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Angular 12 + Jest 27 slow to start #2888

pbrianmackey opened this issue Dec 23, 2021 · 18 comments

Angular 12 + Jest 27 slow to start #2888

pbrianmackey opened this issue Dec 23, 2021 · 18 comments


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pbrianmackey commented Dec 23, 2021

Wallaby takes a good 10 - 15 minutes to start. Is this normal for the first run after:

Wallabyjs: Reset cache
Wallabyjs: Stop
Wallabyjs: Start

From the time I start it to the time the little loading thingy on the bottom right of VS Code goes away is a solid 10-15 minutes. Maybe 20. It's realllllly slow.

npx jest runs in 99 seconds. 406 total Tests. 111 Test Suites.

VS Code: v1.63.2

I get a lot of this in red:

‍​[Info]​ Started Wallaby.js Core v1.0.1203
​[Info]​ ngcc-jest-processor: running ngcc
​[Info]​ Wallaby App (realtime reports) is available at: http://localhost:51245
​​[Error] Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.​​
​​[Error] Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:​​


[Error] Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,​​
​​[Error] and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.​​
​​[Error] Pinging test runner sandbox...​​
​​[Error] The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops


if (!process.env.WALLABY_NGCC_INITIALIZED) {

    // All worker processes will now have environment 
    // variable set and will not run the code again.
    process.env.WALLABY_NGCC_INITIALIZED = true;

module.exports = () => ({
  autoDetect: false,
  trace: false,
  debug: false,
  configFile: "./jest.config.js",
  slowTestThreshold: 60000,
  testFramework: "jest",
  env: {
    type: "node"
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  • Does restarting without running Wallaby.js: Reset cache take a long time to start too?
  • How long does it take to run npx jest --no-cache?
  • Can you please share your Wallaby diagnostics report:
    • start Wallaby in your project;
    • wait until it finishes running tests;
    • run Wallaby.js: Copy Diagnostics Report command and paste the report in the issue response.

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pbrianmackey commented Dec 23, 2021

Restarting without reset cache: 14 minutes
npmx jest --nocache: 5 minutes

Still lots of performance errors. Output from Wallaby like this is HIGHLY suspect:

​[Info]​ console.log: Jest: PASS src/app/my-test.spec.ts (143.299 s)

Once startup completes, this is a 4ms test in Wallaby realtime reports.

##Scrubbed Diagnostics

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  config: {
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      hasDeprecationWarnings: false,
      wallaby: {
        roots: [],
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        testMatch: [ '**/*(*.)@(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)' ],
        testRegex: []
    files: [
      { pattern: '\\\\node_modules\\\\', regexp: /\\node_modules\\/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
        pattern: '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\',
        regexp: /\.\\dist\\|\.\\build\\|\.\\coverage\\|\.\\git\\|\\\..+\\/,
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        load: true
      { pattern: 'C:\\Users\\pbm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest', regexp: /<homeDir>\AppData\Local\Temp\jest/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\\\src\\\\environments\\\\environment.test.ts', regexp: /\.\\src\\environments\\environment.test.ts/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\coverage', regexp: /\.\coverage/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '**/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: '**/*(*.)@(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true }
    tests: [
      { pattern: '\\\\node_modules\\\\', regexp: /\\node_modules\\/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
        pattern: '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\',
        regexp: /\.\\dist\\|\.\\build\\|\.\\coverage\\|\.\\git\\|\\\..+\\/,
        ignore: true,
        trigger: true,
        load: true,
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      { pattern: 'C:\\Users\\pbm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest', regexp: /<homeDir>\AppData\Local\Temp\jest/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\\\src\\\\environments\\\\environment.test.ts', regexp: /\.\\src\\environments\\environment.test.ts/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\coverage', regexp: /\.\coverage/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/*(*.)@(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 2 }
    runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    addModifiedTestFileToExclusiveTestRun: true,
    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
    automaticTestFileSelection: true,
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    extensions: {},
    env: { type: 'node', params: {}, runner: 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe', viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
    reportUnhandledPromises: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    loose: true,
    configCode: 'auto.detect#-665225013'
  packageJSON: {
    dependencies: {
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      '@ui-core/appointment-card': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/chip-list': '4.0.9',
      '@ui-core/contact-summary-table': '4.0.6',
      '@ui-core/drag-drop-lists': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/email-input': '4.0.8',
      '@ui-core/file-summary-info': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/global-nav': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/info-card': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/inside-menu': '0.0.5',
      '@ui-core/menu-button': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/menu-dropdown-button': '4.0.6',
      '@ui-core/message-card': '4.0.8',
      '@ui-core/message-comments': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/message-menu-card': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/notes-card': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/notification-card': '4.0.6',
      '@ui-core/overflow-menu': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/overview-card': '4.0.6',
      '@ui-core/pagination': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/phone-input': '4.7.4',
      '@ui-core/search': '4.3.3',
      '@ui-core/shortcuts-card': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/ssn-input-field': '4.0.8',
      '@ui-core/status-label': '4.1.0',
      '@ui-core/style': '4.3.0',
      '@ui-core/tabs': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/tasks-card': '4.0.8',
      '@ui-core/toast': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/viewers': '4.0.5',
      '@ui-core/widget-card': '4.0.5',
      'angular-gridster2': '^8.4.2',
      classlist: '^2.0.0',
      'classlist.js': '^1.1.20150312',
      'core-js': '^3.15.2',
      'crypto-js': '^4.0.0',
      'file-saver': '^2.0.5',
      'font-awesome': '^4.7.0',
      install: '^0.13.0',
      minimatch: '^3.0.4',
      moment: '^2.29.1',
      'moment-timezone': '^0.5.33',
      'ng-bullet': '^1.0.3',
      'ng2-pdfjs-viewer': '^5.0.7',
      'ngx-infinite-scroll': '^10.0.1',
      npm: '^6.14.13',
      path: '^0.12.7',
      process: '^0.11.10',
      rxjs: '^6.5.5',
      'rxjs-compat': '^6.6.7',
      'sass-loader': '^7.3.1',
      'ts-retry-promise': '^0.6.0',
      tslib: '^2.0.0',
      util: '^0.12.4',
      'web-animations-js': '^2.3.2',
      xlsx: '^0.16.9',
      'zone.js': '~0.11.4'
    devDependencies: {
      '@angular-builders/jest': '^13.0.2',
      '@angular-devkit/build-angular': '~12.2.7',
      '@angular-eslint/builder': '^1.2.0',
      '@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin': '^1.2.0',
      '@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template': '^1.2.0',
      '@angular-eslint/schematics': '^1.2.0',
      '@angular-eslint/template-parser': '^1.2.0',
      '@babel/compat-data': '^7.10.5',
      '@babel/preset-env': '^7.16.4',
      '@babel/preset-typescript': '^7.16.0',
      '@types/google.maps': '^3.46.0',
      '@types/jasmine': '~3.6.0',
      '@types/jasminewd2': '^2.0.10',
      '@types/jest': '^27.0.3',
      '@types/lodash': '^4.14.171',
      '@types/node': '^12.11.1',
      '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': '^4.3.0',
      '@typescript-eslint/parser': '^4.28.3',
      eslint: '^7.30.0',
      'eslint-config-prettier': '^8.3.0',
      'eslint-plugin-company-jasmine': 'file:plugins/eslint-plugin-company-jasmine',
      'eslint-plugin-prettier': '^3.4.0',
      husky: '^6.0.0',
      'jasmine-core': '~3.6.0',
      'jasmine-spec-reporter': '~5.0.0',
      jest: '^27.4.5',
      'jest-junit': '^13.0.0',
      'jest-preset-angular': '^11.0.1',
      'lint-staged': '^11.0.1',
      'ng-mocks': '^11.11.2',
      prettier: '^2.3.2',
      protractor: '~7.0.0',
      'replace-in-file': '^6.2.0',
      'ts-jest': '^27.1.1',
      'ts-node': '^8.10.2',
      typescript: '4.3.5',
      'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin': '^2.2.0'
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 2429 },
  debug: [
    '2021-12-23T15:00:14.857Z angular/cli config Detected Angular CLI.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:14.872Z angular/cli config Angular currentDirPath: "C:\\Git\\DW\\UI", workspaceDirPath: "C:\\Git\\DW\\UI"\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:38.108Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:38.109Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:38.110Z project Wallaby Node version: v14.18.1\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:38.110Z project Wallaby config: C:\\Git\\DW\\UI\\auto.detect\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:41.117Z project File cache: C:\\Users\\pbm\\.vscode\\extensions\\wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.322\\projects\\7e34e3b37a127eee\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.532Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.561Z project package.json file change detected, invalidating local cache\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.721Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 6, for regular run: 3\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.721Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.722Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.722Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.722Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.722Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.722Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.723Z workers Web server is listening at 53777\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:42.723Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.400Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.401Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.401Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.438Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.438Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.438Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.523Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.524Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.540Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.612Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.612Z workers Distributing tests between 6 workers\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.616Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #qmmix]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #sh551]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #5es1z]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #1xd96]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #4be56]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #ugmnx]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #qmmix]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #sh551]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #5es1z]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #1xd96]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #4be56]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.617Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #ugmnx]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.618Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #qmmix]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.618Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #sh551]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.618Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #5es1z]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.618Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #1xd96]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.618Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #4be56]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.618Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #ugmnx]\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.619Z workers [worker #0, session #qmmix] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.627Z workers [worker #1, session #sh551] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.636Z workers [worker #2, session #5es1z] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.644Z workers [worker #3, session #1xd96] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.648Z workers [worker #4, session #4be56] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:43.653Z workers [worker #5, session #ugmnx] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.417Z uiService UI client connected\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.417Z uiService Outgoing message ui:handshake\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.424Z uiService Incoming message ui:tests:resultsRequested\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.428Z uiService Outgoing message ui:tests:allResultsUpdated\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.429Z uiService Incoming message ui:start\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.433Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:00:49.447Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:16.793Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/all-files/all-files-info/all-files-info.service.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/all-files/all-files-info/all-files-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/all-files/shared/all-files.endpoint.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:17.003Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:19.353Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:19.584Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:20.412Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:20.612Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:20.613Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:20.819Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:21.554Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:21.761Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:23.779Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:23.982Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:45.672Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:45.893Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:48.227Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/shared/model/appointment-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/shared/model/appointment-status-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:48.493Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:51.485Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:51.814Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:57.240Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:01:57.565Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:07.239Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/file-checklist/file-checklist.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:07.489Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:23.321Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:23.638Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:28.411Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:28.683Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:40.109Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:40.380Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:43.658Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:43.962Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:56.190Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:02:56.443Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:12.118Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:12.371Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:16.498Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/common/model/user-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:16.772Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:25.378Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:25.462Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/common/model/user-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:25.618Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:25.714Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:28.995Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/shared/app.endpoint.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:29.207Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:30.066Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/shared/app.endpoint.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/file-checklist/file-checklist.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:30.067Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:30.297Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:30.297Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:31.903Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:32.157Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:40.895Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:41.129Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:50.293Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:50.537Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:50.929Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:51.214Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:52.808Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:03:53.056Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:03.463Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:03.719Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:10.584Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:10.820Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:13.702Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:13.965Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:22.101Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:22.365Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:28.968Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:29.207Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:29.797Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:30.006Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:30.263Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:30.513Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:36.610Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:36.842Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:38.509Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:38.784Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:43.441Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/shared/model/appointment-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/shared/model/appointment-status-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:43.675Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:45.761Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:45.995Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:45.995Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:46.234Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:47.987Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:48.191Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:51.339Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:51.580Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:53.845Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:54.046Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:55.760Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/shared/app.endpoint.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:55.981Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:57.168Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:57.458Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:57.459Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:57.726Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:57.863Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:58.156Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:58.949Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:04:59.182Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:05.236Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:05.494Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:06.355Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:06.623Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:07.076Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:07.394Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:14.419Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:14.648Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:16.189Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:16.462Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:16.626Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:16.870Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:17.603Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:17.874Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:18.140Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:18.418Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:25.745Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:25.962Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:35.015Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:35.266Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:36.174Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:36.450Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:36.547Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:36.784Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:43.990Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:44.247Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:44.402Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:44.657Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:46.153Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/shared/app.endpoint.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:46.370Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:46.858Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:47.104Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:48.732Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/services/shared.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:48.962Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:51.893Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:52.145Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:58.064Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/shared/app.endpoint.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:58.287Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:58.584Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:05:58.824Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:06.532Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:06.773Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:07.289Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:07.527Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:15.188Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:15.397Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:20.601Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:20.847Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:26.629Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:26.849Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:28.563Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/common/model/user-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:28.790Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:30.309Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:30.541Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:37.208Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:37.419Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:40.349Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:40.580Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:42.248Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:42.491Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:44.110Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:44.359Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:44.577Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:44.780Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:50.892Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/common.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:51.077Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:51.109Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:51.286Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:55.582Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:55.696Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:55.795Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:55.912Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/common/model/user-dto.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:06:56.122Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:00.784Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:01.001Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:01.215Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/app-init/app-init.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:01.434Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:02.849Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:03.059Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:06.234Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:06.472Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:06.632Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:06.858Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:08.624Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-init/appointment-init.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:08.839Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:09.599Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:09.803Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:15.173Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:15.219Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:15.383Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:15.433Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:16.644Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:16.855Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:18.034Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:18.235Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:21.719Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:21.930Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:23.213Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:23.417Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:24.080Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:24.282Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:26.741Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:26.955Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:28.147Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:28.348Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:28.431Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/api/api-utility.service.