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Priors give you effective control over which parameters of the psychometric function are considered for fitting and all confidence statements. There is no way to do Bayesian statistics without a prior.
First: let's have a look what psignifit does if you do not specify a prior explicitly: Then psignifit chooses a prior which assumes that you sampled the whole psychometric function. Specifically it assumes that the threshold is within the range of the data and with decreasing probability up to half the range above or below the measured data. For the width we assume that it is somewhere between two times the minimal distance of two measured stimulus levels, and the range of the data or with decreasing probability up two 3 times the range of the data.
to illustrate this we plot the priors from our example function:
data = [...
0.0010, 45.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0015, 50.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0020, 44.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0025, 44.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0030, 52.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0035, 53.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0040, 62.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0045, 64.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0050, 76.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0060, 79.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0070, 88.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0080, 90.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0100, 90.0000, 90.0000];
options = struct;
options.sigmoidName = 'norm';
res = psignifit(data,options);
The panels in the top row show the prior densities for threshold, width and lapse rate respectively. In the second row psychometric functions corresponding to the 0, 25, 75 and 100% quantiles of the prior are plotted in colour. The other parameters of the functions are left at the prior mean value, which is also marked in all panels in black. As an orientation the small black dots in the lower panels mark the levels at which data were sampled.
You should check that the assumptions we make for the heuristic to work are actually true in the case of your data. e.g. check, whether (at least) one of the following statements holds:
- You understand what our priors mean and judge them to be appropriate.
- You are sure you recorded a trial above and a trial below threshold.
- Your posterior concentrates on an area for which the prior was (nearly) constant.
There are situations for which the assumptions for our standard prior do not hold. For example when adaptive methods are used or you fit incomplete datasets. To fit these correctly psignifit allows you to set the realistic range for the threshold the range of data you would measure in a constant stimulus design manually. In this part we show how to do this.
For example consider the following dataset, which is a simulation of a 3-down-1-up staircase procedure with 50 trials on a yes-no experiment. This method samples considerably above threshold. In this case the true threshold and width were 1. Thus the assumption that we know that the threshold (threshold as defined in psignifit 4, not what 3-down-1-up defines as threshold!) is in the range of the data is clearly violated.
1.5000 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.3500 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.2150 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.3365 2.0000 3.0000;...
1.4702 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.3231 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.1908 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.3099 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.1789 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.2968 2.0000 3.0000;...
1.4265 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.2838 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.4122 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.2710 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.3981 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.5379 1.0000 2.0000;...
1.6917 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.5225 3.0000 3.0000;...
1.3703 2.0000 3.0000];
We fit this assuming the same lapse rate for yes and for no.
options = struct;
options.expType = 'equalAsymptote';
res = psignifit(data,options);
by default this gives us a cumulative normal fit, which is fine for now.
The prior for this function looks like this:
, which is not particularly conspicuous. Comparing the functions to the stimulus range shows that we still expect a reasonably sampled psychometric function with threshold in the sampling range.
But now, have a look at the fitted function:
You should notice that the percent correct is larger than 50 and we did not measure a stimulus level clearly below threshold. Thus it might be that the threshold is below our data, as it is the case in our example. This is a common problem with adaptive procedures, which do not explore the full possible stimulus range. Then our heuristic for the prior may easily fail.
You can see how the prior influences the result by looking at the marginal plot for the threshold as well:
note that the dashed grey line, which marks the prior, decreases in a range with posterior probability. This shows that the prior has an influence on the outcome.
To "heal" this psignifit allows you to pass another range, for which you believe in the assumptions of our prior. The prior will be set as for the true data range, but for the provided range. For our example dataset we might give a generous range and assume the possible range is .5 to 1.5:
options.stimulusRange =[.5,1.5];
resRange = psignifit(data,options);
We can now have a look how the prior changed:
By having a look at the marginal plot we can see that there is no area where the prior dominates the posterior any more. Thus our result for the threshold is now dominated by the data. Note also that the credible interval now extends considerably further down as well.
