All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.11.7 (2019-04-23)
0.11.6 (2019-04-23)
- search: run validation after config change (94ff535)
0.11.5 (2018-07-10)
- validation: run validation after config change (0139550)
- angular: mark as compatible with AngularJS < 2.0.0 (f2bdf71)
- ngModel: adds useNullableModel (dfdb007)
- demo: resolves a dependency issue (61a03b7)
- filter: enable filter in hierarchy mode (8bf3929)
- directive: fix call of method without this-binding (c29bee9)
- bower: fix main file in bower.json (ecb6af8)
- config: accept empty strings as static texts (Thanks @talikan) (3b6c2b0)
- config: fix usage of maxHeight (efb86bc)
- single-select: add option to force array output for single-select mode (95975af)
- binding: removes onetime-binding in order to enable external change of input data (77b1c26)
- select: enable hierarchical pre-select (d7866c3)
- css: prefix classes (7ea2499)
- typescript: migrated project to typescript (e164fc3)
- api: added missing array notation to controller (d1df4dc)
- regex: enable collection source to start with $ (11fd01f)
- dependencies: mark as compatible with AngularJS 1.6 (5e9f39d)
- filter: show unfiltered options on re-open (802047e)
- hide-checkboxes: fix css selector to hide check boxes via config (20d7929)
- api: expose controller with open, close and toggle function via w11k-select attribute value to parent scope (2b71876)
- dependencies: mark as compatible with ng 1.2 (1957209)
- npm: add dependencies to package.json (f95f9f8)
- ngModel: use setValidity for Angular < 1.3 and $validators for >= 1.3 (89b441f)
- options: fix regular expression for parsing options (645e331)
- filter: clears filter and update list on x-button click. (ed4ad6e), closes #25
- ngModel: don't set the view value without user interaction, set the model value to not mark the field as dirty (405df98), closes #24
- styling: always shows the list of items. (292ca4b), closes #26
- dependency: update w11kDropdownToggle to support newer angular versions via bower (a13266c)
- dropdown: provide hooks for dropdown open and dropdown close events (54ab150), closes #24
- ngModel: use validator pipeline for validation (797aff0)
- service: extract hashCode, getParent and extendDeep to w11kSelectHelper service to make them testable and overridable (09101f5)
- service: extract hashCode, getParent and extendDeep to w11kSelectHelper service to make them testable and overridable (973352d)
- tabIndex: make w11k-select accessible via keyboard with the tab key (a3196bc), closes #19
- trackBy: add 'track by' part to w11kSelectOptions expression to allow tracking of specific property instead of hole object (e7db96e), closes #21
- filter: remove 1 watch expression and use ngChange for filtering options inside the dropdown (5dfaff3)
- select: reduce usage of jQuery API, use plain DOM instead (5a3932c)
- select: use compile phase to parse attribute expressions (d85a559)
- ngModel: Using the 'new' validators pipeline requires AngularJS 1.3 or newer. bower.json was adjusted. With the next release we drop support for AngularJS 1.2.
- infinite-scroll: rename directive to w11k-select-infinite-scroll to avoid name-conflicts (4044bef), closes #20
- checkboxes: add config property 'hideCheckboxes' to hide checkboxes in single selection mode (f84aa57), closes #13
- clear button: add config property 'showClearAlways' to show clear button always, even if field is required (97a2d98), closes #16
- select: added config option to show the clearbutton. (67f0bcb), closes #16
- bower: update dependency to w11k-dropdownToggle (ef1aeb4), closes #14
- filter: select only one item in single selection mode (8c928b9), closes #15
- styling: add LESS support (4523b51)
- bower: add support for 'main' files (e70f4f1)
- bower: add support for ignoring files via 'ignore' (200933b)
- ng-model: extract parsing ng-model expression from update function to do it once (c5ef7df)
- options: use object as map instead of array and indexOf to lookup hashes (c8309d4)
- options: use object as map instead of array and indexOf to lookup options (2acfe5c)
- options: use while loop instead of forEach to iterate over options (bd6c441)
- select: make checkbox click same like label click (566f2b1)
- options: mark options as selected on change of options even if options are objects (609c0b4), closes #7
- options: use watchCollection instead of simple watch to watch options collection (02c2b97), closes #6
- select: improve styling of 'select all' and 'select none' buttons (6c2a714)
- template: include dependency to template module (356cd81)
- select: fix updating header text with custom text (c85102d)
- adjust-height: fix getting parent without 'w11k-select-adjust-height-to' container (994c81e)
- adjust-height: do not extend height greater than window (fa1536b)
- adjust-height: fix calculated height (d48c1b4)
- adjust-height: hide dropdown menu until adjust-height finished to avoid flicker (fcd7382)
- filter: fix getting focus after opening drop-down (a5c8967)
- adjust-height: improve adjust-height to support custom margin bottom and specifying container (ef1bedc)
- config: make everything configurable via constant w11kSelectConfig and w11k-select-config attribute (9f1dd67)
- select: prefix attributes with 'w11k-select' to make IE happy again (cdb21df)
- select: All attributes used by 'w11k-select' directive has to be prefixed with 'w11k-select-' now.
<div w11k-select
w11k-select-options="option.value as option.label for option in"
instead of
<div w11k-select
options="option.value as option.label for option in"
- options: do not identify options by index, otherwise changing options won't work (0cb34de)
- performance: improve performance by not watching options deeply (45428c6)
- IE8: fix adjust height in IE8 (60f9aed)
- options: set model value on change of options without making the form field dirty (b247196)
- options: optimise amount of options added due to infinite scrolling, for smoother scrolling (dbdcaaa)
- filter: call selectFiltered instead of selectAll on enter in filter input (e48fc29)
- directive: fix memory leak on scope destroy (ccb0aff)
- select: close select box with 'esc' key (e579af2)
- styling: make font-awesome optional via own css classes and make button texts customisable (772f480)
- options: use infinite scrolling for more than 100 options (fbb7f34)
- buttons: fix clear button, separate code for deselectAll and deselectFiltered (46cd098)
- styling: change css base class from ww-select to w11k-select (f95d746)
- dependencies: eliminate dependency to jQuery (759ce97)
- rendering: render option list lazy (on first open of dropdown) (6283848)
- rendering: use 'track by $index' to improve rendering speed of option list (af2d343)
- build: include sass styling in dist (292e604)
- bower: add missing dependencies to jQuery and w11k-dropdownToggle (284109c)
- di: use array notation for di values to survive minification (13616bf)
- directive: usage of dropdownToggle - w11k prefix instead of ww (1448749)
- template: make template url configurable via config constant (4cd5e1c)
- filter: fix filter in hierarchy mode (8bf3929), closes #44)
- demo: resolves a dependency issue (61a03b7)
- directive: fix call of method without this-binding (c29bee9)
- bower: fix main file in bower.json (ecb6af8)
- config: accept empty strings as static texts (3b6c2b0)
- config: fix usage of maxHeight (efb86bc)
- single-select: add option to force array output for single-select mode (95975af)
- binding: removes onetime-binding in order to enable external change of input data (77b1c26)
- select: enable hierarchical pre-select (d7866c3)
- css: prefix classes (7ea2499)
- project: fix angular dependency (>1.3.0)
- css: fixed import path in less
- css: set hover and active font color
- project: migrated project to TypeScript (e164fc3)
- Assets (HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS) assets moved to
- Added w11k-select-option.tpl.html
- ngInject: added missing array notation to controller (d1df4dc)
- api: enable collection source to start with $ (11fd01f)
- dependencies: mark as compatible with ng 1.6 (5e9f39d)
- hide-checkboxes: fix css selector to hide check boxes via config (20d7929)
- filter: show unfiltered options on re-open (802047e)
- api: expose controller with open, close and toggle function via w11k-select attribute value to parent scope (2b71876)
- dependencies: mark as compatible with ng 1.2 (1957209f)
- npm: prepare for publishing via npm (f95f9f84)
With this version we add support for AngularJS 1.2 again.
- ngModel: use setValidity for Angular < 1.3 and $validators for >= 1.3 (89b441fd)
- options: fix regular expression for parsing options (645e331b)
- filter: clears filter and update list on x-button click. (ed4ad6ea)
- styling: always shows the list of items. (292ca4bf)
- ngModel: don't set the view value without user interaction, set the model value to not mark field as dirty (405df989)
- dependency: update w11kDropdownToggle to support newer angular versions via bower (a13266cb)
- checkboxes: add config property 'hideCheckboxes' to hide checkboxes in single selection mode (f84aa573, closes #13)
- dropdown: provide hooks for dropdown open and dropdown close events (54ab1500, closes #24)
- ngModel: use validator pipeline for validation (797aff02)
- select: added config option to show the clearbutton (67f0bcb4)
- service:: extract hashCode, getParent and extendDeep to w11kSelectHelper service to make them testable and overridable (973352d9)
- tabIndex: make w11k-select accessible via keyboard with the tab key (a3196bc4, closes #19)
- trackBy: add 'track by' part to w11kSelectOptions expression (e7db96ea, closes #21)
- Using the 'new' validators pipeline requires AngularJS 1.3 or newer. bower.json was adjusted. With this release we drop support for AngularJS 1.2. (797aff02)
- infinite-scroll: rename directive to w11k-select-infinite-scroll to avoid name-conflicts (4044bef0, closes #20)
- bower: update dependency to w11k-dropdownToggle (ef1aeb4c, closes #14)
- filter: select only one item in single selection mode (8c928b97, closes #15)
- styling: add LESS support (4523b512)
- bower:
- options: improve performance for updating options and change ng-model from outside
- use hash maps instead of lists and indexOf
- use while loop instead of angular.forEach
- options: make checkbox click same like label click (566f2b15)
- options:
- select: improve styling of 'select all' and 'select none' buttons (6c2a714e)
- template: include dependency to template module (356cd817)
- select: fix updating header text with custom text (c85102d3)
- adjust-height: fix getting parent without 'w11k-select-adjust-height-to' container (994c81e6)
- adjust-height: improve adjust-height to support custom margin bottom and specifying container (ef1bedc0)
- config: make everything configurable via constant w11kSelectConfig and w11k-select-confi (9f1dd673)
Following attributes are no longer available:
- w11k-select-multiple
- w11k-select-selectedMassege
- w11k-select-filter-placeholder
- w11k-select-placeholder
- w11k-select-disabled
- w11k-select-required
- w11k-select-style
Use constant w11kSelectConfig and the new w11k-select-config attribute to configure the directive (see readme).
- select: prefix attributes with 'w11k-select' to make IE happy again (cdb21df9)
- All attributes used by 'w11k-select' directive has to be prefixed with 'w11k-select-' now.
<div w11k-select
w11k-select-options="option.value as option.label for option in"
instead of
<div w11k-select
options="option.value as option.label for option in"
- options: do not identify options by index, otherwise changing options won't work (0cb34def)
- performance: improve performance by not watching options deeply (45428c6c)
- IE8: fix adjust height in IE8 (60f9aedc)
- options: set model value on change of options without making the form field dirty (b2471961)
- performance: optimise amount of options added due to infinite scrolling, for smoother scrolling
- filter: call selectFiltered instead of selectAll on enter in filter input (e48fc290)
- directive: fix memory leak on scope destroy (ccb0affe)
- performance: use infinite scrolling for more than 100 options
- select: close select box with 'esc' key (e579af2d)
- styling: make font-awesome optional via own css classes and make button texts customisabl (772f4802)
- buttons: fix clear button, separate code for deselectAll and deselectFiltered (46cd098e)
- styling: change css base class from ww-select to w11k-select (f95d746d)
- dependencies: eliminate dependency to jQuery (759ce975)
- performance: render option list lazy (on first open of dropdown)(6283848)
- build: include sass styling in dist (292e6047)
- options: parse options given via attribute as
"value" [as "label"] for "item" in "collection"
- ng-model: use ngModelController to expose selected options and support validation
- multiple: support single- and multiple-select mode
- disabled: support disabled attribute to prevent change of selected options
- placeholder: support placeholder texts for dropdown header and filter box
- template: make template url configurable via config constant
- selected-message: support customisable text for toggle-area