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:28.644Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:29.603Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:29.804Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:31.380Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:31.589Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:32.672Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/shared/components/appointment-task-header/appointment-task-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:32.887Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:34.067Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:34.276Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:37.075Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (5es1z): 2021-12-23T15:00:47.587Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:37.195Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:37.406Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:38.632Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:38.684Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:38.836Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:38.898Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:42.894Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment2/components/appointment-info/appointment-info.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:43.135Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:43.325Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:43.535Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:45.945Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/logger.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:46.152Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:48.370Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-info/notary-info.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:48.575Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:54.255Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:54.477Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:59.580Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:07:59.783Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:00.681Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/shared/components/bizparties-navigate-overview/bizparties-navigate-overview.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:00.903Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:10.140Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-bizentity-buyers/bizparties-bizentity-buyers-contact-form-wrapper/bizparties-bizentity-buyers-contact-form-wrapper.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:10.358Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:10.732Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:10.953Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:13.496Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/components/notary-header/notary-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:15.539Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/file-header/file-header.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:15.740Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:16.920Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:17.143Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:18.683Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:18.904Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:28.099Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:28.262Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/api/signing-order/signing-order.service.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/api/signing-order/signing-order.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:28.341Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:28.483Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:29.346Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-bizentity-buyers/bizparties-bizentity-buyers-contact-form-wrapper/bizparties-bizentity-buyers-contact-form-wrapper.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-bizentity-buyers/bizparties-bizentity-buyers-contact-form-wrapper/bizparties-bizentity-buyers-contact-form-wrapper.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:29.550Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:32.068Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:32.289Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:33.303Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (qmmix): 2021-12-23T15:00:47.470Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:37.396Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (sh551): 2021-12-23T15:00:47.623Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:41.123Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:41.330Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:43.231Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointment-list.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/appointment/appointment-list/appointments-list.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:43.443Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:46.758Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (4be56): 2021-12-23T15:00:47.515Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:53.721Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:53.926Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:54.518Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (ugmnx): 2021-12-23T15:00:47.473Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:54.735Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-estate-buyers/bizparties-estate-details-buyer/bizparties-estate-details-buyer.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:08:54.948Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:01.086Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-overview/bizparties-overview.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-bizentity-buyers/bizparties-bizentity-details-form-buyer/bizparties-bizentity-details-form-buyer.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:01.135Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/api/property-address/property-address.service.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/appointment/notary/api/property-address/property-address.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:01.300Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:01.358Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:02.146Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:02.351Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:06.377Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/bizparties/bizparties-trust-buyers/bizparties-trust-details-buyer/bizparties-trust-details-buyer.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:06.592Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:12.608Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/core/app-info.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/core/ignite-claim.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:12.815Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:14.767Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (1xd96): 2021-12-23T15:00:47.505Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:19.277Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:20.150Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:20.336Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:20.546Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:32.153Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:35.287Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-gab-entry-form/charges-gab-entry-form.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:35.497Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:41.216Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-init/charges-init.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-hoa-proration/charges-hoa-proration.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'The last recorded console.log: Jest: PASS src/app/all-files/all-files-widget-file-info/all-files-widget-file-info.service.spec.ts (11.474 s)\n' +
      '\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:09:41.416Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:10:05.693Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-management-company/charges-management-company.component.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:10:31.760Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/shared.module.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-hoa-proration/charges-hoa-proration.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/components/note/note.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'The last recorded console.log: Jest: PASS src/app/all-files/all-files-widget-file-info/all-files-widget-file-info.service.spec.ts (11.474 s)\n' +
      '\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:10:31.961Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:10:51.915Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/shared.module.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/charge-process/components/charges-payment-details/charges-payment-details.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/shared/components/note/note.component.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:10:52.130Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:01.824Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:17.550Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment.service.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment-type/appointment-type.component.spec.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/file-checklist/file-checklist/shared/appointment/appointment-type/appointment-type.component.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:17.763Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:33.650Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:40.035Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/file-search-results/file-search-results-list/file-search-results-list.service.spec.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:40.242Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.826Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.827Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.828Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should check "FileSummaryInfo" session is avaialble\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.829Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get FastFileNumber from session\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.830Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get DisplayAddress from session\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.830Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get tooltipAddress from session with out street\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.831Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get tooltipAddress from session with street\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.832Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should not show FastFileNumber if no FastFileNumber\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.833Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should not display divider bar when no property address\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.835Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should not show property address if no property address\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.835Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get parties from appointment - when only one party in appointment\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.836Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get parties from appointment\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.844Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.845Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.846Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should call get api endpoint\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.856Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.857Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.858Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should return already formated phone number\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.859Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should format phone number\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.860Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should return empty string for string of numbers too short to be phone numbers\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.862Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should return empty string for string of numbers too long to be phone numbers\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.863Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should return empty string for alphanumberic values\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.864Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should verify email\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.866Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should verify not email\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.958Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.960Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.961Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should initialize with formIterables\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.963Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.964Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should populate the form on edit\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.965Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should set SSN and TIN values in form\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.966Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.967Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should change email value in form\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.968Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should add shortName to entityName on the first focus out\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.977Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.977Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.978Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.987Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.990Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.991Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:44.994Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should clear input value and predictions on changes\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.010Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.010Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.012Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should populate fields when HOA data is present\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.013Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should add new contact\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.014Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should emit contact change\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.092Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.093Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should set pdFieldFocus when payment input is in focus\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.093Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should add new charge item to association charges list\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.094Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should update the payment detail draft when changing charge grid value\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.095Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.111Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.111Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.112Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should perform http post test on client logger\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.130Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.131Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should getWidgetList()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.132Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should getUserWidgetList()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.151Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.152Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.153Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.153Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.155Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.156Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.157Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.158Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.159Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.160Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.162Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.162Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.164Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.165Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.222Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.223Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.267Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.268Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.272Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.272Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.273Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.298Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.299Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.300Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.301Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should get MCComment list\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.302Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should not create MCComment when input is null\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.304Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create MCComment\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.304Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.314Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.315Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.320Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.321Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.328Z workers [4be56] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.329Z workers [4be56] Test executed: create an instance\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.330Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should display timestamp in date\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.331Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should display timestamp JustNow\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.332Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should display timestamp in m\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.333Z workers [4be56] Test executed: should display timestamp in h\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.333Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.488Z workers [4be56] Run 63 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.489Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (4be56): 2021-12-23T15:11:44.644Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:11:45.494Z workers [4be56] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.245Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.248Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should contain "Appointment" header\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.250Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should contain "Appointment Description"\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.251Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should contain "No Appointments for file" if no appointments\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.252Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should have create appointments button\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.254Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should open "Select Appointment type" pop on click of create appointment button\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.269Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.273Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.273Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should call get api endpoint\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.296Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.297Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.305Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.306Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.360Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.361Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.362Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.363Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should navigate to buyers add screen - onAddBuyerClick()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.364Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should get buyer summary on component initialization - getBizParties()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.370Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.371Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.372Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.383Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.384Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.384Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should populate fields when HOA data is present\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.407Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.408Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.416Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.417Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.417Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.418Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate agInit()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.418Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.419Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate refresh()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.419Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate generateToolTipForTasks() \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.420Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.421Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate generateToolTipForDocument()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.436Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.436Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.436Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate getUserWidgetList()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.437Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate saveUserWidgetPositionList()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.437Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate deleteUserWidget()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.438Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should validate saveActivityLogUserWidgetExcelExport()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.463Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.463Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.464Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.479Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.479Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.506Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.506Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.507Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should perform http get on getFileTaskDetails() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.507Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should perform http POST on