move 로 만든 contract 를 rust sui sdk로 테스트 하는 클라이언트
check balance
mint nft
check objects
create character in dmud
mac osx
- warning : 최신 llvm 에서 빌드 안 된다.
export CC="/usr/bin/gcc" export CXX="/usr/bin/g++"
- sui client full node
- sui 를 local 에 설치해 놓아야 한다.
- websocket event 를 받기 위해서 필요하다.
cargo run --release --bin sui-node -- --config-path fullnode.yaml
- cargo build
- cargo run
- cargo run --bin main
- cargo run --bin objects
- cargo run --bin events
- cargo run --bin transfer-coins
- cargo run --bin mint
#[method(name = "moveCall")]
async fn move_call(
/// the transaction signer's Sui address
signer: SuiAddress,
/// the Move package ID, e.g. `0x2`
package_object_id: ObjectID,
/// the Move module name, e.g. `devnet_nft`
module: String,
/// the move function name, e.g. `mint`
function: String,
/// the type arguments of the Move function
type_arguments: Vec<SuiTypeTag>,
/// the arguments to be passed into the Move function, in [SuiJson](https://docs.sui.io/build/sui-json) format
arguments: Vec<SuiJsonValue>,
/// gas object to be used in this transaction, the gateway will pick one from the signer's possession if not provided
gas: Option<ObjectID>,
/// the gas budget, the transaction will fail if the gas cost exceed the budget
gas_budget: u64,
) -> RpcResult<TransactionBytes>;
/// Create an unsigned transaction to publish Move module.
#[method(name = "publish")]
async fn publish(
/// the transaction signer's Sui address
sender: SuiAddress,
/// the compiled bytes of a move module, the
compiled_modules: Vec<Base64>,
/// gas object to be used in this transaction, the gateway will pick one from the signer's possession if not provided
gas: Option<ObjectID>,
/// the gas budget, the transaction will fail if the gas cost exceed the budget
gas_budget: u64,
) -> RpcResult<TransactionBytes>;
cargo run --bin mint
sui client objects
Object ID | Version | Digest | Owner Type | Object Type
0x0d575b907dddfe87ddb027a8d8bb22f410ca8680 | 1 | FZlNlQ2TGatxCzt/W0juh1yy/m8KxroqJGxyakqy+co= | AddressOwner | 0x9ab92191b582b3aaff4b5f0a63aead1c66805caa::devnet_nft::DevNetNFT
0x27d583e946208df4d35745258ae24026f8c1e6e3 | 1 | pZzT3pzHaKe7RO4vPCVqLUkq0dgbDAg/Z0jOEsEtgFc= | AddressOwner | 0x9c60271cde5ecfa21a30d4f549cbe97a89814586::player::PlayerDB
0x2b38c3c8292e62fa74206e7a9f46f42d604da2cb | 1 | rrtaeqO06firPDhP8jJWaFKktr+IK7VeXvbhwZTflzk= | AddressOwner | 0x5a1ba9135e4e32cb9b52c202c934bc84f8ae4c9e::color_object::ColorObject
0x6549a1a12b8855d57909e5907610afe2d2abb277 | 14 | Er+49/H2ydZXvPkjoCcnoayhN6FceZzrRFuem9tQQ1A= | AddressOwner | 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>
0x8a90d137b7691c898f0dd7278c6b2803a64ea2bb | 1 | nI9O7CCMq04vdsz8Q2cS1ysNqYrwf5pl6paQXouie7g= | AddressOwner | 0x4d3e94bb8421b4d27c2e1138fc6948dc913bfc36::devnet_nft::DevNetNFT
0xa34de8bf29fd83e83e40edcf1476fb07aed2e943 | 1 | P0QWAYIQzm4gQeRueQQrxHsz3rzjBdf3oTYkL6ylli0= | AddressOwner | 0x2::devnet_nft::DevNetNFT
0xa79c67e26d2f671777b3da7a21a24b19fd4733af | 1 | FE/8gNxoRW82X+ZzuiaTqCkTXVGx6wjzJxoE1BxmKPo= | AddressOwner | 0x959c67742f03e2bc90df71d24b6b6bb686dabfaf::my_module::Forge
0xab17cf439261ca249d27f54abc7728e949278100 | 1 | aFNuxZMBDKXIrhyqPHKreIiObWo1IrmuUPoGKDsuE/Q= | AddressOwner | 0x2::devnet_nft::DevNetNFT
0xbec55476731ea09ece180d1fb7ca0a8768a124df | 1 | KwCSd/f1ukPf3oxQ185CDFvzi0ZJUq9Mqx3h+giHPs0= | AddressOwner | 0x932f163bd806c95ed3a2fd9b9cd489fe17288149::my_nft::Forge
0xc8bbdd6cc0c482ac43aa0c14b7a52580fe49dc9d | 1 | rRBIAeGsYuYUiaH/cX9x1oIOO9JCzdRbJpoOn0lNGGM= | AddressOwner | 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>
0xd8171754667cf47584f75bbe9da32ab82228f737 | 1 | 8GhRAJo95CsUj3+ydmuG9MqIofwuF7g/yo+diutr2bo= | AddressOwner | 0x4d3e94bb8421b4d27c2e1138fc6948dc913bfc36::devnet_nft::DevNetNFT
sui client object --id 0xd8171754667cf47584f75bbe9da32ab82228f737
----- Move Object (0xd8171754667cf47584f75bbe9da32ab82228f737[1]) -----
Owner: Account Address ( 0xfe78ab1acc4b10abe464aeb7eaafed6125a79c42 )
Version: 1
Storage Rebate: 16
Previous Transaction: jmEjfUL2IMfail1maF9lN2w8CVn2oRJCnn2kwOWw0eg=
----- Data -----
type: 0x4d3e94bb8421b4d27c2e1138fc6948dc913bfc36::devnet_nft::DevNetNFT
description: 설명
id: 0xd8171754667cf47584f75bbe9da32ab82228f737
name: 이름
url: https://www.sui.io