- Chair: Simeon Vincent
- Scribes: Rob Wu
Time: 11 PM PDT = https://everytimezone.com/?t=60f8b500,708
Call-in details: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/internal-webextensions/2021Jun/0000.html
Zoom issues? ping @zombie (Tomislav Jovanovic, Mozilla) in chat
Agenda: github issues
- Issue 13: Where do we start for a draft?
Issue 30: Set up Bikeshed spec pipeline
PR 36: Initial bikeshed file- Status check on PR
- Manifest specification format - JSON schema?
- Approach to drafting/merging changes
- TPAC 2021
- (sign up here)
Put a *** if you prefer this time slot:
- Rob Wu (Mozilla)
- Simeon Vincent (Google)
- Tim Hatcher (Apple)
- Tomislav Jovanovic (Mozilla)
- Mélanie Chauvel (Dashlane)
- Marwan Liani (Dashlane)
- Sohail Rajdev (Microsoft)
- Mukul Purohit (Microsoft)
- Jack Works *** (Sujitech)
- This is the first meeting in a different time slot, meant to allow people at the other side of the globe to attend (following issue 31).
- [simeon] We should have invited the chair of the previous browser-ext community group (Florian) to this meeting.
Issue 30: Set up Bikeshed spec pipeline
- PR 36: Initial bikeshed file
- [mukul] Need another round of review, then probably ready to merge.
- [simeon] Next is to set up publishing, e.g. via Github actions.
- [hober] example of repo that uses Github actions: https://github.com/w3ctag/security-questionnaire/blob/main/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
- [mukul] Going to look into setting up this publishing automation.
Issue 13: Where do we start for a draft
- [simeon] How do we go on specifying the manifest file itself? E.g. JSON schema?
- [tomislav] We (at Firefox) have described the manifest format in JSON schemas, initially based on Chrome's.
- [simeon] Approach to drafting/merging changes
- [simeon] Is editors draft the latest version of the merged version?
- [hober] Yes. Editors draft is terminology of other groups. The bikeshed tool has a field for that.
- [simeon] Will file a new issue specifically about tracking work on the manifest file.
- [rob] For tracking work we could use labels or projects on Github to group relevant issues.
- [simeon] was referring to the content, since we're effectively starting with an empty document.
- [tim] With what properties?
- [mélanie] The previous community group had a section on manifest.json in their draft, maybe we could use it as a base to discuss what we want/don't want for our own draft: https://browserext.github.io/browserext/#manifest-json
- [simeon] Maybe have a breakout session for our group?
- [hober] Last time was the first time we did a virtual TPAC. Extensions haven't been a topic so far, this would be a good opportunity to get more people involved.
- (discussion about relevant topics where we could integrate in other groups)
- [tomislav] sandboxes for content scripts / isolated worlds concept
- [tim] Content Security Policy
- [simeon] WebTransport - https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/?
- [simeon] File access replacement for fetch file://-request.
- [simeon] Going to file an issue where we can track topics.
- [mukul] Are there other groups that specify manifest/JSON files from where we can draw inspiration?
- [tim] Perhaps Web Application Manifest
- [mukul] What is the typical timeline for establishing the schedule?
- [hober] Outreach to other groups should start in August at the latest.
Meeting evaluation
- [tim] added calendar items to https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/webextensions/calendar
- [jack] this time works great for me.
- [tomislav] Didn't have as many attendees as before, but we didn't announce.
- [tomislav] Perhaps meet in this slot once in every four meetings (so effectively once every two months).
- [simeon] Let's try to meet with this schedule biweekly at least once more to see if more people would join in this time slot.
- [timothy] also in favor of keeping this schedule biweekly and possibly revisit later.
- [rob] Queue is empty since the headings were filled at the last minute.
- [tomislav] some projects use github labels to automatically add to the agenda
- [simeon] concerned about losing the context of the discussion in meetings like we currently have in one canonical document if we were to switch to labels.
- [rob] After the last meeting I referenced the discussed issues in the PR where the meeting notes were submitted, to increase the visibility of the discussed issues during the meeting.
- Simeon and Tim will tag-team chairing this meeting from now on.
- [rob] Let's create the template for the upcoming meeting after the end of the meeting from now on.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, August 5th, 8 AM PDT (3 PM UTC).