diff --git a/packages/docs/docs/miscellaneous/global-computed.md b/packages/docs/docs/miscellaneous/global-computed.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ffff38ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/docs/docs/miscellaneous/global-computed.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+sidebar: auto
+# Global Computed
+In VuePress, some core [computed](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html#Computed-Properties) properties are built in for use by [default theme](../theme/default-theme-config.md) or custom themes.
+## $site
+This is the `$site` value of the website you see now:
+``` json
+ "title": "VuePress",
+ "description": "Vue 驱动的静态网站生成器",
+ "base": "/",
+ "pages": [
+ {
+ "lastUpdated": 1524027677000,
+ "path": "/",
+ "title": "VuePress",
+ "frontmatter": {}
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+## $page
+This is the `$page` value of the page you see now:
+``` json
+ "title": "Global Computed",
+ "frontmatter": {},
+ "regularPath": "/miscellaneous/global-computed.html",
+ "key": "v-d4cbeb69eff3d",
+ "path": "/miscellaneous/global-computed.html",
+ "headers": [
+ {
+ "level": 2,
+ "title": "$site",
+ "slug": "site"
+ },
+ {
+ "level": 2,
+ "title": "$page",
+ "slug": "$page"
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+## $lang
+The language of the current page. default value is `en-US`.
+**Also see:**
+- [Internationalization](../guide/i18n.md)
+## $localePath
+The locale path prefix for the current page, the default value is `/`.
+**Also see:**
+- [Internationalization](../guide/i18n.md)
+## $title
+Value of the `
` label used for the current page.
+## $description
+The `content` value of the `` for the current page.
+## $themeConfig
+i.e. `siteConfig.themeConfig`。
diff --git a/packages/docs/docs/zh/miscellaneous/global-computed.md b/packages/docs/docs/zh/miscellaneous/global-computed.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ec6cdd88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/docs/docs/zh/miscellaneous/global-computed.md
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+sidebar: auto
+# 全局计算属性
+在 VuePress 中,内置了一些核心的[计算属性](https://cn.vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html#%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97%E5%B1%9E%E6%80%A7),以供[默认主题](../theme/default-theme-config.md) 或自定义主题使用。
+## $site
+这是你现在看到的这个网站的 `$site` 的值:
+``` json
+ "title": "VuePress",
+ "description": "Vue 驱动的静态网站生成器",
+ "base": "/",
+ "pages": [
+ {
+ "lastUpdated": 1524027677000,
+ "path": "/",
+ "title": "VuePress",
+ "frontmatter": {}
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+## $page
+这是你现在看到的这个页面的 `$page` 的值:
+``` json
+ "title": "Global Computed",
+ "frontmatter": {
+ "sidebar": "auto"
+ },
+ "regularPath": "/zh/miscellaneous/global-computed.html",
+ "key": "v-bc9a3e3f9692d",
+ "path": "/zh/miscellaneous/global-computed.html",
+ "headers": [
+ {
+ "level": 2,
+ "title": "$site",
+ "slug": "site"
+ },
+ {
+ "level": 2,
+ "title": "$page",
+ "slug": "page"
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+## $lang
+当前页面的语言,默认值为 `en-US`。
+- [多语言支持](../guide/i18n.md)
+## $localePath
+当前页面的 locale 路径前缀,默认值为 `/`,当前页面为 `/zh/`。
+- [多语言支持](../guide/i18n.md)
+## $title
+用于当前页面的 `` 标签的值。
+## $description
+用于当前页面的 `` 的 `content` 值。
+## $themeConfig
+即 `siteConfig.themeConfig`。