JavaScript is a
weakly typed
object oriented
prototype based
general purpose
programming language
It's the scripting language of the web
It's the only one inside every pc (in the browser)
The Java- prefix suggests that
JavaScript is somehow related to Java
The -Script suffix suggests that
JavaScript is not a real programming language
Brendan Eich @Netscape began developing Mocha (later called LiveScript)
Netscape changed LiveScript’s name to JavaScript (in Netscape Navigator 2)
(to capitalize on the success of Java)
Netscape released JavaScript 1.1 (in Netscape Navigator 3)
Microsoft released a JavaScript implementation called JScript (in IE 3)
(to avoid licensing issues)
Netscape submitted JavaScript 1.1 to ECMA
The new standard named ECMAScript was born
ECMAScript edition 3 was released
ECMAScript edition 4 (aka E4X) was abandoned
(due to its complexity)
ECMAScript edition 5 was published
ECMAScript edition 6 is coming...
var http = require("http");
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
res.end("Hello World!");
If you have a web browser and any text editor,
you have everything you need to run JavaScript programs.
<script src="path/to/your/script.js"></script>
console.log('Hello Web!');
Open the .html page in your browser,
open the JavaScript console to see the result.