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problem: should polish log-pace function
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- remove dead code, old notes
- remove units from --log-pace= argument, just use seconds as value (simpler is better)
- if mining, show STATUS MINE with minerthreads and hashrate (TODO: more?)
- gofmt

Rel ethereumproject#127, ethereumproject#318
  • Loading branch information
whilei committed Jul 28, 2017
1 parent 6f530fe commit 0361214
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 212 deletions.
326 changes: 114 additions & 212 deletions cmd/geth/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ import (

// Version is the application revision identifier. It can be set with the linker
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ The output of this command is supposed to be machine-readable.
if ctx.GlobalBool(aliasableName(DevModeFlag.Name, ctx)) {
if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(aliasableName(ChainIdentityFlag.Name, ctx)) {
if e := ctx.Set(aliasableName(ChainIdentityFlag.Name, ctx), "morden"); e != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to set chain value: %v", e)
log.Fatalf("failed to set chain value: %v", e)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,251 +266,153 @@ func main() {
// It creates a default node based on the command line arguments and runs it in
// blocking mode, waiting for it to be shut down.
func geth(ctx *cli.Context) error {

// Force RPC enabling if --log-pace is set.
//if ctx.GlobalIsSet(LogPaceFlag.Name) && !ctx.GlobalBool(aliasableName(RPCEnabledFlag.Name, ctx)) {
// ctx.Set(aliasableName(RPCEnabledFlag.Name, ctx), "true")
// (whilei): was going to use metrics as well, but may not be necessary,
// and using RPC internally seems ugly

n := MakeSystemNode(Version, ctx)
ethe := startNode(ctx, n)

if ctx.GlobalIsSet(LogPaceFlag.Name) {
go startPacedLogging(ctx, n, ethe)
go startPacedLogging(ctx, ethe)

//blockchain := nodeEth.BlockChain()

//by := []byte{}
//b := bytes.NewBuffer(by)
//r := rpc.NewClient(b)
//node.Attach(r, )

//eAPI := eth.
//netAPI := eth.PublicNetAPI{}
//startTime := time.Now()
//lastLogTime := time.Now()
//go func() {
// for {
// select {
// case <-pm.quitSync:
// return
// case time.Since(lastLogTime) > time.Second*5:
// // "RO" -> "ReadOut"
// modeRO := "Import"
// if pm.downloader.GetMode() == downloader.FastSync {
// modeRO = "Sync"
// }
// _, current, highest, _, _ := pm.downloader.Progress()
// currentBlock := pm.blockchain.GetBlockByNumber(current)
// highestBlock := pm.blockchain.GetBlockByNumber(highest)
// bodyMean := metrics.DLBodies.RateMean()
// headerMean := metrics.DLHeaders.RateMean()
// glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("%s", modeRO)
// }
// }


return nil

func startPacedLogging(ctx *cli.Context, n *node.Node, e *eth.Ethereum) {
// startPacedLogging starts STATUS logging at a given interval.
// It should be run as a goroutine.
// --log-pace=42 : logs STATUS information every 42 seconds
func startPacedLogging(ctx *cli.Context, e *eth.Ethereum) {

// Establish default interval.
intervalI := 60

if v := ctx.GlobalString(aliasableName(LogPaceFlag.Name, ctx)); v != "" {
u := string(v[len(v)-1]) // m, s
if !(u == "m" || u == "s") {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("unknown unit suffix: %s; use 'm' (minutes) or 's' (seconds)", u)
vv := string(v[:(len(v) - 1)])
i, e := strconv.Atoi(vv)
i, e := strconv.Atoi(v)
if e != nil {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("could not parse %v argument: %v, :%v", aliasableName(LogPaceFlag.Name, ctx), v, e)
glog.Fatalf("%v: could not parse '%v' argument: %v", e, aliasableName(LogPaceFlag.Name, ctx), v)
if u == "m" {
i = i * 60
if i < 1 {
glog.Fatalf("interval value must be a positive integer, got: %d", i)
intervalI = i
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Log-pace [STATUS] interval set: %d seconds", intervalI)

// Need:
//2017-02-03 16:49:00 Sync #3124227 of #3124363 c76c…34e7 77/ 242/ 7 blk/tx/mgas sec 1/ 4/25 peers
//2017-02-03 16:50:00 Sync #3124247 of #3124363 75e4…8eff 51/ 51/ 5 blk/tx/mgas sec 1/ 4/25 peers
//2017-02-03 16:51:00 Sync #3124567 of #3124363 9af3…34ae 117/ 129/11 blk/tx/mgas sec 2/ 5/25 peers
//2017-02-03 16:52:00 Sync #3124787 of #3124363 1e3a…8351 9/ 6/ 1 blk/tx/mgas sec 1/ 7/25 peers
//2017-02-03 16:52:05 Import #3124788 84e1…1ff4 15/ 7 tx/mgas 3/10/25 peers
//2017-02-03 16:52:25 Import #3124789 9e45…a241 5/ 1 tx/mgas 5/12/25 peers
//2017-02-03 16:52:45 Import #3124790 d819…f71c 0/ 0 tx/mgas 11/18/25 peers
// - Sync type (Fast/Sync/Import)
// | downloader....
// - #3124787 of #3124363 - block X of total height Y
// - c76c…34e7 block hash
// - 77/ 242/ 7 blk/tx/mgas sec performance for past minute, avg blocks/transactions/mgas processed per second. 3 character for block, 4 for transactions, 2 for mgas
// -- blocks processed per second
// -- txs processed per second
// -- mgas processed per second
// - 1/ 4/25 peers download from 1 peer, connected to 4, of max 25. 2 characters for each part

// TODO: check and possibly modify existing verbsosity so pace is not interrupted... or?

