1.6.0 (2020-07-26)
- added a curly brace (a1b8447)
- added knex migrations for sessions (9c61cf2)
- always false expression (8587ed5)
- anyone can see user games (ce59eb8)
- better error message (6cf7d41)
- bugs where things didn't update (728fc53)
- build error (aa0b939)
- build error in ci (95e3da0)
- build type error (9156b34)
- can;t skip words anymore by holding space (8edce88)
- change wpm rawwpm and acc to float columns (b62953a)
- changed default role to unverified (5bef89b)
- changed register body schema (be41add)
- changed start script (7fc63a1)
- changed text responses into json responses (5f1bc82)
- ci build errors (aa7cc32)
- createGame function missing parameter (85a4d5a)
- default text in change description box was empty (9106190)
- description editor no longer opens and stays hidden when on another profile page (92616c3)
- dont add tutorial if user already completed it (0855ce9)
- env variables not being read in knex.ts (b63ff89)
- errors after merging (c655d70)
- excluding emailkey from getuserdata action (c26b954)
- fe link instead of be (360b4bd)
- filter not working with async function (d7ac463)
- fix a lot of the bugs vyctor was talking about (67b0616)
- fixed 401 not working (58b4327)
- fixed a lot of type errors (fb1eff8)
- fixed a small bug (ddf77be)
- fixed achievements filter not working (0aa51a9)
- fixed bugs with auth and users (225794c)
- fixed forgot password tests (9154dc4)
- fixed games router (58e191c)
- fixed text tests (46072b7)
- fixed the connection error in production (5a04a68)
- fixed type error (a4030d0)
- fixed validating schema not working (d8e2703)
- Fixtesting not working (249d466)
- get random text not taking any params (78f4372)
- heartbeat ping pong (93f5368)
- isloggedin route (68c9208)
- knex ssl connection error (7a5e254)
- layout when there is no game data (bfa7a1e)
- link and typo (e5b192c)
- linter script (903b6db)
- linting errors (3f31df9)
- linting errors (875c928)
- lots of stuff broke with node modules (07df076)
- made everything work with tests (0b52f66)
- made queue joins process queue (38673bf)
- made users have a key when they create their account (91cd9b3)
- migrations not being compiled (998e11d)
- more after merge errors (3fa831d)
- multiplayer bugs (30fd96e)
- multiple pbs stored (de1c2f7)
- page info not updating when changing link (3272242)
- prevented some of the bad requests (33b6dea)
- production json strigify circular object (5f0abd7)
- property missing + unassignable values (8bd65ca)
- removed testing script because github (faafe7c)
- replaced with cors origin (93de1bd)
- responsiveness bug (5fc9e27)
- result can now also be equl to requirements (6c3c8af)
- review changes (1e7caf0)
- route not redirecting properly (ce408bb)
- route not returning correct value (2b37137)
- send queue when queue join denied (debba4e)
- type error (3827254)
- undefined bindings in createuser action (812580b)
- userdata returned wrong when user didnt exist (adf6444)
- users cant join queue if they are in a game (eff56b3)
- wrong redirect link (5de64cc)
- achievement actions and types (93bb6fd)
- achievement db (7f9fbf8)
- add difficulty and textid columns to pbs (5594d5e)
- add game schema validation (1119ea2)
- add text schema validation (93dbe17)
- added a route for getting a users's country (f05661d)
- added a way to change themes (e4751c1)
- added a way to update user country (526281c)
- added add achievement route (ca1d6f2)
- added all tutorials route (b044b91)
- added colors for status text (6c10f32)
- added country column in users table (d141681)
- added customizeability to getting random text (3693646)
- added difficulty column to games table (e661bc6)
- added games router (48b1525)
- added getuserdata route (c1618c5)
- added lists for previous games and all pbs (84f181b)
- added login page (2acfccb)
- added more data to updateProgress (341fe3c)
- added profile page (ec19a73)
- added profilepage withlogout and themeswitch (bcf10e5)
- added register username length restriction (1d7d389)
- added textid column to games table (4a72b79)
- added themes (703263f)
- added titles to texts (48afdd5)
- added total tutorials completed in profile (c872ded)
- added totaltests column in the api (c237a62)
- added user games and user pbs charts (09e4c86)
- added user's id under the profile (b05bf68)
- added websocket helpers for fe (e16c01b)
- added working name and flag to profile + some working settings (14c057d)
- adding exp based on difficulty and wpm when adding a new game (d2723e8)
- admin only all users route (305ead0)
- admin only deleting users route (eca1c71)
- all achievements route (80a5421)
- alter text column in texts table to max lenght 2000 (0e200f8)
- auth router (34cff68)
- auto add achievements for users (40a5c67)
- beginnings of ws (5890683)
- bits and pieces (0e83e3b)
- change password setting (7a8e239)
- changed the default state of the navbar in the start typing page to be closed (b57d543)
- completed tests get stored into the db now (f823fdc)
- CORS middleware (10ce829)
- created update description route (1fcffbf)
- custom login switch theme button (a44ed7b)
- deleting achievements (0fa4083)
- deleting texts (28c6244)
- displaying text id and difficulty in the profile games lists (bdc90d4)
- displaying xp gain at the end of the test (43b2cdf)
- dynamic chart title (number of games) (4d38c77)
- easy and normal mode work with from db text (b9bb9af)
- editing achievements (0dfe5ad)
- editing texts (d562514)
- editing users (4021a1c)
- email verification (a6d5341)
- end times (1ac62eb)
- extend router (b8ac795)
