layout | title | permalink | description |
default |
system otterational status |
/status |
Summaries of any outage that lasted long enough that someone logged it. |
{% assign statuses = | sort: 'date' | reverse %} {% assign actives = statuses | where:"status","active" %}
{% if actives.size > 0 %} There {% if actives.size > 1 %}are{% else %}is{% endif %} {{ actives.size }} known issue{% if actives.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}:
{% for status in actives %}
{% include %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %} This page knows of no reason why everything shouldn't be working fine. {% endif %}
Page last rendered: {{ site.time | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" }}-
{% for status in statuses limit:10 %}
{% include %}
{% endfor %}