From 614d72d8c4930890941fb0db3aee60e62c46f386 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gerardo Pacheco Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2021 14:11:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Update bundles --- bundle/ios/App.js | 8 ++++---- bundle/ios/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/bundle/ios/App.js b/bundle/ios/App.js index 0fa61a92b0..6ea57a73f8 100644 --- a/bundle/ios/App.js +++ b/bundle/ios/App.js @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.g __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.getLastChildIndex=function(n,l){for(var f=n.text,u=n.replacements,o=u[l]||[],_=l,c=l||0;c=o.length))return _;_=c}return _};var t=r(d[0])},1216,[1184]); __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){var t=r(d[0]);Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.changeListType=function(t,n){for(var p,O=t.text,l=t.replacements,s=t.start,b=t.end,y=(0,o.getLineIndex)(t,s),j=l[y]||[],P=l[(0,o.getLineIndex)(t,b)]||[],h=(0,f.getParentLineIndex)(t,y),v=l.slice(),w=j.length-1,L=P.length-1,_=h+1||0;_L?t:n}))}if(!p)return t;return u(u({},t),{},{replacements:v})};var n=t(r(d[1])),c=r(d[2]),o=r(d[3]),f=r(d[4]);function p(t,n){var c=Object.keys(t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var o=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);n&&(o=o.filter(function(n){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n).enumerable})),c.push.apply(c,o)}return c}function u(t){for(var c=1;c]*>','gim'),s=RegExp('$','gim');return n.replace(o,'').replace(s,'')}},{key:"removeTag",value:function(t,n){var o=RegExp('<'+t+'>','gim'),s=RegExp('','gim');return n.replace(o,'').replace(s,'')}},{key:"convertFontSizeFromString",value:function(t){return t&&(0,y.isString)(t)&&t.endsWith('px')?parseFloat(t.substring(0,t.length-2)):t}},{key:"onChangeFromAztec",value:function(t){this.removeRootTagsProduceByAztec(G(t.nativeEvent.text))!==this.value&&(this.lastEventCount=t.nativeEvent.eventCount,this.comesFromAztec=!0,this.firedAfterTextChanged=!0,this.onTextUpdate(t),this.lastAztecEventType='input')}},{key:"onTextUpdate",value:function(t){var n=this.removeRootTagsProduceByAztec(G(t.nativeEvent.text)),o=n;this.isIOS||(o=this.restoreParagraphTags(n,this.multilineTag)),this.debounceCreateUndoLevel();var s=this.value!==o;this.value=o,s&&this.props.onChange(o)}},{key:"restoreParagraphTags",value:function(t,n){return'p'!==n||t&&t.startsWith('



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f=n((0,v.slice)(t,l,o.length)),p=c.transform(f);z([p]),Je()}}}},[z,Je]),ot=(0,_.useMergeRefs)([p,we]),it=(0,n.createElement)(v.__experimentalRichText,(0,l.default)({clientId:Pe,identifier:ne,ref:ot,value:Ze,onChange:$e,selectionStart:Be,selectionEnd:Le,onSelectionChange:et,tagName:M,placeholder:G,allowedFormats:Ve,withoutInteractiveFormatting:V,onEnter:at,onDelete:tt,onPaste:lt,__unstableIsSelected:We,__unstableInputRule:rt,__unstableMultilineTag:Qe,__unstableIsCaretWithinFormattedText:Ie,__unstableOnEnterFormattedText:ze,__unstableOnExitFormattedText:Ge,__unstableOnCreateUndoLevel:Ye,__unstableMarkAutomaticChange:Je,__unstableDidAutomaticChange:je,__unstableUndo:Ue,__unstableDisableFormats:oe,preserveWhiteSpace:ae,disabled:De,unstableOnFocus:se,__unstableAllowPrefixTransformations:ue,__unstableMultilineRootTag:ce},ke,{blockIsSelected:void 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0,"aria-owns":o,"aria-activedescendant":s,onKeyDown:function(t){u(t),p.onKeyDown(t)}}))}))});return K?((0,T.default)('wp.blockEditor.RichText wrapperClassName prop',{alternative:'className prop or create your own wrapper div'}),(0,n.createElement)("div",{className:(0,f.default)(I,K)},it)):it});U.Content=function(t){var l=t.value,o=t.tagName,s=t.multiline,c=(0,u.default)(t,["value","tagName","multiline"]);Array.isArray(l)&&(l=h.children.toHTML(l));var f=W(s);!l&&f&&(l="<"+f+">");var b=(0,n.createElement)(n.RawHTML,null,l);return o?(0,n.createElement)(o,(0,p.omit)(c,['format']),b):b},U.isEmpty=function(t){return!t||0===t.length},U.Content.defaultProps={format:'string',value:''};var H=U;e.default=H},2216,[5,946,24,36,66,67,14,1724,1068,1076,1224,1116,1074,1111,1043,1688,2217,2146,2218,2219,2220,2222,2133,2223,2224,2225]); __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.default=void 0;e.default=function(){return null}},2217,[]); __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.RemoveBrowserShortcuts=void 0;e.RemoveBrowserShortcuts=function(){return null}},2218,[]); __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.filePasteHandler=function(n){return{return""}).join('')}},2219,[]); @@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){m.exports={blockHolderFullBordered:{borderTopWidth:1 __d(function(g,r,i,a,m,e,d){var t=r(d[0]),n=r(d[1]);Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.registerCoreBlocks=e.coreBlocks=void 0;var o=n(r(d[2])),c=(r(d[3]),r(d[4])),s=r(d[5]),l=r(d[6]),u=t(r(d[7])),f=t(r(d[8])),p=t(r(d[9])),O=t(r(d[10])),y=t(r(d[11])),b=t(r(d[12])),v=t(r(d[13])),k=t(r(d[14])),j=t(r(d[15])),B=t(r(d[16])),P=t(r(d[17])),h=t(r(d[18])),w=t(r(d[19])),D=t(r(d[20])),E=t(r(d[21])),N=t(r(d[22])),T=t(r(d[23])),_=t(r(d[24])),C=t(r(d[25])),S=t(r(d[26])),F=t(r(d[27])),H=t(r(d[28])),G=t(r(d[29])),M=t(r(d[30])),U=t(r(d[31])),q=t(r(d[32])),x=t(r(d[33])),z=t(r(d[34])),A=t(r(d[35])),I=t(r(d[36])),J=t(r(d[37])),K=t(r(d[38])),L=t(r(d[39])),Q=t(r(d[40])),R=t(r(d[41])),V=t(r(d[42])),W=t(r(d[43])),X=t(r(d[44])),Y=t(r(d[45])),Z=t(r(d[46])),$=t(r(d[47])),ee=t(r(d[48])),re=t(r(d[49]));function te(t,n){var o=Object.keys(t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var c=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);n&&(c=c.filter(function(n){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n).enumerable})),o.push.apply(o,c)}return o}function ne(t){for(var n=1;n {};\n\n global.$RefreshSig$ = () => type => type;\n}\n\nfunction clear() {\n modules = Object.create(null); // We return modules here so that we can assign an initial value to modules\n // when defining it. Otherwise, we would have to do \"let modules = null\",\n // which will force us to add \"nullthrows\" everywhere.\n\n return modules;\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n var verboseNamesToModuleIds = Object.create(null);\n var initializingModuleIds = [];\n}\n\nfunction define(factory, moduleId, dependencyMap) {\n if (modules[moduleId] != null) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n // (We take `inverseDependencies` from `arguments` to avoid an unused\n // named parameter in `define` in production.\n const inverseDependencies = arguments[4]; // If the module has already been defined and the define method has been\n // called with inverseDependencies, we can hot reload it.\n\n if (inverseDependencies) {\n global.__accept(moduleId, factory, dependencyMap, inverseDependencies);\n }\n } // prevent repeated calls to `global.nativeRequire` to overwrite modules\n // that are already loaded\n\n return;\n }\n\n const mod = {\n dependencyMap,\n factory,\n hasError: false,\n importedAll: EMPTY,\n importedDefault: EMPTY,\n isInitialized: false,\n publicModule: {\n exports: {}\n }\n };\n modules[moduleId] = mod;\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n // HMR\n = createHotReloadingObject(); // DEBUGGABLE MODULES NAMES\n // we take `verboseName` from `arguments` to avoid an unused named parameter\n // in `define` in production.\n\n const verboseName = arguments[3];\n\n if (verboseName) {\n mod.verboseName = verboseName;\n verboseNamesToModuleIds[verboseName] = moduleId;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction metroRequire(moduleId) {\n if (__DEV__ && typeof moduleId === \"string\") {\n const verboseName = moduleId;\n moduleId = verboseNamesToModuleIds[verboseName];\n\n if (moduleId == null) {\n throw new Error(`Unknown named module: \"${verboseName}\"`);\n } else {\n console.warn(\n `Requiring module \"${verboseName}\" by name is only supported for ` +\n \"debugging purposes and will BREAK IN PRODUCTION!\"\n );\n }\n } //$FlowFixMe: at this point we know that moduleId is a number\n\n const moduleIdReallyIsNumber = moduleId;\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n const initializingIndex = initializingModuleIds.indexOf(\n moduleIdReallyIsNumber\n );\n\n if (initializingIndex !== -1) {\n const cycle = initializingModuleIds\n .slice(initializingIndex)\n .map(id => (modules[id] ? modules[id].verboseName : \"[unknown]\")); // We want to show A -> B -> A:\n\n cycle.push(cycle[0]);\n console.warn(\n `Require cycle: ${cycle.join(\" -> \")}\\n\\n` +\n \"Require cycles are allowed, but can result in uninitialized values. \" +\n \"Consider refactoring to remove the need for a cycle.\"\n );\n }\n }\n\n const module = modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber];\n return module && module.isInitialized\n ? module.publicModule.exports\n : guardedLoadModule(moduleIdReallyIsNumber, module);\n}\n\nfunction metroImportDefault(moduleId) {\n if (__DEV__ && typeof moduleId === \"string\") {\n const verboseName = moduleId;\n moduleId = verboseNamesToModuleIds[verboseName];\n } //$FlowFixMe: at this point we know that moduleId is a number\n\n const moduleIdReallyIsNumber = moduleId;\n\n if (\n modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber] &&\n modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber].importedDefault !== EMPTY\n ) {\n return modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber].importedDefault;\n }\n\n const exports = metroRequire(moduleIdReallyIsNumber);\n const importedDefault =\n exports && exports.__esModule ? exports.default : exports; // $FlowFixMe The metroRequire call above will throw if modules[id] is null\n\n return (modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber].importedDefault = importedDefault);\n}\n\nmetroRequire.importDefault = metroImportDefault;\n\nfunction metroImportAll(moduleId) {\n if (__DEV__ && typeof moduleId === \"string\") {\n const verboseName = moduleId;\n moduleId = verboseNamesToModuleIds[verboseName];\n } //$FlowFixMe: at this point we know that moduleId is a number\n\n const moduleIdReallyIsNumber = moduleId;\n\n if (\n modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber] &&\n modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber].importedAll !== EMPTY\n ) {\n return modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber].importedAll;\n }\n\n const exports = metroRequire(moduleIdReallyIsNumber);\n let importedAll;\n\n if (exports && exports.__esModule) {\n importedAll = exports;\n } else {\n importedAll = {}; // Refrain from using Object.assign, it has to work in ES3 environments.\n\n if (exports) {\n for (const key in exports) {\n if (, key)) {\n importedAll[key] = exports[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n importedAll.default = exports;\n } // $FlowFixMe The metroRequire call above will throw if modules[id] is null\n\n return (modules[moduleIdReallyIsNumber].importedAll = importedAll);\n}\n\nmetroRequire.importAll = metroImportAll;\nlet inGuard = false;\n\nfunction guardedLoadModule(moduleId, module) {\n if (!inGuard && global.ErrorUtils) {\n inGuard = true;\n let returnValue;\n\n try {\n returnValue = loadModuleImplementation(moduleId, module);\n } catch (e) {\n // TODO: (moti) T48204692 Type this use of ErrorUtils.\n global.ErrorUtils.reportFatalError(e);\n }\n\n inGuard = false;\n return returnValue;\n } else {\n return loadModuleImplementation(moduleId, module);\n }\n}\n\nconst ID_MASK_SHIFT = 16;\nconst LOCAL_ID_MASK = ~0 >>> ID_MASK_SHIFT;\n\nfunction unpackModuleId(moduleId) {\n const segmentId = moduleId >>> ID_MASK_SHIFT;\n const localId = moduleId & LOCAL_ID_MASK;\n return {\n segmentId,\n localId\n };\n}\n\nmetroRequire.unpackModuleId = unpackModuleId;\n\nfunction packModuleId(value) {\n return (value.segmentId << ID_MASK_SHIFT) + value.localId;\n}\n\nmetroRequire.packModuleId = packModuleId;\nconst moduleDefinersBySegmentID = [];\n\nfunction registerSegment(segmentID, moduleDefiner) {\n moduleDefinersBySegmentID[segmentID] = moduleDefiner;\n}\n\nfunction loadModuleImplementation(moduleId, module) {\n if (!module && moduleDefinersBySegmentID.length > 0) {\n const _unpackModuleId = unpackModuleId(moduleId),\n segmentId = _unpackModuleId.segmentId,\n localId = _unpackModuleId.localId;\n\n const definer = moduleDefinersBySegmentID[segmentId];\n\n if (definer != null) {\n definer(localId);\n module = modules[moduleId];\n }\n }\n\n const nativeRequire = global.nativeRequire;\n\n if (!module && nativeRequire) {\n const _unpackModuleId2 = unpackModuleId(moduleId),\n segmentId = _unpackModuleId2.segmentId,\n localId = _unpackModuleId2.localId;\n\n nativeRequire(localId, segmentId);\n module = modules[moduleId];\n }\n\n if (!module) {\n throw unknownModuleError(moduleId);\n }\n\n if (module.hasError) {\n throw moduleThrewError(moduleId, module.error);\n } // `metroRequire` calls into the require polyfill itself are not analyzed and\n // replaced so that they use numeric module IDs.\n // The systrace module will expose itself on the metroRequire function so that\n // it can be used here.\n // TODO(t9759686) Scan polyfills for dependencies, too\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n var Systrace = metroRequire.Systrace,\n Refresh = metroRequire.Refresh;\n } // We must optimistically mark module as initialized before running the\n // factory to keep any require cycles inside the factory from causing an\n // infinite require loop.\n\n module.isInitialized = true;\n const _module = module,\n factory = _module.factory,\n dependencyMap = _module.dependencyMap;\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n initializingModuleIds.push(moduleId);\n }\n\n try {\n if (__DEV__) {\n // $FlowFixMe: we know that __DEV__ is const and `Systrace` exists\n Systrace.beginEvent(\"JS_require_\" + (module.verboseName || moduleId));\n }\n\n const moduleObject = module.publicModule;\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n =;\n var prevRefreshReg = global.$RefreshReg$;\n var prevRefreshSig = global.$RefreshSig$;\n\n if (Refresh != null) {\n const RefreshRuntime = Refresh;\n\n global.$RefreshReg$ = (type, id) => {\n RefreshRuntime.register(type, moduleId + \" \" + id);\n };\n\n global.$RefreshSig$ =\n RefreshRuntime.createSignatureFunctionForTransform;\n }\n }\n\n = moduleId; // keep args in sync with with defineModuleCode in\n // metro/src/Resolver/index.js\n // and metro/src/ModuleGraph/worker.js\n\n factory(\n global,\n metroRequire,\n metroImportDefault,\n metroImportAll,\n moduleObject,\n moduleObject.exports,\n dependencyMap\n ); // avoid removing factory in DEV mode as it breaks HMR\n\n if (!__DEV__) {\n // $FlowFixMe: This is only sound because we never access `factory` again\n module.factory = undefined;\n module.dependencyMap = undefined;\n }\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n // $FlowFixMe: we know that __DEV__ is const and `Systrace` exists\n Systrace.endEvent();\n\n if (Refresh != null) {\n registerExportsForReactRefresh(Refresh, moduleObject.exports, moduleId);\n }\n }\n\n return moduleObject.exports;\n } catch (e) {\n module.hasError = true;\n module.error = e;\n module.isInitialized = false;\n module.publicModule.exports = undefined;\n throw e;\n } finally {\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (initializingModuleIds.pop() !== moduleId) {\n throw new Error(\n \"initializingModuleIds is corrupt; something is terribly wrong\"\n );\n }\n\n global.$RefreshReg$ = prevRefreshReg;\n global.$RefreshSig$ = prevRefreshSig;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction unknownModuleError(id) {\n let message = 'Requiring unknown module \"' + id + '\".';\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n message +=\n \" If you are sure the module exists, try restarting Metro. \" +\n \"You may also want to run `yarn` or `npm install`.\";\n }\n\n return Error(message);\n}\n\nfunction moduleThrewError(id, error) {\n const displayName = (__DEV__ && modules[id] && modules[id].verboseName) || id;\n return Error(\n 'Requiring module \"' + displayName + '\", which threw an exception: ' + error\n );\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n metroRequire.Systrace = {\n beginEvent: () => {},\n endEvent: () => {}\n };\n\n metroRequire.getModules = () => {\n return modules;\n }; // HOT MODULE RELOADING\n\n var createHotReloadingObject = function() {\n const hot = {\n _acceptCallback: null,\n _disposeCallback: null,\n _didAccept: false,\n accept: callback => {\n hot._didAccept = true;\n hot._acceptCallback = callback;\n },\n dispose: callback => {\n hot._disposeCallback = callback;\n }\n };\n return hot;\n };\n\n let reactRefreshTimeout = null;\n\n const metroHotUpdateModule = function(\n id,\n factory,\n dependencyMap,\n inverseDependencies\n ) {\n const mod = modules[id];\n\n if (!mod) {\n if (factory) {\n // New modules are going to be handled by the define() method.\n return;\n }\n\n throw unknownModuleError(id);\n }\n\n if (!mod.hasError && !mod.isInitialized) {\n // The module hasn't actually been executed yet,\n // so we can always safely replace it.\n mod.factory = factory;\n mod.dependencyMap = dependencyMap;\n return;\n }\n\n const Refresh = metroRequire.Refresh;\n const pendingModuleIDs = [id];\n const updatedModuleIDs = [];\n const seenModuleIDs = new Set();\n const refreshBoundaryIDs = new Set(); // In this loop, we will traverse the dependency tree upwards from the\n // changed module. Updates \"bubble\" up to the closest accepted parent.\n //\n // If we reach the module root and nothing along the way accepted the update,\n // we know hot reload is going to fail. In that case we return false.\n //\n // The main purpose of this loop is to figure out whether it's safe to apply\n // a hot update. It is only safe when the update was accepted somewhere\n // along the way upwards for each of its parent dependency module chains.\n //\n // If we didn't have this check, we'd risk re-evaluating modules that\n // have side effects and lead to confusing and meaningless crashes.\n\n while (pendingModuleIDs.length > 0) {\n const pendingID = pendingModuleIDs.pop(); // Don't process twice if we have a cycle.\n\n if (seenModuleIDs.has(pendingID)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n seenModuleIDs.add(pendingID); // If the module accepts itself, no need to bubble.\n // We can stop worrying about this module chain and pick the next one.\n\n const pendingModule = modules[pendingID];\n\n if (pendingModule != null) {\n const pendingHot =;\n\n if (pendingHot == null) {\n throw new Error(\n \"[Refresh] Expected to always exist in DEV.\"\n );\n } // A module can be accepted manually from within itself.\n\n let canAccept = pendingHot._didAccept;\n\n if (!canAccept && Refresh != null) {\n // Or React Refresh may mark it accepted based on exports.\n const isBoundary = isReactRefreshBoundary(\n Refresh,\n pendingModule.publicModule.exports\n );\n\n if (isBoundary) {\n canAccept = true;\n refreshBoundaryIDs.add(pendingID);\n }\n }\n\n if (canAccept) {\n updatedModuleIDs.push(pendingID);\n continue;\n }\n } // If we bubble through the roof, there is no way to do a hot update.\n // Bail out altogether. This is the failure case.\n\n const parentIDs = inverseDependencies[pendingID];\n\n if (parentIDs.length === 0) {\n // Reload the app because the hot reload can't succeed.\n // This should work both on web and React Native.\n performFullRefresh();\n return;\n } // This module didn't accept but maybe all its parents did?\n // Put them all in the queue to run the same set of checks.\n\n updatedModuleIDs.push(pendingID);\n parentIDs.forEach(parentID => pendingModuleIDs.push(parentID));\n } // If we reached here, it is likely that hot reload will be successful.\n // Run the actual factories.\n\n seenModuleIDs.clear();\n\n for (let i = 0; i < updatedModuleIDs.length; i++) {\n // Don't process twice if we have a cycle.\n const updatedID = updatedModuleIDs[i];\n\n if (seenModuleIDs.has(updatedID)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n seenModuleIDs.add(updatedID);\n const mod = modules[updatedID];\n\n if (mod == null) {\n throw new Error(\"[Refresh] Expected to find the updated module.\");\n }\n\n const prevExports = mod.publicModule.exports;\n const didError = runUpdatedModule(\n updatedID,\n updatedID === id ? factory : undefined,\n updatedID === id ? dependencyMap : undefined\n );\n const nextExports = mod.publicModule.exports;\n\n if (didError) {\n // The user was shown a redbox about module initialization.\n // There's nothing for us to do here until it's fixed.\n return;\n }\n\n if (refreshBoundaryIDs.has(updatedID)) {\n // Since we just executed the code for it, it's possible\n // that the new exports make it ineligible for being a boundary.\n const isNoLongerABoundary = !isReactRefreshBoundary(\n Refresh,\n nextExports\n ); // It can also become ineligible if its exports are incompatible\n // with the previous exports.\n // For example, if you add/remove/change exports, we'll want\n // to re-execute the importing modules, and force those components\n // to re-render. Similarly, if you convert a class component\n // to a function, we want to invalidate the boundary.\n\n const didInvalidate = shouldInvalidateReactRefreshBoundary(\n Refresh,\n prevExports,\n nextExports\n );\n\n if (isNoLongerABoundary || didInvalidate) {\n // We'll be conservative. The only case in which we won't do a full\n // reload is if all parent modules are also refresh boundaries.\n // In that case we'll add them to the current queue.\n const parentIDs = inverseDependencies[updatedID];\n\n if (parentIDs.length === 0) {\n // Looks like we bubbled to the root. Can't recover from that.\n performFullRefresh();\n return;\n } // Schedule all parent refresh boundaries to re-run in this loop.\n\n for (let j = 0; j < parentIDs.length; j++) {\n const parentID = parentIDs[j];\n const parentMod = modules[parentID];\n\n if (parentMod == null) {\n throw new Error(\"[Refresh] Expected to find parent module.\");\n }\n\n const canAcceptParent = isReactRefreshBoundary(\n Refresh,\n parentMod.publicModule.exports\n );\n\n if (canAcceptParent) {\n // All parents will have to re-run too.\n refreshBoundaryIDs.add(parentID);\n updatedModuleIDs.push(parentID);\n } else {\n performFullRefresh();\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (Refresh != null) {\n // Debounce a little in case there are multiple updates queued up.\n // This is also useful because __accept may be called multiple times.\n if (reactRefreshTimeout == null) {\n reactRefreshTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\n reactRefreshTimeout = null; // Update React components.\n\n Refresh.performReactRefresh();\n }, 30);\n }\n }\n };\n\n const runUpdatedModule = function(id, factory, dependencyMap) {\n const mod = modules[id];\n\n if (mod == null) {\n throw new Error(\"[Refresh] Expected to find the module.\");\n }\n\n const hot =;\n\n if (!hot) {\n throw new Error(\"[Refresh] Expected to always exist in DEV.\");\n }\n\n if (hot._disposeCallback) {\n try {\n hot._disposeCallback();\n } catch (error) {\n console.error(\n `Error while calling dispose handler for module ${id}: `,\n error\n );\n }\n }\n\n if (factory) {\n mod.factory = factory;\n }\n\n if (dependencyMap) {\n mod.dependencyMap = dependencyMap;\n }\n\n mod.hasError = false;\n mod.error = undefined;\n mod.importedAll = EMPTY;\n mod.importedDefault = EMPTY;\n mod.isInitialized = false;\n const prevExports = mod.publicModule.exports;\n mod.publicModule.exports = {};\n hot._didAccept = false;\n hot._acceptCallback = null;\n hot._disposeCallback = null;\n metroRequire(id);\n\n if (mod.hasError) {\n // This error has already been reported via a redbox.\n // We know it's likely a typo or some mistake that was just introduced.\n // Our goal now is to keep the rest of the application working so that by\n // the time user fixes the error, the app isn't completely destroyed\n // underneath the redbox. So we'll revert the module object to the last\n // successful export and stop propagating this update.\n mod.hasError = false;\n mod.isInitialized = true;\n mod.error = null;\n mod.publicModule.exports = prevExports; // We errored. Stop the update.\n\n return true;\n }\n\n if (hot._acceptCallback) {\n try {\n hot._acceptCallback();\n } catch (error) {\n console.error(\n `Error while calling accept handler for module ${id}: `,\n error\n );\n }\n } // No error.\n\n return false;\n };\n\n const performFullRefresh = () => {\n /* global window */\n if (\n typeof window !== \"undefined\" &&\n window.location != null &&\n typeof window.location.reload === \"function\"\n ) {\n window.location.reload();\n } else {\n // This is attached in setUpDeveloperTools.\n const Refresh = metroRequire.Refresh;\n\n if (Refresh != null) {\n Refresh.performFullRefresh();\n } else {\n console.warn(\"Could not reload the application after an edit.\");\n }\n }\n }; // Modules that only export components become React Refresh boundaries.\n\n var isReactRefreshBoundary = function(Refresh, moduleExports) {\n if (Refresh.isLikelyComponentType(moduleExports)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (moduleExports == null || typeof moduleExports !== \"object\") {\n // Exit if we can't iterate over exports.\n return false;\n }\n\n let hasExports = false;\n let areAllExportsComponents = true;\n\n for (const key in moduleExports) {\n hasExports = true;\n\n if (key === \"__esModule\") {\n continue;\n }\n\n const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(moduleExports, key);\n\n if (desc && desc.get) {\n // Don't invoke getters as they may have side effects.\n return false;\n }\n\n const exportValue = moduleExports[key];\n\n if (!Refresh.isLikelyComponentType(exportValue)) {\n areAllExportsComponents = false;\n }\n }\n\n return hasExports && areAllExportsComponents;\n };\n\n var shouldInvalidateReactRefreshBoundary = (\n Refresh,\n prevExports,\n nextExports\n ) => {\n const prevSignature = getRefreshBoundarySignature(Refresh, prevExports);\n const nextSignature = getRefreshBoundarySignature(Refresh, nextExports);\n\n if (prevSignature.length !== nextSignature.length) {\n return true;\n }\n\n for (let i = 0; i < nextSignature.length; i++) {\n if (prevSignature[i] !== nextSignature[i]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }; // When this signature changes, it's unsafe to stop at this refresh boundary.\n\n var getRefreshBoundarySignature = (Refresh, moduleExports) => {\n const signature = [];\n signature.push(Refresh.getFamilyByType(moduleExports));\n\n if (moduleExports == null || typeof moduleExports !== \"object\") {\n // Exit if we can't iterate over exports.\n // (This is important for legacy environments.)\n return signature;\n }\n\n for (const key in moduleExports) {\n if (key === \"__esModule\") {\n continue;\n }\n\n const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(moduleExports, key);\n\n if (desc && desc.get) {\n continue;\n }\n\n const exportValue = moduleExports[key];\n signature.push(key);\n signature.push(Refresh.getFamilyByType(exportValue));\n }\n\n return signature;\n };\n\n var registerExportsForReactRefresh = (Refresh, moduleExports, moduleID) => {\n Refresh.register(moduleExports, moduleID + \" %exports%\");\n\n if (moduleExports == null || typeof moduleExports !== \"object\") {\n // Exit if we can't iterate over exports.\n // (This is important for legacy environments.)\n return;\n }\n\n for (const key in moduleExports) {\n const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(moduleExports, key);\n\n if (desc && desc.get) {\n // Don't invoke getters as they may have side effects.\n continue;\n }\n\n const exportValue = moduleExports[key];\n const typeID = moduleID + \" %exports% \" + key;\n Refresh.register(exportValue, typeID);\n }\n };\n\n global.__accept = metroHotUpdateModule;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @polyfill\n * @nolint\n * @format\n */\n\n/* eslint-disable no-shadow, eqeqeq, curly, no-unused-vars, no-void, no-control-regex */\n\n/**\n * This pipes all of our console logging functions to native logging so that\n * JavaScript errors in required modules show up in Xcode via NSLog.\n */\nconst inspect = (function() {\n // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n //\n // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n // \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n // following conditions:\n //\n // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n //\n // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n //\n //\n\n function inspect(obj, opts) {\n var ctx = {\n seen: [],\n formatValueCalls: 0,\n stylize: stylizeNoColor,\n };\n return formatValue(ctx, obj, opts.depth);\n }\n\n function stylizeNoColor(str, styleType) {\n return str;\n }\n\n function arrayToHash(array) {\n var hash = {};\n\n array.forEach(function(val, idx) {\n hash[val] = true;\n });\n\n return hash;\n }\n\n function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {\n ctx.formatValueCalls++;\n if (ctx.formatValueCalls > 200) {\n return `[TOO BIG formatValueCalls ${\n ctx.formatValueCalls\n } exceeded limit of 200]`;\n }\n\n // Primitive types cannot have properties\n var primitive = formatPrimitive(ctx, value);\n if (primitive) {\n return primitive;\n }\n\n // Look up the keys of the object.\n var keys = Object.keys(value);\n var visibleKeys = arrayToHash(keys);\n\n // IE doesn't make error fields non-enumerable\n //\n if (\n isError(value) &&\n (keys.indexOf('message') >= 0 || keys.indexOf('description') >= 0)\n ) {\n return formatError(value);\n }\n\n // Some type of object without properties can be shortcutted.\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n var name = ? ': ' + : '';\n return ctx.stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special');\n }\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n return ctx.stylize(, 'regexp');\n }\n if (isDate(value)) {\n return ctx.stylize(, 'date');\n }\n if (isError(value)) {\n return formatError(value);\n }\n }\n\n var base = '',\n array = false,\n braces = ['{', '}'];\n\n // Make Array say that they are Array\n if (isArray(value)) {\n array = true;\n braces = ['[', ']'];\n }\n\n // Make functions say that they are functions\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n var n = ? ': ' + : '';\n base = ' [Function' + n + ']';\n }\n\n // Make RegExps say that they are RegExps\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n base = ' ' +;\n }\n\n // Make dates with properties first say the date\n if (isDate(value)) {\n base = ' ' +;\n }\n\n // Make error with message first say the error\n if (isError(value)) {\n base = ' ' + formatError(value);\n }\n\n if (keys.length === 0 && (!array || value.length == 0)) {\n return braces[0] + base + braces[1];\n }\n\n if (recurseTimes < 0) {\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n return ctx.stylize(, 'regexp');\n } else {\n return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special');\n }\n }\n\n ctx.seen.push(value);\n\n var output;\n if (array) {\n output = formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys);\n } else {\n output = {\n return formatProperty(\n ctx,\n value,\n recurseTimes,\n visibleKeys,\n key,\n array,\n );\n });\n }\n\n ctx.seen.pop();\n\n return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces);\n }\n\n function formatPrimitive(ctx, value) {\n if (isUndefined(value)) return ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined');\n if (isString(value)) {\n var simple =\n \"'\" +\n JSON.stringify(value)\n .replace(/^\"|\"$/g, '')\n .replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"') +\n \"'\";\n return ctx.stylize(simple, 'string');\n }\n if (isNumber(value)) return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'number');\n if (isBoolean(value)) return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'boolean');\n // For some reason typeof null is \"object\", so special case here.\n if (isNull(value)) return ctx.stylize('null', 'null');\n }\n\n function formatError(value) {\n return '[' + + ']';\n }\n\n function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) {\n var output = [];\n for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; ++i) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(value, String(i))) {\n output.push(\n formatProperty(\n ctx,\n value,\n recurseTimes,\n visibleKeys,\n String(i),\n true,\n ),\n );\n } else {\n output.push('');\n }\n }\n keys.forEach(function(key) {\n if (!key.match(/^\\d+$/)) {\n output.push(\n formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, true),\n );\n }\n });\n return output;\n }\n\n function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array) {\n var name, str, desc;\n desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || {value: value[key]};\n if (desc.get) {\n if (desc.set) {\n str = ctx.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special');\n } else {\n str = ctx.stylize('[Getter]', 'special');\n }\n } else {\n if (desc.set) {\n str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special');\n }\n }\n if (!hasOwnProperty(visibleKeys, key)) {\n name = '[' + key + ']';\n }\n if (!str) {\n if (ctx.seen.indexOf(desc.value) < 0) {\n if (isNull(recurseTimes)) {\n str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, null);\n } else {\n str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes - 1);\n }\n if (str.indexOf('\\n') > -1) {\n if (array) {\n str = str\n .split('\\n')\n .map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n })\n .join('\\n')\n .substr(2);\n } else {\n str =\n '\\n' +\n str\n .split('\\n')\n .map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n })\n .join('\\n');\n }\n }\n } else {\n str = ctx.stylize('[Circular]', 'special');\n }\n }\n if (isUndefined(name)) {\n if (array && key.match(/^\\d+$/)) {\n return str;\n }\n name = JSON.stringify('' + key);\n if (name.match(/^\"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\"$/)) {\n name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);\n name = ctx.stylize(name, 'name');\n } else {\n name = name\n .replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"')\n .replace(/(^\"|\"$)/g, \"'\");\n name = ctx.stylize(name, 'string');\n }\n }\n\n return name + ': ' + str;\n }\n\n function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) {\n var numLinesEst = 0;\n var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) {\n numLinesEst++;\n if (cur.indexOf('\\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;\n return prev + cur.replace(/\\u001b\\[\\d\\d?m/g, '').length + 1;\n }, 0);\n\n if (length > 60) {\n return (\n braces[0] +\n (base === '' ? '' : base + '\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n output.join(',\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n braces[1]\n );\n }\n\n return braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];\n }\n\n // NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof`\n // because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`.\n function isArray(ar) {\n return Array.isArray(ar);\n }\n\n function isBoolean(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'boolean';\n }\n\n function isNull(arg) {\n return arg === null;\n }\n\n function isNullOrUndefined(arg) {\n return arg == null;\n }\n\n function isNumber(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'number';\n }\n\n function isString(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'string';\n }\n\n function isSymbol(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'symbol';\n }\n\n function isUndefined(arg) {\n return arg === void 0;\n }\n\n function isRegExp(re) {\n return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]';\n }\n\n function isObject(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;\n }\n\n function isDate(d) {\n return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]';\n }\n\n function isError(e) {\n return (\n isObject(e) &&\n (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error)\n );\n }\n\n function isFunction(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'function';\n }\n\n function objectToString(o) {\n return;\n }\n\n function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {\n return, prop);\n }\n\n return inspect;\n})();\n\nconst OBJECT_COLUMN_NAME = '(index)';\nconst LOG_LEVELS = {\n trace: 0,\n info: 1,\n warn: 2,\n error: 3,\n};\nconst INSPECTOR_LEVELS = [];\nINSPECTOR_LEVELS[LOG_LEVELS.trace] = 'debug';\nINSPECTOR_LEVELS[] = 'log';\nINSPECTOR_LEVELS[LOG_LEVELS.warn] = 'warning';\nINSPECTOR_LEVELS[LOG_LEVELS.error] = 'error';\n\n// Strip the inner function in getNativeLogFunction(), if in dev also\n// strip method printing to originalConsole.\nconst INSPECTOR_FRAMES_TO_SKIP = __DEV__ ? 2 : 1;\n\nfunction getNativeLogFunction(level) {\n return function() {\n let str;\n if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {\n str = arguments[0];\n } else {\n str =\n .call(arguments, function(arg) {\n return inspect(arg, {depth: 10});\n })\n .join(', ');\n }\n\n let logLevel = level;\n if (str.slice(0, 9) === 'Warning: ' && logLevel >= LOG_LEVELS.error) {\n // React warnings use console.error so that a stack trace is shown,\n // but we don't (currently) want these to show a redbox\n // (Note: Logic duplicated in ExceptionsManager.js.)\n logLevel = LOG_LEVELS.warn;\n }\n if (global.__inspectorLog) {\n global.__inspectorLog(\n INSPECTOR_LEVELS[logLevel],\n str,\n [],\n INSPECTOR_FRAMES_TO_SKIP,\n );\n }\n if (groupStack.length) {\n str = groupFormat('', str);\n }\n global.nativeLoggingHook(str, logLevel);\n };\n}\n\nfunction repeat(element, n) {\n return Array.apply(null, Array(n)).map(function() {\n return element;\n });\n}\n\nfunction consoleTablePolyfill(rows) {\n // convert object -> array\n if (!Array.isArray(rows)) {\n var data = rows;\n rows = [];\n for (var key in data) {\n if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n var row = data[key];\n row[OBJECT_COLUMN_NAME] = key;\n rows.push(row);\n }\n }\n }\n if (rows.length === 0) {\n global.nativeLoggingHook('',;\n return;\n }\n\n var columns = Object.keys(rows[0]).sort();\n var stringRows = [];\n var columnWidths = [];\n\n // Convert each cell to a string. Also\n // figure out max cell width for each column\n columns.forEach(function(k, i) {\n columnWidths[i] = k.length;\n for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {\n var cellStr = (rows[j][k] || '?').toString();\n stringRows[j] = stringRows[j] || [];\n stringRows[j][i] = cellStr;\n columnWidths[i] = Math.max(columnWidths[i], cellStr.length);\n }\n });\n\n // Join all elements in the row into a single string with | separators\n // (appends extra spaces to each cell to make separators | aligned)\n function joinRow(row, space) {\n var cells =, i) {\n var extraSpaces = repeat(' ', columnWidths[i] - cell.length).join('');\n return cell + extraSpaces;\n });\n space = space || ' ';\n return cells.join(space + '|' + space);\n }\n\n var separators = {\n return repeat('-', columnWidth).join('');\n });\n var separatorRow = joinRow(separators, '-');\n var header = joinRow(columns);\n var table = [header, separatorRow];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {\n table.push(joinRow(stringRows[i]));\n }\n\n // Notice extra empty line at the beginning.\n // Native logging hook adds \"RCTLog >\" at the front of every\n // logged string, which would shift the header and screw up\n // the table\n global.nativeLoggingHook('\\n' + table.join('\\n'),;\n}\n\nconst GROUP_PAD = '\\u2502'; // Box light vertical\nconst GROUP_OPEN = '\\u2510'; // Box light down+left\nconst GROUP_CLOSE = '\\u2518'; // Box light up+left\n\nconst groupStack = [];\n\nfunction groupFormat(prefix, msg) {\n // Insert group formatting before the console message\n return groupStack.join('') + prefix + ' ' + (msg || '');\n}\n\nfunction consoleGroupPolyfill(label) {\n global.nativeLoggingHook(groupFormat(GROUP_OPEN, label),;\n groupStack.push(GROUP_PAD);\n}\n\nfunction consoleGroupCollapsedPolyfill(label) {\n global.nativeLoggingHook(groupFormat(GROUP_CLOSE, label),;\n groupStack.push(GROUP_PAD);\n}\n\nfunction consoleGroupEndPolyfill() {\n groupStack.pop();\n global.nativeLoggingHook(groupFormat(GROUP_CLOSE),;\n}\n\nfunction consoleAssertPolyfill(expression, label) {\n if (!expression) {\n global.nativeLoggingHook('Assertion failed: ' + label, LOG_LEVELS.error);\n }\n}\n\nif (global.nativeLoggingHook) {\n const originalConsole = global.console;\n // Preserve the original `console` as `originalConsole`\n if (__DEV__ && originalConsole) {\n const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, 'console');\n if (descriptor) {\n Object.defineProperty(global, 'originalConsole', descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n global.console = {\n error: getNativeLogFunction(LOG_LEVELS.error),\n info: getNativeLogFunction(,\n log: getNativeLogFunction(,\n warn: getNativeLogFunction(LOG_LEVELS.warn),\n trace: getNativeLogFunction(LOG_LEVELS.trace),\n debug: getNativeLogFunction(LOG_LEVELS.trace),\n table: consoleTablePolyfill,\n group: consoleGroupPolyfill,\n groupEnd: consoleGroupEndPolyfill,\n groupCollapsed: consoleGroupCollapsedPolyfill,\n assert: consoleAssertPolyfill,\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(console, '_isPolyfilled', {\n value: true,\n enumerable: false,\n });\n\n // If available, also call the original `console` method since that is\n // sometimes useful. Ex: on OS X, this will let you see rich output in\n // the Safari Web Inspector console.\n if (__DEV__ && originalConsole) {\n Object.keys(console).forEach(methodName => {\n const reactNativeMethod = console[methodName];\n if (originalConsole[methodName]) {\n console[methodName] = function() {\n // TODO(T43930203): remove this special case once originalConsole.assert properly checks\n // the condition\n if (methodName === 'assert') {\n if (!arguments[0]) {\n originalConsole.assert(...arguments);\n }\n } else {\n originalConsole[methodName](...arguments);\n }\n reactNativeMethod.apply(console, arguments);\n };\n }\n });\n\n // The following methods are not supported by this polyfill but\n // we still should pass them to original console if they are\n // supported by it.\n [\n 'clear',\n 'dir',\n 'dirxml',\n 'groupCollapsed',\n 'profile',\n 'profileEnd',\n ].forEach(methodName => {\n if (typeof originalConsole[methodName] === 'function') {\n console[methodName] = function() {\n originalConsole[methodName](...arguments);\n };\n }\n });\n }\n} else if (!global.console) {\n const log = global.print || function consoleLoggingStub() {};\n global.console = {\n error: log,\n info: log,\n log: log,\n warn: log,\n trace: log,\n debug: log,\n table: log,\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(console, '_isPolyfilled', {\n value: true,\n enumerable: false,\n });\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n * @polyfill\n */\n\nlet _inGuard = 0;\n\ntype ErrorHandler = (error: mixed, isFatal: boolean) => void;\ntype Fn = (...Args) => Return;\n\n/**\n * This is the error handler that is called when we encounter an exception\n * when loading a module. This will report any errors encountered before\n * ExceptionsManager is configured.\n */\nlet _globalHandler: ErrorHandler = function onError(\n e: mixed,\n isFatal: boolean,\n) {\n throw e;\n};\n\n/**\n * The particular require runtime that we are using looks for a global\n * `ErrorUtils` object and if it exists, then it requires modules with the\n * error handler specified via ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler by calling the\n * require function with applyWithGuard. Since the require module is loaded\n * before any of the modules, this ErrorUtils must be defined (and the handler\n * set) globally before requiring anything.\n */\nconst ErrorUtils = {\n setGlobalHandler(fun: ErrorHandler): void {\n _globalHandler = fun;\n },\n getGlobalHandler(): ErrorHandler {\n return _globalHandler;\n },\n reportError(error: mixed): void {\n _globalHandler && _globalHandler(error, false);\n },\n reportFatalError(error: mixed): void {\n // NOTE: This has an untyped call site in Metro.\n _globalHandler && _globalHandler(error, true);\n },\n applyWithGuard, TOut>(\n fun: Fn,\n context?: ?mixed,\n args?: ?TArgs,\n // Unused, but some code synced from www sets it to null.\n unused_onError?: null,\n // Some callers pass a name here, which we ignore.\n unused_name?: ?string,\n ): ?TOut {\n try {\n _inGuard++;\n // $FlowFixMe: TODO T48204745 (1) apply(context, null) is fine. (2) array -> rest array should work\n return fun.apply(context, args);\n } catch (e) {\n ErrorUtils.reportError(e);\n } finally {\n _inGuard--;\n }\n return null;\n },\n applyWithGuardIfNeeded, TOut>(\n fun: Fn,\n context?: ?mixed,\n args?: ?TArgs,\n ): ?TOut {\n if (ErrorUtils.inGuard()) {\n // $FlowFixMe: TODO T48204745 (1) apply(context, null) is fine. (2) array -> rest array should work\n return fun.apply(context, args);\n } else {\n ErrorUtils.applyWithGuard(fun, context, args);\n }\n return null;\n },\n inGuard(): boolean {\n return !!_inGuard;\n },\n guard, TOut>(\n fun: Fn,\n name?: ?string,\n context?: ?mixed,\n ): ?(...TArgs) => ?TOut {\n // TODO: (moti) T48204753 Make sure this warning is never hit and remove it - types\n // should be sufficient.\n if (typeof fun !== 'function') {\n console.warn('A function must be passed to ErrorUtils.guard, got ', fun);\n return null;\n }\n const guardName = name ?? ?? '';\n function guarded(...args: TArgs): ?TOut {\n return ErrorUtils.applyWithGuard(\n fun,\n context ?? this,\n args,\n null,\n guardName,\n );\n }\n\n return guarded;\n },\n};\n\nglobal.ErrorUtils = ErrorUtils;\n\nexport type ErrorUtilsT = typeof ErrorUtils;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @polyfill\n * @nolint\n */\n\n(function() {\n 'use strict';\n\n const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of the given object's own enumerable entries.\n *\n */\n if (typeof Object.entries !== 'function') {\n Object.entries = function(object) {\n // `null` and `undefined` values are not allowed.\n if (object == null) {\n throw new TypeError('Object.entries called on non-object');\n }\n\n const entries = [];\n for (const key in object) {\n if (, key)) {\n entries.push([key, object[key]]);\n }\n }\n return entries;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of the given object's own enumerable entries.\n *\n */\n if (typeof Object.values !== 'function') {\n Object.values = function(object) {\n // `null` and `undefined` values are not allowed.\n if (object == null) {\n throw new TypeError('Object.values called on non-object');\n }\n\n const values = [];\n for (const key in object) {\n if (, key)) {\n values.push(object[key]);\n }\n }\n return values;\n };\n }\n})();\n","/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport './src';\n","/**\n * WordPress dependencies\n */\nimport { addAction, addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';\nimport {\n\tdoGutenbergNativeSetup,\n\tinitialHtmlGutenberg,\n} from '@wordpress/react-native-editor';\n\n/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport correctTextFontWeight from './text-font-weight-correct';\nimport setupJetpackEditor from './jetpack-editor-setup';\nimport initialHtml from './initial-html';\n\naddAction( 'native.pre-render', 'gutenberg-mobile', () => {\n\trequire( './strings-overrides' );\n\tcorrectTextFontWeight();\n} );\n\naddAction( 'native.render', 'gutenberg-mobile', ( props ) => {\n\tsetupJetpackEditor(\n\t\tprops.jetpackState || { blogId: 1, isJetpackActive: true }\n\t);\n} );\n\naddFilter( 'native.block_editor_props', 'gutenberg-mobile', ( editorProps ) => {\n\tif ( __DEV__ ) {\n\t\tlet { initialTitle, initialData } = editorProps;\n\n\t\tif ( initialTitle === undefined ) {\n\t\t\tinitialTitle = 'Welcome to gutenberg for WP Apps!';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( initialData === undefined ) {\n\t\t\tinitialData = initialHtml + initialHtmlGutenberg;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t...editorProps,\n\t\t\tinitialTitle,\n\t\t\tinitialData,\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\treturn editorProps;\n} );\n\ndoGutenbergNativeSetup();\n","function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {\n return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {\n \"default\": obj\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _interopRequireDefault;","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n\n return obj;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _defineProperty;","/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport createHooks from './createHooks';\n\n/** @typedef {(...args: any[])=>any} Callback */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Handler\n * @property {Callback} callback The callback\n * @property {string} namespace The namespace\n * @property {number} priority The namespace\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Hook\n * @property {Handler[]} handlers Array of handlers\n * @property {number} runs Run counter\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Current\n * @property {string} name Hook name\n * @property {number} currentIndex The index\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Record & {__current: Current[]}} Store\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'actions' | 'filters'} StoreKey\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {import('./createHooks').Hooks} Hooks\n */\n\nexport const defaultHooks = createHooks();\n\nconst {\n\taddAction,\n\taddFilter,\n\tremoveAction,\n\tremoveFilter,\n\thasAction,\n\thasFilter,\n\tremoveAllActions,\n\tremoveAllFilters,\n\tdoAction,\n\tapplyFilters,\n\tcurrentAction,\n\tcurrentFilter,\n\tdoingAction,\n\tdoingFilter,\n\tdidAction,\n\tdidFilter,\n\tactions,\n\tfilters,\n} = defaultHooks;\n\nexport {\n\tcreateHooks,\n\taddAction,\n\taddFilter,\n\tremoveAction,\n\tremoveFilter,\n\thasAction,\n\thasFilter,\n\tremoveAllActions,\n\tremoveAllFilters,\n\tdoAction,\n\tapplyFilters,\n\tcurrentAction,\n\tcurrentFilter,\n\tdoingAction,\n\tdoingFilter,\n\tdidAction,\n\tdidFilter,\n\tactions,\n\tfilters,\n};\n","function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {\n return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {\n \"default\": obj\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _interopRequireDefault;","/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport createAddHook from './createAddHook';\nimport createRemoveHook from './createRemoveHook';\nimport createHasHook from './createHasHook';\nimport createRunHook from './createRunHook';\nimport createCurrentHook from './createCurrentHook';\nimport createDoingHook from './createDoingHook';\nimport createDidHook from './createDidHook';\n\n/**\n * Internal class for constructing hooks. Use `createHooks()` function\n *\n * Note, it is necessary to expose this class to make its type public.\n *\n * @private\n */\nexport class _Hooks {\n\tconstructor() {\n\t\t/** @type {import('.').Store} actions */\n\t\tthis.actions = Object.create( null );\n\t\tthis.actions.__current = [];\n\n\t\t/** @type {import('.').Store} filters */\n\t\tthis.filters = Object.create( null );\n\t\tthis.filters.__current = [];\n\n\t\tthis.addAction = createAddHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.addFilter = createAddHook( this, 'filters' );\n\t\tthis.removeAction = createRemoveHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.removeFilter = createRemoveHook( this, 'filters' );\n\t\tthis.hasAction = createHasHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.hasFilter = createHasHook( this, 'filters' );\n\t\tthis.removeAllActions = createRemoveHook( this, 'actions', true );\n\t\tthis.removeAllFilters = createRemoveHook( this, 'filters', true );\n\t\tthis.doAction = createRunHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.applyFilters = createRunHook( this, 'filters', true );\n\t\tthis.currentAction = createCurrentHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.currentFilter = createCurrentHook( this, 'filters' );\n\t\tthis.doingAction = createDoingHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.doingFilter = createDoingHook( this, 'filters' );\n\t\tthis.didAction = createDidHook( this, 'actions' );\n\t\tthis.didFilter = createDidHook( this, 'filters' );\n\t}\n}\n\n/** @typedef {_Hooks} Hooks */\n\n/**\n * Returns an instance of the hooks object.\n *\n * @return {Hooks} A Hooks instance.\n */\nfunction createHooks() {\n\treturn new _Hooks();\n}\n\nexport default createHooks;\n","function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _classCallCheck;","/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport validateNamespace from './validateNamespace.js';\nimport validateHookName from './validateHookName.js';\n\n/**\n * @callback AddHook\n *\n * Adds the hook to the appropriate hooks container.\n *\n * @param {string} hookName Name of hook to add\n * @param {string} namespace The unique namespace identifying the callback in the form `vendor/plugin/function`.\n * @param {import('.').Callback} callback Function to call when the hook is run\n * @param {number} [priority=10] Priority of this hook\n */\n\n/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will add a hook.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n *\n * @return {AddHook} Function that adds a new hook.\n */\nfunction createAddHook( hooks, storeKey ) {\n\treturn function addHook( hookName, namespace, callback, priority = 10 ) {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\tif ( ! validateHookName( hookName ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( ! validateNamespace( namespace ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( 'function' !== typeof callback ) {\n\t\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\t\tconsole.error( 'The hook callback must be a function.' );\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Validate numeric priority\n\t\tif ( 'number' !== typeof priority ) {\n\t\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\t\tconsole.error(\n\t\t\t\t'If specified, the hook priority must be a number.'\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst handler = { callback, priority, namespace };\n\n\t\tif ( hooksStore[ hookName ] ) {\n\t\t\t// Find the correct insert index of the new hook.\n\t\t\tconst handlers = hooksStore[ hookName ].handlers;\n\n\t\t\t/** @type {number} */\n\t\t\tlet i;\n\t\t\tfor ( i = handlers.length; i > 0; i-- ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( priority >= handlers[ i - 1 ].priority ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( i === handlers.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t// If append, operate via direct assignment.\n\t\t\t\thandlers[ i ] = handler;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Otherwise, insert before index via splice.\n\t\t\t\thandlers.splice( i, 0, handler );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// We may also be currently executing this hook. If the callback\n\t\t\t// we're adding would come after the current callback, there's no\n\t\t\t// problem; otherwise we need to increase the execution index of\n\t\t\t// any other runs by 1 to account for the added element.\n\t\t\thooksStore.__current.forEach( ( hookInfo ) => {\n\t\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t\ === hookName &&\n\t\t\t\t\thookInfo.currentIndex >= i\n\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\thookInfo.currentIndex++;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// This is the first hook of its type.\n\t\t\thooksStore[ hookName ] = {\n\t\t\t\thandlers: [ handler ],\n\t\t\t\truns: 0,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( hookName !== 'hookAdded' ) {\n\t\t\thooks.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'hookAdded',\n\t\t\t\thookName,\n\t\t\t\tnamespace,\n\t\t\t\tcallback,\n\t\t\t\tpriority\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createAddHook;\n","/**\n * Validate a namespace string.\n *\n * @param {string} namespace The namespace to validate - should take the form\n * `vendor/plugin/function`.\n *\n * @return {boolean} Whether the namespace is valid.\n */\nfunction validateNamespace( namespace ) {\n\tif ( 'string' !== typeof namespace || '' === namespace ) {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\tconsole.error( 'The namespace must be a non-empty string.' );\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\tif ( ! /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.\\-\\/]*$/.test( namespace ) ) {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\tconsole.error(\n\t\t\t'The namespace can only contain numbers, letters, dashes, periods, underscores and slashes.'\n\t\t);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\treturn true;\n}\n\nexport default validateNamespace;\n","/**\n * Validate a hookName string.\n *\n * @param {string} hookName The hook name to validate. Should be a non empty string containing\n * only numbers, letters, dashes, periods and underscores. Also,\n * the hook name cannot begin with `__`.\n *\n * @return {boolean} Whether the hook name is valid.\n */\nfunction validateHookName( hookName ) {\n\tif ( 'string' !== typeof hookName || '' === hookName ) {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\tconsole.error( 'The hook name must be a non-empty string.' );\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\tif ( /^__/.test( hookName ) ) {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\tconsole.error( 'The hook name cannot begin with `__`.' );\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\tif ( ! /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/.test( hookName ) ) {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\t\tconsole.error(\n\t\t\t'The hook name can only contain numbers, letters, dashes, periods and underscores.'\n\t\t);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\treturn true;\n}\n\nexport default validateHookName;\n","/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport validateNamespace from './validateNamespace.js';\nimport validateHookName from './validateHookName.js';\n\n/**\n * @callback RemoveHook\n * Removes the specified callback (or all callbacks) from the hook with a given hookName\n * and namespace.\n *\n * @param {string} hookName The name of the hook to modify.\n * @param {string} namespace The unique namespace identifying the callback in the\n * form `vendor/plugin/function`.\n *\n * @return {number | undefined} The number of callbacks removed.\n */\n\n/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will remove a specified hook or all\n * hooks by the given name.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n * @param {boolean} [removeAll=false] Whether to remove all callbacks for a hookName,\n * without regard to namespace. Used to create\n * `removeAll*` functions.\n *\n * @return {RemoveHook} Function that removes hooks.\n */\nfunction createRemoveHook( hooks, storeKey, removeAll = false ) {\n\treturn function removeHook( hookName, namespace ) {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\tif ( ! validateHookName( hookName ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( ! removeAll && ! validateNamespace( namespace ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Bail if no hooks exist by this name\n\t\tif ( ! hooksStore[ hookName ] ) {\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tlet handlersRemoved = 0;\n\n\t\tif ( removeAll ) {\n\t\t\thandlersRemoved = hooksStore[ hookName ].handlers.length;\n\t\t\thooksStore[ hookName ] = {\n\t\t\t\truns: hooksStore[ hookName ].runs,\n\t\t\t\thandlers: [],\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Try to find the specified callback to remove.\n\t\t\tconst handlers = hooksStore[ hookName ].handlers;\n\t\t\tfor ( let i = handlers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( handlers[ i ].namespace === namespace ) {\n\t\t\t\t\thandlers.splice( i, 1 );\n\t\t\t\t\thandlersRemoved++;\n\t\t\t\t\t// This callback may also be part of a hook that is\n\t\t\t\t\t// currently executing. If the callback we're removing\n\t\t\t\t\t// comes after the current callback, there's no problem;\n\t\t\t\t\t// otherwise we need to decrease the execution index of any\n\t\t\t\t\t// other runs by 1 to account for the removed element.\n\t\t\t\t\thooksStore.__current.forEach( ( hookInfo ) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ === hookName &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thookInfo.currentIndex >= i\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thookInfo.currentIndex--;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( hookName !== 'hookRemoved' ) {\n\t\t\thooks.doAction( 'hookRemoved', hookName, namespace );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn handlersRemoved;\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createRemoveHook;\n","/**\n * @callback HasHook\n *\n * Returns whether any handlers are attached for the given hookName and optional namespace.\n *\n * @param {string} hookName The name of the hook to check for.\n * @param {string} [namespace] Optional. The unique namespace identifying the callback\n * in the form `vendor/plugin/function`.\n *\n * @return {boolean} Whether there are handlers that are attached to the given hook.\n */\n/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will return whether any handlers are\n * attached to a particular hook.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n *\n * @return {HasHook} Function that returns whether any handlers are\n * attached to a particular hook and optional namespace.\n */\nfunction createHasHook( hooks, storeKey ) {\n\treturn function hasHook( hookName, namespace ) {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\t// Use the namespace if provided.\n\t\tif ( 'undefined' !== typeof namespace ) {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\thookName in hooksStore &&\n\t\t\t\thooksStore[ hookName ].handlers.some(\n\t\t\t\t\t( hook ) => hook.namespace === namespace\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn hookName in hooksStore;\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createHasHook;\n","/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will execute all callbacks\n * registered to a hook of the specified type, optionally returning the final\n * value of the call chain.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n * @param {boolean} [returnFirstArg=false] Whether each hook callback is expected to\n * return its first argument.\n *\n * @return {(hookName:string, ...args: unknown[]) => unknown} Function that runs hook callbacks.\n */\nfunction createRunHook( hooks, storeKey, returnFirstArg = false ) {\n\treturn function runHooks( hookName, ...args ) {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\tif ( ! hooksStore[ hookName ] ) {\n\t\t\thooksStore[ hookName ] = {\n\t\t\t\thandlers: [],\n\t\t\t\truns: 0,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\thooksStore[ hookName ].runs++;\n\n\t\tconst handlers = hooksStore[ hookName ].handlers;\n\n\t\t// The following code is stripped from production builds.\n\t\tif ( 'production' !== process.env.NODE_ENV ) {\n\t\t\t// Handle any 'all' hooks registered.\n\t\t\tif ( 'hookAdded' !== hookName && hooksStore.all ) {\n\t\t\t\thandlers.push( ...hooksStore.all.handlers );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( ! handlers || ! handlers.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn returnFirstArg ? args[ 0 ] : undefined;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst hookInfo = {\n\t\t\tname: hookName,\n\t\t\tcurrentIndex: 0,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\thooksStore.__current.push( hookInfo );\n\n\t\twhile ( hookInfo.currentIndex < handlers.length ) {\n\t\t\tconst handler = handlers[ hookInfo.currentIndex ];\n\n\t\t\tconst result = handler.callback.apply( null, args );\n\t\t\tif ( returnFirstArg ) {\n\t\t\t\targs[ 0 ] = result;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\thookInfo.currentIndex++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\thooksStore.__current.pop();\n\n\t\tif ( returnFirstArg ) {\n\t\t\treturn args[ 0 ];\n\t\t}\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createRunHook;\n","var arrayWithoutHoles = require(\"./arrayWithoutHoles\");\n\nvar iterableToArray = require(\"./iterableToArray\");\n\nvar unsupportedIterableToArray = require(\"./unsupportedIterableToArray\");\n\nvar nonIterableSpread = require(\"./nonIterableSpread\");\n\nfunction _toConsumableArray(arr) {\n return arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || iterableToArray(arr) || unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || nonIterableSpread();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _toConsumableArray;","var arrayLikeToArray = require(\"./arrayLikeToArray\");\n\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arrayLikeToArray(arr);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _arrayWithoutHoles;","function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {\n if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;\n\n for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {\n arr2[i] = arr[i];\n }\n\n return arr2;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _arrayLikeToArray;","function _iterableToArray(iter) {\n if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _iterableToArray;","var arrayLikeToArray = require(\"./arrayLikeToArray\");\n\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {\n if (!o) return;\n if (typeof o === \"string\") return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);\n var n =, -1);\n if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n =;\n if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o);\n if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _unsupportedIterableToArray;","function _nonIterableSpread() {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _nonIterableSpread;","/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will return the name of the\n * currently running hook, or `null` if no hook of the given type is currently\n * running.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n *\n * @return {() => string | null} Function that returns the current hook name or null.\n */\nfunction createCurrentHook( hooks, storeKey ) {\n\treturn function currentHook() {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\thooksStore.__current[ hooksStore.__current.length - 1 ]?.name ??\n\t\t\tnull\n\t\t);\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createCurrentHook;\n","/**\n * @callback DoingHook\n * Returns whether a hook is currently being executed.\n *\n * @param {string} [hookName] The name of the hook to check for. If\n * omitted, will check for any hook being executed.\n *\n * @return {boolean} Whether the hook is being executed.\n */\n\n/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will return whether a hook is\n * currently being executed.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n *\n * @return {DoingHook} Function that returns whether a hook is currently\n * being executed.\n */\nfunction createDoingHook( hooks, storeKey ) {\n\treturn function doingHook( hookName ) {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\t// If the hookName was not passed, check for any current hook.\n\t\tif ( 'undefined' === typeof hookName ) {\n\t\t\treturn 'undefined' !== typeof hooksStore.__current[ 0 ];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Return the __current hook.\n\t\treturn hooksStore.__current[ 0 ]\n\t\t\t? hookName === hooksStore.__current[ 0 ].name\n\t\t\t: false;\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createDoingHook;\n","/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport validateHookName from './validateHookName.js';\n\n/**\n * @callback DidHook\n *\n * Returns the number of times an action has been fired.\n *\n * @param {string} hookName The hook name to check.\n *\n * @return {number | undefined} The number of times the hook has run.\n */\n\n/**\n * Returns a function which, when invoked, will return the number of times a\n * hook has been called.\n *\n * @param {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance.\n * @param {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey\n *\n * @return {DidHook} Function that returns a hook's call count.\n */\nfunction createDidHook( hooks, storeKey ) {\n\treturn function didHook( hookName ) {\n\t\tconst hooksStore = hooks[ storeKey ];\n\n\t\tif ( ! validateHookName( hookName ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn hooksStore[ hookName ] && hooksStore[ hookName ].runs\n\t\t\t? hooksStore[ hookName ].runs\n\t\t\t: 0;\n\t};\n}\n\nexport default createDidHook;\n","/**\n * External dependencies\n */\nimport { I18nManager } from 'react-native';\n\n/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\nimport './globals';\nimport { getTranslation } from '../i18n-cache';\nimport initialHtml from './initial-html';\nimport setupApiFetch from './api-fetch-setup';\n\n/**\n * WordPress dependencies\n */\nimport {\n\tvalidateThemeColors,\n\tvalidateThemeGradients,\n} from '@wordpress/block-editor';\nimport { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data';\n\nconst reactNativeSetup = () => {\n\t// Disable warnings as they disrupt the user experience in dev mode\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\tconsole.disableYellowBox = true;\n\n\tI18nManager.forceRTL( false ); // Change to `true` to debug RTL layout easily.\n};\n\nconst gutenbergSetup = () => {\n\tconst wpData = require( '@wordpress/data' );\n\n\t// wp-data\n\tconst userId = 1;\n\tconst storageKey = 'WP_DATA_USER_' + userId;\n\twpData.use( wpData.plugins.persistence, { storageKey } );\n\n\tsetupApiFetch();\n\n\tconst isHermes = () => global.HermesInternal !== null;\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\tconsole.log( 'Hermes is: ' + isHermes() );\n\n\tsetupInitHooks();\n\n\tconst initializeEditor = require( '@wordpress/edit-post' ).initializeEditor;\n\tinitializeEditor( 'gutenberg', 'post', 1 );\n};\n\nconst setupInitHooks = () => {\n\tconst wpHooks = require( '@wordpress/hooks' );\n\n\twpHooks.addAction(\n\t\t'native.pre-render',\n\t\t'core/react-native-editor',\n\t\t( props ) => {\n\t\t\tsetupLocale( props.locale, props.translations );\n\t\t}\n\t);\n\n\t// Map native props to Editor props\n\t// TODO: normalize props in the bridge (So we don't have to map initialData to initialHtml)\n\twpHooks.addFilter(\n\t\t'native.block_editor_props',\n\t\t'core/react-native-editor',\n\t\t( props ) => {\n\t\t\tconst { capabilities = {} } = props;\n\t\t\tlet {\n\t\t\t\tinitialData,\n\t\t\t\tinitialTitle,\n\t\t\t\tpostType,\n\t\t\t\tcolors,\n\t\t\t\tgradients,\n\t\t\t} = props;\n\n\t\t\tif ( initialData === undefined && __DEV__ ) {\n\t\t\t\tinitialData = initialHtml;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( initialTitle === undefined ) {\n\t\t\t\tinitialTitle = 'Welcome to Gutenberg!';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( postType === undefined ) {\n\t\t\t\tpostType = 'post';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tcolors = validateThemeColors( colors );\n\n\t\t\tgradients = validateThemeGradients( gradients );\n\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\tinitialHtml: initialData,\n\t\t\t\tinitialHtmlModeEnabled: props.initialHtmlModeEnabled,\n\t\t\t\tinitialTitle,\n\t\t\t\tpostType,\n\t\t\t\tcapabilities,\n\t\t\t\tcolors,\n\t\t\t\tgradients,\n\t\t\t\teditorMode: props.editorMode,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t);\n\n\twpHooks.addAction(\n\t\t'native.render',\n\t\t'core/react-native-editor',\n\t\t( props ) => {\n\t\t\tconst isAudioBlockEnabled =\n\t\t\t\tprops.capabilities && props.capabilities.audioBlock;\n\n\t\t\tif ( isAudioBlockEnabled === true ) {\n\t\t\t\tdispatch( 'core/edit-post' ).showBlockTypes( [ 'core/audio' ] );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tdispatch( 'core/edit-post' ).hideBlockTypes( [ 'core/audio' ] );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t);\n};\n\nlet blocksRegistered = false;\n\nconst setupLocale = ( locale, extraTranslations ) => {\n\tconst setLocaleData = require( '@wordpress/i18n' ).setLocaleData;\n\n\tI18nManager.forceRTL( false ); // Change to `true` to debug RTL layout easily.\n\n\tlet gutenbergTranslations = getTranslation( locale );\n\tif ( locale && ! gutenbergTranslations ) {\n\t\t// Try stripping out the regional\n\t\tlocale = locale.replace( /[-_][A-Za-z]+$/, '' );\n\t\tgutenbergTranslations = getTranslation( locale );\n\t}\n\tconst translations = Object.assign(\n\t\t{},\n\t\tgutenbergTranslations,\n\t\textraTranslations\n\t);\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\tconsole.log( 'locale', locale, translations );\n\t// Only change the locale if it's supported by gutenberg\n\tif ( gutenbergTranslations || extraTranslations ) {\n\t\tsetLocaleData( translations );\n\t}\n\n\tif ( blocksRegistered ) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tconst registerCoreBlocks = require( '@wordpress/block-library' )\n\t\t.registerCoreBlocks;\n\tregisterCoreBlocks();\n\tblocksRegistered = true;\n};\n\nexport { initialHtml as initialHtmlGutenberg };\nexport function doGutenbergNativeSetup() {\n\treactNativeSetup();\n\tgutenbergSetup();\n}\n","function _extends() {\n module.exports = _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n };\n\n return _extends.apply(this, arguments);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _extends;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst warnOnce = require('../Utilities/warnOnce');\n\n// Export React, plus some native additions.\nmodule.exports = {\n // Components\n get AccessibilityInfo() {\n return require('../Components/AccessibilityInfo/AccessibilityInfo');\n },\n get ActivityIndicator() {\n return require('../Components/ActivityIndicator/ActivityIndicator');\n },\n get ART() {\n warnOnce(\n 'art-moved',\n 'React Native ART has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/art' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../ART/ReactNativeART');\n },\n get Button() {\n return require('../Components/Button');\n },\n get CheckBox() {\n warnOnce(\n 'checkBox-moved',\n 'CheckBox has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/checkbox' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Components/CheckBox/CheckBox');\n },\n get DatePickerIOS() {\n warnOnce(\n 'DatePickerIOS-merged',\n 'DatePickerIOS has been merged with DatePickerAndroid and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Components/DatePicker/DatePickerIOS');\n },\n get DrawerLayoutAndroid() {\n return require('../Components/DrawerAndroid/DrawerLayoutAndroid');\n },\n get FlatList() {\n return require('../Lists/FlatList');\n },\n get Image() {\n return require('../Image/Image');\n },\n get ImageBackground() {\n return require('../Image/ImageBackground');\n },\n get InputAccessoryView() {\n return require('../Components/TextInput/InputAccessoryView');\n },\n get KeyboardAvoidingView() {\n return require('../Components/Keyboard/KeyboardAvoidingView');\n },\n get MaskedViewIOS() {\n warnOnce(\n 'maskedviewios-moved',\n 'MaskedViewIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/masked-view' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Components/MaskedView/MaskedViewIOS');\n },\n get Modal() {\n return require('../Modal/Modal');\n },\n get Picker() {\n return require('../Components/Picker/Picker');\n },\n get PickerIOS() {\n return require('../Components/Picker/PickerIOS');\n },\n get ProgressBarAndroid() {\n return require('../Components/ProgressBarAndroid/ProgressBarAndroid');\n },\n get ProgressViewIOS() {\n return require('../Components/ProgressViewIOS/ProgressViewIOS');\n },\n get SafeAreaView() {\n return require('../Components/SafeAreaView/SafeAreaView');\n },\n get ScrollView() {\n return require('../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView');\n },\n get SectionList() {\n return require('../Lists/SectionList');\n },\n get SegmentedControlIOS() {\n return require('../Components/SegmentedControlIOS/SegmentedControlIOS');\n },\n get Slider() {\n warnOnce(\n 'slider-moved',\n 'Slider has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/slider' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Components/Slider/Slider');\n },\n get Switch() {\n return require('../Components/Switch/Switch');\n },\n get RefreshControl() {\n return require('../Components/RefreshControl/RefreshControl');\n },\n get StatusBar() {\n return require('../Components/StatusBar/StatusBar');\n },\n get Text() {\n return require('../Text/Text');\n },\n get TextInput() {\n return require('../Components/TextInput/TextInput');\n },\n get Touchable() {\n return require('../Components/Touchable/Touchable');\n },\n get TouchableHighlight() {\n return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableHighlight');\n },\n get TouchableNativeFeedback() {\n return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableNativeFeedback');\n },\n get TouchableOpacity() {\n return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableOpacity');\n },\n get TouchableWithoutFeedback() {\n return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableWithoutFeedback');\n },\n get View() {\n return require('../Components/View/View');\n },\n get VirtualizedList() {\n return require('../Lists/VirtualizedList');\n },\n get VirtualizedSectionList() {\n return require('../Lists/VirtualizedSectionList');\n },\n\n // APIs\n get ActionSheetIOS() {\n return require('../ActionSheetIOS/ActionSheetIOS');\n },\n get Alert() {\n return require('../Alert/Alert');\n },\n get Animated() {\n return require('../Animated/src/Animated');\n },\n get AppRegistry() {\n return require('../ReactNative/AppRegistry');\n },\n get AppState() {\n return require('../AppState/AppState');\n },\n get AsyncStorage() {\n warnOnce(\n 'async-storage-moved',\n 'AsyncStorage has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/async-storage' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Storage/AsyncStorage');\n },\n get BackHandler() {\n return require('../Utilities/BackHandler');\n },\n get Clipboard() {\n return require('../Components/Clipboard/Clipboard');\n },\n get DatePickerAndroid() {\n warnOnce(\n 'DatePickerAndroid-merged',\n 'DatePickerAndroid has been merged with DatePickerIOS and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Components/DatePickerAndroid/DatePickerAndroid');\n },\n get DeviceInfo() {\n return require('../Utilities/DeviceInfo');\n },\n get Dimensions() {\n return require('../Utilities/Dimensions');\n },\n get Easing() {\n return require('../Animated/src/Easing');\n },\n get findNodeHandle() {\n return require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative').findNodeHandle;\n },\n get I18nManager() {\n return require('../ReactNative/I18nManager');\n },\n get ImagePickerIOS() {\n warnOnce(\n 'imagePickerIOS-moved',\n 'ImagePickerIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"Please upgrade to use either '@react-native-community/react-native-image-picker' or 'expo-image-picker'. \" +\n \"If you cannot upgrade to a different library, please install the deprecated '@react-native-community/image-picker-ios' package. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Image/ImagePickerIOS');\n },\n get InteractionManager() {\n return require('../Interaction/InteractionManager');\n },\n get Keyboard() {\n return require('../Components/Keyboard/Keyboard');\n },\n get LayoutAnimation() {\n return require('../LayoutAnimation/LayoutAnimation');\n },\n get Linking() {\n return require('../Linking/Linking');\n },\n get NativeDialogManagerAndroid() {\n return require('../NativeModules/specs/NativeDialogManagerAndroid').default;\n },\n get NativeEventEmitter() {\n return require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\n },\n get PanResponder() {\n return require('../Interaction/PanResponder');\n },\n get PermissionsAndroid() {\n return require('../PermissionsAndroid/PermissionsAndroid');\n },\n get PixelRatio() {\n return require('../Utilities/PixelRatio');\n },\n get PushNotificationIOS() {\n warnOnce(\n 'pushNotificationIOS-moved',\n 'PushNotificationIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/push-notification-ios' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../PushNotificationIOS/PushNotificationIOS');\n },\n get Settings() {\n return require('../Settings/Settings');\n },\n get Share() {\n return require('../Share/Share');\n },\n get StatusBarIOS() {\n warnOnce(\n 'StatusBarIOS-merged',\n 'StatusBarIOS has been merged with StatusBar and will be removed in a future release. Use StatusBar for mutating the status bar',\n );\n return require('../Components/StatusBar/StatusBarIOS');\n },\n get StyleSheet() {\n return require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n },\n get Systrace() {\n return require('../Performance/Systrace');\n },\n get TimePickerAndroid() {\n warnOnce(\n 'TimePickerAndroid-merged',\n 'TimePickerAndroid has been merged with DatePickerIOS and DatePickerAndroid and will be removed in a future release. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n return require('../Components/TimePickerAndroid/TimePickerAndroid');\n },\n get ToastAndroid() {\n return require('../Components/ToastAndroid/ToastAndroid');\n },\n get TurboModuleRegistry() {\n return require('../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry');\n },\n get TVEventHandler() {\n return require('../Components/AppleTV/TVEventHandler');\n },\n get UIManager() {\n return require('../ReactNative/UIManager');\n },\n get unstable_batchedUpdates() {\n return require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative').unstable_batchedUpdates;\n },\n get useWindowDimensions() {\n return require('../Utilities/useWindowDimensions').default;\n },\n get UTFSequence() {\n return require('../UTFSequence');\n },\n get Vibration() {\n return require('../Vibration/Vibration');\n },\n get YellowBox() {\n return require('../YellowBox/YellowBox');\n },\n\n // Plugins\n get DeviceEventEmitter() {\n return require('../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\n },\n get NativeAppEventEmitter() {\n return require('../EventEmitter/RCTNativeAppEventEmitter');\n },\n get NativeModules() {\n return require('../BatchedBridge/NativeModules');\n },\n get Platform() {\n return require('../Utilities/Platform');\n },\n get processColor() {\n return require('../StyleSheet/processColor');\n },\n get requireNativeComponent() {\n return require('../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\n },\n get unstable_RootTagContext() {\n return require('../ReactNative/RootTagContext');\n },\n\n // Prop Types\n get ColorPropType() {\n return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedColorPropType');\n },\n get EdgeInsetsPropType() {\n return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType');\n },\n get PointPropType() {\n return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedPointPropType');\n },\n get ViewPropTypes() {\n return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewPropTypes');\n },\n};\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ListView.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ListView', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'ListView has been removed from React Native. ' +\n 'See for more information or use ' +\n '`deprecated-react-native-listview`.',\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access SwipeableListView.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'SwipeableListView', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'SwipeableListView has been removed from React Native. ' +\n 'See for more information or use ' +\n '`deprecated-react-native-swipeable-listview`.',\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access WebView.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'WebView', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'WebView has been removed from React Native. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-webview' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access NetInfo.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'NetInfo', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'NetInfo has been removed from React Native. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-netinfo' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access CameraRoll.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'CameraRoll', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'CameraRoll has been removed from React Native. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-cameraroll' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ImageStore.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ImageStore', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'ImageStore has been removed from React Native. ' +\n 'To get a base64-encoded string from a local image use either of the following third-party libraries:' +\n \"* expo-file-system: `readAsStringAsync(filepath, 'base64')`\" +\n \"* react-native-fs: `readFile(filepath, 'base64')`\",\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ImageEditor.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ImageEditor', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'ImageEditor has been removed from React Native. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-image-editor' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n },\n });\n\n // $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ViewPagerAndroid.\n Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ViewPagerAndroid', {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'ViewPagerAndroid has been removed from React Native. ' +\n \"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-viewpager' instead of 'react-native'. \" +\n 'See',\n );\n },\n });\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.\n *\n * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments\n * to provide information about what broke and what you were\n * expecting.\n *\n * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant\n * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.\n */\n\nvar invariant = function(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument');\n }\n }\n\n if (!condition) {\n var error;\n if (format === undefined) {\n error = new Error(\n 'Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' +\n 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.'\n );\n } else {\n var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f];\n var argIndex = 0;\n error = new Error(\n format.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[argIndex++]; })\n );\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n }\n\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame\n throw error;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = invariant;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nconst warnedKeys: {[string]: boolean} = {};\n\n/**\n * A simple function that prints a warning message once per session.\n *\n * @param {string} key - The key used to ensure the message is printed once.\n * This should be unique to the callsite.\n * @param {string} message - The message to print\n */\nfunction warnOnce(key: string, message: string) {\n if (warnedKeys[key]) {\n return;\n }\n\n warning(false, message);\n\n warnedKeys[key] = true;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = warnOnce;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n'use strict';\n\nvar emptyFunction = require(\"./emptyFunction\");\n/**\n * Similar to invariant but only logs a warning if the condition is not met.\n * This can be used to log issues in development environments in critical\n * paths. Removing the logging code for production environments will keep the\n * same logic and follow the same code paths.\n */\n\n\nfunction printWarning(format) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var argIndex = 0;\n var message = 'Warning: ' + format.replace(/%s/g, function () {\n return args[argIndex++];\n });\n\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n console.error(message);\n }\n\n try {\n // --- Welcome to debugging React ---\n // This error was thrown as a convenience so that you can use this stack\n // to find the callsite that caused this warning to fire.\n throw new Error(message);\n } catch (x) {}\n}\n\nvar warning = process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? function (condition, format) {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('`warning(condition, format, ...args)` requires a warning ' + 'message argument');\n }\n\n if (!condition) {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 2 ? _len2 - 2 : 0), _key2 = 2; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 2] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning.apply(void 0, [format].concat(args));\n }\n} : emptyFunction;\nmodule.exports = warning;","\"use strict\";\n\n/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * \n */\nfunction makeEmptyFunction(arg) {\n return function () {\n return arg;\n };\n}\n/**\n * This function accepts and discards inputs; it has no side effects. This is\n * primarily useful idiomatically for overridable function endpoints which\n * always need to be callable, since JS lacks a null-call idiom ala Cocoa.\n */\n\n\nvar emptyFunction = function emptyFunction() {};\n\nemptyFunction.thatReturns = makeEmptyFunction;\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsFalse = makeEmptyFunction(false);\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue = makeEmptyFunction(true);\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsNull = makeEmptyFunction(null);\n\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsThis = function () {\n return this;\n};\n\nemptyFunction.thatReturnsArgument = function (arg) {\n return arg;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = emptyFunction;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Promise = require('../../Promise');\nconst RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('../../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\n\nimport NativeAccessibilityManager from './NativeAccessibilityManager';\n\nconst CHANGE_EVENT_NAME = {\n announcementFinished: 'announcementFinished',\n boldTextChanged: 'boldTextChanged',\n grayscaleChanged: 'grayscaleChanged',\n invertColorsChanged: 'invertColorsChanged',\n reduceMotionChanged: 'reduceMotionChanged',\n reduceTransparencyChanged: 'reduceTransparencyChanged',\n screenReaderChanged: 'screenReaderChanged',\n};\n\ntype ChangeEventName = $Keys<{\n announcementFinished: string,\n boldTextChanged: string,\n change: string,\n grayscaleChanged: string,\n invertColorsChanged: string,\n reduceMotionChanged: string,\n reduceTransparencyChanged: string,\n screenReaderChanged: string,\n}>;\n\nconst _subscriptions = new Map();\n\n/**\n * Sometimes it's useful to know whether or not the device has a screen reader\n * that is currently active. The `AccessibilityInfo` API is designed for this\n * purpose. You can use it to query the current state of the screen reader as\n * well as to register to be notified when the state of the screen reader\n * changes.\n *\n * See\n */\nconst AccessibilityInfo = {\n /**\n * Query whether bold text is currently enabled.\n *\n * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean.\n * The result is `true` when bold text is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n isBoldTextEnabled: function(): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.getCurrentBoldTextState(resolve, reject);\n } else {\n reject(reject);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Query whether grayscale is currently enabled.\n *\n * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean.\n * The result is `true` when grayscale is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n isGrayscaleEnabled: function(): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.getCurrentGrayscaleState(resolve, reject);\n } else {\n reject(reject);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Query whether inverted colors are currently enabled.\n *\n * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean.\n * The result is `true` when invert color is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n isInvertColorsEnabled: function(): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.getCurrentInvertColorsState(resolve, reject);\n } else {\n reject(reject);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Query whether reduced motion is currently enabled.\n *\n * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean.\n * The result is `true` when a reduce motion is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n isReduceMotionEnabled: function(): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.getCurrentReduceMotionState(resolve, reject);\n } else {\n reject(reject);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Query whether reduced transparency is currently enabled.\n *\n * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean.\n * The result is `true` when a reduce transparency is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n isReduceTransparencyEnabled: function(): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.getCurrentReduceTransparencyState(\n resolve,\n reject,\n );\n } else {\n reject(reject);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Query whether a screen reader is currently enabled.\n *\n * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean.\n * The result is `true` when a screen reader is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n isScreenReaderEnabled: function(): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.getCurrentVoiceOverState(resolve, reject);\n } else {\n reject(reject);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Deprecated\n *\n * Same as `isScreenReaderEnabled`\n */\n get fetch(): $FlowFixMe {\n return this.isScreenReaderEnabled;\n },\n\n /**\n * Add an event handler. Supported events:\n *\n * - `boldTextChanged`: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the bold text toggle changes.\n * The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is `true` when a bold text\n * is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n * - `grayscaleChanged`: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the gray scale toggle changes.\n * The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is `true` when a gray scale\n * is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n * - `invertColorsChanged`: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the invert colors toggle\n * changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is `true` when a invert\n * colors is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n * - `reduceMotionChanged`: Fires when the state of the reduce motion toggle changes.\n * The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is `true` when a reduce\n * motion is enabled (or when \"Transition Animation Scale\" in \"Developer options\" is\n * \"Animation off\") and `false` otherwise.\n * - `reduceTransparencyChanged`: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the reduce transparency\n * toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is `true`\n * when a reduce transparency is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n * - `screenReaderChanged`: Fires when the state of the screen reader changes. The argument\n * to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is `true` when a screen\n * reader is enabled and `false` otherwise.\n * - `announcementFinished`: iOS-only event. Fires when the screen reader has\n * finished making an announcement. The argument to the event handler is a\n * dictionary with these keys:\n * - `announcement`: The string announced by the screen reader.\n * - `success`: A boolean indicating whether the announcement was\n * successfully made.\n *\n * See\n */\n addEventListener: function(\n eventName: ChangeEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ): Object {\n let listener;\n\n if (eventName === 'change') {\n listener = RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(\n CHANGE_EVENT_NAME.screenReaderChanged,\n handler,\n );\n } else if (CHANGE_EVENT_NAME[eventName]) {\n listener = RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(eventName, handler);\n }\n\n _subscriptions.set(handler, listener);\n return {\n remove: AccessibilityInfo.removeEventListener.bind(\n null,\n eventName,\n handler,\n ),\n };\n },\n\n /**\n * Set accessibility focus to a react component.\n *\n * See\n */\n setAccessibilityFocus: function(reactTag: number): void {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.setAccessibilityFocus(reactTag);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Post a string to be announced by the screen reader.\n *\n * See\n */\n announceForAccessibility: function(announcement: string): void {\n if (NativeAccessibilityManager) {\n NativeAccessibilityManager.announceForAccessibility(announcement);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Remove an event handler.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeEventListener: function(\n eventName: ChangeEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ): void {\n const listener = _subscriptions.get(handler);\n if (!listener) {\n return;\n }\n listener.remove();\n _subscriptions.delete(handler);\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = AccessibilityInfo;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getCurrentBoldTextState: (\n onSuccess: (isBoldTextEnabled: boolean) => void,\n onError: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +getCurrentGrayscaleState: (\n onSuccess: (isGrayscaleEnabled: boolean) => void,\n onError: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +getCurrentInvertColorsState: (\n onSuccess: (isInvertColorsEnabled: boolean) => void,\n onError: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +getCurrentReduceMotionState: (\n onSuccess: (isReduceMotionEnabled: boolean) => void,\n onError: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +getCurrentReduceTransparencyState: (\n onSuccess: (isReduceTransparencyEnabled: boolean) => void,\n onError: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +getCurrentVoiceOverState: (\n onSuccess: (isScreenReaderEnabled: boolean) => void,\n onError: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +setAccessibilityContentSizeMultipliers: (JSMultiipliers: {|\n +extraSmall?: ?number,\n +small?: ?number,\n +medium?: ?number,\n +large?: ?number,\n +extraLarge?: ?number,\n +extraExtraLarge?: ?number,\n +extraExtraExtraLarge?: ?number,\n +accessibilityMedium?: ?number,\n +accessibilityLarge?: ?number,\n +accessibilityExtraLarge?: ?number,\n +accessibilityExtraExtraLarge?: ?number,\n +accessibilityExtraExtraExtraLarge?: ?number,\n |}) => void;\n +setAccessibilityFocus: (reactTag: number) => void;\n +announceForAccessibility: (announcement: string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('AccessibilityManager'): ?Spec);\n","var _typeof = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof\");\n\nfunction _getRequireWildcardCache() {\n if (typeof WeakMap !== \"function\") return null;\n var cache = new WeakMap();\n\n _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() {\n return cache;\n };\n\n return cache;\n}\n\nfunction _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {\n if (obj && obj.__esModule) {\n return obj;\n }\n\n if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== \"object\" && typeof obj !== \"function\") {\n return {\n \"default\": obj\n };\n }\n\n var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();\n\n if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {\n return cache.get(obj);\n }\n\n var newObj = {};\n var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (, key)) {\n var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;\n\n if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {\n Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);\n } else {\n newObj[key] = obj[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n newObj[\"default\"] = obj;\n\n if (cache) {\n cache.set(obj, newObj);\n }\n\n return newObj;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _interopRequireWildcard;","function _typeof(obj) {\n \"@babel/helpers - typeof\";\n\n if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") {\n module.exports = _typeof = function _typeof(obj) {\n return typeof obj;\n };\n } else {\n module.exports = _typeof = function _typeof(obj) {\n return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj;\n };\n }\n\n return _typeof(obj);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _typeof;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeModules = require('../BatchedBridge/NativeModules');\nimport type {TurboModule} from './RCTExport';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\nconst turboModuleProxy = global.__turboModuleProxy;\n\nexport function get(name: string): ?T {\n // Bridgeless mode requires TurboModules\n if (!global.RN$Bridgeless) {\n // Backward compatibility layer during migration.\n const legacyModule = NativeModules[name];\n if (legacyModule != null) {\n return ((legacyModule: any): T);\n }\n }\n\n if (turboModuleProxy != null) {\n const module: ?T = turboModuleProxy(name);\n return module;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nexport function getEnforcing(name: string): T {\n const module = get(name);\n invariant(\n module != null,\n `TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): '${name}' could not be found. ` +\n 'Verify that a module by this name is registered in the native binary.',\n );\n return module;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst BatchedBridge = require('./BatchedBridge');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {ExtendedError} from '../Core/Devtools/parseErrorStack';\n\nexport type ModuleConfig = [\n string /* name */,\n ?Object /* constants */,\n ?$ReadOnlyArray /* functions */,\n ?$ReadOnlyArray /* promise method IDs */,\n ?$ReadOnlyArray /* sync method IDs */,\n];\n\nexport type MethodType = 'async' | 'promise' | 'sync';\n\nfunction genModule(\n config: ?ModuleConfig,\n moduleID: number,\n): ?{name: string, module?: Object} {\n if (!config) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const [moduleName, constants, methods, promiseMethods, syncMethods] = config;\n invariant(\n !moduleName.startsWith('RCT') && !moduleName.startsWith('RK'),\n \"Module name prefixes should've been stripped by the native side \" +\n \"but wasn't for \" +\n moduleName,\n );\n\n if (!constants && !methods) {\n // Module contents will be filled in lazily later\n return {name: moduleName};\n }\n\n const module = {};\n methods &&\n methods.forEach((methodName, methodID) => {\n const isPromise =\n promiseMethods && arrayContains(promiseMethods, methodID);\n const isSync = syncMethods && arrayContains(syncMethods, methodID);\n invariant(\n !isPromise || !isSync,\n 'Cannot have a method that is both async and a sync hook',\n );\n const methodType = isPromise ? 'promise' : isSync ? 'sync' : 'async';\n module[methodName] = genMethod(moduleID, methodID, methodType);\n });\n\n Object.assign(module, constants);\n\n if (module.getConstants == null) {\n module.getConstants = () => constants || Object.freeze({});\n } else {\n console.warn(\n `Unable to define method 'getConstants()' on NativeModule '${moduleName}'. NativeModule '${moduleName}' already has a constant or method called 'getConstants'. Please remove it.`,\n );\n }\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n BatchedBridge.createDebugLookup(moduleID, moduleName, methods);\n }\n\n return {name: moduleName, module};\n}\n\n// export this method as a global so we can call it from native\nglobal.__fbGenNativeModule = genModule;\n\nfunction loadModule(name: string, moduleID: number): ?Object {\n invariant(\n global.nativeRequireModuleConfig,\n \"Can't lazily create module without nativeRequireModuleConfig\",\n );\n const config = global.nativeRequireModuleConfig(name);\n const info = genModule(config, moduleID);\n return info && info.module;\n}\n\nfunction genMethod(moduleID: number, methodID: number, type: MethodType) {\n let fn = null;\n if (type === 'promise') {\n fn = function(...args: Array) {\n // In case we reject, capture a useful stack trace here.\n const enqueueingFrameError: ExtendedError = new Error();\n enqueueingFrameError.framesToPop = 1;\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n BatchedBridge.enqueueNativeCall(\n moduleID,\n methodID,\n args,\n data => resolve(data),\n errorData =>\n reject(updateErrorWithErrorData(errorData, enqueueingFrameError)),\n );\n });\n };\n } else {\n fn = function(...args: Array) {\n const lastArg = args.length > 0 ? args[args.length - 1] : null;\n const secondLastArg = args.length > 1 ? args[args.length - 2] : null;\n const hasSuccessCallback = typeof lastArg === 'function';\n const hasErrorCallback = typeof secondLastArg === 'function';\n hasErrorCallback &&\n invariant(\n hasSuccessCallback,\n 'Cannot have a non-function arg after a function arg.',\n );\n const onSuccess = hasSuccessCallback ? lastArg : null;\n const onFail = hasErrorCallback ? secondLastArg : null;\n const callbackCount = hasSuccessCallback + hasErrorCallback;\n args = args.slice(0, args.length - callbackCount);\n if (type === 'sync') {\n return BatchedBridge.callNativeSyncHook(\n moduleID,\n methodID,\n args,\n onFail,\n onSuccess,\n );\n } else {\n BatchedBridge.enqueueNativeCall(\n moduleID,\n methodID,\n args,\n onFail,\n onSuccess,\n );\n }\n };\n }\n fn.type = type;\n return fn;\n}\n\nfunction arrayContains(array: $ReadOnlyArray, value: T): boolean {\n return array.indexOf(value) !== -1;\n}\n\nfunction updateErrorWithErrorData(\n errorData: {message: string},\n error: ExtendedError,\n): ExtendedError {\n return Object.assign(error, errorData || {});\n}\n\nlet NativeModules: {[moduleName: string]: Object} = {};\nif (global.nativeModuleProxy) {\n NativeModules = global.nativeModuleProxy;\n} else if (!global.nativeExtensions) {\n const bridgeConfig = global.__fbBatchedBridgeConfig;\n invariant(\n bridgeConfig,\n '__fbBatchedBridgeConfig is not set, cannot invoke native modules',\n );\n\n const defineLazyObjectProperty = require('../Utilities/defineLazyObjectProperty');\n (bridgeConfig.remoteModuleConfig || []).forEach(\n (config: ModuleConfig, moduleID: number) => {\n // Initially this config will only contain the module name when running in JSC. The actual\n // configuration of the module will be lazily loaded.\n const info = genModule(config, moduleID);\n if (!info) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (info.module) {\n NativeModules[] = info.module;\n }\n // If there's no module config, define a lazy getter\n else {\n defineLazyObjectProperty(NativeModules,, {\n get: () => loadModule(, moduleID),\n });\n }\n },\n );\n}\n\nmodule.exports = NativeModules;\n","var arrayWithHoles = require(\"./arrayWithHoles\");\n\nvar iterableToArrayLimit = require(\"./iterableToArrayLimit\");\n\nvar unsupportedIterableToArray = require(\"./unsupportedIterableToArray\");\n\nvar nonIterableRest = require(\"./nonIterableRest\");\n\nfunction _slicedToArray(arr, i) {\n return arrayWithHoles(arr) || iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || nonIterableRest();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _slicedToArray;","function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _arrayWithHoles;","function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {\n if (typeof Symbol === \"undefined\" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return;\n var _arr = [];\n var _n = true;\n var _d = false;\n var _e = undefined;\n\n try {\n for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {\n _arr.push(_s.value);\n\n if (i && _arr.length === i) break;\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _d = true;\n _e = err;\n } finally {\n try {\n if (!_n && _i[\"return\"] != null) _i[\"return\"]();\n } finally {\n if (_d) throw _e;\n }\n }\n\n return _arr;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _iterableToArrayLimit;","function _nonIterableRest() {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _nonIterableRest;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst MessageQueue = require('./MessageQueue');\n\nconst BatchedBridge: MessageQueue = new MessageQueue();\n\n// Wire up the batched bridge on the global object so that we can call into it.\n// Ideally, this would be the inverse relationship. I.e. the native environment\n// provides this global directly with its script embedded. Then this module\n// would export it. A possible fix would be to trim the dependencies in\n// MessageQueue to its minimal features and embed that in the native runtime.\n\nObject.defineProperty(global, '__fbBatchedBridge', {\n configurable: true,\n value: BatchedBridge,\n});\n\nmodule.exports = BatchedBridge;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst ErrorUtils = require('../vendor/core/ErrorUtils');\nconst Systrace = require('../Performance/Systrace');\n\nconst deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev = require('../Utilities/deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst stringifySafe = require('../Utilities/stringifySafe');\nconst warnOnce = require('../Utilities/warnOnce');\n\nexport type SpyData = {\n type: number,\n module: ?string,\n method: string | number,\n args: any[],\n};\n\nconst TO_JS = 0;\nconst TO_NATIVE = 1;\n\nconst MODULE_IDS = 0;\nconst METHOD_IDS = 1;\nconst PARAMS = 2;\nconst MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_FLUSHES_MS = 5;\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\nconst TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS = 1 << 17;\n\nconst DEBUG_INFO_LIMIT = 32;\n\nclass MessageQueue {\n _lazyCallableModules: {[key: string]: (void) => Object};\n _queue: [number[], number[], any[], number];\n _successCallbacks: Map;\n _failureCallbacks: Map;\n _callID: number;\n _lastFlush: number;\n _eventLoopStartTime: number;\n _immediatesCallback: ?() => void;\n\n _debugInfo: {[number]: [number, number]};\n _remoteModuleTable: {[number]: string};\n _remoteMethodTable: {[number]: $ReadOnlyArray};\n\n __spy: ?(data: SpyData) => void;\n\n constructor() {\n this._lazyCallableModules = {};\n this._queue = [[], [], [], 0];\n this._successCallbacks = new Map();\n this._failureCallbacks = new Map();\n this._callID = 0;\n this._lastFlush = 0;\n this._eventLoopStartTime =;\n this._immediatesCallback = null;\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n this._debugInfo = {};\n this._remoteModuleTable = {};\n this._remoteMethodTable = {};\n }\n\n (this: any).callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue = this.callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue.bind(\n this,\n );\n (this: any).callFunctionReturnResultAndFlushedQueue = this.callFunctionReturnResultAndFlushedQueue.bind(\n this,\n );\n (this: any).flushedQueue = this.flushedQueue.bind(this);\n (this: any).invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue = this.invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue.bind(\n this,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Public APIs\n */\n\n static spy(spyOrToggle: boolean | ((data: SpyData) => void)) {\n if (spyOrToggle === true) {\n MessageQueue.prototype.__spy = info => {\n console.log(\n `${info.type === TO_JS ? 'N->JS' : 'JS->N'} : ` +\n `${info.module ? info.module + '.' : ''}${info.method}` +\n `(${JSON.stringify(info.args)})`,\n );\n };\n } else if (spyOrToggle === false) {\n MessageQueue.prototype.__spy = null;\n } else {\n MessageQueue.prototype.__spy = spyOrToggle;\n }\n }\n\n callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue(\n module: string,\n method: string,\n args: any[],\n ): null | [Array, Array, Array, number] {\n this.__guard(() => {\n this.__callFunction(module, method, args);\n });\n\n return this.flushedQueue();\n }\n\n callFunctionReturnResultAndFlushedQueue(\n module: string,\n method: string,\n args: any[],\n ): $TEMPORARY$array, Array, Array, number]> {\n let result;\n this.__guard(() => {\n result = this.__callFunction(module, method, args);\n });\n\n return [result, this.flushedQueue()];\n }\n\n invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue(\n cbID: number,\n args: any[],\n ): null | [Array, Array, Array, number] {\n this.__guard(() => {\n this.__invokeCallback(cbID, args);\n });\n\n return this.flushedQueue();\n }\n\n flushedQueue(): null | [Array, Array, Array, number] {\n this.__guard(() => {\n this.__callImmediates();\n });\n\n const queue = this._queue;\n this._queue = [[], [], [], this._callID];\n return queue[0].length ? queue : null;\n }\n\n getEventLoopRunningTime(): number {\n return - this._eventLoopStartTime;\n }\n\n registerCallableModule(name: string, module: Object) {\n this._lazyCallableModules[name] = () => module;\n }\n\n registerLazyCallableModule(name: string, factory: void => Object) {\n let module: Object;\n let getValue: ?(void) => Object = factory;\n this._lazyCallableModules[name] = () => {\n if (getValue) {\n module = getValue();\n getValue = null;\n }\n return module;\n };\n }\n\n getCallableModule(name: string): any | null {\n const getValue = this._lazyCallableModules[name];\n return getValue ? getValue() : null;\n }\n\n callNativeSyncHook(\n moduleID: number,\n methodID: number,\n params: any[],\n onFail: ?Function,\n onSucc: ?Function,\n ): any {\n if (__DEV__) {\n invariant(\n global.nativeCallSyncHook,\n 'Calling synchronous methods on native ' +\n 'modules is not supported in Chrome.\\n\\n Consider providing alternative ' +\n 'methods to expose this method in debug mode, e.g. by exposing constants ' +\n 'ahead-of-time.',\n );\n }\n this.processCallbacks(moduleID, methodID, params, onFail, onSucc);\n try {\n return global.nativeCallSyncHook(moduleID, methodID, params);\n } catch (e) {\n if (\n typeof e === 'object' &&\n e != null &&\n typeof e.framesToPop === 'undefined' &&\n /^Exception in HostFunction: /.test(e.message)\n ) {\n e.framesToPop = 2;\n }\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n processCallbacks(\n moduleID: number,\n methodID: number,\n params: any[],\n onFail: ?Function,\n onSucc: ?Function,\n ) {\n if (onFail || onSucc) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n this._debugInfo[this._callID] = [moduleID, methodID];\n if (this._callID > DEBUG_INFO_LIMIT) {\n delete this._debugInfo[this._callID - DEBUG_INFO_LIMIT];\n }\n if (this._successCallbacks.size > 500) {\n const info = {};\n this._successCallbacks.forEach((_, callID) => {\n const debug = this._debugInfo[callID];\n const module = debug && this._remoteModuleTable[debug[0]];\n const method = debug && this._remoteMethodTable[debug[0]][debug[1]];\n info[callID] = {module, method};\n });\n warnOnce(\n 'excessive-number-of-pending-callbacks',\n `Please report: Excessive number of pending callbacks: ${\n this._successCallbacks.size\n }. Some pending callbacks that might have leaked by never being called from native code: ${stringifySafe(\n info,\n )}`,\n );\n }\n }\n // Encode callIDs into pairs of callback identifiers by shifting left and using the rightmost bit\n // to indicate fail (0) or success (1)\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n onFail && params.push(this._callID << 1);\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n onSucc && params.push((this._callID << 1) | 1);\n this._successCallbacks.set(this._callID, onSucc);\n this._failureCallbacks.set(this._callID, onFail);\n }\n if (__DEV__) {\n global.nativeTraceBeginAsyncFlow &&\n global.nativeTraceBeginAsyncFlow(\n TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS,\n 'native',\n this._callID,\n );\n }\n this._callID++;\n }\n\n enqueueNativeCall(\n moduleID: number,\n methodID: number,\n params: any[],\n onFail: ?Function,\n onSucc: ?Function,\n ) {\n this.processCallbacks(moduleID, methodID, params, onFail, onSucc);\n\n this._queue[MODULE_IDS].push(moduleID);\n this._queue[METHOD_IDS].push(methodID);\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n // Validate that parameters passed over the bridge are\n // folly-convertible. As a special case, if a prop value is a\n // function it is permitted here, and special-cased in the\n // conversion.\n const isValidArgument = val => {\n const t = typeof val;\n if (\n t === 'undefined' ||\n t === 'null' ||\n t === 'boolean' ||\n t === 'string'\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n if (t === 'number') {\n return isFinite(val);\n }\n if (t === 'function' || t !== 'object') {\n return false;\n }\n if (Array.isArray(val)) {\n return val.every(isValidArgument);\n }\n for (const k in val) {\n if (typeof val[k] !== 'function' && !isValidArgument(val[k])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n // Replacement allows normally non-JSON-convertible values to be\n // seen. There is ambiguity with string values, but in context,\n // it should at least be a strong hint.\n const replacer = (key, val) => {\n const t = typeof val;\n if (t === 'function') {\n return '<>';\n } else if (t === 'number' && !isFinite(val)) {\n return '<<' + val.toString() + '>>';\n } else {\n return val;\n }\n };\n\n // Note that JSON.stringify\n invariant(\n isValidArgument(params),\n '%s is not usable as a native method argument',\n JSON.stringify(params, replacer),\n );\n\n // The params object should not be mutated after being queued\n deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev((params: any));\n }\n this._queue[PARAMS].push(params);\n\n const now =;\n if (\n global.nativeFlushQueueImmediate &&\n now - this._lastFlush >= MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_FLUSHES_MS\n ) {\n const queue = this._queue;\n this._queue = [[], [], [], this._callID];\n this._lastFlush = now;\n global.nativeFlushQueueImmediate(queue);\n }\n Systrace.counterEvent('pending_js_to_native_queue', this._queue[0].length);\n if (__DEV__ && this.__spy && isFinite(moduleID)) {\n this.__spy({\n type: TO_NATIVE,\n module: this._remoteModuleTable[moduleID],\n method: this._remoteMethodTable[moduleID][methodID],\n args: params,\n });\n } else if (this.__spy) {\n this.__spy({\n type: TO_NATIVE,\n module: moduleID + '',\n method: methodID,\n args: params,\n });\n }\n }\n\n createDebugLookup(\n moduleID: number,\n name: string,\n methods: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n ) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n this._remoteModuleTable[moduleID] = name;\n this._remoteMethodTable[moduleID] = methods || [];\n }\n }\n\n // For JSTimers to register its callback. Otherwise a circular dependency\n // between modules is introduced. Note that only one callback may be\n // registered at a time.\n setImmediatesCallback(fn: () => void) {\n this._immediatesCallback = fn;\n }\n\n /**\n * Private methods\n */\n\n __guard(fn: () => void) {\n if (this.__shouldPauseOnThrow()) {\n fn();\n } else {\n try {\n fn();\n } catch (error) {\n ErrorUtils.reportFatalError(error);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // MessageQueue installs a global handler to catch all exceptions where JS users can register their own behavior\n // This handler makes all exceptions to be propagated from inside MessageQueue rather than by the VM at their origin\n // This makes stacktraces to be placed at MessageQueue rather than at where they were launched\n // The parameter DebuggerInternal.shouldPauseOnThrow is used to check before catching all exceptions and\n // can be configured by the VM or any Inspector\n __shouldPauseOnThrow(): boolean {\n return (\n // $FlowFixMe\n typeof DebuggerInternal !== 'undefined' &&\n DebuggerInternal.shouldPauseOnThrow === true // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n );\n }\n\n __callImmediates() {\n Systrace.beginEvent('JSTimers.callImmediates()');\n if (this._immediatesCallback != null) {\n this._immediatesCallback();\n }\n Systrace.endEvent();\n }\n\n __callFunction(module: string, method: string, args: any[]): any {\n this._lastFlush =;\n this._eventLoopStartTime = this._lastFlush;\n if (__DEV__ || this.__spy) {\n Systrace.beginEvent(`${module}.${method}(${stringifySafe(args)})`);\n } else {\n Systrace.beginEvent(`${module}.${method}(...)`);\n }\n if (this.__spy) {\n this.__spy({type: TO_JS, module, method, args});\n }\n const moduleMethods = this.getCallableModule(module);\n invariant(\n !!moduleMethods,\n 'Module %s is not a registered callable module (calling %s)',\n module,\n method,\n );\n invariant(\n !!moduleMethods[method],\n 'Method %s does not exist on module %s',\n method,\n module,\n );\n const result = moduleMethods[method].apply(moduleMethods, args);\n Systrace.endEvent();\n return result;\n }\n\n __invokeCallback(cbID: number, args: any[]) {\n this._lastFlush =;\n this._eventLoopStartTime = this._lastFlush;\n\n // The rightmost bit of cbID indicates fail (0) or success (1), the other bits are the callID shifted left.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n const callID = cbID >>> 1;\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n const isSuccess = cbID & 1;\n const callback = isSuccess\n ? this._successCallbacks.get(callID)\n : this._failureCallbacks.get(callID);\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n const debug = this._debugInfo[callID];\n const module = debug && this._remoteModuleTable[debug[0]];\n const method = debug && this._remoteMethodTable[debug[0]][debug[1]];\n invariant(\n callback,\n `No callback found with cbID ${cbID} and callID ${callID} for ` +\n (method\n ? ` ${module}.${method} - most likely the callback was already invoked`\n : `module ${module || ''}`) +\n `. Args: '${stringifySafe(args)}'`,\n );\n const profileName = debug\n ? ''\n : cbID;\n if (callback && this.__spy) {\n this.__spy({type: TO_JS, module: null, method: profileName, args});\n }\n Systrace.beginEvent(\n `MessageQueue.invokeCallback(${profileName}, ${stringifySafe(args)})`,\n );\n }\n\n if (!callback) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._successCallbacks.delete(callID);\n this._failureCallbacks.delete(callID);\n callback(...args);\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n Systrace.endEvent();\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = MessageQueue;\n","function _defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n}\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _createClass;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\nimport type {ErrorUtilsT} from '../../polyfills/error-guard.js';\n\n/**\n * The particular require runtime that we are using looks for a global\n * `ErrorUtils` object and if it exists, then it requires modules with the\n * error handler specified via ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler by calling the\n * require function with applyWithGuard. Since the require module is loaded\n * before any of the modules, this ErrorUtils must be defined (and the handler\n * set) globally before requiring anything.\n *\n * However, we still want to treat ErrorUtils as a module so that other modules\n * that use it aren't just using a global variable, so simply export the global\n * variable here. ErrorUtils is originally defined in a file named error-guard.js.\n */\nmodule.exports = (global.ErrorUtils: ErrorUtilsT);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS = 1 << 17; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise\nconst TRACE_TAG_JS_VM_CALLS = 1 << 27; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise\n\nlet _enabled = false;\nlet _asyncCookie = 0;\nconst _markStack = [];\nlet _markStackIndex = -1;\nlet _canInstallReactHook = false;\n\n// Implements a subset of User Timing API necessary for React measurements.\n//\nconst REACT_MARKER = '\\u269B';\nconst userTimingPolyfill = __DEV__\n ? {\n mark(markName: string) {\n if (_enabled) {\n _markStackIndex++;\n _markStack[_markStackIndex] = markName;\n let systraceLabel = markName;\n // Since perf measurements are a shared namespace in User Timing API,\n // we prefix all React results with a React emoji.\n if (markName[0] === REACT_MARKER) {\n // This is coming from React.\n // Removing component IDs keeps trace colors stable.\n const indexOfId = markName.lastIndexOf(' (#');\n const cutoffIndex = indexOfId !== -1 ? indexOfId : markName.length;\n // Also cut off the emoji because it breaks Systrace\n systraceLabel = markName.slice(2, cutoffIndex);\n }\n Systrace.beginEvent(systraceLabel);\n }\n },\n measure(measureName: string, startMark: ?string, endMark: ?string) {\n if (_enabled) {\n invariant(\n typeof measureName === 'string' &&\n typeof startMark === 'string' &&\n typeof endMark === 'undefined',\n 'Only performance.measure(string, string) overload is supported.',\n );\n const topMark = _markStack[_markStackIndex];\n invariant(\n startMark === topMark,\n 'There was a mismatching performance.measure() call. ' +\n 'Expected \"%s\" but got \"%s.\"',\n topMark,\n startMark,\n );\n _markStackIndex--;\n // We can't use more descriptive measureName because Systrace doesn't\n // let us edit labels post factum.\n Systrace.endEvent();\n }\n },\n clearMarks(markName: string) {\n if (_enabled) {\n if (_markStackIndex === -1) {\n return;\n }\n if (markName === _markStack[_markStackIndex]) {\n // React uses this for \"cancelling\" started measurements.\n // Systrace doesn't support deleting measurements, so we just stop them.\n if (userTimingPolyfill != null) {\n userTimingPolyfill.measure(markName, markName);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n clearMeasures() {\n // React calls this to avoid memory leaks in browsers, but we don't keep\n // measurements anyway.\n },\n }\n : null;\n\nconst Systrace = {\n installReactHook() {\n if (_enabled) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n global.performance = userTimingPolyfill;\n }\n }\n _canInstallReactHook = true;\n },\n\n setEnabled(enabled: boolean) {\n if (_enabled !== enabled) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (enabled) {\n global.nativeTraceBeginLegacy &&\n global.nativeTraceBeginLegacy(TRACE_TAG_JS_VM_CALLS);\n } else {\n global.nativeTraceEndLegacy &&\n global.nativeTraceEndLegacy(TRACE_TAG_JS_VM_CALLS);\n }\n if (_canInstallReactHook) {\n if (enabled && global.performance === undefined) {\n global.performance = userTimingPolyfill;\n }\n }\n }\n _enabled = enabled;\n }\n },\n\n isEnabled(): boolean {\n return _enabled;\n },\n\n /**\n * beginEvent/endEvent for starting and then ending a profile within the same call stack frame\n **/\n beginEvent(profileName?: any, args?: any) {\n if (_enabled) {\n profileName =\n typeof profileName === 'function' ? profileName() : profileName;\n global.nativeTraceBeginSection(TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS, profileName, args);\n }\n },\n\n endEvent() {\n if (_enabled) {\n global.nativeTraceEndSection(TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * beginAsyncEvent/endAsyncEvent for starting and then ending a profile where the end can either\n * occur on another thread or out of the current stack frame, eg await\n * the returned cookie variable should be used as input into the endAsyncEvent call to end the profile\n **/\n beginAsyncEvent(profileName?: any): any {\n const cookie = _asyncCookie;\n if (_enabled) {\n _asyncCookie++;\n profileName =\n typeof profileName === 'function' ? profileName() : profileName;\n global.nativeTraceBeginAsyncSection(\n TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS,\n profileName,\n cookie,\n );\n }\n return cookie;\n },\n\n endAsyncEvent(profileName?: any, cookie?: any) {\n if (_enabled) {\n profileName =\n typeof profileName === 'function' ? profileName() : profileName;\n global.nativeTraceEndAsyncSection(\n TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS,\n profileName,\n cookie,\n );\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * counterEvent registers the value to the profileName on the systrace timeline\n **/\n counterEvent(profileName?: any, value?: any) {\n if (_enabled) {\n profileName =\n typeof profileName === 'function' ? profileName() : profileName;\n global.nativeTraceCounter &&\n global.nativeTraceCounter(TRACE_TAG_REACT_APPS, profileName, value);\n }\n },\n};\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n // This is needed, because require callis in polyfills are not processed as\n // other files. Therefore, calls to `require('moduleId')` are not replaced\n // with numeric IDs\n // TODO(davidaurelio) Scan polyfills for dependencies, too (t9759686)\n (require: any).Systrace = Systrace;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Systrace;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * If your application is accepting different values for the same field over\n * time and is doing a diff on them, you can either (1) create a copy or\n * (2) ensure that those values are not mutated behind two passes.\n * This function helps you with (2) by freezing the object and throwing if\n * the user subsequently modifies the value.\n *\n * There are two caveats with this function:\n * - If the call site is not in strict mode, it will only throw when\n * mutating existing fields, adding a new one\n * will unfortunately fail silently :(\n * - If the object is already frozen or sealed, it will not continue the\n * deep traversal and will leave leaf nodes unfrozen.\n *\n * Freezing the object and adding the throw mechanism is expensive and will\n * only be used in DEV.\n */\nfunction deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev(object: T): T {\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (\n typeof object !== 'object' ||\n object === null ||\n Object.isFrozen(object) ||\n Object.isSealed(object)\n ) {\n return object;\n }\n\n const keys = Object.keys(object);\n const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n const key = keys[i];\n if (, key)) {\n Object.defineProperty(object, key, {\n get: identity.bind(null, object[key]),\n });\n Object.defineProperty(object, key, {\n set: throwOnImmutableMutation.bind(null, key),\n });\n }\n }\n\n Object.freeze(object);\n Object.seal(object);\n\n for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n const key = keys[i];\n if (, key)) {\n deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev(object[key]);\n }\n }\n }\n return object;\n}\n\nfunction throwOnImmutableMutation(key, value) {\n throw Error(\n 'You attempted to set the key `' +\n key +\n '` with the value `' +\n JSON.stringify(value) +\n '` on an object that is meant to be immutable ' +\n 'and has been frozen.',\n );\n}\n\nfunction identity(value) {\n return value;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Tries to stringify with JSON.stringify and toString, but catches exceptions\n * (e.g. from circular objects) and always returns a string and never throws.\n */\nfunction stringifySafe(arg: any): string {\n let ret;\n const type = typeof arg;\n if (arg === undefined) {\n ret = 'undefined';\n } else if (arg === null) {\n ret = 'null';\n } else if (type === 'string') {\n ret = '\"' + arg + '\"';\n } else if (type === 'function') {\n try {\n ret = arg.toString();\n } catch (e) {\n ret = '[function unknown]';\n }\n } else if (arg instanceof Error) {\n ret = + ': ' + arg.message;\n } else {\n // Perform a try catch, just in case the object has a circular\n // reference or stringify throws for some other reason.\n try {\n ret = JSON.stringify(arg);\n } catch (e) {\n if (typeof arg.toString === 'function') {\n try {\n ret = arg.toString();\n } catch (E) {}\n }\n }\n }\n return ret || '[\"' + type + '\" failed to stringify]';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = stringifySafe;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Defines a lazily evaluated property on the supplied `object`.\n */\nfunction defineLazyObjectProperty(\n object: Object,\n name: string,\n descriptor: {\n get: () => T,\n enumerable?: boolean,\n writable?: boolean,\n },\n): void {\n const {get} = descriptor;\n const enumerable = descriptor.enumerable !== false;\n const writable = descriptor.writable !== false;\n\n let value;\n let valueSet = false;\n function getValue(): T {\n // WORKAROUND: A weird infinite loop occurs where calling `getValue` calls\n // `setValue` which calls `Object.defineProperty` which somehow triggers\n // `getValue` again. Adding `valueSet` breaks this loop.\n if (!valueSet) {\n // Calling `get()` here can trigger an infinite loop if it fails to\n // remove the getter on the property, which can happen when executing\n // JS in a V8 context. `valueSet = true` will break this loop, and\n // sets the value of the property to undefined, until the code in `get()`\n // finishes, at which point the property is set to the correct value.\n valueSet = true;\n setValue(get());\n }\n return value;\n }\n function setValue(newValue: T): void {\n value = newValue;\n valueSet = true;\n Object.defineProperty(object, name, {\n value: newValue,\n configurable: true,\n enumerable,\n writable,\n });\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(object, name, {\n get: getValue,\n set: setValue,\n configurable: true,\n enumerable,\n });\n}\n\nmodule.exports = defineLazyObjectProperty;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Promise = require('promise/setimmediate/es6-extensions');\n\nrequire('promise/setimmediate/done');\nrequire('promise/setimmediate/finally');\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n require('promise/setimmediate/rejection-tracking').enable({\n allRejections: true,\n onUnhandled: (id, error = {}) => {\n let message: string;\n let stack: ?string;\n\n const stringValue =;\n if (stringValue === '[object Error]') {\n message =;\n stack = error.stack;\n } else {\n message = require('pretty-format')(error);\n }\n\n const warning =\n `Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: ${id}):\\n` +\n `${message}\\n` +\n (stack == null ? '' : stack);\n console.warn(warning);\n },\n onHandled: id => {\n const warning =\n `Promise Rejection Handled (id: ${id})\\n` +\n 'This means you can ignore any previous messages of the form ' +\n `\"Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: ${id}):\"`;\n console.warn(warning);\n },\n });\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Promise;\n","'use strict';\n\n//This file contains the ES6 extensions to the core Promises/A+ API\n\nvar Promise = require('./core.js');\n\nmodule.exports = Promise;\n\n/* Static Functions */\n\nvar TRUE = valuePromise(true);\nvar FALSE = valuePromise(false);\nvar NULL = valuePromise(null);\nvar UNDEFINED = valuePromise(undefined);\nvar ZERO = valuePromise(0);\nvar EMPTYSTRING = valuePromise('');\n\nfunction valuePromise(value) {\n var p = new Promise(Promise._61);\n p._65 = 1;\n p._55 = value;\n return p;\n}\nPromise.resolve = function (value) {\n if (value instanceof Promise) return value;\n\n if (value === null) return NULL;\n if (value === undefined) return UNDEFINED;\n if (value === true) return TRUE;\n if (value === false) return FALSE;\n if (value === 0) return ZERO;\n if (value === '') return EMPTYSTRING;\n\n if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {\n try {\n var then = value.then;\n if (typeof then === 'function') {\n return new Promise(then.bind(value));\n }\n } catch (ex) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n reject(ex);\n });\n }\n }\n return valuePromise(value);\n};\n\nPromise.all = function (arr) {\n var args =;\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n if (args.length === 0) return resolve([]);\n var remaining = args.length;\n function res(i, val) {\n if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) {\n if (val instanceof Promise && val.then === Promise.prototype.then) {\n while (val._65 === 3) {\n val = val._55;\n }\n if (val._65 === 1) return res(i, val._55);\n if (val._65 === 2) reject(val._55);\n val.then(function (val) {\n res(i, val);\n }, reject);\n return;\n } else {\n var then = val.then;\n if (typeof then === 'function') {\n var p = new Promise(then.bind(val));\n p.then(function (val) {\n res(i, val);\n }, reject);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n args[i] = val;\n if (--remaining === 0) {\n resolve(args);\n }\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n res(i, args[i]);\n }\n });\n};\n\nPromise.reject = function (value) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n reject(value);\n });\n};\n\nPromise.race = function (values) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n values.forEach(function(value){\n Promise.resolve(value).then(resolve, reject);\n });\n });\n};\n\n/* Prototype Methods */\n\nPromise.prototype['catch'] = function (onRejected) {\n return this.then(null, onRejected);\n};\n","'use strict';\n\n\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\n// States:\n//\n// 0 - pending\n// 1 - fulfilled with _value\n// 2 - rejected with _value\n// 3 - adopted the state of another promise, _value\n//\n// once the state is no longer pending (0) it is immutable\n\n// All `_` prefixed properties will be reduced to `_{random number}`\n// at build time to obfuscate them and discourage their use.\n// We don't use symbols or Object.defineProperty to fully hide them\n// because the performance isn't good enough.\n\n\n// to avoid using try/catch inside critical functions, we\n// extract them to here.\nvar LAST_ERROR = null;\nvar IS_ERROR = {};\nfunction getThen(obj) {\n try {\n return obj.then;\n } catch (ex) {\n LAST_ERROR = ex;\n return IS_ERROR;\n }\n}\n\nfunction tryCallOne(fn, a) {\n try {\n return fn(a);\n } catch (ex) {\n LAST_ERROR = ex;\n return IS_ERROR;\n }\n}\nfunction tryCallTwo(fn, a, b) {\n try {\n fn(a, b);\n } catch (ex) {\n LAST_ERROR = ex;\n return IS_ERROR;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Promise;\n\nfunction Promise(fn) {\n if (typeof this !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new');\n }\n if (typeof fn !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('Promise constructor\\'s argument is not a function');\n }\n this._40 = 0;\n this._65 = 0;\n this._55 = null;\n this._72 = null;\n if (fn === noop) return;\n doResolve(fn, this);\n}\nPromise._37 = null;\nPromise._87 = null;\nPromise._61 = noop;\n\nPromise.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {\n if (this.constructor !== Promise) {\n return safeThen(this, onFulfilled, onRejected);\n }\n var res = new Promise(noop);\n handle(this, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, res));\n return res;\n};\n\nfunction safeThen(self, onFulfilled, onRejected) {\n return new self.constructor(function (resolve, reject) {\n var res = new Promise(noop);\n res.then(resolve, reject);\n handle(self, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, res));\n });\n}\nfunction handle(self, deferred) {\n while (self._65 === 3) {\n self = self._55;\n }\n if (Promise._37) {\n Promise._37(self);\n }\n if (self._65 === 0) {\n if (self._40 === 0) {\n self._40 = 1;\n self._72 = deferred;\n return;\n }\n if (self._40 === 1) {\n self._40 = 2;\n self._72 = [self._72, deferred];\n return;\n }\n self._72.push(deferred);\n return;\n }\n handleResolved(self, deferred);\n}\n\nfunction handleResolved(self, deferred) {\n setImmediate(function() {\n var cb = self._65 === 1 ? deferred.onFulfilled : deferred.onRejected;\n if (cb === null) {\n if (self._65 === 1) {\n resolve(deferred.promise, self._55);\n } else {\n reject(deferred.promise, self._55);\n }\n return;\n }\n var ret = tryCallOne(cb, self._55);\n if (ret === IS_ERROR) {\n reject(deferred.promise, LAST_ERROR);\n } else {\n resolve(deferred.promise, ret);\n }\n });\n}\nfunction resolve(self, newValue) {\n // Promise Resolution Procedure:\n if (newValue === self) {\n return reject(\n self,\n new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.')\n );\n }\n if (\n newValue &&\n (typeof newValue === 'object' || typeof newValue === 'function')\n ) {\n var then = getThen(newValue);\n if (then === IS_ERROR) {\n return reject(self, LAST_ERROR);\n }\n if (\n then === self.then &&\n newValue instanceof Promise\n ) {\n self._65 = 3;\n self._55 = newValue;\n finale(self);\n return;\n } else if (typeof then === 'function') {\n doResolve(then.bind(newValue), self);\n return;\n }\n }\n self._65 = 1;\n self._55 = newValue;\n finale(self);\n}\n\nfunction reject(self, newValue) {\n self._65 = 2;\n self._55 = newValue;\n if (Promise._87) {\n Promise._87(self, newValue);\n }\n finale(self);\n}\nfunction finale(self) {\n if (self._40 === 1) {\n handle(self, self._72);\n self._72 = null;\n }\n if (self._40 === 2) {\n for (var i = 0; i < self._72.length; i++) {\n handle(self, self._72[i]);\n }\n self._72 = null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, promise){\n this.onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled : null;\n this.onRejected = typeof onRejected === 'function' ? onRejected : null;\n this.promise = promise;\n}\n\n/**\n * Take a potentially misbehaving resolver function and make sure\n * onFulfilled and onRejected are only called once.\n *\n * Makes no guarantees about asynchrony.\n */\nfunction doResolve(fn, promise) {\n var done = false;\n var res = tryCallTwo(fn, function (value) {\n if (done) return;\n done = true;\n resolve(promise, value);\n }, function (reason) {\n if (done) return;\n done = true;\n reject(promise, reason);\n });\n if (!done && res === IS_ERROR) {\n done = true;\n reject(promise, LAST_ERROR);\n }\n}\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Promise = require('./core.js');\n\nmodule.exports = Promise;\nPromise.prototype.done = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {\n var self = arguments.length ? this.then.apply(this, arguments) : this;\n self.then(null, function (err) {\n setTimeout(function () {\n throw err;\n }, 0);\n });\n};\n","'use strict';\n\nvar Promise = require('./core.js');\n\nmodule.exports = Promise;\nPromise.prototype['finally'] = function (f) {\n return this.then(function (value) {\n return Promise.resolve(f()).then(function () {\n return value;\n });\n }, function (err) {\n return Promise.resolve(f()).then(function () {\n throw err;\n });\n });\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EventEmitter = require('../vendor/emitter/EventEmitter');\nconst EventSubscriptionVendor = require('../vendor/emitter/EventSubscriptionVendor');\n\nimport type EmitterSubscription from '../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription';\n\nfunction checkNativeEventModule(eventType: ?string) {\n if (eventType) {\n if (eventType.lastIndexOf('statusBar', 0) === 0) {\n throw new Error(\n '`' +\n eventType +\n '` event should be registered via the StatusBarIOS module',\n );\n }\n if (eventType.lastIndexOf('keyboard', 0) === 0) {\n throw new Error(\n '`' +\n eventType +\n '` event should be registered via the Keyboard module',\n );\n }\n if (eventType === 'appStateDidChange' || eventType === 'memoryWarning') {\n throw new Error(\n '`' +\n eventType +\n '` event should be registered via the AppState module',\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Deprecated - subclass NativeEventEmitter to create granular event modules instead of\n * adding all event listeners directly to RCTDeviceEventEmitter.\n */\nclass RCTDeviceEventEmitter extends EventEmitter {\n sharedSubscriber: EventSubscriptionVendor;\n\n constructor() {\n const sharedSubscriber = new EventSubscriptionVendor();\n super(sharedSubscriber);\n this.sharedSubscriber = sharedSubscriber;\n }\n\n addListener(\n eventType: string,\n listener: Function,\n context: ?Object,\n ): EmitterSubscription {\n if (__DEV__) {\n checkNativeEventModule(eventType);\n }\n return super.addListener(eventType, listener, context);\n }\n\n removeAllListeners(eventType: ?string) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n checkNativeEventModule(eventType);\n }\n super.removeAllListeners(eventType);\n }\n\n removeSubscription(subscription: EmitterSubscription) {\n if (subscription.emitter !== this) {\n subscription.emitter.removeSubscription(subscription);\n } else {\n super.removeSubscription(subscription);\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = (new RCTDeviceEventEmitter(): RCTDeviceEventEmitter);\n","var superPropBase = require(\"./superPropBase\");\n\nfunction _get(target, property, receiver) {\n if (typeof Reflect !== \"undefined\" && Reflect.get) {\n module.exports = _get = Reflect.get;\n } else {\n module.exports = _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) {\n var base = superPropBase(target, property);\n if (!base) return;\n var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property);\n\n if (desc.get) {\n return;\n }\n\n return desc.value;\n };\n }\n\n return _get(target, property, receiver || target);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _get;","var getPrototypeOf = require(\"./getPrototypeOf\");\n\nfunction _superPropBase(object, property) {\n while (!, property)) {\n object = getPrototypeOf(object);\n if (object === null) break;\n }\n\n return object;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _superPropBase;","function _getPrototypeOf(o) {\n module.exports = _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) {\n return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);\n };\n return _getPrototypeOf(o);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _getPrototypeOf;","var setPrototypeOf = require(\"./setPrototypeOf\");\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) {\n if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\");\n }\n\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n if (superClass) setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _inherits;","function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {\n module.exports = _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {\n o.__proto__ = p;\n return o;\n };\n\n return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _setPrototypeOf;","var _typeof = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof\");\n\nvar assertThisInitialized = require(\"./assertThisInitialized\");\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) {\n if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) {\n return call;\n }\n\n return assertThisInitialized(self);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _possibleConstructorReturn;","function _assertThisInitialized(self) {\n if (self === void 0) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\");\n }\n\n return self;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _assertThisInitialized;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @noflow\n * @typecheck\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EmitterSubscription = require('./EmitterSubscription');\nconst EventSubscriptionVendor = require('./EventSubscriptionVendor');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst sparseFilterPredicate = () => true;\n\n/**\n * @class EventEmitter\n * @description\n * An EventEmitter is responsible for managing a set of listeners and publishing\n * events to them when it is told that such events happened. In addition to the\n * data for the given event it also sends a event control object which allows\n * the listeners/handlers to prevent the default behavior of the given event.\n *\n * The emitter is designed to be generic enough to support all the different\n * contexts in which one might want to emit events. It is a simple multicast\n * mechanism on top of which extra functionality can be composed. For example, a\n * more advanced emitter may use an EventHolder and EventFactory.\n */\nclass EventEmitter {\n _subscriber: EventSubscriptionVendor;\n _currentSubscription: ?EmitterSubscription;\n\n /**\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {EventSubscriptionVendor} subscriber - Optional subscriber instance\n * to use. If omitted, a new subscriber will be created for the emitter.\n */\n constructor(subscriber: ?EventSubscriptionVendor) {\n this._subscriber = subscriber || new EventSubscriptionVendor();\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds a listener to be invoked when events of the specified type are\n * emitted. An optional calling context may be provided. The data arguments\n * emitted will be passed to the listener function.\n *\n * TODO: Annotate the listener arg's type. This is tricky because listeners\n * can be invoked with varargs.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to listen to\n * @param {function} listener - Function to invoke when the specified event is\n * emitted\n * @param {*} context - Optional context object to use when invoking the\n * listener\n */\n addListener(\n eventType: string,\n listener: Function,\n context: ?Object,\n ): EmitterSubscription {\n return (this._subscriber.addSubscription(\n eventType,\n new EmitterSubscription(this, this._subscriber, listener, context),\n ): any);\n }\n\n /**\n * Similar to addListener, except that the listener is removed after it is\n * invoked once.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to listen to\n * @param {function} listener - Function to invoke only once when the\n * specified event is emitted\n * @param {*} context - Optional context object to use when invoking the\n * listener\n */\n once(\n eventType: string,\n listener: Function,\n context: ?Object,\n ): EmitterSubscription {\n return this.addListener(eventType, (...args) => {\n this.removeCurrentListener();\n listener.apply(context, args);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes all of the registered listeners, including those registered as\n * listener maps.\n *\n * @param {?string} eventType - Optional name of the event whose registered\n * listeners to remove\n */\n removeAllListeners(eventType: ?string) {\n this._subscriber.removeAllSubscriptions(eventType);\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides an API that can be called during an eventing cycle to remove the\n * last listener that was invoked. This allows a developer to provide an event\n * object that can remove the listener (or listener map) during the\n * invocation.\n *\n * If it is called when not inside of an emitting cycle it will throw.\n *\n * @throws {Error} When called not during an eventing cycle\n *\n * @example\n * var subscription = emitter.addListenerMap({\n * someEvent: function(data, event) {\n * console.log(data);\n * emitter.removeCurrentListener();\n * }\n * });\n *\n * emitter.emit('someEvent', 'abc'); // logs 'abc'\n * emitter.emit('someEvent', 'def'); // does not log anything\n */\n removeCurrentListener() {\n invariant(\n !!this._currentSubscription,\n 'Not in an emitting cycle; there is no current subscription',\n );\n this.removeSubscription(this._currentSubscription);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes a specific subscription. Called by the `remove()` method of the\n * subscription itself to ensure any necessary cleanup is performed.\n */\n removeSubscription(subscription: EmitterSubscription) {\n invariant(\n subscription.emitter === this,\n 'Subscription does not belong to this emitter.',\n );\n this._subscriber.removeSubscription(subscription);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of listeners that are currently registered for the given\n * event.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to query\n * @returns {array}\n */\n listeners(eventType: string): [EmitterSubscription] {\n const subscriptions = this._subscriber.getSubscriptionsForType(eventType);\n return subscriptions\n ? subscriptions\n // We filter out missing entries because the array is sparse.\n // \"callbackfn is called only for elements of the array which actually\n // exist; it is not called for missing elements of the array.\"\n //\n .filter(sparseFilterPredicate)\n .map(subscription => subscription.listener)\n : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Emits an event of the given type with the given data. All handlers of that\n * particular type will be notified.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to emit\n * @param {...*} Arbitrary arguments to be passed to each registered listener\n *\n * @example\n * emitter.addListener('someEvent', function(message) {\n * console.log(message);\n * });\n *\n * emitter.emit('someEvent', 'abc'); // logs 'abc'\n */\n emit(eventType: string) {\n const subscriptions = this._subscriber.getSubscriptionsForType(eventType);\n if (subscriptions) {\n for (let i = 0, l = subscriptions.length; i < l; i++) {\n const subscription = subscriptions[i];\n\n // The subscription may have been removed during this event loop.\n if (subscription && subscription.listener) {\n this._currentSubscription = subscription;\n subscription.listener.apply(\n subscription.context,\n, 1),\n );\n }\n }\n this._currentSubscription = null;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes the given listener for event of specific type.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to emit\n * @param {function} listener - Function to invoke when the specified event is\n * emitted\n *\n * @example\n * emitter.removeListener('someEvent', function(message) {\n * console.log(message);\n * }); // removes the listener if already registered\n *\n */\n removeListener(eventType: String, listener) {\n const subscriptions = this._subscriber.getSubscriptionsForType(eventType);\n if (subscriptions) {\n for (let i = 0, l = subscriptions.length; i < l; i++) {\n const subscription = subscriptions[i];\n\n // The subscription may have been removed during this event loop.\n // its listener matches the listener in method parameters\n if (subscription && subscription.listener === listener) {\n subscription.remove();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = EventEmitter;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EventSubscription = require('./EventSubscription');\n\nimport type EventEmitter from './EventEmitter';\nimport type EventSubscriptionVendor from './EventSubscriptionVendor';\n\n/**\n * EmitterSubscription represents a subscription with listener and context data.\n */\nclass EmitterSubscription extends EventSubscription {\n emitter: EventEmitter;\n listener: Function;\n context: ?Object;\n\n /**\n * @param {EventEmitter} emitter - The event emitter that registered this\n * subscription\n * @param {EventSubscriptionVendor} subscriber - The subscriber that controls\n * this subscription\n * @param {function} listener - Function to invoke when the specified event is\n * emitted\n * @param {*} context - Optional context object to use when invoking the\n * listener\n */\n constructor(\n emitter: EventEmitter,\n subscriber: EventSubscriptionVendor,\n listener: Function,\n context: ?Object,\n ) {\n super(subscriber);\n this.emitter = emitter;\n this.listener = listener;\n this.context = context;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes this subscription from the emitter that registered it.\n * Note: we're overriding the `remove()` method of EventSubscription here\n * but deliberately not calling `super.remove()` as the responsibility\n * for removing the subscription lies with the EventEmitter.\n */\n remove() {\n this.emitter.removeSubscription(this);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = EmitterSubscription;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type EventSubscriptionVendor from './EventSubscriptionVendor';\n\n/**\n * EventSubscription represents a subscription to a particular event. It can\n * remove its own subscription.\n */\nclass EventSubscription {\n eventType: string;\n key: number;\n subscriber: EventSubscriptionVendor;\n\n /**\n * @param {EventSubscriptionVendor} subscriber the subscriber that controls\n * this subscription.\n */\n constructor(subscriber: EventSubscriptionVendor) {\n this.subscriber = subscriber;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes this subscription from the subscriber that controls it.\n */\n remove() {\n this.subscriber.removeSubscription(this);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = EventSubscription;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type EventSubscription from './EventSubscription';\n\n/**\n * EventSubscriptionVendor stores a set of EventSubscriptions that are\n * subscribed to a particular event type.\n */\nclass EventSubscriptionVendor {\n _subscriptionsForType: Object;\n _currentSubscription: ?EventSubscription;\n\n constructor() {\n this._subscriptionsForType = {};\n this._currentSubscription = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds a subscription keyed by an event type.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType\n * @param {EventSubscription} subscription\n */\n addSubscription(\n eventType: string,\n subscription: EventSubscription,\n ): EventSubscription {\n invariant(\n subscription.subscriber === this,\n 'The subscriber of the subscription is incorrectly set.',\n );\n if (!this._subscriptionsForType[eventType]) {\n this._subscriptionsForType[eventType] = [];\n }\n const key = this._subscriptionsForType[eventType].length;\n this._subscriptionsForType[eventType].push(subscription);\n subscription.eventType = eventType;\n subscription.key = key;\n return subscription;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes a bulk set of the subscriptions.\n *\n * @param {?string} eventType - Optional name of the event type whose\n * registered supscriptions to remove, if null remove all subscriptions.\n */\n removeAllSubscriptions(eventType: ?string) {\n if (eventType === undefined) {\n this._subscriptionsForType = {};\n } else {\n delete this._subscriptionsForType[eventType];\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes a specific subscription. Instead of calling this function, call\n * `subscription.remove()` directly.\n *\n * @param {object} subscription\n */\n removeSubscription(subscription: Object) {\n const eventType = subscription.eventType;\n const key = subscription.key;\n\n const subscriptionsForType = this._subscriptionsForType[eventType];\n if (subscriptionsForType) {\n delete subscriptionsForType[key];\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the array of subscriptions that are currently registered for the\n * given event type.\n *\n * Note: This array can be potentially sparse as subscriptions are deleted\n * from it when they are removed.\n *\n * TODO: This returns a nullable array. wat?\n *\n * @param {string} eventType\n * @returns {?array}\n */\n getSubscriptionsForType(eventType: string): ?[EventSubscription] {\n return this._subscriptionsForType[eventType];\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = EventSubscriptionVendor;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nimport type {NativeComponent} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\nconst PlatformActivityIndicator =\n Platform.OS === 'android'\n ? require('../ProgressBarAndroid/ProgressBarAndroid')\n : require('./ActivityIndicatorViewNativeComponent').default;\n\nconst GRAY = '#999999';\n\ntype IndicatorSize = number | 'small' | 'large';\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Whether the indicator should hide when not animating (true by default).\n *\n * See\n */\n hidesWhenStopped?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n ...IOSProps,\n\n /**\n * Whether to show the indicator (true, the default) or hide it (false).\n *\n * See\n */\n animating?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * The foreground color of the spinner (default is gray).\n *\n * See\n */\n color?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * Size of the indicator (default is 'small').\n * Passing a number to the size prop is only supported on Android.\n *\n * See\n */\n size?: ?IndicatorSize,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Displays a circular loading indicator.\n *\n * See\n */\nconst ActivityIndicator = (props: Props, forwardedRef?: any) => {\n const {onLayout, style, size, ...restProps} = props;\n let sizeStyle;\n let sizeProp;\n\n switch (size) {\n case 'small':\n sizeStyle = styles.sizeSmall;\n sizeProp = 'small';\n break;\n case 'large':\n sizeStyle = styles.sizeLarge;\n sizeProp = 'large';\n break;\n default:\n sizeStyle = {height: props.size, width: props.size};\n break;\n }\n\n const nativeProps = {\n ...restProps,\n ref: forwardedRef,\n style: sizeStyle,\n size: sizeProp,\n };\n\n const androidProps = {\n styleAttr: 'Normal',\n indeterminate: true,\n };\n\n return (\n \n {Platform.OS === 'android' ? (\n // $FlowFixMe Flow doesn't know when this is the android component\n \n ) : (\n \n )}\n \n );\n};\n\nconst ActivityIndicatorWithRef = React.forwardRef(ActivityIndicator);\nActivityIndicatorWithRef.displayName = 'ActivityIndicator';\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\nActivityIndicatorWithRef.defaultProps = {\n animating: true,\n color: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? GRAY : null,\n hidesWhenStopped: true,\n size: 'small',\n};\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n container: {\n alignItems: 'center',\n justifyContent: 'center',\n },\n sizeSmall: {\n width: 20,\n height: 20,\n },\n sizeLarge: {\n width: 36,\n height: 36,\n },\n});\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\nmodule.exports = (ActivityIndicatorWithRef: Class>);\n","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n\n return obj;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _defineProperty;","var objectWithoutPropertiesLoose = require(\"./objectWithoutPropertiesLoose\");\n\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {\n if (source == null) return {};\n var target = objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);\n var key, i;\n\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);\n\n for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {\n key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];\n if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;\n if (!, key)) continue;\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _objectWithoutProperties;","function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {\n if (source == null) return {};\n var target = {};\n var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);\n var key, i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {\n key = sourceKeys[i];\n if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n\n return target;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativePlatformConstantsIOS from './NativePlatformConstantsIOS';\n\nexport type PlatformSelectSpec = {\n default?: D,\n ios?: I,\n};\n\nconst Platform = {\n __constants: null,\n OS: 'ios',\n get Version(): $FlowFixMe {\n return this.constants.osVersion;\n },\n get constants(): {|\n forceTouchAvailable: boolean,\n interfaceIdiom: string,\n isTesting: boolean,\n osVersion: string,\n reactNativeVersion: {|\n major: number,\n minor: number,\n patch: number,\n prerelease: ?number,\n |},\n systemName: string,\n |} {\n if (this.__constants == null) {\n this.__constants = NativePlatformConstantsIOS.getConstants();\n }\n return this.__constants;\n },\n get isPad(): boolean {\n return this.constants.interfaceIdiom === 'pad';\n },\n /**\n * Deprecated, use `isTV` instead.\n */\n get isTVOS(): boolean {\n return Platform.isTV;\n },\n get isTV(): boolean {\n return this.constants.interfaceIdiom === 'tv';\n },\n get isTesting(): boolean {\n if (__DEV__) {\n return this.constants.isTesting;\n }\n return false;\n },\n select: (spec: PlatformSelectSpec): D | I =>\n 'ios' in spec ? spec.ios : spec.default,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Platform;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n isTesting: boolean,\n reactNativeVersion: {|\n major: number,\n minor: number,\n patch: number,\n prerelease: ?number,\n |},\n forceTouchAvailable: boolean,\n osVersion: string,\n systemName: string,\n interfaceIdiom: string,\n |};\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(\n 'PlatformConstants',\n): Spec);\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react.development.js');\n}\n","/** @license React v16.13.1\n * react.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';var l=require(\"object-assign\"),n=\"function\"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for,p=n?Symbol.for(\"react.element\"):60103,q=n?Symbol.for(\"react.portal\"):60106,r=n?Symbol.for(\"react.fragment\"):60107,t=n?Symbol.for(\"react.strict_mode\"):60108,u=n?Symbol.for(\"react.profiler\"):60114,v=n?Symbol.for(\"react.provider\"):60109,w=n?Symbol.for(\"react.context\"):60110,x=n?Symbol.for(\"react.forward_ref\"):60112,y=n?Symbol.for(\"react.suspense\"):60113,z=n?Symbol.for(\"react.memo\"):60115,A=n?Symbol.for(\"react.lazy\"):\n60116,B=\"function\"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator;function C(a){for(var b=\"\"+a,c=1;cQ.length&&Q.push(a)}\nfunction T(a,b,c,e){var d=typeof a;if(\"undefined\"===d||\"boolean\"===d)a=null;var g=!1;if(null===a)g=!0;else switch(d){case \"string\":case \"number\":g=!0;break;case \"object\":switch(a.$$typeof){case p:case q:g=!0}}if(g)return c(e,a,\"\"===b?\".\"+U(a,0):b),1;g=0;b=\"\"===b?\".\":b+\":\";if(Array.isArray(a))for(var k=0;k's `style` prop. This ensures call sites of the component\n * can't pass styles that View doesn't support such as `fontSize`.`\n *\n * type Props = {style: ViewStyleProp}\n * const MyComponent = (props: Props) => \n */\nexport type ViewStyleProp = ____ViewStyleProp_Internal;\n\n/**\n * This type should be used as the type for a prop that is passed through\n * to a 's `style` prop. This ensures call sites of the component\n * can't pass styles that Text doesn't support such as `resizeMode`.`\n *\n * type Props = {style: TextStyleProp}\n * const MyComponent = (props: Props) => \n */\nexport type TextStyleProp = ____TextStyleProp_Internal;\n\n/**\n * This type should be used as the type for a prop that is passed through\n * to an 's `style` prop. This ensures call sites of the component\n * can't pass styles that Image doesn't support such as `fontSize`.`\n *\n * type Props = {style: ImageStyleProp}\n * const MyComponent = (props: Props) => \n */\nexport type ImageStyleProp = ____ImageStyleProp_Internal;\n\n/**\n * WARNING: You probably shouldn't be using this type. This type\n * is similar to the ones above except it allows styles that are accepted\n * by all of View, Text, or Image. It is therefore very unsafe to pass this\n * through to an underlying component. Using this is almost always a mistake\n * and using one of the other more restrictive types is likely the right choice.\n */\nexport type DangerouslyImpreciseStyleProp = ____DangerouslyImpreciseStyleProp_Internal;\n\n/**\n * Utility type for getting the values for specific style keys.\n *\n * The following is bad because position is more restrictive than 'string':\n * ```\n * type Props = {position: string};\n * ```\n *\n * You should use the following instead:\n *\n * ```\n * type Props = {position: TypeForStyleKey<'position'>};\n * ```\n *\n * This will correctly give you the type 'absolute' | 'relative'\n */\nexport type TypeForStyleKey<\n +key: $Keys<____DangerouslyImpreciseStyle_Internal>,\n> = $ElementType<____DangerouslyImpreciseStyle_Internal, key>;\n\n/**\n * This type is an object of the different possible style\n * properties that can be specified for View.\n *\n * Note that this isn't a safe way to type a style prop for a component as\n * results from StyleSheet.create return an internal identifier, not\n * an object of styles.\n *\n * If you want to type the style prop of a function,\n * consider using ViewStyleProp.\n *\n * A reasonable usage of this type is for helper functions that return an\n * object of styles to pass to a View that can't be precomputed with\n * StyleSheet.create.\n */\nexport type ViewStyle = ____ViewStyle_Internal;\n\n/**\n * This type is an object of the different possible style\n * properties that can be specified for Text.\n *\n * Note that this isn't a safe way to type a style prop for a component as\n * results from StyleSheet.create return an internal identifier, not\n * an object of styles.\n *\n * If you want to type the style prop of a function,\n * consider using TextStyleProp.\n *\n * A reasonable usage of this type is for helper functions that return an\n * object of styles to pass to a Text that can't be precomputed with\n * StyleSheet.create.\n */\nexport type TextStyle = ____TextStyle_Internal;\n\n/**\n * This type is an object of the different possible style\n * properties that can be specified for Image.\n *\n * Note that this isn't a safe way to type a style prop for a component as\n * results from StyleSheet.create return an internal identifier, not\n * an object of styles.\n *\n * If you want to type the style prop of a function,\n * consider using ImageStyleProp.\n *\n * A reasonable usage of this type is for helper functions that return an\n * object of styles to pass to an Image that can't be precomputed with\n * StyleSheet.create.\n */\nexport type ImageStyle = ____ImageStyle_Internal;\n\n/**\n * WARNING: You probably shouldn't be using this type. This type is an object\n * with all possible style keys and their values. Note that this isn't\n * a safe way to type a style prop for a component as results from\n * StyleSheet.create return an internal identifier, not an object of styles.\n *\n * If you want to type the style prop of a function, consider using\n * ViewStyleProp, TextStyleProp, or ImageStyleProp.\n *\n * This should only be used by very core utilities that operate on an object\n * containing any possible style value.\n */\nexport type DangerouslyImpreciseStyle = ____DangerouslyImpreciseStyle_Internal;\n\nlet hairlineWidth: number = PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(0.4);\nif (hairlineWidth === 0) {\n hairlineWidth = 1 / PixelRatio.get();\n}\n\nconst absoluteFill = {\n position: 'absolute',\n left: 0,\n right: 0,\n top: 0,\n bottom: 0,\n};\nif (__DEV__) {\n Object.freeze(absoluteFill);\n}\n\n/**\n * A StyleSheet is an abstraction similar to CSS StyleSheets\n *\n * Create a new StyleSheet:\n *\n * ```\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * container: {\n * borderRadius: 4,\n * borderWidth: 0.5,\n * borderColor: '#d6d7da',\n * },\n * title: {\n * fontSize: 19,\n * fontWeight: 'bold',\n * },\n * activeTitle: {\n * color: 'red',\n * },\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * Use a StyleSheet:\n *\n * ```\n * \n * \n * \n * ```\n *\n * Code quality:\n *\n * - By moving styles away from the render function, you're making the code\n * easier to understand.\n * - Naming the styles is a good way to add meaning to the low level components\n * in the render function.\n *\n * Performance:\n *\n * - Making a stylesheet from a style object makes it possible to refer to it\n * by ID instead of creating a new style object every time.\n * - It also allows to send the style only once through the bridge. All\n * subsequent uses are going to refer an id (not implemented yet).\n */\nmodule.exports = {\n /**\n * This is defined as the width of a thin line on the platform. It can be\n * used as the thickness of a border or division between two elements.\n * Example:\n * ```\n * {\n * borderBottomColor: '#bbb',\n * borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * This constant will always be a round number of pixels (so a line defined\n * by it look crisp) and will try to match the standard width of a thin line\n * on the underlying platform. However, you should not rely on it being a\n * constant size, because on different platforms and screen densities its\n * value may be calculated differently.\n *\n * A line with hairline width may not be visible if your simulator is downscaled.\n */\n hairlineWidth,\n\n /**\n * A very common pattern is to create overlays with position absolute and zero positioning,\n * so `absoluteFill` can be used for convenience and to reduce duplication of these repeated\n * styles.\n */\n absoluteFill: (absoluteFill: any), // TODO: This should be updated after we fix downstream Flow sites.\n\n /**\n * Sometimes you may want `absoluteFill` but with a couple tweaks - `absoluteFillObject` can be\n * used to create a customized entry in a `StyleSheet`, e.g.:\n *\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * wrapper: {\n * ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject,\n * top: 10,\n * backgroundColor: 'transparent',\n * },\n * });\n */\n absoluteFillObject: absoluteFill,\n\n /**\n * Combines two styles such that `style2` will override any styles in `style1`.\n * If either style is falsy, the other one is returned without allocating an\n * array, saving allocations and maintaining reference equality for\n * PureComponent checks.\n */\n compose(\n style1: ?T,\n style2: ?T,\n ): ?T | $ReadOnlyArray {\n if (style1 != null && style2 != null) {\n return ([style1, style2]: $ReadOnlyArray);\n } else {\n return style1 != null ? style1 : style2;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Flattens an array of style objects, into one aggregated style object.\n * Alternatively, this method can be used to lookup IDs, returned by\n * StyleSheet.register.\n *\n * > **NOTE**: Exercise caution as abusing this can tax you in terms of\n * > optimizations.\n * >\n * > IDs enable optimizations through the bridge and memory in general. Referring\n * > to style objects directly will deprive you of these optimizations.\n *\n * Example:\n * ```\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * listItem: {\n * flex: 1,\n * fontSize: 16,\n * color: 'white'\n * },\n * selectedListItem: {\n * color: 'green'\n * }\n * });\n *\n * StyleSheet.flatten([styles.listItem, styles.selectedListItem])\n * // returns { flex: 1, fontSize: 16, color: 'green' }\n * ```\n * Alternative use:\n * ```\n * StyleSheet.flatten(styles.listItem);\n * // return { flex: 1, fontSize: 16, color: 'white' }\n * // Simply styles.listItem would return its ID (number)\n * ```\n * This method internally uses `StyleSheetRegistry.getStyleByID(style)`\n * to resolve style objects represented by IDs. Thus, an array of style\n * objects (instances of StyleSheet.create), are individually resolved to,\n * their respective objects, merged as one and then returned. This also explains\n * the alternative use.\n */\n flatten,\n\n /**\n * WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL. Breaking changes will probably happen a lot and will\n * not be reliably announced. The whole thing might be deleted, who knows? Use\n * at your own risk.\n *\n * Sets a function to use to pre-process a style property value. This is used\n * internally to process color and transform values. You should not use this\n * unless you really know what you are doing and have exhausted other options.\n */\n setStyleAttributePreprocessor(\n property: string,\n process: (nextProp: mixed) => mixed,\n ) {\n let value;\n\n if (ReactNativeStyleAttributes[property] === true) {\n value = {};\n } else if (typeof ReactNativeStyleAttributes[property] === 'object') {\n value = ReactNativeStyleAttributes[property];\n } else {\n console.error(`${property} is not a valid style attribute`);\n return;\n }\n\n if (__DEV__ && typeof value.process === 'function') {\n console.warn(`Overwriting ${property} style attribute preprocessor`);\n }\n\n ReactNativeStyleAttributes[property] = {...value, process};\n },\n\n /**\n * Creates a StyleSheet style reference from the given object.\n */\n create<+S: ____Styles_Internal>(obj: S): $ObjMap any> {\n // TODO: This should return S as the return type. But first,\n // we need to codemod all the callsites that are typing this\n // return value as a number (even though it was opaque).\n if (__DEV__) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n StyleSheetValidation.validateStyle(key, obj);\n if (obj[key]) {\n Object.freeze(obj[key]);\n }\n }\n }\n return obj;\n },\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Dimensions = require('./Dimensions');\n\n/**\n * PixelRatio class gives access to the device pixel density.\n *\n * ## Fetching a correctly sized image\n *\n * You should get a higher resolution image if you are on a high pixel density\n * device. A good rule of thumb is to multiply the size of the image you display\n * by the pixel ratio.\n *\n * ```\n * var image = getImage({\n * width: PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(200),\n * height: PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(100),\n * });\n * \n * ```\n *\n * ## Pixel grid snapping\n *\n * In iOS, you can specify positions and dimensions for elements with arbitrary\n * precision, for example 29.674825. But, ultimately the physical display only\n * have a fixed number of pixels, for example 640×960 for iPhone 4 or 750×1334\n * for iPhone 6. iOS tries to be as faithful as possible to the user value by\n * spreading one original pixel into multiple ones to trick the eye. The\n * downside of this technique is that it makes the resulting element look\n * blurry.\n *\n * In practice, we found out that developers do not want this feature and they\n * have to work around it by doing manual rounding in order to avoid having\n * blurry elements. In React Native, we are rounding all the pixels\n * automatically.\n *\n * We have to be careful when to do this rounding. You never want to work with\n * rounded and unrounded values at the same time as you're going to accumulate\n * rounding errors. Having even one rounding error is deadly because a one\n * pixel border may vanish or be twice as big.\n *\n * In React Native, everything in JavaScript and within the layout engine works\n * with arbitrary precision numbers. It's only when we set the position and\n * dimensions of the native element on the main thread that we round. Also,\n * rounding is done relative to the root rather than the parent, again to avoid\n * accumulating rounding errors.\n *\n */\nclass PixelRatio {\n /**\n * Returns the device pixel density. Some examples:\n *\n * - PixelRatio.get() === 1\n * - mdpi Android devices (160 dpi)\n * - PixelRatio.get() === 1.5\n * - hdpi Android devices (240 dpi)\n * - PixelRatio.get() === 2\n * - iPhone 4, 4S\n * - iPhone 5, 5c, 5s\n * - iPhone 6\n * - iPhone 7\n * - iPhone 8\n * - iPhone SE\n * - xhdpi Android devices (320 dpi)\n * - PixelRatio.get() === 3\n * - iPhone 6 Plus\n * - iPhone 7 Plus\n * - iPhone 8 Plus\n * - iPhone X\n * - xxhdpi Android devices (480 dpi)\n * - PixelRatio.get() === 3.5\n * - Nexus 6\n */\n static get(): number {\n return Dimensions.get('window').scale;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the scaling factor for font sizes. This is the ratio that is used to calculate the\n * absolute font size, so any elements that heavily depend on that should use this to do\n * calculations.\n *\n * If a font scale is not set, this returns the device pixel ratio.\n *\n * Currently this is only implemented on Android and reflects the user preference set in\n * Settings > Display > Font size, on iOS it will always return the default pixel ratio.\n * @platform android\n */\n static getFontScale(): number {\n return Dimensions.get('window').fontScale || PixelRatio.get();\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts a layout size (dp) to pixel size (px).\n *\n * Guaranteed to return an integer number.\n */\n static getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(layoutSize: number): number {\n return Math.round(layoutSize * PixelRatio.get());\n }\n\n /**\n * Rounds a layout size (dp) to the nearest layout size that corresponds to\n * an integer number of pixels. For example, on a device with a PixelRatio\n * of 3, `PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(8.4) = 8.33`, which corresponds to\n * exactly (8.33 * 3) = 25 pixels.\n */\n static roundToNearestPixel(layoutSize: number): number {\n const ratio = PixelRatio.get();\n return Math.round(layoutSize * ratio) / ratio;\n }\n\n // No-op for iOS, but used on the web. Should not be documented.\n static startDetecting() {}\n}\n\nmodule.exports = PixelRatio;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport EventEmitter from '../vendor/emitter/EventEmitter';\nimport RCTDeviceEventEmitter from '../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter';\nimport NativeDeviceInfo, {\n type DisplayMetrics,\n type DimensionsPayload,\n} from './NativeDeviceInfo';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\ntype DimensionsValue = {window?: DisplayMetrics, screen?: DisplayMetrics};\n\nconst eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();\nlet dimensionsInitialized = false;\nlet dimensions: DimensionsValue;\n\nclass Dimensions {\n /**\n * NOTE: `useWindowDimensions` is the preffered API for React components.\n *\n * Initial dimensions are set before `runApplication` is called so they should\n * be available before any other require's are run, but may be updated later.\n *\n * Note: Although dimensions are available immediately, they may change (e.g\n * due to device rotation) so any rendering logic or styles that depend on\n * these constants should try to call this function on every render, rather\n * than caching the value (for example, using inline styles rather than\n * setting a value in a `StyleSheet`).\n *\n * Example: `const {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');`\n *\n * @param {string} dim Name of dimension as defined when calling `set`.\n * @returns {Object?} Value for the dimension.\n */\n static get(dim: string): Object {\n invariant(dimensions[dim], 'No dimension set for key ' + dim);\n return dimensions[dim];\n }\n\n /**\n * This should only be called from native code by sending the\n * didUpdateDimensions event.\n *\n * @param {object} dims Simple string-keyed object of dimensions to set\n */\n static set(dims: $ReadOnly<{[key: string]: any}>): void {\n // We calculate the window dimensions in JS so that we don't encounter loss of\n // precision in transferring the dimensions (which could be non-integers) over\n // the bridge.\n let {screen, window} = dims;\n const {windowPhysicalPixels} = dims;\n if (windowPhysicalPixels) {\n window = {\n width: windowPhysicalPixels.width / windowPhysicalPixels.scale,\n height: windowPhysicalPixels.height / windowPhysicalPixels.scale,\n scale: windowPhysicalPixels.scale,\n fontScale: windowPhysicalPixels.fontScale,\n };\n }\n const {screenPhysicalPixels} = dims;\n if (screenPhysicalPixels) {\n screen = {\n width: screenPhysicalPixels.width / screenPhysicalPixels.scale,\n height: screenPhysicalPixels.height / screenPhysicalPixels.scale,\n scale: screenPhysicalPixels.scale,\n fontScale: screenPhysicalPixels.fontScale,\n };\n } else if (screen == null) {\n screen = window;\n }\n\n dimensions = {window, screen};\n if (dimensionsInitialized) {\n // Don't fire 'change' the first time the dimensions are set.\n eventEmitter.emit('change', dimensions);\n } else {\n dimensionsInitialized = true;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Add an event handler. Supported events:\n *\n * - `change`: Fires when a property within the `Dimensions` object changes. The argument\n * to the event handler is an object with `window` and `screen` properties whose values\n * are the same as the return values of `Dimensions.get('window')` and\n * `Dimensions.get('screen')`, respectively.\n */\n static addEventListener(type: 'change', handler: Function) {\n invariant(\n type === 'change',\n 'Trying to subscribe to unknown event: \"%s\"',\n type,\n );\n eventEmitter.addListener(type, handler);\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove an event handler.\n */\n static removeEventListener(type: 'change', handler: Function) {\n invariant(\n type === 'change',\n 'Trying to remove listener for unknown event: \"%s\"',\n type,\n );\n eventEmitter.removeListener(type, handler);\n }\n}\n\nlet initialDims: ?$ReadOnly<{[key: string]: any}> =\n global.nativeExtensions &&\n global.nativeExtensions.DeviceInfo &&\n global.nativeExtensions.DeviceInfo.Dimensions;\nif (!initialDims) {\n // Subscribe before calling getConstants to make sure we don't miss any updates in between.\n RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'didUpdateDimensions',\n (update: DimensionsPayload) => {\n Dimensions.set(update);\n },\n );\n // Can't use NativeDeviceInfo in ComponentScript because it does not support NativeModules,\n // but has nativeExtensions instead.\n initialDims = NativeDeviceInfo.getConstants().Dimensions;\n}\n\nDimensions.set(initialDims);\n\nmodule.exports = Dimensions;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\ntype DisplayMetricsAndroid = $ReadOnly<{|\n width: number,\n height: number,\n scale: number,\n fontScale: number,\n densityDpi: number,\n|}>;\n\nexport type DisplayMetrics = $ReadOnly<{|\n width: number,\n height: number,\n scale: number,\n fontScale: number,\n|}>;\n\nexport type DimensionsPayload = $ReadOnly<{|\n window?: DisplayMetrics,\n screen?: DisplayMetrics,\n windowPhysicalPixels?: DisplayMetricsAndroid,\n screenPhysicalPixels?: DisplayMetricsAndroid,\n|}>;\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n +Dimensions: DimensionsPayload,\n +isIPhoneX_deprecated?: boolean,\n |};\n}\n\nconst NativeModule: Spec = TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('DeviceInfo');\n\nconst NativeDeviceInfo = NativeModule;\n\nexport default NativeDeviceInfo;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format strict-local\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes');\n\nconst processColor = require('../../StyleSheet/processColor');\nconst processTransform = require('../../StyleSheet/processTransform');\nconst sizesDiffer = require('../../Utilities/differ/sizesDiffer');\n\nconst ReactNativeStyleAttributes = {};\n\nfor (const attributeName of Object.keys({\n ...DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes,\n ...DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes,\n ...DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes,\n})) {\n ReactNativeStyleAttributes[attributeName] = true;\n}\n\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.transform = {process: processTransform};\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.shadowOffset = {diff: sizesDiffer};\n\nconst colorAttributes = {process: processColor};\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.backgroundColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderBottomColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderLeftColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderRightColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderTopColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderStartColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.borderEndColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.color = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.shadowColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.textDecorationColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.tintColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.textShadowColor = colorAttributes;\nReactNativeStyleAttributes.overlayColor = colorAttributes;\n\nmodule.exports = ReactNativeStyleAttributes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('./DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst DeprecatedLayoutPropTypes = require('./DeprecatedLayoutPropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS = require('./DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS');\nconst DeprecatedTransformPropTypes = require('./DeprecatedTransformPropTypes');\nconst ReactPropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst ImageStylePropTypes = {\n ...DeprecatedLayoutPropTypes,\n ...DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS,\n ...DeprecatedTransformPropTypes,\n resizeMode: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'center',\n 'contain',\n 'cover',\n 'repeat',\n 'stretch',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'center' | 'contain' | 'cover' | 'repeat' | 'stretch',\n >),\n backfaceVisibility: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'visible',\n 'hidden',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'visible' | 'hidden'>),\n backgroundColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n overflow: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'visible',\n 'hidden',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'visible' | 'hidden'>),\n\n /**\n * Changes the color of all the non-transparent pixels to the tintColor.\n */\n tintColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n opacity: ReactPropTypes.number,\n /**\n * When the image has rounded corners, specifying an overlayColor will\n * cause the remaining space in the corners to be filled with a solid color.\n * This is useful in cases which are not supported by the Android\n * implementation of rounded corners:\n * - Certain resize modes, such as 'contain'\n * - Animated GIFs\n *\n * A typical way to use this prop is with images displayed on a solid\n * background and setting the `overlayColor` to the same color\n * as the background.\n *\n * For details of how this works under the hood, see\n *\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n overlayColor: ReactPropTypes.string,\n\n // Android-Specific styles\n borderTopLeftRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopRightRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomLeftRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomRightRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ImageStylePropTypes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst normalizeColor = require('../Color/normalizeColor');\n\nconst colorPropType = function(\n isRequired,\n props,\n propName,\n componentName,\n location,\n propFullName,\n) {\n const color = props[propName];\n if (color === undefined || color === null) {\n if (isRequired) {\n return new Error(\n 'Required ' +\n location +\n ' `' +\n (propFullName || propName) +\n '` was not specified in `' +\n componentName +\n '`.',\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof color === 'number') {\n // Developers should not use a number, but we are using the prop type\n // both for user provided colors and for transformed ones. This isn't ideal\n // and should be fixed but will do for now...\n return;\n }\n\n if (normalizeColor(color) === null) {\n return new Error(\n 'Invalid ' +\n location +\n ' `' +\n (propFullName || propName) +\n '` supplied to `' +\n componentName +\n '`: ' +\n color +\n '\\n' +\n `Valid color formats are\n - '#f0f' (#rgb)\n - '#f0fc' (#rgba)\n - '#ff00ff' (#rrggbb)\n - '#ff00ff00' (#rrggbbaa)\n - 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'\n - 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)'\n - 'hsl(360, 100%, 100%)'\n - 'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1.0)'\n - 'transparent'\n - 'red'\n - 0xff00ff00 (0xrrggbbaa)\n`,\n );\n }\n};\n\nconst ColorPropType = colorPropType.bind(null, false /* isRequired */);\nColorPropType.isRequired = colorPropType.bind(null, true /* isRequired */);\n\nmodule.exports = ColorPropType;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n/* eslint no-bitwise: 0 */\n'use strict';\n\nfunction normalizeColor(color: string | number): ?number {\n const matchers = getMatchers();\n let match;\n\n if (typeof color === 'number') {\n if (color >>> 0 === color && color >= 0 && color <= 0xffffffff) {\n return color;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n // Ordered based on occurrences on Facebook codebase\n if ((match = matchers.hex6.exec(color))) {\n return parseInt(match[1] + 'ff', 16) >>> 0;\n }\n\n if (names.hasOwnProperty(color)) {\n return names[color];\n }\n\n if ((match = matchers.rgb.exec(color))) {\n return (\n // b\n ((parse255(match[1]) << 24) | // r\n (parse255(match[2]) << 16) | // g\n (parse255(match[3]) << 8) |\n 0x000000ff) >>> // a\n 0\n );\n }\n\n if ((match = matchers.rgba.exec(color))) {\n return (\n // b\n ((parse255(match[1]) << 24) | // r\n (parse255(match[2]) << 16) | // g\n (parse255(match[3]) << 8) |\n parse1(match[4])) >>> // a\n 0\n );\n }\n\n if ((match = matchers.hex3.exec(color))) {\n return (\n parseInt(\n match[1] +\n match[1] + // r\n match[2] +\n match[2] + // g\n match[3] +\n match[3] + // b\n 'ff', // a\n 16,\n ) >>> 0\n );\n }\n\n //\n if ((match = matchers.hex8.exec(color))) {\n return parseInt(match[1], 16) >>> 0;\n }\n\n if ((match = matchers.hex4.exec(color))) {\n return (\n parseInt(\n match[1] +\n match[1] + // r\n match[2] +\n match[2] + // g\n match[3] +\n match[3] + // b\n match[4] +\n match[4], // a\n 16,\n ) >>> 0\n );\n }\n\n if ((match = matchers.hsl.exec(color))) {\n return (\n (hslToRgb(\n parse360(match[1]), // h\n parsePercentage(match[2]), // s\n parsePercentage(match[3]), // l\n ) |\n 0x000000ff) >>> // a\n 0\n );\n }\n\n if ((match = matchers.hsla.exec(color))) {\n return (\n (hslToRgb(\n parse360(match[1]), // h\n parsePercentage(match[2]), // s\n parsePercentage(match[3]), // l\n ) |\n parse1(match[4])) >>> // a\n 0\n );\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction hue2rgb(p: number, q: number, t: number): number {\n if (t < 0) {\n t += 1;\n }\n if (t > 1) {\n t -= 1;\n }\n if (t < 1 / 6) {\n return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;\n }\n if (t < 1 / 2) {\n return q;\n }\n if (t < 2 / 3) {\n return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;\n }\n return p;\n}\n\nfunction hslToRgb(h: number, s: number, l: number): number {\n const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;\n const p = 2 * l - q;\n const r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3);\n const g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);\n const b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3);\n\n return (\n (Math.round(r * 255) << 24) |\n (Math.round(g * 255) << 16) |\n (Math.round(b * 255) << 8)\n );\n}\n\n// var INTEGER = '[-+]?\\\\d+';\nconst NUMBER = '[-+]?\\\\d*\\\\.?\\\\d+';\nconst PERCENTAGE = NUMBER + '%';\n\nfunction call(...args) {\n return '\\\\(\\\\s*(' + args.join(')\\\\s*,\\\\s*(') + ')\\\\s*\\\\)';\n}\n\nlet cachedMatchers;\n\nfunction getMatchers() {\n if (cachedMatchers === undefined) {\n cachedMatchers = {\n rgb: new RegExp('rgb' + call(NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER)),\n rgba: new RegExp('rgba' + call(NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER)),\n hsl: new RegExp('hsl' + call(NUMBER, PERCENTAGE, PERCENTAGE)),\n hsla: new RegExp('hsla' + call(NUMBER, PERCENTAGE, PERCENTAGE, NUMBER)),\n hex3: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,\n hex4: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,\n hex6: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/,\n hex8: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/,\n };\n }\n return cachedMatchers;\n}\n\nfunction parse255(str: string): number {\n const int = parseInt(str, 10);\n if (int < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (int > 255) {\n return 255;\n }\n return int;\n}\n\nfunction parse360(str: string): number {\n const int = parseFloat(str);\n return (((int % 360) + 360) % 360) / 360;\n}\n\nfunction parse1(str: string): number {\n const num = parseFloat(str);\n if (num < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (num > 1) {\n return 255;\n }\n return Math.round(num * 255);\n}\n\nfunction parsePercentage(str: string): number {\n // parseFloat conveniently ignores the final %\n const int = parseFloat(str);\n if (int < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (int > 100) {\n return 1;\n }\n return int / 100;\n}\n\nconst names = {\n transparent: 0x00000000,\n\n //\n aliceblue: 0xf0f8ffff,\n antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7ff,\n aqua: 0x00ffffff,\n aquamarine: 0x7fffd4ff,\n azure: 0xf0ffffff,\n beige: 0xf5f5dcff,\n bisque: 0xffe4c4ff,\n black: 0x000000ff,\n blanchedalmond: 0xffebcdff,\n blue: 0x0000ffff,\n blueviolet: 0x8a2be2ff,\n brown: 0xa52a2aff,\n burlywood: 0xdeb887ff,\n burntsienna: 0xea7e5dff,\n cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0ff,\n chartreuse: 0x7fff00ff,\n chocolate: 0xd2691eff,\n coral: 0xff7f50ff,\n cornflowerblue: 0x6495edff,\n cornsilk: 0xfff8dcff,\n crimson: 0xdc143cff,\n cyan: 0x00ffffff,\n darkblue: 0x00008bff,\n darkcyan: 0x008b8bff,\n darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860bff,\n darkgray: 0xa9a9a9ff,\n darkgreen: 0x006400ff,\n darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9ff,\n darkkhaki: 0xbdb76bff,\n darkmagenta: 0x8b008bff,\n darkolivegreen: 0x556b2fff,\n darkorange: 0xff8c00ff,\n darkorchid: 0x9932ccff,\n darkred: 0x8b0000ff,\n darksalmon: 0xe9967aff,\n darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8fff,\n darkslateblue: 0x483d8bff,\n darkslategray: 0x2f4f4fff,\n darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4fff,\n darkturquoise: 0x00ced1ff,\n darkviolet: 0x9400d3ff,\n deeppink: 0xff1493ff,\n deepskyblue: 0x00bfffff,\n dimgray: 0x696969ff,\n dimgrey: 0x696969ff,\n dodgerblue: 0x1e90ffff,\n firebrick: 0xb22222ff,\n floralwhite: 0xfffaf0ff,\n forestgreen: 0x228b22ff,\n fuchsia: 0xff00ffff,\n gainsboro: 0xdcdcdcff,\n ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ffff,\n gold: 0xffd700ff,\n goldenrod: 0xdaa520ff,\n gray: 0x808080ff,\n green: 0x008000ff,\n greenyellow: 0xadff2fff,\n grey: 0x808080ff,\n honeydew: 0xf0fff0ff,\n hotpink: 0xff69b4ff,\n indianred: 0xcd5c5cff,\n indigo: 0x4b0082ff,\n ivory: 0xfffff0ff,\n khaki: 0xf0e68cff,\n lavender: 0xe6e6faff,\n lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5ff,\n lawngreen: 0x7cfc00ff,\n lemonchiffon: 0xfffacdff,\n lightblue: 0xadd8e6ff,\n lightcoral: 0xf08080ff,\n lightcyan: 0xe0ffffff,\n lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2ff,\n lightgray: 0xd3d3d3ff,\n lightgreen: 0x90ee90ff,\n lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3ff,\n lightpink: 0xffb6c1ff,\n lightsalmon: 0xffa07aff,\n lightseagreen: 0x20b2aaff,\n lightskyblue: 0x87cefaff,\n lightslategray: 0x778899ff,\n lightslategrey: 0x778899ff,\n lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4deff,\n lightyellow: 0xffffe0ff,\n lime: 0x00ff00ff,\n limegreen: 0x32cd32ff,\n linen: 0xfaf0e6ff,\n magenta: 0xff00ffff,\n maroon: 0x800000ff,\n mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaaff,\n mediumblue: 0x0000cdff,\n mediumorchid: 0xba55d3ff,\n mediumpurple: 0x9370dbff,\n mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371ff,\n mediumslateblue: 0x7b68eeff,\n mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9aff,\n mediumturquoise: 0x48d1ccff,\n mediumvioletred: 0xc71585ff,\n midnightblue: 0x191970ff,\n mintcream: 0xf5fffaff,\n mistyrose: 0xffe4e1ff,\n moccasin: 0xffe4b5ff,\n navajowhite: 0xffdeadff,\n navy: 0x000080ff,\n oldlace: 0xfdf5e6ff,\n olive: 0x808000ff,\n olivedrab: 0x6b8e23ff,\n orange: 0xffa500ff,\n orangered: 0xff4500ff,\n orchid: 0xda70d6ff,\n palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aaff,\n palegreen: 0x98fb98ff,\n paleturquoise: 0xafeeeeff,\n palevioletred: 0xdb7093ff,\n papayawhip: 0xffefd5ff,\n peachpuff: 0xffdab9ff,\n peru: 0xcd853fff,\n pink: 0xffc0cbff,\n plum: 0xdda0ddff,\n powderblue: 0xb0e0e6ff,\n purple: 0x800080ff,\n rebeccapurple: 0x663399ff,\n red: 0xff0000ff,\n rosybrown: 0xbc8f8fff,\n royalblue: 0x4169e1ff,\n saddlebrown: 0x8b4513ff,\n salmon: 0xfa8072ff,\n sandybrown: 0xf4a460ff,\n seagreen: 0x2e8b57ff,\n seashell: 0xfff5eeff,\n sienna: 0xa0522dff,\n silver: 0xc0c0c0ff,\n skyblue: 0x87ceebff,\n slateblue: 0x6a5acdff,\n slategray: 0x708090ff,\n slategrey: 0x708090ff,\n snow: 0xfffafaff,\n springgreen: 0x00ff7fff,\n steelblue: 0x4682b4ff,\n tan: 0xd2b48cff,\n teal: 0x008080ff,\n thistle: 0xd8bfd8ff,\n tomato: 0xff6347ff,\n turquoise: 0x40e0d0ff,\n violet: 0xee82eeff,\n wheat: 0xf5deb3ff,\n white: 0xffffffff,\n whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5ff,\n yellow: 0xffff00ff,\n yellowgreen: 0x9acd32ff,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = normalizeColor;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst ReactPropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst LayoutPropTypes = {\n display: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf(['none', 'flex']): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'none' | 'flex',\n >),\n width: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n height: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n start: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n end: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n top: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n left: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n right: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n bottom: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n minWidth: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n maxWidth: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n minHeight: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n maxHeight: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n margin: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginVertical: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginHorizontal: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginTop: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginBottom: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginLeft: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginRight: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginStart: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n marginEnd: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n padding: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingVertical: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingHorizontal: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingTop: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingBottom: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingLeft: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingRight: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingStart: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n paddingEnd: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n borderWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderStartWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderEndWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderRightWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderLeftWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n position: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'absolute',\n 'relative',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'absolute' | 'relative'>),\n flexDirection: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'row',\n 'row-reverse',\n 'column',\n 'column-reverse',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'row' | 'row-reverse' | 'column' | 'column-reverse',\n >),\n flexWrap: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'wrap',\n 'nowrap',\n 'wrap-reverse',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'wrap' | 'nowrap' | 'wrap-reverse'>),\n justifyContent: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'flex-start',\n 'flex-end',\n 'center',\n 'space-between',\n 'space-around',\n 'space-evenly',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n | 'flex-start'\n | 'flex-end'\n | 'center'\n | 'space-between'\n | 'space-around'\n | 'space-evenly',\n >),\n alignItems: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'flex-start',\n 'flex-end',\n 'center',\n 'stretch',\n 'baseline',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'baseline',\n >),\n alignSelf: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'auto',\n 'flex-start',\n 'flex-end',\n 'center',\n 'stretch',\n 'baseline',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'auto' | 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'baseline',\n >),\n alignContent: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'flex-start',\n 'flex-end',\n 'center',\n 'stretch',\n 'space-between',\n 'space-around',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n | 'flex-start'\n | 'flex-end'\n | 'center'\n | 'stretch'\n | 'space-between'\n | 'space-around',\n >),\n overflow: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'visible',\n 'hidden',\n 'scroll',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'visible' | 'hidden' | 'scroll'>),\n flex: ReactPropTypes.number,\n flexGrow: ReactPropTypes.number,\n flexShrink: ReactPropTypes.number,\n flexBasis: (ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n ReactPropTypes.string,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive),\n aspectRatio: ReactPropTypes.number,\n zIndex: ReactPropTypes.number,\n direction: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'inherit',\n 'ltr',\n 'rtl',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'inherit' | 'ltr' | 'rtl'>),\n};\n\nmodule.exports = LayoutPropTypes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ReactIs = require('react-is');\n\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new development behavior.\n //\n var throwOnDirectAccess = true;\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithTypeCheckers')(ReactIs.isElement, throwOnDirectAccess);\n} else {\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new production behavior.\n //\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithThrowingShims')();\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = require('./lib/ReactPropTypesSecret');\n\nfunction emptyFunction() {}\nfunction emptyFunctionWithReset() {}\nemptyFunctionWithReset.resetWarningCache = emptyFunction;\n\nmodule.exports = function() {\n function shim(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {\n if (secret === ReactPropTypesSecret) {\n // It is still safe when called from React.\n return;\n }\n var err = new Error(\n 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. ' +\n 'Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. ' +\n 'Read more at'\n );\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n };\n shim.isRequired = shim;\n function getShim() {\n return shim;\n };\n // Important!\n // Keep this list in sync with production version in `./factoryWithTypeCheckers.js`.\n var ReactPropTypes = {\n array: shim,\n bool: shim,\n func: shim,\n number: shim,\n object: shim,\n string: shim,\n symbol: shim,\n\n any: shim,\n arrayOf: getShim,\n element: shim,\n elementType: shim,\n instanceOf: getShim,\n node: shim,\n objectOf: getShim,\n oneOf: getShim,\n oneOfType: getShim,\n shape: getShim,\n exact: getShim,\n\n checkPropTypes: emptyFunctionWithReset,\n resetWarningCache: emptyFunction\n };\n\n ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;\n\n return ReactPropTypes;\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';\n\nmodule.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('./DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst ReactPropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS = {\n shadowColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n shadowOffset: (ReactPropTypes.shape({\n width: ReactPropTypes.number,\n height: ReactPropTypes.number,\n }): React$PropType$Primitive<{height?: number, width?: number}>),\n shadowOpacity: ReactPropTypes.number,\n shadowRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst ReactPropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst deprecatedPropType = require('../Utilities/deprecatedPropType');\n\nconst TransformMatrixPropType = function(\n props: Object,\n propName: string,\n componentName: string,\n): ?Error {\n if (props[propName]) {\n return new Error(\n 'The transformMatrix style property is deprecated. ' +\n 'Use `transform: [{ matrix: ... }]` instead.',\n );\n }\n};\n\nconst DecomposedMatrixPropType = function(\n props: Object,\n propName: string,\n componentName: string,\n): ?Error {\n if (props[propName]) {\n return new Error(\n 'The decomposedMatrix style property is deprecated. ' +\n 'Use `transform: [...]` instead.',\n );\n }\n};\n\nconst DeprecatedTransformPropTypes = {\n transform: (ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(\n ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([\n ReactPropTypes.shape({perspective: ReactPropTypes.number}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({rotate: ReactPropTypes.string}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({rotateX: ReactPropTypes.string}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({rotateY: ReactPropTypes.string}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({rotateZ: ReactPropTypes.string}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({scale: ReactPropTypes.number}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({scaleX: ReactPropTypes.number}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({scaleY: ReactPropTypes.number}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({translateX: ReactPropTypes.number}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({translateY: ReactPropTypes.number}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({skewX: ReactPropTypes.string}),\n ReactPropTypes.shape({skewY: ReactPropTypes.string}),\n ]),\n ): React$PropType$Primitive<\n Array<\n | {perspective?: number}\n | {rotate?: string}\n | {rotateX?: string}\n | {rotateY?: string}\n | {rotateZ?: string}\n | {scale?: number}\n | {scaleX?: number}\n | {scaleY?: number}\n | {translateX?: number}\n | {translateY?: number}\n | {skewX?: string}\n | {skewY?: string},\n >,\n >),\n transformMatrix: TransformMatrixPropType,\n decomposedMatrix: DecomposedMatrixPropType,\n scaleX: (deprecatedPropType(\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n 'Use the transform prop instead.',\n ): ReactPropsCheckType),\n scaleY: (deprecatedPropType(\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n 'Use the transform prop instead.',\n ): ReactPropsCheckType),\n rotation: (deprecatedPropType(\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n 'Use the transform prop instead.',\n ): ReactPropsCheckType),\n translateX: (deprecatedPropType(\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n 'Use the transform prop instead.',\n ): ReactPropsCheckType),\n translateY: (deprecatedPropType(\n ReactPropTypes.number,\n 'Use the transform prop instead.',\n ): ReactPropsCheckType),\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DeprecatedTransformPropTypes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst UIManager = require('../ReactNative/UIManager');\n\n/**\n * Adds a deprecation warning when the prop is used.\n */\nfunction deprecatedPropType(\n propType: ReactPropsCheckType,\n explanation: string,\n): ReactPropsCheckType {\n return function validate(props, propName, componentName, {\n // Don't warn for native components.\n if (\n !UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(componentName) &&\n props[propName] !== undefined\n ) {\n console.warn(\n `\\`${propName}\\` supplied to \\`${componentName}\\` has been deprecated. ${explanation}`,\n );\n }\n\n return propType(props, propName, componentName,;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = deprecatedPropType;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {Spec} from './NativeUIManager';\n\ninterface UIManagerJSInterface extends Spec {\n +getViewManagerConfig: (viewManagerName: string) => Object;\n // The following are not marked read-only due to logic in UIManagerStatTracker.\n createView: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n viewName: string,\n rootTag: number,\n props: Object,\n ) => void;\n updateView: (reactTag: number, viewName: string, props: Object) => void;\n manageChildren: (\n containerTag: ?number,\n moveFromIndices: Array,\n moveToIndices: Array,\n addChildReactTags: Array,\n addAtIndices: Array,\n removeAtIndices: Array,\n ) => void;\n}\n\nconst UIManager: UIManagerJSInterface =\n global.RN$Bridgeless === true\n ? require('./DummyUIManager') // No UIManager in bridgeless mode\n : require('./PaperUIManager');\n\nmodule.exports = UIManager;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getViewManagerConfig: (viewManagerName: string): null => {\n console.warn(\n 'Attempting to get config for view manager: ' + viewManagerName,\n );\n return null;\n },\n getConstants: (): $TEMPORARY$object<{||}> => ({}),\n getConstantsForViewManager: (viewManagerName: string) => {},\n getDefaultEventTypes: (): Array<$FlowFixMe> => [],\n playTouchSound: () => {},\n lazilyLoadView: (name: string) => {},\n createView: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n viewName: string,\n rootTag: number,\n props: Object,\n ) => {},\n updateView: (reactTag: number, viewName: string, props: Object) => {},\n focus: (reactTag: ?number) => {},\n blur: (reactTag: ?number) => {},\n findSubviewIn: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n point: Array,\n callback: (\n nativeViewTag: number,\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => {},\n dispatchViewManagerCommand: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n commandID: number,\n commandArgs: ?Array,\n ) => {},\n measure: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n callback: (\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n pageX: number,\n pageY: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => {},\n measureInWindow: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n callback: (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) => void,\n ) => {},\n viewIsDescendantOf: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n ancestorReactTag: ?number,\n callback: (result: Array) => void,\n ) => {},\n measureLayout: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n ancestorReactTag: ?number,\n errorCallback: (error: Object) => void,\n callback: (\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => {},\n measureLayoutRelativeToParent: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n errorCallback: (error: Object) => void,\n callback: (\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => {},\n setJSResponder: (reactTag: ?number, blockNativeResponder: boolean) => {},\n clearJSResponder: () => {},\n configureNextLayoutAnimation: (\n config: Object,\n callback: () => void,\n errorCallback: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => {},\n removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID: (containerID: number) => {},\n replaceExistingNonRootView: (reactTag: ?number, newReactTag: ?number) => {},\n setChildren: (containerTag: ?number, reactTags: Array) => {},\n manageChildren: (\n containerTag: ?number,\n moveFromIndices: Array,\n moveToIndices: Array,\n addChildReactTags: Array,\n addAtIndices: Array,\n removeAtIndices: Array,\n ) => {},\n\n // Android only\n setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental: (enabled: boolean) => {},\n sendAccessibilityEvent: (reactTag: ?number, eventType: number) => {},\n showPopupMenu: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n items: Array,\n error: (error: Object) => void,\n success: (event: string, selected?: number) => void,\n ) => {},\n dismissPopupMenu: () => {},\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeModules = require('../BatchedBridge/NativeModules');\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst UIManagerProperties = require('./UIManagerProperties');\n\nconst defineLazyObjectProperty = require('../Utilities/defineLazyObjectProperty');\n\nimport NativeUIManager from './NativeUIManager';\n\nconst viewManagerConfigs = {};\n\nconst triedLoadingConfig = new Set();\n\nlet NativeUIManagerConstants = {};\nlet isNativeUIManagerConstantsSet = false;\nfunction getConstants(): Object {\n if (!isNativeUIManagerConstantsSet) {\n NativeUIManagerConstants = NativeUIManager.getConstants();\n isNativeUIManagerConstantsSet = true;\n }\n return NativeUIManagerConstants;\n}\n\nconst UIManagerJS = {\n ...NativeUIManager,\n getConstants(): Object {\n return getConstants();\n },\n getViewManagerConfig: function(viewManagerName: string): any {\n if (\n viewManagerConfigs[viewManagerName] === undefined &&\n NativeUIManager.getConstantsForViewManager\n ) {\n try {\n viewManagerConfigs[\n viewManagerName\n ] = NativeUIManager.getConstantsForViewManager(viewManagerName);\n } catch (e) {\n viewManagerConfigs[viewManagerName] = null;\n }\n }\n\n const config = viewManagerConfigs[viewManagerName];\n if (config) {\n return config;\n }\n\n // If we're in the Chrome Debugger, let's not even try calling the sync\n // method.\n if (!global.nativeCallSyncHook) {\n return config;\n }\n\n if (\n NativeUIManager.lazilyLoadView &&\n !triedLoadingConfig.has(viewManagerName)\n ) {\n const result = NativeUIManager.lazilyLoadView(viewManagerName);\n triedLoadingConfig.add(viewManagerName);\n if (result.viewConfig) {\n getConstants()[viewManagerName] = result.viewConfig;\n lazifyViewManagerConfig(viewManagerName);\n }\n }\n\n return viewManagerConfigs[viewManagerName];\n },\n};\n\n// TODO (T45220498): Remove this.\n// 3rd party libs may be calling `NativeModules.UIManager.getViewManagerConfig()`\n// instead of `UIManager.getViewManagerConfig()` off UIManager.js.\n// This is a workaround for now.\n// $FlowFixMe\nNativeUIManager.getViewManagerConfig = UIManagerJS.getViewManagerConfig;\n\nfunction lazifyViewManagerConfig(viewName) {\n const viewConfig = getConstants()[viewName];\n viewManagerConfigs[viewName] = viewConfig;\n if (viewConfig.Manager) {\n defineLazyObjectProperty(viewConfig, 'Constants', {\n get: () => {\n const viewManager = NativeModules[viewConfig.Manager];\n const constants = {};\n viewManager &&\n Object.keys(viewManager).forEach(key => {\n const value = viewManager[key];\n if (typeof value !== 'function') {\n constants[key] = value;\n }\n });\n return constants;\n },\n });\n defineLazyObjectProperty(viewConfig, 'Commands', {\n get: () => {\n const viewManager = NativeModules[viewConfig.Manager];\n const commands = {};\n let index = 0;\n viewManager &&\n Object.keys(viewManager).forEach(key => {\n const value = viewManager[key];\n if (typeof value === 'function') {\n commands[key] = index++;\n }\n });\n return commands;\n },\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies the ViewManager constants and commands into UIManager. This is\n * only needed for iOS, which puts the constants in the ViewManager\n * namespace instead of UIManager, unlike Android.\n */\nif (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n Object.keys(getConstants()).forEach(viewName => {\n lazifyViewManagerConfig(viewName);\n });\n} else if (getConstants().ViewManagerNames) {\n NativeUIManager.getConstants().ViewManagerNames.forEach(viewManagerName => {\n defineLazyObjectProperty(NativeUIManager, viewManagerName, {\n get: () => NativeUIManager.getConstantsForViewManager(viewManagerName),\n });\n });\n}\n\nif (!global.nativeCallSyncHook) {\n Object.keys(getConstants()).forEach(viewManagerName => {\n if (!UIManagerProperties.includes(viewManagerName)) {\n if (!viewManagerConfigs[viewManagerName]) {\n viewManagerConfigs[viewManagerName] = getConstants()[viewManagerName];\n }\n defineLazyObjectProperty(NativeUIManager, viewManagerName, {\n get: () => {\n console.warn(\n `Accessing view manager configs directly off UIManager via UIManager['${viewManagerName}'] ` +\n `is no longer supported. Use UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('${viewManagerName}') instead.`,\n );\n\n return UIManagerJS.getViewManagerConfig(viewManagerName);\n },\n });\n }\n });\n}\n\nmodule.exports = UIManagerJS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => Object;\n +getConstantsForViewManager: (viewManagerName: string) => Object;\n +getDefaultEventTypes: () => Array;\n +playTouchSound: () => void;\n +lazilyLoadView: (name: string) => Object; // revisit return\n +createView: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n viewName: string,\n rootTag: number,\n props: Object,\n ) => void;\n +updateView: (reactTag: number, viewName: string, props: Object) => void;\n +focus: (reactTag: ?number) => void;\n +blur: (reactTag: ?number) => void;\n +findSubviewIn: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n point: Array,\n callback: (\n nativeViewTag: number,\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => void;\n +dispatchViewManagerCommand: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n commandID: number,\n commandArgs: ?Array,\n ) => void;\n +measure: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n callback: (\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n pageX: number,\n pageY: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => void;\n +measureInWindow: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n callback: (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) => void,\n ) => void;\n +viewIsDescendantOf: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n ancestorReactTag: ?number,\n callback: (result: Array) => void,\n ) => void;\n +measureLayout: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n ancestorReactTag: ?number,\n errorCallback: (error: Object) => void,\n callback: (\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => void;\n +measureLayoutRelativeToParent: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n errorCallback: (error: Object) => void,\n callback: (\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) => void,\n ) => void;\n +setJSResponder: (reactTag: ?number, blockNativeResponder: boolean) => void;\n +clearJSResponder: () => void;\n +configureNextLayoutAnimation: (\n config: Object,\n callback: () => void, // check what is returned here\n errorCallback: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n +removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID: (containerID: number) => void;\n +replaceExistingNonRootView: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n newReactTag: ?number,\n ) => void;\n +setChildren: (containerTag: ?number, reactTags: Array) => void;\n +manageChildren: (\n containerTag: ?number,\n moveFromIndices: Array,\n moveToIndices: Array,\n addChildReactTags: Array,\n addAtIndices: Array,\n removeAtIndices: Array,\n ) => void;\n\n // Android only\n +setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental: (enabled: boolean) => void;\n +sendAccessibilityEvent: (reactTag: ?number, eventType: number) => void;\n +showPopupMenu: (\n reactTag: ?number,\n items: Array,\n error: (error: Object) => void,\n success: (event: string, selected?: number) => void,\n ) => void;\n +dismissPopupMenu: () => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('UIManager'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * The list of non-ViewManager related UIManager properties.\n *\n * In an effort to improve startup performance by lazily loading view managers,\n * the interface to access view managers will change from\n * UIManager['viewManagerName'] to UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('viewManagerName').\n * By using a function call instead of a property access, the UIManager will\n * be able to initialize and load the required view manager from native\n * synchronously. All of React Native's core components have been updated to\n * use getViewManagerConfig(). For the next few releases, any usage of\n * UIManager['viewManagerName'] will result in a warning. Because React Native\n * does not support Proxy objects, a view manager access is implied if any of\n * UIManager's properties that are not one of the properties below is being\n * accessed. Once UIManager property accesses for view managers has been fully\n * deprecated, this file will also be removed.\n */\nmodule.exports = [\n 'clearJSResponder',\n 'configureNextLayoutAnimation',\n 'createView',\n 'dismissPopupMenu',\n 'dispatchViewManagerCommand',\n 'findSubviewIn',\n 'getConstantsForViewManager',\n 'getDefaultEventTypes',\n 'manageChildren',\n 'measure',\n 'measureInWindow',\n 'measureLayout',\n 'measureLayoutRelativeToParent',\n 'playTouchSound',\n 'removeRootView',\n 'removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID',\n 'replaceExistingNonRootView',\n 'sendAccessibilityEvent',\n 'setChildren',\n 'setJSResponder',\n 'setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental',\n 'showPopupMenu',\n 'updateView',\n 'viewIsDescendantOf',\n 'PopupMenu',\n 'LazyViewManagersEnabled',\n 'ViewManagerNames',\n 'StyleConstants',\n 'AccessibilityEventTypes',\n 'UIView',\n 'getViewManagerConfig',\n 'blur',\n 'focus',\n 'genericBubblingEventTypes',\n 'genericDirectEventTypes',\n 'lazilyLoadView',\n];\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('./DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes = require('./DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes');\nconst ReactPropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes = {\n ...DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes,\n\n color: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n fontFamily: ReactPropTypes.string,\n fontSize: ReactPropTypes.number,\n fontStyle: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'normal',\n 'italic',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'normal' | 'italic'>),\n /**\n * Specifies font weight. The values 'normal' and 'bold' are supported for\n * most fonts. Not all fonts have a variant for each of the numeric values,\n * in that case the closest one is chosen.\n */\n fontWeight: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'normal' /*default*/,\n 'bold',\n '100',\n '200',\n '300',\n '400',\n '500',\n '600',\n '700',\n '800',\n '900',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n | 'normal'\n | 'bold'\n | '100'\n | '200'\n | '300'\n | '400'\n | '500'\n | '600'\n | '700'\n | '800'\n | '900',\n >),\n /**\n * @platform ios\n */\n fontVariant: (ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(\n ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'small-caps',\n 'oldstyle-nums',\n 'lining-nums',\n 'tabular-nums',\n 'proportional-nums',\n ]),\n ): React$PropType$Primitive<\n Array<\n | 'small-caps'\n | 'oldstyle-nums'\n | 'lining-nums'\n | 'tabular-nums'\n | 'proportional-nums',\n >,\n >),\n textShadowOffset: (ReactPropTypes.shape({\n width: ReactPropTypes.number,\n height: ReactPropTypes.number,\n }): React$PropType$Primitive<{height?: number, width?: number}>),\n textShadowRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n textShadowColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n /**\n * @platform ios\n */\n letterSpacing: ReactPropTypes.number,\n lineHeight: ReactPropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Specifies text alignment. The value 'justify' is only supported on iOS and\n * fallbacks to `left` on Android.\n */\n textAlign: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'auto' /*default*/,\n 'left',\n 'right',\n 'center',\n 'justify',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'auto' | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'justify',\n >),\n /**\n * @platform android\n */\n textAlignVertical: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'auto' /*default*/,\n 'top',\n 'bottom',\n 'center',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'auto' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'>),\n /**\n * Set to `false` to remove extra font padding intended to make space for certain ascenders / descenders.\n * With some fonts, this padding can make text look slightly misaligned when centered vertically.\n * For best results also set `textAlignVertical` to `center`. Default is true.\n * @platform android\n */\n includeFontPadding: ReactPropTypes.bool,\n textDecorationLine: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'none' /*default*/,\n 'underline',\n 'line-through',\n 'underline line-through',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through' | 'underline line-through',\n >),\n /**\n * @platform ios\n */\n textDecorationStyle: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'solid' /*default*/,\n 'double',\n 'dotted',\n 'dashed',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'solid' | 'double' | 'dotted' | 'dashed'>),\n /**\n * @platform ios\n */\n textDecorationColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n textTransform: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'none' /*default*/,\n 'capitalize',\n 'uppercase',\n 'lowercase',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'none' | 'capitalize' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase',\n >),\n /**\n * @platform ios\n */\n writingDirection: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'auto' /*default*/,\n 'ltr',\n 'rtl',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl'>),\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('./DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst DeprecatedLayoutPropTypes = require('./DeprecatedLayoutPropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS = require('./DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS');\nconst DeprecatedTransformPropTypes = require('./DeprecatedTransformPropTypes');\nconst ReactPropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\n/**\n * Warning: Some of these properties may not be supported in all releases.\n */\nconst DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes = {\n ...DeprecatedLayoutPropTypes,\n ...DeprecatedShadowPropTypesIOS,\n ...DeprecatedTransformPropTypes,\n backfaceVisibility: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'visible',\n 'hidden',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'visible' | 'hidden'>),\n backgroundColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderTopColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderRightColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderBottomColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderLeftColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderStartColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderEndColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n borderRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopLeftRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopRightRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopStartRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopEndRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomLeftRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomRightRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomStartRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomEndRadius: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderStyle: (ReactPropTypes.oneOf([\n 'solid',\n 'dotted',\n 'dashed',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed'>),\n borderWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderTopWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderRightWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderBottomWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n borderLeftWidth: ReactPropTypes.number,\n opacity: ReactPropTypes.number,\n /**\n * (Android-only) Sets the elevation of a view, using Android's underlying\n * [elevation API](\n * This adds a drop shadow to the item and affects z-order for overlapping views.\n * Only supported on Android 5.0+, has no effect on earlier versions.\n * @platform android\n */\n elevation: ReactPropTypes.number,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nconst normalizeColor = require('../Color/normalizeColor');\n\n/* eslint no-bitwise: 0 */\nfunction processColor(color?: ?(string | number)): ?number {\n if (color === undefined || color === null) {\n return color;\n }\n\n let int32Color = normalizeColor(color);\n if (int32Color === null || int32Color === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n // Converts 0xrrggbbaa into 0xaarrggbb\n int32Color = ((int32Color << 24) | (int32Color >>> 8)) >>> 0;\n\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n // Android use 32 bit *signed* integer to represent the color\n // We utilize the fact that bitwise operations in JS also operates on\n // signed 32 bit integers, so that we can use those to convert from\n // *unsigned* to *signed* 32bit int that way.\n int32Color = int32Color | 0x0;\n }\n return int32Color;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = processColor;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst MatrixMath = require('../Utilities/MatrixMath');\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst stringifySafe = require('../Utilities/stringifySafe');\n\n/**\n * Generate a transform matrix based on the provided transforms, and use that\n * within the style object instead.\n *\n * This allows us to provide an API that is similar to CSS, where transforms may\n * be applied in an arbitrary order, and yet have a universal, singular\n * interface to native code.\n */\nfunction processTransform(\n transform: Array,\n): Array | Array {\n if (__DEV__) {\n _validateTransforms(transform);\n }\n\n // Android & iOS implementations of transform property accept the list of\n // transform properties as opposed to a transform Matrix. This is necessary\n // to control transform property updates completely on the native thread.\n if (Platform.OS === 'android' || Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n return transform;\n }\n\n const result = MatrixMath.createIdentityMatrix();\n\n transform.forEach(transformation => {\n const key = Object.keys(transformation)[0];\n const value = transformation[key];\n\n switch (key) {\n case 'matrix':\n MatrixMath.multiplyInto(result, result, value);\n break;\n case 'perspective':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reusePerspectiveCommand, [value]);\n break;\n case 'rotateX':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseRotateXCommand, [\n _convertToRadians(value),\n ]);\n break;\n case 'rotateY':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseRotateYCommand, [\n _convertToRadians(value),\n ]);\n break;\n case 'rotate':\n case 'rotateZ':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseRotateZCommand, [\n _convertToRadians(value),\n ]);\n break;\n case 'scale':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseScaleCommand, [value]);\n break;\n case 'scaleX':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseScaleXCommand, [value]);\n break;\n case 'scaleY':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseScaleYCommand, [value]);\n break;\n case 'translate':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseTranslate3dCommand, [\n value[0],\n value[1],\n value[2] || 0,\n ]);\n break;\n case 'translateX':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseTranslate2dCommand, [\n value,\n 0,\n ]);\n break;\n case 'translateY':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseTranslate2dCommand, [\n 0,\n value,\n ]);\n break;\n case 'skewX':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseSkewXCommand, [\n _convertToRadians(value),\n ]);\n break;\n case 'skewY':\n _multiplyTransform(result, MatrixMath.reuseSkewYCommand, [\n _convertToRadians(value),\n ]);\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error('Invalid transform name: ' + key);\n }\n });\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs a destructive operation on a transform matrix.\n */\nfunction _multiplyTransform(\n result: Array,\n matrixMathFunction: Function,\n args: Array,\n): void {\n const matrixToApply = MatrixMath.createIdentityMatrix();\n const argsWithIdentity = [matrixToApply].concat(args);\n matrixMathFunction.apply(this, argsWithIdentity);\n MatrixMath.multiplyInto(result, result, matrixToApply);\n}\n\n/**\n * Parses a string like '0.5rad' or '60deg' into radians expressed in a float.\n * Note that validation on the string is done in `_validateTransform()`.