diff --git a/scripts/update_api.py b/scripts/update_api.py
index f1a06a63da7..909f324f014 100755
--- a/scripts/update_api.py
+++ b/scripts/update_api.py
@@ -1208,9 +1208,9 @@ def mk_ml(ml_dir):
- ml_native.write('module ML2C = struct\n\n')
+ ml_native.write('\n')
for name, result, params in _dotnet_decls:
- ml_native.write(' external n_%s : ' % ml_method_name(name))
+ ml_native.write('external %s : ' % ml_method_name(name))
ip = inparams(params)
op = outparams(params)
if len(ip) == 0:
@@ -1231,55 +1231,20 @@ def mk_ml(ml_dir):
ml_native.write('%s' % param2ml(p))
if len(op) > 0:
- ml_native.write('\n')
if len(ip) > 5:
- ml_native.write(' = "n_%s_bytecode"\n' % ml_method_name(name))
- ml_native.write(' "n_%s"\n' % ml_method_name(name))
+ ml_native.write(' = "n_%s_bytecode" "n_%s"\n' % (ml_method_name(name), ml_method_name(name)))
- ml_native.write(' = "n_%s"\n' % ml_method_name(name))
- ml_native.write('\n')
- ml_native.write(' end\n\n')
- # Exception wrappers
- for name, result, params in _dotnet_decls:
- ip = inparams(params)
- op = outparams(params)
- ml_native.write(' let %s ' % ml_method_name(name))
- first = True
- i = 0
- for p in params:
- if is_in_param(p):
- if first:
- first = False
- else:
- ml_native.write(' ')
- ml_native.write('a%d' % i)
- i = i + 1
- if len(ip) == 0:
- ml_native.write('()')
- ml_native.write(' = ')
- ml_native.write('ML2C.n_%s' % (ml_method_name(name)))
- if len(ip) == 0:
- ml_native.write(' ()')
- first = True
- i = 0
- for p in params:
- if is_in_param(p):
- ml_native.write(' a%d' % i)
- i = i + 1
+ ml_native.write(' = "n_%s"\n' % ml_method_name(name))
- ml_native.write('\n')
# null pointer helpers
for type_id in Type2Str:
type_name = Type2Str[type_id]
if ml_has_plus_type(type_name) and not type_name in ['Z3_context', 'Z3_sort', 'Z3_func_decl', 'Z3_app', 'Z3_pattern']:
ml_name = type2ml(type_id)
- ml_native.write(' external context_of_%s : %s -> context = "n_context_of_%s"\n' % (ml_name, ml_name, ml_name))
- ml_native.write(' external is_null_%s : %s -> bool = "n_is_null_%s"\n' % (ml_name, ml_name, ml_name))
- ml_native.write(' external mk_null_%s : context -> %s = "n_mk_null_%s"\n\n' % (ml_name, ml_name, ml_name))
+ ml_native.write('external context_of_%s : %s -> context = "n_context_of_%s"\n' % (ml_name, ml_name, ml_name))
+ ml_native.write('external is_null_%s : %s -> bool = "n_is_null_%s"\n' % (ml_name, ml_name, ml_name))
+ ml_native.write('external mk_null_%s : context -> %s = "n_mk_null_%s"\n\n' % (ml_name, ml_name, ml_name))
diff --git a/src/api/ml/z3.ml b/src/api/ml/z3.ml
index e6e8325727d..3a797e5d8d9 100644
--- a/src/api/ml/z3.ml
+++ b/src/api/ml/z3.ml
@@ -14,74 +14,65 @@ type context = Z3native.context
module Log =
- let open_ filename = ((lbool_of_int (Z3native.open_log filename)) == L_TRUE)
+ let open_ filename =
+ lbool_of_int (Z3native.open_log filename) = L_TRUE
let close = Z3native.close_log
- let append s = Z3native.append_log s
+ let append = Z3native.append_log
module Version =
- let major = let (x, _, _, _) = Z3native.get_version () in x
- let minor = let (_, x, _, _) = Z3native.get_version () in x
- let build = let (_, _, x, _) = Z3native.get_version () in x
- let revision = let (_, _, _, x) = Z3native.get_version () in x
+ let (major, minor, build, revision) = Z3native.get_version ()
let to_string =
- let (mj, mn, bld, rev) = Z3native.get_version () in
- string_of_int mj ^ "." ^
- string_of_int mn ^ "." ^
- string_of_int bld ^ "." ^
- string_of_int rev
+ string_of_int major ^ "." ^
+ string_of_int minor ^ "." ^
+ string_of_int build ^ "." ^
+ string_of_int revision
-let mk_list (f:int -> 'a) (n:int) =
- let rec mk_list' (f:int -> 'a) (i:int) (n:int) (tail:'a list):'a list =
- if (i >= n) then
- tail
+let mk_list f n =
+ let rec mk_list' i accu =
+ if i >= n then
+ List.rev accu
- (f i) :: (mk_list' f (i+1) n tail)
+ mk_list' (i + 1) ((f i)::accu)
- mk_list' f 0 n []
+ mk_list' 0 []
let mk_context (settings:(string * string) list) =
let cfg = Z3native.mk_config () in
let f e = Z3native.set_param_value cfg (fst e) (snd e) in
- (List.iter f settings) ;
+ List.iter f settings;
let res = Z3native.mk_context_rc cfg in
- Z3native.del_config(cfg) ;
- Z3native.set_ast_print_mode res (Z3enums.int_of_ast_print_mode PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT) ;
- Z3native.set_internal_error_handler res ;
+ Z3native.del_config cfg;
+ Z3native.set_ast_print_mode res (Z3enums.int_of_ast_print_mode PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT);
+ Z3native.set_internal_error_handler res;
module Symbol =
type symbol = Z3native.symbol
- let gc (o:symbol) = (Z3native.context_of_symbol o)
- let kind (o:symbol) = (symbol_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_symbol_kind (gc o) o))
- let is_int_symbol (o:symbol) = (kind o) == INT_SYMBOL
- let is_string_symbol (o:symbol) = (kind o) == STRING_SYMBOL
- let get_int (o:symbol) = (Z3native.get_symbol_int (gc o) o)
- let get_string (o:symbol) = (Z3native.get_symbol_string (gc o) o)
- let to_string (o:symbol) =
- match (kind o) with
- | INT_SYMBOL -> (string_of_int (Z3native.get_symbol_int (gc o) o))
- | STRING_SYMBOL -> (Z3native.get_symbol_string (gc o) o)
- let mk_int (ctx:context) (i:int) = (Z3native.mk_int_symbol ctx i)
- let mk_string (ctx:context) (s:string) = (Z3native.mk_string_symbol ctx s)
- let mk_ints (ctx:context) (names:int list) =
- List.map (fun x -> mk_int ctx x) names
- let mk_strings (ctx:context) (names:string list) =
- List.map (fun x -> mk_string ctx x) names
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_symbol
+ let kind o = symbol_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_symbol_kind (gc o) o)
+ let is_int_symbol o = kind o = INT_SYMBOL
+ let is_string_symbol o = kind o = STRING_SYMBOL
+ let get_int o = Z3native.get_symbol_int (gc o) o
+ let get_string o = Z3native.get_symbol_string (gc o) o
+ let to_string o =
+ match kind o with
+ | INT_SYMBOL -> string_of_int (Z3native.get_symbol_int (gc o) o)
+ | STRING_SYMBOL -> Z3native.get_symbol_string (gc o) o
+ let mk_int = Z3native.mk_int_symbol
+ let mk_string = Z3native.mk_string_symbol
+ let mk_ints ctx names = List.map (mk_int ctx) names
+ let mk_strings ctx names = List.map (mk_string ctx) names
module rec AST :
type ast = Z3native.ast
@@ -129,14 +120,14 @@ sig
val translate : ast -> context -> ast
end = struct
type ast = Z3native.ast
- let gc (x:ast) = Z3native.context_of_ast x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast
module ASTVector =
type ast_vector = Z3native.ast_vector
- let gc (x:ast_vector) = Z3native.context_of_ast_vector x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast_vector
- let mk_ast_vector (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_ast_vector ctx
+ let mk_ast_vector = Z3native.mk_ast_vector
let get_size (x:ast_vector) = Z3native.ast_vector_size (gc x) x
let get (x:ast_vector) (i:int) = Z3native.ast_vector_get (gc x) x i
let set (x:ast_vector) (i:int) (value:ast) = Z3native.ast_vector_set (gc x) x i value
@@ -145,24 +136,24 @@ end = struct
let translate (x:ast_vector) (to_ctx:context) = Z3native.ast_vector_translate (gc x) x to_ctx
let to_list (x:ast_vector) =
- let xs = (get_size x) in
- let f i = (get x i) in
+ let xs = get_size x in
+ let f i = get x i in
mk_list f xs
let to_expr_list (x:ast_vector) =
- let xs = (get_size x) in
+ let xs = get_size x in
let f i = get x i in
mk_list f xs
- let to_string (x:ast_vector) = Z3native.ast_vector_to_string (gc x) x
+ let to_string x = Z3native.ast_vector_to_string (gc x) x
module ASTMap =
type ast_map = Z3native.ast_map
- let gc (x:ast_map) = Z3native.context_of_ast_map x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast_map
- let mk_ast_map (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_ast_map ctx
+ let mk_ast_map = Z3native.mk_ast_map
let contains (x:ast_map) (key:ast) = Z3native.ast_map_contains (gc x) x key
let find (x:ast_map) (key:ast) = Z3native.ast_map_find (gc x) x key
let insert (x:ast_map) (key:ast) (value:ast) = Z3native.ast_map_insert (gc x) x key value
@@ -171,48 +162,41 @@ end = struct
let get_size (x:ast_map) = Z3native.ast_map_size (gc x) x
let get_keys (x:ast_map) =
- let av = (Z3native.ast_map_keys (gc x) x) in
- (ASTVector.to_list av)
+ let av = Z3native.ast_map_keys (gc x) x in
+ ASTVector.to_list av
let to_string (x:ast_map) = Z3native.ast_map_to_string (gc x) x
let hash (x:ast) = Z3native.get_ast_hash (gc x) x
let get_id (x:ast) = Z3native.get_ast_id (gc x) x
- let get_ast_kind (x:ast) = (ast_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_ast_kind (gc x) x))
+ let get_ast_kind (x:ast) = ast_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_ast_kind (gc x) x)
let is_expr (x:ast) =
- match get_ast_kind (x:ast) with
+ match get_ast_kind x with
| VAR_AST -> true
| _ -> false
- let is_app (x:ast) = (get_ast_kind x) == APP_AST
- let is_var (x:ast) = (get_ast_kind x) == VAR_AST
- let is_quantifier (x:ast) = (get_ast_kind x) == QUANTIFIER_AST
- let is_sort (x:ast) = (get_ast_kind x) == SORT_AST
- let is_func_decl (x:ast) = (get_ast_kind x) == FUNC_DECL_AST
+ let is_app (x:ast) = get_ast_kind x = APP_AST
+ let is_var (x:ast) = get_ast_kind x = VAR_AST
+ let is_quantifier (x:ast) = get_ast_kind x = QUANTIFIER_AST
+ let is_sort (x:ast) = get_ast_kind x = SORT_AST
+ let is_func_decl (x:ast) = get_ast_kind x = FUNC_DECL_AST
let to_string (x:ast) = Z3native.ast_to_string (gc x) x
let to_sexpr (x:ast) = Z3native.ast_to_string (gc x) x
+ (* The built-in equality uses the custom operations of the C layer *)
+ let equal = (=)
- let equal (a:ast) (b:ast) =
- (a == b) ||
- (if (gc a) != (gc b) then
- false
- else
- Z3native.is_eq_ast (gc a) a b)
- let compare a b =
- if (get_id a) < (get_id b) then -1 else
- if (get_id a) > (get_id b) then 1 else
- 0
+ (* The standard comparison uses the custom operations of the C layer *)
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
let translate (x:ast) (to_ctx:context) =
- if (gc x) == to_ctx then
+ if gc x = to_ctx then
Z3native.translate (gc x) x to_ctx
@@ -231,31 +215,26 @@ sig
val mk_uninterpreted_s : context -> string -> sort
end = struct
type sort = Z3native.sort
- let gc (x:sort) = Z3native.context_of_ast x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast
- let equal:sort -> sort -> bool = fun a b ->
- (a == b) ||
- (if (gc a) != (gc b) then
- false
- else
- Z3native.is_eq_sort (gc a) a b)
+ let equal a b = (a = b) || (gc a = gc b && Z3native.is_eq_sort (gc a) a b)
let get_id (x:sort) = Z3native.get_sort_id (gc x) x
let get_sort_kind (x:sort) = sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (gc x) x)
let get_name (x:sort) = Z3native.get_sort_name (gc x) x
let to_string (x:sort) = Z3native.sort_to_string (gc x) x
- let mk_uninterpreted (ctx:context) (s:Symbol.symbol) = Z3native.mk_uninterpreted_sort ctx s
+ let mk_uninterpreted = Z3native.mk_uninterpreted_sort
let mk_uninterpreted_s (ctx:context) (s:string) = mk_uninterpreted ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx s)
and FuncDecl :
type func_decl = Z3native.func_decl
-val gc : func_decl -> context
+ val gc : func_decl -> context
module Parameter :
type parameter =
- P_Int of int
+ P_Int of int
| P_Dbl of float
| P_Sym of Symbol.symbol
| P_Srt of Sort.sort
@@ -292,7 +271,7 @@ val gc : func_decl -> context
val apply : func_decl -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
end = struct
type func_decl = AST.ast
- let gc (x:func_decl) = Z3native.context_of_ast x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast
module Parameter =
@@ -305,60 +284,54 @@ end = struct
| P_Fdl of func_decl
| P_Rat of string
- let get_kind (x:parameter) =
- (match x with
- | P_Int(_) -> PARAMETER_INT
- | P_Srt(_) -> PARAMETER_SORT
- | P_Ast(_) -> PARAMETER_AST
- let get_int (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Int(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not an int")
- let get_float (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Dbl(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a float")
- let get_symbol (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Sym(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a symbol")
- let get_sort (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Srt(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a sort")
- let get_ast (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Ast(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not an ast")
- let get_func_decl (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Fdl(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a func_decl")
- let get_rational (x:parameter) =
- match x with
- | P_Rat(x) -> x
- | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a rational string")
+ let get_kind = function
+ | P_Int _ -> PARAMETER_INT
+ | P_Ast _ -> PARAMETER_AST
+ let get_int = function
+ | P_Int x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not an int")
+ let get_float = function
+ | P_Dbl x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a float")
+ let get_symbol = function
+ | P_Sym x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a symbol")
+ let get_sort = function
+ | P_Srt x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a sort")
+ let get_ast = function
+ | P_Ast x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not an ast")
+ let get_func_decl = function
+ | P_Fdl x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a func_decl")
+ let get_rational = function
+ | P_Rat x -> x
+ | _ -> raise (Error "parameter is not a rational string")
let mk_func_decl (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (domain:Sort.sort list) (range:Sort.sort) =
- Z3native.mk_func_decl ctx name (List.length domain) (Array.of_list domain) range
+ let dom_arr = Array.of_list domain in
+ Z3native.mk_func_decl ctx name (Array.length dom_arr) dom_arr range
let mk_func_decl_s (ctx:context) (name:string) (domain:Sort.sort list) (range:Sort.sort) =
mk_func_decl ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) domain range
let mk_fresh_func_decl (ctx:context) (prefix:string) (domain:Sort.sort list) (range:Sort.sort) =
- Z3native.mk_fresh_func_decl ctx prefix (List.length domain) (Array.of_list domain) range
+ let dom_arr = Array.of_list domain in
+ Z3native.mk_fresh_func_decl ctx prefix (Array.length dom_arr) dom_arr range
let mk_const_decl (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (range:Sort.sort) =
Z3native.mk_func_decl ctx name 0 [||] range
@@ -369,12 +342,7 @@ end = struct
let mk_fresh_const_decl (ctx:context) (prefix:string) (range:Sort.sort) =
Z3native.mk_fresh_func_decl ctx prefix 0 [||] range
- let equal (a:func_decl) (b:func_decl) =
- (a == b) ||
- (if (gc a) != (gc b) then
- false
- else
- Z3native.is_eq_func_decl (gc a) a b)
+ let equal a b = (a = b) || (gc a = gc b && Z3native.is_eq_func_decl (gc a) a b)
let to_string (x:func_decl) = Z3native.func_decl_to_string (gc x) x
let get_id (x:func_decl) = Z3native.get_func_decl_id (gc x) x
@@ -382,7 +350,7 @@ end = struct
let get_domain_size (x:func_decl) = Z3native.get_domain_size (gc x) x
let get_domain (x:func_decl) =
- let n = (get_domain_size x) in
+ let n = get_domain_size x in
let f i = Z3native.get_domain (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
@@ -392,15 +360,17 @@ end = struct
let get_num_parameters (x:func_decl) = Z3native.get_decl_num_parameters (gc x) x
let get_parameters (x:func_decl) =
- let n = (get_num_parameters x) in
- let f i = (match (parameter_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_decl_parameter_kind (gc x) x i)) with
+ let n = get_num_parameters x in
+ let f i =
+ match parameter_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_decl_parameter_kind (gc x) x i) with
| PARAMETER_INT -> Parameter.P_Int (Z3native.get_decl_int_parameter (gc x) x i)
| PARAMETER_DOUBLE -> Parameter.P_Dbl (Z3native.get_decl_double_parameter (gc x) x i)
| PARAMETER_SYMBOL-> Parameter.P_Sym (Z3native.get_decl_symbol_parameter (gc x) x i)
| PARAMETER_SORT -> Parameter.P_Srt (Z3native.get_decl_sort_parameter (gc x) x i)
| PARAMETER_AST -> Parameter.P_Ast (Z3native.get_decl_ast_parameter (gc x) x i)
| PARAMETER_FUNC_DECL -> Parameter.P_Fdl (Z3native.get_decl_func_decl_parameter (gc x) x i)
- | PARAMETER_RATIONAL -> Parameter.P_Rat (Z3native.get_decl_rational_parameter (gc x) x i)) in
+ | PARAMETER_RATIONAL -> Parameter.P_Rat (Z3native.get_decl_rational_parameter (gc x) x i)
+ in
mk_list f n
let apply (x:func_decl) (args:Expr.expr list) = Expr.expr_of_func_app (gc x) x args
@@ -430,12 +400,12 @@ sig
val set_print_mode : context -> Z3enums.ast_print_mode -> unit
end = struct
type params = Z3native.params
- let gc (x:params) = Z3native.context_of_params x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_params
module ParamDescrs =
type param_descrs = Z3native.param_descrs
- let gc (x:param_descrs) = Z3native.context_of_param_descrs x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_param_descrs
let validate (x:param_descrs) (p:params) = Z3native.params_validate (gc x) p x
let get_kind (x:param_descrs) (name:Symbol.symbol) = param_kind_of_int (Z3native.param_descrs_get_kind (gc x) x name)
@@ -492,63 +462,59 @@ sig
val mk_numeral_string : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> expr
val mk_numeral_int : context -> int -> Sort.sort -> expr
val equal : expr -> expr -> bool
- val apply1 : context -> (Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr) -> expr -> expr
- val apply2 : context -> (Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr) -> expr -> expr -> expr
- val apply3 : context -> (Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr) -> expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
- val apply4 : context -> (Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr -> Z3native.ptr) -> expr -> expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
val compare : expr -> expr -> int
end = struct
type expr = AST.ast
- let gc (e:expr) = Z3native.context_of_ast e
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast
- let expr_of_ast (a:AST.ast) : expr =
+ let expr_of_ast a =
let q = Z3enums.ast_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_ast_kind (gc a) a) in
- if (q != Z3enums.APP_AST && q != VAR_AST && q != QUANTIFIER_AST && q != NUMERAL_AST) then
+ if q <> Z3enums.APP_AST && q <> VAR_AST && q <> QUANTIFIER_AST && q <> NUMERAL_AST then
raise (Error "Invalid coercion")
- let ast_of_expr (e:expr) : AST.ast = e
- let expr_of_func_app:context -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> expr list -> expr =
- fun ctx f args -> (Z3native.mk_app ctx f (List.length args) (Array.of_list args))
+ let ast_of_expr e = e
- let apply1 ctx f t = f ctx t
- let apply2 ctx f t1 t2 = f ctx t1 t2
- let apply3 ctx f t1 t2 t3 = f ctx t1 t2 t3
- let apply4 ctx f t1 t2 t3 t4 = f ctx t1 t2 t3 t4
+ let expr_of_func_app ctx f args =
+ let arg_array = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_app ctx f (Array.length arg_array) arg_array
let simplify (x:expr) (p:Params.params option) =
match p with
| None -> Z3native.simplify (gc x) x
| Some pp -> Z3native.simplify_ex (gc x) x pp
- let get_simplify_help (ctx:context) = Z3native.simplify_get_help ctx
- let get_simplify_parameter_descrs (ctx:context) = Z3native.simplify_get_param_descrs ctx
+ let get_simplify_help = Z3native.simplify_get_help
+ let get_simplify_parameter_descrs = Z3native.simplify_get_param_descrs
let get_func_decl (x:expr) = Z3native.get_app_decl (gc x) x
let get_num_args (x:expr) = Z3native.get_app_num_args (gc x) x
let get_args (x:expr) =
- let n = (get_num_args x) in
+ let n = get_num_args x in
let f i = Z3native.get_app_arg (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
let update (x:expr) (args:expr list) =
- if ((AST.is_app x) && (List.length args <> (get_num_args x))) then
+ if AST.is_app x && List.length args <> get_num_args x then
raise (Error "Number of arguments does not match")
Z3native.update_term (gc x) x (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
let substitute (x:expr) (from:expr list) (to_:expr list) =
- if (List.length from) <> (List.length to_) then
+ let from_array = Array.of_list from in
+ let to_array = Array.of_list to_ in
+ if Array.length from_array <> Array.length to_array then
raise (Error "Argument sizes do not match")
- Z3native.substitute (gc x) x (List.length from) (Array.of_list from) (Array.of_list to_)
+ Z3native.substitute (gc x) x (Array.length from_array) from_array to_array
- let substitute_one (x:expr) (from:expr) (to_:expr) = substitute (x:expr) [ from ] [ to_ ]
- let substitute_vars (x:expr) (to_:expr list) = Z3native.substitute_vars (gc x) x (List.length to_) (Array.of_list to_)
+ let substitute_one x from to_ = substitute x [ from ] [ to_ ]
+ let substitute_vars x to_ =
+ let to_array = Array.of_list to_ in
+ Z3native.substitute_vars (gc x) x (Array.length to_array) to_array
let translate (x:expr) to_ctx =
- if (gc x) == to_ctx then
+ if gc x = to_ctx then
Z3native.translate (gc x) x to_ctx
@@ -558,9 +524,9 @@ end = struct
let is_well_sorted (x:expr) = Z3native.is_well_sorted (gc x) x
let get_sort (x:expr) = Z3native.get_sort (gc x) x
let is_const (x:expr) =
- (AST.is_app x) &&
- (get_num_args x) == 0 &&
- (FuncDecl.get_domain_size (get_func_decl x)) == 0
+ AST.is_app x
+ && get_num_args x = 0
+ && FuncDecl.get_domain_size (get_func_decl x) = 0
let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (range:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_const ctx name range
let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) (range:Sort.sort) = mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) range
@@ -578,68 +544,78 @@ open Expr
module Boolean =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_bool_sort ctx
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_bool_sort
let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) = Expr.mk_const ctx name (mk_sort ctx)
let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) = mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name)
- let mk_true (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_true ctx
- let mk_false (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_false ctx
+ let mk_true = Z3native.mk_true
+ let mk_false = Z3native.mk_false
let mk_val (ctx:context) (value:bool) = if value then mk_true ctx else mk_false ctx
- let mk_not (ctx:context) (a:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_not a
- let mk_ite (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) (t3:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_ite t1 t2 t3
- let mk_iff (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_iff t1 t2
- let mk_implies (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_implies t1 t2
- let mk_xor (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_xor t1 t2
- let mk_and (ctx:context) (args:expr list) = Z3native.mk_and ctx (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
- let mk_or (ctx:context) (args:expr list) = Z3native.mk_or ctx (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
- let mk_eq (ctx:context) (x:expr) (y:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_eq x y
- let mk_distinct (ctx:context) (args:expr list) = Z3native.mk_distinct ctx (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
- let get_bool_value (x:expr) = lbool_of_int (Z3native.get_bool_value (gc x) x)
- let is_bool (x:expr) =
- (AST.is_expr x) && (Z3native.is_eq_sort (gc x) (Z3native.mk_bool_sort (gc x)) (Z3native.get_sort (gc x) x))
- let is_true (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_TRUE)
- let is_false (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_FALSE)
- let is_eq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_EQ)
- let is_distinct (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_DISTINCT)
- let is_ite (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_ITE)
- let is_and (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_AND)
- let is_or (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_OR)
- let is_iff (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_IFF)
- let is_xor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_XOR)
- let is_not (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_NOT)
- let is_implies (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) == OP_IMPLIES)
+ let mk_not = Z3native.mk_not
+ let mk_ite = Z3native.mk_ite
+ let mk_iff = Z3native.mk_iff
+ let mk_implies = Z3native.mk_implies
+ let mk_xor = Z3native.mk_xor
+ let mk_and ctx args =
+ let arg_arr = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_and ctx (Array.length arg_arr) arg_arr
+ let mk_or ctx args =
+ let arg_arr = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_or ctx (Array.length arg_arr) arg_arr
+ let mk_eq = Z3native.mk_eq
+ let mk_distinct ctx args =
+ let arg_arr = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_distinct ctx (Array.length arg_arr) arg_arr
+ let get_bool_value x = lbool_of_int (Z3native.get_bool_value (gc x) x)
+ let is_bool x =
+ AST.is_expr x
+ && Z3native.is_eq_sort (gc x) (Z3native.mk_bool_sort (gc x)) (Z3native.get_sort (gc x) x)
+ let is_true x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_TRUE
+ let is_false x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_FALSE
+ let is_eq x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_EQ
+ let is_distinct x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_DISTINCT
+ let is_ite x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_ITE
+ let is_and x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_AND
+ let is_or x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_OR
+ let is_iff x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_IFF
+ let is_xor x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_XOR
+ let is_not x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_NOT
+ let is_implies x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (get_func_decl x) = OP_IMPLIES
module Quantifier =
type quantifier = AST.ast
- let gc (x:quantifier) = Z3native.context_of_ast x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast
- let expr_of_quantifier (q:quantifier) : Expr.expr = q
+ let expr_of_quantifier q = q
- let quantifier_of_expr (e:Expr.expr) : quantifier =
- let q = (Z3enums.ast_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_ast_kind (gc e) e)) in
- if (q != Z3enums.QUANTIFIER_AST) then
+ let quantifier_of_expr e =
+ let q = Z3enums.ast_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_ast_kind (gc e) e) in
+ if q <> Z3enums.QUANTIFIER_AST then
raise (Error "Invalid coercion")
module Pattern =
type pattern = Z3native.pattern
- let gc (x:pattern) = Z3native.context_of_ast x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_ast
- let get_num_terms (x:pattern) = Z3native.get_pattern_num_terms (gc x) x
