diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/content-tiles/travel-updates/travel-updates.njk b/src/wmnds/components/content-tiles/travel-updates/travel-updates.njk
index d631dd4dd..bd8680689 100644
--- a/src/wmnds/components/content-tiles/travel-updates/travel-updates.njk
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/content-tiles/travel-updates/travel-updates.njk
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@
{% from "wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk" import wmndsMsgHelp %}
- wmndsMsgHelp({
- message: 'Save bus routes to your homepage by pressing the star icon'
- })
- }}
+ wmndsMsgHelp({
+ contentText: 'Save bus routes to your homepage by pressing the star icon'
+ })
+ }}
{% endmacro %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_example.njk b/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_example.njk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b9be7685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_example.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{% raw %}
+{% from "wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk" import wmndsMsgHelp %}
+ wmndsMsgHelp({
+ contentText: "Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum text.",
+ contentHTML: null,
+ dismissable: false
+ })
+{% endraw %}
diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk b/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk
index 3f5976811..7e0ec8ddf 100644
--- a/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
{% macro wmndsMsgHelp(params) %}
{% from "wmnds/components/icon/_icon.njk" import wmndsIcon %}
-{# Set vars and defaults #}
+{# Set content #}
+{% set _content = params.contentHTML | safe if params.contentHTML else params.contentText %}
+{% set dismissable = params.dismissable if params.dismissable === false else true %}
{% endmacro %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_properties.njk.json b/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_properties.njk.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..031bd9ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/message/help/_properties.njk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "wmndsMsgHelpProps": [
+ {
+ "name": "contentText",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Required. The text that displays in the help message component. You can use any string with this option. If you set contentHTML, this option is not required and is ignored."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "contentHTML",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Required. The HTML to use within the help message component. You can use any string with this option. If you set contentHTML, contentText is not required and is ignored."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "dismissable",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "description": "If dismissable is set to true, the component will display a close icon. Defaults to true"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_example.njk b/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_example.njk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3caa567d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_example.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{% raw %}
+{% from "wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk" import wmndsMsgSummary %}
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: "info",
+ title: "Information about XXXXXXXXX was successfully updated!",
+ subtitle: null,
+ contentText: "Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum text.",
+ contentHTML: null,
+ dismissable: false,
+ classes: null
+ })
+{% endraw %}
diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_properties.njk.json b/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_properties.njk.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a11e7fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_properties.njk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "wmndsMsgSummaryProps": [
+ {
+ "name": "type",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Type of the message component. As default it is info. Available types: info, success, success-fill-no-icon, warning, error"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "title",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The title text for the message displayed as h3."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "subtitle",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The subtitle text for the message."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "contentText",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Required. The text that displays in the message component. You can use any string with this option. If you set contentHTML, this option is not required and is ignored."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "contentHTML",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Required. The HTML to use within the message component. You can use any string with this option. If you set contentHTML, contentText is not required and is ignored."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "dismissable",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "description": "If dismissable is set to true, the component will display a close icon."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "classes",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Classes to add to the summary container."
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk b/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk
index bc56af365..5dc49fe82 100644
--- a/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk
+++ b/src/wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
{% endif %}
{# Set classes #}
{% set classes = " " + params.classes if params.classes %}
+{# Set content #}
+{% set _content = params.contentHTML | safe if params.contentHTML else params.contentText %}
{% from "wmnds/components/icon/_icon.njk" import wmndsIcon %}
{% endcall %}
diff --git a/src/wmnds/patterns/question/confirmation-message/_confirmation-message.njk b/src/wmnds/patterns/question/confirmation-message/_confirmation-message.njk
index 9741c8340..325f53411 100644
--- a/src/wmnds/patterns/question/confirmation-message/_confirmation-message.njk
+++ b/src/wmnds/patterns/question/confirmation-message/_confirmation-message.njk
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
{% from "wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk" import wmndsMsgSummary %}
type: 'success-fill-no-icon',
title: 'Request complete',
subtitle: 'You can now start using your Swift card',
- message: 'Your reference number is 12345',
+ contentHTML: 'Your reference number is 12345',
classes: 'wmnds-text-align-center'
- }) | trim
+ })
{% endmacro %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/www/pages/components/message/index.njk b/src/www/pages/components/message/index.njk
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cc10cfa7..000000000
--- a/src/www/pages/components/message/index.njk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "www/_layouts/layout-left-pane.njk" %}
-{% set pageTitle="Message" %}
-{% from "wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk" import wmndsMsgSummary %}
-{% from "wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk" import wmndsMsgHelp %}
-{% from "www/_partials/component-example/component-example.njk" import compExample %}
-{% block content %}
-{# About #}
What does it do?
- Gives user feedback during the interaction with a website (informs about error, warning, success). Messages are
- colour coded and use symbols to reinforce the message. The structure of the message: what happened? what does it
- mean? what can user do about it?)
When to use it?