\n */\nfunction _convertToRadians(value: string): number {\n const floatValue = parseFloat(value);\n return value.indexOf('rad') > -1 ? floatValue : (floatValue * Math.PI) / 180;\n}\n\nfunction _validateTransforms(transform: Array): void {\n transform.forEach(transformation => {\n const keys = Object.keys(transformation);\n invariant(\n keys.length === 1,\n 'You must specify exactly one property per transform object. Passed properties: %s',\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n const key = keys[0];\n const value = transformation[key];\n _validateTransform(key, value, transformation);\n });\n}\n\nfunction _validateTransform(key, value, transformation) {\n invariant(\n !value.getValue,\n 'You passed an Animated.Value to a normal component. ' +\n 'You need to wrap that component in an Animated. For example, ' +\n 'replace by .',\n );\n\n const multivalueTransforms = ['matrix', 'translate'];\n if (multivalueTransforms.indexOf(key) !== -1) {\n invariant(\n Array.isArray(value),\n 'Transform with key of %s must have an array as the value: %s',\n key,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n }\n switch (key) {\n case 'matrix':\n invariant(\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.88.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.88 was deployed. To see the error, delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n value.length === 9 || value.length === 16,\n 'Matrix transform must have a length of 9 (2d) or 16 (3d). ' +\n 'Provided matrix has a length of %s: %s',\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.84.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.84 was deployed. To see the error, delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n value.length,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n break;\n case 'translate':\n invariant(\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.88.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.88 was deployed. To see the error, delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n value.length === 2 || value.length === 3,\n 'Transform with key translate must be an array of length 2 or 3, found %s: %s',\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.84.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.84 was deployed. To see the error, delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n value.length,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n break;\n case 'rotateX':\n case 'rotateY':\n case 'rotateZ':\n case 'rotate':\n case 'skewX':\n case 'skewY':\n invariant(\n typeof value === 'string',\n 'Transform with key of \"%s\" must be a string: %s',\n key,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n invariant(\n value.indexOf('deg') > -1 || value.indexOf('rad') > -1,\n 'Rotate transform must be expressed in degrees (deg) or radians ' +\n '(rad): %s',\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n break;\n case 'perspective':\n invariant(\n typeof value === 'number',\n 'Transform with key of \"%s\" must be a number: %s',\n key,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n invariant(\n value !== 0,\n 'Transform with key of \"%s\" cannot be zero: %s',\n key,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n break;\n case 'translateX':\n case 'translateY':\n case 'scale':\n case 'scaleX':\n case 'scaleY':\n invariant(\n typeof value === 'number',\n 'Transform with key of \"%s\" must be a number: %s',\n key,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n break;\n default:\n invariant(\n false,\n 'Invalid transform %s: %s',\n key,\n stringifySafe(transformation),\n );\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = processTransform;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @noflow\n */\n\n/* eslint-disable space-infix-ops */\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * Memory conservative (mutative) matrix math utilities. Uses \"command\"\n * matrices, which are reusable.\n */\nconst MatrixMath = {\n createIdentityMatrix: function() {\n return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];\n },\n\n createCopy: function(m) {\n return [\n m[0],\n m[1],\n m[2],\n m[3],\n m[4],\n m[5],\n m[6],\n m[7],\n m[8],\n m[9],\n m[10],\n m[11],\n m[12],\n m[13],\n m[14],\n m[15],\n ];\n },\n\n createOrthographic: function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {\n const a = 2 / (right - left);\n const b = 2 / (top - bottom);\n const c = -2 / (far - near);\n\n const tx = -(right + left) / (right - left);\n const ty = -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom);\n const tz = -(far + near) / (far - near);\n\n return [a, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, c, 0, tx, ty, tz, 1];\n },\n\n createFrustum: function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {\n const r_width = 1 / (right - left);\n const r_height = 1 / (top - bottom);\n const r_depth = 1 / (near - far);\n const x = 2 * (near * r_width);\n const y = 2 * (near * r_height);\n const A = (right + left) * r_width;\n const B = (top + bottom) * r_height;\n const C = (far + near) * r_depth;\n const D = 2 * (far * near * r_depth);\n return [x, 0, 0, 0, 0, y, 0, 0, A, B, C, -1, 0, 0, D, 0];\n },\n\n /**\n * This create a perspective projection towards negative z\n * Clipping the z range of [-near, -far]\n *\n * @param fovInRadians - field of view in randians\n */\n createPerspective: function(fovInRadians, aspect, near, far) {\n const h = 1 / Math.tan(fovInRadians / 2);\n const r_depth = 1 / (near - far);\n const C = (far + near) * r_depth;\n const D = 2 * (far * near * r_depth);\n return [h / aspect, 0, 0, 0, 0, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, C, -1, 0, 0, D, 0];\n },\n\n createTranslate2d: function(x, y) {\n const mat = MatrixMath.createIdentityMatrix();\n MatrixMath.reuseTranslate2dCommand(mat, x, y);\n return mat;\n },\n\n reuseTranslate2dCommand: function(matrixCommand, x, y) {\n matrixCommand[12] = x;\n matrixCommand[13] = y;\n },\n\n reuseTranslate3dCommand: function(matrixCommand, x, y, z) {\n matrixCommand[12] = x;\n matrixCommand[13] = y;\n matrixCommand[14] = z;\n },\n\n createScale: function(factor) {\n const mat = MatrixMath.createIdentityMatrix();\n MatrixMath.reuseScaleCommand(mat, factor);\n return mat;\n },\n\n reuseScaleCommand: function(matrixCommand, factor) {\n matrixCommand[0] = factor;\n matrixCommand[5] = factor;\n },\n\n reuseScale3dCommand: function(matrixCommand, x, y, z) {\n matrixCommand[0] = x;\n matrixCommand[5] = y;\n matrixCommand[10] = z;\n },\n\n reusePerspectiveCommand: function(matrixCommand, p) {\n matrixCommand[11] = -1 / p;\n },\n\n reuseScaleXCommand(matrixCommand, factor) {\n matrixCommand[0] = factor;\n },\n\n reuseScaleYCommand(matrixCommand, factor) {\n matrixCommand[5] = factor;\n },\n\n reuseScaleZCommand(matrixCommand, factor) {\n matrixCommand[10] = factor;\n },\n\n reuseRotateXCommand: function(matrixCommand, radians) {\n matrixCommand[5] = Math.cos(radians);\n matrixCommand[6] = Math.sin(radians);\n matrixCommand[9] = -Math.sin(radians);\n matrixCommand[10] = Math.cos(radians);\n },\n\n reuseRotateYCommand: function(matrixCommand, amount) {\n matrixCommand[0] = Math.cos(amount);\n matrixCommand[2] = -Math.sin(amount);\n matrixCommand[8] = Math.sin(amount);\n matrixCommand[10] = Math.cos(amount);\n },\n\n //\n reuseRotateZCommand: function(matrixCommand, radians) {\n matrixCommand[0] = Math.cos(radians);\n matrixCommand[1] = Math.sin(radians);\n matrixCommand[4] = -Math.sin(radians);\n matrixCommand[5] = Math.cos(radians);\n },\n\n createRotateZ: function(radians) {\n const mat = MatrixMath.createIdentityMatrix();\n MatrixMath.reuseRotateZCommand(mat, radians);\n return mat;\n },\n\n reuseSkewXCommand: function(matrixCommand, radians) {\n matrixCommand[4] = Math.tan(radians);\n },\n\n reuseSkewYCommand: function(matrixCommand, radians) {\n matrixCommand[1] = Math.tan(radians);\n },\n\n multiplyInto: function(out, a, b) {\n const a00 = a[0],\n a01 = a[1],\n a02 = a[2],\n a03 = a[3],\n a10 = a[4],\n a11 = a[5],\n a12 = a[6],\n a13 = a[7],\n a20 = a[8],\n a21 = a[9],\n a22 = a[10],\n a23 = a[11],\n a30 = a[12],\n a31 = a[13],\n a32 = a[14],\n a33 = a[15];\n\n let b0 = b[0],\n b1 = b[1],\n b2 = b[2],\n b3 = b[3];\n out[0] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;\n out[1] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;\n out[2] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;\n out[3] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;\n\n b0 = b[4];\n b1 = b[5];\n b2 = b[6];\n b3 = b[7];\n out[4] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;\n out[5] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;\n out[6] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;\n out[7] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;\n\n b0 = b[8];\n b1 = b[9];\n b2 = b[10];\n b3 = b[11];\n out[8] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;\n out[9] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;\n out[10] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;\n out[11] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;\n\n b0 = b[12];\n b1 = b[13];\n b2 = b[14];\n b3 = b[15];\n out[12] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;\n out[13] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;\n out[14] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;\n out[15] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;\n },\n\n determinant(matrix: Array): number {\n const [\n m00,\n m01,\n m02,\n m03,\n m10,\n m11,\n m12,\n m13,\n m20,\n m21,\n m22,\n m23,\n m30,\n m31,\n m32,\n m33,\n ] = matrix;\n return (\n m03 * m12 * m21 * m30 -\n m02 * m13 * m21 * m30 -\n m03 * m11 * m22 * m30 +\n m01 * m13 * m22 * m30 +\n m02 * m11 * m23 * m30 -\n m01 * m12 * m23 * m30 -\n m03 * m12 * m20 * m31 +\n m02 * m13 * m20 * m31 +\n m03 * m10 * m22 * m31 -\n m00 * m13 * m22 * m31 -\n m02 * m10 * m23 * m31 +\n m00 * m12 * m23 * m31 +\n m03 * m11 * m20 * m32 -\n m01 * m13 * m20 * m32 -\n m03 * m10 * m21 * m32 +\n m00 * m13 * m21 * m32 +\n m01 * m10 * m23 * m32 -\n m00 * m11 * m23 * m32 -\n m02 * m11 * m20 * m33 +\n m01 * m12 * m20 * m33 +\n m02 * m10 * m21 * m33 -\n m00 * m12 * m21 * m33 -\n m01 * m10 * m22 * m33 +\n m00 * m11 * m22 * m33\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Inverse of a matrix. Multiplying by the inverse is used in matrix math\n * instead of division.\n *\n * Formula from:\n *\n */\n inverse(matrix: Array): Array {\n const det = MatrixMath.determinant(matrix);\n if (!det) {\n return matrix;\n }\n const [\n m00,\n m01,\n m02,\n m03,\n m10,\n m11,\n m12,\n m13,\n m20,\n m21,\n m22,\n m23,\n m30,\n m31,\n m32,\n m33,\n ] = matrix;\n return [\n (m12 * m23 * m31 -\n m13 * m22 * m31 +\n m13 * m21 * m32 -\n m11 * m23 * m32 -\n m12 * m21 * m33 +\n m11 * m22 * m33) /\n det,\n (m03 * m22 * m31 -\n m02 * m23 * m31 -\n m03 * m21 * m32 +\n m01 * m23 * m32 +\n m02 * m21 * m33 -\n m01 * m22 * m33) /\n det,\n (m02 * m13 * m31 -\n m03 * m12 * m31 +\n m03 * m11 * m32 -\n m01 * m13 * m32 -\n m02 * m11 * m33 +\n m01 * m12 * m33) /\n det,\n (m03 * m12 * m21 -\n m02 * m13 * m21 -\n m03 * m11 * m22 +\n m01 * m13 * m22 +\n m02 * m11 * m23 -\n m01 * m12 * m23) /\n det,\n (m13 * m22 * m30 -\n m12 * m23 * m30 -\n m13 * m20 * m32 +\n m10 * m23 * m32 +\n m12 * m20 * m33 -\n m10 * m22 * m33) /\n det,\n (m02 * m23 * m30 -\n m03 * m22 * m30 +\n m03 * m20 * m32 -\n m00 * m23 * m32 -\n m02 * m20 * m33 +\n m00 * m22 * m33) /\n det,\n (m03 * m12 * m30 -\n m02 * m13 * m30 -\n m03 * m10 * m32 +\n m00 * m13 * m32 +\n m02 * m10 * m33 -\n m00 * m12 * m33) /\n det,\n (m02 * m13 * m20 -\n m03 * m12 * m20 +\n m03 * m10 * m22 -\n m00 * m13 * m22 -\n m02 * m10 * m23 +\n m00 * m12 * m23) /\n det,\n (m11 * m23 * m30 -\n m13 * m21 * m30 +\n m13 * m20 * m31 -\n m10 * m23 * m31 -\n m11 * m20 * m33 +\n m10 * m21 * m33) /\n det,\n (m03 * m21 * m30 -\n m01 * m23 * m30 -\n m03 * m20 * m31 +\n m00 * m23 * m31 +\n m01 * m20 * m33 -\n m00 * m21 * m33) /\n det,\n (m01 * m13 * m30 -\n m03 * m11 * m30 +\n m03 * m10 * m31 -\n m00 * m13 * m31 -\n m01 * m10 * m33 +\n m00 * m11 * m33) /\n det,\n (m03 * m11 * m20 -\n m01 * m13 * m20 -\n m03 * m10 * m21 +\n m00 * m13 * m21 +\n m01 * m10 * m23 -\n m00 * m11 * m23) /\n det,\n (m12 * m21 * m30 -\n m11 * m22 * m30 -\n m12 * m20 * m31 +\n m10 * m22 * m31 +\n m11 * m20 * m32 -\n m10 * m21 * m32) /\n det,\n (m01 * m22 * m30 -\n m02 * m21 * m30 +\n m02 * m20 * m31 -\n m00 * m22 * m31 -\n m01 * m20 * m32 +\n m00 * m21 * m32) /\n det,\n (m02 * m11 * m30 -\n m01 * m12 * m30 -\n m02 * m10 * m31 +\n m00 * m12 * m31 +\n m01 * m10 * m32 -\n m00 * m11 * m32) /\n det,\n (m01 * m12 * m20 -\n m02 * m11 * m20 +\n m02 * m10 * m21 -\n m00 * m12 * m21 -\n m01 * m10 * m22 +\n m00 * m11 * m22) /\n det,\n ];\n },\n\n /**\n * Turns columns into rows and rows into columns.\n */\n transpose(m: Array): Array {\n return [\n m[0],\n m[4],\n m[8],\n m[12],\n m[1],\n m[5],\n m[9],\n m[13],\n m[2],\n m[6],\n m[10],\n m[14],\n m[3],\n m[7],\n m[11],\n m[15],\n ];\n },\n\n /**\n * Based on:\n */\n multiplyVectorByMatrix(v: Array, m: Array): Array {\n const [vx, vy, vz, vw] = v;\n return [\n vx * m[0] + vy * m[4] + vz * m[8] + vw * m[12],\n vx * m[1] + vy * m[5] + vz * m[9] + vw * m[13],\n vx * m[2] + vy * m[6] + vz * m[10] + vw * m[14],\n vx * m[3] + vy * m[7] + vz * m[11] + vw * m[15],\n ];\n },\n\n /**\n * From:\n */\n v3Length(a: Array): number {\n return Math.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2]);\n },\n\n /**\n * Based on:\n */\n v3Normalize(vector: Array, v3Length: number): Array {\n const im = 1 / (v3Length || MatrixMath.v3Length(vector));\n return [vector[0] * im, vector[1] * im, vector[2] * im];\n },\n\n /**\n * The dot product of a and b, two 3-element vectors.\n * From:\n */\n v3Dot(a, b) {\n return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];\n },\n\n /**\n * From:\n *\n */\n v3Combine(\n a: Array,\n b: Array,\n aScale: number,\n bScale: number,\n ): Array {\n return [\n aScale * a[0] + bScale * b[0],\n aScale * a[1] + bScale * b[1],\n aScale * a[2] + bScale * b[2],\n ];\n },\n\n /**\n * From:\n *\n */\n v3Cross(a: Array, b: Array): Array {\n return [\n a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1],\n a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2],\n a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0],\n ];\n },\n\n /**\n * Based on:\n *\n * and:\n *\n *\n * Note that this rounds degrees to the thousandth of a degree, due to\n * floating point errors in the creation of the quaternion.\n *\n * Also note that this expects the qw value to be last, not first.\n *\n * Also, when researching this, remember that:\n * yaw === heading === z-axis\n * pitch === elevation/attitude === y-axis\n * roll === bank === x-axis\n */\n quaternionToDegreesXYZ(q: Array, matrix, row): Array {\n const [qx, qy, qz, qw] = q;\n const qw2 = qw * qw;\n const qx2 = qx * qx;\n const qy2 = qy * qy;\n const qz2 = qz * qz;\n const test = qx * qy + qz * qw;\n const unit = qw2 + qx2 + qy2 + qz2;\n const conv = 180 / Math.PI;\n\n if (test > 0.49999 * unit) {\n return [0, 2 * Math.atan2(qx, qw) * conv, 90];\n }\n if (test < -0.49999 * unit) {\n return [0, -2 * Math.atan2(qx, qw) * conv, -90];\n }\n\n return [\n MatrixMath.roundTo3Places(\n Math.atan2(2 * qx * qw - 2 * qy * qz, 1 - 2 * qx2 - 2 * qz2) * conv,\n ),\n MatrixMath.roundTo3Places(\n Math.atan2(2 * qy * qw - 2 * qx * qz, 1 - 2 * qy2 - 2 * qz2) * conv,\n ),\n MatrixMath.roundTo3Places(Math.asin(2 * qx * qy + 2 * qz * qw) * conv),\n ];\n },\n\n /**\n * Based on:\n *\n */\n roundTo3Places(n: number): number {\n const arr = n.toString().split('e');\n return Math.round(arr[0] + 'e' + (arr[1] ? +arr[1] - 3 : 3)) * 0.001;\n },\n\n /**\n * Decompose a matrix into separate transform values, for use on platforms\n * where applying a precomposed matrix is not possible, and transforms are\n * applied in an inflexible ordering (e.g. Android).\n *\n * Implementation based on\n *\n *\n * which was based on\n *\n */\n decomposeMatrix(transformMatrix: Array): ?Object {\n invariant(\n transformMatrix.length === 16,\n 'Matrix decomposition needs a list of 3d matrix values, received %s',\n transformMatrix,\n );\n\n // output values\n let perspective = [];\n const quaternion = [];\n const scale = [];\n const skew = [];\n const translation = [];\n\n // create normalized, 2d array matrix\n // and normalized 1d array perspectiveMatrix with redefined 4th column\n if (!transformMatrix[15]) {\n return;\n }\n const matrix = [];\n const perspectiveMatrix = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n matrix.push([]);\n for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {\n const value = transformMatrix[i * 4 + j] / transformMatrix[15];\n matrix[i].push(value);\n perspectiveMatrix.push(j === 3 ? 0 : value);\n }\n }\n perspectiveMatrix[15] = 1;\n\n // test for singularity of upper 3x3 part of the perspective matrix\n if (!MatrixMath.determinant(perspectiveMatrix)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // isolate perspective\n if (matrix[0][3] !== 0 || matrix[1][3] !== 0 || matrix[2][3] !== 0) {\n // rightHandSide is the right hand side of the equation.\n // rightHandSide is a vector, or point in 3d space relative to the origin.\n const rightHandSide = [\n matrix[0][3],\n matrix[1][3],\n matrix[2][3],\n matrix[3][3],\n ];\n\n // Solve the equation by inverting perspectiveMatrix and multiplying\n // rightHandSide by the inverse.\n const inversePerspectiveMatrix = MatrixMath.inverse(perspectiveMatrix);\n const transposedInversePerspectiveMatrix = MatrixMath.transpose(\n inversePerspectiveMatrix,\n );\n perspective = MatrixMath.multiplyVectorByMatrix(\n rightHandSide,\n transposedInversePerspectiveMatrix,\n );\n } else {\n // no perspective\n perspective[0] = perspective[1] = perspective[2] = 0;\n perspective[3] = 1;\n }\n\n // translation is simple\n for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n translation[i] = matrix[3][i];\n }\n\n // Now get scale and shear.\n // 'row' is a 3 element array of 3 component vectors\n const row = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n row[i] = [matrix[i][0], matrix[i][1], matrix[i][2]];\n }\n\n // Compute X scale factor and normalize first row.\n scale[0] = MatrixMath.v3Length(row[0]);\n row[0] = MatrixMath.v3Normalize(row[0], scale[0]);\n\n // Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st.\n skew[0] = MatrixMath.v3Dot(row[0], row[1]);\n row[1] = MatrixMath.v3Combine(row[1], row[0], 1.0, -skew[0]);\n\n // Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st.\n skew[0] = MatrixMath.v3Dot(row[0], row[1]);\n row[1] = MatrixMath.v3Combine(row[1], row[0], 1.0, -skew[0]);\n\n // Now, compute Y scale and normalize 2nd row.\n scale[1] = MatrixMath.v3Length(row[1]);\n row[1] = MatrixMath.v3Normalize(row[1], scale[1]);\n skew[0] /= scale[1];\n\n // Compute XZ and YZ shears, orthogonalize 3rd row\n skew[1] = MatrixMath.v3Dot(row[0], row[2]);\n row[2] = MatrixMath.v3Combine(row[2], row[0], 1.0, -skew[1]);\n skew[2] = MatrixMath.v3Dot(row[1], row[2]);\n row[2] = MatrixMath.v3Combine(row[2], row[1], 1.0, -skew[2]);\n\n // Next, get Z scale and normalize 3rd row.\n scale[2] = MatrixMath.v3Length(row[2]);\n row[2] = MatrixMath.v3Normalize(row[2], scale[2]);\n skew[1] /= scale[2];\n skew[2] /= scale[2];\n\n // At this point, the matrix (in rows) is orthonormal.\n // Check for a coordinate system flip. If the determinant\n // is -1, then negate the matrix and the scaling factors.\n const pdum3 = MatrixMath.v3Cross(row[1], row[2]);\n if (MatrixMath.v3Dot(row[0], pdum3) < 0) {\n for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n scale[i] *= -1;\n row[i][0] *= -1;\n row[i][1] *= -1;\n row[i][2] *= -1;\n }\n }\n\n // Now, get the rotations out\n quaternion[0] =\n 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + row[0][0] - row[1][1] - row[2][2], 0));\n quaternion[1] =\n 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - row[0][0] + row[1][1] - row[2][2], 0));\n quaternion[2] =\n 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - row[0][0] - row[1][1] + row[2][2], 0));\n quaternion[3] =\n 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + row[0][0] + row[1][1] + row[2][2], 0));\n\n if (row[2][1] > row[1][2]) {\n quaternion[0] = -quaternion[0];\n }\n if (row[0][2] > row[2][0]) {\n quaternion[1] = -quaternion[1];\n }\n if (row[1][0] > row[0][1]) {\n quaternion[2] = -quaternion[2];\n }\n\n // correct for occasional, weird Euler synonyms for 2d rotation\n let rotationDegrees;\n if (\n quaternion[0] < 0.001 &&\n quaternion[0] >= 0 &&\n quaternion[1] < 0.001 &&\n quaternion[1] >= 0\n ) {\n // this is a 2d rotation on the z-axis\n rotationDegrees = [\n 0,\n 0,\n MatrixMath.roundTo3Places(\n (Math.atan2(row[0][1], row[0][0]) * 180) / Math.PI,\n ),\n ];\n } else {\n rotationDegrees = MatrixMath.quaternionToDegreesXYZ(\n quaternion,\n matrix,\n row,\n );\n }\n\n // expose both base data and convenience names\n return {\n rotationDegrees,\n perspective,\n quaternion,\n scale,\n skew,\n translation,\n\n rotate: rotationDegrees[2],\n rotateX: rotationDegrees[0],\n rotateY: rotationDegrees[1],\n scaleX: scale[0],\n scaleY: scale[1],\n translateX: translation[0],\n translateY: translation[1],\n };\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = MatrixMath;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst dummySize = {width: undefined, height: undefined};\n\nconst sizesDiffer = function(one, two) {\n one = one || dummySize;\n two = two || dummySize;\n return one !== two && (one.width !== two.width || one.height !== two.height);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = sizesDiffer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes = require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes = require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes = require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n// Hardcoded because this is a legit case but we don't want to load it from\n// a private API. We might likely want to unify style sheet creation with how it\n// is done in the DOM so this might move into React. I know what I'm doing so\n// plz don't fire me.\nconst ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';\n\nclass StyleSheetValidation {\n static validateStyleProp(prop: string, style: Object, caller: string) {\n if (!__DEV__ || global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n return;\n }\n if (allStylePropTypes[prop] === undefined) {\n const message1 = '\"' + prop + '\" is not a valid style property.';\n const message2 =\n '\\nValid style props: ' +\n JSON.stringify(Object.keys(allStylePropTypes).sort(), null, ' ');\n styleError(message1, style, caller, message2);\n }\n const error = allStylePropTypes[prop](\n style,\n prop,\n caller,\n 'prop',\n null,\n ReactPropTypesSecret,\n );\n if (error) {\n styleError(error.message, style, caller);\n }\n }\n\n static validateStyle(name: string, styles: Object) {\n if (!__DEV__ || global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n return;\n }\n for (const prop in styles[name]) {\n StyleSheetValidation.validateStyleProp(\n prop,\n styles[name],\n 'StyleSheet ' + name,\n );\n }\n }\n\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.85.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.85 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\n static addValidStylePropTypes(stylePropTypes) {\n if (!__DEV__ || global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n return;\n }\n for (const key in stylePropTypes) {\n allStylePropTypes[key] = stylePropTypes[key];\n }\n }\n}\n\nconst styleError = function(message1, style, caller?, message2?) {\n invariant(\n false,\n message1 +\n '\\n' +\n (caller || '<>') +\n ': ' +\n JSON.stringify(style, null, ' ') +\n (message2 || ''),\n );\n};\n\nconst allStylePropTypes = {};\n\nif (__DEV__ && !global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n StyleSheetValidation.addValidStylePropTypes(DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes);\n StyleSheetValidation.addValidStylePropTypes(DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes);\n StyleSheetValidation.addValidStylePropTypes(DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = StyleSheetValidation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {\n DangerouslyImpreciseStyle,\n DangerouslyImpreciseStyleProp,\n} from './StyleSheet';\n\nfunction flattenStyle(\n style: ?DangerouslyImpreciseStyleProp,\n): ?DangerouslyImpreciseStyle {\n if (style === null || typeof style !== 'object') {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n if (!Array.isArray(style)) {\n return style;\n }\n\n const result = {};\n for (let i = 0, styleLength = style.length; i < styleLength; ++i) {\n const computedStyle = flattenStyle(style[i]);\n if (computedStyle) {\n for (const key in computedStyle) {\n result[key] = computedStyle[key];\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = flattenStyle;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from './ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {ViewNativeComponentType} from './ViewNativeComponent';\n\nexport type Props = ViewProps;\n\n/**\n * The most fundamental component for building a UI, View is a container that\n * supports layout with flexbox, style, some touch handling, and accessibility\n * controls.\n *\n * @see\n */\nmodule.exports = (require('./ViewNativeComponent')\n .default: ViewNativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid = require('./ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid');\n\nconst registerGeneratedViewConfig = require('../../Utilities/registerGeneratedViewConfig');\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from './ViewPropTypes';\n\nexport type ViewNativeComponentType = Class<\n ReactNative.NativeComponent,\n>;\n\nlet NativeViewComponent;\nlet viewConfig:\n | $TEMPORARY$object<{||}>\n | $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n bubblingEventTypes?: $ReadOnly<{\n [eventName: string]: $ReadOnly<{|\n phasedRegistrationNames: $ReadOnly<{|\n bubbled: string,\n captured: string,\n |}>,\n |}>,\n }>,\n directEventTypes?: $ReadOnly<{\n [eventName: string]: $ReadOnly<{|registrationName: string|}>,\n }>,\n uiViewClassName: string,\n validAttributes?: {\n [propName: string]:\n | true\n | $ReadOnly<{|\n diff?: (arg1: any, arg2: any) => boolean,\n process?: (arg1: any) => any,\n |}>,\n },\n |}>;\n\n// Only use the JS view config in DEV\nif (__DEV__) {\n // On Android, View extends the base component with additional view-only props\n // On iOS, the base component is View\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n viewConfig = ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid;\n registerGeneratedViewConfig('RCTView', ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid);\n } else {\n viewConfig = {};\n registerGeneratedViewConfig('RCTView', {uiViewClassName: 'RCTView'});\n }\n\n NativeViewComponent = 'RCTView';\n} else {\n NativeViewComponent = requireNativeComponent('RCTView');\n}\n\nexport const __INTERNAL_VIEW_CONFIG = viewConfig;\nexport default ((NativeViewComponent: any): ViewNativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {ReactNativeType} from './ReactNativeTypes';\n\nlet ReactNative;\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n ReactNative = require('../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-dev');\n} else {\n ReactNative = require('../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-prod');\n}\n\nmodule.exports = (ReactNative: ReactNativeType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @noflow\n * @providesModule ReactNativeRenderer-prod\n * @preventMunge\n * @generated\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\nrequire(\"react-native/Libraries/ReactPrivate/ReactNativePrivateInitializeCore\");\nvar ReactNativePrivateInterface = require(\"react-native/Libraries/ReactPrivate/ReactNativePrivateInterface\"),\n React = require(\"react\"),\n Scheduler = require(\"scheduler\");\nfunction ReactError(error) {\n = \"Invariant Violation\";\n return error;\n}\nvar eventPluginOrder = null,\n namesToPlugins = {};\nfunction recomputePluginOrdering() {\n if (eventPluginOrder)\n for (var pluginName in namesToPlugins) {\n var pluginModule = namesToPlugins[pluginName],\n pluginIndex = eventPluginOrder.indexOf(pluginName);\n if (!(-1 < pluginIndex))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n if (!plugins[pluginIndex]) {\n if (!pluginModule.extractEvents)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an `extractEvents` method, but `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"` does not.\"\n )\n );\n plugins[pluginIndex] = pluginModule;\n pluginIndex = pluginModule.eventTypes;\n for (var eventName in pluginIndex) {\n var JSCompiler_inline_result = void 0;\n var dispatchConfig = pluginIndex[eventName],\n pluginModule$jscomp$0 = pluginModule,\n eventName$jscomp$0 = eventName;\n if (eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(eventName$jscomp$0))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, `\" +\n eventName$jscomp$0 +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n eventNameDispatchConfigs[eventName$jscomp$0] = dispatchConfig;\n var phasedRegistrationNames = dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames;\n if (phasedRegistrationNames) {\n for (JSCompiler_inline_result in phasedRegistrationNames)\n phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(\n JSCompiler_inline_result\n ) &&\n publishRegistrationName(\n phasedRegistrationNames[JSCompiler_inline_result],\n pluginModule$jscomp$0,\n eventName$jscomp$0\n );\n JSCompiler_inline_result = !0;\n } else\n dispatchConfig.registrationName\n ? (publishRegistrationName(\n dispatchConfig.registrationName,\n pluginModule$jscomp$0,\n eventName$jscomp$0\n ),\n (JSCompiler_inline_result = !0))\n : (JSCompiler_inline_result = !1);\n if (!JSCompiler_inline_result)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event `\" +\n eventName +\n \"` for plugin `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction publishRegistrationName(registrationName, pluginModule) {\n if (registrationNameModules[registrationName])\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `\" +\n registrationName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n registrationNameModules[registrationName] = pluginModule;\n}\nvar plugins = [],\n eventNameDispatchConfigs = {},\n registrationNameModules = {};\nfunction invokeGuardedCallbackImpl(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n var funcArgs =, 3);\n try {\n func.apply(context, funcArgs);\n } catch (error) {\n this.onError(error);\n }\n}\nvar hasError = !1,\n caughtError = null,\n hasRethrowError = !1,\n rethrowError = null,\n reporter = {\n onError: function(error) {\n hasError = !0;\n caughtError = error;\n }\n };\nfunction invokeGuardedCallback(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n hasError = !1;\n caughtError = null;\n invokeGuardedCallbackImpl.apply(reporter, arguments);\n}\nfunction invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError(\n name,\n func,\n context,\n a,\n b,\n c,\n d,\n e,\n f\n) {\n invokeGuardedCallback.apply(this, arguments);\n if (hasError) {\n if (hasError) {\n var error = caughtError;\n hasError = !1;\n caughtError = null;\n } else\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"clearCaughtError was called but no error was captured. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n hasRethrowError || ((hasRethrowError = !0), (rethrowError = error));\n }\n}\nvar getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode = null,\n getInstanceFromNode = null,\n getNodeFromInstance = null;\nfunction executeDispatch(event, listener, inst) {\n var type = event.type || \"unknown-event\";\n event.currentTarget = getNodeFromInstance(inst);\n invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError(type, listener, void 0, event);\n event.currentTarget = null;\n}\nfunction executeDirectDispatch(event) {\n var dispatchListener = event._dispatchListeners,\n dispatchInstance = event._dispatchInstances;\n if (Array.isArray(dispatchListener))\n throw ReactError(Error(\"executeDirectDispatch(...): Invalid `event`.\"));\n event.currentTarget = dispatchListener\n ? getNodeFromInstance(dispatchInstance)\n : null;\n dispatchListener = dispatchListener ? dispatchListener(event) : null;\n event.currentTarget = null;\n event._dispatchListeners = null;\n event._dispatchInstances = null;\n return dispatchListener;\n}\nfunction accumulateInto(current, next) {\n if (null == next)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"accumulateInto(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.\"\n )\n );\n if (null == current) return next;\n if (Array.isArray(current)) {\n if (Array.isArray(next)) return current.push.apply(current, next), current;\n current.push(next);\n return current;\n }\n return Array.isArray(next) ? [current].concat(next) : [current, next];\n}\nfunction forEachAccumulated(arr, cb, scope) {\n Array.isArray(arr) ? arr.forEach(cb, scope) : arr &&, arr);\n}\nvar eventQueue = null;\nfunction executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel(e) {\n if (e) {\n var dispatchListeners = e._dispatchListeners,\n dispatchInstances = e._dispatchInstances;\n if (Array.isArray(dispatchListeners))\n for (\n var i = 0;\n i < dispatchListeners.length && !e.isPropagationStopped();\n i++\n )\n executeDispatch(e, dispatchListeners[i], dispatchInstances[i]);\n else\n dispatchListeners &&\n executeDispatch(e, dispatchListeners, dispatchInstances);\n e._dispatchListeners = null;\n e._dispatchInstances = null;\n e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e);\n }\n}\nvar injection = {\n injectEventPluginOrder: function(injectedEventPluginOrder) {\n if (eventPluginOrder)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugin ordering more than once. You are likely trying to load more than one copy of React.\"\n )\n );\n eventPluginOrder =;\n recomputePluginOrdering();\n },\n injectEventPluginsByName: function(injectedNamesToPlugins) {\n var isOrderingDirty = !1,\n pluginName;\n for (pluginName in injectedNamesToPlugins)\n if (injectedNamesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName)) {\n var pluginModule = injectedNamesToPlugins[pluginName];\n if (\n !namesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName) ||\n namesToPlugins[pluginName] !== pluginModule\n ) {\n if (namesToPlugins[pluginName])\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n namesToPlugins[pluginName] = pluginModule;\n isOrderingDirty = !0;\n }\n }\n isOrderingDirty && recomputePluginOrdering();\n }\n};\nfunction getListener(inst, registrationName) {\n var listener = inst.stateNode;\n if (!listener) return null;\n var props = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(listener);\n if (!props) return null;\n listener = props[registrationName];\n a: switch (registrationName) {\n case \"onClick\":\n case \"onClickCapture\":\n case \"onDoubleClick\":\n case \"onDoubleClickCapture\":\n case \"onMouseDown\":\n case \"onMouseDownCapture\":\n case \"onMouseMove\":\n case \"onMouseMoveCapture\":\n case \"onMouseUp\":\n case \"onMouseUpCapture\":\n (props = !props.disabled) ||\n ((inst = inst.type),\n (props = !(\n \"button\" === inst ||\n \"input\" === inst ||\n \"select\" === inst ||\n \"textarea\" === inst\n )));\n inst = !props;\n break a;\n default:\n inst = !1;\n }\n if (inst) return null;\n if (listener && \"function\" !== typeof listener)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected `\" +\n registrationName +\n \"` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `\" +\n typeof listener +\n \"` type.\"\n )\n );\n return listener;\n}\nfunction getParent(inst) {\n do inst = inst.return;\n while (inst && 5 !== inst.tag);\n return inst ? inst : null;\n}\nfunction traverseTwoPhase(inst, fn, arg) {\n for (var path = []; inst; ) path.push(inst), (inst = getParent(inst));\n for (inst = path.length; 0 < inst--; ) fn(path[inst], \"captured\", arg);\n for (inst = 0; inst < path.length; inst++) fn(path[inst], \"bubbled\", arg);\n}\nfunction accumulateDirectionalDispatches(inst, phase, event) {\n if (\n (phase = getListener(\n inst,\n event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[phase]\n ))\n )\n (event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchListeners,\n phase\n )),\n (event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchInstances,\n inst\n ));\n}\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle(event) {\n event &&\n event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames &&\n traverseTwoPhase(event._targetInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event);\n}\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) {\n var targetInst = event._targetInst;\n targetInst = targetInst ? getParent(targetInst) : null;\n traverseTwoPhase(targetInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event);\n }\n}\nfunction accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n var inst = event._targetInst;\n if (inst && event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n var listener = getListener(inst, event.dispatchConfig.registrationName);\n listener &&\n ((event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchListeners,\n listener\n )),\n (event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchInstances,\n inst\n )));\n }\n }\n}\nfunction functionThatReturnsTrue() {\n return !0;\n}\nfunction functionThatReturnsFalse() {\n return !1;\n}\nfunction SyntheticEvent(\n dispatchConfig,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n) {\n this.dispatchConfig = dispatchConfig;\n this._targetInst = targetInst;\n this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;\n dispatchConfig = this.constructor.Interface;\n for (var propName in dispatchConfig)\n dispatchConfig.hasOwnProperty(propName) &&\n ((targetInst = dispatchConfig[propName])\n ? (this[propName] = targetInst(nativeEvent))\n : \"target\" === propName\n ? ( = nativeEventTarget)\n : (this[propName] = nativeEvent[propName]));\n this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != nativeEvent.defaultPrevented\n ? nativeEvent.defaultPrevented\n : !1 === nativeEvent.returnValue)\n ? functionThatReturnsTrue\n : functionThatReturnsFalse;\n this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsFalse;\n return this;\n}\nObject.assign(SyntheticEvent.prototype, {\n preventDefault: function() {\n this.defaultPrevented = !0;\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n event &&\n (event.preventDefault\n ? event.preventDefault()\n : \"unknown\" !== typeof event.returnValue && (event.returnValue = !1),\n (this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsTrue));\n },\n stopPropagation: function() {\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n event &&\n (event.stopPropagation\n ? event.stopPropagation()\n : \"unknown\" !== typeof event.cancelBubble && (event.cancelBubble = !0),\n (this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsTrue));\n },\n persist: function() {\n this.isPersistent = functionThatReturnsTrue;\n },\n isPersistent: functionThatReturnsFalse,\n destructor: function() {\n var Interface = this.constructor.Interface,\n propName;\n for (propName in Interface) this[propName] = null;\n this.nativeEvent = this._targetInst = this.dispatchConfig = null;\n this.isPropagationStopped = this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsFalse;\n this._dispatchInstances = this._dispatchListeners = null;\n }\n});\nSyntheticEvent.Interface = {\n type: null,\n target: null,\n currentTarget: function() {\n return null;\n },\n eventPhase: null,\n bubbles: null,\n cancelable: null,\n timeStamp: function(event) {\n return event.timeStamp ||;\n },\n defaultPrevented: null,\n isTrusted: null\n};\nSyntheticEvent.extend = function(Interface) {\n function E() {}\n function Class() {\n return Super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n var Super = this;\n E.prototype = Super.prototype;\n var prototype = new E();\n Object.assign(prototype, Class.prototype);\n Class.prototype = prototype;\n Class.prototype.constructor = Class;\n Class.Interface = Object.assign({}, Super.Interface, Interface);\n Class.extend = Super.extend;\n addEventPoolingTo(Class);\n return Class;\n};\naddEventPoolingTo(SyntheticEvent);\nfunction getPooledEvent(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst) {\n if (this.eventPool.length) {\n var instance = this.eventPool.pop();\n, dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst);\n return instance;\n }\n return new this(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst);\n}\nfunction releasePooledEvent(event) {\n if (!(event instanceof this))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Trying to release an event instance into a pool of a different type.\"\n )\n );\n event.destructor();\n 10 > this.eventPool.length && this.eventPool.push(event);\n}\nfunction addEventPoolingTo(EventConstructor) {\n EventConstructor.eventPool = [];\n EventConstructor.getPooled = getPooledEvent;\n EventConstructor.release = releasePooledEvent;\n}\nvar ResponderSyntheticEvent = SyntheticEvent.extend({\n touchHistory: function() {\n return null;\n }\n});\nfunction isStartish(topLevelType) {\n return \"topTouchStart\" === topLevelType;\n}\nfunction isMoveish(topLevelType) {\n return \"topTouchMove\" === topLevelType;\n}\nvar startDependencies = [\"topTouchStart\"],\n moveDependencies = [\"topTouchMove\"],\n endDependencies = [\"topTouchCancel\", \"topTouchEnd\"],\n touchBank = [],\n touchHistory = {\n touchBank: touchBank,\n numberActiveTouches: 0,\n indexOfSingleActiveTouch: -1,\n mostRecentTimeStamp: 0\n };\nfunction timestampForTouch(touch) {\n return touch.timeStamp || touch.timestamp;\n}\nfunction getTouchIdentifier(_ref) {\n _ref = _ref.identifier;\n if (null == _ref)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Touch object is missing identifier.\"));\n return _ref;\n}\nfunction recordTouchStart(touch) {\n var identifier = getTouchIdentifier(touch),\n touchRecord = touchBank[identifier];\n touchRecord\n ? ((touchRecord.touchActive = !0),\n (touchRecord.startPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.startPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.startTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchRecord.currentPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.currentPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.currentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchRecord.previousPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.previousPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.previousTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)))\n : ((touchRecord = {\n touchActive: !0,\n startPageX: touch.pageX,\n startPageY: touch.pageY,\n startTimeStamp: timestampForTouch(touch),\n currentPageX: touch.pageX,\n currentPageY: touch.pageY,\n currentTimeStamp: timestampForTouch(touch),\n previousPageX: touch.pageX,\n previousPageY: touch.pageY,\n previousTimeStamp: timestampForTouch(touch)\n }),\n (touchBank[identifier] = touchRecord));\n touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch);\n}\nfunction recordTouchMove(touch) {\n var touchRecord = touchBank[getTouchIdentifier(touch)];\n touchRecord\n ? ((touchRecord.touchActive = !0),\n (touchRecord.previousPageX = touchRecord.currentPageX),\n (touchRecord.previousPageY = touchRecord.currentPageY),\n (touchRecord.previousTimeStamp = touchRecord.currentTimeStamp),\n (touchRecord.currentPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.currentPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.currentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)))\n : console.warn(\n \"Cannot record touch move without a touch start.\\nTouch Move: %s\\n\",\n \"Touch Bank: %s\",\n printTouch(touch),\n printTouchBank()\n );\n}\nfunction recordTouchEnd(touch) {\n var touchRecord = touchBank[getTouchIdentifier(touch)];\n touchRecord\n ? ((touchRecord.touchActive = !1),\n (touchRecord.previousPageX = touchRecord.currentPageX),\n (touchRecord.previousPageY = touchRecord.currentPageY),\n (touchRecord.previousTimeStamp = touchRecord.currentTimeStamp),\n (touchRecord.currentPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.currentPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.currentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)))\n : console.warn(\n \"Cannot record touch end without a touch start.\\nTouch End: %s\\n\",\n \"Touch Bank: %s\",\n printTouch(touch),\n printTouchBank()\n );\n}\nfunction printTouch(touch) {\n return JSON.stringify({\n identifier: touch.identifier,\n pageX: touch.pageX,\n pageY: touch.pageY,\n timestamp: timestampForTouch(touch)\n });\n}\nfunction printTouchBank() {\n var printed = JSON.stringify(touchBank.slice(0, 20));\n 20 < touchBank.length &&\n (printed += \" (original size: \" + touchBank.length + \")\");\n return printed;\n}\nvar ResponderTouchHistoryStore = {\n recordTouchTrack: function(topLevelType, nativeEvent) {\n if (isMoveish(topLevelType))\n nativeEvent.changedTouches.forEach(recordTouchMove);\n else if (isStartish(topLevelType))\n nativeEvent.changedTouches.forEach(recordTouchStart),\n (touchHistory.numberActiveTouches = nativeEvent.touches.length),\n 1 === touchHistory.numberActiveTouches &&\n (touchHistory.indexOfSingleActiveTouch =\n nativeEvent.touches[0].identifier);\n else if (\n \"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType ||\n \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType\n )\n if (\n (nativeEvent.changedTouches.forEach(recordTouchEnd),\n (touchHistory.numberActiveTouches = nativeEvent.touches.length),\n 1 === touchHistory.numberActiveTouches)\n )\n for (topLevelType = 0; topLevelType < touchBank.length; topLevelType++)\n if (\n ((nativeEvent = touchBank[topLevelType]),\n null != nativeEvent && nativeEvent.touchActive)\n ) {\n touchHistory.indexOfSingleActiveTouch = topLevelType;\n break;\n }\n },\n touchHistory: touchHistory\n};\nfunction accumulate(current, next) {\n if (null == next)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"accumulate(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.\")\n );\n return null == current\n ? next\n : Array.isArray(current)\n ? current.concat(next)\n : Array.isArray(next)\n ? [current].concat(next)\n : [current, next];\n}\nvar responderInst = null,\n trackedTouchCount = 0;\nfunction changeResponder(nextResponderInst, blockHostResponder) {\n var oldResponderInst = responderInst;\n responderInst = nextResponderInst;\n if (null !== ResponderEventPlugin.GlobalResponderHandler)\n ResponderEventPlugin.GlobalResponderHandler.onChange(\n oldResponderInst,\n nextResponderInst,\n blockHostResponder\n );\n}\nvar eventTypes = {\n startShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onStartShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onStartShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: startDependencies\n },\n scrollShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onScrollShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: [\"topScroll\"]\n },\n selectionChangeShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: [\"topSelectionChange\"]\n },\n moveShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onMoveShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: moveDependencies\n },\n responderStart: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderStart\",\n dependencies: startDependencies\n },\n responderMove: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderMove\",\n dependencies: moveDependencies\n },\n responderEnd: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderEnd\",\n dependencies: endDependencies\n },\n responderRelease: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderRelease\",\n dependencies: endDependencies\n },\n responderTerminationRequest: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderTerminationRequest\",\n dependencies: []\n },\n responderGrant: { registrationName: \"onResponderGrant\", dependencies: [] },\n responderReject: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderReject\",\n dependencies: []\n },\n responderTerminate: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderTerminate\",\n dependencies: []\n }\n },\n ResponderEventPlugin = {\n _getResponder: function() {\n return responderInst;\n },\n eventTypes: eventTypes,\n extractEvents: function(\n topLevelType,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n ) {\n if (isStartish(topLevelType)) trackedTouchCount += 1;\n else if (\n \"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType ||\n \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType\n )\n if (0 <= trackedTouchCount) --trackedTouchCount;\n else\n return (\n console.error(\n \"Ended a touch event which was not counted in `trackedTouchCount`.\"\n ),\n null\n );\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.recordTouchTrack(topLevelType, nativeEvent);\n if (\n targetInst &&\n ((\"topScroll\" === topLevelType && !nativeEvent.responderIgnoreScroll) ||\n (0 < trackedTouchCount && \"topSelectionChange\" === topLevelType) ||\n isStartish(topLevelType) ||\n isMoveish(topLevelType))\n ) {\n var JSCompiler_temp = isStartish(topLevelType)\n ? eventTypes.startShouldSetResponder\n : isMoveish(topLevelType)\n ? eventTypes.moveShouldSetResponder\n : \"topSelectionChange\" === topLevelType\n ? eventTypes.selectionChangeShouldSetResponder\n : eventTypes.scrollShouldSetResponder;\n if (responderInst)\n b: {\n var JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = responderInst;\n for (\n var depthA = 0, tempA = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0;\n tempA;\n tempA = getParent(tempA)\n )\n depthA++;\n tempA = 0;\n for (var tempB = targetInst; tempB; tempB = getParent(tempB))\n tempA++;\n for (; 0 < depthA - tempA; )\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = getParent(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0)),\n depthA--;\n for (; 0 < tempA - depthA; )\n (targetInst = getParent(targetInst)), tempA--;\n for (; depthA--; ) {\n if (\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 === targetInst ||\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 === targetInst.alternate\n )\n break b;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = getParent(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0);\n targetInst = getParent(targetInst);\n }\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = null;\n }\n else JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = targetInst;\n targetInst = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 === responderInst;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n JSCompiler_temp,\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n );\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory;\n targetInst\n ? forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget\n )\n : forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle\n );\n b: {\n JSCompiler_temp = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchListeners;\n targetInst = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchInstances;\n if (Array.isArray(JSCompiler_temp))\n for (\n depthA = 0;\n depthA < JSCompiler_temp.length &&\n !JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.isPropagationStopped();\n depthA++\n ) {\n if (\n JSCompiler_temp[depthA](\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n targetInst[depthA]\n )\n ) {\n JSCompiler_temp = targetInst[depthA];\n break b;\n }\n }\n else if (\n JSCompiler_temp &&\n JSCompiler_temp(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0, targetInst)\n ) {\n JSCompiler_temp = targetInst;\n break b;\n }\n JSCompiler_temp = null;\n }\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchInstances = null;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchListeners = null;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.isPersistent() ||\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.constructor.release(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n );\n JSCompiler_temp && JSCompiler_temp !== responderInst\n ? ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = void 0),\n (targetInst = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderGrant,\n JSCompiler_temp,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (targetInst.touchHistory = ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(targetInst, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (depthA = !0 === executeDirectDispatch(targetInst)),\n responderInst\n ? ((tempA = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderTerminationRequest,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (tempA.touchHistory = ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(tempA, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (tempB =\n !tempA._dispatchListeners || executeDirectDispatch(tempA)),\n tempA.isPersistent() || tempA.constructor.release(tempA),\n tempB\n ? ((tempA = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderTerminate,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (tempA.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(tempA, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n [targetInst, tempA]\n )),\n changeResponder(JSCompiler_temp, depthA))\n : ((JSCompiler_temp = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderReject,\n JSCompiler_temp,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (JSCompiler_temp.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp,\n accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle\n ),\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n JSCompiler_temp\n ))))\n : ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n targetInst\n )),\n changeResponder(JSCompiler_temp, depthA)),\n (JSCompiler_temp = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0))\n : (JSCompiler_temp = null);\n } else JSCompiler_temp = null;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = responderInst && isStartish(topLevelType);\n targetInst = responderInst && isMoveish(topLevelType);\n depthA =\n responderInst &&\n (\"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType || \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType);\n if (\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n ? eventTypes.responderStart\n : targetInst\n ? eventTypes.responderMove\n : depthA\n ? eventTypes.responderEnd\n : null)\n )\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle\n ),\n (JSCompiler_temp = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp,\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n ));\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 =\n responderInst && \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType;\n if (\n (topLevelType =\n responderInst &&\n !JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 &&\n (\"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType || \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType))\n )\n a: {\n if ((topLevelType = nativeEvent.touches) && 0 !== topLevelType.length)\n for (targetInst = 0; targetInst < topLevelType.length; targetInst++)\n if (\n ((depthA = topLevelType[targetInst].target),\n null !== depthA && void 0 !== depthA && 0 !== depthA)\n ) {\n tempA = getInstanceFromNode(depthA);\n b: {\n for (depthA = responderInst; tempA; ) {\n if (depthA === tempA || depthA === tempA.alternate) {\n depthA = !0;\n break b;\n }\n tempA = getParent(tempA);\n }\n depthA = !1;\n }\n if (depthA) {\n topLevelType = !1;\n break a;\n }\n }\n topLevelType = !0;\n }\n if (\n (topLevelType = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n ? eventTypes.responderTerminate\n : topLevelType\n ? eventTypes.responderRelease\n : null)\n )\n (nativeEvent = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n topLevelType,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (nativeEvent.touchHistory = ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(nativeEvent, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (JSCompiler_temp = accumulate(JSCompiler_temp, nativeEvent)),\n changeResponder(null);\n return JSCompiler_temp;\n },\n GlobalResponderHandler: null,\n injection: {\n injectGlobalResponderHandler: function(GlobalResponderHandler) {\n ResponderEventPlugin.GlobalResponderHandler = GlobalResponderHandler;\n }\n }\n },\n customBubblingEventTypes =\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry\n .customBubblingEventTypes,\n customDirectEventTypes =\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry\n .customDirectEventTypes;\ninjection.injectEventPluginOrder([\n \"ResponderEventPlugin\",\n \"ReactNativeBridgeEventPlugin\"\n]);\ninjection.injectEventPluginsByName({\n ResponderEventPlugin: ResponderEventPlugin,\n ReactNativeBridgeEventPlugin: {\n eventTypes: {},\n extractEvents: function(\n topLevelType,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n ) {\n if (null == targetInst) return null;\n var bubbleDispatchConfig = customBubblingEventTypes[topLevelType],\n directDispatchConfig = customDirectEventTypes[topLevelType];\n if (!bubbleDispatchConfig && !directDispatchConfig)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n 'Unsupported top level event type \"' + topLevelType + '\" dispatched'\n )\n );\n topLevelType = SyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n bubbleDispatchConfig || directDispatchConfig,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n );\n if (bubbleDispatchConfig)\n forEachAccumulated(topLevelType, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle);\n else if (directDispatchConfig)\n forEachAccumulated(topLevelType, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle);\n else return null;\n return topLevelType;\n }\n }\n});\nvar instanceCache = new Map(),\n instanceProps = new Map();\nfunction getInstanceFromTag(tag) {\n return instanceCache.get(tag) || null;\n}\nvar restoreTarget = null,\n restoreQueue = null;\nfunction restoreStateOfTarget(target) {\n if (getInstanceFromNode(target))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"setRestoreImplementation() needs to be called to handle a target for controlled events. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n}\nfunction batchedUpdatesImpl(fn, bookkeeping) {\n return fn(bookkeeping);\n}\nfunction flushDiscreteUpdatesImpl() {}\nvar isInsideEventHandler = !1;\nfunction batchedUpdates(fn, bookkeeping) {\n if (isInsideEventHandler) return fn(bookkeeping);\n isInsideEventHandler = !0;\n try {\n return batchedUpdatesImpl(fn, bookkeeping);\n } finally {\n if (\n ((isInsideEventHandler = !1),\n null !== restoreTarget || null !== restoreQueue)\n )\n if (\n (flushDiscreteUpdatesImpl(),\n restoreTarget &&\n ((bookkeeping = restoreTarget),\n (fn = restoreQueue),\n (restoreQueue = restoreTarget = null),\n restoreStateOfTarget(bookkeeping),\n fn))\n )\n for (bookkeeping = 0; bookkeeping < fn.length; bookkeeping++)\n restoreStateOfTarget(fn[bookkeeping]);\n }\n}\nvar EMPTY_NATIVE_EVENT = {};\nfunction _receiveRootNodeIDEvent(rootNodeID, topLevelType, nativeEventParam) {\n var nativeEvent = nativeEventParam || EMPTY_NATIVE_EVENT,\n inst = getInstanceFromTag(rootNodeID);\n batchedUpdates(function() {\n var events =;\n for (var events$jscomp$0 = null, i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {\n var possiblePlugin = plugins[i];\n possiblePlugin &&\n (possiblePlugin = possiblePlugin.extractEvents(\n topLevelType,\n inst,\n nativeEvent,\n events\n )) &&\n (events$jscomp$0 = accumulateInto(events$jscomp$0, possiblePlugin));\n }\n events = events$jscomp$0;\n null !== events && (eventQueue = accumulateInto(eventQueue, events));\n events = eventQueue;\n eventQueue = null;\n if (events) {\n forEachAccumulated(events, executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel);\n if (eventQueue)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"processEventQueue(): Additional events were enqueued while processing an event queue. Support for this has not yet been implemented.\"\n )\n );\n if (hasRethrowError)\n throw ((events = rethrowError),\n (hasRethrowError = !1),\n (rethrowError = null),\n events);\n }\n });\n}\nReactNativePrivateInterface.RCTEventEmitter.register({\n receiveEvent: function(rootNodeID, topLevelType, nativeEventParam) {\n _receiveRootNodeIDEvent(rootNodeID, topLevelType, nativeEventParam);\n },\n receiveTouches: function(eventTopLevelType, touches, changedIndices) {\n if (\n \"topTouchEnd\" === eventTopLevelType ||\n \"topTouchCancel\" === eventTopLevelType\n ) {\n var JSCompiler_temp = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < changedIndices.length; i++) {\n var index = changedIndices[i];\n JSCompiler_temp.push(touches[index]);\n touches[index] = null;\n }\n for (i = changedIndices = 0; i < touches.length; i++)\n (index = touches[i]),\n null !== index && (touches[changedIndices++] = index);\n touches.length = changedIndices;\n } else\n for (JSCompiler_temp = [], i = 0; i < changedIndices.length; i++)\n JSCompiler_temp.push(touches[changedIndices[i]]);\n for (\n changedIndices = 0;\n changedIndices < JSCompiler_temp.length;\n changedIndices++\n ) {\n i = JSCompiler_temp[changedIndices];\n i.changedTouches = JSCompiler_temp;\n i.touches = touches;\n index = null;\n var target =;\n null === target || void 0 === target || 1 > target || (index = target);\n _receiveRootNodeIDEvent(index, eventTopLevelType, i);\n }\n }\n});\ngetFiberCurrentPropsFromNode = function(stateNode) {\n return instanceProps.get(stateNode._nativeTag) || null;\n};\ngetInstanceFromNode = getInstanceFromTag;\ngetNodeFromInstance = function(inst) {\n var tag = inst.stateNode._nativeTag;\n void 0 === tag && (tag = inst.stateNode.canonical._nativeTag);\n if (!tag) throw ReactError(Error(\"All native instances should have a tag.\"));\n return tag;\n};\nResponderEventPlugin.injection.injectGlobalResponderHandler({\n onChange: function(from, to, blockNativeResponder) {\n null !== to\n ? ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.setJSResponder(\n to.stateNode._nativeTag,\n blockNativeResponder\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.clearJSResponder();\n }\n});\nvar ReactSharedInternals =\n React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\nReactSharedInternals.hasOwnProperty(\"ReactCurrentDispatcher\") ||\n (ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher = { current: null });\nReactSharedInternals.hasOwnProperty(\"ReactCurrentBatchConfig\") ||\n (ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig = { suspense: null });\nvar hasSymbol = \"function\" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for,\n REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.element\") : 60103,\n REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.portal\") : 60106,\n REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.fragment\") : 60107,\n REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.strict_mode\") : 60108,\n REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.profiler\") : 60114,\n REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.provider\") : 60109,\n REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.context\") : 60110,\n REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol\n ? Symbol.for(\"react.concurrent_mode\")\n : 60111,\n REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.forward_ref\") : 60112,\n REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.suspense\") : 60113,\n REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = hasSymbol\n ? Symbol.for(\"react.suspense_list\")\n : 60120,\n REACT_MEMO_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.memo\") : 60115,\n REACT_LAZY_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.lazy\") : 60116;\nhasSymbol && Symbol.for(\"react.fundamental\");\nhasSymbol && Symbol.for(\"react.responder\");\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = \"function\" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (null === maybeIterable || \"object\" !== typeof maybeIterable) return null;\n maybeIterable =\n (MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]) ||\n maybeIterable[\"@@iterator\"];\n return \"function\" === typeof maybeIterable ? maybeIterable : null;\n}\nfunction getComponentName(type) {\n if (null == type) return null;\n if (\"function\" === typeof type) return type.displayName || || null;\n if (\"string\" === typeof type) return type;\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return \"Fragment\";\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return \"Portal\";\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return \"Profiler\";\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return \"StrictMode\";\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return \"Suspense\";\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return \"SuspenseList\";\n }\n if (\"object\" === typeof type)\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n return \"Context.Consumer\";\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n return \"Context.Provider\";\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n var innerType = type.render;\n innerType = innerType.displayName || || \"\";\n return (\n type.displayName ||\n (\"\" !== innerType ? \"ForwardRef(\" + innerType + \")\" : \"ForwardRef\")\n );\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n return getComponentName(type.type);\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n if ((type = 1 === type._status ? type._result : null))\n return getComponentName(type);\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction isFiberMountedImpl(fiber) {\n var node = fiber;\n if (fiber.alternate) for (; node.return; ) node = node.return;\n else {\n if (0 !== (node.effectTag & 2)) return 1;\n for (; node.return; )\n if (((node = node.return), 0 !== (node.effectTag & 2))) return 1;\n }\n return 3 === node.tag ? 2 : 3;\n}\nfunction assertIsMounted(fiber) {\n if (2 !== isFiberMountedImpl(fiber))\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n}\nfunction findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(fiber) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n if (!alternate) {\n alternate = isFiberMountedImpl(fiber);\n if (3 === alternate)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n return 1 === alternate ? null : fiber;\n }\n for (var a = fiber, b = alternate; ; ) {\n var parentA = a.return;\n if (null === parentA) break;\n var parentB = parentA.alternate;\n if (null === parentB) {\n b = parentA.return;\n if (null !== b) {\n a = b;\n continue;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (parentA.child === parentB.child) {\n for (parentB = parentA.child; parentB; ) {\n if (parentB === a) return assertIsMounted(parentA), fiber;\n if (parentB === b) return assertIsMounted(parentA), alternate;\n parentB = parentB.sibling;\n }\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n }\n if (a.return !== b.return) (a = parentA), (b = parentB);\n else {\n for (var didFindChild = !1, _child = parentA.child; _child; ) {\n if (_child === a) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n a = parentA;\n b = parentB;\n break;\n }\n if (_child === b) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n b = parentA;\n a = parentB;\n break;\n }\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n if (!didFindChild) {\n for (_child = parentB.child; _child; ) {\n if (_child === a) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n a = parentB;\n b = parentA;\n break;\n }\n if (_child === b) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n b = parentB;\n a = parentA;\n break;\n }\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n if (!didFindChild)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Child was not found in either parent set. This indicates a bug in React related to the return pointer. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n if (a.alternate !== b)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Return fibers should always be each others' alternates. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n if (3 !== a.tag)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n return a.stateNode.current === a ? fiber : alternate;\n}\nfunction findCurrentHostFiber(parent) {\n parent = findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(parent);\n if (!parent) return null;\n for (var node = parent; ; ) {\n if (5 === node.tag || 6 === node.tag) return node;\n if (node.child) (node.child.return = node), (node = node.child);\n else {\n if (node === parent) break;\n for (; !node.sibling; ) {\n if (!node.return || node.return === parent) return null;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\nvar emptyObject = {},\n removedKeys = null,\n removedKeyCount = 0;\nfunction restoreDeletedValuesInNestedArray(\n updatePayload,\n node,\n validAttributes\n) {\n if (Array.isArray(node))\n for (var i = node.length; i-- && 0 < removedKeyCount; )\n restoreDeletedValuesInNestedArray(\n updatePayload,\n node[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n else if (node && 0 < removedKeyCount)\n for (i in removedKeys)\n if (removedKeys[i]) {\n var nextProp = node[i];\n if (void 0 !== nextProp) {\n var attributeConfig = validAttributes[i];\n if (attributeConfig) {\n \"function\" === typeof nextProp && (nextProp = !0);\n \"undefined\" === typeof nextProp && (nextProp = null);\n if (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig)\n updatePayload[i] = nextProp;\n else if (\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n )\n (nextProp =\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? attributeConfig.process(nextProp)\n : nextProp),\n (updatePayload[i] = nextProp);\n removedKeys[i] = !1;\n removedKeyCount--;\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction diffNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n nextProp,\n validAttributes\n) {\n if (!updatePayload && prevProp === nextProp) return updatePayload;\n if (!prevProp || !nextProp)\n return nextProp\n ? addNestedProperty(updatePayload, nextProp, validAttributes)\n : prevProp\n ? clearNestedProperty(updatePayload, prevProp, validAttributes)\n : updatePayload;\n if (!Array.isArray(prevProp) && !Array.isArray(nextProp))\n return diffProperties(updatePayload, prevProp, nextProp, validAttributes);\n if (Array.isArray(prevProp) && Array.isArray(nextProp)) {\n var minLength =\n prevProp.length < nextProp.length ? prevProp.length : nextProp.length,\n i;\n for (i = 0; i < minLength; i++)\n updatePayload = diffNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp[i],\n nextProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n for (; i < prevProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = clearNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n for (; i < nextProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = addNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n nextProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n return updatePayload;\n }\n return Array.isArray(prevProp)\n ? diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.flattenStyle(prevProp),\n nextProp,\n validAttributes\n )\n : diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.flattenStyle(nextProp),\n validAttributes\n );\n}\nfunction addNestedProperty(updatePayload, nextProp, validAttributes) {\n if (!nextProp) return updatePayload;\n if (!Array.isArray(nextProp))\n return diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n emptyObject,\n nextProp,\n validAttributes\n );\n for (var i = 0; i < nextProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = addNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n nextProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n return updatePayload;\n}\nfunction clearNestedProperty(updatePayload, prevProp, validAttributes) {\n if (!prevProp) return updatePayload;\n if (!Array.isArray(prevProp))\n return diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n emptyObject,\n validAttributes\n );\n for (var i = 0; i < prevProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = clearNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n return updatePayload;\n}\nfunction diffProperties(updatePayload, prevProps, nextProps, validAttributes) {\n var attributeConfig, propKey;\n for (propKey in nextProps)\n if ((attributeConfig = validAttributes[propKey])) {\n var prevProp = prevProps[propKey];\n var nextProp = nextProps[propKey];\n \"function\" === typeof nextProp &&\n ((nextProp = !0), \"function\" === typeof prevProp && (prevProp = !0));\n \"undefined\" === typeof nextProp &&\n ((nextProp = null),\n \"undefined\" === typeof prevProp && (prevProp = null));\n removedKeys && (removedKeys[propKey] = !1);\n if (updatePayload && void 0 !== updatePayload[propKey])\n if (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig)\n updatePayload[propKey] = nextProp;\n else {\n if (\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n )\n (attributeConfig =\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? attributeConfig.process(nextProp)\n : nextProp),\n (updatePayload[propKey] = attributeConfig);\n }\n else if (prevProp !== nextProp)\n if (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig)\n (\"object\" !== typeof nextProp ||\n null === nextProp ||\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.deepDiffer(prevProp, nextProp)) &&\n ((updatePayload || (updatePayload = {}))[propKey] = nextProp);\n else if (\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ) {\n if (\n void 0 === prevProp ||\n (\"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff\n ? attributeConfig.diff(prevProp, nextProp)\n : \"object\" !== typeof nextProp ||\n null === nextProp ||\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.deepDiffer(prevProp, nextProp))\n )\n (attributeConfig =\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? attributeConfig.process(nextProp)\n : nextProp),\n ((updatePayload || (updatePayload = {}))[\n propKey\n ] = attributeConfig);\n } else\n (removedKeys = null),\n (removedKeyCount = 0),\n (updatePayload = diffNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n nextProp,\n attributeConfig\n )),\n 0 < removedKeyCount &&\n updatePayload &&\n (restoreDeletedValuesInNestedArray(\n updatePayload,\n nextProp,\n attributeConfig\n ),\n (removedKeys = null));\n }\n for (var _propKey in prevProps)\n void 0 === nextProps[_propKey] &&\n (!(attributeConfig = validAttributes[_propKey]) ||\n (updatePayload && void 0 !== updatePayload[_propKey]) ||\n ((prevProp = prevProps[_propKey]),\n void 0 !== prevProp &&\n (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? (((updatePayload || (updatePayload = {}))[_propKey] = null),\n removedKeys || (removedKeys = {}),\n removedKeys[_propKey] ||\n ((removedKeys[_propKey] = !0), removedKeyCount++))\n : (updatePayload = clearNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n attributeConfig\n )))));\n return updatePayload;\n}\nfunction mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(context, callback) {\n return function() {\n if (\n callback &&\n (\"boolean\" !== typeof context.__isMounted || context.__isMounted)\n )\n return callback.apply(context, arguments);\n };\n}\nvar ReactNativeFiberHostComponent = (function() {\n function ReactNativeFiberHostComponent(tag, viewConfig) {\n if (!(this instanceof ReactNativeFiberHostComponent))\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n this._nativeTag = tag;\n this._children = [];\n this.viewConfig = viewConfig;\n }\n ReactNativeFiberHostComponent.prototype.blur = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.blurTextInput(this._nativeTag);\n };\n ReactNativeFiberHostComponent.prototype.focus = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.focusTextInput(this._nativeTag);\n };\n ReactNativeFiberHostComponent.prototype.measure = function(callback) {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measure(\n this._nativeTag,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeFiberHostComponent.prototype.measureInWindow = function(callback) {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureInWindow(\n this._nativeTag,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeFiberHostComponent.prototype.measureLayout = function(\n relativeToNativeNode,\n onSuccess,\n onFail\n ) {\n var relativeNode = void 0;\n \"number\" === typeof relativeToNativeNode\n ? (relativeNode = relativeToNativeNode)\n : relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag\n ? (relativeNode = relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag)\n : relativeToNativeNode.canonical &&\n relativeToNativeNode.canonical._nativeTag &&\n (relativeNode = relativeToNativeNode.canonical._nativeTag);\n null != relativeNode &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureLayout(\n this._nativeTag,\n relativeNode,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onFail),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onSuccess)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeFiberHostComponent.prototype.setNativeProps = function(\n nativeProps\n ) {\n nativeProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n nativeProps,\n this.viewConfig.validAttributes\n );\n null != nativeProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n this._nativeTag,\n this.viewConfig.uiViewClassName,\n nativeProps\n );\n };\n return ReactNativeFiberHostComponent;\n})();\nfunction shim$1() {\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"The current renderer does not support hydration. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n}\nvar getViewConfigForType =\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry.get,\n UPDATE_SIGNAL = {},\n nextReactTag = 3;\nfunction allocateTag() {\n var tag = nextReactTag;\n 1 === tag % 10 && (tag += 2);\n nextReactTag = tag + 2;\n return tag;\n}\nfunction recursivelyUncacheFiberNode(node) {\n if (\"number\" === typeof node)\n instanceCache.delete(node), instanceProps.delete(node);\n else {\n var tag = node._nativeTag;\n instanceCache.delete(tag);\n instanceProps.delete(tag);\n node._children.forEach(recursivelyUncacheFiberNode);\n }\n}\nfunction finalizeInitialChildren(parentInstance) {\n if (0 === parentInstance._children.length) return !1;\n var nativeTags = {\n return \"number\" === typeof child ? child : child._nativeTag;\n });\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.setChildren(\n parentInstance._nativeTag,\n nativeTags\n );\n return !1;\n}\nvar scheduleTimeout = setTimeout,\n cancelTimeout = clearTimeout,\n BEFORE_SLASH_RE = /^(.*)[\\\\\\/]/;\nfunction getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(workInProgress) {\n var info = \"\";\n do {\n a: switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 3:\n case 4:\n case 6:\n case 7:\n case 10:\n case 9:\n var JSCompiler_inline_result = \"\";\n break a;\n default:\n var owner = workInProgress._debugOwner,\n source = workInProgress._debugSource,\n name = getComponentName(workInProgress.type);\n JSCompiler_inline_result = null;\n owner && (JSCompiler_inline_result = getComponentName(owner.type));\n owner = name;\n name = \"\";\n source\n ? (name =\n \" (at \" +\n source.fileName.replace(BEFORE_SLASH_RE, \"\") +\n \":\" +\n source.lineNumber +\n \")\")\n : JSCompiler_inline_result &&\n (name = \" (created by \" + JSCompiler_inline_result + \")\");\n JSCompiler_inline_result = \"\\n in \" + (owner || \"Unknown\") + name;\n }\n info += JSCompiler_inline_result;\n workInProgress = workInProgress.return;\n } while (workInProgress);\n return info;\n}\nnew Set();\nvar valueStack = [],\n index = -1;\nfunction pop(cursor) {\n 0 > index ||\n ((cursor.current = valueStack[index]), (valueStack[index] = null), index--);\n}\nfunction push(cursor, value) {\n index++;\n valueStack[index] = cursor.current;\n cursor.current = value;\n}\nvar emptyContextObject = {},\n contextStackCursor = { current: emptyContextObject },\n didPerformWorkStackCursor = { current: !1 },\n previousContext = emptyContextObject;\nfunction getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext) {\n var contextTypes = workInProgress.type.contextTypes;\n if (!contextTypes) return emptyContextObject;\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n if (\n instance &&\n instance.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === unmaskedContext\n )\n return instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;\n var context = {},\n key;\n for (key in contextTypes) context[key] = unmaskedContext[key];\n instance &&\n ((workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = unmaskedContext),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = context));\n return context;\n}\nfunction isContextProvider(type) {\n type = type.childContextTypes;\n return null !== type && void 0 !== type;\n}\nfunction popContext(fiber) {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor, fiber);\n}\nfunction popTopLevelContextObject(fiber) {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor, fiber);\n}\nfunction pushTopLevelContextObject(fiber, context, didChange) {\n if (contextStackCursor.current !== emptyContextObject)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Unexpected context found on stack. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n push(contextStackCursor, context, fiber);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, fiber);\n}\nfunction processChildContext(fiber, type, parentContext) {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n fiber = type.childContextTypes;\n if (\"function\" !== typeof instance.getChildContext) return parentContext;\n instance = instance.getChildContext();\n for (var contextKey in instance)\n if (!(contextKey in fiber))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n (getComponentName(type) || \"Unknown\") +\n '.getChildContext(): key \"' +\n contextKey +\n '\" is not defined in childContextTypes.'\n )\n );\n return Object.assign({}, parentContext, instance);\n}\nfunction pushContextProvider(workInProgress) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n instance =\n (instance && instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext) ||\n emptyContextObject;\n previousContext = contextStackCursor.current;\n push(contextStackCursor, instance, workInProgress);\n push(\n didPerformWorkStackCursor,\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current,\n workInProgress\n );\n return !0;\n}\nfunction invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, type, didChange) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n if (!instance)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected to have an instance by this point. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n didChange\n ? ((type = processChildContext(workInProgress, type, previousContext)),\n (instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = type),\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, workInProgress),\n pop(contextStackCursor, workInProgress),\n push(contextStackCursor, type, workInProgress))\n : pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, workInProgress);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, workInProgress);\n}\nvar Scheduler_runWithPriority = Scheduler.unstable_runWithPriority,\n Scheduler_scheduleCallback = Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback,\n Scheduler_cancelCallback = Scheduler.unstable_cancelCallback,\n Scheduler_shouldYield = Scheduler.unstable_shouldYield,\n Scheduler_requestPaint = Scheduler.unstable_requestPaint,\n Scheduler_now = Scheduler.unstable_now,\n Scheduler_getCurrentPriorityLevel =\n Scheduler.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel,\n Scheduler_ImmediatePriority = Scheduler.unstable_ImmediatePriority,\n Scheduler_UserBlockingPriority = Scheduler.unstable_UserBlockingPriority,\n Scheduler_NormalPriority = Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority,\n Scheduler_LowPriority = Scheduler.unstable_LowPriority,\n Scheduler_IdlePriority = Scheduler.unstable_IdlePriority,\n fakeCallbackNode = {},\n requestPaint =\n void 0 !== Scheduler_requestPaint ? Scheduler_requestPaint : function() {},\n syncQueue = null,\n immediateQueueCallbackNode = null,\n isFlushingSyncQueue = !1,\n initialTimeMs = Scheduler_now(),\n now =\n 1e4 > initialTimeMs\n ? Scheduler_now\n : function() {\n return Scheduler_now() - initialTimeMs;\n };\nfunction getCurrentPriorityLevel() {\n switch (Scheduler_getCurrentPriorityLevel()) {\n case Scheduler_ImmediatePriority:\n return 99;\n case Scheduler_UserBlockingPriority:\n return 98;\n case Scheduler_NormalPriority:\n return 97;\n case Scheduler_LowPriority:\n return 96;\n case Scheduler_IdlePriority:\n return 95;\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unknown priority level.\"));\n }\n}\nfunction reactPriorityToSchedulerPriority(reactPriorityLevel) {\n switch (reactPriorityLevel) {\n case 99:\n return Scheduler_ImmediatePriority;\n case 98:\n return Scheduler_UserBlockingPriority;\n case 97:\n return Scheduler_NormalPriority;\n case 96:\n return Scheduler_LowPriority;\n case 95:\n return Scheduler_IdlePriority;\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unknown priority level.\"));\n }\n}\nfunction runWithPriority(reactPriorityLevel, fn) {\n reactPriorityLevel = reactPriorityToSchedulerPriority(reactPriorityLevel);\n return Scheduler_runWithPriority(reactPriorityLevel, fn);\n}\nfunction scheduleCallback(reactPriorityLevel, callback, options) {\n reactPriorityLevel = reactPriorityToSchedulerPriority(reactPriorityLevel);\n return Scheduler_scheduleCallback(reactPriorityLevel, callback, options);\n}\nfunction scheduleSyncCallback(callback) {\n null === syncQueue\n ? ((syncQueue = [callback]),\n (immediateQueueCallbackNode = Scheduler_scheduleCallback(\n Scheduler_ImmediatePriority,\n flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl\n )))\n : syncQueue.push(callback);\n return fakeCallbackNode;\n}\nfunction flushSyncCallbackQueue() {\n null !== immediateQueueCallbackNode &&\n Scheduler_cancelCallback(immediateQueueCallbackNode);\n flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl();\n}\nfunction flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl() {\n if (!isFlushingSyncQueue && null !== syncQueue) {\n isFlushingSyncQueue = !0;\n var i = 0;\n try {\n var queue = syncQueue;\n runWithPriority(99, function() {\n for (; i < queue.length; i++) {\n var callback = queue[i];\n do callback = callback(!0);\n while (null !== callback);\n }\n });\n syncQueue = null;\n } catch (error) {\n throw (null !== syncQueue && (syncQueue = syncQueue.slice(i + 1)),\n Scheduler_scheduleCallback(\n Scheduler_ImmediatePriority,\n flushSyncCallbackQueue\n ),\n error);\n } finally {\n isFlushingSyncQueue = !1;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(currentTime, expirationTime) {\n if (1073741823 === expirationTime) return 99;\n if (1 === expirationTime) return 95;\n currentTime =\n 10 * (1073741821 - expirationTime) - 10 * (1073741821 - currentTime);\n return 0 >= currentTime\n ? 99\n : 250 >= currentTime\n ? 98\n : 5250 >= currentTime\n ? 97\n : 95;\n}\nfunction is(x, y) {\n return (x === y && (0 !== x || 1 / x === 1 / y)) || (x !== x && y !== y);\n}\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nfunction shallowEqual(objA, objB) {\n if (is(objA, objB)) return !0;\n if (\n \"object\" !== typeof objA ||\n null === objA ||\n \"object\" !== typeof objB ||\n null === objB\n )\n return !1;\n var keysA = Object.keys(objA),\n keysB = Object.keys(objB);\n if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return !1;\n for (keysB = 0; keysB < keysA.length; keysB++)\n if (\n !, keysA[keysB]) ||\n !is(objA[keysA[keysB]], objB[keysA[keysB]])\n )\n return !1;\n return !0;\n}\nfunction resolveDefaultProps(Component, baseProps) {\n if (Component && Component.defaultProps) {\n baseProps = Object.assign({}, baseProps);\n Component = Component.defaultProps;\n for (var propName in Component)\n void 0 === baseProps[propName] &&\n (baseProps[propName] = Component[propName]);\n }\n return baseProps;\n}\nfunction readLazyComponentType(lazyComponent) {\n var result = lazyComponent._result;\n switch (lazyComponent._status) {\n case 1:\n return result;\n case 2:\n throw result;\n case 0:\n throw result;\n default:\n lazyComponent._status = 0;\n result = lazyComponent._ctor;\n result = result();\n result.then(\n function(moduleObject) {\n 0 === lazyComponent._status &&\n ((moduleObject = moduleObject.default),\n (lazyComponent._status = 1),\n (lazyComponent._result = moduleObject));\n },\n function(error) {\n 0 === lazyComponent._status &&\n ((lazyComponent._status = 2), (lazyComponent._result = error));\n }\n );\n switch (lazyComponent._status) {\n case 1:\n return lazyComponent._result;\n case 2:\n throw lazyComponent._result;\n }\n lazyComponent._result = result;\n throw result;\n }\n}\nvar valueCursor = { current: null },\n currentlyRenderingFiber = null,\n lastContextDependency = null,\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = null;\nfunction resetContextDependencies() {\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = lastContextDependency = currentlyRenderingFiber = null;\n}\nfunction pushProvider(providerFiber, nextValue) {\n var context = providerFiber.type._context;\n push(valueCursor, context._currentValue, providerFiber);\n context._currentValue = nextValue;\n}\nfunction popProvider(providerFiber) {\n var currentValue = valueCursor.current;\n pop(valueCursor, providerFiber);\n providerFiber.type._context._currentValue = currentValue;\n}\nfunction scheduleWorkOnParentPath(parent, renderExpirationTime) {\n for (; null !== parent; ) {\n var alternate = parent.alternate;\n if (parent.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime)\n (parent.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime),\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (alternate.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n else if (\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime\n )\n alternate.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime;\n else break;\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n}\nfunction prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {\n currentlyRenderingFiber = workInProgress;\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = lastContextDependency = null;\n workInProgress = workInProgress.dependencies;\n null !== workInProgress &&\n null !== workInProgress.firstContext &&\n (workInProgress.expirationTime >= renderExpirationTime &&\n (didReceiveUpdate = !0),\n (workInProgress.firstContext = null));\n}\nfunction readContext(context, observedBits) {\n if (\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved !== context &&\n !1 !== observedBits &&\n 0 !== observedBits\n ) {\n if (\"number\" !== typeof observedBits || 1073741823 === observedBits)\n (lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = context), (observedBits = 1073741823);\n observedBits = { context: context, observedBits: observedBits, next: null };\n if (null === lastContextDependency) {\n if (null === currentlyRenderingFiber)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Context can only be read while React is rendering. In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().\"\n )\n );\n lastContextDependency = observedBits;\n currentlyRenderingFiber.dependencies = {\n expirationTime: 0,\n firstContext: observedBits,\n responders: null\n };\n } else lastContextDependency = = observedBits;\n }\n return context._currentValue;\n}\nvar hasForceUpdate = !1;\nfunction createUpdateQueue(baseState) {\n return {\n baseState: baseState,\n firstUpdate: null,\n lastUpdate: null,\n firstCapturedUpdate: null,\n lastCapturedUpdate: null,\n firstEffect: null,\n lastEffect: null,\n firstCapturedEffect: null,\n lastCapturedEffect: null\n };\n}\nfunction cloneUpdateQueue(currentQueue) {\n return {\n baseState: currentQueue.baseState,\n firstUpdate: currentQueue.firstUpdate,\n lastUpdate: currentQueue.lastUpdate,\n firstCapturedUpdate: null,\n lastCapturedUpdate: null,\n firstEffect: null,\n lastEffect: null,\n firstCapturedEffect: null,\n lastCapturedEffect: null\n };\n}\nfunction createUpdate(expirationTime, suspenseConfig) {\n return {\n expirationTime: expirationTime,\n suspenseConfig: suspenseConfig,\n tag: 0,\n payload: null,\n callback: null,\n next: null,\n nextEffect: null\n };\n}\nfunction appendUpdateToQueue(queue, update) {\n null === queue.lastUpdate\n ? (queue.firstUpdate = queue.lastUpdate = update)\n : (( = update), (queue.lastUpdate = update));\n}\nfunction enqueueUpdate(fiber, update) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n if (null === alternate) {\n var queue1 = fiber.updateQueue;\n var queue2 = null;\n null === queue1 &&\n (queue1 = fiber.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(fiber.memoizedState));\n } else\n (queue1 = fiber.updateQueue),\n (queue2 = alternate.updateQueue),\n null === queue1\n ? null === queue2\n ? ((queue1 = fiber.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(\n fiber.memoizedState\n )),\n (queue2 = alternate.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(\n alternate.memoizedState\n )))\n : (queue1 = fiber.updateQueue = cloneUpdateQueue(queue2))\n : null === queue2 &&\n (queue2 = alternate.updateQueue = cloneUpdateQueue(queue1));\n null === queue2 || queue1 === queue2\n ? appendUpdateToQueue(queue1, update)\n : null === queue1.lastUpdate || null === queue2.lastUpdate\n ? (appendUpdateToQueue(queue1, update),\n appendUpdateToQueue(queue2, update))\n : (appendUpdateToQueue(queue1, update), (queue2.lastUpdate = update));\n}\nfunction enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, update) {\n var workInProgressQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n workInProgressQueue =\n null === workInProgressQueue\n ? (workInProgress.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress.memoizedState\n ))\n : ensureWorkInProgressQueueIsAClone(workInProgress, workInProgressQueue);\n null === workInProgressQueue.lastCapturedUpdate\n ? (workInProgressQueue.firstCapturedUpdate = workInProgressQueue.lastCapturedUpdate = update)\n : (( = update),\n (workInProgressQueue.lastCapturedUpdate = update));\n}\nfunction ensureWorkInProgressQueueIsAClone(workInProgress, queue) {\n var current = workInProgress.alternate;\n null !== current &&\n queue === current.updateQueue &&\n (queue = workInProgress.updateQueue = cloneUpdateQueue(queue));\n return queue;\n}\nfunction getStateFromUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n update,\n prevState,\n nextProps,\n instance\n) {\n switch (update.tag) {\n case 1:\n return (\n (workInProgress = update.payload),\n \"function\" === typeof workInProgress\n ?, prevState, nextProps)\n : workInProgress\n );\n case 3:\n workInProgress.effectTag = (workInProgress.effectTag & -2049) | 64;\n case 0:\n workInProgress = update.payload;\n nextProps =\n \"function\" === typeof workInProgress\n ?, prevState, nextProps)\n : workInProgress;\n if (null === nextProps || void 0 === nextProps) break;\n return Object.assign({}, prevState, nextProps);\n case 2:\n hasForceUpdate = !0;\n }\n return prevState;\n}\nfunction processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n props,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n hasForceUpdate = !1;\n queue = ensureWorkInProgressQueueIsAClone(workInProgress, queue);\n for (\n var newBaseState = queue.baseState,\n newFirstUpdate = null,\n newExpirationTime = 0,\n update = queue.firstUpdate,\n resultState = newBaseState;\n null !== update;\n\n ) {\n var updateExpirationTime = update.expirationTime;\n updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime\n ? (null === newFirstUpdate &&\n ((newFirstUpdate = update), (newBaseState = resultState)),\n newExpirationTime < updateExpirationTime &&\n (newExpirationTime = updateExpirationTime))\n : (markRenderEventTimeAndConfig(\n updateExpirationTime,\n update.suspenseConfig\n ),\n (resultState = getStateFromUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n update,\n resultState,\n props,\n instance\n )),\n null !== update.callback &&\n ((workInProgress.effectTag |= 32),\n (update.nextEffect = null),\n null === queue.lastEffect\n ? (queue.firstEffect = queue.lastEffect = update)\n : ((queue.lastEffect.nextEffect = update),\n (queue.lastEffect = update))));\n update =;\n }\n updateExpirationTime = null;\n for (update = queue.firstCapturedUpdate; null !== update; ) {\n var _updateExpirationTime = update.expirationTime;\n _updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime\n ? (null === updateExpirationTime &&\n ((updateExpirationTime = update),\n null === newFirstUpdate && (newBaseState = resultState)),\n newExpirationTime < _updateExpirationTime &&\n (newExpirationTime = _updateExpirationTime))\n : ((resultState = getStateFromUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n update,\n resultState,\n props,\n instance\n )),\n null !== update.callback &&\n ((workInProgress.effectTag |= 32),\n (update.nextEffect = null),\n null === queue.lastCapturedEffect\n ? (queue.firstCapturedEffect = queue.lastCapturedEffect = update)\n : ((queue.lastCapturedEffect.nextEffect = update),\n (queue.lastCapturedEffect = update))));\n update =;\n }\n null === newFirstUpdate && (queue.lastUpdate = null);\n null === updateExpirationTime\n ? (queue.lastCapturedUpdate = null)\n : (workInProgress.effectTag |= 32);\n null === newFirstUpdate &&\n null === updateExpirationTime &&\n (newBaseState = resultState);\n queue.baseState = newBaseState;\n queue.firstUpdate = newFirstUpdate;\n queue.firstCapturedUpdate = updateExpirationTime;\n workInProgress.expirationTime = newExpirationTime;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = resultState;\n}\nfunction commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, finishedQueue, instance) {\n null !== finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate &&\n (null !== finishedQueue.lastUpdate &&\n (( = finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate),\n (finishedQueue.lastUpdate = finishedQueue.lastCapturedUpdate)),\n (finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate = finishedQueue.lastCapturedUpdate = null));\n commitUpdateEffects(finishedQueue.firstEffect, instance);\n finishedQueue.firstEffect = finishedQueue.lastEffect = null;\n commitUpdateEffects(finishedQueue.firstCapturedEffect, instance);\n finishedQueue.firstCapturedEffect = finishedQueue.lastCapturedEffect = null;\n}\nfunction commitUpdateEffects(effect, instance) {\n for (; null !== effect; ) {\n var _callback3 = effect.callback;\n if (null !== _callback3) {\n effect.callback = null;\n var context = instance;\n if (\"function\" !== typeof _callback3)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Invalid argument passed as callback. Expected a function. Instead received: \" +\n _callback3\n )\n );\n;\n }\n effect = effect.nextEffect;\n }\n}\nvar ReactCurrentBatchConfig = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,\n emptyRefsObject = new React.Component().refs;\nfunction applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n ctor,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n nextProps\n) {\n ctor = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n getDerivedStateFromProps = getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, ctor);\n getDerivedStateFromProps =\n null === getDerivedStateFromProps || void 0 === getDerivedStateFromProps\n ? ctor\n : Object.assign({}, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps);\n workInProgress.memoizedState = getDerivedStateFromProps;\n nextProps = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n null !== nextProps &&\n 0 === workInProgress.expirationTime &&\n (nextProps.baseState = getDerivedStateFromProps);\n}\nvar classComponentUpdater = {\n isMounted: function(component) {\n return (component = component._reactInternalFiber)\n ? 2 === isFiberMountedImpl(component)\n : !1;\n },\n enqueueSetState: function(inst, payload, callback) {\n inst = inst._reactInternalFiber;\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, inst, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.payload = payload;\n void 0 !== callback &&\n null !== callback &&\n (suspenseConfig.callback = callback);\n enqueueUpdate(inst, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(inst, currentTime);\n },\n enqueueReplaceState: function(inst, payload, callback) {\n inst = inst._reactInternalFiber;\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, inst, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.tag = 1;\n suspenseConfig.payload = payload;\n void 0 !== callback &&\n null !== callback &&\n (suspenseConfig.callback = callback);\n enqueueUpdate(inst, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(inst, currentTime);\n },\n enqueueForceUpdate: function(inst, callback) {\n inst = inst._reactInternalFiber;\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, inst, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.tag = 2;\n void 0 !== callback &&\n null !== callback &&\n (suspenseConfig.callback = callback);\n enqueueUpdate(inst, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(inst, currentTime);\n }\n};\nfunction checkShouldComponentUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n ctor,\n oldProps,\n newProps,\n oldState,\n newState,\n nextContext\n) {\n workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode;\n return \"function\" === typeof workInProgress.shouldComponentUpdate\n ? workInProgress.shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext)\n : ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.isPureReactComponent\n ? !shallowEqual(oldProps, newProps) || !shallowEqual(oldState, newState)\n : !0;\n}\nfunction constructClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, props) {\n var isLegacyContextConsumer = !1,\n unmaskedContext = emptyContextObject;\n var context = ctor.contextType;\n \"object\" === typeof context && null !== context\n ? (context = readContext(context))\n : ((unmaskedContext = isContextProvider(ctor)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (isLegacyContextConsumer = ctor.contextTypes),\n (context = (isLegacyContextConsumer =\n null !== isLegacyContextConsumer && void 0 !== isLegacyContextConsumer)\n ? getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext)\n : emptyContextObject));\n ctor = new ctor(props, context);\n workInProgress.memoizedState =\n null !== ctor.state && void 0 !== ctor.state ? ctor.state : null;\n ctor.updater = classComponentUpdater;\n workInProgress.stateNode = ctor;\n ctor._reactInternalFiber = workInProgress;\n isLegacyContextConsumer &&\n ((workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = unmaskedContext),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = context));\n return ctor;\n}\nfunction callComponentWillReceiveProps(\n workInProgress,\n instance,\n newProps,\n nextContext\n) {\n workInProgress = instance.state;\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps &&\n instance.componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);\n instance.state !== workInProgress &&\n classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null);\n}\nfunction mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n ctor,\n newProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n instance.props = newProps;\n instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n instance.refs = emptyRefsObject;\n var contextType = ctor.contextType;\n \"object\" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType\n ? (instance.context = readContext(contextType))\n : ((contextType = isContextProvider(ctor)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (instance.context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, contextType)));\n contextType = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n null !== contextType &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n contextType,\n newProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState));\n contextType = ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n \"function\" === typeof contextType &&\n (applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, ctor, contextType, newProps),\n (instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState));\n \"function\" === typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps ||\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillMount) ||\n ((ctor = instance.state),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillMount &&\n instance.componentWillMount(),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(),\n ctor !== instance.state &&\n classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null),\n (contextType = workInProgress.updateQueue),\n null !== contextType &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n contextType,\n newProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState)));\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4);\n}\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\nfunction coerceRef(returnFiber, current$$1, element) {\n returnFiber = element.ref;\n if (\n null !== returnFiber &&\n \"function\" !== typeof returnFiber &&\n \"object\" !== typeof returnFiber\n ) {\n if (element._owner) {\n element = element._owner;\n var inst = void 0;\n if (element) {\n if (1 !== element.tag)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Function components cannot have refs. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?\"\n )\n );\n inst = element.stateNode;\n }\n if (!inst)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Missing owner for string ref \" +\n returnFiber +\n \". This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n var stringRef = \"\" + returnFiber;\n if (\n null !== current$$1 &&\n null !== current$$1.ref &&\n \"function\" === typeof current$$1.ref &&\n current$$1.ref._stringRef === stringRef\n )\n return current$$1.ref;\n current$$1 = function(value) {\n var refs = inst.refs;\n refs === emptyRefsObject && (refs = inst.refs = {});\n null === value ? delete refs[stringRef] : (refs[stringRef] = value);\n };\n current$$1._stringRef = stringRef;\n return current$$1;\n }\n if (\"string\" !== typeof returnFiber)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected ref to be a function, a string, an object returned by React.createRef(), or null.\"\n )\n );\n if (!element._owner)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Element ref was specified as a string (\" +\n returnFiber +\n \") but no owner was set. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\\n1. You may be adding a ref to a function component\\n2. You may be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's render method\\n3. You have multiple copies of React loaded\\nSee for more information.\"\n )\n );\n }\n return returnFiber;\n}\nfunction throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild) {\n if (\"textarea\" !== returnFiber.type)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Objects are not valid as a React child (found: \" +\n (\"[object Object]\" ===\n ? \"object with keys {\" + Object.keys(newChild).join(\", \") + \"}\"\n : newChild) +\n \").\"\n )\n );\n}\nfunction ChildReconciler(shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n function deleteChild(returnFiber, childToDelete) {\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n var last = returnFiber.lastEffect;\n null !== last\n ? ((last.nextEffect = childToDelete),\n (returnFiber.lastEffect = childToDelete))\n : (returnFiber.firstEffect = returnFiber.lastEffect = childToDelete);\n childToDelete.nextEffect = null;\n childToDelete.effectTag = 8;\n }\n }\n function deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) return null;\n for (; null !== currentFirstChild; )\n deleteChild(returnFiber, currentFirstChild),\n (currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling);\n return null;\n }\n function mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {\n for (returnFiber = new Map(); null !== currentFirstChild; )\n null !== currentFirstChild.key\n ? returnFiber.set(currentFirstChild.key, currentFirstChild)\n : returnFiber.set(currentFirstChild.index, currentFirstChild),\n (currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling);\n return returnFiber;\n }\n function useFiber(fiber, pendingProps, expirationTime) {\n fiber = createWorkInProgress(fiber, pendingProps, expirationTime);\n fiber.index = 0;\n fiber.sibling = null;\n return fiber;\n }\n function placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIndex) {\n newFiber.index = newIndex;\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) return lastPlacedIndex;\n newIndex = newFiber.alternate;\n if (null !== newIndex)\n return (\n (newIndex = newIndex.index),\n newIndex < lastPlacedIndex\n ? ((newFiber.effectTag = 2), lastPlacedIndex)\n : newIndex\n );\n newFiber.effectTag = 2;\n return lastPlacedIndex;\n }\n function placeSingleChild(newFiber) {\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n null === newFiber.alternate &&\n (newFiber.effectTag = 2);\n return newFiber;\n }\n function updateTextNode(\n returnFiber,\n current$$1,\n textContent,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n if (null === current$$1 || 6 !== current$$1.tag)\n return (\n (current$$1 = createFiberFromText(\n textContent,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (current$$1.return = returnFiber),\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = useFiber(current$$1, textContent, expirationTime);\n current$$1.return = returnFiber;\n return current$$1;\n }\n function updateElement(returnFiber, current$$1, element, expirationTime) {\n if (null !== current$$1 && current$$1.elementType === element.type)\n return (\n (expirationTime = useFiber(current$$1, element.props, expirationTime)),\n (expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, current$$1, element)),\n (expirationTime.return = returnFiber),\n expirationTime\n );\n expirationTime = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n element.type,\n element.key,\n element.props,\n null,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n );\n expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, current$$1, element);\n expirationTime.return = returnFiber;\n return expirationTime;\n }\n function updatePortal(returnFiber, current$$1, portal, expirationTime) {\n if (\n null === current$$1 ||\n 4 !== current$$1.tag ||\n current$$1.stateNode.containerInfo !== portal.containerInfo ||\n current$$1.stateNode.implementation !== portal.implementation\n )\n return (\n (current$$1 = createFiberFromPortal(\n portal,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (current$$1.return = returnFiber),\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = useFiber(current$$1, portal.children || [], expirationTime);\n current$$1.return = returnFiber;\n return current$$1;\n }\n function updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n current$$1,\n fragment,\n expirationTime,\n key\n ) {\n if (null === current$$1 || 7 !== current$$1.tag)\n return (\n (current$$1 = createFiberFromFragment(\n fragment,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime,\n key\n )),\n (current$$1.return = returnFiber),\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = useFiber(current$$1, fragment, expirationTime);\n current$$1.return = returnFiber;\n return current$$1;\n }\n function createChild(returnFiber, newChild, expirationTime) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return (\n (newChild = createFiberFromText(\n \"\" + newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (newChild.return = returnFiber),\n newChild\n );\n if (\"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return (\n (expirationTime = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n newChild.type,\n newChild.key,\n newChild.props,\n null,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, null, newChild)),\n (expirationTime.return = returnFiber),\n expirationTime\n );\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return (\n (newChild = createFiberFromPortal(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (newChild.return = returnFiber),\n newChild\n );\n }\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return (\n (newChild = createFiberFromFragment(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime,\n null\n )),\n (newChild.return = returnFiber),\n newChild\n );\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n return null;\n }\n function updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, expirationTime) {\n var key = null !== oldFiber ? oldFiber.key : null;\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return null !== key\n ? null\n : updateTextNode(returnFiber, oldFiber, \"\" + newChild, expirationTime);\n if (\"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return newChild.key === key\n ? newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n newChild.props.children,\n expirationTime,\n key\n )\n : updateElement(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, expirationTime)\n : null;\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return newChild.key === key\n ? updatePortal(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, expirationTime)\n : null;\n }\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return null !== key\n ? null\n : updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n newChild,\n expirationTime,\n null\n );\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n return null;\n }\n function updateFromMap(\n existingChildren,\n returnFiber,\n newIdx,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return (\n (existingChildren = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null),\n updateTextNode(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n \"\" + newChild,\n expirationTime\n )\n );\n if (\"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return (\n (existingChildren =\n existingChildren.get(\n null === newChild.key ? newIdx : newChild.key\n ) || null),\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild.props.children,\n expirationTime,\n newChild.key\n )\n : updateElement(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n )\n );\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return (\n (existingChildren =\n existingChildren.get(\n null === newChild.key ? newIdx : newChild.key\n ) || null),\n updatePortal(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n )\n );\n }\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return (\n (existingChildren = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null),\n updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild,\n expirationTime,\n null\n )\n );\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n return null;\n }\n function reconcileChildrenArray(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChildren,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n for (\n var resultingFirstChild = null,\n previousNewFiber = null,\n oldFiber = currentFirstChild,\n newIdx = (currentFirstChild = 0),\n nextOldFiber = null;\n null !== oldFiber && newIdx < newChildren.length;\n newIdx++\n ) {\n oldFiber.index > newIdx\n ? ((nextOldFiber = oldFiber), (oldFiber = null))\n : (nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling);\n var newFiber = updateSlot(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n newChildren[newIdx],\n expirationTime\n );\n if (null === newFiber) {\n null === oldFiber && (oldFiber = nextOldFiber);\n break;\n }\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber &&\n null === newFiber.alternate &&\n deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n currentFirstChild = placeChild(newFiber, currentFirstChild, newIdx);\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (resultingFirstChild = newFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber);\n previousNewFiber = newFiber;\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n if (newIdx === newChildren.length)\n return (\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber), resultingFirstChild\n );\n if (null === oldFiber) {\n for (; newIdx < newChildren.length; newIdx++)\n (oldFiber = createChild(\n returnFiber,\n newChildren[newIdx],\n expirationTime\n )),\n null !== oldFiber &&\n ((currentFirstChild = placeChild(\n oldFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newIdx\n )),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (resultingFirstChild = oldFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = oldFiber),\n (previousNewFiber = oldFiber));\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n for (\n oldFiber = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n newIdx < newChildren.length;\n newIdx++\n )\n (nextOldFiber = updateFromMap(\n oldFiber,\n returnFiber,\n newIdx,\n newChildren[newIdx],\n expirationTime\n )),\n null !== nextOldFiber &&\n (shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n null !== nextOldFiber.alternate &&\n oldFiber.delete(\n null === nextOldFiber.key ? newIdx : nextOldFiber.key\n ),\n (currentFirstChild = placeChild(\n nextOldFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newIdx\n )),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (resultingFirstChild = nextOldFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = nextOldFiber),\n (previousNewFiber = nextOldFiber));\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber.forEach(function(child) {\n return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n });\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n function reconcileChildrenIterator(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChildrenIterable,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(newChildrenIterable);\n if (\"function\" !== typeof iteratorFn)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"An object is not an iterable. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n newChildrenIterable =;\n if (null == newChildrenIterable)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"An iterable object provided no iterator.\"));\n for (\n var previousNewFiber = (iteratorFn = null),\n oldFiber = currentFirstChild,\n newIdx = (currentFirstChild = 0),\n nextOldFiber = null,\n step =;\n null !== oldFiber && !step.done;\n newIdx++, step =\n ) {\n oldFiber.index > newIdx\n ? ((nextOldFiber = oldFiber), (oldFiber = null))\n : (nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling);\n var newFiber = updateSlot(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n step.value,\n expirationTime\n );\n if (null === newFiber) {\n null === oldFiber && (oldFiber = nextOldFiber);\n break;\n }\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber &&\n null === newFiber.alternate &&\n deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n currentFirstChild = placeChild(newFiber, currentFirstChild, newIdx);\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (iteratorFn = newFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber);\n previousNewFiber = newFiber;\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n if (step.done)\n return deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber), iteratorFn;\n if (null === oldFiber) {\n for (; !step.done; newIdx++, step =\n (step = createChild(returnFiber, step.value, expirationTime)),\n null !== step &&\n ((currentFirstChild = placeChild(step, currentFirstChild, newIdx)),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (iteratorFn = step)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = step),\n (previousNewFiber = step));\n return iteratorFn;\n }\n for (\n oldFiber = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n !step.done;\n newIdx++, step =\n )\n (step = updateFromMap(\n oldFiber,\n returnFiber,\n newIdx,\n step.value,\n expirationTime\n )),\n null !== step &&\n (shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n null !== step.alternate &&\n oldFiber.delete(null === step.key ? newIdx : step.key),\n (currentFirstChild = placeChild(step, currentFirstChild, newIdx)),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (iteratorFn = step)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = step),\n (previousNewFiber = step));\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber.forEach(function(child) {\n return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n });\n return iteratorFn;\n }\n return function(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, expirationTime) {\n var isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment =\n \"object\" === typeof newChild &&\n null !== newChild &&\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE &&\n null === newChild.key;\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment && (newChild = newChild.props.children);\n var isObject = \"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild;\n if (isObject)\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n a: {\n isObject = newChild.key;\n for (\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = currentFirstChild;\n null !== isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment;\n\n ) {\n if (isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.key === isObject) {\n if (\n 7 === isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.tag\n ? newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n : isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.elementType === newChild.type\n ) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(\n returnFiber,\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.sibling\n );\n currentFirstChild = useFiber(\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment,\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? newChild.props.children\n : newChild.props,\n expirationTime\n );\n currentFirstChild.ref = coerceRef(\n returnFiber,\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment,\n newChild\n );\n currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;\n returnFiber = currentFirstChild;\n break a;\n }\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment);\n break;\n } else deleteChild(returnFiber, isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment);\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.sibling;\n }\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? ((currentFirstChild = createFiberFromFragment(\n newChild.props.children,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime,\n newChild.key\n )),\n (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = currentFirstChild))\n : ((expirationTime = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n newChild.type,\n newChild.key,\n newChild.props,\n null,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild\n )),\n (expirationTime.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = expirationTime));\n }\n return placeSingleChild(returnFiber);\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n a: {\n for (\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = newChild.key;\n null !== currentFirstChild;\n\n ) {\n if (currentFirstChild.key === isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment) {\n if (\n 4 === currentFirstChild.tag &&\n currentFirstChild.stateNode.containerInfo ===\n newChild.containerInfo &&\n currentFirstChild.stateNode.implementation ===\n newChild.implementation\n ) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild.sibling\n );\n currentFirstChild = useFiber(\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild.children || [],\n expirationTime\n );\n currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;\n returnFiber = currentFirstChild;\n break a;\n }\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n break;\n } else deleteChild(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling;\n }\n currentFirstChild = createFiberFromPortal(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n );\n currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;\n returnFiber = currentFirstChild;\n }\n return placeSingleChild(returnFiber);\n }\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return (\n (newChild = \"\" + newChild),\n null !== currentFirstChild && 6 === currentFirstChild.tag\n ? (deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild.sibling),\n (currentFirstChild = useFiber(\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = currentFirstChild))\n : (deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild),\n (currentFirstChild = createFiberFromText(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = currentFirstChild)),\n placeSingleChild(returnFiber)\n );\n if (isArray(newChild))\n return reconcileChildrenArray(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n );\n if (getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return reconcileChildrenIterator(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n );\n isObject && throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof newChild && !isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment)\n switch (returnFiber.tag) {\n case 1:\n case 0:\n throw ((returnFiber = returnFiber.type),\n ReactError(\n Error(\n (returnFiber.displayName || || \"Component\") +\n \"(...): Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null.\"\n )\n ));\n }\n return deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n };\n}\nvar reconcileChildFibers = ChildReconciler(!0),\n mountChildFibers = ChildReconciler(!1),\n NO_CONTEXT = {},\n contextStackCursor$1 = { current: NO_CONTEXT },\n contextFiberStackCursor = { current: NO_CONTEXT },\n rootInstanceStackCursor = { current: NO_CONTEXT };\nfunction requiredContext(c) {\n if (c === NO_CONTEXT)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected host context to exist. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n return c;\n}\nfunction pushHostContainer(fiber, nextRootInstance) {\n push(rootInstanceStackCursor, nextRootInstance, fiber);\n push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber, fiber);\n push(contextStackCursor$1, NO_CONTEXT, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n push(contextStackCursor$1, { isInAParentText: !1 }, fiber);\n}\nfunction popHostContainer(fiber) {\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n pop(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(rootInstanceStackCursor, fiber);\n}\nfunction pushHostContext(fiber) {\n requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current);\n var context = requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n var nextContext = fiber.type;\n nextContext =\n \"AndroidTextInput\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTMultilineTextInputView\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTSinglelineTextInputView\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTText\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTVirtualText\" === nextContext;\n nextContext =\n context.isInAParentText !== nextContext\n ? { isInAParentText: nextContext }\n : context;\n context !== nextContext &&\n (push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber, fiber),\n push(contextStackCursor$1, nextContext, fiber));\n}\nfunction popHostContext(fiber) {\n contextFiberStackCursor.current === fiber &&\n (pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber), pop(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber));\n}\nvar SubtreeSuspenseContextMask = 1,\n InvisibleParentSuspenseContext = 1,\n ForceSuspenseFallback = 2,\n suspenseStackCursor = { current: 0 };\nfunction findFirstSuspended(row) {\n for (var node = row; null !== node; ) {\n if (13 === node.tag) {\n if (null !== node.memoizedState) return node;\n } else if (19 === node.tag && void 0 !== node.memoizedProps.revealOrder) {\n if (0 !== (node.effectTag & 64)) return node;\n } else if (null !== node.child) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (node === row) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === row) return null;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction createResponderListener(responder, props) {\n return { responder: responder, props: props };\n}\nvar NoEffect$1 = 0,\n UnmountSnapshot = 2,\n UnmountMutation = 4,\n MountMutation = 8,\n UnmountLayout = 16,\n MountLayout = 32,\n MountPassive = 64,\n UnmountPassive = 128,\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n renderExpirationTime$1 = 0,\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null,\n currentHook = null,\n nextCurrentHook = null,\n firstWorkInProgressHook = null,\n workInProgressHook = null,\n nextWorkInProgressHook = null,\n remainingExpirationTime = 0,\n componentUpdateQueue = null,\n sideEffectTag = 0,\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1,\n renderPhaseUpdates = null,\n numberOfReRenders = 0;\nfunction throwInvalidHookError() {\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\\n1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\\n2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\\n3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\\nSee for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.\"\n )\n );\n}\nfunction areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps) {\n if (null === prevDeps) return !1;\n for (var i = 0; i < prevDeps.length && i < nextDeps.length; i++)\n if (!is(nextDeps[i], prevDeps[i])) return !1;\n return !0;\n}\nfunction renderWithHooks(\n current,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n props,\n refOrContext,\n nextRenderExpirationTime\n) {\n renderExpirationTime$1 = nextRenderExpirationTime;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = workInProgress;\n nextCurrentHook = null !== current ? current.memoizedState : null;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current =\n null === nextCurrentHook ? HooksDispatcherOnMount : HooksDispatcherOnUpdate;\n workInProgress = Component(props, refOrContext);\n if (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate) {\n do\n (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1),\n (numberOfReRenders += 1),\n (nextCurrentHook = null !== current ? current.memoizedState : null),\n (nextWorkInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook),\n (componentUpdateQueue = workInProgressHook = currentHook = null),\n (ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = HooksDispatcherOnUpdate),\n (workInProgress = Component(props, refOrContext));\n while (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate);\n renderPhaseUpdates = null;\n numberOfReRenders = 0;\n }\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n current = currentlyRenderingFiber$1;\n current.memoizedState = firstWorkInProgressHook;\n current.expirationTime = remainingExpirationTime;\n current.updateQueue = componentUpdateQueue;\n current.effectTag |= sideEffectTag;\n current = null !== currentHook && null !==;\n renderExpirationTime$1 = 0;\n nextWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook = nextCurrentHook = currentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;\n remainingExpirationTime = 0;\n componentUpdateQueue = null;\n sideEffectTag = 0;\n if (current)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Rendered fewer hooks than expected. This may be caused by an accidental early return statement.\"\n )\n );\n return workInProgress;\n}\nfunction resetHooks() {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n renderExpirationTime$1 = 0;\n nextWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook = nextCurrentHook = currentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;\n remainingExpirationTime = 0;\n componentUpdateQueue = null;\n sideEffectTag = 0;\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1;\n renderPhaseUpdates = null;\n numberOfReRenders = 0;\n}\nfunction mountWorkInProgressHook() {\n var hook = {\n memoizedState: null,\n baseState: null,\n queue: null,\n baseUpdate: null,\n next: null\n };\n null === workInProgressHook\n ? (firstWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = hook)\n : (workInProgressHook = = hook);\n return workInProgressHook;\n}\nfunction updateWorkInProgressHook() {\n if (null !== nextWorkInProgressHook)\n (workInProgressHook = nextWorkInProgressHook),\n (nextWorkInProgressHook =,\n (currentHook = nextCurrentHook),\n (nextCurrentHook = null !== currentHook ? : null);\n else {\n if (null === nextCurrentHook)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.\")\n );\n currentHook = nextCurrentHook;\n var newHook = {\n memoizedState: currentHook.memoizedState,\n baseState: currentHook.baseState,\n queue: currentHook.queue,\n baseUpdate: currentHook.baseUpdate,\n next: null\n };\n workInProgressHook =\n null === workInProgressHook\n ? (firstWorkInProgressHook = newHook)\n : ( = newHook);\n nextCurrentHook =;\n }\n return workInProgressHook;\n}\nfunction basicStateReducer(state, action) {\n return \"function\" === typeof action ? action(state) : action;\n}\nfunction updateReducer(reducer) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook(),\n queue = hook.queue;\n if (null === queue)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Should have a queue. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n queue.lastRenderedReducer = reducer;\n if (0 < numberOfReRenders) {\n var _dispatch = queue.dispatch;\n if (null !== renderPhaseUpdates) {\n var firstRenderPhaseUpdate = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue);\n if (void 0 !== firstRenderPhaseUpdate) {\n renderPhaseUpdates.delete(queue);\n var newState = hook.memoizedState;\n do\n (newState = reducer(newState, firstRenderPhaseUpdate.action)),\n (firstRenderPhaseUpdate =;\n while (null !== firstRenderPhaseUpdate);\n is(newState, hook.memoizedState) || (didReceiveUpdate = !0);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseUpdate === queue.last && (hook.baseState = newState);\n queue.lastRenderedState = newState;\n return [newState, _dispatch];\n }\n }\n return [hook.memoizedState, _dispatch];\n }\n _dispatch = queue.last;\n var baseUpdate = hook.baseUpdate;\n newState = hook.baseState;\n null !== baseUpdate\n ? (null !== _dispatch && ( = null),\n (_dispatch =\n : (_dispatch = null !== _dispatch ? : null);\n if (null !== _dispatch) {\n var newBaseUpdate = (firstRenderPhaseUpdate = null),\n _update = _dispatch,\n didSkip = !1;\n do {\n var updateExpirationTime = _update.expirationTime;\n updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime$1\n ? (didSkip ||\n ((didSkip = !0),\n (newBaseUpdate = baseUpdate),\n (firstRenderPhaseUpdate = newState)),\n updateExpirationTime > remainingExpirationTime &&\n (remainingExpirationTime = updateExpirationTime))\n : (markRenderEventTimeAndConfig(\n updateExpirationTime,\n _update.suspenseConfig\n ),\n (newState =\n _update.eagerReducer === reducer\n ? _update.eagerState\n : reducer(newState, _update.action)));\n baseUpdate = _update;\n _update =;\n } while (null !== _update && _update !== _dispatch);\n didSkip ||\n ((newBaseUpdate = baseUpdate), (firstRenderPhaseUpdate = newState));\n is(newState, hook.memoizedState) || (didReceiveUpdate = !0);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseUpdate = newBaseUpdate;\n hook.baseState = firstRenderPhaseUpdate;\n queue.lastRenderedState = newState;\n }\n return [hook.memoizedState, queue.dispatch];\n}\nfunction pushEffect(tag, create, destroy, deps) {\n tag = { tag: tag, create: create, destroy: destroy, deps: deps, next: null };\n null === componentUpdateQueue\n ? ((componentUpdateQueue = { lastEffect: null }),\n (componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = = tag))\n : ((create = componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect),\n null === create\n ? (componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = = tag)\n : ((destroy =,\n ( = tag),\n ( = destroy),\n (componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = tag)));\n return tag;\n}\nfunction mountEffectImpl(fiberEffectTag, hookEffectTag, create, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n sideEffectTag |= fiberEffectTag;\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(\n hookEffectTag,\n create,\n void 0,\n void 0 === deps ? null : deps\n );\n}\nfunction updateEffectImpl(fiberEffectTag, hookEffectTag, create, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n var destroy = void 0;\n if (null !== currentHook) {\n var prevEffect = currentHook.memoizedState;\n destroy = prevEffect.destroy;\n if (null !== deps && areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevEffect.deps)) {\n pushEffect(NoEffect$1, create, destroy, deps);\n return;\n }\n }\n sideEffectTag |= fiberEffectTag;\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(hookEffectTag, create, destroy, deps);\n}\nfunction imperativeHandleEffect(create, ref) {\n if (\"function\" === typeof ref)\n return (\n (create = create()),\n ref(create),\n function() {\n ref(null);\n }\n );\n if (null !== ref && void 0 !== ref)\n return (\n (create = create()),\n (ref.current = create),\n function() {\n ref.current = null;\n }\n );\n}\nfunction mountDebugValue() {}\nfunction dispatchAction(fiber, queue, action) {\n if (!(25 > numberOfReRenders))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.\"\n )\n );\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n if (\n fiber === currentlyRenderingFiber$1 ||\n (null !== alternate && alternate === currentlyRenderingFiber$1)\n )\n if (\n ((didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !0),\n (fiber = {\n expirationTime: renderExpirationTime$1,\n suspenseConfig: null,\n action: action,\n eagerReducer: null,\n eagerState: null,\n next: null\n }),\n null === renderPhaseUpdates && (renderPhaseUpdates = new Map()),\n (action = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue)),\n void 0 === action)\n )\n renderPhaseUpdates.set(queue, fiber);\n else {\n for (queue = action; null !==; ) queue =;\n = fiber;\n }\n else {\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n _suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(\n currentTime,\n fiber,\n _suspenseConfig\n );\n _suspenseConfig = {\n expirationTime: currentTime,\n suspenseConfig: _suspenseConfig,\n action: action,\n eagerReducer: null,\n eagerState: null,\n next: null\n };\n var _last = queue.last;\n if (null === _last) = _suspenseConfig;\n else {\n var first =;\n null !== first && ( = first);\n = _suspenseConfig;\n }\n queue.last = _suspenseConfig;\n if (\n 0 === fiber.expirationTime &&\n (null === alternate || 0 === alternate.expirationTime) &&\n ((alternate = queue.lastRenderedReducer), null !== alternate)\n )\n try {\n var currentState = queue.lastRenderedState,\n _eagerState = alternate(currentState, action);\n _suspenseConfig.eagerReducer = alternate;\n _suspenseConfig.eagerState = _eagerState;\n if (is(_eagerState, currentState)) return;\n } catch (error) {\n } finally {\n }\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, currentTime);\n }\n}\nvar ContextOnlyDispatcher = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: throwInvalidHookError,\n useContext: throwInvalidHookError,\n useEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useImperativeHandle: throwInvalidHookError,\n useLayoutEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useMemo: throwInvalidHookError,\n useReducer: throwInvalidHookError,\n useRef: throwInvalidHookError,\n useState: throwInvalidHookError,\n useDebugValue: throwInvalidHookError,\n useResponder: throwInvalidHookError\n },\n HooksDispatcherOnMount = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: function(callback, deps) {\n mountWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState = [\n callback,\n void 0 === deps ? null : deps\n ];\n return callback;\n },\n useContext: readContext,\n useEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return mountEffectImpl(516, UnmountPassive | MountPassive, create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function(ref, create, deps) {\n deps = null !== deps && void 0 !== deps ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;\n return mountEffectImpl(\n 4,\n UnmountMutation | MountLayout,\n imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref),\n deps\n );\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return mountEffectImpl(4, UnmountMutation | MountLayout, create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function(nextCreate, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n nextCreate = nextCreate();\n hook.memoizedState = [nextCreate, deps];\n return nextCreate;\n },\n useReducer: function(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n initialArg = void 0 !== init ? init(initialArg) : initialArg;\n hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialArg;\n reducer = hook.queue = {\n last: null,\n dispatch: null,\n lastRenderedReducer: reducer,\n lastRenderedState: initialArg\n };\n reducer = reducer.dispatch = dispatchAction.bind(\n null,\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1,\n reducer\n );\n return [hook.memoizedState, reducer];\n },\n useRef: function(initialValue) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n initialValue = { current: initialValue };\n return (hook.memoizedState = initialValue);\n },\n useState: function(initialState) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n \"function\" === typeof initialState && (initialState = initialState());\n hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;\n initialState = hook.queue = {\n last: null,\n dispatch: null,\n lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,\n lastRenderedState: initialState\n };\n initialState = initialState.dispatch = dispatchAction.bind(\n null,\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1,\n initialState\n );\n return [hook.memoizedState, initialState];\n },\n useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,\n useResponder: createResponderListener\n },\n HooksDispatcherOnUpdate = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: function(callback, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n var prevState = hook.memoizedState;\n if (\n null !== prevState &&\n null !== deps &&\n areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevState[1])\n )\n return prevState[0];\n hook.memoizedState = [callback, deps];\n return callback;\n },\n useContext: readContext,\n useEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(516, UnmountPassive | MountPassive, create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function(ref, create, deps) {\n deps = null !== deps && void 0 !== deps ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;\n return updateEffectImpl(\n 4,\n UnmountMutation | MountLayout,\n imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref),\n deps\n );\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(4, UnmountMutation | MountLayout, create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function(nextCreate, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n var prevState = hook.memoizedState;\n if (\n null !== prevState &&\n null !== deps &&\n areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevState[1])\n )\n return prevState[0];\n nextCreate = nextCreate();\n hook.memoizedState = [nextCreate, deps];\n return nextCreate;\n },\n useReducer: updateReducer,\n useRef: function() {\n return updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;\n },\n useState: function(initialState) {\n return updateReducer(basicStateReducer, initialState);\n },\n useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,\n useResponder: createResponderListener\n },\n hydrationParentFiber = null,\n nextHydratableInstance = null,\n isHydrating = !1;\nfunction tryHydrate(fiber, nextInstance) {\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case 5:\n return (\n (nextInstance = shim$1(nextInstance, fiber.type, fiber.pendingProps)),\n null !== nextInstance ? ((fiber.stateNode = nextInstance), !0) : !1\n );\n case 6:\n return (\n (nextInstance = shim$1(nextInstance, fiber.pendingProps)),\n null !== nextInstance ? ((fiber.stateNode = nextInstance), !0) : !1\n );\n case 13:\n return !1;\n default:\n return !1;\n }\n}\nfunction tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(fiber$jscomp$0) {\n if (isHydrating) {\n var nextInstance = nextHydratableInstance;\n if (nextInstance) {\n var firstAttemptedInstance = nextInstance;\n if (!tryHydrate(fiber$jscomp$0, nextInstance)) {\n nextInstance = shim$1(firstAttemptedInstance);\n if (!nextInstance || !tryHydrate(fiber$jscomp$0, nextInstance)) {\n fiber$jscomp$0.effectTag |= 2;\n isHydrating = !1;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber$jscomp$0;\n return;\n }\n var returnFiber = hydrationParentFiber,\n fiber = createFiber(5, null, null, 0);\n fiber.elementType = \"DELETED\";\n fiber.type = \"DELETED\";\n fiber.stateNode = firstAttemptedInstance;\n fiber.return = returnFiber;\n fiber.effectTag = 8;\n null !== returnFiber.lastEffect\n ? ((returnFiber.lastEffect.nextEffect = fiber),\n (returnFiber.lastEffect = fiber))\n : (returnFiber.firstEffect = returnFiber.lastEffect = fiber);\n }\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber$jscomp$0;\n nextHydratableInstance = shim$1(nextInstance);\n } else\n (fiber$jscomp$0.effectTag |= 2),\n (isHydrating = !1),\n (hydrationParentFiber = fiber$jscomp$0);\n }\n}\nvar ReactCurrentOwner$3 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner,\n didReceiveUpdate = !1;\nfunction reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n workInProgress.child =\n null === current$$1\n ? mountChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n : reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n current$$1.child,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n}\nfunction updateForwardRef(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n Component = Component.render;\n var ref = workInProgress.ref;\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n nextProps = renderWithHooks(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n ref,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n if (null !== current$$1 && !didReceiveUpdate)\n return (\n (workInProgress.updateQueue = current$$1.updateQueue),\n (workInProgress.effectTag &= -517),\n current$$1.expirationTime <= renderExpirationTime &&\n (current$$1.expirationTime = 0),\n bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction updateMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n if (null === current$$1) {\n var type = Component.type;\n if (\n \"function\" === typeof type &&\n !shouldConstruct(type) &&\n void 0 === type.defaultProps &&\n null === &&\n void 0 === Component.defaultProps\n )\n return (\n (workInProgress.tag = 15),\n (workInProgress.type = type),\n updateSimpleMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n type,\n nextProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n current$$1 = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n Component.type,\n null,\n nextProps,\n null,\n workInProgress.mode,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n current$$1.ref = workInProgress.ref;\n current$$1.return = workInProgress;\n return (workInProgress.child = current$$1);\n }\n type = current$$1.child;\n if (\n updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n ((updateExpirationTime = type.memoizedProps),\n (Component =,\n (Component = null !== Component ? Component : shallowEqual),\n Component(updateExpirationTime, nextProps) &&\n current$$1.ref === workInProgress.ref)\n )\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n current$$1 = createWorkInProgress(type, nextProps, renderExpirationTime);\n current$$1.ref = workInProgress.ref;\n current$$1.return = workInProgress;\n return (workInProgress.child = current$$1);\n}\nfunction updateSimpleMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n return null !== current$$1 &&\n shallowEqual(current$$1.memoizedProps, nextProps) &&\n current$$1.ref === workInProgress.ref &&\n ((didReceiveUpdate = !1), updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime)\n ? bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n : updateFunctionComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n}\nfunction markRef(current$$1, workInProgress) {\n var ref = workInProgress.ref;\n if (\n (null === current$$1 && null !== ref) ||\n (null !== current$$1 && current$$1.ref !== ref)\n )\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 128;\n}\nfunction updateFunctionComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var context = isContextProvider(Component)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current;\n context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, context);\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n Component = renderWithHooks(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n context,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n if (null !== current$$1 && !didReceiveUpdate)\n return (\n (workInProgress.updateQueue = current$$1.updateQueue),\n (workInProgress.effectTag &= -517),\n current$$1.expirationTime <= renderExpirationTime &&\n (current$$1.expirationTime = 0),\n bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction updateClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n var hasContext = !0;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else hasContext = !1;\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n if (null === workInProgress.stateNode)\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2)),\n constructClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (nextProps = !0);\n else if (null === current$$1) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode,\n oldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n instance.props = oldProps;\n var oldContext = instance.context,\n contextType = Component.contextType;\n \"object\" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType\n ? (contextType = readContext(contextType))\n : ((contextType = isContextProvider(Component)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (contextType = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, contextType)));\n var getDerivedStateFromProps = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps,\n hasNewLifecycles =\n \"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps ||\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;\n hasNewLifecycles ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps) ||\n ((oldProps !== nextProps || oldContext !== contextType) &&\n callComponentWillReceiveProps(\n workInProgress,\n instance,\n nextProps,\n contextType\n ));\n hasForceUpdate = !1;\n var oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n oldContext = instance.state = oldState;\n var updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n null !== updateQueue &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n updateQueue,\n nextProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState));\n oldProps !== nextProps ||\n oldState !== oldContext ||\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current ||\n hasForceUpdate\n ? (\"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&\n (applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n nextProps\n ),\n (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState)),\n (oldProps =\n hasForceUpdate ||\n checkShouldComponentUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n oldProps,\n nextProps,\n oldState,\n oldContext,\n contextType\n ))\n ? (hasNewLifecycles ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillMount) ||\n (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillMount &&\n instance.componentWillMount(),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4))\n : (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n (workInProgress.memoizedProps = nextProps),\n (workInProgress.memoizedState = oldContext)),\n (instance.props = nextProps),\n (instance.state = oldContext),\n (instance.context = contextType),\n (nextProps = oldProps))\n : (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n (nextProps = !1));\n } else\n (instance = workInProgress.stateNode),\n (oldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps),\n (instance.props =\n workInProgress.type === workInProgress.elementType\n ? oldProps\n : resolveDefaultProps(workInProgress.type, oldProps)),\n (oldContext = instance.context),\n (contextType = Component.contextType),\n \"object\" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType\n ? (contextType = readContext(contextType))\n : ((contextType = isContextProvider(Component)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (contextType = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, contextType))),\n (getDerivedStateFromProps = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps),\n (hasNewLifecycles =\n \"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps ||\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps) ||\n ((oldProps !== nextProps || oldContext !== contextType) &&\n callComponentWillReceiveProps(\n workInProgress,\n instance,\n nextProps,\n contextType\n )),\n (hasForceUpdate = !1),\n (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState),\n (oldState = instance.state = oldContext),\n (updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue),\n null !== updateQueue &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n updateQueue,\n nextProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState)),\n oldProps !== nextProps ||\n oldContext !== oldState ||\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current ||\n hasForceUpdate\n ? (\"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&\n (applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n nextProps\n ),\n (oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState)),\n (getDerivedStateFromProps =\n hasForceUpdate ||\n checkShouldComponentUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n oldProps,\n nextProps,\n oldContext,\n oldState,\n contextType\n ))\n ? (hasNewLifecycles ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillUpdate) ||\n (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillUpdate &&\n instance.componentWillUpdate(\n nextProps,\n oldState,\n contextType\n ),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(\n nextProps,\n oldState,\n contextType\n )),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidUpdate &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 256))\n : (\"function\" !== typeof instance.componentDidUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 256),\n (workInProgress.memoizedProps = nextProps),\n (workInProgress.memoizedState = oldState)),\n (instance.props = nextProps),\n (instance.state = oldState),\n (instance.context = contextType),\n (nextProps = getDerivedStateFromProps))\n : (\"function\" !== typeof instance.componentDidUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 256),\n (nextProps = !1));\n return finishClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n hasContext,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n}\nfunction finishClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n shouldUpdate,\n hasContext,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n markRef(current$$1, workInProgress);\n var didCaptureError = 0 !== (workInProgress.effectTag & 64);\n if (!shouldUpdate && !didCaptureError)\n return (\n hasContext && invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, Component, !1),\n bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n shouldUpdate = workInProgress.stateNode;\n ReactCurrentOwner$3.current = workInProgress;\n var nextChildren =\n didCaptureError && \"function\" !== typeof Component.getDerivedStateFromError\n ? null\n : shouldUpdate.render();\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n null !== current$$1 && didCaptureError\n ? ((workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n current$$1.child,\n null,\n renderExpirationTime\n )),\n (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n )))\n : reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.memoizedState = shouldUpdate.state;\n hasContext && invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, Component, !0);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction pushHostRootContext(workInProgress) {\n var root = workInProgress.stateNode;\n root.pendingContext\n ? pushTopLevelContextObject(\n workInProgress,\n root.pendingContext,\n root.pendingContext !== root.context\n )\n : root.context &&\n pushTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress, root.context, !1);\n pushHostContainer(workInProgress, root.containerInfo);\n}\nvar SUSPENDED_MARKER = {};\nfunction updateSuspenseComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var mode = workInProgress.mode,\n nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,\n suspenseContext = suspenseStackCursor.current,\n nextState = null,\n nextDidTimeout = !1,\n JSCompiler_temp;\n (JSCompiler_temp = 0 !== (workInProgress.effectTag & 64)) ||\n (JSCompiler_temp =\n 0 !== (suspenseContext & ForceSuspenseFallback) &&\n (null === current$$1 || null !== current$$1.memoizedState));\n JSCompiler_temp\n ? ((nextState = SUSPENDED_MARKER),\n (nextDidTimeout = !0),\n (workInProgress.effectTag &= -65))\n : (null !== current$$1 && null === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n void 0 === nextProps.fallback ||\n !0 === nextProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback ||\n (suspenseContext |= InvisibleParentSuspenseContext);\n suspenseContext &= SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n push(suspenseStackCursor, suspenseContext, workInProgress);\n if (null === current$$1)\n if (nextDidTimeout) {\n nextProps = nextProps.fallback;\n current$$1 = createFiberFromFragment(null, mode, 0, null);\n current$$1.return = workInProgress;\n if (0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2))\n for (\n nextDidTimeout =\n null !== workInProgress.memoizedState\n ? workInProgress.child.child\n : workInProgress.child,\n current$$1.child = nextDidTimeout;\n null !== nextDidTimeout;\n\n )\n (nextDidTimeout.return = current$$1),\n (nextDidTimeout = nextDidTimeout.sibling);\n renderExpirationTime = createFiberFromFragment(\n nextProps,\n mode,\n renderExpirationTime,\n null\n );\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n current$$1.sibling = renderExpirationTime;\n mode = current$$1;\n } else\n mode = renderExpirationTime = mountChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n else {\n if (null !== current$$1.memoizedState)\n if (\n ((suspenseContext = current$$1.child),\n (mode = suspenseContext.sibling),\n nextDidTimeout)\n ) {\n nextProps = nextProps.fallback;\n renderExpirationTime = createWorkInProgress(\n suspenseContext,\n suspenseContext.pendingProps,\n 0\n );\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n if (\n 0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&\n ((nextDidTimeout =\n null !== workInProgress.memoizedState\n ? workInProgress.child.child\n : workInProgress.child),\n nextDidTimeout !== suspenseContext.child)\n )\n for (\n renderExpirationTime.child = nextDidTimeout;\n null !== nextDidTimeout;\n\n )\n (nextDidTimeout.return = renderExpirationTime),\n (nextDidTimeout = nextDidTimeout.sibling);\n nextProps = createWorkInProgress(mode, nextProps, mode.expirationTime);\n nextProps.return = workInProgress;\n renderExpirationTime.sibling = nextProps;\n mode = renderExpirationTime;\n renderExpirationTime.childExpirationTime = 0;\n renderExpirationTime = nextProps;\n } else\n mode = renderExpirationTime = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n suspenseContext.child,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n else if (((suspenseContext = current$$1.child), nextDidTimeout)) {\n nextDidTimeout = nextProps.fallback;\n nextProps = createFiberFromFragment(null, mode, 0, null);\n nextProps.return = workInProgress;\n nextProps.child = suspenseContext;\n null !== suspenseContext && (suspenseContext.return = nextProps);\n if (0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2))\n for (\n suspenseContext =\n null !== workInProgress.memoizedState\n ? workInProgress.child.child\n : workInProgress.child,\n nextProps.child = suspenseContext;\n null !== suspenseContext;\n\n )\n (suspenseContext.return = nextProps),\n (suspenseContext = suspenseContext.sibling);\n renderExpirationTime = createFiberFromFragment(\n nextDidTimeout,\n mode,\n renderExpirationTime,\n null\n );\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n nextProps.sibling = renderExpirationTime;\n renderExpirationTime.effectTag |= 2;\n mode = nextProps;\n nextProps.childExpirationTime = 0;\n } else\n renderExpirationTime = mode = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n suspenseContext,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.stateNode = current$$1.stateNode;\n }\n workInProgress.memoizedState = nextState;\n workInProgress.child = mode;\n return renderExpirationTime;\n}\nfunction initSuspenseListRenderState(\n workInProgress,\n isBackwards,\n tail,\n lastContentRow,\n tailMode\n) {\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n null === renderState\n ? (workInProgress.memoizedState = {\n isBackwards: isBackwards,\n rendering: null,\n last: lastContentRow,\n tail: tail,\n tailExpiration: 0,\n tailMode: tailMode\n })\n : ((renderState.isBackwards = isBackwards),\n (renderState.rendering = null),\n (renderState.last = lastContentRow),\n (renderState.tail = tail),\n (renderState.tailExpiration = 0),\n (renderState.tailMode = tailMode));\n}\nfunction updateSuspenseListComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,\n revealOrder = nextProps.revealOrder,\n tailMode = nextProps.tail;\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n nextProps = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n if (0 !== (nextProps & ForceSuspenseFallback))\n (nextProps =\n (nextProps & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask) | ForceSuspenseFallback),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 64);\n else {\n if (null !== current$$1 && 0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64))\n a: for (current$$1 = workInProgress.child; null !== current$$1; ) {\n if (13 === current$$1.tag) {\n if (null !== current$$1.memoizedState) {\n current$$1.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (current$$1.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n var alternate = current$$1.alternate;\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (alternate.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n scheduleWorkOnParentPath(current$$1.return, renderExpirationTime);\n }\n } else if (null !== current$$1.child) {\n current$$1.child.return = current$$1;\n current$$1 = current$$1.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (current$$1 === workInProgress) break a;\n for (; null === current$$1.sibling; ) {\n if (\n null === current$$1.return ||\n current$$1.return === workInProgress\n )\n break a;\n current$$1 = current$$1.return;\n }\n current$$1.sibling.return = current$$1.return;\n current$$1 = current$$1.sibling;\n }\n nextProps &= SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n }\n push(suspenseStackCursor, nextProps, workInProgress);\n if (0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2)) workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n else\n switch (revealOrder) {\n case \"forwards\":\n renderExpirationTime = workInProgress.child;\n for (revealOrder = null; null !== renderExpirationTime; )\n (nextProps = renderExpirationTime.alternate),\n null !== nextProps &&\n null === findFirstSuspended(nextProps) &&\n (revealOrder = renderExpirationTime),\n (renderExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime.sibling);\n renderExpirationTime = revealOrder;\n null === renderExpirationTime\n ? ((revealOrder = workInProgress.child),\n (workInProgress.child = null))\n : ((revealOrder = renderExpirationTime.sibling),\n (renderExpirationTime.sibling = null));\n initSuspenseListRenderState(\n workInProgress,\n !1,\n revealOrder,\n renderExpirationTime,\n tailMode\n );\n break;\n case \"backwards\":\n renderExpirationTime = null;\n revealOrder = workInProgress.child;\n for (workInProgress.child = null; null !== revealOrder; ) {\n nextProps = revealOrder.alternate;\n if (null !== nextProps && null === findFirstSuspended(nextProps)) {\n workInProgress.child = revealOrder;\n break;\n }\n nextProps = revealOrder.sibling;\n revealOrder.sibling = renderExpirationTime;\n renderExpirationTime = revealOrder;\n revealOrder = nextProps;\n }\n initSuspenseListRenderState(\n workInProgress,\n !0,\n renderExpirationTime,\n null,\n tailMode\n );\n break;\n case \"together\":\n initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, !1, null, null, void 0);\n break;\n default:\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n }\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n null !== current$$1 &&\n (workInProgress.dependencies = current$$1.dependencies);\n if (workInProgress.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime) return null;\n if (null !== current$$1 && workInProgress.child !== current$$1.child)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Resuming work not yet implemented.\"));\n if (null !== workInProgress.child) {\n current$$1 = workInProgress.child;\n renderExpirationTime = createWorkInProgress(\n current$$1,\n current$$1.pendingProps,\n current$$1.expirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.child = renderExpirationTime;\n for (\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n null !== current$$1.sibling;\n\n )\n (current$$1 = current$$1.sibling),\n (renderExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime.sibling = createWorkInProgress(\n current$$1,\n current$$1.pendingProps,\n current$$1.expirationTime\n )),\n (renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress);\n renderExpirationTime.sibling = null;\n }\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nvar appendAllChildren = void 0,\n updateHostContainer = void 0,\n updateHostComponent$1 = void 0,\n updateHostText$1 = void 0;\nappendAllChildren = function(parent, workInProgress) {\n for (var node = workInProgress.child; null !== node; ) {\n if (5 === node.tag || 6 === node.tag) parent._children.push(node.stateNode);\n else if (4 !== node.tag && null !== node.child) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (node === workInProgress) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === workInProgress) return;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n};\nupdateHostContainer = function() {};\nupdateHostComponent$1 = function(current, workInProgress, type, newProps) {\n current.memoizedProps !== newProps &&\n (requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current),\n (workInProgress.updateQueue = UPDATE_SIGNAL)) &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4);\n};\nupdateHostText$1 = function(current, workInProgress, oldText, newText) {\n oldText !== newText && (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4);\n};\nfunction cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, hasRenderedATailFallback) {\n switch (renderState.tailMode) {\n case \"hidden\":\n hasRenderedATailFallback = renderState.tail;\n for (var lastTailNode = null; null !== hasRenderedATailFallback; )\n null !== hasRenderedATailFallback.alternate &&\n (lastTailNode = hasRenderedATailFallback),\n (hasRenderedATailFallback = hasRenderedATailFallback.sibling);\n null === lastTailNode\n ? (renderState.tail = null)\n : (lastTailNode.sibling = null);\n break;\n case \"collapsed\":\n lastTailNode = renderState.tail;\n for (var _lastTailNode = null; null !== lastTailNode; )\n null !== lastTailNode.alternate && (_lastTailNode = lastTailNode),\n (lastTailNode = lastTailNode.sibling);\n null === _lastTailNode\n ? hasRenderedATailFallback || null === renderState.tail\n ? (renderState.tail = null)\n : (renderState.tail.sibling = null)\n : (_lastTailNode.sibling = null);\n }\n}\nfunction unwindWork(workInProgress) {\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 1:\n isContextProvider(workInProgress.type) && popContext(workInProgress);\n var effectTag = workInProgress.effectTag;\n return effectTag & 2048\n ? ((workInProgress.effectTag = (effectTag & -2049) | 64),\n workInProgress)\n : null;\n case 3:\n popHostContainer(workInProgress);\n popTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress);\n effectTag = workInProgress.effectTag;\n if (0 !== (effectTag & 64))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"The root failed to unmount after an error. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag = (effectTag & -2049) | 64;\n return workInProgress;\n case 5:\n return popHostContext(workInProgress), null;\n case 13:\n return (\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, workInProgress),\n (effectTag = workInProgress.effectTag),\n effectTag & 2048\n ? ((workInProgress.effectTag = (effectTag & -2049) | 64),\n workInProgress)\n : null\n );\n case 18:\n return null;\n case 19:\n return pop(suspenseStackCursor, workInProgress), null;\n case 4:\n return popHostContainer(workInProgress), null;\n case 10:\n return popProvider(workInProgress), null;\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\nfunction createCapturedValue(value, source) {\n return {\n value: value,\n source: source,\n stack: getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source)\n };\n}\nif (\n \"function\" !==\n typeof ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactFiberErrorDialog.showErrorDialog\n)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Expected ReactFiberErrorDialog.showErrorDialog to be a function.\")\n );\nfunction logCapturedError(capturedError) {\n !1 !==\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactFiberErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(\n capturedError\n ) && console.error(capturedError.error);\n}\nvar PossiblyWeakSet$1 = \"function\" === typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set;\nfunction logError(boundary, errorInfo) {\n var source = errorInfo.source,\n stack = errorInfo.stack;\n null === stack &&\n null !== source &&\n (stack = getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source));\n errorInfo = {\n componentName: null !== source ? getComponentName(source.type) : null,\n componentStack: null !== stack ? stack : \"\",\n error: errorInfo.value,\n errorBoundary: null,\n errorBoundaryName: null,\n errorBoundaryFound: !1,\n willRetry: !1\n };\n null !== boundary &&\n 1 === boundary.tag &&\n ((errorInfo.errorBoundary = boundary.stateNode),\n (errorInfo.errorBoundaryName = getComponentName(boundary.type)),\n (errorInfo.errorBoundaryFound = !0),\n (errorInfo.willRetry = !0));\n try {\n logCapturedError(errorInfo);\n } catch (e) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n throw e;\n });\n }\n}\nfunction safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(current$$1, instance) {\n try {\n (instance.props = current$$1.memoizedProps),\n (instance.state = current$$1.memoizedState),\n instance.componentWillUnmount();\n } catch (unmountError) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current$$1, unmountError);\n }\n}\nfunction safelyDetachRef(current$$1) {\n var ref = current$$1.ref;\n if (null !== ref)\n if (\"function\" === typeof ref)\n try {\n ref(null);\n } catch (refError) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current$$1, refError);\n }\n else ref.current = null;\n}\nfunction commitHookEffectList(unmountTag, mountTag, finishedWork) {\n finishedWork = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n finishedWork = null !== finishedWork ? finishedWork.lastEffect : null;\n if (null !== finishedWork) {\n var effect = (finishedWork =;\n do {\n if ((effect.tag & unmountTag) !== NoEffect$1) {\n var destroy = effect.destroy;\n effect.destroy = void 0;\n void 0 !== destroy && destroy();\n }\n (effect.tag & mountTag) !== NoEffect$1 &&\n ((destroy = effect.create), (effect.destroy = destroy()));\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== finishedWork);\n }\n}\nfunction commitUnmount(current$$1$jscomp$0, renderPriorityLevel) {\n \"function\" === typeof onCommitFiberUnmount &&\n onCommitFiberUnmount(current$$1$jscomp$0);\n switch (current$$1$jscomp$0.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 14:\n case 15:\n var updateQueue = current$$1$jscomp$0.updateQueue;\n if (\n null !== updateQueue &&\n ((updateQueue = updateQueue.lastEffect), null !== updateQueue)\n ) {\n var firstEffect =;\n runWithPriority(\n 97 < renderPriorityLevel ? 97 : renderPriorityLevel,\n function() {\n var effect = firstEffect;\n do {\n var destroy = effect.destroy;\n if (void 0 !== destroy) {\n var current$$1 = current$$1$jscomp$0;\n try {\n destroy();\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current$$1, error);\n }\n }\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== firstEffect);\n }\n );\n }\n break;\n case 1:\n safelyDetachRef(current$$1$jscomp$0);\n renderPriorityLevel = current$$1$jscomp$0.stateNode;\n \"function\" === typeof renderPriorityLevel.componentWillUnmount &&\n safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(\n current$$1$jscomp$0,\n renderPriorityLevel\n );\n break;\n case 5:\n safelyDetachRef(current$$1$jscomp$0);\n break;\n case 4:\n unmountHostComponents(current$$1$jscomp$0, renderPriorityLevel);\n }\n}\nfunction detachFiber(current$$1) {\n var alternate = current$$1.alternate;\n current$$1.return = null;\n current$$1.child = null;\n current$$1.memoizedState = null;\n current$$1.updateQueue = null;\n current$$1.dependencies = null;\n current$$1.alternate = null;\n current$$1.firstEffect = null;\n current$$1.lastEffect = null;\n current$$1.pendingProps = null;\n current$$1.memoizedProps = null;\n null !== alternate && detachFiber(alternate);\n}\nfunction isHostParent(fiber) {\n return 5 === fiber.tag || 3 === fiber.tag || 4 === fiber.tag;\n}\nfunction commitPlacement(finishedWork) {\n a: {\n for (var parent = finishedWork.return; null !== parent; ) {\n if (isHostParent(parent)) {\n var parentFiber = parent;\n break a;\n }\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n parent = parentFiber.stateNode;\n switch (parentFiber.tag) {\n case 5:\n var isContainer = !1;\n break;\n case 3:\n parent = parent.containerInfo;\n isContainer = !0;\n break;\n case 4:\n parent = parent.containerInfo;\n isContainer = !0;\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Invalid host parent fiber. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n parentFiber.effectTag & 16 && (parentFiber.effectTag &= -17);\n a: b: for (parentFiber = finishedWork; ; ) {\n for (; null === parentFiber.sibling; ) {\n if (null === parentFiber.return || isHostParent(parentFiber.return)) {\n parentFiber = null;\n break a;\n }\n parentFiber = parentFiber.return;\n }\n parentFiber.sibling.return = parentFiber.return;\n for (\n parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;\n 5 !== parentFiber.tag && 6 !== parentFiber.tag && 18 !== parentFiber.tag;\n\n ) {\n if (parentFiber.effectTag & 2) continue b;\n if (null === parentFiber.child || 4 === parentFiber.tag) continue b;\n else\n (parentFiber.child.return = parentFiber),\n (parentFiber = parentFiber.child);\n }\n if (!(parentFiber.effectTag & 2)) {\n parentFiber = parentFiber.stateNode;\n break a;\n }\n }\n for (var node = finishedWork; ; ) {\n var isHost = 5 === node.tag || 6 === node.tag;\n if (isHost) {\n var stateNode = isHost ? node.stateNode : node.stateNode.instance;\n if (parentFiber)\n if (isContainer) {\n if (\"number\" === typeof parent)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Container does not support insertBefore operation\")\n );\n } else {\n isHost = parent;\n var beforeChild = parentFiber,\n children = isHost._children,\n index = children.indexOf(stateNode);\n 0 <= index\n ? (children.splice(index, 1),\n (beforeChild = children.indexOf(beforeChild)),\n children.splice(beforeChild, 0, stateNode),\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.manageChildren(\n isHost._nativeTag,\n [index],\n [beforeChild],\n [],\n [],\n []\n ))\n : ((index = children.indexOf(beforeChild)),\n children.splice(index, 0, stateNode),\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.manageChildren(\n isHost._nativeTag,\n [],\n [],\n [\n \"number\" === typeof stateNode\n ? stateNode\n : stateNode._nativeTag\n ],\n [index],\n []\n ));\n }\n else\n isContainer\n ? ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.setChildren(parent, [\n \"number\" === typeof stateNode ? stateNode : stateNode._nativeTag\n ])\n : ((isHost = parent),\n (children =\n \"number\" === typeof stateNode ? stateNode : stateNode._nativeTag),\n (index = isHost._children),\n (beforeChild = index.indexOf(stateNode)),\n 0 <= beforeChild\n ? (index.splice(beforeChild, 1),\n index.push(stateNode),\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.manageChildren(\n isHost._nativeTag,\n [beforeChild],\n [index.length - 1],\n [],\n [],\n []\n ))\n : (index.push(stateNode),\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.manageChildren(\n isHost._nativeTag,\n [],\n [],\n [children],\n [index.length - 1],\n []\n )));\n } else if (4 !== node.tag && null !== node.child) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (node === finishedWork) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === finishedWork) return;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n}\nfunction unmountHostComponents(current$$1, renderPriorityLevel$jscomp$0) {\n for (\n var node = current$$1,\n currentParentIsValid = !1,\n currentParent = void 0,\n currentParentIsContainer = void 0;\n ;\n\n ) {\n if (!currentParentIsValid) {\n currentParentIsValid = node.return;\n a: for (;;) {\n if (null === currentParentIsValid)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n currentParent = currentParentIsValid.stateNode;\n switch (currentParentIsValid.tag) {\n case 5:\n currentParentIsContainer = !1;\n break a;\n case 3:\n currentParent = currentParent.containerInfo;\n currentParentIsContainer = !0;\n break a;\n case 4:\n currentParent = currentParent.containerInfo;\n currentParentIsContainer = !0;\n break a;\n }\n currentParentIsValid = currentParentIsValid.return;\n }\n currentParentIsValid = !0;\n }\n if (5 === node.tag || 6 === node.tag) {\n a: for (\n var root = node,\n renderPriorityLevel = renderPriorityLevel$jscomp$0,\n node$jscomp$0 = root;\n ;\n\n )\n if (\n (commitUnmount(node$jscomp$0, renderPriorityLevel),\n null !== node$jscomp$0.child && 4 !== node$jscomp$0.tag)\n )\n (node$jscomp$0.child.return = node$jscomp$0),\n (node$jscomp$0 = node$jscomp$0.child);\n else {\n if (node$jscomp$0 === root) break;\n for (; null === node$jscomp$0.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node$jscomp$0.return || node$jscomp$0.return === root)\n break a;\n node$jscomp$0 = node$jscomp$0.return;\n }\n node$jscomp$0.sibling.return = node$jscomp$0.return;\n node$jscomp$0 = node$jscomp$0.sibling;\n }\n currentParentIsContainer\n ? ((root = currentParent),\n recursivelyUncacheFiberNode(node.stateNode),\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.manageChildren(\n root,\n [],\n [],\n [],\n [],\n [0]\n ))\n : ((root = currentParent),\n (node$jscomp$0 = node.stateNode),\n recursivelyUncacheFiberNode(node$jscomp$0),\n (renderPriorityLevel = root._children),\n (node$jscomp$0 = renderPriorityLevel.indexOf(node$jscomp$0)),\n renderPriorityLevel.splice(node$jscomp$0, 1),\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.manageChildren(\n root._nativeTag,\n [],\n [],\n [],\n [],\n [node$jscomp$0]\n ));\n } else if (4 === node.tag) {\n if (null !== node.child) {\n currentParent = node.stateNode.containerInfo;\n currentParentIsContainer = !0;\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n } else if (\n (commitUnmount(node, renderPriorityLevel$jscomp$0), null !== node.child)\n ) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (node === current$$1) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === current$$1) return;\n node = node.return;\n 4 === node.tag && (currentParentIsValid = !1);\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n}\nfunction commitWork(current$$1, finishedWork) {\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 14:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(UnmountMutation, MountMutation, finishedWork);\n break;\n case 1:\n break;\n case 5:\n var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;\n if (null != instance) {\n var newProps = finishedWork.memoizedProps;\n current$$1 = null !== current$$1 ? current$$1.memoizedProps : newProps;\n var updatePayload = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n finishedWork.updateQueue = null;\n null !== updatePayload &&\n ((finishedWork = instance.viewConfig),\n instanceProps.set(instance._nativeTag, newProps),\n (newProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n current$$1,\n newProps,\n finishedWork.validAttributes\n )),\n null != newProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n instance._nativeTag,\n finishedWork.uiViewClassName,\n newProps\n ));\n }\n break;\n case 6:\n if (null === finishedWork.stateNode)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This should have a text node initialized. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n finishedWork.stateNode,\n \"RCTRawText\",\n { text: finishedWork.memoizedProps }\n );\n break;\n case 3:\n break;\n case 12:\n break;\n case 13:\n instance = finishedWork;\n null === finishedWork.memoizedState\n ? (newProps = !1)\n : ((newProps = !0),\n (instance = finishedWork.child),\n (globalMostRecentFallbackTime = now()));\n if (null !== instance)\n a: for (current$$1 = instance; ; ) {\n if (5 === current$$1.tag)\n if (((updatePayload = current$$1.stateNode), newProps)) {\n var viewConfig = updatePayload.viewConfig;\n var updatePayload$jscomp$0 = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n { style: { display: \"none\" } },\n viewConfig.validAttributes\n );\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n updatePayload._nativeTag,\n viewConfig.uiViewClassName,\n updatePayload$jscomp$0\n );\n } else {\n updatePayload = current$$1.stateNode;\n updatePayload$jscomp$0 = current$$1.memoizedProps;\n viewConfig = updatePayload.viewConfig;\n var prevProps = Object.assign({}, updatePayload$jscomp$0, {\n style: [updatePayload$jscomp$, { display: \"none\" }]\n });\n updatePayload$jscomp$0 = diffProperties(\n null,\n prevProps,\n updatePayload$jscomp$0,\n viewConfig.validAttributes\n );\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n updatePayload._nativeTag,\n viewConfig.uiViewClassName,\n updatePayload$jscomp$0\n );\n }\n else {\n if (6 === current$$1.tag) throw Error(\"Not yet implemented.\");\n if (13 === current$$1.tag && null !== current$$1.memoizedState) {\n updatePayload = current$$1.child.sibling;\n updatePayload.return = current$$1;\n current$$1 = updatePayload;\n continue;\n } else if (null !== current$$1.child) {\n current$$1.child.return = current$$1;\n current$$1 = current$$1.child;\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (current$$1 === instance) break a;\n for (; null === current$$1.sibling; ) {\n if (null === current$$1.return || current$$1.return === instance)\n break a;\n current$$1 = current$$1.return;\n }\n current$$1.sibling.return = current$$1.return;\n current$$1 = current$$1.sibling;\n }\n attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork);\n break;\n case 19:\n attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork);\n break;\n case 17:\n break;\n case 20:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n}\nfunction attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork) {\n var thenables = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n if (null !== thenables) {\n finishedWork.updateQueue = null;\n var retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode;\n null === retryCache &&\n (retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode = new PossiblyWeakSet$1());\n thenables.forEach(function(thenable) {\n var retry = resolveRetryThenable.bind(null, finishedWork, thenable);\n retryCache.has(thenable) ||\n (retryCache.add(thenable), thenable.then(retry, retry));\n });\n }\n}\nvar PossiblyWeakMap = \"function\" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map;\nfunction createRootErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, expirationTime) {\n expirationTime = createUpdate(expirationTime, null);\n expirationTime.tag = 3;\n expirationTime.payload = { element: null };\n var error = errorInfo.value;\n expirationTime.callback = function() {\n hasUncaughtError || ((hasUncaughtError = !0), (firstUncaughtError = error));\n logError(fiber, errorInfo);\n };\n return expirationTime;\n}\nfunction createClassErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, expirationTime) {\n expirationTime = createUpdate(expirationTime, null);\n expirationTime.tag = 3;\n var getDerivedStateFromError = fiber.type.getDerivedStateFromError;\n if (\"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromError) {\n var error = errorInfo.value;\n expirationTime.payload = function() {\n logError(fiber, errorInfo);\n return getDerivedStateFromError(error);\n };\n }\n var inst = fiber.stateNode;\n null !== inst &&\n \"function\" === typeof inst.componentDidCatch &&\n (expirationTime.callback = function() {\n \"function\" !== typeof getDerivedStateFromError &&\n (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed\n ? (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = new Set([this]))\n : legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.add(this),\n logError(fiber, errorInfo));\n var stack = errorInfo.stack;\n this.componentDidCatch(errorInfo.value, {\n componentStack: null !== stack ? stack : \"\"\n });\n });\n return expirationTime;\n}\nvar ceil = Math.ceil,\n ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n ReactCurrentOwner$2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner,\n NoContext = 0,\n LegacyUnbatchedContext = 8,\n RenderContext = 16,\n CommitContext = 32,\n RootIncomplete = 0,\n RootErrored = 1,\n RootSuspended = 2,\n RootSuspendedWithDelay = 3,\n RootCompleted = 4,\n executionContext = NoContext,\n workInProgressRoot = null,\n workInProgress = null,\n renderExpirationTime = 0,\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootIncomplete,\n workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime = 1073741823,\n workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout = 1073741823,\n workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig = null,\n workInProgressRootHasPendingPing = !1,\n globalMostRecentFallbackTime = 0,\n FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS = 500,\n nextEffect = null,\n hasUncaughtError = !1,\n firstUncaughtError = null,\n legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null,\n rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !1,\n rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null,\n pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = 90,\n pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime = 0,\n rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates = null,\n nestedUpdateCount = 0,\n rootWithNestedUpdates = null,\n currentEventTime = 0;\nfunction requestCurrentTime() {\n return (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext\n ? 1073741821 - ((now() / 10) | 0)\n : 0 !== currentEventTime\n ? currentEventTime\n : (currentEventTime = 1073741821 - ((now() / 10) | 0));\n}\nfunction computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, fiber, suspenseConfig) {\n fiber = fiber.mode;\n if (0 === (fiber & 2)) return 1073741823;\n var priorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n if (0 === (fiber & 4)) return 99 === priorityLevel ? 1073741823 : 1073741822;\n if ((executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoContext)\n return renderExpirationTime;\n if (null !== suspenseConfig)\n currentTime =\n 1073741821 -\n 25 *\n ((((1073741821 -\n currentTime +\n (suspenseConfig.timeoutMs | 0 || 5e3) / 10) /\n 25) |\n 0) +\n 1);\n else\n switch (priorityLevel) {\n case 99:\n currentTime = 1073741823;\n break;\n case 98:\n currentTime =\n 1073741821 - 10 * ((((1073741821 - currentTime + 15) / 10) | 0) + 1);\n break;\n case 97:\n case 96:\n currentTime =\n 1073741821 - 25 * ((((1073741821 - currentTime + 500) / 25) | 0) + 1);\n break;\n case 95:\n currentTime = 1;\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Expected a valid priority level\"));\n }\n null !== workInProgressRoot &&\n currentTime === renderExpirationTime &&\n --currentTime;\n return currentTime;\n}\nfunction scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, expirationTime) {\n if (50 < nestedUpdateCount)\n throw ((nestedUpdateCount = 0),\n (rootWithNestedUpdates = null),\n ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.\"\n )\n ));\n fiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(fiber, expirationTime);\n if (null !== fiber) {\n fiber.pingTime = 0;\n var priorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n if (1073741823 === expirationTime)\n if (\n (executionContext & LegacyUnbatchedContext) !== NoContext &&\n (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext\n )\n for (\n var callback = renderRoot(fiber, 1073741823, !0);\n null !== callback;\n\n )\n callback = callback(!0);\n else\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(fiber, 99, 1073741823),\n executionContext === NoContext && flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n else scheduleCallbackForRoot(fiber, priorityLevel, expirationTime);\n (executionContext & 4) === NoContext ||\n (98 !== priorityLevel && 99 !== priorityLevel) ||\n (null === rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates\n ? (rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates = new Map([[fiber, expirationTime]]))\n : ((priorityLevel = rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates.get(fiber)),\n (void 0 === priorityLevel || priorityLevel > expirationTime) &&\n rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates.set(fiber, expirationTime)));\n }\n}\nfunction markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(fiber, expirationTime) {\n fiber.expirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (fiber.expirationTime = expirationTime);\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.expirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (alternate.expirationTime = expirationTime);\n var node = fiber.return,\n root = null;\n if (null === node && 3 === fiber.tag) root = fiber.stateNode;\n else\n for (; null !== node; ) {\n alternate = node.alternate;\n node.childExpirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (node.childExpirationTime = expirationTime);\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.childExpirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (alternate.childExpirationTime = expirationTime);\n if (null === node.return && 3 === node.tag) {\n root = node.stateNode;\n break;\n }\n node = node.return;\n }\n null !== root &&\n (expirationTime > root.firstPendingTime &&\n (root.firstPendingTime = expirationTime),\n (fiber = root.lastPendingTime),\n 0 === fiber || expirationTime < fiber) &&\n (root.lastPendingTime = expirationTime);\n return root;\n}\nfunction scheduleCallbackForRoot(root, priorityLevel, expirationTime) {\n if (root.callbackExpirationTime < expirationTime) {\n var existingCallbackNode = root.callbackNode;\n null !== existingCallbackNode &&\n existingCallbackNode !== fakeCallbackNode &&\n Scheduler_cancelCallback(existingCallbackNode);\n root.callbackExpirationTime = expirationTime;\n 1073741823 === expirationTime\n ? (root.callbackNode = scheduleSyncCallback(\n runRootCallback.bind(\n null,\n root,\n renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime)\n )\n ))\n : ((existingCallbackNode = null),\n 1 !== expirationTime &&\n (existingCallbackNode = {\n timeout: 10 * (1073741821 - expirationTime) - now()\n }),\n (root.callbackNode = scheduleCallback(\n priorityLevel,\n runRootCallback.bind(\n null,\n root,\n renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime)\n ),\n existingCallbackNode\n )));\n }\n}\nfunction runRootCallback(root, callback, isSync) {\n var prevCallbackNode = root.callbackNode,\n continuation = null;\n try {\n return (\n (continuation = callback(isSync)),\n null !== continuation\n ? runRootCallback.bind(null, root, continuation)\n : null\n );\n } finally {\n null === continuation &&\n prevCallbackNode === root.callbackNode &&\n ((root.callbackNode = null), (root.callbackExpirationTime = 0));\n }\n}\nfunction resolveLocksOnRoot(root, expirationTime) {\n var firstBatch = root.firstBatch;\n return null !== firstBatch &&\n firstBatch._defer &&\n firstBatch._expirationTime >= expirationTime\n ? (scheduleCallback(97, function() {\n firstBatch._onComplete();\n return null;\n }),\n !0)\n : !1;\n}\nfunction flushPendingDiscreteUpdates() {\n if (null !== rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates) {\n var roots = rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates;\n rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates = null;\n roots.forEach(function(expirationTime, root) {\n scheduleSyncCallback(renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime));\n });\n flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n }\n}\nfunction prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime) {\n root.finishedWork = null;\n root.finishedExpirationTime = 0;\n var timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle;\n -1 !== timeoutHandle &&\n ((root.timeoutHandle = -1), cancelTimeout(timeoutHandle));\n if (null !== workInProgress)\n for (timeoutHandle = workInProgress.return; null !== timeoutHandle; ) {\n var interruptedWork = timeoutHandle;\n switch (interruptedWork.tag) {\n case 1:\n var childContextTypes = interruptedWork.type.childContextTypes;\n null !== childContextTypes &&\n void 0 !== childContextTypes &&\n popContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 3:\n popHostContainer(interruptedWork);\n popTopLevelContextObject(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 5:\n popHostContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 4:\n popHostContainer(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 13:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 19:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 10:\n popProvider(interruptedWork);\n }\n timeoutHandle = timeoutHandle.return;\n }\n workInProgressRoot = root;\n workInProgress = createWorkInProgress(root.current, null, expirationTime);\n renderExpirationTime = expirationTime;\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootIncomplete;\n workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout = workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime = 1073741823;\n workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig = null;\n workInProgressRootHasPendingPing = !1;\n}\nfunction renderRoot(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime, isSync) {\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should not already be working.\"));\n if (root$jscomp$0.firstPendingTime < expirationTime) return null;\n if (isSync && root$jscomp$0.finishedExpirationTime === expirationTime)\n return commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n flushPassiveEffects();\n if (\n root$jscomp$0 !== workInProgressRoot ||\n expirationTime !== renderExpirationTime\n )\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime);\n else if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay)\n if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing)\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime);\n else {\n var lastPendingTime = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime;\n if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, lastPendingTime);\n }\n if (null !== workInProgress) {\n lastPendingTime = executionContext;\n executionContext |= RenderContext;\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;\n null === prevDispatcher && (prevDispatcher = ContextOnlyDispatcher);\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n if (isSync) {\n if (1073741823 !== expirationTime) {\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime();\n if (currentTime < expirationTime)\n return (\n (executionContext = lastPendingTime),\n resetContextDependencies(),\n (ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher),\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, currentTime)\n );\n }\n } else currentEventTime = 0;\n do\n try {\n if (isSync)\n for (; null !== workInProgress; )\n workInProgress = performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);\n else\n for (; null !== workInProgress && !Scheduler_shouldYield(); )\n workInProgress = performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);\n break;\n } catch (thrownValue) {\n resetContextDependencies();\n resetHooks();\n currentTime = workInProgress;\n if (null === currentTime || null === currentTime.return)\n throw (prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n (executionContext = lastPendingTime),\n thrownValue);\n a: {\n var root = root$jscomp$0,\n returnFiber = currentTime.return,\n sourceFiber = currentTime,\n value = thrownValue,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = renderExpirationTime;\n sourceFiber.effectTag |= 1024;\n sourceFiber.firstEffect = sourceFiber.lastEffect = null;\n if (\n null !== value &&\n \"object\" === typeof value &&\n \"function\" === typeof value.then\n ) {\n var thenable = value,\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary =\n 0 !==\n (suspenseStackCursor.current & InvisibleParentSuspenseContext);\n value = returnFiber;\n do {\n var JSCompiler_temp;\n if ((JSCompiler_temp = 13 === value.tag))\n null !== value.memoizedState\n ? (JSCompiler_temp = !1)\n : ((JSCompiler_temp = value.memoizedProps),\n (JSCompiler_temp =\n void 0 === JSCompiler_temp.fallback\n ? !1\n : !0 !== JSCompiler_temp.unstable_avoidThisFallback\n ? !0\n : hasInvisibleParentBoundary\n ? !1\n : !0));\n if (JSCompiler_temp) {\n returnFiber = value.updateQueue;\n null === returnFiber\n ? ((returnFiber = new Set()),\n returnFiber.add(thenable),\n (value.updateQueue = returnFiber))\n : returnFiber.add(thenable);\n if (0 === (value.mode & 2)) {\n value.effectTag |= 64;\n sourceFiber.effectTag &= -1957;\n 1 === sourceFiber.tag &&\n (null === sourceFiber.alternate\n ? (sourceFiber.tag = 17)\n : ((renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = createUpdate(\n 1073741823,\n null\n )),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.tag = 2),\n enqueueUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n )));\n sourceFiber.expirationTime = 1073741823;\n break a;\n }\n sourceFiber = root;\n root = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary = sourceFiber.pingCache;\n null === hasInvisibleParentBoundary\n ? ((hasInvisibleParentBoundary = sourceFiber.pingCache = new PossiblyWeakMap()),\n (returnFiber = new Set()),\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary.set(thenable, returnFiber))\n : ((returnFiber = hasInvisibleParentBoundary.get(thenable)),\n void 0 === returnFiber &&\n ((returnFiber = new Set()),\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary.set(thenable, returnFiber)));\n returnFiber.has(root) ||\n (returnFiber.add(root),\n (sourceFiber = pingSuspendedRoot.bind(\n null,\n sourceFiber,\n thenable,\n root\n )),\n thenable.then(sourceFiber, sourceFiber));\n value.effectTag |= 2048;\n value.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n break a;\n }\n value = value.return;\n } while (null !== value);\n value = Error(\n (getComponentName(sourceFiber.type) || \"A React component\") +\n \" suspended while rendering, but no fallback UI was specified.\\n\\nAdd a component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display.\" +\n getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(sourceFiber)\n );\n }\n workInProgressRootExitStatus !== RootCompleted &&\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootErrored);\n value = createCapturedValue(value, sourceFiber);\n sourceFiber = returnFiber;\n do {\n switch (sourceFiber.tag) {\n case 3:\n sourceFiber.effectTag |= 2048;\n sourceFiber.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = createRootErrorUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n value,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n break a;\n case 1:\n if (\n ((thenable = value),\n (root = sourceFiber.type),\n (returnFiber = sourceFiber.stateNode),\n 0 === (sourceFiber.effectTag & 64) &&\n (\"function\" === typeof root.getDerivedStateFromError ||\n (null !== returnFiber &&\n \"function\" === typeof returnFiber.componentDidCatch &&\n (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed ||\n !legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(\n returnFiber\n )))))\n ) {\n sourceFiber.effectTag |= 2048;\n sourceFiber.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = createClassErrorUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n thenable,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n break a;\n }\n }\n sourceFiber = sourceFiber.return;\n } while (null !== sourceFiber);\n }\n workInProgress = completeUnitOfWork(currentTime);\n }\n while (1);\n executionContext = lastPendingTime;\n resetContextDependencies();\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher;\n if (null !== workInProgress)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime);\n }\n root$jscomp$0.finishedWork = root$jscomp$0.current.alternate;\n root$jscomp$0.finishedExpirationTime = expirationTime;\n if (resolveLocksOnRoot(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)) return null;\n workInProgressRoot = null;\n switch (workInProgressRootExitStatus) {\n case RootIncomplete:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should have a work-in-progress.\"));\n case RootErrored:\n return (\n (lastPendingTime = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime),\n lastPendingTime < expirationTime\n ? renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, lastPendingTime)\n : isSync\n ? commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0)\n : (prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n scheduleSyncCallback(\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)\n ),\n null)\n );\n case RootSuspended:\n if (\n 1073741823 === workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n !isSync &&\n ((isSync = globalMostRecentFallbackTime + FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS - now()),\n 10 < isSync)\n ) {\n if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing)\n return (\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)\n );\n lastPendingTime = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime;\n if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, lastPendingTime);\n root$jscomp$0.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(\n commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0),\n isSync\n );\n return null;\n }\n return commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n case RootSuspendedWithDelay:\n if (!isSync) {\n if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing)\n return (\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)\n );\n isSync = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime;\n if (isSync < expirationTime)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, isSync);\n 1073741823 !== workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout\n ? (isSync =\n 10 * (1073741821 - workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout) -\n now())\n : 1073741823 === workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime\n ? (isSync = 0)\n : ((isSync =\n 10 *\n (1073741821 -\n workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime) -\n 5e3),\n (lastPendingTime = now()),\n (expirationTime =\n 10 * (1073741821 - expirationTime) - lastPendingTime),\n (isSync = lastPendingTime - isSync),\n 0 > isSync && (isSync = 0),\n (isSync =\n (120 > isSync\n ? 120\n : 480 > isSync\n ? 480\n : 1080 > isSync\n ? 1080\n : 1920 > isSync\n ? 1920\n : 3e3 > isSync\n ? 3e3\n : 4320 > isSync\n ? 4320\n : 1960 * ceil(isSync / 1960)) - isSync),\n expirationTime < isSync && (isSync = expirationTime));\n if (10 < isSync)\n return (\n (root$jscomp$0.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(\n commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0),\n isSync\n )),\n null\n );\n }\n return commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n case RootCompleted:\n return !isSync &&\n 1073741823 !== workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n null !== workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig &&\n ((lastPendingTime = workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime),\n (prevDispatcher = workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig),\n (expirationTime = prevDispatcher.busyMinDurationMs | 0),\n 0 >= expirationTime\n ? (expirationTime = 0)\n : ((isSync = prevDispatcher.busyDelayMs | 0),\n (lastPendingTime =\n now() -\n (10 * (1073741821 - lastPendingTime) -\n (prevDispatcher.timeoutMs | 0 || 5e3))),\n (expirationTime =\n lastPendingTime <= isSync\n ? 0\n : isSync + expirationTime - lastPendingTime)),\n 10 < expirationTime)\n ? ((root$jscomp$0.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(\n commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0),\n expirationTime\n )),\n null)\n : commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unknown root exit status.\"));\n }\n}\nfunction markRenderEventTimeAndConfig(expirationTime, suspenseConfig) {\n expirationTime < workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n 1 < expirationTime &&\n (workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime = expirationTime);\n null !== suspenseConfig &&\n expirationTime < workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout &&\n 1 < expirationTime &&\n ((workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout = expirationTime),\n (workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig = suspenseConfig));\n}\nfunction performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {\n var next = beginWork$$1(\n unitOfWork.alternate,\n unitOfWork,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps;\n null === next && (next = completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork));\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null;\n return next;\n}\nfunction completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {\n workInProgress = unitOfWork;\n do {\n var current$$1 = workInProgress.alternate;\n unitOfWork = workInProgress.return;\n if (0 === (workInProgress.effectTag & 1024)) {\n a: {\n var current = current$$1;\n current$$1 = workInProgress;\n var renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = renderExpirationTime,\n newProps = current$$1.pendingProps;\n switch (current$$1.tag) {\n case 2:\n break;\n case 16:\n break;\n case 15:\n case 0:\n break;\n case 1:\n isContextProvider(current$$1.type) && popContext(current$$1);\n break;\n case 3:\n popHostContainer(current$$1);\n popTopLevelContextObject(current$$1);\n newProps = current$$1.stateNode;\n newProps.pendingContext &&\n ((newProps.context = newProps.pendingContext),\n (newProps.pendingContext = null));\n if (null === current || null === current.child)\n current$$1.effectTag &= -3;\n updateHostContainer(current$$1);\n break;\n case 5:\n popHostContext(current$$1);\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = requiredContext(\n rootInstanceStackCursor.current\n );\n var type = current$$1.type;\n if (null !== current && null != current$$1.stateNode)\n updateHostComponent$1(\n current,\n current$$1,\n type,\n newProps,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n ),\n current.ref !== current$$1.ref && (current$$1.effectTag |= 128);\n else if (newProps) {\n current = requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n var type$jscomp$0 = type;\n var _instance6 = newProps;\n var rootContainerInstance = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0,\n internalInstanceHandle = current$$1,\n tag = allocateTag();\n type$jscomp$0 = getViewConfigForType(type$jscomp$0);\n var updatePayload = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n _instance6,\n type$jscomp$0.validAttributes\n );\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.createView(\n tag,\n type$jscomp$0.uiViewClassName,\n rootContainerInstance,\n updatePayload\n );\n rootContainerInstance = new ReactNativeFiberHostComponent(\n tag,\n type$jscomp$0\n );\n instanceCache.set(tag, internalInstanceHandle);\n instanceProps.set(tag, _instance6);\n _instance6 = rootContainerInstance;\n appendAllChildren(_instance6, current$$1, !1, !1);\n finalizeInitialChildren(\n _instance6,\n type,\n newProps,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0,\n current\n ) && (current$$1.effectTag |= 4);\n current$$1.stateNode = _instance6;\n null !== current$$1.ref && (current$$1.effectTag |= 128);\n } else if (null === current$$1.stateNode)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n break;\n case 6:\n if (current && null != current$$1.stateNode)\n updateHostText$1(\n current,\n current$$1,\n current.memoizedProps,\n newProps\n );\n else {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof newProps && null === current$$1.stateNode)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n type = requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current);\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = requiredContext(\n contextStackCursor$1.current\n );\n current = current$$1;\n if (!renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.isInAParentText)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Text strings must be rendered within a component.\"\n )\n );\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = allocateTag();\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.createView(\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0,\n \"RCTRawText\",\n type,\n { text: newProps }\n );\n instanceCache.set(renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0, current$$1);\n current.stateNode = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n }\n break;\n case 11:\n break;\n case 13:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, current$$1);\n newProps = current$$1.memoizedState;\n if (0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64)) {\n current$$1.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n break a;\n }\n newProps = null !== newProps;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = !1;\n null !== current &&\n ((type = current.memoizedState),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = null !== type),\n newProps ||\n null === type ||\n ((type = current.child.sibling),\n null !== type &&\n ((_instance6 = current$$1.firstEffect),\n null !== _instance6\n ? ((current$$1.firstEffect = type),\n (type.nextEffect = _instance6))\n : ((current$$1.firstEffect = current$$1.lastEffect = type),\n (type.nextEffect = null)),\n (type.effectTag = 8))));\n if (\n newProps &&\n !renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 &&\n 0 !== (current$$1.mode & 2)\n )\n if (\n (null === current &&\n !0 !== current$$1.memoizedProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback) ||\n 0 !==\n (suspenseStackCursor.current & InvisibleParentSuspenseContext)\n )\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete &&\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootSuspended);\n else if (\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete ||\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspended\n )\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootSuspendedWithDelay;\n if (newProps || renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0)\n current$$1.effectTag |= 4;\n break;\n case 7:\n break;\n case 8:\n break;\n case 12:\n break;\n case 4:\n popHostContainer(current$$1);\n updateHostContainer(current$$1);\n break;\n case 10:\n popProvider(current$$1);\n break;\n case 9:\n break;\n case 14:\n break;\n case 17:\n isContextProvider(current$$1.type) && popContext(current$$1);\n break;\n case 18:\n break;\n case 19:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, current$$1);\n newProps = current$$1.memoizedState;\n if (null === newProps) break;\n type = 0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64);\n _instance6 = newProps.rendering;\n if (null === _instance6)\n if (type) cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !1);\n else {\n if (\n workInProgressRootExitStatus !== RootIncomplete ||\n (null !== current && 0 !== (current.effectTag & 64))\n )\n for (current = current$$1.child; null !== current; ) {\n _instance6 = findFirstSuspended(current);\n if (null !== _instance6) {\n current$$1.effectTag |= 64;\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !1);\n newProps = _instance6.updateQueue;\n null !== newProps &&\n ((current$$1.updateQueue = newProps),\n (current$$1.effectTag |= 4));\n current$$1.firstEffect = current$$1.lastEffect = null;\n newProps = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n for (current = current$$1.child; null !== current; )\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = current),\n (type = newProps),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.effectTag &= 2),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.nextEffect = null),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.firstEffect = null),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.lastEffect = null),\n (_instance6 =\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.alternate),\n null === _instance6\n ? ((renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.childExpirationTime = 0),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.expirationTime = type),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.child = null),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.memoizedProps = null),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.memoizedState = null),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.updateQueue = null),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.dependencies = null))\n : ((renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.childExpirationTime =\n _instance6.childExpirationTime),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.expirationTime =\n _instance6.expirationTime),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.child =\n _instance6.child),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.memoizedProps =\n _instance6.memoizedProps),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.memoizedState =\n _instance6.memoizedState),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.updateQueue =\n _instance6.updateQueue),\n (type = _instance6.dependencies),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.dependencies =\n null === type\n ? null\n : {\n expirationTime: type.expirationTime,\n firstContext: type.firstContext,\n responders: type.responders\n })),\n (current = current.sibling);\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n (suspenseStackCursor.current &\n SubtreeSuspenseContextMask) |\n ForceSuspenseFallback,\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = current$$1.child;\n break a;\n }\n current = current.sibling;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (!type)\n if (\n ((current = findFirstSuspended(_instance6)), null !== current)\n ) {\n if (\n ((current$$1.effectTag |= 64),\n (type = !0),\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !0),\n null === newProps.tail && \"hidden\" === newProps.tailMode)\n ) {\n current = current.updateQueue;\n null !== current &&\n ((current$$1.updateQueue = current),\n (current$$1.effectTag |= 4));\n current$$1 = current$$1.lastEffect = newProps.lastEffect;\n null !== current$$1 && (current$$1.nextEffect = null);\n break;\n }\n } else\n now() > newProps.tailExpiration &&\n 1 < renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 &&\n ((current$$1.effectTag |= 64),\n (type = !0),\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !1),\n (current$$1.expirationTime = current$$1.childExpirationTime =\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 - 1));\n newProps.isBackwards\n ? ((_instance6.sibling = current$$1.child),\n (current$$1.child = _instance6))\n : ((current = newProps.last),\n null !== current\n ? (current.sibling = _instance6)\n : (current$$1.child = _instance6),\n (newProps.last = _instance6));\n }\n if (null !== newProps.tail) {\n 0 === newProps.tailExpiration &&\n (newProps.tailExpiration = now() + 500);\n current = newProps.tail;\n newProps.rendering = current;\n newProps.tail = current.sibling;\n newProps.lastEffect = current$$1.lastEffect;\n current.sibling = null;\n newProps = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n newProps = type\n ? (newProps & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask) |\n ForceSuspenseFallback\n : newProps & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n push(suspenseStackCursor, newProps, current$$1);\n current$$1 = current;\n break a;\n }\n break;\n case 20:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n current$$1 = null;\n }\n newProps = workInProgress;\n if (1 === renderExpirationTime || 1 !== newProps.childExpirationTime) {\n current = 0;\n for (\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = newProps.child;\n null !== renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n\n )\n (type = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.expirationTime),\n (_instance6 = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.childExpirationTime),\n type > current && (current = type),\n _instance6 > current && (current = _instance6),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 =\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.sibling);\n newProps.childExpirationTime = current;\n }\n if (null !== current$$1) return current$$1;\n null !== unitOfWork &&\n 0 === (unitOfWork.effectTag & 1024) &&\n (null === unitOfWork.firstEffect &&\n (unitOfWork.firstEffect = workInProgress.firstEffect),\n null !== workInProgress.lastEffect &&\n (null !== unitOfWork.lastEffect &&\n (unitOfWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = workInProgress.firstEffect),\n (unitOfWork.lastEffect = workInProgress.lastEffect)),\n 1 < workInProgress.effectTag &&\n (null !== unitOfWork.lastEffect\n ? (unitOfWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = workInProgress)\n : (unitOfWork.firstEffect = workInProgress),\n (unitOfWork.lastEffect = workInProgress)));\n } else {\n current$$1 = unwindWork(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n if (null !== current$$1)\n return (current$$1.effectTag &= 1023), current$$1;\n null !== unitOfWork &&\n ((unitOfWork.firstEffect = unitOfWork.lastEffect = null),\n (unitOfWork.effectTag |= 1024));\n }\n current$$1 = workInProgress.sibling;\n if (null !== current$$1) return current$$1;\n workInProgress = unitOfWork;\n } while (null !== workInProgress);\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete &&\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootCompleted);\n return null;\n}\nfunction commitRoot(root) {\n var renderPriorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n runWithPriority(99, commitRootImpl.bind(null, root, renderPriorityLevel));\n null !== rootWithPendingPassiveEffects &&\n scheduleCallback(97, function() {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n return null;\n });\n return null;\n}\nfunction commitRootImpl(root, renderPriorityLevel) {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should not already be working.\"));\n var finishedWork = root.finishedWork,\n expirationTime = root.finishedExpirationTime;\n if (null === finishedWork) return null;\n root.finishedWork = null;\n root.finishedExpirationTime = 0;\n if (finishedWork === root.current)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Cannot commit the same tree as before. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n root.callbackNode = null;\n root.callbackExpirationTime = 0;\n var updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.expirationTime,\n childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.childExpirationTime;\n updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit =\n childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit > updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit\n ? childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit\n : updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n root.firstPendingTime = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit < root.lastPendingTime &&\n (root.lastPendingTime = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit);\n root === workInProgressRoot &&\n ((workInProgress = workInProgressRoot = null), (renderExpirationTime = 0));\n 1 < finishedWork.effectTag\n ? null !== finishedWork.lastEffect\n ? ((finishedWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = finishedWork),\n (updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.firstEffect))\n : (updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork)\n : (updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.firstEffect);\n if (null !== updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit) {\n childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = executionContext;\n executionContext |= CommitContext;\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null;\n nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n do\n try {\n for (; null !== nextEffect; ) {\n if (0 !== (nextEffect.effectTag & 256)) {\n var current$$1 = nextEffect.alternate,\n finishedWork$jscomp$0 = nextEffect;\n switch (finishedWork$jscomp$0.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(\n UnmountSnapshot,\n NoEffect$1,\n finishedWork$jscomp$0\n );\n break;\n case 1:\n if (\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.effectTag & 256 &&\n null !== current$$1\n ) {\n var prevProps = current$$1.memoizedProps,\n prevState = current$$1.memoizedState,\n instance = finishedWork$jscomp$0.stateNode,\n snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.elementType ===\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.type\n ? prevProps\n : resolveDefaultProps(\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.type,\n prevProps\n ),\n prevState\n );\n instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot;\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n case 5:\n case 6:\n case 4:\n case 17:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === nextEffect)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(nextEffect, error);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n while (null !== nextEffect);\n nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n do\n try {\n for (current$$1 = renderPriorityLevel; null !== nextEffect; ) {\n var effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;\n if (effectTag & 128) {\n var current$$1$jscomp$0 = nextEffect.alternate;\n if (null !== current$$1$jscomp$0) {\n var currentRef = current$$1$jscomp$0.ref;\n null !== currentRef &&\n (\"function\" === typeof currentRef\n ? currentRef(null)\n : (currentRef.current = null));\n }\n }\n switch (effectTag & 14) {\n case 2:\n commitPlacement(nextEffect);\n nextEffect.effectTag &= -3;\n break;\n case 6:\n commitPlacement(nextEffect);\n nextEffect.effectTag &= -3;\n commitWork(nextEffect.alternate, nextEffect);\n break;\n case 4:\n commitWork(nextEffect.alternate, nextEffect);\n break;\n case 8:\n (prevProps = nextEffect),\n unmountHostComponents(prevProps, current$$1),\n detachFiber(prevProps);\n }\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === nextEffect)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(nextEffect, error);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n while (null !== nextEffect);\n root.current = finishedWork;\n nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n do\n try {\n for (effectTag = expirationTime; null !== nextEffect; ) {\n var effectTag$jscomp$0 = nextEffect.effectTag;\n if (effectTag$jscomp$0 & 36) {\n var current$$1$jscomp$1 = nextEffect.alternate;\n current$$1$jscomp$0 = nextEffect;\n currentRef = effectTag;\n switch (current$$1$jscomp$0.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(\n UnmountLayout,\n MountLayout,\n current$$1$jscomp$0\n );\n break;\n case 1:\n var instance$jscomp$0 = current$$1$jscomp$0.stateNode;\n if (current$$1$jscomp$0.effectTag & 4)\n if (null === current$$1$jscomp$1)\n instance$jscomp$0.componentDidMount();\n else {\n var prevProps$jscomp$0 =\n current$$1$jscomp$0.elementType ===\n current$$1$jscomp$0.type\n ? current$$1$jscomp$1.memoizedProps\n : resolveDefaultProps(\n current$$1$jscomp$0.type,\n current$$1$jscomp$1.memoizedProps\n );\n instance$jscomp$0.componentDidUpdate(\n prevProps$jscomp$0,\n current$$1$jscomp$1.memoizedState,\n instance$jscomp$0.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate\n );\n }\n var updateQueue = current$$1$jscomp$0.updateQueue;\n null !== updateQueue &&\n commitUpdateQueue(\n current$$1$jscomp$0,\n updateQueue,\n instance$jscomp$0,\n currentRef\n );\n break;\n case 3:\n var _updateQueue = current$$1$jscomp$0.updateQueue;\n if (null !== _updateQueue) {\n current$$1 = null;\n if (null !== current$$1$jscomp$0.child)\n switch (current$$1$jscomp$0.child.tag) {\n case 5:\n current$$1 = current$$1$jscomp$0.child.stateNode;\n break;\n case 1:\n current$$1 = current$$1$jscomp$0.child.stateNode;\n }\n commitUpdateQueue(\n current$$1$jscomp$0,\n _updateQueue,\n current$$1,\n currentRef\n );\n }\n break;\n case 5:\n break;\n case 6:\n break;\n case 4:\n break;\n case 12:\n break;\n case 13:\n case 19:\n case 17:\n case 20:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n if (effectTag$jscomp$0 & 128) {\n var ref = nextEffect.ref;\n if (null !== ref) {\n var instance$jscomp$1 = nextEffect.stateNode;\n switch (nextEffect.tag) {\n case 5:\n var instanceToUse = instance$jscomp$1;\n break;\n default:\n instanceToUse = instance$jscomp$1;\n }\n \"function\" === typeof ref\n ? ref(instanceToUse)\n : (ref.current = instanceToUse);\n }\n }\n effectTag$jscomp$0 & 512 && (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !0);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === nextEffect)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(nextEffect, error);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n while (null !== nextEffect);\n nextEffect = null;\n requestPaint();\n executionContext = childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n } else root.current = finishedWork;\n if (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects)\n (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !1),\n (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = root),\n (pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime = expirationTime),\n (pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = renderPriorityLevel);\n else\n for (nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit; null !== nextEffect; )\n (renderPriorityLevel = nextEffect.nextEffect),\n (nextEffect.nextEffect = null),\n (nextEffect = renderPriorityLevel);\n renderPriorityLevel = root.firstPendingTime;\n 0 !== renderPriorityLevel\n ? ((effectTag$jscomp$0 = requestCurrentTime()),\n (effectTag$jscomp$0 = inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(\n effectTag$jscomp$0,\n renderPriorityLevel\n )),\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(root, effectTag$jscomp$0, renderPriorityLevel))\n : (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null);\n \"function\" === typeof onCommitFiberRoot &&\n onCommitFiberRoot(finishedWork.stateNode, expirationTime);\n 1073741823 === renderPriorityLevel\n ? root === rootWithNestedUpdates\n ? nestedUpdateCount++\n : ((nestedUpdateCount = 0), (rootWithNestedUpdates = root))\n : (nestedUpdateCount = 0);\n if (hasUncaughtError)\n throw ((hasUncaughtError = !1),\n (root = firstUncaughtError),\n (firstUncaughtError = null),\n root);\n if ((executionContext & LegacyUnbatchedContext) !== NoContext) return null;\n flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n return null;\n}\nfunction flushPassiveEffects() {\n if (null === rootWithPendingPassiveEffects) return !1;\n var root = rootWithPendingPassiveEffects,\n expirationTime = pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime,\n renderPriorityLevel = pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority;\n rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null;\n pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime = 0;\n pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = 90;\n return runWithPriority(\n 97 < renderPriorityLevel ? 97 : renderPriorityLevel,\n flushPassiveEffectsImpl.bind(null, root, expirationTime)\n );\n}\nfunction flushPassiveEffectsImpl(root) {\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Cannot flush passive effects while already rendering.\")\n );\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= CommitContext;\n for (root = root.current.firstEffect; null !== root; ) {\n try {\n var finishedWork = root;\n if (0 !== (finishedWork.effectTag & 512))\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(UnmountPassive, NoEffect$1, finishedWork),\n commitHookEffectList(NoEffect$1, MountPassive, finishedWork);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === root)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(root, error);\n }\n finishedWork = root.nextEffect;\n root.nextEffect = null;\n root = finishedWork;\n }\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext;\n flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n return !0;\n}\nfunction captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(rootFiber, sourceFiber, error) {\n sourceFiber = createCapturedValue(error, sourceFiber);\n sourceFiber = createRootErrorUpdate(rootFiber, sourceFiber, 1073741823);\n enqueueUpdate(rootFiber, sourceFiber);\n rootFiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(rootFiber, 1073741823);\n null !== rootFiber && scheduleCallbackForRoot(rootFiber, 99, 1073741823);\n}\nfunction captureCommitPhaseError(sourceFiber, error) {\n if (3 === sourceFiber.tag)\n captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(sourceFiber, sourceFiber, error);\n else\n for (var fiber = sourceFiber.return; null !== fiber; ) {\n if (3 === fiber.tag) {\n captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(fiber, sourceFiber, error);\n break;\n } else if (1 === fiber.tag) {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n if (\n \"function\" === typeof fiber.type.getDerivedStateFromError ||\n (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidCatch &&\n (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed ||\n !legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(instance)))\n ) {\n sourceFiber = createCapturedValue(error, sourceFiber);\n sourceFiber = createClassErrorUpdate(fiber, sourceFiber, 1073741823);\n enqueueUpdate(fiber, sourceFiber);\n fiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(fiber, 1073741823);\n null !== fiber && scheduleCallbackForRoot(fiber, 99, 1073741823);\n break;\n }\n }\n fiber = fiber.return;\n }\n}\nfunction pingSuspendedRoot(root, thenable, suspendedTime) {\n var pingCache = root.pingCache;\n null !== pingCache && pingCache.delete(thenable);\n workInProgressRoot === root && renderExpirationTime === suspendedTime\n ? workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay ||\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspended &&\n 1073741823 === workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n now() - globalMostRecentFallbackTime < FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS)\n ? prepareFreshStack(root, renderExpirationTime)\n : (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing = !0)\n : root.lastPendingTime < suspendedTime ||\n ((thenable = root.pingTime),\n (0 !== thenable && thenable < suspendedTime) ||\n ((root.pingTime = suspendedTime),\n root.finishedExpirationTime === suspendedTime &&\n ((root.finishedExpirationTime = 0), (root.finishedWork = null)),\n (thenable = requestCurrentTime()),\n (thenable = inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(thenable, suspendedTime)),\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(root, thenable, suspendedTime)));\n}\nfunction resolveRetryThenable(boundaryFiber, thenable) {\n var retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode;\n null !== retryCache && retryCache.delete(thenable);\n retryCache = requestCurrentTime();\n thenable = computeExpirationForFiber(retryCache, boundaryFiber, null);\n retryCache = inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(retryCache, thenable);\n boundaryFiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(boundaryFiber, thenable);\n null !== boundaryFiber &&\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(boundaryFiber, retryCache, thenable);\n}\nvar beginWork$$1 = void 0;\nbeginWork$$1 = function(current$$1, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {\n var updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.expirationTime;\n if (null !== current$$1)\n if (\n current$$1.memoizedProps !== workInProgress.pendingProps ||\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current\n )\n didReceiveUpdate = !0;\n else {\n if (updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime) {\n didReceiveUpdate = !1;\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 3:\n pushHostRootContext(workInProgress);\n break;\n case 5:\n pushHostContext(workInProgress);\n break;\n case 1:\n isContextProvider(workInProgress.type) &&\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n break;\n case 4:\n pushHostContainer(\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo\n );\n break;\n case 10:\n pushProvider(workInProgress, workInProgress.memoizedProps.value);\n break;\n case 13:\n if (null !== workInProgress.memoizedState) {\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.child.childExpirationTime;\n if (\n 0 !== updateExpirationTime &&\n updateExpirationTime >= renderExpirationTime\n )\n return updateSuspenseComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n suspenseStackCursor.current & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask,\n workInProgress\n );\n workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n return null !== workInProgress ? workInProgress.sibling : null;\n }\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n suspenseStackCursor.current & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask,\n workInProgress\n );\n break;\n case 19:\n updateExpirationTime =\n workInProgress.childExpirationTime >= renderExpirationTime;\n if (0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64)) {\n if (updateExpirationTime)\n return updateSuspenseListComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 64;\n }\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n null !== renderState &&\n ((renderState.rendering = null), (renderState.tail = null));\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n suspenseStackCursor.current,\n workInProgress\n );\n if (!updateExpirationTime) return null;\n }\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n }\n }\n else didReceiveUpdate = !1;\n workInProgress.expirationTime = 0;\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 2:\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type;\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2));\n current$$1 = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n renderState = getMaskedContext(\n workInProgress,\n contextStackCursor.current\n );\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n renderState = renderWithHooks(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n current$$1,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n if (\n \"object\" === typeof renderState &&\n null !