The concept of a data access layer is to provide a single entry point for all clients to access SleeperBot Data securely in a way that is language agnostic.
The data access layer is in its current form a single node.js process residing on the same server as the master database that holds all the business logic calls to the database.
The data access layer accepts 0mq requests and sends 0mq replies back to the calls origination once data is fetched from our database (or cache).
We will use 0mq to handle all communication.
Requests and replies are all handled in JSON format.
Sample Request located in lib/
id: <uuid>,
method: 'User:getNameById',
params: {param1: 'param1', param2: 'param2' ...}
Sample Response
id: <uuid>,
data: data // data from DB
** sending data **
id: <uuid>,
method: 'User:getNameById',
params: {id:234}
message_list[ <uuid> ] = callback;
** getting a response **
message.on('reply', function(msg){
message_list[ ]( );
Usage from a web.js app:
query = mq.query 'User:getRecentTopics', id: 4
query.ok (name) ->
channel: 'football:fantasy'
data: name
res.end 'success' (err) ->
res.end 'error'
Usage from within the data access layer:
db = require 'db'
zmq = require 'zeromq'
# require from models directory
require '../models/user'
require '../models/topic'
# receive zmq req
rep = zmq.createSocket 'rep'
rep.bind 'tcp://', (err) ->
rep.on 'message', (_msg) ->
msg = JSON.parse _msg
# figure out the model and method
mm = msg.method.split ':'
model = mm[0]
method = mm[1]
# define the callback function
callback = (data) -> = data
rep.send JSON.stringify msg
# send query to the database with callback
query = db.model model
query[ method ] msg.params, callback
# gets deleted before the callback executes
delete msg.method
delete msg.params
require.paths.unshift(process.cwd() + '/lib')
mongo = require 'mongoose'
redis = require 'redis'
db = require 'db'
async = require 'async'
class User
getNameById: ( params, end ) ->
console.log 'roflmaobbq'
console.log 'sunny'
end 'Sunnykit ' +
getTopicsFromUsers: ( params, end ) ->
end ['t1', 't2', 't3']
COMMAND: User:getRecentTopics
DESCRIPTION: Gets the most recent topics of users
getRecentTopics: ( params, end ) ->
seq = async.seq
seq.step ->
db.model('User').getTopicsFromUsers {}, (topics) ->
seq.topics = topics
seq.step ->
seq.user = 'haha'
seq.last ->
topics: seq.topics
user: seq.user
db.model 'User', User
This file stores the models in memory to be accessed later
models = {}
exports.model = ( name, obj=null ) ->
if obj?
return models[ name ] = new obj
models[ name ]