The project was an upgrade to the existing Logo-generator by DSC-NSEC. It was made to help the communities by providing a tool to generate there logos hassle free. During the winter I worked to improve the project in terms of code disciplines and also added some features to the project. I am Ayush an undergrad from NSEC, Kolkata, as part of Winter of Code 2020.
This project was mentored by Vishwajeet bhaiya and Aniket bhaiya.
20commits 1,174++ 199--
- Initially the Project was using React state component we migrated into functional component to make the code more readable and to fit with new paradigm of React. This was a fun task for me cause this introduced me to the new features of React which I found very simple and interesting. I can say that it was one of the major takeaways from the WOC.
- I migrated the project code base to Typescript which was initially using JavaScript as its base. It added the Type to the existing JavaScript code which improved the structure and discipline of the project and will continue to do so in future developments.
- Addition of a App bar.
- Native login and signup page
- Using firebase as backend
- OAuth via google
- Restricting downloads to the authorized users
- basic profile for the login user
- User signup
- user can login/logout and personalized view of the app.
- OAuth( signup/login using google)
- preventing from download if user is not authorized.
- some basic UI updates
Here are some of my PR's
There are no bugs in the project in the work that has been done. But we need to add the logo save feature and a separate profile page for the user. I am working on that part and will submit a PR soon.
The work that I did during the winter will help the project in making a relation with the user and will put the foundation of the future development of the product. As we used the functional component it will also help the future contributor's in easily understanding the code base. Typescript's discipline will make the code bug free.
The overall experience was really amazing during the winter. I enjoyed a lot contributing to this generous project. I am thankful to my mentors for there help and support. It was a journey full of experiences from which some will stay with me forever. My teammate Piyush bhaiya helped me in my initial days and supported throughout the journey. At the end, I want to say that , "The winter was full of experiences and learnings."