# Bountysource Backers Thank you to everyone who backed our [Bountysource fundraiser](https://www.bountysource.com/teams/neovim/fundraiser)! ### Your name and URL in BACKERS.md. - [Bob Breznak](http://brez.io) - [Tim Uruski](http://timuruski.net) - @mikker (http://brnbw.com) - Aaron J. [@metaxis](http://twitter.com/metaxis) Peterson - Adam George http://www.adamgeorge.com - Adam Lindberg (http://alind.io) - Adam McLain http://twitter.com/adammclain - Adam Piper http://ahri.net - Adrian Philipp http://adrian-philipp.com - Alexander Quine - Alexandru Dabija - Alexis Hildebrandt http://surryhill.net - Andrew M. Farrell http://amfarrell.com - Anton Beloglazov http://beloglazov.info/ - Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt - https://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com - Ben Thouret http://benjamin.thouret.com - Benedikt Böhm http://bb.xnull.de - bfredl, http://bfredl.github.io - Brandon Smith, http://reardencode.com - Brandon Wang, http://brandonwang.me - Brennen Bearnes http://p1k3.com - Brock Wilcox (awwaiid) http://thelackthereof.org/ - Cameron Eagans http://cweagans.net - Carl Myers http://cmyers.org/ - Carlos Alves http://www.carlosalves.info - Chris Chernesky, http://www.tinderglow.com - Chris Hartjes - Christoffer Holmstedt (http://www.christofferholmstedt.se) - Ciaran Downey <http://ciarand.me> - Craig Bane http://standardizedways.co.uk - Dane Summers http://pinedesk.biz - Daniel Collin https://twitter.com/daniel_collin - Daniel Rogers http://remotecodelist.com - Darshan Sawardekar http://pressing-matters.io - David Gabriel http://wiki.dest-unreachable.net - Deepak Kumar www.kreatio.com - Derek Rodger http://devslant.com - ebene fünf GmbH www.ebenefuenf.de - Ehtesh Choudhury - Emil Hernvall http://emilhernvall.github.io/ - Eric Siegel https://github.com/esiegel - Ethan Schoonover http://ethanschoonover.com - FFunction http://ffctn.com - Frank http://duckpun.ch - Gabriele Lana http://github.com/gabrielelana - Gavin Rogers http://praxeology.co.uk - Geoff Greer https://floobits.com/ - Glenn Strauss https://github.com/gstrauss/ - Gustav Buchholtz http://grod.se - Henri Bourcereau http://bourcereau.fr - http://jaredforsyth.com - http://www.1bsyl.com - Johann Dahm (http://johanndahm.com) - Ian Farmer http://farmernet.net - iauns - http://www.noobtube.com - Jacob Jewell www.immersiveapplications.com - James A. Overton http://james.overton.ca - James Tomasino - http://jamestomasino.com - Jamiel Almeida http://slashfoo.com - Jan Christoph Ebersbach http://www.e-jc.de/ - Jason Peacock http://jasonpeacock.com - Jason Weathered http://jasoncodes.com/ - Javier Maestro - Jeff Craig http://blog.foxxtrot.net/ - Jeremy Huffman http://jeremyhuffman.com - Jeremy Morrell http://rathercurio.us - Jesper Kjeldgaard (thejspr) - http://thejspr.com - Jim Hester (http://jimhester.com) - Joe Moon http://joe.xoxomoon.com - Johan Simonsson, http://fun-tech.se - John P. Kiffmeyer (http://jpk.is) - John Szakmeister