+ let get_num_terms x = Z3native.get_pattern_num_terms (gc x) x
- let get_terms (x:pattern) =
- let n = (get_num_terms x) in
+ let get_terms x =
+ let n = get_num_terms x in
let f i = Z3native.get_pattern (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
- let to_string (x:pattern) = Z3native.pattern_to_string (gc x) x
+ let to_string x = Z3native.pattern_to_string (gc x) x
let get_index (x:expr) =
@@ -648,232 +624,212 @@ struct
Z3native.get_index_value (gc x) x
- let is_universal (x:quantifier) = Z3native.is_quantifier_forall (gc x) x
- let is_existential (x:quantifier) = not (is_universal x)
- let get_weight (x:quantifier) = Z3native.get_quantifier_weight (gc x) x
- let get_num_patterns (x:quantifier) = Z3native.get_quantifier_num_patterns (gc x) x
- let get_patterns (x:quantifier) =
- let n = (get_num_patterns x) in
+ let is_universal x = Z3native.is_quantifier_forall (gc x) x
+ let is_existential x = not (is_universal x)
+ let get_weight x = Z3native.get_quantifier_weight (gc x) x
+ let get_num_patterns x = Z3native.get_quantifier_num_patterns (gc x) x
+ let get_patterns x =
+ let n = get_num_patterns x in
let f i = Z3native.get_quantifier_pattern_ast (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
- let get_num_no_patterns (x:quantifier) = Z3native.get_quantifier_num_no_patterns (gc x) x
+ let get_num_no_patterns x = Z3native.get_quantifier_num_no_patterns (gc x) x
- let get_no_patterns (x:quantifier) =
- let n = (get_num_patterns x) in
+ let get_no_patterns x =
+ let n = get_num_patterns x in
let f i = Z3native.get_quantifier_no_pattern_ast (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
- let get_num_bound (x:quantifier) = Z3native.get_quantifier_num_bound (gc x) x
+ let get_num_bound x = Z3native.get_quantifier_num_bound (gc x) x
- let get_bound_variable_names (x:quantifier) =
- let n = (get_num_bound x) in
+ let get_bound_variable_names x =
+ let n = get_num_bound x in
let f i = Z3native.get_quantifier_bound_name (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
- let get_bound_variable_sorts (x:quantifier) =
- let n = (get_num_bound x) in
+ let get_bound_variable_sorts x =
+ let n = get_num_bound x in
let f i = Z3native.get_quantifier_bound_sort (gc x) x i in
mk_list f n
- let get_body (x:quantifier) = Z3native.get_quantifier_body (gc x) x
- let mk_bound (ctx:context) (index:int) (ty:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_bound ctx index ty
+ let get_body x = Z3native.get_quantifier_body (gc x) x
+ let mk_bound = Z3native.mk_bound
- let mk_pattern (ctx:context) (terms:expr list) =
- if (List.length terms) == 0 then
+ let mk_pattern ctx terms =
+ let terms_arr = Array.of_list terms in
+ if Array.length terms_arr = 0 then
raise (Error "Cannot create a pattern from zero terms")
- Z3native.mk_pattern ctx (List.length terms) (Array.of_list terms)
+ Z3native.mk_pattern ctx (Array.length terms_arr) terms_arr
- let mk_forall (ctx:context) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (names:Symbol.symbol list) (body:expr) (weight:int option) (patterns:Pattern.pattern list) (nopatterns:expr list) (quantifier_id:Symbol.symbol option) (skolem_id:Symbol.symbol option) =
- if (List.length sorts) != (List.length names) then
- raise (Error "Number of sorts does not match number of names")
- else if ((List.length nopatterns) == 0 && quantifier_id == None && skolem_id == None) then
- Z3native.mk_quantifier ctx true
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- (List.length sorts) (Array.of_list sorts)
- (Array.of_list names)
- body
- else
- Z3native.mk_quantifier_ex ctx true
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (match quantifier_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (match skolem_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- (List.length nopatterns) (Array.of_list nopatterns)
- (List.length sorts) (Array.of_list sorts)
- (Array.of_list names)
- body
- let mk_forall_const (ctx:context) (bound_constants:expr list) (body:expr) (weight:int option) (patterns:Pattern.pattern list) (nopatterns:expr list) (quantifier_id:Symbol.symbol option) (skolem_id:Symbol.symbol option) =
- if ((List.length nopatterns) == 0 && quantifier_id == None && skolem_id == None) then
- Z3native.mk_quantifier_const ctx true
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length bound_constants) (Array.of_list bound_constants)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- body
- else
- Z3native.mk_quantifier_const_ex ctx true
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (match quantifier_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (match skolem_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length bound_constants) (Array.of_list bound_constants)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- (List.length nopatterns) (Array.of_list nopatterns)
- body
- let mk_exists (ctx:context) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (names:Symbol.symbol list) (body:expr) (weight:int option) (patterns:Pattern.pattern list) (nopatterns:expr list) (quantifier_id:Symbol.symbol option) (skolem_id:Symbol.symbol option) =
- if (List.length sorts) != (List.length names) then
+ let _internal_mk_quantifier ~universal ctx sorts names body weight patterns nopatterns quantifier_id skolem_id =
+ let sorts_arr = Array.of_list sorts in
+ let names_arr = Array.of_list names in
+ if Array.length sorts_arr <> Array.length names_arr then
raise (Error "Number of sorts does not match number of names")
- else if ((List.length nopatterns) == 0 && quantifier_id == None && skolem_id == None) then
- Z3native.mk_quantifier ctx false
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- (List.length sorts) (Array.of_list sorts)
- (Array.of_list names)
- body
- Z3native.mk_quantifier_ex ctx false
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (match quantifier_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (match skolem_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- (List.length nopatterns) (Array.of_list nopatterns)
- (List.length sorts) (Array.of_list sorts)
- (Array.of_list names)
- body
- let mk_exists_const (ctx:context) (bound_constants:expr list) (body:expr) (weight:int option) (patterns:Pattern.pattern list) (nopatterns:expr list) (quantifier_id:Symbol.symbol option) (skolem_id:Symbol.symbol option) =
- if ((List.length nopatterns) == 0 && quantifier_id == None && skolem_id == None) then
- Z3native.mk_quantifier_const ctx false
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length bound_constants) (Array.of_list bound_constants)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- body
- Z3native.mk_quantifier_const_ex ctx false
- (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some(x) -> x)
- (match quantifier_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (match skolem_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some(x) -> x)
- (List.length bound_constants) (Array.of_list bound_constants)
- (List.length patterns) (Array.of_list patterns)
- (List.length nopatterns) (Array.of_list nopatterns)
- body
+ let patterns_arr = Array.of_list patterns in
+ match nopatterns, quantifier_id, skolem_id with
+ | [], None, None ->
+ Z3native.mk_quantifier ctx universal
+ (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some x -> x)
+ (Array.length patterns_arr) patterns_arr
+ (Array.length sorts_arr) sorts_arr
+ names_arr body
+ | _ ->
+ let nopatterns_arr = Array.of_list nopatterns in
+ Z3native.mk_quantifier_ex ctx universal
+ (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some x -> x)
+ (match quantifier_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some x -> x)
+ (match skolem_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some x -> x)
+ (Array.length patterns_arr) patterns_arr
+ (Array.length nopatterns_arr) nopatterns_arr
+ (Array.length sorts_arr) sorts_arr
+ names_arr body
+ let _internal_mk_quantifier_const ~universal ctx bound_constants body weight patterns nopatterns quantifier_id skolem_id =
+ let patterns_arr = Array.of_list patterns in
+ let bound_constants_arr = Array.of_list bound_constants in
+ match nopatterns, quantifier_id, skolem_id with
+ | [], None, None ->
+ Z3native.mk_quantifier_const ctx universal
+ (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some x -> x)
+ (Array.length bound_constants_arr) bound_constants_arr
+ (Array.length patterns_arr) patterns_arr
+ body
+ | _ ->
+ let nopatterns_arr = Array.of_list nopatterns in
+ Z3native.mk_quantifier_const_ex ctx universal
+ (match weight with | None -> 1 | Some x -> x)
+ (match quantifier_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some x -> x)
+ (match skolem_id with | None -> Z3native.mk_null_symbol ctx | Some x -> x)
+ (Array.length bound_constants_arr) bound_constants_arr
+ (Array.length patterns_arr) patterns_arr
+ (Array.length nopatterns_arr) nopatterns_arr
+ body
+ let mk_forall = _internal_mk_quantifier ~universal:true
+ let mk_forall_const = _internal_mk_quantifier_const ~universal:true
+ let mk_exists = _internal_mk_quantifier ~universal:false
+ let mk_exists_const = _internal_mk_quantifier_const ~universal:false
let mk_quantifier (ctx:context) (universal:bool) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (names:Symbol.symbol list) (body:expr) (weight:int option) (patterns:Pattern.pattern list) (nopatterns:expr list) (quantifier_id:Symbol.symbol option) (skolem_id:Symbol.symbol option) =
- if (universal) then
+ if universal then
mk_forall ctx sorts names body weight patterns nopatterns quantifier_id skolem_id
mk_exists ctx sorts names body weight patterns nopatterns quantifier_id skolem_id
let mk_quantifier (ctx:context) (universal:bool) (bound_constants:expr list) (body:expr) (weight:int option) (patterns:Pattern.pattern list) (nopatterns:expr list) (quantifier_id:Symbol.symbol option) (skolem_id:Symbol.symbol option) =
- if (universal) then
+ if universal then
mk_forall_const ctx bound_constants body weight patterns nopatterns quantifier_id skolem_id
mk_exists_const ctx bound_constants body weight patterns nopatterns quantifier_id skolem_id
- let to_string (x:quantifier) = Expr.to_string x
+ let to_string x = Expr.to_string x
module Z3Array =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) (domain:Sort.sort) (range:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_array_sort ctx domain range
- let is_store (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_STORE)
- let is_select (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SELECT)
- let is_constant_array (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_CONST_ARRAY)
- let is_default_array (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ARRAY_DEFAULT)
- let is_array_map (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ARRAY_MAP)
- let is_as_array (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_AS_ARRAY)
- let is_array (x:expr) =
- (Z3native.is_app (Expr.gc x) x) &&
- ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) == ARRAY_SORT)
- let get_domain (x:Sort.sort) = Z3native.get_array_sort_domain (Sort.gc x) x
- let get_range (x:Sort.sort) = Z3native.get_array_sort_range (Sort.gc x) x
- let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (domain:Sort.sort) (range:Sort.sort) =
- Expr.mk_const ctx name (mk_sort ctx domain range)
- let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) (domain:Sort.sort) (range:Sort.sort) =
- mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) domain range
- let mk_select (ctx:context) (a:expr) (i:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_select a i
- let mk_store (ctx:context) (a:expr) (i:expr) (v:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_store a i v
- let mk_const_array (ctx:context) (domain:Sort.sort) (v:expr) = Z3native.mk_const_array ctx domain v
- let mk_map (ctx:context) (f:func_decl) (args:expr list) = Z3native.mk_map ctx f (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
- let mk_term_array (ctx:context) (arg:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_array_default arg
- let mk_array_ext (ctx:context) (arg1:expr) (arg2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_array_ext arg1 arg2
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_array_sort
+ let is_store x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_STORE
+ let is_select x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SELECT
+ let is_constant_array x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_CONST_ARRAY
+ let is_default_array x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ARRAY_DEFAULT
+ let is_array_map x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ARRAY_MAP
+ let is_as_array x = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_AS_ARRAY
+ let is_array x =
+ Z3native.is_app (Expr.gc x) x &&
+ sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x)) = ARRAY_SORT
+ let get_domain x = Z3native.get_array_sort_domain (Sort.gc x) x
+ let get_range x = Z3native.get_array_sort_range (Sort.gc x) x
+ let mk_const ctx name domain range = Expr.mk_const ctx name (mk_sort ctx domain range)
+ let mk_const_s ctx name domain range = mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) domain range
+ let mk_select = Z3native.mk_select
+ let mk_store = Z3native.mk_store
+ let mk_const_array = Z3native.mk_const_array
+ let mk_map ctx f args =
+ let args_arr = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_map ctx f (Array.length args_arr) args_arr
+ let mk_term_array = Z3native.mk_array_default
+ let mk_array_ext = Z3native.mk_array_ext
module Set =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) (ty:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_set_sort ctx ty
- let is_union (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SET_UNION)
- let is_intersect (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SET_INTERSECT)
- let is_difference (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SET_DIFFERENCE)
- let is_complement (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SET_COMPLEMENT)
- let is_subset (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SET_SUBSET)
- let mk_empty (ctx:context) (domain:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_empty_set ctx domain
- let mk_full (ctx:context) (domain:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_full_set ctx domain
- let mk_set_add (ctx:context) (set:expr) (element:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_set_add set element
- let mk_del (ctx:context) (set:expr) (element:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_set_del set element
- let mk_union (ctx:context) (args:expr list) = Z3native.mk_set_union ctx (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
- let mk_intersection (ctx:context) (args:expr list) =
- Z3native.mk_set_intersect ctx (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
- let mk_difference (ctx:context) (arg1:expr) (arg2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_set_difference arg1 arg2
- let mk_complement (ctx:context) (arg:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_set_complement arg
- let mk_membership (ctx:context) (elem:expr) (set:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_set_member elem set
- let mk_subset (ctx:context) (arg1:expr) (arg2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_set_subset arg1 arg2
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_set_sort
+ let is_union (x:expr) = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SET_UNION
+ let is_intersect (x:expr) = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SET_INTERSECT
+ let is_difference (x:expr) = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SET_DIFFERENCE
+ let is_complement (x:expr) = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SET_COMPLEMENT
+ let is_subset (x:expr) = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SET_SUBSET
+ let mk_empty = Z3native.mk_empty_set
+ let mk_full = Z3native.mk_full_set
+ let mk_set_add = Z3native.mk_set_add
+ let mk_del = Z3native.mk_set_del
+ let mk_union ctx args =
+ let args_arr = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_set_union ctx (Array.length args_arr) args_arr
+ let mk_intersection ctx args =
+ let args_arr = Array.of_list args in
+ Z3native.mk_set_intersect ctx (Array.length args_arr) args_arr
+ let mk_difference = Z3native.mk_set_difference
+ let mk_complement = Z3native.mk_set_complement
+ let mk_membership = Z3native.mk_set_member
+ let mk_subset = Z3native.mk_set_subset
module FiniteDomain =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (size:int) = Z3native.mk_finite_domain_sort ctx name size
- let mk_sort_s (ctx:context) (name:string) (size:int) = mk_sort ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) size
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_finite_domain_sort
+ let mk_sort_s ctx name size = mk_sort ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) size
let is_finite_domain (x:expr) =
- let nc = (Expr.gc x) in
- (Z3native.is_app nc x) &&
- (sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind nc (Z3native.get_sort nc x)) == FINITE_DOMAIN_SORT)
+ let nc = Expr.gc x in
+ Z3native.is_app nc x &&
+ sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind nc (Z3native.get_sort nc x)) = FINITE_DOMAIN_SORT
- let is_lt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FD_LT)
+ let is_lt (x:expr) = AST.is_app x && FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FD_LT
- let get_size (x:Sort.sort) =
- let (r, v) = (Z3native.get_finite_domain_sort_size (Sort.gc x) x) in
- if r then v
- else raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
+ let get_size x =
+ match Z3native.get_finite_domain_sort_size (Sort.gc x) x with
+ | true, v -> v
+ | false, _ -> raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
module Relation =
- let is_relation (x:expr) =
- let nc = (Expr.gc x) in
- ((Z3native.is_app nc x) &&
- (sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind nc (Z3native.get_sort nc x)) == RELATION_SORT))
- let is_store (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_STORE)
- let is_empty (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_EMPTY)
- let is_is_empty (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_IS_EMPTY)
- let is_join (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_JOIN)
- let is_union (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_UNION)
- let is_widen (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_WIDEN)
- let is_project (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_PROJECT)
- let is_filter (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_FILTER)
- let is_negation_filter (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_NEGATION_FILTER)
- let is_rename (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_RENAME)
- let is_complement (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_COMPLEMENT)
- let is_select (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_SELECT)
- let is_clone (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_RA_CLONE)
+ let is_relation x =
+ let nc = Expr.gc x in
+ Z3native.is_app nc x
+ && sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind nc (Z3native.get_sort nc x)) = RELATION_SORT
+ let is_store (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_STORE)
+ let is_empty (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_EMPTY)
+ let is_is_empty (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_IS_EMPTY)
+ let is_join (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_JOIN)
+ let is_union (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_UNION)
+ let is_widen (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_WIDEN)
+ let is_project (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_PROJECT)
+ let is_filter (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_FILTER)
+ let is_negation_filter (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_NEGATION_FILTER)
+ let is_rename (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_RENAME)
+ let is_complement (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_COMPLEMENT)
+ let is_select (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_SELECT)
+ let is_clone (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_RA_CLONE)
let get_arity (x:Sort.sort) = Z3native.get_relation_arity (Sort.gc x) x
@@ -891,30 +847,30 @@ struct
type constructor = Z3native.constructor
module FieldNumTable = Hashtbl.Make(struct
- type t = AST.ast
- let equal x y = AST.compare x y = 0
- let hash = AST.hash
- end)
+ type t = AST.ast
+ let equal x y = AST.compare x y = 0
+ let hash = AST.hash
+ end)
let _field_nums = FieldNumTable.create 0
let create (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (recognizer:Symbol.symbol) (field_names:Symbol.symbol list) (sorts:Sort.sort option list) (sort_refs:int list) =
let n = (List.length field_names) in
- if n != (List.length sorts) then
+ if n <> (List.length sorts) then
raise (Error "Number of field names does not match number of sorts")
- if n != (List.length sort_refs) then
- raise (Error "Number of field names does not match number of sort refs")
- else
- let no = Z3native.mk_constructor ctx name
- recognizer
- n
- (Array.of_list field_names)
- (let f x = match x with None -> Z3native.mk_null_ast ctx | Some s -> s in
- Array.of_list (List.map f sorts))
- (Array.of_list sort_refs) in
- FieldNumTable.add _field_nums no n ;
- no
+ if n <> (List.length sort_refs) then
+ raise (Error "Number of field names does not match number of sort refs")
+ else
+ let no = Z3native.mk_constructor ctx name
+ recognizer
+ n
+ (Array.of_list field_names)
+ (let f x = match x with None -> Z3native.mk_null_ast ctx | Some s -> s in
+ Array.of_list (List.map f sorts))
+ (Array.of_list sort_refs) in
+ FieldNumTable.add _field_nums no n;
+ no
let get_num_fields (x:constructor) = FieldNumTable.find _field_nums x
@@ -1055,40 +1011,40 @@ end
module Arithmetic =
let is_int (x:expr) =
- ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) == INT_SORT)
- let is_arithmetic_numeral (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ANUM)
- let is_le (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_LE)
- let is_ge (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_GE)
- let is_lt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_LT)
- let is_gt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_GT)
- let is_add (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ADD)
- let is_sub (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SUB)
- let is_uminus (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_UMINUS)
- let is_mul (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_MUL)
- let is_div (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_DIV)
- let is_idiv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_IDIV)
- let is_remainder (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_REM)
- let is_modulus (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_MOD)
- let is_int2real (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_TO_REAL)
- let is_real2int (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_TO_INT)
- let is_real_is_int (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_IS_INT)
- let is_real (x:expr) = ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) == REAL_SORT)
+ ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) = INT_SORT)
+ let is_arithmetic_numeral (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ANUM)
+ let is_le (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_LE)
+ let is_ge (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_GE)
+ let is_lt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_LT)
+ let is_gt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_GT)
+ let is_add (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ADD)
+ let is_sub (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SUB)
+ let is_uminus (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_UMINUS)
+ let is_mul (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_MUL)
+ let is_div (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_DIV)
+ let is_idiv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_IDIV)
+ let is_remainder (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_REM)
+ let is_modulus (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_MOD)
+ let is_int2real (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_TO_REAL)
+ let is_real2int (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_TO_INT)
+ let is_real_is_int (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_IS_INT)
+ let is_real (x:expr) = ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) = REAL_SORT)
let is_int_numeral (x:expr) = (Expr.is_numeral x) && (is_int x)
let is_rat_numeral (x:expr) = (Expr.is_numeral x) && (is_real x)
let is_algebraic_number (x:expr) = Z3native.is_algebraic_number (Expr.gc x) x
module Integer =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_int_sort ctx
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_int_sort
- let get_int (x:expr) =
- let (r, v) = Z3native.get_numeral_int (Expr.gc x) x in
- if r then v
- else raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
+ let get_int x =
+ match Z3native.get_numeral_int (Expr.gc x) x with
+ | true, v -> v
+ | false, _ -> raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
let get_big_int (x:expr) =
- if (is_int_numeral x) then
+ if is_int_numeral x then
let s = (Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x) in
Big_int.big_int_of_string s
@@ -1097,23 +1053,23 @@ struct
let numeral_to_string (x:expr) = Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x
let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) = Expr.mk_const ctx name (mk_sort ctx)
let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) = mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name)
- let mk_mod (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_mod t1 t2
- let mk_rem (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_rem t1 t2
+ let mk_mod = Z3native.mk_mod
+ let mk_rem = Z3native.mk_rem
let mk_numeral_s (ctx:context) (v:string) = Z3native.mk_numeral ctx v (mk_sort ctx)
let mk_numeral_i (ctx:context) (v:int) = Z3native.mk_int ctx v (mk_sort ctx)
- let mk_int2real (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_int2real t
- let mk_int2bv (ctx:context) (n:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_int2bv ctx n t
+ let mk_int2real = Z3native.mk_int2real
+ let mk_int2bv = Z3native.mk_int2bv
module Real =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_real_sort ctx
- let get_numerator (x:expr) = apply1 (Expr.gc x) Z3native.get_numerator x
- let get_denominator (x:expr) = apply1 (Expr.gc x) Z3native.get_denominator x
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_real_sort
+ let get_numerator x = Z3native.get_numerator (Expr.gc x) x
+ let get_denominator x = Z3native.get_denominator (Expr.gc x) x
- let get_ratio (x:expr) =
- if (is_rat_numeral x) then
- let s = (Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x) in
+ let get_ratio x =
+ if is_rat_numeral x then
+ let s = Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x in
Ratio.ratio_of_string s
raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
@@ -1123,15 +1079,15 @@ struct
let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) = Expr.mk_const ctx name (mk_sort ctx)
let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) = mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name)
let mk_numeral_nd (ctx:context) (num:int) (den:int) =
- if (den == 0) then
+ if den = 0 then
raise (Error "Denominator is zero")
Z3native.mk_real ctx num den
let mk_numeral_s (ctx:context) (v:string) = Z3native.mk_numeral ctx v (mk_sort ctx)
let mk_numeral_i (ctx:context) (v:int) = Z3native.mk_int ctx v (mk_sort ctx)
- let mk_is_integer (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_is_int t
- let mk_real2int (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_real2int t
+ let mk_is_integer = Z3native.mk_is_int
+ let mk_real2int = Z3native.mk_real2int
module AlgebraicNumber =
@@ -1142,16 +1098,25 @@ struct
- let mk_add (ctx:context) (t:expr list) = Z3native.mk_add ctx (List.length t) (Array.of_list t)
- let mk_mul (ctx:context) (t:expr list) = Z3native.mk_mul ctx (List.length t) (Array.of_list t)
- let mk_sub (ctx:context) (t:expr list) = Z3native.mk_sub ctx (List.length t) (Array.of_list t)
- let mk_unary_minus (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_unary_minus t
- let mk_div (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_div t1 t2
- let mk_power (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_power t1 t2
- let mk_lt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_lt t1 t2
- let mk_le (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_le t1 t2
- let mk_gt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_gt t1 t2
- let mk_ge (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_ge t1 t2
+ let mk_add (ctx:context) (t:expr list) =
+ let t_arr = Array.of_list t in
+ Z3native.mk_add ctx (Array.length t_arr) t_arr
+ let mk_mul (ctx:context) (t:expr list) =
+ let t_arr = Array.of_list t in
+ Z3native.mk_mul ctx (Array.length t_arr) t_arr
+ let mk_sub (ctx:context) (t:expr list) =
+ let t_arr = Array.of_list t in
+ Z3native.mk_sub ctx (Array.length t_arr) t_arr
+ let mk_unary_minus = Z3native.mk_unary_minus
+ let mk_div = Z3native.mk_div
+ let mk_power = Z3native.mk_power
+ let mk_lt = Z3native.mk_lt
+ let mk_le = Z3native.mk_le
+ let mk_gt = Z3native.mk_gt
+ let mk_ge = Z3native.mk_ge
@@ -1159,116 +1124,118 @@ module BitVector =
let mk_sort (ctx:context) size = Z3native.mk_bv_sort ctx size
let is_bv (x:expr) =
- ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) == BV_SORT)
- let is_bv_numeral (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BNUM)
- let is_bv_bit1 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BIT1)
- let is_bv_bit0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BIT0)
- let is_bv_uminus (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BNEG)
- let is_bv_add (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BADD)
- let is_bv_sub (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSUB)
- let is_bv_mul (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BMUL)
- let is_bv_sdiv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSDIV)
- let is_bv_udiv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BUDIV)
- let is_bv_SRem (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSREM)
- let is_bv_urem (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BUREM)
- let is_bv_smod (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSMOD)
- let is_bv_sdiv0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSDIV0)
- let is_bv_udiv0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BUDIV0)
- let is_bv_srem0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSREM0)
- let is_bv_urem0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BUREM0)
- let is_bv_smod0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSMOD0)
- let is_bv_ule (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ULEQ)
- let is_bv_sle (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SLEQ)
- let is_bv_uge (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_UGEQ)
- let is_bv_sge (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SGEQ)
- let is_bv_ult (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ULT)
- let is_bv_slt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SLT)
- let is_bv_ugt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_UGT)
- let is_bv_sgt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SGT)
- let is_bv_and (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BAND)
- let is_bv_or (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BOR)
- let is_bv_not (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BNOT)
- let is_bv_xor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BXOR)
- let is_bv_nand (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BNAND)
- let is_bv_nor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BNOR)
- let is_bv_xnor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BXNOR)
- let is_bv_concat (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_CONCAT)
- let is_bv_signextension (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_SIGN_EXT)
- let is_bv_zeroextension (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ZERO_EXT)
- let is_bv_extract (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_EXTRACT)
- let is_bv_repeat (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_REPEAT)
- let is_bv_reduceor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BREDOR)
- let is_bv_reduceand (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BREDAND)
- let is_bv_comp (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BCOMP)
- let is_bv_shiftleft (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BSHL)
- let is_bv_shiftrightlogical (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BLSHR)
- let is_bv_shiftrightarithmetic (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BASHR)
- let is_bv_rotateleft (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ROTATE_LEFT)
- let is_bv_rotateright (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_ROTATE_RIGHT)
- let is_bv_rotateleftextended (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_EXT_ROTATE_LEFT)
- let is_bv_rotaterightextended (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_EXT_ROTATE_RIGHT)
- let is_int2bv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_INT2BV)
- let is_bv2int (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_BV2INT)
- let is_bv_carry (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_CARRY)
- let is_bv_xor3 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_XOR3)
+ ((sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (Expr.gc x) (Z3native.get_sort (Expr.gc x) x))) = BV_SORT)
+ let is_bv_numeral (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BNUM)
+ let is_bv_bit1 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BIT1)
+ let is_bv_bit0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BIT0)
+ let is_bv_uminus (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BNEG)
+ let is_bv_add (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BADD)
+ let is_bv_sub (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSUB)
+ let is_bv_mul (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BMUL)
+ let is_bv_sdiv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSDIV)
+ let is_bv_udiv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BUDIV)
+ let is_bv_SRem (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSREM)
+ let is_bv_urem (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BUREM)
+ let is_bv_smod (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSMOD)
+ let is_bv_sdiv0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSDIV0)
+ let is_bv_udiv0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BUDIV0)
+ let is_bv_srem0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSREM0)
+ let is_bv_urem0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BUREM0)
+ let is_bv_smod0 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSMOD0)
+ let is_bv_ule (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ULEQ)
+ let is_bv_sle (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SLEQ)
+ let is_bv_uge (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_UGEQ)
+ let is_bv_sge (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SGEQ)
+ let is_bv_ult (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ULT)
+ let is_bv_slt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SLT)
+ let is_bv_ugt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_UGT)
+ let is_bv_sgt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SGT)
+ let is_bv_and (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BAND)
+ let is_bv_or (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BOR)
+ let is_bv_not (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BNOT)
+ let is_bv_xor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BXOR)
+ let is_bv_nand (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BNAND)
+ let is_bv_nor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BNOR)
+ let is_bv_xnor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BXNOR)
+ let is_bv_concat (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_CONCAT)
+ let is_bv_signextension (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_SIGN_EXT)
+ let is_bv_zeroextension (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ZERO_EXT)
+ let is_bv_extract (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_EXTRACT)
+ let is_bv_repeat (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_REPEAT)
+ let is_bv_reduceor (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BREDOR)
+ let is_bv_reduceand (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BREDAND)
+ let is_bv_comp (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BCOMP)
+ let is_bv_shiftleft (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BSHL)
+ let is_bv_shiftrightlogical (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BLSHR)
+ let is_bv_shiftrightarithmetic (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BASHR)
+ let is_bv_rotateleft (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ROTATE_LEFT)
+ let is_bv_rotateright (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_ROTATE_RIGHT)
+ let is_bv_rotateleftextended (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_EXT_ROTATE_LEFT)
+ let is_bv_rotaterightextended (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_EXT_ROTATE_RIGHT)
+ let is_int2bv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_INT2BV)
+ let is_bv2int (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_BV2INT)
+ let is_bv_carry (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_CARRY)
+ let is_bv_xor3 (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_XOR3)
let get_size (x:Sort.sort) = Z3native.get_bv_sort_size (Sort.gc x) x
let get_int (x:expr) =
- let (r, v) = Z3native.get_numeral_int (Expr.gc x) x in
- if r then v
- else raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
+ match Z3native.get_numeral_int (Expr.gc x) x with
+ | true, v -> v
+ | false, _ -> raise (Error "Conversion failed.")
let numeral_to_string (x:expr) = Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x
let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (size:int) =
Expr.mk_const ctx name (mk_sort ctx size)
let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) (size:int) =
mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) size
- let mk_not (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_bvnot t
- let mk_redand (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_bvredand t
- let mk_redor (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_bvredor t
- let mk_and (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvand t1 t2
- let mk_or (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvor t1 t2
- let mk_xor (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvxor t1 t2
- let mk_nand (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvnand t1 t2
- let mk_nor (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvnor t1 t2
- let mk_xnor (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvxnor t1 t2
- let mk_neg (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_bvneg t
- let mk_add (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvadd t1 t2
- let mk_sub (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsub t1 t2
- let mk_mul (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvmul t1 t2
- let mk_udiv (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvudiv t1 t2
- let mk_sdiv (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsdiv t1 t2
- let mk_urem (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvurem t1 t2
- let mk_srem (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsrem t1 t2
- let mk_smod (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsmod t1 t2
- let mk_ult (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvult t1 t2
- let mk_slt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvslt t1 t2
- let mk_ule (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvule t1 t2
- let mk_sle (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsle t1 t2
- let mk_uge (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvuge t1 t2
- let mk_sge (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsge t1 t2
- let mk_ugt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvugt t1 t2
- let mk_sgt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsgt t1 t2
- let mk_concat (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_concat t1 t2
- let mk_extract (ctx:context) (high:int) (low:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_extract ctx high low t
- let mk_sign_ext (ctx:context) (i:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_sign_ext ctx i t
- let mk_zero_ext (ctx:context) (i:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_zero_ext ctx i t
- let mk_repeat (ctx:context) (i:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_repeat ctx i t
- let mk_shl (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvshl t1 t2
- let mk_lshr (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvlshr t1 t2
- let mk_ashr (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvashr t1 t2
- let mk_rotate_left (ctx:context) (i:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_rotate_left ctx i t
- let mk_rotate_right (ctx:context) (i:int) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_rotate_right ctx i t
- let mk_ext_rotate_left (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_ext_rotate_left t1 t2
- let mk_ext_rotate_right (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_ext_rotate_right t1 t2
- let mk_bv2int (ctx:context) (t:expr) (signed:bool) = Z3native.mk_bv2int ctx t signed
- let mk_add_no_overflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) (signed:bool) = Z3native.mk_bvadd_no_overflow ctx t1 t2 signed
- let mk_add_no_underflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvadd_no_underflow t1 t2
- let mk_sub_no_overflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsub_no_overflow t1 t2
- let mk_sub_no_underflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) (signed:bool) = Z3native.mk_bvsub_no_underflow ctx t1 t2 signed
- let mk_sdiv_no_overflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvsdiv_no_overflow t1 t2
- let mk_neg_no_overflow (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_bvneg_no_overflow t
- let mk_mul_no_overflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) (signed:bool) = Z3native.mk_bvmul_no_overflow ctx t1 t2 signed
- let mk_mul_no_underflow (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_bvmul_no_underflow t1 t2
- let mk_numeral (ctx:context) (v:string) (size:int) = Z3native.mk_numeral ctx v (mk_sort ctx size)
+ let mk_not = Z3native.mk_bvnot
+ let mk_redand = Z3native.mk_bvredand
+ let mk_redor = Z3native.mk_bvredor
+ let mk_and = Z3native.mk_bvand
+ let mk_or = Z3native.mk_bvor
+ let mk_xor = Z3native.mk_bvxor
+ let mk_nand = Z3native.mk_bvnand
+ let mk_nor = Z3native.mk_bvnor
+ let mk_xnor = Z3native.mk_bvxnor
+ let mk_neg = Z3native.mk_bvneg
+ let mk_add = Z3native.mk_bvadd
+ let mk_sub = Z3native.mk_bvsub
+ let mk_mul = Z3native.mk_bvmul
+ let mk_udiv = Z3native.mk_bvudiv
+ let mk_sdiv = Z3native.mk_bvsdiv
+ let mk_urem = Z3native.mk_bvurem
+ let mk_srem = Z3native.mk_bvsrem
+ let mk_smod = Z3native.mk_bvsmod
+ let mk_ult = Z3native.mk_bvult
+ let mk_slt = Z3native.mk_bvslt
+ let mk_ule = Z3native.mk_bvule
+ let mk_sle = Z3native.mk_bvsle
+ let mk_uge = Z3native.mk_bvuge
+ let mk_sge = Z3native.mk_bvsge
+ let mk_ugt = Z3native.mk_bvugt
+ let mk_sgt = Z3native.mk_bvsgt
+ let mk_concat = Z3native.mk_concat
+ let mk_extract = Z3native.mk_extract
+ let mk_sign_ext = Z3native.mk_sign_ext
+ let mk_zero_ext = Z3native.mk_zero_ext
+ let mk_repeat = Z3native.mk_repeat
+ let mk_shl = Z3native.mk_bvshl
+ let mk_lshr = Z3native.mk_bvlshr
+ let mk_ashr = Z3native.mk_bvashr
+ let mk_rotate_left = Z3native.mk_rotate_left
+ let mk_rotate_right = Z3native.mk_rotate_right
+ let mk_ext_rotate_left = Z3native.mk_ext_rotate_left
+ let mk_ext_rotate_right = Z3native.mk_ext_rotate_right
+ let mk_bv2int = Z3native.mk_bv2int
+ let mk_add_no_overflow = Z3native.mk_bvadd_no_overflow
+ let mk_add_no_underflow = Z3native.mk_bvadd_no_underflow
+ let mk_sub_no_overflow = Z3native.mk_bvsub_no_overflow
+ let mk_sub_no_underflow = Z3native.mk_bvsub_no_underflow
+ let mk_sdiv_no_overflow = Z3native.mk_bvsdiv_no_overflow
+ let mk_neg_no_overflow = Z3native.mk_bvneg_no_overflow
+ let mk_mul_no_overflow = Z3native.mk_bvmul_no_overflow
+ let mk_mul_no_underflow = Z3native.mk_bvmul_no_underflow
+ let mk_numeral ctx v size = Z3native.mk_numeral ctx v (mk_sort ctx size)
@@ -1276,181 +1243,178 @@ module FloatingPoint =
module RoundingMode =
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_rounding_mode_sort ctx
- let is_fprm (x:expr) = (Sort.get_sort_kind (Expr.get_sort(x))) == ROUNDING_MODE_SORT
- let mk_round_nearest_ties_to_even (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even ctx
- let mk_rne (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_rne ctx
- let mk_round_nearest_ties_to_away (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away ctx
- let mk_rna (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_rna ctx
- let mk_round_toward_positive (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_toward_positive ctx
- let mk_rtp (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_rtp ctx
- let mk_round_toward_negative (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_toward_negative ctx
- let mk_rtn (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_rtn ctx
- let mk_round_toward_zero (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_toward_zero ctx
- let mk_rtz (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_rtz ctx
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_fpa_rounding_mode_sort
+ let is_fprm x = Sort.get_sort_kind (Expr.get_sort x) = ROUNDING_MODE_SORT
+ let mk_round_nearest_ties_to_even = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even
+ let mk_rne = Z3native.mk_fpa_rne
+ let mk_round_nearest_ties_to_away = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away
+ let mk_rna = Z3native.mk_fpa_rna
+ let mk_round_toward_positive = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_toward_positive
+ let mk_rtp = Z3native.mk_fpa_rtp
+ let mk_round_toward_negative = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_toward_negative
+ let mk_rtn = Z3native.mk_fpa_rtn
+ let mk_round_toward_zero = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_toward_zero
+ let mk_rtz = Z3native.mk_fpa_rtz
- let mk_sort (ctx:context) (ebits:int) (sbits:int) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort ctx ebits sbits
- let mk_sort_half (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_half ctx
- let mk_sort_16 (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_16 ctx
- let mk_sort_single (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_single ctx
- let mk_sort_32 (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_32 ctx
- let mk_sort_double (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_double ctx
- let mk_sort_64 (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_64 ctx
- let mk_sort_quadruple (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_quadruple ctx
- let mk_sort_128 (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_128 ctx
- let mk_nan (ctx:context) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_nan ctx s
- let mk_inf (ctx:context) (s:Sort.sort) (negative:bool) = Z3native.mk_fpa_inf ctx s negative
- let mk_zero (ctx:context) (s:Sort.sort) (negative:bool) = Z3native.mk_fpa_zero ctx s negative
- let mk_fp (ctx:context) (sign:expr) (exponent:expr) (significand:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_fp sign exponent significand
- let mk_numeral_f (ctx:context) (value:float) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_numeral_double ctx value s
- let mk_numeral_i (ctx:context) (value:int) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_numeral_int ctx value s
- let mk_numeral_i_u (ctx:context) (sign:bool) (exponent:int) (significand:int) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_numeral_int64_uint64 ctx sign exponent significand s
- let mk_numeral_s (ctx:context) (v:string) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_numeral ctx v s
- let is_fp (x:expr) = (Sort.get_sort_kind (Expr.get_sort x)) == FLOATING_POINT_SORT
- let is_abs (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_ABS)
- let is_neg (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_NEG)
- let is_add (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_ADD)
- let is_sub (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_SUB)
- let is_mul (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_MUL)
- let is_div (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_DIV)
- let is_fma (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_FMA)
- let is_sqrt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_SQRT)
- let is_rem (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_REM)
- let is_round_to_integral (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_ROUND_TO_INTEGRAL)
- let is_min (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_MIN)
- let is_max (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_MAX)
- let is_leq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_LE)
- let is_lt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_LT)
- let is_geq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_GE)
- let is_gt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_GT)
- let is_eq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_EQ)
- let is_is_normal (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_NORMAL)
- let is_is_subnormal (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_SUBNORMAL)
- let is_is_zero (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_ZERO)
- let is_is_infinite (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_INF)
- let is_is_nan (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_NAN)
- let is_is_negative (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_NEGATIVE)
- let is_is_positive (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_IS_POSITIVE)
- let is_to_fp (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_TO_FP)
- let is_to_fp_unsigned (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_TO_FP_UNSIGNED)
- let is_to_ubv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_TO_UBV)
- let is_to_sbv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_TO_SBV)
- let is_to_real (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_TO_REAL)
- let is_to_ieee_bv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_FPA_TO_IEEE_BV)
+ let mk_sort = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort
+ let mk_sort_half = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_half
+ let mk_sort_16 = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_16
+ let mk_sort_single = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_single
+ let mk_sort_32 = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_32
+ let mk_sort_double = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_double
+ let mk_sort_64 = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_64
+ let mk_sort_quadruple = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_quadruple
+ let mk_sort_128 = Z3native.mk_fpa_sort_128
+ let mk_nan = Z3native.mk_fpa_nan
+ let mk_inf = Z3native.mk_fpa_inf
+ let mk_zero = Z3native.mk_fpa_zero
+ let mk_fp = Z3native.mk_fpa_fp
+ let mk_numeral_f = Z3native.mk_fpa_numeral_double
+ let mk_numeral_i = Z3native.mk_fpa_numeral_int
+ let mk_numeral_i_u = Z3native.mk_fpa_numeral_int64_uint64
+ let mk_numeral_s = Z3native.mk_numeral
+ let is_fp (x:expr) = (Sort.get_sort_kind (Expr.get_sort x)) = FLOATING_POINT_SORT
+ let is_abs (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_ABS)
+ let is_neg (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_NEG)
+ let is_add (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_ADD)
+ let is_sub (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_SUB)
+ let is_mul (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_MUL)
+ let is_div (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_DIV)
+ let is_fma (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_FMA)
+ let is_sqrt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_SQRT)
+ let is_rem (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_REM)
+ let is_round_to_integral (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_ROUND_TO_INTEGRAL)
+ let is_min (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_MIN)
+ let is_max (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_MAX)
+ let is_leq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_LE)
+ let is_lt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_LT)
+ let is_geq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_GE)
+ let is_gt (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_GT)
+ let is_eq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_EQ)
+ let is_is_normal (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_NORMAL)
+ let is_is_subnormal (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_SUBNORMAL)
+ let is_is_zero (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_ZERO)
+ let is_is_infinite (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_INF)
+ let is_is_nan (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_NAN)
+ let is_is_negative (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_NEGATIVE)
+ let is_is_positive (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_IS_POSITIVE)
+ let is_to_fp (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_TO_FP)
+ let is_to_fp_unsigned (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_TO_FP_UNSIGNED)
+ let is_to_ubv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_TO_UBV)
+ let is_to_sbv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_TO_SBV)
+ let is_to_real (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_TO_REAL)
+ let is_to_ieee_bv (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_FPA_TO_IEEE_BV)
let numeral_to_string (x:expr) = Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x
- let mk_const (ctx:context) (name:Symbol.symbol) (s:Sort.sort) =
- Expr.mk_const ctx name s
- let mk_const_s (ctx:context) (name:string) (s:Sort.sort) =
- mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx name) s
- let mk_abs (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_abs t
- let mk_neg (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_neg t
- let mk_add (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_add rm t1 t2
- let mk_sub (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_sub rm t1 t2
- let mk_mul (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_mul rm t1 t2
- let mk_div (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply3 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_div rm t1 t2
- let mk_fma (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) (t3:expr) = apply4 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_fma rm t1 t2 t3
- let mk_sqrt (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_sqrt rm t
- let mk_rem (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_rem t1 t2
- let mk_round_to_integral (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_round_to_integral rm t
- let mk_min (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_min t1 t2
- let mk_max (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_max t1 t2
- let mk_leq (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_leq t1 t2
- let mk_lt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_lt t1 t2
- let mk_geq (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_geq t1 t2
- let mk_gt (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_gt t1 t2
- let mk_eq (ctx:context) (t1:expr) (t2:expr) = apply2 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_eq t1 t2
- let mk_is_normal (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_normal t
- let mk_is_subnormal (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_subnormal t
- let mk_is_zero (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_zero t
- let mk_is_infinite (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_infinite t
- let mk_is_nan (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_nan t
- let mk_is_negative (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_negative t
- let mk_is_positive (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_is_positive t
- let mk_to_fp_bv (ctx:context) (t:expr) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_bv ctx t s
- let mk_to_fp_float (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_float ctx rm t s
- let mk_to_fp_real (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_real ctx rm t s
- let mk_to_fp_signed (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_signed ctx rm t s
- let mk_to_fp_unsigned (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned ctx rm t s
- let mk_to_ubv (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) (size:int) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_ubv ctx rm t size
- let mk_to_sbv (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (t:expr) (size:int) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_sbv ctx rm t size
- let mk_to_real (ctx:context) (t:expr) = apply1 ctx Z3native.mk_fpa_to_real t
- let get_ebits (ctx:context) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.fpa_get_ebits ctx s
- let get_sbits (ctx:context) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.fpa_get_sbits ctx s
- let get_numeral_sign (ctx:context) (t:expr) = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_sign ctx t
- let get_numeral_significand_string (ctx:context) (t:expr) = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_significand_string ctx t
- let get_numeral_significand_uint (ctx:context) (t:expr) = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_significand_uint64 ctx t
- let get_numeral_exponent_string (ctx:context) (t:expr) = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_exponent_string ctx t
- let get_numeral_exponent_int (ctx:context) (t:expr) = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_exponent_int64 ctx t
- let mk_to_ieee_bv (ctx:context) (t:expr) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv ctx t
- let mk_to_fp_int_real (ctx:context) (rm:expr) (exponent:expr) (significand:expr) (s:Sort.sort) = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_int_real ctx rm exponent significand s
- let numeral_to_string (x:expr) = Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x
+ let mk_const = Expr.mk_const
+ let mk_const_s = Expr.mk_const_s
+ let mk_abs = Z3native.mk_fpa_abs
+ let mk_neg = Z3native.mk_fpa_neg
+ let mk_add = Z3native.mk_fpa_add
+ let mk_sub = Z3native.mk_fpa_sub
+ let mk_mul = Z3native.mk_fpa_mul
+ let mk_div = Z3native.mk_fpa_div
+ let mk_fma = Z3native.mk_fpa_fma
+ let mk_sqrt = Z3native.mk_fpa_sqrt
+ let mk_rem = Z3native.mk_fpa_rem
+ let mk_round_to_integral = Z3native.mk_fpa_round_to_integral
+ let mk_min = Z3native.mk_fpa_min
+ let mk_max = Z3native.mk_fpa_max
+ let mk_leq = Z3native.mk_fpa_leq
+ let mk_lt = Z3native.mk_fpa_lt
+ let mk_geq = Z3native.mk_fpa_geq
+ let mk_gt = Z3native.mk_fpa_gt
+ let mk_eq = Z3native.mk_fpa_eq
+ let mk_is_normal = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_normal
+ let mk_is_subnormal = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_subnormal
+ let mk_is_zero = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_zero
+ let mk_is_infinite = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_infinite
+ let mk_is_nan = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_nan
+ let mk_is_negative = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_negative
+ let mk_is_positive = Z3native.mk_fpa_is_positive
+ let mk_to_fp_bv = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_bv
+ let mk_to_fp_float = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_float
+ let mk_to_fp_real = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_real
+ let mk_to_fp_signed = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_signed
+ let mk_to_fp_unsigned = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned
+ let mk_to_ubv = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_ubv
+ let mk_to_sbv = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_sbv
+ let mk_to_real = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_real
+ let get_ebits = Z3native.fpa_get_ebits
+ let get_sbits = Z3native.fpa_get_sbits
+ let get_numeral_sign = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_sign
+ let get_numeral_significand_string = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_significand_string
+ let get_numeral_significand_uint = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_significand_uint64
+ let get_numeral_exponent_string = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_exponent_string
+ let get_numeral_exponent_int = Z3native.fpa_get_numeral_exponent_int64
+ let mk_to_ieee_bv = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv
+ let mk_to_fp_int_real = Z3native.mk_fpa_to_fp_int_real
+ let numeral_to_string x = Z3native.get_numeral_string (Expr.gc x) x
module Proof =
- let is_true (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_TRUE)
- let is_asserted (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_ASSERTED)
- let is_goal (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_GOAL)
- let is_oeq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_OEQ)
- let is_modus_ponens (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_MODUS_PONENS)
- let is_reflexivity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_REFLEXIVITY)
- let is_symmetry (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_SYMMETRY)
- let is_transitivity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_TRANSITIVITY)
- let is_Transitivity_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_TRANSITIVITY_STAR)
- let is_monotonicity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_MONOTONICITY)
- let is_quant_intro (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_QUANT_INTRO)
- let is_distributivity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_DISTRIBUTIVITY)
- let is_and_elimination (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_AND_ELIM)
- let is_or_elimination (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_NOT_OR_ELIM)
- let is_rewrite (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_REWRITE)
- let is_rewrite_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_REWRITE_STAR)
- let is_pull_quant (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_PULL_QUANT)
- let is_pull_quant_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_PULL_QUANT_STAR)
- let is_push_quant (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_PUSH_QUANT)
- let is_elim_unused_vars (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_ELIM_UNUSED_VARS)
- let is_der (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_DER)
- let is_quant_inst (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_QUANT_INST)
- let is_hypothesis (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_HYPOTHESIS)
- let is_lemma (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_LEMMA)
- let is_unit_resolution (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_UNIT_RESOLUTION)
- let is_iff_true (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_IFF_TRUE)
- let is_iff_false (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_IFF_FALSE)
- let is_commutativity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_COMMUTATIVITY) (* *)
- let is_def_axiom (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_DEF_AXIOM)
- let is_def_intro (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_DEF_INTRO)
- let is_apply_def (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_APPLY_DEF)
- let is_iff_oeq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_IFF_OEQ)
- let is_nnf_pos (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_NNF_POS)
- let is_nnf_neg (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_NNF_NEG)
- let is_nnf_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_NNF_STAR)
- let is_cnf_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_CNF_STAR)
- let is_skolemize (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_SKOLEMIZE)
- let is_modus_ponens_oeq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_MODUS_PONENS_OEQ)
- let is_theory_lemma (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) == OP_PR_TH_LEMMA)
+ let is_true (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_TRUE)
+ let is_asserted (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_ASSERTED)
+ let is_goal (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_GOAL)
+ let is_oeq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_OEQ)
+ let is_modus_ponens (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_MODUS_PONENS)
+ let is_reflexivity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_REFLEXIVITY)
+ let is_symmetry (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_SYMMETRY)
+ let is_transitivity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_TRANSITIVITY)
+ let is_Transitivity_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_TRANSITIVITY_STAR)
+ let is_monotonicity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_MONOTONICITY)
+ let is_quant_intro (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_QUANT_INTRO)
+ let is_distributivity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_DISTRIBUTIVITY)
+ let is_and_elimination (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_AND_ELIM)
+ let is_or_elimination (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_NOT_OR_ELIM)
+ let is_rewrite (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_REWRITE)
+ let is_rewrite_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_REWRITE_STAR)
+ let is_pull_quant (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_PULL_QUANT)
+ let is_pull_quant_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_PULL_QUANT_STAR)
+ let is_push_quant (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_PUSH_QUANT)
+ let is_elim_unused_vars (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_ELIM_UNUSED_VARS)
+ let is_der (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_DER)
+ let is_quant_inst (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_QUANT_INST)
+ let is_hypothesis (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_HYPOTHESIS)
+ let is_lemma (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_LEMMA)
+ let is_unit_resolution (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_UNIT_RESOLUTION)
+ let is_iff_true (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_IFF_TRUE)
+ let is_iff_false (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_IFF_FALSE)
+ let is_commutativity (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_COMMUTATIVITY) (* *)
+ let is_def_axiom (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_DEF_AXIOM)
+ let is_def_intro (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_DEF_INTRO)
+ let is_apply_def (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_APPLY_DEF)
+ let is_iff_oeq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_IFF_OEQ)
+ let is_nnf_pos (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_NNF_POS)
+ let is_nnf_neg (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_NNF_NEG)
+ let is_nnf_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_NNF_STAR)
+ let is_cnf_star (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_CNF_STAR)
+ let is_skolemize (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_SKOLEMIZE)
+ let is_modus_ponens_oeq (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_MODUS_PONENS_OEQ)
+ let is_theory_lemma (x:expr) = (AST.is_app x) && (FuncDecl.get_decl_kind (Expr.get_func_decl x) = OP_PR_TH_LEMMA)
module Goal =
type goal = Z3native.goal
- let gc (x:goal) = Z3native.context_of_goal x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_goal
let get_precision (x:goal) = goal_prec_of_int (Z3native.goal_precision (gc x) x)
- let is_precise (x:goal) = (get_precision x) == GOAL_PRECISE
- let is_underapproximation (x:goal) = (get_precision x) == GOAL_UNDER
- let is_overapproximation (x:goal) = (get_precision x) == GOAL_OVER
- let is_garbage (x:goal) = (get_precision x) == GOAL_UNDER_OVER
+ let is_precise (x:goal) = (get_precision x) = GOAL_PRECISE
+ let is_underapproximation (x:goal) = (get_precision x) = GOAL_UNDER
+ let is_overapproximation (x:goal) = (get_precision x) = GOAL_OVER
+ let is_garbage (x:goal) = (get_precision x) = GOAL_UNDER_OVER
- let add (x:goal) (constraints:expr list) =
- let f e = Z3native.goal_assert (gc x) x e in
- ignore (List.map f constraints) ;
- ()
+ let add x constraints =
+ List.iter (Z3native.goal_assert (gc x) x) constraints
let is_inconsistent (x:goal) = Z3native.goal_inconsistent (gc x) x
let get_depth (x:goal) = Z3native.goal_depth (gc x) x
@@ -1469,51 +1433,47 @@ struct
let simplify (x:goal) (p:Params.params option) =
let tn = Z3native.mk_tactic (gc x) "simplify" in
- Z3native.tactic_inc_ref (gc x) tn ;
+ Z3native.tactic_inc_ref (gc x) tn;
let arn = match p with
| None -> Z3native.tactic_apply (gc x) tn x
- | Some(pn) -> Z3native.tactic_apply_ex (gc x) tn x pn
+ | Some pn -> Z3native.tactic_apply_ex (gc x) tn x pn
- Z3native.apply_result_inc_ref (gc x) arn ;
+ Z3native.apply_result_inc_ref (gc x) arn;
let sg = Z3native.apply_result_get_num_subgoals (gc x) arn in
- let res = if sg == 0 then
- raise (Error "No subgoals")
- else
- Z3native.apply_result_get_subgoal (gc x) arn 0 in
- Z3native.apply_result_dec_ref (gc x) arn ;
- Z3native.tactic_dec_ref (gc x) tn ;
+ let res = if sg = 0 then
+ raise (Error "No subgoals")
+ else
+ Z3native.apply_result_get_subgoal (gc x) arn 0 in
+ Z3native.apply_result_dec_ref (gc x) arn;
+ Z3native.tactic_dec_ref (gc x) tn;
- let mk_goal (ctx:context) (models:bool) (unsat_cores:bool) (proofs:bool) =
- Z3native.mk_goal ctx models unsat_cores proofs
+ let mk_goal = Z3native.mk_goal
let to_string (x:goal) = Z3native.goal_to_string (gc x) x
let as_expr (x:goal) =
- let n = get_size x in
- if n = 0 then
- Boolean.mk_true (gc x)
- else if n = 1 then
- List.hd (get_formulas x)
- else
- Boolean.mk_and (gc x) (get_formulas x)
+ match get_size x with
+ | 0 -> Boolean.mk_true (gc x)
+ | 1 -> List.hd (get_formulas x)
+ | _ -> Boolean.mk_and (gc x) (get_formulas x)
module Model =
type model = Z3native.model
- let gc (x:model) = Z3native.context_of_model x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_model
module FuncInterp =
type func_interp = Z3native.func_interp
- let gc (x:func_interp) = Z3native.context_of_func_interp x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_func_interp
module FuncEntry =
type func_entry = Z3native.func_entry
- let gc (x:func_entry) = Z3native.context_of_func_entry x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_func_entry
let get_value (x:func_entry) = Z3native.func_entry_get_value (gc x) x
let get_num_args (x:func_entry) = Z3native.func_entry_get_num_args (gc x) x
@@ -1544,18 +1504,18 @@ struct
let f c p = (
let n = FuncEntry.get_num_args c in
p ^
- let g c p = (p ^ (Expr.to_string c) ^ ", ") in
- (if n > 1 then "[" else "") ^
- (List.fold_right
- g
- (FuncEntry.get_args c)
- ((if n > 1 then "]" else "") ^ " -> " ^ (Expr.to_string (FuncEntry.get_value c)) ^ ", "))) in
+ let g c p = (p ^ (Expr.to_string c) ^ ", ") in
+ (if n > 1 then "[" else "") ^
+ (List.fold_right
+ g
+ (FuncEntry.get_args c)
+ ((if n > 1 then "]" else "") ^ " -> " ^ (Expr.to_string (FuncEntry.get_value c)) ^ ", "))) in
List.fold_right f (get_entries x) ("else -> " ^ (Expr.to_string (get_else x)) ^ "]")
let get_const_interp (x:model) (f:func_decl) =
- if (FuncDecl.get_arity f) != 0 ||
- (sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (FuncDecl.gc f) (Z3native.get_range (FuncDecl.gc f) f))) == ARRAY_SORT then
+ if FuncDecl.get_arity f <> 0 ||
+ (sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (FuncDecl.gc f) (Z3native.get_range (FuncDecl.gc f) f))) = ARRAY_SORT then
raise (Error "Non-zero arity functions and arrays have FunctionInterpretations as a model. Use FuncInterp.")
let np = Z3native.model_get_const_interp (gc x) x f in
@@ -1568,18 +1528,18 @@ struct
let rec get_func_interp (x:model) (f:func_decl) =
let sk = sort_kind_of_int (Z3native.get_sort_kind (gc x) (Z3native.get_range (FuncDecl.gc f) f)) in
- if (FuncDecl.get_arity f) == 0 then
+ if FuncDecl.get_arity f = 0 then
let n = Z3native.model_get_const_interp (gc x) x f in
if Z3native.is_null_ast n then
match sk with
- if not (Z3native.is_as_array (gc x) n) then
- raise (Error "Argument was not an array constant")
- else
- let fd = Z3native.get_as_array_func_decl (gc x) n in
- get_func_interp x fd
+ if not (Z3native.is_as_array (gc x) n) then
+ raise (Error "Argument was not an array constant")
+ else
+ let fd = Z3native.get_as_array_func_decl (gc x) n in
+ get_func_interp x fd
| _ -> raise (Error "Constant functions do not have a function interpretation; use ConstInterp");
let n = Z3native.model_get_func_interp (gc x) x f in
@@ -1601,17 +1561,18 @@ struct
mk_list f n
let get_decls (x:model) =
- let n_funcs = (get_num_funcs x) in
- let n_consts = (get_num_consts x) in
+ let n_funcs = get_num_funcs x in
+ let n_consts = get_num_consts x in
let f i = Z3native.model_get_func_decl (gc x) x i in
let g i = Z3native.model_get_const_decl (gc x) x i in
(mk_list f n_funcs) @ (mk_list g n_consts)
let eval (x:model) (t:expr) (completion:bool) =
- let (r, v) = Z3native.model_eval (gc x) x t completion in
- if not r then None else Some v
+ match Z3native.model_eval (gc x) x t completion with
+ | (false, _) -> None
+ | (true, v) -> Some v
- let evaluate (x:model) (t:expr) (completion:bool) = eval x t completion
+ let evaluate = eval
let get_num_sorts (x:model) = Z3native.model_get_num_sorts (gc x) x
let get_sorts (x:model) =
@@ -1632,36 +1593,36 @@ struct
type probe = Z3native.probe
let apply (x:probe) (g:Goal.goal) = Z3native.probe_apply (gc x) x g
- let get_num_probes (ctx:context) = Z3native.get_num_probes ctx
+ let get_num_probes = Z3native.get_num_probes
let get_probe_names (ctx:context) =
let n = get_num_probes ctx in
let f i = Z3native.get_probe_name ctx i in
mk_list f n
- let get_probe_description (ctx:context) (name:string) = Z3native.probe_get_descr ctx name
- let mk_probe (ctx:context) (name:string) = Z3native.mk_probe ctx name
- let const (ctx:context) (v:float) = Z3native.probe_const ctx v
- let lt (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_lt ctx p1 p2
- let gt (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_gt ctx p1 p2
- let le (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_le ctx p1 p2
- let ge (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_ge ctx p1 p2
- let eq (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_eq ctx p1 p2
- let and_ (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_and ctx p1 p2
- let or_ (ctx:context) (p1:probe) (p2:probe) = Z3native.probe_or ctx p1 p2
- let not_ (ctx:context) (p:probe) = Z3native.probe_not ctx p
+ let get_probe_description = Z3native.probe_get_descr
+ let mk_probe = Z3native.mk_probe
+ let const = Z3native.probe_const
+ let lt = Z3native.probe_lt
+ let gt = Z3native.probe_gt
+ let le = Z3native.probe_le
+ let ge = Z3native.probe_ge
+ let eq = Z3native.probe_eq
+ let and_ = Z3native.probe_and
+ let or_ = Z3native.probe_or
+ let not_ = Z3native.probe_not
module Tactic =
type tactic = Z3native.tactic
- let gc (x:tactic) = Z3native.context_of_tactic x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_tactic
module ApplyResult =
type apply_result = Z3native.apply_result
- let gc (x:apply_result) = Z3native.context_of_apply_result x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_apply_result
let get_num_subgoals (x:apply_result) = Z3native.apply_result_get_num_subgoals (gc x) x
@@ -1681,77 +1642,63 @@ struct
let apply (x:tactic) (g:Goal.goal) (p:Params.params option) =
match p with
| None -> Z3native.tactic_apply (gc x) x g
- | Some (pn) -> Z3native.tactic_apply_ex (gc x) x g pn
+ | Some pn -> Z3native.tactic_apply_ex (gc x) x g pn
- let get_num_tactics (ctx:context) = Z3native.get_num_tactics ctx
+ let get_num_tactics = Z3native.get_num_tactics
let get_tactic_names (ctx:context) =
let n = get_num_tactics ctx in
let f i = Z3native.get_tactic_name ctx i in
mk_list f n
- let get_tactic_description (ctx:context) (name:string) = Z3native.tactic_get_descr ctx name
- let mk_tactic (ctx:context) (name:string) = Z3native.mk_tactic ctx name
+ let get_tactic_description = Z3native.tactic_get_descr
+ let mk_tactic = Z3native.mk_tactic
let and_then (ctx:context) (t1:tactic) (t2:tactic) (ts:tactic list) =
let f p c = (match p with
- | None -> Some c
- | Some(x) -> Some (Z3native.tactic_and_then ctx c x)) in
+ | None -> Some c
+ | Some(x) -> Some (Z3native.tactic_and_then ctx c x)) in
match (List.fold_left f None ts) with
| None -> Z3native.tactic_and_then ctx t1 t2
| Some(x) -> let o = Z3native.tactic_and_then ctx t2 x in
- Z3native.tactic_and_then ctx t1 o
- let or_else (ctx:context) (t1:tactic) (t2:tactic) = Z3native.tactic_or_else ctx t1 t2
- let try_for (ctx:context) (t:tactic) (ms:int) = Z3native.tactic_try_for ctx t ms
- let when_ (ctx:context) (p:Probe.probe) (t:tactic) = Z3native.tactic_when ctx p t
- let cond (ctx:context) (p:Probe.probe) (t1:tactic) (t2:tactic) = Z3native.tactic_cond ctx p t1 t2
- let repeat (ctx:context) (t:tactic) (max:int) = Z3native.tactic_repeat ctx t max
- let skip (ctx:context) = Z3native.tactic_skip ctx
- let fail (ctx:context) = Z3native.tactic_fail ctx
- let fail_if (ctx:context) (p:Probe.probe) = Z3native.tactic_fail_if ctx p
- let fail_if_not_decided (ctx:context) = Z3native.tactic_fail_if_not_decided ctx
- let using_params (ctx:context) (t:tactic) (p:Params.params) = Z3native.tactic_using_params ctx t p
- let with_ (ctx:context) (t:tactic) (p:Params.params) = using_params ctx t p
+ Z3native.tactic_and_then ctx t1 o
+ let or_else = Z3native.tactic_or_else
+ let try_for = Z3native.tactic_try_for
+ let when_ = Z3native.tactic_when
+ let cond = Z3native.tactic_cond
+ let repeat = Z3native.tactic_repeat
+ let skip = Z3native.tactic_skip
+ let fail = Z3native.tactic_fail
+ let fail_if = Z3native.tactic_fail_if
+ let fail_if_not_decided = Z3native.tactic_fail_if_not_decided
+ let using_params = Z3native.tactic_using_params
+ let with_ = using_params
let par_or (ctx:context) (t:tactic list) = Z3native.tactic_par_or ctx (List.length t) (Array.of_list t)
- let par_and_then (ctx:context) (t1:tactic) (t2:tactic) = Z3native.tactic_par_and_then ctx t1 t2
- let interrupt (ctx:context) = Z3native.interrupt ctx
+ let par_and_then = Z3native.tactic_par_and_then
+ let interrupt = Z3native.interrupt
module Statistics =
type statistics = Z3native.stats
- let gc (x:statistics) = Z3native.context_of_stats x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_stats
module Entry =
type statistics_entry = {
- mutable m_key:string ;
- mutable m_is_int:bool ;
- mutable m_is_float:bool ;
- mutable m_int:int ;
- mutable m_float:float }
+ m_key:string;
+ m_is_int:bool;
+ m_is_float:bool;
+ m_int:int;
+ m_float:float }
let create_si k v =
- let res:statistics_entry = {
- m_key = k ;
- m_is_int = true ;
- m_is_float = false ;
- m_int = v ;
- m_float = 0.0
- } in
- res
+ { m_key = k; m_is_int = true; m_is_float = false; m_int = v; m_float = 0.0 }
let create_sd k v =
- let res:statistics_entry = {
- m_key = k ;
- m_is_int = false ;
- m_is_float = true ;
- m_int = 0 ;
- m_float = v
- } in
- res
+ { m_key = k; m_is_int = false; m_is_float = true; m_int = 0; m_float = v }
let get_key (x:statistics_entry) = x.m_key
let get_int (x:statistics_entry) = x.m_int
@@ -1759,9 +1706,9 @@ struct
let is_int (x:statistics_entry) = x.m_is_int
let is_float (x:statistics_entry) = x.m_is_float
let to_string_value (x:statistics_entry) =
- if (is_int x) then
+ if is_int x then
string_of_int (get_int x)
- else if (is_float x) then
+ else if is_float x then
string_of_float (get_float x)
raise (Error "Unknown statistical entry type")
@@ -1773,12 +1720,13 @@ struct
let get_entries (x:statistics) =
let n = get_size x in
- let f i = (
+ let f i =
let k = Z3native.stats_get_key (gc x) x i in
- if (Z3native.stats_is_uint (gc x) x i) then
- (Entry.create_si k (Z3native.stats_get_uint_value (gc x) x i))
+ if Z3native.stats_is_uint (gc x) x i then
+ Entry.create_si k (Z3native.stats_get_uint_value (gc x) x i)
- (Entry.create_sd k (Z3native.stats_get_double_value (gc x) x i))) in
+ Entry.create_sd k (Z3native.stats_get_double_value (gc x) x i)
+ in
mk_list f n
let get_keys (x:statistics) =
@@ -1787,8 +1735,8 @@ struct
mk_list f n
let get (x:statistics) (key:string) =
- let f p c = (if ((Entry.get_key c) == key) then (Some c) else p) in
- List.fold_left f None (get_entries x)
+ try Some(List.find (fun c -> Entry.get_key c = key) (get_entries x)) with
+ | Not_found -> None
@@ -1796,7 +1744,7 @@ module Solver =
type solver = Z3native.solver
- let gc (x:solver) = Z3native.context_of_solver x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_solver
let string_of_status (s:status) = match s with
| UNSATISFIABLE -> "unsatisfiable"
@@ -1811,83 +1759,77 @@ struct
let pop (x:solver) (n:int) = Z3native.solver_pop (gc x) x n
let reset (x:solver) = Z3native.solver_reset (gc x) x
- let add (x:solver) (constraints:expr list) =
- let f e = (Z3native.solver_assert (gc x) x e) in
- ignore (List.map f constraints)
+ let add x constraints =
+ List.iter (Z3native.solver_assert (gc x) x) constraints
- let assert_and_track_l (x:solver) (cs:expr list) (ps:expr list) =
- if ((List.length cs) != (List.length ps)) then
- raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
- else
- let f a b = Z3native.solver_assert_and_track (gc x) x a b in
- ignore (List.iter2 f cs ps)
+ let assert_and_track_l x cs ps =
+ try List.iter2 (Z3native.solver_assert_and_track (gc x) x) cs ps with
+ | Invalid_argument _ -> raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
- let assert_and_track (x:solver) (c:expr) (p:expr) =
- Z3native.solver_assert_and_track (gc x) x c p
+ let assert_and_track x = Z3native.solver_assert_and_track (gc x) x
- let get_num_assertions (x:solver) =
+ let get_num_assertions x =
let a = Z3native.solver_get_assertions (gc x) x in
AST.ASTVector.get_size a
- let get_assertions (x:solver) =
+ let get_assertions x =
let av = Z3native.solver_get_assertions (gc x) x in
AST.ASTVector.to_expr_list av
let check (x:solver) (assumptions:expr list) =
- let r =
- if ((List.length assumptions) == 0) then
- lbool_of_int (Z3native.solver_check (gc x) x)
- else
- lbool_of_int (Z3native.solver_check_assumptions (gc x) x (List.length assumptions) (Array.of_list assumptions))
+ let result =
+ match assumptions with
+ | [] -> Z3native.solver_check (gc x) x
+ | _::_ ->
+ let assumption_array = Array.of_list assumptions in
+ Z3native.solver_check_assumptions (gc x) x (Array.length assumption_array) assumption_array
- match r with
+ match lbool_of_int result with
| _ -> UNKNOWN
- let get_model (x:solver) =
+ let get_model x =
let q = Z3native.solver_get_model (gc x) x in
if Z3native.is_null_model q then None else Some q
- let get_proof (x:solver) =
+ let get_proof x =
let q = Z3native.solver_get_proof (gc x) x in
if Z3native.is_null_ast q then None else Some q
- let get_unsat_core (x:solver) =
+ let get_unsat_core x =
let av = Z3native.solver_get_unsat_core (gc x) x in
AST.ASTVector.to_expr_list av
- let get_reason_unknown (x:solver) = Z3native.solver_get_reason_unknown (gc x) x
- let get_statistics (x:solver) = Z3native.solver_get_statistics (gc x) x
+ let get_reason_unknown x = Z3native.solver_get_reason_unknown (gc x) x
+ let get_statistics x = Z3native.solver_get_statistics (gc x) x
- let mk_solver (ctx:context) (logic:Symbol.symbol option) =
+ let mk_solver ctx logic =
match logic with
| None -> Z3native.mk_solver ctx
- | Some (x) -> Z3native.mk_solver_for_logic ctx x
+ | Some x -> Z3native.mk_solver_for_logic ctx x
- let mk_solver_s (ctx:context) (logic:string) = mk_solver ctx (Some (Symbol.mk_string ctx logic))
- let mk_simple_solver (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_simple_solver ctx
- let mk_solver_t (ctx:context) (t:Tactic.tactic) = Z3native.mk_solver_from_tactic ctx t
- let translate (x:solver) (to_ctx:context) = Z3native.solver_translate (gc x) x to_ctx
- let to_string (x:solver) = Z3native.solver_to_string (gc x) x
+ let mk_solver_s ctx logic = mk_solver ctx (Some (Symbol.mk_string ctx logic))
+ let mk_simple_solver = Z3native.mk_simple_solver
+ let mk_solver_t = Z3native.mk_solver_from_tactic
+ let translate x = Z3native.solver_translate (gc x) x
+ let to_string x = Z3native.solver_to_string (gc x) x
module Fixedpoint =
type fixedpoint = Z3native.fixedpoint
- let gc (x:fixedpoint) = Z3native.context_of_fixedpoint x
+ let gc = Z3native.context_of_fixedpoint
- let get_help (x:fixedpoint) = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_help (gc x) x
- let set_parameters (x:fixedpoint) (p:Params.params) = Z3native.fixedpoint_set_params (gc x) x p
- let get_param_descrs (x:fixedpoint) = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_param_descrs (gc x) x
+ let get_help x = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_help (gc x) x
+ let set_parameters x = Z3native.fixedpoint_set_params (gc x) x
+ let get_param_descrs x = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_param_descrs (gc x) x
- let add (x:fixedpoint) (constraints:expr list) =
- let f e = Z3native.fixedpoint_assert (gc x) x e in
- ignore (List.map f constraints) ;
- ()
+ let add x constraints =
+ List.iter (Z3native.fixedpoint_assert (gc x) x) constraints
- let register_relation (x:fixedpoint) (f:func_decl) = Z3native.fixedpoint_register_relation (gc x) x f
+ let register_relation x = Z3native.fixedpoint_register_relation (gc x) x
let add_rule (x:fixedpoint) (rule:expr) (name:Symbol.symbol option) =
match name with
@@ -1898,27 +1840,27 @@ struct
Z3native.fixedpoint_add_fact (gc x) x pred (List.length args) (Array.of_list args)
let query (x:fixedpoint) (query:expr) =
- match (lbool_of_int (Z3native.fixedpoint_query (gc x) x query)) with
- | _ -> Solver.UNKNOWN
+ match lbool_of_int (Z3native.fixedpoint_query (gc x) x query) with
+ | _ -> Solver.UNKNOWN
let query_r (x:fixedpoint) (relations:func_decl list) =
- match (lbool_of_int (Z3native.fixedpoint_query_relations (gc x) x (List.length relations) (Array.of_list relations))) with
+ match lbool_of_int (Z3native.fixedpoint_query_relations (gc x) x (List.length relations) (Array.of_list relations)) with
| _ -> Solver.UNKNOWN
- let push (x:fixedpoint) = Z3native.fixedpoint_push (gc x) x
- let pop (x:fixedpoint) = Z3native.fixedpoint_pop (gc x) x
- let update_rule (x:fixedpoint) (rule:expr) (name:Symbol.symbol) = Z3native.fixedpoint_update_rule (gc x) x rule name
+ let push x = Z3native.fixedpoint_push (gc x) x
+ let pop x = Z3native.fixedpoint_pop (gc x) x
+ let update_rule x = Z3native.fixedpoint_update_rule (gc x) x
- let get_answer (x:fixedpoint) =
+ let get_answer x =
let q = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_answer (gc x) x in
if Z3native.is_null_ast q then None else Some q
- let get_reason_unknown (x:fixedpoint) = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_reason_unknown (gc x) x
- let get_num_levels (x:fixedpoint) (predicate:func_decl) = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_num_levels (gc x) x predicate
+ let get_reason_unknown x = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_reason_unknown (gc x) x
+ let get_num_levels x = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_num_levels (gc x) x
let get_cover_delta (x:fixedpoint) (level:int) (predicate:func_decl) =
let q = Z3native.fixedpoint_get_cover_delta (gc x) x level predicate in
@@ -1961,16 +1903,15 @@ struct
type optimize = Z3native.optimize
type handle = { opt:optimize; h:int }
- let mk_handle (x:optimize) h = { opt = x; h = h }
+ let mk_handle opt h = { opt; h }
let mk_opt (ctx:context) = Z3native.mk_optimize ctx
let get_help (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_get_help (gc x) x
let set_parameters (x:optimize) (p:Params.params) = Z3native.optimize_set_params (gc x) x p
let get_param_descrs (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_get_param_descrs (gc x) x
- let add (x:optimize) (constraints:expr list) =
- let f e = Z3native.optimize_assert (gc x) x e in
- List.iter f constraints
+ let add x constraints =
+ List.iter (Z3native.optimize_assert (gc x) x) constraints
let add_soft (x:optimize) (e:Expr.expr) (w:string) (s:Symbol.symbol) =
mk_handle x (Z3native.optimize_assert_soft (gc x) x e w s)
@@ -1991,7 +1932,7 @@ struct
let get_lower (x:handle) (idx:int) = Z3native.optimize_get_lower (gc x.opt) x.opt idx
let get_upper (x:handle) (idx:int) = Z3native.optimize_get_upper (gc x.opt) x.opt idx
- let push (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_push (gc x) x
+ let push (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_push (gc x) x
let pop (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_pop (gc x) x
let get_reason_unknown (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_get_reason_unknown (gc x) x
let to_string (x:optimize) = Z3native.optimize_to_string (gc x) x
@@ -2003,40 +1944,40 @@ module SMT =
let benchmark_to_smtstring (ctx:context) (name:string) (logic:string) (status:string) (attributes:string) (assumptions:expr list) (formula:expr) =
Z3native.benchmark_to_smtlib_string ctx name logic status attributes
- (List.length assumptions) (Array.of_list assumptions)
- formula
+ (List.length assumptions) (Array.of_list assumptions)
+ formula
let parse_smtlib_string (ctx:context) (str:string) (sort_names:Symbol.symbol list) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (decl_names:Symbol.symbol list) (decls:func_decl list) =
let csn = (List.length sort_names) in
let cs = (List.length sorts) in
let cdn = (List.length decl_names) in
let cd = (List.length decls) in
- if (csn != cs || cdn != cd) then
+ if (csn <> cs || cdn <> cd) then
raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
Z3native.parse_smtlib_string ctx str
- cs
- (Array.of_list sort_names)
- (Array.of_list sorts)
- cd
- (Array.of_list decl_names)
- (Array.of_list decls)
+ cs
+ (Array.of_list sort_names)
+ (Array.of_list sorts)
+ cd
+ (Array.of_list decl_names)
+ (Array.of_list decls)
let parse_smtlib_file (ctx:context) (file_name:string) (sort_names:Symbol.symbol list) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (decl_names:Symbol.symbol list) (decls:func_decl list) =
let csn = (List.length sort_names) in
let cs = (List.length sorts) in
let cdn = (List.length decl_names) in
let cd = (List.length decls) in
- if (csn != cs || cdn != cd) then
+ if (csn <> cs || cdn <> cd) then
raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
Z3native.parse_smtlib_file ctx file_name
- cs
- (Array.of_list sort_names)
- (Array.of_list sorts)
- cd
- (Array.of_list decl_names)
- (Array.of_list decls)
+ cs
+ (Array.of_list sort_names)
+ (Array.of_list sorts)
+ cd
+ (Array.of_list decl_names)
+ (Array.of_list decls)
let get_num_smtlib_formulas (ctx:context) = Z3native.get_smtlib_num_formulas ctx
@@ -2067,50 +2008,48 @@ struct
mk_list f n
let parse_smtlib2_string (ctx:context) (str:string) (sort_names:Symbol.symbol list) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (decl_names:Symbol.symbol list) (decls:func_decl list) =
- let csn = (List.length sort_names) in
- let cs = (List.length sorts) in
- let cdn = (List.length decl_names) in
- let cd = (List.length decls) in
- if (csn != cs || cdn != cd) then
- raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
+ let sort_names_arr = Array.of_list sort_names in
+ let sorts_arr = Array.of_list sorts in
+ let decl_names_arr = Array.of_list decl_names in
+ let decls_arr = Array.of_list decls in
+ let csn = Array.length sort_names_arr in
+ let cs = Array.length sorts_arr in
+ let cdn = Array.length decl_names_arr in
+ let cd = Array.length decls_arr in
+ if csn <> cs || cdn <> cd then
+ raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
Z3native.parse_smtlib2_string ctx str
- cs
- (Array.of_list sort_names)
- (Array.of_list sorts)
- cd
- (Array.of_list decl_names)
- (Array.of_list decls)
+ cs sort_names_arr sorts_arr cd decl_names_arr decls_arr
let parse_smtlib2_file (ctx:context) (file_name:string) (sort_names:Symbol.symbol list) (sorts:Sort.sort list) (decl_names:Symbol.symbol list) (decls:func_decl list) =
- let csn = (List.length sort_names) in
- let cs = (List.length sorts) in
- let cdn = (List.length decl_names) in
- let cd = (List.length decls) in
- if (csn != cs || cdn != cd) then
+ let sort_names_arr = Array.of_list sort_names in
+ let sorts_arr = Array.of_list sorts in
+ let decl_names_arr = Array.of_list decl_names in
+ let decls_arr = Array.of_list decls in
+ let csn = Array.length sort_names_arr in
+ let cs = Array.length sorts_arr in
+ let cdn = Array.length decl_names_arr in
+ let cd = Array.length decls_arr in
+ if csn <> cs || cdn <> cd then
raise (Error "Argument size mismatch")
- Z3native.parse_smtlib2_string ctx file_name
- cs
- (Array.of_list sort_names)
- (Array.of_list sorts)
- cd
- (Array.of_list decl_names)
- (Array.of_list decls)
+ Z3native.parse_smtlib2_string ctx file_name
+ cs sort_names_arr sorts_arr cd decl_names_arr decls_arr
module Interpolation =
- let mk_interpolant (ctx:context) (a:expr) = Z3native.mk_interpolant ctx a
+ let mk_interpolant = Z3native.mk_interpolant
let mk_interpolation_context (settings:(string * string) list) =
let cfg = Z3native.mk_config () in
let f e = Z3native.set_param_value cfg (fst e) (snd e) in
- (List.iter f settings) ;
+ List.iter f settings;
let res = Z3native.mk_interpolation_context cfg in
- Z3native.del_config(cfg) ;
- Z3native.set_ast_print_mode res (int_of_ast_print_mode PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT) ;
- Z3native.set_internal_error_handler res ;
+ Z3native.del_config cfg;
+ Z3native.set_ast_print_mode res (int_of_ast_print_mode PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT);
+ Z3native.set_internal_error_handler res;
let get_interpolant (ctx:context) (pf:expr) (pat:expr) (p:Params.params) =
@@ -2119,62 +2058,56 @@ struct
let compute_interpolant (ctx:context) (pat:expr) (p:Params.params) =
let (r, interp, model) = Z3native.compute_interpolant ctx pat p in
- let res = (lbool_of_int r) in
+ let res = lbool_of_int r in
match res with
- | L_TRUE -> (res, None, Some(model))
- | L_FALSE -> (res, Some(AST.ASTVector.to_expr_list interp), None)
+ | L_TRUE -> (res, None, Some model)
+ | L_FALSE -> (res, Some (AST.ASTVector.to_expr_list interp), None)
| _ -> (res, None, None)
- let get_interpolation_profile (ctx:context) = Z3native.interpolation_profile ctx
+ let get_interpolation_profile = Z3native.interpolation_profile
let read_interpolation_problem (ctx:context) (filename:string) =
- let (r, num, cnsts, parents, error, num_theory, theory) = (Z3native.read_interpolation_problem ctx filename) in
+ let (r, num, cnsts, parents, error, num_theory, theory) =
+ Z3native.read_interpolation_problem ctx filename
+ in
match r with
| 0 -> raise (Error "Interpolation problem could not be read.")
| _ ->
- let f1 i = Array.get cnsts i in
- let f2 i = Array.get parents i in
- let f3 i = Array.get theory i in
- ((mk_list f1 num),
- (mk_list f2 num),
- (mk_list f3 num_theory))
+ let f1 i = Array.get cnsts i in
+ let f2 i = Array.get parents i in
+ let f3 i = Array.get theory i in
+ (mk_list f1 num,
+ mk_list f2 num,
+ mk_list f3 num_theory)
let check_interpolant (ctx:context) (num:int) (cnsts:Expr.expr list) (parents:int list) (interps:Expr.expr list) (num_theory:int) (theory:Expr.expr list) =
let (r, str) = Z3native.check_interpolant ctx
- num
- (Array.of_list cnsts)
- (Array.of_list parents)
- (Array.of_list interps)
- num_theory
- (Array.of_list theory) in
+ num
+ (Array.of_list cnsts)
+ (Array.of_list parents)
+ (Array.of_list interps)
+ num_theory
+ (Array.of_list theory) in
match (lbool_of_int r) with
| L_UNDEF -> raise (Error "Interpolant could not be verified.")
| L_FALSE -> raise (Error "Interpolant could not be verified.")
| _ -> ()
let write_interpolation_problem (ctx:context) (num:int) (cnsts:Expr.expr list) (parents:int list) (filename:string) (num_theory:int) (theory:Expr.expr list) =
- (Z3native.write_interpolation_problem ctx num (Array.of_list cnsts) (Array.of_list parents) filename num_theory (Array.of_list theory)) ;
- ()
+ Z3native.write_interpolation_problem ctx num (Array.of_list cnsts) (Array.of_list parents) filename num_theory (Array.of_list theory)
-let set_global_param (id:string) (value:string) =
- (Z3native.global_param_set id value)
+let set_global_param = Z3native.global_param_set
-let get_global_param (id:string) =
- let (r, v) = (Z3native.global_param_get id) in
- if not r then
- None
- else
- Some v
+let get_global_param id =
+ match Z3native.global_param_get id with
+ | (false, _) -> None
+ | (true, v) -> Some v
-let global_param_reset_all =
- Z3native.global_param_reset_all
+let global_param_reset_all = Z3native.global_param_reset_all
-let toggle_warning_messages (enabled:bool) =
- Z3native.toggle_warning_messages enabled
+let toggle_warning_messages = Z3native.toggle_warning_messages
-let enable_trace (tag:string) =
- (Z3native.enable_trace tag)
+let enable_trace = Z3native.enable_trace
-let disable_trace (tag:string) =
- (Z3native.enable_trace tag)
+let disable_trace = Z3native.enable_trace
diff --git a/src/api/ml/z3.mli b/src/api/ml/z3.mli
index 555e25bc049..9104b308021 100644
--- a/src/api/ml/z3.mli
+++ b/src/api/ml/z3.mli
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
@author CM Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2012-12-17
-(** General Z3 exceptions
+(** General Z3 exceptions
Many functions in this API may throw an exception; if they do, it is this one.*)
exception Error of string
(** Context objects.
- Most interactions with Z3 are interpreted in some context; many users will only
- require one such object, but power users may require more than one. To start using
- Z3, do
+ Most interactions with Z3 are interpreted in some context; many users will only
+ require one such object, but power users may require more than one. To start using
+ Z3, do
- let ctx = (mk_context []) in
+ let ctx = (mk_context []) in
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ exception Error of string
let cfg = [("model", "true"); ("...", "...")] in
- let ctx = (mk_context cfg) in
+ let ctx = (mk_context cfg) in
type context
-(** Create a context object
+(** Create a context object
The following parameters can be set:
- proof (Boolean) Enable proof generation
- - debug_ref_count (Boolean) Enable debug support for Z3_ast reference counting
+ - debug_ref_count (Boolean) Enable debug support for Z3_ast reference counting
- trace (Boolean) Tracing support for VCC
- trace_file_name (String) Trace out file for VCC traces
- timeout (unsigned) default timeout (in milliseconds) used for solvers
@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ type context
- auto_config use heuristics to automatically select solver and configure it
- model model generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver
- model_validate validate models produced by solvers
- - unsat_core unsat-core generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver
+ - unsat_core unsat-core generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver
val mk_context : (string * string) list -> context
(** Interaction logging for Z3
- Note that this is a global, static log and if multiple Context
+ Note that this is a global, static log and if multiple Context
objects are created, it logs the interaction with all of them. *)
module Log :
- (** Open an interaction log file.
+ (** Open an interaction log file.
@return True if opening the log file succeeds, false otherwise. *)
(* CMW: "open" is a reserved keyword. *)
val open_ : string -> bool
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ sig
(** A string representation of the symbol. *)
val to_string : symbol -> string
- (** Creates a new symbol using an integer.
+ (** Creates a new symbol using an integer.
Not all integers can be passed to this function.
The legal range of unsigned integers is 0 to 2^30-1. *)
val mk_int : context -> int -> symbol
@@ -125,21 +125,21 @@ end
(** The abstract syntax tree (AST) module *)
module rec AST :
- type ast
+ type ast
(** Vectors of ASTs *)
module ASTVector :
- type ast_vector
+ type ast_vector
(** Create an empty AST vector *)
val mk_ast_vector : context -> ast_vector
(** The size of the vector *)
val get_size : ast_vector -> int
(** Retrieves the i-th object in the vector.
- @return An AST *)
+ @return An AST *)
val get : ast_vector -> int -> ast
(** Sets the i-th object in the vector. *)
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ sig
val resize : ast_vector -> int -> unit
(** Add an ast to the back of the vector. The size
- is increased by 1. *)
+ is increased by 1. *)
val push : ast_vector -> ast -> unit
(** Translates all ASTs in the vector to another context.
- @return A new ASTVector *)
+ @return A new ASTVector *)
val translate : ast_vector -> context -> ast_vector
(** Translates the ASTVector into an (Ast.ast list) *)
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ sig
(** Create an empty mapping from AST to AST *)
val mk_ast_map : context -> ast_map
(** Checks whether the map contains a key.
- @return True if the key in the map, false otherwise. *)
+ @return True if the key in the map, false otherwise. *)
val contains : ast_map -> ast -> bool
(** Finds the value associated with the key.
- This function signs an error when the key is not a key in the map. *)
+ This function signs an error when the key is not a key in the map. *)
val find : ast_map -> ast -> ast
(** Stores or replaces a new key/value pair in the map. *)
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ sig
(** A unique identifier for the AST (unique among all ASTs). *)
val get_id : ast -> int
- (** The kind of the AST. *)
+ (** The kind of the AST. *)
val get_ast_kind : ast -> Z3enums.ast_kind
(** Indicates whether the AST is an Expr *)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ sig
val to_sexpr : ast -> string
(** Comparison operator.
- @return True if the two ast's are from the same context
+ @return True if the two ast's are from the same context
and represent the same sort; false otherwise. *)
val equal : ast -> ast -> bool
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ sig
type sort
(** Comparison operator.
- @return True if the two sorts are from the same context
+ @return True if the two sorts are from the same context
and represent the same sort; false otherwise. *)
val equal : sort -> sort -> bool
@@ -285,14 +285,14 @@ sig
(** Parameters of func_decls *)
type parameter =
- P_Int of int
+ P_Int of int
| P_Dbl of float
| P_Sym of Symbol.symbol
| P_Srt of Sort.sort
| P_Ast of AST.ast
| P_Fdl of func_decl
| P_Rat of string
(** The kind of the parameter. *)
val get_kind : parameter -> Z3enums.parameter_kind
@@ -354,10 +354,10 @@ sig
(** The size of the domain of the function declaration
{!get_arity} *)
val get_domain_size : func_decl -> int
(** The domain of the function declaration *)
val get_domain : func_decl -> Sort.sort list
(** The range of the function declaration *)
val get_range : func_decl -> Sort.sort
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ sig
(** The parameters of the function declaration *)
val get_parameters : func_decl -> Parameter.parameter list
- (** Create expression that applies function to arguments. *)
+ (** Create expression that applies function to arguments. *)
val apply : func_decl -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ sig
(** ParamDescrs describe sets of parameters (of Solvers, Tactics, ...) *)
module ParamDescrs :
- type param_descrs
+ type param_descrs
(** Validate a set of parameters. *)
val validate : param_descrs -> params -> unit
@@ -424,19 +424,19 @@ sig
val to_string : params -> string
(** Update a mutable configuration parameter.
The list of all configuration parameters can be obtained using the Z3 executable:
[z3.exe -p]
Only a few configuration parameters are mutable once the context is created.
An exception is thrown when trying to modify an immutable parameter. *)
val update_param_value : context -> string -> string -> unit
(** Selects the format used for pretty-printing expressions.
The default mode for pretty printing expressions is to produce
- SMT-LIB style output where common subexpressions are printed
+ SMT-LIB style output where common subexpressions are printed
at each occurrence. The mode is called PRINT_SMTLIB_FULL.
- To print shared common subexpressions only once,
+ To print shared common subexpressions only once,
use the PRINT_LOW_LEVEL mode.
To print in way that conforms to SMT-LIB standards and uses let
expressions to share common sub-expressions use PRINT_SMTLIB_COMPLIANT.
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ sig
(** The number of arguments of the expression. *)
val get_num_args : Expr.expr -> int
- (** The arguments of the expression. *)
+ (** The arguments of the expression. *)
val get_args : Expr.expr -> Expr.expr list
(** Update the arguments of the expression using an array of expressions.
@@ -479,9 +479,9 @@ sig
val update : Expr.expr -> Expr.expr list -> expr
(** Substitute every occurrence of [from[i]] in the expression with [to[i]], for [i] smaller than [num_exprs].
The result is the new expression. The arrays [from] and [to] must have size [num_exprs].
- For every [i] smaller than [num_exprs], we must have that
+ For every [i] smaller than [num_exprs], we must have that
sort of [from[i]] must be equal to sort of [to[i]]. *)
val substitute : Expr.expr -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr list -> expr
@@ -498,14 +498,14 @@ sig
@return A copy of the term which is associated with the other context *)
val translate : Expr.expr -> context -> expr
- (** Returns a string representation of the expression. *)
+ (** Returns a string representation of the expression. *)
val to_string : Expr.expr -> string
(** Indicates whether the term is a numeral *)
val is_numeral : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is well-sorted.