- forgot password (all pages) (9d79f3b)
- forgot password stuff (huge commit) (caca548)
- formatting and checking scripts (6f8a780)
- frontend working multiplayer (cfd9fb3)
- generals statistics now working (eb052fb)
- huge tutorials commit (aa4377a)
- integrated achievements with router (bf9df97)
- isLoggedIn route (75f0a5a)
- isloggedin route now also returns userid (2f95916)
- latest highscores (f3e9ad5)
- linter workflow (0bfc87f)
- login gets replaced by profile page if you are logged in (0d3bd00)
- login route now also returns user id (a890c44)
- logout route (4ed724f)
- made the description more appealing (242e23f)
- more exp based on multi rank (c481c76)
- more queue stuff (c0b5079)
- more user data (7ad9125)
- multiplayer games (7c65ae7)
- mutliple queues (99c63d1)
- new design for change flag setting (3df9b27)
- normal mode block of text at the bottom (5b0a64b)
- normalmode texts cant have wrong typed words (98aef90)
- on normal mode now the accuracy is based on typing the word right first try (4a07adb)
- password changing (4bd1c1b)
- pbs (e3ed339)
- possible you can look at other user profiles (6fb4b8d)
- previous games (fca5e35)
- previous user game type (e4d3166)
- processing closed connections (fff4a8f)
- progress bar for normal and easy mode (multiplayer not finished) (edd20be)
- pruning games (118951f)
- schema validation middleware (5d76cbb)
- send game data when game starts (dc18f6b)
- session files (ac3af4c)
- setcountry and set id in localhost when registering and logging in (8d46d64)
- showing achievements in the profile (da97c02)
- test workflow (4b9ca0e)
- texts routes and methods (a0d6279)
- tutorial requirements (8219423)
- tutorials preveiw (ebb643a)
- tutorials working (49fcb46)
- user has achievement (683d7fa)
- user ranks (8f59a83)
- users routes (4fa4809)
- working changable description (54e43e5)
- working dashboard (3eac9af)
- working login register with form validation (7ff7de7)
- ws boilerplate (972651b)
- you can see the text info at the end (bcf1358)
- api: added basic migrations (33d3d16)
- api: added error handeling (6e5351e)
- fe: added a navbar in the typing page and added the normal difficulty (fb3d47e)
- fe: made the typing box text bigger (c7cfe33)
1.5.0 (2020-05-07)
- best wpm not updating unless refreshing page (ba46e20)
- dates overlapping in statistics page chart (8923bce)
- text not resseting scroll if you used the 'try again' button after you finished the test (662f064)
- try again button should now properly set the scroll to 0 on all browsers (d591aaf)
- text is no longer manually scrollable (9c45175)
- timer now stops if you finish the text (dd1b16b)
- try again button now permanently visible and no longer refreshing the page (d4a4325)
1.4.0 (2020-04-27)
- bug where a test wasnt registered if you had a new highscore (fcf12e9)
- bug where average scores were wrong after 10 tests (0120e82)
- bug where text was shifting to the right when typing (ff7821c)
- fixed type error (f0ddaa4)
- typo (ba31cda)
- added default values for localstorage vars (484c412)
- added info for the accuracy for the bottom text at the end of the test (3275e3f)
- added more types of statistics (0a9d12d)
- added statistics page, footer now is only on the home page (6df5895)
- the app now stores the best score and past tests in localstorage (b3fe94f)
1.3.0 (2020-04-26)
- bug where the calculated typing speed was lower than the actual typing speed (082e348)
- heroku type errors (temporary fix) (aaa80c2)
- page showing 'Not found' upon refreshing the page (5d48487)
- pause time for typing text animation being too short is now longer (0d15b6c)
- reduced build files by minimizign the js (a98ce54)
- added actual wpm in the chart (c68693c)
- added some informative text at the bottom when you finish the text and moved the try again button (ea58dcc)
1.2.0 (2020-04-16)
- fixed react warnings for the footer (e0d64e6)
- footer now properly displays on bottom of the page (6473ebd)
- added footer (b83ddd3)
- added helpers for getting text (9af262e)
- added statistics for the typing test (7d20a93)
1.1.0 (2020-04-10)
- button is now clickable (4a022cb)
- fixed bug where the background wasnt shown on some browsers (d54f678)
- fixed react error that was produced by style file (680dc53)
- fixed responsiveness on smaller and biggers screens (a1ac2e1)
- removed problematic packages (b30eb41)
- typo in css (94236a8)
- added 3rd pannel and adjusted the others (65953d2)
- added chart on front page (c03d065)
- added more random quotes fro the front page (3ab59cd)
- added pannel 2 for home page (a77aaca)
- added react-rotating-text for the quotes (5dc3348)
- added typing box to the start typing page (d963ddf)
- changed style & added random quotes & added random button & added a wave svg (3cd6ec3)
- accidentally commented an important style line for the button (94d4a5a)
- actions works on every branch now (11219ad)
- again (22d1f3e)
- another try to fix heroku (c14ea92)
- bug where you couldnt see the last line of text if you scrolled all the way down (f13ddc6)
- heroku stuff not working (63682ab)
- trying again (8c2c4c9)
- Added a restart button. (db23d03)
- added better global styles (1dc9f0f)
- added first pannel (157ceee)
- added style importing from style file (85ffc7e)
- added very basic routing (573cb44)
- no longer deleting if you press space and you typed the word wrong (2006670)
- now the countdown start only when you start typing (61d5d1c)
- now the word turns red if you type more than the word itself (b3899d4)
- simple home page (53509ea)
- simple navbar (7109f02)
- timer stops at the end of text (a9558bf)