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The REST API enables you to interact with the Tanzu Observability service by using standard REST API tools. You can use the REST API to automate commonly executed operations, for example to tag sources automatically.

When you make REST API calls outside the REST API documentation UI, to authenticate to the service, you must use an API token associated with a user account or a service account. For information on how to get the API token and examples, see Use the Tanzu Observability REST API.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v2
  • Package version: 2.223.1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import wavefront_api_client 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import wavefront_api_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import wavefront_api_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: api_key
configuration = wavefront_api_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['X-AUTH-TOKEN'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-AUTH-TOKEN'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = wavefront_api_client.AccessPolicyApi(wavefront_api_client.ApiClient(configuration))

    # Get the access policy
    api_response = api_instance.get_access_policy()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccessPolicyApi->get_access_policy: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessPolicyApi get_access_policy GET /api/v2/accesspolicy Get the access policy
AccessPolicyApi update_access_policy PUT /api/v2/accesspolicy Update the access policy
AccessPolicyApi validate_url GET /api/v2/accesspolicy/validate Validate a given url and ip address
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi activate_account POST /api/v2/account/serviceaccount/{id}/activate Activates the given service account
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi add_account_to_roles POST /api/v2/account/{id}/addRoles Adds specific roles to the account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi add_account_to_user_groups POST /api/v2/account/{id}/addUserGroups Adds specific groups to the account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi create_or_update_user_account POST /api/v2/account/user Creates or updates a user account
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi create_service_account POST /api/v2/account/serviceaccount Creates a service account
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi deactivate_account POST /api/v2/account/serviceaccount/{id}/deactivate Deactivates the given service account
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi delete_account DELETE /api/v2/account/{id} Deletes an account (user or service account) identified by id
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi delete_multiple_accounts POST /api/v2/account/deleteAccounts Deletes multiple accounts (users or service accounts)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_account GET /api/v2/account/{id} Get a specific account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_account_business_functions GET /api/v2/account/{id}/businessFunctions Returns business functions of a specific account (user or service account).
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_all_accounts GET /api/v2/account Get all accounts (users and service accounts) of a customer
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_all_service_accounts GET /api/v2/account/serviceaccount Get all service accounts
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_all_user_accounts GET /api/v2/account/user Get all user accounts
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_service_account GET /api/v2/account/serviceaccount/{id} Retrieves a service account by identifier
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_user_account GET /api/v2/account/user/{id} Retrieves a user by identifier (email address)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi get_users_with_accounts_permission GET /api/v2/account/user/admin Get all users with Accounts permission
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi grant_account_permission POST /api/v2/account/{id}/grant/{permission} Grants a specific permission to account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi grant_permission_to_accounts POST /api/v2/account/grant/{permission} Grant a permission to accounts (users or service accounts)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi invite_user_accounts POST /api/v2/account/user/invite Invite user accounts with given user groups and permissions.
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi remove_account_from_roles POST /api/v2/account/{id}/removeRoles Removes specific roles from the account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi remove_account_from_user_groups POST /api/v2/account/{id}/removeUserGroups Removes specific groups from the account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi revoke_account_permission POST /api/v2/account/{id}/revoke/{permission} Revokes a specific permission from account (user or service account)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi revoke_permission_from_accounts POST /api/v2/account/revoke/{permission} Revoke a permission from accounts (users or service accounts)
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi update_service_account PUT /api/v2/account/serviceaccount/{id} Updates the service account
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi update_user_account PUT /api/v2/account/user/{id} Update user with given user groups and permissions.
AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi validate_accounts POST /api/v2/account/validateAccounts Returns valid accounts (users and service accounts), also invalid identifiers from the given list
AlertApi add_alert_access POST /api/v2/alert/acl/add Adds the specified ids to the given alerts' ACL
AlertApi add_alert_tag PUT /api/v2/alert/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Add a tag to a specific alert
AlertApi check_query_type POST /api/v2/alert/checkQuery Return the type of provided query.
