This is part of the Emacs Starter Kit.
Eshell is a great shell. Alias file here.
A table of input commands from here
Syntax | Description |
!! | Repeats the last command |
!ls | Repeats the last command beginning with ls |
!?ls | Repeats the last command containing ls |
!ls:n | Extract the nth argument from the last command beginning with ls |
!ls | Using pcomplete, show completion results matches ls |
^old^new | Quick substitution. Using the last command, replace old with new and run it again. Maybe buggy. |
$_ | Returns the last parameter in the last executed command. |
Based on an answer from the Emacs wiki:
(defun empty-string? (str)
"Test whether a string is empty"
(string= "" str))
(defun remove-first-empty (lst)
"Returns given list with first element removed if it was an empty string"
(if (empty-string? (car lst))
(cdr lst)
(defun strip-space (str)
"Returns the original string, minus any trailing spaces"
(if (string= " " (substring str -1))
(strip-space (substring str 0 -1))
(defun abbrev-user (str)
"Change username to ~ in path name"
(let ((un "/Users/FingerMan"
;; (mapconcat 'identity
;; (list "/" "Users" (getenv "USER"))"/")
(if (or (> (length un) (length str))
(not (string= (substring str 0 (length un)) un)))
(concat "~"
(substring str (length un) (length str))))))
(setq eshell-prompt-function
(concat ;; (getenv "USER") "@" (getenv "HOST") ":"
((lambda (p-lst vis-depth &optional dir-name-depth)
"Given a list p-lst, will display full name (or optionally dir-name-depth characters) of the last vis-depth# directories in the path name, while the remaining directories at the front of the pathname will be abbreviated by their first letter "
(if (> (length p-lst) vis-depth)
(concat (mapconcat (lambda (elm)
(unless (empty-string? elm)
(substring elm 0 1)))
(butlast p-lst vis-depth)
(mapconcat (lambda (elm)
(if (and dir-name-depth
(> (length elm) dir-name-depth))
(concat (strip-space (substring elm 0 dir-name-depth)) "..")
(last p-lst vis-depth)
(mapconcat 'identity
(split-string (abbrev-user (eshell/pwd)) "/") 2)
(if (= (user-uid) 0) " # " "$ "))))
(setq eshell-prompt-regexp "^[^#$\n]*[#$] ")
There are several ways to make aliases. Here are a couple for opening files via eshell. Some more tips here.
;; (defalias 'emacs 'find-file)
(defun eshell/emacs (file)
(find-file file))
(defun eshell/ff (file)
(find-file file))
(setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil
eshell-save-history-on-exit t
eshell-cmpl-dir-ignore "\\`\\(\\.\\.?\\|CVS\\|\\.svn\\|\\.git\\)/\\'")
(eval-after-load 'esh-opt
(require 'em-cmpl)
(require 'em-prompt)
(require 'em-term)
;; TODO: for some reason requiring this here breaks it, but
;; requiring it after an eshell session is started works fine.
;; (require 'eshell-vc)
(setenv "PAGER" "cat")
; (set-face-attribute 'eshell-prompt nil :foreground "turquoise1")
(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook ;; for some reason this needs to be a hook
'(lambda () (define-key eshell-mode-map "\C-a" 'eshell-bol)))
(add-to-list 'eshell-visual-commands "ssh")
(add-to-list 'eshell-visual-commands "tail")
(add-to-list 'eshell-command-completions-alist
'("gunzip" "gz\\'"))
(add-to-list 'eshell-command-completions-alist
'("tar" "\\(\\.tar|\\.tgz\\|\\.tar\\.gz\\)\\'"))
(add-to-list 'eshell-output-filter-functions 'eshell-handle-ansi-color)))
The eshell
directory holds alias definitions and history
information. It is much like a .bashrc
file for those who are
familiar with bash. This set the value of eshell-directory-name
point to the eshell
directory in this directory. The alias
is pre-populated with some generally applicable aliases.
(setq eshell-directory-name (expand-file-name "./" (expand-file-name "eshell" dotfiles-dir)))