diff --git a/index.src.html b/index.src.html
index 0253beca..e1e5912e 100644
--- a/index.src.html
+++ b/index.src.html
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
[=Running a control message=] to configure the decoder means running
these steps:
1. Assign `true` to {{AudioDecoder/[[message queue blocked]]}}.
- 1. Enqueue the following steps to {{AudioDecoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
+ 2. Enqueue the following steps to {{AudioDecoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
1. Let |supported| be the result of running the Check Configuration
Support algorithm with |config|.
2. If |supported| is `false`, [=queue a task=] to run the Close
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
[=Running a control message=] to configure the decoder means running
these steps:
1. Assign `true` to {{VideoDecoder/[[message queue blocked]]}}.
- 1. Enqueue the following steps to {{VideoDecoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
+ 2. Enqueue the following steps to {{VideoDecoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
1. Let |supported| be the result of running the Check Configuration
Support algorithm with |config|.
2. If |supported| is `false`, [=queue a task=] to run the Close
@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@
[=Running a control message=] to configure the encoder means performing
these steps:
1. Assign `true` to {{VideoEncoder/[[message queue blocked]]}}.
- 1. Enqueue the following steps to {{VideoEncoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
+ 2. Enqueue the following steps to {{VideoEncoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
1. Let |supported| be the result of running the Check Configuration
Support algorithm with |config|.
2. If |supported| is `false`, [=queue a task=] to run the Close
@@ -2944,7 +2944,7 @@
|options|.{{AudioDataCopyToOptions/format}} to |destFormat|.
5. Let |bytesPerSample| be the number of bytes per sample, as defined by
the |destFormat|.
- 4. Return the product of multiplying |bytesPerSample| by
+ 6. Return the product of multiplying |bytesPerSample| by
: copyTo(|destination|, |options|)
@@ -3998,37 +3998,37 @@
2. If |init|.{{VideoFrameInit/alpha}} is {{AlphaOption/discard}},
assign |otherFrame|.{{VideoFrame/format}}'s [=equivalent opaque format=]
- 1. Let |validInit| be the result of running the [=Validate VideoFrameInit=]
+ 3. Let |validInit| be the result of running the [=Validate VideoFrameInit=]
algorithm with |format| and |otherFrame|'s
{{VideoFrame/[[coded width]]}} and {{VideoFrame/[[coded height]]}}.
- 2. If |validInit| is `false`, throw a {{TypeError}}.
- 3. Let |resource| be the [=media resource=] referenced by |otherFrame|'s
+ 4. If |validInit| is `false`, throw a {{TypeError}}.
+ 5. Let |resource| be the [=media resource=] referenced by |otherFrame|'s
{{VideoFrame/[[resource reference]]}}.
- 4. Assign a new reference for |resource| to |frame|'s
+ 6. Assign a new reference for |resource| to |frame|'s
{{VideoFrame/[[resource reference]]}}.
- 5. Assign the following attributes from |otherFrame| to |frame|:
+ 7. Assign the following attributes from |otherFrame| to |frame|:
{{VideoFrame/codedWidth}}, {{VideoFrame/codedHeight}},
- 6. Let |defaultVisibleRect| be the result of performing the getter steps
+ 8. Let |defaultVisibleRect| be the result of performing the getter steps
for {{VideoFrame/visibleRect}} on |otherFrame|.
- 7. Let |baseRotation| and |baseFlip| be |otherFrame|'s
+ 9. Let |baseRotation| and |baseFlip| be |otherFrame|'s
{{VideoFrame/[[rotation]]}} and {{VideoFrame/[[flip]]}}, respectively.
- 8. Let |defaultDisplayWidth| and |defaultDisplayHeight| be |otherFrame|'s
+ 10. Let |defaultDisplayWidth| and |defaultDisplayHeight| be |otherFrame|'s
{{VideoFrame/[[display width]]}} and {{VideoFrame/[[display height]]}},
- 9. Run the [=VideoFrame/Initialize Visible Rect, Orientation, and Display Size=]
+ 11. Run the [=VideoFrame/Initialize Visible Rect, Orientation, and Display Size=]
algorithm with |init|, |frame|, |defaultVisibleRect|, |baseRotation|,
|baseFlip|, |defaultDisplayWidth|, and |defaultDisplayHeight|.
- 10. If {{VideoFrameInit/duration}} [=map/exists=] in |init|, assign it to
+ 12. If {{VideoFrameInit/duration}} [=map/exists=] in |init|, assign it to
|frame|'s {{VideoFrame/[[duration]]}}. Otherwise, assign
|otherFrame|.{{VideoFrame/duration}} to
|frame|'s {{VideoFrame/[[duration]]}}.
- 11. If {{VideoFrameInit/timestamp}} [=map/exists=] in |init|, assign it to
+ 13. If {{VideoFrameInit/timestamp}} [=map/exists=] in |init|, assign it to
|frame|'s {{VideoFrame/[[timestamp]]}}. Otherwise, assign
|otherFrame|'s {{VideoFrame/timestamp}} to
|frame|'s {{VideoFrame/[[timestamp]]}}.
- 12. Assign |format| to |frame|.{{VideoFrame/[[format]]}}.
- 13. Assign the result of calling [=Copy VideoFrame metadata=]
+ 14. Assign |format| to |frame|.{{VideoFrame/[[format]]}}.
+ 15. Assign the result of calling [=Copy VideoFrame metadata=]
with |init|'s {{VideoFrameInit/metadata}} to |frame|.{{VideoFrame/[[metadata]]}}.
: Initialize Frame With Resource (with
@@ -5455,15 +5455,15 @@
3. Otherwise, assign the {{ImageDecoder/[[codec implementation]]}} internal
slot with an implementation supporting `init.type`
- 3. Assign `true` to {{ImageDecoder/[[message queue blocked]]}}.
- 3. Enqueue the following steps to the {{ImageDecoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
+ 4. Assign `true` to {{ImageDecoder/[[message queue blocked]]}}.
+ 5. Enqueue the following steps to the {{ImageDecoder/[[codec work queue]]}}:
1. Configure {{ImageDecoder/[[codec implementation]]}} in accordance
with the values given for {{ImageDecoderInit/colorSpaceConversion}},
{{ImageDecoderInit/desiredWidth}}, and
2. Assign `false` to {{ImageDecoder/[[message queue blocked]]}}.
3. [=Queue a task=] to [=Process the control message queue=].
- 4. Return `"processed"`.
+ 6. Return `"processed"`.
[=Running a control message=] to decode track metadata means
running these steps: