браузерах, які підтримують цей формат. Зверніть увагу, що WP Rocket не може створити WebP зображення для вас. Для їх безпосереднього створення ми рекомендуємо %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sБільше інформації%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:950
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Увімкнути для зображень"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:961
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-"Lazyload зображень зараз активовано в Avada. Якщо ви хочете використовувати "
-"LazyLoad від WP Rocket, деактивуйте цю функцію в Avada."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:969
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Увімкнути iframes і відео"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:984
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "Замініть YouTube iframe попереднім зображенням"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:985
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
-msgstr ""
-"Це може значно поліпшити час завантаження, якщо на сторінці є багато відео "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:997
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "Вимкнути Emoji"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:998
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "Вимкнути Emoji зменшить кількість зовнішніх HTTP-запитів."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1006
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "Вимкнути вставлення WordPress"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1016
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:360
-msgid "Enable WebP caching"
-msgstr "Увімкнути кешування WebP"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
+msgstr "Це може значно поліпшити час завантаження, якщо на сторінці є багато відео YouTube."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1039
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1049
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Презавантаження"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1040
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr "Створення файлів кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1052
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"При включенні попереднього завантаження WP Rocket генеруватиме кеш, "
-"починаючи з посилань на вашій домашній сторінці, за якими слідують вказані "
-"вами мапи сайту. Попереднє завантаження автоматично спрацьовує під час "
-"додавання або оновлення вмісту, а також може бути запущено вручну з панелі "
-"адміністрування або з панелі%1$sWP Rocket Dashboard%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "Оптимізація DNS запитів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1062
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня вибірка DNS може прискорювати завантаження зовнішніх файлів, "
-"особливо в мобільних мережах"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
+msgstr "Попередня вибірка DNS може прискорювати завантаження зовнішніх файлів, особливо в мобільних мережах"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1076
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "Активувати Презавантаження"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1095
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "Активуйте попереднє завантаження кешу на базі карти сайту"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1114
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "Карти сайту для предзагрузки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть файл Sitemap XML, який буде використовуватися для попереднього "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "URL для кешування"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1129
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть зовнішні вузли, які потрібно попередньо завантажувати (не "
один на рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть зовнішні вузли, які потрібно попередньо завантажувати (не http:
один на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "Розширені правила"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1153
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "Розширені кеш правила"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1162
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
-msgstr ""
-"Чутливі сторінки, такі як користувацькі URL-адреси для входу/виходу, повинні"
-" бути виключені з кешу."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+msgstr "Чутливі сторінки, такі як користувацькі URL-адреси для входу/виходу, повинні бути виключені з кешу."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1165
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1167
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1169
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1171
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1173
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Магазин"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1179
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
-msgstr ""
Кошик, оформлення замовлення і кабінет покупця встановлюються в "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s визначаються автоматично, їх вказувати не "
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgstr "
Кошик, оформлення замовлення і кабінет покупця встановлюються в %1$s%2$s%3$s визначаються автоматично, їх вказувати не потрібно."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1200
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "Ніколи не кешувати файли cookie"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1219
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "Строки запиту кешу"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1222
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sCache для запитів%2$s дозволяє примусово кешувати певні параметри GET."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1236
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси сторінок або публікацій, які ніколи не повинні кешуватися"
-" (по одному на рядок)"
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
+msgstr "%1$sCache для запитів%2$s дозволяє примусово кешувати певні параметри GET."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1237
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1265
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
-msgstr ""
-"Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. "
-"*) Для адреси декількох URL-адрес у заданому шляху."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси сторінок або публікацій, які ніколи не повинні кешуватися (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1246
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть ідентифікатори файлів cookie, які, коли встановлюються у веб-"
-"переглядачі відвідувача, повинні запобігати кешуванню сторінки (по одному на"
-" рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+msgstr "Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. *) Для адреси декількох URL-адрес у заданому шляху."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1254
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть рядки агента користувача, які ніколи не повинні бачити кешовані "
-"сторінки (по одному на рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть рядки агента користувача, які ніколи не повинні бачити кешовані сторінки (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1255
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "Використовуйте символи (. *) Для виявлення частин рядків UA."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1264
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси, які завжди потрібно очищати від кешу, коли ви оновлюєте "
-"будь-яку публікацію або сторінку (по одному на рядок)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси, які завжди потрібно очищати від кешу, коли ви оновлюєте будь-яку публікацію або сторінку (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1273
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Вкажіть рядки запитів для кешування (по одному на рядок)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База даних"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1302
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "Оптимізуйте, зменшіть розмір"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "Очистка записів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1313
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
-msgstr ""
-"Перевірки публікації та чернетки видаляються назавжди. Не використовуйте цей"
-" параметр, якщо потрібно зберегти зміни або чернетки."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+msgstr "Перевірки публікації та чернетки видаляються назавжди. Не використовуйте цей параметр, якщо потрібно зберегти зміни або чернетки."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "Очищення коментарів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1323
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "Спам та видалені коментарі буде видалено назавжди."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1327
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "Очищення транзакцій"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
-msgstr ""
-"Транзакції це тимчасові налаштування, їх можна смело удалять. Вони будуть "
-"створені автоматично, якщо потребуються плагину."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+msgstr "Транзакції це тимчасові налаштування, їх можна смело удалять. Вони будуть створені автоматично, якщо потребуються плагину."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1333
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "Очищення бази даних"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1335
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "Зменшує накладні витрати на таблиці бази даних"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "Авто очистка"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1352
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
@@ -1394,7 +953,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s ревізій у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[2] "%s ревізій у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s ревізій у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1362
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
@@ -1403,7 +962,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s чернеток у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[2] "%s чернеток у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s чернеток у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
@@ -1412,7 +971,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s видалених записів у вашій базі дани
msgstr[2] "%s видалених записів у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s видалених записів у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1382
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
@@ -1421,7 +980,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s спамних коментарів у вашій базі дан
msgstr[2] "%s спамних коментарів у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s спамних коментарів у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
@@ -1430,20 +989,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s видалених коментарів у вашій базі д
msgstr[2] "%s видалених коментарів у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s видалених коментарів у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1402
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасові дані, строк дії яких закінчився."
-msgstr[1] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних, строк дії яких закінчився."
-msgstr[2] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних, строк дії яких закінчився."
-msgstr[3] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних, строк дії яких закінчився."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1410
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Всі перехідні"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1412
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
@@ -1452,11 +1002,11 @@ msgstr[1] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних.
msgstr[2] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних."
msgstr[3] "У вашій базі даних %s тимчасових даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1420
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "Оптимізувати таблиці"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1422
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
@@ -1465,386 +1015,255 @@ msgstr[1] "%s таблиць, які можна оптимізувати, у в
msgstr[2] "%s таблиць, які можна оптимізувати, у вашій базі даних."
msgstr[3] "%s таблиць, які можна оптимізувати, у вашій базі даних."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1433
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "Розклад автоматичного очищення"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1445
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Частота"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1453
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Щоденно"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1454
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Щотижня"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Щомісяця"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1475
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "Інтегруйте свій CDN"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1487
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
-msgstr ""
-"Всі URL(и) статичних файлів (CSS, JS, images) будуть переписані на надані "
-"вами CNAME-адреси."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1489
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Не потрібен для таких послуг, як Cloudflare і Sucuri. Перегляньте наші "
-"доступні %1$sДодатки%2$s."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
+msgstr "Всі URL(и) статичних файлів (CSS, JS, images) будуть переписані на надані вами CNAME-адреси."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1530
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додаток %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додатків %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додатків %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"%1$s%2$s Додатків %3$s зараз активовано. Налаштування CDN для%2$s "
-"необов'язково, щоб функціонувати на вашому сайті."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgstr "Не потрібен для таких послуг, як Cloudflare і Sucuri. Перегляньте наші доступні %1$sДодатки%2$s."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1557
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Увімкнути мережу доставки вмісту"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1567
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(и)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "Укажіть нижче CNAME(и)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1575
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
-msgstr ""
-"Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів, які не можна подавати за допомогою CDN (по одному"
-" на рядок)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+msgstr "Вкажіть URL-адреси файлів, які не можна подавати за допомогою CDN (по одному на рядок)."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1576
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
-msgstr ""
-"Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. "
-"*) Для виключення всіх файлів певного типу файлів, розташованих на певному "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
+msgstr "Частина URL домену буде видалена автоматично.
Використовуйте символи (. *) Для виключення всіх файлів певного типу файлів, розташованих на певному шляху."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1599
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1607
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "Серцебиття"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1600
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "Керуйте WordPress Heartbeat API"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1608
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшення або вимкнення активності API Heartbeat може допомогти зберегти "
-"деякі ресурси вашого сервера."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
+msgstr "Зменшення або вимкнення активності API Heartbeat може допомогти зберегти деякі ресурси вашого сервера."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "Зменшити або відключити Серцебиття активність"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-"Зменшення активності змінить частоту серцевих скорочень з одного удару кожну"
-" хвилину на один удар кожні 2 хвилини."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
+msgstr "Зменшення активності змінить частоту серцевих скорочень з одного удару кожну хвилину на один удар кожні 2 хвилини."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
-msgstr ""
-"Вимкнення функції Heartbeat цілком може призвести до порушення плагінів і "
-"тем за допомогою цього API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+msgstr "Вимкнення функції Heartbeat цілком може призвести до порушення плагінів і тем за допомогою цього API."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1632
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "Не обмежується"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1633
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "Знизити активність"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1634
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Відключити"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "Контроль серцебиття"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1651
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "Поведінка в бекенд"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1658
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "Поведінка в редакторі записів"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1664
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "Поведінка в фронтенд"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1683
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Додатки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "Додайте інші функції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1691
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Швидкі Rocket Додатки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1692
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Додатки з одним натисканням - це функції, що розширюють доступні опції без "
-"необхідної конфігурації. Щоб увімкнути цей екран, увімкніть \"on\" параметр."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+msgstr "Додатки з одним натисканням - це функції, що розширюють доступні опції без необхідної конфігурації. Щоб увімкнути цей екран, увімкніть \"on\" параметр."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket Надбудови"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1703
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "Ракетні Додатки доповнюють додаткові можливості."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1716
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr "Google Tracking"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1722
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr "Покращення кешування веб-переглядача для Google Analytics"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1724
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket буде розміщувати ці сценарії Google локально на вашому сервері, "
-"щоб допомогти задовольнити рекомендацію PageSpeed для кешування "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1739
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1745
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr "Покращити кешування браузера для Facebook Pixel"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1747
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket буде розміщувати ці пікселі Facebook локально на вашому сервері, "
-"щоб допомогти задовольнити рекомендацію PageSpeed для Кешування "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1780
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо на вашому сервері запускається Varnish, необхідно активувати цей "
+msgstr "Якщо на вашому сервері запускається Varnish, необхідно активувати цей додаток."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Varnish кеш очищується разом з іншим кешем, щоб підтримувати актуальність "
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Varnish кеш очищується разом з іншим кешем, щоб підтримувати актуальність контенту.
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1803
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1863
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1809
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "Інтегруйте свій обліковий запис Cloudflare з цим додатком."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1810
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Надайте електронну пошту облікового запису, глобальний ключ API та домен для"
-" використання таких параметрів, як очищення кешу Cloudflare та забезпечення "
-"оптимальних параметрів за допомогою WP Rocket."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
+msgstr "Надайте електронну пошту облікового запису, глобальний ключ API та домен для використання таких параметрів, як очищення кешу Cloudflare та забезпечення оптимальних параметрів за допомогою WP Rocket."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "Очистіть кеш Sucuri, коли WP Rocket кеш буде очищено."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1825
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
-msgstr ""
-"Надайте ключ API, щоб очистити кеш Sucuri, коли кеш WP Rocket очищено."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
+msgstr "Надайте ключ API, щоб очистити кеш Sucuri, коли кеш WP Rocket очищено."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1833
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1982
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1839
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "Синхронізуйте кеш Sucuri з цим додатком."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare облікові дані"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1889
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare опції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1903
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Глобальний API ключ:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1904
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Знайдіть ваш API ключ"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1916
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "Email облікового запису"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1925
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "ID Зони"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1935
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "Режим розробки"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1937
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Тимчасово активуйте режим розробки на своєму веб-сайті. Ця настройка "
-"автоматично вимкнеться через 3 години. %1$sДокладніше%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr "Тимчасово активуйте режим розробки на своєму веб-сайті. Ця настройка автоматично вимкнеться через 3 години. %1$sДокладніше%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1945
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "Оптимальні опції"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1946
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-"Автоматично покращує вашу конфігурацію Cloudflare для швидкості, якості "
-"продуктивності та сумісності."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
+msgstr "Автоматично покращує вашу конфігурацію Cloudflare для швидкості, якості продуктивності та сумісності."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1954
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "Відносний протокол"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1955
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"Потрібно використовувати тільки Cloudflare's flexible SSL. URL адреси "
-"статичних файлів (CSS, JS, зображення) будуть переписані для використання //"
-" замість http:// або https://."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "Потрібно використовувати тільки Cloudflare's flexible SSL. URL адреси статичних файлів (CSS, JS, зображення) будуть переписані для використання // замість http:// або https://."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri облікові дані"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:2008
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-"Ключ API брандмауера (для плагіна) повинен мати формат {32 "
-"characters}/{32 characters}
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:2009
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "Знайдіть ваш API ключ"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:496
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Завантажити налаштування файлу та імпортувати"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
-msgstr ""
-"Додаток Sucuri: Ключ API для брандмауера Sucuri повинен мати формат "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
+msgstr "Додаток Sucuri: Ключ API для брандмауера Sucuri повинен мати формат {32 characters}/{32 characters}
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:478
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Налаштування збережено."
@@ -1855,629 +1274,269 @@ msgstr "Щоб правильно функціонувати,%1$s %2$s вима
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP %1$s Щоб скористатися цією версією WP Rocket, зверніться до веб-хосту, "
-"як оновити ваш сервер до PHP %1$s або вище."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "PHP %1$s Щоб скористатися цією версією WP Rocket, зверніться до веб-хосту, як оновити ваш сервер до PHP %1$s або вище."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress %1$s. Щоб використовувати цю версію WP Rocket, оновіть WordPress "
-"версії%1$s або вище."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
+msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Щоб використовувати цю версію WP Rocket, оновіть WordPress версії%1$s або вище."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви не можете оновити, можна повернутись до попередньої версії за "
-"допомогою кнопки нижче."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "Якщо ви не можете оновити, можна повернутись до попередньої версії за допомогою кнопки нижче."
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Перевстановіть версію %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr "Файл журналу не існує."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr "Файл журналу неможливо прочитати."
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "Журнали не зберігаються у файл."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Критичний CSS для %1$s не створено. Помилка:%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "API повернув неправильний код відповіді."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "API повернув порожню відповідь."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr "Критичний вміст CSS не може бути збережено як файл у %s."
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Створено критичний CSS для %s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. Не вдалося зібрати посилання на %1$s"
-" через таку помилку: %2$s. %3$sДокладніше%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. %1$s недоступний через наступний код"
-" відповіді: %2$s. Заходи безпеки можуть запобігати доступу. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. %1$s недоступний через наступний код"
-" відповіді: 404. Переконайтеся, що ваша домашня сторінка доступна у вашому "
-"веб-переглядачі. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. %1$s недоступний через наступний код"
-" відповіді: 500. Будь ласка, зверніться до вашого веб-хосту про доступ до "
-"сервера. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередня завантаження виникла помилка. Не вдалося зібрати посилання на "
-"%1$s, оскільки він повернув наступний код відповіді: %2$s. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Не вдалося зібрати "
-"посилання на%1$s через таку помилку:%2$s. %3$sДокладніше%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. %1$s недоступний "
-"через наступний код відповіді:%2$s. Заходи безпеки можуть запобігати "
-"доступу. %3$sДокладніше%4$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. %1$s недоступний "
-"через наступний код відповіді: 404. Переконайтеся, що ви ввели правильний "
-"URL-адресу мапи сайту, і він доступний у вашому браузері. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. %1$s недоступний "
-"через наступний код відповіді: 500. Будь ласка, зверніться до вашого веб-"
-"хосту про доступ до сервера. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Не вдалося зібрати "
-"посилання на %1$s, оскільки він повернув наступний код відповіді:%2$s. "
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Неможливо зібрати "
-"посилання з %1$s, оскільки файл порожній. %2$sДокладніше%3$s."
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"У попередньому завантаженні мапи сайту сталася помилка. Не вдалося зібрати "
-"посилання з %1$s через помилку під час синтаксичного аналізу XML. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Cache/class-expired-cache-purge-subscriber.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
msgstr "Строк збереження кешу WP Rocket"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:267
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please "
-"disable them from serving in %1$s. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для надання зображень в WebP форматі, тож вам не "
-"потрібно активувати цю опцію. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket надав їх, будь "
-"ласка, деактивуйте цей функціонал у %1$s. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:278
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "WebP кеш деактивовано фільтром."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:288
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви "
-"хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:300
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:326
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket "
-"створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. "
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. Якщо ви хочете, щоб WP Rocket забезпечував їх, активуйте цю опцію. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:347
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You don’t seem to be using a method to create and serve WebP that we are "
-"auto-compatible with. If you are not using WebP do not enable this option. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Здається, ви не використовуєте метод створення та використання WebP "
-"зображень, який міг би автоматично співпрацювати з WP Rocket. Якщо ви не "
-"використовуєте WebP, не активуйте цю опцію. %1$sДетальніше%2$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[1] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[2] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
+msgstr[3] "Ви використовуєте %1$s для конвертації зображень в WebP формат. WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень. %2$sДетальніше%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:352
-msgid "We have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!"
-msgstr "Ми не знайши жодого сумісного WebP плагіну!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:355
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you activate this option WP Rocket will create separate cache files to "
-"serve WebP images. Any WebP images you have on your site will be served from"
-" these files to compatible browsers. If you don’t already have WebP images "
-"on your site consider using %1$sImagify%3$s or another supported plugin. "
-"%2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви активуєте цю опцію, WP Rocket створить окремі файли кешу, щоб "
-"забезпечити відображення картинок у WebP форматі. Усі зображення WebP, які є"
-" на вашому сайті, будуть відображатися у браузерах, які підтримують цей "
-"формат. Якщо у вас ще немає зображень у форматі WebP, ви можете їх "
-"згенерувати за подомогою%1$sImagify%3$s або іншого сумісного плагіну. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:367
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень."
+msgstr "WP Rocket створить окремий кеш, щоб забезпечити використання WebP зображень."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "Зараз іде генерація Критичного CSS."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:82
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:210
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
-msgstr ""
-"Перейдіть на сторнінку %1$sНалаштування WP Rocket %2$s, щоб слідкувати за "
-"прогресом. "
+msgstr "Перейдіть на сторнінку %1$sНалаштування WP Rocket %2$s, щоб слідкувати за прогресом. "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:185
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
-msgstr ""
-"Виконується створення критичних CSS: %1$d з %2$d типів сторінок уже "
-"створено. (Оновити сторінку, щоб побачити процес)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgstr "Виконується створення критичних CSS: %1$d з %2$d типів сторінок уже створено. (Оновити сторінку, щоб побачити процес)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:236
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Створення критичних CSS завершено для %1$d з %2$d типів сторінок."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:250
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
-msgstr ""
-"Критичне CSS генерування зіткнулося з однією або декількома помилками."
+msgstr "Критичне CSS генерування зіткнулося з однією або декількома помилками."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:250
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Вивчити більше."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:87
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "щотижня"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:146
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "Не вдалося виявити наступну вимогу вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
msgstr[1] "Не вдалося виявити наступні вимоги вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
msgstr[2] "Не вдалося виявити наступні вимоги вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
msgstr[3] "Не вдалося виявити наступні вимоги вашої теми: закриваємо %1$s."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:152
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:40 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:64
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:77 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:105
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:479
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:494 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:624
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Прочитайте %1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших вказівок."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:154
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:93
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "щомісячно"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:206
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Процес оптимізації баз даних працює"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:237
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Процес оптимізації баз даних завершено. Все вже було оптимізовано!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:240
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
-msgstr ""
-"Процес оптимізації баз даних завершено. Список оптимізованих елементів "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+msgstr "Процес оптимізації баз даних завершено. Список оптимізованих елементів нижче:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:248
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s оптимізовано."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:123
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Інструменти"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "Імпорт, Експорт, Відкат"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:146
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "Оптимізація зображень"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:147
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "Стиснути зображення"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:165
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:45
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Підручники"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:166
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "Початок роботи та допоміжні відео"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:205
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "Предзавантаження: WP Rocket почав збереження вашого сайту в кеш."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:249
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешовану сторінку зараз було збережено (оновіть, "
-"щоб бачити прогрес)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешованих сторінок зараз було збережено (оновіть,"
-" щоб бачити прогрес)"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешованих сторінок зараз було збережено (оновіть,"
-" щоб бачити прогрес)"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Предзавантаження: %1$s незакешованих сторінок зараз було збережено (оновіть,"
-" щоб бачити прогрес)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:258
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникла наступна помилка:"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникли наступні помилки:"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникли наступні помилки:"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"В процесі збору урлів для Предзавантаження виникли наступні помилки:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:310
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "Предзавантаження завершено: %d сторінок було закешовано."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:115
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML Розширення PHP%2$s не включено на вашому сервері. Зверніться "
-"до свого хоста, щоб увімкнути його, перш ніж запускати попереднє "
-"завантаження кешу на основі мапи сайту."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте таку %s опцію, яка конфліктує з функціоналом WP "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sвідключення emoji%3$s конфліктує з функцією WP Rocket "
-"%2$sвідключення emoji%3$s"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте таку %s опцію, яка конфліктує з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[1] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[2] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
+msgstr[3] "Будь ласка, деактивуйте такі %s опції, які конфліктують з функціоналом WP Rocket:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sвидалення параметрів запиту %3$sконфліктує з функцією WP Rocket "
-"%2$s видалення параметрів запиту %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sвідключення emoji%3$s конфліктує з функцією WP Rocket %2$sвідключення emoji%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP-компресія%3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$sGZIP-компресією%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$sGZIP-компресія%3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$sGZIP-компресією%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s браузерне кешування %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s браузерним "
-"кешуванням %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s браузерне кешування %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s браузерним кешуванням %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s кешування сторінок %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s кешуванням "
-"сторінок %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s кешування сторінок %3$s конфліктує з WP Rocket %2$s кешуванням сторінок %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s оптимізація ресурсів %3$s конфліктує з Оптимізацією файлів %2$s WP"
-" Rocket %3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s оптимізація ресурсів %3$s конфліктує з Оптимізацією файлів %2$s WP Rocket %3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/class-smush-subscriber.php:66
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:122
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Помилка видалення кешу Sucuri: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:127
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
-msgstr ""
-"Кеш Sucuri очищається. Зверніть увагу, що для заповнення може знадобитися до"
-" двох хвилин."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
+msgstr "Кеш Sucuri очищається. Зверніть увагу, що для заповнення може знадобитися до двох хвилин."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:240
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr "Ключ API брандмауера Sucuri не знайдено."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:249
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr "Ключ API брандмауера Sucuri недійсний."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:301
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr "Помилка під час звернення до API брандмауера Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:311
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка під час звернення до API брандмауера Sucuri. Повідомлення про "
-"помилку було: %s"
+msgstr "Помилка під час звернення до API брандмауера Sucuri. Повідомлення про помилку було: %s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:322
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Не вдалося отримати відповідь від API брандмауера Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:333
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr "Отримано недійсний відповідь від API брандмауера Sucuri."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:343
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr "API брандмауера Sucuri повернув невідома помилка."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:346
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -2486,74 +1545,59 @@ msgstr[1] "API файєрволлу Sucuri видав такі помилки: %
msgstr[2] "API файєрволлу Sucuri видав такі помилки: %s"
msgstr[3] "API файєрволлу Sucuri видав такі помилки: %s"
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
-msgstr ""
-"Виникла несподівана помилка. Щось може бути неправильним з WP-Rocket.me або "
-"конфігурацією цього сервера. Якщо у вас виникнуть проблеми, зверніться до служби підтримки ."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgstr "Виникла несподівана помилка. Щось може бути неправильним з WP-Rocket.me або конфігурацією цього сервера. Якщо у вас виникнуть проблеми, зверніться до служби підтримки ."
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:125 inc/common/admin-bar.php:312
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:40 inc/functions/i18n.php:49
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Всі мови"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:152
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Очистити цей запис"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:166
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Очистіть цю URL-адресу"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:192
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "Очистити OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:211
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Перестворити критичні CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:229
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "Очистити Cloudflare кеш"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:247
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "Purge Sucuri кеш"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:270 inc/common/admin-bar.php:324
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "Презавантаження кеш"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:340 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документація"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:558
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
msgid "OPcache purge failed."
msgstr "Не вдалося оновити OPcache кеш."
-#: inc/common/purge.php:563
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache успішно оновлено"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:595
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
#, php-format
msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
msgstr "WP Rocket: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:600
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr "WP Rocket: кеш Cloudflare успішно очищено."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Активувати Imagify"
@@ -2562,12 +1606,8 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Установіть Imagify безкоштовно"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
-msgstr ""
-"Прискорити ваш сайт і збільшити ваш SEO за рахунок зменшення розмірів файлів"
-" зображень без втрати якості за допомогою Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgstr "Прискорити ваш сайт і збільшити ваш SEO за рахунок зменшення розмірів файлів зображень без втрати якості за допомогою Imagify."
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
@@ -2580,12 +1620,8 @@ msgstr "Попереднє завантаження мапи сайту: %d ст
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr ""
-"Попереднє завантаження Sitemap: попередньо закешовано %d сторінок. (оновити,"
-" щоб побачити прогрес)"
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
+msgstr "Попереднє завантаження Sitemap: попередньо закешовано %d сторінок. (оновити, щоб побачити прогрес)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
@@ -2595,350 +1631,313 @@ msgstr "Виберіть домен зі списку"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Домен недоступний у вашому Cloudflare записі"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "JS файли з Відкладеного завантаження JavaScript"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "Додати URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
-msgstr ""
-"Перш ніж ви зможете завантажити файл імпорту, необхідно буде виправити "
-"наступну помилку:"
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
+msgstr "Перш ніж ви зможете завантажити файл імпорту, необхідно буде виправити наступну помилку:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Виберіть файл з вашого пк (максимальний розмір: %s)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Ваші облікові дані Cloudflare дійсні."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "Ваші облікові дані Cloudflare недійсні!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Зберегти та оптимізувати"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Оптимізувати"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Примітка:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Продуктивність поради:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Виявлено сторонній плагін:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Увага:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Завантажити налаштування"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Замінити ім'я хосту сайту на:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "зарезервовано для"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Усі файли"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Зображення"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "Додати CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708 views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Переглянути відео"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Основний"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Статичні файли"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Розширений"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s треба наявності версії PHP не нижче %3$s Щоб скористатися цією "
-"функцією, зверніться до хостера з проханням підвищити версію PHP до %3$s і "
-"вище. В іншому випадку, використовуйте стару версію плагіна."
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s треба наявності версії PHP не нижче %3$s Щоб скористатися цією функцією, зверніться до хостера з проханням підвищити версію PHP до %3$s і вище. В іншому випадку, використовуйте стару версію плагіна."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилку зазначено "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені "
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
+msgstr[0] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилку зазначено нижче."
+msgstr[1] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені нижче."
+msgstr[2] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені нижче."
+msgstr[3] "Здається, виникла проблема з валідацією вашої ліцензії. Помилки зазначені нижче."
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:360
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Тип сервера:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:369
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:370
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "Номер версії PHP:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:378
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:379
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "Номер версії WordPress:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:387
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:388
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "WordPress мультисайт:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:396
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:397
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Поточна тема:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:405
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:406
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Мова поточного сайту:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:414
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:415
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Активні плагіни:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:417
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:418
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Імена плагінів всіх активних плагінів"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:423
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:424
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Анонімні WP Rocket опції:"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:426
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:427
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Які настройки WP Rocket є активні"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:19 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:142
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Curl деактивовано на вашому сервері. Будь ласка, попросіть вашого хостера "
-"ввімкнути його. Це потрібно, щоб Додаток Cloudflare працював коректно."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте "
-"%1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:29 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:42
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:66 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:79
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:107 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:124
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:155 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:481
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:496 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:626
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr "Curl деактивовано на вашому сервері. Будь ласка, попросіть вашого хостера ввімкнути його. Це потрібно, щоб Додаток Cloudflare працював коректно."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте %1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Не вказано Cloudflare Zone ID."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:118
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:490 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:620
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr "Невірний імейл або API ключ Cloudflare."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:73 inc/functions/cloudflare.php:475
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr "Невірне значення Cloudflare Zone ID."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:101
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr "Здається, що ваш домен не налаштовано у Cloudflare."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:153
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
-msgstr ""
-"Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте "
-"%1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr "Імейл, зареєстрований в Cloudflare, API key та Zone ID не вказані. Читайте %1$sдокументацію%2$s для подальших інструкцій."
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:218
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Не вдалося підключитися до Cloudflare"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535 inc/functions/options.php:574
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Наш сервер не може вирішити запит з вашого веб-"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Наш сервер не може вирішити запит з вашого веб-сайту."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:535 inc/functions/options.php:574
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Спробуйте натиснути%1$sSave Changes %2$s нижче. Якщо помилка не зникає, "
-"перейдіть %3$sв цю інструкцію%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr "Спробуйте натиснути%1$sSave Changes %2$s нижче. Якщо помилка не зникає, перейдіть %3$sв цю інструкцію%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Можливо, ви використовуєте нульову версію "
-"плагіна. Будь ласка, виконайте такі дії:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Можливо, ви використовуєте нульову версію плагіна. Будь ласка, виконайте такі дії:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "Увійдіть у свій WP Rocket%1$sаккаунт%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "Завантажте zip файл"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551 inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "Перевстановити"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:551
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо у вас немає облікового запису WP Rocket, будь ласка,%1$sкупіть "
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgstr "Якщо у вас немає облікового запису WP Rocket, будь ласка,%1$sкупіть ліцензію%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Цей обліковий запис користувача не існує в нашій"
-" базі даних."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Цей обліковий запис користувача не існує в нашій базі даних."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:559
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "Щоб вирішити, зверніться до служби підтримки."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:567
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-"Помилка перевірки ліцензії. Цей обліковий запис користувача належить до "
-"чорного списку."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:567
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "Дивіться %1$sце керівництво%2$s для отримання додаткової інформації."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Ваша ліцензія недійсна."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "Переконайтеся, що у вас є активна %1$sWP Rocket ліцензія%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "Ви додали стільки сайтів, скільки дозволяє поточна ліцензія."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
-msgstr ""
-"Оновлення %1$sаккаунту%2$s або %3$sтрансфер ліцензії%2$s до цього домену."
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
+msgstr "Оновлення %1$sаккаунту%2$s або %3$sтрансфер ліцензії%2$s до цього домену."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Цей веб-сайт заборонений."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Будь ласка,%1$sзверніться в службу підтримки%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "Цей ліцензійний ключ не розпізнається."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:593
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "Якщо проблема не зникне,%1$sзверніться до служби підтримки%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:599
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "Помилка перевірки ліцензії: %s"
@@ -2963,267 +1962,29 @@ msgstr "Не вдалося встановити плагін."
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Повернутися назад"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Повернутися"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:22
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket зворотній зв'язок"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрити"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:28
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "Чи можемо ми мати трохи інформації про те, чому ви деактивуєтеся?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:32
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr ""
-"Це тимчасове відключення Я проводжу дебаггінг проблеми."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:36
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr "Плагін зламав мій макет або деяку функціональність."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:40
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr "Мій рейтинг PageSpeed або GTMetrix не покращився."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "Я не помітив різниці в часу завантаження."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:48
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr "Додаток занадто складний для налаштування."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:52
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "У мого хоста вже є своя система кешування."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:54
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "Яка назва вашого веб-хостингу?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:59
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Інші"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:61
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr ""
-"Дайте нам знати, чому ви дезактивуєте WP Rocket, щоб ми могли вдосконалити "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "Плагін зламав мою розкладку або деяку функціональність"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr ""
-"Цей тип випуску зазвичай може бути виправлений, вимкнувши деякі опції у WP "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:71
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr ""
-"Натисніть кнопку \"Застосувати Безпечний Режим\", щоб швидко вимкнути опції "
-"\"LazyLoad\", \"Оптимізацію файлів\", Embeds та CDN. Потім перевірте свій "
-"сайт, щоб перевірити, чи вирішено проблему."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:73
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "Ввімкнути безпечний режим"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "Застосовано Безпечний режим."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:77
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "Перегляньте свій сайт у вікні приватного/вихідного веб-переглядача."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-"Чи виправлена проблема? Тепер ви можете повторно активувати параметри по "
-"черзі, щоб визначити, який з них викликав проблему. Детальніше"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "Мій рейтинг PageSpeed або GT Metrix не покращився"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket робить ваш сайт швидшим. Рейтинг PageSpeed або оцінка GTMetrix не "
-"є показниками швидкості. Ні ваші реальні відвідувачі, ні Google ніколи не "
-"побачать “оцінку“ вашого веб-сайту. Швидкість є єдиним показником, який має "
-"значення для SEO та переходів."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr ""
-"Yoast, експерт з усіх речей, пов'язаних із SEO для WordPress, говорить:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:85
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr ""
-"[Google] просто розглядає, наскільки швидко ваш веб-сайт завантажується для "
-"користувачів, так що вам не потрібно перейматися цим конкретним балом. Ви "
-"повинні переконатися, що ваш веб-сайт так само швидкий, як і його можна "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-"Як виміряти час завантаження вашого сайту:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-"Чому ви не повинні переслідувати показник PageSpeed:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "Я не помітив різниці в часу завантаження"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr ""
-"Переконайтеся, що ви переглянули свій сайт під час виходу, щоб побачити "
-"швидкі, кешовані сторінки!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:94
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Кращий спосіб побачити поліпшення WP Rocket забезпечує виконання тестів "
-"швидкості. Щоб правильно виміряти час завантаження веб-сайту, дотримуйтеся "
-"наведеного нижче посібника.
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "Додаток занадто складний для налаштування"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "Нам дуже шкода, що вам важко використовувати WP Rocket."
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket - єдиний плагін кешування, який за замовчуванням забезпечує 80% "
-"кращих практик оптимізації швидкості. Це означає, що вам не потрібно нічого "
-"робити, окрім активації WP Rocket і ваш сайт буде вже швидше!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr ""
-"Додаткові опції не потрібні для швидкого сайту, вони призначені для тонкої "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:101
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-"Щоб побачити переваги, які WP Rocket вже надає, виміряйте швидкість вашого "
-"сайту за допомогою інструмента, як-от Pingdom:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Надіслати & Деактивувати"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:107
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Скасувати"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:109
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "Пропустити та деактивувати"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "Очистити кеш після"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3231,26 +1992,12 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "Імпорт опції"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Так"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:26 views/settings/page.php:56
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Ні"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:42
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "Стан Додатку"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "Змінити параметри"
@@ -3268,6 +2015,7 @@ msgstr "Очищає кешовані ресурси для вашого веб-
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
@@ -3290,82 +2038,55 @@ msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr "Ваш веб-сайт зараз завантажується швидше!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-"Щоб гарантувати швидкий веб-сайт, WP Rocket застосовує 80% oнайкращих "
-"практик роботи в Інтернеті."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
-msgstr ""
-"Ми також активуємо варіанти, які надають негайні вигоди для вашого веб-"
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgstr "Ми також активуємо варіанти, які надають негайні вигоди для вашого веб-сайту."
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "Перейдіть до опцій для подальшої оптимізації свого сайту!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:55
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Мій аккаунт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:61
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "Оновити інфо"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:75
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Дата закінчення"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:84
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "Переглянути Мій аккаунт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:104
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "Швидкі дії"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:111
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "Видалити всі кешовані файли"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:131
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "Почати завантаження кешу"
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
+msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
+msgstr "Перестворити критичні CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:156
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "Очистити вміст OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:162
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "Очистити OPCache"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:173
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:179
-msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
-msgstr "Перестворити критичні CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:196
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Часті Питання"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:209
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "Ще не можете знайти рішення?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:210
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
-msgstr ""
-"Надішліть тікет і отримайте допомогу від наших дружніх і обізнаних "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+msgstr "Надішліть тікет і отримайте допомогу від наших дружніх і обізнаних Rocketeers."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:218
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "Запитайте підтримку"
@@ -3374,27 +2095,17 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "Резервує вашу базу даних перед тим, як запустити очищення!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
-msgstr ""
-"Після того, як оптимізація бази даних була виконана, її неможливо скасувати."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgstr "Після того, як оптимізація бази даних була виконана, її неможливо скасувати."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s створено%3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sдля найкращої оптимізації "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s створено%3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sдля найкращої оптимізації зображень.%2$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
-msgstr ""
-"Стисніть зображення, щоб зробити ваш веб-сайт швидшим, зберігаючи якість "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
+msgstr "Стисніть зображення, щоб зробити ваш веб-сайт швидшим, зберігаючи якість зображення."
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
@@ -3420,23 +2131,9 @@ msgstr "Встановити Imagify"
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr "WP Rocket не зміг автоматично перевірити вашу ліцензію."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-"Дотримуйтесь цього посібника або "
-"зверніться до служби підтримки, щоб "
-"запустити движок."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:27
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
@@ -3465,37 +2162,29 @@ msgstr "Експортувати налаштування"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "Завантажте резервну копію Ваших налаштувань"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Завантажити налаштування"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Відкат"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr "Чи є проблема з версією %s на вашому веб-сайті?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr ""
-"Ви можете повернутися до попередньої основної версії тут.
Потім "
-"надішліть нам запит на підтримку."
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "Перевстановити версію %s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Режим налагодження"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr "Створіть файл журналу налагодження."
@@ -3523,23 +2212,23 @@ msgstr "Як перевірити, чи WP Rocket кешує ваш сайт"
msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
msgstr "Як виміряти швидкість вашого сайту"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
msgstr "Вирішення проблем з відображенням через Оптимізацію файлів"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
msgstr "Як знайти правильний JavaScript для виключення"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
msgstr "Як зовнішній контент уповільнює Ваш сайт"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:32
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
msgid "How Preloading Works"
msgstr "Як працює Предзавантаження"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:38
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
msgstr "Налаштувати Додаток Cloudflare"
@@ -3552,76 +2241,23 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket Налаштування"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "версія %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:57
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr "Показати сайдбар"
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
-msgstr "Дякуємо за участь у бета-програмі WP Rocket!"
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
-msgstr ""
-"Зазвичай бета-версія - це нові функції та вдосконалення, але ми хочемо "
-"протестувати їх ще трохи перед повним запуском."
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"Ми будемо любити це, якщо б ви взяли наші бета-версії для їзди, але, будь "
-"ласка, майте на увазі, що це може бути менш стабільним, ніж наші інші "
-"випуски. Не хвилюйтеся, ви можете будь-коли повернутися до повної версії."
-#: views/settings/page.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
-msgstr ""
-"Ваша місія: будь-ласка, відправте всі відгуки про наші бета-версії, "
-"включаючи повідомлення про помилки, на адресу support@wp-rocket.me"
-#: views/settings/page.php:81
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо ви не хочете приєднуватися до бета-програми, просто закрийте це вікно."
-#: views/settings/page.php:83
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Активізувати Rocket тестер"
-#: views/settings/page.php:94
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr ""
-"Нижче наведено детальний перегляд всіх даних, які WP Rocket збиратиме, "
-"якщо надано дозвіл."
