Task: Easy: compile and run volesti
. Read the CRAN package documentation, generate a random H-polytope and compute its volume.
- Compiled and ran volesti tests in C++ interface using
. - Created a random H-polytope using
and computed its volume usingvolume()
P = gen_rand_hpoly(10, 50, generator = list(constants = "sphere"))
print(paste("Required volume of H-Polytope = ", volume(P)))
[1] "Required volume of H-Polytope = 6337094452454.34"
Task: Use the R package cubature to compute the integral of f(x) = exp^{-a||x||^2}
over the cube [-1,1]^n
, for various values of a
and dimension n
until it crashes.
- Used library
to compute volume off(x) = exp^{-a||x||^2}
over the cube[-1,1]^n
, at the value ofn=23
, the program crashed. - Conclusion attained is the program was really slow and crashed at smaller value of
, way less thevolesti
myfunction <- function(x,a=runif(1)) {
exp(-a * sum(x^2))
integral_value <- hcubature(myfunction, rep(-1,t), rep(1,t), tol=1e-4)
print(paste("Integral value over [-1,1]^",t, " = ", integral_value$integral[1]))
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 1 = 1.80052767853574"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 2 = 3.60105535707148"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 3 = 7.20211071414296"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 4 = 14.4042214282859"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 5 = 28.8084428565718"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 6 = 57.6168857131437"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 7 = 115.233771426287"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 8 = 230.467542852574"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 9 = 460.935085705149"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 10 = 921.87017141029"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 11 = 1843.74034282057"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 12 = 3687.48068564127"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 13 = 7374.96137128217"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 14 = 14749.9227425663"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 15 = 29499.8454851261"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 16 = 58999.6909702809"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 17 = 117999.381940601"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 18 = 235998.763880645"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 19 = 471997.52776294"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 20 = 943995.055528105"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 21 = 1887990.11102058"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 22 = 3775980.22214735"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 23 = 7551960.44443846"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 24 = 15103920.8865996"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 25 = 0"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 26 = 0"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 27 = 0"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 28 = 0"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 29 = 0"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 30 = 0"
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x7fcc180fd000, cause 'invalid permissions'
1: hcubature(myfunction, rep(-1, t), rep(1, t), tol = 1e-04)
2: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
3: tryCatch({ integral_value <- hcubature(myfunction, rep(-1, t), rep(1, t), tol = 1e-04)})
4: eval(ei, envir)
5: eval(ei, envir)
6: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
7: source("./medium.R")
Task: Use volesti
to approximate the same integrals as in previous test by simple Monte Carlo based on uniform sampling and by Importance Sampling using multivariate spherical Gaussian. Comment on the accuracy and run-time.
- Used library
to compute integralf(x) = exp^{-a||x||^2}
till 50th dimension using uniform and gaussian sampling. - Comparing the time taken by
to calculate till 23rd dimension wass
respectively (ran custom tests till 23rd dimension). volesti
was undoubtedly fast and better at accuracy and time taken.
myfunction <- function(x) {
y = exp(-0.5*sum(x^2))
#Below can be changed as per used
# n is the number of sample points taken
# dimensions: till what dimension you want to calculate
n <- 10000
dimensions <- 50
for(i in 2:dimensions){
P <- gen_cube(i,"H")
points = sample_points(P, n, random_walk = list("walk" = "BaW", "walk_length" = 1))
accept <-0
for(j in 1:n){
if( points[1,j] - myfunction(points[2:i,j]) < 0){
accept <- accept + 1
print(paste("Integral value over [-1,1]^",i,"using uniform distribution = ", accept/n*volume(P)))
for(i in 2:dimensions){
P <- gen_cube(i,"H")
points = sample_points(P, n , distribution = list("density" = "gaussian", "variance" = 1))
accept <-0
for(j in 1:n){
if( points[1,j] - myfunction(points[2:i,j]) < 0){
accept <- accept + 1
print(paste("Integral value over [-1,1]^",i, "using gaussian distribution = ", accept/n*volume(P)))
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 2 using uniform distribution = 3.47958052914335"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 3 using uniform distribution = 7.34310638845663"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 4 using uniform distribution = 14.0041311403605"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 5 using uniform distribution = 24.5581689295208"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 6 using uniform distribution = 47.8389683606352"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 7 using uniform distribution = 88.9909978347601"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 8 using uniform distribution = 165.366520519254"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 9 using uniform distribution = 320.784329246581"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 10 using uniform distribution = 612.636524363196"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 11 using uniform distribution = 1373.98943526384"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 12 using uniform distribution = 2257.6189351748"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 13 using uniform distribution = 4545.20239883357"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 14 using uniform distribution = 9719.273797693"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 15 using uniform distribution = 17665.2151789952"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 16 using uniform distribution = 37318.4528566982"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 17 using uniform distribution = 83784.2125626854"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 18 using uniform distribution = 125387.94369372"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 19 using uniform distribution = 200791.568133982"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 20 using uniform distribution = 474317.991509771"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 21 using uniform distribution = 1243317.9674028"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 22 using uniform distribution = 2335363.97787586"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 23 using uniform distribution = 4668724.14178082"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 24 using uniform distribution = 8578043.93059802"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 25 using uniform distribution = 17453430.9090393"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 26 using uniform distribution = 41544244.744885"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 27 using uniform distribution = 72184684.2164071"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 28 using uniform distribution = 124467610.248677"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 29 using uniform distribution = 239013184.064041"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 30 using uniform distribution = 325661023.824638"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 31 using uniform distribution = 778986724.880578"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 32 using uniform distribution = 1825208835.99786"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 33 using uniform distribution = 3407160274.679"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 34 using uniform distribution = 9359095232.17973"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 35 using uniform distribution = 24130920944.0908"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 36 using uniform distribution = 50784624459.7556"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 37 using uniform distribution = 50285123642.4973"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 38 using uniform distribution = 140341665212.935"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 39 using uniform distribution = 313458553386.779"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 40 using uniform distribution = 597262629359.835"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 41 using uniform distribution = 508058349712.648"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 42 using uniform distribution = 2563108434230.31"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 43 using uniform distribution = 3399565624297.48"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 44 using uniform distribution = 10137070228693"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 45 using uniform distribution = 14607212483674.7"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 46 using uniform distribution = 38381879795844.3"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 47 using uniform distribution = 71029843389958"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 48 using uniform distribution = 144226849786684"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 49 using uniform distribution = 207461093037700"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 50 using uniform distribution = 609417902253475"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 2 using gaussian distribution = 3.65307552902872"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 3 using gaussian distribution = 7.96745982582881"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 4 using gaussian distribution = 14.0865095355663"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 5 using gaussian distribution = 29.9424947755922"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 6 using gaussian distribution = 48.2224821236312"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 7 using gaussian distribution = 85.8420553707497"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 8 using gaussian distribution = 180.082597583327"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 9 using gaussian distribution = 377.230105780463"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 