- @return True if the term is well-sorted, false otherwise. *)
+ @return True if the term is well-sorted, false otherwise. *)
val is_well_sorted : Expr.expr -> bool
(** The Sort of the term. *)
@@ -513,31 +513,31 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether the term represents a constant. *)
val is_const : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Creates a new constant. *)
val mk_const : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Sort.sort -> expr
(** Creates a new constant. *)
val mk_const_s : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> expr
(** Creates a constant from the func_decl. *)
val mk_const_f : context -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> expr
(** Creates a fresh constant with a name prefixed with a string. *)
val mk_fresh_const : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> expr
(** Create a new function application. *)
val mk_app : context -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> Expr.expr list -> expr
- (** Create a numeral of a given sort.
+ (** Create a numeral of a given sort.
@return A Term with the given value and sort *)
val mk_numeral_string : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> expr
(** Create a numeral of a given sort. This function can be use to create numerals that fit in a machine integer.
- It is slightly faster than [MakeNumeral] since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ It is slightly faster than [MakeNumeral] since it is not necessary to parse a string.
@return A Term with the given value and sort *)
val mk_numeral_int : context -> int -> Sort.sort -> expr
(** Comparison operator.
@return True if the two expr's are equal; false otherwise. *)
val equal : expr -> expr -> bool
@@ -553,22 +553,22 @@ sig
(** Create a Boolean sort *)
val mk_sort : context -> Sort.sort
- (** Create a Boolean constant. *)
+ (** Create a Boolean constant. *)
val mk_const : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Expr.expr
- (** Create a Boolean constant. *)
+ (** Create a Boolean constant. *)
val mk_const_s : context -> string -> Expr.expr
- (** The true Term. *)
+ (** The true Term. *)
val mk_true : context -> Expr.expr
- (** The false Term. *)
+ (** The false Term. *)
val mk_false : context -> Expr.expr
- (** Creates a Boolean value. *)
+ (** Creates a Boolean value. *)
val mk_val : context -> bool -> Expr.expr
- (** Mk an expression representing [not(a)]. *)
+ (** Mk an expression representing [not(a)]. *)
val mk_not : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create an expression representing an if-then-else: [ite(t1, t2, t3)]. *)
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ sig
(** The de-Burijn index of a bound variable.
Bound variables are indexed by de-Bruijn indices. It is perhaps easiest to explain
the meaning of de-Bruijn indices by indicating the compilation process from
non-de-Bruijn formulas to de-Bruijn format.
@@ -696,19 +696,19 @@ sig
(** The patterns. *)
val get_patterns : quantifier -> Pattern.pattern list
(** The number of no-patterns. *)
val get_num_no_patterns : quantifier -> int
(** The no-patterns. *)
val get_no_patterns : quantifier -> Pattern.pattern list
(** The number of bound variables. *)
val get_num_bound : quantifier -> int
(** The symbols for the bound variables. *)
val get_bound_variable_names : quantifier -> Symbol.symbol list
(** The sorts of the bound variables. *)
val get_bound_variable_sorts : quantifier -> Sort.sort list
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ sig
(** Create a Quantifier. *)
val mk_quantifier : context -> Sort.sort list -> Symbol.symbol list -> Expr.expr -> int option -> Pattern.pattern list -> Expr.expr list -> Symbol.symbol option -> Symbol.symbol option -> quantifier
(** Create a Quantifier. *)
val mk_quantifier : context -> bool -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr -> int option -> Pattern.pattern list -> Expr.expr list -> Symbol.symbol option -> Symbol.symbol option -> quantifier
@@ -749,28 +749,28 @@ sig
(** Create a new array sort. *)
val mk_sort : context -> Sort.sort -> Sort.sort -> Sort.sort
- (** Indicates whether the term is an array store.
- It satisfies select(store(a,i,v),j) = if i = j then v else select(a,j).
+ (** Indicates whether the term is an array store.
+ It satisfies select(store(a,i,v),j) = if i = j then v else select(a,j).
Array store takes at least 3 arguments. *)
val is_store : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is an array select. *)
val is_select : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is a constant array.
+ (** Indicates whether the term is a constant array.
For example, select(const(v),i) = v holds for every v and i. The function is unary. *)
val is_constant_array : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is a default array.
+ (** Indicates whether the term is a default array.
For example default(const(v)) = v. The function is unary. *)
val is_default_array : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is an array map.
+ (** Indicates whether the term is an array map.
It satisfies map[f](a1,..,a_n)[i] = f(a1[i],...,a_n[i]) for every i. *)
val is_array_map : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is an as-array term.
- An as-array term is n array value that behaves as the function graph of the
+ (** Indicates whether the term is an as-array term.
+ An as-array term is n array value that behaves as the function graph of the
function passed as parameter. *)
val is_as_array : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -779,54 +779,54 @@ sig
(** The domain of the array sort. *)
val get_domain : Sort.sort -> Sort.sort
(** The range of the array sort. *)
val get_range : Sort.sort -> Sort.sort
- (** Create an array constant. *)
+ (** Create an array constant. *)
val mk_const : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Sort.sort -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an array constant. *)
+ (** Create an array constant. *)
val mk_const_s : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr
- (** Array read.
- The argument [a] is the array and [i] is the index
- of the array that gets read.
- The node [a] must have an array sort [[domain -> range]],
+ (** Array read.
+ The argument [a] is the array and [i] is the index
+ of the array that gets read.
+ The node [a] must have an array sort [[domain -> range]],
and [i] must have the sort [domain].
The sort of the result is [range].
{!mk_store} *)
val mk_select : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Array update.
- The node [a] must have an array sort [[domain -> range]],
+ (** Array update.
+ The node [a] must have an array sort [[domain -> range]],
[i] must have sort [domain],
[v] must have sort range. The sort of the result is [[domain -> range]].
The semantics of this function is given by the theory of arrays described in the SMT-LIB
standard. See http://smtlib.org for more details.
- The result of this function is an array that is equal to [a]
+ The result of this function is an array that is equal to [a]
(with respect to [select])
- on all indices except for [i], where it maps to [v]
- (and the [select] of [a] with
+ on all indices except for [i], where it maps to [v]
+ (and the [select] of [a] with
respect to [i] may be a different value).
{!mk_select} *)
val mk_store : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create a constant array.
- The resulting term is an array, such that a [select]on an arbitrary index
+ The resulting term is an array, such that a [select]on an arbitrary index
produces the value [v].
{!mk_select} *)
val mk_const_array : context -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Maps f on the argument arrays.
Eeach element of [args] must be of an array sort [[domain_i -> range_i]].
The function declaration [f] must have type [ range_1 .. range_n -> range].
[v] must have sort range. The sort of the result is [[domain_i -> range]].
@@ -836,12 +836,12 @@ sig
val mk_map : context -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
(** Access the array default value.
- Produces the default range value, for arrays that can be represented as
+ Produces the default range value, for arrays that can be represented as
finite maps with a default range value. *)
val mk_term_array : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create array extensionality index given two arrays with the same sort.
+ (** Create array extensionality index given two arrays with the same sort.
The meaning is given by the axiom:
(=> (= (select A (array-ext A B)) (select B (array-ext A B))) (= A B)) *)
@@ -928,9 +928,9 @@ sig
val is_relation : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is an relation store
Insert a record into a relation.
- The function takes [n+1] arguments, where the first argument is the relation and the remaining [n] elements
+ The function takes [n+1] arguments, where the first argument is the relation and the remaining [n] elements
correspond to the [n] columns of the relation. *)
val is_store : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether the term is a relational join *)
val is_join : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is the union or convex hull of two relations.
+ (** Indicates whether the term is the union or convex hull of two relations.
The function takes two arguments. *)
val is_union : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -956,29 +956,29 @@ sig
val is_project : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a relation filter
Filter (restrict) a relation with respect to a predicate.
- The first argument is a relation.
+ The first argument is a relation.
The second argument is a predicate with free de-Brujin indices
corresponding to the columns of the relation.
So the first column in the relation has index 0. *)
val is_filter : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is an intersection of a relation with the negation of another.
Intersect the first relation with respect to negation
of the second relation (the function takes two arguments).
Logically, the specification can be described by a function
target = filter_by_negation(pos, neg, columns)
where columns are pairs c1, d1, .., cN, dN of columns from pos and neg, such that
target are elements in ( x : expr ) in pos, such that there is no y in neg that agrees with
( x : expr ) on the columns c1, d1, .., cN, dN. *)
val is_negation_filter : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is the renaming of a column in a relation
The function takes one argument.
The parameters contain the renaming as a cycle. *)
val is_rename : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -987,18 +987,18 @@ sig
val is_complement : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a relational select
Check if a record is an element of the relation.
The function takes [n+1] arguments, where the first argument is a relation,
and the remaining [n] arguments correspond to a record. *)
val is_select : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a relational clone (copy)
- Create a fresh copy (clone) of a relation.
+ Create a fresh copy (clone) of a relation.
The function is logically the identity, but
- in the context of a register machine allows
- for terms of kind {!is_union}
+ in the context of a register machine allows
+ for terms of kind {!is_union}
to perform destructive updates to the first argument. *)
val is_clone : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -1019,24 +1019,24 @@ sig
(** The number of fields of the constructor. *)
val get_num_fields : constructor -> int
(** The function declaration of the constructor. *)
val get_constructor_decl : constructor -> FuncDecl.func_decl
(** The function declaration of the tester. *)
val get_tester_decl : constructor -> FuncDecl.func_decl
(** The function declarations of the accessors *)
val get_accessor_decls : constructor -> FuncDecl.func_decl list
(** Create a datatype constructor.
- if the corresponding sort reference is 0, then the value in sort_refs should be an index
+ if the corresponding sort reference is 0, then the value in sort_refs should be an index
referring to one of the recursive datatypes that is declared. *)
val mk_constructor : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Symbol.symbol -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort option list -> int list -> Constructor.constructor
(** Create a datatype constructor.
- if the corresponding sort reference is 0, then the value in sort_refs should be an index
+ if the corresponding sort reference is 0, then the value in sort_refs should be an index
referring to one of the recursive datatypes that is declared. *)
val mk_constructor_s : context -> string -> Symbol.symbol -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort option list -> int list -> Constructor.constructor
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ sig
(** The constructors. *)
val get_constructors : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl list
(** The recognizers. *)
val get_recognizers : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl list
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ end
(** Functions to manipulate Tuple expressions *)
module Tuple :
- (** Create a new tuple sort. *)
+ (** Create a new tuple sort. *)
val mk_sort : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort list -> Sort.sort
(** The constructor function of the tuple. *)
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ sig
(** Integer Arithmetic *)
module Integer :
- (** Create a new integer sort. *)
+ (** Create a new integer sort. *)
val mk_sort : context -> Sort.sort
(** Retrieve the int value. *)
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ sig
(** Returns a string representation of a numeral. *)
val numeral_to_string : Expr.expr -> string
- (** Creates an integer constant. *)
+ (** Creates an integer constant. *)
val mk_const : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Expr.expr
(** Creates an integer constant. *)
@@ -1179,21 +1179,21 @@ sig
@return A Term with the given value and sort Integer *)
val mk_numeral_i : context -> int -> Expr.expr
- (** Coerce an integer to a real.
+ (** Coerce an integer to a real.
There is also a converse operation exposed. It follows the semantics prescribed by the SMT-LIB standard.
You can take the floor of a real by creating an auxiliary integer Term [k] and
and asserting [MakeInt2Real(k) <= t1 < MkInt2Real(k)+1].
The argument must be of integer sort. *)
val mk_int2real : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an n-bit bit-vector from an integer argument.
- NB. This function is essentially treated as uninterpreted.
+ (** Create an n-bit bit-vector from an integer argument.
+ NB. This function is essentially treated as uninterpreted.
So you cannot expect Z3 to precisely reflect the semantics of this function
when solving constraints with this function.
The argument must be of integer sort. *)
val mk_int2bv : context -> int -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ sig
(** Real Arithmetic *)
module Real :
- (** Create a real sort. *)
+ (** Create a real sort. *)
val mk_sort : context -> Sort.sort
(** The numerator of a rational numeral. *)
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ sig
(** Get a ratio from a real numeral *)
val get_ratio : Expr.expr -> Ratio.ratio
- (** Returns a string representation in decimal notation.
+ (** Returns a string representation in decimal notation.
The result has at most as many decimal places as indicated by the int argument.*)
val to_decimal_string : Expr.expr-> int -> string
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ sig
(** Creates a real constant. *)
val mk_const_s : context -> string -> Expr.expr
- (** Create a real numeral from a fraction.
+ (** Create a real numeral from a fraction.
@return A Term with rational value and sort Real
{!mk_numeral_s} *)
val mk_numeral_nd : context -> int -> int -> Expr.expr
@@ -1247,26 +1247,26 @@ sig
The semantics of this function follows the SMT-LIB standard for the function to_int.
The argument must be of real sort. *)
val mk_real2int : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Algebraic Numbers *)
module AlgebraicNumber :
- (** Return a upper bound for a given real algebraic number.
+ (** Return a upper bound for a given real algebraic number.
The interval isolating the number is smaller than 1/10^precision.
- {!is_algebraic_number}
+ {!is_algebraic_number}
@return A numeral Expr of sort Real *)
val to_upper : Expr.expr -> int -> Expr.expr
- (** Return a lower bound for the given real algebraic number.
+ (** Return a lower bound for the given real algebraic number.
The interval isolating the number is smaller than 1/10^precision.
@return A numeral Expr of sort Real *)
val to_lower : Expr.expr -> int -> Expr.expr
- (** Returns a string representation in decimal notation.
+ (** Returns a string representation in decimal notation.
The result has at most as many decimal places as the int argument provided.*)
val to_decimal_string : Expr.expr -> int -> string
(** Returns a string representation of a numeral. *)
val numeral_to_string : Expr.expr -> string
@@ -1335,34 +1335,34 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether the term is an algebraic number *)
val is_algebraic_number : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Create an expression representing [t[0] + t[1] + ...]. *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t[0] + t[1] + ...]. *)
val mk_add : context -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t[0] * t[1] * ...]. *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t[0] * t[1] * ...]. *)
val mk_mul : context -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t[0] - t[1] - ...]. *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t[0] - t[1] - ...]. *)
val mk_sub : context -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [-t]. *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [-t]. *)
val mk_unary_minus : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t1 / t2]. *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t1 / t2]. *)
val mk_div : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t1 ^ t2]. *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t1 ^ t2]. *)
val mk_power : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t1 < t2] *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t1 < t2] *)
val mk_lt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t1 <= t2] *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t1 <= t2] *)
val mk_le : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t1 > t2] *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t1 > t2] *)
val mk_gt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression representing [t1 >= t2] *)
+ (** Create an expression representing [t1 >= t2] *)
val mk_ge : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -1517,22 +1517,22 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether the term is a bit-vector rotate right (extended)
Similar to Z3_OP_ROTATE_RIGHT, but it is a binary operator instead of a parametric one. *)
val is_bv_rotaterightextended : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a coercion from bit-vector to integer
- This function is not supported by the decision procedures. Only the most
+ This function is not supported by the decision procedures. Only the most
rudimentary simplification rules are applied to this function. *)
val is_int2bv : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a coercion from integer to bit-vector
- This function is not supported by the decision procedures. Only the most
+ This function is not supported by the decision procedures. Only the most
rudimentary simplification rules are applied to this function. *)
val is_bv2int : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a bit-vector carry
- Compute the carry bit in a full-adder. The meaning is given by the
+ Compute the carry bit in a full-adder. The meaning is given by the
equivalence (carry l1 l2 l3) <=> (or (and l1 l2) (and l1 l3) (and l2 l3))) *)
val is_bv_carry : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a bit-vector ternary XOR
The meaning is given by the equivalence (xor3 l1 l2 l3) <=> (xor (xor l1 l2) l3) *)
val is_bv_xor3 : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ sig
(** Retrieve the int value. *)
val get_int : Expr.expr -> int
(** Returns a string representation of a numeral. *)
val numeral_to_string : Expr.expr -> string
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ sig
val mk_mul : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Unsigned division.
It is defined as the floor of [t1/t2] if \c t2 is
different from zero. If [t2] is zero, then the result
is undefined.
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ sig
val mk_udiv : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Signed division.
It is defined in the following way:
- The \c floor of [t1/t2] if \c t2 is different from zero, and [t1*t2 >= 0].
@@ -1625,14 +1625,14 @@ sig
val mk_sdiv : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Unsigned remainder.
- It is defined as [t1 - (t1 /u t2) * t2], where [/u] represents unsigned division.
+ It is defined as [t1 - (t1 /u t2) * t2], where [/u] represents unsigned division.
If [t2] is zero, then the result is undefined.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_urem : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Signed remainder.
It is defined as [t1 - (t1 /s t2) * t2], where [/s] represents signed division.
The most significant bit (sign) of the result is equal to the most significant bit of \c t1.
@@ -1641,63 +1641,63 @@ sig
val mk_srem : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Two's complement signed remainder (sign follows divisor).
If [t2] is zero, then the result is undefined.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_smod : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Unsigned less-than
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_ult : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Two's complement signed less-than
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_slt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Unsigned less-than or equal to.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_ule : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Two's complement signed less-than or equal to.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_sle : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Unsigned greater than or equal to.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_uge : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Two's complement signed greater than or equal to.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_sge : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Unsigned greater-than.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_ugt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Two's complement signed greater-than.
The arguments must have the same bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_sgt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Bit-vector concatenation.
The arguments must have a bit-vector sort.
- @return
- The result is a bit-vector of size [n1+n2], where [n1] ([n2])
+ @return
+ The result is a bit-vector of size [n1+n2], where [n1] ([n2])
is the size of [t1] ([t2]). *)
val mk_concat : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Bit-vector extraction.
Extract the bits between two limits from a bitvector of
- size [m] to yield a new bitvector of size [n], where
+ size [m] to yield a new bitvector of size [n], where
[n = high - low + 1]. *)
val mk_extract : context -> int -> int -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -1713,38 +1713,38 @@ sig
bitvector of size [m+i], where \c m is the size of the
given bit-vector. *)
val mk_zero_ext : context -> int -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Bit-vector repetition. *)
val mk_repeat : context -> int -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Shift left.
It is equivalent to multiplication by [2^x] where \c x is the value of third argument.
- NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
- definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
+ NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
+ definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
programming language or assembly architecture you are modeling.*)
val mk_shl : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Logical shift right
It is equivalent to unsigned division by [2^x] where \c x is the value of the third argument.
- NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
- definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
+ NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
+ definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
programming language or assembly architecture you are modeling.
The arguments must have a bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_lshr : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Arithmetic shift right
It is like logical shift right except that the most significant
bits of the result always copy the most significant bit of the
second argument.
- NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
- definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
+ NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
+ definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
programming language or assembly architecture you are modeling.
The arguments must have a bit-vector sort. *)
@@ -1754,70 +1754,70 @@ sig
Rotate bits of \c t to the left \c i times. *)
val mk_rotate_left : context -> int -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Rotate Right.
+ (** Rotate Right.
Rotate bits of \c t to the right \c i times.*)
val mk_rotate_right : context -> int -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Rotate Left.
+ (** Rotate Left.
Rotate bits of the second argument to the left.*)
val mk_ext_rotate_left : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Rotate Right.
+ (** Rotate Right.
Rotate bits of the second argument to the right. *)
val mk_ext_rotate_right : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an integer from the bit-vector argument
- If \c is_signed is false, then the bit-vector \c t1 is treated as unsigned.
- So the result is non-negative and in the range [[0..2^N-1]], where
+ (** Create an integer from the bit-vector argument
+ If \c is_signed is false, then the bit-vector \c t1 is treated as unsigned.
+ So the result is non-negative and in the range [[0..2^N-1]], where
N are the number of bits in the argument.
If \c is_signed is true, \c t1 is treated as a signed bit-vector.
- NB. This function is essentially treated as uninterpreted.
+ NB. This function is essentially treated as uninterpreted.
So you cannot expect Z3 to precisely reflect the semantics of this function
when solving constraints with this function.*)
val mk_bv2int : context -> Expr.expr -> bool -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise addition does not overflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_add_no_overflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> bool -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise addition does not underflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_add_no_underflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise subtraction does not overflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_sub_no_overflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise subtraction does not underflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_sub_no_underflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> bool -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed division does not overflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_sdiv_no_overflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise negation does not overflow.
- The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
+ The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_neg_no_overflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise multiplication does not overflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_mul_no_overflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> bool -> Expr.expr
(** Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise multiplication does not underflow.
The arguments must be of bit-vector sort. *)
val mk_mul_no_underflow : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Create a bit-vector numeral. *)
val mk_numeral : context -> string -> int -> Expr.expr
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ end
module FloatingPoint :
- (** Rounding Modes *)
+ (** Rounding Modes *)
module RoundingMode :
(** Create the RoundingMode sort. *)
@@ -1837,47 +1837,47 @@ sig
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToEven rounding mode. *)
val mk_round_nearest_ties_to_even : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToEven rounding mode. *)
val mk_rne : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToAway rounding mode. *)
val mk_round_nearest_ties_to_away : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToAway rounding mode. *)
val mk_rna : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardPositive rounding mode. *)
val mk_round_toward_positive : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardPositive rounding mode. *)
val mk_rtp : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardNegative rounding mode. *)
val mk_round_toward_negative : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardNegative rounding mode. *)
val mk_rtn : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardZero rounding mode. *)
val mk_round_toward_zero : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardZero rounding mode. *)
val mk_rtz : context -> Expr.expr
(** Create a FloatingPoint sort. *)
val mk_sort : context -> int -> int -> Sort.sort
- (** Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort.*)
+ (** Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort.*)
val mk_sort_half : context -> Sort.sort
(** Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort. *)
val mk_sort_16 : context -> Sort.sort
(** Create the single-precision (32-bit) FloatingPoint sort.*)
val mk_sort_single : context -> Sort.sort
(** Create the single-precision (32-bit) FloatingPoint sort. *)
val mk_sort_32 : context -> Sort.sort
@@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ sig
(** Create the double-precision (64-bit) FloatingPoint sort. *)
val mk_sort_64 : context -> Sort.sort
(** Create the quadruple-precision (128-bit) FloatingPoint sort. *)
val mk_sort_quadruple : context -> Sort.sort
@@ -1902,11 +1902,11 @@ sig
(** Create a floating-point zero of a given FloatingPoint sort. *)
val mk_zero : context -> Sort.sort -> bool -> Expr.expr
- (** Create an expression of FloatingPoint sort from three bit-vector expressions.
+ (** Create an expression of FloatingPoint sort from three bit-vector expressions.
This is the operator named `fp' in the SMT FP theory definition.
- Note that \c sign is required to be a bit-vector of size 1. Significand and exponent
- are required to be greater than 1 and 2 respectively. The FloatingPoint sort
+ Note that \c sign is required to be a bit-vector of size 1. Significand and exponent
+ are required to be greater than 1 and 2 respectively. The FloatingPoint sort
of the resulting expression is automatically determined from the bit-vector sizes
of the arguments. *)
val mk_fp : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -1919,16 +1919,16 @@ sig
(** Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a signed integer. *)
val mk_numeral_i : context -> int -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a sign bit and two integers. *)
val mk_numeral_i_u : context -> bool -> int -> int -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr
(** Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a string *)
val mk_numeral_s : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr
(** Indicates whether the terms is of floating-point sort. *)
val is_fp : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether an expression is a floating-point abs expression *)
val is_abs : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -1938,7 +1938,7 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether an expression is a floating-point add expression *)
val is_add : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether an expression is a floating-point sub expression *)
val is_sub : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -1995,7 +1995,7 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether an expression is a floating-point is_nan expression *)
val is_is_nan : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether an expression is a floating-point is_negative expression *)
val is_is_negative : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -2050,16 +2050,16 @@ sig
(** Floating-point fused multiply-add. *)
val mk_fma : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Floating-point square root *)
val mk_sqrt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Floating-point remainder *)
val mk_rem : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
- (** Floating-point roundToIntegral.
- Rounds a floating-point number to the closest integer,
+ (** Floating-point roundToIntegral.