== renderState &&\n \"function\" === typeof renderState.render &&\n void 0 === renderState.$$typeof\n ) {\n workInProgress.tag = 1;\n resetHooks();\n if (isContextProvider(updateExpirationTime)) {\n var hasContext = !0;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else hasContext = !1;\n workInProgress.memoizedState =\n null !== renderState.state && void 0 !== renderState.state\n ? renderState.state\n : null;\n var getDerivedStateFromProps =\n updateExpirationTime.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n \"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&\n applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n current$$1\n );\n renderState.updater = classComponentUpdater;\n workInProgress.stateNode = renderState;\n renderState._reactInternalFiber = workInProgress;\n mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress = finishClassComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n !0,\n hasContext,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n } else\n (workInProgress.tag = 0),\n reconcileChildren(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (workInProgress = workInProgress.child);\n return workInProgress;\n case 16:\n renderState = workInProgress.elementType;\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2));\n current$$1 = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n renderState = readLazyComponentType(renderState);\n workInProgress.type = renderState;\n hasContext = workInProgress.tag = resolveLazyComponentTag(renderState);\n current$$1 = resolveDefaultProps(renderState, current$$1);\n switch (hasContext) {\n case 0:\n workInProgress = updateFunctionComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n case 1:\n workInProgress = updateClassComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n case 11:\n workInProgress = updateForwardRef(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n case 14:\n workInProgress = updateMemoComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n resolveDefaultProps(renderState.type, current$$1),\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: \" +\n renderState +\n \". Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function.\"\n )\n );\n }\n return workInProgress;\n case 0:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n updateFunctionComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 1:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n updateClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 3:\n pushHostRootContext(workInProgress);\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n if (null === updateExpirationTime)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"If the root does not have an updateQueue, we should have already bailed out. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n renderState = null !== renderState ? renderState.element : null;\n processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n workInProgress.pendingProps,\n null,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.memoizedState.element;\n updateExpirationTime === renderState\n ? (workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n ))\n : (reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (workInProgress = workInProgress.child));\n return workInProgress;\n case 5:\n return (\n pushHostContext(workInProgress),\n null === current$$1 && tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress),\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.pendingProps.children),\n markRef(current$$1, workInProgress),\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 6:\n return (\n null === current$$1 && tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress),\n null\n );\n case 13:\n return updateSuspenseComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n case 4:\n return (\n pushHostContainer(\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo\n ),\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n null === current$$1\n ? (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ))\n : reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 11:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n updateForwardRef(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 7:\n return (\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.pendingProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 8:\n return (\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.pendingProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 12:\n return (\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.pendingProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 10:\n a: {\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type._context;\n renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n getDerivedStateFromProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n hasContext = renderState.value;\n pushProvider(workInProgress, hasContext);\n if (null !== getDerivedStateFromProps) {\n var oldValue = getDerivedStateFromProps.value;\n hasContext = is(oldValue, hasContext)\n ? 0\n : (\"function\" === typeof updateExpirationTime._calculateChangedBits\n ? updateExpirationTime._calculateChangedBits(\n oldValue,\n hasContext\n )\n : 1073741823) | 0;\n if (0 === hasContext) {\n if (\n getDerivedStateFromProps.children === renderState.children &&\n !didPerformWorkStackCursor.current\n ) {\n workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break a;\n }\n } else\n for (\n oldValue = workInProgress.child,\n null !== oldValue && (oldValue.return = workInProgress);\n null !== oldValue;\n\n ) {\n var list = oldValue.dependencies;\n if (null !== list) {\n getDerivedStateFromProps = oldValue.child;\n for (\n var dependency = list.firstContext;\n null !== dependency;\n\n ) {\n if (\n dependency.context === updateExpirationTime &&\n 0 !== (dependency.observedBits & hasContext)\n ) {\n 1 === oldValue.tag &&\n ((dependency = createUpdate(renderExpirationTime, null)),\n (dependency.tag = 2),\n enqueueUpdate(oldValue, dependency));\n oldValue.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (oldValue.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n dependency = oldValue.alternate;\n null !== dependency &&\n dependency.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (dependency.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n scheduleWorkOnParentPath(\n oldValue.return,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n list.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (list.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n break;\n }\n dependency =;\n }\n } else\n getDerivedStateFromProps =\n 10 === oldValue.tag\n ? oldValue.type === workInProgress.type\n ? null\n : oldValue.child\n : oldValue.child;\n if (null !== getDerivedStateFromProps)\n getDerivedStateFromProps.return = oldValue;\n else\n for (\n getDerivedStateFromProps = oldValue;\n null !== getDerivedStateFromProps;\n\n ) {\n if (getDerivedStateFromProps === workInProgress) {\n getDerivedStateFromProps = null;\n break;\n }\n oldValue = getDerivedStateFromProps.sibling;\n if (null !== oldValue) {\n oldValue.return = getDerivedStateFromProps.return;\n getDerivedStateFromProps = oldValue;\n break;\n }\n getDerivedStateFromProps = getDerivedStateFromProps.return;\n }\n oldValue = getDerivedStateFromProps;\n }\n }\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderState.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress = workInProgress.child;\n }\n return workInProgress;\n case 9:\n return (\n (renderState = workInProgress.type),\n (hasContext = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (updateExpirationTime = hasContext.children),\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime),\n (renderState = readContext(\n renderState,\n hasContext.unstable_observedBits\n )),\n (updateExpirationTime = updateExpirationTime(renderState)),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 1),\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 14:\n return (\n (renderState = workInProgress.type),\n (hasContext = resolveDefaultProps(\n renderState,\n workInProgress.pendingProps\n )),\n (hasContext = resolveDefaultProps(renderState.type, hasContext)),\n updateMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n hasContext,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 15:\n return updateSimpleMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.type,\n workInProgress.pendingProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n case 17:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2)),\n (workInProgress.tag = 1),\n isContextProvider(updateExpirationTime)\n ? ((current$$1 = !0), pushContextProvider(workInProgress))\n : (current$$1 = !1),\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime),\n constructClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n finishClassComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n !0,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 19:\n return updateSuspenseListComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n }\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n};\nvar onCommitFiberRoot = null,\n onCommitFiberUnmount = null;\nfunction injectInternals(internals) {\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) return !1;\n var hook = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;\n if (hook.isDisabled || !hook.supportsFiber) return !0;\n try {\n var rendererID = hook.inject(internals);\n onCommitFiberRoot = function(root) {\n try {\n hook.onCommitFiberRoot(\n rendererID,\n root,\n void 0,\n 64 === (root.current.effectTag & 64)\n );\n } catch (err) {}\n };\n onCommitFiberUnmount = function(fiber) {\n try {\n hook.onCommitFiberUnmount(rendererID, fiber);\n } catch (err) {}\n };\n } catch (err) {}\n return !0;\n}\nfunction FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {\n this.tag = tag;\n this.key = key;\n this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null;\n this.index = 0;\n this.ref = null;\n this.pendingProps = pendingProps;\n this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null;\n this.mode = mode;\n this.effectTag = 0;\n this.lastEffect = this.firstEffect = this.nextEffect = null;\n this.childExpirationTime = this.expirationTime = 0;\n this.alternate = null;\n}\nfunction createFiber(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {\n return new FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode);\n}\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n Component = Component.prototype;\n return !(!Component || !Component.isReactComponent);\n}\nfunction resolveLazyComponentTag(Component) {\n if (\"function\" === typeof Component)\n return shouldConstruct(Component) ? 1 : 0;\n if (void 0 !== Component && null !== Component) {\n Component = Component.$$typeof;\n if (Component === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE) return 11;\n if (Component === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) return 14;\n }\n return 2;\n}\nfunction createWorkInProgress(current, pendingProps) {\n var workInProgress = current.alternate;\n null === workInProgress\n ? ((workInProgress = createFiber(\n current.tag,\n pendingProps,\n current.key,\n current.mode\n )),\n (workInProgress.elementType = current.elementType),\n (workInProgress.type = current.type),\n (workInProgress.stateNode = current.stateNode),\n (workInProgress.alternate = current),\n (current.alternate = workInProgress))\n : ((workInProgress.pendingProps = pendingProps),\n (workInProgress.effectTag = 0),\n (workInProgress.nextEffect = null),\n (workInProgress.firstEffect = null),\n (workInProgress.lastEffect = null));\n workInProgress.childExpirationTime = current.childExpirationTime;\n workInProgress.expirationTime = current.expirationTime;\n workInProgress.child = current.child;\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = current.memoizedProps;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = current.memoizedState;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue;\n pendingProps = current.dependencies;\n workInProgress.dependencies =\n null === pendingProps\n ? null\n : {\n expirationTime: pendingProps.expirationTime,\n firstContext: pendingProps.firstContext,\n responders: pendingProps.responders\n };\n workInProgress.sibling = current.sibling;\n workInProgress.index = current.index;\n workInProgress.ref = current.ref;\n return workInProgress;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n type,\n key,\n pendingProps,\n owner,\n mode,\n expirationTime\n) {\n var fiberTag = 2;\n owner = type;\n if (\"function\" === typeof type) shouldConstruct(type) && (fiberTag = 1);\n else if (\"string\" === typeof type) fiberTag = 5;\n else\n a: switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromFragment(\n pendingProps.children,\n mode,\n expirationTime,\n key\n );\n case REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 8;\n mode |= 7;\n break;\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 8;\n mode |= 1;\n break;\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return (\n (type = createFiber(12, pendingProps, key, mode | 8)),\n (type.elementType = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE),\n (type.type = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE),\n (type.expirationTime = expirationTime),\n type\n );\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return (\n (type = createFiber(13, pendingProps, key, mode)),\n (type.type = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE),\n (type.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE),\n (type.expirationTime = expirationTime),\n type\n );\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return (\n (type = createFiber(19, pendingProps, key, mode)),\n (type.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE),\n (type.expirationTime = expirationTime),\n type\n );\n default:\n if (\"object\" === typeof type && null !== type)\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 10;\n break a;\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 9;\n break a;\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 11;\n break a;\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 14;\n break a;\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 16;\n owner = null;\n break a;\n }\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: \" +\n (null == type ? type : typeof type) +\n \".\"\n )\n );\n }\n key = createFiber(fiberTag, pendingProps, key, mode);\n key.elementType = type;\n key.type = owner;\n key.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n return key;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromFragment(elements, mode, expirationTime, key) {\n elements = createFiber(7, elements, key, mode);\n elements.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n return elements;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromText(content, mode, expirationTime) {\n content = createFiber(6, content, null, mode);\n content.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n return content;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromPortal(portal, mode, expirationTime) {\n mode = createFiber(\n 4,\n null !== portal.children ? portal.children : [],\n portal.key,\n mode\n );\n mode.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n mode.stateNode = {\n containerInfo: portal.containerInfo,\n pendingChildren: null,\n implementation: portal.implementation\n };\n return mode;\n}\nfunction FiberRootNode(containerInfo, tag, hydrate) {\n this.tag = tag;\n this.current = null;\n this.containerInfo = containerInfo;\n this.pingCache = this.pendingChildren = null;\n this.finishedExpirationTime = 0;\n this.finishedWork = null;\n this.timeoutHandle = -1;\n this.pendingContext = this.context = null;\n this.hydrate = hydrate;\n this.callbackNode = this.firstBatch = null;\n this.pingTime = this.lastPendingTime = this.firstPendingTime = this.callbackExpirationTime = 0;\n}\nfunction findHostInstance(component) {\n var fiber = component._reactInternalFiber;\n if (void 0 === fiber) {\n if (\"function\" === typeof component.render)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Argument appears to not be a ReactComponent. Keys: \" +\n Object.keys(component)\n )\n );\n }\n component = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);\n return null === component ? null : component.stateNode;\n}\nfunction updateContainer(element, container, parentComponent, callback) {\n var current$$1 = container.current,\n currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n current$$1 = computeExpirationForFiber(\n currentTime,\n current$$1,\n suspenseConfig\n );\n currentTime = container.current;\n a: if (parentComponent) {\n parentComponent = parentComponent._reactInternalFiber;\n b: {\n if (\n 2 !== isFiberMountedImpl(parentComponent) ||\n 1 !== parentComponent.tag\n )\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected subtree parent to be a mounted class component. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n var parentContext = parentComponent;\n do {\n switch (parentContext.tag) {\n case 3:\n parentContext = parentContext.stateNode.context;\n break b;\n case 1:\n if (isContextProvider(parentContext.type)) {\n parentContext =\n parentContext.stateNode\n .__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;\n break b;\n }\n }\n parentContext = parentContext.return;\n } while (null !== parentContext);\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Found unexpected detached subtree parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n if (1 === parentComponent.tag) {\n var Component = parentComponent.type;\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n parentComponent = processChildContext(\n parentComponent,\n Component,\n parentContext\n );\n break a;\n }\n }\n parentComponent = parentContext;\n } else parentComponent = emptyContextObject;\n null === container.context\n ? (container.context = parentComponent)\n : (container.pendingContext = parentComponent);\n container = callback;\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(current$$1, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.payload = { element: element };\n container = void 0 === container ? null : container;\n null !== container && (suspenseConfig.callback = container);\n enqueueUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(currentTime, current$$1);\n return current$$1;\n}\nfunction createPortal(children, containerInfo, implementation) {\n var key =\n 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null;\n return {\n $$typeof: REACT_PORTAL_TYPE,\n key: null == key ? null : \"\" + key,\n children: children,\n containerInfo: containerInfo,\n implementation: implementation\n };\n}\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) {\n if (\"function\" !== typeof superClass && null !== superClass)\n throw new TypeError(\n \"Super expression must either be null or a function, not \" +\n typeof superClass\n );\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n enumerable: !1,\n writable: !0,\n configurable: !0\n }\n });\n superClass &&\n (Object.setPrototypeOf\n ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass)\n : (subClass.__proto__ = superClass));\n}\nvar getInspectorDataForViewTag = void 0;\ngetInspectorDataForViewTag = function() {\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"getInspectorDataForViewTag() is not available in production\")\n );\n};\nfunction findNodeHandle(componentOrHandle) {\n if (null == componentOrHandle) return null;\n if (\"number\" === typeof componentOrHandle) return componentOrHandle;\n if (componentOrHandle._nativeTag) return componentOrHandle._nativeTag;\n if (componentOrHandle.canonical && componentOrHandle.canonical._nativeTag)\n return componentOrHandle.canonical._nativeTag;\n componentOrHandle = findHostInstance(componentOrHandle);\n return null == componentOrHandle\n ? componentOrHandle\n : componentOrHandle.canonical\n ? componentOrHandle.canonical._nativeTag\n : componentOrHandle._nativeTag;\n}\nbatchedUpdatesImpl = function(fn, a) {\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= 1;\n try {\n return fn(a);\n } finally {\n (executionContext = prevExecutionContext),\n executionContext === NoContext && flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n }\n};\nflushDiscreteUpdatesImpl = function() {\n (executionContext & (1 | RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext &&\n (flushPendingDiscreteUpdates(), flushPassiveEffects());\n};\nvar roots = new Map(),\n ReactNativeRenderer = {\n NativeComponent: (function(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance) {\n return (function(_React$Component) {\n function ReactNativeComponent() {\n if (!(this instanceof ReactNativeComponent))\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n var call = _React$Component.apply(this, arguments);\n if (!this)\n throw new ReferenceError(\n \"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"\n );\n return !call ||\n (\"object\" !== typeof call && \"function\" !== typeof call)\n ? this\n : call;\n }\n _inherits(ReactNativeComponent, _React$Component);\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.blur = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.blurTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.focus = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.focusTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measure = function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measure(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measure(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measureInWindow = function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measureInWindow(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureInWindow(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measureLayout = function(\n relativeToNativeNode,\n onSuccess,\n onFail\n ) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null == maybeInstance ||\n maybeInstance.canonical ||\n ((maybeInstance = void 0),\n \"number\" === typeof relativeToNativeNode\n ? (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode)\n : relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag &&\n (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag),\n null != maybeInstance &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureLayout(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n maybeInstance,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onFail),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onSuccess)\n ));\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.setNativeProps = function(nativeProps) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n if (null != maybeInstance && !maybeInstance.canonical) {\n var nativeTag =\n maybeInstance._nativeTag || maybeInstance.canonical._nativeTag;\n maybeInstance =\n maybeInstance.viewConfig || maybeInstance.canonical.viewConfig;\n nativeProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n nativeProps,\n maybeInstance.validAttributes\n );\n null != nativeProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n nativeTag,\n maybeInstance.uiViewClassName,\n nativeProps\n );\n }\n };\n return ReactNativeComponent;\n })(React.Component);\n })(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance),\n findNodeHandle: findNodeHandle,\n dispatchCommand: function(handle, command, args) {\n null != handle._nativeTag &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(\n handle._nativeTag,\n command,\n args\n );\n },\n setNativeProps: function(handle, nativeProps) {\n null != handle._nativeTag &&\n ((nativeProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n nativeProps,\n handle.viewConfig.validAttributes\n )),\n null != nativeProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n handle._nativeTag,\n handle.viewConfig.uiViewClassName,\n nativeProps\n ));\n },\n render: function(element, containerTag, callback) {\n var root = roots.get(containerTag);\n if (!root) {\n root = new FiberRootNode(containerTag, 0, !1);\n var uninitializedFiber = createFiber(3, null, null, 0);\n root.current = uninitializedFiber;\n uninitializedFiber.stateNode = root;\n roots.set(containerTag, root);\n }\n updateContainer(element, root, null, callback);\n a: if (((element = root.current), element.child))\n switch (element.child.tag) {\n case 5:\n element = element.child.stateNode;\n break a;\n default:\n element = element.child.stateNode;\n }\n else element = null;\n return element;\n },\n unmountComponentAtNode: function(containerTag) {\n var root = roots.get(containerTag);\n root &&\n updateContainer(null, root, null, function() {\n roots.delete(containerTag);\n });\n },\n unmountComponentAtNodeAndRemoveContainer: function(containerTag) {\n ReactNativeRenderer.unmountComponentAtNode(containerTag);\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.removeRootView(containerTag);\n },\n createPortal: function(children, containerTag) {\n return createPortal(\n children,\n containerTag,\n null,\n 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null\n );\n },\n unstable_batchedUpdates: batchedUpdates,\n __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: {\n NativeMethodsMixin: (function(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance) {\n return {\n measure: function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measure(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measure(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n },\n measureInWindow: function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measureInWindow(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureInWindow(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n },\n measureLayout: function(relativeToNativeNode, onSuccess, onFail) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null == maybeInstance ||\n maybeInstance.canonical ||\n ((maybeInstance = void 0),\n \"number\" === typeof relativeToNativeNode\n ? (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode)\n : relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag &&\n (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag),\n null != maybeInstance &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureLayout(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n maybeInstance,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onFail),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onSuccess)\n ));\n },\n setNativeProps: function(nativeProps) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n if (null != maybeInstance && !maybeInstance.canonical) {\n var nativeTag =\n maybeInstance._nativeTag || maybeInstance.canonical._nativeTag;\n maybeInstance =\n maybeInstance.viewConfig || maybeInstance.canonical.viewConfig;\n nativeProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n nativeProps,\n maybeInstance.validAttributes\n );\n null != nativeProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n nativeTag,\n maybeInstance.uiViewClassName,\n nativeProps\n );\n }\n },\n focus: function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.focusTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n },\n blur: function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.blurTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n }\n };\n })(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance),\n computeComponentStackForErrorReporting: function(reactTag) {\n return (reactTag = getInstanceFromTag(reactTag))\n ? getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(reactTag)\n : \"\";\n }\n }\n };\n(function(devToolsConfig) {\n var findFiberByHostInstance = devToolsConfig.findFiberByHostInstance;\n return injectInternals(\n Object.assign({}, devToolsConfig, {\n overrideHookState: null,\n overrideProps: null,\n setSuspenseHandler: null,\n scheduleUpdate: null,\n currentDispatcherRef: ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n findHostInstanceByFiber: function(fiber) {\n fiber = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);\n return null === fiber ? null : fiber.stateNode;\n },\n findFiberByHostInstance: function(instance) {\n return findFiberByHostInstance\n ? findFiberByHostInstance(instance)\n : null;\n },\n findHostInstancesForRefresh: null,\n scheduleRefresh: null,\n scheduleRoot: null,\n setRefreshHandler: null,\n getCurrentFiber: null\n })\n );\n})({\n findFiberByHostInstance: getInstanceFromTag,\n getInspectorDataForViewTag: getInspectorDataForViewTag,\n bundleType: 0,\n version: \"16.8.6\",\n rendererPackageName: \"react-native-renderer\"\n});\nvar ReactNativeRenderer$2 = { default: ReactNativeRenderer },\n ReactNativeRenderer$3 =\n (ReactNativeRenderer$2 && ReactNativeRenderer) || ReactNativeRenderer$2;\nmodule.exports = ReactNativeRenderer$3.default || ReactNativeRenderer$3;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\nimport '../Core/InitializeCore';\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n/* globals window: true */\n\n/**\n * Sets up global variables typical in most JavaScript environments.\n *\n * 1. Global timers (via `setTimeout` etc).\n * 2. Global console object.\n * 3. Hooks for printing stack traces with source maps.\n *\n * Leaves enough room in the environment for implementing your own:\n *\n * 1. Require system.\n * 2. Bridged modules.\n *\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst start =;\n\nrequire('./setUpGlobals');\nrequire('./setUpSystrace');\nrequire('./setUpErrorHandling');\nrequire('./polyfillPromise');\nrequire('./setUpRegeneratorRuntime');\nrequire('./setUpTimers');\nrequire('./setUpXHR');\nrequire('./setUpAlert');\nrequire('./setUpNavigator');\nrequire('./setUpBatchedBridge');\nrequire('./setUpSegmentFetcher');\nif (__DEV__) {\n require('./checkNativeVersion');\n require('./setUpDeveloperTools');\n}\n\nconst GlobalPerformanceLogger = require('../Utilities/GlobalPerformanceLogger');\n// We could just call GlobalPerformanceLogger.markPoint at the top of the file,\n// but then we'd be excluding the time it took to require the logger.\n// Instead, we just use and backdate the timestamp.\nGlobalPerformanceLogger.markPoint(\n 'initializeCore_start',\n GlobalPerformanceLogger.currentTimestamp() - ( - start),\n);\nGlobalPerformanceLogger.markPoint('initializeCore_end');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Sets up global variables for React Native.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\nif (global.GLOBAL === undefined) {\n global.GLOBAL = global;\n}\n\nif (global.window === undefined) {\n global.window = global;\n}\n\nif (global.self === undefined) {\n global.self = global;\n}\n\n// Set up process\nglobal.process = global.process || {};\nglobal.process.env = global.process.env || {};\nif (!global.process.env.NODE_ENV) {\n global.process.env.NODE_ENV = __DEV__ ? 'development' : 'production';\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Set up Systrace profiling hooks if necessary.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\nif (global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n const Systrace = require('../Performance/Systrace');\n Systrace.installReactHook();\n Systrace.setEnabled(true);\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Sets up the console and exception handling (redbox) for React Native.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\nconst ExceptionsManager = require('./ExceptionsManager');\nExceptionsManager.installConsoleErrorReporter();\n\n// Set up error handler\nif (!global.__fbDisableExceptionsManager) {\n const handleError = (e, isFatal) => {\n try {\n ExceptionsManager.handleException(e, isFatal);\n } catch (ee) {\n console.log('Failed to print error: ', ee.message);\n throw e;\n }\n };\n\n const ErrorUtils = require('../vendor/core/ErrorUtils');\n ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler(handleError);\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {ExtendedError} from './Devtools/parseErrorStack';\n\nclass SyntheticError extends Error {\n name: string = '';\n}\n\n/**\n * Handles the developer-visible aspect of errors and exceptions\n */\nlet exceptionID = 0;\nfunction reportException(e: ExtendedError, isFatal: boolean) {\n const NativeExceptionsManager = require('./NativeExceptionsManager').default;\n if (NativeExceptionsManager) {\n const parseErrorStack = require('./Devtools/parseErrorStack');\n const stack = parseErrorStack(e);\n const currentExceptionID = ++exceptionID;\n const originalMessage = e.message || '';\n let message = originalMessage;\n if (e.componentStack != null) {\n message += `\\n\\nThis error is located at:${e.componentStack}`;\n }\n const namePrefix = == null || === '' ? '' : `${}: `;\n const isFromConsoleError = === 'console.error';\n\n if (!message.startsWith(namePrefix)) {\n message = namePrefix + message;\n }\n\n // Errors created by `console.error` have already been printed.\n if (!isFromConsoleError) {\n if (console._errorOriginal) {\n console._errorOriginal(message);\n } else {\n console.error(message);\n }\n }\n\n message =\n e.jsEngine == null ? message : `${message}, js engine: ${e.jsEngine}`;\n NativeExceptionsManager.reportException({\n message,\n originalMessage: message === originalMessage ? null : originalMessage,\n name: == null || === '' ? null :,\n componentStack:\n typeof e.componentStack === 'string' ? e.componentStack : null,\n stack,\n id: currentExceptionID,\n isFatal,\n extraData: {\n jsEngine: e.jsEngine,\n rawStack: e.stack,\n framesPopped: e.framesToPop,\n },\n });\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (e.preventSymbolication === true) {\n return;\n }\n const symbolicateStackTrace = require('./Devtools/symbolicateStackTrace');\n symbolicateStackTrace(stack)\n .then(prettyStack => {\n if (prettyStack) {\n const stackWithoutCollapsedFrames = prettyStack.filter(\n frame => !frame.collapse,\n );\n NativeExceptionsManager.updateExceptionMessage(\n message,\n stackWithoutCollapsedFrames,\n currentExceptionID,\n );\n } else {\n throw new Error('The stack is null');\n }\n })\n .catch(error => {\n console.log('Unable to symbolicate stack trace: ' + error.message);\n });\n }\n }\n}\n\ndeclare var console: typeof console & {\n _errorOriginal: typeof console.error,\n reportErrorsAsExceptions: boolean,\n};\n\n/**\n * Logs exceptions to the (native) console and displays them\n */\nfunction handleException(e: mixed, isFatal: boolean) {\n let error: Error;\n if (e instanceof Error) {\n error = e;\n } else {\n // Workaround for reporting errors caused by `throw 'some string'`\n // Unfortunately there is no way to figure out the stacktrace in this\n // case, so if you ended up here trying to trace an error, look for\n // `throw ''` somewhere in your codebase.\n error = new SyntheticError(e);\n }\n reportException(error, isFatal);\n}\n\nfunction reactConsoleErrorHandler() {\n if (!console.reportErrorsAsExceptions) {\n console._errorOriginal.apply(console, arguments);\n return;\n }\n\n if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].stack) {\n // reportException will console.error this with high enough fidelity.\n reportException(arguments[0], /* isFatal */ false);\n } else {\n console._errorOriginal.apply(console, arguments);\n const stringifySafe = require('../Utilities/stringifySafe');\n const str =, stringifySafe).join(', ');\n if (str.slice(0, 10) === '\"Warning: ') {\n // React warnings use console.error so that a stack trace is shown, but\n // we don't (currently) want these to show a redbox\n // (Note: Logic duplicated in polyfills/console.js.)\n return;\n }\n const error: ExtendedError = new SyntheticError(str);\n = 'console.error';\n error.framesToPop = (error.framesToPop || 0) + 1;\n reportException(error, /* isFatal */ false);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Shows a redbox with stacktrace for all console.error messages. Disable by\n * setting `console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = false;` in your app.\n */\nfunction installConsoleErrorReporter() {\n // Enable reportErrorsAsExceptions\n if (console._errorOriginal) {\n return; // already installed\n }\n // Flow doesn't like it when you set arbitrary values on a global object\n console._errorOriginal = console.error.bind(console);\n console.error = reactConsoleErrorHandler;\n if (console.reportErrorsAsExceptions === undefined) {\n // Individual apps can disable this\n // Flow doesn't like it when you set arbitrary values on a global object\n console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = true;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {handleException, installConsoleErrorReporter, SyntheticError};\n","var getPrototypeOf = require(\"./getPrototypeOf\");\n\nvar setPrototypeOf = require(\"./setPrototypeOf\");\n\nvar isNativeFunction = require(\"./isNativeFunction\");\n\nvar construct = require(\"./construct\");\n\nfunction _wrapNativeSuper(Class) {\n var _cache = typeof Map === \"function\" ? new Map() : undefined;\n\n module.exports = _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) {\n if (Class === null || !isNativeFunction(Class)) return Class;\n\n if (typeof Class !== \"function\") {\n throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\");\n }\n\n if (typeof _cache !== \"undefined\") {\n if (_cache.has(Class)) return _cache.get(Class);\n\n _cache.set(Class, Wrapper);\n }\n\n function Wrapper() {\n return construct(Class, arguments, getPrototypeOf(this).constructor);\n }\n\n Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: Wrapper,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n return setPrototypeOf(Wrapper, Class);\n };\n\n return _wrapNativeSuper(Class);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _wrapNativeSuper;","function _isNativeFunction(fn) {\n return\"[native code]\") !== -1;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _isNativeFunction;","var setPrototypeOf = require(\"./setPrototypeOf\");\n\nvar isNativeReflectConstruct = require(\"./isNativeReflectConstruct\");\n\nfunction _construct(Parent, args, Class) {\n if (isNativeReflectConstruct()) {\n module.exports = _construct = Reflect.construct;\n } else {\n module.exports = _construct = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) {\n var a = [null];\n a.push.apply(a, args);\n var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a);\n var instance = new Constructor();\n if (Class) setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype);\n return instance;\n };\n }\n\n return _construct.apply(null, arguments);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _construct;","function _isNativeReflectConstruct() {\n if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false;\n if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false;\n if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true;\n\n try {\n, [], function () {}));\n return true;\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = _isNativeReflectConstruct;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport type StackFrame = {|\n column: ?number,\n file: ?string,\n lineNumber: ?number,\n methodName: string,\n collapse?: boolean,\n|};\n\nexport type ExceptionData = {\n message: string,\n originalMessage: ?string,\n name: ?string,\n componentStack: ?string,\n stack: Array,\n id: number,\n isFatal: boolean,\n // flowlint-next-line unclear-type:off\n extraData?: Object,\n};\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n // Deprecated: Use `reportException`\n +reportFatalException: (\n message: string,\n stack: Array,\n exceptionId: number,\n ) => void;\n // Deprecated: Use `reportException`\n +reportSoftException: (\n message: string,\n stack: Array,\n exceptionId: number,\n ) => void;\n // TODO(T53311281): This is a noop on iOS now. Implement it.\n +reportException?: (data: ExceptionData) => void;\n +updateExceptionMessage: (\n message: string,\n stack: Array,\n exceptionId: number,\n ) => void;\n // TODO(T53311281): This is a noop on iOS now. Implement it.\n +dismissRedbox?: () => void;\n}\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nconst NativeModule = TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(\n 'ExceptionsManager',\n);\n\nconst ExceptionsManager = {\n reportFatalException(\n message: string,\n stack: Array,\n exceptionId: number,\n ) {\n NativeModule.reportFatalException(message, stack, exceptionId);\n },\n reportSoftException(\n message: string,\n stack: Array,\n exceptionId: number,\n ) {\n NativeModule.reportSoftException(message, stack, exceptionId);\n },\n updateExceptionMessage(\n message: string,\n stack: Array,\n exceptionId: number,\n ) {\n NativeModule.updateExceptionMessage(message, stack, exceptionId);\n },\n dismissRedbox(): void {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'ios' && NativeModule.dismissRedbox) {\n // TODO(T53311281): This is a noop on iOS now. Implement it.\n NativeModule.dismissRedbox();\n }\n },\n reportException(data: ExceptionData): void {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'ios' && NativeModule.reportException) {\n // TODO(T53311281): This is a noop on iOS now. Implement it.\n NativeModule.reportException(data);\n return;\n }\n if (data.isFatal) {\n ExceptionsManager.reportFatalException(data.message, data.stack,;\n } else {\n ExceptionsManager.reportSoftException(data.message, data.stack,;\n }\n },\n};\n\nexport default ExceptionsManager;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {StackFrame} from '../NativeExceptionsManager';\n\nexport type ExtendedError = Error & {\n framesToPop?: number,\n jsEngine?: string,\n preventSymbolication?: boolean,\n componentStack?: string,\n};\n\nfunction parseErrorStack(e: ExtendedError): Array {\n if (!e || !e.stack) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const stacktraceParser = require('stacktrace-parser');\n const stack = Array.isArray(e.stack)\n ? e.stack\n : stacktraceParser.parse(e.stack);\n\n let framesToPop = typeof e.framesToPop === 'number' ? e.framesToPop : 0;\n while (framesToPop--) {\n stack.shift();\n }\n return stack;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = parseErrorStack;\n","(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :\n (global = global || self, factory(global.stackTraceParser = {}));\n}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';\n\n var UNKNOWN_FUNCTION = '';\n /**\n * This parses the different stack traces and puts them into one format\n * This borrows heavily from TraceKit (\n */\n\n function parse(stackString) {\n var lines = stackString.split('\\n');\n return lines.reduce(function (stack, line) {\n var parseResult = parseChrome(line) || parseWinjs(line) || parseGecko(line) || parseNode(line) || parseJSC(line);\n\n if (parseResult) {\n stack.push(parseResult);\n }\n\n return stack;\n }, []);\n }\n var chromeRe = /^\\s*at (.*?) ?\\(((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|native|eval|webpack||\\/).*?)(?::(\\d+))?(?::(\\d+))?\\)?\\s*$/i;\n var chromeEvalRe = /\\((\\S*)(?::(\\d+))(?::(\\d+))\\)/;\n\n function parseChrome(line) {\n var parts = chromeRe.exec(line);\n\n if (!parts) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var isNative = parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('native') === 0; // start of line\n\n var isEval = parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('eval') === 0; // start of line\n\n var submatch = chromeEvalRe.exec(parts[2]);\n\n if (isEval && submatch != null) {\n // throw out eval line/column and use top-most line/column number\n parts[2] = submatch[1]; // url\n\n parts[3] = submatch[2]; // line\n\n parts[4] = submatch[3]; // column\n }\n\n return {\n file: !isNative ? parts[2] : null,\n methodName: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,\n arguments: isNative ? [parts[2]] : [],\n lineNumber: parts[3] ? +parts[3] : null,\n column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null\n };\n }\n\n var winjsRe = /^\\s*at (?:((?:\\[object object\\])?.+) )?\\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|webpack|blob):.*?):(\\d+)(?::(\\d+))?\\)?\\s*$/i;\n\n function parseWinjs(line) {\n var parts = winjsRe.exec(line);\n\n if (!parts) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return {\n file: parts[2],\n methodName: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,\n arguments: [],\n lineNumber: +parts[3],\n column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null\n };\n }\n\n var geckoRe = /^\\s*(.*?)(?:\\((.*?)\\))?(?:^|@)((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|webpack|resource|\\[native).*?|[^@]*bundle)(?::(\\d+))?(?::(\\d+))?\\s*$/i;\n var geckoEvalRe = /(\\S+) line (\\d+)(?: > eval line \\d+)* > eval/i;\n\n function parseGecko(line) {\n var parts = geckoRe.exec(line);\n\n if (!parts) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var isEval = parts[3] && parts[3].indexOf(' > eval') > -1;\n var submatch = geckoEvalRe.exec(parts[3]);\n\n if (isEval && submatch != null) {\n // throw out eval line/column and use top-most line number\n parts[3] = submatch[1];\n parts[4] = submatch[2];\n parts[5] = null; // no column when eval\n }\n\n return {\n file: parts[3],\n methodName: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,\n arguments: parts[2] ? parts[2].split(',') : [],\n lineNumber: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,\n column: parts[5] ? +parts[5] : null\n };\n }\n\n var javaScriptCoreRe = /^\\s*(?:([^@]*)(?:\\((.*?)\\))?@)?(\\S.*?):(\\d+)(?::(\\d+))?\\s*$/i;\n\n function parseJSC(line) {\n var parts = javaScriptCoreRe.exec(line);\n\n if (!parts) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return {\n file: parts[3],\n methodName: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,\n arguments: [],\n lineNumber: +parts[4],\n column: parts[5] ? +parts[5] : null\n };\n }\n\n var nodeRe = /^\\s*at (?:((?:\\[object object\\])?[^\\\\/]+(?: \\[as \\S+\\])?) )?\\(?(.*?):(\\d+)(?::(\\d+))?\\)?\\s*$/i;\n\n function parseNode(line) {\n var parts = nodeRe.exec(line);\n\n if (!parts) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return {\n file: parts[2],\n methodName: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,\n arguments: [],\n lineNumber: +parts[3],\n column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null\n };\n }\n\n exports.parse = parse;\n\n Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\n}));\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {polyfillGlobal} = require('../Utilities/PolyfillFunctions');\n\n/**\n * Set up Promise. The native Promise implementation throws the following error:\n * ERROR: Event loop not supported.\n *\n * If you don't need these polyfills, don't use InitializeCore; just directly\n * require the modules you need from InitializeCore for setup.\n */\npolyfillGlobal('Promise', () => require('../Promise'));\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst defineLazyObjectProperty = require('./defineLazyObjectProperty');\n\n/**\n * Sets an object's property. If a property with the same name exists, this will\n * replace it but maintain its descriptor configuration. The property will be\n * replaced with a lazy getter.\n *\n * In DEV mode the original property value will be preserved as `original[PropertyName]`\n * so that, if necessary, it can be restored. For example, if you want to route\n * network requests through DevTools (to trace them):\n *\n * global.XMLHttpRequest = global.originalXMLHttpRequest;\n *\n * @see\n */\nfunction polyfillObjectProperty(\n object: Object,\n name: string,\n getValue: () => T,\n): void {\n const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);\n if (__DEV__ && descriptor) {\n const backupName = `original${name[0].toUpperCase()}${name.substr(1)}`;\n Object.defineProperty(object, backupName, descriptor);\n }\n\n const {enumerable, writable, configurable} = descriptor || {};\n if (descriptor && !configurable) {\n console.error('Failed to set polyfill. ' + name + ' is not configurable.');\n return;\n }\n\n defineLazyObjectProperty(object, name, {\n get: getValue,\n enumerable: enumerable !== false,\n writable: writable !== false,\n });\n}\n\nfunction polyfillGlobal(name: string, getValue: () => T): void {\n polyfillObjectProperty(global, name, getValue);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {polyfillObjectProperty, polyfillGlobal};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {polyfillGlobal} = require('../Utilities/PolyfillFunctions');\n\n/**\n * Set up regenerator.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\npolyfillGlobal('regeneratorRuntime', () => {\n // The require just sets up the global, so make sure when we first\n // invoke it the global does not exist\n delete global.regeneratorRuntime;\n\n // regenerator-runtime/runtime exports the regeneratorRuntime object, so we\n // can return it safely.\n return require('regenerator-runtime/runtime'); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\n});\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\nvar runtime = (function (exports) {\n \"use strict\";\n\n var Op = Object.prototype;\n var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;\n var undefined; // More compressible than void 0.\n var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === \"function\" ? Symbol : {};\n var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\";\n var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\";\n var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\";\n\n function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {\n // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator.\n var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;\n var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);\n var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);\n\n // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next,\n // .throw, and .return methods.\n generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context);\n\n return generator;\n }\n exports.wrap = wrap;\n\n // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion\n // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could\n // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be\n // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we\n // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need\n // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming\n // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true\n // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The\n // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which\n // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate.\n function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {\n try {\n return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) };\n } catch (err) {\n return { type: \"throw\", arg: err };\n }\n }\n\n var GenStateSuspendedStart = \"suspendedStart\";\n var GenStateSuspendedYield = \"suspendedYield\";\n var GenStateExecuting = \"executing\";\n var GenStateCompleted = \"completed\";\n\n // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as\n // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement.\n var ContinueSentinel = {};\n\n // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and\n // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator\n // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your\n // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions.\n function Generator() {}\n function GeneratorFunction() {}\n function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}\n\n // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that\n // don't natively support it.\n var IteratorPrototype = {};\n IteratorPrototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () {\n return this;\n };\n\n var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;\n var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));\n if (NativeIteratorPrototype &&\n NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&\n, iteratorSymbol)) {\n // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead\n // of the polyfill.\n IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;\n }\n\n var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype =\n Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);\n GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;\n GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction;\n GeneratorFunctionPrototype[toStringTagSymbol] =\n GeneratorFunction.displayName = \"GeneratorFunction\";\n\n // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the\n // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method.\n function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {\n [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function(method) {\n prototype[method] = function(arg) {\n return this._invoke(method, arg);\n };\n });\n }\n\n exports.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {\n var ctor = typeof genFun === \"function\" && genFun.constructor;\n return ctor\n ? ctor === GeneratorFunction ||\n // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can\n // do is to check its .name property.\n (ctor.displayName || === \"GeneratorFunction\"\n : false;\n };\n\n exports.mark = function(genFun) {\n if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {\n Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);\n } else {\n genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;\n if (!(toStringTagSymbol in genFun)) {\n genFun[toStringTagSymbol] = \"GeneratorFunction\";\n }\n }\n genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);\n return genFun;\n };\n\n // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to\n // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test\n // `, \"__await\")` to determine if the yielded value is\n // meant to be awaited.\n exports.awrap = function(arg) {\n return { __await: arg };\n };\n\n function AsyncIterator(generator) {\n function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {\n var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n reject(record.arg);\n } else {\n var result = record.arg;\n var value = result.value;\n if (value &&\n typeof value === \"object\" &&\n, \"__await\")) {\n return Promise.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) {\n invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject);\n }, function(err) {\n invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject);\n });\n }\n\n return Promise.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {\n // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes\n // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the\n // current iteration.\n result.value = unwrapped;\n resolve(result);\n }, function(error) {\n // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back\n // into the async generator function so it can be handled there.\n return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject);\n });\n }\n }\n\n var previousPromise;\n\n function enqueue(method, arg) {\n function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {\n return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);\n });\n }\n\n return previousPromise =\n // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until\n // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,\n // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If\n // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to\n // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,\n // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do\n // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability\n // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its\n // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously\n // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple\n // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially\n // important to get this right, even though it requires care.\n previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(\n callInvokeWithMethodAndArg,\n // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later\n // invocations of the iterator.\n callInvokeWithMethodAndArg\n ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();\n }\n\n // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next,\n // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods).\n this._invoke = enqueue;\n }\n\n defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype);\n AsyncIterator.prototype[asyncIteratorSymbol] = function () {\n return this;\n };\n exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;\n\n // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of\n // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of\n // the final result produced by the iterator.\n exports.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {\n var iter = new AsyncIterator(\n wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList)\n );\n\n return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn)\n ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator.\n : {\n return result.done ? result.value :;\n });\n };\n\n function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {\n var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;\n\n return function invoke(method, arg) {\n if (state === GenStateExecuting) {\n throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\");\n }\n\n if (state === GenStateCompleted) {\n if (method === \"throw\") {\n throw arg;\n }\n\n // Be forgiving, per of the spec:\n //\n return doneResult();\n }\n\n context.method = method;\n context.arg = arg;\n\n while (true) {\n var delegate = context.delegate;\n if (delegate) {\n var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);\n if (delegateResult) {\n if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;\n return delegateResult;\n }\n }\n\n if (context.method === \"next\") {\n // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's\n // function.sent implementation.\n context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;\n\n } else if (context.method === \"throw\") {\n if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {\n state = GenStateCompleted;\n throw context.arg;\n }\n\n context.dispatchException(context.arg);\n\n } else if (context.method === \"return\") {\n context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg);\n }\n\n state = GenStateExecuting;\n\n var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);\n if (record.type === \"normal\") {\n // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state ===\n // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation.\n state = context.done\n ? GenStateCompleted\n : GenStateSuspendedYield;\n\n if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {\n continue;\n }\n\n return {\n value: record.arg,\n done: context.done\n };\n\n } else if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n state = GenStateCompleted;\n // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the\n // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above.\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = record.arg;\n }\n }\n };\n }\n\n // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the\n // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the\n // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg,\n // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel.\n function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {\n var method = delegate.iterator[context.method];\n if (method === undefined) {\n // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw\n // method always terminates the yield* loop.\n context.delegate = null;\n\n if (context.method === \"throw\") {\n // Note: [\"return\"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility.\n if (delegate.iterator[\"return\"]) {\n // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a\n // chance to clean up.\n context.method = \"return\";\n context.arg = undefined;\n maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);\n\n if (context.method === \"throw\") {\n // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from\n // \"return\" to \"throw\", let that override the TypeError below.\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n }\n\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = new TypeError(\n \"The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method\");\n }\n\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);\n\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = record.arg;\n context.delegate = null;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n var info = record.arg;\n\n if (! info) {\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\");\n context.delegate = null;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n if (info.done) {\n // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary\n // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield).\n context[delegate.resultName] = info.value;\n\n // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield).\n = delegate.nextLoc;\n\n // If context.method was \"throw\" but the delegate handled the\n // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If\n // context.method was \"next\", forget context.arg since it has been\n // \"consumed\" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was\n // \"return\", allow the original .return call to continue in the\n // outer generator.\n if (context.method !== \"return\") {\n context.method = \"next\";\n context.arg = undefined;\n }\n\n } else {\n // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method.\n return info;\n }\n\n // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with\n // the outer generator.\n context.delegate = null;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the\n // unified ._invoke helper method.\n defineIteratorMethods(Gp);\n\n Gp[toStringTagSymbol] = \"Generator\";\n\n // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the\n // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the\n // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator\n // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen.\n // See for more details.\n Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() {\n return this;\n };\n\n Gp.toString = function() {\n return \"[object Generator]\";\n };\n\n function pushTryEntry(locs) {\n var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] };\n\n if (1 in locs) {\n entry.catchLoc = locs[1];\n }\n\n if (2 in locs) {\n entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];\n entry.afterLoc = locs[3];\n }\n\n this.tryEntries.push(entry);\n }\n\n function resetTryEntry(entry) {\n var record = entry.completion || {};\n record.type = \"normal\";\n delete record.arg;\n entry.completion = record;\n }\n\n function Context(tryLocsList) {\n // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch\n // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from\n // locations where there is no enclosing try statement.\n this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }];\n tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);\n this.reset(true);\n }\n\n exports.keys = function(object) {\n var keys = [];\n for (var key in object) {\n keys.push(key);\n }\n keys.reverse();\n\n // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep\n // things simple and return the next function itself.\n return function next() {\n while (keys.length) {\n var key = keys.pop();\n if (key in object) {\n next.value = key;\n next.done = false;\n return next;\n }\n }\n\n // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value\n // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This\n // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function.\n next.done = true;\n return next;\n };\n };\n\n function values(iterable) {\n if (iterable) {\n var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];\n if (iteratorMethod) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof === \"function\") {\n return iterable;\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {\n var i = -1, next = function next() {\n while (++i < iterable.length) {\n if (, i)) {\n next.value = iterable[i];\n next.done = false;\n return next;\n }\n }\n\n next.value = undefined;\n next.done = true;\n\n return next;\n };\n\n return = next;\n }\n }\n\n // Return an iterator with no values.\n return { next: doneResult };\n }\n exports.values = values;\n\n function doneResult() {\n return { value: undefined, done: true };\n }\n\n Context.prototype = {\n constructor: Context,\n\n reset: function(skipTempReset) {\n this.prev = 0;\n = 0;\n // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's\n // function.sent implementation.\n this.sent = this._sent = undefined;\n this.done = false;\n this.delegate = null;\n\n this.method = \"next\";\n this.arg = undefined;\n\n this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);\n\n if (!skipTempReset) {\n for (var name in this) {\n // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions:\n if (name.charAt(0) === \"t\" &&\n, name) &&\n !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {\n this[name] = undefined;\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n stop: function() {\n this.done = true;\n\n var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];\n var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;\n if (rootRecord.type === \"throw\") {\n throw rootRecord.arg;\n }\n\n return this.rval;\n },\n\n dispatchException: function(exception) {\n if (this.done) {\n throw exception;\n }\n\n var context = this;\n function handle(loc, caught) {\n record.type = \"throw\";\n record.arg = exception;\n = loc;\n\n if (caught) {\n // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block,\n // then let that catch block handle the exception normally.\n context.method = \"next\";\n context.arg = undefined;\n }\n\n return !! caught;\n }\n\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n var record = entry.completion;\n\n if (entry.tryLoc === \"root\") {\n // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle\n // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to\n // throw the exception.\n return handle(\"end\");\n }\n\n if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {\n var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\");\n var hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\");\n\n if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {\n if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {\n return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);\n } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\n return handle(entry.finallyLoc);\n }\n\n } else if (hasCatch) {\n if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {\n return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);\n }\n\n } else if (hasFinally) {\n if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\n return handle(entry.finallyLoc);\n }\n\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\");\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n abrupt: function(type, arg) {\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&\n, \"finallyLoc\") &&\n this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\n var finallyEntry = entry;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (finallyEntry &&\n (type === \"break\" ||\n type === \"continue\") &&\n finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg &&\n arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {\n // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a\n // location outside the try/catch block.\n finallyEntry = null;\n }\n\n var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};\n record.type = type;\n record.arg = arg;\n\n if (finallyEntry) {\n this.method = \"next\";\n = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n return this.complete(record);\n },\n\n complete: function(record, afterLoc) {\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n throw record.arg;\n }\n\n if (record.type === \"break\" ||\n record.type === \"continue\") {\n = record.arg;\n } else if (record.type === \"return\") {\n this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;\n this.method = \"return\";\n = \"end\";\n } else if (record.type === \"normal\" && afterLoc) {\n = afterLoc;\n }\n\n return ContinueSentinel;\n },\n\n finish: function(finallyLoc) {\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {\n this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);\n resetTryEntry(entry);\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n }\n },\n\n \"catch\": function(tryLoc) {\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {\n var record = entry.completion;\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n var thrown = record.arg;\n resetTryEntry(entry);\n }\n return thrown;\n }\n }\n\n // The context.catch method must only be called with a location\n // argument that corresponds to a known catch block.\n throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\");\n },\n\n delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {\n this.delegate = {\n iterator: values(iterable),\n resultName: resultName,\n nextLoc: nextLoc\n };\n\n if (this.method === \"next\") {\n // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't\n // accidentally pass it on to the delegate.\n this.arg = undefined;\n }\n\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n };\n\n // Regardless of whether this script is executing as a CommonJS module\n // or not, return the runtime object so that we can declare the variable\n // regeneratorRuntime in the outer scope, which allows this module to be\n // injected easily by `bin/regenerator --include-runtime script.js`.\n return exports;\n\n}(\n // If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports\n // as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty\n // object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize\n // the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file.\n typeof module === \"object\" ? module.exports : {}\n));\n\ntry {\n regeneratorRuntime = runtime;\n} catch (accidentalStrictMode) {\n // This module should not be running in strict mode, so the above\n // assignment should always work unless something is misconfigured. Just\n // in case runtime.js accidentally runs in strict mode, we can escape\n // strict mode using a global Function call. This could conceivably fail\n // if a Content Security Policy forbids using Function, but in that case\n // the proper solution is to fix the accidental strict mode problem. If\n // you've misconfigured your bundler to force strict mode and applied a\n // CSP to forbid Function, and you're not willing to fix either of those\n // problems, please detail your unique predicament in a GitHub issue.\n Function(\"r\", \"regeneratorRuntime = r\")(runtime);\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n// In bridgeless mode, timers are host functions installed from cpp.\nif (!global.RN$Bridgeless) {\n const {polyfillGlobal} = require('../Utilities/PolyfillFunctions');\n\n /**\n * Set up timers.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\n const defineLazyTimer = name => {\n polyfillGlobal(name, () => require('./Timers/JSTimers')[name]);\n };\n defineLazyTimer('setTimeout');\n defineLazyTimer('setInterval');\n defineLazyTimer('setImmediate');\n defineLazyTimer('clearTimeout');\n defineLazyTimer('clearInterval');\n defineLazyTimer('clearImmediate');\n defineLazyTimer('requestAnimationFrame');\n defineLazyTimer('cancelAnimationFrame');\n defineLazyTimer('requestIdleCallback');\n defineLazyTimer('cancelIdleCallback');\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst BatchedBridge = require('../../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst Systrace = require('../../Performance/Systrace');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {ExtendedError} from '../Devtools/parseErrorStack';\nimport NativeTiming from './NativeTiming';\n\nlet _performanceNow = null;\nfunction performanceNow() {\n if (!_performanceNow) {\n _performanceNow = require('fbjs/lib/performanceNow');\n }\n return _performanceNow();\n}\n\n/**\n * JS implementation of timer functions. Must be completely driven by an\n * external clock signal, all that's stored here is timerID, timer type, and\n * callback.\n */\n\nexport type JSTimerType =\n | 'setTimeout'\n | 'setInterval'\n | 'requestAnimationFrame'\n | 'setImmediate'\n | 'requestIdleCallback';\n\n// These timing constants should be kept in sync with the ones in native ios and\n// android `RCTTiming` module.\nconst FRAME_DURATION = 1000 / 60;\nconst IDLE_CALLBACK_FRAME_DEADLINE = 1;\n\nconst MAX_TIMER_DURATION_MS = 60 * 1000;\nconst IS_ANDROID = Platform.OS === 'android';\nconst ANDROID_LONG_TIMER_MESSAGE =\n 'Setting a timer for a long period of time, i.e. multiple minutes, is a ' +\n 'performance and correctness issue on Android as it keeps the timer ' +\n 'module awake, and timers can only be called when the app is in the foreground. ' +\n 'See for more info.';\n\n// Parallel arrays\nconst callbacks: Array = [];\nconst types: Array = [];\nconst timerIDs: Array = [];\nlet immediates: Array = [];\nlet requestIdleCallbacks: Array = [];\nconst requestIdleCallbackTimeouts: {[number]: number} = {};\nconst identifiers: Array = [];\n\nlet GUID = 1;\nlet errors: ?Array = null;\n\nlet hasEmittedTimeDriftWarning = false;\n\n// Returns a free index if one is available, and the next consecutive index otherwise.\nfunction _getFreeIndex(): number {\n let freeIndex = timerIDs.indexOf(null);\n if (freeIndex === -1) {\n freeIndex = timerIDs.length;\n }\n return freeIndex;\n}\n\nfunction _allocateCallback(func: Function, type: JSTimerType): number {\n const id = GUID++;\n const freeIndex = _getFreeIndex();\n timerIDs[freeIndex] = id;\n callbacks[freeIndex] = func;\n types[freeIndex] = type;\n if (__DEV__) {\n const parseErrorStack = require('../Devtools/parseErrorStack');\n const error: ExtendedError = new Error();\n error.framesToPop = 1;\n const stack = parseErrorStack(error);\n if (stack) {\n identifiers[freeIndex] = stack.shift();\n }\n }\n return id;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the callback associated with the ID. Also unregister that callback\n * if it was a one time timer (setTimeout), and not unregister it if it was\n * recurring (setInterval).\n */\nfunction _callTimer(timerID: number, frameTime: number, didTimeout: ?boolean) {\n require('fbjs/lib/warning')(\n timerID <= GUID,\n 'Tried to call timer with ID %s but no such timer exists.',\n timerID,\n );\n\n // timerIndex of -1 means that no timer with that ID exists. There are\n // two situations when this happens, when a garbage timer ID was given\n // and when a previously existing timer was deleted before this callback\n // fired. In both cases we want to ignore the timer id, but in the former\n // case we warn as well.\n const timerIndex = timerIDs.indexOf(timerID);\n if (timerIndex === -1) {\n return;\n }\n\n const type = types[timerIndex];\n const callback = callbacks[timerIndex];\n if (!callback || !type) {\n console.error('No callback found for timerID ' + timerID);\n return;\n }\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n const identifier = identifiers[timerIndex] || {};\n Systrace.beginEvent('Systrace.callTimer: ' + identifier.methodName);\n }\n\n // Clear the metadata\n if (\n type === 'setTimeout' ||\n type === 'setImmediate' ||\n type === 'requestAnimationFrame' ||\n type === 'requestIdleCallback'\n ) {\n _clearIndex(timerIndex);\n }\n\n try {\n if (\n type === 'setTimeout' ||\n type === 'setInterval' ||\n type === 'setImmediate'\n ) {\n callback();\n } else if (type === 'requestAnimationFrame') {\n callback(performanceNow());\n } else if (type === 'requestIdleCallback') {\n callback({\n timeRemaining: function() {\n // TODO: Optimisation: allow running for longer than one frame if\n // there are no pending JS calls on the bridge from native. This\n // would require a way to check the bridge queue synchronously.\n return Math.max(0, FRAME_DURATION - (performanceNow() - frameTime));\n },\n didTimeout: !!didTimeout,\n });\n } else {\n console.error('Tried to call a callback with invalid type: ' + type);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n // Don't rethrow so that we can run all timers.\n if (!errors) {\n errors = [e];\n } else {\n errors.push(e);\n }\n }\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n Systrace.endEvent();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs a single pass over the enqueued immediates. Returns whether\n * more immediates are queued up (can be used as a condition a while loop).\n */\nfunction _callImmediatesPass() {\n if (__DEV__) {\n Systrace.beginEvent('callImmediatesPass()');\n }\n\n // The main reason to extract a single pass is so that we can track\n // in the system trace\n if (immediates.length > 0) {\n const passImmediates = immediates.slice();\n immediates = [];\n\n // Use for loop rather than forEach as per @vjeux's advice\n //\n for (let i = 0; i < passImmediates.length; ++i) {\n _callTimer(passImmediates[i], 0);\n }\n }\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n Systrace.endEvent();\n }\n return immediates.length > 0;\n}\n\nfunction _clearIndex(i: number) {\n timerIDs[i] = null;\n callbacks[i] = null;\n types[i] = null;\n identifiers[i] = null;\n}\n\nfunction _freeCallback(timerID: number) {\n // timerIDs contains nulls after timers have been removed;\n // ignore nulls upfront so indexOf doesn't find them\n if (timerID == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n const index = timerIDs.indexOf(timerID);\n // See corresponding comment in `callTimers` for reasoning behind this\n if (index !== -1) {\n _clearIndex(index);\n const type = types[index];\n if (type !== 'setImmediate' && type !== 'requestIdleCallback') {\n deleteTimer(timerID);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * JS implementation of timer functions. Must be completely driven by an\n * external clock signal, all that's stored here is timerID, timer type, and\n * callback.\n */\nconst JSTimers = {\n /**\n * @param {function} func Callback to be invoked after `duration` ms.\n * @param {number} duration Number of milliseconds.\n */\n setTimeout: function(func: Function, duration: number, ...args: any): number {\n if (__DEV__ && IS_ANDROID && duration > MAX_TIMER_DURATION_MS) {\n console.warn(\n ANDROID_LONG_TIMER_MESSAGE +\n '\\n' +\n '(Saw setTimeout with duration ' +\n duration +\n 'ms)',\n );\n }\n const id = _allocateCallback(\n () => func.apply(undefined, args),\n 'setTimeout',\n );\n createTimer(id, duration || 0,, /* recurring */ false);\n return id;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {function} func Callback to be invoked every `duration` ms.\n * @param {number} duration Number of milliseconds.\n */\n setInterval: function(\n func: Function,\n duration: number,\n ...args: any\n ): number {\n if (__DEV__ && IS_ANDROID && duration > MAX_TIMER_DURATION_MS) {\n console.warn(\n ANDROID_LONG_TIMER_MESSAGE +\n '\\n' +\n '(Saw setInterval with duration ' +\n duration +\n 'ms)',\n );\n }\n const id = _allocateCallback(\n () => func.apply(undefined, args),\n 'setInterval',\n );\n createTimer(id, duration || 0,, /* recurring */ true);\n return id;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {function} func Callback to be invoked before the end of the\n * current JavaScript execution loop.\n */\n setImmediate: function(func: Function, ...args: any) {\n const id = _allocateCallback(\n () => func.apply(undefined, args),\n 'setImmediate',\n );\n immediates.push(id);\n return id;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {function} func Callback to be invoked every frame.\n */\n requestAnimationFrame: function(func: Function) {\n const id = _allocateCallback(func, 'requestAnimationFrame');\n createTimer(id, 1,, /* recurring */ false);\n return id;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {function} func Callback to be invoked every frame and provided\n * with time remaining in frame.\n * @param {?object} options\n */\n requestIdleCallback: function(func: Function, options: ?Object) {\n if (requestIdleCallbacks.length === 0) {\n setSendIdleEvents(true);\n }\n\n const timeout = options && options.timeout;\n const id = _allocateCallback(\n timeout != null\n ? deadline => {\n const timeoutId = requestIdleCallbackTimeouts[id];\n if (timeoutId) {\n JSTimers.clearTimeout(timeoutId);\n delete requestIdleCallbackTimeouts[id];\n }\n return func(deadline);\n }\n : func,\n 'requestIdleCallback',\n );\n requestIdleCallbacks.push(id);\n\n if (timeout != null) {\n const timeoutId = JSTimers.setTimeout(() => {\n const index = requestIdleCallbacks.indexOf(id);\n if (index > -1) {\n requestIdleCallbacks.splice(index, 1);\n _callTimer(id, performanceNow(), true);\n }\n delete requestIdleCallbackTimeouts[id];\n if (requestIdleCallbacks.length === 0) {\n setSendIdleEvents(false);\n }\n }, timeout);\n requestIdleCallbackTimeouts[id] = timeoutId;\n }\n return id;\n },\n\n cancelIdleCallback: function(timerID: number) {\n _freeCallback(timerID);\n const index = requestIdleCallbacks.indexOf(timerID);\n if (index !== -1) {\n requestIdleCallbacks.splice(index, 1);\n }\n\n const timeoutId = requestIdleCallbackTimeouts[timerID];\n if (timeoutId) {\n JSTimers.clearTimeout(timeoutId);\n delete requestIdleCallbackTimeouts[timerID];\n }\n\n if (requestIdleCallbacks.length === 0) {\n setSendIdleEvents(false);\n }\n },\n\n clearTimeout: function(timerID: number) {\n _freeCallback(timerID);\n },\n\n clearInterval: function(timerID: number) {\n _freeCallback(timerID);\n },\n\n clearImmediate: function(timerID: number) {\n _freeCallback(timerID);\n const index = immediates.indexOf(timerID);\n if (index !== -1) {\n immediates.splice(index, 1);\n }\n },\n\n cancelAnimationFrame: function(timerID: number) {\n _freeCallback(timerID);\n },\n\n /**\n * This is called from the native side. We are passed an array of timerIDs,\n * and\n */\n callTimers: function(timersToCall: Array) {\n invariant(\n timersToCall.length !== 0,\n 'Cannot call `callTimers` with an empty list of IDs.',\n );\n\n // $FlowFixMe: optionals do not allow assignment from null\n errors = null;\n for (let i = 0; i < timersToCall.length; i++) {\n _callTimer(timersToCall[i], 0);\n }\n\n if (errors) {\n const errorCount = errors.length;\n if (errorCount > 1) {\n // Throw all the other errors in a setTimeout, which will throw each\n // error one at a time\n for (let ii = 1; ii < errorCount; ii++) {\n JSTimers.setTimeout(\n (error => {\n throw error;\n }).bind(null, errors[ii]),\n 0,\n );\n }\n }\n throw errors[0];\n }\n },\n\n callIdleCallbacks: function(frameTime: number) {\n if (\n FRAME_DURATION - (performanceNow() - frameTime) <\n IDLE_CALLBACK_FRAME_DEADLINE\n ) {\n return;\n }\n\n // $FlowFixMe: optionals do not allow assignment from null\n errors = null;\n if (requestIdleCallbacks.length > 0) {\n const passIdleCallbacks = requestIdleCallbacks.slice();\n requestIdleCallbacks = [];\n\n for (let i = 0; i < passIdleCallbacks.length; ++i) {\n _callTimer(passIdleCallbacks[i], frameTime);\n }\n }\n\n if (requestIdleCallbacks.length === 0) {\n setSendIdleEvents(false);\n }\n\n if (errors) {\n errors.forEach(error =>\n JSTimers.setTimeout(() => {\n throw error;\n }, 0),\n );\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * This is called after we execute any command we receive from native but\n * before we hand control back to native.\n */\n callImmediates() {\n errors = null;\n while (_callImmediatesPass()) {}\n if (errors) {\n errors.forEach(error =>\n JSTimers.setTimeout(() => {\n throw error;\n }, 0),\n );\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Called from native (in development) when environment times are out-of-sync.\n */\n emitTimeDriftWarning(warningMessage: string) {\n if (hasEmittedTimeDriftWarning) {\n return;\n }\n hasEmittedTimeDriftWarning = true;\n console.warn(warningMessage);\n },\n};\n\nfunction createTimer(\n callbackID: number,\n duration: number,\n jsSchedulingTime: number,\n repeats: boolean,\n): void {\n invariant(NativeTiming, 'NativeTiming is available');\n NativeTiming.createTimer(callbackID, duration, jsSchedulingTime, repeats);\n}\n\nfunction deleteTimer(timerID: number): void {\n invariant(NativeTiming, 'NativeTiming is available');\n NativeTiming.deleteTimer(timerID);\n}\n\nfunction setSendIdleEvents(sendIdleEvents: boolean): void {\n invariant(NativeTiming, 'NativeTiming is available');\n NativeTiming.setSendIdleEvents(sendIdleEvents);\n}\n\nlet ExportedJSTimers: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n callIdleCallbacks: (frameTime: number) => any | void,\n callImmediates: () => void,\n callTimers: (timersToCall: Array) => any | void,\n cancelAnimationFrame: (timerID: number) => void,\n cancelIdleCallback: (timerID: number) => void,\n clearImmediate: (timerID: number) => void,\n clearInterval: (timerID: number) => void,\n clearTimeout: (timerID: number) => void,\n emitTimeDriftWarning: (warningMessage: string) => any | void,\n requestAnimationFrame: (func: any) => any | number,\n requestIdleCallback: (func: any, options: ?any) => any | number,\n setImmediate: (func: any, ...args: any) => number,\n setInterval: (func: any, duration: number, ...args: any) => number,\n setTimeout: (func: any, duration: number, ...args: any) => number,\n|}>;\nif (!NativeTiming) {\n console.warn(\"Timing native module is not available, can't set timers.\");\n // $FlowFixMe: we can assume timers are generally available\n ExportedJSTimers = ({\n callImmediates: JSTimers.callImmediates,\n setImmediate: JSTimers.setImmediate,\n }: typeof JSTimers);\n} else {\n ExportedJSTimers = JSTimers;\n}\n\nBatchedBridge.setImmediatesCallback(\n ExportedJSTimers.callImmediates.bind(ExportedJSTimers),\n);\n\nmodule.exports = ExportedJSTimers;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +createTimer: (\n callbackID: number,\n duration: number,\n jsSchedulingTime: number,\n repeats: boolean,\n ) => void;\n +deleteTimer: (timerID: number) => void;\n +setSendIdleEvents: (sendIdleEvents: boolean) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('Timing'): ?Spec);\n","\"use strict\";\n\n/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @typechecks\n */\nvar performance = require(\"./performance\");\n\nvar performanceNow;\n/**\n * Detect if we can use `` and gracefully fallback to\n * `` if it doesn't exist. We need to support Firefox < 15 for now\n * because of Facebook's testing infrastructure.\n */\n\nif ( {\n performanceNow = function performanceNow() {\n return;\n };\n} else {\n performanceNow = function performanceNow() {\n return;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = performanceNow;","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @typechecks\n */\n'use strict';\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = require(\"./ExecutionEnvironment\");\n\nvar performance;\n\nif (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {\n performance = window.performance || window.msPerformance || window.webkitPerformance;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = performance || {};","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n'use strict';\n\nvar canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement);\n/**\n * Simple, lightweight module assisting with the detection and context of\n * Worker. Helps avoid circular dependencies and allows code to reason about\n * whether or not they are in a Worker, even if they never include the main\n * `ReactWorker` dependency.\n */\n\nvar ExecutionEnvironment = {\n canUseDOM: canUseDOM,\n canUseWorkers: typeof Worker !== 'undefined',\n canUseEventListeners: canUseDOM && !!(window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent),\n canUseViewport: canUseDOM && !!window.screen,\n isInWorker: !canUseDOM // For now, this is true - might change in the future.\n\n};\nmodule.exports = ExecutionEnvironment;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {polyfillGlobal} = require('../Utilities/PolyfillFunctions');\n\n/**\n * Set up XMLHttpRequest. The native XMLHttpRequest in Chrome dev tools is CORS\n * aware and won't let you fetch anything from the internet.\n *\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\npolyfillGlobal('XMLHttpRequest', () => require('../Network/XMLHttpRequest'));\npolyfillGlobal('FormData', () => require('../Network/FormData'));\n\npolyfillGlobal('fetch', () => require('../Network/fetch').fetch); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\npolyfillGlobal('Headers', () => require('../Network/fetch').Headers); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\npolyfillGlobal('Request', () => require('../Network/fetch').Request); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\npolyfillGlobal('Response', () => require('../Network/fetch').Response); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\npolyfillGlobal('WebSocket', () => require('../WebSocket/WebSocket'));\npolyfillGlobal('Blob', () => require('../Blob/Blob'));\npolyfillGlobal('File', () => require('../Blob/File'));\npolyfillGlobal('FileReader', () => require('../Blob/FileReader'));\npolyfillGlobal('URL', () => require('../Blob/URL').URL); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\npolyfillGlobal('URLSearchParams', () => require('../Blob/URL').URLSearchParams); // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\npolyfillGlobal(\n 'AbortController',\n () => require('abort-controller/dist/abort-controller').AbortController, // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\n);\npolyfillGlobal(\n 'AbortSignal',\n () => require('abort-controller/dist/abort-controller').AbortSignal, // flowlint-line untyped-import:off\n);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst BlobManager = require('../Blob/BlobManager');\nconst EventTarget = require('event-target-shim');\nconst RCTNetworking = require('./RCTNetworking');\n\nconst base64 = require('base64-js');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nexport type NativeResponseType = 'base64' | 'blob' | 'text';\nexport type ResponseType =\n | ''\n | 'arraybuffer'\n | 'blob'\n | 'document'\n | 'json'\n | 'text';\nexport type Response = ?Object | string;\n\ntype XHRInterceptor = {\n requestSent(id: number, url: string, method: string, headers: Object): void,\n responseReceived(\n id: number,\n url: string,\n status: number,\n headers: Object,\n ): void,\n dataReceived(id: number, data: string): void,\n loadingFinished(id: number, encodedDataLength: number): void,\n loadingFailed(id: number, error: string): void,\n};\n\n// The native blob module is optional so inject it here if available.\nif (BlobManager.isAvailable) {\n BlobManager.addNetworkingHandler();\n}\n\nconst UNSENT = 0;\nconst OPENED = 1;\nconst HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2;\nconst LOADING = 3;\nconst DONE = 4;\n\nconst SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPES = {\n arraybuffer: typeof global.ArrayBuffer === 'function',\n blob: typeof global.Blob === 'function',\n document: false,\n json: true,\n text: true,\n '': true,\n};\n\nconst REQUEST_EVENTS = [\n 'abort',\n 'error',\n 'load',\n 'loadstart',\n 'progress',\n 'timeout',\n 'loadend',\n];\n\nconst XHR_EVENTS = REQUEST_EVENTS.concat('readystatechange');\n\nclass XMLHttpRequestEventTarget extends (EventTarget(...REQUEST_EVENTS): any) {\n onload: ?Function;\n onloadstart: ?Function;\n onprogress: ?Function;\n ontimeout: ?Function;\n onerror: ?Function;\n onabort: ?Function;\n onloadend: ?Function;\n}\n\n/**\n * Shared base for platform-specific XMLHttpRequest implementations.\n */\nclass XMLHttpRequest extends (EventTarget(...XHR_EVENTS): any) {\n static UNSENT: number = UNSENT;\n static OPENED: number = OPENED;\n static HEADERS_RECEIVED: number = HEADERS_RECEIVED;\n static LOADING: number = LOADING;\n static DONE: number = DONE;\n\n static _interceptor: ?XHRInterceptor = null;\n\n UNSENT: number = UNSENT;\n OPENED: number = OPENED;\n HEADERS_RECEIVED: number = HEADERS_RECEIVED;\n LOADING: number = LOADING;\n DONE: number = DONE;\n\n // EventTarget automatically initializes these to `null`.\n onload: ?Function;\n onloadstart: ?Function;\n onprogress: ?Function;\n ontimeout: ?Function;\n onerror: ?Function;\n onabort: ?Function;\n onloadend: ?Function;\n onreadystatechange: ?Function;\n\n readyState: number = UNSENT;\n responseHeaders: ?Object;\n status: number = 0;\n timeout: number = 0;\n responseURL: ?string;\n withCredentials: boolean = true;\n\n upload: XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = new XMLHttpRequestEventTarget();\n\n _requestId: ?number;\n _subscriptions: Array<*>;\n\n _aborted: boolean = false;\n _cachedResponse: Response;\n _hasError: boolean = false;\n _headers: Object;\n _lowerCaseResponseHeaders: Object;\n _method: ?string = null;\n _response: string | ?Object;\n _responseType: ResponseType;\n _response: string = '';\n _sent: boolean;\n _url: ?string = null;\n _timedOut: boolean = false;\n _trackingName: string = 'unknown';\n _incrementalEvents: boolean = false;\n\n static setInterceptor(interceptor: ?XHRInterceptor) {\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor = interceptor;\n }\n\n constructor() {\n super();\n this._reset();\n }\n\n _reset(): void {\n this.readyState = this.UNSENT;\n this.responseHeaders = undefined;\n this.status = 0;\n delete this.responseURL;\n\n this._requestId = null;\n\n this._cachedResponse = undefined;\n this._hasError = false;\n this._headers = {};\n this._response = '';\n this._responseType = '';\n this._sent = false;\n this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders = {};\n\n this._clearSubscriptions();\n this._timedOut = false;\n }\n\n get responseType(): ResponseType {\n return this._responseType;\n }\n\n set responseType(responseType: ResponseType): void {\n if (this._sent) {\n throw new Error(\n \"Failed to set the 'responseType' property on 'XMLHttpRequest': The \" +\n 'response type cannot be set after the request has been sent.',\n );\n }\n if (!SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPES.hasOwnProperty(responseType)) {\n warning(\n false,\n `The provided value '${responseType}' is not a valid 'responseType'.`,\n );\n return;\n }\n\n // redboxes early, e.g. for 'arraybuffer' on ios 7\n invariant(\n SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPES[responseType] || responseType === 'document',\n `The provided value '${responseType}' is unsupported in this environment.`,\n );\n\n if (responseType === 'blob') {\n invariant(\n BlobManager.isAvailable,\n 'Native module BlobModule is required for blob support',\n );\n }\n this._responseType = responseType;\n }\n\n get responseText(): string {\n if (this._responseType !== '' && this._responseType !== 'text') {\n throw new Error(\n \"The 'responseText' property is only available if 'responseType' \" +\n `is set to '' or 'text', but it is '${this._responseType}'.`,\n );\n }\n if (this.readyState < LOADING) {\n return '';\n }\n return this._response;\n }\n\n get response(): Response {\n const {responseType} = this;\n if (responseType === '' || responseType === 'text') {\n return this.readyState < LOADING || this._hasError ? '' : this._response;\n }\n\n if (this.readyState !== DONE) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (this._cachedResponse !== undefined) {\n return this._cachedResponse;\n }\n\n switch (responseType) {\n case 'document':\n this._cachedResponse = null;\n break;\n\n case 'arraybuffer':\n this._cachedResponse = base64.toByteArray(this._response).buffer;\n break;\n\n case 'blob':\n if (typeof this._response === 'object' && this._response) {\n this._cachedResponse = BlobManager.createFromOptions(this._response);\n } else if (this._response === '') {\n this._cachedResponse = null;\n } else {\n throw new Error(`Invalid response for blob: ${this._response}`);\n }\n break;\n\n case 'json':\n try {\n this._cachedResponse = JSON.parse(this._response);\n } catch (_) {\n this._cachedResponse = null;\n }\n break;\n\n default:\n this._cachedResponse = null;\n }\n\n return this._cachedResponse;\n }\n\n // exposed for testing\n __didCreateRequest(requestId: number): void {\n this._requestId = requestId;\n\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor &&\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor.requestSent(\n requestId,\n this._url || '',\n this._method || 'GET',\n this._headers,\n );\n }\n\n // exposed for testing\n __didUploadProgress(\n requestId: number,\n progress: number,\n total: number,\n ): void {\n if (requestId === this._requestId) {\n this.upload.dispatchEvent({\n type: 'progress',\n lengthComputable: true,\n loaded: progress,\n total,\n });\n }\n }\n\n __didReceiveResponse(\n requestId: number,\n status: number,\n responseHeaders: ?Object,\n responseURL: ?string,\n ): void {\n if (requestId === this._requestId) {\n this.status = status;\n this.setResponseHeaders(responseHeaders);\n this.setReadyState(this.HEADERS_RECEIVED);\n if (responseURL || responseURL === '') {\n this.responseURL = responseURL;\n } else {\n delete this.responseURL;\n }\n\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor &&\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor.responseReceived(\n requestId,\n responseURL || this._url || '',\n status,\n responseHeaders || {},\n );\n }\n }\n\n __didReceiveData(requestId: number, response: string): void {\n if (requestId !== this._requestId) {\n return;\n }\n this._response = response;\n this._cachedResponse = undefined; // force lazy recomputation\n this.setReadyState(this.LOADING);\n\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor &&\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor.dataReceived(requestId, response);\n }\n\n __didReceiveIncrementalData(\n requestId: number,\n responseText: string,\n progress: number,\n total: number,\n ) {\n if (requestId !== this._requestId) {\n return;\n }\n if (!this._response) {\n this._response = responseText;\n } else {\n this._response += responseText;\n }\n\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor &&\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor.dataReceived(requestId, responseText);\n\n this.setReadyState(this.LOADING);\n this.__didReceiveDataProgress(requestId, progress, total);\n }\n\n __didReceiveDataProgress(\n requestId: number,\n loaded: number,\n total: number,\n ): void {\n if (requestId !== this._requestId) {\n return;\n }\n this.dispatchEvent({\n type: 'progress',\n lengthComputable: total >= 0,\n loaded,\n total,\n });\n }\n\n // exposed for testing\n __didCompleteResponse(\n requestId: number,\n error: string,\n timeOutError: boolean,\n ): void {\n if (requestId === this._requestId) {\n if (error) {\n if (this._responseType === '' || this._responseType === 'text') {\n this._response = error;\n }\n this._hasError = true;\n if (timeOutError) {\n this._timedOut = true;\n }\n }\n this._clearSubscriptions();\n this._requestId = null;\n this.setReadyState(this.DONE);\n\n if (error) {\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor &&\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor.loadingFailed(requestId, error);\n } else {\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor &&\n XMLHttpRequest._interceptor.loadingFinished(\n requestId,\n this._response.length,\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n _clearSubscriptions(): void {\n (this._subscriptions || []).forEach(sub => {\n if (sub) {\n sub.remove();\n }\n });\n this._subscriptions = [];\n }\n\n getAllResponseHeaders(): ?string {\n if (!this.responseHeaders) {\n // according to the spec, return null if no response has been received\n return null;\n }\n const headers = this.responseHeaders || {};\n return Object.keys(headers)\n .map(headerName => {\n return headerName + ': ' + headers[headerName];\n })\n .join('\\r\\n');\n }\n\n getResponseHeader(header: string): ?string {\n const value = this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders[header.toLowerCase()];\n return value !== undefined ? value : null;\n }\n\n setRequestHeader(header: string, value: any): void {\n if (this.readyState !== this.OPENED) {\n throw new Error('Request has not been opened');\n }\n this._headers[header.toLowerCase()] = String(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Custom extension for tracking origins of request.\n */\n setTrackingName(trackingName: string): XMLHttpRequest {\n this._trackingName = trackingName;\n return this;\n }\n\n open(method: string, url: string, async: ?boolean): void {\n /* Other optional arguments are not supported yet */\n if (this.readyState !== this.UNSENT) {\n throw new Error('Cannot open, already sending');\n }\n if (async !== undefined && !async) {\n // async is default\n throw new Error('Synchronous http requests are not supported');\n }\n if (!url) {\n throw new Error('Cannot load an empty url');\n }\n this._method = method.toUpperCase();\n this._url = url;\n this._aborted = false;\n this.setReadyState(this.OPENED);\n }\n\n send(data: any): void {\n if (this.readyState !== this.OPENED) {\n throw new Error('Request has not been opened');\n }\n if (this._sent) {\n throw new Error('Request has already been sent');\n }\n this._sent = true;\n const incrementalEvents =\n this._incrementalEvents || !!this.onreadystatechange || !!this.onprogress;\n\n this._subscriptions.push(\n RCTNetworking.addListener('didSendNetworkData', args =>\n this.__didUploadProgress(...args),\n ),\n );\n this._subscriptions.push(\n RCTNetworking.addListener('didReceiveNetworkResponse', args =>\n this.__didReceiveResponse(...args),\n ),\n );\n this._subscriptions.push(\n RCTNetworking.addListener('didReceiveNetworkData', args =>\n this.__didReceiveData(...args),\n ),\n );\n this._subscriptions.push(\n RCTNetworking.addListener('didReceiveNetworkIncrementalData', args =>\n this.__didReceiveIncrementalData(...args),\n ),\n );\n this._subscriptions.push(\n RCTNetworking.addListener('didReceiveNetworkDataProgress', args =>\n this.__didReceiveDataProgress(...args),\n ),\n );\n this._subscriptions.push(\n RCTNetworking.addListener('didCompleteNetworkResponse', args =>\n this.__didCompleteResponse(...args),\n ),\n );\n\n let nativeResponseType: NativeResponseType = 'text';\n if (this._responseType === 'arraybuffer') {\n nativeResponseType = 'base64';\n }\n if (this._responseType === 'blob') {\n nativeResponseType = 'blob';\n }\n\n invariant(this._method, 'Request method needs to be defined.');\n invariant(this._url, 'Request URL needs to be defined.');\n RCTNetworking.sendRequest(\n this._method,\n this._trackingName,\n this._url,\n this._headers,\n data,\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was found\n * when making Flow check .android.js files. */\n nativeResponseType,\n incrementalEvents,\n this.timeout,\n this.__didCreateRequest.bind(this),\n this.withCredentials,\n );\n }\n\n abort(): void {\n this._aborted = true;\n if (this._requestId) {\n RCTNetworking.abortRequest(this._requestId);\n }\n // only call onreadystatechange if there is something to abort,\n // below logic is per spec\n if (\n !(\n this.readyState === this.UNSENT ||\n (this.readyState === this.OPENED && !this._sent) ||\n this.readyState === this.DONE\n )\n ) {\n this._reset();\n this.setReadyState(this.DONE);\n }\n // Reset again after, in case modified in handler\n this._reset();\n }\n\n setResponseHeaders(responseHeaders: ?Object): void {\n this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null;\n const headers = responseHeaders || {};\n this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders = Object.keys(headers).reduce(\n (lcaseHeaders, headerName) => {\n lcaseHeaders[headerName.toLowerCase()] = headers[headerName];\n return lcaseHeaders;\n },\n {},\n );\n }\n\n setReadyState(newState: number): void {\n this.readyState = newState;\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'readystatechange'});\n if (newState === this.DONE) {\n if (this._aborted) {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'abort'});\n } else if (this._hasError) {\n if (this._timedOut) {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'timeout'});\n } else {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'error'});\n }\n } else {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'load'});\n }\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'loadend'});\n }\n }\n\n /* global EventListener */\n addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListener): void {\n // If we dont' have a 'readystatechange' event handler, we don't\n // have to send repeated LOADING events with incremental updates\n // to responseText, which will avoid a bunch of native -> JS\n // bridge traffic.\n if (type === 'readystatechange' || type === 'progress') {\n this._incrementalEvents = true;\n }\n super.addEventListener(type, listener);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = XMLHttpRequest;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Blob = require('./Blob');\nconst BlobRegistry = require('./BlobRegistry');\n\nimport type {BlobData, BlobOptions, BlobCollector} from './BlobTypes';\nimport NativeBlobModule from './NativeBlobModule';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\n/*eslint-disable no-bitwise */\n/*eslint-disable eqeqeq */\n\n/**\n * Based on the rfc4122-compliant solution posted at\n *\n */\nfunction uuidv4(): string {\n return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => {\n const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,\n v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;\n return v.toString(16);\n });\n}\n\n// **Temporary workaround**\n// TODO(#24654): Use turbomodules for the Blob module.\n// Blob collector is a jsi::HostObject that is used by native to know\n// when the a Blob instance is deallocated. This allows to free the\n// underlying native resources. This is a hack to workaround the fact\n// that the current bridge infra doesn't allow to track js objects\n// deallocation. Ideally the whole Blob object should be a jsi::HostObject.\nfunction createBlobCollector(blobId: string): BlobCollector | null {\n if (global.__blobCollectorProvider == null) {\n return null;\n } else {\n return global.__blobCollectorProvider(blobId);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Module to manage blobs. Wrapper around the native blob module.\n */\nclass BlobManager {\n /**\n * If the native blob module is available.\n */\n static isAvailable: boolean = !!NativeBlobModule;\n\n /**\n * Create blob from existing array of blobs.\n */\n static createFromParts(\n parts: Array,\n options?: BlobOptions,\n ): Blob {\n invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.');\n\n const blobId = uuidv4();\n const items = => {\n if (\n part instanceof ArrayBuffer ||\n (global.ArrayBufferView && part instanceof global.ArrayBufferView)\n ) {\n throw new Error(\n \"Creating blobs from 'ArrayBuffer' and 'ArrayBufferView' are not supported\",\n );\n }\n if (part instanceof Blob) {\n return {\n data:,\n type: 'blob',\n };\n } else {\n return {\n data: String(part),\n type: 'string',\n };\n }\n });\n const size = items.reduce((acc, curr) => {\n if (curr.type === 'string') {\n return acc + global.unescape(encodeURI(;\n } else {\n return acc +;\n }\n }, 0);\n\n NativeBlobModule.createFromParts(items, blobId);\n\n return BlobManager.createFromOptions({\n blobId,\n offset: 0,\n size,\n type: options ? options.type : '',\n lastModified: options ? options.lastModified :,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Create blob instance from blob data from native.\n * Used internally by modules like XHR, WebSocket, etc.\n */\n static createFromOptions(options: BlobData): Blob {\n BlobRegistry.register(options.blobId);\n return Object.assign(Object.create(Blob.prototype), {\n data:\n // Reuse the collector instance when creating from an existing blob.\n // This will make sure that the underlying resource is only deallocated\n // when all blobs that refer to it are deallocated.\n options.__collector == null\n ? {\n ...options,\n __collector: createBlobCollector(options.blobId),\n }\n : options,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Deallocate resources for a blob.\n */\n static release(blobId: string): void {\n invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.');\n\n BlobRegistry.unregister(blobId);\n if (BlobRegistry.has(blobId)) {\n return;\n }\n NativeBlobModule.release(blobId);\n }\n\n /**\n * Inject the blob content handler in the networking module to support blob\n * requests and responses.\n */\n static addNetworkingHandler(): void {\n invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.');\n\n NativeBlobModule.addNetworkingHandler();\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicate the websocket should return a blob for incoming binary\n * messages.\n */\n static addWebSocketHandler(socketId: number): void {\n invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.');\n\n NativeBlobModule.addWebSocketHandler(socketId);\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicate the websocket should no longer return a blob for incoming\n * binary messages.\n */\n static removeWebSocketHandler(socketId: number): void {\n invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.');\n\n NativeBlobModule.removeWebSocketHandler(socketId);\n }\n\n /**\n * Send a blob message to a websocket.\n */\n static sendOverSocket(blob: Blob, socketId: number): void {\n invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.');\n\n NativeBlobModule.sendOverSocket(, socketId);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = BlobManager;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|BLOB_URI_SCHEME: string, BLOB_URI_HOST: ?string|};\n +addNetworkingHandler: () => void;\n +addWebSocketHandler: (id: number) => void;\n +removeWebSocketHandler: (id: number) => void;\n +sendOverSocket: (blob: Object, id: number) => void;\n +createFromParts: (parts: Array, blobId: string) => void;\n +release: (blobId: string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('BlobModule'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {BlobData, BlobOptions} from './BlobTypes';\n\n/**\n * Opaque JS representation of some binary data in native.\n *\n * The API is modeled after the W3C Blob API, with one caveat\n * regarding explicit deallocation. Refer to the `close()`\n * method for further details.\n *\n * Example usage in a React component:\n *\n * class WebSocketImage extends React.Component {\n * state = {blob: null};\n * componentDidMount() {\n * let ws = = new WebSocket(...);\n * ws.binaryType = 'blob';\n * ws.onmessage = (event) => {\n * if (this.state.blob) {\n * this.state.blob.close();\n * }\n * this.setState({blob:});\n * };\n * }\n * componentUnmount() {\n * if (this.state.blob) {\n * this.state.blob.close();\n * }\n *;\n * }\n * render() {\n * if (!this.state.blob) {\n * return ;\n * }\n * return ;\n * }\n * }\n *\n * Reference:\n */\nclass Blob {\n _data: ?BlobData;\n\n /**\n * Constructor for JS consumers.\n * Currently we only support creating Blobs from other Blobs.\n * Reference:\n */\n constructor(parts: Array = [], options?: BlobOptions) {\n const BlobManager = require('./BlobManager');\n = BlobManager.createFromParts(parts, options).data;\n }\n\n /*\n * This method is used to create a new Blob object containing\n * the data in the specified range of bytes of the source Blob.\n * Reference:\n */\n set data(data: ?BlobData) {\n this._data = data;\n }\n\n get data(): BlobData {\n if (!this._data) {\n throw new Error('Blob has been closed and is no longer available');\n }\n\n return this._data;\n }\n\n slice(start?: number, end?: number): Blob {\n const BlobManager = require('./BlobManager');\n let {offset, size} =;\n\n if (typeof start === 'number') {\n if (start > size) {\n start = size;\n }\n offset += start;\n size -= start;\n\n if (typeof end === 'number') {\n if (end < 0) {\n end = this.size + end;\n }\n size = end - start;\n }\n }\n return BlobManager.createFromOptions({\n blobId:,\n offset,\n size,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is in the standard, but not actually implemented by\n * any browsers at this point. It's important for how Blobs work in\n * React Native, however, since we cannot de-allocate resources automatically,\n * so consumers need to explicitly de-allocate them.\n *\n * Note that the semantics around Blobs created via `blob.slice()`\n * and `new Blob([blob])` are different. `blob.slice()` creates a\n * new *view* onto the same binary data, so calling `close()` on any\n * of those views is enough to deallocate the data, whereas\n * `new Blob([blob, ...])` actually copies the data in memory.\n */\n close() {\n const BlobManager = require('./BlobManager');\n BlobManager.release(;\n = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Size of the data contained in the Blob object, in bytes.\n */\n get size(): number {\n return;\n }\n\n /*\n * String indicating the MIME type of the data contained in the Blob.\n * If the type is unknown, this string is empty.\n */\n get type(): string {\n return || '';\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Blob;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict\n * @format\n */\n\nconst registry: {[key: string]: number} = {};\n\nconst register = (id: string) => {\n if (registry[id]) {\n registry[id]++;\n } else {\n registry[id] = 1;\n }\n};\n\nconst unregister = (id: string) => {\n if (registry[id]) {\n registry[id]--;\n if (registry[id] <= 0) {\n delete registry[id];\n }\n }\n};\n\nconst has = (id: string): number | boolean => {\n return registry[id] && registry[id] > 0;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n register,\n unregister,\n has,\n};\n","/**\n * @author Toru Nagashima \n * @copyright 2015 Toru Nagashima. All rights reserved.\n * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.\n */\n'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\n/**\n * @typedef {object} PrivateData\n * @property {EventTarget} eventTarget The event target.\n * @property {{type:string}} event The original event object.\n * @property {number} eventPhase The current event phase.\n * @property {EventTarget|null} currentTarget The current event target.\n * @property {boolean} canceled The flag to prevent default.\n * @property {boolean} stopped The flag to stop propagation.\n * @property {boolean} immediateStopped The flag to stop propagation immediately.\n * @property {Function|null} passiveListener The listener if the current listener is passive. Otherwise this is null.\n * @property {number} timeStamp The unix time.\n * @private\n */\n\n/**\n * Private data for event wrappers.\n * @type {WeakMap}\n * @private\n */\nconst privateData = new WeakMap();\n\n/**\n * Cache for wrapper classes.\n * @type {WeakMap}\n * @private\n */\nconst wrappers = new WeakMap();\n\n/**\n * Get private data.\n * @param {Event} event The event object to get private data.\n * @returns {PrivateData} The private data of the event.\n * @private\n */\nfunction pd(event) {\n const retv = privateData.get(event);\n console.assert(\n retv != null,\n \"'this' is expected an Event object, but got\",\n event\n );\n return retv\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * @param data {PrivateData} private data.\n */\nfunction setCancelFlag(data) {\n if (data.passiveListener != null) {\n if (\n typeof console !== \"undefined\" &&\n typeof console.error === \"function\"\n ) {\n console.error(\n \"Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation.\",\n data.passiveListener\n );\n }\n return\n }\n if (!data.event.cancelable) {\n return\n }\n\n data.canceled = true;\n if (typeof data.event.preventDefault === \"function\") {\n data.event.preventDefault();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @see\n * @private\n */\n/**\n * The event wrapper.\n * @constructor\n * @param {EventTarget} eventTarget The event target of this dispatching.\n * @param {Event|{type:string}} event The original event to wrap.\n */\nfunction Event(eventTarget, event) {\n privateData.set(this, {\n eventTarget,\n event,\n eventPhase: 2,\n currentTarget: eventTarget,\n canceled: false,\n stopped: false,\n immediateStopped: false,\n passiveListener: null,\n timeStamp: event.timeStamp ||,\n });\n\n //\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"isTrusted\", { value: false, enumerable: true });\n\n // Define accessors\n const keys = Object.keys(event);\n for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {\n const key = keys[i];\n if (!(key in this)) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, key, defineRedirectDescriptor(key));\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Should be enumerable, but class methods are not enumerable.\nEvent.prototype = {\n /**\n * The type of this event.\n * @type {string}\n */\n get type() {\n return pd(this).event.type\n },\n\n /**\n * The target of this event.\n * @type {EventTarget}\n */\n get target() {\n return pd(this).eventTarget\n },\n\n /**\n * The target of this event.\n * @type {EventTarget}\n */\n get currentTarget() {\n return pd(this).currentTarget\n },\n\n /**\n * @returns {EventTarget[]} The composed path of this event.\n */\n composedPath() {\n const currentTarget = pd(this).currentTarget;\n if (currentTarget == null) {\n return []\n }\n return [currentTarget]\n },\n\n /**\n * Constant of NONE.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get NONE() {\n return 0\n },\n\n /**\n * Constant of CAPTURING_PHASE.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get CAPTURING_PHASE() {\n return 1\n },\n\n /**\n * Constant of AT_TARGET.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get AT_TARGET() {\n return 2\n },\n\n /**\n * Constant of BUBBLING_PHASE.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get BUBBLING_PHASE() {\n return 3\n },\n\n /**\n * The target of this event.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get eventPhase() {\n return pd(this).eventPhase\n },\n\n /**\n * Stop event bubbling.\n * @returns {void}\n */\n stopPropagation() {\n const data = pd(this);\n\n data.stopped = true;\n if (typeof data.event.stopPropagation === \"function\") {\n data.event.stopPropagation();\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Stop event bubbling.\n * @returns {void}\n */\n stopImmediatePropagation() {\n const data = pd(this);\n\n data.stopped = true;\n data.immediateStopped = true;\n if (typeof data.event.stopImmediatePropagation === \"function\") {\n data.event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * The flag to be bubbling.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get bubbles() {\n return Boolean(pd(this).event.bubbles)\n },\n\n /**\n * The flag to be cancelable.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get cancelable() {\n return Boolean(pd(this).event.cancelable)\n },\n\n /**\n * Cancel this event.\n * @returns {void}\n */\n preventDefault() {\n setCancelFlag(pd(this));\n },\n\n /**\n * The flag to indicate cancellation state.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get defaultPrevented() {\n return pd(this).canceled\n },\n\n /**\n * The flag to be composed.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get composed() {\n return Boolean(pd(this).event.composed)\n },\n\n /**\n * The unix time of this event.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get timeStamp() {\n return pd(this).timeStamp\n },\n\n /**\n * The target of this event.\n * @type {EventTarget}\n * @deprecated\n */\n get srcElement() {\n return pd(this).eventTarget\n },\n\n /**\n * The flag to stop event bubbling.\n * @type {boolean}\n * @deprecated\n */\n get cancelBubble() {\n return pd(this).stopped\n },\n set cancelBubble(value) {\n if (!value) {\n return\n }\n const data = pd(this);\n\n data.stopped = true;\n if (typeof data.event.cancelBubble === \"boolean\") {\n data.event.cancelBubble = true;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * The flag to indicate cancellation state.\n * @type {boolean}\n * @deprecated\n */\n get returnValue() {\n return !pd(this).canceled\n },\n set returnValue(value) {\n if (!value) {\n setCancelFlag(pd(this));\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Initialize this event object. But do nothing under event dispatching.\n * @param {string} type The event type.\n * @param {boolean} [bubbles=false] The flag to be possible to bubble up.\n * @param {boolean} [cancelable=false] The flag to be possible to cancel.\n * @deprecated\n */\n initEvent() {\n // Do nothing.\n },\n};\n\n// `constructor` is not enumerable.\nObject.defineProperty(Event.prototype, \"constructor\", {\n value: Event,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n});\n\n// Ensure `event instanceof window.Event` is `true`.\nif (typeof window !== \"undefined\" && typeof window.Event !== \"undefined\") {\n Object.setPrototypeOf(Event.prototype, window.Event.prototype);\n\n // Make association for wrappers.\n wrappers.set(window.Event.prototype, Event);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the property descriptor to redirect a given property.\n * @param {string} key Property name to define property descriptor.\n * @returns {PropertyDescriptor} The property descriptor to redirect the property.\n * @private\n */\nfunction defineRedirectDescriptor(key) {\n return {\n get() {\n return pd(this).event[key]\n },\n set(value) {\n pd(this).event[key] = value;\n },\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the property descriptor to call a given method property.\n * @param {string} key Property name to define property descriptor.\n * @returns {PropertyDescriptor} The property descriptor to call the method property.\n * @private\n */\nfunction defineCallDescriptor(key) {\n return {\n value() {\n const event = pd(this).event;\n return event[key].apply(event, arguments)\n },\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Define new wrapper class.\n * @param {Function} BaseEvent The base wrapper class.\n * @param {Object} proto The prototype of the original event.\n * @returns {Function} The defined wrapper class.\n * @private\n */\nfunction defineWrapper(BaseEvent, proto) {\n const keys = Object.keys(proto);\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return BaseEvent\n }\n\n /** CustomEvent */\n function CustomEvent(eventTarget, event) {\n, eventTarget, event);\n }\n\n CustomEvent.prototype = Object.create(BaseEvent.prototype, {\n constructor: { value: CustomEvent, configurable: true, writable: true },\n });\n\n // Define accessors.\n for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {\n const key = keys[i];\n if (!(key in BaseEvent.prototype)) {\n const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, key);\n const isFunc = typeof descriptor.value === \"function\";\n Object.defineProperty(\n CustomEvent.prototype,\n key,\n isFunc\n ? defineCallDescriptor(key)\n : defineRedirectDescriptor(key)\n );\n }\n }\n\n return CustomEvent\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the wrapper class of a given prototype.\n * @param {Object} proto The prototype of the original event to get its wrapper.\n * @returns {Function} The wrapper class.\n * @private\n */\nfunction getWrapper(proto) {\n if (proto == null || proto === Object.prototype) {\n return Event\n }\n\n let wrapper = wrappers.get(proto);\n if (wrapper == null) {\n wrapper = defineWrapper(getWrapper(Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)), proto);\n wrappers.set(proto, wrapper);\n }\n return wrapper\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrap a given event to management a dispatching.\n * @param {EventTarget} eventTarget The event target of this dispatching.\n * @param {Object} event The event to wrap.\n * @returns {Event} The wrapper instance.\n * @private\n */\nfunction wrapEvent(eventTarget, event) {\n const Wrapper = getWrapper(Object.getPrototypeOf(event));\n return new Wrapper(eventTarget, event)\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the immediateStopped flag of a given event.\n * @param {Event} event The event to get.\n * @returns {boolean} The flag to stop propagation immediately.\n * @private\n */\nfunction isStopped(event) {\n return pd(event).immediateStopped\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the current event phase of a given event.\n * @param {Event} event The event to set current target.\n * @param {number} eventPhase New event phase.\n * @returns {void}\n * @private\n */\nfunction setEventPhase(event, eventPhase) {\n pd(event).eventPhase = eventPhase;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the current target of a given event.\n * @param {Event} event The event to set current target.\n * @param {EventTarget|null} currentTarget New current target.\n * @returns {void}\n * @private\n */\nfunction setCurrentTarget(event, currentTarget) {\n pd(event).currentTarget = currentTarget;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set a passive listener of a given event.\n * @param {Event} event The event to set current target.\n * @param {Function|null} passiveListener New passive listener.\n * @returns {void}\n * @private\n */\nfunction setPassiveListener(event, passiveListener) {\n pd(event).passiveListener = passiveListener;\n}\n\n/**\n * @typedef {object} ListenerNode\n * @property {Function} listener\n * @property {1|2|3} listenerType\n * @property {boolean} passive\n * @property {boolean} once\n * @property {ListenerNode|null} next\n * @private\n */\n\n/**\n * @type {WeakMap>}\n * @private\n */\nconst listenersMap = new WeakMap();\n\n// Listener types\nconst CAPTURE = 1;\nconst BUBBLE = 2;\nconst ATTRIBUTE = 3;\n\n/**\n * Check whether a given value is an object or not.\n * @param {any} x The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} `true` if the value is an object.\n */\nfunction isObject(x) {\n return x !== null && typeof x === \"object\" //eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax\n}\n\n/**\n * Get listeners.\n * @param {EventTarget} eventTarget The event target to get.\n * @returns {Map} The listeners.\n * @private\n */\nfunction getListeners(eventTarget) {\n const listeners = listenersMap.get(eventTarget);\n if (listeners == null) {\n throw new TypeError(\n \"'this' is expected an EventTarget object, but got another value.\"\n )\n }\n return listeners\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the property descriptor for the event attribute of a given event.\n * @param {string} eventName The event name to get property descriptor.\n * @returns {PropertyDescriptor} The property descriptor.\n * @private\n */\nfunction defineEventAttributeDescriptor(eventName) {\n return {\n get() {\n const listeners = getListeners(this);\n let node = listeners.get(eventName);\n while (node != null) {\n if (node.listenerType === ATTRIBUTE) {\n return node.listener\n }\n node =;\n }\n return null\n },\n\n set(listener) {\n if (typeof listener !== \"function\" && !isObject(listener)) {\n listener = null; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign\n }\n const listeners = getListeners(this);\n\n // Traverse to the tail while removing old value.\n let prev = null;\n let node = listeners.get(eventName);\n while (node != null) {\n if (node.listenerType === ATTRIBUTE) {\n // Remove old value.\n if (prev !== null) {\n =;\n } else if ( !== null) {\n listeners.set(eventName,;\n } else {\n listeners.delete(eventName);\n }\n } else {\n prev = node;\n }\n\n node =;\n }\n\n // Add new value.\n if (listener !== null) {\n const newNode = {\n listener,\n listenerType: ATTRIBUTE,\n passive: false,\n once: false,\n next: null,\n };\n if (prev === null) {\n listeners.set(eventName, newNode);\n } else {\n = newNode;\n }\n }\n },\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Define an event attribute (e.g. `eventTarget.onclick`).\n * @param {Object} eventTargetPrototype The event target prototype to define an event attrbite.\n * @param {string} eventName The event name to define.\n * @returns {void}\n */\nfunction defineEventAttribute(eventTargetPrototype, eventName) {\n Object.defineProperty(\n eventTargetPrototype,\n `on${eventName}`,\n defineEventAttributeDescriptor(eventName)\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Define a custom EventTarget with event attributes.\n * @param {string[]} eventNames Event names for event attributes.\n * @returns {EventTarget} The custom EventTarget.\n * @private\n */\nfunction defineCustomEventTarget(eventNames) {\n /** CustomEventTarget */\n function CustomEventTarget() {\n;\n }\n\n CustomEventTarget.prototype = Object.create(EventTarget.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: CustomEventTarget,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n },\n });\n\n for (let i = 0; i < eventNames.length; ++i) {\n defineEventAttribute(CustomEventTarget.prototype, eventNames[i]);\n }\n\n return CustomEventTarget\n}\n\n/**\n * EventTarget.\n *\n * - This is constructor if no arguments.\n * - This is a function which returns a CustomEventTarget constructor if there are arguments.\n *\n * For example:\n *\n * class A extends EventTarget {}\n * class B extends EventTarget(\"message\") {}\n * class C extends EventTarget(\"message\", \"error\") {}\n * class D extends EventTarget([\"message\", \"error\"]) {}\n */\nfunction EventTarget() {\n /*eslint-disable consistent-return */\n if (this instanceof EventTarget) {\n listenersMap.set(this, new Map());\n return\n }\n if (arguments.length === 1 && Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {\n return defineCustomEventTarget(arguments[0])\n }\n if (arguments.length > 0) {\n const types = new Array(arguments.length);\n for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {\n types[i] = arguments[i];\n }\n return defineCustomEventTarget(types)\n }\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\")\n /*eslint-enable consistent-return */\n}\n\n// Should be enumerable, but class methods are not enumerable.\nEventTarget.prototype = {\n /**\n * Add a given listener to this event target.\n * @param {string} eventName The event name to add.\n * @param {Function} listener The listener to add.\n * @param {boolean|{capture?:boolean,passive?:boolean,once?:boolean}} [options] The options for this listener.\n * @returns {void}\n */\n addEventListener(eventName, listener, options) {\n if (listener == null) {\n return\n }\n if (typeof listener !== \"function\" && !isObject(listener)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"'listener' should be a function or an object.\")\n }\n\n const listeners = getListeners(this);\n const optionsIsObj = isObject(options);\n const capture = optionsIsObj\n ? Boolean(options.capture)\n : Boolean(options);\n const listenerType = capture ? CAPTURE : BUBBLE;\n const newNode = {\n listener,\n listenerType,\n passive: optionsIsObj && Boolean(options.passive),\n once: optionsIsObj && Boolean(options.once),\n next: null,\n };\n\n // Set it as the first node if the first node is null.\n let node = listeners.get(eventName);\n if (node === undefined) {\n listeners.set(eventName, newNode);\n return\n }\n\n // Traverse to the tail while checking duplication..\n let prev = null;\n while (node != null) {\n if (\n node.listener === listener &&\n node.listenerType === listenerType\n ) {\n // Should ignore duplication.\n return\n }\n prev = node;\n node =;\n }\n\n // Add it.\n = newNode;\n },\n\n /**\n * Remove a given listener from this event target.\n * @param {string} eventName The event name to remove.\n * @param {Function} listener The listener to remove.\n * @param {boolean|{capture?:boolean,passive?:boolean,once?:boolean}} [options] The options for this listener.\n * @returns {void}\n */\n removeEventListener(eventName, listener, options) {\n if (listener == null) {\n return\n }\n\n const listeners = getListeners(this);\n const capture = isObject(options)\n ? Boolean(options.capture)\n : Boolean(options);\n const listenerType = capture ? CAPTURE : BUBBLE;\n\n let prev = null;\n let node = listeners.get(eventName);\n while (node != null) {\n if (\n node.listener === listener &&\n node.listenerType === listenerType\n ) {\n if (prev !== null) {\n =;\n } else if ( !== null) {\n listeners.set(eventName,;\n } else {\n listeners.delete(eventName);\n }\n return\n }\n\n prev = node;\n node =;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Dispatch a given event.\n * @param {Event|{type:string}} event The event to dispatch.\n * @returns {boolean} `false` if canceled.\n */\n dispatchEvent(event) {\n if (event == null || typeof event.type !== \"string\") {\n throw new TypeError('\"event.type\" should be a string.')\n }\n\n // If listeners aren't registered, terminate.\n const listeners = getListeners(this);\n const eventName = event.type;\n let node = listeners.get(eventName);\n if (node == null) {\n return true\n }\n\n // Since we cannot rewrite several properties, so wrap object.\n const wrappedEvent = wrapEvent(this, event);\n\n // This doesn't process capturing phase and bubbling phase.\n // This isn't participating in a tree.\n let prev = null;\n while (node != null) {\n // Remove this listener if it's once\n if (node.once) {\n if (prev !== null) {\n =;\n } else if ( !== null) {\n listeners.set(eventName,;\n } else {\n listeners.delete(eventName);\n }\n } else {\n prev = node;\n }\n\n // Call this listener\n setPassiveListener(\n wrappedEvent,\n node.passive ? node.listener : null\n );\n if (typeof node.listener === \"function\") {\n try {\n, wrappedEvent);\n } catch (err) {\n if (\n typeof console !== \"undefined\" &&\n typeof console.error === \"function\"\n ) {\n console.error(err);\n }\n }\n } else if (\n node.listenerType !== ATTRIBUTE &&\n typeof node.listener.handleEvent === \"function\"\n ) {\n node.listener.handleEvent(wrappedEvent);\n }\n\n // Break if `event.stopImmediatePropagation` was called.\n if (isStopped(wrappedEvent)) {\n break\n }\n\n node =;\n }\n setPassiveListener(wrappedEvent, null);\n setEventPhase(wrappedEvent, 0);\n setCurrentTarget(wrappedEvent, null);\n\n return !wrappedEvent.defaultPrevented\n },\n};\n\n// `constructor` is not enumerable.\nObject.defineProperty(EventTarget.prototype, \"constructor\", {\n value: EventTarget,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n});\n\n// Ensure `eventTarget instanceof window.EventTarget` is `true`.\nif (\n typeof window !== \"undefined\" &&\n typeof window.EventTarget !== \"undefined\"\n) {\n Object.setPrototypeOf(EventTarget.prototype, window.EventTarget.prototype);\n}\n\nexports.defineEventAttribute = defineEventAttribute;\nexports.EventTarget = EventTarget;\nexports.default = EventTarget;\n\nmodule.exports = EventTarget\nmodule.exports.EventTarget = module.exports[\"default\"] = EventTarget\nmodule.exports.defineEventAttribute = defineEventAttribute\n//#\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\n\nconst convertRequestBody = require('./convertRequestBody');\n\nimport NativeNetworkingIOS from './NativeNetworkingIOS';\nimport type {NativeResponseType} from './XMLHttpRequest';\nimport type {RequestBody} from './convertRequestBody';\n\nclass RCTNetworking extends NativeEventEmitter {\n constructor() {\n super(NativeNetworkingIOS);\n }\n\n sendRequest(\n method: string,\n trackingName: string,\n url: string,\n headers: Object,\n data: RequestBody,\n responseType: NativeResponseType,\n incrementalUpdates: boolean,\n timeout: number,\n callback: (requestId: number) => void,\n withCredentials: boolean,\n ) {\n const body = convertRequestBody(data);\n NativeNetworkingIOS.sendRequest(\n {\n method,\n url,\n data: {...body, trackingName},\n headers,\n responseType,\n incrementalUpdates,\n timeout,\n withCredentials,\n },\n callback,\n );\n }\n\n abortRequest(requestId: number) {\n NativeNetworkingIOS.abortRequest(requestId);\n }\n\n clearCookies(callback: (result: boolean) => void) {\n NativeNetworkingIOS.clearCookies(callback);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = (new RCTNetworking(): RCTNetworking);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +sendRequest: (\n query: {|\n method: string,\n url: string,\n data: Object,\n headers: Object,\n responseType: Object, // TODO: Use stricter type.\n incrementalUpdates: boolean,\n timeout: number,\n withCredentials: boolean,\n |},\n callback: (requestId: number) => void,\n ) => void;\n +abortRequest: (requestId: number) => void;\n +clearCookies: (callback: (result: boolean) => void) => void;\n\n // RCTEventEmitter\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('Networking'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EventEmitter = require('../vendor/emitter/EventEmitter');\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('./RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type EmitterSubscription from '../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription';\n\ntype NativeModule = {\n +addListener: (eventType: string) => void,\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void,\n};\n\n/**\n * Abstract base class for implementing event-emitting modules. This implements\n * a subset of the standard EventEmitter node module API.\n */\nclass NativeEventEmitter extends EventEmitter {\n _nativeModule: ?NativeModule;\n\n constructor(nativeModule: ?NativeModule) {\n super(RCTDeviceEventEmitter.sharedSubscriber);\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n invariant(nativeModule, 'Native module cannot be null.');\n this._nativeModule = nativeModule;\n }\n }\n\n addListener(\n eventType: string,\n listener: Function,\n context: ?Object,\n ): EmitterSubscription {\n if (this._nativeModule != null) {\n this._nativeModule.addListener(eventType);\n }\n return super.addListener(eventType, listener, context);\n }\n\n removeAllListeners(eventType: string) {\n invariant(eventType, 'eventType argument is required.');\n const count = this.listeners(eventType).length;\n if (this._nativeModule != null) {\n this._nativeModule.removeListeners(count);\n }\n super.removeAllListeners(eventType);\n }\n\n removeSubscription(subscription: EmitterSubscription) {\n if (this._nativeModule != null) {\n this._nativeModule.removeListeners(1);\n }\n super.removeSubscription(subscription);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = NativeEventEmitter;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst binaryToBase64 = require('../Utilities/binaryToBase64');\n\nconst Blob = require('../Blob/Blob');\nconst FormData = require('./FormData');\n\nexport type RequestBody =\n | string\n | Blob\n | FormData\n | {uri: string}\n | ArrayBuffer\n | $ArrayBufferView;\n\nfunction convertRequestBody(body: RequestBody): Object {\n if (typeof body === 'string') {\n return {string: body};\n }\n if (body instanceof Blob) {\n return {blob:};\n }\n if (body instanceof FormData) {\n return {formData: body.getParts()};\n }\n if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) {\n // $FlowFixMe: no way to assert that 'body' is indeed an ArrayBufferView\n return {base64: binaryToBase64(body)};\n }\n return body;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = convertRequestBody;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst base64 = require('base64-js');\n\nfunction binaryToBase64(data: ArrayBuffer | $ArrayBufferView): any {\n if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\n data = new Uint8Array(data);\n }\n if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {\n return base64.fromByteArray(data);\n }\n if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {\n throw new Error('data must be ArrayBuffer or typed array');\n }\n const {buffer, byteOffset, byteLength} = data;\n return base64.fromByteArray(new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength));\n}\n\nmodule.exports = binaryToBase64;\n","'use strict'\n\nexports.byteLength = byteLength\nexports.toByteArray = toByteArray\nexports.fromByteArray = fromByteArray\n\nvar lookup = []\nvar revLookup = []\nvar Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? Uint8Array : Array\n\nvar code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'\nfor (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) {\n lookup[i] = code[i]\n revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i\n}\n\n// Support decoding URL-safe base64 strings, as Node.js does.\n// See:\nrevLookup['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62\nrevLookup['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63\n\nfunction getLens (b64) {\n var len = b64.length\n\n if (len % 4 > 0) {\n throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')\n }\n\n // Trim off extra bytes after placeholder bytes are found\n // See:\n var validLen = b64.indexOf('=')\n if (validLen === -1) validLen = len\n\n var placeHoldersLen = validLen === len\n ? 0\n : 4 - (validLen % 4)\n\n return [validLen, placeHoldersLen]\n}\n\n// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data\nfunction byteLength (b64) {\n var lens = getLens(b64)\n var validLen = lens[0]\n var placeHoldersLen = lens[1]\n return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen\n}\n\nfunction _byteLength (b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen) {\n return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen\n}\n\nfunction toByteArray (b64) {\n var tmp\n var lens = getLens(b64)\n var validLen = lens[0]\n var placeHoldersLen = lens[1]\n\n var arr = new Arr(_byteLength(b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen))\n\n var curByte = 0\n\n // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars\n var len = placeHoldersLen > 0\n ? validLen - 4\n : validLen\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {\n tmp =\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) |\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) |\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) |\n revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 3)]\n arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xFF\n arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF\n arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF\n }\n\n if (placeHoldersLen === 2) {\n tmp =\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) |\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4)\n arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF\n }\n\n if (placeHoldersLen === 1) {\n tmp =\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) |\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) |\n (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2)\n arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF\n arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF\n }\n\n return arr\n}\n\nfunction tripletToBase64 (num) {\n return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] +\n lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] +\n lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] +\n lookup[num & 0x3F]\n}\n\nfunction encodeChunk (uint8, start, end) {\n var tmp\n var output = []\n for (var i = start; i < end; i += 3) {\n tmp =\n ((uint8[i] << 16) & 0xFF0000) +\n ((uint8[i + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00) +\n (uint8[i + 2] & 0xFF)\n output.push(tripletToBase64(tmp))\n }\n return output.join('')\n}\n\nfunction fromByteArray (uint8) {\n var tmp\n var len = uint8.length\n var extraBytes = len % 3 // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes\n var parts = []\n var maxChunkLength = 16383 // must be multiple of 3\n\n // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later\n for (var i = 0, len2 = len - extraBytes; i < len2; i += maxChunkLength) {\n parts.push(encodeChunk(\n uint8, i, (i + maxChunkLength) > len2 ? len2 : (i + maxChunkLength)\n ))\n }\n\n // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes\n if (extraBytes === 1) {\n tmp = uint8[len - 1]\n parts.push(\n lookup[tmp >> 2] +\n lookup[(tmp << 4) & 0x3F] +\n '=='\n )\n } else if (extraBytes === 2) {\n tmp = (uint8[len - 2] << 8) + uint8[len - 1]\n parts.push(\n lookup[tmp >> 10] +\n lookup[(tmp >> 4) & 0x3F] +\n lookup[(tmp << 2) & 0x3F] +\n '='\n )\n }\n\n return parts.join('')\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\ntype FormDataValue = any;\ntype FormDataNameValuePair = [string, FormDataValue];\n\ntype Headers = {[name: string]: string};\ntype FormDataPart =\n | {\n string: string,\n headers: Headers,\n }\n | {\n uri: string,\n headers: Headers,\n name?: string,\n type?: string,\n };\n\n/**\n * Polyfill for XMLHttpRequest2 FormData API, allowing multipart POST requests\n * with mixed data (string, native files) to be submitted via XMLHttpRequest.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * var photo = {\n * uri: uriFromCameraRoll,\n * type: 'image/jpeg',\n * name: 'photo.jpg',\n * };\n *\n * var body = new FormData();\n * body.append('authToken', 'secret');\n * body.append('photo', photo);\n * body.append('title', 'A beautiful photo!');\n *\n *'POST', serverURL);\n * xhr.send(body);\n */\nclass FormData {\n _parts: Array;\n\n constructor() {\n this._parts = [];\n }\n\n append(key: string, value: FormDataValue) {\n // The XMLHttpRequest spec doesn't specify if duplicate keys are allowed.\n // MDN says that any new values should be appended to existing values.\n // In any case, major browsers allow duplicate keys, so that's what we'll do\n // too. They'll simply get appended as additional form data parts in the\n // request body, leaving the server to deal with them.\n this._parts.push([key, value]);\n }\n\n getParts(): Array {\n return[name, value]) => {\n const contentDisposition = 'form-data; name=\"' + name + '\"';\n\n const headers: Headers = {'content-disposition': contentDisposition};\n\n // The body part is a \"blob\", which in React Native just means\n // an object with a `uri` attribute. Optionally, it can also\n // have a `name` and `type` attribute to specify filename and\n // content type (cf. web Blob interface.)\n if (typeof value === 'object' && value) {\n if (typeof === 'string') {\n headers['content-disposition'] += '; filename=\"' + + '\"';\n }\n if (typeof value.type === 'string') {\n headers['content-type'] = value.type;\n }\n return {...value, headers, fieldName: name};\n }\n // Convert non-object values to strings as per FormData.append() spec\n return {string: String(value), headers, fieldName: name};\n });\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = FormData;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n/* globals Headers, Request, Response */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// side-effectful require() to put fetch,\n// Headers, Request, Response in global scope\nrequire('whatwg-fetch');\n\nmodule.exports = {fetch, Headers, Request, Response};\n","(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :\n (factory((global.WHATWGFetch = {})));\n}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';\n\n var support = {\n searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in self,\n iterable: 'Symbol' in self && 'iterator' in Symbol,\n blob:\n 'FileReader' in self &&\n 'Blob' in self &&\n (function() {\n try {\n new Blob();\n return true\n } catch (e) {\n return false\n }\n })(),\n formData: 'FormData' in self,\n arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in self\n };\n\n function isDataView(obj) {\n return obj && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj)\n }\n\n if (support.arrayBuffer) {\n var viewClasses = [\n '[object Int8Array]',\n '[object Uint8Array]',\n '[object Uint8ClampedArray]',\n '[object Int16Array]',\n '[object Uint16Array]',\n '[object Int32Array]',\n '[object Uint32Array]',\n '[object Float32Array]',\n '[object Float64Array]'\n ];\n\n var isArrayBufferView =\n ArrayBuffer.isView ||\n function(obj) {\n return obj && viewClasses.indexOf( > -1\n };\n }\n\n function normalizeName(name) {\n if (typeof name !== 'string') {\n name = String(name);\n }\n if (/[^a-z0-9\\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~]/i.test(name)) {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name')\n }\n return name.toLowerCase()\n }\n\n function normalizeValue(value) {\n if (typeof value !== 'string') {\n value = String(value);\n }\n return value\n }\n\n // Build a destructive iterator for the value list\n function iteratorFor(items) {\n var iterator = {\n next: function() {\n var value = items.shift();\n return {done: value === undefined, value: value}\n }\n };\n\n if (support.iterable) {\n iterator[Symbol.iterator] = function() {\n return iterator\n };\n }\n\n return iterator\n }\n\n function Headers(headers) {\n = {};\n\n if (headers instanceof Headers) {\n headers.forEach(function(value, name) {\n this.append(name, value);\n }, this);\n } else if (Array.isArray(headers)) {\n headers.forEach(function(header) {\n this.append(header[0], header[1]);\n }, this);\n } else if (headers) {\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(headers).forEach(function(name) {\n this.append(name, headers[name]);\n }, this);\n }\n }\n\n Headers.prototype.append = function(name, value) {\n name = normalizeName(name);\n value = normalizeValue(value);\n var oldValue =[name];\n[name] = oldValue ? oldValue + ', ' + value : value;\n };\n\n Headers.prototype['delete'] = function(name) {\n delete[normalizeName(name)];\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.get = function(name) {\n name = normalizeName(name);\n return this.has(name) ?[name] : null\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.has = function(name) {\n return\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.set = function(name, value) {\n[normalizeName(name)] = normalizeValue(value);\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) {\n for (var name in {\n if ( {\n,[name], name, this);\n }\n }\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.keys = function() {\n var items = [];\n this.forEach(function(value, name) {\n items.push(name);\n });\n return iteratorFor(items)\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.values = function() {\n var items = [];\n this.forEach(function(value) {\n items.push(value);\n });\n return iteratorFor(items)\n };\n\n Headers.prototype.entries = function() {\n var items = [];\n this.forEach(function(value, name) {\n items.push([name, value]);\n });\n return iteratorFor(items)\n };\n\n if (support.iterable) {\n Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Headers.prototype.entries;\n }\n\n function consumed(body) {\n if (body.bodyUsed) {\n return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Already read'))\n }\n body.bodyUsed = true;\n }\n\n function fileReaderReady(reader) {\n return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n reader.onload = function() {\n resolve(reader.result);\n };\n reader.onerror = function() {\n reject(reader.error);\n };\n })\n }\n\n function readBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob) {\n var reader = new FileReader();\n var promise = fileReaderReady(reader);\n reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);\n return promise\n }\n\n function readBlobAsText(blob) {\n var reader = new FileReader();\n var promise = fileReaderReady(reader);\n reader.readAsText(blob);\n return promise\n }\n\n function readArrayBufferAsText(buf) {\n var view = new Uint8Array(buf);\n var chars = new Array(view.length);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {\n chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(view[i]);\n }\n return chars.join('')\n }\n\n function bufferClone(buf) {\n if (buf.slice) {\n return buf.slice(0)\n } else {\n var view = new Uint8Array(buf.byteLength);\n view.set(new Uint8Array(buf));\n return view.buffer\n }\n }\n\n function Body() {\n this.bodyUsed = false;\n\n this._initBody = function(body) {\n this._bodyInit = body;\n if (!body) {\n this._bodyText = '';\n } else if (typeof body === 'string') {\n this._bodyText = body;\n } else if (support.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n this._bodyBlob = body;\n } else if (support.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n this._bodyFormData = body;\n } else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n this._bodyText = body.toString();\n } else if (support.arrayBuffer && support.blob && isDataView(body)) {\n this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body.buffer);\n // IE 10-11 can't handle a DataView body.\n this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]);\n } else if (support.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body) || isArrayBufferView(body))) {\n this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body);\n } else {\n this._bodyText = body =;\n }\n\n if (!this.headers.get('content-type')) {\n if (typeof body === 'string') {\n this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8');\n } else if (this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type) {\n this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type);\n } else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n this.headers.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8');\n }\n }\n };\n\n if (support.blob) {\n this.blob = function() {\n var rejected = consumed(this);\n if (rejected) {\n return rejected\n }\n\n if (this._bodyBlob) {\n return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob)\n } else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {\n return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]))\n } else if (this._bodyFormData) {\n throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob')\n } else {\n return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]))\n }\n };\n\n this.arrayBuffer = function() {\n if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {\n return consumed(this) || Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)\n } else {\n return this.blob().then(readBlobAsArrayBuffer)\n }\n };\n }\n\n this.text = function() {\n var rejected = consumed(this);\n if (rejected) {\n return rejected\n }\n\n if (this._bodyBlob) {\n return readBlobAsText(this._bodyBlob)\n } else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {\n return Promise.resolve(readArrayBufferAsText(this._bodyArrayBuffer))\n } else if (this._bodyFormData) {\n throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text')\n } else {\n return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText)\n }\n };\n\n if (support.formData) {\n this.formData = function() {\n return this.text().then(decode)\n };\n }\n\n this.json = function() {\n return this.text().then(JSON.parse)\n };\n\n return this\n }\n\n // HTTP methods whose capitalization should be normalized\n var methods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'];\n\n function normalizeMethod(method) {\n var upcased = method.toUpperCase();\n return methods.indexOf(upcased) > -1 ? upcased : method\n }\n\n function Request(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n var body = options.body;\n\n if (input instanceof Request) {\n if (input.bodyUsed) {\n throw new TypeError('Already read')\n }\n this.url = input.url;\n this.credentials = input.credentials;\n if (!options.headers) {\n this.headers = new Headers(input.headers);\n }\n this.method = input.method;\n this.mode = input.mode;\n this.signal = input.signal;\n if (!body && input._bodyInit != null) {\n body = input._bodyInit;\n input.bodyUsed = true;\n }\n } else {\n this.url = String(input);\n }\n\n this.credentials = options.credentials || this.credentials || 'same-origin';\n if (options.headers || !this.headers) {\n this.headers = new Headers(options.headers);\n }\n this.method = normalizeMethod(options.method || this.method || 'GET');\n this.mode = options.mode || this.mode || null;\n this.signal = options.signal || this.signal;\n this.referrer = null;\n\n if ((this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && body) {\n throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests')\n }\n this._initBody(body);\n }\n\n Request.prototype.clone = function() {\n return new Request(this, {body: this._bodyInit})\n };\n\n function decode(body) {\n var form = new FormData();\n body\n .trim()\n .split('&')\n .forEach(function(bytes) {\n if (bytes) {\n var split = bytes.split('=');\n var name = split.shift().replace(/\\+/g, ' ');\n var value = split.join('=').replace(/\\+/g, ' ');\n form.append(decodeURIComponent(name), decodeURIComponent(value));\n }\n });\n return form\n }\n\n function parseHeaders(rawHeaders) {\n var headers = new Headers();\n // Replace instances of \\r\\n and \\n followed by at least one space or horizontal tab with a space\n //\n var preProcessedHeaders = rawHeaders.replace(/\\r?\\n[\\t ]+/g, ' ');\n preProcessedHeaders.split(/\\r?\\n/).forEach(function(line) {\n var parts = line.split(':');\n var key = parts.shift().trim();\n if (key) {\n var value = parts.join(':').trim();\n headers.append(key, value);\n }\n });\n return headers\n }\n\n;\n\n function Response(bodyInit, options) {\n if (!options) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n this.type = 'default';\n this.status = options.status === undefined ? 200 : options.status;\n this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300;\n this.statusText = 'statusText' in options ? options.statusText : 'OK';\n this.headers = new Headers(options.headers);\n this.url = options.url || '';\n this._initBody(bodyInit);\n }\n\n;\n\n Response.prototype.clone = function() {\n return new Response(this._bodyInit, {\n status: this.status,\n statusText: this.statusText,\n headers: new Headers(this.headers),\n url: this.url\n })\n };\n\n Response.error = function() {\n var response = new Response(null, {status: 0, statusText: ''});\n response.type = 'error';\n return response\n };\n\n var redirectStatuses = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308];\n\n Response.redirect = function(url, status) {\n if (redirectStatuses.indexOf(status) === -1) {\n throw new RangeError('Invalid status code')\n }\n\n return new Response(null, {status: status, headers: {location: url}})\n };\n\n exports.DOMException = self.DOMException;\n try {\n new exports.DOMException();\n } catch (err) {\n exports.DOMException = function(message, name) {\n this.message = message;\n = name;\n var error = Error(message);\n this.stack = error.stack;\n };\n exports.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n exports.DOMException.prototype.constructor = exports.DOMException;\n }\n\n function fetch(input, init) {\n return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n var request = new Request(input, init);\n\n if (request.signal && request.signal.aborted) {\n return reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError'))\n }\n\n var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\n function abortXhr() {\n xhr.abort();\n }\n\n xhr.onload = function() {\n var options = {\n status: xhr.status,\n statusText: xhr.statusText,\n headers: parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || '')\n };\n options.url = 'responseURL' in xhr ? xhr.responseURL : options.headers.get('X-Request-URL');\n var body = 'response' in xhr ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText;\n resolve(new Response(body, options));\n };\n\n xhr.onerror = function() {\n reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));\n };\n\n xhr.ontimeout = function() {\n reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));\n };\n\n xhr.onabort = function() {\n reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError'));\n };\n\n, request.url, true);\n\n if (request.credentials === 'include') {\n xhr.withCredentials = true;\n } else if (request.credentials === 'omit') {\n xhr.withCredentials = false;\n }\n\n if ('responseType' in xhr && support.blob) {\n xhr.responseType = 'blob';\n }\n\n request.headers.forEach(function(value, name) {\n xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value);\n });\n\n if (request.signal) {\n request.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortXhr);\n\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {\n // DONE (success or failure)\n if (xhr.readyState === 4) {\n request.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortXhr);\n }\n };\n }\n\n xhr.send(typeof request._bodyInit === 'undefined' ? null : request._bodyInit);\n })\n }\n\n fetch.polyfill = true;\n\n if (!self.fetch) {\n self.fetch = fetch;\n self.Headers = Headers;\n self.Request = Request;\n self.Response = Response;\n }\n\n exports.Headers = Headers;\n exports.Request = Request;\n exports.Response = Response;\n exports.fetch = fetch;\n\n Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\n})));\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Blob = require('../Blob/Blob');\nconst BlobManager = require('../Blob/BlobManager');\nconst EventTarget = require('event-target-shim');\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst WebSocketEvent = require('./WebSocketEvent');\n\nconst base64 = require('base64-js');\nconst binaryToBase64 = require('../Utilities/binaryToBase64');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type EventSubscription from '../vendor/emitter/EventSubscription';\nimport NativeWebSocketModule from './NativeWebSocketModule';\n\ntype ArrayBufferView =\n | Int8Array\n | Uint8Array\n | Uint8ClampedArray\n | Int16Array\n | Uint16Array\n | Int32Array\n | Uint32Array\n | Float32Array\n | Float64Array\n | DataView;\n\ntype BinaryType = 'blob' | 'arraybuffer';\n\nconst CONNECTING = 0;\nconst OPEN = 1;\nconst CLOSING = 2;\nconst CLOSED = 3;\n\nconst CLOSE_NORMAL = 1000;\n\nconst WEBSOCKET_EVENTS = ['close', 'error', 'message', 'open'];\n\nlet nextWebSocketId = 0;\n\n/**\n * Browser-compatible WebSockets implementation.\n *\n * See\n * See\n */\nclass WebSocket extends (EventTarget(...WEBSOCKET_EVENTS): any) {\n static CONNECTING: number = CONNECTING;\n static OPEN: number = OPEN;\n static CLOSING: number = CLOSING;\n static CLOSED: number = CLOSED;\n\n CONNECTING: number = CONNECTING;\n OPEN: number = OPEN;\n CLOSING: number = CLOSING;\n CLOSED: number = CLOSED;\n\n _socketId: number;\n _eventEmitter: NativeEventEmitter;\n _subscriptions: Array;\n _binaryType: ?BinaryType;\n\n onclose: ?Function;\n onerror: ?Function;\n onmessage: ?Function;\n onopen: ?Function;\n\n bufferedAmount: number;\n extension: ?string;\n protocol: ?string;\n readyState: number = CONNECTING;\n url: ?string;\n\n constructor(\n url: string,\n protocols: ?string | ?Array,\n options: ?{headers?: {origin?: string}},\n ) {\n super();\n if (typeof protocols === 'string') {\n protocols = [protocols];\n }\n\n const {headers = {}, ...unrecognized} = options || {};\n\n // Preserve deprecated backwards compatibility for the 'origin' option\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.68.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.68 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n if (unrecognized && typeof unrecognized.origin === 'string') {\n console.warn(\n 'Specifying `origin` as a WebSocket connection option is deprecated. Include it under `headers` instead.',\n );\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.54.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This\n * comment suppresses an error found when Flow v0.54 was deployed. To see\n * the error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n headers.origin = unrecognized.origin;\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.54.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This\n * comment suppresses an error found when Flow v0.54 was deployed. To see\n * the error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n delete unrecognized.origin;\n }\n\n // Warn about and discard anything else\n if (Object.keys(unrecognized).length > 0) {\n console.warn(\n 'Unrecognized WebSocket connection option(s) `' +\n Object.keys(unrecognized).join('`, `') +\n '`. ' +\n 'Did you mean to put these under `headers`?',\n );\n }\n\n if (!Array.isArray(protocols)) {\n protocols = null;\n }\n\n this._eventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(NativeWebSocketModule);\n this._socketId = nextWebSocketId++;\n this._registerEvents();\n NativeWebSocketModule.connect(url, protocols, {headers}, this._socketId);\n }\n\n get binaryType(): ?BinaryType {\n return this._binaryType;\n }\n\n set binaryType(binaryType: BinaryType): void {\n if (binaryType !== 'blob' && binaryType !== 'arraybuffer') {\n throw new Error(\"binaryType must be either 'blob' or 'arraybuffer'\");\n }\n if (this._binaryType === 'blob' || binaryType === 'blob') {\n invariant(\n BlobManager.isAvailable,\n 'Native module BlobModule is required for blob support',\n );\n if (binaryType === 'blob') {\n BlobManager.addWebSocketHandler(this._socketId);\n } else {\n BlobManager.removeWebSocketHandler(this._socketId);\n }\n }\n this._binaryType = binaryType;\n }\n\n close(code?: number, reason?: string): void {\n if (this.readyState === this.CLOSING || this.readyState === this.CLOSED) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.readyState = this.CLOSING;\n this._close(code, reason);\n }\n\n send(data: string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Blob): void {\n if (this.readyState === this.CONNECTING) {\n throw new Error('INVALID_STATE_ERR');\n }\n\n if (data instanceof Blob) {\n invariant(\n BlobManager.isAvailable,\n 'Native module BlobModule is required for blob support',\n );\n BlobManager.sendOverSocket(data, this._socketId);\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n NativeWebSocketModule.send(data, this._socketId);\n return;\n }\n\n if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {\n NativeWebSocketModule.sendBinary(binaryToBase64(data), this._socketId);\n return;\n }\n\n throw new Error('Unsupported data type');\n }\n\n ping(): void {\n if (this.readyState === this.CONNECTING) {\n throw new Error('INVALID_STATE_ERR');\n }\n\n;\n }\n\n _close(code?: number, reason?: string): void {\n // See\n const statusCode = typeof code === 'number' ? code : CLOSE_NORMAL;\n const closeReason = typeof reason === 'string' ? reason : '';\n NativeWebSocketModule.close(statusCode, closeReason, this._socketId);\n\n if (BlobManager.isAvailable && this._binaryType === 'blob') {\n BlobManager.removeWebSocketHandler(this._socketId);\n }\n }\n\n _unregisterEvents(): void {\n this._subscriptions.forEach(e => e.remove());\n this._subscriptions = [];\n }\n\n _registerEvents(): void {\n this._subscriptions = [\n this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketMessage', ev => {\n if ( !== this._socketId) {\n return;\n }\n let data =;\n switch (ev.type) {\n case 'binary':\n data = base64.toByteArray(;\n break;\n case 'blob':\n data = BlobManager.createFromOptions(;\n break;\n }\n this.dispatchEvent(new WebSocketEvent('message', {data}));\n }),\n this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketOpen', ev => {\n if ( !== this._socketId) {\n return;\n }\n this.readyState = this.OPEN;\n this.protocol = ev.protocol;\n this.dispatchEvent(new WebSocketEvent('open'));\n }),\n this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketClosed', ev => {\n if ( !== this._socketId) {\n return;\n }\n this.readyState = this.CLOSED;\n this.dispatchEvent(\n new WebSocketEvent('close', {\n code: ev.code,\n reason: ev.reason,\n }),\n );\n this._unregisterEvents();\n this.close();\n }),\n this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketFailed', ev => {\n if ( !== this._socketId) {\n return;\n }\n this.readyState = this.CLOSED;\n this.dispatchEvent(\n new WebSocketEvent('error', {\n message: ev.message,\n }),\n );\n this.dispatchEvent(\n new WebSocketEvent('close', {\n message: ev.message,\n }),\n );\n this._unregisterEvents();\n this.close();\n }),\n ];\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = WebSocket;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +connect: (\n url: string,\n protocols: ?Array,\n options: ?{headers?: {origin?: string}},\n socketID: number,\n ) => void;\n +send: (message: string, socketID: number) => void;\n +sendBinary: (base64String: string, socketID: number) => void;\n +ping: (socketID: number) => void;\n +close: (code: number, reason: string, socketID: number) => void;\n\n // RCTEventEmitter\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(\n 'WebSocketModule',\n): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Event object passed to the `onopen`, `onclose`, `onmessage`, `onerror`\n * callbacks of `WebSocket`.\n *\n * The `type` property is \"open\", \"close\", \"message\", \"error\" respectively.\n *\n * In case of \"message\", the `data` property contains the incoming data.\n */\nclass WebSocketEvent {\n constructor(type, eventInitDict) {\n this.type = type.toString();\n Object.assign(this, eventInitDict);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = WebSocketEvent;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Blob = require('./Blob');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {BlobOptions} from './BlobTypes';\n\n/**\n * The File interface provides information about files.\n */\nclass File extends Blob {\n /**\n * Constructor for JS consumers.\n */\n constructor(\n parts: Array,\n name: string,\n options?: BlobOptions,\n ) {\n invariant(\n parts != null && name != null,\n 'Failed to construct `File`: Must pass both `parts` and `name` arguments.',\n );\n\n super(parts, options);\n = name;\n }\n\n /**\n * Name of the file.\n */\n get name(): string {\n invariant( != null, 'Files must have a name set.');\n return;\n }\n\n /*\n * Last modified time of the file.\n */\n get lastModified(): number {\n return || 0;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = File;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Blob = require('./Blob');\nconst EventTarget = require('event-target-shim');\n\nimport NativeFileReaderModule from './NativeFileReaderModule';\n\ntype ReadyState =\n | 0 // EMPTY\n | 1 // LOADING\n | 2; // DONE\n\ntype ReaderResult = string | ArrayBuffer;\n\nconst READER_EVENTS = [\n 'abort',\n 'error',\n 'load',\n 'loadstart',\n 'loadend',\n 'progress',\n];\n\nconst EMPTY = 0;\nconst LOADING = 1;\nconst DONE = 2;\n\nclass FileReader extends (EventTarget(...READER_EVENTS): any) {\n static EMPTY: number = EMPTY;\n static LOADING: number = LOADING;\n static DONE: number = DONE;\n\n EMPTY: number = EMPTY;\n LOADING: number = LOADING;\n DONE: number = DONE;\n\n _readyState: ReadyState;\n _error: ?Error;\n _result: ?ReaderResult;\n _aborted: boolean = false;\n _subscriptions: Array<*> = [];\n\n constructor() {\n super();\n this._reset();\n }\n\n _reset(): void {\n this._readyState = EMPTY;\n this._error = null;\n this._result = null;\n }\n\n _clearSubscriptions(): void {\n this._subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.remove());\n this._subscriptions = [];\n }\n\n _setReadyState(newState: ReadyState) {\n this._readyState = newState;\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'readystatechange'});\n if (newState === DONE) {\n if (this._aborted) {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'abort'});\n } else if (this._error) {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'error'});\n } else {\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'load'});\n }\n this.dispatchEvent({type: 'loadend'});\n }\n }\n\n readAsArrayBuffer() {\n throw new Error('FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer is not implemented');\n }\n\n readAsDataURL(blob: Blob) {\n this._aborted = false;\n\n NativeFileReaderModule.readAsDataURL(\n (text: string) => {\n if (this._aborted) {\n return;\n }\n this._result = text;\n this._setReadyState(DONE);\n },\n error => {\n if (this._aborted) {\n return;\n }\n this._error = error;\n this._setReadyState(DONE);\n },\n );\n }\n\n readAsText(blob: Blob, encoding: string = 'UTF-8') {\n this._aborted = false;\n\n NativeFileReaderModule.readAsText(, encoding).then(\n (text: string) => {\n if (this._aborted) {\n return;\n }\n this._result = text;\n this._setReadyState(DONE);\n },\n error => {\n if (this._aborted) {\n return;\n }\n this._error = error;\n this._setReadyState(DONE);\n },\n );\n }\n\n abort() {\n this._aborted = true;\n // only call onreadystatechange if there is something to abort, as per spec\n if (this._readyState !== EMPTY && this._readyState !== DONE) {\n this._reset();\n this._setReadyState(DONE);\n }\n // Reset again after, in case modified in handler\n this._reset();\n }\n\n get readyState(): ReadyState {\n return this._readyState;\n }\n\n get error(): ?Error {\n return this._error;\n }\n\n get result(): ?ReaderResult {\n return this._result;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = FileReader;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +readAsDataURL: (data: Object) => Promise;\n +readAsText: (data: Object, encoding: string) => Promise;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(\n 'FileReaderModule',\n): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Blob = require('./Blob');\n\nimport NativeBlobModule from './NativeBlobModule';\n\nlet BLOB_URL_PREFIX = null;\n\nif (\n NativeBlobModule &&\n typeof NativeBlobModule.getConstants().BLOB_URI_SCHEME === 'string'\n) {\n const constants = NativeBlobModule.getConstants();\n BLOB_URL_PREFIX = constants.BLOB_URI_SCHEME + ':';\n if (typeof constants.BLOB_URI_HOST === 'string') {\n BLOB_URL_PREFIX += `//${constants.BLOB_URI_HOST}/`;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * To allow Blobs be accessed via `content://` URIs,\n * you need to register `BlobProvider` as a ContentProvider in your app's `AndroidManifest.xml`:\n *\n * ```xml\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * ```\n * And then define the `blob_provider_authority` string in `res/values/strings.xml`.\n * Use a dotted name that's entirely unique to your app:\n *\n * ```xml\n * \n *\n * \n * ```\n */\n\n// Small subset from whatwg-url:\n// The reference code bloat comes from Unicode issues with URLs, so those won't work here.\nexport class URLSearchParams {\n _searchParams = [];\n\n constructor(params: any) {\n if (typeof params === 'object') {\n Object.keys(params).forEach(key => this.append(key, params[key]));\n }\n }\n\n append(key: string, value: string) {\n this._searchParams.push([key, value]);\n }\n\n delete(name) {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get(name) {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n getAll(name) {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n has(name) {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n set(name, value) {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n sort() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n [Symbol.iterator]() {\n return this._searchParams[Symbol.iterator]();\n }\n\n toString() {\n if (this._searchParams.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n const last = this._searchParams.length - 1;\n return this._searchParams.reduce((acc, curr, index) => {\n return acc + curr.join('=') + (index === last ? '' : '&');\n }, '');\n }\n}\n\nfunction validateBaseUrl(url: string) {\n // from this MIT-licensed gist:\n return /^(?:(?:(?:https?|ftp):)?\\/\\/)(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:[/?#]\\S*)?$/i.test(\n url,\n );\n}\n\nexport class URL {\n _searchParamsInstance = null;\n\n static createObjectURL(blob: Blob) {\n if (BLOB_URL_PREFIX === null) {\n throw new Error('Cannot create URL for blob!');\n }\n return `${BLOB_URL_PREFIX}${}?offset=${\n\n }&size=${blob.size}`;\n }\n\n static revokeObjectURL(url: string) {\n // Do nothing.\n }\n\n constructor(url: string, base: string) {\n let baseUrl = null;\n if (!base || validateBaseUrl(url)) {\n this._url = url;\n if (!this._url.endsWith('/')) {\n this._url += '/';\n }\n } else {\n if (typeof base === 'string') {\n baseUrl = base;\n if (!validateBaseUrl(baseUrl)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid base URL: ${baseUrl}`);\n }\n } else if (typeof base === 'object') {\n baseUrl = base.toString();\n }\n if (baseUrl.endsWith('/') && url.startsWith('/')) {\n baseUrl = baseUrl.slice(0, baseUrl.length - 1);\n }\n if (baseUrl.endsWith(url)) {\n url = '';\n }\n this._url = `${baseUrl}${url}`;\n }\n }\n\n get hash() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get host() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get hostname() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get href(): string {\n return this.toString();\n }\n\n get origin() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get password() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get pathname() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get port() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get protocol() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get search() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n get searchParams(): URLSearchParams {\n if (this._searchParamsInstance == null) {\n this._searchParamsInstance = new URLSearchParams();\n }\n return this._searchParamsInstance;\n }\n\n toJSON(): string {\n return this.toString();\n }\n\n toString(): string {\n if (this._searchParamsInstance === null) {\n return this._url;\n }\n const separator = this._url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?';\n return this._url + separator + this._searchParamsInstance.toString();\n }\n\n get username() {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @author Toru Nagashima \n * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.\n */\n'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\nvar eventTargetShim = require('event-target-shim');\n\n/**\n * The signal class.\n * @see\n */\nclass AbortSignal extends eventTargetShim.EventTarget {\n /**\n * AbortSignal cannot be constructed directly.\n */\n constructor() {\n super();\n throw new TypeError(\"AbortSignal cannot be constructed directly\");\n }\n /**\n * Returns `true` if this `AbortSignal`'s `AbortController` has signaled to abort, and `false` otherwise.\n */\n get aborted() {\n const aborted = abortedFlags.get(this);\n if (typeof aborted !== \"boolean\") {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected 'this' to be an 'AbortSignal' object, but got ${this === null ? \"null\" : typeof this}`);\n }\n return aborted;\n }\n}\neventTargetShim.defineEventAttribute(AbortSignal.prototype, \"abort\");\n/**\n * Create an AbortSignal object.\n */\nfunction createAbortSignal() {\n const signal = Object.create(AbortSignal.prototype);\n;\n abortedFlags.set(signal, false);\n return signal;\n}\n/**\n * Abort a given signal.\n */\nfunction abortSignal(signal) {\n if (abortedFlags.get(signal) !== false) {\n return;\n }\n abortedFlags.set(signal, true);\n signal.dispatchEvent({ type: \"abort\" });\n}\n/**\n * Aborted flag for each instances.\n */\nconst abortedFlags = new WeakMap();\n// Properties should be enumerable.\nObject.defineProperties(AbortSignal.prototype, {\n aborted: { enumerable: true },\n});\n// `toString()` should return `\"[object AbortSignal]\"`\nif (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === \"symbol\") {\n Object.defineProperty(AbortSignal.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {\n configurable: true,\n value: \"AbortSignal\",\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * The AbortController.\n * @see\n */\nclass AbortController {\n /**\n * Initialize this controller.\n */\n constructor() {\n signals.set(this, createAbortSignal());\n }\n /**\n * Returns the `AbortSignal` object associated with this object.\n */\n get signal() {\n return getSignal(this);\n }\n /**\n * Abort and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.\n */\n abort() {\n abortSignal(getSignal(this));\n }\n}\n/**\n * Associated signals.\n */\nconst signals = new WeakMap();\n/**\n * Get the associated signal of a given controller.\n */\nfunction getSignal(controller) {\n const signal = signals.get(controller);\n if (signal == null) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected 'this' to be an 'AbortController' object, but got ${controller === null ? \"null\" : typeof controller}`);\n }\n return signal;\n}\n// Properties should be enumerable.\nObject.defineProperties(AbortController.prototype, {\n signal: { enumerable: true },\n abort: { enumerable: true },\n});\nif (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === \"symbol\") {\n Object.defineProperty(AbortController.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {\n configurable: true,\n value: \"AbortController\",\n });\n}\n\nexports.AbortController = AbortController;\nexports.AbortSignal = AbortSignal;\nexports.default = AbortController;\n\nmodule.exports = AbortController\nmodule.exports.AbortController = module.exports[\"default\"] = AbortController\nmodule.exports.AbortSignal = AbortSignal\n//#\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Set up alert().\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\nif (!global.alert) {\n global.alert = function(text) {\n // Require Alert on demand. Requiring it too early can lead to issues\n // with things like Platform not being fully initialized.\n require('../Alert/Alert').alert('Alert', '' + text);\n };\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport Platform from '../Utilities/Platform';\nimport NativeDialogManagerAndroid, {\n type DialogOptions,\n} from '../NativeModules/specs/NativeDialogManagerAndroid';\nimport RCTAlertManager from './RCTAlertManager';\n\nexport type AlertType =\n | 'default'\n | 'plain-text'\n | 'secure-text'\n | 'login-password';\nexport type AlertButtonStyle = 'default' | 'cancel' | 'destructive';\nexport type Buttons = Array<{\n text?: string,\n onPress?: ?Function,\n style?: AlertButtonStyle,\n}>;\n\ntype Options = {\n cancelable?: ?boolean,\n onDismiss?: ?() => void,\n};\n\n/**\n * Launches an alert dialog with the specified title and message.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass Alert {\n static alert(\n title: ?string,\n message?: ?string,\n buttons?: Buttons,\n options?: Options,\n ): void {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n Alert.prompt(title, message, buttons, 'default');\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n if (!NativeDialogManagerAndroid) {\n return;\n }\n const constants = NativeDialogManagerAndroid.getConstants();\n\n const config: DialogOptions = {\n title: title || '',\n message: message || '',\n cancelable: false,\n };\n\n if (options && options.cancelable) {\n config.cancelable = options.cancelable;\n }\n // At most three buttons (neutral, negative, positive). Ignore rest.\n // The text 'OK' should be probably localized. iOS Alert does that in native.\n const defaultPositiveText = 'OK';\n const validButtons: Buttons = buttons\n ? buttons.slice(0, 3)\n : [{text: defaultPositiveText}];\n const buttonPositive = validButtons.pop();\n const buttonNegative = validButtons.pop();\n const buttonNeutral = validButtons.pop();\n\n if (buttonNeutral) {\n config.buttonNeutral = buttonNeutral.text || '';\n }\n if (buttonNegative) {\n config.buttonNegative = buttonNegative.text || '';\n }\n if (buttonPositive) {\n config.buttonPositive = buttonPositive.text || defaultPositiveText;\n }\n\n const onAction = (action, buttonKey) => {\n if (action === constants.buttonClicked) {\n if (buttonKey === constants.buttonNeutral) {\n buttonNeutral.onPress && buttonNeutral.onPress();\n } else if (buttonKey === constants.buttonNegative) {\n buttonNegative.onPress && buttonNegative.onPress();\n } else if (buttonKey === constants.buttonPositive) {\n buttonPositive.onPress && buttonPositive.onPress();\n }\n } else if (action === constants.dismissed) {\n options && options.onDismiss && options.onDismiss();\n }\n };\n const onError = errorMessage => console.warn(errorMessage);\n NativeDialogManagerAndroid.showAlert(config, onError, onAction);\n }\n }\n\n static prompt(\n title: ?string,\n message?: ?string,\n callbackOrButtons?: ?(((text: string) => void) | Buttons),\n type?: ?AlertType = 'plain-text',\n defaultValue?: string,\n keyboardType?: string,\n ): void {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n console.warn(\n 'You passed a callback function as the \"type\" argument to Alert.prompt(). React Native is ' +\n 'assuming you want to use the deprecated Alert.prompt(title, defaultValue, buttons, callback) ' +\n 'signature. The current signature is Alert.prompt(title, message, callbackOrButtons, type, defaultValue, ' +\n 'keyboardType) and the old syntax will be removed in a future version.',\n );\n\n const callback = type;\n RCTAlertManager.alertWithArgs(\n {\n title: title || '',\n type: 'plain-text',\n defaultValue: message || '',\n },\n (id, value) => {\n callback(value);\n },\n );\n return;\n }\n\n let callbacks = [];\n const buttons = [];\n let cancelButtonKey;\n let destructiveButtonKey;\n if (typeof callbackOrButtons === 'function') {\n callbacks = [callbackOrButtons];\n } else if (Array.isArray(callbackOrButtons)) {\n callbackOrButtons.forEach((btn, index) => {\n callbacks[index] = btn.onPress;\n if ( === 'cancel') {\n cancelButtonKey = String(index);\n } else if ( === 'destructive') {\n destructiveButtonKey = String(index);\n }\n if (btn.text || index < (callbackOrButtons || []).length - 1) {\n const btnDef = {};\n btnDef[index] = btn.text || '';\n buttons.push(btnDef);\n }\n });\n }\n\n RCTAlertManager.alertWithArgs(\n {\n title: title || '',\n message: message || undefined,\n buttons,\n type: type || undefined,\n defaultValue,\n cancelButtonKey,\n destructiveButtonKey,\n keyboardType,\n },\n (id, value) => {\n const cb = callbacks[id];\n cb && cb(value);\n },\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Alert;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\n/* 'buttonClicked' | 'dismissed' */\ntype DialogAction = string;\n/*\n buttonPositive = -1,\n buttonNegative = -2,\n buttonNeutral = -3\n*/\ntype DialogButtonKey = number;\nexport type DialogOptions = {|\n title?: string,\n message?: string,\n buttonPositive?: string,\n buttonNegative?: string,\n buttonNeutral?: string,\n items?: Array,\n cancelable?: boolean,\n|};\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n +buttonClicked: DialogAction,\n +dismissed: DialogAction,\n +buttonPositive: DialogButtonKey,\n +buttonNegative: DialogButtonKey,\n +buttonNeutral: DialogButtonKey,\n |};\n +showAlert: (\n config: DialogOptions,\n onError: (error: string) => void,\n onAction: (action: DialogAction, buttonKey?: DialogButtonKey) => void,\n ) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('DialogManagerAndroid'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeAlertManager from './NativeAlertManager';\nimport type {Args} from './NativeAlertManager';\n\nmodule.exports = {\n alertWithArgs(\n args: Args,\n callback: (id: number, value: string) => void,\n ): void {\n if (NativeAlertManager == null) {\n return;\n }\n NativeAlertManager.alertWithArgs(args, callback);\n },\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport type Args = {|\n title?: string,\n message?: string,\n buttons?: Object, // TODO: have a better type\n type?: string,\n defaultValue?: string,\n cancelButtonKey?: string,\n destructiveButtonKey?: string,\n keyboardType?: string,\n|};\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +alertWithArgs: (\n args: Args,\n callback: (id: number, value: string) => void,\n ) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('AlertManager'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {polyfillObjectProperty} = require('../Utilities/PolyfillFunctions');\n\nlet navigator = global.navigator;\nif (navigator === undefined) {\n global.navigator = navigator = {};\n}\n\n// see\npolyfillObjectProperty(navigator, 'product', () => 'ReactNative');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * We don't set up the batched bridge in bridgeless mode. Once we've migrated\n * everything over to bridgeless we can just delete this file.\n */\nif (!global.RN$Bridgeless) {\n /**\n * Set up the BatchedBridge. This must be done after the other steps in\n * InitializeCore to ensure that the JS environment has been initialized.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\n const BatchedBridge = require('../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge');\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('Systrace', () =>\n require('../Performance/Systrace'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('JSTimers', () =>\n require('./Timers/JSTimers'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('HeapCapture', () =>\n require('../HeapCapture/HeapCapture'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('SamplingProfiler', () =>\n require('../Performance/SamplingProfiler'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('RCTLog', () =>\n require('../Utilities/RCTLog'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('RCTDeviceEventEmitter', () =>\n require('../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('RCTNativeAppEventEmitter', () =>\n require('../EventEmitter/RCTNativeAppEventEmitter'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('GlobalPerformanceLogger', () =>\n require('../Utilities/GlobalPerformanceLogger'),\n );\n BatchedBridge.registerLazyCallableModule('JSDevSupportModule', () =>\n require('../Utilities/JSDevSupportModule'),\n );\n\n if (__DEV__ && !global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n BatchedBridge.registerCallableModule(\n 'HMRClient',\n require('../Utilities/HMRClient'),\n );\n } else {\n BatchedBridge.registerCallableModule(\n 'HMRClient',\n require('../Utilities/HMRClientProdShim'),\n );\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeHeapCapture from './NativeHeapCapture';\n\nconst HeapCapture = {\n captureHeap: function(path: string) {\n let error = null;\n try {\n global.nativeCaptureHeap(path);\n console.log('HeapCapture.captureHeap succeeded: ' + path);\n } catch (e) {\n console.log('HeapCapture.captureHeap error: ' + e.toString());\n error = e.toString();\n }\n if (NativeHeapCapture) {\n NativeHeapCapture.captureComplete(path, error);\n }\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = HeapCapture;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n // Common interface\n +captureHeap: (path: string) => void;\n\n // Android only\n +captureComplete: (path: string, error: ?string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('HeapCapture'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst SamplingProfiler = {\n poke: function(token: number): void {\n let error = null;\n let result = null;\n try {\n result = global.pokeSamplingProfiler();\n if (result === null) {\n console.log('The JSC Sampling Profiler has started');\n } else {\n console.log('The JSC Sampling Profiler has stopped');\n }\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n 'Error occurred when restarting Sampling Profiler: ' + e.toString(),\n );\n error = e.toString();\n }\n\n const NativeJSCSamplingProfiler = require('./NativeJSCSamplingProfiler')\n .default;\n if (NativeJSCSamplingProfiler) {\n NativeJSCSamplingProfiler.operationComplete(token, result, error);\n }\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = SamplingProfiler;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +operationComplete: (token: number, result: ?string, error: ?string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('JSCSamplingProfiler'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst levelsMap = {\n log: 'log',\n info: 'info',\n warn: 'warn',\n error: 'error',\n fatal: 'error',\n};\n\nlet warningHandler: ?(Array) => void = null;\n\nconst RCTLog = {\n // level one of log, info, warn, error, mustfix\n logIfNoNativeHook(level: string, ...args: Array): void {\n // We already printed in the native console, so only log here if using a js debugger\n if (typeof global.nativeLoggingHook === 'undefined') {\n RCTLog.logToConsole(level, ...args);\n } else {\n // Report native warnings to YellowBox\n if (warningHandler && level === 'warn') {\n warningHandler(...args);\n }\n }\n },\n\n // Log to console regardless of nativeLoggingHook\n logToConsole(level: string, ...args: Array): void {\n const logFn = levelsMap[level];\n invariant(\n logFn,\n 'Level \"' + level + '\" not one of ' + Object.keys(levelsMap).toString(),\n );\n\n console[logFn](...args);\n },\n\n setWarningHandler(handler: typeof warningHandler): void {\n warningHandler = handler;\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = RCTLog;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('./RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\n\n/**\n * Deprecated - subclass NativeEventEmitter to create granular event modules instead of\n * adding all event listeners directly to RCTNativeAppEventEmitter.\n */\nconst RCTNativeAppEventEmitter = RCTDeviceEventEmitter;\nmodule.exports = RCTNativeAppEventEmitter;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\nconst createPerformanceLogger = require('./createPerformanceLogger');\n\nimport type {IPerformanceLogger} from './createPerformanceLogger';\n\n/**\n * This is a global shared instance of IPerformanceLogger that is created with\n * createPerformanceLogger().\n * This logger should be used only for global performance metrics like the ones\n * that are logged during loading bundle. If you want to log something from your\n * React component you should use PerformanceLoggerContext instead.\n */\nconst GlobalPerformanceLogger: IPerformanceLogger = createPerformanceLogger();\n\nmodule.exports = GlobalPerformanceLogger;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Systrace = require('../Performance/Systrace');\n\nconst infoLog = require('./infoLog');\nconst performanceNow =\n global.nativeQPLTimestamp ||\n global.nativePerformanceNow ||\n require('fbjs/lib/performanceNow');\n\ntype Timespan = {\n description?: string,\n totalTime?: number,\n startTime?: number,\n endTime?: number,\n};\n\nexport type IPerformanceLogger = {\n addTimespan(string, number, string | void): void,\n startTimespan(string, string | void): void,\n stopTimespan(string): void,\n clear(): void,\n clearCompleted(): void,\n clearExceptTimespans(Array): void,\n currentTimestamp(): number,\n getTimespans(): {[key: string]: Timespan},\n hasTimespan(string): boolean,\n logTimespans(): void,\n addTimespans(Array, Array): void,\n setExtra(string, any): void,\n getExtras(): {[key: string]: any},\n removeExtra(string): ?any,\n logExtras(): void,\n markPoint(string, number | void): void,\n getPoints(): {[key: string]: number},\n logPoints(): void,\n logEverything(): void,\n};\n\nconst _cookies: {[key: string]: number} = {};\n\nconst PRINT_TO_CONSOLE: false = false; // Type as false to prevent accidentally committing `true`;\n\n/**\n * This function creates performance loggers that can be used to collect and log\n * various performance data such as timespans, points and extras.\n * The loggers need to have minimal overhead since they're used in production.\n */\nfunction createPerformanceLogger(): IPerformanceLogger {\n const result: IPerformanceLogger & {\n _timespans: {[key: string]: Timespan},\n _extras: {[key: string]: any},\n _points: {[key: string]: number},\n } = {\n _timespans: {},\n _extras: {},\n _points: {},\n\n addTimespan(key: string, lengthInMs: number, description?: string) {\n if (this._timespans[key]) {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE && __DEV__) {\n infoLog(\n 'PerformanceLogger: Attempting to add a timespan that already exists ',\n key,\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n\n this._timespans[key] = {\n description: description,\n totalTime: lengthInMs,\n };\n },\n\n startTimespan(key: string, description?: string) {\n if (this._timespans[key]) {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE && __DEV__) {\n infoLog(\n 'PerformanceLogger: Attempting to start a timespan that already exists ',\n key,\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n\n this._timespans[key] = {\n description: description,\n startTime: performanceNow(),\n };\n _cookies[key] = Systrace.beginAsyncEvent(key);\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n infoLog('PerformanceLogger.js', 'start: ' + key);\n }\n },\n\n stopTimespan(key: string) {\n const timespan = this._timespans[key];\n if (!timespan || !timespan.startTime) {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE && __DEV__) {\n infoLog(\n 'PerformanceLogger: Attempting to end a timespan that has not started ',\n key,\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n if (timespan.endTime) {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE && __DEV__) {\n infoLog(\n 'PerformanceLogger: Attempting to end a timespan that has already ended ',\n key,\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n\n timespan.endTime = performanceNow();\n timespan.totalTime = timespan.endTime - (timespan.startTime || 0);\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n infoLog('PerformanceLogger.js', 'end: ' + key);\n }\n\n Systrace.endAsyncEvent(key, _cookies[key]);\n delete _cookies[key];\n },\n\n clear() {\n this._timespans = {};\n this._extras = {};\n this._points = {};\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n infoLog('PerformanceLogger.js', 'clear');\n }\n },\n\n clearCompleted() {\n for (const key in this._timespans) {\n if (this._timespans[key].totalTime) {\n delete this._timespans[key];\n }\n }\n this._extras = {};\n this._points = {};\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n infoLog('PerformanceLogger.js', 'clearCompleted');\n }\n },\n\n clearExceptTimespans(keys: Array) {\n this._timespans = Object.keys(this._timespans).reduce(function(\n previous,\n key,\n ) {\n if (keys.indexOf(key) !== -1) {\n previous[key] = this._timespans[key];\n }\n return previous;\n },\n {});\n this._extras = {};\n this._points = {};\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n infoLog('PerformanceLogger.js', 'clearExceptTimespans', keys);\n }\n },\n\n currentTimestamp() {\n return performanceNow();\n },\n\n getTimespans() {\n return this._timespans;\n },\n\n hasTimespan(key: string) {\n return !!this._timespans[key];\n },\n\n logTimespans() {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n for (const key in this._timespans) {\n if (this._timespans[key].totalTime) {\n infoLog(key + ': ' + this._timespans[key].totalTime + 'ms');\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n addTimespans(newTimespans: Array, labels: Array) {\n for (let ii = 0, l = newTimespans.length; ii < l; ii += 2) {\n const label = labels[ii / 2];\n this.addTimespan(label, newTimespans[ii + 1] - newTimespans[ii], label);\n }\n },\n\n setExtra(key: string, value: any) {\n if (this._extras[key]) {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE && __DEV__) {\n infoLog(\n 'PerformanceLogger: Attempting to set an extra that already exists ',\n {key, currentValue: this._extras[key], attemptedValue: value},\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n this._extras[key] = value;\n },\n\n getExtras() {\n return this._extras;\n },\n\n removeExtra(key: string): ?any {\n const value = this._extras[key];\n delete this._extras[key];\n return value;\n },\n\n logExtras() {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n infoLog(this._extras);\n }\n },\n\n markPoint(key: string, timestamp?: number) {\n if (this._points[key]) {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE && __DEV__) {\n infoLog(\n 'PerformanceLogger: Attempting to mark a point that has been already logged ',\n key,\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n this._points[key] = timestamp ?? performanceNow();\n },\n\n getPoints() {\n return this._points;\n },\n\n logPoints() {\n if (PRINT_TO_CONSOLE) {\n for (const key in this._points) {\n infoLog(key + ': ' + this._points[key] + 'ms');\n }\n }\n },\n\n logEverything() {\n this.logTimespans();\n this.logExtras();\n this.logPoints();\n },\n };\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = createPerformanceLogger;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Intentional info-level logging for clear separation from ad-hoc console debug logging.\n */\nfunction infoLog(...args) {\n return console.log(...args);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = infoLog;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeJSDevSupport from './NativeJSDevSupport';\nconst ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\n\nconst JSDevSupportModule = {\n getJSHierarchy: function(tag: number) {\n if (NativeJSDevSupport) {\n const constants = NativeJSDevSupport.getConstants();\n try {\n const {\n computeComponentStackForErrorReporting,\n } = ReactNative.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\n const componentStack = computeComponentStackForErrorReporting(tag);\n if (!componentStack) {\n NativeJSDevSupport.onFailure(\n constants.ERROR_CODE_VIEW_NOT_FOUND,\n \"Component stack doesn't exist for tag \" + tag,\n );\n } else {\n NativeJSDevSupport.onSuccess(componentStack);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n NativeJSDevSupport.onFailure(constants.ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION, e.message);\n }\n }\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = JSDevSupportModule;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION: number,\n ERROR_CODE_VIEW_NOT_FOUND: number,\n |};\n +onSuccess: (data: Object) => void;\n +onFailure: (errorCode: number, error: string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('JSDevSupport'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {HMRClientNativeInterface} from './HMRClient';\n\n// This shim ensures DEV binary builds don't crash in JS\n// when they're combined with a PROD JavaScript build.\nconst HMRClientProdShim: HMRClientNativeInterface = {\n setup() {},\n enable() {\n console.error(\n 'Fast Refresh is disabled in JavaScript bundles built in production mode. ' +\n 'Did you forget to run Metro?',\n );\n },\n disable() {},\n registerBundle() {},\n log() {},\n};\n\nmodule.exports = HMRClientProdShim;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nexport type FetchSegmentFunction = typeof __fetchSegment;\nexport type GetSegmentFunction = typeof __getSegment;\n\n/**\n * Set up SegmentFetcher.\n * You can use this module directly, or just require InitializeCore.\n */\n\nfunction __fetchSegment(\n segmentId: number,\n options: {|\n +otaBuildNumber: ?string,\n +requestedModuleName?: ?string,\n |},\n callback: (?Error) => void,\n) {\n const SegmentFetcher = require('./SegmentFetcher/NativeSegmentFetcher')\n .default;\n SegmentFetcher.fetchSegment(\n segmentId,\n options,\n (errorObject: ?{message: string, code: string}) => {\n if (errorObject) {\n const error = new Error(errorObject.message);\n (error: any).code = errorObject.code; // flowlint-line unclear-type: off\n callback(error);\n }\n\n callback(null);\n },\n );\n}\n\nglobal.__fetchSegment = __fetchSegment;\n\nfunction __getSegment(\n segmentId: number,\n options: {|\n +otaBuildNumber: ?string,\n +requestedModuleName?: ?string,\n |},\n callback: (?Error, ?string) => void,\n) {\n const SegmentFetcher = require('./SegmentFetcher/NativeSegmentFetcher')\n .default;\n\n if (!SegmentFetcher.getSegment) {\n throw new Error('SegmentFetcher.getSegment must be defined');\n }\n\n SegmentFetcher.getSegment(\n segmentId,\n options,\n (errorObject: ?{message: string, code: string}, path: ?string) => {\n if (errorObject) {\n const error = new Error(errorObject.message);\n (error: any).code = errorObject.code; // flowlint-line unclear-type: off\n callback(error);\n }\n\n callback(null, path);\n },\n );\n}\n\nglobal.__getSegment = __getSegment;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +fetchSegment: (\n segmentId: number,\n options: Object, // flowlint-line unclear-type: off\n callback: (error: ?Object) => void, // flowlint-line unclear-type: off\n ) => void;\n +getSegment?: (\n segmentId: number,\n options: Object, // flowlint-line unclear-type: off\n callback: (error: ?Object, path: ?string) => void, // flowlint-line unclear-type: off\n ) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('SegmentFetcher'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n// flowlint unsafe-getters-setters:off\nmodule.exports = {\n get BatchedBridge() {\n return require('../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge.js');\n },\n get ExceptionsManager() {\n return require('../Core/ExceptionsManager');\n },\n get Platform() {\n return require('../Utilities/Platform');\n },\n get RCTEventEmitter() {\n return require('../EventEmitter/RCTEventEmitter');\n },\n get ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry() {\n return require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry');\n },\n get TextInputState() {\n return require('../Components/TextInput/TextInputState');\n },\n get UIManager() {\n return require('../ReactNative/UIManager');\n },\n get deepDiffer() {\n return require('../Utilities/differ/deepDiffer');\n },\n get deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev() {\n return require('../Utilities/deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev');\n },\n get flattenStyle() {\n return require('../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\n },\n get ReactFiberErrorDialog() {\n return require('../Core/ReactFiberErrorDialog');\n },\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst BatchedBridge = require('../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge');\n\nconst RCTEventEmitter = {\n register(eventEmitter: any) {\n BatchedBridge.registerCallableModule('RCTEventEmitter', eventEmitter);\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = RCTEventEmitter;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n/* eslint-disable react-internal/warning-and-invariant-args */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {\n ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig,\n ViewConfigGetter,\n} from './ReactNativeTypes';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n// Event configs\nconst customBubblingEventTypes: $TEMPORARY$object<{||}> = {};\nconst customDirectEventTypes: $TEMPORARY$object<{||}> = {};\n\nexports.customBubblingEventTypes = customBubblingEventTypes;\nexports.customDirectEventTypes = customDirectEventTypes;\n\nconst viewConfigCallbacks = new Map();\nconst viewConfigs = new Map();\n\nfunction processEventTypes(\n viewConfig: ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig<>,\n): void {\n const {bubblingEventTypes, directEventTypes} = viewConfig;\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (bubblingEventTypes != null && directEventTypes != null) {\n for (const topLevelType in directEventTypes) {\n invariant(\n bubblingEventTypes[topLevelType] == null,\n 'Event cannot be both direct and bubbling: %s',\n topLevelType,\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (bubblingEventTypes != null) {\n for (const topLevelType in bubblingEventTypes) {\n if (customBubblingEventTypes[topLevelType] == null) {\n customBubblingEventTypes[topLevelType] =\n bubblingEventTypes[topLevelType];\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (directEventTypes != null) {\n for (const topLevelType in directEventTypes) {\n if (customDirectEventTypes[topLevelType] == null) {\n customDirectEventTypes[topLevelType] = directEventTypes[topLevelType];\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers a native view/component by name.\n * A callback is provided to load the view config from UIManager.\n * The callback is deferred until the view is actually rendered.\n */\nexports.register = function(name: string, callback: ViewConfigGetter): string {\n invariant(\n !viewConfigCallbacks.has(name),\n 'Tried to register two views with the same name %s',\n name,\n );\n viewConfigCallbacks.set(name, callback);\n return name;\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieves a config for the specified view.\n * If this is the first time the view has been used,\n * This configuration will be lazy-loaded from UIManager.\n */\nexports.get = function(name: string): ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig<> {\n let viewConfig;\n if (!viewConfigs.has(name)) {\n const callback = viewConfigCallbacks.get(name);\n if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'View config not found for name %s.%s',\n name,\n typeof name[0] === 'string' && /[a-z]/.test(name[0])\n ? ' Make sure to start component names with a capital letter.'\n : '',\n );\n }\n viewConfigCallbacks.set(name, null);\n viewConfig = callback();\n processEventTypes(viewConfig);\n viewConfigs.set(name, viewConfig);\n } else {\n viewConfig = viewConfigs.get(name);\n }\n invariant(viewConfig, 'View config not found for name %s', name);\n return viewConfig;\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n *\n * This class is responsible for coordinating the \"focused\"\n * state for TextInputs. All calls relating to the keyboard\n * should be funneled through here\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst UIManager = require('../../ReactNative/UIManager');\n\nlet currentlyFocusedID: ?number = null;\nconst inputs = new Set();\n\n/**\n * Returns the ID of the currently focused text field, if one exists\n * If no text field is focused it returns null\n */\nfunction currentlyFocusedField(): ?number {\n return currentlyFocusedID;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} TextInputID id of the text field to focus\n * Focuses the specified text field\n * noop if the text field was already focused\n */\nfunction focusTextInput(textFieldID: ?number) {\n if (currentlyFocusedID !== textFieldID && textFieldID !== null) {\n currentlyFocusedID = textFieldID;\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n UIManager.focus(textFieldID);\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(\n textFieldID,\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidTextInput').Commands\n .focusTextInput,\n null,\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} textFieldID id of the text field to unfocus\n * Unfocuses the specified text field\n * noop if it wasn't focused\n */\nfunction blurTextInput(textFieldID: ?number) {\n if (currentlyFocusedID === textFieldID && textFieldID !== null) {\n currentlyFocusedID = null;\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n UIManager.blur(textFieldID);\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(\n textFieldID,\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidTextInput').Commands\n .blurTextInput,\n null,\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction registerInput(textFieldID: number) {\n inputs.add(textFieldID);\n}\n\nfunction unregisterInput(textFieldID: number) {\n inputs.delete(textFieldID);\n}\n\nfunction isTextInput(textFieldID: number): boolean {\n return inputs.has(textFieldID);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n currentlyFocusedField,\n focusTextInput,\n blurTextInput,\n registerInput,\n unregisterInput,\n isTextInput,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/*\n * @returns {bool} true if different, false if equal\n */\nconst deepDiffer = function(\n one: any,\n two: any,\n maxDepth: number = -1,\n): boolean {\n if (maxDepth === 0) {\n return true;\n }\n if (one === two) {\n // Short circuit on identical object references instead of traversing them.\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof one === 'function' && typeof two === 'function') {\n // We consider all functions equal\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof one !== 'object' || one === null) {\n // Primitives can be directly compared\n return one !== two;\n }\n if (typeof two !== 'object' || two === null) {\n // We know they are different because the previous case would have triggered\n // otherwise.\n return true;\n }\n if (one.constructor !== two.constructor) {\n return true;\n }\n if (Array.isArray(one)) {\n // We know two is also an array because the constructors are equal\n const len = one.length;\n if (two.length !== len) {\n return true;\n }\n for (let ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) {\n if (deepDiffer(one[ii], two[ii], maxDepth - 1)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (const key in one) {\n if (deepDiffer(one[key], two[key], maxDepth - 1)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n for (const twoKey in two) {\n // The only case we haven't checked yet is keys that are in two but aren't\n // in one, which means they are different.\n if (one[twoKey] === undefined && two[twoKey] !== undefined) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n return false;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = deepDiffer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\nexport type CapturedError = {\n +componentName: ?string,\n +componentStack: string,\n +error: mixed,\n +errorBoundary: ?{},\n +errorBoundaryFound: boolean,\n +errorBoundaryName: string | null,\n +willRetry: boolean,\n};\n\nimport type {ExtendedError} from './Devtools/parseErrorStack';\n\nimport {handleException, SyntheticError} from './ExceptionsManager';\n\n/**\n * Intercept lifecycle errors and ensure they are shown with the correct stack\n * trace within the native redbox component.\n */\nfunction showErrorDialog(capturedError: CapturedError): boolean {\n const {componentStack, error} = capturedError;\n\n let errorToHandle;\n\n // Typically Errors are thrown but eg strings or null can be thrown as well.\n if (error instanceof Error) {\n errorToHandle = (error: ExtendedError);\n } else if (typeof error === 'string') {\n errorToHandle = (new SyntheticError(error): ExtendedError);\n } else {\n errorToHandle = (new SyntheticError('Unspecified error'): ExtendedError);\n }\n try {\n errorToHandle.componentStack = componentStack;\n } catch (e) {}\n handleException(errorToHandle, false);\n\n // Return false here to prevent ReactFiberErrorLogger default behavior of\n // logging error details to console.error. Calls to console.error are\n // automatically routed to the native redbox controller, which we've already\n // done above by calling ExceptionsManager.\n return false;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {showErrorDialog};\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.development.js');\n}\n","/** @license React v0.15.0\n * scheduler.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports,\"__esModule\",{value:!0});var d=void 0,e=void 0,g=void 0,m=void 0,n=void 0;exports.unstable_now=void 0;exports.unstable_forceFrameRate=void 0;\nif(\"undefined\"===typeof window||\"function\"!==typeof MessageChannel){var p=null,q=null,r=function(){if(null!==p)try{var a=exports.unstable_now();p(!0,a);p=null}catch(b){throw setTimeout(r,0),b;}};exports.unstable_now=function(){return};d=function(a){null!==p?setTimeout(d,0,a):(p=a,setTimeout(r,0))};e=function(a,b){q=setTimeout(a,b)};g=function(){clearTimeout(q)};m=function(){return!1};n=exports.unstable_forceFrameRate=function(){}}else{var t=window.performance,u=window.Date,v=window.setTimeout,\nw=window.clearTimeout,x=window.requestAnimationFrame,y=window.cancelAnimationFrame;\"undefined\"!==typeof console&&(\"function\"!==typeof x&&console.error(\"This browser doesn't support requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers.\"),\"function\"!==typeof y&&console.error(\"This browser doesn't support cancelAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers.\"));exports.unstable_now=\"object\"===typeof t&&\n\"function\"===typeof{return}:function(){return};var z=!1,A=null,B=-1,C=-1,D=33.33,E=-1,F=-1,G=0,H=!1;m=function(){return exports.unstable_now()>=G};n=function(){};exports.unstable_forceFrameRate=function(a){0>a||125D&&(D=8.33));F=c}E=a;G=a+D;I.postMessage(null)}};d=function(a){A=a;z||(z=!0,x(function(a){L(a)}))};e=function(a,b){C=v(function(){a(exports.unstable_now())},b)};g=function(){w(C);\nC=-1}}var M=null,N=null,O=null,P=3,Q=!1,R=!1,S=!1;\nfunction T(a,b){var;if(c===a)M=null;else{a===M&&(M=c);var f=a.previous;;c.previous=f};c=a.callback;f=P;var l=O;P=a.priorityLevel;O=a;try{var h=a.expirationTime<=b;switch(P){case 1:var k=c(h);break;case 2:k=c(h);break;case 3:k=c(h);break;case 4:k=c(h);break;case 5:k=c(h)}}catch(Z){throw Z;}finally{P=f,O=l}if(\"function\"===typeof k)if(b=a.expirationTime,a.callback=k,null===M);else{k=null;h=M;do{if(b<=h.expirationTime){k=h;break}}while(h!==\nM);null===k?k=M:k===M&&(M=a);b=k.previous;;;a.previous=b}}function U(a){if(null!==N&&N.startTime<=a){do{var b=N,;if(b===c)N=null;else{N=c;var f=b.previous;;c.previous=f};V(b,b.expirationTime)}while(null!==N&&N.startTime<=a)}}function W(a){S=!1;U(a);R||(null!==M?(R=!0,d(X)):null!==N&&e(W,N.startTime-a))}\nfunction X(a,b){R=!1;S&&(S=!1,g());U(b);Q=!0;try{if(!a)for(;null!==M&&M.expirationTime<=b;)T(M,b),b=exports.unstable_now(),U(b);else if(null!==M){do T(M,b),b=exports.unstable_now(),U(b);while(null!==M&&!m())}if(null!==M)return!0;null!==N&&e(W,N.startTime-b);return!1}finally{Q=!1}}function Y(a){switch(a){case 1:return-1;case 2:return 250;case 5:return 1073741823;case 4:return 1E4;default:return 5E3}}\nfunction V(a,b){if(null===M);else{var c=null,f=M;do{if(bf){c=l;if(null===N);else{b=null;var h=N;do{if(c,\n |}>,\n }>,\n directEventTypes?: $ReadOnly<{\n [eventName: string]: $ReadOnly<{|\n registrationName: string,\n |}>,\n }>,\n validAttributes?: {\n [propName: string]:\n | true\n | $ReadOnly<{|\n diff?: (arg1: any, arg2: any) => boolean,\n process?: (arg1: any) => any,\n |}>,\n },\n};\n\nfunction registerGeneratedViewConfig(\n componentName: string,\n viewConfig: GeneratedViewConfig,\n) {\n const mergedViewConfig = {\n uiViewClassName: componentName,\n Commands: {},\n bubblingEventTypes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewViewConfig.bubblingEventTypes,\n ...(viewConfig.bubblingEventTypes || {}),\n },\n directEventTypes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewViewConfig.directEventTypes,\n ...(viewConfig.directEventTypes || {}),\n },\n validAttributes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewViewConfig.validAttributes,\n ...(viewConfig.validAttributes || {}),\n },\n };\n\n ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry.register(componentName, () => {\n verifyComponentAttributeEquivalence(componentName, mergedViewConfig);\n\n return mergedViewConfig;\n });\n}\n\nmodule.exports = registerGeneratedViewConfig;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst getNativeComponentAttributes = require('../ReactNative/getNativeComponentAttributes');\n\nimport ReactNativeViewViewConfig from '../Components/View/ReactNativeViewViewConfig';\nimport type {ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig} from '../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes';\n\nconst IGNORED_KEYS = ['transform', 'hitSlop'];\n/**\n * The purpose of this function is to validate that the view config that\n * native exposes for a given view manager is the same as the view config\n * that is specified for that view manager in JS.\n *\n * In order to improve perf, we want to avoid calling into native to get\n * the view config when each view manager is used. To do this, we are moving\n * the configs to JS. In the future we will use these JS based view configs\n * to codegen the view manager on native to ensure they stay in sync without\n * this runtime check.\n *\n * If this function fails, that likely means a change was made to the native\n * view manager without updating the JS config as well. Ideally you can make\n * that direct change to the JS config. If you don't know what the differences\n * are, the best approach I've found is to create a view that prints\n * the return value of getNativeComponentAttributes, and then copying that\n * text and pasting it back into JS:\n * {JSON.stringify(getNativeComponentAttributes('RCTView'))}\n *\n * This is meant to be a stopgap until the time comes when we only have a\n * single source of truth. I wonder if this message will still be here two\n * years from now...\n */\nfunction verifyComponentAttributeEquivalence(\n componentName: string,\n config: ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig<>,\n) {\n if (__DEV__ && !global.RN$Bridgeless) {\n const nativeAttributes = getNativeComponentAttributes(componentName);\n\n ['validAttributes', 'bubblingEventTypes', 'directEventTypes'].forEach(\n prop => {\n const diffKeys = Object.keys(\n lefthandObjectDiff(nativeAttributes[prop], config[prop]),\n );\n\n if (diffKeys.length) {\n console.error(\n `${componentName} generated view config for ${prop} does not match native, missing: ${diffKeys.join(\n ' ',\n )}`,\n );\n }\n },\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport function lefthandObjectDiff(leftObj: Object, rightObj: Object): Object {\n const differentKeys = {};\n\n function compare(leftItem, rightItem, key) {\n if (typeof leftItem !== typeof rightItem && leftItem != null) {\n differentKeys[key] = rightItem;\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof leftItem === 'object') {\n const objDiff = lefthandObjectDiff(leftItem, rightItem);\n if (Object.keys(objDiff).length > 1) {\n differentKeys[key] = objDiff;\n }\n return;\n }\n\n if (leftItem !== rightItem) {\n differentKeys[key] = rightItem;\n return;\n }\n }\n\n for (const key in leftObj) {\n if (IGNORED_KEYS.includes(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (!rightObj) {\n differentKeys[key] = {};\n } else if (leftObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n compare(leftObj[key], rightObj[key], key);\n }\n }\n\n return differentKeys;\n}\n\nexport function getConfigWithoutViewProps(\n viewConfig: ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig<>,\n propName: string,\n): $TEMPORARY$object<{||}> {\n if (!viewConfig[propName]) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return Object.keys(viewConfig[propName])\n .filter(prop => !ReactNativeViewViewConfig[propName][prop])\n .reduce((obj, prop) => {\n obj[prop] = viewConfig[propName][prop];\n return obj;\n }, {});\n}\n\nexport function stringifyViewConfig(viewConfig: any): string {\n return JSON.stringify(\n viewConfig,\n (key, val) => {\n if (typeof val === 'function') {\n return `ƒ ${}`;\n }\n return val;\n },\n 2,\n );\n}\n\nexport default verifyComponentAttributeEquivalence;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\nimport ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid from './ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid';\n\nconst ReactNativeViewConfig = {\n uiViewClassName: 'RCTView',\n baseModuleName: null,\n Manager: 'ViewManager',\n Commands: ({}: $TEMPORARY$object<{||}>),\n Constants: ({}: $TEMPORARY$object<{||}>),\n bubblingEventTypes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid.bubblingEventTypes,\n topBlur: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onBlur',\n captured: 'onBlurCapture',\n },\n },\n topChange: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onChange',\n captured: 'onChangeCapture',\n },\n },\n topEndEditing: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onEndEditing',\n captured: 'onEndEditingCapture',\n },\n },\n topFocus: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onFocus',\n captured: 'onFocusCapture',\n },\n },\n topKeyPress: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onKeyPress',\n captured: 'onKeyPressCapture',\n },\n },\n topPress: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onPress',\n captured: 'onPressCapture',\n },\n },\n topSubmitEditing: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onSubmitEditing',\n captured: 'onSubmitEditingCapture',\n },\n },\n topTouchCancel: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onTouchCancel',\n captured: 'onTouchCancelCapture',\n },\n },\n topTouchEnd: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onTouchEnd',\n captured: 'onTouchEndCapture',\n },\n },\n topTouchMove: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onTouchMove',\n captured: 'onTouchMoveCapture',\n },\n },\n topTouchStart: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: 'onTouchStart',\n captured: 'onTouchStartCapture',\n },\n },\n },\n directEventTypes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid.directEventTypes,\n topAccessibilityAction: {\n registrationName: 'onAccessibilityAction',\n },\n topAccessibilityEscape: {\n registrationName: 'onAccessibilityEscape',\n },\n topAccessibilityTap: {\n registrationName: 'onAccessibilityTap',\n },\n topLayout: {\n registrationName: 'onLayout',\n },\n topMagicTap: {\n registrationName: 'onMagicTap',\n },\n // Events for react-native-gesture-handler (T45765076)\n // Remove once this library can handle JS View Configs\n onGestureHandlerEvent: {\n registrationName: 'onGestureHandlerEvent',\n },\n onGestureHandlerStateChange: {\n registrationName: 'onGestureHandlerStateChange',\n },\n },\n validAttributes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewViewConfigAndroid.validAttributes,\n accessibilityActions: true,\n accessibilityElementsHidden: true,\n accessibilityHint: true,\n accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors: true,\n accessibilityLabel: true,\n accessibilityLiveRegion: true,\n accessibilityRole: true,\n accessibilityStates: true,\n accessibilityState: true,\n accessibilityViewIsModal: true,\n accessible: true,\n alignContent: true,\n alignItems: true,\n alignSelf: true,\n aspectRatio: true,\n backfaceVisibility: true,\n backgroundColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderBottomColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderBottomEndRadius: true,\n borderBottomLeftRadius: true,\n borderBottomRightRadius: true,\n borderBottomStartRadius: true,\n borderBottomWidth: true,\n borderColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderEndColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderEndWidth: true,\n borderLeftColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderLeftWidth: true,\n borderRadius: true,\n borderRightColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderRightWidth: true,\n borderStartColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderStartWidth: true,\n borderStyle: true,\n borderTopColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderTopEndRadius: true,\n borderTopLeftRadius: true,\n borderTopRightRadius: true,\n borderTopStartRadius: true,\n borderTopWidth: true,\n borderWidth: true,\n bottom: true,\n clickable: true,\n collapsable: true,\n direction: true,\n display: true,\n elevation: true,\n end: true,\n flex: true,\n flexBasis: true,\n flexDirection: true,\n flexGrow: true,\n flexShrink: true,\n flexWrap: true,\n height: true,\n hitSlop: {diff: (require('../../Utilities/differ/insetsDiffer'): any)},\n importantForAccessibility: true,\n justifyContent: true,\n left: true,\n margin: true,\n marginBottom: true,\n marginEnd: true,\n marginHorizontal: true,\n marginLeft: true,\n marginRight: true,\n marginStart: true,\n marginTop: true,\n marginVertical: true,\n maxHeight: true,\n maxWidth: true,\n minHeight: true,\n minWidth: true,\n nativeID: true,\n needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: true,\n onAccessibilityAction: true,\n onAccessibilityEscape: true,\n onAccessibilityTap: true,\n onLayout: true,\n onMagicTap: true,\n opacity: true,\n overflow: true,\n padding: true,\n paddingBottom: true,\n paddingEnd: true,\n paddingHorizontal: true,\n paddingLeft: true,\n paddingRight: true,\n paddingStart: true,\n paddingTop: true,\n paddingVertical: true,\n pointerEvents: true,\n position: true,\n removeClippedSubviews: true,\n renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: true,\n right: true,\n rotation: true,\n scaleX: true,\n scaleY: true,\n shadowColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n shadowOffset: {diff: require('../../Utilities/differ/sizesDiffer')},\n shadowOpacity: true,\n shadowRadius: true,\n shouldRasterizeIOS: true,\n start: true,\n style: {\n alignContent: true,\n alignItems: true,\n alignSelf: true,\n aspectRatio: true,\n backfaceVisibility: true,\n backgroundColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderBottomColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderBottomEndRadius: true,\n borderBottomLeftRadius: true,\n borderBottomRightRadius: true,\n borderBottomStartRadius: true,\n borderBottomWidth: true,\n borderColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderEndColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderEndWidth: true,\n borderLeftColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderLeftWidth: true,\n borderRadius: true,\n borderRightColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderRightWidth: true,\n borderStartColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderStartWidth: true,\n borderStyle: true,\n borderTopColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n borderTopEndRadius: true,\n borderTopLeftRadius: true,\n borderTopRightRadius: true,\n borderTopStartRadius: true,\n borderTopWidth: true,\n borderWidth: true,\n bottom: true,\n color: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n decomposedMatrix: true,\n direction: true,\n display: true,\n elevation: true,\n end: true,\n flex: true,\n flexBasis: true,\n flexDirection: true,\n flexGrow: true,\n flexShrink: true,\n flexWrap: true,\n fontFamily: true,\n fontSize: true,\n fontStyle: true,\n fontVariant: true,\n fontWeight: true,\n height: true,\n includeFontPadding: true,\n justifyContent: true,\n left: true,\n letterSpacing: true,\n lineHeight: true,\n margin: true,\n marginBottom: true,\n marginEnd: true,\n marginHorizontal: true,\n marginLeft: true,\n marginRight: true,\n marginStart: true,\n marginTop: true,\n marginVertical: true,\n maxHeight: true,\n maxWidth: true,\n minHeight: true,\n minWidth: true,\n opacity: true,\n overflow: true,\n overlayColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n padding: true,\n paddingBottom: true,\n paddingEnd: true,\n paddingHorizontal: true,\n paddingLeft: true,\n paddingRight: true,\n paddingStart: true,\n paddingTop: true,\n paddingVertical: true,\n position: true,\n resizeMode: true,\n right: true,\n rotation: true,\n scaleX: true,\n scaleY: true,\n shadowColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n shadowOffset: {diff: require('../../Utilities/differ/sizesDiffer')},\n shadowOpacity: true,\n shadowRadius: true,\n start: true,\n textAlign: true,\n textAlignVertical: true,\n textDecorationColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n textDecorationLine: true,\n textDecorationStyle: true,\n textShadowColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n textShadowOffset: true,\n textShadowRadius: true,\n textTransform: true,\n tintColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor')},\n top: true,\n transform: {diff: require('../../Utilities/differ/matricesDiffer')},\n transformMatrix: true,\n translateX: true,\n translateY: true,\n width: true,\n writingDirection: true,\n zIndex: true,\n },\n testID: true,\n top: true,\n transform: {diff: require('../../Utilities/differ/matricesDiffer')},\n translateX: true,\n translateY: true,\n width: true,\n zIndex: true,\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactNativeViewConfig;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\ntype Inset = {\n top: ?number,\n left: ?number,\n right: ?number,\n bottom: ?number,\n};\n\nconst dummyInsets = {\n top: undefined,\n left: undefined,\n right: undefined,\n bottom: undefined,\n};\n\nconst insetsDiffer = function(one: Inset, two: Inset): boolean {\n one = one || dummyInsets;\n two = two || dummyInsets;\n return (\n one !== two &&\n ( !== ||\n one.left !== two.left ||\n one.right !== two.right ||\n one.bottom !== two.bottom)\n );\n};\n\nmodule.exports = insetsDiffer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Unrolls an array comparison specially for matrices. Prioritizes\n * checking of indices that are most likely to change so that the comparison\n * bails as early as possible.\n *\n * @param {MatrixMath.Matrix} one First matrix.\n * @param {MatrixMath.Matrix} two Second matrix.\n * @return {boolean} Whether or not the two matrices differ.\n */\nconst matricesDiffer = function(one, two) {\n if (one === two) {\n return false;\n }\n return (\n !one ||\n !two ||\n one[12] !== two[12] ||\n one[13] !== two[13] ||\n one[14] !== two[14] ||\n one[5] !== two[5] ||\n one[10] !== two[10] ||\n one[1] !== two[1] ||\n one[2] !== two[2] ||\n one[3] !== two[3] ||\n one[4] !== two[4] ||\n one[6] !== two[6] ||\n one[7] !== two[7] ||\n one[8] !== two[8] ||\n one[9] !== two[9] ||\n one[11] !== two[11] ||\n one[15] !== two[15]\n );\n};\n\nmodule.exports = matricesDiffer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst ReactNativeStyleAttributes = require('../Components/View/ReactNativeStyleAttributes');\nconst UIManager = require('./UIManager');\n\nconst insetsDiffer = require('../Utilities/differ/insetsDiffer');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst matricesDiffer = require('../Utilities/differ/matricesDiffer');\nconst pointsDiffer = require('../Utilities/differ/pointsDiffer');\nconst processColor = require('../StyleSheet/processColor');\nconst processColorArray = require('../StyleSheet/processColorArray');\nconst resolveAssetSource = require('../Image/resolveAssetSource');\nconst sizesDiffer = require('../Utilities/differ/sizesDiffer');\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nfunction getNativeComponentAttributes(uiViewClassName: string): any {\n const viewConfig = UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(uiViewClassName);\n\n invariant(\n viewConfig != null && viewConfig.NativeProps != null,\n 'requireNativeComponent: \"%s\" was not found in the UIManager.',\n uiViewClassName,\n );\n\n // TODO: This seems like a whole lot of runtime initialization for every\n // native component that can be either avoided or simplified.\n let {baseModuleName, bubblingEventTypes, directEventTypes} = viewConfig;\n let nativeProps = viewConfig.NativeProps;\n while (baseModuleName) {\n const baseModule = UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(baseModuleName);\n if (!baseModule) {\n warning(false, 'Base module \"%s\" does not exist', baseModuleName);\n baseModuleName = null;\n } else {\n bubblingEventTypes = {\n ...baseModule.bubblingEventTypes,\n ...bubblingEventTypes,\n };\n directEventTypes = {\n ...baseModule.directEventTypes,\n ...directEventTypes,\n };\n nativeProps = {\n ...baseModule.NativeProps,\n ...nativeProps,\n };\n baseModuleName = baseModule.baseModuleName;\n }\n }\n\n const validAttributes = {};\n\n for (const key in nativeProps) {\n const typeName = nativeProps[key];\n const diff = getDifferForType(typeName);\n const process = getProcessorForType(typeName);\n\n validAttributes[key] =\n diff == null && process == null ? true : {diff, process};\n }\n\n // Unfortunately, the current setup declares style properties as top-level\n // props. This makes it so we allow style properties in the `style` prop.\n // TODO: Move style properties into a `style` prop and disallow them as\n // top-level props on the native side.\n = ReactNativeStyleAttributes;\n\n Object.assign(viewConfig, {\n uiViewClassName,\n validAttributes,\n bubblingEventTypes,\n directEventTypes,\n });\n\n if (!hasAttachedDefaultEventTypes) {\n attachDefaultEventTypes(viewConfig);\n hasAttachedDefaultEventTypes = true;\n }\n\n return viewConfig;\n}\n\n// TODO: Figure out how this makes sense. We're using a global boolean to only\n// initialize this on the first eagerly initialized native component.\nlet hasAttachedDefaultEventTypes = false;\nfunction attachDefaultEventTypes(viewConfig: any) {\n // This is supported on UIManager platforms (ex: Android),\n // as lazy view managers are not implemented for all platforms.\n // See [UIManager] for details on constants and implementations.\n const constants = UIManager.getConstants();\n if (constants.ViewManagerNames || constants.LazyViewManagersEnabled) {\n // Lazy view managers enabled.\n viewConfig = merge(viewConfig, UIManager.getDefaultEventTypes());\n } else {\n viewConfig.bubblingEventTypes = merge(\n viewConfig.bubblingEventTypes,\n constants.genericBubblingEventTypes,\n );\n viewConfig.directEventTypes = merge(\n viewConfig.directEventTypes,\n constants.genericDirectEventTypes,\n );\n }\n}\n\n// TODO: Figure out how to avoid all this runtime initialization cost.