http://www.szakmeister.net/ - John W. Long http://wiseheartdesign.com Twitter: @johnwlong GitHub: @jlong - Jon Yurek http://thoughtbot.com - jonaias http://jonaias.info - Josh Davis, http://joshldavis.com - Joshua Levesque (www.jandyco.com) - Justin M. Keyes https://github.com/justinmk - Justin Russell http://jrussell.me - kbussell - Kevin Sjöberg, http://kevinsjoberg.com - Kevin Sumner http://kevinsumner.com - Kevin Wu http://kevinformatics.com - Ley Missailidis, http://polymet.is - Loa https://github.com/loa - Lowe Schmidt http://loweschmidt.se - Marcello Barnaba http://sindro.me/ - Marcin Kulik - http://ku1ik.com - Marius Rieder http://www.durchmesser.ch/ - Mark Allen [@bytemeorg](http://twitter.com/bytemeorg) - Mark Percival http://markpercival.us - Mark Sprevak - Martin Ansdell-Smith https://ansdell.net/ - Martin Kopischke http://martin.kopischke.net - masukomi http://masukomi.org - Matt Greer -- http://mattgreer.org - MetaCosm | #Vim on Freenode - Michael Ulm www.mulm.at - Mikael Jansson http://mikaelj.se - Mikkel Høgh http://mikkel.hoegh.org/ - Ming Liu http://ming.codes - Holger Peters http://www.holger-peters.de - Alexander Myshov http://myshov.com/ - Darren Cheng http://sanguinerane.com/ - Felix Rath www.0fx.eu - Hong Xu http://www.topbug.net - Slava Kim https://www.meteor.com - Nate Soares (So8res) http://so8r.es - neektza http://pltconfusion.com - Niclas Nilsson, http://niclasnilsson.se - Nikolay Bachiyski http://extrapolate.me/ - Nikush Patel http://nikush.co.uk - Norman Köhring https://koehr.in - Osamu Komagata - Øystein E. Krog https://github.com/oysteinkrog - Pablo Brasero Moreno http://pablobm.com - Peter Souter http://www.petersouter.co.uk - Phil Levchenko (http://philslair.com) - Pierre Douyon https://github.com/pgdouyon - Prateek Rungta - Przemysław Pietrzkiewicz, http://ppi.sh - Rasmus Mattsson http://zzm.se - Reed Esau https://github.com/reedes - Richard Harding https://bmark.us - Rob Warner http://grailbox.com - Runar Balstad Jensen, http://stdout.no/ - Ryan Paul http://seg.phault.net - Saad Malik - https://github.com/saamalik - Saggi Malachi - http://sagg.im - Scott Wessels (http://www.usgn.net) - Sean DuBois (Sean-Der) http://siobud.com - Sebastian Vetter (http://www.roadside-developer.com) - Simen Endsjø, http://simendsjo.me - Stanley Chan (Happy-Dude) - Stefan Penner - Steve Vermeulen https://github.com/svermeulen - Steven Myint (https://github.com/myint) - Tae Sandoval Murgan <taecilla.github.io> - The Kompanee http://thekompanee.com - Thomas Cannon <http://thomascannon.net> - Tim Oxley http://campjs.com/ - Timo Schmiade - Timothy Dahlin - Tiziano Santoro - Toban Wiebe http://tobanwiebe.com - Tobias Sjösten http://vvv.tobiassjosten.net/ - Tom Cammann http://github.com/takac - Val Markovic http://val.markovic.io/ - Víðir Valberg Guðmundsson http://rabotnik.coop - Weiyi Lou http://parlseygardens.net - Wesley Moore http://wezm.net/ - Woody Peterson, http://www.bitsofsignal.com - Zach Kelling, http://zeekay.io ### Your name in BACKERS.md. - @a13xb - @d1eg0 - @derkha - @georgebashi - @tmcw - @xpayn - Adam Baxter (voltagex) - Adam Miller (maxamillion) - Adam Sunderland/iterion - Adon Metcalfe (adonm) - Adrian Duyzer - Aidan Stein - ak47 - Aketzu - Alessandro Gangemi - Alessandro Pagnin - Alessandro Proscia - Alex Genco (alexgenco) - Alex Heeton - Alex Roper - Alex Soto (apsoto@gmail.com) - Alexander Flatter - Alexander Jeurissen - Alexander Shabalin - Alexander Woerndle - Alexandru Keszeg - Allan Hudgins - Ami Chayun - Amit Beka - Anders Fuzz - Andre Azzolini - Andre da Palma - André Santos/andrefs - Andrea Michi - Andreas Heider - Andreas Lappe - andrej ocenas / aocenas - Andrew Arminio @5thWall - Andrew DeMaria ~ muff1nman - Andrew Fallows - Andrew Fecheyr (@andruby) - Andrew Hartford - Andrey Tarantsov - Andrey Yurovsky - Andy Dirnberger - Andy Gayton - Andy Lindeman - Andy Webster - AngelLeliel - Anton Egorov / satyrius - Anton Shemerey - Arnaud Bétrémieux - Arne Ehrlich - Arseny Zarechnev - Arvind Deshpande - Astro Jetson Jr - Attila Maczak - Avétis KAZARIAN (avetisk) - BarryKay - bbinet - BenBergman - Bengt Lüers - Benjamin Bryant - Bèr 'berkes' Kessels - Bernd Homuth - Bheesham Persaud - Bilal Quadri - Bjorn Tipling - Bojan Zivanovic - Boris Searles - Braden Bruington - Brandon Liu/thenovices - Brandon Mathis - @imathis - Brett Ritter - Brian Shaver (shakerlxxv) - Bryan Grohman - Bryn Edwards - Calin Iorgulescu - calind - Cameron Wood / cewood - Chris Lopes - Chris Lord - Chris Porter - Chris Sims (@jcsims) - Christian Anton / fibbs - Christian Delahousse cdelahousse - Christian Lange - Christian Wellenbrock - Christophe Badoit - Christopher Lübbemeier - Christopher Mullins - Chungha Kim - ckromero - Claas-Thido Pfaff - Claes Mogren - Clayton Drazner - claytron - Colin Cooper - corytheboyd - Cristián Alberto Arenas Ulloa / NiñoScript - Cyril LEPAGNOT/cyrill62 - D3 Designs - DAddYE (github: DAddYE) - Dan Webb - Daniel C. Henning / danielsdesk - Daniel Egeberg - Daniel Egger - Daniel Hodan/czertbytes - Daniel Latzer - Daniel Riti - Daniel Weisser - Daniele Polencic - Dave Dixon - David Collie - David Galeano - David Newell - David Rappo, Bountysource.com - David Rasch - David Stensland - terite - Davit Samvelyan - Dean Morin - deffi420 - defrex - Deraen - Dewdrops - Dick Seabrook - Dominik Ritter - Don Browne - Donald Walker - Donna Martz - dpc - dperson - dvidsilva - Edan Maor - Eddy Garcia - Edward Ash/cazador481 - Elias Tandel Barrionovo - Elijah Mirecki - Elliot Winkler (github: mcmire) - Enric Lluelles - Eric Fode - Erik Goldman - Erik Johnson Github: terminalmage Twitter: @terminalmage - Erik Nordlund - Ethan Erchinger/erchn - Evan Tatarka - Ewoud van Raamsdonk - fd0 - Federico Galassi - Félix Archambault - Ferdinand Salis-Samaden - Florian Bartels - Florian Sachs - foca - forbesmyester - Frédéric de Villamil - Fredrik Rambris - Dapeng Li (luislee818) - Janko Marohnić (janko-m) - Jun Wu - Maurice van der Pot (Griffon26) - Ory Band (oryband) - Garrett Dawson - Gaveen Prabhasara - George Nikolopoulos - github username "alandyer" - Giuseppe Rota - gkalas - Gökhan Kocak - goodgravy - Göran Gustafsson (GLEG) - Graham Jans - Greg Marcil - Gregory Byrd/GByrd - Gustavo Barron / Cicloid - Gyuri Horák - Harald Hvaal - Harm Aarts - Harry Glaser - Håvard Grimelid - hencjo - Henning Hasemann - Henry "Ingvij" Kupty - henry4k - Heryandi - Hontvári József Levente - IKEDA, Yoshifumi - Ilia Choly - iliis - Ilya Katz - Indrek Juhkam / indrekj - irwand - Islam Sharabash / ibash - Ivar Vasara - Jack Stouffer - Jacqueline Leykam - Jakob Landbo - James Herdman - James Magness - James Murty / jmurty - James Nguyen - James Orr - James Pickard - James Seward - Jamie Hillman - Jan Larres - Jan Weitz - Janko Luin - Jannik Nielsen / bitkid - Jared Tyler Miller - Jason Imison - Jason Long / @jasonlong - Jason Stillwell/dragonfax - Jasu - javaguirre - Jedidiah Hurt - Jeff Schornick - Jen Patrick - Jens Hausherr - Jess Brown / Jess - Jesse Cooke/@jc00ke - Jessica Frazelle/ jfrazelle - Jesus Alvarez - Jez Allan - Jimmie Elvenmark - Jiří Koten - JJ Murre - joe di castro - Joe Malin/633squadron - Joel Meyer - Joey Trapp - Johan Klokkhammer Helsing - John Cant - John K. Paul - John Krueger - John Netherdrake - John Schmidt / schmee - John Whitley/@jwhitley - Jon Anhold - Jon Gosting - Jonas Rollsby - Jonathan Buschmann - Jonathan Gibert - Jonathan Jacobs - Jonathan Kinred - Jorge Gallegos (kad) - Joris Morger - Josemar Luedke - Joshua Brookover - Joshua Travis - Jouko Karvonen - jstemmer - Juan Campa - Juan Hernández Babón / jhbabon - juanolon - Justin Carter Moy - Justin Force - Kamil Slowikowski - Karl Ove Hufthammer - Kazuo Teramoto - Kevin Goslar - Kevin Hamer - Kevin Watters - Kevin Zimmerman / zim44 - kryft - Krzysztof Adamski - Lachlan Brad Easton - Lance Ulmer - Larry Riedel (Larry@Riedel.org) - Lasse Immonen (lasse.immonen@gmail.com) - Léo Unbekandt / Soulou - Leszek Swirski - Levi Brown - lhl - linduxed - Lluis Satorre Gonzalez - lobachevsky - Louis Pilfold - Lucas Stephanou/lucasts - Lucas Werkmeister - Luke Sampson - Luke van der Hoeven / @plukevdh - Maciej Litwiniuk (@mlitwiniuk) - Mads Navntoft Noe - Maik Derstappen / MrTango - Manuel Salvadores - Marcus Huntemann/mapclyps - Marcus Martin/nymaen - Markus Dobler - Mat Moore - Mate Nagy - Mathias Fußenegger - Matt Moretti - Matthew Machuga - Matthew Sunderland - Matthias Bilger - Matthias Lehmann - Maximilian Gerlach - Meryn Stol - Michael 'manveru' Fellinger - Michael "beefsack" Alexander - Michael Iles - Michael Irwin/mdi - Michael Kebe - Michael Lerch - Michael R. Jones - Michael Sanders/msanders - Michael Schall / schallm - Michail Denchev - Michał Bartoszkiewicz - Mickaël FORTUNATO - Miguel Santesmases - Mihir Pendse - Mike Bissett/paran01d - Mike Sergio - Mike Wadsten - mikedillion - Mikkel Oscar Lyderik Larsen - Miles Edland / edlandm - Miles Frain - Mirko Grönroos - Moritz Lotze - Morten Nygaard Åsnes - MrException - Julian Churchill (julianchurchill) - Nakul Dhotre - Corey Farwell (frewsxcv) - Tarrant Rollins (tarrant) - Naseer Ahmed - Nate Jones - Nate Soares (So8res) - Nate Straz - Neil Kirsopp - Nelson Chen/nelsonjchen - Nicholas Firth-McCoy (nfm) - Nick Sloan - Nickolas Means - Nicolai Ruckel - Niko Kivelä - nop - Nuno Frade - Olaf Heinemann - Ole Reifschneider - Oliver Caldwell - Olivier Lechevalier - orangain - orestis - pablasso - Pascal Hartig - Patrick Berkeley - Patrick Bihan-Faou, TeamBox SARL - Patrick Stapfer - Paul R Alexander - Pavel Afanasyev - Pawel Grzech - Paweł Nowak - Pedro Rodriguez T - Per Modin - Peter Edge - Peter Fern - Philipe Farias/philipefarias - Philipp Millar - Piotr Mitoraj - Prithvi Prabhu (prithvi) - Qingping Hou / houqp - Quasar Jarosz - queria - Rachid Zarouali / Xinity - Radek Szymczyszyn - Randy Topliffe / Taar - Ranko Radonić - Raphael Henrique Ribas - Ravi Joseph Pinto - rekab - Renato Zannon - Richard "RichiH" Hartmann - Richard Mihalovič - Richard Sotarsh Clark - Rio Kierkels - rob allen - Rob Bevan - Rob Miller @robmil - Rob O'Dwyer - Rodolfo Borges (aka bart9h) - Rodrigo Souto - Roland Szabo - Romans Malinovskis - Roshan George - Rostepher - runar - Russ Adams / rustushki - Ryan Phillips - Ryan Pierce/ fission1110 - Ryan Schmitt - Ryan Tarpine - Sadik Gokhan Caglar - Sam Stokes - Sanpi - Santiago Suarez Ordoñez - saxman7000 - Scott D'Aquila - Scott Mathson - Sean Copenhaver (@copenhas) - Sean McCleary - Sean M. Collins (sc68cal) - Sean Tegtmeyer - seanbell - Sebastian Geiger - Sergey Alexandrov - Shane Delmore - shawndumas - shazow - Silvan Jegen - Simon Ratner (simonratner) - Song Gao - Stanimir Angelov Mladenov - Stanislav B. - zbstof - Stefan Gojan (hoschi) - Stefan Hoffmann / stefan991 - Stefan Wienert - Steffen Rademacker - Stephen Oney/soney - Steve "ryz" Haßenpflug - Steven Daniel Webb - Steven Sloss - Sven Opitz - Sverre Rabbelier - Szymon Ząbkiewicz - Taichi Nakamura - Takayuki Soga - Teasp00n - Terin Stock - @terinjokes - Thai Pangsakulyanont (dtinth) - Thameera Senanayaka - Theo Belaire - Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen - Thomas Hirsch - Thomas Maffia/Szerated - Thomas Pani - Thomas Thune Hansen - Thorbjørn Lindeijer - Thunder Hu - Thys Meintjes - Tim Anema - Tim Matthews - Timo Kröger - Tolstyak - Tom Panning - Tom Wadley - Tony Kemp - tonyo112 - Tori "TicViking" Hamblin - treppo - Truman Ellis - Tuomas Vähänen - Tyler Briles/MrBri - Tyler Brock - Tyler Mandry - Ulf Fischer/ulf - Vangelis Tsoumenis - Vítězslav Homolka - Vladimir Chernis - Vojtech Jasny - vvakame - Vytis Valentinavičius - Wade Berrier - warrenv - whateverhuis - Will Binns-Smith - Xavier Antoviaque (xavier@antoviaque.org) - xsb - Yann Villessuzanne - yko - Youta Harada(cohalz) - Yrjö Peussa - Yusuke Kanda(@uskanda) - Yuval Langer - zerowidth - Ziling Zhao - Zsolt Botykai ### Anonymous Supporters There were also 307 other people who didn't claim any level of reward but contributed to the fundraiser. Thank you all for the support!