AlertApi clone_alert POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/clone Clones the specified alert
AlertApi create_alert POST /api/v2/alert Create a specific alert
AlertApi delete_alert DELETE /api/v2/alert/{id} Delete a specific alert
AlertApi get_alert GET /api/v2/alert/{id} Get a specific alert
AlertApi get_alert_access_control_list GET /api/v2/alert/acl Get Access Control Lists' union for the specified alerts
AlertApi get_alert_history GET /api/v2/alert/{id}/history Get the version history of a specific alert
AlertApi get_alert_tags GET /api/v2/alert/{id}/tag Get all tags associated with a specific alert
AlertApi get_alert_version GET /api/v2/alert/{id}/history/{version} Get a specific historical version of a specific alert
AlertApi get_alerts_summary GET /api/v2/alert/summary Count alerts of various statuses for a customer
AlertApi get_alerts_with_pagination GET /api/v2/alert/paginated Get all alerts for a customer with pagination
AlertApi get_all_alert GET /api/v2/alert Get all alerts for a customer
AlertApi hide_alert POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/uninstall Hide a specific integration alert
AlertApi preview_alert_notification POST /api/v2/alert/preview Get all the notification preview for a specific alert
AlertApi remove_alert_access POST /api/v2/alert/acl/remove Removes the specified ids from the given alerts' ACL
AlertApi remove_alert_tag DELETE /api/v2/alert/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Remove a tag from a specific alert
AlertApi set_alert_acl PUT /api/v2/alert/acl/set Set ACL for the specified alerts
AlertApi set_alert_tags POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/tag Set all tags associated with a specific alert
AlertApi snooze_alert POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/snooze Snooze a specific alert for some number of seconds
AlertApi undelete_alert POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/undelete Undelete a specific alert
AlertApi unhide_alert POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/install Unhide a specific integration alert
AlertApi unsnooze_alert POST /api/v2/alert/{id}/unsnooze Unsnooze a specific alert
AlertApi update_alert PUT /api/v2/alert/{id} Update a specific alert
AlertAnalyticsApi get_active_no_target_alert_summary_details GET /api/v2/alert/analytics/summary/alerts/noTarget Get Active No Target Alert Summary for a customer
AlertAnalyticsApi get_alert_analytics_errors_summary GET /api/v2/alert/analytics/summary/errors Get Alert Analytics errors summary
AlertAnalyticsApi get_alert_analytics_summary GET /api/v2/alert/analytics/summary Get Alert Analytics Summary for a customer
AlertAnalyticsApi get_failed_alert_summary_details GET /api/v2/alert/analytics/summary/alerts/failed Get Failed Alert Summary Details for a customer
AlertAnalyticsApi get_no_data_alert_summary_details GET /api/v2/alert/analytics/summary/alerts/noData Get No Data Alert Summary for a customer
ApiTokenApi create_token POST /api/v2/apitoken Create new api token
ApiTokenApi delete_customer_token PUT /api/v2/apitoken/customertokens/revoke Delete the specified api token for a customer
ApiTokenApi delete_token DELETE /api/v2/apitoken/{id} Delete the specified api token
ApiTokenApi delete_token_service_account DELETE /api/v2/apitoken/serviceaccount/{id}/{token} Delete the specified api token of the given service account
ApiTokenApi generate_token_service_account POST /api/v2/apitoken/serviceaccount/{id} Create a new api token for the service account
ApiTokenApi get_all_tokens GET /api/v2/apitoken Get all api tokens for a user
ApiTokenApi get_customer_token GET /api/v2/apitoken/customertokens/{id} Get the specified api token for a customer
ApiTokenApi get_customer_tokens GET /api/v2/apitoken/customertokens Get all api tokens for a customer
ApiTokenApi get_tokens_service_account GET /api/v2/apitoken/serviceaccount/{id} Get all api tokens for the given service account
ApiTokenApi update_token_name PUT /api/v2/apitoken/{id} Update the name of the specified api token
ApiTokenApi update_token_name_service_account PUT /api/v2/apitoken/serviceaccount/{id}/{token} Update the name of the specified api token for the given service account
CloudIntegrationApi create_aws_external_id POST /api/v2/cloudintegration/awsExternalId Create an external id
CloudIntegrationApi create_cloud_integration POST /api/v2/cloudintegration Create a cloud integration
CloudIntegrationApi delete_aws_external_id DELETE /api/v2/cloudintegration/awsExternalId/{id} DELETEs an external id that was created by Wavefront
CloudIntegrationApi delete_cloud_integration DELETE /api/v2/cloudintegration/{id} Delete a specific cloud integration
CloudIntegrationApi disable_cloud_integration POST /api/v2/cloudintegration/{id}/disable Disable a specific cloud integration
CloudIntegrationApi enable_cloud_integration POST /api/v2/cloudintegration/{id}/enable Enable a specific cloud integration
CloudIntegrationApi get_all_cloud_integration GET /api/v2/cloudintegration Get all cloud integrations for a customer
CloudIntegrationApi get_aws_external_id GET /api/v2/cloudintegration/awsExternalId/{id} GETs (confirms) a valid external id that was created by Wavefront
CloudIntegrationApi get_cloud_integration GET /api/v2/cloudintegration/{id} Get a specific cloud integration
CloudIntegrationApi undelete_cloud_integration POST /api/v2/cloudintegration/{id}/undelete Undelete a specific cloud integration
CloudIntegrationApi update_cloud_integration PUT /api/v2/cloudintegration/{id} Update a specific cloud integration
DashboardApi add_dashboard_access POST /api/v2/dashboard/acl/add Adds the specified ids to the given dashboards' ACL
DashboardApi add_dashboard_tag PUT /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Add a tag to a specific dashboard
DashboardApi create_dashboard POST /api/v2/dashboard Create a specific dashboard
DashboardApi delete_dashboard DELETE /api/v2/dashboard/{id} Delete a specific dashboard
DashboardApi favorite_dashboard POST /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/favorite Mark a dashboard as favorite
DashboardApi get_all_dashboard GET /api/v2/dashboard Get all dashboards for a customer
DashboardApi get_dashboard GET /api/v2/dashboard/{id} Get a specific dashboard
DashboardApi get_dashboard_access_control_list GET /api/v2/dashboard/acl Get list of Access Control Lists for the specified dashboards
DashboardApi get_dashboard_history GET /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/history Get the version history of a specific dashboard
DashboardApi get_dashboard_tags GET /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/tag Get all tags associated with a specific dashboard
DashboardApi get_dashboard_version GET /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/history/{version} Get a specific version of a specific dashboard
DashboardApi remove_dashboard_access POST /api/v2/dashboard/acl/remove Removes the specified ids from the given dashboards' ACL
DashboardApi remove_dashboard_tag DELETE /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Remove a tag from a specific dashboard
DashboardApi set_dashboard_acl PUT /api/v2/dashboard/acl/set Set ACL for the specified dashboards
DashboardApi set_dashboard_tags POST /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/tag Set all tags associated with a specific dashboard
DashboardApi undelete_dashboard POST /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/undelete Undelete a specific dashboard
DashboardApi unfavorite_dashboard POST /api/v2/dashboard/{id}/unfavorite Unmark a dashboard as favorite
DashboardApi update_dashboard PUT /api/v2/dashboard/{id} Update a specific dashboard
DerivedMetricApi add_tag_to_derived_metric PUT /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Add a tag to a specific Derived Metric
DerivedMetricApi create_derived_metric POST /api/v2/derivedmetric Create a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi delete_derived_metric DELETE /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id} Delete a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi get_all_derived_metrics GET /api/v2/derivedmetric Get all derived metric definitions for a customer
DerivedMetricApi get_derived_metric GET /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id} Get a specific registered query
DerivedMetricApi get_derived_metric_by_version GET /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/history/{version} Get a specific historical version of a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi get_derived_metric_history GET /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/history Get the version history of a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi get_derived_metric_tags GET /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/tag Get all tags associated with a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi remove_tag_from_derived_metric DELETE /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Remove a tag from a specific Derived Metric
DerivedMetricApi set_derived_metric_tags POST /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/tag Set all tags associated with a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi undelete_derived_metric POST /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id}/undelete Undelete a specific derived metric definition
DerivedMetricApi update_derived_metric PUT /api/v2/derivedmetric/{id} Update a specific derived metric definition
DirectIngestionApi report POST /report Directly ingest data/data stream with specified format
EventApi add_event_tag PUT /api/v2/event/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Add a tag to a specific event
EventApi close_user_event POST /api/v2/event/{id}/close Close a specific event
EventApi create_event POST /api/v2/event Create a specific event
EventApi delete_user_event DELETE /api/v2/event/{id} Delete a specific user event
EventApi get_alert_event_queries_slug GET /api/v2/event/{id}/alertQueriesSlug If the specified event is associated with an alert, returns a slug encoding the queries having to do with that alert firing or resolution
EventApi get_alert_firing_details GET /api/v2/event/{id}/alertFiringDetails Return details of a particular alert firing, including all the series that fired during the referred alert firing
EventApi get_alert_firing_events GET /api/v2/event/alertFirings Get firings events of an alert within a time range
EventApi get_all_events_with_time_range GET /api/v2/event List all the events for a customer within a time range
EventApi get_event GET /api/v2/event/{id} Get a specific event
EventApi get_event_tags GET /api/v2/event/{id}/tag Get all tags associated with a specific event
EventApi get_related_events_with_time_span GET /api/v2/event/{id}/events List all related events for a specific firing event with a time span of one hour
EventApi remove_event_tag DELETE /api/v2/event/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Remove a tag from a specific event
EventApi set_event_tags POST /api/v2/event/{id}/tag Set all tags associated with a specific event
EventApi update_user_event PUT /api/v2/event/{id} Update a specific user event.
ExternalLinkApi create_external_link POST /api/v2/extlink Create a specific external link
ExternalLinkApi delete_external_link DELETE /api/v2/extlink/{id} Delete a specific external link
ExternalLinkApi get_all_external_link GET /api/v2/extlink Get all external links for a customer
ExternalLinkApi get_external_link GET /api/v2/extlink/{id} Get a specific external link
ExternalLinkApi update_external_link PUT /api/v2/extlink/{id} Update a specific external link
IngestionSpyApi spy_on_delta_counters GET /api/spy/deltas Gets new delta counters that are added to existing time series.
IngestionSpyApi spy_on_ephemeral_points GET /api/spy/ephemeral Gets a sampling of new ephemeral metric data points that are added to existing time series.
IngestionSpyApi spy_on_histograms GET /api/spy/histograms Gets new histograms that are added to existing time series.
IngestionSpyApi spy_on_id_creations GET /api/spy/ids Gets newly allocated IDs that correspond to new metric names, source names, point tags, or span tags. A new ID generally indicates that a new time series has been introduced.
IngestionSpyApi spy_on_points GET /api/spy/points Gets a sampling of new metric data points that are added to existing time series.
IngestionSpyApi spy_on_spans GET /api/spy/spans Gets new spans with existing source names and span tags.
IntegrationApi get_all_integration GET /api/v2/integration Gets a flat list of all Tanzu Observability integrations available, along with their status
IntegrationApi get_all_integration_in_manifests GET /api/v2/integration/manifests Gets all Tanzu Observability integrations as structured in their integration manifests, along with their status and content
IntegrationApi get_all_integration_in_manifests_min GET /api/v2/integration/manifests/min Gets all Tanzu Observability integrations as structured in their integration manifests.
IntegrationApi get_all_integration_statuses GET /api/v2/integration/status Gets the status of all Tanzu Observability integrations
IntegrationApi get_installed_integration GET /api/v2/integration/installed Gets a flat list of all Integrations that are installed, along with their status
IntegrationApi get_integration GET /api/v2/integration/{id} Gets a single Tanzu Observability integration by its id, along with its status
IntegrationApi get_integration_status GET /api/v2/integration/{id}/status Gets the status of a single Tanzu Observability integration
IntegrationApi install_all_integration_alerts POST /api/v2/integration/{id}/install-all-alerts Enable all alerts associated with this integration
IntegrationApi install_integration POST /api/v2/integration/{id}/install Installs a Tanzu Observability integration
IntegrationApi uninstall_all_integration_alerts POST /api/v2/integration/{id}/uninstall-all-alerts Disable all alerts associated with this integration
IntegrationApi uninstall_integration POST /api/v2/integration/{id}/uninstall Uninstalls a Tanzu Observability integration
MaintenanceWindowApi create_maintenance_window POST /api/v2/maintenancewindow Create a maintenance window
MaintenanceWindowApi delete_maintenance_window DELETE /api/v2/maintenancewindow/{id} Delete a specific maintenance window
MaintenanceWindowApi get_all_maintenance_window GET /api/v2/maintenancewindow Get all maintenance windows for a customer
MaintenanceWindowApi get_maintenance_window GET /api/v2/maintenancewindow/{id} Get a specific maintenance window
MaintenanceWindowApi update_maintenance_window PUT /api/v2/maintenancewindow/{id} Update a specific maintenance window
MessageApi user_get_messages GET /api/v2/message Gets messages applicable to the current user, i.e. within time range and distribution scope
MessageApi user_read_message POST /api/v2/message/{id}/read Mark a specific message as read
MetricApi get_metric_details GET /api/v2/chart/metric/detail Get more details on a metric, including reporting sources and approximate last time reported
MonitoredApplicationApi get_all_applications GET /api/v2/monitoredapplication Get all monitored applications
MonitoredApplicationApi get_application GET /api/v2/monitoredapplication/{application} Get a specific application
MonitoredApplicationApi update_service PUT /api/v2/monitoredapplication/{application} Update a specific service
MonitoredServiceApi batch_update PUT /api/v2/monitoredservice/services Update multiple applications and services in a batch. Batch size is limited to 100.
MonitoredServiceApi get_all_components GET /api/v2/monitoredservice/components Get all monitored services with components
MonitoredServiceApi get_all_services GET /api/v2/monitoredservice Get all monitored services
MonitoredServiceApi get_component GET /api/v2/monitoredservice/{application}/{service}/{component} Get a specific application
MonitoredServiceApi get_service GET /api/v2/monitoredservice/{application}/{service} Get a specific application
MonitoredServiceApi get_services_of_application GET /api/v2/monitoredservice/{application} Get services for a specific application
MonitoredServiceApi update_service PUT /api/v2/monitoredservice/{application}/{service} Update a specific service
NotificantApi create_notificant POST /api/v2/notificant Create a notification target
NotificantApi delete_notificant DELETE /api/v2/notificant/{id} Delete a specific notification target
NotificantApi get_all_notificants GET /api/v2/notificant Get all notification targets for a customer
NotificantApi get_notificant GET /api/v2/notificant/{id} Get a specific notification target
NotificantApi test_notificant POST /api/v2/notificant/test/{id} Test a specific notification target
NotificantApi update_notificant PUT /api/v2/notificant/{id} Update a specific notification target
ProxyApi delete_proxy DELETE /api/v2/proxy/{id} Delete a specific proxy
ProxyApi get_all_proxy GET /api/v2/proxy Get all proxies for a customer
ProxyApi get_proxy GET /api/v2/proxy/{id} Get a specific proxy
ProxyApi get_proxy_config GET /api/v2/proxy/{id}/config Get a specific proxy config
ProxyApi get_proxy_preprocessor_rules GET /api/v2/proxy/{id}/preprocessorRules Get a specific proxy preprocessor rules
ProxyApi undelete_proxy POST /api/v2/proxy/{id}/undelete Undelete a specific proxy
ProxyApi update_proxy PUT /api/v2/proxy/{id} Update the name of a specific proxy
QueryApi query_api GET /api/v2/chart/api Perform a charting query against Wavefront servers that returns the appropriate points in the specified time window and granularity
QueryApi query_raw GET /api/v2/chart/raw Perform a raw data query against Wavefront servers that returns second granularity points grouped by tags
RecentAppMapSearchApi create_recent_app_map_search POST /api/v2/recentappmapsearch Create a search
RecentAppMapSearchApi get_all_recent_app_map_searches GET /api/v2/recentappmapsearch Get all searches for a user
RecentAppMapSearchApi get_recent_app_map_search GET /api/v2/recentappmapsearch/{id} Get a specific search
RecentTracesSearchApi create_recent_traces_search POST /api/v2/recenttracessearch Create a search
RecentTracesSearchApi get_all_recent_traces_searches GET /api/v2/recenttracessearch Get all searches for a user
RecentTracesSearchApi get_recent_traces_search GET /api/v2/recenttracessearch/{id} Get a specific search
RoleApi add_assignees POST /api/v2/role/{id}/addAssignees Add accounts and groups to a role
RoleApi create_role POST /api/v2/role Create a role
RoleApi delete_role DELETE /api/v2/role/{id} Delete a role by ID
RoleApi get_all_roles GET /api/v2/role Get all roles
RoleApi get_role GET /api/v2/role/{id} Get a role by ID
RoleApi grant_permission_to_roles POST /api/v2/role/grant/{permission} Grant a permission to roles
RoleApi remove_assignees POST /api/v2/role/{id}/removeAssignees Remove accounts and groups from a role
RoleApi revoke_permission_from_roles POST /api/v2/role/revoke/{permission} Revoke a permission from roles
RoleApi update_role PUT /api/v2/role/{id} Update a role by ID
SavedAppMapSearchApi create_saved_app_map_search POST /api/v2/savedappmapsearch Create a search
SavedAppMapSearchApi default_app_map_search GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/defaultAppMapSearch Get default app map search for a user
SavedAppMapSearchApi default_app_map_search_0 POST /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/defaultAppMapSearch Set default app map search at user level
SavedAppMapSearchApi default_customer_app_map_search POST /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/defaultCustomerAppMapSearch Set default app map search at customer level
SavedAppMapSearchApi delete_saved_app_map_search DELETE /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/{id} Delete a search
SavedAppMapSearchApi delete_saved_app_map_search_for_user DELETE /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/owned/{id} Delete a search belonging to the user
SavedAppMapSearchApi get_all_saved_app_map_searches GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearch Get all searches for a customer
SavedAppMapSearchApi get_all_saved_app_map_searches_for_user GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/owned Get all searches for a user
SavedAppMapSearchApi get_saved_app_map_search GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/{id} Get a specific search
SavedAppMapSearchApi update_saved_app_map_search PUT /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/{id} Update a search
SavedAppMapSearchApi update_saved_app_map_search_for_user PUT /api/v2/savedappmapsearch/owned/{id} Update a search belonging to the user
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi add_saved_app_map_search_to_group POST /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup/{id}/addSearch/{searchId} Add a search to a search group
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi create_saved_app_map_search_group POST /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup Create a search group
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi delete_saved_app_map_search_group DELETE /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup/{id} Delete a search group
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi get_all_saved_app_map_search_group GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup Get all search groups for a user
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi get_saved_app_map_search_group GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup/{id} Get a specific search group
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi get_saved_app_map_searches_for_group GET /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup/{id}/searches Get all searches for a search group
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi remove_saved_app_map_search_from_group POST /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup/{id}/removeSearch/{searchId} Remove a search from a search group
SavedAppMapSearchGroupApi update_saved_app_map_search_group PUT /api/v2/savedappmapsearchgroup/{id} Update a search group
SavedSearchApi create_saved_search POST /api/v2/savedsearch Create a saved search
SavedSearchApi delete_saved_search DELETE /api/v2/savedsearch/{id} Delete a specific saved search
SavedSearchApi get_all_entity_type_saved_searches GET /api/v2/savedsearch/type/{entitytype} Get all saved searches for a specific entity type for a user
SavedSearchApi get_all_saved_searches GET /api/v2/savedsearch Get all saved searches for a user
SavedSearchApi get_saved_search GET /api/v2/savedsearch/{id} Get a specific saved search
SavedSearchApi update_saved_search PUT /api/v2/savedsearch/{id} Update a specific saved search
SavedTracesSearchApi create_saved_traces_search POST /api/v2/savedtracessearch Create a search
SavedTracesSearchApi default_app_map_search POST /api/v2/savedtracessearch/defaultTracesSearch Set default traces search at user level
SavedTracesSearchApi default_customer_traces_search POST /api/v2/savedtracessearch/defaultCustomerTracesSearch Set default traces search at customer level
SavedTracesSearchApi default_traces_search GET /api/v2/savedtracessearch/defaultTracesSearch Get default traces search for a user
SavedTracesSearchApi delete_saved_traces_search DELETE /api/v2/savedtracessearch/{id} Delete a search
SavedTracesSearchApi delete_saved_traces_search_for_user DELETE /api/v2/savedtracessearch/owned/{id} Delete a search belonging to the user
SavedTracesSearchApi get_all_saved_traces_searches GET /api/v2/savedtracessearch Get all searches for a customer
SavedTracesSearchApi get_all_saved_traces_searches_for_user GET /api/v2/savedtracessearch/owned Get all searches for a user
SavedTracesSearchApi get_saved_traces_search GET /api/v2/savedtracessearch/{id} Get a specific search
SavedTracesSearchApi update_saved_traces_search PUT /api/v2/savedtracessearch/{id} Update a search
SavedTracesSearchApi update_saved_traces_search_for_user PUT /api/v2/savedtracessearch/owned/{id} Update a search belonging to the user
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi add_saved_traces_search_to_group POST /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup/{id}/addSearch/{searchId} Add a search to a search group
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi create_saved_traces_search_group POST /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup Create a search group
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi delete_saved_traces_search_group DELETE /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup/{id} Delete a search group
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi get_all_saved_traces_search_group GET /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup Get all search groups for a user
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi get_saved_traces_search_group GET /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup/{id} Get a specific search group
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi get_saved_traces_searches_for_group GET /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup/{id}/searches Get all searches for a search group
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi remove_saved_traces_search_from_group POST /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup/{id}/removeSearch/{searchId} Remove a search from a search group
SavedTracesSearchGroupApi update_saved_traces_search_group PUT /api/v2/savedtracessearchgroup/{id} Update a search group
SearchApi search_account_entities POST /api/v2/search/account Search over a customer's accounts
SearchApi search_account_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/account/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's accounts
SearchApi search_account_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/account/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's accounts
SearchApi search_alert_deleted_entities POST /api/v2/search/alert/deleted Search over a customer's deleted alerts
SearchApi search_alert_deleted_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/alert/deleted/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted alerts
SearchApi search_alert_deleted_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/alert/deleted/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted alerts
SearchApi search_alert_entities POST /api/v2/search/alert Search over a customer's non-deleted alerts
SearchApi search_alert_execution_summary_entities POST /api/v2/search/alert-analytics-summary Search over a customer's alert executions summaries
SearchApi search_alert_execution_summary_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/alert-analytics-summary/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's alert executions summaries
SearchApi search_alert_execution_summary_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/alert-analytics-summary/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's alert executions summaries
SearchApi search_alert_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/alert/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted alerts
SearchApi search_alert_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/alert/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted alerts
SearchApi search_cloud_integration_deleted_entities POST /api/v2/search/cloudintegration/deleted Search over a customer's deleted cloud integrations
SearchApi search_cloud_integration_deleted_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/cloudintegration/deleted/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted cloud integrations
SearchApi search_cloud_integration_deleted_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/cloudintegration/deleted/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted cloud integrations
SearchApi search_cloud_integration_entities POST /api/v2/search/cloudintegration Search over a customer's non-deleted cloud integrations
SearchApi search_cloud_integration_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/cloudintegration/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted cloud integrations
SearchApi search_cloud_integration_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/cloudintegration/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted cloud integrations
SearchApi search_dashboard_deleted_entities POST /api/v2/search/dashboard/deleted Search over a customer's deleted dashboards
SearchApi search_dashboard_deleted_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/dashboard/deleted/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted dashboards
SearchApi search_dashboard_deleted_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/dashboard/deleted/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted dashboards
SearchApi search_dashboard_entities POST /api/v2/search/dashboard Search over a customer's non-deleted dashboards
SearchApi search_dashboard_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/dashboard/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted dashboards
SearchApi search_dashboard_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/dashboard/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted dashboards
SearchApi search_external_link_entities POST /api/v2/search/extlink Search over a customer's external links
SearchApi search_external_links_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/extlink/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's external links
SearchApi search_external_links_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/extlink/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's external links
SearchApi search_ingestion_policy_entities POST /api/v2/search/ingestionpolicy Search over a customer's ingestion policies
SearchApi search_ingestion_policy_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/ingestionpolicy/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's ingestion policies
SearchApi search_ingestion_policy_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/ingestionpolicy/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's ingestion policies
SearchApi search_maintenance_window_entities POST /api/v2/search/maintenancewindow Search over a customer's maintenance windows
SearchApi search_maintenance_window_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/maintenancewindow/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's maintenance windows
SearchApi search_maintenance_window_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/maintenancewindow/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's maintenance windows
SearchApi search_monitored_application_entities POST /api/v2/search/monitoredapplication Search over all the customer's non-deleted monitored applications
SearchApi search_monitored_application_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/monitoredapplication/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted monitored application
SearchApi search_monitored_application_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/monitoredapplication/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted monitored clusters
SearchApi search_monitored_service_entities POST /api/v2/search/monitoredservice Search over all the customer's non-deleted monitored services
SearchApi search_monitored_service_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/monitoredservice/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted monitored application
SearchApi search_monitored_service_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/monitoredservice/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted monitored clusters
SearchApi search_notficant_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/notificant/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's notificants
SearchApi search_notificant_entities POST /api/v2/search/notificant Search over a customer's notificants
SearchApi search_notificant_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/notificant/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's notificants
SearchApi search_proxy_deleted_entities POST /api/v2/search/proxy/deleted Search over a customer's deleted proxies
SearchApi search_proxy_deleted_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/proxy/deleted/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted proxies
SearchApi search_proxy_deleted_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/proxy/deleted/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted proxies
SearchApi search_proxy_entities POST /api/v2/search/proxy Search over a customer's non-deleted proxies
SearchApi search_proxy_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/proxy/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted proxies
SearchApi search_proxy_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/proxy/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted proxies
SearchApi search_registered_query_deleted_entities POST /api/v2/search/derivedmetric/deleted Search over a customer's deleted derived metric definitions
SearchApi search_registered_query_deleted_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/derivedmetric/deleted/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted derived metric definitions
SearchApi search_registered_query_deleted_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/derivedmetric/deleted/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted derived metric definitions
SearchApi search_registered_query_entities POST /api/v2/search/derivedmetric Search over a customer's non-deleted derived metric definitions
SearchApi search_registered_query_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/derivedmetric/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted derived metric definitions
SearchApi search_registered_query_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/derivedmetric/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted derived metric definition
SearchApi search_related_report_event_anomaly_entities POST /api/v2/search/event/related/{eventId}/withAnomalies List the related events and anomalies over a firing event
SearchApi search_related_report_event_entities POST /api/v2/search/event/related/{eventId} List the related events over a firing event
SearchApi search_report_event_entities POST /api/v2/search/event Search over a customer's events
SearchApi search_report_event_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/event/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's events
SearchApi search_report_event_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/event/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's events
SearchApi search_role_entities POST /api/v2/search/role Search over a customer's roles
SearchApi search_role_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/role/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's roles
SearchApi search_role_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/role/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's roles
SearchApi search_saved_app_map_entities POST /api/v2/search/savedappmapsearch Search over all the customer's non-deleted saved app map searches
SearchApi search_saved_app_map_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/savedappmapsearch/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted app map searches
SearchApi search_saved_app_map_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/savedappmapsearch/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted app map searches
SearchApi search_saved_traces_entities POST /api/v2/search/savedtracessearch Search over all the customer's non-deleted saved traces searches
SearchApi search_service_account_entities POST /api/v2/search/serviceaccount Search over a customer's service accounts
SearchApi search_service_account_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/serviceaccount/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's service accounts
SearchApi search_service_account_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/serviceaccount/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's service accounts
SearchApi search_span_sampling_policy_deleted_entities POST /api/v2/search/spansamplingpolicy/deleted Search over a customer's deleted span sampling policies
SearchApi search_span_sampling_policy_deleted_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/spansamplingpolicy/deleted/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted span sampling policies
SearchApi search_span_sampling_policy_deleted_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/spansamplingpolicy/deleted/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted span sampling policies
SearchApi search_span_sampling_policy_entities POST /api/v2/search/spansamplingpolicy Search over a customer's non-deleted span sampling policies
SearchApi search_span_sampling_policy_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/spansamplingpolicy/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted span sampling policies
SearchApi search_span_sampling_policy_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/spansamplingpolicy/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted span sampling policies
SearchApi search_tagged_source_entities POST /api/v2/search/source Search over a customer's sources
SearchApi search_tagged_source_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/source/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's sources
SearchApi search_tagged_source_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/source/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's sources
SearchApi search_token_entities POST /api/v2/search/token Search over a customer's api tokens
SearchApi search_token_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/token/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's api tokens
SearchApi search_token_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/token/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's api tokens
SearchApi search_traces_map_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/savedtracessearch/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted traces searches
SearchApi search_traces_map_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/savedtracessearch/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted traces searches
SearchApi search_user_entities POST /api/v2/search/user Search over a customer's users
SearchApi search_user_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/user/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's users
SearchApi search_user_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/user/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's users
SearchApi search_user_group_entities POST /api/v2/search/usergroup Search over a customer's user groups
SearchApi search_user_group_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/usergroup/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's user groups
SearchApi search_user_group_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/usergroup/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's user groups
SearchApi search_web_hook_entities POST /api/v2/search/webhook Search over a customer's webhooks
SearchApi search_web_hook_for_facet POST /api/v2/search/webhook/{facet} Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's webhooks
SearchApi search_webhook_for_facets POST /api/v2/search/webhook/facets Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's webhooks
SecurityPolicyApi get_metrics_policy GET /api/v2/metricspolicy Get the metrics policy
SecurityPolicyApi get_metrics_policy_by_version GET /api/v2/metricspolicy/history/{version} Get a specific historical version of a metrics policy
SecurityPolicyApi get_metrics_policy_history GET /api/v2/metricspolicy/history Get the version history of metrics policy
SecurityPolicyApi get_security_policy GET /api/v2/securitypolicy/{type} Get the security policy
SecurityPolicyApi get_security_policy_by_version GET /api/v2/securitypolicy/{type}/history/{version} Get a specific historical version of a security policy
SecurityPolicyApi get_security_policy_history GET /api/v2/securitypolicy/{type}/history Get the version history of security policy
SecurityPolicyApi revert_metrics_policy_by_version POST /api/v2/metricspolicy/revert/{version} Revert to a specific historical version of a metrics policy
SecurityPolicyApi revert_security_policy_by_version POST /api/v2/securitypolicy/{type}/revert/{version} Revert to a specific historical version of a security policy
SecurityPolicyApi update_metrics_policy PUT /api/v2/metricspolicy Update the metrics policy
SecurityPolicyApi update_security_policy PUT /api/v2/securitypolicy/{type} Update the security policy
SourceApi add_source_tag PUT /api/v2/source/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Add a tag to a specific source
SourceApi create_source POST /api/v2/source Create metadata (description or tags) for a specific source
SourceApi delete_source DELETE /api/v2/source/{id} Delete metadata (description and tags) for a specific source
SourceApi get_all_source GET /api/v2/source Get all sources for a customer
SourceApi get_source GET /api/v2/source/{id} Get a specific source for a customer
SourceApi get_source_tags GET /api/v2/source/{id}/tag Get all tags associated with a specific source
SourceApi remove_description DELETE /api/v2/source/{id}/description Remove description from a specific source
SourceApi remove_source_tag DELETE /api/v2/source/{id}/tag/{tagValue} Remove a tag from a specific source
SourceApi set_description POST /api/v2/source/{id}/description Set description associated with a specific source
SourceApi set_source_tags POST /api/v2/source/{id}/tag Set all tags associated with a specific source
SourceApi update_source PUT /api/v2/source/{id} Update metadata (description or tags) for a specific source.
SpanSamplingPolicyApi create_span_sampling_policy POST /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy Create a span sampling policy
SpanSamplingPolicyApi delete_span_sampling_policy DELETE /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/{id} Delete a specific span sampling policy
SpanSamplingPolicyApi get_all_deleted_span_sampling_policy GET /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/deleted Get all deleted sampling policies for a customer
SpanSamplingPolicyApi get_all_span_sampling_policy GET /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy Get all sampling policies for a customer
SpanSamplingPolicyApi get_span_sampling_policy GET /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/{id} Get a specific span sampling policy
SpanSamplingPolicyApi get_span_sampling_policy_history GET /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/{id}/history Get the version history of a specific sampling policy
SpanSamplingPolicyApi get_span_sampling_policy_version GET /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/{id}/history/{version} Get a specific historical version of a specific sampling policy
SpanSamplingPolicyApi undelete_span_sampling_policy POST /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/{id}/undelete Restore a deleted span sampling policy
SpanSamplingPolicyApi update_span_sampling_policy PUT /api/v2/spansamplingpolicy/{id} Update a specific span sampling policy
UsageApi create_ingestion_policy POST /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy Create a specific ingestion policy
UsageApi delete_ingestion_policy DELETE /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy/{id} Delete a specific ingestion policy
UsageApi export_csv GET /api/v2/usage/exportcsv Export a CSV report
UsageApi get_all_ingestion_policies GET /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy Get all ingestion policies for a customer
UsageApi get_ingestion_policy GET /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy/{id} Get a specific ingestion policy
UsageApi get_ingestion_policy_by_version GET /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy/{id}/history/{version} Get a specific historical version of a ingestion policy
UsageApi get_ingestion_policy_history GET /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy/{id}/history Get the version history of ingestion policy
UsageApi revert_ingestion_policy_by_version POST /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy/{id}/revert/{version} Revert to a specific historical version of a ingestion policy
UsageApi update_ingestion_policy PUT /api/v2/usage/ingestionpolicy/{id} Update a specific ingestion policy
UserApi add_user_to_user_groups POST /api/v2/user/{id}/addUserGroups Adds specific groups to the user or service account
UserApi create_user POST /api/v2/user Creates an user if the user doesn't already exist.
UserApi delete_multiple_users POST /api/v2/user/deleteUsers Deletes multiple users or service accounts
UserApi delete_user DELETE /api/v2/user/{id} Deletes a user or service account identified by id
UserApi get_all_users GET /api/v2/user Get all users
UserApi get_user GET /api/v2/user/{id} Retrieves a user by identifier (email address)
UserApi get_user_business_functions GET /api/v2/user/{id}/businessFunctions Returns business functions of a specific user or service account.
UserApi grant_permission_to_users POST /api/v2/user/grant/{permission} Grants a specific permission to multiple users or service accounts
UserApi grant_user_permission POST /api/v2/user/{id}/grant Grants a specific permission to user or service account
UserApi invite_users POST /api/v2/user/invite Invite users with given user groups and permissions.
UserApi remove_user_from_user_groups POST /api/v2/user/{id}/removeUserGroups Removes specific groups from the user or service account
UserApi revoke_permission_from_users POST /api/v2/user/revoke/{permission} Revokes a specific permission from multiple users or service accounts
UserApi revoke_user_permission POST /api/v2/user/{id}/revoke Revokes a specific permission from user or service account
UserApi update_user PUT /api/v2/user/{id} Update user with given user groups, permissions and ingestion policy.
UserApi validate_users POST /api/v2/user/validateUsers Returns valid users and service accounts, also invalid identifiers from the given list
UserGroupApi add_roles_to_user_group POST /api/v2/usergroup/{id}/addRoles Add multiple roles to a specific user group
UserGroupApi add_users_to_user_group POST /api/v2/usergroup/{id}/addUsers Add multiple users to a specific user group
UserGroupApi create_user_group POST /api/v2/usergroup Create a specific user group
UserGroupApi delete_user_group DELETE /api/v2/usergroup/{id} Delete a specific user group
UserGroupApi get_all_user_groups GET /api/v2/usergroup Get all user groups for a customer
UserGroupApi get_user_group GET /api/v2/usergroup/{id} Get a specific user group
UserGroupApi remove_roles_from_user_group POST /api/v2/usergroup/{id}/removeRoles Remove multiple roles from a specific user group
UserGroupApi remove_users_from_user_group POST /api/v2/usergroup/{id}/removeUsers Remove multiple users from a specific user group
UserGroupApi update_user_group PUT /api/v2/usergroup/{id} Update a specific user group
WavefrontApi get_cluster_info GET /api/v2/cluster/info API endpoint to get cluster info
WebhookApi create_webhook POST /api/v2/webhook Create a specific webhook
WebhookApi delete_webhook DELETE /api/v2/webhook/{id} Delete a specific webhook
WebhookApi get_all_webhooks GET /api/v2/webhook Get all webhooks for a customer
WebhookApi get_webhook GET /api/v2/webhook/{id} Get a specific webhook
WebhookApi update_webhook PUT /api/v2/webhook/{id} Update a specific webhook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-AUTH-TOKEN
  • Location: HTTP header


[email protected]