This is a Matlab implementation of the paper.
Shuai Yang, Jiaying Liu, Zhouhui Lian and Zongming Guo, Awesome Typography: Statistics-Based Text Effects Transfer, Accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017.
This code builds upon the PatchMatch algorithm ( implemented by Jia-Bin Huang.
It is provided for educational/research purpose only. Please consider citing our paper if you find the software useful for your work.
To run the code, please use the main function text_stylization.m.
textEffectFinal = text_stylization('flame', 'shu', 'huo', 'imgs/', optS);
Flann: for fast approximate nearest neighbor searching.
mirt2D_mexinterp: for fast 2D linear interpolation.
Shuai Yang