10 using gaussian distribution = 660.144264219646"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 11 using gaussian distribution = 1337.44287903842"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 12 using gaussian distribution = 2437.380895284"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 13 using gaussian distribution = 4720.03420736713"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 14 using gaussian distribution = 9184.20393889849"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 15 using gaussian distribution = 17438.3204002611"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 16 using gaussian distribution = 37812.0984794268"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 17 using gaussian distribution = 76187.7392817069"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 18 using gaussian distribution = 157567.4851812"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 19 using gaussian distribution = 267540.901910762"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 20 using gaussian distribution = 608603.799269992"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 21 using gaussian distribution = 1212997.48608232"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 22 using gaussian distribution = 2036606.0556861"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 23 using gaussian distribution = 4704780.85914318"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 24 using gaussian distribution = 8598142.54702057"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 25 using gaussian distribution = 17833292.2194114"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 26 using gaussian distribution = 40617315.6282162"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 27 using gaussian distribution = 65956315.596745"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 28 using gaussian distribution = 130529132.35196"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 29 using gaussian distribution = 220081170.576365"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 30 using gaussian distribution = 570686733.543895"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 31 using gaussian distribution = 959165862.033751"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 32 using gaussian distribution = 2234492877.39355"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 33 using gaussian distribution = 4209222591.14345"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 34 using gaussian distribution = 6866549183.13196"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 35 using gaussian distribution = 17328490761.6516"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 36 using gaussian distribution = 31491418336.131"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 37 using gaussian distribution = 80463071917.654"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 38 using gaussian distribution = 155336006498.757"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 39 using gaussian distribution = 220769244745.982"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 40 using gaussian distribution = 578060279053.164"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 41 using gaussian distribution = 1197382949859.3"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 42 using gaussian distribution = 2790447061212.67"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 43 using gaussian distribution = 3858215623692.57"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 44 using gaussian distribution = 7954255057818.94"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 45 using gaussian distribution = 20930322067879.8"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 46 using gaussian distribution = 27490151488699.7"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 47 using gaussian distribution = 55831628001189.9"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 48 using gaussian distribution = 154509284523988"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 49 using gaussian distribution = 263057012174131"
[1] "Integral value over [-1,1]^ 50 using gaussian distribution = 671832954525815"
Task: Generate a 100-dimensional
random H-polytope compute the largest inscribed ball (Chebychev ball) and let the center be the x0
. Compute the integral of f(x) = exp^{-a||x-x0||^2}
over the polytope for various values of a
, 20
times each with both uniform and Gaussian sampling and take the average. Report the standard deviation for each experiment.
- Created HPolytope using
and computed centrex0
of the largest inscribed ball(Chebychev ball) along with radius usinginner_ball()
. - Computed the integral
f(x) = exp^{-a||x-x0||^2}
over the polytope for various values ofa
times using both uniform and Gaussian sampling and took the average and calculated standard deviation using standard R functionsmean()
myfunction <- function(x,a=runif(1)) {
y = exp(-a*(sum(x^2)))
n <- 100000 #number of sample points taken
cycles <- 20
P = gen_rand_hpoly(100, 1000, generator = list(constants = "sphere"))
volm <- volume(P)
z <- inner_ball(P) # center of the sphere coordinates is stored into the variable
print(paste("Radius of the inscribed ball = ",z[101]))
points <- sample_points(P, n, random_walk = list("walk" = "BaW", "walk_length" = 5))
# modifying points variable and shifting them according to x-x_0
for(p in 1:n){
points[,p] <- points[,p]-z[-2]
for(i in 1:cycles){
accept <-0
for(j in 1:n)
if( points[1,j] - myfunction(points[2:100,j]) < 0){
accept <- accept + 1
accept_list <- append(accept_list,accept)
Mean <- mean(accept_list)/n * volm
Std_Dev <- sd(accept_list)/n * volm
print(paste("Average value of volume by uniform sampling = ", Mean ))
print(paste("Standard deviation of volume by uniform sampling = ", Std_Dev))
points = sample_points(P, n, distribution = list("density" = "gaussian", "variance" = 2))
# modifying points variable and shifting them according to x-x_0
for(p in 1:n){
points[,p] <- points[,p]-z[-2]
accept_list <- c()
for(i in 1:cycles){
accept <-0
for(j in 1:n)
if( points[1,j] - myfunction(points[2:100,j]) < 0){
accept <- accept + 1
accept_list <- append(accept_list,accept)
Mean <- mean(accept_list)/n*volm
Std_Dev <- sd(accept_list)/n*volm
print(paste("Average value of volume by gaussian sampling = ", Mean ))
print(paste("Standard deviation of volume by gaussian sampling = ", Std_Dev))
[1] "Radius of the inscribed ball = 10"
[1] "Average value of volume by uniform sampling = 5.30559731182375e+120"
[1] "Standard deviation of volume by uniform sampling = 1.81370241701095e+116"
[1] "Average value of volume by gaussian sampling = 4.76385561491636e+120"
[1] "Standard deviation of volume by gaussian sampling = 1.02632220859897e+117"