+ Rounds a floating-point number to the closest integer,
again represented as a floating-point number. *)
val mk_round_to_integral : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -2068,16 +2068,16 @@ sig
(** Maximum of floating-point numbers. *)
val mk_max : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Floating-point less than or equal. *)
val mk_leq : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Floating-point less than. *)
val mk_lt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Floating-point greater than or equal. *)
val mk_geq : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Floating-point greater than. *)
val mk_gt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -2122,27 +2122,27 @@ sig
(** C1onversion of a floating-point term into an unsigned bit-vector. *)
val mk_to_ubv : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> int -> Expr.expr
(** Conversion of a floating-point term into a signed bit-vector. *)
val mk_to_sbv : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> int -> Expr.expr
(** Conversion of a floating-point term into a real-numbered term. *)
val mk_to_real : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** Retrieves the number of bits reserved for the exponent in a FloatingPoint sort. *)
val get_ebits : context -> Sort.sort -> int
(** Retrieves the number of bits reserved for the significand in a FloatingPoint sort. *)
val get_sbits : context -> Sort.sort -> int
(** Retrieves the sign of a floating-point literal. *)
val get_numeral_sign : context -> Expr.expr -> bool * int
(** Return the significand value of a floating-point numeral as a string. *)
val get_numeral_significand_string : context -> Expr.expr -> string
- (** Return the significand value of a floating-point numeral as a uint64.
- Remark: This function extracts the significand bits, without the
+ (** Return the significand value of a floating-point numeral as a uint64.
+ Remark: This function extracts the significand bits, without the
hidden bit or normalization. Throws an exception if the
significand does not fit into a uint64. *)
val get_numeral_significand_uint : context -> Expr.expr -> bool * int
@@ -2152,7 +2152,7 @@ sig
(** Return the exponent value of a floating-point numeral as a signed integer *)
val get_numeral_exponent_int : context -> Expr.expr -> bool * int
(** Conversion of a floating-point term into a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format. *)
val mk_to_ieee_bv : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
@@ -2176,13 +2176,13 @@ sig
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for a fact (tagged as goal) asserted by the user. *)
val is_goal : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is a binary equivalence modulo namings.
+ (** Indicates whether the term is a binary equivalence modulo namings.
This binary predicate is used in proof terms.
It captures equisatisfiability and equivalence modulo renamings. *)
val is_oeq : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is proof via modus ponens
Given a proof for p and a proof for (implies p q), produces a proof for q.
T1: p
T2: (implies p q)
@@ -2191,14 +2191,14 @@ sig
val is_modus_ponens : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for (R t t), where R is a reflexive relation.
- This proof object has no antecedents.
- The only reflexive relations that are used are
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ The only reflexive relations that are used are
equivalence modulo namings, equality and equivalence.
That is, R is either '~', '=' or 'iff'. *)
val is_reflexivity : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is proof by symmetricity of a relation
Given an symmetric relation R and a proof for (R t s), produces a proof for (R s t).
T1: (R t s)
[symmetry T1]: (R s t)
@@ -2206,51 +2206,51 @@ sig
val is_symmetry : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by transitivity of a relation
- Given a transitive relation R, and proofs for (R t s) and (R s u), produces a proof
- for (R t u).
+ Given a transitive relation R, and proofs for (R t s) and (R s u), produces a proof
+ for (R t u).
T1: (R t s)
T2: (R s u)
[trans T1 T2]: (R t u) *)
val is_transitivity : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by condensed transitivity of a relation
Condensed transitivity proof. This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
- It combines several symmetry and transitivity proofs.
+ It combines several symmetry and transitivity proofs.
T1: (R a b)
T2: (R c b)
T3: (R c d)
- [trans* T1 T2 T3]: (R a d)
+ [trans* T1 T2 T3]: (R a d)
R must be a symmetric and transitive relation.
Assuming that this proof object is a proof for (R s t), then
a proof checker must check if it is possible to prove (R s t)
- using the antecedents, symmetry and transitivity. That is,
+ using the antecedents, symmetry and transitivity. That is,
if there is a path from s to t, if we view every
antecedent (R a b) as an edge between a and b. *)
val is_Transitivity_star : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a monotonicity proof object.
T1: (R t_1 s_1)
Tn: (R t_n s_n)
- [monotonicity T1 ... Tn]: (R (f t_1 ... t_n) (f s_1 ... s_n))
+ [monotonicity T1 ... Tn]: (R (f t_1 ... t_n) (f s_1 ... s_n))
Remark: if t_i == s_i, then the antecedent Ti is suppressed.
That is, reflexivity proofs are supressed to save space. *)
val is_monotonicity : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is a quant-intro proof
+ (** Indicates whether the term is a quant-intro proof
Given a proof for (~ p q), produces a proof for (~ (forall (x) p) (forall (x) q)).
T1: (~ p q)
[quant-intro T1]: (~ (forall (x) p) (forall (x) q)) *)
val is_quant_intro : Expr.expr -> bool
- (** Indicates whether the term is a distributivity proof object.
+ (** Indicates whether the term is a distributivity proof object.
Given that f (= or) distributes over g (= and), produces a proof for
(= (f a (g c d))
(g (f a c) (f a d)))
@@ -2258,36 +2258,36 @@ sig
(= (f (g a b) (g c d))
(g (f a c) (f a d) (f b c) (f b d)))
where each f and g can have arbitrary number of arguments.
This proof object has no antecedents.
- Remark. This rule is used by the CNF conversion pass and
+ Remark. This rule is used by the CNF conversion pass and
instantiated by f = or, and g = and. *)
val is_distributivity : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by elimination of AND
Given a proof for (and l_1 ... l_n), produces a proof for l_i
T1: (and l_1 ... l_n)
[and-elim T1]: l_i *)
val is_and_elimination : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by eliminiation of not-or
Given a proof for (not (or l_1 ... l_n)), produces a proof for (not l_i).
T1: (not (or l_1 ... l_n))
[not-or-elim T1]: (not l_i) *)
val is_or_elimination : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by rewriting
A proof for a local rewriting step (= t s).
The head function symbol of t is interpreted.
This proof object has no antecedents.
- The conclusion of a rewrite rule is either an equality (= t s),
+ The conclusion of a rewrite rule is either an equality (= t s),
an equivalence (iff t s), or equi-satisfiability (~ t s).
Remark: if f is bool, then = is iff.
(= (+ ( x : expr ) 0) x)
(= (+ ( x : expr ) 1 2) (+ 3 x))
@@ -2295,7 +2295,7 @@ sig
val is_rewrite : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by rewriting
A proof for rewriting an expression t into an expression s.
This proof object is used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
This proof object can have n antecedents.
@@ -2308,49 +2308,49 @@ sig
val is_rewrite_star : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for pulling quantifiers out.
A proof for (iff (f (forall (x) q(x)) r) (forall (x) (f (q x) r))). This proof object has no antecedents. *)
val is_pull_quant : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for pulling quantifiers out.
- A proof for (iff P Q) where Q is in prenex normal form.
- This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
+ A proof for (iff P Q) where Q is in prenex normal form.
+ This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
This proof object has no antecedents *)
val is_pull_quant_star : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for pushing quantifiers in.
A proof for:
(iff (forall (x_1 ... x_m) (and p_1[x_1 ... x_m] ... p_n[x_1 ... x_m]))
(and (forall (x_1 ... x_m) p_1[x_1 ... x_m])
- ...
- (forall (x_1 ... x_m) p_n[x_1 ... x_m])))
+ ...
+ (forall (x_1 ... x_m) p_n[x_1 ... x_m])))
This proof object has no antecedents *)
val is_push_quant : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for elimination of unused variables.
A proof for (iff (forall (x_1 ... x_n y_1 ... y_m) p[x_1 ... x_n])
- (forall (x_1 ... x_n) p[x_1 ... x_n]))
+ (forall (x_1 ... x_n) p[x_1 ... x_n]))
It is used to justify the elimination of unused variables.
This proof object has no antecedents. *)
val is_elim_unused_vars : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for destructive equality resolution
A proof for destructive equality resolution:
(iff (forall (x) (or (not (= ( x : expr ) t)) P[x])) P[t])
if ( x : expr ) does not occur in t.
This proof object has no antecedents.
Several variables can be eliminated simultaneously. *)
val is_der : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for quantifier instantiation
A proof of (or (not (forall (x) (P x))) (P a)) *)
val is_quant_inst : Expr.expr -> bool
@@ -2359,17 +2359,17 @@ sig
val is_hypothesis : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by lemma
T1: false
[lemma T1]: (or (not l_1) ... (not l_n))
This proof object has one antecedent: a hypothetical proof for false.
It converts the proof in a proof for (or (not l_1) ... (not l_n)),
when T1 contains the hypotheses: l_1, ..., l_n. *)
val is_lemma : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by unit resolution
T1: (or l_1 ... l_n l_1' ... l_m')
T2: (not l_1)
@@ -2378,31 +2378,31 @@ sig
val is_unit_resolution : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by iff-true
T1: p
[iff-true T1]: (iff p true) *)
val is_iff_true : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by iff-false
T1: (not p)
[iff-false T1]: (iff p false) *)
val is_iff_false : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by commutativity
[comm]: (= (f a b) (f b a))
f is a commutative operator.
This proof object has no antecedents.
Remark: if f is bool, then = is iff. *)
val is_commutativity : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for Tseitin-like axioms
Proof object used to justify Tseitin's like axioms:
(or (not (and p q)) p)
(or (not (and p q)) q)
(or (not (and p q r)) p)
@@ -2423,7 +2423,7 @@ sig
(or (ite a b c) a (not c))
(or (not (not a)) (not a))
(or (not a) a)
This proof object has no antecedents.
Note: all axioms are propositional tautologies.
Note also that 'and' and 'or' can take multiple arguments.
@@ -2433,56 +2433,56 @@ sig
val is_def_axiom : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for introduction of a name
Introduces a name for a formula/term.
Suppose e is an expression with free variables x, and def-intro
introduces the name n(x). The possible cases are:
When e is of Boolean type:
[def-intro]: (and (or n (not e)) (or (not n) e))
[def-intro]: (or (not n) e)
when e only occurs positively.
When e is of the form (ite cond th el):
[def-intro]: (and (or (not cond) (= n th)) (or cond (= n el)))
[def-intro]: (= n e) *)
val is_def_intro : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for application of a definition
[apply-def T1]: F ~ n
F is 'equivalent' to n, given that T1 is a proof that
n is a name for F. *)
val is_apply_def : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof iff-oeq
T1: (iff p q)
[iff~ T1]: (~ p q) *)
val is_iff_oeq : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for a positive NNF step
Proof for a (positive) NNF step. Example:
T1: (not s_1) ~ r_1
T2: (not s_2) ~ r_2
T3: s_1 ~ r_1'
T4: s_2 ~ r_2'
[nnf-pos T1 T2 T3 T4]: (~ (iff s_1 s_2)
(and (or r_1 r_2') (or r_1' r_2)))
The negation normal form steps NNF_POS and NNF_NEG are used in the following cases:
(a) When creating the NNF of a positive force quantifier.
The quantifier is retained (unless the bound variables are eliminated).
- T1: q ~ q_new
+ T1: q ~ q_new
[nnf-pos T1]: (~ (forall (x T) q) (forall (x T) q_new))
(b) When recursively creating NNF over Boolean formulas, where the top-level
connective is changed during NNF conversion. The relevant Boolean connectives
for NNF_POS are 'implies', 'iff', 'xor', 'ite'.
@@ -2491,9 +2491,9 @@ sig
val is_nnf_pos : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for a negative NNF step
Proof for a (negative) NNF step. Examples:
T1: (not s_1) ~ r_1
Tn: (not s_n) ~ r_n
@@ -2513,33 +2513,33 @@ sig
val is_nnf_neg : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for (~ P Q) here Q is in negation normal form.
A proof for (~ P Q) where Q is in negation normal form.
- This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
+ This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
This proof object may have n antecedents. Each antecedent is a PR_DEF_INTRO. *)
val is_nnf_star : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for (~ P Q) where Q is in conjunctive normal form.
A proof for (~ P Q) where Q is in conjunctive normal form.
- This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
+ This proof object is only used if the parameter PROOF_MODE is 1.
This proof object may have n antecedents. Each antecedent is a PR_DEF_INTRO. *)
val is_cnf_star : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for a Skolemization step
- Proof for:
+ Proof for:
[sk]: (~ (not (forall ( x : expr ) (p ( x : expr ) y))) (not (p (sk y) y)))
[sk]: (~ (exists ( x : expr ) (p ( x : expr ) y)) (p (sk y) y))
This proof object has no antecedents. *)
val is_skolemize : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof by modus ponens for equi-satisfiability.
Modus ponens style rule for equi-satisfiability.
T1: p
T2: (~ p q)
@@ -2547,32 +2547,32 @@ sig
val is_modus_ponens_oeq : Expr.expr -> bool
(** Indicates whether the term is a proof for theory lemma
Generic proof for theory lemmas.
The theory lemma function comes with one or more parameters.
The first parameter indicates the name of the theory.
For the theory of arithmetic, additional parameters provide hints for
- checking the theory lemma.
+ checking the theory lemma.
The hints for arithmetic are:
- farkas - followed by rational coefficients. Multiply the coefficients to the
inequalities in the lemma, add the (negated) inequalities and obtain a contradiction.
- - triangle-eq - Indicates a lemma related to the equivalence:
+ - triangle-eq - Indicates a lemma related to the equivalence:
(iff (= t1 t2) (and (<= t1 t2) (<= t2 t1)))
- gcd-test - Indicates an integer linear arithmetic lemma that uses a gcd test. *)
val is_theory_lemma : Expr.expr -> bool
-(** Goals
+(** Goals
- A goal (aka problem). A goal is essentially a
+ A goal (aka problem). A goal is essentially a
of formulas, that can be solved and/or transformed using
tactics and solvers. *)
module Goal :
- type goal
+ type goal
- (** The precision of the goal.
+ (** The precision of the goal.
Goals can be transformed using over and under approximations.
An under approximation is applied when the objective is to find a model for a given goal.
@@ -2593,11 +2593,11 @@ sig
(** Adds the constraints to the given goal. *)
val add : goal -> Expr.expr list -> unit
(** Indicates whether the goal contains `false'. *)
val is_inconsistent : goal -> bool
- (** The depth of the goal.
+ (** The depth of the goal.
This tracks how many transformations were applied to it. *)
val get_depth : goal -> int
@@ -2626,8 +2626,8 @@ sig
val simplify : goal -> Params.params option -> goal
(** Creates a new Goal.
- Note that the Context must have been created with proof generation support if
+ Note that the Context must have been created with proof generation support if
the fourth argument is set to true here. *)
val mk_goal : context -> bool -> bool -> bool -> goal
@@ -2643,25 +2643,25 @@ end
A Model contains interpretations (assignments) of constants and functions. *)
module Model :
- type model
+ type model
- (** Function interpretations
+ (** Function interpretations
A function interpretation is represented as a finite map and an 'else'.
- Each entry in the finite map represents the value of a function given a set of arguments. *)
+ Each entry in the finite map represents the value of a function given a set of arguments. *)
module FuncInterp :
- type func_interp
- (** Function interpretations entries
+ type func_interp
+ (** Function interpretations entries
- An Entry object represents an element in the finite map used to a function interpretation. *)
+ An Entry object represents an element in the finite map used to a function interpretation. *)
module FuncEntry :
- type func_entry
+ type func_entry
(** Return the (symbolic) value of this entry.
- *)
+ *)
val get_value : func_entry -> Expr.expr
(** The number of arguments of the entry.
@@ -2689,26 +2689,26 @@ sig
(** The arity of the function interpretation *)
val get_arity : func_interp -> int
- (** A string representation of the function interpretation. *)
+ (** A string representation of the function interpretation. *)
val to_string : func_interp -> string
- (** Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of a func_decl in the model.
+ (** Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of a func_decl in the model.
@return An expression if the function has an interpretation in the model, null otherwise. *)
val get_const_interp : model -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> Expr.expr option
- (** Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of an expression in the model.
+ (** Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of an expression in the model.
@return An expression if the constant has an interpretation in the model, null otherwise. *)
val get_const_interp_e : model -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr option
- (** Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of a non-constant func_decl in the model.
+ (** Retrieves the interpretation (the assignment) of a non-constant func_decl in the model.
@return A FunctionInterpretation if the function has an interpretation in the model, null otherwise. *)
val get_func_interp : model -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> FuncInterp.func_interp option
(** The number of constant interpretations in the model. *)
val get_num_consts : model -> int
- (** The function declarations of the constants in the model. *)
+ (** The function declarations of the constants in the model. *)
val get_const_decls : model -> FuncDecl.func_decl list
(** The number of function interpretations in the model. *)
@@ -2721,8 +2721,8 @@ sig
val get_decls : model -> FuncDecl.func_decl list
(** Evaluates an expression in the current model.
- This function may fail if the argument contains quantifiers,
+ This function may fail if the argument contains quantifiers,
is partial (MODEL_PARTIAL enabled), or if it is not well-sorted.
In this case a [ModelEvaluationFailedException] is thrown.
@@ -2734,8 +2734,8 @@ sig
(** The number of uninterpreted sorts that the model has an interpretation for. *)
val get_num_sorts : model -> int
- (** The uninterpreted sorts that the model has an interpretation for.
+ (** The uninterpreted sorts that the model has an interpretation for.
Z3 also provides an intepretation for uninterpreted sorts used in a formula.
The interpretation for a sort is a finite set of distinct values. We say this finite set is
the "universe" of the sort.
@@ -2743,17 +2743,17 @@ sig
{!sort_universe} *)
val get_sorts : model -> Sort.sort list
- (** The finite set of distinct values that represent the interpretation of a sort.
+ (** The finite set of distinct values that represent the interpretation of a sort.
@return A list of expressions, where each is an element of the universe of the sort *)
val sort_universe : model -> Sort.sort -> Expr.expr list
- (** Conversion of models to strings.
+ (** Conversion of models to strings.
@return A string representation of the model. *)
val to_string : model -> string
-(** Probes
+(** Probes
Probes are used to inspect a goal (aka problem) and collect information that may be used to decide
which solver and/or preprocessing step will be used.
@@ -2763,9 +2763,9 @@ end
module Probe :
- type probe
+ type probe
- (** Execute the probe over the goal.
+ (** Execute the probe over the goal.
@return A probe always produce a float value.
"Boolean" probes return 0.0 for false, and a value different from 0.0 for true. *)
val apply : probe -> Goal.goal -> float
@@ -2779,7 +2779,7 @@ sig
(** Returns a string containing a description of the probe with the given name. *)
val get_probe_description : context -> string -> string
- (** Creates a new Probe. *)
+ (** Creates a new Probe. *)
val mk_probe : context -> string -> probe
(** Create a probe that always evaluates to a float value. *)
@@ -2819,21 +2819,21 @@ end
(** Tactics
Tactics are the basic building block for creating custom solvers for specific problem domains.
- The complete list of tactics may be obtained using [Context.get_num_tactics]
+ The complete list of tactics may be obtained using [Context.get_num_tactics]
and [Context.get_tactic_names].
It may also be obtained using the command [(help-tactic)] in the SMT 2.0 front-end.
module Tactic :
- type tactic
+ type tactic
+ (** Tactic application results
- (** Tactic application results
- ApplyResult objects represent the result of an application of a
+ ApplyResult objects represent the result of an application of a
tactic to a goal. It contains the subgoals that were produced. *)
module ApplyResult :
- type apply_result
+ type apply_result
(** The number of Subgoals. *)
val get_num_subgoals : apply_result -> int
@@ -2844,8 +2844,8 @@ sig
(** Retrieves a subgoal from the apply_result. *)
val get_subgoal : apply_result -> int -> Goal.goal
- (** Convert a model for a subgoal into a model for the original
- goal [g], that the ApplyResult was obtained from.
+ (** Convert a model for a subgoal into a model for the original
+ goal [g], that the ApplyResult was obtained from.
#return A model for [g] *)
val convert_model : apply_result -> int -> Model.model -> Model.model
@@ -2871,7 +2871,7 @@ sig
(** Returns a string containing a description of the tactic with the given name. *)
val get_tactic_description : context -> string -> string
- (** Creates a new Tactic. *)
+ (** Creates a new Tactic. *)
val mk_tactic : context -> string -> tactic
(** Create a tactic that applies one tactic to a Goal and
@@ -2882,22 +2882,22 @@ sig
if it fails then returns the result of another tactic applied to the Goal. *)
val or_else : context -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic
- (** Create a tactic that applies one tactic to a goal for some time (in milliseconds).
+ (** Create a tactic that applies one tactic to a goal for some time (in milliseconds).
If the tactic does not terminate within the timeout, then it fails. *)
val try_for : context -> tactic -> int -> tactic
- (** Create a tactic that applies one tactic to a given goal if the probe
- evaluates to true.
+ (** Create a tactic that applies one tactic to a given goal if the probe
+ evaluates to true.
If the probe evaluates to false, then the new tactic behaves like the [skip] tactic. *)
val when_ : context -> Probe.probe -> tactic -> tactic
- (** Create a tactic that applies a tactic to a given goal if the probe
+ (** Create a tactic that applies a tactic to a given goal if the probe
evaluates to true and another tactic otherwise. *)
val cond : context -> Probe.probe -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic
- (** Create a tactic that keeps applying one tactic until the goal is not
+ (** Create a tactic that keeps applying one tactic until the goal is not
modified anymore or the maximum number of iterations is reached. *)
val repeat : context -> tactic -> int -> tactic
@@ -2928,7 +2928,7 @@ sig
to every subgoal produced by the first one. The subgoals are processed in parallel. *)
val par_and_then : context -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic
- (** Interrupt the execution of a Z3 procedure.
+ (** Interrupt the execution of a Z3 procedure.
This procedure can be used to interrupt: solvers, simplifiers and tactics. *)
val interrupt : context -> unit
@@ -2936,37 +2936,37 @@ end
(** Objects that track statistical information. *)
module Statistics :
- type statistics
+ type statistics
(** Statistical data is organized into pairs of \[Key, Entry\], where every
Entry is either a floating point or integer value. *)
module Entry :
type statistics_entry
(** The key of the entry. *)
val get_key : statistics_entry -> string
(** The int-value of the entry. *)
val get_int : statistics_entry -> int
(** The float-value of the entry. *)
val get_float : statistics_entry -> float
(** True if the entry is uint-valued. *)
val is_int : statistics_entry -> bool
(** True if the entry is float-valued. *)
val is_float : statistics_entry -> bool
(** The string representation of the the entry's value. *)
val to_string_value : statistics_entry -> string
(** The string representation of the entry (key and value) *)
val to_string : statistics_entry -> string
- (** A string representation of the statistical data. *)
+ (** A string representation of the statistical data. *)
val to_string : statistics -> string
(** The number of statistical data. *)
@@ -2978,16 +2978,16 @@ sig
(** The statistical counters. *)
val get_keys : statistics -> string list
- (** The value of a particular statistical counter. *)
+ (** The value of a particular statistical counter. *)
val get : statistics -> string -> Entry.statistics_entry option
(** Solvers *)
module Solver :
- type solver
+ type solver
val string_of_status : status -> string
(** A string that describes all available solver parameters. *)
@@ -3017,7 +3017,7 @@ sig
This removes all assertions from the solver. *)
val reset : solver -> unit
- (** Assert a constraint (or multiple) into the solver. *)
+ (** Assert a constraint (or multiple) into the solver. *)
val add : solver -> Expr.expr list -> unit
(** * Assert multiple constraints (cs) into the solver, and track them (in the
@@ -3035,7 +3035,7 @@ sig
(** * Assert a constraint (c) into the solver, and track it (in the unsat) core
* using the Boolean constant p.
- *
+ *
* This API is an alternative to {!check} with assumptions for
* extracting unsat cores.
* Both APIs can be used in the same solver. The unsat core will contain a
@@ -3052,26 +3052,26 @@ sig
val get_assertions : solver -> Expr.expr list
(** Checks whether the assertions in the solver are consistent or not.
{!Proof} *)
val check : solver -> Expr.expr list -> status
(** The model of the last [Check].
The result is [None] if [Check] was not invoked before,
if its results was not [SATISFIABLE], or if model production is not enabled. *)
val get_model : solver -> Model.model option
(** The proof of the last [Check].
The result is [null] if [Check] was not invoked before,
if its results was not [UNSATISFIABLE], or if proof production is disabled. *)
val get_proof : solver -> Expr.expr option
(** The unsat core of the last [Check].
