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619 lines (346 loc) · 21.9 KB

File metadata and controls

619 lines (346 loc) · 21.9 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. AppwiseCore adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Core: deprecate our Cancelled error type in favour of Swift's built-in CancellationError type.
  • CoreData: due to incorrectness, we're deprecating responseInsert (this is not responseInsert, see below).
  • This version drops support for iOS 11 or lower.


  • Behaviours: add keyboard avoiding behaviour (using the system provided layout guide).
  • CoreData: make SingleObjectRepository compatible with OptionalIdentifiable.
  • CoreData: lower the requirement of repositories to NSFetchRequestResult where possible.
  • CoreData: repository refresh now asserts by default, to better warn about missing implementations.
  • Core: add requestVoid method to network client.
  • Core: default error parser now ignores .explicitlyCancelled (for cancelled requests).
  • Core: result "cancellation" now uses Swift's built-in CancellationError type if available.
  • Core: add privacy manifest file
  • XcodeGen: added a template for shared frameworks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: ensure translations export can handle "empty" targets.
  • Scripts: fix Xcode warnings for build steps without input/output files.
  • Bump dependencies (Sentry to 8).
  • CoreData: ensure requestInsert imports objects on the context's thread.
  • Sourcery: fix code generation for Self.ID properties.
  • SwiftLint: fix warnings from using deprecated rules (because we use all).


  • Bump copyright.

Bug Fixes

  • Core: ensure we use localised info.plist values where possible.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: sentry_auto_set_commits better handles issues with Sentry API.


  • Bump internal dependencies.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a compilation issue with Xcode 13.


  • Updated to Alamofire 5.0, causing some breaking changes for Network clients and related types.
  • Switched to Swift's built-in Result type, which requires an Error generic parameter.
  • It is recommended to use the migration script when possible, it will convert most common breaking changes.

Bug Fixes

  • Result.isCancelled would return false after mapping to another result type.
  • XcodeGen: ensure the "iOS Extension" template can locate it's dependencies.
  • Bump SentrySDK version from 6 to 7. Make sure you configure a trace sample rate! This should NOT be a breaking change, but if needed, check their migration docs.


  • Lint & format code, and add commit hooks to trigger these.
  • Bump SentrySDK version from 5 to 6. This should NOT be a breaking change, but if needed, check their migration docs.


  • CoreData: repository refresh handlers now result in a "cancelled" error by default (until you override them).

Bug Fixes

  • CoreData: operation & save callbacks are now on the main queue by default (you can provide your own queue).
  • Scripts: restore "strip architectures" build step, seems it is still needed when using certain (fat) libraries.


  • Removed support for CocoaPods Rome. Switch to Alexandria with the migration script: bash <(curl -Ls "").


  • XcodeGen: add support for xcframeworks, so you don't have to add them manually anymore.
  • XcodeGen: add small "iOS Extension" template.

Bug Fixes

  • Sourcery: fix warnings about unknown types (from libraries/SDKs).

Bug Fixes

  • Deeplinker: don't break nav. controllers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: fix importing of english changes (Xcode issue).


  • Core: Router now supports an anyParams property which you can use with JSONEncoding to send (for example) an Array instead of a Dictionary.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: import localization files sorted by name.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: fix some special cases in export_localizations (units with no translations, etc...).
  • Fastlane: do not try to merge localization xliff that does not exist (in export_translations).


  • Fastlane: add sync_localizations action that imports and then exports strings in one go.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: The import_localizations action avoids needlessly changing the xliffs.
  • Fastlane: The export_localizations action now preserves weblate status flags.
  • Rome: fix xcodegen issue where it generated invalid projects (for fastlane & CI).


  • Fastlane: The export/import translations actions now ensure the source language is en_devel, to better integrate with Weblate.
  • Core Data: Add some helper methods to object list repositories, such as getting all objects, the count of objects, or if there are any results.
  • UI: Add some common classes such as IntrinsicImageView (maintains ratio) and HairLineView (thinnest line depending on device).
  • UI: correctly embed child controllers with insets using EmbedWithInsetsSegue and EmbedInsetsBehaviour (supports top & bottom insets).

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: improve sentry_auto_set_commits handling of some Git URL variations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fastlane: fixed Sentry set-commits step for repositories with no tags.
  • Rome: revert skip project generation step on CI, it doesn't belong here.


  • Rome: Skip project generation step on CI, as it has no purpose. We assume that your project is committed along with other related files.


  • AppwiseCore now depends on Sentry 5.0, update your client initialisation code accordingly.
  • The built-in build steps depend on filelists that you should provide. Check the example project for a generic set of input/output file lists.

Bug Fixes

  • UI: fix some cases where resizable UITableView headers/footers weren't sizing correctly.
  • AppDelegate: replace TTY logger by OS logger (as we only support iOS 10+).


  • Sourcery: Disable SwiftLint for generated files

New Features

  • Script: Renamed the podfile script (generate_project.rb) to cocoapods_rome.rb & add some common steps:
    • Use the interface_builder_integration function in pre_compile to fix interface builder integration with pre-compiled frameworks (missing public headers).
    • Use the force_bitcode function in pre_compile to ensure frameworks are pre-compiled with Bitcode.

New Features

  • Fastlane: add actions for translations steps: export_localizations and import_localizations.
  • Fastlane: add action for automatically linking commits to a sentry release: sentry_auto_set_commits.

New Features

  • Script: Add more scripts for the common build steps, and improve them to check for tool availability & whether it is running on CI or during an archive.
  • Script: Added script & template for project generation using XcodeGen.
    • Use the generate_project function from generate_project.rb to trigger generate the necessary files and your project, based on your Podfile.
    • Include the target-templates.yml file, and use the iOS App target template to add most commonly used build steps.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: var declarations must be dynamic as well as @NSManaged.

New Features

  • Core: improved the network error parser, it now supports sub-errors.

Bug Fixes

  • CoreData: fixed a bug for data models when used inside frameworks.

New Features

  • AutoViewModel template now supports adding extra imports using the extraImports variable.

Bug Fixes

  • AutoViewModel won't generate getters for private properties.

New Features

  • The default Client error parser tries to ignore HTML errors.

Bug Fixes

  • Core: rename ViewModel.Model to ViewModel.ModelType to avoid conflicts with Model namespace. This shouldn't impact anyone unless you were directly referencing the associated type.
  • Core: fallback to CFBundleName if CFBundleDisplayName is empty.


  • Dropped support for iOS 9.0.
  • Removed SugarRecord as a dependency.
  • DB: rewritten to use NSPersistentContainer.
  • Core: renamed ViewModel to ViewModelType (so we can have a ViewModel namespace).
  • Upgraded to Swift 5.0.

New Features

  • Core: add Identifiable protocol for easy Identifier phantom types.
  • Core: add PushNotificationType protocol for parsing incoming pushes.
  • Deeplink: add shortcut method for opening a list of path elements.
  • UIApplication: make spec compatible with app extensions.
  • New SwiftGen templates for CoreData code generation: CoreData.stencil (similar to built-in template) and CoreData (KeyPaths).stencil (for #keyPath use).

Bug Fixes

  • Deeplink: fix issue with VCs with child deeplink matchables (for example a segmented tabcontroller).

Bug Fixes

  • Behaviours: ensure the hidden behaviour VC doesn't conflict with auto-insetting/large title hiding (scrollviews).
  • AutoVM: avoid infinite recursion for unknown super types.

Bug Fixes

  • AutoVM: fix bug where properties of super-types weren't generated.


  • DB: is now a throwing function, along with some of the <- operators.

New Features

  • New AutoModel sourcery template to generate Model-namespaced typealiases for your model types. The AutoViewModel template has been updated to handle this change.
  • DB: Improved the propagation of errors from inside Accordingly, some of the <- operators are now throwing as well, just use try and map(_:) will catch it.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: fix another deadlock that could happen during some saves.
  • AutoViewModel: fixed sourcery crash by checking for empty types.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: fix a deadlock that could happen during some saves.

New Features

  • DB: add a merge policy property, and set it to mergeByPropertyStoreTrump by default.

Bug Fixes

  • AutoViewModel: fix bug that broke auto vm property generation.

Bug Fixes

  • Core: fix crash on startup do to Version not being archivable.


  • Core: the Version provided by Config.handleUpdate(from:, to:) and Config.appVersion is now an actual structured type, instead of a plain string.

New Features

  • DeepLink: you can now see if there's a scheduled route, and cancel it if needed.

Bug Fixes

  • DeepLink: fixed a bug where the internal state was wrong when switching tabs with navigation controllers (where you weren't in the first view controller).


  • Update to SwiftLint 0.28.

New Features

  • Core: split off the application delegate and services into a separate subspec UIApplication, so that the Core subspec can be used in application extensions.
  • Behaviours: added a new RefreshOnAppearBehaviour, that by default will only trigger a refresh if the appear is not from a pop navigation.

Bug Fixes

  • DeepLink: fix a crash when opening a link if the stack was empty (i.e. on app startup).

Bug Fixes

  • DB: make Wrapper inherit ManyInsertable. This means [Wrapper]s will be Insertable, which matches AlamofireCoreData behaviour.

New Features

  • DB: Map (used by Wrapper) context property is now public, so you can access the context during an import.
  • DB: Added a NSManagedObjectContext.removeAll(of:) method that uses a batch delete request. Note: this delete won't automatically trigger an update of your context.

Bug Fixes

  • AutoViewModel: better support for nested (and other) types.

New Features

  • Network: better parsing of structured errors, and store the underlying error should you need it.

New Features

  • Core: Add a new network shortcut for loading a Decodable object from JSON.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: fix insert requests with custom serializers and/or non-default databases, using the shortcut requestInsert method.


  • DB: Removed the Many wrapper structure (for Array), as Swift no longer needs this (since 4.1). You can simply use [MyStuff].self instead of Many<MyStuff>.self during insert calls.

New Features

  • Core: translate the user visible errors (such as unauthorized).
  • Core: added more network shortcut methods such as requestJSON and requestString.

New Features

  • Core: Add a method to extract an nice error from a server's response.
  • DB: Add a shortcut method for building a request, performing an insert and saving the result in one go. (see Client.requestInsert(...))


  • DB: The Importable and ManyImportable protocols are back due to limitations in Swift.


  • DB: AlamofireCoreData has been replaced by a built-in solution. This means that:
    • The Importable and ManyImportable protocols have been merged into the Insertable and ManyInsertable protocols respectively. This change was undone in 0.9.1 due to limitations in Swift.
    • There's no longer a responseInsert call where you can provide your own NSManagedObjectContext.
  • Network: remove the old responseInsert functions where the completion block accepted a NSManagedObjectContext parameter. This has been replaced by the didImport functions on Insertable types. (see version 0.8.7)

New Features

  • Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10 support.

Bug Fixes

  • AutoViewModel: add support for nested types.
  • Core: fix build number plist key.

New Features

  • Core: you can now unregister observers from typed notifications.

New Features

  • Core: you can now provide a timestamp when "touching" a route.

Bug Fixes

  • Script: Only set the version number of DSYM bundles if they exist.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: Fix a bug where the Importable context object was missing.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: Fix a bug in the keyPath conversion code in first.

New Features

  • Core Data: some tweaks to the Importable protocol (more default implementations)

New Features

  • Core Data: added new protocol Importable for easier post-processing of imported entities.


  • Greatly improved the performance of findOldItems(filter:) for large data sets.

New Features

  • Updated the documentation and sample project to match library changes. The sample project is now a fully featured skeleton project.
  • The network Router type now supports multipart information.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: don't block on main thread during merge from save.

New Features

  • Added TintedImageView view for fixing broken tintColor (for template images) in UIImageView in XCode 9.

Bug Fixes

  • Version script: Only update the build number for app extensions in archive builds, this fixes an installation bug (during running) due to code signing.

Bug Fixes

  • Core Data: Reverted the callback queue for insert operations.


  • Update build number script to make the date counter relative to the last commit date.
  • Make the library compatible with app extensions.

Bug Fixes

  • Core Data: Fix some issues leading to crashes & deadlocks due to accessing MOCs on the wrong queue.


  • Undo the switch to static_framework for CocoaPods for now.


  • ViewModel protocol has changed a bit. Essentially, the data property is no longer an implicitly unwrapped optional, and the constructor has changed to accept a data argument.

New Features

  • Documented all types and methods.
  • Add a sourcery template to automatically generate ViewModel init and properties implementations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the vm(...) shorthand method not working correctly for non-optional instances.
  • Fix accessibility of some typednotification methods.

New Features

  • Added build number updater script (Scripts/

New Features

  • Added a typed notifications, with optional typed payloads.


  • Use the recommended way for nav/tabbarcontroller to ask their children for the preferred status bar style/hidden.
  • Switched to static_framework for CocoaPods.

Bug Fixes

  • Core: Fix crash in CocoaLumberjack Crashlytics logger.

New Features

  • Added application services to the app delegate.
  • Added ViewModel protocol with helpers.


  • AppDelegate: all UIAppDelegate implementations are now public instead of open. To add an override please use application services.
  • Config: renamed teardown() to teardownForReset().

New Features

  • DB: added (sync) operation variations that does not return anything.
  • Added view controller lifecycle behaviours for:
    • Navigation bar visibility.
    • Application foreground/background listeners.
    • Keyboard dismissal on disappear.
    • Resizable UITableView headers/footers.
  • Framework for deep linking and destroying/building up a stack of view controllers.
  • Helper for requiring a value from optionals.


  • Replace our own IBInspectable properties with IBAnimatble dependency.

New Features

  • DB: Add initializer for custom persistent stores.
  • Swift 4 support.

Bug Fixes

  • DB: Convert the result of operations to the main thread.


  • Remove dependency on AsyncSwift.


  • DB: Renamed save property to newSave() function.