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How to deploy a Halo Kingdom on GKE


The configuration for the dev environment can be used as the basis for deploying CMMS components using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) on another Google Cloud project.


  • This guide is just one way of achieving the goal, not necessarily the best approach.
  • Almost all steps can be done via either the Google Cloud Console UI or the gcloud CLI. The doc picks the easier one for each step. But you are free to do it in an alternative way.
  • All names used in this doc can be replaced with something else. We use specific names in the doc for ease of reference.
  • All quotas and resource configs are just examples, adjust the quota and size based on the actual usage.
  • In the doc, we assume we are deploying to a single region, i.e. us-central1. If you are deploying to another region or multiple regions, just need to adjust each step mentioning "region" accordingly.

What are we creating/deploying?

See the example Terraform configuration to see what resources are created.

The cluster will be populated with the following:

  • Secret
    • certs-and-configs-<hash>
  • ConfigMap
    • config-files-<hash>
  • Service
    • gcp-kingdom-data-server (Cluster IP)
    • system-api-server (External load balancer)
    • v2alpha-public-api-server (External load balancer)
  • Deployment
    • gcp-kingdom-data-server-deployment
    • system-api-server-deployment
    • v2alpha-public-api-server-deployment
  • CronJob
    • completed-measurements-deletion-cronjob
    • pending-measurements-cancellation-cronjob
    • exchanges-deletion-cronjob
  • NetworkPolicy
    • default-deny-ingress-and-egress
    • internal-data-server-network-policy
    • system-api-server-network-policy
    • public-api-server-network-policy
    • completed-measurements-deletion-network-policy
    • pending-measurements-cancellation-network-policy
    • exchanges-deletion-network-policy

Before You Start

See Machine Setup.

Provision Google Cloud Project infrastructure

This can be done using Terraform. See the guide to use the example configuration for the Kingdom.

Applying the Terraform configuration will create a new cluster. You can use the gcloud CLI to obtain credentials so that you can access the cluster via kubectl. For example:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials kingdom

Build and push the container images (optional)

If you aren't using pre-built release images, you can build the images yourself from source and push them to a container registry. For example, if you're using the Google Container Registry, you would specify as your container registry and your Cloud project name as your image repository prefix.

Assuming a project named halo-kingdom-demo and an image tag build-0001, run the following to build and push the images:

bazel run -c opt //src/main/docker:push_all_kingdom_gke_images \
  --define \
  --define image_repo_prefix=halo-kingdom-demo --define image_tag=build-0001

Tip: If you're using Hybrid Development for containerized builds, replace bazel build with tools/bazel-container build and bazel run with tools/bazel-container-run.

Add metrics to the cluster (optional)

See Metrics Deployment.

Generate the K8s Kustomization

Populating a cluster is generally done by applying a K8s Kustomization. You can use the dev configuration as a base to get started. The Kustomization is generated using Bazel rules from files written in CUE.

To generate the dev Kustomization, run the following (substituting your own values):

bazel build //src/main/k8s/dev:kingdom.tar \
  --define google_cloud_project=halo-kingdom-demo \
  --define spanner_instance=halo-cmms \
  --define \
  --define image_repo_prefix=world-federation-of-advertisers \
  --define image_tag=0.3.0

Extract the generated archive to some directory. It is recommended that you extract it to a secure location, as you will be adding sensitive information to it in the following step. It is also recommended that you persist this directory so that you can use it to apply updates.

You can customize this generated object configuration with your own settings such as the number of replicas per deployment, the memory and CPU requirements of each container, and the JVM options of each container.

Customize the K8s secret

We use a K8s secret to hold sensitive information, such as private keys.

First, prepare all the files we want to include in the Kubernetes secret. The dev configuration assumes the files have the following names:

  1. all_root_certs.pem

    This makes up the TLS trusted root CA store for the Kingdom. It's the concatenation of the root CA certificates for all the entites that connect to the Kingdom, including:

    • All Duchies
    • All EDPs
    • All MC reporting tools (frontends)
    • The Kingdom's itself (for traffic between Kingdom servers)

    Supposing your root certs are all in a single folder and end with _root.pem, you can concatenate them all with a simple shell command:

    cat *_root.pem > all_root_certs.pem

    Note: This assumes that all your root certificate PEM files end in newline.

  2. kingdom_root.pem

    The root certificate of the Kingdom's CA.

  3. kingdom_tls.pem

    The Kingdom's TLS certificate.

  4. kingdom_tls.key

    The private key for the Kingdom's TLS certificate.

  5. duchy_cert_config.textproto

    Configuration mapping Duchy root certificates to the corresponding Duchy ID.

  6. duchy_id_config.textproto

    Configuration mapping external (public) Duchy IDs to internal Duchy IDs.

  7. llv2_protocol_config_config.textproto

    Configuration for the Liquid Legions v2 protocol.

The private keys are confidential to the Kingdom, and are generated by the Kingdom's certificate authority (CA).

Place these files into the src/main/k8s/dev/kingdom_secret/ path within the Kustomization directory.

Secret files for testing

There are some secret files within the repository. These can be used for testing, but must not be used for production environments as doing so would be highly insecure.

Generate the archive:

bazel build //src/main/k8s/testing/secretfiles:archive

Extract the generated archive to the src/main/k8s/dev/kingdom_secret/ path within the Kustomization directory.

Customize the K8s configMap

Configuration that may frequently change is stored in a K8s configMap. The dev configuration uses one named config-files containing the file authority_key_identifier_to_principal_map.textproto.

Place this file in the src/main/k8s/dev/config_files/ path within the Kustomization directory.

See Creating Resources for information on this file format.

Apply the K8s Kustomization

Use kubectl to apply the Kustomization. From the Kustomization directory run:

kubectl apply -k src/main/k8s/dev/kingdom

Now all Kingdom components should be successfully deployed to your GKE cluster. You can verify by running

kubectl get deployments


kubectl get services

You should see something like the following:

NAME                                 READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE
gcp-kingdom-data-server-deployment   1/1   1          1         1m
system-api-server-deployment         1/1   1          1         1m
v2alpha-public-api-server-deployment 1/1   1          1         1m
NAME                      TYPE         CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)        AGE
gcp-kingdom-data-server   ClusterIP <none>       8443/TCP       14d
kubernetes                ClusterIP   <none>       443/TCP        16d
system-api-server         LoadBalancer  8443:30347/TCP 14d
v2alpha-public-api-server LoadBalancer 8443:31300/TCP 14d

Make the Kingdom accessible outside the cluster

Reserve the external IPs

There are two public APIs in the kingdom. The v2alpha-public-api-server is called by the EDPs, MPs and MCs. The system-api-server is called by the duchies. As you can see from the result in the previous step. Only these two services have external IPs. However, these external IPs are ephemeral. We need to reserve them such that they are stable.

See Reserving External IPs

Set up DNS records

In the DNS configuration for a domain you own, add A records to assign names to the external IPs of the public and system API services.

For example in the Halo dev environment we use the following subdomains:


Other components (such as Duchies) and integrators (such as data providers and model providers) can use these names to access Kingdom services.


Q1. How to generate certificates/key pairs?

You can use any certificate authority (CA) you wish, but the simplest if you're deploying on GKE is the Cloud Certificate Authority Service.

Certificate requirements:

  • Support both client and server TLS.
  • Include the following DNS hostnames in the subject alternative name (SAN) extension:
    • The hostnames for any external IPs. For example, our dev Kingdom certificates have* to cover both and
    • localhost (some of our configurations assume this)

Encryption keys can be generated using the Tinkey tool.

Q2. What if the secret or configuration files need to be updated?

Modify the Kustomization directory and re-apply it.

Q3. How to test if the kingdom is working properly?

Follow the "How to complete multi-cluster correctnessTest on GKE" doc and complete a correctness test using the Kingdom you have deployed.

If you don't want to deploy Duchies and simulators, you can just run ResourceSetup to see if you can create the resources successfully. If yes, you can consider the Kingdom is working properly.