This project is based on the KylinPhytium-2000/4 platform and used to detect lanes in videos or cameras. The project includes the following parts:
--image preprocessing based on algorithm from [LIME: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Illumination Map Estimatio] (;
--lane detection based on network models UNet and Transformer;
--GUI developed with QT.
Several achievements we have made:
--Reconstruct the LIME preprocessing algorithm with C++;
--Use NEON instructions and OpenMP API to speed up the LIME algorithm;
--Rewrite the Fouriour transform algorithm instead of cv::dft and cv::idft to improve the performance of the LIME algorithm;
--Use Depthwise Separable Convolution and Quantization on UNet to reduce the model size and speed up the inference;
--Deploy UNet on the NCNN framework and transformer on the onnx framework to speed up the inference;
--Develop a realtime monitor module in GUI to display the hardware performance including CPU and memory usage.
- KylinPhytium-2000/4
- OpenCV 4.7.0
- onnxruntime
- Qt 5.12.8
1.LIME preprocessing
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
2.Network inference
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
./unet_ncnn ../images/0.jpg
for UNet./LSTR
for Transformer
3.GUI Need QT creator based on Qt 5.12.8
For the LIME preprocessing, the performance is shown as follows:
Before LIME preprocessing:
After LIME preprocessing:
For the network inference, the performance is shown as follows:
The GUI is shown as follows:
The demo is shown in the video: