diff --git a/terraform/.terraform.lock.hcl b/terraform/.terraform.lock.hcl
index 3370026..6aa9f4d 100644
--- a/terraform/.terraform.lock.hcl
+++ b/terraform/.terraform.lock.hcl
@@ -2,19 +2,8 @@
# Manual edits may be lost in future updates.
provider "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws" {
- version = "3.74.0"
+ version = "4.54.0"
hashes = [
- "h1:y9b9LluBQGrZHURGY1Xmrhb+zQ6qRit3oqFSLijkGe0=",
- "zh:00767509c13c0d1c7ad6af702c6942e6572aa6d529b40a00baacc0e73faafea2",
- "zh:03aafdc903ad49c2eda03889f927f44212674c50e475a9c6298850381319eec2",
- "zh:2de8a6a97b180f909d652f215125aa4683e99db15fcf3b28d62e3d542f875ed6",
- "zh:3ac29ebc3af99028f4230a79f56606a0c2954b68767bd749b921a76eb4f3bd30",
- "zh:50add2e2d118a15a644360eabc5a34cec59f2560b491f8fabf9c52ab83ca7b09",
- "zh:85dd8e81910ab79f841a4a595fdd8ac358fbfe460956144afb0be3d81f91fe10",
- "zh:895de83d0f0941fde31bfc53fa6b1ea276901f006bec221bbdee4771a04f3693",
- "zh:a15c9724aac52d1ba5001d2d83e42843099b52b1638ea29d84e20be0f45fa4f1",
- "zh:c982a64463bd73e9bff2589de214b1de0a571438d9015001f9eae45cfc3a2559",
- "zh:e9ef973c18078324e43213ea1252c12b9441e566bf054ddfdbff5dd62f3035d9",
- "zh:f297e705b0f339c8baa27ae70db5df9aa6578adfe1ea3d2ba8edc186512464eb",
+ "h1:CvZ2TNI0ImPJN1xxCCZsrU5mEQXcyfPcEWM7u7tMfPs=",
diff --git a/terraform/buildkite-v5.10.0.yml b/terraform/buildkite-v5.10.0.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9266833..0000000
--- a/terraform/buildkite-v5.10.0.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1233 +0,0 @@
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
-Description: "Buildkite stack v5.10.0"
-# The Buildkite Elastic CI Stack for AWS gives you a private,
-# autoscaling Buildkite Agent cluster. Use it to parallelize
-# large test suites across thousands of nodes, run tests and
-# deployments for Linux or Windows based services and apps,
-# or run AWS ops tasks.
-# To gain a better understanding of how Elastic CI Stack works
-# and how to use it most effectively and securely, check out
-# the following resources:
-# * Elastic CI Stack for AWS Overview: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/elastic_ci_aws
-# * Elastic CI Stack for AWS Tutorial: https://buildkite.com/docs/tutorials/elastic-ci-stack-aws
-# * Running Buildkite Agent on AWS: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/aws
-# * GitHub Repo for Elastic CI Stack: https://github.com/buildkite/elastic-ci-stack-for-aws
-# * Template Parameters for Elastic CI Stack for AWS: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/elastic-ci-aws/parameters
-# * Using AWS Secrets Manager: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/aws/secrets-manager
-# * VPC Design: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/aws/vpc
-# * CloudFormation Service Role: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/elastic-ci-aws/cloudformation-service-role
-Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
- AWS::CloudFormation::Interface:
- ParameterGroups:
- - Label:
- default: Buildkite Configuration
- Parameters:
- - BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath
- - BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey
- - BuildkiteAgentToken
- - BuildkiteQueue
- - Label:
- default: Advanced Buildkite Configuration
- Parameters:
- - BuildkiteAgentRelease
- - BuildkiteAgentTags
- - BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines
- - BuildkiteAgentExperiments
- - BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob
- - BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions
- - BuildkiteWindowsAdministrator
- - Label:
- default: Network Configuration
- Parameters:
- - VpcId
- - Subnets
- - AvailabilityZones
- - SecurityGroupId
- - AssociatePublicIpAddress
- - Label:
- default: Instance Configuration
- Parameters:
- - ImageId
- - ImageIdParameter
- - InstanceType
- - EnableInstanceStorage
- - AgentsPerInstance
- - KeyName
- - SpotPrice
- - SecretsBucket
- - SecretsBucketRegion
- - ArtifactsBucket
- - AuthorizedUsersUrl
- - BootstrapScriptUrl
- - RootVolumeSize
- - RootVolumeName
- - RootVolumeType
- - ManagedPolicyARN
- - InstanceRoleName
- - IMDSv2Tokens
- - EnableDetailedMonitoring
- - Label:
- default: Auto-scaling Configuration
- Parameters:
- - MinSize
- - MaxSize
- - OnDemandPercentage
- - ScaleOutFactor
- - ScaleInIdlePeriod
- - ScaleOutForWaitingJobs
- - InstanceCreationTimeout
- - Label:
- default: Cost Allocation Configuration
- Parameters:
- - EnableCostAllocationTags
- - CostAllocationTagName
- - CostAllocationTagValue
- - Label:
- default: Docker Daemon Configuration
- Parameters:
- - EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap
- - EnableDockerExperimental
- - Label:
- default: Docker Registry Configuration
- Parameters:
- - ECRAccessPolicy
- - Label:
- default: Plugin Configuration
- Parameters:
- - EnableSecretsPlugin
- - EnableECRPlugin
- - EnableDockerLoginPlugin
- KeyName:
- Description: Optional - SSH keypair used to access the buildkite instances via ec2_user, setting this will enable SSH ingress
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentRelease:
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - stable
- - beta
- - edge
- Default: "stable"
- BuildkiteAgentToken:
- Description: Buildkite agent registration token. Or, preload it into SSM Parameter Store and use BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath for secure environments.
- Type: String
- NoEcho: true
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath:
- Description: Existing SSM Parameter Store path to the Buildkite agent registration token (takes precedence over BuildkiteAgentToken). Expects a leading slash ('/').
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- AllowedPattern: "^$|^/[a-zA-Z0-9_.\\-/]+$"
- ConstraintDescription: "Expects a leading forward slash"
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey:
- Description: AWS KMS key ID used to encrypt the SSM parameter (if encrypted)
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentTags:
- Description: Additional tags separated by commas to provide to the agent. E.g os=linux,llamas=always
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines:
- Description: Set to true to prepend timestamps to every line of output
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- BuildkiteAgentExperiments:
- Description: Agent experiments to enable, comma delimited. See https://github.com/buildkite/agent/blob/master/EXPERIMENTS.md.
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob:
- Description: Set to "true" to terminate the instance after a job has completed.
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions:
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of commands to allow the buildkite-agent user to run using sudo.
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteWindowsAdministrator:
- Description: Set to "true" to add the local "buildkite-agent" user account to the local Windows Administrator group.
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- BuildkiteQueue:
- Description: Queue name that agents will use, targeted in pipeline steps using "queue={value}"
- Type: String
- Default: default
- MinLength: 1
- AgentsPerInstance:
- Description: Number of Buildkite agents to run on each instance
- Type: Number
- Default: 1
- MinValue: 1
- SecretsBucket:
- Description: Optional - Name of an existing S3 bucket containing pipeline secrets (Created if left blank)
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- SecretsBucketRegion:
- Description: Optional - Region for the SecretsBucket. If blank the bucket's region is dynamically discovered.
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- ArtifactsBucket:
- Description: Optional - Name of an existing S3 bucket for build artifact storage
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BootstrapScriptUrl:
- Description: Optional - HTTPS or S3 URL to run on each instance during boot
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- AuthorizedUsersUrl:
- Description: Optional - HTTPS or S3 URL to periodically download ssh authorized_keys from, setting this will enable SSH ingress. authorized_keys are applied to ec2_user
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- VpcId:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Id of an existing VPC to launch instances into. Leave blank to have a new VPC created
- Default: ""
- Subnets:
- Type: CommaDelimitedList
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of two existing VPC subnet ids where EC2 instances will run. Required if setting VpcId.
- Default: ""
- AvailabilityZones:
- Type: CommaDelimitedList
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of AZs that subnets are created in (if Subnets parameter is not specified)
- Default: ""
- InstanceType:
- Description: Instance type. Comma-separated list with 1-4 instance types. The order is a prioritized preference for launching OnDemand instances, and a non-prioritized list of types to consider for Spot Instances (where used).
- Type: String
- Default: t3.large
- MinLength: 1
- AllowedPattern: "^[\\w\\.]+(,[\\w\\.]*){0,3}$"
- ConstraintDescription: "must contain 1-4 instance types separated by commas. No space before/after the comma."
- SpotPrice:
- Description: Maximum spot price to use for the instances, in instance cost per hour. Values >0 will result in 100% of instances being spot. 0 means only use normal (non-spot) instances. This parameter is deprecated - we recommend setting to 0 and using OnDemandPercentage to opt into spot instances.
- Type: String
- Default: 0
- MaxSize:
- Description: Maximum number of instances
- Type: Number
- Default: 10
- MinValue: 1
- MinSize:
- Description: Minimum number of instances
- Type: Number
- Default: 0
- OnDemandPercentage:
- Description: Percentage of total instances that should launch as OnDemand. Default is 100% OnDemand - reduce this to use some Spot Instances when they're available and cheaper than the OnDemand price. A value of 70 means 70% OnDemand and 30% Spot Instances.
- Type: Number
- Default: 100
- MinValue: 0
- MaxValue: 100
- ScaleOutFactor:
- Description: A decimal factor to apply to scale out changes to speed up or slow down scale-out
- Type: Number
- Default: 1.0
- ScaleInIdlePeriod:
- Description: Number of seconds an agent must be idle before terminating
- Type: Number
- Default: 600
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs:
- Type: String
- Description: Whether to scale-out for steps behind wait steps. Make sure you have a long enough idle period!
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- InstanceCreationTimeout:
- Description: Timeout period for Autoscaling Group Creation Policy
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- RootVolumeSize:
- Description: Size of each instance's root EBS volume (in GB)
- Type: Number
- Default: 250
- MinValue: 10
- RootVolumeName:
- Description: Name of the root block device for your AMI
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- RootVolumeType:
- Description: Type of root volume to use
- Type: String
- Default: "gp3"
- SecurityGroupId:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of security group ids to assign to instances
- Default: ""
- ImageId:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Custom AMI to use for instances (must be based on the stack's AMI)
- Default: ""
- ImageIdParameter:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Custom AMI SSM Parameter to use for instances (must be based on the stack's AMI)
- Default: ""
- ManagedPolicyARN:
- Type: CommaDelimitedList
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of managed IAM policy ARNs to attach to the instance role
- Default: ""
- IMDSv2Tokens:
- Type: String
- Description: Whether IMDSv2 tokens must be used for the Instance Metadata Service.
- AllowedValues:
- - optional
- - required
- Default: optional
- InstanceRoleName:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - A name for the IAM Role attached to the Instance Profile
- Default: ""
- InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN:
- Type: String
- Description: The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary for the role.
- Default: ""
- InstanceOperatingSystem:
- Type: String
- Description: The operating system to run on the instances
- AllowedValues:
- - linux
- - windows
- Default: "linux"
- ECRAccessPolicy:
- Type: String
- Description: ECR access policy to give container instances
- AllowedValues:
- - none
- - readonly
- - poweruser
- - full
- Default: "none"
- AssociatePublicIpAddress:
- Type: String
- Description: Associate instances with public IP addresses
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableSecretsPlugin:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables s3-secrets plugin for all pipelines
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableECRPlugin:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables ecr plugin for all pipelines
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableDockerLoginPlugin:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables docker-login plugin for all pipelines
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables Docker user namespace remapping so docker runs as buildkite-agent
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableDockerExperimental:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables Docker experimental features
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- EnableInstanceStorage:
- Type: String
- Description: Mount available NVMe Instance Storage at /mnt/ephemeral
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- EnableCostAllocationTags:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables AWS Cost Allocation tags for all resources in the stack. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/cost-alloc-tags.html
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- CostAllocationTagName:
- Type: String
- Description: The name of the Cost Allocation Tag used for billing purposes
- Default: "CreatedBy"
- CostAllocationTagValue:
- Type: String
- Description: The value of the Cost Allocation Tag used for billing purposes
- Default: "buildkite-elastic-ci-stack-for-aws"
- EnableAgentGitMirrorsExperiment:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables the git-mirrors experiment in the agent
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- EnableDetailedMonitoring:
- Type: String
- Description: Enable detailed EC2 monitoring
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- HasToken:
- Assertions:
- - Assert:
- !Or
- - !Not
- - !Equals
- - !Ref BuildkiteAgentToken
- - ""
- - !Not
- - !Equals
- - !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath
- - ""
- AssertDescription: "You must provide BuildkiteAgentToken or BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath"
- VpcId:
- Value:
- !If [ CreateVpcResources, !Ref Vpc, !Ref VpcId ]
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-VpcId'
- ManagedSecretsBucket:
- Value:
- !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, "Undefined" ]
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-ManagedSecretsBucket'
- ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket:
- Value:
- !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket, "Undefined" ]
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket'
- AutoScalingGroupName:
- Value: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-AutoScalingGroupName'
- InstanceRoleName:
- Value: !Ref IAMRole
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-InstanceRoleName'
- SpotPriceSet:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref SpotPrice, 0 ] ]
- CreateVpcResources:
- !Equals [ !Ref VpcId, "" ]
- CreateSecurityGroup:
- !Equals [ !Ref SecurityGroupId, "" ]
- CreateSecretsBucket:
- !And
- - !Equals [ !Ref EnableSecretsPlugin, "true"]
- - !Equals [ !Ref SecretsBucket, "" ]
- SetInstanceRoleName:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref InstanceRoleName, "" ] ]
- SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, "" ] ]
- UseSpecifiedSecretsBucket:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref SecretsBucket, "" ] ]
- HasSecretsBucket:
- !Or [ !Condition CreateSecretsBucket, !Condition UseSpecifiedSecretsBucket ]
- UseSpecifiedAvailabilityZones:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Join [ "", !Ref AvailabilityZones ], "" ] ]
- UseArtifactsBucket:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ArtifactsBucket, "" ] ]
- HasImageId:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ImageId, "" ] ]
- HasImageIdParameter:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ImageIdParameter, "" ] ]
- UseDefaultInstanceCreationTimeout:
- !Equals [ !Ref InstanceCreationTimeout, "" ]
- UseDefaultRootVolumeName:
- !Equals [ !Ref RootVolumeName, "" ]
- UseInstanceType2:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Select [ "1", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ], ""] ]
- UseInstanceType3:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Select [ "2", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ], ""] ]
- UseInstanceType4:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Select [ "3", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ], ""] ]
- UseManagedPolicyARN:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Join [ "", !Ref ManagedPolicyARN ], "" ] ]
- UseECR:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ECRAccessPolicy, "none" ] ]
- UseCustomerManagedParameterPath:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, "" ] ]
- UseCustomerManagedKeyForParameterStore:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey, "" ] ]
- CreateAgentTokenParameter:
- !Equals [ !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, "" ]
- HasVariableSize:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref MaxSize, !Ref MinSize ] ]
- UseCostAllocationTags:
- !Equals [ !Ref EnableCostAllocationTags, "true" ]
- HasKeyName:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref KeyName, "" ] ]
- EnableSshIngress:
- !And
- - { Condition : CreateSecurityGroup }
- # Enable ingress if a key can be specified another way
- - !Or
- - { Condition: HasKeyName }
- - !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref AuthorizedUsersUrl, "" ] ]
- # Whether or not there's any managed polices to attach
- HasManagedPolicies:
- !Or [ { Condition: UseManagedPolicyARN }, { Condition: UseECR } ]
- UseWindowsAgents:
- !Equals [ !Ref InstanceOperatingSystem, "windows" ]
- UseLinuxAgents:
- !Equals [ !Ref InstanceOperatingSystem, "linux" ]
- # Unfortunately, Cloudformation's !Or intrinsic function only accepts
- # between 2 and 10 arguments. To get around this, we're grouping the
- # instance families in sub-conditionals. At least this doesn't force us
- # into using a Custom Resource.
- UsingArmInstances:
- !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "a1" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c6g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c6gd" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c6gn" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c7g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "g5g" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "Im4gn" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "Is4gen" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "m6g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "m6gd" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "r6g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "r6gd" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "t4g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "x2gd" ]
- ECRManagedPolicy:
- none : { Policy: '' }
- readonly : { Policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly' }
- poweruser : { Policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser' }
- full : { Policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess' }
- # Generated from Makefile via build/mappings.yml
- AWSRegion2AMI:
- us-east-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0f39c6ae1dd91e580, linuxarm64: ami-0aeab800372121d9b, windows: ami-02a617663a9b3fcf4 }
- us-east-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-0a55c0a389972afb5, linuxarm64: ami-09a9700fae1a701c3, windows: ami-0af5a62debae81021 }
- us-west-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0f0acff5b9d9ae848, linuxarm64: ami-084bb3f40c034b6f9, windows: ami-09bc1b31e5721e8c1 }
- us-west-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-015e6c540e066cbb5, linuxarm64: ami-07f9d9a13422faebd, windows: ami-0abb308b033b12c06 }
- af-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0892c0debfe550759, linuxarm64: ami-091999951317f62a8, windows: ami-0b654bcadfab23fe3 }
- ap-east-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-00582f2ed23dc0d95, linuxarm64: ami-0f3dc620cedb34ca0, windows: ami-08a867a4b506c15fc }
- ap-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-08517a6ed510e97b5, linuxarm64: ami-025b4f0882e51a8ae, windows: ami-00f7059be75cfffdc }
- ap-northeast-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-001400b8c5ed86cd6, linuxarm64: ami-0fcc19808efad1ba2, windows: ami-058a1e0f3e30adc4e }
- ap-northeast-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0a15ab8114ebc5f41, linuxarm64: ami-00f642706bdaf0c64, windows: ami-0a217836446cd442b }
- ap-southeast-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-02a0d7e43aab73a84, linuxarm64: ami-0508af6f9aa018ac6, windows: ami-0ae288773fe0491f5 }
- ap-southeast-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0b3b208c65e3a1be0, linuxarm64: ami-09012d224ec82620e, windows: ami-03c5292687115026e }
- ca-central-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-09bb0a2322ad1e113, linuxarm64: ami-0bf9084f5454c26a2, windows: ami-02ae7379603b1ca60 }
- eu-central-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-024f8e253aa35981f, linuxarm64: ami-0df05b043eaa1640a, windows: ami-0d2ff86f61a002cf8 }
- eu-west-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0ad412a7859d1fcca, linuxarm64: ami-0a1b2dd29af9018ed, windows: ami-08e2fcee943ded860 }
- eu-west-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-07f0b24b79d47e05a, linuxarm64: ami-0a1920a514cf8af92, windows: ami-06b7fc27155636fd3 }
- eu-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-07478687996b5a60f, linuxarm64: ami-0e9b52dbcc9f0f1a6, windows: ami-04654d77172636cca }
- eu-west-3 : { linuxamd64: ami-098c5849017c629b1, linuxarm64: ami-041079f5aecaecbcc, windows: ami-07a2682aa1efb76af }
- eu-north-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-06cf6c3df01d8cb7c, linuxarm64: ami-06f9e9fc89950bae9, windows: ami-01231381a3f224a29 }
- me-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0a5f65aacc2c10903, linuxarm64: ami-05c47c58dbdf7668f, windows: ami-0da3501ec610f2735 }
- sa-east-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0fbdb79e495b69ad5, linuxarm64: ami-0c611a0f350d6ef18, windows: ami-0302b86d82ab143fb }
- Vpc:
- Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- CidrBlock:
- InstanceTenancy: default
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- Gateway:
- Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- GatewayAttachment:
- Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- InternetGatewayId: !Ref Gateway
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Subnet0:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- DependsOn:
- - GatewayAttachment
- Properties:
- AvailabilityZone:
- !If
- - "UseSpecifiedAvailabilityZones"
- - !Select [ 0, !Ref AvailabilityZones ]
- - !Select [ 0, !GetAZs '' ]
- CidrBlock:
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- Subnet1:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- DependsOn:
- - GatewayAttachment
- Properties:
- AvailabilityZone:
- !If
- - "UseSpecifiedAvailabilityZones"
- - !Select [ 1, !Ref AvailabilityZones ]
- - !Select [ 1, !GetAZs '' ]
- CidrBlock:
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- Routes:
- Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- RouteDefault:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Route
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- DependsOn:
- - GatewayAttachment
- Properties:
- DestinationCidrBlock:
- GatewayId: !Ref Gateway
- RouteTableId: !Ref Routes
- Subnet0Routes:
- Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- SubnetId: !Ref Subnet0
- RouteTableId: !Ref Routes
- Subnet1Routes:
- Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- SubnetId: !Ref Subnet1
- RouteTableId: !Ref Routes
- # A resource that depends on the leaf nodes of the VPC configuration so that
- # a strict ordering can be established on teardown.
- VpcComplete:
- Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle
- Metadata:
- VpcResources: !If
- - CreateVpcResources
- - [ !Ref RouteDefault, !Ref Subnet0Routes, !Ref Subnet1Routes ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter:
- Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter
- Condition: CreateAgentTokenParameter
- Properties:
- Name: !Sub "/${AWS::StackName}/buildkite/agent-token"
- Type: String
- Value: !Ref BuildkiteAgentToken
- # Allow ec2 instances to assume a role and be granted the IAMPolicies
- IAMInstanceProfile:
- Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
- Properties:
- Path: /
- Roles: [ !Ref IAMRole ]
- IAMRole:
- Type: AWS::IAM::Role
- Properties:
- RoleName: !If [ SetInstanceRoleName, !Ref InstanceRoleName, !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-Role" ]
- PermissionsBoundary: !If [ SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref "AWS::NoValue" ]
- ManagedPolicyArns: !If
- - HasManagedPolicies
- # Support multiple policies to attach by merging the values together and splitting on ','
- - !Split
- - ','
- # Join will skip over AWS::NoValue values
- - !Join
- - ','
- - - !If
- - UseECR
- - !FindInMap [ ECRManagedPolicy, !Ref ECRAccessPolicy, 'Policy' ]
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- # This may support multiple values of its own (separated by commas)
- - !If
- - UseManagedPolicyARN
- - !Join [ ',', !Ref ManagedPolicyARN ]
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- Policies:
- - !If
- - UseCustomerManagedKeyForParameterStore
- - PolicyName: DecryptAgentToken
- PolicyDocument:
- Version: '2012-10-17'
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - kms:Decrypt
- Resource: !Sub arn:aws:kms:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:key/${BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey}
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- - PolicyName: ReadAgentToken
- PolicyDocument:
- Version: '2012-10-17'
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Action: ssm:GetParameter
- Resource:
- !Sub
- - arn:aws:ssm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:parameter${ParameterPath}
- - ParameterPath: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ]
- AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Principal:
- Service: [ autoscaling.amazonaws.com, ec2.amazonaws.com ]
- Action: sts:AssumeRole
- Path: /
- IAMPolicies:
- Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
- Properties:
- PolicyName: InstancePolicy
- PolicyDocument:
- Statement:
- - !If
- - HasSecretsBucket
- - Sid: SecretsBucket
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - s3:Get*
- - s3:List*
- Resource:
- - !Sub
- - "arn:aws:s3:::${Bucket}/*"
- - Bucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ]
- - !Sub
- - "arn:aws:s3:::${Bucket}"
- - Bucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- - !If
- - UseArtifactsBucket
- - Sid: ArtifactsBucket
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - s3:GetObject
- - s3:GetObjectAcl
- - s3:GetObjectVersion
- - s3:GetObjectVersionAcl
- - s3:ListBucket
- - s3:PutObject
- - s3:PutObjectAcl
- - s3:PutObjectVersionAcl
- Resource:
- - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactsBucket}/*"
- - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactsBucket}"
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- - Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingInstances
- - cloudwatch:PutMetricData
- - cloudformation:DescribeStackResource
- - ec2:DescribeTags
- Resource: "*"
- - Sid: TerminateInstance
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - autoscaling:SetInstanceHealth
- - autoscaling:TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
- Resource: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:autoscaling:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:autoScalingGroup:*:autoScalingGroupName/${AWS::StackName}-AgentAutoScaleGroup-*
- - Sid: Logging
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - logs:CreateLogGroup
- - logs:CreateLogStream
- - logs:PutLogEvents
- - logs:DescribeLogGroups
- - logs:DescribeLogStreams
- Resource: "*"
- - Sid: Ssm
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - ssm:DescribeInstanceProperties
- - ssm:ListAssociations
- - ssm:PutInventory
- - ssm:UpdateInstanceInformation
- - ssmmessages:CreateControlChannel
- - ssmmessages:CreateDataChannel
- - ssmmessages:OpenControlChannel
- - ssmmessages:OpenDataChannel
- - ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage
- - ec2messages:DeleteMessage
- - ec2messages:FailMessage
- - ec2messages:GetEndpoint
- - ec2messages:GetMessages
- - ec2messages:SendRepl
- Resource: "*"
- Roles:
- - !Ref IAMRole
- ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket:
- Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
- Condition: CreateSecretsBucket
- DeletionPolicy: Retain
- Properties:
- AccessControl: LogDeliveryWrite
- Tags:
- - !If
- - UseCostAllocationTags
- - Key: !Ref CostAllocationTagName
- Value: !Ref CostAllocationTagValue
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- ManagedSecretsBucket:
- Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
- Condition: CreateSecretsBucket
- DeletionPolicy: Retain
- Properties:
- LoggingConfiguration:
- DestinationBucketName: !Ref ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket
- VersioningConfiguration:
- Status: Enabled
- Tags:
- - !If
- - UseCostAllocationTags
- - Key: !Ref CostAllocationTagName
- Value: !Ref CostAllocationTagValue
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- ImageIdParameterStack:
- Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
- Condition: HasImageIdParameter
- Properties:
- TemplateURL: https://s3.amazonaws.com/buildkite-aws-stack/ssm-ami/releases/0.1.0.yml
- Parameters:
- AmiParameterPath: !Ref ImageIdParameter
- AgentLaunchTemplate:
- Type: "AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate"
- Properties:
- LaunchTemplateData:
- NetworkInterfaces:
- - DeviceIndex: 0
- AssociatePublicIpAddress: { Ref: AssociatePublicIpAddress }
- Groups: !Split [ ",", !If [ "CreateSecurityGroup", !Ref SecurityGroup, !Ref SecurityGroupId ] ]
- KeyName: !If [ "HasKeyName", !Ref KeyName, !Ref 'AWS::NoValue' ]
- IamInstanceProfile:
- Arn: !GetAtt "IAMInstanceProfile.Arn"
- InstanceType: !Select [ "0", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- MetadataOptions:
- HttpTokens: !Ref IMDSv2Tokens
- # Allow containers using a Docker network on the host to receive IDMSv2 responses
- HttpPutResponseHopLimit: 2
- InstanceMetadataTags: enabled
- Monitoring:
- Enabled: !Ref EnableDetailedMonitoring
- ImageId: !If
- - HasImageId
- - !Ref ImageId
- - !If
- - HasImageIdParameter
- - !GetAtt ImageIdParameterStack.Outputs.ImageId
- - !If
- - UseWindowsAgents
- - !FindInMap
- - AWSRegion2AMI
- - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- - 'windows'
- - !If
- - UsingArmInstances
- - !FindInMap
- - AWSRegion2AMI
- - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- - 'linuxarm64'
- - !FindInMap
- - AWSRegion2AMI
- - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- - 'linuxamd64'
- BlockDeviceMappings:
- - DeviceName: !If [ UseDefaultRootVolumeName, !If [ UseWindowsAgents, /dev/sda1, /dev/xvda ], !Ref RootVolumeName ]
- Ebs: { VolumeSize: !Ref RootVolumeSize, VolumeType: !Ref RootVolumeType }
- TagSpecifications:
- - ResourceType: instance
- Tags:
- - Key: Role
- Value: buildkite-agent
- - Key: Name
- Value: buildkite-agent
- - Key: BuildkiteAgentRelease
- Value: !Ref BuildkiteAgentRelease
- - Key: BuildkiteQueue
- Value: !Ref BuildkiteQueue
- - !If
- - UseCostAllocationTags
- - Key: !Ref CostAllocationTagName
- Value: !Ref CostAllocationTagValue
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- UserData:
- Fn::Base64: !If
- - UseWindowsAgents
- - !Sub
- - |
- $Env:DOCKER_USERNS_REMAP="${EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap}"
- $Env:DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL="${EnableDockerExperimental}"
- powershell -file C:\buildkite-agent\bin\bk-configure-docker.ps1 >> C:\buildkite-agent\elastic-stack.log
- $Env:BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET="${LocalSecretsBucket}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET_REGION="${LocalSecretsBucketRegion}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_TAGS="${BuildkiteAgentTags}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_TIMESTAMP_LINES="${BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_EXPERIMENTS="${BuildkiteAgentExperiments}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_RELEASE="${BuildkiteAgentRelease}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_QUEUE="${BuildkiteQueue}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_ECR_POLICY="${ECRAccessPolicy}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_TERMINATE_INSTANCE_AFTER_JOB="${BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_ADDITIONAL_SUDO_PERMISSIONS="${BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_WINDOWS_ADMINISTRATOR="${BuildkiteWindowsAdministrator}"
- $Env:AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="${AWS::Region}"
- $Env:SECRETS_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableSecretsPlugin}"
- $Env:ECR_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableECRPlugin}"
- $Env:DOCKER_LOGIN_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableDockerLoginPlugin}"
- $Env:AWS_REGION="${AWS::Region}"
- powershell -file C:\buildkite-agent\bin\bk-install-elastic-stack.ps1 >> C:\buildkite-agent\elastic-stack.log
- - {
- LocalSecretsBucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ],
- LocalSecretsBucketRegion: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref "AWS::Region", !Ref SecretsBucketRegion ],
- AgentTokenPath: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ],
- }
- - !Sub
- - |
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==BOUNDARY=="
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- --==BOUNDARY==
- Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook; charset="us-ascii"
- /usr/local/bin/bk-mount-instance-storage.sh
- --==BOUNDARY==
- Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook; charset="us-ascii"
- DOCKER_USERNS_REMAP=${EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap} \
- DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL=${EnableDockerExperimental} \
- /usr/local/bin/bk-configure-docker.sh
- --==BOUNDARY==
- Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"
- #!/bin/bash -v
- BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET="${LocalSecretsBucket}" \
- BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET_REGION="${LocalSecretsBucketRegion}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_TAGS="${BuildkiteAgentTags}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_TIMESTAMP_LINES="${BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_EXPERIMENTS="${BuildkiteAgentExperiments}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_RELEASE="${BuildkiteAgentRelease}" \
- BUILDKITE_QUEUE="${BuildkiteQueue}" \
- BUILDKITE_TERMINATE_INSTANCE_AFTER_JOB="${BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob}" \
- BUILDKITE_ADDITIONAL_SUDO_PERMISSIONS="${BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions}" \
- SECRETS_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableSecretsPlugin}" \
- ECR_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableECRPlugin}" \
- DOCKER_LOGIN_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableDockerLoginPlugin}" \
- DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL="${EnableDockerExperimental}" \
- AWS_REGION="${AWS::Region}" \
- /usr/local/bin/bk-install-elastic-stack.sh
- --==BOUNDARY==--
- - {
- LocalSecretsBucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ],
- LocalSecretsBucketRegion: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref "AWS::Region", !Ref SecretsBucketRegion ],
- AgentTokenPath: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ],
- }
- AgentAutoScaleGroup:
- Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
- DependsOn:
- - IAMPolicies
- - VpcComplete
- Properties:
- VPCZoneIdentifier: !If [ "CreateVpcResources", [ !Ref Subnet0, !Ref Subnet1 ], !Ref Subnets ]
- MixedInstancesPolicy:
- InstancesDistribution:
- OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: !If [ SpotPriceSet, 0, !Ref OnDemandPercentage ]
- SpotAllocationStrategy: capacity-optimized
- SpotMaxPrice: !If [SpotPriceSet, !Ref SpotPrice, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
- LaunchTemplate:
- LaunchTemplateSpecification:
- LaunchTemplateId: !Ref AgentLaunchTemplate
- Version: !GetAtt "AgentLaunchTemplate.LatestVersionNumber"
- Overrides:
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "0", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !If
- - UseInstanceType2
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "1", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- - !If
- - UseInstanceType3
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "2", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- - !If
- - UseInstanceType4
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "3", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- MinSize: !Ref MinSize
- MaxSize: !Ref MaxSize
- Cooldown: 60
- MetricsCollection:
- - Granularity: 1Minute
- Metrics:
- - GroupMinSize
- - GroupMaxSize
- - GroupInServiceInstances
- - GroupTerminatingInstances
- - GroupPendingInstances
- TerminationPolicies:
- - OldestLaunchConfiguration
- - ClosestToNextInstanceHour
- NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: true
- CreationPolicy:
- ResourceSignal:
- Timeout: !If [ UseDefaultInstanceCreationTimeout, !If [ UseWindowsAgents, PT10M, PT5M ], !Ref InstanceCreationTimeout ]
- Count: !Ref MinSize
- UpdatePolicy:
- AutoScalingReplacingUpdate:
- WillReplace: true
- AsgProcessSuspenderRole:
- Type: AWS::IAM::Role
- Properties:
- PermissionsBoundary: !If [ SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref "AWS::NoValue" ]
- AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
- Version: 2012-10-17
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Principal:
- Service:
- - lambda.amazonaws.com
- Action:
- - sts:AssumeRole
- ManagedPolicyArns:
- - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
- Policies:
- - PolicyName: AsgProcessModification
- PolicyDocument:
- Version: 2012-10-17
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - 'autoscaling:SuspendProcesses'
- Resource: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:autoscaling:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:autoScalingGroup:*:autoScalingGroupName/${AWS::StackName}-AgentAutoScaleGroup-*
- AzRebalancingSuspenderFunction:
- Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
- Properties:
- Description: 'Disables AZ Rebalancing on the agent ASG'
- Code:
- ZipFile: |
- import cfnresponse
- import boto3
- def handler(event, context):
- try:
- if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
- cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, {}, "CustomResourcePhysicalID")
- else:
- client = boto3.client('autoscaling')
- props = event['ResourceProperties']
- response = client.suspend_processes(AutoScalingGroupName=props['AutoScalingGroupName'], ScalingProcesses=['AZRebalance'])
- cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, {}, "CustomResourcePhysicalID")
- except BaseException as err:
- print('ERROR: ', err)
- cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.FAILED, {}, "CustomResourcePhysicalID")
- Handler: index.handler
- Role: !GetAtt AsgProcessSuspenderRole.Arn
- Runtime: 'python3.7'
- AzRebalancingSuspender:
- Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource
- Version: 1.0
- Properties:
- ServiceToken: !GetAtt AzRebalancingSuspenderFunction.Arn
- AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
- SecurityGroup:
- Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
- Condition: CreateSecurityGroup
- Properties:
- GroupDescription: Enable access to agents
- VpcId: !If [ "CreateVpcResources", !Ref Vpc, !Ref VpcId ]
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- SecurityGroupSshIngress:
- Condition: EnableSshIngress
- Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
- Properties:
- GroupId: !GetAtt SecurityGroup.GroupId
- IpProtocol: tcp
- FromPort: 22
- ToPort: 22
- CidrIp:
- Autoscaling:
- Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
- Condition: HasVariableSize
- Properties:
- Location:
- ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:172840064832:applications/buildkite-agent-scaler
- SemanticVersion: '1.3.1'
- Parameters:
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ]
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey: !If [ UseCustomerManagedKeyForParameterStore, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey, "" ]
- RolePermissionsBoundaryARN: !If [ SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, "" ]
- BuildkiteQueue: !Ref BuildkiteQueue
- AgentsPerInstance: !Ref AgentsPerInstance
- MinSize: !Ref MinSize
- MaxSize: !Ref MaxSize
- AgentAutoScaleGroup: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
- ScaleOutFactor: !Ref ScaleOutFactor
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs: !Ref ScaleOutForWaitingJobs
diff --git a/terraform/buildkite-v5.16.1.yml b/terraform/buildkite-v5.16.1.yml
index 3b17300..68106d6 100644
--- a/terraform/buildkite-v5.16.1.yml
+++ b/terraform/buildkite-v5.16.1.yml
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ Resources:
powershell -file C:\buildkite-agent\bin\bk-configure-docker.ps1 >> C:\buildkite-agent\elastic-stack.log
@@ -1333,4 +1333,4 @@ Resources:
MaxSize: !Ref MaxSize
AgentAutoScaleGroup: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
ScaleOutFactor: !Ref ScaleOutFactor
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs: !Ref ScaleOutForWaitingJobs
\ No newline at end of file
+ ScaleOutForWaitingJobs: !Ref ScaleOutForWaitingJobs
diff --git a/terraform/buildkite-v5.8.0.yml b/terraform/buildkite-v5.8.0.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b42df..0000000
--- a/terraform/buildkite-v5.8.0.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
-Description: "Buildkite stack v5.8.0"
-# The Buildkite Elastic CI Stack for AWS gives you a private,
-# autoscaling Buildkite Agent cluster. Use it to parallelize
-# large test suites across thousands of nodes, run tests and
-# deployments for Linux or Windows based services and apps,
-# or run AWS ops tasks.
-# To gain a better understanding of how Elastic CI Stack works
-# and how to use it most effectively and securely, check out
-# the following resources:
-# * Elastic CI Stack for AWS Overview: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/elastic_ci_aws
-# * Elastic CI Stack for AWS Tutorial: https://buildkite.com/docs/tutorials/elastic-ci-stack-aws
-# * Running Buildkite Agent on AWS: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/aws
-# * GitHub Repo for Elastic CI Stack: https://github.com/buildkite/elastic-ci-stack-for-aws
-# * Template Parameters for Elastic CI Stack for AWS: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/elastic-ci-aws/parameters
-# * Using AWS Secrets Manager: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/aws/secrets-manager
-# * VPC Design: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/aws/vpc
-# * CloudFormation Service Role: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/elastic-ci-aws/cloudformation-service-role
-Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
- AWS::CloudFormation::Interface:
- ParameterGroups:
- - Label:
- default: Buildkite Configuration
- Parameters:
- - BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath
- - BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey
- - BuildkiteAgentToken
- - BuildkiteQueue
- - Label:
- default: Advanced Buildkite Configuration
- Parameters:
- - BuildkiteAgentRelease
- - BuildkiteAgentTags
- - BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines
- - BuildkiteAgentExperiments
- - BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob
- - BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions
- - BuildkiteWindowsAdministrator
- - Label:
- default: Network Configuration
- Parameters:
- - VpcId
- - Subnets
- - AvailabilityZones
- - SecurityGroupId
- - AssociatePublicIpAddress
- - Label:
- default: Instance Configuration
- Parameters:
- - ImageId
- - ImageIdParameter
- - InstanceType
- - EnableInstanceStorage
- - AgentsPerInstance
- - KeyName
- - SpotPrice
- - SecretsBucket
- - SecretsBucketRegion
- - ArtifactsBucket
- - AuthorizedUsersUrl
- - BootstrapScriptUrl
- - RootVolumeSize
- - RootVolumeName
- - RootVolumeType
- - ManagedPolicyARN
- - InstanceRoleName
- - IMDSv2Tokens
- - Label:
- default: Auto-scaling Configuration
- Parameters:
- - MinSize
- - MaxSize
- - OnDemandPercentage
- - ScaleOutFactor
- - ScaleInIdlePeriod
- - ScaleOutForWaitingJobs
- - InstanceCreationTimeout
- - Label:
- default: Cost Allocation Configuration
- Parameters:
- - EnableCostAllocationTags
- - CostAllocationTagName
- - CostAllocationTagValue
- - Label:
- default: Docker Daemon Configuration
- Parameters:
- - EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap
- - EnableDockerExperimental
- - Label:
- default: Docker Registry Configuration
- Parameters:
- - ECRAccessPolicy
- - Label:
- default: Plugin Configuration
- Parameters:
- - EnableSecretsPlugin
- - EnableECRPlugin
- - EnableDockerLoginPlugin
- KeyName:
- Description: Optional - SSH keypair used to access the buildkite instances via ec2_user, setting this will enable SSH ingress
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentRelease:
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - stable
- - beta
- - edge
- Default: "stable"
- BuildkiteAgentToken:
- Description: Buildkite agent registration token. Or, preload it into SSM Parameter Store and use BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath for secure environments.
- Type: String
- NoEcho: true
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath:
- Description: Existing SSM Parameter Store path to the Buildkite agent registration token (takes precedence over BuildkiteAgentToken). Expects a leading slash ('/').
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- AllowedPattern: "^$|^/[a-zA-Z0-9_.\\-/]+$"
- ConstraintDescription: "Expects a leading forward slash"
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey:
- Description: AWS KMS key ID used to encrypt the SSM parameter (if encrypted)
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentTags:
- Description: Additional tags separated by commas to provide to the agent. E.g os=linux,llamas=always
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines:
- Description: Set to true to prepend timestamps to every line of output
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- BuildkiteAgentExperiments:
- Description: Agent experiments to enable, comma delimited. See https://github.com/buildkite/agent/blob/master/EXPERIMENTS.md.
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob:
- Description: Set to "true" to terminate the instance after a job has completed.
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions:
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of commands to allow the buildkite-agent user to run using sudo.
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BuildkiteWindowsAdministrator:
- Description: Set to "true" to add the local "buildkite-agent" user account to the local Windows Administrator group.
- Type: String
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- BuildkiteQueue:
- Description: Queue name that agents will use, targeted in pipeline steps using "queue={value}"
- Type: String
- Default: default
- MinLength: 1
- AgentsPerInstance:
- Description: Number of Buildkite agents to run on each instance
- Type: Number
- Default: 1
- MinValue: 1
- SecretsBucket:
- Description: Optional - Name of an existing S3 bucket containing pipeline secrets (Created if left blank)
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- SecretsBucketRegion:
- Description: Optional - Region for the SecretsBucket. If blank the bucket's region is dynamically discovered.
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- ArtifactsBucket:
- Description: Optional - Name of an existing S3 bucket for build artifact storage
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- BootstrapScriptUrl:
- Description: Optional - HTTPS or S3 URL to run on each instance during boot
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- AuthorizedUsersUrl:
- Description: Optional - HTTPS or S3 URL to periodically download ssh authorized_keys from, setting this will enable SSH ingress. authorized_keys are applied to ec2_user
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- VpcId:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Id of an existing VPC to launch instances into. Leave blank to have a new VPC created
- Default: ""
- Subnets:
- Type: CommaDelimitedList
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of two existing VPC subnet ids where EC2 instances will run. Required if setting VpcId.
- Default: ""
- AvailabilityZones:
- Type: CommaDelimitedList
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of AZs that subnets are created in (if Subnets parameter is not specified)
- Default: ""
- InstanceType:
- Description: Instance type. Comma-separated list with 1-4 instance types. The order is a prioritized preference for launching OnDemand instances, and a non-prioritized list of types to consider for Spot Instances (where used).
- Type: String
- Default: t3.large
- MinLength: 1
- AllowedPattern: "^[\\w\\.]+(,[\\w\\.]*){0,3}$"
- ConstraintDescription: "must contain 1-4 instance types separated by commas. No space before/after the comma."
- SpotPrice:
- Description: Maximum spot price to use for the instances, in instance cost per hour. Values >0 will result in 100% of instances being spot. 0 means only use normal (non-spot) instances. This parameter is deprecated - we recommend setting to 0 and using OnDemandPercentage to opt into spot instances.
- Type: String
- Default: 0
- MaxSize:
- Description: Maximum number of instances
- Type: Number
- Default: 10
- MinValue: 1
- MinSize:
- Description: Minimum number of instances
- Type: Number
- Default: 0
- OnDemandPercentage:
- Description: Percentage of total instances that should launch as OnDemand. Default is 100% OnDemand - reduce this to use some Spot Instances when they're available and cheaper than the OnDemand price. A value of 70 means 70% OnDemand and 30% Spot Instances.
- Type: Number
- Default: 100
- MinValue: 0
- MaxValue: 100
- ScaleOutFactor:
- Description: A decimal factor to apply to scale out changes to speed up or slow down scale-out
- Type: Number
- Default: 1.0
- ScaleInIdlePeriod:
- Description: Number of seconds an agent must be idle before terminating
- Type: Number
- Default: 600
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs:
- Type: String
- Description: Whether to scale-out for steps behind wait steps. Make sure you have a long enough idle period!
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- InstanceCreationTimeout:
- Description: Timeout period for Autoscaling Group Creation Policy
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- RootVolumeSize:
- Description: Size of each instance's root EBS volume (in GB)
- Type: Number
- Default: 250
- MinValue: 10
- RootVolumeName:
- Description: Name of the root block device for your AMI
- Type: String
- Default: ""
- RootVolumeType:
- Description: Type of root volume to use
- Type: String
- Default: "gp3"
- SecurityGroupId:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of security group ids to assign to instances
- Default: ""
- ImageId:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Custom AMI to use for instances (must be based on the stack's AMI)
- Default: ""
- ImageIdParameter:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - Custom AMI SSM Parameter to use for instances (must be based on the stack's AMI)
- Default: ""
- ManagedPolicyARN:
- Type: CommaDelimitedList
- Description: Optional - Comma separated list of managed IAM policy ARNs to attach to the instance role
- Default: ""
- IMDSv2Tokens:
- Type: String
- Description: Whether IMDSv2 tokens must be used for the Instance Metadata Service.
- AllowedValues:
- - optional
- - required
- Default: optional
- InstanceRoleName:
- Type: String
- Description: Optional - A name for the IAM Role attached to the Instance Profile
- Default: ""
- InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN:
- Type: String
- Description: The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary for the role.
- Default: ""
- InstanceOperatingSystem:
- Type: String
- Description: The operating system to run on the instances
- AllowedValues:
- - linux
- - windows
- Default: "linux"
- ECRAccessPolicy:
- Type: String
- Description: ECR access policy to give container instances
- AllowedValues:
- - none
- - readonly
- - poweruser
- - full
- Default: "none"
- AssociatePublicIpAddress:
- Type: String
- Description: Associate instances with public IP addresses
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableSecretsPlugin:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables s3-secrets plugin for all pipelines
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableECRPlugin:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables ecr plugin for all pipelines
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableDockerLoginPlugin:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables docker-login plugin for all pipelines
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables Docker user namespace remapping so docker runs as buildkite-agent
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "true"
- EnableDockerExperimental:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables Docker experimental features
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- EnableInstanceStorage:
- Type: String
- Description: Mount available NVMe Instance Storage at /mnt/ephemeral
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- EnableCostAllocationTags:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables AWS Cost Allocation tags for all resources in the stack. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/cost-alloc-tags.html
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- CostAllocationTagName:
- Type: String
- Description: The name of the Cost Allocation Tag used for billing purposes
- Default: "CreatedBy"
- CostAllocationTagValue:
- Type: String
- Description: The value of the Cost Allocation Tag used for billing purposes
- Default: "buildkite-elastic-ci-stack-for-aws"
- EnableAgentGitMirrorsExperiment:
- Type: String
- Description: Enables the git-mirrors experiment in the agent
- AllowedValues:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- Default: "false"
- HasToken:
- Assertions:
- - Assert:
- !Or
- - !Not
- - !Equals
- - !Ref BuildkiteAgentToken
- - ""
- - !Not
- - !Equals
- - !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath
- - ""
- AssertDescription: "You must provide BuildkiteAgentToken or BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath"
- VpcId:
- Value:
- !If [ CreateVpcResources, !Ref Vpc, !Ref VpcId ]
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-VpcId'
- ManagedSecretsBucket:
- Value:
- !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, "Undefined" ]
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-ManagedSecretsBucket'
- ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket:
- Value:
- !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket, "Undefined" ]
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket'
- AutoScalingGroupName:
- Value: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-AutoScalingGroupName'
- InstanceRoleName:
- Value: !Ref IAMRole
- Export:
- Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-InstanceRoleName'
- SpotPriceSet:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref SpotPrice, 0 ] ]
- CreateVpcResources:
- !Equals [ !Ref VpcId, "" ]
- CreateSecurityGroup:
- !Equals [ !Ref SecurityGroupId, "" ]
- CreateSecretsBucket:
- !And
- - !Equals [ !Ref EnableSecretsPlugin, "true"]
- - !Equals [ !Ref SecretsBucket, "" ]
- SetInstanceRoleName:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref InstanceRoleName, "" ] ]
- SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, "" ] ]
- UseSpecifiedSecretsBucket:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref SecretsBucket, "" ] ]
- HasSecretsBucket:
- !Or [ !Condition CreateSecretsBucket, !Condition UseSpecifiedSecretsBucket ]
- UseSpecifiedAvailabilityZones:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Join [ "", !Ref AvailabilityZones ], "" ] ]
- UseArtifactsBucket:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ArtifactsBucket, "" ] ]
- HasImageId:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ImageId, "" ] ]
- HasImageIdParameter:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ImageIdParameter, "" ] ]
- UseDefaultInstanceCreationTimeout:
- !Equals [ !Ref InstanceCreationTimeout, "" ]
- UseDefaultRootVolumeName:
- !Equals [ !Ref RootVolumeName, "" ]
- UseInstanceType2:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Select [ "1", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ], ""] ]
- UseInstanceType3:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Select [ "2", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ], ""] ]
- UseInstanceType4:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Select [ "3", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ], ""] ]
- UseManagedPolicyARN:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Join [ "", !Ref ManagedPolicyARN ], "" ] ]
- UseECR:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ECRAccessPolicy, "none" ] ]
- UseCustomerManagedParameterPath:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, "" ] ]
- UseCustomerManagedKeyForParameterStore:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey, "" ] ]
- CreateAgentTokenParameter:
- !Equals [ !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, "" ]
- HasVariableSize:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref MaxSize, !Ref MinSize ] ]
- UseCostAllocationTags:
- !Equals [ !Ref EnableCostAllocationTags, "true" ]
- HasKeyName:
- !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref KeyName, "" ] ]
- EnableSshIngress:
- !And
- - { Condition : CreateSecurityGroup }
- # Enable ingress if a key can be specified another way
- - !Or
- - { Condition: HasKeyName }
- - !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref AuthorizedUsersUrl, "" ] ]
- # Whether or not there's any managed polices to attach
- HasManagedPolicies:
- !Or [ { Condition: UseManagedPolicyARN }, { Condition: UseECR } ]
- UseWindowsAgents:
- !Equals [ !Ref InstanceOperatingSystem, "windows" ]
- UseLinuxAgents:
- !Equals [ !Ref InstanceOperatingSystem, "linux" ]
- # Unfortunately, Cloudformation's !Or intrinsic function only accepts
- # between 2 and 10 arguments. To get around this, we're grouping the
- # instance families in sub-conditionals. At least this doesn't force us
- # into using a Custom Resource.
- UsingArmInstances:
- !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "a1" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c6g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c6gd" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c6gn" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "c7g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "g5g" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "Im4gn" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "Is4gen" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "m6g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "m6gd" ]
- - !Or
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "r6g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "r6gd" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "t4g" ]
- - !Equals [ !Select [ 0, !Split [ ".", !Ref InstanceType ] ], "x2gd" ]
- ECRManagedPolicy:
- none : { Policy: '' }
- readonly : { Policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly' }
- poweruser : { Policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser' }
- full : { Policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess' }
- # Generated from Makefile via build/mappings.yml
- AWSRegion2AMI:
- us-east-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-01667bf01f32d646a, linuxarm64: ami-0a5a50a0fc7d9d433, windows: ami-08bf5be5dc132774a }
- us-east-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-064d7e03c816c24a4, linuxarm64: ami-017fc42521d042789, windows: ami-0e7a81b40610d6f24 }
- us-west-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0ef4920e8b2c72948, linuxarm64: ami-06bfb907f1db3eb67, windows: ami-08700eaa3c3b648cf }
- us-west-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-035ae8b0ed650b209, linuxarm64: ami-04975db851c3d1417, windows: ami-0e6a3a209764e8bc0 }
- af-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-09802f9cd41d31544, linuxarm64: ami-042d7dfbe6247a260, windows: ami-0f1d2e023ead42e1b }
- ap-east-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-026067f2d2eb09b30, linuxarm64: ami-084cb04a7f5faccc4, windows: ami-0d906a08e26045ad3 }
- ap-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-08db1022636ee98fc, linuxarm64: ami-085dad57187479931, windows: ami-072e33e4103a83fc9 }
- ap-northeast-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-0b9fcea36ae3ca7b0, linuxarm64: ami-04f0bcf1f91a5c6f1, windows: ami-058bab221cb90a562 }
- ap-northeast-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0e9ca3b1ce33fd54d, linuxarm64: ami-025dd23851ee21ba4, windows: ami-099f00ce0343e78fc }
- ap-southeast-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-076a6311f31e4730b, linuxarm64: ami-00461bc380f2d468d, windows: ami-017b020f1288fa2da }
- ap-southeast-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-03d77260ad960052a, linuxarm64: ami-0c5a12fe2b18a551b, windows: ami-00537a2b7926ac9e6 }
- ca-central-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0d6d2a940d85310fd, linuxarm64: ami-06b7bb1dcc7c7a504, windows: ami-0a46ee45be497a00f }
- eu-central-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0b5fb8fa7db8e87ad, linuxarm64: ami-038e49a8163ccee82, windows: ami-034fe3b2115280ccb }
- eu-west-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-02ad95f1546c32df8, linuxarm64: ami-0ce604f641e99165e, windows: ami-070557af241caff2e }
- eu-west-2 : { linuxamd64: ami-0d8791b475dad8a12, linuxarm64: ami-08231239f1b483a0c, windows: ami-0c12ae9c741bc5e9e }
- eu-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0ec9343d97b69a4c7, linuxarm64: ami-0258bc8c169329747, windows: ami-02979e59a8a6f8d07 }
- eu-west-3 : { linuxamd64: ami-0117919d6fb24dcca, linuxarm64: ami-037154cb356780bf2, windows: ami-0449d0c1dd3e494e9 }
- eu-north-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-03aa78262fbc7ed30, linuxarm64: ami-09b9c1330698b1d1a, windows: ami-0c495c065b4dd130e }
- me-south-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-0649a7e58505e7770, linuxarm64: ami-0e772a8f5a3ccbee4, windows: ami-0204af02669567510 }
- sa-east-1 : { linuxamd64: ami-08ed2fa0d4576ab32, linuxarm64: ami-02a8b6834279a1769, windows: ami-09e1ee89b6d4a1d91 }
- Vpc:
- Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- CidrBlock:
- InstanceTenancy: default
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- Gateway:
- Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- GatewayAttachment:
- Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- InternetGatewayId: !Ref Gateway
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Subnet0:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- DependsOn:
- - GatewayAttachment
- Properties:
- AvailabilityZone:
- !If
- - "UseSpecifiedAvailabilityZones"
- - !Select [ 0, !Ref AvailabilityZones ]
- - !Select [ 0, !GetAZs '' ]
- CidrBlock:
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- Subnet1:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- DependsOn:
- - GatewayAttachment
- Properties:
- AvailabilityZone:
- !If
- - "UseSpecifiedAvailabilityZones"
- - !Select [ 1, !Ref AvailabilityZones ]
- - !Select [ 1, !GetAZs '' ]
- CidrBlock:
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- Routes:
- Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- VpcId: !Ref Vpc
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- RouteDefault:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Route
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- DependsOn:
- - GatewayAttachment
- Properties:
- DestinationCidrBlock:
- GatewayId: !Ref Gateway
- RouteTableId: !Ref Routes
- Subnet0Routes:
- Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- SubnetId: !Ref Subnet0
- RouteTableId: !Ref Routes
- Subnet1Routes:
- Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- Condition: CreateVpcResources
- Properties:
- SubnetId: !Ref Subnet1
- RouteTableId: !Ref Routes
- # A resource that depends on the leaf nodes of the VPC configuration so that
- # a strict ordering can be established on teardown.
- VpcComplete:
- Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle
- Metadata:
- VpcResources: !If
- - CreateVpcResources
- - [ !Ref RouteDefault, !Ref Subnet0Routes, !Ref Subnet1Routes ]
- - !Ref AWS::NoValue
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter:
- Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter
- Condition: CreateAgentTokenParameter
- Properties:
- Name: !Sub "/${AWS::StackName}/buildkite/agent-token"
- Type: String
- Value: !Ref BuildkiteAgentToken
- # Allow ec2 instances to assume a role and be granted the IAMPolicies
- IAMInstanceProfile:
- Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
- Properties:
- Path: /
- Roles: [ !Ref IAMRole ]
- IAMRole:
- Type: AWS::IAM::Role
- Properties:
- RoleName: !If [ SetInstanceRoleName, !Ref InstanceRoleName, !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-Role" ]
- PermissionsBoundary: !If [ SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref "AWS::NoValue" ]
- ManagedPolicyArns: !If
- - HasManagedPolicies
- # Support multiple policies to attach by merging the values together and splitting on ','
- - !Split
- - ','
- # Join will skip over AWS::NoValue values
- - !Join
- - ','
- - - !If
- - UseECR
- - !FindInMap [ ECRManagedPolicy, !Ref ECRAccessPolicy, 'Policy' ]
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- # This may support multiple values of its own (separated by commas)
- - !If
- - UseManagedPolicyARN
- - !Join [ ',', !Ref ManagedPolicyARN ]
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- Policies:
- - !If
- - UseCustomerManagedKeyForParameterStore
- - PolicyName: DecryptAgentToken
- PolicyDocument:
- Version: '2012-10-17'
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - kms:Decrypt
- Resource: !Sub arn:aws:kms:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:key/${BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey}
- - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'
- - PolicyName: ReadAgentToken
- PolicyDocument:
- Version: '2012-10-17'
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Action: ssm:GetParameter
- Resource:
- !Sub
- - arn:aws:ssm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:parameter${ParameterPath}
- - ParameterPath: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ]
- AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Principal:
- Service: [ autoscaling.amazonaws.com, ec2.amazonaws.com ]
- Action: sts:AssumeRole
- Path: /
- IAMPolicies:
- Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
- Properties:
- PolicyName: InstancePolicy
- PolicyDocument:
- Statement:
- - !If
- - HasSecretsBucket
- - Sid: SecretsBucket
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - s3:Get*
- - s3:List*
- Resource:
- - !Sub
- - "arn:aws:s3:::${Bucket}/*"
- - Bucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ]
- - !Sub
- - "arn:aws:s3:::${Bucket}"
- - Bucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ]
- - !Ref AWS::NoValue
- - !If
- - UseArtifactsBucket
- - Sid: ArtifactsBucket
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - s3:GetObject
- - s3:GetObjectAcl
- - s3:GetObjectVersion
- - s3:GetObjectVersionAcl
- - s3:ListBucket
- - s3:PutObject
- - s3:PutObjectAcl
- - s3:PutObjectVersionAcl
- Resource:
- - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactsBucket}/*"
- - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactsBucket}"
- - !Ref AWS::NoValue
- - Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingInstances
- - cloudwatch:PutMetricData
- - cloudformation:DescribeStackResource
- - ec2:DescribeTags
- Resource: "*"
- - Sid: TerminateInstance
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - autoscaling:SetInstanceHealth
- - autoscaling:TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
- Resource: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:autoscaling:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:autoScalingGroup:*:autoScalingGroupName/${AWS::StackName}-AgentAutoScaleGroup-*
- - Sid: Logging
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - logs:CreateLogGroup
- - logs:CreateLogStream
- - logs:PutLogEvents
- - logs:DescribeLogStreams
- Resource: "*"
- - Sid: Ssm
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - ssm:DescribeInstanceProperties
- - ssm:ListAssociations
- - ssm:PutInventory
- - ssm:UpdateInstanceInformation
- - ssmmessages:CreateControlChannel
- - ssmmessages:CreateDataChannel
- - ssmmessages:OpenControlChannel
- - ssmmessages:OpenDataChannel
- - ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage
- - ec2messages:DeleteMessage
- - ec2messages:FailMessage
- - ec2messages:GetEndpoint
- - ec2messages:GetMessages
- - ec2messages:SendRepl
- Resource: "*"
- Roles:
- - !Ref IAMRole
- ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket:
- Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
- Condition: CreateSecretsBucket
- DeletionPolicy: Retain
- Properties:
- AccessControl: LogDeliveryWrite
- Tags:
- - !If
- - UseCostAllocationTags
- - Key: !Ref CostAllocationTagName
- Value: !Ref CostAllocationTagValue
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- ManagedSecretsBucket:
- Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
- Condition: CreateSecretsBucket
- DeletionPolicy: Retain
- Properties:
- LoggingConfiguration:
- DestinationBucketName: !Ref ManagedSecretsLoggingBucket
- VersioningConfiguration:
- Status: Enabled
- Tags:
- - !If
- - UseCostAllocationTags
- - Key: !Ref CostAllocationTagName
- Value: !Ref CostAllocationTagValue
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- ImageIdParameterStack:
- Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
- Condition: HasImageIdParameter
- Properties:
- TemplateURL: https://s3.amazonaws.com/buildkite-aws-stack/ssm-ami/releases/0.1.0.yml
- Parameters:
- AmiParameterPath: !Ref ImageIdParameter
- AgentLaunchTemplate:
- Type: "AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate"
- Properties:
- LaunchTemplateData:
- NetworkInterfaces:
- - DeviceIndex: 0
- AssociatePublicIpAddress: { Ref: AssociatePublicIpAddress }
- Groups: !Split [ ",", !If [ "CreateSecurityGroup", !Ref SecurityGroup, !Ref SecurityGroupId ] ]
- KeyName: !If [ "HasKeyName", !Ref KeyName, !Ref 'AWS::NoValue' ]
- IamInstanceProfile:
- Arn: !GetAtt "IAMInstanceProfile.Arn"
- InstanceType: !Select [ "0", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- MetadataOptions:
- HttpTokens: !Ref IMDSv2Tokens
- # Allow containers using a Docker network on the host to receive IDMSv2 responses
- HttpPutResponseHopLimit: 2
- ImageId: !If
- - HasImageId
- - !Ref ImageId
- - !If
- - HasImageIdParameter
- - !GetAtt ImageIdParameterStack.Outputs.ImageId