createUserPreference() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.508Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.510Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.510Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.514Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.515Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.567Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.568Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.569Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should perform http get on getMessageRecipients() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.569Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should perform http get on getMessageTemplates() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.570Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should perform http get on getMessageTemplateDetails() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.570Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should perform http post on sendOrReplyMessage() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.571Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.633Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.633Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.634Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should open the slide and populate file information\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.634Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: should log exception when the response return is not success\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.638Z workers [1xd96] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.638Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: create an instance\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.642Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: data is null return null\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.643Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: search empty return data untouch\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.643Z workers [1xd96] Test executed: search string sa return sa in html formated \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.746Z workers [1xd96] Run 45 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.747Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (1xd96): 2021-12-23T15:12:25.052Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:12:25.755Z workers [1xd96] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.765Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.766Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.832Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.834Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.855Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.856Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.875Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.876Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.877Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.879Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should initialize with buyer details data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.880Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should navigate to edit buyer form\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.940Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.942Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.945Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should initialize with formIterables\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.946Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:01.951Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should populate the form on edit\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.191Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.193Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.194Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: scrollToTop should scroll parent element to top\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.196Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.202Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.203Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.208Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.210Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.384Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.384Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.385Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should fetch the output options on page load in create widget\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.386Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should fetch the output options on page load in Edit widget\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.387Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should Move Up the final output\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.388Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should Move Down the final output\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.388Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Enable Up Arrows\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.389Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Enable Down Arrows\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.389Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Enable Left Arrows\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.391Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Enable Right  Arrows\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.391Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should Move data from data options to final output\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.392Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should Move data from final output to data options\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.392Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should Move the value by doubleClicking\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.394Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should push Selected Item to panel\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.394Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Assign Start And EndItem Index to check Outputoption length\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.395Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Assign Start And EndItem Index to check Final Output length\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.396Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Set Initial And Final Value\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.396Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Set Initial And Final and compare then assign the greater value\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.397Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Toggle Selection to check FinalOutput\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.398Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should Toggle Selection to check OutputOption\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.399Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: Should getTooltip\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.401Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.426Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.427Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post for saving admin Widget method - saveWidgetDetails()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.427Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post for saving checklist user Widget method - saveWidgetDetails()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.428Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http put for updating admin Widget method - updateWidgetDetails()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.428Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http put for updating checklist user Widget method - updateWidgetDetails()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.429Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get to fetch the widget count - getWidgetCount()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.429Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post to delete the widget - DeleteWidget()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.430Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get to fetch admin widget for widgetid- getWidgetById()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.431Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get to fetch user widget for widgetid- getWidgetById()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.431Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get to fetch the user widget list based on userid - getUserWidgetDetailsList()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.432Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post to Admin fetch widget records from azure search - getWidgetRecords()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.432Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post to add widget to dashboard - AddtoDashboard()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.433Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get on getSelectedFilter() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.433Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get on getUserFilters() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.436Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.437Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.481Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.481Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.482Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.537Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.538Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.538Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should trim the results based on a parameter\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.539Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should not trim the results if there is no parameter\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.539Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should format a date string with the correct digits\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.540Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should get the right class for a status\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.540Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should call replace em with bold when it parses searched fields\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.541Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should replace em with bold\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.541Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should compute the total pages\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.542Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should update the page and search on being clicked\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.542Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should format the date using UTC\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.568Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.569Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.569Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should validate invalid form when no data is entered\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.570Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.570Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check the required validator for URL\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.571Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check for required and pattern validator with incorrect input for URL\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.571Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.572Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check for pattern validator with correct input for URL\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.573Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check for Form validation on save click\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.574Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.574Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should save new URL\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.575Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check for duplicate URL\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.576Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check closeCustomAction()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.576Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.577Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should close whitelist url builder and navigate to whitelistURLList screen\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.577Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should check for ChangesNotSavedMessage before closing whitelist url builder.\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.614Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.614Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.615Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post on getMessageTemplates() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.615Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post on getMessageTemplateDetails() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.616Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post on getMessageRecipients() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.616Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post on sendOrReplyMessage() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.616Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http get on FetchEOEAForFile() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.617Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should perform http post on fetchDocumentPublishList() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.617Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should get the list of documents\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.618Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.631Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.632Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.640Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.641Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: create an instance\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.641Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: data is null return null\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.642Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: search empty return data untouch\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.642Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: search Task string return both data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.642Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: search partial string return both data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.643Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: search GroupName string return data with same group name\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.643Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: search groupname lower case string return data with same group name\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.651Z workers [qmmix] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.651Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.652Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should em with b\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.652Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should build a search url\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.652Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should replace undefined with an empty string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.653Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should replace null with an empty string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.653Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should return a boolean with a string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.654Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should reset the page number to 1 and the page size to default\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.654Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should get column ids\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.655Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should select columns in the correct order\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.655Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should copy the drag drop columns\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.656Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should get Preferences\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.656Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should get the unfiltered columns\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.657Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should supply default columns\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.657Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should populate missing column preferences with defaults\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.657Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should process preferences\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.658Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should process preferences with different keys\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.658Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should process preferences with emptyGridPreferences\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.659Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should process preferences with nullSelectedColumns\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.659Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should process preferences with empty preferences\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.660Z workers [qmmix] Test executed: should process preferences with validState\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.660Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.761Z workers [qmmix] Run 106 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.762Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (qmmix): 2021-12-23T15:13:01.586Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:02.765Z workers [qmmix] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:28.116Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:28.897Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should call post api endpoint\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.720Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.720Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.728Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.729Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.730Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should convert object from pascal to camelcase\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.731Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should keep object as camelCase that is already camelcase correctly\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.732Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should convert array from pascal to camelcase\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.742Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.743Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.759Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.759Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.776Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.794Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should emit formGroup event when form value changes\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.818Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should set SSN input values and mark form as dirty\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.818Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.832Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should patch form values if there are existing contact details\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.842Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.843Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.850Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.851Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.851Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.852Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should navigate to buyers summary screen - navigateToOverview()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.862Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.876Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.877Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.926Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.927Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.927Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.935Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.937Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should close dialog with return message\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.955Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.955Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:54.956Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should perform http get on getWidgetColors() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.008Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.008Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.010Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.012Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should get getOverviewList\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.060Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.061Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.081Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.082Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.082Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should perform http get on getFileTemplateTasks() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.082Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should perform http post on addTaskToFileTask() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.084Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.500Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.500Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.501Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should open add Notes Modal onclick of Add Note button - openAddNotesDialog()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.502Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should open edit Notes Modal onclick of edit Note button - openEditNotesDialog()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.502Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should get note type list \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.503Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should get note status list \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.503Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should get note list data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.504Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should call user preference for update\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.505Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should call create user preference for create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.505Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should call update user preference for update\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.506Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should subscribe refresh note list after add new note\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.507Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: #subscribeLiveNotificationForNotes() should subscribe livenotification to refresh note list with ignite change\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.507Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: #subscribeLiveNotificationForNotes() should subscribe livenotification to refresh note list with fast change notification\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.508Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should call archiveNoteCard \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.509Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should call unArchiveNoteCard \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.510Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: setAvatar pass empty return empty\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.510Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: setAvatar pass default profile return empty\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.511Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: setAvatar pass correct url return correct url\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.517Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.518Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.518Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.519Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should navigate, when returning to previous page\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.523Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.523Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.524Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should perform http get on getComments() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.524Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.526Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.526Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.527Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.528Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: create an instance\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.528Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.530Z workers [5es1z] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.531Z workers [5es1z] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.680Z workers [5es1z] Run 48 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.681Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (5es1z): 2021-12-23T15:13:54.659Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:55.686Z workers [5es1z] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.370Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.370Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.371Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should compose a location string or return an empty one\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.371Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should compose a notary string or return an empty one\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.379Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.380Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.380Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should call get api endpoint\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.381Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should call post api endpoint\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.423Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.424Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.424Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: createMiscPartyToStore should not have null values in response\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.430Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.430Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.431Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.450Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.451Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.453Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should initialize with buyer details data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.454Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should navigate to edit buyer form\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.461Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.462Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.462Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.575Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.575Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.577Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should check gabDto for required fields\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.578Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should update gabDto with address\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.579Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should update gabDto with contacts\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.903Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.904Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.904Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should total buyer charges on double click and input value in a single field\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.904Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should total seller charges on double click and input value in a single field\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.905Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should calculate total when save button is clicked\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.905Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should emit close event when close icon is clicked\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.906Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should emit close event when close button is clicked\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.906Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should emit focused section event when section is clicked\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.906Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should compile IChargesRow object when compileChargeRowDraft() is called\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.906Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should reset payeeNameOnCd to HOA nameLine1 when useDefault checkbox is checked\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.921Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.922Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.922Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getFilterParameters()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.923Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getFilterOperators()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.923Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getAppointmentStatuses()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.924Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getAppointmentTypes()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.925Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getChecklistTaskStatuses()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.926Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getFilterValueControlType()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.926Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate getFilterValues()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.927Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate admin getEmployeesOnRoleType()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.927Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate user getEmployeesOnRoleType()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.928Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate admin getOwningOfficeSearch()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.928Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate user getOwningOfficeSearch()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.929Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate admin getTaskNameSearch()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.929Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate user getTaskNameSearch()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.930Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate admin getAppointmentAddressOfficeSearch()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.930Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should validate user getAppointmentAddressOfficeSearch()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.931Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.935Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.936Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should perform http put to update the widget on publish - publishWidgetList()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.936Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should perform http get for parameters tooltip - getParametersTooltip()\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.951Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.951Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.952Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should get the payoff summary details\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.952Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should get the payOff lender details based on the Id\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.952Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should set the payoff lender data based on the payOffMatrix id\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.952Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should get the payOffLender data based on the payoff matrix id\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.953Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should delete payoff lender details\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.953Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should call excel export payoff lender matrix details\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.962Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.962Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.963Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.980Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.981Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.986Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.986Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.987Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.987Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: checked the length of drop down list\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.998Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.999Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:58.999Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should perform http get test on getFilterNamesByUserId() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.000Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should perform http post on updateFilterSelection() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.000Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should get initials by username with firstname and lastname\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.000Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should get initials by username with firstname, lastname and middlename\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.002Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.003Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.003Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.011Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.011Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should open dialog box when there are unsaved changes in global filters\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.011Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should call updateMessageNotificationCount method when selected filter is edited\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.012Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should call selectLatestFilter method when selected filter is deleted\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.012Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should set current filter id as newly selected filter id\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.012Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should Validate checkForEditOrDeleteOfSelectedFilter\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.015Z workers [ugmnx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.015Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.016Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should fetch transaction preview data from api\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.016Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should sort key by displayDetailDto\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.016Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should keep keys\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.016Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should get label for each new loan\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.017Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should not contain sales price\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.017Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should constain sales price\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.017Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should return first name\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.017Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should return full name\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.018Z workers [ugmnx] Test executed: should display not display the data if its undefined\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.018Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.114Z workers [ugmnx] Run 76 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.115Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (ugmnx): 2021-12-23T15:13:58.267Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:13:59.118Z workers [ugmnx] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.967Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.967Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.967Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should compose a date string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.968Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should compose an empty string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.969Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should compose a location string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.969Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should return an empty location string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.969Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should compose a notary string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.970Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should compose an empty notary string\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.992Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.992Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.993Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should check if forms are valid\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.993Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should toggle form button state based on form being valid\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.994Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should setFormHeader to TBD with the biz entity name if route is /contact/add\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:03.995Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.021Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.023Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.024Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should initialize with formIterables\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.025Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should populate the form on edit\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.025Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.048Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.049Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.050Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should initialize to domestic form on default\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.051Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should disable the forms if receive isAddressFormDisabled = true\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.051Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.052Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should initialize with formIterables\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.054Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should switch formLocationType to canada\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.054Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.056Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should reset the form when country is changed\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.058Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should populate the form on edit\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.059Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should show Plus Button on CA\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.060Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should show Plus Button on US\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.060Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.061Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should Additional address line increment for US \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.061Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should Additional address line increment for CA \n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.062Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should convert Google Address to IAddress\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.063Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.064Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should patch form with US values when google autocomplete is used\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.065Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should patch form with international values when google autocomplete is used\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.066Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.074Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.077Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.454Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.455Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.455Z workers [sh551] Test executed: onClearFromDate should clear both From and To dates\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.456Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.456Z workers [sh551] Test executed: onClearToDate should clear To date\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.457Z workers [sh551] Test executed: onFromDateChange should clear To date if From date is greater\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.458Z workers [sh551] Test executed: scrollToTop should scroll parent element to top\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.465Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.465Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.466Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on getChargeTypes() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.466Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http delete on removeChargeRow() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.466Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on getAllHOACharges() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.467Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on updateHoaProration() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.467Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on getSateList() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.467Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on getCountiesList() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.468Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on getCountriesList() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.468Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http post on createHoaChargeItem() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.469Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http put on updateHoaChargeItem() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.469Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should delete on deleteHoaCharge() method called\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.469Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should evaluate activity pills for charge row items\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.470Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.481Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.482Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.482Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http get on getOutputOptions() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.483Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.484Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.486Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.486Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.487Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.488Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.488Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.490Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.490Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.492Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.492Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.493Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.511Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.511Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.511Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http post on fetchDocumentPublishList() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.516Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.516Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.516Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should open the file information slider\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.516Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.518Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.519Z workers [sh551] Test executed: create an instance\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.519Z workers [sh551] Test executed: FindStringPipe data is null return null\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.519Z workers [sh551] Test executed: FindStringPipe search empty return false\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.520Z workers [sh551] Test executed: FindStringPipe return true when partial datafound\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.520Z workers [sh551] Test executed: FindStringPipe string return true when if partial string found even when there is casing difference\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.520Z workers [sh551] Test executed: FindStringPipe string return false search is not part of the data\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.522Z workers [sh551] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.522Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.523Z workers [sh551] Test executed: should perform http post on getUnreadMessageCount() method\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.606Z workers [sh551] Run 68 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.607Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (sh551): 2021-12-23T15:14:03.884Z\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.609Z workers [sh551] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.610Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.626Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.626Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.632Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.640Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:04.738Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:05.034Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:05.034Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:05.049Z uiService Outgoing message ui:tests:allResultsUpdated\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:14:05.061Z uiService Outgoing message ui:coverageChanged\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.598Z fs File changed: junit.xml\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.681Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.697Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.698Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.701Z testTask Test files from affected: 0, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.702Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.703Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2021-12-23T15:20:36.705Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n'

Copy link

You likely have a virus scanner running on your PC (even if it's Windows Defender). Can you please try disabling your virus scanner and see if the times improve? I am not expecting them to, but would like to check just in case.

From your diagnostics report, it looks like you are using ts-jest (or at least, @angular-builders/jest is). Could you please tell us how long it takes to compile your program outside of Wallaby? Unlike when you run jest from the CLI, Wallaby will parallelise your test compilation across its worker processes. If your TypeScript compilation is expensive and takes a long time then this may be slowing down Wallaby. You could try to set the workers configuration setting to improve performance by limiting how many processes are running your tests at the same time:


if (!process.env.WALLABY_NGCC_INITIALIZED) {

    // All worker processes will now have environment 
    // variable set and will not run the code again.
    process.env.WALLABY_NGCC_INITIALIZED = true;

module.exports = () => ({
  autoDetect: false,
  trace: false,
  debug: false,
  configFile: "./jest.config.js",
  slowTestThreshold: 60000,
  testFramework: "jest",
  env: {
    type: "node"
  workers: {
    initial: 1,
    regular: 1

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ng build: 9 minutes

Worker process set to 1/1 as asked: 13 minutes

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pbrianmackey commented Dec 23, 2021

Setting emitDecoratorMetadata: false in tsconfig.json cut the ng build time down to 3 minutes. I don't understand the impact of this change so I do need to dig into this a bit. See angular/angular-cli#20792

Keeping worker process set to 1/1 as asked w/ this tsconfig change: 5.73 minutes

I am seeing far fewer "long running code has been detected" errors too.