The unsat core is a subset of [Assertions]
The result is empty if [Check] was not invoked before,
if its results was not [UNSATISFIABLE], or if core production is disabled. *)
@@ -3083,26 +3083,26 @@ sig
(** Solver statistics. *)
val get_statistics : solver -> Statistics.statistics
- (** Creates a new (incremental) solver.
- This solver also uses a set of builtin tactics for handling the first
- check-sat command, and check-sat commands that take more than a given
- number of milliseconds to be solved. *)
+ (** Creates a new (incremental) solver.
+ This solver also uses a set of builtin tactics for handling the first
+ check-sat command, and check-sat commands that take more than a given
+ number of milliseconds to be solved. *)
val mk_solver : context -> Symbol.symbol option -> solver
(** Creates a new (incremental) solver.
- {!mk_solver} *)
+ {!mk_solver} *)
val mk_solver_s : context -> string -> solver
(** Creates a new (incremental) solver. *)
val mk_simple_solver : context -> solver
(** Creates a solver that is implemented using the given tactic.
The solver supports the commands [Push] and [Pop], but it
will always solve each check from scratch. *)
val mk_solver_t : context -> Tactic.tactic -> solver
(** Create a clone of the current solver with respect to a context. *)
val translate : solver -> context -> solver
@@ -3113,8 +3113,8 @@ end
(** Fixedpoint solving *)
module Fixedpoint :
- type fixedpoint
+ type fixedpoint
(** A string that describes all available fixedpoint solver parameters. *)
val get_help : fixedpoint -> string
@@ -3124,28 +3124,28 @@ sig
(** Retrieves parameter descriptions for Fixedpoint solver. *)
val get_param_descrs : fixedpoint -> Params.ParamDescrs.param_descrs
- (** Assert a constraints into the fixedpoint solver. *)
+ (** Assert a constraints into the fixedpoint solver. *)
val add : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr list -> unit
- (** Register predicate as recursive relation. *)
+ (** Register predicate as recursive relation. *)
val register_relation : fixedpoint -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> unit
- (** Add rule into the fixedpoint solver. *)
+ (** Add rule into the fixedpoint solver. *)
val add_rule : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr -> Symbol.symbol option -> unit
- (** Add table fact to the fixedpoint solver. *)
+ (** Add table fact to the fixedpoint solver. *)
val add_fact : fixedpoint -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> int list -> unit
(** Query the fixedpoint solver.
A query is a conjunction of constraints. The constraints may include the recursively defined relations.
The query is satisfiable if there is an instance of the query variables and a derivation for it.
- The query is unsatisfiable if there are no derivations satisfying the query variables. *)
+ The query is unsatisfiable if there are no derivations satisfying the query variables. *)
val query : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr -> Solver.status
(** Query the fixedpoint solver.
A query is an array of relations.
The query is satisfiable if there is an instance of some relation that is non-empty.
- The query is unsatisfiable if there are no derivations satisfying any of the relations. *)
+ The query is unsatisfiable if there are no derivations satisfying any of the relations. *)
val query_r : fixedpoint -> FuncDecl.func_decl list -> Solver.status
(** Creates a backtracking point.
@@ -3158,39 +3158,39 @@ sig
{!push} *)
val pop : fixedpoint -> unit
- (** Update named rule into in the fixedpoint solver. *)
+ (** Update named rule into in the fixedpoint solver. *)
val update_rule : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr -> Symbol.symbol -> unit
- (** Retrieve satisfying instance or instances of solver,
- or definitions for the recursive predicates that show unsatisfiability. *)
+ (** Retrieve satisfying instance or instances of solver,
+ or definitions for the recursive predicates that show unsatisfiability. *)
val get_answer : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr option
- (** Retrieve explanation why fixedpoint engine returned status Unknown. *)
+ (** Retrieve explanation why fixedpoint engine returned status Unknown. *)
val get_reason_unknown : fixedpoint -> string
- (** Retrieve the number of levels explored for a given predicate. *)
+ (** Retrieve the number of levels explored for a given predicate. *)
val get_num_levels : fixedpoint -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> int
- (** Retrieve the cover of a predicate. *)
+ (** Retrieve the cover of a predicate. *)
val get_cover_delta : fixedpoint -> int -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> Expr.expr option
(** Add property about the predicate.
- The property is added at level. *)
+ The property is added at level. *)
val add_cover : fixedpoint -> int -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> Expr.expr -> unit
(** Retrieve internal string representation of fixedpoint object. *)
val to_string : fixedpoint -> string
- (** Instrument the Datalog engine on which table representation to use for recursive predicate. *)
+ (** Instrument the Datalog engine on which table representation to use for recursive predicate. *)
val set_predicate_representation : fixedpoint -> FuncDecl.func_decl -> Symbol.symbol list -> unit
- (** Convert benchmark given as set of axioms, rules and queries to a string. *)
+ (** Convert benchmark given as set of axioms, rules and queries to a string. *)
val to_string_q : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr list -> string
- (** Retrieve set of rules added to fixedpoint context. *)
+ (** Retrieve set of rules added to fixedpoint context. *)
val get_rules : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr list
- (** Retrieve set of assertions added to fixedpoint context. *)
+ (** Retrieve set of assertions added to fixedpoint context. *)
val get_assertions : fixedpoint -> Expr.expr list
(** Create a Fixedpoint context. *)
@@ -3199,83 +3199,83 @@ sig
(** Retrieve statistics information from the last call to #Z3_fixedpoint_query. *)
val get_statistics : fixedpoint -> Statistics.statistics
- (** Parse an SMT-LIB2 string with fixedpoint rules.
- Add the rules to the current fixedpoint context.
+ (** Parse an SMT-LIB2 string with fixedpoint rules.
+ Add the rules to the current fixedpoint context.
Return the set of queries in the string. *)
val parse_string : fixedpoint -> string -> Expr.expr list
- (** Parse an SMT-LIB2 file with fixedpoint rules.
- Add the rules to the current fixedpoint context.
+ (** Parse an SMT-LIB2 file with fixedpoint rules.
+ Add the rules to the current fixedpoint context.
Return the set of queries in the file. *)
val parse_file : fixedpoint -> string -> Expr.expr list
-(** Optimization *)
-module Optimize :
- type optimize
- type handle
- (** Create a Optimize context. *)
- val mk_opt : context -> optimize
- (** A string that describes all available optimize solver parameters. *)
- val get_help : optimize -> string
- (** Sets the optimize solver parameters. *)
- val set_parameters : optimize -> Params.params -> unit
- (** Retrieves parameter descriptions for Optimize solver. *)
- val get_param_descrs : optimize -> Params.ParamDescrs.param_descrs
- (** Assert a constraints into the optimize solver. *)
- val add : optimize -> Expr.expr list -> unit
- (** Asssert a soft constraint.
- Supply integer weight and string that identifies a group
- of soft constraints.
- *)
- val add_soft : optimize -> Expr.expr -> string -> Symbol.symbol -> handle
- (** Add maximization objective.
- *)
- val maximize : optimize -> Expr.expr -> handle
- (** Add minimization objective.
- *)
- val minimize : optimize -> Expr.expr -> handle
- (** Checks whether the assertions in the context are satisfiable and solves objectives.
- *)
- val check : optimize -> Solver.status
- (** Retrieve model from satisfiable context *)
+(** Optimization *)
+module Optimize :
+ type optimize
+ type handle
+ (** Create a Optimize context. *)
+ val mk_opt : context -> optimize
+ (** A string that describes all available optimize solver parameters. *)
+ val get_help : optimize -> string
+ (** Sets the optimize solver parameters. *)
+ val set_parameters : optimize -> Params.params -> unit
+ (** Retrieves parameter descriptions for Optimize solver. *)
+ val get_param_descrs : optimize -> Params.ParamDescrs.param_descrs
+ (** Assert a constraints into the optimize solver. *)
+ val add : optimize -> Expr.expr list -> unit
+ (** Asssert a soft constraint.
+ Supply integer weight and string that identifies a group
+ of soft constraints.
+ *)
+ val add_soft : optimize -> Expr.expr -> string -> Symbol.symbol -> handle
+ (** Add maximization objective.
+ *)
+ val maximize : optimize -> Expr.expr -> handle
+ (** Add minimization objective.
+ *)
+ val minimize : optimize -> Expr.expr -> handle
+ (** Checks whether the assertions in the context are satisfiable and solves objectives.
+ *)
+ val check : optimize -> Solver.status
+ (** Retrieve model from satisfiable context *)
val get_model : optimize -> Model.model option
- (** Retrieve lower bound in current model for handle *)
- val get_lower : handle -> int -> Expr.expr
- (** Retrieve upper bound in current model for handle *)
- val get_upper : handle -> int -> Expr.expr
- (** Creates a backtracking point.
- {!pop} *)
- val push : optimize -> unit
- (** Backtrack one backtracking point.
- Note that an exception is thrown if Pop is called without a corresponding [Push]
- {!push} *)
- val pop : optimize -> unit
- (** Retrieve explanation why optimize engine returned status Unknown. *)
- val get_reason_unknown : optimize -> string
- (** Retrieve SMT-LIB string representation of optimize object. *)
- val to_string : optimize -> string
- (** Retrieve statistics information from the last call to check *)
- val get_statistics : optimize -> Statistics.statistics
+ (** Retrieve lower bound in current model for handle *)
+ val get_lower : handle -> int -> Expr.expr
+ (** Retrieve upper bound in current model for handle *)
+ val get_upper : handle -> int -> Expr.expr
+ (** Creates a backtracking point.
+ {!pop} *)
+ val push : optimize -> unit
+ (** Backtrack one backtracking point.
+ Note that an exception is thrown if Pop is called without a corresponding [Push]
+ {!push} *)
+ val pop : optimize -> unit
+ (** Retrieve explanation why optimize engine returned status Unknown. *)
+ val get_reason_unknown : optimize -> string
+ (** Retrieve SMT-LIB string representation of optimize object. *)
+ val to_string : optimize -> string
+ (** Retrieve statistics information from the last call to check *)
+ val get_statistics : optimize -> Statistics.statistics
(** Functions for handling SMT and SMT2 expressions and files *)
@@ -3286,16 +3286,16 @@ sig
@return A string representation of the benchmark. *)
val benchmark_to_smtstring : context -> string -> string -> string -> string -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr -> string
- (** Parse the given string using the SMT-LIB parser.
- The symbol table of the parser can be initialized using the given sorts and declarations.
- The symbols in the arrays in the third and fifth argument
- don't need to match the names of the sorts and declarations in the arrays in the fourth
- and sixth argument. This is a useful feature since we can use arbitrary names to
+ (** Parse the given string using the SMT-LIB parser.
+ The symbol table of the parser can be initialized using the given sorts and declarations.
+ The symbols in the arrays in the third and fifth argument
+ don't need to match the names of the sorts and declarations in the arrays in the fourth
+ and sixth argument. This is a useful feature since we can use arbitrary names to
reference sorts and declarations. *)
val parse_smtlib_string : context -> string -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort list -> Symbol.symbol list -> FuncDecl.func_decl list -> unit
- (** Parse the given file using the SMT-LIB parser.
+ (** Parse the given file using the SMT-LIB parser.
{!parse_smtlib_string} *)
val parse_smtlib_file : context -> string -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort list -> Symbol.symbol list -> FuncDecl.func_decl list -> unit
@@ -3323,13 +3323,13 @@ sig
(** The sort declarations parsed by the last call to [ParseSMTLIBString] or [ParseSMTLIBFile]. *)
val get_smtlib_sorts : context -> Sort.sort list
- (** Parse the given string using the SMT-LIB2 parser.
+ (** Parse the given string using the SMT-LIB2 parser.
@return A conjunction of assertions in the scope (up to push/pop) at the end of the string. *)
val parse_smtlib2_string : context -> string -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort list -> Symbol.symbol list -> FuncDecl.func_decl list -> Expr.expr
- (** Parse the given file using the SMT-LIB2 parser.
+ (** Parse the given file using the SMT-LIB2 parser.
{!parse_smtlib2_string} *)
val parse_smtlib2_file : context -> string -> Symbol.symbol list -> Sort.sort list -> Symbol.symbol list -> FuncDecl.func_decl list -> Expr.expr
@@ -3341,7 +3341,7 @@ sig
(** Create an AST node marking a formula position for interpolation.
The expression must have Boolean sort. *)
val mk_interpolant : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
(** The interpolation context is suitable for generation of interpolants.
For more information on interpolation please refer
too the C/C++ API, which is well documented. *)
@@ -3361,12 +3361,12 @@ sig
For more information on interpolation please refer
too the C/C++ API, which is well documented. *)
val get_interpolation_profile : context -> string
(** Read an interpolation problem from file.
For more information on interpolation please refer
too the C/C++ API, which is well documented. *)
val read_interpolation_problem : context -> string -> (Expr.expr list * int list * Expr.expr list)
(** Check the correctness of an interpolant.
For more information on interpolation please refer
too the C/C++ API, which is well documented. *)
@@ -3381,10 +3381,10 @@ sig
(** Set a global (or module) parameter, which is shared by all Z3 contexts.
When a Z3 module is initialized it will use the value of these parameters
when Z3_params objects are not provided.
- The name of parameter can be composed of characters [a-z][A-Z], digits [0-9], '-' and '_'.
+ The name of parameter can be composed of characters [a-z][A-Z], digits [0-9], '-' and '_'.
The character '.' is a delimiter (more later).
The parameter names are case-insensitive. The character '-' should be viewed as an "alias" for '_'.
Thus, the following parameter names are considered equivalent: "pp.decimal-precision" and "PP.DECIMAL_PRECISION".
@@ -3397,7 +3397,7 @@ end
val set_global_param : string -> string -> unit
(** Get a global (or module) parameter.
Returns None if the parameter does not exist.
The caller must invoke #Z3_global_param_del_value to delete the value returned at param_value.
This function cannot be invoked simultaneously from different threads without synchronization.
@@ -3406,32 +3406,29 @@ val set_global_param : string -> string -> unit
val get_global_param : string -> string option
(** Restore the value of all global (and module) parameters.
This command will not affect already created objects (such as tactics and solvers)
val global_param_reset_all : unit -> unit
(** Enable/disable printing of warning messages to the console.
- Note that this function is static and effects the behaviour of
+ Note that this function is static and effects the behaviour of
all contexts globally. *)
val toggle_warning_messages : bool -> unit
Enable tracing messages tagged as `tag' when Z3 is compiled in debug mode.
- Remarks: It is a NOOP otherwise.
+ Remarks: It is a NOOP otherwise.
val enable_trace : string -> unit
- Disable tracing messages tagged as `tag' when Z3 is compiled in debug mode.
+ Disable tracing messages tagged as `tag' when Z3 is compiled in debug mode.
Remarks: It is a NOOP otherwise.
val disable_trace : string -> unit
diff --git a/src/api/ml/z3native_stubs.c.pre b/src/api/ml/z3native_stubs.c.pre
index c726d967fbc..02bafeef60d 100644
--- a/src/api/ml/z3native_stubs.c.pre
+++ b/src/api/ml/z3native_stubs.c.pre
@@ -24,32 +24,32 @@ extern "C" {
-#define CAMLlocal6(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6) \
- CAMLlocal5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+#define CAMLlocal6(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6) \
+ CAMLlocal5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
-#define CAMLlocal7(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7) \
- CAMLlocal5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+#define CAMLlocal7(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7) \
+ CAMLlocal5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
-#define CAMLlocal8(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8) \
- CAMLlocal5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+#define CAMLlocal8(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8) \
+ CAMLlocal5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
-#define CAMLparam7(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7) \
- CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+#define CAMLparam7(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7) \
+ CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
-#define CAMLparam8(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8) \
- CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+#define CAMLparam8(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8) \
+ CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
-#define CAMLparam9(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9) \
- CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+#define CAMLparam9(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9) \
+ CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
-#define CAMLparam12(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,X11,X12) \
- CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
- CAMLxparam5(X6,X7,X8,X9,X10); \
+#define CAMLparam12(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,X11,X12) \
+ CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+ CAMLxparam5(X6,X7,X8,X9,X10); \
-#define CAMLparam13(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13) \
- CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
- CAMLxparam5(X6,X7,X8,X9,X10); \
+#define CAMLparam13(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13) \
+ CAMLparam5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5); \
+ CAMLxparam5(X6,X7,X8,X9,X10); \
@@ -63,36 +63,44 @@ static struct custom_operations default_custom_ops = {
+inline int compare_pointers(void* pt1, void* pt2) {
+ if (pt1 == pt2)
+ return 0;
+ else if ((intnat)pt1 < (intnat)pt2)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return +1;
#define MK_CTX_OF(X) \
CAMLprim DLL_PUBLIC value n_context_of_ ## X(value v) { \
CAMLparam1(v); \
CAMLlocal1(result); \
- Z3_context_plus cp; \
+ Z3_context_plus cp; \
Z3_ ## X ## _plus * p = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus *) Data_custom_val(v); \
- cp = p->cp; \
+ cp = p->cp; \
result = caml_alloc_custom(&Z3_context_plus_custom_ops, sizeof(Z3_context_plus), 0, 1); \
- *(Z3_context_plus *)Data_custom_val(result) = cp; \
+ *(Z3_context_plus *)Data_custom_val(result) = cp; \
/* We increment the usage counter of the context, as we just \
created a second custom block holding that context */ \
- cp->obj_count++; \
+ cp->obj_count++; \
CAMLreturn(result); \
- } \
- \
- CAMLprim value DLL_PUBLIC n_is_null_ ## X (value v) { \
- CAMLparam1(v); \
- Z3_ ## X ## _plus* pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v); \
- CAMLreturn(Val_bool(pp->p == NULL)); \
- } \
- \
- CAMLprim value DLL_PUBLIC n_mk_null_ ## X (value v) { \
- CAMLparam1(v); \
- CAMLlocal1(result); \
- Z3_context_plus cp = *(Z3_context_plus*)(Data_custom_val(v)); \
- Z3_ ## X ## _plus a = Z3_ ## X ## _plus_mk(cp, NULL); \
+ } \
+ \
+ CAMLprim value DLL_PUBLIC n_is_null_ ## X (value v) { \
+ CAMLparam1(v); \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus* pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v); \
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(pp->p == NULL)); \
+ } \
+ \
+ CAMLprim value DLL_PUBLIC n_mk_null_ ## X (value v) { \
+ CAMLparam1(v); \
+ CAMLlocal1(result); \
+ Z3_context_plus cp = *(Z3_context_plus*)(Data_custom_val(v)); \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus a = Z3_ ## X ## _plus_mk(cp, NULL); \
result = caml_alloc_custom(&Z3_ ## X ## _plus_custom_ops, sizeof(Z3_ ## X ## _plus), 0, 1); \
- *(Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)(Data_custom_val(result)) = a; \
- CAMLreturn(result); \
+ *(Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)(Data_custom_val(result)) = a; \
+ CAMLreturn(result); \
@@ -150,14 +158,38 @@ void Z3_context_finalize(value v) {
+int Z3_context_compare(value v1, value v2) {
+ /* As each context created within the OCaml bindings has a unique
+ Z3_context_plus_data allocated to store the handle and the ref counters,
+ we can just compare pointers here. This suffices to test for (in)equality
+ and induces an arbitrary (but fixed) ordering. */
+ Z3_context_plus cp1 = *(Z3_context_plus*)Data_custom_val(v1);
+ Z3_context_plus cp2 = *(Z3_context_plus*)Data_custom_val(v2);
+ return compare_pointers(cp1, cp2);
+int Z3_context_compare_ext(value v1, value v2) {
+ Z3_context_plus cp = *(Z3_context_plus*)Data_custom_val(v1);
+ return compare_pointers(cp, (void*)Val_int(v2));
+/* We use the pointer to the Z3_context_plus_data structure as
+ a hash value; it is unique, at least. */
+intnat Z3_context_hash(value v) {
+ /* We use the address of the context's Z3_context_plus_data structure
+ as a hash value */
+ Z3_context_plus cp = *(Z3_context_plus*)Data_custom_val(v);
+ return (intnat)cp;
static struct custom_operations Z3_context_plus_custom_ops = {
(char*) "Z3_context ops",
- custom_compare_default,
- custom_hash_default,
+ Z3_context_compare,
+ Z3_context_hash,
- custom_compare_ext_default,
+ Z3_context_compare_ext
@@ -195,13 +227,21 @@ void Z3_ast_finalize(value v) {
int Z3_ast_compare(value v1, value v2) {
Z3_ast_plus * a1 = (Z3_ast_plus*)Data_custom_val(v1);
Z3_ast_plus * a2 = (Z3_ast_plus*)Data_custom_val(v2);
- assert(a1->cp->ctx == a2->cp->ctx);
+ /* if the two ASTs belong to different contexts, we take
+ their contexts' addresses to order them (arbitrarily, but fixed) */
+ if (a1->cp->ctx != a2->cp->ctx)
+ return compare_pointers(a1->cp->ctx, a2->cp->ctx);
+ /* handling of NULL pointers */
if (a1->p == NULL && a2->p == NULL)
return 0;
if (a1->p == NULL)
return -1;
if (a2->p == NULL)
return +1;
+ /* Comparison according to AST ids. */
unsigned id1 = Z3_get_ast_id(a1->cp->ctx, a1->p);
unsigned id2 = Z3_get_ast_id(a2->cp->ctx, a2->p);
if (id1 == id2)
@@ -274,15 +314,34 @@ MK_CTX_OF(ast)
pp->cp->obj_count--; \
try_to_delete_context(pp->cp); \
} \
- \
+ \
+ int Z3_ ## X ## _compare(value v1, value v2) { \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp1 = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v1); \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp2 = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v2); \
+ if (pp1->cp != pp2->cp) \
+ return compare_pointers(pp1->cp, pp2->cp); \
+ else \
+ return compare_pointers(pp1->p, pp2->p); \
+ } \
+ \
+ intnat Z3_ ## X ## _hash(value v) { \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v); \
+ return (intnat)pp->p; \
+ } \
+ \
+ int Z3_ ## X ## _compare_ext(value v1, value v2) { \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v1); \
+ return compare_pointers(pp->p, (void*)Val_int(v2)); \
+ } \
+ \
static struct custom_operations Z3_ ## X ## _plus_custom_ops = { \
(char*) "Z3_" #X " ops", \
Z3_ ## X ## _finalize, \
- custom_compare_default, \
- custom_hash_default, \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _compare, \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _hash, \
custom_serialize_default, \
custom_deserialize_default, \
- custom_compare_ext_default, \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _compare_ext \
}; \
@@ -298,7 +357,7 @@ MK_CTX_OF(ast)
r.cp = cp; \
r.p = p; \
r.cp->obj_count++; \
- if (p != NULL) \
+ if (p != NULL) \
Z3_ ## X ## _inc_ref(cp->ctx, p); \
return r; \
} \
@@ -309,20 +368,39 @@ MK_CTX_OF(ast)
void Z3_ ## X ## _finalize(value v) { \
Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v); \
- if (pp->p != NULL) \
+ if (pp->p != NULL) \
Z3_ ## X ## _dec_ref(pp->cp->ctx, pp->p); \
pp->cp->obj_count--; \
try_to_delete_context(pp->cp); \
} \
+ int Z3_ ## X ## _compare(value v1, value v2) { \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp1 = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v1); \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp2 = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v2); \
+ if (pp1->cp != pp2->cp) \
+ return compare_pointers(pp1->cp, pp2->cp); \
+ else \
+ return compare_pointers(pp1->p, pp2->p); \
+ } \
+ \
+ intnat Z3_ ## X ## _hash(value v) { \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v); \
+ return (intnat)pp->p; \
+ } \
+ \
+ int Z3_ ## X ## _compare_ext(value v1, value v2) { \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _plus * pp = (Z3_ ## X ## _plus*)Data_custom_val(v1); \
+ return compare_pointers(pp->p, (void*)Val_int(v2)); \
+ } \
+ \
static struct custom_operations Z3_ ## X ## _plus_custom_ops = { \
(char*) "Z3_" #X " ops", \
Z3_ ## X ## _finalize, \
- custom_compare_default, \
- custom_hash_default, \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _compare, \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _hash, \
custom_serialize_default, \
custom_deserialize_default, \
- custom_compare_ext_default, \
+ Z3_ ## X ## _compare_ext \
}; \
@@ -347,7 +425,6 @@ MK_PLUS_OBJ(ast_vector)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {