diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 9f8eaac4ea..6b792fdbc5 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ All notable changes to the Wazuh app project will be documented in this file.
### Fixed
-- Fixed command to starting the macOS agent on the agent wizard [#5466](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/5466)
+- Fixed command to install the macOS agent on the agent wizard [#5481](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/5481)
+- Fixed command to start the macOS agent on the agent wizard [#5470](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/5470)
## Wazuh v4.4.2 - Kibana 7.10.2, 7.16.x, 7.17.x - Revision 01
diff --git a/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js b/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js
index c33d478048..f4671aa1e0 100644
--- a/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js
+++ b/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js
@@ -402,24 +402,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
.join(',')}' `;
- // macos doesnt need = param
- if (this.state.selectedOS === 'macos') {
- return deployment.replace(/=/g, ' ');
- }
return deployment;
agentNameVariable() {
let agentName = `WAZUH_AGENT_NAME='${this.state.agentName}' `;
- if (
- this.state.selectedOS === 'macos' &&
- this.state.selectedArchitecture &&
- this.state.agentName !== ''
- ) {
- return agentName.replace(/=/g, ' ');
- }
if (this.state.selectedArchitecture && this.state.agentName !== '') {
return agentName;
} else {
@@ -429,7 +416,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveRPMPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'redhat5-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum5/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.el5.i386.rpm`;
@@ -460,7 +447,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveAlpinePackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case '3.12.12-i386':
return 'https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"';
@@ -481,7 +468,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveORACLELINUXPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'oraclelinux5-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum5/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.el5.i386.rpm`;
@@ -502,7 +489,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveCENTPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'centos5-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum5/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.el5.i386.rpm`;
@@ -533,7 +520,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveSUSEPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'suse11-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum5/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.el5.i386.rpm`;
@@ -556,7 +543,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveFEDORAPachage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case '22-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.i386.rpm`;
@@ -575,7 +562,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveAMAZONLPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'amazonlinux1-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.i386.rpm`;
@@ -625,7 +612,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveRASPBIANPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'busterorgreater-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}_i386.deb`;
@@ -644,7 +631,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveUBUNTUPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'ubuntu14-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}_i386.deb`;
@@ -669,7 +656,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveOPENSUSEPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'leap15-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.i386.rpm`;
@@ -688,7 +675,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveSOLARISPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case 'solaris10-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/solaris/i386/10/wazuh-agent_v${this.state.wazuhVersion}-sol10-i386.pkg`;
@@ -705,7 +692,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveAIXPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case '6.1 TL9-powerpc':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/aix/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}.aix.ppc.rpm`;
@@ -716,7 +703,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveHPPackage() {
switch (
- `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
) {
case '11.31-itanium2':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/hp-ux/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}${this.addToVersion}-hpux-11v3-ia64.tar`;
@@ -915,9 +902,8 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
this.state.badCharacters.length < 1
? 'The minimum length is 2 characters.'
- : `The character${
- this.state.badCharacters.length <= 1 ? '' : 's'
- }
+ : `The character${this.state.badCharacters.length <= 1 ? '' : 's'
+ }
${this.state.badCharacters.map(char => ` "${char}"`)}
${this.state.badCharacters.length <= 1 ? 'is' : 'are'}
not valid. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, ".", "-", "_"`,
@@ -975,6 +961,12 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
zIndex: '100',
+ // Select macOS installation script based on architecture
+ const macOSInstallationOptions = (this.optionalDeploymentVariables() + this.agentNameVariable()).replaceAll('\' ', '\'\\n');
+ const macOSInstallationSetEnvVariablesScript = macOSInstallationOptions ? `echo -e "${macOSInstallationOptions}" > /tmp/wazuh_envs && ` : ``;
+ const macOSInstallationScript = `curl -so wazuh-agent.pkg https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/macos/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }-1.pkg && ${macOSInstallationSetEnvVariablesScript}sudo installer -pkg ./wazuh-agent.pkg -target /`;
const customTexts = {
rpmText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}yum install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
alpineText: `wget -O /etc/apk/keys/alpine-devel@wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub ${this.optionalPackages()} >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
@@ -983,28 +975,22 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
centText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}yum install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
debText: `curl -so wazuh-agent.deb ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}dpkg -i ./wazuh-agent.deb`,
ubuText: `curl -so wazuh-agent.deb ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}dpkg -i ./wazuh-agent.deb`,
- macosText: `curl -so wazuh-agent.pkg https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/macos/wazuh-agent-${
- this.state.wazuhVersion
- }-1.pkg && sudo launchctl setenv ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}&& sudo installer -pkg ./wazuh-agent.pkg -target /`,
+ macosText: macOSInstallationScript,
this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008'
- ? `msiexec.exe /i wazuh-agent-${
- this.state.wazuhVersion
- }-1.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}`
- : `Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/windows/wazuh-agent-${
- this.state.wazuhVersion
- }-1.msi -OutFile \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent.msi; msiexec.exe /i \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}`,
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008'
+ ? `msiexec.exe /i wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }-1.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}`
+ : `Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/windows/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }-1.msi -OutFile \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent.msi; msiexec.exe /i \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}`,
openText: `sudo rpm --import https://packages.wazuh.com/key/GPG-KEY-WAZUH && sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}zypper install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
- solText: `sudo curl -so ${
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ solText: `sudo curl -so ${this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
? 'wazuh-agent.p5p'
: 'wazuh-agent.pkg'
- } ${this.optionalPackages()} && ${
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ } ${this.optionalPackages()} && ${this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
? 'pkg install -g wazuh-agent.p5p wazuh-agent'
: 'pkgadd -d wazuh-agent.pkg'
- }`,
+ }`,
aixText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}rpm -ivh ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
hpText: `cd / && sudo curl -so wazuh-agent.tar ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo groupadd wazuh && sudo useradd -G wazuh wazuh && sudo tar -xvf wazuh-agent.tar`,
amazonlinuxText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}yum install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
@@ -1139,20 +1125,20 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
{['windowsxp', 'windowsserver2008'].includes(
this.state.selectedVersion) && (
- <>
- >
- )}
+ <>
+ >
+ )}
{this.state.wazuhPassword &&
- !this.state.showPassword &&
- !['sol', 'hp', 'alpine'].includes(this.state.selectedOS)
+ !this.state.showPassword &&
+ !['sol', 'hp', 'alpine'].includes(this.state.selectedOS)
? this.obfuscatePassword(text)
: text}
@@ -1167,7 +1153,7 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
{this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ? (
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ? (
- this.setState({
- serverAddress: nodeSelected,
- udpProtocol: this.state.haveUdpProtocol,
- connectionSecure: this.state.haveConnectionSecure
- });
+ this.setState({
+ serverAddress: nodeSelected,
+ udpProtocol: this.state.haveUdpProtocol,
+ connectionSecure: this.state.haveConnectionSecure
+ });
const steps = [
@@ -1556,433 +1542,433 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'rpm'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'oraclelinux'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'raspbian'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'amazonlinux'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'cent'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'fedora'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'deb'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'ubu'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'win'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'macos'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'suse'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'open'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'sol'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'aix'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'hp'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.setVersion(version)}
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: (
+ this.setVersion(version)}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos5' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat5' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux5' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse11'
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse11'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'leap15'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == '3.12.12'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos6' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux6' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux1' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat6' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2022' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu14' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu15'
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux1' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2022' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu14' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu15'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos7' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat7' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse12' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == '22' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'busterorgreater'
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse12' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == '22' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'busterorgreater'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'windows7'
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windows7'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'sierra'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' ||
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == '6.1 TL9'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(this.state.selectedVersion == '11.31'
? [
- {
- title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- this.setArchitecture(architecture)
- }
- />
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: (
+ this.setArchitecture(architecture)
+ }
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
this.state.selectedOS == 'hp' ||
@@ -1990,18 +1976,18 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine'
? [
- {
- title: 'Wazuh server address',
- children: (
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Wazuh server address',
+ children: (
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
!this.state.needsPassword ||
@@ -2011,11 +1997,11 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
? [
- {
- title: 'Wazuh password',
- children: {passwordInput},
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Wazuh password',
+ children: {passwordInput},
+ },
+ ]
: []),
this.state.selectedOS == 'hp' ||
@@ -2023,17 +2009,17 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine'
? [
- {
- title: 'Assign a name and a group to the agent',
- children: (
- {agentName}
- {groupInput}
- {agentGroup}
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Assign a name and a group to the agent',
+ children: (
+ {agentName}
+ {groupInput}
+ {agentGroup}
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
title: 'Install and enroll the agent',
@@ -2057,46 +2043,46 @@ apk add wazuh-agent=${this.state.wazuhVersion}-r1`,
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'rpm' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'cent' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'suse' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'fedora' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'oraclelinux' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'amazonlinux' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'deb' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'raspbian' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'ubu' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'win' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'macos' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'open' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'sol' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'aix' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'hp' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine' ||
- this.state.selectedOS == ''
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'cent' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'suse' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'fedora' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'oraclelinux' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'amazonlinux' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'deb' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'raspbian' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'ubu' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'win' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'macos' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'open' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'sol' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'aix' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'hp' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == ''
? [
- {
- title: 'Start the agent',
- children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
- calloutErrorRegistrationServiceInfo
- ) : this.state.agentNameError &&
- !['hp', 'sol', 'alpine'].includes(this.state.selectedOS) ? (
- ) : missingOSSelection.length ? (
- ) : (
+ ) : missingOSSelection.length ? (
+ ) : (
- ),
- },
- ]
+ ? tabWazuhControlMacos
+ : this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == '6.1 TL9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == '3.12.12'
+ ? tabWazuhControl
+ : this.state.selectedVersion == '11.31'
+ ? tabInitD
+ : tabSysV
+ }
+ selectedTab={this.selectedSYS}
+ onTabClick={onTabClick}
+ />
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),
...(!missingOSSelection.length &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'rpm' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'deb' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'cent' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'ubu' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'win' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'macos' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'open' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'sol' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'aix' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'hp' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'amazonlinux' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'fedora' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'oraclelinux' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'suse' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'raspbian' &&
- this.state.selectedOS !== 'alpine' &&
- restartAgentCommand
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'rpm' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'deb' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'cent' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'ubu' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'win' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'macos' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'open' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'sol' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'aix' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'hp' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'amazonlinux' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'fedora' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'oraclelinux' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'suse' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'raspbian' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'alpine' &&
+ restartAgentCommand
? [
- {
- title: 'Start the agent',
- children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
- calloutErrorRegistrationServiceInfo
- ) : (
- {restartAgentCommand}
- {copy => (
- )}
- ),
- },
- ]
+ {
+ title: 'Start the agent',
+ children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
+ calloutErrorRegistrationServiceInfo
+ ) : (
+ {restartAgentCommand}
+ {copy => (
+ )}
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
: []),