\nfunction merge(destination: ?Object, source: ?Object): ?Object {\n if (!source) {\n return destination;\n }\n if (!destination) {\n return source;\n }\n\n for (const key in source) {\n if (!source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n let sourceValue = source[key];\n if (destination.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n const destinationValue = destination[key];\n if (\n typeof sourceValue === 'object' &&\n typeof destinationValue === 'object'\n ) {\n sourceValue = merge(destinationValue, sourceValue);\n }\n }\n destination[key] = sourceValue;\n }\n return destination;\n}\n\nfunction getDifferForType(\n typeName: string,\n): ?(prevProp: any, nextProp: any) => boolean {\n switch (typeName) {\n // iOS Types\n case 'CATransform3D':\n return matricesDiffer;\n case 'CGPoint':\n return pointsDiffer;\n case 'CGSize':\n return sizesDiffer;\n case 'UIEdgeInsets':\n return insetsDiffer;\n // Android Types\n // (not yet implemented)\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction getProcessorForType(typeName: string): ?(nextProp: any) => any {\n switch (typeName) {\n // iOS Types\n case 'CGColor':\n case 'UIColor':\n return processColor;\n case 'CGColorArray':\n case 'UIColorArray':\n return processColorArray;\n case 'CGImage':\n case 'UIImage':\n case 'RCTImageSource':\n return resolveAssetSource;\n // Android Types\n case 'Color':\n return processColor;\n case 'ColorArray':\n return processColorArray;\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getNativeComponentAttributes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\ntype Point = {\n x: ?number,\n y: ?number,\n};\n\nconst dummyPoint = {x: undefined, y: undefined};\n\nconst pointsDiffer = function(one: ?Point, two: ?Point): boolean {\n one = one || dummyPoint;\n two = two || dummyPoint;\n return one !== two && (one.x !== two.x || one.y !== two.y);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = pointsDiffer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst processColor = require('./processColor');\n\nfunction processColorArray(colors: ?Array): ?Array {\n return colors == null ? null :;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = processColorArray;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n *\n * Resolves an asset into a `source` for `Image`.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst AssetRegistry = require('./AssetRegistry');\nconst AssetSourceResolver = require('./AssetSourceResolver');\n\nimport type {ResolvedAssetSource} from './AssetSourceResolver';\n\nlet _customSourceTransformer, _serverURL, _scriptURL;\n\nlet _sourceCodeScriptURL: ?string;\nfunction getSourceCodeScriptURL(): ?string {\n if (_sourceCodeScriptURL) {\n return _sourceCodeScriptURL;\n }\n\n let sourceCode =\n global.nativeExtensions && global.nativeExtensions.SourceCode;\n if (!sourceCode) {\n sourceCode = require('../NativeModules/specs/NativeSourceCode').default;\n }\n _sourceCodeScriptURL = sourceCode.getConstants().scriptURL;\n return _sourceCodeScriptURL;\n}\n\nfunction getDevServerURL(): ?string {\n if (_serverURL === undefined) {\n const sourceCodeScriptURL = getSourceCodeScriptURL();\n const match =\n sourceCodeScriptURL && sourceCodeScriptURL.match(/^https?:\\/\\/.*?\\//);\n if (match) {\n // jsBundle was loaded from network\n _serverURL = match[0];\n } else {\n // jsBundle was loaded from file\n _serverURL = null;\n }\n }\n return _serverURL;\n}\n\nfunction _coerceLocalScriptURL(scriptURL: ?string): ?string {\n if (scriptURL) {\n if (scriptURL.startsWith('assets://')) {\n // android: running from within assets, no offline path to use\n return null;\n }\n scriptURL = scriptURL.substring(0, scriptURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);\n if (!scriptURL.includes('://')) {\n // Add file protocol in case we have an absolute file path and not a URL.\n // This shouldn't really be necessary. scriptURL should be a URL.\n scriptURL = 'file://' + scriptURL;\n }\n }\n return scriptURL;\n}\n\nfunction getScriptURL(): ?string {\n if (_scriptURL === undefined) {\n _scriptURL = _coerceLocalScriptURL(getSourceCodeScriptURL());\n }\n return _scriptURL;\n}\n\nfunction setCustomSourceTransformer(\n transformer: (resolver: AssetSourceResolver) => ResolvedAssetSource,\n): void {\n _customSourceTransformer = transformer;\n}\n\n/**\n * `source` is either a number (opaque type returned by require('./foo.png'))\n * or an `ImageSource` like { uri: '' }\n */\nfunction resolveAssetSource(source: any): ?ResolvedAssetSource {\n if (typeof source === 'object') {\n return source;\n }\n\n const asset = AssetRegistry.getAssetByID(source);\n if (!asset) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const resolver = new AssetSourceResolver(\n getDevServerURL(),\n getScriptURL(),\n asset,\n );\n if (_customSourceTransformer) {\n return _customSourceTransformer(resolver);\n }\n return resolver.defaultAsset();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = resolveAssetSource;\nmodule.exports.pickScale = AssetSourceResolver.pickScale;\nmodule.exports.setCustomSourceTransformer = setCustomSourceTransformer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nexport type PackagerAsset = {\n +__packager_asset: boolean,\n +fileSystemLocation: string,\n +httpServerLocation: string,\n +width: ?number,\n +height: ?number,\n +scales: Array,\n +hash: string,\n +name: string,\n +type: string,\n};\n\nconst assets: Array = [];\n\nfunction registerAsset(asset: PackagerAsset): number {\n // `push` returns new array length, so the first asset will\n // get id 1 (not 0) to make the value truthy\n return assets.push(asset);\n}\n\nfunction getAssetByID(assetId: number): PackagerAsset {\n return assets[assetId - 1];\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {registerAsset, getAssetByID};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nexport type ResolvedAssetSource = {|\n +__packager_asset: boolean,\n +width: ?number,\n +height: ?number,\n +uri: string,\n +scale: number,\n|};\n\nimport type {PackagerAsset} from './AssetRegistry';\n\nconst PixelRatio = require('../Utilities/PixelRatio');\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nconst assetPathUtils = require('./assetPathUtils');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * Returns a path like 'assets/AwesomeModule/icon@2x.png'\n */\nfunction getScaledAssetPath(asset): string {\n const scale = AssetSourceResolver.pickScale(asset.scales, PixelRatio.get());\n const scaleSuffix = scale === 1 ? '' : '@' + scale + 'x';\n const assetDir = assetPathUtils.getBasePath(asset);\n return assetDir + '/' + + scaleSuffix + '.' + asset.type;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a path like 'drawable-mdpi/icon.png'\n */\nfunction getAssetPathInDrawableFolder(asset): string {\n const scale = AssetSourceResolver.pickScale(asset.scales, PixelRatio.get());\n const drawbleFolder = assetPathUtils.getAndroidResourceFolderName(\n asset,\n scale,\n );\n const fileName = assetPathUtils.getAndroidResourceIdentifier(asset);\n return drawbleFolder + '/' + fileName + '.' + asset.type;\n}\n\nclass AssetSourceResolver {\n serverUrl: ?string;\n // where the jsbundle is being run from\n jsbundleUrl: ?string;\n // the asset to resolve\n asset: PackagerAsset;\n\n constructor(serverUrl: ?string, jsbundleUrl: ?string, asset: PackagerAsset) {\n this.serverUrl = serverUrl;\n this.jsbundleUrl = jsbundleUrl;\n this.asset = asset;\n }\n\n isLoadedFromServer(): boolean {\n return !!this.serverUrl;\n }\n\n isLoadedFromFileSystem(): boolean {\n return !!(this.jsbundleUrl && this.jsbundleUrl.startsWith('file://'));\n }\n\n defaultAsset(): ResolvedAssetSource {\n if (this.isLoadedFromServer()) {\n return this.assetServerURL();\n }\n\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n return this.isLoadedFromFileSystem()\n ? this.drawableFolderInBundle()\n : this.resourceIdentifierWithoutScale();\n } else {\n return this.scaledAssetURLNearBundle();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an absolute URL which can be used to fetch the asset\n * from the devserver\n */\n assetServerURL(): ResolvedAssetSource {\n invariant(!!this.serverUrl, 'need server to load from');\n return this.fromSource(\n this.serverUrl +\n getScaledAssetPath(this.asset) +\n '?platform=' +\n Platform.OS +\n '&hash=' +\n this.asset.hash,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Resolves to just the scaled asset filename\n * E.g. 'assets/AwesomeModule/icon@2x.png'\n */\n scaledAssetPath(): ResolvedAssetSource {\n return this.fromSource(getScaledAssetPath(this.asset));\n }\n\n /**\n * Resolves to where the bundle is running from, with a scaled asset filename\n * E.g. 'file:///sdcard/bundle/assets/AwesomeModule/icon@2x.png'\n */\n scaledAssetURLNearBundle(): ResolvedAssetSource {\n const path = this.jsbundleUrl || 'file://';\n return this.fromSource(path + getScaledAssetPath(this.asset));\n }\n\n /**\n * The default location of assets bundled with the app, located by\n * resource identifier\n * The Android resource system picks the correct scale.\n * E.g. 'assets_awesomemodule_icon'\n */\n resourceIdentifierWithoutScale(): ResolvedAssetSource {\n invariant(\n Platform.OS === 'android',\n 'resource identifiers work on Android',\n );\n return this.fromSource(\n assetPathUtils.getAndroidResourceIdentifier(this.asset),\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * If the jsbundle is running from a sideload location, this resolves assets\n * relative to its location\n * E.g. 'file:///sdcard/AwesomeModule/drawable-mdpi/icon.png'\n */\n drawableFolderInBundle(): ResolvedAssetSource {\n const path = this.jsbundleUrl || 'file://';\n return this.fromSource(path + getAssetPathInDrawableFolder(this.asset));\n }\n\n fromSource(source: string): ResolvedAssetSource {\n return {\n __packager_asset: true,\n width: this.asset.width,\n height: this.asset.height,\n uri: source,\n scale: AssetSourceResolver.pickScale(this.asset.scales, PixelRatio.get()),\n };\n }\n\n static pickScale(scales: Array, deviceScale: number): number {\n // Packager guarantees that `scales` array is sorted\n for (let i = 0; i < scales.length; i++) {\n if (scales[i] >= deviceScale) {\n return scales[i];\n }\n }\n\n // If nothing matches, device scale is larger than any available\n // scales, so we return the biggest one. Unless the array is empty,\n // in which case we default to 1\n return scales[scales.length - 1] || 1;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AssetSourceResolver;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {PackagerAsset} from './AssetRegistry';\n\nconst androidScaleSuffix = {\n '0.75': 'ldpi',\n '1': 'mdpi',\n '1.5': 'hdpi',\n '2': 'xhdpi',\n '3': 'xxhdpi',\n '4': 'xxxhdpi',\n};\n\n/**\n * FIXME: using number to represent discrete scale numbers is fragile in essence because of\n * floating point numbers imprecision.\n */\nfunction getAndroidAssetSuffix(scale: number): string {\n if (scale.toString() in androidScaleSuffix) {\n return androidScaleSuffix[scale.toString()];\n }\n\n throw new Error('no such scale ' + scale.toString());\n}\n\n// See\nconst drawableFileTypes = new Set([\n 'gif',\n 'jpeg',\n 'jpg',\n 'png',\n 'svg',\n 'webp',\n 'xml',\n]);\n\nfunction getAndroidResourceFolderName(\n asset: PackagerAsset,\n scale: number,\n): string | $TEMPORARY$string<'raw'> {\n if (!drawableFileTypes.has(asset.type)) {\n return 'raw';\n }\n var suffix = getAndroidAssetSuffix(scale);\n if (!suffix) {\n throw new Error(\n \"Don't know which android drawable suffix to use for scale: \" +\n scale +\n '\\nAsset: ' +\n JSON.stringify(asset, null, '\\t') +\n '\\nPossible scales are:' +\n JSON.stringify(androidScaleSuffix, null, '\\t'),\n );\n }\n const androidFolder = 'drawable-' + suffix;\n return androidFolder;\n}\n\nfunction getAndroidResourceIdentifier(asset: PackagerAsset): string {\n var folderPath = getBasePath(asset);\n return (folderPath + '/' +\n .toLowerCase()\n .replace(/\\//g, '_') // Encode folder structure in file name\n .replace(/([^a-z0-9_])/g, '') // Remove illegal chars\n .replace(/^assets_/, ''); // Remove \"assets_\" prefix\n}\n\nfunction getBasePath(asset: PackagerAsset): string {\n var basePath = asset.httpServerLocation;\n if (basePath[0] === '/') {\n basePath = basePath.substr(1);\n }\n return basePath;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getAndroidAssetSuffix: getAndroidAssetSuffix,\n getAndroidResourceFolderName: getAndroidResourceFolderName,\n getAndroidResourceIdentifier: getAndroidResourceIdentifier,\n getBasePath: getBasePath,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n scriptURL: string,\n |};\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('SourceCode'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst createReactNativeComponentClass = require('../Renderer/shims/createReactNativeComponentClass');\nconst getNativeComponentAttributes = require('./getNativeComponentAttributes');\n\n/**\n * Creates values that can be used like React components which represent native\n * view managers. You should create JavaScript modules that wrap these values so\n * that the results are memoized. Example:\n *\n * const View = requireNativeComponent('RCTView');\n *\n */\nconst requireNativeComponent = (uiViewClassName: string): string =>\n createReactNativeComponentClass(uiViewClassName, () =>\n getNativeComponentAttributes(uiViewClassName),\n );\n\nmodule.exports = requireNativeComponent;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport {ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry} from 'react-native/Libraries/ReactPrivate/ReactNativePrivateInterface';\n\nimport type {ViewConfigGetter} from './ReactNativeTypes';\n\nconst {register} = ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry;\n\n/**\n * Creates a renderable ReactNative host component.\n * Use this method for view configs that are loaded from UIManager.\n * Use createReactNativeComponentClass() for view configs defined within JavaScript.\n *\n * @param {string} config iOS View configuration.\n * @private\n */\nconst createReactNativeComponentClass = function(\n name: string,\n callback: ViewConfigGetter,\n): string {\n return register(name, callback);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = createReactNativeComponentClass;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {WithDefault} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\n\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * Whether the indicator should hide when not animating (true by default).\n *\n * See\n */\n hidesWhenStopped?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * Whether to show the indicator (true, the default) or hide it (false).\n *\n * See\n */\n animating?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * The foreground color of the spinner (default is gray).\n *\n * See\n */\n color?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * Size of the indicator (default is 'small').\n * Passing a number to the size prop is only supported on Android.\n *\n * See\n */\n size?: WithDefault<'small' | 'large', 'small'>,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent('ActivityIndicatorView', {\n paperComponentName: 'RCTActivityIndicatorView',\n}): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n// TODO: move this file to shims/ReactNative (requires React update and sync)\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {NativeComponent} from '../../Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNative';\nimport requireNativeComponent from '../../Libraries/ReactNative/requireNativeComponent';\nimport {UIManager} from 'react-native';\n\n// TODO: import from CodegenSchema once workspaces are enabled\ntype Options = $ReadOnly<{|\n interfaceOnly?: boolean,\n paperComponentName?: string,\n paperComponentNameDeprecated?: string,\n|}>;\n\nexport type NativeComponentType = Class>;\n\nfunction codegenNativeComponent(\n componentName: string,\n options?: Options,\n): NativeComponentType {\n let componentNameInUse =\n options && options.paperComponentName\n ? options.paperComponentName\n : componentName;\n\n if (options != null && options.paperComponentNameDeprecated != null) {\n if (UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(componentName)) {\n componentNameInUse = componentName;\n } else if (\n options.paperComponentNameDeprecated != null &&\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(options.paperComponentNameDeprecated)\n ) {\n componentNameInUse = options.paperComponentNameDeprecated;\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n `Failed to find native component for either ${componentName} or ${options.paperComponentNameDeprecated ||\n '(unknown)'}`,\n );\n }\n }\n\n // If this function is run at runtime then that means the view configs were not\n // generated with the view config babel plugin, so we need to require the native component.\n //\n // This will be useful during migration, but eventually this will error.\n return ((requireNativeComponent(componentNameInUse): any): Class<\n NativeComponent,\n >);\n}\n\nexport default codegenNativeComponent;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Color = require('art/core/color');\nconst Path = require('./ARTSerializablePath');\nconst Transform = require('art/core/transform');\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst ReactNativeViewAttributes = require('../Components/View/ReactNativeViewAttributes');\n\nconst createReactNativeComponentClass = require('../Renderer/shims/createReactNativeComponentClass');\nconst merge = require('../vendor/core/merge');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n// Diff Helpers\n\nfunction arrayDiffer(a, b) {\n if (a == null || b == null) {\n return true;\n }\n if (a.length !== b.length) {\n return true;\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n if (a[i] !== b[i]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction fontAndLinesDiffer(a, b) {\n if (a === b) {\n return false;\n }\n if (a.font !== b.font) {\n if (a.font === null) {\n return true;\n }\n if (b.font === null) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (\n a.font.fontFamily !== b.font.fontFamily ||\n a.font.fontSize !== b.font.fontSize ||\n a.font.fontWeight !== b.font.fontWeight ||\n a.font.fontStyle !== b.font.fontStyle\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return arrayDiffer(a.lines, b.lines);\n}\n\n// Native Attributes\n\nconst SurfaceViewAttributes = merge(ReactNativeViewAttributes.UIView, {\n // This should contain pixel information such as width, height and\n // resolution to know what kind of buffer needs to be allocated.\n // Currently we rely on UIViews and style to figure that out.\n});\n\nconst NodeAttributes = {\n transform: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n opacity: true,\n};\n\nconst GroupAttributes = merge(NodeAttributes, {\n clipping: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n});\n\nconst RenderableAttributes = merge(NodeAttributes, {\n fill: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n stroke: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n strokeWidth: true,\n strokeCap: true,\n strokeJoin: true,\n strokeDash: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n});\n\nconst ShapeAttributes = merge(RenderableAttributes, {\n d: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n});\n\nconst TextAttributes = merge(RenderableAttributes, {\n alignment: true,\n frame: {diff: fontAndLinesDiffer},\n path: {diff: arrayDiffer},\n});\n\n// Native Components\n\nconst NativeSurfaceView = createReactNativeComponentClass(\n 'ARTSurfaceView',\n () => ({\n validAttributes: SurfaceViewAttributes,\n uiViewClassName: 'ARTSurfaceView',\n }),\n);\n\nconst NativeGroup = createReactNativeComponentClass('ARTGroup', () => ({\n validAttributes: GroupAttributes,\n uiViewClassName: 'ARTGroup',\n}));\n\nconst NativeShape = createReactNativeComponentClass('ARTShape', () => ({\n validAttributes: ShapeAttributes,\n uiViewClassName: 'ARTShape',\n}));\n\nconst NativeText = createReactNativeComponentClass('ARTText', () => ({\n validAttributes: TextAttributes,\n uiViewClassName: 'ARTText',\n}));\n\n// Utilities\n\nfunction childrenAsString(children) {\n if (!children) {\n return '';\n }\n if (typeof children === 'string') {\n return children;\n }\n if (children.length) {\n return children.join('\\n');\n }\n return '';\n}\n\n// Surface - Root node of all ART\n\nclass Surface extends React.Component {\n static childContextTypes = {\n isInSurface: PropTypes.bool,\n };\n\n getChildContext() {\n return {isInSurface: true};\n }\n\n render() {\n const height = extractNumber(this.props.height, 0);\n const width = extractNumber(this.props.width, 0);\n\n return (\n \n {this.props.children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\n// Node Props\n\n// TODO: The desktop version of ART has title and cursor. We should have\n// accessibility support here too even though hovering doesn't work.\n\nfunction extractNumber(value, defaultValue) {\n if (value == null) {\n return defaultValue;\n }\n return +value;\n}\n\nconst pooledTransform = new Transform();\n\nfunction extractTransform(props) {\n const scaleX =\n props.scaleX != null ? props.scaleX : props.scale != null ? props.scale : 1;\n const scaleY =\n props.scaleY != null ? props.scaleY : props.scale != null ? props.scale : 1;\n\n pooledTransform\n .transformTo(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)\n .move(props.x || 0, props.y || 0)\n .rotate(props.rotation || 0, props.originX, props.originY)\n .scale(scaleX, scaleY, props.originX, props.originY);\n\n if (props.transform != null) {\n pooledTransform.transform(props.transform);\n }\n\n return [\n pooledTransform.xx,\n pooledTransform.yx,\n pooledTransform.xy,\n pooledTransform.yy,\n pooledTransform.x,\n pooledTransform.y,\n ];\n}\n\nfunction extractOpacity(props) {\n // TODO: visible === false should also have no hit detection\n if (props.visible === false) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (props.opacity == null) {\n return 1;\n }\n return +props.opacity;\n}\n\n// Groups\n\n// Note: ART has a notion of width and height on Group but AFAIK it's a noop in\n// ReactART.\n\nclass Group extends React.Component {\n static contextTypes = {\n isInSurface: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,\n };\n\n render() {\n const props = this.props;\n invariant(\n this.context.isInSurface,\n 'ART: must be a child of a ',\n );\n return (\n \n {this.props.children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nclass ClippingRectangle extends React.Component {\n render() {\n const props = this.props;\n const x = extractNumber(props.x, 0);\n const y = extractNumber(props.y, 0);\n const w = extractNumber(props.width, 0);\n const h = extractNumber(props.height, 0);\n const clipping = [x, y, w, h];\n // The current clipping API requires x and y to be ignored in the transform\n const propsExcludingXAndY = merge(props);\n delete propsExcludingXAndY.x;\n delete propsExcludingXAndY.y;\n return (\n \n {this.props.children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\n// Renderables\n\nconst SOLID_COLOR = 0;\nconst LINEAR_GRADIENT = 1;\nconst RADIAL_GRADIENT = 2;\nconst PATTERN = 3;\n\nfunction insertColorIntoArray(color, targetArray, atIndex) {\n const c = new Color(color);\n targetArray[atIndex + 0] = / 255;\n targetArray[atIndex + 1] = / 255;\n targetArray[atIndex + 2] = / 255;\n targetArray[atIndex + 3] = c.alpha;\n}\n\nfunction insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex) {\n let i = 0;\n if ('length' in stops) {\n while (i < stops.length) {\n insertColorIntoArray(stops[i], targetArray, atIndex + i * 4);\n i++;\n }\n } else {\n for (const offset in stops) {\n insertColorIntoArray(stops[offset], targetArray, atIndex + i * 4);\n i++;\n }\n }\n return atIndex + i * 4;\n}\n\nfunction insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex, multi, reverse) {\n let offsetNumber;\n let i = 0;\n if ('length' in stops) {\n while (i < stops.length) {\n offsetNumber = (i / (stops.length - 1)) * multi;\n targetArray[atIndex + i] = reverse ? 1 - offsetNumber : offsetNumber;\n i++;\n }\n } else {\n for (const offsetString in stops) {\n offsetNumber = +offsetString * multi;\n targetArray[atIndex + i] = reverse ? 1 - offsetNumber : offsetNumber;\n i++;\n }\n }\n return atIndex + i;\n}\n\nfunction insertColorStopsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex) {\n const lastIndex = insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex);\n insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex, 1, false);\n}\n\nfunction insertDoubleColorStopsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex) {\n let lastIndex = insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex);\n lastIndex = insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex);\n lastIndex = insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex, 0.5, false);\n insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex, 0.5, true);\n}\n\nfunction applyBoundingBoxToBrushData(brushData, props) {\n const type = brushData[0];\n const width = +props.width;\n const height = +props.height;\n if (type === LINEAR_GRADIENT) {\n brushData[1] *= width;\n brushData[2] *= height;\n brushData[3] *= width;\n brushData[4] *= height;\n } else if (type === RADIAL_GRADIENT) {\n brushData[1] *= width;\n brushData[2] *= height;\n brushData[3] *= width;\n brushData[4] *= height;\n brushData[5] *= width;\n brushData[6] *= height;\n } else if (type === PATTERN) {\n // todo\n }\n}\n\nfunction extractBrush(colorOrBrush, props) {\n if (colorOrBrush == null) {\n return null;\n }\n if (colorOrBrush._brush) {\n if (colorOrBrush._bb) {\n // The legacy API for Gradients allow for the bounding box to be used\n // as a convenience for specifying gradient positions. This should be\n // deprecated. It's not properly implemented in canvas mode. ReactART\n // doesn't handle update to the bounding box correctly. That's why we\n // mutate this so that if it's reused, we reuse the same resolved box.\n applyBoundingBoxToBrushData(colorOrBrush._brush, props);\n colorOrBrush._bb = false;\n }\n return colorOrBrush._brush;\n }\n const c = new Color(colorOrBrush);\n return [SOLID_COLOR, / 255, / 255, / 255, c.alpha];\n}\n\nfunction extractColor(color) {\n if (color == null) {\n return null;\n }\n const c = new Color(color);\n return [ / 255, / 255, / 255, c.alpha];\n}\n\nfunction extractStrokeCap(strokeCap) {\n switch (strokeCap) {\n case 'butt':\n return 0;\n case 'square':\n return 2;\n default:\n return 1; // round\n }\n}\n\nfunction extractStrokeJoin(strokeJoin) {\n switch (strokeJoin) {\n case 'miter':\n return 0;\n case 'bevel':\n return 2;\n default:\n return 1; // round\n }\n}\n\n// Shape\n\n// Note: ART has a notion of width and height on Shape but AFAIK it's a noop in\n// ReactART.\n\nexport type ShapeProps = {|\n fill?: mixed,\n stroke?: mixed,\n strokeCap?: mixed,\n strokeDash?: mixed,\n strokeJoin?: mixed,\n strokeWidth?: mixed,\n x?: number,\n y?: number,\n opacity?: mixed,\n|};\n\nclass Shape extends React.Component {\n render() {\n const props = this.props;\n const path = props.d || childrenAsString(props.children);\n const d = (path instanceof Path ? path : new Path(path)).toJSON();\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n\n// Text\n\nconst cachedFontObjectsFromString = {};\n\nconst fontFamilyPrefix = /^[\\s\"']*/;\nconst fontFamilySuffix = /[\\s\"']*$/;\n\nfunction extractSingleFontFamily(fontFamilyString) {\n // ART on the web allows for multiple font-families to be specified.\n // For compatibility, we extract the first font-family, hoping\n // we'll get a match.\n return fontFamilyString\n .split(',')[0]\n .replace(fontFamilyPrefix, '')\n .replace(fontFamilySuffix, '');\n}\n\nfunction parseFontString(font) {\n if (cachedFontObjectsFromString.hasOwnProperty(font)) {\n return cachedFontObjectsFromString[font];\n }\n const regexp = /^\\s*((?:(?:normal|bold|italic)\\s+)*)(?:(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)[ptexm\\%]*(?:\\s*\\/.*?)?\\s+)?\\s*\\\"?([^\\\"]*)/i;\n const match = regexp.exec(font);\n if (!match) {\n return null;\n }\n const fontFamily = extractSingleFontFamily(match[3]);\n const fontSize = +match[2] || 12;\n const isBold = /bold/.exec(match[1]);\n const isItalic = /italic/.exec(match[1]);\n cachedFontObjectsFromString[font] = {\n fontFamily: fontFamily,\n fontSize: fontSize,\n fontWeight: isBold ? 'bold' : 'normal',\n fontStyle: isItalic ? 'italic' : 'normal',\n };\n return cachedFontObjectsFromString[font];\n}\n\nfunction extractFont(font) {\n if (font == null) {\n return null;\n }\n if (typeof font === 'string') {\n return parseFontString(font);\n }\n const fontFamily = extractSingleFontFamily(font.fontFamily);\n const fontSize = +font.fontSize || 12;\n const fontWeight =\n font.fontWeight != null ? font.fontWeight.toString() : '400';\n return {\n // Normalize\n fontFamily: fontFamily,\n fontSize: fontSize,\n fontWeight: fontWeight,\n fontStyle: font.fontStyle,\n };\n}\n\nconst newLine = /\\n/g;\nfunction extractFontAndLines(font, text) {\n return {font: extractFont(font), lines: text.split(newLine)};\n}\n\nfunction extractAlignment(alignment) {\n switch (alignment) {\n case 'right':\n return 1;\n case 'center':\n return 2;\n default:\n return 0;\n }\n}\n\nclass Text extends React.Component {\n render() {\n const props = this.props;\n const path = props.path;\n const textPath = path\n ? (path instanceof Path ? path : new Path(path)).toJSON()\n : null;\n const textFrame = extractFontAndLines(\n props.font,\n childrenAsString(props.children),\n );\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n\n// Declarative fill type objects - API design not finalized\n\nfunction LinearGradient(stops, x1, y1, x2, y2) {\n const type = LINEAR_GRADIENT;\n\n if (arguments.length < 5) {\n const angle = ((x1 == null ? 270 : x1) * Math.PI) / 180;\n\n let x = Math.cos(angle);\n let y = -Math.sin(angle);\n const l = (Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y)) / 2;\n\n x *= l;\n y *= l;\n\n x1 = 0.5 - x;\n x2 = 0.5 + x;\n y1 = 0.5 - y;\n y2 = 0.5 + y;\n this._bb = true;\n } else {\n this._bb = false;\n }\n\n const brushData = [type, +x1, +y1, +x2, +y2];\n insertColorStopsIntoArray(stops, brushData, 5);\n this._brush = brushData;\n}\n\nfunction RadialGradient(stops, fx, fy, rx, ry, cx, cy) {\n if (ry == null) {\n ry = rx;\n }\n if (cx == null) {\n cx = fx;\n }\n if (cy == null) {\n cy = fy;\n }\n if (fx == null) {\n // As a convenience we allow the whole radial gradient to cover the\n // bounding box. We should consider dropping this API.\n fx = fy = rx = ry = cx = cy = 0.5;\n this._bb = true;\n } else {\n this._bb = false;\n }\n // The ART API expects the radial gradient to be repeated at the edges.\n // To simulate this we render the gradient twice as large and add double\n // color stops. Ideally this API would become more restrictive so that this\n // extra work isn't needed.\n const brushData = [RADIAL_GRADIENT, +fx, +fy, +rx * 2, +ry * 2, +cx, +cy];\n insertDoubleColorStopsIntoArray(stops, brushData, 7);\n this._brush = brushData;\n}\n\nfunction Pattern(url, width, height, left, top) {\n this._brush = [PATTERN, url, +left || 0, +top || 0, +width, +height];\n}\n\nconst ReactART = {\n LinearGradient: LinearGradient,\n RadialGradient: RadialGradient,\n Pattern: Pattern,\n Transform: Transform,\n Path: Path,\n Surface: Surface,\n Group: Group,\n ClippingRectangle: ClippingRectangle,\n Shape: Shape,\n Text: Text,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactART;\n","var colors = {\n\tmaroon: '#800000', red: '#ff0000', orange: '#ffA500', yellow: '#ffff00', olive: '#808000',\n\tpurple: '#800080', fuchsia: \"#ff00ff\", white: '#ffffff', lime: '#00ff00', green: '#008000',\n\tnavy: '#000080', blue: '#0000ff', aqua: '#00ffff', teal: '#008080',\n\tblack: '#000000', silver: '#c0c0c0', gray: '#808080'\n};\n\nvar map = function(array, fn){\n\tvar results = [];\n\tfor (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++)\n\t\tresults[i] = fn(array[i], i);\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nvar Color = function(color, type){\n\t\n\tif (color.isColor){\n\t\t\n\t\ =;\n\t\ =;\n\t\ =;\n\t\tthis.alpha = color.alpha;\n\n\t} else {\n\t\t\n\t\tvar namedColor = colors[color];\n\t\tif (namedColor){\n\t\t\tcolor = namedColor;\n\t\t\ttype = 'hex';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tswitch (typeof color){\n\t\t\tcase 'string': if (!type) type = (type = color.match(/^rgb|^hsb|^hsl/)) ? type[0] : 'hex'; break;\n\t\t\tcase 'object': type = type || 'rgb'; color = color.toString(); break;\n\t\t\tcase 'number': type = 'hex'; color = color.toString(16); break;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tcolor = Color['parse' + type.toUpperCase()](color);\n\t\ = color[0];\n\t\ = color[1];\n\t\ = color[2];\n\t\tthis.alpha = color[3];\n\t}\n\t\n\tthis.isColor = true;\n\n};\n\nvar limit = function(number, min, max){\n\treturn Math.min(max, Math.max(min, number));\n};\n\nvar listMatch = /([-.\\d]+\\%?)\\s*,\\s*([-.\\d]+\\%?)\\s*,\\s*([-.\\d]+\\%?)\\s*,?\\s*([-.\\d]*\\%?)/;\nvar hexMatch = /^#?([a-f0-9]{1,2})([a-f0-9]{1,2})([a-f0-9]{1,2})([a-f0-9]{0,2})$/i;\n\nColor.parseRGB = function(color){\n\treturn map(color.match(listMatch).slice(1), function(bit, i){\n\t\tif (bit) bit = parseFloat(bit) * (bit[bit.length - 1] == '%' ? 2.55 : 1);\n\t\treturn (i < 3) ? Math.round(((bit %= 256) < 0) ? bit + 256 : bit) : limit(((bit === '') ? 1 : Number(bit)), 0, 1);\n\t});\n};\n\t\nColor.parseHEX = function(color){\n\tif (color.length == 1) color = color + color + color;\n\treturn map(color.match(hexMatch).slice(1), function(bit, i){\n\t\tif (i == 3) return (bit) ? parseInt(bit, 16) / 255 : 1;\n\t\treturn parseInt((bit.length == 1) ? bit + bit : bit, 16);\n\t});\n};\n\t\nColor.parseHSB = function(color){\n\tvar hsb = map(color.match(listMatch).slice(1), function(bit, i){\n\t\tif (bit) bit = parseFloat(bit);\n\t\tif (i === 0) return Math.round(((bit %= 360) < 0) ? (bit + 360) : bit);\n\t\telse if (i < 3) return limit(Math.round(bit), 0, 100);\n\t\telse return limit(((bit === '') ? 1 : Number(bit)), 0, 1);\n\t});\n\t\n\tvar a = hsb[3];\n\tvar br = Math.round(hsb[2] / 100 * 255);\n\tif (hsb[1] == 0) return [br, br, br, a];\n\t\t\n\tvar hue = hsb[0];\n\tvar f = hue % 60;\n\tvar p = Math.round((hsb[2] * (100 - hsb[1])) / 10000 * 255);\n\tvar q = Math.round((hsb[2] * (6000 - hsb[1] * f)) / 600000 * 255);\n\tvar t = Math.round((hsb[2] * (6000 - hsb[1] * (60 - f))) / 600000 * 255);\n\n\tswitch (Math.floor(hue / 60)){\n\t\tcase 0: return [br, t, p, a];\n\t\tcase 1: return [q, br, p, a];\n\t\tcase 2: return [p, br, t, a];\n\t\tcase 3: return [p, q, br, a];\n\t\tcase 4: return [t, p, br, a];\n\t\tdefault: return [br, p, q, a];\n\t}\n};\n\nColor.parseHSL = function(color){\n\tvar hsb = map(color.match(listMatch).slice(1), function(bit, i){\n\t\tif (bit) bit = parseFloat(bit);\n\t\tif (i === 0) return Math.round(((bit %= 360) < 0) ? (bit + 360) : bit);\n\t\telse if (i < 3) return limit(Math.round(bit), 0, 100);\n\t\telse return limit(((bit === '') ? 1 : Number(bit)), 0, 1);\n\t});\n\n\tvar h = hsb[0] / 60;\n\tvar s = hsb[1] / 100;\n\tvar l = hsb[2] / 100;\n\tvar a = hsb[3];\n\t\n\tvar c = (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1)) * s;\n\tvar x = c * (1 - Math.abs(h % 2 - 1));\n\tvar m = l - c / 2;\n\t\n\tvar p = Math.round((c + m) * 255);\n\tvar q = Math.round((x + m) * 255);\n\tvar t = Math.round((m) * 255);\n\n\tswitch (Math.floor(h)){\n\t\tcase 0: return [p, q, t, a];\n\t\tcase 1: return [q, p, t, a];\n\t\tcase 2: return [t, p, q, a];\n\t\tcase 3: return [t, q, p, a];\n\t\tcase 4: return [q, t, p, a];\n\t\tdefault: return [p, t, q, a];\n\t}\n};\n\nvar toString = function(type, array){\n\tif (array[3] != 1) type += 'a';\n\telse array.pop();\n\treturn type + '(' + array.join(', ') + ')';\n};\n\nColor.prototype = {\n\n\ttoHSB: function(array){\n\t\tvar red =, green =, blue =, alpha = this.alpha;\n\n\t\tvar max = Math.max(red, green, blue), min = Math.min(red, green, blue), delta = max - min;\n\t\tvar hue = 0, saturation = (delta != 0) ? delta / max : 0, brightness = max / 255;\n\t\tif (saturation){\n\t\t\tvar rr = (max - red) / delta, gr = (max - green) / delta, br = (max - blue) / delta;\n\t\t\thue = (red == max) ? br - gr : (green == max) ? 2 + rr - br : 4 + gr - rr;\n\t\t\tif ((hue /= 6) < 0) hue++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar hsb = [Math.round(hue * 360), Math.round(saturation * 100), Math.round(brightness * 100), alpha];\n\n\t\treturn (array) ? hsb : toString('hsb', hsb);\n\t},\n\n\ttoHSL: function(array){\n\t\tvar red =, green =, blue =, alpha = this.alpha;\n\n\t\tvar max = Math.max(red, green, blue), min = Math.min(red, green, blue), delta = max - min;\n\t\tvar hue = 0, saturation = (delta != 0) ? delta / (255 - Math.abs((max + min) - 255)) : 0, lightness = (max + min) / 512;\n\t\tif (saturation){\n\t\t\tvar rr = (max - red) / delta, gr = (max - green) / delta, br = (max - blue) / delta;\n\t\t\thue = (red == max) ? br - gr : (green == max) ? 2 + rr - br : 4 + gr - rr;\n\t\t\tif ((hue /= 6) < 0) hue++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar hsl = [Math.round(hue * 360), Math.round(saturation * 100), Math.round(lightness * 100), alpha];\n\n\t\treturn (array) ? hsl : toString('hsl', hsl);\n\t},\n\n\ttoHEX: function(array){\n\n\t\tvar a = this.alpha;\n\t\tvar alpha = ((a = Math.round((a * 255)).toString(16)).length == 1) ? a + a : a;\n\t\t\n\t\tvar hex = map([,,], function(bit){\n\t\t\tbit = bit.toString(16);\n\t\t\treturn (bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit;\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\treturn (array) ? hex.concat(alpha) : '#' + hex.join('') + ((alpha == 'ff') ? '' : alpha);\n\t},\n\t\n\ttoRGB: function(array){\n\t\tvar rgb = [,,, this.alpha];\n\t\treturn (array) ? rgb : toString('rgb', rgb);\n\t}\n\n};\n\nColor.prototype.toString = Color.prototype.toRGB;\n\nColor.hex = function(hex){\n\treturn new Color(hex, 'hex');\n};\n\nif (this.hex == null) this.hex = Color.hex;\n\nColor.hsb = function(h, s, b, a){\n\treturn new Color([h || 0, s || 0, b || 0, (a == null) ? 1 : a], 'hsb');\n};\n\nif (this.hsb == null) this.hsb = Color.hsb;\n\nColor.hsl = function(h, s, l, a){\n\treturn new Color([h || 0, s || 0, l || 0, (a == null) ? 1 : a], 'hsl');\n};\n\nif (this.hsl == null) this.hsl = Color.hsl;\n\nColor.rgb = function(r, g, b, a){\n\treturn new Color([r || 0, g || 0, b || 0, (a == null) ? 1 : a], 'rgb');\n};\n\nif (this.rgb == null) this.rgb = Color.rgb;\n\nColor.detach = function(color){\n\tcolor = new Color(color);\n\treturn [Color.rgb(,,, color.alpha];\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Color;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// TODO: Move this into an ART mode called \"serialized\" or something\n\nconst Class = require('art/core/class.js');\nconst Path = require('art/core/path.js');\n\nconst MOVE_TO = 0;\nconst CLOSE = 1;\nconst LINE_TO = 2;\nconst CURVE_TO = 3;\nconst ARC = 4;\n\nconst SerializablePath = Class(Path, {\n initialize: function(path) {\n this.reset();\n if (path instanceof SerializablePath) {\n this.path = path.path.slice(0);\n } else if (path) {\n if (path.applyToPath) {\n path.applyToPath(this);\n } else {\n this.push(path);\n }\n }\n },\n\n onReset: function() {\n this.path = [];\n },\n\n onMove: function(sx, sy, x, y) {\n this.path.push(MOVE_TO, x, y);\n },\n\n onLine: function(sx, sy, x, y) {\n this.path.push(LINE_TO, x, y);\n },\n\n onBezierCurve: function(sx, sy, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y) {\n this.path.push(CURVE_TO, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y);\n },\n\n _arcToBezier: Path.prototype.onArc,\n\n onArc: function(sx, sy, ex, ey, cx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, ccw, rotation) {\n if (rx !== ry || rotation) {\n return this._arcToBezier(\n sx,\n sy,\n ex,\n ey,\n cx,\n cy,\n rx,\n ry,\n sa,\n ea,\n ccw,\n rotation,\n );\n }\n this.path.push(ARC, cx, cy, rx, sa, ea, ccw ? 0 : 1);\n },\n\n onClose: function() {\n this.path.push(CLOSE);\n },\n\n toJSON: function() {\n return this.path;\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = SerializablePath;\n","module.exports = function(mixins){\n\tvar proto = {};\n\tfor (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){\n\t\tvar mixin = arguments[i];\n\t\tif (typeof mixin == 'function') mixin = mixin.prototype;\n\t\tfor (var key in mixin) proto[key] = mixin[key];\n\t}\n\tif (!proto.initialize) proto.initialize = function(){};\n\tproto.constructor = function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){\n\t\treturn new proto.initialize(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);\n\t};\n\tproto.constructor.prototype = proto.initialize.prototype = proto;\n\treturn proto.constructor;\n};\n","var Class = require('./class');\n\nmodule.exports = Class({\n\t\n\tinitialize: function(path){\n\t\tthis.reset().push(path);\n\t},\n\n\t/* parser */\n\t\n\tpush: function(){\n\t\tvar p =, ' ')\n\t\t\t.match(/[a-df-z]|[\\-+]?(?:[\\d\\.]e[\\-+]?|[^\\s\\-+,a-z])+/ig);\n\t\tif (!p) return this;\n\n\t\tvar last, cmd = p[0], i = 1;\n\t\twhile (cmd){\n\t\t\tswitch (cmd){\n\t\t\t\tcase 'm': this.move(p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'l': this.line(p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'c': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 's': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++], null, null, p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'q': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 't': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'a': this.arc(p[i+5], p[i+6], p[i], p[i+1], p[i+3], !+p[i+4], p[i+2]); i += 7; break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'h': this.line(p[i++], 0); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'v': this.line(0, p[i++]); break;\n\n\t\t\t\tcase 'M': this.moveTo(p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'L': this.lineTo(p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'C': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'S': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++], null, null, p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'Q': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'T': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'A': this.arcTo(p[i+5], p[i+6], p[i], p[i+1], p[i+3], !+p[i+4], p[i+2]); i += 7; break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'H': this.lineTo(p[i++], this.penY); break;\n\t\t\t\tcase 'V': this.lineTo(this.penX, p[i++]); break;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tcase 'Z': case 'z': this.close(); break;\n\t\t\t\tdefault: cmd = last; i--; continue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tlast = cmd;\n\t\t\tif (last == 'm') last = 'l';\n\t\t\telse if (last == 'M') last = 'L';\n\t\t\tcmd = p[i++];\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\n\t/* utility methods */\n\n\treset: function(){\n\t\tthis.penX = this.penY = 0;\n\t\tthis.penDownX = this.penDownY = null;\n\t\tthis._pivotX = this._pivotY = 0;\n\t\tthis.onReset();\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\t\n\tmove: function(x,y){\n\t\tthis.onMove(this.penX, this.penY, this._pivotX = this.penX += (+x), this._pivotY = this.penY += (+y));\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\tmoveTo: function(x,y){\n\t\tthis.onMove(this.penX, this.penY, this._pivotX = this.penX = (+x), this._pivotY = this.penY = (+y));\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\n\tline: function(x,y){\n\t\treturn this.lineTo(this.penX + (+x), this.penY + (+y));\n\t},\n\tlineTo: function(x,y){\n\t\tif (this.penDownX == null){ this.penDownX = this.penX; this.penDownY = this.penY; }\n\t\tthis.onLine(this.penX, this.penY, this._pivotX = this.penX = (+x), this._pivotY = this.penY = (+y));\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\t\n\tcurve: function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey){\n\t\tvar x = this.penX, y = this.penY;\n\t\treturn this.curveTo(\n\t\t\tx + (+c1x), y + (+c1y),\n\t\t\tc2x == null ? null : x + (+c2x),\n\t\t\tc2y == null ? null : y + (+c2y),\n\t\t\tex == null ? null : x + (+ex),\n\t\t\tey == null ? null : y + (+ey)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\tcurveTo: function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey){\n\t\tvar x = this.penX, y = this.penY;\n\t\tif (c2x == null){\n\t\t\tc2x = +c1x; c2y = +c1y;\n\t\t\tc1x = (x * 2) - (this._pivotX || 0); c1y = (y * 2) - (this._pivotY || 0);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ex == null){\n\t\t\tthis._pivotX = +c1x; this._pivotY = +c1y;\n\t\t\tex = +c2x; ey = +c2y;\n\t\t\tc2x = (ex + (+c1x) * 2) / 3; c2y = (ey + (+c1y) * 2) / 3;\n\t\t\tc1x = (x + (+c1x) * 2) / 3; c1y = (y + (+c1y) * 2) / 3;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._pivotX = +c2x; this._pivotY = +c2y;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this.penDownX == null){ this.penDownX = x; this.penDownY = y; }\n\t\tthis.onBezierCurve(x, y, +c1x, +c1y, +c2x, +c2y, this.penX = +ex, this.penY = +ey);\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\t\n\tarc: function(x, y, rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation){\n\t\treturn this.arcTo(this.penX + (+x), this.penY + (+y), rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation);\n\t},\n\tarcTo: function(x, y, rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation){\n\t\try = Math.abs(+ry || +rx || (+y - this.penY));\n\t\trx = Math.abs(+rx || (+x - this.penX));\n\n\t\tif (!rx || !ry || (x == this.penX && y == this.penY)) return this.lineTo(x, y);\n\n\t\tvar tX = this.penX, tY = this.penY, clockwise = !+counterClockwise, large = !!+outer;\n\n\t\tvar rad = rotation ? rotation * Math.PI / 180 : 0, cos = Math.cos(rad), sin = Math.sin(rad);\n\t\tx -= tX; y -= tY;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Ellipse Center\n\t\tvar cx = cos * x / 2 + sin * y / 2,\n\t\t\tcy = -sin * x / 2 + cos * y / 2,\n\t\t\trxry = rx * rx * ry * ry,\n\t\t\trycx = ry * ry * cx * cx,\n\t\t\trxcy = rx * rx * cy * cy,\n\t\t\ta = rxry - rxcy - rycx;\n\n\t\tif (a < 0){\n\t\t\ta = Math.sqrt(1 - a / rxry);\n\t\t\trx *= a; ry *= a;\n\t\t\tcx = x / 2; cy = y / 2;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ta = Math.sqrt(a / (rxcy + rycx));\n\t\t\tif (large == clockwise) a = -a;\n\t\t\tvar cxd = -a * cy * rx / ry,\n\t\t\t cyd = a * cx * ry / rx;\n\t\t\tcx = cos * cxd - sin * cyd + x / 2;\n\t\t\tcy = sin * cxd + cos * cyd + y / 2;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Rotation + Scale Transform\n\t\tvar xx = cos / rx, yx = sin / rx,\n\t\t xy = -sin / ry, yy = cos / ry;\n\n\t\t// Start and End Angle\n\t\tvar sa = Math.atan2(xy * -cx + yy * -cy, xx * -cx + yx * -cy),\n\t\t ea = Math.atan2(xy * (x - cx) + yy * (y - cy), xx * (x - cx) + yx * (y - cy));\n\n\t\tcx += tX; cy += tY;\n\t\tx += tX; y += tY;\n\n\t\t// Circular Arc\n\t\tif (this.penDownX == null){ this.penDownX = this.penX; this.penDownY = this.penY; }\n\t\tthis.onArc(\n\t\t\ttX, tY, this._pivotX = this.penX = x, this._pivotY = this.penY = y,\n\t\t\tcx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, !clockwise, rotation\n\t\t);\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\n\tcounterArc: function(x, y, rx, ry, outer){\n\t\treturn this.arc(x, y, rx, ry, outer, true);\n\t},\n\tcounterArcTo: function(x, y, rx, ry, outer){\n\t\treturn this.arcTo(x, y, rx, ry, outer, true);\n\t},\n\n\tclose: function(){\n\t\tif (this.penDownX != null){\n\t\t\tthis.onClose(this.penX, this.penY, this.penX = this.penDownX, this.penY = this.penDownY);\n\t\t\tthis.penDownX = null;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\n\t/* overridable handlers */\n\t\n\tonReset: function(){\n\t},\n\n\tonMove: function(sx, sy, ex, ey){\n\t},\n\n\tonLine: function(sx, sy, ex, ey){\n\t\tthis.onBezierCurve(sx, sy, sx, sy, ex, ey, ex, ey);\n\t},\n\n\tonBezierCurve: function(sx, sy, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey){\n\t\tvar gx = ex - sx, gy = ey - sy,\n\t\t\tg = gx * gx + gy * gy,\n\t\t\tv1, v2, cx, cy, u;\n\n\t\tcx = c1x - sx; cy = c1y - sy;\n\t\tu = cx * gx + cy * gy;\n\n\t\tif (u > g){\n\t\t\tcx -= gx;\n\t\t\tcy -= gy;\n\t\t} else if (u > 0 && g != 0){\n\t\t\tcx -= u/g * gx;\n\t\t\tcy -= u/g * gy;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tv1 = cx * cx + cy * cy;\n\n\t\tcx = c2x - sx; cy = c2y - sy;\n\t\tu = cx * gx + cy * gy;\n\n\t\tif (u > g){\n\t\t\tcx -= gx;\n\t\t\tcy -= gy;\n\t\t} else if (u > 0 && g != 0){\n\t\t\tcx -= u/g * gx;\n\t\t\tcy -= u/g * gy;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tv2 = cx * cx + cy * cy;\n\n\t\tif (v1 < 0.01 && v2 < 0.01){\n\t\t\tthis.onLine(sx, sy, ex, ey);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Avoid infinite recursion\n\t\tif (isNaN(v1) || isNaN(v2)){\n\t\t\tthrow new Error('Bad input');\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Split curve\n\t\tvar s1x = (c1x + c2x) * 0.5, s1y = (c1y + c2y) * 0.5,\n\t\t l1x = (c1x + sx) * 0.5, l1y = (c1y + sy) * 0.5,\n\t\t l2x = (l1x + s1x) * 0.5, l2y = (l1y + s1y) * 0.5,\n\t\t r2x = (ex + c2x) * 0.5, r2y = (ey + c2y) * 0.5,\n\t\t r1x = (r2x + s1x) * 0.5, r1y = (r2y + s1y) * 0.5,\n\t\t l2r1x = (l2x + r1x) * 0.5, l2r1y = (l2y + r1y) * 0.5;\n\n\t\t// TODO: Manual stack if necessary. Currently recursive without tail optimization.\n\t\tthis.onBezierCurve(sx, sy, l1x, l1y, l2x, l2y, l2r1x, l2r1y);\n\t\tthis.onBezierCurve(l2r1x, l2r1y, r1x, r1y, r2x, r2y, ex, ey);\n\t},\n\n\tonArc: function(sx, sy, ex, ey, cx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, ccw, rotation){\n\t\t// Inverse Rotation + Scale Transform\n\t\tvar rad = rotation ? rotation * Math.PI / 180 : 0, cos = Math.cos(rad), sin = Math.sin(rad),\n\t\t\txx = cos * rx, yx = -sin * ry,\n\t\t xy = sin * rx, yy = cos * ry;\n\n\t\t// Bezier Curve Approximation\n\t\tvar arc = ea - sa;\n\t\tif (arc < 0 && !ccw) arc += Math.PI * 2;\n\t\telse if (arc > 0 && ccw) arc -= Math.PI * 2;\n\n\t\tvar n = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc / (Math.PI / 2))),\n\t\t step = arc / n,\n\t\t k = (4 / 3) * Math.tan(step / 4);\n\n\t\tvar x = Math.cos(sa), y = Math.sin(sa);\n\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < n; i++){\n\t\t\tvar cp1x = x - k * y, cp1y = y + k * x;\n\n\t\t\tsa += step;\n\t\t\tx = Math.cos(sa); y = Math.sin(sa);\n\n\t\t\tvar cp2x = x + k * y, cp2y = y - k * x;\n\n\t\t\tthis.onBezierCurve(\n\t\t\t\tsx, sy,\n\t\t\t\tcx + xx * cp1x + yx * cp1y, cy + xy * cp1x + yy * cp1y,\n\t\t\t\tcx + xx * cp2x + yx * cp2y, cy + xy * cp2x + yy * cp2y,\n\t\t\t\t(sx = (cx + xx * x + yx * y)), (sy = (cy + xy * x + yy * y))\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\n\tonClose: function(sx, sy, ex, ey){\n\t\tthis.onLine(sx, sy, ex, ey);\n\t}\n\n});","var Class = require('./class');\n\nfunction Transform(xx, yx, xy, yy, x, y){\n\tif (xx && typeof xx == 'object'){\n\t\tyx = xx.yx; yy = xx.yy; y = xx.y;\n\t\txy = xx.xy; x = xx.x; xx = xx.xx;\n\t}\n\tthis.xx = xx == null ? 1 : xx;\n\tthis.yx = yx || 0;\n\tthis.xy = xy || 0;\n\tthis.yy = yy == null ? 1 : yy;\n\tthis.x = (x == null ? this.x : x) || 0;\n\tthis.y = (y == null ? this.y : y) || 0;\n\tthis._transform();\n\treturn this;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Class({\n\n\tinitialize: Transform,\n\n\t_transform: function(){},\n\n\txx: 1, yx: 0, x: 0,\n\txy: 0, yy: 1, y: 0,\n\n\ttransform: function(xx, yx, xy, yy, x, y){\n\t\tvar m = this;\n\t\tif (xx && typeof xx == 'object'){\n\t\t\tyx = xx.yx; yy = xx.yy; y = xx.y;\n\t\t\txy = xx.xy; x = xx.x; xx = xx.xx;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!x) x = 0;\n\t\tif (!y) y = 0;\n\t\treturn this.transformTo(\n\t\t\tm.xx * xx + m.xy * yx,\n\t\t\tm.yx * xx + m.yy * yx,\n\t\t\tm.xx * xy + m.xy * yy,\n\t\t\tm.yx * xy + m.yy * yy,\n\t\t\tm.xx * x + m.xy * y + m.x,\n\t\t\tm.yx * x + m.yy * y + m.y\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\n\ttransformTo: Transform,\n\n\ttranslate: function(x, y){\n\t\treturn this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);\n\t},\n\n\tmove: function(x, y){\n\t\tthis.x += x || 0;\n\t\tthis.y += y || 0;\n\t\tthis._transform();\n\t\treturn this;\n\t},\n\n\tscale: function(x, y){\n\t\tif (y == null) y = x;\n\t\treturn this.transform(x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0);\n\t},\n\n\trotate: function(deg, x, y){\n\t\tif (x == null || y == null){\n\t\t\tx = (this.left || 0) + (this.width || 0) / 2;\n\t\t\ty = ( || 0) + (this.height || 0) / 2;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar rad = deg * Math.PI / 180, sin = Math.sin(rad), cos = Math.cos(rad);\n\n\t\tthis.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);\n\t\tvar m = this;\n\n\t\treturn this.transformTo(\n\t\t\tcos * m.xx - sin * m.yx,\n\t\t\tsin * m.xx + cos * m.yx,\n\t\t\tcos * m.xy - sin * m.yy,\n\t\t\tsin * m.xy + cos * m.yy,\n\t\t\tm.x,\n\t\t\tm.y\n\t\t).transform(1, 0, 0, 1, -x, -y);\n\t},\n\n\tmoveTo: function(x, y){\n\t\tvar m = this;\n\t\treturn this.transformTo(m.xx, m.yx, m.xy, m.yy, x, y);\n\t},\n\n\trotateTo: function(deg, x, y){\n\t\tvar m = this;\n\t\tvar flip = m.yx / m.xx > m.yy / m.xy ? -1 : 1;\n\t\tif (m.xx < 0 ? m.xy >= 0 : m.xy < 0) flip = -flip;\n\t\treturn this.rotate(deg - Math.atan2(flip * m.yx, flip * m.xx) * 180 / Math.PI, x, y);\n\t},\n\n\tscaleTo: function(x, y){\n\t\t// Normalize\n\t\tvar m = this;\n\n\t\tvar h = Math.sqrt(m.xx * m.xx + m.yx * m.yx);\n\t\tm.xx /= h; m.yx /= h;\n\n\t\th = Math.sqrt(m.yy * m.yy + m.xy * m.xy);\n\t\tm.yy /= h; m.xy /= h;\n\n\t\treturn this.scale(x, y);\n\t},\n\n\tresizeTo: function(width, height){\n\t\tvar w = this.width, h = this.height;\n\t\tif (!w || !h) return this;\n\t\treturn this.scaleTo(width / w, height / h);\n\t},\n\n\t/*\n\tinverse: function(){\n\t\tvar a = this.xx, b = this.yx,\n\t\t\tc = this.xy, d = this.yy,\n\t\t\te = this.x, f = this.y;\n\t\tif (a * d - b * c == 0) return null;\n\t\treturn new Transform(\n\t\t\td/(a * d-b * c), b/(b * c-a * d),\n\t\t\tc/(b * c-a * d), a/(a * d-b * c),\n\t\t\t(d * e-c * f)/(b * c-a * d), (b * e-a * f)/(a * d-b * c)\n\t\t);\n\t},\n\t*/\n\n\tinversePoint: function(x, y){\n\t\tvar a = this.xx, b = this.yx,\n\t\t\tc = this.xy, d = this.yy,\n\t\t\te = this.x, f = this.y;\n\t\tvar det = b * c - a * d;\n\t\tif (det == 0) return null;\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tx: (d * (e - x) + c * (y - f)) / det,\n\t\t\ty: (a * (f - y) + b * (x - e)) / det\n\t\t};\n\t},\n\n\tpoint: function(x, y){\n\t\tvar m = this;\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tx: m.xx * x + m.xy * y + m.x,\n\t\t\ty: m.yx * x + m.yy * y + m.y\n\t\t};\n\t}\t\n\n});\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst ReactNativeStyleAttributes = require('./ReactNativeStyleAttributes');\n\nconst UIView = {\n pointerEvents: true,\n accessible: true,\n accessibilityActions: true,\n accessibilityLabel: true,\n accessibilityLiveRegion: true,\n accessibilityRole: true,\n accessibilityStates: true,\n accessibilityState: true,\n accessibilityHint: true,\n importantForAccessibility: true,\n nativeID: true,\n testID: true,\n renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: true,\n shouldRasterizeIOS: true,\n onLayout: true,\n onAccessibilityAction: true,\n onAccessibilityTap: true,\n onMagicTap: true,\n onAccessibilityEscape: true,\n collapsable: true,\n needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: true,\n style: ReactNativeStyleAttributes,\n};\n\nconst RCTView = {\n ...UIView,\n\n // This is a special performance property exposed by RCTView and useful for\n // scrolling content when there are many subviews, most of which are offscreen.\n // For this property to be effective, it must be applied to a view that contains\n // many subviews that extend outside its bound. The subviews must also have\n // overflow: hidden, as should the containing view (or one of its superviews).\n removeClippedSubviews: true,\n};\n\nconst ReactNativeViewAttributes = {\n UIView: UIView,\n RCTView: RCTView,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ReactNativeViewAttributes;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nconst mergeInto = require('./mergeInto');\n\n/**\n * Shallow merges two structures into a return value, without mutating either.\n *\n * @param {?object} one Optional object with properties to merge from.\n * @param {?object} two Optional object with properties to merge from.\n * @return {object} The shallow extension of one by two.\n */\nconst merge = function(one, two) {\n const result = {};\n mergeInto(result, one);\n mergeInto(result, two);\n return result;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = merge;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar mergeHelpers = require('./mergeHelpers');\n\nvar checkMergeObjectArg = mergeHelpers.checkMergeObjectArg;\nvar checkMergeIntoObjectArg = mergeHelpers.checkMergeIntoObjectArg;\n\n/**\n * Shallow merges two structures by mutating the first parameter.\n *\n * @param {object|function} one Object to be merged into.\n * @param {?object} two Optional object with properties to merge from.\n */\nfunction mergeInto(one, two) {\n checkMergeIntoObjectArg(one);\n if (two != null) {\n checkMergeObjectArg(two);\n for (var key in two) {\n if (!, key)) {\n continue;\n }\n one[key] = two[key];\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = mergeInto;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n *\n * requiresPolyfills: Array.isArray\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * Maximum number of levels to traverse. Will catch circular structures.\n * @const\n */\nconst MAX_MERGE_DEPTH = 36;\n\n/**\n * We won't worry about edge cases like new String('x') or new Boolean(true).\n * Functions and Dates are considered terminals, and arrays are not.\n * @param {*} o The item/object/value to test.\n * @return {boolean} true iff the argument is a terminal.\n */\nconst isTerminal = function(o) {\n return typeof o !== 'object' || o instanceof Date || o === null;\n};\n\nconst mergeHelpers = {\n MAX_MERGE_DEPTH: MAX_MERGE_DEPTH,\n\n isTerminal: isTerminal,\n\n /**\n * Converts null/undefined values into empty object.\n *\n * @param {?Object=} arg Argument to be normalized (nullable optional)\n * @return {!Object}\n */\n normalizeMergeArg: function(arg) {\n return arg === undefined || arg === null ? {} : arg;\n },\n\n /**\n * If merging Arrays, a merge strategy *must* be supplied. If not, it is\n * likely the caller's fault. If this function is ever called with anything\n * but `one` and `two` being `Array`s, it is the fault of the merge utilities.\n *\n * @param {*} one Array to merge into.\n * @param {*} two Array to merge from.\n */\n checkMergeArrayArgs: function(one, two) {\n invariant(\n Array.isArray(one) && Array.isArray(two),\n 'Tried to merge arrays, instead got %s and %s.',\n one,\n two,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {*} one Object to merge into.\n * @param {*} two Object to merge from.\n */\n checkMergeObjectArgs: function(one, two) {\n mergeHelpers.checkMergeObjectArg(one);\n mergeHelpers.checkMergeObjectArg(two);\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {*} arg\n */\n checkMergeObjectArg: function(arg) {\n invariant(\n !isTerminal(arg) && !Array.isArray(arg),\n 'Tried to merge an object, instead got %s.',\n arg,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {*} arg\n */\n checkMergeIntoObjectArg: function(arg) {\n invariant(\n (!isTerminal(arg) || typeof arg === 'function') && !Array.isArray(arg),\n 'Tried to merge into an object, instead got %s.',\n arg,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks that a merge was not given a circular object or an object that had\n * too great of depth.\n *\n * @param {number} Level of recursion to validate against maximum.\n */\n checkMergeLevel: function(level) {\n invariant(\n level < MAX_MERGE_DEPTH,\n 'Maximum deep merge depth exceeded. You may be attempting to merge ' +\n 'circular structures in an unsupported way.',\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks that the supplied merge strategy is valid.\n *\n * @param {string} Array merge strategy.\n */\n checkArrayStrategy: function(strategy) {\n invariant(\n strategy === undefined || strategy in mergeHelpers.ArrayStrategies,\n 'You must provide an array strategy to deep merge functions to ' +\n 'instruct the deep merge how to resolve merging two arrays.',\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Set of possible behaviors of merge algorithms when encountering two Arrays\n * that must be merged together.\n * - `clobber`: The left `Array` is ignored.\n * - `indexByIndex`: The result is achieved by recursively deep merging at\n * each index. (not yet supported.)\n */\n ArrayStrategies: {\n Clobber: 'Clobber',\n Concat: 'Concat',\n IndexByIndex: 'IndexByIndex',\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = mergeHelpers;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst Text = require('../Text/Text');\nconst TouchableNativeFeedback = require('./Touchable/TouchableNativeFeedback');\nconst TouchableOpacity = require('./Touchable/TouchableOpacity');\nconst View = require('./View/View');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\ntype ButtonProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Text to display inside the button\n */\n title: string,\n\n /**\n * Handler to be called when the user taps the button\n */\n onPress: (event?: PressEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * If true, doesn't play system sound on touch (Android Only)\n **/\n touchSoundDisabled?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Color of the text (iOS), or background color of the button (Android)\n */\n color?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * TV preferred focus (see documentation for the View component).\n */\n hasTVPreferredFocus?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * TV next focus down (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusDown?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * TV next focus forward (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusForward?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * TV next focus left (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusLeft?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * TV next focus right (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusRight?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * TV next focus up (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusUp?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * Text to display for blindness accessibility features\n */\n accessibilityLabel?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * If true, disable all interactions for this component.\n */\n disabled?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.\n */\n testID?: ?string,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * A basic button component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports\n * a minimal level of customization.\n *\n *
\n *\n * If this button doesn't look right for your app, you can build your own\n * button using [TouchableOpacity](docs/touchableopacity.html)\n * or [TouchableNativeFeedback](docs/touchablenativefeedback.html).\n * For inspiration, look at the [source code for this button component](\n * Or, take a look at the [wide variety of button components built by the community](\n *\n * Example usage:\n *\n * ```\n * import { Button } from 'react-native';\n * ...\n *\n * \n * ```\n *\n */\n\nclass Button extends React.Component {\n render(): React.Node {\n const {\n accessibilityLabel,\n color,\n onPress,\n touchSoundDisabled,\n title,\n hasTVPreferredFocus,\n nextFocusDown,\n nextFocusForward,\n nextFocusLeft,\n nextFocusRight,\n nextFocusUp,\n disabled,\n testID,\n } = this.props;\n const buttonStyles = [styles.button];\n const textStyles = [styles.text];\n if (color) {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n textStyles.push({color: color});\n } else {\n buttonStyles.push({backgroundColor: color});\n }\n }\n const accessibilityStates = [];\n if (disabled) {\n buttonStyles.push(styles.buttonDisabled);\n textStyles.push(styles.textDisabled);\n accessibilityStates.push('disabled');\n }\n invariant(\n typeof title === 'string',\n 'The title prop of a Button must be a string',\n );\n const formattedTitle =\n Platform.OS === 'android' ? title.toUpperCase() : title;\n const Touchable =\n Platform.OS === 'android' ? TouchableNativeFeedback : TouchableOpacity;\n return (\n \n \n \n {formattedTitle}\n \n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n button:{\n ios: {},\n android: {\n elevation: 4,\n // Material design blue from\n backgroundColor: '#2196F3',\n borderRadius: 2,\n },\n }),\n text: {\n textAlign: 'center',\n padding: 8,\n{\n ios: {\n // iOS blue from\n color: '#007AFF',\n fontSize: 18,\n },\n android: {\n color: 'white',\n fontWeight: '500',\n },\n }),\n },\n buttonDisabled:{\n ios: {},\n android: {\n elevation: 0,\n backgroundColor: '#dfdfdf',\n },\n }),\n textDisabled:{\n ios: {\n color: '#cdcdcd',\n },\n android: {\n color: '#a1a1a1',\n },\n }),\n});\n\nmodule.exports = Button;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedTextPropTypes = require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedTextPropTypes');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNativeViewAttributes = require('../Components/View/ReactNativeViewAttributes');\nconst TextAncestor = require('./TextAncestor');\nconst Touchable = require('../Components/Touchable/Touchable');\nconst UIManager = require('../ReactNative/UIManager');\n\nconst createReactNativeComponentClass = require('../Renderer/shims/createReactNativeComponentClass');\nconst nullthrows = require('nullthrows');\nconst processColor = require('../StyleSheet/processColor');\n\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {NativeComponent} from '../Renderer/shims/ReactNative';\nimport type {PressRetentionOffset, TextProps} from './TextProps';\n\ntype ResponseHandlers = $ReadOnly<{|\n onStartShouldSetResponder: () => boolean,\n onResponderGrant: (event: PressEvent, dispatchID: string) => void,\n onResponderMove: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderRelease: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderTerminate: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderTerminationRequest: () => boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...TextProps,\n forwardedRef: ?React.Ref<'RCTText' | 'RCTVirtualText'>,\n|}>;\n\ntype State = {|\n touchable: {|\n touchState: ?string,\n responderID: ?number,\n |},\n isHighlighted: boolean,\n createResponderHandlers: () => ResponseHandlers,\n responseHandlers: ?ResponseHandlers,\n|};\n\nconst PRESS_RECT_OFFSET = {top: 20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30};\n\nconst viewConfig = {\n validAttributes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewAttributes.UIView,\n isHighlighted: true,\n numberOfLines: true,\n ellipsizeMode: true,\n allowFontScaling: true,\n maxFontSizeMultiplier: true,\n disabled: true,\n selectable: true,\n selectionColor: true,\n adjustsFontSizeToFit: true,\n minimumFontScale: true,\n textBreakStrategy: true,\n onTextLayout: true,\n onInlineViewLayout: true,\n dataDetectorType: true,\n },\n directEventTypes: {\n topTextLayout: {\n registrationName: 'onTextLayout',\n },\n topInlineViewLayout: {\n registrationName: 'onInlineViewLayout',\n },\n },\n uiViewClassName: 'RCTText',\n};\n\n/**\n * A React component for displaying text.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass TouchableText extends React.Component {\n static defaultProps = {\n accessible: true,\n allowFontScaling: true,\n ellipsizeMode: 'tail',\n };\n\n touchableGetPressRectOffset: ?() => PressRetentionOffset;\n touchableHandleActivePressIn: ?() => void;\n touchableHandleActivePressOut: ?() => void;\n touchableHandleLongPress: ?(event: PressEvent) => void;\n touchableHandlePress: ?(event: PressEvent) => void;\n touchableHandleResponderGrant: ?(\n event: PressEvent,\n dispatchID: string,\n ) => void;\n touchableHandleResponderMove: ?(event: PressEvent) => void;\n touchableHandleResponderRelease: ?(event: PressEvent) => void;\n touchableHandleResponderTerminate: ?(event: PressEvent) => void;\n touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest: ?() => boolean;\n\n state = {\n ...Touchable.Mixin.touchableGetInitialState(),\n isHighlighted: false,\n createResponderHandlers: this._createResponseHandlers.bind(this),\n responseHandlers: null,\n };\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(\n nextProps: Props,\n prevState: State,\n ): $Shape | null {\n return prevState.responseHandlers == null && isTouchable(nextProps)\n ? {\n responseHandlers: prevState.createResponderHandlers(),\n }\n : null;\n }\n\n static viewConfig = viewConfig;\n\n render(): React.Node {\n let props = this.props;\n if (isTouchable(props)) {\n props = {\n ...props,\n ...this.state.responseHandlers,\n isHighlighted: this.state.isHighlighted,\n };\n }\n if (props.selectionColor != null) {\n props = {\n ...props,\n selectionColor: processColor(props.selectionColor),\n };\n }\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (Touchable.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG && props.onPress != null) {\n props = {\n ...props,\n style: [, {color: 'magenta'}],\n };\n }\n }\n return (\n \n {hasTextAncestor =>\n hasTextAncestor ? (\n \n ) : (\n \n \n \n )\n }\n \n );\n }\n\n _createResponseHandlers(): ResponseHandlers {\n return {\n onStartShouldSetResponder: (): boolean => {\n const {onStartShouldSetResponder} = this.props;\n const shouldSetResponder =\n (onStartShouldSetResponder == null\n ? false\n : onStartShouldSetResponder()) || isTouchable(this.props);\n\n if (shouldSetResponder) {\n this._attachTouchHandlers();\n }\n return shouldSetResponder;\n },\n onResponderGrant: (event: PressEvent, dispatchID: string): void => {\n nullthrows(this.touchableHandleResponderGrant)(event, dispatchID);\n if (this.props.onResponderGrant != null) {\n, event, dispatchID);\n }\n },\n onResponderMove: (event: PressEvent): void => {\n nullthrows(this.touchableHandleResponderMove)(event);\n if (this.props.onResponderMove != null) {\n, event);\n }\n },\n onResponderRelease: (event: PressEvent): void => {\n nullthrows(this.touchableHandleResponderRelease)(event);\n if (this.props.onResponderRelease != null) {\n, event);\n }\n },\n onResponderTerminate: (event: PressEvent): void => {\n nullthrows(this.touchableHandleResponderTerminate)(event);\n if (this.props.onResponderTerminate != null) {\n, event);\n }\n },\n onResponderTerminationRequest: (): boolean => {\n const {onResponderTerminationRequest} = this.props;\n if (!nullthrows(this.touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest)()) {\n return false;\n }\n if (onResponderTerminationRequest == null) {\n return true;\n }\n return onResponderTerminationRequest();\n },\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Lazily attaches Touchable.Mixin handlers.\n */\n _attachTouchHandlers(): void {\n if (this.touchableGetPressRectOffset != null) {\n return;\n }\n for (const key in Touchable.Mixin) {\n if (typeof Touchable.Mixin[key] === 'function') {\n (this: any)[key] = Touchable.Mixin[key].bind(this);\n }\n }\n this.touchableHandleActivePressIn = (): void => {\n if (!this.props.suppressHighlighting && isTouchable(this.props)) {\n this.setState({isHighlighted: true});\n }\n };\n this.touchableHandleActivePressOut = (): void => {\n if (!this.props.suppressHighlighting && isTouchable(this.props)) {\n this.setState({isHighlighted: false});\n }\n };\n this.touchableHandlePress = (event: PressEvent): void => {\n if (this.props.onPress != null) {\n this.props.onPress(event);\n }\n };\n this.touchableHandleLongPress = (event: PressEvent): void => {\n if (this.props.onLongPress != null) {\n this.props.onLongPress(event);\n }\n };\n this.touchableGetPressRectOffset = (): PressRetentionOffset =>\n this.props.pressRetentionOffset == null\n ? PRESS_RECT_OFFSET\n : this.props.pressRetentionOffset;\n }\n}\n\nconst isTouchable = (props: Props): boolean =>\n props.onPress != null ||\n props.onLongPress != null ||\n props.onStartShouldSetResponder != null;\n\nconst RCTText = createReactNativeComponentClass(\n viewConfig.uiViewClassName,\n () => viewConfig,\n);\n\nconst RCTVirtualText =\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('RCTVirtualText') == null\n ? RCTText\n : createReactNativeComponentClass('RCTVirtualText', () => ({\n validAttributes: {\n ...ReactNativeViewAttributes.UIView,\n isHighlighted: true,\n maxFontSizeMultiplier: true,\n },\n uiViewClassName: 'RCTVirtualText',\n }));\n\nconst Text = (\n props: TextProps,\n forwardedRef: ?React.Ref<'RCTText' | 'RCTVirtualText'>,\n) => {\n return ;\n};\nconst TextToExport = React.forwardRef(Text);\nTextToExport.displayName = 'Text';\n\n// TODO: Deprecate this.\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\nTextToExport.propTypes = DeprecatedTextPropTypes;\n\nmodule.exports = ((TextToExport: $FlowFixMe): Class<\n NativeComponent,\n>);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('./DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType = require('./DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType');\nconst DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType = require('./DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes = require('./DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes');\n\nconst stylePropType: ReactPropsCheckType = DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType(\n DeprecatedTextStylePropTypes,\n);\n\nconst DataDetectorTypes = ['phoneNumber', 'link', 'email', 'none', 'all'];\n\nmodule.exports = {\n /**\n * When `numberOfLines` is set, this prop defines how text will be\n * truncated.\n *\n * See\n */\n ellipsizeMode: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'head',\n 'middle',\n 'tail',\n 'clip',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'head' | 'middle' | 'tail' | 'clip'>),\n /**\n * Used to truncate the text with an ellipsis.\n *\n * See\n */\n numberOfLines: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Set text break strategy on Android.\n *\n * See\n */\n textBreakStrategy: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'simple',\n 'highQuality',\n 'balanced',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'simple' | 'highQuality' | 'balanced'>),\n /**\n * Invoked on mount and layout changes.\n *\n * See\n */\n onLayout: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * This function is called on press.\n *\n * See\n */\n onPress: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * This function is called on long press.\n *\n * See\n */\n onLongPress: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Defines how far your touch may move off of the button, before\n * deactivating the button.\n *\n * See\n */\n pressRetentionOffset: DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType,\n /**\n * Lets the user select text.\n *\n * See\n */\n selectable: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * The highlight color of the text.\n *\n * See\n */\n selectionColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n /**\n * When `true`, no visual change is made when text is pressed down.\n *\n * See\n */\n suppressHighlighting: PropTypes.bool,\n style: stylePropType,\n /**\n * Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.\n *\n * See\n */\n testID: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * Used to locate this view from native code.\n *\n * See\n */\n nativeID: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * Whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings.\n *\n * See\n */\n allowFontScaling: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Specifies largest possible scale a font can reach when `allowFontScaling` is enabled.\n * Possible values:\n * `null/undefined` (default): inherit from the parent node or the global default (0)\n * `0`: no max, ignore parent/global default\n * `>= 1`: sets the maxFontSizeMultiplier of this node to this value\n */\n maxFontSizeMultiplier: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Indicates whether the view is an accessibility element.\n *\n * See\n */\n accessible: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Whether font should be scaled down automatically.\n *\n * See\n */\n adjustsFontSizeToFit: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Smallest possible scale a font can reach.\n *\n * See\n */\n minimumFontScale: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Specifies the disabled state of the text view for testing purposes.\n *\n * See\n */\n disabled: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in text.\n *\n * See\n */\n dataDetectorType: (PropTypes.oneOf(\n DataDetectorTypes,\n ): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'phoneNumber' | 'link' | 'email' | 'none' | 'all',\n >),\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType: React$PropType$Primitive<{\n bottom?: number,\n left?: number,\n right?: number,\n top?: number,\n}> = PropTypes.shape({\n top: PropTypes.number,\n left: PropTypes.number,\n bottom: PropTypes.number,\n right: PropTypes.number,\n});\n\nmodule.exports = DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst deprecatedCreateStrictShapeTypeChecker = require('./deprecatedCreateStrictShapeTypeChecker');\nconst flattenStyle = require('../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\n\nfunction DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType(shape: {\n [key: string]: ReactPropsCheckType,\n}): ReactPropsCheckType {\n const shapePropType = deprecatedCreateStrictShapeTypeChecker(shape);\n return function(props, propName, componentName, location?, {\n let newProps = props;\n if (props[propName]) {\n // Just make a dummy prop object with only the flattened style\n newProps = {};\n newProps[propName] = flattenStyle(props[propName]);\n }\n return shapePropType(newProps, propName, componentName, location,;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst merge = require('../vendor/core/merge');\n\nfunction deprecatedCreateStrictShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes: {\n [key: string]: ReactPropsCheckType,\n}): ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker {\n function checkType(\n isRequired,\n props,\n propName,\n componentName,\n location?,\n\n ) {\n if (!props[propName]) {\n if (isRequired) {\n invariant(\n false,\n `Required object \\`${propName}\\` was not specified in ` +\n `\\`${componentName}\\`.`,\n );\n }\n return;\n }\n const propValue = props[propName];\n const propType = typeof propValue;\n const locationName = location || '(unknown)';\n if (propType !== 'object') {\n invariant(\n false,\n `Invalid ${locationName} \\`${propName}\\` of type \\`${propType}\\` ` +\n `supplied to \\`${componentName}\\`, expected \\`object\\`.`,\n );\n }\n // We need to check all keys in case some are required but missing from\n // props.\n const allKeys = merge(props[propName], shapeTypes);\n for (const key in allKeys) {\n const checker = shapeTypes[key];\n if (!checker) {\n invariant(\n false,\n `Invalid props.${propName} key \\`${key}\\` supplied to \\`${componentName}\\`.` +\n '\\nBad object: ' +\n JSON.stringify(props[propName], null, ' ') +\n '\\nValid keys: ' +\n JSON.stringify(Object.keys(shapeTypes), null, ' '),\n );\n }\n const error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location,;\n if (error) {\n invariant(\n false,\n error.message +\n '\\nBad object: ' +\n JSON.stringify(props[propName], null, ' '),\n );\n }\n }\n }\n function chainedCheckType(\n props: {[key: string]: any},\n propName: string,\n componentName: string,\n location?: string,\n\n ): ?Error {\n return checkType(false, props, propName, componentName, location,;\n }\n chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);\n return chainedCheckType;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = deprecatedCreateStrictShapeTypeChecker;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\n\n/**\n * Whether the current element is the descendant of a element.\n */\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.85.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.85 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\nmodule.exports = (React.createContext(false): React$Context<$FlowFixMe>);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst BoundingDimensions = require('./BoundingDimensions');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst Position = require('./Position');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst TVEventHandler = require('../AppleTV/TVEventHandler');\nconst UIManager = require('../../ReactNative/UIManager');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nconst keyMirror = require('fbjs/lib/keyMirror');\nconst normalizeColor = require('../../Color/normalizeColor');\n\nimport type {EdgeInsetsProp} from '../../StyleSheet/EdgeInsetsPropType';\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\nconst extractSingleTouch = nativeEvent => {\n const touches = nativeEvent.touches;\n const changedTouches = nativeEvent.changedTouches;\n const hasTouches = touches && touches.length > 0;\n const hasChangedTouches = changedTouches && changedTouches.length > 0;\n\n return !hasTouches && hasChangedTouches\n ? changedTouches[0]\n : hasTouches\n ? touches[0]\n : nativeEvent;\n};\n\n/**\n * `Touchable`: Taps done right.\n *\n * You hook your `ResponderEventPlugin` events into `Touchable`. `Touchable`\n * will measure time/geometry and tells you when to give feedback to the user.\n *\n * ====================== Touchable Tutorial ===============================\n * The `Touchable` mixin helps you handle the \"press\" interaction. It analyzes\n * the geometry of elements, and observes when another responder (scroll view\n * etc) has stolen the touch lock. It notifies your component when it should\n * give feedback to the user. (bouncing/highlighting/unhighlighting).\n *\n * - When a touch was activated (typically you highlight)\n * - When a touch was deactivated (typically you unhighlight)\n * - When a touch was \"pressed\" - a touch ended while still within the geometry\n * of the element, and no other element (like scroller) has \"stolen\" touch\n * lock (\"responder\") (Typically you bounce the element).\n *\n * A good tap interaction isn't as simple as you might think. There should be a\n * slight delay before showing a highlight when starting a touch. If a\n * subsequent touch move exceeds the boundary of the element, it should\n * unhighlight, but if that same touch is brought back within the boundary, it\n * should rehighlight again. A touch can move in and out of that boundary\n * several times, each time toggling highlighting, but a \"press\" is only\n * triggered if that touch ends while within the element's boundary and no\n * scroller (or anything else) has stolen the lock on touches.\n *\n * To create a new type of component that handles interaction using the\n * `Touchable` mixin, do the following:\n *\n * - Initialize the `Touchable` state.\n *\n * getInitialState: function() {\n * return merge(this.touchableGetInitialState(), yourComponentState);\n * }\n *\n * - Choose the rendered component who's touches should start the interactive\n * sequence. On that rendered node, forward all `Touchable` responder\n * handlers. You can choose any rendered node you like. Choose a node whose\n * hit target you'd like to instigate the interaction sequence:\n *\n * // In render function:\n * return (\n * \n * \n * Even though the hit detection/interactions are triggered by the\n * wrapping (typically larger) node, we usually end up implementing\n * custom logic that highlights this inner one.\n * \n *
\n * );\n *\n * - You may set up your own handlers for each of these events, so long as you\n * also invoke the `touchable*` handlers inside of your custom handler.\n *\n * - Implement the handlers on your component class in order to provide\n * feedback to the user. See documentation for each of these class methods\n * that you should implement.\n *\n * touchableHandlePress: function() {\n * this.performBounceAnimation(); // or whatever you want to do.\n * },\n * touchableHandleActivePressIn: function() {\n * this.beginHighlighting(...); // Whatever you like to convey activation\n * },\n * touchableHandleActivePressOut: function() {\n * this.endHighlighting(...); // Whatever you like to convey deactivation\n * },\n *\n * - There are more advanced methods you can implement (see documentation below):\n * touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function() {\n * return 20;\n * }\n * // In practice, *always* use a predeclared constant (conserve memory).\n * touchableGetPressRectOffset: function() {\n * return {top: 20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 100};\n * }\n */\n\n/**\n * Touchable states.\n */\n\nconst States = keyMirror({\n NOT_RESPONDER: null, // Not the responder\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN: null, // Responder, inactive, in the `PressRect`\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: null, // Responder, inactive, out of `PressRect`\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN: null, // Responder, active, in the `PressRect`\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: null, // Responder, active, out of `PressRect`\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN: null, // Responder, active, in the `PressRect`, after long press threshold\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT: null, // Responder, active, out of `PressRect`, after long press threshold\n ERROR: null,\n});\n\ntype State =\n | typeof States.NOT_RESPONDER\n | typeof States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN\n | typeof States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT\n | typeof States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN\n | typeof States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT\n | typeof States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN\n | typeof States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT\n | typeof States.ERROR;\n\n/*\n * Quick lookup map for states that are considered to be \"active\"\n */\n\nconst baseStatesConditions = {\n NOT_RESPONDER: false,\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN: false,\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: false,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN: false,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: false,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN: false,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT: false,\n ERROR: false,\n};\n\nconst IsActive = {\n ...baseStatesConditions,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: true,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN: true,\n};\n\n/**\n * Quick lookup for states that are considered to be \"pressing\" and are\n * therefore eligible to result in a \"selection\" if the press stops.\n */\nconst IsPressingIn = {\n ...baseStatesConditions,\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN: true,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN: true,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN: true,\n};\n\nconst IsLongPressingIn = {\n ...baseStatesConditions,\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN: true,\n};\n\n/**\n * Inputs to the state machine.\n */\nconst Signals = keyMirror({\n DELAY: null,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: null,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: null,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: null,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: null,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: null,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: null,\n});\n\ntype Signal =\n | typeof Signals.DELAY\n | typeof Signals.RESPONDER_GRANT\n | typeof Signals.RESPONDER_RELEASE\n | typeof Signals.RESPONDER_TERMINATED\n | typeof Signals.ENTER_PRESS_RECT\n | typeof Signals.LEAVE_PRESS_RECT\n | typeof Signals.LONG_PRESS_DETECTED;\n\n/**\n * Mapping from States x Signals => States\n */\nconst Transitions = {\n NOT_RESPONDER: {\n DELAY: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.ERROR,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.ERROR,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.ERROR,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.ERROR,\n },\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN: {\n DELAY: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.ERROR,\n },\n RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: {\n DELAY: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.ERROR,\n },\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN: {\n DELAY: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN,\n },\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT: {\n DELAY: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.ERROR,\n },\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN: {\n DELAY: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN,\n },\n RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT: {\n DELAY: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.ERROR,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.ERROR,\n },\n error: {\n DELAY: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_GRANT: States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN,\n RESPONDER_RELEASE: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n RESPONDER_TERMINATED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n ENTER_PRESS_RECT: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n LEAVE_PRESS_RECT: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n LONG_PRESS_DETECTED: States.NOT_RESPONDER,\n },\n};\n\n// ==== Typical Constants for integrating into UI components ====\n// var HIT_EXPAND_PX = 20;\n// var HIT_VERT_OFFSET_PX = 10;\nconst HIGHLIGHT_DELAY_MS = 130;\n\nconst PRESS_EXPAND_PX = 20;\n\nconst LONG_PRESS_THRESHOLD = 500;\n\nconst LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MS = LONG_PRESS_THRESHOLD - HIGHLIGHT_DELAY_MS;\n\nconst LONG_PRESS_ALLOWED_MOVEMENT = 10;\n\n// Default amount \"active\" region protrudes beyond box\n\n/**\n * By convention, methods prefixed with underscores are meant to be @private,\n * and not @protected. Mixers shouldn't access them - not even to provide them\n * as callback handlers.\n *\n *\n * ========== Geometry =========\n * `Touchable` only assumes that there exists a `HitRect` node. The `PressRect`\n * is an abstract box that is extended beyond the `HitRect`.\n *\n * +--------------------------+\n * | | - \"Start\" events in `HitRect` cause `HitRect`\n * | +--------------------+ | to become the responder.\n * | | +--------------+ | | - `HitRect` is typically expanded around\n * | | | | | | the `VisualRect`, but shifted downward.\n * | | | VisualRect | | | - After pressing down, after some delay,\n * | | | | | | and before letting up, the Visual React\n * | | +--------------+ | | will become \"active\". This makes it eligible\n * | | HitRect | | for being highlighted (so long as the\n * | +--------------------+ | press remains in the `PressRect`).\n * | PressRect o |\n * +----------------------|---+\n * Out Region |\n * +-----+ This gap between the `HitRect` and\n * `PressRect` allows a touch to move far away\n * from the original hit rect, and remain\n * highlighted, and eligible for a \"Press\".\n * Customize this via\n * `touchableGetPressRectOffset()`.\n *\n *\n *\n * ======= State Machine =======\n *\n * +-------------+ <---+ RESPONDER_RELEASE\n * |NOT_RESPONDER|\n * +-------------+ <---+ RESPONDER_TERMINATED\n * +\n * | RESPONDER_GRANT (HitRect)\n * v\n * +---------------------------+ DELAY +-------------------------+ T + DELAY +------------------------------+\n * |RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN|+-------->|RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN| +------------> |RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN|\n * +---------------------------+ +-------------------------+ +------------------------------+\n * + ^ + ^ + ^\n * |LEAVE_ |ENTER_ |LEAVE_ |ENTER_ |LEAVE_ |ENTER_\n * |PRESS_RECT |PRESS_RECT |PRESS_RECT |PRESS_RECT |PRESS_RECT |PRESS_RECT\n * | | | | | |\n * v + v + v +\n * +----------------------------+ DELAY +--------------------------+ +-------------------------------+\n * |RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_OUT|+------->|RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_OUT| |RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_OUT|\n * +----------------------------+ +--------------------------+ +-------------------------------+\n *\n * T + DELAY => LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MS + DELAY\n *\n * Not drawn are the side effects of each transition. The most important side\n * effect is the `touchableHandlePress` abstract method invocation that occurs\n * when a responder is released while in either of the \"Press\" states.\n *\n * The other important side effects are the highlight abstract method\n * invocations (internal callbacks) to be implemented by the mixer.\n *\n *\n * @lends Touchable.prototype\n */\nconst TouchableMixin = {\n componentDidMount: function() {\n if (!Platform.isTV) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._tvEventHandler = new TVEventHandler();\n this._tvEventHandler.enable(this, function(cmp, evt) {\n const myTag = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(cmp);\n evt.dispatchConfig = {};\n if (myTag === evt.tag) {\n if (evt.eventType === 'focus') {\n cmp.touchableHandleFocus(evt);\n } else if (evt.eventType === 'blur') {\n cmp.touchableHandleBlur(evt);\n } else if (evt.eventType === 'select') {\n cmp.touchableHandlePress &&\n !cmp.props.disabled &&\n cmp.touchableHandlePress(evt);\n }\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Clear all timeouts on unmount\n */\n componentWillUnmount: function() {\n if (this._tvEventHandler) {\n this._tvEventHandler.disable();\n delete this._tvEventHandler;\n }\n this.touchableDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.touchableDelayTimeout);\n this.longPressDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.longPressDelayTimeout);\n this.pressOutDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.pressOutDelayTimeout);\n },\n\n /**\n * It's prefer that mixins determine state in this way, having the class\n * explicitly mix the state in the one and only `getInitialState` method.\n *\n * @return {object} State object to be placed inside of\n * `this.state.touchable`.\n */\n touchableGetInitialState: function(): $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n touchable: $TEMPORARY$object<{|responderID: null, touchState: void|}>,\n |}> {\n return {\n touchable: {touchState: undefined, responderID: null},\n };\n },\n\n // ==== Hooks to Gesture Responder system ====\n /**\n * Must return true if embedded in a native platform scroll view.\n */\n touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest: function(): any {\n return !this.props.rejectResponderTermination;\n },\n\n /**\n * Must return true to start the process of `Touchable`.\n */\n touchableHandleStartShouldSetResponder: function(): any {\n return !this.props.disabled;\n },\n\n /**\n * Return true to cancel press on long press.\n */\n touchableLongPressCancelsPress: function(): boolean {\n return true;\n },\n\n /**\n * Place as callback for a DOM element's `onResponderGrant` event.\n * @param {SyntheticEvent} e Synthetic event from event system.\n *\n */\n touchableHandleResponderGrant: function(e: PressEvent) {\n const dispatchID = e.currentTarget;\n // Since e is used in a callback invoked on another event loop\n // (as in setTimeout etc), we need to call e.persist() on the\n // event to make sure it doesn't get reused in the event object pool.\n e.persist();\n\n this.pressOutDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.pressOutDelayTimeout);\n this.pressOutDelayTimeout = null;\n\n this.state.touchable.touchState = States.NOT_RESPONDER;\n this.state.touchable.responderID = dispatchID;\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.RESPONDER_GRANT, e);\n let delayMS =\n this.touchableGetHighlightDelayMS !== undefined\n ? Math.max(this.touchableGetHighlightDelayMS(), 0)\n : HIGHLIGHT_DELAY_MS;\n delayMS = isNaN(delayMS) ? HIGHLIGHT_DELAY_MS : delayMS;\n if (delayMS !== 0) {\n this.touchableDelayTimeout = setTimeout(\n this._handleDelay.bind(this, e),\n delayMS,\n );\n } else {\n this._handleDelay(e);\n }\n\n let longDelayMS =\n this.touchableGetLongPressDelayMS !== undefined\n ? Math.max(this.touchableGetLongPressDelayMS(), 10)\n : LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MS;\n longDelayMS = isNaN(longDelayMS) ? LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MS : longDelayMS;\n this.longPressDelayTimeout = setTimeout(\n this._handleLongDelay.bind(this, e),\n longDelayMS + delayMS,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Place as callback for a DOM element's `onResponderRelease` event.\n */\n touchableHandleResponderRelease: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.pressInLocation = null;\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.RESPONDER_RELEASE, e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Place as callback for a DOM element's `onResponderTerminate` event.\n */\n touchableHandleResponderTerminate: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.pressInLocation = null;\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.RESPONDER_TERMINATED, e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Place as callback for a DOM element's `onResponderMove` event.\n */\n touchableHandleResponderMove: function(e: PressEvent) {\n // Measurement may not have returned yet.\n if (!this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate) {\n return;\n }\n\n const positionOnActivate = this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate;\n const dimensionsOnActivate = this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate;\n const pressRectOffset = this.touchableGetPressRectOffset\n ? this.touchableGetPressRectOffset()\n : {\n left: PRESS_EXPAND_PX,\n right: PRESS_EXPAND_PX,\n top: PRESS_EXPAND_PX,\n bottom: PRESS_EXPAND_PX,\n };\n\n let pressExpandLeft = pressRectOffset.left;\n let pressExpandTop =;\n let pressExpandRight = pressRectOffset.right;\n let pressExpandBottom = pressRectOffset.bottom;\n\n const hitSlop = this.touchableGetHitSlop\n ? this.touchableGetHitSlop()\n : null;\n\n if (hitSlop) {\n pressExpandLeft += hitSlop.left || 0;\n pressExpandTop += || 0;\n pressExpandRight += hitSlop.right || 0;\n pressExpandBottom += hitSlop.bottom || 0;\n }\n\n const touch = extractSingleTouch(e.nativeEvent);\n const pageX = touch && touch.pageX;\n const pageY = touch && touch.pageY;\n\n if (this.pressInLocation) {\n const movedDistance = this._getDistanceBetweenPoints(\n pageX,\n pageY,\n this.pressInLocation.pageX,\n this.pressInLocation.pageY,\n );\n if (movedDistance > LONG_PRESS_ALLOWED_MOVEMENT) {\n this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();\n }\n }\n\n const isTouchWithinActive =\n pageX > positionOnActivate.left - pressExpandLeft &&\n pageY > - pressExpandTop &&\n pageX <\n positionOnActivate.left +\n dimensionsOnActivate.width +\n pressExpandRight &&\n pageY <\n +\n dimensionsOnActivate.height +\n pressExpandBottom;\n if (isTouchWithinActive) {\n const prevState = this.state.touchable.touchState;\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.ENTER_PRESS_RECT, e);\n const curState = this.state.touchable.touchState;\n if (\n curState === States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN &&\n prevState !== States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN\n ) {\n // fix for t7967420\n this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();\n }\n } else {\n this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.LEAVE_PRESS_RECT, e);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the item receives focus. Mixers might override this to\n * visually distinguish the `VisualRect` so that the user knows that it\n * currently has the focus. Most platforms only support a single element being\n * focused at a time, in which case there may have been a previously focused\n * element that was blurred just prior to this. This can be overridden when\n * using `Touchable.Mixin.withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur`.\n */\n touchableHandleFocus: function(e: Event) {\n this.props.onFocus && this.props.onFocus(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the item loses focus. Mixers might override this to\n * visually distinguish the `VisualRect` so that the user knows that it\n * no longer has focus. Most platforms only support a single element being\n * focused at a time, in which case the focus may have moved to another.\n * This can be overridden when using\n * `Touchable.Mixin.withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur`.\n */\n touchableHandleBlur: function(e: Event) {\n this.props.onBlur && this.props.onBlur(e);\n },\n\n // ==== Abstract Application Callbacks ====\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the item should be highlighted. Mixers should implement this\n * to visually distinguish the `VisualRect` so that the user knows that\n * releasing a touch will result in a \"selection\" (analog to click).\n *\n * @abstract\n * touchableHandleActivePressIn: function,\n */\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the item is \"active\" (in that it is still eligible to become\n * a \"select\") but the touch has left the `PressRect`. Usually the mixer will\n * want to unhighlight the `VisualRect`. If the user (while pressing) moves\n * back into the `PressRect` `touchableHandleActivePressIn` will be invoked\n * again and the mixer should probably highlight the `VisualRect` again. This\n * event will not fire on an `touchEnd/mouseUp` event, only move events while\n * the user is depressing the mouse/touch.\n *\n * @abstract\n * touchableHandleActivePressOut: function\n */\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the item is \"selected\" - meaning the interaction ended by\n * letting up while the item was either in the state\n * `RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN` or `RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN`.\n *\n * @abstract\n * touchableHandlePress: function\n */\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the item is long pressed - meaning the interaction ended by\n * letting up while the item was in `RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN`. If\n * `touchableHandleLongPress` is *not* provided, `touchableHandlePress` will\n * be called as it normally is. If `touchableHandleLongPress` is provided, by\n * default any `touchableHandlePress` callback will not be invoked. To\n * override this default behavior, override `touchableLongPressCancelsPress`\n * to return false. As a result, `touchableHandlePress` will be called when\n * lifting up, even if `touchableHandleLongPress` has also been called.\n *\n * @abstract\n * touchableHandleLongPress: function\n */\n\n /**\n * Returns the number of millis to wait before triggering a highlight.\n *\n * @abstract\n * touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function\n */\n\n /**\n * Returns the amount to extend the `HitRect` into the `PressRect`. Positive\n * numbers mean the size expands outwards.\n *\n * @abstract\n * touchableGetPressRectOffset: function\n */\n\n // ==== Internal Logic ====\n\n /**\n * Measures the `HitRect` node on activation. The Bounding rectangle is with\n * respect to viewport - not page, so adding the `pageXOffset/pageYOffset`\n * should result in points that are in the same coordinate system as an\n * event's `globalX/globalY` data values.\n *\n * - Consider caching this for the lifetime of the component, or possibly\n * being able to share this cache between any `ScrollMap` view.\n *\n * @sideeffects\n * @private\n */\n _remeasureMetricsOnActivation: function() {\n const tag = this.state.touchable.responderID;\n if (tag == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n UIManager.measure(tag, this._handleQueryLayout);\n },\n\n _handleQueryLayout: function(\n l: number,\n t: number,\n w: number,\n h: number,\n globalX: number,\n globalY: number,\n ) {\n //don't do anything UIManager failed to measure node\n if (!l && !t && !w && !h && !globalX && !globalY) {\n return;\n }\n this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate &&\n Position.release(this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate);\n this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate &&\n BoundingDimensions.release(this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate);\n this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate = Position.getPooled(\n globalX,\n globalY,\n );\n this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate = BoundingDimensions.getPooled(\n w,\n h,\n );\n },\n\n _handleDelay: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.touchableDelayTimeout = null;\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.DELAY, e);\n },\n\n _handleLongDelay: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.longPressDelayTimeout = null;\n const curState = this.state.touchable.touchState;\n if (\n curState !== States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN &&\n curState !== States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN\n ) {\n console.error(\n 'Attempted to transition from state `' +\n curState +\n '` to `' +\n States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN +\n '`, which is not supported. This is ' +\n 'most likely due to `Touchable.longPressDelayTimeout` not being cancelled.',\n );\n } else {\n this._receiveSignal(Signals.LONG_PRESS_DETECTED, e);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Receives a state machine signal, performs side effects of the transition\n * and stores the new state. Validates the transition as well.\n *\n * @param {Signals} signal State machine signal.\n * @throws Error if invalid state transition or unrecognized signal.\n * @sideeffects\n */\n _receiveSignal: function(signal: Signal, e: PressEvent) {\n const responderID = this.state.touchable.responderID;\n const curState = this.state.touchable.touchState;\n const nextState = Transitions[curState] && Transitions[curState][signal];\n if (!responderID && signal === Signals.RESPONDER_RELEASE) {\n return;\n }\n if (!nextState) {\n throw new Error(\n 'Unrecognized signal `' +\n signal +\n '` or state `' +\n curState +\n '` for Touchable responder `' +\n responderID +\n '`',\n );\n }\n if (nextState === States.ERROR) {\n throw new Error(\n 'Touchable cannot transition from `' +\n curState +\n '` to `' +\n signal +\n '` for responder `' +\n responderID +\n '`',\n );\n }\n if (curState !== nextState) {\n this._performSideEffectsForTransition(curState, nextState, signal, e);\n this.state.touchable.touchState = nextState;\n }\n },\n\n _cancelLongPressDelayTimeout: function() {\n this.longPressDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.longPressDelayTimeout);\n this.longPressDelayTimeout = null;\n },\n\n _isHighlight: function(state: State): boolean {\n return (\n state === States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN ||\n state === States.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN\n );\n },\n\n _savePressInLocation: function(e: PressEvent) {\n const touch = extractSingleTouch(e.nativeEvent);\n const pageX = touch && touch.pageX;\n const pageY = touch && touch.pageY;\n const locationX = touch && touch.locationX;\n const locationY = touch && touch.locationY;\n this.pressInLocation = {pageX, pageY, locationX, locationY};\n },\n\n _getDistanceBetweenPoints: function(\n aX: number,\n aY: number,\n bX: number,\n bY: number,\n ): number {\n const deltaX = aX - bX;\n const deltaY = aY - bY;\n return Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);\n },\n\n /**\n * Will perform a transition between touchable states, and identify any\n * highlighting or unhighlighting that must be performed for this particular\n * transition.\n *\n * @param {States} curState Current Touchable state.\n * @param {States} nextState Next Touchable state.\n * @param {Signal} signal Signal that triggered the transition.\n * @param {Event} e Native event.\n * @sideeffects\n */\n _performSideEffectsForTransition: function(\n curState: State,\n nextState: State,\n signal: Signal,\n e: PressEvent,\n ) {\n const curIsHighlight = this._isHighlight(curState);\n const newIsHighlight = this._isHighlight(nextState);\n\n const isFinalSignal =\n signal === Signals.RESPONDER_TERMINATED ||\n signal === Signals.RESPONDER_RELEASE;\n\n if (isFinalSignal) {\n this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();\n }\n\n const isInitialTransition =\n curState === States.NOT_RESPONDER &&\n nextState === States.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN;\n\n const isActiveTransition = !IsActive[curState] && IsActive[nextState];\n if (isInitialTransition || isActiveTransition) {\n this._remeasureMetricsOnActivation();\n }\n\n if (IsPressingIn[curState] && signal === Signals.LONG_PRESS_DETECTED) {\n this.touchableHandleLongPress && this.touchableHandleLongPress(e);\n }\n\n if (newIsHighlight && !curIsHighlight) {\n this._startHighlight(e);\n } else if (!newIsHighlight && curIsHighlight) {\n this._endHighlight(e);\n }\n\n if (IsPressingIn[curState] && signal === Signals.RESPONDER_RELEASE) {\n const hasLongPressHandler = !!this.props.onLongPress;\n const pressIsLongButStillCallOnPress =\n IsLongPressingIn[curState] && // We *are* long pressing.. // But either has no long handler\n (!hasLongPressHandler || !this.touchableLongPressCancelsPress()); // or we're told to ignore it.\n\n const shouldInvokePress =\n !IsLongPressingIn[curState] || pressIsLongButStillCallOnPress;\n if (shouldInvokePress && this.touchableHandlePress) {\n if (!newIsHighlight && !curIsHighlight) {\n // we never highlighted because of delay, but we should highlight now\n this._startHighlight(e);\n this._endHighlight(e);\n }\n if (Platform.OS === 'android' && !this.props.touchSoundDisabled) {\n this._playTouchSound();\n }\n this.touchableHandlePress(e);\n }\n }\n\n this.touchableDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.touchableDelayTimeout);\n this.touchableDelayTimeout = null;\n },\n\n _playTouchSound: function() {\n UIManager.playTouchSound();\n },\n\n _startHighlight: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this._savePressInLocation(e);\n this.touchableHandleActivePressIn && this.touchableHandleActivePressIn(e);\n },\n\n _endHighlight: function(e: PressEvent) {\n if (this.touchableHandleActivePressOut) {\n if (\n this.touchableGetPressOutDelayMS &&\n this.touchableGetPressOutDelayMS()\n ) {\n this.pressOutDelayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\n this.touchableHandleActivePressOut(e);\n }, this.touchableGetPressOutDelayMS());\n } else {\n this.touchableHandleActivePressOut(e);\n }\n }\n },\n\n withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur: ({}: $TEMPORARY$object<{||}>),\n};\n\n/**\n * Provide an optional version of the mixin where `touchableHandleFocus` and\n * `touchableHandleBlur` can be overridden. This allows appropriate defaults to\n * be set on TV platforms, without breaking existing implementations of\n * `Touchable`.\n */\nconst {\n touchableHandleFocus,\n touchableHandleBlur,\n ...TouchableMixinWithoutDefaultFocusAndBlur\n} = TouchableMixin;\nTouchableMixin.withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur = TouchableMixinWithoutDefaultFocusAndBlur;\n\nconst Touchable = {\n Mixin: TouchableMixin,\n TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG: false, // Highlights all touchable targets. Toggle with Inspector.\n /**\n * Renders a debugging overlay to visualize touch target with hitSlop (might not work on Android).\n */\n renderDebugView: ({\n color,\n hitSlop,\n }: {\n color: string | number,\n hitSlop: EdgeInsetsProp,\n }): null | React.Node => {\n if (!Touchable.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!__DEV__) {\n throw Error(\n 'Touchable.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG should not be enabled in prod!',\n );\n }\n const debugHitSlopStyle = {};\n hitSlop = hitSlop || {top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0};\n for (const key in hitSlop) {\n debugHitSlopStyle[key] = -hitSlop[key];\n }\n const normalizedColor = normalizeColor(color);\n if (typeof normalizedColor !== 'number') {\n return null;\n }\n const hexColor =\n '#' + ('00000000' + normalizedColor.toString(16)).substr(-8);\n return (\n \n );\n },\n};\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n debug: {\n position: 'absolute',\n borderWidth: 1,\n borderStyle: 'dashed',\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = Touchable;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst PooledClass = require('./PooledClass');\n\nconst twoArgumentPooler = PooledClass.twoArgumentPooler;\n\n/**\n * PooledClass representing the bounding rectangle of a region.\n *\n * @param {number} width Width of bounding rectangle.\n * @param {number} height Height of bounding rectangle.\n * @constructor BoundingDimensions\n */\nfunction BoundingDimensions(width, height) {\n this.width = width;\n this.height = height;\n}\n\nBoundingDimensions.prototype.destructor = function() {\n this.width = null;\n this.height = null;\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to return `BoundingDimensions` for.\n * @return {BoundingDimensions} Bounding dimensions of `element`.\n */\nBoundingDimensions.getPooledFromElement = function(element) {\n return BoundingDimensions.getPooled(\n element.offsetWidth,\n element.offsetHeight,\n );\n};\n\nPooledClass.addPoolingTo(BoundingDimensions, twoArgumentPooler);\n\nmodule.exports = BoundingDimensions;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * Static poolers. Several custom versions for each potential number of\n * arguments. A completely generic pooler is easy to implement, but would\n * require accessing the `arguments` object. In each of these, `this` refers to\n * the Class itself, not an instance. If any others are needed, simply add them\n * here, or in their own files.\n */\nconst oneArgumentPooler = function(copyFieldsFrom) {\n const Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n const instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, copyFieldsFrom);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(copyFieldsFrom);\n }\n};\n\nconst twoArgumentPooler = function(a1, a2) {\n const Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n const instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, a1, a2);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(a1, a2);\n }\n};\n\nconst threeArgumentPooler = function(a1, a2, a3) {\n const Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n const instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, a1, a2, a3);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(a1, a2, a3);\n }\n};\n\nconst fourArgumentPooler = function(a1, a2, a3, a4) {\n const Klass = this;\n if (Klass.instancePool.length) {\n const instance = Klass.instancePool.pop();\n, a1, a2, a3, a4);\n return instance;\n } else {\n return new Klass(a1, a2, a3, a4);\n }\n};\n\nconst standardReleaser = function(instance) {\n const Klass = this;\n invariant(\n instance instanceof Klass,\n 'Trying to release an instance into a pool of a different type.',\n );\n instance.destructor();\n if (Klass.instancePool.length < Klass.poolSize) {\n Klass.instancePool.push(instance);\n }\n};\n\nconst DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 10;\nconst DEFAULT_POOLER = oneArgumentPooler;\n\ntype Pooler = any;\n\n/**\n * Augments `CopyConstructor` to be a poolable class, augmenting only the class\n * itself (statically) not adding any prototypical fields. Any CopyConstructor\n * you give this may have a `poolSize` property, and will look for a\n * prototypical `destructor` on instances.\n *\n * @param {Function} CopyConstructor Constructor that can be used to reset.\n * @param {Function} pooler Customizable pooler.\n */\nconst addPoolingTo = function(\n CopyConstructor: Class,\n pooler: Pooler,\n): Class & {\n getPooled(\n ...args: $ReadOnlyArray\n ): /* arguments of the constructor */ T,\n release(instance: mixed): void,\n} {\n // Casting as any so that flow ignores the actual implementation and trusts\n // it to match the type we declared\n const NewKlass = (CopyConstructor: any);\n NewKlass.instancePool = [];\n NewKlass.getPooled = pooler || DEFAULT_POOLER;\n if (!NewKlass.poolSize) {\n NewKlass.poolSize = DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE;\n }\n NewKlass.release = standardReleaser;\n return NewKlass;\n};\n\nconst PooledClass = {\n addPoolingTo: addPoolingTo,\n oneArgumentPooler: (oneArgumentPooler: Pooler),\n twoArgumentPooler: (twoArgumentPooler: Pooler),\n threeArgumentPooler: (threeArgumentPooler: Pooler),\n fourArgumentPooler: (fourArgumentPooler: Pooler),\n};\n\nmodule.exports = PooledClass;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst PooledClass = require('./PooledClass');\n\nconst twoArgumentPooler = PooledClass.twoArgumentPooler;\n\n/**\n * Position does not expose methods for construction via an `HTMLDOMElement`,\n * because it isn't meaningful to construct such a thing without first defining\n * a frame of reference.\n *\n * @param {number} windowStartKey Key that window starts at.\n * @param {number} windowEndKey Key that window ends at.\n */\nfunction Position(left, top) {\n this.left = left;\n = top;\n}\n\nPosition.prototype.destructor = function() {\n this.left = null;\n = null;\n};\n\nPooledClass.addPoolingTo(Position, twoArgumentPooler);\n\nmodule.exports = Position;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\n\nimport NativeTVNavigationEventEmitter from './NativeTVNavigationEventEmitter';\n\nfunction TVEventHandler() {\n this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener = null;\n this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter = null;\n}\n\nTVEventHandler.prototype.enable = function(\n component: ?any,\n callback: Function,\n) {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios' && !NativeTVNavigationEventEmitter) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(\n NativeTVNavigationEventEmitter,\n );\n this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener = this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'onHWKeyEvent',\n data => {\n if (callback) {\n callback(component, data);\n }\n },\n );\n};\n\nTVEventHandler.prototype.disable = function() {\n if (this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener) {\n this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener.remove();\n delete this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener;\n }\n if (this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter) {\n delete this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = TVEventHandler;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get(\n 'TVNavigationEventEmitter',\n): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @typechecks static-only\n * \n */\n'use strict';\n\nvar invariant = require(\"./invariant\");\n/**\n * Constructs an enumeration with keys equal to their value.\n *\n * For example:\n *\n * var COLORS = keyMirror({blue: null, red: null});\n * var myColor =;\n * var isColorValid = !!COLORS[myColor];\n *\n * The last line could not be performed if the values of the generated enum were\n * not equal to their keys.\n *\n * Input: {key1: val1, key2: val2}\n * Output: {key1: key1, key2: key2}\n *\n * @param {object} obj\n * @return {object}\n */\n\n\nvar keyMirror = function keyMirror(obj) {\n var ret = {};\n var key;\n !(obj instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(obj)) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, 'keyMirror(...): Argument must be an object.') : invariant(false) : void 0;\n\n for (key in obj) {\n if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n ret[key] = key;\n }\n\n return ret;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = keyMirror;","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * \n */\n'use strict';\n\nvar validateFormat = process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? function (format) {} : function (format) {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('invariant(...): Second argument must be a string.');\n }\n};\n/**\n * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.\n *\n * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments to provide\n * information about what broke and what you were expecting.\n *\n * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant will\n * remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.\n */\n\nfunction invariant(condition, format) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n validateFormat(format);\n\n if (!condition) {\n var error;\n\n if (format === undefined) {\n error = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');\n } else {\n var argIndex = 0;\n error = new Error(format.replace(/%s/g, function () {\n return String(args[argIndex++]);\n }));\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n }\n\n error.framesToPop = 1; // Skip invariant's own stack frame.\n\n throw error;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = invariant;","'use strict';\n\nfunction nullthrows(x, message) {\n if (x != null) {\n return x;\n }\n var error = new Error(message !== undefined ? message : 'Got unexpected ' + x);\n error.framesToPop = 1; // Skip nullthrows's own stack frame.\n throw error;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = nullthrows;\nmodule.exports.default = nullthrows;\n\nObject.defineProperty(module.exports, '__esModule', {value: true});\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst Text = require('../../Text/Text');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nclass DummyTouchableNativeFeedback extends React.Component {\n static SelectableBackground = () => ({});\n static SelectableBackgroundBorderless = () => ({});\n static Ripple = () => ({});\n static canUseNativeForeground = () => false;\n\n render() {\n return (\n \n \n TouchableNativeFeedback is not supported on this platform!\n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n container: {\n height: 100,\n width: 300,\n backgroundColor: '#ffbcbc',\n borderWidth: 1,\n borderColor: 'red',\n alignItems: 'center',\n justifyContent: 'center',\n margin: 10,\n },\n info: {\n color: '#333333',\n margin: 20,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = DummyTouchableNativeFeedback;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Animated = require('../../Animated/src/Animated');\nconst Easing = require('../../Animated/src/Easing');\nconst NativeMethodsMixin = require('../../Renderer/shims/NativeMethodsMixin');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst Touchable = require('./Touchable');\nconst TouchableWithoutFeedback = require('./TouchableWithoutFeedback');\n\nconst createReactClass = require('create-react-class');\nconst ensurePositiveDelayProps = require('./ensurePositiveDelayProps');\nconst flattenStyle = require('../../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\n\nimport type {Props as TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps} from './TouchableWithoutFeedback';\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {TVParallaxPropertiesType} from '../AppleTV/TVViewPropTypes';\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\nconst PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET = {top: 20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30};\n\ntype TVProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n hasTVPreferredFocus?: ?boolean,\n nextFocusDown?: ?number,\n nextFocusForward?: ?number,\n nextFocusLeft?: ?number,\n nextFocusRight?: ?number,\n nextFocusUp?: ?number,\n tvParallaxProperties?: ?TVParallaxPropertiesType,\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps,\n ...TVProps,\n activeOpacity?: ?number,\n style?: ?ViewStyleProp,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.\n * On press down, the opacity of the wrapped view is decreased, dimming it.\n *\n * Opacity is controlled by wrapping the children in an Animated.View, which is\n * added to the view hierarchy. Be aware that this can affect layout.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```\n * renderButton: function() {\n * return (\n * \n * \n * \n * );\n * },\n * ```\n * ### Example\n *\n * ```ReactNativeWebPlayer\n * import React, { Component } from 'react'\n * import {\n * AppRegistry,\n * StyleSheet,\n * TouchableOpacity,\n * Text,\n * View,\n * } from 'react-native'\n *\n * class App extends Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props)\n * this.state = { count: 0 }\n * }\n *\n * onPress = () => {\n * this.setState({\n * count: this.state.count+1\n * })\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * \n * Touch Here \n * \n * \n * \n * { this.state.count !== 0 ? this.state.count: null}\n * \n * \n * \n * )\n * }\n * }\n *\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * container: {\n * flex: 1,\n * justifyContent: 'center',\n * paddingHorizontal: 10\n * },\n * button: {\n * alignItems: 'center',\n * backgroundColor: '#DDDDDD',\n * padding: 10\n * },\n * countContainer: {\n * alignItems: 'center',\n * padding: 10\n * },\n * countText: {\n * color: '#FF00FF'\n * }\n * })\n *\n * AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App)\n * ```\n *\n */\nconst TouchableOpacity = ((createReactClass({\n displayName: 'TouchableOpacity',\n mixins: [Touchable.Mixin.withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur, NativeMethodsMixin],\n\n propTypes: {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n ...TouchableWithoutFeedback.propTypes,\n /**\n * Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is\n * active. Defaults to 0.2.\n */\n activeOpacity: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV preferred focus (see documentation for the View component).\n */\n hasTVPreferredFocus: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * TV next focus down (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusDown: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus forward (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusForward: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus left (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusLeft: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus right (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusRight: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus up (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusUp: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Apple TV parallax effects\n */\n tvParallaxProperties: PropTypes.object,\n },\n\n getDefaultProps: function() {\n return {\n activeOpacity: 0.2,\n };\n },\n\n getInitialState: function() {\n return {\n ...this.touchableGetInitialState(),\n anim: new Animated.Value(this._getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault()),\n };\n },\n\n componentDidMount: function() {\n ensurePositiveDelayProps(this.props);\n },\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {\n ensurePositiveDelayProps(nextProps);\n },\n\n componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState) {\n if (this.props.disabled !== prevProps.disabled) {\n this._opacityInactive(250);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Animate the touchable to a new opacity.\n */\n setOpacityTo: function(value: number, duration: number) {\n Animated.timing(this.state.anim, {\n toValue: value,\n duration: duration,\n easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),\n useNativeDriver: true,\n }).start();\n },\n\n /**\n * `Touchable.Mixin` self callbacks. The mixin will invoke these if they are\n * defined on your component.\n */\n touchableHandleActivePressIn: function(e: PressEvent) {\n if (e.dispatchConfig.registrationName === 'onResponderGrant') {\n this._opacityActive(0);\n } else {\n this._opacityActive(150);\n }\n this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleActivePressOut: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this._opacityInactive(250);\n this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleFocus: function(e: Event) {\n if (Platform.isTV) {\n this._opacityActive(150);\n }\n this.props.onFocus && this.props.onFocus(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleBlur: function(e: Event) {\n if (Platform.isTV) {\n this._opacityInactive(250);\n }\n this.props.onBlur && this.props.onBlur(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandlePress: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleLongPress: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(e);\n },\n\n touchableGetPressRectOffset: function() {\n return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET;\n },\n\n touchableGetHitSlop: function() {\n return this.props.hitSlop;\n },\n\n touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function() {\n return this.props.delayPressIn || 0;\n },\n\n touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function() {\n return this.props.delayLongPress === 0\n ? 0\n : this.props.delayLongPress || 500;\n },\n\n touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function() {\n return this.props.delayPressOut;\n },\n\n _opacityActive: function(duration: number) {\n this.setOpacityTo(this.props.activeOpacity, duration);\n },\n\n _opacityInactive: function(duration: number) {\n this.setOpacityTo(this._getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault(), duration);\n },\n\n _getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault: function() {\n const childStyle = flattenStyle( || {};\n return childStyle.opacity == null ? 1 : childStyle.opacity;\n },\n\n render: function() {\n return (\n \n {this.props.children}\n {Touchable.renderDebugView({\n color: 'cyan',\n hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop,\n })}\n \n );\n },\n}): any): React.ComponentType);\n\nmodule.exports = TouchableOpacity;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport Platform from '../../Utilities/Platform';\n\nconst AnimatedMock = require('./AnimatedMock');\nconst AnimatedImplementation = require('./AnimatedImplementation');\n\nconst Animated = ((Platform.isTesting\n ? AnimatedMock\n : AnimatedImplementation): typeof AnimatedMock);\n\nmodule.exports = {\n get FlatList(): any {\n return require('./components/AnimatedFlatList');\n },\n get Image(): any {\n return require('./components/AnimatedImage');\n },\n get ScrollView(): any {\n return require('./components/AnimatedScrollView');\n },\n get SectionList(): any {\n return require('./components/AnimatedSectionList');\n },\n get Text(): any {\n return require('./components/AnimatedText');\n },\n get View(): any {\n return require('./components/AnimatedView');\n },\n ...Animated,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {AnimatedEvent, attachNativeEvent} = require('./AnimatedEvent');\nconst AnimatedImplementation = require('./AnimatedImplementation');\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./nodes/AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./nodes/AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedProps = require('./nodes/AnimatedProps');\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./nodes/AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedValueXY = require('./nodes/AnimatedValueXY');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('./createAnimatedComponent');\n\nimport type {EndCallback} from './animations/Animation';\nimport type {TimingAnimationConfig} from './animations/TimingAnimation';\nimport type {DecayAnimationConfig} from './animations/DecayAnimation';\nimport type {SpringAnimationConfig} from './animations/SpringAnimation';\nimport type {Mapping, EventConfig} from './AnimatedEvent';\n\n/**\n * Animations are a source of flakiness in snapshot testing. This mock replaces\n * animation functions from AnimatedImplementation with empty animations for\n * predictability in tests.\n */\ntype CompositeAnimation = {\n start: (callback?: ?EndCallback) => void,\n stop: () => void,\n reset: () => void,\n _startNativeLoop: (iterations?: number) => void,\n _isUsingNativeDriver: () => boolean,\n};\n\nconst emptyAnimation = {\n start: () => {},\n stop: () => {},\n reset: () => {},\n _startNativeLoop: () => {},\n _isUsingNativeDriver: () => {\n return false;\n },\n};\n\nconst spring = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: SpringAnimationConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n const anyValue: any = value;\n return {\n ...emptyAnimation,\n start: (callback?: ?EndCallback): void => {\n anyValue.setValue(config.toValue);\n callback && callback({finished: true});\n },\n };\n};\n\nconst timing = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: TimingAnimationConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n const anyValue: any = value;\n return {\n ...emptyAnimation,\n start: (callback?: ?EndCallback): void => {\n anyValue.setValue(config.toValue);\n callback && callback({finished: true});\n },\n };\n};\n\nconst decay = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: DecayAnimationConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n return emptyAnimation;\n};\n\nconst sequence = function(\n animations: Array,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n return emptyAnimation;\n};\n\ntype ParallelConfig = {\n stopTogether?: boolean,\n};\nconst parallel = function(\n animations: Array,\n config?: ?ParallelConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n return emptyAnimation;\n};\n\nconst delay = function(time: number): CompositeAnimation {\n return emptyAnimation;\n};\n\nconst stagger = function(\n time: number,\n animations: Array,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n return emptyAnimation;\n};\n\ntype LoopAnimationConfig = {iterations: number, resetBeforeIteration?: boolean};\n\nconst loop = function(\n animation: CompositeAnimation,\n {iterations = -1}: LoopAnimationConfig = {},\n): CompositeAnimation {\n return emptyAnimation;\n};\n\nconst event = function(argMapping: Array, config?: EventConfig): any {\n return null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n Value: AnimatedValue,\n ValueXY: AnimatedValueXY,\n Interpolation: AnimatedInterpolation,\n Node: AnimatedNode,\n decay,\n timing,\n spring,\n add: AnimatedImplementation.add,\n subtract: AnimatedImplementation.subtract,\n divide: AnimatedImplementation.divide,\n multiply: AnimatedImplementation.multiply,\n modulo: AnimatedImplementation.modulo,\n diffClamp: AnimatedImplementation.diffClamp,\n delay,\n sequence,\n parallel,\n stagger,\n loop,\n event,\n createAnimatedComponent,\n attachNativeEvent,\n forkEvent: AnimatedImplementation.forkEvent,\n unforkEvent: AnimatedImplementation.unforkEvent,\n Event: AnimatedEvent,\n __PropsOnlyForTests: AnimatedProps,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./nodes/AnimatedValue');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('./NativeAnimatedHelper');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst {shouldUseNativeDriver} = require('./NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nexport type Mapping = {[key: string]: Mapping} | AnimatedValue;\nexport type EventConfig = {\n listener?: ?Function,\n useNativeDriver?: boolean,\n};\n\nfunction attachNativeEvent(\n viewRef: any,\n eventName: string,\n argMapping: Array,\n): $TEMPORARY$object<{|detach: () => void|}> {\n // Find animated values in `argMapping` and create an array representing their\n // key path inside the `nativeEvent` object. Ex.: ['contentOffset', 'x'].\n const eventMappings = [];\n\n const traverse = (value, path) => {\n if (value instanceof AnimatedValue) {\n value.__makeNative();\n\n eventMappings.push({\n nativeEventPath: path,\n animatedValueTag: value.__getNativeTag(),\n });\n } else if (typeof value === 'object') {\n for (const key in value) {\n traverse(value[key], path.concat(key));\n }\n }\n };\n\n invariant(\n argMapping[0] && argMapping[0].nativeEvent,\n 'Native driven events only support animated values contained inside `nativeEvent`.',\n );\n\n // Assume that the event containing `nativeEvent` is always the first argument.\n traverse(argMapping[0].nativeEvent, []);\n\n const viewTag = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(viewRef);\n\n eventMappings.forEach(mapping => {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.addAnimatedEventToView(\n viewTag,\n eventName,\n mapping,\n );\n });\n\n return {\n detach() {\n eventMappings.forEach(mapping => {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.removeAnimatedEventFromView(\n viewTag,\n eventName,\n mapping.animatedValueTag,\n );\n });\n },\n };\n}\n\nclass AnimatedEvent {\n _argMapping: Array;\n _listeners: Array = [];\n _callListeners: Function;\n _attachedEvent: ?{\n detach: () => void,\n };\n __isNative: boolean;\n\n constructor(argMapping: Array, config?: EventConfig = {}) {\n this._argMapping = argMapping;\n if (config.listener) {\n this.__addListener(config.listener);\n }\n this._callListeners = this._callListeners.bind(this);\n this._attachedEvent = null;\n this.__isNative = shouldUseNativeDriver(config);\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n this._validateMapping();\n }\n }\n\n __addListener(callback: Function): void {\n this._listeners.push(callback);\n }\n\n __removeListener(callback: Function): void {\n this._listeners = this._listeners.filter(listener => listener !== callback);\n }\n\n __attach(viewRef: any, eventName: string) {\n invariant(\n this.__isNative,\n 'Only native driven events need to be attached.',\n );\n\n this._attachedEvent = attachNativeEvent(\n viewRef,\n eventName,\n this._argMapping,\n );\n }\n\n __detach(viewTag: any, eventName: string) {\n invariant(\n this.__isNative,\n 'Only native driven events need to be detached.',\n );\n\n this._attachedEvent && this._attachedEvent.detach();\n }\n\n __getHandler(): any | ((...args: any) => void) {\n if (this.__isNative) {\n return this._callListeners;\n }\n\n return (...args: any) => {\n const traverse = (recMapping, recEvt, key) => {\n if (typeof recEvt === 'number' && recMapping instanceof AnimatedValue) {\n recMapping.setValue(recEvt);\n } else if (typeof recMapping === 'object') {\n for (const mappingKey in recMapping) {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This\n * comment suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for\n * React. To see the error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n traverse(recMapping[mappingKey], recEvt[mappingKey], mappingKey);\n }\n }\n };\n\n if (!this.__isNative) {\n this._argMapping.forEach((mapping, idx) => {\n traverse(mapping, args[idx], 'arg' + idx);\n });\n }\n this._callListeners(...args);\n };\n }\n\n _callListeners(...args: any) {\n this._listeners.forEach(listener => listener(...args));\n }\n\n _validateMapping() {\n const traverse = (recMapping, recEvt, key) => {\n if (typeof recEvt === 'number') {\n invariant(\n recMapping instanceof AnimatedValue,\n 'Bad mapping of type ' +\n typeof recMapping +\n ' for key ' +\n key +\n ', event value must map to AnimatedValue',\n );\n return;\n }\n invariant(\n typeof recMapping === 'object',\n 'Bad mapping of type ' + typeof recMapping + ' for key ' + key,\n );\n invariant(\n typeof recEvt === 'object',\n 'Bad event of type ' + typeof recEvt + ' for key ' + key,\n );\n for (const mappingKey in recMapping) {\n traverse(recMapping[mappingKey], recEvt[mappingKey], mappingKey);\n }\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {AnimatedEvent, attachNativeEvent};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\nconst InteractionManager = require('../../../Interaction/InteractionManager');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nimport type Animation, {EndCallback} from '../animations/Animation';\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\nimport type AnimatedTracking from './AnimatedTracking';\n\nconst NativeAnimatedAPI = NativeAnimatedHelper.API;\n\n/**\n * Animated works by building a directed acyclic graph of dependencies\n * transparently when you render your Animated components.\n *\n * new Animated.Value(0)\n * .interpolate() .interpolate() new Animated.Value(1)\n * opacity translateY scale\n * style transform\n * View#234 style\n * View#123\n *\n * A) Top Down phase\n * When an Animated.Value is updated, we recursively go down through this\n * graph in order to find leaf nodes: the views that we flag as needing\n * an update.\n *\n * B) Bottom Up phase\n * When a view is flagged as needing an update, we recursively go back up\n * in order to build the new value that it needs. The reason why we need\n * this two-phases process is to deal with composite props such as\n * transform which can receive values from multiple parents.\n */\nfunction _flush(rootNode: AnimatedValue): void {\n const animatedStyles = new Set();\n function findAnimatedStyles(node) {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.68.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.68 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n if (typeof node.update === 'function') {\n animatedStyles.add(node);\n } else {\n node.__getChildren().forEach(findAnimatedStyles);\n }\n }\n findAnimatedStyles(rootNode);\n /* $FlowFixMe */\n animatedStyles.forEach(animatedStyle => animatedStyle.update());\n}\n\n/**\n * Standard value for driving animations. One `Animated.Value` can drive\n * multiple properties in a synchronized fashion, but can only be driven by one\n * mechanism at a time. Using a new mechanism (e.g. starting a new animation,\n * or calling `setValue`) will stop any previous ones.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass AnimatedValue extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _value: number;\n _startingValue: number;\n _offset: number;\n _animation: ?Animation;\n _tracking: ?AnimatedTracking;\n\n constructor(value: number) {\n super();\n this._startingValue = this._value = value;\n this._offset = 0;\n this._animation = null;\n }\n\n __detach() {\n this.stopAnimation();\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n return this._value + this._offset;\n }\n\n /**\n * Directly set the value. This will stop any animations running on the value\n * and update all the bound properties.\n *\n * See\n */\n setValue(value: number): void {\n if (this._animation) {\n this._animation.stop();\n this._animation = null;\n }\n this._updateValue(\n value,\n !this.__isNative /* don't perform a flush for natively driven values */,\n );\n if (this.__isNative) {\n NativeAnimatedAPI.setAnimatedNodeValue(this.__getNativeTag(), value);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets an offset that is applied on top of whatever value is set, whether via\n * `setValue`, an animation, or `Animated.event`. Useful for compensating\n * things like the start of a pan gesture.\n *\n * See\n */\n setOffset(offset: number): void {\n this._offset = offset;\n if (this.__isNative) {\n NativeAnimatedAPI.setAnimatedNodeOffset(this.__getNativeTag(), offset);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Merges the offset value into the base value and resets the offset to zero.\n * The final output of the value is unchanged.\n *\n * See\n */\n flattenOffset(): void {\n this._value += this._offset;\n this._offset = 0;\n if (this.__isNative) {\n NativeAnimatedAPI.flattenAnimatedNodeOffset(this.__getNativeTag());\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the offset value to the base value, and resets the base value to zero.\n * The final output of the value is unchanged.\n *\n * See\n */\n extractOffset(): void {\n this._offset += this._value;\n this._value = 0;\n if (this.__isNative) {\n NativeAnimatedAPI.extractAnimatedNodeOffset(this.__getNativeTag());\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Stops any running animation or tracking. `callback` is invoked with the\n * final value after stopping the animation, which is useful for updating\n * state to match the animation position with layout.\n *\n * See\n */\n stopAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void {\n this.stopTracking();\n this._animation && this._animation.stop();\n this._animation = null;\n callback && callback(this.__getValue());\n }\n\n /**\n * Stops any animation and resets the value to its original.\n *\n * See\n */\n resetAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void {\n this.stopAnimation(callback);\n this._value = this._startingValue;\n }\n\n _onAnimatedValueUpdateReceived(value: number): void {\n this._updateValue(value, false /*flush*/);\n }\n\n /**\n * Interpolates the value before updating the property, e.g. mapping 0-1 to\n * 0-10.\n */\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n /**\n * Typically only used internally, but could be used by a custom Animation\n * class.\n *\n * See\n */\n animate(animation: Animation, callback: ?EndCallback): void {\n let handle = null;\n if (animation.__isInteraction) {\n handle = InteractionManager.createInteractionHandle();\n }\n const previousAnimation = this._animation;\n this._animation && this._animation.stop();\n this._animation = animation;\n animation.start(\n this._value,\n value => {\n // Natively driven animations will never call into that callback, therefore we can always\n // pass flush = true to allow the updated value to propagate to native with setNativeProps\n this._updateValue(value, true /* flush */);\n },\n result => {\n this._animation = null;\n if (handle !== null) {\n InteractionManager.clearInteractionHandle(handle);\n }\n callback && callback(result);\n },\n previousAnimation,\n this,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Typically only used internally.\n */\n stopTracking(): void {\n this._tracking && this._tracking.__detach();\n this._tracking = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Typically only used internally.\n */\n track(tracking: AnimatedTracking): void {\n this.stopTracking();\n this._tracking = tracking;\n }\n\n _updateValue(value: number, flush: boolean): void {\n this._value = value;\n if (flush) {\n _flush(this);\n }\n super.__callListeners(this.__getValue());\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): Object {\n return {\n type: 'value',\n value: this._value,\n offset: this._offset,\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedValue;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n/* eslint no-bitwise: 0 */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst normalizeColor = require('../../../Color/normalizeColor');\n\ntype ExtrapolateType = 'extend' | 'identity' | 'clamp';\n\nexport type InterpolationConfigType = {\n inputRange: Array,\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.38.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) - Flow error\n * detected during the deployment of v0.38.0. To see the error, remove this\n * comment and run flow\n */\n outputRange: Array | Array,\n easing?: (input: number) => number,\n extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType,\n extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType,\n extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType,\n};\n\nconst linear = t => t;\n\n/**\n * Very handy helper to map input ranges to output ranges with an easing\n * function and custom behavior outside of the ranges.\n */\nfunction createInterpolation(\n config: InterpolationConfigType,\n): (input: number) => number | string {\n if (config.outputRange && typeof config.outputRange[0] === 'string') {\n return createInterpolationFromStringOutputRange(config);\n }\n\n const outputRange: Array = (config.outputRange: any);\n checkInfiniteRange('outputRange', outputRange);\n\n const inputRange = config.inputRange;\n checkInfiniteRange('inputRange', inputRange);\n checkValidInputRange(inputRange);\n\n invariant(\n inputRange.length === outputRange.length,\n 'inputRange (' +\n inputRange.length +\n ') and outputRange (' +\n outputRange.length +\n ') must have the same length',\n );\n\n const easing = config.easing || linear;\n\n let extrapolateLeft: ExtrapolateType = 'extend';\n if (config.extrapolateLeft !== undefined) {\n extrapolateLeft = config.extrapolateLeft;\n } else if (config.extrapolate !== undefined) {\n extrapolateLeft = config.extrapolate;\n }\n\n let extrapolateRight: ExtrapolateType = 'extend';\n if (config.extrapolateRight !== undefined) {\n extrapolateRight = config.extrapolateRight;\n } else if (config.extrapolate !== undefined) {\n extrapolateRight = config.extrapolate;\n }\n\n return input => {\n invariant(\n typeof input === 'number',\n 'Cannot interpolation an input which is not a number',\n );\n\n const range = findRange(input, inputRange);\n return interpolate(\n input,\n inputRange[range],\n inputRange[range + 1],\n outputRange[range],\n outputRange[range + 1],\n easing,\n extrapolateLeft,\n extrapolateRight,\n );\n };\n}\n\nfunction interpolate(\n input: number,\n inputMin: number,\n inputMax: number,\n outputMin: number,\n outputMax: number,\n easing: (input: number) => number,\n extrapolateLeft: ExtrapolateType,\n extrapolateRight: ExtrapolateType,\n) {\n let result = input;\n\n // Extrapolate\n if (result < inputMin) {\n if (extrapolateLeft === 'identity') {\n return result;\n } else if (extrapolateLeft === 'clamp') {\n result = inputMin;\n } else if (extrapolateLeft === 'extend') {\n // noop\n }\n }\n\n if (result > inputMax) {\n if (extrapolateRight === 'identity') {\n return result;\n } else if (extrapolateRight === 'clamp') {\n result = inputMax;\n } else if (extrapolateRight === 'extend') {\n // noop\n }\n }\n\n if (outputMin === outputMax) {\n return outputMin;\n }\n\n if (inputMin === inputMax) {\n if (input <= inputMin) {\n return outputMin;\n }\n return outputMax;\n }\n\n // Input Range\n if (inputMin === -Infinity) {\n result = -result;\n } else if (inputMax === Infinity) {\n result = result - inputMin;\n } else {\n result = (result - inputMin) / (inputMax - inputMin);\n }\n\n // Easing\n result = easing(result);\n\n // Output Range\n if (outputMin === -Infinity) {\n result = -result;\n } else if (outputMax === Infinity) {\n result = result + outputMin;\n } else {\n result = result * (outputMax - outputMin) + outputMin;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction colorToRgba(input: string): string {\n let int32Color = normalizeColor(input);\n if (int32Color === null) {\n return input;\n }\n\n int32Color = int32Color || 0;\n\n const r = (int32Color & 0xff000000) >>> 24;\n const g = (int32Color & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16;\n const b = (int32Color & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8;\n const a = (int32Color & 0x000000ff) / 255;\n\n return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a})`;\n}\n\nconst stringShapeRegex = /[+-]?(?:\\d+\\.?\\d*|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?/g;\n\n/**\n * Supports string shapes by extracting numbers so new values can be computed,\n * and recombines those values into new strings of the same shape. Supports\n * things like:\n *\n * rgba(123, 42, 99, 0.36) // colors\n * -45deg // values with units\n */\nfunction createInterpolationFromStringOutputRange(\n config: InterpolationConfigType,\n): (input: number) => string {\n let outputRange: Array = (config.outputRange: any);\n invariant(outputRange.length >= 2, 'Bad output range');\n outputRange =;\n checkPattern(outputRange);\n\n // ['rgba(0, 100, 200, 0)', 'rgba(50, 150, 250, 0.5)']\n // ->\n // [\n // [0, 50],\n // [100, 150],\n // [200, 250],\n // [0, 0.5],\n // ]\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.18.0): `outputRange[0].match()` can return `null`. Need to\n * guard against this possibility.\n */\n const outputRanges = outputRange[0].match(stringShapeRegex).map(() => []);\n outputRange.forEach(value => {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.18.0): `value.match()` can return `null`. Need to guard\n * against this possibility.\n */\n value.match(stringShapeRegex).forEach((number, i) => {\n outputRanges[i].push(+number);\n });\n });\n\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.18.0): `outputRange[0].match()` can return `null`. Need to\n * guard against this possibility.\n */\n const interpolations = outputRange[0]\n .match(stringShapeRegex)\n .map((value, i) => {\n return createInterpolation({\n ...config,\n outputRange: outputRanges[i],\n });\n });\n\n // rgba requires that the r,g,b are integers.... so we want to round them, but we *dont* want to\n // round the opacity (4th column).\n const shouldRound = isRgbOrRgba(outputRange[0]);\n\n return input => {\n let i = 0;\n // 'rgba(0, 100, 200, 0)'\n // ->\n // 'rgba(${interpolations[0](input)}, ${interpolations[1](input)}, ...'\n return outputRange[0].replace(stringShapeRegex, () => {\n let val = +interpolations[i++](input);\n if (shouldRound) {\n val = i < 4 ? Math.round(val) : Math.round(val * 1000) / 1000;\n }\n return String(val);\n });\n };\n}\n\nfunction isRgbOrRgba(range) {\n return typeof range === 'string' && range.startsWith('rgb');\n}\n\nfunction checkPattern(arr: Array) {\n const pattern = arr[0].replace(stringShapeRegex, '');\n for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; ++i) {\n invariant(\n pattern === arr[i].replace(stringShapeRegex, ''),\n 'invalid pattern ' + arr[0] + ' and ' + arr[i],\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction findRange(input: number, inputRange: Array) {\n let i;\n for (i = 1; i < inputRange.length - 1; ++i) {\n if (inputRange[i] >= input) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return i - 1;\n}\n\nfunction checkValidInputRange(arr: Array) {\n invariant(arr.length >= 2, 'inputRange must have at least 2 elements');\n for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; ++i) {\n invariant(\n arr[i] >= arr[i - 1],\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.13.0) - In the addition expression below this comment,\n * one or both of the operands may be something that doesn't cleanly\n * convert to a string, like undefined, null, and object, etc. If you really\n * mean this implicit string conversion, you can do something like\n * String(myThing)\n */\n 'inputRange must be monotonically non-decreasing ' + arr,\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkInfiniteRange(name: string, arr: Array) {\n invariant(arr.length >= 2, name + ' must have at least 2 elements');\n invariant(\n arr.length !== 2 || arr[0] !== -Infinity || arr[1] !== Infinity,\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.13.0) - In the addition expression below this comment,\n * one or both of the operands may be something that doesn't cleanly convert\n * to a string, like undefined, null, and object, etc. If you really mean\n * this implicit string conversion, you can do something like\n * String(myThing)\n */\n name + 'cannot be ]-infinity;+infinity[ ' + arr,\n );\n}\n\nclass AnimatedInterpolation extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n // Export for testing.\n static __createInterpolation: (\n config: InterpolationConfigType,\n ) => (input: number) => number | string = createInterpolation;\n\n _parent: AnimatedNode;\n _config: InterpolationConfigType;\n _interpolation: (input: number) => number | string;\n\n constructor(parent: AnimatedNode, config: InterpolationConfigType) {\n super();\n this._parent = parent;\n this._config = config;\n this._interpolation = createInterpolation(config);\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._parent.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number | string {\n const parentValue: number = this._parent.__getValue();\n invariant(\n typeof parentValue === 'number',\n 'Cannot interpolate an input which is not a number.',\n );\n return this._interpolation(parentValue);\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._parent.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._parent.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __transformDataType(range: Array): Array {\n return;\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n if (__DEV__) {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.validateInterpolation(this._config);\n }\n\n return {\n inputRange: this._config.inputRange,\n // Only the `outputRange` can contain strings so we don't need to transform `inputRange` here\n outputRange: this.__transformDataType(this._config.outputRange),\n extrapolateLeft:\n this._config.extrapolateLeft || this._config.extrapolate || 'extend',\n extrapolateRight:\n this._config.extrapolateRight || this._config.extrapolate || 'extend',\n type: 'interpolation',\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedInterpolation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nconst NativeAnimatedAPI = NativeAnimatedHelper.API;\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\ntype ValueListenerCallback = (state: {value: number}) => mixed;\n\nlet _uniqueId = 1;\n\n// Note(vjeux): this would be better as an interface but flow doesn't\n// support them yet\nclass AnimatedNode {\n _listeners: {[key: string]: ValueListenerCallback};\n __nativeAnimatedValueListener: ?any;\n __attach(): void {}\n __detach(): void {\n if (this.__isNative && this.__nativeTag != null) {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.dropAnimatedNode(this.__nativeTag);\n this.__nativeTag = undefined;\n }\n }\n __getValue(): any {}\n __getAnimatedValue(): any {\n return this.__getValue();\n }\n __addChild(child: AnimatedNode) {}\n __removeChild(child: AnimatedNode) {}\n __getChildren(): Array {\n return [];\n }\n\n /* Methods and props used by native Animated impl */\n __isNative: boolean;\n __nativeTag: ?number;\n __shouldUpdateListenersForNewNativeTag: boolean;\n\n constructor() {\n this._listeners = {};\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n if (!this.__isNative) {\n throw new Error('This node cannot be made a \"native\" animated node');\n }\n\n if (this.hasListeners()) {\n this._startListeningToNativeValueUpdates();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds an asynchronous listener to the value so you can observe updates from\n * animations. This is useful because there is no way to\n * synchronously read the value because it might be driven natively.\n *\n * See\n */\n addListener(callback: (value: any) => mixed): string {\n const id = String(_uniqueId++);\n this._listeners[id] = callback;\n if (this.__isNative) {\n this._startListeningToNativeValueUpdates();\n }\n return id;\n }\n\n /**\n * Unregister a listener. The `id` param shall match the identifier\n * previously returned by `addListener()`.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeListener(id: string): void {\n delete this._listeners[id];\n if (this.__isNative && !this.hasListeners()) {\n this._stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove all registered listeners.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeAllListeners(): void {\n this._listeners = {};\n if (this.__isNative) {\n this._stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates();\n }\n }\n\n hasListeners(): boolean {\n return !!Object.keys(this._listeners).length;\n }\n\n _startListeningToNativeValueUpdates() {\n if (\n this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener &&\n !this.__shouldUpdateListenersForNewNativeTag\n ) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.__shouldUpdateListenersForNewNativeTag) {\n this.__shouldUpdateListenersForNewNativeTag = false;\n this._stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates();\n }\n\n NativeAnimatedAPI.startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(this.__getNativeTag());\n this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener = NativeAnimatedHelper.nativeEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'onAnimatedValueUpdate',\n data => {\n if (data.tag !== this.__getNativeTag()) {\n return;\n }\n this._onAnimatedValueUpdateReceived(data.value);\n },\n );\n }\n\n _onAnimatedValueUpdateReceived(value: number) {\n this.__callListeners(value);\n }\n\n __callListeners(value: number): void {\n for (const key in this._listeners) {\n this._listeners[key]({value});\n }\n }\n\n _stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates() {\n if (!this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener.remove();\n this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener = null;\n NativeAnimatedAPI.stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(this.__getNativeTag());\n }\n\n __getNativeTag(): ?number {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.assertNativeAnimatedModule();\n invariant(\n this.__isNative,\n 'Attempt to get native tag from node not marked as \"native\"',\n );\n if (this.__nativeTag == null) {\n const nativeTag: ?number = NativeAnimatedHelper.generateNewNodeTag();\n this.__nativeTag = nativeTag;\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.createAnimatedNode(\n nativeTag,\n this.__getNativeConfig(),\n );\n this.__shouldUpdateListenersForNewNativeTag = true;\n }\n return this.__nativeTag;\n }\n __getNativeConfig(): Object {\n throw new Error(\n 'This JS animated node type cannot be used as native animated node',\n );\n }\n toJSON(): any {\n return this.__getValue();\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedNode;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeEventEmitter from '../../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter';\nimport type {EventConfig} from './AnimatedEvent';\nimport NativeAnimatedModule from './NativeAnimatedModule';\nimport type {\n EventMapping,\n AnimatedNodeConfig,\n AnimatingNodeConfig,\n} from './NativeAnimatedModule';\nimport type {AnimationConfig, EndCallback} from './animations/Animation';\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './nodes/AnimatedInterpolation';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\nlet __nativeAnimatedNodeTagCount = 1; /* used for animated nodes */\nlet __nativeAnimationIdCount = 1; /* used for started animations */\n\nlet nativeEventEmitter;\n\nlet queueConnections = false;\nlet queue = [];\n\n/**\n * Simple wrappers around NativeAnimatedModule to provide flow and autocomplete support for\n * the native module methods\n */\nconst API = {\n enableQueue: function(): void {\n queueConnections = true;\n },\n disableQueue: function(): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n queueConnections = false;\n for (let q = 0, l = queue.length; q < l; q++) {\n const args = queue[q];\n NativeAnimatedModule.connectAnimatedNodes(args[0], args[1]);\n }\n queue.length = 0;\n },\n createAnimatedNode: function(tag: ?number, config: AnimatedNodeConfig): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.createAnimatedNode(tag, config);\n },\n startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue: function(tag: ?number) {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(tag);\n },\n stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue: function(tag: ?number) {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(tag);\n },\n connectAnimatedNodes: function(parentTag: ?number, childTag: ?number): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n if (queueConnections) {\n queue.push([parentTag, childTag]);\n return;\n }\n NativeAnimatedModule.connectAnimatedNodes(parentTag, childTag);\n },\n disconnectAnimatedNodes: function(\n parentTag: ?number,\n childTag: ?number,\n ): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.disconnectAnimatedNodes(parentTag, childTag);\n },\n startAnimatingNode: function(\n animationId: ?number,\n nodeTag: ?number,\n config: AnimatingNodeConfig,\n endCallback: EndCallback,\n ): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.startAnimatingNode(\n animationId,\n nodeTag,\n config,\n endCallback,\n );\n },\n stopAnimation: function(animationId: ?number) {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.stopAnimation(animationId);\n },\n setAnimatedNodeValue: function(nodeTag: ?number, value: ?number): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.setAnimatedNodeValue(nodeTag, value);\n },\n setAnimatedNodeOffset: function(nodeTag: ?number, offset: ?number): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.setAnimatedNodeOffset(nodeTag, offset);\n },\n flattenAnimatedNodeOffset: function(nodeTag: ?number): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.flattenAnimatedNodeOffset(nodeTag);\n },\n extractAnimatedNodeOffset: function(nodeTag: ?number): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.extractAnimatedNodeOffset(nodeTag);\n },\n connectAnimatedNodeToView: function(\n nodeTag: ?number,\n viewTag: ?number,\n ): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.connectAnimatedNodeToView(nodeTag, viewTag);\n },\n disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView: function(\n nodeTag: ?number,\n viewTag: ?number,\n ): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView(nodeTag, viewTag);\n },\n dropAnimatedNode: function(tag: ?number): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.dropAnimatedNode(tag);\n },\n addAnimatedEventToView: function(\n viewTag: ?number,\n eventName: string,\n eventMapping: EventMapping,\n ) {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.addAnimatedEventToView(\n viewTag,\n eventName,\n eventMapping,\n );\n },\n removeAnimatedEventFromView(\n viewTag: ?number,\n eventName: string,\n animatedNodeTag: ?number,\n ) {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n NativeAnimatedModule.removeAnimatedEventFromView(\n viewTag,\n eventName,\n animatedNodeTag,\n );\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Styles allowed by the native animated implementation.\n *\n * In general native animated implementation should support any numeric property that doesn't need\n * to be updated through the shadow view hierarchy (all non-layout properties).\n */\nconst STYLES_WHITELIST = {\n opacity: true,\n transform: true,\n borderRadius: true,\n borderBottomEndRadius: true,\n borderBottomLeftRadius: true,\n borderBottomRightRadius: true,\n borderBottomStartRadius: true,\n borderTopEndRadius: true,\n borderTopLeftRadius: true,\n borderTopRightRadius: true,\n borderTopStartRadius: true,\n elevation: true,\n /* ios styles */\n shadowOpacity: true,\n shadowRadius: true,\n /* legacy android transform properties */\n scaleX: true,\n scaleY: true,\n translateX: true,\n translateY: true,\n};\n\nconst TRANSFORM_WHITELIST = {\n translateX: true,\n translateY: true,\n scale: true,\n scaleX: true,\n scaleY: true,\n rotate: true,\n rotateX: true,\n rotateY: true,\n rotateZ: true,\n perspective: true,\n};\n\nconst SUPPORTED_INTERPOLATION_PARAMS = {\n inputRange: true,\n outputRange: true,\n extrapolate: true,\n extrapolateRight: true,\n extrapolateLeft: true,\n};\n\nfunction addWhitelistedStyleProp(prop: string): void {\n STYLES_WHITELIST[prop] = true;\n}\n\nfunction addWhitelistedTransformProp(prop: string): void {\n TRANSFORM_WHITELIST[prop] = true;\n}\n\nfunction addWhitelistedInterpolationParam(param: string): void {\n SUPPORTED_INTERPOLATION_PARAMS[param] = true;\n}\n\nfunction validateTransform(\n configs: Array<\n | {type: 'animated', property: string, nodeTag: ?number}\n | {type: 'static', property: string, value: number | string},\n >,\n): void {\n configs.forEach(config => {\n if (!TRANSFORM_WHITELIST.hasOwnProperty( {\n throw new Error(\n `Property '${\n\n }' is not supported by native animated module`,\n );\n }\n });\n}\n\nfunction validateStyles(styles: {[key: string]: ?number}): void {\n for (const key in styles) {\n if (!STYLES_WHITELIST.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n throw new Error(\n `Style property '${key}' is not supported by native animated module`,\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction validateInterpolation(config: InterpolationConfigType): void {\n for (const key in config) {\n if (!SUPPORTED_INTERPOLATION_PARAMS.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n throw new Error(\n `Interpolation property '${key}' is not supported by native animated module`,\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction generateNewNodeTag(): number {\n return __nativeAnimatedNodeTagCount++;\n}\n\nfunction generateNewAnimationId(): number {\n return __nativeAnimationIdCount++;\n}\n\nfunction assertNativeAnimatedModule(): void {\n invariant(NativeAnimatedModule, 'Native animated module is not available');\n}\n\nlet _warnedMissingNativeAnimated = false;\n\nfunction shouldUseNativeDriver(config: AnimationConfig | EventConfig): boolean {\n if (config.useNativeDriver === true && !NativeAnimatedModule) {\n if (!_warnedMissingNativeAnimated) {\n console.warn(\n 'Animated: `useNativeDriver` is not supported because the native ' +\n 'animated module is missing. Falling back to JS-based animation. To ' +\n 'resolve this, add `RCTAnimation` module to this app, or remove ' +\n '`useNativeDriver`. ' +\n 'More info:',\n );\n _warnedMissingNativeAnimated = true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n return config.useNativeDriver || false;\n}\n\nfunction transformDataType(value: number | string): number | string {\n // Change the string type to number type so we can reuse the same logic in\n // iOS and Android platform\n if (typeof value !== 'string') {\n return value;\n }\n if (/deg$/.test(value)) {\n const degrees = parseFloat(value) || 0;\n const radians = (degrees * Math.PI) / 180.0;\n return radians;\n } else {\n return value;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n API,\n addWhitelistedStyleProp,\n addWhitelistedTransformProp,\n addWhitelistedInterpolationParam,\n validateStyles,\n validateTransform,\n validateInterpolation,\n generateNewNodeTag,\n generateNewAnimationId,\n assertNativeAnimatedModule,\n shouldUseNativeDriver,\n transformDataType,\n // $FlowExpectedError - unsafe getter lint suppresion\n get nativeEventEmitter(): NativeEventEmitter {\n if (!nativeEventEmitter) {\n nativeEventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(NativeAnimatedModule);\n }\n return nativeEventEmitter;\n },\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\ntype EndResult = {finished: boolean};\ntype EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void;\n\nexport type EventMapping = {|\n nativeEventPath: Array,\n animatedValueTag: ?number,\n|};\n\nexport type AnimatedNodeConfig = {|\n // TODO: Type this with better enums.\n type: string,\n|};\n\nexport type AnimatingNodeConfig = {|\n // TODO: Type this with better enums.\n type: string,\n|};\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +createAnimatedNode: (tag: ?number, config: AnimatedNodeConfig) => void;\n +startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue: (tag: ?number) => void;\n +stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue: (tag: ?number) => void;\n +connectAnimatedNodes: (parentTag: ?number, childTag: ?number) => void;\n +disconnectAnimatedNodes: (parentTag: ?number, childTag: ?number) => void;\n +startAnimatingNode: (\n animationId: ?number,\n nodeTag: ?number,\n config: AnimatingNodeConfig,\n endCallback: EndCallback,\n ) => void;\n +stopAnimation: (animationId: ?number) => void;\n +setAnimatedNodeValue: (nodeTag: ?number, value: ?number) => void;\n +setAnimatedNodeOffset: (nodeTag: ?number, offset: ?number) => void;\n +flattenAnimatedNodeOffset: (nodeTag: ?number) => void;\n +extractAnimatedNodeOffset: (nodeTag: ?number) => void;\n +connectAnimatedNodeToView: (nodeTag: ?number, viewTag: ?number) => void;\n +disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView: (nodeTag: ?number, viewTag: ?number) => void;\n +dropAnimatedNode: (tag: ?number) => void;\n +addAnimatedEventToView: (\n viewTag: ?number,\n eventName: string,\n eventMapping: EventMapping,\n ) => void;\n +removeAnimatedEventFromView: (\n viewTag: ?number,\n eventName: string,\n animatedNodeTag: ?number,\n ) => void;\n\n // Events\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('NativeAnimatedModule'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nclass AnimatedWithChildren extends AnimatedNode {\n _children: Array;\n\n constructor() {\n super();\n this._children = [];\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n if (!this.__isNative) {\n this.__isNative = true;\n for (const child of this._children) {\n child.__makeNative();\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.connectAnimatedNodes(\n this.__getNativeTag(),\n child.__getNativeTag(),\n );\n }\n }\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __addChild(child: AnimatedNode): void {\n if (this._children.length === 0) {\n this.__attach();\n }\n this._children.push(child);\n if (this.__isNative) {\n // Only accept \"native\" animated nodes as children\n child.__makeNative();\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.connectAnimatedNodes(\n this.__getNativeTag(),\n child.__getNativeTag(),\n );\n }\n }\n\n __removeChild(child: AnimatedNode): void {\n const index = this._children.indexOf(child);\n if (index === -1) {\n console.warn(\"Trying to remove a child that doesn't exist\");\n return;\n }\n if (this.__isNative && child.__isNative) {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.disconnectAnimatedNodes(\n this.__getNativeTag(),\n child.__getNativeTag(),\n );\n }\n this._children.splice(index, 1);\n if (this._children.length === 0) {\n this.__detach();\n }\n }\n\n __getChildren(): Array {\n return this._children;\n }\n\n __callListeners(value: number): void {\n super.__callListeners(value);\n if (!this.__isNative) {\n for (const child of this._children) {\n if (child.__getValue) {\n child.__callListeners(child.__getValue());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedWithChildren;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst BatchedBridge = require('../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge');\nconst EventEmitter = require('../vendor/emitter/EventEmitter');\nconst TaskQueue = require('./TaskQueue');\n\nconst infoLog = require('../Utilities/infoLog');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst keyMirror = require('fbjs/lib/keyMirror');\n\nexport type Handle = number;\nimport type {Task} from './TaskQueue';\n\nconst _emitter = new EventEmitter();\n\nconst DEBUG_DELAY: 0 = 0;\nconst DEBUG: false = false;\n\n/**\n * InteractionManager allows long-running work to be scheduled after any\n * interactions/animations have completed. In particular, this allows JavaScript\n * animations to run smoothly.\n *\n * Applications can schedule tasks to run after interactions with the following:\n *\n * ```\n * InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {\n * // ...long-running synchronous task...\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * Compare this to other scheduling alternatives:\n *\n * - requestAnimationFrame(): for code that animates a view over time.\n * - setImmediate/setTimeout(): run code later, note this may delay animations.\n * - runAfterInteractions(): run code later, without delaying active animations.\n *\n * The touch handling system considers one or more active touches to be an\n * 'interaction' and will delay `runAfterInteractions()` callbacks until all\n * touches have ended or been cancelled.\n *\n * InteractionManager also allows applications to register animations by\n * creating an interaction 'handle' on animation start, and clearing it upon\n * completion:\n *\n * ```\n * var handle = InteractionManager.createInteractionHandle();\n * // run animation... (`runAfterInteractions` tasks are queued)\n * // later, on animation completion:\n * InteractionManager.clearInteractionHandle(handle);\n * // queued tasks run if all handles were cleared\n * ```\n *\n * `runAfterInteractions` takes either a plain callback function, or a\n * `PromiseTask` object with a `gen` method that returns a `Promise`. If a\n * `PromiseTask` is supplied, then it is fully resolved (including asynchronous\n * dependencies that also schedule more tasks via `runAfterInteractions`) before\n * starting on the next task that might have been queued up synchronously\n * earlier.\n *\n * By default, queued tasks are executed together in a loop in one\n * `setImmediate` batch. If `setDeadline` is called with a positive number, then\n * tasks will only be executed until the deadline (in terms of js event loop run\n * time) approaches, at which point execution will yield via setTimeout,\n * allowing events such as touches to start interactions and block queued tasks\n * from executing, making apps more responsive.\n */\nconst InteractionManager = {\n Events: keyMirror({\n interactionStart: true,\n interactionComplete: true,\n }),\n\n /**\n * Schedule a function to run after all interactions have completed. Returns a cancellable\n * \"promise\".\n */\n runAfterInteractions(\n task: ?Task,\n ): {then: Function, done: Function, cancel: Function} {\n const tasks = [];\n const promise = new Promise(resolve => {\n _scheduleUpdate();\n if (task) {\n tasks.push(task);\n }\n tasks.push({\n run: resolve,\n name: 'resolve ' + ((task && || '?'),\n });\n _taskQueue.enqueueTasks(tasks);\n });\n return {\n then: promise.then.bind(promise),\n done: (...args) => {\n if (promise.done) {\n return promise.done(...args);\n } else {\n console.warn(\n 'Tried to call done when not supported by current Promise implementation.',\n );\n }\n },\n cancel: function() {\n _taskQueue.cancelTasks(tasks);\n },\n };\n },\n\n /**\n * Notify manager that an interaction has started.\n */\n createInteractionHandle(): Handle {\n DEBUG && infoLog('InteractionManager: create interaction handle');\n _scheduleUpdate();\n const handle = ++_inc;\n _addInteractionSet.add(handle);\n return handle;\n },\n\n /**\n * Notify manager that an interaction has completed.\n */\n clearInteractionHandle(handle: Handle) {\n DEBUG && infoLog('InteractionManager: clear interaction handle');\n invariant(!!handle, 'InteractionManager: Must provide a handle to clear.');\n _scheduleUpdate();\n _addInteractionSet.delete(handle);\n _deleteInteractionSet.add(handle);\n },\n\n addListener: (_emitter.addListener.bind(_emitter): $FlowFixMe),\n\n /**\n * A positive number will use setTimeout to schedule any tasks after the\n * eventLoopRunningTime hits the deadline value, otherwise all tasks will be\n * executed in one setImmediate batch (default).\n */\n setDeadline(deadline: number) {\n _deadline = deadline;\n },\n};\n\nconst _interactionSet = new Set();\nconst _addInteractionSet = new Set();\nconst _deleteInteractionSet = new Set();\nconst _taskQueue = new TaskQueue({onMoreTasks: _scheduleUpdate});\nlet _nextUpdateHandle = 0;\nlet _inc = 0;\nlet _deadline = -1;\n\ndeclare function setImmediate(callback: any, ...args: Array): number;\n\n/**\n * Schedule an asynchronous update to the interaction state.\n */\nfunction _scheduleUpdate() {\n if (!_nextUpdateHandle) {\n if (_deadline > 0) {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n _nextUpdateHandle = setTimeout(_processUpdate, 0 + DEBUG_DELAY);\n } else {\n _nextUpdateHandle = setImmediate(_processUpdate);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Notify listeners, process queue, etc\n */\nfunction _processUpdate() {\n _nextUpdateHandle = 0;\n\n const interactionCount = _interactionSet.size;\n _addInteractionSet.forEach(handle => _interactionSet.add(handle));\n _deleteInteractionSet.forEach(handle => _interactionSet.delete(handle));\n const nextInteractionCount = _interactionSet.size;\n\n if (interactionCount !== 0 && nextInteractionCount === 0) {\n // transition from 1+ --> 0 interactions\n _emitter.emit(InteractionManager.Events.interactionComplete);\n } else if (interactionCount === 0 && nextInteractionCount !== 0) {\n // transition from 0 --> 1+ interactions\n _emitter.emit(InteractionManager.Events.interactionStart);\n }\n\n // process the queue regardless of a transition\n if (nextInteractionCount === 0) {\n while (_taskQueue.hasTasksToProcess()) {\n _taskQueue.processNext();\n if (\n _deadline > 0 &&\n BatchedBridge.getEventLoopRunningTime() >= _deadline\n ) {\n // Hit deadline before processing all tasks, so process more later.\n _scheduleUpdate();\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n _addInteractionSet.clear();\n _deleteInteractionSet.clear();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = InteractionManager;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst infoLog = require('../Utilities/infoLog');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\ntype SimpleTask = {\n name: string,\n run: () => void,\n};\ntype PromiseTask = {\n name: string,\n gen: () => Promise,\n};\nexport type Task = Function | SimpleTask | PromiseTask;\n\nconst DEBUG: false = false;\n\n/**\n * TaskQueue - A system for queueing and executing a mix of simple callbacks and\n * trees of dependent tasks based on Promises. No tasks are executed unless\n * `processNext` is called.\n *\n * `enqueue` takes a Task object with either a simple `run` callback, or a\n * `gen` function that returns a `Promise` and puts it in the queue. If a gen\n * function is supplied, then the promise it returns will block execution of\n * tasks already in the queue until it resolves. This can be used to make sure\n * the first task is fully resolved (including asynchronous dependencies that\n * also schedule more tasks via `enqueue`) before starting on the next task.\n * The `onMoreTasks` constructor argument is used to inform the owner that an\n * async task has resolved and that the queue should be processed again.\n *\n * Note: Tasks are only actually executed with explicit calls to `processNext`.\n */\nclass TaskQueue {\n /**\n * TaskQueue instances are self contained and independent, so multiple tasks\n * of varying semantics and priority can operate together.\n *\n * `onMoreTasks` is invoked when `PromiseTask`s resolve if there are more\n * tasks to process.\n */\n constructor({onMoreTasks}: {onMoreTasks: () => void}) {\n this._onMoreTasks = onMoreTasks;\n this._queueStack = [{tasks: [], popable: false}];\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a task to the queue. It is recommended to name your tasks for easier\n * async debugging. Tasks will not be executed until `processNext` is called\n * explicitly.\n */\n enqueue(task: Task): void {\n this._getCurrentQueue().push(task);\n }\n\n enqueueTasks(tasks: Array): void {\n tasks.forEach(task => this.enqueue(task));\n }\n\n cancelTasks(tasksToCancel: Array): void {\n // search through all tasks and remove them.\n this._queueStack = this._queueStack\n .map(queue => ({\n ...queue,\n tasks: queue.tasks.filter(task => tasksToCancel.indexOf(task) === -1),\n }))\n .filter((queue, idx) => queue.tasks.length > 0 || idx === 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Check to see if `processNext` should be called.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} Returns true if there are tasks that are ready to be\n * processed with `processNext`, or returns false if there are no more tasks\n * to be processed right now, although there may be tasks in the queue that\n * are blocked by earlier `PromiseTask`s that haven't resolved yet.\n * `onMoreTasks` will be called after each `PromiseTask` resolves if there are\n * tasks ready to run at that point.\n */\n hasTasksToProcess(): boolean {\n return this._getCurrentQueue().length > 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Executes the next task in the queue.\n */\n processNext(): void {\n const queue = this._getCurrentQueue();\n if (queue.length) {\n const task = queue.shift();\n try {\n if (task.gen) {\n DEBUG && infoLog('TaskQueue: genPromise for task ' +;\n this._genPromise((task: any)); // Rather than annoying tagged union\n } else if ( {\n DEBUG && infoLog('TaskQueue: run task ' +;\n;\n } else {\n invariant(\n typeof task === 'function',\n 'Expected Function, SimpleTask, or PromiseTask, but got:\\n' +\n JSON.stringify(task, null, 2),\n );\n DEBUG && infoLog('TaskQueue: run anonymous task');\n task();\n }\n } catch (e) {\n e.message =\n 'TaskQueue: Error with task ' + ( || '') + ': ' + e.message;\n throw e;\n }\n }\n }\n\n _queueStack: Array<{tasks: Array, popable: boolean}>;\n _onMoreTasks: () => void;\n\n _getCurrentQueue(): Array {\n const stackIdx = this._queueStack.length - 1;\n const queue = this._queueStack[stackIdx];\n if (\n queue.popable &&\n queue.tasks.length === 0 &&\n this._queueStack.length > 1\n ) {\n this._queueStack.pop();\n DEBUG &&\n infoLog('TaskQueue: popped queue: ', {\n stackIdx,\n queueStackSize: this._queueStack.length,\n });\n return this._getCurrentQueue();\n } else {\n return queue.tasks;\n }\n }\n\n _genPromise(task: PromiseTask) {\n // Each async task pushes it's own queue onto the queue stack. This\n // effectively defers execution of previously queued tasks until the promise\n // resolves, at which point we allow the new queue to be popped, which\n // happens once it is fully processed.\n this._queueStack.push({tasks: [], popable: false});\n const stackIdx = this._queueStack.length - 1;\n DEBUG && infoLog('TaskQueue: push new queue: ', {stackIdx});\n DEBUG && infoLog('TaskQueue: exec gen task ' +;\n task\n .gen()\n .then(() => {\n DEBUG &&\n infoLog('TaskQueue: onThen for gen task ' +, {\n stackIdx,\n queueStackSize: this._queueStack.length,\n });\n this._queueStack[stackIdx].popable = true;\n this.hasTasksToProcess() && this._onMoreTasks();\n })\n .catch(ex => {\n ex.message = `TaskQueue: Error resolving Promise in task ${\n\n }: ${ex.message}`;\n throw ex;\n })\n .done();\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = TaskQueue;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n * @preventMunge\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {AnimatedEvent, attachNativeEvent} = require('./AnimatedEvent');\nconst AnimatedAddition = require('./nodes/AnimatedAddition');\nconst AnimatedDiffClamp = require('./nodes/AnimatedDiffClamp');\nconst AnimatedDivision = require('./nodes/AnimatedDivision');\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./nodes/AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedModulo = require('./nodes/AnimatedModulo');\nconst AnimatedMultiplication = require('./nodes/AnimatedMultiplication');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./nodes/AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedProps = require('./nodes/AnimatedProps');\nconst AnimatedSubtraction = require('./nodes/AnimatedSubtraction');\nconst AnimatedTracking = require('./nodes/AnimatedTracking');\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./nodes/AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedValueXY = require('./nodes/AnimatedValueXY');\nconst DecayAnimation = require('./animations/DecayAnimation');\nconst SpringAnimation = require('./animations/SpringAnimation');\nconst TimingAnimation = require('./animations/TimingAnimation');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('./createAnimatedComponent');\n\nimport type {\n AnimationConfig,\n EndCallback,\n EndResult,\n} from './animations/Animation';\nimport type {TimingAnimationConfig} from './animations/TimingAnimation';\nimport type {DecayAnimationConfig} from './animations/DecayAnimation';\nimport type {SpringAnimationConfig} from './animations/SpringAnimation';\nimport type {Mapping, EventConfig} from './AnimatedEvent';\n\nexport type CompositeAnimation = {\n start: (callback?: ?EndCallback) => void,\n stop: () => void,\n reset: () => void,\n _startNativeLoop: (iterations?: number) => void,\n _isUsingNativeDriver: () => boolean,\n};\n\nconst add = function(\n a: AnimatedNode | number,\n b: AnimatedNode | number,\n): AnimatedAddition {\n return new AnimatedAddition(a, b);\n};\n\nconst subtract = function(\n a: AnimatedNode | number,\n b: AnimatedNode | number,\n): AnimatedSubtraction {\n return new AnimatedSubtraction(a, b);\n};\n\nconst divide = function(\n a: AnimatedNode | number,\n b: AnimatedNode | number,\n): AnimatedDivision {\n return new AnimatedDivision(a, b);\n};\n\nconst multiply = function(\n a: AnimatedNode | number,\n b: AnimatedNode | number,\n): AnimatedMultiplication {\n return new AnimatedMultiplication(a, b);\n};\n\nconst modulo = function(a: AnimatedNode, modulus: number): AnimatedModulo {\n return new AnimatedModulo(a, modulus);\n};\n\nconst diffClamp = function(\n a: AnimatedNode,\n min: number,\n max: number,\n): AnimatedDiffClamp {\n return new AnimatedDiffClamp(a, min, max);\n};\n\nconst _combineCallbacks = function(\n callback: ?EndCallback,\n config: AnimationConfig,\n) {\n if (callback && config.onComplete) {\n return (...args) => {\n config.onComplete && config.onComplete(...args);\n callback && callback(...args);\n };\n } else {\n return callback || config.onComplete;\n }\n};\n\nconst maybeVectorAnim = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: Object,\n anim: (value: AnimatedValue, config: Object) => CompositeAnimation,\n): ?CompositeAnimation {\n if (value instanceof AnimatedValueXY) {\n const configX = {...config};\n const configY = {...config};\n for (const key in config) {\n const {x, y} = config[key];\n if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) {\n configX[key] = x;\n configY[key] = y;\n }\n }\n const aX = anim((value: AnimatedValueXY).x, configX);\n const aY = anim((value: AnimatedValueXY).y, configY);\n // We use `stopTogether: false` here because otherwise tracking will break\n // because the second animation will get stopped before it can update.\n return parallel([aX, aY], {stopTogether: false});\n }\n return null;\n};\n\nconst spring = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: SpringAnimationConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n const start = function(\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n configuration: SpringAnimationConfig,\n callback?: ?EndCallback,\n ): void {\n callback = _combineCallbacks(callback, configuration);\n const singleValue: any = animatedValue;\n const singleConfig: any = configuration;\n singleValue.stopTracking();\n if (configuration.toValue instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n singleValue.track(\n new AnimatedTracking(\n singleValue,\n configuration.toValue,\n SpringAnimation,\n singleConfig,\n callback,\n ),\n );\n } else {\n singleValue.animate(new SpringAnimation(singleConfig), callback);\n }\n };\n return (\n maybeVectorAnim(value, config, spring) || {\n start: function(callback?: ?EndCallback): void {\n start(value, config, callback);\n },\n\n stop: function(): void {\n value.stopAnimation();\n },\n\n reset: function(): void {\n value.resetAnimation();\n },\n\n _startNativeLoop: function(iterations?: number): void {\n const singleConfig = {...config, iterations};\n start(value, singleConfig);\n },\n\n _isUsingNativeDriver: function(): boolean {\n return config.useNativeDriver || false;\n },\n }\n );\n};\n\nconst timing = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: TimingAnimationConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n const start = function(\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n configuration: TimingAnimationConfig,\n callback?: ?EndCallback,\n ): void {\n callback = _combineCallbacks(callback, configuration);\n const singleValue: any = animatedValue;\n const singleConfig: any = configuration;\n singleValue.stopTracking();\n if (configuration.toValue instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n singleValue.track(\n new AnimatedTracking(\n singleValue,\n configuration.toValue,\n TimingAnimation,\n singleConfig,\n callback,\n ),\n );\n } else {\n singleValue.animate(new TimingAnimation(singleConfig), callback);\n }\n };\n\n return (\n maybeVectorAnim(value, config, timing) || {\n start: function(callback?: ?EndCallback): void {\n start(value, config, callback);\n },\n\n stop: function(): void {\n value.stopAnimation();\n },\n\n reset: function(): void {\n value.resetAnimation();\n },\n\n _startNativeLoop: function(iterations?: number): void {\n const singleConfig = {...config, iterations};\n start(value, singleConfig);\n },\n\n _isUsingNativeDriver: function(): boolean {\n return config.useNativeDriver || false;\n },\n }\n );\n};\n\nconst decay = function(\n value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n config: DecayAnimationConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n const start = function(\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,\n configuration: DecayAnimationConfig,\n callback?: ?EndCallback,\n ): void {\n callback = _combineCallbacks(callback, configuration);\n const singleValue: any = animatedValue;\n const singleConfig: any = configuration;\n singleValue.stopTracking();\n singleValue.animate(new DecayAnimation(singleConfig), callback);\n };\n\n return (\n maybeVectorAnim(value, config, decay) || {\n start: function(callback?: ?EndCallback): void {\n start(value, config, callback);\n },\n\n stop: function(): void {\n value.stopAnimation();\n },\n\n reset: function(): void {\n value.resetAnimation();\n },\n\n _startNativeLoop: function(iterations?: number): void {\n const singleConfig = {...config, iterations};\n start(value, singleConfig);\n },\n\n _isUsingNativeDriver: function(): boolean {\n return config.useNativeDriver || false;\n },\n }\n );\n};\n\nconst sequence = function(\n animations: Array,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n let current = 0;\n return {\n start: function(callback?: ?EndCallback) {\n const onComplete = function(result) {\n if (!result.finished) {\n callback && callback(result);\n return;\n }\n\n current++;\n\n if (current === animations.length) {\n callback && callback(result);\n return;\n }\n\n animations[current].start(onComplete);\n };\n\n if (animations.length === 0) {\n callback && callback({finished: true});\n } else {\n animations[current].start(onComplete);\n }\n },\n\n stop: function() {\n if (current < animations.length) {\n animations[current].stop();\n }\n },\n\n reset: function() {\n animations.forEach((animation, idx) => {\n if (idx <= current) {\n animation.reset();\n }\n });\n current = 0;\n },\n\n _startNativeLoop: function() {\n throw new Error(\n 'Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.sequence animations',\n );\n },\n\n _isUsingNativeDriver: function(): boolean {\n return false;\n },\n };\n};\n\ntype ParallelConfig = {\n stopTogether?: boolean, // If one is stopped, stop all. default: true\n};\nconst parallel = function(\n animations: Array,\n config?: ?ParallelConfig,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n let doneCount = 0;\n // Make sure we only call stop() at most once for each animation\n const hasEnded = {};\n const stopTogether = !(config && config.stopTogether === false);\n\n const result = {\n start: function(callback?: ?EndCallback) {\n if (doneCount === animations.length) {\n callback && callback({finished: true});\n return;\n }\n\n animations.forEach((animation, idx) => {\n const cb = function(endResult) {\n hasEnded[idx] = true;\n doneCount++;\n if (doneCount === animations.length) {\n doneCount = 0;\n callback && callback(endResult);\n return;\n }\n\n if (!endResult.finished && stopTogether) {\n result.stop();\n }\n };\n\n if (!animation) {\n cb({finished: true});\n } else {\n animation.start(cb);\n }\n });\n },\n\n stop: function(): void {\n animations.forEach((animation, idx) => {\n !hasEnded[idx] && animation.stop();\n hasEnded[idx] = true;\n });\n },\n\n reset: function(): void {\n animations.forEach((animation, idx) => {\n animation.reset();\n hasEnded[idx] = false;\n doneCount = 0;\n });\n },\n\n _startNativeLoop: function() {\n throw new Error(\n 'Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.parallel animations',\n );\n },\n\n _isUsingNativeDriver: function(): boolean {\n return false;\n },\n };\n\n return result;\n};\n\nconst delay = function(time: number): CompositeAnimation {\n // Would be nice to make a specialized implementation\n return timing(new AnimatedValue(0), {\n toValue: 0,\n delay: time,\n duration: 0,\n useNativeDriver: false,\n });\n};\n\nconst stagger = function(\n time: number,\n animations: Array,\n): CompositeAnimation {\n return parallel(\n, i) => {\n return sequence([delay(time * i), animation]);\n }),\n );\n};\n\ntype LoopAnimationConfig = {\n iterations: number,\n resetBeforeIteration?: boolean,\n};\n\nconst loop = function(\n animation: CompositeAnimation,\n {iterations = -1, resetBeforeIteration = true}: LoopAnimationConfig = {},\n): CompositeAnimation {\n let isFinished = false;\n let iterationsSoFar = 0;\n return {\n start: function(callback?: ?EndCallback) {\n const restart = function(result: EndResult = {finished: true}): void {\n if (\n isFinished ||\n iterationsSoFar === iterations ||\n result.finished === false\n ) {\n callback && callback(result);\n } else {\n iterationsSoFar++;\n resetBeforeIteration && animation.reset();\n animation.start(restart);\n }\n };\n if (!animation || iterations === 0) {\n callback && callback({finished: true});\n } else {\n if (animation._isUsingNativeDriver()) {\n animation._startNativeLoop(iterations);\n } else {\n restart(); // Start looping recursively on the js thread\n }\n }\n },\n\n stop: function(): void {\n isFinished = true;\n animation.stop();\n },\n\n reset: function(): void {\n iterationsSoFar = 0;\n isFinished = false;\n animation.reset();\n },\n\n _startNativeLoop: function() {\n throw new Error(\n 'Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.loop animations',\n );\n },\n\n _isUsingNativeDriver: function(): boolean {\n return animation._isUsingNativeDriver();\n },\n };\n};\n\nfunction forkEvent(\n event: ?AnimatedEvent | ?Function,\n listener: Function,\n): AnimatedEvent | Function {\n if (!event) {\n return listener;\n } else if (event instanceof AnimatedEvent) {\n event.__addListener(listener);\n return event;\n } else {\n return (...args) => {\n typeof event === 'function' && event(...args);\n listener(...args);\n };\n }\n}\n\nfunction unforkEvent(\n event: ?AnimatedEvent | ?Function,\n listener: Function,\n): void {\n if (event && event instanceof AnimatedEvent) {\n event.__removeListener(listener);\n }\n}\n\nconst event = function(argMapping: Array, config?: EventConfig): any {\n const animatedEvent = new AnimatedEvent(argMapping, config);\n if (animatedEvent.__isNative) {\n return animatedEvent;\n } else {\n return animatedEvent.__getHandler();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * The `Animated` library is designed to make animations fluid, powerful, and\n * easy to build and maintain. `Animated` focuses on declarative relationships\n * between inputs and outputs, with configurable transforms in between, and\n * simple `start`/`stop` methods to control time-based animation execution.\n * If additional transforms are added, be sure to include them in\n * AnimatedMock.js as well.\n *\n * See\n */\nmodule.exports = {\n /**\n * Standard value class for driving animations. Typically initialized with\n * `new Animated.Value(0);`\n *\n * See\n */\n Value: AnimatedValue,\n /**\n * 2D value class for driving 2D animations, such as pan gestures.\n *\n * See\n */\n ValueXY: AnimatedValueXY,\n /**\n * Exported to use the Interpolation type in flow.\n *\n * See\n */\n Interpolation: AnimatedInterpolation,\n /**\n * Exported for ease of type checking. All animated values derive from this\n * class.\n *\n * See\n */\n Node: AnimatedNode,\n\n /**\n * Animates a value from an initial velocity to zero based on a decay\n * coefficient.\n *\n * See\n */\n decay,\n /**\n * Animates a value along a timed easing curve. The Easing module has tons of\n * predefined curves, or you can use your own function.\n *\n * See\n */\n timing,\n /**\n * Animates a value according to an analytical spring model based on\n * damped harmonic oscillation.\n *\n * See\n */\n spring,\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values added\n * together.\n *\n * See\n */\n add,\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Animated value composed by subtracting the second Animated\n * value from the first Animated value.\n *\n * See\n */\n subtract,\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Animated value composed by dividing the first Animated value\n * by the second Animated value.\n *\n * See\n */\n divide,\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values multiplied\n * together.\n *\n * See\n */\n multiply,\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Animated value that is the (non-negative) modulo of the\n * provided Animated value.\n *\n * See\n */\n modulo,\n\n /**\n * Create a new Animated value that is limited between 2 values. It uses the\n * difference between the last value so even if the value is far from the\n * bounds it will start changing when the value starts getting closer again.\n *\n * See\n */\n diffClamp,\n\n /**\n * Starts an animation after the given delay.\n *\n * See\n */\n delay,\n /**\n * Starts an array of animations in order, waiting for each to complete\n * before starting the next. If the current running animation is stopped, no\n * following animations will be started.\n *\n * See\n */\n sequence,\n /**\n * Starts an array of animations all at the same time. By default, if one\n * of the animations is stopped, they will all be stopped. You can override\n * this with the `stopTogether` flag.\n *\n * See\n */\n parallel,\n /**\n * Array of animations may run in parallel (overlap), but are started in\n * sequence with successive delays. Nice for doing trailing effects.\n *\n * See\n */\n stagger,\n /**\n * Loops a given animation continuously, so that each time it reaches the\n * end, it resets and begins again from the start.\n *\n * See\n */\n loop,\n\n /**\n * Takes an array of mappings and extracts values from each arg accordingly,\n * then calls `setValue` on the mapped outputs.\n *\n * See\n */\n event,\n\n /**\n * Make any React component Animatable. Used to create `Animated.View`, etc.\n *\n * See\n */\n createAnimatedComponent,\n\n /**\n * Imperative API to attach an animated value to an event on a view. Prefer\n * using `Animated.event` with `useNativeDrive: true` if possible.\n *\n * See\n */\n attachNativeEvent,\n\n /**\n * Advanced imperative API for snooping on animated events that are passed in\n * through props. Use values directly where possible.\n *\n * See\n */\n forkEvent,\n unforkEvent,\n\n /**\n * Expose Event class, so it can be used as a type for type checkers.\n */\n Event: AnimatedEvent,\n\n __PropsOnlyForTests: AnimatedProps,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\n\nclass AnimatedAddition extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _a: AnimatedNode;\n _b: AnimatedNode;\n\n constructor(a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number) {\n super();\n this._a = typeof a === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(a) : a;\n this._b = typeof b === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(b) : b;\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._a.__makeNative();\n this._b.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n return this._a.__getValue() + this._b.__getValue();\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._a.__addChild(this);\n this._b.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._a.__removeChild(this);\n this._b.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n return {\n type: 'addition',\n input: [this._a.__getNativeTag(), this._b.__getNativeTag()],\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedAddition;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\n\nclass AnimatedDiffClamp extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _a: AnimatedNode;\n _min: number;\n _max: number;\n _value: number;\n _lastValue: number;\n\n constructor(a: AnimatedNode, min: number, max: number) {\n super();\n\n this._a = a;\n this._min = min;\n this._max = max;\n this._value = this._lastValue = this._a.__getValue();\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._a.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n const value = this._a.__getValue();\n const diff = value - this._lastValue;\n this._lastValue = value;\n this._value = Math.min(Math.max(this._value + diff, this._min), this._max);\n return this._value;\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._a.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._a.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n return {\n type: 'diffclamp',\n input: this._a.__getNativeTag(),\n min: this._min,\n max: this._max,\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedDiffClamp;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\n\nclass AnimatedDivision extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _a: AnimatedNode;\n _b: AnimatedNode;\n\n constructor(a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number) {\n super();\n this._a = typeof a === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(a) : a;\n this._b = typeof b === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(b) : b;\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._a.__makeNative();\n this._b.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n const a = this._a.__getValue();\n const b = this._b.__getValue();\n if (b === 0) {\n console.error('Detected division by zero in AnimatedDivision');\n }\n return a / b;\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._a.__addChild(this);\n this._b.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._a.__removeChild(this);\n this._b.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n return {\n type: 'division',\n input: [this._a.__getNativeTag(), this._b.__getNativeTag()],\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedDivision;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\n\nclass AnimatedModulo extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _a: AnimatedNode;\n _modulus: number;\n\n constructor(a: AnimatedNode, modulus: number) {\n super();\n this._a = a;\n this._modulus = modulus;\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._a.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n return (\n ((this._a.__getValue() % this._modulus) + this._modulus) % this._modulus\n );\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._a.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._a.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n return {\n type: 'modulus',\n input: this._a.__getNativeTag(),\n modulus: this._modulus,\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedModulo;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\n\nclass AnimatedMultiplication extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _a: AnimatedNode;\n _b: AnimatedNode;\n\n constructor(a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number) {\n super();\n this._a = typeof a === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(a) : a;\n this._b = typeof b === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(b) : b;\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._a.__makeNative();\n this._b.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n return this._a.__getValue() * this._b.__getValue();\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._a.__addChild(this);\n this._b.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._a.__removeChild(this);\n this._b.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n return {\n type: 'multiplication',\n input: [this._a.__getNativeTag(), this._b.__getNativeTag()],\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedMultiplication;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {AnimatedEvent} = require('../AnimatedEvent');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedStyle = require('./AnimatedStyle');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nclass AnimatedProps extends AnimatedNode {\n _props: Object;\n _animatedView: any;\n _callback: () => void;\n\n constructor(props: Object, callback: () => void) {\n super();\n if ( {\n props = {\n ...props,\n style: new AnimatedStyle(,\n };\n }\n this._props = props;\n this._callback = callback;\n this.__attach();\n }\n\n __getValue(): Object {\n const props = {};\n for (const key in this._props) {\n const value = this._props[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n if (!value.__isNative || value instanceof AnimatedStyle) {\n // We cannot use value of natively driven nodes this way as the value we have access from\n // JS may not be up to date.\n props[key] = value.__getValue();\n }\n } else if (value instanceof AnimatedEvent) {\n props[key] = value.__getHandler();\n } else {\n props[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return props;\n }\n\n __getAnimatedValue(): Object {\n const props = {};\n for (const key in this._props) {\n const value = this._props[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n props[key] = value.__getAnimatedValue();\n }\n }\n return props;\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n for (const key in this._props) {\n const value = this._props[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__addChild(this);\n }\n }\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n if (this.__isNative && this._animatedView) {\n this.__disconnectAnimatedView();\n }\n for (const key in this._props) {\n const value = this._props[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__removeChild(this);\n }\n }\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n update(): void {\n this._callback();\n }\n\n __makeNative(): void {\n if (!this.__isNative) {\n this.__isNative = true;\n for (const key in this._props) {\n const value = this._props[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__makeNative();\n }\n }\n if (this._animatedView) {\n this.__connectAnimatedView();\n }\n }\n }\n\n setNativeView(animatedView: any): void {\n if (this._animatedView === animatedView) {\n return;\n }\n this._animatedView = animatedView;\n if (this.__isNative) {\n this.__connectAnimatedView();\n }\n }\n\n __connectAnimatedView(): void {\n invariant(this.__isNative, 'Expected node to be marked as \"native\"');\n const nativeViewTag: ?number = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(\n this._animatedView,\n );\n invariant(\n nativeViewTag != null,\n 'Unable to locate attached view in the native tree',\n );\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.connectAnimatedNodeToView(\n this.__getNativeTag(),\n nativeViewTag,\n );\n }\n\n __disconnectAnimatedView(): void {\n invariant(this.__isNative, 'Expected node to be marked as \"native\"');\n const nativeViewTag: ?number = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(\n this._animatedView,\n );\n invariant(\n nativeViewTag != null,\n 'Unable to locate attached view in the native tree',\n );\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView(\n this.__getNativeTag(),\n nativeViewTag,\n );\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): Object {\n const propsConfig = {};\n for (const propKey in this._props) {\n const value = this._props[propKey];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__makeNative();\n propsConfig[propKey] = value.__getNativeTag();\n }\n }\n return {\n type: 'props',\n props: propsConfig,\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedProps;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedTransform = require('./AnimatedTransform');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nconst flattenStyle = require('../../../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\n\nclass AnimatedStyle extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _style: Object;\n\n constructor(style: any) {\n super();\n style = flattenStyle(style) || {};\n if (style.transform) {\n style = {\n,\n transform: new AnimatedTransform(style.transform),\n };\n }\n this._style = style;\n }\n\n // Recursively get values for nested styles (like iOS's shadowOffset)\n _walkStyleAndGetValues(style) {\n const updatedStyle = {};\n for (const key in style) {\n const value = style[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n if (!value.__isNative) {\n // We cannot use value of natively driven nodes this way as the value we have access from\n // JS may not be up to date.\n updatedStyle[key] = value.__getValue();\n }\n } else if (value && !Array.isArray(value) && typeof value === 'object') {\n // Support animating nested values (for example: shadowOffset.height)\n updatedStyle[key] = this._walkStyleAndGetValues(value);\n } else {\n updatedStyle[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return updatedStyle;\n }\n\n __getValue(): Object {\n return this._walkStyleAndGetValues(this._style);\n }\n\n // Recursively get animated values for nested styles (like iOS's shadowOffset)\n _walkStyleAndGetAnimatedValues(style) {\n const updatedStyle = {};\n for (const key in style) {\n const value = style[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n updatedStyle[key] = value.__getAnimatedValue();\n } else if (value && !Array.isArray(value) && typeof value === 'object') {\n // Support animating nested values (for example: shadowOffset.height)\n updatedStyle[key] = this._walkStyleAndGetAnimatedValues(value);\n }\n }\n return updatedStyle;\n }\n\n __getAnimatedValue(): Object {\n return this._walkStyleAndGetAnimatedValues(this._style);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n for (const key in this._style) {\n const value = this._style[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__addChild(this);\n }\n }\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n for (const key in this._style) {\n const value = this._style[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__removeChild(this);\n }\n }\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n for (const key in this._style) {\n const value = this._style[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__makeNative();\n }\n }\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): Object {\n const styleConfig = {};\n for (const styleKey in this._style) {\n if (this._style[styleKey] instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n const style = this._style[styleKey];\n style.__makeNative();\n styleConfig[styleKey] = style.__getNativeTag();\n }\n // Non-animated styles are set using `setNativeProps`, no need\n // to pass those as a part of the node config\n }\n NativeAnimatedHelper.validateStyles(styleConfig);\n return {\n type: 'style',\n style: styleConfig,\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedStyle;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nclass AnimatedTransform extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _transforms: $ReadOnlyArray;\n\n constructor(transforms: $ReadOnlyArray) {\n super();\n this._transforms = transforms;\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._transforms.forEach(transform => {\n for (const key in transform) {\n const value = transform[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__makeNative();\n }\n }\n });\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): $ReadOnlyArray {\n return => {\n const result = {};\n for (const key in transform) {\n const value = transform[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n result[key] = value.__getValue();\n } else {\n result[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n });\n }\n\n __getAnimatedValue(): $ReadOnlyArray {\n return => {\n const result = {};\n for (const key in transform) {\n const value = transform[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n result[key] = value.__getAnimatedValue();\n } else {\n // All transform components needed to recompose matrix\n result[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n });\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._transforms.forEach(transform => {\n for (const key in transform) {\n const value = transform[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__addChild(this);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._transforms.forEach(transform => {\n for (const key in transform) {\n const value = transform[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n value.__removeChild(this);\n }\n }\n });\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n const transConfigs = [];\n\n this._transforms.forEach(transform => {\n for (const key in transform) {\n const value = transform[key];\n if (value instanceof AnimatedNode) {\n transConfigs.push({\n type: 'animated',\n property: key,\n nodeTag: value.__getNativeTag(),\n });\n } else {\n transConfigs.push({\n type: 'static',\n property: key,\n value: NativeAnimatedHelper.transformDataType(value),\n });\n }\n }\n });\n\n NativeAnimatedHelper.validateTransform(transConfigs);\n return {\n type: 'transform',\n transforms: transConfigs,\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedTransform;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedInterpolation = require('./AnimatedInterpolation');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nimport type {InterpolationConfigType} from './AnimatedInterpolation';\n\nclass AnimatedSubtraction extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n _a: AnimatedNode;\n _b: AnimatedNode;\n\n constructor(a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number) {\n super();\n this._a = typeof a === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(a) : a;\n this._b = typeof b === 'number' ? new AnimatedValue(b) : b;\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this._a.__makeNative();\n this._b.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): number {\n return this._a.__getValue() - this._b.__getValue();\n }\n\n interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation {\n return new AnimatedInterpolation(this, config);\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._a.__addChild(this);\n this._b.__addChild(this);\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._a.__removeChild(this);\n this._b.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n return {\n type: 'subtraction',\n input: [this._a.__getNativeTag(), this._b.__getNativeTag()],\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedSubtraction;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedNode = require('./AnimatedNode');\nconst {\n generateNewAnimationId,\n shouldUseNativeDriver,\n} = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nimport type {EndCallback} from '../animations/Animation';\n\nclass AnimatedTracking extends AnimatedNode {\n _value: AnimatedValue;\n _parent: AnimatedNode;\n _callback: ?EndCallback;\n _animationConfig: Object;\n _animationClass: any;\n _useNativeDriver: boolean;\n\n constructor(\n value: AnimatedValue,\n parent: AnimatedNode,\n animationClass: any,\n animationConfig: Object,\n callback?: ?EndCallback,\n ) {\n super();\n this._value = value;\n this._parent = parent;\n this._animationClass = animationClass;\n this._animationConfig = animationConfig;\n this._useNativeDriver = shouldUseNativeDriver(animationConfig);\n this._callback = callback;\n this.__attach();\n }\n\n __makeNative() {\n this.__isNative = true;\n this._parent.__makeNative();\n super.__makeNative();\n this._value.__makeNative();\n }\n\n __getValue(): Object {\n return this._parent.__getValue();\n }\n\n __attach(): void {\n this._parent.__addChild(this);\n if (this._useNativeDriver) {\n // when the tracking starts we need to convert this node to a \"native node\"\n // so that the parent node will be made \"native\" too. This is necessary as\n // if we don't do this `update` method will get called. At that point it\n // may be too late as it would mean the JS driver has already started\n // updating node values\n this.__makeNative();\n }\n }\n\n __detach(): void {\n this._parent.__removeChild(this);\n super.__detach();\n }\n\n update(): void {\n this._value.animate(\n new this._animationClass({\n ...this._animationConfig,\n toValue: (this._animationConfig.toValue: any).__getValue(),\n }),\n this._callback,\n );\n }\n\n __getNativeConfig(): any {\n const animation = new this._animationClass({\n ...this._animationConfig,\n // remove toValue from the config as it's a ref to Animated.Value\n toValue: undefined,\n });\n const animationConfig = animation.__getNativeAnimationConfig();\n return {\n type: 'tracking',\n animationId: generateNewAnimationId(),\n animationConfig,\n toValue: this._parent.__getNativeTag(),\n value: this._value.__getNativeTag(),\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedTracking;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedValue = require('./AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedWithChildren = require('./AnimatedWithChildren');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\ntype ValueXYListenerCallback = (value: {x: number, y: number}) => mixed;\n\nlet _uniqueId = 1;\n\n/**\n * 2D Value for driving 2D animations, such as pan gestures. Almost identical\n * API to normal `Animated.Value`, but multiplexed.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass AnimatedValueXY extends AnimatedWithChildren {\n x: AnimatedValue;\n y: AnimatedValue;\n _listeners: {[key: string]: {x: string, y: string}};\n\n constructor(\n valueIn?: ?{+x: number | AnimatedValue, +y: number | AnimatedValue},\n ) {\n super();\n const value: any = valueIn || {x: 0, y: 0}; // @flowfixme: shouldn't need `: any`\n if (typeof value.x === 'number' && typeof value.y === 'number') {\n this.x = new AnimatedValue(value.x);\n this.y = new AnimatedValue(value.y);\n } else {\n invariant(\n value.x instanceof AnimatedValue && value.y instanceof AnimatedValue,\n 'AnimatedValueXY must be initialized with an object of numbers or ' +\n 'AnimatedValues.',\n );\n this.x = value.x;\n this.y = value.y;\n }\n this._listeners = {};\n }\n\n /**\n * Directly set the value. This will stop any animations running on the value\n * and update all the bound properties.\n *\n * See\n */\n setValue(value: {x: number, y: number}) {\n this.x.setValue(value.x);\n this.y.setValue(value.y);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets an offset that is applied on top of whatever value is set, whether\n * via `setValue`, an animation, or `Animated.event`. Useful for compensating\n * things like the start of a pan gesture.\n *\n * See\n */\n setOffset(offset: {x: number, y: number}) {\n this.x.setOffset(offset.x);\n this.y.setOffset(offset.y);\n }\n\n /**\n * Merges the offset value into the base value and resets the offset to zero.\n * The final output of the value is unchanged.\n *\n * See\n */\n flattenOffset(): void {\n this.x.flattenOffset();\n this.y.flattenOffset();\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the offset value to the base value, and resets the base value to\n * zero. The final output of the value is unchanged.\n *\n * See\n */\n extractOffset(): void {\n this.x.extractOffset();\n this.y.extractOffset();\n }\n\n __getValue(): {x: number, y: number} {\n return {\n x: this.x.__getValue(),\n y: this.y.__getValue(),\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Stops any animation and resets the value to its original.\n *\n * See\n */\n resetAnimation(callback?: (value: {x: number, y: number}) => void): void {\n this.x.resetAnimation();\n this.y.resetAnimation();\n callback && callback(this.__getValue());\n }\n\n /**\n * Stops any running animation or tracking. `callback` is invoked with the\n * final value after stopping the animation, which is useful for updating\n * state to match the animation position with layout.\n *\n * See\n */\n stopAnimation(callback?: (value: {x: number, y: number}) => void): void {\n this.x.stopAnimation();\n this.y.stopAnimation();\n callback && callback(this.__getValue());\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds an asynchronous listener to the value so you can observe updates from\n * animations. This is useful because there is no way to synchronously read\n * the value because it might be driven natively.\n *\n * Returns a string that serves as an identifier for the listener.\n *\n * See\n */\n addListener(callback: ValueXYListenerCallback): string {\n const id = String(_uniqueId++);\n const jointCallback = ({value: number}) => {\n callback(this.__getValue());\n };\n this._listeners[id] = {\n x: this.x.addListener(jointCallback),\n y: this.y.addListener(jointCallback),\n };\n return id;\n }\n\n /**\n * Unregister a listener. The `id` param shall match the identifier\n * previously returned by `addListener()`.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeListener(id: string): void {\n this.x.removeListener(this._listeners[id].x);\n this.y.removeListener(this._listeners[id].y);\n delete this._listeners[id];\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove all registered listeners.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeAllListeners(): void {\n this.x.removeAllListeners();\n this.y.removeAllListeners();\n this._listeners = {};\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `{x, y}` into `{left, top}` for use in style.\n *\n * See\n */\n getLayout(): {[key: string]: AnimatedValue} {\n return {\n left: this.x,\n top: this.y,\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts `{x, y}` into a useable translation transform.\n *\n * See\n */\n getTranslateTransform(): Array<{[key: string]: AnimatedValue}> {\n return [{translateX: this.x}, {translateY: this.y}];\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AnimatedValueXY;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Animation = require('./Animation');\n\nconst {shouldUseNativeDriver} = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nimport type AnimatedValue from '../nodes/AnimatedValue';\nimport type {AnimationConfig, EndCallback} from './Animation';\n\nexport type DecayAnimationConfig = AnimationConfig & {\n velocity: number | {x: number, y: number},\n deceleration?: number,\n};\n\nexport type DecayAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & {\n velocity: number,\n deceleration?: number,\n};\n\nclass DecayAnimation extends Animation {\n _startTime: number;\n _lastValue: number;\n _fromValue: number;\n _deceleration: number;\n _velocity: number;\n _onUpdate: (value: number) => void;\n _animationFrame: any;\n _useNativeDriver: boolean;\n\n constructor(config: DecayAnimationConfigSingle) {\n super();\n this._deceleration = config.deceleration ?? 0.998;\n this._velocity = config.velocity;\n this._useNativeDriver = shouldUseNativeDriver(config);\n this.__isInteraction = config.isInteraction ?? !this._useNativeDriver;\n this.__iterations = config.iterations ?? 1;\n }\n\n __getNativeAnimationConfig(): $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n deceleration: number,\n iterations: number,\n type: $TEMPORARY$string<'decay'>,\n velocity: number,\n |}> {\n return {\n type: 'decay',\n deceleration: this._deceleration,\n velocity: this._velocity,\n iterations: this.__iterations,\n };\n }\n\n start(\n fromValue: number,\n onUpdate: (value: number) => void,\n onEnd: ?EndCallback,\n previousAnimation: ?Animation,\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue,\n ): void {\n this.__active = true;\n this._lastValue = fromValue;\n this._fromValue = fromValue;\n this._onUpdate = onUpdate;\n this.__onEnd = onEnd;\n this._startTime =;\n if (this._useNativeDriver) {\n this.__startNativeAnimation(animatedValue);\n } else {\n this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));\n }\n }\n\n onUpdate(): void {\n const now =;\n\n const value =\n this._fromValue +\n (this._velocity / (1 - this._deceleration)) *\n (1 - Math.exp(-(1 - this._deceleration) * (now - this._startTime)));\n\n this._onUpdate(value);\n\n if (Math.abs(this._lastValue - value) < 0.1) {\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: true});\n return;\n }\n\n this._lastValue = value;\n if (this.__active) {\n this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));\n }\n }\n\n stop(): void {\n super.stop();\n this.__active = false;\n global.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: false});\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = DecayAnimation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeAnimatedHelper = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nimport type AnimatedValue from '../nodes/AnimatedValue';\n\nexport type EndResult = {finished: boolean};\nexport type EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void;\n\nexport type AnimationConfig = {\n isInteraction?: boolean,\n useNativeDriver: boolean,\n onComplete?: ?EndCallback,\n iterations?: number,\n};\n\n// Important note: start() and stop() will only be called at most once.\n// Once an animation has been stopped or finished its course, it will\n// not be reused.\nclass Animation {\n __active: boolean;\n __isInteraction: boolean;\n __nativeId: number;\n __onEnd: ?EndCallback;\n __iterations: number;\n start(\n fromValue: number,\n onUpdate: (value: number) => void,\n onEnd: ?EndCallback,\n previousAnimation: ?Animation,\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue,\n ): void {}\n stop(): void {\n if (this.__nativeId) {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.stopAnimation(this.__nativeId);\n }\n }\n __getNativeAnimationConfig(): any {\n // Subclasses that have corresponding animation implementation done in native\n // should override this method\n throw new Error('This animation type cannot be offloaded to native');\n }\n // Helper function for subclasses to make sure onEnd is only called once.\n __debouncedOnEnd(result: EndResult): void {\n const onEnd = this.__onEnd;\n this.__onEnd = null;\n onEnd && onEnd(result);\n }\n __startNativeAnimation(animatedValue: AnimatedValue): void {\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.enableQueue();\n animatedValue.__makeNative();\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.disableQueue();\n this.__nativeId = NativeAnimatedHelper.generateNewAnimationId();\n NativeAnimatedHelper.API.startAnimatingNode(\n this.__nativeId,\n animatedValue.__getNativeTag(),\n this.__getNativeAnimationConfig(),\n this.__debouncedOnEnd.bind(this),\n );\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Animation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedValue = require('../nodes/AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedValueXY = require('../nodes/AnimatedValueXY');\nconst Animation = require('./Animation');\nconst SpringConfig = require('../SpringConfig');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst {shouldUseNativeDriver} = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nimport type {AnimationConfig, EndCallback} from './Animation';\n\nexport type SpringAnimationConfig = AnimationConfig & {\n toValue: number | AnimatedValue | {x: number, y: number} | AnimatedValueXY,\n overshootClamping?: boolean,\n restDisplacementThreshold?: number,\n restSpeedThreshold?: number,\n velocity?: number | {x: number, y: number},\n bounciness?: number,\n speed?: number,\n tension?: number,\n friction?: number,\n stiffness?: number,\n damping?: number,\n mass?: number,\n delay?: number,\n};\n\nexport type SpringAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & {\n toValue: number | AnimatedValue,\n overshootClamping?: boolean,\n restDisplacementThreshold?: number,\n restSpeedThreshold?: number,\n velocity?: number,\n bounciness?: number,\n speed?: number,\n tension?: number,\n friction?: number,\n stiffness?: number,\n damping?: number,\n mass?: number,\n delay?: number,\n};\n\nclass SpringAnimation extends Animation {\n _overshootClamping: boolean;\n _restDisplacementThreshold: number;\n _restSpeedThreshold: number;\n _lastVelocity: number;\n _startPosition: number;\n _lastPosition: number;\n _fromValue: number;\n _toValue: any;\n _stiffness: number;\n _damping: number;\n _mass: number;\n _initialVelocity: number;\n _delay: number;\n _timeout: any;\n _startTime: number;\n _lastTime: number;\n _frameTime: number;\n _onUpdate: (value: number) => void;\n _animationFrame: any;\n _useNativeDriver: boolean;\n\n constructor(config: SpringAnimationConfigSingle) {\n super();\n\n this._overshootClamping = config.overshootClamping ?? false;\n this._restDisplacementThreshold = config.restDisplacementThreshold ?? 0.001;\n this._restSpeedThreshold = config.restSpeedThreshold ?? 0.001;\n this._initialVelocity = config.velocity ?? 0;\n this._lastVelocity = config.velocity ?? 0;\n this._toValue = config.toValue;\n this._delay = config.delay ?? 0;\n this._useNativeDriver = shouldUseNativeDriver(config);\n this.__isInteraction = config.isInteraction ?? !this._useNativeDriver;\n this.__iterations = config.iterations ?? 1;\n\n if (\n config.stiffness !== undefined ||\n config.damping !== undefined ||\n config.mass !== undefined\n ) {\n invariant(\n config.bounciness === undefined &&\n config.speed === undefined &&\n config.tension === undefined &&\n config.friction === undefined,\n 'You can define one of bounciness/speed, tension/friction, or stiffness/damping/mass, but not more than one',\n );\n this._stiffness = config.stiffness ?? 100;\n this._damping = config.damping ?? 10;\n this._mass = config.mass ?? 1;\n } else if (config.bounciness !== undefined || config.speed !== undefined) {\n // Convert the origami bounciness/speed values to stiffness/damping\n // We assume mass is 1.\n invariant(\n config.tension === undefined &&\n config.friction === undefined &&\n config.stiffness === undefined &&\n config.damping === undefined &&\n config.mass === undefined,\n 'You can define one of bounciness/speed, tension/friction, or stiffness/damping/mass, but not more than one',\n );\n const springConfig = SpringConfig.fromBouncinessAndSpeed(\n config.bounciness ?? 8,\n config.speed ?? 12,\n );\n this._stiffness = springConfig.stiffness;\n this._damping = springConfig.damping;\n this._mass = 1;\n } else {\n // Convert the origami tension/friction values to stiffness/damping\n // We assume mass is 1.\n const springConfig = SpringConfig.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(\n config.tension ?? 40,\n config.friction ?? 7,\n );\n this._stiffness = springConfig.stiffness;\n this._damping = springConfig.damping;\n this._mass = 1;\n }\n\n invariant(this._stiffness > 0, 'Stiffness value must be greater than 0');\n invariant(this._damping > 0, 'Damping value must be greater than 0');\n invariant(this._mass > 0, 'Mass value must be greater than 0');\n }\n\n __getNativeAnimationConfig(): $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n damping: number,\n initialVelocity: number,\n iterations: number,\n mass: number,\n overshootClamping: boolean,\n restDisplacementThreshold: number,\n restSpeedThreshold: number,\n stiffness: number,\n toValue: any,\n type: $TEMPORARY$string<'spring'>,\n |}> {\n return {\n type: 'spring',\n overshootClamping: this._overshootClamping,\n restDisplacementThreshold: this._restDisplacementThreshold,\n restSpeedThreshold: this._restSpeedThreshold,\n stiffness: this._stiffness,\n damping: this._damping,\n mass: this._mass,\n initialVelocity: this._initialVelocity ?? this._lastVelocity,\n toValue: this._toValue,\n iterations: this.__iterations,\n };\n }\n\n start(\n fromValue: number,\n onUpdate: (value: number) => void,\n onEnd: ?EndCallback,\n previousAnimation: ?Animation,\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue,\n ): void {\n this.__active = true;\n this._startPosition = fromValue;\n this._lastPosition = this._startPosition;\n\n this._onUpdate = onUpdate;\n this.__onEnd = onEnd;\n this._lastTime =;\n this._frameTime = 0.0;\n\n if (previousAnimation instanceof SpringAnimation) {\n const internalState = previousAnimation.getInternalState();\n this._lastPosition = internalState.lastPosition;\n this._lastVelocity = internalState.lastVelocity;\n // Set the initial velocity to the last velocity\n this._initialVelocity = this._lastVelocity;\n this._lastTime = internalState.lastTime;\n }\n\n const start = () => {\n if (this._useNativeDriver) {\n this.__startNativeAnimation(animatedValue);\n } else {\n this.onUpdate();\n }\n };\n\n // If this._delay is more than 0, we start after the timeout.\n if (this._delay) {\n this._timeout = setTimeout(start, this._delay);\n } else {\n start();\n }\n }\n\n getInternalState(): Object {\n return {\n lastPosition: this._lastPosition,\n lastVelocity: this._lastVelocity,\n lastTime: this._lastTime,\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * This spring model is based off of a damped harmonic oscillator\n * (\n *\n * We use the closed form of the second order differential equation:\n *\n * x'' + (2ζ⍵_0)x' + ⍵^2x = 0\n *\n * where\n * ⍵_0 = √(k / m) (undamped angular frequency of the oscillator),\n * ζ = c / 2√mk (damping ratio),\n * c = damping constant\n * k = stiffness\n * m = mass\n *\n * The derivation of the closed form is described in detail here:\n *\n *\n * This algorithm happens to match the algorithm used by CASpringAnimation,\n * a QuartzCore (iOS) API that creates spring animations.\n */\n onUpdate(): void {\n // If for some reason we lost a lot of frames (e.g. process large payload or\n // stopped in the debugger), we only advance by 4 frames worth of\n // computation and will continue on the next frame. It's better to have it\n // running at faster speed than jumping to the end.\n const MAX_STEPS = 64;\n let now =;\n if (now > this._lastTime + MAX_STEPS) {\n now = this._lastTime + MAX_STEPS;\n }\n\n const deltaTime = (now - this._lastTime) / 1000;\n this._frameTime += deltaTime;\n\n const c: number = this._damping;\n const m: number = this._mass;\n const k: number = this._stiffness;\n const v0: number = -this._initialVelocity;\n\n const zeta = c / (2 * Math.sqrt(k * m)); // damping ratio\n const omega0 = Math.sqrt(k / m); // undamped angular frequency of the oscillator (rad/ms)\n const omega1 = omega0 * Math.sqrt(1.0 - zeta * zeta); // exponential decay\n const x0 = this._toValue - this._startPosition; // calculate the oscillation from x0 = 1 to x = 0\n\n let position = 0.0;\n let velocity = 0.0;\n const t = this._frameTime;\n if (zeta < 1) {\n // Under damped\n const envelope = Math.exp(-zeta * omega0 * t);\n position =\n this._toValue -\n envelope *\n (((v0 + zeta * omega0 * x0) / omega1) * Math.sin(omega1 * t) +\n x0 * Math.cos(omega1 * t));\n // This looks crazy -- it's actually just the derivative of the\n // oscillation function\n velocity =\n zeta *\n omega0 *\n envelope *\n ((Math.sin(omega1 * t) * (v0 + zeta * omega0 * x0)) / omega1 +\n x0 * Math.cos(omega1 * t)) -\n envelope *\n (Math.cos(omega1 * t) * (v0 + zeta * omega0 * x0) -\n omega1 * x0 * Math.sin(omega1 * t));\n } else {\n // Critically damped\n const envelope = Math.exp(-omega0 * t);\n position = this._toValue - envelope * (x0 + (v0 + omega0 * x0) * t);\n velocity =\n envelope * (v0 * (t * omega0 - 1) + t * x0 * (omega0 * omega0));\n }\n\n this._lastTime = now;\n this._lastPosition = position;\n this._lastVelocity = velocity;\n\n this._onUpdate(position);\n if (!this.__active) {\n // a listener might have stopped us in _onUpdate\n return;\n }\n\n // Conditions for stopping the spring animation\n let isOvershooting = false;\n if (this._overshootClamping && this._stiffness !== 0) {\n if (this._startPosition < this._toValue) {\n isOvershooting = position > this._toValue;\n } else {\n isOvershooting = position < this._toValue;\n }\n }\n const isVelocity = Math.abs(velocity) <= this._restSpeedThreshold;\n let isDisplacement = true;\n if (this._stiffness !== 0) {\n isDisplacement =\n Math.abs(this._toValue - position) <= this._restDisplacementThreshold;\n }\n\n if (isOvershooting || (isVelocity && isDisplacement)) {\n if (this._stiffness !== 0) {\n // Ensure that we end up with a round value\n this._lastPosition = this._toValue;\n this._lastVelocity = 0;\n this._onUpdate(this._toValue);\n }\n\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: true});\n return;\n }\n this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));\n }\n\n stop(): void {\n super.stop();\n this.__active = false;\n clearTimeout(this._timeout);\n global.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: false});\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = SpringAnimation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\ntype SpringConfigType = {\n stiffness: number,\n damping: number,\n};\n\nfunction stiffnessFromOrigamiValue(oValue) {\n return (oValue - 30) * 3.62 + 194;\n}\n\nfunction dampingFromOrigamiValue(oValue) {\n return (oValue - 8) * 3 + 25;\n}\n\nfunction fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(\n tension: number,\n friction: number,\n): SpringConfigType {\n return {\n stiffness: stiffnessFromOrigamiValue(tension),\n damping: dampingFromOrigamiValue(friction),\n };\n}\n\nfunction fromBouncinessAndSpeed(\n bounciness: number,\n speed: number,\n): SpringConfigType {\n function normalize(value, startValue, endValue) {\n return (value - startValue) / (endValue - startValue);\n }\n\n function projectNormal(n, start, end) {\n return start + n * (end - start);\n }\n\n function linearInterpolation(t, start, end) {\n return t * end + (1 - t) * start;\n }\n\n function quadraticOutInterpolation(t, start, end) {\n return linearInterpolation(2 * t - t * t, start, end);\n }\n\n function b3Friction1(x) {\n return 0.0007 * Math.pow(x, 3) - 0.031 * Math.pow(x, 2) + 0.64 * x + 1.28;\n }\n\n function b3Friction2(x) {\n return 0.000044 * Math.pow(x, 3) - 0.006 * Math.pow(x, 2) + 0.36 * x + 2;\n }\n\n function b3Friction3(x) {\n return (\n 0.00000045 * Math.pow(x, 3) -\n 0.000332 * Math.pow(x, 2) +\n 0.1078 * x +\n 5.84\n );\n }\n\n function b3Nobounce(tension) {\n if (tension <= 18) {\n return b3Friction1(tension);\n } else if (tension > 18 && tension <= 44) {\n return b3Friction2(tension);\n } else {\n return b3Friction3(tension);\n }\n }\n\n let b = normalize(bounciness / 1.7, 0, 20);\n b = projectNormal(b, 0, 0.8);\n const s = normalize(speed / 1.7, 0, 20);\n const bouncyTension = projectNormal(s, 0.5, 200);\n const bouncyFriction = quadraticOutInterpolation(\n b,\n b3Nobounce(bouncyTension),\n 0.01,\n );\n\n return {\n stiffness: stiffnessFromOrigamiValue(bouncyTension),\n damping: dampingFromOrigamiValue(bouncyFriction),\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction,\n fromBouncinessAndSpeed,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedValue = require('../nodes/AnimatedValue');\nconst AnimatedValueXY = require('../nodes/AnimatedValueXY');\nconst Animation = require('./Animation');\n\nconst {shouldUseNativeDriver} = require('../NativeAnimatedHelper');\n\nimport type {AnimationConfig, EndCallback} from './Animation';\n\nexport type TimingAnimationConfig = AnimationConfig & {\n toValue: number | AnimatedValue | {x: number, y: number} | AnimatedValueXY,\n easing?: (value: number) => number,\n duration?: number,\n delay?: number,\n};\n\nexport type TimingAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & {\n toValue: number | AnimatedValue,\n easing?: (value: number) => number,\n duration?: number,\n delay?: number,\n};\n\nlet _easeInOut;\nfunction easeInOut() {\n if (!_easeInOut) {\n const Easing = require('../Easing');\n _easeInOut = Easing.inOut(Easing.ease);\n }\n return _easeInOut;\n}\n\nclass TimingAnimation extends Animation {\n _startTime: number;\n _fromValue: number;\n _toValue: any;\n _duration: number;\n _delay: number;\n _easing: (value: number) => number;\n _onUpdate: (value: number) => void;\n _animationFrame: any;\n _timeout: any;\n _useNativeDriver: boolean;\n\n constructor(config: TimingAnimationConfigSingle) {\n super();\n this._toValue = config.toValue;\n this._easing = config.easing ?? easeInOut();\n this._duration = config.duration ?? 500;\n this._delay = config.delay ?? 0;\n this.__iterations = config.iterations ?? 1;\n this._useNativeDriver = shouldUseNativeDriver(config);\n this.__isInteraction = config.isInteraction ?? !this._useNativeDriver;\n }\n\n __getNativeAnimationConfig(): any {\n const frameDuration = 1000.0 / 60.0;\n const frames = [];\n const numFrames = Math.round(this._duration / frameDuration);\n for (let frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++) {\n frames.push(this._easing(frame / numFrames));\n }\n frames.push(this._easing(1));\n return {\n type: 'frames',\n frames,\n toValue: this._toValue,\n iterations: this.__iterations,\n };\n }\n\n start(\n fromValue: number,\n onUpdate: (value: number) => void,\n onEnd: ?EndCallback,\n previousAnimation: ?Animation,\n animatedValue: AnimatedValue,\n ): void {\n this.__active = true;\n this._fromValue = fromValue;\n this._onUpdate = onUpdate;\n this.__onEnd = onEnd;\n\n const start = () => {\n // Animations that sometimes have 0 duration and sometimes do not\n // still need to use the native driver when duration is 0 so as to\n // not cause intermixed JS and native animations.\n if (this._duration === 0 && !this._useNativeDriver) {\n this._onUpdate(this._toValue);\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: true});\n } else {\n this._startTime =;\n if (this._useNativeDriver) {\n this.__startNativeAnimation(animatedValue);\n } else {\n this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(\n this.onUpdate.bind(this),\n );\n }\n }\n };\n if (this._delay) {\n this._timeout = setTimeout(start, this._delay);\n } else {\n start();\n }\n }\n\n onUpdate(): void {\n const now =;\n if (now >= this._startTime + this._duration) {\n if (this._duration === 0) {\n this._onUpdate(this._toValue);\n } else {\n this._onUpdate(\n this._fromValue + this._easing(1) * (this._toValue - this._fromValue),\n );\n }\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: true});\n return;\n }\n\n this._onUpdate(\n this._fromValue +\n this._easing((now - this._startTime) / this._duration) *\n (this._toValue - this._fromValue),\n );\n if (this.__active) {\n this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));\n }\n }\n\n stop(): void {\n super.stop();\n this.__active = false;\n clearTimeout(this._timeout);\n global.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n this.__debouncedOnEnd({finished: false});\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = TimingAnimation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nlet ease;\n\n/**\n * The `Easing` module implements common easing functions. This module is used\n * by [Animate.timing()](docs/animate.html#timing) to convey physically\n * believable motion in animations.\n *\n * You can find a visualization of some common easing functions at\n *\n *\n * ### Predefined animations\n *\n * The `Easing` module provides several predefined animations through the\n * following methods:\n *\n * - [`back`](docs/easing.html#back) provides a simple animation where the\n * object goes slightly back before moving forward\n * - [`bounce`](docs/easing.html#bounce) provides a bouncing animation\n * - [`ease`](docs/easing.html#ease) provides a simple inertial animation\n * - [`elastic`](docs/easing.html#elastic) provides a simple spring interaction\n *\n * ### Standard functions\n *\n * Three standard easing functions are provided:\n *\n * - [`linear`](docs/easing.html#linear)\n * - [`quad`](docs/easing.html#quad)\n * - [`cubic`](docs/easing.html#cubic)\n *\n * The [`poly`](docs/easing.html#poly) function can be used to implement\n * quartic, quintic, and other higher power functions.\n *\n * ### Additional functions\n *\n * Additional mathematical functions are provided by the following methods:\n *\n * - [`bezier`](docs/easing.html#bezier) provides a cubic bezier curve\n * - [`circle`](docs/easing.html#circle) provides a circular function\n * - [`sin`](docs/easing.html#sin) provides a sinusoidal function\n * - [`exp`](docs/easing.html#exp) provides an exponential function\n *\n * The following helpers are used to modify other easing functions.\n *\n * - [`in`](docs/easing.html#in) runs an easing function forwards\n * - [`inOut`](docs/easing.html#inout) makes any easing function symmetrical\n * - [`out`](docs/easing.html#out) runs an easing function backwards\n */\nclass Easing {\n /**\n * A stepping function, returns 1 for any positive value of `n`.\n */\n static step0(n: number): number {\n return n > 0 ? 1 : 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * A stepping function, returns 1 if `n` is greater than or equal to 1.\n */\n static step1(n: number): number {\n return n >= 1 ? 1 : 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * A linear function, `f(t) = t`. Position correlates to elapsed time one to\n * one.\n *\n *,0,1,1\n */\n static linear(t: number): number {\n return t;\n }\n\n /**\n * A simple inertial interaction, similar to an object slowly accelerating to\n * speed.\n *\n *,0,1,1\n */\n static ease(t: number): number {\n if (!ease) {\n ease = Easing.bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1);\n }\n return ease(t);\n }\n\n /**\n * A quadratic function, `f(t) = t * t`. Position equals the square of elapsed\n * time.\n *\n *\n */\n static quad(t: number): number {\n return t * t;\n }\n\n /**\n * A cubic function, `f(t) = t * t * t`. Position equals the cube of elapsed\n * time.\n *\n *\n */\n static cubic(t: number): number {\n return t * t * t;\n }\n\n /**\n * A power function. Position is equal to the Nth power of elapsed time.\n *\n * n = 4:\n * n = 5:\n */\n static poly(n: number): (t: number) => number {\n return (t: number) => Math.pow(t, n);\n }\n\n /**\n * A sinusoidal function.\n *\n *\n */\n static sin(t: number): number {\n return 1 - Math.cos((t * Math.PI) / 2);\n }\n\n /**\n * A circular function.\n *\n *\n */\n static circle(t: number): number {\n return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t);\n }\n\n /**\n * An exponential function.\n *\n *\n */\n static exp(t: number): number {\n return Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1));\n }\n\n /**\n * A simple elastic interaction, similar to a spring oscillating back and\n * forth.\n *\n * Default bounciness is 1, which overshoots a little bit once. 0 bounciness\n * doesn't overshoot at all, and bounciness of N > 1 will overshoot about N\n * times.\n *\n *\n */\n static elastic(bounciness: number = 1): (t: number) => number {\n const p = bounciness * Math.PI;\n return t => 1 - Math.pow(Math.cos((t * Math.PI) / 2), 3) * Math.cos(t * p);\n }\n\n /**\n * Use with `Animated.parallel()` to create a simple effect where the object\n * animates back slightly as the animation starts.\n *\n * Wolfram Plot:\n *\n * - (s = 1.70158, default)\n */\n static back(s: number = 1.70158): (t: number) => number {\n return t => t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides a simple bouncing effect.\n *\n *\n */\n static bounce(t: number): number {\n if (t < 1 / 2.75) {\n return 7.5625 * t * t;\n }\n\n if (t < 2 / 2.75) {\n const t2 = t - 1.5 / 2.75;\n return 7.5625 * t2 * t2 + 0.75;\n }\n\n if (t < 2.5 / 2.75) {\n const t2 = t - 2.25 / 2.75;\n return 7.5625 * t2 * t2 + 0.9375;\n }\n\n const t2 = t - 2.625 / 2.75;\n return 7.5625 * t2 * t2 + 0.984375;\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides a cubic bezier curve, equivalent to CSS Transitions'\n * `transition-timing-function`.\n *\n * A useful tool to visualize cubic bezier curves can be found at\n *\n */\n static bezier(\n x1: number,\n y1: number,\n x2: number,\n y2: number,\n ): (t: number) => number {\n const _bezier = require('./bezier');\n return _bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2);\n }\n\n /**\n * Runs an easing function forwards.\n */\n static in(easing: (t: number) => number): (t: number) => number {\n return easing;\n }\n\n /**\n * Runs an easing function backwards.\n */\n static out(easing: (t: number) => number): (t: number) => number {\n return t => 1 - easing(1 - t);\n }\n\n /**\n * Makes any easing function symmetrical. The easing function will run\n * forwards for half of the duration, then backwards for the rest of the\n * duration.\n */\n static inOut(easing: (t: number) => number): (t: number) => number {\n return t => {\n if (t < 0.5) {\n return easing(t * 2) / 2;\n }\n return 1 - easing((1 - t) * 2) / 2;\n };\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Easing;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * BezierEasing - use bezier curve for transition easing function\n *\n *\n * @flow strict\n * @format\n * @copyright 2014-2015 Gaëtan Renaudeau. MIT License.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n// These values are established by empiricism with tests (tradeoff: performance VS precision)\nconst NEWTON_ITERATIONS = 4;\nconst NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE = 0.001;\nconst SUBDIVISION_PRECISION = 0.0000001;\nconst SUBDIVISION_MAX_ITERATIONS = 10;\n\nconst kSplineTableSize = 11;\nconst kSampleStepSize = 1.0 / (kSplineTableSize - 1.0);\n\nconst float32ArraySupported = typeof Float32Array === 'function';\n\nfunction A(aA1, aA2) {\n return 1.0 - 3.0 * aA2 + 3.0 * aA1;\n}\nfunction B(aA1, aA2) {\n return 3.0 * aA2 - 6.0 * aA1;\n}\nfunction C(aA1) {\n return 3.0 * aA1;\n}\n\n// Returns x(t) given t, x1, and x2, or y(t) given t, y1, and y2.\nfunction calcBezier(aT, aA1, aA2) {\n return ((A(aA1, aA2) * aT + B(aA1, aA2)) * aT + C(aA1)) * aT;\n}\n\n// Returns dx/dt given t, x1, and x2, or dy/dt given t, y1, and y2.\nfunction getSlope(aT, aA1, aA2) {\n return 3.0 * A(aA1, aA2) * aT * aT + 2.0 * B(aA1, aA2) * aT + C(aA1);\n}\n\nfunction binarySubdivide(aX, _aA, _aB, mX1, mX2) {\n let currentX,\n currentT,\n i = 0,\n aA = _aA,\n aB = _aB;\n do {\n currentT = aA + (aB - aA) / 2.0;\n currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - aX;\n if (currentX > 0.0) {\n aB = currentT;\n } else {\n aA = currentT;\n }\n } while (\n Math.abs(currentX) > SUBDIVISION_PRECISION &&\n ++i < SUBDIVISION_MAX_ITERATIONS\n );\n return currentT;\n}\n\nfunction newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, _aGuessT, mX1, mX2) {\n let aGuessT = _aGuessT;\n for (let i = 0; i < NEWTON_ITERATIONS; ++i) {\n const currentSlope = getSlope(aGuessT, mX1, mX2);\n if (currentSlope === 0.0) {\n return aGuessT;\n }\n const currentX = calcBezier(aGuessT, mX1, mX2) - aX;\n aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope;\n }\n return aGuessT;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = function bezier(\n mX1: number,\n mY1: number,\n mX2: number,\n mY2: number,\n): (x: number) => number {\n if (!(mX1 >= 0 && mX1 <= 1 && mX2 >= 0 && mX2 <= 1)) {\n throw new Error('bezier x values must be in [0, 1] range');\n }\n\n // Precompute samples table\n const sampleValues = float32ArraySupported\n ? new Float32Array(kSplineTableSize)\n : new Array(kSplineTableSize);\n if (mX1 !== mY1 || mX2 !== mY2) {\n for (let i = 0; i < kSplineTableSize; ++i) {\n sampleValues[i] = calcBezier(i * kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);\n }\n }\n\n function getTForX(aX) {\n let intervalStart = 0.0;\n let currentSample = 1;\n const lastSample = kSplineTableSize - 1;\n\n for (\n ;\n currentSample !== lastSample && sampleValues[currentSample] <= aX;\n ++currentSample\n ) {\n intervalStart += kSampleStepSize;\n }\n --currentSample;\n\n // Interpolate to provide an initial guess for t\n const dist =\n (aX - sampleValues[currentSample]) /\n (sampleValues[currentSample + 1] - sampleValues[currentSample]);\n const guessForT = intervalStart + dist * kSampleStepSize;\n\n const initialSlope = getSlope(guessForT, mX1, mX2);\n if (initialSlope >= NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE) {\n return newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, guessForT, mX1, mX2);\n } else if (initialSlope === 0.0) {\n return guessForT;\n } else {\n return binarySubdivide(\n aX,\n intervalStart,\n intervalStart + kSampleStepSize,\n mX1,\n mX2,\n );\n }\n }\n\n return function BezierEasing(x: number): number {\n if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2) {\n return x; // linear\n }\n // Because JavaScript number are imprecise, we should guarantee the extremes are right.\n if (x === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (x === 1) {\n return 1;\n }\n return calcBezier(getTForX(x), mY1, mY2);\n };\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst {AnimatedEvent} = require('./AnimatedEvent');\nconst AnimatedProps = require('./nodes/AnimatedProps');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nfunction createAnimatedComponent(Component: any, defaultProps: any): any {\n invariant(\n typeof Component !== 'function' ||\n (Component.prototype && Component.prototype.isReactComponent),\n '`createAnimatedComponent` does not support stateless functional components; ' +\n 'use a class component instead.',\n );\n\n class AnimatedComponent extends React.Component {\n _component: any;\n _invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount: boolean = false;\n _prevComponent: any;\n _propsAnimated: AnimatedProps;\n _eventDetachers: Array = [];\n\n static __skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY = false;\n\n constructor(props: Object) {\n super(props);\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n this._propsAnimated && this._propsAnimated.__detach();\n this._detachNativeEvents();\n }\n\n setNativeProps(props) {\n this._component.setNativeProps(props);\n }\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {\n this._attachProps(this.props);\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n if (this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount) {\n this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = false;\n this._animatedPropsCallback();\n }\n\n this._propsAnimated.setNativeView(this._component);\n this._attachNativeEvents();\n }\n\n _attachNativeEvents() {\n // Make sure to get the scrollable node for components that implement\n // `ScrollResponder.Mixin`.\n const scrollableNode = this._component?.getScrollableNode\n ? this._component.getScrollableNode()\n : this._component;\n\n for (const key in this.props) {\n const prop = this.props[key];\n if (prop instanceof AnimatedEvent && prop.__isNative) {\n prop.__attach(scrollableNode, key);\n this._eventDetachers.push(() => prop.__detach(scrollableNode, key));\n }\n }\n }\n\n _detachNativeEvents() {\n this._eventDetachers.forEach(remove => remove());\n this._eventDetachers = [];\n }\n\n // The system is best designed when setNativeProps is implemented. It is\n // able to avoid re-rendering and directly set the attributes that changed.\n // However, setNativeProps can only be implemented on leaf native\n // components. If you want to animate a composite component, you need to\n // re-render it. In this case, we have a fallback that uses forceUpdate.\n _animatedPropsCallback = () => {\n if (this._component == null) {\n // AnimatedProps is created in will-mount because it's used in render.\n // But this callback may be invoked before mount in async mode,\n // In which case we should defer the setNativeProps() call.\n // React may throw away uncommitted work in async mode,\n // So a deferred call won't always be invoked.\n this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = true;\n } else if (\n AnimatedComponent.__skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY ||\n typeof this._component.setNativeProps !== 'function'\n ) {\n this.forceUpdate();\n } else if (!this._propsAnimated.__isNative) {\n this._component.setNativeProps(\n this._propsAnimated.__getAnimatedValue(),\n );\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n 'Attempting to run JS driven animation on animated ' +\n 'node that has been moved to \"native\" earlier by starting an ' +\n 'animation with `useNativeDriver: true`',\n );\n }\n };\n\n _attachProps(nextProps) {\n const oldPropsAnimated = this._propsAnimated;\n\n this._propsAnimated = new AnimatedProps(\n nextProps,\n this._animatedPropsCallback,\n );\n\n // When you call detach, it removes the element from the parent list\n // of children. If it goes to 0, then the parent also detaches itself\n // and so on.\n // An optimization is to attach the new elements and THEN detach the old\n // ones instead of detaching and THEN attaching.\n // This way the intermediate state isn't to go to 0 and trigger\n // this expensive recursive detaching to then re-attach everything on\n // the very next operation.\n oldPropsAnimated && oldPropsAnimated.__detach();\n }\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {\n this._attachProps(newProps);\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {\n if (this._component !== this._prevComponent) {\n this._propsAnimated.setNativeView(this._component);\n }\n if (this._component !== this._prevComponent || prevProps !== this.props) {\n this._detachNativeEvents();\n this._attachNativeEvents();\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n const props = this._propsAnimated.__getValue();\n return (\n \n );\n }\n\n _setComponentRef = c => {\n this._prevComponent = this._component;\n this._component = c;\n };\n\n // A third party library can use getNode()\n // to get the node reference of the decorated component\n getNode() {\n return this._component;\n }\n }\n\n const propTypes = Component.propTypes;\n\n AnimatedComponent.propTypes = {\n style: function(props, propName, componentName) {\n if (!propTypes) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (const key in DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes) {\n if (!propTypes[key] && props[key] !== undefined) {\n console.warn(\n 'You are setting the style `{ ' +\n key +\n ': ... }` as a prop. You ' +\n 'should nest it in a style object. ' +\n 'E.g. `{ style: { ' +\n key +\n ': ... } }`',\n );\n }\n }\n },\n };\n\n return AnimatedComponent;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = createAnimatedComponent;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst FlatList = require('../../../Lists/FlatList');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('../createAnimatedComponent');\n\nmodule.exports = (createAnimatedComponent(FlatList, {\n scrollEventThrottle: 0.0001,\n}): $FlowFixMe);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst deepDiffer = require('../Utilities/differ/deepDiffer');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\nconst VirtualizedList = require('./VirtualizedList');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {\n ViewabilityConfig,\n ViewToken,\n ViewabilityConfigCallbackPair,\n} from './ViewabilityHelper';\nimport type {\n Props as VirtualizedListProps,\n RenderItemType,\n RenderItemProps,\n} from './VirtualizedList';\n\ntype RequiredProps = {\n /**\n * For simplicity, data is just a plain array. If you want to use something else, like an\n * immutable list, use the underlying `VirtualizedList` directly.\n */\n data: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n};\ntype OptionalProps = {\n /**\n * Takes an item from `data` and renders it into the list. Example usage:\n *\n * (\n * \n * )}\n * data={[{title: 'Title Text', key: 'item1'}]}\n * renderItem={({item, separators}) => (\n * this._onPress(item)}\n * onShowUnderlay={separators.highlight}\n * onHideUnderlay={separators.unhighlight}>\n * \n * {item.title}\n * \n * \n * )}\n * />\n *\n * Provides additional metadata like `index` if you need it, as well as a more generic\n * `separators.updateProps` function which let's you set whatever props you want to change the\n * rendering of either the leading separator or trailing separator in case the more common\n * `highlight` and `unhighlight` (which set the `highlighted: boolean` prop) are insufficient for\n * your use-case.\n */\n renderItem?: ?RenderItemType,\n /**\n * Rendered in between each item, but not at the top or bottom. By default, `highlighted` and\n * `leadingItem` props are provided. `renderItem` provides `separators.highlight`/`unhighlight`\n * which will update the `highlighted` prop, but you can also add custom props with\n * `separators.updateProps`.\n */\n ItemSeparatorComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * Takes an item from `data` and renders it into the list. Example usage:\n *\n * (\n * \n * )}\n * data={[{title: 'Title Text', key: 'item1'}]}\n * ListItemComponent={({item, separators}) => (\n * this._onPress(item)}\n * onShowUnderlay={separators.highlight}\n * onHideUnderlay={separators.unhighlight}>\n * \n * {item.title}\n * \n * \n * )}\n * />\n *\n * Provides additional metadata like `index` if you need it, as well as a more generic\n * `separators.updateProps` function which let's you set whatever props you want to change the\n * rendering of either the leading separator or trailing separator in case the more common\n * `highlight` and `unhighlight` (which set the `highlighted: boolean` prop) are insufficient for\n * your use-case.\n */\n ListItemComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * Rendered when the list is empty. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListEmptyComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Rendered at the bottom of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListFooterComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Styling for internal View for ListFooterComponent\n */\n ListFooterComponentStyle?: ViewStyleProp,\n /**\n * Rendered at the top of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListHeaderComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Styling for internal View for ListHeaderComponent\n */\n ListHeaderComponentStyle?: ViewStyleProp,\n /**\n * Optional custom style for multi-item rows generated when numColumns > 1.\n */\n columnWrapperStyle?: ViewStyleProp,\n /**\n * A marker property for telling the list to re-render (since it implements `PureComponent`). If\n * any of your `renderItem`, Header, Footer, etc. functions depend on anything outside of the\n * `data` prop, stick it here and treat it immutably.\n */\n extraData?: any,\n /**\n * `getItemLayout` is an optional optimizations that let us skip measurement of dynamic content if\n * you know the height of items a priori. `getItemLayout` is the most efficient, and is easy to\n * use if you have fixed height items, for example:\n *\n * getItemLayout={(data, index) => (\n * {length: ITEM_HEIGHT, offset: ITEM_HEIGHT * index, index}\n * )}\n *\n * Adding `getItemLayout` can be a great performance boost for lists of several hundred items.\n * Remember to include separator length (height or width) in your offset calculation if you\n * specify `ItemSeparatorComponent`.\n */\n getItemLayout?: (\n data: ?Array,\n index: number,\n ) => {length: number, offset: number, index: number},\n /**\n * If true, renders items next to each other horizontally instead of stacked vertically.\n */\n horizontal?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * How many items to render in the initial batch. This should be enough to fill the screen but not\n * much more. Note these items will never be unmounted as part of the windowed rendering in order\n * to improve perceived performance of scroll-to-top actions.\n */\n initialNumToRender: number,\n /**\n * Instead of starting at the top with the first item, start at `initialScrollIndex`. This\n * disables the \"scroll to top\" optimization that keeps the first `initialNumToRender` items\n * always rendered and immediately renders the items starting at this initial index. Requires\n * `getItemLayout` to be implemented.\n */\n initialScrollIndex?: ?number,\n /**\n * Reverses the direction of scroll. Uses scale transforms of -1.\n */\n inverted?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Used to extract a unique key for a given item at the specified index. Key is used for caching\n * and as the react key to track item re-ordering. The default extractor checks `item.key`, then\n * falls back to using the index, like React does.\n */\n keyExtractor: (item: ItemT, index: number) => string,\n /**\n * Multiple columns can only be rendered with `horizontal={false}` and will zig-zag like a\n * `flexWrap` layout. Items should all be the same height - masonry layouts are not supported.\n */\n numColumns: number,\n /**\n * Called once when the scroll position gets within `onEndReachedThreshold` of the rendered\n * content.\n */\n onEndReached?: ?(info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void,\n /**\n * How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom edge of the\n * list must be from the end of the content to trigger the `onEndReached` callback.\n * Thus a value of 0.5 will trigger `onEndReached` when the end of the content is\n * within half the visible length of the list.\n */\n onEndReachedThreshold?: ?number,\n /**\n * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for \"Pull to Refresh\" functionality. Make\n * sure to also set the `refreshing` prop correctly.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?() => void,\n /**\n * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the `viewabilityConfig` prop.\n */\n onViewableItemsChanged?: ?(info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n /**\n * Set this when offset is needed for the loading indicator to show correctly.\n * @platform android\n */\n progressViewOffset?: number,\n /**\n * The legacy implementation is no longer supported.\n */\n legacyImplementation?: empty,\n /**\n * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh.\n */\n refreshing?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Note: may have bugs (missing content) in some circumstances - use at your own risk.\n *\n * This may improve scroll performance for large lists.\n */\n removeClippedSubviews?: boolean,\n /**\n * See `ViewabilityHelper` for flow type and further documentation.\n */\n viewabilityConfig?: ViewabilityConfig,\n /**\n * List of ViewabilityConfig/onViewableItemsChanged pairs. A specific onViewableItemsChanged\n * will be called when its corresponding ViewabilityConfig's conditions are met.\n */\n viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs?: Array,\n};\nexport type Props = RequiredProps &\n OptionalProps &\n VirtualizedListProps;\n\nconst defaultProps = {\n ...VirtualizedList.defaultProps,\n numColumns: 1,\n /**\n * Enabling this prop on Android greatly improves scrolling performance with no known issues.\n * The alternative is that scrolling on Android is unusably bad. Enabling it on iOS has a few\n * known issues.\n */\n removeClippedSubviews: Platform.OS === 'android',\n};\nexport type DefaultProps = typeof defaultProps;\n\n/**\n * A performant interface for rendering simple, flat lists, supporting the most handy features:\n *\n * - Fully cross-platform.\n * - Optional horizontal mode.\n * - Configurable viewability callbacks.\n * - Header support.\n * - Footer support.\n * - Separator support.\n * - Pull to Refresh.\n * - Scroll loading.\n * - ScrollToIndex support.\n *\n * If you need section support, use [``](docs/sectionlist.html).\n *\n * Minimal Example:\n *\n * {item.key}}\n * />\n *\n * More complex, multi-select example demonstrating `PureComponent` usage for perf optimization and avoiding bugs.\n *\n * - By binding the `onPressItem` handler, the props will remain `===` and `PureComponent` will\n * prevent wasteful re-renders unless the actual `id`, `selected`, or `title` props change, even\n * if the components rendered in `MyListItem` did not have such optimizations.\n * - By passing `extraData={this.state}` to `FlatList` we make sure `FlatList` itself will re-render\n * when the `state.selected` changes. Without setting this prop, `FlatList` would not know it\n * needs to re-render any items because it is also a `PureComponent` and the prop comparison will\n * not show any changes.\n * - `keyExtractor` tells the list to use the `id`s for the react keys instead of the default `key` property.\n *\n *\n * class MyListItem extends React.PureComponent {\n * _onPress = () => {\n * this.props.onPressItem(;\n * };\n *\n * render() {\n * const textColor = this.props.selected ? \"red\" : \"black\";\n * return (\n * \n * \n * \n * {this.props.title}\n * \n * \n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * class MultiSelectList extends React.PureComponent {\n * state = {selected: (new Map(): Map)};\n *\n * _keyExtractor = (item, index) =>;\n *\n * _onPressItem = (id: string) => {\n * // updater functions are preferred for transactional updates\n * this.setState((state) => {\n * // copy the map rather than modifying state.\n * const selected = new Map(state.selected);\n * selected.set(id, !selected.get(id)); // toggle\n * return {selected};\n * });\n * };\n *\n * _renderItem = ({item}) => (\n * \n * );\n *\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * This is a convenience wrapper around [``](docs/virtualizedlist.html),\n * and thus inherits its props (as well as those of `ScrollView`) that aren't explicitly listed\n * here, along with the following caveats:\n *\n * - Internal state is not preserved when content scrolls out of the render window. Make sure all\n * your data is captured in the item data or external stores like Flux, Redux, or Relay.\n * - This is a `PureComponent` which means that it will not re-render if `props` remain shallow-\n * equal. Make sure that everything your `renderItem` function depends on is passed as a prop\n * (e.g. `extraData`) that is not `===` after updates, otherwise your UI may not update on\n * changes. This includes the `data` prop and parent component state.\n * - In order to constrain memory and enable smooth scrolling, content is rendered asynchronously\n * offscreen. This means it's possible to scroll faster than the fill rate ands momentarily see\n * blank content. This is a tradeoff that can be adjusted to suit the needs of each application,\n * and we are working on improving it behind the scenes.\n * - By default, the list looks for a `key` prop on each item and uses that for the React key.\n * Alternatively, you can provide a custom `keyExtractor` prop.\n *\n * Also inherits [ScrollView Props](docs/scrollview.html#props), unless it is nested in another FlatList of same orientation.\n */\nclass FlatList extends React.PureComponent, void> {\n static defaultProps: DefaultProps = defaultProps;\n props: Props;\n /**\n * Scrolls to the end of the content. May be janky without `getItemLayout` prop.\n */\n scrollToEnd(params?: ?{animated?: ?boolean}) {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.scrollToEnd(params);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Scrolls to the item at the specified index such that it is positioned in the viewable area\n * such that `viewPosition` 0 places it at the top, 1 at the bottom, and 0.5 centered in the\n * middle. `viewOffset` is a fixed number of pixels to offset the final target position.\n *\n * Note: cannot scroll to locations outside the render window without specifying the\n * `getItemLayout` prop.\n */\n scrollToIndex(params: {\n animated?: ?boolean,\n index: number,\n viewOffset?: number,\n viewPosition?: number,\n }) {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.scrollToIndex(params);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Requires linear scan through data - use `scrollToIndex` instead if possible.\n *\n * Note: cannot scroll to locations outside the render window without specifying the\n * `getItemLayout` prop.\n */\n scrollToItem(params: {\n animated?: ?boolean,\n item: ItemT,\n viewPosition?: number,\n }) {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.scrollToItem(params);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Scroll to a specific content pixel offset in the list.\n *\n * Check out [scrollToOffset](docs/virtualizedlist.html#scrolltooffset) of VirtualizedList\n */\n scrollToOffset(params: {animated?: ?boolean, offset: number}) {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.scrollToOffset(params);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Tells the list an interaction has occurred, which should trigger viewability calculations, e.g.\n * if `waitForInteractions` is true and the user has not scrolled. This is typically called by\n * taps on items or by navigation actions.\n */\n recordInteraction() {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.recordInteraction();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Displays the scroll indicators momentarily.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n flashScrollIndicators() {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.flashScrollIndicators();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder.\n */\n getScrollResponder(): any {\n if (this._listRef) {\n return this._listRef.getScrollResponder();\n }\n }\n\n getScrollableNode(): any {\n if (this._listRef) {\n return this._listRef.getScrollableNode();\n }\n }\n\n setNativeProps(props: {[string]: mixed}) {\n if (this._listRef) {\n this._listRef.setNativeProps(props);\n }\n }\n\n constructor(props: Props) {\n super(props);\n this._checkProps(this.props);\n if (this.props.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs) {\n this._virtualizedListPairs =\n pair => ({\n viewabilityConfig: pair.viewabilityConfig,\n onViewableItemsChanged: this._createOnViewableItemsChanged(\n pair.onViewableItemsChanged,\n ),\n }),\n );\n } else if (this.props.onViewableItemsChanged) {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n this._virtualizedListPairs.push({\n viewabilityConfig: this.props.viewabilityConfig,\n onViewableItemsChanged: this._createOnViewableItemsChanged(\n this.props.onViewableItemsChanged,\n ),\n });\n }\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {\n invariant(\n prevProps.numColumns === this.props.numColumns,\n 'Changing numColumns on the fly is not supported. Change the key prop on FlatList when ' +\n 'changing the number of columns to force a fresh render of the component.',\n );\n invariant(\n prevProps.onViewableItemsChanged === this.props.onViewableItemsChanged,\n 'Changing onViewableItemsChanged on the fly is not supported',\n );\n invariant(\n !deepDiffer(prevProps.viewabilityConfig, this.props.viewabilityConfig),\n 'Changing viewabilityConfig on the fly is not supported',\n );\n invariant(\n prevProps.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs ===\n this.props.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs,\n 'Changing viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs on the fly is not supported',\n );\n\n this._checkProps(this.props);\n }\n\n _listRef: ?React.ElementRef;\n _virtualizedListPairs: Array = [];\n\n _captureRef = ref => {\n this._listRef = ref;\n };\n\n _checkProps(props: Props) {\n const {\n getItem,\n getItemCount,\n horizontal,\n numColumns,\n columnWrapperStyle,\n onViewableItemsChanged,\n viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs,\n } = props;\n invariant(\n !getItem && !getItemCount,\n 'FlatList does not support custom data formats.',\n );\n if (numColumns > 1) {\n invariant(!horizontal, 'numColumns does not support horizontal.');\n } else {\n invariant(\n !columnWrapperStyle,\n 'columnWrapperStyle not supported for single column lists',\n );\n }\n invariant(\n !(onViewableItemsChanged && viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs),\n 'FlatList does not support setting both onViewableItemsChanged and ' +\n 'viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs.',\n );\n }\n\n _getItem = (data: Array, index: number) => {\n const {numColumns} = this.props;\n if (numColumns > 1) {\n const ret = [];\n for (let kk = 0; kk < numColumns; kk++) {\n const item = data[index * numColumns + kk];\n if (item != null) {\n ret.push(item);\n }\n }\n return ret;\n } else {\n return data[index];\n }\n };\n\n _getItemCount = (data: ?Array): number => {\n return data ? Math.ceil(data.length / this.props.numColumns) : 0;\n };\n\n _keyExtractor = (items: ItemT | Array, index: number) => {\n const {keyExtractor, numColumns} = this.props;\n if (numColumns > 1) {\n invariant(\n Array.isArray(items),\n 'FlatList: Encountered internal consistency error, expected each item to consist of an ' +\n 'array with 1-%s columns; instead, received a single item.',\n numColumns,\n );\n return items\n .map((it, kk) => keyExtractor(it, index * numColumns + kk))\n .join(':');\n } else {\n return keyExtractor(items, index);\n }\n };\n\n _pushMultiColumnViewable(arr: Array, v: ViewToken): void {\n const {numColumns, keyExtractor} = this.props;\n v.item.forEach((item, ii) => {\n invariant(v.index != null, 'Missing index!');\n const index = v.index * numColumns + ii;\n arr.push({...v, item, key: keyExtractor(item, index), index});\n });\n }\n\n _createOnViewableItemsChanged(\n onViewableItemsChanged: ?(info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n ) {\n return (info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => {\n const {numColumns} = this.props;\n if (onViewableItemsChanged) {\n if (numColumns > 1) {\n const changed = [];\n const viewableItems = [];\n info.viewableItems.forEach(v =>\n this._pushMultiColumnViewable(viewableItems, v),\n );\n info.changed.forEach(v => this._pushMultiColumnViewable(changed, v));\n onViewableItemsChanged({viewableItems, changed});\n } else {\n onViewableItemsChanged(info);\n }\n }\n };\n }\n\n _renderer = () => {\n const {\n ListItemComponent,\n renderItem,\n numColumns,\n columnWrapperStyle,\n } = this.props;\n\n let virtualizedListRenderKey = ListItemComponent\n ? 'ListItemComponent'\n : 'renderItem';\n\n const renderer = props => {\n if (ListItemComponent) {\n return ;\n } else if (renderItem) {\n return renderItem(props);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n\n return {\n [virtualizedListRenderKey]: (info: RenderItemProps) => {\n if (numColumns > 1) {\n const {item, index} = info;\n invariant(\n Array.isArray(item),\n 'Expected array of items with numColumns > 1',\n );\n return (\n \n {, kk) => {\n const element = renderer({\n item: it,\n index: index * numColumns + kk,\n separators: info.separators,\n });\n return element != null ? (\n {element}\n ) : null;\n })}\n \n );\n } else {\n return renderer(info);\n }\n },\n };\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n row: {flexDirection: 'row'},\n});\n\nmodule.exports = FlatList;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Batchinator = require('../Interaction/Batchinator');\nconst FillRateHelper = require('./FillRateHelper');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst RefreshControl = require('../Components/RefreshControl/RefreshControl');\nconst ScrollView = require('../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\nconst ViewabilityHelper = require('./ViewabilityHelper');\n\nconst flattenStyle = require('../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\nconst infoLog = require('../Utilities/infoLog');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nconst {computeWindowedRenderLimits} = require('./VirtualizeUtils');\n\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {\n ViewabilityConfig,\n ViewToken,\n ViewabilityConfigCallbackPair,\n} from './ViewabilityHelper';\n\ntype Item = any;\n\nexport type Separators = {\n highlight: () => void,\n unhighlight: () => void,\n updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => void,\n};\n\nexport type RenderItemProps = {\n item: ItemT,\n index: number,\n separators: Separators,\n};\n\nexport type RenderItemType = (\n info: RenderItemProps,\n) => React.Node;\n\ntype ViewabilityHelperCallbackTuple = {\n viewabilityHelper: ViewabilityHelper,\n onViewableItemsChanged: (info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n};\n\ntype RequiredProps = {\n /**\n * The default accessor functions assume this is an Array<{key: string} | {id: string}> but you can override\n * getItem, getItemCount, and keyExtractor to handle any type of index-based data.\n */\n data?: any,\n /**\n * A generic accessor for extracting an item from any sort of data blob.\n */\n getItem: (data: any, index: number) => ?Item,\n /**\n * Determines how many items are in the data blob.\n */\n getItemCount: (data: any) => number,\n};\ntype OptionalProps = {\n // TODO: Conflicts with the optional `renderItem` in\n // `VirtualizedSectionList`'s props.\n renderItem?: $FlowFixMe>,\n /**\n * `debug` will turn on extra logging and visual overlays to aid with debugging both usage and\n * implementation, but with a significant perf hit.\n */\n debug?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * DEPRECATED: Virtualization provides significant performance and memory optimizations, but fully\n * unmounts react instances that are outside of the render window. You should only need to disable\n * this for debugging purposes.\n */\n disableVirtualization?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * A marker property for telling the list to re-render (since it implements `PureComponent`). If\n * any of your `renderItem`, Header, Footer, etc. functions depend on anything outside of the\n * `data` prop, stick it here and treat it immutably.\n */\n extraData?: any,\n getItemLayout?: (\n data: any,\n index: number,\n ) => {length: number, offset: number, index: number}, // e.g. height, y\n horizontal?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * How many items to render in the initial batch. This should be enough to fill the screen but not\n * much more. Note these items will never be unmounted as part of the windowed rendering in order\n * to improve perceived performance of scroll-to-top actions.\n */\n initialNumToRender: number,\n /**\n * Instead of starting at the top with the first item, start at `initialScrollIndex`. This\n * disables the \"scroll to top\" optimization that keeps the first `initialNumToRender` items\n * always rendered and immediately renders the items starting at this initial index. Requires\n * `getItemLayout` to be implemented.\n */\n initialScrollIndex?: ?number,\n /**\n * Reverses the direction of scroll. Uses scale transforms of -1.\n */\n inverted?: ?boolean,\n keyExtractor: (item: Item, index: number) => string,\n /**\n * Each cell is rendered using this element. Can be a React Component Class,\n * or a render function. Defaults to using View.\n */\n CellRendererComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * Each data item is rendered using this element. Can be a React Component Class,\n * or a render function.\n */\n ListItemComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * Rendered when the list is empty. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListEmptyComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Rendered at the bottom of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListFooterComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Styling for internal View for ListFooterComponent\n */\n ListFooterComponentStyle?: ViewStyleProp,\n /**\n * Rendered at the top of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListHeaderComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Styling for internal View for ListHeaderComponent\n */\n ListHeaderComponentStyle?: ViewStyleProp,\n /**\n * A unique identifier for this list. If there are multiple VirtualizedLists at the same level of\n * nesting within another VirtualizedList, this key is necessary for virtualization to\n * work properly.\n */\n listKey?: string,\n /**\n * The maximum number of items to render in each incremental render batch. The more rendered at\n * once, the better the fill rate, but responsiveness may suffer because rendering content may\n * interfere with responding to button taps or other interactions.\n */\n maxToRenderPerBatch: number,\n onEndReached?: ?(info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void,\n onEndReachedThreshold?: ?number, // units of visible length\n onLayout?: ?Function,\n /**\n * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for \"Pull to Refresh\" functionality. Make\n * sure to also set the `refreshing` prop correctly.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?Function,\n /**\n * Used to handle failures when scrolling to an index that has not been measured yet. Recommended\n * action is to either compute your own offset and `scrollTo` it, or scroll as far as possible and\n * then try again after more items have been rendered.\n */\n onScrollToIndexFailed?: ?(info: {\n index: number,\n highestMeasuredFrameIndex: number,\n averageItemLength: number,\n }) => void,\n /**\n * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the\n * `viewabilityConfig` prop.\n */\n onViewableItemsChanged?: ?(info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n persistentScrollbar?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Set this when offset is needed for the loading indicator to show correctly.\n * @platform android\n */\n progressViewOffset?: number,\n /**\n * A custom refresh control element. When set, it overrides the default\n * component built internally. The onRefresh and refreshing\n * props are also ignored. Only works for vertical VirtualizedList.\n */\n refreshControl?: ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh.\n */\n refreshing?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Note: may have bugs (missing content) in some circumstances - use at your own risk.\n *\n * This may improve scroll performance for large lists.\n */\n removeClippedSubviews?: boolean,\n /**\n * Render a custom scroll component, e.g. with a differently styled `RefreshControl`.\n */\n renderScrollComponent?: (props: Object) => React.Element,\n /**\n * Amount of time between low-pri item render batches, e.g. for rendering items quite a ways off\n * screen. Similar fill rate/responsiveness tradeoff as `maxToRenderPerBatch`.\n */\n updateCellsBatchingPeriod: number,\n viewabilityConfig?: ViewabilityConfig,\n /**\n * List of ViewabilityConfig/onViewableItemsChanged pairs. A specific onViewableItemsChanged\n * will be called when its corresponding ViewabilityConfig's conditions are met.\n */\n viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs?: Array,\n /**\n * Determines the maximum number of items rendered outside of the visible area, in units of\n * visible lengths. So if your list fills the screen, then `windowSize={21}` (the default) will\n * render the visible screen area plus up to 10 screens above and 10 below the viewport. Reducing\n * this number will reduce memory consumption and may improve performance, but will increase the\n * chance that fast scrolling may reveal momentary blank areas of unrendered content.\n */\n windowSize: number,\n};\n/* $FlowFixMe - this Props seems to be missing a bunch of stuff. Remove this\n * comment to see the errors */\nexport type Props = RequiredProps & OptionalProps;\n\ntype DefaultProps = {|\n disableVirtualization: boolean,\n horizontal: boolean,\n initialNumToRender: number,\n keyExtractor: (item: Item, index: number) => string,\n maxToRenderPerBatch: number,\n onEndReachedThreshold: number,\n scrollEventThrottle: number,\n updateCellsBatchingPeriod: number,\n windowSize: number,\n|};\n\nlet _usedIndexForKey = false;\nlet _keylessItemComponentName: string = '';\n\ntype Frame = {\n offset: number,\n length: number,\n index: number,\n inLayout: boolean,\n};\n\ntype ChildListState = {\n first: number,\n last: number,\n frames: {[key: number]: Frame},\n};\n\ntype State = {first: number, last: number};\n\n/**\n * Base implementation for the more convenient [``](/react-native/docs/flatlist.html)\n * and [``](/react-native/docs/sectionlist.html) components, which are also better\n * documented. In general, this should only really be used if you need more flexibility than\n * `FlatList` provides, e.g. for use with immutable data instead of plain arrays.\n *\n * Virtualization massively improves memory consumption and performance of large lists by\n * maintaining a finite render window of active items and replacing all items outside of the render\n * window with appropriately sized blank space. The window adapts to scrolling behavior, and items\n * are rendered incrementally with low-pri (after any running interactions) if they are far from the\n * visible area, or with hi-pri otherwise to minimize the potential of seeing blank space.\n *\n * Some caveats:\n *\n * - Internal state is not preserved when content scrolls out of the render window. Make sure all\n * your data is captured in the item data or external stores like Flux, Redux, or Relay.\n * - This is a `PureComponent` which means that it will not re-render if `props` remain shallow-\n * equal. Make sure that everything your `renderItem` function depends on is passed as a prop\n * (e.g. `extraData`) that is not `===` after updates, otherwise your UI may not update on\n * changes. This includes the `data` prop and parent component state.\n * - In order to constrain memory and enable smooth scrolling, content is rendered asynchronously\n * offscreen. This means it's possible to scroll faster than the fill rate ands momentarily see\n * blank content. This is a tradeoff that can be adjusted to suit the needs of each application,\n * and we are working on improving it behind the scenes.\n * - By default, the list looks for a `key` or `id` prop on each item and uses that for the React key.\n * Alternatively, you can provide a custom `keyExtractor` prop.\n *\n */\nclass VirtualizedList extends React.PureComponent {\n props: Props;\n\n // scrollToEnd may be janky without getItemLayout prop\n scrollToEnd(params?: ?{animated?: ?boolean}) {\n const animated = params ? params.animated : true;\n const veryLast = this.props.getItemCount( - 1;\n const frame = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(veryLast);\n const offset = Math.max(\n 0,\n frame.offset +\n frame.length +\n this._footerLength -\n this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength,\n );\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment\n * suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for React. To see the\n * error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n this._scrollRef.scrollTo(\n this.props.horizontal ? {x: offset, animated} : {y: offset, animated},\n );\n }\n\n // scrollToIndex may be janky without getItemLayout prop\n scrollToIndex(params: {\n animated?: ?boolean,\n index: number,\n viewOffset?: number,\n viewPosition?: number,\n }) {\n const {\n data,\n horizontal,\n getItemCount,\n getItemLayout,\n onScrollToIndexFailed,\n } = this.props;\n const {animated, index, viewOffset, viewPosition} = params;\n invariant(\n index >= 0 && index < getItemCount(data),\n `scrollToIndex out of range: requested index ${index} but maximum is ${getItemCount(\n data,\n ) - 1}`,\n );\n if (!getItemLayout && index > this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex) {\n invariant(\n !!onScrollToIndexFailed,\n 'scrollToIndex should be used in conjunction with getItemLayout or onScrollToIndexFailed, ' +\n 'otherwise there is no way to know the location of offscreen indices or handle failures.',\n );\n onScrollToIndexFailed({\n averageItemLength: this._averageCellLength,\n highestMeasuredFrameIndex: this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex,\n index,\n });\n return;\n }\n const frame = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(index);\n const offset =\n Math.max(\n 0,\n frame.offset -\n (viewPosition || 0) *\n (this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength - frame.length),\n ) - (viewOffset || 0);\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment\n * suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for React. To see the\n * error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n this._scrollRef.scrollTo(\n horizontal ? {x: offset, animated} : {y: offset, animated},\n );\n }\n\n // scrollToItem may be janky without getItemLayout prop. Required linear scan through items -\n // use scrollToIndex instead if possible.\n scrollToItem(params: {\n animated?: ?boolean,\n item: Item,\n viewPosition?: number,\n }) {\n const {item} = params;\n const {data, getItem, getItemCount} = this.props;\n const itemCount = getItemCount(data);\n for (let index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) {\n if (getItem(data, index) === item) {\n this.scrollToIndex({...params, index});\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Scroll to a specific content pixel offset in the list.\n *\n * Param `offset` expects the offset to scroll to.\n * In case of `horizontal` is true, the offset is the x-value,\n * in any other case the offset is the y-value.\n *\n * Param `animated` (`true` by default) defines whether the list\n * should do an animation while scrolling.\n */\n scrollToOffset(params: {animated?: ?boolean, offset: number}) {\n const {animated, offset} = params;\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment\n * suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for React. To see the\n * error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n this._scrollRef.scrollTo(\n this.props.horizontal ? {x: offset, animated} : {y: offset, animated},\n );\n }\n\n recordInteraction() {\n this._nestedChildLists.forEach(childList => {\n childList.ref && childList.ref.recordInteraction();\n });\n this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(t => {\n t.viewabilityHelper.recordInteraction();\n });\n this._updateViewableItems(;\n }\n\n flashScrollIndicators() {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment\n * suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for React. To see the\n * error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n this._scrollRef.flashScrollIndicators();\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder.\n * Note that `this._scrollRef` might not be a `ScrollView`, so we\n * need to check that it responds to `getScrollResponder` before calling it.\n */\n getScrollResponder(): any {\n if (this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.getScrollResponder) {\n return this._scrollRef.getScrollResponder();\n }\n }\n\n getScrollableNode(): any {\n if (this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.getScrollableNode) {\n return this._scrollRef.getScrollableNode();\n } else {\n return ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._scrollRef);\n }\n }\n\n getScrollRef(): any {\n if (this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.getScrollRef) {\n return this._scrollRef.getScrollRef();\n } else {\n return this._scrollRef;\n }\n }\n\n setNativeProps(props: Object) {\n if (this._scrollRef) {\n this._scrollRef.setNativeProps(props);\n }\n }\n\n static defaultProps: DefaultProps = {\n disableVirtualization: false,\n horizontal: false,\n initialNumToRender: 10,\n keyExtractor: (item: Item, index: number) => {\n if (item.key != null) {\n return item.key;\n }\n if ( != null) {\n return;\n }\n _usedIndexForKey = true;\n if (item.type && item.type.displayName) {\n _keylessItemComponentName = item.type.displayName;\n }\n return String(index);\n },\n maxToRenderPerBatch: 10,\n onEndReachedThreshold: 2, // multiples of length\n scrollEventThrottle: 50,\n updateCellsBatchingPeriod: 50,\n windowSize: 21, // multiples of length\n };\n\n static contextTypes:\n | any\n | {|\n virtualizedCell: {|\n cellKey: React$PropType$Primitive,\n |},\n virtualizedList: {|\n getScrollMetrics: React$PropType$Primitive,\n horizontal: React$PropType$Primitive,\n getOutermostParentListRef: React$PropType$Primitive,\n getNestedChildState: React$PropType$Primitive,\n registerAsNestedChild: React$PropType$Primitive,\n unregisterAsNestedChild: React$PropType$Primitive,\n |},\n |} = {\n virtualizedCell: PropTypes.shape({\n cellKey: PropTypes.string,\n }),\n virtualizedList: PropTypes.shape({\n getScrollMetrics: PropTypes.func,\n horizontal: PropTypes.bool,\n getOutermostParentListRef: PropTypes.func,\n getNestedChildState: PropTypes.func,\n registerAsNestedChild: PropTypes.func,\n unregisterAsNestedChild: PropTypes.func,\n }),\n };\n\n static childContextTypes:\n | any\n | {|\n getScrollMetrics: React$PropType$Primitive,\n horizontal: React$PropType$Primitive,\n getOutermostParentListRef: React$PropType$Primitive,\n getNestedChildState: React$PropType$Primitive,\n registerAsNestedChild: React$PropType$Primitive,\n unregisterAsNestedChild: React$PropType$Primitive,\n |} = {\n virtualizedList: PropTypes.shape({\n getScrollMetrics: PropTypes.func,\n horizontal: PropTypes.bool,\n getOutermostParentListRef: PropTypes.func,\n getNestedChildState: PropTypes.func,\n registerAsNestedChild: PropTypes.func,\n unregisterAsNestedChild: PropTypes.func,\n }),\n };\n\n getChildContext(): {|\n virtualizedList: {\n getScrollMetrics: () => {\n contentLength: number,\n dOffset: number,\n dt: number,\n offset: number,\n timestamp: number,\n velocity: number,\n visibleLength: number,\n },\n horizontal: ?boolean,\n getOutermostParentListRef: Function,\n getNestedChildState: string => ?ChildListState,\n registerAsNestedChild: ({\n cellKey: string,\n key: string,\n ref: VirtualizedList,\n }) => ?ChildListState,\n unregisterAsNestedChild: ({\n key: string,\n state: ChildListState,\n }) => void,\n },\n |} {\n return {\n virtualizedList: {\n getScrollMetrics: this._getScrollMetrics,\n horizontal: this.props.horizontal,\n getOutermostParentListRef: this._getOutermostParentListRef,\n getNestedChildState: this._getNestedChildState,\n registerAsNestedChild: this._registerAsNestedChild,\n unregisterAsNestedChild: this._unregisterAsNestedChild,\n },\n };\n }\n\n _getCellKey(): string {\n return (\n (this.context.virtualizedCell && this.context.virtualizedCell.cellKey) ||\n 'rootList'\n );\n }\n\n _getScrollMetrics = () => {\n return this._scrollMetrics;\n };\n\n hasMore(): boolean {\n return this._hasMore;\n }\n\n _getOutermostParentListRef = () => {\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n return this.context.virtualizedList.getOutermostParentListRef();\n } else {\n return this;\n }\n };\n\n _getNestedChildState = (key: string): ?ChildListState => {\n const existingChildData = this._nestedChildLists.get(key);\n return existingChildData && existingChildData.state;\n };\n\n _registerAsNestedChild = (childList: {\n cellKey: string,\n key: string,\n ref: VirtualizedList,\n }): ?ChildListState => {\n // Register the mapping between this child key and the cellKey for its cell\n const childListsInCell =\n this._cellKeysToChildListKeys.get(childList.cellKey) || new Set();\n childListsInCell.add(childList.key);\n this._cellKeysToChildListKeys.set(childList.cellKey, childListsInCell);\n\n const existingChildData = this._nestedChildLists.get(childList.key);\n if (existingChildData && existingChildData.ref !== null) {\n console.error(\n 'A VirtualizedList contains a cell which itself contains ' +\n 'more than one VirtualizedList of the same orientation as the parent ' +\n 'list. You must pass a unique listKey prop to each sibling list.',\n );\n }\n this._nestedChildLists.set(childList.key, {\n ref: childList.ref,\n state: null,\n });\n\n if (this._hasInteracted) {\n childList.ref.recordInteraction();\n }\n };\n\n _unregisterAsNestedChild = (childList: {\n key: string,\n state: ChildListState,\n }): void => {\n this._nestedChildLists.set(childList.key, {\n ref: null,\n state: childList.state,\n });\n };\n\n state: State;\n\n constructor(props: Props, context: Object) {\n super(props, context);\n invariant(\n !props.onScroll || !props.onScroll.__isNative,\n 'Components based on VirtualizedList must be wrapped with Animated.createAnimatedComponent ' +\n 'to support native onScroll events with useNativeDriver',\n );\n\n invariant(\n props.windowSize > 0,\n 'VirtualizedList: The windowSize prop must be present and set to a value greater than 0.',\n );\n\n this._fillRateHelper = new FillRateHelper(this._getFrameMetrics);\n this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher = new Batchinator(\n this._updateCellsToRender,\n this.props.updateCellsBatchingPeriod,\n );\n\n if (this.props.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs) {\n this._viewabilityTuples =\n pair => ({\n viewabilityHelper: new ViewabilityHelper(pair.viewabilityConfig),\n onViewableItemsChanged: pair.onViewableItemsChanged,\n }),\n );\n } else if (this.props.onViewableItemsChanged) {\n this._viewabilityTuples.push({\n viewabilityHelper: new ViewabilityHelper(this.props.viewabilityConfig),\n onViewableItemsChanged: this.props.onViewableItemsChanged,\n });\n }\n\n let initialState = {\n first: this.props.initialScrollIndex || 0,\n last:\n Math.min(\n this.props.getItemCount(,\n (this.props.initialScrollIndex || 0) + this.props.initialNumToRender,\n ) - 1,\n };\n\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n const storedState = this.context.virtualizedList.getNestedChildState(\n this.props.listKey || this._getCellKey(),\n );\n if (storedState) {\n initialState = storedState;\n this.state = storedState;\n this._frames = storedState.frames;\n }\n }\n\n this.state = initialState;\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n this.context.virtualizedList.registerAsNestedChild({\n cellKey: this._getCellKey(),\n key: this.props.listKey || this._getCellKey(),\n ref: this,\n });\n }\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n this.context.virtualizedList.unregisterAsNestedChild({\n key: this.props.listKey || this._getCellKey(),\n state: {\n first: this.state.first,\n last: this.state.last,\n frames: this._frames,\n },\n });\n }\n this._updateViewableItems(null);\n this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher.dispose({abort: true});\n this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(tuple => {\n tuple.viewabilityHelper.dispose();\n });\n this._fillRateHelper.deactivateAndFlush();\n }\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(newProps: Props, prevState: State): State {\n const {data, getItemCount, maxToRenderPerBatch} = newProps;\n // first and last could be stale (e.g. if a new, shorter items props is passed in), so we make\n // sure we're rendering a reasonable range here.\n return {\n first: Math.max(\n 0,\n Math.min(prevState.first, getItemCount(data) - 1 - maxToRenderPerBatch),\n ),\n last: Math.max(0, Math.min(prevState.last, getItemCount(data) - 1)),\n };\n }\n\n _pushCells(\n cells: Array,\n stickyHeaderIndices: Array,\n stickyIndicesFromProps: Set,\n first: number,\n last: number,\n inversionStyle: ViewStyleProp,\n ) {\n const {\n CellRendererComponent,\n ItemSeparatorComponent,\n data,\n getItem,\n getItemCount,\n horizontal,\n keyExtractor,\n } = this.props;\n const stickyOffset = this.props.ListHeaderComponent ? 1 : 0;\n const end = getItemCount(data) - 1;\n let prevCellKey;\n last = Math.min(end, last);\n for (let ii = first; ii <= last; ii++) {\n const item = getItem(data, ii);\n const key = keyExtractor(item, ii);\n this._indicesToKeys.set(ii, key);\n if (stickyIndicesFromProps.has(ii + stickyOffset)) {\n stickyHeaderIndices.push(cells.length);\n }\n cells.push(\n this._onCellLayout(e, key, ii)}\n onUnmount={this._onCellUnmount}\n parentProps={this.props}\n ref={ref => {\n this._cellRefs[key] = ref;\n }}\n />,\n );\n prevCellKey = key;\n }\n }\n\n _onUpdateSeparators = (keys: Array, newProps: Object) => {\n keys.forEach(key => {\n const ref = key != null && this._cellRefs[key];\n ref && ref.updateSeparatorProps(newProps);\n });\n };\n\n _isVirtualizationDisabled(): boolean {\n return this.props.disableVirtualization || false;\n }\n\n _isNestedWithSameOrientation(): boolean {\n const nestedContext = this.context.virtualizedList;\n return !!(\n nestedContext && !!nestedContext.horizontal === !!this.props.horizontal\n );\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n if (__DEV__) {\n const flatStyles = flattenStyle(this.props.contentContainerStyle);\n warning(\n flatStyles == null || flatStyles.flexWrap !== 'wrap',\n '`flexWrap: `wrap`` is not supported with the `VirtualizedList` components.' +\n 'Consider using `numColumns` with `FlatList` instead.',\n );\n }\n const {\n ListEmptyComponent,\n ListFooterComponent,\n ListHeaderComponent,\n } = this.props;\n const {data, horizontal} = this.props;\n const isVirtualizationDisabled = this._isVirtualizationDisabled();\n const inversionStyle = this.props.inverted\n ? this.props.horizontal\n ? styles.horizontallyInverted\n : styles.verticallyInverted\n : null;\n const cells = [];\n const stickyIndicesFromProps = new Set(this.props.stickyHeaderIndices);\n const stickyHeaderIndices = [];\n if (ListHeaderComponent) {\n if (stickyIndicesFromProps.has(0)) {\n stickyHeaderIndices.push(0);\n }\n const element = React.isValidElement(ListHeaderComponent) ? (\n ListHeaderComponent\n ) : (\n // $FlowFixMe\n \n );\n cells.push(\n \n \n {\n // $FlowFixMe - Typing ReactNativeComponent revealed errors\n element\n }\n \n ,\n );\n }\n const itemCount = this.props.getItemCount(data);\n if (itemCount > 0) {\n _usedIndexForKey = false;\n _keylessItemComponentName = '';\n const spacerKey = !horizontal ? 'height' : 'width';\n const lastInitialIndex = this.props.initialScrollIndex\n ? -1\n : this.props.initialNumToRender - 1;\n const {first, last} = this.state;\n this._pushCells(\n cells,\n stickyHeaderIndices,\n stickyIndicesFromProps,\n 0,\n lastInitialIndex,\n inversionStyle,\n );\n const firstAfterInitial = Math.max(lastInitialIndex + 1, first);\n if (!isVirtualizationDisabled && first > lastInitialIndex + 1) {\n let insertedStickySpacer = false;\n if (stickyIndicesFromProps.size > 0) {\n const stickyOffset = ListHeaderComponent ? 1 : 0;\n // See if there are any sticky headers in the virtualized space that we need to render.\n for (let ii = firstAfterInitial - 1; ii > lastInitialIndex; ii--) {\n if (stickyIndicesFromProps.has(ii + stickyOffset)) {\n const initBlock = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(lastInitialIndex);\n const stickyBlock = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(ii);\n const leadSpace =\n stickyBlock.offset -\n initBlock.offset -\n (this.props.initialScrollIndex ? 0 : initBlock.length);\n cells.push(\n ,\n );\n this._pushCells(\n cells,\n stickyHeaderIndices,\n stickyIndicesFromProps,\n ii,\n ii,\n inversionStyle,\n );\n const trailSpace =\n this._getFrameMetricsApprox(first).offset -\n (stickyBlock.offset + stickyBlock.length);\n cells.push(\n ,\n );\n insertedStickySpacer = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!insertedStickySpacer) {\n const initBlock = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(lastInitialIndex);\n const firstSpace =\n this._getFrameMetricsApprox(first).offset -\n (initBlock.offset + initBlock.length);\n cells.push(\n ,\n );\n }\n }\n this._pushCells(\n cells,\n stickyHeaderIndices,\n stickyIndicesFromProps,\n firstAfterInitial,\n last,\n inversionStyle,\n );\n if (!this._hasWarned.keys && _usedIndexForKey) {\n console.warn(\n 'VirtualizedList: missing keys for items, make sure to specify a key or id property on each ' +\n 'item or provide a custom keyExtractor.',\n _keylessItemComponentName,\n );\n this._hasWarned.keys = true;\n }\n if (!isVirtualizationDisabled && last < itemCount - 1) {\n const lastFrame = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(last);\n // Without getItemLayout, we limit our tail spacer to the _highestMeasuredFrameIndex to\n // prevent the user for hyperscrolling into un-measured area because otherwise content will\n // likely jump around as it renders in above the viewport.\n const end = this.props.getItemLayout\n ? itemCount - 1\n : Math.min(itemCount - 1, this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex);\n const endFrame = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(end);\n const tailSpacerLength =\n endFrame.offset +\n endFrame.length -\n (lastFrame.offset + lastFrame.length);\n cells.push(\n ,\n );\n }\n } else if (ListEmptyComponent) {\n const element: React.Element = ((React.isValidElement(\n ListEmptyComponent,\n ) ? (\n ListEmptyComponent\n ) : (\n // $FlowFixMe\n \n )): any);\n cells.push(\n React.cloneElement(element, {\n key: '$empty',\n onLayout: event => {\n this._onLayoutEmpty(event);\n if (element.props.onLayout) {\n element.props.onLayout(event);\n }\n },\n style: StyleSheet.compose(\n inversionStyle,\n,\n ),\n }),\n );\n }\n if (ListFooterComponent) {\n const element = React.isValidElement(ListFooterComponent) ? (\n ListFooterComponent\n ) : (\n // $FlowFixMe\n \n );\n cells.push(\n \n \n {\n // $FlowFixMe - Typing ReactNativeComponent revealed errors\n element\n }\n \n ,\n );\n }\n const scrollProps = {\n ...this.props,\n onContentSizeChange: this._onContentSizeChange,\n onLayout: this._onLayout,\n onScroll: this._onScroll,\n onScrollBeginDrag: this._onScrollBeginDrag,\n onScrollEndDrag: this._onScrollEndDrag,\n onMomentumScrollEnd: this._onMomentumScrollEnd,\n scrollEventThrottle: this.props.scrollEventThrottle, // TODO: Android support\n invertStickyHeaders:\n this.props.invertStickyHeaders !== undefined\n ? this.props.invertStickyHeaders\n : this.props.inverted,\n stickyHeaderIndices,\n };\n if (inversionStyle) {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.70.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.70 was deployed. To see the error delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n = [inversionStyle,];\n }\n\n this._hasMore =\n this.state.last < this.props.getItemCount( - 1;\n\n const innerRet = React.cloneElement(\n (this.props.renderScrollComponent || this._defaultRenderScrollComponent)(\n scrollProps,\n ),\n {\n ref: this._captureScrollRef,\n },\n cells,\n );\n let ret = innerRet;\n if (__DEV__) {\n ret = (\n \n {scrollContext => {\n if (\n scrollContext != null &&\n !scrollContext.horizontal === !this.props.horizontal &&\n !this._hasWarned.nesting &&\n this.context.virtualizedList == null\n ) {\n // TODO (T46547044): use React.warn once 16.9 is sync'd:\n console.warn(\n 'VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same ' +\n 'orientation - use another VirtualizedList-backed container instead.',\n );\n this._hasWarned.nesting = true;\n }\n return innerRet;\n }}\n \n );\n }\n if (this.props.debug) {\n return (\n \n {ret}\n {this._renderDebugOverlay()}\n \n );\n } else {\n return ret;\n }\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {\n const {data, extraData} = this.props;\n if (data !== || extraData !== prevProps.extraData) {\n this._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached = true;\n\n // clear the viewableIndices cache to also trigger\n // the onViewableItemsChanged callback with the new data\n this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(tuple => {\n tuple.viewabilityHelper.resetViewableIndices();\n });\n }\n // The `this._hiPriInProgress` is guaranteeing a hiPri cell update will only happen\n // once per fiber update. The `_scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate` will set it to true\n // if a hiPri update needs to perform. If `componentDidUpdate` is triggered with\n // `this._hiPriInProgress=true`, means it's triggered by the hiPri update. The\n // `_scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate` will check this condition and not perform\n // another hiPri update.\n const hiPriInProgress = this._hiPriInProgress;\n this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate();\n // Make sure setting `this._hiPriInProgress` back to false after `componentDidUpdate`\n // is triggered with `this._hiPriInProgress = true`\n if (hiPriInProgress) {\n this._hiPriInProgress = false;\n }\n }\n\n _averageCellLength = 0;\n // Maps a cell key to the set of keys for all outermost child lists within that cell\n _cellKeysToChildListKeys: Map> = new Map();\n _cellRefs = {};\n _fillRateHelper: FillRateHelper;\n _frames = {};\n _footerLength = 0;\n _hasDataChangedSinceEndReached = true;\n _hasDoneInitialScroll = false;\n _hasInteracted = false;\n _hasMore = false;\n _hasWarned = {};\n _headerLength = 0;\n _hiPriInProgress: boolean = false; // flag to prevent infinite hiPri cell limit update\n _highestMeasuredFrameIndex = 0;\n _indicesToKeys: Map = new Map();\n _nestedChildLists: Map<\n string,\n {ref: ?VirtualizedList, state: ?ChildListState},\n > = new Map();\n _offsetFromParentVirtualizedList: number = 0;\n _prevParentOffset: number = 0;\n _scrollMetrics = {\n contentLength: 0,\n dOffset: 0,\n dt: 10,\n offset: 0,\n timestamp: 0,\n velocity: 0,\n visibleLength: 0,\n };\n _scrollRef: ?React.ElementRef = null;\n _sentEndForContentLength = 0;\n _totalCellLength = 0;\n _totalCellsMeasured = 0;\n _updateCellsToRenderBatcher: Batchinator;\n _viewabilityTuples: Array = [];\n\n _captureScrollRef = ref => {\n this._scrollRef = ref;\n };\n\n _computeBlankness() {\n this._fillRateHelper.computeBlankness(\n this.props,\n this.state,\n this._scrollMetrics,\n );\n }\n\n _defaultRenderScrollComponent = props => {\n const onRefresh = props.onRefresh;\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n // $FlowFixMe - Typing ReactNativeComponent revealed errors\n return ;\n } else if (onRefresh) {\n invariant(\n typeof props.refreshing === 'boolean',\n '`refreshing` prop must be set as a boolean in order to use `onRefresh`, but got `' +\n JSON.stringify(props.refreshing) +\n '`',\n );\n return (\n // $FlowFixMe Invalid prop usage\n \n ) : (\n props.refreshControl\n )\n }\n />\n );\n } else {\n // $FlowFixMe Invalid prop usage\n return ;\n }\n };\n\n _onCellLayout(e, cellKey, index) {\n const layout = e.nativeEvent.layout;\n const next = {\n offset: this._selectOffset(layout),\n length: this._selectLength(layout),\n index,\n inLayout: true,\n };\n const curr = this._frames[cellKey];\n if (\n !curr ||\n next.offset !== curr.offset ||\n next.length !== curr.length ||\n index !== curr.index\n ) {\n this._totalCellLength += next.length - (curr ? curr.length : 0);\n this._totalCellsMeasured += curr ? 0 : 1;\n this._averageCellLength =\n this._totalCellLength / this._totalCellsMeasured;\n this._frames[cellKey] = next;\n this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex = Math.max(\n this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex,\n index,\n );\n this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate();\n } else {\n this._frames[cellKey].inLayout = true;\n }\n\n const childListKeys = this._cellKeysToChildListKeys.get(cellKey);\n if (childListKeys) {\n for (let childKey of childListKeys) {\n const childList = this._nestedChildLists.get(childKey);\n childList &&\n childList.ref &&\n childList.ref.measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList();\n }\n }\n\n this._computeBlankness();\n this._updateViewableItems(;\n }\n\n _onCellUnmount = (cellKey: string) => {\n const curr = this._frames[cellKey];\n if (curr) {\n this._frames[cellKey] = {...curr, inLayout: false};\n }\n };\n\n measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList(): void {\n // TODO (T35574538): findNodeHandle sometimes crashes with \"Unable to find\n // node on an unmounted component\" during scrolling\n try {\n if (!this._scrollRef) {\n return;\n }\n // We are assuming that getOutermostParentListRef().getScrollRef()\n // is a non-null reference to a ScrollView\n this._scrollRef.measureLayout(\n this.context.virtualizedList\n .getOutermostParentListRef()\n .getScrollRef()\n .getNativeScrollRef(),\n (x, y, width, height) => {\n this._offsetFromParentVirtualizedList = this._selectOffset({x, y});\n this._scrollMetrics.contentLength = this._selectLength({\n width,\n height,\n });\n const scrollMetrics = this._convertParentScrollMetrics(\n this.context.virtualizedList.getScrollMetrics(),\n );\n this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength = scrollMetrics.visibleLength;\n this._scrollMetrics.offset = scrollMetrics.offset;\n },\n error => {\n console.warn(\n \"VirtualizedList: Encountered an error while measuring a list's\" +\n ' offset from its containing VirtualizedList.',\n );\n },\n );\n } catch (error) {\n console.warn(\n 'measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList threw an error',\n error.stack,\n );\n }\n }\n\n _onLayout = (e: Object) => {\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n // Need to adjust our scroll metrics to be relative to our containing\n // VirtualizedList before we can make claims about list item viewability\n this.measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList();\n } else {\n this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength = this._selectLength(\n e.nativeEvent.layout,\n );\n }\n this.props.onLayout && this.props.onLayout(e);\n this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate();\n this._maybeCallOnEndReached();\n };\n\n _onLayoutEmpty = e => {\n this.props.onLayout && this.props.onLayout(e);\n };\n\n _onLayoutFooter = e => {\n this._footerLength = this._selectLength(e.nativeEvent.layout);\n };\n\n _onLayoutHeader = e => {\n this._headerLength = this._selectLength(e.nativeEvent.layout);\n };\n\n _renderDebugOverlay() {\n const normalize =\n this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength /\n (this._scrollMetrics.contentLength || 1);\n const framesInLayout = [];\n const itemCount = this.props.getItemCount(;\n for (let ii = 0; ii < itemCount; ii++) {\n const frame = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(ii);\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.68.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.68 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n if (frame.inLayout) {\n framesInLayout.push(frame);\n }\n }\n const windowTop = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(this.state.first).offset;\n const frameLast = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(this.state.last);\n const windowLen = frameLast.offset + frameLast.length - windowTop;\n const visTop = this._scrollMetrics.offset;\n const visLen = this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength;\n\n return (\n \n {, ii) => (\n \n ))}\n \n \n \n );\n }\n\n _selectLength(metrics: $ReadOnly<{height: number, width: number}>): number {\n return !this.props.horizontal ? metrics.height : metrics.width;\n }\n\n _selectOffset(metrics: $ReadOnly<{x: number, y: number}>): number {\n return !this.props.horizontal ? metrics.y : metrics.x;\n }\n\n _maybeCallOnEndReached() {\n const {\n data,\n getItemCount,\n onEndReached,\n onEndReachedThreshold,\n } = this.props;\n const {contentLength, visibleLength, offset} = this._scrollMetrics;\n const distanceFromEnd = contentLength - visibleLength - offset;\n if (\n onEndReached &&\n this.state.last === getItemCount(data) - 1 &&\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n distanceFromEnd < onEndReachedThreshold * visibleLength &&\n (this._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached ||\n this._scrollMetrics.contentLength !== this._sentEndForContentLength)\n ) {\n // Only call onEndReached once for a given dataset + content length.\n this._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached = false;\n this._sentEndForContentLength = this._scrollMetrics.contentLength;\n onEndReached({distanceFromEnd});\n }\n }\n\n _onContentSizeChange = (width: number, height: number) => {\n if (\n width > 0 &&\n height > 0 &&\n this.props.initialScrollIndex != null &&\n this.props.initialScrollIndex > 0 &&\n !this._hasDoneInitialScroll\n ) {\n this.scrollToIndex({\n animated: false,\n index: this.props.initialScrollIndex,\n });\n this._hasDoneInitialScroll = true;\n }\n if (this.props.onContentSizeChange) {\n this.props.onContentSizeChange(width, height);\n }\n this._scrollMetrics.contentLength = this._selectLength({height, width});\n this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate();\n this._maybeCallOnEndReached();\n };\n\n /* Translates metrics from a scroll event in a parent VirtualizedList into\n * coordinates relative to the child list.\n */\n _convertParentScrollMetrics = (metrics: {\n visibleLength: number,\n offset: number,\n }) => {\n // Offset of the top of the nested list relative to the top of its parent's viewport\n const offset = metrics.offset - this._offsetFromParentVirtualizedList;\n // Child's visible length is the same as its parent's\n const visibleLength = metrics.visibleLength;\n const dOffset = offset - this._scrollMetrics.offset;\n const contentLength = this._scrollMetrics.contentLength;\n\n return {\n visibleLength,\n contentLength,\n offset,\n dOffset,\n };\n };\n\n _onScroll = (e: Object) => {\n this._nestedChildLists.forEach(childList => {\n childList.ref && childList.ref._onScroll(e);\n });\n if (this.props.onScroll) {\n this.props.onScroll(e);\n }\n const timestamp = e.timeStamp;\n let visibleLength = this._selectLength(e.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement);\n let contentLength = this._selectLength(e.nativeEvent.contentSize);\n let offset = this._selectOffset(e.nativeEvent.contentOffset);\n let dOffset = offset - this._scrollMetrics.offset;\n\n if (this._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {\n if (this._scrollMetrics.contentLength === 0) {\n // Ignore scroll events until onLayout has been called and we\n // know our offset from our offset from our parent\n return;\n }\n ({\n visibleLength,\n contentLength,\n offset,\n dOffset,\n } = this._convertParentScrollMetrics({\n visibleLength,\n offset,\n }));\n }\n\n const dt = this._scrollMetrics.timestamp\n ? Math.max(1, timestamp - this._scrollMetrics.timestamp)\n : 1;\n const velocity = dOffset / dt;\n\n if (\n dt > 500 &&\n this._scrollMetrics.dt > 500 &&\n contentLength > 5 * visibleLength &&\n !this._hasWarned.perf\n ) {\n infoLog(\n 'VirtualizedList: You have a large list that is slow to update - make sure your ' +\n 'renderItem function renders components that follow React performance best practices ' +\n 'like PureComponent, shouldComponentUpdate, etc.',\n {dt, prevDt: this._scrollMetrics.dt, contentLength},\n );\n this._hasWarned.perf = true;\n }\n this._scrollMetrics = {\n contentLength,\n dt,\n dOffset,\n offset,\n timestamp,\n velocity,\n visibleLength,\n };\n this._updateViewableItems(;\n if (!this.props) {\n return;\n }\n this._maybeCallOnEndReached();\n if (velocity !== 0) {\n this._fillRateHelper.activate();\n }\n this._computeBlankness();\n this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate();\n };\n\n _scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate() {\n const {first, last} = this.state;\n const {offset, visibleLength, velocity} = this._scrollMetrics;\n const itemCount = this.props.getItemCount(;\n let hiPri = false;\n const scrollingThreshold =\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n (this.props.onEndReachedThreshold * visibleLength) / 2;\n // Mark as high priority if we're close to the start of the first item\n // But only if there are items before the first rendered item\n if (first > 0) {\n const distTop = offset - this._getFrameMetricsApprox(first).offset;\n hiPri =\n hiPri || distTop < 0 || (velocity < -2 && distTop < scrollingThreshold);\n }\n // Mark as high priority if we're close to the end of the last item\n // But only if there are items after the last rendered item\n if (last < itemCount - 1) {\n const distBottom =\n this._getFrameMetricsApprox(last).offset - (offset + visibleLength);\n hiPri =\n hiPri ||\n distBottom < 0 ||\n (velocity > 2 && distBottom < scrollingThreshold);\n }\n // Only trigger high-priority updates if we've actually rendered cells,\n // and with that size estimate, accurately compute how many cells we should render.\n // Otherwise, it would just render as many cells as it can (of zero dimension),\n // each time through attempting to render more (limited by maxToRenderPerBatch),\n // starving the renderer from actually laying out the objects and computing _averageCellLength.\n // If this is triggered in an `componentDidUpdate` followed by a hiPri cellToRenderUpdate\n // We shouldn't do another hipri cellToRenderUpdate\n if (\n hiPri &&\n (this._averageCellLength || this.props.getItemLayout) &&\n !this._hiPriInProgress\n ) {\n this._hiPriInProgress = true;\n // Don't worry about interactions when scrolling quickly; focus on filling content as fast\n // as possible.\n this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher.dispose({abort: true});\n this._updateCellsToRender();\n return;\n } else {\n this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher.schedule();\n }\n }\n\n _onScrollBeginDrag = (e): void => {\n this._nestedChildLists.forEach(childList => {\n childList.ref && childList.ref._onScrollBeginDrag(e);\n });\n this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(tuple => {\n tuple.viewabilityHelper.recordInteraction();\n });\n this._hasInteracted = true;\n this.props.onScrollBeginDrag && this.props.onScrollBeginDrag(e);\n };\n\n _onScrollEndDrag = (e): void => {\n const {velocity} = e.nativeEvent;\n if (velocity) {\n this._scrollMetrics.velocity = this._selectOffset(velocity);\n }\n this._computeBlankness();\n this.props.onScrollEndDrag && this.props.onScrollEndDrag(e);\n };\n\n _onMomentumScrollEnd = (e): void => {\n this._scrollMetrics.velocity = 0;\n this._computeBlankness();\n this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd && this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd(e);\n };\n\n _updateCellsToRender = () => {\n const {data, getItemCount, onEndReachedThreshold} = this.props;\n const isVirtualizationDisabled = this._isVirtualizationDisabled();\n this._updateViewableItems(data);\n if (!data) {\n return;\n }\n this.setState(state => {\n let newState;\n if (!isVirtualizationDisabled) {\n // If we run this with bogus data, we'll force-render window {first: 0, last: 0},\n // and wipe out the initialNumToRender rendered elements.\n // So let's wait until the scroll view metrics have been set up. And until then,\n // we will trust the initialNumToRender suggestion\n if (this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength) {\n // If we have a non-zero initialScrollIndex and run this before we've scrolled,\n // we'll wipe out the initialNumToRender rendered elements starting at initialScrollIndex.\n // So let's wait until we've scrolled the view to the right place. And until then,\n // we will trust the initialScrollIndex suggestion.\n if (!this.props.initialScrollIndex || this._scrollMetrics.offset) {\n newState = computeWindowedRenderLimits(\n this.props,\n state,\n this._getFrameMetricsApprox,\n this._scrollMetrics,\n );\n }\n }\n } else {\n const {contentLength, offset, visibleLength} = this._scrollMetrics;\n const distanceFromEnd = contentLength - visibleLength - offset;\n const renderAhead =\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses\n * an error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error\n * delete this comment and run Flow. */\n distanceFromEnd < onEndReachedThreshold * visibleLength\n ? this.props.maxToRenderPerBatch\n : 0;\n newState = {\n first: 0,\n last: Math.min(state.last + renderAhead, getItemCount(data) - 1),\n };\n }\n if (newState && this._nestedChildLists.size > 0) {\n const newFirst = newState.first;\n const newLast = newState.last;\n // If some cell in the new state has a child list in it, we should only render\n // up through that item, so that we give that list a chance to render.\n // Otherwise there's churn from multiple child lists mounting and un-mounting\n // their items.\n for (let ii = newFirst; ii <= newLast; ii++) {\n const cellKeyForIndex = this._indicesToKeys.get(ii);\n const childListKeys =\n cellKeyForIndex &&\n this._cellKeysToChildListKeys.get(cellKeyForIndex);\n if (!childListKeys) {\n continue;\n }\n let someChildHasMore = false;\n // For each cell, need to check whether any child list in it has more elements to render\n for (let childKey of childListKeys) {\n const childList = this._nestedChildLists.get(childKey);\n if (childList && childList.ref && childList.ref.hasMore()) {\n someChildHasMore = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (someChildHasMore) {\n newState.last = ii;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n return newState;\n });\n };\n\n _createViewToken = (index: number, isViewable: boolean) => {\n const {data, getItem, keyExtractor} = this.props;\n const item = getItem(data, index);\n return {index, item, key: keyExtractor(item, index), isViewable};\n };\n\n _getFrameMetricsApprox = (\n index: number,\n ): {length: number, offset: number} => {\n const frame = this._getFrameMetrics(index);\n if (frame && frame.index === index) {\n // check for invalid frames due to row re-ordering\n return frame;\n } else {\n const {getItemLayout} = this.props;\n invariant(\n !getItemLayout,\n 'Should not have to estimate frames when a measurement metrics function is provided',\n );\n return {\n length: this._averageCellLength,\n offset: this._averageCellLength * index,\n };\n }\n };\n\n _getFrameMetrics = (\n index: number,\n ): ?{\n length: number,\n offset: number,\n index: number,\n inLayout?: boolean,\n } => {\n const {\n data,\n getItem,\n getItemCount,\n getItemLayout,\n keyExtractor,\n } = this.props;\n invariant(\n getItemCount(data) > index,\n 'Tried to get frame for out of range index ' + index,\n );\n const item = getItem(data, index);\n let frame = item && this._frames[keyExtractor(item, index)];\n if (!frame || frame.index !== index) {\n if (getItemLayout) {\n frame = getItemLayout(data, index);\n if (__DEV__) {\n const frameType = PropTypes.shape({\n length: PropTypes.number.isRequired,\n offset: PropTypes.number.isRequired,\n index: PropTypes.number.isRequired,\n }).isRequired;\n PropTypes.checkPropTypes(\n {frame: frameType},\n {frame},\n 'frame',\n 'VirtualizedList.getItemLayout',\n );\n }\n }\n }\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n return frame;\n };\n\n _updateViewableItems(data: any) {\n const {getItemCount} = this.props;\n\n this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(tuple => {\n tuple.viewabilityHelper.onUpdate(\n getItemCount(data),\n this._scrollMetrics.offset,\n this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength,\n this._getFrameMetrics,\n this._createViewToken,\n tuple.onViewableItemsChanged,\n this.state,\n );\n });\n }\n}\n\ntype CellRendererProps = {\n CellRendererComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n ItemSeparatorComponent: ?React.ComponentType<*>,\n cellKey: string,\n fillRateHelper: FillRateHelper,\n horizontal: ?boolean,\n index: number,\n inversionStyle: ViewStyleProp,\n item: Item,\n onLayout: (event: Object) => void, // This is extracted by ScrollViewStickyHeader\n onUnmount: (cellKey: string) => void,\n onUpdateSeparators: (cellKeys: Array, props: Object) => void,\n parentProps: {\n getItemLayout?: ?Function,\n renderItem?: ?RenderItemType,\n ListItemComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n },\n prevCellKey: ?string,\n};\n\ntype CellRendererState = {\n separatorProps: $ReadOnly<{|\n highlighted: boolean,\n leadingItem: ?Item,\n |}>,\n};\n\nclass CellRenderer extends React.Component<\n CellRendererProps,\n CellRendererState,\n> {\n state = {\n separatorProps: {\n highlighted: false,\n leadingItem: this.props.item,\n },\n };\n\n static childContextTypes = {\n virtualizedCell: PropTypes.shape({\n cellKey: PropTypes.string,\n }),\n };\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(\n props: CellRendererProps,\n prevState: CellRendererState,\n ): ?CellRendererState {\n return {\n separatorProps: {\n ...prevState.separatorProps,\n leadingItem: props.item,\n },\n };\n }\n\n getChildContext() {\n return {\n virtualizedCell: {\n cellKey: this.props.cellKey,\n },\n };\n }\n\n // TODO: consider factoring separator stuff out of VirtualizedList into FlatList since it's not\n // reused by SectionList and we can keep VirtualizedList simpler.\n _separators = {\n highlight: () => {\n const {cellKey, prevCellKey} = this.props;\n this.props.onUpdateSeparators([cellKey, prevCellKey], {\n highlighted: true,\n });\n },\n unhighlight: () => {\n const {cellKey, prevCellKey} = this.props;\n this.props.onUpdateSeparators([cellKey, prevCellKey], {\n highlighted: false,\n });\n },\n updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => {\n const {cellKey, prevCellKey} = this.props;\n this.props.onUpdateSeparators(\n [select === 'leading' ? prevCellKey : cellKey],\n newProps,\n );\n },\n };\n\n updateSeparatorProps(newProps: Object) {\n this.setState(state => ({\n separatorProps: {...state.separatorProps, ...newProps},\n }));\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n this.props.onUnmount(this.props.cellKey);\n }\n\n _renderElement(renderItem, ListItemComponent, item, index) {\n if (renderItem && ListItemComponent) {\n console.warn(\n 'VirtualizedList: Both ListItemComponent and renderItem props are present. ListItemComponent will take' +\n ' precedence over renderItem.',\n );\n }\n\n if (ListItemComponent) {\n return React.createElement(ListItemComponent, {\n item,\n index,\n separators: this._separators,\n });\n }\n\n if (renderItem) {\n return renderItem({\n item,\n index,\n separators: this._separators,\n });\n }\n\n invariant(\n false,\n 'VirtualizedList: Either ListItemComponent or renderItem props are required but none were found.',\n );\n }\n\n render() {\n const {\n CellRendererComponent,\n ItemSeparatorComponent,\n fillRateHelper,\n horizontal,\n item,\n index,\n inversionStyle,\n parentProps,\n } = this.props;\n const {renderItem, getItemLayout, ListItemComponent} = parentProps;\n const element = this._renderElement(\n renderItem,\n ListItemComponent,\n item,\n index,\n );\n\n const onLayout =\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.68.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.68 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n getItemLayout && !parentProps.debug && !fillRateHelper.enabled()\n ? undefined\n : this.props.onLayout;\n // NOTE: that when this is a sticky header, `onLayout` will get automatically extracted and\n // called explicitly by `ScrollViewStickyHeader`.\n const itemSeparator = ItemSeparatorComponent && (\n \n );\n const cellStyle = inversionStyle\n ? horizontal\n ? [styles.rowReverse, inversionStyle]\n : [styles.columnReverse, inversionStyle]\n : horizontal\n ? [styles.row, inversionStyle]\n : inversionStyle;\n if (!CellRendererComponent) {\n return (\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n \n {element}\n {itemSeparator}\n \n );\n }\n return (\n \n {element}\n {itemSeparator}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nclass VirtualizedCellWrapper extends React.Component<{\n cellKey: string,\n children: React.Node,\n}> {\n static childContextTypes = {\n virtualizedCell: PropTypes.shape({\n cellKey: PropTypes.string,\n }),\n };\n\n getChildContext() {\n return {\n virtualizedCell: {\n cellKey: this.props.cellKey,\n },\n };\n }\n\n render() {\n return this.props.children;\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n verticallyInverted: {\n transform: [{scaleY: -1}],\n },\n horizontallyInverted: {\n transform: [{scaleX: -1}],\n },\n row: {\n flexDirection: 'row',\n },\n rowReverse: {\n flexDirection: 'row-reverse',\n },\n columnReverse: {\n flexDirection: 'column-reverse',\n },\n debug: {\n flex: 1,\n },\n debugOverlayBase: {\n position: 'absolute',\n top: 0,\n right: 0,\n },\n debugOverlay: {\n bottom: 0,\n width: 20,\n borderColor: 'blue',\n borderWidth: 1,\n },\n debugOverlayFrame: {\n left: 0,\n backgroundColor: 'orange',\n },\n debugOverlayFrameLast: {\n left: 0,\n borderColor: 'green',\n borderWidth: 2,\n },\n debugOverlayFrameVis: {\n left: 0,\n borderColor: 'red',\n borderWidth: 2,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = VirtualizedList;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst InteractionManager = require('./InteractionManager');\n\n/**\n * A simple class for batching up invocations of a low-pri callback. A timeout is set to run the\n * callback once after a delay, no matter how many times it's scheduled. Once the delay is reached,\n * InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions is used to invoke the callback after any hi-pri\n * interactions are done running.\n *\n * Make sure to cleanup with dispose(). Example:\n *\n * class Widget extends React.Component {\n * _batchedSave: new Batchinator(() => this._saveState, 1000);\n * _saveSate() {\n * // save this.state to disk\n * }\n * componentDidUpdate() {\n * this._batchedSave.schedule();\n * }\n * componentWillUnmount() {\n * this._batchedSave.dispose();\n * }\n * ...\n * }\n */\nclass Batchinator {\n _callback: () => void;\n _delay: number;\n _taskHandle: ?{cancel: () => void};\n constructor(callback: () => void, delayMS: number) {\n this._delay = delayMS;\n this._callback = callback;\n }\n /*\n * Cleanup any pending tasks.\n *\n * By default, if there is a pending task the callback is run immediately. Set the option abort to\n * true to not call the callback if it was pending.\n */\n dispose(options: {abort: boolean} = {abort: false}) {\n if (this._taskHandle) {\n this._taskHandle.cancel();\n if (!options.abort) {\n this._callback();\n }\n this._taskHandle = null;\n }\n }\n schedule() {\n if (this._taskHandle) {\n return;\n }\n const timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => {\n this._taskHandle = InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {\n // Note that we clear the handle before invoking the callback so that if the callback calls\n // schedule again, it will actually schedule another task.\n this._taskHandle = null;\n this._callback();\n });\n }, this._delay);\n this._taskHandle = {cancel: () => clearTimeout(timeoutHandle)};\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Batchinator;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst performanceNow = require('fbjs/lib/performanceNow');\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nexport type FillRateInfo = Info;\n\nclass Info {\n any_blank_count: number = 0;\n any_blank_ms: number = 0;\n any_blank_speed_sum: number = 0;\n mostly_blank_count: number = 0;\n mostly_blank_ms: number = 0;\n pixels_blank: number = 0;\n pixels_sampled: number = 0;\n pixels_scrolled: number = 0;\n total_time_spent: number = 0;\n sample_count: number = 0;\n}\n\ntype FrameMetrics = {inLayout?: boolean, length: number, offset: number};\n\nconst DEBUG = false;\n\nlet _listeners: Array<(Info) => void> = [];\nlet _minSampleCount = 10;\nlet _sampleRate = DEBUG ? 1 : null;\n\n/**\n * A helper class for detecting when the maximem fill rate of `VirtualizedList` is exceeded.\n * By default the sampling rate is set to zero and this will do nothing. If you want to collect\n * samples (e.g. to log them), make sure to call `FillRateHelper.setSampleRate(0.0-1.0)`.\n *\n * Listeners and sample rate are global for all `VirtualizedList`s - typical usage will combine with\n * `SceneTracker.getActiveScene` to determine the context of the events.\n */\nclass FillRateHelper {\n _anyBlankStartTime = (null: ?number);\n _enabled = false;\n _getFrameMetrics: (index: number) => ?FrameMetrics;\n _info = new Info();\n _mostlyBlankStartTime = (null: ?number);\n _samplesStartTime = (null: ?number);\n\n static addListener(callback: FillRateInfo => void): {remove: () => void} {\n warning(\n _sampleRate !== null,\n 'Call `FillRateHelper.setSampleRate` before `addListener`.',\n );\n _listeners.push(callback);\n return {\n remove: () => {\n _listeners = _listeners.filter(listener => callback !== listener);\n },\n };\n }\n\n static setSampleRate(sampleRate: number) {\n _sampleRate = sampleRate;\n }\n\n static setMinSampleCount(minSampleCount: number) {\n _minSampleCount = minSampleCount;\n }\n\n constructor(getFrameMetrics: (index: number) => ?FrameMetrics) {\n this._getFrameMetrics = getFrameMetrics;\n this._enabled = (_sampleRate || 0) > Math.random();\n this._resetData();\n }\n\n activate() {\n if (this._enabled && this._samplesStartTime == null) {\n DEBUG && console.debug('FillRateHelper: activate');\n this._samplesStartTime = performanceNow();\n }\n }\n\n deactivateAndFlush() {\n if (!this._enabled) {\n return;\n }\n const start = this._samplesStartTime; // const for flow\n if (start == null) {\n DEBUG &&\n console.debug('FillRateHelper: bail on deactivate with no start time');\n return;\n }\n if (this._info.sample_count < _minSampleCount) {\n // Don't bother with under-sampled events.\n this._resetData();\n return;\n }\n const total_time_spent = performanceNow() - start;\n const info: any = {\n ...this._info,\n total_time_spent,\n };\n if (DEBUG) {\n const derived = {\n avg_blankness: this._info.pixels_blank / this._info.pixels_sampled,\n avg_speed: this._info.pixels_scrolled / (total_time_spent / 1000),\n avg_speed_when_any_blank:\n this._info.any_blank_speed_sum / this._info.any_blank_count,\n any_blank_per_min:\n this._info.any_blank_count / (total_time_spent / 1000 / 60),\n any_blank_time_frac: this._info.any_blank_ms / total_time_spent,\n mostly_blank_per_min:\n this._info.mostly_blank_count / (total_time_spent / 1000 / 60),\n mostly_blank_time_frac: this._info.mostly_blank_ms / total_time_spent,\n };\n for (const key in derived) {\n derived[key] = Math.round(1000 * derived[key]) / 1000;\n }\n console.debug('FillRateHelper deactivateAndFlush: ', {derived, info});\n }\n _listeners.forEach(listener => listener(info));\n this._resetData();\n }\n\n computeBlankness(\n props: {\n data: Array,\n getItemCount: (data: Array) => number,\n initialNumToRender: number,\n },\n state: {\n first: number,\n last: number,\n },\n scrollMetrics: {\n dOffset: number,\n offset: number,\n velocity: number,\n visibleLength: number,\n },\n ): number {\n if (\n !this._enabled ||\n props.getItemCount( === 0 ||\n this._samplesStartTime == null\n ) {\n return 0;\n }\n const {dOffset, offset, velocity, visibleLength} = scrollMetrics;\n\n // Denominator metrics that we track for all events - most of the time there is no blankness and\n // we want to capture that.\n this._info.sample_count++;\n this._info.pixels_sampled += Math.round(visibleLength);\n this._info.pixels_scrolled += Math.round(Math.abs(dOffset));\n const scrollSpeed = Math.round(Math.abs(velocity) * 1000); // px / sec\n\n // Whether blank now or not, record the elapsed time blank if we were blank last time.\n const now = performanceNow();\n if (this._anyBlankStartTime != null) {\n this._info.any_blank_ms += now - this._anyBlankStartTime;\n }\n this._anyBlankStartTime = null;\n if (this._mostlyBlankStartTime != null) {\n this._info.mostly_blank_ms += now - this._mostlyBlankStartTime;\n }\n this._mostlyBlankStartTime = null;\n\n let blankTop = 0;\n let first = state.first;\n let firstFrame = this._getFrameMetrics(first);\n while (first <= state.last && (!firstFrame || !firstFrame.inLayout)) {\n firstFrame = this._getFrameMetrics(first);\n first++;\n }\n // Only count blankTop if we aren't rendering the first item, otherwise we will count the header\n // as blank.\n if (firstFrame && first > 0) {\n blankTop = Math.min(\n visibleLength,\n Math.max(0, firstFrame.offset - offset),\n );\n }\n let blankBottom = 0;\n let last = state.last;\n let lastFrame = this._getFrameMetrics(last);\n while (last >= state.first && (!lastFrame || !lastFrame.inLayout)) {\n lastFrame = this._getFrameMetrics(last);\n last--;\n }\n // Only count blankBottom if we aren't rendering the last item, otherwise we will count the\n // footer as blank.\n if (lastFrame && last < props.getItemCount( - 1) {\n const bottomEdge = lastFrame.offset + lastFrame.length;\n blankBottom = Math.min(\n visibleLength,\n Math.max(0, offset + visibleLength - bottomEdge),\n );\n }\n const pixels_blank = Math.round(blankTop + blankBottom);\n const blankness = pixels_blank / visibleLength;\n if (blankness > 0) {\n this._anyBlankStartTime = now;\n this._info.any_blank_speed_sum += scrollSpeed;\n this._info.any_blank_count++;\n this._info.pixels_blank += pixels_blank;\n if (blankness > 0.5) {\n this._mostlyBlankStartTime = now;\n this._info.mostly_blank_count++;\n }\n } else if (scrollSpeed < 0.01 || Math.abs(dOffset) < 1) {\n this.deactivateAndFlush();\n }\n return blankness;\n }\n\n enabled(): boolean {\n return this._enabled;\n }\n\n _resetData() {\n this._anyBlankStartTime = null;\n this._info = new Info();\n this._mostlyBlankStartTime = null;\n this._samplesStartTime = null;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = FillRateHelper;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\n\nconst nullthrows = require('nullthrows');\n\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport AndroidSwipeRefreshLayoutNativeComponent from './AndroidSwipeRefreshLayoutNativeComponent';\nimport PullToRefreshViewNativeComponent from './PullToRefreshViewNativeComponent';\n\nlet RefreshLayoutConsts: any;\nif (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n const AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout = require('../../ReactNative/UIManager').getViewManagerConfig(\n 'AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout',\n );\n RefreshLayoutConsts = AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout\n ? AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout.Constants\n : {SIZE: {}};\n} else {\n RefreshLayoutConsts = {SIZE: {}};\n}\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * The color of the refresh indicator.\n */\n tintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * Title color.\n */\n titleColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * The title displayed under the refresh indicator.\n */\n title?: ?string,\n|}>;\n\ntype AndroidProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Whether the pull to refresh functionality is enabled.\n */\n enabled?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * The colors (at least one) that will be used to draw the refresh indicator.\n */\n colors?: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n /**\n * The background color of the refresh indicator.\n */\n progressBackgroundColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * Size of the refresh indicator, see RefreshControl.SIZE.\n */\n size?: ?(\n | typeof RefreshLayoutConsts.SIZE.DEFAULT\n | typeof RefreshLayoutConsts.SIZE.LARGE\n ),\n /**\n * Progress view top offset\n */\n progressViewOffset?: ?number,\n|}>;\n\nexport type RefreshControlProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n ...IOSProps,\n ...AndroidProps,\n\n /**\n * Called when the view starts refreshing.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?() => void,\n\n /**\n * Whether the view should be indicating an active refresh.\n */\n refreshing: boolean,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * This component is used inside a ScrollView or ListView to add pull to refresh\n * functionality. When the ScrollView is at `scrollY: 0`, swiping down\n * triggers an `onRefresh` event.\n *\n * ### Usage example\n *\n * ``` js\n * class RefreshableList extends Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props);\n * this.state = {\n * refreshing: false,\n * };\n * }\n *\n * _onRefresh() {\n * this.setState({refreshing: true});\n * fetchData().then(() => {\n * this.setState({refreshing: false});\n * });\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * }\n * ...\n * >\n * ...\n * \n * );\n * }\n * ...\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * __Note:__ `refreshing` is a controlled prop, this is why it needs to be set to true\n * in the `onRefresh` function otherwise the refresh indicator will stop immediately.\n */\nclass RefreshControl extends React.Component {\n static SIZE: any = RefreshLayoutConsts.SIZE;\n\n _setNativePropsOnRef: ?({refreshing: boolean}) => void;\n _lastNativeRefreshing = false;\n\n componentDidMount() {\n this._lastNativeRefreshing = this.props.refreshing;\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps: RefreshControlProps) {\n // RefreshControl is a controlled component so if the native refreshing\n // value doesn't match the current js refreshing prop update it to\n // the js value.\n if (this.props.refreshing !== prevProps.refreshing) {\n this._lastNativeRefreshing = this.props.refreshing;\n } else if (\n this.props.refreshing !== this._lastNativeRefreshing &&\n this._setNativePropsOnRef\n ) {\n this._setNativePropsOnRef({\n refreshing: this.props.refreshing,\n });\n this._lastNativeRefreshing = this.props.refreshing;\n }\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const setRef = ref =>\n (this._setNativePropsOnRef = ref ? ref.setNativeProps.bind(ref) : null);\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n const {\n enabled,\n colors,\n progressBackgroundColor,\n size,\n progressViewOffset,\n ...props\n } = this.props;\n return (\n \n );\n } else {\n const {tintColor, titleColor, title, ...props} = this.props;\n return (\n \n );\n }\n }\n\n _onRefresh = () => {\n this._lastNativeRefreshing = true;\n\n this.props.onRefresh && this.props.onRefresh();\n\n // The native component will start refreshing so force an update to\n // make sure it stays in sync with the js component.\n this.forceUpdate();\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = RefreshControl;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\nimport type {\n DirectEventHandler,\n Float,\n Int32,\n WithDefault,\n} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * Whether the pull to refresh functionality is enabled.\n */\n enabled?: WithDefault,\n /**\n * The colors (at least one) that will be used to draw the refresh indicator.\n */\n colors?: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n /**\n * The background color of the refresh indicator.\n */\n progressBackgroundColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * Size of the refresh indicator, see RefreshControl.SIZE.\n *\n * This type isn't currently accurate. It really is specific numbers\n * hard coded in the Android platform.\n *\n * Also, 1 isn't actually a safe default. We are able to set this here\n * because native code isn't currently consuming the generated artifact.\n * This will end up being\n * size?: WithDefault<'default' | 'large', 'default'>,\n */\n size?: WithDefault,\n /**\n * Progress view top offset\n */\n progressViewOffset?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * Called when the view starts refreshing.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * Whether the view should be indicating an active refresh.\n */\n refreshing: boolean,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent(\n 'AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout',\n): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {DirectEventHandler, WithDefault} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * The color of the refresh indicator.\n */\n tintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * Title color.\n */\n titleColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * The title displayed under the refresh indicator.\n */\n title?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * Called when the view starts refreshing.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * Whether the view should be indicating an active refresh.\n */\n refreshing: boolean,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent('PullToRefreshView', {\n paperComponentName: 'RCTRefreshControl',\n}): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedImplementation = require('../../Animated/src/AnimatedImplementation');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst ScrollResponder = require('../ScrollResponder');\nconst ScrollViewStickyHeader = require('./ScrollViewStickyHeader');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nconst dismissKeyboard = require('../../Utilities/dismissKeyboard');\nconst flattenStyle = require('../../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst processDecelerationRate = require('./processDecelerationRate');\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\nconst resolveAssetSource = require('../../Image/resolveAssetSource');\nconst splitLayoutProps = require('../../StyleSheet/splitLayoutProps');\n\nimport type {NativeMethodsMixinType} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes';\nimport type {EdgeInsetsProp} from '../../StyleSheet/EdgeInsetsPropType';\nimport type {PointProp} from '../../StyleSheet/PointPropType';\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {\n PressEvent,\n ScrollEvent,\n LayoutEvent,\n} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {State as ScrollResponderState} from '../ScrollResponder';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {Props as ScrollViewStickyHeaderProps} from './ScrollViewStickyHeader';\n\nlet AndroidScrollView;\nlet AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView;\nlet AndroidHorizontalScrollView;\nlet RCTScrollView;\nlet RCTScrollContentView;\n\nif (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n AndroidScrollView = requireNativeComponent('RCTScrollView');\n AndroidHorizontalScrollView = requireNativeComponent(\n 'AndroidHorizontalScrollView',\n );\n AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView = requireNativeComponent(\n 'AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView',\n );\n} else if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n RCTScrollView = requireNativeComponent('RCTScrollView');\n RCTScrollContentView = requireNativeComponent('RCTScrollContentView');\n} else {\n RCTScrollView = requireNativeComponent('RCTScrollView');\n RCTScrollContentView = requireNativeComponent('RCTScrollContentView');\n}\n\nexport type ScrollResponderType = {\n ...ScrollView,\n ...typeof ScrollResponder.Mixin,\n};\n\ntype TouchableProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n onTouchStart?: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onTouchMove?: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onTouchEnd?: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onTouchCancel?: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onTouchEndCapture?: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n|}>;\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Controls whether iOS should automatically adjust the content inset\n * for scroll views that are placed behind a navigation bar or\n * tab bar/ toolbar. The default value is true.\n * @platform ios\n */\n automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * The amount by which the scroll view content is inset from the edges\n * of the scroll view. Defaults to `{top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0}`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n contentInset?: ?EdgeInsetsProp,\n /**\n * Used to manually set the starting scroll offset.\n * The default value is `{x: 0, y: 0}`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n contentOffset?: ?PointProp,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view bounces when it reaches the end of the\n * content if the content is larger then the scroll view along the axis of\n * the scroll direction. When false, it disables all bouncing even if\n * the `alwaysBounce*` props are true. The default value is true.\n * @platform ios\n */\n bounces?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * By default, ScrollView has an active pan responder that hijacks panresponders\n * deeper in the render tree in order to prevent accidental touches while scrolling.\n * However, in certain occasions (such as when using snapToInterval) in a vertical scrollview\n * You may want to disable this behavior in order to prevent the ScrollView from blocking touches\n */\n disableScrollViewPanResponder?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When true, gestures can drive zoom past min/max and the zoom will animate\n * to the min/max value at gesture end, otherwise the zoom will not exceed\n * the limits.\n * @platform ios\n */\n bouncesZoom?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view bounces horizontally when it reaches the end\n * even if the content is smaller than the scroll view itself. The default\n * value is true when `horizontal={true}` and false otherwise.\n * @platform ios\n */\n alwaysBounceHorizontal?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view bounces vertically when it reaches the end\n * even if the content is smaller than the scroll view itself. The default\n * value is false when `horizontal={true}` and true otherwise.\n * @platform ios\n */\n alwaysBounceVertical?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view automatically centers the content when the\n * content is smaller than the scroll view bounds; when the content is\n * larger than the scroll view, this property has no effect. The default\n * value is false.\n * @platform ios\n */\n centerContent?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * The style of the scroll indicators.\n *\n * - `'default'` (the default), same as `black`.\n * - `'black'`, scroll indicator is black. This style is good against a light background.\n * - `'white'`, scroll indicator is white. This style is good against a dark background.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n indicatorStyle?: ?('default' | 'black' | 'white'),\n /**\n * When true, the ScrollView will try to lock to only vertical or horizontal\n * scrolling while dragging. The default value is false.\n * @platform ios\n */\n directionalLockEnabled?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When false, once tracking starts, won't try to drag if the touch moves.\n * The default value is true.\n * @platform ios\n */\n canCancelContentTouches?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When set, the scroll view will adjust the scroll position so that the first child that is\n * currently visible and at or beyond `minIndexForVisible` will not change position. This is\n * useful for lists that are loading content in both directions, e.g. a chat thread, where new\n * messages coming in might otherwise cause the scroll position to jump. A value of 0 is common,\n * but other values such as 1 can be used to skip loading spinners or other content that should\n * not maintain position.\n *\n * The optional `autoscrollToTopThreshold` can be used to make the content automatically scroll\n * to the top after making the adjustment if the user was within the threshold of the top before\n * the adjustment was made. This is also useful for chat-like applications where you want to see\n * new messages scroll into place, but not if the user has scrolled up a ways and it would be\n * disruptive to scroll a bunch.\n *\n * Caveat 1: Reordering elements in the scrollview with this enabled will probably cause\n * jumpiness and jank. It can be fixed, but there are currently no plans to do so. For now,\n * don't re-order the content of any ScrollViews or Lists that use this feature.\n *\n * Caveat 2: This simply uses `contentOffset` and `frame.origin` in native code to compute\n * visibility. Occlusion, transforms, and other complexity won't be taken into account as to\n * whether content is \"visible\" or not.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n maintainVisibleContentPosition?: ?$ReadOnly<{|\n minIndexForVisible: number,\n autoscrollToTopThreshold?: ?number,\n |}>,\n /**\n * The maximum allowed zoom scale. The default value is 1.0.\n * @platform ios\n */\n maximumZoomScale?: ?number,\n /**\n * The minimum allowed zoom scale. The default value is 1.0.\n * @platform ios\n */\n minimumZoomScale?: ?number,\n /**\n * When true, ScrollView allows use of pinch gestures to zoom in and out.\n * The default value is true.\n * @platform ios\n */\n pinchGestureEnabled?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * This controls how often the scroll event will be fired while scrolling\n * (as a time interval in ms). A lower number yields better accuracy for code\n * that is tracking the scroll position, but can lead to scroll performance\n * problems due to the volume of information being send over the bridge.\n *\n * Values between 0 and 17ms indicate 60fps updates are needed and throttling\n * will be disabled.\n *\n * If you do not need precise scroll position tracking, set this value higher\n * to limit the information being sent across the bridge.\n *\n * The default value is zero, which results in the scroll event being sent only\n * once each time the view is scrolled.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollEventThrottle?: ?number,\n /**\n * The amount by which the scroll view indicators are inset from the edges\n * of the scroll view. This should normally be set to the same value as\n * the `contentInset`. Defaults to `{0, 0, 0, 0}`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollIndicatorInsets?: ?EdgeInsetsProp,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view can be programmatically scrolled beyond its\n * content size. The default value is false.\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollToOverflowEnabled?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view scrolls to top when the status bar is tapped.\n * The default value is true.\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollsToTop?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Fires when the scroll view scrolls to top after the status bar has been tapped\n * @platform ios\n */\n onScrollToTop?: (event: ScrollEvent) => void,\n /**\n * When true, shows a horizontal scroll indicator.\n * The default value is true.\n */\n showsHorizontalScrollIndicator?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When `snapToInterval` is set, `snapToAlignment` will define the relationship\n * of the snapping to the scroll view.\n *\n * - `'start'` (the default) will align the snap at the left (horizontal) or top (vertical)\n * - `'center'` will align the snap in the center\n * - `'end'` will align the snap at the right (horizontal) or bottom (vertical)\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n snapToAlignment?: ?('start' | 'center' | 'end'),\n /**\n * The current scale of the scroll view content. The default value is 1.0.\n * @platform ios\n */\n zoomScale?: ?number,\n /**\n * This property specifies how the safe area insets are used to modify the\n * content area of the scroll view. The default value of this property is\n * \"never\". Available on iOS 11 and later.\n * @platform ios\n */\n contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior?: ?(\n | 'automatic'\n | 'scrollableAxes'\n | 'never'\n | 'always'\n ),\n /**\n * When true, ScrollView will emit updateChildFrames data in scroll events,\n * otherwise will not compute or emit child frame data. This only exists\n * to support legacy issues, `onLayout` should be used instead to retrieve\n * frame data.\n * The default value is false.\n * @platform ios\n */\n DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype AndroidProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Enables nested scrolling for Android API level 21+.\n * Nested scrolling is supported by default on iOS\n * @platform android\n */\n nestedScrollEnabled?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Sometimes a scrollview takes up more space than its content fills. When this is\n * the case, this prop will fill the rest of the scrollview with a color to avoid setting\n * a background and creating unnecessary overdraw. This is an advanced optimization\n * that is not needed in the general case.\n * @platform android\n */\n endFillColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * Tag used to log scroll performance on this scroll view. Will force\n * momentum events to be turned on (see sendMomentumEvents). This doesn't do\n * anything out of the box and you need to implement a custom native\n * FpsListener for it to be useful.\n * @platform android\n */\n scrollPerfTag?: ?string,\n /**\n * Used to override default value of overScroll mode.\n *\n * Possible values:\n *\n * - `'auto'` - Default value, allow a user to over-scroll\n * this view only if the content is large enough to meaningfully scroll.\n * - `'always'` - Always allow a user to over-scroll this view.\n * - `'never'` - Never allow a user to over-scroll this view.\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n overScrollMode?: ?('auto' | 'always' | 'never'),\n /**\n * Causes the scrollbars not to turn transparent when they are not in use.\n * The default value is false.\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n persistentScrollbar?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype VRProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Optionally an image can be used for the scroll bar thumb. This will\n * override the color. While the image is loading or the image fails to\n * load the color will be used instead. Use an alpha of 0 in the color\n * to avoid seeing it while the image is loading.\n *\n * - `uri` - a string representing the resource identifier for the image, which\n * should be either a local file path or the name of a static image resource\n * - `number` - Opaque type returned by something like\n * `import IMAGE from './image.jpg'`.\n * @platform vr\n */\n scrollBarThumbImage?: ?($ReadOnly<{||}> | number), // Opaque type returned by import IMAGE from './image.jpg'\n|}>;\n\ntype StickyHeaderComponentType = React.ComponentType & {\n setNextHeaderY: number => void,\n};\n\nexport type Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n ...TouchableProps,\n ...IOSProps,\n ...AndroidProps,\n ...VRProps,\n\n /**\n * These styles will be applied to the scroll view content container which\n * wraps all of the child views. Example:\n *\n * ```\n * return (\n * \n * \n * );\n * ...\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * contentContainer: {\n * paddingVertical: 20\n * }\n * });\n * ```\n */\n contentContainerStyle?: ?ViewStyleProp,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view stops on the next index (in relation to scroll\n * position at release) regardless of how fast the gesture is. This can be\n * used for horizontal pagination when the page is less than the width of\n * the ScrollView. The default value is false.\n */\n disableIntervalMomentum?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * A floating-point number that determines how quickly the scroll view\n * decelerates after the user lifts their finger. You may also use string\n * shortcuts `\"normal\"` and `\"fast\"` which match the underlying iOS settings\n * for `UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal` and\n * `UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast` respectively.\n *\n * - `'normal'`: 0.998 on iOS, 0.985 on Android (the default)\n * - `'fast'`: 0.99 on iOS, 0.9 on Android\n */\n decelerationRate?: ?('fast' | 'normal' | number),\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view's children are arranged horizontally in a row\n * instead of vertically in a column. The default value is false.\n */\n horizontal?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * If sticky headers should stick at the bottom instead of the top of the\n * ScrollView. This is usually used with inverted ScrollViews.\n */\n invertStickyHeaders?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Determines whether the keyboard gets dismissed in response to a drag.\n *\n * *Cross platform*\n *\n * - `'none'` (the default), drags do not dismiss the keyboard.\n * - `'on-drag'`, the keyboard is dismissed when a drag begins.\n *\n * *iOS Only*\n *\n * - `'interactive'`, the keyboard is dismissed interactively with the drag and moves in\n * synchrony with the touch; dragging upwards cancels the dismissal.\n * On android this is not supported and it will have the same behavior as 'none'.\n */\n keyboardDismissMode?: ?(\n | 'none' // default\n | 'on-drag' // cross-platform\n | 'interactive'\n ), // ios only\n /**\n * Determines when the keyboard should stay visible after a tap.\n *\n * - `'never'` (the default), tapping outside of the focused text input when the keyboard\n * is up dismisses the keyboard. When this happens, children won't receive the tap.\n * - `'always'`, the keyboard will not dismiss automatically, and the scroll view will not\n * catch taps, but children of the scroll view can catch taps.\n * - `'handled'`, the keyboard will not dismiss automatically when the tap was handled by\n * a children, (or captured by an ancestor).\n * - `false`, deprecated, use 'never' instead\n * - `true`, deprecated, use 'always' instead\n */\n keyboardShouldPersistTaps?: ?('always' | 'never' | 'handled' | true | false),\n /**\n * Called when the momentum scroll starts (scroll which occurs as the ScrollView glides to a stop).\n */\n onMomentumScrollBegin?: (event: ScrollEvent) => void,\n /**\n * Called when the momentum scroll ends (scroll which occurs as the ScrollView glides to a stop).\n */\n onMomentumScrollEnd?: (event: ScrollEvent) => void,\n\n /**\n * Fires at most once per frame during scrolling. The frequency of the\n * events can be controlled using the `scrollEventThrottle` prop.\n */\n onScroll?: (event: ScrollEvent) => void,\n /**\n * Called when the user begins to drag the scroll view.\n */\n onScrollBeginDrag?: (event: ScrollEvent) => void,\n /**\n * Called when the user stops dragging the scroll view and it either stops\n * or begins to glide.\n */\n onScrollEndDrag?: (event: ScrollEvent) => void,\n /**\n * Called when scrollable content view of the ScrollView changes.\n *\n * Handler function is passed the content width and content height as parameters:\n * `(contentWidth, contentHeight)`\n *\n * It's implemented using onLayout handler attached to the content container\n * which this ScrollView renders.\n */\n onContentSizeChange?: (contentWidth: number, contentHeight: number) => void,\n onKeyboardDidShow?: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n /**\n * When true, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view's size\n * when scrolling. This can be used for horizontal pagination. The default\n * value is false.\n *\n * Note: Vertical pagination is not supported on Android.\n */\n pagingEnabled?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * When false, the view cannot be scrolled via touch interaction.\n * The default value is true.\n *\n * Note that the view can always be scrolled by calling `scrollTo`.\n */\n scrollEnabled?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * When true, shows a vertical scroll indicator.\n * The default value is true.\n */\n showsVerticalScrollIndicator?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * An array of child indices determining which children get docked to the\n * top of the screen when scrolling. For example, passing\n * `stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}` will cause the first child to be fixed to the\n * top of the scroll view. This property is not supported in conjunction\n * with `horizontal={true}`.\n */\n stickyHeaderIndices?: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n /**\n * A React Component that will be used to render sticky headers.\n * To be used together with `stickyHeaderIndices` or with `SectionList`, defaults to `ScrollViewStickyHeader`.\n * You may need to set this if your sticky header uses custom transforms (eg. translation),\n * for example when you want your list to have an animated hidable header.\n */\n StickyHeaderComponent?: StickyHeaderComponentType,\n /**\n * When set, causes the scroll view to stop at multiples of the value of\n * `snapToInterval`. This can be used for paginating through children\n * that have lengths smaller than the scroll view. Typically used in\n * combination with `snapToAlignment` and `decelerationRate=\"fast\"`.\n *\n * Overrides less configurable `pagingEnabled` prop.\n */\n snapToInterval?: ?number,\n /**\n * When set, causes the scroll view to stop at the defined offsets.\n * This can be used for paginating through variously sized children\n * that have lengths smaller than the scroll view. Typically used in\n * combination with `decelerationRate=\"fast\"`.\n *\n * Overrides less configurable `pagingEnabled` and `snapToInterval` props.\n */\n snapToOffsets?: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n /**\n * Use in conjunction with `snapToOffsets`. By default, the beginning\n * of the list counts as a snap offset. Set `snapToStart` to false to disable\n * this behavior and allow the list to scroll freely between its start and\n * the first `snapToOffsets` offset.\n * The default value is true.\n */\n snapToStart?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Use in conjunction with `snapToOffsets`. By default, the end\n * of the list counts as a snap offset. Set `snapToEnd` to false to disable\n * this behavior and allow the list to scroll freely between its end and\n * the last `snapToOffsets` offset.\n * The default value is true.\n */\n snapToEnd?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Experimental: When true, offscreen child views (whose `overflow` value is\n * `hidden`) are removed from their native backing superview when offscreen.\n * This can improve scrolling performance on long lists. The default value is\n * true.\n */\n removeClippedSubviews?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * A RefreshControl component, used to provide pull-to-refresh\n * functionality for the ScrollView. Only works for vertical ScrollViews\n * (`horizontal` prop must be `false`).\n *\n * See [RefreshControl](docs/refreshcontrol.html).\n */\n // $FlowFixMe - how to handle generic type without existential operator?\n refreshControl?: ?React.Element,\n children?: React.Node,\n|}>;\n\ntype State = {|\n layoutHeight: ?number,\n ...ScrollResponderState,\n|};\n\nfunction createScrollResponder(\n node: React.ElementRef,\n): typeof ScrollResponder.Mixin {\n const scrollResponder = {...ScrollResponder.Mixin};\n\n for (const key in scrollResponder) {\n if (typeof scrollResponder[key] === 'function') {\n scrollResponder[key] = scrollResponder[key].bind(node);\n }\n }\n\n return scrollResponder;\n}\n\ntype ContextType = {|horizontal: boolean|} | null;\nconst Context = React.createContext(null);\nconst standardHorizontalContext: ContextType = Object.freeze({\n horizontal: true,\n});\nconst standardVerticalContext: ContextType = Object.freeze({horizontal: false});\n\n/**\n * Component that wraps platform ScrollView while providing\n * integration with touch locking \"responder\" system.\n *\n * Keep in mind that ScrollViews must have a bounded height in order to work,\n * since they contain unbounded-height children into a bounded container (via\n * a scroll interaction). In order to bound the height of a ScrollView, either\n * set the height of the view directly (discouraged) or make sure all parent\n * views have bounded height. Forgetting to transfer `{flex: 1}` down the\n * view stack can lead to errors here, which the element inspector makes\n * easy to debug.\n *\n * Doesn't yet support other contained responders from blocking this scroll\n * view from becoming the responder.\n *\n *\n * `` vs [``](/react-native/docs/flatlist.html) - which one to use?\n *\n * `ScrollView` simply renders all its react child components at once. That\n * makes it very easy to understand and use.\n *\n * On the other hand, this has a performance downside. Imagine you have a very\n * long list of items you want to display, maybe several screens worth of\n * content. Creating JS components and native views for everything all at once,\n * much of which may not even be shown, will contribute to slow rendering and\n * increased memory usage.\n *\n * This is where `FlatList` comes into play. `FlatList` renders items lazily,\n * just when they are about to appear, and removes items that scroll way off\n * screen to save memory and processing time.\n *\n * `FlatList` is also handy if you want to render separators between your items,\n * multiple columns, infinite scroll loading, or any number of other features it\n * supports out of the box.\n */\nclass ScrollView extends React.Component {\n static Context: React$Context = Context;\n /**\n * Part 1: Removing ScrollResponder.Mixin:\n *\n * 1. Mixin methods should be flow typed. That's why we create a\n * copy of ScrollResponder.Mixin and attach it to this._scrollResponder.\n * Otherwise, we'd have to manually declare each method on the component\n * class and assign it a flow type.\n * 2. Mixin methods can call component methods, and access the component's\n * props and state. So, we need to bind all mixin methods to the\n * component instance.\n * 3. Continued...\n */\n _scrollResponder: typeof ScrollResponder.Mixin = createScrollResponder(this);\n\n constructor(props: Props) {\n super(props);\n\n /**\n * Part 2: Removing ScrollResponder.Mixin\n *\n * 3. Mixin methods access other mixin methods via dynamic dispatch using\n * this. Since mixin methods are bound to the component instance, we need\n * to copy all mixin methods to the component instance. This is also\n * necessary because getScrollResponder() is a public method that returns\n * an object that can be used to execute all scrollResponder methods.\n * Since the object returned from that method is the ScrollView instance,\n * we need to bind all mixin methods to the ScrollView instance.\n */\n for (const key in ScrollResponder.Mixin) {\n if (\n typeof ScrollResponder.Mixin[key] === 'function' &&\n key.startsWith('scrollResponder')\n ) {\n // $FlowFixMe - dynamically adding properties to a class\n (this: any)[key] = ScrollResponder.Mixin[key].bind(this);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Part 3: Removing ScrollResponder.Mixin\n *\n * 4. Mixins can initialize properties and use properties on the component\n * instance.\n */\n Object.keys(ScrollResponder.Mixin)\n .filter(key => typeof ScrollResponder.Mixin[key] !== 'function')\n .forEach(key => {\n // $FlowFixMe - dynamically adding properties to a class\n (this: any)[key] = ScrollResponder.Mixin[key];\n });\n }\n\n _scrollAnimatedValue: AnimatedImplementation.Value = new AnimatedImplementation.Value(\n 0,\n );\n _scrollAnimatedValueAttachment: ?{detach: () => void} = null;\n _stickyHeaderRefs: Map = new Map();\n _headerLayoutYs: Map = new Map();\n\n state: State = {\n layoutHeight: null,\n ...ScrollResponder.Mixin.scrollResponderMixinGetInitialState(),\n };\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {\n this._scrollResponder.UNSAFE_componentWillMount();\n this._scrollAnimatedValue = new AnimatedImplementation.Value(\n this.props.contentOffset ? this.props.contentOffset.y : 0,\n );\n this._scrollAnimatedValue.setOffset(\n this.props.contentInset ? || 0 : 0,\n );\n this._stickyHeaderRefs = new Map();\n this._headerLayoutYs = new Map();\n }\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) {\n const currentContentInsetTop = this.props.contentInset\n ?\n : 0;\n const nextContentInsetTop = nextProps.contentInset\n ?\n : 0;\n if (currentContentInsetTop !== nextContentInsetTop) {\n this._scrollAnimatedValue.setOffset(nextContentInsetTop || 0);\n }\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n this._updateAnimatedNodeAttachment();\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate() {\n this._updateAnimatedNodeAttachment();\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n this._scrollResponder.componentWillUnmount();\n if (this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment) {\n this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment.detach();\n }\n }\n\n setNativeProps(props: {[key: string]: mixed}) {\n this._scrollViewRef && this._scrollViewRef.setNativeProps(props);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a reference to the underlying scroll responder, which supports\n * operations like `scrollTo`. All ScrollView-like components should\n * implement this method so that they can be composed while providing access\n * to the underlying scroll responder's methods.\n */\n getScrollResponder(): ScrollResponderType {\n // $FlowFixMe - overriding type to include ScrollResponder.Mixin\n return ((this: any): ScrollResponderType);\n }\n\n getScrollableNode(): ?number {\n return ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._scrollViewRef);\n }\n\n getInnerViewNode(): ?number {\n return ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._innerViewRef);\n }\n\n getNativeScrollRef(): ?ScrollView {\n return this._scrollViewRef;\n }\n\n /**\n * Scrolls to a given x, y offset, either immediately or with a smooth animation.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * `scrollTo({x: 0, y: 0, animated: true})`\n *\n * Note: The weird function signature is due to the fact that, for historical reasons,\n * the function also accepts separate arguments as an alternative to the options object.\n * This is deprecated due to ambiguity (y before x), and SHOULD NOT BE USED.\n */\n scrollTo(\n options?: {x?: number, y?: number, animated?: boolean} | number,\n deprecatedX?: number,\n deprecatedAnimated?: boolean,\n ) {\n let x, y, animated;\n if (typeof options === 'number') {\n console.warn(\n '`scrollTo(y, x, animated)` is deprecated. Use `scrollTo({x: 5, y: 5, ' +\n 'animated: true})` instead.',\n );\n y = options;\n x = deprecatedX;\n animated = deprecatedAnimated;\n } else if (options) {\n y = options.y;\n x = options.x;\n animated = options.animated;\n }\n this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderScrollTo({\n x: x || 0,\n y: y || 0,\n animated: animated !== false,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * If this is a vertical ScrollView scrolls to the bottom.\n * If this is a horizontal ScrollView scrolls to the right.\n *\n * Use `scrollToEnd({animated: true})` for smooth animated scrolling,\n * `scrollToEnd({animated: false})` for immediate scrolling.\n * If no options are passed, `animated` defaults to true.\n */\n scrollToEnd(options?: ?{animated?: boolean}) {\n // Default to true\n const animated = (options && options.animated) !== false;\n this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderScrollToEnd({\n animated: animated,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Deprecated, use `scrollTo` instead.\n */\n scrollWithoutAnimationTo(y: number = 0, x: number = 0) {\n console.warn(\n '`scrollWithoutAnimationTo` is deprecated. Use `scrollTo` instead',\n );\n this.scrollTo({x, y, animated: false});\n }\n\n /**\n * Displays the scroll indicators momentarily.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n flashScrollIndicators() {\n this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderFlashScrollIndicators();\n }\n\n _getKeyForIndex(index, childArray) {\n const child = childArray[index];\n return child && child.key;\n }\n\n _updateAnimatedNodeAttachment() {\n if (this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment) {\n this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment.detach();\n }\n if (\n this.props.stickyHeaderIndices &&\n this.props.stickyHeaderIndices.length > 0\n ) {\n this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment = AnimatedImplementation.attachNativeEvent(\n this._scrollViewRef,\n 'onScroll',\n [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {y: this._scrollAnimatedValue}}}],\n );\n }\n }\n\n _setStickyHeaderRef(key: string, ref: ?StickyHeaderComponentType) {\n if (ref) {\n this._stickyHeaderRefs.set(key, ref);\n } else {\n this._stickyHeaderRefs.delete(key);\n }\n }\n\n _onStickyHeaderLayout(index, event, key) {\n const {stickyHeaderIndices} = this.props;\n if (!stickyHeaderIndices) {\n return;\n }\n const childArray = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children);\n if (key !== this._getKeyForIndex(index, childArray)) {\n // ignore stale layout update\n return;\n }\n\n const layoutY = event.nativeEvent.layout.y;\n this._headerLayoutYs.set(key, layoutY);\n\n const indexOfIndex = stickyHeaderIndices.indexOf(index);\n const previousHeaderIndex = stickyHeaderIndices[indexOfIndex - 1];\n if (previousHeaderIndex != null) {\n const previousHeader = this._stickyHeaderRefs.get(\n this._getKeyForIndex(previousHeaderIndex, childArray),\n );\n previousHeader &&\n previousHeader.setNextHeaderY &&\n previousHeader.setNextHeaderY(layoutY);\n }\n }\n\n _handleScroll = (e: ScrollEvent) => {\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (\n this.props.onScroll &&\n this.props.scrollEventThrottle == null &&\n Platform.OS === 'ios'\n ) {\n console.log(\n 'You specified `onScroll` on a but not ' +\n '`scrollEventThrottle`. You will only receive one event. ' +\n 'Using `16` you get all the events but be aware that it may ' +\n \"cause frame drops, use a bigger number if you don't need as \" +\n 'much precision.',\n );\n }\n }\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n if (\n this.props.keyboardDismissMode === 'on-drag' &&\n this.state.isTouching\n ) {\n dismissKeyboard();\n }\n }\n this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleScroll(e);\n };\n\n _handleLayout = (e: LayoutEvent) => {\n if (this.props.invertStickyHeaders === true) {\n this.setState({layoutHeight: e.nativeEvent.layout.height});\n }\n if (this.props.onLayout) {\n this.props.onLayout(e);\n }\n };\n\n _handleContentOnLayout = (e: LayoutEvent) => {\n const {width, height} = e.nativeEvent.layout;\n this.props.onContentSizeChange &&\n this.props.onContentSizeChange(width, height);\n };\n\n _scrollViewRef: ?ScrollView = null;\n _setScrollViewRef = (ref: ?ScrollView) => {\n this._scrollViewRef = ref;\n };\n\n _innerViewRef: ?NativeMethodsMixinType = null;\n _setInnerViewRef = (ref: ?NativeMethodsMixinType) => {\n this._innerViewRef = ref;\n };\n\n render(): React.Node | React.Element {\n let ScrollViewClass;\n let ScrollContentContainerViewClass;\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n if (this.props.horizontal === true) {\n ScrollViewClass = AndroidHorizontalScrollView;\n ScrollContentContainerViewClass = AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView;\n } else {\n ScrollViewClass = AndroidScrollView;\n ScrollContentContainerViewClass = View;\n }\n } else {\n ScrollViewClass = RCTScrollView;\n ScrollContentContainerViewClass = RCTScrollContentView;\n }\n\n invariant(\n ScrollViewClass !== undefined,\n 'ScrollViewClass must not be undefined',\n );\n\n invariant(\n ScrollContentContainerViewClass !== undefined,\n 'ScrollContentContainerViewClass must not be undefined',\n );\n\n const contentContainerStyle = [\n this.props.horizontal === true && styles.contentContainerHorizontal,\n this.props.contentContainerStyle,\n ];\n if (__DEV__ && !== undefined) {\n const style = flattenStyle(;\n const childLayoutProps = ['alignItems', 'justifyContent'].filter(\n prop => style && style[prop] !== undefined,\n );\n invariant(\n childLayoutProps.length === 0,\n 'ScrollView child layout (' +\n JSON.stringify(childLayoutProps) +\n ') must be applied through the contentContainerStyle prop.',\n );\n }\n\n let contentSizeChangeProps = {};\n if (this.props.onContentSizeChange) {\n contentSizeChangeProps = {\n onLayout: this._handleContentOnLayout,\n };\n }\n\n const {stickyHeaderIndices} = this.props;\n let children = this.props.children;\n\n if (stickyHeaderIndices != null && stickyHeaderIndices.length > 0) {\n const childArray = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children);\n\n children =, index) => {\n const indexOfIndex = child ? stickyHeaderIndices.indexOf(index) : -1;\n if (indexOfIndex > -1) {\n const key = child.key;\n const nextIndex = stickyHeaderIndices[indexOfIndex + 1];\n const StickyHeaderComponent =\n this.props.StickyHeaderComponent || ScrollViewStickyHeader;\n return (\n this._setStickyHeaderRef(key, ref)}\n nextHeaderLayoutY={this._headerLayoutYs.get(\n this._getKeyForIndex(nextIndex, childArray),\n )}\n onLayout={event => this._onStickyHeaderLayout(index, event, key)}\n scrollAnimatedValue={this._scrollAnimatedValue}\n inverted={this.props.invertStickyHeaders}\n scrollViewHeight={this.state.layoutHeight}>\n {child}\n \n );\n } else {\n return child;\n }\n });\n }\n children = (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n\n const hasStickyHeaders =\n Array.isArray(stickyHeaderIndices) && stickyHeaderIndices.length > 0;\n\n const contentContainer = (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n\n const alwaysBounceHorizontal =\n this.props.alwaysBounceHorizontal !== undefined\n ? this.props.alwaysBounceHorizontal\n : this.props.horizontal;\n\n const alwaysBounceVertical =\n this.props.alwaysBounceVertical !== undefined\n ? this.props.alwaysBounceVertical\n : !this.props.horizontal;\n\n const DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames = !!this.props\n .DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames;\n\n const baseStyle =\n this.props.horizontal === true\n ? styles.baseHorizontal\n : styles.baseVertical;\n const props = {\n ...this.props,\n alwaysBounceHorizontal,\n alwaysBounceVertical,\n style: [baseStyle,],\n // Override the onContentSizeChange from props, since this event can\n // bubble up from TextInputs\n onContentSizeChange: null,\n onLayout: this._handleLayout,\n onMomentumScrollBegin: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollBegin,\n onMomentumScrollEnd: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollEnd,\n onResponderGrant: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleResponderGrant,\n onResponderReject: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleResponderReject,\n onResponderRelease: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleResponderRelease,\n // $FlowFixMe\n onResponderTerminate: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleTerminate,\n onResponderTerminationRequest: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleTerminationRequest,\n onScrollBeginDrag: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleScrollBeginDrag,\n onScrollEndDrag: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleScrollEndDrag,\n onScrollShouldSetResponder: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleScrollShouldSetResponder,\n onStartShouldSetResponder: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponder,\n onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: this._scrollResponder\n .scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponderCapture,\n onTouchEnd: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchEnd,\n onTouchMove: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchMove,\n onTouchStart: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchStart,\n onTouchCancel: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchCancel,\n onScroll: this._handleScroll,\n scrollBarThumbImage: resolveAssetSource(this.props.scrollBarThumbImage),\n scrollEventThrottle: hasStickyHeaders\n ? 1\n : this.props.scrollEventThrottle,\n sendMomentumEvents:\n this.props.onMomentumScrollBegin || this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd\n ? true\n : false,\n DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames,\n // default to true\n snapToStart: this.props.snapToStart !== false,\n // default to true\n snapToEnd: this.props.snapToEnd !== false,\n // pagingEnabled is overridden by snapToInterval / snapToOffsets\n pagingEnabled:{\n // on iOS, pagingEnabled must be set to false to have snapToInterval / snapToOffsets work\n ios:\n this.props.pagingEnabled === true &&\n this.props.snapToInterval == null &&\n this.props.snapToOffsets == null,\n // on Android, pagingEnabled must be set to true to have snapToInterval / snapToOffsets work\n android:\n this.props.pagingEnabled === true ||\n this.props.snapToInterval != null ||\n this.props.snapToOffsets != null,\n }),\n };\n\n const {decelerationRate} = this.props;\n if (decelerationRate != null) {\n props.decelerationRate = processDecelerationRate(decelerationRate);\n }\n\n const refreshControl = this.props.refreshControl;\n\n if (refreshControl) {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n // On iOS the RefreshControl is a child of the ScrollView.\n // tvOS lacks native support for RefreshControl, so don't include it in that case\n return (\n // $FlowFixMe\n \n {Platform.isTV ? null : refreshControl}\n {contentContainer}\n \n );\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n // On Android wrap the ScrollView with a AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout.\n // Since the ScrollView is wrapped add the style props to the\n // AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout and use flex: 1 for the ScrollView.\n // Note: we should split on the inner and outer props\n // however, the ScrollView still needs the baseStyle to be scrollable\n const {outer, inner} = splitLayoutProps(flattenStyle(;\n return React.cloneElement(\n refreshControl,\n {style: [baseStyle, outer]},\n \n {contentContainer}\n ,\n );\n }\n }\n return (\n // $FlowFixMe\n \n {contentContainer}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n baseVertical: {\n flexGrow: 1,\n flexShrink: 1,\n flexDirection: 'column',\n overflow: 'scroll',\n },\n baseHorizontal: {\n flexGrow: 1,\n flexShrink: 1,\n flexDirection: 'row',\n overflow: 'scroll',\n },\n contentContainerHorizontal: {\n flexDirection: 'row',\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = ScrollView;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Dimensions = require('../Utilities/Dimensions');\nconst FrameRateLogger = require('../Interaction/FrameRateLogger');\nconst Keyboard = require('./Keyboard/Keyboard');\nconst ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst TextInputState = require('./TextInput/TextInputState');\nconst UIManager = require('../ReactNative/UIManager');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst nullthrows = require('nullthrows');\nconst performanceNow = require('fbjs/lib/performanceNow');\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nconst {ScrollViewManager} = require('../BatchedBridge/NativeModules');\n\nimport type {PressEvent, ScrollEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {KeyboardEvent} from './Keyboard/Keyboard';\nimport type EmitterSubscription from '../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription';\n\n/**\n * Mixin that can be integrated in order to handle scrolling that plays well\n * with `ResponderEventPlugin`. Integrate with your platform specific scroll\n * views, or even your custom built (every-frame animating) scroll views so that\n * all of these systems play well with the `ResponderEventPlugin`.\n *\n * iOS scroll event timing nuances:\n * ===============================\n *\n *\n * Scrolling without bouncing, if you touch down:\n * -------------------------------\n *\n * 1. `onMomentumScrollBegin` (when animation begins after letting up)\n * ... physical touch starts ...\n * 2. `onTouchStartCapture` (when you press down to stop the scroll)\n * 3. `onTouchStart` (same, but bubble phase)\n * 4. `onResponderRelease` (when lifting up - you could pause forever before * lifting)\n * 5. `onMomentumScrollEnd`\n *\n *\n * Scrolling with bouncing, if you touch down:\n * -------------------------------\n *\n * 1. `onMomentumScrollBegin` (when animation begins after letting up)\n * ... bounce begins ...\n * ... some time elapses ...\n * ... physical touch during bounce ...\n * 2. `onMomentumScrollEnd` (Makes no sense why this occurs first during bounce)\n * 3. `onTouchStartCapture` (immediately after `onMomentumScrollEnd`)\n * 4. `onTouchStart` (same, but bubble phase)\n * 5. `onTouchEnd` (You could hold the touch start for a long time)\n * 6. `onMomentumScrollBegin` (When releasing the view starts bouncing back)\n *\n * So when we receive an `onTouchStart`, how can we tell if we are touching\n * *during* an animation (which then causes the animation to stop)? The only way\n * to tell is if the `touchStart` occurred immediately after the\n * `onMomentumScrollEnd`.\n *\n * This is abstracted out for you, so you can just call this.scrollResponderIsAnimating() if\n * necessary\n *\n * `ScrollResponder` also includes logic for blurring a currently focused input\n * if one is focused while scrolling. The `ScrollResponder` is a natural place\n * to put this logic since it can support not dismissing the keyboard while\n * scrolling, unless a recognized \"tap\"-like gesture has occurred.\n *\n * The public lifecycle API includes events for keyboard interaction, responder\n * interaction, and scrolling (among others). The keyboard callbacks\n * `onKeyboardWill/Did/*` are *global* events, but are invoked on scroll\n * responder's props so that you can guarantee that the scroll responder's\n * internal state has been updated accordingly (and deterministically) by\n * the time the props callbacks are invoke. Otherwise, you would always wonder\n * if the scroll responder is currently in a state where it recognizes new\n * keyboard positions etc. If coordinating scrolling with keyboard movement,\n * *always* use these hooks instead of listening to your own global keyboard\n * events.\n *\n * Public keyboard lifecycle API: (props callbacks)\n *\n * Standard Keyboard Appearance Sequence:\n *\n * this.props.onKeyboardWillShow\n * this.props.onKeyboardDidShow\n *\n * `onScrollResponderKeyboardDismissed` will be invoked if an appropriate\n * tap inside the scroll responder's scrollable region was responsible\n * for the dismissal of the keyboard. There are other reasons why the\n * keyboard could be dismissed.\n *\n * this.props.onScrollResponderKeyboardDismissed\n *\n * Standard Keyboard Hide Sequence:\n *\n * this.props.onKeyboardWillHide\n * this.props.onKeyboardDidHide\n */\n\nconst IS_ANIMATING_TOUCH_START_THRESHOLD_MS = 16;\n\nexport type State = {|\n isTouching: boolean,\n lastMomentumScrollBeginTime: number,\n lastMomentumScrollEndTime: number,\n observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder: boolean,\n becameResponderWhileAnimating: boolean,\n|};\n\nconst ScrollResponderMixin = {\n _subscriptionKeyboardWillShow: (null: ?EmitterSubscription),\n _subscriptionKeyboardWillHide: (null: ?EmitterSubscription),\n _subscriptionKeyboardDidShow: (null: ?EmitterSubscription),\n _subscriptionKeyboardDidHide: (null: ?EmitterSubscription),\n scrollResponderMixinGetInitialState: function(): State {\n return {\n isTouching: false,\n lastMomentumScrollBeginTime: 0,\n lastMomentumScrollEndTime: 0,\n\n // Reset to false every time becomes responder. This is used to:\n // - Determine if the scroll view has been scrolled and therefore should\n // refuse to give up its responder lock.\n // - Determine if releasing should dismiss the keyboard when we are in\n // tap-to-dismiss mode (this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps !== 'always').\n observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder: false,\n becameResponderWhileAnimating: false,\n };\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onScroll` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleScrollShouldSetResponder: function(): boolean {\n // Allow any event touch pass through if the default pan responder is disabled\n if (this.props.disableScrollViewPanResponder === true) {\n return false;\n }\n return this.state.isTouching;\n },\n\n /**\n * Merely touch starting is not sufficient for a scroll view to become the\n * responder. Being the \"responder\" means that the very next touch move/end\n * event will result in an action/movement.\n *\n * Invoke this from an `onStartShouldSetResponder` event.\n *\n * `onStartShouldSetResponder` is used when the next move/end will trigger\n * some UI movement/action, but when you want to yield priority to views\n * nested inside of the view.\n *\n * There may be some cases where scroll views actually should return `true`\n * from `onStartShouldSetResponder`: Any time we are detecting a standard tap\n * that gives priority to nested views.\n *\n * - If a single tap on the scroll view triggers an action such as\n * recentering a map style view yet wants to give priority to interaction\n * views inside (such as dropped pins or labels), then we would return true\n * from this method when there is a single touch.\n *\n * - Similar to the previous case, if a two finger \"tap\" should trigger a\n * zoom, we would check the `touches` count, and if `>= 2`, we would return\n * true.\n *\n */\n scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponder: function(\n e: PressEvent,\n ): boolean {\n // Allow any event touch pass through if the default pan responder is disabled\n if (this.props.disableScrollViewPanResponder === true) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const currentlyFocusedTextInput = TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField();\n\n if (\n this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps === 'handled' &&\n currentlyFocusedTextInput != null &&\n !== currentlyFocusedTextInput\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n },\n\n /**\n * There are times when the scroll view wants to become the responder\n * (meaning respond to the next immediate `touchStart/touchEnd`), in a way\n * that *doesn't* give priority to nested views (hence the capture phase):\n *\n * - Currently animating.\n * - Tapping anywhere that is not a text input, while the keyboard is\n * up (which should dismiss the keyboard).\n *\n * Invoke this from an `onStartShouldSetResponderCapture` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponderCapture: function(\n e: PressEvent,\n ): boolean {\n // The scroll view should receive taps instead of its descendants if:\n // * it is already animating/decelerating\n if (this.scrollResponderIsAnimating()) {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Allow any event touch pass through if the default pan responder is disabled\n if (this.props.disableScrollViewPanResponder === true) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // * the keyboard is up, keyboardShouldPersistTaps is 'never' (the default),\n // and a new touch starts with a non-textinput target (in which case the\n // first tap should be sent to the scroll view and dismiss the keyboard,\n // then the second tap goes to the actual interior view)\n const currentlyFocusedTextInput = TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField();\n const {keyboardShouldPersistTaps} = this.props;\n const keyboardNeverPersistTaps =\n !keyboardShouldPersistTaps || keyboardShouldPersistTaps === 'never';\n if (\n keyboardNeverPersistTaps &&\n currentlyFocusedTextInput != null &&\n &&\n !TextInputState.isTextInput(\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onResponderReject` event.\n *\n * Some other element is not yielding its role as responder. Normally, we'd\n * just disable the `UIScrollView`, but a touch has already began on it, the\n * `UIScrollView` will not accept being disabled after that. The easiest\n * solution for now is to accept the limitation of disallowing this\n * altogether. To improve this, find a way to disable the `UIScrollView` after\n * a touch has already started.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleResponderReject: function() {},\n\n /**\n * We will allow the scroll view to give up its lock iff it acquired the lock\n * during an animation. This is a very useful default that happens to satisfy\n * many common user experiences.\n *\n * - Stop a scroll on the left edge, then turn that into an outer view's\n * backswipe.\n * - Stop a scroll mid-bounce at the top, continue pulling to have the outer\n * view dismiss.\n * - However, without catching the scroll view mid-bounce (while it is\n * motionless), if you drag far enough for the scroll view to become\n * responder (and therefore drag the scroll view a bit), any backswipe\n * navigation of a swipe gesture higher in the view hierarchy, should be\n * rejected.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleTerminationRequest: function(): boolean {\n return !this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder;\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onTouchEnd` event.\n *\n * @param {PressEvent} e Event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleTouchEnd: function(e: PressEvent) {\n const nativeEvent = e.nativeEvent;\n this.state.isTouching = nativeEvent.touches.length !== 0;\n this.props.onTouchEnd && this.props.onTouchEnd(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onTouchCancel` event.\n *\n * @param {PressEvent} e Event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleTouchCancel: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.state.isTouching = false;\n this.props.onTouchCancel && this.props.onTouchCancel(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onResponderRelease` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleResponderRelease: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onResponderRelease && this.props.onResponderRelease(e);\n\n // By default scroll views will unfocus a textField\n // if another touch occurs outside of it\n const currentlyFocusedTextInput = TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField();\n if (\n this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps !== true &&\n this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps !== 'always' &&\n currentlyFocusedTextInput != null &&\n !== currentlyFocusedTextInput &&\n !this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder &&\n !this.state.becameResponderWhileAnimating\n ) {\n this.props.onScrollResponderKeyboardDismissed &&\n this.props.onScrollResponderKeyboardDismissed(e);\n TextInputState.blurTextInput(currentlyFocusedTextInput);\n }\n },\n\n scrollResponderHandleScroll: function(e: ScrollEvent) {\n this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder = true;\n this.props.onScroll && this.props.onScroll(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onResponderGrant` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleResponderGrant: function(e: ScrollEvent) {\n this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder = false;\n this.props.onResponderGrant && this.props.onResponderGrant(e);\n this.state.becameResponderWhileAnimating = this.scrollResponderIsAnimating();\n },\n\n /**\n * Unfortunately, `onScrollBeginDrag` also fires when *stopping* the scroll\n * animation, and there's not an easy way to distinguish a drag vs. stopping\n * momentum.\n *\n * Invoke this from an `onScrollBeginDrag` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleScrollBeginDrag: function(e: ScrollEvent) {\n FrameRateLogger.beginScroll(); // TODO: track all scrolls after implementing onScrollEndAnimation\n this.props.onScrollBeginDrag && this.props.onScrollBeginDrag(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onScrollEndDrag` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleScrollEndDrag: function(e: ScrollEvent) {\n const {velocity} = e.nativeEvent;\n // - If we are animating, then this is a \"drag\" that is stopping the scrollview and momentum end\n // will fire.\n // - If velocity is non-zero, then the interaction will stop when momentum scroll ends or\n // another drag starts and ends.\n // - If we don't get velocity, better to stop the interaction twice than not stop it.\n if (\n !this.scrollResponderIsAnimating() &&\n (!velocity || (velocity.x === 0 && velocity.y === 0))\n ) {\n FrameRateLogger.endScroll();\n }\n this.props.onScrollEndDrag && this.props.onScrollEndDrag(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onMomentumScrollBegin` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollBegin: function(e: ScrollEvent) {\n this.state.lastMomentumScrollBeginTime = performanceNow();\n this.props.onMomentumScrollBegin && this.props.onMomentumScrollBegin(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onMomentumScrollEnd` event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollEnd: function(e: ScrollEvent) {\n FrameRateLogger.endScroll();\n this.state.lastMomentumScrollEndTime = performanceNow();\n this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd && this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onTouchStart` event.\n *\n * Since we know that the `SimpleEventPlugin` occurs later in the plugin\n * order, after `ResponderEventPlugin`, we can detect that we were *not*\n * permitted to be the responder (presumably because a contained view became\n * responder). The `onResponderReject` won't fire in that case - it only\n * fires when a *current* responder rejects our request.\n *\n * @param {PressEvent} e Touch Start event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleTouchStart: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.state.isTouching = true;\n this.props.onTouchStart && this.props.onTouchStart(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * Invoke this from an `onTouchMove` event.\n *\n * Since we know that the `SimpleEventPlugin` occurs later in the plugin\n * order, after `ResponderEventPlugin`, we can detect that we were *not*\n * permitted to be the responder (presumably because a contained view became\n * responder). The `onResponderReject` won't fire in that case - it only\n * fires when a *current* responder rejects our request.\n *\n * @param {PressEvent} e Touch Start event.\n */\n scrollResponderHandleTouchMove: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onTouchMove && this.props.onTouchMove(e);\n },\n\n /**\n * A helper function for this class that lets us quickly determine if the\n * view is currently animating. This is particularly useful to know when\n * a touch has just started or ended.\n */\n scrollResponderIsAnimating: function(): boolean {\n const now = performanceNow();\n const timeSinceLastMomentumScrollEnd =\n now - this.state.lastMomentumScrollEndTime;\n const isAnimating =\n timeSinceLastMomentumScrollEnd < IS_ANIMATING_TOUCH_START_THRESHOLD_MS ||\n this.state.lastMomentumScrollEndTime <\n this.state.lastMomentumScrollBeginTime;\n return isAnimating;\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the node that represents native view that can be scrolled.\n * Components can pass what node to use by defining a `getScrollableNode`\n * function otherwise `this` is used.\n */\n scrollResponderGetScrollableNode: function(): ?number {\n return this.getScrollableNode\n ? this.getScrollableNode()\n : ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this);\n },\n\n /**\n * A helper function to scroll to a specific point in the ScrollView.\n * This is currently used to help focus child TextViews, but can also\n * be used to quickly scroll to any element we want to focus. Syntax:\n *\n * `scrollResponderScrollTo(options: {x: number = 0; y: number = 0; animated: boolean = true})`\n *\n * Note: The weird argument signature is due to the fact that, for historical reasons,\n * the function also accepts separate arguments as as alternative to the options object.\n * This is deprecated due to ambiguity (y before x), and SHOULD NOT BE USED.\n */\n scrollResponderScrollTo: function(\n x?: number | {x?: number, y?: number, animated?: boolean},\n y?: number,\n animated?: boolean,\n ) {\n if (typeof x === 'number') {\n console.warn(\n '`scrollResponderScrollTo(x, y, animated)` is deprecated. Use `scrollResponderScrollTo({x: 5, y: 5, animated: true})` instead.',\n );\n } else {\n ({x, y, animated} = x || {});\n }\n UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(\n nullthrows(this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode()),\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('RCTScrollView').Commands.scrollTo,\n [x || 0, y || 0, animated !== false],\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Scrolls to the end of the ScrollView, either immediately or with a smooth\n * animation.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * `scrollResponderScrollToEnd({animated: true})`\n */\n scrollResponderScrollToEnd: function(options?: {animated?: boolean}) {\n // Default to true\n const animated = (options && options.animated) !== false;\n UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(\n this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode(),\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('RCTScrollView').Commands.scrollToEnd,\n [animated],\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Deprecated, do not use.\n */\n scrollResponderScrollWithoutAnimationTo: function(\n offsetX: number,\n offsetY: number,\n ) {\n console.warn(\n '`scrollResponderScrollWithoutAnimationTo` is deprecated. Use `scrollResponderScrollTo` instead',\n );\n this.scrollResponderScrollTo({x: offsetX, y: offsetY, animated: false});\n },\n\n /**\n * A helper function to zoom to a specific rect in the scrollview. The argument has the shape\n * {x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; animated: boolean = true}\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollResponderZoomTo: function(\n rect: {|\n x: number,\n y: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n animated?: boolean,\n |},\n animated?: boolean, // deprecated, put this inside the rect argument instead\n ) {\n invariant(\n ScrollViewManager && ScrollViewManager.zoomToRect,\n 'zoomToRect is not implemented',\n );\n if ('animated' in rect) {\n animated = rect.animated;\n delete rect.animated;\n } else if (typeof animated !== 'undefined') {\n console.warn(\n '`scrollResponderZoomTo` `animated` argument is deprecated. Use `options.animated` instead',\n );\n }\n ScrollViewManager.zoomToRect(\n this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode(),\n rect,\n animated !== false,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Displays the scroll indicators momentarily.\n */\n scrollResponderFlashScrollIndicators: function() {\n UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(\n this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode(),\n UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('RCTScrollView').Commands\n .flashScrollIndicators,\n [],\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * This method should be used as the callback to onFocus in a TextInputs'\n * parent view. Note that any module using this mixin needs to return\n * the parent view's ref in getScrollViewRef() in order to use this method.\n * @param {number} nodeHandle The TextInput node handle\n * @param {number} additionalOffset The scroll view's bottom \"contentInset\".\n * Default is 0.\n * @param {bool} preventNegativeScrolling Whether to allow pulling the content\n * down to make it meet the keyboard's top. Default is false.\n */\n scrollResponderScrollNativeHandleToKeyboard: function(\n nodeHandle: number,\n additionalOffset?: number,\n preventNegativeScrollOffset?: boolean,\n ) {\n this.additionalScrollOffset = additionalOffset || 0;\n this.preventNegativeScrollOffset = !!preventNegativeScrollOffset;\n UIManager.measureLayout(\n nodeHandle,\n ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this.getInnerViewNode()),\n this.scrollResponderTextInputFocusError,\n this.scrollResponderInputMeasureAndScrollToKeyboard,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * The calculations performed here assume the scroll view takes up the entire\n * screen - even if has some content inset. We then measure the offsets of the\n * keyboard, and compensate both for the scroll view's \"contentInset\".\n *\n * @param {number} left Position of input w.r.t. table view.\n * @param {number} top Position of input w.r.t. table view.\n * @param {number} width Width of the text input.\n * @param {number} height Height of the text input.\n */\n scrollResponderInputMeasureAndScrollToKeyboard: function(\n left: number,\n top: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n ) {\n let keyboardScreenY = Dimensions.get('window').height;\n if (this.keyboardWillOpenTo) {\n keyboardScreenY = this.keyboardWillOpenTo.endCoordinates.screenY;\n }\n let scrollOffsetY =\n top - keyboardScreenY + height + this.additionalScrollOffset;\n\n // By default, this can scroll with negative offset, pulling the content\n // down so that the target component's bottom meets the keyboard's top.\n // If requested otherwise, cap the offset at 0 minimum to avoid content\n // shifting down.\n if (this.preventNegativeScrollOffset) {\n scrollOffsetY = Math.max(0, scrollOffsetY);\n }\n this.scrollResponderScrollTo({x: 0, y: scrollOffsetY, animated: true});\n\n this.additionalOffset = 0;\n this.preventNegativeScrollOffset = false;\n },\n\n scrollResponderTextInputFocusError: function(msg: string) {\n console.error('Error measuring text field: ', msg);\n },\n\n /**\n * `componentWillMount` is the closest thing to a standard \"constructor\" for\n * React components.\n *\n * The `keyboardWillShow` is called before input focus.\n */\n UNSAFE_componentWillMount: function() {\n const {keyboardShouldPersistTaps} = this.props;\n warning(\n typeof keyboardShouldPersistTaps !== 'boolean',\n `'keyboardShouldPersistTaps={${keyboardShouldPersistTaps}}' is deprecated. ` +\n `Use 'keyboardShouldPersistTaps=\"${\n keyboardShouldPersistTaps ? 'always' : 'never'\n }\"' instead`,\n );\n\n this.keyboardWillOpenTo = null;\n this.additionalScrollOffset = 0;\n this._subscriptionKeyboardWillShow = Keyboard.addListener(\n 'keyboardWillShow',\n this.scrollResponderKeyboardWillShow,\n );\n\n this._subscriptionKeyboardWillHide = Keyboard.addListener(\n 'keyboardWillHide',\n this.scrollResponderKeyboardWillHide,\n );\n this._subscriptionKeyboardDidShow = Keyboard.addListener(\n 'keyboardDidShow',\n this.scrollResponderKeyboardDidShow,\n );\n this._subscriptionKeyboardDidHide = Keyboard.addListener(\n 'keyboardDidHide',\n this.scrollResponderKeyboardDidHide,\n );\n },\n\n componentWillUnmount: function() {\n if (this._subscriptionKeyboardWillShow != null) {\n this._subscriptionKeyboardWillShow.remove();\n }\n if (this._subscriptionKeyboardWillHide != null) {\n this._subscriptionKeyboardWillHide.remove();\n }\n if (this._subscriptionKeyboardDidShow != null) {\n this._subscriptionKeyboardDidShow.remove();\n }\n if (this._subscriptionKeyboardDidHide != null) {\n this._subscriptionKeyboardDidHide.remove();\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Warning, this may be called several times for a single keyboard opening.\n * It's best to store the information in this method and then take any action\n * at a later point (either in `keyboardDidShow` or other).\n *\n * Here's the order that events occur in:\n * - focus\n * - willShow {startCoordinates, endCoordinates} several times\n * - didShow several times\n * - blur\n * - willHide {startCoordinates, endCoordinates} several times\n * - didHide several times\n *\n * The `ScrollResponder` module callbacks for each of these events.\n * Even though any user could have easily listened to keyboard events\n * themselves, using these `props` callbacks ensures that ordering of events\n * is consistent - and not dependent on the order that the keyboard events are\n * subscribed to. This matters when telling the scroll view to scroll to where\n * the keyboard is headed - the scroll responder better have been notified of\n * the keyboard destination before being instructed to scroll to where the\n * keyboard will be. Stick to the `ScrollResponder` callbacks, and everything\n * will work.\n *\n * WARNING: These callbacks will fire even if a keyboard is displayed in a\n * different navigation pane. Filter out the events to determine if they are\n * relevant to you. (For example, only if you receive these callbacks after\n * you had explicitly focused a node etc).\n */\n scrollResponderKeyboardWillShow: function(e: KeyboardEvent) {\n this.keyboardWillOpenTo = e;\n this.props.onKeyboardWillShow && this.props.onKeyboardWillShow(e);\n },\n\n scrollResponderKeyboardWillHide: function(e: KeyboardEvent) {\n this.keyboardWillOpenTo = null;\n this.props.onKeyboardWillHide && this.props.onKeyboardWillHide(e);\n },\n\n scrollResponderKeyboardDidShow: function(e: KeyboardEvent) {\n // TODO(7693961): The event for DidShow is not available on iOS yet.\n // Use the one from WillShow and do not assign.\n if (e) {\n this.keyboardWillOpenTo = e;\n }\n this.props.onKeyboardDidShow && this.props.onKeyboardDidShow(e);\n },\n\n scrollResponderKeyboardDidHide: function(e: KeyboardEvent) {\n this.keyboardWillOpenTo = null;\n this.props.onKeyboardDidHide && this.props.onKeyboardDidHide(e);\n },\n};\n\nconst ScrollResponder = {\n Mixin: ScrollResponderMixin,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ScrollResponder;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeFrameRateLogger from './NativeFrameRateLogger';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * Flow API for native FrameRateLogger module. If the native module is not installed, function calls\n * are just no-ops.\n *\n * Typical behavior is that `setContext` is called when a new screen is loaded (e.g. via a\n * navigation integration), and then `beginScroll` is called by `ScrollResponder` at which point the\n * native module then begins tracking frame drops. When `ScrollResponder` calls `endScroll`, the\n * native module gathers up all it's frame drop data and reports it via an analytics pipeline for\n * analysis.\n *\n * Note that `beginScroll` may be called multiple times by `ScrollResponder` - unclear if that's a\n * bug, but the native module should be robust to that.\n *\n * In the future we may add support for tracking frame drops in other types of interactions beyond\n * scrolling.\n */\nconst FrameRateLogger = {\n /**\n * Enable `debug` to see local logs of what's going on. `reportStackTraces` will grab stack traces\n * during UI thread stalls and upload them if the native module supports it.\n */\n setGlobalOptions: function(options: {\n debug?: boolean,\n reportStackTraces?: boolean,\n }) {\n if (options.debug !== undefined) {\n invariant(\n NativeFrameRateLogger,\n 'Trying to debug FrameRateLogger without the native module!',\n );\n }\n if (NativeFrameRateLogger) {\n // Needs to clone the object first to avoid modifying the argument.\n const optionsClone = {\n debug: !!options.debug,\n reportStackTraces: !!options.reportStackTraces,\n };\n NativeFrameRateLogger.setGlobalOptions(optionsClone);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Must call `setContext` before any events can be properly tracked, which is done automatically\n * in `AppRegistry`, but navigation is also a common place to hook in.\n */\n setContext: function(context: string) {\n NativeFrameRateLogger && NativeFrameRateLogger.setContext(context);\n },\n\n /**\n * Called in `ScrollResponder` so any component that uses that module will handle this\n * automatically.\n */\n beginScroll() {\n NativeFrameRateLogger && NativeFrameRateLogger.beginScroll();\n },\n\n /**\n * Called in `ScrollResponder` so any component that uses that module will handle this\n * automatically.\n */\n endScroll() {\n NativeFrameRateLogger && NativeFrameRateLogger.endScroll();\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FrameRateLogger;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +setGlobalOptions: (options: {|\n +debug?: ?boolean,\n +reportStackTraces?: ?boolean,\n |}) => void;\n +setContext: (context: string) => void;\n +beginScroll: () => void;\n +endScroll: () => void;\n}\n\nexport default TurboModuleRegistry.get('FrameRateLogger');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst LayoutAnimation = require('../../LayoutAnimation/LayoutAnimation');\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\n\nconst dismissKeyboard = require('../../Utilities/dismissKeyboard');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport NativeKeyboardObserver from './NativeKeyboardObserver';\nconst KeyboardEventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(NativeKeyboardObserver);\n\nexport type KeyboardEventName =\n | 'keyboardWillShow'\n | 'keyboardDidShow'\n | 'keyboardWillHide'\n | 'keyboardDidHide'\n | 'keyboardWillChangeFrame'\n | 'keyboardDidChangeFrame';\n\nexport type KeyboardEventEasing =\n | 'easeIn'\n | 'easeInEaseOut'\n | 'easeOut'\n | 'linear'\n | 'keyboard';\n\nexport type KeyboardEventCoordinates = $ReadOnly<{|\n screenX: number,\n screenY: number,\n width: number,\n height: number,\n|}>;\n\nexport type KeyboardEvent = AndroidKeyboardEvent | IOSKeyboardEvent;\n\ntype BaseKeyboardEvent = {|\n duration: number,\n easing: KeyboardEventEasing,\n endCoordinates: KeyboardEventCoordinates,\n|};\n\nexport type AndroidKeyboardEvent = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...BaseKeyboardEvent,\n duration: 0,\n easing: 'keyboard',\n|}>;\n\nexport type IOSKeyboardEvent = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...BaseKeyboardEvent,\n startCoordinates: KeyboardEventCoordinates,\n isEventFromThisApp: boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype KeyboardEventListener = (e: KeyboardEvent) => void;\n\n// The following object exists for documentation purposes\n// Actual work happens in\n//\n\n/**\n * `Keyboard` module to control keyboard events.\n *\n * ### Usage\n *\n * The Keyboard module allows you to listen for native events and react to them, as\n * well as make changes to the keyboard, like dismissing it.\n *\n *```\n * import React, { Component } from 'react';\n * import { Keyboard, TextInput } from 'react-native';\n *\n * class Example extends Component {\n * componentWillMount () {\n * this.keyboardDidShowListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._keyboardDidShow);\n * this.keyboardDidHideListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this._keyboardDidHide);\n * }\n *\n * componentWillUnmount () {\n * this.keyboardDidShowListener.remove();\n * this.keyboardDidHideListener.remove();\n * }\n *\n * _keyboardDidShow () {\n * alert('Keyboard Shown');\n * }\n *\n * _keyboardDidHide () {\n * alert('Keyboard Hidden');\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *```\n */\n\nlet Keyboard:\n | NativeEventEmitter\n | $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n addListener: (\n eventName: KeyboardEventName,\n callback: KeyboardEventListener,\n ) => $FlowFixMe,\n dismiss: () => $FlowFixMe,\n removeAllListeners: (eventName: KeyboardEventName) => $FlowFixMe,\n removeListener: (\n eventName: KeyboardEventName,\n callback: KeyboardEventListener,\n ) => $FlowFixMe,\n scheduleLayoutAnimation: (event: KeyboardEvent) => $FlowFixMe,\n |}> = {\n /**\n * The `addListener` function connects a JavaScript function to an identified native\n * keyboard notification event.\n *\n * This function then returns the reference to the listener.\n *\n * @param {string} eventName The `nativeEvent` is the string that identifies the event you're listening for. This\n *can be any of the following:\n *\n * - `keyboardWillShow`\n * - `keyboardDidShow`\n * - `keyboardWillHide`\n * - `keyboardDidHide`\n * - `keyboardWillChangeFrame`\n * - `keyboardDidChangeFrame`\n *\n * Note that if you set `android:windowSoftInputMode` to `adjustResize` or `adjustNothing`,\n * only `keyboardDidShow` and `keyboardDidHide` events will be available on Android.\n * `keyboardWillShow` as well as `keyboardWillHide` are generally not available on Android\n * since there is no native corresponding event.\n *\n * @param {function} callback function to be called when the event fires.\n */\n addListener(eventName: KeyboardEventName, callback: KeyboardEventListener) {\n invariant(false, 'Dummy method used for documentation');\n },\n\n /**\n * Removes a specific listener.\n *\n * @param {string} eventName The `nativeEvent` is the string that identifies the event you're listening for.\n * @param {function} callback function to be called when the event fires.\n */\n removeListener(\n eventName: KeyboardEventName,\n callback: KeyboardEventListener,\n ) {\n invariant(false, 'Dummy method used for documentation');\n },\n\n /**\n * Removes all listeners for a specific event type.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType The native event string listeners are watching which will be removed.\n */\n removeAllListeners(eventName: KeyboardEventName) {\n invariant(false, 'Dummy method used for documentation');\n },\n\n /**\n * Dismisses the active keyboard and removes focus.\n */\n dismiss() {\n invariant(false, 'Dummy method used for documentation');\n },\n\n /**\n * Useful for syncing TextInput (or other keyboard accessory view) size of\n * position changes with keyboard movements.\n */\n scheduleLayoutAnimation(event: KeyboardEvent) {\n invariant(false, 'Dummy method used for documentation');\n },\n};\n\n// Throw away the dummy object and reassign it to original module\nKeyboard = KeyboardEventEmitter;\nKeyboard.dismiss = dismissKeyboard;\nKeyboard.scheduleLayoutAnimation = function(event: KeyboardEvent) {\n const {duration, easing} = event;\n if (duration != null && duration !== 0) {\n LayoutAnimation.configureNext({\n duration: duration,\n update: {\n duration: duration,\n type: (easing != null && LayoutAnimation.Types[easing]) || 'keyboard',\n },\n });\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Keyboard;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('KeyboardObserver'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst UIManager = require('../ReactNative/UIManager');\n\nimport Platform from '../Utilities/Platform';\n\ntype Type =\n | 'spring'\n | 'linear'\n | 'easeInEaseOut'\n | 'easeIn'\n | 'easeOut'\n | 'keyboard';\n\ntype Property = 'opacity' | 'scaleX' | 'scaleY' | 'scaleXY';\n\ntype AnimationConfig = $ReadOnly<{|\n duration?: number,\n delay?: number,\n springDamping?: number,\n initialVelocity?: number,\n type?: Type,\n property?: Property,\n|}>;\n\ntype LayoutAnimationConfig = $ReadOnly<{|\n duration: number,\n create?: AnimationConfig,\n update?: AnimationConfig,\n delete?: AnimationConfig,\n|}>;\n\nfunction configureNext(\n config: LayoutAnimationConfig,\n onAnimationDidEnd?: Function,\n) {\n if (!Platform.isTesting) {\n UIManager.configureNextLayoutAnimation(\n config,\n onAnimationDidEnd ?? function() {},\n function() {} /* unused onError */,\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction create(\n duration: number,\n type: Type,\n property: Property,\n): LayoutAnimationConfig {\n return {\n duration,\n create: {type, property},\n update: {type},\n delete: {type, property},\n };\n}\n\nconst Presets = {\n easeInEaseOut: (create(\n 300,\n 'easeInEaseOut',\n 'opacity',\n ): LayoutAnimationConfig),\n linear: (create(500, 'linear', 'opacity'): LayoutAnimationConfig),\n spring: {\n duration: 700,\n create: {\n type: 'linear',\n property: 'opacity',\n },\n update: {\n type: 'spring',\n springDamping: 0.4,\n },\n delete: {\n type: 'linear',\n property: 'opacity',\n },\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Automatically animates views to their new positions when the\n * next layout happens.\n *\n * A common way to use this API is to call it before calling `setState`.\n *\n * Note that in order to get this to work on **Android** you need to set the following flags via `UIManager`:\n *\n * UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental && UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true);\n */\nconst LayoutAnimation = {\n /**\n * Schedules an animation to happen on the next layout.\n *\n * @param config Specifies animation properties:\n *\n * - `duration` in milliseconds\n * - `create`, `AnimationConfig` for animating in new views\n * - `update`, `AnimationConfig` for animating views that have been updated\n *\n * @param onAnimationDidEnd Called when the animation finished.\n * Only supported on iOS.\n * @param onError Called on error. Only supported on iOS.\n */\n configureNext,\n /**\n * Helper for creating a config for `configureNext`.\n */\n create,\n Types: Object.freeze({\n spring: 'spring',\n linear: 'linear',\n easeInEaseOut: 'easeInEaseOut',\n easeIn: 'easeIn',\n easeOut: 'easeOut',\n keyboard: 'keyboard',\n }),\n Properties: Object.freeze({\n opacity: 'opacity',\n scaleX: 'scaleX',\n scaleY: 'scaleY',\n scaleXY: 'scaleXY',\n }),\n checkConfig(...args: Array) {\n console.error('LayoutAnimation.checkConfig(...) has been disabled.');\n },\n Presets,\n easeInEaseOut: (configureNext.bind(null, Presets.easeInEaseOut): (\n onAnimationDidEnd?: any,\n ) => void),\n linear: (configureNext.bind(null, Presets.linear): (\n onAnimationDidEnd?: any,\n ) => void),\n spring: (configureNext.bind(null, Presets.spring): (\n onAnimationDidEnd?: any,\n ) => void),\n};\n\nmodule.exports = LayoutAnimation;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n *\n * This function dismisses the currently-open keyboard, if any\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst TextInputState = require('../Components/TextInput/TextInputState');\n\nfunction dismissKeyboard() {\n TextInputState.blurTextInput(TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField());\n}\n\nmodule.exports = dismissKeyboard;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst AnimatedImplementation = require('../../Animated/src/AnimatedImplementation');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nimport type {LayoutEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\nconst AnimatedView = AnimatedImplementation.createAnimatedComponent(View);\n\nexport type Props = {\n children?: React.Element,\n nextHeaderLayoutY: ?number,\n onLayout: (event: LayoutEvent) => void,\n scrollAnimatedValue: AnimatedImplementation.Value,\n // Will cause sticky headers to stick at the bottom of the ScrollView instead\n // of the top.\n inverted: ?boolean,\n // The height of the parent ScrollView. Currently only set when inverted.\n scrollViewHeight: ?number,\n};\n\ntype State = {\n measured: boolean,\n layoutY: number,\n layoutHeight: number,\n nextHeaderLayoutY: ?number,\n};\n\nclass ScrollViewStickyHeader extends React.Component {\n state: State = {\n measured: false,\n layoutY: 0,\n layoutHeight: 0,\n nextHeaderLayoutY: this.props.nextHeaderLayoutY,\n };\n\n setNextHeaderY(y: number) {\n this.setState({nextHeaderLayoutY: y});\n }\n\n _onLayout = event => {\n this.setState({\n measured: true,\n layoutY: event.nativeEvent.layout.y,\n layoutHeight: event.nativeEvent.layout.height,\n });\n\n this.props.onLayout(event);\n const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children);\n if (child.props.onLayout) {\n child.props.onLayout(event);\n }\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const {inverted, scrollViewHeight} = this.props;\n const {measured, layoutHeight, layoutY, nextHeaderLayoutY} = this.state;\n const inputRange: Array = [-1, 0];\n const outputRange: Array = [0, 0];\n\n if (measured) {\n if (inverted) {\n // The interpolation looks like:\n // - Negative scroll: no translation\n // - `stickStartPoint` is the point at which the header will start sticking.\n // It is calculated using the ScrollView viewport height so it is a the bottom.\n // - Headers that are in the initial viewport will never stick, `stickStartPoint`\n // will be negative.\n // - From 0 to `stickStartPoint` no translation. This will cause the header\n // to scroll normally until it reaches the top of the scroll view.\n // - From `stickStartPoint` to when the next header y hits the bottom edge of the header: translate\n // equally to scroll. This will cause the header to stay at the top of the scroll view.\n // - Past the collision with the next header y: no more translation. This will cause the\n // header to continue scrolling up and make room for the next sticky header.\n // In the case that there is no next header just translate equally to\n // scroll indefinitely.\n if (scrollViewHeight != null) {\n const stickStartPoint = layoutY + layoutHeight - scrollViewHeight;\n if (stickStartPoint > 0) {\n inputRange.push(stickStartPoint);\n outputRange.push(0);\n inputRange.push(stickStartPoint + 1);\n outputRange.push(1);\n // If the next sticky header has not loaded yet (probably windowing) or is the last\n // we can just keep it sticked forever.\n const collisionPoint =\n (nextHeaderLayoutY || 0) - layoutHeight - scrollViewHeight;\n if (collisionPoint > stickStartPoint) {\n inputRange.push(collisionPoint, collisionPoint + 1);\n outputRange.push(\n collisionPoint - stickStartPoint,\n collisionPoint - stickStartPoint,\n );\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n // The interpolation looks like:\n // - Negative scroll: no translation\n // - From 0 to the y of the header: no translation. This will cause the header\n // to scroll normally until it reaches the top of the scroll view.\n // - From header y to when the next header y hits the bottom edge of the header: translate\n // equally to scroll. This will cause the header to stay at the top of the scroll view.\n // - Past the collision with the next header y: no more translation. This will cause the\n // header to continue scrolling up and make room for the next sticky header.\n // In the case that there is no next header just translate equally to\n // scroll indefinitely.\n inputRange.push(layoutY);\n outputRange.push(0);\n // If the next sticky header has not loaded yet (probably windowing) or is the last\n // we can just keep it sticked forever.\n const collisionPoint = (nextHeaderLayoutY || 0) - layoutHeight;\n if (collisionPoint >= layoutY) {\n inputRange.push(collisionPoint, collisionPoint + 1);\n outputRange.push(collisionPoint - layoutY, collisionPoint - layoutY);\n } else {\n inputRange.push(layoutY + 1);\n outputRange.push(1);\n }\n }\n }\n\n const translateY = this.props.scrollAnimatedValue.interpolate({\n inputRange,\n outputRange,\n });\n const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children);\n\n return (\n \n {React.cloneElement(child, {\n style: styles.fill, // We transfer the child style to the wrapper.\n onLayout: undefined, // we call this manually through our this._onLayout\n })}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n header: {\n zIndex: 10,\n },\n fill: {\n flex: 1,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = ScrollViewStickyHeader;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\n\nfunction processDecelerationRate(\n decelerationRate: number | 'normal' | 'fast',\n): number {\n if (decelerationRate === 'normal') {\n return{\n ios: 0.998,\n android: 0.985,\n });\n } else if (decelerationRate === 'fast') {\n return{\n ios: 0.99,\n android: 0.9,\n });\n }\n return decelerationRate;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = processDecelerationRate;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {DangerouslyImpreciseStyle} from './StyleSheet';\n\nconst OUTER_PROPS = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {\n margin: true,\n marginHorizontal: true,\n marginVertical: true,\n marginBottom: true,\n marginTop: true,\n marginLeft: true,\n marginRight: true,\n flex: true,\n flexGrow: true,\n flexShrink: true,\n flexBasis: true,\n alignSelf: true,\n height: true,\n minHeight: true,\n maxHeight: true,\n width: true,\n minWidth: true,\n maxWidth: true,\n position: true,\n left: true,\n right: true,\n bottom: true,\n top: true,\n transform: true,\n});\n\nfunction splitLayoutProps(\n props: ?DangerouslyImpreciseStyle,\n): {\n outer: DangerouslyImpreciseStyle,\n inner: DangerouslyImpreciseStyle,\n} {\n const inner = {};\n const outer = {};\n if (props) {\n Object.keys(props).forEach(k => {\n const value: $ElementType = props[k];\n if (OUTER_PROPS[k]) {\n outer[k] = value;\n } else {\n inner[k] = value;\n }\n });\n }\n return {outer, inner};\n}\n\nmodule.exports = splitLayoutProps;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nexport type ViewToken = {\n item: any,\n key: string,\n index: ?number,\n isViewable: boolean,\n section?: any,\n};\n\nexport type ViewabilityConfigCallbackPair = {\n viewabilityConfig: ViewabilityConfig,\n onViewableItemsChanged: (info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n};\n\nexport type ViewabilityConfig = {|\n /**\n * Minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) that an item must be physically viewable before the\n * viewability callback will be fired. A high number means that scrolling through content without\n * stopping will not mark the content as viewable.\n */\n minimumViewTime?: number,\n\n /**\n * Percent of viewport that must be covered for a partially occluded item to count as\n * \"viewable\", 0-100. Fully visible items are always considered viewable. A value of 0 means\n * that a single pixel in the viewport makes the item viewable, and a value of 100 means that\n * an item must be either entirely visible or cover the entire viewport to count as viewable.\n */\n viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold?: number,\n\n /**\n * Similar to `viewAreaPercentThreshold`, but considers the percent of the item that is visible,\n * rather than the fraction of the viewable area it covers.\n */\n itemVisiblePercentThreshold?: number,\n\n /**\n * Nothing is considered viewable until the user scrolls or `recordInteraction` is called after\n * render.\n */\n waitForInteraction?: boolean,\n|};\n\n/**\n * A Utility class for calculating viewable items based on current metrics like scroll position and\n * layout.\n *\n * An item is said to be in a \"viewable\" state when any of the following\n * is true for longer than `minimumViewTime` milliseconds (after an interaction if `waitForInteraction`\n * is true):\n *\n * - Occupying >= `viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold` of the view area XOR fraction of the item\n * visible in the view area >= `itemVisiblePercentThreshold`.\n * - Entirely visible on screen\n */\nclass ViewabilityHelper {\n _config: ViewabilityConfig;\n _hasInteracted: boolean = false;\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\n _timers: Set = new Set();\n _viewableIndices: Array = [];\n _viewableItems: Map = new Map();\n\n constructor(\n config: ViewabilityConfig = {viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold: 0},\n ) {\n this._config = config;\n }\n\n /**\n * Cleanup, e.g. on unmount. Clears any pending timers.\n */\n dispose() {\n this._timers.forEach(clearTimeout);\n }\n\n /**\n * Determines which items are viewable based on the current metrics and config.\n */\n computeViewableItems(\n itemCount: number,\n scrollOffset: number,\n viewportHeight: number,\n getFrameMetrics: (index: number) => ?{length: number, offset: number},\n renderRange?: {first: number, last: number}, // Optional optimization to reduce the scan size\n ): Array {\n const {\n itemVisiblePercentThreshold,\n viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold,\n } = this._config;\n const viewAreaMode = viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold != null;\n const viewablePercentThreshold = viewAreaMode\n ? viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold\n : itemVisiblePercentThreshold;\n invariant(\n viewablePercentThreshold != null &&\n (itemVisiblePercentThreshold != null) !==\n (viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold != null),\n 'Must set exactly one of itemVisiblePercentThreshold or viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold',\n );\n const viewableIndices = [];\n if (itemCount === 0) {\n return viewableIndices;\n }\n let firstVisible = -1;\n const {first, last} = renderRange || {first: 0, last: itemCount - 1};\n if (last >= itemCount) {\n console.warn(\n 'Invalid render range computing viewability ' +\n JSON.stringify({renderRange, itemCount}),\n );\n return [];\n }\n for (let idx = first; idx <= last; idx++) {\n const metrics = getFrameMetrics(idx);\n if (!metrics) {\n continue;\n }\n const top = metrics.offset - scrollOffset;\n const bottom = top + metrics.length;\n if (top < viewportHeight && bottom > 0) {\n firstVisible = idx;\n if (\n _isViewable(\n viewAreaMode,\n viewablePercentThreshold,\n top,\n bottom,\n viewportHeight,\n metrics.length,\n )\n ) {\n viewableIndices.push(idx);\n }\n } else if (firstVisible >= 0) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return viewableIndices;\n }\n\n /**\n * Figures out which items are viewable and how that has changed from before and calls\n * `onViewableItemsChanged` as appropriate.\n */\n onUpdate(\n itemCount: number,\n scrollOffset: number,\n viewportHeight: number,\n getFrameMetrics: (index: number) => ?{length: number, offset: number},\n createViewToken: (index: number, isViewable: boolean) => ViewToken,\n onViewableItemsChanged: ({\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n renderRange?: {first: number, last: number}, // Optional optimization to reduce the scan size\n ): void {\n if (\n (this._config.waitForInteraction && !this._hasInteracted) ||\n itemCount === 0 ||\n !getFrameMetrics(0)\n ) {\n return;\n }\n let viewableIndices = [];\n if (itemCount) {\n viewableIndices = this.computeViewableItems(\n itemCount,\n scrollOffset,\n viewportHeight,\n getFrameMetrics,\n renderRange,\n );\n }\n if (\n this._viewableIndices.length === viewableIndices.length &&\n this._viewableIndices.every((v, ii) => v === viewableIndices[ii])\n ) {\n // We might get a lot of scroll events where visibility doesn't change and we don't want to do\n // extra work in those cases.\n return;\n }\n this._viewableIndices = viewableIndices;\n if (this._config.minimumViewTime) {\n const handle = setTimeout(() => {\n this._timers.delete(handle);\n this._onUpdateSync(\n viewableIndices,\n onViewableItemsChanged,\n createViewToken,\n );\n }, this._config.minimumViewTime);\n this._timers.add(handle);\n } else {\n this._onUpdateSync(\n viewableIndices,\n onViewableItemsChanged,\n createViewToken,\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * clean-up cached _viewableIndices to evaluate changed items on next update\n */\n resetViewableIndices() {\n this._viewableIndices = [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Records that an interaction has happened even if there has been no scroll.\n */\n recordInteraction() {\n this._hasInteracted = true;\n }\n\n _onUpdateSync(\n viewableIndicesToCheck,\n onViewableItemsChanged,\n createViewToken,\n ) {\n // Filter out indices that have gone out of view since this call was scheduled.\n viewableIndicesToCheck = viewableIndicesToCheck.filter(ii =>\n this._viewableIndices.includes(ii),\n );\n const prevItems = this._viewableItems;\n const nextItems = new Map(\n => {\n const viewable = createViewToken(ii, true);\n return [viewable.key, viewable];\n }),\n );\n\n const changed = [];\n for (const [key, viewable] of nextItems) {\n if (!prevItems.has(key)) {\n changed.push(viewable);\n }\n }\n for (const [key, viewable] of prevItems) {\n if (!nextItems.has(key)) {\n changed.push({...viewable, isViewable: false});\n }\n }\n if (changed.length > 0) {\n this._viewableItems = nextItems;\n onViewableItemsChanged({\n viewableItems: Array.from(nextItems.values()),\n changed,\n viewabilityConfig: this._config,\n });\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction _isViewable(\n viewAreaMode: boolean,\n viewablePercentThreshold: number,\n top: number,\n bottom: number,\n viewportHeight: number,\n itemLength: number,\n): boolean {\n if (_isEntirelyVisible(top, bottom, viewportHeight)) {\n return true;\n } else {\n const pixels = _getPixelsVisible(top, bottom, viewportHeight);\n const percent =\n 100 * (viewAreaMode ? pixels / viewportHeight : pixels / itemLength);\n return percent >= viewablePercentThreshold;\n }\n}\n\nfunction _getPixelsVisible(\n top: number,\n bottom: number,\n viewportHeight: number,\n): number {\n const visibleHeight = Math.min(bottom, viewportHeight) - Math.max(top, 0);\n return Math.max(0, visibleHeight);\n}\n\nfunction _isEntirelyVisible(\n top: number,\n bottom: number,\n viewportHeight: number,\n): boolean {\n return top >= 0 && bottom <= viewportHeight && bottom > top;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ViewabilityHelper;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * Used to find the indices of the frames that overlap the given offsets. Useful for finding the\n * items that bound different windows of content, such as the visible area or the buffered overscan\n * area.\n */\nfunction elementsThatOverlapOffsets(\n offsets: Array,\n itemCount: number,\n getFrameMetrics: (index: number) => {length: number, offset: number},\n): Array {\n const out = [];\n let outLength = 0;\n for (let ii = 0; ii < itemCount; ii++) {\n const frame = getFrameMetrics(ii);\n const trailingOffset = frame.offset + frame.length;\n for (let kk = 0; kk < offsets.length; kk++) {\n if (out[kk] == null && trailingOffset >= offsets[kk]) {\n out[kk] = ii;\n outLength++;\n if (kk === offsets.length - 1) {\n invariant(\n outLength === offsets.length,\n 'bad offsets input, should be in increasing order: %s',\n JSON.stringify(offsets),\n );\n return out;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return out;\n}\n\n/**\n * Computes the number of elements in the `next` range that are new compared to the `prev` range.\n * Handy for calculating how many new items will be rendered when the render window changes so we\n * can restrict the number of new items render at once so that content can appear on the screen\n * faster.\n */\nfunction newRangeCount(\n prev: {first: number, last: number},\n next: {first: number, last: number},\n): number {\n return (\n next.last -\n next.first +\n 1 -\n Math.max(\n 0,\n 1 + Math.min(next.last, prev.last) - Math.max(next.first, prev.first),\n )\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Custom logic for determining which items should be rendered given the current frame and scroll\n * metrics, as well as the previous render state. The algorithm may evolve over time, but generally\n * prioritizes the visible area first, then expands that with overscan regions ahead and behind,\n * biased in the direction of scroll.\n */\nfunction computeWindowedRenderLimits(\n props: {\n data: any,\n getItemCount: (data: any) => number,\n maxToRenderPerBatch: number,\n windowSize: number,\n },\n prev: {first: number, last: number},\n getFrameMetricsApprox: (index: number) => {length: number, offset: number},\n scrollMetrics: {\n dt: number,\n offset: number,\n velocity: number,\n visibleLength: number,\n },\n): {first: number, last: number} {\n const {data, getItemCount, maxToRenderPerBatch, windowSize} = props;\n const itemCount = getItemCount(data);\n if (itemCount === 0) {\n return prev;\n }\n const {offset, velocity, visibleLength} = scrollMetrics;\n\n // Start with visible area, then compute maximum overscan region by expanding from there, biased\n // in the direction of scroll. Total overscan area is capped, which should cap memory consumption\n // too.\n const visibleBegin = Math.max(0, offset);\n const visibleEnd = visibleBegin + visibleLength;\n const overscanLength = (windowSize - 1) * visibleLength;\n\n // Considering velocity seems to introduce more churn than it's worth.\n const leadFactor = 0.5; // Math.max(0, Math.min(1, velocity / 25 + 0.5));\n\n const fillPreference =\n velocity > 1 ? 'after' : velocity < -1 ? 'before' : 'none';\n\n const overscanBegin = Math.max(\n 0,\n visibleBegin - (1 - leadFactor) * overscanLength,\n );\n const overscanEnd = Math.max(0, visibleEnd + leadFactor * overscanLength);\n\n const lastItemOffset = getFrameMetricsApprox(itemCount - 1).offset;\n if (lastItemOffset < overscanBegin) {\n // Entire list is before our overscan window\n return {\n first: Math.max(0, itemCount - 1 - maxToRenderPerBatch),\n last: itemCount - 1,\n };\n }\n\n // Find the indices that correspond to the items at the render boundaries we're targeting.\n let [overscanFirst, first, last, overscanLast] = elementsThatOverlapOffsets(\n [overscanBegin, visibleBegin, visibleEnd, overscanEnd],\n props.getItemCount(,\n getFrameMetricsApprox,\n );\n overscanFirst = overscanFirst == null ? 0 : overscanFirst;\n first = first == null ? Math.max(0, overscanFirst) : first;\n overscanLast = overscanLast == null ? itemCount - 1 : overscanLast;\n last =\n last == null\n ? Math.min(overscanLast, first + maxToRenderPerBatch - 1)\n : last;\n const visible = {first, last};\n\n // We want to limit the number of new cells we're rendering per batch so that we can fill the\n // content on the screen quickly. If we rendered the entire overscan window at once, the user\n // could be staring at white space for a long time waiting for a bunch of offscreen content to\n // render.\n let newCellCount = newRangeCount(prev, visible);\n\n while (true) {\n if (first <= overscanFirst && last >= overscanLast) {\n // If we fill the entire overscan range, we're done.\n break;\n }\n const maxNewCells = newCellCount >= maxToRenderPerBatch;\n const firstWillAddMore = first <= prev.first || first > prev.last;\n const firstShouldIncrement =\n first > overscanFirst && (!maxNewCells || !firstWillAddMore);\n const lastWillAddMore = last >= prev.last || last < prev.first;\n const lastShouldIncrement =\n last < overscanLast && (!maxNewCells || !lastWillAddMore);\n if (maxNewCells && !firstShouldIncrement && !lastShouldIncrement) {\n // We only want to stop if we've hit maxNewCells AND we cannot increment first or last\n // without rendering new items. This let's us preserve as many already rendered items as\n // possible, reducing render churn and keeping the rendered overscan range as large as\n // possible.\n break;\n }\n if (\n firstShouldIncrement &&\n !(fillPreference === 'after' && lastShouldIncrement && lastWillAddMore)\n ) {\n if (firstWillAddMore) {\n newCellCount++;\n }\n first--;\n }\n if (\n lastShouldIncrement &&\n !(fillPreference === 'before' && firstShouldIncrement && firstWillAddMore)\n ) {\n if (lastWillAddMore) {\n newCellCount++;\n }\n last++;\n }\n }\n if (\n !(\n last >= first &&\n first >= 0 &&\n last < itemCount &&\n first >= overscanFirst &&\n last <= overscanLast &&\n first <= visible.first &&\n last >= visible.last\n )\n ) {\n throw new Error(\n 'Bad window calculation ' +\n JSON.stringify({\n first,\n last,\n itemCount,\n overscanFirst,\n overscanLast,\n visible,\n }),\n );\n }\n return {first, last};\n}\n\nconst VirtualizeUtils = {\n computeWindowedRenderLimits,\n elementsThatOverlapOffsets,\n newRangeCount,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = VirtualizeUtils;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Image = require('../../../Image/Image');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('../createAnimatedComponent');\n\nmodule.exports = (createAnimatedComponent(Image): $FlowFixMe);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedImagePropType = require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedImagePropType');\nconst NativeModules = require('../BatchedBridge/NativeModules');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative'); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\nconst flattenStyle = require('../StyleSheet/flattenStyle');\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\nconst resolveAssetSource = require('./resolveAssetSource');\n\nconst ImageViewManager = NativeModules.ImageViewManager;\n\nconst RCTImageView = requireNativeComponent('RCTImageView');\n\nimport type {ImageProps as ImagePropsType} from './ImageProps';\n\nimport type {ImageStyleProp} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\n\nfunction getSize(\n uri: string,\n success: (width: number, height: number) => void,\n failure?: (error: any) => void,\n) {\n ImageViewManager.getSize(\n uri,\n success,\n failure ||\n function() {\n console.warn('Failed to get size for image: ' + uri);\n },\n );\n}\n\nfunction getSizeWithHeaders(\n uri: string,\n headers: {[string]: string},\n success: (width: number, height: number) => void,\n failure?: (error: any) => void,\n): any {\n return ImageViewManager.getSizeWithHeaders({uri, headers})\n .then(function(sizes) {\n success(sizes.width, sizes.height);\n })\n .catch(\n failure ||\n function() {\n console.warn('Failed to get size for image: ' + uri);\n },\n );\n}\n\nfunction prefetch(url: string): any {\n return ImageViewManager.prefetchImage(url);\n}\n\nasync function queryCache(\n urls: Array,\n): Promise<{[string]: 'memory' | 'disk' | 'disk/memory'}> {\n return await ImageViewManager.queryCache(urls);\n}\n\ndeclare class ImageComponentType extends ReactNative.NativeComponent {\n static getSize: typeof getSize;\n static getSizeWithHeaders: typeof getSizeWithHeaders;\n static prefetch: typeof prefetch;\n static queryCache: typeof queryCache;\n static resolveAssetSource: typeof resolveAssetSource;\n static propTypes: typeof DeprecatedImagePropType;\n}\n\n/**\n * A React component for displaying different types of images,\n * including network images, static resources, temporary local images, and\n * images from local disk, such as the camera roll.\n *\n * See\n */\nlet Image = (\n props: ImagePropsType,\n forwardedRef: ?React.Ref<'RCTImageView'>,\n) => {\n const source = resolveAssetSource(props.source) || {\n uri: undefined,\n width: undefined,\n height: undefined,\n };\n\n let sources;\n let style: ImageStyleProp;\n if (Array.isArray(source)) {\n // $FlowFixMe flattenStyle is not strong enough\n style = flattenStyle([styles.base,]) || {};\n sources = source;\n } else {\n const {width, height, uri} = source;\n // $FlowFixMe flattenStyle is not strong enough\n style = flattenStyle([{width, height}, styles.base,]) || {};\n sources = [source];\n\n if (uri === '') {\n console.warn('source.uri should not be an empty string');\n }\n }\n\n const resizeMode = props.resizeMode || style.resizeMode || 'cover';\n const tintColor = style.tintColor;\n\n if (props.src != null) {\n console.warn(\n 'The component requires a `source` property rather than `src`.',\n );\n }\n\n if (props.children != null) {\n throw new Error(\n 'The component cannot contain children. If you want to render content on top of the image, consider using the component or absolute positioning.',\n );\n }\n\n return (\n \n );\n};\n\nImage = React.forwardRef(Image);\nImage.displayName = 'Image';\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the width and height (in pixels) of an image prior to displaying it.\n *\n * See\n */\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nImage.getSize = getSize;\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the width and height (in pixels) of an image prior to displaying it\n * with the ability to provide the headers for the request.\n *\n * See\n */\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nImage.getSizeWithHeaders = getSizeWithHeaders;\n\n/**\n * Prefetches a remote image for later use by downloading it to the disk\n * cache.\n *\n * See\n */\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nImage.prefetch = prefetch;\n\n/**\n * Performs cache interrogation.\n *\n * See\n */\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nImage.queryCache = queryCache;\n\n/**\n * Resolves an asset reference into an object.\n *\n * See\n */\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nImage.resolveAssetSource = resolveAssetSource;\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nImage.propTypes = DeprecatedImagePropType;\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n base: {\n overflow: 'hidden',\n },\n});\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nmodule.exports = (Image: Class);\n","module.exports = require(\"regenerator-runtime\");\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\nvar runtime = (function (exports) {\n \"use strict\";\n\n var Op = Object.prototype;\n var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;\n var undefined; // More compressible than void 0.\n var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === \"function\" ? Symbol : {};\n var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\";\n var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\";\n var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\";\n\n function define(obj, key, value) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n return obj[key];\n }\n try {\n // IE 8 has a broken Object.defineProperty that only works on DOM objects.\n define({}, \"\");\n } catch (err) {\n define = function(obj, key, value) {\n return obj[key] = value;\n };\n }\n\n function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {\n // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator.\n var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;\n var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);\n var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);\n\n // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next,\n // .throw, and .return methods.\n generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context);\n\n return generator;\n }\n exports.wrap = wrap;\n\n // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion\n // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could\n // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be\n // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we\n // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need\n // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming\n // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true\n // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The\n // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which\n // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate.\n function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {\n try {\n return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) };\n } catch (err) {\n return { type: \"throw\", arg: err };\n }\n }\n\n var GenStateSuspendedStart = \"suspendedStart\";\n var GenStateSuspendedYield = \"suspendedYield\";\n var GenStateExecuting = \"executing\";\n var GenStateCompleted = \"completed\";\n\n // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as\n // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement.\n var ContinueSentinel = {};\n\n // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and\n // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator\n // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your\n // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions.\n function Generator() {}\n function GeneratorFunction() {}\n function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}\n\n // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that\n // don't natively support it.\n var IteratorPrototype = {};\n IteratorPrototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () {\n return this;\n };\n\n var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;\n var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));\n if (NativeIteratorPrototype &&\n NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&\n, iteratorSymbol)) {\n // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead\n // of the polyfill.\n IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;\n }\n\n var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype =\n Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);\n GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;\n GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction;\n GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(\n GeneratorFunctionPrototype,\n toStringTagSymbol,\n \"GeneratorFunction\"\n );\n\n // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the\n // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method.\n function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {\n [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function(method) {\n define(prototype, method, function(arg) {\n return this._invoke(method, arg);\n });\n });\n }\n\n exports.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {\n var ctor = typeof genFun === \"function\" && genFun.constructor;\n return ctor\n ? ctor === GeneratorFunction ||\n // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can\n // do is to check its .name property.\n (ctor.displayName || === \"GeneratorFunction\"\n : false;\n };\n\n exports.mark = function(genFun) {\n if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {\n Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);\n } else {\n genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;\n define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\");\n }\n genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);\n return genFun;\n };\n\n // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to\n // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test\n // `, \"__await\")` to determine if the yielded value is\n // meant to be awaited.\n exports.awrap = function(arg) {\n return { __await: arg };\n };\n\n function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {\n function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {\n var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n reject(record.arg);\n } else {\n var result = record.arg;\n var value = result.value;\n if (value &&\n typeof value === \"object\" &&\n, \"__await\")) {\n return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) {\n invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject);\n }, function(err) {\n invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject);\n });\n }\n\n return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {\n // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes\n // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the\n // current iteration.\n result.value = unwrapped;\n resolve(result);\n }, function(error) {\n // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back\n // into the async generator function so it can be handled there.\n return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject);\n });\n }\n }\n\n var previousPromise;\n\n function enqueue(method, arg) {\n function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {\n return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve, reject) {\n invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);\n });\n }\n\n return previousPromise =\n // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until\n // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,\n // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If\n // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to\n // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,\n // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do\n // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability\n // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its\n // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously\n // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple\n // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially\n // important to get this right, even though it requires care.\n previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(\n callInvokeWithMethodAndArg,\n // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later\n // invocations of the iterator.\n callInvokeWithMethodAndArg\n ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();\n }\n\n // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next,\n // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods).\n this._invoke = enqueue;\n }\n\n defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype);\n AsyncIterator.prototype[asyncIteratorSymbol] = function () {\n return this;\n };\n exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;\n\n // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of\n // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of\n // the final result produced by the iterator.\n exports.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {\n if (PromiseImpl === void 0) PromiseImpl = Promise;\n\n var iter = new AsyncIterator(\n wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList),\n PromiseImpl\n );\n\n return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn)\n ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator.\n : {\n return result.done ? result.value :;\n });\n };\n\n function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {\n var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;\n\n return function invoke(method, arg) {\n if (state === GenStateExecuting) {\n throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\");\n }\n\n if (state === GenStateCompleted) {\n if (method === \"throw\") {\n throw arg;\n }\n\n // Be forgiving, per of the spec:\n //\n return doneResult();\n }\n\n context.method = method;\n context.arg = arg;\n\n while (true) {\n var delegate = context.delegate;\n if (delegate) {\n var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);\n if (delegateResult) {\n if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;\n return delegateResult;\n }\n }\n\n if (context.method === \"next\") {\n // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's\n // function.sent implementation.\n context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;\n\n } else if (context.method === \"throw\") {\n if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {\n state = GenStateCompleted;\n throw context.arg;\n }\n\n context.dispatchException(context.arg);\n\n } else if (context.method === \"return\") {\n context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg);\n }\n\n state = GenStateExecuting;\n\n var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);\n if (record.type === \"normal\") {\n // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state ===\n // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation.\n state = context.done\n ? GenStateCompleted\n : GenStateSuspendedYield;\n\n if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {\n continue;\n }\n\n return {\n value: record.arg,\n done: context.done\n };\n\n } else if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n state = GenStateCompleted;\n // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the\n // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above.\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = record.arg;\n }\n }\n };\n }\n\n // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the\n // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the\n // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg,\n // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel.\n function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {\n var method = delegate.iterator[context.method];\n if (method === undefined) {\n // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw\n // method always terminates the yield* loop.\n context.delegate = null;\n\n if (context.method === \"throw\") {\n // Note: [\"return\"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility.\n if (delegate.iterator[\"return\"]) {\n // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a\n // chance to clean up.\n context.method = \"return\";\n context.arg = undefined;\n maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);\n\n if (context.method === \"throw\") {\n // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from\n // \"return\" to \"throw\", let that override the TypeError below.\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n }\n\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = new TypeError(\n \"The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method\");\n }\n\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);\n\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = record.arg;\n context.delegate = null;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n var info = record.arg;\n\n if (! info) {\n context.method = \"throw\";\n context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\");\n context.delegate = null;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n if (info.done) {\n // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary\n // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield).\n context[delegate.resultName] = info.value;\n\n // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield).\n = delegate.nextLoc;\n\n // If context.method was \"throw\" but the delegate handled the\n // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If\n // context.method was \"next\", forget context.arg since it has been\n // \"consumed\" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was\n // \"return\", allow the original .return call to continue in the\n // outer generator.\n if (context.method !== \"return\") {\n context.method = \"next\";\n context.arg = undefined;\n }\n\n } else {\n // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method.\n return info;\n }\n\n // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with\n // the outer generator.\n context.delegate = null;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the\n // unified ._invoke helper method.\n defineIteratorMethods(Gp);\n\n define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\");\n\n // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the\n // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the\n // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator\n // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen.\n // See for more details.\n Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() {\n return this;\n };\n\n Gp.toString = function() {\n return \"[object Generator]\";\n };\n\n function pushTryEntry(locs) {\n var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] };\n\n if (1 in locs) {\n entry.catchLoc = locs[1];\n }\n\n if (2 in locs) {\n entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];\n entry.afterLoc = locs[3];\n }\n\n this.tryEntries.push(entry);\n }\n\n function resetTryEntry(entry) {\n var record = entry.completion || {};\n record.type = \"normal\";\n delete record.arg;\n entry.completion = record;\n }\n\n function Context(tryLocsList) {\n // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch\n // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from\n // locations where there is no enclosing try statement.\n this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }];\n tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);\n this.reset(true);\n }\n\n exports.keys = function(object) {\n var keys = [];\n for (var key in object) {\n keys.push(key);\n }\n keys.reverse();\n\n // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep\n // things simple and return the next function itself.\n return function next() {\n while (keys.length) {\n var key = keys.pop();\n if (key in object) {\n next.value = key;\n next.done = false;\n return next;\n }\n }\n\n // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value\n // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This\n // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function.\n next.done = true;\n return next;\n };\n };\n\n function values(iterable) {\n if (iterable) {\n var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];\n if (iteratorMethod) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof === \"function\") {\n return iterable;\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {\n var i = -1, next = function next() {\n while (++i < iterable.length) {\n if (, i)) {\n next.value = iterable[i];\n next.done = false;\n return next;\n }\n }\n\n next.value = undefined;\n next.done = true;\n\n return next;\n };\n\n return = next;\n }\n }\n\n // Return an iterator with no values.\n return { next: doneResult };\n }\n exports.values = values;\n\n function doneResult() {\n return { value: undefined, done: true };\n }\n\n Context.prototype = {\n constructor: Context,\n\n reset: function(skipTempReset) {\n this.prev = 0;\n = 0;\n // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's\n // function.sent implementation.\n this.sent = this._sent = undefined;\n this.done = false;\n this.delegate = null;\n\n this.method = \"next\";\n this.arg = undefined;\n\n this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);\n\n if (!skipTempReset) {\n for (var name in this) {\n // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions:\n if (name.charAt(0) === \"t\" &&\n, name) &&\n !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {\n this[name] = undefined;\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n stop: function() {\n this.done = true;\n\n var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];\n var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;\n if (rootRecord.type === \"throw\") {\n throw rootRecord.arg;\n }\n\n return this.rval;\n },\n\n dispatchException: function(exception) {\n if (this.done) {\n throw exception;\n }\n\n var context = this;\n function handle(loc, caught) {\n record.type = \"throw\";\n record.arg = exception;\n = loc;\n\n if (caught) {\n // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block,\n // then let that catch block handle the exception normally.\n context.method = \"next\";\n context.arg = undefined;\n }\n\n return !! caught;\n }\n\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n var record = entry.completion;\n\n if (entry.tryLoc === \"root\") {\n // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle\n // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to\n // throw the exception.\n return handle(\"end\");\n }\n\n if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {\n var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\");\n var hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\");\n\n if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {\n if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {\n return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);\n } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\n return handle(entry.finallyLoc);\n }\n\n } else if (hasCatch) {\n if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {\n return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);\n }\n\n } else if (hasFinally) {\n if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\n return handle(entry.finallyLoc);\n }\n\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\");\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n abrupt: function(type, arg) {\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&\n, \"finallyLoc\") &&\n this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\n var finallyEntry = entry;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (finallyEntry &&\n (type === \"break\" ||\n type === \"continue\") &&\n finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg &&\n arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {\n // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a\n // location outside the try/catch block.\n finallyEntry = null;\n }\n\n var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};\n record.type = type;\n record.arg = arg;\n\n if (finallyEntry) {\n this.method = \"next\";\n = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n\n return this.complete(record);\n },\n\n complete: function(record, afterLoc) {\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n throw record.arg;\n }\n\n if (record.type === \"break\" ||\n record.type === \"continue\") {\n = record.arg;\n } else if (record.type === \"return\") {\n this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;\n this.method = \"return\";\n = \"end\";\n } else if (record.type === \"normal\" && afterLoc) {\n = afterLoc;\n }\n\n return ContinueSentinel;\n },\n\n finish: function(finallyLoc) {\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {\n this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);\n resetTryEntry(entry);\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n }\n },\n\n \"catch\": function(tryLoc) {\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\n if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {\n var record = entry.completion;\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\n var thrown = record.arg;\n resetTryEntry(entry);\n }\n return thrown;\n }\n }\n\n // The context.catch method must only be called with a location\n // argument that corresponds to a known catch block.\n throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\");\n },\n\n delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {\n this.delegate = {\n iterator: values(iterable),\n resultName: resultName,\n nextLoc: nextLoc\n };\n\n if (this.method === \"next\") {\n // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't\n // accidentally pass it on to the delegate.\n this.arg = undefined;\n }\n\n return ContinueSentinel;\n }\n };\n\n // Regardless of whether this script is executing as a CommonJS module\n // or not, return the runtime object so that we can declare the variable\n // regeneratorRuntime in the outer scope, which allows this module to be\n // injected easily by `bin/regenerator --include-runtime script.js`.\n return exports;\n\n}(\n // If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports\n // as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty\n // object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize\n // the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file.\n typeof module === \"object\" ? module.exports : {}\n));\n\ntry {\n regeneratorRuntime = runtime;\n} catch (accidentalStrictMode) {\n // This module should not be running in strict mode, so the above\n // assignment should always work unless something is misconfigured. Just\n // in case runtime.js accidentally runs in strict mode, we can escape\n // strict mode using a global Function call. This could conceivably fail\n // if a Content Security Policy forbids using Function, but in that case\n // the proper solution is to fix the accidental strict mode problem. If\n // you've misconfigured your bundler to force strict mode and applied a\n // CSP to forbid Function, and you're not willing to fix either of those\n // problems, please detail your unique predicament in a GitHub issue.\n Function(\"r\", \"regeneratorRuntime = r\")(runtime);\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType = require('./DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType');\nconst DeprecatedImageSourcePropType = require('./DeprecatedImageSourcePropType');\nconst DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes = require('./DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes');\nconst DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType = require('./DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n style: (DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType(\n DeprecatedImageStylePropTypes,\n ): ReactPropsCheckType),\n source: DeprecatedImageSourcePropType,\n defaultSource: (PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.shape({\n uri: PropTypes.string,\n width: PropTypes.number,\n height: PropTypes.number,\n scale: PropTypes.number,\n }),\n PropTypes.number,\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n {height?: number, scale?: number, uri?: string, width?: number} | number,\n >),\n\n accessible: PropTypes.bool,\n\n accessibilityLabel: PropTypes.node,\n\n blurRadius: PropTypes.number,\n\n capInsets: DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType,\n\n resizeMethod: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'auto',\n 'resize',\n 'scale',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'auto' | 'resize' | 'scale'>),\n\n resizeMode: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'cover',\n 'contain',\n 'stretch',\n 'repeat',\n 'center',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<\n 'cover' | 'contain' | 'stretch' | 'repeat' | 'center',\n >),\n\n testID: PropTypes.string,\n\n onLayout: PropTypes.func,\n\n onLoadStart: PropTypes.func,\n\n onProgress: PropTypes.func,\n\n onError: PropTypes.func,\n\n onPartialLoad: PropTypes.func,\n\n onLoad: PropTypes.func,\n\n onLoadEnd: PropTypes.func,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @no-flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst ImageURISourcePropType = PropTypes.shape({\n uri: PropTypes.string,\n bundle: PropTypes.string,\n method: PropTypes.string,\n headers: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string),\n body: PropTypes.string,\n cache: PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'default',\n 'reload',\n 'force-cache',\n 'only-if-cached',\n ]),\n width: PropTypes.number,\n height: PropTypes.number,\n scale: PropTypes.number,\n});\n\nconst ImageSourcePropType = PropTypes.oneOfType([\n ImageURISourcePropType,\n // Opaque type returned by require('./image.jpg')\n PropTypes.number,\n // Multiple sources\n PropTypes.arrayOf(ImageURISourcePropType),\n]);\n\nmodule.exports = ImageSourcePropType;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst ScrollView = require('../../../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('../createAnimatedComponent');\n\nmodule.exports = (createAnimatedComponent(ScrollView, {\n scrollEventThrottle: 0.0001,\n}): $FlowFixMe);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst SectionList = require('../../../Lists/SectionList');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('../createAnimatedComponent');\n\nmodule.exports = (createAnimatedComponent(SectionList, {\n scrollEventThrottle: 0.0001,\n}): $FlowFixMe);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ScrollView = require('../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView');\nconst VirtualizedSectionList = require('./VirtualizedSectionList');\n\nimport type {ViewToken} from './ViewabilityHelper';\nimport type {\n SectionBase as _SectionBase,\n Props as VirtualizedSectionListProps,\n ScrollToLocationParamsType,\n} from './VirtualizedSectionList';\n\ntype Item = any;\n\nexport type SectionBase = _SectionBase;\n\ntype RequiredProps> = {\n /**\n * The actual data to render, akin to the `data` prop in [``](/react-native/docs/flatlist.html).\n *\n * General shape:\n *\n * sections: $ReadOnlyArray<{\n * data: $ReadOnlyArray,\n * renderItem?: ({item: SectionItem, ...}) => ?React.Element<*>,\n * ItemSeparatorComponent?: ?ReactClass<{highlighted: boolean, ...}>,\n * }>\n */\n sections: $ReadOnlyArray,\n};\n\ntype OptionalProps> = {\n /**\n * Default renderer for every item in every section. Can be over-ridden on a per-section basis.\n */\n renderItem?: (info: {\n item: Item,\n index: number,\n section: SectionT,\n separators: {\n highlight: () => void,\n unhighlight: () => void,\n updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => void,\n },\n }) => ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Rendered in between each item, but not at the top or bottom. By default, `highlighted`,\n * `section`, and `[leading/trailing][Item/Separator]` props are provided. `renderItem` provides\n * `separators.highlight`/`unhighlight` which will update the `highlighted` prop, but you can also\n * add custom props with `separators.updateProps`.\n */\n ItemSeparatorComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * Rendered at the very beginning of the list. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListHeaderComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Rendered when the list is empty. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListEmptyComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Rendered at the very end of the list. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or\n * a rendered element.\n */\n ListFooterComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Rendered at the top and bottom of each section (note this is different from\n * `ItemSeparatorComponent` which is only rendered between items). These are intended to separate\n * sections from the headers above and below and typically have the same highlight response as\n * `ItemSeparatorComponent`. Also receives `highlighted`, `[leading/trailing][Item/Separator]`,\n * and any custom props from `separators.updateProps`.\n */\n SectionSeparatorComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * A marker property for telling the list to re-render (since it implements `PureComponent`). If\n * any of your `renderItem`, Header, Footer, etc. functions depend on anything outside of the\n * `data` prop, stick it here and treat it immutably.\n */\n extraData?: any,\n /**\n * How many items to render in the initial batch. This should be enough to fill the screen but not\n * much more. Note these items will never be unmounted as part of the windowed rendering in order\n * to improve perceived performance of scroll-to-top actions.\n */\n initialNumToRender: number,\n /**\n * Reverses the direction of scroll. Uses scale transforms of -1.\n */\n inverted?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Used to extract a unique key for a given item at the specified index. Key is used for caching\n * and as the react key to track item re-ordering. The default extractor checks item.key, then\n * falls back to using the index, like react does. Note that this sets keys for each item, but\n * each overall section still needs its own key.\n */\n keyExtractor: (item: Item, index: number) => string,\n /**\n * Called once when the scroll position gets within `onEndReachedThreshold` of the rendered\n * content.\n */\n onEndReached?: ?(info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void,\n /**\n * How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom edge of the\n * list must be from the end of the content to trigger the `onEndReached` callback.\n * Thus a value of 0.5 will trigger `onEndReached` when the end of the content is\n * within half the visible length of the list.\n */\n onEndReachedThreshold?: ?number,\n /**\n * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for \"Pull to Refresh\" functionality. Make\n * sure to also set the `refreshing` prop correctly.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?() => void,\n /**\n * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the\n * `viewabilityConfig` prop.\n */\n onViewableItemsChanged?: ?(info: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n /**\n * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh.\n */\n refreshing?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Note: may have bugs (missing content) in some circumstances - use at your own risk.\n *\n * This may improve scroll performance for large lists.\n */\n removeClippedSubviews?: boolean,\n /**\n * Rendered at the top of each section. These stick to the top of the `ScrollView` by default on\n * iOS. See `stickySectionHeadersEnabled`.\n */\n renderSectionHeader?: ?(info: {section: SectionT}) => ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Rendered at the bottom of each section.\n */\n renderSectionFooter?: ?(info: {section: SectionT}) => ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Makes section headers stick to the top of the screen until the next one pushes it off. Only\n * enabled by default on iOS because that is the platform standard there.\n */\n stickySectionHeadersEnabled?: boolean,\n\n /**\n * The legacy implementation is no longer supported.\n */\n legacyImplementation?: empty,\n};\n\nexport type Props = RequiredProps &\n OptionalProps &\n VirtualizedSectionListProps;\n\nconst defaultProps = {\n ...VirtualizedSectionList.defaultProps,\n stickySectionHeadersEnabled: Platform.OS === 'ios',\n};\n\ntype DefaultProps = typeof defaultProps;\n\n/**\n * A performant interface for rendering sectioned lists, supporting the most handy features:\n *\n * - Fully cross-platform.\n * - Configurable viewability callbacks.\n * - List header support.\n * - List footer support.\n * - Item separator support.\n * - Section header support.\n * - Section separator support.\n * - Heterogeneous data and item rendering support.\n * - Pull to Refresh.\n * - Scroll loading.\n *\n * If you don't need section support and want a simpler interface, use\n * [``](/react-native/docs/flatlist.html).\n *\n * Simple Examples:\n *\n * }\n * renderSectionHeader={({section}) =>
