We run graph4code on an Intel VM with 64 cores, 512GB of RAM and 2TB of disk.
This script downloads and loads Graph4Code quad files in Apache Jena. The following scripts are tested on Linux Ubuntu with Java (openjdk version "1.8.0_252") and Ruby "ruby 2.3.1p112" installed.
The main script (shown below) perform the following steps:
- Clone this repository
- Download Graph4Code (download_graph.sh)
- Build Jena DB using the downloaded files (build_graph.sh)
- Start Jena Fuseki for querying the loaded graph (serve_graph.sh).
export QUADS_LOC=$SOURCE_DIR/graph4code_quads/
export JENA_DB_LOC=$SOURCE_DIR/graph4code_db/
export JENA_LOC=$SOURCE_DIR/apache-jena-3.16.0
export FUSEKI_LOC=$SOURCE_DIR/apache-jena-fuseki-3.16.0
echo "Main Directory: $source_dir"
git clone https://github.com/wala/graph4code.git
mkdir $QUADS_LOC
mkdir $JENA_DB_LOC
wget http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache/jena/binaries/apache-jena-fuseki-3.16.0.tar.gz
tar -xzf apache-jena-fuseki-3.16.0.tar.gz
wget http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache/jena/binaries/apache-jena-3.16.0.tar.gz
tar -xzf apache-jena-3.16.0.tar.gz
#-------END OF Setup----------#
echo "-------Downloading Graph4Code Files-----"
cd $SOURCE_DIR/graph4code/scripts
chmod +x *.sh
./download_graph.sh $QUADS_LOC
echo "-------Build Graph4Code JENA DB-----"
cd $SOURCE_DIR/graph4code/scripts
./build_graph.sh $JENA_LOC $QUADS_LOC $JENA_DB_LOC
echo "-------Launch FUSEKI over Graph4Code JENA DB: log available at $FUSEKI_LOC/log-----"
cd $SOURCE_DIR/graph4code/scripts
./serve_graph.sh $FUSEKI_LOC $JENA_DB_LOC
echo "Testing sample query"
cd $FUSEKI_LOC/bin/
./s-query --service http://localhost:3030/graph_v1_0/query 'SELECT * { graph ?g {?s ?p ?o . }} limit 10'
Alternatively, we also provide a docker file for creating a docker image with the graph database ready to use.
The required steps are as follows:
- Clone this repo and go to script folder:
git clone https://github.com/wala/graph4code.git cd graph4code/scripts/
- Download graph4code quads
mkdir grgraph4code_quads ./download_graph.sh ./graph4code_quads
- Build the base docker image
docker build -t graph4code_base -f dockerfile_base . docker build -t graph4code_build -f dockerfile_build . docker build -t graph4code_serve -f dockerfile_serve .
- Create directory where Jena db will be created
mkdir graph4code_db/
- Run the build docker image and mount Jena db directory:
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/graph4code_quads/:/graph4code_quads/ -v `pwd`/graph4code_db/:/graph4code_db/ graph4code_build
- Now the db is ready, run the serve docker image and expose Jena default port.
docker run --rm -it --expose 3030 -v `pwd`/graph4code_db/:/graph4code_db/ graph4code_serve
- This will start a background process for Jena Fuseki and should be accessible via http://localhost:3030/.