-#: views/settings/page.php:97
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket ніколи не буде передавати будь-які доменні імена або адреси "
-"електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або ключі API "
-"сторонніх виробників."
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket ніколи не буде передавати будь-які доменні імена або адреси електронної пошти (крім перевірки ліцензії), IP-адреси або ключі API сторонніх виробників."
-#: views/settings/page.php:99
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
msgstr "Активувати Rocket analytics"
#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Це чудова відправна точка для виправлення деяких найбільш поширених проблем."
+msgstr "Це чудова відправна точка для виправлення деяких найбільш поширених проблем."
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:19
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
msgid "Read the documentation"
msgstr "Прочитайте документацію"
@@ -3635,55 +2271,1326 @@ msgstr "Як правильно виміряти час завантаження
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Перегляньте наш підручник і дізнайтеся, як виміряти швидкість вашого сайту."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr "Дізнайтеся, як правильно оцінювати ефективність вашого сайту."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Перегляньте наш підручник і дізнайтеся, як виміряти швидкість вашого сайту."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:19
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
msgid "Read our guide"
msgstr "Прочитайте наш гід"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:22
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "Чому Google PageSpeed клас не має значення"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Читати далі"
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "Ви не активували кеш для зареєстрованих користувачів."
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:29
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr ""
-"Використовуйте приватний веб-переглядач, щоб перевірити швидкість і "
-"візуальність вашої веб-сторінки."
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "Використовуйте приватний веб-переглядач, щоб перевірити швидкість і візуальність вашої веб-сторінки."
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "Потрібна допомога?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-zh_CN.mo b/languages/rocket-zh_CN.mo
index b01b04250d..774df92d57 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-zh_CN.mo and b/languages/rocket-zh_CN.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-zh_CN.po b/languages/rocket-zh_CN.po
index 777d864aa2..5a5c850450 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-zh_CN.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-zh_CN.po
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Romain • WP Rocket
Enable "
-"%1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan "
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
msgstr "指定生命周期外的缓存文件将被删除。
启用 %1$s预缓存%2$s 功能,缓存将在过期时自动重建。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:491
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "为已登录的 WordPress 用户启用缓存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:499
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "启用"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:514
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "移动端单独缓存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:516
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. "
-"Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore "
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "现在大部分主题都是响应式的,并不需要单独缓存。只有当你正在使用移动端专用的主题或插件时才建议开启该功能。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:532
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr "指定全局缓存刷新间隔
(0 = 无限制)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:534
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr "如您注意到某些问题周期性出现,请将时间间隔改为10小时或更短。%1$s为什么?%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:540
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "小时"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:541
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "天"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:574
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "文件优化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:575
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "优化 CSS 和 JS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:582
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS 文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:589
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr "自动优化中已启用%1$s压缩。 如您想使用 %2$s 的压缩功能,请禁用自动优化中的相关选项。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:592
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript 文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:606
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the "
-"default exclusions to quickly resolve "
Also, please check our "
-"%2$sdocumentation%3$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
-msgstr ""
-"如激活此选项后出错, 复制并粘贴默认的排除项可以帮您快速解决问题: %1$s
同时, "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:613
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to "
-"take full advantage of this option.
If this causes trouble, restore the "
-"default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
-msgstr "为避免出错, 已排除内置脚本. 移除后可使用该选项的全部功能.
如遇到问题, 请重置为%1$s默认配置%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:622
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "压缩 CSS 文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:623
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "删除空格和注释以减小文件大小。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:636
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:660
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:813
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "可能导致页面出错!"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:661
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:790
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:814
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr "如启用该设置后网站出错,直接禁用即可恢复正常。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:638
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "启用 CSS 压缩"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:643
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "合并 CSS 文件(需先勾选上方的\"压缩CSS文件\")"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:645
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "将所有文件合并成一个文件以减少 HTTP 请求数。不推荐用于已使用 HTTP/2 的站点。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove "
-"unused CSS is enabled."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
msgstr "为确保兼容性和最佳效果, 当您启用了 \"移除未使用CSS\" 时, 当前选项将被禁用."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:662
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "启用 CSS 合并"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:667 inc/admin/options.php:122
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708
+#: inc/admin/options.php:124
msgid "Excluded CSS Files"
msgstr "排除CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:668
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr "指定不启用压缩 & 合并的 CSS 文件 URL(每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:669
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
msgstr "内部: URL 的域名部分将被自动删除。可用 (.*).css 通配符来匹配所有相似文件。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:671
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "第三方:使用完整的 URL 路径或仅使用域名来排除外部 CSS。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "CSS 递送优化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:689
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only "
-"one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
msgstr "CSS递送优化可以去除网站中阻塞渲染的CSS. 只能选择一种方式. 建议移除未使用的CSS."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:699
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn"
-" more%2$s"
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr "本地环境默认禁用 \"优化CSS递送\" 功能. %1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:719
-msgid "Remove Unused CSS (Beta)"
-msgstr "移除未使用的 CSS ( 测试 )"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:721
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests."
-" Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "移除每个页面未使用的CSS, 减少页面大小和HTTP请求数. 建议使用以获得最佳性能. 请谨慎测试 ! %1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:723
-msgid "We’re still working on it!"
-msgstr "功能开发中 !"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:724
-msgid ""
-"This is a beta feature. We’re providing you early access but some changes "
-"might be added later on. If you notice any errors on your website, simply "
-"deactivate the feature."
-msgstr "测试版功能。你可提前尝试使用,但后续可能会有调整。如遇到错误,禁用该功能即可。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "启用移除未使用的 CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:731
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
msgid "CSS safelist"
msgstr "CSS 安全列表"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:732
-msgid ""
-"Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
msgstr "指定无需移除的CSS文件名、ID 或 class 值(每行一个)。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
msgstr "异步加载CSS文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:750
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
#, php-format
msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want"
-" to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
msgstr " CSS 异步加载当前由%1$s扩展接管。如您想使用 WP Rocket 的 CSS 异步加载选项,请禁用%1$s扩展。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:752
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "生成关键路径 CSS 并异步加载.%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:758
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "关键路径 CSS 备用代码"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "输入备用代码,以供自动生成关键路径 CSS 操作无法完成时使用。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "压缩 JS 文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:776
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "移除空白字符和注释以减小文件体积。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:791
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "启用 JavaScript 压缩"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:796
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr "合并 JavaScript 文件(需先勾选上方的\"压缩JS文件\")"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:798
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "合并您网站内的内部、第三方以及内联 JS 文件,以减少 HTTP 请求数。不推荐用于已使用 HTTP/2 的站点。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:799
-msgid ""
-"For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay "
-"javascript execution is enabled."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
msgstr "考虑到兼容性和最佳效果,如您已开启延迟执行 Javascript,该选项会被禁用。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:815
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "启用 JavaScript 合并"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:820 inc/admin/options.php:123
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862
+#: inc/admin/options.php:125
msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript"
msgstr "排除内联的JavaScript"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "指定不启用压缩 & 合并的 JS 文件 URL(每行一个)%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:871
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900 inc/admin/options.php:124
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960
+#: inc/admin/options.php:126
msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files"
msgstr "排除JavaScript文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:839
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr "指定不启用压缩 & 合并的 JS 文件 URL(每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr "内部: URL 的域名部分将被自动删除。可用 (.*).js 通配符来匹配所有相似文件。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:842
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "第三方:使用完整的 URL 路径或仅使用域名来排除外部 JS。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:858
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "JavaScript 异步加载"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "可以消除您网站阻塞渲染的 JS 以改善加载时间。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:873
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one "
-"per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "指定无需延迟的 URL 或 JavaScript 文件的关键词(每行一个)。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:889 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
msgstr "JavaScript 延迟执行"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:891
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user "
-"interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"在页面加载时延迟加载JaveScript文件, 只在用户需要时(如滚动、点击)才加载这些非关键资源,可以优化网页性能。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "在页面加载时延迟加载JaveScript文件, 只在用户需要时(如滚动、点击)才加载这些非关键资源,可以优化网页性能。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:901
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be "
-"excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
msgstr "指定用于识别内联或 JavaScript 文件的 URL 或关键词(每行一个)。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:932
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "媒体"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
msgstr "懒加载, 图片尺寸"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "自动优化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:987
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "懒加载"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:990
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"它可帮您改善加载时间(例如: 图片, 内嵌框架和视频将仅在进入或即将进入可视区域时才加载)和减少 HTTP 请求数.%1$s更多信息%2$s"
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr "它可帮您改善加载时间(例如: 图片, 内嵌框架和视频将仅在进入或即将进入可视区域时才加载)和减少 HTTP 请求数.%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:997
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
msgstr "延迟加载已在 %2$s 中启用。若您想要使用 WP Rocket 的延迟加载功能,请先在 %2$s 中禁用此选项。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1000
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
msgid "Image Dimensions"
msgstr "图片尺寸"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout "
-"shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore "
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "为图片添加缺失的宽高属性。这有助于防止布局偏移,并能提升访客阅读体验。 %1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1022
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "为图片开启"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1034
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use "
-"%1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
msgstr "延迟加载图像已在 %2$s 中启用。若您想要使用 %1$s 的延迟加载功能,请先在 %2$s 中禁用此选项。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1042
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "框架 & 视频"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1057
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "用预览图替换 Youtube 框架"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1059
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
#, php-format
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
msgstr "用预览图替换Youtube 框架 不兼容于%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1059
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr "如页面含有多个 Youtube 视频,可以极大改善页面加载时间。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1074
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
msgstr "排除图片或 iframe 框架"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1076
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or "
-"iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "指定要排除的图片或 iframe 框架代码的关键词(如图片文件名、CSS类、域名),每行一个。 %1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1084
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
msgstr "添加缺失的图像宽高属性"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "预缓存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
msgstr "生成缓存文件、预加载字体"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1115
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
msgid "Preload Cache"
msgstr "预加载缓存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-"当您启用预缓存时,WP Rocket "
-"将从首页上的链接开始,按您指定的站点地图生成缓存。添加或更新网站内容时会自动触发预缓存,您也可从管理栏或%1$sWP Rocket "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1126
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
msgid "Preload Links"
msgstr "链接预取"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when "
-"a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "链接预取是指当用户的鼠标经过某个链接时,预先下载对应网页,所以当用户点击链接时会觉得加载速度非常快。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "DNS 预读取"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1139
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr "DNS 预读取能更快地加载外部文件,特别是移动网络"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1144
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
msgid "Preload Fonts"
msgstr "预加载字体"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1147
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "帮助浏览器在 CSS 文件中发现字体来提高性能。%1$s了解详情%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr "开启预缓存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "启用Sitemap预缓存"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "预缓存Sitemap URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1203
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "指定用于预缓存的XML sitemap"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "预读取的URL"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1214
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr "指定要预读取的外部主机名(不带 http:
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
msgid "Fonts to preload"
msgstr "要预加载的字体"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1224
-msgid ""
-"Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be"
-" hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
msgstr "指定要预加载的字体文件的URL(每行一个)。字体必须托管在您自己的域名中,或者在CDN标签页中指定这个域名。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1225
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font "
-"extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
msgstr "URL的域名部分将被自动删除。
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
msgid "Enable link preloading"
msgstr "启用链接预取"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1253
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "高级规则"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1254
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "微调缓存规则"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1265
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr "某些特殊页面不建议缓存,如自定义的登录/注销URL。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1268
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1270
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "简易数字下载"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes 交易"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1276
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1282
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr "
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1292 inc/admin/options.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329
+#: inc/admin/options.php:129
msgid "Never Cache URL(s)"
msgstr "永不缓存(URL):"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1300
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "永不缓存(Cookies)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1306 inc/admin/options.php:128
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343
+#: inc/admin/options.php:130
msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)"
msgstr "永不缓存(User Agents):"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1312 inc/admin/options.php:129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349
+#: inc/admin/options.php:131
msgid "Always Purge URL(s)"
msgstr "总是清除以下URL缓存:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1318
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "缓存查询字符串:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr "%1$s查询字符串缓存%2$s 可强制缓存指定GET参数。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1332
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr "指定永不缓存的页面或文章URL (每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1333
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1361
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr "URL的域名部分将被自动删除。
可使用 (.*) 通配符来匹配多个相似URL。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1342
-msgid ""
-"Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's "
-"browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
msgstr "指定部分或完整的Cookies ID(每行一个),用于阻止访客浏览器缓存页面"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1350
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr "指定永不缓存的 user agent 字符串(每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "可用 (.*) 通配符来匹配部分 UA 字符串。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1360
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr "指定当更新任何文章或页面时,要清除缓存的 URL(每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "指定要缓存的查询字符串(每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1394 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "数据库"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1395
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "优化,减少冗余"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1402
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "文章清理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1404
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr "永久删除文章的修订版本和草稿。如您需要保留修订版本或草稿, 请勿使用该选项。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1409
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "评论清理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1411
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "永久删除垃圾评论和回收站评论。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1415
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "临时数据清理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1417
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr "可安全清除。插件需要时将会自动重新生成。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1421
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "数据库清理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1423
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "优化数据库表"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1427
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "自动清理"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1440
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 个修订版本。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1450
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 篇草稿。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 篇回收站文章。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1470
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 条垃圾评论。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1480
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 条回收站评论。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1488
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "所有临时数据"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1490
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 条过期的临时数据。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1498
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "优化数据表"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1500
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "检测到 %s 张表可被优化。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1511
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "自动清理计划任务"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1523
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "频率"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1531
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "每日"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1532
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "每周"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "每月"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1549
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1550
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "CDN整合"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1562
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr "所有静态文件 URL(CSS、JS和图片)将被重写至下方您提供的 CNAME。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1564
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr "Cloudflare 和 Sucuri 等服务不需要。请参考我们的可用%1$s扩展%2$s。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1579 inc/admin/options.php:130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616
+#: inc/admin/options.php:132
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr "从CDN中排除文件"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1605
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
msgstr[0] "%1$s%2$s 扩展%3$s已启用。CDN设置对于%2$s正常工作来说不是必须的哦。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1630
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "启用CDN"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1639
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1640
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "指定 CNAME"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1647
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr "指定不启用 CDN 的文件 URL(每行一个)"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1648
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr "URL 的域名部分将被自动删除。
可用 (.*) 通配符来匹配所有相似文件。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1671
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1679
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "心跳监测"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr "控制 WordPress 心跳监测的 API"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1680
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr "降低其频率或禁用 API 可帮您节省部分服务器资源。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1686
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr "减少心跳监测频率或禁用心跳监测"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1687
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr "减少活动:将心跳监测频率从每分钟一次改为每2分钟一次。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1687
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr "完全禁用:可能会破坏使用此 API 的插件和主题。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr "不限制"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr "减少活动"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1703
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "禁用"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1711
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr "心跳控制"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1720
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr "后端行为监测"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr "文章编辑器行为监测"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1733
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr "前端行为监测"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1750
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "扩展功能"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1751
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "提供更多设置"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1758
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket 一键扩展功能"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1759
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr "额外的功能选项。设为 “on” 即可启用,无需另外配置。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1769
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "Rocket 扩展功能"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "现有功能的补充。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1781
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1933
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "使用该扩展整合您的Cloudflare账户。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr "提供您的账户邮箱、全局 API key 和域名以开启相关优化选项并使用清除 Cloudflare 缓存等功能。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "如服务器已启用 Varnish,该功能必须开启。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1830
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr "当 WP Rocket 每次清除缓存时,自动清除 Varnish 缓存以使内容保持最新。
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1865
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr "WebP 兼容"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1871
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr "让浏览器兼容WebP图片格式."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
-"compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images "
-"for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore "
-msgstr ""
-"如您想使用 WP Rocket 来增加 WebP 图片支持,可开启此选项。请注意 WP Rocket 无法为您 创建 WebP 图片。要创建 WebP "
-"图片 我们推荐使用 %1$sImagify%2$s 。%3$s更多信息%2$s"
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr "如您想使用 WP Rocket 来增加 WebP 图片支持,可开启此选项。请注意 WP Rocket 无法为您 创建 WebP 图片。要创建 WebP 图片 我们推荐使用 %1$sImagify%2$s 。%3$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1895
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "在 WP Rocket 的缓存被清理时,清理 Sucuri 缓存。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1898
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr "提供 Sucuri 的 API Key 以便用于当 WP Rocket 的缓存被清理时, 清理 Sucuri 缓存。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1906
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2050
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr "Sucuri ( 一家CDN服务商 )"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1912
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr "使用此扩展同步 Sucuri 缓存。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1950
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr "Cloudflare授权"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare设置"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1973
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "全局 API key:"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1974
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "查找我的 API Key"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "账户邮箱"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1995
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr "Zone ID"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2005
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "开发者模式"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2007
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr "暂时在您的网站上激活开发模式。 该设置将在3小时后自动关闭。%1$s更多%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "优化设置"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2016
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr "自动优化 Cloudflare 设置(基于速度,性能等级和兼容性)。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2024
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "相对协议"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2025
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"仅适用于 Cloudflare的 flexible SSL 功能。静态文件(CSS, JS和图片)URL的 http:// 或 https:// "
-"将被重写为 // 。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "仅适用于 Cloudflare的 flexible SSL 功能。静态文件(CSS, JS和图片)URL的 http:// 或 https:// 将被重写为 // 。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2063
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr "Sucuri 凭证"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2076
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr "防火墙的 API Key (插件用) 应为32个字符
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "查找我的 API Key"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:409 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "上传文件并导入配置"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:391
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr "Sucuri 扩展: Sucuri 防火墙的 API key 长度应为{32个字符}/{32个字符}
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:482
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "设置已保存。"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:698
-msgid ""
-"Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved "
-"because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
msgstr "您在 \"高级规则 > 从不缓存 URL\" 中添加的 /(.*) 未被保存, 因为它会禁用所有页面的缓存和优化."
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:150
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "工具"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:151
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "导入、导出和还原"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:176
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr "图片优化"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:177
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr "压缩您的图片"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "指南"
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
msgstr "新手指南 和 How To 视频"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:154
-msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later"
-msgstr "RocketCDN 不可用,请稍后重试。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:171
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存清除失败:识别参数缺失。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存清除失败:用户 token 缺失。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:199
-msgid ""
-"RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存清除失败:API 返回未知状态码。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:208
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存清除失败:API 返回为空。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:217
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存清除失败:API 返回未知状态码。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:226
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存清除失败:%s。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
msgstr "RocketCDN 缓存已成功清除。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:82
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr "下个付款日"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:91
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
msgid "No Subscription"
msgstr "未订阅"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
msgstr "您的 RocketCDN 订阅已激活。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:133
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
msgstr "要使用 RocketCDN,请替换您的 CNAME 为 %1$s%2$s%3$s。"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:144
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s更多信息%2$s"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:190
-msgid "Manage Subscription"
-msgstr "管理订阅"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
msgstr "RocketCDN 已启用"
@@ -1621,24 +1376,14 @@ msgstr " %s 即将到期!"
msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
msgstr "致谢为您加速网站的贡献者:"
-#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited "
-msgstr "具有 %1$s无限带宽%2$s的高性能CDN"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
msgstr "轻松设置:已自动为您启用了 %1$sCDN 最佳设置%2$s "
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in"
-" our plugin"
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
msgstr "WP Rocket 整合: 我们的插件已为您%1$s自动配置%2$sCDN 选项"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
@@ -1647,9 +1392,7 @@ msgstr "了解 RocketCDN 的更多信息"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your "
-"subscription at any time."
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
msgstr "*$%1$s/月, 一年后 $%2$s/月. 您可以随时取消订阅哦."
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
@@ -1665,8 +1408,7 @@ msgid "Reduce this banner"
msgstr "不想看"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
msgstr "用 RocketCDN 加速您的网站,是 WP Rocket 开发的哦 ~"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
@@ -1687,12 +1429,13 @@ msgid "New!"
msgstr "New!"