}\n * sections={[ // homogeneous rendering between sections\n * {data: [...], title: ...},\n * {data: [...], title: ...},\n * {data: [...], title: ...},\n * ]}\n * />\n *\n * \n *\n * This is a convenience wrapper around [``](docs/virtualizedlist.html),\n * and thus inherits its props (as well as those of `ScrollView`) that aren't explicitly listed\n * here, along with the following caveats:\n *\n * - Internal state is not preserved when content scrolls out of the render window. Make sure all\n * your data is captured in the item data or external stores like Flux, Redux, or Relay.\n * - This is a `PureComponent` which means that it will not re-render if `props` remain shallow-\n * equal. Make sure that everything your `renderItem` function depends on is passed as a prop\n * (e.g. `extraData`) that is not `===` after updates, otherwise your UI may not update on\n * changes. This includes the `data` prop and parent component state.\n * - In order to constrain memory and enable smooth scrolling, content is rendered asynchronously\n * offscreen. This means it's possible to scroll faster than the fill rate and momentarily see\n * blank content. This is a tradeoff that can be adjusted to suit the needs of each application,\n * and we are working on improving it behind the scenes.\n * - By default, the list looks for a `key` prop on each item and uses that for the React key.\n * Alternatively, you can provide a custom `keyExtractor` prop.\n *\n */\nclass SectionList> extends React.PureComponent<\n Props,\n void,\n> {\n props: Props;\n static defaultProps: DefaultProps = defaultProps;\n\n /**\n * Scrolls to the item at the specified `sectionIndex` and `itemIndex` (within the section)\n * positioned in the viewable area such that `viewPosition` 0 places it at the top (and may be\n * covered by a sticky header), 1 at the bottom, and 0.5 centered in the middle. `viewOffset` is a\n * fixed number of pixels to offset the final target position, e.g. to compensate for sticky\n * headers.\n *\n * Note: cannot scroll to locations outside the render window without specifying the\n * `getItemLayout` prop.\n */\n scrollToLocation(params: ScrollToLocationParamsType) {\n if (this._wrapperListRef != null) {\n this._wrapperListRef.scrollToLocation(params);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Tells the list an interaction has occurred, which should trigger viewability calculations, e.g.\n * if `waitForInteractions` is true and the user has not scrolled. This is typically called by\n * taps on items or by navigation actions.\n */\n recordInteraction() {\n const listRef = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();\n listRef && listRef.recordInteraction();\n }\n\n /**\n * Displays the scroll indicators momentarily.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n flashScrollIndicators() {\n const listRef = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();\n listRef && listRef.flashScrollIndicators();\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder.\n */\n getScrollResponder(): ?ScrollView {\n const listRef = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();\n if (listRef) {\n return listRef.getScrollResponder();\n }\n }\n\n getScrollableNode(): any {\n const listRef = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();\n if (listRef) {\n return listRef.getScrollableNode();\n }\n }\n\n setNativeProps(props: Object) {\n const listRef = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();\n if (listRef) {\n listRef.setNativeProps(props);\n }\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n return (\n items.length}\n getItem={(items, index) => items[index]}\n />\n );\n }\n\n _wrapperListRef: ?React.ElementRef;\n _captureRef = ref => {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.99.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.99 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n this._wrapperListRef = ref;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = SectionList;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\nconst VirtualizedList = require('./VirtualizedList');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {ViewToken} from './ViewabilityHelper';\nimport type {Props as VirtualizedListProps} from './VirtualizedList';\n\ntype Item = any;\n\nexport type SectionBase = {\n /**\n * The data for rendering items in this section.\n */\n data: $ReadOnlyArray,\n /**\n * Optional key to keep track of section re-ordering. If you don't plan on re-ordering sections,\n * the array index will be used by default.\n */\n key?: string,\n\n // Optional props will override list-wide props just for this section.\n renderItem?: ?(info: {\n item: SectionItemT,\n index: number,\n section: SectionBase,\n separators: {\n highlight: () => void,\n unhighlight: () => void,\n updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => void,\n },\n }) => ?React.Element,\n ItemSeparatorComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n keyExtractor?: (item: SectionItemT, index?: ?number) => string,\n};\n\ntype RequiredProps> = {\n sections: $ReadOnlyArray,\n};\n\ntype OptionalProps> = {\n /**\n * Rendered after the last item in the last section.\n */\n ListFooterComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Rendered at the very beginning of the list.\n */\n ListHeaderComponent?: ?(React.ComponentType | React.Element),\n /**\n * Default renderer for every item in every section.\n */\n renderItem?: (info: {\n item: Item,\n index: number,\n section: SectionT,\n separators: {\n highlight: () => void,\n unhighlight: () => void,\n updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => void,\n },\n }) => ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Rendered at the top of each section.\n */\n renderSectionHeader?: ?({section: SectionT}) => ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Rendered at the bottom of each section.\n */\n renderSectionFooter?: ?({section: SectionT}) => ?React.Element,\n /**\n * Rendered at the bottom of every Section, except the very last one, in place of the normal\n * ItemSeparatorComponent.\n */\n SectionSeparatorComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * Rendered at the bottom of every Item except the very last one in the last section.\n */\n ItemSeparatorComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n /**\n * DEPRECATED: Virtualization provides significant performance and memory optimizations, but fully\n * unmounts react instances that are outside of the render window. You should only need to disable\n * this for debugging purposes.\n */\n disableVirtualization?: ?boolean,\n keyExtractor: (item: Item, index: number) => string,\n onEndReached?: ?({distanceFromEnd: number}) => void,\n /**\n * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for \"Pull to Refresh\" functionality. Make\n * sure to also set the `refreshing` prop correctly.\n */\n onRefresh?: ?() => void,\n /**\n * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the\n * `viewabilityConfig` prop.\n */\n onViewableItemsChanged?: ?({\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => void,\n /**\n * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh.\n */\n refreshing?: ?boolean,\n};\n\nexport type Props = RequiredProps &\n OptionalProps &\n VirtualizedListProps;\nexport type ScrollToLocationParamsType = {|\n animated?: ?boolean,\n itemIndex: number,\n sectionIndex: number,\n viewOffset?: number,\n viewPosition?: number,\n|};\n\ntype DefaultProps = {|\n ...typeof VirtualizedList.defaultProps,\n data: $ReadOnlyArray,\n|};\n\ntype State = {childProps: VirtualizedListProps};\n\n/**\n * Right now this just flattens everything into one list and uses VirtualizedList under the\n * hood. The only operation that might not scale well is concatting the data arrays of all the\n * sections when new props are received, which should be plenty fast for up to ~10,000 items.\n */\nclass VirtualizedSectionList<\n SectionT: SectionBase,\n> extends React.PureComponent, State> {\n static defaultProps: DefaultProps = {\n ...VirtualizedList.defaultProps,\n data: [],\n };\n\n scrollToLocation(params: ScrollToLocationParamsType) {\n let index = params.itemIndex;\n for (let i = 0; i < params.sectionIndex; i++) {\n index += this.props.getItemCount(this.props.sections[i].data) + 2;\n }\n let viewOffset = params.viewOffset || 0;\n if (params.itemIndex > 0 && this.props.stickySectionHeadersEnabled) {\n const frame = this._listRef._getFrameMetricsApprox(\n index - params.itemIndex,\n );\n viewOffset += frame.length;\n }\n const toIndexParams = {\n ...params,\n viewOffset,\n index,\n };\n this._listRef.scrollToIndex(toIndexParams);\n }\n\n getListRef(): VirtualizedList {\n return this._listRef;\n }\n\n constructor(props: Props, context: Object) {\n super(props, context);\n this.state = this._computeState(props);\n }\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) {\n this.setState(this._computeState(nextProps));\n }\n\n _computeState(props: Props): State {\n const offset = props.ListHeaderComponent ? 1 : 0;\n const stickyHeaderIndices = [];\n const itemCount = props.sections\n ? props.sections.reduce((v, section) => {\n stickyHeaderIndices.push(v + offset);\n return v + props.getItemCount( + 2; // Add two for the section header and footer.\n }, 0)\n : 0;\n\n return {\n childProps: {\n ...props,\n renderItem: this._renderItem,\n ItemSeparatorComponent: undefined, // Rendered with renderItem\n data: props.sections,\n getItemCount: () => itemCount,\n // $FlowFixMe\n getItem: (sections, index) => getItem(props, sections, index),\n keyExtractor: this._keyExtractor,\n onViewableItemsChanged: props.onViewableItemsChanged\n ? this._onViewableItemsChanged\n : undefined,\n stickyHeaderIndices: props.stickySectionHeadersEnabled\n ? stickyHeaderIndices\n : undefined,\n },\n };\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n return (\n \n );\n }\n\n _keyExtractor = (item: Item, index: number) => {\n const info = this._subExtractor(index);\n return (info && info.key) || String(index);\n };\n\n _subExtractor(\n index: number,\n ): ?{\n section: SectionT,\n key: string, // Key of the section or combined key for section + item\n index: ?number, // Relative index within the section\n header?: ?boolean, // True if this is the section header\n leadingItem?: ?Item,\n leadingSection?: ?SectionT,\n trailingItem?: ?Item,\n trailingSection?: ?SectionT,\n } {\n let itemIndex = index;\n const {getItem, getItemCount, keyExtractor, sections} = this.props;\n for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {\n const section = sections[i];\n const sectionData =;\n const key = section.key || String(i);\n itemIndex -= 1; // The section adds an item for the header\n if (itemIndex >= getItemCount(sectionData) + 1) {\n itemIndex -= getItemCount(sectionData) + 1; // The section adds an item for the footer.\n } else if (itemIndex === -1) {\n return {\n section,\n key: key + ':header',\n index: null,\n header: true,\n trailingSection: sections[i + 1],\n };\n } else if (itemIndex === getItemCount(sectionData)) {\n return {\n section,\n key: key + ':footer',\n index: null,\n header: false,\n trailingSection: sections[i + 1],\n };\n } else {\n const extractor = section.keyExtractor || keyExtractor;\n return {\n section,\n key:\n key + ':' + extractor(getItem(sectionData, itemIndex), itemIndex),\n index: itemIndex,\n leadingItem: getItem(sectionData, itemIndex - 1),\n leadingSection: sections[i - 1],\n trailingItem: getItem(sectionData, itemIndex + 1),\n trailingSection: sections[i + 1],\n };\n }\n }\n }\n\n _convertViewable = (viewable: ViewToken): ?ViewToken => {\n invariant(viewable.index != null, 'Received a broken ViewToken');\n const info = this._subExtractor(viewable.index);\n if (!info) {\n return null;\n }\n const keyExtractor = info.section.keyExtractor || this.props.keyExtractor;\n return {\n ...viewable,\n index: info.index,\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n key: keyExtractor(viewable.item, info.index),\n section: info.section,\n };\n };\n\n _onViewableItemsChanged = ({\n viewableItems,\n changed,\n }: {\n viewableItems: Array,\n changed: Array,\n }) => {\n if (this.props.onViewableItemsChanged) {\n this.props.onViewableItemsChanged({\n viewableItems: viewableItems\n .map(this._convertViewable, this)\n .filter(Boolean),\n changed:, this).filter(Boolean),\n });\n }\n };\n\n _renderItem = ({item, index}: {item: Item, index: number}) => {\n const info = this._subExtractor(index);\n if (!info) {\n return null;\n }\n const infoIndex = info.index;\n if (infoIndex == null) {\n const {section} = info;\n if (info.header === true) {\n const {renderSectionHeader} = this.props;\n return renderSectionHeader ? renderSectionHeader({section}) : null;\n } else {\n const {renderSectionFooter} = this.props;\n return renderSectionFooter ? renderSectionFooter({section}) : null;\n }\n } else {\n const renderItem = info.section.renderItem || this.props.renderItem;\n const SeparatorComponent = this._getSeparatorComponent(index, info);\n invariant(renderItem, 'no renderItem!');\n return (\n {\n this._cellRefs[info.key] = ref;\n }}\n renderItem={renderItem}\n section={info.section}\n trailingItem={info.trailingItem}\n trailingSection={info.trailingSection}\n />\n );\n }\n };\n\n _onUpdateSeparator = (key: string, newProps: Object) => {\n const ref = this._cellRefs[key];\n ref && ref.updateSeparatorProps(newProps);\n };\n\n _getSeparatorComponent(\n index: number,\n info?: ?Object,\n ): ?React.ComponentType {\n info = info || this._subExtractor(index);\n if (!info) {\n return null;\n }\n const ItemSeparatorComponent =\n info.section.ItemSeparatorComponent || this.props.ItemSeparatorComponent;\n const {SectionSeparatorComponent} = this.props;\n const isLastItemInList = index === this.state.childProps.getItemCount() - 1;\n const isLastItemInSection =\n info.index === this.props.getItemCount( - 1;\n if (SectionSeparatorComponent && isLastItemInSection) {\n return SectionSeparatorComponent;\n }\n if (ItemSeparatorComponent && !isLastItemInSection && !isLastItemInList) {\n return ItemSeparatorComponent;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n _cellRefs = {};\n _listRef: VirtualizedList;\n _captureRef = ref => {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment\n * suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for React. To see the\n * error delete this comment and run Flow. */\n this._listRef = ref;\n };\n}\n\ntype ItemWithSeparatorCommonProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n leadingItem: ?Item,\n leadingSection: ?Object,\n section: Object,\n trailingItem: ?Item,\n trailingSection: ?Object,\n|}>;\n\ntype ItemWithSeparatorProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ItemWithSeparatorCommonProps,\n LeadingSeparatorComponent: ?React.ComponentType,\n SeparatorComponent: ?React.ComponentType,\n cellKey: string,\n index: number,\n item: Item,\n onUpdateSeparator: (cellKey: string, newProps: Object) => void,\n prevCellKey?: ?string,\n renderItem: Function,\n|}>;\n\ntype ItemWithSeparatorState = {\n separatorProps: $ReadOnly<{|\n highlighted: false,\n ...ItemWithSeparatorCommonProps,\n |}>,\n leadingSeparatorProps: $ReadOnly<{|\n highlighted: false,\n ...ItemWithSeparatorCommonProps,\n |}>,\n};\n\nclass ItemWithSeparator extends React.Component<\n ItemWithSeparatorProps,\n ItemWithSeparatorState,\n> {\n state = {\n separatorProps: {\n highlighted: false,\n leadingItem: this.props.item,\n leadingSection: this.props.leadingSection,\n section: this.props.section,\n trailingItem: this.props.trailingItem,\n trailingSection: this.props.trailingSection,\n },\n leadingSeparatorProps: {\n highlighted: false,\n leadingItem: this.props.leadingItem,\n leadingSection: this.props.leadingSection,\n section: this.props.section,\n trailingItem: this.props.item,\n trailingSection: this.props.trailingSection,\n },\n };\n\n _separators = {\n highlight: () => {\n ['leading', 'trailing'].forEach(s =>\n this._separators.updateProps(s, {highlighted: true}),\n );\n },\n unhighlight: () => {\n ['leading', 'trailing'].forEach(s =>\n this._separators.updateProps(s, {highlighted: false}),\n );\n },\n updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => {\n const {LeadingSeparatorComponent, cellKey, prevCellKey} = this.props;\n if (select === 'leading' && LeadingSeparatorComponent != null) {\n this.setState(state => ({\n leadingSeparatorProps: {...state.leadingSeparatorProps, ...newProps},\n }));\n } else {\n this.props.onUpdateSeparator(\n (select === 'leading' && prevCellKey) || cellKey,\n newProps,\n );\n }\n },\n };\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(\n props: ItemWithSeparatorProps,\n prevState: ItemWithSeparatorState,\n ): ?ItemWithSeparatorState {\n return {\n separatorProps: {\n ...prevState.separatorProps,\n leadingItem: props.item,\n leadingSection: props.leadingSection,\n section: props.section,\n trailingItem: props.trailingItem,\n trailingSection: props.trailingSection,\n },\n leadingSeparatorProps: {\n ...prevState.leadingSeparatorProps,\n leadingItem: props.leadingItem,\n leadingSection: props.leadingSection,\n section: props.section,\n trailingItem: props.item,\n trailingSection: props.trailingSection,\n },\n };\n }\n\n updateSeparatorProps(newProps: Object) {\n this.setState(state => ({\n separatorProps: {...state.separatorProps, ...newProps},\n }));\n }\n\n render() {\n const {\n LeadingSeparatorComponent,\n SeparatorComponent,\n item,\n index,\n section,\n } = this.props;\n const element = this.props.renderItem({\n item,\n index,\n section,\n separators: this._separators,\n });\n const leadingSeparator = LeadingSeparatorComponent && (\n \n );\n const separator = SeparatorComponent && (\n \n );\n return leadingSeparator || separator ? (\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete\n * this comment and run Flow. */\n \n {leadingSeparator}\n {element}\n {separator}\n \n ) : (\n element\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction getItem(\n props: Props>,\n sections: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n index: number,\n): ?Item {\n if (!sections) {\n return null;\n }\n let itemIdx = index - 1;\n for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {\n const section = sections[i];\n const sectionData =;\n const itemCount = props.getItemCount(sectionData);\n if (itemIdx === -1 || itemIdx === itemCount) {\n // We intend for there to be overflow by one on both ends of the list.\n // This will be for headers and footers. When returning a header or footer\n // item the section itself is the item.\n return section;\n } else if (itemIdx < itemCount) {\n // If we are in the bounds of the list's data then return the item.\n return props.getItem(sectionData, itemIdx);\n } else {\n itemIdx -= itemCount + 2; // Add two for the header and footer\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = VirtualizedSectionList;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Text = require('../../../Text/Text');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('../createAnimatedComponent');\n\nmodule.exports = (createAnimatedComponent(Text): $FlowFixMe);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst View = require('../../../Components/View/View');\n\nconst createAnimatedComponent = require('../createAnimatedComponent');\n\nmodule.exports = (createAnimatedComponent(View): $FlowFixMe);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst {\n __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED,\n} = require('./ReactNative');\n\nimport type {NativeMethodsMixinType} from './ReactNativeTypes';\n\nconst {NativeMethodsMixin} = __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\n\nmodule.exports = ((NativeMethodsMixin: any): $Exact);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst Touchable = require('./Touchable');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nconst createReactClass = require('create-react-class');\nconst ensurePositiveDelayProps = require('./ensurePositiveDelayProps');\n\nconst {\n DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles,\n} = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewAccessibility');\n\nimport type {\n SyntheticEvent,\n LayoutEvent,\n PressEvent,\n} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {EdgeInsetsProp} from '../../StyleSheet/EdgeInsetsPropType';\nimport type {\n AccessibilityRole,\n AccessibilityStates,\n AccessibilityState,\n AccessibilityActionInfo,\n AccessibilityActionEvent,\n} from '../View/ViewAccessibility';\n\ntype TargetEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n target: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype BlurEvent = TargetEvent;\ntype FocusEvent = TargetEvent;\n\nconst PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET = {top: 20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30};\n\nconst OVERRIDE_PROPS = [\n 'accessibilityLabel',\n 'accessibilityHint',\n 'accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors',\n 'accessibilityRole',\n 'accessibilityStates',\n 'accessibilityState',\n 'accessibilityActions',\n 'onAccessibilityAction',\n 'hitSlop',\n 'nativeID',\n 'onBlur',\n 'onFocus',\n 'onLayout',\n 'testID',\n];\n\nexport type Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n accessible?: ?boolean,\n accessibilityLabel?: ?Stringish,\n accessibilityHint?: ?Stringish,\n accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors?: ?boolean,\n accessibilityRole?: ?AccessibilityRole,\n accessibilityStates?: ?AccessibilityStates,\n accessibilityState?: ?AccessibilityState,\n accessibilityActions?: ?$ReadOnlyArray,\n children?: ?React.Node,\n delayLongPress?: ?number,\n delayPressIn?: ?number,\n delayPressOut?: ?number,\n disabled?: ?boolean,\n hitSlop?: ?EdgeInsetsProp,\n nativeID?: ?string,\n touchSoundDisabled?: ?boolean,\n onBlur?: ?(e: BlurEvent) => void,\n onFocus?: ?(e: FocusEvent) => void,\n onLayout?: ?(event: LayoutEvent) => mixed,\n onLongPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,\n onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,\n onPressIn?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,\n onPressOut?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,\n onAccessibilityAction?: ?(event: AccessibilityActionEvent) => void,\n pressRetentionOffset?: ?EdgeInsetsProp,\n rejectResponderTermination?: ?boolean,\n testID?: ?string,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Do not use unless you have a very good reason. All elements that\n * respond to press should have a visual feedback when touched.\n *\n * TouchableWithoutFeedback supports only one child.\n * If you wish to have several child components, wrap them in a View.\n */\nconst TouchableWithoutFeedback = ((createReactClass({\n displayName: 'TouchableWithoutFeedback',\n mixins: [Touchable.Mixin],\n\n propTypes: {\n accessible: PropTypes.bool,\n accessibilityLabel: PropTypes.node,\n accessibilityHint: PropTypes.string,\n accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors: PropTypes.bool,\n accessibilityRole: PropTypes.oneOf(DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles),\n accessibilityStates: PropTypes.array,\n accessibilityState: PropTypes.object,\n accessibilityActions: PropTypes.array,\n onAccessibilityAction: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * When `accessible` is true (which is the default) this may be called when\n * the OS-specific concept of \"focus\" occurs. Some platforms may not have\n * the concept of focus.\n */\n onFocus: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * When `accessible` is true (which is the default) this may be called when\n * the OS-specific concept of \"blur\" occurs, meaning the element lost focus.\n * Some platforms may not have the concept of blur.\n */\n onBlur: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * If true, disable all interactions for this component.\n */\n disabled: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Called when the touch is released, but not if cancelled (e.g. by a scroll\n * that steals the responder lock).\n */\n onPress: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Called as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress.\n * This can be useful when making network requests.\n */\n onPressIn: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Called as soon as the touch is released even before onPress.\n */\n onPressOut: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Invoked on mount and layout changes with\n *\n * `{nativeEvent: {layout: {x, y, width, height}}}`\n */\n onLayout: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * If true, doesn't play system sound on touch (Android Only)\n **/\n touchSoundDisabled: PropTypes.bool,\n\n onLongPress: PropTypes.func,\n\n nativeID: PropTypes.string,\n testID: PropTypes.string,\n\n /**\n * Delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before onPressIn is called.\n */\n delayPressIn: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Delay in ms, from the release of the touch, before onPressOut is called.\n */\n delayPressOut: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Delay in ms, from onPressIn, before onLongPress is called.\n */\n delayLongPress: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * When the scroll view is disabled, this defines how far your touch may\n * move off of the button, before deactivating the button. Once deactivated,\n * try moving it back and you'll see that the button is once again\n * reactivated! Move it back and forth several times while the scroll view\n * is disabled. Ensure you pass in a constant to reduce memory allocations.\n */\n pressRetentionOffset: DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType,\n /**\n * This defines how far your touch can start away from the button. This is\n * added to `pressRetentionOffset` when moving off of the button.\n * ** NOTE **\n * The touch area never extends past the parent view bounds and the Z-index\n * of sibling views always takes precedence if a touch hits two overlapping\n * views.\n */\n hitSlop: DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType,\n },\n\n getInitialState: function() {\n return this.touchableGetInitialState();\n },\n\n componentDidMount: function() {\n ensurePositiveDelayProps(this.props);\n },\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps: Object) {\n ensurePositiveDelayProps(nextProps);\n },\n\n /**\n * `Touchable.Mixin` self callbacks. The mixin will invoke these if they are\n * defined on your component.\n */\n touchableHandlePress: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleActivePressIn: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleActivePressOut: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleLongPress: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(e);\n },\n\n touchableGetPressRectOffset: function(): typeof PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET {\n // $FlowFixMe Invalid prop usage\n return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET;\n },\n\n touchableGetHitSlop: function(): ?Object {\n return this.props.hitSlop;\n },\n\n touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function(): number {\n return this.props.delayPressIn || 0;\n },\n\n touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function(): number {\n return this.props.delayLongPress === 0\n ? 0\n : this.props.delayLongPress || 500;\n },\n\n touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function(): number {\n return this.props.delayPressOut || 0;\n },\n\n render: function(): React.Element {\n // Note(avik): remove dynamic typecast once Flow has been upgraded\n // $FlowFixMe(>=0.41.0)\n const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children);\n let children = child.props.children;\n if (Touchable.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG && child.type === View) {\n children = React.Children.toArray(children);\n children.push(\n Touchable.renderDebugView({color: 'red', hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop}),\n );\n }\n\n const overrides = {};\n for (const prop of OVERRIDE_PROPS) {\n if (this.props[prop] !== undefined) {\n overrides[prop] = this.props[prop];\n }\n }\n\n return (React: any).cloneElement(child, {\n ...overrides,\n accessible: this.props.accessible !== false,\n focusable:\n this.props.focusable !== false && this.props.onPress !== undefined,\n onClick: this.touchableHandlePress,\n onStartShouldSetResponder: this.touchableHandleStartShouldSetResponder,\n onResponderTerminationRequest: this\n .touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest,\n onResponderGrant: this.touchableHandleResponderGrant,\n onResponderMove: this.touchableHandleResponderMove,\n onResponderRelease: this.touchableHandleResponderRelease,\n onResponderTerminate: this.touchableHandleResponderTerminate,\n children,\n });\n },\n}): any): React.ComponentType);\n\nmodule.exports = TouchableWithoutFeedback;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar React = require('react');\nvar factory = require('./factory');\n\nif (typeof React === 'undefined') {\n throw Error(\n 'create-react-class could not find the React object. If you are using script tags, ' +\n 'make sure that React is being loaded before create-react-class.'\n );\n}\n\n// Hack to grab NoopUpdateQueue from isomorphic React\nvar ReactNoopUpdateQueue = new React.Component().updater;\n\nmodule.exports = factory(\n React.Component,\n React.isValidElement,\n ReactNoopUpdateQueue\n);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar _assign = require('object-assign');\n\nvar emptyObject = require('fbjs/lib/emptyObject');\nvar _invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n}\n\nvar MIXINS_KEY = 'mixins';\n\n// Helper function to allow the creation of anonymous functions which do not\n// have .name set to the name of the variable being assigned to.\nfunction identity(fn) {\n return fn;\n}\n\nvar ReactPropTypeLocationNames;\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n ReactPropTypeLocationNames = {\n prop: 'prop',\n context: 'context',\n childContext: 'child context'\n };\n} else {\n ReactPropTypeLocationNames = {};\n}\n\nfunction factory(ReactComponent, isValidElement, ReactNoopUpdateQueue) {\n /**\n * Policies that describe methods in `ReactClassInterface`.\n */\n\n var injectedMixins = [];\n\n /**\n * Composite components are higher-level components that compose other composite\n * or host components.\n *\n * To create a new type of `ReactClass`, pass a specification of\n * your new class to `React.createClass`. The only requirement of your class\n * specification is that you implement a `render` method.\n *\n * var MyComponent = React.createClass({\n * render: function() {\n * return
Hello World
;\n * }\n * });\n *\n * The class specification supports a specific protocol of methods that have\n * special meaning (e.g. `render`). See `ReactClassInterface` for\n * more the comprehensive protocol. Any other properties and methods in the\n * class specification will be available on the prototype.\n *\n * @interface ReactClassInterface\n * @internal\n */\n var ReactClassInterface = {\n /**\n * An array of Mixin objects to include when defining your component.\n *\n * @type {array}\n * @optional\n */\n mixins: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * An object containing properties and methods that should be defined on\n * the component's constructor instead of its prototype (static methods).\n *\n * @type {object}\n * @optional\n */\n statics: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Definition of prop types for this component.\n *\n * @type {object}\n * @optional\n */\n propTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Definition of context types for this component.\n *\n * @type {object}\n * @optional\n */\n contextTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Definition of context types this component sets for its children.\n *\n * @type {object}\n * @optional\n */\n childContextTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n // ==== Definition methods ====\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the component is mounted. Values in the mapping will be set on\n * `this.props` if that prop is not specified (i.e. using an `in` check).\n *\n * This method is invoked before `getInitialState` and therefore cannot rely\n * on `this.state` or use `this.setState`.\n *\n * @return {object}\n * @optional\n */\n getDefaultProps: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',\n\n /**\n * Invoked once before the component is mounted. The return value will be used\n * as the initial value of `this.state`.\n *\n * getInitialState: function() {\n * return {\n * isOn: false,\n * fooBaz: new BazFoo()\n * }\n * }\n *\n * @return {object}\n * @optional\n */\n getInitialState: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',\n\n /**\n * @return {object}\n * @optional\n */\n getChildContext: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',\n\n /**\n * Uses props from `this.props` and state from `this.state` to render the\n * structure of the component.\n *\n * No guarantees are made about when or how often this method is invoked, so\n * it must not have side effects.\n *\n * render: function() {\n * var name =;\n * return
Hello, {name}!
;\n * }\n *\n * @return {ReactComponent}\n * @required\n */\n render: 'DEFINE_ONCE',\n\n // ==== Delegate methods ====\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the component is initially created and about to be mounted.\n * This may have side effects, but any external subscriptions or data created\n * by this method must be cleaned up in `componentWillUnmount`.\n *\n * @optional\n */\n componentWillMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the component has been mounted and has a DOM representation.\n * However, there is no guarantee that the DOM node is in the document.\n *\n * Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has\n * been mounted (initialized and rendered) for the first time.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} rootNode DOM element representing the component.\n * @optional\n */\n componentDidMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Invoked before the component receives new props.\n *\n * Use this as an opportunity to react to a prop transition by updating the\n * state using `this.setState`. Current props are accessed via `this.props`.\n *\n * componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps, nextContext) {\n * this.setState({\n * likesIncreasing: nextProps.likeCount > this.props.likeCount\n * });\n * }\n *\n * NOTE: There is no equivalent `componentWillReceiveState`. An incoming prop\n * transition may cause a state change, but the opposite is not true. If you\n * need it, you are probably looking for `componentWillUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {object} nextProps\n * @optional\n */\n componentWillReceiveProps: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Invoked while deciding if the component should be updated as a result of\n * receiving new props, state and/or context.\n *\n * Use this as an opportunity to `return false` when you're certain that the\n * transition to the new props/state/context will not require a component\n * update.\n *\n * shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) {\n * return !equal(nextProps, this.props) ||\n * !equal(nextState, this.state) ||\n * !equal(nextContext, this.context);\n * }\n *\n * @param {object} nextProps\n * @param {?object} nextState\n * @param {?object} nextContext\n * @return {boolean} True if the component should update.\n * @optional\n */\n shouldComponentUpdate: 'DEFINE_ONCE',\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the component is about to update due to a transition from\n * `this.props`, `this.state` and `this.context` to `nextProps`, `nextState`\n * and `nextContext`.\n *\n * Use this as an opportunity to perform preparation before an update occurs.\n *\n * NOTE: You **cannot** use `this.setState()` in this method.\n *\n * @param {object} nextProps\n * @param {?object} nextState\n * @param {?object} nextContext\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction\n * @optional\n */\n componentWillUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the component's DOM representation has been updated.\n *\n * Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has\n * been updated.\n *\n * @param {object} prevProps\n * @param {?object} prevState\n * @param {?object} prevContext\n * @param {DOMElement} rootNode DOM element representing the component.\n * @optional\n */\n componentDidUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Invoked when the component is about to be removed from its parent and have\n * its DOM representation destroyed.\n *\n * Use this as an opportunity to deallocate any external resources.\n *\n * NOTE: There is no `componentDidUnmount` since your component will have been\n * destroyed by that point.\n *\n * @optional\n */\n componentWillUnmount: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Replacement for (deprecated) `componentWillMount`.\n *\n * @optional\n */\n UNSAFE_componentWillMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Replacement for (deprecated) `componentWillReceiveProps`.\n *\n * @optional\n */\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n /**\n * Replacement for (deprecated) `componentWillUpdate`.\n *\n * @optional\n */\n UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',\n\n // ==== Advanced methods ====\n\n /**\n * Updates the component's currently mounted DOM representation.\n *\n * By default, this implements React's rendering and reconciliation algorithm.\n * Sophisticated clients may wish to override this.\n *\n * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction\n * @internal\n * @overridable\n */\n updateComponent: 'OVERRIDE_BASE'\n };\n\n /**\n * Similar to ReactClassInterface but for static methods.\n */\n var ReactClassStaticInterface = {\n /**\n * This method is invoked after a component is instantiated and when it\n * receives new props. Return an object to update state in response to\n * prop changes. Return null to indicate no change to state.\n *\n * If an object is returned, its keys will be merged into the existing state.\n *\n * @return {object || null}\n * @optional\n */\n getDerivedStateFromProps: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED'\n };\n\n /**\n * Mapping from class specification keys to special processing functions.\n *\n * Although these are declared like instance properties in the specification\n * when defining classes using `React.createClass`, they are actually static\n * and are accessible on the constructor instead of the prototype. Despite\n * being static, they must be defined outside of the \"statics\" key under\n * which all other static methods are defined.\n */\n var RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS = {\n displayName: function(Constructor, displayName) {\n Constructor.displayName = displayName;\n },\n mixins: function(Constructor, mixins) {\n if (mixins) {\n for (var i = 0; i < mixins.length; i++) {\n mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, mixins[i]);\n }\n }\n },\n childContextTypes: function(Constructor, childContextTypes) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateTypeDef(Constructor, childContextTypes, 'childContext');\n }\n Constructor.childContextTypes = _assign(\n {},\n Constructor.childContextTypes,\n childContextTypes\n );\n },\n contextTypes: function(Constructor, contextTypes) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateTypeDef(Constructor, contextTypes, 'context');\n }\n Constructor.contextTypes = _assign(\n {},\n Constructor.contextTypes,\n contextTypes\n );\n },\n /**\n * Special case getDefaultProps which should move into statics but requires\n * automatic merging.\n */\n getDefaultProps: function(Constructor, getDefaultProps) {\n if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {\n Constructor.getDefaultProps = createMergedResultFunction(\n Constructor.getDefaultProps,\n getDefaultProps\n );\n } else {\n Constructor.getDefaultProps = getDefaultProps;\n }\n },\n propTypes: function(Constructor, propTypes) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateTypeDef(Constructor, propTypes, 'prop');\n }\n Constructor.propTypes = _assign({}, Constructor.propTypes, propTypes);\n },\n statics: function(Constructor, statics) {\n mixStaticSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, statics);\n },\n autobind: function() {}\n };\n\n function validateTypeDef(Constructor, typeDef, location) {\n for (var propName in typeDef) {\n if (typeDef.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n // use a warning instead of an _invariant so components\n // don't show up in prod but only in __DEV__\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n typeof typeDef[propName] === 'function',\n '%s: %s type `%s` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from ' +\n 'React.PropTypes.',\n Constructor.displayName || 'ReactClass',\n ReactPropTypeLocationNames[location],\n propName\n );\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n function validateMethodOverride(isAlreadyDefined, name) {\n var specPolicy = ReactClassInterface.hasOwnProperty(name)\n ? ReactClassInterface[name]\n : null;\n\n // Disallow overriding of base class methods unless explicitly allowed.\n if (ReactClassMixin.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n _invariant(\n specPolicy === 'OVERRIDE_BASE',\n 'ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to override ' +\n '`%s` from your class specification. Ensure that your method names ' +\n 'do not overlap with React methods.',\n name\n );\n }\n\n // Disallow defining methods more than once unless explicitly allowed.\n if (isAlreadyDefined) {\n _invariant(\n specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY' || specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',\n 'ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to define ' +\n '`%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be due ' +\n 'to a mixin.',\n name\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Mixin helper which handles policy validation and reserved\n * specification keys when building React classes.\n */\n function mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, spec) {\n if (!spec) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var typeofSpec = typeof spec;\n var isMixinValid = typeofSpec === 'object' && spec !== null;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n isMixinValid,\n \"%s: You're attempting to include a mixin that is either null \" +\n 'or not an object. Check the mixins included by the component, ' +\n 'as well as any mixins they include themselves. ' +\n 'Expected object but got %s.',\n Constructor.displayName || 'ReactClass',\n spec === null ? null : typeofSpec\n );\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n _invariant(\n typeof spec !== 'function',\n \"ReactClass: You're attempting to \" +\n 'use a component class or function as a mixin. Instead, just use a ' +\n 'regular object.'\n );\n _invariant(\n !isValidElement(spec),\n \"ReactClass: You're attempting to \" +\n 'use a component as a mixin. Instead, just use a regular object.'\n );\n\n var proto = Constructor.prototype;\n var autoBindPairs = proto.__reactAutoBindPairs;\n\n // By handling mixins before any other properties, we ensure the same\n // chaining order is applied to methods with DEFINE_MANY policy, whether\n // mixins are listed before or after these methods in the spec.\n if (spec.hasOwnProperty(MIXINS_KEY)) {\n RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS.mixins(Constructor, spec.mixins);\n }\n\n for (var name in spec) {\n if (!spec.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (name === MIXINS_KEY) {\n // We have already handled mixins in a special case above.\n continue;\n }\n\n var property = spec[name];\n var isAlreadyDefined = proto.hasOwnProperty(name);\n validateMethodOverride(isAlreadyDefined, name);\n\n if (RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS[name](Constructor, property);\n } else {\n // Setup methods on prototype:\n // The following member methods should not be automatically bound:\n // 1. Expected ReactClass methods (in the \"interface\").\n // 2. Overridden methods (that were mixed in).\n var isReactClassMethod = ReactClassInterface.hasOwnProperty(name);\n var isFunction = typeof property === 'function';\n var shouldAutoBind =\n isFunction &&\n !isReactClassMethod &&\n !isAlreadyDefined &&\n spec.autobind !== false;\n\n if (shouldAutoBind) {\n autoBindPairs.push(name, property);\n proto[name] = property;\n } else {\n if (isAlreadyDefined) {\n var specPolicy = ReactClassInterface[name];\n\n // These cases should already be caught by validateMethodOverride.\n _invariant(\n isReactClassMethod &&\n (specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' ||\n specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY'),\n 'ReactClass: Unexpected spec policy %s for key %s ' +\n 'when mixing in component specs.',\n specPolicy,\n name\n );\n\n // For methods which are defined more than once, call the existing\n // methods before calling the new property, merging if appropriate.\n if (specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED') {\n proto[name] = createMergedResultFunction(proto[name], property);\n } else if (specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY') {\n proto[name] = createChainedFunction(proto[name], property);\n }\n } else {\n proto[name] = property;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // Add verbose displayName to the function, which helps when looking\n // at profiling tools.\n if (typeof property === 'function' && spec.displayName) {\n proto[name].displayName = spec.displayName + '_' + name;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n function mixStaticSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, statics) {\n if (!statics) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (var name in statics) {\n var property = statics[name];\n if (!statics.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var isReserved = name in RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS;\n _invariant(\n !isReserved,\n 'ReactClass: You are attempting to define a reserved ' +\n 'property, `%s`, that shouldn\\'t be on the \"statics\" key. Define it ' +\n 'as an instance property instead; it will still be accessible on the ' +\n 'constructor.',\n name\n );\n\n var isAlreadyDefined = name in Constructor;\n if (isAlreadyDefined) {\n var specPolicy = ReactClassStaticInterface.hasOwnProperty(name)\n ? ReactClassStaticInterface[name]\n : null;\n\n _invariant(\n specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',\n 'ReactClass: You are attempting to define ' +\n '`%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be ' +\n 'due to a mixin.',\n name\n );\n\n Constructor[name] = createMergedResultFunction(Constructor[name], property);\n\n return;\n }\n\n Constructor[name] = property;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Merge two objects, but throw if both contain the same key.\n *\n * @param {object} one The first object, which is mutated.\n * @param {object} two The second object\n * @return {object} one after it has been mutated to contain everything in two.\n */\n function mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(one, two) {\n _invariant(\n one && two && typeof one === 'object' && typeof two === 'object',\n 'mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Cannot merge non-objects.'\n );\n\n for (var key in two) {\n if (two.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n _invariant(\n one[key] === undefined,\n 'mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): ' +\n 'Tried to merge two objects with the same key: `%s`. This conflict ' +\n 'may be due to a mixin; in particular, this may be caused by two ' +\n 'getInitialState() or getDefaultProps() methods returning objects ' +\n 'with clashing keys.',\n key\n );\n one[key] = two[key];\n }\n }\n return one;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes two functions and merges their return values.\n *\n * @param {function} one Function to invoke first.\n * @param {function} two Function to invoke second.\n * @return {function} Function that invokes the two argument functions.\n * @private\n */\n function createMergedResultFunction(one, two) {\n return function mergedResult() {\n var a = one.apply(this, arguments);\n var b = two.apply(this, arguments);\n if (a == null) {\n return b;\n } else if (b == null) {\n return a;\n }\n var c = {};\n mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(c, a);\n mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(c, b);\n return c;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a function that invokes two functions and ignores their return vales.\n *\n * @param {function} one Function to invoke first.\n * @param {function} two Function to invoke second.\n * @return {function} Function that invokes the two argument functions.\n * @private\n */\n function createChainedFunction(one, two) {\n return function chainedFunction() {\n one.apply(this, arguments);\n two.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Binds a method to the component.\n *\n * @param {object} component Component whose method is going to be bound.\n * @param {function} method Method to be bound.\n * @return {function} The bound method.\n */\n function bindAutoBindMethod(component, method) {\n var boundMethod = method.bind(component);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n boundMethod.__reactBoundContext = component;\n boundMethod.__reactBoundMethod = method;\n boundMethod.__reactBoundArguments = null;\n var componentName = component.constructor.displayName;\n var _bind = boundMethod.bind;\n boundMethod.bind = function(newThis) {\n for (\n var _len = arguments.length,\n args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0),\n _key = 1;\n _key < _len;\n _key++\n ) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n // User is trying to bind() an autobound method; we effectively will\n // ignore the value of \"this\" that the user is trying to use, so\n // let's warn.\n if (newThis !== component && newThis !== null) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n false,\n 'bind(): React component methods may only be bound to the ' +\n 'component instance. See %s',\n componentName\n );\n }\n } else if (!args.length) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n false,\n 'bind(): You are binding a component method to the component. ' +\n 'React does this for you automatically in a high-performance ' +\n 'way, so you can safely remove this call. See %s',\n componentName\n );\n }\n return boundMethod;\n }\n var reboundMethod = _bind.apply(boundMethod, arguments);\n reboundMethod.__reactBoundContext = component;\n reboundMethod.__reactBoundMethod = method;\n reboundMethod.__reactBoundArguments = args;\n return reboundMethod;\n };\n }\n return boundMethod;\n }\n\n /**\n * Binds all auto-bound methods in a component.\n *\n * @param {object} component Component whose method is going to be bound.\n */\n function bindAutoBindMethods(component) {\n var pairs = component.__reactAutoBindPairs;\n for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i += 2) {\n var autoBindKey = pairs[i];\n var method = pairs[i + 1];\n component[autoBindKey] = bindAutoBindMethod(component, method);\n }\n }\n\n var IsMountedPreMixin = {\n componentDidMount: function() {\n this.__isMounted = true;\n }\n };\n\n var IsMountedPostMixin = {\n componentWillUnmount: function() {\n this.__isMounted = false;\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Add more to the ReactClass base class. These are all legacy features and\n * therefore not already part of the modern ReactComponent.\n */\n var ReactClassMixin = {\n /**\n * TODO: This will be deprecated because state should always keep a consistent\n * type signature and the only use case for this, is to avoid that.\n */\n replaceState: function(newState, callback) {\n this.updater.enqueueReplaceState(this, newState, callback);\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted.\n * @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise.\n * @protected\n * @final\n */\n isMounted: function() {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n this.__didWarnIsMounted,\n '%s: isMounted is deprecated. Instead, make sure to clean up ' +\n 'subscriptions and pending requests in componentWillUnmount to ' +\n 'prevent memory leaks.',\n (this.constructor && this.constructor.displayName) ||\n ||\n 'Component'\n );\n this.__didWarnIsMounted = true;\n }\n return !!this.__isMounted;\n }\n };\n\n var ReactClassComponent = function() {};\n _assign(\n ReactClassComponent.prototype,\n ReactComponent.prototype,\n ReactClassMixin\n );\n\n /**\n * Creates a composite component class given a class specification.\n * See\n *\n * @param {object} spec Class specification (which must define `render`).\n * @return {function} Component constructor function.\n * @public\n */\n function createClass(spec) {\n // To keep our warnings more understandable, we'll use a little hack here to\n // ensure that !== 'Constructor'. This makes sure we don't\n // unnecessarily identify a class without displayName as 'Constructor'.\n var Constructor = identity(function(props, context, updater) {\n // This constructor gets overridden by mocks. The argument is used\n // by mocks to assert on what gets mounted.\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n this instanceof Constructor,\n 'Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or ' +\n 'JSX instead. See:'\n );\n }\n\n // Wire up auto-binding\n if (this.__reactAutoBindPairs.length) {\n bindAutoBindMethods(this);\n }\n\n this.props = props;\n this.context = context;\n this.refs = emptyObject;\n this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n\n this.state = null;\n\n // ReactClasses doesn't have constructors. Instead, they use the\n // getInitialState and componentWillMount methods for initialization.\n\n var initialState = this.getInitialState ? this.getInitialState() : null;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // We allow auto-mocks to proceed as if they're returning null.\n if (\n initialState === undefined &&\n this.getInitialState._isMockFunction\n ) {\n // This is probably bad practice. Consider warning here and\n // deprecating this convenience.\n initialState = null;\n }\n }\n _invariant(\n typeof initialState === 'object' && !Array.isArray(initialState),\n '%s.getInitialState(): must return an object or null',\n Constructor.displayName || 'ReactCompositeComponent'\n );\n\n this.state = initialState;\n });\n Constructor.prototype = new ReactClassComponent();\n Constructor.prototype.constructor = Constructor;\n Constructor.prototype.__reactAutoBindPairs = [];\n\n injectedMixins.forEach(mixSpecIntoComponent.bind(null, Constructor));\n\n mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, IsMountedPreMixin);\n mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, spec);\n mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, IsMountedPostMixin);\n\n // Initialize the defaultProps property after all mixins have been merged.\n if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {\n Constructor.defaultProps = Constructor.getDefaultProps();\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n // This is a tag to indicate that the use of these method names is ok,\n // since it's used with createClass. If it's not, then it's likely a\n // mistake so we'll warn you to use the static property, property\n // initializer or constructor respectively.\n if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {\n Constructor.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved = {};\n }\n if (Constructor.prototype.getInitialState) {\n Constructor.prototype.getInitialState.isReactClassApproved = {};\n }\n }\n\n _invariant(\n Constructor.prototype.render,\n 'createClass(...): Class specification must implement a `render` method.'\n );\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warning(\n !Constructor.prototype.componentShouldUpdate,\n '%s has a method called ' +\n 'componentShouldUpdate(). Did you mean shouldComponentUpdate()? ' +\n 'The name is phrased as a question because the function is ' +\n 'expected to return a value.',\n spec.displayName || 'A component'\n );\n warning(\n !Constructor.prototype.componentWillRecieveProps,\n '%s has a method called ' +\n 'componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean componentWillReceiveProps()?',\n spec.displayName || 'A component'\n );\n warning(\n !Constructor.prototype.UNSAFE_componentWillRecieveProps,\n '%s has a method called UNSAFE_componentWillRecieveProps(). ' +\n 'Did you mean UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps()?',\n spec.displayName || 'A component'\n );\n }\n\n // Reduce time spent doing lookups by setting these on the prototype.\n for (var methodName in ReactClassInterface) {\n if (!Constructor.prototype[methodName]) {\n Constructor.prototype[methodName] = null;\n }\n }\n\n return Constructor;\n }\n\n return createClass;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = factory;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar emptyObject = {};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n Object.freeze(emptyObject);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = emptyObject;","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.\n *\n * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments\n * to provide information about what broke and what you were\n * expecting.\n *\n * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant\n * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.\n */\n\nvar validateFormat = function validateFormat(format) {};\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n validateFormat = function validateFormat(format) {\n if (format === undefined) {\n throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument');\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction invariant(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n validateFormat(format);\n\n if (!condition) {\n var error;\n if (format === undefined) {\n error = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');\n } else {\n var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f];\n var argIndex = 0;\n error = new Error(format.replace(/%s/g, function () {\n return args[argIndex++];\n }));\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n }\n\n error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame\n throw error;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = invariant;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst ensurePositiveDelayProps = function(props: any) {\n invariant(\n !(\n props.delayPressIn < 0 ||\n props.delayPressOut < 0 ||\n props.delayLongPress < 0\n ),\n 'Touchable components cannot have negative delay properties',\n );\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ensurePositiveDelayProps;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // This must be kept in sync with the AccessibilityRolesMask in RCTViewManager.m\n DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles: [\n 'none',\n 'button',\n 'link',\n 'search',\n 'image',\n 'keyboardkey',\n 'text',\n 'adjustable',\n 'imagebutton',\n 'header',\n 'summary',\n 'alert',\n 'checkbox',\n 'combobox',\n 'menu',\n 'menubar',\n 'menuitem',\n 'progressbar',\n 'radio',\n 'radiogroup',\n 'scrollbar',\n 'spinbutton',\n 'switch',\n 'tab',\n 'tablist',\n 'timer',\n 'toolbar',\n ],\n // This must be kept in sync with the AccessibilityStatesMask in RCTViewManager.m\n DeprecatedAccessibilityStates: [\n 'selected',\n 'disabled',\n 'checked',\n 'unchecked',\n 'busy',\n 'expanded',\n 'collapsed',\n 'hasPopup',\n ],\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\n/**\n * Common implementation for a simple stubbed view. Simply applies the view's styles to the inner\n * View component and renders its children.\n */\nclass UnimplementedView extends React.Component<$FlowFixMeProps> {\n render(): React.Node {\n // Workaround require cycle from requireNativeComponent\n const View = require('../View/View');\n return (\n \n {this.props.children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n unimplementedView: __DEV__\n ? {\n alignSelf: 'flex-start',\n borderColor: 'red',\n borderWidth: 1,\n }\n : {},\n});\n\nmodule.exports = UnimplementedView;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n *\n * This is a controlled component version of RCTDatePickerIOS\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst RCTDatePickerNativeComponent = require('./RCTDatePickerNativeComponent');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype Event = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n timestamp: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * The currently selected date.\n */\n date?: ?Date,\n\n /**\n * Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts selecting\n * a date. It is useful for simple use-cases where you do not want to deal\n * with listening to events and updating the date prop to keep the\n * controlled state in sync. The controlled state has known bugs which\n * causes it to go out of sync with native. The initialDate prop is intended\n * to allow you to have native be source of truth.\n */\n initialDate?: ?Date,\n\n /**\n * The date picker locale.\n */\n locale?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * Maximum date.\n *\n * Restricts the range of possible date/time values.\n */\n maximumDate?: ?Date,\n\n /**\n * Minimum date.\n *\n * Restricts the range of possible date/time values.\n */\n minimumDate?: ?Date,\n\n /**\n * The interval at which minutes can be selected.\n */\n minuteInterval?: ?(1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 20 | 30),\n\n /**\n * The date picker mode.\n */\n mode?: ?('date' | 'time' | 'datetime'),\n\n /**\n * Date change handler.\n *\n * This is called when the user changes the date or time in the UI.\n * The first and only argument is an Event. For getting the date the picker\n * was changed to, use onDateChange instead.\n */\n onChange?: ?(event: Event) => void,\n\n /**\n * Date change handler.\n *\n * This is called when the user changes the date or time in the UI.\n * The first and only argument is a Date object representing the new\n * date and time.\n */\n onDateChange: (date: Date) => void,\n\n /**\n * Timezone offset in minutes.\n *\n * By default, the date picker will use the device's timezone. With this\n * parameter, it is possible to force a certain timezone offset. For\n * instance, to show times in Pacific Standard Time, pass -7 * 60.\n */\n timeZoneOffsetInMinutes?: ?number,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Use `DatePickerIOS` to render a date/time picker (selector) on iOS. This is\n * a controlled component, so you must hook in to the `onDateChange` callback\n * and update the `date` prop in order for the component to update, otherwise\n * the user's change will be reverted immediately to reflect `` as the\n * source of truth.\n */\nclass DatePickerIOS extends React.Component {\n static DefaultProps: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n mode: $TEMPORARY$string<'datetime'>,\n |}> = {\n mode: 'datetime',\n };\n\n _picker: ?React.ElementRef = null;\n\n componentDidUpdate() {\n if ( {\n const propsTimeStamp =;\n if (this._picker) {\n this._picker.setNativeProps({\n date: propsTimeStamp,\n });\n }\n }\n }\n\n _onChange = (event: Event) => {\n const nativeTimeStamp = event.nativeEvent.timestamp;\n this.props.onDateChange &&\n this.props.onDateChange(new Date(nativeTimeStamp));\n this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event);\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const props = this.props;\n invariant(\n || props.initialDate,\n 'A selected date or initial date should be specified.',\n );\n return (\n \n {\n this._picker = picker;\n }}\n style={styles.datePickerIOS}\n date={\n\n ?\n : props.initialDate\n ? props.initialDate.getTime()\n : undefined\n }\n locale={\n props.locale != null && props.locale !== ''\n ? props.locale\n : undefined\n }\n maximumDate={\n props.maximumDate ? props.maximumDate.getTime() : undefined\n }\n minimumDate={\n props.minimumDate ? props.minimumDate.getTime() : undefined\n }\n mode={props.mode}\n minuteInterval={props.minuteInterval}\n timeZoneOffsetInMinutes={props.timeZoneOffsetInMinutes}\n onChange={this._onChange}\n onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true}\n onResponderTerminationRequest={() => false}\n />\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n datePickerIOS: {\n height: 216,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = DatePickerIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\n\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {NativeComponent} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative';\n\ntype Event = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n timestamp: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n date?: ?number,\n initialDate?: ?Date,\n locale?: ?string,\n maximumDate?: ?number,\n minimumDate?: ?number,\n minuteInterval?: ?(1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 20 | 30),\n mode?: ?('date' | 'time' | 'datetime'),\n onChange?: ?(event: Event) => void,\n timeZoneOffsetInMinutes?: ?number,\n|}>;\ntype RCTDatePickerNativeType = Class>;\n\nmodule.exports = ((requireNativeComponent(\n 'RCTDatePicker',\n): any): RCTDatePickerNativeType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst Image = require('./Image');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\n\n/**\n * Very simple drop-in replacement for which supports nesting views.\n *\n * ```ReactNativeWebPlayer\n * import React, { Component } from 'react';\n * import { AppRegistry, View, ImageBackground, Text } from 'react-native';\n *\n * class DisplayAnImageBackground extends Component {\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * React\n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * // App registration and rendering\n * AppRegistry.registerComponent('DisplayAnImageBackground', () => DisplayAnImageBackground);\n * ```\n */\nclass ImageBackground extends React.Component<$FlowFixMeProps> {\n setNativeProps(props: Object) {\n // Work-around flow\n const viewRef = this._viewRef;\n if (viewRef) {\n viewRef.setNativeProps(props);\n }\n }\n\n _viewRef: ?React.ElementRef = null;\n\n _captureRef = ref => {\n this._viewRef = ref;\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const {children, style, imageStyle, imageRef, ...props} = this.props;\n\n return (\n \n overwrites width and height styles\n // (which is not quite correct), and these styles conflict with explicitly set styles\n // of and with our internal layout model here.\n // So, we have to proxy/reapply these styles explicitly for actual component.\n // This workaround should be removed after implementing proper support of\n // intrinsic content size of the .\n width: style.width,\n height: style.height,\n },\n imageStyle,\n ]}\n ref={imageRef}\n />\n {children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ImageBackground;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\nimport RCTInputAccessoryViewNativeComponent from './RCTInputAccessoryViewNativeComponent';\n\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\n\n/**\n * Note: iOS only\n *\n * A component which enables customization of the keyboard input accessory view.\n * The input accessory view is displayed above the keyboard whenever a TextInput\n * has focus. This component can be used to create custom toolbars.\n *\n * To use this component wrap your custom toolbar with the\n * InputAccessoryView component, and set a nativeID. Then, pass that nativeID\n * as the inputAccessoryViewID of whatever TextInput you desire. A simple\n * example:\n *\n * ```ReactNativeWebPlayer\n * import React, { Component } from 'react';\n * import { AppRegistry, TextInput, InputAccessoryView, Button } from 'react-native';\n *\n * export default class UselessTextInput extends Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props);\n * this.state = {text: 'Placeholder Text'};\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * const inputAccessoryViewID = \"uniqueID\";\n * return (\n * \n * \n * this.setState({text})}\n * value={this.state.text}\n * />\n * \n * \n * this.setState({text: 'Placeholder Text'})}\n * title=\"Reset Text\"\n * />\n * \n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * // skip this line if using Create React Native App\n * AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => UselessTextInput);\n * ```\n *\n * This component can also be used to create sticky text inputs (text inputs\n * which are anchored to the top of the keyboard). To do this, wrap a\n * TextInput with the InputAccessoryView component, and don't set a nativeID.\n * For an example, look at InputAccessoryViewExample.js in RNTester.\n */\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n +children: React.Node,\n /**\n * An ID which is used to associate this `InputAccessoryView` to\n * specified TextInput(s).\n */\n nativeID?: ?string,\n style?: ?ViewStyleProp,\n backgroundColor?: ?DeprecatedColorPropType,\n|}>;\n\nclass InputAccessoryView extends React.Component {\n render(): React.Node {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'ios') {\n console.warn(' is only supported on iOS.');\n }\n\n if (React.Children.count(this.props.children) === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return (\n \n {this.props.children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n container: {\n position: 'absolute',\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = InputAccessoryView;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n backgroundColor?: ?ColorValue,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent(\n 'RCTInputAccessoryView',\n): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Keyboard = require('./Keyboard');\nconst LayoutAnimation = require('../../LayoutAnimation/LayoutAnimation');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type EmitterSubscription from '../../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription';\nimport type {\n ViewProps,\n ViewLayout,\n ViewLayoutEvent,\n} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {KeyboardEvent} from './Keyboard';\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * Specify how to react to the presence of the keyboard.\n */\n behavior?: ?('height' | 'position' | 'padding'),\n\n /**\n * Style of the content container when `behavior` is 'position'.\n */\n contentContainerStyle?: ?ViewStyleProp,\n\n /**\n * Controls whether this `KeyboardAvoidingView` instance should take effect.\n * This is useful when more than one is on the screen. Defaults to true.\n */\n enabled: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Distance between the top of the user screen and the React Native view. This\n * may be non-zero in some cases. Defaults to 0.\n */\n keyboardVerticalOffset: number,\n|}>;\n\ntype State = {|\n bottom: number,\n|};\n\n/**\n * View that moves out of the way when the keyboard appears by automatically\n * adjusting its height, position, or bottom padding.\n */\nclass KeyboardAvoidingView extends React.Component {\n static defaultProps: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n enabled: boolean,\n keyboardVerticalOffset: number,\n |}> = {\n enabled: true,\n keyboardVerticalOffset: 0,\n };\n\n _frame: ?ViewLayout = null;\n _subscriptions: Array = [];\n viewRef: {current: React.ElementRef | null};\n _initialFrameHeight: number = 0;\n\n constructor(props: Props) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {bottom: 0};\n this.viewRef = React.createRef();\n }\n\n _relativeKeyboardHeight(keyboardFrame): number {\n const frame = this._frame;\n if (!frame || !keyboardFrame) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n const keyboardY = keyboardFrame.screenY - this.props.keyboardVerticalOffset;\n\n // Calculate the displacement needed for the view such that it\n // no longer overlaps with the keyboard\n return Math.max(frame.y + frame.height - keyboardY, 0);\n }\n\n _onKeyboardChange = (event: ?KeyboardEvent) => {\n if (event == null) {\n this.setState({bottom: 0});\n return;\n }\n\n const {duration, easing, endCoordinates} = event;\n const height = this._relativeKeyboardHeight(endCoordinates);\n\n if (this.state.bottom === height) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (duration && easing) {\n LayoutAnimation.configureNext({\n // We have to pass the duration equal to minimal accepted duration defined here: RCTLayoutAnimation.m\n duration: duration > 10 ? duration : 10,\n update: {\n duration: duration > 10 ? duration : 10,\n type: LayoutAnimation.Types[easing] || 'keyboard',\n },\n });\n }\n this.setState({bottom: height});\n };\n\n _onLayout = (event: ViewLayoutEvent) => {\n this._frame = event.nativeEvent.layout;\n if (!this._initialFrameHeight) {\n // save the initial frame height, before the keyboard is visible\n this._initialFrameHeight = this._frame.height;\n }\n };\n\n componentDidMount(): void {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n this._subscriptions = [\n Keyboard.addListener('keyboardWillChangeFrame', this._onKeyboardChange),\n ];\n } else {\n this._subscriptions = [\n Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this._onKeyboardChange),\n Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._onKeyboardChange),\n ];\n }\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount(): void {\n this._subscriptions.forEach(subscription => {\n subscription.remove();\n });\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const {\n behavior,\n children,\n contentContainerStyle,\n enabled,\n keyboardVerticalOffset,\n style,\n ...props\n } = this.props;\n const bottomHeight = enabled ? this.state.bottom : 0;\n switch (behavior) {\n case 'height':\n let heightStyle;\n if (this._frame != null && this.state.bottom > 0) {\n // Note that we only apply a height change when there is keyboard present,\n // i.e. this.state.bottom is greater than 0. If we remove that condition,\n // this.frame.height will never go back to its original value.\n // When height changes, we need to disable flex.\n heightStyle = {\n height: this._initialFrameHeight - bottomHeight,\n flex: 0,\n };\n }\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n\n case 'position':\n return (\n \n \n {children}\n \n \n );\n\n case 'padding':\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n\n default:\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = KeyboardAvoidingView;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport RCTMaskedViewNativeComponent from './RCTMaskedViewNativeComponent';\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n children: React.Node,\n /**\n * Should be a React element to be rendered and applied as the\n * mask for the child element.\n */\n maskElement: React.Element,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Renders the child view with a mask specified in the `maskElement` prop.\n *\n * ```\n * import React from 'react';\n * import { MaskedViewIOS, Text, View } from 'react-native';\n *\n * class MyMaskedView extends React.Component {\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * \n * Basic Mask\n * \n * \n * }\n * >\n * \n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * The above example will render a view with a blue background that fills its\n * parent, and then mask that view with text that says \"Basic Mask\".\n *\n * The alpha channel of the view rendered by the `maskElement` prop determines how\n * much of the view's content and background shows through. Fully or partially\n * opaque pixels allow the underlying content to show through but fully\n * transparent pixels block that content.\n *\n */\nclass MaskedViewIOS extends React.Component {\n _hasWarnedInvalidRenderMask = false;\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const {maskElement, children, ...otherViewProps} = this.props;\n\n if (!React.isValidElement(maskElement)) {\n if (!this._hasWarnedInvalidRenderMask) {\n console.warn(\n 'MaskedView: Invalid `maskElement` prop was passed to MaskedView. ' +\n 'Expected a React Element. No mask will render.',\n );\n this._hasWarnedInvalidRenderMask = true;\n }\n return {children};\n }\n\n return (\n \n \n {maskElement}\n \n {children}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = MaskedViewIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent(\n 'RCTMaskedView',\n): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst AppContainer = require('../ReactNative/AppContainer');\nconst I18nManager = require('../ReactNative/I18nManager');\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\nimport NativeModalManager from './NativeModalManager';\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst ScrollView = require('../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../Components/View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {DirectEventHandler} from '../Types/CodegenTypes';\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type EmitterSubscription from '../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription';\nimport RCTModalHostView from './RCTModalHostViewNativeComponent';\n\nconst ModalEventEmitter =\n Platform.OS === 'ios' && NativeModalManager != null\n ? new NativeEventEmitter(NativeModalManager)\n : null;\n\n/**\n * The Modal component is a simple way to present content above an enclosing view.\n *\n * See\n */\n\n// In order to route onDismiss callbacks, we need to uniquely identifier each\n// on screen. There can be different ones, either nested or as siblings.\n// We cannot pass the onDismiss callback to native as the view will be\n// destroyed before the callback is fired.\nlet uniqueModalIdentifier = 0;\n\ntype OrientationChangeEvent = $ReadOnly<{|\n orientation: 'portrait' | 'landscape',\n|}>;\n\nexport type Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * The `animationType` prop controls how the modal animates.\n *\n * See\n */\n animationType?: ?('none' | 'slide' | 'fade'),\n\n /**\n * The `presentationStyle` prop controls how the modal appears.\n *\n * See\n */\n presentationStyle?: ?(\n | 'fullScreen'\n | 'pageSheet'\n | 'formSheet'\n | 'overFullScreen'\n ),\n\n /**\n * The `transparent` prop determines whether your modal will fill the\n * entire view.\n *\n * See\n */\n transparent?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * The `hardwareAccelerated` prop controls whether to force hardware\n * acceleration for the underlying window.\n *\n * See\n */\n hardwareAccelerated?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * The `visible` prop determines whether your modal is visible.\n *\n * See\n */\n visible?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * The `onRequestClose` callback is called when the user taps the hardware\n * back button on Android or the menu button on Apple TV.\n *\n * This is required on Apple TV and Android.\n *\n * See\n */\n onRequestClose?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * The `onShow` prop allows passing a function that will be called once the\n * modal has been shown.\n *\n * See\n */\n onShow?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * The `onDismiss` prop allows passing a function that will be called once\n * the modal has been dismissed.\n *\n * See\n */\n onDismiss?: ?() => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Deprecated. Use the `animationType` prop instead.\n */\n animated?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * The `supportedOrientations` prop allows the modal to be rotated to any of the specified orientations.\n *\n * See\n */\n supportedOrientations?: ?$ReadOnlyArray<\n | 'portrait'\n | 'portrait-upside-down'\n | 'landscape'\n | 'landscape-left'\n | 'landscape-right',\n >,\n\n /**\n * The `onOrientationChange` callback is called when the orientation changes while the modal is being displayed.\n *\n * See\n */\n onOrientationChange?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n|}>;\n\nclass Modal extends React.Component {\n static defaultProps: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n hardwareAccelerated: boolean,\n visible: boolean,\n |}> = {\n visible: true,\n hardwareAccelerated: false,\n };\n\n static contextTypes:\n | any\n | $TEMPORARY$object<{|rootTag: React$PropType$Primitive|}> = {\n rootTag: PropTypes.number,\n };\n\n _identifier: number;\n _eventSubscription: ?EmitterSubscription;\n\n constructor(props: Props) {\n super(props);\n Modal._confirmProps(props);\n this._identifier = uniqueModalIdentifier++;\n }\n\n static childContextTypes:\n | any\n | $TEMPORARY$object<{|virtualizedList: React$PropType$Primitive|}> = {\n virtualizedList: PropTypes.object,\n };\n\n getChildContext(): $TEMPORARY$object<{|virtualizedList: null|}> {\n // Reset the context so VirtualizedList doesn't get confused by nesting\n // in the React tree that doesn't reflect the native component hierarchy.\n return {\n virtualizedList: null,\n };\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n if (ModalEventEmitter) {\n this._eventSubscription = ModalEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'modalDismissed',\n event => {\n if (event.modalID === this._identifier && this.props.onDismiss) {\n this.props.onDismiss();\n }\n },\n );\n }\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this._eventSubscription) {\n this._eventSubscription.remove();\n }\n }\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) {\n Modal._confirmProps(nextProps);\n }\n\n static _confirmProps(props: Props) {\n if (\n props.presentationStyle &&\n props.presentationStyle !== 'overFullScreen' &&\n props.transparent\n ) {\n console.warn(\n `Modal with '${\n props.presentationStyle\n }' presentation style and 'transparent' value is not supported.`,\n );\n }\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n if (this.props.visible !== true) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const containerStyles = {\n backgroundColor: this.props.transparent ? 'transparent' : 'white',\n };\n\n let animationType = this.props.animationType;\n if (!animationType) {\n // manually setting default prop here to keep support for the deprecated 'animated' prop\n animationType = 'none';\n if (this.props.animated) {\n animationType = 'slide';\n }\n }\n\n let presentationStyle = this.props.presentationStyle;\n if (!presentationStyle) {\n presentationStyle = 'fullScreen';\n if (this.props.transparent) {\n presentationStyle = 'overFullScreen';\n }\n }\n\n const innerChildren = __DEV__ ? (\n \n {this.props.children}\n \n ) : (\n this.props.children\n );\n\n return (\n \n \n \n {innerChildren}\n \n \n \n );\n }\n\n // We don't want any responder events bubbling out of the modal.\n _shouldSetResponder(): boolean {\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nconst side = I18nManager.getConstants().isRTL ? 'right' : 'left';\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n modal: {\n position: 'absolute',\n },\n container: {\n [side]: 0,\n top: 0,\n flex: 1,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = Modal;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n // RCTEventEmitter\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('ModalManager'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport type {\n WithDefault,\n BubblingEventHandler,\n DirectEventHandler,\n Int32,\n} from '../Types/CodegenTypes';\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../Components/View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype OrientationChangeEvent = $ReadOnly<{|\n orientation: 'portrait' | 'landscape',\n|}>;\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * The `animationType` prop controls how the modal animates.\n *\n * See\n */\n animationType?: WithDefault<'none' | 'slide' | 'fade', 'none'>,\n\n /**\n * The `presentationStyle` prop controls how the modal appears.\n *\n * See\n */\n presentationStyle?: WithDefault<\n 'fullScreen' | 'pageSheet' | 'formSheet' | 'overFullScreen',\n 'fullScreen',\n >,\n\n /**\n * The `transparent` prop determines whether your modal will fill the\n * entire view.\n *\n * See\n */\n transparent?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * The `hardwareAccelerated` prop controls whether to force hardware\n * acceleration for the underlying window.\n *\n * See\n */\n hardwareAccelerated?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * The `onRequestClose` callback is called when the user taps the hardware\n * back button on Android or the menu button on Apple TV.\n *\n * This is required on Apple TV and Android.\n *\n * See\n */\n onRequestClose?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * The `onShow` prop allows passing a function that will be called once the\n * modal has been shown.\n *\n * See\n */\n onShow?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * The `onDismiss` prop allows passing a function that will be called once\n * the modal has been dismissed.\n *\n * See\n */\n onDismiss?: ?BubblingEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * Deprecated. Use the `animationType` prop instead.\n */\n animated?: WithDefault,\n\n /**\n * The `supportedOrientations` prop allows the modal to be rotated to any of the specified orientations.\n *\n * See\n */\n supportedOrientations?: WithDefault<\n $ReadOnlyArray<\n | 'portrait'\n | 'portrait-upside-down'\n | 'landscape'\n | 'landscape-left'\n | 'landscape-right',\n >,\n 'portrait',\n >,\n\n /**\n * The `onOrientationChange` callback is called when the orientation changes while the modal is being displayed.\n *\n * See\n */\n onOrientationChange?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n\n /**\n * The `identifier` is the unique number for identifying Modal components.\n */\n identifier?: WithDefault,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent('ModalHostView', {\n interfaceOnly: true,\n paperComponentName: 'RCTModalHostView',\n}): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EmitterSubscription = require('../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst RootTagContext = require('./RootTagContext');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\n\ntype Context = {\n rootTag: number,\n};\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n children?: React.Node,\n rootTag: number,\n WrapperComponent?: ?React.ComponentType,\n|}>;\n\ntype State = {|\n inspector: ?React.Node,\n mainKey: number,\n|};\n\nclass AppContainer extends React.Component {\n state: State = {\n inspector: null,\n mainKey: 1,\n };\n _mainRef: ?React.ElementRef;\n _subscription: ?EmitterSubscription = null;\n\n static childContextTypes:\n | any\n | $TEMPORARY$object<{|rootTag: React$PropType$Primitive|}> = {\n rootTag: PropTypes.number,\n };\n\n getChildContext(): Context {\n return {\n rootTag: this.props.rootTag,\n };\n }\n\n componentDidMount(): void {\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (!global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n this._subscription = RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'toggleElementInspector',\n () => {\n const Inspector = require('../Inspector/Inspector');\n const inspector = this.state.inspector ? null : (\n {\n this.setState(\n s => ({mainKey: s.mainKey + 1}),\n () =>\n updateInspectedViewTag(\n ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._mainRef),\n ),\n );\n }}\n />\n );\n this.setState({inspector});\n },\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount(): void {\n if (this._subscription != null) {\n this._subscription.remove();\n }\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n let yellowBox = null;\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (!global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n const YellowBox = require('../YellowBox/YellowBox');\n yellowBox = ;\n }\n }\n\n let innerView = (\n {\n this._mainRef = ref;\n }}>\n {this.props.children}\n \n );\n\n const Wrapper = this.props.WrapperComponent;\n if (Wrapper != null) {\n innerView = {innerView};\n }\n return (\n \n \n {innerView}\n {yellowBox}\n {this.state.inspector}\n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n appContainer: {\n flex: 1,\n },\n});\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n if (!global.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {\n const YellowBox = require('../YellowBox/YellowBox');\n YellowBox.install();\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AppContainer;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\n\nmodule.exports = (React.createContext(0): React$Context);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeI18nManager from './NativeI18nManager';\n\nconst i18nConstants: {|\n doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL: boolean,\n isRTL: boolean,\n|} = NativeI18nManager\n ? NativeI18nManager.getConstants()\n : {\n isRTL: false,\n doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL: true,\n };\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getConstants: (): {|doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL: boolean, isRTL: boolean|} => {\n return i18nConstants;\n },\n\n allowRTL: (shouldAllow: boolean) => {\n if (!NativeI18nManager) {\n return;\n }\n\n NativeI18nManager.allowRTL(shouldAllow);\n },\n\n forceRTL: (shouldForce: boolean) => {\n if (!NativeI18nManager) {\n return;\n }\n\n NativeI18nManager.forceRTL(shouldForce);\n },\n\n swapLeftAndRightInRTL: (flipStyles: boolean) => {\n if (!NativeI18nManager) {\n return;\n }\n\n NativeI18nManager.swapLeftAndRightInRTL(flipStyles);\n },\n\n isRTL: i18nConstants.isRTL,\n doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL: i18nConstants.doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n isRTL: boolean,\n doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL: boolean,\n |};\n allowRTL: (allowRTL: boolean) => void;\n forceRTL: (forceRTL: boolean) => void;\n swapLeftAndRightInRTL: (flipStyles: boolean) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('I18nManager'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst PickerAndroid = require('./PickerAndroid');\nconst PickerIOS = require('./PickerIOS');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst UnimplementedView = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');\n\nimport type {TextStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\n\nconst MODE_DIALOG = 'dialog';\nconst MODE_DROPDOWN = 'dropdown';\n\ntype PickerItemProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Text to display for this item.\n */\n label: string,\n\n /**\n * The value to be passed to picker's `onValueChange` callback when\n * this item is selected. Can be a string or an integer.\n */\n value?: ?(number | string),\n\n /**\n * Color of this item's text.\n * @platform android\n */\n color?: ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * Used to locate the item in end-to-end tests.\n */\n testID?: string,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Individual selectable item in a Picker.\n */\nclass PickerItem extends React.Component {\n render() {\n // The items are not rendered directly\n throw null;\n }\n}\n\ntype PickerProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n children?: React.Node,\n style?: ?TextStyleProp,\n\n /**\n * Value matching value of one of the items. Can be a string or an integer.\n */\n selectedValue?: ?(number | string),\n\n /**\n * Callback for when an item is selected. This is called with the following parameters:\n * - `itemValue`: the `value` prop of the item that was selected\n * - `itemIndex`: the index of the selected item in this picker\n */\n onValueChange?: ?(itemValue: string | number, itemIndex: number) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * If set to false, the picker will be disabled, i.e. the user will not be able to make a\n * selection.\n * @platform android\n */\n enabled?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * On Android, specifies how to display the selection items when the user taps on the picker:\n *\n * - 'dialog': Show a modal dialog. This is the default.\n * - 'dropdown': Shows a dropdown anchored to the picker view\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n mode?: ?('dialog' | 'dropdown'),\n\n /**\n * Style to apply to each of the item labels.\n * @platform ios\n */\n itemStyle?: ?TextStyleProp,\n\n /**\n * Prompt string for this picker, used on Android in dialog mode as the title of the dialog.\n * @platform android\n */\n prompt?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.\n */\n testID?: ?string,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Renders the native picker component on iOS and Android. Example:\n *\n * this.setState({language: itemValue})}>\n * \n * \n * \n */\nclass Picker extends React.Component {\n /**\n * On Android, display the options in a dialog.\n */\n static MODE_DIALOG: $TEMPORARY$string<'dialog'> = MODE_DIALOG;\n\n /**\n * On Android, display the options in a dropdown (this is the default).\n */\n static MODE_DROPDOWN: $TEMPORARY$string<'dropdown'> = MODE_DROPDOWN;\n\n static Item: typeof PickerItem = PickerItem;\n\n static defaultProps: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n mode: $TEMPORARY$string<'dialog'>,\n |}> = {\n mode: MODE_DIALOG,\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.81.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This suppression was\n * added when renaming suppression sites. */\n return {this.props.children};\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n return (\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.81.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This suppression\n * was added when renaming suppression sites. */\n {this.props.children}\n );\n } else {\n return ;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Picker;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n *\n * This is a controlled component version of RCTPickerIOS\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst RCTPickerNativeComponent = require('./RCTPickerNativeComponent');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nconst processColor = require('../../StyleSheet/processColor');\n\nimport type {TextStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype PickerIOSChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n newValue: number | string,\n newIndex: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype RCTPickerIOSItemType = $ReadOnly<{|\n label: ?Label,\n value: ?(number | string),\n textColor: ?number,\n|}>;\n\ntype RCTPickerIOSType = Class<\n ReactNative.NativeComponent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n items: $ReadOnlyArray,\n onChange: (event: PickerIOSChangeEvent) => void,\n onResponderTerminationRequest: () => boolean,\n onStartShouldSetResponder: () => boolean,\n selectedIndex: number,\n style?: ?TextStyleProp,\n testID?: ?string,\n |}>,\n >,\n>;\n\ntype Label = Stringish | number;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n children: React.ChildrenArray>,\n itemStyle?: ?TextStyleProp,\n onChange?: ?(event: PickerIOSChangeEvent) => mixed,\n onValueChange?: ?(itemValue: string | number, itemIndex: number) => mixed,\n selectedValue: ?(number | string),\n|}>;\n\ntype State = {|\n selectedIndex: number,\n items: $ReadOnlyArray,\n|};\n\ntype ItemProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n label: ?Label,\n value?: ?(number | string),\n color?: ?ColorValue,\n|}>;\n\nconst PickerIOSItem = (props: ItemProps): null => {\n return null;\n};\n\nclass PickerIOS extends React.Component {\n _picker: ?React.ElementRef = null;\n\n state: State = {\n selectedIndex: 0,\n items: [],\n };\n\n static Item: (props: ItemProps) => null = PickerIOSItem;\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Props): State {\n let selectedIndex = 0;\n const items = [];\n React.Children.toArray(props.children)\n .filter(child => child !== null)\n .forEach(function(child, index) {\n if (child.props.value === props.selectedValue) {\n selectedIndex = index;\n }\n items.push({\n value: child.props.value,\n label: child.props.label,\n textColor: processColor(child.props.color),\n });\n });\n return {selectedIndex, items};\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n return (\n \n {\n this._picker = picker;\n }}\n testID={this.props.testID}\n style={[styles.pickerIOS, this.props.itemStyle]}\n items={this.state.items}\n selectedIndex={this.state.selectedIndex}\n onChange={this._onChange}\n onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true}\n onResponderTerminationRequest={() => false}\n />\n \n );\n }\n\n _onChange = event => {\n if (this.props.onChange) {\n this.props.onChange(event);\n }\n if (this.props.onValueChange) {\n this.props.onValueChange(\n event.nativeEvent.newValue,\n event.nativeEvent.newIndex,\n );\n }\n\n // The picker is a controlled component. This means we expect the\n // on*Change handlers to be in charge of updating our\n // `selectedValue` prop. That way they can also\n // disallow/undo/mutate the selection of certain values. In other\n // words, the embedder of this component should be the source of\n // truth, not the native component.\n if (\n this._picker &&\n this.state.selectedIndex !== event.nativeEvent.newIndex\n ) {\n this._picker.setNativeProps({\n selectedIndex: this.state.selectedIndex,\n });\n }\n };\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n pickerIOS: {\n // The picker will conform to whatever width is given, but we do\n // have to set the component's height explicitly on the\n // surrounding view to ensure it gets rendered.\n height: 216,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = PickerIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\n\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {TextStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {NativeComponent} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative';\n\ntype PickerIOSChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n newValue: number | string,\n newIndex: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype RCTPickerIOSItemType = $ReadOnly<{|\n label: ?Label,\n value: ?(number | string),\n textColor: ?number,\n|}>;\n\ntype Label = Stringish | number;\n\ntype RCTPickerIOSType = Class<\n NativeComponent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n items: $ReadOnlyArray,\n onChange: (event: PickerIOSChangeEvent) => void,\n onResponderTerminationRequest: () => boolean,\n onStartShouldSetResponder: () => boolean,\n selectedIndex: number,\n style?: ?TextStyleProp,\n testID?: ?string,\n |}>,\n >,\n>;\n\nmodule.exports = ((requireNativeComponent('RCTPicker'): any): RCTPickerIOSType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\nimport RCTProgressViewNativeComponent from './RCTProgressViewNativeComponent';\nimport type {ImageSource} from '../../Image/ImageSource';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * The progress bar style.\n */\n progressViewStyle?: ?('default' | 'bar'),\n\n /**\n * The progress value (between 0 and 1).\n */\n progress?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * The tint color of the progress bar itself.\n */\n progressTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * The tint color of the progress bar track.\n */\n trackTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * A stretchable image to display as the progress bar.\n */\n progressImage?: ?ImageSource,\n\n /**\n * A stretchable image to display behind the progress bar.\n */\n trackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Use `ProgressViewIOS` to render a UIProgressView on iOS.\n */\nconst ProgressViewIOS = (\n props: Props,\n forwardedRef?: ?React.Ref,\n) => (\n \n);\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n progressView: {\n height: 2,\n },\n});\n\nconst ProgressViewIOSWithRef = React.forwardRef(ProgressViewIOS);\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nmodule.exports = (ProgressViewIOSWithRef: typeof RCTProgressViewNativeComponent);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {Float, WithDefault} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\nimport type {ImageSource} from '../../Image/ImageSource';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n // Props\n progressViewStyle?: WithDefault<'default' | 'bar', 'default'>,\n progress?: WithDefault,\n progressTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n trackTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n progressImage?: ?ImageSource,\n trackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent(\n 'RCTProgressView',\n): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nimport type {NativeComponent} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n emulateUnlessSupported?: boolean,\n|}>;\n\nlet exported: Class> | Class>;\n\n/**\n * Renders nested content and automatically applies paddings reflect the portion\n * of the view that is not covered by navigation bars, tab bars, toolbars, and\n * other ancestor views.\n *\n * Moreover, and most importantly, Safe Area's paddings reflect physical\n * limitation of the screen, such as rounded corners or camera notches (aka\n * sensor housing area on iPhone X).\n */\nif (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n const SafeAreaView = (\n props: Props,\n forwardedRef?: ?React.Ref,\n ) => {\n const {emulateUnlessSupported, ...localProps} = props;\n return ;\n };\n\n const SafeAreaViewRef = React.forwardRef(SafeAreaView);\n SafeAreaViewRef.displayName = 'SafeAreaView';\n exported = ((SafeAreaViewRef: any): Class>);\n} else {\n const RCTSafeAreaViewNativeComponent = require('./RCTSafeAreaViewNativeComponent')\n .default;\n\n const SafeAreaView = (\n props: Props,\n forwardedRef?: ?React.Ref,\n ) => {\n return (\n \n );\n };\n\n const SafeAreaViewRef = React.forwardRef(SafeAreaView);\n SafeAreaViewRef.displayName = 'SafeAreaView';\n exported = ((SafeAreaViewRef: any): Class>);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = exported;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {WithDefault} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n // Props\n emulateUnlessSupported?: WithDefault,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent(\n 'RCTSafeAreaView',\n): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport StyleSheet from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {OnChangeEvent} from './RCTSegmentedControlNativeComponent';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport RCTSegmentedControlNativeComponent from './RCTSegmentedControlNativeComponent';\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from 'react-native/Libraries/Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\ntype SegmentedControlIOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n /**\n * The labels for the control's segment buttons, in order.\n */\n values?: $ReadOnlyArray,\n /**\n * The index in `props.values` of the segment to be (pre)selected.\n */\n selectedIndex?: ?number,\n /**\n * If false the user won't be able to interact with the control.\n */\n enabled?: boolean,\n /**\n * Accent color of the control.\n */\n tintColor?: ?string,\n /**\n * If true, then selecting a segment won't persist visually.\n * The `onValueChange` callback will still work as expected.\n */\n momentary?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the user taps a segment\n */\n onChange?: ?(event: SyntheticEvent) => void,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the user taps a segment;\n * passes the segment's value as an argument\n */\n onValueChange?: ?(value: number) => mixed,\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...SegmentedControlIOSProps,\n forwardedRef: ?React.Ref,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Use `SegmentedControlIOS` to render a UISegmentedControl iOS.\n *\n * #### Programmatically changing selected index\n *\n * The selected index can be changed on the fly by assigning the\n * selectedIndex prop to a state variable, then changing that variable.\n * Note that the state variable would need to be updated as the user\n * selects a value and changes the index, as shown in the example below.\n *\n * ````\n * {\n * this.setState({selectedIndex: event.nativeEvent.selectedSegmentIndex});\n * }}\n * />\n * ````\n */\n\nclass SegmentedControlIOS extends React.Component {\n static defaultProps = {\n values: [],\n enabled: true,\n };\n\n _onChange = (event: SyntheticEvent) => {\n this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event);\n this.props.onValueChange &&\n this.props.onValueChange(event.nativeEvent.value);\n };\n\n render() {\n const {forwardedRef, onValueChange, style, ...props} = this.props;\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n segmentedControl: {\n height: 28,\n },\n});\n\nconst SegmentedControlIOSWithRef = React.forwardRef(\n (\n props: SegmentedControlIOSProps,\n forwardedRef: ?React.Ref,\n ) => {\n return ;\n },\n);\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\nmodule.exports = (SegmentedControlIOSWithRef: NativeSegmentedControlIOS);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {\n BubblingEventHandler,\n WithDefault,\n Int32,\n} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\n\nexport type OnChangeEvent = $ReadOnly<{|\n value: Int32,\n selectedSegmentIndex: Int32,\n|}>;\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n // Props\n values?: $ReadOnlyArray,\n selectedIndex?: WithDefault,\n enabled?: WithDefault,\n tintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n momentary?: WithDefault,\n\n // Events\n onChange?: ?BubblingEventHandler,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent(\n 'RCTSegmentedControl',\n): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nimport SliderNativeComponent from './SliderNativeComponent';\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\nimport type {ImageSource} from '../../Image/ImageSource';\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\ntype Event = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n value: number,\n /**\n * Android Only.\n */\n fromUser?: boolean,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Assigns a single image for the track. Only static images are supported.\n * The center pixel of the image will be stretched to fill the track.\n */\n trackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n\n /**\n * Assigns a minimum track image. Only static images are supported. The\n * rightmost pixel of the image will be stretched to fill the track.\n */\n minimumTrackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n\n /**\n * Assigns a maximum track image. Only static images are supported. The\n * leftmost pixel of the image will be stretched to fill the track.\n */\n maximumTrackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n\n /**\n * Sets an image for the thumb. Only static images are supported.\n */\n thumbImage?: ?ImageSource,\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n ...IOSProps,\n\n /**\n * Used to style and layout the `Slider`. See `StyleSheet.js` and\n * `DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes.js` for more info.\n */\n style?: ?ViewStyleProp,\n\n /**\n * Initial value of the slider. The value should be between minimumValue\n * and maximumValue, which default to 0 and 1 respectively.\n * Default value is 0.\n *\n * *This is not a controlled component*, you don't need to update the\n * value during dragging.\n */\n value?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * Step value of the slider. The value should be\n * between 0 and (maximumValue - minimumValue).\n * Default value is 0.\n */\n step?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * Initial minimum value of the slider. Default value is 0.\n */\n minimumValue?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * Initial maximum value of the slider. Default value is 1.\n */\n maximumValue?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * The color used for the track to the left of the button.\n * Overrides the default blue gradient image on iOS.\n */\n minimumTrackTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * The color used for the track to the right of the button.\n * Overrides the default blue gradient image on iOS.\n */\n maximumTrackTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n /**\n * The color used to tint the default thumb images on iOS, or the\n * color of the foreground switch grip on Android.\n */\n thumbTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * If true the user won't be able to move the slider.\n * Default value is false.\n */\n disabled?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Callback continuously called while the user is dragging the slider.\n */\n onValueChange?: ?(value: number) => void,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the user releases the slider,\n * regardless if the value has changed. The current value is passed\n * as an argument to the callback handler.\n */\n onSlidingComplete?: ?(value: number) => void,\n\n /**\n * Used to locate this view in UI automation tests.\n */\n testID?: ?string,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * A component used to select a single value from a range of values.\n *\n * ### Usage\n *\n * The example below shows how to use `Slider` to change\n * a value used by `Text`. The value is stored using\n * the state of the root component (`App`). The same component\n * subscribes to the `onValueChange` of `Slider` and changes\n * the value using `setState`.\n *\n *```\n * import React from 'react';\n * import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Slider } from 'react-native';\n *\n * export default class App extends React.Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props);\n * this.state = {\n * value: 50\n * }\n * }\n *\n * change(value) {\n * this.setState(() => {\n * return {\n * value: parseFloat(value)\n * };\n * });\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * const {value} = this.state;\n * return (\n * \n * {String(value)}\n * \n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * container: {\n * flex: 1,\n * flexDirection: 'column',\n * justifyContent: 'center'\n * },\n * text: {\n * fontSize: 50,\n * textAlign: 'center'\n * }\n * });\n *```\n *\n */\nconst Slider = (\n props: Props,\n forwardedRef?: ?React.Ref,\n) => {\n const style = StyleSheet.compose(\n styles.slider,\n,\n );\n\n const {onValueChange, onSlidingComplete, ...localProps} = props;\n\n const onValueChangeEvent = onValueChange\n ? (event: Event) => {\n let userEvent = true;\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n // On Android there's a special flag telling us the user is\n // dragging the slider.\n userEvent =\n event.nativeEvent.fromUser != null && event.nativeEvent.fromUser;\n }\n userEvent && onValueChange(event.nativeEvent.value);\n }\n : null;\n\n const onChangeEvent = onValueChangeEvent;\n const onSlidingCompleteEvent = onSlidingComplete\n ? (event: Event) => {\n onSlidingComplete(event.nativeEvent.value);\n }\n : null;\n\n return (\n true}\n onResponderTerminationRequest={() => false}\n />\n );\n};\n\nconst SliderWithRef = React.forwardRef(Slider);\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\nSliderWithRef.defaultProps = {\n disabled: false,\n value: 0,\n minimumValue: 0,\n maximumValue: 1,\n step: 0,\n};\n\nlet styles;\nif (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n styles = StyleSheet.create({\n slider: {\n height: 40,\n },\n });\n} else {\n styles = StyleSheet.create({\n slider: {},\n });\n}\n\n/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an error\n * found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this comment\n * and run Flow. */\nmodule.exports = (SliderWithRef: Class>);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {\n Float,\n BubblingEventHandler,\n DirectEventHandler,\n WithDefault,\n} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ImageSource} from '../../Image/ImageSource';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype Event = $ReadOnly<{|\n value: Float,\n fromUser?: boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n // Props\n disabled?: WithDefault,\n enabled?: WithDefault,\n maximumTrackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n maximumTrackTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n maximumValue?: WithDefault,\n minimumTrackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n minimumTrackTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n minimumValue?: WithDefault,\n step?: WithDefault,\n testID?: WithDefault,\n thumbImage?: ?ImageSource,\n thumbTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n trackImage?: ?ImageSource,\n value?: WithDefault,\n\n // Events\n onChange?: ?BubblingEventHandler,\n onValueChange?: ?BubblingEventHandler,\n onSlidingComplete?: ?DirectEventHandler,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent('Slider', {\n interfaceOnly: true,\n paperComponentName: 'RCTSlider',\n}): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst AndroidSwitchNativeComponent = require('./AndroidSwitchNativeComponent');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\n\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport SwitchNativeComponent from './SwitchNativeComponent';\n\ntype SwitchChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n value: boolean,\n |}>,\n>;\n\nexport type Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n /**\n * Whether the switch is disabled. Defaults to false.\n */\n disabled?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Boolean value of the switch. Defaults to false.\n */\n value?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Custom color for the switch thumb.\n */\n thumbColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * Custom colors for the switch track.\n *\n * NOTE: On iOS when the switch value is false, the track shrinks into the\n * border. If you want to change the color of the background exposed by the\n * shrunken track, use `ios_backgroundColor`.\n */\n trackColor?: ?$ReadOnly<{|\n false?: ?ColorValue,\n true?: ?ColorValue,\n |}>,\n\n /**\n * On iOS, custom color for the background. This background color can be seen\n * either when the switch value is false or when the switch is disabled (and\n * the switch is translucent).\n */\n ios_backgroundColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * Called when the user tries to change the value of the switch.\n *\n * Receives the change event as an argument. If you want to only receive the\n * new value, use `onValueChange` instead.\n */\n onChange?: ?(event: SwitchChangeEvent) => Promise | void,\n\n /**\n * Called when the user tries to change the value of the switch.\n *\n * Receives the new value as an argument. If you want to instead receive an\n * event, use `onChange`.\n */\n onValueChange?: ?(value: boolean) => Promise | void,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * A visual toggle between two mutually exclusive states.\n *\n * This is a controlled component that requires an `onValueChange` callback that\n * updates the `value` prop in order for the component to reflect user actions.\n * If the `value` prop is not updated, the component will continue to render the\n * supplied `value` prop instead of the expected result of any user actions.\n */\nclass Switch extends React.Component {\n _nativeSwitchRef: ?React.ElementRef<\n typeof SwitchNativeComponent | typeof AndroidSwitchNativeComponent,\n >;\n\n render(): React.Node {\n const {\n disabled,\n ios_backgroundColor,\n onChange,\n onValueChange,\n style,\n thumbColor,\n trackColor,\n value,\n ...props\n } = this.props;\n\n // Support deprecated color props.\n let _thumbColor = thumbColor;\n let _trackColorForFalse = trackColor?.false;\n let _trackColorForTrue = trackColor?.true;\n\n // TODO: Remove support for these props after a couple releases.\n const {thumbTintColor, tintColor, onTintColor} = (props: $FlowFixMe);\n if (thumbTintColor != null) {\n _thumbColor = thumbTintColor;\n if (__DEV__) {\n console.warn(\n 'Switch: `thumbTintColor` is deprecated, use `thumbColor` instead.',\n );\n }\n }\n if (tintColor != null) {\n _trackColorForFalse = tintColor;\n if (__DEV__) {\n console.warn(\n 'Switch: `tintColor` is deprecated, use `trackColor` instead.',\n );\n }\n }\n if (onTintColor != null) {\n _trackColorForTrue = onTintColor;\n if (__DEV__) {\n console.warn(\n 'Switch: `onTintColor` is deprecated, use `trackColor` instead.',\n );\n }\n }\n\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n const platformProps = {\n enabled: disabled !== true,\n on: value === true,\n style,\n thumbTintColor: _thumbColor,\n trackColorForFalse: _trackColorForFalse,\n trackColorForTrue: _trackColorForTrue,\n trackTintColor:\n value === true ? _trackColorForTrue : _trackColorForFalse,\n };\n\n return (\n \n );\n }\n\n const platformProps = {\n disabled,\n onTintColor: _trackColorForTrue,\n style: StyleSheet.compose(\n {height: 31, width: 51},\n StyleSheet.compose(\n style,\n ios_backgroundColor == null\n ? null\n : {\n backgroundColor: ios_backgroundColor,\n borderRadius: 16,\n },\n ),\n ),\n thumbTintColor: _thumbColor,\n tintColor: _trackColorForFalse,\n value: value === true,\n };\n\n return (\n \n );\n }\n\n _handleChange = (event: SwitchChangeEvent) => {\n if (this._nativeSwitchRef == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Force value of native switch in order to control it.\n const value = this.props.value === true;\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n this._nativeSwitchRef.setNativeProps({on: value});\n } else {\n this._nativeSwitchRef.setNativeProps({value});\n }\n\n if (this.props.onChange != null) {\n this.props.onChange(event);\n }\n\n if (this.props.onValueChange != null) {\n this.props.onValueChange(event.nativeEvent.value);\n }\n };\n\n _handleSwitchNativeComponentRef = (\n ref: ?React.ElementRef<\n typeof SwitchNativeComponent | typeof AndroidSwitchNativeComponent,\n >,\n ) => {\n this._nativeSwitchRef = ref;\n };\n}\n\nconst returnsFalse = () => false;\nconst returnsTrue = () => true;\n\nmodule.exports = Switch;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {BubblingEventHandler, WithDefault} from '../../Types/CodegenTypes';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\nimport codegenNativeComponent from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\nimport {type NativeComponentType} from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';\n\ntype SwitchChangeEvent = $ReadOnly<{|\n value: boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n // Props\n disabled?: WithDefault,\n value?: WithDefault,\n tintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n onTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n thumbTintColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n // Deprecated props\n thumbColor?: ?ColorValue,\n trackColorForFalse?: ?ColorValue,\n trackColorForTrue?: ?ColorValue,\n\n // Events\n onChange?: ?BubblingEventHandler,\n|}>;\n\nexport default (codegenNativeComponent('Switch', {\n paperComponentName: 'RCTSwitch',\n}): NativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst {NativeComponent} = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\n\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\n\nimport type {SyntheticEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\n\ntype SwitchChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n value: boolean,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...ViewProps,\n\n // Props\n disabled?: ?boolean,\n enabled?: ?boolean,\n thumbColor?: ?string,\n trackColorForFalse?: ?string,\n trackColorForTrue?: ?string,\n value?: ?boolean,\n on?: ?boolean,\n thumbTintColor?: ?string,\n trackTintColor?: ?string,\n\n // Events\n onChange?: ?(event: SwitchChangeEvent) => mixed,\n|}>;\n\ntype SwitchNativeComponentType = Class>;\n\nmodule.exports = ((requireNativeComponent(\n 'AndroidSwitch',\n): any): SwitchNativeComponentType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\n\nconst processColor = require('../../StyleSheet/processColor');\n\nimport NativeStatusBarManager from './NativeStatusBarManager';\n\n/**\n * Status bar style\n */\nexport type StatusBarStyle = $Keys<{\n /**\n * Default status bar style (dark for iOS, light for Android)\n */\n default: string,\n /**\n * Dark background, white texts and icons\n */\n 'light-content': string,\n /**\n * Light background, dark texts and icons\n */\n 'dark-content': string,\n}>;\n\n/**\n * Status bar animation\n */\nexport type StatusBarAnimation = $Keys<{\n /**\n * No animation\n */\n none: string,\n /**\n * Fade animation\n */\n fade: string,\n /**\n * Slide animation\n */\n slide: string,\n}>;\n\ntype AndroidProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * The background color of the status bar.\n * @platform android\n */\n backgroundColor?: ?string,\n /**\n * If the status bar is translucent.\n * When translucent is set to true, the app will draw under the status bar.\n * This is useful when using a semi transparent status bar color.\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n translucent?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * If the network activity indicator should be visible.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n networkActivityIndicatorVisible?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * The transition effect when showing and hiding the status bar using the `hidden`\n * prop. Defaults to 'fade'.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n showHideTransition?: ?('fade' | 'slide'),\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...AndroidProps,\n ...IOSProps,\n /**\n * If the status bar is hidden.\n */\n hidden?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * If the transition between status bar property changes should be animated.\n * Supported for backgroundColor, barStyle and hidden.\n */\n animated?: ?boolean,\n /**\n * Sets the color of the status bar text.\n */\n barStyle?: ?('default' | 'light-content' | 'dark-content'),\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * Merges the prop stack with the default values.\n */\nfunction mergePropsStack(\n propsStack: Array,\n defaultValues: Object,\n): Object {\n return propsStack.reduce((prev, cur) => {\n for (const prop in cur) {\n if (cur[prop] != null) {\n prev[prop] = cur[prop];\n }\n }\n return prev;\n }, Object.assign({}, defaultValues));\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an object to insert in the props stack from the props\n * and the transition/animation info.\n */\nfunction createStackEntry(props: any): any {\n return {\n backgroundColor:\n props.backgroundColor != null\n ? {\n value: props.backgroundColor,\n animated: props.animated,\n }\n : null,\n barStyle:\n props.barStyle != null\n ? {\n value: props.barStyle,\n animated: props.animated,\n }\n : null,\n translucent: props.translucent,\n hidden:\n props.hidden != null\n ? {\n value: props.hidden,\n animated: props.animated,\n transition: props.showHideTransition,\n }\n : null,\n networkActivityIndicatorVisible: props.networkActivityIndicatorVisible,\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Component to control the app status bar.\n *\n * ### Usage with Navigator\n *\n * It is possible to have multiple `StatusBar` components mounted at the same\n * time. The props will be merged in the order the `StatusBar` components were\n * mounted. One use case is to specify status bar styles per route using `Navigator`.\n *\n * ```\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * }\n * />\n * \n * ```\n *\n * ### Imperative API\n *\n * For cases where using a component is not ideal, there are static methods\n * to manipulate the `StatusBar` display stack. These methods have the same\n * behavior as mounting and unmounting a `StatusBar` component.\n *\n * For example, you can call `StatusBar.pushStackEntry` to update the status bar\n * before launching a third-party native UI component, and then call\n * `StatusBar.popStackEntry` when completed.\n *\n * ```\n * const openThirdPartyBugReporter = async () => {\n * // The bug reporter has a dark background, so we push a new status bar style.\n * const stackEntry = StatusBar.pushStackEntry({barStyle: 'light-content'});\n *\n * // `open` returns a promise that resolves when the UI is dismissed.\n * await;\n *\n * // Don't forget to call `popStackEntry` when you're done.\n * StatusBar.popStackEntry(stackEntry);\n * };\n * ```\n *\n * There is a legacy imperative API that enables you to manually update the\n * status bar styles. However, the legacy API does not update the internal\n * `StatusBar` display stack, which means that any changes will be overridden\n * whenever a `StatusBar` component is mounted or unmounted.\n *\n * It is strongly advised that you use `pushStackEntry`, `popStackEntry`, or\n * `replaceStackEntry` instead of the static methods beginning with `set`.\n *\n * ### Constants\n *\n * `currentHeight` (Android only) The height of the status bar.\n */\nclass StatusBar extends React.Component {\n static _propsStack = [];\n\n static _defaultProps = createStackEntry({\n animated: false,\n showHideTransition: 'fade',\n backgroundColor:{\n android:\n NativeStatusBarManager.getConstants().DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR ??\n 'black',\n ios: 'black',\n }),\n barStyle: 'default',\n translucent: false,\n hidden: false,\n networkActivityIndicatorVisible: false,\n });\n\n // Timer for updating the native module values at the end of the frame.\n static _updateImmediate = null;\n\n // The current merged values from the props stack.\n static _currentValues = null;\n\n // TODO(janic): Provide a real API to deal with status bar height. See the\n // discussion in #6195.\n /**\n * The current height of the status bar on the device.\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n static currentHeight: number = NativeStatusBarManager.getConstants().HEIGHT;\n\n // Provide an imperative API as static functions of the component.\n // See the corresponding prop for more detail.\n\n /**\n * Show or hide the status bar\n * @param hidden Hide the status bar.\n * @param animation Optional animation when\n * changing the status bar hidden property.\n */\n static setHidden(hidden: boolean, animation?: StatusBarAnimation) {\n animation = animation || 'none';\n StatusBar._defaultProps.hidden.value = hidden;\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setHidden(hidden, animation);\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setHidden(hidden);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the status bar style\n * @param style Status bar style to set\n * @param animated Animate the style change.\n */\n static setBarStyle(style: StatusBarStyle, animated?: boolean) {\n animated = animated || false;\n StatusBar._defaultProps.barStyle.value = style;\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setStyle(style, animated);\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setStyle(style);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Control the visibility of the network activity indicator\n * @param visible Show the indicator.\n */\n static setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible(visible: boolean) {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'ios') {\n console.warn(\n '`setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible` is only available on iOS',\n );\n return;\n }\n StatusBar._defaultProps.networkActivityIndicatorVisible = visible;\n NativeStatusBarManager.setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible(visible);\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the background color for the status bar\n * @param color Background color.\n * @param animated Animate the style change.\n */\n static setBackgroundColor(color: string, animated?: boolean) {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn('`setBackgroundColor` is only available on Android');\n return;\n }\n animated = animated || false;\n StatusBar._defaultProps.backgroundColor.value = color;\n\n const processedColor = processColor(color);\n if (processedColor == null) {\n console.warn(\n `\\`StatusBar.setBackgroundColor\\`: Color ${color} parsed to null or undefined`,\n );\n return;\n }\n\n NativeStatusBarManager.setColor(processedColor, animated);\n }\n\n /**\n * Control the translucency of the status bar\n * @param translucent Set as translucent.\n */\n static setTranslucent(translucent: boolean) {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn('`setTranslucent` is only available on Android');\n return;\n }\n StatusBar._defaultProps.translucent = translucent;\n NativeStatusBarManager.setTranslucent(translucent);\n }\n\n /**\n * Push a StatusBar entry onto the stack.\n * The return value should be passed to `popStackEntry` when complete.\n *\n * @param props Object containing the StatusBar props to use in the stack entry.\n */\n static pushStackEntry(props: any): any {\n const entry = createStackEntry(props);\n StatusBar._propsStack.push(entry);\n StatusBar._updatePropsStack();\n return entry;\n }\n\n /**\n * Pop a StatusBar entry from the stack.\n *\n * @param entry Entry returned from `pushStackEntry`.\n */\n static popStackEntry(entry: any) {\n const index = StatusBar._propsStack.indexOf(entry);\n if (index !== -1) {\n StatusBar._propsStack.splice(index, 1);\n }\n StatusBar._updatePropsStack();\n }\n\n /**\n * Replace an existing StatusBar stack entry with new props.\n *\n * @param entry Entry returned from `pushStackEntry` to replace.\n * @param props Object containing the StatusBar props to use in the replacement stack entry.\n */\n static replaceStackEntry(entry: any, props: any): any {\n const newEntry = createStackEntry(props);\n const index = StatusBar._propsStack.indexOf(entry);\n if (index !== -1) {\n StatusBar._propsStack[index] = newEntry;\n }\n StatusBar._updatePropsStack();\n return newEntry;\n }\n\n static defaultProps: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n animated: boolean,\n showHideTransition: $TEMPORARY$string<'fade'>,\n |}> = {\n animated: false,\n showHideTransition: 'fade',\n };\n\n _stackEntry = null;\n\n componentDidMount() {\n // Every time a StatusBar component is mounted, we push it's prop to a stack\n // and always update the native status bar with the props from the top of then\n // stack. This allows having multiple StatusBar components and the one that is\n // added last or is deeper in the view hierarchy will have priority.\n this._stackEntry = StatusBar.pushStackEntry(this.props);\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n // When a StatusBar is unmounted, remove itself from the stack and update\n // the native bar with the next props.\n StatusBar.popStackEntry(this._stackEntry);\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate() {\n this._stackEntry = StatusBar.replaceStackEntry(\n this._stackEntry,\n this.props,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates the native status bar with the props from the stack.\n */\n static _updatePropsStack = () => {\n // Send the update to the native module only once at the end of the frame.\n clearImmediate(StatusBar._updateImmediate);\n StatusBar._updateImmediate = setImmediate(() => {\n const oldProps = StatusBar._currentValues;\n const mergedProps = mergePropsStack(\n StatusBar._propsStack,\n StatusBar._defaultProps,\n );\n\n // Update the props that have changed using the merged values from the props stack.\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n if (\n !oldProps ||\n oldProps.barStyle.value !== mergedProps.barStyle.value\n ) {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setStyle(\n mergedProps.barStyle.value,\n mergedProps.barStyle.animated || false,\n );\n }\n if (!oldProps || oldProps.hidden.value !== mergedProps.hidden.value) {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setHidden(\n mergedProps.hidden.value,\n mergedProps.hidden.animated\n ? mergedProps.hidden.transition\n : 'none',\n );\n }\n\n if (\n !oldProps ||\n oldProps.networkActivityIndicatorVisible !==\n mergedProps.networkActivityIndicatorVisible\n ) {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible(\n mergedProps.networkActivityIndicatorVisible,\n );\n }\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n if (\n !oldProps ||\n oldProps.barStyle.value !== mergedProps.barStyle.value\n ) {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setStyle(mergedProps.barStyle.value);\n }\n if (\n !oldProps ||\n oldProps.backgroundColor.value !== mergedProps.backgroundColor.value\n ) {\n const processedColor = processColor(\n mergedProps.backgroundColor.value,\n );\n if (processedColor == null) {\n console.warn(\n `\\`StatusBar._updatePropsStack\\`: Color ${\n mergedProps.backgroundColor.value\n } parsed to null or undefined`,\n );\n } else {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setColor(\n processedColor,\n mergedProps.backgroundColor.animated,\n );\n }\n }\n if (!oldProps || oldProps.hidden.value !== mergedProps.hidden.value) {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setHidden(mergedProps.hidden.value);\n }\n if (!oldProps || oldProps.translucent !== mergedProps.translucent) {\n NativeStatusBarManager.setTranslucent(mergedProps.translucent);\n }\n }\n // Update the current prop values.\n StatusBar._currentValues = mergedProps;\n });\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = StatusBar;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n // Android only\n +getConstants: () => {|\n +HEIGHT: number,\n +DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR: number,\n |};\n +setColor: (color: number, animated: boolean) => void;\n +setTranslucent: (translucent: boolean) => void;\n\n // iOS only\n // TODO(T47754272) Can we remove this method?\n +getHeight: (callback: (result: {|height: number|}) => void) => void;\n +setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible: (visible: boolean) => void;\n +addListener: (eventType: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n\n // Android and iOS\n /**\n * - animated is iOS only\n * - statusBarStyles can be:\n * - 'default' (iOS and Android)\n * - 'dark-content' (iOS and Android)\n * - 'light-content' (iOS)\n */\n +setStyle: (statusBarStyle?: ?string, animated?: ?boolean) => void;\n /**\n * - withAnimation is iOS only\n * - withAnimation can be: 'none' | 'fade' | 'slide'\n */\n +setHidden: (hidden: boolean, withAnimation?: ?string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(\n 'StatusBarManager',\n): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedTextInputPropTypes = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedTextInputPropTypes');\nconst DocumentSelectionState = require('../../vendor/document/selection/DocumentSelectionState');\nconst NativeMethodsMixin = require('../../Renderer/shims/NativeMethodsMixin');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNative = require('../../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst Text = require('../../Text/Text');\nconst TextAncestor = require('../../Text/TextAncestor');\nconst TextInputState = require('./TextInputState');\nconst TouchableWithoutFeedback = require('../Touchable/TouchableWithoutFeedback');\nconst UIManager = require('../../ReactNative/UIManager');\n\nconst createReactClass = require('create-react-class');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst requireNativeComponent = require('../../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nimport type {TextStyleProp, ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';\nimport type {SyntheticEvent, ScrollEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\nlet AndroidTextInput;\nlet RCTMultilineTextInputView;\nlet RCTSinglelineTextInputView;\n\nif (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n AndroidTextInput = requireNativeComponent('AndroidTextInput');\n} else if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n RCTMultilineTextInputView = requireNativeComponent(\n 'RCTMultilineTextInputView',\n );\n RCTSinglelineTextInputView = requireNativeComponent(\n 'RCTSinglelineTextInputView',\n );\n}\n\nconst onlyMultiline = {\n onTextInput: true,\n children: true,\n};\n\nexport type ChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n eventCount: number,\n target: number,\n text: string,\n |}>,\n>;\n\nexport type TextInputEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n eventCount: number,\n previousText: string,\n range: $ReadOnly<{|\n start: number,\n end: number,\n |}>,\n target: number,\n text: string,\n |}>,\n>;\n\nexport type ContentSizeChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n target: number,\n contentSize: $ReadOnly<{|\n width: number,\n height: number,\n |}>,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype TargetEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n target: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\nexport type BlurEvent = TargetEvent;\nexport type FocusEvent = TargetEvent;\n\ntype Selection = $ReadOnly<{|\n start: number,\n end: number,\n|}>;\n\nexport type SelectionChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n selection: Selection,\n target: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\nexport type KeyPressEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n key: string,\n target?: ?number,\n eventCount?: ?number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\nexport type EditingEvent = SyntheticEvent<\n $ReadOnly<{|\n eventCount: number,\n text: string,\n target: number,\n |}>,\n>;\n\ntype DataDetectorTypesType =\n | 'phoneNumber'\n | 'link'\n | 'address'\n | 'calendarEvent'\n | 'none'\n | 'all';\n\nexport type KeyboardType =\n // Cross Platform\n | 'default'\n | 'email-address'\n | 'numeric'\n | 'phone-pad'\n | 'number-pad'\n | 'decimal-pad'\n // iOS-only\n | 'ascii-capable'\n | 'numbers-and-punctuation'\n | 'url'\n | 'name-phone-pad'\n | 'twitter'\n | 'web-search'\n // Android-only\n | 'visible-password';\n\nexport type ReturnKeyType =\n // Cross Platform\n | 'done'\n | 'go'\n | 'next'\n | 'search'\n | 'send'\n // Android-only\n | 'none'\n | 'previous'\n // iOS-only\n | 'default'\n | 'emergency-call'\n | 'google'\n | 'join'\n | 'route'\n | 'yahoo';\n\nexport type AutoCapitalize = 'none' | 'sentences' | 'words' | 'characters';\n\nexport type TextContentType =\n | 'none'\n | 'URL'\n | 'addressCity'\n | 'addressCityAndState'\n | 'addressState'\n | 'countryName'\n | 'creditCardNumber'\n | 'emailAddress'\n | 'familyName'\n | 'fullStreetAddress'\n | 'givenName'\n | 'jobTitle'\n | 'location'\n | 'middleName'\n | 'name'\n | 'namePrefix'\n | 'nameSuffix'\n | 'nickname'\n | 'organizationName'\n | 'postalCode'\n | 'streetAddressLine1'\n | 'streetAddressLine2'\n | 'sublocality'\n | 'telephoneNumber'\n | 'username'\n | 'password'\n | 'newPassword'\n | 'oneTimeCode';\n\ntype PasswordRules = string;\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * If `false`, disables spell-check style (i.e. red underlines).\n * The default value is inherited from `autoCorrect`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n spellCheck?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Determines the color of the keyboard.\n * @platform ios\n */\n keyboardAppearance?: ?('default' | 'light' | 'dark'),\n\n /**\n * If `true`, the keyboard disables the return key when there is no text and\n * automatically enables it when there is text. The default value is `false`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n enablesReturnKeyAutomatically?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * An instance of `DocumentSelectionState`, this is some state that is responsible for\n * maintaining selection information for a document.\n *\n * Some functionality that can be performed with this instance is:\n *\n * - `blur()`\n * - `focus()`\n * - `update()`\n *\n * > You can reference `DocumentSelectionState` in\n * > [`vendor/document/selection/DocumentSelectionState.js`](\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n selectionState?: ?DocumentSelectionState,\n\n /**\n * When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view.\n * This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component.\n * @platform ios\n */\n clearButtonMode?: ?('never' | 'while-editing' | 'unless-editing' | 'always'),\n\n /**\n * If `true`, clears the text field automatically when editing begins.\n * @platform ios\n */\n clearTextOnFocus?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the text input.\n * Only valid if `multiline={true}` and `editable={false}`.\n * By default no data types are detected.\n *\n * You can provide one type or an array of many types.\n *\n * Possible values for `dataDetectorTypes` are:\n *\n * - `'phoneNumber'`\n * - `'link'`\n * - `'address'`\n * - `'calendarEvent'`\n * - `'none'`\n * - `'all'`\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n dataDetectorTypes?:\n | ?DataDetectorTypesType\n | $ReadOnlyArray,\n\n /**\n * An optional identifier which links a custom InputAccessoryView to\n * this text input. The InputAccessoryView is rendered above the\n * keyboard when this text input is focused.\n * @platform ios\n */\n inputAccessoryViewID?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * Give the keyboard and the system information about the\n * expected semantic meaning for the content that users enter.\n * @platform ios\n */\n textContentType?: ?TextContentType,\n\n PasswordRules?: ?PasswordRules,\n\n /**\n * If `false`, scrolling of the text view will be disabled.\n * The default value is `true`. Does only work with 'multiline={true}'.\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollEnabled?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype AndroidProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n /**\n * Determines which content to suggest on auto complete, e.g.`username`.\n * To disable auto complete, use `off`.\n *\n * *Android Only*\n *\n * The following values work on Android only:\n *\n * - `username`\n * - `password`\n * - `email`\n * - `name`\n * - `tel`\n * - `street-address`\n * - `postal-code`\n * - `cc-number`\n * - `cc-csc`\n * - `cc-exp`\n * - `cc-exp-month`\n * - `cc-exp-year`\n * - `off`\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n autoCompleteType?: ?(\n | 'cc-csc'\n | 'cc-exp'\n | 'cc-exp-month'\n | 'cc-exp-year'\n | 'cc-number'\n | 'email'\n | 'name'\n | 'password'\n | 'postal-code'\n | 'street-address'\n | 'tel'\n | 'username'\n | 'off'\n ),\n\n /**\n * Sets the return key to the label. Use it instead of `returnKeyType`.\n * @platform android\n */\n returnKeyLabel?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * Sets the number of lines for a `TextInput`. Use it with multiline set to\n * `true` to be able to fill the lines.\n * @platform android\n */\n numberOfLines?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * When `false`, if there is a small amount of space available around a text input\n * (e.g. landscape orientation on a phone), the OS may choose to have the user edit\n * the text inside of a full screen text input mode. When `true`, this feature is\n * disabled and users will always edit the text directly inside of the text input.\n * Defaults to `false`.\n * @platform android\n */\n disableFullscreenUI?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are `simple`, `highQuality`, `balanced`\n * The default value is `simple`.\n * @platform android\n */\n textBreakStrategy?: ?('simple' | 'highQuality' | 'balanced'),\n\n /**\n * The color of the `TextInput` underline.\n * @platform android\n */\n underlineColorAndroid?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * If defined, the provided image resource will be rendered on the left.\n * The image resource must be inside `/android/app/src/main/res/drawable` and referenced\n * like\n * ```\n * \n * ```\n * @platform android\n */\n inlineImageLeft?: ?string,\n\n /**\n * Padding between the inline image, if any, and the text input itself.\n * @platform android\n */\n inlineImagePadding?: ?number,\n\n importantForAutofill?: ?(\n | 'auto'\n | 'no'\n | 'noExcludeDescendants'\n | 'yes'\n | 'yesExcludeDescendants'\n ),\n\n /**\n * When `false`, it will prevent the soft keyboard from showing when the field is focused.\n * Defaults to `true`.\n * @platform android\n */\n showSoftInputOnFocus?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...$Diff>,\n ...IOSProps,\n ...AndroidProps,\n\n /**\n * Can tell `TextInput` to automatically capitalize certain characters.\n *\n * - `characters`: all characters.\n * - `words`: first letter of each word.\n * - `sentences`: first letter of each sentence (*default*).\n * - `none`: don't auto capitalize anything.\n */\n autoCapitalize?: ?AutoCapitalize,\n\n /**\n * If `false`, disables auto-correct. The default value is `true`.\n */\n autoCorrect?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, focuses the input on `componentDidMount`.\n * The default value is `false`.\n */\n autoFocus?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings. The\n * default is `true`.\n */\n allowFontScaling?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Specifies largest possible scale a font can reach when `allowFontScaling` is enabled.\n * Possible values:\n * `null/undefined` (default): inherit from the parent node or the global default (0)\n * `0`: no max, ignore parent/global default\n * `>= 1`: sets the maxFontSizeMultiplier of this node to this value\n */\n maxFontSizeMultiplier?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * If `false`, text is not editable. The default value is `true`.\n */\n editable?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.`numeric`.\n *\n * The following values work across platforms:\n *\n * - `default`\n * - `numeric`\n * - `number-pad`\n * - `decimal-pad`\n * - `email-address`\n * - `phone-pad`\n *\n * *iOS Only*\n *\n * The following values work on iOS only:\n *\n * - `ascii-capable`\n * - `numbers-and-punctuation`\n * - `url`\n * - `name-phone-pad`\n * - `twitter`\n * - `web-search`\n *\n * *Android Only*\n *\n * The following values work on Android only:\n *\n * - `visible-password`\n */\n keyboardType?: ?KeyboardType,\n\n /**\n * Determines how the return key should look. On Android you can also use\n * `returnKeyLabel`.\n *\n * *Cross platform*\n *\n * The following values work across platforms:\n *\n * - `done`\n * - `go`\n * - `next`\n * - `search`\n * - `send`\n *\n * *Android Only*\n *\n * The following values work on Android only:\n *\n * - `none`\n * - `previous`\n *\n * *iOS Only*\n *\n * The following values work on iOS only:\n *\n * - `default`\n * - `emergency-call`\n * - `google`\n * - `join`\n * - `route`\n * - `yahoo`\n */\n returnKeyType?: ?ReturnKeyType,\n\n /**\n * Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Use this\n * instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker.\n */\n maxLength?: ?number,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, the text input can be multiple lines.\n * The default value is `false`.\n */\n multiline?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input is blurred.\n */\n onBlur?: ?(e: BlurEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input is focused.\n */\n onFocus?: ?(e: FocusEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.\n */\n onChange?: ?(e: ChangeEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.\n * Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.\n */\n onChangeText?: ?(text: string) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's content size changes.\n * This will be called with\n * `{ nativeEvent: { contentSize: { width, height } } }`.\n *\n * Only called for multiline text inputs.\n */\n onContentSizeChange?: ?(e: ContentSizeChangeEvent) => mixed,\n\n onTextInput?: ?(e: TextInputEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when text input ends.\n */\n onEndEditing?: ?(e: EditingEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed.\n * This will be called with\n * `{ nativeEvent: { selection: { start, end } } }`.\n */\n onSelectionChange?: ?(e: SelectionChangeEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed.\n * Invalid if `multiline={true}` is specified.\n */\n onSubmitEditing?: ?(e: EditingEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Callback that is called when a key is pressed.\n * This will be called with `{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }`\n * where `keyValue` is `'Enter'` or `'Backspace'` for respective keys and\n * the typed-in character otherwise including `' '` for space.\n * Fires before `onChange` callbacks.\n */\n onKeyPress?: ?(e: KeyPressEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * Invoked on content scroll with `{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }`.\n * May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize\n * is not provided for performance reasons.\n */\n onScroll?: ?(e: ScrollEvent) => mixed,\n\n /**\n * The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered.\n */\n placeholder?: ?Stringish,\n\n /**\n * The text color of the placeholder string.\n */\n placeholderTextColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text\n * like passwords stay secure. The default value is `false`. Does not work with 'multiline={true}'.\n */\n secureTextEntry?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * The highlight and cursor color of the text input.\n */\n selectionColor?: ?ColorValue,\n\n /**\n * The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to\n * the same value to position the cursor.\n */\n selection?: ?$ReadOnly<{|\n start: number,\n end?: ?number,\n |}>,\n\n /**\n * The value to show for the text input. `TextInput` is a controlled\n * component, which means the native value will be forced to match this\n * value prop if provided. For most uses, this works great, but in some\n * cases this may cause flickering - one common cause is preventing edits\n * by keeping value the same. In addition to simply setting the same value,\n * either set `editable={false}`, or set/update `maxLength` to prevent\n * unwanted edits without flicker.\n */\n value?: ?Stringish,\n\n /**\n * Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing.\n * Useful for simple use-cases where you do not want to deal with listening\n * to events and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync.\n */\n defaultValue?: ?Stringish,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, all text will automatically be selected on focus.\n */\n selectTextOnFocus?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, the text field will blur when submitted.\n * The default value is true for single-line fields and false for\n * multiline fields. Note that for multiline fields, setting `blurOnSubmit`\n * to `true` means that pressing return will blur the field and trigger the\n * `onSubmitEditing` event instead of inserting a newline into the field.\n */\n blurOnSubmit?: ?boolean,\n\n /**\n * Note that not all Text styles are supported, an incomplete list of what is not supported includes:\n *\n * - `borderLeftWidth`\n * - `borderTopWidth`\n * - `borderRightWidth`\n * - `borderBottomWidth`\n * - `borderTopLeftRadius`\n * - `borderTopRightRadius`\n * - `borderBottomRightRadius`\n * - `borderBottomLeftRadius`\n *\n * see [Issue#7070](\n * for more detail.\n *\n * [Styles](docs/style.html)\n */\n style?: ?TextStyleProp,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, caret is hidden. The default value is `false`.\n * This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component on iOS.\n */\n caretHidden?: ?boolean,\n\n /*\n * If `true`, contextMenuHidden is hidden. The default value is `false`.\n */\n contextMenuHidden?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\nconst emptyFunctionThatReturnsTrue = () => true;\n\n/**\n * A foundational component for inputting text into the app via a\n * keyboard. Props provide configurability for several features, such as\n * auto-correction, auto-capitalization, placeholder text, and different keyboard\n * types, such as a numeric keypad.\n *\n * The simplest use case is to plop down a `TextInput` and subscribe to the\n * `onChangeText` events to read the user input. There are also other events,\n * such as `onSubmitEditing` and `onFocus` that can be subscribed to. A simple\n * example:\n *\n * ```ReactNativeWebPlayer\n * import React, { Component } from 'react';\n * import { AppRegistry, TextInput } from 'react-native';\n *\n * export default class UselessTextInput extends Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props);\n * this.state = { text: 'Useless Placeholder' };\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * return (\n * this.setState({text})}\n * value={this.state.text}\n * />\n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * // skip this line if using Create React Native App\n * AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => UselessTextInput);\n * ```\n *\n * Two methods exposed via the native element are .focus() and .blur() that\n * will focus or blur the TextInput programmatically.\n *\n * Note that some props are only available with `multiline={true/false}`.\n * Additionally, border styles that apply to only one side of the element\n * (e.g., `borderBottomColor`, `borderLeftWidth`, etc.) will not be applied if\n * `multiline=false`. To achieve the same effect, you can wrap your `TextInput`\n * in a `View`:\n *\n * ```ReactNativeWebPlayer\n * import React, { Component } from 'react';\n * import { AppRegistry, View, TextInput } from 'react-native';\n *\n * class UselessTextInput extends Component {\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * export default class UselessTextInputMultiline extends Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props);\n * this.state = {\n * text: 'Useless Multiline Placeholder',\n * };\n * }\n *\n * // If you type something in the text box that is a color, the background will change to that\n * // color.\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * this.setState({text})}\n * value={this.state.text}\n * />\n * \n * );\n * }\n * }\n *\n * // skip these lines if using Create React Native App\n * AppRegistry.registerComponent(\n * 'AwesomeProject',\n * () => UselessTextInputMultiline\n * );\n * ```\n *\n * `TextInput` has by default a border at the bottom of its view. This border\n * has its padding set by the background image provided by the system, and it\n * cannot be changed. Solutions to avoid this is to either not set height\n * explicitly, case in which the system will take care of displaying the border\n * in the correct position, or to not display the border by setting\n * `underlineColorAndroid` to transparent.\n *\n * Note that on Android performing text selection in input can change\n * app's activity `windowSoftInputMode` param to `adjustResize`.\n * This may cause issues with components that have position: 'absolute'\n * while keyboard is active. To avoid this behavior either specify `windowSoftInputMode`\n * in AndroidManifest.xml ( )\n * or control this param programmatically with native code.\n *\n */\n\nconst TextInput = createReactClass({\n displayName: 'TextInput',\n statics: {\n State: {\n currentlyFocusedField: TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField,\n focusTextInput: TextInputState.focusTextInput,\n blurTextInput: TextInputState.blurTextInput,\n },\n },\n propTypes: DeprecatedTextInputPropTypes,\n getDefaultProps() {\n return {\n allowFontScaling: true,\n rejectResponderTermination: true,\n underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',\n };\n },\n /**\n * `NativeMethodsMixin` will look for this when invoking `setNativeProps`. We\n * make `this` look like an actual native component class.\n */\n mixins: [NativeMethodsMixin],\n\n /**\n * Returns `true` if the input is currently focused; `false` otherwise.\n */\n isFocused: function(): boolean {\n return (\n TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField() ===\n ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._inputRef)\n );\n },\n\n _inputRef: (undefined: any),\n _focusSubscription: (undefined: ?Function),\n _lastNativeText: (undefined: ?string),\n _lastNativeSelection: (undefined: ?Selection),\n _rafId: (null: ?AnimationFrameID),\n\n componentDidMount: function() {\n this._lastNativeText = this.props.value;\n const tag = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._inputRef);\n if (tag != null) {\n // tag is null only in unit tests\n TextInputState.registerInput(tag);\n }\n\n if (this.props.autoFocus) {\n this._rafId = requestAnimationFrame(this.focus);\n }\n },\n\n componentWillUnmount: function() {\n this._focusSubscription && this._focusSubscription.remove();\n if (this.isFocused()) {\n this.blur();\n }\n const tag = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this._inputRef);\n if (tag != null) {\n TextInputState.unregisterInput(tag);\n }\n if (this._rafId != null) {\n cancelAnimationFrame(this._rafId);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Removes all text from the `TextInput`.\n */\n clear: function() {\n this.setNativeProps({text: ''});\n },\n\n render: function() {\n let textInput;\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n textInput = UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('RCTVirtualText')\n ? this._renderIOS()\n : this._renderIOSLegacy();\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n textInput = this._renderAndroid();\n }\n return (\n {textInput}\n );\n },\n\n _getText: function(): ?string {\n return typeof this.props.value === 'string'\n ? this.props.value\n : typeof this.props.defaultValue === 'string'\n ? this.props.defaultValue\n : '';\n },\n\n _setNativeRef: function(ref: any) {\n this._inputRef = ref;\n },\n\n _renderIOSLegacy: function() {\n let textContainer;\n\n const props = Object.assign({}, this.props);\n = [];\n\n if (props.selection && props.selection.end == null) {\n props.selection = {\n start: props.selection.start,\n end: props.selection.start,\n };\n }\n\n if (!props.multiline) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n for (const propKey in onlyMultiline) {\n if (props[propKey]) {\n const error = new Error(\n 'TextInput prop `' +\n propKey +\n '` is only supported with multiline.',\n );\n warning(false, '%s', error.stack);\n }\n }\n }\n textContainer = (\n \n );\n } else {\n let children = props.children;\n let childCount = 0;\n React.Children.forEach(children, () => ++childCount);\n invariant(\n !(props.value && childCount),\n 'Cannot specify both value and children.',\n );\n if (childCount >= 1) {\n children = (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n }\n if (props.inputView) {\n children = [children, props.inputView];\n }\n;\n textContainer = (\n \n );\n }\n\n return (\n \n {textContainer}\n \n );\n },\n\n _renderIOS: function() {\n const props = Object.assign({}, this.props);\n = [];\n\n if (props.selection && props.selection.end == null) {\n props.selection = {\n start: props.selection.start,\n end: props.selection.start,\n };\n }\n\n const RCTTextInputView = props.multiline\n ? RCTMultilineTextInputView\n : RCTSinglelineTextInputView;\n\n if (props.multiline) {\n;\n }\n\n const textContainer = (\n \n );\n\n return (\n \n {textContainer}\n \n );\n },\n\n _renderAndroid: function() {\n const props = Object.assign({}, this.props);\n = [];\n props.autoCapitalize = props.autoCapitalize || 'sentences';\n let children = this.props.children;\n let childCount = 0;\n React.Children.forEach(children, () => ++childCount);\n invariant(\n !(this.props.value && childCount),\n 'Cannot specify both value and children.',\n );\n if (childCount > 1) {\n children = {children};\n }\n\n if (props.selection && props.selection.end == null) {\n props.selection = {\n start: props.selection.start,\n end: props.selection.start,\n };\n }\n\n const textContainer = (\n \n );\n\n return (\n \n {textContainer}\n \n );\n },\n\n _onFocus: function(event: FocusEvent) {\n if (this.props.onFocus) {\n this.props.onFocus(event);\n }\n\n if (this.props.selectionState) {\n this.props.selectionState.focus();\n }\n },\n\n _onPress: function(event: PressEvent) {\n if (this.props.editable || this.props.editable === undefined) {\n this.focus();\n }\n },\n\n _onChange: function(event: ChangeEvent) {\n // Make sure to fire the mostRecentEventCount first so it is already set on\n // native when the text value is set.\n if (this._inputRef && this._inputRef.setNativeProps) {\n ReactNative.setNativeProps(this._inputRef, {\n mostRecentEventCount: event.nativeEvent.eventCount,\n });\n }\n\n const text = event.nativeEvent.text;\n this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event);\n this.props.onChangeText && this.props.onChangeText(text);\n\n if (!this._inputRef) {\n // calling `this.props.onChange` or `this.props.onChangeText`\n // may clean up the input itself. Exits here.\n return;\n }\n\n this._lastNativeText = text;\n this.forceUpdate();\n },\n\n _onSelectionChange: function(event: SelectionChangeEvent) {\n this.props.onSelectionChange && this.props.onSelectionChange(event);\n\n if (!this._inputRef) {\n // calling `this.props.onSelectionChange`\n // may clean up the input itself. Exits here.\n return;\n }\n\n this._lastNativeSelection = event.nativeEvent.selection;\n\n if (this.props.selection || this.props.selectionState) {\n this.forceUpdate();\n }\n },\n\n componentDidUpdate: function() {\n // This is necessary in case native updates the text and JS decides\n // that the update should be ignored and we should stick with the value\n // that we have in JS.\n const nativeProps = {};\n\n if (\n this._lastNativeText !== this.props.value &&\n typeof this.props.value === 'string'\n ) {\n nativeProps.text = this.props.value;\n }\n\n // Selection is also a controlled prop, if the native value doesn't match\n // JS, update to the JS value.\n const {selection} = this.props;\n if (\n this._lastNativeSelection &&\n selection &&\n (this._lastNativeSelection.start !== selection.start ||\n this._lastNativeSelection.end !== selection.end)\n ) {\n nativeProps.selection = this.props.selection;\n }\n\n if (\n Object.keys(nativeProps).length > 0 &&\n this._inputRef &&\n this._inputRef.setNativeProps\n ) {\n ReactNative.setNativeProps(this._inputRef, nativeProps);\n }\n\n if (this.props.selectionState && selection) {\n this.props.selectionState.update(selection.start, selection.end);\n }\n },\n\n _onBlur: function(event: BlurEvent) {\n // This is a hack to fix\n // @todo(rsnara) Figure out why this is necessary.\n this.blur();\n if (this.props.onBlur) {\n this.props.onBlur(event);\n }\n\n if (this.props.selectionState) {\n this.props.selectionState.blur();\n }\n },\n\n _onTextInput: function(event: TextInputEvent) {\n this.props.onTextInput && this.props.onTextInput(event);\n },\n\n _onScroll: function(event: ScrollEvent) {\n this.props.onScroll && this.props.onScroll(event);\n },\n});\n\nclass InternalTextInputType extends ReactNative.NativeComponent {\n clear() {}\n\n // $FlowFixMe\n isFocused(): boolean {}\n}\n\nconst TypedTextInput = ((TextInput: any): Class);\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n multilineInput: {\n // This default top inset makes RCTMultilineTextInputView seem as close as possible\n // to single-line RCTSinglelineTextInputView defaults, using the system defaults\n // of font size 17 and a height of 31 points.\n paddingTop: 5,\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = TypedTextInput;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('./DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst DeprecatedViewPropTypes = require('./DeprecatedViewPropTypes');\nconst DocumentSelectionState = require('../vendor/document/selection/DocumentSelectionState');\nconst Text = require('../Text/Text');\n\nconst DataDetectorTypes = [\n 'phoneNumber',\n 'link',\n 'address',\n 'calendarEvent',\n 'none',\n 'all',\n];\n\nmodule.exports = {\n ...DeprecatedViewPropTypes,\n /**\n * Can tell `TextInput` to automatically capitalize certain characters.\n *\n * - `characters`: all characters.\n * - `words`: first letter of each word.\n * - `sentences`: first letter of each sentence (*default*).\n * - `none`: don't auto capitalize anything.\n */\n autoCapitalize: PropTypes.oneOf(['none', 'sentences', 'words', 'characters']),\n /**\n * Determines which content to suggest on auto complete, e.g.`username`.\n * To disable auto complete, use `off`.\n *\n * *Android Only*\n *\n * The following values work on Android only:\n *\n * - `username`\n * - `password`\n * - `email`\n * - `name`\n * - `tel`\n * - `street-address`\n * - `postal-code`\n * - `cc-number`\n * - `cc-csc`\n * - `cc-exp`\n * - `cc-exp-month`\n * - `cc-exp-year`\n * - `off`\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n autoCompleteType: PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'cc-csc',\n 'cc-exp',\n 'cc-exp-month',\n 'cc-exp-year',\n 'cc-number',\n 'email',\n 'name',\n 'password',\n 'postal-code',\n 'street-address',\n 'tel',\n 'username',\n 'off',\n ]),\n /**\n * If `false`, disables auto-correct. The default value is `true`.\n */\n autoCorrect: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `false`, disables spell-check style (i.e. red underlines).\n * The default value is inherited from `autoCorrect`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n spellCheck: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `true`, focuses the input on `componentDidMount`.\n * The default value is `false`.\n */\n autoFocus: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings. The\n * default is `true`.\n */\n allowFontScaling: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Specifies largest possible scale a font can reach when `allowFontScaling` is enabled.\n * Possible values:\n * `null/undefined` (default): inherit from the parent node or the global default (0)\n * `0`: no max, ignore parent/global default\n * `>= 1`: sets the maxFontSizeMultiplier of this node to this value\n */\n maxFontSizeMultiplier: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * If `false`, text is not editable. The default value is `true`.\n */\n editable: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.`numeric`.\n *\n * The following values work across platforms:\n *\n * - `default`\n * - `numeric`\n * - `number-pad`\n * - `decimal-pad`\n * - `email-address`\n * - `phone-pad`\n *\n * *iOS Only*\n *\n * The following values work on iOS only:\n *\n * - `ascii-capable`\n * - `numbers-and-punctuation`\n * - `url`\n * - `name-phone-pad`\n * - `twitter`\n * - `web-search`\n *\n * *Android Only*\n *\n * The following values work on Android only:\n *\n * - `visible-password`\n */\n keyboardType: PropTypes.oneOf([\n // Cross-platform\n 'default',\n 'email-address',\n 'numeric',\n 'phone-pad',\n 'number-pad',\n // iOS-only\n 'ascii-capable',\n 'numbers-and-punctuation',\n 'url',\n 'name-phone-pad',\n 'decimal-pad',\n 'twitter',\n 'web-search',\n // Android-only\n 'visible-password',\n ]),\n /**\n * Determines the color of the keyboard.\n * @platform ios\n */\n keyboardAppearance: PropTypes.oneOf(['default', 'light', 'dark']),\n /**\n * Determines how the return key should look. On Android you can also use\n * `returnKeyLabel`.\n *\n * *Cross platform*\n *\n * The following values work across platforms:\n *\n * - `done`\n * - `go`\n * - `next`\n * - `search`\n * - `send`\n *\n * *Android Only*\n *\n * The following values work on Android only:\n *\n * - `none`\n * - `previous`\n *\n * *iOS Only*\n *\n * The following values work on iOS only:\n *\n * - `default`\n * - `emergency-call`\n * - `google`\n * - `join`\n * - `route`\n * - `yahoo`\n */\n returnKeyType: PropTypes.oneOf([\n // Cross-platform\n 'done',\n 'go',\n 'next',\n 'search',\n 'send',\n // Android-only\n 'none',\n 'previous',\n // iOS-only\n 'default',\n 'emergency-call',\n 'google',\n 'join',\n 'route',\n 'yahoo',\n ]),\n /**\n * Sets the return key to the label. Use it instead of `returnKeyType`.\n * @platform android\n */\n returnKeyLabel: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Use this\n * instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker.\n */\n maxLength: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * Sets the number of lines for a `TextInput`. Use it with multiline set to\n * `true` to be able to fill the lines.\n * @platform android\n */\n numberOfLines: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * When `false`, if there is a small amount of space available around a text input\n * (e.g. landscape orientation on a phone), the OS may choose to have the user edit\n * the text inside of a full screen text input mode. When `true`, this feature is\n * disabled and users will always edit the text directly inside of the text input.\n * Defaults to `false`.\n * @platform android\n */\n disableFullscreenUI: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `true`, the keyboard disables the return key when there is no text and\n * automatically enables it when there is text. The default value is `false`.\n * @platform ios\n */\n enablesReturnKeyAutomatically: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `true`, the text input can be multiple lines.\n * The default value is `false`.\n */\n multiline: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are `simple`, `highQuality`, `balanced`\n * The default value is `simple`.\n * @platform android\n */\n textBreakStrategy: PropTypes.oneOf(['simple', 'highQuality', 'balanced']),\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input is blurred.\n */\n onBlur: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input is focused.\n */\n onFocus: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.\n */\n onChange: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.\n * Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.\n */\n onChangeText: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's content size changes.\n * This will be called with\n * `{ nativeEvent: { contentSize: { width, height } } }`.\n *\n * Only called for multiline text inputs.\n */\n onContentSizeChange: PropTypes.func,\n onTextInput: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when text input ends.\n */\n onEndEditing: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed.\n * This will be called with\n * `{ nativeEvent: { selection: { start, end } } }`.\n */\n onSelectionChange: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed.\n * Invalid if `multiline={true}` is specified.\n */\n onSubmitEditing: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Callback that is called when a key is pressed.\n * This will be called with `{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }`\n * where `keyValue` is `'Enter'` or `'Backspace'` for respective keys and\n * the typed-in character otherwise including `' '` for space.\n * Fires before `onChange` callbacks.\n */\n onKeyPress: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Invoked on mount and layout changes with `{x, y, width, height}`.\n */\n onLayout: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Invoked on content scroll with `{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }`.\n * May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize\n * is not provided for performance reasons.\n */\n onScroll: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered.\n */\n placeholder: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * The text color of the placeholder string.\n */\n placeholderTextColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n /**\n * If `false`, scrolling of the text view will be disabled.\n * The default value is `true`. Does only work with 'multiline={true}'.\n * @platform ios\n */\n scrollEnabled: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `true`, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text\n * like passwords stay secure. The default value is `false`. Does not work with 'multiline={true}'.\n */\n secureTextEntry: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * The highlight and cursor color of the text input.\n */\n selectionColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n /**\n * An instance of `DocumentSelectionState`, this is some state that is responsible for\n * maintaining selection information for a document.\n *\n * Some functionality that can be performed with this instance is:\n *\n * - `blur()`\n * - `focus()`\n * - `update()`\n *\n * > You can reference `DocumentSelectionState` in\n * > [`vendor/document/selection/DocumentSelectionState.js`](\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n selectionState: PropTypes.instanceOf(DocumentSelectionState),\n /**\n * The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to\n * the same value to position the cursor.\n */\n selection: PropTypes.shape({\n start: PropTypes.number.isRequired,\n end: PropTypes.number,\n }),\n /**\n * The value to show for the text input. `TextInput` is a controlled\n * component, which means the native value will be forced to match this\n * value prop if provided. For most uses, this works great, but in some\n * cases this may cause flickering - one common cause is preventing edits\n * by keeping value the same. In addition to simply setting the same value,\n * either set `editable={false}`, or set/update `maxLength` to prevent\n * unwanted edits without flicker.\n */\n value: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing.\n * Useful for simple use-cases where you do not want to deal with listening\n * to events and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync.\n */\n defaultValue: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view.\n * This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component.\n * @platform ios\n */\n clearButtonMode: PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'never',\n 'while-editing',\n 'unless-editing',\n 'always',\n ]),\n /**\n * If `true`, clears the text field automatically when editing begins.\n * @platform ios\n */\n clearTextOnFocus: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `true`, all text will automatically be selected on focus.\n */\n selectTextOnFocus: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * If `true`, the text field will blur when submitted.\n * The default value is true for single-line fields and false for\n * multiline fields. Note that for multiline fields, setting `blurOnSubmit`\n * to `true` means that pressing return will blur the field and trigger the\n * `onSubmitEditing` event instead of inserting a newline into the field.\n */\n blurOnSubmit: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Note that not all Text styles are supported, an incomplete list of what is not supported includes:\n *\n * - `borderLeftWidth`\n * - `borderTopWidth`\n * - `borderRightWidth`\n * - `borderBottomWidth`\n * - `borderTopLeftRadius`\n * - `borderTopRightRadius`\n * - `borderBottomRightRadius`\n * - `borderBottomLeftRadius`\n *\n * see [Issue#7070](\n * for more detail.\n *\n * [Styles](docs/style.html)\n */\n style:,\n /**\n * The color of the `TextInput` underline.\n * @platform android\n */\n underlineColorAndroid: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n\n /**\n * If defined, the provided image resource will be rendered on the left.\n * The image resource must be inside `/android/app/src/main/res/drawable` and referenced\n * like\n * ```\n * \n * ```\n * @platform android\n */\n inlineImageLeft: PropTypes.string,\n\n /**\n * Padding between the inline image, if any, and the text input itself.\n * @platform android\n */\n inlineImagePadding: PropTypes.number,\n\n /**\n * If `true`, allows TextInput to pass touch events to the parent component.\n * This allows components such as SwipeableListView to be swipeable from the TextInput on iOS,\n * as is the case on Android by default.\n * If `false`, TextInput always asks to handle the input (except when disabled).\n * @platform ios\n */\n rejectResponderTermination: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the text input.\n * Only valid if `multiline={true}` and `editable={false}`.\n * By default no data types are detected.\n *\n * You can provide one type or an array of many types.\n *\n * Possible values for `dataDetectorTypes` are:\n *\n * - `'phoneNumber'`\n * - `'link'`\n * - `'address'`\n * - `'calendarEvent'`\n * - `'none'`\n * - `'all'`\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n dataDetectorTypes: PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.oneOf(DataDetectorTypes),\n PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(DataDetectorTypes)),\n ]),\n /**\n * If `true`, caret is hidden. The default value is `false`.\n * This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component on iOS.\n */\n caretHidden: PropTypes.bool,\n /*\n * If `true`, contextMenuHidden is hidden. The default value is `false`.\n */\n contextMenuHidden: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * An optional identifier which links a custom InputAccessoryView to\n * this text input. The InputAccessoryView is rendered above the\n * keyboard when this text input is focused.\n * @platform ios\n */\n inputAccessoryViewID: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * Give the keyboard and the system information about the\n * expected semantic meaning for the content that users enter.\n * @platform ios\n */\n textContentType: PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'none',\n 'URL',\n 'addressCity',\n 'addressCityAndState',\n 'addressState',\n 'countryName',\n 'creditCardNumber',\n 'emailAddress',\n 'familyName',\n 'fullStreetAddress',\n 'givenName',\n 'jobTitle',\n 'location',\n 'middleName',\n 'name',\n 'namePrefix',\n 'nameSuffix',\n 'nickname',\n 'organizationName',\n 'postalCode',\n 'streetAddressLine1',\n 'streetAddressLine2',\n 'sublocality',\n 'telephoneNumber',\n 'username',\n 'password',\n 'newPassword',\n 'oneTimeCode',\n ]),\n /**\n * When `false`, it will prevent the soft keyboard from showing when the field is focused.\n * Defaults to `true`.\n * @platform android\n */\n showSoftInputOnFocus: PropTypes.bool,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType = require('./DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType');\nconst DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType = require('./DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType');\nconst DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes = require('./DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes');\nconst PlatformViewPropTypes = require('../Components/View/PlatformViewPropTypes');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst {\n DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles,\n DeprecatedAccessibilityStates,\n} = require('./DeprecatedViewAccessibility');\n\nconst stylePropType: ReactPropsCheckType = DeprecatedStyleSheetPropType(\n DeprecatedViewStylePropTypes,\n);\n\nmodule.exports = {\n /**\n * When `true`, indicates that the view is an accessibility element.\n * By default, all the touchable elements are accessible.\n *\n * See\n */\n accessible: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Overrides the text that's read by the screen reader when the user interacts\n * with the element. By default, the label is constructed by traversing all\n * the children and accumulating all the `Text` nodes separated by space.\n *\n * See\n */\n accessibilityLabel: PropTypes.node,\n\n /**\n * An accessibility hint helps users understand what will happen when they perform\n * an action on the accessibility element when that result is not obvious from the\n * accessibility label.\n *\n *\n * See\n */\n accessibilityHint: PropTypes.string,\n\n /**\n * Provides an array of custom actions available for accessibility.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n accessibilityActions: (PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.string,\n ): React$PropType$Primitive>),\n\n /**\n * Prevents view from being inverted if set to true and color inversion is turned on.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Indicates to accessibility services to treat UI component like a specific role.\n */\n accessibilityRole: (PropTypes.oneOf(\n DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles,\n ): React$PropType$Primitive<\n | 'none'\n | 'button'\n | 'link'\n | 'search'\n | 'image'\n | 'keyboardkey'\n | 'text'\n | 'adjustable'\n | 'imagebutton'\n | 'header'\n | 'summary'\n | 'alert'\n | 'checkbox'\n | 'combobox'\n | 'menu'\n | 'menubar'\n | 'menuitem'\n | 'progressbar'\n | 'radio'\n | 'radiogroup'\n | 'scrollbar'\n | 'spinbutton'\n | 'switch'\n | 'tab'\n | 'tablist'\n | 'timer'\n | 'toolbar',\n >),\n\n /**\n * Indicates to accessibility services that UI Component is in a specific State.\n */\n accessibilityStates: (PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.oneOf(DeprecatedAccessibilityStates),\n ): React$PropType$Primitive<\n Array<\n | 'selected'\n | 'disabled'\n | 'checked'\n | 'unchecked'\n | 'busy'\n | 'expanded'\n | 'collapsed'\n | 'hasPopup',\n >,\n >),\n accessibilityState: PropTypes.object,\n /**\n * Indicates to accessibility services whether the user should be notified\n * when this view changes. Works for Android API >= 19 only.\n *\n * @platform android\n *\n * See\n */\n accessibilityLiveRegion: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'none',\n 'polite',\n 'assertive',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'none' | 'polite' | 'assertive'>),\n\n /**\n * Controls how view is important for accessibility which is if it\n * fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services\n * that query the screen. Works for Android only.\n *\n * @platform android\n *\n * See\n */\n importantForAccessibility: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'auto',\n 'yes',\n 'no',\n 'no-hide-descendants',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'auto' | 'yes' | 'no' | 'no-hide-descendants'>),\n\n /**\n * A value indicating whether VoiceOver should ignore the elements\n * within views that are siblings of the receiver.\n * Default is `false`.\n *\n * @platform ios\n *\n * See\n */\n accessibilityViewIsModal: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * A value indicating whether the accessibility elements contained within\n * this accessibility element are hidden.\n *\n * @platform ios\n *\n * See\n */\n accessibilityElementsHidden: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * When `accessible` is true, the system will try to invoke this function\n * when the user performs an accessibility custom action.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n onAccessibilityAction: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * When `accessible` is true, the system will try to invoke this function\n * when the user performs accessibility tap gesture.\n *\n * See\n */\n onAccessibilityTap: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * When `accessible` is `true`, the system will invoke this function when the\n * user performs the magic tap gesture.\n *\n * See\n */\n onMagicTap: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.\n *\n * > This disables the 'layout-only view removal' optimization for this view!\n *\n * See\n */\n testID: PropTypes.string,\n\n /**\n * Used to locate this view from native classes.\n *\n * > This disables the 'layout-only view removal' optimization for this view!\n *\n * See\n */\n nativeID: PropTypes.string,\n\n /**\n * For most touch interactions, you'll simply want to wrap your component in\n * `TouchableHighlight` or `TouchableOpacity`. Check out `Touchable.js`,\n * `ScrollResponder.js` and `ResponderEventPlugin.js` for more discussion.\n */\n\n /**\n * The View is now responding for touch events. This is the time to highlight\n * and show the user what is happening.\n *\n * `View.props.onResponderGrant: (event) => {}`, where `event` is a synthetic\n * touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onResponderGrant: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * The user is moving their finger.\n *\n * `View.props.onResponderMove: (event) => {}`, where `event` is a synthetic\n * touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onResponderMove: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Another responder is already active and will not release it to that `View`\n * asking to be the responder.\n *\n * `View.props.onResponderReject: (event) => {}`, where `event` is a\n * synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onResponderReject: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Fired at the end of the touch.\n *\n * `View.props.onResponderRelease: (event) => {}`, where `event` is a\n * synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onResponderRelease: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * The responder has been taken from the `View`. Might be taken by other\n * views after a call to `onResponderTerminationRequest`, or might be taken\n * by the OS without asking (e.g., happens with control center/ notification\n * center on iOS)\n *\n * `View.props.onResponderTerminate: (event) => {}`, where `event` is a\n * synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onResponderTerminate: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Some other `View` wants to become responder and is asking this `View` to\n * release its responder. Returning `true` allows its release.\n *\n * `View.props.onResponderTerminationRequest: (event) => {}`, where `event`\n * is a synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onResponderTerminationRequest: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Does this view want to become responder on the start of a touch?\n *\n * `View.props.onStartShouldSetResponder: (event) => [true | false]`, where\n * `event` is a synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onStartShouldSetResponder: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * If a parent `View` wants to prevent a child `View` from becoming responder\n * on a touch start, it should have this handler which returns `true`.\n *\n * `View.props.onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: (event) => [true | false]`,\n * where `event` is a synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Does this view want to \"claim\" touch responsiveness? This is called for\n * every touch move on the `View` when it is not the responder.\n *\n * `View.props.onMoveShouldSetResponder: (event) => [true | false]`, where\n * `event` is a synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onMoveShouldSetResponder: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * If a parent `View` wants to prevent a child `View` from becoming responder\n * on a move, it should have this handler which returns `true`.\n *\n * `View.props.onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: (event) => [true | false]`,\n * where `event` is a synthetic touch event as described above.\n *\n * See\n */\n onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * This defines how far a touch event can start away from the view.\n * Typical interface guidelines recommend touch targets that are at least\n * 30 - 40 points/density-independent pixels.\n *\n * > The touch area never extends past the parent view bounds and the Z-index\n * > of sibling views always takes precedence if a touch hits two overlapping\n * > views.\n *\n * See\n */\n hitSlop: DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType,\n\n /**\n * Invoked on mount and layout changes with:\n *\n * `{nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}`\n *\n * This event is fired immediately once the layout has been calculated, but\n * the new layout may not yet be reflected on the screen at the time the\n * event is received, especially if a layout animation is in progress.\n *\n * See\n */\n onLayout: PropTypes.func,\n\n /**\n * Controls whether the `View` can be the target of touch events.\n *\n * See\n */\n pointerEvents: (PropTypes.oneOf([\n 'box-none',\n 'none',\n 'box-only',\n 'auto',\n ]): React$PropType$Primitive<'box-none' | 'none' | 'box-only' | 'auto'>),\n\n /**\n * See\n */\n style: stylePropType,\n\n /**\n * This is a special performance property exposed by `RCTView` and is useful\n * for scrolling content when there are many subviews, most of which are\n * offscreen. For this property to be effective, it must be applied to a\n * view that contains many subviews that extend outside its bound. The\n * subviews must also have `overflow: hidden`, as should the containing view\n * (or one of its superviews).\n *\n * See\n */\n removeClippedSubviews: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Whether this `View` should render itself (and all of its children) into a\n * single hardware texture on the GPU.\n *\n * @platform android\n *\n * See\n */\n renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Whether this `View` should be rendered as a bitmap before compositing.\n *\n * @platform ios\n *\n * See\n */\n shouldRasterizeIOS: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Views that are only used to layout their children or otherwise don't draw\n * anything may be automatically removed from the native hierarchy as an\n * optimization. Set this property to `false` to disable this optimization and\n * ensure that this `View` exists in the native view hierarchy.\n *\n * @platform android\n *\n * See\n */\n collapsable: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Whether this `View` needs to rendered offscreen and composited with an\n * alpha in order to preserve 100% correct colors and blending behavior.\n *\n * @platform android\n *\n * See\n */\n needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: PropTypes.bool,\n\n /**\n * Any additional platform-specific view prop types, or prop type overrides.\n */\n ...PlatformViewPropTypes,\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @providesModule PlatformViewPropTypes\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TVViewProps} from '../AppleTV/TVViewPropTypes';\n\nexport type PlatformViewPropTypes = TVViewProps;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @typechecks\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst mixInEventEmitter = require('../../emitter/mixInEventEmitter');\n\n/**\n * DocumentSelectionState is responsible for maintaining selection information\n * for a document.\n *\n * It is intended for use by AbstractTextEditor-based components for\n * identifying the appropriate start/end positions to modify the\n * DocumentContent, and for programmatically setting browser selection when\n * components re-render.\n */\nclass DocumentSelectionState {\n /**\n * @param {number} anchor\n * @param {number} focus\n */\n constructor(anchor, focus) {\n this._anchorOffset = anchor;\n this._focusOffset = focus;\n this._hasFocus = false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Apply an update to the state. If either offset value has changed,\n * set the values and emit the `change` event. Otherwise no-op.\n *\n * @param {number} anchor\n * @param {number} focus\n */\n update(anchor, focus) {\n if (this._anchorOffset !== anchor || this._focusOffset !== focus) {\n this._anchorOffset = anchor;\n this._focusOffset = focus;\n this.emit('update');\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Given a max text length, constrain our selection offsets to ensure\n * that the selection remains strictly within the text range.\n *\n * @param {number} maxLength\n */\n constrainLength(maxLength) {\n this.update(\n Math.min(this._anchorOffset, maxLength),\n Math.min(this._focusOffset, maxLength),\n );\n }\n\n focus() {\n if (!this._hasFocus) {\n this._hasFocus = true;\n this.emit('focus');\n }\n }\n\n blur() {\n if (this._hasFocus) {\n this._hasFocus = false;\n this.emit('blur');\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n hasFocus() {\n return this._hasFocus;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n isCollapsed() {\n return this._anchorOffset === this._focusOffset;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n isBackward() {\n return this._anchorOffset > this._focusOffset;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {?number}\n */\n getAnchorOffset() {\n return this._hasFocus ? this._anchorOffset : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {?number}\n */\n getFocusOffset() {\n return this._hasFocus ? this._focusOffset : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {?number}\n */\n getStartOffset() {\n return this._hasFocus\n ? Math.min(this._anchorOffset, this._focusOffset)\n : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {?number}\n */\n getEndOffset() {\n return this._hasFocus\n ? Math.max(this._anchorOffset, this._focusOffset)\n : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} start\n * @param {number} end\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n overlaps(start, end) {\n return (\n this.hasFocus() &&\n this.getStartOffset() <= end &&\n start <= this.getEndOffset()\n );\n }\n}\n\nmixInEventEmitter(DocumentSelectionState, {\n blur: true,\n focus: true,\n update: true,\n});\n\nmodule.exports = DocumentSelectionState;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EventEmitter = require('./EventEmitter');\nconst EventEmitterWithHolding = require('./EventEmitterWithHolding');\nconst EventHolder = require('./EventHolder');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst keyOf = require('fbjs/lib/keyOf');\n\nimport type EmitterSubscription from './EmitterSubscription';\n\nconst TYPES_KEY = keyOf({__types: true});\n\n/**\n * API to setup an object or constructor to be able to emit data events.\n *\n * @example\n * function Dog() { stuff... }\n * mixInEventEmitter(Dog, {bark: true});\n *\n * var puppy = new Dog();\n * puppy.addListener('bark', function (volume) {\n * console.log('Puppy', this, 'barked at volume:', volume);\n * });\n * puppy.emit('bark', 'quiet');\n * // Puppy barked at volume: quiet\n *\n *\n * // A \"singleton\" object may also be commissioned:\n *\n * var Singleton = {};\n * mixInEventEmitter(Singleton, {lonely: true});\n * Singleton.emit('lonely', true);\n */\nfunction mixInEventEmitter(cls: Function | Object, types: Object) {\n invariant(types, 'Must supply set of valid event types');\n\n // If this is a constructor, write to the prototype, otherwise write to the\n // singleton object.\n const target = cls.prototype || cls;\n\n invariant(!target.__eventEmitter, 'An active emitter is already mixed in');\n\n const ctor = cls.constructor;\n if (ctor) {\n invariant(\n ctor === Object || ctor === Function,\n 'Mix EventEmitter into a class, not an instance',\n );\n }\n\n // Keep track of the provided types, union the types if they already exist,\n // which allows for prototype subclasses to provide more types.\n if (target.hasOwnProperty(TYPES_KEY)) {\n Object.assign(target.__types, types);\n } else if (target.__types) {\n target.__types = Object.assign({}, target.__types, types);\n } else {\n target.__types = types;\n }\n Object.assign(target, EventEmitterMixin);\n}\n\nconst EventEmitterMixin = {\n emit: function(eventType, a, b, c, d, e, _) {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().emit(eventType, a, b, c, d, e, _);\n },\n\n emitAndHold: function(eventType, a, b, c, d, e, _) {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().emitAndHold(eventType, a, b, c, d, e, _);\n },\n\n addListener: function(eventType, listener, context): EmitterSubscription {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().addListener(eventType, listener, context);\n },\n\n once: function(eventType, listener, context) {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().once(eventType, listener, context);\n },\n\n addRetroactiveListener: function(eventType, listener, context) {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().addRetroactiveListener(\n eventType,\n listener,\n context,\n );\n },\n\n addListenerMap: function(listenerMap, context) {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().addListenerMap(listenerMap, context);\n },\n\n addRetroactiveListenerMap: function(listenerMap, context) {\n return this.__getEventEmitter().addListenerMap(listenerMap, context);\n },\n\n removeAllListeners: function() {\n this.__getEventEmitter().removeAllListeners();\n },\n\n removeCurrentListener: function() {\n this.__getEventEmitter().removeCurrentListener();\n },\n\n releaseHeldEventType: function(eventType) {\n this.__getEventEmitter().releaseHeldEventType(eventType);\n },\n\n __getEventEmitter: function() {\n if (!this.__eventEmitter) {\n let emitter = new EventEmitter();\n if (__DEV__) {\n const EventValidator = require('./EventValidator');\n emitter = EventValidator.addValidation(emitter, this.__types);\n }\n\n const holder = new EventHolder();\n this.__eventEmitter = new EventEmitterWithHolding(emitter, holder);\n }\n return this.__eventEmitter;\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = mixInEventEmitter;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type EmitterSubscription from './EmitterSubscription';\nimport type EventEmitter from './EventEmitter';\nimport type EventHolder from './EventHolder';\n\n/**\n * @class EventEmitterWithHolding\n * @description\n * An EventEmitterWithHolding decorates an event emitter and enables one to\n * \"hold\" or cache events and then have a handler register later to actually\n * handle them.\n *\n * This is separated into its own decorator so that only those who want to use\n * the holding functionality have to and others can just use an emitter. Since\n * it implements the emitter interface it can also be combined with anything\n * that uses an emitter.\n */\nclass EventEmitterWithHolding {\n _emitter: EventEmitter;\n _eventHolder: EventHolder;\n _currentEventToken: ?Object;\n _emittingHeldEvents: boolean;\n\n /**\n * @constructor\n * @param {object} emitter - The object responsible for emitting the actual\n * events.\n * @param {object} holder - The event holder that is responsible for holding\n * and then emitting held events.\n */\n constructor(emitter: EventEmitter, holder: EventHolder) {\n this._emitter = emitter;\n this._eventHolder = holder;\n this._currentEventToken = null;\n this._emittingHeldEvents = false;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventEmitter#addListener\n */\n addListener(eventType: string, listener: Function, context: ?Object): any {\n return this._emitter.addListener(eventType, listener, context);\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventEmitter#once\n */\n once(eventType: string, listener: Function, context: ?Object): any {\n return this._emitter.once(eventType, listener, context);\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds a listener to be invoked when events of the specified type are\n * emitted. An optional calling context may be provided. The data arguments\n * emitted will be passed to the listener function. In addition to subscribing\n * to all subsequent events, this method will also handle any events that have\n * already been emitted, held, and not released.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to listen to\n * @param {function} listener - Function to invoke when the specified event is\n * emitted\n * @param {*} context - Optional context object to use when invoking the\n * listener\n *\n * @example\n * emitter.emitAndHold('someEvent', 'abc');\n *\n * emitter.addRetroactiveListener('someEvent', function(message) {\n * console.log(message);\n * }); // logs 'abc'\n */\n addRetroactiveListener(\n eventType: string,\n listener: Function,\n context: ?Object,\n ): EmitterSubscription {\n const subscription = this._emitter.addListener(\n eventType,\n listener,\n context,\n );\n\n this._emittingHeldEvents = true;\n this._eventHolder.emitToListener(eventType, listener, context);\n this._emittingHeldEvents = false;\n\n return subscription;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventEmitter#removeAllListeners\n */\n removeAllListeners(eventType: string) {\n this._emitter.removeAllListeners(eventType);\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventEmitter#removeCurrentListener\n */\n removeCurrentListener() {\n this._emitter.removeCurrentListener();\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventEmitter#listeners\n */\n listeners(eventType: string): any /* TODO: Annotate return type here */ {\n return this._emitter.listeners(eventType);\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventEmitter#emit\n */\n emit(eventType: string, ...args: any) {\n this._emitter.emit(eventType, ...args);\n }\n\n /**\n * Emits an event of the given type with the given data, and holds that event\n * in order to be able to dispatch it to a later subscriber when they say they\n * want to handle held events.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to emit\n * @param {...*} Arbitrary arguments to be passed to each registered listener\n *\n * @example\n * emitter.emitAndHold('someEvent', 'abc');\n *\n * emitter.addRetroactiveListener('someEvent', function(message) {\n * console.log(message);\n * }); // logs 'abc'\n */\n emitAndHold(eventType: string, ...args: any) {\n this._currentEventToken = this._eventHolder.holdEvent(eventType, ...args);\n this._emitter.emit(eventType, ...args);\n this._currentEventToken = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventHolder#releaseCurrentEvent\n */\n releaseCurrentEvent() {\n if (this._currentEventToken) {\n this._eventHolder.releaseEvent(this._currentEventToken);\n } else if (this._emittingHeldEvents) {\n this._eventHolder.releaseCurrentEvent();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @see EventHolder#releaseEventType\n * @param {string} eventType\n */\n releaseHeldEventType(eventType: string) {\n this._eventHolder.releaseEventType(eventType);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = EventEmitterWithHolding;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nclass EventHolder {\n _heldEvents: Object;\n _currentEventKey: ?Object;\n\n constructor() {\n this._heldEvents = {};\n this._currentEventKey = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Holds a given event for processing later.\n *\n * TODO: Annotate return type better. The structural type of the return here\n * is pretty obvious.\n *\n * @param {string} eventType - Name of the event to hold and later emit\n * @param {...*} Arbitrary arguments to be passed to each registered listener\n * @return {object} Token that can be used to release the held event\n *\n * @example\n *\n * holder.holdEvent({someEvent: 'abc'});\n *\n * holder.emitToHandler({\n * someEvent: function(data, event) {\n * console.log(data);\n * }\n * }); //logs 'abc'\n *\n */\n holdEvent(\n eventType: string,\n ...args: any\n ): $TEMPORARY$object<{|eventType: string, index: $FlowFixMeEmpty|}> {\n this._heldEvents[eventType] = this._heldEvents[eventType] || [];\n const eventsOfType = this._heldEvents[eventType];\n const key = {\n eventType: eventType,\n index: eventsOfType.length,\n };\n eventsOfType.push(args);\n return key;\n }\n\n /**\n * Emits the held events of the specified type to the given listener.\n *\n * @param {?string} eventType - Optional name of the events to replay\n * @param {function} listener - The listener to which to dispatch the event\n * @param {?object} context - Optional context object to use when invoking\n * the listener\n */\n emitToListener(eventType: ?string, listener: Function, context: ?Object) {\n const eventsOfType = this._heldEvents[eventType];\n if (!eventsOfType) {\n return;\n }\n const origEventKey = this._currentEventKey;\n eventsOfType.forEach((/*?array*/ eventHeld, /*number*/ index) => {\n if (!eventHeld) {\n return;\n }\n this._currentEventKey = {\n eventType: eventType,\n index: index,\n };\n listener.apply(context, eventHeld);\n });\n this._currentEventKey = origEventKey;\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides an API that can be called during an eventing cycle to release\n * the last event that was invoked, so that it is no longer \"held\".\n *\n * If it is called when not inside of an emitting cycle it will throw.\n *\n * @throws {Error} When called not during an eventing cycle\n */\n releaseCurrentEvent() {\n invariant(\n this._currentEventKey !== null,\n 'Not in an emitting cycle; there is no current event',\n );\n this._currentEventKey && this.releaseEvent(this._currentEventKey);\n }\n\n /**\n * Releases the event corresponding to the handle that was returned when the\n * event was first held.\n *\n * @param {object} token - The token returned from holdEvent\n */\n releaseEvent(token: Object) {\n delete this._heldEvents[token.eventType][token.index];\n }\n\n /**\n * Releases all events of a certain type.\n *\n * @param {string} type\n */\n releaseEventType(type: string) {\n this._heldEvents[type] = [];\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = EventHolder;\n","\"use strict\";\n\n/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n */\n\n/**\n * Allows extraction of a minified key. Let's the build system minify keys\n * without losing the ability to dynamically use key strings as values\n * themselves. Pass in an object with a single key/val pair and it will return\n * you the string key of that single record. Suppose you want to grab the\n * value for a key 'className' inside of an object. Key/val minification may\n * have aliased that key to be 'xa12'. keyOf({className: null}) will return\n * 'xa12' in that case. Resolve keys you want to use once at startup time, then\n * reuse those resolutions.\n */\nvar keyOf = function keyOf(oneKeyObj) {\n var key;\n\n for (key in oneKeyObj) {\n if (!oneKeyObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n return key;\n }\n\n return null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = keyOf;","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst DeprecatedColorPropType = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedColorPropType');\nconst DeprecatedViewPropTypes = require('../../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewPropTypes');\nconst NativeMethodsMixin = require('../../Renderer/shims/NativeMethodsMixin');\nconst Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactNativeViewAttributes = require('../View/ReactNativeViewAttributes');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst Touchable = require('./Touchable');\nconst TouchableWithoutFeedback = require('./TouchableWithoutFeedback');\nconst View = require('../View/View');\n\nconst createReactClass = require('create-react-class');\nconst ensurePositiveDelayProps = require('./ensurePositiveDelayProps');\n\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';\nimport type {ViewStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';\nimport type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';\nimport type {Props as TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps} from './TouchableWithoutFeedback';\nimport type {TVParallaxPropertiesType} from '../AppleTV/TVViewPropTypes';\n\nconst DEFAULT_PROPS = {\n activeOpacity: 0.85,\n delayPressOut: 100,\n underlayColor: 'black',\n};\n\nconst PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET = {top: 20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30};\n\ntype IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n hasTVPreferredFocus?: ?boolean,\n tvParallaxProperties?: ?TVParallaxPropertiesType,\n|}>;\n\ntype AndroidProps = $ReadOnly<{|\n nextFocusDown?: ?number,\n nextFocusForward?: ?number,\n nextFocusLeft?: ?number,\n nextFocusRight?: ?number,\n nextFocusUp?: ?number,\n|}>;\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{|\n ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps,\n ...IOSProps,\n ...AndroidProps,\n\n activeOpacity?: ?number,\n underlayColor?: ?ColorValue,\n style?: ?ViewStyleProp,\n onShowUnderlay?: ?() => void,\n onHideUnderlay?: ?() => void,\n testOnly_pressed?: ?boolean,\n|}>;\n\n/**\n * A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.\n * On press down, the opacity of the wrapped view is decreased, which allows\n * the underlay color to show through, darkening or tinting the view.\n *\n * The underlay comes from wrapping the child in a new View, which can affect\n * layout, and sometimes cause unwanted visual artifacts if not used correctly,\n * for example if the backgroundColor of the wrapped view isn't explicitly set\n * to an opaque color.\n *\n * TouchableHighlight must have one child (not zero or more than one).\n * If you wish to have several child components, wrap them in a View.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```\n * renderButton: function() {\n * return (\n * \n * \n * \n * );\n * },\n * ```\n *\n *\n * ### Example\n *\n * ```ReactNativeWebPlayer\n * import React, { Component } from 'react'\n * import {\n * AppRegistry,\n * StyleSheet,\n * TouchableHighlight,\n * Text,\n * View,\n * } from 'react-native'\n *\n * class App extends Component {\n * constructor(props) {\n * super(props)\n * this.state = { count: 0 }\n * }\n *\n * onPress = () => {\n * this.setState({\n * count: this.state.count+1\n * })\n * }\n *\n * render() {\n * return (\n * \n * \n * Touch Here \n * \n * \n * \n * { this.state.count !== 0 ? this.state.count: null}\n * \n * \n * \n * )\n * }\n * }\n *\n * const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n * container: {\n * flex: 1,\n * justifyContent: 'center',\n * paddingHorizontal: 10\n * },\n * button: {\n * alignItems: 'center',\n * backgroundColor: '#DDDDDD',\n * padding: 10\n * },\n * countContainer: {\n * alignItems: 'center',\n * padding: 10\n * },\n * countText: {\n * color: '#FF00FF'\n * }\n * })\n *\n * AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App)\n * ```\n *\n */\n\nconst TouchableHighlight = ((createReactClass({\n displayName: 'TouchableHighlight',\n propTypes: {\n /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.89.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an\n * error found when Flow v0.89 was deployed. To see the error, delete this\n * comment and run Flow. */\n ...TouchableWithoutFeedback.propTypes,\n /**\n * Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is\n * active.\n */\n activeOpacity: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * The color of the underlay that will show through when the touch is\n * active.\n */\n underlayColor: DeprecatedColorPropType,\n /**\n * Style to apply to the container/underlay. Most commonly used to make sure\n * rounded corners match the wrapped component.\n */\n style:,\n /**\n * Called immediately after the underlay is shown\n */\n onShowUnderlay: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * Called immediately after the underlay is hidden\n */\n onHideUnderlay: PropTypes.func,\n /**\n * *(Apple TV only)* TV preferred focus (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n hasTVPreferredFocus: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * TV next focus down (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusDown: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus forward (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusForward: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus left (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusLeft: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus right (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusRight: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * TV next focus up (see documentation for the View component).\n *\n * @platform android\n */\n nextFocusUp: PropTypes.number,\n /**\n * *(Apple TV only)* Object with properties to control Apple TV parallax effects.\n *\n * enabled: If true, parallax effects are enabled. Defaults to true.\n * shiftDistanceX: Defaults to 2.0.\n * shiftDistanceY: Defaults to 2.0.\n * tiltAngle: Defaults to 0.05.\n * magnification: Defaults to 1.0.\n * pressMagnification: Defaults to 1.0.\n * pressDuration: Defaults to 0.3.\n * pressDelay: Defaults to 0.0.\n *\n * @platform ios\n */\n tvParallaxProperties: PropTypes.object,\n /**\n * Handy for snapshot tests.