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- {% if pagelang == 'en' %} -{% include_cached icon.html name="check-circle" %} {% include t.html t='Translation up-to-date with the English version.' %}
{% include t.html t='Translation updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. {% include t.html t='English updated:' %} {{enpage.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}.
{% include_cached icon.html name="warning" %} {% include t.html t='English version updated since this translation: Change log.' replace=changelogpagereplace %}
{% include t.html t='English updated:' %} {{enpage.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. {% include t.html t='Translation updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}.
{% include_cached icon.html name="check-circle" %} {% include t.html t='Translation up-to-date with the English version.' %}
{% include t.html t='Translation updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. {% include t.html t='English updated:' %} {{enpage.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}.
{% include_cached icon.html name="warning" %} {% include t.html t='English version updated since this translation: Change log.' replace=changelogpagereplace %}
{% include t.html t='English updated:' %} {{enpage.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. {% include t.html t='Translation updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}.
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- {% include peoplelist.html label=contributorslabel people=page.contributors %}
- {%- assign replacepattern = "/about/translating/" | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%}
{% include t.html t='WAI thanks translators, and welcomes other translations.' replace=replacepattern %}
+ {%- assign replace_pattern = enpage.url | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} + {%- include t.html t='This volunteer translation might not accurately reflect the intentions of the English original.' replace=replace_pattern lang=page_lang -%} +
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+ {%- include peoplelist.html label=translatorslabel people=page.translators -%}
+ {%- capture contributorslabel %}{% include_cached t.html t='Contributor:' lang=page_lang %}{%- endcapture -%}
+ {%- include peoplelist.html label=contributorslabel people=page.contributors -%}
+ {%- assign replace_pattern = "/about/translating/" | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%}
+ {%- include_cached t.html t='The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) thanks translators, and welcomes other translations.' replace=replace_pattern lang=page_lang -%}
{% include_cached icon.html name="warning" %} {% include_cached t.html t='Notice:' lang=page_lang %} {% include t.html t='The English original has been substantially updated since this translation.' lang=page_lang %}{%- if changelog_page %} — {%- include_cached t.html t="Latest changes" lang=page_lang -%}{%- endif -%}
{% include_cached t.html t='English version updated:' lang=page_lang %} {{ enpage.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }} — {% include_cached t.html t='Translation date:' lang=page_lang %} {{ page.translation.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}.
{% include_cached t.html t='We welcome a translation update.' lang=page_lang replace=replace_pattern %}