06 January 2022
- FIXED: Only download CHANGELOG on upgrade if it doesn't exist
05 January 2022
- IMPROVED: Add helptext for custom actions and scripts about Apprise notification library
- FIXED: Remove ping target validation when running ping test, it can incorrectly mask downtime - e.g. DNS is unavailable
- CHANGED: Script now downloads updates via Scarf Gateway (see bottom of README)
- CHANGED: Script now installs LICENSE and README files during install
28 August 2021
- NEW: Notifications and integrations
- NEW: Changelog displayed when updating
- NEW: New-look WebUI page
Notifications and Integrations
Currently, supported mechanisms for notifications/integrations are:
- Discord webhook (https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks)
- Pushover (https://pushover.net/)
- Custom actions (write your own scripts to do whatever you'd like)
- Healthcheck monitoring (https://healthchecks.io/)
- InfluxDB data export (if you already run InfluxDB, you can push connmon data to it and visualize it in Grafana, for example)
There are 4 events which trigger the notifications:
- On each ping test
- Ping threshold exceeded
- Jitter threshold exceeded
- Line Quality threshold exceeded
Email configuration
connmon v3.0.0 marks a move to a standalone email configuration that can be utilised by other scripts. If you have Diversion installed, connmon will detect this and migrate Diversion's config to the new standalone location with is /jffs/addons/amtm/mail connmon will create links for Diversion to follow the configuration to the above location.
4 August 2021
- CHANGED: service-event hook is more selective when it calls connmon
23 June 2021
- FIXED: WebUI charts using Day grouping wouldn't display data between midnight and 1am
- FIXED: Database reset would incorrectly report disk space availability
20 June 2021
- NEW: Automatic database analysis after adding new results and pruning old records
30 May 2021
- IMPROVED: Line quality calculation - credit @waluwaz
- FIXED: min/max for zoom/pan of charts
28 April 2021
- NEW: WebUI toggle (cookie) for changing column order of Last X table
25 April 2021
- NEW: Setting to choose whether to include ping tests in QoS or not
- IMPROVED: Show IP used for test when using a domain to ping
- IMPROVED: Show placeholder text in WebUI while data is loading
24 April 2021
- FIXED: Installing for the first time would hang
22 April 2021
- NEW: Configure how long data is kept in the database
- NEW: Configure how many recent results are displayed in the WebUI
- NEW: Ping target/destination and ping duration are now logged alongside ping test results
- IMPROVED: CPU intensive tasks are now run with a lower priority to minimise hogging the CPU
- IMPROVED: Recent ping results table in WebUI is now sortable and scrollable
17 April 2021
- NEW: Choice of data aggregation for charts in WebUI: raw, hourly and daily
- IMPROVED: Use of keyboard keys d,r,l,f for chart functions (drag zoom, reset zoom, toggle lines, toggle fill)
- IMPROVED: Use of indexes in database for small performance increases
- IMPROVED: Use ajax to load dependent files in WebUI to avoid complete page load failures if a file was unavailable
- IMPROVED: Stale connmon processes will be cleared on each ping test
- REMOVED: Setting toggle for raw vs. average
24 March 2021
- FIXED: Saving schedule from WebUI
- FIXED: Collapsing headers in WebUI after running a ping test
- CHANGED: Cookie expiry for collapsed section increase from 31 days to 10 years
23 March 2021
- NEW: Option to turn automatic ping tests on/off
- NEW: CLI menu shows URL for WebUI page
- NEW: CLI commands for about and help
- IMPROVED: Scheduling of automatic ping tests is now much more flexible
- IMPROVED: Update function now includes a prompt rather than applying update
- IMPROVED: Use colours in CLI menu to highlight settings
- CHANGED: NTP timeout increased to 10 minutes
6 March 2021
- NEW: Add option to reset database (CLI menu only)
- CHANGED: Allow ping frequency maximum to be every 30 minutes (up from 10)
- CHANGED: Exclude pings from QoS instead of marking as default
- FIXED: Print correct test length at CLI
13 February 2021
- IMPROVED: WebUI tab mounting on reboot
20 January 2021
- FIXED: Logarithmic scale wasn't being formatted correctly
18 January 2021
- NEW: Option to display charts with a logarithmic scale on y-axis
- CHANGED: Charts now use values at 2 decimal places instead of 3
- IMPROVED: Export now produces a csv rather than a zip
- FIXED: Last X table can now be collapsed and expanded
14 January 2021
- CHANGED: connmon now launches on boot from post-mount not services-start
22 November 2020
- NEW: Add WebUI table for last 10 ping tests
- NEW: Show result of manual ping test in WebUI
- NEW: Configure which hours connmon should run
- IMPROVED: CSV export has been condensed to a combined csv with all available metrics
- CHANGED: Use 7za instead of 7z (MIPS fix)
- CHANGED: Rename Packet_Loss column in db to LineQuality to reflect actual stored values
7 November 2020
- IMPROVED: Run ping test in WebUI with progress shown (via Ajax)
24 October 2020
- NEW: All connmon options can be configured in the WebUI
- NEW: Ping test duration and frequency is now user configurable
- CHANGED: WebUI check for updates no longer needs a page refresh (thanks to @dave14305 !)
- CHANGED: WebUI tab name is now connmon and not Uptime Monitoring
- IMPROVED: Reduced use of lock files to make script more responsive from the WebUI