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
msgstr "用 RocketCDN 加速您的网站,是 WP Rocket 开发的哦 ~"
-#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 inc/admin/admin.php:71
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:908
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:96
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "清除该缓存"
@@ -1705,9 +1448,7 @@ msgid "WP_CACHE value"
msgstr "WP_CACHE 值"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
-msgid ""
-"The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work "
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
msgstr "为确保 WP Rocket 正常工作,WP_CACHE 常量需设为 true"
#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
@@ -1722,7 +1463,7 @@ msgstr "WP_CACHE 未设置"
msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
msgstr "WP_CACHE 已设为 false"
-#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:252
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
msgid "Every minute"
msgstr "每分钟"
@@ -1733,16 +1474,12 @@ msgstr "%1$s的关键路径CSS未生成。错误:%2$s"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"empty response."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "移动端的%1$s关键CSS没有被生成。原因:API返回一个了空的响应报文"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty "
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "%1$s的关键CSS 没有生成。原因:API返回了一个空的响应报文。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
@@ -1758,16 +1495,12 @@ msgstr "%1$s的Critical CSS没有被生成"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an "
-"invalid response code."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
msgstr "移动端的%1$sCritical CSS没有被生成。原因:API返回一个了无效的响应编码"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid "
-"response code."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
msgstr "%1$s的Critical CSS没有被生成。原因:API返回一个了无效的响应编码"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
@@ -1811,48 +1544,41 @@ msgstr "在WP Rocket 设置中开启 CSS 异步加载"
msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
msgstr "在以上选项中启用 CSS 异步加载"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
msgstr "关键CSS生成 正在运行中。"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:159
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:234
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
msgstr "查看进展请访问 %1$sWP Rocket 设置%2$s页面。"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:370
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr "正在生成关键路径CSS:已完成 %1$d / %2$d 页。(刷新以查看进度)"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:442
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "生成关键路径CSS进度:%1$d / %2$d种页面类型。"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:449
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr "关键CSS生成出错。"
-#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:449
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "了解更多。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder"
-" could not be created."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
msgstr "移动端的 %1$s 关键CSS 未生成。原因:目标文件夹无法创建。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not"
-" be created."
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
msgstr "%1$s的关键 CSS 未生成。原因:目标文件夹无法创建。"
#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
@@ -1918,18 +1644,14 @@ msgstr "您访问的文章不存在"
msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
msgstr "无法为未发布的文章生成CPCSS"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:868
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] "以下调度的事件运行失败。这可能是CRON系统运行不正常,导致它可能会阻止某些WP Rocket功能按预期工作:"
-#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:877
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr "请检查您的主机以确认 CRON (定时计划) 是否正常工作。"
@@ -1956,15 +1678,12 @@ msgstr "Critical CSS 路径生成过程"
#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s"
-" for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
msgstr[0] "利用 %1$s 来加速更多网站:%2$s 获取 %3$s%4$s 于%5$s 以%3$s升级为无限授权!%5$s"
-#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "无限"
@@ -1998,50 +1717,33 @@ msgid "Upgrade now"
msgstr "立即升级"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:37
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "忽略通知"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:12
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
msgstr "您的 WP Rocket 许可证已过期!"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:17
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sYour website could be much faster%2$s if it could take advantage of our "
-"new features and enhancements. 🚀"
-msgstr "如果用好我们的新功能, %1$s您的网站可以更快哦~%2$s🚀"
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew your license to have access to the %1$slatest version of WP Rocket%2$s"
-" and to the wonderful %1$sassistance of our Support Team%2$s."
-msgstr "立即续费以获得%1$sWP Rocket 最新版本%2$s 和我们%1$s客服团队的无忧支持%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:35
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:46
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
msgid "Renew now"
msgstr "立即续期"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access"
-" to product updates and support."
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
msgstr "您的%1$sWP Rocket授权即将到期%2$s: 届时您将无法获得产品更新和售后支持."
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
-msgid "Renew before it is too late!"
-msgstr "尽早续费哦 !"
-#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:35
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay "
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
msgstr "立享 %1$s%2$s 折扣,您只需支付 %3$s %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
@@ -2050,16 +1752,12 @@ msgstr "加速更多网站"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To "
-"upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and "
-"new licenses, as shown below."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
msgstr "如您想升级授权,仅需补齐%1$s差价%2$s 。升级后,即可在多个网站使用 WP Rocket。"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
msgstr "%1$s注意%2$s:升级授权并不会延长有效期"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
@@ -2078,310 +1776,132 @@ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr "升级到 %s"
#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
-msgid ""
-"You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will "
-"only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
msgstr "升级授权即可将 WP Rocket 用于多个网站。(仅需补齐%1$s差价%2$s )"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:120
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr "清理已使用的 CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:204
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing "
-"your pages."
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
msgstr "%1$s: 请稍等 %2$s 秒. \"移除未使用CSS服务\" 正在处理您的页面."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:245
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will "
-"continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
msgstr "%1$s: 您首页的已使用CSS已处理. WP Rocket 会持续处理已使用CSS, 当前速度: %2$sURL / %3$s 秒."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:254
-#, php-format
-msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sSitemap Preload%2$s for the fastest results."
-msgstr "推荐您启用 %1$sSitemap 预加载 %2$s 以获得最佳性能."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
msgstr "更多处理详情, 请查阅我们的 %1$s文档%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:291
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: We detected missing database table related to Action Scheduler. Please"
-" visit the following %2$sURL%3$s to recreate it, as it is needed for WP "
-"Rocket to work correctly."
-msgstr "%1$s: 检测到与作业队列相关的数据表有缺失. 请通过下列 %2$s URL %3$s重建, 否则 WP Rocket 无法正常工作."
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:400
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr "%1$s: 已使用CSS 选项未启用 !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:421
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr "%1$s: 已使用CSS 缓存已清除 !"
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:576
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr "清除该URL的已使用CSS"
-#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr "出现未知错误。WP-Rocket.me 或当前系统配置有问题。如果持续出现这些问题,请联系客服。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:153
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr "预加载出错. 无法从%1$s获取链接, 原因: %2$s. %3$s更多信息%4$s."
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr "在您的%s服务器上启用Varnish后,将自动启用Varnish自动清除功能。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:166
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr "预加载出错. %1$s无法访问, 错误代码: %2$s. 安全措施可能会阻止访问.%3$s更多信息%4$s."
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s:Mod PageSpeed与本插件不兼容,可能导致出错。%2$s更多信息%3$s"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:172
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr "预加载出错. %1$s无法访问, 错误代码: 404. 请确保首页能通过浏览器正常访问. %2$s更多信息%3$s."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$s我们检测到您已启用 Autoptimize 的 \"JavaScript 合并\" 功能. WP Rocket 的 \"JavaScript 延迟执行\" 功能将不被应用于它所创建的文件. 如您想充分利用 \"JavaScript 延迟执行\" 功能, 我们建议您禁用%1$sJavaScript 合并%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:178
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr "预加载出错. %1$s无法访问, 错误代码: 500. 请检查网站主机是否能正常访问. %2$s更多信息%3$s."
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$s检测到您已启用 Autoptimize 的 \"合并内联CSS\" 功能. WP Rocket 的 \" CSS异步加载\" 可能工作异常. 如您想充分利用 \" CSS异步加载\" 功能, 我们建议您禁用 %1$s合并内联CSS%2$s."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Homepage.php:184
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr "预加载出错. 无法从%1$s获取链接, 原因: 返回错误码%2$s. %3$s更多信息%4$s."
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr "该插件阻止了 WP Rocket 的缓存和优化. 请禁用并使用%1$sEzoic 的Nameserver Intergration%2$s作为替代."
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:229
-msgid "Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website."
-msgstr "预缓存: WP Rocket 已开始缓存您的网站。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:276
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] "预缓存: 已预缓存 %1$s 个未缓存页面。(刷新以查看进度)"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:285
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] "收集预缓存URL时出现以下错误: "
+msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] "请禁用与 WP Rocket 功能相冲突的下列%s选项:"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/PreloadSubscriber.php:338
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr "预缓存:已缓存%d个页面。"
+msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s禁用Emoji%3$s与 WP Rocket 的 %2$s禁用Emoji%3$s相冲突"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:150
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr "Sitemap 预加载出错。无法从%1$s获取链接,原因: %2$s. %3$s更多信息%4$s。"
+msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$sGZIP压缩%3$s与WP Rocket的%2$sGZIP压缩%3$s冲突"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:165
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr "预加载出错。 %1$s无法访问,错误代码: %2$s。安全措施可能会阻止访问。 %3$s更多信息%4$s。"
+msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s%2$s浏览器缓存%3$s与WP Rocket的%2$s浏览器缓存%3$s冲突"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:170
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sitemap 预加载出错。%1$s无法访问,错误代码: 404。请检查 sitemap URL "
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:175
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr "Sitemap 预加载出错。%1$s无法访问,错误代码: 500。请检查网站主机是否能正常访问。%2$s更多信息%3$s。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:180
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr "Sitemap 预加载出错。无法从%1$s获取链接,原因:返回错误码%2$s. %3$s更多信息%4$s。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:196
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr "Sitemap 预加载出错。无法从%1$s获取链接,原因:文件为空. %2$s更多信息%3$s。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/Sitemap.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr "Sitemap 预加载出错。无法从%1$s获取链接,原因:解析XML sitemap出错。 %2$s更多信息%3$s。"
-#: inc/Engine/Preload/SitemapPreloadSubscriber.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr "您的服务器未启用 %1$sSimpleXML PHP 扩展%2$s. 请时联系主机商开启以使用 sitemap预缓存 功能."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on "
-"your %s server."
-msgstr "在您的%s服务器上启用Varnish后,将自动启用Varnish自动清除功能。"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:100
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and "
-"may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s:Mod PageSpeed与本插件不兼容,可能导致出错。%2$s更多信息%3$s"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript "
-"Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will "
-"not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript "
-"Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$s我们检测到您已启用 Autoptimize 的 \"JavaScript 合并\" 功能. WP Rocket 的"
-" \"JavaScript 延迟执行\" 功能将不被应用于它所创建的文件. 如您想充分利用 \"JavaScript 延迟执行\" 功能, "
-"我们建议您禁用%1$sJavaScript 合并%2$s."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS "
-"feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work "
-"correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full "
-"advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$sWP Rocket: %2$s检测到您已启用 Autoptimize 的 \"合并内联CSS\" 功能. WP Rocket 的 \" "
-"CSS异步加载\" 可能工作异常. 如您想充分利用 \" CSS异步加载\" 功能, 我们建议您禁用 %1$s合并内联CSS%2$s."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and "
-"use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
-msgstr ""
-"该插件阻止了 WP Rocket 的缓存和优化. 请禁用并使用%1$sEzoic 的Nameserver Intergration%2$s作为替代."
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] "请禁用与 WP Rocket 功能相冲突的下列%s选项:"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s%2$s禁用Emoji%3$s与 WP Rocket 的 %2$s禁用Emoji%3$s相冲突"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
-msgstr "%1$s%2$sGZIP压缩%3$s与WP Rocket的%2$sGZIP压缩%3$s冲突"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
-msgstr "%1$s%2$s浏览器缓存%3$s与WP Rocket的%2$s浏览器缓存%3$s冲突"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s页面缓存%3$s与WP Rocket的%2$s页面缓存%3$s冲突"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s资源优化%3$s与WP Rocket的%2$s文件优化%3$s相冲突"
#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s "
-"delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
msgstr "JS 延迟加载已在 %1$s 中启用。若您想要使用 WP Rocket 的延迟加载 JS 功能,请先禁用 %1$s 。"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/SEO/Yoast.php:60 inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Yoast SEO XML 网站地图"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108 inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
msgid "Smush"
msgstr "Smush"
-#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:119
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
msgid "Avada"
msgstr "Avada"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:323
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:18
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787
msgid "Support"
msgstr "支持"
@@ -2390,131 +1910,139 @@ msgstr "支持"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "文档"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:22 inc/common/admin-bar.php:311
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:22
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "常见问题"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:24 inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:24
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:227 inc/admin/admin.php:242
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s回滚更新"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:268
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509
+#: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s返回 WP Rocket %2$s或 %3$s转到插件页%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:506
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:458
msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this."
msgstr "设置导入失败:无权限。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:510
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:462
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "导入配置失败:未上传文件。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:514
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:466
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "导入配置失败:文件名无效。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:525
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:477
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "导入配置失败:文件类型无效。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:535
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:487
msgid "Settings import failed: "
msgstr "导入配置失败:"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:551
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:503
msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content."
msgstr "导入配置失败: 文件内容有误。"
-#: inc/admin/admin.php:581
+#: inc/admin/admin.php:533
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "已导入并保存配置。"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:125
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
msgstr "延迟加载 JavaScript 文件"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:126
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
msgstr "已排除的 延迟 JavaScript 文件"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:148
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:158
+#: inc/admin/options.php:160
msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:"
msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:"
msgstr[0] "以下模式无效且已被删除:"
-#: inc/admin/options.php:174
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
msgid "More info"
msgstr "更多信息"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:752
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:143
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "清除缓存"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67
msgid "WP Rocket Options"
msgstr "WP Rocket 设置"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:65
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "永不缓存此页面"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:69
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "在当前文章中启用这些选项:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:72
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "图片延迟加载"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "框架 / 视频 延迟加载"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "压缩 / 合并 CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
msgstr "移除未使用的 CSS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "压缩 / 合并 JS"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "JS 延迟加载"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "请先启用 %s 选项。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:102
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been "
-"excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
+msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
msgstr "%1$s注意:%2$s如该文章已在全局缓存设置中被设为排除,这些选项将不会生效。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
@@ -2525,167 +2053,131 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr "%s:监测到插件被启用/禁用,如插件影响网站前台页面,请清除缓存。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:190
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Cloudflare Add-on provides similar functionalities. They can not "
-"be active at the same time."
-msgstr "WP Rocket Cloudflare 扩展也是提供类似的功能。两个无法同时开启哦 ~"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:223
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr "%s:下列插件与WP Rocket不兼容,可能导致出错:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:229
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "停用"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:271
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr "WP Rocket Footer JS 为非官方插件,会阻碍 WP Rocket 中某些选项的正常工作。如有问题请禁用哦。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:311
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Endurance Cache目前已启用,这将与WP Rocket Cache冲突。请在%1$s设置>一般%2$s页面设置Endurance "
-"Cache的缓存级别为关闭(Level 0)以防止出现任何问题。"
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgstr "Endurance Cache目前已启用,这将与WP Rocket Cache冲突。请在%1$s设置>一般%2$s页面设置Endurance Cache的缓存级别为关闭(Level 0)以防止出现任何问题。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:332
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s:必须先启用固定链接,插件才能正常工作。%2$s进入固定链接设置%3$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:379
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s 无法修改 .htaccess 文件:无写入权限。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:385 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "故障解决:%1$s如何将系统文件设为可写%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:387 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr "不用担心,WP Rocket 的页面缓存和设置仍将正常工作。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:393
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr "为了优化性能,建议添加下列代码到您的 .htaccess 文件(非必须):"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:540
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr "%1$s准备好啦!%2$s测试您的加载时间%4$s,或访问您的%3$s设置%4$s。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:581
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr "您是否愿意 WP Rocket 收集此网站的脱敏诊断数据?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:582
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "这将有助于将来我们为您持续改进 WP Rocket 。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "我们收集何种信息?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:593
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"以下详细列出了 WP Rocket 在获得许可后将收集的所有数据。WP Rocket 绝不会传输任何域名、邮箱(授权验证除外),IP地址或第三方API "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "以下详细列出了 WP Rocket 在获得许可后将收集的所有数据。WP Rocket 绝不会传输任何域名、邮箱(授权验证除外),IP地址或第三方API key。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:602
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "是,允许"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:605
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "不,谢谢"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "谢谢!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:649
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket 现在从您的网站收集这些指标:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:687
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s:缓存已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:694
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s:文章缓存已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:701
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s:分类缓存已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:708
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s:用户缓存已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr "停止预缓存"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:773
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "强制停用 "
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:792
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "下列代码应写入到此文件:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:823
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s 无法完成配置:无写入权限。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:829
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "受影响的文件/文件夹:%s"
@@ -2701,22 +2193,16 @@ msgstr "为确保正常工作,%1$s %2$s 需要至少:"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr "PHP %1$s。要使用当前 WP Rocket 版本,请联系您的主机服务商将 PHP 升级至 %1$s 或更高版本。"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr "WordPress %1$s. 要使用当前 WP Rocket 版本,请升级 WordPress 至 %1$s 或更高版本。"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr "如无法升级,您可使用下方按钮还原至旧版本。"
#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
@@ -2744,104 +2230,74 @@ msgstr "日志文件不可读。"
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr "日志未保存到文件中。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:269
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this "
-"option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP "
-"for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"您正在使用 %1$s的WebP 图片相关功能,因此无需开启该选项。%2$s更多信息%3$s %4$s如您想换用 WP Rocket, "
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:281
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] "您正在使用 %1$s的WebP 图片相关功能,因此无需开启该选项。%2$s更多信息%3$s %4$s如您想换用 WP Rocket, 请转到%1$s禁用相关选项。"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
msgstr "WebP 缓存被过滤器禁用。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:291
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:317
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve"
-" them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
msgstr[0] "您正在使用 %1$s 将图片转换成WebP格式。如您想换用 WP Rocket,请启用该选项。%2$s更多信息%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:303
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:329
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate"
-" cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
msgstr[0] "您正在使用%1$s将图片转换成WebP格式。WP Rocket将为您的WebP 图片生成单独的缓存文件。%2$s更多信息%3$s"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:349
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t "
-"already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or "
-"another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP "
-"do not enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"%5$s未检测到兼容 WebP 插件 !%6$s%4$s如果您的网站内没有WebP图片可考虑使用 %3$sImagify%2$s 或其他支持的插件. "
-"%1$s更多信息%2$s %4$s如果您没有使用 WebP, 请勿开启该选项."
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr "%5$s未检测到兼容 WebP 插件 !%6$s%4$s如果您的网站内没有WebP图片可考虑使用 %3$sImagify%2$s 或其他支持的插件. %1$s更多信息%2$s %4$s如果您没有使用 WebP, 请勿开启该选项."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Media/class-webp-subscriber.php:361
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
msgstr "WP Rocket 将为您的 WebP 图片创建单独的缓存文件。"
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
msgstr[0] "检测失败:关闭%1$s。"
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124 inc/common/admin-bar.php:249
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 inc/functions/i18n.php:51
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "所有语言"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:151
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "清除此文章"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:165
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "清除此URL"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:184
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
msgstr "清除 Sucuri 缓存"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:207 inc/common/admin-bar.php:261
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:163
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "预缓存"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:286 views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
msgstr "清除 RocketCDN 缓存"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:299 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "文档"
@@ -2853,7 +2309,8 @@ msgstr "OPcache 清除失败。"
msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
msgstr "OPcache 成功清除。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "启用 Imagify"
@@ -2862,9 +2319,7 @@ msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "免费安装 Imagify"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr "在不损失质量的前提下,尽可能减小图片文件体积以加速网站和改善SEO。"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
@@ -2878,9 +2333,7 @@ msgstr "Sitemap预缓存:已预缓存 %d 个页面。"
#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr "Sitemap预缓存:已预缓存 %d 个未缓存页面。(刷新以查看进度)"
#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
@@ -2891,41 +2344,33 @@ msgstr "从列表选择域名"
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "您的Cloudflare账户中未找到可用域名"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:205
-msgid ""
-"Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is "
-"required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
msgstr "Curl已被禁用。请联系主机服务商开启该功能,否则Cloudflare扩展无法正常工作哦。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:89
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the "
-"%1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Cloudflare 邮箱、API key 和 Zone ID 未设置。阅读%1$s文档%2$s 可获取更多信息。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:216
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for"
-" further guidance."
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Cloudflare 邮箱、API key 未设置。阅读%1$s文档%2$s可获取更多信息。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:281
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Cloudflare连接失败"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use"
-" %3$s instead."