- - !If
- - UseWindowsAgents
- - !FindInMap
- - AWSRegion2AMI
- - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- - 'windows'
- - !If
- - UsingArmInstances
- - !FindInMap
- - AWSRegion2AMI
- - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- - 'linuxarm64'
- - !FindInMap
- - AWSRegion2AMI
- - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- - 'linuxamd64'
- BlockDeviceMappings:
- - DeviceName: !If [ UseDefaultRootVolumeName, !If [ UseWindowsAgents, /dev/sda1, /dev/xvda ], !Ref RootVolumeName ]
- Ebs: { VolumeSize: !Ref RootVolumeSize, VolumeType: !Ref RootVolumeType }
- TagSpecifications:
- - ResourceType: instance
- Tags:
- - Key: Role
- Value: buildkite-agent
- - Key: Name
- Value: buildkite-agent
- - Key: BuildkiteAgentRelease
- Value: !Ref BuildkiteAgentRelease
- - Key: BuildkiteQueue
- Value: !Ref BuildkiteQueue
- - !If
- - UseCostAllocationTags
- - Key: !Ref CostAllocationTagName
- Value: !Ref CostAllocationTagValue
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- UserData:
- Fn::Base64: !If
- - UseWindowsAgents
- - !Sub
- - |
- $Env:DOCKER_USERNS_REMAP="${EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap}"
- $Env:DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL="${EnableDockerExperimental}"
- powershell -file C:\buildkite-agent\bin\bk-configure-docker.ps1 >> C:\buildkite-agent\elastic-stack.log
- $Env:BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET="${LocalSecretsBucket}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET_REGION="${LocalSecretsBucketRegion}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_TAGS="${BuildkiteAgentTags}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_TIMESTAMP_LINES="${BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_EXPERIMENTS="${BuildkiteAgentExperiments}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_RELEASE="${BuildkiteAgentRelease}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_QUEUE="${BuildkiteQueue}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_ECR_POLICY="${ECRAccessPolicy}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_TERMINATE_INSTANCE_AFTER_JOB="${BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_ADDITIONAL_SUDO_PERMISSIONS="${BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions}"
- $Env:BUILDKITE_WINDOWS_ADMINISTRATOR="${BuildkiteWindowsAdministrator}"
- $Env:AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="${AWS::Region}"
- $Env:SECRETS_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableSecretsPlugin}"
- $Env:ECR_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableECRPlugin}"
- $Env:DOCKER_LOGIN_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableDockerLoginPlugin}"
- $Env:AWS_REGION="${AWS::Region}"
- powershell -file C:\buildkite-agent\bin\bk-install-elastic-stack.ps1 >> C:\buildkite-agent\elastic-stack.log
- - {
- LocalSecretsBucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ],
- LocalSecretsBucketRegion: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref AWS::Region, !Ref SecretsBucketRegion ],
- AgentTokenPath: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ],
- }
- - !Sub
- - |
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==BOUNDARY=="
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- --==BOUNDARY==
- Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook; charset="us-ascii"
- /usr/local/bin/bk-mount-instance-storage.sh
- --==BOUNDARY==
- Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook; charset="us-ascii"
- DOCKER_USERNS_REMAP=${EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap} \
- DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL=${EnableDockerExperimental} \
- /usr/local/bin/bk-configure-docker.sh
- --==BOUNDARY==
- Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"
- #!/bin/bash -v
- BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET="${LocalSecretsBucket}" \
- BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET_REGION="${LocalSecretsBucketRegion}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_TAGS="${BuildkiteAgentTags}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_TIMESTAMP_LINES="${BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_EXPERIMENTS="${BuildkiteAgentExperiments}" \
- BUILDKITE_AGENT_RELEASE="${BuildkiteAgentRelease}" \
- BUILDKITE_QUEUE="${BuildkiteQueue}" \
- BUILDKITE_TERMINATE_INSTANCE_AFTER_JOB="${BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob}" \
- BUILDKITE_ADDITIONAL_SUDO_PERMISSIONS="${BuildkiteAdditionalSudoPermissions}" \
- SECRETS_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableSecretsPlugin}" \
- ECR_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableECRPlugin}" \
- DOCKER_LOGIN_PLUGIN_ENABLED="${EnableDockerLoginPlugin}" \
- DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL="${EnableDockerExperimental}" \
- AWS_REGION="${AWS::Region}" \
- /usr/local/bin/bk-install-elastic-stack.sh
- --==BOUNDARY==--
- - {
- LocalSecretsBucket: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref ManagedSecretsBucket, !Ref SecretsBucket ],
- LocalSecretsBucketRegion: !If [ CreateSecretsBucket, !Ref AWS::Region, !Ref SecretsBucketRegion ],
- AgentTokenPath: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ],
- }
- AgentAutoScaleGroup:
- Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
- DependsOn:
- - IAMPolicies
- - VpcComplete
- Properties:
- VPCZoneIdentifier: !If [ "CreateVpcResources", [ !Ref Subnet0, !Ref Subnet1 ], !Ref Subnets ]
- MixedInstancesPolicy:
- InstancesDistribution:
- OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: !If [ SpotPriceSet, 0, !Ref OnDemandPercentage ]
- SpotAllocationStrategy: capacity-optimized
- SpotMaxPrice: !If [SpotPriceSet, !Ref SpotPrice, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
- LaunchTemplate:
- LaunchTemplateSpecification:
- LaunchTemplateId: !Ref AgentLaunchTemplate
- Version: !GetAtt "AgentLaunchTemplate.LatestVersionNumber"
- Overrides:
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "0", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !If
- - UseInstanceType2
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "1", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- - !If
- - UseInstanceType3
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "2", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- - !If
- - UseInstanceType4
- - InstanceType: !Select [ "3", !Split [ ",", !Join [ ",", [ !Ref InstanceType, "", "", "" ] ] ] ]
- - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
- MinSize: !Ref MinSize
- MaxSize: !Ref MaxSize
- Cooldown: 60
- MetricsCollection:
- - Granularity: 1Minute
- Metrics:
- - GroupMinSize
- - GroupMaxSize
- - GroupInServiceInstances
- - GroupTerminatingInstances
- - GroupPendingInstances
- TerminationPolicies:
- - OldestLaunchConfiguration
- - ClosestToNextInstanceHour
- NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: true
- CreationPolicy:
- ResourceSignal:
- Timeout: !If [ UseDefaultInstanceCreationTimeout, !If [ UseWindowsAgents, PT10M, PT5M ], !Ref InstanceCreationTimeout ]
- Count: !Ref MinSize
- UpdatePolicy:
- AutoScalingReplacingUpdate:
- WillReplace: true
- AsgProcessSuspenderRole:
- Type: AWS::IAM::Role
- Properties:
- PermissionsBoundary: !If [ SetInstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref InstanceRolePermissionsBoundaryARN, !Ref "AWS::NoValue" ]
- AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
- Version: 2012-10-17
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Principal:
- Service:
- - lambda.amazonaws.com
- Action:
- - sts:AssumeRole
- ManagedPolicyArns:
- - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
- Policies:
- - PolicyName: AsgProcessModification
- PolicyDocument:
- Version: 2012-10-17
- Statement:
- - Effect: Allow
- Action:
- - 'autoscaling:SuspendProcesses'
- Resource: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:autoscaling:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:autoScalingGroup:*:autoScalingGroupName/${AWS::StackName}-AgentAutoScaleGroup-*
- AzRebalancingSuspenderFunction:
- Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
- Properties:
- Description: 'Disables AZ Rebalancing on the agent ASG'
- Code:
- ZipFile: |
- import cfnresponse
- import boto3
- def handler(event, context):
- try:
- if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
- cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, {}, "CustomResourcePhysicalID")
- else:
- client = boto3.client('autoscaling')
- props = event['ResourceProperties']
- response = client.suspend_processes(AutoScalingGroupName=props['AutoScalingGroupName'], ScalingProcesses=['AZRebalance'])
- cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, {}, "CustomResourcePhysicalID")
- except BaseException as err:
- print('ERROR: ', err)
- cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.FAILED, {}, "CustomResourcePhysicalID")
- Handler: index.handler
- Role: !GetAtt AsgProcessSuspenderRole.Arn
- Runtime: 'python3.7'
- AzRebalancingSuspender:
- Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource
- Version: 1.0
- Properties:
- ServiceToken: !GetAtt AzRebalancingSuspenderFunction.Arn
- AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
- SecurityGroup:
- Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
- Condition: CreateSecurityGroup
- Properties:
- GroupDescription: Enable access to agents
- VpcId: !If [ "CreateVpcResources", !Ref Vpc, !Ref VpcId ]
- Tags:
- - Key: Name
- Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName'
- SecurityGroupSshIngress:
- Condition: EnableSshIngress
- Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
- Properties:
- GroupId: !GetAtt SecurityGroup.GroupId
- IpProtocol: tcp
- FromPort: 22
- ToPort: 22
- CidrIp:
- Autoscaling:
- Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
- Condition: HasVariableSize
- Properties:
- Location:
- ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:172840064832:applications/buildkite-agent-scaler
- SemanticVersion: '1.1.3'
- Parameters:
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter: !If [ UseCustomerManagedParameterPath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameter ]
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey: !If [ UseCustomerManagedKeyForParameterStore, !Ref BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStoreKMSKey, "" ]
- BuildkiteQueue: !Ref BuildkiteQueue
- AgentsPerInstance: !Ref AgentsPerInstance
- MinSize: !Ref MinSize
- MaxSize: !Ref MaxSize
- AgentAutoScaleGroup: !Ref AgentAutoScaleGroup
- ScaleOutFactor: !Ref ScaleOutFactor
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs: !Ref ScaleOutForWaitingJobs
diff --git a/terraform/buildkite.tf b/terraform/buildkite.tf
index 7d36003..65b893f 100644
--- a/terraform/buildkite.tf
+++ b/terraform/buildkite.tf
@@ -1,53 +1,7 @@
-resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "buildkite" {
- name = "buildkite-elasticstack"
- parameters = {
- MinSize = 0
- MaxSize = 20
- SpotPrice = 0.05
- InstanceType = "r5.large"
- BuildkiteQueue = "default"
- # This setting tells Buildkite that:
- #
- # - it should turn off an instance if it's idle for 10 minutes (=600s)
- # - it should pre-emptively start instances for jobs that are behind
- # a 'wait' step
- #
- # This is a new feature we got when we updated to v5.7.2 of the
- # CloudFormation template (22 November 2021). I'm enabling it to see
- # if it makes a difference in Scala repos where we do one autoformat step
- # and then fan out to the main build.
- #
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs = true
- ScaleInIdlePeriod = 600
- # We don't have to terminate an agent after a job completes. We have
- # an agent hook (see buildkite_agent_hook.sh) which tries to clean up
- # any state left over from previous jobs, so each instance will be "fresh",
- # but already have a local cache of Docker images and Scala libraries.
- BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob = false
- InstanceRoleName = local.ci_agent_role_name
- RootVolumeSize = 25
- RootVolumeName = "/dev/xvda"
- RootVolumeType = "gp2"
- # If we don't disable this setting, we get this error when trying to
- # run Docker containers on the instances:
- #
- # docker: Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's
- # network namespace when user namespaces are enabled.
- #
- EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap = false
- # This is a collection of settings that should be the same for every
- # instance of the Buildkite stack.
+locals {
+ # This is a collection of settings that should be the same for every
+ # instance of our Buildkite stack.
+ common_parameters = {
AgentsPerInstance = 1
BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath = "/aws/reference/secretsmanager/builds/buildkite_agent_key"
@@ -69,7 +23,60 @@ resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "buildkite" {
BuildkiteAgentRelease = "stable"
BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines = false
+ # We don't have to terminate an agent after a job completes. We have
+ # an agent hook (see buildkite_agent_hook.sh) which tries to clean up
+ # any state left over from previous jobs, so each instance will be "fresh",
+ # but already have a local cache of Docker images and Scala libraries.
+ BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob = false
+resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "buildkite" {
+ name = "buildkite-elasticstack"
+ parameters = merge(
+ {
+ MinSize = 0
+ MaxSize = 20
+ SpotPrice = 0.05
+ InstanceType = "r5.large"
+ BuildkiteQueue = "default"
+ # This setting tells Buildkite that:
+ #
+ # - it should turn off an instance if it's idle for 10 minutes (=600s)
+ # - it should pre-emptively start instances for jobs that are behind
+ # a 'wait' step
+ #
+ # This is a new feature we got when we updated to v5.7.2 of the
+ # CloudFormation template (22 November 2021). I'm enabling it to see
+ # if it makes a difference in Scala repos where we do one autoformat step
+ # and then fan out to the main build.
+ #
+ ScaleOutForWaitingJobs = true
+ ScaleInIdlePeriod = 600
+ InstanceRoleName = local.ci_agent_role_name
+ RootVolumeSize = 25
+ RootVolumeName = "/dev/xvda"
+ RootVolumeType = "gp2"
+ # If we don't disable this setting, we get this error when trying to
+ # run Docker containers on the instances:
+ #
+ # docker: Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's
+ # network namespace when user namespaces are enabled.
+ #
+ EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap = false
+ },
+ local.common_parameters
+ )
template_body = file("${path.module}/buildkite-v5.16.1.yml")
@@ -89,69 +96,42 @@ resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "buildkite_scala" {
- parameters = {
- SpotPrice = 0.2
- InstanceType = "c5.2xlarge"
- BuildkiteQueue = "scala"
- MinSize = 0
- MaxSize = 60
- # This setting would tell Buildkite to scale out for steps behind wait
- # steps.
- #
- # We don't enable it for nano instances because these are often waiting
- # behind long-running tasks in the large queue (e.g. build and publish
- # a Docker image, then deploy it from a nano instance) and the pre-emptively
- # scaled instances would likely time out before they were used.
- #
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs = false
- # We don't have to terminate an agent after a job completes. We have
- # an agent hook (see buildkite_agent_hook.sh) which tries to clean up
- # any state left over from previous jobs, so each instance will be "fresh",
- # but already have a local cache of Docker images and Scala libraries.
- BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob = false
- # If we don't disable this setting, we get this error when trying to
- # run Docker containers on the instances:
- #
- # docker: Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's
- # network namespace when user namespaces are enabled.
- #
- EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap = false
- InstanceRoleName = local.ci_scala_agent_role_name
- RootVolumeSize = 25
- RootVolumeName = "/dev/xvda"
- RootVolumeType = "gp2"
- # This is a collection of settings that should be the same for every
- # instance of the Buildkite stack.
- AgentsPerInstance = 1
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath = "/aws/reference/secretsmanager/builds/buildkite_agent_key"
- InstanceCreationTimeout = "PT5M"
- VpcId = local.ci_vpc_id
- Subnets = join(",", local.ci_vpc_private_subnets)
- SecurityGroupId = aws_security_group.buildkite.id
- CostAllocationTagName = "aws:createdBy"
- CostAllocationTagValue = "buildkite-elasticstack"
- # This tells Buildkite to fetch secrets from our S3 bucket, which
- # includes the agent hook and SSH key.
- EnableSecretsPlugin = true
- SecretsBucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets.id
- BuildkiteAgentRelease = "stable"
- BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines = false
- }
+ parameters = merge(
+ {
+ SpotPrice = 0.2
+ InstanceType = "c5.2xlarge"
+ BuildkiteQueue = "scala"
+ MinSize = 0
+ MaxSize = 60
+ # This setting would tell Buildkite to scale out for steps behind wait
+ # steps.
+ #
+ # We don't enable it for nano instances because these are often waiting
+ # behind long-running tasks in the large queue (e.g. build and publish
+ # a Docker image, then deploy it from a nano instance) and the pre-emptively
+ # scaled instances would likely time out before they were used.
+ #
+ ScaleOutForWaitingJobs = false
+ # If we don't disable this setting, we get this error when trying to
+ # run Docker containers on the instances:
+ #
+ # docker: Error response from daemon: cannot share the host's
+ # network namespace when user namespaces are enabled.
+ #
+ EnableDockerUserNamespaceRemap = false
+ InstanceRoleName = local.ci_scala_agent_role_name
+ RootVolumeSize = 25
+ RootVolumeName = "/dev/xvda"
+ RootVolumeType = "gp2"
+ },
+ local.common_parameters
+ )
// The catalogue pipeline batcher only seems to work with this version.
// See: https://github.com/wellcomecollection/platform/issues/5656
@@ -177,71 +157,44 @@ resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "buildkite_nano" {
- parameters = {
- SpotPrice = 0.01
- InstanceType = "t3.nano"
- BuildkiteQueue = "nano"
- # At time of writing (1 October 2021), we have six deployment tasks
- # in the pipeline repo: four adapters, the reindexer, and the pipeline.
- #
- # We want all of these to run simultaneously and leave room for other
- # nano tasks, so we need >6 instances.
- #
- # We always run at least one nano instance because nano instances are
- # extremely cheap, and this means the initial "pipeline upload" step
- # is always warm. An on-demand t3.nano costs ~$4 a month, and we use
- # spot pricing, so this is unlikely to be an issue.
- MinSize = 1
- MaxSize = 10
- # This setting would tell Buildkite to scale out for steps behind wait
- # steps.
- #
- # We don't enable it for nano instances because these are often waiting
- # behind long-running tasks in the large queue (e.g. build and publish
- # a Docker image, then deploy it from a nano instance) and the pre-emptively
- # scaled instances would likely time out before they were used.
- #
- ScaleOutForWaitingJobs = false
- # We don't have to terminate an agent after a job completes. We have
- # an agent hook (see buildkite_agent_hook.sh) which tries to clean up
- # any state left over from previous jobs, so each instance will be "fresh",
- # but already have a local cache of Docker images and Scala libraries.
- BuildkiteTerminateInstanceAfterJob = false
- InstanceRoleName = local.ci_nano_agent_role_name
- RootVolumeSize = 10
- RootVolumeName = "/dev/xvda"
- RootVolumeType = "gp2"
- # This is a collection of settings that should be the same for every
- # instance of the Buildkite stack.
- AgentsPerInstance = 1
- BuildkiteAgentTokenParameterStorePath = "/aws/reference/secretsmanager/builds/buildkite_agent_key"
- InstanceCreationTimeout = "PT5M"
- VpcId = local.ci_vpc_id
- Subnets = join(",", local.ci_vpc_private_subnets)
- SecurityGroupId = aws_security_group.buildkite.id
- CostAllocationTagName = "aws:createdBy"
- CostAllocationTagValue = "buildkite-elasticstack"
- # This tells Buildkite to fetch secrets from our S3 bucket, which
- # includes the agent hook and SSH key.
- EnableSecretsPlugin = true
- SecretsBucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets.id
- BuildkiteAgentRelease = "stable"
- BuildkiteAgentTimestampLines = false
- }
+ parameters = merge(
+ {
+ SpotPrice = 0.01
+ InstanceType = "t3.nano"
+ BuildkiteQueue = "nano"
+ # At time of writing (1 October 2021), we have six deployment tasks
+ # in the pipeline repo: four adapters, the reindexer, and the pipeline.
+ #
+ # We want all of these to run simultaneously and leave room for other
+ # nano tasks, so we need >6 instances.
+ #
+ # We always run at least one nano instance because nano instances are
+ # extremely cheap, and this means the initial "pipeline upload" step
+ # is always warm. An on-demand t3.nano costs ~$4 a month, and we use
+ # spot pricing, so this is unlikely to be an issue.
+ MinSize = 1
+ MaxSize = 10
+ # This setting would tell Buildkite to scale out for steps behind wait
+ # steps.
+ #
+ # We don't enable it for nano instances because these are often waiting
+ # behind long-running tasks in the large queue (e.g. build and publish
+ # a Docker image, then deploy it from a nano instance) and the pre-emptively
+ # scaled instances would likely time out before they were used.
+ #
+ ScaleOutForWaitingJobs = false
+ InstanceRoleName = local.ci_nano_agent_role_name
+ RootVolumeSize = 10
+ RootVolumeName = "/dev/xvda"
+ RootVolumeType = "gp2"
+ },
+ local.common_parameters
+ )
template_body = file("${path.module}/buildkite-v5.16.1.yml")
diff --git a/terraform/buildkite_agent_hooks.tf b/terraform/buildkite_agent_hooks.tf
index c1465cc..d956438 100644
--- a/terraform/buildkite_agent_hooks.tf
+++ b/terraform/buildkite_agent_hooks.tf
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ locals {
buildkite_agent_hook_path = "${path.module}/../buildkite_agent_hook.sh"
-resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "agent_hook" {
+resource "aws_s3_object" "agent_hook" {
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets.id
key = "env"
source = local.buildkite_agent_hook_path
diff --git a/terraform/provider.tf b/terraform/provider.tf
index f09aeab..5959f40 100644
--- a/terraform/provider.tf
+++ b/terraform/provider.tf
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ provider "aws" {
default_tags {
tags = {
- TerraformConfigurationURL = "https://github.com/wellcomecollection/platform-infrastructure/tree/main/builds"
+ TerraformConfigurationURL = "https://github.com/wellcomecollection/buildkite-infrastructure/"
Environment = "Production"
Department = "Digital Platform"
Division = "Wellcome Collection"
diff --git a/terraform/s3.tf b/terraform/s3.tf
index 304ac1e..b48e4b7 100644
--- a/terraform/s3.tf
+++ b/terraform/s3.tf
@@ -4,15 +4,25 @@ locals {
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "buildkite_secrets" {
bucket = "wellcomecollection-buildkite-secrets"
+resource "aws_s3_bucket_acl" "buildkite_secrets" {
+ bucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets.id
acl = "private"
- logging {
- target_bucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets_logging.id
- }
+resource "aws_s3_bucket_logging" "buildkite_secrets" {
+ bucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets.id
+ target_bucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets_logging.id
+ target_prefix = ""
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "buildkite_secrets_logging" {
bucket = "wellcomecollection-buildkite-secrets-logging"
+resource "aws_s3_bucket_acl" "buildkite_secrets_logging" {
+ bucket = aws_s3_bucket.buildkite_secrets_logging.id
acl = "log-delivery-write"