\n */\n testOnly_pressed: PropTypes.bool,\n },\n\n mixins: [NativeMethodsMixin, Touchable.Mixin.withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur],\n\n getDefaultProps: () => DEFAULT_PROPS,\n\n getInitialState: function() {\n this._isMounted = false;\n if (this.props.testOnly_pressed) {\n return {\n ...this.touchableGetInitialState(),\n extraChildStyle: {\n opacity: this.props.activeOpacity,\n },\n extraUnderlayStyle: {\n backgroundColor: this.props.underlayColor,\n },\n };\n } else {\n return {\n ...this.touchableGetInitialState(),\n extraChildStyle: null,\n extraUnderlayStyle: null,\n };\n }\n },\n\n componentDidMount: function() {\n this._isMounted = true;\n ensurePositiveDelayProps(this.props);\n },\n\n componentWillUnmount: function() {\n this._isMounted = false;\n clearTimeout(this._hideTimeout);\n },\n\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {\n ensurePositiveDelayProps(nextProps);\n },\n\n viewConfig: {\n uiViewClassName: 'RCTView',\n validAttributes: ReactNativeViewAttributes.RCTView,\n },\n\n /**\n * `Touchable.Mixin` self callbacks. The mixin will invoke these if they are\n * defined on your component.\n */\n touchableHandleActivePressIn: function(e: PressEvent) {\n clearTimeout(this._hideTimeout);\n this._hideTimeout = null;\n this._showUnderlay();\n this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleActivePressOut: function(e: PressEvent) {\n if (!this._hideTimeout) {\n this._hideUnderlay();\n }\n this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleFocus: function(e: Event) {\n if (Platform.isTV) {\n this._showUnderlay();\n }\n this.props.onFocus && this.props.onFocus(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleBlur: function(e: Event) {\n if (Platform.isTV) {\n this._hideUnderlay();\n }\n this.props.onBlur && this.props.onBlur(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandlePress: function(e: PressEvent) {\n clearTimeout(this._hideTimeout);\n if (!Platform.isTV) {\n this._showUnderlay();\n this._hideTimeout = setTimeout(\n this._hideUnderlay,\n this.props.delayPressOut,\n );\n }\n this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(e);\n },\n\n touchableHandleLongPress: function(e: PressEvent) {\n this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(e);\n },\n\n touchableGetPressRectOffset: function() {\n return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET;\n },\n\n touchableGetHitSlop: function() {\n return this.props.hitSlop;\n },\n\n touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function() {\n return this.props.delayPressIn;\n },\n\n touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function() {\n return this.props.delayLongPress;\n },\n\n touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function() {\n return this.props.delayPressOut;\n },\n\n _showUnderlay: function() {\n if (!this._isMounted || !this._hasPressHandler()) {\n return;\n }\n this.setState({\n extraChildStyle: {\n opacity: this.props.activeOpacity,\n },\n extraUnderlayStyle: {\n backgroundColor: this.props.underlayColor,\n },\n });\n this.props.onShowUnderlay && this.props.onShowUnderlay();\n },\n\n _hideUnderlay: function() {\n clearTimeout(this._hideTimeout);\n this._hideTimeout = null;\n if (this.props.testOnly_pressed) {\n return;\n }\n if (this._hasPressHandler()) {\n this.setState({\n extraChildStyle: null,\n extraUnderlayStyle: null,\n });\n this.props.onHideUnderlay && this.props.onHideUnderlay();\n }\n },\n\n _hasPressHandler: function() {\n return !!(\n this.props.onPress ||\n this.props.onPressIn ||\n this.props.onPressOut ||\n this.props.onLongPress\n );\n },\n\n render: function() {\n const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children);\n return (\n \n {React.cloneElement(child, {\n style: StyleSheet.compose(\n,\n this.state.extraChildStyle,\n ),\n })}\n {Touchable.renderDebugView({\n color: 'green',\n hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop,\n })}\n \n );\n },\n}): any): React.ComponentType);\n\nmodule.exports = TouchableHighlight;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nimport RCTActionSheetManager from './NativeActionSheetManager';\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst processColor = require('../StyleSheet/processColor');\n\n/**\n * Display action sheets and share sheets on iOS.\n *\n * See\n */\nconst ActionSheetIOS = {\n /**\n * Display an iOS action sheet.\n *\n * The `options` object must contain one or more of:\n *\n * - `options` (array of strings) - a list of button titles (required)\n * - `cancelButtonIndex` (int) - index of cancel button in `options`\n * - `destructiveButtonIndex` (int or array of ints) - index or indices of destructive buttons in `options`\n * - `title` (string) - a title to show above the action sheet\n * - `message` (string) - a message to show below the title\n *\n * The 'callback' function takes one parameter, the zero-based index\n * of the selected item.\n *\n * See\n */\n showActionSheetWithOptions(\n options: {|\n +title?: ?string,\n +message?: ?string,\n +options: Array,\n +destructiveButtonIndex?: ?number,\n +cancelButtonIndex?: ?number,\n +anchor?: ?number,\n +tintColor?: number | string,\n |},\n callback: (buttonIndex: number) => void,\n ) {\n invariant(\n typeof options === 'object' && options !== null,\n 'Options must be a valid object',\n );\n invariant(typeof callback === 'function', 'Must provide a valid callback');\n invariant(RCTActionSheetManager, \"ActionSheetManager does't exist\");\n\n const {tintColor, ...remainingOptions} = options;\n\n RCTActionSheetManager.showActionSheetWithOptions(\n {...remainingOptions, tintColor: processColor(tintColor)},\n callback,\n );\n },\n\n /**\n * Display the iOS share sheet. The `options` object should contain\n * one or both of `message` and `url` and can additionally have\n * a `subject` or `excludedActivityTypes`:\n *\n * - `url` (string) - a URL to share\n * - `message` (string) - a message to share\n * - `subject` (string) - a subject for the message\n * - `excludedActivityTypes` (array) - the activities to exclude from\n * the ActionSheet\n * - `tintColor` (color) - tint color of the buttons\n *\n * The 'failureCallback' function takes one parameter, an error object.\n * The only property defined on this object is an optional `stack` property\n * of type `string`.\n *\n * The 'successCallback' function takes two parameters:\n *\n * - a boolean value signifying success or failure\n * - a string that, in the case of success, indicates the method of sharing\n *\n * See\n */\n showShareActionSheetWithOptions(\n options: Object,\n failureCallback: Function,\n successCallback: Function,\n ) {\n invariant(\n typeof options === 'object' && options !== null,\n 'Options must be a valid object',\n );\n invariant(\n typeof failureCallback === 'function',\n 'Must provide a valid failureCallback',\n );\n invariant(\n typeof successCallback === 'function',\n 'Must provide a valid successCallback',\n );\n invariant(RCTActionSheetManager, \"ActionSheetManager does't exist\");\n RCTActionSheetManager.showShareActionSheetWithOptions(\n {...options, tintColor: processColor(options.tintColor)},\n failureCallback,\n successCallback,\n );\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ActionSheetIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {||};\n +showActionSheetWithOptions: (\n options: {|\n +title?: ?string,\n +message?: ?string,\n +options: ?Array,\n // Supports Array as well.\n +destructiveButtonIndex?: ?number,\n +cancelButtonIndex?: ?number,\n +anchor?: ?number,\n +tintColor?: ?number,\n |},\n callback: (buttonIndex: number) => void,\n ) => void;\n +showShareActionSheetWithOptions: (\n options: {|\n +message?: ?string,\n +url?: ?string,\n +subject?: ?string,\n +anchor?: ?number,\n +tintColor?: ?number,\n +excludedActivityTypes?: ?Array,\n |},\n failureCallback: (error: {|\n +domain: string,\n +code: string,\n +userInfo?: ?Object,\n +message: string,\n |}) => void,\n successCallback: (completed: boolean, activityType: ?string) => void,\n ) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('ActionSheetManager'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nconst BatchedBridge = require('../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge');\nconst BugReporting = require('../BugReporting/BugReporting');\nconst ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative');\nconst SceneTracker = require('../Utilities/SceneTracker');\n\nconst infoLog = require('../Utilities/infoLog');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst renderApplication = require('./renderApplication');\nconst createPerformanceLogger = require('../Utilities/createPerformanceLogger');\nimport type {IPerformanceLogger} from '../Utilities/createPerformanceLogger';\n\nimport NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport from './NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport';\nimport HeadlessJsTaskError from './HeadlessJsTaskError';\n\ntype Task = (taskData: any) => Promise;\ntype TaskProvider = () => Task;\ntype TaskCanceller = () => void;\ntype TaskCancelProvider = () => TaskCanceller;\n\nexport type ComponentProvider = () => React$ComponentType;\nexport type ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook = (\n component: ComponentProvider,\n scopedPerformanceLogger: IPerformanceLogger,\n) => React$ComponentType;\nexport type AppConfig = {\n appKey: string,\n component?: ComponentProvider,\n run?: Function,\n section?: boolean,\n};\nexport type Runnable = {\n component?: ComponentProvider,\n run: Function,\n};\nexport type Runnables = {\n [appKey: string]: Runnable,\n};\nexport type Registry = {\n sections: Array,\n runnables: Runnables,\n};\nexport type WrapperComponentProvider = any => React$ComponentType<*>;\n\nconst runnables: Runnables = {};\nlet runCount = 1;\nconst sections: Runnables = {};\nconst taskProviders: Map = new Map();\nconst taskCancelProviders: Map = new Map();\nlet componentProviderInstrumentationHook: ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook = (\n component: ComponentProvider,\n) => component();\n\nlet wrapperComponentProvider: ?WrapperComponentProvider;\nlet showFabricIndicator = false;\n\n/**\n * `AppRegistry` is the JavaScript entry point to running all React Native apps.\n *\n * See\n */\nconst AppRegistry = {\n setWrapperComponentProvider(provider: WrapperComponentProvider) {\n wrapperComponentProvider = provider;\n },\n\n enableFabricIndicator(enabled: boolean): void {\n showFabricIndicator = enabled;\n },\n\n registerConfig(config: Array): void {\n config.forEach(appConfig => {\n if ( {\n AppRegistry.registerRunnable(appConfig.appKey,;\n } else {\n invariant(\n appConfig.component != null,\n 'AppRegistry.registerConfig(...): Every config is expected to set ' +\n 'either `run` or `component`, but `%s` has neither.',\n appConfig.appKey,\n );\n AppRegistry.registerComponent(\n appConfig.appKey,\n appConfig.component,\n appConfig.section,\n );\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Registers an app's root component.\n *\n * See\n */\n registerComponent(\n appKey: string,\n componentProvider: ComponentProvider,\n section?: boolean,\n ): string {\n let scopedPerformanceLogger = createPerformanceLogger();\n runnables[appKey] = {\n componentProvider,\n run: appParameters => {\n renderApplication(\n componentProviderInstrumentationHook(\n componentProvider,\n scopedPerformanceLogger,\n ),\n appParameters.initialProps,\n appParameters.rootTag,\n wrapperComponentProvider && wrapperComponentProvider(appParameters),\n appParameters.fabric,\n showFabricIndicator,\n scopedPerformanceLogger,\n );\n },\n };\n if (section) {\n sections[appKey] = runnables[appKey];\n }\n return appKey;\n },\n\n registerRunnable(appKey: string, run: Function): string {\n runnables[appKey] = {run};\n return appKey;\n },\n\n registerSection(appKey: string, component: ComponentProvider): void {\n AppRegistry.registerComponent(appKey, component, true);\n },\n\n getAppKeys(): Array {\n return Object.keys(runnables);\n },\n\n getSectionKeys(): Array {\n return Object.keys(sections);\n },\n\n getSections(): Runnables {\n return {\n ...sections,\n };\n },\n\n getRunnable(appKey: string): ?Runnable {\n return runnables[appKey];\n },\n\n getRegistry(): Registry {\n return {\n sections: AppRegistry.getSectionKeys(),\n runnables: {...runnables},\n };\n },\n\n setComponentProviderInstrumentationHook(\n hook: ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook,\n ) {\n componentProviderInstrumentationHook = hook;\n },\n\n /**\n * Loads the JavaScript bundle and runs the app.\n *\n * See\n */\n runApplication(appKey: string, appParameters: any): void {\n const msg =\n 'Running \"' + appKey + '\" with ' + JSON.stringify(appParameters);\n infoLog(msg);\n BugReporting.addSource(\n 'AppRegistry.runApplication' + runCount++,\n () => msg,\n );\n invariant(\n runnables[appKey] && runnables[appKey].run,\n `\"${appKey}\" has not been registered. This can happen if:\\n` +\n '* Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. ' +\n 'Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.\\n' +\n \"* A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called.\",\n );\n\n SceneTracker.setActiveScene({name: appKey});\n runnables[appKey].run(appParameters);\n },\n\n /**\n * Stops an application when a view should be destroyed.\n *\n * See\n */\n unmountApplicationComponentAtRootTag(rootTag: number): void {\n ReactNative.unmountComponentAtNodeAndRemoveContainer(rootTag);\n },\n\n /**\n * Register a headless task. A headless task is a bit of code that runs without a UI.\n *\n * See\n */\n registerHeadlessTask(taskKey: string, taskProvider: TaskProvider): void {\n this.registerCancellableHeadlessTask(taskKey, taskProvider, () => () => {\n /* Cancel is no-op */\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Register a cancellable headless task. A headless task is a bit of code that runs without a UI.\n *\n * See\n */\n registerCancellableHeadlessTask(\n taskKey: string,\n taskProvider: TaskProvider,\n taskCancelProvider: TaskCancelProvider,\n ): void {\n if (taskProviders.has(taskKey)) {\n console.warn(\n `registerHeadlessTask or registerCancellableHeadlessTask called multiple times for same key '${taskKey}'`,\n );\n }\n taskProviders.set(taskKey, taskProvider);\n taskCancelProviders.set(taskKey, taskCancelProvider);\n },\n\n /**\n * Only called from native code. Starts a headless task.\n *\n * See\n */\n startHeadlessTask(taskId: number, taskKey: string, data: any): void {\n const taskProvider = taskProviders.get(taskKey);\n if (!taskProvider) {\n console.warn(`No task registered for key ${taskKey}`);\n if (NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport) {\n NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskFinished(taskId);\n }\n return;\n }\n taskProvider()(data)\n .then(() => {\n if (NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport) {\n NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskFinished(taskId);\n }\n })\n .catch(reason => {\n console.error(reason);\n\n if (\n NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport &&\n reason instanceof HeadlessJsTaskError\n ) {\n NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskRetry(taskId).then(\n retryPosted => {\n if (!retryPosted) {\n NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskFinished(taskId);\n }\n },\n );\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Only called from native code. Cancels a headless task.\n *\n * See\n */\n cancelHeadlessTask(taskId: number, taskKey: string): void {\n const taskCancelProvider = taskCancelProviders.get(taskKey);\n if (!taskCancelProvider) {\n throw new Error(`No task canceller registered for key '${taskKey}'`);\n }\n taskCancelProvider()();\n },\n};\n\nBatchedBridge.registerCallableModule('AppRegistry', AppRegistry);\n\nmodule.exports = AppRegistry;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +notifyTaskFinished: (taskId: number) => void;\n +notifyTaskRetry: (taskId: number) => Promise;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('HeadlessJsTaskSupport'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n'use strict';\n\nexport default class HeadlessJsTaskError extends Error {}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\nconst infoLog = require('../Utilities/infoLog');\n\nimport type EmitterSubscription from '../vendor/emitter/EmitterSubscription';\nimport NativeBugReporting from './NativeBugReporting';\nimport NativeRedBox from '../NativeModules/specs/NativeRedBox';\n\ntype ExtraData = {[key: string]: string};\ntype SourceCallback = () => string;\ntype DebugData = {extras: ExtraData, files: ExtraData};\n\nfunction defaultExtras() {\n BugReporting.addFileSource('react_hierarchy.txt', () =>\n require('./dumpReactTree')(),\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * A simple class for collecting bug report data. Components can add sources that will be queried when a bug report\n * is created via `collectExtraData`. For example, a list component might add a source that provides the list of rows\n * that are currently visible on screen. Components should also remember to call `remove()` on the object that is\n * returned by `addSource` when they are unmounted.\n */\nclass BugReporting {\n static _extraSources: Map = new Map();\n static _fileSources: Map = new Map();\n static _subscription: ?EmitterSubscription = null;\n static _redboxSubscription: ?EmitterSubscription = null;\n\n static _maybeInit() {\n if (!BugReporting._subscription) {\n BugReporting._subscription = RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'collectBugExtraData',\n BugReporting.collectExtraData,\n null,\n );\n defaultExtras();\n }\n\n if (!BugReporting._redboxSubscription) {\n BugReporting._redboxSubscription = RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'collectRedBoxExtraData',\n BugReporting.collectExtraData,\n null,\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Maps a string key to a simple callback that should return a string payload to be attached\n * to a bug report. Source callbacks are called when `collectExtraData` is called.\n *\n * Returns an object to remove the source when the component unmounts.\n *\n * Conflicts trample with a warning.\n */\n static addSource(\n key: string,\n callback: SourceCallback,\n ): {remove: () => void} {\n return this._addSource(key, callback, BugReporting._extraSources);\n }\n\n /**\n * Maps a string key to a simple callback that should return a string payload to be attached\n * to a bug report. Source callbacks are called when `collectExtraData` is called.\n *\n * Returns an object to remove the source when the component unmounts.\n *\n * Conflicts trample with a warning.\n */\n static addFileSource(\n key: string,\n callback: SourceCallback,\n ): {remove: () => void} {\n return this._addSource(key, callback, BugReporting._fileSources);\n }\n\n static _addSource(\n key: string,\n callback: SourceCallback,\n source: Map,\n ): {remove: () => void} {\n BugReporting._maybeInit();\n if (source.has(key)) {\n console.warn(\n `BugReporting.add* called multiple times for same key '${key}'`,\n );\n }\n source.set(key, callback);\n return {\n remove: () => {\n source.delete(key);\n },\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * This can be called from a native bug reporting flow, or from JS code.\n *\n * If available, this will call `NativeModules.BugReporting.setExtraData(extraData)`\n * after collecting `extraData`.\n */\n static collectExtraData(): DebugData {\n const extraData: ExtraData = {};\n for (const [key, callback] of BugReporting._extraSources) {\n extraData[key] = callback();\n }\n const fileData: ExtraData = {};\n for (const [key, callback] of BugReporting._fileSources) {\n fileData[key] = callback();\n }\n infoLog('BugReporting extraData:', extraData);\n\n if (NativeBugReporting != null && NativeBugReporting.setExtraData != null) {\n NativeBugReporting.setExtraData(extraData, fileData);\n }\n\n if (NativeRedBox != null && NativeRedBox.setExtraData != null) {\n NativeRedBox.setExtraData(extraData, 'From BugReporting.js');\n }\n\n return {extras: extraData, files: fileData};\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = BugReporting;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +startReportAProblemFlow: () => void;\n +setExtraData: (extraData: Object, extraFiles: Object) => void;\n +setCategoryID: (categoryID: string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default TurboModuleRegistry.get('BugReporting');\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +setExtraData: (extraData: Object, identifier: string) => void;\n +dismiss: () => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('RedBox'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/*\nconst getReactData = require('getReactData');\n\nconst INDENTATION_SIZE = 2;\nconst MAX_DEPTH = 2;\nconst MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 50;\n*/\n\n/**\n * Dump all React Native root views and their content. This function tries\n * it best to get the content but ultimately relies on implementation details\n * of React and will fail in future versions.\n */\nfunction dumpReactTree(): string {\n try {\n return getReactTree();\n } catch (e) {\n return 'Failed to dump react tree: ' + e;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getReactTree() {\n // TODO(sema): Reenable tree dumps using the Fiber tree structure. #15945684\n return (\n 'React tree dumps have been temporarily disabled while React is ' +\n 'upgraded to Fiber.'\n );\n /*\n let output = '';\n const rootIds = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ReactNativeMount._instancesByContainerID);\n for (const rootId of rootIds) {\n const instance = ReactNativeMount._instancesByContainerID[rootId];\n output += `============ Root ID: ${rootId} ============\\n`;\n output += dumpNode(instance, 0);\n output += `============ End root ID: ${rootId} ============\\n`;\n }\n return output;\n*/\n}\n\n/*\nfunction dumpNode(node: Object, indentation: number) {\n const data = getReactData(node);\n if (data.nodeType === 'Text') {\n return indent(indentation) + data.text + '\\n';\n } else if (data.nodeType === 'Empty') {\n return '';\n }\n let output = indent(indentation) + `<${}`;\n if (data.nodeType === 'Composite') {\n for (const propName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data.props || {})) {\n if (isNormalProp(propName)) {\n try {\n const value = convertValue(data.props[propName]);\n if (value) {\n output += ` ${propName}=${value}`;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n const message = `[Failed to get property: ${e}]`;\n output += ` ${propName}=${message}`;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n let childOutput = '';\n for (const child of data.children || []) {\n childOutput += dumpNode(child, indentation + 1);\n }\n\n if (childOutput) {\n output += '>\\n' + childOutput + indent(indentation) + `\\n`;\n } else {\n output += ' />\\n';\n }\n\n return output;\n}\n\nfunction isNormalProp(name: string): boolean {\n switch (name) {\n case 'children':\n case 'key':\n case 'ref':\n return false;\n default:\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction convertObject(object: Object, depth: number) {\n if (depth >= MAX_DEPTH) {\n return '[...omitted]';\n }\n let output = '{';\n let first = true;\n for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object)) {\n if (!first) {\n output += ', ';\n }\n output += `${key}: ${convertValue(object[key], depth + 1)}`;\n first = false;\n }\n return output + '}';\n}\n\nfunction convertValue(value, depth = 0): ?string {\n if (!value) {\n return null;\n }\n\n switch (typeof value) {\n case 'string':\n return JSON.stringify(possiblyEllipsis(value).replace('\\n', '\\\\n'));\n case 'boolean':\n case 'number':\n return JSON.stringify(value);\n case 'function':\n return '[function]';\n case 'object':\n return convertObject(value, depth);\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction possiblyEllipsis(value: string) {\n if (value.length > MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {\n return value.slice(0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH) + '...';\n } else {\n return value;\n }\n}\n\nfunction indent(size: number) {\n return ' '.repeat(size * INDENTATION_SIZE);\n}\n*/\n\nmodule.exports = dumpReactTree;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\ntype Scene = {name: string};\n\nlet _listeners: Array<(scene: Scene) => void> = [];\n\nlet _activeScene = {name: 'default'};\n\nconst SceneTracker = {\n setActiveScene(scene: Scene) {\n _activeScene = scene;\n _listeners.forEach(listener => listener(_activeScene));\n },\n\n getActiveScene(): Scene {\n return _activeScene;\n },\n\n addActiveSceneChangedListener(\n callback: (scene: Scene) => void,\n ): {remove: () => void} {\n _listeners.push(callback);\n return {\n remove: () => {\n _listeners = _listeners.filter(listener => callback !== listener);\n },\n };\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = SceneTracker;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst AppContainer = require('./AppContainer');\nimport GlobalPerformanceLogger from '../Utilities/GlobalPerformanceLogger';\nimport type {IPerformanceLogger} from '../Utilities/createPerformanceLogger';\nimport PerformanceLoggerContext from '../Utilities/PerformanceLoggerContext';\nconst React = require('react');\nconst ReactFabricIndicator = require('./ReactFabricIndicator');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n// require BackHandler so it sets the default handler that exits the app if no listeners respond\nrequire('../Utilities/BackHandler');\n\nfunction renderApplication(\n RootComponent: React.ComponentType,\n initialProps: Props,\n rootTag: any,\n WrapperComponent?: ?React.ComponentType<*>,\n fabric?: boolean,\n showFabricIndicator?: boolean,\n scopedPerformanceLogger?: IPerformanceLogger,\n) {\n invariant(rootTag, 'Expect to have a valid rootTag, instead got ', rootTag);\n\n const renderable = (\n \n \n \n {fabric === true && showFabricIndicator === true ? (\n \n ) : null}\n \n \n );\n\n GlobalPerformanceLogger.startTimespan('renderApplication_React_render');\n if (fabric) {\n require('../Renderer/shims/ReactFabric').render(renderable, rootTag);\n } else {\n require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative').render(renderable, rootTag);\n }\n GlobalPerformanceLogger.stopTimespan('renderApplication_React_render');\n}\n\nmodule.exports = renderApplication;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport GlobalPerformanceLogger from './GlobalPerformanceLogger';\nimport type {IPerformanceLogger} from './createPerformanceLogger';\n\n/**\n * This is a React Context that provides a scoped instance of IPerformanceLogger.\n * We wrap every with a Provider for this context so the logger\n * should be available in every component.\n * See React docs about using Context:\n */\nconst PerformanceLoggerContext: React.Context = React.createContext(\n GlobalPerformanceLogger,\n);\nmodule.exports = PerformanceLoggerContext;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\nconst StyleSheet = require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');\nconst Text = require('../Text/Text');\nconst View = require('../Components/View/View');\n\nfunction ReactFabricIndicator(): React.Node {\n return (\n \n FABRIC\n \n );\n}\n\nconst styles = StyleSheet.create({\n container: {\n alignItems: 'center',\n justifyContent: 'center',\n backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.25)',\n position: 'absolute',\n top: 0,\n right: 0,\n padding: 2,\n },\n text: {\n fontSize: 6,\n color: '#ffffff',\n },\n});\n\nmodule.exports = ReactFabricIndicator;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * On Apple TV, this implements back navigation using the TV remote's menu button.\n * On iOS, this just implements a stub.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('./Platform');\nconst TVEventHandler = require('../Components/AppleTV/TVEventHandler');\n\ntype BackPressEventName = 'backPress' | 'hardwareBackPress';\n\nfunction emptyFunction(): void {}\n\n/**\n * Detect hardware button presses for back navigation.\n *\n * Android: Detect hardware back button presses, and programmatically invoke the default back button\n * functionality to exit the app if there are no listeners or if none of the listeners return true.\n *\n * tvOS: Detect presses of the menu button on the TV remote. (Still to be implemented:\n * programmatically disable menu button handling\n * functionality to exit the app if there are no listeners or if none of the listeners return true.)\n *\n * iOS: Not applicable.\n *\n * The event subscriptions are called in reverse order (i.e. last registered subscription first),\n * and if one subscription returns true then subscriptions registered earlier will not be called.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', function() {\n * // this.onMainScreen and this.goBack are just examples, you need to use your own implementation here\n * // Typically you would use the navigator here to go to the last state.\n *\n * if (!this.onMainScreen()) {\n * this.goBack();\n * return true;\n * }\n * return false;\n * });\n * ```\n */\ntype TBackHandler = {|\n +exitApp: () => void,\n +addEventListener: (\n eventName: BackPressEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ) => {remove: () => void},\n +removeEventListener: (\n eventName: BackPressEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ) => void,\n|};\n\nlet BackHandler: TBackHandler;\n\nif (Platform.isTV) {\n const _tvEventHandler = new TVEventHandler();\n const _backPressSubscriptions = new Set();\n\n _tvEventHandler.enable(this, function(cmp, evt) {\n if (evt && evt.eventType === 'menu') {\n let invokeDefault = true;\n const subscriptions = Array.from(\n _backPressSubscriptions.values(),\n ).reverse();\n\n for (let i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; ++i) {\n if (subscriptions[i]()) {\n invokeDefault = false;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (invokeDefault) {\n BackHandler.exitApp();\n }\n }\n });\n\n BackHandler = {\n exitApp: emptyFunction,\n\n addEventListener: function(\n eventName: BackPressEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ): {remove: () => void} {\n _backPressSubscriptions.add(handler);\n return {\n remove: () => BackHandler.removeEventListener(eventName, handler),\n };\n },\n\n removeEventListener: function(\n eventName: BackPressEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ): void {\n _backPressSubscriptions.delete(handler);\n },\n };\n} else {\n BackHandler = {\n exitApp: emptyFunction,\n addEventListener(_eventName: BackPressEventName, _handler: Function) {\n return {\n remove: emptyFunction,\n };\n },\n removeEventListener(_eventName: BackPressEventName, _handler: Function) {},\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = BackHandler;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport {BatchedBridge} from 'react-native/Libraries/ReactPrivate/ReactNativePrivateInterface';\n\n// TODO @sema: Adjust types\nimport type {ReactNativeType} from './ReactNativeTypes';\n\nlet ReactFabric;\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n ReactFabric = require('../implementations/ReactFabric-dev');\n} else {\n ReactFabric = require('../implementations/ReactFabric-prod');\n}\n\nBatchedBridge.registerCallableModule('ReactFabric', ReactFabric);\n\nmodule.exports = (ReactFabric: ReactNativeType);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @noflow\n * @providesModule ReactFabric-prod\n * @preventMunge\n * @generated\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\nrequire(\"react-native/Libraries/ReactPrivate/ReactNativePrivateInitializeCore\");\nvar ReactNativePrivateInterface = require(\"react-native/Libraries/ReactPrivate/ReactNativePrivateInterface\"),\n React = require(\"react\"),\n Scheduler = require(\"scheduler\");\nfunction ReactError(error) {\n = \"Invariant Violation\";\n return error;\n}\nvar eventPluginOrder = null,\n namesToPlugins = {};\nfunction recomputePluginOrdering() {\n if (eventPluginOrder)\n for (var pluginName in namesToPlugins) {\n var pluginModule = namesToPlugins[pluginName],\n pluginIndex = eventPluginOrder.indexOf(pluginName);\n if (!(-1 < pluginIndex))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n if (!plugins[pluginIndex]) {\n if (!pluginModule.extractEvents)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an `extractEvents` method, but `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"` does not.\"\n )\n );\n plugins[pluginIndex] = pluginModule;\n pluginIndex = pluginModule.eventTypes;\n for (var eventName in pluginIndex) {\n var JSCompiler_inline_result = void 0;\n var dispatchConfig = pluginIndex[eventName],\n pluginModule$jscomp$0 = pluginModule,\n eventName$jscomp$0 = eventName;\n if (eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(eventName$jscomp$0))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, `\" +\n eventName$jscomp$0 +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n eventNameDispatchConfigs[eventName$jscomp$0] = dispatchConfig;\n var phasedRegistrationNames = dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames;\n if (phasedRegistrationNames) {\n for (JSCompiler_inline_result in phasedRegistrationNames)\n phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(\n JSCompiler_inline_result\n ) &&\n publishRegistrationName(\n phasedRegistrationNames[JSCompiler_inline_result],\n pluginModule$jscomp$0,\n eventName$jscomp$0\n );\n JSCompiler_inline_result = !0;\n } else\n dispatchConfig.registrationName\n ? (publishRegistrationName(\n dispatchConfig.registrationName,\n pluginModule$jscomp$0,\n eventName$jscomp$0\n ),\n (JSCompiler_inline_result = !0))\n : (JSCompiler_inline_result = !1);\n if (!JSCompiler_inline_result)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event `\" +\n eventName +\n \"` for plugin `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction publishRegistrationName(registrationName, pluginModule) {\n if (registrationNameModules[registrationName])\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `\" +\n registrationName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n registrationNameModules[registrationName] = pluginModule;\n}\nvar plugins = [],\n eventNameDispatchConfigs = {},\n registrationNameModules = {};\nfunction invokeGuardedCallbackImpl(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n var funcArgs =, 3);\n try {\n func.apply(context, funcArgs);\n } catch (error) {\n this.onError(error);\n }\n}\nvar hasError = !1,\n caughtError = null,\n hasRethrowError = !1,\n rethrowError = null,\n reporter = {\n onError: function(error) {\n hasError = !0;\n caughtError = error;\n }\n };\nfunction invokeGuardedCallback(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n hasError = !1;\n caughtError = null;\n invokeGuardedCallbackImpl.apply(reporter, arguments);\n}\nfunction invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError(\n name,\n func,\n context,\n a,\n b,\n c,\n d,\n e,\n f\n) {\n invokeGuardedCallback.apply(this, arguments);\n if (hasError) {\n if (hasError) {\n var error = caughtError;\n hasError = !1;\n caughtError = null;\n } else\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"clearCaughtError was called but no error was captured. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n hasRethrowError || ((hasRethrowError = !0), (rethrowError = error));\n }\n}\nvar getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode = null,\n getInstanceFromNode = null,\n getNodeFromInstance = null;\nfunction executeDispatch(event, listener, inst) {\n var type = event.type || \"unknown-event\";\n event.currentTarget = getNodeFromInstance(inst);\n invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError(type, listener, void 0, event);\n event.currentTarget = null;\n}\nfunction executeDirectDispatch(event) {\n var dispatchListener = event._dispatchListeners,\n dispatchInstance = event._dispatchInstances;\n if (Array.isArray(dispatchListener))\n throw ReactError(Error(\"executeDirectDispatch(...): Invalid `event`.\"));\n event.currentTarget = dispatchListener\n ? getNodeFromInstance(dispatchInstance)\n : null;\n dispatchListener = dispatchListener ? dispatchListener(event) : null;\n event.currentTarget = null;\n event._dispatchListeners = null;\n event._dispatchInstances = null;\n return dispatchListener;\n}\nfunction accumulateInto(current, next) {\n if (null == next)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"accumulateInto(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.\"\n )\n );\n if (null == current) return next;\n if (Array.isArray(current)) {\n if (Array.isArray(next)) return current.push.apply(current, next), current;\n current.push(next);\n return current;\n }\n return Array.isArray(next) ? [current].concat(next) : [current, next];\n}\nfunction forEachAccumulated(arr, cb, scope) {\n Array.isArray(arr) ? arr.forEach(cb, scope) : arr &&, arr);\n}\nvar eventQueue = null;\nfunction executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel(e) {\n if (e) {\n var dispatchListeners = e._dispatchListeners,\n dispatchInstances = e._dispatchInstances;\n if (Array.isArray(dispatchListeners))\n for (\n var i = 0;\n i < dispatchListeners.length && !e.isPropagationStopped();\n i++\n )\n executeDispatch(e, dispatchListeners[i], dispatchInstances[i]);\n else\n dispatchListeners &&\n executeDispatch(e, dispatchListeners, dispatchInstances);\n e._dispatchListeners = null;\n e._dispatchInstances = null;\n e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e);\n }\n}\nvar injection = {\n injectEventPluginOrder: function(injectedEventPluginOrder) {\n if (eventPluginOrder)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugin ordering more than once. You are likely trying to load more than one copy of React.\"\n )\n );\n eventPluginOrder =;\n recomputePluginOrdering();\n },\n injectEventPluginsByName: function(injectedNamesToPlugins) {\n var isOrderingDirty = !1,\n pluginName;\n for (pluginName in injectedNamesToPlugins)\n if (injectedNamesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName)) {\n var pluginModule = injectedNamesToPlugins[pluginName];\n if (\n !namesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName) ||\n namesToPlugins[pluginName] !== pluginModule\n ) {\n if (namesToPlugins[pluginName])\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, `\" +\n pluginName +\n \"`.\"\n )\n );\n namesToPlugins[pluginName] = pluginModule;\n isOrderingDirty = !0;\n }\n }\n isOrderingDirty && recomputePluginOrdering();\n }\n};\nfunction getListener(inst, registrationName) {\n var listener = inst.stateNode;\n if (!listener) return null;\n var props = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(listener);\n if (!props) return null;\n listener = props[registrationName];\n a: switch (registrationName) {\n case \"onClick\":\n case \"onClickCapture\":\n case \"onDoubleClick\":\n case \"onDoubleClickCapture\":\n case \"onMouseDown\":\n case \"onMouseDownCapture\":\n case \"onMouseMove\":\n case \"onMouseMoveCapture\":\n case \"onMouseUp\":\n case \"onMouseUpCapture\":\n (props = !props.disabled) ||\n ((inst = inst.type),\n (props = !(\n \"button\" === inst ||\n \"input\" === inst ||\n \"select\" === inst ||\n \"textarea\" === inst\n )));\n inst = !props;\n break a;\n default:\n inst = !1;\n }\n if (inst) return null;\n if (listener && \"function\" !== typeof listener)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected `\" +\n registrationName +\n \"` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `\" +\n typeof listener +\n \"` type.\"\n )\n );\n return listener;\n}\nfunction getParent(inst) {\n do inst = inst.return;\n while (inst && 5 !== inst.tag);\n return inst ? inst : null;\n}\nfunction traverseTwoPhase(inst, fn, arg) {\n for (var path = []; inst; ) path.push(inst), (inst = getParent(inst));\n for (inst = path.length; 0 < inst--; ) fn(path[inst], \"captured\", arg);\n for (inst = 0; inst < path.length; inst++) fn(path[inst], \"bubbled\", arg);\n}\nfunction accumulateDirectionalDispatches(inst, phase, event) {\n if (\n (phase = getListener(\n inst,\n event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[phase]\n ))\n )\n (event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchListeners,\n phase\n )),\n (event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchInstances,\n inst\n ));\n}\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle(event) {\n event &&\n event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames &&\n traverseTwoPhase(event._targetInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event);\n}\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) {\n var targetInst = event._targetInst;\n targetInst = targetInst ? getParent(targetInst) : null;\n traverseTwoPhase(targetInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event);\n }\n}\nfunction accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle(event) {\n if (event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n var inst = event._targetInst;\n if (inst && event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {\n var listener = getListener(inst, event.dispatchConfig.registrationName);\n listener &&\n ((event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchListeners,\n listener\n )),\n (event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(\n event._dispatchInstances,\n inst\n )));\n }\n }\n}\nfunction functionThatReturnsTrue() {\n return !0;\n}\nfunction functionThatReturnsFalse() {\n return !1;\n}\nfunction SyntheticEvent(\n dispatchConfig,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n) {\n this.dispatchConfig = dispatchConfig;\n this._targetInst = targetInst;\n this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;\n dispatchConfig = this.constructor.Interface;\n for (var propName in dispatchConfig)\n dispatchConfig.hasOwnProperty(propName) &&\n ((targetInst = dispatchConfig[propName])\n ? (this[propName] = targetInst(nativeEvent))\n : \"target\" === propName\n ? ( = nativeEventTarget)\n : (this[propName] = nativeEvent[propName]));\n this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != nativeEvent.defaultPrevented\n ? nativeEvent.defaultPrevented\n : !1 === nativeEvent.returnValue)\n ? functionThatReturnsTrue\n : functionThatReturnsFalse;\n this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsFalse;\n return this;\n}\nObject.assign(SyntheticEvent.prototype, {\n preventDefault: function() {\n this.defaultPrevented = !0;\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n event &&\n (event.preventDefault\n ? event.preventDefault()\n : \"unknown\" !== typeof event.returnValue && (event.returnValue = !1),\n (this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsTrue));\n },\n stopPropagation: function() {\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n event &&\n (event.stopPropagation\n ? event.stopPropagation()\n : \"unknown\" !== typeof event.cancelBubble && (event.cancelBubble = !0),\n (this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsTrue));\n },\n persist: function() {\n this.isPersistent = functionThatReturnsTrue;\n },\n isPersistent: functionThatReturnsFalse,\n destructor: function() {\n var Interface = this.constructor.Interface,\n propName;\n for (propName in Interface) this[propName] = null;\n this.nativeEvent = this._targetInst = this.dispatchConfig = null;\n this.isPropagationStopped = this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsFalse;\n this._dispatchInstances = this._dispatchListeners = null;\n }\n});\nSyntheticEvent.Interface = {\n type: null,\n target: null,\n currentTarget: function() {\n return null;\n },\n eventPhase: null,\n bubbles: null,\n cancelable: null,\n timeStamp: function(event) {\n return event.timeStamp ||;\n },\n defaultPrevented: null,\n isTrusted: null\n};\nSyntheticEvent.extend = function(Interface) {\n function E() {}\n function Class() {\n return Super.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n var Super = this;\n E.prototype = Super.prototype;\n var prototype = new E();\n Object.assign(prototype, Class.prototype);\n Class.prototype = prototype;\n Class.prototype.constructor = Class;\n Class.Interface = Object.assign({}, Super.Interface, Interface);\n Class.extend = Super.extend;\n addEventPoolingTo(Class);\n return Class;\n};\naddEventPoolingTo(SyntheticEvent);\nfunction getPooledEvent(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst) {\n if (this.eventPool.length) {\n var instance = this.eventPool.pop();\n, dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst);\n return instance;\n }\n return new this(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst);\n}\nfunction releasePooledEvent(event) {\n if (!(event instanceof this))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Trying to release an event instance into a pool of a different type.\"\n )\n );\n event.destructor();\n 10 > this.eventPool.length && this.eventPool.push(event);\n}\nfunction addEventPoolingTo(EventConstructor) {\n EventConstructor.eventPool = [];\n EventConstructor.getPooled = getPooledEvent;\n EventConstructor.release = releasePooledEvent;\n}\nvar ResponderSyntheticEvent = SyntheticEvent.extend({\n touchHistory: function() {\n return null;\n }\n});\nfunction isStartish(topLevelType) {\n return \"topTouchStart\" === topLevelType;\n}\nfunction isMoveish(topLevelType) {\n return \"topTouchMove\" === topLevelType;\n}\nvar startDependencies = [\"topTouchStart\"],\n moveDependencies = [\"topTouchMove\"],\n endDependencies = [\"topTouchCancel\", \"topTouchEnd\"],\n touchBank = [],\n touchHistory = {\n touchBank: touchBank,\n numberActiveTouches: 0,\n indexOfSingleActiveTouch: -1,\n mostRecentTimeStamp: 0\n };\nfunction timestampForTouch(touch) {\n return touch.timeStamp || touch.timestamp;\n}\nfunction getTouchIdentifier(_ref) {\n _ref = _ref.identifier;\n if (null == _ref)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Touch object is missing identifier.\"));\n return _ref;\n}\nfunction recordTouchStart(touch) {\n var identifier = getTouchIdentifier(touch),\n touchRecord = touchBank[identifier];\n touchRecord\n ? ((touchRecord.touchActive = !0),\n (touchRecord.startPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.startPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.startTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchRecord.currentPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.currentPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.currentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchRecord.previousPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.previousPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.previousTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)))\n : ((touchRecord = {\n touchActive: !0,\n startPageX: touch.pageX,\n startPageY: touch.pageY,\n startTimeStamp: timestampForTouch(touch),\n currentPageX: touch.pageX,\n currentPageY: touch.pageY,\n currentTimeStamp: timestampForTouch(touch),\n previousPageX: touch.pageX,\n previousPageY: touch.pageY,\n previousTimeStamp: timestampForTouch(touch)\n }),\n (touchBank[identifier] = touchRecord));\n touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch);\n}\nfunction recordTouchMove(touch) {\n var touchRecord = touchBank[getTouchIdentifier(touch)];\n touchRecord\n ? ((touchRecord.touchActive = !0),\n (touchRecord.previousPageX = touchRecord.currentPageX),\n (touchRecord.previousPageY = touchRecord.currentPageY),\n (touchRecord.previousTimeStamp = touchRecord.currentTimeStamp),\n (touchRecord.currentPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.currentPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.currentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)))\n : console.warn(\n \"Cannot record touch move without a touch start.\\nTouch Move: %s\\n\",\n \"Touch Bank: %s\",\n printTouch(touch),\n printTouchBank()\n );\n}\nfunction recordTouchEnd(touch) {\n var touchRecord = touchBank[getTouchIdentifier(touch)];\n touchRecord\n ? ((touchRecord.touchActive = !1),\n (touchRecord.previousPageX = touchRecord.currentPageX),\n (touchRecord.previousPageY = touchRecord.currentPageY),\n (touchRecord.previousTimeStamp = touchRecord.currentTimeStamp),\n (touchRecord.currentPageX = touch.pageX),\n (touchRecord.currentPageY = touch.pageY),\n (touchRecord.currentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)),\n (touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp = timestampForTouch(touch)))\n : console.warn(\n \"Cannot record touch end without a touch start.\\nTouch End: %s\\n\",\n \"Touch Bank: %s\",\n printTouch(touch),\n printTouchBank()\n );\n}\nfunction printTouch(touch) {\n return JSON.stringify({\n identifier: touch.identifier,\n pageX: touch.pageX,\n pageY: touch.pageY,\n timestamp: timestampForTouch(touch)\n });\n}\nfunction printTouchBank() {\n var printed = JSON.stringify(touchBank.slice(0, 20));\n 20 < touchBank.length &&\n (printed += \" (original size: \" + touchBank.length + \")\");\n return printed;\n}\nvar ResponderTouchHistoryStore = {\n recordTouchTrack: function(topLevelType, nativeEvent) {\n if (isMoveish(topLevelType))\n nativeEvent.changedTouches.forEach(recordTouchMove);\n else if (isStartish(topLevelType))\n nativeEvent.changedTouches.forEach(recordTouchStart),\n (touchHistory.numberActiveTouches = nativeEvent.touches.length),\n 1 === touchHistory.numberActiveTouches &&\n (touchHistory.indexOfSingleActiveTouch =\n nativeEvent.touches[0].identifier);\n else if (\n \"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType ||\n \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType\n )\n if (\n (nativeEvent.changedTouches.forEach(recordTouchEnd),\n (touchHistory.numberActiveTouches = nativeEvent.touches.length),\n 1 === touchHistory.numberActiveTouches)\n )\n for (topLevelType = 0; topLevelType < touchBank.length; topLevelType++)\n if (\n ((nativeEvent = touchBank[topLevelType]),\n null != nativeEvent && nativeEvent.touchActive)\n ) {\n touchHistory.indexOfSingleActiveTouch = topLevelType;\n break;\n }\n },\n touchHistory: touchHistory\n};\nfunction accumulate(current, next) {\n if (null == next)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"accumulate(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.\")\n );\n return null == current\n ? next\n : Array.isArray(current)\n ? current.concat(next)\n : Array.isArray(next)\n ? [current].concat(next)\n : [current, next];\n}\nvar responderInst = null,\n trackedTouchCount = 0;\nfunction changeResponder(nextResponderInst, blockHostResponder) {\n var oldResponderInst = responderInst;\n responderInst = nextResponderInst;\n if (null !== ResponderEventPlugin.GlobalResponderHandler)\n ResponderEventPlugin.GlobalResponderHandler.onChange(\n oldResponderInst,\n nextResponderInst,\n blockHostResponder\n );\n}\nvar eventTypes = {\n startShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onStartShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onStartShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: startDependencies\n },\n scrollShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onScrollShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: [\"topScroll\"]\n },\n selectionChangeShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: [\"topSelectionChange\"]\n },\n moveShouldSetResponder: {\n phasedRegistrationNames: {\n bubbled: \"onMoveShouldSetResponder\",\n captured: \"onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture\"\n },\n dependencies: moveDependencies\n },\n responderStart: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderStart\",\n dependencies: startDependencies\n },\n responderMove: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderMove\",\n dependencies: moveDependencies\n },\n responderEnd: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderEnd\",\n dependencies: endDependencies\n },\n responderRelease: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderRelease\",\n dependencies: endDependencies\n },\n responderTerminationRequest: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderTerminationRequest\",\n dependencies: []\n },\n responderGrant: { registrationName: \"onResponderGrant\", dependencies: [] },\n responderReject: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderReject\",\n dependencies: []\n },\n responderTerminate: {\n registrationName: \"onResponderTerminate\",\n dependencies: []\n }\n },\n ResponderEventPlugin = {\n _getResponder: function() {\n return responderInst;\n },\n eventTypes: eventTypes,\n extractEvents: function(\n topLevelType,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n ) {\n if (isStartish(topLevelType)) trackedTouchCount += 1;\n else if (\n \"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType ||\n \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType\n )\n if (0 <= trackedTouchCount) --trackedTouchCount;\n else\n return (\n console.error(\n \"Ended a touch event which was not counted in `trackedTouchCount`.\"\n ),\n null\n );\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.recordTouchTrack(topLevelType, nativeEvent);\n if (\n targetInst &&\n ((\"topScroll\" === topLevelType && !nativeEvent.responderIgnoreScroll) ||\n (0 < trackedTouchCount && \"topSelectionChange\" === topLevelType) ||\n isStartish(topLevelType) ||\n isMoveish(topLevelType))\n ) {\n var JSCompiler_temp = isStartish(topLevelType)\n ? eventTypes.startShouldSetResponder\n : isMoveish(topLevelType)\n ? eventTypes.moveShouldSetResponder\n : \"topSelectionChange\" === topLevelType\n ? eventTypes.selectionChangeShouldSetResponder\n : eventTypes.scrollShouldSetResponder;\n if (responderInst)\n b: {\n var JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = responderInst;\n for (\n var depthA = 0, tempA = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0;\n tempA;\n tempA = getParent(tempA)\n )\n depthA++;\n tempA = 0;\n for (var tempB = targetInst; tempB; tempB = getParent(tempB))\n tempA++;\n for (; 0 < depthA - tempA; )\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = getParent(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0)),\n depthA--;\n for (; 0 < tempA - depthA; )\n (targetInst = getParent(targetInst)), tempA--;\n for (; depthA--; ) {\n if (\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 === targetInst ||\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 === targetInst.alternate\n )\n break b;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = getParent(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0);\n targetInst = getParent(targetInst);\n }\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = null;\n }\n else JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = targetInst;\n targetInst = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 === responderInst;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n JSCompiler_temp,\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n );\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory;\n targetInst\n ? forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget\n )\n : forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle\n );\n b: {\n JSCompiler_temp = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchListeners;\n targetInst = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchInstances;\n if (Array.isArray(JSCompiler_temp))\n for (\n depthA = 0;\n depthA < JSCompiler_temp.length &&\n !JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.isPropagationStopped();\n depthA++\n ) {\n if (\n JSCompiler_temp[depthA](\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n targetInst[depthA]\n )\n ) {\n JSCompiler_temp = targetInst[depthA];\n break b;\n }\n }\n else if (\n JSCompiler_temp &&\n JSCompiler_temp(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0, targetInst)\n ) {\n JSCompiler_temp = targetInst;\n break b;\n }\n JSCompiler_temp = null;\n }\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchInstances = null;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0._dispatchListeners = null;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.isPersistent() ||\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.constructor.release(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n );\n JSCompiler_temp && JSCompiler_temp !== responderInst\n ? ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = void 0),\n (targetInst = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderGrant,\n JSCompiler_temp,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (targetInst.touchHistory = ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(targetInst, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (depthA = !0 === executeDirectDispatch(targetInst)),\n responderInst\n ? ((tempA = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderTerminationRequest,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (tempA.touchHistory = ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(tempA, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (tempB =\n !tempA._dispatchListeners || executeDirectDispatch(tempA)),\n tempA.isPersistent() || tempA.constructor.release(tempA),\n tempB\n ? ((tempA = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderTerminate,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (tempA.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(tempA, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n [targetInst, tempA]\n )),\n changeResponder(JSCompiler_temp, depthA))\n : ((JSCompiler_temp = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n eventTypes.responderReject,\n JSCompiler_temp,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (JSCompiler_temp.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp,\n accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle\n ),\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n JSCompiler_temp\n ))))\n : ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n targetInst\n )),\n changeResponder(JSCompiler_temp, depthA)),\n (JSCompiler_temp = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0))\n : (JSCompiler_temp = null);\n } else JSCompiler_temp = null;\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = responderInst && isStartish(topLevelType);\n targetInst = responderInst && isMoveish(topLevelType);\n depthA =\n responderInst &&\n (\"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType || \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType);\n if (\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n ? eventTypes.responderStart\n : targetInst\n ? eventTypes.responderMove\n : depthA\n ? eventTypes.responderEnd\n : null)\n )\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.touchHistory =\n ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0,\n accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle\n ),\n (JSCompiler_temp = accumulate(\n JSCompiler_temp,\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n ));\n JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 =\n responderInst && \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType;\n if (\n (topLevelType =\n responderInst &&\n !JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 &&\n (\"topTouchEnd\" === topLevelType || \"topTouchCancel\" === topLevelType))\n )\n a: {\n if ((topLevelType = nativeEvent.touches) && 0 !== topLevelType.length)\n for (targetInst = 0; targetInst < topLevelType.length; targetInst++)\n if (\n ((depthA = topLevelType[targetInst].target),\n null !== depthA && void 0 !== depthA && 0 !== depthA)\n ) {\n tempA = getInstanceFromNode(depthA);\n b: {\n for (depthA = responderInst; tempA; ) {\n if (depthA === tempA || depthA === tempA.alternate) {\n depthA = !0;\n break b;\n }\n tempA = getParent(tempA);\n }\n depthA = !1;\n }\n if (depthA) {\n topLevelType = !1;\n break a;\n }\n }\n topLevelType = !0;\n }\n if (\n (topLevelType = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0\n ? eventTypes.responderTerminate\n : topLevelType\n ? eventTypes.responderRelease\n : null)\n )\n (nativeEvent = ResponderSyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n topLevelType,\n responderInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n )),\n (nativeEvent.touchHistory = ResponderTouchHistoryStore.touchHistory),\n forEachAccumulated(nativeEvent, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle),\n (JSCompiler_temp = accumulate(JSCompiler_temp, nativeEvent)),\n changeResponder(null);\n return JSCompiler_temp;\n },\n GlobalResponderHandler: null,\n injection: {\n injectGlobalResponderHandler: function(GlobalResponderHandler) {\n ResponderEventPlugin.GlobalResponderHandler = GlobalResponderHandler;\n }\n }\n },\n customBubblingEventTypes =\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry\n .customBubblingEventTypes,\n customDirectEventTypes =\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry\n .customDirectEventTypes;\ninjection.injectEventPluginOrder([\n \"ResponderEventPlugin\",\n \"ReactNativeBridgeEventPlugin\"\n]);\ninjection.injectEventPluginsByName({\n ResponderEventPlugin: ResponderEventPlugin,\n ReactNativeBridgeEventPlugin: {\n eventTypes: {},\n extractEvents: function(\n topLevelType,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n ) {\n if (null == targetInst) return null;\n var bubbleDispatchConfig = customBubblingEventTypes[topLevelType],\n directDispatchConfig = customDirectEventTypes[topLevelType];\n if (!bubbleDispatchConfig && !directDispatchConfig)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n 'Unsupported top level event type \"' + topLevelType + '\" dispatched'\n )\n );\n topLevelType = SyntheticEvent.getPooled(\n bubbleDispatchConfig || directDispatchConfig,\n targetInst,\n nativeEvent,\n nativeEventTarget\n );\n if (bubbleDispatchConfig)\n forEachAccumulated(topLevelType, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle);\n else if (directDispatchConfig)\n forEachAccumulated(topLevelType, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle);\n else return null;\n return topLevelType;\n }\n }\n});\nfunction getInstanceFromInstance(instanceHandle) {\n return instanceHandle;\n}\ngetFiberCurrentPropsFromNode = function(inst) {\n return inst.canonical.currentProps;\n};\ngetInstanceFromNode = getInstanceFromInstance;\ngetNodeFromInstance = function(inst) {\n inst = inst.stateNode.canonical._nativeTag;\n if (!inst) throw ReactError(Error(\"All native instances should have a tag.\"));\n return inst;\n};\nResponderEventPlugin.injection.injectGlobalResponderHandler({\n onChange: function(from, to, blockNativeResponder) {\n null !== to\n ? ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.setJSResponder(\n to.stateNode.canonical._nativeTag,\n blockNativeResponder\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.clearJSResponder();\n }\n});\nvar ReactSharedInternals =\n React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\nReactSharedInternals.hasOwnProperty(\"ReactCurrentDispatcher\") ||\n (ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher = { current: null });\nReactSharedInternals.hasOwnProperty(\"ReactCurrentBatchConfig\") ||\n (ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig = { suspense: null });\nvar hasSymbol = \"function\" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for,\n REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.element\") : 60103,\n REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.portal\") : 60106,\n REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.fragment\") : 60107,\n REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.strict_mode\") : 60108,\n REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.profiler\") : 60114,\n REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.provider\") : 60109,\n REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.context\") : 60110,\n REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol\n ? Symbol.for(\"react.concurrent_mode\")\n : 60111,\n REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.forward_ref\") : 60112,\n REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.suspense\") : 60113,\n REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = hasSymbol\n ? Symbol.for(\"react.suspense_list\")\n : 60120,\n REACT_MEMO_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.memo\") : 60115,\n REACT_LAZY_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for(\"react.lazy\") : 60116;\nhasSymbol && Symbol.for(\"react.fundamental\");\nhasSymbol && Symbol.for(\"react.responder\");\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = \"function\" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (null === maybeIterable || \"object\" !== typeof maybeIterable) return null;\n maybeIterable =\n (MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]) ||\n maybeIterable[\"@@iterator\"];\n return \"function\" === typeof maybeIterable ? maybeIterable : null;\n}\nfunction getComponentName(type) {\n if (null == type) return null;\n if (\"function\" === typeof type) return type.displayName || || null;\n if (\"string\" === typeof type) return type;\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return \"Fragment\";\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return \"Portal\";\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return \"Profiler\";\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return \"StrictMode\";\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return \"Suspense\";\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return \"SuspenseList\";\n }\n if (\"object\" === typeof type)\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n return \"Context.Consumer\";\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n return \"Context.Provider\";\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n var innerType = type.render;\n innerType = innerType.displayName || || \"\";\n return (\n type.displayName ||\n (\"\" !== innerType ? \"ForwardRef(\" + innerType + \")\" : \"ForwardRef\")\n );\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n return getComponentName(type.type);\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n if ((type = 1 === type._status ? type._result : null))\n return getComponentName(type);\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction isFiberMountedImpl(fiber) {\n var node = fiber;\n if (fiber.alternate) for (; node.return; ) node = node.return;\n else {\n if (0 !== (node.effectTag & 2)) return 1;\n for (; node.return; )\n if (((node = node.return), 0 !== (node.effectTag & 2))) return 1;\n }\n return 3 === node.tag ? 2 : 3;\n}\nfunction assertIsMounted(fiber) {\n if (2 !== isFiberMountedImpl(fiber))\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n}\nfunction findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(fiber) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n if (!alternate) {\n alternate = isFiberMountedImpl(fiber);\n if (3 === alternate)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n return 1 === alternate ? null : fiber;\n }\n for (var a = fiber, b = alternate; ; ) {\n var parentA = a.return;\n if (null === parentA) break;\n var parentB = parentA.alternate;\n if (null === parentB) {\n b = parentA.return;\n if (null !== b) {\n a = b;\n continue;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (parentA.child === parentB.child) {\n for (parentB = parentA.child; parentB; ) {\n if (parentB === a) return assertIsMounted(parentA), fiber;\n if (parentB === b) return assertIsMounted(parentA), alternate;\n parentB = parentB.sibling;\n }\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n }\n if (a.return !== b.return) (a = parentA), (b = parentB);\n else {\n for (var didFindChild = !1, _child = parentA.child; _child; ) {\n if (_child === a) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n a = parentA;\n b = parentB;\n break;\n }\n if (_child === b) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n b = parentA;\n a = parentB;\n break;\n }\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n if (!didFindChild) {\n for (_child = parentB.child; _child; ) {\n if (_child === a) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n a = parentB;\n b = parentA;\n break;\n }\n if (_child === b) {\n didFindChild = !0;\n b = parentB;\n a = parentA;\n break;\n }\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n if (!didFindChild)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Child was not found in either parent set. This indicates a bug in React related to the return pointer. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n if (a.alternate !== b)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Return fibers should always be each others' alternates. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n if (3 !== a.tag)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n return a.stateNode.current === a ? fiber : alternate;\n}\nfunction findCurrentHostFiber(parent) {\n parent = findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(parent);\n if (!parent) return null;\n for (var node = parent; ; ) {\n if (5 === node.tag || 6 === node.tag) return node;\n if (node.child) (node.child.return = node), (node = node.child);\n else {\n if (node === parent) break;\n for (; !node.sibling; ) {\n if (!node.return || node.return === parent) return null;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(context, callback) {\n return function() {\n if (\n callback &&\n (\"boolean\" !== typeof context.__isMounted || context.__isMounted)\n )\n return callback.apply(context, arguments);\n };\n}\nvar emptyObject = {},\n removedKeys = null,\n removedKeyCount = 0;\nfunction restoreDeletedValuesInNestedArray(\n updatePayload,\n node,\n validAttributes\n) {\n if (Array.isArray(node))\n for (var i = node.length; i-- && 0 < removedKeyCount; )\n restoreDeletedValuesInNestedArray(\n updatePayload,\n node[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n else if (node && 0 < removedKeyCount)\n for (i in removedKeys)\n if (removedKeys[i]) {\n var nextProp = node[i];\n if (void 0 !== nextProp) {\n var attributeConfig = validAttributes[i];\n if (attributeConfig) {\n \"function\" === typeof nextProp && (nextProp = !0);\n \"undefined\" === typeof nextProp && (nextProp = null);\n if (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig)\n updatePayload[i] = nextProp;\n else if (\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n )\n (nextProp =\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? attributeConfig.process(nextProp)\n : nextProp),\n (updatePayload[i] = nextProp);\n removedKeys[i] = !1;\n removedKeyCount--;\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction diffNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n nextProp,\n validAttributes\n) {\n if (!updatePayload && prevProp === nextProp) return updatePayload;\n if (!prevProp || !nextProp)\n return nextProp\n ? addNestedProperty(updatePayload, nextProp, validAttributes)\n : prevProp\n ? clearNestedProperty(updatePayload, prevProp, validAttributes)\n : updatePayload;\n if (!Array.isArray(prevProp) && !Array.isArray(nextProp))\n return diffProperties(updatePayload, prevProp, nextProp, validAttributes);\n if (Array.isArray(prevProp) && Array.isArray(nextProp)) {\n var minLength =\n prevProp.length < nextProp.length ? prevProp.length : nextProp.length,\n i;\n for (i = 0; i < minLength; i++)\n updatePayload = diffNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp[i],\n nextProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n for (; i < prevProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = clearNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n for (; i < nextProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = addNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n nextProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n return updatePayload;\n }\n return Array.isArray(prevProp)\n ? diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.flattenStyle(prevProp),\n nextProp,\n validAttributes\n )\n : diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.flattenStyle(nextProp),\n validAttributes\n );\n}\nfunction addNestedProperty(updatePayload, nextProp, validAttributes) {\n if (!nextProp) return updatePayload;\n if (!Array.isArray(nextProp))\n return diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n emptyObject,\n nextProp,\n validAttributes\n );\n for (var i = 0; i < nextProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = addNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n nextProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n return updatePayload;\n}\nfunction clearNestedProperty(updatePayload, prevProp, validAttributes) {\n if (!prevProp) return updatePayload;\n if (!Array.isArray(prevProp))\n return diffProperties(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n emptyObject,\n validAttributes\n );\n for (var i = 0; i < prevProp.length; i++)\n updatePayload = clearNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp[i],\n validAttributes\n );\n return updatePayload;\n}\nfunction diffProperties(updatePayload, prevProps, nextProps, validAttributes) {\n var attributeConfig, propKey;\n for (propKey in nextProps)\n if ((attributeConfig = validAttributes[propKey])) {\n var prevProp = prevProps[propKey];\n var nextProp = nextProps[propKey];\n \"function\" === typeof nextProp &&\n ((nextProp = !0), \"function\" === typeof prevProp && (prevProp = !0));\n \"undefined\" === typeof nextProp &&\n ((nextProp = null),\n \"undefined\" === typeof prevProp && (prevProp = null));\n removedKeys && (removedKeys[propKey] = !1);\n if (updatePayload && void 0 !== updatePayload[propKey])\n if (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig)\n updatePayload[propKey] = nextProp;\n else {\n if (\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n )\n (attributeConfig =\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? attributeConfig.process(nextProp)\n : nextProp),\n (updatePayload[propKey] = attributeConfig);\n }\n else if (prevProp !== nextProp)\n if (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig)\n (\"object\" !== typeof nextProp ||\n null === nextProp ||\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.deepDiffer(prevProp, nextProp)) &&\n ((updatePayload || (updatePayload = {}))[propKey] = nextProp);\n else if (\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ) {\n if (\n void 0 === prevProp ||\n (\"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff\n ? attributeConfig.diff(prevProp, nextProp)\n : \"object\" !== typeof nextProp ||\n null === nextProp ||\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.deepDiffer(prevProp, nextProp))\n )\n (attributeConfig =\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? attributeConfig.process(nextProp)\n : nextProp),\n ((updatePayload || (updatePayload = {}))[\n propKey\n ] = attributeConfig);\n } else\n (removedKeys = null),\n (removedKeyCount = 0),\n (updatePayload = diffNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n nextProp,\n attributeConfig\n )),\n 0 < removedKeyCount &&\n updatePayload &&\n (restoreDeletedValuesInNestedArray(\n updatePayload,\n nextProp,\n attributeConfig\n ),\n (removedKeys = null));\n }\n for (var _propKey in prevProps)\n void 0 === nextProps[_propKey] &&\n (!(attributeConfig = validAttributes[_propKey]) ||\n (updatePayload && void 0 !== updatePayload[_propKey]) ||\n ((prevProp = prevProps[_propKey]),\n void 0 !== prevProp &&\n (\"object\" !== typeof attributeConfig ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.diff ||\n \"function\" === typeof attributeConfig.process\n ? (((updatePayload || (updatePayload = {}))[_propKey] = null),\n removedKeys || (removedKeys = {}),\n removedKeys[_propKey] ||\n ((removedKeys[_propKey] = !0), removedKeyCount++))\n : (updatePayload = clearNestedProperty(\n updatePayload,\n prevProp,\n attributeConfig\n )))));\n return updatePayload;\n}\nvar restoreTarget = null,\n restoreQueue = null;\nfunction restoreStateOfTarget(target) {\n if (getInstanceFromNode(target))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"setRestoreImplementation() needs to be called to handle a target for controlled events. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n}\nfunction batchedUpdatesImpl(fn, bookkeeping) {\n return fn(bookkeeping);\n}\nfunction flushDiscreteUpdatesImpl() {}\nvar isInsideEventHandler = !1;\nfunction batchedUpdates(fn, bookkeeping) {\n if (isInsideEventHandler) return fn(bookkeeping);\n isInsideEventHandler = !0;\n try {\n return batchedUpdatesImpl(fn, bookkeeping);\n } finally {\n if (\n ((isInsideEventHandler = !1),\n null !== restoreTarget || null !== restoreQueue)\n )\n if (\n (flushDiscreteUpdatesImpl(),\n restoreTarget &&\n ((bookkeeping = restoreTarget),\n (fn = restoreQueue),\n (restoreQueue = restoreTarget = null),\n restoreStateOfTarget(bookkeeping),\n fn))\n )\n for (bookkeeping = 0; bookkeeping < fn.length; bookkeeping++)\n restoreStateOfTarget(fn[bookkeeping]);\n }\n}\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) {\n if (\"function\" !== typeof superClass && null !== superClass)\n throw new TypeError(\n \"Super expression must either be null or a function, not \" +\n typeof superClass\n );\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n enumerable: !1,\n writable: !0,\n configurable: !0\n }\n });\n superClass &&\n (Object.setPrototypeOf\n ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass)\n : (subClass.__proto__ = superClass));\n}\n(function(_React$Component) {\n function ReactNativeComponent() {\n if (!(this instanceof ReactNativeComponent))\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n var call = _React$Component.apply(this, arguments);\n if (!this)\n throw new ReferenceError(\n \"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"\n );\n return !call || (\"object\" !== typeof call && \"function\" !== typeof call)\n ? this\n : call;\n }\n _inherits(ReactNativeComponent, _React$Component);\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.blur = function() {};\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.focus = function() {};\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measure = function() {};\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measureInWindow = function() {};\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measureLayout = function() {};\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.setNativeProps = function() {};\n return ReactNativeComponent;\n})(React.Component);\nnew Map();\nnew Map();\nnew Set();\nnew Map();\nfunction dispatchEvent(target, topLevelType, nativeEvent) {\n batchedUpdates(function() {\n var events =;\n for (var events$jscomp$0 = null, i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {\n var possiblePlugin = plugins[i];\n possiblePlugin &&\n (possiblePlugin = possiblePlugin.extractEvents(\n topLevelType,\n target,\n nativeEvent,\n events\n )) &&\n (events$jscomp$0 = accumulateInto(events$jscomp$0, possiblePlugin));\n }\n events = events$jscomp$0;\n null !== events && (eventQueue = accumulateInto(eventQueue, events));\n events = eventQueue;\n eventQueue = null;\n if (events) {\n forEachAccumulated(events, executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel);\n if (eventQueue)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"processEventQueue(): Additional events were enqueued while processing an event queue. Support for this has not yet been implemented.\"\n )\n );\n if (hasRethrowError)\n throw ((events = rethrowError),\n (hasRethrowError = !1),\n (rethrowError = null),\n events);\n }\n });\n}\nfunction shim$1() {\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"The current renderer does not support hydration. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n}\nvar _nativeFabricUIManage$1 = nativeFabricUIManager,\n createNode = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.createNode,\n cloneNode = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.cloneNode,\n cloneNodeWithNewChildren = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.cloneNodeWithNewChildren,\n cloneNodeWithNewChildrenAndProps =\n _nativeFabricUIManage$1.cloneNodeWithNewChildrenAndProps,\n cloneNodeWithNewProps = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.cloneNodeWithNewProps,\n createChildNodeSet = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.createChildSet,\n appendChildNode = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.appendChild,\n appendChildNodeToSet = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.appendChildToSet,\n completeRoot = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.completeRoot,\n registerEventHandler = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.registerEventHandler,\n fabricMeasure = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.measure,\n fabricMeasureInWindow = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.measureInWindow,\n fabricMeasureLayout = _nativeFabricUIManage$1.measureLayout,\n getViewConfigForType =\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactNativeViewConfigRegistry.get,\n nextReactTag = 2;\nregisterEventHandler && registerEventHandler(dispatchEvent);\nvar ReactFabricHostComponent = (function() {\n function ReactFabricHostComponent(\n tag,\n viewConfig,\n props,\n internalInstanceHandle\n ) {\n if (!(this instanceof ReactFabricHostComponent))\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n this._nativeTag = tag;\n this.viewConfig = viewConfig;\n this.currentProps = props;\n this._internalInstanceHandle = internalInstanceHandle;\n }\n ReactFabricHostComponent.prototype.blur = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.blurTextInput(this._nativeTag);\n };\n ReactFabricHostComponent.prototype.focus = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.focusTextInput(this._nativeTag);\n };\n ReactFabricHostComponent.prototype.measure = function(callback) {\n fabricMeasure(\n this._internalInstanceHandle.stateNode.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n );\n };\n ReactFabricHostComponent.prototype.measureInWindow = function(callback) {\n fabricMeasureInWindow(\n this._internalInstanceHandle.stateNode.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n );\n };\n ReactFabricHostComponent.prototype.measureLayout = function(\n relativeToNativeNode,\n onSuccess,\n onFail\n ) {\n \"number\" !== typeof relativeToNativeNode &&\n relativeToNativeNode instanceof ReactFabricHostComponent &&\n fabricMeasureLayout(\n this._internalInstanceHandle.stateNode.node,\n relativeToNativeNode._internalInstanceHandle.stateNode.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onFail),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onSuccess)\n );\n };\n ReactFabricHostComponent.prototype.setNativeProps = function() {};\n return ReactFabricHostComponent;\n})();\nfunction createTextInstance(\n text,\n rootContainerInstance,\n hostContext,\n internalInstanceHandle\n) {\n if (!hostContext.isInAParentText)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Text strings must be rendered within a component.\")\n );\n hostContext = nextReactTag;\n nextReactTag += 2;\n return {\n node: createNode(\n hostContext,\n \"RCTRawText\",\n rootContainerInstance,\n { text: text },\n internalInstanceHandle\n )\n };\n}\nvar scheduleTimeout = setTimeout,\n cancelTimeout = clearTimeout;\nfunction cloneHiddenInstance(instance) {\n var node = instance.node;\n var updatePayload = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n { style: { display: \"none\" } },\n instance.canonical.viewConfig.validAttributes\n );\n return {\n node: cloneNodeWithNewProps(node, updatePayload),\n canonical: instance.canonical\n };\n}\nvar BEFORE_SLASH_RE = /^(.*)[\\\\\\/]/;\nfunction getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(workInProgress) {\n var info = \"\";\n do {\n a: switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 3:\n case 4:\n case 6:\n case 7:\n case 10:\n case 9:\n var JSCompiler_inline_result = \"\";\n break a;\n default:\n var owner = workInProgress._debugOwner,\n source = workInProgress._debugSource,\n name = getComponentName(workInProgress.type);\n JSCompiler_inline_result = null;\n owner && (JSCompiler_inline_result = getComponentName(owner.type));\n owner = name;\n name = \"\";\n source\n ? (name =\n \" (at \" +\n source.fileName.replace(BEFORE_SLASH_RE, \"\") +\n \":\" +\n source.lineNumber +\n \")\")\n : JSCompiler_inline_result &&\n (name = \" (created by \" + JSCompiler_inline_result + \")\");\n JSCompiler_inline_result = \"\\n in \" + (owner || \"Unknown\") + name;\n }\n info += JSCompiler_inline_result;\n workInProgress = workInProgress.return;\n } while (workInProgress);\n return info;\n}\nnew Set();\nvar valueStack = [],\n index = -1;\nfunction pop(cursor) {\n 0 > index ||\n ((cursor.current = valueStack[index]), (valueStack[index] = null), index--);\n}\nfunction push(cursor, value) {\n index++;\n valueStack[index] = cursor.current;\n cursor.current = value;\n}\nvar emptyContextObject = {},\n contextStackCursor = { current: emptyContextObject },\n didPerformWorkStackCursor = { current: !1 },\n previousContext = emptyContextObject;\nfunction getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext) {\n var contextTypes = workInProgress.type.contextTypes;\n if (!contextTypes) return emptyContextObject;\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n if (\n instance &&\n instance.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === unmaskedContext\n )\n return instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;\n var context = {},\n key;\n for (key in contextTypes) context[key] = unmaskedContext[key];\n instance &&\n ((workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = unmaskedContext),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = context));\n return context;\n}\nfunction isContextProvider(type) {\n type = type.childContextTypes;\n return null !== type && void 0 !== type;\n}\nfunction popContext(fiber) {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor, fiber);\n}\nfunction popTopLevelContextObject(fiber) {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor, fiber);\n}\nfunction pushTopLevelContextObject(fiber, context, didChange) {\n if (contextStackCursor.current !== emptyContextObject)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Unexpected context found on stack. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n push(contextStackCursor, context, fiber);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, fiber);\n}\nfunction processChildContext(fiber, type, parentContext) {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n fiber = type.childContextTypes;\n if (\"function\" !== typeof instance.getChildContext) return parentContext;\n instance = instance.getChildContext();\n for (var contextKey in instance)\n if (!(contextKey in fiber))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n (getComponentName(type) || \"Unknown\") +\n '.getChildContext(): key \"' +\n contextKey +\n '\" is not defined in childContextTypes.'\n )\n );\n return Object.assign({}, parentContext, instance);\n}\nfunction pushContextProvider(workInProgress) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n instance =\n (instance && instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext) ||\n emptyContextObject;\n previousContext = contextStackCursor.current;\n push(contextStackCursor, instance, workInProgress);\n push(\n didPerformWorkStackCursor,\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current,\n workInProgress\n );\n return !0;\n}\nfunction invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, type, didChange) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n if (!instance)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected to have an instance by this point. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n didChange\n ? ((type = processChildContext(workInProgress, type, previousContext)),\n (instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = type),\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, workInProgress),\n pop(contextStackCursor, workInProgress),\n push(contextStackCursor, type, workInProgress))\n : pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, workInProgress);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, workInProgress);\n}\nvar Scheduler_runWithPriority = Scheduler.unstable_runWithPriority,\n Scheduler_scheduleCallback = Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback,\n Scheduler_cancelCallback = Scheduler.unstable_cancelCallback,\n Scheduler_shouldYield = Scheduler.unstable_shouldYield,\n Scheduler_requestPaint = Scheduler.unstable_requestPaint,\n Scheduler_now = Scheduler.unstable_now,\n Scheduler_getCurrentPriorityLevel =\n Scheduler.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel,\n Scheduler_ImmediatePriority = Scheduler.unstable_ImmediatePriority,\n Scheduler_UserBlockingPriority = Scheduler.unstable_UserBlockingPriority,\n Scheduler_NormalPriority = Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority,\n Scheduler_LowPriority = Scheduler.unstable_LowPriority,\n Scheduler_IdlePriority = Scheduler.unstable_IdlePriority,\n fakeCallbackNode = {},\n requestPaint =\n void 0 !== Scheduler_requestPaint ? Scheduler_requestPaint : function() {},\n syncQueue = null,\n immediateQueueCallbackNode = null,\n isFlushingSyncQueue = !1,\n initialTimeMs = Scheduler_now(),\n now =\n 1e4 > initialTimeMs\n ? Scheduler_now\n : function() {\n return Scheduler_now() - initialTimeMs;\n };\nfunction getCurrentPriorityLevel() {\n switch (Scheduler_getCurrentPriorityLevel()) {\n case Scheduler_ImmediatePriority:\n return 99;\n case Scheduler_UserBlockingPriority:\n return 98;\n case Scheduler_NormalPriority:\n return 97;\n case Scheduler_LowPriority:\n return 96;\n case Scheduler_IdlePriority:\n return 95;\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unknown priority level.\"));\n }\n}\nfunction reactPriorityToSchedulerPriority(reactPriorityLevel) {\n switch (reactPriorityLevel) {\n case 99:\n return Scheduler_ImmediatePriority;\n case 98:\n return Scheduler_UserBlockingPriority;\n case 97:\n return Scheduler_NormalPriority;\n case 96:\n return Scheduler_LowPriority;\n case 95:\n return Scheduler_IdlePriority;\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unknown priority level.\"));\n }\n}\nfunction runWithPriority$1(reactPriorityLevel, fn) {\n reactPriorityLevel = reactPriorityToSchedulerPriority(reactPriorityLevel);\n return Scheduler_runWithPriority(reactPriorityLevel, fn);\n}\nfunction scheduleCallback(reactPriorityLevel, callback, options) {\n reactPriorityLevel = reactPriorityToSchedulerPriority(reactPriorityLevel);\n return Scheduler_scheduleCallback(reactPriorityLevel, callback, options);\n}\nfunction scheduleSyncCallback(callback) {\n null === syncQueue\n ? ((syncQueue = [callback]),\n (immediateQueueCallbackNode = Scheduler_scheduleCallback(\n Scheduler_ImmediatePriority,\n flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl\n )))\n : syncQueue.push(callback);\n return fakeCallbackNode;\n}\nfunction flushSyncCallbackQueue() {\n null !== immediateQueueCallbackNode &&\n Scheduler_cancelCallback(immediateQueueCallbackNode);\n flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl();\n}\nfunction flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl() {\n if (!isFlushingSyncQueue && null !== syncQueue) {\n isFlushingSyncQueue = !0;\n var i = 0;\n try {\n var queue = syncQueue;\n runWithPriority$1(99, function() {\n for (; i < queue.length; i++) {\n var callback = queue[i];\n do callback = callback(!0);\n while (null !== callback);\n }\n });\n syncQueue = null;\n } catch (error) {\n throw (null !== syncQueue && (syncQueue = syncQueue.slice(i + 1)),\n Scheduler_scheduleCallback(\n Scheduler_ImmediatePriority,\n flushSyncCallbackQueue\n ),\n error);\n } finally {\n isFlushingSyncQueue = !1;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(currentTime, expirationTime) {\n if (1073741823 === expirationTime) return 99;\n if (1 === expirationTime) return 95;\n currentTime =\n 10 * (1073741821 - expirationTime) - 10 * (1073741821 - currentTime);\n return 0 >= currentTime\n ? 99\n : 250 >= currentTime\n ? 98\n : 5250 >= currentTime\n ? 97\n : 95;\n}\nfunction is(x, y) {\n return (x === y && (0 !== x || 1 / x === 1 / y)) || (x !== x && y !== y);\n}\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nfunction shallowEqual(objA, objB) {\n if (is(objA, objB)) return !0;\n if (\n \"object\" !== typeof objA ||\n null === objA ||\n \"object\" !== typeof objB ||\n null === objB\n )\n return !1;\n var keysA = Object.keys(objA),\n keysB = Object.keys(objB);\n if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return !1;\n for (keysB = 0; keysB < keysA.length; keysB++)\n if (\n !, keysA[keysB]) ||\n !is(objA[keysA[keysB]], objB[keysA[keysB]])\n )\n return !1;\n return !0;\n}\nfunction resolveDefaultProps(Component, baseProps) {\n if (Component && Component.defaultProps) {\n baseProps = Object.assign({}, baseProps);\n Component = Component.defaultProps;\n for (var propName in Component)\n void 0 === baseProps[propName] &&\n (baseProps[propName] = Component[propName]);\n }\n return baseProps;\n}\nfunction readLazyComponentType(lazyComponent) {\n var result = lazyComponent._result;\n switch (lazyComponent._status) {\n case 1:\n return result;\n case 2:\n throw result;\n case 0:\n throw result;\n default:\n lazyComponent._status = 0;\n result = lazyComponent._ctor;\n result = result();\n result.then(\n function(moduleObject) {\n 0 === lazyComponent._status &&\n ((moduleObject = moduleObject.default),\n (lazyComponent._status = 1),\n (lazyComponent._result = moduleObject));\n },\n function(error) {\n 0 === lazyComponent._status &&\n ((lazyComponent._status = 2), (lazyComponent._result = error));\n }\n );\n switch (lazyComponent._status) {\n case 1:\n return lazyComponent._result;\n case 2:\n throw lazyComponent._result;\n }\n lazyComponent._result = result;\n throw result;\n }\n}\nvar valueCursor = { current: null },\n currentlyRenderingFiber = null,\n lastContextDependency = null,\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = null;\nfunction resetContextDependencies() {\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = lastContextDependency = currentlyRenderingFiber = null;\n}\nfunction pushProvider(providerFiber, nextValue) {\n var context = providerFiber.type._context;\n push(valueCursor, context._currentValue2, providerFiber);\n context._currentValue2 = nextValue;\n}\nfunction popProvider(providerFiber) {\n var currentValue = valueCursor.current;\n pop(valueCursor, providerFiber);\n providerFiber.type._context._currentValue2 = currentValue;\n}\nfunction scheduleWorkOnParentPath(parent, renderExpirationTime) {\n for (; null !== parent; ) {\n var alternate = parent.alternate;\n if (parent.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime)\n (parent.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime),\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (alternate.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n else if (\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime\n )\n alternate.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime;\n else break;\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n}\nfunction prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {\n currentlyRenderingFiber = workInProgress;\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = lastContextDependency = null;\n workInProgress = workInProgress.dependencies;\n null !== workInProgress &&\n null !== workInProgress.firstContext &&\n (workInProgress.expirationTime >= renderExpirationTime &&\n (didReceiveUpdate = !0),\n (workInProgress.firstContext = null));\n}\nfunction readContext(context, observedBits) {\n if (\n lastContextWithAllBitsObserved !== context &&\n !1 !== observedBits &&\n 0 !== observedBits\n ) {\n if (\"number\" !== typeof observedBits || 1073741823 === observedBits)\n (lastContextWithAllBitsObserved = context), (observedBits = 1073741823);\n observedBits = { context: context, observedBits: observedBits, next: null };\n if (null === lastContextDependency) {\n if (null === currentlyRenderingFiber)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Context can only be read while React is rendering. In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().\"\n )\n );\n lastContextDependency = observedBits;\n currentlyRenderingFiber.dependencies = {\n expirationTime: 0,\n firstContext: observedBits,\n responders: null\n };\n } else lastContextDependency = = observedBits;\n }\n return context._currentValue2;\n}\nvar hasForceUpdate = !1;\nfunction createUpdateQueue(baseState) {\n return {\n baseState: baseState,\n firstUpdate: null,\n lastUpdate: null,\n firstCapturedUpdate: null,\n lastCapturedUpdate: null,\n firstEffect: null,\n lastEffect: null,\n firstCapturedEffect: null,\n lastCapturedEffect: null\n };\n}\nfunction cloneUpdateQueue(currentQueue) {\n return {\n baseState: currentQueue.baseState,\n firstUpdate: currentQueue.firstUpdate,\n lastUpdate: currentQueue.lastUpdate,\n firstCapturedUpdate: null,\n lastCapturedUpdate: null,\n firstEffect: null,\n lastEffect: null,\n firstCapturedEffect: null,\n lastCapturedEffect: null\n };\n}\nfunction createUpdate(expirationTime, suspenseConfig) {\n return {\n expirationTime: expirationTime,\n suspenseConfig: suspenseConfig,\n tag: 0,\n payload: null,\n callback: null,\n next: null,\n nextEffect: null\n };\n}\nfunction appendUpdateToQueue(queue, update) {\n null === queue.lastUpdate\n ? (queue.firstUpdate = queue.lastUpdate = update)\n : (( = update), (queue.lastUpdate = update));\n}\nfunction enqueueUpdate(fiber, update) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n if (null === alternate) {\n var queue1 = fiber.updateQueue;\n var queue2 = null;\n null === queue1 &&\n (queue1 = fiber.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(fiber.memoizedState));\n } else\n (queue1 = fiber.updateQueue),\n (queue2 = alternate.updateQueue),\n null === queue1\n ? null === queue2\n ? ((queue1 = fiber.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(\n fiber.memoizedState\n )),\n (queue2 = alternate.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(\n alternate.memoizedState\n )))\n : (queue1 = fiber.updateQueue = cloneUpdateQueue(queue2))\n : null === queue2 &&\n (queue2 = alternate.updateQueue = cloneUpdateQueue(queue1));\n null === queue2 || queue1 === queue2\n ? appendUpdateToQueue(queue1, update)\n : null === queue1.lastUpdate || null === queue2.lastUpdate\n ? (appendUpdateToQueue(queue1, update),\n appendUpdateToQueue(queue2, update))\n : (appendUpdateToQueue(queue1, update), (queue2.lastUpdate = update));\n}\nfunction enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, update) {\n var workInProgressQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n workInProgressQueue =\n null === workInProgressQueue\n ? (workInProgress.updateQueue = createUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress.memoizedState\n ))\n : ensureWorkInProgressQueueIsAClone(workInProgress, workInProgressQueue);\n null === workInProgressQueue.lastCapturedUpdate\n ? (workInProgressQueue.firstCapturedUpdate = workInProgressQueue.lastCapturedUpdate = update)\n : (( = update),\n (workInProgressQueue.lastCapturedUpdate = update));\n}\nfunction ensureWorkInProgressQueueIsAClone(workInProgress, queue) {\n var current = workInProgress.alternate;\n null !== current &&\n queue === current.updateQueue &&\n (queue = workInProgress.updateQueue = cloneUpdateQueue(queue));\n return queue;\n}\nfunction getStateFromUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n update,\n prevState,\n nextProps,\n instance\n) {\n switch (update.tag) {\n case 1:\n return (\n (workInProgress = update.payload),\n \"function\" === typeof workInProgress\n ?, prevState, nextProps)\n : workInProgress\n );\n case 3:\n workInProgress.effectTag = (workInProgress.effectTag & -2049) | 64;\n case 0:\n workInProgress = update.payload;\n nextProps =\n \"function\" === typeof workInProgress\n ?, prevState, nextProps)\n : workInProgress;\n if (null === nextProps || void 0 === nextProps) break;\n return Object.assign({}, prevState, nextProps);\n case 2:\n hasForceUpdate = !0;\n }\n return prevState;\n}\nfunction processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n props,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n hasForceUpdate = !1;\n queue = ensureWorkInProgressQueueIsAClone(workInProgress, queue);\n for (\n var newBaseState = queue.baseState,\n newFirstUpdate = null,\n newExpirationTime = 0,\n update = queue.firstUpdate,\n resultState = newBaseState;\n null !== update;\n\n ) {\n var updateExpirationTime = update.expirationTime;\n updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime\n ? (null === newFirstUpdate &&\n ((newFirstUpdate = update), (newBaseState = resultState)),\n newExpirationTime < updateExpirationTime &&\n (newExpirationTime = updateExpirationTime))\n : (markRenderEventTimeAndConfig(\n updateExpirationTime,\n update.suspenseConfig\n ),\n (resultState = getStateFromUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n update,\n resultState,\n props,\n instance\n )),\n null !== update.callback &&\n ((workInProgress.effectTag |= 32),\n (update.nextEffect = null),\n null === queue.lastEffect\n ? (queue.firstEffect = queue.lastEffect = update)\n : ((queue.lastEffect.nextEffect = update),\n (queue.lastEffect = update))));\n update =;\n }\n updateExpirationTime = null;\n for (update = queue.firstCapturedUpdate; null !== update; ) {\n var _updateExpirationTime = update.expirationTime;\n _updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime\n ? (null === updateExpirationTime &&\n ((updateExpirationTime = update),\n null === newFirstUpdate && (newBaseState = resultState)),\n newExpirationTime < _updateExpirationTime &&\n (newExpirationTime = _updateExpirationTime))\n : ((resultState = getStateFromUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n queue,\n update,\n resultState,\n props,\n instance\n )),\n null !== update.callback &&\n ((workInProgress.effectTag |= 32),\n (update.nextEffect = null),\n null === queue.lastCapturedEffect\n ? (queue.firstCapturedEffect = queue.lastCapturedEffect = update)\n : ((queue.lastCapturedEffect.nextEffect = update),\n (queue.lastCapturedEffect = update))));\n update =;\n }\n null === newFirstUpdate && (queue.lastUpdate = null);\n null === updateExpirationTime\n ? (queue.lastCapturedUpdate = null)\n : (workInProgress.effectTag |= 32);\n null === newFirstUpdate &&\n null === updateExpirationTime &&\n (newBaseState = resultState);\n queue.baseState = newBaseState;\n queue.firstUpdate = newFirstUpdate;\n queue.firstCapturedUpdate = updateExpirationTime;\n workInProgress.expirationTime = newExpirationTime;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = resultState;\n}\nfunction commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, finishedQueue, instance) {\n null !== finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate &&\n (null !== finishedQueue.lastUpdate &&\n (( = finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate),\n (finishedQueue.lastUpdate = finishedQueue.lastCapturedUpdate)),\n (finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate = finishedQueue.lastCapturedUpdate = null));\n commitUpdateEffects(finishedQueue.firstEffect, instance);\n finishedQueue.firstEffect = finishedQueue.lastEffect = null;\n commitUpdateEffects(finishedQueue.firstCapturedEffect, instance);\n finishedQueue.firstCapturedEffect = finishedQueue.lastCapturedEffect = null;\n}\nfunction commitUpdateEffects(effect, instance) {\n for (; null !== effect; ) {\n var _callback3 = effect.callback;\n if (null !== _callback3) {\n effect.callback = null;\n var context = instance;\n if (\"function\" !== typeof _callback3)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Invalid argument passed as callback. Expected a function. Instead received: \" +\n _callback3\n )\n );\n;\n }\n effect = effect.nextEffect;\n }\n}\nvar ReactCurrentBatchConfig = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,\n emptyRefsObject = new React.Component().refs;\nfunction applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n ctor,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n nextProps\n) {\n ctor = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n getDerivedStateFromProps = getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, ctor);\n getDerivedStateFromProps =\n null === getDerivedStateFromProps || void 0 === getDerivedStateFromProps\n ? ctor\n : Object.assign({}, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps);\n workInProgress.memoizedState = getDerivedStateFromProps;\n nextProps = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n null !== nextProps &&\n 0 === workInProgress.expirationTime &&\n (nextProps.baseState = getDerivedStateFromProps);\n}\nvar classComponentUpdater = {\n isMounted: function(component) {\n return (component = component._reactInternalFiber)\n ? 2 === isFiberMountedImpl(component)\n : !1;\n },\n enqueueSetState: function(inst, payload, callback) {\n inst = inst._reactInternalFiber;\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, inst, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.payload = payload;\n void 0 !== callback &&\n null !== callback &&\n (suspenseConfig.callback = callback);\n enqueueUpdate(inst, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(inst, currentTime);\n },\n enqueueReplaceState: function(inst, payload, callback) {\n inst = inst._reactInternalFiber;\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, inst, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.tag = 1;\n suspenseConfig.payload = payload;\n void 0 !== callback &&\n null !== callback &&\n (suspenseConfig.callback = callback);\n enqueueUpdate(inst, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(inst, currentTime);\n },\n enqueueForceUpdate: function(inst, callback) {\n inst = inst._reactInternalFiber;\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, inst, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.tag = 2;\n void 0 !== callback &&\n null !== callback &&\n (suspenseConfig.callback = callback);\n enqueueUpdate(inst, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(inst, currentTime);\n }\n};\nfunction checkShouldComponentUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n ctor,\n oldProps,\n newProps,\n oldState,\n newState,\n nextContext\n) {\n workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode;\n return \"function\" === typeof workInProgress.shouldComponentUpdate\n ? workInProgress.shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext)\n : ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.isPureReactComponent\n ? !shallowEqual(oldProps, newProps) || !shallowEqual(oldState, newState)\n : !0;\n}\nfunction constructClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, props) {\n var isLegacyContextConsumer = !1,\n unmaskedContext = emptyContextObject;\n var context = ctor.contextType;\n \"object\" === typeof context && null !== context\n ? (context = readContext(context))\n : ((unmaskedContext = isContextProvider(ctor)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (isLegacyContextConsumer = ctor.contextTypes),\n (context = (isLegacyContextConsumer =\n null !== isLegacyContextConsumer && void 0 !== isLegacyContextConsumer)\n ? getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext)\n : emptyContextObject));\n ctor = new ctor(props, context);\n workInProgress.memoizedState =\n null !== ctor.state && void 0 !== ctor.state ? ctor.state : null;\n ctor.updater = classComponentUpdater;\n workInProgress.stateNode = ctor;\n ctor._reactInternalFiber = workInProgress;\n isLegacyContextConsumer &&\n ((workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = unmaskedContext),\n (workInProgress.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = context));\n return ctor;\n}\nfunction callComponentWillReceiveProps(\n workInProgress,\n instance,\n newProps,\n nextContext\n) {\n workInProgress = instance.state;\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps &&\n instance.componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);\n instance.state !== workInProgress &&\n classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null);\n}\nfunction mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n ctor,\n newProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n instance.props = newProps;\n instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n instance.refs = emptyRefsObject;\n var contextType = ctor.contextType;\n \"object\" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType\n ? (instance.context = readContext(contextType))\n : ((contextType = isContextProvider(ctor)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (instance.context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, contextType)));\n contextType = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n null !== contextType &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n contextType,\n newProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState));\n contextType = ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n \"function\" === typeof contextType &&\n (applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, ctor, contextType, newProps),\n (instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState));\n \"function\" === typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps ||\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillMount) ||\n ((ctor = instance.state),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillMount &&\n instance.componentWillMount(),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(),\n ctor !== instance.state &&\n classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null),\n (contextType = workInProgress.updateQueue),\n null !== contextType &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n contextType,\n newProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState)));\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4);\n}\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\nfunction coerceRef(returnFiber, current$$1, element) {\n returnFiber = element.ref;\n if (\n null !== returnFiber &&\n \"function\" !== typeof returnFiber &&\n \"object\" !== typeof returnFiber\n ) {\n if (element._owner) {\n element = element._owner;\n var inst = void 0;\n if (element) {\n if (1 !== element.tag)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Function components cannot have refs. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?\"\n )\n );\n inst = element.stateNode;\n }\n if (!inst)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Missing owner for string ref \" +\n returnFiber +\n \". This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n var stringRef = \"\" + returnFiber;\n if (\n null !== current$$1 &&\n null !== current$$1.ref &&\n \"function\" === typeof current$$1.ref &&\n current$$1.ref._stringRef === stringRef\n )\n return current$$1.ref;\n current$$1 = function(value) {\n var refs = inst.refs;\n refs === emptyRefsObject && (refs = inst.refs = {});\n null === value ? delete refs[stringRef] : (refs[stringRef] = value);\n };\n current$$1._stringRef = stringRef;\n return current$$1;\n }\n if (\"string\" !== typeof returnFiber)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected ref to be a function, a string, an object returned by React.createRef(), or null.\"\n )\n );\n if (!element._owner)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Element ref was specified as a string (\" +\n returnFiber +\n \") but no owner was set. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\\n1. You may be adding a ref to a function component\\n2. You may be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's render method\\n3. You have multiple copies of React loaded\\nSee for more information.\"\n )\n );\n }\n return returnFiber;\n}\nfunction throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild) {\n if (\"textarea\" !== returnFiber.type)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Objects are not valid as a React child (found: \" +\n (\"[object Object]\" ===\n ? \"object with keys {\" + Object.keys(newChild).join(\", \") + \"}\"\n : newChild) +\n \").\"\n )\n );\n}\nfunction ChildReconciler(shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n function deleteChild(returnFiber, childToDelete) {\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n var last = returnFiber.lastEffect;\n null !== last\n ? ((last.nextEffect = childToDelete),\n (returnFiber.lastEffect = childToDelete))\n : (returnFiber.firstEffect = returnFiber.lastEffect = childToDelete);\n childToDelete.nextEffect = null;\n childToDelete.effectTag = 8;\n }\n }\n function deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) return null;\n for (; null !== currentFirstChild; )\n deleteChild(returnFiber, currentFirstChild),\n (currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling);\n return null;\n }\n function mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {\n for (returnFiber = new Map(); null !== currentFirstChild; )\n null !== currentFirstChild.key\n ? returnFiber.set(currentFirstChild.key, currentFirstChild)\n : returnFiber.set(currentFirstChild.index, currentFirstChild),\n (currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling);\n return returnFiber;\n }\n function useFiber(fiber, pendingProps, expirationTime) {\n fiber = createWorkInProgress(fiber, pendingProps, expirationTime);\n fiber.index = 0;\n fiber.sibling = null;\n return fiber;\n }\n function placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIndex) {\n newFiber.index = newIndex;\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) return lastPlacedIndex;\n newIndex = newFiber.alternate;\n if (null !== newIndex)\n return (\n (newIndex = newIndex.index),\n newIndex < lastPlacedIndex\n ? ((newFiber.effectTag = 2), lastPlacedIndex)\n : newIndex\n );\n newFiber.effectTag = 2;\n return lastPlacedIndex;\n }\n function placeSingleChild(newFiber) {\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n null === newFiber.alternate &&\n (newFiber.effectTag = 2);\n return newFiber;\n }\n function updateTextNode(\n returnFiber,\n current$$1,\n textContent,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n if (null === current$$1 || 6 !== current$$1.tag)\n return (\n (current$$1 = createFiberFromText(\n textContent,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (current$$1.return = returnFiber),\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = useFiber(current$$1, textContent, expirationTime);\n current$$1.return = returnFiber;\n return current$$1;\n }\n function updateElement(returnFiber, current$$1, element, expirationTime) {\n if (null !== current$$1 && current$$1.elementType === element.type)\n return (\n (expirationTime = useFiber(current$$1, element.props, expirationTime)),\n (expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, current$$1, element)),\n (expirationTime.return = returnFiber),\n expirationTime\n );\n expirationTime = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n element.type,\n element.key,\n element.props,\n null,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n );\n expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, current$$1, element);\n expirationTime.return = returnFiber;\n return expirationTime;\n }\n function updatePortal(returnFiber, current$$1, portal, expirationTime) {\n if (\n null === current$$1 ||\n 4 !== current$$1.tag ||\n current$$1.stateNode.containerInfo !== portal.containerInfo ||\n current$$1.stateNode.implementation !== portal.implementation\n )\n return (\n (current$$1 = createFiberFromPortal(\n portal,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (current$$1.return = returnFiber),\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = useFiber(current$$1, portal.children || [], expirationTime);\n current$$1.return = returnFiber;\n return current$$1;\n }\n function updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n current$$1,\n fragment,\n expirationTime,\n key\n ) {\n if (null === current$$1 || 7 !== current$$1.tag)\n return (\n (current$$1 = createFiberFromFragment(\n fragment,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime,\n key\n )),\n (current$$1.return = returnFiber),\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = useFiber(current$$1, fragment, expirationTime);\n current$$1.return = returnFiber;\n return current$$1;\n }\n function createChild(returnFiber, newChild, expirationTime) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return (\n (newChild = createFiberFromText(\n \"\" + newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (newChild.return = returnFiber),\n newChild\n );\n if (\"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return (\n (expirationTime = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n newChild.type,\n newChild.key,\n newChild.props,\n null,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, null, newChild)),\n (expirationTime.return = returnFiber),\n expirationTime\n );\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return (\n (newChild = createFiberFromPortal(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (newChild.return = returnFiber),\n newChild\n );\n }\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return (\n (newChild = createFiberFromFragment(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime,\n null\n )),\n (newChild.return = returnFiber),\n newChild\n );\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n return null;\n }\n function updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, expirationTime) {\n var key = null !== oldFiber ? oldFiber.key : null;\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return null !== key\n ? null\n : updateTextNode(returnFiber, oldFiber, \"\" + newChild, expirationTime);\n if (\"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return newChild.key === key\n ? newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n newChild.props.children,\n expirationTime,\n key\n )\n : updateElement(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, expirationTime)\n : null;\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return newChild.key === key\n ? updatePortal(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, expirationTime)\n : null;\n }\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return null !== key\n ? null\n : updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n newChild,\n expirationTime,\n null\n );\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n return null;\n }\n function updateFromMap(\n existingChildren,\n returnFiber,\n newIdx,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return (\n (existingChildren = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null),\n updateTextNode(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n \"\" + newChild,\n expirationTime\n )\n );\n if (\"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return (\n (existingChildren =\n existingChildren.get(\n null === newChild.key ? newIdx : newChild.key\n ) || null),\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild.props.children,\n expirationTime,\n newChild.key\n )\n : updateElement(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n )\n );\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return (\n (existingChildren =\n existingChildren.get(\n null === newChild.key ? newIdx : newChild.key\n ) || null),\n updatePortal(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n )\n );\n }\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return (\n (existingChildren = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null),\n updateFragment(\n returnFiber,\n existingChildren,\n newChild,\n expirationTime,\n null\n )\n );\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n return null;\n }\n function reconcileChildrenArray(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChildren,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n for (\n var resultingFirstChild = null,\n previousNewFiber = null,\n oldFiber = currentFirstChild,\n newIdx = (currentFirstChild = 0),\n nextOldFiber = null;\n null !== oldFiber && newIdx < newChildren.length;\n newIdx++\n ) {\n oldFiber.index > newIdx\n ? ((nextOldFiber = oldFiber), (oldFiber = null))\n : (nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling);\n var newFiber = updateSlot(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n newChildren[newIdx],\n expirationTime\n );\n if (null === newFiber) {\n null === oldFiber && (oldFiber = nextOldFiber);\n break;\n }\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber &&\n null === newFiber.alternate &&\n deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n currentFirstChild = placeChild(newFiber, currentFirstChild, newIdx);\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (resultingFirstChild = newFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber);\n previousNewFiber = newFiber;\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n if (newIdx === newChildren.length)\n return (\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber), resultingFirstChild\n );\n if (null === oldFiber) {\n for (; newIdx < newChildren.length; newIdx++)\n (oldFiber = createChild(\n returnFiber,\n newChildren[newIdx],\n expirationTime\n )),\n null !== oldFiber &&\n ((currentFirstChild = placeChild(\n oldFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newIdx\n )),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (resultingFirstChild = oldFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = oldFiber),\n (previousNewFiber = oldFiber));\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n for (\n oldFiber = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n newIdx < newChildren.length;\n newIdx++\n )\n (nextOldFiber = updateFromMap(\n oldFiber,\n returnFiber,\n newIdx,\n newChildren[newIdx],\n expirationTime\n )),\n null !== nextOldFiber &&\n (shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n null !== nextOldFiber.alternate &&\n oldFiber.delete(\n null === nextOldFiber.key ? newIdx : nextOldFiber.key\n ),\n (currentFirstChild = placeChild(\n nextOldFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newIdx\n )),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (resultingFirstChild = nextOldFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = nextOldFiber),\n (previousNewFiber = nextOldFiber));\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber.forEach(function(child) {\n return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n });\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n function reconcileChildrenIterator(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChildrenIterable,\n expirationTime\n ) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(newChildrenIterable);\n if (\"function\" !== typeof iteratorFn)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"An object is not an iterable. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n newChildrenIterable =;\n if (null == newChildrenIterable)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"An iterable object provided no iterator.\"));\n for (\n var previousNewFiber = (iteratorFn = null),\n oldFiber = currentFirstChild,\n newIdx = (currentFirstChild = 0),\n nextOldFiber = null,\n step =;\n null !== oldFiber && !step.done;\n newIdx++, step =\n ) {\n oldFiber.index > newIdx\n ? ((nextOldFiber = oldFiber), (oldFiber = null))\n : (nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling);\n var newFiber = updateSlot(\n returnFiber,\n oldFiber,\n step.value,\n expirationTime\n );\n if (null === newFiber) {\n null === oldFiber && (oldFiber = nextOldFiber);\n break;\n }\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber &&\n null === newFiber.alternate &&\n deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n currentFirstChild = placeChild(newFiber, currentFirstChild, newIdx);\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (iteratorFn = newFiber)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber);\n previousNewFiber = newFiber;\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n if (step.done)\n return deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber), iteratorFn;\n if (null === oldFiber) {\n for (; !step.done; newIdx++, step =\n (step = createChild(returnFiber, step.value, expirationTime)),\n null !== step &&\n ((currentFirstChild = placeChild(step, currentFirstChild, newIdx)),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (iteratorFn = step)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = step),\n (previousNewFiber = step));\n return iteratorFn;\n }\n for (\n oldFiber = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n !step.done;\n newIdx++, step =\n )\n (step = updateFromMap(\n oldFiber,\n returnFiber,\n newIdx,\n step.value,\n expirationTime\n )),\n null !== step &&\n (shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n null !== step.alternate &&\n oldFiber.delete(null === step.key ? newIdx : step.key),\n (currentFirstChild = placeChild(step, currentFirstChild, newIdx)),\n null === previousNewFiber\n ? (iteratorFn = step)\n : (previousNewFiber.sibling = step),\n (previousNewFiber = step));\n shouldTrackSideEffects &&\n oldFiber.forEach(function(child) {\n return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n });\n return iteratorFn;\n }\n return function(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, expirationTime) {\n var isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment =\n \"object\" === typeof newChild &&\n null !== newChild &&\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE &&\n null === newChild.key;\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment && (newChild = newChild.props.children);\n var isObject = \"object\" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild;\n if (isObject)\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n a: {\n isObject = newChild.key;\n for (\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = currentFirstChild;\n null !== isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment;\n\n ) {\n if (isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.key === isObject) {\n if (\n 7 === isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.tag\n ? newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n : isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.elementType === newChild.type\n ) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(\n returnFiber,\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.sibling\n );\n currentFirstChild = useFiber(\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment,\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? newChild.props.children\n : newChild.props,\n expirationTime\n );\n currentFirstChild.ref = coerceRef(\n returnFiber,\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment,\n newChild\n );\n currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;\n returnFiber = currentFirstChild;\n break a;\n }\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment);\n break;\n } else deleteChild(returnFiber, isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment);\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment.sibling;\n }\n newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE\n ? ((currentFirstChild = createFiberFromFragment(\n newChild.props.children,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime,\n newChild.key\n )),\n (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = currentFirstChild))\n : ((expirationTime = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n newChild.type,\n newChild.key,\n newChild.props,\n null,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (expirationTime.ref = coerceRef(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild\n )),\n (expirationTime.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = expirationTime));\n }\n return placeSingleChild(returnFiber);\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n a: {\n for (\n isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = newChild.key;\n null !== currentFirstChild;\n\n ) {\n if (currentFirstChild.key === isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment) {\n if (\n 4 === currentFirstChild.tag &&\n currentFirstChild.stateNode.containerInfo ===\n newChild.containerInfo &&\n currentFirstChild.stateNode.implementation ===\n newChild.implementation\n ) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild.sibling\n );\n currentFirstChild = useFiber(\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild.children || [],\n expirationTime\n );\n currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;\n returnFiber = currentFirstChild;\n break a;\n }\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n break;\n } else deleteChild(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling;\n }\n currentFirstChild = createFiberFromPortal(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n );\n currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;\n returnFiber = currentFirstChild;\n }\n return placeSingleChild(returnFiber);\n }\n if (\"string\" === typeof newChild || \"number\" === typeof newChild)\n return (\n (newChild = \"\" + newChild),\n null !== currentFirstChild && 6 === currentFirstChild.tag\n ? (deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild.sibling),\n (currentFirstChild = useFiber(\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = currentFirstChild))\n : (deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild),\n (currentFirstChild = createFiberFromText(\n newChild,\n returnFiber.mode,\n expirationTime\n )),\n (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),\n (returnFiber = currentFirstChild)),\n placeSingleChild(returnFiber)\n );\n if (isArray(newChild))\n return reconcileChildrenArray(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n );\n if (getIteratorFn(newChild))\n return reconcileChildrenIterator(\n returnFiber,\n currentFirstChild,\n newChild,\n expirationTime\n );\n isObject && throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof newChild && !isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment)\n switch (returnFiber.tag) {\n case 1:\n case 0:\n throw ((returnFiber = returnFiber.type),\n ReactError(\n Error(\n (returnFiber.displayName || || \"Component\") +\n \"(...): Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null.\"\n )\n ));\n }\n return deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n };\n}\nvar reconcileChildFibers = ChildReconciler(!0),\n mountChildFibers = ChildReconciler(!1),\n NO_CONTEXT = {},\n contextStackCursor$1 = { current: NO_CONTEXT },\n contextFiberStackCursor = { current: NO_CONTEXT },\n rootInstanceStackCursor = { current: NO_CONTEXT };\nfunction requiredContext(c) {\n if (c === NO_CONTEXT)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected host context to exist. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n return c;\n}\nfunction pushHostContainer(fiber, nextRootInstance) {\n push(rootInstanceStackCursor, nextRootInstance, fiber);\n push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber, fiber);\n push(contextStackCursor$1, NO_CONTEXT, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n push(contextStackCursor$1, { isInAParentText: !1 }, fiber);\n}\nfunction popHostContainer(fiber) {\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n pop(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(rootInstanceStackCursor, fiber);\n}\nfunction pushHostContext(fiber) {\n requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current);\n var context = requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n var nextContext = fiber.type;\n nextContext =\n \"AndroidTextInput\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTMultilineTextInputView\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTSinglelineTextInputView\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTText\" === nextContext ||\n \"RCTVirtualText\" === nextContext;\n nextContext =\n context.isInAParentText !== nextContext\n ? { isInAParentText: nextContext }\n : context;\n context !== nextContext &&\n (push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber, fiber),\n push(contextStackCursor$1, nextContext, fiber));\n}\nfunction popHostContext(fiber) {\n contextFiberStackCursor.current === fiber &&\n (pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber), pop(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber));\n}\nvar SubtreeSuspenseContextMask = 1,\n InvisibleParentSuspenseContext = 1,\n ForceSuspenseFallback = 2,\n suspenseStackCursor = { current: 0 };\nfunction findFirstSuspended(row) {\n for (var node = row; null !== node; ) {\n if (13 === node.tag) {\n if (null !== node.memoizedState) return node;\n } else if (19 === node.tag && void 0 !== node.memoizedProps.revealOrder) {\n if (0 !== (node.effectTag & 64)) return node;\n } else if (null !== node.child) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (node === row) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === row) return null;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction createResponderListener(responder, props) {\n return { responder: responder, props: props };\n}\nvar NoEffect$1 = 0,\n UnmountSnapshot = 2,\n UnmountMutation = 4,\n MountMutation = 8,\n UnmountLayout = 16,\n MountLayout = 32,\n MountPassive = 64,\n UnmountPassive = 128,\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n renderExpirationTime$1 = 0,\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null,\n currentHook = null,\n nextCurrentHook = null,\n firstWorkInProgressHook = null,\n workInProgressHook = null,\n nextWorkInProgressHook = null,\n remainingExpirationTime = 0,\n componentUpdateQueue = null,\n sideEffectTag = 0,\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1,\n renderPhaseUpdates = null,\n numberOfReRenders = 0;\nfunction throwInvalidHookError() {\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\\n1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\\n2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\\n3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\\nSee for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.\"\n )\n );\n}\nfunction areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps) {\n if (null === prevDeps) return !1;\n for (var i = 0; i < prevDeps.length && i < nextDeps.length; i++)\n if (!is(nextDeps[i], prevDeps[i])) return !1;\n return !0;\n}\nfunction renderWithHooks(\n current,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n props,\n refOrContext,\n nextRenderExpirationTime\n) {\n renderExpirationTime$1 = nextRenderExpirationTime;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = workInProgress;\n nextCurrentHook = null !== current ? current.memoizedState : null;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current =\n null === nextCurrentHook ? HooksDispatcherOnMount : HooksDispatcherOnUpdate;\n workInProgress = Component(props, refOrContext);\n if (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate) {\n do\n (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1),\n (numberOfReRenders += 1),\n (nextCurrentHook = null !== current ? current.memoizedState : null),\n (nextWorkInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook),\n (componentUpdateQueue = workInProgressHook = currentHook = null),\n (ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = HooksDispatcherOnUpdate),\n (workInProgress = Component(props, refOrContext));\n while (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate);\n renderPhaseUpdates = null;\n numberOfReRenders = 0;\n }\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n current = currentlyRenderingFiber$1;\n current.memoizedState = firstWorkInProgressHook;\n current.expirationTime = remainingExpirationTime;\n current.updateQueue = componentUpdateQueue;\n current.effectTag |= sideEffectTag;\n current = null !== currentHook && null !==;\n renderExpirationTime$1 = 0;\n nextWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook = nextCurrentHook = currentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;\n remainingExpirationTime = 0;\n componentUpdateQueue = null;\n sideEffectTag = 0;\n if (current)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Rendered fewer hooks than expected. This may be caused by an accidental early return statement.\"\n )\n );\n return workInProgress;\n}\nfunction resetHooks() {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n renderExpirationTime$1 = 0;\n nextWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook = nextCurrentHook = currentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;\n remainingExpirationTime = 0;\n componentUpdateQueue = null;\n sideEffectTag = 0;\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1;\n renderPhaseUpdates = null;\n numberOfReRenders = 0;\n}\nfunction mountWorkInProgressHook() {\n var hook = {\n memoizedState: null,\n baseState: null,\n queue: null,\n baseUpdate: null,\n next: null\n };\n null === workInProgressHook\n ? (firstWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = hook)\n : (workInProgressHook = = hook);\n return workInProgressHook;\n}\nfunction updateWorkInProgressHook() {\n if (null !== nextWorkInProgressHook)\n (workInProgressHook = nextWorkInProgressHook),\n (nextWorkInProgressHook =,\n (currentHook = nextCurrentHook),\n (nextCurrentHook = null !== currentHook ? : null);\n else {\n if (null === nextCurrentHook)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.\")\n );\n currentHook = nextCurrentHook;\n var newHook = {\n memoizedState: currentHook.memoizedState,\n baseState: currentHook.baseState,\n queue: currentHook.queue,\n baseUpdate: currentHook.baseUpdate,\n next: null\n };\n workInProgressHook =\n null === workInProgressHook\n ? (firstWorkInProgressHook = newHook)\n : ( = newHook);\n nextCurrentHook =;\n }\n return workInProgressHook;\n}\nfunction basicStateReducer(state, action) {\n return \"function\" === typeof action ? action(state) : action;\n}\nfunction updateReducer(reducer) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook(),\n queue = hook.queue;\n if (null === queue)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Should have a queue. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n queue.lastRenderedReducer = reducer;\n if (0 < numberOfReRenders) {\n var _dispatch = queue.dispatch;\n if (null !== renderPhaseUpdates) {\n var firstRenderPhaseUpdate = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue);\n if (void 0 !== firstRenderPhaseUpdate) {\n renderPhaseUpdates.delete(queue);\n var newState = hook.memoizedState;\n do\n (newState = reducer(newState, firstRenderPhaseUpdate.action)),\n (firstRenderPhaseUpdate =;\n while (null !== firstRenderPhaseUpdate);\n is(newState, hook.memoizedState) || (didReceiveUpdate = !0);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseUpdate === queue.last && (hook.baseState = newState);\n queue.lastRenderedState = newState;\n return [newState, _dispatch];\n }\n }\n return [hook.memoizedState, _dispatch];\n }\n _dispatch = queue.last;\n var baseUpdate = hook.baseUpdate;\n newState = hook.baseState;\n null !== baseUpdate\n ? (null !== _dispatch && ( = null),\n (_dispatch =\n : (_dispatch = null !== _dispatch ? : null);\n if (null !== _dispatch) {\n var newBaseUpdate = (firstRenderPhaseUpdate = null),\n _update = _dispatch,\n didSkip = !1;\n do {\n var updateExpirationTime = _update.expirationTime;\n updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime$1\n ? (didSkip ||\n ((didSkip = !0),\n (newBaseUpdate = baseUpdate),\n (firstRenderPhaseUpdate = newState)),\n updateExpirationTime > remainingExpirationTime &&\n (remainingExpirationTime = updateExpirationTime))\n : (markRenderEventTimeAndConfig(\n updateExpirationTime,\n _update.suspenseConfig\n ),\n (newState =\n _update.eagerReducer === reducer\n ? _update.eagerState\n : reducer(newState, _update.action)));\n baseUpdate = _update;\n _update =;\n } while (null !== _update && _update !== _dispatch);\n didSkip ||\n ((newBaseUpdate = baseUpdate), (firstRenderPhaseUpdate = newState));\n is(newState, hook.memoizedState) || (didReceiveUpdate = !0);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseUpdate = newBaseUpdate;\n hook.baseState = firstRenderPhaseUpdate;\n queue.lastRenderedState = newState;\n }\n return [hook.memoizedState, queue.dispatch];\n}\nfunction pushEffect(tag, create, destroy, deps) {\n tag = { tag: tag, create: create, destroy: destroy, deps: deps, next: null };\n null === componentUpdateQueue\n ? ((componentUpdateQueue = { lastEffect: null }),\n (componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = = tag))\n : ((create = componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect),\n null === create\n ? (componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = = tag)\n : ((destroy =,\n ( = tag),\n ( = destroy),\n (componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = tag)));\n return tag;\n}\nfunction mountEffectImpl(fiberEffectTag, hookEffectTag, create, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n sideEffectTag |= fiberEffectTag;\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(\n hookEffectTag,\n create,\n void 0,\n void 0 === deps ? null : deps\n );\n}\nfunction updateEffectImpl(fiberEffectTag, hookEffectTag, create, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n var destroy = void 0;\n if (null !== currentHook) {\n var prevEffect = currentHook.memoizedState;\n destroy = prevEffect.destroy;\n if (null !== deps && areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevEffect.deps)) {\n pushEffect(NoEffect$1, create, destroy, deps);\n return;\n }\n }\n sideEffectTag |= fiberEffectTag;\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(hookEffectTag, create, destroy, deps);\n}\nfunction imperativeHandleEffect(create, ref) {\n if (\"function\" === typeof ref)\n return (\n (create = create()),\n ref(create),\n function() {\n ref(null);\n }\n );\n if (null !== ref && void 0 !== ref)\n return (\n (create = create()),\n (ref.current = create),\n function() {\n ref.current = null;\n }\n );\n}\nfunction mountDebugValue() {}\nfunction dispatchAction(fiber, queue, action) {\n if (!(25 > numberOfReRenders))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.\"\n )\n );\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n if (\n fiber === currentlyRenderingFiber$1 ||\n (null !== alternate && alternate === currentlyRenderingFiber$1)\n )\n if (\n ((didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !0),\n (fiber = {\n expirationTime: renderExpirationTime$1,\n suspenseConfig: null,\n action: action,\n eagerReducer: null,\n eagerState: null,\n next: null\n }),\n null === renderPhaseUpdates && (renderPhaseUpdates = new Map()),\n (action = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue)),\n void 0 === action)\n )\n renderPhaseUpdates.set(queue, fiber);\n else {\n for (queue = action; null !==; ) queue =;\n = fiber;\n }\n else {\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n _suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n currentTime = computeExpirationForFiber(\n currentTime,\n fiber,\n _suspenseConfig\n );\n _suspenseConfig = {\n expirationTime: currentTime,\n suspenseConfig: _suspenseConfig,\n action: action,\n eagerReducer: null,\n eagerState: null,\n next: null\n };\n var _last = queue.last;\n if (null === _last) = _suspenseConfig;\n else {\n var first =;\n null !== first && ( = first);\n = _suspenseConfig;\n }\n queue.last = _suspenseConfig;\n if (\n 0 === fiber.expirationTime &&\n (null === alternate || 0 === alternate.expirationTime) &&\n ((alternate = queue.lastRenderedReducer), null !== alternate)\n )\n try {\n var currentState = queue.lastRenderedState,\n _eagerState = alternate(currentState, action);\n _suspenseConfig.eagerReducer = alternate;\n _suspenseConfig.eagerState = _eagerState;\n if (is(_eagerState, currentState)) return;\n } catch (error) {\n } finally {\n }\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, currentTime);\n }\n}\nvar ContextOnlyDispatcher = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: throwInvalidHookError,\n useContext: throwInvalidHookError,\n useEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useImperativeHandle: throwInvalidHookError,\n useLayoutEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useMemo: throwInvalidHookError,\n useReducer: throwInvalidHookError,\n useRef: throwInvalidHookError,\n useState: throwInvalidHookError,\n useDebugValue: throwInvalidHookError,\n useResponder: throwInvalidHookError\n },\n HooksDispatcherOnMount = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: function(callback, deps) {\n mountWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState = [\n callback,\n void 0 === deps ? null : deps\n ];\n return callback;\n },\n useContext: readContext,\n useEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return mountEffectImpl(516, UnmountPassive | MountPassive, create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function(ref, create, deps) {\n deps = null !== deps && void 0 !== deps ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;\n return mountEffectImpl(\n 4,\n UnmountMutation | MountLayout,\n imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref),\n deps\n );\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return mountEffectImpl(4, UnmountMutation | MountLayout, create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function(nextCreate, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n nextCreate = nextCreate();\n hook.memoizedState = [nextCreate, deps];\n return nextCreate;\n },\n useReducer: function(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n initialArg = void 0 !== init ? init(initialArg) : initialArg;\n hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialArg;\n reducer = hook.queue = {\n last: null,\n dispatch: null,\n lastRenderedReducer: reducer,\n lastRenderedState: initialArg\n };\n reducer = reducer.dispatch = dispatchAction.bind(\n null,\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1,\n reducer\n );\n return [hook.memoizedState, reducer];\n },\n useRef: function(initialValue) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n initialValue = { current: initialValue };\n return (hook.memoizedState = initialValue);\n },\n useState: function(initialState) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n \"function\" === typeof initialState && (initialState = initialState());\n hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;\n initialState = hook.queue = {\n last: null,\n dispatch: null,\n lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,\n lastRenderedState: initialState\n };\n initialState = initialState.dispatch = dispatchAction.bind(\n null,\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1,\n initialState\n );\n return [hook.memoizedState, initialState];\n },\n useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,\n useResponder: createResponderListener\n },\n HooksDispatcherOnUpdate = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: function(callback, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n var prevState = hook.memoizedState;\n if (\n null !== prevState &&\n null !== deps &&\n areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevState[1])\n )\n return prevState[0];\n hook.memoizedState = [callback, deps];\n return callback;\n },\n useContext: readContext,\n useEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(516, UnmountPassive | MountPassive, create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function(ref, create, deps) {\n deps = null !== deps && void 0 !== deps ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;\n return updateEffectImpl(\n 4,\n UnmountMutation | MountLayout,\n imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref),\n deps\n );\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(4, UnmountMutation | MountLayout, create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function(nextCreate, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;\n var prevState = hook.memoizedState;\n if (\n null !== prevState &&\n null !== deps &&\n areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevState[1])\n )\n return prevState[0];\n nextCreate = nextCreate();\n hook.memoizedState = [nextCreate, deps];\n return nextCreate;\n },\n useReducer: updateReducer,\n useRef: function() {\n return updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;\n },\n useState: function(initialState) {\n return updateReducer(basicStateReducer, initialState);\n },\n useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,\n useResponder: createResponderListener\n },\n hydrationParentFiber = null,\n nextHydratableInstance = null,\n isHydrating = !1;\nfunction tryHydrate(fiber, nextInstance) {\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case 5:\n return (\n (nextInstance = shim$1(nextInstance, fiber.type, fiber.pendingProps)),\n null !== nextInstance ? ((fiber.stateNode = nextInstance), !0) : !1\n );\n case 6:\n return (\n (nextInstance = shim$1(nextInstance, fiber.pendingProps)),\n null !== nextInstance ? ((fiber.stateNode = nextInstance), !0) : !1\n );\n case 13:\n return !1;\n default:\n return !1;\n }\n}\nfunction tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(fiber$jscomp$0) {\n if (isHydrating) {\n var nextInstance = nextHydratableInstance;\n if (nextInstance) {\n var firstAttemptedInstance = nextInstance;\n if (!tryHydrate(fiber$jscomp$0, nextInstance)) {\n nextInstance = shim$1(firstAttemptedInstance);\n if (!nextInstance || !tryHydrate(fiber$jscomp$0, nextInstance)) {\n fiber$jscomp$0.effectTag |= 2;\n isHydrating = !1;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber$jscomp$0;\n return;\n }\n var returnFiber = hydrationParentFiber,\n fiber = createFiber(5, null, null, 0);\n fiber.elementType = \"DELETED\";\n fiber.type = \"DELETED\";\n fiber.stateNode = firstAttemptedInstance;\n fiber.return = returnFiber;\n fiber.effectTag = 8;\n null !== returnFiber.lastEffect\n ? ((returnFiber.lastEffect.nextEffect = fiber),\n (returnFiber.lastEffect = fiber))\n : (returnFiber.firstEffect = returnFiber.lastEffect = fiber);\n }\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber$jscomp$0;\n nextHydratableInstance = shim$1(nextInstance);\n } else\n (fiber$jscomp$0.effectTag |= 2),\n (isHydrating = !1),\n (hydrationParentFiber = fiber$jscomp$0);\n }\n}\nvar ReactCurrentOwner$3 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner,\n didReceiveUpdate = !1;\nfunction reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n workInProgress.child =\n null === current$$1\n ? mountChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n : reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n current$$1.child,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n}\nfunction updateForwardRef(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n Component = Component.render;\n var ref = workInProgress.ref;\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n nextProps = renderWithHooks(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n ref,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n if (null !== current$$1 && !didReceiveUpdate)\n return (\n (workInProgress.updateQueue = current$$1.updateQueue),\n (workInProgress.effectTag &= -517),\n current$$1.expirationTime <= renderExpirationTime &&\n (current$$1.expirationTime = 0),\n bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction updateMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n if (null === current$$1) {\n var type = Component.type;\n if (\n \"function\" === typeof type &&\n !shouldConstruct(type) &&\n void 0 === type.defaultProps &&\n null === &&\n void 0 === Component.defaultProps\n )\n return (\n (workInProgress.tag = 15),\n (workInProgress.type = type),\n updateSimpleMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n type,\n nextProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n current$$1 = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n Component.type,\n null,\n nextProps,\n null,\n workInProgress.mode,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n current$$1.ref = workInProgress.ref;\n current$$1.return = workInProgress;\n return (workInProgress.child = current$$1);\n }\n type = current$$1.child;\n if (\n updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n ((updateExpirationTime = type.memoizedProps),\n (Component =,\n (Component = null !== Component ? Component : shallowEqual),\n Component(updateExpirationTime, nextProps) &&\n current$$1.ref === workInProgress.ref)\n )\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n current$$1 = createWorkInProgress(type, nextProps, renderExpirationTime);\n current$$1.ref = workInProgress.ref;\n current$$1.return = workInProgress;\n return (workInProgress.child = current$$1);\n}\nfunction updateSimpleMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n return null !== current$$1 &&\n shallowEqual(current$$1.memoizedProps, nextProps) &&\n current$$1.ref === workInProgress.ref &&\n ((didReceiveUpdate = !1), updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime)\n ? bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n : updateFunctionComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n}\nfunction markRef(current$$1, workInProgress) {\n var ref = workInProgress.ref;\n if (\n (null === current$$1 && null !== ref) ||\n (null !== current$$1 && current$$1.ref !== ref)\n )\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 128;\n}\nfunction updateFunctionComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var context = isContextProvider(Component)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current;\n context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, context);\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n Component = renderWithHooks(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n context,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n if (null !== current$$1 && !didReceiveUpdate)\n return (\n (workInProgress.updateQueue = current$$1.updateQueue),\n (workInProgress.effectTag &= -517),\n current$$1.expirationTime <= renderExpirationTime &&\n (current$$1.expirationTime = 0),\n bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction updateClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n var hasContext = !0;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else hasContext = !1;\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n if (null === workInProgress.stateNode)\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2)),\n constructClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (nextProps = !0);\n else if (null === current$$1) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode,\n oldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n instance.props = oldProps;\n var oldContext = instance.context,\n contextType = Component.contextType;\n \"object\" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType\n ? (contextType = readContext(contextType))\n : ((contextType = isContextProvider(Component)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (contextType = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, contextType)));\n var getDerivedStateFromProps = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps,\n hasNewLifecycles =\n \"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps ||\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;\n hasNewLifecycles ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps) ||\n ((oldProps !== nextProps || oldContext !== contextType) &&\n callComponentWillReceiveProps(\n workInProgress,\n instance,\n nextProps,\n contextType\n ));\n hasForceUpdate = !1;\n var oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n oldContext = instance.state = oldState;\n var updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n null !== updateQueue &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n updateQueue,\n nextProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState));\n oldProps !== nextProps ||\n oldState !== oldContext ||\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current ||\n hasForceUpdate\n ? (\"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&\n (applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n nextProps\n ),\n (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState)),\n (oldProps =\n hasForceUpdate ||\n checkShouldComponentUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n oldProps,\n nextProps,\n oldState,\n oldContext,\n contextType\n ))\n ? (hasNewLifecycles ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillMount) ||\n (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillMount &&\n instance.componentWillMount(),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4))\n : (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n (workInProgress.memoizedProps = nextProps),\n (workInProgress.memoizedState = oldContext)),\n (instance.props = nextProps),\n (instance.state = oldContext),\n (instance.context = contextType),\n (nextProps = oldProps))\n : (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidMount &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n (nextProps = !1));\n } else\n (instance = workInProgress.stateNode),\n (oldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps),\n (instance.props =\n workInProgress.type === workInProgress.elementType\n ? oldProps\n : resolveDefaultProps(workInProgress.type, oldProps)),\n (oldContext = instance.context),\n (contextType = Component.contextType),\n \"object\" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType\n ? (contextType = readContext(contextType))\n : ((contextType = isContextProvider(Component)\n ? previousContext\n : contextStackCursor.current),\n (contextType = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, contextType))),\n (getDerivedStateFromProps = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps),\n (hasNewLifecycles =\n \"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps ||\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps) ||\n ((oldProps !== nextProps || oldContext !== contextType) &&\n callComponentWillReceiveProps(\n workInProgress,\n instance,\n nextProps,\n contextType\n )),\n (hasForceUpdate = !1),\n (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState),\n (oldState = instance.state = oldContext),\n (updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue),\n null !== updateQueue &&\n (processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n updateQueue,\n nextProps,\n instance,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState)),\n oldProps !== nextProps ||\n oldContext !== oldState ||\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current ||\n hasForceUpdate\n ? (\"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&\n (applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n nextProps\n ),\n (oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState)),\n (getDerivedStateFromProps =\n hasForceUpdate ||\n checkShouldComponentUpdate(\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n oldProps,\n nextProps,\n oldContext,\n oldState,\n contextType\n ))\n ? (hasNewLifecycles ||\n (\"function\" !== typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate &&\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.componentWillUpdate) ||\n (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentWillUpdate &&\n instance.componentWillUpdate(\n nextProps,\n oldState,\n contextType\n ),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate &&\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(\n nextProps,\n oldState,\n contextType\n )),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidUpdate &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n \"function\" === typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate &&\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 256))\n : (\"function\" !== typeof instance.componentDidUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 256),\n (workInProgress.memoizedProps = nextProps),\n (workInProgress.memoizedState = oldState)),\n (instance.props = nextProps),\n (instance.state = oldState),\n (instance.context = contextType),\n (nextProps = getDerivedStateFromProps))\n : (\"function\" !== typeof instance.componentDidUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4),\n \"function\" !== typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||\n (oldProps === current$$1.memoizedProps &&\n oldContext === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 256),\n (nextProps = !1));\n return finishClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n nextProps,\n hasContext,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n}\nfunction finishClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n Component,\n shouldUpdate,\n hasContext,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n markRef(current$$1, workInProgress);\n var didCaptureError = 0 !== (workInProgress.effectTag & 64);\n if (!shouldUpdate && !didCaptureError)\n return (\n hasContext && invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, Component, !1),\n bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n shouldUpdate = workInProgress.stateNode;\n ReactCurrentOwner$3.current = workInProgress;\n var nextChildren =\n didCaptureError && \"function\" !== typeof Component.getDerivedStateFromError\n ? null\n : shouldUpdate.render();\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n null !== current$$1 && didCaptureError\n ? ((workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n current$$1.child,\n null,\n renderExpirationTime\n )),\n (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n )))\n : reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextChildren,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.memoizedState = shouldUpdate.state;\n hasContext && invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, Component, !0);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction pushHostRootContext(workInProgress) {\n var root = workInProgress.stateNode;\n root.pendingContext\n ? pushTopLevelContextObject(\n workInProgress,\n root.pendingContext,\n root.pendingContext !== root.context\n )\n : root.context &&\n pushTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress, root.context, !1);\n pushHostContainer(workInProgress, root.containerInfo);\n}\nvar SUSPENDED_MARKER = {};\nfunction updateSuspenseComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var mode = workInProgress.mode,\n nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,\n suspenseContext = suspenseStackCursor.current,\n nextState = null,\n nextDidTimeout = !1,\n JSCompiler_temp;\n (JSCompiler_temp = 0 !== (workInProgress.effectTag & 64)) ||\n (JSCompiler_temp =\n 0 !== (suspenseContext & ForceSuspenseFallback) &&\n (null === current$$1 || null !== current$$1.memoizedState));\n JSCompiler_temp\n ? ((nextState = SUSPENDED_MARKER),\n (nextDidTimeout = !0),\n (workInProgress.effectTag &= -65))\n : (null !== current$$1 && null === current$$1.memoizedState) ||\n void 0 === nextProps.fallback ||\n !0 === nextProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback ||\n (suspenseContext |= InvisibleParentSuspenseContext);\n suspenseContext &= SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n push(suspenseStackCursor, suspenseContext, workInProgress);\n if (null === current$$1)\n if (nextDidTimeout) {\n nextProps = nextProps.fallback;\n current$$1 = createFiberFromFragment(null, mode, 0, null);\n current$$1.return = workInProgress;\n if (0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2))\n for (\n nextDidTimeout =\n null !== workInProgress.memoizedState\n ? workInProgress.child.child\n : workInProgress.child,\n current$$1.child = nextDidTimeout;\n null !== nextDidTimeout;\n\n )\n (nextDidTimeout.return = current$$1),\n (nextDidTimeout = nextDidTimeout.sibling);\n renderExpirationTime = createFiberFromFragment(\n nextProps,\n mode,\n renderExpirationTime,\n null\n );\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n current$$1.sibling = renderExpirationTime;\n mode = current$$1;\n } else\n mode = renderExpirationTime = mountChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n else {\n if (null !== current$$1.memoizedState)\n if (\n ((suspenseContext = current$$1.child),\n (mode = suspenseContext.sibling),\n nextDidTimeout)\n ) {\n nextProps = nextProps.fallback;\n renderExpirationTime = createWorkInProgress(\n suspenseContext,\n suspenseContext.pendingProps,\n 0\n );\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n if (\n 0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&\n ((nextDidTimeout =\n null !== workInProgress.memoizedState\n ? workInProgress.child.child\n : workInProgress.child),\n nextDidTimeout !== suspenseContext.child)\n )\n for (\n renderExpirationTime.child = nextDidTimeout;\n null !== nextDidTimeout;\n\n )\n (nextDidTimeout.return = renderExpirationTime),\n (nextDidTimeout = nextDidTimeout.sibling);\n nextProps = createWorkInProgress(mode, nextProps, mode.expirationTime);\n nextProps.return = workInProgress;\n renderExpirationTime.sibling = nextProps;\n mode = renderExpirationTime;\n renderExpirationTime.childExpirationTime = 0;\n renderExpirationTime = nextProps;\n } else\n mode = renderExpirationTime = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n suspenseContext.child,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n else if (((suspenseContext = current$$1.child), nextDidTimeout)) {\n nextDidTimeout = nextProps.fallback;\n nextProps = createFiberFromFragment(null, mode, 0, null);\n nextProps.return = workInProgress;\n nextProps.child = suspenseContext;\n null !== suspenseContext && (suspenseContext.return = nextProps);\n if (0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2))\n for (\n suspenseContext =\n null !== workInProgress.memoizedState\n ? workInProgress.child.child\n : workInProgress.child,\n nextProps.child = suspenseContext;\n null !== suspenseContext;\n\n )\n (suspenseContext.return = nextProps),\n (suspenseContext = suspenseContext.sibling);\n renderExpirationTime = createFiberFromFragment(\n nextDidTimeout,\n mode,\n renderExpirationTime,\n null\n );\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n nextProps.sibling = renderExpirationTime;\n renderExpirationTime.effectTag |= 2;\n mode = nextProps;\n nextProps.childExpirationTime = 0;\n } else\n renderExpirationTime = mode = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n suspenseContext,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.stateNode = current$$1.stateNode;\n }\n workInProgress.memoizedState = nextState;\n workInProgress.child = mode;\n return renderExpirationTime;\n}\nfunction initSuspenseListRenderState(\n workInProgress,\n isBackwards,\n tail,\n lastContentRow,\n tailMode\n) {\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n null === renderState\n ? (workInProgress.memoizedState = {\n isBackwards: isBackwards,\n rendering: null,\n last: lastContentRow,\n tail: tail,\n tailExpiration: 0,\n tailMode: tailMode\n })\n : ((renderState.isBackwards = isBackwards),\n (renderState.rendering = null),\n (renderState.last = lastContentRow),\n (renderState.tail = tail),\n (renderState.tailExpiration = 0),\n (renderState.tailMode = tailMode));\n}\nfunction updateSuspenseListComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,\n revealOrder = nextProps.revealOrder,\n tailMode = nextProps.tail;\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n nextProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n nextProps = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n if (0 !== (nextProps & ForceSuspenseFallback))\n (nextProps =\n (nextProps & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask) | ForceSuspenseFallback),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 64);\n else {\n if (null !== current$$1 && 0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64))\n a: for (current$$1 = workInProgress.child; null !== current$$1; ) {\n if (13 === current$$1.tag) {\n if (null !== current$$1.memoizedState) {\n current$$1.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (current$$1.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n var alternate = current$$1.alternate;\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (alternate.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n scheduleWorkOnParentPath(current$$1.return, renderExpirationTime);\n }\n } else if (null !== current$$1.child) {\n current$$1.child.return = current$$1;\n current$$1 = current$$1.child;\n continue;\n }\n if (current$$1 === workInProgress) break a;\n for (; null === current$$1.sibling; ) {\n if (\n null === current$$1.return ||\n current$$1.return === workInProgress\n )\n break a;\n current$$1 = current$$1.return;\n }\n current$$1.sibling.return = current$$1.return;\n current$$1 = current$$1.sibling;\n }\n nextProps &= SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n }\n push(suspenseStackCursor, nextProps, workInProgress);\n if (0 === (workInProgress.mode & 2)) workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n else\n switch (revealOrder) {\n case \"forwards\":\n renderExpirationTime = workInProgress.child;\n for (revealOrder = null; null !== renderExpirationTime; )\n (nextProps = renderExpirationTime.alternate),\n null !== nextProps &&\n null === findFirstSuspended(nextProps) &&\n (revealOrder = renderExpirationTime),\n (renderExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime.sibling);\n renderExpirationTime = revealOrder;\n null === renderExpirationTime\n ? ((revealOrder = workInProgress.child),\n (workInProgress.child = null))\n : ((revealOrder = renderExpirationTime.sibling),\n (renderExpirationTime.sibling = null));\n initSuspenseListRenderState(\n workInProgress,\n !1,\n revealOrder,\n renderExpirationTime,\n tailMode\n );\n break;\n case \"backwards\":\n renderExpirationTime = null;\n revealOrder = workInProgress.child;\n for (workInProgress.child = null; null !== revealOrder; ) {\n nextProps = revealOrder.alternate;\n if (null !== nextProps && null === findFirstSuspended(nextProps)) {\n workInProgress.child = revealOrder;\n break;\n }\n nextProps = revealOrder.sibling;\n revealOrder.sibling = renderExpirationTime;\n renderExpirationTime = revealOrder;\n revealOrder = nextProps;\n }\n initSuspenseListRenderState(\n workInProgress,\n !0,\n renderExpirationTime,\n null,\n tailMode\n );\n break;\n case \"together\":\n initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, !1, null, null, void 0);\n break;\n default:\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n }\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nfunction bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n) {\n null !== current$$1 &&\n (workInProgress.dependencies = current$$1.dependencies);\n if (workInProgress.childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime) return null;\n if (null !== current$$1 && workInProgress.child !== current$$1.child)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Resuming work not yet implemented.\"));\n if (null !== workInProgress.child) {\n current$$1 = workInProgress.child;\n renderExpirationTime = createWorkInProgress(\n current$$1,\n current$$1.pendingProps,\n current$$1.expirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.child = renderExpirationTime;\n for (\n renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress;\n null !== current$$1.sibling;\n\n )\n (current$$1 = current$$1.sibling),\n (renderExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime.sibling = createWorkInProgress(\n current$$1,\n current$$1.pendingProps,\n current$$1.expirationTime\n )),\n (renderExpirationTime.return = workInProgress);\n renderExpirationTime.sibling = null;\n }\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\nvar appendAllChildren = void 0,\n updateHostContainer = void 0,\n updateHostComponent$1 = void 0,\n updateHostText$1 = void 0;\nappendAllChildren = function(\n parent,\n workInProgress,\n needsVisibilityToggle,\n isHidden\n) {\n for (var node = workInProgress.child; null !== node; ) {\n if (5 === node.tag) {\n var instance = node.stateNode;\n needsVisibilityToggle &&\n isHidden &&\n (instance = cloneHiddenInstance(\n instance,\n node.type,\n node.memoizedProps,\n node\n ));\n appendChildNode(parent.node, instance.node);\n } else if (6 === node.tag) {\n instance = node.stateNode;\n if (needsVisibilityToggle && isHidden)\n throw Error(\"Not yet implemented.\");\n appendChildNode(parent.node, instance.node);\n } else if (4 !== node.tag) {\n if (\n 13 === node.tag &&\n 0 !== (node.effectTag & 4) &&\n (instance = null !== node.memoizedState)\n ) {\n var primaryChildParent = node.child;\n if (\n null !== primaryChildParent &&\n (null !== primaryChildParent.child &&\n ((primaryChildParent.child.return = primaryChildParent),\n appendAllChildren(parent, primaryChildParent, !0, instance)),\n (instance = primaryChildParent.sibling),\n null !== instance)\n ) {\n instance.return = node;\n node = instance;\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (null !== node.child) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (node === workInProgress) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === workInProgress) return;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n};\nfunction appendAllChildrenToContainer(\n containerChildSet,\n workInProgress,\n needsVisibilityToggle,\n isHidden\n) {\n for (var node = workInProgress.child; null !== node; ) {\n if (5 === node.tag) {\n var instance = node.stateNode;\n needsVisibilityToggle &&\n isHidden &&\n (instance = cloneHiddenInstance(\n instance,\n node.type,\n node.memoizedProps,\n node\n ));\n appendChildNodeToSet(containerChildSet, instance.node);\n } else if (6 === node.tag) {\n instance = node.stateNode;\n if (needsVisibilityToggle && isHidden)\n throw Error(\"Not yet implemented.\");\n appendChildNodeToSet(containerChildSet, instance.node);\n } else if (4 !== node.tag) {\n if (\n 13 === node.tag &&\n 0 !== (node.effectTag & 4) &&\n (instance = null !== node.memoizedState)\n ) {\n var primaryChildParent = node.child;\n if (\n null !== primaryChildParent &&\n (null !== primaryChildParent.child &&\n ((primaryChildParent.child.return = primaryChildParent),\n appendAllChildrenToContainer(\n containerChildSet,\n primaryChildParent,\n !0,\n instance\n )),\n (instance = primaryChildParent.sibling),\n null !== instance)\n ) {\n instance.return = node;\n node = instance;\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (null !== node.child) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (node === workInProgress) break;\n for (; null === node.sibling; ) {\n if (null === node.return || node.return === workInProgress) return;\n node = node.return;\n }\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n}\nupdateHostContainer = function(workInProgress) {\n var portalOrRoot = workInProgress.stateNode;\n if (null !== workInProgress.firstEffect) {\n var container = portalOrRoot.containerInfo,\n newChildSet = createChildNodeSet(container);\n appendAllChildrenToContainer(newChildSet, workInProgress, !1, !1);\n portalOrRoot.pendingChildren = newChildSet;\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 4;\n completeRoot(container, newChildSet);\n }\n};\nupdateHostComponent$1 = function(current, workInProgress, type, newProps) {\n type = current.stateNode;\n var oldProps = current.memoizedProps;\n if ((current = null === workInProgress.firstEffect) && oldProps === newProps)\n workInProgress.stateNode = type;\n else {\n var recyclableInstance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n var updatePayload = null;\n oldProps !== newProps &&\n ((oldProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n oldProps,\n newProps,\n recyclableInstance.canonical.viewConfig.validAttributes\n )),\n (recyclableInstance.canonical.currentProps = newProps),\n (updatePayload = oldProps));\n current && null === updatePayload\n ? (workInProgress.stateNode = type)\n : ((newProps = updatePayload),\n (recyclableInstance = type.node),\n (type = {\n node: current\n ? null !== newProps\n ? cloneNodeWithNewProps(recyclableInstance, newProps)\n : cloneNode(recyclableInstance)\n : null !== newProps\n ? cloneNodeWithNewChildrenAndProps(recyclableInstance, newProps)\n : cloneNodeWithNewChildren(recyclableInstance),\n canonical: type.canonical\n }),\n (workInProgress.stateNode = type),\n current\n ? (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4)\n : appendAllChildren(type, workInProgress, !1, !1));\n }\n};\nupdateHostText$1 = function(current, workInProgress, oldText, newText) {\n oldText !== newText &&\n ((current = requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current)),\n (oldText = requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current)),\n (workInProgress.stateNode = createTextInstance(\n newText,\n current,\n oldText,\n workInProgress\n )),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 4));\n};\nfunction cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, hasRenderedATailFallback) {\n switch (renderState.tailMode) {\n case \"hidden\":\n hasRenderedATailFallback = renderState.tail;\n for (var lastTailNode = null; null !== hasRenderedATailFallback; )\n null !== hasRenderedATailFallback.alternate &&\n (lastTailNode = hasRenderedATailFallback),\n (hasRenderedATailFallback = hasRenderedATailFallback.sibling);\n null === lastTailNode\n ? (renderState.tail = null)\n : (lastTailNode.sibling = null);\n break;\n case \"collapsed\":\n lastTailNode = renderState.tail;\n for (var _lastTailNode = null; null !== lastTailNode; )\n null !== lastTailNode.alternate && (_lastTailNode = lastTailNode),\n (lastTailNode = lastTailNode.sibling);\n null === _lastTailNode\n ? hasRenderedATailFallback || null === renderState.tail\n ? (renderState.tail = null)\n : (renderState.tail.sibling = null)\n : (_lastTailNode.sibling = null);\n }\n}\nfunction unwindWork(workInProgress) {\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 1:\n isContextProvider(workInProgress.type) && popContext(workInProgress);\n var effectTag = workInProgress.effectTag;\n return effectTag & 2048\n ? ((workInProgress.effectTag = (effectTag & -2049) | 64),\n workInProgress)\n : null;\n case 3:\n popHostContainer(workInProgress);\n popTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress);\n effectTag = workInProgress.effectTag;\n if (0 !== (effectTag & 64))\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"The root failed to unmount after an error. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag = (effectTag & -2049) | 64;\n return workInProgress;\n case 5:\n return popHostContext(workInProgress), null;\n case 13:\n return (\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, workInProgress),\n (effectTag = workInProgress.effectTag),\n effectTag & 2048\n ? ((workInProgress.effectTag = (effectTag & -2049) | 64),\n workInProgress)\n : null\n );\n case 18:\n return null;\n case 19:\n return pop(suspenseStackCursor, workInProgress), null;\n case 4:\n return popHostContainer(workInProgress), null;\n case 10:\n return popProvider(workInProgress), null;\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\nfunction createCapturedValue(value, source) {\n return {\n value: value,\n source: source,\n stack: getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source)\n };\n}\nif (\n \"function\" !==\n typeof ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactFiberErrorDialog.showErrorDialog\n)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Expected ReactFiberErrorDialog.showErrorDialog to be a function.\")\n );\nfunction logCapturedError(capturedError) {\n !1 !==\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.ReactFiberErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(\n capturedError\n ) && console.error(capturedError.error);\n}\nvar PossiblyWeakSet$1 = \"function\" === typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set;\nfunction logError(boundary, errorInfo) {\n var source = errorInfo.source,\n stack = errorInfo.stack;\n null === stack &&\n null !== source &&\n (stack = getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source));\n errorInfo = {\n componentName: null !== source ? getComponentName(source.type) : null,\n componentStack: null !== stack ? stack : \"\",\n error: errorInfo.value,\n errorBoundary: null,\n errorBoundaryName: null,\n errorBoundaryFound: !1,\n willRetry: !1\n };\n null !== boundary &&\n 1 === boundary.tag &&\n ((errorInfo.errorBoundary = boundary.stateNode),\n (errorInfo.errorBoundaryName = getComponentName(boundary.type)),\n (errorInfo.errorBoundaryFound = !0),\n (errorInfo.willRetry = !0));\n try {\n logCapturedError(errorInfo);\n } catch (e) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n throw e;\n });\n }\n}\nfunction safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(current$$1, instance) {\n try {\n (instance.props = current$$1.memoizedProps),\n (instance.state = current$$1.memoizedState),\n instance.componentWillUnmount();\n } catch (unmountError) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current$$1, unmountError);\n }\n}\nfunction safelyDetachRef(current$$1) {\n var ref = current$$1.ref;\n if (null !== ref)\n if (\"function\" === typeof ref)\n try {\n ref(null);\n } catch (refError) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current$$1, refError);\n }\n else ref.current = null;\n}\nfunction commitHookEffectList(unmountTag, mountTag, finishedWork) {\n finishedWork = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n finishedWork = null !== finishedWork ? finishedWork.lastEffect : null;\n if (null !== finishedWork) {\n var effect = (finishedWork =;\n do {\n if ((effect.tag & unmountTag) !== NoEffect$1) {\n var destroy = effect.destroy;\n effect.destroy = void 0;\n void 0 !== destroy && destroy();\n }\n (effect.tag & mountTag) !== NoEffect$1 &&\n ((destroy = effect.create), (effect.destroy = destroy()));\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== finishedWork);\n }\n}\nfunction commitUnmount(current$$1$jscomp$0, renderPriorityLevel) {\n \"function\" === typeof onCommitFiberUnmount &&\n onCommitFiberUnmount(current$$1$jscomp$0);\n switch (current$$1$jscomp$0.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 14:\n case 15:\n var updateQueue = current$$1$jscomp$0.updateQueue;\n if (\n null !== updateQueue &&\n ((updateQueue = updateQueue.lastEffect), null !== updateQueue)\n ) {\n var firstEffect =;\n runWithPriority$1(\n 97 < renderPriorityLevel ? 97 : renderPriorityLevel,\n function() {\n var effect = firstEffect;\n do {\n var destroy = effect.destroy;\n if (void 0 !== destroy) {\n var current$$1 = current$$1$jscomp$0;\n try {\n destroy();\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current$$1, error);\n }\n }\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== firstEffect);\n }\n );\n }\n break;\n case 1:\n safelyDetachRef(current$$1$jscomp$0);\n renderPriorityLevel = current$$1$jscomp$0.stateNode;\n \"function\" === typeof renderPriorityLevel.componentWillUnmount &&\n safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(\n current$$1$jscomp$0,\n renderPriorityLevel\n );\n break;\n case 5:\n safelyDetachRef(current$$1$jscomp$0);\n break;\n case 4:\n createChildNodeSet(current$$1$jscomp$0.stateNode.containerInfo);\n }\n}\nfunction detachFiber(current$$1) {\n var alternate = current$$1.alternate;\n current$$1.return = null;\n current$$1.child = null;\n current$$1.memoizedState = null;\n current$$1.updateQueue = null;\n current$$1.dependencies = null;\n current$$1.alternate = null;\n current$$1.firstEffect = null;\n current$$1.lastEffect = null;\n current$$1.pendingProps = null;\n current$$1.memoizedProps = null;\n null !== alternate && detachFiber(alternate);\n}\nfunction commitWork(current$$1, finishedWork) {\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 14:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(UnmountMutation, MountMutation, finishedWork);\n return;\n case 12:\n return;\n case 13:\n null !== finishedWork.memoizedState &&\n (globalMostRecentFallbackTime = now());\n attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork);\n return;\n case 19:\n attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork);\n return;\n }\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case 1:\n case 5:\n case 6:\n case 20:\n break;\n case 3:\n case 4:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n}\nfunction attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork) {\n var thenables = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n if (null !== thenables) {\n finishedWork.updateQueue = null;\n var retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode;\n null === retryCache &&\n (retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode = new PossiblyWeakSet$1());\n thenables.forEach(function(thenable) {\n var retry = resolveRetryThenable.bind(null, finishedWork, thenable);\n retryCache.has(thenable) ||\n (retryCache.add(thenable), thenable.then(retry, retry));\n });\n }\n}\nvar PossiblyWeakMap = \"function\" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map;\nfunction createRootErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, expirationTime) {\n expirationTime = createUpdate(expirationTime, null);\n expirationTime.tag = 3;\n expirationTime.payload = { element: null };\n var error = errorInfo.value;\n expirationTime.callback = function() {\n hasUncaughtError || ((hasUncaughtError = !0), (firstUncaughtError = error));\n logError(fiber, errorInfo);\n };\n return expirationTime;\n}\nfunction createClassErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, expirationTime) {\n expirationTime = createUpdate(expirationTime, null);\n expirationTime.tag = 3;\n var getDerivedStateFromError = fiber.type.getDerivedStateFromError;\n if (\"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromError) {\n var error = errorInfo.value;\n expirationTime.payload = function() {\n logError(fiber, errorInfo);\n return getDerivedStateFromError(error);\n };\n }\n var inst = fiber.stateNode;\n null !== inst &&\n \"function\" === typeof inst.componentDidCatch &&\n (expirationTime.callback = function() {\n \"function\" !== typeof getDerivedStateFromError &&\n (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed\n ? (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = new Set([this]))\n : legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.add(this),\n logError(fiber, errorInfo));\n var stack = errorInfo.stack;\n this.componentDidCatch(errorInfo.value, {\n componentStack: null !== stack ? stack : \"\"\n });\n });\n return expirationTime;\n}\nvar ceil = Math.ceil,\n ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n ReactCurrentOwner$2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner,\n NoContext = 0,\n LegacyUnbatchedContext = 8,\n RenderContext = 16,\n CommitContext = 32,\n RootIncomplete = 0,\n RootErrored = 1,\n RootSuspended = 2,\n RootSuspendedWithDelay = 3,\n RootCompleted = 4,\n executionContext = NoContext,\n workInProgressRoot = null,\n workInProgress = null,\n renderExpirationTime = 0,\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootIncomplete,\n workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime = 1073741823,\n workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout = 1073741823,\n workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig = null,\n workInProgressRootHasPendingPing = !1,\n globalMostRecentFallbackTime = 0,\n FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS = 500,\n nextEffect = null,\n hasUncaughtError = !1,\n firstUncaughtError = null,\n legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null,\n rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !1,\n rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null,\n pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = 90,\n pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime = 0,\n rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates = null,\n nestedUpdateCount = 0,\n rootWithNestedUpdates = null,\n currentEventTime = 0;\nfunction requestCurrentTime() {\n return (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext\n ? 1073741821 - ((now() / 10) | 0)\n : 0 !== currentEventTime\n ? currentEventTime\n : (currentEventTime = 1073741821 - ((now() / 10) | 0));\n}\nfunction computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, fiber, suspenseConfig) {\n fiber = fiber.mode;\n if (0 === (fiber & 2)) return 1073741823;\n var priorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n if (0 === (fiber & 4)) return 99 === priorityLevel ? 1073741823 : 1073741822;\n if ((executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoContext)\n return renderExpirationTime;\n if (null !== suspenseConfig)\n currentTime =\n 1073741821 -\n 25 *\n ((((1073741821 -\n currentTime +\n (suspenseConfig.timeoutMs | 0 || 5e3) / 10) /\n 25) |\n 0) +\n 1);\n else\n switch (priorityLevel) {\n case 99:\n currentTime = 1073741823;\n break;\n case 98:\n currentTime =\n 1073741821 - 10 * ((((1073741821 - currentTime + 15) / 10) | 0) + 1);\n break;\n case 97:\n case 96:\n currentTime =\n 1073741821 - 25 * ((((1073741821 - currentTime + 500) / 25) | 0) + 1);\n break;\n case 95:\n currentTime = 1;\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Expected a valid priority level\"));\n }\n null !== workInProgressRoot &&\n currentTime === renderExpirationTime &&\n --currentTime;\n return currentTime;\n}\nfunction scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, expirationTime) {\n if (50 < nestedUpdateCount)\n throw ((nestedUpdateCount = 0),\n (rootWithNestedUpdates = null),\n ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.\"\n )\n ));\n fiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(fiber, expirationTime);\n if (null !== fiber) {\n fiber.pingTime = 0;\n var priorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n if (1073741823 === expirationTime)\n if (\n (executionContext & LegacyUnbatchedContext) !== NoContext &&\n (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext\n )\n for (\n var callback = renderRoot(fiber, 1073741823, !0);\n null !== callback;\n\n )\n callback = callback(!0);\n else\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(fiber, 99, 1073741823),\n executionContext === NoContext && flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n else scheduleCallbackForRoot(fiber, priorityLevel, expirationTime);\n (executionContext & 4) === NoContext ||\n (98 !== priorityLevel && 99 !== priorityLevel) ||\n (null === rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates\n ? (rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates = new Map([[fiber, expirationTime]]))\n : ((priorityLevel = rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates.get(fiber)),\n (void 0 === priorityLevel || priorityLevel > expirationTime) &&\n rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates.set(fiber, expirationTime)));\n }\n}\nfunction markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(fiber, expirationTime) {\n fiber.expirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (fiber.expirationTime = expirationTime);\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.expirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (alternate.expirationTime = expirationTime);\n var node = fiber.return,\n root = null;\n if (null === node && 3 === fiber.tag) root = fiber.stateNode;\n else\n for (; null !== node; ) {\n alternate = node.alternate;\n node.childExpirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (node.childExpirationTime = expirationTime);\n null !== alternate &&\n alternate.childExpirationTime < expirationTime &&\n (alternate.childExpirationTime = expirationTime);\n if (null === node.return && 3 === node.tag) {\n root = node.stateNode;\n break;\n }\n node = node.return;\n }\n null !== root &&\n (expirationTime > root.firstPendingTime &&\n (root.firstPendingTime = expirationTime),\n (fiber = root.lastPendingTime),\n 0 === fiber || expirationTime < fiber) &&\n (root.lastPendingTime = expirationTime);\n return root;\n}\nfunction scheduleCallbackForRoot(root, priorityLevel, expirationTime) {\n if (root.callbackExpirationTime < expirationTime) {\n var existingCallbackNode = root.callbackNode;\n null !== existingCallbackNode &&\n existingCallbackNode !== fakeCallbackNode &&\n Scheduler_cancelCallback(existingCallbackNode);\n root.callbackExpirationTime = expirationTime;\n 1073741823 === expirationTime\n ? (root.callbackNode = scheduleSyncCallback(\n runRootCallback.bind(\n null,\n root,\n renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime)\n )\n ))\n : ((existingCallbackNode = null),\n 1 !== expirationTime &&\n (existingCallbackNode = {\n timeout: 10 * (1073741821 - expirationTime) - now()\n }),\n (root.callbackNode = scheduleCallback(\n priorityLevel,\n runRootCallback.bind(\n null,\n root,\n renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime)\n ),\n existingCallbackNode\n )));\n }\n}\nfunction runRootCallback(root, callback, isSync) {\n var prevCallbackNode = root.callbackNode,\n continuation = null;\n try {\n return (\n (continuation = callback(isSync)),\n null !== continuation\n ? runRootCallback.bind(null, root, continuation)\n : null\n );\n } finally {\n null === continuation &&\n prevCallbackNode === root.callbackNode &&\n ((root.callbackNode = null), (root.callbackExpirationTime = 0));\n }\n}\nfunction resolveLocksOnRoot(root, expirationTime) {\n var firstBatch = root.firstBatch;\n return null !== firstBatch &&\n firstBatch._defer &&\n firstBatch._expirationTime >= expirationTime\n ? (scheduleCallback(97, function() {\n firstBatch._onComplete();\n return null;\n }),\n !0)\n : !1;\n}\nfunction flushPendingDiscreteUpdates() {\n if (null !== rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates) {\n var roots = rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates;\n rootsWithPendingDiscreteUpdates = null;\n roots.forEach(function(expirationTime, root) {\n scheduleSyncCallback(renderRoot.bind(null, root, expirationTime));\n });\n flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n }\n}\nfunction prepareFreshStack(root, expirationTime) {\n root.finishedWork = null;\n root.finishedExpirationTime = 0;\n var timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle;\n -1 !== timeoutHandle &&\n ((root.timeoutHandle = -1), cancelTimeout(timeoutHandle));\n if (null !== workInProgress)\n for (timeoutHandle = workInProgress.return; null !== timeoutHandle; ) {\n var interruptedWork = timeoutHandle;\n switch (interruptedWork.tag) {\n case 1:\n var childContextTypes = interruptedWork.type.childContextTypes;\n null !== childContextTypes &&\n void 0 !== childContextTypes &&\n popContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 3:\n popHostContainer(interruptedWork);\n popTopLevelContextObject(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 5:\n popHostContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 4:\n popHostContainer(interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 13:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 19:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, interruptedWork);\n break;\n case 10:\n popProvider(interruptedWork);\n }\n timeoutHandle = timeoutHandle.return;\n }\n workInProgressRoot = root;\n workInProgress = createWorkInProgress(root.current, null, expirationTime);\n renderExpirationTime = expirationTime;\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootIncomplete;\n workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout = workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime = 1073741823;\n workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig = null;\n workInProgressRootHasPendingPing = !1;\n}\nfunction renderRoot(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime, isSync) {\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should not already be working.\"));\n if (root$jscomp$0.firstPendingTime < expirationTime) return null;\n if (isSync && root$jscomp$0.finishedExpirationTime === expirationTime)\n return commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n flushPassiveEffects();\n if (\n root$jscomp$0 !== workInProgressRoot ||\n expirationTime !== renderExpirationTime\n )\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime);\n else if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay)\n if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing)\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime);\n else {\n var lastPendingTime = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime;\n if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, lastPendingTime);\n }\n if (null !== workInProgress) {\n lastPendingTime = executionContext;\n executionContext |= RenderContext;\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;\n null === prevDispatcher && (prevDispatcher = ContextOnlyDispatcher);\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n if (isSync) {\n if (1073741823 !== expirationTime) {\n var currentTime = requestCurrentTime();\n if (currentTime < expirationTime)\n return (\n (executionContext = lastPendingTime),\n resetContextDependencies(),\n (ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher),\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, currentTime)\n );\n }\n } else currentEventTime = 0;\n do\n try {\n if (isSync)\n for (; null !== workInProgress; )\n workInProgress = performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);\n else\n for (; null !== workInProgress && !Scheduler_shouldYield(); )\n workInProgress = performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);\n break;\n } catch (thrownValue) {\n resetContextDependencies();\n resetHooks();\n currentTime = workInProgress;\n if (null === currentTime || null === currentTime.return)\n throw (prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n (executionContext = lastPendingTime),\n thrownValue);\n a: {\n var root = root$jscomp$0,\n returnFiber = currentTime.return,\n sourceFiber = currentTime,\n value = thrownValue,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = renderExpirationTime;\n sourceFiber.effectTag |= 1024;\n sourceFiber.firstEffect = sourceFiber.lastEffect = null;\n if (\n null !== value &&\n \"object\" === typeof value &&\n \"function\" === typeof value.then\n ) {\n var thenable = value,\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary =\n 0 !==\n (suspenseStackCursor.current & InvisibleParentSuspenseContext);\n value = returnFiber;\n do {\n var JSCompiler_temp;\n if ((JSCompiler_temp = 13 === value.tag))\n null !== value.memoizedState\n ? (JSCompiler_temp = !1)\n : ((JSCompiler_temp = value.memoizedProps),\n (JSCompiler_temp =\n void 0 === JSCompiler_temp.fallback\n ? !1\n : !0 !== JSCompiler_temp.unstable_avoidThisFallback\n ? !0\n : hasInvisibleParentBoundary\n ? !1\n : !0));\n if (JSCompiler_temp) {\n returnFiber = value.updateQueue;\n null === returnFiber\n ? ((returnFiber = new Set()),\n returnFiber.add(thenable),\n (value.updateQueue = returnFiber))\n : returnFiber.add(thenable);\n if (0 === (value.mode & 2)) {\n value.effectTag |= 64;\n sourceFiber.effectTag &= -1957;\n 1 === sourceFiber.tag &&\n (null === sourceFiber.alternate\n ? (sourceFiber.tag = 17)\n : ((renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = createUpdate(\n 1073741823,\n null\n )),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.tag = 2),\n enqueueUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n )));\n sourceFiber.expirationTime = 1073741823;\n break a;\n }\n sourceFiber = root;\n root = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary = sourceFiber.pingCache;\n null === hasInvisibleParentBoundary\n ? ((hasInvisibleParentBoundary = sourceFiber.pingCache = new PossiblyWeakMap()),\n (returnFiber = new Set()),\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary.set(thenable, returnFiber))\n : ((returnFiber = hasInvisibleParentBoundary.get(thenable)),\n void 0 === returnFiber &&\n ((returnFiber = new Set()),\n hasInvisibleParentBoundary.set(thenable, returnFiber)));\n returnFiber.has(root) ||\n (returnFiber.add(root),\n (sourceFiber = pingSuspendedRoot.bind(\n null,\n sourceFiber,\n thenable,\n root\n )),\n thenable.then(sourceFiber, sourceFiber));\n value.effectTag |= 2048;\n value.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n break a;\n }\n value = value.return;\n } while (null !== value);\n value = Error(\n (getComponentName(sourceFiber.type) || \"A React component\") +\n \" suspended while rendering, but no fallback UI was specified.\\n\\nAdd a component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display.\" +\n getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(sourceFiber)\n );\n }\n workInProgressRootExitStatus !== RootCompleted &&\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootErrored);\n value = createCapturedValue(value, sourceFiber);\n sourceFiber = returnFiber;\n do {\n switch (sourceFiber.tag) {\n case 3:\n sourceFiber.effectTag |= 2048;\n sourceFiber.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = createRootErrorUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n value,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n break a;\n case 1:\n if (\n ((thenable = value),\n (root = sourceFiber.type),\n (returnFiber = sourceFiber.stateNode),\n 0 === (sourceFiber.effectTag & 64) &&\n (\"function\" === typeof root.getDerivedStateFromError ||\n (null !== returnFiber &&\n \"function\" === typeof returnFiber.componentDidCatch &&\n (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed ||\n !legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(\n returnFiber\n )))))\n ) {\n sourceFiber.effectTag |= 2048;\n sourceFiber.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = createClassErrorUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n thenable,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(\n sourceFiber,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n break a;\n }\n }\n sourceFiber = sourceFiber.return;\n } while (null !== sourceFiber);\n }\n workInProgress = completeUnitOfWork(currentTime);\n }\n while (1);\n executionContext = lastPendingTime;\n resetContextDependencies();\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher;\n if (null !== workInProgress)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime);\n }\n root$jscomp$0.finishedWork = root$jscomp$0.current.alternate;\n root$jscomp$0.finishedExpirationTime = expirationTime;\n if (resolveLocksOnRoot(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)) return null;\n workInProgressRoot = null;\n switch (workInProgressRootExitStatus) {\n case RootIncomplete:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should have a work-in-progress.\"));\n case RootErrored:\n return (\n (lastPendingTime = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime),\n lastPendingTime < expirationTime\n ? renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, lastPendingTime)\n : isSync\n ? commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0)\n : (prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n scheduleSyncCallback(\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)\n ),\n null)\n );\n case RootSuspended:\n if (\n 1073741823 === workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n !isSync &&\n ((isSync = globalMostRecentFallbackTime + FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS - now()),\n 10 < isSync)\n ) {\n if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing)\n return (\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)\n );\n lastPendingTime = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime;\n if (lastPendingTime < expirationTime)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, lastPendingTime);\n root$jscomp$0.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(\n commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0),\n isSync\n );\n return null;\n }\n return commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n case RootSuspendedWithDelay:\n if (!isSync) {\n if (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing)\n return (\n prepareFreshStack(root$jscomp$0, expirationTime),\n renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, expirationTime)\n );\n isSync = root$jscomp$0.lastPendingTime;\n if (isSync < expirationTime)\n return renderRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0, isSync);\n 1073741823 !== workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout\n ? (isSync =\n 10 * (1073741821 - workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout) -\n now())\n : 1073741823 === workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime\n ? (isSync = 0)\n : ((isSync =\n 10 *\n (1073741821 -\n workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime) -\n 5e3),\n (lastPendingTime = now()),\n (expirationTime =\n 10 * (1073741821 - expirationTime) - lastPendingTime),\n (isSync = lastPendingTime - isSync),\n 0 > isSync && (isSync = 0),\n (isSync =\n (120 > isSync\n ? 120\n : 480 > isSync\n ? 480\n : 1080 > isSync\n ? 1080\n : 1920 > isSync\n ? 1920\n : 3e3 > isSync\n ? 3e3\n : 4320 > isSync\n ? 4320\n : 1960 * ceil(isSync / 1960)) - isSync),\n expirationTime < isSync && (isSync = expirationTime));\n if (10 < isSync)\n return (\n (root$jscomp$0.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(\n commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0),\n isSync\n )),\n null\n );\n }\n return commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n case RootCompleted:\n return !isSync &&\n 1073741823 !== workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n null !== workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig &&\n ((lastPendingTime = workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime),\n (prevDispatcher = workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig),\n (expirationTime = prevDispatcher.busyMinDurationMs | 0),\n 0 >= expirationTime\n ? (expirationTime = 0)\n : ((isSync = prevDispatcher.busyDelayMs | 0),\n (lastPendingTime =\n now() -\n (10 * (1073741821 - lastPendingTime) -\n (prevDispatcher.timeoutMs | 0 || 5e3))),\n (expirationTime =\n lastPendingTime <= isSync\n ? 0\n : isSync + expirationTime - lastPendingTime)),\n 10 < expirationTime)\n ? ((root$jscomp$0.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(\n commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0),\n expirationTime\n )),\n null)\n : commitRoot.bind(null, root$jscomp$0);\n default:\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unknown root exit status.\"));\n }\n}\nfunction markRenderEventTimeAndConfig(expirationTime, suspenseConfig) {\n expirationTime < workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n 1 < expirationTime &&\n (workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime = expirationTime);\n null !== suspenseConfig &&\n expirationTime < workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout &&\n 1 < expirationTime &&\n ((workInProgressRootLatestSuspenseTimeout = expirationTime),\n (workInProgressRootCanSuspendUsingConfig = suspenseConfig));\n}\nfunction performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {\n var next = beginWork$$1(\n unitOfWork.alternate,\n unitOfWork,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps;\n null === next && (next = completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork));\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null;\n return next;\n}\nfunction completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {\n workInProgress = unitOfWork;\n do {\n var current$$1 = workInProgress.alternate;\n unitOfWork = workInProgress.return;\n if (0 === (workInProgress.effectTag & 1024)) {\n a: {\n var current = current$$1;\n current$$1 = workInProgress;\n var renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = renderExpirationTime,\n newProps = current$$1.pendingProps;\n switch (current$$1.tag) {\n case 2:\n break;\n case 16:\n break;\n case 15:\n case 0:\n break;\n case 1:\n isContextProvider(current$$1.type) && popContext(current$$1);\n break;\n case 3:\n popHostContainer(current$$1);\n popTopLevelContextObject(current$$1);\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = current$$1.stateNode;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.pendingContext &&\n ((renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.context =\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.pendingContext),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.pendingContext = null));\n if (null === current || null === current.child)\n current$$1.effectTag &= -3;\n updateHostContainer(current$$1);\n break;\n case 5:\n popHostContext(current$$1);\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = requiredContext(\n rootInstanceStackCursor.current\n );\n var type = current$$1.type;\n if (null !== current && null != current$$1.stateNode)\n updateHostComponent$1(\n current,\n current$$1,\n type,\n newProps,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n ),\n current.ref !== current$$1.ref && (current$$1.effectTag |= 128);\n else if (newProps) {\n requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n current = newProps;\n var rootContainerInstance = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = current$$1;\n newProps = nextReactTag;\n nextReactTag += 2;\n type = getViewConfigForType(type);\n var updatePayload = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n current,\n type.validAttributes\n );\n rootContainerInstance = createNode(\n newProps,\n type.uiViewClassName,\n rootContainerInstance,\n updatePayload,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n current = new ReactFabricHostComponent(\n newProps,\n type,\n current,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0\n );\n current = { node: rootContainerInstance, canonical: current };\n appendAllChildren(current, current$$1, !1, !1);\n current$$1.stateNode = current;\n null !== current$$1.ref && (current$$1.effectTag |= 128);\n } else if (null === current$$1.stateNode)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n break;\n case 6:\n if (current && null != current$$1.stateNode)\n updateHostText$1(\n current,\n current$$1,\n current.memoizedProps,\n newProps\n );\n else {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof newProps && null === current$$1.stateNode)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n current = requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current);\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = requiredContext(\n contextStackCursor$1.current\n );\n current$$1.stateNode = createTextInstance(\n newProps,\n current,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0,\n current$$1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 11:\n break;\n case 13:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, current$$1);\n newProps = current$$1.memoizedState;\n if (0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64)) {\n current$$1.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n break a;\n }\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = null !== newProps;\n newProps = !1;\n null !== current &&\n ((type = current.memoizedState),\n (newProps = null !== type),\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 ||\n null === type ||\n ((type = current.child.sibling),\n null !== type &&\n ((rootContainerInstance = current$$1.firstEffect),\n null !== rootContainerInstance\n ? ((current$$1.firstEffect = type),\n (type.nextEffect = rootContainerInstance))\n : ((current$$1.firstEffect = current$$1.lastEffect = type),\n (type.nextEffect = null)),\n (type.effectTag = 8))));\n if (\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 &&\n !newProps &&\n 0 !== (current$$1.mode & 2)\n )\n if (\n (null === current &&\n !0 !== current$$1.memoizedProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback) ||\n 0 !==\n (suspenseStackCursor.current & InvisibleParentSuspenseContext)\n )\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete &&\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootSuspended);\n else if (\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete ||\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspended\n )\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootSuspendedWithDelay;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 && (current$$1.effectTag |= 4);\n break;\n case 7:\n break;\n case 8:\n break;\n case 12:\n break;\n case 4:\n popHostContainer(current$$1);\n updateHostContainer(current$$1);\n break;\n case 10:\n popProvider(current$$1);\n break;\n case 9:\n break;\n case 14:\n break;\n case 17:\n isContextProvider(current$$1.type) && popContext(current$$1);\n break;\n case 18:\n break;\n case 19:\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, current$$1);\n newProps = current$$1.memoizedState;\n if (null === newProps) break;\n type = 0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64);\n rootContainerInstance = newProps.rendering;\n if (null === rootContainerInstance)\n if (type) cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !1);\n else {\n if (\n workInProgressRootExitStatus !== RootIncomplete ||\n (null !== current && 0 !== (current.effectTag & 64))\n )\n for (current = current$$1.child; null !== current; ) {\n rootContainerInstance = findFirstSuspended(current);\n if (null !== rootContainerInstance) {\n current$$1.effectTag |= 64;\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !1);\n current = rootContainerInstance.updateQueue;\n null !== current &&\n ((current$$1.updateQueue = current),\n (current$$1.effectTag |= 4));\n current$$1.firstEffect = current$$1.lastEffect = null;\n current = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n for (\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = current$$1.child;\n null !== renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n\n )\n (newProps = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0),\n (type = current),\n (newProps.effectTag &= 2),\n (newProps.nextEffect = null),\n (newProps.firstEffect = null),\n (newProps.lastEffect = null),\n (rootContainerInstance = newProps.alternate),\n null === rootContainerInstance\n ? ((newProps.childExpirationTime = 0),\n (newProps.expirationTime = type),\n (newProps.child = null),\n (newProps.memoizedProps = null),\n (newProps.memoizedState = null),\n (newProps.updateQueue = null),\n (newProps.dependencies = null))\n : ((newProps.childExpirationTime =\n rootContainerInstance.childExpirationTime),\n (newProps.expirationTime =\n rootContainerInstance.expirationTime),\n (newProps.child = rootContainerInstance.child),\n (newProps.memoizedProps =\n rootContainerInstance.memoizedProps),\n (newProps.memoizedState =\n rootContainerInstance.memoizedState),\n (newProps.updateQueue =\n rootContainerInstance.updateQueue),\n (type = rootContainerInstance.dependencies),\n (newProps.dependencies =\n null === type\n ? null\n : {\n expirationTime: type.expirationTime,\n firstContext: type.firstContext,\n responders: type.responders\n })),\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 =\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0.sibling);\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n (suspenseStackCursor.current &\n SubtreeSuspenseContextMask) |\n ForceSuspenseFallback,\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = current$$1.child;\n break a;\n }\n current = current.sibling;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (!type)\n if (\n ((current = findFirstSuspended(rootContainerInstance)),\n null !== current)\n ) {\n if (\n ((current$$1.effectTag |= 64),\n (type = !0),\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !0),\n null === newProps.tail && \"hidden\" === newProps.tailMode)\n ) {\n current = current.updateQueue;\n null !== current &&\n ((current$$1.updateQueue = current),\n (current$$1.effectTag |= 4));\n current$$1 = current$$1.lastEffect = newProps.lastEffect;\n null !== current$$1 && (current$$1.nextEffect = null);\n break;\n }\n } else\n now() > newProps.tailExpiration &&\n 1 < renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 &&\n ((current$$1.effectTag |= 64),\n (type = !0),\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(newProps, !1),\n (current$$1.expirationTime = current$$1.childExpirationTime =\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 - 1));\n newProps.isBackwards\n ? ((rootContainerInstance.sibling = current$$1.child),\n (current$$1.child = rootContainerInstance))\n : ((current = newProps.last),\n null !== current\n ? (current.sibling = rootContainerInstance)\n : (current$$1.child = rootContainerInstance),\n (newProps.last = rootContainerInstance));\n }\n if (null !== newProps.tail) {\n 0 === newProps.tailExpiration &&\n (newProps.tailExpiration = now() + 500);\n current = newProps.tail;\n newProps.rendering = current;\n newProps.tail = current.sibling;\n newProps.lastEffect = current$$1.lastEffect;\n current.sibling = null;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = type\n ? (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask) |\n ForceSuspenseFallback\n : renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0,\n current$$1\n );\n current$$1 = current;\n break a;\n }\n break;\n case 20:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n current$$1 = null;\n }\n current = workInProgress;\n if (1 === renderExpirationTime || 1 !== current.childExpirationTime) {\n renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = 0;\n for (newProps = current.child; null !== newProps; )\n (type = newProps.expirationTime),\n (rootContainerInstance = newProps.childExpirationTime),\n type > renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 &&\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = type),\n rootContainerInstance > renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 &&\n (renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0 = rootContainerInstance),\n (newProps = newProps.sibling);\n current.childExpirationTime = renderExpirationTime$jscomp$0;\n }\n if (null !== current$$1) return current$$1;\n null !== unitOfWork &&\n 0 === (unitOfWork.effectTag & 1024) &&\n (null === unitOfWork.firstEffect &&\n (unitOfWork.firstEffect = workInProgress.firstEffect),\n null !== workInProgress.lastEffect &&\n (null !== unitOfWork.lastEffect &&\n (unitOfWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = workInProgress.firstEffect),\n (unitOfWork.lastEffect = workInProgress.lastEffect)),\n 1 < workInProgress.effectTag &&\n (null !== unitOfWork.lastEffect\n ? (unitOfWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = workInProgress)\n : (unitOfWork.firstEffect = workInProgress),\n (unitOfWork.lastEffect = workInProgress)));\n } else {\n current$$1 = unwindWork(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n if (null !== current$$1)\n return (current$$1.effectTag &= 1023), current$$1;\n null !== unitOfWork &&\n ((unitOfWork.firstEffect = unitOfWork.lastEffect = null),\n (unitOfWork.effectTag |= 1024));\n }\n current$$1 = workInProgress.sibling;\n if (null !== current$$1) return current$$1;\n workInProgress = unitOfWork;\n } while (null !== workInProgress);\n workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete &&\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootCompleted);\n return null;\n}\nfunction commitRoot(root) {\n var renderPriorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n runWithPriority$1(99, commitRootImpl.bind(null, root, renderPriorityLevel));\n null !== rootWithPendingPassiveEffects &&\n scheduleCallback(97, function() {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n return null;\n });\n return null;\n}\nfunction commitRootImpl(root, renderPriorityLevel) {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should not already be working.\"));\n var finishedWork = root.finishedWork,\n expirationTime = root.finishedExpirationTime;\n if (null === finishedWork) return null;\n root.finishedWork = null;\n root.finishedExpirationTime = 0;\n if (finishedWork === root.current)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Cannot commit the same tree as before. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n root.callbackNode = null;\n root.callbackExpirationTime = 0;\n var updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.expirationTime,\n childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.childExpirationTime;\n updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit =\n childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit > updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit\n ? childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit\n : updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n root.firstPendingTime = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit < root.lastPendingTime &&\n (root.lastPendingTime = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit);\n root === workInProgressRoot &&\n ((workInProgress = workInProgressRoot = null), (renderExpirationTime = 0));\n 1 < finishedWork.effectTag\n ? null !== finishedWork.lastEffect\n ? ((finishedWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = finishedWork),\n (updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.firstEffect))\n : (updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork)\n : (updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = finishedWork.firstEffect);\n if (null !== updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit) {\n childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit = executionContext;\n executionContext |= CommitContext;\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null;\n nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n do\n try {\n for (; null !== nextEffect; ) {\n if (0 !== (nextEffect.effectTag & 256)) {\n var current$$1 = nextEffect.alternate,\n finishedWork$jscomp$0 = nextEffect;\n switch (finishedWork$jscomp$0.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(\n UnmountSnapshot,\n NoEffect$1,\n finishedWork$jscomp$0\n );\n break;\n case 1:\n if (\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.effectTag & 256 &&\n null !== current$$1\n ) {\n var prevProps = current$$1.memoizedProps,\n prevState = current$$1.memoizedState,\n instance = finishedWork$jscomp$0.stateNode,\n snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.elementType ===\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.type\n ? prevProps\n : resolveDefaultProps(\n finishedWork$jscomp$0.type,\n prevProps\n ),\n prevState\n );\n instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot;\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n case 5:\n case 6:\n case 4:\n case 17:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === nextEffect)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(nextEffect, error);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n while (null !== nextEffect);\n nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n do\n try {\n for (current$$1 = renderPriorityLevel; null !== nextEffect; ) {\n var effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;\n if (effectTag & 128) {\n var current$$1$jscomp$0 = nextEffect.alternate;\n if (null !== current$$1$jscomp$0) {\n var currentRef = current$$1$jscomp$0.ref;\n null !== currentRef &&\n (\"function\" === typeof currentRef\n ? currentRef(null)\n : (currentRef.current = null));\n }\n }\n switch (effectTag & 14) {\n case 2:\n nextEffect.effectTag &= -3;\n break;\n case 6:\n nextEffect.effectTag &= -3;\n commitWork(nextEffect.alternate, nextEffect);\n break;\n case 4:\n commitWork(nextEffect.alternate, nextEffect);\n break;\n case 8:\n prevProps = nextEffect;\n a: for (\n prevState = prevProps,\n instance = current$$1,\n snapshot = prevState;\n ;\n\n )\n if (\n (commitUnmount(snapshot, instance), null !== snapshot.child)\n )\n (snapshot.child.return = snapshot),\n (snapshot = snapshot.child);\n else {\n if (snapshot === prevState) break;\n for (; null === snapshot.sibling; ) {\n if (\n null === snapshot.return ||\n snapshot.return === prevState\n )\n break a;\n snapshot = snapshot.return;\n }\n snapshot.sibling.return = snapshot.return;\n snapshot = snapshot.sibling;\n }\n detachFiber(prevProps);\n }\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === nextEffect)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(nextEffect, error);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n while (null !== nextEffect);\n root.current = finishedWork;\n nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n do\n try {\n for (effectTag = expirationTime; null !== nextEffect; ) {\n var effectTag$jscomp$0 = nextEffect.effectTag;\n if (effectTag$jscomp$0 & 36) {\n var current$$1$jscomp$1 = nextEffect.alternate;\n current$$1$jscomp$0 = nextEffect;\n currentRef = effectTag;\n switch (current$$1$jscomp$0.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(\n UnmountLayout,\n MountLayout,\n current$$1$jscomp$0\n );\n break;\n case 1:\n var instance$jscomp$0 = current$$1$jscomp$0.stateNode;\n if (current$$1$jscomp$0.effectTag & 4)\n if (null === current$$1$jscomp$1)\n instance$jscomp$0.componentDidMount();\n else {\n var prevProps$jscomp$0 =\n current$$1$jscomp$0.elementType ===\n current$$1$jscomp$0.type\n ? current$$1$jscomp$1.memoizedProps\n : resolveDefaultProps(\n current$$1$jscomp$0.type,\n current$$1$jscomp$1.memoizedProps\n );\n instance$jscomp$0.componentDidUpdate(\n prevProps$jscomp$0,\n current$$1$jscomp$1.memoizedState,\n instance$jscomp$0.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate\n );\n }\n var updateQueue = current$$1$jscomp$0.updateQueue;\n null !== updateQueue &&\n commitUpdateQueue(\n current$$1$jscomp$0,\n updateQueue,\n instance$jscomp$0,\n currentRef\n );\n break;\n case 3:\n var _updateQueue = current$$1$jscomp$0.updateQueue;\n if (null !== _updateQueue) {\n current$$1 = null;\n if (null !== current$$1$jscomp$0.child)\n switch (current$$1$jscomp$0.child.tag) {\n case 5:\n current$$1 =\n current$$1$jscomp$0.child.stateNode.canonical;\n break;\n case 1:\n current$$1 = current$$1$jscomp$0.child.stateNode;\n }\n commitUpdateQueue(\n current$$1$jscomp$0,\n _updateQueue,\n current$$1,\n currentRef\n );\n }\n break;\n case 5:\n if (\n null === current$$1$jscomp$1 &&\n current$$1$jscomp$0.effectTag & 4\n )\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"The current renderer does not support mutation. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n break;\n case 6:\n break;\n case 4:\n break;\n case 12:\n break;\n case 13:\n case 19:\n case 17:\n case 20:\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n }\n if (effectTag$jscomp$0 & 128) {\n var ref = nextEffect.ref;\n if (null !== ref) {\n var instance$jscomp$1 = nextEffect.stateNode;\n switch (nextEffect.tag) {\n case 5:\n var instanceToUse = instance$jscomp$1.canonical;\n break;\n default:\n instanceToUse = instance$jscomp$1;\n }\n \"function\" === typeof ref\n ? ref(instanceToUse)\n : (ref.current = instanceToUse);\n }\n }\n effectTag$jscomp$0 & 512 && (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !0);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === nextEffect)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(nextEffect, error);\n nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;\n }\n while (null !== nextEffect);\n nextEffect = null;\n requestPaint();\n executionContext = childExpirationTimeBeforeCommit;\n } else root.current = finishedWork;\n if (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects)\n (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !1),\n (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = root),\n (pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime = expirationTime),\n (pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = renderPriorityLevel);\n else\n for (nextEffect = updateExpirationTimeBeforeCommit; null !== nextEffect; )\n (renderPriorityLevel = nextEffect.nextEffect),\n (nextEffect.nextEffect = null),\n (nextEffect = renderPriorityLevel);\n renderPriorityLevel = root.firstPendingTime;\n 0 !== renderPriorityLevel\n ? ((effectTag$jscomp$0 = requestCurrentTime()),\n (effectTag$jscomp$0 = inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(\n effectTag$jscomp$0,\n renderPriorityLevel\n )),\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(root, effectTag$jscomp$0, renderPriorityLevel))\n : (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null);\n \"function\" === typeof onCommitFiberRoot &&\n onCommitFiberRoot(finishedWork.stateNode, expirationTime);\n 1073741823 === renderPriorityLevel\n ? root === rootWithNestedUpdates\n ? nestedUpdateCount++\n : ((nestedUpdateCount = 0), (rootWithNestedUpdates = root))\n : (nestedUpdateCount = 0);\n if (hasUncaughtError)\n throw ((hasUncaughtError = !1),\n (root = firstUncaughtError),\n (firstUncaughtError = null),\n root);\n if ((executionContext & LegacyUnbatchedContext) !== NoContext) return null;\n flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n return null;\n}\nfunction flushPassiveEffects() {\n if (null === rootWithPendingPassiveEffects) return !1;\n var root = rootWithPendingPassiveEffects,\n expirationTime = pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime,\n renderPriorityLevel = pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority;\n rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null;\n pendingPassiveEffectsExpirationTime = 0;\n pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = 90;\n return runWithPriority$1(\n 97 < renderPriorityLevel ? 97 : renderPriorityLevel,\n flushPassiveEffectsImpl.bind(null, root, expirationTime)\n );\n}\nfunction flushPassiveEffectsImpl(root) {\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"Cannot flush passive effects while already rendering.\")\n );\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= CommitContext;\n for (root = root.current.firstEffect; null !== root; ) {\n try {\n var finishedWork = root;\n if (0 !== (finishedWork.effectTag & 512))\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case 0:\n case 11:\n case 15:\n commitHookEffectList(UnmountPassive, NoEffect$1, finishedWork),\n commitHookEffectList(NoEffect$1, MountPassive, finishedWork);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n if (null === root)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Should be working on an effect.\"));\n captureCommitPhaseError(root, error);\n }\n finishedWork = root.nextEffect;\n root.nextEffect = null;\n root = finishedWork;\n }\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext;\n flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n return !0;\n}\nfunction captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(rootFiber, sourceFiber, error) {\n sourceFiber = createCapturedValue(error, sourceFiber);\n sourceFiber = createRootErrorUpdate(rootFiber, sourceFiber, 1073741823);\n enqueueUpdate(rootFiber, sourceFiber);\n rootFiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(rootFiber, 1073741823);\n null !== rootFiber && scheduleCallbackForRoot(rootFiber, 99, 1073741823);\n}\nfunction captureCommitPhaseError(sourceFiber, error) {\n if (3 === sourceFiber.tag)\n captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(sourceFiber, sourceFiber, error);\n else\n for (var fiber = sourceFiber.return; null !== fiber; ) {\n if (3 === fiber.tag) {\n captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(fiber, sourceFiber, error);\n break;\n } else if (1 === fiber.tag) {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n if (\n \"function\" === typeof fiber.type.getDerivedStateFromError ||\n (\"function\" === typeof instance.componentDidCatch &&\n (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed ||\n !legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(instance)))\n ) {\n sourceFiber = createCapturedValue(error, sourceFiber);\n sourceFiber = createClassErrorUpdate(fiber, sourceFiber, 1073741823);\n enqueueUpdate(fiber, sourceFiber);\n fiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(fiber, 1073741823);\n null !== fiber && scheduleCallbackForRoot(fiber, 99, 1073741823);\n break;\n }\n }\n fiber = fiber.return;\n }\n}\nfunction pingSuspendedRoot(root, thenable, suspendedTime) {\n var pingCache = root.pingCache;\n null !== pingCache && pingCache.delete(thenable);\n workInProgressRoot === root && renderExpirationTime === suspendedTime\n ? workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay ||\n (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspended &&\n 1073741823 === workInProgressRootLatestProcessedExpirationTime &&\n now() - globalMostRecentFallbackTime < FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS)\n ? prepareFreshStack(root, renderExpirationTime)\n : (workInProgressRootHasPendingPing = !0)\n : root.lastPendingTime < suspendedTime ||\n ((thenable = root.pingTime),\n (0 !== thenable && thenable < suspendedTime) ||\n ((root.pingTime = suspendedTime),\n root.finishedExpirationTime === suspendedTime &&\n ((root.finishedExpirationTime = 0), (root.finishedWork = null)),\n (thenable = requestCurrentTime()),\n (thenable = inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(thenable, suspendedTime)),\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(root, thenable, suspendedTime)));\n}\nfunction resolveRetryThenable(boundaryFiber, thenable) {\n var retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode;\n null !== retryCache && retryCache.delete(thenable);\n retryCache = requestCurrentTime();\n thenable = computeExpirationForFiber(retryCache, boundaryFiber, null);\n retryCache = inferPriorityFromExpirationTime(retryCache, thenable);\n boundaryFiber = markUpdateTimeFromFiberToRoot(boundaryFiber, thenable);\n null !== boundaryFiber &&\n scheduleCallbackForRoot(boundaryFiber, retryCache, thenable);\n}\nvar beginWork$$1 = void 0;\nbeginWork$$1 = function(current$$1, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {\n var updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.expirationTime;\n if (null !== current$$1)\n if (\n current$$1.memoizedProps !== workInProgress.pendingProps ||\n didPerformWorkStackCursor.current\n )\n didReceiveUpdate = !0;\n else {\n if (updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime) {\n didReceiveUpdate = !1;\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 3:\n pushHostRootContext(workInProgress);\n break;\n case 5:\n pushHostContext(workInProgress);\n break;\n case 1:\n isContextProvider(workInProgress.type) &&\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n break;\n case 4:\n pushHostContainer(\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo\n );\n break;\n case 10:\n pushProvider(workInProgress, workInProgress.memoizedProps.value);\n break;\n case 13:\n if (null !== workInProgress.memoizedState) {\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.child.childExpirationTime;\n if (\n 0 !== updateExpirationTime &&\n updateExpirationTime >= renderExpirationTime\n )\n return updateSuspenseComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n suspenseStackCursor.current & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask,\n workInProgress\n );\n workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n return null !== workInProgress ? workInProgress.sibling : null;\n }\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n suspenseStackCursor.current & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask,\n workInProgress\n );\n break;\n case 19:\n updateExpirationTime =\n workInProgress.childExpirationTime >= renderExpirationTime;\n if (0 !== (current$$1.effectTag & 64)) {\n if (updateExpirationTime)\n return updateSuspenseListComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 64;\n }\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n null !