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pbrianmackey commented Dec 25, 2021

I just closed my Powershell instances and stopped and started Wallaby. The whole 406 tests ran in 37.75 seconds. I can see the tests too. How is this even possible?????

‍​[Info]​ Started Wallaby.js Core v1.0.1203
​[Info]​ ngcc-jest-processor: running ngcc
​[Info]​ Finished executing 406 affected test(s) in 37.75 second(s)


Is Wallaby getting blocked up by another process somehow? Or was there an update that caused this? I couldn't even imagine a speed this fast. This is FAR faster than jest. And I just tried it again with powershell open. I started running npx jest and did a stop/start of Wallaby and now it's slower, but still fast. 1.4 minutes. Jest took 1.7 minutes.


So I went ahead and stashed my wallaby config changes. Then stopped started it again. Super slow. So I re-applied my stashed changes. And it's still super slow. Reset wallaby cache. Still super slow. Lots of those "sandbox is not responsive errors" again. Again, I can't explain what happened. But I fear I have lost the amazing speed I had. And I cannot explain why or how to get back to that speed again.

Update 3 (Major change)

I don't know if I can disable virus scanner. I will have to work w/ Corporate IT to see.

I've stumbled across a very clear problem that seems to have nothing to do w/ virus scanners. I let the machine sit for about 2 hours. Then I came back and ran STOP/START for Wallaby. It's fast again.

Is there some type of caching process that takes a while to run?

emitDecoratorMetadata: false + NO wallaby cache reset: ​[Info]​ Finished executing 406 affected test(s) in 50.83 second(s)
emitDecoratorMetadata: false + wallaby cache reset: ​[Info]​ Finished executing 406 affected test(s) in 11.09 minute(s)

emitDecoratorMetadata: true + NO wallaby cache reset: 13 minutes runtime
emitDecoratorMetadata: true + wallaby cache reset: 14 minutes runtime

As long as I do not reset the wallaby cache, the staggering difference in toggling emitDecoratorMetadata: false / true is repeatable w/ the same difference in speed. Once you reset the wallaby cache though, all bets are off for 1-2 hours.

Removing the workers setting makes no noticeable difference. npx jest is also running much faster: 37 seconds. ng build went from about 9 minutes to 4-5 minutes.

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Is there some type of caching process that takes a while to run?

There is no caching process except the one during a run after cache reset (it's mostly just Jest native cache that is used by Jest itself when ran by Wallaby).

I don't know if I can disable virus scanner. I will have to work w/ Corporate IT to see.

So far it really sounds like an issue that may be caused by it (or some other process specific to the machine).

  • Try cloning the repo and running the tests on the machine without the virus scanner if it's possible.
  • If it's not possible, definitely try temporarily completely disabling it (to check if it is the cause of the issue or not). If it is, then I'd start with asking your IT team to disable scanning for the C:\\Users\\pbm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest and C:\\Users\\pbm\\.vscode\\extensions (or wherever you have VS Code extensions installed) folder.

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I want to be sure we are clear on one point. The ONLY change I make is:

emitDecoratorMetadata: false to emitDecoratorMetadata: true.

So this one simple change I went from a 50 second run to an 11 minute run. If I flip it back to emitDecoratorMetadata: false then STOP/START wallaby I'm immediately back to a 50 second run. Seems like the virus scanner wouldn't slow down just one case right?

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ArtemGovorov commented Dec 25, 2021

So this one simple change I went from a 50 second run to an 11 minute run. If I flip it back to emitDecoratorMetadata: false then STOP/START wallaby I'm immediately back to a 50 second run. Seems like the virus scanner wouldn't slow down just one case right?

At this stage I don't have any good theory as to how exactly the setting affects Wallaby (and ng build). Wallaby itself is not doing anything with the setting, not even reading/using it anywhere. Wallaby is calling into Jest API, Jest via ts-jest in its turn is doing transformations, so I would expect npx jest --no-cache may also be affected by the setting.

The setting may be producing some additional effect, however various timing/time reported anomalies, such as:

I let the machine sit for about 2 hours. Then I came back and ran STOP/START for Wallaby. It's fast again.

makes me think that it's not just the setting is involved, but there's some other machine/environment specific interference (such as virus scanner). Also according to your report the setting changes produce very different run time results:

After you discovered the setting impact:

Keeping worker process set to 1/1 as asked w/ this tsconfig change: 5.73 minutes

then after you closed my Powershell instances and stopped and started Wallaby:

Finished executing 406 affected test(s) in 37.75 second(s)

There must be something else responsible for the ~9 times difference in the test run duration caused by the same tsconfig.json change.

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I'm using a corporate wallaby license. I could set up a test case on my personal machine, but I don't have a personal wallaby license. Is there a trial I could use or something? This problem is impacting at least 50 developers w/ Wallaby Licenses at my company. And maybe even more. And we might be taking on 200 more licenses in the near future. But if we can't get this thing to perform we are going to drop it.

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pbrianmackey commented Dec 25, 2021

I created a new angular project to try to narrow this whole thing down. This project matches the same packages and the same number of unit tests.

My Mac:
npx jest 90seconds (regardless of emitDecoratorMetadata)

Work machine (windows):
npx jest 271s (emit doesn't help much here either)
emitDecoratorMetadata: true
Reset wallaby cache: 1.59 minutes
Wallaby Start: 1.35 minutes
emitDecoratorMetadata: false
Reset wallaby cache: 1.74 minutes
Wallaby Start: 1.52 minutes

I can't reproduce the issue so far on the simplified project. Even without using the specialized ngcc settings it's pretty fast. And this is on the work computer.

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I'm using a corporate wallaby license. I could set up a test case on my personal machine, but I don't have a personal wallaby license. Is there a trial I could use or something?

You may copy your corporate license to your personal machine temporarily. Alternatively, you may request a trial license from our website.

This problem is impacting at least 50 developers w/ Wallaby Licenses at my company. And maybe even more. And we might be taking on 200 more licenses in the near future. But if we can't get this thing to perform we are going to drop it.

We understand and appreciate your patience as we work through this with you.

We tested the performance on one of our Windows machines with the following Wallaby configuration:

// NOTE: also changed jest.config.js to check for the 
// same environment variable before loading ngcc processor
if (!process.env.WALLABY_NGCC_INITIALIZED) {

  // All worker processes will now have environment
  // variable set and will not run the code again.
  process.env.WALLABY_NGCC_INITIALIZED = true;

module.exports = () => ({
  autoDetect: true,
  • npx jest --no-cache (emitDecoratorMetadata: false): 76 seconds

  • npx jest --no-cache (emitDecoratorMetadata: true): 71 seconds

  • npx jest after first run (emitDecoratorMetadata: false): 22 seconds

  • npx jest after first run (emitDecoratorMetadata: true): 22 seconds

  • Reset wallaby cache(emitDecoratorMetadata: false): 61 seconds

  • Reset wallaby cache(emitDecoratorMetadata: true): 61 seconds

  • Wallaby start after first run (emitDecoratorMetadata: false): 63 seconds

  • Wallaby start after first run (emitDecoratorMetadata: true): 64 seconds

  • Wallaby start after multiple run (emitDecoratorMetadata: false): 21 seconds

  • Wallaby start after multiple runs (emitDecoratorMetadata: true): 20 seconds

You will notice that the performance of Wallaby improves after multiple runs, but not after the first restart. The reason for this is that each Wallaby worker process that runs your tests is recompiling your project's tests on demand (the first time a test is run in a worker process). We thought that limiting the workers may improve performance (but it did not - see below):

  • Reset wallaby cache(emitDecoratorMetadata: false) worker: 1: 4 minutes, 20 seconds
  • Wallaby start after first run (emitDecoratorMetadata: false) worker 1: 4 minutes, 20 seconds
  • npx jest --no-cache --runInBand (effectively same as worker 1): 4 minutes, 14 seconds

Besides Wallaby's caching behaviour across multiple Wallaby worker instances, the performance of Wallaby and Jest is almost the same. It seems that the compilation time is what is slowing down tests in your project. Unfortunately if your compiler is taking a long time to compile your tests, there's not a lot that Wallaby can do about this.

If I were in a similar position to you (slow project compilation times when running tests), I would seriously consider swapping out jest-angular-preset (which uses ts-jest under the covers) for an alternative (e.g. babel or swc). Having said that, depending on TypeScript features that you're using, this may not actually be possible. You may find our previous blog post on optimizing TypeScript projects useful.

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I was also reading a bit more about other people having problems with compilation times with Angular / ts-jest and came across a stack overflow article that suggested changing the tsconfig.spec.json to override your angularCompilerOptions. I'm not sure what effect this has, but it reduces Wallaby start time to 30 seconds on my Mac (was ~80 seconds previously).

  "angularCompilerOptions": {
    "enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat": false,
    "strictInjectionParameters": false,
    "strictInputAccessModifiers": true,
    "strictTemplates": false

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pbrianmackey commented Dec 26, 2021

It seems the trick to all of this is STOP/START Wallaby 3x. I tried that w/ 3 different configurations. Messing w/ tsconfig. Using multiple workers. Using just 1 worker. None of this really mattered. What makes the most difference is that 3rd run. That's where I see speeds down to about 1 minute. I do see a slightly faster speed on that 3rd run w/ multiple workers. And there are diffs in the 1st/2nd run speeds. But on the 3rd they are ALL around the 1 minute mark.

I let Wallaby run until it said finished and gave me a completion time. Then did another STOP/START. This is giving me very consistent results. The 3rd+ runs are good even after closing VS Code. As long as you don't do a cache reset. I'm not really sure, but messing around w/ the tsconfig, maybe wallaby config might also reset that 3x run requirement. That would make sense if the files all changed for some reason.

3 STOP/STARTS in a row without waiting to finish do not produce this result. I think you have to run it all the way through. That makes sense for the first run because that builds up the cache. I'm just not really sure why it's not super performant on the 2nd run. It seems to speed up about 50%, but not hit that sweet 1 minute-ish marks until run 3.

Even now, I had a 17 minute run, 13 minute run, then a 1.12 minute run. I think that time I had changed wallaby.js, package.json and jest.config. Didn't do a cache reset.

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Can you please also try this ts-jest setting in your Jest config:

// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  globals: {
    'ts-jest': {
      isolatedModules: true

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w/ isolatedModules: true

5 minutes, 7 minutes, 36 seconds.

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pbrianmackey commented Jan 3, 2022

I do see how the slow build can impact the tests. Is there a fix and/or explanation to the 3 run requirement I am seeing? Intuitively, I feel like Wallaby should have sufficient cache on run 2.

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Is there a fix and/or explanation to the 3 run requirement I am seeing?

I'd suggest to try babel (or swc) as Typescript compiler for Jest instead of ts-jest as @smcenlly was suggesting earlier. It shouldn't be hard to try, but can make a very significant difference.

If I were in a similar position to you (slow project compilation times when running tests), I would seriously consider swapping out jest-angular-preset (which uses ts-jest under the covers) for an alternative (e.g. babel or swc). Having said that, depending on TypeScript features that you're using, this may not actually be possible. You may find our previous blog post on optimizing TypeScript projects useful.

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