- When user needs explicit indication that something has gone wrong (user error or website/app error)
- When user is about to do something that is destructive or when the result of an action is unexpected but it is not
- an error (Warning Message)
- When user needs confirmation of success (Success message)
- When user needs key information about upcoming change (Information message).
- Real time inline validation to inform users about the correctness of provided data.
-{# Info message #}
- compExample([
- wmndsMsgSummary({
- type: 'info',
- title: 'Information about XXXXXXXXX was successfully updated!',
- message: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum text.'
- })
- ])
-{# End info message #}
- compExample([
- wmndsMsgSummary({
- type: 'warning',
- title: 'Warning message',
- message: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
- })
- ])
-{# End Warning message #}
-{# Error message #}
- compExample([
- wmndsMsgSummary({
- type: 'error',
- title: 'Error message',
- message: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
- })
- ])
-{# End error message #}
-{# Close message variant #}
Close message variant
What does it do?
Allows the user to dismiss an Information, Success, Warning or Error message.
When to use it?
- When the information in the message is a response to a users action, or if the information is of low importance and
- only applies to a small set of users.
- compExample([
- wmndsMsgSummary({
- type: 'info',
- title: 'Information about XXXXXXXXX was successfully updated!',
- dismissable: true,
- message: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
- })
- ])
-{# End close message variant #}
-{# Help message #}
When to use it?
- The help message should be used when a user requires guidance on how to complete a digital task successfully.
- The user will be able to close the help message once they understand how to complete the task.
-{{ compExample([ wmndsMsgHelp({ message: 'Details added what happened and what to do next.
-Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.' }) ]) }} {# End Help message #} {% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/www/pages/components/message/index.njk.md b/src/www/pages/components/message/index.njk.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e58d739b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/www/pages/components/message/index.njk.md
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+{% extends "www/_layouts/layout-left-pane.njk" %}
+{% set pageTitle="Message" %}
+{% from "wmnds/components/message/summary/_summary.njk" import wmndsMsgSummary %}
+{% from "wmnds/components/message/help/_help.njk" import wmndsMsgHelp %}
+{% from "www/_partials/component-example/component-example.njk" import compExample %}
+{% block content %}
+{% markdown %}
+{# About #}
+## About
+### What does it do?
+- Gives user feedback during the interaction with a website (informs about error, warning, success). Messages are colour coded and use symbols to reinforce the message. The structure of the message: what happened? what does it mean? what can user do about it?)
When to use it?
+- When user needs explicit indication that something has gone wrong (user error or website/app error)
+- When user is about to do something that is destructive or when the result of an action is unexpected but it is not an error (Warning Message)
+- When user needs confirmation of success (Success message)
+- When user needs key information about upcoming change (Information message).
+- Real time inline validation to inform users about the correctness of provided data.
+{# Info message #}
+## Information
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ compExample([
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: 'info',
+ title: 'Information about XXXXXXXXX was successfully updated!',
+ contentText: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum text.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/summary/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgSummaryProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End info message #}
+{% markdown %}
+{# Success message #}
+## Success
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ compExample([
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: 'success',
+ title: 'Success confirmation',
+ contentText: 'Details added if needed to confirm action.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/summary/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgSummaryProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End success message #}
+{% markdown %}
+{# Success message #}
+## Success (fill)
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ compExample([
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: 'success-fill',
+ title: 'Success confirmation',
+ contentText: 'Details added if needed to confirm action.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/summary/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgSummaryProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End success message #}
+{% markdown %}
+{# Warning message #}
+## Warning
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ compExample([
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: 'warning',
+ title: 'Warning message',
+ contentText: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/summary/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgSummaryProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End Warning message #}
+{% markdown %}
+{# Error message #}
+## Error
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ compExample([
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: 'error',
+ title: 'Error message',
+ contentText: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/summary/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgSummaryProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End error message #}
+{% markdown %}
+{# Close message variant #}
+## Close message variant
What does it do?
+- Allows the user to dismiss an Information, Success, Warning or Error message.
When to use it?
+- When the information in the message is a response to a users action, or if the information is of low importance and only applies to a small set of users.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ compExample([
+ wmndsMsgSummary({
+ type: 'info',
+ title: 'Information about XXXXXXXXX was successfully updated!',
+ dismissable: true,
+ contentText: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/summary/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgSummaryProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End close message variant #}
+{% markdown %}
+{# Help message #}
+## Help
When to use it?
+- The help message should be used when a user requires guidance on how to complete a digital task successfully.
+- The user will be able to close the help message once they understand how to complete the task.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+{{ compExample
+ ([
+ wmndsMsgHelp({
+ contentHTML: 'Details added what happened and what to do next. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'
+ })
+ ],
+ {
+ componentPath: "wmnds/components/message/help/",
+ njk: true,
+ njkProps: wmndsMsgHelpProps,
+ js: false,
+ iframe: false
+ })
+{# End Help message #}
+{% endblock %}