== renderState &&\n ((renderState.rendering = null), (renderState.tail = null));\n push(\n suspenseStackCursor,\n suspenseStackCursor.current,\n workInProgress\n );\n if (!updateExpirationTime) return null;\n }\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n }\n }\n else didReceiveUpdate = !1;\n workInProgress.expirationTime = 0;\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case 2:\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type;\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2));\n current$$1 = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n renderState = getMaskedContext(\n workInProgress,\n contextStackCursor.current\n );\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);\n renderState = renderWithHooks(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n current$$1,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress.effectTag |= 1;\n if (\n \"object\" === typeof renderState &&\n null !== renderState &&\n \"function\" === typeof renderState.render &&\n void 0 === renderState.$$typeof\n ) {\n workInProgress.tag = 1;\n resetHooks();\n if (isContextProvider(updateExpirationTime)) {\n var hasContext = !0;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else hasContext = !1;\n workInProgress.memoizedState =\n null !== renderState.state && void 0 !== renderState.state\n ? renderState.state\n : null;\n var getDerivedStateFromProps =\n updateExpirationTime.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n \"function\" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&\n applyDerivedStateFromProps(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n getDerivedStateFromProps,\n current$$1\n );\n renderState.updater = classComponentUpdater;\n workInProgress.stateNode = renderState;\n renderState._reactInternalFiber = workInProgress;\n mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress = finishClassComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n !0,\n hasContext,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n } else\n (workInProgress.tag = 0),\n reconcileChildren(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (workInProgress = workInProgress.child);\n return workInProgress;\n case 16:\n renderState = workInProgress.elementType;\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2));\n current$$1 = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n renderState = readLazyComponentType(renderState);\n workInProgress.type = renderState;\n hasContext = workInProgress.tag = resolveLazyComponentTag(renderState);\n current$$1 = resolveDefaultProps(renderState, current$$1);\n switch (hasContext) {\n case 0:\n workInProgress = updateFunctionComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n case 1:\n workInProgress = updateClassComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n case 11:\n workInProgress = updateForwardRef(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n case 14:\n workInProgress = updateMemoComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n resolveDefaultProps(renderState.type, current$$1),\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break;\n default:\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: \" +\n renderState +\n \". Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function.\"\n )\n );\n }\n return workInProgress;\n case 0:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n updateFunctionComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 1:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n updateClassComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 3:\n pushHostRootContext(workInProgress);\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n if (null === updateExpirationTime)\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"If the root does not have an updateQueue, we should have already bailed out. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n renderState = null !== renderState ? renderState.element : null;\n processUpdateQueue(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n workInProgress.pendingProps,\n null,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.memoizedState.element;\n updateExpirationTime === renderState\n ? (workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n ))\n : (reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n (workInProgress = workInProgress.child));\n return workInProgress;\n case 5:\n return (\n pushHostContext(workInProgress),\n null === current$$1 && tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress),\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.pendingProps.children),\n markRef(current$$1, workInProgress),\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 6:\n return (\n null === current$$1 && tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress),\n null\n );\n case 13:\n return updateSuspenseComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n case 4:\n return (\n pushHostContainer(\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo\n ),\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n null === current$$1\n ? (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(\n workInProgress,\n null,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ))\n : reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 11:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n updateForwardRef(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 7:\n return (\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.pendingProps,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 8:\n return (\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.pendingProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 12:\n return (\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.pendingProps.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 10:\n a: {\n updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type._context;\n renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n getDerivedStateFromProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n hasContext = renderState.value;\n pushProvider(workInProgress, hasContext);\n if (null !== getDerivedStateFromProps) {\n var oldValue = getDerivedStateFromProps.value;\n hasContext = is(oldValue, hasContext)\n ? 0\n : (\"function\" === typeof updateExpirationTime._calculateChangedBits\n ? updateExpirationTime._calculateChangedBits(\n oldValue,\n hasContext\n )\n : 1073741823) | 0;\n if (0 === hasContext) {\n if (\n getDerivedStateFromProps.children === renderState.children &&\n !didPerformWorkStackCursor.current\n ) {\n workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n break a;\n }\n } else\n for (\n oldValue = workInProgress.child,\n null !== oldValue && (oldValue.return = workInProgress);\n null !== oldValue;\n\n ) {\n var list = oldValue.dependencies;\n if (null !== list) {\n getDerivedStateFromProps = oldValue.child;\n for (\n var dependency = list.firstContext;\n null !== dependency;\n\n ) {\n if (\n dependency.context === updateExpirationTime &&\n 0 !== (dependency.observedBits & hasContext)\n ) {\n 1 === oldValue.tag &&\n ((dependency = createUpdate(renderExpirationTime, null)),\n (dependency.tag = 2),\n enqueueUpdate(oldValue, dependency));\n oldValue.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (oldValue.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n dependency = oldValue.alternate;\n null !== dependency &&\n dependency.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (dependency.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n scheduleWorkOnParentPath(\n oldValue.return,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n list.expirationTime < renderExpirationTime &&\n (list.expirationTime = renderExpirationTime);\n break;\n }\n dependency =;\n }\n } else\n getDerivedStateFromProps =\n 10 === oldValue.tag\n ? oldValue.type === workInProgress.type\n ? null\n : oldValue.child\n : oldValue.child;\n if (null !== getDerivedStateFromProps)\n getDerivedStateFromProps.return = oldValue;\n else\n for (\n getDerivedStateFromProps = oldValue;\n null !== getDerivedStateFromProps;\n\n ) {\n if (getDerivedStateFromProps === workInProgress) {\n getDerivedStateFromProps = null;\n break;\n }\n oldValue = getDerivedStateFromProps.sibling;\n if (null !== oldValue) {\n oldValue.return = getDerivedStateFromProps.return;\n getDerivedStateFromProps = oldValue;\n break;\n }\n getDerivedStateFromProps = getDerivedStateFromProps.return;\n }\n oldValue = getDerivedStateFromProps;\n }\n }\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderState.children,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n workInProgress = workInProgress.child;\n }\n return workInProgress;\n case 9:\n return (\n (renderState = workInProgress.type),\n (hasContext = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (updateExpirationTime = hasContext.children),\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime),\n (renderState = readContext(\n renderState,\n hasContext.unstable_observedBits\n )),\n (updateExpirationTime = updateExpirationTime(renderState)),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 1),\n reconcileChildren(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n workInProgress.child\n );\n case 14:\n return (\n (renderState = workInProgress.type),\n (hasContext = resolveDefaultProps(\n renderState,\n workInProgress.pendingProps\n )),\n (hasContext = resolveDefaultProps(renderState.type, hasContext)),\n updateMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderState,\n hasContext,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 15:\n return updateSimpleMemoComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n workInProgress.type,\n workInProgress.pendingProps,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n case 17:\n return (\n (updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.type),\n (renderState = workInProgress.pendingProps),\n (renderState =\n workInProgress.elementType === updateExpirationTime\n ? renderState\n : resolveDefaultProps(updateExpirationTime, renderState)),\n null !== current$$1 &&\n ((current$$1.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.alternate = null),\n (workInProgress.effectTag |= 2)),\n (workInProgress.tag = 1),\n isContextProvider(updateExpirationTime)\n ? ((current$$1 = !0), pushContextProvider(workInProgress))\n : (current$$1 = !1),\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime),\n constructClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n mountClassInstance(\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n renderState,\n renderExpirationTime\n ),\n finishClassComponent(\n null,\n workInProgress,\n updateExpirationTime,\n !0,\n current$$1,\n renderExpirationTime\n )\n );\n case 19:\n return updateSuspenseListComponent(\n current$$1,\n workInProgress,\n renderExpirationTime\n );\n }\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n};\nvar onCommitFiberRoot = null,\n onCommitFiberUnmount = null;\nfunction injectInternals(internals) {\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) return !1;\n var hook = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;\n if (hook.isDisabled || !hook.supportsFiber) return !0;\n try {\n var rendererID = hook.inject(internals);\n onCommitFiberRoot = function(root) {\n try {\n hook.onCommitFiberRoot(\n rendererID,\n root,\n void 0,\n 64 === (root.current.effectTag & 64)\n );\n } catch (err) {}\n };\n onCommitFiberUnmount = function(fiber) {\n try {\n hook.onCommitFiberUnmount(rendererID, fiber);\n } catch (err) {}\n };\n } catch (err) {}\n return !0;\n}\nfunction FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {\n this.tag = tag;\n this.key = key;\n this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null;\n this.index = 0;\n this.ref = null;\n this.pendingProps = pendingProps;\n this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null;\n this.mode = mode;\n this.effectTag = 0;\n this.lastEffect = this.firstEffect = this.nextEffect = null;\n this.childExpirationTime = this.expirationTime = 0;\n this.alternate = null;\n}\nfunction createFiber(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {\n return new FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode);\n}\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n Component = Component.prototype;\n return !(!Component || !Component.isReactComponent);\n}\nfunction resolveLazyComponentTag(Component) {\n if (\"function\" === typeof Component)\n return shouldConstruct(Component) ? 1 : 0;\n if (void 0 !== Component && null !== Component) {\n Component = Component.$$typeof;\n if (Component === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE) return 11;\n if (Component === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) return 14;\n }\n return 2;\n}\nfunction createWorkInProgress(current, pendingProps) {\n var workInProgress = current.alternate;\n null === workInProgress\n ? ((workInProgress = createFiber(\n current.tag,\n pendingProps,\n current.key,\n current.mode\n )),\n (workInProgress.elementType = current.elementType),\n (workInProgress.type = current.type),\n (workInProgress.stateNode = current.stateNode),\n (workInProgress.alternate = current),\n (current.alternate = workInProgress))\n : ((workInProgress.pendingProps = pendingProps),\n (workInProgress.effectTag = 0),\n (workInProgress.nextEffect = null),\n (workInProgress.firstEffect = null),\n (workInProgress.lastEffect = null));\n workInProgress.childExpirationTime = current.childExpirationTime;\n workInProgress.expirationTime = current.expirationTime;\n workInProgress.child = current.child;\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = current.memoizedProps;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = current.memoizedState;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue;\n pendingProps = current.dependencies;\n workInProgress.dependencies =\n null === pendingProps\n ? null\n : {\n expirationTime: pendingProps.expirationTime,\n firstContext: pendingProps.firstContext,\n responders: pendingProps.responders\n };\n workInProgress.sibling = current.sibling;\n workInProgress.index = current.index;\n workInProgress.ref = current.ref;\n return workInProgress;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromTypeAndProps(\n type,\n key,\n pendingProps,\n owner,\n mode,\n expirationTime\n) {\n var fiberTag = 2;\n owner = type;\n if (\"function\" === typeof type) shouldConstruct(type) && (fiberTag = 1);\n else if (\"string\" === typeof type) fiberTag = 5;\n else\n a: switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromFragment(\n pendingProps.children,\n mode,\n expirationTime,\n key\n );\n case REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 8;\n mode |= 7;\n break;\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 8;\n mode |= 1;\n break;\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return (\n (type = createFiber(12, pendingProps, key, mode | 8)),\n (type.elementType = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE),\n (type.type = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE),\n (type.expirationTime = expirationTime),\n type\n );\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return (\n (type = createFiber(13, pendingProps, key, mode)),\n (type.type = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE),\n (type.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE),\n (type.expirationTime = expirationTime),\n type\n );\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return (\n (type = createFiber(19, pendingProps, key, mode)),\n (type.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE),\n (type.expirationTime = expirationTime),\n type\n );\n default:\n if (\"object\" === typeof type && null !== type)\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 10;\n break a;\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 9;\n break a;\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 11;\n break a;\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 14;\n break a;\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n fiberTag = 16;\n owner = null;\n break a;\n }\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: \" +\n (null == type ? type : typeof type) +\n \".\"\n )\n );\n }\n key = createFiber(fiberTag, pendingProps, key, mode);\n key.elementType = type;\n key.type = owner;\n key.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n return key;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromFragment(elements, mode, expirationTime, key) {\n elements = createFiber(7, elements, key, mode);\n elements.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n return elements;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromText(content, mode, expirationTime) {\n content = createFiber(6, content, null, mode);\n content.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n return content;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromPortal(portal, mode, expirationTime) {\n mode = createFiber(\n 4,\n null !== portal.children ? portal.children : [],\n portal.key,\n mode\n );\n mode.expirationTime = expirationTime;\n mode.stateNode = {\n containerInfo: portal.containerInfo,\n pendingChildren: null,\n implementation: portal.implementation\n };\n return mode;\n}\nfunction FiberRootNode(containerInfo, tag, hydrate) {\n this.tag = tag;\n this.current = null;\n this.containerInfo = containerInfo;\n this.pingCache = this.pendingChildren = null;\n this.finishedExpirationTime = 0;\n this.finishedWork = null;\n this.timeoutHandle = -1;\n this.pendingContext = this.context = null;\n this.hydrate = hydrate;\n this.callbackNode = this.firstBatch = null;\n this.pingTime = this.lastPendingTime = this.firstPendingTime = this.callbackExpirationTime = 0;\n}\nfunction findHostInstance(component) {\n var fiber = component._reactInternalFiber;\n if (void 0 === fiber) {\n if (\"function\" === typeof component.render)\n throw ReactError(Error(\"Unable to find node on an unmounted component.\"));\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Argument appears to not be a ReactComponent. Keys: \" +\n Object.keys(component)\n )\n );\n }\n component = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);\n return null === component ? null : component.stateNode;\n}\nfunction updateContainer(element, container, parentComponent, callback) {\n var current$$1 = container.current,\n currentTime = requestCurrentTime(),\n suspenseConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.suspense;\n current$$1 = computeExpirationForFiber(\n currentTime,\n current$$1,\n suspenseConfig\n );\n currentTime = container.current;\n a: if (parentComponent) {\n parentComponent = parentComponent._reactInternalFiber;\n b: {\n if (\n 2 !== isFiberMountedImpl(parentComponent) ||\n 1 !== parentComponent.tag\n )\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Expected subtree parent to be a mounted class component. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n var parentContext = parentComponent;\n do {\n switch (parentContext.tag) {\n case 3:\n parentContext = parentContext.stateNode.context;\n break b;\n case 1:\n if (isContextProvider(parentContext.type)) {\n parentContext =\n parentContext.stateNode\n .__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;\n break b;\n }\n }\n parentContext = parentContext.return;\n } while (null !== parentContext);\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\n \"Found unexpected detached subtree parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.\"\n )\n );\n }\n if (1 === parentComponent.tag) {\n var Component = parentComponent.type;\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n parentComponent = processChildContext(\n parentComponent,\n Component,\n parentContext\n );\n break a;\n }\n }\n parentComponent = parentContext;\n } else parentComponent = emptyContextObject;\n null === container.context\n ? (container.context = parentComponent)\n : (container.pendingContext = parentComponent);\n container = callback;\n suspenseConfig = createUpdate(current$$1, suspenseConfig);\n suspenseConfig.payload = { element: element };\n container = void 0 === container ? null : container;\n null !== container && (suspenseConfig.callback = container);\n enqueueUpdate(currentTime, suspenseConfig);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(currentTime, current$$1);\n return current$$1;\n}\nfunction createPortal(children, containerInfo, implementation) {\n var key =\n 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null;\n return {\n $$typeof: REACT_PORTAL_TYPE,\n key: null == key ? null : \"\" + key,\n children: children,\n containerInfo: containerInfo,\n implementation: implementation\n };\n}\nfunction _inherits$1(subClass, superClass) {\n if (\"function\" !== typeof superClass && null !== superClass)\n throw new TypeError(\n \"Super expression must either be null or a function, not \" +\n typeof superClass\n );\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n enumerable: !1,\n writable: !0,\n configurable: !0\n }\n });\n superClass &&\n (Object.setPrototypeOf\n ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass)\n : (subClass.__proto__ = superClass));\n}\nvar getInspectorDataForViewTag = void 0;\ngetInspectorDataForViewTag = function() {\n throw ReactError(\n Error(\"getInspectorDataForViewTag() is not available in production\")\n );\n};\nvar fabricDispatchCommand = nativeFabricUIManager.dispatchCommand;\nfunction findNodeHandle(componentOrHandle) {\n if (null == componentOrHandle) return null;\n if (\"number\" === typeof componentOrHandle) return componentOrHandle;\n if (componentOrHandle._nativeTag) return componentOrHandle._nativeTag;\n if (componentOrHandle.canonical && componentOrHandle.canonical._nativeTag)\n return componentOrHandle.canonical._nativeTag;\n componentOrHandle = findHostInstance(componentOrHandle);\n return null == componentOrHandle\n ? componentOrHandle\n : componentOrHandle.canonical\n ? componentOrHandle.canonical._nativeTag\n : componentOrHandle._nativeTag;\n}\nbatchedUpdatesImpl = function(fn, a) {\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= 1;\n try {\n return fn(a);\n } finally {\n (executionContext = prevExecutionContext),\n executionContext === NoContext && flushSyncCallbackQueue();\n }\n};\nflushDiscreteUpdatesImpl = function() {\n (executionContext & (1 | RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext &&\n (flushPendingDiscreteUpdates(), flushPassiveEffects());\n};\nvar roots = new Map(),\n ReactFabric = {\n NativeComponent: (function(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance) {\n return (function(_React$Component) {\n function ReactNativeComponent() {\n if (!(this instanceof ReactNativeComponent))\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n var call = _React$Component.apply(this, arguments);\n if (!this)\n throw new ReferenceError(\n \"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"\n );\n return !call ||\n (\"object\" !== typeof call && \"function\" !== typeof call)\n ? this\n : call;\n }\n _inherits$1(ReactNativeComponent, _React$Component);\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.blur = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.blurTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.focus = function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.focusTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measure = function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measure(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measure(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measureInWindow = function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measureInWindow(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureInWindow(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.measureLayout = function(\n relativeToNativeNode,\n onSuccess,\n onFail\n ) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null == maybeInstance ||\n maybeInstance.canonical ||\n ((maybeInstance = void 0),\n \"number\" === typeof relativeToNativeNode\n ? (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode)\n : relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag &&\n (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag),\n null != maybeInstance &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureLayout(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n maybeInstance,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onFail),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onSuccess)\n ));\n };\n ReactNativeComponent.prototype.setNativeProps = function(nativeProps) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n if (null != maybeInstance && !maybeInstance.canonical) {\n var nativeTag =\n maybeInstance._nativeTag || maybeInstance.canonical._nativeTag;\n maybeInstance =\n maybeInstance.viewConfig || maybeInstance.canonical.viewConfig;\n nativeProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n nativeProps,\n maybeInstance.validAttributes\n );\n null != nativeProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n nativeTag,\n maybeInstance.uiViewClassName,\n nativeProps\n );\n }\n };\n return ReactNativeComponent;\n })(React.Component);\n })(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance),\n findNodeHandle: findNodeHandle,\n setNativeProps: function() {},\n dispatchCommand: function(handle, command, args) {\n null != handle._nativeTag &&\n null != handle._internalInstanceHandle &&\n fabricDispatchCommand(\n handle._internalInstanceHandle.stateNode.node,\n command,\n args\n );\n },\n render: function(element, containerTag, callback) {\n var root = roots.get(containerTag);\n if (!root) {\n root = new FiberRootNode(containerTag, 0, !1);\n var uninitializedFiber = createFiber(3, null, null, 0);\n root.current = uninitializedFiber;\n uninitializedFiber.stateNode = root;\n roots.set(containerTag, root);\n }\n updateContainer(element, root, null, callback);\n a: if (((element = root.current), element.child))\n switch (element.child.tag) {\n case 5:\n element = element.child.stateNode.canonical;\n break a;\n default:\n element = element.child.stateNode;\n }\n else element = null;\n return element;\n },\n unmountComponentAtNode: function(containerTag) {\n var root = roots.get(containerTag);\n root &&\n updateContainer(null, root, null, function() {\n roots.delete(containerTag);\n });\n },\n createPortal: function(children, containerTag) {\n return createPortal(\n children,\n containerTag,\n null,\n 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null\n );\n },\n __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: {\n NativeMethodsMixin: (function(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance) {\n return {\n measure: function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measure(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measure(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n },\n measureInWindow: function(callback) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null != maybeInstance &&\n (maybeInstance.canonical\n ? nativeFabricUIManager.measureInWindow(\n maybeInstance.node,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n )\n : ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureInWindow(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, callback)\n ));\n },\n measureLayout: function(relativeToNativeNode, onSuccess, onFail) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n null == maybeInstance ||\n maybeInstance.canonical ||\n ((maybeInstance = void 0),\n \"number\" === typeof relativeToNativeNode\n ? (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode)\n : relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag &&\n (maybeInstance = relativeToNativeNode._nativeTag),\n null != maybeInstance &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.measureLayout(\n findNodeHandle(this),\n maybeInstance,\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onFail),\n mountSafeCallback_NOT_REALLY_SAFE(this, onSuccess)\n ));\n },\n setNativeProps: function(nativeProps) {\n var maybeInstance = void 0;\n try {\n maybeInstance = findHostInstance(this);\n } catch (error) {}\n if (null != maybeInstance && !maybeInstance.canonical) {\n var nativeTag =\n maybeInstance._nativeTag || maybeInstance.canonical._nativeTag;\n maybeInstance =\n maybeInstance.viewConfig || maybeInstance.canonical.viewConfig;\n nativeProps = diffProperties(\n null,\n emptyObject,\n nativeProps,\n maybeInstance.validAttributes\n );\n null != nativeProps &&\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.UIManager.updateView(\n nativeTag,\n maybeInstance.uiViewClassName,\n nativeProps\n );\n }\n },\n focus: function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.focusTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n },\n blur: function() {\n ReactNativePrivateInterface.TextInputState.blurTextInput(\n findNodeHandle(this)\n );\n }\n };\n })(findNodeHandle, findHostInstance)\n }\n };\n(function(devToolsConfig) {\n var findFiberByHostInstance = devToolsConfig.findFiberByHostInstance;\n return injectInternals(\n Object.assign({}, devToolsConfig, {\n overrideHookState: null,\n overrideProps: null,\n setSuspenseHandler: null,\n scheduleUpdate: null,\n currentDispatcherRef: ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n findHostInstanceByFiber: function(fiber) {\n fiber = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);\n return null === fiber ? null : fiber.stateNode;\n },\n findFiberByHostInstance: function(instance) {\n return findFiberByHostInstance\n ? findFiberByHostInstance(instance)\n : null;\n },\n findHostInstancesForRefresh: null,\n scheduleRefresh: null,\n scheduleRoot: null,\n setRefreshHandler: null,\n getCurrentFiber: null\n })\n );\n})({\n findFiberByHostInstance: getInstanceFromInstance,\n getInspectorDataForViewTag: getInspectorDataForViewTag,\n bundleType: 0,\n version: \"16.8.6\",\n rendererPackageName: \"react-native-renderer\"\n});\nvar ReactFabric$2 = { default: ReactFabric },\n ReactFabric$3 = (ReactFabric$2 && ReactFabric) || ReactFabric$2;\nmodule.exports = ReactFabric$3.default || ReactFabric$3;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst EventEmitter = require('../vendor/emitter/EventEmitter');\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\nimport NativeAppState from './NativeAppState';\n\nconst logError = require('../Utilities/logError');\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\n/**\n * `AppState` can tell you if the app is in the foreground or background,\n * and notify you when the state changes.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass AppState extends NativeEventEmitter {\n _eventHandlers: Object;\n _supportedEvents = ['change', 'memoryWarning', 'blur', 'focus'];\n currentState: ?string;\n isAvailable: boolean;\n\n constructor() {\n super(NativeAppState);\n\n this.isAvailable = true;\n this._eventHandlers = this._supportedEvents.reduce((handlers, key) => {\n handlers[key] = new Map();\n return handlers;\n }, {});\n\n this.currentState = NativeAppState.getConstants().initialAppState;\n\n let eventUpdated = false;\n\n // TODO: this is a terrible solution - in order to ensure `currentState`\n // prop is up to date, we have to register an observer that updates it\n // whenever the state changes, even if nobody cares. We should just\n // deprecate the `currentState` property and get rid of this.\n this.addListener('appStateDidChange', appStateData => {\n eventUpdated = true;\n this.currentState = appStateData.app_state;\n });\n\n // TODO: see above - this request just populates the value of `currentState`\n // when the module is first initialized. Would be better to get rid of the\n // prop and expose `getCurrentAppState` method directly.\n NativeAppState.getCurrentAppState(appStateData => {\n // It's possible that the state will have changed here & listeners need to be notified\n if (!eventUpdated && this.currentState !== appStateData.app_state) {\n this.currentState = appStateData.app_state;\n this.emit('appStateDidChange', appStateData);\n }\n }, logError);\n }\n\n // TODO: now that AppState is a subclass of NativeEventEmitter, we could\n // deprecate `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` and just use\n // addListener` and `listener.remove()` directly. That will be a breaking\n // change though, as both the method and event names are different\n // (addListener events are currently required to be globally unique).\n /**\n * Add a handler to AppState changes by listening to the `change` event type\n * and providing the handler.\n *\n * See\n */\n addEventListener(type: string, handler: Function) {\n invariant(\n this._supportedEvents.indexOf(type) !== -1,\n 'Trying to subscribe to unknown event: \"%s\"',\n type,\n );\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'change': {\n this._eventHandlers[type].set(\n handler,\n this.addListener('appStateDidChange', appStateData => {\n handler(appStateData.app_state);\n }),\n );\n break;\n }\n case 'memoryWarning': {\n this._eventHandlers[type].set(\n handler,\n this.addListener('memoryWarning', handler),\n );\n break;\n }\n\n case 'blur':\n case 'focus': {\n this._eventHandlers[type].set(\n handler,\n this.addListener('appStateFocusChange', hasFocus => {\n if (type === 'blur' && !hasFocus) {\n handler();\n }\n if (type === 'focus' && hasFocus) {\n handler();\n }\n }),\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove a handler by passing the `change` event type and the handler.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeEventListener(type: string, handler: Function) {\n invariant(\n this._supportedEvents.indexOf(type) !== -1,\n 'Trying to remove listener for unknown event: \"%s\"',\n type,\n );\n if (!this._eventHandlers[type].has(handler)) {\n return;\n }\n this._eventHandlers[type].get(handler).remove();\n this._eventHandlers[type].delete(handler);\n }\n}\n\nfunction throwMissingNativeModule() {\n invariant(\n false,\n 'Cannot use AppState module when native RCTAppState is not included in the build.\\n' +\n 'Either include it, or check AppState.isAvailable before calling any methods.',\n );\n}\n\nclass MissingNativeAppStateShim extends EventEmitter {\n // AppState\n isAvailable: boolean = false;\n currentState: ?string = null;\n\n addEventListener() {\n throwMissingNativeModule();\n }\n\n removeEventListener() {\n throwMissingNativeModule();\n }\n\n // EventEmitter\n addListener() {\n throwMissingNativeModule();\n }\n\n removeAllListeners() {\n throwMissingNativeModule();\n }\n\n removeSubscription() {\n throwMissingNativeModule();\n }\n}\n\n// This module depends on the native `RCTAppState` module. If you don't include it,\n// `AppState.isAvailable` will return `false`, and any method calls will throw.\n// We reassign the class variable to keep the autodoc generator happy.\nif (NativeAppState) {\n AppState = new AppState();\n} else {\n AppState = new MissingNativeAppStateShim();\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AppState;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n initialAppState: string,\n |};\n +getCurrentAppState: (\n success: (appState: {|app_state: string|}) => void,\n failure: (error: Object) => void,\n ) => void;\n\n // Events\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('AppState'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Small utility that can be used as an error handler. You cannot just pass\n * `console.error` as a failure callback - it's not properly bound. If passes an\n * `Error` object, it will print the message and stack.\n */\nconst logError = function(...args: $ReadOnlyArray) {\n if (args.length === 1 && args[0] instanceof Error) {\n const err = args[0];\n console.error('Error: \"' + err.message + '\". Stack:\\n' + err.stack);\n } else {\n console.error.apply(console, args);\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = logError;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @noflow\n * @flow-weak\n * @jsdoc\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeAsyncStorage from './NativeAsyncStorage';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\n// Use SQLite if available, otherwise file storage.\nconst RCTAsyncStorage = NativeAsyncStorage;\n\n/**\n * `AsyncStorage` is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value\n * storage system that is global to the app. It should be used instead of\n * LocalStorage.\n *\n * See\n */\nconst AsyncStorage = {\n _getRequests: ([]: Array),\n _getKeys: ([]: Array),\n _immediate: (null: ?number),\n\n /**\n * Fetches an item for a `key` and invokes a callback upon completion.\n *\n * See\n */\n getItem: function(\n key: string,\n callback?: ?(error: ?Error, result: ?string) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiGet([key], function(errors, result) {\n // Unpack result to get value from [[key,value]]\n const value = result && result[0] && result[0][1] ? result[0][1] : null;\n const errs = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(errs && errs[0], value);\n if (errs) {\n reject(errs[0]);\n } else {\n resolve(value);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the value for a `key` and invokes a callback upon completion.\n *\n * See\n */\n setItem: function(\n key: string,\n value: string,\n callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiSet([[key, value]], function(errors) {\n const errs = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(errs && errs[0]);\n if (errs) {\n reject(errs[0]);\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Removes an item for a `key` and invokes a callback upon completion.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeItem: function(\n key: string,\n callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiRemove([key], function(errors) {\n const errs = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(errs && errs[0]);\n if (errs) {\n reject(errs[0]);\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Merges an existing `key` value with an input value, assuming both values\n * are stringified JSON.\n *\n * **NOTE:** This is not supported by all native implementations.\n *\n * See\n */\n mergeItem: function(\n key: string,\n value: string,\n callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiMerge([[key, value]], function(errors) {\n const errs = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(errs && errs[0]);\n if (errs) {\n reject(errs[0]);\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Erases *all* `AsyncStorage` for all clients, libraries, etc. You probably\n * don't want to call this; use `removeItem` or `multiRemove` to clear only\n * your app's keys.\n *\n * See\n */\n clear: function(callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.clear(function(error) {\n callback && callback(convertError(error));\n if (error && convertError(error)) {\n reject(convertError(error));\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Gets *all* keys known to your app; for all callers, libraries, etc.\n *\n * See\n */\n getAllKeys: function(\n callback?: ?(error: ?Error, keys: ?Array) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.getAllKeys(function(error, keys) {\n callback && callback(convertError(error), keys);\n if (error) {\n reject(convertError(error));\n } else {\n resolve(keys);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * The following batched functions are useful for executing a lot of\n * operations at once, allowing for native optimizations and provide the\n * convenience of a single callback after all operations are complete.\n *\n * These functions return arrays of errors, potentially one for every key.\n * For key-specific errors, the Error object will have a key property to\n * indicate which key caused the error.\n */\n\n /**\n * Flushes any pending requests using a single batch call to get the data.\n *\n * See\n * */\n flushGetRequests: function(): void {\n const getRequests = this._getRequests;\n const getKeys = this._getKeys;\n\n this._getRequests = [];\n this._getKeys = [];\n\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiGet(getKeys, function(errors, result) {\n // Even though the runtime complexity of this is theoretically worse vs if we used a map,\n // it's much, much faster in practice for the data sets we deal with (we avoid\n // allocating result pair arrays). This was heavily benchmarked.\n //\n // Is there a way to avoid using the map but fix the bug in this breaking test?\n //\n const map = {};\n result &&\n result.forEach(([key, value]) => {\n map[key] = value;\n return value;\n });\n const reqLength = getRequests.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < reqLength; i++) {\n const request = getRequests[i];\n const requestKeys = request.keys;\n const requestResult = => [key, map[key]]);\n request.callback && request.callback(null, requestResult);\n request.resolve && request.resolve(requestResult);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * This allows you to batch the fetching of items given an array of `key`\n * inputs. Your callback will be invoked with an array of corresponding\n * key-value pairs found.\n *\n * See\n */\n multiGet: function(\n keys: Array,\n callback?: ?(errors: ?Array, result: ?Array>) => void,\n ): Promise {\n if (!this._immediate) {\n this._immediate = setImmediate(() => {\n this._immediate = null;\n this.flushGetRequests();\n });\n }\n\n const getRequest = {\n keys: keys,\n callback: callback,\n // do we need this?\n keyIndex: this._getKeys.length,\n resolve: null,\n reject: null,\n };\n\n const promiseResult = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n getRequest.resolve = resolve;\n getRequest.reject = reject;\n });\n\n this._getRequests.push(getRequest);\n // avoid fetching duplicates\n keys.forEach(key => {\n if (this._getKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {\n this._getKeys.push(key);\n }\n });\n\n return promiseResult;\n },\n\n /**\n * Use this as a batch operation for storing multiple key-value pairs. When\n * the operation completes you'll get a single callback with any errors.\n *\n * See\n */\n multiSet: function(\n keyValuePairs: Array>,\n callback?: ?(errors: ?Array) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiSet(keyValuePairs, function(errors) {\n const error = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(error);\n if (error) {\n reject(error);\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Call this to batch the deletion of all keys in the `keys` array.\n *\n * See\n */\n multiRemove: function(\n keys: Array,\n callback?: ?(errors: ?Array) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys, function(errors) {\n const error = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(error);\n if (error) {\n reject(error);\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Batch operation to merge in existing and new values for a given set of\n * keys. This assumes that the values are stringified JSON.\n *\n * **NOTE**: This is not supported by all native implementations.\n *\n * See\n */\n multiMerge: function(\n keyValuePairs: Array>,\n callback?: ?(errors: ?Array) => void,\n ): Promise {\n invariant(RCTAsyncStorage, 'RCTAsyncStorage not available');\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n RCTAsyncStorage.multiMerge(keyValuePairs, function(errors) {\n const error = convertErrors(errors);\n callback && callback(error);\n if (error) {\n reject(error);\n } else {\n resolve(null);\n }\n });\n });\n },\n};\n\n// Not all native implementations support merge.\nif (!RCTAsyncStorage.multiMerge) {\n delete AsyncStorage.mergeItem;\n delete AsyncStorage.multiMerge;\n}\n\nfunction convertErrors(errs) {\n if (!errs) {\n return null;\n }\n return (Array.isArray(errs) ? errs : [errs]).map(e => convertError(e));\n}\n\nfunction convertError(error) {\n if (!error) {\n return null;\n }\n const out = new Error(error.message);\n out.key = error.key; // flow doesn't like this :(\n return out;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = AsyncStorage;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {||};\n +multiGet: (\n keys: Array,\n callback: (\n errors: ?Array<{|message: string|}>,\n kvPairs: ?Array>,\n ) => void,\n ) => void;\n +multiSet: (\n kvPairs: Array>,\n callback: (errors: ?Array<{|message: string|}>) => void,\n ) => void;\n +multiMerge: (\n kvPairs: Array>,\n callback: (errors: ?Array<{|message: string|}>) => void,\n ) => void;\n +multiRemove: (\n keys: Array,\n callback: (errors: ?Array<{|message: string|}>) => void,\n ) => void;\n +clear: (callback: (error: {|message: string|}) => void) => void;\n +getAllKeys: (\n callback: (error: ?{|message: string|}, allKeys: ?Array) => void,\n ) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('AsyncSQLiteDBStorage') ||\n TurboModuleRegistry.get('AsyncLocalStorage'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeClipboard from './NativeClipboard';\n\n/**\n * `Clipboard` gives you an interface for setting and getting content from Clipboard on both iOS and Android\n */\nmodule.exports = {\n /**\n * Get content of string type, this method returns a `Promise`, so you can use following code to get clipboard content\n * ```javascript\n * async _getContent() {\n * var content = await Clipboard.getString();\n * }\n * ```\n */\n getString(): Promise {\n return NativeClipboard.getString();\n },\n /**\n * Set content of string type. You can use following code to set clipboard content\n * ```javascript\n * _setContent() {\n * Clipboard.setString('hello world');\n * }\n * ```\n * @param the content to be stored in the clipboard.\n */\n setString(content: string) {\n NativeClipboard.setString(content);\n },\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {||};\n +getString: () => Promise;\n +setString: (content: string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('Clipboard'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {Options, DatePickerOpenAction} from './DatePickerAndroidTypes';\n\nclass DatePickerAndroid {\n static async open(options: ?Options): Promise {\n throw new Error('DatePickerAndroid is not supported on this platform.');\n }\n\n /**\n * A date has been selected.\n */\n static +dateSetAction: 'dateSetAction' = 'dateSetAction';\n /**\n * The dialog has been dismissed.\n */\n static +dismissedAction: 'dismissedAction' = 'dismissedAction';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = DatePickerAndroid;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeDeviceInfo from './NativeDeviceInfo';\n\nmodule.exports = NativeDeviceInfo;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeImagePickerIOS from './NativeImagePickerIOS';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\nconst ImagePickerIOS = {\n canRecordVideos: function(callback: (result: boolean) => void): void {\n invariant(NativeImagePickerIOS, 'ImagePickerIOS is not available');\n return NativeImagePickerIOS.canRecordVideos(callback);\n },\n canUseCamera: function(callback: (result: boolean) => void): void {\n invariant(NativeImagePickerIOS, 'ImagePickerIOS is not available');\n return NativeImagePickerIOS.canUseCamera(callback);\n },\n openCameraDialog: function(\n config: $ReadOnly<{|\n unmirrorFrontFacingCamera?: boolean,\n videoMode?: boolean,\n |}>,\n successCallback: (imageURL: string, height: number, width: number) => void,\n cancelCallback: () => void,\n ): void {\n invariant(NativeImagePickerIOS, 'ImagePickerIOS is not available');\n\n var newConfig = {\n videoMode: true,\n unmirrorFrontFacingCamera: false,\n };\n\n if (config.videoMode != null) {\n newConfig.videoMode = config.videoMode;\n }\n\n if (config.unmirrorFrontFacingCamera != null) {\n newConfig.unmirrorFrontFacingCamera = config.unmirrorFrontFacingCamera;\n }\n\n return NativeImagePickerIOS.openCameraDialog(\n newConfig,\n successCallback,\n cancelCallback,\n );\n },\n openSelectDialog: function(\n config: $ReadOnly<{|\n showImages?: boolean,\n showVideos?: boolean,\n |}>,\n successCallback: (imageURL: string, height: number, width: number) => void,\n cancelCallback: () => void,\n ): void {\n invariant(NativeImagePickerIOS, 'ImagePickerIOS is not available');\n\n var newConfig = {\n showImages: true,\n showVideos: false,\n };\n\n if (config.showImages != null) {\n newConfig.showImages = config.showImages;\n }\n\n if (config.showVideos != null) {\n newConfig.showVideos = config.showVideos;\n }\n\n return NativeImagePickerIOS.openSelectDialog(\n newConfig,\n successCallback,\n cancelCallback,\n );\n },\n /**\n * In iOS 13, the video URLs returned by the Image Picker are invalidated when\n * the picker is dismissed, unless reference to it is held. This API allows\n * the application to signal when it's finished with the video so that the\n * reference can be cleaned up.\n * It is safe to call this method for urlsthat aren't video URLs;\n * it will be a no-op.\n */\n removePendingVideo: function(url: string): void {\n invariant(NativeImagePickerIOS, 'ImagePickerIOS is not available');\n NativeImagePickerIOS.removePendingVideo(url);\n },\n /**\n * WARNING: In most cases, removePendingVideo should be used instead because\n * clearAllPendingVideos could clear out pending videos made by other callers.\n */\n clearAllPendingVideos: function(): void {\n invariant(NativeImagePickerIOS, 'ImagePickerIOS is not available');\n NativeImagePickerIOS.clearAllPendingVideos();\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ImagePickerIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {||};\n +canRecordVideos: (callback: (result: boolean) => void) => void;\n +canUseCamera: (callback: (result: boolean) => void) => void;\n +openCameraDialog: (\n config: {|\n unmirrorFrontFacingCamera: boolean,\n videoMode: boolean,\n |},\n successCallback: (imageURL: string, height: number, width: number) => void,\n cancelCallback: () => void,\n ) => void;\n +openSelectDialog: (\n config: {|\n showImages: boolean,\n showVideos: boolean,\n |},\n successCallback: (imageURL: string, height: number, width: number) => void,\n cancelCallback: () => void,\n ) => void;\n +clearAllPendingVideos: () => void;\n +removePendingVideo: (url: string) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('ImagePickerIOS'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst InteractionManager = require('../Interaction/InteractionManager');\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport NativeLinking from './NativeLinking';\n\n/**\n * `Linking` gives you a general interface to interact with both incoming\n * and outgoing app links.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass Linking extends NativeEventEmitter {\n constructor() {\n super(NativeLinking);\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a handler to Linking changes by listening to the `url` event type\n * and providing the handler\n *\n * See\n */\n addEventListener(type: string, handler: Function) {\n this.addListener(type, handler);\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove a handler by passing the `url` event type and the handler.\n *\n * See\n */\n removeEventListener(type: string, handler: Function) {\n this.removeListener(type, handler);\n }\n\n /**\n * Try to open the given `url` with any of the installed apps.\n *\n * See\n */\n openURL(url: string): Promise {\n this._validateURL(url);\n return NativeLinking.openURL(url);\n }\n\n /**\n * Determine whether or not an installed app can handle a given URL.\n *\n * See\n */\n canOpenURL(url: string): Promise {\n this._validateURL(url);\n return NativeLinking.canOpenURL(url);\n }\n\n /**\n * Open app settings.\n *\n * See\n */\n openSettings(): Promise {\n return NativeLinking.openSettings();\n }\n\n /**\n * If the app launch was triggered by an app link,\n * it will give the link url, otherwise it will give `null`\n *\n * See\n */\n getInitialURL(): Promise {\n return Platform.OS === 'android'\n ? InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions().then(() =>\n NativeLinking.getInitialURL(),\n )\n : NativeLinking.getInitialURL();\n }\n\n /*\n * Launch an Android intent with extras (optional)\n *\n * @platform android\n *\n * See\n */\n sendIntent(\n action: string,\n extras?: Array<{key: string, value: string | number | boolean}>,\n ): Promise {\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n return NativeLinking.sendIntent(action, extras);\n }\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject(new Error('Unsupported')));\n }\n\n _validateURL(url: string) {\n invariant(\n typeof url === 'string',\n 'Invalid URL: should be a string. Was: ' + url,\n );\n invariant(url, 'Invalid URL: cannot be empty');\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = (new Linking(): Linking);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\nimport Platform from '../Utilities/Platform';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n // Common interface\n +getInitialURL: () => Promise;\n +canOpenURL: (url: string) => Promise;\n +openURL: (url: string) => Promise;\n +openSettings: () => Promise;\n\n // Android only\n +sendIntent: (\n action: string,\n extras: ?Array<{key: string, value: string | number | boolean}>,\n ) => Promise;\n\n // Events\n +addListener: (eventName: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default ((Platform.OS === 'android'\n ? TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('IntentAndroid')\n : TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('LinkingManager')): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst InteractionManager = require('./InteractionManager');\nconst TouchHistoryMath = require('./TouchHistoryMath');\n\nimport type {PressEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';\n\nconst currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter =\n TouchHistoryMath.currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter;\nconst currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter =\n TouchHistoryMath.currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter;\nconst previousCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter =\n TouchHistoryMath.previousCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter;\nconst previousCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter =\n TouchHistoryMath.previousCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter;\nconst currentCentroidX = TouchHistoryMath.currentCentroidX;\nconst currentCentroidY = TouchHistoryMath.currentCentroidY;\n\n/**\n * `PanResponder` reconciles several touches into a single gesture. It makes\n * single-touch gestures resilient to extra touches, and can be used to\n * recognize simple multi-touch gestures.\n *\n * By default, `PanResponder` holds an `InteractionManager` handle to block\n * long-running JS events from interrupting active gestures.\n *\n * It provides a predictable wrapper of the responder handlers provided by the\n * [gesture responder system](docs/gesture-responder-system.html).\n * For each handler, it provides a new `gestureState` object alongside the\n * native event object:\n *\n * ```\n * onPanResponderMove: (event, gestureState) => {}\n * ```\n *\n * A native event is a synthetic touch event with the following form:\n *\n * - `nativeEvent`\n * + `changedTouches` - Array of all touch events that have changed since the last event\n * + `identifier` - The ID of the touch\n * + `locationX` - The X position of the touch, relative to the element\n * + `locationY` - The Y position of the touch, relative to the element\n * + `pageX` - The X position of the touch, relative to the root element\n * + `pageY` - The Y position of the touch, relative to the root element\n * + `target` - The node id of the element receiving the touch event\n * + `timestamp` - A time identifier for the touch, useful for velocity calculation\n * + `touches` - Array of all current touches on the screen\n *\n * A `gestureState` object has the following:\n *\n * - `stateID` - ID of the gestureState- persisted as long as there at least\n * one touch on screen\n * - `moveX` - the latest screen coordinates of the recently-moved touch\n * - `moveY` - the latest screen coordinates of the recently-moved touch\n * - `x0` - the screen coordinates of the responder grant\n * - `y0` - the screen coordinates of the responder grant\n * - `dx` - accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started\n * - `dy` - accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started\n * - `vx` - current velocity of the gesture\n * - `vy` - current velocity of the gesture\n * - `numberActiveTouches` - Number of touches currently on screen\n *\n * ### Basic Usage\n *\n * ```\n * componentWillMount: function() {\n * this._panResponder = PanResponder.create({\n * // Ask to be the responder:\n * onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,\n * onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,\n * onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,\n * onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,\n *\n * onPanResponderGrant: (evt, gestureState) => {\n * // The gesture has started. Show visual feedback so the user knows\n * // what is happening!\n *\n * // gestureState.d{x,y} will be set to zero now\n * },\n * onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => {\n * // The most recent move distance is gestureState.move{X,Y}\n *\n * // The accumulated gesture distance since becoming responder is\n * // gestureState.d{x,y}\n * },\n * onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => true,\n * onPanResponderRelease: (evt, gestureState) => {\n * // The user has released all touches while this view is the\n * // responder. This typically means a gesture has succeeded\n * },\n * onPanResponderTerminate: (evt, gestureState) => {\n * // Another component has become the responder, so this gesture\n * // should be cancelled\n * },\n * onShouldBlockNativeResponder: (evt, gestureState) => {\n * // Returns whether this component should block native components from becoming the JS\n * // responder. Returns true by default. Is currently only supported on android.\n * return true;\n * },\n * });\n * },\n *\n * render: function() {\n * return (\n * \n * );\n * },\n *\n * ```\n *\n * ### Working Example\n *\n * To see it in action, try the\n * [PanResponder example in RNTester](\n */\n\nexport type GestureState = {|\n /**\n * ID of the gestureState - persisted as long as there at least one touch on screen\n */\n stateID: number,\n\n /**\n * The latest screen coordinates of the recently-moved touch\n */\n moveX: number,\n\n /**\n * The latest screen coordinates of the recently-moved touch\n */\n moveY: number,\n\n /**\n * The screen coordinates of the responder grant\n */\n x0: number,\n\n /**\n * The screen coordinates of the responder grant\n */\n y0: number,\n\n /**\n * Accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started\n */\n dx: number,\n\n /**\n * Accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started\n */\n dy: number,\n\n /**\n * Current velocity of the gesture\n */\n vx: number,\n\n /**\n * Current velocity of the gesture\n */\n vy: number,\n\n /**\n * Number of touches currently on screen\n */\n numberActiveTouches: number,\n\n /**\n * All `gestureState` accounts for timeStamps up until this value\n *\n * @private\n */\n _accountsForMovesUpTo: number,\n|};\n\ntype ActiveCallback = (\n event: PressEvent,\n gestureState: GestureState,\n) => boolean;\n\ntype PassiveCallback = (event: PressEvent, gestureState: GestureState) => mixed;\n\ntype PanResponderConfig = $ReadOnly<{|\n onMoveShouldSetPanResponder?: ?ActiveCallback,\n onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture?: ?ActiveCallback,\n onStartShouldSetPanResponder?: ?ActiveCallback,\n onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture?: ?ActiveCallback,\n /**\n * The body of `onResponderGrant` returns a bool, but the vast majority of\n * callsites return void and this TODO notice is found in it:\n * TODO: t7467124 investigate if this can be removed\n */\n onPanResponderGrant?: ?(PassiveCallback | ActiveCallback),\n onPanResponderReject?: ?PassiveCallback,\n onPanResponderStart?: ?PassiveCallback,\n onPanResponderEnd?: ?PassiveCallback,\n onPanResponderRelease?: ?PassiveCallback,\n onPanResponderMove?: ?PassiveCallback,\n onPanResponderTerminate?: ?PassiveCallback,\n onPanResponderTerminationRequest?: ?ActiveCallback,\n onShouldBlockNativeResponder?: ?ActiveCallback,\n|}>;\n\nconst PanResponder = {\n /**\n *\n * A graphical explanation of the touch data flow:\n *\n * +----------------------------+ +--------------------------------+\n * | ResponderTouchHistoryStore | |TouchHistoryMath |\n * +----------------------------+ +----------+---------------------+\n * |Global store of touchHistory| |Allocation-less math util |\n * |including activeness, start | |on touch history (centroids |\n * |position, prev/cur position.| |and multitouch movement etc) |\n * | | | |\n * +----^-----------------------+ +----^---------------------------+\n * | |\n * | (records relevant history |\n * | of touches relevant for |\n * | implementing higher level |\n * | gestures) |\n * | |\n * +----+-----------------------+ +----|---------------------------+\n * | ResponderEventPlugin | | | Your App/Component |\n * +----------------------------+ +----|---------------------------+\n * |Negotiates which view gets | Low level | | High level |\n * |onResponderMove events. | events w/ | +-+-------+ events w/ |\n * |Also records history into | touchHistory| | Pan | multitouch + |\n * |ResponderTouchHistoryStore. +---------------->Responder+-----> accumulative|\n * +----------------------------+ attached to | | | distance and |\n * each event | +---------+ velocity. |\n * | |\n * | |\n * +--------------------------------+\n *\n *\n *\n * Gesture that calculates cumulative movement over time in a way that just\n * \"does the right thing\" for multiple touches. The \"right thing\" is very\n * nuanced. When moving two touches in opposite directions, the cumulative\n * distance is zero in each dimension. When two touches move in parallel five\n * pixels in the same direction, the cumulative distance is five, not ten. If\n * two touches start, one moves five in a direction, then stops and the other\n * touch moves fives in the same direction, the cumulative distance is ten.\n *\n * This logic requires a kind of processing of time \"clusters\" of touch events\n * so that two touch moves that essentially occur in parallel but move every\n * other frame respectively, are considered part of the same movement.\n *\n * Explanation of some of the non-obvious fields:\n *\n * - moveX/moveY: If no move event has been observed, then `(moveX, moveY)` is\n * invalid. If a move event has been observed, `(moveX, moveY)` is the\n * centroid of the most recently moved \"cluster\" of active touches.\n * (Currently all move have the same timeStamp, but later we should add some\n * threshold for what is considered to be \"moving\"). If a palm is\n * accidentally counted as a touch, but a finger is moving greatly, the palm\n * will move slightly, but we only want to count the single moving touch.\n * - x0/y0: Centroid location (non-cumulative) at the time of becoming\n * responder.\n * - dx/dy: Cumulative touch distance - not the same thing as sum of each touch\n * distance. Accounts for touch moves that are clustered together in time,\n * moving the same direction. Only valid when currently responder (otherwise,\n * it only represents the drag distance below the threshold).\n * - vx/vy: Velocity.\n */\n\n _initializeGestureState(gestureState: GestureState) {\n gestureState.moveX = 0;\n gestureState.moveY = 0;\n gestureState.x0 = 0;\n gestureState.y0 = 0;\n gestureState.dx = 0;\n gestureState.dy = 0;\n gestureState.vx = 0;\n gestureState.vy = 0;\n gestureState.numberActiveTouches = 0;\n // All `gestureState` accounts for timeStamps up until:\n gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo = 0;\n },\n\n /**\n * This is nuanced and is necessary. It is incorrect to continuously take all\n * active *and* recently moved touches, find the centroid, and track how that\n * result changes over time. Instead, we must take all recently moved\n * touches, and calculate how the centroid has changed just for those\n * recently moved touches, and append that change to an accumulator. This is\n * to (at least) handle the case where the user is moving three fingers, and\n * then one of the fingers stops but the other two continue.\n *\n * This is very different than taking all of the recently moved touches and\n * storing their centroid as `dx/dy`. For correctness, we must *accumulate\n * changes* in the centroid of recently moved touches.\n *\n * There is also some nuance with how we handle multiple moved touches in a\n * single event. With the way `ReactNativeEventEmitter` dispatches touches as\n * individual events, multiple touches generate two 'move' events, each of\n * them triggering `onResponderMove`. But with the way `PanResponder` works,\n * all of the gesture inference is performed on the first dispatch, since it\n * looks at all of the touches (even the ones for which there hasn't been a\n * native dispatch yet). Therefore, `PanResponder` does not call\n * `onResponderMove` passed the first dispatch. This diverges from the\n * typical responder callback pattern (without using `PanResponder`), but\n * avoids more dispatches than necessary.\n */\n _updateGestureStateOnMove(\n gestureState: GestureState,\n touchHistory: $PropertyType,\n ) {\n gestureState.numberActiveTouches = touchHistory.numberActiveTouches;\n gestureState.moveX = currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter(\n touchHistory,\n gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo,\n );\n gestureState.moveY = currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter(\n touchHistory,\n gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo,\n );\n const movedAfter = gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo;\n const prevX = previousCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter(\n touchHistory,\n movedAfter,\n );\n const x = currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter(touchHistory, movedAfter);\n const prevY = previousCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter(\n touchHistory,\n movedAfter,\n );\n const y = currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter(touchHistory, movedAfter);\n const nextDX = gestureState.dx + (x - prevX);\n const nextDY = gestureState.dy + (y - prevY);\n\n // TODO: This must be filtered intelligently.\n const dt =\n touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp - gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo;\n gestureState.vx = (nextDX - gestureState.dx) / dt;\n gestureState.vy = (nextDY - gestureState.dy) / dt;\n\n gestureState.dx = nextDX;\n gestureState.dy = nextDY;\n gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo = touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp;\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {object} config Enhanced versions of all of the responder callbacks\n * that provide not only the typical `ResponderSyntheticEvent`, but also the\n * `PanResponder` gesture state. Simply replace the word `Responder` with\n * `PanResponder` in each of the typical `onResponder*` callbacks. For\n * example, the `config` object would look like:\n *\n * - `onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderReject: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderGrant: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderStart: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderEnd: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderMove: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderTerminate: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n * - `onShouldBlockNativeResponder: (e, gestureState) => {...}`\n *\n * In general, for events that have capture equivalents, we update the\n * gestureState once in the capture phase and can use it in the bubble phase\n * as well.\n *\n * Be careful with onStartShould* callbacks. They only reflect updated\n * `gestureState` for start/end events that bubble/capture to the Node.\n * Once the node is the responder, you can rely on every start/end event\n * being processed by the gesture and `gestureState` being updated\n * accordingly. (numberActiveTouches) may not be totally accurate unless you\n * are the responder.\n */\n create(\n config: PanResponderConfig,\n ): $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n getInteractionHandle: () => ?number,\n panHandlers: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n onMoveShouldSetResponder: (event: PressEvent) => boolean,\n onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: (event: PressEvent) => boolean,\n onResponderEnd: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderGrant: (event: PressEvent) => boolean,\n onResponderMove: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderReject: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderRelease: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderStart: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderTerminate: (event: PressEvent) => void,\n onResponderTerminationRequest: (event: PressEvent) => boolean,\n onStartShouldSetResponder: (event: PressEvent) => boolean,\n onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: (event: PressEvent) => boolean,\n |}>,\n |}> {\n const interactionState = {\n handle: (null: ?number),\n };\n const gestureState: GestureState = {\n // Useful for debugging\n stateID: Math.random(),\n moveX: 0,\n moveY: 0,\n x0: 0,\n y0: 0,\n dx: 0,\n dy: 0,\n vx: 0,\n vy: 0,\n numberActiveTouches: 0,\n _accountsForMovesUpTo: 0,\n };\n const panHandlers = {\n onStartShouldSetResponder(event: PressEvent): boolean {\n return config.onStartShouldSetPanResponder == null\n ? false\n : config.onStartShouldSetPanResponder(event, gestureState);\n },\n onMoveShouldSetResponder(event: PressEvent): boolean {\n return config.onMoveShouldSetPanResponder == null\n ? false\n : config.onMoveShouldSetPanResponder(event, gestureState);\n },\n onStartShouldSetResponderCapture(event: PressEvent): boolean {\n // TODO: Actually, we should reinitialize the state any time\n // touches.length increases from 0 active to > 0 active.\n if (event.nativeEvent.touches.length === 1) {\n PanResponder._initializeGestureState(gestureState);\n }\n gestureState.numberActiveTouches =\n event.touchHistory.numberActiveTouches;\n return config.onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture != null\n ? config.onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture(event, gestureState)\n : false;\n },\n\n onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture(event: PressEvent): boolean {\n const touchHistory = event.touchHistory;\n // Responder system incorrectly dispatches should* to current responder\n // Filter out any touch moves past the first one - we would have\n // already processed multi-touch geometry during the first event.\n if (\n gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo ===\n touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp\n ) {\n return false;\n }\n PanResponder._updateGestureStateOnMove(gestureState, touchHistory);\n return config.onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture\n ? config.onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture(event, gestureState)\n : false;\n },\n\n onResponderGrant(event: PressEvent): boolean {\n if (!interactionState.handle) {\n interactionState.handle = InteractionManager.createInteractionHandle();\n }\n gestureState.x0 = currentCentroidX(event.touchHistory);\n gestureState.y0 = currentCentroidY(event.touchHistory);\n gestureState.dx = 0;\n gestureState.dy = 0;\n if (config.onPanResponderGrant) {\n config.onPanResponderGrant(event, gestureState);\n }\n // TODO: t7467124 investigate if this can be removed\n return config.onShouldBlockNativeResponder == null\n ? true\n : config.onShouldBlockNativeResponder(event, gestureState);\n },\n\n onResponderReject(event: PressEvent): void {\n clearInteractionHandle(\n interactionState,\n config.onPanResponderReject,\n event,\n gestureState,\n );\n },\n\n onResponderRelease(event: PressEvent): void {\n clearInteractionHandle(\n interactionState,\n config.onPanResponderRelease,\n event,\n gestureState,\n );\n PanResponder._initializeGestureState(gestureState);\n },\n\n onResponderStart(event: PressEvent): void {\n const touchHistory = event.touchHistory;\n gestureState.numberActiveTouches = touchHistory.numberActiveTouches;\n if (config.onPanResponderStart) {\n config.onPanResponderStart(event, gestureState);\n }\n },\n\n onResponderMove(event: PressEvent): void {\n const touchHistory = event.touchHistory;\n // Guard against the dispatch of two touch moves when there are two\n // simultaneously changed touches.\n if (\n gestureState._accountsForMovesUpTo ===\n touchHistory.mostRecentTimeStamp\n ) {\n return;\n }\n // Filter out any touch moves past the first one - we would have\n // already processed multi-touch geometry during the first event.\n PanResponder._updateGestureStateOnMove(gestureState, touchHistory);\n if (config.onPanResponderMove) {\n config.onPanResponderMove(event, gestureState);\n }\n },\n\n onResponderEnd(event: PressEvent): void {\n const touchHistory = event.touchHistory;\n gestureState.numberActiveTouches = touchHistory.numberActiveTouches;\n clearInteractionHandle(\n interactionState,\n config.onPanResponderEnd,\n event,\n gestureState,\n );\n },\n\n onResponderTerminate(event: PressEvent): void {\n clearInteractionHandle(\n interactionState,\n config.onPanResponderTerminate,\n event,\n gestureState,\n );\n PanResponder._initializeGestureState(gestureState);\n },\n\n onResponderTerminationRequest(event: PressEvent): boolean {\n return config.onPanResponderTerminationRequest == null\n ? true\n : config.onPanResponderTerminationRequest(event, gestureState);\n },\n };\n return {\n panHandlers,\n getInteractionHandle(): ?number {\n return interactionState.handle;\n },\n };\n },\n};\n\nfunction clearInteractionHandle(\n interactionState: {handle: ?number},\n callback: ?(ActiveCallback | PassiveCallback),\n event: PressEvent,\n gestureState: GestureState,\n) {\n if (interactionState.handle) {\n InteractionManager.clearInteractionHandle(interactionState.handle);\n interactionState.handle = null;\n }\n if (callback) {\n callback(event, gestureState);\n }\n}\n\nexport type PanResponderInstance = $Call<\n $PropertyType,\n PanResponderConfig,\n>;\n\nmodule.exports = PanResponder;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n */\n\nconst TouchHistoryMath = {\n /**\n * This code is optimized and not intended to look beautiful. This allows\n * computing of touch centroids that have moved after `touchesChangedAfter`\n * timeStamp. You can compute the current centroid involving all touches\n * moves after `touchesChangedAfter`, or you can compute the previous\n * centroid of all touches that were moved after `touchesChangedAfter`.\n *\n * @param {TouchHistoryMath} touchHistory Standard Responder touch track\n * data.\n * @param {number} touchesChangedAfter timeStamp after which moved touches\n * are considered \"actively moving\" - not just \"active\".\n * @param {boolean} isXAxis Consider `x` dimension vs. `y` dimension.\n * @param {boolean} ofCurrent Compute current centroid for actively moving\n * touches vs. previous centroid of now actively moving touches.\n * @return {number} value of centroid in specified dimension.\n */\n centroidDimension: function(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n isXAxis,\n ofCurrent,\n ) {\n const touchBank = touchHistory.touchBank;\n let total = 0;\n let count = 0;\n\n const oneTouchData =\n touchHistory.numberActiveTouches === 1\n ? touchHistory.touchBank[touchHistory.indexOfSingleActiveTouch]\n : null;\n\n if (oneTouchData !== null) {\n if (\n oneTouchData.touchActive &&\n oneTouchData.currentTimeStamp > touchesChangedAfter\n ) {\n total +=\n ofCurrent && isXAxis\n ? oneTouchData.currentPageX\n : ofCurrent && !isXAxis\n ? oneTouchData.currentPageY\n : !ofCurrent && isXAxis\n ? oneTouchData.previousPageX\n : oneTouchData.previousPageY;\n count = 1;\n }\n } else {\n for (let i = 0; i < touchBank.length; i++) {\n const touchTrack = touchBank[i];\n if (\n touchTrack !== null &&\n touchTrack !== undefined &&\n touchTrack.touchActive &&\n touchTrack.currentTimeStamp >= touchesChangedAfter\n ) {\n let toAdd; // Yuck, program temporarily in invalid state.\n if (ofCurrent && isXAxis) {\n toAdd = touchTrack.currentPageX;\n } else if (ofCurrent && !isXAxis) {\n toAdd = touchTrack.currentPageY;\n } else if (!ofCurrent && isXAxis) {\n toAdd = touchTrack.previousPageX;\n } else {\n toAdd = touchTrack.previousPageY;\n }\n total += toAdd;\n count++;\n }\n }\n }\n return count > 0 ? total / count : TouchHistoryMath.noCentroid;\n },\n\n currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter: function(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n ) {\n return TouchHistoryMath.centroidDimension(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n true, // isXAxis\n true, // ofCurrent\n );\n },\n\n currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter: function(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n ) {\n return TouchHistoryMath.centroidDimension(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n false, // isXAxis\n true, // ofCurrent\n );\n },\n\n previousCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter: function(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n ) {\n return TouchHistoryMath.centroidDimension(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n true, // isXAxis\n false, // ofCurrent\n );\n },\n\n previousCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter: function(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n ) {\n return TouchHistoryMath.centroidDimension(\n touchHistory,\n touchesChangedAfter,\n false, // isXAxis\n false, // ofCurrent\n );\n },\n\n currentCentroidX: function(touchHistory) {\n return TouchHistoryMath.centroidDimension(\n touchHistory,\n 0, // touchesChangedAfter\n true, // isXAxis\n true, // ofCurrent\n );\n },\n\n currentCentroidY: function(touchHistory) {\n return TouchHistoryMath.centroidDimension(\n touchHistory,\n 0, // touchesChangedAfter\n false, // isXAxis\n true, // ofCurrent\n );\n },\n\n noCentroid: -1,\n};\n\nmodule.exports = TouchHistoryMath;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nimport NativeDialogManagerAndroid from '../NativeModules/specs/NativeDialogManagerAndroid';\nimport NativePermissionsAndroid from './NativePermissionsAndroid';\nimport type {\n PermissionStatus,\n PermissionType,\n} from './NativePermissionsAndroid';\nimport invariant from 'invariant';\n\nexport type Rationale = {\n title: string,\n message: string,\n buttonPositive?: string,\n buttonNegative?: string,\n buttonNeutral?: string,\n};\n\nconst PERMISSION_REQUEST_RESULT = Object.freeze({\n GRANTED: 'granted',\n DENIED: 'denied',\n NEVER_ASK_AGAIN: 'never_ask_again',\n});\n\nconst PERMISSIONS = Object.freeze({\n READ_CALENDAR: 'android.permission.READ_CALENDAR',\n WRITE_CALENDAR: 'android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR',\n CAMERA: 'android.permission.CAMERA',\n READ_CONTACTS: 'android.permission.READ_CONTACTS',\n WRITE_CONTACTS: 'android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS',\n GET_ACCOUNTS: 'android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS',\n ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: 'android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION',\n ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: 'android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION',\n RECORD_AUDIO: 'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO',\n READ_PHONE_STATE: 'android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE',\n CALL_PHONE: 'android.permission.CALL_PHONE',\n READ_CALL_LOG: 'android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG',\n WRITE_CALL_LOG: 'android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG',\n ADD_VOICEMAIL: '',\n USE_SIP: 'android.permission.USE_SIP',\n PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS: 'android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS',\n BODY_SENSORS: 'android.permission.BODY_SENSORS',\n SEND_SMS: 'android.permission.SEND_SMS',\n RECEIVE_SMS: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS',\n READ_SMS: 'android.permission.READ_SMS',\n RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH',\n RECEIVE_MMS: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS',\n READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: 'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE',\n WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: 'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE',\n});\n\n/**\n * `PermissionsAndroid` provides access to Android M's new permissions model.\n *\n * See\n */\n\nclass PermissionsAndroid {\n PERMISSIONS: {|\n ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: string,\n ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: string,\n ADD_VOICEMAIL: string,\n BODY_SENSORS: string,\n CALL_PHONE: string,\n CAMERA: string,\n GET_ACCOUNTS: string,\n PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS: string,\n READ_CALENDAR: string,\n READ_CALL_LOG: string,\n READ_CONTACTS: string,\n READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: string,\n READ_PHONE_STATE: string,\n READ_SMS: string,\n RECEIVE_MMS: string,\n RECEIVE_SMS: string,\n RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH: string,\n RECORD_AUDIO: string,\n SEND_SMS: string,\n USE_SIP: string,\n WRITE_CALENDAR: string,\n WRITE_CALL_LOG: string,\n WRITE_CONTACTS: string,\n WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: string,\n |} = PERMISSIONS;\n RESULTS: {|\n DENIED: $TEMPORARY$string<'denied'>,\n GRANTED: $TEMPORARY$string<'granted'>,\n NEVER_ASK_AGAIN: $TEMPORARY$string<'never_ask_again'>,\n |} = PERMISSION_REQUEST_RESULT;\n\n /**\n * DEPRECATED - use check\n *\n * Returns a promise resolving to a boolean value as to whether the specified\n * permissions has been granted\n *\n * @deprecated\n */\n checkPermission(permission: PermissionType): Promise {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid.checkPermission\" is deprecated. Use \"PermissionsAndroid.check\" instead',\n );\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid\" module works only for Android platform.',\n );\n return Promise.resolve(false);\n }\n\n invariant(\n NativePermissionsAndroid,\n 'PermissionsAndroid is not installed correctly.',\n );\n\n return NativePermissionsAndroid.checkPermission(permission);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a promise resolving to a boolean value as to whether the specified\n * permissions has been granted\n *\n * See\n */\n check(permission: PermissionType): Promise {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid\" module works only for Android platform.',\n );\n return Promise.resolve(false);\n }\n\n invariant(\n NativePermissionsAndroid,\n 'PermissionsAndroid is not installed correctly.',\n );\n\n return NativePermissionsAndroid.checkPermission(permission);\n }\n\n /**\n * DEPRECATED - use request\n *\n * Prompts the user to enable a permission and returns a promise resolving to a\n * boolean value indicating whether the user allowed or denied the request\n *\n * If the optional rationale argument is included (which is an object with a\n * `title` and `message`), this function checks with the OS whether it is\n * necessary to show a dialog explaining why the permission is needed\n * (\n * and then shows the system permission dialog\n *\n * @deprecated\n */\n async requestPermission(\n permission: PermissionType,\n rationale?: Rationale,\n ): Promise {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid.requestPermission\" is deprecated. Use \"PermissionsAndroid.request\" instead',\n );\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid\" module works only for Android platform.',\n );\n return Promise.resolve(false);\n }\n\n const response = await this.request(permission, rationale);\n return response === this.RESULTS.GRANTED;\n }\n\n /**\n * Prompts the user to enable a permission and returns a promise resolving to a\n * string value indicating whether the user allowed or denied the request\n *\n * See\n */\n async request(\n permission: PermissionType,\n rationale?: Rationale,\n ): Promise {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid\" module works only for Android platform.',\n );\n return Promise.resolve(this.RESULTS.DENIED);\n }\n\n invariant(\n NativePermissionsAndroid,\n 'PermissionsAndroid is not installed correctly.',\n );\n\n if (rationale) {\n const shouldShowRationale = await NativePermissionsAndroid.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(\n permission,\n );\n\n if (shouldShowRationale && !!NativeDialogManagerAndroid) {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const options = {\n ...rationale,\n };\n NativeDialogManagerAndroid.showAlert(\n options,\n () => reject(new Error('Error showing rationale')),\n () =>\n resolve(NativePermissionsAndroid.requestPermission(permission)),\n );\n });\n }\n }\n return NativePermissionsAndroid.requestPermission(permission);\n }\n\n /**\n * Prompts the user to enable multiple permissions in the same dialog and\n * returns an object with the permissions as keys and strings as values\n * indicating whether the user allowed or denied the request\n *\n * See\n */\n requestMultiple(\n permissions: Array,\n ): Promise<{[permission: PermissionType]: PermissionStatus}> {\n if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {\n console.warn(\n '\"PermissionsAndroid\" module works only for Android platform.',\n );\n return Promise.resolve({});\n }\n\n invariant(\n NativePermissionsAndroid,\n 'PermissionsAndroid is not installed correctly.',\n );\n\n return NativePermissionsAndroid.requestMultiplePermissions(permissions);\n }\n}\n\nPermissionsAndroid = new PermissionsAndroid();\n\nmodule.exports = PermissionsAndroid;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\n// TODO: Use proper enum types.\nexport type PermissionStatus = string;\nexport type PermissionType = string;\n/*\nexport type PermissionStatus = 'granted' | 'denied' | 'never_ask_again';\nexport type PermissionType =\n | 'android.permission.READ_CALENDAR'\n | 'android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR'\n | 'android.permission.CAMERA'\n | 'android.permission.READ_CONTACTS'\n | 'android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS'\n | 'android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS'\n | 'android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION'\n | 'android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION'\n | 'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO'\n | 'android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE'\n | 'android.permission.CALL_PHONE'\n | 'android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG'\n | 'android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG'\n | ''\n | 'android.permission.USE_SIP'\n | 'android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS'\n | 'android.permission.BODY_SENSORS'\n | 'android.permission.SEND_SMS'\n | 'android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS'\n | 'android.permission.READ_SMS'\n | 'android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH'\n | 'android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS'\n | 'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE'\n | 'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE';\n*/\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +checkPermission: (permission: PermissionType) => Promise;\n +requestPermission: (permission: PermissionType) => Promise;\n +shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale: (\n permission: string,\n ) => Promise;\n +requestMultiplePermissions: (\n permissions: Array,\n ) => Promise<{[permission: PermissionType]: PermissionStatus}>;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('PermissionsAndroid'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\nimport NativePushNotificationManagerIOS from './NativePushNotificationManagerIOS';\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nconst PushNotificationEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n);\n\nconst _notifHandlers = new Map();\n\nconst DEVICE_NOTIF_EVENT = 'remoteNotificationReceived';\nconst NOTIF_REGISTER_EVENT = 'remoteNotificationsRegistered';\nconst NOTIF_REGISTRATION_ERROR_EVENT = 'remoteNotificationRegistrationError';\nconst DEVICE_LOCAL_NOTIF_EVENT = 'localNotificationReceived';\n\nexport type ContentAvailable = 1 | null | void;\n\nexport type FetchResult = {\n NewData: string,\n NoData: string,\n ResultFailed: string,\n};\n\n/**\n * An event emitted by PushNotificationIOS.\n */\nexport type PushNotificationEventName = $Keys<{\n /**\n * Fired when a remote notification is received. The handler will be invoked\n * with an instance of `PushNotificationIOS`.\n */\n notification: string,\n /**\n * Fired when a local notification is received. The handler will be invoked\n * with an instance of `PushNotificationIOS`.\n */\n localNotification: string,\n /**\n * Fired when the user registers for remote notifications. The handler will be\n * invoked with a hex string representing the deviceToken.\n */\n register: string,\n /**\n * Fired when the user fails to register for remote notifications. Typically\n * occurs when APNS is having issues, or the device is a simulator. The\n * handler will be invoked with {message: string, code: number, details: any}.\n */\n registrationError: string,\n}>;\n\n/**\n *\n * Handle push notifications for your app, including permission handling and\n * icon badge number.\n *\n * See\n */\nclass PushNotificationIOS {\n _data: Object;\n _alert: string | Object;\n _sound: string;\n _category: string;\n _contentAvailable: ContentAvailable;\n _badgeCount: number;\n _notificationId: string;\n _isRemote: boolean;\n _remoteNotificationCompleteCallbackCalled: boolean;\n _threadID: string;\n\n static FetchResult: FetchResult = {\n NewData: 'UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData',\n NoData: 'UIBackgroundFetchResultNoData',\n ResultFailed: 'UIBackgroundFetchResultFailed',\n };\n\n /**\n * Schedules the localNotification for immediate presentation.\n *\n * See\n */\n static presentLocalNotification(details: Object) {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.presentLocalNotification(details);\n }\n\n /**\n * Schedules the localNotification for future presentation.\n *\n * See\n */\n static scheduleLocalNotification(details: Object) {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.scheduleLocalNotification(details);\n }\n\n /**\n * Cancels all scheduled localNotifications.\n *\n * See\n */\n static cancelAllLocalNotifications() {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.cancelAllLocalNotifications();\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove all delivered notifications from Notification Center.\n *\n * See\n */\n static removeAllDeliveredNotifications(): void {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.removeAllDeliveredNotifications();\n }\n\n /**\n * Provides you with a list of the app’s notifications that are still displayed in Notification Center.\n *\n * See\n */\n static getDeliveredNotifications(\n callback: (notifications: Array) => void,\n ): void {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.getDeliveredNotifications(callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes the specified notifications from Notification Center\n *\n * See\n */\n static removeDeliveredNotifications(identifiers: Array): void {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.removeDeliveredNotifications(identifiers);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the badge number for the app icon on the home screen.\n *\n * See\n */\n static setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(number: number) {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(number);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the current badge number for the app icon on the home screen.\n *\n * See\n */\n static getApplicationIconBadgeNumber(callback: Function) {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber(callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * Cancel local notifications.\n *\n * See\n */\n static cancelLocalNotifications(userInfo: Object) {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.cancelLocalNotifications(userInfo);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the local notifications that are currently scheduled.\n *\n * See\n */\n static getScheduledLocalNotifications(callback: Function) {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.getScheduledLocalNotifications(callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * Attaches a listener to remote or local notification events while the app\n * is running in the foreground or the background.\n *\n * See\n */\n static addEventListener(type: PushNotificationEventName, handler: Function) {\n invariant(\n type === 'notification' ||\n type === 'register' ||\n type === 'registrationError' ||\n type === 'localNotification',\n 'PushNotificationIOS only supports `notification`, `register`, `registrationError`, and `localNotification` events',\n );\n let listener;\n if (type === 'notification') {\n listener = PushNotificationEmitter.addListener(\n DEVICE_NOTIF_EVENT,\n notifData => {\n handler(new PushNotificationIOS(notifData));\n },\n );\n } else if (type === 'localNotification') {\n listener = PushNotificationEmitter.addListener(\n DEVICE_LOCAL_NOTIF_EVENT,\n notifData => {\n handler(new PushNotificationIOS(notifData));\n },\n );\n } else if (type === 'register') {\n listener = PushNotificationEmitter.addListener(\n NOTIF_REGISTER_EVENT,\n registrationInfo => {\n handler(registrationInfo.deviceToken);\n },\n );\n } else if (type === 'registrationError') {\n listener = PushNotificationEmitter.addListener(\n NOTIF_REGISTRATION_ERROR_EVENT,\n errorInfo => {\n handler(errorInfo);\n },\n );\n }\n _notifHandlers.set(type, listener);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes the event listener. Do this in `componentWillUnmount` to prevent\n * memory leaks.\n *\n * See\n */\n static removeEventListener(\n type: PushNotificationEventName,\n handler: Function,\n ) {\n invariant(\n type === 'notification' ||\n type === 'register' ||\n type === 'registrationError' ||\n type === 'localNotification',\n 'PushNotificationIOS only supports `notification`, `register`, `registrationError`, and `localNotification` events',\n );\n const listener = _notifHandlers.get(type);\n if (!listener) {\n return;\n }\n listener.remove();\n _notifHandlers.delete(type);\n }\n\n /**\n * Requests notification permissions from iOS, prompting the user's\n * dialog box. By default, it will request all notification permissions, but\n * a subset of these can be requested by passing a map of requested\n * permissions.\n *\n * See\n */\n static requestPermissions(permissions?: {\n alert?: boolean,\n badge?: boolean,\n sound?: boolean,\n }): Promise<{\n alert: boolean,\n badge: boolean,\n sound: boolean,\n }> {\n let requestedPermissions = {};\n if (permissions) {\n requestedPermissions = {\n alert: !!permissions.alert,\n badge: !!permissions.badge,\n sound: !!permissions.sound,\n };\n } else {\n requestedPermissions = {\n alert: true,\n badge: true,\n sound: true,\n };\n }\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n return NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.requestPermissions(\n requestedPermissions,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Unregister for all remote notifications received via Apple Push Notification service.\n *\n * See\n */\n static abandonPermissions() {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.abandonPermissions();\n }\n\n /**\n * See what push permissions are currently enabled. `callback` will be\n * invoked with a `permissions` object.\n *\n * See\n */\n static checkPermissions(callback: Function) {\n invariant(typeof callback === 'function', 'Must provide a valid callback');\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.checkPermissions(callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * This method returns a promise that resolves to either the notification\n * object if the app was launched by a push notification, or `null` otherwise.\n *\n * See\n */\n static getInitialNotification(): Promise {\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n return NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.getInitialNotification().then(\n notification => {\n return notification && new PushNotificationIOS(notification);\n },\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * You will never need to instantiate `PushNotificationIOS` yourself.\n * Listening to the `notification` event and invoking\n * `getInitialNotification` is sufficient\n *\n */\n constructor(nativeNotif: Object) {\n this._data = {};\n this._remoteNotificationCompleteCallbackCalled = false;\n this._isRemote = nativeNotif.remote;\n if (this._isRemote) {\n this._notificationId = nativeNotif.notificationId;\n }\n\n if (nativeNotif.remote) {\n // Extract data from Apple's `aps` dict as defined:\n //\n Object.keys(nativeNotif).forEach(notifKey => {\n const notifVal = nativeNotif[notifKey];\n if (notifKey === 'aps') {\n this._alert = notifVal.alert;\n this._sound = notifVal.sound;\n this._badgeCount = notifVal.badge;\n this._category = notifVal.category;\n this._contentAvailable = notifVal['content-available'];\n this._threadID = notifVal['thread-id'];\n } else {\n this._data[notifKey] = notifVal;\n }\n });\n } else {\n // Local notifications aren't being sent down with `aps` dict.\n this._badgeCount = nativeNotif.applicationIconBadgeNumber;\n this._sound = nativeNotif.soundName;\n this._alert = nativeNotif.alertBody;\n this._data = nativeNotif.userInfo;\n this._category = nativeNotif.category;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * This method is available for remote notifications that have been received via:\n * `application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:`\n *\n * See\n */\n finish(fetchResult: string) {\n if (\n !this._isRemote ||\n !this._notificationId ||\n this._remoteNotificationCompleteCallbackCalled\n ) {\n return;\n }\n this._remoteNotificationCompleteCallbackCalled = true;\n\n invariant(\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS,\n 'PushNotificationManager is not available.',\n );\n NativePushNotificationManagerIOS.onFinishRemoteNotification(\n this._notificationId,\n fetchResult,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * An alias for `getAlert` to get the notification's main message string\n */\n getMessage(): ?string | ?Object {\n // alias because \"alert\" is an ambiguous name\n return this._alert;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the sound string from the `aps` object\n *\n * See\n */\n getSound(): ?string {\n return this._sound;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the category string from the `aps` object\n *\n * See\n */\n getCategory(): ?string {\n return this._category;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the notification's main message from the `aps` object\n *\n * See\n */\n getAlert(): ?string | ?Object {\n return this._alert;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the content-available number from the `aps` object\n *\n * See\n */\n getContentAvailable(): ContentAvailable {\n return this._contentAvailable;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the badge count number from the `aps` object\n *\n * See\n */\n getBadgeCount(): ?number {\n return this._badgeCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the data object on the notif\n *\n * See\n */\n getData(): ?Object {\n return this._data;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the thread ID on the notif\n *\n * See\n */\n getThreadID(): ?string {\n return this._threadID;\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = PushNotificationIOS;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\ntype Permissions = {|\n alert: boolean,\n badge: boolean,\n sound: boolean,\n|};\n\ntype Notification = {|\n +alertTitle?: ?string,\n // Actual type: string | number\n +fireDate?: ?number,\n +alertBody?: ?string,\n +alertAction?: ?string,\n +userInfo?: ?Object,\n +category?: ?string,\n // Actual type: 'year' | 'month' | 'week' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute'\n +repeatInterval?: ?string,\n +applicationIconBadgeNumber?: ?number,\n +isSilent?: ?boolean,\n|};\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {};\n +onFinishRemoteNotification: (\n notificationId: string,\n /**\n * Type:\n * 'UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData' |\n * 'UIBackgroundFetchResultNoData' |\n * 'UIBackgroundFetchResultFailed'\n */\n fetchResult: string,\n ) => void;\n +setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: (num: number) => void;\n +getApplicationIconBadgeNumber: (callback: (num: number) => void) => void;\n +requestPermissions: (permission: {|\n +alert?: ?boolean,\n +badge?: ?boolean,\n +sound?: ?boolean,\n |}) => Promise;\n +abandonPermissions: () => void;\n +checkPermissions: (callback: (permissions: Permissions) => void) => void;\n +presentLocalNotification: (notification: Notification) => void;\n +scheduleLocalNotification: (notification: Notification) => void;\n +cancelAllLocalNotifications: () => void;\n +cancelLocalNotifications: (userInfo: Object) => void;\n +getInitialNotification: () => Promise;\n +getScheduledLocalNotifications: (\n callback: (notification: Notification) => void,\n ) => void;\n +removeAllDeliveredNotifications: () => void;\n +removeDeliveredNotifications: (identifiers: Array) => void;\n +getDeliveredNotifications: (\n callback: (notification: Array) => void,\n ) => void;\n +addListener: (eventType: string) => void;\n +removeListeners: (count: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get(\n 'PushNotificationManager',\n): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\n\nimport NativeSettingsManager from './NativeSettingsManager';\n\nconst subscriptions: Array<{keys: Array, callback: ?Function}> = [];\n\nconst Settings = {\n _settings: (NativeSettingsManager &&\n NativeSettingsManager.getConstants().settings: any),\n\n get(key: string): mixed {\n return this._settings[key];\n },\n\n set(settings: Object) {\n this._settings = Object.assign(this._settings, settings);\n NativeSettingsManager.setValues(settings);\n },\n\n watchKeys(keys: string | Array, callback: Function): number {\n if (typeof keys === 'string') {\n keys = [keys];\n }\n\n invariant(\n Array.isArray(keys),\n 'keys should be a string or array of strings',\n );\n\n const sid = subscriptions.length;\n subscriptions.push({keys: keys, callback: callback});\n return sid;\n },\n\n clearWatch(watchId: number) {\n if (watchId < subscriptions.length) {\n subscriptions[watchId] = {keys: [], callback: null};\n }\n },\n\n _sendObservations(body: Object) {\n Object.keys(body).forEach(key => {\n const newValue = body[key];\n const didChange = this._settings[key] !== newValue;\n this._settings[key] = newValue;\n\n if (didChange) {\n subscriptions.forEach(sub => {\n if (sub.keys.indexOf(key) !== -1 && sub.callback) {\n sub.callback();\n }\n });\n }\n });\n },\n};\n\nRCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener(\n 'settingsUpdated',\n Settings._sendObservations.bind(Settings),\n);\n\nmodule.exports = Settings;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {|\n settings: Object,\n |};\n +setValues: (values: Object) => void;\n +deleteValues: (values: Array) => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(\n 'SettingsManager',\n): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\nconst invariant = require('invariant');\nconst processColor = require('../StyleSheet/processColor');\n\nimport NativeActionSheetManager from '../ActionSheetIOS/NativeActionSheetManager';\nimport NativeShareModule from './NativeShareModule';\n\ntype Content =\n | {title?: string, message: string}\n | {title?: string, url: string};\ntype Options = {\n dialogTitle?: string,\n excludedActivityTypes?: Array,\n tintColor?: string,\n subject?: string,\n};\n\nclass Share {\n /**\n * Open a dialog to share text content.\n *\n * In iOS, Returns a Promise which will be invoked an object containing `action`, `activityType`.\n * If the user dismissed the dialog, the Promise will still be resolved with action being `Share.dismissedAction`\n * and all the other keys being undefined.\n *\n * In Android, Returns a Promise which always be resolved with action being `Share.sharedAction`.\n *\n * ### Content\n *\n * - `message` - a message to share\n * - `title` - title of the message\n *\n * #### iOS\n *\n * - `url` - an URL to share\n *\n * At least one of URL and message is required.\n *\n * ### Options\n *\n * #### iOS\n *\n * - `subject` - a subject to share via email\n * - `excludedActivityTypes`\n * - `tintColor`\n *\n * #### Android\n *\n * - `dialogTitle`\n *\n */\n static share(content: Content, options: Options = {}): Promise {\n invariant(\n typeof content === 'object' && content !== null,\n 'Content to share must be a valid object',\n );\n invariant(\n typeof content.url === 'string' || typeof content.message === 'string',\n 'At least one of URL and message is required',\n );\n invariant(\n typeof options === 'object' && options !== null,\n 'Options must be a valid object',\n );\n\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n invariant(\n NativeShareModule,\n 'ShareModule should be registered on Android.',\n );\n invariant(\n !content.title || typeof content.title === 'string',\n 'Invalid title: title should be a string.',\n );\n\n const newContent = {\n title: content.title,\n message:\n typeof content.message === 'string' ? content.message : undefined,\n };\n\n return NativeShareModule.share(newContent, options.dialogTitle);\n } else if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const tintColor = processColor(options.tintColor);\n\n invariant(\n NativeActionSheetManager,\n 'NativeActionSheetManager is not registered on iOS, but it should be.',\n );\n\n NativeActionSheetManager.showShareActionSheetWithOptions(\n {\n message:\n typeof content.message === 'string' ? content.message : undefined,\n url: typeof content.url === 'string' ? content.url : undefined,\n subject: options.subject,\n tintColor: tintColor != null ? tintColor : undefined,\n excludedActivityTypes: options.excludedActivityTypes,\n },\n error => reject(error),\n (success, activityType) => {\n if (success) {\n resolve({\n action: 'sharedAction',\n activityType: activityType,\n });\n } else {\n resolve({\n action: 'dismissedAction',\n });\n }\n },\n );\n });\n } else {\n return Promise.reject(new Error('Unsupported platform'));\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The content was successfully shared.\n */\n static sharedAction: 'sharedAction' = 'sharedAction';\n\n /**\n * The dialog has been dismissed.\n * @platform ios\n */\n static dismissedAction: 'dismissedAction' = 'dismissedAction';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Share;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {||};\n +share: (\n content: {|title?: string, message?: string|},\n dialogTitle?: string,\n ) => Promise<{|action: string|}>;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('ShareModule'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst NativeEventEmitter = require('../../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');\n\nimport NativeStatusBarManager from './NativeStatusBarManager';\n\n/**\n * Use `StatusBar` for mutating the status bar.\n */\nclass StatusBarIOS extends NativeEventEmitter {}\n\nmodule.exports = (new StatusBarIOS(NativeStatusBarManager): StatusBarIOS);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeTimePickerAndroid, {\n type TimePickerOptions,\n type TimePickerResult,\n} from './NativeTimePickerAndroid';\n\n/**\n * Opens the standard Android time picker dialog.\n *\n * ### Example\n *\n * ```\n * try {\n * const {action, hour, minute} = await{\n * hour: 14,\n * minute: 0,\n * is24Hour: false, // Will display '2 PM'\n * });\n * if (action !== TimePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {\n * // Selected hour (0-23), minute (0-59)\n * }\n * } catch ({code, message}) {\n * console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);\n * }\n * ```\n */\nclass TimePickerAndroid {\n /**\n * Opens the standard Android time picker dialog.\n *\n * The available keys for the `options` object are:\n * * `hour` (0-23) - the hour to show, defaults to the current time\n * * `minute` (0-59) - the minute to show, defaults to the current time\n * * `is24Hour` (boolean) - If `true`, the picker uses the 24-hour format. If `false`,\n * the picker shows an AM/PM chooser. If undefined, the default for the current locale\n * is used.\n * * `mode` (`enum('clock', 'spinner', 'default')`) - set the time picker mode\n * - 'clock': Show a time picker in clock mode.\n * - 'spinner': Show a time picker in spinner mode.\n * - 'default': Show a default time picker based on Android versions.\n *\n * Returns a Promise which will be invoked an object containing `action`, `hour` (0-23),\n * `minute` (0-59) if the user picked a time. If the user dismissed the dialog, the Promise will\n * still be resolved with action being `TimePickerAndroid.dismissedAction` and all the other keys\n * being undefined. **Always** check whether the `action` before reading the values.\n */\n static async open(\n options: TimePickerOptions,\n ): Promise<$ReadOnly> {\n if (NativeTimePickerAndroid) {\n return;\n } else {\n return Promise.reject({\n message: 'TimePickerAndroid is not supported on this platform.',\n });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * A time has been selected.\n */\n static +timeSetAction: 'timeSetAction' = 'timeSetAction';\n /**\n * The dialog has been dismissed.\n */\n static +dismissedAction: 'dismissedAction' = 'dismissedAction';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = TimePickerAndroid;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport type TimePickerOptions = {|\n hour?: number,\n minute?: number,\n is24Hour?: boolean,\n mode?: string,\n|};\n\nexport type TimePickerResult = {|\n action: string,\n hour: number,\n minute: number,\n|};\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +open: (options: TimePickerOptions) => Promise;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.get('TimePickerAndroid'): ?Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @noflow\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');\n\nconst ToastAndroid = {\n show: function(message: string, duration: number): void {\n warning(false, 'ToastAndroid is not supported on this platform.');\n },\n\n showWithGravity: function(\n message: string,\n duration: number,\n gravity: number,\n ): void {\n warning(false, 'ToastAndroid is not supported on this platform.');\n },\n\n showWithGravityAndOffset: function(\n message: string,\n duration: number,\n gravity: number,\n xOffset: number,\n yOffset: number,\n ): void {\n warning(false, 'ToastAndroid is not supported on this platform.');\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ToastAndroid;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict-local\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport Dimensions from './Dimensions';\nimport {type DisplayMetrics} from './NativeDeviceInfo';\nimport * as React from 'react';\n\nexport default function useWindowDimensions(): DisplayMetrics {\n const dims = Dimensions.get('window'); // always read the latest value\n const forceUpdate = React.useState(false)[1].bind(null, v => !v);\n const initialDims = React.useState(dims)[0];\n React.useEffect(() => {\n Dimensions.addEventListener('change', forceUpdate);\n\n const latestDims = Dimensions.get('window');\n if (latestDims !== initialDims) {\n // We missed an update between calling `get` in render and\n // `addEventListener` in this handler...\n forceUpdate();\n }\n return () => {\n Dimensions.removeEventListener('change', forceUpdate);\n };\n }, [forceUpdate, initialDims]);\n return dims;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow strict-local\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev = require('./Utilities/deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev');\n\n/**\n * A collection of Unicode sequences for various characters and emoji.\n *\n * - More explicit than using the sequences directly in code.\n * - Source code should be limitted to ASCII.\n * - Less chance of typos.\n */\nconst UTFSequence: $TEMPORARY$object<{|\n BOM: string,\n BULLET: string,\n BULLET_SP: string,\n MDASH: string,\n MDASH_SP: string,\n MIDDOT: string,\n MIDDOT_KATAKANA: string,\n MIDDOT_SP: string,\n NBSP: string,\n NDASH: string,\n NDASH_SP: string,\n PIZZA: string,\n TRIANGLE_LEFT: string,\n TRIANGLE_RIGHT: string,\n|}> = deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev({\n BOM: '\\ufeff', // byte order mark\n BULLET: '\\u2022', // bullet: •\n BULLET_SP: '\\u00A0\\u2022\\u00A0', //  • \n MIDDOT: '\\u00B7', // normal middle dot: ·\n MIDDOT_SP: '\\u00A0\\u00B7\\u00A0', //  · \n MIDDOT_KATAKANA: '\\u30FB', // katakana middle dot\n MDASH: '\\u2014', // em dash: —\n MDASH_SP: '\\u00A0\\u2014\\u00A0', //  — \n NDASH: '\\u2013', // en dash: –\n NDASH_SP: '\\u00A0\\u2013\\u00A0', //  – \n NBSP: '\\u00A0', // non-breaking space:  \n PIZZA: '\\uD83C\\uDF55',\n TRIANGLE_LEFT: '\\u25c0', // black left-pointing triangle\n TRIANGLE_RIGHT: '\\u25b6', // black right-pointing triangle\n});\n\nmodule.exports = UTFSequence;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow\n * @jsdoc\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport NativeVibration from './NativeVibration';\nconst Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n\n/**\n * Vibration API\n *\n * See\n */\n\nlet _vibrating: boolean = false;\nlet _id: number = 0; // _id is necessary to prevent race condition.\n\nfunction vibrateByPattern(pattern: Array, repeat: boolean = false) {\n if (_vibrating) {\n return;\n }\n _vibrating = true;\n if (pattern[0] === 0) {\n NativeVibration.vibrate();\n pattern = pattern.slice(1);\n }\n if (pattern.length === 0) {\n _vibrating = false;\n return;\n }\n setTimeout(() => vibrateScheduler(++_id, pattern, repeat, 1), pattern[0]);\n}\n\nfunction vibrateScheduler(\n id,\n pattern: Array,\n repeat: boolean,\n nextIndex: number,\n) {\n if (!_vibrating || id !== _id) {\n return;\n }\n NativeVibration.vibrate();\n if (nextIndex >= pattern.length) {\n if (repeat) {\n nextIndex = 0;\n } else {\n _vibrating = false;\n return;\n }\n }\n setTimeout(\n () => vibrateScheduler(id, pattern, repeat, nextIndex + 1),\n pattern[nextIndex],\n );\n}\n\nconst Vibration = {\n /**\n * Trigger a vibration with specified `pattern`.\n *\n * See\n */\n vibrate: function(\n pattern: number | Array = 400,\n repeat: boolean = false,\n ) {\n if (Platform.OS === 'android') {\n if (typeof pattern === 'number') {\n NativeVibration.vibrate(pattern);\n } else if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {\n NativeVibration.vibrateByPattern(pattern, repeat ? 0 : -1);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Vibration pattern should be a number or array');\n }\n } else {\n if (_vibrating) {\n return;\n }\n if (typeof pattern === 'number') {\n NativeVibration.vibrate();\n } else if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {\n vibrateByPattern(pattern, repeat);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Vibration pattern should be a number or array');\n }\n }\n },\n /**\n * Stop vibration\n *\n * See\n */\n cancel: function() {\n if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {\n _vibrating = false;\n } else {\n NativeVibration.cancel();\n }\n },\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Vibration;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport type {TurboModule} from '../TurboModule/RCTExport';\nimport * as TurboModuleRegistry from '../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';\n\nexport interface Spec extends TurboModule {\n +getConstants: () => {||};\n +vibrate: (pattern?: number) => void;\n\n // Android only\n +vibrateByPattern: (pattern: Array, repeat: number) => void;\n +cancel: () => void;\n}\n\nexport default (TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('Vibration'): Spec);\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @flow\n * @format\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst React = require('react');\n\nimport type {Category} from './Data/YellowBoxCategory';\nimport type {\n Registry,\n Subscription,\n IgnorePattern,\n} from './Data/YellowBoxRegistry';\n\ntype Props = $ReadOnly<{||}>;\ntype State = {|\n registry: ?Registry,\n|};\n\nlet YellowBox;\n\n/**\n * YellowBox displays warnings at the bottom of the screen.\n *\n * Warnings help guard against subtle yet significant issues that can impact the\n * quality of the app. This \"in your face\" style of warning allows developers to\n * notice and correct these issues as quickly as possible.\n *\n * YellowBox is only enabled in `__DEV__`. Set the following flag to disable it:\n *\n * console.disableYellowBox = true;\n *\n * Ignore specific warnings by calling:\n *\n * YellowBox.ignoreWarnings(['Warning: ...']);\n *\n * Strings supplied to `YellowBox.ignoreWarnings` only need to be a substring of\n * the ignored warning messages.\n */\nif (__DEV__) {\n const Platform = require('../Utilities/Platform');\n const RCTLog = require('../Utilities/RCTLog');\n const YellowBoxList = require('./UI/YellowBoxList');\n const YellowBoxRegistry = require('./Data/YellowBoxRegistry');\n\n const {error, warn} = console;\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow\n YellowBox = class YellowBox extends React.Component {\n static ignoreWarnings(patterns: $ReadOnlyArray): void {\n YellowBoxRegistry.addIgnorePatterns(patterns);\n }\n\n static install(): void {\n (console: any).error = function(...args) {\n, ...args);\n // Show YellowBox for the `warning` module.\n if (typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].startsWith('Warning: ')) {\n registerWarning(...args);\n }\n };\n\n (console: any).warn = function(...args) {\n, ...args);\n registerWarning(...args);\n };\n\n if ((console: any).disableYellowBox === true) {\n YellowBoxRegistry.setDisabled(true);\n }\n (Object.defineProperty: any)(console, 'disableYellowBox', {\n configurable: true,\n get: () => YellowBoxRegistry.isDisabled(),\n set: value => YellowBoxRegistry.setDisabled(value),\n });\n\n if (Platform.isTesting) {\n (console: any).disableYellowBox = true;\n }\n\n RCTLog.setWarningHandler((...args) => {\n registerWarning(...args);\n });\n }\n\n static uninstall(): void {\n (console: any).error = error;\n (console: any).warn = error;\n delete (console: any).disableYellowBox;\n }\n\n _subscription: ?Subscription;\n\n state = {\n registry: null,\n };\n\n render(): React.Node {\n // TODO: Ignore warnings that fire when rendering `YellowBox` itself.\n return this.state.registry == null ? null : (\n \n );\n }\n\n componentDidMount(): void {\n this._subscription = YellowBoxRegistry.observe(registry => {\n this.setState({registry});\n });\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount(): void {\n if (this._subscription != null) {\n this._subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n }\n\n _handleDismiss = (category: Category): void => {\n YellowBoxRegistry.delete(category);\n };\n\n _handleDismissAll(): void {\n YellowBoxRegistry.clear();\n }\n };\n\n const registerWarning = (...args): void => {\n YellowBoxRegistry.add({args, framesToPop: 2});\n };\n} else {\n YellowBox = class extends React.Component {\n static ignoreWarnings(patterns: $ReadOnlyArray): void {\n // Do nothing.\n }\n\n static install(): void {\n // Do nothing.\n }\n\n static uninstall(): void {\n // Do nothing.\n }\n\n render(): React.Node {\n return null;\n }\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = (YellowBox: Class> & {\n ignoreWarnings($ReadOnlyArray): void,\n install(): void,\n uninstall(): void,\n});\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @format\n * @flow strict\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst PropTypes = require('prop-types');\n\nconst PointPropType: React$PropType$Primitive<{\n x?: number,\n y?: number,\n}> = PropTypes.shape({\n x: PropTypes.number,\n y: PropTypes.number,\n});\n\nmodule.exports = PointPropType;\n","/**\n * External dependencies\n */\n// This library works as a polyfill for the global crypto.getRandomValues which is needed by `uuid` version 7.0.0\nimport 'react-native-get-random-values';\nimport jsdom from 'jsdom-jscore-rn';\nimport jsdomLevel1Core from 'jsdom-jscore-rn/lib/jsdom/level1/core';\nimport 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto';\n\n/**\n * Babel polyfills\n */\nimport 'core-js/features/array/flat-map';\n\n/**\n * WordPress dependencies\n */\nimport { nativeLoggingHook } from '@wordpress/react-native-bridge';\nimport { createElement } from '@wordpress/element';\n\n/**\n * Internal dependencies\n */\n\n/**\n * Import for side-effects: Patches for jsdom-jscore, mostly to implement\n * functions that are called from Gutenberg code paths, where a more full DOM\n * implementation is expected (in the browser environment).\n *\n * More details are available within the comments in the file.\n */\nimport './jsdom-patches';\n\nglobal.wp = {\n\telement: {\n\t\tcreateElement, // load the element creation function, needed by Gutenberg-web\n\t},\n};\n\nconst doc = jsdom.html( '', null, null );\n\n// inject a simple version of the missing createHTMLDocument method that `hpq` depends on\ndoc.implementation.createHTMLDocument = function ( html ) {\n\treturn jsdom.html( html, null, null );\n};\n\n// `hpq` depends on `document` be available globally\nglobal.document = doc;\n\nif ( ! global.window.Node ) {\n\tglobal.window.Node = jsdomLevel1Core.dom.level1.core.Node;\n}\n\nif ( ! global.window.matchMedia ) {\n\tglobal.window.matchMedia = () => ( {\n\t\tmatches: false,\n\t\taddListener: () => {},\n\t\tremoveListener: () => {},\n\t} );\n}\n\nglobal.window.navigator.userAgent = [];\n\n// Leverages existing console polyfill from react-native\nglobal.nativeLoggingHook = nativeLoggingHook;\n","const RNGetRandomValues = require('react-native').NativeModules.RNGetRandomValues\nconst base64Decode = require('fast-base64-decode')\n\nclass TypeMismatchError extends Error {}\nclass QuotaExceededError extends Error {}\n\nlet warned = false\nfunction insecureRandomValues (array) {\n if (!warned) {\n console.warn('Using an insecure random number generator, this should only happen when running in a debugger without support for crypto.getRandomValues')\n warned = true\n }\n\n for (let i = 0, r; i < array.length; i++) {\n if ((i & 0x03) === 0) r = Math.random() * 0x100000000\n array[i] = (r >>> ((i & 0x03) << 3)) & 0xff\n }\n\n return array\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Int8Array|Uint8Array|Int16Array|Uint16Array|Int32Array|Uint32Array|Uint8ClampedArray} array\n */\nfunction getRandomValues (array) {\n if (!(array instanceof Int8Array || array instanceof Uint8Array || array instanceof Int16Array || array instanceof Uint16Array || array instanceof Int32Array || array instanceof Uint32Array || array instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)) {\n throw new TypeMismatchError('Expected an integer array')\n }\n\n if (array.byteLength > 65536) {\n throw new QuotaExceededError('Can only request a maximum of 65536 bytes')\n }\n\n // Calling RNGetRandomValues.getRandomBase64 in debug mode leads to the error\n // \"Calling synchronous methods on native modules is not supported in Chrome\".\n // So in that specific case we fall back to just using Math.random.\n if (__DEV__) {\n if (typeof global.nativeCallSyncHook === 'undefined') {\n return insecureRandomValues(array)\n }\n }\n\n base64Decode(RNGetRandomValues.getRandomBase64(array.byteLength), new Uint8Array(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength))\n\n return array\n}\n\nif (typeof global.crypto !== 'object') {\n global.crypto = {}\n}\n\nif (typeof global.crypto.getRandomValues !== 'function') {\n global.crypto.getRandomValues = getRandomValues\n}\n","'use strict'\n\nvar lookup = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 62, 0, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51]\n\nmodule.exports = function base64Decode (source, target) {\n var sourceLength = source.length\n var paddingLength = (source[sourceLength - 2] === '=' ? 2 : (source[sourceLength - 1] === '=' ? 1 : 0))\n\n var tmp\n var byteIndex = 0\n var baseLength = (sourceLength - paddingLength) & 0xfffffffc\n\n for (var i = 0; i < baseLength; i += 4) {\n tmp = (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) | (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) | (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) | (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i + 3)])\n\n target[byteIndex++] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xFF\n target[byteIndex++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF\n target[byteIndex++] = (tmp) & 0xFF\n }\n\n if (paddingLength === 1) {\n tmp = (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) | (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) | (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2)\n\n target[byteIndex++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF\n target[byteIndex++] = tmp & 0xFF\n }\n\n if (paddingLength === 2) {\n tmp = (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) | (lookup[source.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4)\n\n target[byteIndex++] = tmp & 0xFF\n }\n}\n","var defineGetter = require('./jsdom/utils').defineGetter;\nvar dom = exports.dom = require('./jsdom/level3/index').dom;\n\nexports.defaultLevel = dom.level3.html;\nexports.browserAugmentation = require('./jsdom/browser/index').browserAugmentation;\n\nexports.debugMode = false;\n\ndefineGetter(exports, 'version', function() {\n return 1.0;\n});\n\nexports.level = function (level, feature) {\n if(!feature) {\n feature = 'core';\n }\n\n return require('./jsdom/level' + level + '/' + feature).dom['level' + level][feature];\n};\n\nexports.jsdom = function (html, level, options) {\n\n options = options || {};\n if(typeof level == 'string') {\n level = exports.level(level, 'html');\n } else {\n level = level || exports.defaultLevel;\n }\n\n var browser = exports.browserAugmentation(level, options),\n doc = browser.HTMLDocument ?\n new browser.HTMLDocument(options) :\n new browser.Document(options);\n\n require('./jsdom/selectors/index').applyQuerySelectorPrototype(level);\n\n if (typeof html === 'undefined' || html === null) {\n doc.write('');\n } else {\n doc.write(html + '');\n }\n\n if (doc.close && !options.deferClose) {\n doc.close();\n }\n\n return doc;\n};\n\nexports.html = function(html, level, options) {\n html += '';\n\n // TODO: cache a regex and use it here instead\n // or make the parser handle it\n var htmlLowered = html.toLowerCase();\n\n // body\n if (!~htmlLowered.indexOf('';\n }\n\n // html\n if (!~htmlLowered.indexOf('';\n }\n return exports.jsdom(html, level, options);\n};\n\nexports.env = function(html, level, callback) {\n if (arguments.length<3) {\n callback = level;\n level = null;\n }\n\n var doc = exports.html(html,level);\n callback(null, {document: doc});\n};\n","var path = require('../builtins').path;\n\n/**\n * Intercepts a method by replacing the prototype's implementation\n * with a wrapper that invokes the given interceptor instead.\n *\n * utils.intercept(core.Element, 'inserBefore',\n * function(_super, args, newChild, refChild) {\n * console.log('insertBefore', newChild, refChild);\n * return _super.apply(this, args);\n * }\n * );\n */\nexports.intercept = function(clazz, method, interceptor) {\n var proto = clazz.prototype,\n _super = proto[method],\n unwrapArgs = interceptor.length > 2;\n\n proto[method] = function() {\n if (unwrapArgs) {\n var args =;\n args.unshift(_super, arguments);\n return interceptor.apply(this, args);\n }\n else {\n return, _super, arguments);\n }\n };\n};\n\nexports.toFileUrl = function (fileName) {\n // Beyond just the `path.resolve`, this is mostly for the benefit of Windows,\n // where we need to convert '\\' to '/' and add an extra '/' prefix before the\n // drive letter.\n var pathname = path.resolve(process.cwd(), fileName).replace(/\\\\/g, '/');\n if (pathname[0] !== '/') {\n pathname = '/' + pathname;\n }\n\n return 'file://' + pathname;\n};\n\n/**\n * Define a setter on an object\n *\n * This method replaces any existing setter but leaves getters in place.\n *\n * - `object` {Object} the object to define the setter on\n * - `property` {String} the name of the setter\n * - `setterFn` {Function} the setter\n */\nexports.defineSetter = function defineSetter(object, property, setterFn) {\n var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property) || {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true\n };\n\n descriptor.set = setterFn;\n\n Object.defineProperty(object, property, descriptor);\n};\n\n/**\n * Define a getter on an object\n *\n * This method replaces any existing getter but leaves setters in place.\n *\n * - `object` {Object} the object to define the getter on\n * - `property` {String} the name of the getter\n * - `getterFn` {Function} the getter\n */\nexports.defineGetter = function defineGetter(object, property, getterFn) {\n var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property) || {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true\n };\n\n descriptor.get = getterFn;\n\n Object.defineProperty(object, property, descriptor);\n};\n\n/**\n * Create an object with the given prototype\n *\n * Optionally augment the created object.\n *\n * - `prototyp` {Object} the created object's prototype\n * - `[properties]` {Object} properties to attach to the created object\n */\nexports.createFrom = function createFrom(prototype, properties) {\n properties = properties || {};\n\n var descriptors = {};\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).forEach(function (name) {\n descriptors[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, name);\n });\n\n return Object.create(prototype, descriptors);\n};\n\n/**\n * Create an inheritance relationship between two classes\n *\n * Optionally augment the inherited prototype.\n *\n * - `Superclass` {Function} the inherited class\n * - `Subclass` {Function} the inheriting class\n * - `[properties]` {Object} properties to attach to the inherited prototype\n */\nexports.inheritFrom = function inheritFrom(Superclass, Subclass, properties) {\n properties = properties || {};\n\n Object.defineProperty(properties, 'constructor', {\n value: Subclass,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Subclass.prototype = exports.createFrom(Superclass.prototype, properties);\n};\n","module.exports = {\n url: require('./builtins/url/url'),\n path: require('./builtins/path-browserify/index'),\n htmlparser2: require('htmlparser2-without-node-native'),\n nwmatcher: require('./builtins/nwmatcher/src/nwmatcher-noqsa'),\n cssom: require('./builtins/cssom/lib/index'),\n cssstyle: require('./builtins/cssstyle/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration')\n};\n","// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n// following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\nvar punycode = require('../punycode/punycode');\n\nexports.parse = urlParse;\nexports.resolve = urlResolve;\nexports.resolveObject = urlResolveObject;\nexports.format = urlFormat;\n\nexports.Url = Url;\n\nfunction Url() {\n this.protocol = null;\n this.slashes = null;\n this.auth = null;\n = null;\n this.port = null;\n this.hostname = null;\n this.hash = null;\n = null;\n this.query = null;\n this.pathname = null;\n this.path = null;\n this.href = null;\n}\n\n// Reference: RFC 3986, RFC 1808, RFC 2396\n\n// define these here so at least they only have to be\n// compiled once on the first module load.\nvar protocolPattern = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i,\n portPattern = /:[0-9]*$/,\n\n // RFC 2396: characters reserved for delimiting URLs.\n // We actually just auto-escape these.\n delims = ['<', '>', '\"', '`', ' ', '\\r', '\\n', '\\t'],\n\n // RFC 2396: characters not allowed for various reasons.\n unwise = ['{', '}', '|', '\\\\', '^', '`'].concat(delims),\n\n // Allowed by RFCs, but cause of XSS attacks. Always escape these.\n autoEscape = ['\\''].concat(unwise),\n // Characters that are never ever allowed in a hostname.\n // Note that any invalid chars are also handled, but these\n // are the ones that are *expected* to be seen, so we fast-path\n // them.\n nonHostChars = ['%', '/', '?', ';', '#'].concat(autoEscape),\n hostEndingChars = ['/', '?', '#'],\n hostnameMaxLen = 255,\n hostnamePartPattern = /^[a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,\n hostnamePartStart = /^([a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,\n // protocols that can allow \"unsafe\" and \"unwise\" chars.\n unsafeProtocol = {\n 'javascript': true,\n 'javascript:': true\n },\n // protocols that never have a hostname.\n hostlessProtocol = {\n 'javascript': true,\n 'javascript:': true\n },\n // protocols that always contain a // bit.\n slashedProtocol = {\n 'http': true,\n 'https': true,\n 'ftp': true,\n 'gopher': true,\n 'file': true,\n 'http:': true,\n 'https:': true,\n 'ftp:': true,\n 'gopher:': true,\n 'file:': true\n },\n querystring = require('querystring');\n\nfunction urlParse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) {\n if (url && isObject(url) && url instanceof Url) return url;\n\n var u = new Url;\n u.parse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost);\n return u;\n}\n\nUrl.prototype.parse = function(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) {\n if (!isString(url)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Parameter 'url' must be a string, not \" + typeof url);\n }\n\n var rest = url;\n\n // trim before proceeding.\n // This is to support parse stuff like \" \\n\"\n rest = rest.trim();\n\n var proto = protocolPattern.exec(rest);\n if (proto) {\n proto = proto[0];\n var lowerProto = proto.toLowerCase();\n this.protocol = lowerProto;\n rest = rest.substr(proto.length);\n }\n\n // figure out if it's got a host\n // user@server is *always* interpreted as a hostname, and url\n // resolution will treat //foo/bar as host=foo,path=bar because that's\n // how the browser resolves relative URLs.\n if (slashesDenoteHost || proto || rest.match(/^\\/\\/[^@\\/]+@[^@\\/]+/)) {\n var slashes = rest.substr(0, 2) === '//';\n if (slashes && !(proto && hostlessProtocol[proto])) {\n rest = rest.substr(2);\n this.slashes = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (!hostlessProtocol[proto] &&\n (slashes || (proto && !slashedProtocol[proto]))) {\n\n // there's a hostname.\n // the first instance of /, ?, ;, or # ends the host.\n //\n // If there is an @ in the hostname, then non-host chars *are* allowed\n // to the left of the last @ sign, unless some host-ending character\n // comes *before* the @-sign.\n // URLs are obnoxious.\n //\n // ex:\n // http://a@b@c/ => user:a@b host:c\n // http://a@b?@c => user:a host:c path:/?@c\n\n // v0.12 TODO(isaacs): This is not quite how Chrome does things.\n // Review our test case against browsers more comprehensively.\n\n // find the first instance of any hostEndingChars\n var hostEnd = -1;\n for (var i = 0; i < hostEndingChars.length; i++) {\n var hec = rest.indexOf(hostEndingChars[i]);\n if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd))\n hostEnd = hec;\n }\n\n // at this point, either we have an explicit point where the\n // auth portion cannot go past, or the last @ char is the decider.\n var auth, atSign;\n if (hostEnd === -1) {\n // atSign can be anywhere.\n atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@');\n } else {\n // atSign must be in auth portion.\n // http://a@b/c@d => host:b auth:a path:/c@d\n atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@', hostEnd);\n }\n\n // Now we have a portion which is definitely the auth.\n // Pull that off.\n if (atSign !== -1) {\n auth = rest.slice(0, atSign);\n rest = rest.slice(atSign + 1);\n this.auth = decodeURIComponent(auth);\n }\n\n // the host is the remaining to the left of the first non-host char\n hostEnd = -1;\n for (var i = 0; i < nonHostChars.length; i++) {\n var hec = rest.indexOf(nonHostChars[i]);\n if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd))\n hostEnd = hec;\n }\n // if we still have not hit it, then the entire thing is a host.\n if (hostEnd === -1)\n hostEnd = rest.length;\n\n = rest.slice(0, hostEnd);\n rest = rest.slice(hostEnd);\n\n // pull out port.\n this.parseHost();\n\n // we've indicated that there is a hostname,\n // so even if it's empty, it has to be present.\n this.hostname = this.hostname || '';\n\n // if hostname begins with [ and ends with ]\n // assume that it's an IPv6 address.\n var ipv6Hostname = this.hostname[0] === '[' &&\n this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1] === ']';\n\n // validate a little.\n if (!ipv6Hostname) {\n var hostparts = this.hostname.split(/\\./);\n for (var i = 0, l = hostparts.length; i < l; i++) {\n var part = hostparts[i];\n if (!part) continue;\n if (!part.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {\n var newpart = '';\n for (var j = 0, k = part.length; j < k; j++) {\n if (part.charCodeAt(j) > 127) {\n // we replace non-ASCII char with a temporary placeholder\n // we need this to make sure size of hostname is not\n // broken by replacing non-ASCII by nothing\n newpart += 'x';\n } else {\n newpart += part[j];\n }\n }\n // we test again with ASCII char only\n if (!newpart.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {\n var validParts = hostparts.slice(0, i);\n var notHost = hostparts.slice(i + 1);\n var bit = part.match(hostnamePartStart);\n if (bit) {\n validParts.push(bit[1]);\n notHost.unshift(bit[2]);\n }\n if (notHost.length) {\n rest = '/' + notHost.join('.') + rest;\n }\n this.hostname = validParts.join('.');\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (this.hostname.length > hostnameMaxLen) {\n this.hostname = '';\n } else {\n // hostnames are always lower case.\n this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase();\n }\n\n if (!ipv6Hostname) {\n // IDNA Support: Returns a puny coded representation of \"domain\".\n // It only converts the part of the domain name that\n // has non ASCII characters. I.e. it dosent matter if\n // you call it with a domain that already is in ASCII.\n var domainArray = this.hostname.split('.');\n var newOut = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < domainArray.length; ++i) {\n var s = domainArray[i];\n newOut.push(s.match(/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/) ?\n 'xn--' + punycode.encode(s) : s);\n }\n this.hostname = newOut.join('.');\n }\n\n var p = this.port ? ':' + this.port : '';\n var h = this.hostname || '';\n = h + p;\n this.href +=;\n\n // strip [ and ] from the hostname\n // the host field still retains them, though\n if (ipv6Hostname) {\n this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2);\n if (rest[0] !== '/') {\n rest = '/' + rest;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // now rest is set to the post-host stuff.\n // chop off any delim chars.\n if (!unsafeProtocol[lowerProto]) {\n\n // First, make 100% sure that any \"autoEscape\" chars get\n // escaped, even if encodeURIComponent doesn't think they\n // need to be.\n for (var i = 0, l = autoEscape.length; i < l; i++) {\n var ae = autoEscape[i];\n var esc = encodeURIComponent(ae);\n if (esc === ae) {\n esc = escape(ae);\n }\n rest = rest.split(ae).join(esc);\n }\n }\n\n\n // chop off from the tail first.\n var hash = rest.indexOf('#');\n if (hash !== -1) {\n // got a fragment string.\n this.hash = rest.substr(hash);\n rest = rest.slice(0, hash);\n }\n var qm = rest.indexOf('?');\n if (qm !== -1) {\n = rest.substr(qm);\n this.query = rest.substr(qm + 1);\n if (parseQueryString) {\n this.query = querystring.parse(this.query);\n }\n rest = rest.slice(0, qm);\n } else if (parseQueryString) {\n // no query string, but parseQueryString still requested\n = '';\n this.query = {};\n }\n if (rest) this.pathname = rest;\n if (slashedProtocol[lowerProto] &&\n this.hostname && !this.pathname) {\n this.pathname = '/';\n }\n\n //to support http.request\n if (this.pathname || {\n var p = this.pathname || '';\n var s = || '';\n this.path = p + s;\n }\n\n // finally, reconstruct the href based on what has been validated.\n this.href = this.format();\n return this;\n};\n\n// format a parsed object into a url string\nfunction urlFormat(obj) {\n // ensure it's an object, and not a string url.\n // If it's an obj, this is a no-op.\n // this way, you can call url_format() on strings\n // to clean up potentially wonky urls.\n if (isString(obj)) obj = urlParse(obj);\n if (!(obj instanceof Url)) return;\n return obj.format();\n}\n\nUrl.prototype.format = function() {\n var auth = this.auth || '';\n if (auth) {\n auth = encodeURIComponent(auth);\n auth = auth.replace(/%3A/i, ':');\n auth += '@';\n }\n\n var protocol = this.protocol || '',\n pathname = this.pathname || '',\n hash = this.hash || '',\n host = false,\n query = '';\n\n if ( {\n host = auth +;\n } else if (this.hostname) {\n host = auth + (this.hostname.indexOf(':') === -1 ?\n this.hostname :\n '[' + this.hostname + ']');\n if (this.port) {\n host += ':' + this.port;\n }\n }\n\n if (this.query &&\n isObject(this.query) &&\n Object.keys(this.query).length) {\n query = querystring.stringify(this.query);\n }\n\n var search = || (query && ('?' + query)) || '';\n\n if (protocol && protocol.substr(-1) !== ':') protocol += ':';\n\n // only the slashedProtocols get the //. Not mailto:, xmpp:, etc.\n // unless they had them to begin with.\n if (this.slashes ||\n (!protocol || slashedProtocol[protocol]) && host !== false) {\n host = '//' + (host || '');\n if (pathname && pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') pathname = '/' + pathname;\n } else if (!host) {\n host = '';\n }\n\n if (hash && hash.charAt(0) !== '#') hash = '#' + hash;\n if (search && search.charAt(0) !== '?') search = '?' + search;\n\n pathname = pathname.replace(/[?#]/g, function(match) {\n return encodeURIComponent(match);\n });\n search = search.replace('#', '%23');\n\n return protocol + host + pathname + search + hash;\n};\n\nfunction urlResolve(source, relative) {\n return urlParse(source, false, true).resolve(relative);\n}\n\nUrl.prototype.resolve = function(relative) {\n return this.resolveObject(urlParse(relative, false, true)).format();\n};\n\nfunction urlResolveObject(source, relative) {\n if (!source) return relative;\n return urlParse(source, false, true).resolveObject(relative);\n}\n\nUrl.prototype.resolveObject = function(relative) {\n if (isString(relative)) {\n var rel = new Url();\n rel.parse(relative, false, true);\n relative = rel;\n }\n\n var result = new Url();\n Object.keys(this).forEach(function(k) {\n result[k] = this[k];\n }, this);\n\n // hash is always overridden, no matter what.\n // even href=\"\" will remove it.\n result.hash = relative.hash;\n\n // if the relative url is empty, then there's nothing left to do here.\n if (relative.href === '') {\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n }\n\n // hrefs like //foo/bar always cut to the protocol.\n if (relative.slashes && !relative.protocol) {\n // take everything except the protocol from relative\n Object.keys(relative).forEach(function(k) {\n if (k !== 'protocol')\n result[k] = relative[k];\n });\n\n //urlParse appends trailing / to urls like\n if (slashedProtocol[result.protocol] &&\n result.hostname && !result.pathname) {\n result.path = result.pathname = '/';\n }\n\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n }\n\n if (relative.protocol && relative.protocol !== result.protocol) {\n // if it's a known url protocol, then changing\n // the protocol does weird things\n // first, if it's not file:, then we MUST have a host,\n // and if there was a path\n // to begin with, then we MUST have a path.\n // if it is file:, then the host is dropped,\n // because that's known to be hostless.\n // anything else is assumed to be absolute.\n if (!slashedProtocol[relative.protocol]) {\n Object.keys(relative).forEach(function(k) {\n result[k] = relative[k];\n });\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n }\n\n result.protocol = relative.protocol;\n if (! && !hostlessProtocol[relative.protocol]) {\n var relPath = (relative.pathname || '').split('/');\n while (relPath.length && !( = relPath.shift()));\n if (! = '';\n if (!relative.hostname) relative.hostname = '';\n if (relPath[0] !== '') relPath.unshift('');\n if (relPath.length < 2) relPath.unshift('');\n result.pathname = relPath.join('/');\n } else {\n result.pathname = relative.pathname;\n }\n =;\n result.query = relative.query;\n = || '';\n result.auth = relative.auth;\n result.hostname = relative.hostname ||;\n result.port = relative.port;\n // to support http.request\n if (result.pathname || {\n var p = result.pathname || '';\n var s = || '';\n result.path = p + s;\n }\n result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes;\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n }\n\n var isSourceAbs = (result.pathname && result.pathname.charAt(0) === '/'),\n isRelAbs = (\n ||\n relative.pathname && relative.pathname.charAt(0) === '/'\n ),\n mustEndAbs = (isRelAbs || isSourceAbs ||\n ( && relative.pathname)),\n removeAllDots = mustEndAbs,\n srcPath = result.pathname && result.pathname.split('/') || [],\n relPath = relative.pathname && relative.pathname.split('/') || [],\n psychotic = result.protocol && !slashedProtocol[result.protocol];\n\n // if the url is a non-slashed url, then relative\n // links like ../.. should be able\n // to crawl up to the hostname, as well. This is strange.\n // result.protocol has already been set by now.\n // Later on, put the first path part into the host field.\n if (psychotic) {\n result.hostname = '';\n result.port = null;\n if ( {\n if (srcPath[0] === '') srcPath[0] =;\n else srcPath.unshift(;\n }\n = '';\n if (relative.protocol) {\n relative.hostname = null;\n relative.port = null;\n if ( {\n if (relPath[0] === '') relPath[0] =;\n else relPath.unshift(;\n }\n = null;\n }\n mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs && (relPath[0] === '' || srcPath[0] === '');\n }\n\n if (isRelAbs) {\n // it's absolute.\n = ( || === '') ?\n :;\n result.hostname = (relative.hostname || relative.hostname === '') ?\n relative.hostname : result.hostname;\n =;\n result.query = relative.query;\n srcPath = relPath;\n // fall through to the dot-handling below.\n } else if (relPath.length) {\n // it's relative\n // throw away the existing file, and take the new path instead.\n if (!srcPath) srcPath = [];\n srcPath.pop();\n srcPath = srcPath.concat(relPath);\n =;\n result.query = relative.query;\n } else if (!isNullOrUndefined( {\n // just pull out the search.\n // like href='?foo'.\n // Put this after the other two cases because it simplifies the booleans\n if (psychotic) {\n result.hostname = = srcPath.shift();\n //occationaly the auth can get stuck only in host\n //this especialy happens in cases like\n //url.resolveObject('mailto:local1@domain1', 'local2@domain2')\n var authInHost = &&'@') > 0 ?\n'@') : false;\n if (authInHost) {\n result.auth = authInHost.shift();\n = result.hostname = authInHost.shift();\n }\n }\n =;\n result.query = relative.query;\n //to support http.request\n if (!isNull(result.pathname) || !isNull( {\n result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') +\n ( ? : '');\n }\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n }\n\n if (!srcPath.length) {\n // no path at all. easy.\n // we've already handled the other stuff above.\n result.pathname = null;\n //to support http.request\n if ( {\n result.path = '/' +;\n } else {\n result.path = null;\n }\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n }\n\n // if a url ENDs in . or .., then it must get a trailing slash.\n // however, if it ends in anything else non-slashy,\n // then it must NOT get a trailing slash.\n var last = srcPath.slice(-1)[0];\n var hasTrailingSlash = (\n ( || && (last === '.' || last === '..') ||\n last === '');\n\n // strip single dots, resolve double dots to parent dir\n // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0\n var up = 0;\n for (var i = srcPath.length; i >= 0; i--) {\n last = srcPath[i];\n if (last == '.') {\n srcPath.splice(i, 1);\n } else if (last === '..') {\n srcPath.splice(i, 1);\n up++;\n } else if (up) {\n srcPath.splice(i, 1);\n up--;\n }\n }\n\n // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s\n if (!mustEndAbs && !removeAllDots) {\n for (; up--; up) {\n srcPath.unshift('..');\n }\n }\n\n if (mustEndAbs && srcPath[0] !== '' &&\n (!srcPath[0] || srcPath[0].charAt(0) !== '/')) {\n srcPath.unshift('');\n }\n\n if (hasTrailingSlash && (srcPath.join('/').substr(-1) !== '/')) {\n srcPath.push('');\n }\n\n var isAbsolute = srcPath[0] === '' ||\n (srcPath[0] && srcPath[0].charAt(0) === '/');\n\n // put the host back\n if (psychotic) {\n result.hostname = = isAbsolute ? '' :\n srcPath.length ? srcPath.shift() : '';\n //occationaly the auth can get stuck only in host\n //this especialy happens in cases like\n //url.resolveObject('mailto:local1@domain1', 'local2@domain2')\n var authInHost = &&'@') > 0 ?\n'@') : false;\n if (authInHost) {\n result.auth = authInHost.shift();\n = result.hostname = authInHost.shift();\n }\n }\n\n mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs || ( && srcPath.length);\n\n if (mustEndAbs && !isAbsolute) {\n srcPath.unshift('');\n }\n\n if (!srcPath.length) {\n result.pathname = null;\n result.path = null;\n } else {\n result.pathname = srcPath.join('/');\n }\n\n //to support request.http\n if (!isNull(result.pathname) || !isNull( {\n result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') +\n ( ? : '');\n }\n result.auth = relative.auth || result.auth;\n result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes;\n result.href = result.format();\n return result;\n};\n\nUrl.prototype.parseHost = function() {\n var host =;\n var port = portPattern.exec(host);\n if (port) {\n port = port[0];\n if (port !== ':') {\n this.port = port.substr(1);\n }\n host = host.substr(0, host.length - port.length);\n }\n if (host) this.hostname = host;\n};\n\nfunction isString(arg) {\n return typeof arg === \"string\";\n}\n\nfunction isObject(arg) {\n return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;\n}\n\nfunction isNull(arg) {\n return arg === null;\n}\nfunction isNullOrUndefined(arg) {\n return arg == null;\n}\n","/*! v1.3.2 by @mathias */\n;(function(root) {\n\n\t/** Detect free variables */\n\tvar freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports &&\n\t\t!exports.nodeType && exports;\n\tvar freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module &&\n\t\t!module.nodeType && module;\n\tvar freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global;\n\tif (\n\t\ === freeGlobal ||\n\t\tfreeGlobal.window === freeGlobal ||\n\t\tfreeGlobal.self === freeGlobal\n\t) {\n\t\troot = freeGlobal;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The `punycode` object.\n\t * @name punycode\n\t * @type Object\n\t */\n\tvar punycode,\n\n\t/** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */\n\tmaxInt = 2147483647, // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1\n\n\t/** Bootstring parameters */\n\tbase = 36,\n\ttMin = 1,\n\ttMax = 26,\n\tskew = 38,\n\tdamp = 700,\n\tinitialBias = 72,\n\tinitialN = 128, // 0x80\n\tdelimiter = '-', // '\\x2D'\n\n\t/** Regular expressions */\n\tregexPunycode = /^xn--/,\n\tregexNonASCII = /[^\\x20-\\x7E]/, // unprintable ASCII chars + non-ASCII chars\n\tregexSeparators = /[\\x2E\\u3002\\uFF0E\\uFF61]/g, // RFC 3490 separators\n\n\t/** Error messages */\n\terrors = {\n\t\t'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process',\n\t\t'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)',\n\t\t'invalid-input': 'Invalid input'\n\t},\n\n\t/** Convenience shortcuts */\n\tbaseMinusTMin = base - tMin,\n\tfloor = Math.floor,\n\tstringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode,\n\n\t/** Temporary variable */\n\tkey;\n\n\t/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\t/**\n\t * A generic error utility function.\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {String} type The error type.\n\t * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message.\n\t */\n\tfunction error(type) {\n\t\tthrow RangeError(errors[type]);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * A generic `Array#map` utility function.\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n\t * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array\n\t * item.\n\t * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function.\n\t */\n\tfunction map(array, fn) {\n\t\tvar length = array.length;\n\t\tvar result = [];\n\t\twhile (length--) {\n\t\t\tresult[length] = fn(array[length]);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn result;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings or email\n\t * addresses.\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {String} domain The domain name or email address.\n\t * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every\n\t * character.\n\t * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback\n\t * function.\n\t */\n\tfunction mapDomain(string, fn) {\n\t\tvar parts = string.split('@');\n\t\tvar result = '';\n\t\tif (parts.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t// In email addresses, only the domain name should be punycoded. Leave\n\t\t\t// the local part (i.e. everything up to `@`) intact.\n\t\t\tresult = parts[0] + '@';\n\t\t\tstring = parts[1];\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Avoid `split(regex)` for IE8 compatibility. See #17.\n\t\tstring = string.replace(regexSeparators, '\\x2E');\n\t\tvar labels = string.split('.');\n\t\tvar encoded = map(labels, fn).join('.');\n\t\treturn result + encoded;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode\n\t * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally,\n\t * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which\n\t * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point,\n\t * matching UTF-16.\n\t * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode`\n\t * @see \n\t * @memberOf punycode.ucs2\n\t * @name decode\n\t * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2).\n\t * @returns {Array} The new array of code points.\n\t */\n\tfunction ucs2decode(string) {\n\t\tvar output = [],\n\t\t counter = 0,\n\t\t length = string.length,\n\t\t value,\n\t\t extra;\n\t\twhile (counter < length) {\n\t\t\tvalue = string.charCodeAt(counter++);\n\t\t\tif (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) {\n\t\t\t\t// high surrogate, and there is a next character\n\t\t\t\textra = string.charCodeAt(counter++);\n\t\t\t\tif ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next\n\t\t\t\t\t// code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(value);\n\t\t\t\t\tcounter--;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\toutput.push(value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn output;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points.\n\t * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode`\n\t * @memberOf punycode.ucs2\n\t * @name encode\n\t * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points.\n\t * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2).\n\t */\n\tfunction ucs2encode(array) {\n\t\treturn map(array, function(value) {\n\t\t\tvar output = '';\n\t\t\tif (value > 0xFFFF) {\n\t\t\t\tvalue -= 0x10000;\n\t\t\t\toutput += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800);\n\t\t\t\tvalue = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\toutput += stringFromCharCode(value);\n\t\t\treturn output;\n\t\t}).join('');\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer.\n\t * @see `digitToBasic()`\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value.\n\t * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in\n\t * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if\n\t * the code point does not represent a value.\n\t */\n\tfunction basicToDigit(codePoint) {\n\t\tif (codePoint - 48 < 10) {\n\t\t\treturn codePoint - 22;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (codePoint - 65 < 26) {\n\t\t\treturn codePoint - 65;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (codePoint - 97 < 26) {\n\t\t\treturn codePoint - 97;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn base;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point.\n\t * @see `basicToDigit()`\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point.\n\t * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for\n\t * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range\n\t * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is\n\t * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined\n\t * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form.\n\t */\n\tfunction digitToBasic(digit, flag) {\n\t\t// 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z\n\t\t// 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9\n\t\treturn digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492.\n\t *\n\t * @private\n\t */\n\tfunction adapt(delta, numPoints, firstTime) {\n\t\tvar k = 0;\n\t\tdelta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1;\n\t\tdelta += floor(delta / numPoints);\n\t\tfor (/* no initialization */; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) {\n\t\t\tdelta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode\n\t * symbols.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.\n\t * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols.\n\t */\n\tfunction decode(input) {\n\t\t// Don't use UCS-2\n\t\tvar output = [],\n\t\t inputLength = input.length,\n\t\t out,\n\t\t i = 0,\n\t\t n = initialN,\n\t\t bias = initialBias,\n\t\t basic,\n\t\t j,\n\t\t index,\n\t\t oldi,\n\t\t w,\n\t\t k,\n\t\t digit,\n\t\t t,\n\t\t /** Cached calculation results */\n\t\t baseMinusT;\n\n\t\t// Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code\n\t\t// points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy\n\t\t// the first basic code points to the output.\n\n\t\tbasic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter);\n\t\tif (basic < 0) {\n\t\t\tbasic = 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (j = 0; j < basic; ++j) {\n\t\t\t// if it's not a basic code point\n\t\t\tif (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) {\n\t\t\t\terror('not-basic');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\toutput.push(input.charCodeAt(j));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code\n\t\t// points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise.\n\n\t\tfor (index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; /* no final expression */) {\n\n\t\t\t// `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed.\n\t\t\t// Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`,\n\t\t\t// which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier\n\t\t\t// if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting\n\t\t\t// value at the end to obtain `delta`.\n\t\t\tfor (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) {\n\n\t\t\t\tif (index >= inputLength) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('invalid-input');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tdigit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++));\n\n\t\t\t\tif (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\ti += digit * w;\n\t\t\t\tt = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (digit < t) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tbaseMinusT = base - t;\n\t\t\t\tif (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tw *= baseMinusT;\n\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tout = output.length + 1;\n\t\t\tbias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0);\n\n\t\t\t// `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`,\n\t\t\t// incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now:\n\t\t\tif (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) {\n\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tn += floor(i / out);\n\t\t\ti %= out;\n\n\t\t\t// Insert `n` at position `i` of the output\n\t\t\toutput.splice(i++, 0, n);\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn ucs2encode(output);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a\n\t * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols.\n\t * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.\n\t */\n\tfunction encode(input) {\n\t\tvar n,\n\t\t delta,\n\t\t handledCPCount,\n\t\t basicLength,\n\t\t bias,\n\t\t j,\n\t\t m,\n\t\t q,\n\t\t k,\n\t\t t,\n\t\t currentValue,\n\t\t output = [],\n\t\t /** `inputLength` will hold the number of code points in `input`. */\n\t\t inputLength,\n\t\t /** Cached calculation results */\n\t\t handledCPCountPlusOne,\n\t\t baseMinusT,\n\t\t qMinusT;\n\n\t\t// Convert the input in UCS-2 to Unicode\n\t\tinput = ucs2decode(input);\n\n\t\t// Cache the length\n\t\tinputLength = input.length;\n\n\t\t// Initialize the state\n\t\tn = initialN;\n\t\tdelta = 0;\n\t\tbias = initialBias;\n\n\t\t// Handle the basic code points\n\t\tfor (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {\n\t\t\tcurrentValue = input[j];\n\t\t\tif (currentValue < 0x80) {\n\t\t\t\toutput.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\thandledCPCount = basicLength = output.length;\n\n\t\t// `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled;\n\t\t// `basicLength` is the number of basic code points.\n\n\t\t// Finish the basic string - if it is not empty - with a delimiter\n\t\tif (basicLength) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(delimiter);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Main encoding loop:\n\t\twhile (handledCPCount < inputLength) {\n\n\t\t\t// All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next\n\t\t\t// larger one:\n\t\t\tfor (m = maxInt, j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrentValue = input[j];\n\t\t\t\tif (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) {\n\t\t\t\t\tm = currentValue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's state to ,\n\t\t\t// but guard against overflow\n\t\t\thandledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1;\n\t\t\tif (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) {\n\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tdelta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne;\n\t\t\tn = m;\n\n\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrentValue = input[j];\n\n\t\t\t\tif (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (currentValue == n) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (q = delta, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (q < t) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tqMinusT = q - t;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbaseMinusT = base - t;\n\t\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tq = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0)));\n\t\t\t\t\tbias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength);\n\t\t\t\t\tdelta = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t++handledCPCount;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t++delta;\n\t\t\t++n;\n\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn output.join('');\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address\n\t * to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e.\n\t * it doesn't matter if you call it on a string that has already been\n\t * converted to Unicode.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The Punycoded domain name or email address to\n\t * convert to Unicode.\n\t * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode\n\t * string.\n\t */\n\tfunction toUnicode(input) {\n\t\treturn mapDomain(input, function(string) {\n\t\t\treturn regexPunycode.test(string)\n\t\t\t\t? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase())\n\t\t\t\t: string;\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to\n\t * Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted,\n\t * i.e. it doesn't matter if you call it with a domain that's already in\n\t * ASCII.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The domain name or email address to convert, as a\n\t * Unicode string.\n\t * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name or\n\t * email address.\n\t */\n\tfunction toASCII(input) {\n\t\treturn mapDomain(input, function(string) {\n\t\t\treturn regexNonASCII.test(string)\n\t\t\t\t? 'xn--' + encode(string)\n\t\t\t\t: string;\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\t/** Define the public API */\n\tpunycode = {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number.\n\t\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t\t * @type String\n\t\t */\n\t\t'version': '1.3.2',\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character\n\t\t * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back.\n\t\t * @see \n\t\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t\t * @type Object\n\t\t */\n\t\t'ucs2': {\n\t\t\t'decode': ucs2decode,\n\t\t\t'encode': ucs2encode\n\t\t},\n\t\t'decode': decode,\n\t\t'encode': encode,\n\t\t'toASCII': toASCII,\n\t\t'toUnicode': toUnicode\n\t};\n\n\t/** Expose `punycode` */\n\t// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns\n\t// like the following:\n\tif (\n\t\ttypeof define == 'function' &&\n\t\ttypeof define.amd == 'object' &&\n\t\tdefine.amd\n\t) {\n\t\tdefine('punycode', function() {\n\t\t\treturn punycode;\n\t\t});\n\t} else if (freeExports && freeModule) {\n\t\tif (module.exports == freeExports) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+\n\t\t\tfreeModule.exports = punycode;\n\t\t} else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-\n\t\t\tfor (key in punycode) {\n\t\t\t\tpunycode.hasOwnProperty(key) && (freeExports[key] = punycode[key]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else { // in Rhino or a web browser\n\t\troot.punycode = punycode;\n\t}\n\n}(this));\n","'use strict';\n\nexports.decode = exports.parse = require('./decode');\nexports.encode = exports.stringify = require('./encode');\n","// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n// following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n'use strict';\n\n// If obj.hasOwnProperty has been overridden, then calling\n// obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) will break.\n// See:\nfunction hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {\n return, prop);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = function(qs, sep, eq, options) {\n sep = sep || '&';\n eq = eq || '=';\n var obj = {};\n\n if (typeof qs !== 'string' || qs.length === 0) {\n return obj;\n }\n\n var regexp = /\\+/g;\n qs = qs.split(sep);\n\n var maxKeys = 1000;\n if (options && typeof options.maxKeys === 'number') {\n maxKeys = options.maxKeys;\n }\n\n var len = qs.length;\n // maxKeys <= 0 means that we should not limit keys count\n if (maxKeys > 0 && len > maxKeys) {\n len = maxKeys;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n var x = qs[i].replace(regexp, '%20'),\n idx = x.indexOf(eq),\n kstr, vstr, k, v;\n\n if (idx >= 0) {\n kstr = x.substr(0, idx);\n vstr = x.substr(idx + 1);\n } else {\n kstr = x;\n vstr = '';\n }\n\n k = decodeURIComponent(kstr);\n v = decodeURIComponent(vstr);\n\n if (!hasOwnProperty(obj, k)) {\n obj[k] = v;\n } else if (Array.isArray(obj[k])) {\n obj[k].push(v);\n } else {\n obj[k] = [obj[k], v];\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n","// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n// following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar stringifyPrimitive = function(v) {\n switch (typeof v) {\n case 'string':\n return v;\n\n case 'boolean':\n return v ? 'true' : 'false';\n\n case 'number':\n return isFinite(v) ? v : '';\n\n default:\n return '';\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function(obj, sep, eq, name) {\n sep = sep || '&';\n eq = eq || '=';\n if (obj === null) {\n obj = undefined;\n }\n\n if (typeof obj === 'object') {\n return Object.keys(obj).map(function(k) {\n var ks = encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(k)) + eq;\n if (Array.isArray(obj[k])) {\n return obj[k].map(function(v) {\n return ks + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(v));\n }).join(sep);\n } else {\n return ks + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(obj[k]));\n }\n }).join(sep);\n\n }\n\n if (!name) return '';\n return encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(name)) + eq +\n encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(obj));\n};\n","// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n// following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n// resolves . and .. elements in a path array with directory names there\n// must be no slashes, empty elements, or device names (c:\\) in the array\n// (so also no leading and trailing slashes - it does not distinguish\n// relative and absolute paths)\nfunction normalizeArray(parts, allowAboveRoot) {\n // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0\n var up = 0;\n for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var last = parts[i];\n if (last === '.') {\n parts.splice(i, 1);\n } else if (last === '..') {\n parts.splice(i, 1);\n up++;\n } else if (up) {\n parts.splice(i, 1);\n up--;\n }\n }\n\n // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s\n if (allowAboveRoot) {\n for (; up--; up) {\n parts.unshift('..');\n }\n }\n\n return parts;\n}\n\n// Split a filename into [root, dir, basename, ext], unix version\n// 'root' is just a slash, or nothing.\nvar splitPathRe =\n /^(\\/?|)([\\s\\S]*?)((?:\\.{1,2}|[^\\/]+?|)(\\.[^.\\/]*|))(?:[\\/]*)$/;\nvar splitPath = function(filename) {\n return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);\n};\n\n// path.resolve([from ...], to)\n// posix version\nexports.resolve = function() {\n var resolvedPath = '',\n resolvedAbsolute = false;\n\n for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {\n var path = (i >= 0) ? arguments[i] : process.cwd();\n\n // Skip empty and invalid entries\n if (typeof path !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings');\n } else if (!path) {\n continue;\n }\n\n resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath;\n resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === '/';\n }\n\n // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but\n // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)\n\n // Normalize the path\n resolvedPath = normalizeArray(filter(resolvedPath.split('/'), function(p) {\n return !!p;\n }), !resolvedAbsolute).join('/');\n\n return ((resolvedAbsolute ? '/' : '') + resolvedPath) || '.';\n};\n\n// path.normalize(path)\n// posix version\nexports.normalize = function(path) {\n var isAbsolute = exports.isAbsolute(path),\n trailingSlash = substr(path, -1) === '/';\n\n // Normalize the path\n path = normalizeArray(filter(path.split('/'), function(p) {\n return !!p;\n }), !isAbsolute).join('/');\n\n if (!path && !isAbsolute) {\n path = '.';\n }\n if (path && trailingSlash) {\n path += '/';\n }\n\n return (isAbsolute ? '/' : '') + path;\n};\n\n// posix version\nexports.isAbsolute = function(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === '/';\n};\n\n// posix version\nexports.join = function() {\n var paths =, 0);\n return exports.normalize(filter(paths, function(p, index) {\n if (typeof p !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.join must be strings');\n }\n return p;\n }).join('/'));\n};\n\n\n// path.relative(from, to)\n// posix version\nexports.relative = function(from, to) {\n from = exports.resolve(from).substr(1);\n to = exports.resolve(to).substr(1);\n\n function trim(arr) {\n var start = 0;\n for (; start < arr.length; start++) {\n if (arr[start] !== '') break;\n }\n\n var end = arr.length - 1;\n for (; end >= 0; end--) {\n if (arr[end] !== '') break;\n }\n\n if (start > end) return [];\n return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);\n }\n\n var fromParts = trim(from.split('/'));\n var toParts = trim(to.split('/'));\n\n var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);\n var samePartsLength = length;\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {\n samePartsLength = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n var outputParts = [];\n for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {\n outputParts.push('..');\n }\n\n outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));\n\n return outputParts.join('/');\n};\n\nexports.sep = '/';\nexports.delimiter = ':';\n\nexports.dirname = function(path) {\n var result = splitPath(path),\n root = result[0],\n dir = result[1];\n\n if (!root && !dir) {\n // No dirname whatsoever\n return '.';\n }\n\n if (dir) {\n // It has a dirname, strip trailing slash\n dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);\n }\n\n return root + dir;\n};\n\n\nexports.basename = function(path, ext) {\n var f = splitPath(path)[2];\n // TODO: make this comparison case-insensitive on windows?\n if (ext && f.substr(-1 * ext.length) === ext) {\n f = f.substr(0, f.length - ext.length);\n }\n return f;\n};\n\n\nexports.extname = function(path) {\n return splitPath(path)[3];\n};\n\nfunction filter (xs, f) {\n if (xs.filter) return xs.filter(f);\n var res = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {\n if (f(xs[i], i, xs)) res.push(xs[i]);\n }\n return res;\n}\n\n// String.prototype.substr - negative index don't work in IE8\nvar substr = 'ab'.substr(-1) === 'b'\n ? function (str, start, len) { return str.substr(start, len) }\n : function (str, start, len) {\n if (start < 0) start = str.length + start;\n return str.substr(start, len);\n }\n;\n","var Parser = require(\"./Parser.js\"),\n DomHandler = require(\"domhandler\");\n\nfunction defineProp(name, value){\n\tdelete module.exports[name];\n\tmodule.exports[name] = value;\n\treturn value;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\tParser: Parser,\n\tTokenizer: require(\"./Tokenizer.js\"),\n\tElementType: require(\"domelementtype\"),\n\tDomHandler: DomHandler,\n\tget FeedHandler(){\n\t\treturn defineProp(\"FeedHandler\", require(\"./FeedHandler.js\"));\n\t},\n\tget ProxyHandler(){\n\t\treturn defineProp(\"ProxyHandler\", require(\"./ProxyHandler.js\"));\n\t},\n\tget DomUtils(){\n\t\treturn defineProp(\"DomUtils\", require(\"domutils\"));\n\t},\n\tget CollectingHandler(){\n\t\treturn defineProp(\"CollectingHandler\", require(\"./CollectingHandler.js\"));\n\t},\n\t// For legacy support\n\tDefaultHandler: DomHandler,\n\tget RssHandler(){\n\t\treturn defineProp(\"RssHandler\", this.FeedHandler);\n\t},\n\t//helper methods\n\tparseDOM: function(data, options){\n\t\tvar handler = new DomHandler(options);\n\t\tnew Parser(handler, options).end(data);\n\t\treturn handler.dom;\n\t},\n\tparseFeed: function(feed, options){\n\t\tvar handler = new module.exports.FeedHandler(options);\n\t\tnew Parser(handler, options).end(feed);\n\t\treturn handler.dom;\n\t},\n\tcreateDomStream: function(cb, options, elementCb){\n\t\tvar handler = new DomHandler(cb, options, elementCb);\n\t\treturn new Parser(handler, options);\n\t},\n\t// List of all events that the parser emits\n\tEVENTS: { /* Format: eventname: number of arguments */\n\t\tattribute: 2,\n\t\tcdatastart: 0,\n\t\tcdataend: 0,\n\t\ttext: 1,\n\t\tprocessinginstruction: 2,\n\t\tcomment: 1,\n\t\tcommentend: 0,\n\t\tclosetag: 1,\n\t\topentag: 2,\n\t\topentagname: 1,\n\t\terror: 1,\n\t\tend: 0\n\t}\n};\n","var Tokenizer;\n\n/*\n\tOptions:\n\n\txmlMode: Disables the special behavior for script/style tags (false by default)\n\tlowerCaseAttributeNames: call .toLowerCase for each attribute name (true if xmlMode is `false`)\n\tlowerCaseTags: call .toLowerCase for each tag name (true if xmlMode is `false`)\n*/\n\n/*\n\tCallbacks:\n\n\toncdataend,\n\toncdatastart,\n\tonclosetag,\n\toncomment,\n\toncommentend,\n\tonerror,\n\tonopentag,\n\tonprocessinginstruction,\n\tonreset,\n\tontext\n*/\n\nvar formTags = {\n\tinput: true,\n\toption: true,\n\toptgroup: true,\n\tselect: true,\n\tbutton: true,\n\tdatalist: true,\n\ttextarea: true\n};\n\nvar openImpliesClose = {\n\ttr : { tr:true, th:true, td:true },\n\tth : { th:true },\n\ttd : { thead:true, th:true, td:true },\n\tbody : { head:true, link:true, script:true },\n\tli : { li:true },\n\tp : { p:true },\n\th1 : { p:true },\n\th2 : { p:true },\n\th3 : { p:true },\n\th4 : { p:true },\n\th5 : { p:true },\n\th6 : { p:true },\n\tselect : formTags,\n\tinput : formTags,\n\toutput : formTags,\n\tbutton : formTags,\n\tdatalist: formTags,\n\ttextarea: formTags,\n\toption : { option:true },\n\toptgroup: { optgroup:true }\n};\n\nvar voidElements = {\n\t__proto__: null,\n\tarea: true,\n\tbase: true,\n\tbasefont: true,\n\tbr: true,\n\tcol: true,\n\tcommand: true,\n\tembed: true,\n\tframe: true,\n\thr: true,\n\timg: true,\n\tinput: true,\n\tisindex: true,\n\tkeygen: true,\n\tlink: true,\n\tmeta: true,\n\tparam: true,\n\tsource: true,\n\ttrack: true,\n\twbr: true,\n\n\t//common self closing svg elements\n\tpath: true,\n\tcircle: true,\n\tellipse: true,\n\tline: true,\n\trect: true,\n\tuse: true,\n\tstop: true,\n\tpolyline: true,\n\tpolygon: true\n};\n\nvar re_nameEnd = /\\s|\\//;\n\nfunction Parser(cbs, options){\n\tthis._options = options || {};\n\tthis._cbs = cbs || {};\n\n\tthis._tagname = \"\";\n\tthis._attribname = \"\";\n\tthis._attribvalue = \"\";\n\tthis._attribs = null;\n\tthis._stack = [];\n\n\tthis.startIndex = 0;\n\tthis.endIndex = null;\n\n\tthis._lowerCaseTagNames = \"lowerCaseTags\" in this._options ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t!!this._options.lowerCaseTags :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t!this._options.xmlMode;\n\tthis._lowerCaseAttributeNames = \"lowerCaseAttributeNames\" in this._options ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t!!this._options.lowerCaseAttributeNames :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t!this._options.xmlMode;\n\n\tif(this._options.Tokenizer) {\n\t\tTokenizer = this._options.Tokenizer;\n\t} else {\n\t\tTokenizer = require(\"./Tokenizer.js\");\n\t}\n\tthis._tokenizer = new Tokenizer(this._options, this);\n\n\tif(this._cbs.onparserinit) this._cbs.onparserinit(this);\n}\n\nrequire(\"inherits\")(Parser, require(\"eventemitter2\"));\n\nParser.prototype._updatePosition = function(initialOffset){\n\tif(this.endIndex === null){\n\t\tif(this._tokenizer._sectionStart <= initialOffset){\n\t\t\tthis.startIndex = 0;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.startIndex = this._tokenizer._sectionStart - initialOffset;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse this.startIndex = this.endIndex + 1;\n\tthis.endIndex = this._tokenizer.getAbsoluteIndex();\n};\n\n//Tokenizer event handlers\nParser.prototype.ontext = function(data){\n\tthis._updatePosition(1);\n\tthis.endIndex--;\n\n\tif(this._cbs.ontext) this._cbs.ontext(data);\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onopentagname = function(name){\n\tif(this._lowerCaseTagNames){\n\t\tname = name.toLowerCase();\n\t}\n\n\tthis._tagname = name;\n\n\tif(!this._options.xmlMode && name in openImpliesClose) {\n\t\tfor(\n\t\t\tvar el;\n\t\t\t(el = this._stack[this._stack.length - 1]) in openImpliesClose[name];\n\t\t\tthis.onclosetag(el)\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n\tif(this._options.xmlMode || !(name in voidElements)){\n\t\tthis._stack.push(name);\n\t}\n\n\tif(this._cbs.onopentagname) this._cbs.onopentagname(name);\n\tif(this._cbs.onopentag) this._attribs = {};\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onopentagend = function(){\n\tthis._updatePosition(1);\n\n\tif(this._attribs){\n\t\tif(this._cbs.onopentag) this._cbs.onopentag(this._tagname, this._attribs);\n\t\tthis._attribs = null;\n\t}\n\n\tif(!this._options.xmlMode && this._cbs.onclosetag && this._tagname in voidElements){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onclosetag(this._tagname);\n\t}\n\n\tthis._tagname = \"\";\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onclosetag = function(name){\n\tthis._updatePosition(1);\n\n\tif(this._lowerCaseTagNames){\n\t\tname = name.toLowerCase();\n\t}\n\n\tif(this._stack.length && (!(name in voidElements) || this._options.xmlMode)){\n\t\tvar pos = this._stack.lastIndexOf(name);\n\t\tif(pos !== -1){\n\t\t\tif(this._cbs.onclosetag){\n\t\t\t\tpos = this._stack.length - pos;\n\t\t\t\twhile(pos--) this._cbs.onclosetag(this._stack.pop());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse this._stack.length = pos;\n\t\t} else if(name === \"p\" && !this._options.xmlMode){\n\t\t\tthis.onopentagname(name);\n\t\t\tthis._closeCurrentTag();\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(!this._options.xmlMode && (name === \"br\" || name === \"p\")){\n\t\tthis.onopentagname(name);\n\t\tthis._closeCurrentTag();\n\t}\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onselfclosingtag = function(){\n\tif(this._options.xmlMode || this._options.recognizeSelfClosing){\n\t\tthis._closeCurrentTag();\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.onopentagend();\n\t}\n};\n\nParser.prototype._closeCurrentTag = function(){\n\tvar name = this._tagname;\n\n\tthis.onopentagend();\n\n\t//self-closing tags will be on the top of the stack\n\t//(cheaper check than in onclosetag)\n\tif(this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] === name){\n\t\tif(this._cbs.onclosetag){\n\t\t\tthis._cbs.onclosetag(name);\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis._stack.pop();\n\t}\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onattribname = function(name){\n\tif(this._lowerCaseAttributeNames){\n\t\tname = name.toLowerCase();\n\t}\n\tthis._attribname = name;\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onattribdata = function(value){\n\tthis._attribvalue += value;\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onattribend = function(){\n\tif(this._cbs.onattribute) this._cbs.onattribute(this._attribname, this._attribvalue);\n\tif(\n\t\tthis._attribs &&\n\t\t!, this._attribname)\n\t){\n\t\tthis._attribs[this._attribname] = this._attribvalue;\n\t}\n\tthis._attribname = \"\";\n\tthis._attribvalue = \"\";\n};\n\nParser.prototype._getInstructionName = function(value){\n\tvar idx =,\n\t name = idx < 0 ? value : value.substr(0, idx);\n\n\tif(this._lowerCaseTagNames){\n\t\tname = name.toLowerCase();\n\t}\n\n\treturn name;\n};\n\nParser.prototype.ondeclaration = function(value){\n\tif(this._cbs.onprocessinginstruction){\n\t\tvar name = this._getInstructionName(value);\n\t\tthis._cbs.onprocessinginstruction(\"!\" + name, \"!\" + value);\n\t}\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onprocessinginstruction = function(value){\n\tif(this._cbs.onprocessinginstruction){\n\t\tvar name = this._getInstructionName(value);\n\t\tthis._cbs.onprocessinginstruction(\"?\" + name, \"?\" + value);\n\t}\n};\n\nParser.prototype.oncomment = function(value){\n\tthis._updatePosition(4);\n\n\tif(this._cbs.oncomment) this._cbs.oncomment(value);\n\tif(this._cbs.oncommentend) this._cbs.oncommentend();\n};\n\nParser.prototype.oncdata = function(value){\n\tthis._updatePosition(1);\n\n\tif(this._options.xmlMode || this._options.recognizeCDATA){\n\t\tif(this._cbs.oncdatastart) this._cbs.oncdatastart();\n\t\tif(this._cbs.ontext) this._cbs.ontext(value);\n\t\tif(this._cbs.oncdataend) this._cbs.oncdataend();\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.oncomment(\"[CDATA[\" + value + \"]]\");\n\t}\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onerror = function(err){\n\tif(this._cbs.onerror) this._cbs.onerror(err);\n};\n\nParser.prototype.onend = function(){\n\tif(this._cbs.onclosetag){\n\t\tfor(\n\t\t\tvar i = this._stack.length;\n\t\t\ti > 0;\n\t\t\tthis._cbs.onclosetag(this._stack[--i])\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\tif(this._cbs.onend) this._cbs.onend();\n};\n\n\n//Resets the parser to a blank state, ready to parse a new HTML document\nParser.prototype.reset = function(){\n\tif(this._cbs.onreset) this._cbs.onreset();\n\tthis._tokenizer.reset();\n\n\tthis._tagname = \"\";\n\tthis._attribname = \"\";\n\tthis._attribs = null;\n\tthis._stack = [];\n\n\tif(this._cbs.onparserinit) this._cbs.onparserinit(this);\n};\n\n//Parses a complete HTML document and pushes it to the handler\nParser.prototype.parseComplete = function(data){\n\tthis.reset();\n\tthis.end(data);\n};\n\nParser.prototype.write = function(chunk){\n\tthis._tokenizer.write(chunk);\n};\n\nParser.prototype.end = function(chunk){\n\tthis._tokenizer.end(chunk);\n};\n\nParser.prototype.pause = function(){\n\tthis._tokenizer.pause();\n};\n\nParser.prototype.resume = function(){\n\tthis._tokenizer.resume();\n};\n\n//alias for backwards compat\nParser.prototype.parseChunk = Parser.prototype.write;\nParser.prototype.done = Parser.prototype.end;\n\nmodule.exports = Parser;\n","module.exports = Tokenizer;\n\nvar decodeCodePoint = require(\"entities/lib/decode_codepoint.js\"),\n entityMap = require(\"entities/maps/entities.json\"),\n legacyMap = require(\"entities/maps/legacy.json\"),\n xmlMap = require(\"entities/maps/xml.json\"),\n\n i = 0,\n\n TEXT = i++,\n BEFORE_TAG_NAME = i++, //after <\n IN_TAG_NAME = i++,\n IN_SELF_CLOSING_TAG = i++,\n BEFORE_CLOSING_TAG_NAME = i++,\n IN_CLOSING_TAG_NAME = i++,\n AFTER_CLOSING_TAG_NAME = i++,\n\n //attributes\n BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = i++,\n IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = i++,\n AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = i++,\n BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = i++,\n IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DQ = i++, // \"\n IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SQ = i++, // '\n IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NQ = i++,\n\n //declarations\n BEFORE_DECLARATION = i++, // !\n IN_DECLARATION = i++,\n\n //processing instructions\n IN_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = i++, // ?\n\n //comments\n BEFORE_COMMENT = i++,\n IN_COMMENT = i++,\n AFTER_COMMENT_1 = i++,\n AFTER_COMMENT_2 = i++,\n\n //cdata\n BEFORE_CDATA_1 = i++, // [\n BEFORE_CDATA_2 = i++, // C\n BEFORE_CDATA_3 = i++, // D\n BEFORE_CDATA_4 = i++, // A\n BEFORE_CDATA_5 = i++, // T\n BEFORE_CDATA_6 = i++, // A\n IN_CDATA = i++, // [\n AFTER_CDATA_1 = i++, // ]\n AFTER_CDATA_2 = i++, // ]\n\n //special tags\n BEFORE_SPECIAL = i++, //S\n BEFORE_SPECIAL_END = i++, //S\n\n BEFORE_SCRIPT_1 = i++, //C\n BEFORE_SCRIPT_2 = i++, //R\n BEFORE_SCRIPT_3 = i++, //I\n BEFORE_SCRIPT_4 = i++, //P\n BEFORE_SCRIPT_5 = i++, //T\n AFTER_SCRIPT_1 = i++, //C\n AFTER_SCRIPT_2 = i++, //R\n AFTER_SCRIPT_3 = i++, //I\n AFTER_SCRIPT_4 = i++, //P\n AFTER_SCRIPT_5 = i++, //T\n\n BEFORE_STYLE_1 = i++, //T\n BEFORE_STYLE_2 = i++, //Y\n BEFORE_STYLE_3 = i++, //L\n BEFORE_STYLE_4 = i++, //E\n AFTER_STYLE_1 = i++, //T\n AFTER_STYLE_2 = i++, //Y\n AFTER_STYLE_3 = i++, //L\n AFTER_STYLE_4 = i++, //E\n\n BEFORE_ENTITY = i++, //&\n BEFORE_NUMERIC_ENTITY = i++, //#\n IN_NAMED_ENTITY = i++,\n IN_NUMERIC_ENTITY = i++,\n IN_HEX_ENTITY = i++, //X\n\n j = 0,\n\n SPECIAL_NONE = j++,\n SPECIAL_SCRIPT = j++,\n SPECIAL_STYLE = j++;\n\nfunction whitespace(c){\n\treturn c === \" \" || c === \"\\n\" || c === \"\\t\" || c === \"\\f\" || c === \"\\r\";\n}\n\nfunction characterState(char, SUCCESS){\n\treturn function(c){\n\t\tif(c === char) this._state = SUCCESS;\n\t};\n}\n\nfunction ifElseState(upper, SUCCESS, FAILURE){\n\tvar lower = upper.toLowerCase();\n\n\tif(upper === lower){\n\t\treturn function(c){\n\t\t\tif(c === lower){\n\t\t\t\tthis._state = SUCCESS;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis._state = FAILURE;\n\t\t\t\tthis._index--;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn function(c){\n\t\t\tif(c === lower || c === upper){\n\t\t\t\tthis._state = SUCCESS;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis._state = FAILURE;\n\t\t\t\tthis._index--;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction consumeSpecialNameChar(upper, NEXT_STATE){\n\tvar lower = upper.toLowerCase();\n\n\treturn function(c){\n\t\tif(c === lower || c === upper){\n\t\t\tthis._state = NEXT_STATE;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._state = IN_TAG_NAME;\n\t\t\tthis._index--; //consume the token again\n\t\t}\n\t};\n}\n\nfunction Tokenizer(options, cbs){\n\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\tthis._buffer = \"\";\n\tthis._sectionStart = 0;\n\tthis._index = 0;\n\tthis._bufferOffset = 0; //chars removed from _buffer\n\tthis._baseState = TEXT;\n\tthis._special = SPECIAL_NONE;\n\tthis._cbs = cbs;\n\tthis._running = true;\n\tthis._ended = false;\n\tthis._xmlMode = !!(options && options.xmlMode);\n\tthis._decodeEntities = !!(options && options.decodeEntities);\n}\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateText = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"<\"){\n\t\tif(this._index > this._sectionStart){\n\t\t\tthis._cbs.ontext(this._getSection());\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t} else if(this._decodeEntities && this._special === SPECIAL_NONE && c === \"&\"){\n\t\tif(this._index > this._sectionStart){\n\t\t\tthis._cbs.ontext(this._getSection());\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis._baseState = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ENTITY;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeTagName = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"/\"){\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_CLOSING_TAG_NAME;\n\t} else if(c === \"<\"){\n\t\tthis._cbs.ontext(this._getSection());\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t} else if(c === \">\" || this._special !== SPECIAL_NONE || whitespace(c)) {\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t} else if(c === \"!\"){\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_DECLARATION;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(c === \"?\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._state = (!this._xmlMode && (c === \"s\" || c === \"S\")) ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBEFORE_SPECIAL : IN_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInTagName = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"/\" || c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onopentagname\");\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCloseingTagName = function(c){\n\tif(whitespace(c));\n\telse if(c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t} else if(this._special !== SPECIAL_NONE){\n\t\tif(c === \"s\" || c === \"S\"){\n\t\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_SPECIAL_END;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\t\tthis._index--;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._state = IN_CLOSING_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInCloseingTagName = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onclosetag\");\n\t\tthis._state = AFTER_CLOSING_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterCloseingTagName = function(c){\n\t//skip everything until \">\"\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeAttributeName = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onopentagend();\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(c === \"/\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_SELF_CLOSING_TAG;\n\t} else if(!whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInSelfClosingTag = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onselfclosingtag();\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(!whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInAttributeName = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"=\" || c === \"/\" || c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribname(this._getSection());\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = -1;\n\t\tthis._state = AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterAttributeName = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"=\"){\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE;\n\t} else if(c === \"/\" || c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribend();\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t} else if(!whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribend();\n\t\tthis._state = IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeAttributeValue = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"\\\"\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DQ;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(c === \"'\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SQ;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(!whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NQ;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t\tthis._index--; //reconsume token\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInAttributeValueDoubleQuotes = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"\\\"\"){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onattribdata\");\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribend();\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t} else if(this._decodeEntities && c === \"&\"){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onattribdata\");\n\t\tthis._baseState = this._state;\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ENTITY;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInAttributeValueSingleQuotes = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"'\"){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onattribdata\");\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribend();\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t} else if(this._decodeEntities && c === \"&\"){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onattribdata\");\n\t\tthis._baseState = this._state;\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ENTITY;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInAttributeValueNoQuotes = function(c){\n\tif(whitespace(c) || c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onattribdata\");\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribend();\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t} else if(this._decodeEntities && c === \"&\"){\n\t\tthis._emitToken(\"onattribdata\");\n\t\tthis._baseState = this._state;\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_ENTITY;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeDeclaration = function(c){\n\tthis._state = c === \"[\" ? BEFORE_CDATA_1 :\n\t\t\t\t\tc === \"-\" ? BEFORE_COMMENT :\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIN_DECLARATION;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInDeclaration = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._cbs.ondeclaration(this._getSection());\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInProcessingInstruction = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onprocessinginstruction(this._getSection());\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeComment = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"-\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_COMMENT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._state = IN_DECLARATION;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInComment = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"-\") this._state = AFTER_COMMENT_1;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterComment1 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"-\"){\n\t\tthis._state = AFTER_COMMENT_2;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._state = IN_COMMENT;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterComment2 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\t//remove 2 trailing chars\n\t\tthis._cbs.oncomment(this._buffer.substring(this._sectionStart, this._index - 2));\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(c !== \"-\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_COMMENT;\n\t}\n\t// else: stay in AFTER_COMMENT_2 (`--->`)\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCdata1 = ifElseState(\"C\", BEFORE_CDATA_2, IN_DECLARATION);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCdata2 = ifElseState(\"D\", BEFORE_CDATA_3, IN_DECLARATION);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCdata3 = ifElseState(\"A\", BEFORE_CDATA_4, IN_DECLARATION);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCdata4 = ifElseState(\"T\", BEFORE_CDATA_5, IN_DECLARATION);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCdata5 = ifElseState(\"A\", BEFORE_CDATA_6, IN_DECLARATION);\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeCdata6 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"[\"){\n\t\tthis._state = IN_CDATA;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._state = IN_DECLARATION;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInCdata = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"]\") this._state = AFTER_CDATA_1;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterCdata1 = characterState(\"]\", AFTER_CDATA_2);\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterCdata2 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\"){\n\t\t//remove 2 trailing chars\n\t\tthis._cbs.oncdata(this._buffer.substring(this._sectionStart, this._index - 2));\n\t\tthis._state = TEXT;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t} else if(c !== \"]\") {\n\t\tthis._state = IN_CDATA;\n\t}\n\t//else: stay in AFTER_CDATA_2 (`]]]>`)\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeSpecial = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"c\" || c === \"C\"){\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_SCRIPT_1;\n\t} else if(c === \"t\" || c === \"T\"){\n\t\tthis._state = BEFORE_STYLE_1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._state = IN_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._index--; //consume the token again\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeSpecialEnd = function(c){\n\tif(this._special === SPECIAL_SCRIPT && (c === \"c\" || c === \"C\")){\n\t\tthis._state = AFTER_SCRIPT_1;\n\t} else if(this._special === SPECIAL_STYLE && (c === \"t\" || c === \"T\")){\n\t\tthis._state = AFTER_STYLE_1;\n\t}\n\telse this._state = TEXT;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeScript1 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"R\", BEFORE_SCRIPT_2);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeScript2 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"I\", BEFORE_SCRIPT_3);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeScript3 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"P\", BEFORE_SCRIPT_4);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeScript4 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"T\", BEFORE_SCRIPT_5);\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeScript5 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"/\" || c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._special = SPECIAL_SCRIPT;\n\t}\n\tthis._state = IN_TAG_NAME;\n\tthis._index--; //consume the token again\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterScript1 = ifElseState(\"R\", AFTER_SCRIPT_2, TEXT);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterScript2 = ifElseState(\"I\", AFTER_SCRIPT_3, TEXT);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterScript3 = ifElseState(\"P\", AFTER_SCRIPT_4, TEXT);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterScript4 = ifElseState(\"T\", AFTER_SCRIPT_5, TEXT);\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterScript5 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._special = SPECIAL_NONE;\n\t\tthis._state = IN_CLOSING_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index - 6;\n\t\tthis._index--; //reconsume the token\n\t}\n\telse this._state = TEXT;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeStyle1 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"Y\", BEFORE_STYLE_2);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeStyle2 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"L\", BEFORE_STYLE_3);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeStyle3 = consumeSpecialNameChar(\"E\", BEFORE_STYLE_4);\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeStyle4 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \"/\" || c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._special = SPECIAL_STYLE;\n\t}\n\tthis._state = IN_TAG_NAME;\n\tthis._index--; //consume the token again\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterStyle1 = ifElseState(\"Y\", AFTER_STYLE_2, TEXT);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterStyle2 = ifElseState(\"L\", AFTER_STYLE_3, TEXT);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterStyle3 = ifElseState(\"E\", AFTER_STYLE_4, TEXT);\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateAfterStyle4 = function(c){\n\tif(c === \">\" || whitespace(c)){\n\t\tthis._special = SPECIAL_NONE;\n\t\tthis._state = IN_CLOSING_TAG_NAME;\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index - 5;\n\t\tthis._index--; //reconsume the token\n\t}\n\telse this._state = TEXT;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeEntity = ifElseState(\"#\", BEFORE_NUMERIC_ENTITY, IN_NAMED_ENTITY);\nTokenizer.prototype._stateBeforeNumericEntity = ifElseState(\"X\", IN_HEX_ENTITY, IN_NUMERIC_ENTITY);\n\n//for entities terminated with a semicolon\nTokenizer.prototype._parseNamedEntityStrict = function(){\n\t//offset = 1\n\tif(this._sectionStart + 1 < this._index){\n\t\tvar entity = this._buffer.substring(this._sectionStart + 1, this._index),\n\t\t map = this._xmlMode ? xmlMap : entityMap;\n\n\t\tif(map.hasOwnProperty(entity)){\n\t\t\tthis._emitPartial(map[entity]);\n\t\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index + 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n\n//parses legacy entities (without trailing semicolon)\nTokenizer.prototype._parseLegacyEntity = function(){\n\tvar start = this._sectionStart + 1,\n\t limit = this._index - start;\n\n\tif(limit > 6) limit = 6; //the max length of legacy entities is 6\n\n\twhile(limit >= 2){ //the min length of legacy entities is 2\n\t\tvar entity = this._buffer.substr(start, limit);\n\n\t\tif(legacyMap.hasOwnProperty(entity)){\n\t\t\tthis._emitPartial(legacyMap[entity]);\n\t\t\tthis._sectionStart += limit + 1;\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tlimit--;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInNamedEntity = function(c){\n\tif(c === \";\"){\n\t\tthis._parseNamedEntityStrict();\n\t\tif(this._sectionStart + 1 < this._index && !this._xmlMode){\n\t\t\tthis._parseLegacyEntity();\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t} else if((c < \"a\" || c > \"z\") && (c < \"A\" || c > \"Z\") && (c < \"0\" || c > \"9\")){\n\t\tif(this._xmlMode);\n\t\telse if(this._sectionStart + 1 === this._index);\n\t\telse if(this._baseState !== TEXT){\n\t\t\tif(c !== \"=\"){\n\t\t\t\tthis._parseNamedEntityStrict();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._parseLegacyEntity();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._decodeNumericEntity = function(offset, base){\n\tvar sectionStart = this._sectionStart + offset;\n\n\tif(sectionStart !== this._index){\n\t\t//parse entity\n\t\tvar entity = this._buffer.substring(sectionStart, this._index);\n\t\tvar parsed = parseInt(entity, base);\n\n\t\tthis._emitPartial(decodeCodePoint(parsed));\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = this._index;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._sectionStart--;\n\t}\n\n\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInNumericEntity = function(c){\n\tif(c === \";\"){\n\t\tthis._decodeNumericEntity(2, 10);\n\t\tthis._sectionStart++;\n\t} else if(c < \"0\" || c > \"9\"){\n\t\tif(!this._xmlMode){\n\t\t\tthis._decodeNumericEntity(2, 10);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._stateInHexEntity = function(c){\n\tif(c === \";\"){\n\t\tthis._decodeNumericEntity(3, 16);\n\t\tthis._sectionStart++;\n\t} else if((c < \"a\" || c > \"f\") && (c < \"A\" || c > \"F\") && (c < \"0\" || c > \"9\")){\n\t\tif(!this._xmlMode){\n\t\t\tthis._decodeNumericEntity(3, 16);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis._index--;\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._cleanup = function (){\n\tif(this._sectionStart < 0){\n\t\tthis._buffer = \"\";\n\t\tthis._bufferOffset += this._index;\n\t\tthis._index = 0;\n\t} else if(this._running){\n\t\tif(this._state === TEXT){\n\t\t\tif(this._sectionStart !== this._index){\n\t\t\t\tthis._cbs.ontext(this._buffer.substr(this._sectionStart));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tthis._buffer = \"\";\n\t\t\tthis._bufferOffset += this._index;\n\t\t\tthis._index = 0;\n\t\t} else if(this._sectionStart === this._index){\n\t\t\t//the section just started\n\t\t\tthis._buffer = \"\";\n\t\t\tthis._bufferOffset += this._index;\n\t\t\tthis._index = 0;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//remove everything unnecessary\n\t\t\tthis._buffer = this._buffer.substr(this._sectionStart);\n\t\t\tthis._index -= this._sectionStart;\n\t\t\tthis._bufferOffset += this._sectionStart;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis._sectionStart = 0;\n\t}\n};\n\n//TODO make events conditional\nTokenizer.prototype.write = function(chunk){\n\tif(this._ended) this._cbs.onerror(Error(\".write() after done!\"));\n\n\tthis._buffer += chunk;\n\tthis._parse();\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._parse = function(){\n\twhile(this._index < this._buffer.length && this._running){\n\t\tvar c = this._buffer.charAt(this._index);\n\t\tif(this._state === TEXT) {\n\t\t\tthis._stateText(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_TAG_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeTagName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_TAG_NAME) {\n\t\t\tthis._stateInTagName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_CLOSING_TAG_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCloseingTagName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_CLOSING_TAG_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInCloseingTagName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_CLOSING_TAG_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterCloseingTagName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_SELF_CLOSING_TAG){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInSelfClosingTag(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t*\tattributes\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeAttributeName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInAttributeName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterAttributeName(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeAttributeValue(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DQ){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInAttributeValueDoubleQuotes(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SQ){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInAttributeValueSingleQuotes(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NQ){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInAttributeValueNoQuotes(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t*\tdeclarations\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_DECLARATION){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeDeclaration(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_DECLARATION){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInDeclaration(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t*\tprocessing instructions\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === IN_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInProcessingInstruction(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t*\tcomments\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_COMMENT){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeComment(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_COMMENT){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInComment(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_COMMENT_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterComment1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_COMMENT_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterComment2(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t*\tcdata\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_CDATA_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCdata1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_CDATA_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCdata2(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_CDATA_3){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCdata3(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_CDATA_4){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCdata4(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_CDATA_5){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCdata5(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_CDATA_6){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeCdata6(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_CDATA){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInCdata(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_CDATA_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterCdata1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_CDATA_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterCdata2(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t* special tags\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_SPECIAL){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeSpecial(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_SPECIAL_END){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeSpecialEnd(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t* script\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_SCRIPT_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeScript1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_SCRIPT_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeScript2(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_SCRIPT_3){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeScript3(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_SCRIPT_4){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeScript4(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_SCRIPT_5){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeScript5(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\telse if(this._state === AFTER_SCRIPT_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterScript1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_SCRIPT_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterScript2(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_SCRIPT_3){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterScript3(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_SCRIPT_4){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterScript4(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_SCRIPT_5){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterScript5(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t* style\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_STYLE_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeStyle1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_STYLE_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeStyle2(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_STYLE_3){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeStyle3(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_STYLE_4){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeStyle4(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\telse if(this._state === AFTER_STYLE_1){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterStyle1(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_STYLE_2){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterStyle2(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_STYLE_3){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterStyle3(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === AFTER_STYLE_4){\n\t\t\tthis._stateAfterStyle4(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t* entities\n\t\t*/\n\t\telse if(this._state === BEFORE_ENTITY){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeEntity(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === BEFORE_NUMERIC_ENTITY){\n\t\t\tthis._stateBeforeNumericEntity(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_NAMED_ENTITY){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInNamedEntity(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_NUMERIC_ENTITY){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInNumericEntity(c);\n\t\t} else if(this._state === IN_HEX_ENTITY){\n\t\t\tthis._stateInHexEntity(c);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tthis._cbs.onerror(Error(\"unknown _state\"), this._state);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis._index++;\n\t}\n\n\tthis._cleanup();\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype.pause = function(){\n\tthis._running = false;\n};\nTokenizer.prototype.resume = function(){\n\tthis._running = true;\n\n\tif(this._index < this._buffer.length){\n\t\tthis._parse();\n\t}\n\tif(this._ended){\n\t\tthis._finish();\n\t}\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype.end = function(chunk){\n\tif(this._ended) this._cbs.onerror(Error(\".end() after done!\"));\n\tif(chunk) this.write(chunk);\n\n\tthis._ended = true;\n\n\tif(this._running) this._finish();\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._finish = function(){\n\t//if there is remaining data, emit it in a reasonable way\n\tif(this._sectionStart < this._index){\n\t\tthis._handleTrailingData();\n\t}\n\n\tthis._cbs.onend();\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._handleTrailingData = function(){\n\tvar data = this._buffer.substr(this._sectionStart);\n\n\tif(this._state === IN_CDATA || this._state === AFTER_CDATA_1 || this._state === AFTER_CDATA_2){\n\t\tthis._cbs.oncdata(data);\n\t} else if(this._state === IN_COMMENT || this._state === AFTER_COMMENT_1 || this._state === AFTER_COMMENT_2){\n\t\tthis._cbs.oncomment(data);\n\t} else if(this._state === IN_NAMED_ENTITY && !this._xmlMode){\n\t\tthis._parseLegacyEntity();\n\t\tif(this._sectionStart < this._index){\n\t\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t\t\tthis._handleTrailingData();\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(this._state === IN_NUMERIC_ENTITY && !this._xmlMode){\n\t\tthis._decodeNumericEntity(2, 10);\n\t\tif(this._sectionStart < this._index){\n\t\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t\t\tthis._handleTrailingData();\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(this._state === IN_HEX_ENTITY && !this._xmlMode){\n\t\tthis._decodeNumericEntity(3, 16);\n\t\tif(this._sectionStart < this._index){\n\t\t\tthis._state = this._baseState;\n\t\t\tthis._handleTrailingData();\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(\n\t\tthis._state !== IN_TAG_NAME &&\n\t\tthis._state !== BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME &&\n\t\tthis._state !== BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE &&\n\t\tthis._state !== AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME &&\n\t\tthis._state !== IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME &&\n\t\tthis._state !== IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SQ &&\n\t\tthis._state !== IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DQ &&\n\t\tthis._state !== IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NQ &&\n\t\tthis._state !== IN_CLOSING_TAG_NAME\n\t){\n\t\tthis._cbs.ontext(data);\n\t}\n\t//else, ignore remaining data\n\t//TODO add a way to remove current tag\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype.reset = function(){\n\, {xmlMode: this._xmlMode, decodeEntities: this._decodeEntities}, this._cbs);\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype.getAbsoluteIndex = function(){\n\treturn this._bufferOffset + this._index;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._getSection = function(){\n\treturn this._buffer.substring(this._sectionStart, this._index);\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._emitToken = function(name){\n\tthis._cbs[name](this._getSection());\n\tthis._sectionStart = -1;\n};\n\nTokenizer.prototype._emitPartial = function(value){\n\tif(this._baseState !== TEXT){\n\t\tthis._cbs.onattribdata(value); //TODO implement the new event\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis._cbs.ontext(value);\n\t}\n};\n","var decodeMap = require(\"../maps/decode.json\");\n\nmodule.exports = decodeCodePoint;\n\n// modified version of\nfunction decodeCodePoint(codePoint){\n\n\tif((codePoint >= 0xD800 && codePoint <= 0xDFFF) || codePoint > 0x10FFFF){\n\t\treturn \"\\uFFFD\";\n\t}\n\n\tif(codePoint in decodeMap){\n\t\tcodePoint = decodeMap[codePoint];\n\t}\n\n\tvar output = \"\";\n\n\tif(codePoint > 0xFFFF){\n\t\tcodePoint -= 0x10000;\n\t\toutput += String.fromCharCode(codePoint >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800);\n\t\tcodePoint = 0xDC00 | codePoint & 0x3FF;\n\t}\n\n\toutput += String.fromCharCode(codePoint);\n\treturn output;\n}\n","","","","","if (typeof Object.create === 'function') {\n // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module\n module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {\n ctor.super_ = superCtor\n ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: ctor,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n };\n} else {\n // old school shim for old browsers\n module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {\n ctor.super_ = superCtor\n var TempCtor = function () {}\n TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype\n ctor.prototype = new TempCtor()\n ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor\n }\n}\n","/*!\r\n * EventEmitter2\r\n *\r\n *\r\n * Copyright (c) 2013 hij1nx\r\n * Licensed under the MIT license.\r\n */\r\n;!function(undefined) {\r\n\r\n var isArray = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray : function _isArray(obj) {\r\n return === \"[object Array]\";\r\n };\r\n var defaultMaxListeners = 10;\r\n\r\n function init() {\r\n this._events = {};\r\n if (this._conf) {\r\n, this._conf);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n function configure(conf) {\r\n if (conf) {\r\n\r\n this._conf = conf;\r\n\r\n conf.delimiter && (this.delimiter = conf.delimiter);\r\n conf.maxListeners && (this._events.maxListeners = conf.maxListeners);\r\n conf.wildcard && (this.wildcard = conf.wildcard);\r\n conf.newListener && (this.newListener = conf.newListener);\r\n\r\n if (this.wildcard) {\r\n this.listenerTree = {};\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n function EventEmitter(conf) {\r\n this._events = {};\r\n this.newListener = false;\r\n, conf);\r\n }\r\n EventEmitter.EventEmitter2 = EventEmitter; // backwards compatibility for exporting EventEmitter property\r\n\r\n //\r\n // Attention, function return type now is array, always !\r\n // It has zero elements if no any matches found and one or more\r\n // elements (leafs) if there are matches\r\n //\r\n function searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree, i) {\r\n if (!tree) {\r\n return [];\r\n }\r\n var listeners=[], leaf, len, branch, xTree, xxTree, isolatedBranch, endReached,\r\n typeLength = type.length, currentType = type[i], nextType = type[i+1];\r\n if (i === typeLength && tree._listeners) {\r\n //\r\n // If at the end of the event(s) list and the tree has listeners\r\n // invoke those listeners.\r\n //\r\n if (typeof tree._listeners === 'function') {\r\n handlers && handlers.push(tree._listeners);\r\n return [tree];\r\n } else {\r\n for (leaf = 0, len = tree._listeners.length; leaf < len; leaf++) {\r\n handlers && handlers.push(tree._listeners[leaf]);\r\n }\r\n return [tree];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if ((currentType === '*' || currentType === '**') || tree[currentType]) {\r\n //\r\n // If the event emitted is '*' at this part\r\n // or there is a concrete match at this patch\r\n //\r\n if (currentType === '*') {\r\n for (branch in tree) {\r\n if (branch !== '_listeners' && tree.hasOwnProperty(branch)) {\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i+1));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return listeners;\r\n } else if(currentType === '**') {\r\n endReached = (i+1 === typeLength || (i+2 === typeLength && nextType === '*'));\r\n if(endReached && tree._listeners) {\r\n // The next element has a _listeners, add it to the handlers.\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree, typeLength));\r\n }\r\n\r\n for (branch in tree) {\r\n if (branch !== '_listeners' && tree.hasOwnProperty(branch)) {\r\n if(branch === '*' || branch === '**') {\r\n if(tree[branch]._listeners && !endReached) {\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], typeLength));\r\n }\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i));\r\n } else if(branch === nextType) {\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i+2));\r\n } else {\r\n // No match on this one, shift into the tree but not in the type array.\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return listeners;\r\n }\r\n\r\n listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[currentType], i+1));\r\n }\r\n\r\n xTree = tree['*'];\r\n if (xTree) {\r\n //\r\n // If the listener tree will allow any match for this part,\r\n // then recursively explore all branches of the tree\r\n //\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xTree, i+1);\r\n }\r\n\r\n xxTree = tree['**'];\r\n if(xxTree) {\r\n if(i < typeLength) {\r\n if(xxTree._listeners) {\r\n // If we have a listener on a '**', it will catch all, so add its handler.\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree, typeLength);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Build arrays of matching next branches and others.\r\n for(branch in xxTree) {\r\n if(branch !== '_listeners' && xxTree.hasOwnProperty(branch)) {\r\n if(branch === nextType) {\r\n // We know the next element will match, so jump twice.\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree[branch], i+2);\r\n } else if(branch === currentType) {\r\n // Current node matches, move into the tree.\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree[branch], i+1);\r\n } else {\r\n isolatedBranch = {};\r\n isolatedBranch[branch] = xxTree[branch];\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, { '**': isolatedBranch }, i+1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else if(xxTree._listeners) {\r\n // We have reached the end and still on a '**'\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree, typeLength);\r\n } else if(xxTree['*'] && xxTree['*']._listeners) {\r\n searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree['*'], typeLength);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return listeners;\r\n }\r\n\r\n function growListenerTree(type, listener) {\r\n\r\n type = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice();\r\n\r\n //\r\n // Looks for two consecutive '**', if so, don't add the event at all.\r\n //\r\n for(var i = 0, len = type.length; i+1 < len; i++) {\r\n if(type[i] === '**' && type[i+1] === '**') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n var tree = this.listenerTree;\r\n var name = type.shift();\r\n\r\n while (name) {\r\n\r\n if (!tree[name]) {\r\n tree[name] = {};\r\n }\r\n\r\n tree = tree[name];\r\n\r\n if (type.length === 0) {\r\n\r\n if (!tree._listeners) {\r\n tree._listeners = listener;\r\n }\r\n else if(typeof tree._listeners === 'function') {\r\n tree._listeners = [tree._listeners, listener];\r\n }\r\n else if (isArray(tree._listeners)) {\r\n\r\n tree._listeners.push(listener);\r\n\r\n if (!tree._listeners.warned) {\r\n\r\n var m = defaultMaxListeners;\r\n\r\n if (typeof this._events.maxListeners !== 'undefined') {\r\n m = this._events.maxListeners;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (m > 0 && tree._listeners.length > m) {\r\n\r\n tree._listeners.warned = true;\r\n console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +\r\n 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +\r\n 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',\r\n tree._listeners.length);\r\n if(console.trace){\r\n console.trace();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n name = type.shift();\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than\r\n // 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which\r\n // helps finding memory leaks.\r\n //\r\n // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows\r\n // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.delimiter = '.';\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {\r\n this._events ||;\r\n this._events.maxListeners = n;\r\n if (!this._conf) this._conf = {};\r\n this._conf.maxListeners = n;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.event = '';\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn) {\r\n this.many(event, 1, fn);\r\n return this;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.many = function(event, ttl, fn) {\r\n var self = this;\r\n\r\n if (typeof fn !== 'function') {\r\n throw new Error('many only accepts instances of Function');\r\n }\r\n\r\n function listener() {\r\n if (--ttl === 0) {\r\n, listener);\r\n }\r\n fn.apply(this, arguments);\r\n }\r\n\r\n listener._origin = fn;\r\n\r\n this.on(event, listener);\r\n\r\n return self;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function() {\r\n\r\n this._events ||;\r\n\r\n var type = arguments[0];\r\n\r\n if (type === 'newListener' && !this.newListener) {\r\n if (!this._events.newListener) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n var al = arguments.length;\r\n var args,l,i,j;\r\n var handler;\r\n\r\n if (this._all && this._all.length) {\r\n handler = this._all.slice();\r\n if (al > 3) {\r\n args = new Array(al);\r\n for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j] = arguments[j];\r\n }\r\n\r\n for (i = 0, l = handler.length; i < l; i++) {\r\n this.event = type;\r\n switch (al) {\r\n case 1:\r\n handler[i].call(this, type);\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n handler[i].call(this, type, arguments[1]);\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n handler[i].call(this, type, arguments[1], arguments[2]);\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n handler[i].apply(this, args);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this.wildcard) {\r\n handler = [];\r\n var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice();\r\n, handler, ns, this.listenerTree, 0);\r\n } else {\r\n handler = this._events[type];\r\n if (typeof handler === 'function') {\r\n this.event = type;\r\n switch (al) {\r\n case 1:\r\n;\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n, arguments[1]);\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n, arguments[1], arguments[2]);\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n args = new Array(al - 1);\r\n for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j];\r\n handler.apply(this, args);\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n } else if (handler) {\r\n // need to make copy of handlers because list can change in the middle\r\n // of emit call\r\n handler = handler.slice();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (handler && handler.length) {\r\n if (al > 3) {\r\n args = new Array(al - 1);\r\n for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j];\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0, l = handler.length; i < l; i++) {\r\n this.event = type;\r\n switch (al) {\r\n case 1:\r\n handler[i].call(this);\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n handler[i].call(this, arguments[1]);\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n handler[i].call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n handler[i].apply(this, args);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n } else if (!this._all && type === 'error') {\r\n if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) {\r\n throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event\r\n } else {\r\n throw new Error(\"Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event.\");\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return !!this._all;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.emitAsync = function() {\r\n\r\n this._events ||;\r\n\r\n var type = arguments[0];\r\n\r\n if (type === 'newListener' && !this.newListener) {\r\n if (!this._events.newListener) { return Promise.resolve([false]); }\r\n }\r\n\r\n var promises= [];\r\n\r\n var al = arguments.length;\r\n var args,l,i,j;\r\n var handler;\r\n\r\n if (this._all) {\r\n if (al > 3) {\r\n args = new Array(al);\r\n for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j] = arguments[j];\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0, l = this._all.length; i < l; i++) {\r\n this.event = type;\r\n switch (al) {\r\n case 1:\r\n promises.push(this._all[i].call(this, type));\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n promises.push(this._all[i].call(this, type, arguments[1]));\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n promises.push(this._all[i].call(this, type, arguments[1], arguments[2]));\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n promises.push(this._all[i].apply(this, args));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this.wildcard) {\r\n handler = [];\r\n var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice();\r\n, handler, ns, this.listenerTree, 0);\r\n } else {\r\n handler = this._events[type];\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (typeof handler === 'function') {\r\n this.event = type;\r\n switch (al) {\r\n case 1:\r\n promises.push(;\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n promises.push(, arguments[1]));\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n promises.push(, arguments[1], arguments[2]));\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n args = new Array(al - 1);\r\n for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j];\r\n promises.push(handler.apply(this, args));\r\n }\r\n } else if (handler && handler.length) {\r\n if (al > 3) {\r\n args = new Array(al - 1);\r\n for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j];\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0, l = handler.length; i < l; i++) {\r\n this.event = type;\r\n switch (al) {\r\n case 1:\r\n promises.push(handler[i].call(this));\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n promises.push(handler[i].call(this, arguments[1]));\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n promises.push(handler[i].call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]));\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n promises.push(handler[i].apply(this, args));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else if (!this._all && type === 'error') {\r\n if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) {\r\n return Promise.reject(arguments[1]); // Unhandled 'error' event\r\n } else {\r\n return Promise.reject(\"Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event.\");\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(type, listener) {\r\n\r\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\r\n this.onAny(type);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (typeof listener !== 'function') {\r\n throw new Error('on only accepts instances of Function');\r\n }\r\n this._events ||;\r\n\r\n // To avoid recursion in the case that type == \"newListeners\"! Before\r\n // adding it to the listeners, first emit \"newListeners\".\r\n this.emit('newListener', type, listener);\r\n\r\n if(this.wildcard) {\r\n, type, listener);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!this._events[type]) {\r\n // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.\r\n this._events[type] = listener;\r\n }\r\n else if(typeof this._events[type] === 'function') {\r\n // Adding the second element, need to change to array.\r\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener];\r\n }\r\n else if (isArray(this._events[type])) {\r\n // If we've already got an array, just append.\r\n this._events[type].push(listener);\r\n\r\n // Check for listener leak\r\n if (!this._events[type].warned) {\r\n\r\n var m = defaultMaxListeners;\r\n\r\n if (typeof this._events.maxListeners !== 'undefined') {\r\n m = this._events.maxListeners;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) {\r\n\r\n this._events[type].warned = true;\r\n console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +\r\n 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +\r\n 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',\r\n this._events[type].length);\r\n if(console.trace){\r\n console.trace();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return this;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.onAny = function(fn) {\r\n\r\n if (typeof fn !== 'function') {\r\n throw new Error('onAny only accepts instances of Function');\r\n }\r\n\r\n if(!this._all) {\r\n this._all = [];\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Add the function to the event listener collection.\r\n this._all.push(fn);\r\n return this;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;\r\n\r\n = function(type, listener) {\r\n if (typeof listener !== 'function') {\r\n throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function');\r\n }\r\n\r\n var handlers,leafs=[];\r\n\r\n if(this.wildcard) {\r\n var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice();\r\n leafs =, null, ns, this.listenerTree, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\r\n if (!this._events[type]) return this;\r\n handlers = this._events[type];\r\n leafs.push({_listeners:handlers});\r\n }\r\n\r\n for (var iLeaf=0; iLeaf 0) {\r\n recursivelyGarbageCollect(root[key]);\r\n }\r\n if (Object.keys(obj).length === 0) {\r\n delete root[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n recursivelyGarbageCollect(this.listenerTree);\r\n\r\n return this;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.offAny = function(fn) {\r\n var i = 0, l = 0, fns;\r\n if (fn && this._all && this._all.length > 0) {\r\n fns = this._all;\r\n for(i = 0, l = fns.length; i < l; i++) {\r\n if(fn === fns[i]) {\r\n fns.splice(i, 1);\r\n this.emit(\"removeListenerAny\", fn);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n fns = this._all;\r\n for(i = 0, l = fns.length; i < l; i++)\r\n this.emit(\"removeListenerAny\", fns[i]);\r\n this._all = [];\r\n }\r\n return this;\r\n };\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener =;\r\n\r\n EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {\r\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\r\n !this._events ||;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if(this.wildcard) {\r\n var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice();\r\n var leafs =, null, ns, this.listenerTree, 0);\r\n\r\n for (var iLeaf=0; iLeaf\n\tComment: \"comment\", //\n\tScript: \"script\", //