diff --git a/source/release-notes/release-4-8-0.rst b/source/release-notes/release-4-8-0.rst index 51fd10c03d..572040e1dd 100644 --- a/source/release-notes/release-4-8-0.rst +++ b/source/release-notes/release-4-8-0.rst @@ -13,11 +13,41 @@ What's new This release includes new features or enhancements as the following: +Manager +^^^^^^^ + +- `#16058 `__ Added new ``rollback`` query to ``wazuh-db``. +- `#18476 `__ Improved ``wazuh-db`` detection of deleted database files. +- `#16893 `__ Added ``timeout`` and ``retry`` parameters to the VirusTotal integration. +- `#18988 `__ Extended ``wazuh-analysisd`` EPS metrics with events dropped by overload and remaining credits in the previous cycle. + +Agent +^^^^^ + +- `#15740 `__ Added snap package manager support to Syscollector. +- `#18574 `__ Disabled host's IP query by Logcollector when ``ip_update_interval=0``. + +Wazuh dashboard +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- `#5791 `__ Added remember server address check. + Resolved issues --------------- This release resolves known issues as the following: +Agent +^^^^^ + +============================================================== ============= +Reference Description +============================================================== ============= +`#16839 `__ Fixed process path retrieval in Syscollector on Windows XP. +`#16056 `__ Fixed the OS version detection on Alpine Linux. +`#18642 `__ Fixed Solaris 10 name not showing in the dashboard. +============================================================== ============= + Changelogs ----------