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DanRunfola edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 1 revision

MOZ ADM2 There is a disconnect between some other public sources (Wikipedia) and the most recent data from UN OCHA when it comes to MOZ ADM2. UN OCHA states there are 150 districts; wikipedia states 129. While we will follow up on this with more detail in the future, we are currently accepting the UN OCHA data, as it has been vetted through UGA's ITOS and UN OCHA.

gbAuthoritative geoBoundaries only covers land boundaries, but we are unable to edit the geometries of authoritative boundaries. The authoritative boundaries for Mozambique contain a polygon for a lake, Lago Niassa, in ADM1 and ADM2. In the ISO_Code field of the attribute table for ADM1, this polygon is labeled “Not Applicable” since it is not a land boundary and there is no ISO code.

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