This is the implementation of OpenAI's style of Transformer, the "Generative Pre-training" (i.e. GPT) model, which has 3 generations:
- GPT-1: Radford et al. "Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training" (2018).
- GPT-2: Radford et al. "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners" (2019).
- GPT-3: Brown et al. "Language Models are Few-Shot Learners" (2020).
Image source: Radford et al. (2018)
- Jupyter Notebook
- Code
- Example Usage
- GPT Motivation
- GPT Model Specifics
- Features
- References
- Citation
- License
Check out the Jupyter notebook here to run the code.
You can find the implementation here with detailed comments. This model is nearly identical to the original Transformer here, except that it is only a decoder.
Train the model in a few lines of code:
args = Namespace(
# Model hyper-parameters
num_layers_per_stack=2, # original value = 12
dim_model=12, #original value = 768
dim_ffn=48, # original value = 3072
num_heads=2, # original value = 12
block_size=64, # original value = 512, context window
# Training hyper-parameters
num_epochs=1, #obviously super short
batch_size=32, #original value = 64
train_loader, vocab = gpt_dataset.GPTDataset.get_training_dataloader(args)
model = gpt.GPT(vocab_size = len(vocab),
num_layers_per_stack= args.num_layers_per_stack,
dim_model = args.dim_model,
dim_ffn = args.dim_ffn,
num_heads = args.num_heads,
block_size = args.block_size,
dropout = args.dropout)
trainer = train.GPTTrainer(args,vocab.mask_index,model,train_loader,vocab)
GPT, which stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer", is a part of the realm of "sequence models" (sequence-to-sequence or "seq2seq"), models that attempt to map an input (source) sequence and to an output (target) sequence. Sequence models encompass a wide range of representations, from long-standing, classical probabilistic approaches such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) etc. to more recent "deep learning" models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs).
GPT belongs to a newer the class of models known as Transformers, which we touch upon here.
Unlike the original Transformer which is originally posed as a Machine Translation model (i.e. translate one sequence into another sequence), the GPT is a Language Model. LMs ask the natural question: given a sequence of words, what is most likely to follow? Put mathematically, LMs are concerned with predicting the next term(s) in a sequence conditional on a neighboring window of words. In the GPT model, this context is all the previous points in the sequence:
p(u_i| context) := p(u_i|u_i-1,u_i-2,...,u_i-block_size)
In this sense, we see that GPT is an auto-regressive model.
To fit the Transformer architecture to an LM problem, we can take the encoder-decoder architecture of the OG Transformer and discard the encoder. The decoder, you will notice, inherently is concerned with predicting the next item in a sequence using some previous number of items of the sequence (i.e. context window or "block size").
The authors observe that deep learning in NLP requires substantial amounts of manually-labeled data, which it makes it hard to be applicable everywhere. They see the solution in transfer learning, where a model can be largely trained ("pre-trained") on a very large dataset and subsequently fine-tuned to a smaller problem.
But how does one accomplish this pre-training? Their answer: through unsupervised (really, self-supervised) learning. Pre-trained word embeddings had been prior the most compelling evidence of unsupervised learning's ability to help learn useful things (see notes on word2vec embeddings here). Motivated by this, they hypothesized LMs as the ultimate self-supervised models that could ultimately be applied as transfer learners.
Unlike embeddings, language models have the ability to capture the contextual meaning of a word. For instance, a language model can differentiate between the meaning of bear in "the right to bear arms" and "I saw a black bear".
Using their own decoder Transformer architecture, they establish a "semi-supervised" approach using a combination of un-supervised pre-training and supervised fine-tuning.
The goal of this is to learn a universal representation that transfers with little adaptation to a wider range of tasks, and therefore is an extension of transfer learning.
The first step is to train the LM to a very large corpus of text.
Image source: Radford et al. (2018)
By training the model to predict the next word in a sequence, the hypothesis is that it will be able to transfer what it has learned to other problems.
After pre-training the LM, the next step is to apply it to be tuned to a specific set of tasks with their associated labels. The loss is the usual loss function; however, they also introduce a tunable amount of further un-supervised learning as well.
Image source: Radford et al. (2018)
As elaborated on in their first paper, they found that the GPT model was able to successfully be fine-tuned in a number of auxiliary tasks.
Image source: Radford et al. (2018)
Here are some small notes from the each paper. Note that my observations are not comprehensive and am still wrapping my head around GPT-3.
I highly recommend reading the original papers.
Most of the above was written based on GPT-1 observations. Here are some other notes:
- pre-training:
- on BooksCorpus dataset. Didn't like Word Benchmark because it shuffled sentences, breaking up dependencies.
- 12-layer decoder-only transformer.
- dim_model = 768
- num_heads = 12 (of self-attention model)
- Optimization:
- Max learning rate of 2.5e-4
- 2000 updates linear increase, annealed to 0 using Cosine Scheduler (Note: I stuck with NoamOptimizer to make life simple)
- Weight initialization of N(0,0.02)
- BPE with 40k merges (Note: I stuck with usual word-encoding, not BPE)
- Activation functions used were GELU instead of RELU
- Learned positions instead of original fixed Sinusoidal
- Spacy tokenizer (Note: I used my own tokenizer)
- fine-tuning:
- Same hyper-parameters as pre-training + drop-out.
- Found 3 epochs of training was sufficient.
tl;dr GPT-1 with larger pre-training and multi-task learning.
The largest model achieves SOTA on 7/8 benchmarks in zero-shot (i.e, no fine-tuning) setting.
The goal is still to move towards a general model that can perform many tasks. The authors' observation is that the prevalance of single task training hinders the model's ability to generalize further. Thus, they introduce multi-tasking learning, where the training data consists of a heterogenous mixture of tasks, i.e: the language model went from learning:
This is an extension of transfer learning. Prior to this change, the concept of task conditioning was handled on an architectural level. However, the authors theorized that LMs were flexible enough to handle this.
Here is a list of some model specifics that changed since GPT-1:
- layer normalized move to input of each sub-block
- normalization added after self-attention block
- context size went from 512 to 1024 tokens, batch_size of 512.
This paper I'm still working through. The model is now at 175B parameters with 96 layers, 96 heads, and dim_model = 12,288. I gather than the attention mechanism may also be different from the canonical self-attention.
- Self-contained "library" of GPT model re-implementation, tokenizer, dictionary, data loader, and re-producible notebook example
- Re-using existing transformer code to adapt to the GPT problem
- Torchtext dataset usage
These implementations were helpful:
- (Kaparthy's "minimal" implementation of GPT. Super-well written)
- (Original GPT-2 code, tensorflow)
In terms of explaining the intuition of the model, I thought these were well-written:
- Original paper (link found above)
- (Kaparthy's comments are worth a ready, especially in his example notebooks.)
@misc{GPT: Unsupervised Pre-training & the Decoder-only Transformer,
author = {Thompson, Will},
url = {},
year = {2020}