This is a rails project to build a stand-alone server which implements the Swagger spec. You can find out more about both the spec and the framework at There is an online version of this server at
This project is using a fork of grape-swagger, generously written by Tim Vandecasteele. Once the changes to make it swagger-1.2 compatible are merged, the project will be updated to use that. Also many thanks to Kyle Ginavan and Craig Cottingham for putting this sample together, and updating the grape-swagger gem.
To run the server, run this task:
bundle update
rake db:migrate
rails s
Note if you have trouble with bundle update
, please make sure you have postgres installed--rails is expecting it, even though it's not using the database at all.
This will start rails on port 3000.
Once started, you can navigate to http://localhost:3000/api/api-docs to view the Swagger Resource Listing. This tells you that the server is up and ready to demonstrate Swagger.
There is an HTML5-based API tool available in a separate project. This lets you inspect the API using an intuitive UI. You can pull this code from here:
You can then open the dist/index.html file in any HTML5-enabled browser. Upen opening, enter the URL of your server in the top-centered input box. Click the "Explore" button and you should see the resources available on the server.