Finally we can also have a look on the new fitted psychometric function, to see that even the point estimate was influenced by the prior:
hold on
With the beta-binomial model we have an additional parameter eta, which represents how stationary the observer was. The prior on this parameter can be adjusted with a single parameter of psignifit:
Larger values for this parameter represent a stronger prior, e.g. stronger believe in a stationary observer. Smaller values represent a more conservative inference, giving nonstationary observers a higher prior probability.
options.betaPrior = 1 represents a flat prior, e.g. maximally conservative inference. Our default is 10, which fitted our simulations well and around several hundred the analysis becomes very similar to the binomial analysis. This will barely influence the point estimate you find for your psychometric function. It's main effect is on the confidence intervals which will grow or shrink.
For example we will fit the data from above once much more conservative, once more progressively:
first again with standard settings:
data = [...
0.0010, 45.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0015, 50.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0020, 44.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0025, 44.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0030, 52.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0035, 53.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0040, 62.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0045, 64.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0050, 76.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0060, 79.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0070, 88.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0080, 90.0000, 90.0000;...
0.0100, 90.0000, 90.0000];
options = struct;
options.sigmoidName = 'norm';
res = psignifit(data,options);
first lets have a look at the results with the standard prior strength:
The fit is:
The credible intervals are:
ans(:,:,1) = ans(:,:,2) = ans(:,:,3) =
0.0043 0.0050 0.0043 0.0049 0.0045 0.0048
0.0035 0.0060 0.0037 0.0058 0.0041 0.0053
0.0002 0.0219 0.0003 0.0181 0.0011 0.0112
0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
0.0013 0.1196 0.0026 0.1016 0.0083 0.0691
Now we recalculate with the most conservative prior:
options.betaPrior = 1;
res1 = psignifit(data,options);
and with a very strong prior of 200
options.betaPrior = 200;
res200 = psignifit(data,options);
First see that the only parameter whose fit changes by this is the beta-variance parameter eta (the 5th)
res1.Fit res200.Fit
0.0046 0.0047
0.0047 0.0047
0.0000 0.0000
0.5000 0.5000
0.0001 0.0000
Now we have a look at the confidence intervals (here only for the 95% ones)
res1.conf_Intervals res200.conf_Intervals
0.0043 0.0050 0.0043 0.0049
0.0035 0.0061 0.0036 0.0059
0.0002 0.0240 0.0002 0.0196
0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
0.0020 0.1563 0.0001 0.0180
They also do not change dramatically, but they are smaller for the 200 prior than for the 1 prior.
Our recommendation based on the simulations is to keep the 10 prior. If you have questions contact us.
This part explains how to use custom priors, when you do not want to use our standard set, or it is wrong even for a corrected stimulus range. To do this you should know what you are doing, and everything is on your own risk.
As an example we will fix the prior on lambda the lapse rate parameter of the psychometric funtion to a constant between 0 and .1 and zero elsewhere as it was done in the psignifit 2 toolbox.
To use custom priors, first define the priors you want to use as function handles. For our example this works as follows:
priorLambda = @(x) (x>=0).*(x<=.1);
Note that we did not normalize this prior. This is internally done by psignifit.
If you are not familiar with function handles in MATLAB you can find an introduction to them here
To use this prior you need to add it to the options struct into the cell array priors
options.priors{3} = priorLambda;
Most of the times you then have to adjust the borders of integration as well. This confines the region psignifit operates on. All values outside the borders implicitly have prior probability 0!!
For our example we set all borders to NaN, which means they are set automatically and state only the borders for lambda, which is the third parameter:
options.borders = nan(5,2);
res = psignifit(data,options);
There will be a warning that the prior chosen here is zero at some values. This is true, but we intend it to be like this, constraining our analysis stronger than the standard priors do.
With these commands you have set the priors manually. Have a look at them: