Research Projects
MSANose - A static-code analyzer to find 11 distinct microservice-specific code smells in distributed enterprise applications.
ACM SAC Website - Spring Boot and React website for the cancelled ACM SAC 2020 conference.
StackOversight - Python application for finding code duplication between source code and StackOverflow embedded code. Built for the IRES Red Hat Research Program in Summer 2019
Corpus-CC - Novel code-clone detection library built using microservices.
AST Tokenizer - Helper library which tokenizes an AST for use in a novel code-clone detection algorithm.
Mapping Study Utils - Aggregates statistics that were manually collected about existing code-clone detection algorithms and tools.
School Projects
AthleticStorm - React app with Java Spring backend for managing college football data about teams, coaches, coordinators and players. Built for CSI 43C9 Capstone I at Baylor University.
SHiiP - Simplified version of the HTTP/2.0 protocol written with Java native sockets. Built for CSI 4321 Data Communications at Baylor University.
Sentiment Analyzer - Aspect based sentiment analysis in Python using the NLTK library. Built for CSI 4V96 Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval at Baylor University.
Hidden Markov Model Tagger - Hidden Markov model tagger in Python using the NLTK library. Built for CSI 4V96 Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval at Baylor University.
Spellchecker - Spellchecker in Python using the NLTK library. Built for CSI 4V96 Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval at Baylor University.
TF-IDF - TF-IDF Corpus Reader in Python using the NLTK library. Built for CSI 4V96 Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval at Baylor University.
Tempeturs - React app with Java Spring backend for managing pet owners and pet sitters. Built for CSI 3472 Software Engineering II at Baylor University.
UYP Database - Database project for University for Young People (UYP). Built for CSI 3335 Database Design at Baylor University.
Experiment Database - This is a command line based MySQL database program that stores information about experiment runs and the individual results of runs. Built for CSI 3335 Database Design at Baylor University.
Snake - A two player version of Snake, similar to Tron cycles, that uses Java for the rendering and to communicate over the network. Built for CSI 3371 Software Engineering I at Baylor University.
Tiger Game AI - An AI for both the tiger and men players of the Tiger Game. For more information see Tiger Game. Built for CSI 3334 Intro to Algorithms at Baylor University.
Bomb Project - A fork bomb written in C for students to disassemble to practice reverse engineering. Built for CSI 2334 Intro to Computer Systems at Baylor University.
Pokemon Gridworld - Basic imitation of Pokemon using the Gridworld packages provided for the AP Computer Science class in high school.
Wacode 2020
Spotify RFID Controller - This project is a Python script for interfacing a MFRC522 RFID Reader with the Spotify API.
CVT - Java back-end for an Arduino using Hall Effect sensors for use with a CVT for the Baylor Baja team.
Web Scraper - Python web scraper to scrape course catalog information from Baylor's public course catalog.
TVDB API - Python 3 wrapper around the TVDB API.