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
msgstr "从版本%2$s开始,被调用的类%1$s已弃用!请使用%3$s替代。"
#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
msgstr "从版本%2$s开始,调用类%1$s已弃用。"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
@@ -2936,13 +2381,13 @@ msgstr "异步加载JS文件"
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "添加URL"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "在上传配置文件前,你必须先修复以下错误:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "从您的电脑选择文件(≤ %s)"
@@ -2963,7 +2408,8 @@ msgstr "保存并优化"
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "优化"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "注意:"
@@ -2978,7 +2424,8 @@ msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "检测到第三方功能:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "警告:"
@@ -2992,25 +2439,35 @@ msgstr "下载配置"
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "将站点主机名重设为:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:64 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "套用到"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:67 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:97
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "所有文件"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:79 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:109
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "图片"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "添加"
@@ -3032,22 +2489,12 @@ msgstr "高级"
#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s 需要PHP %3$s 以上版本才能正常运行。要使用该版本,请联系您的主机服务商升级PHP至 %3$s "
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s 需要PHP %3$s 以上版本才能正常运行。要使用该版本,请联系您的主机服务商升级PHP至 %3$s 或更高版本。如无法升级,您可使用下方按钮还原至旧版本。"
#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] "验证您的许可证时似乎有问题。"
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
@@ -3090,117 +2537,109 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket设置(匿名):"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "WP Rocket中已启用的选项"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:471
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
msgstr "提供的授权信息无效。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:474
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
#, php-format
msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "如需解决问题,请%1$s联系客服%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:533 inc/functions/options.php:572
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr "验证授权失败. 我们的服务器无法处理来自您网站的请求"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:533
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr "点击下方的%1$s验证授权%2$s试试. 如果还是出错, 请参考%3$s这个指南%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr "授权验证失败. 您可能在使用破解版本. 请按以下操作:"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549 inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr "登录您的 WP Rocket %1$s账户%2$s"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549 inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr "下载 zip 文件"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549 inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "重新安装"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:549
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr "如您没有 WP Rocket 账号, 请%1$s购买授权%2$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:557
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr "验证授权失败。用户不存在。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:557
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr "如需解决问题请联系客服。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:565
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
msgstr "验证授权失败。该用户已被锁定。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:565
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr "更多信息请参考%1$s这个文档%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:572
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr "尝试点击下方的%1$s保存更改%2$s. 如问题仍然存在, 参考%3$s这个文档%4$s."
-#: inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "您的授权无效。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:585
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr "请确保您有已激活的%1$sWP Rocket 授权%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr "您的网站数已超出授权限制。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:587
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr "升级您的%1$s账号%2$s或%3$s转移授权%2$s至当前域名。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "此网站未被允许。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:589
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "请%1$s联系客服%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr "该授权码无法识别。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:591
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr "如问题仍然存在, 请%1$s联系客服%2$s。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:597
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr "授权验证失败:%s"
@@ -3230,9 +2669,7 @@ msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
msgstr "移动端异步加载 CSS 文件"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and "
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
msgstr "您的网站当前针对台式机和移动设备使用相同的Critical CSS路径。"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
@@ -3242,15 +2679,12 @@ msgstr "单击该按钮为您的站点启用特定于移动设备的CPCSS。"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "这是一次性操作,点击按钮此后将被删除。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "您的站点现在已经使用了移动端特定的Critical Path CSS。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
@@ -3280,55 +2714,48 @@ msgid "Facing an issue?"
msgstr "遇到问题了吗?"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
-msgid ""
-"It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. "
-"Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
msgstr "当遇到问题的时候, 没必要禁用 WP Rocket. 大部分情况下, 只需要禁用某些选项就行."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to "
-"quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to "
-"see if your issue is resolved."
-msgstr ""
-"我们的建议? 其实不用禁用 WP Rocket 啦~ 您可以先通过 %1$s安全模式%2$s 来快速禁用 延迟加载、文件优化和 CDN 选项, "
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr "我们的建议? 其实不用禁用 WP Rocket 啦~ 您可以先通过 %1$s安全模式%2$s 来快速禁用 延迟加载、文件优化和 CDN 选项, 然后再看看问题是否解决."
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
msgstr "是否使用 \"安全模式\" 来排查 WP Rocket 故障?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:44
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
msgstr "是, 应用 \"%1$s安全模式%2$s\""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:52
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
msgstr "否, 禁用并在指定天数内跳过通知: "
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:54
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 天"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
msgid "7 days"
msgstr "7 天"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:56
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
msgid "30 days"
msgstr "30 天"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:57
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "永久"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:63
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:64
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "确认"
@@ -3337,15 +2764,12 @@ msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
msgstr "启用 Google 字体优化"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the "
-"number of HTTP requests."
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
msgstr "优化字体性能并合并多个字体请求以减少 HTTP请求数。"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "Google 字体优化已启用。%1$s更多信息%2$s"
#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
@@ -3356,18 +2780,21 @@ msgstr "优化 Google 字体"
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "清空缓存间隔"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:83
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:113
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -3376,11 +2803,11 @@ msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "导入配置"
#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "扩展功能状态"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "修改设置"
@@ -3436,14 +2863,11 @@ msgstr "您的网站应该变快啦 !"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web "
-"performance best practices."
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
msgstr "为达到加速效果,WP Rocket 已自动帮您开启了80%的加速最佳操作。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr "我们同时也帮您的网站启用了能带来实时效果的选项。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
@@ -3458,49 +2882,44 @@ msgstr "我的账户"
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "刷新信息"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:93
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "过期时间"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "查看我的账户"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:130
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "快捷操作"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "清除所有缓存"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:157
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "开始预缓存"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:175
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:181
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "重新生成关键路径 CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:193
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
msgstr "清除已使用CSS缓存"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:216
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "FAQ"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:230
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "仍未找到解决方案?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:231
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "请发送工单以寻求帮助。我们的火箭工程师非常友好并且知识渊博哦 ~"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:239
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "请求帮助"
@@ -3509,8 +2928,7 @@ msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "清理前请务必备份数据库!"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "优化操作一旦运行无法撤销。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
@@ -3519,15 +2937,11 @@ msgstr "保存并优化"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s创建了%1$s图片优化神器%2$s %3$sIMAGIFY %4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr "在确保图片质量的同时压缩图片,让您的网站加载更快。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
@@ -3565,12 +2979,8 @@ msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$s教程%4$s"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
#, php-format
@@ -3619,9 +3029,7 @@ msgstr "%s 版本有问题?"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support"
-" request."
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
msgstr "您可在此回滚到上个主流版本。%s然后寻求我们的帮助。"
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
@@ -3716,15 +3124,11 @@ msgstr "显示侧边栏"
#: views/settings/page.php:82
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted "
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
msgstr "以下详细列出了 WP Rocket 在%1$s获得许可后%2$s将收集的所有数据。"
#: views/settings/page.php:87
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
msgstr "WP Rocket 绝不会传输任何域名、邮箱(授权验证除外),IP地址或第三方 API key。"
#: views/settings/page.php:89
@@ -3773,11 +3177,369 @@ msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
msgstr "您尚未启用已登录用户缓存。"
#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
msgstr "请使用浏览器的隐私模式来检查网站速度和外观变化。"
#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "需要帮助吗?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket-zh_TW.mo b/languages/rocket-zh_TW.mo
index 5b744704b8..adc629746e 100644
Binary files a/languages/rocket-zh_TW.mo and b/languages/rocket-zh_TW.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/rocket-zh_TW.po b/languages/rocket-zh_TW.po
index f8880efba1..2bd4aced06 100644
--- a/languages/rocket-zh_TW.po
+++ b/languages/rocket-zh_TW.po
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
-# Translators:
-# Caspar Hübinger, 2019
-# wpmedia
@@ -323,219 +305,178 @@ msgstr ""
"%1$s 因為缺少寫入權限所以被停用了。
"%2$s 請開啟寫入權限後再停用,或是立刻強制停用:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
-"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
+msgid "%s: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr "%s: 一個或多個外掛已啟用或停用,必要時別忘了清除快取。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:196
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
-"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
+msgid "%s: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr "%s:以下外掛與此外掛不相容,且可能造成意外的結果:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:202
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "停用"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:243
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in "
-"WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266
+msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:283
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket "
-"Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the "
-"%1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
+msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:305
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
-"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s: 為了使外掛能正常運作,自訂固定網址結構是必須的。請前往%2$s固定網址%3$s設定"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:442
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
+msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:448 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1032
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "解決辦法: %1$s如何讓系統檔案可寫入?%2$s"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:450 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1034
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function "
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:456
-msgid ""
-"For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is "
-"recommended (not required):"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388
+msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
+msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s."
msgstr "%1$s 已設定為成! %2$s測試一下載入時間%4$s,或是前往 %3$s設定%4$s."
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
-" website?"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576
+msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?"
msgstr "您介意 WP Rocket 從您的網站蒐集非敏感性資料嗎?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:722
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "這些資料將有助於未來我們改善 WP Rocket。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:728
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "我們會蒐集什麼資料?"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:733
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
-"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
-"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
-msgstr ""
-"如果您允允許我們,下方是 WP Rocket 會蒐集的資料清單。我們絕對不會傳送任何網域名稱或是電子郵件(除非是為了驗證註冊)、IP 位址或是第三方的 "
-"API 金鑰。"
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "如果您允允許我們,下方是 WP Rocket 會蒐集的資料清單。我們絕對不會傳送任何網域名稱或是電子郵件(除非是為了驗證註冊)、IP 位址或是第三方的 API 金鑰。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "OK,我允許"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:745
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "不用了,謝謝"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:783
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "謝謝您!"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:788
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket 現在開始從您的網站蒐集使用資料:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:825
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 快取已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:830
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 文章快取已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:835
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 分類快取已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:840
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 帳號快取已清除。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:910
-msgid ""
-"The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON "
-"system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features "
-"from working as intended:"
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858
+msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
+msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867
msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:958
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751
msgid "Stop Preload"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:976
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "強制停用"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:989
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "下方這些程式碼應該被寫入到此檔案中:"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:999 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
-msgid "Dismiss this notice."
-msgstr "關閉提示。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1020
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s 因為缺少寫入權限所以無法自動設定。"
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1026
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "影響的檔案 / 資料夾: %s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:41
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1289
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "文章版本"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:42
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1299
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "自動草稿"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:43
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1309
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495
msgid "Trashed Posts"
msgstr "回收桶文章"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:44
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1319
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505
msgid "Spam Comments"
msgstr "垃圾迴響"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:45
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1329
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515
msgid "Trashed Comments"
msgstr "回收桶迴響"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:46
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1339
-msgid "Expired transients"
-msgstr "已過期的臨時選項"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:47
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "臨時選項"
-#: inc/classes/admin/Database/class-optimization.php:48
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "資料表"
@@ -543,1625 +484,1098 @@ msgstr "資料表"
msgid "The debug file could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:212
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:213
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "無法使用"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:327
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1791
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:72
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80
msgid "License"
msgstr "註冊碼"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:344
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API 金鑰"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "電子郵件地址"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:388
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "控制台"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:389
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411
msgid "Get help, account info"
msgstr "獲得幫助、帳號資訊"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:398
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420
msgid "My Status"
msgstr "我的狀態"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:408 views/settings/page.php:71
-msgid "Rocket Tester"
-msgstr "Rocket 測試人員"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:409
-msgid "I am part of the WP Rocket Beta Testing Program."
-msgstr "我是 WP Rocket Beta 測試計劃的一部分。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:417 views/settings/page.php:89
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430
+#: views/settings/page.php:75
msgid "Rocket Analytics"
msgstr "Rocket 分析"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:419
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP"
-" Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
+msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s"
msgstr "我同意將匿名資訊分享給開發團隊以協助改進 WP Rocket。%1$s我們會收集那些資訊?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:447
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "快取"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:448
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457
msgid "Basic cache options"
msgstr "基本快取選項"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:455
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464
msgid "Mobile Cache"
msgstr "行動裝置快取"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:457
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466
msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors."
msgstr "為行動裝置訪客加速你的網站。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:462
-msgid ""
-"We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and "
-"automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471
+msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility."
msgstr "我們偵測到你使用了需要為行動裝置分隔快取的外掛,為了相容性已經自動開啟此選項。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:466
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475
msgid "User Cache"
msgstr "使用者快取"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:469
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted "
-"content on your website."
+msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website."
msgstr "%1$s使用者快取%2$s非常適合當你的網站有提供特定內容給當下訪客的情況下使用。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:477
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486
msgid "Cache Lifespan"
msgstr "快取生命週期"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files are "
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt "
-"automatically after lifespan expiration."
-msgstr "快取生命週期是指快取產生到移除的存活期間。
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "為已登入使用者建立快取"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:502
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "啟用行動裝置快取"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:517
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "針對行動裝置建立獨立的快取檔案"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:519
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sMobile cache%2$s works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, "
-"keep both."
-msgstr "%1$s行動裝置快取%2$s兩個設定項都勾選會讓網站載入更快。如果不確定如何設定的話請都勾選。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:535
-msgid ""
-"Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544
+msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )"
msgstr "指定全站快取的存活時間 (0 = 永久)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:537
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
-" periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
+msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s"
msgstr "如果你有注意到某些問題持續性的出現,把快取週期降低至十小時或更少。%1$s原因是?%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:543
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "分"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:544
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "小時"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:545
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12
msgid "Days"
msgstr "天"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:571
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602
msgid "File Optimization"
msgstr "檔案最佳化"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:572
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603
msgid "Optimize CSS & JS"
msgstr "最佳化 CSS 與 JS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:579
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "基本設定"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:586
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:596
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:606
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If"
-" you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
+msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize."
msgstr "%1$s已將資源自動最佳化,如果你想使用%2$s壓縮工具,請先停用其它的壓縮工具."
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:589
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621
msgid "CSS Files"
msgstr "CSS 檔案"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:599
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630
msgid "JavaScript Files"
msgstr "JavaScript 檔案"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:619
-msgid "Minifying HTML removes whitespace and comments to reduce the size."
-msgstr "壓縮 HTML 會移除檔案裡所有空白和註解來減少檔案尺寸。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:630
-msgid "Combine Google Fonts files"
-msgstr "合併 Google Fonts"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:631
-msgid "Combining Google Fonts will reduce the number of HTTP requests."
-msgstr "合併 Google Fonts 字型檔案可以減少 HTTP 的請求數量。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:639
-msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
-msgstr "從靜態資源中移除 query 字串"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:641
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
-"and encodes it into the filename instead (e.g. style-1.0.css). Can improve "
-"your GTMetrix score. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"這功能會移除檔案後方的版本號 ver 字串,像是 style.css?ver=1.0 會變成 style-1.0.css. %1$s更多資訊%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:649
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "壓縮 CSS"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:650
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664
msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "壓縮 CSS 會移除檔案裡所有空白和註解來減少檔案尺寸。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:663
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:685
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:755
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "這可能會造成錯誤!"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:664
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:686
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:756
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:778
-msgid ""
-"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
-"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856
+msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr "如果在啟用此設定後有發現網站異常,只要停用它就能恢復正常。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:665
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679
msgid "Activate minify CSS"
msgstr "啟用 CSS 壓縮"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:670
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684
msgid "Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)"
msgstr "合併 CSS 檔案(啟後壓縮以選取該功能)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:672
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not "
-"recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "將 CSS 檔案合併為一個可以減少 HTTP 請求。如果你的網站是 HTTP/2 不建議使用該功能。%1$s更多資訊%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:687
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703
msgid "Activate combine CSS"
msgstr "啟用 CSS 合併"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:693
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
-" (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709
+msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:694
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*).css "
-"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
-msgstr "將自動截取網址中主網域的部份。
使用 (.*).css 來排除在指定路徑下所有的 CSS 檔案。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:707
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "最佳化 CSS 分派"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:714
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS Delivery is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want "
-"to use WP Rocket’s Optimize CSS Delivery option, disable the %1$s plugin."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:716
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website for "
-"faster perceived load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
-msgstr "優化網站中清除前幾行內容中的禁止轉譯 CSS,讓網站載入更快速。%1$s更多資訊%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:727
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800
msgid "Fallback critical CSS"
msgstr "可視範圍的 CSS 回調"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:732
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "如果自動產生可視範圍的 CSS 未完成,將提供一個回調事件。%1$s更多資訊%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:741
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817
msgid "Minify JavaScript files"
msgstr "壓縮 JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:742
-msgid ""
-"Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818
+msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size."
msgstr "壓縮 JavaScript 會移除檔案裡所有空白和註解來減少檔案尺寸。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833
msgid "Activate minify JavaScript"
msgstr "啟用 JavaScript 壓縮"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files (Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)"
msgstr "合併 JavaScript 檔案(啟後壓縮以選取該功能)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline"
-" JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. "
-"%1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:779
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857
msgid "Activate combine JavaScript"
msgstr "啟用 JavaScript 合併"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:786
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one"
-" per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and "
-"concatenation (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881
+msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:804
-msgid ""
-"Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped "
-"automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a "
-"specific path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain "
-"name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:822
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900
msgid "Load JavaScript deferred"
msgstr "非同步載入 JavaScript"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can "
-"improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr "優化網站中清除前幾行內容中的禁止轉譯 JavaScript,讓網站載入更快速。%1$s更多資訊%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:835
-msgid "Safe Mode for jQuery (recommended)"
-msgstr "針對 jQuery 的安全模式(建議)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:836
-msgid ""
-"Safe mode for jQuery for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery "
-"references from themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the "
-"document as a render-blocking script.
Deactivating may result in "
-"broken functionality, test thoroughly!"
-msgstr ""
-"非同步載入 JS 的安全模式確保寫在主題或外掛中的 jQuery "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:861
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993
msgid "Media"
msgstr "媒體"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:862
-msgid "LazyLoad, emojis, embeds"
-msgstr "延遲載入、表情符號、內嵌功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:869
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048
msgid "LazyLoad"
msgstr "延遲載入"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:872
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and "
-"videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport "
-"and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload is currently activated in Autoptimize. If you want"
-" to use %1$s’s lazyload, disable this option in Autoptimize."
+msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:882
-msgid "Emoji 👻"
-msgstr "表情符號👻"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:884
-msgid ""
-"Use default emoji of visitor's browser instead of loading emoji from "
-msgstr "使用預設的表情符號避免額外從 WordPress.org 下載來增加載入時間的負擔"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:888
-msgid "Embeds"
-msgstr "內嵌"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:890
-msgid ""
-"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
-"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
-" requests related to WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "預防你的網站被別人嵌入在他自己的網站(或是非白名單網站),以及移除 WordPress 自動內嵌影音功能的 JavaScript。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:900
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "針對圖片使用延遲載入"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:911
-msgctxt "Avada"
-msgid ""
-"Lazyload for images is currently activated in Avada. If you want to use WP "
-"Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in Avada."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:919
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "針對 iFrame 與影片使用延遲載入"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "使用預覽圖片取代 YouTube 的播放器"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:935
-msgid ""
-"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
-"YouTube videos on a page."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr "如果你有大量 YouTube 影片在單一頁面中,這可以顯著地改善載入時間。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:947
-msgid "Disable Emoji"
-msgstr "停用表情符號"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:948
-msgid "Disable Emoji will reduce the number of external HTTP requests."
-msgstr "停用表情符號來減少外部的 HTTP 請求。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:956
-msgid "Disable WordPress embeds"
-msgstr "關閉 WordPress 內嵌功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:978
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:988
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1778
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "預先載入"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:979
-msgid "Generate cache files"
-msgstr "產生快取檔案"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:991
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"When you enable preloading WP Rocket will generate the cache starting with "
-"the links on your homepage followed by the sitemaps you specify. Preloading "
-"is automatically triggered when you add or update content and can also be "
-"manually triggered from the admin bar or from the %1$sWP Rocket "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:999
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199
msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests"
msgstr "預先取得 DNS 請求"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201
+msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks"
msgstr "預先取得 DNS 請求可以讓外部檔案載入更快速,特別是行動網路"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1015
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223
msgid "Activate Preloading"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1034
-msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
-msgstr "啟用以網站地圖為快取的預先載入功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1053
-msgid "Sitemaps for preloading"
-msgstr "預先載入的網站地圖"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1057
-msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading"
-msgstr "使用預先載入的 XML 網站地圖"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1067
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250
msgid "URLs to prefetch"
msgstr "預先取得的 URL"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251
+msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no http:
, one per line)"
msgstr "指定外部主機網址來預先請求 DNS (輸入網址不需要打http:
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1091
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290
msgid "Advanced Rules"
msgstr "進階規則"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1092
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291
msgid "Fine-tune cache rules"
msgstr "調整快取規則"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1101
-msgid ""
-"Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302
+msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache."
msgstr "較為敏感的頁面像是登入/登出頁的網址應該被排除在快取檔案外。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1104
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1106
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1108
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1110
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1112
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1118
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319
#, php-format
-msgid ""
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in "
-"%1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
+msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in %1$s%2$s%3$s will be detected and never cached by default."
msgstr "
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1139
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337
msgid "Never Cache Cookies"
msgstr "不快取的 Cookies"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1158
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355
msgid "Cache Query String(s)"
msgstr "快取參數"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific "
-"GET parameters."
+msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters."
msgstr "%1$s快取參數%2$s讓你可以強制快取某些由 GET 方法所傳遞的參數。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1175
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369
+msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)"
msgstr "指定不使用快取的頁面或文章網址。(每行一個)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1176
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1204
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr "將自動截取網址中主網域的部份。
使用 (.*) 來排除在指定路徑下所有的 網址。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1185
-msgid ""
-"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should "
-"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
-msgstr "輸入 cookies 的 ID 來避免訪客瀏覽器將此 cookies 進行快取。(每行一個)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1193
-msgid ""
-"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387
+msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr "指定當在以下裝置造訪網站時,不進行快取。(每行一個)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1194
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388
msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings."
msgstr "使用 (.*) 來選取字串中要被排除的部份"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1203
-msgid ""
-"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
-"or page (one per line)"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397
+msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)"
msgstr "當文章或頁面更新時,自動清除此頁面中的快取(每行一個)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1212
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "列出可以被快取的查詢字串 (每行一個)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1240
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1777
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775
msgid "Database"
msgstr "資料庫"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1241
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432
msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat"
msgstr "優化減少資料肥大"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1250
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439
msgid "Post Cleanup"
msgstr "文章清理"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1252
-msgid ""
-"Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this "
-"option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441
+msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts."
msgstr "文章版本與草稿將會被刪除。如果你需要還原版本或草稿,不要使用此功能。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1260
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446
msgid "Comments Cleanup"
msgstr "迴響清理"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1262
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448
msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted."
msgstr "垃圾留言將被刪除。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1266
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452
msgid "Transients Cleanup"
msgstr "臨時選項清理"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1268
-msgid ""
-"Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be "
-"automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454
+msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them."
msgstr "臨時選項可以安心移除,他們是由外掛所自動產生的。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1272
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458
msgid "Database Cleanup"
msgstr "資料庫清理"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1274
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460
msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables"
msgstr "減少過大的資料表"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1278
-msgid "Automatic cleanup"
-msgstr "自動清理"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1291
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477
#, php-format
msgid "%s revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1301
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487
#, php-format
msgid "%s draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1311
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1321
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507
#, php-format
msgid "%s spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1331
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517
#, php-format
msgid "%s trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1341
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s expired transient in your database."
-msgid_plural "%s expired transients in your database."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1349
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "所有臨時選項"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1351
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527
#, php-format
msgid "%s transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%s transients in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1359
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535
msgid "Optimize Tables"
msgstr "最佳化資料表"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1361
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537
#, php-format
msgid "%s table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1372
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548
msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup"
msgstr "排程自動清理"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1384
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "頻率"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1392
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "每天"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1393
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "每週"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1394
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "每月"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1414
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587
msgid "Integrate your CDN"
msgstr "整合你的 CDN 服務"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1426
-msgid ""
-"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
-" you provide."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599
+msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide."
msgstr "所有靜態資源(CSS, JS, 圖片)的網址將會被下方的 CNAME 所覆寫。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1428
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our "
-"available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
+msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1469
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings "
-"is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgid_plural ""
-"%1$s%2$s Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN "
-"settings is not required for %2$s to work on your site."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1484
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "啟用內容傳遞網路 CDN"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1493
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(S):"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1494
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr "在下方指定 CNAME(s)"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1501
-msgid ""
-"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1502
-msgid ""
-"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) "
-"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr "將自動截取網址中主網域的部份。
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1525
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1533
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1526
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1534
-msgid ""
-"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of "
-"your server’s resources."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1543
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute "
-"to one hit every 2 minutes."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1544
-msgid ""
-"Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1558
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1559
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1560
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1568
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1577
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1584
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1590
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1609
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "附加功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1610
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr "新增更多功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1617
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "一鍵安裝 WP Rocket 附加功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1618
-msgid ""
-"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without "
-"configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr "一鍵安裝可以在不用額外設定就能取得更多功能。在此畫面中選擇「啟用」。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1628
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr "WP Rocket 附加功能"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1629
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr "WP Rocket 附加功能可以增強更多設定內容。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1642
-msgid "Google Tracking"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1648
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Google Analytics"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1650
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Google scripts locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1665
-msgid "Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1671
-msgid "Improve browser caching for Facebook Pixel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1673
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will host these Facebook Pixels locally on your server to help "
-"satisfy the PageSpeed recommendation for Leverage browser "
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1706
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish 快取"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1712
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr "如果你的伺服器正在使用 Varnish 快取,你必須啟用此選項。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1714
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
-"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr "當 WP Rocket 快取需要清除時,Varnish 快取將同時被清除以確保最新內容。
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1729
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1789
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr "Cloudflare"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1735
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr "使用此工具整合 Cloudflare 設定"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1736
-msgid ""
-"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such "
-"as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr "請提供 Cloudflare 的帳戶電子郵件、API 金鑰以及網址來整合相關設定至 WP Rocket。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1751
-msgid ""
-"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is "
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1759
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1907
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1765
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1805
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr " CloudFlare 授權"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1814
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr "CloudFlare 設定"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1828
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "全域 API 金鑰:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1829
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "尋找 API 金鑰"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1841
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr "CloudFlare 帳號:"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1850
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1860
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr "開發模式"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1862
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
-"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr "你的網站暫時進入維護模式,如果不手動調整的話,3小時後會自動結束維護模式。%1$s了解更多%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1870
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr "最佳化設定"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
-"grade and compatibility."
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility."
msgstr "在速度、效能以及穩定性上,自動最佳化你的 Cloudflare 設定。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1879
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr "相對協定"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static "
-"files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or "
-msgstr ""
-"僅可使用 Cloudflare 中的 Flexible SSL 加密協定, 靜態資源( CSS、JS、圖片 )的網址將會使用 // 來取代 "
-"http:// 或是 https://。"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
+msgstr "僅可使用 Cloudflare 中的 Flexible SSL 加密協定, 靜態資源( CSS、JS、圖片 )的網址將會使用 // 來取代 http:// 或是 https://。"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1920
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1933
-msgctxt "Sucuri"
-msgid ""
-"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-page.php:1934
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr "尋找 API 金鑰"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-render.php:486
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1296
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "上傳檔案並匯入設定"
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format "
-"{32 characters}/{32 characters}
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362
+msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/admin/settings/class-settings.php:462
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1247
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "設定已儲存。"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:148
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:"
msgstr "為了能運作正常,%1$s%2$s至少一個必填:"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:152
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to "
-"upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
+msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher."
msgstr "PHP%1$s。要使用這個版本的 WP Rocket,請先聯絡你的網站主機商將 PHP 版本升級為%1$s或更高。"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:157
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to "
-"version %1$s or higher."
+msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher."
msgstr "WordPress%1$s。要使用這個版本的 WP Rocket,請將 WordPress 版本升級到%1$s或更高。"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:160
-msgid ""
-"If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by "
-"using the button below."
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159
+msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
msgstr "如果你無法升級,你可以使用下方的按鈕來還原先前的版本。"
-#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:162
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1949
+#: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "重新安裝版本 %s"
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:253
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292
msgid "The log file does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:259
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:291
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298
msgid "The log file could not be read."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:278
+#: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285
msgid "The logs are not saved into a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:88
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:120
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:142
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr " %1$s的 Critical CSS 未產生。錯誤訊息:%2$s"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:99
-msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
-msgstr "API 返回一個錯誤的回應。"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:110
-msgid "The API returned an empty response."
-msgstr "API 返回一個空的回應。"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
-msgstr "Critical CSS 無法儲存於%s檔案中。"
-#: inc/classes/optimization/CSS/class-critical-css-generation.php:154
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr " %s 的 Critical CSS 已產生。"
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:83
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because of the "
-"following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:96
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access. "
-"%3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:102
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 404. Please make sure your homepage is accessible in your "
-"browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:108
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the following"
-" response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server access. "
-"%2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-homepage.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because it "
-"returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" of the following error: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: %2$s. Security measures could be preventing access."
-" %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:158
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 404. Please make sure you entered the correct "
-"sitemap URL and it is accessible in your browser. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. %1$s is not accessible to due to the "
-"following response code: 500. Please check with your web host about server "
-"access. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not gather links on %1$s because"
-" it returned the following response code: %2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because the file is empty. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/preload/class-sitemap.php:205
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload encountered an error. Could not collect links from %1$s "
-"because of an error during the XML sitemap parsing. %2$sLearn more%3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
-"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr "產生 Critical CSS 目前正在執行 : %1$d 之 %2$d 已完成(重整頁面以查看進度)"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:189
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Critical CSS 已產生完畢。 %1$d 之 %2$d 頁面。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Optimization/class-critical-css-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-cache-dir-size-check-subscriber.php:51
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-facebook-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:97
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/class-google-tracking-cache-busting-subscriber.php:154
-#: inc/common/cron.php:33
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "每週"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:148
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化程序正在執行..."
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:179
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化已完成。所有內容已被最佳化!"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227
+msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化已完成。已優化清單如下:"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Database/class-optimization-subscriber.php:190
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s 最佳化。"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:137
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786
#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "工具"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:138
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169
msgid "Import, Export, Rollback"
msgstr "匯入、匯出、還原"
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:160
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:13
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14
msgid "Image Optimization"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/admin/Settings/class-page-subscriber.php:161
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195
msgid "Compress your images"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:212
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: WP Rocket has started preloading your website. Go to the %1$sWP "
-"Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
+msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:"
+msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
+msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:246
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached page has now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Preload: %1$s uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:255
-msgid "The following error happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following errors happened during gathering of the URLs to preload:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-preload-subscriber.php:308
-#, php-format
-msgid "Preload complete: %d pages have been cached."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/preload/class-sitemap-preload-subscriber.php:117
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sSimpleXML PHP extension%2$s is not enabled on your server. Please "
-"contact your host to enable it before running sitemap-based cache "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket "
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:167
-#, php-format
-msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sremove query strings%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sremove query "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:203
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:239
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:271
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
+msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/Optimization/class-hummingbird-subscriber.php:305
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289
#, php-format
msgctxt "Hummingbird notice"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile "
+msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:123
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:128
-msgid ""
-"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes "
-"for it to be fully flushed."
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:251
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:303
-msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:313
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:324
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:335
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:345
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/classes/subscriber/third-party/plugins/security/class-sucuri-subscriber.php:348
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/classes/traits/trait-updater-api-tools.php:53
-#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:760 inc/deprecated/3.3.php:769
+#: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761
+#: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
-"this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, contact support."
msgstr "發生意料之外的錯誤。WP-Rocket.me 或此伺服器設定可能有誤。如果問題持續發生,請尋求支援。"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
-#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:41
+#: inc/functions/i18n.php:51
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "所有語言"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:133
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "清除這篇文章"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:147
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "清除這個網址"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:163
-msgid "Purge OPcache"
-msgstr "清除 OPcache"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:180
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "重新產生 Critical Path CSS"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:196
-msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
-msgstr "清理 CloudFlare 快取"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:217 inc/common/admin-bar.php:272
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:135
-msgid "Preload cache"
-msgstr "預先載入快取"
-#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:287 views/settings/partials/documentation.php:13
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "說明文件"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s clear"
-msgstr "%s 清除"
-#: inc/common/cron.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "每月"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:456
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
-msgstr "CloudFlare 快取清除錯誤: %s"
-#: inc/common/purge.php:461
-msgid "Cloudflare cache successfully purged"
-msgstr "CloudFlare 快取清除成功"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51 views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "啟用 Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:51
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "免費安裝 Imagify"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
-"without losing quality with Imagify."
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67
+msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr "使用 Imagify 自動壓縮圖片容量."
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72
msgid "More details"
msgstr "了解更多"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:227
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr "預先載入網站地圖: %d 頁面已加入快取。"
-#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:260
+#: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
+msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)"
msgstr "預先載入網站地圖: %d 尚未被快取的頁面現在已被預先加載。(重整頁面檢視進度)"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:242
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240
msgid "JS files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "延遲載入JavaScript 檔案"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:295
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "新增網址"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1279 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22
+msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "在上傳你的設定檔前,你必須先修復以下問題:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1290 views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288
+#: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "從你的電腦選擇一個檔案 (檔案上限為 %s )"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1387
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "您的 CloudFlare 授權已認證通過."
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1391
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "您的 CloudFlare 授權認證失敗!"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "儲存並最佳化"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1455
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:27
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "最佳化"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1466 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1668
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "注意:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1472
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "效能優化小秘訣:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1478
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "檢測到第三方功能:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1490 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1674
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "警告:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1503
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "下載設定"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1533
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "將網站網址重新設定為:"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:63 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "套用到"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1554 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1591
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1619 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:35
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:66 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:96
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
msgid "All files"
msgstr "所有檔案"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1566 inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1596
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1624 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:47
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120
msgid "Images"
msgstr "圖片"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1637 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:119
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "新增 CNAME"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1708
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "觀看影片"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "基本"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "靜態資源"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "進階"
-#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1946
+#: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
-"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
-"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
-"version by using the button below."
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s %2$s 至少要求 PHP %3$s 來正常運作。為使用此版本,請聯絡您的網站主機商並升級為 PHP %3$s "
-"或是更高版本。如果您無法升級,請使用下方按鈕來恢復較早的 WP Rocket 版本。"
+msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below."
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s 至少要求 PHP %3$s 來正常運作。為使用此版本,請聯絡您的網站主機商並升級為 PHP %3$s 或是更高版本。如果您無法升級,請使用下方按鈕來恢復較早的 WP Rocket 版本。"
-#: inc/functions/admin.php:23
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error "
-"message below."
-msgid_plural ""
-"There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error "
-"messages below."
+#: inc/functions/admin.php:21
+msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below."
+msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below."
msgstr[0] ""
#: inc/functions/admin.php:361
@@ -2204,141 +1618,117 @@ msgstr "隱藏 WP Rocket 設定:"
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "WP Rocket 設定已啟用"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:14
-msgid ""
-"Curl functions are disabled, they are required for the Cloudflare Add-on to "
-"work correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:21
-msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
-msgstr "CloudFlare Email 與 API 金鑰尚未設定"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:52
-#, php-format
-msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
-msgstr "遺失 Cloudflare 的 zone ID. %s 無法自動修復此問題。"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:58
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "查看 %1$s文件%2$s 以取得更多說明。"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:60
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:100
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "連結 CloudFlare 失敗"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:122
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "從清單中選擇網址"
-#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:135
+#: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "在您的 CloudFlare 帳戶中沒有網址可供選擇"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from "
-"your website."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
+msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:580 inc/functions/options.php:619
+#: inc/functions/options.php:530
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow "
-"%3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. "
-"Please do the following:"
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Download the zip file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596 inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:596
+#: inc/functions/options.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
+msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
-msgid ""
-"License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:604
+#: inc/functions/options.php:515
msgid "To resolve, please contact support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
-msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blacklisted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:612
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "你的註冊碼無效。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:632
+#: inc/functions/options.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:634
+#: inc/functions/options.php:545
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this "
+msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "這個網站是不允許的。"
-#: inc/functions/options.php:636
+#: inc/functions/options.php:547
#, php-format
msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
msgid "This license key is not recognized."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:638
+#: inc/functions/options.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/functions/options.php:644
+#: inc/functions/options.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "License validation failed: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -2363,240 +1753,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:20
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "返回"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
-msgid "WP Rocket feedback"
-msgstr "WP Rocket 意見回饋"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:23
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "關閉"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:27
-msgid "May we have a little info about why you are deactivating?"
-msgstr "可否請教您為何停用嗎?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:31
-msgid ""
-"It is a temporary deactivation. I am just debugging an "
-msgstr "這是暫時性的停用。我只是在進行除錯。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality."
-msgstr "這外掛讓頁面跑版或是其它功能發生問題。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:39
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GTMetrix score did not improve."
-msgstr "我在 PageSpeed 或是 GTMetrix 的效能評分並未有改善"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:43
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time."
-msgstr "我並無發現在頁面載入上有任何的差異。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:47
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure."
-msgstr "這外掛設定項太多大複雜不知道該怎麼設定。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:51
-msgid "My host already has its own caching system."
-msgstr "我的主機已經有做快取了。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:53
-msgid "What is the name of your web host?"
-msgstr "您的主機商是?"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:58
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "其它"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Let us know why you are deactivating WP Rocket so we can improve the plugin"
-msgstr "讓我們知道您為何停用 WP Rocket 以便我們進行改善"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
-msgid "The plugin broke my layout or some functionality"
-msgstr "這外掛讓頁面跑版或是其它功能發生問題。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This type of issue can usually be fixed by deactivating some options in WP "
-msgstr "此類的問題通常只要停用幾個 WP Rocket 的設定項就能解決。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Click \"Apply Safe Mode\" to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, "
-"Embeds and CDN options. Then check your site to see if the issue has "
-msgstr "點選「安全模式」來快速關閉延遲載入、檔案優化、內嵌功能與 CDN 設定。然後再檢查看看您的網站是否正常。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:72
-msgid "Apply safe mode"
-msgstr "套用安全模式"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:75
-msgid "Safe mode applied."
-msgstr "安全模式已套用。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
-msgid "Review your site in a private/logged out browser window."
-msgstr "在瀏覽器的無痕模式或是登出狀態下來檢視你的網站。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Is the issue fixed? Now you can reactivate options one at a time to "
-"determine which one caused the problem. More info"
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
-msgid "My PageSpeed or GT Metrix score did not improve"
-msgstr "我在 PageSpeed 或是 GTMetrix 的效能評分並未有所改善"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:82
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket makes your site faster. The PageSpeed grade or GTMetrix score are "
-"not indicators of speed. Neither your real visitors, nor Google will ever "
-"see your website’s “grade”. Speed is the only metric that matters for SEO "
-"and conversions."
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket 可以讓你的網站變快。PageSpeed 或是 GTMetrix 的評分不一定代表載入速度。不管是真實使用者還是 Google "
-"都不會看你網站的評分,載入速度才是 SEO 與轉換率的關鍵指標。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:83
-msgid "Yoast, the expert on all things related to SEO for WordPress states:"
-msgstr "Yoast - WordPress SEO 領域上的專業外掛:"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:84
-msgid ""
-"[Google] just looks at how fast your website loads for users, so you don’t "
-"have to obsess over that specific score. You have to make sure your website "
-"is as fast as you can get it."
-msgstr "[Google] 只會看你的網站載入時間,所以你不必特別關注評分,你必需確保你的網站能多快就多快載入。"
#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87
-msgid ""
-"How to measure the load time of your site:
-msgstr ""
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
-msgid ""
-"Why you should not be chasing a PageSpeed score:
-msgstr ""
-"為何你不該去追求 PageSpeed 的評分:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:91
-msgid "I did not notice a difference in loading time"
-msgstr "我並無發現在頁面載入時間上有任何的差異。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Make sure you look at your site while logged out to see the fast, cached "
-msgstr "請確認你在檢視網站時是在登出且有快取的狀態下瀏覽!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The best way to see the improvement WP Rocket provides is to perform speed "
-"tests. Follow this guide to correctly measure the load time of your "
-msgstr ""
-"WP Rocket 提供的方便的測速工具,參考以下說明以測量你的網站載入速度:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:96
-msgid "The plugin is too complicated to configure"
-msgstr "這外掛設定項太多大複雜,不知道該怎麼設定。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:97
-msgid "We are sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to use WP Rocket."
-msgstr "我們很抱歉讓你覺得 WP Rocket 不好操作。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:98
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket is the only caching plugin that provides 80% of best practices in "
-"speed optimization, by default. That means you do not have to do anything "
-"besides activate WP Rocket and your site will already be faster!"
-msgstr "WP Rocket 是唯一一套快取外掛在速度優化上增加了 80% ,這意味著在啟用後,你不需要進行任何額外設定就能讓網站變快!"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:99
-msgid ""
-"The additional options are not required for a fast site, they are for fine-"
-msgstr "這些額外的設定是非必要的,但能懂得如何設定會更好。"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:100
-msgid ""
-"To see the benefit WP Rocket is already providing, measure the speed of your"
-" site using a tool like Pingdom:
-msgstr ""
-"想到 WP Rocket 優化了哪些內容嗎?可以透過網站測速工具來進行測試,像是 Pingdom:
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:105
-msgid "Send & Deactivate"
-msgstr "送出 & 停用"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
-#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:108
-msgid "Skip & Deactivate"
-msgstr "略過 & 停用"
#: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26
msgid "Clear cache after"
msgstr "在...之後清除快取"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:49 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:80
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:110
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122
msgid "CSS & JavaScript"
msgstr "CSS & JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:50 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:81
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:111
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:51 views/settings/fields/cnames.php:82
-#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:112
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94
+#: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"
@@ -2604,202 +1783,150 @@ msgstr "CSS"
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "匯入設定"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:39
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:31
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:24 views/settings/page.php:54
-msgctxt "Active state of checkbox"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "開啟"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:40
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:32
-#: views/settings/fields/sliding-checkbox.php:25 views/settings/page.php:55
-msgctxt "Inactive state of checkbox"
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "關閉"
-#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:41
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:33
+#: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43
msgid "Add-on status"
msgstr "附加功能狀態"
-#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:56
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72
msgid "Modify options"
msgstr "修改選項"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27
msgid "Cloudflare Cache"
msgstr "Cloudflare 快取"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:33
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s"
msgstr "立即為你的網站清除快取資源。%s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
msgstr "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:34
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:35
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "了解更多"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:40
+#: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45
msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files"
msgstr "清除所有 CloudFlare 快取檔案"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "恭喜!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:39
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40
msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket applies 80% of web performance best "
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:43
-msgid ""
-"We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45
msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!"
msgstr "繼續更多設定調整優化你的網站!"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:54
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "我的帳號"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68
msgid "Refresh info"
msgstr "重新整理資訊"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:74
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "過期時間"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:83
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110
msgid "View my account"
msgstr "檢視我的帳號"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:103
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137
msgid "Quick Actions"
msgstr "快速操作"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:109
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144
msgid "Remove all cached files"
msgstr "移除所有快取檔案"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:129
-msgid "Start cache preloading"
-msgstr "開始快取預先載入"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:147
-msgid "Purge OPCache content"
-msgstr "清除 OPcache 內容"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:153
-msgid "Purge OPCache"
-msgstr "清除 OPcache"
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164
#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170
msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS"
msgstr "重新產生 Critical CSS"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:186
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "常見問題"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:199
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219
msgid "Still cannot find a solution?"
msgstr "仍然無法找到解決方案?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220
+msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers."
msgstr "提送支援單或是在我們友善的知識庫中獲得幫助。"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:208
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228
msgid "Ask support"
msgstr "尋求支援"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!"
msgstr "在清理前請先備份你的資料庫"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25
-msgid ""
-"Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26
+msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "一旦開始執行資料庫清理,是沒有辦法恢復的。"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:20
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image "
+msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image "
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25
msgid "More on Imagify:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:26
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
msgid "Imagify Plugin Page"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
msgid "Imagify Website"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29
msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:37
+#: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38
msgid "Install Imagify"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:21
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22
msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license."
msgstr "WP Rocket 不會自動驗證你的授權。"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Follow this tutorial, or contact support to get the engine started."
-msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:26
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
+msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:41
+#: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46
msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2826,35 +1953,29 @@ msgstr "匯出設定"
msgid "Download a backup file of your settings"
msgstr "下載你的設定備份檔"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:43
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "下載設定"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:56
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "還原"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?"
msgstr "版本%s在你的網站上發生問題嗎?"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:62
-msgid ""
-"You can rollback to the previous major version here.
Then send us a "
-"support request."
-msgstr "你可以還原到之前的版本,
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Reinstall version %s"
msgstr "重新安裝版本%s"
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:85
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:90
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111
msgid "Create a debug log file."
msgstr ""
@@ -2867,117 +1988,1555 @@ msgstr "WP Rocket 設定"
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "版本 %s"
-#: views/settings/page.php:40
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "儲存修改"
-#: views/settings/page.php:56
+#: views/settings/page.php:60
msgid "Show Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:75
-msgid "Thanks for choosing to participate in the WP Rocket beta program!"
+#: views/settings/page.php:87
+msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
+msgstr "WP Rocket 絕對不會傳送任何網域名稱或是電子郵件(除非是為了驗證註冊)、IP 地址以及第三方的 API 金鑰。"
+#: views/settings/page.php:89
+msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
+msgstr "啟用 Rocket 分析"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15
+msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
+msgstr "如要修復一些常見問題這是一個很好的起點。"
+#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22
+msgid "Read the documentation"
+msgstr "閱讀說明文件"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12
+msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
+msgstr "如何正確的測量網站載入時間"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
+msgid "Read our guide"
+msgstr "閱讀我們的指南"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "閱讀更多"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33
+msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
+msgstr "你沒有啟用登入會員的快取。"
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34
+msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
+msgstr "使用瀏覽器的無痕模式來檢查網站速度以及版面。"
+#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24
+#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28
+msgid "Need Help?"
+msgstr "需要幫助嗎?"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129
+msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:76
-msgid ""
-"A beta version is usually one that has new features and improvements, but we"
-" want to test it a little more before full launch."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:77
-msgid ""
-"We’d love it if you took our beta versions for a ride, but please keep in "
-"mind that it might be less stable than our other releases. Don’t worry, you "
-"can switch back to a full release version at any time."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Your mission: please send all feedback about our beta versions, including "
-"bug reports, to support@wp-rocket.me"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:80
-msgid "If you don’t want to join the beta program, simply close this window."
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:82
-msgid "Activate Rocket Tester"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:93
-msgid ""
-"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if "
-"granted permission."
-msgstr "如果允許,以下是 WP Rocket 會從你的網站中收集的資料。"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:96
-msgid ""
-"WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except "
-"for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys."
-msgstr "WP Rocket 絕對不會傳送任何網域名稱或是電子郵件(除非是為了驗證註冊)、IP 地址以及第三方的 API 金鑰。"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/page.php:98
-msgid "Activate Rocket analytics"
-msgstr "啟用 Rocket 分析"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14
-msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues."
-msgstr "如要修復一些常見問題這是一個很好的起點。"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:18
-msgid "Read the documentation"
-msgstr "閱讀說明文件"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:11
-msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time"
-msgstr "如何正確的測量網站載入時間"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to use best practices to correctly measure your site's "
-msgstr "學習如何正確評估網站的效能表現。"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
+msgid "standard"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
-msgid "Read our guide"
-msgstr "閱讀我們的指南"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:17
-msgid "Why Google PageSpeed grade should not matter"
-msgstr "為何不用在意 Google PageSpeed 的評分"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "閱讀更多"
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632
+#: inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
+msgid "WP Rocket: "
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:23
-msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache."
-msgstr "你沒有啟用登入會員的快取。"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
-#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24
-msgid ""
-"Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance."
-msgstr "使用瀏覽器的無痕模式來檢查網站速度以及版面。"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105
+msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter."
+msgstr ""
-#: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:23
-#: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:27
-msgid "Need Help?"
-msgstr "需要幫助嗎?"
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185
+msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201
+msgid "Validate License"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642
+msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646
+#, php-format
+msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651
+msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654
+#, php-format
+msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710
+msgid "Internal: The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712
+#, php-format
+msgid "3rd Party: Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730
+msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740
+#, php-format
+msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763
+#, php-format
+msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767
+msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773
+msgid "CSS safelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774
+msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility"
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841
+msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931
+#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111
+msgid "Delay JavaScript execution"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942
+msgid "One-click exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943
+msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944
+msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961
+msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994
+msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003
+msgid "Autoptimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061
+msgid "Image Dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064
+#, php-format
+msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120
+#, php-format
+msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135
+msgid "Excluded images or iframes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145
+msgid "Add missing image dimensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165
+msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177
+msgid "Preload Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180
+msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188
+msgid "Preload Links"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191
+#, php-format
+msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206
+msgid "Preload Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209
+#, php-format
+msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234
+msgid "Exclude URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239
+#, php-format
+msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260
+msgid "Fonts to preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261
+msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262
+msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271
+msgid "Enable link preloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379
+msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464
+msgid "Automatic Cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site."
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+msgid "WebP Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#, php-format
+msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+msgctxt "Sucuri"
+msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668
+msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48
+msgid "Tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213
+msgid "Getting started and how to videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134
+msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140
+msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239
+#, php-format
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247
+msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90
+msgid "Next Billing Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99
+msgid "No Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135
+msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137
+msgid "RocketCDN enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160
+msgid "RocketCDN disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27
+#, php-format
+msgid "Valid until %s only!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36
+msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58
+msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86
+msgid "Billed monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87
+msgid "Get Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92
+msgid "Reduce this banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13
+msgid "Learn More"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23
+msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32
+msgid "Get RocketCDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11
+msgid "New!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12
+msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75
+msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337
+msgid "WP_CACHE value"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358
+msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375
+msgid "WP_CACHE is not set"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383
+msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253
+msgid "Every minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "Error: %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47
+msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45
+msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216
+msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219
+msgid "%l to use this feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "Publish the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224
+msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176
+msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181
+#, php-format
+msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840
+#, php-format
+msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845
+msgid "Stay with the old option"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108
+msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120
+msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122
+msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295
+msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141
+msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69
+msgid "Requested post does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46
+msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142
+msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143
+msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144
+msgid "Database Optimization Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145
+msgctxt "noun"
+msgid "Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146
+msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s"
+msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382
+#: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s off"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s promotion is live!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27
+msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "Upgrade now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+msgid "Dismiss this notice"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11
+msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15
+msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31
+msgid "Renew now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11
+msgid "You will soon lose access to some features"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24
+msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11
+msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12
+msgid "Speed Up More Websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Save $%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s websites"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "Upgrade to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11
+msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195
+msgid "Analytics & Ads"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101
+msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115
+msgid "Could not get updated lists from server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124
+msgid "Lists are up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133
+msgid "Could not update lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142
+msgid "Lists are successfully updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52
+msgid "Default Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58
+msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188
+msgid "Clear Used CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#, php-format
+msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#, php-format
+msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our support."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160
+msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174
+msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166
+msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157
+msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158
+msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208
+#, php-format
+msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45
+#, php-format
+msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38
+msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39
+msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126
+msgid "Smush"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116
+msgid "Avada"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:127
+msgid "Defer JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:128
+msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/options.php:176
+msgid "More info"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757
+msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763
+msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447
+#, php-format
+msgid "Every %d Minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151
+#, php-format
+msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s."
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159
+msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150
+msgid "Clear and preload cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194
+msgid "Purge Sucuri cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55
+msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163
+msgid "OPcache purge failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168
+msgid "OPcache successfully purged"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195
+msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587
+#, php-format
+msgid "WP Rocket: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592
+msgid "WP Rocket: Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65
+#, php-format
+msgid "The called class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s!"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:429
+msgid "The provided license data are not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:432
+#, php-format
+msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:491
+#, php-format
+msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/functions/options.php:523
+msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13
+msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14
+msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15
+msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39
+msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19
+msgid "Critical Path CSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23
+#, php-format
+msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56
+msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21
+msgid "Facing an issue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24
+msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35
+msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55
+#, php-format
+msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68
+#, php-format
+msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76
+msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80
+msgid "30 days"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81
+msgid "Forever"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14
+msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19
+#, php-format
+msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29
+msgid "Update lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13
+msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14
+msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38
+msgid "Optimize Google Fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41
+msgid "CDN CNAME"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72
+msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44
+#, php-format
+msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86
+msgid "with"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182
+msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28
+msgid "Save Changes and Optimize"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15
+msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12
+msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13
+msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14
+msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19
+msgid "How Preloading Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23
+msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25
+msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26
+msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27
+msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33
+msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34
+msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35
+msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41
+msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/page.php:82
+#, php-format
+msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11
+msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18
+msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile."
+msgstr ""
+#: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27
+msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/rocket.pot b/languages/rocket.pot
index 78471d64bc..9ba1e36b34 100644
--- a/languages/rocket.pot
+++ b/languages/rocket.pot
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.13.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-12 13:56-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-17 09:09-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: WP Media (http://wp-rocket.me/)\n"
"Language-Team: WP Media (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/wp-media/) "
@@ -46,13 +46,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:135
+msgid "Cloudflare unexpected response"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:143
+msgid "Missing Cloudflare result."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:194 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:198 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:212
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:75 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:108
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173
@@ -60,9 +68,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:214
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:77
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:110 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131
#: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208
msgid ""
@@ -70,7 +78,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:208 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125
msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
@@ -81,149 +89,149 @@ msgid ""
"further guidance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:71 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88
msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:104 inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153
msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:200
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:203
msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205
msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:207
msgid "hours"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:232 inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:250
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:311
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:318
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:337
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:344
msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
msgid "standard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:368
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:375
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:393
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:400
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:418
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:425
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:536
#, php-format
msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:545
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to "
"previous settings:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632 inc/admin/options.php:184
+#: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:661 inc/admin/options.php:184
#: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148
msgid "WP Rocket: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:101
msgid ""
"The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for "
"it to be fully flushed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:218
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:231
msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:286
#, php-format
msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:301
msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:316
msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:330
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333
+#: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:334
#, php-format
msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s"
msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s"
@@ -1236,7 +1244,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Exclude files from CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1648
msgid ""
"%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is "
"not required for %2$l to work on your site."
@@ -1246,128 +1254,128 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1673
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1682
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159
msgid "CDN CNAME(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1683
#: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160
msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1690
msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1691
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards "
"to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708 inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1714 inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1722
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1715
msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
msgid ""
"Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your "
"server’s resources."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1729
msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid ""
"Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to "
"one hit every 2 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1730
msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1744
msgid "Do not limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1745
msgid "Reduce activity"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1746
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1754
msgid "Control Heartbeat"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1763
msgid "Behavior in backend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
msgid "Behavior in post editor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1776
msgid "Behavior in frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1793
#: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1794
msgid "Add more features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1801
msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1802
msgid ""
"One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration "
"needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1812
msgid "Rocket Add-ons"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1813
msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817 inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823 inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1992
msgid "Cloudflare"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1829
msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1830
msgid ""
"Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as "
"clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1833
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate "
@@ -1375,30 +1383,30 @@ msgid ""
"enable compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1887
msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1889
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure "
"content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
msgid "WebP Compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1930
msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1934
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to "
@@ -1406,93 +1414,93 @@ msgid ""
"you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1954
msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1957
msgid ""
"Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959 inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965 inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2109
msgid "Sucuri"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1971
msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2009
msgid "Cloudflare credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2018
msgid "Cloudflare settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2032
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2033
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2045
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2054
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Zone ID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2064
msgid "Development mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2066
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will "
"automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2074
msgid "Optimal settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2075
msgid ""
"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
"grade and compatibility."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2083
msgid "Relative protocol"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2084
msgid ""
"Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files "
"(CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2122
msgid "Sucuri credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2135
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid ""
"Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130
+#: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2136
msgctxt "Sucuri"
msgid "Find your API key"
msgstr ""
@@ -2062,7 +2070,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42
#: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30
-#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
+#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:742 views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr ""
@@ -2214,61 +2222,76 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Clear Used CSS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:224
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:274
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue "
"to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:293
#, php-format
msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:491
msgid ""
"We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP "
"Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and "
"further improve your website's performance."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:494
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:547
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"It seems a security plugin or the server's firewall prevents WP Rocket from "
+"accessing the Remove Unused CSS generator. IPs listed %1$shere in our "
+"documentation%2$s should be added to your allowlists:"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:552
+msgid "- In the security plugin, if you are using one"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:553
+msgid "- In the server's firewall. Your host can help you with this"
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:593
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
-"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to our "
+"%1$s: Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the "
+"Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to %3$sour support%4$s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:324
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:345
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776
+#: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:787
msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL"
msgstr ""
@@ -2289,8 +2312,8 @@ msgid ""
"\">contact support
+ +WP Rocket +: It seems a security plugin or the server's firewall prevents WP Rocket from accessing the Remove Unused CSS generator. IPs listed here in our documentation should be added to your allowlists: +
+ [ + 'config' => [ + 'transient_exists' => true, + 'remove_unused_css' => true + ], + 'expected' => [ + 'contains' => true, + 'content' => $content + ] + ], + 'transientNotExistsShouldDoNothing' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'transient_exists' => false, + 'remove_unused_css' => true + ], + 'expected' => [ + 'contains' => false, + 'content' => $content + ] + ], + 'disableShouldDoNothing' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'transient_exists' => true, + 'remove_unused_css' => false + ], + 'expected' => [ + 'contains' => false, + 'content' => $content + ] + ], +]; diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4b55161af --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + [ + 'config' => [ + 'old_value' => [ + 'remove_unused_css' => true, + ], + 'value' => [ + 'remove_unused_css' => false, + ], + + ], + 'expected' => false, + ], + 'AlreadyDisabledShouldKeep' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'old_value' => [ + 'remove_unused_css' => false, + ], + 'value' => [ + 'remove_unused_css' => false, + ], + ], + 'expected' => true, + ], + 'EnabledShouldKeep' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'old_value' => [ + 'remove_unused_css' => false, + ], + 'value' => [ + 'remove_unused_css' => true, + ], + + ], + 'expected' => true, + ], + 'NoValueShouldKeep' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'old_value' => [ + + ], + 'value' => [ + + ], + + ], + 'expected' => true, + ], + +]; diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php index 60bdcabd12..aeb120d134 100644 --- a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ 'message' => 'message', 'body' => 'body', ], + 'errors_count' => 1, 'request_uri' => 'https://api.example.comrucss-job', 'args' => [ 'body' => [ @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ 'message' => 'message', 'body' => 'body', ], + 'errors_count' => 1, 'request_uri' => 'https://api.example.comrucss-job', 'args' => [ 'body' => [ @@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ 'message' => 'message', 'body' => 'body', ], + 'errors_count' => 1, 'request_uri' => 'https://api.example.comrucss-job', 'args' => [ 'body' => [ diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php index 8e96901067..a817cd5057 100644 --- a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ 'code' => 400, 'message' => 'message', 'request_uri' => 'https://api.example.comrucss-job', + 'errors_count' => 1, 'args' => [ 'body' => [ 'wpr_email' => 'example@email.com', @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ 'code' => 200, 'message' => 'message', 'request_uri' => 'https://api.example.com', + 'errors_count' => 1, 'args' => [ 'body' => [ 'wpr_email' => 'example@email.com', diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df75d1faaa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + [ + 'config' => [ + 'user' => json_decode( $json_not_expired ), + 'license_expired' => false, + 'renewal_url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me/checkout/renew/roger@wp-rocket.me/da5891162a3bc2d8a9670267fd07c9eb/', + 'current_version' => '3.13', + 'version' => '3.14', + ], + 'expected' => [ + 'data' => [], + 'output' => '', + ], + ], + 'testShouldDoNothingWhenNoNewMajorVersion' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'user' => json_decode( $json_expired ), + 'license_expired' => true, + 'renewal_url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me/checkout/renew/roger@wp-rocket.me/da5891162a3bc2d8a9670267fd07c9eb/', + 'current_version' => '3.13', + 'version' => '3.13', + ], + 'expected' => [ + 'data' => [], + 'output' => '', + ], + ], + 'testShouldEchoNoticeWhenNewMajorVersion' => [ + 'config' => [ + 'user' => json_decode( $json_expired ), + 'license_expired' => true, + 'renewal_url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me/checkout/renew/roger@wp-rocket.me/da5891162a3bc2d8a9670267fd07c9eb/', + 'current_version' => '3.13', + 'version' => '3.14.3', + ], + 'expected' => [ + 'data' => [ + 'version' => '3.14', + 'release_url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me/blog/wp-rocket-3-14/', + 'renew_url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me/checkout/renew/roger@wp-rocket.me/da5891162a3bc2d8a9670267fd07c9eb/', + ], + 'output' => 'wp-rocket-update', + ], + ], +]; diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl/getMobileUserAgentPrefix.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl/getMobileUserAgentPrefix.php index d58dbcb883..e9e5a5742c 100644 --- a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl/getMobileUserAgentPrefix.php +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Controller/PreloadUrl/getMobileUserAgentPrefix.php @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ 'filter' => 'new_prefix', ], - 'expected' => 'new_prefix' + 'expected' => 'WP Rocket/Preload new_prefix' ] ]; diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Frontend/Subscriber/preloadUrl.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Frontend/Subscriber/preloadUrl.php index fda8150828..37609195cc 100644 --- a/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Frontend/Subscriber/preloadUrl.php +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/Engine/Preload/Frontend/Subscriber/preloadUrl.php @@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ 'config_mobile' => [ 'blocking' => false, 'timeout' => 0.01, - 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1' + 'user-agent' => 'WP Rocket/Preload Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1' ], 'mobile_cache' => true, - 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1', + 'user_agent' => 'WP Rocket/Preload Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1', 'process_generate' => [ 'is_wp_error' => true, 'response' => 'content' @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ 'config_mobile' => [ 'blocking' => false, 'timeout' => 0.01, - 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1' + 'user-agent' => 'WP Rocket/Preload Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1' ], 'mobile_cache' => true, - 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1', + 'user_agent' => 'WP Rocket/Preload Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1', 'process_generate' => [ 'is_wp_error' => true, 'response' => 'content' diff --git a/tests/Fixtures/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/MinimalistBlogger/excludeJqueryFromDelayJs.php b/tests/Fixtures/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/MinimalistBlogger/excludeJqueryFromDelayJs.php index 66d4c7f7ad..4aae8f5103 100644 --- a/tests/Fixtures/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/MinimalistBlogger/excludeJqueryFromDelayJs.php +++ b/tests/Fixtures/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/MinimalistBlogger/excludeJqueryFromDelayJs.php @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ 'excluded' => [] ], 'expected' => [ - '\/jquery(-migrate)?-?([0-9.]+)?(.min|.slim|.slim.min)?.js(\?(.*))?$' - ] + '\/jquery(-migrate)?-?([0-9.]+)?(.min|.slim|.slim.min)?.js(\?(.*))?( |\'|"|>)', + ], ], 'testThemeShouldReturnExpected' => [ 'config' => [ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ 'excluded' => [] ], 'expected' => [ - '\/jquery(-migrate)?-?([0-9.]+)?(.min|.slim|.slim.min)?.js(\?(.*))?$' - ] - ] + '\/jquery(-migrate)?-?([0-9.]+)?(.min|.slim|.slim.min)?.js(\?(.*))?( |\'|"|>)', + ], + ], ]; diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/Subscriber/addJsExcludeFiles.php b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/Subscriber/addJsExcludeFiles.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a770a2082 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/Subscriber/addJsExcludeFiles.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +unregisterAllCallbacksExcept( 'rocket_exclude_js', 'add_js_exclude_files', 10 ); + } + + public function tear_down() { + delete_transient( 'wpr_dynamic_lists' ); + + $this->restoreWpFilter( 'rocket_exclude_js' ); + + parent::tear_down(); + } + + /** + * @dataProvider configTestData + */ + public function testShouldReturnExpected( $original, $list, $expected ) { + set_transient( 'wpr_dynamic_lists', $list, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); + + $this->assertSame( + $expected, + apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', $original ) + ); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/displaySaasErrorNotice.php b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/displaySaasErrorNotice.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fe9d33d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/displaySaasErrorNotice.php @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +setRoleCap( 'administrator', 'rocket_manage_options' ); + } + + public function tear_down() { + set_current_screen( 'front' ); + + $this->removeRoleCap( 'administrator', 'rocket_manage_options' ); + remove_filter('pre_get_rocket_option_remove_unused_css', [$this, 'remove_unused_css']); + delete_transient('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count'); + parent::tear_down(); + } + + /** + * @dataProvider configTestData + */ + public function testShouldReturnAsExpected($config, $expected) { + $this->config = $config; + $filesystem_mock = Mockery::mock(WP_Filesystem_Direct::class); + $filesystem_mock->shouldReceive('is_writable')->zeroOrMoreTimes()->andReturn(true); + $filesystem_mock->shouldReceive('is_readable')->zeroOrMoreTimes()->andReturn(true); + $filesystem_mock->shouldReceive('exists')->zeroOrMoreTimes()->andReturn(true); + $filesystem_mock->shouldReceive('is_dir')->zeroOrMoreTimes()->andReturn(true); + Functions\when('rocket_direct_filesystem')->justReturn($filesystem_mock); + + $this->setCurrentUser('administrator'); + + if($config['transient_exists']) { + set_transient('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count', true, MINUTE_IN_SECONDS); + } + set_current_screen( 'settings_page_wprocket' ); + + ob_start(); + do_action('admin_notices'); + $actual = ob_get_clean(); + if($expected['contains']) { + $this->assertStringContainsString( + $this->format_the_html( $expected['content'] ), + $this->format_the_html( $actual ) + ); + } else { + $this->assertStringNotContainsString( + $this->format_the_html( $expected['content'] ), + $this->format_the_html( $actual ) + ); + } + + } + + public function remove_unused_css() { + return $this->config['remove_unused_css']; + } +} diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2cd20b1be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +unregisterAllCallbacksExcept('update_option_' . rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_SLUG', 'wp_rocket_settings' ), 'maybe_delete_transient'); + } + + public function tear_down() + { + $this->restoreWpFilter('update_option_' . rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_SLUG', 'wp_rocket_settings' )); + delete_transient('wp_rocket_no_licence'); + parent::tear_down(); + } + + /** + * @dataProvider configTestData + */ + public function testShouldDoAsExpected( $config, $expected ) + { + apply_filters('update_option_' . rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_SLUG', 'wp_rocket_settings' ), $config['old_value'], $config['value']); + $result = get_transient('wp_rocket_no_licence'); + $this->assertSame($expected, (bool) $result); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab2d601d75 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +rocket_version = $config['current_version']; + + $user = new User( $config['user'] ); + $renewal = new RenewalNotice( $user, WP_ROCKET_PLUGIN_ROOT . '/views/plugins/' ); + + $renewal->renewal_notice( $config['version'] ); + + $this->expectOutputContains( $expected['output'] ); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic/addExplanations.php b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic/addExplanations.php index f75e76f6a3..064aca7e1d 100644 --- a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic/addExplanations.php +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic/addExplanations.php @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Test_Explanations extends TestCase { public function testShouldReturnExpected() { $plugins_explanations = []; $expected = [ - 'ezoic' => 'This plugin blocks WP Rocket\'s caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use Ezoic\'s nameserver integration instead.', + 'ezoic' => 'This plugin blocks WP Rocket\'s caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use Ezoic\'s nameserver integration instead.', ]; $this->assertSame( diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScripts.php b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScripts.php index 478f4d0f06..6efb6310e4 100644 --- a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScripts.php +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScripts.php @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ class Test_ExcludePDFEmbedderScripts extends TestCase { public function testShouldExcludePDFEmbedderScripts() { $excluded_js = apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', [] ); - $this->assertSame( [ '/wp-content/plugins/pdf-embedder/js/(.*).js' ], $excluded_js ); + $this->assertContains( '/wp-content/plugins/pdf-embedder/js/(.*).js', $excluded_js ); } } diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsPremium.php b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsPremium.php index 8d6817823c..47fd22959a 100644 --- a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsPremium.php +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsPremium.php @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class Test_ExcludePDFEmbedderScriptsPremium extends TestCase { public function testShouldExcludePDFEmbedderScripts() { $excluded_js = apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', [] ); + $expected = [ + '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium/js/pdfjs/(.*).js', + '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium/js/(.*).js', + ]; - $this->assertSame( - [ - '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium/js/pdfjs/(.*).js', - '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium/js/(.*).js', - ], - $excluded_js - ); + foreach ( $expected as $item ) { + $this->assertContains( $item, $excluded_js ); + } } } diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsSecure.php b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsSecure.php index 8007fa1efc..9c8a392a8e 100644 --- a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsSecure.php +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PDFEmbedder/excludePDFEmbedderScriptsSecure.php @@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ class Test_ExcludePDFEmbedderScriptsSecure extends TestCase { public function testShouldExcludePDFEmbedderScripts() { $excluded_js = apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', [] ); - $this->assertSame( - [ - '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium-secure/js/pdfjs/(.*).js', - '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium-secure/js/(.*).js', - ], - $excluded_js - ); + $expected = [ + '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium-secure/js/pdfjs/(.*).js', + '/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium-secure/js/(.*).js', + ]; + + foreach ( $expected as $item ) { + $this->assertContains( $item, $excluded_js ); + } } } diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PageBuilder/Elementor/excludeJs.php b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PageBuilder/Elementor/excludeJs.php index 5a0c983a19..1184b4a16b 100644 --- a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PageBuilder/Elementor/excludeJs.php +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/PageBuilder/Elementor/excludeJs.php @@ -27,10 +27,13 @@ public function testShouldReturnExpected( $config, $expected ) { add_filter( 'pre_get_rocket_option_minify_concatenate_js', [ $this, 'set_combine_js' ] ); - $this->assertSame( - $expected, - apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', [] ) - ); + $actual = apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', [] ); + if ( empty( $expected ) ) { + $this->assertEmpty( $expected ); // Todo: Need to be enhanced. + } + foreach ( $expected as $item ) { + $this->assertContains( $item, $actual ); + } } public function set_combine_js() { diff --git a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Uncode/excludeJs.php b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Uncode/excludeJs.php index 64c1ec33d4..97eeb65c16 100644 --- a/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Uncode/excludeJs.php +++ b/tests/Integration/inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Uncode/excludeJs.php @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ public function set_stylesheet_root() { * @dataProvider providerTestData */ public function testShouldReturnExpected( $config, $expected ) { - $this->assertSame( - $expected, - apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', $config['exclusions'] ) - ); + $actual = apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', $config['exclusions'] ); + foreach ( $expected as $item ) { + $this->assertContains( $item, $actual ); + } } } diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists/getJsExcludeFiles.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists/getJsExcludeFiles.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..786fd65096 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists/getJsExcludeFiles.php @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + (object) [ + 'api_client' => Mockery::mock( APIClient::class ), + 'data_manager' => $data_manager, + ], + ]; + $dynamic_lists = new DynamicLists( $providers, Mockery::mock( User::class ), '', Mockery::mock( Beacon::class ) ); + + $data_manager->shouldReceive( 'get_lists' ) + ->andReturn( $list ); + + $this->assertSame( + $expected, + $dynamic_lists->get_js_exclude_files() + ); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displayProcessingNotice.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displayProcessingNotice.php index 01f9b98a91..f5bdc09edf 100644 --- a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displayProcessingNotice.php +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displayProcessingNotice.php @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class Test_DisplayProcessingNotice extends FilesystemTestCase { private $options; private $settings; + protected $config; protected $table; public function setUp(): void { @@ -47,7 +48,12 @@ public function testShouldDoExpected( $config, $expected ) { ->andReturn( $config['remove_unused_css'] ); - Functions\when( 'get_transient' )->justReturn( $config['transient'] ); + Functions\when('get_transient')->alias(function ($name) use ($config) { + if('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count' === $name) { + return $config['saas_transient']; + } + return $config['transient']; + }); if ( $expected ) { Functions\expect( 'rocket_notice_html' ) diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySaasErrorNotice.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySaasErrorNotice.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..691c51948a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySaasErrorNotice.php @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +options = Mockery::mock(Options_Data::class); + $this->beacon = Mockery::mock(Beacon::class); + $this->used_css = $this->createMock(UsedCSS::class); + $this->settings = new Settings($this->options, $this->beacon, $this->used_css); + $this->stubTranslationFunctions(); + } + + /** + * @dataProvider providerTestData + */ + public function testShouldReturnAsExpected($config, $expected) { + Functions\when( 'get_current_screen' )->justReturn( $config['current_screen'] ); + Functions\when( 'current_user_can' )->justReturn( $config['has_rights'] ); + Functions\when( 'get_current_user_id' )->justReturn( 1 ); + Functions\when( 'get_user_meta' )->justReturn( $config['boxes'] ); + Functions\expect('get_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count' )->andReturn($config['saas_transient']); + $this->options->shouldReceive('get')->with('remove_unused_css', 0)->andReturn($config['has_rights']) + ->zeroOrMoreTimes(); + Functions\when('rocket_notice_html')->justEcho(); + Functions\stubEscapeFunctions(); + $this->beacon->shouldReceive( 'get_suggest' )->with( 'rucss_firewall_ips' )->andReturn( $config['beacon']['en'] ); + + ob_start(); + $this->settings->display_saas_error_notice(); + $result = ob_get_clean(); + $this->assertSame($expected, $result); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySuccessNotice.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySuccessNotice.php index 7cbcc05fd9..6ecfebb40b 100644 --- a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySuccessNotice.php +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings/displaySuccessNotice.php @@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ public function testShouldDoExpected( $config, $expected ) { Functions\when( 'current_user_can' )->justReturn( $config['capability'] ); Functions\when( 'get_current_user_id' )->justReturn( 1 ); Functions\when( 'get_user_meta' )->justReturn( $config['boxes'] ); + Functions\when('get_transient')->alias(function ($name) use ($config) { + if('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count' === $name) { + return $config['saas_transient']; + } + return $config['transient']; + }); $this->used_css->expects(self::atMost(1))->method('exists')->willReturn($config['exists']); @@ -67,12 +73,10 @@ public function testShouldDoExpected( $config, $expected ) { public function configureDisplayNotice($config) { - if( ! $config['exists'] ) { + if( ! $config['exists'] || $config['saas_transient'] ) { return; } - Functions\when( 'get_transient' )->justReturn( $config['transient'] ); - $this->options->shouldReceive( 'get' ) ->with( 'manual_preload', 0 ) ->andReturn( $config['manual_preload'] ); diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd730eb73e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber/maybeDeleteTransient.php @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +settings = Mockery::mock(Settings::class); + $this->database = Mockery::mock(Database::class); + $this->used_css = Mockery::mock(UsedCSS::class); + $this->queue = Mockery::mock(Queue::class); + + $this->subscriber = new Subscriber($this->settings, $this->database, $this->used_css, $this->queue); + } + + /** + * @dataProvider configTestData + */ + public function testShouldDoAsExpected( $config, $expected ) + { + if (! $expected) { + Functions\expect('delete_transient')->with('wp_rocket_no_licence'); + }else { + Functions\expect('delete_transient')->never(); + } + $this->subscriber->maybe_delete_transient($config['old_value'], $config['value']); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php index 7d88c0b231..0591c47850 100644 --- a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/addToQueue.php @@ -50,9 +50,12 @@ protected function configeAuthorized($config) { protected function configureCheckResponse($config) { Functions\expect('wp_remote_retrieve_response_code')->with($config['response'])->andReturn($config['code']); if(! $config['is_succeed']) { + Functions\expect('get_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count')->andReturn($config['errors_count']); + Functions\expect('set_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count', $config['errors_count'] + 1, 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS); Functions\expect('wp_remote_retrieve_response_message')->with($config['response'])->andReturn($config['message']); return; } + Functions\expect('delete_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count'); Functions\expect('wp_remote_retrieve_body')->with($config['response'])->andReturn($config['body']); Functions\expect('wp_parse_args')->with($config['to_merge'], $config['default'])->andReturn($config['merged']); } diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php index 514cb35e92..f78655c306 100644 --- a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Frontend/APIClient/getQueueJobStatus.php @@ -42,9 +42,12 @@ public function testShouldReturnAsExpected($config, $expected) { protected function configureCheckResponse($config) { Functions\expect('wp_remote_retrieve_response_code')->with($config['response'])->andReturn($config['code']); if(! $config['is_succeed']) { + Functions\expect('get_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count')->andReturn($config['errors_count']); + Functions\expect('set_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count', $config['errors_count'] + 1, 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS); Functions\expect('wp_remote_retrieve_response_message')->with($config['response'])->andReturn($config['message']); return; } + Functions\expect('delete_transient')->with('wp_rocket_rucss_errors_count'); Functions\expect('wp_remote_retrieve_body')->with($config['response'])->andReturn($config['body']); Functions\expect('wp_parse_args')->with($config['to_merge'], $config['default'])->andReturn($config['merged']); } diff --git a/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59c68bf3ff --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Unit/inc/Engine/Plugin/RenewalNotice/renewalNotice.php @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +user = Mockery::mock( User::class ); + $this->renewal = Mockery::mock( + RenewalNotice::class . '[generate]', + [ + $this->user, + 'views/plugins', + ] + ); + } + + /** + * @dataProvider configTestData + */ + public function testShouldDoExpected( $config, $expected ) { + $this->rocket_version = $config['current_version']; + + $this->user->shouldReceive( 'is_license_expired' ) + ->once() + ->andReturn( $config['license_expired'] ); + + if ( ! empty( $expected['data'] ) ) { + $this->user->shouldReceive( 'get_renewal_url' ) + ->once() + ->andReturn( $config['renewal_url'] ); + + $this->renewal->shouldReceive( 'generate' ) + ->once() + ->with( + 'update-renewal-expired-notice', + $expected['data'] + ); + } else { + $this->renewal->shouldReceive( 'generate' ) + ->never(); + } + + $this->renewal->renewal_notice( $config['version'] ); + } +} diff --git a/views/plugins/update-renewal-expired-notice.php b/views/plugins/update-renewal-expired-notice.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38526637df --- /dev/null +++ b/views/plugins/update-renewal-expired-notice.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + +
+ , %2$s = plugin version, %3$s = , %4$s = , %5$s = , %6$s = . + esc_html__( ' %1$sWP Rocket %2$s%3$s is available. %4$sLearn more%5$s about the updates and enhancements of this major version. You need an active license to use them on your website, don’t miss out! %6$sRenew Now%5$s', 'rocket' ), + '', + esc_html( $data['version'] ), + '', + '', + '', + '' + ); + ?> +