diff --git a/deploy.sh b/deploy.sh
index ec7eebfdf..d1643691b 100644
--- a/deploy.sh
+++ b/deploy.sh
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ else
> $WEB_ROOT/index.intermediate.html
node_modules/.bin/emu-algify --throwing-indicators < $WEB_ROOT/index.intermediate.html > $WEB_ROOT/index.html
rm $WEB_ROOT/index.intermediate.html
+ cp service-worker.js $WEB_ROOT/service-worker.js
echo "Living standard output to $WEB_ROOT"
diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 56a2629c0..facb32f25 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -4308,3 +4308,10 @@ This standard is written by Domenic Denicola
Per CC0, to the extent possible under law, the editor has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
diff --git a/service-worker.js b/service-worker.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6196fa2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service-worker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+"use strict";
+const cacheKey = "v2";
+const toCache = [
+ "/",
+ "https://resources.whatwg.org/standard.css",
+ "https://resources.whatwg.org/bikeshed.css",
+ "https://resources.whatwg.org/file-issue.js",
+ "https://resources.whatwg.org/commit-snapshot-shortcut-key.js",
+ "https://resources.whatwg.org/logo-streams.svg"
+self.oninstall = e => {
+ e.waitUntil(caches.open(cacheKey).then(cache => cache.addAll(toCache)));
+self.onfetch = e => {
+ if (e.request.method !== "GET") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (needsToBeFresh(e.request)) {
+ // Since this is a Living Standard, it is imperative that you see the freshest content, so we use a
+ // network-then-cache strategy for the main content.
+ e.respondWith(
+ fetch(e.request).then(res => {
+ e.waitUntil(refreshCacheFromNetworkResponse(e.request, res));
+ return res;
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ return caches.match(e.request);
+ })
+ );
+ } else {
+ // For auxiliary resources, we can use a cache-then-network strategy; it is OK to not get the freshest.
+ e.respondWith(
+ caches.match(e.request).then(cachedResponse => {
+ const networkFetchPromise = fetch(e.request);
+ // Ignore network fetch or caching errors; they just mean we won't be able to refresh the cache.
+ e.waitUntil(
+ networkFetchPromise
+ .then(res => refreshCacheFromNetworkResponse(e.request, res))
+ .catch(() => {})
+ );
+ return cachedResponse || networkFetchPromise;
+ })
+ );
+ }
+self.onactivate = e => {
+ e.waitUntil(caches.keys().then(keys => {
+ return Promise.all(keys.filter(key => key !== cacheKey).map(key => caches.delete(key)));
+ }));
+function refreshCacheFromNetworkResponse(req, res) {
+ if (!res.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`${res.url} is responding with ${res.status}`);
+ }
+ const resForCache = res.clone();
+ return caches.open(cacheKey).then(cache => cache.put(req, resForCache));
+function needsToBeFresh(req) {
+ const requestURL = new URL(req.url);
+ return requestURL.origin === location.origin && requestURL.pathname === "/";
+// From https://github.com/jakearchibald/async-waituntil-polyfill
+// Apache 2 License: https://github.com/jakearchibald/async-waituntil-polyfill/blob/master/LICENSE
+ const waitUntil = ExtendableEvent.prototype.waitUntil;
+ const respondWith = FetchEvent.prototype.respondWith;
+ const promisesMap = new WeakMap();
+ ExtendableEvent.prototype.waitUntil = function(promise) {
+ const extendableEvent = this;
+ let promises = promisesMap.get(extendableEvent);
+ if (promises) {
+ promises.push(Promise.resolve(promise));
+ return;
+ }
+ promises = [Promise.resolve(promise)];
+ promisesMap.set(extendableEvent, promises);
+ // call original method
+ return waitUntil.call(extendableEvent, Promise.resolve().then(function processPromises() {
+ const len = promises.length;
+ // wait for all to settle
+ return Promise.all(promises.map(p => p.catch(()=>{}))).then(() => {
+ // have new items been added? If so, wait again
+ if (promises.length != len) return processPromises();
+ // we're done!
+ promisesMap.delete(extendableEvent);
+ // reject if one of the promises rejected
+ return Promise.all(promises);
+ });
+ }));
+ };
+ FetchEvent.prototype.respondWith = function(promise) {
+ this.waitUntil(promise);
+ return respondWith.call(this, promise);
+ };