Clone the repository:
$ git clone
Then install it with pip:
$ python -m pip install -e cocotbext-uart
To install it with pip published globally simply use pip install as usual:
$ python -m pip install cocotbext-uart
Here an example to send data with uart protocol to a DUT module with only input Rx uart pin named RxBit
First, import following
from cocotbext.uart import UARTConfig from cocotbext.uart import UARTModule from cocotbext.uart import UARTSignals
Then instanciate the config class, NameTuple signals and the module:
class MyBench(object): def __init__(self, dut): self._clock = Clock(dut.clk, 20, units="ns") # Create a 50Mhz clock self._uart_config = UARTConfig(baud=19200) self._uartsig = UARTSignals(tx = dut.RxBit, rx = dut.RxBit, # loop tx->rx ctsn = None, rtsn = None) self._uart_drv = UARTModule(config=self._uart_config, signals=self._uartsig, clk=self._clock)
Once all declarations/instanciations done, send a value in test function:
@cocotb.test() async def test_simple(dut): tmb = TestMyBench(dut)"Simple uart test") await tmb._uart_drv.send(0x42) await Timer(20, units="us")"End of Simple uart test")