//client, err := n.Attach()
//if err != nil {
// glog.Fatalln(err)

glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("STATUS SYNC Log-pace interval set: %d seconds", intervalI)

tickerInterval := time.Second * time.Duration(int32(intervalI))
ticker := time.NewTicker(tickerInterval)

var lastLoggedBlockNumber uint64

for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
peers := e.Downloader().GetPeers()
lenpeers := peers.Len()
//_, lennodedataidlepeers := peers.NodeDataIdlePeers()
_, lenblockidlepeers := peers.BlockIdlePeers()
_, lenbodyidlepeers := peers.BodyIdlePeers()
_, lenheaderidlepeers := peers.HeaderIdlePeers()
_, lenreceiptidlepeers := peers.ReceiptIdlePeers()

// An ugly, rough way to estimate actively connected/downloading-from peers
activepeers := 0
if lenblockidlepeers < lenpeers {
activepeers += lenblockidlepeers
if lenbodyidlepeers < lenpeers {
activepeers += lenbodyidlepeers
if lenheaderidlepeers < lenpeers {
activepeers += lenheaderidlepeers
if lenreceiptidlepeers < lenpeers {
activepeers += lenreceiptidlepeers

maxpeers := ctx.GlobalInt(aliasableName(MaxPeersFlag.Name, ctx))

//origin, current, height, pulled, known := e.Downloader().Progress()
_, current, height, _, _ := e.Downloader().Progress()
mode := e.Downloader().GetMode()

fmode := ""
ofheight := fmt.Sprintf(" of #%7d", height)
heightratio := float64(current) / float64(height)
heightratio = heightratio * 100
percentheight := fmt.Sprintf("(%4.2f", heightratio)
percentheight += "%)"
case <-ticker.C:
lenpeers := e.Downloader().GetPeers().Len()
maxpeers := ctx.GlobalInt(aliasableName(MaxPeersFlag.Name, ctx))

_, current, height, _, _ := e.Downloader().Progress() // origin, current, height, pulled, known
mode := e.Downloader().GetMode()

// Discover -> not synchronising (searching for peers)
// FullSync/FastSync -> synchronising
// Import -> synchronising, at full height
fMode := "Discover"
fOfHeight := fmt.Sprintf(" of #%7d", height)

// Calculate and format percent sync of known height
heightRatio := float64(current) / float64(height)
heightRatio = heightRatio * 100
fHeightRatio := fmt.Sprintf("(%4.2f", heightRatio)
fHeightRatio += "%)"

// Wait until syncing because real dl mode will not be engaged until then
if e.Downloader().Synchronising() {
switch mode {
case downloader.FullSync:
fmode = "FullSync"
fMode = "FullSync"
case downloader.FastSync:
fmode = "FastSync"
if current == height && !(current == 0 && height == 0) {
fmode = "Import"
ofheight = strings.Repeat(" ", 12)
percentheight = strings.Repeat(" ", 8)
if height == 0 {
ofheight = strings.Repeat(" ", 12)
percentheight = strings.Repeat(" ", 8)
fMode = "FastSync"
if current == height && !(current == 0 && height == 0) {
fMode = "Import"
fOfHeight = strings.Repeat(" ", 12)
fHeightRatio = strings.Repeat(" ", 7)
if height == 0 {
fOfHeight = strings.Repeat(" ", 12)
fHeightRatio = strings.Repeat(" ", 7)

//t := time.Now()
//y, m, d := t.Date()
//hour := t.Hour()
//minute := t.Minute()
//second := t.Second()

blockchain := e.BlockChain()
//td, currentblock, genesisblock := blockchain.Status()
_, currentblock, _:= blockchain.Status()

numBlocksDiff := current - lastLoggedBlockNumber
numTxsDiff := 0
mGas := new(big.Int)

var numBlocksDiffPerSecond uint64
var numTxsDiffPerSecond int
var mGasPerSecond = new(big.Int)

if numBlocksDiff > 0 && numBlocksDiff != current {
for i := lastLoggedBlockNumber; i <= current; i++ {
b := blockchain.GetBlockByNumber(i)
if b != nil {
numTxsDiff += b.Transactions().Len()
mGas = new(big.Int).Add(mGas, b.GasUsed())
// Get our head block
blockchain := e.BlockChain()

// Convert to per-second stats
// FIXME(?): Some degree of rounding will happen.
// For example, if interval is 10s and we get 6 blocks imported in that span,
// stats will show '0' blocks/second. Looks a little strange; but on the other hand,
// precision costs visual space, and mostly just looks weird on when starting up sync or
// syncing slowly.
numBlocksDiffPerSecond = numBlocksDiff / uint64(intervalI)
// Don't show initial current / per second val
if lastLoggedBlockNumber == 0 {
numBlocksDiffPerSecond = 0
numTxsDiffPerSecond = numTxsDiff / intervalI
mGasPerSecond = new(big.Int).Div(mGas, big.NewInt(int64(intervalI)))
mGasPerSecond = new(big.Int).Div(mGasPerSecond, big.NewInt(1000000))
mGasPerSecondI := mGasPerSecond.Int64()

// Update last logged current block number
lastLoggedBlockNumber = current

// TODO: possibly convert mGas to better unit

cbhex := currentblock.Hex()
cbhexstart := cbhex[2:5] // trim off '0x' prefix
cbhexend := cbhex[(len(cbhex) - 3):]

//datetime := fmt.Sprintf("%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", y, m, d, hour, minute, second)
blockprogress := fmt.Sprintf("#%7d%s", current, ofheight)
cbhexdisplay := fmt.Sprintf("%s…%s", cbhexstart, cbhexend)
peersdisplay := fmt.Sprintf("%2d/%2d/%2d peers", activepeers, lenpeers, maxpeers)
blocksprocesseddisplay := fmt.Sprintf("%3d/%4d/%2d blks/txs/mgas sec", numBlocksDiffPerSecond, numTxsDiffPerSecond, mGasPerSecondI)

glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("STATUS %s %s %s %s %s %s", fmode, blockprogress, percentheight, cbhexdisplay, blocksprocesseddisplay, peersdisplay)
//glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("STATUS %s %s %s %s", fmode, blockprogress, cbhexdisplay, peersdisplay)
case <-sigc:
// Calculate block stats for interval
numBlocksDiff := current - lastLoggedBlockNumber
numTxsDiff := 0
mGas := new(big.Int)

//miner := e.Miner()
//mining := miner.Mining()
//hashrate := miner.HashRate()
var numBlocksDiffPerSecond uint64
var numTxsDiffPerSecond int
var mGasPerSecond = new(big.Int)

if numBlocksDiff > 0 && numBlocksDiff != current {
for i := lastLoggedBlockNumber; i <= current; i++ {
b := blockchain.GetBlockByNumber(i)
if b != nil {
numTxsDiff += b.Transactions().Len()
mGas = new(big.Int).Add(mGas, b.GasUsed())

//sub := e.EventMux().Subscribe()
//e := sub.Chan()
// Convert to per-second stats
// FIXME(?): Some degree of rounding will happen.
// For example, if interval is 10s and we get 6 blocks imported in that span,
// stats will show '0' blocks/second. Looks a little strange; but on the other hand,
// precision costs visual space, and normally just looks weird when starting up sync or
// syncing slowly.
numBlocksDiffPerSecond = numBlocksDiff / uint64(intervalI)

// Don't show initial current / per second val
if lastLoggedBlockNumber == 0 {
numBlocksDiffPerSecond = 0

// Divide by interval to yield per-second stats
numTxsDiffPerSecond = numTxsDiff / intervalI
mGasPerSecond = new(big.Int).Div(mGas, big.NewInt(int64(intervalI)))
mGasPerSecond = new(big.Int).Div(mGasPerSecond, big.NewInt(1000000))
mGasPerSecondI := mGasPerSecond.Int64()

// Update last logged current block number
lastLoggedBlockNumber = current

// Format head block hex for printing (eg. d4e…fa3)
cbhex := blockchain.CurrentHeader().Hash().Hex() // Use header since fast sync will yield only genesis block
cbhexstart := cbhex[2:5] // trim off '0x' prefix
cbhexend := cbhex[(len(cbhex) - 3):]

blockprogress := fmt.Sprintf("#%7d%s", current, fOfHeight)
cbhexdisplay := fmt.Sprintf("%s…%s", cbhexstart, cbhexend)
peersdisplay := fmt.Sprintf("%2d/%2d peers", lenpeers, maxpeers)
blocksprocesseddisplay := fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%4d/%2d blks/txs/mgas sec", numBlocksDiffPerSecond, numTxsDiffPerSecond, mGasPerSecondI)

// Log to ERROR.
// This allows maximum user optionality for desired integration with rest of event-based logging.
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("STATUS SYNC %s %s %s %s %s %s", fMode, blockprogress, fHeightRatio, cbhexdisplay, blocksprocesseddisplay, peersdisplay)

// Experimental: if mining, show some readily-available stats for that, too
miner := e.Miner()
if miner.Mining() {
hashrate := miner.HashRate()
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("STATUS MINE (%2d) %8d", e.MinerThreads, hashrate)
// Listen for interrupt
case <-sigc:

func status(ctx *cli.Context) error {
Expand Down

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