If you're a new contributor, don't worry if you're unsure about the commit message. Maintainers will adjust or write these as needed as part of code review and merge activities. If you're a regular contributor, do try to follow this structure to help speed up the process. Thanks!
Component: Short subject line about what is changing
Additional details about the commit are placed after a new line
in the commit message body. That's this paragraph here.
Bug: T123
The subject line should use the imperative mood, and start with one of the following components:
See also Commit message guidelines.
Create or reset your
branch to the latest head of the repositorygit remote update && git checkout -B release -t origin/HEAD
Ensure build and tests pass locally. NOTE: This does not require privileges and should be run in isolation.
npm ci && npm test
Prepare the release commit
- Add release notes to a new section on top of History.md.
git log --format='* %s (%aN)' --no-merges --reverse v$(node -e 'console.log(require("./package.json").version);')...HEAD | sort | grep -vE '^\* (build|docs?|tests?):'
- Update AUTHORS.txt and preview the diff.
If duplicates emerge, add entries to
as needed and re-run the command.npm run authors
- Set the next release version in package.json.
# 'patch' increments to vA.B.C+1; substitute 'minor' for vA.B+1.0 and 'major' for vA+1.0.0 npm version patch --git-tag-version=false
- Review and stage your commit:
git add -p
- Save your commit and push for review.
git commit -m "Release vX.Y.Z" git review
- Add release notes to a new section on top of History.md.
After the release commit has been merged by CI, perform the actual release:
Update and reset your
branch, confirm it is at your merged commit.git remote update && git checkout -B release -t origin/HEAD # … git show # Release vX.Y.Z # …
Create a signed tag and push it to the Git server:
git tag -s "vX.Y.Z" git push --tags
Run the build and review the release file (e.g. proper release version header in the header, and not a development build). NOTE: This does not require privileges and should be run in isolation.
npm run build-release # … head dist/oojs.js # OOjs v5.0.0 # …
Publish to npm:
npm publish